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Terry Herbert says he plans to buy a bungalow with his share of the reward Discovering the UK's largest haul of Anglo-Saxon treasure has been the highlight of Terry Herbert's 18-year hobby. "People laugh at metal detectorists," said the unemployed 55-year-old, who stands to make a fortune. "I've had people go past and go 'beep beep, he's after pennies'. Well no, we are out there to find this kind of stuff and it is out there." He made the find in a field near his Staffordshire home with a detector he bought in 1995. Experts have said the collection of 1,500 gold and silver pieces, which may date back to the seventh century, was unparalleled in size. One has suggested the find was the hobbyist's equivalent of uncovering Tutankhamen's tomb. "I just flushed all over when he said that. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, you just never expect this," Mr Herbert said. Lucky touch Mr Herbert, from Burntwood, said he dug up so much gold over five days in July he was seeing the precious metal in his sleep. He bought his first metal detector for £2.50 in a car boot sale. A member of of Bloxwich Research and Metal Detecting Club, he is known for having a lucky touch. Hundreds of gold artefacts were discovered buried in the field But he said the find went far beyond past triumphs. "My mates at the metal detecting club always say if there is a gold coin in a field I will be the one to find it. "I dread to think what they'll say when they hear about this." The financial worth of the hoard may take months to assess, but its market value will eventually go to Mr Herbert and the owner of the farmland where it was found. "It's been more fun than winning the lottery," Mr Herbert said. He plans to spend some of his share of the Crown's reward on a bungalow. "I have this phrase that I say sometimes; 'spirits of yesteryear take me where the coins appear', but on that day I changed coins to gold," he said. "I don't know why I said it that day, but I think somebody was listening and directed me to it." Bookmark with: Delicious Digg reddit Facebook StumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version
Pieces from the hoard. A large hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold has been found in a field in Staffordshire, England. The hoard, which was found in a private field over the course of five days in July 2009, is in fact the most Anglo-Saxon gold that has ever been unearthed at one site in the United Kingdom. Roughly 1,500 gold and silver pieces were found and the hoard contains roughly 5kgs of gold and 2.5kgs of silver — far more than the previous record of 2.5kgs of gold which was found at Sutton Hoo, near Woodbridge. The big haul in Staffordshire was found by 55-year-old Terry Herbert, while he was using a metal-detector. He had asked a local farmer's permission to search the land beforehand. Terry is unemployed, and has been in the hobby of metal-detecting for the last 18 years. He said: "People laugh at metal detectorists. "I've had people go past and go 'beep beep, he's after pennies'. Well no, we are out there to find this kind of stuff and it is out there." It is estimated to take over twelve months before the value of the hoard can be valued specifically. South Staffordshire Coroner Andrew Haigh declared it "treasure". That means that it belongs to the Crown. Archaeology experts have predicted that it could be worth "a seven-figure sum" and that the treasure may date back to the 7th century. The exact location where the hoard was found is currently being kept secret.
Un homme a menacé de sauter du monument mardi après-midi. Il a été interpellé. L'INFO. Il menaçait de se jeter du haut de la Tour Eiffel provoquant mardi l'évacuation du monument payant le plus visité au monde. Cet homme d'une trentaine d'années, de nationalité polonaise, a été interpellé par la police peu avant 15 heures. Il a été présenté "comme un déséquilibré à tendance schizophrénique", par le porte-parole des pompiers. Il voulait être filmé. Perché à une hauteur de 200 mètres, l'homme avait demandé à être filmé à partir d'un hélicoptère. Arrivé au 2e étage, il avait tenté de grimper au 3e par les armatures de fer de l'édifice, du côté du Trocadéro. Il a alors été interpellé puis évacué par le Groupe d'intervention et de reconnaissance en milieu périlleux (GRIMP), via un ascenseur de service. Il a ensuite avant été pris en charge par l'équipe médicale des pompiers et un psychologue du Samu. Le monument évacué. L'évacuation du monument a commencé aux alentours de 13 heures. Un périmètre de sécurité avait été mis en place sous le monument, côté Seine, entre les piliers Nord et Ouest. Les guichets de vente de tickets, suspendus depuis le déclenchement de l'évacuation ont été rouverts peu de temps après l'interpellation. Pendant ce temps, les visiteurs ont continué à attendre du côté des piliers sud et est, selon la direction de la Tour Eiffel. Un suicidaire par an ? En 2011, 7,1 millions de visiteurs ont accédé à la tour Eiffel, l'un des monuments payants les plus visités au monde. Il y a un an, le 24 juin dernier, un homme s'était "précipité dans le vide" à 250 mètres de hauteur, après avoir escaladé la structure. La direction du monument se refuse à communiquer sur le nombre de suicides depuis l'édifice. A l'époque des faits, une source proche de l'enquête avait cependant expliqué que ce type d'évènement survient assez fréquemment sur cette tour symbolique de la capitale qui culmine à 324 mètres. Chaque année, le monument serait confronté à un cas de suicidaire.
La Tour Eiffel Cet après-midi, un homme menaçait de sauter de la Tour Eiffel depuis le 3e étage. Il a provoqué l'évacuation du monument vers 13 heures, et a été arrêté un peu avant 15 heures. Cet homme, instable psychologiquement, se « prétend de nationalité polonaise » et « avait réclamé la présence des caméras ».
Walcott's move has finally gone through The highly-rated 16-year-old is moving to Arsenal for a fee that is expected to be worth an initial £5m, but rising to about £12.5m. Walcott said: "I am so pleased to be joining Arsenal - a club I have admired for a long time. "Coming to Arsenal will give me the opportunity to work with world-class players every day and play football at the highest possible level." Walcott was unveiled alongside Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger at Arsenal's training ground in London Colney, Hertfordshire. The striker added: "It is a strange day because I am also very sad to be moving from Southampton. "I am leaving many friends and some great coaches who have been so important to my career so far, but I leave with many great memories from the club. "I am now really looking forward to meeting my new team-mates and working hard as an Arsenal player." Walcott is the most expensive 16-year-old in the history of British football. Jermaine Pennant was 15 when he moved from Notts County to Arsenal for a fee of £2m. Wayne Rooney was 18 when he made his £20m move to Manchester United, who also paid £12m for an 18-year-old Cristiano Ronaldo. Wenger is a huge admirer of the youngster and said he had tracked the player for more than two years. He was delighted to have beaten off interest from Chelsea, Manchester United, Tottenham and Liverpool to his signing. He said: "Theo Walcott is a very young player, but has already shown in his performances for Southampton that he is a talented player with huge potential. "I also like the fact that he is a versatile player who is incredibly dedicated, shows great determination to succeed and is blessed with electric pace. We have done everything to keep Theo at Southampton Saints chairman Rupert Lowe "We are delighted Theo has signed for the club and will make a fantastic addition to our squad. "There is always a gamble when you take young players. But I was ready to take that gamble. "We did things properly with Southampton, then the agents, the family, the player. "He made his decision and we would have respected whatever he decided but we were keen to get him. "He is comparable to Wayne (Rooney) at his age. You have to be cautious with comparisons. "Rooney has made big steps forward and justified what people said about him and I feel Theo can do the same." Southampton chairman Rupert Lowe told the club's website: "We are bitterly disappointed. The purpose of developing the best Academy in the country is not to sell scholars to larger clubs. "We have done everything to keep Theo at Southampton. But his family and advisors are determined that he leave this club and go to Arsenal. BBC Sport revealed on 13 January that Arsenal would be coming in with a big bid for Walcott, prompting Wenger to admit later that day that he was an admirer of the teenager's precocious talent. He also let slip last weekend that a deal was almost done. Referring to new arrivals Emmanuel Abedayor and Abo Diaby, he said Arsenal had signed "three players" but then changed that to "two-and-a-half". Asked if he was referring to Walcott, the Arsenal manager said: "I would like to tell you." Portsmouth boss Harry Redknapp, who gave Walcott his debut during his time at Southampton, believes Arsenal are getting a player of huge potential but warned against comparisons with Thierry Henry. "The kid can run through puddles and not make a splash," he told the BBC. "He's lightning, he drifts over the ground and he's a fantastic talent. Wherever he goes I'm sure he's got a great future. "Henry is as fantastic a footballer as you'll ever see and I hope this kid can go on and be a top player as well. "But he is a million miles from Thierry Henry and if he ever gets anywhere near his standard he will be one of the best players we've ever seen in this country. "He's got a long way to go to get there but, please God, he becomes a top player which I'm sure he can do."
Southampton bosses are now contemplating the sale of one of their top players, 16-year old to the highest bidder. Currently, , and have put in bids for the player, although he admits that he wants to transfer to his childhood dream-club, Arsenal. Walcott and his family are keen to take his current skills to an even higher plataeu, and feel that only this kind of skill could be achieved with Arsenal, despite the fact that other clubs have offered to outbid Arsenal. He is likely to make the move to Arsenal's squad when his current contract runs out on his 17th Birthday. Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger is as happy about the move as Walcott himself is. Despite the fact Southampton has released no details of the proceedings, Wenger let slip that the deal was almost done, after revealing he was buying "two and a half" players; , — Walcott being referred to has the "half". When interviewed on his interest in the striker, he revealed that he had been watching him and was a big admirer :"''He's a quality player, I rate him personally, and we're currently looking at him. ... Ideally we would want Theo to join us straight away but it would not be a deal-breaker if Southampton say they want him to finish the season there."'''"
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At 1800 hours (UTC) a remote controlled exploded in , Turkey. The government of Turkey believes that the (PKK) was responsible for the explosion. At least 3 soldiers of the were killed and six others were injured when their military vehicle passed over the device. The injured personnel and soldiers were immediately taken to a hospital in Siirt via medical helicopters. Turkish army Generals have told the Turkish people "to resist in the face of these terrorist actions. The Turkish Armed Forces has an unshakable determination in fighting terrorism and it will absolutely give the necessary answer to such attacks."
Siirt'in Şirvan İlçesi'nde PKK’lı teröristler, yola döşedikleri mayını askeri araç geçerken uzaktan kumandayla patlattı. Patlamada, ilk bilgilere göre 3 er şehit oldu, 3 er yaralandı. Şirvan'da, Orman İşletme Şefliği'ne ait odun deposuna kalabalık bir grup PKK'lı terörist tarafından bu akşam saat 20.00 sıralarında, uzun namlulu silahlarla ateş açıldı. Saldırının güvenlik güçlerine haber verilmesi üzerine Şirvan ilçesinden bölgeye takviye giden askeri aracın geçiş güzergahına da PKK'lı teröristler tarafından uzaktan kumandalı mayınlı tuzak kuruldu. Askeri aracın geçişi sırasında mayını uzaktan kumandayla patlatılması üzerine ilk bilgilere göre 3 asker şehit oldu, aralarında rütbelilerinde bulunduğu 3 asker ise yaralandı. Yaralı askerler helikopterle Siirt'e getirilerek Devlet Hastanesi'nde tedavi altına alındı. Durumu ağır olan bir asker ameliyata alındı. Karanlıktan istifade ederek kaçan PKK teröristlerin etkisiz hale getirilmesi amacıyla bölgede geniş çaplı operasyon başlatıldı.
At 1800 hours (UTC) a remote controlled exploded in , Turkey. The government of Turkey believes that the (PKK) was responsible for the explosion. At least 3 soldiers of the were killed and six others were injured when their military vehicle passed over the device. The injured personnel and soldiers were immediately taken to a hospital in Siirt via medical helicopters. Turkish army Generals have told the Turkish people "to resist in the face of these terrorist actions. The Turkish Armed Forces has an unshakable determination in fighting terrorism and it will absolutely give the necessary answer to such attacks."
ISTANBUL, Turkey -- Turkish artillery shelled suspected positions of Kurdish rebels based across the border in northern Iraq on Friday, according to reports. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned Turkey that it risked expanding regional tensions with any "robust" move of troops into Iraq. Turkey has been building up its forces along the border with Iraq, and its leaders are debating whether to stage a major incursion to pursue Kurdish rebels from Turkey who rest, train and resupply at bases in Iraq. Such an operation could ignite a wider conflict involving Iraqi Kurds, and draw in its NATO ally, the United States. Rice, speaking in New York to a panel of journalists and editors from The Associated Press, said it's "not good for anybody for a robust move across the border." She described it as "not good for Iraq and not good for Turkey." The statement by Rice suggested Washington has acknowledged that Turkey might conduct limited incursions across the rugged frontier against the separatist Kurdistan Workers' Party, also known as PKK. Iran has also clashed with Iranian Kurd fighters who have bases in remote, mountainous areas of northern Iraq, and Iranian forces reportedly participated in the overnight shelling. Tension and violence involving Kurds, who lack a nation-state but have long sought autonomy, have ebbed and surged in the past century in Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq. In Turkey, Kurds make up about 20 percent of the country's population of more than 70 million. The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, or PUK, the party of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, reported the overnight Turkish and Iranian shelling on its Web site. Turkish military authorities at the General Staff in Ankara were not immediately available for comment. Iranian officials in Tehran could not be reached for comment late Friday. Iranian media contained no reports on any shelling, and usually wait several days to report such incidents. The PUK said artillery shells overnight hit some areas in the Sidikan area in Irbil province, where the borders of Turkey, Iran and Iraq converge, and that nine villages were affected. It was unclear whether there was any degree of coordination among Turkish and Iranian gunners. "Huge damage was inflicted on the area," the PUK said, citing what it described as an unidentified "source" in the area. "The source said that residents have left their houses, fearing for their lives." Lt. Ahmed Karim of the Iraqi border guards force told the AP that seven Turkish shells landed on a forest near Sakta village in the Batous area, but no casualties were reported. Belgium-based Firat, a pro-Kurdish news agency that Turkey says is a rebel mouthpiece, said Turkish forces shelled areas in Iraq for three hours beginning at 11 p.m. Thursday. It said there were no reports of casualties. On Friday, Turkey's military declared its "unshakable determination" to defeat Kurdish rebels, and a fourth soldier died of injuries from a roadside bomb in a new Turkish security zone north of the Iraq border. The bombing Thursday was blamed on Kurdish separatists. On Wednesday, Turkish security officials and an Iraqi Kurdish official said Turkish soldiers had crossed into Iraq in pursuit of rebels based there. Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul denied such a raid took place. Turkish forces occasionally have pursued Kurdish rebels just across the border, but rarely announce the operations.
At 1800 hours (UTC) a remote controlled exploded in , Turkey. The government of Turkey believes that the (PKK) was responsible for the explosion. At least 3 soldiers of the were killed and six others were injured when their military vehicle passed over the device. The injured personnel and soldiers were immediately taken to a hospital in Siirt via medical helicopters. Turkish army Generals have told the Turkish people "to resist in the face of these terrorist actions. The Turkish Armed Forces has an unshakable determination in fighting terrorism and it will absolutely give the necessary answer to such attacks."
Dans l’usine du constructeur japonais Honda, à Wuhan, le 8 avril. NG HAN GUAN / AP Pour la première fois depuis plus de quarante ans, la Chine a vu, au premier trimestre 2020, son économie effectuer un grand bond en arrière. Le produit intérieur brut (PIB) a officiellement plongé de 6,8 %, comparé aux trois premiers mois de 2019, selon les données publiées, vendredi 17 avril, par le Bureau national de la statistique. Article réservé à nos abonnés Lire aussi Coronavirus : le mois où l’économie chinoise s’est arrêtée Ce chiffre est historique. Même pendant la crise financière de 2008, la Chine n’avait pas connu de récession. A l’époque, grâce à son gigantesque plan de relance équivalant à 13 % de son PIB, elle avait même été l’une des principales locomotives de la reprise mondiale. Cette fois, que cela soit fondé ou non, une bonne partie des Occidentaux l’accusent au contraire d’être à l’origine de la pandémie de Covid-19, et, partant, de cette crise mondiale, la plus grave depuis les années 1930. Survenue en pleine guerre commerciale avec les Etats-Unis, cette crise pourrait être celle de trop. Situation inquiétante de l’emploi Plus discrètement que Donald Trump, mais de manière plus structurée, Shinzo Abe, le premier ministre japonais, mène depuis début mars, avec le patronat nippon, une réflexion stratégique de relocalisation de l’industrie qui, se murmure-t-il, inquiète au plus haut point les dirigeants chinois. Montré du doigt à l’extérieur, le Parti communiste va être également sur la défensive sur le plan intérieur. Il ne devrait pas atteindre l’objectif qu’il s’était fixé en 2012 : doubler le revenu par habitant entre 2010 et 2020. Il faudrait pour cela que la croissance atteigne environ 6 % cette année. Nul n’y croit. Autre conséquence : il n’est pas certain non plus que la Chine parvienne à mettre un terme cette année à la grande pauvreté, comme le président, Xi Jinping, s’y était engagé. Alors que des millions de diplômés vont entrer sur le marché du travail au cours des mois à venir, la situation de l’emploi est inquiétante. Une étude publiée jeudi par l’université de Pékin montre qu’au premier trimestre les offres d’emploi ont baissé de 27 % comparé à 2019, qui n’était déjà pas une année exceptionnelle. Article réservé à nos abonnés Lire aussi En Chine, le pouvoir sort les habitants de la pauvreté par l’urbanisation, de gré ou de force Cette chute atteint environ 33 % dans les PME, d’ordinaire le secteur le plus dynamique – et 10 % dans les sociétés de plus de 1 000 salariés. Même les entreprises publiques ont réduit leurs recrutements de 20 %. Seule raison d’espérer : ce recul était de 32 % fin février, mais s’est ralenti en mars. Les chiffres du chômage constituent une boîte noire en Chine, mais, la « stabilité sociale » constituant la pierre angulaire du régime, le pouvoir observe le marché de l’emploi comme le lait sur le feu. Il vous reste 55.9% de cet article à lire. La suite est réservée aux abonnés.
Dans le premier trimestre de 2020, l'économie chinoise a fait un bond en arrière. Selon les chiffres officiels du Bureau national de la statistique de la Chine, le chinois a plongé de 6,8 % par rapport à la période correspondante de 2019. En mars, les ventes au détail ont baissé de 15,8 % par rapport à mars de l'an dernier. Selon plusieurs estimations, ce premier trimestre négatif est le premier pour l'économie chinoise depuis 1976 (année qui marquait la fin de la ). La Chine fait ainsi face à une récession, ce qui n'a même pas été le cas pendant la . Comme partout dans le monde, le déclin de l'économie est dû à la .
China reported today a 6.8% drop in gross domestic product (GDP) for the first quarter of 2020 compared with the same period last year. Even as life has started going back to normal in most of China, the road ahead for its economy still looks challenging. It’s the first economic contraction for the country, once dubbed the world’s growth engine, since at least 1992, when Beijing started releasing quarterly GDP figures. Other estimates suggest that it is the first negative quarter China has had since 1976, which marked the end of the decade-long Cultural Revolution that pushed the Chinese economy to the edge of collapse. China also reported a slew of other key economic data, which look equally grim. Retail sales, which declined by 20.5% on-year for January and February, decreased by 15.8% in March from a year ago. Fixed-asset investment outside rural households, which reflects construction activity, as well as industrial output, an important indicator for measuring economic performance, extended their losing streak from the first two months to drop 16.1% and 1.1% in March from the previous year, according to China’s National Bureau of Statistics. The historic slump, mainly caused by China’s lockdowns of cities to contain the epidemic, first spotted in its central city Wuhan, lays bare what to expect even after relatively successful containment of the virus. While China is gradually re-emerging from the crisis, countries like the US and Italy are repeating some of the worst nightmares China had in the early days of the outbreak, news of which was reportedly suppressed by Beijing initially. China now accounts for only 4% of the over 2 million confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide, compared with 32% for the US. Global economic forecasts have also become increasingly pessimistic in recent weeks. The International Monetary Fund said the virus could cause the worst global recession since the Great Depression in the 1930s, while the unemployment rate in the US could reach 20% as soon as next month, according to a note from JPMorgan. Although China could provide some indication of what’s in store for other countries as they try to restart commerce, the lessons that can be learned from how the world’s second-biggest economy tries to revive its economy are limited—its political and cultural structures are much different than those in the West, and there have long been doubts about the veracity of its economic data. China’s one-party state also means it can deploy measures on a much larger scale, and much faster than other political systems. Still, one takeaway is the rebound could be more gradual and less V-shaped than some economists had hoped, say analysts. “China’s Q2 GDP, while could be better than Q1, should still see a negative growth year-on-year. This is partly because of the sluggish global demand caused by the virus, leading to canceled orders for many Chinese factories,” said Raymond Yeung, chief China economist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group in Hong Kong. Another factor that complicates the recovery process is the changing dynamic in international relations. “After the outbreak, the trade relations between China and other countries could get worse, posing a bigger challenge for Beijing,” he added. Future challenges Among the obstacles Beijing faces for reviving its economy, the most notable one is probably declining exports, which accounted for around 20% of the country’s GDP in 2018. Although Chinese exports bounced back quickly in March, falling 6.6% year-on-year in dollar terms compared with a 17.2% fall in the January-February period, this is probably not a long-term trend. The better performance in March is largely because orders halted during the first two months were finally delivered as China resumed work, but as soon as those orders have been delivered, exports could decline further again, according to a note (link in Chinese) this week from analysts at Chinese brokerage Orient Securities. Global demand is expected to “sustain a huge shock” from the virus in the coming months and in turn affect Chinese exports, wrote the analysts. Meanwhile, the struggle of China’s small-to-medium (SME) enterprises, which provide around 80% of urban employment, also became apparent. Over 85% of SMEs said they could collapse within three months if they couldn’t get financial help, according to a survey done by China’s Peking and Tsinghua universities in February. A recent survey (link in Chinese) also showed that March revenues of SMEs in China declined by nearly 60% year-on-year even as the situation started getting better. China announced a surprising improvement in unemployment for March today, however, with the number inching up from 6.2% for the January-February period to 5.9%. Whether the data tell the full story is in question as Beijing does not count its 288 million migrant workers when calculating the figure. Domestic consumption, while billed as the most important driver for China’s economic growth as it contributed 58% of its GDP last year, also looks sluggish. The expected “revenge shopping” sprees seem unlikely to occur as people are worried about a second wave of outbreak and the economy overall. Will more stimulus help? For now, China’s major stimulus measures include a reported $400 billion of infrastructure investment, slashing its bank loan rate by its biggest level since 2015 to make it easier for companies to borrow, more infrastructure bonds sold by local governments, increasing its national fiscal deficit as a share of GDP, and issuance of special sovereign debt. It also plans on giving small lenders a credit line of 1 trillion yuan ($140 billion) from its central bank. Some are expecting the country to roll out more financial relief measures. However, compared with other countries, which have prepared aid packages worth trillions of dollars to try to buttress workers and businesses from the coronavirus disruption, China’s stimulus—at around 3% of GDP— still looks modest (Germany’s emergency aid is around 20% of GDP). The relatively small package may signal that heavy indebtedness means Beijing has less room to maneuver than it did a decade ago during the 2008 financial crisis, when its relief package equalled to around 16% (paywall) of its then GDP. But analysts say that this could be a good opportunity for Beijing to abandon its obsession with GDP targets, which needs further stimulus to spur, to instead focus on improving individuals’ livelihoods. “The government should not pay too much attention to stimulating GDP and its growth rate… Instead, it should focus on how to help industries, firms, and individuals that are suffering most from the coronavirus diseases survive,” said Yu Zhi, an economist at Renmin University in Beijing.
Dans le premier trimestre de 2020, l'économie chinoise a fait un bond en arrière. Selon les chiffres officiels du Bureau national de la statistique de la Chine, le chinois a plongé de 6,8 % par rapport à la période correspondante de 2019. En mars, les ventes au détail ont baissé de 15,8 % par rapport à mars de l'an dernier. Selon plusieurs estimations, ce premier trimestre négatif est le premier pour l'économie chinoise depuis 1976 (année qui marquait la fin de la ). La Chine fait ainsi face à une récession, ce qui n'a même pas été le cas pendant la . Comme partout dans le monde, le déclin de l'économie est dû à la .
MIAMI, EE.UU. - Numerosos líderes de América Latina felicitaron este sábado al candidato demócrata Joe Biden por su proyectada victoria en las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos frente al presidente Donald Trump, según el conteo de la Voz de América. Desde Colombia, el presidente Iván Duque recurrió a su cuenta de Twitter para transmitir su felicitación tanto a Biden como a su compañera de fórmula, Kamala Harris: "Felicitamos a Joe Biden, nuevo presidente de EE.UU., y a Kamala Harris, primera mujer vicepresidenta de EE.UU. Les deseamos los mejores éxitos en su gestión. Trabajaremos juntos en fortalecer la agenda común en comercio, medioambiente, seguridad y lucha contra crimen trasnacional". Felicitamos a @JoeBiden, nuevo Presidente de EE.UU y @kamalaharris, primera mujer vicepresidenta de EE.UU. Les deseamos los mejores éxitos en su gestión. Trabajaremos juntos en fortalecer la agenda común en comercio, medioambiente, seguridad y lucha contra crimen trasnacional. — Iván Duque 🇨🇴 (@IvanDuque) November 7, 2020 La canciller colombiana, Claudia Blum, dijo que “los ciudadanos estadounidenses han honrado su tradición democrática y Colombia trabajará con el presidente electo Joe Biden para continuar consolidando los vínculos económicos, comerciales, políticos y de cooperación”. “Seguiremos fortaleciendo la relación bilateral estratégica con Estados Unidos, que cuenta con un sólido respaldo bipartidista en ese país”, agregó Blum. El presidente de Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, expresó por Twitter: “Felicidades Presidente Joe Biden por un triunfo que fortalece la democracia de EEUU. Mis mejores deseos para usted, Kamala Harris y su equipo. Espero que podamos trabajar juntos, como en el pasado, para fortalecer la alianza de nuestros países”. Felicidades Presidente @JoeBiden por un triunfo que fortalece la democracia de #EEUU. Mis mejores deseos para usted, @KamalaHarris y su equipo. Espero que podamos trabajar juntos, como en el pasado, para fortalecer la alianza de nuestros países. 🇭🇳🤝🇺🇸 — Juan Orlando H. (@JuanOrlandoH) November 7, 2020 El presidente de Panamá, Laurentino Cortizo, también felicitó a los demócratas por Twitter: “Extiendo mis felicitaciones a Joe Biden, por su elección como Presidente y Kamala Harris como primera mujer vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos de América. Nuestros países tienen una larga y especial relación histórica. Trabajaremos juntos para profundizarla aún más”. Extiendo mis felicitaciones a @JoeBiden, por su elección como Presidente y @KamalaHarris como primera mujer vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos de América. Nuestros países tienen una larga y especial relación histórica. Trabajaremos juntos para profundizarla aún más. — Nito Cortizo (@NitoCortizo) November 7, 2020 Desde Chile, el presidente Sebastián Piñera celebró la victoria de Biden, señalando que ambos países enfrentan desafíos como la paz y la protección del medioambiente. "Felicitaciones Joe Biden, próximo Presidente de Estados Unidos y a Kamala Harris, por su triunfo en las elecciones. Chile y Estados Unidos compartimos valores como la libertad, la defensa de los derechos humanos y desafíos como la paz y la protección del medio ambiente", escribió Piñera. Felicitaciones @JoeBiden, próximo Presidente de Estados Unidos y a @KamalaHarris, por su triunfo en las elecciones. Chile y Estados Unidos compartimos valores como la libertad, la defensa de los derechos humanos y desafíos como la paz y la protección del medio ambiente. — Sebastian Piñera (@sebastianpinera) November 7, 2020 En Uruguay, el presidente Luis Lacalle Pou extendió su felicitación a Biden en un mensaje en Twitter. “Felicito al Presidente electo de los EEUU. Trabajaremos para fortalecer las relaciones entre nuestros países por el bien de nuestra gente”, dijo Lacalle Pou.
Numerosos líderes latino-americanos parabenizaram o candidato democrata no sábado por sua vitória projetada nas eleições presidenciais dos sobre o presidente , de acordo com a contagem da Voice of America. Da , o presidente acessou sua conta no para transmitir seus parabéns a Biden e sua companheira de chapa, , desejando-lhes "os melhores sucessos em sua administração" e prometendo trabalhar juntos para fortalecer a agenda comum. A chanceler colombiana, , disse que "os cidadãos norte-americanos honraram sua tradição democrática e a trabalhará com o presidente eleito Joe Biden para continuar consolidando laços econômicos, comerciais, políticos e cooperativos". O presidente do , , parabenizou os democratas com a promessa de trabalhar junto com Biden e Harris para aprofundar o relacionamento entre seus países. Do , o presidente comemorou a vitória de Biden, destacando os valores que o Chile e os Estados Unidos compartilham. No , o presidente deu os parabéns a Biden, prometendo também "fortalecer as relações entre nossos países".
Dans la campagne du gouvernement pour supprimer les quelques garde-fous que le code du travail apporte à la protection des droits des travailleurs, la consultation des salariés organisée aujourd'hui par les patrons de Smart (groupe Daimler) à Hambach est montrée en exemple. Dans ce vote, qui n'est d'ailleurs que consultatif, les salariés sont soumis à un chantage à l'emploi pour accepter une aggravation de leur exploitation. Le patron veut augmenter le temps de travail de 35 à 39 heures hebdomadaires contre une rémunération revenant à 5,19 euro net de l'heure (nettement moins que le smic horaire), auquel s'ajoute un gel des salaires pour les cinq années à venir... C'est ce que Valls, Hollande et les notables socialistes appellent le « donnant-donnant » !
left Os 800 funcionários da fábrica Smart France em Hambach (Maselha), estabelecimento onde são produzidos carros inteligentes de dois lugares desde 1997, com 100.000 unidades de veículos produzidos anualmente, votaram na sexta-feira 11 de setembro um plano proposto pelo Conselho Executivo do Grupo montadora alemã Daimler é voltar temporariamente para 39 horas, em troca de emprego continuado até 2020. 56% dos empregados eram a favor. Enquanto o debate sobre a reforma do direito do trabalho se intensifica na França. Os funcionários da Smart são convidados a dizer «oui» (sim) ou «non» (não) ao acordo proposto pela gestão do grupo. A pergunta era: «Etes-vous pour le retour au 39 heures hebdomadaire, payés 37 heures entre 2016 et 2019, en échange du maintien de votre emploi jusqu’en 2020 ?» (Você é a favor do retorno à 39 horas semanais, a pagar 37 horas entre 2016 e 2019, em troca de manter o seu emprego até 2020?), implica a uma diminuição em salários por hora. Conforme destacado no jornal ''Lutte Ouvrière'' (Luta Operária), o aumento das horários de 35 a 39 horas, em alguns casos, poderia levar a uma remuneração de 5,19 euros por hora, inferior ao salário mínimo interprofissional Cependant, no entanto, de acordo com a direção do sociedade, isso equivale a aumentar o tempo de trabalho em 12% nos salários crescente em 6%. A consulta envolveu 800 funcionários e teve uma taxa de participação de 93,3%, a abstenção é inferior a 7%! Os sindicatos consideram que esta consulta clivada funcionários. Porém, uma diferença entre a categoria abriu diferente de funcionários. O «sim» a uma maioria entre os 385 diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores consultado com 74% a favor. Mas os eleitores trabalhadores eram apenas 39% a responder favoravelmente a um movimento de 39 horas. Categoria consultas/elenco     oui (sim)     non (não) diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores    385 '''74%''' 26% trabalhadores 367 39% '''61%''' «Com esta consulta, a direção já criou dois clãs na fábrica, ele vai encontrar uma solução para os colaboradores deste local não rasgar uns aos outros para o além», anunciou Gilles Hemmerling, presidente da CFE-CGC em Lorraine. A direção do grupo congratula-se com o resultado favorável da votação: «Este resultado confirma o engajamento de seus companheiros em favor da usina de Hambach». No entanto, nenhum acordo deverá entrar em vigor sem o acordo das associações representativas dos assalariados. No entanto, as reacções são contraditórias como mostram pelos dois exemplos que se seguem: Os empregados já têm a garantia de ter seus empregos mantidos até 2020. «A duração legal do tempo de trabalho não vai mudar», respondeu François Hollande, presidente francês. Ele especifica que as empresas poderiam «mais» negociar o tempo de trabalho.
VIDÉO - Les salariés de l'usine d'Hambach, en Moselle, ont voté à 56% pour une augmentation de leur temps de travail afin de maintenir la compétitivité du site. Si 74% des cadres s'y sont dit favorables, seuls 39% des ouvriers se sont prononcé pour. C'était un référendum sous tension. Ce vendredi, les quelque 800 salariés de l'usine Smart d'Hambach, en Moselle, se sont prononcé sur une augmentation du temps de travail. La direction du site souhaitait qu'ils passent de 35 heures à 39 heures travaillées par semaine. Ils ont à 56% répondu favorablement à cette sollicitation. Le oui, majoritaire à 74% chez les 385 cadres consultés, n'a rassemblé que 39% des suffrages chez les 367 ouvriers votants, lors de ce référendum à caractère purement consultatif, ont précisé les syndicats. En contrepartie, les salariés bénéficieront d'une augmentation de salaire de 120 euros brut par mois et d'une prime de 1000 euros versée sur deux années. Cela revient à augmenter le temps de travail de 12 % en échange d'une augmentation des salaires de 6 %, selon la direction. Les emplois seront alors préservés jusqu'en 2020. «Les salariés n'ont pas le couteau sous la gorge. Il n'y aura pas de plan social en cas de rejet de ce projet» Officiellement, trois des quatre syndicats représentés - CGT, CFDT et CFTC - s'étaient opposés au projet. Seule la CFE-CGC s'y était déclarée favorable. Néanmoins, ils ont tous souhaité organiser un référendum pour connaître l'opinion réelle des salariés sur ce sujet forcément difficile. «Les salariés n'ont pas le couteau sous la gorge, avait précisé avec humour Philippe Steyer, directeur des ressources humaines de Smart France. Il n'y aura pas de plan social en cas de rejet de ce projet.» Tant du côté des syndicats que de la direction, personne n'osait un pronostic sur les résultats de ce référendum. Cette adhésion franche incitera sans doute les syndicats à poursuivre les discussions. Le site d'Hambach fabrique des Smart depuis 1997. Toutes les Smart deux places en circulation dans le monde sont sorties du site mosellan. Et Daimler a dépensé 200 millions d'euros pour que la dernière génération de Smart continue d'être fabriquée en Lorraine. C'est chose faite depuis l'an dernier. Il semble clair que rien ne changera à court terme. En revanche, à moyen terme, la situation peut devenir plus difficile. Daimler est en effet engagé dans un vaste plan d'amélioration de la compétitivité de toutes ses usines dans le monde à l'horizon 2020. Dont Hambach. «L'objectif est d'assurer la pérennité du site à un horizon plus lointain que 2020», détaille Philippe Steyer. Convaincre les dirigeants de Daimler Chez tous les constructeurs automobiles, aujourd'hui, les sites sont en concurrence les uns avec les autres. C'est également vrai chez Daimler. La nouvelle génération de Smart est issue d'une collaboration avec Renault. La plupart des éléments qui ne sont pas visibles par le client sont identiques à ceux de la nouvelle Twingo de la marque au losange. Mieux: si la Smart deux places est construite en Moselle, la version quatre places est assemblée dans l'usine Renault de Novo Mesto, en Slovénie, d'où sortent les Twingo. Les dirigeants de Daimler connaissent les coûts de production de l'usine slovène. Le défi des salariés et des responsables d'Hambach est aujourd'hui de convaincre les dirigeants de Daimler d'attribuer la future génération de Smart à la Lorraine. Le véhicule actuel ne sera pas remplacé avant six ou sept ans. En revanche, les décisions concernant son successeur seront prises avant 2020. C'est l'avenir de l'usine lorraine qui est en jeu. L'objectif est donc bien là, même si la décision portera d'abord sur la poursuite, ou pas, de la Smart elle-même. Pour ça, il faut que la génération actuelle connaisse le succès. Et ce ne sont pas les salariés de Daimler qui peuvent faire peser sur cette décision.
left Os 800 funcionários da fábrica Smart France em Hambach (Maselha), estabelecimento onde são produzidos carros inteligentes de dois lugares desde 1997, com 100.000 unidades de veículos produzidos anualmente, votaram na sexta-feira 11 de setembro um plano proposto pelo Conselho Executivo do Grupo montadora alemã Daimler é voltar temporariamente para 39 horas, em troca de emprego continuado até 2020. 56% dos empregados eram a favor. Enquanto o debate sobre a reforma do direito do trabalho se intensifica na França. Os funcionários da Smart são convidados a dizer «oui» (sim) ou «non» (não) ao acordo proposto pela gestão do grupo. A pergunta era: «Etes-vous pour le retour au 39 heures hebdomadaire, payés 37 heures entre 2016 et 2019, en échange du maintien de votre emploi jusqu’en 2020 ?» (Você é a favor do retorno à 39 horas semanais, a pagar 37 horas entre 2016 e 2019, em troca de manter o seu emprego até 2020?), implica a uma diminuição em salários por hora. Conforme destacado no jornal ''Lutte Ouvrière'' (Luta Operária), o aumento das horários de 35 a 39 horas, em alguns casos, poderia levar a uma remuneração de 5,19 euros por hora, inferior ao salário mínimo interprofissional Cependant, no entanto, de acordo com a direção do sociedade, isso equivale a aumentar o tempo de trabalho em 12% nos salários crescente em 6%. A consulta envolveu 800 funcionários e teve uma taxa de participação de 93,3%, a abstenção é inferior a 7%! Os sindicatos consideram que esta consulta clivada funcionários. Porém, uma diferença entre a categoria abriu diferente de funcionários. O «sim» a uma maioria entre os 385 diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores consultado com 74% a favor. Mas os eleitores trabalhadores eram apenas 39% a responder favoravelmente a um movimento de 39 horas. Categoria consultas/elenco     oui (sim)     non (não) diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores    385 '''74%''' 26% trabalhadores 367 39% '''61%''' «Com esta consulta, a direção já criou dois clãs na fábrica, ele vai encontrar uma solução para os colaboradores deste local não rasgar uns aos outros para o além», anunciou Gilles Hemmerling, presidente da CFE-CGC em Lorraine. A direção do grupo congratula-se com o resultado favorável da votação: «Este resultado confirma o engajamento de seus companheiros em favor da usina de Hambach». No entanto, nenhum acordo deverá entrar em vigor sem o acordo das associações representativas dos assalariados. No entanto, as reacções são contraditórias como mostram pelos dois exemplos que se seguem: Os empregados já têm a garantia de ter seus empregos mantidos até 2020. «A duração legal do tempo de trabalho não vai mudar», respondeu François Hollande, presidente francês. Ele especifica que as empresas poderiam «mais» negociar o tempo de trabalho.
Quelque 2.200 demandes d'indemnisations de victimes des attentats de novembre ont été déposées auprès du Fond de garantie des victimes des actes de terrorisme "et ça pourrait aller jusqu'à 4.000", a déclaré vendredi à l'AFP, Juliette Méadel, la secrétaire d’État chargée de l'aide aux victimes. Sans donner davantage de précision sur le budget qui y sera alloué, la secrétaire d’État, dont les attributions ont été publiées vendredi au Journal officiel, a simplement déclaré travailler "à la pérennité du financement du Fonds de garantie des victimes des actes de terrorisme et d'autres infractions (FGTI) sur le long terme" avec le ministre de l’Économie et des Finances Michel Sapin. "Tous ces dossiers ne posent pas problème mais certains ont besoin d'être aidés" a ajouté Juliette Méadel, qui siègera désormais au conseil d'administration du FGTI. Selon le décret d'attribution publié vendredi, la secrétaire d'État auprès du Premier ministre est chargée "d'assurer le respect des droits" des victimes en cas "d'infractions pénales, de faits de terrorisme, d'accidents collectifs, de sinistres sanitaires, industriels, alimentaires ou de santé publiques, d'accidents écologiques, industriels, de catastrophes naturelles ou encore de discriminations et d'atteintes aux droits fondamentaux". Elle travaillera en concertation avec les ministères de la Justice, des affaires sociales et de la Santé, des Finances, ainsi que le ministère des Affaires étrangères et de l'environnement. Le texte lui a également attribué le rôle d'interlocuteur unique pour les victimes, une mesure qui était réclamée par les associations pour faciliter leurs démarches administratives, certaines victimes ou proches vivant un "éprouvant parcours du combattant administratif" pour faire valoir leurs droits, a constaté Mme Méadel. Reconnaissant sur iTÉLÉ un "loupé administratif pendant douze heures" le soir des attentats du 13 novembre, notamment auprès des proches de personnes présentes sur les lieux des attentats qui ont attendu pendant plusieurs heures avant d'avoir des informations, la secrétaire d'Etat a dit "réfléchir à la mise en place d'un dispositif de référent unique sur tout le territoire". Pour ses missions "de suivi et d’accompagnement des victimes et de leurs proches" et "de prise en charge des victimes en cas de survenance de crises majeures", Juliette Méadel disposera de la cellule interministérielle d'aide aux victimes et elle présidera le comité de suivi des victimes des attentats du 13 novembre.
left Os 800 funcionários da fábrica Smart France em Hambach (Maselha), estabelecimento onde são produzidos carros inteligentes de dois lugares desde 1997, com 100.000 unidades de veículos produzidos anualmente, votaram na sexta-feira 11 de setembro um plano proposto pelo Conselho Executivo do Grupo montadora alemã Daimler é voltar temporariamente para 39 horas, em troca de emprego continuado até 2020. 56% dos empregados eram a favor. Enquanto o debate sobre a reforma do direito do trabalho se intensifica na França. Os funcionários da Smart são convidados a dizer «oui» (sim) ou «non» (não) ao acordo proposto pela gestão do grupo. A pergunta era: «Etes-vous pour le retour au 39 heures hebdomadaire, payés 37 heures entre 2016 et 2019, en échange du maintien de votre emploi jusqu’en 2020 ?» (Você é a favor do retorno à 39 horas semanais, a pagar 37 horas entre 2016 e 2019, em troca de manter o seu emprego até 2020?), implica a uma diminuição em salários por hora. Conforme destacado no jornal ''Lutte Ouvrière'' (Luta Operária), o aumento das horários de 35 a 39 horas, em alguns casos, poderia levar a uma remuneração de 5,19 euros por hora, inferior ao salário mínimo interprofissional Cependant, no entanto, de acordo com a direção do sociedade, isso equivale a aumentar o tempo de trabalho em 12% nos salários crescente em 6%. A consulta envolveu 800 funcionários e teve uma taxa de participação de 93,3%, a abstenção é inferior a 7%! Os sindicatos consideram que esta consulta clivada funcionários. Porém, uma diferença entre a categoria abriu diferente de funcionários. O «sim» a uma maioria entre os 385 diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores consultado com 74% a favor. Mas os eleitores trabalhadores eram apenas 39% a responder favoravelmente a um movimento de 39 horas. Categoria consultas/elenco     oui (sim)     non (não) diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores    385 '''74%''' 26% trabalhadores 367 39% '''61%''' «Com esta consulta, a direção já criou dois clãs na fábrica, ele vai encontrar uma solução para os colaboradores deste local não rasgar uns aos outros para o além», anunciou Gilles Hemmerling, presidente da CFE-CGC em Lorraine. A direção do grupo congratula-se com o resultado favorável da votação: «Este resultado confirma o engajamento de seus companheiros em favor da usina de Hambach». No entanto, nenhum acordo deverá entrar em vigor sem o acordo das associações representativas dos assalariados. No entanto, as reacções são contraditórias como mostram pelos dois exemplos que se seguem: Os empregados já têm a garantia de ter seus empregos mantidos até 2020. «A duração legal do tempo de trabalho não vai mudar», respondeu François Hollande, presidente francês. Ele especifica que as empresas poderiam «mais» negociar o tempo de trabalho.
Le Monde | 11.09.2015 à 18h37 • Mis à jour le 11.09.2015 à 20h42 Les salariés de l’usine Smart à Hambach (Moselle), filiale du groupe Daimler, ont voté à 56 % pour un retour aux 39 heures, vendredi 11 septembre. Le oui a été majoritaire à 74 % chez les 385 cadres consultés, mais n’a rassemblé que 39 % des suffrages chez les 367 ouvriers votants. En tout, la participation s’est élevée à 93 %. Tous les employés de l’usine étaient appelés à répondre à ce sondage organisé par la direction, qui n’est que purement consultatif. Ils devaient répondre à la question suivante : « Etes-vous pour le retour aux 39 heures hebdomadaires, payées 37 heures, entre 2016 et 2019, en échange du maintien de votre emploi jusqu’en 2020 ? » Trois des quatre syndicats de l’usine, opposés à cette proposition et qui avaient appelé à voter non, ont donc été désavoués. La Confédération générale du travail (CGT), la Confédération française démocratique du travail (CFDT) et la Confédération française des travailleurs chrétiens (CFTC) refusent en effet d’adhérer au « pacte 2020 » proposé par la direction du site en juin, à l’ouverture des négociations annuelles obligatoires. La Confédération française de l’encadrement-Confédération générale des cadres (CFE-CGC) est plus ouverte à cet accord qui assurerait la pérennité de l’usine. « La direction se félicite de ces résultats » Le pacte 2020 prévoit qu’au 1er octobre 2015 le temps de travail passerait transitoirement à 37 heures hebdomadaires, du 1er octobre 2016 à la fin de septembre 2018, les salariés travailleraient 39 heures par semaine, avant de redescendre sur deux ans aux actuelles 35 heures. Philippe Steyer, le directeur des ressources humaines, a déclaré que « la direction se félicit[ait] de ces résultats ». Mais rien n’est encore entériné. Pour passer, cet accord doit être soutenu par une ou plusieurs organisations représentant plus de 30 % des voix aux dernières élections professionnelles. La CGC-CFE ne pourrait atteindre seule ce niveau. Une association avec la CFTC permettrait de valider l’accord. L’accord peut être par contre bloqué par des organisations syndicales représentant au moins 51 %. La CFDT et la CGT détiennent à elles deux plus de 50 % des voix.
left Os 800 funcionários da fábrica Smart France em Hambach (Maselha), estabelecimento onde são produzidos carros inteligentes de dois lugares desde 1997, com 100.000 unidades de veículos produzidos anualmente, votaram na sexta-feira 11 de setembro um plano proposto pelo Conselho Executivo do Grupo montadora alemã Daimler é voltar temporariamente para 39 horas, em troca de emprego continuado até 2020. 56% dos empregados eram a favor. Enquanto o debate sobre a reforma do direito do trabalho se intensifica na França. Os funcionários da Smart são convidados a dizer «oui» (sim) ou «non» (não) ao acordo proposto pela gestão do grupo. A pergunta era: «Etes-vous pour le retour au 39 heures hebdomadaire, payés 37 heures entre 2016 et 2019, en échange du maintien de votre emploi jusqu’en 2020 ?» (Você é a favor do retorno à 39 horas semanais, a pagar 37 horas entre 2016 e 2019, em troca de manter o seu emprego até 2020?), implica a uma diminuição em salários por hora. Conforme destacado no jornal ''Lutte Ouvrière'' (Luta Operária), o aumento das horários de 35 a 39 horas, em alguns casos, poderia levar a uma remuneração de 5,19 euros por hora, inferior ao salário mínimo interprofissional Cependant, no entanto, de acordo com a direção do sociedade, isso equivale a aumentar o tempo de trabalho em 12% nos salários crescente em 6%. A consulta envolveu 800 funcionários e teve uma taxa de participação de 93,3%, a abstenção é inferior a 7%! Os sindicatos consideram que esta consulta clivada funcionários. Porém, uma diferença entre a categoria abriu diferente de funcionários. O «sim» a uma maioria entre os 385 diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores consultado com 74% a favor. Mas os eleitores trabalhadores eram apenas 39% a responder favoravelmente a um movimento de 39 horas. Categoria consultas/elenco     oui (sim)     non (não) diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores    385 '''74%''' 26% trabalhadores 367 39% '''61%''' «Com esta consulta, a direção já criou dois clãs na fábrica, ele vai encontrar uma solução para os colaboradores deste local não rasgar uns aos outros para o além», anunciou Gilles Hemmerling, presidente da CFE-CGC em Lorraine. A direção do grupo congratula-se com o resultado favorável da votação: «Este resultado confirma o engajamento de seus companheiros em favor da usina de Hambach». No entanto, nenhum acordo deverá entrar em vigor sem o acordo das associações representativas dos assalariados. No entanto, as reacções são contraditórias como mostram pelos dois exemplos que se seguem: Os empregados já têm a garantia de ter seus empregos mantidos até 2020. «A duração legal do tempo de trabalho não vai mudar», respondeu François Hollande, presidente francês. Ele especifica que as empresas poderiam «mais» negociar o tempo de trabalho.
Les 800 salariés du site de Smart France à Hambach (Moselle) votent ce vendredi 11 septembre pour ou contre un retour à 39 heures de travail hebdomadaire payé 37 heures. L’automobile n’en a pas fini avec les accords de compétitivité. Vendredi 11 septembre, les 800 salariés du site Smart France de Hambach (Moselle) sont appelés à se prononcer sur les propositions de leur direction : un retour aux 39 heures (+ 12 % pour les opérateurs) en 2016, 2017 et 2018, assorti d’une augmentation de salaire de 120 euros par mois (+ 6 % du salaire de base). Ce qui revient à travailler 39 heures payées 37. Les cadres, eux, renonceraient à 10 jours de RTT sur 20. Une prime de 1000 euros est également prévue pour tous. En échange de cet effort de ses salariés, la direction de cette filiale du groupe allemand Daimler s’engage à ne pas licencier jusqu’en 2020 et à titulariser cinquante intérimaires. "Trente-six d’entre eux l’auraient de toute façon été, pour remplacer les départs à la retraite", rétorque Philippe Simard, délégué central CGT, hostile à l’accord comme 90% de ses adhérents. CFDT et CFTC se sont également prononcées contre. La CFE-CGC se montre plus ouverte, mais attend la consultation des salariés pour se prononcer. La pression sur les syndicats est d'autant plus forte que le site accueille 800 autres salariés, d'autres entreprises, qui devront forcément s'adapter à d'éventuels nouveaux horaires. Concurrence d'un site slovène Selon la direction, il s’agit de s’aligner sur les efforts de compétitivité réclamés par Daimler à tous ses sites pour 2020. La direction s’en défend, mais Hambach est en concurrence avec l’usine slovène de Renault à Novo Mesto, où la Twingo et la Smart Forfour partagent une même ligne de production. La Smart Fortwo, fabriquée à Hambach, pourrait également être produite, à moindre coût, en Slovénie. Pourtant, Smart a investi 200 millions à Hambach entre 2013 et 2015 pour moderniser son outil de production et reprendre un atelier de peinture. L’avis des salariés sur ce "Pacte 2020" sera consultatif. La direction devra ensuite négocier un accord avec les organisations syndicales. La signature de la seule CFE-CGC ne suffira pas. Mais si cet accord est rejeté, un autre reste possible. Ce sera l’enjeu de la négociation qui suivra. Cécile Maillard
left Os 800 funcionários da fábrica Smart France em Hambach (Maselha), estabelecimento onde são produzidos carros inteligentes de dois lugares desde 1997, com 100.000 unidades de veículos produzidos anualmente, votaram na sexta-feira 11 de setembro um plano proposto pelo Conselho Executivo do Grupo montadora alemã Daimler é voltar temporariamente para 39 horas, em troca de emprego continuado até 2020. 56% dos empregados eram a favor. Enquanto o debate sobre a reforma do direito do trabalho se intensifica na França. Os funcionários da Smart são convidados a dizer «oui» (sim) ou «non» (não) ao acordo proposto pela gestão do grupo. A pergunta era: «Etes-vous pour le retour au 39 heures hebdomadaire, payés 37 heures entre 2016 et 2019, en échange du maintien de votre emploi jusqu’en 2020 ?» (Você é a favor do retorno à 39 horas semanais, a pagar 37 horas entre 2016 e 2019, em troca de manter o seu emprego até 2020?), implica a uma diminuição em salários por hora. Conforme destacado no jornal ''Lutte Ouvrière'' (Luta Operária), o aumento das horários de 35 a 39 horas, em alguns casos, poderia levar a uma remuneração de 5,19 euros por hora, inferior ao salário mínimo interprofissional Cependant, no entanto, de acordo com a direção do sociedade, isso equivale a aumentar o tempo de trabalho em 12% nos salários crescente em 6%. A consulta envolveu 800 funcionários e teve uma taxa de participação de 93,3%, a abstenção é inferior a 7%! Os sindicatos consideram que esta consulta clivada funcionários. Porém, uma diferença entre a categoria abriu diferente de funcionários. O «sim» a uma maioria entre os 385 diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores consultado com 74% a favor. Mas os eleitores trabalhadores eram apenas 39% a responder favoravelmente a um movimento de 39 horas. Categoria consultas/elenco     oui (sim)     non (não) diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores    385 '''74%''' 26% trabalhadores 367 39% '''61%''' «Com esta consulta, a direção já criou dois clãs na fábrica, ele vai encontrar uma solução para os colaboradores deste local não rasgar uns aos outros para o além», anunciou Gilles Hemmerling, presidente da CFE-CGC em Lorraine. A direção do grupo congratula-se com o resultado favorável da votação: «Este resultado confirma o engajamento de seus companheiros em favor da usina de Hambach». No entanto, nenhum acordo deverá entrar em vigor sem o acordo das associações representativas dos assalariados. No entanto, as reacções são contraditórias como mostram pelos dois exemplos que se seguem: Os empregados já têm a garantia de ter seus empregos mantidos até 2020. «A duração legal do tempo de trabalho não vai mudar», respondeu François Hollande, presidente francês. Ele especifica que as empresas poderiam «mais» negociar o tempo de trabalho.
