diff --git "a/train.json" "b/train.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/train.json" @@ -0,0 +1,168159 @@ +{ + "dataset": "NLUCat", + "version": "1.0", + "split": "train", + "data": [ + { + "id": 7282, + "example": "Podries guardar nil_agusti@yahoo.com com el correu electrònic del Nil?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "nil_agusti@yahoo.com", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nil", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2412, + "example": "Reserva un Cabify.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 71, + "example": "Em toca visitar-me amb el cirurgià i vull anotar-ho a l'agenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "cirurgià", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5243, + "example": "Mostra'm com demanar un informe de baixa laboral a La meva salut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "baixa laboral", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com demanar", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9304, + "example": "Desitjo escoltar el següent episodi del pòdcast \"Junction series\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Junction series", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6076, + "example": "Quins dies obre la biblioteca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Quins dies obre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6714, + "example": "Podries reservar taula al Le Romane?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Le Romane", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9922, + "example": "Mostrar la marca de roba preferida de la Joana Raspall.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana Raspall", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "marca de roba preferida", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9586, + "example": "La circulació que hi ha per entrar a Roses en aquest moment, me la pots dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Roses", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6770, + "example": "Fes una reserva per dinar dimecres a una marisqueria de Calella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "marisqueria", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Calella", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 275, + "example": "Vull veure quin Rodalies em deixa a Sant Sadurní.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Sadurní", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4133, + "example": "En Vettel s'ha retirat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "s'ha retirat", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Vettel", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1793, + "example": "M'elimines la videoconsola de la llista de regals d'aniversari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "videoconsola", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de regals d'aniversari", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9552, + "example": "Com fer vedella amb bolets de forma ràpida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "vedella amb bolets", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1105, + "example": "Em poses a aspirar el robot aspirador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4819, + "example": "Hauré d'agafar roba abrigada més tard a les dotze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Hauré d'agafar roba abrigada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "més tard", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6892, + "example": "Com puc reservar una taula al Green Spot per diumenge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Green Spot", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3367, + "example": "Fixa'm un recordatori tots els dimecres al migdia al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dimecres", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8804, + "example": "No em tornis a posar la cançó aquesta mai més.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2545, + "example": "Seria possible que em mantinguessis informat de les novetats que hi ha en el camp de la fusió nuclear?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "el camp de la fusió nuclear", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8140, + "example": "Obtenir un tiquet pel tren que va diumenge a Vic des de Ripoll.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ripoll", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5113, + "example": "D'això que estic escoltant, em sabries dir quin és el compositor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin és el compositor", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9535, + "example": "Reprodueix un tema de la meva llista de reproducció de \"dia de pluja\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "dia de pluja", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7126, + "example": "Vull que posis Telegram.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Telegram", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9580, + "example": "Digue'm, a Montgat, com és l'estat del trànsit per entrar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montgat", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2432, + "example": "Vull un Lyft per ser passat demà a Torrelles del Foix a dos quarts de tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Torrelles del Foix", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dos quarts de tres", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10025, + "example": "Les notícies més recents de la Unió Europea que apareguin al \"Vallenc\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Unió Europea", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Vallenc", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5905, + "example": "Necessito saber a quina hora obren a la Clínica El Pilar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica El Pilar", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quina hora obren", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7569, + "example": "Insereix \"Cims borrascosos\" al meu llistat de llibres predilectes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Cims borrascosos", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de llibres predilectes", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2336, + "example": "La sessió de rol del mes vinent, me l'esborres del calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sessió de rol", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes vinent", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4449, + "example": "Comprova si avui és quan fan \"El diari de Noa\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "El diari de Noa", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8598, + "example": "Esborrar l'entrada del calendari d'estudiar literatura que tinc fins al divendres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "estudiar literatura", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9030, + "example": "Vull que em diguis en què cau la Diada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Diada", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5739, + "example": "Telefona'm la comissaria de la policia local.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "comissaria de la policia local", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11820, + "example": "T'apagues, si us plau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3240, + "example": "Em pots reproduir \"Deja que me lance\" a continuació del que estic escoltant en aquests moments?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Deja que me lance", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "a continuació", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4479, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quines pel·lícules d'estrena fan en versió original als Cinemes Girona aquest dilluns les dotze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "estrena fan en versió original", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinemes Girona", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 89 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dilluns", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 104 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 105, + "End_char": 114 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5769, + "example": "M'agradaria fer un truc a la biblioteca de la UAB.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca de la UAB", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3235, + "example": "I si ens toques la cançó \"Cruz de navajas\" a continuació d'aquesta que estic escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Cruz de navajas", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "a continuació", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2085, + "example": "Em connectes la làmpada de peu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8423, + "example": "Encarregar una pizza.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9590, + "example": "Quina és la situació del trànsit per entrar a Vilanova i la Geltrú?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10821, + "example": "Llibres, sèries i pel·lícules.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1728, + "example": "Quina hora és a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich 0 si a UTC -5 són les nou del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich 0", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "UTC -5", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2260, + "example": "Em fas arribar un correu electrònic a la Jana amb el text \"aquí t'envio una llista d'idees per fer els nostres esmorzars els dimecres\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jana", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "aquí t'envio una llista d'idees per fer els nostres esmorzars els dimecres", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 133 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10646, + "example": "Saps quines exposicions hi ha a la meva zona que estiguin obertes de set a vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "exposicions", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "set", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "vuit", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 554, + "example": "Jugar al \"Startopia\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Startopia", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4637, + "example": "Coneixes cap granja de per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "granja", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10938, + "example": "Em pots dir si és a les nou del matí quan em prenc l'antipsicòtic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antipsicòtic", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10542, + "example": "M'agradaria que em busquessis joieries a prop meu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "joieries", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8180, + "example": "Pots comprar un tiquet del tren que surt de Montferri a les 11 del matí de demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montferri", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 11 del matí", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4207, + "example": "M'agradaria descobrir què passa a les xarxes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9277, + "example": "Explicar-me un acudit sobre animals.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "animals", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 369, + "example": "Ho pots repetir un altre cop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2601, + "example": "Em faries un cafè sol descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè sol descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9433, + "example": "Escoltar el pòdcast del \"Compositor de la setmana\" a Google Podcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Compositor de la setmana", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Google Podcast", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7566, + "example": "Insereix nas vermell a la llista que s'anomena \"disfressa\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "nas vermell", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "disfressa", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9548, + "example": "La recepta de com es fan els bunyols de bacallà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bunyols de bacallà", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 893, + "example": "Veure els reportatges més recents dels \"Premios Ondas 2022\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Premios Ondas 2022", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 172, + "example": "Dimecres a les dues és la meva cita amb el neuròleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimecres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "neuròleg", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 379, + "example": "Ho podries repetir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4152, + "example": "Digues-me a quina hora és la cita de la setmana que ve de comprar panellets.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "comprar panellets", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5265, + "example": "Està actualitzat el meu el carnet de donant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Està actualitzat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carnet de donant", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7386, + "example": "Adreça'm un missatge electrònic a mon padrí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge electrònic", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon padrí", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3571, + "example": "Miki Núñez m'agrada molt com a cantant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Miki Núñez", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8382, + "example": "Demana'm menjar a domicili al Miramar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Miramar", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4377, + "example": "Saps si hi ha espectacles a la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6432, + "example": "Explicar com aconsegueixo la TSI.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSI", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com aconsegueixo", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1275, + "example": "El meu endoll intel·ligent, intenta apagar-lo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9634, + "example": "Què li passa a la meva pizza a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3004, + "example": "De \"Human resources\" ens podries posar l'episodi que segueix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Human resources", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1992, + "example": "Elimina aquesta llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2025, + "example": "Em fas una comanda a domicili via Just Eat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Just Eat", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6861, + "example": "Necessitaria que em reservessis una taula per dijous a la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9033, + "example": "Tinc una convenció de cinema amb el Ricard aquesta matinada; m'ho poses a l'agenda, si us plau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "convenció de cinema", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ricard", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta matinada", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7714, + "example": "Podries anotar-me al meu calendari el taller de cuina que tinc amb l'Arlet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "taller de cuina", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Arlet", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9252, + "example": "Recorda'm el congrés que tinc dijous vinent a les vuit del matí i que s'allargarà fins a les set del vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "congrés", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous vinent", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les set del vespre", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6478, + "example": "En quin restaurant diries que serveixen el producte més fresc: a la Cova de Vidre o a l'Espurna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cova de Vidre", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Espurna", + "Start_char": 88, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "En quin restaurant diries que serveixen el producte més fresc", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11798, + "example": "Deixa-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6020, + "example": "Digue'm on és la Farmàcia Díaz Puerto.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "on és", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Díaz Puerto", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7286, + "example": "Desa que l'adreça de correu electrònic de la Sílvia Bar Rauxa és rauxabar@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia Bar Rauxa", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "rauxabar@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7821, + "example": "Apagar aquests llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7300, + "example": "Voldria que afegissis un correu al contacte de la Glòria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Glòria", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11605, + "example": "Ja ho pots creure.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2111, + "example": "Pots obrir els leds de les golfes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5386, + "example": "Indica'm com puc arribar en cotxe al Maremàgnum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Maremàgnum", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3730, + "example": "Caurà calamarsa aquesta nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "calamarsa", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2681, + "example": "Què apareix en el llistat de còmics?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de còmics", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4103, + "example": "Digue'm el correu electrònic de l'Àxel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Àxel", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10134, + "example": "Necessitaria descobrir el contingut de la llista que es diu \"obres de teatre\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "obres de teatre", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9989, + "example": "Em deixaries veure les alertes que hi ha configurades a partir de les cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2896, + "example": "Seria possible que sintonitzessis \"Cadena Dial\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Cadena Dial", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10889, + "example": "Tinc antibiòtics al meu pla de medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Tinc antibiòtics", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "pla de medicació", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8295, + "example": "Confirma'm si farà boira el Dimecres de Cendra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "boira", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimecres de Cendra", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7426, + "example": "Podries escriure un correu titulat \"s'ha espatllat la nevera\" per enviar al meu company de feina on posi \"la nevera no funciona, estic trucant a la companyia per saber si està en garantia, però no em responen\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "s'ha espatllat la nevera", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu company de feina", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 96 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "la nevera no funciona, estic trucant a la companyia per saber si està en garantia, però no em responen", + "Start_char": 106, + "End_char": 208 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4209, + "example": "Mostra'm les tendències actuals a Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5272, + "example": "Saps quan caduca el carnet de donant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan caduca", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carnet de donant", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5540, + "example": "Necessito parlar amb l'Agnès; truca-la amb altaveu, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Agnès", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8568, + "example": "Em reserves un Uber per arribar a Capellades a les nou de la nit sortint des de passeig de Fabra i Puig, 318?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Capellades", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les nou de la nit", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "passeig de Fabra i Puig, 318", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 108 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5322, + "example": "Què he de fer per fer-me el carnet de donant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carnet de donant", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què he de fer per fer-me", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3382, + "example": "Vaig a sopar amb les amigues el dissabte a dos quarts de vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "les amigues", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de vuit", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2879, + "example": "M'agradaria que em configuressis una alerta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10345, + "example": "En aquest moment què és el que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "què és el que està sonant", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1074, + "example": "Em podries passar l'aspiradora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3967, + "example": "Em pots buscar a quant està el yen respecte al peso argentí ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "yen", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "peso argentí", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8559, + "example": "Vull un Talixo per a tres quarts d'una que em porti fins al Born.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Talixo", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts d'una", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Born", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5645, + "example": "Voldries trucar al CAP Montgat, si us plau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP Montgat", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 335, + "example": "Ho podries repetir una altra vegada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11751, + "example": "No m'importa massa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9533, + "example": "Reprodueix algun tema de la meva llista de reproducció \"dones de l'indie\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "dones de l'indie", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9674, + "example": "Pots verificar si la nostra mussaca ja està llesta per recollir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "mussaca", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10802, + "example": "Disseny gràfic, dibuix i 3D.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3568, + "example": "No puc amb aquesta cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6873, + "example": "Vull que m'agafis taula per tres al Kyoto Ramen.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Kyoto Ramen", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11744, + "example": "M'és bastant igual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7479, + "example": "Pots llevar-me a les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7414, + "example": "Pots enviar un correu electrònic a la meva parella on digui que \"he hagut d'anar al veterinari amb urgència i segueixo allà\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva parella", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "he hagut d'anar al veterinari amb urgència i segueixo allà", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 123 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5351, + "example": "Com es va al CAP?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10133, + "example": "Mostra'm el contingut de la llista \"viatges\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "viatges", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 166, + "example": "Tinc cita dimarts a la ginecòloga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "ginecòloga", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7347, + "example": "Inclou el correu electrònic de Marta Vetlliç.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta Vetlliç", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8945, + "example": "La roomba me la pots engegar a la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8583, + "example": "Elimina l'entrada del calendari \"anar al dentista\" al Vitaldent de Vilanova.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al dentista", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vitaldent de Vilanova", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10551, + "example": "Digue'm quines són les peixateries de més qualitat que hi ha per aquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "peixateries", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "més qualitat", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9906, + "example": "Donar-me informació de les aficions del Joel Joan.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "aficions", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joel Joan", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10990, + "example": "Quin era el xarop que m'he de prendre cada dos dies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada dos dies", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2827, + "example": "Vull publicar a Twitter una queixa per al servei d'atenció al client de la Tagliatella dient \"m'he trobat un pèl a la pizza, ja no tornaré mai més a aquest restaurant\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "publicar", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al client de la Tagliatella", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "m'he trobat un pèl a la pizza, ja no tornaré mai més a aquest restaurant", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 166 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10913, + "example": "Em toca prendre alguna pastilla a tres quarts de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8940, + "example": "Què hi ha al contacte del meu cunyat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu cunyat", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3354, + "example": "Segueixes amb la reproducció de l'audiollibre \"Legends of Metru Nui\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Legends of Metru Nui", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2129, + "example": "Em pots connectar els llums?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6519, + "example": "A les vuit de la nit recorda'm que m'he de prendre la píndola anticonceptiva, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "píndola anticonceptiva", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "A les vuit de la nit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9338, + "example": "Poses la meva cançó preferida de Sofia Ellar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferida", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Sofia Ellar", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3583, + "example": "Gaudeixo amb el dembow.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "dembow", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3231, + "example": "A les golfes, pots reproduir-me la cançó \"Cómo repartimos los amigos\" a continuació d'aquesta que estic escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Cómo repartimos los amigos", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "a continuació", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8367, + "example": "Podries encarregar-me menjar per endur al König?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "König", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3123, + "example": "Ens toques un tema al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3287, + "example": "Et faria res seguir amb la reproducció de l'audiollibre \"Tirant lo blanc\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Tirant lo blanc", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8887, + "example": "Voldria saber quin és el telèfon de la meva cosina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva cosina", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8135, + "example": "Adquireix un tiquet per l'exprés que surt de l'Aldea a les set i deu minuts del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "exprés", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Aldea", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set i deu minuts del matí", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9102, + "example": "Ens podries buscar l'emissora \"Radio Tele Taxi\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Radio Tele Taxi", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 810, + "example": "Com es diu això que s'empra per pujar el tendal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "s'empra per pujar el tendal", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1573, + "example": "Em podries canviar els llums al verd al jardí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "jardí", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "verd", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7781, + "example": "Apaga aquesta bombeta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1723, + "example": "Podries dir-me si a GMT 0 són les vuit del matí quina hora és a UTC 0?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "UTC 0", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "GMT 0", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2542, + "example": "Em podries mantenir informat del drama de la compra de Twitter per l'Elon Musk?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "drama de la compra de Twitter per l'Elon Musk", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9414, + "example": "Estaria bé punxar punk.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "punk", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10461, + "example": "Em pots comptar quants llistats hi ha guardats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6766, + "example": "Fes una reserva per a dues persones a un restaurant de cuina creativa per a l'hora de dinar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "dues", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "cuina creativa", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 83, + "example": "Em toca visitar-me demà amb el psicòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "psicòleg", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5549, + "example": "Pots fer un truc a l'Adrià?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Adrià", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9601, + "example": "Mostra'm quins correus tinc amb la Irene sobre el treball de final de grau de Comunicació Audiovisual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Irene", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "treball de final de grau de Comunicació Audiovisual", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4475, + "example": "On es projecta avui \"Barcelona, nit d'estiu\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Barcelona, nit d'estiu", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2197, + "example": "Al dormitori ens sintonitzes una emissora de ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10467, + "example": "Em podries llegir els llistats que tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2642, + "example": "Fer un tuit que digui que \"el dia que rento el cotxe plou després de tanta sequera… ni tan sols es cotitzava\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Fer un tuit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "el dia que rento el cotxe plou després de tanta sequera… ni tan sols es cotitzava", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 108 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5737, + "example": "Pots posar-me en contacte amb l'Ajuntament de Mora d'Ebre per telèfon?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament de Mora d'Ebre", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8440, + "example": "Encarregar sushi per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sushi", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9749, + "example": "Voldria saber a quina hora surt el tren que finalitza a Sant Adrià de Besòs passat demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Adrià de Besòs", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7628, + "example": "Em podries posar \"Devilman\" al meu llistat de sèries de \"Netflix\" que he de veure?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Devilman", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de sèries de \"Netflix\"", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11826, + "example": "Vull que deixis tot el que estàs fent ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2986, + "example": "Reprodueix el pòdcast de \"Gent de merda\", que és el meu preferit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Gent de merda", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9234, + "example": "Aquest vespre estaré reunida a Tortosa amb la Maria Gómez.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "Aquest vespre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "estaré reunida", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria Gómez", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3302, + "example": "Em reprodueixes l'audiollibre \"Les princeses també es tiren pets\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Les princeses també es tiren pets", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6951, + "example": "Necessito que enviïs la meva ubicació actual a la Catalina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Catalina", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4590, + "example": "Que hi ha cap ferreteria per aquí a prop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "ferreteria", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6389, + "example": "Qui està capacitat per demanar la Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Qui està capacitat per demanar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Braille", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10579, + "example": "Ensenya'm el programa de festes a prop meu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festes", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5800, + "example": "M'agradaria que truquessis a la Creu Roja; algú s'ha desmaiat al carrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Creu Roja", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "algú s'ha desmaiat", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2237, + "example": "Podries adreçar a la Queralt un missatge de correu electrònic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Queralt", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5293, + "example": "Ensenya'm si està actualitzat el meu Carnet de salut infantil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "està actualitzat", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Carnet de salut infantil", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9811, + "example": "Em podries buscar la definició d'àmfora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "àmfora", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2996, + "example": "Pots posar el pòdcast de \"Crims\"? És el millor de tots.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Crims", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7486, + "example": "Els dimarts ens pots alçar a les vuit i cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Els dimarts", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit i cinc", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 153, + "example": "Divendres que ve vaig a l'endocrí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "endocrí", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Divendres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11026, + "example": "Indica'm el camí per anar a casa de la Pili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pili", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8729, + "example": "Suprimir el llistat de pel·lícules de terror.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de pel·lícules de terror", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5591, + "example": "Vull fer un truc al cosí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "cosí", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10436, + "example": "Podries dir-me quins són els meus temes preferits de Panic! at the Disco?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Panic! at the Disco", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quins són els meus temes preferits", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7515, + "example": "Configura'm el despertador per un quart de sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart de sis", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4562, + "example": "En quin cinema de la meva zona fan \"La gran aventura de Charlie\" avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "La gran aventura de Charlie", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1661, + "example": "Podries dir quina hora és a la Xina si al fus horari d'Oslo són les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "hora és a la Xina", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Oslo", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 290, + "example": "Vull saber quins metros surten ara mateix des de la parada de Paral·lel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "metros", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "parada de Paral·lel", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1567, + "example": "Et faria res canviar el color de l'ull de bou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 514, + "example": "Juguem al \"Bubble witch\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Bubble witch", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9895, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quant és seixanta més dos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "seixanta més dos", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7225, + "example": "Treu la Calculadora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Calculadora", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7767, + "example": "Tancar els meus endolls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 671, + "example": "Em pots dir a quina hora va ser la junta que vaig tenir el 14 de juliol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "14 de juliol", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7287, + "example": "L'adreça de correu electrònic de la meva cosina és leia83@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva cosina", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "leia83@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5752, + "example": "M'agradaria que fessis una trucada a la comissaria de la policia local de Torredembarra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "comissaria de la policia local", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Torredembarra", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1317, + "example": "Pots desconnectar els endolls intel·ligents que hi ha al passadís?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "passadís", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6043, + "example": "Em vindria bé saber l'adreça de l'Ajuntament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6878, + "example": "Voldria que em reservessis taula per dimecres, dinar japonès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "japonès", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10400, + "example": "Mira a veure si tinc cançons de rockabilly que m'agradin.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rockabilly", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'agradin", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6166, + "example": "Pots esbrinar el telèfon dels bombers de Viladecans?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Viladecans", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11888, + "example": "Quina cagada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1571, + "example": "Em pots canviar l'ull de bou al vermell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "vermell", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7188, + "example": "Vull que em diguis com arribar al Primark d'Arc de Triomf.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Primark", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Arc de Triomf", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 856, + "example": "Em dius el que ha passat a la Moncloa segons la \"Cope\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Moncloa", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Cope", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10039, + "example": "Voldria que em mostressis les notícies més recents de l'\"Eix Diari\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Eix Diari", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 718, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quantes hectàrees té la Conca de l'Ebre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "quantes hectàrees", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Conca de l'Ebre", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10952, + "example": "És l'antihistamínic el què m'he de prendre cada nou hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antihistamínic", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada nou hores", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6680, + "example": "Dinaré amb la Sílvia dimecres, que em fas una reserva?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "Dinaré", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6369, + "example": "He d'ensenyar la targeta Cuida'm per demanar visita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "per demanar visita", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "ensenyar", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11688, + "example": "Podria demanar-te que t'expliquis millor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9598, + "example": "L'afluència de vehicles per sortir de Garraf a les sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Garraf", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5001, + "example": "A quina hora surt el tren que va fins a Montmeló?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Montmeló", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11309, + "example": "Quan és la meva propera visita amb l'oftalmòleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "oftalmòleg", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3053, + "example": "Ens tocaries El Canto del Loco?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "El Canto del Loco", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4764, + "example": "Té servei a domicili el meu Vivari preferit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Vivari", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "servei a domicili", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5566, + "example": "Voldria que telefonessis a en Gaël.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gaël", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6564, + "example": "Cada sis hores recorda'm que m'he d'aplicar les gotes de l'oïda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "Cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "gotes de l'oïda", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10439, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quines són les cançons que em flipen de Mishima.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Mishima", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quines son les cançons que em flipen", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10766, + "example": "M'han arribat avui missatges de Messenger d'en Guillem?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatges de Messenger", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9618, + "example": "Mostra'm el correu electrònic més nou sobre xampús biodegradables que ha enviat la Filipa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "més nou", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "xampús biodegradables", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Filipa", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9764, + "example": "Que em podries dir l'hora de sortida del tren que es dirigeix a Manlleu el dia 11?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Manlleu", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "11", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4275, + "example": "Vull saber en quin dia ens trobem.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6659, + "example": "Recorda'm cada dia que m'he de prendre l'ansiolític.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada dia", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "ansiolític", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 911, + "example": "Posa la música a un volum menys alt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11276, + "example": "Quants metges em toquen el dia 26?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metges", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "26", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11158, + "example": "Indica'ns què hi ha al menú", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2853, + "example": "Lleva'm demà a les vuit del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2359, + "example": "Voldria tenir un bitllet pel ferrocarril que arriba a Abrera aquest vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Abrera", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest vespre", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11288, + "example": "Recorda'm a quina hora té la vacuna l'Arnau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "no_md_person", + "Text": "Arnau", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "test", + "Text": "vacuna", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11246, + "example": "Els canelons d'avui porten carn de vedella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "canelons", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "carn de vedella", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11445, + "example": "El número de la perruqueria és 669978943.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "669978943", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "perruqueria", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1542, + "example": "Posa en bucle \"Gasolina\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "bucle", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Gasolina", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10682, + "example": "Descobrir si la setmana que ve tinc algun acte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "acte", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 65, + "example": "Podries desar que he d'anar a l'ambulatori el dimarts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulatori", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1580, + "example": "Podries posar la bombeta d'un altre color?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8145, + "example": "Estic a Olesa de Montserrat i no aguanto més; busca'm el pròxim tren que surti d'aquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Olesa de Montserrat", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5516, + "example": "Voldria fer una trucada al 872554368.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "872554368", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3271, + "example": "Em podries reprendre la reproducció d'\"Un cistell de cireres\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Un cistell de cireres", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6904, + "example": "Afegeix a la conversa la meva ubicació actual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11710, + "example": "No comprenc el que dius.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8329, + "example": "Contesta l'e-mail de la Joana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1952, + "example": "Treus l'alarma que vaig posar per dijous a les vuit del vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4442, + "example": "Em dius en quin cinema fan \"La gran aventura suïssa\" avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "La gran aventura suïssa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3841, + "example": "Amb llom de dos colors quines elaboracions puc fer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "llom de dos colors", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4409, + "example": "L'hora a Olot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Olot", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2568, + "example": "Podem prendre un cafè americà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè americà", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3574, + "example": "El reggae és un gènere que m'encanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "reggae", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10936, + "example": "Confirma'm si em tocava a les vuit la pastilla anticonceptiva.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla anticonceptiva", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2181, + "example": "Ens pots encendre l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7861, + "example": "Seria possible esborrar totes les cites de l'agenda personal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4828, + "example": "M'interessa saber si hauré d'agafar botes d'aigua demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "hauré d'agafar botes d'aigua", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6045, + "example": "Obren a les nou la llar d'infants?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Obren a les nou", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "llar d'infants", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6814, + "example": "Fes una reserva a un restaurant tailandès per dilluns que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "tailandès", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns que ve", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6765, + "example": "Vull reservar una taula al restaurant Lasarte a les tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Lasarte", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8192, + "example": "Em reserves un bitllet pel tren que va des de Vic cap a Montcada i Reixac?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Montcada i Reixac", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4509, + "example": "Pots confirmar si als Cines Axion posen algun film d'aventures?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cines Axion", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "aventures", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7793, + "example": "El llum, desactiva'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4384, + "example": "Pots dir-me quina hora és al municipi d'Akita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Akita", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6193, + "example": "Quina utilitat té el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quina utilitat té", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7889, + "example": "Vull buidar tots els esdeveniments que tinc al calendari del mòbil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7361, + "example": "Guarda a l'agenda de contactes que el correu electrònic d'en Manel és nilmanel.agusti@yahoo.es.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Manel", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "nilmanel.agusti@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5119, + "example": "Saps quantes reproduccions ha tingut aquesta cançó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quantes reproduccions", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11693, + "example": "Explica-m'ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2373, + "example": "Haig de comprar un bitllet per anar amb tren des de Font-rubí a Olivella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Font-rubí", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Olivella", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7068, + "example": "Busca a l'historial el documental d'Ucraïna i torna'l a posar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "documental d'Ucraïna", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6605, + "example": "Recordar que m'he d'aplicar a les nou la pomada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pomada", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10449, + "example": "Podries confirmar-me les llistes que tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8150, + "example": "Agafar un viatge pel tren que surt de Sils i arriba a Portbou a les nou de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sils", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Portbou", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les nou de la nit", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 960, + "example": "Vull que afluixis la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 986, + "example": "Treu volum a la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3198, + "example": "Puc sentir la cançó que més m'agrada d'en Caleb?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Caleb", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9799, + "example": "Saps dir-me a quina hora surt el tren que finalitza a Vilassar de Mar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vilassar de Mar", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6048, + "example": "Em diries l'adreça del Fòrum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Fòrum", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10552, + "example": "Em podries dir si hi ha supermercats oberts vint-i-quatre hores al meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "supermercats", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "oberts vint-i-quatre hores", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu barri", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3465, + "example": "Pots contar-me un acudit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11774, + "example": "Me la repampinfla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5738, + "example": "Truca a l'oficina d'hisenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina d'hisenda", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11828, + "example": "Ja prou del que fas.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1065, + "example": "La roomba, me la poses en funcionament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7647, + "example": "Vull posar rap a la llista de la peixateria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "rap", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la peixateria", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7668, + "example": "M'agradaria que anotessis a l'agenda que assistiré a una conferència amb la Ramona el dissabte a tres quarts menys cinc d'onze del matí a Ripoll.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferència", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ramona", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 94 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts menys cinc d'onze del matí", + "Start_char": 97, + "End_char": 135 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ripoll", + "Start_char": 138, + "End_char": 144 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10248, + "example": "Que em pots informar del clima actual?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "actual", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6782, + "example": "Estaria bé que ens reservessis una taula a Els Tinars pel dijous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Els Tinars", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10873, + "example": "A quina hora em toca prendre la càpsula de Nolotil?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Nolotil", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 43, + "example": "Visita al CAP, apunta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8480, + "example": "Vull un VTC per demà passat d'un quart de set de la tarda a nou de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart de set de la tarda a nou de la nit", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2036, + "example": "Fer un encàrrec de falàfel per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "falàfel", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10110, + "example": "Dir les últimes notícies sobre Europa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Europa", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4974, + "example": "L'horari dels trens que van fins a Lleida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4021, + "example": "Busca'm com està el dòlar nord-americà en comparació amb el peso xilè.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "peso xilè", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar nord-americà", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9679, + "example": "Digue'm què passa amb les meves croquetes de ceps i gírgoles que encara no han arribat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "croquetes de ceps i gírgoles", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2843, + "example": "Escriu una piulada a l'atenció al client de The Body Shop amb el text \"m'ha arribat una ampolla de xampú trencada i s'ha fet malbé tot el contingut del paquet\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Escriu una piulada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de The Body Shop", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "m'ha arribat una ampolla de xampú trencada i s'ha fet malbé tot el contingut del paquet", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 158 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2845, + "example": "Em piularies mencionant l'atenció al client de Disney+ amb el text \"és impossible utilitzar la vostra aplicació sense que es pengi abans de començar la pel·lícula\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piularies", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de Disney+", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "és impossible utilitzar la vostra aplicació sense que es pengi abans de començar la pel·lícula", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 162 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2965, + "example": "Organitza'm una celebració amb la Gemma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gemma", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3570, + "example": "Aquesta cançó la detesto.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7998, + "example": "M'agradaria disminuir el volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10229, + "example": "Voldria conèixer si hi haurà sol aquesta setmana a Badalona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "sol", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 818, + "example": "Quants llistats de pel·lícules tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "pel·lícules", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1162, + "example": "Apunta'm al calendari una junta amb la Josepa Clar entre les dues i dos quarts de cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josepa Clar", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dos quarts de cinc", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11318, + "example": "A quina hora he d'anar a l'ambulatori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulatori", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6459, + "example": "Quina botiga té més oferta de peces de cotó ecològic, Festuk o Pit i Collons?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Festuk", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Pit i Collons", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quina botiga té més oferta de peces de cotó ecològic", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1690, + "example": "Converteix les dues del migdia del fus horari de Ciutat de Mèxic al de Madrid.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "les dues del migdia", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Ciutat de Mèxic", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Madrid", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11592, + "example": "Conforme.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8743, + "example": "Encén l'endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4080, + "example": "Saps el número de la meva germana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1722, + "example": "A UTC 0 són les onze quina hora és al fus horari de Corea del Sud?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "UTC 0", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Corea del Sud", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11809, + "example": "Et podries aturar d'una vegada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2511, + "example": "M'agradaria organitzar una reunió a l'agost a la cafeteria amb la Duna.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "agost", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "cafeteria", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Duna", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7313, + "example": "Fes el favor de desar el correu vermell@roig.com al contacte de la mama.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mama", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "vermell@roig.com", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9200, + "example": "Preparar un cafè curt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè curt", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11955, + "example": "No vull això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9334, + "example": "Podries tocar-me la meva música preferida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferida", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10796, + "example": "Tinc cap missatge nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5527, + "example": "Trucar al Toni al 622431321.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Toni", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "622431321", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7971, + "example": "Vull que moderis el volum a 67%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7089, + "example": "Vull posar l'app Carnet Jove.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Carnet Jove", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4104, + "example": "Digue'm l'adreça de correu postal de la Joana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça de correu postal", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7312, + "example": "Guarda com a email de la tieta Pepita el tupper@tupper.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "tupper@tupper.com", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la tieta Pepita", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8044, + "example": "Què tal va la cosa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8200, + "example": "Comprar-me un viatge pel tren que surt de Vilanova a dos quarts i mig de quatre i arriba a Vila-seca a les quatre i cinc minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts i mig de quatre", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vila-seca", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 100 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les quatre i cinc", + "Start_char": 103, + "End_char": 120 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5904, + "example": "Voldria el número de telèfon del CAP de Puigcerdà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "número de telèfon", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Puigcerdà", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8605, + "example": "I si em treus del calendari la competició de \"Mario kart\" amb els amics prevista pel pròxim diumenge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "competició de \"Mario kart\"", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "amics", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim diumenge", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8085, + "example": "De quines coses podríem parlar juntes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5622, + "example": "Fes un truc a la Valeria Ropertori.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Valeria Ropertori", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6194, + "example": "On demanen el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "On demanen", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 868, + "example": "Em pots mostrar les últimes notícies publicades al \"Cugat Diari\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Cugat Diari", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 884, + "example": "Em dius quines notícies hi ha d'Elon Musk i la seva compra de Twitter?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Elon Musk i la seva compra de Twitter", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5077, + "example": "Em mostres el preu de les accions de Lidl?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Lidl", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10055, + "example": "Em pots ensenyar les últimes notícies de \"RAC1\" sobre esports?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "RAC1", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "esports", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3160, + "example": "Em pots reproduir \"Al teatre amb Rosa Badia\" de l'emissora \"Ser Catalunya\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Al teatre amb Rosa Badia", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Ser Catalunya", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7209, + "example": "Treure de la pantalla l'aplicació Caprabo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Caprabo", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4824, + "example": "Digue'm si necessitaré la roba d'estiu demà al matí a les dotze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "necessitaré la roba d'estiu", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2212, + "example": "M'engegaries la ràdio al celobert?