{"default": { "description": "Wikipedia dataset containing cleaned articles of all languages.\nThe datasets are built from the Wikipedia dump\n(https://dumps.wikimedia.org/) with one split per language. Each example\ncontains the content of one full Wikipedia article with cleaning to strip\nmarkdown and unwanted sections (references, etc.).\n", "citation": "@ONLINE {wikidump,\n author = {Wikimedia Foundation},\n title = {Wikimedia Downloads},\n url = {https://dumps.wikimedia.org}\n}\n", "homepage": "https://dumps.wikimedia.org", "license": "", "features": { "id": { "dtype": "string", "_type": "Value" }, "url": { "dtype": "string", "_type": "Value" }, "title": { "dtype": "string", "_type": "Value" }, "text": { "dtype": "string", "_type": "Value" } }, "builder_name": "wikipedia", "config_name": "20220601.ko", "version": { "version_str": "0.0.0", "major": 0, "minor": 0, "patch": 0 }, "splits": { "train": { "name": "train", "num_bytes": 1142558231.8083806, "num_examples": 531002, "dataset_name": null }, "validation": { "name": "validation", "num_bytes": 126952588.19161937, "num_examples": 59001, "dataset_name": null } }, "download_size": 742445023, "dataset_size": 1269510820.0, "size_in_bytes": 2011955843.0 }}