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Smart France : les salariés disent oui à 56% au retour des 39 heures 11 Sept. 2015, 09h12 | MAJ : 12 Sept. 2015, 01h28 Revenir provisoirement aux 39 heures, en échange d'un maintien de l'emploi jusqu'en 2020. A 56% les 800 salariés de l'usine Smart France à Hambach (Moselle) ont voté pour ce plan proposé par la direction du groupe automobile allemand Daimler. Sur le même sujet VIDEO. Le retour aux 39 heures divise les salariés de Smart Un vote qui intervient en plein débat sur la réforme du droit du travail. «Pur hasard de calendrier», selon la direction: deux jours après la remise au Premier ministre d'un rapport très attendu sur la réforme du code du travail, les salariés de Smart sont invités à dire «oui» ou «non» à un accord négocié entre leurs syndicats et la direction de cette filiale du groupe allemand Daimler. VIDEO. Les 35 heures en péril chez Smart, en Lorraine» Garantie de l'emploi et augmentations en échange Dans cette consultation où le taux de participation a été de 93,3%, le oui a été majoritaire à 74% chez les 385 cadres, employés, techniciens et agents de maîtrise consultés. En revanche, celui-ci n'a rassemblé que 39% des suffrages chez les 367 ouvriers votants.«Avec cette consultation, la direction a créé deux clans dans l'usine, il va falloir trouver une solution pour que les salariés de ce site ne s'entredéchirent pas», a commenté Gilles Hemmerling, président de la CFE-CGC en Lorraine. La direction, elle, s'est félicitée «de ce résultat qui confirme l'engagement de ses coéquipiers en faveur de l'usine de Hambach.»Smart France, qui produit chaque année quelque 100000 véhicules biplaces dans cette usine située aux confins de la Lorraine, de l'Alsace et de l'Allemagne, doit participer à l'automne au lancement d'un nouveau modèle.La direction veut profiter de cette période d'activité soutenue pour améliorer la compétitivité du site. A l'occasion des négociations annuelles obligatoires sur les salaires, elle a proposé aux salariés de passer aux 39 heures de travail hebdomadaire par étapes: de 35 à 37 heures à compter du 1er octobre prochain, puis de 37 à 39 heures en 2016, 2017 et 2018, avant de revenir à 37 heures en 2019, et 35 en 2020.En contrepartie de l'effort consenti par les salariés (39 heures payées 37 heures et réduction des RTT pour les cadres), ceux-ci se verraient garantir le maintien des emplois jusqu'en 2020. Concrètement, la direction prévoit une augmentation mensuelle de 120 euros brut, ainsi qu'une prime exceptionnelle de 1000 euros versée en deux fois sur deux ans. Elle s'est aussi engagée à embaucher 50 intérimaires en CDI entre octobre 2015 et fin 2017.Mais les salariés sont divisés. Selon Philippe Simard, délégué central CGT, seul le syndicat des cadres CFE-CGC s'est dit favorable à cet accord. Et du côté des syndiqués de la CGT, 80% y sont opposés, a-t-il affirmé.Le débat, souvent très politique, autour des 35 heures, s'est invité cette semaine au coeur de l'agenda social. Le Premier ministre a certes écarté mercredi une piste à hauts risques ouverte sur le sujet par le rapport Combrexelle qui lui a été remis pour servir de base à une réforme du droit du travail. «Il ne saurait être question de modifier par accord le seuil de déclenchement des heures supplémentaires», a tranché Manuel Valls.Le Premier ministre a en revanche repris à son compte la principale préconisation du rapport: «ouvrir de nouveaux champs» de négociation collective sur quatre «piliers» -conditions et temps de travail, emploi et salaires.«La durée légale de travail ne changera pas», avait souligné lundi, de son côté, le président François Hollande, précisant cependant que les entreprises pourraient «davantage» négocier le temps de travail.
left Os 800 funcionários da fábrica Smart France em Hambach (Maselha), estabelecimento onde são produzidos carros inteligentes de dois lugares desde 1997, com 100.000 unidades de veículos produzidos anualmente, votaram na sexta-feira 11 de setembro um plano proposto pelo Conselho Executivo do Grupo montadora alemã Daimler é voltar temporariamente para 39 horas, em troca de emprego continuado até 2020. 56% dos empregados eram a favor. Enquanto o debate sobre a reforma do direito do trabalho se intensifica na França. Os funcionários da Smart são convidados a dizer «oui» (sim) ou «non» (não) ao acordo proposto pela gestão do grupo. A pergunta era: «Etes-vous pour le retour au 39 heures hebdomadaire, payés 37 heures entre 2016 et 2019, en échange du maintien de votre emploi jusqu’en 2020 ?» (Você é a favor do retorno à 39 horas semanais, a pagar 37 horas entre 2016 e 2019, em troca de manter o seu emprego até 2020?), implica a uma diminuição em salários por hora. Conforme destacado no jornal ''Lutte Ouvrière'' (Luta Operária), o aumento das horários de 35 a 39 horas, em alguns casos, poderia levar a uma remuneração de 5,19 euros por hora, inferior ao salário mínimo interprofissional Cependant, no entanto, de acordo com a direção do sociedade, isso equivale a aumentar o tempo de trabalho em 12% nos salários crescente em 6%. A consulta envolveu 800 funcionários e teve uma taxa de participação de 93,3%, a abstenção é inferior a 7%! Os sindicatos consideram que esta consulta clivada funcionários. Porém, uma diferença entre a categoria abriu diferente de funcionários. O «sim» a uma maioria entre os 385 diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores consultado com 74% a favor. Mas os eleitores trabalhadores eram apenas 39% a responder favoravelmente a um movimento de 39 horas. Categoria consultas/elenco     oui (sim)     non (não) diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores    385 '''74%''' 26% trabalhadores 367 39% '''61%''' «Com esta consulta, a direção já criou dois clãs na fábrica, ele vai encontrar uma solução para os colaboradores deste local não rasgar uns aos outros para o além», anunciou Gilles Hemmerling, presidente da CFE-CGC em Lorraine. A direção do grupo congratula-se com o resultado favorável da votação: «Este resultado confirma o engajamento de seus companheiros em favor da usina de Hambach». No entanto, nenhum acordo deverá entrar em vigor sem o acordo das associações representativas dos assalariados. No entanto, as reacções são contraditórias como mostram pelos dois exemplos que se seguem: Os empregados já têm a garantia de ter seus empregos mantidos até 2020. «A duração legal do tempo de trabalho não vai mudar», respondeu François Hollande, presidente francês. Ele especifica que as empresas poderiam «mais» negociar o tempo de trabalho.
Le Monde | 11.09.2015 à 18h37 • Mis à jour le 11.09.2015 à 20h42 Les salariés de l’usine Smart à Hambach (Moselle), filiale du groupe Daimler, ont voté à 56 % pour un retour aux 39 heures, vendredi 11 septembre. Le oui a été majoritaire à 74 % chez les 385 cadres consultés, mais n’a rassemblé que 39 % des suffrages chez les 367 ouvriers votants. En tout, la participation s’est élevée à 93 %. Tous les employés de l’usine étaient appelés à répondre à ce sondage organisé par la direction, qui n’est que purement consultatif. Ils devaient répondre à la question suivante : « Etes-vous pour le retour aux 39 heures hebdomadaires, payées 37 heures, entre 2016 et 2019, en échange du maintien de votre emploi jusqu’en 2020 ? » Trois des quatre syndicats de l’usine, opposés à cette proposition et qui avaient appelé à voter non, ont donc été désavoués. La Confédération générale du travail (CGT), la Confédération française démocratique du travail (CFDT) et la Confédération française des travailleurs chrétiens (CFTC) refusent en effet d’adhérer au « pacte 2020 » proposé par la direction du site en juin, à l’ouverture des négociations annuelles obligatoires. La Confédération française de l’encadrement-Confédération générale des cadres (CFE-CGC) est plus ouverte à cet accord qui assurerait la pérennité de l’usine. « La direction se félicite de ces résultats » Le pacte 2020 prévoit qu’au 1er octobre 2015 le temps de travail passerait transitoirement à 37 heures hebdomadaires, du 1er octobre 2016 à la fin de septembre 2018, les salariés travailleraient 39 heures par semaine, avant de redescendre sur deux ans aux actuelles 35 heures. Philippe Steyer, le directeur des ressources humaines, a déclaré que « la direction se félicit[ait] de ces résultats ». Mais rien n’est encore entériné. Pour passer, cet accord doit être soutenu par une ou plusieurs organisations représentant plus de 30 % des voix aux dernières élections professionnelles. La CGC-CFE ne pourrait atteindre seule ce niveau. Une association avec la CFTC permettrait de valider l’accord. L’accord peut être par contre bloqué par des organisations syndicales représentant au moins 51 %. La CFDT et la CGT détiennent à elles deux plus de 50 % des voix.
left Os 800 funcionários da fábrica Smart France em Hambach (Maselha), estabelecimento onde são produzidos carros inteligentes de dois lugares desde 1997, com 100.000 unidades de veículos produzidos anualmente, votaram na sexta-feira 11 de setembro um plano proposto pelo Conselho Executivo do Grupo montadora alemã Daimler é voltar temporariamente para 39 horas, em troca de emprego continuado até 2020. 56% dos empregados eram a favor. Enquanto o debate sobre a reforma do direito do trabalho se intensifica na França. Os funcionários da Smart são convidados a dizer «oui» (sim) ou «non» (não) ao acordo proposto pela gestão do grupo. A pergunta era: «Etes-vous pour le retour au 39 heures hebdomadaire, payés 37 heures entre 2016 et 2019, en échange du maintien de votre emploi jusqu’en 2020 ?» (Você é a favor do retorno à 39 horas semanais, a pagar 37 horas entre 2016 e 2019, em troca de manter o seu emprego até 2020?), implica a uma diminuição em salários por hora. Conforme destacado no jornal ''Lutte Ouvrière'' (Luta Operária), o aumento das horários de 35 a 39 horas, em alguns casos, poderia levar a uma remuneração de 5,19 euros por hora, inferior ao salário mínimo interprofissional Cependant, no entanto, de acordo com a direção do sociedade, isso equivale a aumentar o tempo de trabalho em 12% nos salários crescente em 6%. A consulta envolveu 800 funcionários e teve uma taxa de participação de 93,3%, a abstenção é inferior a 7%! Os sindicatos consideram que esta consulta clivada funcionários. Porém, uma diferença entre a categoria abriu diferente de funcionários. O «sim» a uma maioria entre os 385 diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores consultado com 74% a favor. Mas os eleitores trabalhadores eram apenas 39% a responder favoravelmente a um movimento de 39 horas. Categoria consultas/elenco     oui (sim)     non (não) diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores    385 '''74%''' 26% trabalhadores 367 39% '''61%''' «Com esta consulta, a direção já criou dois clãs na fábrica, ele vai encontrar uma solução para os colaboradores deste local não rasgar uns aos outros para o além», anunciou Gilles Hemmerling, presidente da CFE-CGC em Lorraine. A direção do grupo congratula-se com o resultado favorável da votação: «Este resultado confirma o engajamento de seus companheiros em favor da usina de Hambach». No entanto, nenhum acordo deverá entrar em vigor sem o acordo das associações representativas dos assalariados. No entanto, as reacções são contraditórias como mostram pelos dois exemplos que se seguem: Os empregados já têm a garantia de ter seus empregos mantidos até 2020. «A duração legal do tempo de trabalho não vai mudar», respondeu François Hollande, presidente francês. Ele especifica que as empresas poderiam «mais» negociar o tempo de trabalho.
Le Monde | 10.09.2015 à 11h47 • Mis à jour le 11.09.2015 à 07h56 | Par Philippe Jacqué « Etes-vous pour le retour au 39 heures hebdomadaire, payés 37 heures entre 2016 et 2019, en échange du maintien de votre emploi jusqu’en 2020 ? » C’est à cette question que les 800 salariés directs de l’usine Smart à Hambach (Moselle), filiale du groupe Daimler, devront répondre vendredi 11 septembre. Quelques jours avant le « sondage » organisé par la direction à la demande de la CFE-CGC et de la CFTC, trois des quatre syndicats du site, représentant plus de 65 % des voix aux élections professionnelles ont d’ores et déjà donné leur consigne : il faut voter non. La CGT, la CFDT et la CFTC refusent d’adhérer au « pacte 2020 » proposé par la direction du site en juin à l’ouverture des négociations annuelles obligatoires. La CFE-CGC est plus ouverte à cet accord qui assurerait la pérennité de l’usine, qui vient de souffler ses 18 bougies. L’âge de la maturité. « Le compte n’y est pas » Pour convaincre ses salariés, la direction, qui avait fait une première proposition en juin, a adouci sa version. Celle-ci prévoit qu’au premier octobre 2015, le temps de travail passerait transitoirement à 37 heures hebdomadaire, du premier octobre 2016 à fin septembre 2018, les salariés travailleraient 39 heures, avant de redescendre sur deux ans aux actuels 35 heures. « Pour l’instant, la loi ne nous autorise pas à déroger de manière permanente aux 35 heuros », regrette Philippe Steyer, le directeur des ressources humaines du site. Pour les cadres et techniciens, le nombre de RTT passeront de 20 à 10 jours sur l’année. Financièrement, chaque salarié obtiendrait 120 euros brut supplémentaire par mois, soit 80 euros net ou 6% du salaire de base au sein de l’usine, ainsi qu’une prime de mille euros, versée en deux fois. « Le compte n’y est pas, assure Didier Getrey, de la CFDT métallurgie. Si l’on augmente le temps de travail de quelques 18 heures par mois, les salariés devraient être payés bien plus. Nous avons calculé que d’ici 2020; si l’accord est accepté, les salariés devraient perdre environ 5000 euros, ce n’est pas négligeable ». Le syndicaliste est d’autant plus opposé à ce pacte 2020 que « tous les voyants sont actuellement au vert et qu’un accord de compétitivité peut s’envisager quand l’entreprise est en difficultés. Et que la charge du site devrait augmenter progressivement jusqu’en 2017. En augmentant le temps de travail, le site va supprimer de nombreux postes d’intérimaires... » Dans son pacte « 2020 », la direction de l’usine propose en fait l’embauche définitive d’ici 2017 d’un tiers des 160 intérimaires travaillant actuellement dans l’usine pour accompagner la production de la troisième génération de Smart Fortwo. « Chez Smart, tous les voyants sont au vert, reconnaît Philippe Steyer, le directeur des ressources humaines. C’est donc le bon moment pour améliorer notre compétitivité afin d’assurer d’obtenir la génération suivante de la Smart. » Les syndicats auront le dernier mot La contrainte vient en fait de Daimler qui souhaite améliorer la compétitivité de l’ensemble de ses sites. « A Hambach, la baisse de la masse salariale n’est pas le seul levier d’amélioration de la compétitivité du site, ajoute Philippe Steyer. Nous développons en parallèle des plans pour augmenter à la fois la qualité et la productivité, hors coûts salariaux. Dans ces conditions, nous serons bien placés pour accueillir la quatrième génération de la Smart, dont l’attribution sera décidée d’ici la fin de la décennie. » A cet horizon, le site d’Hambach pourrait devoir batailler avec des sites de... Renault. Pour le lancement de la dernière génération de sa Smart, Daimler s’est en effet associé à Renault. La Twingo et les Fortwo et Forfour (une Smart à quatre places) partagent le même soubassement technique. Et la Forfour est produite sur la même ligne de production que sa cousine au losange dans l’usine slovène de Renault de Novo Mesto, aux coûts salariaux plus serrés. Le vote de vendredi reste cependant consultatif. Ce sont les syndicats qui auront le dernier mot. Pour passer, cet accord doit être soutenu par une ou plusieurs organisations représentant plus de 30 % des voix aux dernières élections professionnelles. La CGC-CFE ne pourrait atteindre seul ce niveau. En revanche, associé à la CFTC, l’accord pourrait être validé. L’accord peut être en revanche bloqué par des organisations syndicales représentant au moins 51%. La CFDT et la CGT détiennent à eux deux plus de 50 % des voix.
left Os 800 funcionários da fábrica Smart France em Hambach (Maselha), estabelecimento onde são produzidos carros inteligentes de dois lugares desde 1997, com 100.000 unidades de veículos produzidos anualmente, votaram na sexta-feira 11 de setembro um plano proposto pelo Conselho Executivo do Grupo montadora alemã Daimler é voltar temporariamente para 39 horas, em troca de emprego continuado até 2020. 56% dos empregados eram a favor. Enquanto o debate sobre a reforma do direito do trabalho se intensifica na França. Os funcionários da Smart são convidados a dizer «oui» (sim) ou «non» (não) ao acordo proposto pela gestão do grupo. A pergunta era: «Etes-vous pour le retour au 39 heures hebdomadaire, payés 37 heures entre 2016 et 2019, en échange du maintien de votre emploi jusqu’en 2020 ?» (Você é a favor do retorno à 39 horas semanais, a pagar 37 horas entre 2016 e 2019, em troca de manter o seu emprego até 2020?), implica a uma diminuição em salários por hora. Conforme destacado no jornal ''Lutte Ouvrière'' (Luta Operária), o aumento das horários de 35 a 39 horas, em alguns casos, poderia levar a uma remuneração de 5,19 euros por hora, inferior ao salário mínimo interprofissional Cependant, no entanto, de acordo com a direção do sociedade, isso equivale a aumentar o tempo de trabalho em 12% nos salários crescente em 6%. A consulta envolveu 800 funcionários e teve uma taxa de participação de 93,3%, a abstenção é inferior a 7%! Os sindicatos consideram que esta consulta clivada funcionários. Porém, uma diferença entre a categoria abriu diferente de funcionários. O «sim» a uma maioria entre os 385 diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores consultado com 74% a favor. Mas os eleitores trabalhadores eram apenas 39% a responder favoravelmente a um movimento de 39 horas. Categoria consultas/elenco     oui (sim)     non (não) diretores, funcionários, técnicos e supervisores    385 '''74%''' 26% trabalhadores 367 39% '''61%''' «Com esta consulta, a direção já criou dois clãs na fábrica, ele vai encontrar uma solução para os colaboradores deste local não rasgar uns aos outros para o além», anunciou Gilles Hemmerling, presidente da CFE-CGC em Lorraine. A direção do grupo congratula-se com o resultado favorável da votação: «Este resultado confirma o engajamento de seus companheiros em favor da usina de Hambach». No entanto, nenhum acordo deverá entrar em vigor sem o acordo das associações representativas dos assalariados. No entanto, as reacções são contraditórias como mostram pelos dois exemplos que se seguem: Os empregados já têm a garantia de ter seus empregos mantidos até 2020. «A duração legal do tempo de trabalho não vai mudar», respondeu François Hollande, presidente francês. Ele especifica que as empresas poderiam «mais» negociar o tempo de trabalho.
AIDS' Site of Vulnerability Found AIDS virus handshakes with the cells it attacks - this was revealed by scientists who managed to capture the image of such biological handshaking. The scientists say this discovery gives them a hope to find a vaccine against the deadly disease which very easily transmits through sexual intercourse. They revealed that there is a place on the outside of the HIV which might be vulnerable to antibodies that can prevent it from infecting human cells. The study on this matter published in the journal Nature is said to be likely to reveal the long-sought „site of vulnerability“ of the human immunodificiency virus. This vulnerable site can be targeted with a special vaccine which prevents infection. According to U. S National Institutes of Health researcher Peter Kwong, the discovery definitely means that a vaccine against AIDS is no more only a dream. It is really possible, though it is not found yet. Scientists agree that nothing but a vaccine can stop the spread of AIDS which is to blame of death of more than 25 million people throughout the world since it was for the first time in 1981. Today there are about 40 million people living with HIV, the majority being concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa. Thought today dozens of possible vaccines are in development, there are only two AIDS vaccine candidates today. These are vaccines made by Merck and Co. and by Sanofi-Aventis SA. The main difficulty in finding a vaccine against HIV is that the virus attacks immune systém cells. Researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases managed to make images of the virus and to reveal the structure of protein on the virus' s surface.This protein called gp120 is bound to an infection-fighting antibody and seems to be susceptible to this antibody's attacks. This antibody is called b12 and it can neutralize the virus. Scientists revealed a definite interaction. The virus tries to grab the cells sent by the body to protect it and to infect them. The first contact between the cells and the virus is like cautions handshake which than becomes like bear hug. HIV uses gp120 to get entry into the cells it infects. The scientists found that antibody gp120 is capable to block this process. The worst thing is that HIV mutates very quickly and neutralizes the immune systém's efforts to target it. As well it prevents antibodies from blocking the proteins which the virus uses to infect a cell. This makes it clear that though the findings are of very great importance, much work in human studies is needed. Any vaccine against AIDS is years away, so all measures to prevent it, like use of condoms, must be taken.
Scientists have discovered a place on the outside part of AIDS virus that might be vulnerable to antibodies blocking the virus from infecting human cells. This could mean that an anti-HIV vaccine is possible in the future. According to Peter Kwong, researcher at U.S National Institute of Health (NIH), this study is likely to contribute to finding HIV's "site of vulnerability" which could then be targeted with a vaccine that prevents the initial infection. human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The team of researchers have made atomic-level images of HIV and revealed the structure of a protein on the surface of the virus. This protein, called gp120, binds to an infection-fighting antibody and seems to be susceptible to attacks by this antibody called 'b12'. B12 can broadly neutralize the virus. Researchers detailed the precise interaction as the virus tries to hook on to and infect cells sent to protect the body. They have captured an image of how the virus of human immunodeficiency attacks the human cells. Dr. Gary Nabel, an NIH vaccine expert and a co-author of the research, describes this first contact between the virus and the cells as a 'cautious handshake' which then becomes a 'hearty bear hug'. The virus grabs and infects the cells that are aimed at protecting the body. Then the virus mutates quickly to fight the immune system's attacks as well as to counter the effect of antibodies that block the proteins with help of which HIV binds to a cell to infect it. Scientists agree that a vaccine against AIDS would be an ideal way to stop the pandemic of this disease, but, with all importance of these findings, much work and studies are still needed. This implies that any vaccine against AIDS is probably still many years away. The AIDS virus has killed more than 25 million people since it was first detected in 1981. Sub-Saharan Africa is the most severely affected by the epidemic. Approximately 40 million people live with HIV. About a dozen potential vaccines are currently under development. Two products, one by Merck and one by Sanofi-Aventis, are now in advanced human trials.
By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Scientists have captured an image of the AIDS virus in a biological handshake with the immune cells it attacks, and said on Wednesday they hope this can help lead to a better vaccine against the incurable disease. They pinpointed a place on the outside of the human immunodeficiency virus that could be vulnerable to antibodies that could block it from infecting human cells. U.S. National Institutes of Health researcher Peter Kwong said the study, published in the journal Nature, may reveal HIV's long-sought "site of vulnerability" that can be targeted with a vaccine aimed at preventing initial infection. "Having that site and knowing that you can make antibodies against it means that a vaccine is possible," Kwong said in a telephone interview. "It doesn't say we've gotten there. But it's taken it off the list from an impossible dream and converted it to something that is a (mere) technical barrier." Experts agree that a vaccine is the only hope of stopping the pandemic of AIDS, which has killed more than 25 million people since it was first recognized in 1981. About 40 million people now live with HIV, with sub-Saharan Africa hardest hit. But while dozens of potential vaccines are in development, only two AIDS vaccine candidates are in advanced human trials -- one made by Merck and Co. and another by Sanofi-Aventis SA. Continued...
Scientists have discovered a place on the outside part of AIDS virus that might be vulnerable to antibodies blocking the virus from infecting human cells. This could mean that an anti-HIV vaccine is possible in the future. According to Peter Kwong, researcher at U.S National Institute of Health (NIH), this study is likely to contribute to finding HIV's "site of vulnerability" which could then be targeted with a vaccine that prevents the initial infection. human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The team of researchers have made atomic-level images of HIV and revealed the structure of a protein on the surface of the virus. This protein, called gp120, binds to an infection-fighting antibody and seems to be susceptible to attacks by this antibody called 'b12'. B12 can broadly neutralize the virus. Researchers detailed the precise interaction as the virus tries to hook on to and infect cells sent to protect the body. They have captured an image of how the virus of human immunodeficiency attacks the human cells. Dr. Gary Nabel, an NIH vaccine expert and a co-author of the research, describes this first contact between the virus and the cells as a 'cautious handshake' which then becomes a 'hearty bear hug'. The virus grabs and infects the cells that are aimed at protecting the body. Then the virus mutates quickly to fight the immune system's attacks as well as to counter the effect of antibodies that block the proteins with help of which HIV binds to a cell to infect it. Scientists agree that a vaccine against AIDS would be an ideal way to stop the pandemic of this disease, but, with all importance of these findings, much work and studies are still needed. This implies that any vaccine against AIDS is probably still many years away. The AIDS virus has killed more than 25 million people since it was first detected in 1981. Sub-Saharan Africa is the most severely affected by the epidemic. Approximately 40 million people live with HIV. About a dozen potential vaccines are currently under development. Two products, one by Merck and one by Sanofi-Aventis, are now in advanced human trials.
Nature 445, 732-737 (15 February 2007) | doi :10.1038/nature05580; Received 2 November 2006; Accepted 8 January 2007 Tongqing Zhou1, Ling Xu1, Barna Dey1, Ann J. Hessell3, Donald Van Ryk2, Shi-Hua Xiang4, Xinzhen Yang4, Mei-Yun Zhang5, Michael B. Zwick3, James Arthos2, Dennis R. Burton3, Dimiter S. Dimitrov5, Joseph Sodroski4, Richard Wyatt1, Gary J. Nabel1 and Peter D. Kwong1 of page Abstract The remarkable diversity, glycosylation and conformational flexibility of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope (Env), including substantial rearrangement of the gp120 glycoprotein upon binding the CD4 receptor, allow it to evade antibody-mediated neutralization. Despite this complexity, the HIV-1 Env must retain conserved determinants that mediate CD4 binding. To evaluate how these determinants might provide opportunities for antibody recognition, we created variants of gp120 stabilized in the CD4-bound state, assessed binding of CD4 and of receptor-binding-site antibodies, and determined the structure at 2.3 Å resolution of the broadly neutralizing antibody b12 in complex with gp120. b12 binds to a conformationally invariant surface that overlaps a distinct subset of the CD4-binding site. This surface is involved in the metastable attachment of CD4, before the gp120 rearrangement required for stable engagement. A site of vulnerability, related to a functional requirement for efficient association with CD4, can therefore be targeted by antibody to neutralize HIV-1.
Scientists have discovered a place on the outside part of AIDS virus that might be vulnerable to antibodies blocking the virus from infecting human cells. This could mean that an anti-HIV vaccine is possible in the future. According to Peter Kwong, researcher at U.S National Institute of Health (NIH), this study is likely to contribute to finding HIV's "site of vulnerability" which could then be targeted with a vaccine that prevents the initial infection. human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The team of researchers have made atomic-level images of HIV and revealed the structure of a protein on the surface of the virus. This protein, called gp120, binds to an infection-fighting antibody and seems to be susceptible to attacks by this antibody called 'b12'. B12 can broadly neutralize the virus. Researchers detailed the precise interaction as the virus tries to hook on to and infect cells sent to protect the body. They have captured an image of how the virus of human immunodeficiency attacks the human cells. Dr. Gary Nabel, an NIH vaccine expert and a co-author of the research, describes this first contact between the virus and the cells as a 'cautious handshake' which then becomes a 'hearty bear hug'. The virus grabs and infects the cells that are aimed at protecting the body. Then the virus mutates quickly to fight the immune system's attacks as well as to counter the effect of antibodies that block the proteins with help of which HIV binds to a cell to infect it. Scientists agree that a vaccine against AIDS would be an ideal way to stop the pandemic of this disease, but, with all importance of these findings, much work and studies are still needed. This implies that any vaccine against AIDS is probably still many years away. The AIDS virus has killed more than 25 million people since it was first detected in 1981. Sub-Saharan Africa is the most severely affected by the epidemic. Approximately 40 million people live with HIV. About a dozen potential vaccines are currently under development. Two products, one by Merck and one by Sanofi-Aventis, are now in advanced human trials.
Die Reform des Kinderbetreuungsgeldes ist in der Koalition noch Verhandlungsgegenstand. Im Familienministerium wurden zuletzt noch die zahlreichen Stellungnahmen aus der Begutachtungsphase zur Gesetzesmaterie gesichtet. Das Frauenministerium wiederum pocht auf Änderungen beim Papa-Monat, der nun „Familienzeit“ heißt. Ob die Neuerungen am Dienstag bereits in den Ministerrat kommen, ist offen. Zahlreiche kritische Stellungnahmen Über 50 Stellungnahmen wurden laut Familienressort zu den neuen Bestimmungen abgegeben. Mitunter waren diese recht kritisch, häufig moniert wurde etwa, dass es für die Familienzeit keinen arbeitsrechtlichen Schutz geben soll. Im Gegensatz dazu begrüßen Wirtschaftskammer und Industriellenvereinigung genau das und werten positiv, dass auf die Unternehmen keine weiteren Belastungen zukommen. Anfang der Woche wird Familienministerin Sophie Karmasin (ÖVP) noch mit ihrer „Spiegelministerin“ Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek (SPÖ) verhandeln. Die Chefin des Frauenressorts will noch Nachschärfungen bei der Reform und forderte beim Papa-Monat etwa den erwähnten arbeitsrechtlichen Schutz. „Ein Rechtsanspruch wäre mir am liebsten“, erklärte Karmasin gegenüber der APA. Wenn schon die Familienzeit kommt und das die Väterbeteiligung an der Kinderbetreuung erhöhen soll, dann sollen Väter diese Möglichkeit auch tatsächlich wahrnehmen können. Anderenfalls befürchtet die Ministerin, dass die Familienzeit zu wenig in Anspruch genommen wird. Ähnlich klang es beim ÖGB. Vizepräsidentin und Frauenchefin Renate Anderl kritisierte, dass es beim Familienzeitbonus keinen Rechtsanspruch, keinen Kündigungsschutz, keine Sozialversicherung für diese Zeit und vor allem keine flexible Dauer gibt. Neuregelung soll ab 1. Jänner 2017 gelten Das neue Kinderbetreuungsgeld soll für Geburten ab 1. Jänner 2017 gelten. Kern der Reform ist, dass die bisher verfügbaren vier pauschalen Varianten in ein Konto verschmelzen. Die Bezugsdauer kann flexibel zwischen 365 und 851 Tagen (rund zwölf bis 28 Monate) für einen Elternteil bzw. zwischen 456 und 1.063 Tagen (15,5 bis 35 Monate) für beide Elternteile gewählt werden. Unabhängig von der Bezugsdauer gibt es innerhalb einer vergleichbaren Gruppe die gleiche Gesamtsumme von maximal 16.449 Euro (inkl. Partnerschaftsbonus). Das einkommensabhängige Kinderbetreuungsgeld bleibt aber auch bestehen.
Das schwedische Kernkraft „Forsmark I“ wurde heute erneut wegen eines Sicherheitsproblems abgeschaltet. Das nicht genauer beschriebene Problem müsse erst untersucht werden, wie es in einer Pressemeldung der schwedischen Nachrichtenagentur Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå (TT) hieß. Es wird damit gerechnet, dass das KKW „Forsmark I“ frühestens am Dienstag wieder hochgefahren werden kann. In Schweden mussten dieses Jahr bereits mehrfach Kernkraftwerke wegen technischer Probleme vorübergehend abgeschaltet werden. Im August war das Kernkraftwerk Oskarshamn betroffen. Im Juli war „Block I“ des Kernkraftwerks Forsmark wegen eines Kurzschlusses abgeschaltet worden. Daraufhin waren in Schweden mehrere baugleiche Reaktoren ebenfalls vom Netz genommen worden, um sie einer Sicherheitsüberprüfung zu unterziehen.
Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Renowned US novelist John Updike has died at the age of 76, his publisher has announced. He had been suffering from lung cancer. Updike won many top literary prizes, including Pulitzers for two volumes of his famous Rabbit series. In about 50 books over half a century, he chronicled sex, divorce and other aspects of life in post-war America. He once told an interviewer that his subject was "the American small town, Protestant middle class". He died in a hospice near his home in Beverly Farms, Massachussetts, his publisher said. The son of a schoolmaster, Updike was born in Pennsylvania in 1932 and, after attending Harvard, spent a year as an art student in Oxford in the UK. Later he joined the staff of the New Yorker magazine, to which he contributed numerous poems, essays and short stories. Updike's first novel, The Poorhouse Fair, was published in 1959. The following year, though, saw the publication of the book which established him as one of the greatest novelists of his age, Rabbit, Run. PROMINENT UPDIKE NOVELS Rabbit, Run, 1960 Couples, 1968 Rabbit Redux, 1971 The Witches of Eastwick, 1984 Memories of the Ford Administration, 1992 Obituary: John Updike Updike in his own words Life in pictures John Updike: Your views It marked the debut of his most enduring character, Harold "Rabbit" Angstrom. In the following decades he would write sequels, including Rabbit Redux, Rabbit is Rich and Rabbit at Rest, charting the course of a man's life - his job, marriage, affairs, minor triumphs and death. The death was announced by publisher Alfred A Knopf. "He was one of our greatest writers and he will be sorely missed," Knopf publicity director Nicholas Latimer said. In an interview, Updike explained why most of his novels were about the lives of ordinary Americans. "The writer must face the fact that ordinary lives are what most people live most of the time, and that the novel as a narration of the fantastic and the adventurous is really an escapist plot; that aesthetically the ordinary, the banal, is what you must deal with." Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. In September 2001, Updike was visiting relatives in New York when he found himself witnessing the attack on the World Trade Centre. The experience led to one of his last novels, Terrorist, in which he imagined the life of a radicalised American Muslim. "To actually be seeing it not a mile away was very moving, very disturbing, very unsettling. It's like the bottom fell out of your own existence, somehow." Updike also wrote The Witches of Eastwick in 1984, which was made into a film starring Jack Nicholson, Cher, Michelle Pfeiffer and Susan Sarandon. Send us your comments about John Updike and his legacy using the form below. Name Your E-mail address Town & Country Phone number (optional): Comments The BBC may edit your comments and not all emails will be published. Your comments may be published on any BBC media worldwide. Terms & Conditions Bookmark with: Delicious Digg reddit Facebook StumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version
Updike ''(left)'', with Mrs Barbara and President George H W Bush on 17 November 1989 Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist John Updike has died of lung cancer at a hospice near his home in Beverly Farms, Massachusetts. He was 76. Born John Hoyer Updike in Reading, Pennsylvania in 1932, he documented ordinary — if highly sexualized — American life in around 50 works, beginning with ''The Poorhouse Fair'' in 1959. He once said that his books were about "the American small town, Protestant middle class". The son of a Pennsylvania school teacher who worked in the holidays as a laborer, he was educated at Harvard University — where he edited the magazine Lampoon — and United Kingdom's The Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art. From there, he went on to write for ''The New Yorker''. After ''The Poorhouse Fair'', he introduced the character of Harold 'Rabbit' Angstrom in his 1960 work ''Rabbit, Run''. His two Pulitzer prizes were won for further books featuring the character: ''Rabbit Is Rich'' and ''Rabbit at Rest''. His 1984 novel ''The Witches of Eastwick'' was made into a film starring Jack Nicholson, Cher and Susan Sarandon. His work drew criticism as well as awards, not least for his depiction of female characters and voyeuristic passages describing rape. He was ambivalent about his reputation, noting in his 1989 autobiography ''Self-Consciousness'' that he was aware of "my ponderously growing ''oeuvre'', dragging behind me like an ever-heavier tail". As well as the Pulitzer prizes, Updike won many literary awards, including the National Medal for Humanities in 2003. He was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Updike had two daughters, Elizabeth and Miranda, and two sons, David and Michael, by his first wife Mary. His second wife Martha survives him.
John Updike, prize-winning writer, dead at age 76 NEW YORK (AP) — John Updike, the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist, prolific man of letters and erudite chronicler of sex, divorce and other adventures in the postwar prime of the American empire, died Tuesday at age 76. Updike, a resident of Beverly Farms, Mass., died of lung cancer, according to a statement from his publisher, Alfred A. Knopf. A literary writer who frequently appeared on best-seller lists, the tall, hawk-nosed Updike wrote novels, short stories, poems, criticism, the memoir "Self-Consciousness" and even a famous essay about baseball great Ted Williams. He was prolific, even compulsive, releasing more than 50 books in a career that started in the 1950s. Updike won virtually every literary prize, including two Pulitzers, for "Rabbit Is Rich" and "Rabbit at Rest," and two National Book Awards. Although himself deprived of a Nobel, he did bestow it upon one of his fictional characters, Henry Bech, the womanizing, egotistical Jewish novelist who collected the literature prize in 1999. His settings ranged from the court of "Hamlet" to postcolonial Africa, but his literary home was the American suburb. Born in 1932, Updike spoke for millions of Depression-era readers raised by "penny-pinching parents," united by "the patriotic cohesion of World War II" and blessed by a "disproportionate share of the world's resources," the postwar, suburban boom of "idealistic careers and early marriages." He captured, and sometimes embodied, a generation's confusion over the civil rights and women's movements, and opposition to the Vietnam War. Updike was called a misogynist, a racist and an apologist for the establishment. On purely literary grounds, he was attacked by Norman Mailer as the kind of author appreciated by readers who knew nothing about writing. But more often he was praised for his flowing, poetic writing style. Describing a man's interrupted quest to make love, Updike likened it "to a small angel to which all afternoon tiny lead weights are attached." Nothing was too great or too small for Updike to poeticize. He might rhapsodize over the film projector's "chuckling whir" or look to the stars and observe that "the universe is perfectly transparent: we exist as flaws in ancient glass." In the richest detail, his books recorded the extremes of earthly desire and spiritual zealotry, whether the comic philandering of the preacher in "A Month of Sundays" or the steady rage of the young Muslim in "Terrorist." Raised in the Protestant community of Shillington, Pa., where the Lord's Prayer was recited daily at school, Updike was a lifelong churchgoer influenced by his faith, but not immune to doubts. "I remember the times when I was wrestling with these issues that I would feel crushed. I was crushed by the purely materialistic, atheistic account of the universe," Updike told The Associated Press during a 2006 interview. "I am very prone to accept all that the scientists tell us, the truth of it, the authority of the efforts of all the men and woman spent trying to understand more about atoms and molecules. But I can't quite make the leap of unfaith, as it were, and say, `This is it. Carpe diem (seize the day), and tough luck.'" He received his greatest acclaim for the "Rabbit" series, a quartet of novels published over a 30-year span that featured ex-high school basketball star Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom and his restless adjustment to adulthood and the constraints of work and family. To the very end, Harry was in motion, an innocent in his belief that any door could be opened, a believer in God even as he bedded women other than his wife. "The tetralogy to me is the tale of a life, a life led an American citizen who shares the national passion for youth, freedom, and sex, the national openness and willingness to learn, the national habit of improvisation," Updike would later write. "He is furthermore a Protestant, haunted by a God whose manifestations are elusive, yet all-important." Other notable books included "Couples," a sexually explicit tale of suburban mating that sold millions of copies; "In the Beauty of the Lilies," an epic of American faith and fantasy; and "Too Far to Go, which followed the courtship, marriage and divorce of the Maples, a suburban couple with parallels to Updike's own first marriage. Plagued from an early age by asthma, psoriasis and a stammer, he found creative outlets in drawing and writing. Updike was born in Reading, Pa., his mother a department store worker who longed to write, his father a high school teacher remembered with sadness and affection in "The Centaur," a novel published in 1964. The author brooded over his father's low pay and mocking students, but also wrote of a childhood of "warm and action-packed houses that accommodated the presence of a stranger, my strange ambition to be glamorous." For Updike, the high life meant books, such as the volumes of P.G. Wodehouse and Robert Benchley he borrowed from the library as a child, or, as he later recalled, the "chastely severe, time-honored classics" he read in his dorm room at Harvard University, leaning back in his "wooden Harvard chair," cigarette in hand. While studying on full scholarship at Harvard, he headed the staff of the Harvard Lampoon and met the woman who became his first wife, Mary Entwistle Pennington, whom he married in June 1953, a year before he earned his A.B. degree summa cum laude. (Updike divorced Pennington in 1975 and was remarried two years later, to Martha Bernhard). After graduating, he accepted a one-year fellowship to study painting at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Arts at Oxford University. During his stay in England, a literary idol, E.B. White, offered him a position at The New Yorker, where he served briefly as foreign books reviewer. Many of Updike's reviews and short stories were published in The New Yorker, often edited by White's stepson, Roger Angell. By the end of the 1950s, Updike had published a story collection, a book of poetry and his first novel, "The Poorhouse Fair," soon followed by the first of the Rabbit books, "Rabbit, Run." Praise came so early and so often that New York Times critic Arthur Mizener worried that Updike's "natural talent" was exposing him "from an early age to a great deal of head-turning praise." Updike learned to write about everyday life by, in part, living it. In 1957, he left New York, with its "cultural hassle" and melting pot of "agents and wisenheimers," and settled with his first wife and four kids in Ipswich, Mass, a "rather out-of-the-way town" about 30 miles north of Boston. "The real America seemed to me 'out there,' too heterogeneous and electrified by now to pose much threat of the provinciality that people used to come to New York to escape," Updike later wrote. "There were also practical attractions: free parking for my car, public education for my children, a beach to tan my skin on, a church to attend without seeming too strange."
Updike ''(left)'', with Mrs Barbara and President George H W Bush on 17 November 1989 Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist John Updike has died of lung cancer at a hospice near his home in Beverly Farms, Massachusetts. He was 76. Born John Hoyer Updike in Reading, Pennsylvania in 1932, he documented ordinary — if highly sexualized — American life in around 50 works, beginning with ''The Poorhouse Fair'' in 1959. He once said that his books were about "the American small town, Protestant middle class". The son of a Pennsylvania school teacher who worked in the holidays as a laborer, he was educated at Harvard University — where he edited the magazine Lampoon — and United Kingdom's The Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art. From there, he went on to write for ''The New Yorker''. After ''The Poorhouse Fair'', he introduced the character of Harold 'Rabbit' Angstrom in his 1960 work ''Rabbit, Run''. His two Pulitzer prizes were won for further books featuring the character: ''Rabbit Is Rich'' and ''Rabbit at Rest''. His 1984 novel ''The Witches of Eastwick'' was made into a film starring Jack Nicholson, Cher and Susan Sarandon. His work drew criticism as well as awards, not least for his depiction of female characters and voyeuristic passages describing rape. He was ambivalent about his reputation, noting in his 1989 autobiography ''Self-Consciousness'' that he was aware of "my ponderously growing ''oeuvre'', dragging behind me like an ever-heavier tail". As well as the Pulitzer prizes, Updike won many literary awards, including the National Medal for Humanities in 2003. He was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Updike had two daughters, Elizabeth and Miranda, and two sons, David and Michael, by his first wife Mary. His second wife Martha survives him.
BOSTON (Reuters) - John Updike, a leading writer of his generation who chronicled the drama of small-town American life with flowing and vivid prose, wit and a frank eye for sex, died on Tuesday of lung cancer. He was 76. "It is with great sadness that I report that John Updike died this morning," said Nicholas Latimer of Alfred A. Knopf, a unit of Random House. "He was one of our greatest writers, and he will be sorely missed." The Pulitzer Prize-winning author died in a hospice in Massachusetts, the state where he lived for more than half a century, prolific in his writing of novels, short stories, essays and criticism. Updike's stories often focused on undercurrents of tension masked by the mundane surface of suburban America, which boomed in 1960s and 1970s as his career was taking off. Ripples of sexual tension were frequent. An early short story, "A&P," chronicled an adolescent boy's inner turmoil when three bikini-clad teenage girls appeared in the supermarket where he worked. "It's one thing to have a girl in a bathing suit down on the beach," Updike wrote, "and another thing in the cool of the A&P, under the fluorescent lights, against all those stacked packages, with her feet paddling along naked over our checkerboard green-and-cream rubber-tile floor." Updike's frank focus on sex came before the profound changes in U.S. culture of the late 1960s lifted some of the taboo from the topic. His publisher rewrote portions of his second novel, "Rabbit, Run," before its first printing out of fear of being charged with obscenity. That novel introduced the fictional hero Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom, the subject of four Updike novels and a novella over four decades, which won him two Pulitzer Prizes for fiction. 'AMONG THE VERY BEST' Updike was acclaimed nearly as much for his short stories, poetry and critical essays as for his 28 novels. More than 800 Updike stories, reviews, poems and articles were published in The New Yorker magazine from 1954 through 2008. Many American readers strongly associated Updike with that publication. "Even though his literary career transcended any magazine -- he was obviously among the very best writers in the world -- he still loved writing for this weekly magazine, loved being part of an enterprise that he joined when he was so young," said David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker. "He was, for so long, the spirit of The New Yorker and it is very hard to imagine things without him." William Pritchard, a professor of English at Amherst College who studied and knew Updike, said Updike stood out for his versatility -- writing fiction, nonfiction and verse. "He stands, for me, at the very top of the practice of being a man of letters," Pritchard said. "Each activity was carried on with great intelligence and wit and love." 'MAKE EVERYTHING COUNT' Born in Reading, Pennsylvania, Updike studied English at Harvard University, where he contributed to, and later edited, the satirical Harvard Lampoon magazine. After a year studying at Oxford, Updike moved to New York where he worked for two years on the New Yorker's staff. In 1957 he moved his family to Ipswich, Massachusetts, a coastal town north of Boston, and later moved to nearby Beverly Farms. A New England flavor features in Updike's 1984 novel "The Witches of Eastwick," set in a fictional Rhode Island town, which was made into a commercially successful 1987 film starring Jack Nicholson and Cher. In a Reuters interview in 2005, he said his view of himself as a writer had changed in recent years as he produced an increasing volume of art and literary criticism and struggled with the short-story medium. When asked which genre he preferred, he paused. "If I had been asked that 10 years ago I would have said short stories is where I feel most at home. I'm not sure I do feel totally at home any more, whether I have maybe written all my short stories," he said. He was candid about the need to get writing published: "I've become much more of a book reviewer and an art reviewer for that matter than I ever planned to. At least there is a comfort when you sit down to write one of these that you'll be sure that it will get printed and you'll get paid for it. It's not the case with a short story." (Additional reporting by Michelle Nichols in New York, Editing by Jason Szep and Frances Kerry)
Updike ''(left)'', with Mrs Barbara and President George H W Bush on 17 November 1989 Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist John Updike has died of lung cancer at a hospice near his home in Beverly Farms, Massachusetts. He was 76. Born John Hoyer Updike in Reading, Pennsylvania in 1932, he documented ordinary — if highly sexualized — American life in around 50 works, beginning with ''The Poorhouse Fair'' in 1959. He once said that his books were about "the American small town, Protestant middle class". The son of a Pennsylvania school teacher who worked in the holidays as a laborer, he was educated at Harvard University — where he edited the magazine Lampoon — and United Kingdom's The Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art. From there, he went on to write for ''The New Yorker''. After ''The Poorhouse Fair'', he introduced the character of Harold 'Rabbit' Angstrom in his 1960 work ''Rabbit, Run''. His two Pulitzer prizes were won for further books featuring the character: ''Rabbit Is Rich'' and ''Rabbit at Rest''. His 1984 novel ''The Witches of Eastwick'' was made into a film starring Jack Nicholson, Cher and Susan Sarandon. His work drew criticism as well as awards, not least for his depiction of female characters and voyeuristic passages describing rape. He was ambivalent about his reputation, noting in his 1989 autobiography ''Self-Consciousness'' that he was aware of "my ponderously growing ''oeuvre'', dragging behind me like an ever-heavier tail". As well as the Pulitzer prizes, Updike won many literary awards, including the National Medal for Humanities in 2003. He was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Updike had two daughters, Elizabeth and Miranda, and two sons, David and Michael, by his first wife Mary. His second wife Martha survives him.
John Updike: Magisterial chronicler of The American Century John Updike's novels, magisterial dissections of the soul of post-World War II middle America, placed him at the very pinnacle of his profession. Works such as Couples and the Rabbit series chronicled the obsessions, passions and anxieties of three generations. Whether writing novels, short stories, essays or poems, John Updike's work always seemed to find the pulse of modern America. Often controversial, he remained at the cutting edge of literature into his 70s and, with his most celebrated character, Harold "Rabbit" Angstrom, he found an authentic 20th-Century everyman. The son of a schoolmaster, John Updike was born in Pennsylvania in March 1932 and, after attending Harvard, spent a year in the UK, as a student at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art at Oxford. Later he joined the staff of the New Yorker magazine, to which he contributed numerous poems, essays and short stories. Updike's first novel, The Poorhouse Fair, was published in 1959, to mixed, but generally favourable, reviews. The following year, though, saw the publication of the book which established him as one of the greatest novelists of his age. Rabbit, Run marked the debut of his most enduring, if not endearing, character, Harold "Rabbit" Angstrom. Updike's Rabbit novels spanned a generation In this and its sequels, Rabbit Redux, Rabbit is Rich and Rabbit at Rest - published at ten-yearly intervals - Updike charts the course of one man's life: his job, marriage, affairs, minor triumphs and death. The Rabbit novels, though, are as much about the changing soul of the United States as about any individual character. Even so, with all his petty failings and unrequited hopes, their main character presents not a mere cipher but a rounded, fully realised, portrait of a human being. Updike was clear about the focus of his work: "My subject is the American Protestant small town middle class." "I like middles. It is in middles that extremes clash, where ambiguity restlessly rules." During the mid-60s, works such as The Centaur and Of the Farm brought Updike critical acclaim but Couples, published in 1968, gave him his first popular success. Couples, has been called "the best-written dirty book since the Decameron" - but this does less than justice to either Updike or Boccaccio. Updike's themes, though American, were universal The theme of the book is indeed adultery, as practised by ten middle-class couples in a small New England town Though the author does not hesitate to give detailed descriptions of sexual intercourse, he does so with a lucidity and reverence that is completely removed from pornography. Altogether, John Updike published more than 50 novels: one of his novels about Harold Angstrom, Rabbit is Rich, won the 1982 Pulitzer Prize for fiction, while Rabbit at Rest won in 1993. Though often berated by critics for his seeming obsession with golf and sex, it is his mastery of the English language, its nuances, vagueries and sheer beauty, which brought John Updike millions of admirers. Bookmark with: Delicious Digg reddit Facebook StumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version
Updike ''(left)'', with Mrs Barbara and President George H W Bush on 17 November 1989 Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist John Updike has died of lung cancer at a hospice near his home in Beverly Farms, Massachusetts. He was 76. Born John Hoyer Updike in Reading, Pennsylvania in 1932, he documented ordinary — if highly sexualized — American life in around 50 works, beginning with ''The Poorhouse Fair'' in 1959. He once said that his books were about "the American small town, Protestant middle class". The son of a Pennsylvania school teacher who worked in the holidays as a laborer, he was educated at Harvard University — where he edited the magazine Lampoon — and United Kingdom's The Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art. From there, he went on to write for ''The New Yorker''. After ''The Poorhouse Fair'', he introduced the character of Harold 'Rabbit' Angstrom in his 1960 work ''Rabbit, Run''. His two Pulitzer prizes were won for further books featuring the character: ''Rabbit Is Rich'' and ''Rabbit at Rest''. His 1984 novel ''The Witches of Eastwick'' was made into a film starring Jack Nicholson, Cher and Susan Sarandon. His work drew criticism as well as awards, not least for his depiction of female characters and voyeuristic passages describing rape. He was ambivalent about his reputation, noting in his 1989 autobiography ''Self-Consciousness'' that he was aware of "my ponderously growing ''oeuvre'', dragging behind me like an ever-heavier tail". As well as the Pulitzer prizes, Updike won many literary awards, including the National Medal for Humanities in 2003. He was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Updike had two daughters, Elizabeth and Miranda, and two sons, David and Michael, by his first wife Mary. His second wife Martha survives him.
Audio El dolor y los recuerdos en la fila para ingresar a la Rosada. Por Fabricio Soza, desde la Plaza de Mayo. Incesante y plena de gestos de emoción, una multitud recorrió el Salón de los Patriotas Latinoamericanos para despedir al ex presidente Néstor Kirchner. Su esposa, la presidenta Cristina Kirchner, se mantuvo todo el día junto al féretro en compañía de sus hijos. Se retiró a descansar a Olivos recién poco antes de la medianoche. El desfile del público continuó, incesante y sentido. La capilla ardiente permaneció abierta hasta pasadas las 12 horas, cuando se inició el cortejo fúnebre dominado por la presencia de más gente y por la lluvia. Los restos de Kirchner serán trasladados hacia Aeroparque, desde donde partirá rumbo a Río Gallegos para el último adiós. La presencia de la gente se mantuvo constante durante todo el velatorio. Hubo momentos en que la cola para ingresar llegó hasta la 9 de Julio. Algunos gritaron consignas de apoyo a la mandataria, que muchas veces se acercó y los saludó afectivamente. La noche llegó junto con el cansancio y la distensión: militantes compartieron gritos y abrazos junto a Máximo Kirchner. Un barítono, además, sorprendió al entonar el Ave María. Si bien las puertas se abrieron a las 10, Cristina llegó después de las 11 a Casa de gobierno. Junto a la Presidenta, quien sólo se retiró algunos minutos a descansar, estuvieron a lo largo del día Florencia y Maximiliano Kirchner. Alrededor de ellos, los ministros del Gabinete y gobernadores. También estuvieron en el lugar, en forma alternada, varios presidentes sudamericanos. La titular de Desarrollo Social, Alicia Kirchner, también estuvo a la cabeza de la ceremonia. Se vieron gestos muy conmovidos y llanto, tanto de los cientos de personas que empezaron a pasar por el lugar como de algunas de las figuras políticas del oficialismo que estaban formadas junto al féretro con los restos del ex mandatario, que es velado a cajón cerrado. La hermana del ex presidente se llevó varias veces las manos al rostro en un gesto de incredulidad y dolor. A su lado, el gobernador mendocino Celso Jaque se enjugaba unas lágrimas. El ministro del Interior, Florencio Randazzo, fue otro de los que no ocultó expresiones de pena. Y uno de los pocos que habló fue Daniel Scioli: "Venimos a darle el último adiós a un gran argentino, un gran presidente, un gran peronista", dijo al ingresar a la Casa Rosada. La Presidenta fue conducida en helicóptero desde la Residencia de Olivos. Bajó a metros de la Casa de Gobierno en un movimiento rápido de su custodia. Algunos de los primeros en saludarla fueron el secretario general de la CGT, Hugo Moyano, y las titulares de Abuelas y Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Estela de Carlotto y Hebe de Bonafini. Con el correr de las horas se acercaron los primeros dirigentes de la oposición, Francisco de Narváez y Ricardo Alfonsín. Y los mandatarios críticos Mauricio Macri, Mario Das Neves y Hermes Binner. Algunos de los mandatarios latinoamericanos que trajeron sus condolencias fueron el boliviano Evo Morales, el ecuatoriano Rafael Correa, el uruguayo José Mujica, el colombiano Juan Manuel Santos, el venezolano Hugo Chávez, el brasileño Lula Da Silva y el chileno Sebastián Piñera.