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "celobert", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 112, + "example": "Dimecres 3 de març tinc hora amb el reumatòleg: apunta-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "reumatòleg", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimecres 3 de març", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10627, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quins concerts de música clàssica tindran lloc al Liceu divendres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concerts de música clàssica", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Liceu", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11942, + "example": "Quina pifia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2947, + "example": "Tinc curs d'informàtica amb en Mateu cada divendres a dos quarts i mig de sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "curs d'informàtica", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mateu", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada divendres", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts i mig de sis", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9129, + "example": "Posar-me al calendari que faig pilates cada dissabte de tres a cinc de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "faig pilates", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dissabte", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9582, + "example": "Quin és l'estat del trànsit a Salt ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salt", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 213, + "example": "Penses que passaré la selectivitat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 149, + "example": "Registra la meva cita amb el doctor Mir dijous vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Mir", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous vinent", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5213, + "example": "Quines reunions tindré demà de vuit a nou del vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunions", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "vuit", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "nou del vespre", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5207, + "example": "Quan va ser la conferència amb en Jaume de la setmana passada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferència", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jaume", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana passada", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 562, + "example": "Puc jugar al \"Fruit ninja\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Fruit ninja", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10785, + "example": "Digues si tinc correus de l'últim quart d'hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "últim quart d'hora", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4194, + "example": "Em pots donar una recepta per fer col amb carn?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "col amb carn", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1307, + "example": "El meu endoll intel·ligent vull apagar-lo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8947, + "example": "Fer anar l'aspiradora per la cambra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cambra", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4894, + "example": "En aquest instant, hi ha molt tràfic per circular per Palamós?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palamós", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "En aquest instant", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5075, + "example": "Quin valor en borsa tenen les participacions de Nike?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Nike", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8391, + "example": "Em faries una comanda de xurros amb xocolata a la Xurreria Sant Andreu amb l'app takeaway.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "xurros amb xocolata", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Xurreria Sant Andreu", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "takeaway.com", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7110, + "example": "Activa'm Twitter.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8716, + "example": "Ens esborraries el llistat de familiars del Madrid?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de familiars del Madrid", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10737, + "example": "Confirma'm que vaig arranjar un esdeveniment al meu calendari amb la Maria Benavent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria Benavent", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9698, + "example": "Quina hora és a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich 0 si al fus horari de Turquia són les set de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich 0", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Turquia", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6998, + "example": "Posa'm el documental del Fèlix Colomer a Filmin.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Fèlix Colomer", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Filmin", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5296, + "example": "Em pots dir què faig si he perdut el Carnet de salut?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Carnet de salut", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "què faig si he perdut", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5434, + "example": "Afegeix a la conversa de la Maria la meva ubicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11263, + "example": "Mostra'm les notícies que hi ha més noves de premis de cine independent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "premis de cine independent", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11418, + "example": "La cita a la Clínica Dexeus és el 23 de maig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Dexeus", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "23 de maig", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1103, + "example": "Em passes l'aspiradora al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7141, + "example": "Quin és el camí per anar a l'Escola Vilamar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Escola Vilamar", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10517, + "example": "Quina botiga de filatèlia de Sant Pere i Sant Pau em recomanes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botiga de filatèlia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Pere i Sant Pau", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4052, + "example": "Vull saber la informació de contacte de la Laura.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9844, + "example": "Quin instrument tocava Beethoven?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Quin instrument tocava", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Beethoven", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3272, + "example": "Em reproduiries \"La vigília\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "La vigília", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2799, + "example": "Cita l'atenció al client de Netflix en una piulada amb el text \"estic indignada perquè no heu renovat 'Greenhouse Academy' per una cinquena temporada\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Cita", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de Netflix", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "estic indignada perquè no heu renovat 'Greenhouse Academy' per una cinquena temporada", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 149 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9918, + "example": "Necessito saber si veu pel·lícules de terror el Kilian Jornet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "veu pel·lícules de terror", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Kilian Jornet", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10824, + "example": "Física, química i matemàtiques.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11897, + "example": "Que n'ets de poca-solta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11654, + "example": "No tinc clar el que dius.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8589, + "example": "Et faria res eliminar del calendari el taller de cuina asiàtica amb la Sílvia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "taller de cuina asiàtica", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1075, + "example": "Em poses a aspirar l'aspiradora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5383, + "example": "De quina manera puc arribar al Teatre Liceu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Teatre Liceu", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9700, + "example": "Saps quina hora és al fus horari de Turquia si a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich +6 són les dotze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Turquia", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich +6", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3626, + "example": "Gaudeixo sobretot amb el reggae.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "reggae", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10969, + "example": "Quina dosi d'ansiolítics he de prendre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "ansiolítics", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9754, + "example": "M'ensenyes quins trens hi ha de Girona fins a Valls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8432, + "example": "Seria possible que m'encomanessis per Uber Eats una amanida verda i botifarra amb mongetes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Uber Eats", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "amanida verda", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "botifarra amb mongetes", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6929, + "example": "Ensenya el lloc on em trobo al meu papa durant deu minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu papa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "deu minuts", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7415, + "example": "Envia'm un email que digui \"t'envio les entrades del concert dels Pets a Barcelona\" a ma germana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma germana", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 96 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "t'envio les entrades del concert dels Pets a Barcelona", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5679, + "example": "Podries trucar al CAP de Cardedeu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cardedeu", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1044, + "example": "Et faria res minvar el llum de led?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2081, + "example": "M'agradaria molt que encenguessis els ulls de bou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5026, + "example": "Les participacions en borsa de l'empresa Vueling.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Vueling", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5172, + "example": "Crec que tinc programat el judici a les dotze del migdia de dimarts, però necessito que m'ho confirmis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "judici", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze del migdia", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8107, + "example": "Com va provant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10740, + "example": "Busca si divendres he d'anar a buscar el paquet a correus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a buscar el paquet a correus", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7362, + "example": "L'email de la Matilde és matildecabreta@outlook.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "matildecabreta@outlook.com", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Matilde", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6012, + "example": "Adreça de la Farmàcia Guerrero.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Adreça", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Guerrero", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5144, + "example": "L'artista de la melodia que sona, em pots dir qui és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10313, + "example": "Saps indicar-me l'hora que és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10366, + "example": "La cançó que estic escoltant, quina és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1960, + "example": "Pots cancel·lar-nos l'alarma que tenim creada el dissabte a les onze del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8567, + "example": "Ens reserves un taxi demà a les dotze del matí per viatjar a Barberà de la Conca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze del matí", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barberà de la Conca", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4182, + "example": "Quants minuts deixo bullint un ou per a que es faci dur?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "ou", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7917, + "example": "El color de les bombetes, vull que me'l modifiquis a blau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "blau", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1492, + "example": "Em podries activar el bucle en el hit \"Dogs like socks\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "activar el bucle", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Dogs like socks", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5061, + "example": "Vull saber quin preu tenen les accions de Capcom.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Capcom", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4050, + "example": "Em dius a quant equivalen vint pesos colombians en dòlars de Hong Kong?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "vint pesos colombians", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlars de Hong Kong", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5895, + "example": "Hi ha urgències odontològiques al CAP del Pont de Suert?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "urgències odontològiques", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Pont de Suert", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1071, + "example": "El robot aspirador, me l'actives?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10324, + "example": "Quina és la cançó que s'està reproduint?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quina és la cançó", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9615, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quins correus tinc amb el títol \"festa sorpresa\" que m'he remès amb en Josep.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "festa sorpresa", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josep", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6138, + "example": "On està el cinema de Tortosa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "On està", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 512, + "example": "Et faria res jugar al \"Blossom blast\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Blossom blast", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11292, + "example": "Quan he d'anar al Clínic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínic", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4608, + "example": "Em sabries dir quines drogueries del meu voltant permeten l'entrada de mascotes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "drogueries", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "permeten l'entrada de mascotes", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "del meu voltant", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8453, + "example": "Encarrega un gyros amb l'app Glovin.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "gyros", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Glovin", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10497, + "example": "Hi ha drogueries petites per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "drogueries", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "petites", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9309, + "example": "Em pots reproduir a l'habitació dels nens el següent \"Our fair city\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació dels nens", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Our fair city", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8672, + "example": "L'ítem \"Bali\" de la llista \"viatges pendents\" elimina'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Bali", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "viatges pendents", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 873, + "example": "Em pots donar les notícies del \"Progreso\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Progreso", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9957, + "example": "Podries dir-me quines alertes sonaran el dimarts entre les sis i dos quarts de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6143, + "example": "Quins dies obre l'oficina funerària d'Alcover?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Quins dies obre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina funerària", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Alcover", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6843, + "example": "Reserva'm taula el dijous per l'Àlex i jo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Àlex", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6083, + "example": "Què es pot fer al cinema d'Anglès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Què es pot fer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Anglès", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8526, + "example": "A les 8 del matí voldria que em demanessis un taxi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 8 del matí", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 58, + "example": "Podries apuntar que he d'anar al clínic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "clínic", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10278, + "example": "Aclareix-me quina hora tenen a la zona de París.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "zona de París", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4775, + "example": "Voldria conèixer si a Gavà estarà ennuvolat aquesta setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "ennuvolat", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10549, + "example": "Vull que em diguis els millors barbers de la meva zona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "barbers", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "millors", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6209, + "example": "Necessito saber quina validesa té el certificat COVID.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quina validesa", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4651, + "example": "Mostra'm si he rebut missatges de Telegram nous d'en Martí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Telegram", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5742, + "example": "Em pots posar en contacte amb el teatre Metropol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "teatre Metropol", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6697, + "example": "Reserva al Terrat taula per a 5 persones.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Terrat", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "5", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3722, + "example": "Demà passat hi haurà núvols a Banyoles a les sis del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà passat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "núvols", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Banyoles", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis del matí", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1183, + "example": "Escriu l'agenda que he quedat amb l'Humbert el dilluns a les sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedat", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Humbert", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2917, + "example": "M'escrius a la meva agenda que hem d'alimentar la tortuga cada dia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "alimentar la tortuga", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dia", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7235, + "example": "L'aplicació Contactes, desactiva-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Contactes", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5795, + "example": "Pots fer una trucada a l'Ernest per dir-li que he tingut un accident?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ernest", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he tingut un accident", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10600, + "example": "M'expliques quina activitat faran a Palafrugell demà passat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4825, + "example": "Em pots dir si hauré de dur la roba d'estiu demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "hauré de dur la roba d'estiu", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10572, + "example": "Dir-me quins són els festivals de teatre en aquesta àrea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festivals de teatre", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquesta àrea", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6802, + "example": "Reserva'ns una taula per a la Paula, la Maria i per a mi al restaurant Miramar per aquest vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Paula", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Miramar", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest vespre", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3889, + "example": "Fes l'operació noranta multiplicat per vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "noranta multiplicat per vuit", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6262, + "example": "Quin va ser el resultat de l'enfrontament de dimecres a les dotze contra la Unió Esportiva Vilanovenca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Unió Esportiva Vilanovenca", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 102 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6401, + "example": "Explica'm quan m'he de renovar la targeta sanitària europea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan m'he de renovar", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5859, + "example": "Estic patint un atac de cor; truca al 061.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "Estic patint un atac de cor", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "061", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10982, + "example": "Al matí em toca Concerta, oi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Concerta", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11421, + "example": "El número de telèfon del meu pare és el 663812672.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu pare", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "663812672", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10800, + "example": "Pots revisar si tinc correus electrònics d'avui que no hagi vist?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "no hagi vist", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6301, + "example": "Com va quedar el resultat del partit de dissabte contra el Club Lleida Esportiu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Club Lleida Esportiu", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1259, + "example": "La intensitat de la llum està molt alta a l'estudi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6502, + "example": "Quina de les dues cafeteries et sembla més tranquil·la: Cal Verdaguer o A Tocar Ferro?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cal Verdaguer", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "A Tocar Ferro", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quina de les dues cafeteries et sembla més tranquil·la", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2135, + "example": "Connecta els llums del soterrani.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "soterrani", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10614, + "example": "On fan l'\"acte de van Gogh\" dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "l'“acte de van Gogh", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4304, + "example": "Saps si estarà nevant aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "nevant", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7563, + "example": "A la llista de bodes em poses la fregidora d'aire?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de bodes", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "fregidora d'aire", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2226, + "example": "M'adreces un missatge de correu electrònic al Pol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pol", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10916, + "example": "A quina hora em tocava punxar-me la testosterona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "testosterona", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 981, + "example": "La música està massa alta, abaixa-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5369, + "example": "Com arribo al Port de Barcelona en autobús?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Port de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobús", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10038, + "example": "Saps quina és l'última informació que surt al \"Cugat Diari\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Cugat Diari", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3891, + "example": "Noranta multiplicat per tretze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Noranta multiplicat per tretze", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10083, + "example": "Mostra'm les notícies que acaben de sortir de \"RTVE Catalunya\" sobre astrologia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "astrologia", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "RTVE Catalunya", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8777, + "example": "Pots guardar que m'agrada el tema que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7391, + "example": "Em pots remetre un email a mon pare que digui \"no puc anar a la reunió de veïns, espero que puguis anar en el meu lloc, si us plau\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon pare", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "no puc anar a la reunió de veïns, espero que puguis anar en el meu lloc, si us plau", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 130 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3003, + "example": "Ens pots reproduir l'episodi següent de \"Conflict of interest\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Conflict of interest", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9253, + "example": "I si em poses un recordatori de la junta amb la Clara Pasqual de demà a les nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Clara Pasqual", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4118, + "example": "Com es diu el cantant d'Imagine Dragons?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Com es diu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "cantant d'Imagine Dragons", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9076, + "example": "Escoltar la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10641, + "example": "Troba'm les conferències que hi ha a demà al Palau de Congressos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "conferències", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palau de Congressos", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10153, + "example": "La Paula ha compartit un enllaç a LinkedIn en aquests moments?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Paula", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "LinkedIn", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8836, + "example": "Necessito saber quan és la partida de rol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partida de rol", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10664, + "example": "Podries dir-me si hi ha espectacles aquesta tarda per la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10151, + "example": "Digue'm si la Marta ha pujat un vídeo a Twitter en aquest moment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11422, + "example": "Afegeix el número 728615372 als meus contactes amb el nom Caterina Martorell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "728615372", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Caterina Martorell", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10026, + "example": "M'interessaria saber les notícies més recents de la NBA al diari \"El 9\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "El 9", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "NBA", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7250, + "example": "Tanca iVoox.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "iVoox", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10008, + "example": "Em dius si tinc alarmes programades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 632, + "example": "Per anar a Balaguer, quin ferrocarril haig d'agafar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Balaguer", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4515, + "example": "Demà a Sant Carles de la Ràpita es projecta \"Història de la meva mort\" en cap cinema?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Carles de la Ràpita", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Història de la meva mort", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 541, + "example": "Començar una partida al \"Pokémon Go\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Pokémon Go", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6551, + "example": "M'he de prendre la pastilla cada tres hores, recorda'm", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada tres hores", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1291, + "example": "Em podries tancar els endolls intel·ligents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3863, + "example": "Em mostres què puc cuinar amb pomes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "pomes", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9789, + "example": "Quins trens van de Sabadell a Sant Cugat aquesta matinada després de les dues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Cugat", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta matinada", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8909, + "example": "El telèfon de la meva germana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2019, + "example": "Podries demanar-me alguna cosa per menjar a la Tagliatella i que m'ho portin a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "la Tagliatella", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2213, + "example": "Podries encendre la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5853, + "example": "Trucar al 061; una persona ha patit un ictus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "061", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "una persona ha patit un ictus", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1209, + "example": "Aniré a veure una pel·lícula a Gavà el mes vinent; m'ho apuntes al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes vinent", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "veure una pel·lícula", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2270, + "example": "Enviaries a la Laia un correu electrònic amb la frase \"hi ha pebrots d'oferta al mercat per si el Jacint vol fer escalivada\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "hi ha pebrots d'oferta al mercat per si el Jacint vol fer escalivada", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 123 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3145, + "example": "Podries posar un tema?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2635, + "example": "Podries fer una piulada al servei d'atenció al client de Telepizza on digui \"podríeu fer alguna pizza que no porti salsa de barbacoa, per favor i gràcies\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "fer una piulada", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al client de Telepizza", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "podríeu fer alguna pizza que no porti salsa de barbacoa, per favor i gràcies", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 153 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3105, + "example": "Ens toques la tercera cançó de la llista de reproducció que s'anomena \"dissabte de neteja\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "tercera", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "dissabte de neteja", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8306, + "example": "Confirma'm que el 2 de febrer plourà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "2 de febrer", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plourà", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8950, + "example": "Fer córrer l'aspirador per la bodega.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspirador", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bodega", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 450, + "example": "Súper.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4586, + "example": "Demà de sis a vuit projectaran \"Els voladors\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "vuit", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Els voladors", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6745, + "example": "He de fer una reserva per a tres persones a un restaurant grec de Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "grec", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2446, + "example": "Vull un taxi per demà a les dotze des de l'hotel cap al carrer de Pi i Molist número 2.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "hotel", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer de Pi i Molist número 2", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6863, + "example": "Vull que em busquis una taula per quatre persones per dissabte al migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5167, + "example": "Pots consultar si tinc alguna cosa anotada a l'agenda pel dia d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10624, + "example": "Estaria bé veure quins festivals de música hi ha a la meva zona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festivals de música", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8962, + "example": "Neteja amb l'aspiradora el soterrani.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "soterrani", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6561, + "example": "A les onze m'hauria de prendre la vitamina D.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "vitamina D", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 287, + "example": "Amb quina línia de metro puc sortir de Sarrià?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "metro", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sarrià", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8722, + "example": "Carrega't el llistat de discoteques.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de discoteques", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2426, + "example": "Truca un Uber per anar a Hospitalet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Hospitalet", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1337, + "example": "La cançó està una mica massa suau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6477, + "example": "Entre BonÀrea o Sorli, en quin supermercat tenen més productes d'oferta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "BonÀrea", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sorli", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "en quin supermercat tenen més productes d'oferta", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2696, + "example": "Em podries dir què conté el llistat de la compra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de la compra", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6316, + "example": "Digue'm els resultats del partit d'ahir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3634, + "example": "Aquest matí he fet la presentació del treball de recerca i m'he quedat descansat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4842, + "example": "L'afluència de vehicles per sortir de Saragossa avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Saragossa", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9227, + "example": "La setmana vinent tinc reunió a Salou, m'ho pots recordar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1243, + "example": "Seria possible tancar els ulls de bou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4107, + "example": "Dona'm el contacte d'en Guifré.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guifré", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7972, + "example": "Necessito que em minimitzis el volum dels bafles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7078, + "example": "Busca a Twitch aquell vídeo en directe d'en Norman López.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Twitch", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Norman López", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5183, + "example": "Realment tinc anotat que dimecres he quedat amb l'equip de rugbi per anar a fer unes cerveses?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "equip de rugbi", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fer unes cerveses", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10017, + "example": "Mostra'm quines són les alarmes que sonaran a les nou del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7977, + "example": "Vull que disminueixis el volum al 65%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6104, + "example": "Sabries dir-me la direcció de l'oficina dels serveis socials de Salou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "direcció", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina dels serveis socials", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 372, + "example": "M'ho podries repetir una altra vegada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3065, + "example": "Ens poses una cançó de trap?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "trap", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9325, + "example": "Posar el següent episodi de \"La escóbula de la brújula\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "La escóbula de la brújula", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3344, + "example": "Seria possible reprendre al menjador la reproducció de l'audiollibre \"Slaves of the insecticons\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Slaves of the insecticons", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6028, + "example": "Necessitaria saber si a la Farmàcia Vinyals tenen productes d'ortopèdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Vinyals", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "productes d'ortopèdia", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 747, + "example": "Recordes quin era el terme emprat per als estris d'obrir llaunes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "estris", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "obrir llaunes", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7493, + "example": "Ens podries alçar demà passat a les sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10283, + "example": "Ara a Altai a quina hora estan?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Altai", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "Ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9718, + "example": "Busca quina hora és al fus horari Europa/Madrid.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari Europa/Madrid", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8890, + "example": "Quin domicili consta al contacte del meu avi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "domicili", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu avi", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5671, + "example": "Fes una trucada al CUAP Granollers.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CUAP Granollers", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7609, + "example": "Inclou pastís de formatge al llistat de receptes noves.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "pastís de formatge", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de receptes noves", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9694, + "example": "Digues-nos quina és l'hora del fus horari d'Amèrica/Tijuana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Tijuana", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1535, + "example": "Em podries parar el reproductor musical?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "parar", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8944, + "example": "Neteja les golfes amb la conga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "conga", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11892, + "example": "No està bé.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4478, + "example": "Voldria veure si tenen alguna pel·li d'estrena infantil als Cines Verdi avui a les nou del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "estrena infantil", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cines Verdi", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4001, + "example": "Dir com està avui el dram respecte de la corona sueca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "corona sueca", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dram", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10801, + "example": "Conills, hàmsters i altres animals de companyia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 887, + "example": "Digues-me les notícies d'ahir sobre les obres a la ciutat de Madrid.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "obres a la ciutat de Madrid", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5064, + "example": "Voldria veure les accions de l'empresa Prosegur Cash.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Prosegur Cash", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5590, + "example": "Vull telefonar a la meva cosina gran.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva cosina gran", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10, + "example": "Pots anotar que dimecres tinc la següent visita del reumatòleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "reumatòleg", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1537, + "example": "Em pots tornar a posar la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "tornar a posar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6789, + "example": "M'agradaria fer una reserva a una hamburgueseria de Pont de Suert.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "hamburgueseria", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Pont de Suert", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4618, + "example": "Quines drogueries puc torbar-hi per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "drogueries", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1055, + "example": "L'aspiradora, la pots engegar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8755, + "example": "Vull que a la cuina em posis en marxa l'endoll.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2785, + "example": "Podries detenir-te una miqueta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9982, + "example": "Seria possible que em comprovessis les alertes que tenim creades pel pròxim dimarts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim dimarts", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11382, + "example": "Digues si demà em visito amb la podòloga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "podòloga", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2856, + "example": "Cada dimarts pots posar-nos una alarma a les vuit i cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "Cada dimarts", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit i cinc", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 862, + "example": "Quines notícies hi ha de futbol que surtin al diari \"La Malla\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "futbol", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "La Malla", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5266, + "example": "Vull saber quan em caduca el carnet de vacunació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan em caduca", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carnet de vacunació", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4754, + "example": "Que puc demanar tapes per emportar a aquell bar andalús?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "bar andalús", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "demanar tapes per emportar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9426, + "example": "Sentir l'episodi següent d'aquest pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1687, + "example": "Digue'm quina hora és al fus horari de Guatemala quan al de Turquia són les vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Guatemala", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al de Turquia", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8594, + "example": "Elimina tots els esdeveniments que tingui registrats a l'agenda personal el dimecres que ve a les vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres que ve", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6340, + "example": "Què puc fer amb la targeta Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què puc fer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4149, + "example": "Em podries dir quines són les coses que tinc apuntades al calendari pel 30 de setembre a les 17 hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "30 de setembre", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 17 hores", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11448, + "example": "Voldria afegir cris.tina@gmail.com al contacte de la Cristina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Cristina", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "cris.tina@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10676, + "example": "Necessitaria esbrinar quines festes de barri fan aquesta setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festes de barri", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2673, + "example": "Mostrar-me el contingut del llistat que s'anomena \"factures\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "factures", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11902, + "example": "Això no és.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1651, + "example": "Em dius quina hora és al fus horari de Líbia si a UTC -3 és la una?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Líbia", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "UTC -3", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "la una", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 250, + "example": "Quins trens hi ha cap a Potes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Potes", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8069, + "example": "Digues alguna cosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4569, + "example": "És avui quan fan \"El diari de Noa\" al cinema de la meva ciutat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "El diari de Noa", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva ciutat", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 769, + "example": "La definició de sapiència quina és, me la pots dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "sapiència", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6120, + "example": "Quin és l'horari d'atenció al públic de l'oficina funerària de Terrassa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari d'atenció al públic", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina funerària", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11977, + "example": "Ens reprodueixes al jardí la llista \"cançons per lligar\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "jardí", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "cançons per lligar", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7041, + "example": "Posa'm un altre cop el vídeo d'\"El Racó del manga\" a Twitch.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "El Racó del manga", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Twitch", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3621, + "example": "El cantant Miki Núñez m'agrada molt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Miki Núñez", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1445, + "example": "I si enfortíssim la llum al dormitori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9740, + "example": "A quina hora passa el ferrocarril que passa per Badalona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2734, + "example": "Em faries el favor de xapar la boca una micona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una micona", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7122, + "example": "Obre Twitter.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8809, + "example": "No hi ha res millor que aquesta cançó que estem sentint.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estem sentint", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9840, + "example": "Defineix el concepte de capfoguer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "capfoguer", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1650, + "example": "Et faria res contestar el correu que vaig rebre de la Duna a mitjanit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Duna", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "mitjanit", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1031, + "example": "Podries abaixar la llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1703, + "example": "Podries dir-me quina hora és al fus horari d'Alaska si al fus horari de Jordània són les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari d'Alaska", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Jordània", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11406, + "example": "Saps si la visita amb el ginecòleg és dimecres 11 d'abril?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "ginecòleg", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres 11 d'abril", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8153, + "example": "Obtingues un viatge pel regional que arriba a Sant Quirze de Besora a les dues.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "regional", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Quirze de Besora", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10569, + "example": "Esbrinar quins esdeveniments fan a la meva zona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6248, + "example": "Podries consultar com va l'Espanyol al partit de la copa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Espanyol", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "partit de la copa", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 817, + "example": "Em podries comptar quants llistats hi ha amb ventilador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "ventilador", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8732, + "example": "Ens posaries en funcionament a la cambra petita l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cambra petita", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6595, + "example": "Recordar que m'he de prendre a les nou el relaxant muscular.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "relaxant muscular", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3380, + "example": "Recorda'm que avui he de portar la mare al metge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mare", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5635, + "example": "Vull que facis una trucada al meu padrí Josep Roig.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu padrí Josep Roig", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1947, + "example": "Suprimeixes l'alarma que vaig programar pels diumenges a les 10?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "diumenges", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 10", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8014, + "example": "Em fas una nova llista anomenada \"llista de pintures\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de pintures", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7238, + "example": "Desactivar l'app de La Meva Salut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "La Meva Salut", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 116, + "example": "Tinc hora a les set de la tarda el dijous a la consulta de l'otorrinolaringòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "consulta de l'otorrinolaringòleg", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3507, + "example": "Explicar una humorada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1681, + "example": "Pots convertir l'hora que tenim ara mateix al fus d'Europa Central al de Pacífic Central?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus d'Europa Central", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Pacífic Central", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10214, + "example": "Aquí on estic, quin temps tenim en aquest moment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "on estic", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2547, + "example": "Necessito saber quines novetats hi ha sobre Lady Gaga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Lady Gaga", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11983, + "example": "Podríem escoltar \"Esbarzers\" quan s'acabi la cançó que estic sentint?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Esbarzers", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "quan s'acabi la cançó que estic sentint", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6555, + "example": "Que no m'oblidi de prendre la pastilla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9384, + "example": "Reprodueix un tema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4199, + "example": "Com puc cuinar la carn de porc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "carn de porc", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8586, + "example": "Ens eliminaries del calendari personal la classe de ioga del migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de ioga", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "migdia", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7990, + "example": "Vull que minvi el so.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1100, + "example": "Pots passar l'aspiradora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5632, + "example": "Vull fer un truc als meus tiets de Girona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ls meus tiets de Girona", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 140, + "example": "Enregistra pel 20 de gener la visita amb el cirurgià.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "20 de gener", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "cirurgià", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11833, + "example": "No vull que moguis ni un dit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1326, + "example": "Et faria res apujar la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2688, + "example": "Em podries dir què tinc al meu llistat de llocs per visitar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de llocs per visitar", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6332, + "example": "Com aconsegueixo la targeta Braile?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braile", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com aconsegueixo", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1090, + "example": "La roomba, me l'engegues a l'habitació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7343, + "example": "Vull desar el correu de la Marta a la meva agenda de contactes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2751, + "example": "Que deixis de dir coses.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10535, + "example": "Voldria saber si hi ha cap ferreteria amb pàrquing a prop meu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "ferreteria", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "amb pàrquing", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 572, + "example": "Necessito jugar una partida del \"PUBG\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "PUBG", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11531, + "example": "Necessito que truquis a la meva mare ja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11984, + "example": "Podries posar a la bodega una cançoneta d'Oques Grasses?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bodega", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Oques Grasses", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4573, + "example": "És probable que estrenin cartellera avui a Blanes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Blanes", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1977, + "example": "Em pots eliminar l'alerta que vam crear de dilluns a dijous a les cinc de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la matinada", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6207, + "example": "Què faig per obtenir el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què faig per obtenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8355, + "example": "Series capaç de demanar-me per Uber Eats una amanida Latin Lover a l'Honest Greens?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "amanida Latin Lover", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Honest Greens", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Uber Eats", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11054, + "example": "Voldria saber com anar en bicicleta al pis del meu cosí Albert.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bicicleta", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu cosí Albert", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "pis", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6355, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis quina validesa té la targeta Braille.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quina validesa té", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7586, + "example": "A la meva llista de la compra vull que afeixis pollastre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "pollastre", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7380, + "example": "Vull que enviïs un correu electrònic a la meva tieta Manoli.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta Manoli", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4684, + "example": "En Jan m'ha enviat algun missatge de Viber recentment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jan", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Viber", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recentment", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1464, + "example": "Et faria res apujar la llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3321, + "example": "Pots posar l'audiollibre \"Els angles morts\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Els angles morts", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3922, + "example": "M'interessa saber quant fa nou entre seixanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "nou entre seixanta", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3566, + "example": "Això que sona no m'agrada gens ni mica", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3744, + "example": "Demà plourà a les quatre de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plourà", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7247, + "example": "Apaga iVoox.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "iVoox", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 881, + "example": "Busca la notícia que parla de l'escalada de violència en les relacions entre Sèrbia i Kosovo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "escalada de violència en les relacions entre Sèrbia i Kosovo", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11953, + "example": "No t'he demanat això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 964, + "example": "No vull que la música estigui tan forta, abaixa-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1010, + "example": "Seria possible abaixar l'ull de bou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2161, + "example": "Fes-me un favor i encén l'endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11145, + "example": "Dinaré arròs aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "Dinaré", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6203, + "example": "Com aconsegueixo el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com aconsegueixo", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10933, + "example": "És l'amoxicil·lina la que em toca prendre a les nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "amoxicil·lina", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5585, + "example": "Que em podries trucar a l'Albert Burrull?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Albert Burrull", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11996, + "example": "Fes una trucada al meu infermer de confiança.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "infermer", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4704, + "example": "Tinc whatsapps sense llegir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "whatsapps", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "sense llegir", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4677, + "example": "Tinc novetats del meu xicot al correu aquest matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu xicot", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9292, + "example": "Explica algun acudit per a adults.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "adults", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3001, + "example": "A l'habitació em pots posar el següent episodi de \"Just roll with it\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Just roll with it", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10883, + "example": "És l'Enantyum el que em prenc abans d'anar a dormir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Enantyum", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "abans d'anar a dormir", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7504, + "example": "Pots posar una alarma per despertar-me tots els dimarts a les vuit i cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dimarts a les vuit i cinc", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11557, + "example": "Certament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4243, + "example": "M'interessa saber de què s'està discutint a TikTok ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1334, + "example": "Seria possible que maximitzessis la potència de la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 458, + "example": "Ets la canya de la Cerdanya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10199, + "example": "Quins fets estan tenint lloc a Facebook ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5878, + "example": "Necessito que truquis a Emergències.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8358, + "example": "Es podria demanar que em portin a casa un gelat de menta i xocolata?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "gelat de menta i xocolata", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8467, + "example": "Em reserves un Bolt per anar a Salt sortint de la universitat a les sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Bolt", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Salt", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "universitat", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11924, + "example": "Per res, ho refuso.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9029, + "example": "Voldria saber què celebrem el 20 de juny.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "20 de juny", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5826, + "example": "Avisa a una ambulància, que hi ha hagut un accident.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulància", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "hi ha hagut un accident", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6877, + "example": "Necessitaria taula per dinar paella dissabte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "paella", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2520, + "example": "Aquest dijous sopo a Cornellà amb el meu sogre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Aquest dijous", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopo", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cornellà", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu sogre", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4464, + "example": "\"Capità Amèrica\", la tornaran a emetre dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Capità Amèrica", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 761, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quin és el nom del descobriment casual o imprevist fet per un investigador en el curs d'una recerca orientada a altres objectius i amb pressupòsits teòrics diferents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "descobriment", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "casual o imprevist fet per un investigador en el curs d'una recerca orientada a altres objectius i amb pressupòsits teòrics diferents", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 183 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5228, + "example": "Pots dir-me com miro l'hora de la visita de dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "hora de la visita de dijous", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6450, + "example": "On s'ofereix més estoc, als supermercats Esclat o al BonÀrea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Esclat", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "BonÀrea", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "On s'ofereix més estoc", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8097, + "example": "Quines bones noves em pots explicar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3709, + "example": "En aquest precís moment hi ha boira?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "boira", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquest precís moment", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4382, + "example": "Sabries dir-me quina hora és a Entebbe?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Entebbe", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4486, + "example": "Aquesta tarda a quin cinema fan \"L'orquestra terrestre\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "Aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "L'orquestra terrestre", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4796, + "example": "Mostra'm si la setmana que ve estarà ventós a Alcarràs a les sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "ventós", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Alcarràs", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4502, + "example": "Aquest dissabte fan cap pel·lícula de fantasia a les dues del migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Aquest dissabte", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "fantasia", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues del migdia", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11725, + "example": "No m'interessa en absolut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1737, + "example": "Si a UTC 0 són les onze, quina hora és a GMT -5?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "GMT -5", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "UTC 0", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5141, + "example": "Del tema que estic escoltant, qui n'és l'artista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "qui n'és l'artista", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5583, + "example": "Truca a la Maria, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1024, + "example": "Posa menys llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9281, + "example": "Busca algun acudit que parli de professors.