La presidente y viuda del fallecido, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, junto al féretro expuesto en la Casa Rosada. Cientos de argentinos y argentinas acudieron hasta la Casa Rosada a darle el último adiós al ex presidente Néstor Kirchner. Al Salón de los Patriotas Latinoamericanos, habilitado como capilla ardiente, concurrieron multitudes para despedir al ex líder del Partido Justicialista, y para externar su apoyo a la presidente y viuda Cristina Fernández. Varios mandatarios y representantes diplomáticos de América Latina acudieron hasta la Casa Rosada a despedir a una de las figuras políticas más prominentes del país sudamericano y candidateado por distintas opiniones a las elecciones de 2011. Filas de simpatizantes se formaron desde una noche antes a las puertas de la Casa Rosada, que abrió sus puertas a las 10 de la mañana para dar paso a las expresiones de solidaridad. A las 11:20 de la mañana entró hasta el salón la presidente Cristina Kirchner, acompañada de sus hijos Máximo y Florencia, así como de su madre Ofelia Wilhem, haciéndose un mutis general en el salón. La viuda caminó hasta el féretro y lo acarició, permaneciendo en silencio por un breve tiempo. El silencio lo rompió una voz anónima que gritó "Viva Cristina, viva Néstor", momento en que fue secundado por los presentes y la presidente se recargó en el hombro de su hija. Hasta el salón llegaron los presidentes Hugo Chávez (Venezuela), Evo Morales (Bolivia), Fernando Lugo (Paraguay), José Mujica (Uruguay), Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia), Rafael Correa (Ecuador) y Sebastián Piñera (Chile), así como representantes diplomáticos de otras naciones como Patricia Espinosa, canciller de México. Concurrieron también a dar el pésame el líder sindical Hugo Moyano; Estela de Carlotto y Hebe de Bonafini, de las Abuelas y Madres de Plaza de Mayo, y el astro Diego Armando Maradona, quien dijo a la prensa haber platicado en días pasados con el fallecido sobre fútbol. "Argentina perdió a un gladiador, que se enojó, que siempre nos sacó del pozo y era respetable en todo", dijo Maradona al retirarse de la casa presidencial, citado por la agencia Télam. Durante el día expresaron sus condolencias cientos de argentinos y argentinas. Muchos expresaron su pesar directamente a la viuda y a sus hijos. Muchos no ocultaron el dolor que les produjo la pérdida de Kirchner y se mostraron acongojados y con lágrimas en el rostro. En la anexa Plaza de Mayo se dieron cita desde mediodía cientos de contingentes simpatizantes de Kirchner provenientes de sindicatos y agrupaciones políticas. En imágenes de la TV Pública Argentina, hasta las 11 de la noche de hoy, se observa como en el salón sigue el flujo contínuo de ciudadanos y hay gente en vela en la Plaza de Mayo. Se rompe en aplausos por momentos. El féretro permanecerá ahí hasta las 10 de la mañana, de donde partirá hacia su ciudad natal Río Gallegos, ubicada al sur de Argentina en la provincia de Santa Cruz. Ahí será inhumado cerca del mediodía. === Galería ===
Con la presencia de la actual presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, los restos del ex mandatario Néstor Kirchner comenzaron a ser velados desde esta mañana en la Casa Rosada. Pasadas las 10, como estaba previsto, se abrieron las puertas de la Casa de Gobierno para permitirle el ingreso a una multitud que aguardó toda la noche en inmediaciones de la Plaza de Mayo. Cerca de una hora y media después, aproximadamente a las 11.20, Cristina llegó al Salón de los Patriotas para sumarse al último adiós a Kirchner. De anteojos negros y acompañada por sus hijos Máximo y Florencia, y su madre, Ofelia Wilhelm, la presidenta se ubicó en silencio frente al féretro cerrado donde descansan los restos de su esposo y antecesor. Su hija, quien llegó pocas horas antes de Estados Unidos, se quedó a su lado y la abrazó emocionada cuando un hombre gritó: "Viva Cristina, viva Néstor". Quizá haciendo fuerza, la mandataria esbozó sonrisas ante los saludos y gritos de los ciudadanos que desfilaron ante el cajón cerrado de Néstor Kirchner, y hasta se abrazó con una pareja que se arrimó hasta ella. Máximo Kichner se le acercó un par de veces para intercambiar palabras, pero el resto del tiempo permaneció a un costado, vestido con el look informal tan propio de su padre: camisa a cuadros, una campera, y una barba de unos pocos días. Luego se fundió en un emotivo abrazo con la titular de Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, Estela de Carlotto. El gesto se repitió minutos después con la presidenta de Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Hebe de Bonafini, quien también se acercó hasta el Salón de los Patriotas Latinoamericanos para darle el último adiós al ex mandatario y expresarle sus condolencias a Cristina. La congoja visible descansó en los principales colaboradores: el jefe de Interior, Florencio Randazzo, lloró desconsolado en uno de los rincones del Salón, mientras que el canciller Héctor Timerman se mostró ensimismado. También cayeron lágrimas de los rostros de las actrices Andrea del Boca y Florencia Peña. Además de la mandataria, encabezan el funeral la hermana del Néstor Kirchner y ministra de Desarrollo Social Alicia Kirchner y el jefe de Gabinete Aníbal Fernández, entre otros funcionarios, dirigentes y gobernadores. El Salón de los Patriotas quedó chico ante la presencia de casi todo el elenco oficial (los ministros Randazzo, Timerman, Débora Giorgi, Aníbal Fernández, Nilda Garré, Julio Alak, la propia Alicia Kirchner), y los gobernadores Maurice Closs (Misiones), Daniel Scioli (Buenos Aires), Jorge Capitanich (El Chaco), José Luis Gioja (San Juan), Juan Schiaretti (Córdoba), entre otros. Pasado el mediodía, pudo apreciarse al diputado Ricardo Alfonsín, el otro referente de la oposición presente allí juntoa Francisco de Narváez, y al peronista histórico Antonio Cafiero. El primer presidente extranjero en llegar fue el boliviano Evo Morales, quien prefirió acercar el pésame a Máximo. Unos minutos más tarde ingresaría Rafael Correa (Ecuador). Detrás lo hicieron Sebastián Piñera (Chile) y José Mujica (Uruguay). Mientras tanto, el la puerta de la Casa Rosada, una multitud en aumento espera para ingresar a salón y darle el último adiós al ex presidente. Una larga espera de 19 horas permitió a Graciela Benítez ser la primera en despedirse de Kirchner. "Tengo mucho dolor pero también tengo esperanza porque estoy convencida que la posta hoy la tiene la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, porque Cristina y Néstor son una sola cosa", reflexionó la mujer envuelta en una bandera celeste y blanca.
La presidente y viuda del fallecido, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, junto al féretro expuesto en la Casa Rosada. Cientos de argentinos y argentinas acudieron hasta la Casa Rosada a darle el último adiós al ex presidente Néstor Kirchner. Al Salón de los Patriotas Latinoamericanos, habilitado como capilla ardiente, concurrieron multitudes para despedir al ex líder del Partido Justicialista, y para externar su apoyo a la presidente y viuda Cristina Fernández. Varios mandatarios y representantes diplomáticos de América Latina acudieron hasta la Casa Rosada a despedir a una de las figuras políticas más prominentes del país sudamericano y candidateado por distintas opiniones a las elecciones de 2011. Filas de simpatizantes se formaron desde una noche antes a las puertas de la Casa Rosada, que abrió sus puertas a las 10 de la mañana para dar paso a las expresiones de solidaridad. A las 11:20 de la mañana entró hasta el salón la presidente Cristina Kirchner, acompañada de sus hijos Máximo y Florencia, así como de su madre Ofelia Wilhem, haciéndose un mutis general en el salón. La viuda caminó hasta el féretro y lo acarició, permaneciendo en silencio por un breve tiempo. El silencio lo rompió una voz anónima que gritó "Viva Cristina, viva Néstor", momento en que fue secundado por los presentes y la presidente se recargó en el hombro de su hija. Hasta el salón llegaron los presidentes Hugo Chávez (Venezuela), Evo Morales (Bolivia), Fernando Lugo (Paraguay), José Mujica (Uruguay), Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia), Rafael Correa (Ecuador) y Sebastián Piñera (Chile), así como representantes diplomáticos de otras naciones como Patricia Espinosa, canciller de México. Concurrieron también a dar el pésame el líder sindical Hugo Moyano; Estela de Carlotto y Hebe de Bonafini, de las Abuelas y Madres de Plaza de Mayo, y el astro Diego Armando Maradona, quien dijo a la prensa haber platicado en días pasados con el fallecido sobre fútbol. "Argentina perdió a un gladiador, que se enojó, que siempre nos sacó del pozo y era respetable en todo", dijo Maradona al retirarse de la casa presidencial, citado por la agencia Télam. Durante el día expresaron sus condolencias cientos de argentinos y argentinas. Muchos expresaron su pesar directamente a la viuda y a sus hijos. Muchos no ocultaron el dolor que les produjo la pérdida de Kirchner y se mostraron acongojados y con lágrimas en el rostro. En la anexa Plaza de Mayo se dieron cita desde mediodía cientos de contingentes simpatizantes de Kirchner provenientes de sindicatos y agrupaciones políticas. En imágenes de la TV Pública Argentina, hasta las 11 de la noche de hoy, se observa como en el salón sigue el flujo contínuo de ciudadanos y hay gente en vela en la Plaza de Mayo. Se rompe en aplausos por momentos. El féretro permanecerá ahí hasta las 10 de la mañana, de donde partirá hacia su ciudad natal Río Gallegos, ubicada al sur de Argentina en la provincia de Santa Cruz. Ahí será inhumado cerca del mediodía. === Galería ===
KHIAM SOUTHERN LEBANON A BOMB’S ANATOMY By Flaviano Masella, Angelo Saso, Maurizio Torrealta The special report was triggered by the radioactivity measurements reported on a crater probably created by an Israeli Bunker Buster bomb in the village of Khiam, in southern Lebanon. The measurements were carried out by two Lebanese professors of physics - Mohammad Ali Kubaissi and Ibrahim Rachidi. The data - 700 nanosieverts per hour – showed remarkably higher radiocativity then the average in the area (Beirut = 35 nSv/hr ). Successivamente, on September 17th, Ali Kubaissi took British researcher Dai Williams, from the environmentalist organization Green Audit, to the same site, to take samples that were then submitted to Chris Busby, technical adisor of the Supervisory Committee on Depleted Uranium, which reports to the British Ministry of Defense. The samples were tested by Harwell’s nuclear laboratory, one of the most authoritative research centers in the world. On October 17th, Harwell disclosed the testing results - two samples in 10 did contain radioactivity. On November 2nd, another British lab, The School of Oceanographic Sciences, confirmed Harwell’s results – the Khiam crater contains slightly enriched uranium. Rainews24 also took a sample taken by Dai Williams for testing by the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Ferrara. The testing - which is still ongoing - found an anomalous structure: the sample’s surface includes alluminium and iron silicates, normal elements in a soil fragment. Yet, looking inside, estremely small bubbles can be found with high concentration of iron. Further testing will clarify the origin of these structures: what seems to be certain at the moment is that they are not caused by a natural process. What kind of weapon is this? What weapon leaves traces of radiation and produces such lethal and circumscribed consequences? Researcher Dai Williams believes this is a new class of weapons using enriched uranium, not through fission processes but through new physical processes kept secret for at least 20 years. Physicist Emilio del Giudice form the National Institute of Nuclear Phisics came to the same conlcusion: “There are two ways to explain the origin of the enriched uranium found in Khiam: About the origin of enriched Uranium there are two possibilities: 1) this material was present already in the structure of the bombs, but I am puzzled since one should explain the rationale of the use of a material which is both expensive and dangerous , because of its enhanced radioactivity, to people handling it , including military personnel of Israeli Army. 2) the enrichment has been the consequence of the use of the bomb; this possibility is hardly compatible with the known effects of conventional nuclear weapons and should imply that some newly discovered nuclear phenomenon could be at work. The Israeli army denied the use of uranium-based weapons in Lebanon. So, how can people defend themselves from potential uranium-related harm? What precautions will the Unifil troops in the area take, and what kind of testing has been carried out to prevent the risks? The documentary directly covers those qestions. Translation by Desiree Berlangieri and Maria Letizia Tesorini
Studies carried out by researchers near the village of Khiam found radio active material at the site of bombing by Israel during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict. The UN says that it has found no evidence of urianum-based munitions. Two previously unknown Lebanese professors of physics, Mohammad Ali Kubaissi and Ibrahim Rachidi claim that the levels of radiation, about 700 nanosieverts per hour, twenty times the average levels, are consistent with the use of a depleted uranium bomb casing. Military use of depleted uranium is quite controversial due to its toxicity and low level radioactivity. Depleted uranium features in the list of weapons capable of causing mass destruction, superflous injury and unnecessary suffering, passed by the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities of the UNHRC in 1996 and 1997. This analysis has been partially coroborated by an independent consultant specialising in career, organisation and community psychology issues, Dai Williams, affiliated with the environmentalist organisation Green Audit, with testing done by Chris Busby, a member of the Defence Depleted Uranium Oversight Board of the British Ministry of Defence and a director and co-founder of Green Audit. Williams believes that these anomalies may have been caused by Israel's use of uranium based weapons involving some secret physical techniques, not nuclear fission; however, there are no known such physical processes. The U.S. is currently the only nation known to use depleted uranium bomb casings and munitions. Some observers have claimed that Israel used depleted uranium muntions during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war; however, U.N. observers have never found Israel using depleted uranium. This level of radiation is also consistent with Israel having destroyed some form of storage facility for nuclear material. Such facilities are speculated to exist in the Middle East, often controlled by Islamic extremist groups who (allegedly) hope to construct a dirty bomb. Dirty bombs are not considered to be as effective militarily as merely using more explosives. Post September 11th news reports about the dangers of dirty bombs have been criticized as fear mongering for fallaciously assuming years of continued exposure by victims without acounting for clean up procedures, or even rain fall.
Did Israel use a secret new uranium-based weapon in southern Lebanon this summer in the 34-day assault that cost more than 1,300 Lebanese lives, most of them civilians? We know that the Israelis used American "bunker-buster" bombs on Hizbollah's Beirut headquarters. We know that they drenched southern Lebanon with cluster bombs in the last 72 hours of the war, leaving tens of thousands of bomblets which are still killing Lebanese civilians every week. And we now know - after it first categorically denied using such munitions - that the Israeli army also used phosphorous bombs, weapons which are supposed to be restricted under the third protocol of the Geneva Conventions, which neither Israel nor the United States have signed. But scientific evidence gathered from at least two bomb craters in Khiam and At-Tiri, the scene of fierce fighting between Hizbollah guerrillas and Israeli troops last July and August, suggests that uranium-based munitions may now also be included in Israel's weapons inventory - and were used against targets in Lebanon. According to Dr Chris Busby, the British Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, two soil samples thrown up by Israeli heavy or guided bombs showed "elevated radiation signatures". Both have been forwarded for further examination to the Harwell laboratory in Oxfordshire for mass spectrometry - used by the Ministry of Defence - which has confirmed the concentration of uranium isotopes in the samples. Dr Busby's initial report states that there are two possible reasons for the contamination. "The first is that the weapon was some novel small experimental nuclear fission device or other experimental weapon (eg, a thermobaric weapon) based on the high temperature of a uranium oxidation flash ... The second is that the weapon was a bunker-busting conventional uranium penetrator weapon employing enriched uranium rather than depleted uranium." A photograph of the explosion of the first bomb shows large clouds of black smoke that might result from burning uranium. Enriched uranium is produced from natural uranium ore and is used as fuel for nuclear reactors. A waste productof the enrichment process is depleted uranium, it is an extremely hard metal used in anti-tank missiles for penetrating armour. Depleted uranium is less radioactive than natural uranium, which is less radioactive than enriched uranium. Israel has a poor reputation for telling the truth about its use of weapons in Lebanon. In 1982, it denied using phosphorous munitions on civilian areas - until journalists discovered dying and dead civilians whose wounds caught fire when exposed to air. I saw two dead babies who, when taken from a mortuary drawer in West Beirut during the Israeli siege of the city, suddenly burst back into flames. Israel officially denied using phosphorous again in Lebanon during the summer - except for "marking" targets - even after civilians were photographed in Lebanese hospitals with burn wounds consistent with phosphorous munitions. Then on Sunday, Israel suddenly admitted that it had not been telling the truth. Jacob Edery, the Israeli minister in charge of government-parliament relations, confirmed that phosphorous shells were used in direct attacks against Hizbollah, adding that "according to international law, the use of phosphorous munitions is authorised and the (Israeli) army keeps to the rules of international norms". Asked by The Independent if the Israeli army had been using uranium-based munitions in Lebanon this summer, Mark Regev, the Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, said: "Israel does not use any weaponry which is not authorised by international law or international conventions." This, however, begs more questions than it answers. Much international law does not cover modern uranium weapons because they were not invented when humanitarian rules such as the Geneva Conventions were drawn up and because Western governments still refuse to believe that their use can cause long-term damage to the health of thousands of civilians living in the area of the explosions. American and British forces used hundreds of tons of depleted uranium (DU) shells in Iraq in 1991 - their hardened penetrator warheads manufactured from the waste products of the nuclear industry - and five years later, a plague of cancers emerged across the south of Iraq. Initial US military assessments warned of grave consequences for public health if such weapons were used against armoured vehicles. But the US administration and the British government later went out of their way to belittle these claims. Yet the cancers continued to spread amid reports that civilians in Bosnia - where DU was also used by Nato aircraft - were suffering new forms of cancer. DU shells were again used in the 2003 Anglo-American invasion of Iraq but it is too early to register any health effects. "When a uranium penetrator hits a hard target, the particles of the explosion are very long-lived in the environment," Dr Busby said yesterday. "They spread over long distances. They can be inhaled into the lungs. The military really seem to believe that this stuff is not as dangerous as it is." Yet why would Israel use such a weapon when its targets - in the case of Khiam, for example - were only two miles from the Israeli border? The dust ignited by DU munitions can be blown across international borders, just as the chlorine gas used in attacks by both sides in the First World War often blew back on its perpetrators. Chris Bellamy, the professor of military science and doctrine at Cranfield University, who has reviewed the Busby report, said: "At worst it's some sort of experimental weapon with an enriched uranium component the purpose of which we don't yet know. At best - if you can say that - it shows a remarkably cavalier attitude to the use of nuclear waste products." The soil sample from Khiam - site of a notorious torture prison when Israel occupied southern Lebanon between 1978 and 2000, and a frontline Hizbollah stronghold in the summer war - was a piece of impacted red earth from an explosion; the isotope ratio was 108, indicative of the presence of enriched uranium. "The health effects on local civilian populations following the use of large uranium penetrators and the large amounts of respirable uranium oxide particles in the atmosphere," the Busby report says, "are likely to be significant ... we recommend that the area is examined for further traces of these weapons with a view to clean up." This summer's Lebanon war began after Hizbollah guerrillas crossed the Lebanese frontier into Israel, captured two Israeli soldiers and killed three others, prompting Israel to unleash a massive bombardment of Lebanon's villages, cities, bridges and civilian infrastructure. Human rights groups have said that Israel committed war crimes when it attacked civilians, but that Hizbollah was also guilty of such crimes because it fired missiles into Israel which were also filled with ball-bearings, turning their rockets into primitive one-time-only cluster bombs. Many Lebanese, however, long ago concluded that the latest Lebanon war was a weapons testing ground for the Americans and Iranians, who respectively supply Israel and Hizbollah with munitions. Just as Israel used hitherto-unproven US missiles in its attacks, so the Iranians were able to test-fire a rocket which hit an Israeli corvette off the Lebanese coast, killing four Israeli sailors and almost sinking the vessel after it suffered a 15-hour on-board fire. What the weapons manufacturers make of the latest scientific findings of potential uranium weapons use in southern Lebanon is not yet known. Nor is their effect on civilians.
Studies carried out by researchers near the village of Khiam found radio active material at the site of bombing by Israel during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict. The UN says that it has found no evidence of urianum-based munitions. Two previously unknown Lebanese professors of physics, Mohammad Ali Kubaissi and Ibrahim Rachidi claim that the levels of radiation, about 700 nanosieverts per hour, twenty times the average levels, are consistent with the use of a depleted uranium bomb casing. Military use of depleted uranium is quite controversial due to its toxicity and low level radioactivity. Depleted uranium features in the list of weapons capable of causing mass destruction, superflous injury and unnecessary suffering, passed by the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities of the UNHRC in 1996 and 1997. This analysis has been partially coroborated by an independent consultant specialising in career, organisation and community psychology issues, Dai Williams, affiliated with the environmentalist organisation Green Audit, with testing done by Chris Busby, a member of the Defence Depleted Uranium Oversight Board of the British Ministry of Defence and a director and co-founder of Green Audit. Williams believes that these anomalies may have been caused by Israel's use of uranium based weapons involving some secret physical techniques, not nuclear fission; however, there are no known such physical processes. The U.S. is currently the only nation known to use depleted uranium bomb casings and munitions. Some observers have claimed that Israel used depleted uranium muntions during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war; however, U.N. observers have never found Israel using depleted uranium. This level of radiation is also consistent with Israel having destroyed some form of storage facility for nuclear material. Such facilities are speculated to exist in the Middle East, often controlled by Islamic extremist groups who (allegedly) hope to construct a dirty bomb. Dirty bombs are not considered to be as effective militarily as merely using more explosives. Post September 11th news reports about the dangers of dirty bombs have been criticized as fear mongering for fallaciously assuming years of continued exposure by victims without acounting for clean up procedures, or even rain fall.
The British newspaper, Independent, reported on Saturday that during this summer's war in Lebanon, Israel used uranium-tipped bunker-buster bombs. According to the report, Dr. Chris Busby, the British Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, found two soil samples thrown up by Israeli heavy or guided bombs which showed "elevated radiation signatures." Busby says that these findings suggest Israel used radioactive weaponry.
Studies carried out by researchers near the village of Khiam found radio active material at the site of bombing by Israel during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict. The UN says that it has found no evidence of urianum-based munitions. Two previously unknown Lebanese professors of physics, Mohammad Ali Kubaissi and Ibrahim Rachidi claim that the levels of radiation, about 700 nanosieverts per hour, twenty times the average levels, are consistent with the use of a depleted uranium bomb casing. Military use of depleted uranium is quite controversial due to its toxicity and low level radioactivity. Depleted uranium features in the list of weapons capable of causing mass destruction, superflous injury and unnecessary suffering, passed by the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities of the UNHRC in 1996 and 1997. This analysis has been partially coroborated by an independent consultant specialising in career, organisation and community psychology issues, Dai Williams, affiliated with the environmentalist organisation Green Audit, with testing done by Chris Busby, a member of the Defence Depleted Uranium Oversight Board of the British Ministry of Defence and a director and co-founder of Green Audit. Williams believes that these anomalies may have been caused by Israel's use of uranium based weapons involving some secret physical techniques, not nuclear fission; however, there are no known such physical processes. The U.S. is currently the only nation known to use depleted uranium bomb casings and munitions. Some observers have claimed that Israel used depleted uranium muntions during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war; however, U.N. observers have never found Israel using depleted uranium. This level of radiation is also consistent with Israel having destroyed some form of storage facility for nuclear material. Such facilities are speculated to exist in the Middle East, often controlled by Islamic extremist groups who (allegedly) hope to construct a dirty bomb. Dirty bombs are not considered to be as effective militarily as merely using more explosives. Post September 11th news reports about the dangers of dirty bombs have been criticized as fear mongering for fallaciously assuming years of continued exposure by victims without acounting for clean up procedures, or even rain fall.
The Eos life~work resource centre Consultant profile: Dai Williams I am an independent consultant specialising in career, organisation and community psychology issues. For Eos projects I work with other specialists in occupational psychology, human resource management, organisation change and occupational health. Education I read Psychology and Sociology at Swansea University graduating in 1970. The Occupational Psychology Masters course at Birkbeck College, London University (77-79) was a major inspiration featuring many new developments in work, organisation and personal development psychology. I became a Chartered Occupational Psychologist in 1989. Previous Employment From 1971-86 I worked with Shell in the UK and Canada in various Personnel functions including employee and public relations, career planning, personnel systems, job evaluation, job design, international recruitment and staff development. Work and life in Canada (81-83) offered me very different perspectives on employment and personal development from those in the UK. These included far more positive approaches to self-motivated careers and to age, gender and ethnic differences. I returned to Shell International to work as overseas recruitment and education advisor for companies in the Far East, Middle East and Africa (83-86) before voluntary redundancy created the opportunity to set up my own business. Eos work & career psychology Eos initially specialised in international graduate recruitment and education programmes for companies in the Far East. Clients included Singapore Airlines, Singapore Broadcasting Corporation and Guardian Pharmacy and several companies in Japan. From 1987-90 I was a member of the AGCAS Overseas Student Working Party working with UK university careers services, co-author of their handbooks on international careers for students and career advisers. Eos life-career planning and outplacement programmes began in 1987 and became a major priority during the UK Recession, 1990 onwards. Traditional approaches to employment, career guidance and career patterns became obsolete as the UK labour market became more unstable. Eos programmes were developed to help clients cope with severe career crises, stress and change - both in and out of work. Many of the topics covered in Eos Life-Work Themes come from action research into problems faced by my clients. From these I have developed a "toolkit" for career planning and strategies for turning crises into opportunities for career and personal development. Corporate clients have used Eos programmes to assess training and development opportunities for management and departmental teams, development potential for staff, internal redeployment of staff (inplacement), redundancy programmes (outplacement) and support for staff in career or personal crisis situations. Sectors covered include IT, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, publishing, postal services and education plus family businesses and the self-employed. I have lectured part-time on the occupational psychology and counselling in organisations courses at Surrey University and joined Surrey Training & Enterprise Council's New Directions network when it was launched. Eos is now the longest established independent career consultancy in Surrey. Eos community, political and peace psychology Career challenges faced by individuals and employers are often symptoms of wider social and employment issues. My interests in this area are listed in the Community Psychology Index. I convened a national workshop on Psychological Effects of the Recession for the British Psychological Society in 1993 and became a contributor to the UK Forum for Organisational Health. I ran seminars with local support groups for the unemployed through the Recession and wrote a handbook for support group leaders and helpers with them. In September 1997 I began to apply work psychology and organisation change principles to events in UK and international politics. On a hunch I applied transition psychology principles to anticipate the potential effects of trauma and change on UK politicians after the 1997 General Election. I wrote a short survival guide for MPs and ex-MPs After the Honeymoon, featured on BBC TV's Newsnight programme (Oct 97). A revised version called Parliament in Transition (Dec 97) suggested ways to move from crisis to recovery. This "landslide syndrome" appeared to affect members of the new Government and Opposition from Oct 97 to Feb 98. The predicted recovery phase took longer than expected but developed rapidly in spring 98. Through 1998 I continued to monitor periods of crisis and recovery for individual MPs and political leaders. These indicated strong connections between psychological factors (good and bad) and national and international events in Northern Ireland, Iraq and Sudan. I convened a symposium on the Psychology of Change and its societal implications for the BPS Conference in January 1999 with three leading specialists in occupational psychology (see Human responses to change). During 1999 further events suggested wider psychological issues in conflict and political change especially the outlook for the Peace Process in Northern Ireland, the conduct and aftermath of the Balkans War and the Devolution transition. In January 2000 these were collated in a new analysis of psychological climate in the UK Government from April 98 with forecasts to Sept 2000, Accidents waiting to happen. These propositions have been covered from time to time in the press and by BBC Radio 4 but need testing in wider debate with other researchers and political analysts. Most occupational psychology research and practice focusses on business organisations. However many of the same principles apply to political careers and organisations. In one sense politics is just another employment sector. But in every country politicians determine the economic, social and legal environment that shapes the world of work. The successes and crises of national leaders and governments offer highly visible examples of the hazards and opportunities that face managers and staff in many other organisations. Encouraging real-time discussion of psychological processes in politics is hazardous. The conclusions are not always what press editors or politicians want to hear. Some media reports have been handled with great integrity. Others have been changed to suit editorial news campaigns. Accidents waiting to happen was reported in The Times on 6 July. The report was accurate but the headlines and illustration seriously mispresented the positive outlook for Government to support their "spin war" campaign against the Prime Minister. If the forecast recovery occurs this will become obvious within two months. Observations continue! Future projects The Eos Life-Work website is an exciting opportunity to increase public awareness of psychological hazards and opportunities in everyday life including: new approaches to career and personal development for individuals and employers important interactions between work and personal life the need for a new Fair Work Ethic to replace the obsolete Protestant Work Ethic psychological aspects of conflict and change in organisations and communities psychological aspects of national and international political processes the opportunity for closer collaboration between psychologists and other professions on employment, community and political issues including peace psychology and psycho-history (see Professional Networking). The Internet offers a fast and economical way to promote these issues in the UK and around the world. High quality website links enable us to share a wide range of research and professional experience easily. Future updates will include seminars and networking events promoting best practice, action research and policy reviews in the world of work. Thank you for visiting the Eos website! Dai Williams Contact details Eos Career Services, 32 Send, Road, Send, Woking, Surrey GU23 7ET, UK Phone: 44-(0)-1483-222017 EMail: page updated 24 July 2000 © Eos Career Services 2000 Return to top of page
Studies carried out by researchers near the village of Khiam found radio active material at the site of bombing by Israel during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict. The UN says that it has found no evidence of urianum-based munitions. Two previously unknown Lebanese professors of physics, Mohammad Ali Kubaissi and Ibrahim Rachidi claim that the levels of radiation, about 700 nanosieverts per hour, twenty times the average levels, are consistent with the use of a depleted uranium bomb casing. Military use of depleted uranium is quite controversial due to its toxicity and low level radioactivity. Depleted uranium features in the list of weapons capable of causing mass destruction, superflous injury and unnecessary suffering, passed by the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities of the UNHRC in 1996 and 1997. This analysis has been partially coroborated by an independent consultant specialising in career, organisation and community psychology issues, Dai Williams, affiliated with the environmentalist organisation Green Audit, with testing done by Chris Busby, a member of the Defence Depleted Uranium Oversight Board of the British Ministry of Defence and a director and co-founder of Green Audit. Williams believes that these anomalies may have been caused by Israel's use of uranium based weapons involving some secret physical techniques, not nuclear fission; however, there are no known such physical processes. The U.S. is currently the only nation known to use depleted uranium bomb casings and munitions. Some observers have claimed that Israel used depleted uranium muntions during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war; however, U.N. observers have never found Israel using depleted uranium. This level of radiation is also consistent with Israel having destroyed some form of storage facility for nuclear material. Such facilities are speculated to exist in the Middle East, often controlled by Islamic extremist groups who (allegedly) hope to construct a dirty bomb. Dirty bombs are not considered to be as effective militarily as merely using more explosives. Post September 11th news reports about the dangers of dirty bombs have been criticized as fear mongering for fallaciously assuming years of continued exposure by victims without acounting for clean up procedures, or even rain fall.
Chris Busby was born in Paignton Devon UK in 1945 but brought up in India and Africa until the age of 13. He took a First Class Honours degree in Chemistry from the University of London in 1969 and then studied for a PhD in Physical Chemistry (nmr spectroscopy) at Queen Mary College. He then spent seven years with the Wellcome Foundation where he did research into the physical chemistry and pharmacology of molecular drug receptor interaction. He was elected to the Royal Society of Chemistry and Chartered Chemist status in 1974. He left Wellcome to spend some years cruising in various yachts with his family after which he returned to research at the University of Kent at Canterbury where he studied Laser Raman Spectroelectrochemistry in collaboration with Shell Research and later as SRC Research Fellow, a project which resulted in a PhD in Chemical Physics. He left Kent in 1982 and moved with his family to Wales where, after the Chernobyl accident, he became interested in the health effects of low level radiation. Together with his eldest daughter Celia he developed the Second Event Theory, which distinguishes between the hazards of external and internal radiation exposure. In 1995 he was funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust to develop his arguments and write Wings of Death: Nuclear Pollution and Human Health, an account of the results of his research into radiation and cancer and also into cancer increases in Wales which he argued were a result of global weapons fallout exposure. In 1997 he was invited to the World Conference of Breast Cancer in Kingston, Ontario to outline his finding on breast cancer cohort effects in the weapons fallout generation women. In 1997 he became the UK representative of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, and in 1998 was invited as expert speaker on radiation risk to the STOA workshop of the European Parliament. His analysis of the increases in childhood leukemia in Wales and Scotland following Chernobyl was recently published in the journal Energy and Environment. This is a defining study in that it shows unequivocally that the conventional model for low level radiation exposure from internal radioisotopes is in error by upward of 100-fold. He is a member of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology. He is also the national spokesman on Science and Technology for the Green Party of England and Wales, and in addition advises the Green Group in the European Parliament on radiation and health. Recently, he has traveled to Iraq and to Kosovo to investigate the health effects of Depleted Uranium, and has given formal evidence on two occasions to the Royal Society Committee on Depleted Uranium and health. In 1994, he helped found the Low Level Radiation Campaign and has been its scientific consultant since then. He is currently funded by the Irish State to carry out research for the STAD litigation against BNFL Sellafield which involves cancer incidence and proximity to the Irish Sea. Dr Busby is the author of many research papers and articles and is a director of Green Audit, the environmental consultancy, which he helped found in 1992. He is a member of the UK Ministry of Defence Depleted Uranium Oversight Board and a member of the Committee Examining Radiation Risk of Internal Emitters, set up by the UK Departments of Health and Environment. Dr. Busby has recently completed the draft of the 2002 Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, which will shortly be published. He is currently writing The Wolves of Water - a sequel to Wings of Death. (The title is a reference to the Louis MacNeice poem Wolves) Dr Busby lives in Aberystwyth, Wales, UK with his partner Molly Scott Cato and their three children. If you are seeing this page full screen (i.e. without a navigation bar on the left) you can't see how the rest of the site is organised. This Home page link takes you to the index page, which has links to all the topics we discuss on the site [only use it if this page is full screen] Send email to: with questions or comments about this web site.
Studies carried out by researchers near the village of Khiam found radio active material at the site of bombing by Israel during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict. The UN says that it has found no evidence of urianum-based munitions. Two previously unknown Lebanese professors of physics, Mohammad Ali Kubaissi and Ibrahim Rachidi claim that the levels of radiation, about 700 nanosieverts per hour, twenty times the average levels, are consistent with the use of a depleted uranium bomb casing. Military use of depleted uranium is quite controversial due to its toxicity and low level radioactivity. Depleted uranium features in the list of weapons capable of causing mass destruction, superflous injury and unnecessary suffering, passed by the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities of the UNHRC in 1996 and 1997. This analysis has been partially coroborated by an independent consultant specialising in career, organisation and community psychology issues, Dai Williams, affiliated with the environmentalist organisation Green Audit, with testing done by Chris Busby, a member of the Defence Depleted Uranium Oversight Board of the British Ministry of Defence and a director and co-founder of Green Audit. Williams believes that these anomalies may have been caused by Israel's use of uranium based weapons involving some secret physical techniques, not nuclear fission; however, there are no known such physical processes. The U.S. is currently the only nation known to use depleted uranium bomb casings and munitions. Some observers have claimed that Israel used depleted uranium muntions during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war; however, U.N. observers have never found Israel using depleted uranium. This level of radiation is also consistent with Israel having destroyed some form of storage facility for nuclear material. Such facilities are speculated to exist in the Middle East, often controlled by Islamic extremist groups who (allegedly) hope to construct a dirty bomb. Dirty bombs are not considered to be as effective militarily as merely using more explosives. Post September 11th news reports about the dangers of dirty bombs have been criticized as fear mongering for fallaciously assuming years of continued exposure by victims without acounting for clean up procedures, or even rain fall.
The last papal visit was in May 1982 Pope Benedict XVI is to visit Britain in 2010, the BBC has learned. It will be the first papal visit to Britain since 1982, when Pope John Paul II's six-day tour drew huge crowds. The news of Pope Benedict's visit comes after Gordon Brown extended a formal invitation to the Pope during a private audience in February. A spokesman for the prime minister said he was "delighted" and "it would be a moving and momentous occasion for the whole country". Details of his visit have yet to emerge but the trip is set to be the first official state visit by a pontiff - John Paul II's visit in May 1982 was on a pastoral basis and did not follow an official invitation by the UK government. Masses were held in cities including Cardiff, London, Liverpool, Manchester and Edinburgh and he also met the Queen and Archbishop of Canterbury. 'Warmly received' A spokesman for Prime Minister Gordon Brown said: "The PM is obviously delighted at the prospect of a visit from Pope Benedict XVI to Britain. "It would be a moving and momentous occasion for the whole country and he would undoubtedly receive the warmest of welcomes." Conservative leader David Cameron said he was "delighted" to hear of the possible visit. He said: "Such a visit - the first in over a quarter of a century - would be greatly welcomed not only by Roman Catholics but by the country as a whole." I'm sure I speak on behalf of Anglicans throughout Britain, in assuring him that he would be received with great warmth and joy Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams The Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales also sent the Pope a formal invitation in 2007. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, said he had long hoped for such a visit. He said: "I'm sure I speak on behalf of Anglicans throughout Britain, in assuring him that he would be received with great warmth and joy." The BBC's Robert Piggott said Mr Brown, who comes from a staunchly Protestant background, has met Pope Benedict three times. Our correspondent said the prime minister's invitation in February had been "warmly received" by the Vatican and was linked to the beatification of Cardinal Newman - England's most celebrated convert to Roman Catholicism. Closer to sainthood The Pope, who is 82, is said to have a particular interest in Newman and to support his canonisation, he said. Earlier this year, Pope Benedict approved as a miracle the cure of a US Roman Catholic deacon from a crippling spinal disease, bringing Cardinal Newman, who died in 1890, one step closer to sainthood. Deacon Jack Sullivan, who is to visit Britain in November, said he became completely free of pain after praying to Cardinal Newman in 2001. It is not yet known when and where Pope Benedict will visit but our correspondent said it was likely to be another six-day trip. He said there was a possibility that the Pope might visit Northern Ireland - unlike Pope John II who, on his visit to the Irish Republic in 1982, prayed for an end to sectarian violence in the North. Pope Benedict's visit would only be the second by a head of the Catholic Church since Henry VIII declared himself head of the church in England more than 500 years ago. There are an estimated 4.2 million Catholics in England and Wales. The National Secular Society said it was planning demonstrations against the visit in protest at what it called Pope Benedict's "intransigence and fundamentalism". A spokesman for the society said it would "make clear to the Pope that whatever celebrations the government lays on for him, he is not welcomed here by everyone". Your comments I am delighted that we have invited the Holy Father to Britain. It is a measure of how far the UK has come in its respect for what is very likely the largest practising Christian Church in the country. The relationship has evoked historical misgivings and conflict over many years. However, genuine people of good will respect all our faith groups that strive to make ours a better community. I feel very proud. Chris Burke, Lincoln I now know when I'll be taking my holidays next year! Brian Brown, London It's good to see that the Pope is on a formal visit to visit England and Wales' many millions of Catholics. I'm not sure if I'll go and see him, but whilst, as your article points out, Gordon Brown is "staunchly Protestant", it is 500 years since The Reformation, so hopefully a little religious tolerance has crept into the country since then! Sinead, St Albans It is wonderful news, the atmosphere during John Paul II's visit in 1982 was amazing, everyone prayerful and united. It will bring a renewal to the already growing Catholic faith in the UK. Stephen Tsang, London Bookmark with: Delicious Digg reddit Facebook StumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version
Pope Benedict XVI. Pope Benedict XVI has announced that he will be coming to the United Kingdom in January 2010. The information was announced that the Pope had accepted an invitation to visit the United Kingdom from Prime Minister Gordon Brown. The latter had visited the Vatican City three times and had invited the Pope to come to Great Britain in February 2009. Downing Street is expected to confirm the arrangements later today. This visit would make the first Papal visit to the UK since Pope John Paul II's visit in 1982. However, John Paul's visit was on a pastoral basis, so this is set to be the first state visit to the UK by a pope in that it is the first to follow an official invitation. John Paul's six-day tour through England, Scotland and Wales was hugely popular, attracting hundreds of thousands of people from the Catholic religion. It became the first ever UK visit from the Pope, which will make Pope Benedict's visit the second papal one. John Paul's visit was likely to be cancelled due to the Falklands War and assasination attempts.
The pope is to visit Britain next year, the first papal visit to the UK in 30 years, after accepting an invitation from Gordon Brown. An announcement is due to be made by Buckingham Palace and the Vatican in the next few days. Brown, a member of the Church of Scotland, has made three visits to the Vatican, and formally extended his invitation in February, when he met the pope with his wife, Sarah, and his children. With 4 million Catholics in Britain, the news that the pope has agreed to visit will be seen as a much-needed political boost for Brown. But he may not be prime minister during the visit because it is likely to be next autumn, by which time David Cameron, if the polls are correct, will be installed in office. Cameron has described his own Christianity as shaky, comparing his beliefs to the reception of Radio Chilterns: coming in and out from time to time. But last night the Tory leader said: "Such a visit – the first in over a quarter of a century – would be greatly welcomed not only by Roman Catholics but by the country as a whole." A spokesman for the prime minister said: "It would be a moving and momentous occasion for the whole country and he would undoubtedly receive the warmest of welcomes." Pope Benedict is expected to visit several parts of Britain, but interest will focus on whether he decides to travel to Northern Ireland, where his presence could stir sectarian trouble. Parts of the Protestant community in Northern Ireland would regard a visit by the pope as a provocative act. The last pope to visit Britain was Benedict's predecessor, John Paul II, in May 1982, who visited England, Wales and Scotland during a six-day tour. Last night the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, who was visiting the Anglican Church in Japan, said he was delighted that the pontiff would be visiting Britain. "I'm sure I speak on behalf of Anglicans throughout Britain, in assuring him that he would be received with great warmth and joy." But a spokesman for the National Secular Society said it would organise "a coalition of groups to make clear to the pope that whatever celebrations the government lays on for him, he is not welcomed here by everyone". The pope is expected to mark the beatification of John Henry Newman, the most celebrated Anglican convert to Catholicism. In June he announced the beatification of Newman, following recognition by the Vatican of the healing of an American man with a severe spinal condition as a miracle that was a result of praying to him. As chancellor, Brown forged personal relations with the pope when he worked with him on his efforts to confront poverty in the developing world. But the visit could raise issues about Labour's relations with the church, which have sometimes hit trouble owing to controversies such as the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, which allowed the use of hybrid embryos for use in medical research.
Pope Benedict XVI. Pope Benedict XVI has announced that he will be coming to the United Kingdom in January 2010. The information was announced that the Pope had accepted an invitation to visit the United Kingdom from Prime Minister Gordon Brown. The latter had visited the Vatican City three times and had invited the Pope to come to Great Britain in February 2009. Downing Street is expected to confirm the arrangements later today. This visit would make the first Papal visit to the UK since Pope John Paul II's visit in 1982. However, John Paul's visit was on a pastoral basis, so this is set to be the first state visit to the UK by a pope in that it is the first to follow an official invitation. John Paul's six-day tour through England, Scotland and Wales was hugely popular, attracting hundreds of thousands of people from the Catholic religion. It became the first ever UK visit from the Pope, which will make Pope Benedict's visit the second papal one. John Paul's visit was likely to be cancelled due to the Falklands War and assasination attempts.
Vatican's annoyance at No.10 leak of Pope's visit to Britain By Tim Shipman and Nick Pisa Last updated at 3:55 PM on 24th September 2009 Downing St has irritated the Vatican by announcing the Pope's historic visit to Britain. The news emerged ahead of schedule from sources close to Gordon Brown as he travelled to the U.S. for a United Nations summit. Papal visits are usually announced by the Vatican or the Conference of Catholic Bishops in the host country. Pope fever: Pope Benedict XVI has a wave for the faithful as he arrives for the traditional weekly Wednesday audience in Paul VI Hall in the Vatican City today A Vatican spokesman said yesterday: 'This sort of announcement is made by the Vatican and in this case the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales and to my knowledge it has not been made.' Senior Vatican sources also said the visit marked an 'unprecedented era in relations between the Pope and Britain'. It will be the first papal visit in almost three decades. Benedict XVI is expected to travel to Northern Ireland as part of the trip - the first time a pontiff has been to Ulster. Despite its irritaion, the Vatican will announce the visit, which comes following an invitation from Gordon Brown, within days. It is a coup for the Prime Minister who has succeeded where Catholic convert Tony Blair failed in persuading the 82-year-old German to visit Britain. It will be only the second visit ever to British shores by a Pope since Henry VIII broke with the Roman Catholic Church to establish the Church of England in 1534. In 1982 Pope John Paul II spent six days in Britain to great public acclaim. But next year's event is likely to overshadow even that since it is being accorded the status of a state visit. Pope Benedict will meet the Queen and may even stay at Buckingham Palace. He is expected to address followers in Wembley Stadium, which holds 90,000. The visit is due to take place next autumn, just months after the beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman, the 19th century Anglican convert to Catholicism, who is expected to be made the first British saint in almost 40 years. Government officials travelling with Mr Brown on his visit to the UN in New York said that may have helped persuade the Pope to come to Britain. Cardinal Newman, one of the leading theologians of the last 200 years, is said to be a hero of Benedict XVI. Pope John Paul II kisses the ground at Gatwick Airport as he arrives for the last papal visit to the UK in 1982 Mr Brown extended his invitation to the Pope when he visited the Vatican in March. The itinerary has yet to be finalised but Downing Street officials stressed that the Prime Minister made a point of asking the pontiff to visit all parts of the UK. A draft of proposed stopping off points included London, Birmingham, Oxford, Edinburgh, Armagh, in Northern Ireland, and Dublin. The Pope did not visit Northern Ireland in 1982 because of security fears prompted by the Troubles. But No 10 is hopeful that the relative peace in the province since the Good Friday Agreement will make it possible for him to call there. 'It would be logical for him to go to Armagh and Belfast,' one official said. 'It will be a hugely symbolic act of reconciliation'
Pope Benedict XVI. Pope Benedict XVI has announced that he will be coming to the United Kingdom in January 2010. The information was announced that the Pope had accepted an invitation to visit the United Kingdom from Prime Minister Gordon Brown. The latter had visited the Vatican City three times and had invited the Pope to come to Great Britain in February 2009. Downing Street is expected to confirm the arrangements later today. This visit would make the first Papal visit to the UK since Pope John Paul II's visit in 1982. However, John Paul's visit was on a pastoral basis, so this is set to be the first state visit to the UK by a pope in that it is the first to follow an official invitation. John Paul's six-day tour through England, Scotland and Wales was hugely popular, attracting hundreds of thousands of people from the Catholic religion. It became the first ever UK visit from the Pope, which will make Pope Benedict's visit the second papal one. John Paul's visit was likely to be cancelled due to the Falklands War and assasination attempts.
It means David Cameron, the Conservative leader, could be part of the formal party meeting the Pope. Unlike Mr Brown, who makes much of his Presbyterian upbringing, Mr Cameron has remarked that his own religion is like “Magic FM in the Chilterns”, something that fades in and out.
Pope Benedict XVI. Pope Benedict XVI has announced that he will be coming to the United Kingdom in January 2010. The information was announced that the Pope had accepted an invitation to visit the United Kingdom from Prime Minister Gordon Brown. The latter had visited the Vatican City three times and had invited the Pope to come to Great Britain in February 2009. Downing Street is expected to confirm the arrangements later today. This visit would make the first Papal visit to the UK since Pope John Paul II's visit in 1982. However, John Paul's visit was on a pastoral basis, so this is set to be the first state visit to the UK by a pope in that it is the first to follow an official invitation. John Paul's six-day tour through England, Scotland and Wales was hugely popular, attracting hundreds of thousands of people from the Catholic religion. It became the first ever UK visit from the Pope, which will make Pope Benedict's visit the second papal one. John Paul's visit was likely to be cancelled due to the Falklands War and assasination attempts.
WASHINGTON - U.S. President-elect Joe Biden on Monday named his top officials to deal with the country’s coronavirus-ravaged economy, including former Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen to be the first woman to lead the Treasury Department in its 231-year history. In addition, Biden named Neera Tanden, currently president of the Center for American Progress, a liberal Washington public policy research and advocacy group, as director of the government’s Office of Management and Budget. If confirmed by the Senate, Tanden would be the first woman of color and first South Asian American to head the agency. FILE - Neera Tanden, president of Center for American Progress, speaks during an introduction for New Start New Jersey at NJIT in Newark, Nov. 10, 2014. Biden also named Wally Adeyemo, a longtime economic policy official, to be Yellen’s deputy, the first African American to hold the second-ranking position at the Treasury Department. The president-elect named labor economist Cecilia Rouse, dean of Princeton University’s public and international affairs school, as chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. She would be the first Black and the fourth woman to hold the job. Biden picked two other economists – Jared Bernstein and Heather Boushey – as members of the economic council. "As we get to work to control the virus, this is the team that will deliver immediate economic relief for the American people during this economic crisis and help us build our economy back better than ever," Biden said in a statement. Biden’s Cabinet Picks Include Some Firsts What to know about Biden’s Cabinet selections so far The coronavirus pandemic has wrought significant damage on the U.S. economy, the world’s largest. Many of the 22 million jobs lost as the virus swept into the United States from China and Europe have been recovered. While the number of layoffs of workers totaled in the millions several months ago, for much of October and November, more than 700,000 newly unemployed workers filed for unemployment compensation, even now a level unseen in records that date to the 1960s. Biden’s latest appointments underscore the incoming president’s promise to create a top rung of officials that demographically “looks like America,” one staffed with numerous female appointees and people of color. Biden’s nominees for top positions contrast the largely white, male-dominated roster of top officeholders in the outgoing administration of President Donald Trump. On Sunday, Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris named an all-woman communications team, to be headed by campaign communications director Kate Bedingfield and Jen Psaki as press secretary. FILE - Then-State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki stands in on a meeting in Washington, Feb. 27, 2015. Biden received his first President’s Daily Brief on Monday, gaining access to the report prepared by the U.S. intelligence community on national security issues the United States faces. Biden is preparing to take office at his inauguration as the 46th U.S. president on January 20. He holds an unofficial 306-232 vote lead in the Electoral College, which determines the outcome of U.S. presidential elections, not the national popular vote, although Biden leads there, too, by more than 6 million votes. The state-by-state vote in the Electoral College is set for December 14, with Congress certifying the outcome in early January. Biden’s transition to the presidency officially began last week after a government agency declared him the apparent winner of the November 3 presidential election. Trump, however, is continuing his long-shot legal effort to upend Biden’s victory even as the president says he will abide by the Electoral College outcome. Trump has refused to concede defeat while claiming, without evidence, that the election was rigged against him. Trump and his campaign have lost or withdrawn more than 30 lawsuits claiming vote and vote-counting irregularities, but they are appealing at least one of the verdicts against him to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Janet Yellen (2015) O presidente eleito dos , , nomeou na segunda-feira seus principais funcionários para lidar com a economia devastada pelo do país, incluindo a ex-presidente do , , que foi a primeira mulher a liderar o em seus 231 anos de história. Além disso, Biden nomeou Neera Tanden, atualmente presidente do Center for American Progress, um grupo liberal de pesquisa e defesa de políticas públicas de como diretora do Escritório de Gestão e Orçamento do governo. Se confirmada pelo , Tanden seria a primeira mulher negra e a primeira sul-asiática-americana a chefiar a agência. Biden também nomeou Wally Adeyemo, um funcionário de política econômica de longa data, para ser o adjunto de Yellen, o primeiro afro-americano a ocupar a segunda posição no Departamento do Tesouro. O presidente eleito nomeou a economista trabalhista Cecilia Rouse, reitora da escola de relações públicas e internacionais da Universidade de Princeton, como presidente do Conselho de Consultores Econômicos da Casa Branca. Ela seria a primeira negra e a quarta mulher a ocupar o cargo. Biden escolheu dois outros economistas - Jared Bernstein e Heather Boushey - como membros do conselho econômico.
Miguel Angel Rodriguez Miguel Rodriguez war als Generalsekretär nicht mehr zu halten: Die Vorwürfe, er habe während seiner Amtszeit als Präsident Costa Ricas Bestechungsgelder des Telekommunikationskonzerns Alcatel angenommen, wogen zu schwer. Hat sich die OAS doch neben der Förderung von Demokratie, Sicherheit und Menschenrechten in der Region auch den Kampf gegen Drogen und Korruption auf die Fahnen geschrieben. Noch zwei Kandidaten im Rennen José Miguel Insulza, Innenminister von Chile José Miguel Insulza: Der chilenische Innenminister ist überzeugter Sozialdemokrat. Während der Diktatur Pinochets lebte er in Italien und in Mexiko im Exil. Insulza setzt unter anderem auf die Unterstützung der linken Regierungen in Venezuela, Argentinien und Chile. Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista, mexikanischer Außenminister Luis Ernesto Derbez: Der mexikanische Außenminister gehört einer konservativen Partei an, war Universitätsprofessor und viele Jahre Funktionär bei der Weltbank in Washington. Er kann unter anderem mit der Unterstützung von Bolivien, Honduras und Belize rechnen. Kandidat der US-Regierung zieht sich zurück Francisco Flores Der Wunschkandidat der US-Regierung, Francisco Flores, hat sich inzwischen zurückgezogen. Während seiner Amtszeit als Präsident von El Salvador (1999-2004) fuhr er einen moderat-wirtschaftsliberalen Kurs. Er gehört der Alianza Republicana Nacionalista an, einer Partei, die von rechtsradikalen Kräften geprägt wurde. Er studierte in den USA. Während des Irak-Kriegs führte er El Salvador in die Koalition der "Willigen". Der 46-Jährige wurde nicht nur von den USA unterstützt, sondern auch von El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica und der Dominikanischen Republik. "Als Kandidat der USA stößt Flores in Südamerika auf Misstrauen", sagt Lateinamerika-Experte Peter Birle. Bleiben Mexikos Außenminister Luis Ernesto Derbez und der chilenische Innenminister José Miguel Insulza. Von Derbez und Insulza erwartet Birle keine großen Unterschiede in ihrer Art, die OAS zu leiten. Wäre Flores am Montag (11.42005) Generalsekretär geworden, dann hätten sich die Konflikte zwischen den USA und den lateinamerikanischen Staaten verschärfen können, sagt der Leiter der Forschungsabteilung des Ibero-Amerikanischen Instituts in Berlin. Wenn die Lähmung durch den Streit über die Kandidaten beendet sei, stehe die OAS vor dringenden Aufgaben, sagt Birle. "Das größte Problem der OAS ist ihre Irrelevanz", urteilt er. 34 süd-, mittel- und nordamerikanischen Staaten gehören der OAS an. Nach ihrer Gründung 1948 sei die Organisation allerdings schnell in den Strudel des Kalten Krieges geraten und die USA als größter Geldgeber hätten versucht, sie für ihre antikommunistischen Ziele zu nutzen, urteilt Birle. Der Ausschluss Kubas aus der Organisation 1962 und die Unterstützung der US-Intervention in der Dominikanischen Republik 1965 seien Beispiele für diese Politik, sagt Birle. "Die OAS wurde von den meisten lateinamerikanischen Staaten lediglich als Instrument der USA gesehen und nicht als wichtig eingeschätzt", berichtet der Wissenschaftler. Leichte Verbesserung des Ansehens In den 1980er Jahren habe sich ihr Ansehen durch eine konsequentere Menschenrechtspolitik und die Förderung von Demokratisierungsprozessen in Lateinamerika etwas verbessert. Der 11. September 2001 drohte jedoch viele Fortschritte wieder zunichte zu machen. "Seitdem liegen die thematischen Prioritäten wieder bei den Themen, an denen die USA ein starkes Interesse haben, nämlich Sicherheit und Terrorismusbekämpfung", sagt Birle. Um ihre Akzeptanz und damit ihre Bedeutung zu stärken, sollte die OAS die enge US-Definition von Sicherheit auf soziale Aspekte ausweiten und eigene Themenschwerpunkte setzen. Hat die OAS also in der Zukunft eine Chance, sich zu einer eigenständigen Institution zu entwickeln? Der Südamerikaexperte ist skeptisch: "Ich sehe gerade bei den USA nicht, dass sie augenblicklich bereit sind, sich auf einen wirklich funktionierenden Multilateralismus einzulassen." Zudem sei die Front der süd- und mittelamerikanischen Staaten nicht geschlossen. "Auch da spielen Eigeninteressen eine große Rolle", sagt Birle. Seine Empfehlung: "Die OAS muss aufpassen, dass sie nicht wieder wie im Kalten Krieg das Image bekommt, ideologisch geprägt und Instrument der USA zu sein."
Die Neuwahl des Generalsekretärs der Organisation Amerikanischer Staaten (OAS) ist gestern gescheitert. Fünf Wahlgänge endeten mit einem Patt. Die Wahl des neuen Generalsekretärs der OAS wurde auf den 2. Mai vertagt. Der chilenische Innenminister, José Miguel Insulza, und der mexikanische Außenminister, Luis Ernesto Derbez, kamen in allen Wahlgängen im Hauptsitz der OAS in Washington auf jeweils 17 Stimmen. Eine Neuwahl des Generalsekretärs der Organisation war nötig geworden, nachdem Miguel Rodriguez wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen im Oktober 2004 zurücktreten musste. Der ehemalige Präsident Costa Ricas amtierte weniger als einen Monat im Amt des OAS-Generalsekretärs. Die Organisation Amerikanischer Staaten ist eine zwischenstaatliche Organisation Nord-, Süd- und Mittelamerikanischer Staaten. 35 unabhängige Staaten sind Mitglied der OAS, wobei Kuba seit 1962 ausgeschlossen ist. Die Ziele der Organisation sind laut ihrer Charta die Förderung der Demokratie, der Schutz der Menschenrechte, der Kampf gegen Kriminalität und Drogenhandel, die Sicherung des Friedens sowie die Schaffung einer panamerikanischen Freihandelszone. José Miguel Insulza gehört der sozialdemokratischen Regierung Chiles an. Seine Kandidatur wird vor allem von den linken Regierungen in Venezuela, Argentinien und Chile unterstützt. Luis Ernesto Derbez ist Außenminister in der konservativen mexikanischen Regierung von Präsident Vicente Fox. Lange Jahre war er als Funktionär bei der Weltbank tätig. Zu seinen Unterstützern in der Generalversammlung der OAS zählen Bolivien, Honduras und Belize. Francisco Flores Pérez, ehemaliger Präsident von El-Salvador und Favorit der US-Regierung, hatte seine Kandidatur vor der Wahl zurückgezogen.
WASHINGTON, April 11 - The Organization of American States was unable to elect a new secretary general on Monday, caught in a deadlock over the Chilean and Mexican candidates for the post. In all five rounds of balloting, delegates gave Interior Minister Jose Miguel Insulza of Chile and Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez of Mexico 17 votes each. About 15 foreign ministers from the 34-nation group took part in the vote, held at O.A.S. headquarters in Washington. Most of the remaining countries were represented by their respective ambassadors. After the third ballot, O.A.S. officials took a two-hour recess to decide on their next steps. Two more ballots produced the same 17-to-17 tie, and delegates agreed to reconvene May 2 at the headquarters to try to overcome the deadlock. The special election was called after the previous secretary general, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, a former Costa Rican president, resigned last fall to face charges of financial wrongdoing back home. He had been on the job for less than a month when he stepped down. O.A.S. nations normally reach a consensus in the prelude to elections for secretary general, but uncertainty had surrounded this contest. As of last Thursday, there were three candidates in the race, none believed to have the 18 votes needed for victory. The candidate backed by the United States, former President Francisco Flores of El Salvador, dropped out Friday for lack of broad-based support. After he pulled out, the State Department said that either Mr. Insulza or Mr. Derbez would make an excellent secretary general. Whoever wins will have to deal with the group's serious financial troubles. Contributions from member nations amounted to $67 million last year -- at least $12 million short of the annual budget.
Die Neuwahl des Generalsekretärs der Organisation Amerikanischer Staaten (OAS) ist gestern gescheitert. Fünf Wahlgänge endeten mit einem Patt. Die Wahl des neuen Generalsekretärs der OAS wurde auf den 2. Mai vertagt. Der chilenische Innenminister, José Miguel Insulza, und der mexikanische Außenminister, Luis Ernesto Derbez, kamen in allen Wahlgängen im Hauptsitz der OAS in Washington auf jeweils 17 Stimmen. Eine Neuwahl des Generalsekretärs der Organisation war nötig geworden, nachdem Miguel Rodriguez wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen im Oktober 2004 zurücktreten musste. Der ehemalige Präsident Costa Ricas amtierte weniger als einen Monat im Amt des OAS-Generalsekretärs. Die Organisation Amerikanischer Staaten ist eine zwischenstaatliche Organisation Nord-, Süd- und Mittelamerikanischer Staaten. 35 unabhängige Staaten sind Mitglied der OAS, wobei Kuba seit 1962 ausgeschlossen ist. Die Ziele der Organisation sind laut ihrer Charta die Förderung der Demokratie, der Schutz der Menschenrechte, der Kampf gegen Kriminalität und Drogenhandel, die Sicherung des Friedens sowie die Schaffung einer panamerikanischen Freihandelszone. José Miguel Insulza gehört der sozialdemokratischen Regierung Chiles an. Seine Kandidatur wird vor allem von den linken Regierungen in Venezuela, Argentinien und Chile unterstützt. Luis Ernesto Derbez ist Außenminister in der konservativen mexikanischen Regierung von Präsident Vicente Fox. Lange Jahre war er als Funktionär bei der Weltbank tätig. Zu seinen Unterstützern in der Generalversammlung der OAS zählen Bolivien, Honduras und Belize. Francisco Flores Pérez, ehemaliger Präsident von El-Salvador und Favorit der US-Regierung, hatte seine Kandidatur vor der Wahl zurückgezogen.
MELBOURNE, Fla., Feb. 21 (UPI) -- Three girls believed to have been in their teens were struck and killed by a train as they walked along a bridge in Melbourne, Fla., authorities said Sunday. The girls were among a group of four crossing the trestle bridge on foot around 6:30 p.m. Saturday, WESH-TV, Orlando, and Florida Today reported. A boy, who was walking ahead of the girls, tried to warn them as he made it to safety on other side of Crane Creek, Florida Today said. "They were unable to get out of the way in time and they were struck by the train," Melbourne Police Lt. Marc Claycomb said. There was no immediate information about the train, which stopped for several hours after the accident. "It's tragic," Claycomb said. "There's no other way to put it." Although walking on the tracks is illegal and several "No Trespassing" signs are posted, neighbors told Florida Today it was not unusual to see pedestrians using the Florida East Coast bridge to cross the creek.
Map of Melbourne, Florida Three teenage girls were killed in Florida after they were hit by a train while crossing a narrow bridge. The accident occurred Saturday night at around 1830 local time (2330 UTC) in Melbourne, Brevard County. The names of the girls have not been released, as the next of kin are still to be notified. A boy had walked ahead, and successfully made his way across the bridge. When the other girls began to cross, they had not noticed a train was coming. Melbourne Police Department spokesman Lieutenant Marc Claycomb said "They were unable to get out of the way in time and they were struck by the train." Witness John Vallee said he heard the train operated by Florida East Coast Railway make a sudden stop after the incident. He then came the the bridge and made the discovery, and called 9-1-1. "It's tragic," Lieutenant Claycomb said. "There's no other way to put it."
Three Girls Killed By Train On Rail Bridge Katie Cassidy, Sky News Online Three teenage girls have been hit and killed by a train on the tracks of a rail bridge in Florida. Emergency vehicles at the scene. Pic: Florida Today A fourth teen, a boy, had gone ahead of the girls and made it safely to the other side when he saw the train approaching. Following the tracks was the only way off the trestle bridge, which spans a creek in Melbourne, Florida. Police said the boy shouted to the girls, warning them to go faster - but they failed to reach the end in time and were hit from behind. "At this time it is unknown why the juveniles were walking on the train tracks," Lieutenant March Claycomb said. I was watching TV and I heard the train hit its emergency brakes and heard all the cars start slamming together, so I was curious to see what was going on. Local resident John Vallee A nearby level crossing had to be closed for several hours, causing cars to be diverted around the accident scene, reports said. Lt Claycomb said the victims have not yet been named as officers were still trying to contact next of kin. The city's police department along with the Florida East Coast Railway Police are investigating the accident. Local resident John Vallee told Florida Today: "I was watching TV and I heard the train hit its emergency brakes and heard all the cars start slamming together, so I was curious to see what was going on." He said he walked up to the guarded crossing and saw a body near the first carriage. "It's going to be hard for me to get to sleep," Mr Vallee said. "I can't get it out of my mind."
Map of Melbourne, Florida Three teenage girls were killed in Florida after they were hit by a train while crossing a narrow bridge. The accident occurred Saturday night at around 1830 local time (2330 UTC) in Melbourne, Brevard County. The names of the girls have not been released, as the next of kin are still to be notified. A boy had walked ahead, and successfully made his way across the bridge. When the other girls began to cross, they had not noticed a train was coming. Melbourne Police Department spokesman Lieutenant Marc Claycomb said "They were unable to get out of the way in time and they were struck by the train." Witness John Vallee said he heard the train operated by Florida East Coast Railway make a sudden stop after the incident. He then came the the bridge and made the discovery, and called 9-1-1. "It's tragic," Lieutenant Claycomb said. "There's no other way to put it."
Send Us Your Video And Photos! If you're there when news happens, Eyewitness News wants to know! Send us your video or photographs of news events in the Central Florida area. Use your computer or cell phone, attach them to an email and send it to By submitting photos, you agree to the terms of our license agreeement.Please note the following file requirements:No larger than 2 MB, mpg, .avi, 3GP.Jpg or .Gif, No Larger than 500k
Map of Melbourne, Florida Three teenage girls were killed in Florida after they were hit by a train while crossing a narrow bridge. The accident occurred Saturday night at around 1830 local time (2330 UTC) in Melbourne, Brevard County. The names of the girls have not been released, as the next of kin are still to be notified. A boy had walked ahead, and successfully made his way across the bridge. When the other girls began to cross, they had not noticed a train was coming. Melbourne Police Department spokesman Lieutenant Marc Claycomb said "They were unable to get out of the way in time and they were struck by the train." Witness John Vallee said he heard the train operated by Florida East Coast Railway make a sudden stop after the incident. He then came the the bridge and made the discovery, and called 9-1-1. "It's tragic," Lieutenant Claycomb said. "There's no other way to put it."
Send Us Your Video And Photos! If you're there when news happens, Eyewitness News wants to know! Send us your video or photographs of news events in the Central Florida area. Use your computer or cell phone, attach them to an email and send it to By submitting photos, you agree to the terms of our license agreeement.Please note the following file requirements:No larger than 2 MB, mpg, .avi, 3GP.Jpg or .Gif, No Larger than 500k
Map of Melbourne, Florida Three teenage girls were killed in Florida after they were hit by a train while crossing a narrow bridge. The accident occurred Saturday night at around 1830 local time (2330 UTC) in Melbourne, Brevard County. The names of the girls have not been released, as the next of kin are still to be notified. A boy had walked ahead, and successfully made his way across the bridge. When the other girls began to cross, they had not noticed a train was coming. Melbourne Police Department spokesman Lieutenant Marc Claycomb said "They were unable to get out of the way in time and they were struck by the train." Witness John Vallee said he heard the train operated by Florida East Coast Railway make a sudden stop after the incident. He then came the the bridge and made the discovery, and called 9-1-1. "It's tragic," Lieutenant Claycomb said. "There's no other way to put it."
3 teen girls crossing Florida bridge killed by train, while helpless friend watches MELBOURNE, Fla. — Three teenage girls were joking around and taking pictures on a narrow bridge in a Florida town when they were hit by a train, killing them as a friend watched helplessly, police and a witness said Sunday. The girls and the fourth teenager, a boy, had been hanging out in Melbourne's downtown area - known for its shops and nightclubs - when they decided to cross the trestle around 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Lt. Curtis Barger said. Their parents had dropped them off at a mall, and then they took a bus downtown where they were "just goofing off," he said. The boy yelled for the girls to run when he saw the train approach, then told them to jump, Barger said. Crane Creek, about 20 feet (six meters) below the bridge, is slow-moving and about 10 feet (three meters) deep. The girls did not have enough time. Bruce Dumas, 53, said he was fishing in Crane Creek, about 20 feet (six meters) under the bridge, when he saw the teens walk onto the trestle around sunset. He warned them to be careful, but he said they didn't pay much attention to him. "You know how kids are," Dumas said. "They probably wanted pictures of themselves on the track." The girls were about midway across when the train barreled down the tracks, blowing its whistle continuously, he said. Dumas said he could hear the sound of the brakes. After the impact, he heard a girl screaming and crying. "I think the train was on them so fast they froze and didn't know what to do," Dumas said. "It's crazy to watch a young life snuffed out like that. They didn't have a chance to live yet." The teens could have jumped onto an old, rusty trestle next to one they were on, though it was unclear why they didn't. Barger said all the teens were from the area, but their identities weren't likely to be released until Monday, after officials can compare dental records. John Vallee, 54, lives near the trestle and was watching TV when he heard a loud screech. He told the Florida Today newspaper he went outside and first thought he saw a blanket tangled under a rail car. Then he realized it was a person. "It's going to be hard for me to get to sleep," Vallee told the newspaper. "I can't get it out of my mind." Authorities in Melbourne, a city of about 77,000 nearly 50 miles (80 kilometres) southeast of Orlando, are investigating. The track is owned by the Florida East Coast Railway, which operates about 350 miles (563 kilometres) of track along the state's east coast. Railway officials did not immediately return calls for comment. Copyright © 2010 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.
Map of Melbourne, Florida Three teenage girls were killed in Florida after they were hit by a train while crossing a narrow bridge. The accident occurred Saturday night at around 1830 local time (2330 UTC) in Melbourne, Brevard County. The names of the girls have not been released, as the next of kin are still to be notified. A boy had walked ahead, and successfully made his way across the bridge. When the other girls began to cross, they had not noticed a train was coming. Melbourne Police Department spokesman Lieutenant Marc Claycomb said "They were unable to get out of the way in time and they were struck by the train." Witness John Vallee said he heard the train operated by Florida East Coast Railway make a sudden stop after the incident. He then came the the bridge and made the discovery, and called 9-1-1. "It's tragic," Lieutenant Claycomb said. "There's no other way to put it."
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To that end, supporters are advised to regularly visit this website to keep themselves updated. 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 Time Home Score Away Venue TV/Att 19:10 Cardiff Blues 22-13 Munster Arms Park 8,687 More 19:30 Border Reivers 15-29 Connacht Rugby Netherdale 1,293 More 19:30 Glasgow Warriors 23-24 Dragons Hughenden 1,653 More 17:30 Ospreys 17-11 Edinburgh Rugby Liberty Stadium 7,067 More 19:30 Ulster 31-16 Llanelli Scarlets Ravenhill 8,265 More 18:30 Connacht Rugby 15-10 Ospreys Sportsground 1,587 More 19:10 Llanelli Scarlets 31-17 Glasgow Warriors Stradey Park 6,366 More 19:30 Edinburgh Rugby 20-14 Leinster Murrayfield 2,479 More 17:30 Dragons 25-32 Ulster Rodney Parade 5,114 More 19:30 Munster 9-8 Border Reivers Thomond Park 6,138 More 19:10 Dragons 22-23 Llanelli Scarlets Rodney Parade 5,574 More 19:35 Ospreys 18-16 Cardiff Blues Liberty Stadium 10,020 More 18:30 Connacht Rugby 15-37 Llanelli Scarlets Sportsground 1,765 More 19:10 Ospreys 30-13 Border Reivers Liberty Stadium 5,507 More 19:30 Edinburgh Rugby 20-15 Ulster Murrayfield 3,129 More 19:30 Glasgow Warriors 24-13 Munster Hughenden 2,295 More 19:30 Leinster 16-9 Cardiff Blues Donnybrook 5,200 More 18:30 Connacht Rugby 22-22 Edinburgh Rugby Sportsground 1,065 More 18:40 Cardiff Blues 27-9 Glasgow Warriors Arms Park 6,326 More 19:30 Border Reivers 8-20 Dragons Netherdale 1,088 More 19:30 Ulster 43-7 Ospreys Ravenhill 10,804 More 17:30 Llanelli Scarlets 33-21 Leinster Stradey Park 6,721 More 18:30 Connacht Rugby 16-31 Leinster Sportsground 3,678 More 19:30 Edinburgh Rugby 14-9 Glasgow Warriors Murrayfield 4,342 More 19:30 Munster 21-13 Ulster Musgrave Park 8,000 More 18:30 Connacht Rugby 17-24 Ulster Sportsground 1,687 More 19:30 Glasgow Warriors 25-0 Border Reivers Hughenden 1,967 More 19:30 Leinster 27-20 Munster Lansdowne Road 27,252 More 18:30 Connacht Rugby 16-9 Dragons Sportsground 1,356 More 19:10 Ospreys 26-9 Glasgow Warriors Liberty Stadium 6,288 More 19:30 Border Reivers 22-19 Leinster Netherdale 1,661 More 19:30 Munster 10-21 Edinburgh Rugby Thomond Park 8,000 More 17:30 Ulster 32-12 Cardiff Blues Ravenhill 9,979 More 19:10 Edinburgh Rugby v Cardiff Blues Murrayfield BBCw/Setanta 19:30 Glasgow Warriors v Connacht Rugby Hughenden 19:30 Ulster v Border Reivers Ravenhill 19:30 Leinster v Dragons Donnybrook Setanta 16:10 Llanelli Scarlets v Munster Stradey Park S4C/Setanta 19:10 Dragons v Edinburgh Rugby Rodney Parade BBCw 19:30 Border Reivers v Llanelli Scarlets Netherdale 19:30 Leinster v Glasgow Warriors Donnybrook 17:30 Cardiff Blues v Connacht Rugby Arms Park S4C 19:00 Munster v Ospreys Thomond Park 19:30 Edinburgh Rugby v Border Reivers Murrayfield Setanta 19:30 Ulster v Leinster Ravenhill Setanta 17:00 Munster v Connacht Rugby Thomond Park 19:10 Llanelli Scarlets v Dragons Stradey Park BBCw/Setanta 19:30 Glasgow Warriors v Edinburgh Rugby Hughenden Setanta 17:30 Cardiff Blues v Ospreys Arms Park S4C/Setanta TBC Ospreys v Llanelli Scarlets Liberty Stadium S4C/Setanta 17:30 Ulster v Connacht Rugby Ravenhill Setanta 15:00 Munster v Leinster Thomond Park Setanta 15:10 Dragons v Cardiff Blues Rodney Parade BBCw 19:30 Border Reivers v Glasgow Warriors Netherdale 14:00 Leinster v Ulster Lansdowne Road Setanta 14:10 Ospreys v Dragons Liberty Stadium BBCw/Setanta 16:00 Connacht Rugby v Munster Sportsground TBC Cardiff Blues v Llanelli Scarlets Arms Park S4C TBC Cardiff Blues v Border Reivers Arms Park TBC Leinster v Ospreys Donnybrook 19:15 Dragons v Munster Rodney Parade 19:30 Edinburgh Rugby v Llanelli Scarlets Murrayfield 19:30 Glasgow Warriors v Ulster Hughenden TBC Leinster v Llanelli Scarlets Donnybrook TBC Ospreys v Ulster Liberty Stadium 19:15 Dragons v Border Reivers Rodney Parade 19:30 Edinburgh Rugby v Connacht Rugby Murrayfield 19:30 Glasgow Warriors v Cardiff Blues Hughenden TBC Leinster v Edinburgh Rugby Donnybrook TBC Ospreys v Connacht Rugby Liberty Stadium TBC Ulster v Dragons Ravenhill 19:30 Border Reivers v Munster Netherdale 19:30 Glasgow Warriors v Llanelli Scarlets Hughenden TBC Llanelli Scarlets v Ulster Stradey Park TBC Munster v Cardiff Blues Musgrave Park 18:30 Connacht Rugby v Border Reivers Sportsground 19:15 Dragons v Glasgow Warriors Rodney Parade 19:30 Edinburgh Rugby v Ospreys Murrayfield TBC Leinster v Connacht Rugby Donnybrook TBC Llanelli Scarlets v Cardiff Blues Stradey Park TBC Ulster v Munster Ravenhill 19:15 Dragons v Ospreys Rodney Parade 19:30 Border Reivers v Edinburgh Rugby Netherdale TBC Llanelli Scarlets v Border Reivers Stradey Park TBC Ospreys v Munster Liberty Stadium 18:30 Connacht Rugby v Cardiff Blues Sportsground 19:30 Edinburgh Rugby v Dragons Murrayfield 19:30 Glasgow Warriors v Leinster Hughenden TBC Cardiff Blues v Edinburgh Rugby Arms Park TBC Munster v Llanelli Scarlets Musgrave Park 18:30 Connacht Rugby v Glasgow Warriors Sportsground 19:15 Dragons v Leinster Rodney Parade 19:30 Border Reivers v Ulster Netherdale TBC Cardiff Blues v Dragons Arms Park TBC Llanelli Scarlets v Ospreys Stradey Park TBC Llanelli Scarlets v Edinburgh Rugby Stradey Park TBC Munster v Dragons Musgrave Park TBC Ospreys v Leinster Liberty Stadium TBC Ulster v Glasgow Warriors Ravenhill 19:30 Border Reivers v Cardiff Blues Netherdale TBC Cardiff Blues v Ulster Arms Park TBC Leinster v Border Reivers Donnybrook 19:15 Dragons v Connacht Rugby Rodney Parade 19:30 Edinburgh Rugby v Munster Murrayfield 19:30 Glasgow Warriors v Ospreys Hughenden TBC Border Reivers v Ospreys Netherdale TBC Cardiff Blues v Leinster Arms Park TBC Llanelli Scarlets v Connacht Rugby Stradey Park TBC Munster v Glasgow Warriors Musgrave Park TBC Ulster v Edinburgh Rugby Ravenhill E-mail this page
La Ligue celtique de rugby à XV a disputé son avant-dernière journée. La compétition se déroulant entre franchises, aucune relégation n'existe. À la différence des années précédentes, des demi-finales et une finale désigneront le vainqueur. Trois clubs sont déjà assurés de disputer les demi-finales : Leinster Rugby, Ospreys, Glasgow Warriors. Trois autres provinces peuvent décrocher le dernier billet : Munster Rugby, Cardiff Blues et Edinburgh Rugby. Les deux premières se rencontreront lors de la dernière journée lors d'un match capital. Quatrième au classement, le Munster peut se qualifier avec une défaite, à la faveur d'un ou deux points du bonus Les Écossais peuvent aussi se qualifier si les Blues remportent leur match sans bonification, et que les Irlandais perdent sans point de bonus, à la condition d'obtenir une victoire bonifiée sur le terrain du leader Leinster. En revanche, les Newport Gwent Dragons ne pourront plus prendre la quatrième place. Avec une victoire non bonifiée de Cardiff, et une victoire bonifiée à l'extérieur de Newport, les deux franchises se retrouveraient à égalité de points. Dans un tel cas de figure, les équipes seraient départagées à la faveur du nombre de matchs gagnés. La capitale galloise prendrait l'avantage avec dix victoires contre neuf. Résultats complets de la 17 journée de la Ligue celtique Newport Gwent Dragons 14 - 20 '''Cardiff Blues''' '''Glasgow Warriors''' 30 - 6 Leinster Rugby Munster Rugby 11 - 15 '''Ospreys''' '''Llanelli Scarlets''' 58 - 10 Connacht Rugby Edinburgh Rugby 25 - 37 '''Ulster Rugby''' + Source : Magners League Classement général de la Ligue celtique Class. Club Pts J G N P B pp pc +- 1. 50 17 12 0 5 2 322 267 55 2. 47 17 10 1 6 5 342 288 54 3. 46 17 10 2 5 2 353 289 64 4. 44 17 9 0 8 8 307 269 38 5. 40 17 9 0 8 4 336 303 33 6. 40 17 8 0 9 8 357 354 3 7. 39 17 8 1 8 5 323 336 8. 31 17 6 1 10 5 316 360 9. 28 17 5 0 12 8 329 345 10. 26 17 5 1 11 4 244 418 + Source : Wikinews
Contáctenos Ediciones Previas Publicidad >NACIONALES Publicidad --> SELECCIONE UN ARTICULO DE NACIONALES VIENE ALZA DEL 6% EN LA LUZ DIÉSEL BAJARÁ ¢49 Y SÚPER ¢41 EMPRESAS TICAS QUIEREN CONQUISTAR ALEMANIA SOCIEDAD DE DIPUTADO MANEJÓ CHEQUES DEL PLN CAAMAÑO PEDIRÁ CABEZAS DE TSE “YO NO QUIERO GENTE QUE NO MEREZCA ESTAR” “TODOS LOS PARTIDOS OBTUVIERON FINANCIAMIENTO POR ... “CASI NO RECIBIMOS DONACIONES EN ESPECIE” PRESIDENTA LLAMA A CUENTAS A SU DIRIGENCIA “NOS QUEDAMOS COMO HUÉRFANOS” ARDIÓ TROYA POR PUBLICACIÓN DE KÖLBI MINISTRO ADMITE ERROR EN LICITACIÓN DE TAXIS UNA INICIA PROCESO DE MATRÍCULA EXTRAORDINARIA ALCALDE JOSEFINO RECIBE A COMERCIANTES DE AVENIDA 10 INA IMPARTIRÁ CLASES LOS SÁBADOS SINTRAJAP SUMARÁ A EMPLEADOS DE ACTIVIDAD PORTUARIA AUMENTAN CASOS DE AH1N1 NEUMOCOCO SE COBRA PRIMERA VÍCTIMA INFANTIL Untitled Page • Comunidad gay al despedir al activista Abelardo Araya: “NOS QUEDAMOS COMO HUÉRFANOS” Angie Guerrero Molina Fotos: Mauricio Aguilar Allegados a Abelardo Araya le ofrecieron el último adiós ayer en Alajuela. “Perdimos a un líder incomparable”, “Nunca habrá un activista igual a Abelardo”. Con frases como estas decenas despidieron ayer por la tarde a Abelardo Araya, fundador del Movimiento Diversidad y defensor de la comunidad lésbica, gay, bisexual, transexual e intersexual. La tarde de ayer, durante la vela que se realizó en las capillas de Jardines del Recuerdo, en Alajuela, se honró su memoria con las palabras y la presencia de quienes siempre estuvieron a su lado, defendiendo su trabajo y apoyándolo en sus momentos de dolor, ya que Araya padecía del corazón, diabetes e hipertensión. DEJA HUELLA “Perdimos a un líder incomparable”, “Nunca habrá un activista igual a Abelardo”. Con frases como estas decenas despidieron ayer por la tarde a Abelardo Araya, fundador del Movimiento Diversidad y defensor de la comunidad lésbica, gay, bisexual, transexual e intersexual.La tarde de ayer, durante la vela que se realizó en las capillas de Jardines del Recuerdo, en Alajuela, se honró su memoria con las palabras y la presencia de quienes siempre estuvieron a su lado, defendiendo su trabajo y apoyándolo en sus momentos de dolor, ya que Araya padecía del corazón, diabetes e hipertensión. Su lucha en defensa de los derechos de las parejas del mismo sexo se inició hace más de 30 años y entre sus intervenciones más destacadas se encuentra su labor en 1998 como coordinador del programa de apoyo a familias gais y lesbianas, del Instituto Latinoamericano de Prevención en Salud. Además de sus esfuerzos para que el Estado entrara de lleno en la prevención del sida. En 2006, respaldado por los exdiputados Ana Helena Chacón, del Partido Unidad Social Cristiana (PUSC), y José Merino, del Frente Amplio, presentó un proyecto de ley sobre la unión entre personas del mismo sexo. “Fue tan grande su labor que le llevó a poner los intereses de estos grupos por encima de sus propios intereses”, comentó Sisy Castillo, cercana a Araya. DURA PARTIDA Decenas se acercaron a despedir a su líder, a quien encontraron muerto en la casa que habitaba en San José, el jueves anterior, después de que familiares y allegados pidieran intervención a la policía, ya que Araya tenía varios días sin contestar el teléfono. Sus funerales se realizaron a las 3.30 p.m. en el Cementerio General de Alajuela, de donde era oriundo. José Merino Exdiputado “Siempre apoyé a Abelardo por la valentía para enfrentarse a una sociedad machista. Él tuvo el coraje de dar la cara por los derechos de los grupos lésbico, gay, bisexual, transexual e intersexual”. Miguel Aguilar Ruiz Abogado “Tenemos que hablar de un antes y un después de Abelardo Araya. Él fue quien entró a la selva con un machete y así fue como muchos lo siguieron con temor. Él siempre fue de frente, con valentía, y ahora eso se ve con el nacimiento de nuevas agrupaciones defensoras de los grupos lésbico, gay, bisexual, transexual e intersexual”. Ana Helena Chacón Exdiputado “Nos conocimos pretendiendo un país más justo en materia de derechos humanos. Él siempre me enseñó a trabajar con la cabeza muy en alto. Ahora todo está en concluir la lucha que iniciamos juntos”.
Abelardo Araya, líder del Movimiento Diversidad, abogaba por el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo. Abelardo Araya, Presidente del Movimiento Diversidad, una organización activista costarricense que aboga por los derechos de los homosexuales, falleció este jueves a los 42 años en su casa en la ciudad de San José a causa de una enfermedad. Las exequias se realizaron ayer en Alajuela. Araya fue sepultado en el Cementerio General en esta misma ciudad.
Andrés Carevic confía en sus jugadores y el tiempo le da la razón por tener a todos sus hombres con ritmo. La Liga visita este martes al Atlanta United, en el pulso decisivo de los octavos de final de la Liga de Campeones de Concacaf.
Abelardo Araya, líder del Movimiento Diversidad, abogaba por el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo. Abelardo Araya, Presidente del Movimiento Diversidad, una organización activista costarricense que aboga por los derechos de los homosexuales, falleció este jueves a los 42 años en su casa en la ciudad de San José a causa de una enfermedad. Las exequias se realizaron ayer en Alajuela. Araya fue sepultado en el Cementerio General en esta misma ciudad.
Le Conseil de sécurité a renforcé les sanctions de l’ONU contre les groupes armés en Libye. Depuis la chute de Mouammar Kadhafi, en octobre 2011, le pays est morcelé en une multitude de milices rivales. Mais ce chaos sécuritaire se double désormais d'un chaos institutionnel, puisque l'ancienne assemblée a nommé lundi un second Premier ministre. Par Coralie Pierret L'ancien Parlement en Libye, qui a officiellement terminé son mandat en juin, a repris du service. Il a nommé un nouveau Premier ministre, lundi 25 août. Sauf que la Libye dispose déjà d'un gouvernement provisoire. Le pays pourrait donc se retrouver avec deux gouvernements rivaux et deux assemblées. Mais cette situation n'est pas nouvelle. Au printemps dernier, la Libye avait déjà deux gouvernements. Cette nomination du Premier ministre par le CGN, le Conseil général national, est en quelque sorte un pied de nez au nouveau Parlement. La nouvelle assemblée installée à Tobrouk est boycottée par les islamistes du CGN, l'ancienne assemblée. Ces derniers ont largement perdu les élections de juin dernier. Ils se sont de nouveau réunis à Tripoli ces derniers jours pour nommer le nouveau Premier ministre, après la victoire des milices islamistes à l'aéroport de Tripoli. Les milices de Misrata contrôlent l'aéroport En fin de semaine dernière, les brigades de Zintane ont déserté l'aéroport international qu'elles contrôlaient jusqu'à présent. Après plus d'un mois de combats, ce sont désormais les milices rebelles de Misrata qui sont les maîtres de la zone. Ces milices de Misrata, regroupées en coalition, ont lancé une opération appelée Aube de la Libye. C'est donc une victoire des islamistes autant qu'une défaite pour Khalifa Haftar. Ce général qui en mai dernier avait lancé une vaste offensive baptisée Opération Dignité. L'objectif étant selon ses propres mots « de purger le pays des terroristes ». Les milices islamistes de Misrata terrorisent depuis plusieurs semaines la capitale. L'aéroport international est en ruine. Des photos publiées sur les réseaux sociaux montraient un appareil de la Libyan Airlines en feu tandis que des colonnes de fumée s'élevaient au-dessus de l'aéroport. Une dizaine d'avions de ligne ont été détruits et deux Airbus A320 d'Afrikiya ont disparu. Des violences ont également été observées dans le centre de Tripoli. A deux reprises, les 18 et 23 août, des avions de chasse ont bombardé Tripoli. Les Emirats Arabes Unis et l'Egypte derrière les frappes aériennes Washington attribue ces frappes aériennes aux Emirats Arabes Unis avec le soutien logistique de l'Egypte. Les raids visaient les positions des milices de Misrata. Le mystère de ces frappes a été éclairci au bout d'une semaine seulement, après un article du New York Times. Cette thèse a été confirmée par la suite par le département d'Etat américain. Sauf que les principaux intéressés, eux, ne confirment pas. L'Egypte a formellement démenti toute implication militaire directe en Libye. Les Emirats restent muets. Alors pourquoi ces deux pays interviendraient en Libye ? Déjà en mai dernier, sur l'antenne de RFI, les jihadistes de Benghazi accusaient l'Egypte de soutenir le général Haftar, ce dernier qui est surnommé le « petit Sissi » au Caire, en référence au président égyptien. Les deux pays, l'Egypte et les Emirats, mènent une politique stricte contre les Frères musulmans. En Egypte, l'organisation est pouchassée depuis la destitution du président Morsi en juillet 2013. Or, les milices de Misrata, qui ont repris du service à Tripoli, seraient proches des Frères musulmans. Et c'est là que le jeu se complique. Un troisième pays du golfe entre en jeu : le Qatar, qui lui soutient les Frères musulmans. L'Egypte et les Emirats auraient bombardé Tripoli pour affaiblir les milices de Misrata et ainsi atteindre indirectement Doha. Et avec ces trois pays impliqués dans le conflit libyen, certains observateurs s'inquiètent de la régionalisation du conflit. Une escalade qui inquiètent également les Occidentaux. Washington, Paris, Londres, Berlin et Rome, ensemble, ont condamné « les interférences extérieures en Libye qui exacerbent les divisions » Selon certains analystes, les Occidentaux n'ont pas été consultés avant ces frappes aériennes. Abu Dhabi et Le Caire souhaitent faire cavalier seul, persuadés qu'ils ne peuvent plus dépendre de l'Amérique et de l'Occident.
Ce lundi, l'ancien parlement de la qui avait officiellement terminé son mandat en juin a nommé un nouveau Premier ministre et a repris du service. Cependant, la Libye dispose déjà d'un gouvernement provisoire avec un Premier ministre. Le pays qui est déjà dans un chaos avec plusieurs milices armées rivales depuis la chute du régime de en octobre 2011 se retrouvent donc avec deux gouvernements et deux assemblées parlementaires rivaux.
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Former senator and former police chief Dany Toussaint was arrested by United Nations troops on alleged possession of illegal weapons. According to police sources Toussaint was arrested by Chilean troops when they found the weapons on him in Cap-Haitien. Toussaint was driving through a police checkpoint when the troops spotted the weapons and arrested him. One police official said, "Dany Toussaint was carrying several weapons for which he has no valid authorization." Among the alleged weapons are those obtained from parliament when Toussaint became a senator, but they were to be returned when his term as senator ended. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has suspected Toussaint of drug trafficking in the past. Toussaint was also the suspect in the 2000 murder of a radio journalist, Jean Dominique. Currently Toussaint runs a private security company.
WM 2006 Blatter: Deutschland "Organisations-Weltmeister" Keine langen Schlangen vor den Stadien, wenige Festnahmen, volle Zuschauerränge: Fifa-Chef Blatter ist "glücklich" mit den ersten Tagen der WM in Deutschland. (11.06.2006, 15:07 Uhr) Auch an den Stadioneingängen kam es wegen der verschärften Sicherheits- und Ticketkontrollen weder zu langwierigen Staus noch zu Unmut der Fans. «Es gab keine Schwierigkeiten bei der Stadion- Befüllung und bei den Stichproben artigen Kartenkontrollen», erklärte OK-Sprecher Gerd Graus in Berlin. «Viele Besucher hatten bereits ihren Personalausweis in der Hand.» Die Tickets waren namentlich gebunden verkauft worden. Zahlreiche bei der Kartenvergabe leer ausgegangene Fans nutzten die nur sporadisch durchgeführten Namensabgleiche zwischen Ticket und Ausweis, um sich auf dem Schwarzmarkt noch ein Billet zu beschaffen. Bis zu 1450 Euro verlangten Händler vor dem WM-Spiel England gegen Paraguay in Frankfurt am Main für ein Ticket. Warnungen der Polizei, die über Lautsprecher vor möglichen Kartenfälschungen hinwiesen, verhallten meist unbeachtet. «Wir sind nicht so blauäugig gewesen zu glauben, dies völlig ausschalten zu können», meinte Niersbach. «Den Schwarzmarkt gibt es so lange wie das Tennisturnier in Wimbledon, und das ist über 100 Jahre alt.» Das OK hat nach eigenen Angaben mehr als 99 Prozent aller Tickets verkauft. Dass trotz des Karten-Ansturms bei den Spielen England gegen Paraguay mehr als 20.000 Briten im Frankfurter Stadion waren und bei der Partie Polen gegen Ecuador in Gelsenkirchen fast 40.000 polnische Anhänger in der Arena Platz fanden, hält das OK für Zufall. «Der Kartenverkauf ist im Internet vonstatten gegangen. Da hat das Glück eine Rolle gespielt», sagte Graus über die auffällig großen Fan-Kontingente. In puncto Sicherheit gab es keine ernsten Zwischenfälle in den und um die WM-Spielstätten. «Es gab überhaupt keine größeren Vorfälle», bilanzierte FIFA-Mediendirektor Markus Siegler. Eine kleine Sicherheitspanne hatten die Ordnungskräfte schnell im Griff: Nach der Begegnung England gegen Paraguay hatten sich zwei englische Fans Zutritt zum Innenraum und zum Spielertunnel verschafft. «Sie sind gleich aufgegriffen und weggeführt worden», berichtete Graus. Zum Zeitpunkt des Vorfalls befand sich der englische Thronfolger Prinz Williams in der Nähe der englischen Kabine. «Kein Anlass zur Besorgnis», meinte Graus. (tso/dpa)
Im Vorfeld hatte das deutsche Organisationskomitee (OK) der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft betont, dass die personalisierten Eintrittskarten wichtig seien, um jeden Zuschauer eindeutig identifizieren zu können. Doch eine systematische Kontrolle, ob auch wirklich der registrierte Besitzer einer Karte ins Stadion kommt, findet offenbar nicht statt. Verschiedene Medien berichteten, dass nur bei etwa jedem hundersten Besucher überprüft werde, ob die Karte auch auf ihn registriert sei. Karten, die vermutlich aus den Kontingenten spezialisierter Broker stammten, wurden zu Preisen von bis zu 1.450 Euro schwarz verkauft. So waren die Anteile an schwedischen, polnischen und englischen Fans, die bei den Auftaktspielen ihrer Mannschaften dabei waren, weitaus höher als die eigentlich vorgesehene Quote von acht Prozent. 40.000 polnische Fans in Gelsenkirchen und 20.000 englische Fans in Frankfurt sorgten für den Eindruck von Heimspielen. Der Vizepräsident des OK, Wolfgang Niersbach, zeigte sich „sehr glücklich, wie die WM bisher gelaufen“ sei. Die große Anzahl der Fans aus einzelnen Ländern schreibt er Zufall und Glück bei der Kartenverlosung im Internet zu.
Mit ihrem umstrittenen Konzept, durch personalisierte Tickets und einem den Einlass begleitenden Datenbankabgleich für erhöhte Sicherheit zu sorgen, ist das Organisationskomitee (OK) der Fußball-WM gescheitert. Vielmehr startete man am ersten WM-Wochenende wie die deutsche Fußballmannschaft: Glänzend im Angriff, mit großen Schwächen in der Verteidigung. Ob in Frankfurt, Dortmund oder Gelsenkirchen: Solange an den Einlässen ein grünes Licht signalisierte, dass das Ticket selbst in Ordnung war, wurden die Besucher ins Stadion gelassen. Der Datenabgleich mit dem Ausweis wurde im Schnitt nur bei einem von 100 Besuchern stichprobenartig durchgeführt. Zuvor hatten OK-Sprecher immer wieder betont, wie wichtig die datenbankgestützte Methode und lückenlose Kontrolle sei, weil nur so ein Besucher festgenommen werden könne, der eine Rakete abfeuert oder ähnliche gefährliche Störungen verursacht. Anzeige ");} if(plug) { document.write(" "); function loadFlashMiddle11(){ if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") == -1){ if (extFlashMiddle11.readyState == "complete") { FlashObject("", "OAS_AD_Middle1", "width=300 height=250", "", "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" ,"5", "FinContentMiddle11"); extFlashMiddle11.onreadystatechange = ""; } extFlashMiddle11.onreadystatechange = loadFlashMiddle11; } else { FlashObject("", "OAS_AD_Middle1", "width=300 height=250", "", "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" ,"5", "FinContentMiddle11"); } } if(document.getElementById("FinContentMiddle11")) loadFlashMiddle11(); } else { OASd.write(" ");} //--> Daneben blühte das Schwarzmarktgeschäft sowie der Verkauf von Last-Minute-Tickets durch Spezialagenturen über Telefon und Internet. Sie sorgten dafür, dass schwedische, polnische und englische Fans zu Tausenden noch überteuerte Tickets bekamen und beim WM-Start ihrer Mannschaften für ein Heimspiel sorgten. Die offizielle Quote von 8 Prozent des jeweiligen Stadionkontingentes war jedenfalls weit überschritten, wie Beobachter des WM-OK "mit Verblüffung" registrierten. Die nicht personalisierten Tickets, die zu Preisen zwischen 550 und 1450 Euro angeboten werden, stammen offenbar aus FIFA-Kontingenten, die spezialisierte Broker wie die norwegische Firma Euroteam zu Tausenden aufgekauft hat. Das wird auf Seiten des OK etwas anders gesehen, das die 20.000 Engländer in Frankfurt und die 40.000 Polen in Gelsenkirchen mit dem Glück beim Internet-Verkauf erklärte. Nicht in allen WM-Städten konnte sich das inoffizielle Motto "Friede, Freude, Fußballgucken" durchsetzen. Bei der Ausgabe der VIP-Tickets zum Eröffnungsspiel in München sollen sich nach einem Bericht der Süddeutschen Zeitung tumultartigen Szenen abgespielt haben, bei denen am Ende die Tickets einfach in die Menge geworfen wurden. Die Mehrzahl der VIPs sollen am Betreten der Schlemmerzone interessiert gewesen sein, weniger an dem Eröffnungsspiel. Zur Sicherheit, Technik und zum Datenschutz bei der Fußball-WM 2006 siehe auch: ) / ( jk /c't)
Im Vorfeld hatte das deutsche Organisationskomitee (OK) der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft betont, dass die personalisierten Eintrittskarten wichtig seien, um jeden Zuschauer eindeutig identifizieren zu können. Doch eine systematische Kontrolle, ob auch wirklich der registrierte Besitzer einer Karte ins Stadion kommt, findet offenbar nicht statt. Verschiedene Medien berichteten, dass nur bei etwa jedem hundersten Besucher überprüft werde, ob die Karte auch auf ihn registriert sei. Karten, die vermutlich aus den Kontingenten spezialisierter Broker stammten, wurden zu Preisen von bis zu 1.450 Euro schwarz verkauft. So waren die Anteile an schwedischen, polnischen und englischen Fans, die bei den Auftaktspielen ihrer Mannschaften dabei waren, weitaus höher als die eigentlich vorgesehene Quote von acht Prozent. 40.000 polnische Fans in Gelsenkirchen und 20.000 englische Fans in Frankfurt sorgten für den Eindruck von Heimspielen. Der Vizepräsident des OK, Wolfgang Niersbach, zeigte sich „sehr glücklich, wie die WM bisher gelaufen“ sei. Die große Anzahl der Fans aus einzelnen Ländern schreibt er Zufall und Glück bei der Kartenverlosung im Internet zu.
George Clooney logged some time back at the ER—unfortunately for the Oscar-winning star, this trip was all too real. The actor and his girlfriend, Sarah Larson, suffered broken bones Friday after their motorcycle was sideswiped by a car in New Jersey, his publicist Stan Rosenfield tells E! News. According to Weehawken Police Sergeant Sean Kelly, the accident occurred at 3:30 p.m. on a Boulevard East, a narrow road with views of the New York skyline, when Clooney tried to pass a 1999 Mazda Millenia that was allegedly attempting a righthand turn from the left lane. The Mazda driver, 27-year-old Albert Sciancalepore, told police that Clooney was the one hastily passing cars in the right lane, while the actor said that the other driver sped up to pass him to make the turn. "The car signaled left. George was riding to the right," Rosenfield said. "The driver decided to make an abrupt right turn and clipped George." No citations have been issued but the accident remains under investigation. "It's a he-said, she-said right now, but you can't pass on the right in Weehawken or anywhere in Jersey," Kelly said, adding that it's unknown whether the Mazda's turn signal was on. Clooney, an avid biker, was treated for a hairline fracture of a rib and "road rash" at Palisades Medical Center in North Bergen, New Jersey, not far from the New York border. Larson was taken away by ambulance but Clooney was able to leave the scene on his Harley-Davidson, Kelly said. Each was wearing a helmet when the crash occurred. Larson sustained a broken foot and appeared to have cuts on her face, according to police. They were released shortly after entering the facility. Aside from the injury being "very painful" and likely taking "a long time to heal," Rosenfield said Clooney is "doing fine." Clooney, 46, recently made the red carpet rounds with Larson at the Deauville, Venice and Toronto film festivals, touting his new Best Actor-bait legal thriller, Michael Clayton. The film is set for an Oct. 12 release. The two were first linked in June, following the premiere of Ocean's Thirteen at Las Vegas' Palms Casino Resort, where the 28-year-old Larson worked as a cocktail waitress. Larson had her first brush with fame in 2005, when she and her former boyfriend won NBC's Fear Factor. Clooney is in the Tristate area shooting his latest film, Joel and Ethan Coen's Burn After Reading, which also stars Brad Pitt, John Malkovich and Frances McDormand.
Winnetka, Illinois on the set for opening scene of ''Oceans 12'' According to a spokesperson, actor George Clooney, 46, along with his girlfriend Sarah Larson, 28, were injured in a motorcycle accident in New Jersey after the motorcycle was sideswiped by another vehicle. "George Clooney was involved in a motorcycle accident this afternoon after the bike he was riding was hit by a car. He's doing fine. He has a broken rib, it's very painful and it'll take a long time to heal," said Stan Rosenfield, a spokesman for Clooney in a statement. Clooney received fractured ribs and road rash whereas Larson broke a foot. Both were treated and released from North Bergen, New Jersey's Palisades Medical Center. Clooney is still expected to attend the opening of his new film ''Michael Clayton'', which is to take place in New York City, New York on Monday.
Associated Press UPDATED (9/24): Clooney Recovering Following Motorcycle Accident PALISADES, New Jersey (September 24, 2007) – Film star George Clooney is recovering from a motorcycle accident, which occurred Friday. The star of the “Ocean’s” series was on his motorcycle when a car stuck his two-wheeler, a rep for Clooney told Access Hollywood. Clooney’s new gal pal, Sarah Larson was on the back of the motorcycle when it hit. Clooney was taken to the Palisades Medical Center in Palisades, New Jersey where he was treated for a hairline fracture of the rib and road rash. Larson’s foot was broken in the accident, Clooney’s rep told Access Hollywood Both Clooney and Larson were released after receiving treatment. In an e-mail to Access Hollywood’s Nancy O’Dell on Friday, the always playful Clooney said, “All is fine... not like giving birth” [O’Dell recently gave birth to her first child]. Today, Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush interviewed the 27-year-old chef, Albert Sciancalepore, who was involved in the accident with Clooney and when asked about his reaction to realizing it was Clooney he said, “My main concern was there’s two people on the ground, they just hit me and, you know, I’m concerned for them. They’re both bleeding, it’s more of a shock than anything, not because he’s a celebrity but more to the fact that there’s two people hurt on the ground that could have been severely hurt.” Who Is George Clooney's New Gal? Weehawken Police Sgt. Sean Kelly told the Associated Press the collision occurred at 3:30 p.m. as Clooney and Larson were traveling north on Boulevard East and sped up to pass on the right a 1999 Mazda Millenia that was preparing to make a right turn. “It’s a he-said, she-said right now, but you can’t pass on the right in Weehawken or anywhere in Jersey,” Kelly told the AP, adding the accident remains under investigation. Despite the crash, Access Hollywood has learned Clooney still plans to attend the world premiere of his new drama “Michael Clayton,” Monday night in New York City. Copyright 2007 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Winnetka, Illinois on the set for opening scene of ''Oceans 12'' According to a spokesperson, actor George Clooney, 46, along with his girlfriend Sarah Larson, 28, were injured in a motorcycle accident in New Jersey after the motorcycle was sideswiped by another vehicle. "George Clooney was involved in a motorcycle accident this afternoon after the bike he was riding was hit by a car. He's doing fine. He has a broken rib, it's very painful and it'll take a long time to heal," said Stan Rosenfield, a spokesman for Clooney in a statement. Clooney received fractured ribs and road rash whereas Larson broke a foot. Both were treated and released from North Bergen, New Jersey's Palisades Medical Center. Clooney is still expected to attend the opening of his new film ''Michael Clayton'', which is to take place in New York City, New York on Monday.
George Clooney Injured in Motorcycle Crash George Clooney was involved in a motorcycle accident this afternoon, when his cycle was hit by a motorist. He was treated for a hairline rib fracture and road rash at Palisades Medical Center in Palisades, New Jersey.Sarah Larson, who was riding on the motorcycle with Clooney, suffered a broken foot. Clooney and Larson were released shortly after being treated.