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "professors", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3475, + "example": "Digue'm un acudit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11713, + "example": "No et segueixo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11129, + "example": "Quan em toquen llenties?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "llenties", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11626, + "example": "Endavant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4803, + "example": "Saps si hauré de portar la roba d'estiu després?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "hauré de portar la roba d'estiu", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5215, + "example": "Aquesta setmana he de visitar el pis de Barcelona a les nou o no?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "Aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visitar el pis", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7340, + "example": "Afegeix una adreça de correu electrònic al contacte de ma mare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma mare", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6785, + "example": "M'agradaria fer una reserva a una marisqueria a Berga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "marisqueria", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Berga", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9216, + "example": "Dimarts tinc una reunió informal amb la Judith Gómez fins a les vuit del vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimarts", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió informal", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Judith Gómez", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9926, + "example": "Detalla la marca de roba preferida de l'Arnau Burdó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "marca de roba preferida", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Arnau Burdó", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4267, + "example": "Avui quin dia és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1408, + "example": "Ens pots posar la música més forta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9473, + "example": "Sentir un pòdcast a iVoox.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "iVoox", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1539, + "example": "Pots parar la cançó anomenada \"Wheel of time\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "parar", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Wheel of time", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1692, + "example": "Al fus horari dels Estats Units Nou Pacífic són les dotze, quina hora és a Pacífic Central?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Pacífic Central", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "horari dels Estats Units Nou Pacífic", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9975, + "example": "Mostra'm quines són les alarmes que sonaran a la una de la matinada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "la una de la matinada", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4530, + "example": "On podré veure \"Avatar\" avui a Terrassa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Avatar", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1879, + "example": "Elimina'm del calendari un esdeveniment anomenat \"Convenció sobre la futilitat de l'homeopatia i d'altres pseudociències\" que tinc amb la meva germana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Convenció sobre la futilitat de l'homeopatia i d'altres pseudociències", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 120 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 135, + "End_char": 150 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1434, + "example": "Podem tenir més llum a la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5452, + "example": "Podries ensenyar la meva ubicació a l'Ot fins que arribi al teatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ot", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "teatre", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8879, + "example": "A quina hora són les reunions que tindré per la setmana que ve amb en Joan Sanchís?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunions", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Joan Sanchís", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9208, + "example": "Fes-me un tallat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "tallat", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3733, + "example": "Saps si farà vent a les dotze a Gaià?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "vent", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gaià", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1814, + "example": "Esborra'm la festa d'aniversari de la Laia del 6 de novembre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "aniversari de la Laia", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "6 de novembre", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 649, + "example": "Em pots dir a quina hora surt el tren a Salou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6612, + "example": "Recorda'm les pastilles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilles", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 262, + "example": "Per tornar de Tona avui, quin transport públic puc utilitzar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tona", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "transport públic", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 12000, + "example": "Voldria trucar a Sant Joan de Déu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Sant Joan de Déu", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8224, + "example": "Compra el bitllet de tren de Terrassa a Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11379, + "example": "A quin centre era la meva visita amb l'al·lergòleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "al·lergòleg", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3684, + "example": "Em podries dir quines llengües es parlen a l'estat espanyol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Em podries dir quines llengües es parlen", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "estat espanyol", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2177, + "example": "A les golfes ens pots posar en marxa l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2712, + "example": "Pots tancar el bec una estona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estona", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6633, + "example": "Seria genial que em recordessis de prendre el Paracetamol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Paracetamol", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5389, + "example": "Necessito saber com puc arribar amb el tren al meu institut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "al meu institut", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2746, + "example": "Em faries el favor de tancar la boca, si us plau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5385, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis les indicacions per anar en tren a la FNAC Triangle.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "FNAC Triangle", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11232, + "example": "Necessito que m'informis dels primers.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3746, + "example": "A Flix saps si hi farà sol demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Flix", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "farà sol", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 722, + "example": "Com es podria definir bac?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "bac", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9839, + "example": "Mostra quin és el significat de baldaquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "baldaquí", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2639, + "example": "Penja un nou estat a Facebook i etiqueta a la Júlia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Penja un nou estat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Júlia", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1122, + "example": "A la llista anomenada \"torneig\", podries afegir-me un nou ítem?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "torneig", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "nou ítem", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3334, + "example": "Reproduiries \"The imprecations of daemons\" al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "The imprecations of daemons", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8631, + "example": "Em suprimeixes la classe de cuina vegana al carrer Balmes de l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de cuina vegana", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "carrer Balmes", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2262, + "example": "Em pots adreçar un email al Pep que es digui \"ens casem\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pep", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "ens casem", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10212, + "example": "A la meva vila, quin és el temps que tenim ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva vila", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9463, + "example": "Reprodueix un pòdcast del \"Comunista\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Comunista", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3519, + "example": "El tema que està sonant ara mateix és detestable.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10457, + "example": "Em podries enumerar quantes llistes hi ha?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11455, + "example": "Introdueix al contacte del Josep aquest número 644332211.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josep", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "644332211", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 709, + "example": "On està el Matagalls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "On està", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Matagalls", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4535, + "example": "S'estrena alguna pel·lícula de ciència-ficció a Vic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "ciència-ficció", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2614, + "example": "Em podries repiular l'última piulada de TV3 amb el text \"gràcies, ja era hora\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "repiular", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "TV3", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "gràcies, ja era hora", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "última piulada", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5286, + "example": "Quan m'haig de renovar el Carnet de salut?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quan m'haig de renovar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Carnet de salut", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1489, + "example": "Podries tornar-me a posar la cançó d'abans?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "tornar-me a posar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11529, + "example": "Porteu-me un helicòpter per buscar-me a la muntanya; he caigut i vull que telefoneu a la meva parella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "helicòpter", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva parella", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 101 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he caigut", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 59, + "example": "Recorda'm que tinc visita al Taulí de Sabadell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Taulí", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11524, + "example": "Truca una ambulància.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulància", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7594, + "example": "Escriure també Madagascar al llistat \"destinacions futures\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Madagascar", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "destinacions futures", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11829, + "example": "Vull que t'aturis del tot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7941, + "example": "El volum dels bafles, vull apujar-lo un xic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8660, + "example": "M'anul·les la cita amb el Joan de nou a onze de la nit de l'agenda personal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "onze de la nit", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 651, + "example": "Quines són les indicacions per arribar a peu a l'oficina de l'Oriol Roig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "peu", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Oriol Roig", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10580, + "example": "Què fan aquest cap de setmana pel meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3893, + "example": "Quant és l'arrel quadrada de vint-i-tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "arrel quadrada de vint-i-tres", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11823, + "example": "Pots fer el favor d'apagar-te?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3644, + "example": "Quan he passat per davant del supermercat, he vist que tenien els tomàquets bastant bé de preu, la veritat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6305, + "example": "Com ha acabat el Barça a la lliga de futbol femení?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Barça", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9606, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quins emails tinc sobre la reunió de pares que m'he remès amb la Marta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "emails", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "reunió de pares", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3736, + "example": "Aquesta setmana plourà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "Aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plourà", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 958, + "example": "No m'agrada el volum massa fort.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8674, + "example": "Seria possible esborrar el primer ítem de la llista d'al·lèrgies del Jordi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista d'al·lèrgies del Jordi", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "primer ítem", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11929, + "example": "Ho rebutjo totalment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6400, + "example": "Quins documents es necessiten per fer-se la targeta sanitària europea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quins documents es necessiten per fer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 625, + "example": "Per anar fins a Riudarenes amb Rodalies, com ho faig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Riudarenes", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1189, + "example": "Anotar al calendari que estaré reunida demà a la tarda amb la meva supervisora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la tarda", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva supervisora", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4193, + "example": "Quanta estona deixo bullint els espaguetis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "espaguetis", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8118, + "example": "Hola, què tal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8061, + "example": "Holi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6818, + "example": "Reserva'm una taula per a cinc persones al restaurant El Mussol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "El Mussol", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6005, + "example": "Quina és la direcció de la Farmàcia Palomeras?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "direcció", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Palomeras", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1988, + "example": "Em fas desaparèixer el llistat per fer la maleta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "fer la maleta", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2325, + "example": "Em treus \"l'aplec del caragol\" a Lleida del meu calendari personal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "l'aplec del caragol", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1680, + "example": "Si al fus horari del Canadà/Pacífic són les dotze, quina hora és a UTC 0?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "UTC 0", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari del Canadà/Pacífic", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2990, + "example": "Podries reproduir-me el pòdcast que més m'agrada: \"Cristina Mitre\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Cristina Mitre", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9886, + "example": "Voldria saber quant és quinze entre tretze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "quinze entre tretze", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7967, + "example": "Minva el volum al 45%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11012, + "example": "Em podries dir si la presentació que fan és a la biblioteca de la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "presentació", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10186, + "example": "Necessito saber el que està passant a LinkedIn.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "LinkedIn", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8392, + "example": "Em pots fer una comanda al Data de dos menús de kebab a domicili per Webel?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Data", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "menús de kebab", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Webel", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3986, + "example": "A quant està el peso de Cuba en comparació amb el dòlar namibià?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dòlar namibià", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "peso de Cuba", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6497, + "example": "En quin supermercat trobarem els preus més cars: al Plusfresc o al Bonpreu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Plusfresc", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Bonpreu", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "En quin supermercat trobarem els preus més cars", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 967, + "example": "Vull el volum més suau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11108, + "example": "No entenc el significat del terme abaltit, me l'expliques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "abaltit", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2671, + "example": "Em pots compartir què hi ha apuntat a la llista de la compra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 679, + "example": "M'interessaria saber quan és la reunió del club de boletaires.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió del club de boletaires", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4907, + "example": "Ara mateix hi ha trànsit a Santa Coloma de Gramenet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "Ara mateix", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Santa Coloma de Gramenet", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7111, + "example": "El Whatsapp obre'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11556, + "example": "Totalment d'acord, sí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5919, + "example": "Mira'm el telèfon del Taulí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Taulí", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9593, + "example": "En aquest instant, hi ha tràfic per entrar a Badalona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "En aquest instant", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 490, + "example": "T'ho agraeixo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4366, + "example": "M'ensenyes quins són els dies de la \"Fira Mediterrània\" de Manresa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Fira Mediterrània", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10327, + "example": "D'això que estic escoltant, em saps dir qui és l'artista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "qui és l'artista", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2077, + "example": "Llums encesos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4249, + "example": "Quines són les novetats a la xarxa social de LinkedIn?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "LinkedIn", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4416, + "example": "Em pots informar de si fan alguna preestrena en alemany a Cines Verdi dimarts vinent a les nou de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "preestrena en alemany", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cines Verdi", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou de la nit", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8677, + "example": "Esborra italià de la llista d'idiomes preferits.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista d'idiomes preferits", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "italià", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10591, + "example": "Saber quines són les exposicions d'art romànic que hi ha en aquesta àrea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "exposicions d'art romànic", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "en aquesta àrea", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10732, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis si he d'anar a l'ajuntament al migdia amb mon pare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a l'ajuntament", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon pare", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6095, + "example": "Voldria saber quins serveis ofereix l'oficina jove de Montblanc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina jove", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montblanc", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11741, + "example": "A mi ni em ve ni em va.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 837, + "example": "Em pots dir el nombre de llistes que tinc emmagatzemades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8156, + "example": "He d'obtenir un bitllet pel tren exprés que arriba a l'Arboç el divendres a tres quarts menys cinc de set del matí sortint de Salou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren exprés", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Arboç", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "tres quarts menys cinc de set del matí", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 114 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 126, + "End_char": 131 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 821, + "example": "Necessitaria saber si tinc cap llista que s'anomena \"ho faig després\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "ho faig després", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11931, + "example": "Això és un disbarat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8188, + "example": "Vull que m'obtinguis un bitllet pel Rodalies que dimecres a la tarda surt de Juneda per anar a Lleida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Juneda", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 101 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8800, + "example": "M'encanta la cançó \"Nothing else matters\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Nothing else matters", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9999, + "example": "Em dius quantes alarmes tinc configurades el dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11268, + "example": "Pots dir-me si surt alguna cosa nova sobre la situació política d'Amèrica Llatina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "situació política d'Amèrica Llatina", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8623, + "example": "Pots fer desaparèixer aquest acte de les deu del calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "acte", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3588, + "example": "Guillem Solé és un cantant fantàstic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Guillem Solé", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 946, + "example": "Abaixa-li potència als altaveus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10753, + "example": "Comprova si tinc correus de l'Ariadna que hagi rebut en els últims quinze minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ariadna", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "els últims quinze minuts", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7031, + "example": "Veure el vídeo d'aquest matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3646, + "example": "Avui he tingut un dia molt productiu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5095, + "example": "Quin preu tenen les accions d'HP?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "HP", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6996, + "example": "Volem veure \"El codi Da Vinci\"", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "El codi Da Vinci", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1089, + "example": "L'aspiradora, podries posar-la en marxa a l'oficina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4879, + "example": "Em pots dir la circulació per entrar a Castelldefels?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Castelldefels", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 919, + "example": "Afluixar el volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3305, + "example": "Pots reproduir l'audiollibre \"Poder contar-ho\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Poder contar-ho", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9383, + "example": "Sentir algunes cançonetes per estar trist.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "per estar trist", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2423, + "example": "Per anar a la Montblanc sortint des de casa de l'Anna a carrer Bailèn, ens podries reservar un Free Now per a quatre persones?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Montblanc", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "casa de l'Anna a carrer Bailèn", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Free Now", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9501, + "example": "Reprodueix la cançó \"Build our machine\", que és molt bona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Build our machine", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "molt bona", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 999, + "example": "La llum enlluerna massa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9090, + "example": "Sintonitza la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4481, + "example": "Ensenya'm on es podrà veure la pel·lícula \"Incerta glòria\" a Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Incerta glòria", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1133, + "example": "A la llista, podries afegir-me-hi una cinta mètrica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "cinta mètrica", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2064, + "example": "Vull demanar falàfel per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "falàfel", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9638, + "example": "On està el repartidor que té la meva escudella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "escudella", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7527, + "example": "Crea una alarma que soni a dos quarts de sis de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2925, + "example": "Guarda al calendari que tots els dimecres del mes de juny aniré a la platja amb la mama.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dimecres", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes de juny", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "aniré a la platja", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mama", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10374, + "example": "Vull saber quin tipus de música està posada actualment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin tipus de música", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està posada actualment", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11231, + "example": "Informa'm del menú d'avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1179, + "example": "Marca'm la \"movie night\" que tenim amb la Xènia al meu calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "movie night", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Xènia", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2615, + "example": "Escriu a Twitter \"tots els que heu marxat de pont no cal que torneu, hashtag 'felicitat' avui es pot circular per Barcelona\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Escriu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "tots els que heu marxat de pont no cal que torneu, hashtag 'felicitat' avui es pot circular per Barcelona", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 123 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7029, + "example": "M'agradaria veure un altre cop \"El Foraster\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "El Foraster", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 520, + "example": "Comença'm una partida del \"PUBG\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "PUBG", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10993, + "example": "Cada quantes hores m'he de prendre una pastilla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10030, + "example": "Les novetats del xec escolar de cent euros a Andalusia que es pot llegir al diari \"20 Minutos\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "xec escolar de cent euros a Andalusia", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "20 Minutos", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3341, + "example": "Pots reprendre l'audiollibre l'\"espia del Ritz\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "espia del Ritz", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10634, + "example": "Quins concerts tindran lloc a Montblanc durant el cap de setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concerts", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montblanc", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "durant el cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4016, + "example": "Com està la corona eslovaca vers el won Coreà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "won Coreà", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "corona eslovaca", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7321, + "example": "Fes-me el favor d'anotar l'email nou de la mare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mare", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1258, + "example": "La intensitat de la llum està massa forta a la cuina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5193, + "example": "Em podries explicar si tinc algun acte demà al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "acte", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5428, + "example": "Quin és el camí per anar al carrer Montserrat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer Montserrat", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8428, + "example": "Com van els nostres rotllets de sushi d'Aguila sushi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "rotllets de sushi", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Aguila sushi", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3376, + "example": "Avisa'm que a les cinc tinc cita amb el dentista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dentista", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5258, + "example": "Què faig per programar visites de vacunes internacionals a La meva salut?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "programar visites de vacunes internacionals a La meva salut", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11440, + "example": "Vull desar rodolinrodolan@yahoo.es com el correu del meu nebot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu nebot", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "rodolinrodolan@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6531, + "example": "Abans d'anar a dormir recorda'm que m'he de prendre un Trankimazin.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "Abans d'anar a dormir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Trankimazin", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2736, + "example": "Podries fer una mica de silenci?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1577, + "example": "Podries posar els llums turquesa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "turquesa", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6151, + "example": "Troba quin és l'horari d'atenció al públic de l'oficina jove de Lliçà de Munt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari d'atenció al públic", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina jove", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lliçà de Munt", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6149, + "example": "Del centre comercial de Reus em dones l'adreça?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre comercial", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Reus", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 731, + "example": "Podries dir-me com s'anomena el concepte de sentir que tothom t'està observant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "sentir que tothom t'està observant", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "concepte", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2313, + "example": "I si del calendari personal ens suprimeixes tot el que hi ha programat des d'avui fins al dimecres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 98 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2184, + "example": "Podries activar-me l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6689, + "example": "Agafa taula per dimecres a les dues.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4568, + "example": "És probable que al cinema del barri hi hagi pel·lícules infantils?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "barri", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "infantils", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11410, + "example": "Busca'm quin dia he de veure la infermera del CAP Passeig Maragall.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "infermera", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP Passeig Maragall", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5230, + "example": "Necessito que m'ajudis a canviar el dia de la cita amb el cardiòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "canviar el dia de la cita amb el cardiòleg", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10367, + "example": "Això que estic escoltant, em saps dir quin tema és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin tema és", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8351, + "example": "Pots fer un encàrrec de menjar a domicili per Webel?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Webel", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3318, + "example": "Pots posar \"Bèstia\" de la Irene Solà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Bèstia", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Irene Solà", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3526, + "example": "Em desagrada profundament aquest tema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2612, + "example": "Et faria res pujar a Twitter el mem del gat negre amb el text \"això compta com tres vides menys\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "pujar", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "mem del gat negre", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "això compta com tres vides menys", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11190, + "example": "L'esmorzar ha de portar alvocat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "esmorzar", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "alvocat", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4658, + "example": "Confirma'm si aquest matí m'han arribat telegrams de l'Àlex Gutiérrez.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "telegrams", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Àlex Gutiérrez", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5031, + "example": "Voldria saber quin valor tenen les participacions en borsa de la companyia LG.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "LG", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10780, + "example": "Digue'm si al meu correu personal hi ha correus d'ahir a les dues de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues de la tarda", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9425, + "example": "Sentir el següent episodi del pòdcast a iVoox.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "iVoox", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6866, + "example": "Agafa'm taula per tres per sopar dimecres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 683, + "example": "Quin dia és la cita de dinar amb els iaios?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "iaios", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8464, + "example": "Sol·licita un Cabify per passat demà de vuit a sis que em porti a la Pedrera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Pedrera", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "vuit a sis", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4708, + "example": "Quants emails sense obrir tinc al meu correu electrònic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "emails", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "sense obrir", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 236, + "example": "Quins són tots els decimals del número pi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9493, + "example": "Et faria res reproduir la cançó que tant m'agrada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "tant m'agrada", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11698, + "example": "No entenc què expliques.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7671, + "example": "Tinc una cita amb la Joana demà passat al vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9335, + "example": "Pots posar-nos al menjador el meu tema preferit de Stringstorm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferit", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Stringstorm", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9884, + "example": "Em pots dir quant és trenta multiplicat per tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "trenta multiplicat per tres", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7733, + "example": "La setmana vinent tinc classe de nàhuatl amb l'Iris, ho pots afegir al meu calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de nàhuatl", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Iris", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5834, + "example": "Truca al 112; una senyora s'ha desmaiat al supermercat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "112", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "una senyora s'ha desmaiat", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 142, + "example": "Dimecres tinc visita amb el doctor Arroyo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimecres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Arroyo", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5226, + "example": "Què he de fer si vull descarregar l'informe?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "descarregar l'informe", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11633, + "example": "Dis-m'ho d'una altra manera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8312, + "example": "Respon que \"demà estic fora de Barcelona\" al correu electrònic de la Laura.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "demà estic fora de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6357, + "example": "I si em dius com aconsegueixo la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com aconsegueixo", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8959, + "example": "Fer córrer l'aspirador per rentar el passadís.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspirador", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "passadís", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2186, + "example": "Al jardí, podries encendre l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "jardí", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3356, + "example": "Podries reproduir l'audiollibre d'en Carles Porta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Carles Porta", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5930, + "example": "Tenen horari a l'hospital d'Igualada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Igualada", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3719, + "example": "Creus que plourà avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plourà", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8565, + "example": "Vull un Blacklane per arribar diumenge a quarts d'onze a Sitges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Blacklane", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "quarts d'onze", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6299, + "example": "Com ha acabat el partit de la copa Catalunya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "partit de la copa Catalunya", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9073, + "example": "Em ve de gust escoltar la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 89, + "example": "Vull fixar al calendari una cita amb el doctor Gasull.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Gasull", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 746, + "example": "Com es deia el que fem servir per posar fotos a dins?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "fem servir per posar fotos a dins", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2242, + "example": "Fer-li arribar al Pep un missatge de correu electrònic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pep", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 814, + "example": "Em podries comptar els llistats que tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7648, + "example": "Afegeix \"Pa negre\" a la llista de pel·lícules pendents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Pa negre", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de pel·lícules pendents", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 668, + "example": "Quines són les reunions que tindré dimecres amb en Bernat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunions", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Bernat", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11001, + "example": "Troba quina és la càpsula que em prenc cada sis hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "càpsula", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 620, + "example": "M'interessaria saber com puc arribar a la casa del Jaume.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jaume", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11462, + "example": "Agrega el telèfon 678654123 com Carles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carles", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "678654123", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10822, + "example": "Bellesa, estètica i maquillatge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3877, + "example": "Resultat de dividir vint-i-tres entre set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "vint-i-tres entre set", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5062, + "example": "Mostra'm quin valor en borsa tenen les participacions de la companyia Repsol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Repsol", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7936, + "example": "El volum, ascendeix-lo un 75%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8847, + "example": "A quina hora tindrà lloc la cita de plantar un arbre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "plantar un arbre", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11106, + "example": "Digue'm què vol dir el mot al·lego.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "al·lego", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4085, + "example": "Em podries mostrar el contacte de mon padrí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon padrí", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7806, + "example": "Tanca ara els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 926, + "example": "Sona massa forta la música: abaixa-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11599, + "example": "Exacte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6049, + "example": "M'agradaria saber el telèfon del centre cívic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre cívic", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2675, + "example": "Digue'm què hi ha a la llista anomenada \"components de l'ordinador\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "components de l'ordinador", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9336, + "example": "Podries punxar-nos el meu tema preferit a la bodega?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferit", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bodega", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4020, + "example": "Com està la rúpia índia respecte peso xilè?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "peso xilè", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "rúpia índia", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1420, + "example": "Posa'm la llum més intensa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3787, + "example": "Coneixes alguna recepta de postres on pugui fer servir maduixes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "maduixes", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9852, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis quan va caure el mur de Berlín.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "historical_event_detail", + "Text": "quan va caure", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "historical_event", + "Text": "mur de Berlín", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10381, + "example": "Em podries dir quines són les cançons que m'agraden de La Gossa Sorda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "La Gossa Sorda", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quines són les cançons que m'agraden", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6801, + "example": "Reserva'ns al Manel i a mi una taula per a dues persones a un restaurant de tapes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Manel", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "dues", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "tapes", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5329, + "example": "No sé com puc programar una cita al CAP.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "programar una cita al CAP", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3014, + "example": "Podríem sentir el següent capítol de \"My favourite murder\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "My favourite murder", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9439, + "example": "Posa el pòdcast de \"Nadie como mamá\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Nadie como mamá", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8169, + "example": "Em compres un seient al tren d'aquesta matinada que va cap a Alcarràs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta matinada", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Alcarràs", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7720, + "example": "Pots anotar-me els dissabtes a les dues del migdia comprar begudes i paper de vàter?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "els dissabtes", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues del migdia", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "comprar begudes i paper de vàter", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2744, + "example": "Podries deixar de fer soroll i dir paraules una estoneta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estoneta", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7167, + "example": "Digue'm com s'arriba a La Santa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "La Santa", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2464, + "example": "M'agradaria recordar una entrevista amb el cap de servei el dijous vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "entrevista", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "cap de servei", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous vinent", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10325, + "example": "Puc saber quin tipus de música està reproduint-se en aquest moment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin tipus de música", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està reproduint-se en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11537, + "example": "Fes un truc al Josep, de seguida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josep", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3903, + "example": "Calcula quant fa catorze si li restes cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "catorze si li restes cinc", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5073, + "example": "Vull saber les participacions en borsa de Netflix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Netflix", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10553, + "example": "Em pots dir quins centres comercials hi ha per aquí que siguin tranquils?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "centres comercials", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "siguin tranquils", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3832, + "example": "Les orelletes de què estan fetes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "orelletes", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11842, + "example": "Podries deixar de fer el que estàs fent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1526, + "example": "Apuja el volum d'aquesta cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5529, + "example": "Voldries fer un truc al Roger?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Roger", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1120, + "example": "Em poses vambes a la llista del torneig de pàdel?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "vambes", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "torneig de pàdel", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11185, + "example": "Què menjarem demà per esmorzar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "esmorzar", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11359, + "example": "Saps si és dimecres a les cinc quan m'he de visitar amb l'al·lergòleg de l'Hospital d'Igualada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "al·lergòleg", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital d'Igualada", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11974, + "example": "Em pots punxar una cançó d'El Canto del Loco a la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "El Canto del Loco", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1869, + "example": "Podries esborrar de la meva agenda personal la partida de \"Trivial\" amb l'Esther i l'Adriana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partida de \"Trivial\"", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Esther", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Adriana", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8685, + "example": "De la llista de begudes prohibides a la festa en podries eliminar la llimonada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "llimonada", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de begudes prohibides a la festa", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8913, + "example": "Troba'm l'adreça del Joaquim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joaquim", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 20, + "example": "La Carla té visita el dia 13, anota-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "no_md_person", + "Text": "Carla", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "13", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8858, + "example": "Necessito saber a quina hora tinc reunió el dia d'avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2527, + "example": "Em dius si surt alguna cosa nova de la situació política del rectorat de la UB?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la situació política del rectorat de la UB", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10654, + "example": "Estaria bé descobrir quins concerts hi ha per aquí a prop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concerts", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí a prop", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2007, + "example": "Podries eliminar-nos la llista de regals d'aniversari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de regals d'aniversari", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2607, + "example": "Ens podries preparar un cafè amb llet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè amb llet", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3685, + "example": "Quin és el nom de l'escriptor del \"Quixot\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "Quin és el nom de l'escriptor", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "Quixot", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7934, + "example": "Voldria que amplifiquessis l'àudio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 606, + "example": "Quins són els trens que hi ha de Salou a Canet de Mar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Canet de Mar", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9661, + "example": "On està l'arròs negre per emportar a casa del restaurant El Meu Poble?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs negre", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "El Meu Poble", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11658, + "example": "No t'acabo de seguir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3604, + "example": "M'agrada un munt escoltar Lax'n'Busto.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Lax'n'Busto", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6213, + "example": "Quins documents es requereixen per aconseguir el certificat digital?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quins documents es requereixen per aconseguir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat digital", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4208, + "example": "Mira quines novetats hi ha a Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7165, + "example": "No sé com arribar a la FNAC, indica'm com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "FNAC", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9187, + "example": "Prepara un cafè americà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè americà", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8254, + "example": "Vull que em reservis un lloc al tren que arriba a Berga a les nou, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Berga", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7534, + "example": "L'ull de bou de la cuina, volem atenuar-lo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7911, + "example": "Passa els leds a color lila.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "lila", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8142, + "example": "Vull un seient al tren camí a Ulldecona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ulldecona", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7832, + "example": "Augmenta el to de la llum de la sala d'estar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala d'estar", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1619, + "example": "Canvies el llum de l'ull de bou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 157, + "example": "La propera visita amb la doctora Vila és el dia 9 a les dues i mitja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Vila", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "9", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues i mitja", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7431, + "example": "M'agradaria remetre un missatge de correu electrònic al meu nebot Humbert que digui \"avui et vindré a buscar jo a l'entrenament de futbol\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "avui et vindré a buscar jo a l'entrenament de futbol", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 137 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu nebot Humbert", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8842, + "example": "Saps dir què tinc planificat avui a les dotze amb el meu nebot?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu nebot", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8422, + "example": "Vull demanar una hamburguesa vegana a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hamburguesa vegana", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10445, + "example": "Em pots assegurar els llistats que tinc aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6504, + "example": "Quin local té la terrassa més gran: El Fornet o la Granja Montserrat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "El Fornet", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Granja Montserrat", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin local té la terrassa més gran", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1231, + "example": "Desactiva el llum del menjador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 615, + "example": "Em mostres quin és el trajecte si vaig en tren a l'apartament del Xavier?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "apartament", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Xavier", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7871, + "example": "Vull que buidis tot el que hi ha anotat al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2420, + "example": "Vull un Lyft que em porti fins al Raval.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "al Raval", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7712, + "example": "Em poses al calendari que tenim balls de saló diumenge a les dotze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "balls de saló", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10204, + "example": "Digue'm el temps que està fent al lloc on visc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "lloc on visc", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 127, + "example": "Apunta la cita al CAP d'Horta per dilluns que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns que ve", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Horta", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1668, + "example": "Em dius quina hora és al fus horari de Pacífic/Tahití si al fus horari d'Amèrica/Guatemala són les cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Pacífic/Tahití", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Guatemala", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 524, + "example": "M'encantaria fer una partida al \"Farm heroes\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Farm heroes", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8449, + "example": "Demana'm menjar a domicili al Can Pizza.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Can Pizza", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5466, + "example": "Pots enviar aquesta ubicació al meu fill?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu fill", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8096, + "example": "Tens alguna cosa a dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11042, + "example": "Per on haig d'anar a casa de la mama?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mama", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5483, + "example": "Necessito que comparteixis amb l'Aribau la meva localització actual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aribau", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5387, + "example": "Em mostres com anar a peu a l'oficina de l'Antoni Adell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Antoni Adell", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "peu", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5821, + "example": "Truca a la policia per avisar d'un robatori.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "policia", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "robatori", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2047, + "example": "Vull encarregar menjar per emportar aquesta tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2649, + "example": "Pots deixar un missatge al mur de Facebook del Martí que digui \"per molts anys i que t'acabi de provar el dia\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "deixar un missatge al mur", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "per molts anys i que t'acabi de provar el dia", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 109 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3976, + "example": "Digues quant són cinc dòlars australians en corones estonianes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "cinc dòlars australians", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "corones estonianes", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8445, + "example": "Vull fer un encàrrec de kebab vegetarià per endur.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "kebab vegetarià", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11296, + "example": "Tinc alguna visita amb el metge la setmana vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1169, + "example": "A tres quarts de quatre de la matinada he d'escriure poemes, posa-ho al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de quatre de la matinada", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "escriure poemes", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1766, + "example": "Vull suprimir-ho tot del meu calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3025, + "example": "Ens poses el següent episodi de \"Hidden harbor mysteries\" al jardí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Hidden harbor mysteries", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "jardí", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5981, + "example": "Vull saber el telèfon de contacte del doctor Jaume Pons.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon de contacte", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctor Jaume Pons", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3850, + "example": "Em podries dir de quines maneres puc cuinar la carn de xai?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "carn de xai", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6420, + "example": "Quina validesa té la meva targeta sanitària?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quina validesa té", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9217, + "example": "Anota'm a l'agenda que tinc una reunió important aquest vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió important", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest vespre", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6965, + "example": "Vull que reprodueixis la segona pel·lícula del director Albert Serrà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "segona pel·lícula", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Albert Serrà", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7490, + "example": "Em podries llevar el dijous a les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3478, + "example": "Em pots dir alguna broma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8243, + "example": "Vull agafar el tren exprés que surt de Lleida a tres quarts i mig de deu del matí per anar a Sabadell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren exprés", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts i mig de deu del matí", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 93, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8193, + "example": "He de viatjar cap a Ulldecona; em demanes un bitllet pel tren que surt des de Vic a les nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ulldecona", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7550, + "example": "Abaixa els llums de la bodega.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bodega", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 932, + "example": "No vull la música tan forta, abaixa-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3150, + "example": "Em reprodueixes un tema de gòspel?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "gòspel", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3377, + "example": "Podries recordar-me que demà esmorzo amb els pares?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "esmorzo", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "pares", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8051, + "example": "Que t'expliques de nou, nen?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5065, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis com van les participacions en borsa de Nvidia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Nvidia", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9005, + "example": "Vull que m'ensenyis en quin dia cau el 28 d'octubre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "28 d'octubre", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8541, + "example": "Truca'm un Talixo que em porti avui a Tarragona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Talixo", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11227, + "example": "Digue'm si el dinar d'avui conté macarrons.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "macarrons", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6713, + "example": "Vull reservar una taula per dinar al Desoriente.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Desoriente", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8322, + "example": "El correu electrònic de la Gemma, contesta'l immediatament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gemma", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1013, + "example": "Apaga'm el llum del menjador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5983, + "example": "Proporciona'm l'adreça de la consulta de la doctora Joana Herrera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça de la consulta", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctora Joana Herrera", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11252, + "example": "Què hi ha avui de postres per sopar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1739, + "example": "Saps quina hora és al fus horari del Canadà/Montana si al fus horari de Líbia són les vuit de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari del Canadà/Montana", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Líbia", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit de la tarda", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5972, + "example": "Voldria saber l'adreça del doctor Jorquera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctor Jorquera", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10666, + "example": "Trobar quins festivals d'art hi ha en aquesta àrea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festivals d'art", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "en aquesta àrea", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4116, + "example": "A què es dedica la Gemma Mengual actualment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "A què es dedica", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "actualment", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gemma Mengual", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 996, + "example": "Voldria minimitzar la llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3651, + "example": "Avui he perdut el metro just quan anava a pujar-hi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11403, + "example": "La setmana vinent tinc la cita amb el podòleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "podòleg", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9331, + "example": "Pots reproduir la meva cançó preferida a la bodega?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferida", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bodega", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9447, + "example": "Em ve de gust escoltar un pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4161, + "example": "Què tinc programat pel dia d'avui després de les nou del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8530, + "example": "Mira si trobes un taxi a les 2 del migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 2 del migdia", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7144, + "example": "Em dius quin és el recorregut per anar al restaurant Claudi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "restaurant Claudi", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7600, + "example": "Vull que em posis garrafes d'aigua a la llista del supermercat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "garrafes d'aigua", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista del supermercat", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9588, + "example": "Per sortir de Palafrugell, com està la circulació en aquest moment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9640, + "example": "Van bé els meus calamars a la romana a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "calamars a la romana", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2366, + "example": "M'agradaria adquirir un bitllet per l'exprés de les cinc de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "exprés", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3261, + "example": "Em podries tornar a posar a les golfes la reproducció de l'audiollibre \"A l'amic escocès\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "A l'amic escocès", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3552, + "example": "Aquesta cançó que està de fons de country no la suporto.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "country", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està de fons", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7396, + "example": "Escriu un correu electrònic a la meva companya de feina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva companya de feina", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8238, + "example": "Em podries comprar un bitllet del tren que surt de Lleida a les quatre de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la matinada", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2361, + "example": "Em podries reservar un bitllet pel tren de les deu de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren ", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2056, + "example": "Voldria demanar hamburguesa a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hamburguesa", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6720, + "example": "Voldria reservar una taula per a la meva família.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva família", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11812, + "example": "Et detens uns minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1847, + "example": "Pots treure'm del calendari la revisió del cotxe d'aquesta tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "revisió del cotxe", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3320, + "example": "M'agradaria continuar amb \"El cel no és per tothom\" de la Marta Rojals.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "El cel no és per tothom", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Marta Rojals", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10651, + "example": "Fan alguna festa aquesta tarda per la meva àrea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festa", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva àrea", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11945, + "example": "El que dius no té cap sentit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5918, + "example": "M'agradaria saber on està l'hospital de Sant Cugat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "on està", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Cugat", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8247, + "example": "Aquest dilluns vull agafar el regional des d'Abrera a tres quarts de set del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "regional", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Abrera", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de set del matí", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4120, + "example": "Daniel Ricciardo seguirà a la Fórmula 1 l'any que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "seguirà a la Fórmula 1 l'any que ve", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Daniel Ricciardo", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 947, + "example": "Abaixa un xic el volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2264, + "example": "Et faria res fer arribar un missatge de correu electrònic a la Xènia dient-li que \"ha dit l'home del temps que demà plouria així que val més no oblidar les teles per muntar les carpes\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Xènia", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "ha dit l'home del temps que demà plouria així que val més no oblidar les teles per muntar les carpes", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 183 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 223, + "example": "Vols saber com ha sigut el meu dia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2349, + "example": "Necessito un bitllet de Rodalies de Salou a Cubelles per les tres de la tarda del dimarts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cubelles", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8512, + "example": "Em reserves un Lyft per a sis persones per anar a l'aeroport i que ens reculli a passeig de Valldaura, 172?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "aeroport", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "passeig de Valldaura, 172", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 106 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9946, + "example": "Hi ha posades alertes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9111, + "example": "Mira a veure què fan a \"RAC105\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "RAC105", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8339, + "example": "Et faria res respondre l'e-mail que vam rebre de l'Elsa la setmana passada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Elsa", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana passada", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1531, + "example": "Podries parar-me el reproductor musical?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "parar-me", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11624, + "example": "Efectiviwonder.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2185, + "example": "Seria possible que posessis en funcionament l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7624, + "example": "Vull que m'afegeixis Caldea al llistat de coses importants d'Andorra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Caldea", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de coses importants d'Andorra", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2571, + "example": "Em prepararies un cafè americà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè americà", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2507, + "example": "Fes-me un toc al mòbil per recordar que he de trucar en 10 minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "trucar", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en 10 minuts", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9705, + "example": "Indica'm l'hora al fus horari de Ciutat de Mèxic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Ciutat de Mèxic", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11795, + "example": "T'aturaries una estona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7540, + "example": "Disminuir els llums led a l'entrada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "entrada", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5636, + "example": "Que pots trucar a les meves cosines del poble?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "les meves cosines del poble", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9207, + "example": "Ara mateix em ve de gust prendre un expresso.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "expresso", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10826, + "example": "Botifarra, fuet i xoriç.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5982, + "example": "Digue'm l'horari de consulta de la doctora Martí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari de consulta", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctora Martí", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4712, + "example": "Que sabeu si podem demanar per emportar al Telepizza?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Telepizza", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "demanar per emportar", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1716, + "example": "Si al fus horari de Líbia són les quatre de la matinada, pots dir-me quina hora és al fus horari de Pacífic/Tahití?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Pacífic/Tahití", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 114 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Líbia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la matinada", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7055, + "example": "Posa'm de nou els vídeos de \"Lo Cartanyà\" a YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Lo Cartanyà", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7173, + "example": "Quin és el trajecte si vaig en tren a la cafeteria Dolç i Salat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "cafeteria Dolç i Salat", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6525, + "example": "Em toca prendre l'analgèsic cada sis hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "analgèsic", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11117, + "example": "Podries informar-me de quin paper van tenir els Estats Units en la Segona Guerra Mundial?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "historical_event", + "Text": "Segona Guerra Mundial", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "historical_event_detail", + "Text": "quin paper van tenir els Estats Units", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1382, + "example": "El volum està massa suau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6905, + "example": "Aquesta ubicació comparteix-la fins a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9449, + "example": "Ens reproduiries el pòdcast \"Popap\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Popap", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4073, + "example": "Quin és el telèfon nou de la Joana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon nou", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6199, + "example": "Veure requisits de sol·licitud per al certificat COVID.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "requisits de sol·licitud", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4987, + "example": "A quina hora diu l'itinerari que surt el tren que porta a Canet de Mar demà passat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Canet de Mar", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10052, + "example": "Em podries mostrar el reportatge més recent del fàrmac espanyol contra el càncer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "fàrmac espanyol contra el càncer", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1379, + "example": "Vull sentir els bafles al màxim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5746, + "example": "Pots fer-me un truc a l'Ajuntament de Vila-rodona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament de Vila-rodona", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10629, + "example": "Troba'm activitats a Banyoles divendres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Banyoles", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7924, + "example": "T'importaria engrandir el volum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11896, + "example": "No està gens bé.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1586, + "example": "Em canvies el llum al color violeta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "violeta", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5194, + "example": "Em pots dir si tinc apuntat que he de matricular-me al gimnàs la setmana vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "matricular-me al gimnàs", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7311, + "example": "L'email nou de la meva germana és pistatxo@pistatxo.com; guarda-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "pistatxo@pistatxo.com", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3810, + "example": "Necessito saber quins plats puc cuinar amb sípia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "sípia", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 338, + "example": "Ho pots repetir de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8078, + "example": "Què estàs fent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5686, + "example": "M'agradaria que fessis un truc a la consulta del cardiòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "consulta del cardiòleg", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4795, + "example": "M'ensenyes si nevarà a Begur?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "nevarà", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Begur", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3146, + "example": "Podries tocar-nos una cançoneta a l'habitació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8260, + "example": "Adquireix el tiquet de tren del dissabte a les nou de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou de la nit", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10861, + "example": "Quan m'he de prendre el Nolotil?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Nolotil", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8628, + "example": "Una de les entrades del calendari, elimina-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8434, + "example": "Seria possible fer una comanda a Just Eat per demanar un pastís de formatge vegà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Just Eat", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pastís de formatge vegà", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9139, + "example": "Anota un recordatori que tinc partida de rol cada dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partida de rol ", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dilluns", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4386, + "example": "Sabries dir-me l'hora de Wellington?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Wellington", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4040, + "example": "Un kyat a quant equival vers el franc ruandès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "franc ruandès", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "Un kyat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 547, + "example": "Entrar-me a una partida del \"Clash royale\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Clash royale", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9244, + "example": "Estaré reunit amb la meva mànager el divendres al vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Estaré reunit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mànager", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6917, + "example": "Vull que fins d'aquí a tres hores comparteixis la meva ubicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "aquí a tres hores", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 444, + "example": "Guai del Paraguai.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 363, + "example": "El que acabes de dir, repeteix-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11916, + "example": "Això no pot ser veritat, no et crec.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6482, + "example": "Quin cinema té més sales: l'Ocine Blanes o l'Ocine Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ocine Blanes", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ocine Girona", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin cinema té més sales", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8840, + "example": "Necessito saber a quina hora és la cita de visitar al president de la comunitat la setmana que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visitar al president de la comunitat", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5677, + "example": "Necessito telefonar al CAP de Riudoms per concertar una cita.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Riudoms", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5765, + "example": "Truca'm al casal d'avis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "casal d'avis", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10016, + "example": "Podries dir-me quines alertes sonaran el dimarts a dos quarts de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8711, + "example": "Carrega't el llistat \"cinema\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1232, + "example": "Desconnecta els llums de l'estudi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5609, + "example": "Necessito parlar amb el Roger.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Roger", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4451, + "example": "Avui posaran alguna pel·lícula de terror al cinema del Diagonal Mar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "terror", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Diagonal Mar", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10515, + "example": "Busca botigues de queviures a prop meu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues de queviures", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6050, + "example": "Vull que em diguis l'horari de l'Ajuntament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11976, + "example": "Ens punxes \"Volver a disfrutar\" després de la cançó que sona en aquests instants?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Volver a disfrutar", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11219, + "example": "Dilluns toquen rovellons a l'all i julivert?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dilluns", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "rovellons a l'all i julivert", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10011, + "example": "Hi ha alarmes configurades per dijous vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous vinent", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6952, + "example": "M'agradaria que compartissis la meva ubicació amb els meus pares.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "els meus pares", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2200, + "example": "M'agradaria sentir la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6495, + "example": "Qui ofereix millor cafè Velvet o Quedem?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Velvet", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Quedem", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Qui ofereix millor cafè", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10567, + "example": "Enumera'm les activitats que fan al meu barri.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu barri", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8113, + "example": "Què tal va?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4274, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis a quin dia som.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1171, + "example": "Dissabte a les sis tinc una conferència amb la Noèlia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dissabte", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferència", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Noèlia", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1061, + "example": "La roomba, me la poses a aspirar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6030, + "example": "A quina hora obre la biblioteca del poble?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quina hora obre", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "poble", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4323, + "example": "Com es diu l'esdeveniment que fan al Maresme sobre la difusió de patrimoni?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Maresme", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_detail", + "Text": "difusió de patrimoni", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6409, + "example": "Fins quan és vàlida la TSE?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSE", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Fins quan és vàlida", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7409, + "example": "Necessito que li escriguis un correu al meu cosí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu cosí", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8788, + "example": "Afegeix que m'apassiona aquesta cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3027, + "example": "Em pots posar l'episodi següent de \"Wooden overcoats\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Wooden overcoats", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10648, + "example": "Fan alguna cosa avui per la meva zona entre les vuit i les deu del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3456, + "example": "Explica'm una conya amb què pugui riure.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6986, + "example": "Reprodueix vídeos d'\"Avatar: l'últim mestre de l'aire\" a Vimeo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Vimeo", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Avatar: l'últim mestre de l'aire", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4960, + "example": "A quina hora circulen trens que van de Calafell a Sabadell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Calafell", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11264, + "example": "Mostra'm les notícies referents a la política als Estats Units que siguin més noves.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "política als Estats Units", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10466, + "example": "Em podries enumerar els meus llistats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9000, + "example": "Digue'm a quina hora és el pla del mes que ve amb la meva mare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5235, + "example": "Em dius com arribo a l'apartat de medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11024, + "example": "Ensenya'm què he de fer per anar a veure la meva àvia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva àvia", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11172, + "example": "Quin tipus de carn dinarem?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "carn", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinarem", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9116, + "example": "Posa'm l'emissora \"Cadena SER\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Cadena SER", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4853, + "example": "L'afluència de vehicles per sortir de Castelldefels en aquest moment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Castelldefels", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3557, + "example": "El tema que sona de Mishima fa que m'entrin ganes d'arrencar-me les orelles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Mishima", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 398, + "example": "Em pots parlar de qui és el millor amic del Jordi Font?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "qui és el millor amic", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jordi Font", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1296, + "example": "Voldria que apaguessis aquests endolls intel·ligents immediatament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8398, + "example": "Seria molt demanar que fessis una comanda a domicili de tallarines a la marinera del Sul Mare?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "tallarines a la marinera", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Sul Mare", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7623, + "example": "Vull que posis un altre element al llistat que es diu \"coses de casa\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "coses de casa", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 833, + "example": "Em pots enumerar els llistats de viatges que hi ha?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "viatges", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 716, + "example": "Necessito saber com es va formar el Golf de Roses.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "com es va formar", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Golf de Roses", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 598, + "example": "Necessito jugar al \"Red dead redemption\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Red dead redemption", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2221, + "example": "Envia a la Magda un mail que es tituli \"descomptes i ofertes\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "descomptes i ofertes", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Magda", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8220, + "example": "Agafa'm un tiquet pel ferro que surt de Tudela a les deu del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferro", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tudela", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9525, + "example": "Escoltar la llista de cançons preferides.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "llista de cançons preferides", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1437, + "example": "Seria possible posar la llum més forta al lavabo petit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo petit", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8844, + "example": "Tinc apuntat recollir a la Magda a Sant Julià algun dia d'aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "recollir a la Magda", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Julià", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7112, + "example": "L'app de La Sirena Congelats, vull que l'obris.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "La Sirena Congelats", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4332, + "example": "Busca on fan l'exposició de \"Llum a la foscor\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "exposició", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Llum a la foscor", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9562, + "example": "Saber quina és la recepta per fer sípia amb patates i allioli.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sípia amb patates i allioli", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3095, + "example": "Podries reproduir la meva llista de reproducció \"ballar tota la nit\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "ballar tota la nit", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8502, + "example": "Vull anar cap al carrer d'Anna Maria Dalí; em pots demanar un UberX avui a les tres de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer d'Anna Maria Dalí", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "UberX", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6282, + "example": "Com s'ha acabat el partit de les sis de la lliga femenina Endesa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "lliga femenina Endesa", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11262, + "example": "Mostra'm notícies d'ara mateix referents al reciclatge a Europa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "reciclatge a Europa", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5681, + "example": "Truca al centre psiquiàtric de Sant Rafel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre psiquiàtric de Sant Rafel", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3127, + "example": "Em tocaries una cançó a la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 877, + "example": "Dona'm les notícies sobre els túnels de l'AVE que van perforar un aqüífer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "túnels de l'AVE que van perforar un aqüífer", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6919, + "example": "Podries compartir la meva ubicació fins d'aquí a cinc hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "aquí a cinc hores", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8115, + "example": "Bona vesprada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9828, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis com es defineix el concepte de tabernacle.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "tabernacle", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9302, + "example": "Puc escoltar l'episodi que segueix del pòdcast \"The magnus archives\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "The magnus archives", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1424, + "example": "Es podria augmentar la claredat del llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5395, + "example": "Què em mostres com arribar a Sitges amb tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10518, + "example": "Em recomanes alguna lleteria de l'Eixample Esquerre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "lleteria", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Eixample Esquerre", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1293, + "example": "Necessito que apaguis els meus endolls intel·ligents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9322, + "example": "Escoltar l'episodi següent del \"Tastets de llengua\" a Spotify.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Tastets de llengua", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Spotify", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 704, + "example": "Ensenyar com és l'altiplà de Batet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "com és", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "altiplà de Batet", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6156, + "example": "Adreça Ajuntament de Terrassa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Adreça", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7299, + "example": "Vull que afegeixis l'adreça electrònica rauxabar@hotmail.com al contacte del Pere.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "rauxabar@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5110, + "example": "Aquest hit que estic reproduint al dormitori de quan és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "de quan és", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic reproduint", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 62, + "example": "Apunta que tinc visita amb la nefròloga en dues hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "nefròloga", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "en dues hores", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 180, + "example": "Dimecres a les nou tinc metge, apunta-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimecres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1273, + "example": "Necessito apagar aquests endolls intel·ligents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9639, + "example": "Saps si li falta massa a la meva paella per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "paella", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3845, + "example": "Digues quins ingredients té una bona fideuà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fideuà", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1557, + "example": "Torna a reproduir la mateixa cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Torna a reproduir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 930, + "example": "La música posa-la al mínim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3480, + "example": "Explica una conya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8579, + "example": "Vull un Lyft per demà passat, des de les tres fins a tres quarts de quatre del migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres fins a tres quarts de quatre del migdia", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4917, + "example": "Hi ha molta circulació per entrar Barcelona la tarda del diumenge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9474, + "example": "Reprodueix un pòdcast del \"matí de Catalunya Ràdio\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "matí de Catalunya Ràdio", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3667, + "example": "Amb quants anys va començar a pintar van Gogh?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Amb quants anys va començar a pintar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "van Gogh", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5039, + "example": "Pots dir-me el preu de les accions de Bayer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Bayer", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7888, + "example": "Treu-me tot el que hi ha al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4188, + "example": "M'ensenyes com cuinar els calçots?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "calçots", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8414, + "example": "Podrias demanar alguna cosa amb JustEat", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "JustEat", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11071, + "example": "Quina era la ruta per arribar a casa del meu germà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu germà", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 110, + "example": "Apunta que demà tinc visita programada amb l'oftalmòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "oftalmòleg", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 496, + "example": "Així sí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9627, + "example": "M'interessa saber l'últim correu que parla sobre pastissos de formatge de part de la Xènia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "últim", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "pastissos de formatge", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Xènia", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 698, + "example": "Dona'm dades sobre Califòrnia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Dona'm dades", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Califòrnia", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7603, + "example": "Voldria que m'afegissis \"Dr. Jekyll i Mr. Hyde\" al llistat de recomanacions de llibres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Dr. Jekyll i Mr. Hyde", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de recomanacions de llibres", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2558, + "example": "I si em fas un biberó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "biberó", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3477, + "example": "Em dius una broma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4636, + "example": "Em dius per aquí quins centres comercials hi ha?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "centres comercials", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9422, + "example": "Reprodueix-me un pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6667, + "example": "Configura una reserva pel dia 24 a les 11.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "24", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "11", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9412, + "example": "Posar sarsuela.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "sarsuela", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4482, + "example": "Tenen alguna pel·li d'estrena d'espies al Cinema Rambla de l'Art aquest dimecres a les tres a Gavà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "espies", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinema Rambla de l'Art", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dimecres", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7069, + "example": "Veure de nou la sèrie \"The Blacklist\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "The Blacklist", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10479, + "example": "Hi ha establiments per aquí que siguin pro-LGTBI?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "pro-LGTBI", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6431, + "example": "Com puc obtenir la TSI?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSI", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com puc obtenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2619, + "example": "Pots escriure al mur de Facebook del Jordi \"per molts anys, tros de quòniam\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escriure al mur", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "per molts anys, tros de quòniam", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Jordi", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2622, + "example": "Em faries un tuit a l'atenció al client de Nike on posi \"a veure si comenceu a fer models de dona en números superiors al 42\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "faries un tuit", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de Nike", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "a veure si comenceu a fer models de dona en números superiors al 42", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 124 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 580, + "example": "Voldria fer un nivell del \"Cat game\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Cat game", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3387, + "example": "Vaig al cine amb la Matilde aquesta tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cine", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Matilde", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10675, + "example": "M'interessaria confirmar on faran el dilluns les festes del barri.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festes del barri", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5894, + "example": "A quina hora tanquen el Centre Jove de Salut Integral de Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quina hora tanquen", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Centre Jove de Salut Integral", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6805, + "example": "Ens pots fer una reserva a un restaurant libanès a les nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "libanès", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10359, + "example": "Quin tipus de música està sonant ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quin tipus de música", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant ara mateix", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1918, + "example": "Treu l'alarma que vaig posar per les tres de la matinada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la matinada", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6649, + "example": "A les vuit em toca la insulina, que m'ho recordaràs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "insulina", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7288, + "example": "Vull afegir un correu electrònic al Pere Martínez Gómez.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere Martínez Gómez", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3370, + "example": "Cada dues hores vull un recordatori per menjar pipes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Cada dues hores", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "menjar pipes", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8267, + "example": "Necessito agafar el tren cap a Córdoba divendres a la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Córdoba", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8450, + "example": "Demana menjar per endur al Lasarte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Lasarte", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3657, + "example": "Aquesta tarda vaig a jugar al parc amb el Miquel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "Aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "jugar al parc", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Miquel", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4933, + "example": "Busca quins correus electrònics tinc a l'email de la Blanca amb l'assumpte \"Vols treballar amb nosaltres\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Blanca", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "Vols treballar amb nosaltres", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3822, + "example": "Em podries dir què puc preparar amb sípia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "sípia", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11990, + "example": "Posa el pòdcast de \"La competència\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "La competència", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8833, + "example": "Vull que m'ensenyis què tinc planificat al meu calendari laboral.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8252, + "example": "Voldria tenir un seient al regional que arriba a Cambrils a les cinc del vespre des de Tortosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "regional", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cambrils", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les cinc del vespre", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 75, + "example": "Necessito anotar a l'agenda que dilluns tinc cita amb el metge d'atenció primària.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge d'atenció primària", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2562, + "example": "Podries preparar-nos un cafè que sigui curt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè que sigui curt", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3868, + "example": "Voldria que em mostressis què puc cuinar amb pernil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "pernil", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2285, + "example": "Remetre un e-mail a caramellsdellimona@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "caramellsdellimona@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7551, + "example": "La bombeta del passadís, abaixa-la al mínim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "passadís", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3089, + "example": "Em toques un tema country?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "country", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8133, + "example": "M'agradaria que adquirissis un tiquet pel tren que demà arriba a Granollers a les sis i catorze minuts del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Granollers", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les sis i catorze minuts del matí", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 111 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5708, + "example": "M'agradaria telefonar a La Monegal de Tarragona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "La Monegal de Tarragona", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 21, + "example": "Tinc hora a l'hospital de Santa Tecla divendres a un quart menys cinc de set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital de Santa Tecla", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "quart menys cinc de set", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8876, + "example": "Digue'm quantes juntes vaig tenir durant el mes d'octubre amb l'Antònia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "juntes", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "octubre", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Antònia", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8845, + "example": "Troba'm on serà la cita de fer truita de patates del mes que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fer truita de patates", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2524, + "example": "Em pots mantenir informat del conflicte polític del Regne Unit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "conflicte polític del Regne Unit", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9747, + "example": "Necessitaria que m'ensenyessis a quina hora surt el tren que passa per Gavà demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3498, + "example": "Ens pots contar algun acudit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2089, + "example": "Es pot connectar la làmpada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8109, + "example": "Com vas provant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6750, + "example": "Fes una reserva al restaurant El Rebost de Sant Celoni.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "El Rebost de Sant Celoni", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7950, + "example": "Intensifica el volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2899, + "example": "Em posaries l'emissora \"Flaix FM\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Flaix FM", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5162, + "example": "He d'anar al camp de futbol demà al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al camp de futbol", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8233, + "example": "Pots adquirir un bitllet pel tren que diumenge arriba a Girona a primera hora del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a primera hora del matí", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4058, + "example": "Quin número de telèfon hi apareix al contacte de la meva tieta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de telèfon", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1458, + "example": "Posa més forta la potència del llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5236, + "example": "Necessito trobar la cita de dimecres, m'ajudes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3873, + "example": "Quant és cinc per tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "cinc per tres", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11226, + "example": "Què toca per dinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7341, + "example": "Vull afegir un correu al contacte del meu avi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu avi", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11031, + "example": "Casa de la meva filla, dona'm les indicacions.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva filla", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Casa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9224, + "example": "Seria possible recordar-me l'esdeveniment de buscar el carnet de vacunació el dia 2 del mes que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "buscar el carnet de vacunació", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "2 del mes que ve", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2597, + "example": "Un cafè llarg, ens ho podries fer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "Un cafè llarg", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9022, + "example": "Què celebrem el 15 de maig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "15 de maig", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5263, + "example": "Ensenya'm fins quan és vàlida la prescripció d'un article ortoprotètic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan és vàlida", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "prescripció d'un article ortoprotètic", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9794, + "example": "Vull saber a quina hora puc agafar el tren que va cap a Centelles avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Centelles", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 377, + "example": "Digues-me de nou això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10435, + "example": "Ensenya'm quines són les cançons que em flipen de Mishima.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Mishima", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quines són les cançons que em flipen", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4792, + "example": "Al Prat del Llobregat hi haurà pluja aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Prat del Llobregat", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "pluja", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3331, + "example": "Podries reproduir-me \"Paraules que tu entendràs\" al dormitori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Paraules que tu entendràs", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11157, + "example": "Què soparem demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "soparem", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11657, + "example": "No veig on vols anar a parar amb el que dius.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9929, + "example": "Mostra de què treballa el Lluis Llach.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "de què treballa", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lluis Llach", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 82, + "example": "Em visito amb el reumatòleg el dimecres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "reumatòleg", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4766, + "example": "Em saps dir si el Tento que més m'agrada fa menjar per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Tento", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fa menjar per emportar", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11737, + "example": "Me la porta fluixa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7994, + "example": "Canviar la potència del volum al mínim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7243, + "example": "Vull que apaguis CVradio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "CVradio", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9752, + "example": "A quina hora surt el tren de Saragossa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Saragossa", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1196, + "example": "A l'agenda em pots afegir que tinc una cita amb el Lluís Belloch?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lluís Belloch", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8764, + "example": "No vull tornar a sentir aquesta cançó un altre cop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11291, + "example": "Quina visita tinc a l'Hospital de Vendrell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Vendrell", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4369, + "example": "Ensenya'm quines són les activitats que fan al meu barri.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "activitats", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu barri", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 365, + "example": "Ho podries tornar a dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9505, + "example": "M'agrada el tema \"Monster\" de Skillet; el vull sentir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Monster", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Skillet", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "M'agrada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3375, + "example": "Pots avisar-me de l'esdeveniment que tinc el dia 8 de febrer a Barcelona anomenat \"concert de Metallica\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "8 de febrer", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "concert de Metallica", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7217, + "example": "Voldria que apaguessis l'aplicació BonÀrea Online.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "BonÀrea Online", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9686, + "example": "On està el repartidor que porta els nostres espaguetis a la puttanesca del Caliu de Gràcia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "espaguetis a la puttanesca", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Caliu de Gràcia", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8806, + "example": "Em flipa aquesta cançó que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3988, + "example": "Vull saber com està el florí neerlandès vers el dòlar de Hong Kong.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dòlar de Hong Kong", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "florí neerlandès", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2536, + "example": "Podries avisar-me si surt alguna cosa nova de la situació de Trump?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la situació de Trump", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8089, + "example": "Jo vull començar una conversa amb tu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5575, + "example": "Vull fer un truc a l'àvia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "àvia", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 871, + "example": "Busca la notícia que sobre els pressupostos del 2023 que surt al diari \"Marca\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "pressupostos del 2023", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Marca", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3141, + "example": "Podries punxar una cançó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9158, + "example": "Puja una foto a l'estat de Whatsapp.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Puja", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "foto", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5479, + "example": "Comparteix la meva ubicació amb el meu avi durant quatre hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu avi", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "quatre hores", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1167, + "example": "Afegir-me al calendari que tinc una conferència a Manresa a les cinc de la tarda el pròxim dijous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferència", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim dijous", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11205, + "example": "El diumenge toquen els fideus a la cassola?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fideus a la cassola", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2074, + "example": "Requereixo els llums activats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1207, + "example": "Anota'm que tinc un pícnic a Banyoles el diumenge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "pícnic", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Banyoles", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5777, + "example": "Telefona'm el casal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "casal", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8468, + "example": "Podries agafar un taxi per sortir a les vuit del matí des d'aquesta ubicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquesta ubicació", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7951, + "example": "El volum, m'agradaria maximitzar-lo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6834, + "example": "Pots fer una reserva una taula al restaurant König de Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "König", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 912, + "example": "Vull que la música estigui a un volum més baix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10200, + "example": "Què passa a LinkedIn en aquest instant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "LinkedIn", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4607, + "example": "Em pots dir on són les pastisseries més luxoses del meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "pastisseries", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "més luxoses", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "del meu barri", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6124, + "example": "Voldria veure on es troba la biblioteca d'Esplugues de Llobregat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "on es troba", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Esplugues de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9179, + "example": "M'actualitzaries l'estat actual de Facebook per \"en una relació\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "actualitzaries", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "en una relació", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7512, + "example": "Divendres de la setmana que ve podries posar una alarma per llevar-nos a les sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Divendres de la setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11807, + "example": "Para de fer coses, va.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2021, + "example": "A Appat em podries fer una comanda de fideus al wok?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Appat", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fideus al wok", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10068, + "example": "Em pots explicar les notícies més recents de la reina d'Anglaterra publicades a \"Vilaweb\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "reina d'Anglaterra", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Vilaweb", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11273, + "example": "Digue'm quin dia tinc la visita amb la cardiòloga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "cardiòloga", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 259, + "example": "El tren que va a Montmeló, passarà avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Montmeló", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3912, + "example": "Cinquanta dividits entre vint.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Cinquanta dividits entre vint", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7975, + "example": "El volum, el pots baixar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6666, + "example": "El dia 29 necessito una reserva al 66.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "29", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "66", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11516, + "example": "Truca al meu pare per dir-li que m'he perdut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu pare", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "m'he perdut", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 109, + "example": "Tinc visita amb el doctor Solé el divendres 30 a les dues.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Solé", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres 30", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4100, + "example": "Quin número de telèfon tenia en Joan?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de telèfon", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6073, + "example": "Quin és el telèfon de la biblioteca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6186, + "example": "Demanen el certificat COVID a tots els aeroports?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "a tots els aeroports", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10516, + "example": "Hi ha cap herbolari al barri de la Verneda i la Pau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "herbolari", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la Verneda i la Pau", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6837, + "example": "Vull reservar a una pizzeria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "pizzeria", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7262, + "example": "Vull que em guardis el nou correu de la Marina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marina", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4023, + "example": "Em dius quantes corones noruegues són cinc iens japonesos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "cinc iens japonesos", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "corones noruegues", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11225, + "example": "La truita de carxofa de dimarts portarà ceba?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "truita de carxofa", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "ceba", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11003, + "example": "Digues la pastilla que em prenc cada vuit hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada vuit hores", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11124, + "example": "A quins programes de la ràdio va aparèixer l'Elisabeth Maragall?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Elisabeth Maragall", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "A quins programes de la ràdio va aparèixer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5458, + "example": "Mostra la ubicació actual al meu company de pis durant deu minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "l meu company de pis", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "deu minuts", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6651, + "example": "Engega una alarma cada sis hores per prendre'm el xarop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7912, + "example": "El llum el poses de color maragda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "maragda", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9376, + "example": "Vull escoltar una mica de música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2526, + "example": "Em mantens informat de les novetats que puguis trobar sobre la recerca de la conducta instrumental dels ximpanzés?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la recerca de la conducta instrumental dels ximpanzés", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 113 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9014, + "example": "M'ensenyes quin dia serà demà a Massachusetts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Massachusetts", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2438, + "example": "Ens demanaries un taxi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8049, + "example": "Què passa per la teva vida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5197, + "example": "Em podries dir quines són les coses que tinc apuntades al calendari per demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 535, + "example": "Inicia el joc que ens va agradar ahir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6708, + "example": "Fer reserva d'una taula a un restaurant per sopar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11520, + "example": "Truca al Manel perquè m'he torçat el canell a la competició de pàdel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Manel", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "m'he torçat el canell", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10953, + "example": "Podries comprovar si era cada sis hores que em prenc el bupropió?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "bupropió", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3788, + "example": "Em pots dir què puc cuinar amb llimones?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "llimones", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3431, + "example": "Em dius com es defineix el concepte de bac?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "bac", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8663, + "example": "Pots treure'm del meu calendari el festival de la meva germana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "festival", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9936, + "example": "Em mires les alarmes que tinc programades per dijous i divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2669, + "example": "M'escriuries a l'Instagram \"avui finalment surto de compres amb @Martagarrido\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escriuries", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "avui finalment surto de compres amb @Martagarrido", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9858, + "example": "Necessito saber quin dia és la festa nacional de França.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "quin dia és la festa nacional", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "França", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7155, + "example": "A l'església com arribo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "església", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8525, + "example": "El dimarts requereixo un taxi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11088, + "example": "Creus que nevarà cap a les cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "nevarà", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "cap a les cinc", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9236, + "example": "Em pots advertir que el pròxim dimecres s'han de regar les petúnies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim dimecres", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "regar les petúnies", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8170, + "example": "Agafa'm un bitllet pel tren que surt demà de Torredembarra a les deu del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Torredembarra", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 302, + "example": "Repeteix-m'ho perquè no t'he sentit bé.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 299, + "example": "Quins autobusos van de Gràcia a Bellvitge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobusos", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gràcia", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Bellvitge", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4896, + "example": "Hi ha molt de tràfic en aquest moment per Sant Cugat del Vallès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Cugat del Vallès", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10869, + "example": "Em confirmes que a les onze m'he de prendre la melatonina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "melatonina", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9579, + "example": "Per Salou, què tal va el trànsit en aquest moment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquest moment", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2654, + "example": "I si em puges a Facebook l'última foto i poses de títol \"plou i fa sol\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "puges", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "última foto", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "plou i fa sol", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8639, + "example": "Fes desaparèixer l'hora amb el veterinari d'avui a les cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "l'hora amb el veterinari", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 56, + "example": "Dijous tinc visita al CAP de Sabadell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dijous", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 461, + "example": "Ets una canya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11767, + "example": "No importa gens.