Winnetka, Illinois on the set for opening scene of ''Oceans 12'' According to a spokesperson, actor George Clooney, 46, along with his girlfriend Sarah Larson, 28, were injured in a motorcycle accident in New Jersey after the motorcycle was sideswiped by another vehicle. "George Clooney was involved in a motorcycle accident this afternoon after the bike he was riding was hit by a car. He's doing fine. He has a broken rib, it's very painful and it'll take a long time to heal," said Stan Rosenfield, a spokesman for Clooney in a statement. Clooney received fractured ribs and road rash whereas Larson broke a foot. Both were treated and released from North Bergen, New Jersey's Palisades Medical Center. Clooney is still expected to attend the opening of his new film ''Michael Clayton'', which is to take place in New York City, New York on Monday.
Kosten im Gesundheitssystem Private Krankenversicherung und Ärzte streiten über Honorare Freitag, 10. Dez 2010, 10:49 Die private Krankenversicherung und die Ärzteschaft streiten um die neuerliche Ausgestaltung der Gebührenverordnung. Dabei geht es wie immer um das liebe Geld. Die PKV möchte sparen, die Ärzteschaft bangt um ihre Einnahmen. Die Öffnungsklausel soll in Zukunft mehr Wettbewerb bringen. Die Ärzteschaft befürchtet jedoch Preisdumping. Einnahmen und Ausgaben: Streit um die Balance Die Bundesregierung will im kommenden Jahr die Gebührenverordnungen für die Ärzteschaft überarbeiten. Diese regelt die Honorarzahlungen für die jeweiligen medizinischen Leistungen. Die Notwendigkeit einer Reform ergibt sich aus der Aktualität dieser Verordnung - sie wurde schon seit Jahrzehnten nicht überarbeitet. Daraus resultiert eine Diskrepanz zwischen festgeschriebenen Vorgaben und der medizinisch-technischen Wirklichkeit. Neue Behandlungsmethoden finden sich erst gar nicht in diesem Leistungskatalog. Die Gebührenverodnung hinke dem medizinischen Fortschritt hinterher, so der Verband der privaten Krankenversicherung (PKV-Verband) in einer Pressemitteilung. Über die Notwendigkeit zur Neugestaltung sind sich die private Krankenversicherung und die Ärzteschaft im Grunde einig. Doch bei den Detailfragen offenbaren sich die Konfliktpunkte. Öffnungsklausel: Dumpinggefahr? Ein Wort scheint der Ärzteschaft in diesem Zusammenhang ein Dorn im Auge zu sein: Die sogenannte Öffnungsklausel. Sie würde der PKV die Möglichkeit geben, mit den Ärzten dirkete Verträge über die Vergütung medizinischer Leistungen abzuschließen. Die Versicherer sehen hierin große Einsparmöglichkeiten. Die Ärzteschaft sieht jedoch die Gefahr des Preisdumpings, eine mögliche “Aldisierung der Medizin”, so Peter Engel, Präsident der Bundeszahnärztekammer (BZÄK). Ausgaben steigen deutlich an - Reform nötig Dass es bei diesem Thema zu öffentlichen Schlagabtauschen kommt, ist obligatrisch, denn es geht ums Geld. Die private Krankenversicherung will ihre Ausgaben senken, um wettberwerbsfähiger und auch zukunftsfähiger zu sein. Allein die Ausgaben für ambulante Leistungen sind zwischen 2007 und 2009 um mehr als zwölf Prozent gestiegen, die Ausgaben für Zahnleistungen stiegen in einem ähnlichen Rahmen. Die Ärzteschaft befürchtet nun Einschnitte in Form von Budgetierung oder Deckelungen der Ausgaben. Dies sei jedoch nach Aussage des PKV-Verbands unbegründet. Diese Aspekte finden sich nicht im Konzept der privaten Krankenversicherung zur Reform der Gebührenverodnung. Die PKV will “Verbesserungen in der Qualität” und keine starre Vorgaben ohne Möglichkeit der Abweichung. Zahlmeister private Krankenversicherung Für die private Krankenversicherung stellt die Öffnungsklausel kein Problem dar. Letztlich wären auch mit dieser Lockerung Verträge mit den Ärzten notwendig, die nur im beiderseitigem Einvernehmen abgeschlossen werden, also auch zur beiderseitigen Zufriedenheit. Hinsichtlich der Einsparungen der Ausgaben bei der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung wolle man jedoch nicht den “Zahlmeister” für die Ausfälle der Ärzteschaft spielen.
Die Gebührenverordnung der privaten Krankenversicherung (PKV) ist seit Jahrzehnten nicht überarbeitet worden. Technischer Fortschritt blieb in dem Werk, welches die Vergütung der medizinischen Leistungen regelt, unberücksichtigt. Für das kommende Jahr ist eine Änderung angedacht. Doch schon offenbaren sich Konflikte. Grundsätzlich sind Ärzteschaft, wie auch die PKV an einer Aktualisierung interessiert. Aber bei dem Thema Öffnungsklausel scheiden sich die Geister. Die PKV will mit ihren Bestrebungen den Wettbewerb fördern und Kosten reduzieren. Die Ärzteschaft fürchtet Dumping bei der medizinischen Versorgung. Die Ausgaben in der PKV sind in den letzten Jahren deutlich angestiegen, im Verhältnis auch stärker als in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung. Die Öffnungsklausel soll es der PKV in Zukunft ermöglichen, individuelle Verträge mit den Ärzten abzuschließen. Hierdurch sollen Kosten gespart werden.
Me voy agradecida de Cuba, aseguró Olga Tañón 21 de septiembre de 2009, 12:43 Por yudith Diaz Gazán La Habana, 21 sep (PL) Después del concierto en la Plaza de la Revolución me voy contenta y agradecida de Cuba, que nos abrió las puertas como si fuéramos hijos nacidos aquí, aseguró hoy Olga Tanón en el aeropuerto internacional José Martí. "Me llevo de Cuba demasiadas cosas, me llevo amigos, amor y el mayor deseo de que sigan pasando cosas maravillosas para una isla que está bendecida", expresó la cantante en declaraciones a Prensa Latina minutos antes de partir hacia Miami. La popular artista boricua explicó cómo cambió su percepción de Cuba luego de cantar la víspera a voz en cuello en la emblemática Plaza, donde el pueblo cubano ha protagonizado intensas manifestaciones e incluso recibió al entonces Papa Juan Pablo II en 1998. Del lugar y del concierto, que reunió a un millón de personas, dijo: "también me llevo la experiencia propia vivida, no lo que me cuentan, porque lo que te pueden contar es una cosa y cuando llegas aquí cambia todo, es una maravilla". Este ha sido un paso más hacia la paz, y marcará un antes y un después en nuestras vidas, afirmó una de las artistas más importantes de la música latinoamericana actual y partícipe del segundo concierto Paz sin Fronteras. Tañón, al igual que Juanes, 15 músicos y varias agrupaciones, materializaron el proyecto artístico de paz e hicieron bailar al pueblo cubano durante más de cinco horas en la calurosa tarde de domingo. Estremecida, Tañón envió un abrazo al mundo y recalcó que se va con el corazón, en tanto agradeció la oportunidad brindada de enseñar que Cuba está preparada para el mundo y viceversa. Narró a Prensa Latina la vez que un sacerdote franciscano le dijo que "la música es la que teje las almas de los pueblos, nosotros somos simplemente unos instrumentos, la música te puede agarrar por todos los sentidos, la música puede salvar un pueblo o una vida". "Y pensar que lo único que teníamos el otro día para luchar éramos nosotros tres mismos (ella, Juanes y Miguel Bosé)â�� pero tuvimos un millón de gente al frente. ÂíQué maravilla que el mensaje ha tocado muchos corazones!", concluyó. mgt/ydg < Anterior Siguiente > [Volver]
La segunda edición del concierto Paz sin Fronteras reunió a cerca de un millón de asistentes en la Plaza de la Revolución de la capital cubana. Convocados por el cantautor Juanes, se presentaron en el escenario artistas como Olga Tañón, Orishas, Miguel Bosé, Víctor Manuel y Luis Eduardo Aute, Los Van Van, Amaury Pérez, Silvio Rodríguez, Juan Fernando Velasco, Danny Rivera, Jovanotti, Carlos Varela, X Alfonso, Cucú Diamante y Yerba Buena. Miles de cubanos acudieron al concierto vestidos de blanco en un llamado por la paz y la reconciliación entre la isla y Estados Unidos, rotas desde la Revolución Cubana de 1959. El cierre del concierto fue una intepretación colectiva del clásico "Chan Chan" del fallecido Compay Segundo, que se convirtió en un momento apoteósico y emotivo. A pesar del concierto, blogueros cubanos denunciaron que prosiguen encarcelados periodistas y comunicadores cubanos por publicar artículos y notas contrarios al régimen. El colombiano Juanes encabeza el proyecto y se anunció que la próxima edición del concierto será en la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos en Ciudad Juárez, la cual se encuentra asolada actualmente por el crimen organizado.
Public Affairs : Newsroom : News Releases : 2005 News Release Archive :: NR-05-03-09 News Release Contact: Bryan Wilkes/NNSA (202) 586-7371 Don Johnston/LLNL (925) 423-4902 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 23, 2005 NR-05-03-09 NNSA/LLNL supercomputer breaks computing record: exceeds 100 teraflops WASHINGTON, D.C. — National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Administrator Linton F. Brooks announced today that a supercomputer developed through the Advanced Simulation and Computing program for NNSA’s Stockpile Stewardship efforts has performed 135.3 trillion floating point operations per second (teraflops) on the industry standard LINPACK benchmark, making it the fastest supercomputer in the world. To provide cooling for BlueGene/L, designers came up with this innovative slanted edge, allowing refrigerated air to circulate more efficiently through the computer's racks. By performing computations at these rates, BlueGene/L helps maintain the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile without nuclear testing. This performance was achieved at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) at only the half-system point of the IBM BlueGene/L installation. Last November, just one-quarter of BlueGene/L topped the TOP500 List of the world’s top supercomputers. “Blue Gene/ L will address vital challenges critical to ensuring the safety and reliability of the nation’s aging nuclear weapon stockpile,” said Administrator Brooks. “This supercomputer provides an essential resource to the weapons complex, allowing us to address time-urgent and mission-critical scientific issues that require such specialized computational capabilities.” Results of scientific importance have already been accomplished with only one-quarter of BlueGene/L. Scientists at LLNL for the first time have performed 16-million-atom molecular dynamics simulations with the highest accuracy inter-atomic potentials necessary to resolve the key physical effects to successfully model pressure induced rapid resolidification in Tantalum. As a shared resource, BlueGene/L has enabled scientists studying the effects of voids in metal failure at Los Alamos National Laboratory to perform standard accuracy molecular dynamics simulations with more than 2.1 billion atoms. The unique BlueGene/L "compute card" consists of two nodes, each containing two central processing units (CPUs) including four megabytes of dedicated memory. Also mounted on the circuit board are a memory controller module and nine separate memory chips, similar to those in standard home and office desktop computers. “BlueGene/L’s latest accomplishment is an important step toward achieving the capabilities we need to succeed in our stockpile stewardship mission,” said Michael Anastasio, LLNL’s Director. “BlueGene/L allows us to address computationally taxing stockpile science issues at very low cost. Effective and relatively inexpensive supercomputers of this nature will open doors for scientists across the country.” “This milestone demonstrates our continued commitment to revolutionize the way supercomputers are built and to broaden the kinds of innovative applications we can run on them,” said Nick Donofrio, senior vice president of technology and manufacturing at IBM. “BlueGene/L’s record-setting performance underscores the power of open standards and collaboration in driving true, meaningful innovation that benefits society.” Established by Congress in 2000, NNSA is a semi-autonomous agency within the U.S. Department of Energy responsible for maintaining and enhancing the safety, security, reliability and performance of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile without nuclear testing; working to reduce global danger from weapons of mass destruction; providing the U.S. Navy with safe and effective nuclear propulsion; and responding to nuclear and radiological emergencies in the United States and abroad. Founded in 1952, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has a mission to ensure national security and to apply science and technology to the important issues of our time. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is managed for NNSA by the University of California.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory '''Boston (USA), 25.03.2005''' - Der vom US-Konzern IBM entwickelte Supercomputer BlueGene/L hat seinen eigenen Rechenrekord gebrochen. Einer Mitteilung des US-Energieministeriums zufolge, in dessen Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) der Höchstleistungsrechner eingesetzt wird, stellte BlueGene/L mit einer Leistung von 135,3 Teraflops eine neue Bestleistung auf. BlueGene habe damit seinen eigenen Rekord von 70,7 Teraflops aus dem Vorjahr annähernd verdoppelt, mit der er bereits den bis dorthin führenden NEC Earth Simulator auf Platz zwei verwiesen hatte. Aber damit muss noch längst nicht das Ende der Fahnenstange erreicht sein: Die theoretische Leistung der Maschine liege bei 360 Teraflops. Die Leistungssteigerung sei durch Verdopplung der Rackanzahl auf 32 erreicht worden, heißt es in einer Mitteilung. Jedes Rack ist demnach mit 1024 Dual-Prozessoren bestückt, die sich von denen normaler PCs nicht unterscheiden. Der weitere Ausbau solle unter anderem dazu dienen, unterirdische Atomtests überflüssig zu machen, weil deren Ergebnisse dann durch entsprechend zuverlässige Berechnungen ersetzt werden könnten, wie man sich erhofft. Mit der neuen Bestleistung übertrifft BlueGene auch einen von Silicon Graphics (SGI) für die NASA entwickelten Supercomputer, der im November 2004 auf 51,9 Teraflops (Trillion floating-point operations per second - Rechenschritte pro Sekunde) kam. Zum Vergleich: Der Superrechner der 70-er Jahre schlechthin, der legendäre Cray-1 für das Los Alamos National Laboratory (Ersteinsatz 1976), brachte es gerade einmal auf 80 Megaflops, was damals schier überwältigend war. Die schnellsten Supercomputer der Welt derzeit: *1. Blue Gene/L, USA *2. Columbia, USA *3. Earth Simulator, Japan *4. MareNostrum, Spanien *5. Thunder, USA Supercomputer werden unter anderem für die Lösung komplexer wissenschaftlicher Probleme eingesetzt, etwa in der Chemie zum besseren Verständnis von Molekülstrukturen, bei Wetter- und Klimastudien, bei denen meist ungeheure Datenmengen anfallen - so zum Beispiel um eine besonders aktuelle Anwendung zu nennen, bei der Tsunami-Vorhersage. Mehr und mehr kommen sie allerdings auch bei der Bewältigung eher alltäglicher Aufgaben zum Einsatz, beispielsweise in der Verkehrsplanung. IBM hat jedoch unlängst eine Abteilung gegründet, die die Anwendungsgebiete auch ins Geschäftliche ausdehnen soll. So kann man die Rechenkraft jener Computer in Neuseeland, die die künstlichen Charaktere und Landschaften – zum Beispiel Gollum, Balrog und Mittelerde - für die Verfilmung von Der Herr der Ringe schufen, mittlerweile auch mieten - auf Stundenbasis und pro eingesetztem Prozessor.
URL: Frankreich Der konservative Politiker wird neuer Staatspräsident Frankreichs. Nicolas Sarkozy setzte sich bei der Stichwahl am Sonntag mit 53 Prozent gegen seine sozialistische Rivalin Segolene Royal durch, die nach ersten Hochrechnungen auf 47 Prozent kam. In seiner ersten Rede nach der Wahl betonte Sarkozy, niemanden ausgrenzen zu wollen. Der künftige französische Präsident Nicolas Sarkozy hat das Land nach seinem Wahlsieg am Sonntagabend zur Einheit aufgerufen. Er wolle Präsident aller Franzosen sein, sagte der Wahlsieger vor seinen Anhängern in Paris. Zugleich sprach er seiner unterlegenen sozialistischen Konkurrentin Segolene Royal seinen Respekt aus. Schließlich hätten Millionen Franzosen für sie als Präsidentin gestimmt. Sarkozy kündigte an, den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel zu einem Schwerpunkt seiner Amtszeit zu machen. An die USA appellierte er, sich an die Spitze dieses Kampfes zu setzen, von dem das Überleben der Menschheit abhänge. Eine solch große Nation wie die Vereinigten Staaten habe die Pflicht dazu. An die europäischen Partner gewandt bekannte sich Sarkozy zu Europa, das aber die Sorgen der Menschen ernst nehmen müsse. Zugleich unterstrich der bürgerliche Politiker noch einmal, dass er die Arbeit, die Autorität, Moral und Respekt aufwerten und den Franzosen den Stolz auf ihr Land zurückgeben wolle. Er werde als Staatschef im Geiste der Brüderlichkeit handeln, niemand solle ausgegrenzt werden. Die Schwachen der Gesellschaft wolle er schützen, sagte Sarkozy. Der scheidende Präsident Jacques Chirac beglückwünschte seinen Nachfolger zu seinem Wahlerfolg. Auch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel gratulierte Sarkozy. Unter ihm werde „die bewährte deutsch-französische Freundschaft auch weiterhin die Grundlage sein, um Frieden, Demokratie und Wohlstand in Europa dauerhaft zu sichern“, erklärte Merkel am Abend in Berlin. Foto: AFP Royal räumte unmittelbar nach Schließung der Wahllokale ihre Niederlage ein und gratulierte Sarkozy zum Sieg. Der 52-jährige von Gegnern als Polarisierer kritisierte Politiker hatte in Umfragen seit Monaten vorn gelegen. Royal versuchte im Wahlkampf zuletzt mit heftigen Attacken vergeblich, das Blatt noch zu wenden. Sarkozy wird am 16. oder 17. Mai das Amt antreten und eine neue Regierung bilden, bevor im Juni ein neues Parlament gewählt wird. Bei der Wahl zeichnete sich eine hohe Beteiligung ab, die mit voraussichtlich 85 Prozent noch die Zahlen aus der ersten Wahlrunde in den Schatten stellte. Vor zwei Wochen hatten sich Sarkozy als Wahlsieger und Royal als Zweitplatzierte gegen zehn Konkurrenten durchgesetzt. Bereits Stunden vor Schließung der Wahllokale waren über belgische Medien erste inoffizielle Prognosen bekannt geworden, mit denen sich ein klarer Sieg Sarkozys abzeichnete. Bevor die ersten Prognosen in Frankreich über die Bildschirme flimmerten, stimmten sich die Anhänger des konservativen Kandidaten in Paris mit dem Ruf „Wir haben gewonnen“ auf eine rauschende Wahlnacht ein. Anders die Stimmung in der sozialistischen Parteizentrale: Dort vermieden die Berater Royals zuletzt jeden Kontakt mit Journalisten, als sich die drohende Niederlage abzeichnete. Die ganz in Weiß gekleidete Royal sagte in ihrer Rede vor den Anhängern: „Ich hoffe, der nächste Präsident der Republik wird seiner Rolle im Dienste aller Franzosen gerecht.“ Im Wahlkampfendspurt attackierten sich die beiden Kontrahenten in einer bislang nicht gekannten Schärfe. Sarkozy warf seiner sozialistischen Konkurrentin am Samstag vor, sie habe aus Verzweiflung die fundamentalen Regeln der Demokratie mit „kriegsähnlicher Sprache“ verletzt. Die 53-jährige Sozialistin hatte in einem Rundfunkinterview gewarnt, falls Sarkozy zum Präsidenten gewählt werde, könnte es zu Gewaltausbrüchen kommen. Schlagworte Frankreich Präsidentschaftswahl Nicolas Sarkozy Ségolène Royal Sie spielte damit auf die umstrittenen Äußerungen des früheren Innenministers während der Vorstadtunruhe Ende 2005 an, als Sarkozy gewaltbereite Einwanderer als Gesindel bezeichnete und viele Immigranten damit gegen sich aufbrachte. Bereits bei einem Fernsehduell hatte Royal ihrem Konkurrenten hart zugesetzt, war in Umfragen jedoch nicht als Sieger der Redeschlacht hervorgegangen. Royal konnte für sich jedoch bereits den Einzug in die Stichwahl als persönlichen Erfolg verbuchen, nachdem ihr Vorgänger Lionel Jospin bei der Wahl 2002 völlig überraschend bereits in der ersten Runde ausgeschieden und der rechtsextreme Jean-Marie Le Pen in die Stichwahl gegen Chirac gekommen war. Der Nachfolger des 74-jährigen Amtsinhabers erbt ein stark reformbedürftiges Land. Das Wachstum ist schleppend, der Arbeitsmarkt in schlechter Verfassung. Zwar ist Frankreich die zweitgrößte Volkswirtschaft der Euro-Zone, hat ein Veto-Recht im UN-Sicherheitsrat und ist eine Atommacht. Die Gesellschaft aber ist zersplittert, Wirtschaftsreformen sind überfällig, die Schulden hoch. Sarkozy, der als Wunschkandidat der Wirtschaft gilt, will vor allem den Arbeitsmarkt reformieren und so das Wirtschaftswachstum ankurbeln. Der französische Präsident, der für fünf Jahre gewählt wird, hat weit reichende Kompetenzen. Er ist Oberbefehlshaber der Streitkräfte, ernennt den Ministerpräsidenten und hat das Recht, das Parlament, die Nationalversammlung, aufzulösen. Zudem ist er für die Außen- und Verteidigungspolitik zuständig. Wenngleich die beiden Bewerber sehr unterschiedliche Pläne haben, gilt es als unwahrscheinlich, dass sich der von Chirac geprägte außenpolitische Akzent grob verschieben wird. Jedoch steht Sarkozy den USA näher als Royal. Zudem ist er strikt gegen einen Beitritt der Türkei zur Europäischen Union.
Bild:Meeting Royal 2007 02 06 n8.jpg|thumb|left|125px|Die um sechs Prozentpunkte hinter Sarkozy rangierende Wahlverliererin Ségolène Royal Bild:Nicolas_Sarkozy_-_Sarkozy_meeting_in_Toulouse_for_the_2007_French_presidential_election_0299_2007-04-12_cropped_further.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Der künftige französische Staatspräsident Nicolas Sarkozy Der ehemalige französische Innenminister Nicolas Sarkozy hat als Spitzenkandidat der gaullistischen Partei UMP am 6. Mai 2007 mit 53,06 Prozent der Stimmen die französische Präsidentschaftswahl 2007 im zweiten Wahlgang (Stichwahl) gegen Ségolène Royal gewonnen, die als Spitzenkandidatin der sozialistischen Partei PS nur 46,94 Prozent erreichte. Schon kurz nach Schließung der Wahllokale hatte Royal ihre Niederlage eingestanden. Sie gratulierte Sarkozy zu seinem Sieg. Die Amtseinführung von Nicolas Sarkozy zum neuen Staatspräsidenten Frankreichs wird am 16. Mai 2007 im Elysée-Palast mit der Übergabe der Staatsgeschäfte durch den noch amtierenden Staatspräsidenten Jacques Chirac erfolgen.
Mahalo for supporting Honolulu Star-Advertiser. Enjoy this free story! A huge bravo to Lee Cataluna for having the courage to print the other side of the story regarding Monsanto (“Those wary of Monsanto’s aim should tour their property,” Star-Advertiser, Dec. 20). Read more Article about Monsanto was ‘right thing to do’ A huge bravo to Lee Cataluna for having the courage to print the other side of the story regarding Monsanto (“Those wary of Monsanto’s aim should tour their property,” Star-Advertiser, Dec. 20). Anti-GMO groups use intimidation and bullying to stifle the truth and get their way. Cataluna could have remained quiet. She spoke the truth because it was the right thing to do. From the time that Monsanto acquired its Kunia property, it worked closely with the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii, spending more than $1 million and many man-hours to facilitate the adoption of 120 acres of the Honouliuli World War II internment site by the National Parks Service. President Barack Obama officially proclaimed Honouliuli as a National Monument. Monsanto did not have to do this and did it with no publicity. Monsanto did it because it was the right thing to do. Les Goto Kaneohe Anti-GMO book might alter Cataluna’s views Does Lee Cataluna think you can look at an ear of corn and know anything about the effects of genetic engineering? Or listen to the paid programming of Monsanto employees and understand the science? It’s probably too much to ask Cataluna to read something like “Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public,” by Steven M. Druker. If she were to, she might be a little less glib about “the hysterical distrust of science” and whether distrust of the genetic engineering project is “fearmongering,” “wildly untruthful” and “unproductive.” Patrick L. Brown Kailua Many rail riders will still have to catch buses Many Ewa commuters will want to go to the University of Hawaii-Manoa or Waikiki, not downtown or Ala Moana, so with the current plans for rail transit, they eventually will have to transfer to a bus. If we convert the rail guideways to bus guideways and end them at Middle Street or Iwilei, individual buses could continue on surface roads to various express destinations. Commuters could get over freeway bottlenecks and would have to catch only one express bus to do it. Modern express buses are far more comfortable than many realize. Transit time for the existing express bus from Kapolei to Ala Moana is only about 10 minutes more than what is projected for the train, and the articulated buses currently on Honolulu roads have a capacity equal to the planned train cars. This option could be both better and cheaper than rail. Both the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation and the Federal Transit Authority should consider it. Richard Tillotson Punchbowl Seems like president took Gabbard’s advice I have always had great respect for our U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. Recently she said the United States should leave Syrian President Bashar Assad alone and let the local people handle the situation. America must stay out of changing other countries’ policies, whether democratic or not. Look at what happened in Iraq, although its leader was insane. Now it appear that the White House is in agreement. Good for Gabbard. I hope she keeps it up. Toby Allen Hawaii Kai
Residents of the Big Island completed their emergency preparations in expectation of the worst winds and rain of Hurricane Flossie to arrive Tuesday evening. As of 8:00 p.m. HST Tuesday (0300 Wednesday UTC), the center of Flossie was located at 17.5N, 155.9W, 95 miles south of South Point (the southernmost tip of the Big Island) and 305 miles south-southeast of Honolulu, moving west-northwest at 10 mph. Maximum sustained winds were 85 mph (160 km/h), making it a Category 1 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale. The hurricane is expected to weaken over the next 24 hours. Reconnaissance aircraft show that the eye of the hurricane has disappeared. Tropical storm force winds of about 40-50 mph with higher gusts are expected to reach the Big Island this evening. Hawaii County Mayor Harry Kim declared a state of emergency on Monday in preparation for the approach of Flossie, and Governor Linda Lingle signed an order giving Maj. Gen. Robert Lee, state adjutant general, the ability to activate National Guard units. All public and private schools, the University of Hawaii at Hilo, and both campuses of Hawaii Community College were closed on Tuesday. Schools are expected to remain closed on Wednesday. Local branches of Wal-Mart temporarily provided 24 hour service to allow residents to prepare for Flossie. About 116 people have voluntarily evacuated to emergency shelters set up by the Red Cross.
POINT DE PRESSE DU BUREAU DU PORTE-PAROLE DU SECRÉTAIRE GÉNÉRAL DE L’ONU: 15 FÉVRIER 2011 (La version française du Point de presse quotidien n’est pas un document officiel des Nations Unies) Ci-dessous les principaux points évoqués par M. Martin Nesirky, Porte-parole du Secrétaire général de l’ONU, M. Ban Ki-moon: Voyage du Secrétaire général au Pérou Le Secrétaire général s’est entretenu aujourd’hui, à Lima, avec le Président du Pérou, M. Alan Garcia. Intervenant ensuite dans le cadre d’une conférence de presse conjointe donnée avec le Président Garcia, le Secrétaire général a indiqué que le Pérou avait accompli des progrès considérables au cours de la dernière décennie, notamment en matière de consolidation de la démocratie et de réalisation des Objectif du Millénaire pour le développement (OMD). À présent, a ajouté Ban Ki-moon, le défi à relever consiste à étendre les gains qu’ont permis ces progrès aux personnes les plus vulnérables du pays, notamment dans les zones rurales, où vit la majorité de la population autochtone. Cet après-midi, le Secrétaire général prononcera une allocution à l’Université nationale de San Marcos. Il y parlera de l’édification d’un monde plus durable et plus équitable. Le Secrétaire général sera de retour à New York demain matin. Italie – Tunisie Le Haut-commissariat pour les réfugiés (HCR) et ses partenaires ont dépêché des missions à Lampedusa, ainsi que dans plusieurs autres lieux du sud de l’Italie, pour aider les autorités locales à gérer le récent afflux d’arrivants de nationalité tunisienne. Le HCR a indiqué que, selon le Gouvernement italien, plus de 5 200 personnes sont arrivées depuis la mi-janvier, la vaste majorité d’entre elles, à savoir plus de 4 000 personnes, ayant débarqué au cours des derniers jours. Le HCR a ajouté que l’arrivée d’un nombre aussi important de personnes en si peu de temps a provoqué des pressions notables sur la petite île de Lampedusa. Un centre d’accueil conçu pour 800 personnes en héberge actuellement 2 000. De plus, suite aux vols aériens organisés pour soulager Lampedusa du surpeuplement dont était menacée l’île, d’autres centres d’accueil en Italie ont également atteint leur capacité maximale. Le HCR indique que ses contacts avec les nouveaux venus montrent que si la majorité de ces personnes est composée de gens en quête d’emploi, d’autres craignent une irruption de violence et une faillite de l’état de droit dans les régions dont elles sont originaires en Tunisie. L’agence se félicite de l’engagement du Gouvernement italien de donner accès aux procédures d’asile aux personnes qui cherchent à obtenir une protection internationale et lance un appel pour que la communauté internationale soit solidaire de l’Italie, alors que le pays fait face à un nouveau chapitre de migration mixte. Côte d’Ivoire – Libéria Dans l’ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire, le Haut-commissariat pour les réfugiés (HCR) a commencé à déblayer le terrain pour la construction d’un nouveau camp de personnes déplacées. À ce jour, l’agence a recensé 38 600 personnes à la dérive. Le HCR recherche également d’autres sites afin d’héberger davantage de personnes déplacées, notamment au vu du fait que, jusqu’à présent, nombre de ces personnes ont survécu grâce à la générosité des familles et des organisations caritatives locales. L’agence onusienne indique que la poursuite des tensions en Côte d’Ivoire pousse certaines familles à se rapprocher de la frontière avec le Libéria, tandis que d’autres traversent la frontière en quête d’asile. Le HCR y a déjà recensé plus de 36 000 nouveaux arrivants. L’agence précise qu’elle se prépare à héberger 100 000 réfugiés au Libéria. Le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’enfance (UNICEF) ajoute que la grande majorité, soit 85%, des réfugiés qui se trouvent au Libéria, est composée de femmes et d’enfants. L’UNICEF est préoccupé par de graves pénuries en aliments, l’absence d’abris adéquats et le risque d’irruption de maladies. Suite à l’apparition de la rougeole, qui a provoqué la mort de cinq enfants libériens dans le comté de Nimba, où se trouvent 97% des réfugiés, l’UNICEF appui une campagne de santé destinée aux enfants âgés entre 6 mois et 16 ans. L’UNICEF a également distribué des vivres et des médicaments, ainsi que des traitements contre le VIH/sida à des centres de santé et à des organisations qui sont ses partenaires. Conseil de sécurité Ce matin, M. Andronius Azubalis, Président de l’Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (OSCE) et Ministre des affaires étrangères de la Lituanie, a présenté un exposé aux membres du Conseil de sécurité. * *** *
Le secrétaire général des s'est entretenu mardi, à , avec le président péruvien . Lors d'une conférence de presse conjointe donnée avec le président García, le chef de l'ONU a indiqué que . , a-t-il affirmé. Le même jour, Ban Ki-moon s'est rendu à l'Université nationale de San Marcos où il a prononcé une allocution portant sur le rôle de l'ONU dans la construction d'un monde plus durable et plus équitable.
Besonders überzeugte Nationalisten in Katalonien nehmen derzeit die Euphorie über den glanzvollen Auftritt der spanischen Nationalmannschaft bei der Fußball-WM eher missmutig zur Kenntnis. Hätten sie doch lieber eine eigene, katalonische Auswahl bei dem Turnier. Daraus wird aber in absehbarer Zeit nichts werden. Die FIFA lehnt eine eigene katalanische Nationalmannschaft ab und daran wird sich auch wohl in nächster Zukunft nichts ändern. Seit Sonntag (19.6.06) dürfen sich die 6,8 Millionen Katalanen noch etwas katalanischer fühlen als vorher. Sie stimmten mit rund 74 Prozent für das neue Autonomie-Statut. Lediglich 21 Prozent votierten mit Nein. Der bereits vom spanischen Parlament verabschiedete Gesetzestext gewährt den Katalanen mehr politische und finanzielle Eigenständigkeit gegenüber der Zentralregierung in Madrid. Die reichste der 17 autonomen Regionen dürfe künftig noch eigenständiger als bisher seine Steuern einziehen, sagt Maria Nuñez, Expertin für Staatsrecht an der Fernuniversität UNED in Madrid. "Einzigartig ist, dass in dem 'Estatut' (so die Bezeichnung auf katalanisch, d. Red.) festgehalten ist, dass sich Katalonien als Nation bezeichnen darf", sagt Nuñez. Katalanisch ist Pflicht In dem Statut werden die katalanische Flagge, die Hymne und der regionale Feiertag als "nationale Symbole" bezeichnet. Die Justiz erhält mehr Eigenständigkeit. Die katalanische Sprache wird aufgewertet. "Die Behörden sollen nun vorzugsweise auf katalanisch kommunizieren", sagt Joaquin Molins, Professor für Politikwissenschaft an der autonomen Universität Barcelona. Auch in den Schulen soll nur noch in katalanischer Sprache unterrichtet werden. Geschäfte sollen demnächst ihre Werbeschilder in katalanischer Sprache verfassen. 1979 hatte Katalonien erstmals ein Autonomie-Statut erhalten. "Das ist damals mit einem breiten politischen Konsens geschehen", sagt Molins. Von der Neufassung könne davon keine Rede sein. Monatelang wurde um den Text gerungen. "Die politischen Parteien haben sich in dieser Frage verschlissen", sagt Nuñez. Die Debatte hat das Land tief gespalten, wieder einmal war die Rede von den "zwei Spanien". Konservative warnen vor "Balkanisierung Spaniens" Der sozialistische Ministerpräsident José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero wertete den Ausgang der Volksabstimmung als Fortschritt für die Demokratie im Land. Seiner Ansicht nach spiegelt das Statut die Vielfältigkeit des Landes wider. Er ist überzeugt, dass sich die einzelnen Regionen stärker an Spanien gebunden fühlen, wenn ihre Eigenständigkeit anerkannt wird. Kritik an der niedrigen Beteiligung von 49 Prozent wies er zurück. Dagegen erklärte Oppositionsführer Mariano Rajoy die Reform angesichts der niedrigen Beteiligung für gescheitert. "Hier wird das verfassungsmäßige Spanien liquidiert", sagt er. Die konservative Opposition sieht in dem Autonomie-Statut einen Angriff auf die "nationale Einheit" des Landes. Der frühere Regierungschef José María Aznar warnte mit Blick auf den Zerfall Jugoslawiens gar vor einer "Balkanisierung" Spaniens. Den Linksrepublikanern (ERC) dagegen geht die zur Abstimmung stehende Version nicht weit genug. Sie fordern langfristig die Unabhängigkeit der Region. Solche Bestrebungen, wie sie auch im spanischen Baskenland bestehen, lehnt aber auch Zapatero ab. Franco-Zeit wirkt nach Für die emotionalen Wogen gibt es vor allem historische Gründe. "Katalonien definiert sich seit je her als anders als der Rest Spaniens, ähnlich wie das Baskenland oder Galicien", sagt Nuñez. Man habe eine eigene Sprache, eigene Sitten und Gebräuche. "Und diese besondere Identität soll auch betont und erhalten werden." Während der Franco-Zeit wurden diese Eigenheiten unterdrückt. Das sei noch längst nicht vergessen. Mit dem neuen Statut setzt sich Katalonien etwas von den anderen Regionen ab, was Kompetenzen angeht. Die meisten anderen wollen jetzt nachziehen, wie zum Beispiel Andalusien oder die Balearen-Inseln. Dort hatte sich das Regionalparlament am 13.6.06 mit überwältigender Mehrheit für eine größere Selbstverwaltung ausgesprochen. Ein erbitterter Streit, wie es ihn um das Autonomie-Statut für Katalonien gegeben hat, blieb auf den Balearen aber aus. Die Region mit den am weitesten reichenden Kompetenzen ist und bleibt aber das Baskenland. "Das hat eine einzigartige Stellung. Es hat mehr Kompetenzen als beispielsweise die deutschen Bundesländer", sagt Nuñez. So erhebt das Baskenland sämtliche Steuern und gibt davon einen Teil an den Zentralstaat. Bei den restlichen Autonomien ist es anders herum.
Katalonien Nach der Ankündigung von Spaniens Ministerpräsident José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, mit der Terrororganisation ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) Verhandlungen aufzunehmen, die der Meinung vieler Kritiker nach mit Zugeständnissen der spanischen Regierung an den Autonomiestatus der baskischen Provinz ausgehen werden, hat sich nun auch Katalonien für eine stärkere Unabhängigkeit ausgesprochen. Ergebnisse der Referenden von 1979 und 2006 in Katalonien nach Auszählung von 100 Prozent der Stimmen Die 5,4 Millionen wahlberechtigten Bürger der nordostspanischen Provinz Katalonien haben sich am Sonntag, dem 18.06.2006, mit großer Mehrheit für das Autonomiestatut ausgesprochen, das bereits vom spanischen Parlament verabschiedet wurde. Danach werden einer der reichsten und wirtschaftlichsten Region in Spanien weitgehende politische und finanzielle Kompetenzen gegenüber der Zentralregierung in Madrid eingeräumt: Katalonien erhält mehr Zuständigkeiten in den Bereichen Rechtsprechung, EU-Angelegenheiten, Steuereinnamen und Verwaltung von See- und Flughäfen. Katalonien wird außerdem das Recht eingeräumt, sich in Zukunft als „Nation“ zu bezeichnen. 73,9 Prozent der Wähler votierten in dem Referendum für mehr Eigenständigkeit, 21 Prozent stimmten mit Nein. Dieses Ergebnis veröffentlichte die Wahlkommission nach Auszählung von fast 98,5 Prozent der Stimmen. Die Wahlbeteiligung war mit 49 Prozent niedriger als erwartet. Das Statut schreibt Katalanisch als Pflichtsprache vor. Damit wird der Status von Katalanisch weiter gestärkt. Der Schulunterricht wird in Zukunft nur noch auf katalanisch abgehalten werden. 1979 wurde Katalanisch bereits zur zweiten Amtssprache neben der kastilischen Sprache. Auch die Behörden sollten nun vorzugsweise auf katalanisch kommunizieren, so Joaquin Molins, ein Professor für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Autònoma de Barcelona. Der Ministerpräsident Zapatero begrüßte den Wahlausgang und lehnte Kritik an der niedrigen Wahlbeteiligung ab. Er hoffe, dass die Regionen nach Anerkennung ihrer teilweisen Souveränität die Einheit Spaniens respektieren würden. José Montilla, der spanische Industrie-, Handels- und Tourismus-Minister der PSC, ist der Meinung, dass dem Resultat der Volksabstimmung wegen des Grades der niedrigen Beteiligung „nicht im geringsten die Legitimation fehlt“ und feierte den „klaren und überzeugenden Sieg des 'Ja'“ und die „großartige Niederlage der ''Partido Popular''“. Die Stimmenenthaltung sei bei den Referenden stets größer als bei allgemeinen oder kommunalen Wahlen, unterstrichen die Parteien, die sich im Vorfeld für ein „Ja“ stark gemacht hatten. In der Abstimmung über die Verfassung lag die Wahlbeteiligung in Katalonien bei 59,4 Prozent (1978) und in ganz Spanien bei 58,23 Prozent. Deshalb beruft sich keine Partei auf die Wahlbeteiligung, um die Gültigkeit eines Referendums anzuzweifeln. Die Unterstützung für ein unabhängiges Katalonien sinkt seit 2003 stetig Oppositionsführer Mariano Rajoy hingegen, der sich auch gegen politische Zugeständnisse an die ETA ausgesprochen hatte, bewertete die Abstimmung negativ und sieht in ihr einen Angriff auf die „nationale Einheit“ Spaniens. „Hier wird das verfassungsmäßige Spanien liquidiert“, so Rajoy. Die Katalanen hätten das „persönliche Projekt Zapateros“ abgelehnt. Er hob hervor, zwei Drittel der Bürger würden es vorziehen, das Vorhaben nicht zu unterstützen. Die ERC (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya), eine sozialistische katalanische Regionalpartei, macht sich für eine noch weitergehende Unabhängigkeit Kataloniens stark. Diese Bestrebungen werden jedoch weder von der ''Partido Popular (PP)'' noch von der ''Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE)'' unterstützt. Vor allem die Nachwirkungen der Franco-Dikatatur von 1939 bis 1975 können die ausgeprägten Unabhängigkeitsbewegungen erklären. Unter Franco wurde Katalanisch verboten, und die Basken sowie die Katalanen sahen sich Verfolgung und Unterdrückung ausgesetzt. Auch in Andalusien oder auf den Balearen-Inseln gibt es Unabhängigkeitsbestrebungen. Dort hatte das Regionalparlament am 13. Juni mit großer Mehrheit eine größere Selbstverwaltung gefordert.
sí al Estatuto en el Palau de la Generalitat. (CARLES RIBAS) ampliar Imma Mayol y Joan Saura, de ICV, y Pasqual Maragall y su esposa, Diana Garrigosa, celebran elal Estatuto en el Palau de la Generalitat. Pasqual Maragall afirma que el nuevo Estatuto da tanto autogobierno que en Cataluña "se ha acabado el victimismo" El 'sí' logra el 73,90% de los votos, el 'no' se queda en el 20,76%, y las papeletas en blanco suman un 5,34% Zapatero felicita a los catalanes, mientras Rajoy deslegitima el resultado y reclama la vuelta al viejo Estatuto Cataluña aprobó ayer su nuevo Estatuto con una aplastante mayoría de votos a favor del sí (73,9%) pero con una baja participación, que rozó el 50%. Con la ratificación del texto elaborado por el Parlamento catalán y corregido en las Cortes, se pone en marcha el nuevo Estado de las Autonomías impulsado por el Gobierno de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, basado en una mejor financiación, más competencias y una redefinición de la identidad de las distintas comunidades. El Estatuto sometido a referéndum sólo cosechó un 20,76% de sufragios en contra, pese a que los partidos que promovían el rechazo (ERC y PP) sumaron más del 28% de votos en las últimas elecciones autonómicas. A pesar de la elevada abstención (50,58%, casi 10 puntos superior al referéndum del Estatuto de 1979), los socialistas destacaron la contundente victoria del sí. El presidente de la Generalitat, Pasqual Maragall, compareció pasadas las diez de la noche y se mostró eufórico ante los medios de comunicación. El nuevo texto, dijo, da tales "cotas de autogobierno" que a partir de ahora a "Cataluña se le ha acabado el victimismo". Maragall invitó a los partidarios del no a sumarse al consenso para desarrollar el Estatuto. Zapatero también se declaró satisfecho por los resultados y destacó que el sí de Cataluña significa un avance en el Estado de las Autonomías. Se trata de una de sus principales apuestas políticas, junto al proceso abierto para lograr el fin del terrorismo de ETA, y ayer la consideró aprobada. El ministro de Industria y primer secretario del PSC, José Montilla, celebró la "clara y contundente victoria del sí" y "la formidable derrota del PP". Montilla sostuvo que el grado de participación "no deslegitima en absoluto el resultado", y recordó que el Estatuto gallego (1980) fue votado sólo por el 28,36%. El presidente del PP, Mariano Rajoy, hizo una lectura muy distinta de lo ocurrido, al opinar que los catalanes "han rechazado el proyecto personal de Zapatero", y destacar que dos de cada tres ciudadanos prefirieron no respaldar el nuevo texto. El otro partido del no, ERC se mostró conciliador. Su presidente, Josep Lluís Carod, afirmó que acepta "el veredicto del pueblo catalán" y pidió que se ponga fin a la crispación introducida por el PP. La abstención suele ser mayor en los referendos que en las elecciones generales, autonómicas o municipales, según destacaron los partidarios del sí. En la consulta sobre la Constitución, la participación fue del 59,4% en Cataluña, y en toda España, del 58,23%. Entonces, ningún partido utilizó la abstención para cuestionar la validez del referéndum. El Estatuto catalán de 1979 fue aprobado por el 88,15% de los votantes con una participación del 59,30%. El Estatuto catalán de 2006 se ha aprobado tras una enconada campaña. El último día, Maragall desafió a la Junta Electoral Central (JEC), con un discurso televisado animando a votar y ensalzando el Estatuto. La campaña también ha servido para abrir el debate sobre el futuro candidato socialista a la Generalitat ante las elecciones anticipadas. En el último mitin Montilla se postuló. Maragall se ha crecido durante la campaña, lo que no ha gustado nada al aparato montillista. Unos y otros no descartan que, finalmente, se presente a las elecciones un tándem integrado por Maragall y Montilla. Reedición del tripartito El presidente de CiU, Artur Mas, ha hecho una doble campaña, la del Estatuto y la suya propia paralas autonómicas. Y a Iniciativa Verds (ICV) le gustaría que se reeditase el tripartito, pero -a poder ser- sin Maragall, según su presidente, Joan Saura. El PP hizo una campaña donde han salido toda clase de argumentos de los hasta 10 barones del partido que han viajado a Cataluña para contribuir al no. Su objetivo ha sido, en un buen número de ocasiones, atacar a Zapatero y al proceso para el fin de ETA. Los insultos y gritos, con algún intento de agresión, que sufrieron tanto Mariano Rajoy como el secretario del PP, Ángel Acebes, han enturbiado la campaña. Los líderes políticos catalanes condenaron esos ataques, al tiempo que la mayoría de esos dirigentes recordó la política agresiva del PP respecto a Cataluña en toda España, como la recogida de cuatro millones de firmas en contra del Estatuto. ERC ha sembrado la confusión con sus cambios de voto en el Congreso y en el Senado. Los republicanos pasaron en muy poco tiempo del sí al sí crítico, la abstención, el voto nulo y el no. El largo viaje del Estatuto llegó ayer a su fin, aunque en realidad es sólo el principio de otra etapa. En cinco días hábiles a partir de hoy las juntas electorales provinciales harán el escrutinio general. Otros cinco días más tarde, en el caso de que no se hayan interpuesto recursos, proclamarán los resultados, que serán provisionales hasta que la JEC los declare oficiales. Luego el Rey tendrá que sancionar y promulgar la nueva ley y ordenar su publicación en el BOE y en el Diario Oficial de la Generalitat. 20 días después de su publicación entrará en vigor. Si todo va según lo previsto, será a finales de julio. El presidente de la Generalitat ha afirmado que su Gobierno empezará a trabajar inmediatamente en el desarrollo del Estatuto. CiU ha presentado una moción al Parlamento catalán para que éste obligue a Maragall a disolverlo. Es evidente que sólo el presidente tiene la potestad de hacerlo, pero la moción se debatirá el próximo jueves en el Parlamento. Todos los partidos, excepto el PSC, quieren que las elecciones sean en octubre. Fe de errores En la información "Cataluña vota a favor del Estatuto...", publicada ayer en España, se decía que Joan Saura había planteado reeditar el tripartito, pero sin Maragall. Quienes plantearon esa posibilidad fueron varios miembros del Consejo Nacional de Iniciativa-Verds.
Katalonien Nach der Ankündigung von Spaniens Ministerpräsident José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, mit der Terrororganisation ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) Verhandlungen aufzunehmen, die der Meinung vieler Kritiker nach mit Zugeständnissen der spanischen Regierung an den Autonomiestatus der baskischen Provinz ausgehen werden, hat sich nun auch Katalonien für eine stärkere Unabhängigkeit ausgesprochen. Ergebnisse der Referenden von 1979 und 2006 in Katalonien nach Auszählung von 100 Prozent der Stimmen Die 5,4 Millionen wahlberechtigten Bürger der nordostspanischen Provinz Katalonien haben sich am Sonntag, dem 18.06.2006, mit großer Mehrheit für das Autonomiestatut ausgesprochen, das bereits vom spanischen Parlament verabschiedet wurde. Danach werden einer der reichsten und wirtschaftlichsten Region in Spanien weitgehende politische und finanzielle Kompetenzen gegenüber der Zentralregierung in Madrid eingeräumt: Katalonien erhält mehr Zuständigkeiten in den Bereichen Rechtsprechung, EU-Angelegenheiten, Steuereinnamen und Verwaltung von See- und Flughäfen. Katalonien wird außerdem das Recht eingeräumt, sich in Zukunft als „Nation“ zu bezeichnen. 73,9 Prozent der Wähler votierten in dem Referendum für mehr Eigenständigkeit, 21 Prozent stimmten mit Nein. Dieses Ergebnis veröffentlichte die Wahlkommission nach Auszählung von fast 98,5 Prozent der Stimmen. Die Wahlbeteiligung war mit 49 Prozent niedriger als erwartet. Das Statut schreibt Katalanisch als Pflichtsprache vor. Damit wird der Status von Katalanisch weiter gestärkt. Der Schulunterricht wird in Zukunft nur noch auf katalanisch abgehalten werden. 1979 wurde Katalanisch bereits zur zweiten Amtssprache neben der kastilischen Sprache. Auch die Behörden sollten nun vorzugsweise auf katalanisch kommunizieren, so Joaquin Molins, ein Professor für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Autònoma de Barcelona. Der Ministerpräsident Zapatero begrüßte den Wahlausgang und lehnte Kritik an der niedrigen Wahlbeteiligung ab. Er hoffe, dass die Regionen nach Anerkennung ihrer teilweisen Souveränität die Einheit Spaniens respektieren würden. José Montilla, der spanische Industrie-, Handels- und Tourismus-Minister der PSC, ist der Meinung, dass dem Resultat der Volksabstimmung wegen des Grades der niedrigen Beteiligung „nicht im geringsten die Legitimation fehlt“ und feierte den „klaren und überzeugenden Sieg des 'Ja'“ und die „großartige Niederlage der ''Partido Popular''“. Die Stimmenenthaltung sei bei den Referenden stets größer als bei allgemeinen oder kommunalen Wahlen, unterstrichen die Parteien, die sich im Vorfeld für ein „Ja“ stark gemacht hatten. In der Abstimmung über die Verfassung lag die Wahlbeteiligung in Katalonien bei 59,4 Prozent (1978) und in ganz Spanien bei 58,23 Prozent. Deshalb beruft sich keine Partei auf die Wahlbeteiligung, um die Gültigkeit eines Referendums anzuzweifeln. Die Unterstützung für ein unabhängiges Katalonien sinkt seit 2003 stetig Oppositionsführer Mariano Rajoy hingegen, der sich auch gegen politische Zugeständnisse an die ETA ausgesprochen hatte, bewertete die Abstimmung negativ und sieht in ihr einen Angriff auf die „nationale Einheit“ Spaniens. „Hier wird das verfassungsmäßige Spanien liquidiert“, so Rajoy. Die Katalanen hätten das „persönliche Projekt Zapateros“ abgelehnt. Er hob hervor, zwei Drittel der Bürger würden es vorziehen, das Vorhaben nicht zu unterstützen. Die ERC (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya), eine sozialistische katalanische Regionalpartei, macht sich für eine noch weitergehende Unabhängigkeit Kataloniens stark. Diese Bestrebungen werden jedoch weder von der ''Partido Popular (PP)'' noch von der ''Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE)'' unterstützt. Vor allem die Nachwirkungen der Franco-Dikatatur von 1939 bis 1975 können die ausgeprägten Unabhängigkeitsbewegungen erklären. Unter Franco wurde Katalanisch verboten, und die Basken sowie die Katalanen sahen sich Verfolgung und Unterdrückung ausgesetzt. Auch in Andalusien oder auf den Balearen-Inseln gibt es Unabhängigkeitsbestrebungen. Dort hatte das Regionalparlament am 13. Juni mit großer Mehrheit eine größere Selbstverwaltung gefordert.
(EFE) ampliar El presidente de la Generalitat, Pasqual Maragall, y el primer secretario del PSC y ministro de Industria, José Montilla (derecha), durante la recepción calebrada en el Palau de la Generalitat, para valorar los resultados del referéndum para el nuevo Estatuto de Cataluña. FOTOGALERÍA Cataluña dice sí al Estatuto La Comisión Ejecutiva del PSOE ha hecho esta mañana balance del referéndum celebrado ayer en Cataluña sobre el nuevo Estatuto, consulta que se saldó con un amplio respaldo aunque con baja participación. A su término el secretario de organización del partido, José Blanco ha asegurado que los ganadores de la votación han sido “la democracia, la Constitución, el Estado de las autonomías, Cataluña y España” y que el único perdedor es “el PP y su estrategia de confrontación”. Blanco ha pedido al presidente del PP, Mariano Rajoy, que admita las reglas de juego después de que “hablara el Parlamento y la ciudadanía”y ha lanzado una pregunta a los dirigentes populares: “¿Están ustedes promoviendo que la gente no cumpla la ley?”. “Van de derrota en derrota” en una “huida hacia delante”, ha asegurado el secretario de organización del PSOE sobre la estrategia del PP. Horas antes, el primer secretario de los socialistas catalanes, José Montilla, ha acusado al PP de “tener la cara dura” de apropiarse de la abstención en el referéndum del Estatuto pese a que este partido pidió de forma activa el rechazo al texto. El Partido Popular y Esquerra Republicana habían hecho campaña en favor del no, mientras que el Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya (PSC-PSOE), Convergència i Unió (CiU) e Iniciativa per Catalunya - Verds (ICV) pidieron el sí a la reforma. La abstención (50,59%) fue casi diez puntos superior a la del referéndum del Estatuto de 1979. Ayer, aún antes de conocerse el resultado final de la consulta, Rajoy que “dos de cada tres catalanes no respaldan este proyecto personal de [el jefe del Gobierno, José Luis Rodríguez] Zapatero”, en referencia a la reforma estatutaria y sumando al no en la consulta popular y en el Congreso. “Es el Estatuto con más rechazo de toda la democracia”, subrayó. “Lo que exige un mínimo de patriotismo y de sentido común es paralizar esta operación de liquidación de la nación española”, concluyó Rajoy. Más o menos de igual forma se pronunció el líder del PP en Cataluña, Josep Piqué, que culpó del “fracaso” a Zapatero, al presidente de la Generalitat, Pasqual Maragall, y al líder de CiU, Artur Mas. Un proceso "largo y complejo" Esta mañana, Montilla ha asegurado, en referencia al PP, que “quienes patrimonializan el no son también quienes tienen la barra de patrimonializar a la gente que se quedó en casa”. En declaraciones al emisora Catalunya Radio, el líder de los socialistas catalanes y ministro de Industria recordó que Rajoy había pedido el rechazo al texto, y que “la gente no le ha hecho caso”. “Nadie se puede atribuir la abstención”, ha asegurado. Para explicar la baja participación, Montilla ha aludido al “largo” y “complejo” proceso de elaboración y aprobación del texto; a que “las encuestas decían que el sí ganaba de calle”, lo que pudo desincentivar a los votantes; y a que los ciudadanos “tenían dudas” porque ERC “había oscilado entre el sí y el no”. “ERC se equivocó, el resultado del referéndum avala esta afirmación, ya que donde se ha movilizado más el no es donde hay más electorado del PP”, ha señalado Montilla.