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10587, + "example": "La \"Fira Medieval d'Oficis\" es fa a Súria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Súria", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Fira Medieval d'Oficis", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7283, + "example": "Desa'm que el correu de l'Eva és evamor@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eva", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "evamor@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6848, + "example": "Voldria taula per sopar, quatre persones divendres a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "a les deu", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2003, + "example": "Ens pots eliminar el llistat de tasques per fer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de tasques per fer", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2664, + "example": "Em podries canviar l'estat de Facebook per posar \"és complicat\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "canviar l'estat", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "és complicat", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3987, + "example": "Busca'm com està el dòlar de Surinam en comparació amb el franc suís.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "franc suís", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar de Surinam", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6976, + "example": "En posaries el vídeo que em fa tornar boig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "em fa tornar boig", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8958, + "example": "Fer anar el robot aspirador per la cotxera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cotxera", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1701, + "example": "Si a GMT 0 són les tres, saps quina l'hora és al fus horari a Hawaii?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "GMT 0", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari a Hawaii", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10816, + "example": "Papallones, saltamartins i escarabats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7422, + "example": "Podries remetre un correu al meu xicot que tingui per missatge \"ja he comprat les pomes i les peres\" i que tingui per títol \"compres al súper\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu xicot", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "ja he comprat les pomes i les peres", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 99 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "compres al súper", + "Start_char": 125, + "End_char": 141 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9027, + "example": "Necessito saber què celebrem el 20 de novembre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "20 de novembre", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4686, + "example": "Em pots dir si tinc acumulats molts correus recents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recents", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10095, + "example": "Buscar les notícies més noves sobre ciència.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "ciència", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10885, + "example": "Sabries confirmar si era l'antihipertensiu el que em toca prendre a les dues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antihipertensiu", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8667, + "example": "Podries treure del calendari personal tot el que tinc programat a les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6345, + "example": "Puc demanar online la targeta Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Puc demanar online", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2105, + "example": "Voldria que m'activessis els ulls de bou del lavabo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7183, + "example": "Digue'm com puc arribar a Casamar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Casamar", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7004, + "example": "Volem reproduir un programa del \"30 minuts\" a YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "30 minuts", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7156, + "example": "Hauria d'anar al supermercat, com ho faig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "supermercat", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4277, + "example": "Quina hora tenen a Valls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6029, + "example": "A quina hora obre la Farmàcia La Clau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia La Clau", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quina hora obre", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6112, + "example": "Busca quin és l'horari de la residència de gent gran d'Amposta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "residència de gent gran", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Amposta", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1935, + "example": "Pots desactivar l'alarma que hi ha programada els divendres a l'una?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "l'una", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "els divendres", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 827, + "example": "Tinc cap llista de factures?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de factures", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6890, + "example": "M'agafaries una taula per sopar dimecres al tailandès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "tailandès", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8354, + "example": "Pots encomanar dues pizzes de pernil i formatge per Just Eat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizzes de pernil i formatge", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Just Eat", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9889, + "example": "Resol l'operació de deu sumat a sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "deu sumat a sis", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2753, + "example": "Necessito que tanquis la boca una estoneta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estoneta", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3222, + "example": "A continuació de la cançó que estàs reproduint em tocaries \"També soc jo\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "També soc jo", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "A continuació", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8297, + "example": "Em podries dir si està previst que plogui el dimecres a tres quarts d'onze del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plogui", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts d'onze del matí", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11017, + "example": "Em dius quin camí he de seguir per anar a casa de la Sílvia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 285, + "example": "Busca'm el tren que s'agafa a Sants i arriba fins a Rupit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sants", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Rupit", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5161, + "example": "Em dius quan és la quedada dels fans de Miliki?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedada dels fans de Miliki", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6974, + "example": "Voldria veure un vídeo dels que em flipen.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "em flipen", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2058, + "example": "Pots demanar alguna cosa amb l'app Comandesja?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Comandesja", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4141, + "example": "Confirma'm si he d'anar al cinema amb la Marta el dijous a les onze de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al cinema", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze de la nit", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5573, + "example": "Telefona a ma padrina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma padrina", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9115, + "example": "Vull sentir \"Cadena Dial\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Cadena Dial", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1933, + "example": "Podries eliminar-nos l'alarma de cada dissabte a les onze del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dissabte", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7272, + "example": "Podries afegir-me el correu mariamartinez@yahoo.es com el correu de la meva tieta Maria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "mariamartinez@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta Maria", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4431, + "example": "Tenen alguna pel·li d'estrena de comèdia a la Filmoteca de Catalunya avui a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Filmoteca de Catalunya", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "estrena de comèdia", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3581, + "example": "El meu gènere preferit és el rock català.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rock català", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5222, + "example": "Com puc veure les visites programades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "visites programades", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7439, + "example": "Remetre un email a la meva muller que tingui per missatge \"la reunió de negocis ha estat tot un èxit\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva muller", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "la reunió de negocis ha estat tot un èxit", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 100 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10399, + "example": "De Quina Barra tinc temes que m'agraden?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Quina Barra", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'agraden", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2020, + "example": "Encarregar tres hamburgueses.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hamburgueses", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2354, + "example": "He de sortir de Salt aquest matí, em pots reservar un bitllet de tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salt", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8720, + "example": "Em pots eliminar la llista d'al·lèrgies del Jordi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista d'al·lèrgies del Jordi", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11748, + "example": "Me la bufa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1915, + "example": "Suprimiries l'alerta de divendres que ve a les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres que ve", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7904, + "example": "Posa els llums de color verd clar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "verd clar", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3864, + "example": "Em pots dir quines receptes hi ha amb fuet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "fuet", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7219, + "example": "Vull que apaguis l'app BonÀrea Online.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "BonÀrea Online", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11280, + "example": "Quan he de demanar la següent visita amb el reumatòleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "reumatòleg", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 117, + "example": "Apunta la cita amb el neuròleg dimecres que ve a les deu del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "neuròleg", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8197, + "example": "Vull anar-me'n de Malgrat; em reserves un bitllet pel tren d'aquest matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Malgrat", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1201, + "example": "Seria possible suprimir del calendari la classe de ioga al parc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de ioga", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "parc", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6034, + "example": "Dona'm l'adreça de l'escola bressol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola bressol", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11126, + "example": "Què tinc dilluns per dinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4154, + "example": "Em confirmes si he d'anar a comprar al supermercat demà a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a comprar", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "supermercat", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3770, + "example": "El mes passat vaig tenir alguna reunió a l'Hospitalet de Llobregat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "El mes passat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Hospitalet de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1233, + "example": "Podries desconnectar les bombetes del garatge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "garatge", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4394, + "example": "Em pots dir l'hora d'Asilah?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Asilah", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10709, + "example": "Dissabte tinc un dinar familiar; corregeix-me si m'equivoco.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "dinar familiar", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dissabte", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2321, + "example": "Em podries esborrar del calendari la quedada amb en Ferran per trobar el millor Kebab que tinc cada dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ferran", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "trobar el millor Kebab", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dilluns", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4865, + "example": "Hi ha trànsit per sortir d'Igualada en aquest instant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Igualada", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest instant", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11132, + "example": "Què prepararem per sopar dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9078, + "example": "Posar en marxa la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6881, + "example": "M'agradaria que reservessis una taula per dinar avui amb la Júlia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Júlia", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6626, + "example": "M'agradaria que em recordessis que he de prendre el sobre cada hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada hora", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "sobre", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 197, + "example": "Podries posar-me al calendari la cita de l'Hospital de Vendrell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Vendrell", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11483, + "example": "Voldria que fessis una trucada a la Guàrdia Urbana perquè hi ha algú casa meva.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Guàrdia Urbana", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "hi ha algú casa meva", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2999, + "example": "Reprodueix \"Saldremos mejores\"; el millor pòdcast del món.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Saldremos mejores", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10431, + "example": "Em pots dir quines són les cançons que em flipen d'Obrint Pas?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Obrint Pas", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quines són les cançons que em flipen", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5375, + "example": "Com arribo al Parc de la Ciutadella agafant el tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Parc de la Ciutadella", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4086, + "example": "Què diu al contacte del Joan Fuster?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan Fuster", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10437, + "example": "Mostra'm les cançons que em flipen.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "cançons que em flipen", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3209, + "example": "Et faria res posar-nos \"Mariposas\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Mariposas", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4063, + "example": "Em podries ensenyar el telèfon mòbil de ma mare?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon mòbil", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "ma mare", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6464, + "example": "Quin lloc té els seients més còmodes: l'Odeón Multicines Girona o l'Ocine Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Odeón Multicines Girona", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ocine Girona", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin lloc té els seients més còmodes", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4425, + "example": "A quin cinema de Manresa fan \"Segon origen\" avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Segon origen", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4546, + "example": "Saps on es podrà veure \"El gran Lebowski\" el dimecres a Valls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "El gran Lebowski", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5922, + "example": "Fan ressonàncies a l'Hospital del Mar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Fan ressonàncies", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital del Mar", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11639, + "example": "No ho acabo d'entendre això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2587, + "example": "Podries posar-nos un tallat descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "tallat descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8641, + "example": "Pots esborrar-me del calendari la revisió del cotxe de la setmana que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "revisió del cotxe", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6252, + "example": "Sabries dir quin és el resultat de la final de la Copa del Rei?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "final de la Copa del Rei", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10143, + "example": "El Josep ha publicat un vídeo a Facebook?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josep", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7033, + "example": "El vídeo que vaig veure ahir a la nit reprodueix-lo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "vaig veure ahir a la nit", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6472, + "example": "On obre la cuina més aviat: al Vadegust o Racó de l'Abat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vadegust", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Racó de l'Abat", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "On obre la cuina més aviat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 948, + "example": "Abaixa el volum de l'altaveu que està massa fort.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2271, + "example": "Em remets un e-mail a la Duna on hi posi que \"han obert un forn nou a sota de casa on fan massa de pizza integral\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mai", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Duna", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "han obert un forn nou a sota de casa on fan massa de pizza integral", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 113 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6458, + "example": "Quin local del barri diries que és més petit, el de l'Esclat o el del Consum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Esclat", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Consum", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin local del barri diries que és més petit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11683, + "example": "No t'entenc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4558, + "example": "Saps on fan \"Segon origen\" demà entre les sis i les deu del vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Segon origen", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les deu del vespre", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 991, + "example": "Disminueix el to de la llum al mínim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8168, + "example": "Em pots demanar un bitllet de tren per viatjar demà cap a Olot?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Olot", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2717, + "example": "Podries no parlar ni dir res durant uns minutets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minutets", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7516, + "example": "Crea'm una alarma que soni a les vuit del vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5510, + "example": "Vull telefonar al 628993214.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "628993214", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11766, + "example": "No importa gaire.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6339, + "example": "Em dius si necessito la targeta Cuida'm per demanar visita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "per demanar visita", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "necessito", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10081, + "example": "Digue'm les notícies de política més noves del \"324\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "324", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "política", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10965, + "example": "Quin medicament he de prendre després de dinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "després de dinar", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11386, + "example": "Confirmar quin dia em toca veure a la doctora Garcia al Clínic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Garcia", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínic", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9113, + "example": "Reprodueix \"Cadena SER\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Cadena SER", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3611, + "example": "\"Barcelona s'il·lumina\" és una cançó sensacional.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Barcelona s'il·lumina", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5560, + "example": "Telefonar a l'Aleix Marine.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aleix Marine", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9265, + "example": "Aniré a fer natació el dimarts de sis a dos quarts de vuit a Banyoles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fer natació", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dos quarts de vuit", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Banyoles", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4283, + "example": "Necessito saber avui quin dia és.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7523, + "example": "Dijous a les vuit del vespre pots crear-nos una alarma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dijous", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 809, + "example": "Què és això que es fa servir per eixugar la roba?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "es fa servir per eixugar la roba", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6663, + "example": "Pots reservar taula al Portofino?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Portofino", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8721, + "example": "Fes desaparèixer el llistat de sèries.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de sèries", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7023, + "example": "Necessito que obris una altra vegada el tercer capítol de \"Plats bruts\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "tercer capítol", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Plats bruts", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1471, + "example": "Pots posar-me el mode aleatori al reproductor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "mode aleatori", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6967, + "example": "Posa'ns \"Suc de síndria\" a Filmin.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Filmin", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Suc de síndria", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5564, + "example": "Voldria fer un truc a la Rosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Rosa", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4426, + "example": "Saps on es podrà veure la pel·lícula \"Fill de Caín\" el dimecres a Valls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Fill de Caín", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11432, + "example": "Ma mare ha canviat de mòbil 898734677.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "Ma mare", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "898734677", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11100, + "example": "Necessito saber de què s'està parlant a les xarxes socials.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9947, + "example": "Tinc alertes per aquesta tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2369, + "example": "Necessito que reservis dos bitllets pel tren que surt de Vilaverd en dues hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilaverd", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en dues hores", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 815, + "example": "Em podries dir quines són les meves llistes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3400, + "example": "Em mostres què significa àbac?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "àbac", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7316, + "example": "Pots guardar que el correu electrònic de l'Anna és anna@dinamita.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "anna@dinamita.com", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3655, + "example": "Hi havia un tros d'embús per arribar a l'oficina que pensava que no hi arribaria mai.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 286, + "example": "Quins metros arriben a Lesseps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "metros", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lesseps", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 705, + "example": "Quina és l'altura de l'Altiplà de Batet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quina és l'altura", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Altiplà de Batet", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4492, + "example": "Busca on fan \"DC Lliga de supermascotes\" el dijous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "DC Lliga de supermascotes", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2495, + "example": "Vull que em recordis que de dimarts a dijous tinc un congrés de medicina a Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "congrés de medicina", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4954, + "example": "M'ensenyes l'horari del tren a Manresa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1665, + "example": "Si al fus horari de Turquia són les quatre saps quina hora és al fus horari dels Estats Units/Nou Pacífic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Turquia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units/Nou Pacífic", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 105 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1316, + "example": "Pots aturar l'endoll?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10188, + "example": "Ensenya'm què hi ha de nou a Tumblr.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Tumblr", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8682, + "example": "Del llistat de familiars del Madrid em pots eliminar la tieta Fina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de familiars del Madrid", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "tieta Fina", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8407, + "example": "Vull encarregar al Five Guys una hamburguesa per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Five Guys", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hamburguesa", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5684, + "example": "Voldria trucar a la Clínica Corachan.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Corachan", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11223, + "example": "L'estofat de llenties de demà portarà xoriço?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "estofat de llenties", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "xoriço", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8597, + "example": "Em podries eliminar del calendari la quedada per reveure totes les d'\"El Senyor dels Anells\" que tinc amb l'Eva?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedada per reveure totes les d'\"El Senyor dels Anells\"", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 92 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eva", + "Start_char": 108, + "End_char": 111 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3388, + "example": "Treballo a Salou de dilluns a divendres fins a les vuit de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Treballo", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit de la nit", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3041, + "example": "Em punxaries Antònia Font?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Antònia Font", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4105, + "example": "Digues-me el telèfon de contacte de la Lourdes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon de contacte", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lourdes", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2761, + "example": "Calla i estigues sense fer soroll uns minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7508, + "example": "Em vull despertar a les set i cinquanta-cinc minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set i cinquanta-cinc minuts", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7353, + "example": "La nova adreça electrònica de la meva cosina és cosinetaboniqueta@gmail.es.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva cosina", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "cosinetaboniqueta@gmail.es", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6285, + "example": "Com va anar el partit de dilluns al matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10438, + "example": "Quins són els temes de Serj Tankian que m'agraden més?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Serj Tankian", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'agraden més", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3879, + "example": "Pots calcular dotze menys seixanta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "dotze menys seixanta", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5595, + "example": "Que em podries trucar a l'avi Felipe?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "avi Felipe", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5650, + "example": "Voldria que fessis un truc a la clínica Corachan.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "clínica Corachan", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5285, + "example": "Quins són els documents requerits per fer-se Carnet de salut?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Carnet de salut", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quins són els documents requerits", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7665, + "example": "M'enregistres a la meva agenda que tinc organitzada una reunió amb el Guillem Segura avui al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem Segura", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 89 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5429, + "example": "Quina ruta he de realitzar per arribar a l'Avinguda Catalunya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Avinguda Catalunya", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7555, + "example": "Redueix la intensitat de la llum al mínim possible a l'entrada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "entrada", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6335, + "example": "Podries dir-me la validesa de la meva targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "validesa", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8737, + "example": "Em podries connectar l'endoll de les golfes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7215, + "example": "Tancar l'aplicació FilmCAT.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "FilmCAT", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6869, + "example": "Reserva taula per sopar dilluns a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5068, + "example": "Quin és el preu de les accions de Bancolombia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Bancolombia", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6025, + "example": "Em pots dir si la Farmàcia Rambla Vella està de guàrdia aquest cap de setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "està de guàrdia aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Rambla Vella", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2716, + "example": "Podries deixar de parlar durant uns minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minuts", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6101, + "example": "Dissabte obre el cinema del Parc Vallés?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Dissabte obre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Parc Vallés", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7270, + "example": "El correu electrònic de la meva àvia és lluisavicens90183@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva àvia", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "lluisavicens90183@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2121, + "example": "Encendre el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8617, + "example": "Em pots eliminar del calendari el partit de futbol amb els amics de Sant Martí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partit de futbol", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "els amics", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Martí", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2250, + "example": "Seria possible adreçar un missatge de correu electrònic a la Gisela?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gisela", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3216, + "example": "Em reprodueixes \"Roto y elegante\" a continuació d'aquest tema que sona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Roto y elegante", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "a continuació", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8792, + "example": "La cançó que sona no pot ser més odiosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1336, + "example": "Apujar la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 886, + "example": "Busca informació que s'acabi de publicar sobre Twitter.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8296, + "example": "Em podries dir si dimecres hi haurà molta humitat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "humitat", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1178, + "example": "Inclou al calendari la reunió de dijous vinent a Sant Sadurní amb la meva supervisora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous vinent", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Sadurní", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva supervisora", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1182, + "example": "Em pots anotar el congrés de teatre que tinc amb l'Aran l'any vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "congrés de teatre", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aran", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "any vinent", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10834, + "example": "Quin serà el número de loteria guanyador de la Grossa de Sant Jordi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 638, + "example": "Quins busos van a Sallent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "busos", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sallent", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10811, + "example": "Gats, gossos i altres animals de companyia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8775, + "example": "No em tornis a posar això que sona mai més.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9016, + "example": "Mostra'm quin dia de la setmana és avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1549, + "example": "Pots posar-me aquest disc en bucle i en aleatori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "bucle", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "aleatori", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 819, + "example": "Quin és el nombre de llistats que tinc guardats amb material escolar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "material escolar", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2481, + "example": "Recorda'm que he d'anar a visitar al Jan el primer dimecres del mes que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jan", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "primer dimecres", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visitar", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8364, + "example": "Pots fer una comanda a domicili a Can Cuxart?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Can Cuxart", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3492, + "example": "M'expliques un acudit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7411, + "example": "Contesta'm a la meva companya de pis amb un missatge de correu electrònic que digui \"que vagin molt bé les vacances\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva companya de pis", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "que vagin molt bé les vacances", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 115 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6221, + "example": "Em podries dir quan caduca el meu certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan caduca", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8383, + "example": "Em podries demanar amb Just Eat que em portin a casa hamburguesa de cigrons amb patates fregides de la Trocadero?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Just Eat", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hamburguesa de cigrons amb patates fregides", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 96 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Trocadero", + "Start_char": 103, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10343, + "example": "Descobrir quin tipus de música està sonant ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin tipus de música", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant ara", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11308, + "example": "A quina hora he d'anar al nutricionista demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "nutricionista", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 741, + "example": "Em dius com s'anomena el fenomen atmosfèric que fa que caiguin pedres quan plou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "fenomen atmosfèric", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "fa que caiguin pedres quan plou", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7662, + "example": "Programa una celebració a un quart de dues amb la Duna.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Duna", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart de dues", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7035, + "example": "Posa'm el vídeo que estava veient aquesta tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "estava veient aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6139, + "example": "Digue'm quin horari fan al centre comercial de Tarragona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre comercial", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11561, + "example": "Dona-ho per descomptat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5792, + "example": "Necessito trucar als mossos d'esquadra; he presenciat un accident de trànsit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "mossos d'esquadra", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "accident de trànsit", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1181, + "example": "Em poses al meu calendari l'espectacle de música del mes vinent amb l'Innocenci?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacle de música", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes vinent", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Innocenci", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6954, + "example": "La meva ubicació actual, comparteix-la amb la meva família.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva família", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1686, + "example": "Converteix les nou del matí de la zona horària de Líbia a la d'UTC 0.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "zona horària de Líbia", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "UTC 0", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7016, + "example": "Si us plau, inicia el tràiler d'\"El Mercader de Venècia\" a Vimeo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Vimeo", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "El Mercader de Venècia", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2950, + "example": "M'afegeixes que en un parell d'hores tinc una reunió amb la Mercè Bellpuig al meu despatx?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en un parell d'hores", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mercè Bellpuig", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu despatx", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 403, + "example": "Menja carn l'Elsa Punset?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Menja carn", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Elsa Punset", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7463, + "example": "Vull fer mongetes saltades amb panses i pinyons, mostra'm la recepta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "mongetes saltades amb panses i pinyons", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10849, + "example": "Quina és la temperatura de l'infern?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1595, + "example": "Posa el led d'un altre color.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9201, + "example": "Voldria un caputxino, prepara'l ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "caputxino", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9314, + "example": "Podries reproduir d'\"Els antisocràtics\" l'episodi que ve després?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Els antisocràtics", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1343, + "example": "Pots maximitzar la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6261, + "example": "Com s'ha acabat el partit de dissabte contra el Llevant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Llevant", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2100, + "example": "Que obris els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3155, + "example": "Pots sintonitzar el programa \"Popap\" de l'emissora \"Catalunya Ràdio\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Popap", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Catalunya Ràdio", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7397, + "example": "Vull enviar un email a la meva mare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5145, + "example": "Què em podries dir de la melodia que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Què em podries dir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10825, + "example": "Finances, administració i empresa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2162, + "example": "Activar l'endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4031, + "example": "Quant són dotze pesos argentins en francs de Burundi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dotze pesos argentins", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "francs de Burundi", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3221, + "example": "A continuació d'això que està sonant ara et faria res reproduir la cançó \"Nacidos para creer\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "A continuació", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Nacidos para creer", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9, + "example": "Desa que dilluns tinc la visita al metge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 863, + "example": "Em pots mostrar les notícies recents de \"SER Catalunya\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "SER Catalunya", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5977, + "example": "Hi ha consulta d'oftalmologia al Pius Hospital de Valls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Pius Hospital", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "consulta d'oftalmologia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4427, + "example": "Dona'm informació sobre on projecten \"Detectiu Conan: la núvia de Halloween\" dimarts vinent a Vilafranca del Penedès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Detectiu Conan: la núvia de Halloween", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilafranca del Penedès", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 116 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8742, + "example": "Connectar l'endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9798, + "example": "Quins trens van de Rubí fins a Vilanova i la Geltrú?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Rubí", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7595, + "example": "Posa vedella al meu llistat de la carnisseria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "vedella", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de la carnisseria", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5003, + "example": "Els horaris del tren que va cap a Lleida, quins són?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10154, + "example": "Trobar què diu la Marta Berenguer a Twitter.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta Berenguer", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5374, + "example": "Em mostres com arribar al Palau Sant Jordi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Palau Sant Jordi", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7561, + "example": "Afegeix joc de cafè a la llista de vaixella nova.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "joc de cafè", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de vaixella nova", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2758, + "example": "Silenci.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10002, + "example": "Hi ha alguna alarma que soni el dilluns a les dues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5572, + "example": "Voldria posar-me en contacte amb el papa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "papa", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1274, + "example": "Vull desactivar el meu endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2160, + "example": "Podries activar els llums al dormitori principal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori principal", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6735, + "example": "Voldria fer una reserva per una taula de quatre persones.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5561, + "example": "Truca a la Blanca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Blanca", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11530, + "example": "Avisa la mare, que soc a l'hospital.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mare", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "soc a l'hospital", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5233, + "example": "Que em dius com trobar el meu pla de medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "pla de medicació", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com trobar", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5670, + "example": "Desitjaria que fessis una trucada a l'Hospital Sant Jaume.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Sant Jaume", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5346, + "example": "Com vaig fins a la Rambla amb metro?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Rambla", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "metro", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6260, + "example": "Com ha quedat el marcador del partit del Club Bàsquet Granollers de divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Club Bàsquet Granollers", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7514, + "example": "Els diumenges em pots posar una alerta al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Els diumenges", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1576, + "example": "Em podries canviar el color de la làmpada del menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6061, + "example": "Voldria saber quin és el telèfon de l'estació d'autobús.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "estació d'autobús", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5143, + "example": "Em pots dir qui és el compositor d'això que estic escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "qui és el compositor", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6559, + "example": "Desa recordatori: prendre la medicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6943, + "example": "Vull que comparteixis la meva ubicació amb la meva mare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1185, + "example": "M'anotes a l'agenda una cita amb el Lluís Sabater?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lluís Sabater", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5315, + "example": "On veig la meva mediació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "mediació", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "On veig", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5082, + "example": "Quins són els preus de les participacions en borsa de Bandai Namco?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Bandai Namco", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5624, + "example": "Voldria fer una trucada a la Berta Gonzi, es pot?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Berta Gonzi", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1510, + "example": "M'aturaries el meu reproductor musical?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "aturaries", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1469, + "example": "Seria possible que enfortissis la potència de la llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10602, + "example": "Coneixes si hi ha algun concert prop d'on em trobo durant la setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concert", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "prop d'on em trobo", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "durant la setmana", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4886, + "example": "Hi ha tràfic per a conduir per Sant Quirze del Vallès avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Quirze del Vallès", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5411, + "example": "I si em dius com ho faig per anar a l'avinguda Meridiana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "avinguda Meridiana", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9498, + "example": "Posa el tema \"Com anar al cel i tornar\", que m'agrada molt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Com anar al cel i tornar", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'agrada molt", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11849, + "example": "Termina, va.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4697, + "example": "Saps si tinc missatges de Discord recents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Discord", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recents", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11282, + "example": "Quin dia em visito amb la dermatòloga Blanca Fortuny?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "dermatòloga Blanca Fortuny", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5094, + "example": "Mostra'm a quin preu estan les accions de Carioca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Carioca", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2257, + "example": "Seria possible que adrecessis un correu a l'Helena dient-li que \"falten voluntaris pels punts de control de la cursa\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Helena", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "falten voluntaris pels punts de control de la cursa", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 116 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6074, + "example": "On és l'Ajuntament exactament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "On és", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10610, + "example": "El Girona Music Festival saps si el faran per la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Girona Music Festival", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4389, + "example": "Quina hora tenen a Begur?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Begur", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2702, + "example": "Pots callar durant uns minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minuts", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1101, + "example": "La roomba me la pots posar en funcionament a l'estudi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5455, + "example": "Envia el lloc on soc a la meva mare durant noranta minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "noranta minuts", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1741, + "example": "Anul·la tot el que hi ha al calendari personal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 293, + "example": "On és el bus que va cap a Camprodon?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bus", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Camprodon", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5048, + "example": "Em dius les accions de Nike?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Nike", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2194, + "example": "Engega la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2295, + "example": "Em podries enviar a dracsigripaus@gmail.com un missatge de correu electrònic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "dracsigripaus@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1228, + "example": "Afegir-me al calendari que tinc una conferència a Manresa a les cinc de la matinada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferència", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la matinada", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10860, + "example": "Quin és el futur de la humanitat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5139, + "example": "D'això que escolto, quina n'és la banda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina n'és la banda", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "escolto", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1836, + "example": "M'esborres del meu calendari l'esdeveniment anomenat \"crear el personatge\" que tinc amb la Nàdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "crear el personatge", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nàdia", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 443, + "example": "Fa goig.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10652, + "example": "M'informes sobre si fan espectacles al veïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al veïnat", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1830, + "example": "Per dissabte al matí seria possible suprimir de l'agenda la cita amb el perruquer del gos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "perruquer del gos", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3301, + "example": "Em reproduiries \"La girafa que no podia deixar de mirar la lluna\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "La girafa que no podia deixar de mirar la lluna", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1529, + "example": "Para'm la cançó que s'està reproduint.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Para'm", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8500, + "example": "Vull anar cap a Figueres, em crides un UberX a Girona aquest migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "UberX", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest migdia", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5029, + "example": "Mostra'm el preu de les accions de la companyia Nissan.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Nissan", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5362, + "example": "Digue'm com s'arriba a la Boqueria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Boqueria", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9358, + "example": "Vull que soni música clàssica, que és la meva música preferida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "música clàssica", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferida", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9429, + "example": "Posa'm un podcast immediatament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1292, + "example": "Em pots desconnectar els endolls intel·ligents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10939, + "example": "Em toca a les vuit prendre la quetiapina, oi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "quetiapina", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6182, + "example": "Voldria saber quina és la validesa del certificat COVID.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quina és la validesa", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3180, + "example": "I si sintonitzes el programa \"Grupo risa\" de \"Cope Barcelona\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "Grupo risa", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Cope Barcelona", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9928, + "example": "Necessito saber les aficions de la Rita Barberà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "aficions", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Rita Barberà", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1457, + "example": "Posa més forta la claredat de la llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10506, + "example": "Voldria saber tots els establiments propers que tanquen tard.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "tanquen tard", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "propers", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11943, + "example": "Quina poca-soltada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5016, + "example": "Voldria saber a quant estan les accions d'Aldi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Aldi", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2155, + "example": "Necessito que activis els ulls de bou del lavabo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8025, + "example": "Em pots posar una llista nova?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3108, + "example": "M'agradaria escoltar la meva llista \"nits d'estiu\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "nits d'estiu", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2014, + "example": "Encomana risotto al restaurant Els Tinars.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "risotto", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Els Tinars", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1493, + "example": "Pots posar la llista en aleatori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "aleatori", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4889, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quina és la circulació que hi ha avui al matí per sortir de Viladecans.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Viladecans", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3193, + "example": "Em reproduiries la meva música preferida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6216, + "example": "On he de demanar el Certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "On he de demanar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7195, + "example": "Per on he d'anar si vull arribar al Fogón?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Fogón", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11957, + "example": "Quina espifiada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5954, + "example": "Fins a quina hora visita demà el doctor Llorenç?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctor Llorenç", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quina hora visita demà", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2797, + "example": "I si escrius una piulada al Festival Grec on digui \"l'espera se'm fa eterna, quan tindrem la programació de l'estiu que ve\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escrius una piulada", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Festival Grec", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "l'espera se'm fa eterna, quan tindrem la programació de l'estiu que ve", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 122 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1328, + "example": "La música està molt baixa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4146, + "example": "Confirma si tinc la reunió amb la Paula dissabte a les dotze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Paula", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10505, + "example": "Saps si hi ha cap forn de pa accessible amb cadira de rodes a Nou Barris?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "forn de pa", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "accessible amb cadira de rodes", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Nou Barris", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7185, + "example": "Digues-me com puc arribar a l'Ajuntament de Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3514, + "example": "No puc ni sentir parlar d'aquest tema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4593, + "example": "Hi ha fleques a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "fleques", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3484, + "example": "Pots compartir una broma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1569, + "example": "Posar d'un altre color el led.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 452, + "example": "De primera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1078, + "example": "L'aspiradora, podries arrancar-me-la a la sala d'estar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala d'estar", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7751, + "example": "Necessitaria que apaguessis els endolls del rebedor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebedor", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5696, + "example": "Necessito telefonar a l'oficina de la neuròloga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina de la neuròloga", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4563, + "example": "Quines són les pel·lícules que estan fent pel meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu barri", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8276, + "example": "Necessito agafar el tren cap a Sevilla divendres a la nit i arribar a les set del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sevilla", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les set del matí", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11105, + "example": "Digue'm la definició de retaule.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "retaule", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9436, + "example": "Ens inicies \"Radiation world\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Radiation world", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2402, + "example": "Reserva un Uber per anar a Vilanova i la Geltrú.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5990, + "example": "Pots mirar l'horari de la doctora Fruns al CAP Passeig Maragall?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctora Fruns al CAP Passeig Maragall", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5181, + "example": "Quin pla tinc apuntat per dimarts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "pla", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3307, + "example": "Em pots continuar reproduint a l'estudi l'audiollibre \"Ca la Wengling\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Ca la Wengling", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2749, + "example": "Podries callar i fer muts a la gàbia unes horetes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "unes horetes", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 121, + "example": "Vull que apuntis que divendres em visito amb el doctor Soler a les cinc de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Soler", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9392, + "example": "Em reprodueixes rap a l'habitació gran?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rap", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació gran", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 375, + "example": "Pots dir-ho una altra vegada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3136, + "example": "Posa'm alguns temes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2848, + "example": "Escriu a l'atenció al client de Banco Santander a Twitter el text \"no hi ha manera que m'arribi la notificació quan m'ingressen la nòmina, es pot saber què passa?\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de Banco Santander", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "no hi ha manera que m'arribi la notificació quan m'ingressen la nòmina, es pot saber què passa?", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 162 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6160, + "example": "Em pots compartir el telèfon de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11595, + "example": "Sí, gràcies.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8621, + "example": "Em podries fer desaparèixer del calendari la classe d'estiraments al gimnàs de les cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "gimnàs", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe d'estiraments", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10206, + "example": "Fa xafogor avui on jo visc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "on jo visc", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Fa xafogor", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 336, + "example": "Ho pots dir de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6362, + "example": "Al cap em demanaran la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Al cap em demanaran", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5, + "example": "Tinc visita el dia 13 amb el doctor Colomé.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "13", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Colomé", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11747, + "example": "M'és totalment igual, la veritat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5808, + "example": "Voldria que fessis una trucada a Emergències perquè hi ha una fuita de gas a casa meva.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "hi ha una fuita de gas", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10988, + "example": "Explica'm les hores de cada pastilla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7857, + "example": "Posa'm el llum del lavabo més fort.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10805, + "example": "Jazz, bossanova i gòspel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5420, + "example": "M'agradaria saber com puc arribar al carrer Aribau número cent vuitanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer Aribau número cent vuitanta", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3594, + "example": "M'agrada moltíssim la Dua Lipa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Dua Lipa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5033, + "example": "Com està el valor en borsa de la companyia Bayer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Bayer", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4740, + "example": "A La Cachapera fan menjar per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "La Cachapera", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fan menjar per emportar", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5237, + "example": "Recorda'm que he de fer per canviar l'hora de la visita.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "canviar l'hora de la visita", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4961, + "example": "A quina hora passa el ferrocarril cap a Cornellà passat demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cornellà", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10507, + "example": "M'informes de quins supermercats tenen places de motos pel meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "supermercats", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "places de motos", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6088, + "example": "Digue'm el telèfon de l'escola Abat Marcet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola Abat Marcet", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3326, + "example": "Podries continuar reproduint a la sala l'audiollibre l'\"Odissea\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Odissea", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10832, + "example": "Quina és la combinació de la Quiniela de demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7211, + "example": "Desactiva l'app Biblio Digital.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Biblio Digital", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11306, + "example": "Tinc alguna visita amb el pediatre la setmana vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "pediatre", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7944, + "example": "M'agradaria que augmentessis l'àudio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5410, + "example": "Indica'm com arribar a l'avinguda Diagonal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "avinguda Diagonal", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6032, + "example": "Digue'm, si us plau, quina és l'adreça de la biblioteca de la Bisbal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Bisbal", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9655, + "example": "És possible consultar quant els falta als meus espinacs amb fesols per endur a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "espinacs amb fesols", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per endur a casa", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10989, + "example": "El comprimit de Paracetamol, és a les 12?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Paracetamol", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 12", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9177, + "example": "Canviar l'estat de Facebook a: \"tots els polítics són iguals\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Canviar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "tots els polítics són iguals", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3241, + "example": "Em pots reproduir \"El fill de l'italià\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "El fill de l'italià", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7789, + "example": "Vull que el llum es tanqui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6756, + "example": "He de fer la reserva d'una taula a un restaurant vegà al vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "vegà", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "vespre", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6749, + "example": "Vull una taula per a sis persones a la Tagliatella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Tagliatella", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4975, + "example": "M'ensenyes a quina hora surt el tren cap a Mataró?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2387, + "example": "Vull anar des d'Altafulla fins a Esplugues de Llobregat; em pots comprar el bitllet de tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Altafulla", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Esplugues de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2648, + "example": "Vull publicar al mur de Facebook de la Paula Borràs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "publicar al mur", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Paula Borràs", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4453, + "example": "Faran \"The notebook\" al cinema del barri dels pescadors?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "The notebook", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "barri dels pescadors", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5067, + "example": "Necessito saber el valor en borsa de Toyota.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Toyota", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7828, + "example": "M'agradaria que apaguessis els ulls de bou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6506, + "example": "Quin cafè ofereix varietat d'entrepans més àmplia: el Cent vint-i-tres o el Bon blat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cent vint-i-tres", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Bon blat", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin cafè ofereix varietat d'entrepans més àmplia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5314, + "example": "Què faig per trobar el resultat de la meva analítica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "resultat de la meva analítica", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què faig per trobar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8040, + "example": "Com va la cosa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9714, + "example": "Busca'm quina hora tenen al fus horari Àfrica/Lagos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari Àfrica/Lagos", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 128, + "example": "Necessito que apuntis la cita a l'Hospital Clínic per demà passat a les nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Clínic", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9818, + "example": "Defineix col·loquialisme.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "col·loquialisme", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2267, + "example": "I si em fas arribar un mail a l'Helena amb el text \"demà surt a la venda l'últim llibre de la col·lecció\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Helena", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3935, + "example": "Quin és el resultat de dividir dos entre vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "dividir dos entre vuit", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9250, + "example": "Seria possible fixar una reunió amb la Teresa Salichs dimecres a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Teresa Salichs", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9164, + "example": "Penja que estic a Mallorca com a estat de Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Penja", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "estic a Mallorca", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9971, + "example": "Em dius si hi ha alarmes per demà a les dotze del migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze del migdia", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6677, + "example": "Voldria que em guardessis una taula a un restaurant on facin pizza.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "pizza", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6370, + "example": "Quins beneficis s'obtenen amb la targeta Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quins beneficis s'obtenen", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6665, + "example": "Demana que ens guardin una taula per dijous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6002, + "example": "Buscar horari: Farmàcia Montmany.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Farmàcia Montmany", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5717, + "example": "Haig de fer una trucada al Clínic de Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínic de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11811, + "example": "Et detens una mica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3743, + "example": "Dimarts hi haurà núvols a Palafrugell a les sis de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimarts", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "núvols", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la nit", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9518, + "example": "Podries reproduir una cançoneta de la llista de reproducció \"turisme per carretera\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "turisme per carretera", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3097, + "example": "A l'entrada ens podries reproduir el primer tema de la llista de reproducció amb el nom \"cançons de Bluey\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "primer", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "cançons de Bluey", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 105 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1824, + "example": "Podries esborrar-me de l'agenda personal el torn a l'hort urbà amb l'Anna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "torn a l'hort urbà", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7056, + "example": "Voldria tornar a veure vídeos de gats a YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "de gats", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2962, + "example": "Per dijous a les nou et faria res fixar una junta amb el Robert Segura?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Robert Segura", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4743, + "example": "Es pot demanar per emportar al Ginos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "demanar per emportar", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Ginos", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7322, + "example": "Podries anotar aquest correu d'en Josep és nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josep", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10267, + "example": "Em podries dir a quina hora són a Nova York?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Nova York", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1709, + "example": "Saps quina hora és al fus horari del Canadà/Montreal si al fus horari de Hong Kong són les vuit de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Hong Kong", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari del Canadà/Montreal", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit de la tarda", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8789, + "example": "La cançó que sona és genial, desa-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11029, + "example": "Com ho faig per arribar al pis d'en Pau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pau", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "pis", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9308, + "example": "Em poses l'episodi que ve a continuació del \"Wolf 359\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Wolf 359", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10237, + "example": "Està assolellat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Està assolellat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8052, + "example": "Alguna novetat amb la teva vida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3092, + "example": "Punxa el primer tema de la llista que es diu \"no t'adormis al volant\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "primer", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "no t'adormis al volant", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6515, + "example": "Recordar que m'he de prendre a la nit el metamizol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "metamizol", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3882, + "example": "Em plauria saber quin és el resultat de seixanta més dos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "seixanta més dos", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5305, + "example": "De quina manera puc trobar el justificant de visita de la meva cita de dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "justificant de visita de la meva cita de dijous", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "De quina manera puc trobar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 255, + "example": "Hi ha algun ferro que vagi des de Vilanova fins a Montmeló?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferro", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Montmeló", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10334, + "example": "Mostra'm quin tema sona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin tema", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5355, + "example": "Com ho faig per arribar a l'Ajuntament amb bicicleta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bicicleta", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10818, + "example": "Noves tecnologies, telefonia i comunicacions.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5985, + "example": "Voldria mirar si tenen consulta de podologia al CAP Rambla de Sant Feliu de Llobregat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "consulta de podologia", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP Rambla", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Feliu de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 350, + "example": "Vull que ho repeteixis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9457, + "example": "Ens inicies el pòdcast \"Bright sessions\" al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Bright sessions", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9578, + "example": "A hores d'ara, hi ha molt trànsit a Sant Carles de la Ràpita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "A hores d'ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Carles de la Ràpita", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5523, + "example": "Truca al Sergi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sergi", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3543, + "example": "El que sona ara és una tortura.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10453, + "example": "Em pots dir quines són les llistes que tinc guardades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8330, + "example": "Contesta a la Joana en l'últim correu electrònic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10768, + "example": "Em pots llegir els missatges d'Instagram nous d'en Joan?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatges d'Instagram", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5818, + "example": "S'està incendiant el nostre pis, si us plau, truca als bombers.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "S'està incendiant el nostre pis", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11719, + "example": "Què vols dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6510, + "example": "Em toca prendre abans d'anar a dormir la meva dosi d'antipsicòtic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "abans d'anar a dormir", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antipsicòtic", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7897, + "example": "Canviar el color dels llums a verd.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "verd", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9602, + "example": "Ensenya'm els correus electrònics que tinc de la Carmeta amb l'assumpte \"cartell del festival\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carmeta", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "cartell del festival", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4822, + "example": "Em dius si serà necessari que agafi l'abric a les set de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "serà necessari que agafi l'abric", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3692, + "example": "Fa sol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "sol", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5157, + "example": "Em podries dir quin és el grup que ha escrit això que estic escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin és el grup", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4720, + "example": "Sabries dir-me si la meva pizzeria preferida té servei a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "servei a domicili", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11697, + "example": "No comprenc el que m'estàs dient.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9642, + "example": "Com van les anxoves de l'escala que he demanat a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "anxoves de l'escala", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6740, + "example": "Em pots reservar taula a una braseria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "braseria", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10722, + "example": "Oi que he posat al calendari una junta per dimarts a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la tarda", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4931, + "example": "Digues-me si tinc SMS recents de la Mariona sobre el part al desembre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "SMS", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recents", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mariona", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "el part al desembre", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11279, + "example": "He de dur alguna cosa per la visita del dia 13?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "13", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11437, + "example": "Pots guardar-me rauxabar@gmail.com com l'email de la Mariona Bar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mariona Bar", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "rauxabar@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10119, + "example": "Em pots dir què hi ha a la meva llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4370, + "example": "Hi ha algun concert al migdia pel meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concert", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3197, + "example": "Pots tocar-nos el tema que més m'agrada de Warduna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Warduna", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8412, + "example": "Podries demanar un menú extragran de Gyros amb Glovo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "menú extragran de Gyros", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Glovo", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7400, + "example": "Voldria remetre un correu a la meva supervisora anomenat \"estic de baixa\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva supervisora", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "estic de baixa", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11211, + "example": "Què dinarem avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinarem", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9564, + "example": "Vull saber com es prepara el bacallà amb patates.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bacallà amb patates", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9567, + "example": "Em pots dir quins components té l'escudella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "escudella", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3346, + "example": "Puc escoltar l'audiollibre \"Laserbeak's fury\" a la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Laserbeak's fury", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11972, + "example": "Em pots punxar un tema grunge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "grunge", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2451, + "example": "Demana'm un Cabify que em porti a l'Hospital Sant Camil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Hospital Sant Camil", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10693, + "example": "Veure què tinc d'aquí a una hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "d'aquí a una hora", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7369, + "example": "El nou correu electrònic de la Joana és joana_lopez@hotmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "joana_lopez@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7472, + "example": "Ens podries despertar cada dissabte a les onze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dissabte", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7274, + "example": "M'agradaria que guardessis rodolinrodolan@gmail.com com l'adreça de correu del meu tiet Joanic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "rodolinrodolan@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu tiet Joanic", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 717, + "example": "Necessito saber dades de la fauna del Massís del Montseny.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "dades de la fauna", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Massís del Montseny", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6755, + "example": "M'agradaria que reservessis per a cinc persones a un lloc de cuina creativa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "cuina creativa", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1627, + "example": "Seria possible respondre el missatge de correu electrònic que em va enviar el Joan ahir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 87 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 842, + "example": "Fes-me saber les notícies més noves de \"la Vanguardia\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "la Vanguardia", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11518, + "example": "Avisa a la Laura Garcia que m'he fet un cop molt dur al cap.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura Garcia", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "m'he fet un cop molt dur al cap", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3515, + "example": "Em repugna això que escolto.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "escolto", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10828, + "example": "Parcs naturals, paradors nacionals i reserves naturals.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4299, + "example": "Nevarà durant la setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Nevarà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8615, + "example": "Neteja'm tot el que hi ha enregistrat a Almenar amb ma padrina del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Almenar", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma padrina", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9854, + "example": "Quan comença l'horari d'hivern a Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quan comença l'horari d'hivern", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7099, + "example": "Posa l'app Apparella't.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Apparella't", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 374, + "example": "Podries dir-ho de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5059, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis el preu de les participacions en borsa de Huawei.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Huawei", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7357, + "example": "Afegeix-me que l'email de la Marta és martaestevez34@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "martaestevez34@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2099, + "example": "Obrir el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7894, + "example": "Pots posar la llum de color violeta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "violeta", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 137, + "example": "Tenim hora amb el traumatòleg dijous a dos quarts d'onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts d'onze", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11481, + "example": "Truca ara mateix una ambulància; hem tingut un accident de cotxe.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulància", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "hem tingut un accident de cotxe", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3101, + "example": "Ens pots posar una cançó de la nostra llista de reproducció que es diu \"passejada amb el gos\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "passejada amb el gos", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4227, + "example": "Què es cou a Instagram ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7084, + "example": "Obrir l'Ametller Origen.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Ametller Origen", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8539, + "example": "Voldria demanar un Free now per d'aquí a 15 minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Free now", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquí a 15 minuts", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4148, + "example": "Quines coses tinc programades pel dia 5 de juliol entre les 7 i les 10 de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "5 de juliol", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 7", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "les 10 de la tarda", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9507, + "example": "Punxa'm \"Boig per tu\", que és genial.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Boig per tu", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "genial", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10368, + "example": "Ensenya'm quin és el tema que està reproduint-se.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin és el tema", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està reproduint-se", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1519, + "example": "Pots parar-me el reproductor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "parar-me", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4211, + "example": "De què es parla a Twitter en aquests moments?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5052, + "example": "Em pots dir com van les accions de la companyia Ford?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Ford", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4924, + "example": "Tinc novetats sobre els missatges de correu electrònic de Cubicle amb assumpte de treball?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Cubicle", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "treball", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7607, + "example": "Suma'm llibretes al llistat de material escolar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "llibretes", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de material escolar", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1114, + "example": "A la llista del menjar em pots posar l'ítem \"llauna d'olives\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista del menjar", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "llauna d'olives", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1738, + "example": "Si a GMT 0 són les onze del matí, quina hora és a UTC 0?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "UTC 0", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "GMT 0", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4719, + "example": "M'encantaria saber si al KFC fan cubells de pollastre per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "KFC", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "cubells de pollastre", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6086, + "example": "Troba què es pot fer al centre de dia de Sabadell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "què es pot fer", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre de dia", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6606, + "example": "A les deu del matí recorda'm que m'he de prendre l'Encomcor: apunta-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Encomcor", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2810, + "example": "Menciona el servei d'atenció al consumidor de Ryanair en un tuit amb el text \"m'heu tornat a cobrar l'equipatge de mà per error, a veure si no trigueu cinc mesos com l'última vegada a tornar-me els diners\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Menciona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al consumidor de Ryanair", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "m'heu tornat a cobrar l'equipatge de mà per error, a veure si no trigueu cinc mesos com l'última vegada a tornar-me els diners", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 204 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6336, + "example": "Em dius quins drets m'atorga la targeta Braile?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braile", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quins drets", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3405, + "example": "Digue'm què vol dir el terme entabanar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "entabanar", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10472, + "example": "Troba'm totes les botigues d'animals de Sant Pere i Sant Pau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues d'animals", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Pere i Sant Pau", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8661, + "example": "Suprimeix l'esdeveniment \"pel·lícula\" amb la Lucy del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "pel·lícula", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lucy", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7452, + "example": "Quina és la millor paella del mercat per cuinar truites?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "Quina és la millor paella del mercat per cuinar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "truites", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1501, + "example": "Podries posar-me la música en aleatori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "aleatori", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11035, + "example": "Arribar a ca l'avi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "avi", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "ca", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9496, + "example": "M'agrada molt \"La flama\" i la vull escoltar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "M'agrada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "La flama", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 224, + "example": "Per fi s'ha acabat el dia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6650, + "example": "Prepara una notificació cada dotze hores perquè em prengui la pastilla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada dotze hores", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8332, + "example": "Respon al Jacob amb un correu electrònic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jacob", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 633, + "example": "Per anar cap a Calaf, quin transport públic agafo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Calaf", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "transport públic", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4802, + "example": "Necessitaré portar abric demà a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Necessitaré portar abric", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 175, + "example": "Apunta la visita de divendres a les vuit del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1125, + "example": "A la llista de menjar, m'afegeixes carn de kebab i cibulet per la salsa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de menjar", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "carn de kebab", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "cibulet per la salsa", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7634, + "example": "Insereix cireres a la llista de la compra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "cireres", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3009, + "example": "Del pòdcast \"A bit of a stretch\" més podries posar-nos l'episodi que ve a continuació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "A bit of a stretch", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1583, + "example": "Em poses la làmpada de la sala de color rosa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "rosa", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11541, + "example": "Cert.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5644, + "example": "Telefonar a l'Hospital Comarcal de l'Alt Penedès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Comarcal de l'Alt Penedès", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11067, + "example": "Digues com vaig a casa de l'Oriol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Oriol", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3992, + "example": "A quant està ara com ara el franc suís vers el dòlar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dòlar", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "franc suís", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4851, + "example": "L'afluència de circulació de vehicles per entrar a Montgat a les tres quina és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montgat", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11032, + "example": "Voldria visitar a la mare a casa seva, digues-me com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mare", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3215, + "example": "Podràs reproduir el tema \"Bon dia\" després d'aquesta cançó que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Bon dia", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2670, + "example": "Pots posar \"ets a les Filipines\" i un emoji de platja a l'última foto de l'Instagram del Marc Montano?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "posar", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "ets a les Filipines", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "emoji de platja", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Marc Montano", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 101 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "última foto", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 630, + "example": "Vull informació sobre els ferrocarrils que van a Sant Esteve Sesrovires.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarrils", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Esteve Sesrovires", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 418, + "example": "Qui és l'Antonella Roccuzzo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Qui és", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Antonella Roccuzzo", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6584, + "example": "Cada sis hores em toca prendre un Enantyum, anota-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "Cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Enantyum", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6471, + "example": "Als Cinemes Girona projecten més pel·lícules infantils que al cine Balmes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cinemes Girona", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "projecten més pel·lícules infantils", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Balmes", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10130, + "example": "Esbrinar què hi ha al llistat de viatges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de viatges", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1333, + "example": "Preferiria que la cançó se sentís més.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6637, + "example": "A les nou em toca l'ansiolític, m'ho recordaràs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "ansiolític", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1398, + "example": "Augmentar una micona la potència de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9881, + "example": "Computa quant fa quaranta per quaranta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "quaranta per quaranta", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2567, + "example": "I si preparessis un tallat descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "tallat descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4, + "example": "Marca al calendari la cita pel dia 29 de l'osteòpata.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "29", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "osteòpata", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1227, + "example": "Afegeix al calendari que de dilluns a dijous aniré al gimnàs amb la meva cosina a les sis del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva cosina", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis del matí", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 98 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "gimnàs", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6343, + "example": "He de dur el DNI per obtenir la targeta Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "dur el DNI per obtenir", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6705, + "example": "Et faria res fer una reserva per dinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5005, + "example": "Em mostres a quina hora puc agafar el tren amb direcció Paret del Vallès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Paret del Vallès", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6106, + "example": "Digue'm quin és el telèfon de contacte del centre de dia d'Altafulla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon de contacte", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre de dia", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Altafulla", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10428, + "example": "Mostra les meves cançons preferides dels Catarres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Catarres", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "les meves cançons preferides", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8075, + "example": "Com va tot?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5931, + "example": "Quin és el codi postal de l'Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "codi postal", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3332, + "example": "Poses l'audiollibre \"El fill de l'italià\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "El fill de l'italià", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1364, + "example": "Voldria la música més alta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9296, + "example": "Em dius una broma sobre universitaris?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "universitaris", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11463, + "example": "Guarda el mòbil 678543129 al contacte de la Mariona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mariona", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "678543129", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 416, + "example": "Amb qui va estudiar el Lluis Llach?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Amb qui va estudiar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lluis Llach", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3738, + "example": "El mes que ve hi haurà calamarsa a Santa Coloma de Gramenet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "calamarsa", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "El mes que ve", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Santa Coloma de Gramenet", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10692, + "example": "Vull veure què tinc al calendari pròximament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "pròximament", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3046, + "example": "Ens posaries una cançoneta d'Els Pets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Els Pets", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 173, + "example": "Guarda la visita que tinc dijous a les dues del migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues del migdia", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11689, + "example": "M'ho podries detallar d'una altra manera a veure si t'entenc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10127, + "example": "Em pots dir què tinc a la llista de recomanacions?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de recomanacions", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6813, + "example": "Reserva'ns taula per a sis persones a una marisqueria pel dissabte vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "marisqueria", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte vinent", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 908, + "example": "No vull la música tan alta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4305, + "example": "Hi ha núvols aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "núvols", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3319, + "example": "Comença \"Animals d'hivern\" d'Eva Baltasar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Eva Baltasar", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Animals d'hivern", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8269, + "example": "Compra un bitllet de tren a Sevilla per diumenge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sevilla", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 575, + "example": "Pots posar-me en una partida de l'\"Stumble guys\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Stumble guys", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4367, + "example": "Em pots dir quin dia és el \"Ral·li Racc\" de 2023?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Ral·li Racc", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "2023", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10868, + "example": "Vull saber la freqüència amb la qual m'he de punxar la insulina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "insulina", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 233, + "example": "Quan sortirà el proper llibre de \"Joc de trons\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7267, + "example": "M'agradaria que guardessis rodolinrodolan@gmail.com com l'email del meu tiet Joanic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "rodolinrodolan@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu tiet Joanic", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3505, + "example": "Digue'm alguna cosa graciosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8162, + "example": "He de sortir de Manresa el dia que fem cagar el tió, em demanes un lloc al tren de les quatre de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 105 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dia que fem cagar el tió", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1280, + "example": "Els meus endolls intel·ligents es podrien desactivar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6326, + "example": "Qui va guanyar el partit de dimecres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4213, + "example": "Em dius quins temes s'estan parlant a Instagram ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 221, + "example": "Saps el que m'ha succeït avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6350, + "example": "Com puc obtenir un duplicat de la targeta Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "obtenir un duplicat", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4810, + "example": "Hauré d'agafar l'abric demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Hauré d'agafar l'abric", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10240, + "example": "Hi ha boira en aquest instant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest instant", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "boira", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5050, + "example": "Em mostres a quant estan les accions de l'empresa PharmaMar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "PharmaMar", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8437, + "example": "Demanar sushi per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sushi", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9509, + "example": "Vull escoltar la cançó \"Come little children\"; que és una de les que m'agraden de l'Erutan.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Come little children", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'agraden", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Erutan", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7327, + "example": "Fes-me el favor d'introduir al contacte de Josep el seu correu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josep", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8758, + "example": "M'agradaria posar en funcionament l'endoll intel·ligent de l'entrada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "entrada", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2218, + "example": "Et faria res engegar-me la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9877, + "example": "L'arrel quadrada de trenta és cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "arrel quadrada de trenta és cinc", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5106, + "example": "Quan es va estrenar aquest tema que estic escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quan es va estrenar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7108, + "example": "Obre l'aplicació d'Idealista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Idealista", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6368, + "example": "Puc demanar la targeta Braile per internet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braile", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "per internet", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Puc demanar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9621, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quins correus electrònics tinc amb l'Enric López amb el títol \"vine a donar sang\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Enric López", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "vine a donar sang", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1679, + "example": "Quina hora és al fus horari dels Estats Units/Alaska si a UTC 0 són les dues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units/Alaska", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "UTC 0", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1255, + "example": "Et faria res treure'ns el llum del garatge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "garatge", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9101, + "example": "Em sintonitzes l'emissora \"Flaix FM\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Flaix FM", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1811, + "example": "Que m'esborraries de la meva agenda renovar el DNI el dia 14?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "renovar el DNI", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dia 14", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10446, + "example": "Em podries enumerar les meves llistes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7699, + "example": "Em prens nota al calendari del concert que tinc a Barberà de la Conca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "concert", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barberà de la Conca", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9198, + "example": "Preparar un cafè amb llet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè amb llet", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10852, + "example": "Quin modelet em quedaria perfecte?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7104, + "example": "HBO Max; engega l'app.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "HBO Max", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5200, + "example": "Digues quins són els esdeveniments que tinc programats per aquest matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1238, + "example": "Podries tancar-me el llum de l'habitació gran?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "'habitació gran", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10405, + "example": "Les cançons que més m'agraden de rap; me les pots mostrar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rap", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "cançons que més m'agraden", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4716, + "example": "Pregunta si al Tento fan menjar per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Tento", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fan menjar per emportar", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2038, + "example": "Podries demanar per Appat que ens portin a casa sushi per a sis persones?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Appat", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sushi", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7855, + "example": "Puja la intensitat de la llum a la sala d'estar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala d'estar", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5642, + "example": "Necessito fer un truc a la Clínica Tres Torres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Tres Torres", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5128, + "example": "Aquesta cançó que escolto de què va?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "de què va", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "escolto", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4681, + "example": "Em pots dir quins missatges de Signal m'han arribat darrerament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Signal", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "darrerament", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7881, + "example": "Vull que suprimeixis qualsevol cosa que tingui al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10642, + "example": "Hi ha algun concert per la meva àrea demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concert", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva àrea", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2989, + "example": "Pots reproduir-me el meu pòdcast preferit: \"Tu diràs al dormitori\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Tu diràs al dormitori", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 847, + "example": "Em podries mostrar les notícies de política recents del \"Punt\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "política", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Punt", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11165, + "example": "Mostra'm el sopar que tinc assignat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11874, + "example": "La pròxima és la bona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2988, + "example": "Sentir \"Contes del Super3\" a Google Podcast; és el millor pòdcast que existeix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Contes del Super3", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Google Podcast", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8687, + "example": "I si elimines l'últim element del llistat de reparacions pendents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de reparacions pendents", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "últim element", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11034, + "example": "Porta'm a ca l'àvia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "àvia", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "ca", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1129, + "example": "Em pots posar també París al llistat de capitals europees per visitar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de capitals europees per visitar", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "París", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5270, + "example": "Indica'm quan em caduca el carnet de donant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan em caduca", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carnet de donant", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6146, + "example": "Em podries dir quin és el telèfon de contacte del centre cívic de Palafrugell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon de contacte", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre cívic", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7468, + "example": "Quines receptes puc preparar amb moresc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "moresc", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8824, + "example": "Quins esdeveniments tinc apuntats per demà a les quatre de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4477, + "example": "Quines pel·lis ofereixen a Cinemes Girona avui a les cinc que tractin d'animals?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinemes Girona", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "animals", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7724, + "example": "Vull anotar al calendari \"Aniversari Joan\" a Montcada i Reixac el divendres a les nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Aniversari Joan", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montcada i Reixac", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8038, + "example": "Vull crear una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9125, + "example": "Fixa un recordatori cada dilluns al migdia al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dilluns", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5996, + "example": "A la Clínica Quirón fan urgències pediàtriques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Quirón", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "fan urgències pediàtriques", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10872, + "example": "Confirmar hora per la pastilla anticonceptiva.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla anticonceptiva", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8132, + "example": "Necessito agafar el tren que surt demà a les deu i vint de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat i arriba a Barcelona a tres quarts menys cinc d'onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "l'Hospitalet de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 96, + "End_char": 105 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "tres quarts menys cinc d'onze", + "Start_char": 108, + "End_char": 137 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu i vint", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3117, + "example": "Escoltar la meva llista \"cançons preferides\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "cançons preferides", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3327, + "example": "Pots seguir amb la reproducció d'\"Ara o mai\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Ara o mai", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11544, + "example": "I tant que sí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6780, + "example": "Vull fer una reserva a un restaurant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3705, + "example": "Plou ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Plou", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9415, + "example": "M'agradaria reproduir jazz.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "jazz", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10357, + "example": "Necessitaria esbrinar la tonada que s'està reproduint.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7412, + "example": "Adreçar un correu electrònic al meu marit que digui que \"l'esdeveniment ha estat un triomf\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "l'esdeveniment ha estat un triomf", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu marit", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11612, + "example": "Fantàstic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3120, + "example": "Podries posar una cançó de la llista que s'anomena \"cançons preferides\" a la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "cançons preferides", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9300, + "example": "Conta una broma de bars.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "bars", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7302, + "example": "Si us plau, registra aquesta adreça electrònica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8708, + "example": "Elimina la llista \"viatge per Indonèsia\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "viatge per Indonèsia", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10228, + "example": "Vull saber si fa vent a Lloret de Mar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lloret de Mar", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "vent", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10406, + "example": "Per què no em dius quines són les cançons de rock que em flipen?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rock", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "em flipen", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4769, + "example": "M'informes de si el meu restaurant preferit té servei a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "restaurant", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "servei a domicili", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7865, + "example": "M'esborraries el que tinc planificat tots els dijous de l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dijous", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6619, + "example": "Avisa'm que m'he de prendre les pastilles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilles", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11341, + "example": "Dir si dilluns vinent a les set tinc hora al CAP.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns vinent", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11777, + "example": "Me'n fot de la virolla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6222, + "example": "On he de sol·licitar el meu certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "On he de sol·licitar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1346, + "example": "Seria possible que posessis la música una mica més forta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8699, + "example": "Esborra l'enciam de la llista de la compra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "enciam", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5413, + "example": "Indicacions per arribar al carrer Cartagena.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer Cartagena", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10660, + "example": "Vull saber quin dia cau la Festa del Trinxat de Puigcerdà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Festa del Trinxat", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Puigcerdà", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3467, + "example": "Series capaç de dir-me un acudit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11433, + "example": "Registra aquest telèfon de contacte 456983450.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "456983450", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11886, + "example": "Això és incorrecte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11434, + "example": "Guardeu el número de la perruquera 893477230.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "perruquera", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "893477230", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10290, + "example": "Digues l'hora d'Alcarràs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Alcarràs", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8485, + "example": "Vull un Blacklane per estar demà a quarts d'onze als Jardins de Francesc Macià.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Blacklane", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "quarts d'onze", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Jardins de Francesc Macià", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11300, + "example": "Digues-me quantes visites tinc programades el mes vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes vinent", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9759, + "example": "M'interessaria saber quins trens hi ha entre les nou i les deu del matí de Vilafranca del Penedès a Palafrugell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilafranca del Penedès", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 97 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 100, + "End_char": 111 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou i les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7177, + "example": "Em pots dir quin és el trajecte si vull anar a la Raima?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Raima", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9668, + "example": "Digues com va la comanda que he fet a l'Arepish.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Arepish", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6947, + "example": "Voldria compartir la meva localització durant deu minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "deu minuts", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2130, + "example": "Em podries obrir els llums?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9696, + "example": "Em podries dir quina hora és al fus horari dels Estats Units/Nou Pacífic si a UTC 0 són les nou del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "UTC 0", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units/Nou Pacífic", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 88, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9519, + "example": "Posa algunes cançonetes del meu repertori musical de Mishima.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Mishima", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4664, + "example": "Comprova'm si tinc nous missatges d'Instagram d'aquest matí de l'Adriana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatges d'Instagram", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Adriana", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2251, + "example": "Li adreces un e-mail a l'Andreu per explicar-li que \"hi ha poca disponibilitat de cita prèvia per renovar el passaport i cal espavilar-se\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Andreu", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "hi ha poca disponibilitat de cita prèvia per renovar el passaport i cal espavilar-se", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 137 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1958, + "example": "M'esborres l'alarma que tinc configurada dilluns al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10037, + "example": "Quina és l'última informació segons \"El Mundo Deportivo\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "El Mundo Deportivo", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4028, + "example": "Troba'm com està el dòlar australià vers el franc congolès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "franc congolès", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar australià", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8196, + "example": "Voldria que em compressis un bitllet d'AVE per anar a Saragossa des de Barcelona aquest cap de setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "AVE", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Saragossa", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3670, + "example": "De qui és el mite de la caverna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "De qui és", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "mite de la caverna", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3202, + "example": "Et faria res punxar \"Juntos\", que m'encanta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Juntos", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2172, + "example": "Em poses en funcionament l'endoll intel·ligent del menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligen", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2465, + "example": "Vull que em recordis que vaig a una conferència amb ma mare que durarà fins a les vuit de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma mare", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit de la tarda", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 98 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferència", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11369, + "example": "Saps si dijous a les dues tinc visita a l'hospital Santa Caterina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital Santa Caterina", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5060, + "example": "Voldria saber quin valor tenen les accions de la companyia Pepsi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Pepsi", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9284, + "example": "Et saps una conya de bars?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "bars", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9491, + "example": "Podria escoltar una de les cançons que més m'agraden?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "més m'agraden", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 740, + "example": "El terme somicar què vol dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "somicar", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2970, + "example": "Em pots crear un esdeveniment anomenat \"vins del Priorat\" amb el Ricard per la setmana que ve a Berga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "vins del Priorat", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ricard", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 93 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Berga", + "Start_char": 96, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3860, + "example": "Saps com fer confit d'ànec?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "confit d'ànec", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3871, + "example": "Calcula el resultat de nou menys vuitanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "nou menys vuitanta", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11797, + "example": "Apaga't.