Katalonien Nach der Ankündigung von Spaniens Ministerpräsident José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, mit der Terrororganisation ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) Verhandlungen aufzunehmen, die der Meinung vieler Kritiker nach mit Zugeständnissen der spanischen Regierung an den Autonomiestatus der baskischen Provinz ausgehen werden, hat sich nun auch Katalonien für eine stärkere Unabhängigkeit ausgesprochen. Ergebnisse der Referenden von 1979 und 2006 in Katalonien nach Auszählung von 100 Prozent der Stimmen Die 5,4 Millionen wahlberechtigten Bürger der nordostspanischen Provinz Katalonien haben sich am Sonntag, dem 18.06.2006, mit großer Mehrheit für das Autonomiestatut ausgesprochen, das bereits vom spanischen Parlament verabschiedet wurde. Danach werden einer der reichsten und wirtschaftlichsten Region in Spanien weitgehende politische und finanzielle Kompetenzen gegenüber der Zentralregierung in Madrid eingeräumt: Katalonien erhält mehr Zuständigkeiten in den Bereichen Rechtsprechung, EU-Angelegenheiten, Steuereinnamen und Verwaltung von See- und Flughäfen. Katalonien wird außerdem das Recht eingeräumt, sich in Zukunft als „Nation“ zu bezeichnen. 73,9 Prozent der Wähler votierten in dem Referendum für mehr Eigenständigkeit, 21 Prozent stimmten mit Nein. Dieses Ergebnis veröffentlichte die Wahlkommission nach Auszählung von fast 98,5 Prozent der Stimmen. Die Wahlbeteiligung war mit 49 Prozent niedriger als erwartet. Das Statut schreibt Katalanisch als Pflichtsprache vor. Damit wird der Status von Katalanisch weiter gestärkt. Der Schulunterricht wird in Zukunft nur noch auf katalanisch abgehalten werden. 1979 wurde Katalanisch bereits zur zweiten Amtssprache neben der kastilischen Sprache. Auch die Behörden sollten nun vorzugsweise auf katalanisch kommunizieren, so Joaquin Molins, ein Professor für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Autònoma de Barcelona. Der Ministerpräsident Zapatero begrüßte den Wahlausgang und lehnte Kritik an der niedrigen Wahlbeteiligung ab. Er hoffe, dass die Regionen nach Anerkennung ihrer teilweisen Souveränität die Einheit Spaniens respektieren würden. José Montilla, der spanische Industrie-, Handels- und Tourismus-Minister der PSC, ist der Meinung, dass dem Resultat der Volksabstimmung wegen des Grades der niedrigen Beteiligung „nicht im geringsten die Legitimation fehlt“ und feierte den „klaren und überzeugenden Sieg des 'Ja'“ und die „großartige Niederlage der ''Partido Popular''“. Die Stimmenenthaltung sei bei den Referenden stets größer als bei allgemeinen oder kommunalen Wahlen, unterstrichen die Parteien, die sich im Vorfeld für ein „Ja“ stark gemacht hatten. In der Abstimmung über die Verfassung lag die Wahlbeteiligung in Katalonien bei 59,4 Prozent (1978) und in ganz Spanien bei 58,23 Prozent. Deshalb beruft sich keine Partei auf die Wahlbeteiligung, um die Gültigkeit eines Referendums anzuzweifeln. Die Unterstützung für ein unabhängiges Katalonien sinkt seit 2003 stetig Oppositionsführer Mariano Rajoy hingegen, der sich auch gegen politische Zugeständnisse an die ETA ausgesprochen hatte, bewertete die Abstimmung negativ und sieht in ihr einen Angriff auf die „nationale Einheit“ Spaniens. „Hier wird das verfassungsmäßige Spanien liquidiert“, so Rajoy. Die Katalanen hätten das „persönliche Projekt Zapateros“ abgelehnt. Er hob hervor, zwei Drittel der Bürger würden es vorziehen, das Vorhaben nicht zu unterstützen. Die ERC (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya), eine sozialistische katalanische Regionalpartei, macht sich für eine noch weitergehende Unabhängigkeit Kataloniens stark. Diese Bestrebungen werden jedoch weder von der ''Partido Popular (PP)'' noch von der ''Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE)'' unterstützt. Vor allem die Nachwirkungen der Franco-Dikatatur von 1939 bis 1975 können die ausgeprägten Unabhängigkeitsbewegungen erklären. Unter Franco wurde Katalanisch verboten, und die Basken sowie die Katalanen sahen sich Verfolgung und Unterdrückung ausgesetzt. Auch in Andalusien oder auf den Balearen-Inseln gibt es Unabhängigkeitsbestrebungen. Dort hatte das Regionalparlament am 13. Juni mit großer Mehrheit eine größere Selbstverwaltung gefordert.
By Paul de Bendern ANKARA (Reuters) - Thousands of Turkish troops have crossed into northern Iraq to hunt Kurdish rebels, television and a military source said on Friday, escalating a conflict that could undermine stability in the region. Turkey's military said the cross-border offensive, possibly the largest in a decade, would continue until they had stopped the threat from PKK rebels, who have been using northern Iraq as a base to stage attacks in Turkey. It said in a statement 24 PKK rebels and five soldiers were killed in clashes in Iraq. It also said at least 20 rebels were killed in separate aerial attacks. The United States urged Turkey, a key regional ally, to limit its offensive to precise PKK targets and to bring the operation to a swift conclusion. Iraq's government called on Turkey to respect its sovereignty and to avoid any military action which would threaten security. The European Union and the United Nations also urged restraint, fearing the offensive could jeopardize the most stable region in Iraq at a time when security is improving, and also rekindle tensions between Turks and ethnic Kurds. The Turkish military said its troops had entered Iraq late on Thursday to destroy PKK camps and hunt rebels of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has been battling for decades to create a Kurdish homeland in southeast Turkey. "The operations inside Iraq will intensify tomorrow," said a Turkish military source, who declined to be named. Turkish television said between 3,000 and 10,000 soldiers had entered Iraq, but several Iraqi officials and a military source with U.S.-led coalition forces in Baghdad said only a few hundred troops were involved. Continued...
CIA map of Iraq (2003) Reports say that Turkey has sent at least 10,000 troops into northern Iraq in an attempt to take down terrorists from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and their bases of operations. Reports also say that thousands more Turkish troops are prepared to enter Iraq if needed. "The Turkish Armed Forces, which attach great importance to Iraq's territorial integrity and stability, will return home in the shortest time possible after its goals have been achieved," said a statement posted on the Turkish military's website. The United States military in Iraq is "aware" that Turkish troops have begun to enter the country and Rear Adm. Gregory Smith, a U.S. military spokesman states that "Turkey has given its assurances it will do everything possible to avoid collateral damage to innocent civilians or Kurdish infrastructure." "The United States continues to support Turkey's right to defend itself from the terrorist activities of the PKK and has encouraged Turkey to use all available means, to include diplomacy and close coordination with the Government of Iraq to ultimately resolve this issue," stated Smith. On Thursday February 21, Turkish troops began to take out buildings in abandoned villages believed to be hideouts for militants of the PKK.
(CNN) -- Turkish troops backed by air support attacked Kurdish rebels Friday in northern Iraq, the Turkish military said. Turkish tanks on the move near the border town of Silopi in Sirnak province, southeastern Turkey. At least 24 suspected Kurd militants were killed, the Turkish military reported, adding it suffered 5 casualties. The incursion against the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in Iraq began around 7 p.m. Thursday. In a statement, the Turkish military said it would act with "utmost sensitivity in order to avoid negative impact on local elements" -- a reference to keeping civilians out of the conflict. "The Turkish Armed Forces, which values Iraq's territorial integrity and its stability, will return as soon as planned goals are achieved," the military said. "The executed operation will prevent the region from being a permanent and safe base for the terrorists and will contribute to Iraq's stability and internal peace." Turkey has been taking cross-border military action, including airstrikes and artillery shelling, against the PKK in retaliation to attacks by the group on targets in Turkey from bases in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq. The PKK has spent two decades fighting for autonomy for Kurds in southeastern Turkey. Turkey has also been carrying out small ground operations into Iraq, forays characterized as "hot pursuit" incursions with a few hundred commandos responding to a particular threat. Citing Turkish media reports estimating that as many as 10,000 Turkish troops had been involved, Fadi Hakura, an analyst with UK military thinktank Chatham House, said the operation was the first major incursion by Turkey into Iraq since Hussein was toppled in 2003. Hakura said the Turkish military wanted to conduct a surprise attack against the PKK prior to the springtime, when violent attacks tend to escalate, and when the snow in the mountainous border region leaves the fighters' footprints. "Normally during the 1980s and the 1990s, the incursions involved 35,000 50,000 troops and they tended to be somewhat open-ended over weeks. This one is expected to be limited to a matter of days and targeted attacks against the PKK," he said. U.S. officials were downplaying the scope of the operation Friday. Tom Casey, deputy State Department spokesman, said Iraqi Foreign Ministry Hoshyar Zebari called the incursion "limited in nature" and not "major." "The PKK is a common enemy of the U.S., Turkey and Iraq. We need to work together to resolve it," Casey said. "We are pleased that Turks have stressed that they will do everything possible to avoid acts that would harm civilians." Rear Adm. Gregory Smith, a spokesman for the U.S. military in Iraq, told CNN the military is "aware" of a Turkish "operation of limited duration to specifically target PKK terrorists in that region." "Turkey has given its assurances it will do everything possible to avoid collateral damage to innocent civilians or Kurdish infrastructure," Smith said. The ground troops' deployment followed cross-border shelling early Thursday by Turkish soldiers into abandoned villages north of Irbil -- the capital of Iraq's Kurdish Regional Government. The shelling, which struck abandoned villages in the Khwar-Kork area north of Irbil, lasted two hours and was followed by heavy gunfire, a KRG official told CNN. There were no reports of casualties. Border tensions have been a source of diplomatic disagreement between the U,S. and its Iraqi and Turkish allies. U.S. and Iraqi authorities have been concerned that any large-scale operation by Turkey into Iraq to chase down Kurdish rebels could destabilize the region. At the same time, the U.S. backs Turkey's efforts to battle the PKK, which both countries regard as a terrorist group and has been providing intelligence to the Turks. "The United States continues to support Turkey's right to defend itself from the terrorist activities of the PKK and has encouraged Turkey to use all available means, to include diplomacy and close coordination with the Government of Iraq to ultimately resolve this issue," Smith said. E-mail to a friend CNN's Paula Hancocks, Zain Verjee and Erin McLaughlin contributed to this report. All About Kurdish Politics • Kurdistan Workers' Party • Turkey
CIA map of Iraq (2003) Reports say that Turkey has sent at least 10,000 troops into northern Iraq in an attempt to take down terrorists from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and their bases of operations. Reports also say that thousands more Turkish troops are prepared to enter Iraq if needed. "The Turkish Armed Forces, which attach great importance to Iraq's territorial integrity and stability, will return home in the shortest time possible after its goals have been achieved," said a statement posted on the Turkish military's website. The United States military in Iraq is "aware" that Turkish troops have begun to enter the country and Rear Adm. Gregory Smith, a U.S. military spokesman states that "Turkey has given its assurances it will do everything possible to avoid collateral damage to innocent civilians or Kurdish infrastructure." "The United States continues to support Turkey's right to defend itself from the terrorist activities of the PKK and has encouraged Turkey to use all available means, to include diplomacy and close coordination with the Government of Iraq to ultimately resolve this issue," stated Smith. On Thursday February 21, Turkish troops began to take out buildings in abandoned villages believed to be hideouts for militants of the PKK.
British dwarf's penis gets stuck in vacuum cleaner A dwarf performer at the Edinburgh fringe festival had to be rushed to hospital after his penis got stuck to a vacuum cleaner during an act that went horribly awry. Daniel Blackner, or "Captain Dan the Demon Dwarf", was due to perform at the Circus of Horrors at the festival known for its oddball, offbeat performances. The main part of his act saw him appear on stage with a vacuum cleaner attached to his member through a special attachment. The attachment broke before the performance and Blackner tried to fix it using extra-strong glue, but unfortunately only let it dry for 20 seconds instead of the 20 minutes required. He then joined it directly to his organ. The end result? A solid attachment, laughter, mortification and ... hospitalisation. "It was the most embarrassing moment of my life when I got wheeled into a packed A&E with a vacuum attached to me," Blackner said. "I just wished the ground could swallow me up. Luckily, they saw me quickly so the embarrassment was short-lived."
A British dwarf who was performing at the 'Edinburgh Festival' found his penis glued to a vacuum cleaner while preparing for a live show. Daniel Blackner, known as "Captain Dan the Demon Dwarf" performed at the ''Circus of Horrors'', known for its oddball and offbeat performances. As part of the show, the dwarf pulls a Henry vacuum cleaner using a special attachment, across the show attached to his penis. However, the vacuum cleaner was broken before a performance and performer Blackner placed extra-strong glue on the attachment to fix it, neglecting to wait the entire 20 minutes required for the glue to dry, which resulted in his penis becoming glued to the vacuum cleaner. After being rushed to the A&E department of Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, Blackner was freed after an hour and remarked that: "It was the most embarrassing moment of my life when I got wheeled into a packed A&E with a vacuum attached to me. I just wished the ground could swallow me up. Luckily, they saw me quickly so the embarrassment was short lived." Hospital sources confirmed that they treated the performer, but a spokesman for the Royal Infirmary said he could not comment on individual cases.
Dwarf gets penis stuck to vacuum cleaner Posted A dwarf performer at the Edinburgh Fringe festival had to be rushed to hospital after his penis got stuck to a vacuum cleaner during an act that went horribly awry. Daniel Blackner, or 'Captain Dan the Demon Dwarf', was due to perform at the Circus of Horrors at the festival known for its oddball, offbeat performances. The main part of his act saw him appear on stage with a vacuum cleaner attached to his member through a special attachment. The attachment broke before the performance and Blackner tried to fix it using extra-strong glue, but unfortunately only let it dry for 20 seconds instead of the 20 minutes required. He then joined it directly to his organ. The end result? A solid attachment, laughter, mortification and ... hospitalisation. "It was the most embarrassing moment of my life when I got wheeled into a packed A&E; [accident and emergency ward] with a vacuum attached to me," Blackner said. -AFP
A British dwarf who was performing at the 'Edinburgh Festival' found his penis glued to a vacuum cleaner while preparing for a live show. Daniel Blackner, known as "Captain Dan the Demon Dwarf" performed at the ''Circus of Horrors'', known for its oddball and offbeat performances. As part of the show, the dwarf pulls a Henry vacuum cleaner using a special attachment, across the show attached to his penis. However, the vacuum cleaner was broken before a performance and performer Blackner placed extra-strong glue on the attachment to fix it, neglecting to wait the entire 20 minutes required for the glue to dry, which resulted in his penis becoming glued to the vacuum cleaner. After being rushed to the A&E department of Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, Blackner was freed after an hour and remarked that: "It was the most embarrassing moment of my life when I got wheeled into a packed A&E with a vacuum attached to me. I just wished the ground could swallow me up. Luckily, they saw me quickly so the embarrassment was short lived." Hospital sources confirmed that they treated the performer, but a spokesman for the Royal Infirmary said he could not comment on individual cases.
Mar 12, 2021 via The real estate industry has been shifting to a digital landscape over the years, but no one expected the digital revolution to happen so quickly. In 2020, 63% of homebuyers across the US housing market made an offer on a house sight-unseen, thanks to virtual house tours. Even though it's a seller's market, it's just … How to Make Your Home Stand Out During a Virtual House Tour Read More >> The post How to Make Your Home Stand Out During a Virtual House Tour appeared first on Redfin | Real Estate Tips for Home Buying, Selling & More.
A British dwarf who was performing at the 'Edinburgh Festival' found his penis glued to a vacuum cleaner while preparing for a live show. Daniel Blackner, known as "Captain Dan the Demon Dwarf" performed at the ''Circus of Horrors'', known for its oddball and offbeat performances. As part of the show, the dwarf pulls a Henry vacuum cleaner using a special attachment, across the show attached to his penis. However, the vacuum cleaner was broken before a performance and performer Blackner placed extra-strong glue on the attachment to fix it, neglecting to wait the entire 20 minutes required for the glue to dry, which resulted in his penis becoming glued to the vacuum cleaner. After being rushed to the A&E department of Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, Blackner was freed after an hour and remarked that: "It was the most embarrassing moment of my life when I got wheeled into a packed A&E with a vacuum attached to me. I just wished the ground could swallow me up. Luckily, they saw me quickly so the embarrassment was short lived." Hospital sources confirmed that they treated the performer, but a spokesman for the Royal Infirmary said he could not comment on individual cases.
Kriminalität Größte Mafia-Razzia der US-Geschichte Das FBI hat bei einer groß angelegten Durchsuchungsaktion mehr als 120 mutmaßliche Mafiosi festgenommen. Aussteigerberichte hatten die Verhaftungen möglich gemacht. © Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Images Bei der größten Razzia gegen die Mafia in der US-Justizgeschichte haben Ermittler mehr als 120 Verdächtige festgenommen. FBI und Polizei durchsuchten in New York und Umgebung Wohnungen und Geschäftsräume. An der Razzia seien mehr als 800 Polizisten beteiligt gewesen, sagte US-Justizminister Eric Holder. Er sprach von der bislang größten Einzelaktion gegen die Mafia: "Dies ist einer der größten Schläge gegen die Mafia in der Geschichte des FBI, und zwar sowohl, was die Zahl der festgenommen Personen angeht als auch die Breite der vorgeworfenen Verbrechen." Den Mafiosi werden so ziemlich alle schweren Verbrechen vorgeworfen, die das Strafgesetzbuch auflistet: Erpressung, Kokainhandel, illegaler Waffenbesitz, Körperverletzung, Hehlerei, Brandstiftung, Schutzgelderpressung, Zinswucher, illegales Glücksspiel und natürlich Mord. Der Schlag richtete sich offenbar vor allem gegen die Gambino-Familie, aber auch gegen die Genoveses, Bonnanos, Luccheses und Colombos – alles mächtige Mafiagrößen in New York, New Jersey und Rhode Island. Anzeige Die Ermittlungen stützten sich nach Angaben des FBI auch auf Aussagen von Mafia-Aussteigern. Dies zeige, dass es sich bei dem vielbeschworenen Schweigegelöbnis der Mafia, der sogenannten Omerta, eher um eine Legende handle, sagte die stellvertretende Leiterin der New Yorker Polizei, Janice Fedarcyk. Exemplarisch veröffentlichte die Staatsanwaltschaft den Fall von Joseph Watts, der ebenfalls verhaftet worden war. Weil er keine italienischen Wurzeln habe, stieg Watts nie bis ganz nach oben in der Cosa Nostra auf, er habe es aber bis zum Capo gebracht. Als solcher Unterführer habe ihn der damalige Chef der Gambino-Familie 1989 mit dem Mord an dem verhafteten Mafia-Mann Frederick Weiss beauftragt, weil der offenbar mit der Justiz zusammenarbeitete. Watts heuerte ein Mordteam an und kümmerte sich sogar um den Aushub eines Grabes, in dem das Opfer verscharrt werden sollte. Er wartete mit einer Waffe in einer Garage, doch Weiss kam nicht. Dafür wurde der mutmaßliche Überläufer am nächsten Tag von einem anderen Hit Team erschossen. Watts hat der Staatsanwaltschaft zufolge jetzt gestanden, an dem versuchten Mord beteiligt gewesen zu sein. Die Festgenommenen wurden zunächst auf ein Gefängnisschiff im Fort Hamilton vor der Küste New Yorks gebracht. Zu ihnen gehört auch der derzeitige Boss der Colombo-Familie, der im Bundesstaat Rhode Island lebt. Die übrigen der mutmaßlichen Gangster seien der Polizei in New York selbst und in angrenzenden Gebieten von Long Island sowie im Nachbarstaat New Jersey ins Netz gegangen. Lesen Sie hier mehr aus dem Ressort Zeitgeschehen.
FBI-Siegel Die Bundespolizei der Vereinigten Staaten, FBI, hat in einer großangelegten Razzia 127 mutmaßliche Mitglieder der Mafia (Cosa Nostra) festgenommen. Das FBI bezeichnete ihre heutige Aktion als „den größten eintägigen Einsatz gegen die Mafia in der Geschichte des FBI“. Die Zahl der Straftaten, deretwegen die Strafverfolgungsbehörden Anklage erheben werden, liest sich wie eine alphabetische Aufzählung aller möglichen Straftatbestände. Beginnend mit B wie Brandstiftung, Einbruch, Erpressung, Hehlerei, illegales Glücksspiel, Kokainhandel, Lohnbetrug, natürlich M wie Mord, Raub, Schutzgeldvergehen bis Z wie Zinswucher. 800 Polizeibeamte waren in New York, Long Island und im Nachbarstaat New Jersey im Einsatz. Die Festgenommenen wurden zunächst auf ein Gefängnisschiff im Fort Hamilton vor der Küste New Yorks verbracht. Wesentliche Grundlage für den heutigen erfolgreichen Schlag gegen das organisierte Verbrechen waren Aussagen von Mafia-Aussteigern.
Omar Bakri Mohammed says he would never co-operate with police The UK-based Syrian-born preacher said there was no evidence four young Muslim men filmed at a station prior to the attacks were responsible for the bombs. He condemned "any killing of innocent people here and abroad" but said he would never co-operate with police. The cleric is facing demands for his deportation after making comments partly blaming Britain for the bombs. The Metropolitan Police has confirmed that Mohammad Sidique Khan, 30, Hasib Hussain, 18, Shehzad Tanweer, 22, and Germaine Lindsay, 19, carried out the bombings. The force released a CCTV image of the group entering Luton station on the day of the explosions, in which they, and 52 others died. Tabloids In an interview with BBC News 24, Omar Bakri Mohammed said the government, the public and the Muslim community were all to blame for not doing enough to prevent the 7 July attacks. Why I condemn Osama bin Laden for? I condemn Tony Blair, I condemn George Bush. I would never condemn Osama bin Laden or any Muslims Omar Bakri Mohammed And he blamed the tabloid press for "distorting" his views and those of other clerics, including Sheikh Abu Hamza, currently on trial for allegedly soliciting people to murder non-Muslims and inciting racial hatred. But in another interview, with BBC1's 10 O'clock News, he said there was "no way" he would condemn Osama Bin Laden. He said: "Why I condemn Osama Bin Laden for? I condemn Tony Blair, I condemn George Bush. I would never condemn Osama Bin Laden or any Muslims." And he blamed the UK government's "evil foreign policy and the war on terror" for pushing Muslims in "the wrong direction". On Radio 4's Today programme, Omar Bakri Mohammed said Britons should use all political means "to make the British government realise that they create enemy, whether abroad or at home because of their own invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan". But said he believed Islam forbade Muslims to fight the people they lived side by side with. "To live among them, and sell with them and deal with them and trade with them and then fight them, that is completely not Islamic." Word of God The London-based preacher told BBC News 24 radical Muslims were "part of the solution" not part of the problem, because they were respected by Muslim youths. By imposing restrictions on radical clerics, the government had reduced their ability to "hold back" young Muslims angry at events in places such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, the Palestinian territories and Kashmir, he said. He distanced himself from "moderate" Muslims, who he said "cannot hold anyone back". Co-operation with the British police would never ever prevent any action like this Omar Bakri Mohammed He added that he would not co-operate with the British police, even to alert them if he knew another terror attack was imminent. "I believe co-operation with the British police would never ever prevent any action like this. "The youth will leave us. The youth will see us, at that time, the voice, the eyes and the ears of the British government. "The way to earn the heart of the British youth is by the divine text, to say God say it and ... Mohammed say it, 'Do not attack the people you live among.' Not to tell them, 'Tony Blair say it, the law say it, don't do so.'" The cleric, who has lived in Britain for 20 years, indicated he would not resist if he were to be deported, saying: "If God destined for me to be deported, or to be imprisoned, nobody can save me."
Oma Bakri Mohammed, a controversial Muslim cleric living in Britain under political asylum since 1985, has said he does not believe the July 7th London bombers were Muslims. He told BBC News that there was no evidence the four young Muslim men filmed at a station prior to the attacks were responsible for the bombs. He also condemned "any killing of innocent people here and abroad" However he said he would not co-operate with police in the search for the bombers and other Muslim extremists, or even when he knew of an imminent terrorist attack. "I believe co-operation with the British police would never ever prevent any action like this." He said. Adding, "The youth will leave us. The youth will see us, at that time, the voice, the eyes and the ears of the British government." "The way to earn the heart of the British youth is by the divine text, to say 'God say it and ... Mohammed say it, Do not attack the people you live among.' Not to tell them, 'Tony Blair say it, the law say it, don't do so.'" Oma Bakri Mohammed is facing deportation after partly blaming Britain itself for the attacks on London. He also blamed the UK government's "evil foreign policy and the war on terror" for pushing Muslims in "the wrong direction". He has lived in Britain for 20 years, and said he would not resist if he were to be imprisoned or deported. The cleric also believes Islam does not allow Muslims to fight the people they lived side by side with. "To live among them, and sell with them and deal with them and trade with them and then fight them, that is completely not Islamic."
32-stronicowa bajka „Król i król” Lindy de Haan i Sterna Nijlanda ukazała się najpierw Holandii w 2000 r. 10 lat później wydawnictwo AdPublik Roberta Biedronia proponuje książkę polskim dzieciom. W 2002 r. autorzy opublikowali sequel „King & King & Family” („Król i król i rodzina”), w której zakochani królowie wychowują osieroconą, przybraną córeczkę. W 2006 r. w USA państwo Robb i Robin Wirthlin pozwali szkołę, do której uczęszczał ich siedmioletni syn za „wykorzystywanie „Króla i króla” w jego seksualnej edukacji”. Sędzia odrzucił pozew. W uzasadnieniu stwierdził krótko: „Różnorodność to znak rozpoznawczy naszego narodu”. „Dzieci nie rodzą się z uprzedzeniami – to my, dorośli uczymy ich nienawidzić. Ta książka jest szczepionką przeciw nienawiść” – mówi Robert Biedroń. Holenderska bajka dla dzieci przetłumaczona na kilkanaście języków. Była bestsellerem w Stanach Zjednoczonych, gdzie próbowano ją wycofać z bibliotek szkolnych. Książka wzbudziła wiele dyskusji na temat tolerancji i różnorodności. W Polsce książeczka "Król i król" ukaże się 4 lutego 2010 roku. Jest to kolejna publikacja dla dzieci wydawnictwa AdPublik, po słynnej bajce o tolerancji "Z Tango jest nas troje" Peter’a Parnell’a i Justin’a Richardson’a. Król i król Na szczycie pewnej góry mieszkali królowa z królewiczem i nadworny kot. Królowa od wielu, wielu lat zasiadała na tronie i była już bardzo zmęczona tym rządzeniem. Aż któregoś poranka postanowiła, że jeszcze przed końcem lata uda się na emeryturę. Tak więc nadeszła najwyższa pora, aby książę się ożenił. Zaniepokojona brakiem zainteresowania księżniczkami u swego syna królowa matka obdzwania wszystkie „panny na wydaniu” o odpowiedniej pozycji i umawia je na audiencje. Książę jest jednak całkowicie obojętny na ich wdzięki. Jego serce zaczyna bić żywiej dopiero, gdy obok królewny Stokrotki widzi jej brata - Księcia Wspaniałego. Panowie zakochują się w sobie. Uszczęśliwiona królowa wyprawia huczne wesele dwóch królów. Książeczkę "Król i król" już można kupić w księgarni - Król i król Autor: Linda de Haan i Stern Nijland Wydawnictwo: AdPublik, luty 2010 ISBN: 978-83-926199-2-5 Liczba stron: 28 Wymiary: 255 x 235 mm Okładka: twarda Cena: 19,90 zł Premiera: 4 lutego 2010 r.
'''Wydawnictwo AdPublik przygotowuje do druku bajkę dla dzieci "Król i król" autorstwa Lindy de Haan i Stern Nijland. Po książce "Z Tango jest nas troje" będzie to druga w Polsce bajka przedstawiająca kochającą się parę bohaterów tej samej płci.''' : ''Na szczycie pewnej góry mieszkali królowa z królewiczem i nadworny kot. Królowa od wielu, wielu lat zasiadała na tronie i była już bardzo zmęczona tym rządzeniem. Aż któregoś poranka postanowiła, że jeszcze przed końcem lata uda się na emeryturę. Tak więc nadeszła najwyższa pora, aby książę się ożenił. Pojawia się wiele księżniczek, ale ku zaskoczeniu, to właśnie książę Wspaniały przypada do gustu synowi królowej.'' Holenderska bajka o gejowskiej parze przetłumaczona została jak dotąd na kilkanaście języków. W większości krajów jej publikacja wzbudzała dyskusje na temat różnorodności i tolerancji. Stała się bestsellerem w Stanach Zjednoczonych, gdzie mimo to usiłowano sądownie próbowano ją wycofać z bibliotek szkolnych. Polski wydawca zdecydował się na druk po dużej popularności książeczki "Z Tango jest nas troje" opowiadającej o dwóch pingwinich samcach, którzy przygarnęli porzucone jajko i wychowali razem małe pingwiniątko. Robert Biedroń, szef wydawnictwa komentuje — ''Gdy na rynku ukazała się książka "Z Tango jest nas troje" otrzymałem wiele próśb o wydanie kolejnych ciekawych pozycji. "Król i król" jest książką wyjątkową – zebrała masę nagród, tłumaczona była na wiele języków, a przede wszystkim jest niezwykle ciekawą historią o miłości. Grzechem byłoby nie wydać takiej historii po polsku!'' — O popularności poprzedniej pozycji dodaje — ''Krótko po ukazaniu się książki musieliśmy robić dodruk, a być może w najbliższych tygodniach zrobimy kolejny. To pokazuje, że rynek książki potrzebuje jeszcze wielu ciekawych pozycji, które do tej pory były niedostępne dla polskich czytelników. Zauważyłem, że "Z Tango jest nas troje" kupowały przede wszystkim kobiety – także lesbijki. Wiele jednak było rodzin, które osobiście przyjeżdżały do wydawnictwa, by odebrać bajkę dla swoich pociech.'' W Wielkiej Brytanii bajkę o dwóch królewiczach oprotestowała wspólnota muzułmańska z Bristolu. W Polsce stała się głośna jeszcze zanim została przetłumaczona. Rok temu rozgłosu medialnego nabrała zapowiedź przygotowania w I LO w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu opartego na niej przedstawienia. Marzanna Pogorzelska, nauczycielka języka angielskiego wspomniała o takiej możliwości w jednym z wywiadów prasowych. Sprawa urosła do rangi faktu prasowego, rozdmuchana przez "Przewodnik Katolicki" i "Nasz Dziennik". Nieistniejące przedstawienie oprotestowała wojewódzka komórka i Zarząd Gówny Ligi Polskich Rodzin interweniując kolejno w kuratorium oświaty, w MEN i u samego premiera. "Nasz Dziennik" wzywał do zostawienia dzieci w domy w dniu Walentynek, aby uniknąć "zgubnego wpływu". Dziennikarze porównali przy tym bohaterów bajki do związku Tomasza Raczka i Marcina Szczygielskiego. Marzanna Pogorzelska jest autorką słynnego donosu na samą siebie do Romana Giertycha, w którym przyznała się do "promowania homoseksualizmu" w szkole i laureatką nagrody Fundacji Równości Hiacynt oraz Europejskiej Nagrody Tolerancji. Wydaje się więc, że dzięki konserwatywnym mediom i prawicowej partii prosta bajka uzyskała rozgłos i reklamę zanim została wydrukowana. Premierę "Króla i króla" wydawca zaplanował na 4 lutego 2010 r. * '''Linda de Haan i Stern Nijlanda ''Król i król''''', wydawnictwo AdPublik, ISBN 978-83-926199-2-5
Drogi użytkowniku, droga użytkowniczko, w związku z nowymi wytycznymi wynikającymi z Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego prosimy Cię o udzielenie zgody na dopasowanie treści marketingowych. Dzięki Twojej zgodzie będziemy nadal mogli emitować dopasowane do użytkownika reklamy i w ten sposób finansować utrzymanie i rozwój portalu. Równocześnie zachęcamy Cie do zapoznania się z informacjami o wysokich standardach bezpieczeństwa, które spełnia nasz portal oraz o Twoich prawach jako użytkownika / użytkowniczki portalu.
'''Wydawnictwo AdPublik przygotowuje do druku bajkę dla dzieci "Król i król" autorstwa Lindy de Haan i Stern Nijland. Po książce "Z Tango jest nas troje" będzie to druga w Polsce bajka przedstawiająca kochającą się parę bohaterów tej samej płci.''' : ''Na szczycie pewnej góry mieszkali królowa z królewiczem i nadworny kot. Królowa od wielu, wielu lat zasiadała na tronie i była już bardzo zmęczona tym rządzeniem. Aż któregoś poranka postanowiła, że jeszcze przed końcem lata uda się na emeryturę. Tak więc nadeszła najwyższa pora, aby książę się ożenił. Pojawia się wiele księżniczek, ale ku zaskoczeniu, to właśnie książę Wspaniały przypada do gustu synowi królowej.'' Holenderska bajka o gejowskiej parze przetłumaczona została jak dotąd na kilkanaście języków. W większości krajów jej publikacja wzbudzała dyskusje na temat różnorodności i tolerancji. Stała się bestsellerem w Stanach Zjednoczonych, gdzie mimo to usiłowano sądownie próbowano ją wycofać z bibliotek szkolnych. Polski wydawca zdecydował się na druk po dużej popularności książeczki "Z Tango jest nas troje" opowiadającej o dwóch pingwinich samcach, którzy przygarnęli porzucone jajko i wychowali razem małe pingwiniątko. Robert Biedroń, szef wydawnictwa komentuje — ''Gdy na rynku ukazała się książka "Z Tango jest nas troje" otrzymałem wiele próśb o wydanie kolejnych ciekawych pozycji. "Król i król" jest książką wyjątkową – zebrała masę nagród, tłumaczona była na wiele języków, a przede wszystkim jest niezwykle ciekawą historią o miłości. Grzechem byłoby nie wydać takiej historii po polsku!'' — O popularności poprzedniej pozycji dodaje — ''Krótko po ukazaniu się książki musieliśmy robić dodruk, a być może w najbliższych tygodniach zrobimy kolejny. To pokazuje, że rynek książki potrzebuje jeszcze wielu ciekawych pozycji, które do tej pory były niedostępne dla polskich czytelników. Zauważyłem, że "Z Tango jest nas troje" kupowały przede wszystkim kobiety – także lesbijki. Wiele jednak było rodzin, które osobiście przyjeżdżały do wydawnictwa, by odebrać bajkę dla swoich pociech.'' W Wielkiej Brytanii bajkę o dwóch królewiczach oprotestowała wspólnota muzułmańska z Bristolu. W Polsce stała się głośna jeszcze zanim została przetłumaczona. Rok temu rozgłosu medialnego nabrała zapowiedź przygotowania w I LO w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu opartego na niej przedstawienia. Marzanna Pogorzelska, nauczycielka języka angielskiego wspomniała o takiej możliwości w jednym z wywiadów prasowych. Sprawa urosła do rangi faktu prasowego, rozdmuchana przez "Przewodnik Katolicki" i "Nasz Dziennik". Nieistniejące przedstawienie oprotestowała wojewódzka komórka i Zarząd Gówny Ligi Polskich Rodzin interweniując kolejno w kuratorium oświaty, w MEN i u samego premiera. "Nasz Dziennik" wzywał do zostawienia dzieci w domy w dniu Walentynek, aby uniknąć "zgubnego wpływu". Dziennikarze porównali przy tym bohaterów bajki do związku Tomasza Raczka i Marcina Szczygielskiego. Marzanna Pogorzelska jest autorką słynnego donosu na samą siebie do Romana Giertycha, w którym przyznała się do "promowania homoseksualizmu" w szkole i laureatką nagrody Fundacji Równości Hiacynt oraz Europejskiej Nagrody Tolerancji. Wydaje się więc, że dzięki konserwatywnym mediom i prawicowej partii prosta bajka uzyskała rozgłos i reklamę zanim została wydrukowana. Premierę "Króla i króla" wydawca zaplanował na 4 lutego 2010 r. * '''Linda de Haan i Stern Nijlanda ''Król i król''''', wydawnictwo AdPublik, ISBN 978-83-926199-2-5
Marzanna Pogorzelska, nauczycielka z Kędzierzyna-Koźla, z grupą studentów przygotowuje oparte na holenderskiej bajce przedstawienie "Król i król". Opowieść "King and king" mówi o księciu, który szuka żony. Gdy żadna z kandydatek mu nie przypada do gustu, wybiera brata jednej z niej i tworzy z nim szczęśliwą parę. Przedstawienie ma być pokazywane w opolskich szkołach. Poproszone przez "Dziennik" o komentarz Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej twierdzi, że na razie nie ma czego się bać, bo nie wiadomo, czy przedstawienie dojdzie do skutku. Marzanna Pogorzelska jest autorką słynnego donosu na siebie do Romana Giertycha, w którym przyznała się do "promowania homoseksualizmu" w szkole i laureatką nagrody Fundacji Równości Hiacynt oraz Europejskiej Nagrody Tolerancji. abs_ik Data publikacji w portalu: 2008-12-30 OPINIE I KOMENTARZE + dodaj opinię moncada anna 2009-01-03 18:25 brawo!!! oby nie zabrakło odwagi... gdy nam samym brakuje odwagi. Dopisywanie opinii, tylko dla zarejestrowanych użytkowniczek portalu Zaloguj się Login: Hasło: Nie masz jeszcze konta? Zarejestruj się!
'''Wydawnictwo AdPublik przygotowuje do druku bajkę dla dzieci "Król i król" autorstwa Lindy de Haan i Stern Nijland. Po książce "Z Tango jest nas troje" będzie to druga w Polsce bajka przedstawiająca kochającą się parę bohaterów tej samej płci.''' : ''Na szczycie pewnej góry mieszkali królowa z królewiczem i nadworny kot. Królowa od wielu, wielu lat zasiadała na tronie i była już bardzo zmęczona tym rządzeniem. Aż któregoś poranka postanowiła, że jeszcze przed końcem lata uda się na emeryturę. Tak więc nadeszła najwyższa pora, aby książę się ożenił. Pojawia się wiele księżniczek, ale ku zaskoczeniu, to właśnie książę Wspaniały przypada do gustu synowi królowej.'' Holenderska bajka o gejowskiej parze przetłumaczona została jak dotąd na kilkanaście języków. W większości krajów jej publikacja wzbudzała dyskusje na temat różnorodności i tolerancji. Stała się bestsellerem w Stanach Zjednoczonych, gdzie mimo to usiłowano sądownie próbowano ją wycofać z bibliotek szkolnych. Polski wydawca zdecydował się na druk po dużej popularności książeczki "Z Tango jest nas troje" opowiadającej o dwóch pingwinich samcach, którzy przygarnęli porzucone jajko i wychowali razem małe pingwiniątko. Robert Biedroń, szef wydawnictwa komentuje — ''Gdy na rynku ukazała się książka "Z Tango jest nas troje" otrzymałem wiele próśb o wydanie kolejnych ciekawych pozycji. "Król i król" jest książką wyjątkową – zebrała masę nagród, tłumaczona była na wiele języków, a przede wszystkim jest niezwykle ciekawą historią o miłości. Grzechem byłoby nie wydać takiej historii po polsku!'' — O popularności poprzedniej pozycji dodaje — ''Krótko po ukazaniu się książki musieliśmy robić dodruk, a być może w najbliższych tygodniach zrobimy kolejny. To pokazuje, że rynek książki potrzebuje jeszcze wielu ciekawych pozycji, które do tej pory były niedostępne dla polskich czytelników. Zauważyłem, że "Z Tango jest nas troje" kupowały przede wszystkim kobiety – także lesbijki. Wiele jednak było rodzin, które osobiście przyjeżdżały do wydawnictwa, by odebrać bajkę dla swoich pociech.'' W Wielkiej Brytanii bajkę o dwóch królewiczach oprotestowała wspólnota muzułmańska z Bristolu. W Polsce stała się głośna jeszcze zanim została przetłumaczona. Rok temu rozgłosu medialnego nabrała zapowiedź przygotowania w I LO w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu opartego na niej przedstawienia. Marzanna Pogorzelska, nauczycielka języka angielskiego wspomniała o takiej możliwości w jednym z wywiadów prasowych. Sprawa urosła do rangi faktu prasowego, rozdmuchana przez "Przewodnik Katolicki" i "Nasz Dziennik". Nieistniejące przedstawienie oprotestowała wojewódzka komórka i Zarząd Gówny Ligi Polskich Rodzin interweniując kolejno w kuratorium oświaty, w MEN i u samego premiera. "Nasz Dziennik" wzywał do zostawienia dzieci w domy w dniu Walentynek, aby uniknąć "zgubnego wpływu". Dziennikarze porównali przy tym bohaterów bajki do związku Tomasza Raczka i Marcina Szczygielskiego. Marzanna Pogorzelska jest autorką słynnego donosu na samą siebie do Romana Giertycha, w którym przyznała się do "promowania homoseksualizmu" w szkole i laureatką nagrody Fundacji Równości Hiacynt oraz Europejskiej Nagrody Tolerancji. Wydaje się więc, że dzięki konserwatywnym mediom i prawicowej partii prosta bajka uzyskała rozgłos i reklamę zanim została wydrukowana. Premierę "Króla i króla" wydawca zaplanował na 4 lutego 2010 r. * '''Linda de Haan i Stern Nijlanda ''Król i król''''', wydawnictwo AdPublik, ISBN 978-83-926199-2-5
Sędziowie uznali ponadto, że celem literatury, z którą stykały się dzieci nie była indoktrynacja homoseksualna ale uwrażliwienie ich na tzw. „małżeństwa gejów”. Zdaniem sędziów, z kontrowersyjnej książki „Król i król”, wprowadzonej jako lektura do II klasy w jednej ze szkół podstawowych, płynie pozytywne przesłanie tolerancji. – Jest to pozytywne przesłanie, którego zamiarem było tolerancyjne nastawienie dzieci słuchających opowieści pt. „Król i król” wobec „małżeństwa gejów” – stwierdził sąd. Zdaniem sądu dzieci wcale nie były poddawane indoktrynacji. – Nawet gdyby uznać, że istnieje jakaś łączność między zamiarem wpływania a próbą indoktrynacji, a mianowicie, że zamiar wpływania może się przerodzić w próbę indoktrynacji, to jednak w tym przypadku mamy do czynienia z wywieraniem wpływu w celu wykształcenia tolerancji. Nie ma żadnych widocznych oznak na to, aby była to systematyczna indoktrynacja. Nie można postawić zarzutu, że Joey został zmuszony do afirmacji „małżeństw homoseksualnych”. Wymaganie od uczniów, aby przeczytali jakąś szczególną książkę zasadniczo nie jest naruszaniem swobody korzystania z przynależnych praw – stwierdzili sędziowie. Książka „Król i król” opowiada o księciu, który nie chce żenić się z księżniczką, lecz zakochuje się w bracie księżniczki. Ich „miłość” jest przedstawiona w sympatyczny, zachęcający sposób. W końcu dwaj mężczyźni „żenią się”. Ilustracja przedstawia dwóch całujących się młodzieńców. Książka zalecona została jako lektura dla uczniów II klasy w 2006 r. w Estabrook Elementary School w Lexington w stanie Massachusetts. Dwie rodziny złożyły skargę do kuratorium, domagając się wycofania książki, którą wprowadzono bez ich zgody. Zdaniem władz oświatowych zgoda rodziców na wprowadzenie tego typu książki do szkoły nie jest potrzebna, a nawet rodzice nie mają prawa o coś takiego zabiegać. Kuratorium odmówiło też rodzicom prawa do przeniesienia dzieci do innej szkoły. Wobec tego David Parker wraz z innymi rodzicami złożyli skargę do sądu o łamanie praw cywilnych, którą sąd odrzucił na początku 2007 r. Rodzice odwołali się do sądu apelacyjnego, który także odrzucił ich skargę. Pozostaje jeszcze Sąd Najwyższy. Adwokat rodziny Parkerów potwierdził, że „zamierzają walczyć na wszystkich dostępnych frontach”. Zdaniem Parkera, gdyby tego nie czynili, to władze szkolne jeszcze bardzie zaangażowałyby się w nachalną propagandę homoseksualizmu. Adwokat Parkera Jeffrey Denner przypomniał sprawę parady z okazji Dnia Św. Patryka w Bostonie w latach. 90., kiedy to wykluczono z niej homoseksualistów. I chociaż sądy apelacyjne aż 17 razy uznały, że było to niezgodne z prawem, to w końcu SN przyznał rację organizatorom, którzy mają prawo do organizowania marszów zgodnie z własnym przekonaniami.
'''Wydawnictwo AdPublik przygotowuje do druku bajkę dla dzieci "Król i król" autorstwa Lindy de Haan i Stern Nijland. Po książce "Z Tango jest nas troje" będzie to druga w Polsce bajka przedstawiająca kochającą się parę bohaterów tej samej płci.''' : ''Na szczycie pewnej góry mieszkali królowa z królewiczem i nadworny kot. Królowa od wielu, wielu lat zasiadała na tronie i była już bardzo zmęczona tym rządzeniem. Aż któregoś poranka postanowiła, że jeszcze przed końcem lata uda się na emeryturę. Tak więc nadeszła najwyższa pora, aby książę się ożenił. Pojawia się wiele księżniczek, ale ku zaskoczeniu, to właśnie książę Wspaniały przypada do gustu synowi królowej.'' Holenderska bajka o gejowskiej parze przetłumaczona została jak dotąd na kilkanaście języków. W większości krajów jej publikacja wzbudzała dyskusje na temat różnorodności i tolerancji. Stała się bestsellerem w Stanach Zjednoczonych, gdzie mimo to usiłowano sądownie próbowano ją wycofać z bibliotek szkolnych. Polski wydawca zdecydował się na druk po dużej popularności książeczki "Z Tango jest nas troje" opowiadającej o dwóch pingwinich samcach, którzy przygarnęli porzucone jajko i wychowali razem małe pingwiniątko. Robert Biedroń, szef wydawnictwa komentuje — ''Gdy na rynku ukazała się książka "Z Tango jest nas troje" otrzymałem wiele próśb o wydanie kolejnych ciekawych pozycji. "Król i król" jest książką wyjątkową – zebrała masę nagród, tłumaczona była na wiele języków, a przede wszystkim jest niezwykle ciekawą historią o miłości. Grzechem byłoby nie wydać takiej historii po polsku!'' — O popularności poprzedniej pozycji dodaje — ''Krótko po ukazaniu się książki musieliśmy robić dodruk, a być może w najbliższych tygodniach zrobimy kolejny. To pokazuje, że rynek książki potrzebuje jeszcze wielu ciekawych pozycji, które do tej pory były niedostępne dla polskich czytelników. Zauważyłem, że "Z Tango jest nas troje" kupowały przede wszystkim kobiety – także lesbijki. Wiele jednak było rodzin, które osobiście przyjeżdżały do wydawnictwa, by odebrać bajkę dla swoich pociech.'' W Wielkiej Brytanii bajkę o dwóch królewiczach oprotestowała wspólnota muzułmańska z Bristolu. W Polsce stała się głośna jeszcze zanim została przetłumaczona. Rok temu rozgłosu medialnego nabrała zapowiedź przygotowania w I LO w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu opartego na niej przedstawienia. Marzanna Pogorzelska, nauczycielka języka angielskiego wspomniała o takiej możliwości w jednym z wywiadów prasowych. Sprawa urosła do rangi faktu prasowego, rozdmuchana przez "Przewodnik Katolicki" i "Nasz Dziennik". Nieistniejące przedstawienie oprotestowała wojewódzka komórka i Zarząd Gówny Ligi Polskich Rodzin interweniując kolejno w kuratorium oświaty, w MEN i u samego premiera. "Nasz Dziennik" wzywał do zostawienia dzieci w domy w dniu Walentynek, aby uniknąć "zgubnego wpływu". Dziennikarze porównali przy tym bohaterów bajki do związku Tomasza Raczka i Marcina Szczygielskiego. Marzanna Pogorzelska jest autorką słynnego donosu na samą siebie do Romana Giertycha, w którym przyznała się do "promowania homoseksualizmu" w szkole i laureatką nagrody Fundacji Równości Hiacynt oraz Europejskiej Nagrody Tolerancji. Wydaje się więc, że dzięki konserwatywnym mediom i prawicowej partii prosta bajka uzyskała rozgłos i reklamę zanim została wydrukowana. Premierę "Króla i króla" wydawca zaplanował na 4 lutego 2010 r. * '''Linda de Haan i Stern Nijlanda ''Król i król''''', wydawnictwo AdPublik, ISBN 978-83-926199-2-5
Opolscy studenci zamierzają uraczyć uczniów przedstawieniem o "królewiczach gejach" - premiera w walentynki. Wszystko pod okiem Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej i miejscowego kuratorium oświaty Opowiem ci bajkę o... gejach Rodzice dzieci uczęszczających do szkół na Opolszczyźnie 14 lutego powinni chyba zostawić swoje pociechy w domach. Tego dnia studenci z Opola planują premierę przedstawienia, na kanwie holenderskiej opowieści pt. "King and King" ("Król i król"). Jej głównym bohaterem jest książę, który - jak to zwykle w bajkach bywa - poszukuje żony. Nie byłoby w tym nic zdrożnego, gdyby nie mało konwencjonalne zakończenie: żadna z kandydatek królewiczowi do gustu nie przypada, więc wybiera... brata jednej z nich, tworząc z nim "szczęśliwą parę". Wypisz wymaluj historia Tomasza Raczka i jego partnera. Autorką pomysłu zaadaptowania bajki na nasz grunt jest Marzanna Pogorzelska, nauczycielka języka angielskiego z I LO w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu, znana z tego, że w 2007 r. napisała list otwarty do ówczesnego ministra edukacji Romana Giertycha, w którym sprzeciwiła się, jej zdaniem, promowanej przez niego polityce nietolerancji wobec osób homoseksualnych. Jak widać - nie odpuściła w obronie "uciśnionych mniejszości seksualnych" i postanowiła użyć bardziej skutecznego narzędzia: wpływu na najmłodsze pokolenie Polaków. Do współpracy nauczycielka zachęciła swoich byłych uczniów - dzisiaj już studentów opolskich uczelni, a oprócz nich w realizacji przedsięwzięcia pomagają profesjonalni aktorzy opolskiego teatru. Zgodnie z planem, spektakl ma być wystawiany w szkołach: podstawówkach, gimnazjach, liceach. - Jeśli w procesie wychowawczym w szkołach będą promowane takie kontrowersyjne wzorce, to może oznaczać, że próbuje się dziecko nastawiać przeciw rodzicom - uważa dr Piotr Szczukiewicz, psycholog, adiunkt na Wydziale Pedagogiki i Psychologii Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie. - Kojarzy mi się to z czasami, gdy dzieci dowiadywały się w szkołach, że ich rodzice są "kułakami", "wyzyskiwaczami" lub "wrogami ustroju", a dziś może dowiedzą się, że są "homofobami". Sądzę, że uczenie dzieci szacunku dla innego człowieka nie może opierać się na lekceważeniu norm moralnych. W przeciwnym razie każdy, kto stanowi "mniejszość obyczajową", będzie domagał się, aby jego pogląd był prezentowany jako równoważny - zwraca uwagę dr Szczukiewicz. Z tym poglądem zupełnie nie zgadzają się władze oświatowe - według nich nic złego się nie dzieje i nie ma sensu "rozdmuchiwanie sprawy". Zdaniem Barbary Milewskiej, rzecznik MEN, nie ma na razie powodów do obaw, ponieważ nie wiadomo, czy realizacja przedstawienia dojdzie do skutku. - W tej chwili rozmawiamy w kategoriach hipotetycznych: mówimy tylko o pewnym zamiarze, który dotychczas został jedynie zapowiedziany medialnie. Bajki czy przedstawienia, o którym rozmawiamy, jeszcze nikt nie widział - przekonuje Milewska. Szerzej na stronie "Polska". Maria M. Jasita Ta wojna może potrwać bardzo długo Izrael rozpoczął wczoraj trzeci dzień ataków na Strefę Gazy. Najnowszy bilans ofiar to 345 zabitych Palestyńczyków. 1600 osób zostało rannych. Wśród zabitych jest co najmniej 57 cywilów - oszacowała ONZ-owska agencja dla Pomocy Uchodźcom Palestyńskim na Bliskim Wschodzie - UNRWA. Wczorajsze bombardowania mają być odpowiedzią na atak rakietowy ze strony Autonomii Palestyńskiej, w którym zginął jeden obywatel państwa żydowskiego. Działania te, co przewidywano już wcześniej, doprowadziły do oficjalnego zerwania rozmów pokojowych między oboma krajami. Decyzję o przerwaniu rokowań przedstawił główny palestyński negocjator w rozmowach z Izraelem Ahmed Korei. Palestyńczycy obawiają się teraz coraz bardziej realnego ataku lądowego armii izraelskiej. Więcej na stronie "Świat". Łukasz Sianożęcki PiS przygotowuje projekt ustawy wprowadzający całkowity zakaz stosowania in vitro Musimy chronić życie Całkowity zakaz stosowania w Polsce metody zapłodnienia in vitro zakłada projekt ustawy, jaki w styczniu grupa posłów Prawa i Sprawiedliwości przedstawi w Sejmie. Konieczność ochrony życia człowieka szczególnie w jego prenatalnej fazie - a więc i zakaz dla in vitro - wynika, przypomina PiS, z nauki Kościoła. Ma to być także odpowiedź na wskazania Zespołu Ekspertów Konferencji Episkopatu ds. Bioetycznych, który podkreślił, że posłowie powinni dążyć przede wszystkim do uchwalenia całkowitego zakazu stosowania in vitro. - To jest pierwszy krok w polskim prawodawstwie do tego, by wprowadzić całkowity zakaz stosowania in vitro. Sprawa jest o tyle ważna, że do tej pory kwestia ta w ogóle nie była unormowana prawnie. W Polsce istnieje wolna amerykanka i w efekcie w naszych klinikach mamy ponad 20 tysięcy zamrożonych zarodków ludzkich, których los ciągle jest jeszcze zagrożony - twierdzi poseł Bolesław Piecha (PiS), były wiceminister zdrowia, inicjator przygotowania projektu ustawy zakazującej stosowania in vitro. Więcej na stronie Polska. Anna Ambroziak Kryzys wkracza do przedsiębiorstw Wiadomości napływające z polskich przedsiębiorstw są pesymistyczne. Cięcie kosztów i redukcje zatrudnienia wkroczyły już do hut stali, zakładów motoryzacyjnych, wytwórni szkła, materiałów budowlanych, powoli dotykają też przedsiębiorstw transportowych - strona "Polska". Na statkach można zarabiać Szczecińska Stocznia Remontowa Gryfia wypracowała w mijającym roku wysoki zysk. Sytuacja stoczni remontowych, chociaż z natury korzystniejsza od sytuacji stoczni budujących jednostki morskie, potwierdza opinię, że na statkach można dobrze zarabiać, dlatego dziwi postawa rządu, który nie wykazuje woli, aby ratować zakłady w Gdyni i Szczecinie - strona "Polska". Najlepszą obroną jest atak Niemiecki rząd nie zamierza wypełnić zasądzonego przez włoski Sąd Najwyższy wyroku, w którym sędziowie nakazują Niemcom wypłatę odszkodowań za popełnione przez Wehrmacht zbrodnie wojenne w Toskanii. Włochy zostały oskarżone przez Berlin o łamanie prawa międzynarodowego - strona "Świat". Zadzwoń, jeżeli problemy Cię przerastają i boisz się urodzić dziecko, które nosisz pod sercem: Telefon nadziei 0800 112 800 (bezpłatny, pn.-pt. w godz. 15.00-7.00, pozostałe dni - całą dobę) Jasnogórski Telefon Zaufania 034 365 22 55 (w godz. 20.00-24.00) Dziś Dwustronny kalendarz plakatowy na 2009 rok Do powieszenia w domu lub w biurze Dodatek "Szlachetne zdrowie" Żołądkowe kłopoty A w nim gastrolog odpowie, czy nieleczone wrzody mogą być groźne dla naszego życia, na czym polega refluks żołądkowo-przełykowy, jakie produkty najbardziej szkodzą żołądkowi i jak o niego dbać. Moda dla Ciebie Ostatnie przygotowania do sylwestrowego balu - czyli jaką wybrać kreację, makijaż, perfumy... Kryzys finansowy w Polsce 2008 Kryzys jest adwokatem prawdy. Prowadzą do niego wszelkie fałszywe teorie, przekłamania czy oszustwa. Gdy kumulują się nierozwiązane problemy, kryzys je rozwiązuje, ale każe sobie za to słono płacić - kalendarium światowego kryzysu i komentarze prof. Artura Śliwińskiego. Strona "Myśl jest bronią". Jutro Moja strona życia Najważniejsze jest to, że mam do kogo wracać Reprezentuję jeden z ostatnich roczników lat 70., patrzących na sport przez pryzmat wyższych celów i idei. Nie uprawiam go tylko dla pieniędzy... Dla mnie w sporcie bardziej liczy się coś innego: spełnienie siebie, zadowolenie najbliższych - rozmowa z Leszkiem Blanikiem, mistrzem olimpijskim w gimnastyce sportowej. Rok 2009 - szanse i nadzieje Ktoś kiedyś napisał, że w polskich mediach obserwujemy ciągłą walkę minut prawdy z latami kłamstw. Dzięki polityce "grubej kreski" nadal brylują w nich skompromitowane "tuzy" publicystyki stanu wojennego - sytuację w mediach, polityce, sądownictwie, kulturze, nauce analizuje prof. Jerzy Robert Nowak. W piątek Dodatek W ogrodzie Maryi Sumienie mówi nam, że mamy unikać zła, a czynić dobro. Ono nie ogranicza, lecz mówi nam, w co dobrego możemy się zaangażować. Kochane Dzieci, jak tata pomógł Pawełkowi rozwiązać problem, co wybierać - o tym w Waszym dodatku.