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4258, + "example": "Què passa a Instagram?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1536, + "example": "La meva música, la pots parar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "parar", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7435, + "example": "Enviar-li un correu electrònic a mon cosí que es tituli \"examen de mecànica\" i que tingui per contingut \"els fonaments de la mecànica més bàsica els pots trobar en el llibre que feia servir quan vaig estudiar jo; el pots passar a buscar quan vulguis\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon cosí", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "examen de mecànica", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "els fonaments de la mecànica més bàsica els pots trobar en el llibre que feia servir quan vaig estudiar jo; el pots passar a buscar quan vulguis", + "Start_char": 105, + "End_char": 249 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5504, + "example": "Pots telefonar a l'Adrià Alzina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Adrià Alzina", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6070, + "example": "Informa'm de la ubicació del Parc Taulí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "ubicació", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Parc Taulí", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8607, + "example": "Del dia 12 m'elimines la visita al veterinari amb el lloro que acaba a les vint?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "12", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visita al veterinari", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "lloro", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les vint", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1846, + "example": "Seria possible que suprimissis de la meva agenda personal l'assaig amb la coral?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assaig amb la coral", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9056, + "example": "Vull quedar amb la Noèlia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Noèlia", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9810, + "example": "Ensenya'm l'hora de sortida del tren que passa per Sant Quirze de Besora avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Quirze de Besora", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4241, + "example": "Què està comentant la gent al Facebook?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6989, + "example": "Podries reproduir la pel·lícula del Marc Crehuet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Marc Crehuet", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1913, + "example": "Podries anul·lar definitivament l'alarma que vaig posar diumenge a mitjanit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "mitjanit", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1613, + "example": "Pots canviar el color de la bombeta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7584, + "example": "Em pots agregar un ordinador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "ordinador", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11961, + "example": "Les notícies de la ràdio, sintonitza-les, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_descriptor", + "Text": "notícies", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4487, + "example": "Busca on fan \"Detectiu Conan: la núvia de Halloween\" demà a Badalona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Detectiu Conan: la núvia de Halloween", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3817, + "example": "Quin tiberi em puc fer amb quatre llonganisses?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "llonganisses", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8658, + "example": "M'esborres del calendari l'esdeveniment que tinc amb la Nadina la setmana vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nadina", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7145, + "example": "Recorda'm el camí que he de seguir per anar fins a l'escola Santa Creu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola Santa Creu", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1134, + "example": "Vull incloure galetes Maria al llistat de coses per comprar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de coses per comprar", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "galetes Maria", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7335, + "example": "Pots afegir l'adreça jorik_doomdaddy69@superhotmail.aq.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "jorik_doomdaddy69@superhotmail.aq", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5522, + "example": "Una trucada a l'Agnès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Agnès", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11588, + "example": "Em sembla bé.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 61, + "example": "Vull que apuntis que tinc visita el dijous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11328, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quan em toca veure al metge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2559, + "example": "Series tan amable de preparar un expresso.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "expresso", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5767, + "example": "Vull trucar a l'Ajuntament de Manresa ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11367, + "example": "Quan em toca fer-me l'analítica a l'Hospital CIMA de Sanitas?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "test", + "Text": "analítica", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital CIMA de Sanitas", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8244, + "example": "Adquirir un tiquet pel regional exprés de demà passat al vespre que va de Salou a l'Aldea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "regional exprés", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "l vespre", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Aldea", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1985, + "example": "M'agradaria esborrar un llistat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 105, + "example": "Tenim visita amb la psicòloga infantil dilluns a dos quarts de sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "psicòloga infantil", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de sis", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9037, + "example": "I si prens nota d'una trobada amb l'Anna Nebot demà a les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "trobada", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna Nebot", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8553, + "example": "Demana'm un taxi per ser demà a les dotze del matí a Girona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dotze del matí", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1339, + "example": "Em posaries més alt el volum de la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4516, + "example": "Als Balàfia fan la pel·lícula \"Un món estrany\" demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Balàfia", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Un món estrany", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8160, + "example": "Adquireix-me un bitllet pel ferrocarril de les tres de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8855, + "example": "Em pots dir si en onze hores tinc alguna reunió?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en onze hores", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8714, + "example": "Elimina la llista que s'anomena \"discoteques\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "discoteques", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10006, + "example": "Digue'm si tinc alarmes programades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3429, + "example": "M'ensenyes què significa trespeus?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "trespeus", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 735, + "example": "Em pots buscar com es diu l'estri de cuina que esmicola aliments fins que es fan líquids?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "estri de cuina", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "esmicola aliments fins que es fan líquids", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6883, + "example": "Reservaries una taula demà al xinés per dinar amb la Sílvia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "xinés", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 332, + "example": "Digues-m'ho novament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4542, + "example": "Fan alguna pel·lícula de comèdia a Glòries Multicines avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "comèdia", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Glòries Multicines", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 511, + "example": "Podríem fer una partida al \"Geometry dash\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Geometry dash", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 782, + "example": "Em dius què significa plegar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "plegar", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7811, + "example": "Necessito les bombetes apagades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4983, + "example": "Mira a quina hora passa l'últim tren que va fins Sant Fost.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Fost", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3293, + "example": "Podem escoltar l'audiollibre \"Humans que m'he trobat\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Humans que m'he trobat", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2830, + "example": "Podries piular amb el meu compte de Twitter un text citant al servei d'atenció al client de Bonpreu dient \"he obert un tetrabric de llet i estava quallada, últim cop que compro la vostra llet de marca blanca\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piular", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al client de Bonpreu", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 99 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "he obert un tetrabric de llet i estava quallada, últim cop que compro la vostra llet de marca blanca", + "Start_char": 107, + "End_char": 207 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5358, + "example": "Podries donar-me indicacions per anar a l'estació a peu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "estació", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "peu", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10013, + "example": "Per dilluns de la setmana que ve tinc alguna alarma creada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9821, + "example": "Em mostres què vol dir tronera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "tronera", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 758, + "example": "Quin és el nom del recurs literari que té en compte la repetició de sons similars?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "recurs literari", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "té en compte la repetició de sons similars", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 355, + "example": "Repetir el que acabes de dir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5023, + "example": "Quin preu tenen les accions de l'empresa Renault?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Renault", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9174, + "example": "Comparteix aquesta notícia a l'estat de Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Comparteix ", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "notícia", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9096, + "example": "A veure què posen a \"Flaix FM\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Flaix FM", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1041, + "example": "Em disminueixes el led?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10209, + "example": "Ensenya'm quin pronòstic tenim per avui on estic vivint.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "on estic vivint", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 331, + "example": "Digues-ho de nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6958, + "example": "Comparteix la meva localització durant tres hores a la Júlia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "tres hores", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Júlia", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 950, + "example": "Abaixar el volum dels altaveus una mica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4346, + "example": "Em dius com es diu l'espectacle que faran aquesta setmana a les cinc a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacle", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8517, + "example": "Hem de viatjar cap a la Fundació Mona; em reserves un Cabify per quatre persones?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Fundació Mona", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3454, + "example": "Relata un acudit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6334, + "example": "Quina és la validesa de la meva targeta Braile?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quina és la validesa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braile", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9039, + "example": "Estaria bé arranjar un acte al juliol a la papereria amb l'Adrià.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "acte", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "juliol", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "papereria", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Adrià", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9641, + "example": "Com està la meva amanida del pastor a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "amanida del pastor", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4751, + "example": "Es poden demanar entrepans per emportar al Conesa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "demanar entrepans per emportar", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Conesa", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5492, + "example": "Que telefonis a la Clara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Clara", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6212, + "example": "Vull saber quina validesa té el Certificat COVID.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quina validesa", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1164, + "example": "Programa'm una reunió amb l'àvia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "àvia", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 689, + "example": "Em dius quines juntes tinc programades per demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "juntes", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3632, + "example": "Estic cansadíssima perquè vaig anar a dormir molt tard.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3572, + "example": "\"Boig per tu\" és la meva cançó preferida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Boig per tu", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9438, + "example": "Podem sentir \"Coses modernes\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Coses modernes", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3094, + "example": "Volem escoltar la llista \"turisme per carretera\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "turisme per carretera", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11785, + "example": "T'importaria parar-te durant una micona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 806, + "example": "Busca com s'anomena el concepte de sentir que tothom t'observa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "concepte", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "sentir que tothom t'observa", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7082, + "example": "M'agradaria posar l'app de Veritas.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Veritas", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2842, + "example": "Fes-me una piulada a l'atenció al consumidor de Foster's Hollywood on digui que \"les patates que acompanyen l'hamburguesa són cada dia més cares i més escasses\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Fes-me una piulada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al consumidor de Foster's Hollywood", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "les patates que acompanyen l'hamburguesa són cada dia més cares i més escasses", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 159 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3790, + "example": "Quines preparacions puc elaborar amb formatge feta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "formatge feta", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11686, + "example": "Què m'estàs dient?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9953, + "example": "Dimarts hi ha alguna alerta programada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimarts", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8991, + "example": "Vull que em facis saber els detalls de tot allò que tinc arranjat al meu calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8226, + "example": "Vull agafar el tren que finalitza el trajecte a les sis de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8255, + "example": "Compra'm el bitllet per l'OUIGO de dilluns cap a Saragossa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "OUIGO", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Saragossa", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5994, + "example": "Digue'm si el doctor Ginestà visita els dimecres al CAP d'Artesa de Segre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "visita els dimecres", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctor Ginestà", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Artesa de Segre", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4395, + "example": "A Tortosa quina hora és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11499, + "example": "Telefona a la meva filla; m'he desorientat pel carrer i no sé tornar a casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva filla", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "m'he desorientat pel carrer", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 557, + "example": "Juguem una estona al \"Sims\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Sims", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8369, + "example": "Encomana sopa al Castell del Brull.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sopa", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Castell del Brull", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10607, + "example": "Confirmar-me quins són els festivals de cinema que hi ha a la meva àrea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festivals de cinema", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva àrea", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10191, + "example": "Comprova què està passant a l'Instagram de la meva germana Bea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Bea", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9365, + "example": "Ens pots punxar un tema a l'estudi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11768, + "example": "No m'importa gens.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4934, + "example": "Em mostres el missatge de Telegram que acaba d'arribar del Joan sobre l'entrevista de feina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Telegram", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "entrevista de feina", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4967, + "example": "Ensenya'm quins trens circulen de Camprodon fins a Manresa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Camprodon", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2335, + "example": "Ens podries treure totes les cites de demà apuntades a l'agenda personal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cites", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4526, + "example": "Passat demà, de sis a set, fan alguna pel·lícula infantil als Cinemes Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Passat demà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "set", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "infantil", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinemes Girona", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3995, + "example": "Amb un dòlar de Namíbia quants diners tinc en pesos argentins?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "un dòlar de Namíbia", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "pesos argentins", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5415, + "example": "Em dius com arribar al carrer Cartagena cantonada Mallorca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer Cartagena cantonada Mallorca", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11007, + "example": "La insulina me la puc posar ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "insulina", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3807, + "example": "Em sabries dir què puc cuinar amb llonganissa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "llonganissa", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11189, + "example": "Tenim cigrons amb espinacs demà passat per sopar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "cigrons amb espinacs", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3755, + "example": "Saps si el dimarts a les sis de la tarda tinc alguna assemblea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assemblea", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2766, + "example": "Podries no obrir la boca una estoneta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estoneta", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1778, + "example": "Ens elimines el raïm de la llista de fruites i verdures de temporada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "raïm", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de fruites i verdures de temporada", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5577, + "example": "Truca al meu cap immediatament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu cap", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 586, + "example": "Entrar a una partida del \"Fortnite\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Fortnite", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11570, + "example": "T'ho puc assegurar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11988, + "example": "Podries reproduir-me el pòdcast \"Estirando el chicle\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Estirando el chicle", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2755, + "example": "Podries no dir res durant uns quinze minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns quinze minuts", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8498, + "example": "Sol·licita'm un Uber per ser demà passat a quarts de cinc a la Sagrada Família.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "quarts de cinc", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sagrada Família", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2458, + "example": "Em podries reservar per les deu de la nit un taxi que em reculli al 16 del carrer d'Eduard Maristany?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "16 del carrer d'Eduard Maristany", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11216, + "example": "Quin dia toca menjar hummus amb crudités?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hummus amb crudités", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8059, + "example": "Com vas?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5646, + "example": "M'agradaria fer una trucada a Viamed Monegal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Viamed Monegal", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5165, + "example": "Informació de la conferència que tindré el tretze de setembre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferència", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "tretze de setembre", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 829, + "example": "Mira, em pots dir, si us plau, si tinc enregistrada una llista anomenada \"Suplements del Soulbound\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "Suplements del Soulbound", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9707, + "example": "Em podries dir quina hora és al fus horari del Japó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari del Japó", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1356, + "example": "M'agradaria apujar la música un pèl.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 204, + "example": "Desaries la visita del dia 16?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "16", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10657, + "example": "Hi ha espectacles demà al meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu voltant", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7266, + "example": "Pots afegir un correu electrònic al contacte de la Margarida Feina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Margarida Feina", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4441, + "example": "Em pots informar d'on projecten \"Els passatgers de la nit\" avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Els passatgers de la nit", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10107, + "example": "Em mostres les últimes notícies sobre la pòlio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la pòlio", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2340, + "example": "Pel pròxim dimarts seria possible eliminar de la meva agenda personal la pràctica de cotxe?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim dimarts", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "pràctica de cotxe", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 904, + "example": "El volum està massa fort.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8713, + "example": "Elimina el llistat \"ho faig després\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "ho faig després", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2633, + "example": "Piula a Twitter citant l'atenció al client de Lufthansa que \"m'han perdut la maleta i hi ha una cua de vuitanta persones al taulell de l'aeroport del Prat\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Piula", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de Lufthansa", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "m'han perdut la maleta i hi ha una cua de vuitanta persones al taulell de l'aeroport del Prat", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 154 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7691, + "example": "M'apuntes al calendari un esdeveniment anomenat \"ordinador\" a Terrassa per aquesta matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "ordinador", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta matinada", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10690, + "example": "Em podries dir què tinc aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7853, + "example": "Intensificar la claredat de les bombetes de la sala d'estar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala d'estar", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8560, + "example": "Vull que em reservis un Cabify per avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5908, + "example": "M'agradaria saber si al Centre Mèdic Congrés hi ha consulta de podologia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Centre Mèdic Congrés", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "consulta de podologia", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4355, + "example": "Em saps dir com es diu la cosa que faran a la meva localització aquesta setmana a dos quarts de sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva localització", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de sis", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11365, + "example": "Saps quin dia m'he citat amb el doctor Llucià Codina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Llucià Codina", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1798, + "example": "Pots suprimir l'Eliseu de la llista de convidats al casament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Eliseu", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de convidats al casament", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5163, + "example": "M'agradaria que em diguessis quines cites hi ha l'agenda pel dilluns.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cites", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 150, + "example": "Anota que dilluns que ve tinc traumatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns que ve", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6190, + "example": "Hi ha alguna aplicació per demanar el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Hi ha alguna aplicació per demanar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11776, + "example": "No m'importa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2294, + "example": "Pots enviar un mail a l'adreça plurienganxats33@hotmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "plurienganxats33@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5330, + "example": "M'expliques com em puc donar d'alta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1180, + "example": "En uns mesos haig d'anar a la TFcon, ho pots afegir al meu calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "En uns mesos", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a la TFcon", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10089, + "example": "Ensenya'm les notícies més recents de successos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "successos", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 361, + "example": "Digues-ho una altra vegada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5100, + "example": "Actualment quin tipus de música s'està reproduint?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin tipus de música", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3531, + "example": "Això que sona ara em desagrada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9243, + "example": "Al calendari m'afegiries una reunió amb la Mercè Nebot demà passat a partir de les dotze a la sala de juntes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mercè Nebot", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "sala de juntes", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 108 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11332, + "example": "Et sona si dijous estic citada amb la meva psicòloga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "psicòloga", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7927, + "example": "L'àudio; m'agradaria aixecar-lo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11981, + "example": "Podria sentir el tema \"Ingobernable\" al despatx?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Ingobernable", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11978, + "example": "Ens reprodueixes el primer tema de \"dissabte de neteja\" al dormitori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "dissabte de neteja", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "primer", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4410, + "example": "On es podrà veure \"Incerta glòria\" avui a Salou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Incerta glòria", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4121, + "example": "El C. Tangana va festejar amb la Rosalía?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "va festejar amb la Rosalía", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "C. Tangana", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11494, + "example": "Necessito fer una trucada a la Júlia; he caigut i he pres mal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Júlia", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he caigut", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9347, + "example": "Reprodueix una cançoneta del meu àlbum de música preferida de rap.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferida", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rap", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1436, + "example": "Pots apujar-me la intensitat de la llum a la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 923, + "example": "Disminueix la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4871, + "example": "Com es troba avui el trànsit per Rubí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Rubí", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 483, + "example": "Això fa goig.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1304, + "example": "Podries desconnectar els endolls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10509, + "example": "Quins establiments del meu barri són aptes per a persones amb mobilitat reduïda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "aptes per a persones amb mobilitat reduïda", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "del meu barri", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3314, + "example": "Podríem sentir la reproducció de l'audiollibre \"Romeo y Julieta\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Romeo y Julieta", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8710, + "example": "Fes desaparèixer el llistat \"ho faig després\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "ho faig després", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10626, + "example": "Em mostres com es diu l'exposició que hi ha avui al museu La Virreina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "exposició", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "museu La Virreina", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9332, + "example": "Podries tocar les meves cançons preferides al lavabo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferides", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1052, + "example": "L'aspiradora, me la pots activar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5912, + "example": "Recorda'm l'horari d'atenció telefònica de l'Hospital Joan XXIII.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari d'atenció telefònica", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Joan XXIII", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6153, + "example": "Quin és el telèfon del centre cívic de Badalona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre cívic", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9442, + "example": "Sentir un pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3874, + "example": "Compta quant seria quaranta per quaranta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "quaranta per quaranta", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10021, + "example": "Ensenya'm quines notícies hi ha de Xi Jinping al diari \"La Voz Libre\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Xi Jinping", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "La Voz Libre", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1546, + "example": "El mode aleatori, me l'actives al reproductor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "actives", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9192, + "example": "Fer un cafè doble.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè doble", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10176, + "example": "Ensenya'm de què es parla a les xarxes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2512, + "example": "M'han convidat a un congrés a Vilanova que comença a les quatre i acaba a les deu de la nit la setmana que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "congrés", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 109 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4908, + "example": "Com es troba el trànsit ara per ara per conduir per Figueres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara per ara", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8652, + "example": "Em podries treure la classe de ballet que tinc a les onze del matí de l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de ballet", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1881, + "example": "Em cancel·laries tot el que hi ha organitzat a l'agenda personal els dijous a la tarda amb la Maria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1941, + "example": "Em podries treure l'alerta que vaig programar per dilluns i dimecres a dos quarts de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8928, + "example": "Vull veure el contacte de la meva nora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva nora", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7677, + "example": "Seria possible que m'apuntessis al calendari una junta amb la Marina Canals entre les tres i dos quarts de cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marina Canals", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dos quarts de cinc", + "Start_char": 93, + "End_char": 111 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1295, + "example": "Voldria apagar l'endoll.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2816, + "example": "Menciona el servei d'atenció al consumidor d'Amazon amb el text \"m'ha trucat el vostre repartidor des d'una adreça que no té res a veure amb mi i que no sé per què és la que consta al paquet per fer-me una entrega que necessito sens falta per avui, com ho podem solucionar?\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Menciona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al consumidor d'Amazon", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "m'ha trucat el vostre repartidor des d'una adreça que no té res a veure amb mi i que no sé per què és la que consta al paquet per fer-me una entrega que necessito sens falta per avui, com ho podem solucionar", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 272 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7940, + "example": "M'agradaria fer créixer l'àudio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7711, + "example": "I si m'anotes al calendari que tinc organitzada una junta amb l'Eulàlia Salichs i el Fermí Grau la setmana que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eulàlia Salichs", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Fermí Grau", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "la setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 96, + "End_char": 113 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10695, + "example": "Saps si tinc res planificat a l'agenda pel dia d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 579, + "example": "Jugar una partida del \"Free fire\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Free fire", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3951, + "example": "Quant dona el vuit per cent de setze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "vuit per cent de setze", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11362, + "example": "M'agradaria que em diguessis quan tinc cita telefònica amb la doctora Massot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Massot", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4566, + "example": "Creus que al cinema del barri hi ha una pel·lícula de terror?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "barri", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "terror", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4183, + "example": "Em podries dir com fer una bolonyesa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bolonyesa", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2054, + "example": "M'agradaria demanar tres entrepans.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "entrepans", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6815, + "example": "He de reservar per a cinc persones al Bulli.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Bulli", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6674, + "example": "Què em faries una reserva al Terrat per sopar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Terrat", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1561, + "example": "Fes variar el color de les llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6364, + "example": "Com puc aconseguir la targeta Braile?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com puc aconseguir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braile", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11852, + "example": "Frena-ho tot ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1773, + "example": "I si suprimeixes la tieta Consol de la llista de convidats al casament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "tieta Consol", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de convidats al casament", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5030, + "example": "Necessito saber els preus de les participacions en borsa d'Ikea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Ikea", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7598, + "example": "Al meu llistat de llibres predilectes, afegeix-me \"Els pilars de la Terra\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Els pilars de la Terra", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de llibres predilectes", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1975, + "example": "Suprimeixes l'alerta que hi ha configurada per dimarts a la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 239, + "example": "Tinc el cabell molt despentinat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6019, + "example": "Em mostres l'adreça de la Farmàcia Jordi Bolos Giralt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Jordi Bolos Giralt", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5539, + "example": "Podries trucar a la meva cosina Arantzazu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva cosina Arantzazu", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1597, + "example": "Vull canviar el color de la llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6505, + "example": "El Cinema Truffaut o Ocine Blanes: quin dels dos té la millor cartellera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cinema Truffaut", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ocine Blanes", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "quin dels dos té la millor cartellera", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3350, + "example": "Em continues la reproducció de l'audiollibre \"La meva Cristina i altres contes\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "La meva Cristina i altres contes", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8956, + "example": "Escombrar amb la conga el balcó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "conga", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "balcó", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7102, + "example": "Encén-me l'app CaixaBank.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "CaixaBank", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3195, + "example": "Ens pots posar un dels temes que més m'agraden?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11754, + "example": "No té gaire importància.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 874, + "example": "Mostra'm les últimes notícies de política internacional.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "política internacional", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10714, + "example": "Informa'm de si tinc sopar d'empresa el cap de setmana que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar d'empresa", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "cap de setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3039, + "example": "Em posaries música d'El Canto del Loco a l'habitació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "El Canto del Loco", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5380, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis com es va al CaixaForum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "CaixaForum", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3614, + "example": "No hi ha res millor que sentir \"Vuit\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Vuit", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 676, + "example": "Quina és la data de l'examen de matemàtiques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "examen de matemàtiques", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 360, + "example": "Repeteix el que m'has dit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4545, + "example": "A quin cinema de Manresa fan \"Shrek\" aquesta tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Shrek", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3906, + "example": "Calcula'm quant fan quinze menys dos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "quinze menys dos", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2137, + "example": "Em pots activar el llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2195, + "example": "M'abelleix connectar la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2391, + "example": "Em pots comprar un bitllet de tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2510, + "example": "Podries fer-me saber que en dues hores he de dormir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en dues hores", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "dormir", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 37, + "example": "Registra que demà passat tinc visita amb la psiquiatra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "psiquiatra", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4995, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quins trens hi ha de Sant Andreu a Palafrugell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Andreu", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7442, + "example": "La llonganissa amb què més la puc cuinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "llonganissa", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4786, + "example": "A Santa Coloma de Gramenet, quin temps farà avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Santa Coloma de Gramenet", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6763, + "example": "He de fer una reserva per sopar demà al vegà amb el Toni i la Marta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "vegà", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Toni", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8985, + "example": "On farem la cita de pintar ceràmica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "pintar ceràmica", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5949, + "example": "Necessito l'adreça del reumatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "reumatòleg", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6975, + "example": "Podries posar-me el meu vídeo predilecte?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "predilecte", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 115, + "example": "Enregistra la cita amb el metge del CAP dimarts vinent a un quart d'onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart d'onze", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 107, + "example": "Vull que anotis que he d'anar a l'Hospital de Bellvitge dijous de la setmana vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Bellvitge", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous de la setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9934, + "example": "Tinc posada alguna alarma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9104, + "example": "Ens poses \"Cooltura FM\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Cooltura FM", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6380, + "example": "Quins requisits es demanen per sol·licitar la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quins requisits es demanen per sol·licitar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7297, + "example": "Vull que em guardis que el correu electrònic de la Marina és marinadominguez34@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marina", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "marinadominguez34@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8745, + "example": "Ens podries connectar al despatx l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7350, + "example": "Vull guardar madamemamasita@gmail.com al contacte ma mare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "madamemamasita@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma mare", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5768, + "example": "Podries trucar a la biblioteca Jaume Fuster?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca Jaume Fuster", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6302, + "example": "Diga'm el resultat del partit d'ahir de la Champions.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "Champions", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11620, + "example": "Exactament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6487, + "example": "On hi ha millor ràtio qualitat-preu: a la Caleta o al Barquet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Caleta", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barquet", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "On hi ha millor ràtio qualitat-preu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5450, + "example": "Vull compartir el lloc on estic amb la Ivet fins que arribi al cinema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ivet", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4986, + "example": "A quina hora se'n va el tren amb direcció Mataró demà passat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3993, + "example": "A quant està avui dia la rúpia índia respecte al dòlar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dòlar", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "rúpia índia", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4513, + "example": "Demà al barri de Gràcia projecten \"Incerta glòria\" en algun cinema?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "barri de Gràcia", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Incerta glòria", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8531, + "example": "Voldria agafar un taxi que em porti fins al restaurant ABaC.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "restaurant ABaC", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5986, + "example": "Digues si hi ha consultes d'oftalmologia al centre d'atenció primària del Pont de Suert.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "consultes d'oftalmologia", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre d'atenció primària", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Pont de Suert", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4840, + "example": "El trànsit per sortir de Reus avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Reus", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 828, + "example": "En quines llistes hi ha el pressupost de l'Anna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "pressupost de l'Anna", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1026, + "example": "Necessito minvar el led.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11965, + "example": "M'agradaria escoltar una taula rodona a la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_descriptor", + "Text": "taula rodona", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9118, + "example": "Vull escoltar \"Onda Cero Lleida\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Onda Cero Lleida", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 340, + "example": "No t'he escoltat bé; repeteix-m'ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10559, + "example": "Digues tots els establiments especialitzats en fotografia que hi ha al meu barri.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "establiments especialitzats en fotografia", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu barri", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10471, + "example": "Vull que em diguis totes les sastreries més tranquil·les de Gràcia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "sastreries", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gràcia", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "més tranquil·les", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 657, + "example": "Com ho faig per arribar al Barcelona Supercomputing Center?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Barcelona Supercomputing Center", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 135, + "example": "Demà passat he d'anar al psicòleg a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "psicòleg", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2249, + "example": "M'adreces un correu electrònic a la Marta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "la Marta", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3378, + "example": "Et fa res advertir-me a les cinc que tinc bàsquet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "bàsquet", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5043, + "example": "Digue'm el preu de les accions d'UPS.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "UPS", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8591, + "example": "Podries esborrar de l'agenda el taller de cuina asiàtica de les sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "taller de cuina asiàtica", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9257, + "example": "La meva xicota i jo tenim un sopar a Sitges el dia 5 de novembre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "La meva xicota", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "5 de novembre", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6405, + "example": "M'expliques què faig si he perdut la TSE?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSE", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "què faig si he perdut", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3083, + "example": "Em podries posar una cançó grunge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "grunge", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5763, + "example": "Truca al rectorat de la Universitat de Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "rectorat de la Universitat de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2196, + "example": "Al safareig em pots encendre la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "safareig", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8461, + "example": "Demà em podries demanar un Cabify per anar des de Lloret de Mar fins a Rubí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lloret de Mar", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Rubí", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4779, + "example": "Quina és la predicció del temps per la Cerdanya aquest cap de setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cerdanya", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11614, + "example": "Fenomenal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9132, + "example": "Al ioga de tots els dimecres a la tarda del calendari, posa-li un avís.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "ioga", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dimecres", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9043, + "example": "Fixar una data per reunir-me amb la Clàudia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunir-me", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Clàudia", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5620, + "example": "A l'Enric Batista, fes-li un truc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Enric Batista", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11967, + "example": "Em poses cançons de la llista de reproducció \"temps de relax\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "temps de relax", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3970, + "example": "Busca'm com està actualment el dòlar australià envers el franc congolès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar australià", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "franc congolès", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9074, + "example": "Ens connectes la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2515, + "example": "La Mònica fa ioga amb mi el dimarts vinent de set a nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mònica", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "ioga", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "set", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7658, + "example": "Demà fins a les cinc tinc una reunió sobre automoció amb la Noèlia Francès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "fins a les cinc", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió sobre automoció", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Noèlia Francès", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9362, + "example": "M'animaria sentir musiqueta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8506, + "example": "Podries fer-me un favor i demanar un taxi per anar a la platja de Castelldefels demà a dos quarts de nou del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "platja de Castelldefels", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou del matí", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 113 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3170, + "example": "I si em sintonitzes de \"Ser Catalunya\" el programa \"Al teatre amb Rosa Badia\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Ser Catalunya", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Al teatre amb Rosa Badia", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 489, + "example": "Gràcies.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2732, + "example": "Calles per un temps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "un temps", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6597, + "example": "A les vuit del vespre m'he de prendre l'hidroferol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "hidroferol", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4422, + "example": "Fan alguna pel·lícula al cinema de l'Arenas de comèdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Arenas", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "comèdia", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4244, + "example": "Què es diu per Snapchat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Snapchat", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3765, + "example": "Confirma'm si he d'anar a comprar estris de cuina demà a les deu del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "comprar estris de cuina", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3084, + "example": "Voldria posar trap.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "trap", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4134, + "example": "Menja peix el Pau Gasol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Menja peix", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pau Gasol", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5081, + "example": "Quin valor tenen les accions de l'empresa Nvidia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Nvidia", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6804, + "example": "Fer una reserva per a set persones a un restaurant hindú per a mi i la meva mare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "set", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "hindú", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9607, + "example": "Necessito saber el mail que acaba d'arribar sobre el viatge a Taipei del Víctor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "viatge a Taipei", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Víctor", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "acaba d'arribar", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1700, + "example": "Busca quina hora tenen al fus horari d'Europa/Madrid si a Tanzània són les cinc del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari d'Europa/Madrid", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tanzània", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc del matí", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 337, + "example": "Ho pots repetir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1607, + "example": "Podries posar-me la làmpada de la cotxera de color lila?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "lila", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cotxera", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7713, + "example": "M'afegeixes al calendari el sopar de Nadal de l'empresa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar de Nadal de l'empresa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1851, + "example": "Pots eliminar la trobada per jugar al \"Twister\" amb la Laura que hi ha al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Twister", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2521, + "example": "Em pots mantenir informat dels problemes derivats de la inundació de Pakistan?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "problemes derivats de la inundació de Pakistan", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10897, + "example": "Quin xarop prenc a les nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8707, + "example": "Esborrar la llista \"sèries\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "sèries", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3358, + "example": "Reprèn la reproducció de \"Viatges de Gulliver\" de Jonathan Swift.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Viatges de Gulliver", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Jonathan Swift", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3362, + "example": "M'agradaria recordar que tinc una junta a les nou del matí a Flix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Flix", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3933, + "example": "Quina és l'arrel quadrada de setanta-vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "arrel quadrada de setanta-vuit", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11141, + "example": "Soparé lluç divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "lluç", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "Soparé", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2857, + "example": "Podries alçar-nos a les set del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set del matí", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1761, + "example": "Ens esborres tot el que hi ha al calendari per l'any vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "any vinent", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5787, + "example": "Pots posar-me en contacte amb el centre comercial?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre comercial", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11920, + "example": "Això no és correcte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8380, + "example": "Voldria encarregar uns macarrons amb tonyina per endur.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "macarrons amb tonyina", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3491, + "example": "Em diries un acudit on apareguin animals?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "animals", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3559, + "example": "No vull tornar a escoltar mai més aquesta cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3513, + "example": "No aguanto el tema aquest.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6913, + "example": "La meva ubicació, compartir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8696, + "example": "Carrega't les Borges Blanques de la llista de ciutats per visitar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Borges Blanques", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de ciutats per visitar", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10543, + "example": "M'informes sobre si al meu voltant hi ha papereries?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "papereries", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu voltant", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3455, + "example": "Em podries contar algun acudit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 525, + "example": "Em ve de grat jugar una estoneta al \"Sims lite\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Sims lite", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9536, + "example": "Et faria res posar-nos un tema de la llista de reproducció que tenim amb el nom \"música per cors trencats\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "música per cors trencats", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 105 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7572, + "example": "Afegeix llibretes al llistat de material escolar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "llibretes", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de material escolar", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 196, + "example": "Apunta \"cita a l'Hospital Clínic\" divendres 29.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Clínic", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres 29", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11275, + "example": "M'han de fer alguna prova el dia 11?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "11", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 207, + "example": "Podries anotar la cita de les 12 del cardiòleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 12", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "cardiòleg", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11954, + "example": "No t'ho he demanat, això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7900, + "example": "La llum me la poses de color roig.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "roig", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6777, + "example": "Pots reservar per a cinc persones a un restaurant rus?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "rus", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6013, + "example": "I si em dius el telèfon de la Farmàcia Lozano Salvatella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Lozano Salvatella", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10480, + "example": "Del meu barri quines són les millors gelateries?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "gelateries", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "millors", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Del meu barri", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 482, + "example": "Estic al·lucinant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11310, + "example": "Vull saber quines visites tinc programades amb el traumatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2959, + "example": "Pots anotar al calendari que he quedat aquesta tarda amb la Mireia Font a Castelldans?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "he quedat", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mireia Font", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Castelldans", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3991, + "example": "A quant està actualment el dòlar de Zimbàbue en comparació amb el franc suís?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "franc suís", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar de Zimbàbue", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 764, + "example": "Em mostres quin era el nom de l'aparell que serveix per aixecar les rodes del cotxe?