'''Wydawnictwo AdPublik przygotowuje do druku bajkę dla dzieci "Król i król" autorstwa Lindy de Haan i Stern Nijland. Po książce "Z Tango jest nas troje" będzie to druga w Polsce bajka przedstawiająca kochającą się parę bohaterów tej samej płci.''' : ''Na szczycie pewnej góry mieszkali królowa z królewiczem i nadworny kot. Królowa od wielu, wielu lat zasiadała na tronie i była już bardzo zmęczona tym rządzeniem. Aż któregoś poranka postanowiła, że jeszcze przed końcem lata uda się na emeryturę. Tak więc nadeszła najwyższa pora, aby książę się ożenił. Pojawia się wiele księżniczek, ale ku zaskoczeniu, to właśnie książę Wspaniały przypada do gustu synowi królowej.'' Holenderska bajka o gejowskiej parze przetłumaczona została jak dotąd na kilkanaście języków. W większości krajów jej publikacja wzbudzała dyskusje na temat różnorodności i tolerancji. Stała się bestsellerem w Stanach Zjednoczonych, gdzie mimo to usiłowano sądownie próbowano ją wycofać z bibliotek szkolnych. Polski wydawca zdecydował się na druk po dużej popularności książeczki "Z Tango jest nas troje" opowiadającej o dwóch pingwinich samcach, którzy przygarnęli porzucone jajko i wychowali razem małe pingwiniątko. Robert Biedroń, szef wydawnictwa komentuje — ''Gdy na rynku ukazała się książka "Z Tango jest nas troje" otrzymałem wiele próśb o wydanie kolejnych ciekawych pozycji. "Król i król" jest książką wyjątkową – zebrała masę nagród, tłumaczona była na wiele języków, a przede wszystkim jest niezwykle ciekawą historią o miłości. Grzechem byłoby nie wydać takiej historii po polsku!'' — O popularności poprzedniej pozycji dodaje — ''Krótko po ukazaniu się książki musieliśmy robić dodruk, a być może w najbliższych tygodniach zrobimy kolejny. To pokazuje, że rynek książki potrzebuje jeszcze wielu ciekawych pozycji, które do tej pory były niedostępne dla polskich czytelników. Zauważyłem, że "Z Tango jest nas troje" kupowały przede wszystkim kobiety – także lesbijki. Wiele jednak było rodzin, które osobiście przyjeżdżały do wydawnictwa, by odebrać bajkę dla swoich pociech.'' W Wielkiej Brytanii bajkę o dwóch królewiczach oprotestowała wspólnota muzułmańska z Bristolu. W Polsce stała się głośna jeszcze zanim została przetłumaczona. Rok temu rozgłosu medialnego nabrała zapowiedź przygotowania w I LO w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu opartego na niej przedstawienia. Marzanna Pogorzelska, nauczycielka języka angielskiego wspomniała o takiej możliwości w jednym z wywiadów prasowych. Sprawa urosła do rangi faktu prasowego, rozdmuchana przez "Przewodnik Katolicki" i "Nasz Dziennik". Nieistniejące przedstawienie oprotestowała wojewódzka komórka i Zarząd Gówny Ligi Polskich Rodzin interweniując kolejno w kuratorium oświaty, w MEN i u samego premiera. "Nasz Dziennik" wzywał do zostawienia dzieci w domy w dniu Walentynek, aby uniknąć "zgubnego wpływu". Dziennikarze porównali przy tym bohaterów bajki do związku Tomasza Raczka i Marcina Szczygielskiego. Marzanna Pogorzelska jest autorką słynnego donosu na samą siebie do Romana Giertycha, w którym przyznała się do "promowania homoseksualizmu" w szkole i laureatką nagrody Fundacji Równości Hiacynt oraz Europejskiej Nagrody Tolerancji. Wydaje się więc, że dzięki konserwatywnym mediom i prawicowej partii prosta bajka uzyskała rozgłos i reklamę zanim została wydrukowana. Premierę "Króla i króla" wydawca zaplanował na 4 lutego 2010 r. * '''Linda de Haan i Stern Nijlanda ''Król i król''''', wydawnictwo AdPublik, ISBN 978-83-926199-2-5
Thursday April 3, 2008 Homosexual Propaganda Removed From UK Schools, But Only After Muslim Complaint Gay group head says "fuss" from parents "will cause children to think there is something wrong" By John Connolly BRISTOL, April 3, 2008 ( - Two Bristol schools hurriedly withdrew two books designed to imbue children with tolerance toward same-sex relationships after complaints by Muslim parents, the Daily Mail reported Wednesday. The books, which target audiences as young as four or five years old, are King & King, a fairy tale about a young monarch who marries a prince instead of a princess, and a book entitled And Tango Makes Three about two male penguins who fall in love at the New York zoo. Easton Primary School and Bannerman Road Community School, both in Bristol, removed the books as well as a DVD designed to teach children about families and includes gay and lesbian "families." The move was made following complaints by 90 parents, aided by the Bristol Muslim Cultural Society. Members of the society claimed parents were upset at the lack of parental consultation over the books. "The main issue was there was a total lack of consultation with parents," said Farooq Siddique, community development officer for the society and a governor at Bannerman Road school. "The schools refused to deal with the parents, and were completely authoritarian. The agenda was to reduce homophobic bullying and all the parents said they were not against that side of it, but families were saying to us 'our child is coming home and talking about same-sex relationships, when we haven't even talked about heterosexual relationships with them yet.'" Although the Bristol City Council withdrew the books, it was careful to defend its prerogative to indoctrinate children as a means of preventing 'homophobic harassment'. "All Bristol schools have a legal duty to report and deal with homophobic harassment as part of the curriculum since April 2007," said Julia Walton, spokesperson for the education department of the Bristol City Council. "As part of this, schools can choose to seek specialist advice and training on topics such as homophobia." The Bristol City Council seems to have been very concerned about maintaining good relations with the Muslim community. The two schools are 60 to 70 percent Muslim, according to Siddique's estimate. "In Islam homosexual relationships are not acceptable, as they are not in Christianity and many other religions but the main issue is that they didn't bother to consult with parents," said Siddique. "The issue should have been, how do we stop bullying in general, and teaching about homosexuality can be a part of that. This was completely one-sided. Homosexuality is not a priority to parents but academic achievement is. This just makes parents think 'What the heck is my child being taught at school?'" Walton said that the Bristol City Council will be working with clerics, among others, to resolve the situation. "Bristol City Council has temporarily withdrawn the use of materials that can be used to explain homophobia to children to ensure that both Bannerman Road and Easton primary schools can meet their legal responsibilities and operate safely," said Walton. "We are now liaising with community forums in the city, local clerics, teachers' unions, the Institute of Community Cohesion and the Equality and Human Rights Commission to ensure that the topic can be addressed in an inclusive manner in the curriculum." The schools' reaction to complaints has been phenomenal compared to reactions from complaints by Christians over the same books in 2007. The Joint Committee on Human Rights, composed of members of Parliament and the House of Lords, issued a report in February 2007 recommending that religious schools be forced to modify their religious teaching to comply with the sexual orientation regulations. Ben Summerskill, chief executive for the British gay rights group Stonewall, expressed concern over the negative reaction of parents to the pro-homosexual books. "The small number of parents who make a fuss will cause children to think there is something wrong," he said. See Previous LifeSiteNews Coverage: Pro-Homosexual Booklet to Be Distributed to All 16,000 US School Districts Bill Banning Discussion on Homosexuality in Tennessee Schools Fails UK Regulations Barring Religious Schools from Teaching Against Homosexuality Approved UK Government Program Teaching Four-Year-Olds about Homosexuality UK: Religious Schools May Not Teach Christian Sexual Morals "As if They Were Objectively True" B.C. Gay Couple Seeks Mandatory Homosexual School Curriculum Without Parental Opt-Out Back to Top SHARE THIS STORY: E-mail Print Newsvine Digg Reddit Facebook MORE NEWS: Home Page Last 10 Days Archives Special Reports Copyright © This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivatives License. You may republish this article without request provided the content is not altered and it is clearly attributed to "". Any Internet re-publishing of original LifeSiteNews articles MUST additionally include a live link to Republishing of articles on LifeSiteNews that have come from other news sources as noted is subject to the conditions of those sources.
'''Wydawnictwo AdPublik przygotowuje do druku bajkę dla dzieci "Król i król" autorstwa Lindy de Haan i Stern Nijland. Po książce "Z Tango jest nas troje" będzie to druga w Polsce bajka przedstawiająca kochającą się parę bohaterów tej samej płci.''' : ''Na szczycie pewnej góry mieszkali królowa z królewiczem i nadworny kot. Królowa od wielu, wielu lat zasiadała na tronie i była już bardzo zmęczona tym rządzeniem. Aż któregoś poranka postanowiła, że jeszcze przed końcem lata uda się na emeryturę. Tak więc nadeszła najwyższa pora, aby książę się ożenił. Pojawia się wiele księżniczek, ale ku zaskoczeniu, to właśnie książę Wspaniały przypada do gustu synowi królowej.'' Holenderska bajka o gejowskiej parze przetłumaczona została jak dotąd na kilkanaście języków. W większości krajów jej publikacja wzbudzała dyskusje na temat różnorodności i tolerancji. Stała się bestsellerem w Stanach Zjednoczonych, gdzie mimo to usiłowano sądownie próbowano ją wycofać z bibliotek szkolnych. Polski wydawca zdecydował się na druk po dużej popularności książeczki "Z Tango jest nas troje" opowiadającej o dwóch pingwinich samcach, którzy przygarnęli porzucone jajko i wychowali razem małe pingwiniątko. Robert Biedroń, szef wydawnictwa komentuje — ''Gdy na rynku ukazała się książka "Z Tango jest nas troje" otrzymałem wiele próśb o wydanie kolejnych ciekawych pozycji. "Król i król" jest książką wyjątkową – zebrała masę nagród, tłumaczona była na wiele języków, a przede wszystkim jest niezwykle ciekawą historią o miłości. Grzechem byłoby nie wydać takiej historii po polsku!'' — O popularności poprzedniej pozycji dodaje — ''Krótko po ukazaniu się książki musieliśmy robić dodruk, a być może w najbliższych tygodniach zrobimy kolejny. To pokazuje, że rynek książki potrzebuje jeszcze wielu ciekawych pozycji, które do tej pory były niedostępne dla polskich czytelników. Zauważyłem, że "Z Tango jest nas troje" kupowały przede wszystkim kobiety – także lesbijki. Wiele jednak było rodzin, które osobiście przyjeżdżały do wydawnictwa, by odebrać bajkę dla swoich pociech.'' W Wielkiej Brytanii bajkę o dwóch królewiczach oprotestowała wspólnota muzułmańska z Bristolu. W Polsce stała się głośna jeszcze zanim została przetłumaczona. Rok temu rozgłosu medialnego nabrała zapowiedź przygotowania w I LO w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu opartego na niej przedstawienia. Marzanna Pogorzelska, nauczycielka języka angielskiego wspomniała o takiej możliwości w jednym z wywiadów prasowych. Sprawa urosła do rangi faktu prasowego, rozdmuchana przez "Przewodnik Katolicki" i "Nasz Dziennik". Nieistniejące przedstawienie oprotestowała wojewódzka komórka i Zarząd Gówny Ligi Polskich Rodzin interweniując kolejno w kuratorium oświaty, w MEN i u samego premiera. "Nasz Dziennik" wzywał do zostawienia dzieci w domy w dniu Walentynek, aby uniknąć "zgubnego wpływu". Dziennikarze porównali przy tym bohaterów bajki do związku Tomasza Raczka i Marcina Szczygielskiego. Marzanna Pogorzelska jest autorką słynnego donosu na samą siebie do Romana Giertycha, w którym przyznała się do "promowania homoseksualizmu" w szkole i laureatką nagrody Fundacji Równości Hiacynt oraz Europejskiej Nagrody Tolerancji. Wydaje się więc, że dzięki konserwatywnym mediom i prawicowej partii prosta bajka uzyskała rozgłos i reklamę zanim została wydrukowana. Premierę "Króla i króla" wydawca zaplanował na 4 lutego 2010 r. * '''Linda de Haan i Stern Nijlanda ''Król i król''''', wydawnictwo AdPublik, ISBN 978-83-926199-2-5
oger Federer saute de joie. Le Suisse, numéro un mondial, vient de s'imposer pour la deuxième année d'affilée sur le ciment américain de Flushing Meadow, dimanche 11 septembre, à New York. Face à lui, Andre Agassi, no 7 mondial, a le visage fermé. Il vient de voir s'envoler son rêve de remporter un neuvième tournoi du Grand Chelem. oger Federer saute de joie. Le Suisse, numéro un mondial, vient de s'imposer pour la deuxième année d'affilée sur le ciment américain de Flushing Meadow, dimanche 11 septembre, à New York. Face à lui, Andre Agassi, n7 mondial, a le visage fermé. Il vient de voir s'envoler son rêve de remporter un neuvième tournoi du Grand Chelem. Kim Clijsters s'impose face à Mary Pierce La Belge de 22 ans Kim Clijsters (no 4) a gagné son premier titre du Grand Chelem, samedi 10 septembre, en battant la Française Mary Pierce (no 12) en deux sets (6-3, 6-1). Kim Clijsters, qui disputait sa cinquième finale d'un tournoi du Grand Chelem, s'est imposée pour la première fois, de manière expéditive, en 65 minutes. Mary Pierce, déjà dominée lors de la finale de Roland-Garros cette année par une autre Belge, Justine Henin-Hardenne, a vu une nouvelle fois ses espoirs de gagner un troisième tournoi du Grand Chelem s'envoler. Dépassée pendant tout le match, elle a commis 28 fautes directes. Kim Clijsters remporte aussi les US Open Series, récompensant la meilleure joueuse sur les épreuves américaines de l'été. Une double victoire qui lui vaut de décrocher le plus gros gain de l'histoire du sport féminin : 2,2 millions de dollars. [-] fermer Il peut cependant se consoler en se rappelant qu'il est, à l'âge de 35 ans, le plus vieux finaliste de l'US Open depuis l'Australien Ken Rosewall ­ âgé de 39 ans lors de sa finale perdue face à Jimmy Connors, en 1974. Il se rassure aussi en se disant qu'il a été battu par "plus fort" que lui. "Roger Federer est le meilleur joueur que j'aie affronté dans ma carrière. (...) Pete Sampras était un joueur fabuleux, mais je savais ce que je devais faire contre lui. Il y avait des points sur lesquels on pouvait l'attaquer. Ce n'est pas le cas contre Federer." Il peut cependant se consoler en se rappelant qu'il est, à l'âge de 35 ans, le plus vieux finaliste de l'US Open depuis l'Australien Ken Rosewall ­ âgé de 39 ans lors de sa finale perdue face à Jimmy Connors, en 1974. Il se rassure aussi en se disant qu'il a été battu parque lui.Pete Sampras était un joueur fabuleux, mais je savais ce que je devais faire contre lui. Il y avait des points sur lesquels on pouvait l'attaquer. Ce n'est pas le cas contre Federer." L'Américain n'a pourtant pas à rougir de sa défaite (3-6, 6-2, 6-7 -1-7-, 1-6). Pendant les trois premiers sets, Andre Agassi a fait douter le nº 1 mondial, surnommé "le génie" pour la qualité de son tennis. Fort de ses 22 finales victorieuses d'affilée et de son invincibilité lors des cinq finales du Grand Chelem qu'il a disputées en un peu plus de deux ans, le Suisse Roger Federer semblait confiant. Dès le début du match, la qualité de son service (19 aces et 76 % de réussite sur la première balle) et sa manie de jouer avec les lignes lui permettent de remporter son premier jeu de service, puis la première manche (6-3), non sans avoir douté face à Andre Agassi, qui a sauvé 7 balles de set. La logique semble respectée. Mais "le Kid de Las Vegas" ne l'entend pas ainsi. Certes, le deuxième set commence difficilement pour le vétéran du circuit, mis en danger dès son premier jeu de service. Mais l'Américain ne tarde pas à réagir et, après avoir gagné son service, il prend celui de Roger Federer. La confiance change de camp. Alors que le no 1 mondial enchaîne les aces, Andre Agassi flirte avec les lignes. Une stratégie qui lui permet, alors que tout semble lui réussir à ce moment du match, de remporter la deuxième manche (6-2). L'Américain continue sur sa lancée dans le troisième set, mais il est rapidement stoppé par Roger Federer, qui parvient enfin à déployer toutes les facettes de son jeu : amorties, services slicés... Les échanges se font de plus en plus longs et les deux joueurs prennent respectivement le service de l'autre. La manche se conclut par un tie-break remporté aisément (7-1) par Roger Federer. C'est le moment-clé du match. "Le niveau du troisième set était très élevé" , a pu apprécier Agassi. L'Américain semble alors accuser la fatigue, due sans doute aux trois matches en cinq sets qu'il a disputés avant d'arriver en finale. Roger Federer profite de cette baisse de régime pour enchaîner les jeux, jusqu'à ce qu'un sursaut d'orgueil permette à Andre Agassi de sauver deux balles de match et de remporter sa mise en jeu avant de s'incliner 6-1 dans la 4e manche. Le choc des générations a donc vu le plus jeune s'imposer. Roger Federer, 24 ans, n'avait que 11 ans lorsque Andre Agassi, auparavant remarqué pour son accoutrement excentrique (short en jeans et cheveux longs décolorés), remportait, en 1992, le premier tournoi du Grand Chelem de sa carrière, à Wimbledon. Cette victoire avait marqué le début d'une longue série. L'Américain totalise aujourd'hui huit victoires dans les tournois du Grand Chelem (un succès à Wimbledon et à Roland-Garros, deux à l'US Open et quatre à l'Open d'Australie). Il a occupé la place de nº 1 mondial pendant 101 semaines, d'avril 1995 à juin 2003 et remporté 17 victoires dans les tournois Master Series. Malgré un début d'année 2005 difficile à cause de douleurs chroniques au dos, qui l'ont empêché de franchir le premier tour au tournoi de Roland-Garros et l'ont contraint au forfait à Wimbledon, il réalise une meilleure fin de saison. Vainqueur cet été du tournoi de Los Angeles, il a ensuite été défait en finale du Master Series de Montréal par l'Espagnol Rafael Nadal. Roger Federer n'a pas manqué d'affirmer tout son respect pour Andre Agassi après sa victoire : "Il a fait un super match. C'est une légende vivante. Lui est à la fin de sa carrière et moi au sommet de mon art." Le Suisse réalise de son côté une saison exceptionnelle, battu seulement par trois joueurs cette année : Marat Safine à l'Open d'Australie, en demi-finales, Richard Gasquet au tournoi de Monte-Carlo (quarts de finale) et Rafael Nadal à Roland-Garros (demi-finales). Seul le tournoi parisien manque encore au palmarès de Roger Federer. Une victoire sur la terre battue lui permettrait de rejoindre Andre Agassi, seul et unique joueur à avoir gagné les quatre tournois du Grand Chelem sur des surfaces différentes depuis le début de l'ère open, en 1969. Adeline Cordon Article paru dans l'édition du 13.09.05
Roger Federer n°1 du classement ATP a remporté à New York l'US Open pour la seconde fois de sa carrière. Il a battu l'américain André Agassi en quatre manches (6-3 2-6 7-6 6-1). Le meilleur joueur de tennis aura ainsi remporté le tournoi de Wimbledon et de Flushing Meadow pour deux années consécutives, à seulement 24 ans. Pourtant, le de la balle jaune, aura réussi à laisser planer un doûte sur le court central. Agassi a ainsi remporté le second set (6-2) grâce à une stratégie défensive qui s'est avérée payante. Néanmoins, le Suisse se ressaisît bientôt pour remporter une troisième manche pleine de suspense (7-1 au jeu décisif). L'américain, âgé de 35 ans a avoué que son adversaire avait été que lui, pour conclure : . Roger Federer, quant à lui, se réjouît d'une victoire contre
Auf der A9 bei Bad Lobenstein haben vier Motorradfahrer bei einem schweren Verkehrsunfall ihr Leben verloren. Ein Lkw fuhr in die stehende Biker-Gruppe. 19.45 Uhr:Inzwischen hat die Polizei die Identität der Opfer geklärt. Es handelt sich um Männer im Alter von 43, 57, 60 und 75 Jahren, wie die Autobahnpolizei am Samstag mitteilte. 15.01 Uhr: Offenbar tappen die Ermittler auf der Suche nach der Unfallursache noch völlig im Dunkeln. Man ermittle in alle Richtungen, heißt es. Wie die Bild-Zeitung nun berichtet, übernimmt die Staatsanwaltschaft Gera die Ermittlungen. Sie will klären, warum der Fahrer (38) des Transporters in die Gruppe unter der Brücke fuhr. Zuvor hatte die Autobahnpolizei den Unfall untersucht. Update vom 31. August 2019, 13.35 Uhr: Nach dem schweren Crash mit vier getöteten Motorradfahrern auf der A9 hat ein Gutachter die Unfallstelle untersucht. „Der Fachmann hat alle unter die Lupe genommen“, sagte ein Sprecher der Polizei am Samstagmorgen. Mit schnellen Ergebnissen sei nicht zu rechnen. Wie die Bild-Zeitung berichtet, waren zwei der Motorradfahrer sofort tot. Die beiden anderen Biker starben wenig später noch an der Unfallstelle. Sie hatten unter einer Brücke Schutz vor Regen gesucht, als ein Transporter in die Gruppe hineinraste. Der 38-jährige Fahrer des Transportes, sowie sein 31-jähriger Mitfahrer wurden leicht verletzt in ein Krankenhaus nach Schleiz (Thüringen) gebracht. Der dritte Mann (29) im Transporter wurde mit einem Hubschrauber mit schweren Verletzungen in ein Krankenhaus in Kulmbach (Bayern) geflogen. Alle drei Insassen des Transporters stammen aus dem Kreis Barnim (Brandenburg). „Es ist auf jeden Fall verboten, auf der Autobahn zu parken. Doch bei Starkregen hätten wir die Biker nicht gezwungen weiterzufahren. Wir hätten toleriert, dass sie stehenbleiben“, sagt Hauptkommissar Behling von der Thüringer Autobahnpolizeiinspektion. Damit bleibt weiter unklar, wie es am Freitagnachmittag genau zu dem Unfall kommen konnte. Dass der Transporter-Fahrer wegen Aquaplanings die Kontrolle über das Fahrzeug verlor, ist eine von vielen möglichen Theorien. + Tödlicher Unfall auf der A 9 © dpa / Bodo Schackow Bad Lobenstein: Lkw rast auf A9 in Motorrad-Gruppe - vier Biker sterben bei Crash Erstmeldung vom 30. August 2019: Bad Lobenstein - Auf der Autobahn 9 bei Bad Lobenstein (Saale-Orla-Kreis) hat sich am Freitagnachmittag ein schwerer Verkehrsunfall ereignet. Wie ein Sprecher der Autobahnpolizei berichtet, soll ein Kleinlaster zwischen Bad Lobenstein und Schleiz unter einer Brücke in eine Gruppe aus drei Motorrädern, die mit vier Menschen besetzt waren, gefahren sein. Sie alle kamen ums Leben; die drei Insassen des Kleinlasters wurden zum Teil schwer verletzt und in ein Krankenhaus gebracht. Bad Lobenstein/A9: Vier Motorradfahrer sterben - sie suchten unter Brücke Schutz vor dem Regen Nach ersten Angaben waren die Motorradfahrer unterwegs nach Berlin und suchten unter der Brücke Schutz vor dem plötzlich einsetzenden, starken Regen. Dort soll der Kleintransporter dann von der Fahrbahn abgekommen und in die wartenden Biker gekippt sein. Laut Polizei ist der Kleintransporter im brandenburgischen Barnim-Kreis zugelassen. Verkehrsunfall auf der A9: Gutachter gerufen Weitere Details zu den Toten und Verletzten konnte die Polizei nicht machen. Vermutlich waren alle männlich. Auch zur Frage, warum der Transporter von der Straße abkam, konnten die Beamten nichts sagen. Ein Gutachter sollte die Einsatzstelle besuchen. A9 nach Unfall komplett gesperrt Laut Polizei ereignete sich der Unfall gegen 16.30 Uhr. An der Unfallstelle lagen Trümmerteile neben der Fahrbahn. Ein Rettungshubschrauber war im Einsatz. Die A9 war in Fahrtrichtung Berlin für mehrere Stunden komplett gesperrt. Eine Umleitung wurde eingerichtet, um den Verkehr von der Autobahn abzuleiten, hieß es. dpa Auch der Schauspieler Dominique Horwitz erlitt vor Kurzem einen schweren Motorradunfall, kann das Krankenhaus aber angeblich bald wieder verlassen.
Bei einem schweren Verkehrsunfall auf der A 9 zwischen Bad Lobenstein und Schleiz in Thüringen wurden am Freitag, 30. August, gegen 16:30 Uhr vier Motorradfahrer im Alter zwischen 43 und 75 Jahren getötet. Ein Kleinlaster war in die Gruppe der Biker gefahren, die wegen Regens unter einer Brücke Zuflucht gesucht hatten. Der Fahrer des Kleinlasters hatte auf regennasser Fahrbahn die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Er und seine beiden Beifahrer aus dem Landkreis Barnim in Brandenburg wurden bei dem Unfall verletzt. Drei der Motorradfahrer stammen aus dem Burgenlandkreis in Sachsen-Anhalt, der vierte aus Pforzheim in Baden-Württemberg. Einer der beiden Beifahrer im Kleinbus wurde schwer verletzt und mit einem Rettungshubschrauber in ein Krankenhaus in Kulmbach gebracht. Der Fahrer und einer der Beifahrer verletzten sich leicht und wurden in eine Schleizer Klinik gebracht. Der Kleinlaster war aus bisher noch nicht geklärter Ursache von der Fahrbahn abgekommen und war dann auf die Gruppe der Motorradfahrer gekippt. Zwei der Motorradfahrer waren sofort tot, und die beiden anderen starben noch an der Unfallstelle. „Es ist auf jeden Fall verboten, auf der Autobahn zu parken. Doch bei Starkregen hätten wir die Biker nicht gezwungen weiterzufahren. Wir hätten toleriert, dass sie stehenbleiben“, sagte Hauptkommissar Behling von der Thüringer Autobahnpolizeiinspektion. Dass der Fahrer des Kleinlasters wegen Aquaplanings die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren haben könnte, ist einer der Ermittlungsansätze. Die Staatsanwaltschaft Gera hat die Leitung der Ermittlungen übernommen. Wegen der Bergungs- und Rettungsarbeiten und der Ermittlungen war die Autobahn in Richtung Berlin für sieben Stunden vollgesperrt.
Vier Biker hatten am Freitagnachmittag unter einer Brücke Schutz vor Regen gesucht. Dort fuhr ein Kleinlaster in Gruppe. Die Motorradfahrer kamen alle ums Leben. Die A9 ist Richtung Berlin komplett gesperrt. Einsatzkräfte stehen an der Unfallstelle auf der A 9, Motorräder und Trümmerteile liegen neben der Fahrbahn und in der Böschung. Bild: dpa Auf der Autobahn 9 in Thüringen ist ein Kleintransporter von der Fahrbahn abgekommen und in eine Gruppe Motorradfahrer gekippt, die dort Halt gemacht hatte. Alle vier Motorradfahrer wurden bei dem schweren Verkehrsunfall am Freitagnachmittag getötet, teilte die Autobahnpolizei mit. Die drei Insassen des Kleinlasters wurden zum Teil schwer verletzt und in ein Krankenhaus gebracht. Der Unfall ereignete sich zwischen den Anschlussstellen Bad Lobenstein und Schleiz im Südosten Thüringens Nach ersten Angaben hatten die in Richtung Berlin fahrenden Motorradfahrer bei plötzlich einsetzendem starken Regen Schutz unter einer Brücke gesucht und dort gestoppt. Weitere Details zu den Toten und Verletzten konnte die Polizei nicht machen. Vermutlich waren alle männlich. Auch dazu, warum der Transporter von der Straße abkam, konnten die Beamten nichts sagen. Der Unfallort wird von einem Gutachter untersucht. Laut Polizei ereignete sich der Unfall gegen 16.30 Uhr. An der Unfallstelle lagen Trümmerteile neben der Fahrbahn. Ein Rettungshubschrauber war im Einsatz. Die A9 war in Fahrtrichtung Berlin für mehrere Stunden komplett gesperrt. Eine Umleitung wurde eingerichtet, um den Verkehr von der Autobahn abzuleiten, hieß es. Vor einer Woche hatte das Statistische Bundesamt mitgeteilt, dass bei Stürzen, Zusammenstößen und anderen Unfällen in Thüringens Straßenverkehr in diesem Jahr bislang 49 Menschen gestorben sind. Im Vergleichszeitraum ein Jahr zuvor hatte die Behörde 44 Tote registriert.
Bei einem schweren Verkehrsunfall auf der A 9 zwischen Bad Lobenstein und Schleiz in Thüringen wurden am Freitag, 30. August, gegen 16:30 Uhr vier Motorradfahrer im Alter zwischen 43 und 75 Jahren getötet. Ein Kleinlaster war in die Gruppe der Biker gefahren, die wegen Regens unter einer Brücke Zuflucht gesucht hatten. Der Fahrer des Kleinlasters hatte auf regennasser Fahrbahn die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. Er und seine beiden Beifahrer aus dem Landkreis Barnim in Brandenburg wurden bei dem Unfall verletzt. Drei der Motorradfahrer stammen aus dem Burgenlandkreis in Sachsen-Anhalt, der vierte aus Pforzheim in Baden-Württemberg. Einer der beiden Beifahrer im Kleinbus wurde schwer verletzt und mit einem Rettungshubschrauber in ein Krankenhaus in Kulmbach gebracht. Der Fahrer und einer der Beifahrer verletzten sich leicht und wurden in eine Schleizer Klinik gebracht. Der Kleinlaster war aus bisher noch nicht geklärter Ursache von der Fahrbahn abgekommen und war dann auf die Gruppe der Motorradfahrer gekippt. Zwei der Motorradfahrer waren sofort tot, und die beiden anderen starben noch an der Unfallstelle. „Es ist auf jeden Fall verboten, auf der Autobahn zu parken. Doch bei Starkregen hätten wir die Biker nicht gezwungen weiterzufahren. Wir hätten toleriert, dass sie stehenbleiben“, sagte Hauptkommissar Behling von der Thüringer Autobahnpolizeiinspektion. Dass der Fahrer des Kleinlasters wegen Aquaplanings die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren haben könnte, ist einer der Ermittlungsansätze. Die Staatsanwaltschaft Gera hat die Leitung der Ermittlungen übernommen. Wegen der Bergungs- und Rettungsarbeiten und der Ermittlungen war die Autobahn in Richtung Berlin für sieben Stunden vollgesperrt.
Los holandeses se volcaron en masa para despedir a la reina Beatriz y vitorear a sus nuevos soberanos: Guillermo Alejandro y Máxima Zorreguieta. Desde la madrugada la capital de Holanda, Ámsterdam, comenzó a llenarse de miles de personas que portando algo naranja, color de la Casa Real holandesa, llegaron a la capital para asistir a las ceremonias previstas para el relevo del trono. Nadie quiso perderse este momento histórico en un país en donde, según encuestas recientes y aunque cueste entenderlo en otras latitudes, el 78 por ciento de la población está de acuerdo con la monarquía. Luego de 33 años de reinado, la reina Beatriz abdica en favor de su hijo el príncipe de Orange-Nassau, Guillermo Alejandro. Es la primera vez en más de 120 años que Holanda es regida por un monarca varón. Las reinas Emma (regente), Guillermina, Juliana y Beatriz gobernaron durante los finales del siglo XIX, todo el siglo XX y los comienzos del siglo XXI. La fiesta de hoy en Holanda tiene un marcado acento latinoamericano. La ahora Reina consorte es una argentina, Máxima Zorreguieta quien goza de una amplia popularidad entre los holandeses y quien ha dado tres hijas a la línea sucesoria del trono: Amalia (heredera) Alexia y Ariane. Protocolo, sobriedad y entusiasmo en la calle Pasados apenas unos segundos después de la 10 de la mañana comenzó la ceremonia de abdicación al trono en la Cámara del Consejo, una de las habitaciones más adornadas del Palacio Real de Ámsterdam. Ante destacadas autoridades del país, la Reina y los príncipes firmaron el acta que legalizaba la sucesión del trono. A partir de ahí, Beatriz dejó de ser la soberna para convertirse en princesa de Holanda. Hasta allí, todo fue protocolo, sobriedad y mucha ceremonia, las emociones sólo afloraron unos minutos después, cuando los tres aparecieron en el balcón real en donde una multitud teñida de naranja aplaudía emocionada. El ahora rey de Holanda, Guillermo Alejandro era presentado por una emocionada madre y él le agradecía todos los años de reinado. Todo trascurrió perfecto con excepción de un pequeño incidente que saltó de inmediato a los medios y a las redes sociales. Dos personas fueron detenidas porque portaban carteles con frases desobligantes de los monarcas. Una hora más tarde, la policía se disculpó por el hecho. Una alfombra azul como testigo Y la fiesta continuó. Unas horas después comenzaron a desfilar por la alfombra azul, tendida a lo largo de la calle que lleva a la entrada principal de la Iglesia Nieuwe Kerk, la realeza de toda Europa y personalidades de talla mundial. Miles de fotógrafos entre profesionales y amateurs se peleaban por obtener las mejores instantáneas. La pareja real apareció, engalanada con los atuendos que los consagraban como soberanos y que nos recordó que para este país, la institución de la monarquía representa además de un símbolo de unidad, el respeto a la tradición y a su pasado histórico. En el interior de la iglesia todo sucedió de acuerdo a lo milimétricamente planeado. Desde su trono y junto a la reina consorte, el Rey habló, agradeció a su madre, ella se emocionó, los asistentes ovacionaron y el país siguió minuto a minuto, a través de la televisión y de las pantallas gigantes colocadas estratégicamente, el comienzo de una nueva era. Una era de profundos cambios en la sociedad holandesa, marcados por una crisis económica, una polaridad política y con un monarca que hoy tiene menos influencia institucional que su madre hace más de tres décadas. El tradicional Día de la Reina en Holanda, que a partir de hoy será el Día del Rey, cerró como de costumbre, con música, fiesta y un paseo de la pareja real por uno de los principales canales de Ámsterdam. Una fiesta seguida con especial atención por los medios del continente que asistían por primera vez a la investidura de una reina latinoamericana.
Guillermo Alejandro, rey de los Países Bajos, inicia su reinado hoy Máxima, reina consorte de los Países Bajos La monarquía neerlandesa hoy ha dado un nuevo giro por el cual concluye el reinado de tras su decisión de abdicar al trono después de 33 años, anunciada el 28 de enero pasado, para ceder el trono a su hijo , de la casa de . Guillermo Alejandro se convirtió en el primer rey de los en subir al trono desde 1890, en gran parte despojado del poder político, pero aún investido de una enorme importancia simbólica para los neerlandeses. Ante la presencia de varias delegaciones de casas reales de y , y 25 000 personas reunidas en la de Ámsterdam —muchas de ellas vestidas de color naranja o usando pelucas anaranjadas, sombreros, boas de plumas y coronas— a las 10:00 hora local, la reina se reunió en la Cámara del Consejo del para la ceremonia de abdicación. Minutos después los soberanos entrante y saliente se mostraron en el balcón real al lado de la reina consorte, , que se convierte ahora en la segunda en ascender a la nobleza europea, y sus hijas , y . Catalina Amalia es ahora la princesa de Orange y la primera en la línea de sucesión. En su discurso de ascenso al trono en la , Guillermo aseguró que protegerá "la libertad y los derechos de todos los neerlandeses y todos los residentes en los Países Bajos". En un momento que los neerlandeses sufren los estragos de la que azota a las naciones que integran la Unión Europea, manifiesta que aunque "no tenga responsabilidades políticas, no significa que no tenga responsabilidades" en referencia a las virtudes que gozó su antecesora, asegurándose que tendrá "todo el esfuerzo y dedicación". Durante la jura constitucional de los nuevos monarcas, la mayoría de los parlamentarios reunidos en los Estados Generales prometieron fidelidad así como todo el Gobierno de los Países Bajos y de sus del (, y ). Beatriz, que desde ahora será princesa, se asomó a un balcón, decorado con tulipanes rosas y naranjas, para presentar al nuevo rey. "Estoy feliz y agradecida de presentarles a su nuevo rey, Guillermo Alejandro", dijo a la entusiasta multitud, que le cantó ''Bea Bedankt'' 'Gracias, Bea'. A pesar del buen comportamiento de los ciudadanos en la plaza de Dam, solo un pequeño incidente de descontento quedó resaltado en las redes sociales, en el cual dos personas que portaban letreros desobligantes contra Guillermo fueron aislados y arrestados por la Policía.
AFP Carl Court De esta manera Guillermo Alejandro será, a sus 46 años, el rey más joven de las monarquías occidentales, mientras su esposa, la princesa Máxima , es la primera argentina que se convierte en reina consorte de un país europeo.A las ceremonias de abdicación e investidura, celebradas en Ámsterdam, han acudido todas las delegaciones reales invitadas, incluida una treintena de príncipes herederos. Además, se espera que unas 25.000 personas se concentren en la céntrica plaza Dam para saludar al nuevo rey.Guillermo-Alejandro no será coronado en el sentido literal, ya que los reyes de los Países Bajos nunca llevan corona a lo largo de su reinado, pero sí portará el manto real sobre un frac negro con corbata blanca.Este 30 de abril de 2013 será el último Día de la Reina, pues desde el año próximo el día nacional se celebrará coincidiendo con el cumpleaños del nuevo monarca, el 27 de abril.A las ceremonias de abdicación e investidura, celebradas en Ámsterdam, han acudido todas las delegaciones reales invitadas, incluida una treintena de príncipes herederos. Además, se espera que unas 25.000 personas se concentren en la céntrica plaza Dam para saludar al nuevo rey.
Guillermo Alejandro, rey de los Países Bajos, inicia su reinado hoy Máxima, reina consorte de los Países Bajos La monarquía neerlandesa hoy ha dado un nuevo giro por el cual concluye el reinado de tras su decisión de abdicar al trono después de 33 años, anunciada el 28 de enero pasado, para ceder el trono a su hijo , de la casa de . Guillermo Alejandro se convirtió en el primer rey de los en subir al trono desde 1890, en gran parte despojado del poder político, pero aún investido de una enorme importancia simbólica para los neerlandeses. Ante la presencia de varias delegaciones de casas reales de y , y 25 000 personas reunidas en la de Ámsterdam —muchas de ellas vestidas de color naranja o usando pelucas anaranjadas, sombreros, boas de plumas y coronas— a las 10:00 hora local, la reina se reunió en la Cámara del Consejo del para la ceremonia de abdicación. Minutos después los soberanos entrante y saliente se mostraron en el balcón real al lado de la reina consorte, , que se convierte ahora en la segunda en ascender a la nobleza europea, y sus hijas , y . Catalina Amalia es ahora la princesa de Orange y la primera en la línea de sucesión. En su discurso de ascenso al trono en la , Guillermo aseguró que protegerá "la libertad y los derechos de todos los neerlandeses y todos los residentes en los Países Bajos". En un momento que los neerlandeses sufren los estragos de la que azota a las naciones que integran la Unión Europea, manifiesta que aunque "no tenga responsabilidades políticas, no significa que no tenga responsabilidades" en referencia a las virtudes que gozó su antecesora, asegurándose que tendrá "todo el esfuerzo y dedicación". Durante la jura constitucional de los nuevos monarcas, la mayoría de los parlamentarios reunidos en los Estados Generales prometieron fidelidad así como todo el Gobierno de los Países Bajos y de sus del (, y ). Beatriz, que desde ahora será princesa, se asomó a un balcón, decorado con tulipanes rosas y naranjas, para presentar al nuevo rey. "Estoy feliz y agradecida de presentarles a su nuevo rey, Guillermo Alejandro", dijo a la entusiasta multitud, que le cantó ''Bea Bedankt'' 'Gracias, Bea'. A pesar del buen comportamiento de los ciudadanos en la plaza de Dam, solo un pequeño incidente de descontento quedó resaltado en las redes sociales, en el cual dos personas que portaban letreros desobligantes contra Guillermo fueron aislados y arrestados por la Policía.
AMSTERDAM.- Después del traspaso formal, llegó la investidura. El flamante rey Guillermo Alejandro juró como nuevo monarca de los Países Bajos acompañado por su esposa de origen argentino, Máxima Zorreguieta, quien continúa emocionada tras la abdicación de la reina Beatriz en su favor. Poco antes de las 14 (9 en la Argentina), hora prevista para el comienzo de la ceremonia, llegaron la ahora princesa Beatriz y las tres hijas de los reyes, Amalia -que se convirtió en heredera al trono-, Alexia y Ariane, todas vestidas de azul -el color de la casa Nassau- y sentadas en la primera fila. Minutos después aparecieron por la alfombra Máxima -también de azul y con una corona- y el rey, vestido de frac, con corbata blanca y cubierto de un manto de armiño y terciopelo rojo, bordada en oro. El manto es la misma que llevó la reina Beatriz durante su investidura en 1980, copia del original de 1815 que se usó durante la entronización de Guillermo I. A las 14.10, Guillermo se sentó en el centro de la iglesia junto a su esposa y dio su discurso de toma de posesión, entre miradas cómplices con su madre y sus hijas que lo seguían orgullosas. "Juro que defenderé y guardaré siempre con todas mis fuerzas la independencia y la integridad del territorio del Reino", dijo tras un breve discurso el nuevo rey ante los Estados Generales y el resto de las autoridades del país, incluido el actual primer ministro de Holanda, el liberal Mark Rutte. Durante su discurso, el monarca aseguró que protegerá "la libertad y los derechos de todos los holandeses y todos los residentes en los Países Bajos", y que dedicará "todos los medios" posibles para fomentar la prosperidad, tras dos años de recesión en Holanda en el marco de la crisis económica europea. El sucesor de Beatriz admitió que actualmente en Holanda hay muchas personas que se sienten "vulnerables" por la precariedad del empleo e "inseguras" por el nivel de sus ingresos o por su "entorno vital". "El hecho de que el rey no tenga responsabilidades políticas, no significa que no tenga responsabilidades", subrayó. "Mi madre ha sido monarca, esposa, madre e hija, y no ha fallado en ninguna de sus responsabilidades", afirmó el rey holandés, que buscó la mirada cómplice de la ya princesa Beatriz, al señalar que "ella no ha buscado la popularidad fugaz, sino los valores permanentes". También la atenta mirada de la reina Máxima, en ocasiones visiblemente emocionada, siguió en todo momento las palabras de su esposo, especialmente cuando ella fue la protagonista de las palabras del rey. "Con el apoyo de mi esposa Máxima, que es plenamente consciente de su responsabilidad, les aseguro que pondré todo mi esfuerzo y dedicación para cumplir la tarea", dijo. Video: El paso del cortejo real hasta la Nueva Iglesia (TN) A continuación, tomó la palabra el presidente de la sesión conjunta de los Estados Generales (el Parlamento) y luego juraron o prometieron su fidelidad a la Constitución los miembros de los Estados Generales, el consejo de ministros, el consejo de Estado y los gobernadores y primeros ministros de Aruba, Curaçao y Sint Marteen. La ceremonia se llevó a cabo en la sesión de apertura de las dos cámaras de los estados generales de la en la medieval Nieuwe Kerk (Nueva Iglesia), de estilo gótico, donde se casaron Guillermo Alejandro y Máxima Zorreguieta el 2 de febrero de 2002. Como en Holanda no hay coronación, sino investidura, el Rey no lleva nunca la corona, explicó la Casa Real holandesa. Durante la investidura, entonces, se depositaron las regalías (cetro, globo imperial, la espada real y el estandarte real con el escudo holandés) en la mesa. "Viva el rey", seguido de tres hurras, fue la frase que signó el fin de la ceremonia. La foto oficial difundida por el Servicio de información de la Casa Real. Foto: EFE A la ceremonia asistieron 20 delegaciones de las casas reales del planeta, entre ellos el príncipe heredero de la Corona española, Felipe de Borbón, y su esposa, Letizia; y el príncipe Carlos de Inglaterra, heredero del trono británico, y su esposa Camila y el príncipe Alberto II de Mónaco; y la princesa de Japón, Masako, que realiza su primer viaje al extranjero desde que cayó enferma hace una década. También estaban presentes el vicepresidente argentino, Amado Boudou, y la presidenta provisional del Senado, Beatriz Rojkés de Alperovich. A las 15, después de escuchar a un coro de niños que cantaban para ellos una canción compuesta para la ocasión, los flamantes reyes y sus hijas salieron de la Nueva Iglesia y se reencontraron con una multitud naranja que los esperaba en la calle. El séquito real se dirigió después al Palacio de Amsterdam, donde los nuevos reyes de los Países Bajos, Guillermo Alejandro y Máxima, ofrecen una recepción a sus invitados de 18 casas reinantes de todo el mundo, así como a autoridades nacionales, al cuerpo diplomático acreditado en Holanda y otros dignatarios. Más tarde, cuando cae el sol, los nuevos reyes de los Países Bajos realizarán una travesía real por las aguas del río Ij, tras la que asistirán con sus invitados a una fiesta de música electrónica en el Muziekgebouw aan't Ij, en la que el famoso DJ Armin van Buuren interpretará, con una orquesta local, el Bolero, de Ravel. Agencias AFP y EFE.
Guillermo Alejandro, rey de los Países Bajos, inicia su reinado hoy Máxima, reina consorte de los Países Bajos La monarquía neerlandesa hoy ha dado un nuevo giro por el cual concluye el reinado de tras su decisión de abdicar al trono después de 33 años, anunciada el 28 de enero pasado, para ceder el trono a su hijo , de la casa de . Guillermo Alejandro se convirtió en el primer rey de los en subir al trono desde 1890, en gran parte despojado del poder político, pero aún investido de una enorme importancia simbólica para los neerlandeses. Ante la presencia de varias delegaciones de casas reales de y , y 25 000 personas reunidas en la de Ámsterdam —muchas de ellas vestidas de color naranja o usando pelucas anaranjadas, sombreros, boas de plumas y coronas— a las 10:00 hora local, la reina se reunió en la Cámara del Consejo del para la ceremonia de abdicación. Minutos después los soberanos entrante y saliente se mostraron en el balcón real al lado de la reina consorte, , que se convierte ahora en la segunda en ascender a la nobleza europea, y sus hijas , y . Catalina Amalia es ahora la princesa de Orange y la primera en la línea de sucesión. En su discurso de ascenso al trono en la , Guillermo aseguró que protegerá "la libertad y los derechos de todos los neerlandeses y todos los residentes en los Países Bajos". En un momento que los neerlandeses sufren los estragos de la que azota a las naciones que integran la Unión Europea, manifiesta que aunque "no tenga responsabilidades políticas, no significa que no tenga responsabilidades" en referencia a las virtudes que gozó su antecesora, asegurándose que tendrá "todo el esfuerzo y dedicación". Durante la jura constitucional de los nuevos monarcas, la mayoría de los parlamentarios reunidos en los Estados Generales prometieron fidelidad así como todo el Gobierno de los Países Bajos y de sus del (, y ). Beatriz, que desde ahora será princesa, se asomó a un balcón, decorado con tulipanes rosas y naranjas, para presentar al nuevo rey. "Estoy feliz y agradecida de presentarles a su nuevo rey, Guillermo Alejandro", dijo a la entusiasta multitud, que le cantó ''Bea Bedankt'' 'Gracias, Bea'. A pesar del buen comportamiento de los ciudadanos en la plaza de Dam, solo un pequeño incidente de descontento quedó resaltado en las redes sociales, en el cual dos personas que portaban letreros desobligantes contra Guillermo fueron aislados y arrestados por la Policía.
Gerd Müller & Co. Bayern's legendary strikers and their best goals From Gerd Müller to Robert Lewandowski, every generation of Bayern team has had great strikers ... Oliver Kahn interview Kahn: ‘'It's not a final training session behind closed doors but a competitive match without a crowd.' Oliver Kahn speaks to FC about the Bundesliga restart and the associated opportunities... Back in the Allianz Arena FC Bayern complete team training in the Allianz Arena Bayern's first team were able to get back onto the Allianz Arena pitch in a Sunday afternoon training... Wash hands, stay apart Coronavirus hygiene tips with Lewy, David, Serge and Joshua Sneeze, wash hands and maintain distance the right way, as demonstrated by Lewandowski, Alaba, ......
Bayern Munich have withdrawen their contract offer to Philipp Lahm after contract talks between the club and player broke down. Lahm's contract as it currently stands will expire on June 30, 2009. Barcelona are one of the clubs that are reportly interested in Lahm. Bayern Munich Forward Jan Schlaudraff will be leaving for Hannover on July 1st when the summer transfer window opens. It is uncertain if there is any fee involved with this transfer. Schlaudraff never got going due to an early season injury and the fact that he was the 4th choice strike behind Luca Toni, Miroslav Klose and Lukas Podolski.
MUNICH, Germany (AP) -- Bayern Munich rescinded a contract offer to Philipp Lahm on Tuesday, raising the possibility the Germany defender could move to another club. Munich made the move after Lahm refused a new three-year contract following weeks of negotiations. FC Barcelona is among the clubs that reportedly want to sign him, but Lahm's current deal ends in 2009. "One thing is clear, even if he doesn't extend, he will stay with FC Bayern until June 30, 2009," Bayern chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge said. The 24-year-old Lahm rose to greater prominence at the 2006 World Cup, scoring the tournament's first goal. He came out of the Bayern system, signed at 13, and has played 39 games for Germany. The last time Munich rescinded a contract offer was in 2006 when Michael Ballack turned down the proposed deal. He eventually signed for Chelsea. Copyright 2008 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Bayern Munich have withdrawen their contract offer to Philipp Lahm after contract talks between the club and player broke down. Lahm's contract as it currently stands will expire on June 30, 2009. Barcelona are one of the clubs that are reportly interested in Lahm. Bayern Munich Forward Jan Schlaudraff will be leaving for Hannover on July 1st when the summer transfer window opens. It is uncertain if there is any fee involved with this transfer. Schlaudraff never got going due to an early season injury and the fact that he was the 4th choice strike behind Luca Toni, Miroslav Klose and Lukas Podolski.
Rétro 6 juin 2004, un siècle de passion bleue La FFF célèbre le centenaire des Bleus à Clairefontaine et au Stade de France à l'occasion d'un match amical France-Ukraine. Rétro 5 juin 2016, les militaires hissent le drapeau Grâce à ses féminines, la France décroche, à Vannes, le titre de champion du monde militaire 2016. Une première. D1 Arkema "Ma question" à... Irene Paredes La défenseure centrale du Paris SG répond aux questions des enfants sur sa vie de joueuse de football et le championnat de D1 Arkema. Webinar FFF Enjeux de la performance post-covid Le centre de la performance de la FFF a organisé un séminaire sur les enjeux athlétiques de la reprise post-covid 19. FFF La rétro du football français Revivez une partie de l'histoire du football français, jour après jour.
Les demi-finales de la '''Coupe de France de football''' auront lieu mardi (17 avril) et mercredi (18 avril) soirs. Ces rencontres opposeront d'une part le club de CFA de '''Montceau-les-Mines''', qui a créé la surprise lors des tours précédents en éliminant les clubs des et du , et le ''' pensionnaire de Ligue 1, et d'autre part l'''' et le '''. Si les amateurs de Montceau n'ont rien à perdre, et ont déjà vécu une belle aventure qu'ils espèrent bien sûr prolonger, Sochaux voit dans cette Coupe un moyen d'atteindre les compétitions européennes, bien que les Lionceaux soient bien placés dans le championnat de Ligue 1 pour les atteindre par ce biais. Cependant, si ils passent ce tour, les hommes d'Alain Perrin auront fort à faire. En effet, que cela soit le F.C. Nantes ou l'Olympique de Marseille qui sortent des demi-finales - cette rencontre sera cruciale pour les deux clubs - le F.C. Sochaux aura à faire à un adversaire pour qui les enjeux de cette compétition sont extrêmement élevés : si pour l'OM, l'enjeu est bien évidemment une place dans une coupe d'Europe (que le club peut encore atteindre par le championnat), c'est vraiment une question d'honneur pour le F.C. Nantes, qui est actuellement dernier de Ligue 1, et bien sûr reléguable.
CLASSEMENTS Saison 2005/2006 1ère Journée 2ème Journée 3ème Journée 4ème Journée 5ème Journée 6ème Journée 7ème Journée 8ème Journée 9ème Journée 10ème Journée 11ème Journée 12ème Journée 13ème Journée 14ème Journée 15ème Journée 16ème Journée 17ème Journée 18ème Journée 19ème Journée 20ème Journée 21ème Journée 22ème Journée 23ème Journée 24ème Journée 25ème Journée 26ème Journée 27ème Journée 28ème Journée 29ème Journée 30ème Journée 31ème Journée 32ème Journée 33ème Journée 34ème Journée Général Domicile Extérieur Attaque Défense Buteurs Pts J G N P Bp Bc Diff 1 Lyon 75 33 22 9 2 59 24 +35 2 Bordeaux 61 33 16 13 4 34 19 +15 3 Rennes 56 34 18 2 14 44 44 0 4 Lille 55 34 14 13 7 45 23 +22 5 Lens 53 34 12 17 5 41 29 +12 6 Auxerre 53 34 15 8 11 40 33 +7 7 Marseille 51 34 14 10 10 33 31 +2 8 Paris SG 50 34 13 12 9 41 31 +10 9 Le Mans 49 34 13 10 11 30 26 +4 10 Nice 46 34 12 10 12 27 28 -1 11 Monaco 45 33 12 9 12 34 29 +5 12 Nancy 44 34 11 11 12 29 25 +4 13 Saint Etienne 43 34 10 13 11 26 32 -6 14 Nantes 41 34 10 11 13 32 34 -2 15 Toulouse 37 34 9 10 15 29 39 -10 16 Sochaux 36 33 9 9 15 29 41 -12 17 Troyes 32 34 7 11 16 29 43 -14 18 Strasbourg 27 34 5 12 17 29 46 -17 19 Ajaccio 27 34 6 9 19 20 44 -24 20 Metz 26 34 5 11 18 24 54 -30 Ce classement tient compte du retrait d'1 point ferme infligé, en première instance, par le Conseil National de l'Ethique au PARIS SAINT GERMAIN et à l’OLYMPIQUE DE MARSEILLE Sous réserve d'homologation par la Commisssion d'Organisation des Compétitions de la LFP
Les demi-finales de la '''Coupe de France de football''' auront lieu mardi (17 avril) et mercredi (18 avril) soirs. Ces rencontres opposeront d'une part le club de CFA de '''Montceau-les-Mines''', qui a créé la surprise lors des tours précédents en éliminant les clubs des et du , et le ''' pensionnaire de Ligue 1, et d'autre part l'''' et le '''. Si les amateurs de Montceau n'ont rien à perdre, et ont déjà vécu une belle aventure qu'ils espèrent bien sûr prolonger, Sochaux voit dans cette Coupe un moyen d'atteindre les compétitions européennes, bien que les Lionceaux soient bien placés dans le championnat de Ligue 1 pour les atteindre par ce biais. Cependant, si ils passent ce tour, les hommes d'Alain Perrin auront fort à faire. En effet, que cela soit le F.C. Nantes ou l'Olympique de Marseille qui sortent des demi-finales - cette rencontre sera cruciale pour les deux clubs - le F.C. Sochaux aura à faire à un adversaire pour qui les enjeux de cette compétition sont extrêmement élevés : si pour l'OM, l'enjeu est bien évidemment une place dans une coupe d'Europe (que le club peut encore atteindre par le championnat), c'est vraiment une question d'honneur pour le F.C. Nantes, qui est actuellement dernier de Ligue 1, et bien sûr reléguable.
Quito, 28 abr (EFE).- O Equador registrou mais 208 mortes confirmadas em decorrência da covid-19 nesta terça-feira, o que eleva o total para 871, enquanto outros 1.212 óbitos tem como causa provável a doença provocada pelo novo coronavírus. Ao todo, são 24.258 casos de infecção, de acordo com o boletim divulgado pelas autoridades do país. Desde o início da pandemia em território equatoriano, 1.189 pessoas que deram positivo em teste de diagnóstico, se recuperaram completamente da doença. Dos casos considerados ativos, 20.103 pessoas estão em isolamento domiciliar, 318 estão hospitalizadas, sendo que 134 delas tem o chamado "prognóstico reservado", ou seja, estão em estado grave ou crítico. Nesta terça-feira, o governo passou a apresentar a contabilização dos casos de uma nova forma, com dados baseados apenas nos resultados dos testes PCR, que é considerado o melhor marcador de resposta para a doença. "Os casos reportados por províncias são os casos reais e efetivos, diagnósticos definitivos. Isso não quer dizer que não haja mais pessoas infectadas, porque nem todos podem realizar o exame, mas esse é um indicador valioso e importante", disse o vice-ministro da Saúde, Xavier Solórzano. Com isso, Guayas, que na sexta-feira tinha mais de 15 mil casos, passa a ter confirmados 10,2 mil, seguida por Pichincha, onde está a capital do país, Quito, com 1.298.
Equatorianos recebem informações sobre Covid-19 em março de 2020 Cerca de 290 equatorianos voltaram da ontem, onde estavam há vários dias esperando um vôo de resgate para poderem voltar a seu país. Eles vieram num avião que foi preparado especialmente para levar cidadãos espanhóis de volta para a Espanha hoje. O resgate dos equatorianos se deu através de uma cooperação entre a companhia aérea, a Chancelaria do Equador e a Embaixada do Equador em Madrid. O vôo também trouxe insumos médicos, incluindo 17 respiradores, da Espanha para o Equador. Logo após sua chegada, eles foram examinados no local do desembarque e levados para um hotel, onde permanecerão em quarentena por 14 dias, conforme normas do Comitê de Operações de Emergência (COE) do país sul-americano. Nas , o Equador ocupa o 4º lugar com maior número de mortes por Covid-19 - somente ontem (28) registrou 208 óbitos em apenas 24 horas - e está atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos, Canadá e Brasil, que ontem fechou uma cifra de 5.017 casos fatais. O país já repatriou cerca de 3.500 cidadãos de diversos países ao redor do mundo.
Unos 290 ciudadanos ecuatorianos que se encontraban varados en España regresaron este martes al país en un vuelo de la compañía Iberia, el trasporte aéreo fue especialmente para la repatriación de nacionales en una y otra dirección. El vuelo llegó a Quito para el traslado el miércoles de ciudadanos españoles que se encuentran en Ecuador y, en una iniciativa conjunta de la Cancillería ecuatoriana, la Embajada de Ecuador en Madrid y la compañía, se ha conseguido repatriar también a 287 ecuatorianos que estaban a la espera de regresar al país, confirmó a Efe el canciller ecuatoriano, José Valencia. "Quienes vienen responden a parámetros del Comité de Operaciones de Emergencia (COE) que pueden llegar al Ecuador", indicó Valencia, quien destacó la labor del Consulado del Ecuador en Madrid en su organización. A su llegada, los pasajeros serán conducidos a distintos hoteles en Quito y sus alrededores para que pasen allí los 14 días de cuarentena que prescribe la normativa del COE. "Hemos organizado un operativo donde serán recogidos del aeropuerto por autobuses de la Agencia Nacional de Tránsito con resguardo de la Policía Nacional", explicó el canciller sobre el proceso de traslado bajo extremas medidas de seguridad. Pero ya antes, en la terminal serán sometidos a una revisión de salud por si hubiera algún caso sospechoso de contagio, si bien no se espera porque antes de embarcar pasaron también una revisión en Madrid. Hasta ahora, Ecuador ha repatriado a unos 3.550 de sus ciudadanos en vuelos desde distintos países, de una lista de alrededor 8.000 que están registrados en distintos consulados por el mundo. En el avión de Iberia llegó también una carga de 300 kilogramos de insumos médicos para la lucha contra el coronavirus, así como 17 respiradores. Se trata de un material donado por la Fundación Mapfre y por el Colegio de Ingenieros de Barcelona, en una serie de proyectos entre los Gobiernos de los dos países para paliar los efectos de la pandemia. "Es un gesto de solidaridad que agradecemos", dijo el canciller, quien también resaltó el que la compañía aérea corriera con los gastos del traslado de este material. Con información de EFE Más noticias para ti
Equatorianos recebem informações sobre Covid-19 em março de 2020 Cerca de 290 equatorianos voltaram da ontem, onde estavam há vários dias esperando um vôo de resgate para poderem voltar a seu país. Eles vieram num avião que foi preparado especialmente para levar cidadãos espanhóis de volta para a Espanha hoje. O resgate dos equatorianos se deu através de uma cooperação entre a companhia aérea, a Chancelaria do Equador e a Embaixada do Equador em Madrid. O vôo também trouxe insumos médicos, incluindo 17 respiradores, da Espanha para o Equador. Logo após sua chegada, eles foram examinados no local do desembarque e levados para um hotel, onde permanecerão em quarentena por 14 dias, conforme normas do Comitê de Operações de Emergência (COE) do país sul-americano. Nas , o Equador ocupa o 4º lugar com maior número de mortes por Covid-19 - somente ontem (28) registrou 208 óbitos em apenas 24 horas - e está atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos, Canadá e Brasil, que ontem fechou uma cifra de 5.017 casos fatais. O país já repatriou cerca de 3.500 cidadãos de diversos países ao redor do mundo.
Quito | AFP Em um hospital de Guayaquil, no Equador, os corpos de mortos por coronavírus chegam a ficar amontoados nos banheiros. Alguns foram embrulhados em mortalhas por enfermeiros porque a equipe do necrotério não estava recebendo material, revela um profissional de saúde que trabalha no local. O enfermeiro de 35 anos, que aceitou falar com a AFP por telefone, mas não quis ser identificado por medo de ser demitido, compartilha o pesadelo que viveu no sistema de saúde saturado de Guayaquil, um dos maiores focos de propagação do coronavírus na América Latina. Caixões são vendidos em frente a hospital em Guayaquil, no Equador - Jose Sanchez Lindao - 25.abr.20/AFP O que testemunhou, diz, é traumático e afetou sua vida dentro e fora do trabalho. Quando a emergência começou, em março, cada enfermeiro passou de atender de 15 para 30 pacientes em um turno de 24 horas, lembra. Segundo ele, chegava tanta gente que, quando o soro ia ser colocado, os pacientes morriam praticamente nas mãos dos profissionais, que passaram a dar alta ou enviar os doentes a outros centros de saúde para liberar os leitos. O enfermeiro, que há três anos trabalha em um dos centros hospitalares que enfrentam a pandemia no Equador, afirma que há 65 leitos de UTI do hosptial ocupados por pacientes com Covid-19. Foi preciso retirar as máquinas de anestesia dos centros cirúrgicos para supri-las com os respiradores. De acordo com o seu relato, os doentes estão sozinhos e se sentem tristes, além de terem que lidar com danos colaterais da medicação, como problemas gastrointestinais. Ele conta que alguns defecam em si mesmos, se sentem mal e pensam que vão permanecer nessa situação para sempre. Além da própria dor, eles dividem o espaço com pacientes que começam a ter falta de ar, gritando que precisam de oxigênio. As mortes se multiplicaram rapidamente, segundo o funcionário. Como a equipe do necrotério não estava estocando material, o que restou a ele e a seus colegas, muitas vezes, foi cobrir os corpos e acumulá-los nos banheiros. A equipe do hospital, acrescenta, teve que segurar a vontade de usar os banheiros, ocupados por cadáveres. Somente quando seis ou sete estão empilhados é que os corpos são recolhidos. Sindicatos de profissionais do Equador, onde há oficialmente 22.700 infectados, incluindo 576 mortos desde 29 de fevereiro, grande parte em Guayaquil, reportam uma centena de médicos e enfermeiros mortos por Covid-19 e 147 infectados na província costeira de Guayas, da qual Guayaquil é a capital. Outras duas fontes do serviço público de saúde, que também falaram com a AFP sob condição de anonimato, descreveram fatos similares, como cadáveres colocados no corredor de emergência porque o necrotério estava cheio. Um médico de outro hospital relatou que havia 20 ou 25 corpos esperando para serem recolhidos. A contagem oficial, no entanto, está um passo atrás da tragédia. Nos primeiros 15 dias de abril, os óbitos triplicaram em relação à média mensal e chegaram a 6.700 na província de Guayas e sua capital, Guayaquil. Nessa lista estão incluídas as vítimas e casos investigados do coronavírus, assim como as de outras doenças. O presidente do Equador, Lenín Moreno, admite que os registros não dão conta. Uma sensação reforçada com o que foi descrito pelo enfermeiro. Segundo ele, depois que os necrotérios ficam lotados, contêineres refrigerados chegam ao hospital para depositar os corpos, sendo que alguns deles ficam por até dez dias embrulhados em capas que são como uma mala de viagem preta. Alguns familiares rasgam essa capa, e os fluídos saem. O enfermeiro destaca que isso é um desastre sanitário. Ele relata ainda que, em meio à emergência, todo mundo fugiu. A equipe administrativa do hospital se instalou em um local seguro. Os psicólogos que deveriam estar trabalhando saíram de lá, bem como os 32 dentistas que deveriam estar ajudando. O enfermeiro quase não sente o consolo de ter visto o número de mortos diminuir na semana passada. Na volta para casa, os tormentos o acompanham. Quando volta para casa após 24 horas de serviço, com dor nos pés, tenta descansar. Mas logo é despertado pelo pesadelo em que corre até cair e abre a porta do banheiro com os cadáveres. Depois disso, afirma, não é possível voltar a dormir.
Equatorianos recebem informações sobre Covid-19 em março de 2020 Cerca de 290 equatorianos voltaram da ontem, onde estavam há vários dias esperando um vôo de resgate para poderem voltar a seu país. Eles vieram num avião que foi preparado especialmente para levar cidadãos espanhóis de volta para a Espanha hoje. O resgate dos equatorianos se deu através de uma cooperação entre a companhia aérea, a Chancelaria do Equador e a Embaixada do Equador em Madrid. O vôo também trouxe insumos médicos, incluindo 17 respiradores, da Espanha para o Equador. Logo após sua chegada, eles foram examinados no local do desembarque e levados para um hotel, onde permanecerão em quarentena por 14 dias, conforme normas do Comitê de Operações de Emergência (COE) do país sul-americano. Nas , o Equador ocupa o 4º lugar com maior número de mortes por Covid-19 - somente ontem (28) registrou 208 óbitos em apenas 24 horas - e está atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos, Canadá e Brasil, que ontem fechou uma cifra de 5.017 casos fatais. O país já repatriou cerca de 3.500 cidadãos de diversos países ao redor do mundo.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - L'agence de régulation du système bancaire américaine, le FDIC, a décrété vendredi la fermeture de cinq banques, ce qui porte à 69 le nombre de faillites bancaires depuis le début de l'année aux Etats-Unis. Le Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), agence indépendante du gouvernement fédéral qui assure les dépôts des particuliers en cas de faillites bancaires, a évalué que ces cinq fermetures coûteraient à son fonds de dépôts un total de 911,7 millions de dollars. En 2008, 25 banques américaines ont été fermées par les autorités, contre seulement trois en 2007. Depuis le début de la crise financière actuelle, Washington Mutual a été la plus grosse banque à faire faillite dans l'histoire des Etats-Unis. Elle a été fermée en septembre 2008 en raison de pertes découlant de prêts ne pouvant être remboursés et de problèmes de liquidités. Les cinq fermetures décidées vendredi concernent la Mutual Bank of Harvey (Illinois), la Peoples Community Bankcorp (Ohio), First BankAmericano (New Jersey), Integrity Bank of Jupiter (Floride) et First State Bank of Altus (Oklahoma). Version française Eric Faye
Soixante-neuf faillites bancaires depuis le début de l'année, telles sont encore les conséquences de la crise financière qui sévit aux États-Unis. Vendredi, la FDIC a décidé la fermeture de 5 établissements financiers. C'est que que vient révéler, hier, l'agence . Les établissements concernés sont la Mutual Bank of Harvey (Illinois), la Peoples Community Bankcorp (Ohio), la First BankAmericano (New Jersey), l'Integrity Bank of Jupiter (Floride) et la First State Bank of Altus (Oklahoma). Ces fermetures pourraient coûter la bagatelle de 911,7 millions de dollars à l'agence en question, laquelle garantit les fonds déposés par les particuliers. Par comparaison, 3 établissement ont été fermés en 2007, et 28 en 2008 dont la banque Lehman Brothers.
By Phillip Hudson, Canberra March 12, 2006 GEORGE BUSH has nominated a university friend, Robert Davis McCallum jnr, to fill the job of American ambassador after leaving the job vacant for 13 months. The US President and Mr McCallum both attended Yale and in 1968 were chosen as members of its elite and secret Skull and Bones society. The 170-year-old group boasts presidents, judges, diplomats and business chiefs among its ranks. It is believed exactly 15 university juniors are recruited each year by being "tapped" on the shoulder by seniors. The appointment must be confirmed by the US Senate, meaning it could still be a few months before Mr McCallum arrives in Canberra. Prime Minister John Howard welcomed the decision, saying Mr McCallum was well qualified. He is currently associate attorney-general at the Department of Justice and before that was assistant attorney-general for the civil division. He was a partner at Atlanta law firm Alston & Bird where he represented big tobacco companies. He is a Rhodes Scholar, has a master's degree from Oxford University and a bachelor's degree from Yale. Despite the close relationship between Mr Bush and Mr Howard, Australia has been uncomfortable about the job being vacant since the departure in February last year of Tom Schieffer, another mate of Mr Bush who was a co-owner in the Texas Rangers baseball team. Former deputy prime minister Tim Fischer said the delay was "unforgivable" and the announcement was "long overdue and forced through by the proximity of (US Secretary of State) Condoleezza Rice's visit" to Australia this week.
United States President George W. Bush has nominated Robert Davis McCallum, Jr. to be the new US Ambassador to Australia. The ambassadorship has been vacant for 12 months and 28 days. McCallum is an associate attorney-general for the Department of Justice and previously represented big tobacco companies at an Atlanta law firm. He also has a master's degree from Oxford University and is a Rhodes Scholar as well as having a bachelor's degree from Yale. Former deputy secretary of state, Richard Armitage, said earlier this month that the fact Australia was still without an ambassador might indicate a "lackadaisical attitude" to the region. McCallum is one of the 15 Skull and Bones members from the 1968 group, of which President Bush was also a member.
The United States has moved a step closer to sending a new ambassador to Australia with the nomination of lawyer Robert D McCallum jnr to the post. The delay in appointing a replacement for Tom Schieffer, who left in February 2005, is the longest period without a serving US ambassador to Australia since it was given embassy status in July 1946. The US took only a month to appoint Mr Schieffer to replace his predecessor Edward Gnehm in 2001. US President George W Bush on Saturday announced he had nominated Mr McCallum for the position, which is still to be confirmed by the US Senate. A spokeswoman for the US embassy said the government hoped for a swift confirmation.
United States President George W. Bush has nominated Robert Davis McCallum, Jr. to be the new US Ambassador to Australia. The ambassadorship has been vacant for 12 months and 28 days. McCallum is an associate attorney-general for the Department of Justice and previously represented big tobacco companies at an Atlanta law firm. He also has a master's degree from Oxford University and is a Rhodes Scholar as well as having a bachelor's degree from Yale. Former deputy secretary of state, Richard Armitage, said earlier this month that the fact Australia was still without an ambassador might indicate a "lackadaisical attitude" to the region. McCallum is one of the 15 Skull and Bones members from the 1968 group, of which President Bush was also a member.
International Après la "révolution" républicaine d'il y a douze ans, l'Amérique s'attend, ce mardi, à une "révolution" démocrate d'une ampleur sans doute moins spectaculaire, mais néanmoins suffisante pour priver le parti du président Bush de sa majorité à la Chambre des représentants, voire au Sénat. Les Démocrates semblent, en effet, avoir tous les atouts en main pour l'emporter. Outre les scandales politiques et les affaires de moeurs qui ont terni comme rarement auparavant la réputation des Républicains, la guerre en Irak a dominé la campagne, érodé considérablement la crédibilité du parti au pouvoir et détourné une frange substantielle de son électorat. Des luttes serrées Les enjeux de ces législatives de "la mi-mandat", à deux ans du prochain scrutin présidentiel, sont importants. Les Américains doivent réélire les 435 membres de la Chambre des représentants (élus pour deux ans), 33 des 99 sénateurs (élus pour six ans; le centième sénateur est, de droit, le vice-président des Etats-Unis) et 36 des 50 gouverneurs d'Etats (généralement élus pour quatre ans). Des milliers de mandats locaux (élus aux assemblées d'Etat, maires, conseillers municipaux, shérifs, magistrats, etc.) sont également à pourvoir. Enfin, des initiatives référendaires sont au programme, comme au Dakota du Sud où une loi particulièrement répressive en matière d'avortement est soumise à l'appréciation des électeurs et pourrait, si elle est adoptée, avoir des répercussions au niveau national. Il faut aux Démocrates un gain de quinze sièges à la Chambre et de six sièges au Sénat pour priver les Républicains du contrôle absolu qu'ils exercent sur le Congrès, à Washington, depuis 1994. Les analystes estiment que le parti de M. Bush pourrait perdre, mardi soir, de 20 à 35 députés et de 4 à 6 sénateurs, et peut-être davantage si le scénario catastrophe que les médias ressassent à l'envi provoque un effet boule de neige et stimule la désertion des électeurs républicains. Les sondages peuvent, toutefois, être trompeurs. Dans les circonscriptions où les luttes sont les plus serrées, les écarts ne dépassent souvent pas la marge d'erreur. Dans les derniers jours de la campagne, par ailleurs, la confusion n'a fait qu'augmenter. Dans les deux camps, des candidats qui paraissaient assurés d'être élus se sont soudainement retrouvés en ballottage. Ailleurs, le perdant de la veille était inopinément crédité le lendemain d'une confortable avance. Tout dépendra en grande partie de la mobilisation des électeurs au jour J et on sait que, dans cet exercice, les Républicains ont toujours été plus forts que leurs adversaires. Bien des situations pourraient donc se retourner mardi. Les deux partis n'ont précisément pas ménagé leurs efforts pour donner un ultime coup de pouce, peut-être décisif, à leurs candidats les plus menacés. George W. et Laura Bush, mais aussi Bill et Hillary Clinton, ont ainsi arpenté l'Amérique profonde, de meeting en rallye. Un soutien pas toujours nécessairement apprécié, au demeurant, en particulier dans le cas du Président actuel dont la popularité est au plus bas. Un tour plus agressif Dans un scrutin qui fait figure de référendum sur M. Bush, les candidats républicains ont généralement préféré prendre leurs distances et parlé de tout sauf de l'Irak. La campagne a dès lors pris un tour plus agressif et plus négatif qu'à l'ordinaire, Démocrates et Républicains s'attaquant copieusement, à grands coups de publicités à la radio et à la télévision, sur leur degré d'attachement aux réductions d'impôts, leur conception de l'enseignement ou, tout simplement, leur vie privée. Il a fallu aller jusqu'au lointain Vermont pour trouver, avec Martha Rainville et Peter Welch, une joute électorale digne et respectueuse des personnes. Au-delà des enjeux nationaux, des débats éthiques et, a fortiori, des problèmes de politique étrangère, ce qui intéresse finalement les électeurs américains, dans un scrutin législatif, c'est la performance des élus dans un sport bien particulier : leur capacité à collecter des deniers publics pour financer des travaux d'infrastructure et le développement économique dans les Etats ou les régions dont ils sont les représentants. C'est ce qui explique que députés et sénateurs sortants sont généralement mieux placés pour gagner. Sauf lorsqu'ils sont trop étroitement associés aux errements de leur parti et aux scandales qui le discréditent... C'est manifestement le cas, cette année, pour les Républicains, qui sont par ailleurs confrontés à la difficulté de pourvoir au remplacement de vingt élus qui ne se représentent pas (plusieurs, comme Tom DeLay au Texas, Mark Foley en Floride et Bob Ney dans l'Ohio, ont été emportés par les scandales). Ces sièges sont précisément ceux qui font l'objet des affrontements les plus acharnés et qui offrent aux Démocrates leurs meilleures chances de retrouver une majorité au Congrès. Si tel devait être le cas, la fin de la présidence Bush s'annonce cauchemardesque, même si la Maison-Blanche prévoit d'ores et déjà de contourner l'opposition parlementaire en gouvernant par décrets exécutifs comme le fit Bill Clinton. La machine législative, qui sera largement contrôlée par la députée de Californie Nancy Pelosi, appelée à prendre alors la place de J. Dennis Hastert comme speaker de la Chambre, risque de se retrouver au point mort. On verrait mal, dans ces conditions, comment l'Histoire pourrait plus tard associer le nom de George W. Bush à autre chose que le "11 septembre" et ses désastreuses conséquences irakiennes. © La Libre Belgique 2006
thumbs thumbs Aujourd'hui c'est le Midterm aux États-Unis, les élections fédérales de mi-mandat présidentiel. Bien souvent, le est souvent de couleur politique inverse que celle du président en place, comme ce le fut pour Ronald Reagan ou Bill Clinton. Ce sera un test grandeur nature sur l'approbation ou non de la politique de George W. Bush notamment en Irak. Les électeurs américains vont désigner les 435 membres de la Chambre des Représentants et 33 des 99 sénateurs, le centième siège est réservé de droit au vice-président. Bien que les sondages donnent les démocrates vainqueurs de cette consultation, il n'en demeure pas moins que les républicains disposent d'une forte capacité de mobilisation des électeurs dans les derniers moments de la campagne. Cette dernière a pris un tour particulièrement agressif sous fonds de guerre d'Irak. Une vingtaine de députés ne se représentant pas, une lutte acharnée entre les deux principaux camps s'est engagée pour en prendre la succession. Toutefois, comme on l'a pu constaté en France, la prime au sortant est souvent de mise si celui-ci n'a pas été mêlé aux scandales de son parti ou à ceux qui le discréditent personnellement. C'est le cas de Tom DeLay au Texas, Mark Foley en Floride et Bob Ney dans l'Ohio qui ont dû abandonner leur siège. Si le scénario catastrophe annoncé par les médias se réalise, l'hôte actuel de la Maison Blanche risque d'avoir une fin de mandat particulièrement difficile. ;Le mode de scrutin pour la Chambre des représentants : Le scrutin est uninominal, majoritaire à tour unique à l'exception de celui de la Louisiane qui en comporte deux. Le nombre d'élus varie d'un État à l'autre selon l'importance de la population. Chaque député est élu au sein de chaque circonscription ou district. Pour être éligible, le candidat doit avoir 25 ans et être de nationalité américaine depuis au moins 7 ans. Les représentants sont élus pour deux ans. Le , siège du Congrès. ;Le mode de scrutin pour le Sénat : Il est identique que pour celui de la Chambre des représentants à la seule différence que le corps électoral élit deux sénateurs par État. Pour être éligible, le candidat doit avoir 30 ans et être de nationalité américaine depuis au moins 9 ans. Les sénateurs sont élus pour 6 ans et la Haute Assemblée se renouvelle par tiers tous les deux ans.
Bombay. AP/baz. Die Anschläge auf voll besetzte Pendlerzüge in der indischen Wirtschaftsmetropole Bombay haben 190 Menschen das Leben ... Jerusalem/Beirut. AP/baz. An der Grenze zwischen Israel und dem Libanon sind am Mittwoch zwei israelische Soldaten von der Hisbollah-Miliz ... Frankfurt/Main. AP/baz. Der bisherige Assistenztrainer Joachim Löw wird Nachfolger des zurückgetretenen Fussball-Bundestrainers Jürgen ... Gossau-Ottikon. AP/baz. Ein Frontal-Crash zweier Autos hat am Dienstagnachmittag zum Horrorunfall auf der Forch-Autostrasse geführt. ... Zürich. Si/baz. Die guten Leistungen der Schweizer Nationalmannschaft drücken sich nun auch in der neuen FIFA-Weltrangliste aus. Das ... Bern. SDA/baz. Im Schweizer Luftraum ist es im vergangenen Jahr zu 75 Annäherungen von Flugzeugen gekommen. Die Zahl der so genannten ... Sion. SDA/baz. Ein 75-jähriger Belgier ist auf einer Wanderung in der Nähe der Staumauer Grande-Dixence tödlich verunglückt. Er wurde ... Köln. DPA/baz. Der japanische Autobauer Toyota ruft weltweit mehr als 380 000 Fahrzeuge der Luxus-Modelle Lexus RX in die Werkstätten ...
Papst Benedikt XVI. hat nach dem sonntäglichen Angelus-Gebet vor zehntausenden Gläubigen auf den Petersplatz in Rom die Freilassung Clementina Cantonis gefordert. Die 32-jährige Italienerin wurde am 16. Mai in Kabul entführt. Cantoni ist freiwillige Mitarbeiterin der internationalen Hilfsorganisation ''Care''. Der Papst richtetete folgende Worte an die Kidnapper der Frau: „Ich vereine meine Stimme mit der des italienischen Staatspräsidenten, des afghanischen Präsidenten und des italienischen und afghanischen Volkes, um die Freilassung der freiwilligen italienischen Helferin Clementina Cantoni zu fordern.“ Die Entführer fordern Lösegeld sowie die Freilassung mehrerer Häftlinge in Afghanistan.
Treuer US-Freund ist Iraks neuer Präsident Der Kurdenführer Dschalal Talabani sowie seine Stellvertreter der Sunnit Ghasi el Jawar und der Schiit Adel Abdel Mahdi wurden vom Parlament gewählt. Bundespräsident Köhler hat ein Glückwunschtelegramm übermittelt Foto: rtr Bagdad - Das irakische Parlament hat den Kurden Dschalal Talabani zum neuen Staatschef gewählt. Er gehört zu den treuesten Verbündeten der USA im Irak. Talabani erhielt die Stimmen von 228 der 275 Abgeordneten, wie ein Parlamentsvertreter in Bagdad mitteilte. Als seine beiden Stellvertreter wurden der bisherige Übergangspräsident, der Sunnit Ghasi el Jawar, sowie der bisherige Finanzminister, der Schiit Adel Abdel Mahdi, gewählt. Nach wochenlangem Tauziehen um die Postenvergabe hatten sich die Parlamentsparteien auf die drei Kandidaten geeinigt. Sie bilden den dreiköpfigen Präsidialrat, der einstimmig den neuen Regierungschef ernennen soll. Dieser unterbreitet dem Präsidialrat seine Kabinettsliste, die das Parlament anschließend mit absoluter Mehrheit billigen muß. Alle Ämter gelten bis zu der für Dezember geplanten Parlamentswahl. Die schiitische Vereinigte Irakische Allianz (UIA) und das Bündnis der Kurden verfügen in der Nationalversammlung zusammen über 223 der 275 Sitze. Das sind deutlich mehr als die für die Wahl des Präsidialrats erforderliche Zwei-Drittelmehrheit. Der Präsidialrat soll anschließend einstimmig den Regierungschef ernennen. Dieser unterbreitet sodann dem Präsidialrat seine Kabinettsliste, die das Parlament anschließend mit absoluter Mehrheit billigen muß. Rice: Zalmay Khalilzad wird neuer amerikanischer Chefdiplomat Wie US-Außenministerin Condoleezza Rice am Dienstag in Washington mitteilte, soll Zalmay Khalilzad neuer amerikanischer Chefdiplomat in Bagdad werden. Der derzeitige US-Botschafter in Afghanistan folgt John Negroponte nach, den Präsident George W. Bush für die neu geschaffene Position des nationalen Geheimdienstdirektors vorgesehen hat. Der in Afghanistan geborene Khalilzad war in den 70er Jahren zum Studium in die USA gekommen und später eingebürgert worden. Bush hatte ihn nach dem Sturz der Taliban zum Sonderbeauftragten der US-Regierung in Kabul und später zum Botschafter gemacht. Wer ist der neue Präsident? Dschalal Talabani wurde 1933 in der Nähe der nordirakischen Stadt Kirkuk geboren. Schon als Jugendlicher engagierte er sich politisch. Er studierte Jura und arbeitete als Redakteur für zwei kurdische Publikationen. Während des Kurdenaufstands in den 60er Jahren warb er im Ausland um Unterstützung für sein Volk. Er stand in dieser Zeit aber im Schatten des Kurdenführers Mustafa Barsani. Als die Revolte 1975 zusammenbrach und Barsani ins Exil ging, gründete Talabani die Patriotische Union Kurdistans (PUK). Nach dem Golfkrieg 1991 erhielten die kurdischen Regionen im Nordirak weitreichende Autonomie. Zwischen Talabani und Mustafa Barsanis Sohn Massud, dem Chef der Demokratischen Partei Kurdistans (DPK), kam es immer wieder zu Machtkämpfen. Während des Irak-Krieges 2003 legten die einstigen Rivalen ihre Differenzen bei, und für die historische Wahl im Januar schlossen sie sich zu einem Bündnis zusammen. Köhler gratuliert Bundespräsident Horst Köhler gratulierte Talabani am Mittwoch zu seiner Wahl. Gemeinsam mit der Regierung habe er „die große Verantwortung, das irakische Volk zu Versöhnung und Frieden zu führen und den Aufbau einer dauerhaften demokratischen Ordnung zu sichern“, schrieb Köhler in einem Glückwunschtelegramm. Das irakische Volk, stehe jetzt vor der historischen Aufgabe, sich auf eine Verfassung zu verständigen, die Menschenrechte und Rechtsstaatlichkeit garantiere und der kulturellen Vielfalt des Landes gerecht werde.
Karte des Irak, from CIA Handbook Drei Tage nach der Wahl des neuen Parlamentspräsidenten wählt der Irak heute auch einen Staatspräsidenten. Aussichtsreichster Kandidat ist der Kurdenführer Jalal Talabani. Mit dieser Wahl soll zwei Monate nach den Wahlen im Irak eine neue Regierung gebildet werden. Im Anschluss an die Wahl des Staatspräsidenten werden zwei Stellvertreter bestimmt. Zur Wahl stellen sich der bisherige Übergangspräsident, der sunnitische Übergangspräsident Ghazi al-Yawar, sowie der bisherige Finanzminister des Irak, der Schiit Adil Abd al-Mahdi. Der Kurde Talabani gehört zu den engsten Verbündeten der USA im Irak. In der Nationalversammlung des Parlaments verfügen die, überwiegend schiitische, Vereinigte Irakische Allianz (UIA) und das Bündnis der Kurden zusammen über 223 der insgesamt 275 Sitze. Damit stehen wesentlich mehr Stimmen zu Verfügung als für die Zwei-Drittelmehrheit der Wahl des Präsidialrats erforderlich wären. Anschließend unterbreitet dieser neu gewählte Präsidialrat seine Kabinettsliste, die dem Parlament daraufhin zur Abstimmung vorgelegt wird. Diese muss mit einer absoluten Mehrheit gebilligt werden. Ergebnis der Wahl: Talabani wurde mit 227 Stimmen zum Präsidenten gewählt.
A la Une > Société LEMONDE.FR avec AFP | 28.12.10 | 16h24 • Mis à jour le 28.12.10 | 22h06 La rédaction de ce recueil des lois, décrets et règlements régissant les relations de travail dans les entreprises a débuté le 28 décembre 1910.AFP/JACQUES DEMARTHON Le code du travail, qui régit les droits des salariés et des employeurs en France, symbole de combats acharnés entre le patronat et les syndicats, célèbre en toute discrétion son centenaire, mardi 28 décembre. Sa rédaction a débuté le 28 décembre 1910, avec la promulgation d'une loi engageant une codification des premières lois ouvrières, comme celle du 7 décembre 1909 "garantissant le versement du salaire à intervalles réguliers" ou celle du 5 avril 1910 "sur les retraites ouvrières et paysannes à partir de 65 ans". Il fallut toutefois attendre 1922 pour que soit achevée la rédaction du premier code du travail. "COMBATS ET ÂPRES NÉGOCIATIONS" Dans sa dernière édition, la 72e, publiée par la célèbre maison Dalloz en 2010, le recueil des lois, décrets et règlements régissant les relations de travail dans les entreprises privées compte 3 001 pages, appendice compris. Il contient environ 10 000 articles, divisés en huit parties, allant des "relations individuelles de travail" à "la formation professionnelle tout au long de la vie", en passant par l'emploi ou la santé et sécurité au travail. Les grandes dates des conquêtes sociales y sont consignées, telle l'instauration des congés payés en 1936. Mais aussi les "retours de manivelle" lorsque le patronat joue du rapport de force en sa faveur, comme avec la libéralisation du travail du dimanche en 2009. Pour l'inspecteur du travail Gérard Filoche, retraité depuis quelques jours, le code du travail "est fait de sueur, de larmes et de sang : chaque article, chaque alinéa, chaque décret, chaque arrêté résultat de combats et d'âpres négociations (...), il a souvent été rédigé à la virgule près". "UN MONSTRE DIFFORME" Spécialiste de l'histoire sociale, l'universitaire Stéphane Sirot distingue deux grandes périodes : du XIXe siècle jusqu'au début des années 1970, le code du travail retrace "plutôt un mouvement de renforcement des protections" des salariés, tandis que, "depuis une trentaine d'années" le droit du travail "n'est plus forcément synonyme de progrès". Le patronat français l'a souvent présenté comme une lourde contrainte. Un avis largement partagé. Pour le défunt universitaire Gérard Lyon-Caen, l'un des ténors de la spécialité, le code du travail était "un monstre difforme qui fait honte à regarder", rappelait lundi sur France Inter Françoise Champeaux, rédactrice en chef de la revue spécialisée La semaine sociale Lamy. Il a pourtant été refondu deux fois, en 1973 et 2008. Mais la maîtrise de ce document aride fait toujours problème. "L'effort demandé aux usagers du nouveau code du travail est à la hauteur de l'œuvre réalisée : colossal", selon l'un des auteurs de la dernière mise en forme, l'universitaire Christophe Radé.
left Le , qui régit les droits des salariés et des employeurs en , a 100 ans aujourd'hui. Sa rédaction a débuté le 28 décembre 1910 et s'est achevé douze ans plus tard, en 1922. Son tout premier objectif est la protection des ouvriers avec notamment la promulgation d'une loi le 7 décembre 1909 sur le versement du salaire ou encore l'instauration des congés payés en 1936. Il s'agit d'un recueil de lois, décrets et règlements régissant les relations de travail dans les entreprises privées. C'est celui qui nous apprend qu'un chef d'entreprise qui licencie peut être condamné seulement si le contrat n'est pas ''synallagmatique'', c'est-à-dire s'il ne contient pas une obligation réciproque entre les parties. Pour Gérard Filoche, ancien et militant socialiste, interrogé ce matin sur , le code du travail est car pas suffisamment appliqué, selon lui, faute de moyens. D'autres comme l'universitaire Stéphane Sirot, spécialiste de l'histoire sociale, distingue deux grandes périodes : du XIX siècle jusqu'au début des , le code du travail retrace des salariés, tandis que, le droit du travail . Position partagée par l'universitaire , décédé en 2004, pour qui le code du travail était . Réformé deux fois, en 1973 et en 2008, son utilisation reste difficile, , selon l'un des auteurs de la dernière mise en forme, l'universitaire Christophe Radé. La 72 édition publiée en 2010 par la maison d'édition compte pages, appendice compris et environ articles, divisés en huit parties. Bien qu'il soit une source incontournable en matière de , il existe aussi des textes touchant de près ou de loin au droit du travail, dans la plupart des cas, des décrets ou arrêtés. Mais il est indispensable de prendre désormais en compte les textes européens, qu'il s'agisse des ou des notamment. De même les et jouent un rôle normateur de plus en plus important avec l'évolution du dialogue social.
Anzeige Die Vorbereitungen für den Start der US-Raumfähre „Atlantis“ mit dem europäischen Labor „Columbus“ in Cape Canaveral (Florida) laufen zwar weiter auf Hochtouren. Doch kommt zusehens schlechtes Wetter auf. „Die Startwahrscheinlichkeit liegt wegen einer aus Nordwesten heranziehenden Gewitterfront nur bei 30 Prozent“, sagte Andreas Schütz vom Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen bei München. Dennoch sei vor kurzem das „Go“ für das Betanken des Shuttles gegeben worden. Nach den heftigen Tornados vom Dienstagabend mit mehr als 50 Toten waren die Unwetter in der Region bis Donnerstagmorgen noch nicht abgeklungen. Für die Startzeit um 14.45 Uhr Ortszeit (20.45 Uhr MEZ) wurden Wolken, Regen und möglicherweise auch ein heftiger Gewittersturm vorausgesagt. Die Startchancen wurden nur noch mit 30 Prozent angegeben. Eine echte Wetterbesserung wird erst für Anfang kommender Woche erwartet. Auch die übrigen Vorarbeiten laufen weiter. „Die Astronauten sind um 4.15 Uhr Ortszeit aufgestanden und bereiten sich auf ihren Flug vor.“ Unter ihnen ist auch der deutsche Diplomphysiker Hans Schlegel (56). Für den 56-Jährigen Weltraumveteranen soll es der Höhepunkt seiner Karriere werden, das 880 Millionen Euro teure Labor-Modul „Columbus“ zur ISS zu bringen. Um es einzubauen, soll er zwei Mal auf Außenbordeinsätze gehen. Europas wichtigster Beitrag zur ISS Anzeige Das in Bremen gebaute 13 Tonnen schwere Labor soll über zehn Jahre lang das Verhalten von Stoffen, Einzellern und wirbellosen Tieren in der Schwerelosigkeit untersuchen. Das Kontrollzentrum koordiniert das wissenschaftliche Programm in dem Weltraum-Labor und steuert technische Systeme wie Heizung oder Luft- und Wasserversorgung. Alle Telekommunikationverbindungen zur Nasa sind seit Tagen aufgebaut, darüber hinaus sei alles vorbereitet. „Hier ist Warten angesagt“, sagte Schütz. Die Entscheidung über einen erneuten Aufschub könne auch noch unmittelbar vor dem Start getroffen werden. Ursprünglich hätte das Labor bereits vor knapp drei Jahren zur ISS gebracht werden sollen, doch 2003 hatte die NASA alle Shuttle-Starts vorerst gestoppt, nachdem die Raumfähre „Columbia“ abgestürzt war. Zuletzt wurde ein Starttermin im Dezember 2007 wegen Problemen mit einer Steckerverbindung am Außentank abgesagt. Bei einer Live-Übertragung wollen Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und Gäste den Start von „Columbus“ in den USA verfolgen. Auf großen Projektionswänden werden Mitglieder des „Columbus“-Teams sowie rund 150 Gäste den Start sehen. Astronaut Ulf Merbold, der 1983 als erster Nicht-Amerikaner bei einer US-Shuttle-Mission ins All flog, soll kommentieren. Auch Ministerpräsident Günther Beckstein (CSU) wird erwartet. Außerdem wollen der Chef des Deutschen Raumfahrtkontrollzentrums, Klaus Wittmann, sowie der Astronaut Reinhold Ewald sprechen.
Der Start der US-Raumfähre „Atlantis“ verschiebt sich wahrscheinlich. Zwar laufen die Vorbereitungen zum Shuttlestart (20.45 Uhr MEZ) auf Hochtouren, der Shuttle wurde soeben betankt; dennoch ist mit einem Start nur mit 30-prozentiger Wahrscheinlichkeit zu rechnen. Behindert wird der Start durch das schlechte Wetter am Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Wolken, Regen und möglicherweise ein Gewittersturm sind vorhergesagt. An Bord der Raumfähre befindet sich das 880 Millionen Euro teure Forschungsmodul „Columbus“. Der Diplomphysiker Hans Wilhelm Schlegel (56) aus Deutschland ist ebenfalls an Bord. Er soll das 13 Tonnen schwere Modul installieren. „Columbus“ ist der wichtigste Beitrag der Europäischen Weltraum Agentur (ESA) zur Internationalen Raumstation ISS. Zehn Jahre lang soll es das Verhalten von Stoffen, Einzellern und wirbellosen Tieren in der Schwerelosigkeit untersuchen.
KABUL, Nov 26 (Reuters) - A landmine left over from a previous conflict killed four Afghan civilians travelling in a car southwest of the capital Kabul on Monday, a police official said. After nearly more than 30 years of war, Afghanistan is littered with about 100,000 mines that kill or wound around 60 people every month, the United Nations estimates. "It was an old landmine that exploded in the Char Asiab district this morning and killed four people," said Ali Shah Paktiawal, head of criminal investigation at Kabul police. "It was not a roadside bomb or a recently planted mine," he said. Most mines in Afghanistan were planted during the 1979-89 Soviet occupation, but some were planted during the later civil war. Taliban insurgents fighting to overthrow the pro-Western Afghan government also continue to plant some mines, but prefer to use roadside and suicide bombs. (Reporting by Hamid Shalizi, editing by David Fogarty)
Four civilians driving southwest of Kabul were killed after a landmine exploded underneath their car. The head of criminal investigation in the Kabul police force, Ali Shah Paktiawal issued the following statement on the matter: "It was an old landmine that exploded in the Char Asiab District this morning and killed four people. It was not a roadside bomb or a recently planted mine." There are over 100,000 unexploded landmines in Afghanistan, planted in recent and older conflicts by the Soviet military and the Taliban. An average of sixty people a month are killed by mines.
LE MARCHE DU TRAVAIL EN AOUT 2002 (Données CVS) Fin août 2002, 2 278 100 demandeurs de catégorie 1 Le nombre de demandeurs d’emploi de catégorie 1 augmente très légèrement en août (+ 4 200, soit 0,2 %). Alors que la situation des plus âgés se détériore, le chômage des jeunes recule de 0,7 %, ramenant ainsi la progression sur un an à 10,1 %. Le chômage masculin est stable en août (+ 0,1 %), mais sur un an l’évolution du marché du travail est moins défavorable aux femmes (+ 2,8 %) qu’aux hommes (+ 12,2 %). L’ensemble des demandeurs de catégorie 1 et 6 (sont inscrits en catégorie 6 les demandeurs d’emploi ayant exercé une activité occasionnelle ou réduite de plus de 78 heures dans le mois) diminue légèrement en août (- 0,4 %). L’effectif des chômeurs de longue durée (demandeurs d’emploi de catégorie 1 inscrits depuis au moins un an à l’ANPE) continue d’augmenter : + 1 % entre juillet et août 2002. Le chômage de très longue durée (demandeurs d’emploi de catégorie 1 inscrits depuis au moins deux ans) connaît à son tour une légère hausse. Le taux de chômage au sens du BIT se maintient à 9,0 % à la fin août 2002 pour le troisième mois consécutif. Au cours du mois d’août, 354 100 demandeurs d’emploi se sont inscrits à l’ANPE… Les inscriptions à l’ANPE sont en baisse de 2,1 % par rapport au mois précédent en raison du recul des entrées faisant suite aux licenciements économiques, aux fins de contrat à durée déterminée, aux fins de mission d’intérim et aux premières entrées sur le marché du travail. …et 354 000 en sont sortis Les sorties de l’ANPE sont en progression de 3,1 % par rapport au mois précédent malgré un fléchissement des reprises d’emploi (- 4,3 %). La publication des chiffres du marché du travail de septembre 2002 aura lieu le 31 octobre 2002
Le taux chômage a baissé en août de 0,9% (21 500 chômeurs en moins) pour arriver à 9,9% selon les statistiques fournies par le ministère du travail. C'est le cinquième mois consécutif où l'on observe une baisse de nombre d'inscrits à l'ANPE. Il était repassé sous la barre symbolique des 10% en juillet 2005. Ce même mois, on observe une hausse du chômage dans la zone euro, qui passe de 8.5% en juillet 2005 à 8.6% en aout, ce qui reste inférieure au taux de 8.9% observé au mois d'août de l'année précédente. L'Europe a encore des efforts à fournir pour arriver à des taux comparables à ceux des États-Unis (4,9%) et du Japon (4,3%).
Selon les chiffres publiés aujourd'hui par Eurostat, l’Office statistique des Communautés européennes. Le taux de chômage de la zone euro, corrigé des variations saisonnières, s’est élevé à 8,6% en août 2005, contre 8,5% en juillet. Il était cependant de 8,9% en août 2004. Le taux de chômage de l’UE-25 a atteint 8,7% en août 2005, contre 8,6% en juillet. Il était encore de 9,0% en août 2004. Les baisses les plus importantes du taux de chômage sur un an ont été observées en Lituanie (de 10,7% à 7,5%), en Estonie (de 9,1% à 7,4%), en Slovaquie (de 17,8% à 15,2%), en Espagne (de 10,8% à 9,4%) et au Danemark (de 5,4% à 4,8%). Les plus fortes augmentations ont été enregistrées au Luxembourg (de 4,9% à 5,5%), en Hongrie (de 5,8% à 6,4%), à Chypre (de 5,0% à 5,5%) et en Autriche (de 4,9% à 5,2%). En août 2005, le taux de chômage des États-Unis était de 4,9% et celui du Japon de 4,3%.
Le taux chômage a baissé en août de 0,9% (21 500 chômeurs en moins) pour arriver à 9,9% selon les statistiques fournies par le ministère du travail. C'est le cinquième mois consécutif où l'on observe une baisse de nombre d'inscrits à l'ANPE. Il était repassé sous la barre symbolique des 10% en juillet 2005. Ce même mois, on observe une hausse du chômage dans la zone euro, qui passe de 8.5% en juillet 2005 à 8.6% en aout, ce qui reste inférieure au taux de 8.9% observé au mois d'août de l'année précédente. L'Europe a encore des efforts à fournir pour arriver à des taux comparables à ceux des États-Unis (4,9%) et du Japon (4,3%).