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "aparell", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "serveix per aixecar les rodes del cotxe", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8251, + "example": "M'agradaria que m'obtinguessis un bitllet de Rodalies per sortir de Montcada i arribar a Ribes de Freser a les tres de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montcada", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ribes de Freser", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 104 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 107, + "End_char": 127 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2018, + "example": "Voldria encarregar amanida a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "amanida", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8718, + "example": "Et faria res esborrar-me el llistat de països per visitar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "països per visitar", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8849, + "example": "Comprovar on és la cita del mes que ve amb la Júlia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Júlia", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9713, + "example": "Al fus horari Europa/Andorra ens pots dir quina hora tenen?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari Europa/Andorra", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2386, + "example": "He de tenir un tiquet pel ferrocarril que va de Sant Boi fins a Igualada aquesta vesprada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Boi", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Igualada", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta vesprada", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10385, + "example": "Dels Gossos quins temes són els que em posen feliç?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Gossos", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quins temes són els que em posen feliç", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1438, + "example": "Pots intensificar-me la llum al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4670, + "example": "Saps si ha arribat avui algun missatge de Viber nou de la Cristina Fernández?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Viber", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Cristina Fernández", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11948, + "example": "Ho has fet fatal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7465, + "example": "El pollastre quant triga a caducar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "pollastre", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "quant triga a caducar", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5474, + "example": "Informa la meva mare de la meva localització.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7539, + "example": "Estaria bé minvar les làmpades al mínim possible al menjador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6574, + "example": "Avisar que m'he de prendre mitja pastilla a les vuit del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 737, + "example": "Guitoll què vol dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "Guitoll", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6653, + "example": "Cada quatre hores em toca la pastilla, avisa'm.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "Cada quatre hores", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4778, + "example": "S'esperen nevades a Olot aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "nevades", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Olot", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4015, + "example": "Digues-me quant són cinquanta florins neerlandesos en drams.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "cinquanta florins neerlandesos", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "drams", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5702, + "example": "M'agradaria que telefonessis al Vall d'Hebron.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Vall d'Hebron", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 485, + "example": "Impressionant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7206, + "example": "Vull que apaguis l'aplicació Mathhammer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Mathhammer", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 318, + "example": "Ho podries dir de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6987, + "example": "Posa'ns un vídeo d'\"El detectiu Conan\" a YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "El detectiu Conan", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1676, + "example": "Em dius quina hora és a GMT 1 si a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich 0 són les onze de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "GMT 1", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich 0", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze de la nit", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6152, + "example": "Quins són els horaris al centre de dia de Flix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horaris", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre de dia", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Flix", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11846, + "example": "Pots deixar-ho tot ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 288, + "example": "Digues l'autobús que em porta a Peratallada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobús", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Peratallada", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4009, + "example": "Quants pesos mexicans són tres pesos argentins?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "tres pesos argentins", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "pesos mexicans", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2553, + "example": "Puc fer un cafè?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3474, + "example": "Ens contes una broma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10418, + "example": "Saps si m'agraden els Catarres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "els Catarres", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'agraden", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2831, + "example": "Cita el servei d'atenció al client de SEUR en un tuit amb el text \"no teniu vergonya, se suposava que m'havíeu de dur el paquet entre les deu i les onze i ara rebo un avís que no m'heu trobat a casa, encara que jo no m'he mogut d'aquí\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al client de SEUR", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "no teniu vergonya, se suposava que m'havíeu de dur el paquet entre les deu i les onze i ara rebo un avís que no m'heu trobat a casa, encara que jo no m'he mogut d'aquí", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 234 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11889, + "example": "Es pot saber què has fet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5944, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis el telèfon de la doctora Vallverdú.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctora Vallverdú", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9969, + "example": "Em deixes veure quines alertes tinc per divendres vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres vinent", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7506, + "example": "Podries configurar una alerta a les set del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set del matí", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4645, + "example": "Hi ha pel meu voltant hipermercats que acceptin mascotes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "hipermercats", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "acceptin mascotes", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4801, + "example": "M'ensenyes si necessitaré la roba d'abrigar més tard?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "necessitaré la roba d'abrigar", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "més tard", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3642, + "example": "Aquest matí m'ha tocat exposar el treball de recerca; quin pes de sobre que m'he tret.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7747, + "example": "Necessito que apaguis els endolls intel·ligents del menjador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2252, + "example": "Em fas arribar un correu electrònic a la Jana amb el text \"han obert un forn nou a sota de casa on fan panets que porten ceba i formatge\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jana", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "han obert un forn nou a sota de casa on fan panets que porten ceba i formatge", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 136 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9574, + "example": "Vull que em diguis l'estat del trànsit per entrar a Saragossa en aquests moments.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Saragossa", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquests moments", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3517, + "example": "No m'agrada gens el que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3865, + "example": "Utilitzant llonganissa em saps dir quines receptes puc preparar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "llonganissa", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4940, + "example": "Pots mirar-me si ha arribat un whatsapp nou de la Duna sobre els còmics de Batman?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "whatsapp", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Duna", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "els còmics de Batman", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8020, + "example": "Crea una llista amb pel·lícules de terror.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "pel·lícules de terror", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4540, + "example": "Avui a quin cinema de Terrassa fan \"Pulp fiction\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Pulp fiction", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9266, + "example": "Em pots advertir d'una reunió de nou a dotze del matí amb el Lluís Sabater?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lluís Sabater", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dotze del matí", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1376, + "example": "Podries posar la cançó al màxim?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3034, + "example": "Ens encantaria que posessis una cançoneta d'Els Pets.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Els Pets", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1117, + "example": "Pots afegir pintar el dormitori de la Marta a la llista \"projecte de pintura\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "pintar el dormitori de la Marta", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "projecte de pintura", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1768, + "example": "Treure qualsevol cosa que hi hagi apuntada al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3960, + "example": "Quant dona quinze més set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "quinze més set", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11580, + "example": "Indubtablement.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7765, + "example": "Necessito desactivar els meus endolls intel·ligents ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 18, + "example": "Apuntar al calendari que ens toca anar a Sant Joan de Déu amb la nena per visitar-nos amb la infermera pediàtrica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "infermera pediàtrica", + "Start_char": 93, + "End_char": 113 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Sant Joan de Déu", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "nena", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10684, + "example": "Mostra què tinc per fer al meu calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6544, + "example": "Et faria res fer-me saber que he de prendre la pastilla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 660, + "example": "Em dius com puc arribar a l'Escola Diputació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Escola Diputació", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6669, + "example": "Em vindria bé tenir la taula reservada pel dia 15.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "15", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8509, + "example": "Vull anar al carrer Pi i Maragall; pots reservar-me un Lyft que em reculli demà a les set al Carrer Joan Miró 17?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer Pi i Maragall", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 89 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Carrer Joan Miró 17", + "Start_char": 93, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9108, + "example": "Posa'm \"Flaix FM\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Flaix FM", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5824, + "example": "Trucar a Creu Roja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Creu Roja", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8895, + "example": "Vull que em mostris la informació de contacte d'en Pau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pau", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10748, + "example": "Tinc missatges de Line nous de l'Ignasi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Line", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ignasi", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1838, + "example": "Neteja qualsevol cosa que tingui enregistrada al calendari amb la Marta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 81, + "example": "Apunta que a les dotze tenim cita a la consulta del pediatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "consulta del pediatre", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9803, + "example": "Digues-me l'horari del tren que va cap a Granollers de tres a quatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Granollers ", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres a quatre", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10490, + "example": "Hi ha cap perruqueria a la meva barriada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "perruqueria", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva barriada", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11460, + "example": "Doctorsalas12@gmail.com guarda aquest correu electrònic com a Doctor Salàs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Doctor Salàs", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "Doctorsalas12@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6921, + "example": "Aquesta localització, comparteix-la amb l'Enric fins que arribi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Enric", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 258, + "example": "El bus que va cap a Tortosa, a quina hora passa per Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bus", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6906, + "example": "Ensenya l'emplaçament on soc fins a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10007, + "example": "Em dius quantes alarmes hi ha posades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3939, + "example": "Quant és cinquanta-sis entre vuitanta-set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "cinquanta-sis entre vuitanta-set", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2915, + "example": "Al calendari guarda un recordatori cada dilluns per preparar-me per la marató.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dilluns", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "preparar-me per la marató", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1902, + "example": "M'esborres l'alerta de dijous a les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8013, + "example": "Em faries el favor de fer-me una llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1192, + "example": "Posa'm al calendari que el divendres tinc classe de francès amb la Sílvia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de francès", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10376, + "example": "Trobar el tipus de música que s'està reproduint ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "el tipus de música", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint ara mateix", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9120, + "example": "Vull escoltar \"Cadena SER\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Cadena SER", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2362, + "example": "Em pots demanar un bitllet de tren per viatjar aquesta tarda cap a Gaià?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Gaià", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9600, + "example": "M'agradaria saber l'afluència de vehicles per entrar a Vilanova i la Geltrú.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10962, + "example": "Què he de prendre cada matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada matí", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10525, + "example": "Podries dir-me si hi ha mercats a prop meu amb guarderia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "mercats", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "amb guarderia", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7193, + "example": "Vull saber el trajecte que du a la biblioteca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3607, + "example": "Friso per escoltar heavy metal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "heavy metal", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 824, + "example": "Quines són les meves llistes sobre sèries?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "sèries", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1371, + "example": "Vull que el volum de la cançó estigui més alt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6704, + "example": "Podries reservar taula a un restaurant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5934, + "example": "Informa'm sobre el telèfon de contacte de l'Hospital del Mar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon de contacte", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital del Mar", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8626, + "example": "Tinc un esdeveniment al calendari que vull esborrar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7774, + "example": "Ens pots apagar l'ull de bou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3060, + "example": "Et faria res reproduir-me un tema de Queen?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Queen", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10544, + "example": "Saps quines pastisseries hi ha pel meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "pastisseries", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8867, + "example": "Estaria bé trobar si tinc algun acte el mes que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "acte", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8791, + "example": "Quina porqueria de tema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1582, + "example": "Em poses la bombeta violeta a l'entrada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "violeta", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3011, + "example": "Podria sentir l'episodi que segueix del pòdcast \"El zoo de vidre\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "El zoo de vidre", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1964, + "example": "Ens treus l'alarma que vam configurar de dilluns a diumenge a les cinc de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la matinada", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7331, + "example": "L'adreça de correu electrònic de la meva parella és forsyth@celemail.hy.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva parella", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "forsyth@celemail.hy", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2171, + "example": "Em podries activar l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3059, + "example": "Ens pots reproduir un tema d'Antònia Font?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Antònia Font", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5042, + "example": "Com estan els preus de les accions de Visa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Visa", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2463, + "example": "Fixa un recordatori al calendari tots els divendres al matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els divendres", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9282, + "example": "Contar-me alguna conya sobre pixapins.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "pixapins", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11848, + "example": "Detenir les teves tasques.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11011, + "example": "Em dius, si us plau, a quina hora s'inicia el Festival Corde Vi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Festival Corde Vi", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8011, + "example": "Crea un llistat i posa-li el nom de \"llista de la compra\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2818, + "example": "Podries citar l'atenció al consumidor de Cinesa amb el text \"no m'heu sumat correctament els punts de l'última compra d'entrades, gràcies per posar-vos en contacte amb mi\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "citar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al consumidor de Cinesa", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "no m'heu sumat correctament els punts de l'última compra d'entrades, gràcies per posar-vos en contacte amb mi", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 170 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5687, + "example": "M'agradaria que fessis una trucada al despatx de la nefròloga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "despatx de la nefròloga", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3602, + "example": "Em flipa escoltar Sopa de Cabra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Sopa de Cabra", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 801, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis com es diu l'estri que serveix per obrir les nous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "estri", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "serveix per obrir les nous", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7039, + "example": "Ens tornaries a reproduir el vídeo que acabem de veure?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "acabem de veure", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2829, + "example": "Penja a Twitter una piulada pel servei d'atenció al client de H&M que digui \"no puc creure que només vengueu roba de talles grans en línia i hàgiu retirat l'estoc de les botigues, sou una colla de poca-soltes\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Penja", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al client de H&M", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "no puc creure que només vengueu roba de talles grans en línia i hàgiu retirat l'estoc de les botigues, sou una colla de poca-soltes", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 208 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10514, + "example": "Em sabries dir quins basars hi ha a la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "basars", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10069, + "example": "Ensenya'm les notícies més noves sobre tècniques de capoeira.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "tècniques de capoeira", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4197, + "example": "Com es fa una truita de carxofes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "truita de carxofes", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5298, + "example": "Quins són els documents necessaris per aconseguir la carta de vacunació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carta de vacunació", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quins són els documents necessaris per aconseguir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8161, + "example": "M'agradaria agafar un seient en el tren de les cinc quaranta-nou d'avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc quaranta-nou", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7103, + "example": "Engega l'app Condis family.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Condis", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10863, + "example": "Confirma'm l'hora que li he de donar al nen el Dalsy.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Dalsy", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "nen", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6683, + "example": "Necessitaré una taula per la Rita i per a mi dijous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Rita", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4550, + "example": "Digue'm si fan algun thriller a Yelmo Cines Tarragona el dissabte a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "thriller", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Yelmo Cines", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11470, + "example": "Vull que guardis el correu de la Marta que és marta1994@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "marta1994@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7840, + "example": "Et seria possible enfortir la intensitat dels leds a la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9587, + "example": "La situació de la circulació de vehicles per entrar a Reus ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Reus", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1654, + "example": "Saps quina hora és a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich -1 si al fus horari d'Amèrica/Sitka són les tres de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich -1", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Sitka", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 109 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9725, + "example": "Digues-me quins trens hi ha de Lleida a Montcada i Reixac.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Montcada i Reixac", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9341, + "example": "Vull escoltar la llista de cançons preferides.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "llista de cançons preferides", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2406, + "example": "Podries sol·licitar un taxi i que em reculli a la Goblin Trader de Barcelona en cinc minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Goblin Trader de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en cinc minuts", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10557, + "example": "Vull que em recomanis una rostisseria que faci servir productes orgànics.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "rostisseria", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "faci servir productes orgànics", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7629, + "example": "Inclou també \"Ventdelplà\" a la llista de sèries de \"TV3\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Ventdelplà", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de sèries de \"TV3\"", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2667, + "example": "Seria possible que escrivissis \"que gaudeixis de les vacances\" al mur de la Georgina Piques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escrivissis", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "que gaudeixis de les vacances", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Georgina Piques", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 902, + "example": "Afluixa el volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3686, + "example": "On està exposat el David de Miquel Àngel?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "On està exposat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "David de Miquel Àngel", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5245, + "example": "Demanar informe per a la prestació ortoprotètica (PAO) a La meva salut, com ho faig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "prestació ortoprotètica (PAO)", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com ho faig", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5840, + "example": "M'agradaria que truquessis al 112.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "112", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11424, + "example": "Crea un contacte per la meva cosina Cristina amb el número 6283026182.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva cosina Cristina", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "6283026182", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4436, + "example": "Fan alguna pel·li en català a Cinemes Girona dijous vinent a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "català", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinemes Girona", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous vinent", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5648, + "example": "Vull trucar al centre d'atenció primària de Puigcerdà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre d'atenció primària de Puigcerdà", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6617, + "example": "Voldria que em recordessis quan m'he de prendre la medicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11188, + "example": "El berenar de dijous portarà xocolata?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "berenar", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "xocolata", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7136, + "example": "Voldria que engeguessis la Càmera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Càmera", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11159, + "example": "Ens podries informar sobre el menú?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10744, + "example": "Podries llegir-me els nous missatges de Whatsapp d'en Pau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pau", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10809, + "example": "Oceans, mars i grans llacs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2886, + "example": "Ens podries sintonitzar \"RAC105\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "RAC105", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10365, + "example": "M'informes d'això que s'està reproduint?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 994, + "example": "Els llums estan molt alts; podries abaixar-los?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4049, + "example": "Em dius com està en aquest moment el dòlar d'Austràlia en comparació amb el dòlar de les illes Caiman?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dòlar de les illes Caiman", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 101 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar d'Austràlia", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11083, + "example": "Quan toca arròs a la cubana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs a la cubana", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8582, + "example": "De l'agenda ens treus la neteja de vidres dels divendres a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "neteja de vidres", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dels divendres", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9628, + "example": "Tinc emails de la Júlia sense llegir que hagin entrat avui al correu que s'anomenin \"donatiu a la marató de \"TV3\"\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "emails", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Júlia", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "sense llegir", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "donatiu a la marató de \"TV3", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5493, + "example": "Picar a la Núria Canals.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Núria Canals", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2735, + "example": "Calles una estona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "estona", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10272, + "example": "Ara a Canberra quina hora és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Canberra", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "Ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6241, + "example": "Quin va ser el resultat del partit del dijous a les vuit la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit la nit", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10147, + "example": "Vull saber quins temes s'estan parlant a Facebook en aquest moment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1987, + "example": "Ens elimines la llista de veïns susceptibles?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de veïns susceptibles", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5773, + "example": "Posa'm en contacte amb la Universitat de Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Universitat de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 181, + "example": "Anotar al calendari que tinc visita el divendres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 104, + "example": "M'he citat amb el dermatòleg dilluns a les onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dermatòleg", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11960, + "example": "Ho has fet malament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6121, + "example": "L'horari de la biblioteca de Vilanova i la Geltrú quin és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2881, + "example": "Busca l'emissora \"RAC1\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "RAC1", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5080, + "example": "M'ensenyes els preus de les accions de l'empresa Visa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Visa", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6703, + "example": "Vull reservar una taula per dinar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4203, + "example": "De què es parla a la xarxa social de Facebook?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3902, + "example": "Calcula quant és nou menys vuitanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "nou menys vuitanta", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1767, + "example": "Vull que treguis tots els esdeveniments que tinc registrats al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5229, + "example": "Com ho faig per a anul·lar la visita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "anul·lar la visita", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11450, + "example": "Desar ordi@nador.com com l'email de l'Ariadna.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ariadna", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "ordi@nador.com", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10478, + "example": "Em sabries dir quines botigues d'alimentació puc trobar a prop meu que tinguin productes asiàtics?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues d'alimentació", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "que tinguin productes asiàtics", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 97 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11175, + "example": "Mostra'm si l'arròs porta tomàquet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "tomàquet", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6570, + "example": "A les onze del matí m'he de punxar la insulina, recorda-m'ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "insulina", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11156, + "example": "Podries dir-me què tenim avui al menú?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8657, + "example": "Neteja'm el pla d'anar a caçar rovellons amb l'Arlet anotat al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "caçar rovellons", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Arlet", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5680, + "example": "Telefona'm el CUAP Lleuger Gimbernat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CUAP Lleuger Gimbernat", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4263, + "example": "Mostra'm quin dia és avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2703, + "example": "T'atures durant una micona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1056, + "example": "Em pots encendre el robot aspirador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10898, + "example": "Podries recordar-me quin medicament em toca a les cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10750, + "example": "De l'Alba m'ha arribat algun missatge de Messenger aquest matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Alba", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Messenger", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 915, + "example": "No posis la música tan forta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7614, + "example": "Vull afegir cireres a la llista de la compra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "cireres", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11472, + "example": "Vull que em guardis 633788977 a l'agenda de contactes com contacte Mariona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mariona", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "633788977", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6759, + "example": "Vull fer una reserva a un restaurant vegetarià.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "vegetarià", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4185, + "example": "Ensenya'm com puc cuinar el filet de vedella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "filet de vedella", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10056, + "example": "Busca notícies d'última hora referents als xips de la Xina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "xips de la Xina", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2230, + "example": "Podries enviar a la Queralt un correu electrònic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Queralt", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8975, + "example": "Busca'm on farem el pla de pescar apuntat per la setmana que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "pescar", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2103, + "example": "Vull que engeguis la bombeta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2847, + "example": "Em piularies a Twitter que \"la sincronització de Google Calendar falla cada dos per tres\" citant l'atenció al consumidor de Google?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piularies", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "la sincronització de Google Calendar falla cada dos per tres", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al consumidor de Google", + "Start_char": 99, + "End_char": 130 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10307, + "example": "Em podries dir l'hora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8240, + "example": "Vull que compris un bitllet d'AVE del Camp de Tarragona fins a Saragossa per Tots Sants.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "AVE", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Camp de Tarragona", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Saragossa", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Tots Sants", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7640, + "example": "Posa a una llista sabó de rentaplats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "sabó de rentaplats", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8771, + "example": "Posa el tema que està sonant a cançons que repudio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8949, + "example": "Engegar el robot aspirador per aspirar la sala d'estar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala d'estar", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9882, + "example": "Em dius l'arrel quadrada de sis-cents trenta-cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "arrel quadrada de sis-cents trenta-cinc", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2073, + "example": "Si us plau, encén les làmpades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11257, + "example": "Avui sopem estofat de vedella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopem", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "estofat de vedella", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 631, + "example": "Digues quin ferro puc agafar per anar a Alcarràs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferro", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Alcarràs", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1618, + "example": "És possible canviar el color dels llums?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11209, + "example": "Podries confirmar si dimecres tenim sopa de porro?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sopa de porro", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11968, + "example": "Em poses la penúltima cançó de la llista anomenada \"motivació\" a l'el·líptica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "motivació", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "penúltima", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2006, + "example": "Seria possible que ens suprimissis la llista de fruites i verdures de temporada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de fruites i verdures de temporada", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10613, + "example": "Voldria saber quines activitats hi ha a Mataró divendres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10161, + "example": "Digue'm si la Margarida ha pujat una foto a Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Margarida", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10964, + "example": "Amb quina freqüència he de prendre el xarop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9082, + "example": "M'agradaria escoltar la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8692, + "example": "Vull que esborris \"Cites\" de la llista de sèries.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Cites", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de sèries", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10211, + "example": "Mostra'm, si us plau, si aquí a la vila fa calda avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "vila", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "calda", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7049, + "example": "Voldria veure una altra vegada el clip d'\"El detectiu Conan\" a YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "El detectiu Conan", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8712, + "example": "Carrega't la llista que es diu \"regals\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "regals", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4219, + "example": "Què hi ha de nou a la xarxa social Snapchat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Snapchat", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1718, + "example": "Si al fus horari de Líbia són les cinc de la matinada, em dius quina hora és a GMT -12?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "GMT -12", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Líbia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la matinada", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6425, + "example": "Vull saber com puc obtenir la targeta sanitària.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com puc obtenir", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 125, + "example": "Anota'm al calendari que he de veure la doctora Verdú dimarts de la setmana vinent a les cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Verdú", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts de la setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10763, + "example": "Em pots llegir els nous missatges de Telegram que he rebut d'en Gerard?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gerard", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatges de Telegram", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2945, + "example": "Tinc una fira amb el Natxo; me l'apuntes al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fira", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Natxo", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6376, + "example": "Quant dura la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quant dura", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6985, + "example": "Veure vídeos de \"La Riera\" a YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "La Riera", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4833, + "example": "En aquest instant hi ha trànsit a Amposta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Amposta", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "En aquest instant", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9058, + "example": "Vull crear una reunió a Esplugues de Llobregat amb el Màrius.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Esplugues de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Màrius", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8091, + "example": "Hola, com ha anat el dia per a tu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11717, + "example": "Què és el que estàs dient?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1608, + "example": "Pots posar el llum de color blau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "blau", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 428, + "example": "Formidable.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9279, + "example": "Vull que m'expliquis alguna broma de gossos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "gosso", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4034, + "example": "A quants pesos colombians equival un won coreà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "un won coreà", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "pesos colombians", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7495, + "example": "Els dijous pots aixecar-nos a les vuit del vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Els dijous", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8419, + "example": "Demana uns menús d'hamburguesa amb patates i beguda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "menús d'hamburguesa amb patates i beguda", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4278, + "example": "Em pots mostrar a quin dia som?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10971, + "example": "Pots indicar-me quin medicament em toca a les quatre de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4101, + "example": "Quina és l'adreça de la feina del Xavier?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça de la feina", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Xavier", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 975, + "example": "Abaixa la potència dels altaveus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7746, + "example": "Et demano que tanquis els meus endolls intel·ligents del dormitori.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1555, + "example": "Podries posar-me en pausa el reproductor musical?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "posar-me en pausa", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2234, + "example": "Seria possible fer arribar un missatge de correu electrònic a la Txell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Txell", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10729, + "example": "Corregeix-me si m'equivoco, però diria que tinc alguna reunió aquesta setmana a les cinc de la tarda és així?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10182, + "example": "Pots comprovar si la Mariona ha publicat l'enllaç del meu darrer article a LinkedIn?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mariona", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "LinkedIn", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6758, + "example": "Voldria reservar taula a un restaurant de cuina mediterrània per aquest vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "cuina mediterrània", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest vespre", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6307, + "example": "El resultat del partit de dilluns del Mallorca quin va ser?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Mallorca", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7616, + "example": "Voldria incloure tomàquets a la llista de la fruiteria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "tomàquets", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la fruiteria", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7591, + "example": "Em pots afegir aquarel·les a la llista de pintures?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de pintures", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "aquarel·les", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5256, + "example": "Em podries indicar com puc demanar un informe?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "demanar un informe", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4648, + "example": "Estaria bé que em busquessis una copisteria a prop meu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "copisteria", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1012, + "example": "Atenuar el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11966, + "example": "Em poses a la cambra dels nens música d'El Canto del Loco?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "El Canto del Loco", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cambra dels nens", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4510, + "example": "Aquest dimecres a Sant Pere i Sant Pau projecten alguna pel·lícula d'espies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Aquest dimecres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Pere", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Pau", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "espies", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11928, + "example": "No és com tu creus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4378, + "example": "Podries informar-me de tots els espectacles que faran la setmana que ve al veïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al veïnat", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5309, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis com descarregar el meu certificat de vacunació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat de vacunació", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com descarregar", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5159, + "example": "De quan és aquesta melodia que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "De quan és", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5700, + "example": "Voldries trucar a la Clínica Privada Coroleu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Privada Coroleu", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11247, + "example": "Porta ceba la truita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "ceba", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "truita", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4175, + "example": "Em pots dir quina és la recepta per fer pollastre a la xocolata?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pollastre a la xocolata", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10065, + "example": "Em mostres les últimes notícies sobre la inflació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la inflació", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6655, + "example": "Posa una alarma per prendre'm el Paracetamol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Paracetamol", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7295, + "example": "Vull que desis l'adreça electrònica de ma mare com a mariadelamuntanya@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma mare", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "mariadelamuntanya@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4200, + "example": "El xai de quines maneres puc cuinar-lo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "xai", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4762, + "example": "Fa menjar per endur el meu Burger King preferit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per endur", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Burger King", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1168, + "example": "Afegeix-me a l'agenda que de tres quarts d'onze a les dotze del dijous tinc una junta amb la meva supervisora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva supervisora", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 109 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts d'onze", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11320, + "example": "Digues-me quantes visites tinc programades al clínic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "clínic", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10416, + "example": "Digues-me totes les cançons que m'agraden de Sopa de Cabra", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Sopa de Cabra", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "cançons que m'agraden", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4357, + "example": "Fan alguna convenció a la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "convenció", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4325, + "example": "Sabries dir-me si fan alguna festa a prop d'on soc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festa", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "prop d'on soc", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9665, + "example": "Què passa amb la meva ració d'arròs a la cassola de Cuinats Josep?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs a la cassola", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cuinats Josep", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3918, + "example": "Digues-me quant és noranta si li sumes cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "noranta si li sumes cinc", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2929, + "example": "Cada dissabte a la tarda em pots apuntar a la meva agenda que tenim assaig amb la banda municipal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Cada dissabte", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assaig", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la banda municipal", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8571, + "example": "Estic a Martorell i vull anar cap al cementiri de Montjuïc; em pots reservar un Lyft?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Martorell", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "cementiri de Montjuïc", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11266, + "example": "Pots dir-me quines són les notícies més noves?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8630, + "example": "Em pots treure del calendari el club de lectura d'aquesta tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "club de lectura", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3510, + "example": "Explica'm alguna conya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4758, + "example": "Podria demanar infusions ja preparades per emportar a la Tea Shop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Tea Shop", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "demanar infusions ja preparades per emportar", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3753, + "example": "Digues-me si he de bescanviar les sabates diumenge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "bescanviar les sabates", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8294, + "example": "Afirma'm que continua en peu que plourà el 3 de gener.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plourà", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "3 de gener", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3251, + "example": "Vull que em posis l'audiollibre \"La força d'un destí\" al dormitori gran.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "La força d'un destí", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori gran", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9915, + "example": "M'agradaria conèixer les intoleràncies alimentàries del Sergi Roberto.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "intoleràncies alimentàries", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sergi Roberto", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 534, + "example": "Enceta el joc que acaba de sortir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4471, + "example": "Em dius on es podrà veure la pel·lícula \"Lil, el meu amic cocodril\" aquest dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Lil, el meu amic cocodril", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dilluns", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 658, + "example": "Em pots dir com puc arribar al Grasshopper?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Grasshopper", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4772, + "example": "Hi haurà boira a Lleida demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "boira", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5336, + "example": "On puc trobar el CAP que em correspon?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "On puc trobar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9513, + "example": "Posa'm una cançoneta de la llista \"música per jugar al rol\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "música per jugar al rol", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 613, + "example": "Digues-me com ho faig per arribar si vaig en tren al MNAC.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "MNAC", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4846, + "example": "Quin és l'estat del trànsit en aquests moments per sortir d'Ulldecona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ulldecona", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquests moments", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8, + "example": "Avisa'm que el dia 25 tinc l'analítica de sang.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "25", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "test", + "Text": "analítica de sang", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7818, + "example": "Que apaguis el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1533, + "example": "El hit d'abans, el pots tornar a posar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "tornar a posar", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7017, + "example": "M'agradaria veure a Twitch un directe de la \"Magori cat\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Magori cat", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Twitch", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6678, + "example": "Em guardes taula a un restaurant d'hamburgueses?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "hamburgueses", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6907, + "example": "M'agradaria compartir la meva ubicació durant onze hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "onze hores", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1503, + "example": "Em pots activar el mode aleatori al reproductor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "activar el mode aleatori", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11142, + "example": "Em toquen macarrons dimecres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "macarrons", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9514, + "example": "Em pots tocar al menjador la desena cançó de la llista que es diu \"música per pintar miniatures\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "desena", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "música per pintar miniatures", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7725, + "example": "Em pots programar al calendari aquest esdeveniment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6245, + "example": "Vull saber com ha acabat el partit contra el Chelsea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Chelsea", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6962, + "example": "Reprodueix l'últim curtmetratge de la Marga Almirall.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "últim curtmetratge", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Marga Almirall", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8022, + "example": "Em podries posar una nova llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7981, + "example": "Modifica el volum dels bafles a més suau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10082, + "example": "Necessito saber les novetats de la pujada de preus del lloguer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "pujada de preus del lloguer", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2031, + "example": "Amb Glovo, m'encomanaries un frànkfurt del Viena a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Glovo", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "frànkfurt", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Viena", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11723, + "example": "Gairebé no m'importa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6810, + "example": "Fes una reserva a una marisqueria pel dimarts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "marisqueria", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9181, + "example": "Em ve de gust un cafè.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 424, + "example": "M'al·lucines.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2088, + "example": "Seria possible engegar la bombeta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1141, + "example": "A l'agenda em pots apuntar que tinc partit de futbol amb la colla a tres quarts de vuit del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 96 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partit de futbol", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "colla", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9238, + "example": "Avisa'm del concert que tinc per aquest cap de setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "concert", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9398, + "example": "Em poses un tema pop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "pop", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4943, + "example": "Mostra el missatge de Signal que ha arribat recentment sobre la festa de la castanyada enviat per la Martina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Signal", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recentment", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "la festa de la castanyada", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Martina", + "Start_char": 101, + "End_char": 108 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3196, + "example": "Et faria res tocar-nos una dels Catarres que ens agraden molt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Catarres", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5661, + "example": "Voldria que telefonessis al CUAP Granollers.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CUAP Granollers", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4344, + "example": "Com es diu la cosa que faran a dos quarts de sis pel meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de sis", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 555, + "example": "Jugar una partida ràpida del \"Solitari\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Solitari", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8697, + "example": "Del llistat d'autores de filosofia preferides elimina la Marina Garcés.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat d'autores de filosofia", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Marina Garcés", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7688, + "example": "M'afegeixes al meu calendari l'espectacle de dansa a Olot l'any vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "espectacle de dansa", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Olot", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "l'any vinent", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4038, + "example": "Un peso xilè a quant equival en rúpies índies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "Un peso xilè", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "rúpies índies", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11473, + "example": "Afegeix-me mòbil Papa el 722345987.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "Papa", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "722345987", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11999, + "example": "Voldria que telefonessis a la pediatra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "pediatra", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10976, + "example": "Són cada vuit hores els Enantyum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada vuit hores", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Enantyum", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7054, + "example": "Ens agradaria veure un altre cop \"Alcarràs\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Alcarràs", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4922, + "example": "Mostra'm el missatge més nou sobre llibres recomanats durant la carrera de part del Joel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "més nou", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "llibres recomanats durant la carrera", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joel", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5004, + "example": "Em dius a quina hora surt el tren cap a Terrassa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9225, + "example": "Seria possible posar un recordatori a l'entrada del calendari de dur el gat al veterinari que tinc en dues hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "dur el gat al veterinari", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 89 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en dues hores", + "Start_char": 99, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10862, + "example": "Em recordes a quines hores em toca l'Enantyum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Enantyum", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6761, + "example": "Vull reservar taula aquesta nit per anar amb la meva germana a una pizzeria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "pizzeria", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1011, + "example": "Abaixa la intensitat de la llum al mínim possible.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5189, + "example": "Em mostres tot allò que estigui fixat al meu calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7365, + "example": "Afegeix al contacte de la Marta García un correu electrònic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta García", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9566, + "example": "Què necessito per a preparar un pastís Selva Negra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "Selva Negra", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5459, + "example": "He de compartir la ubicació amb el meu pare fins a les dues.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu pare", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2861, + "example": "Ens pots alçar demà passat a les nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2984, + "example": "Podries posar els meus pòdcasts preferits?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1300, + "example": "Desactivar l'endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7576, + "example": "Posa \"La mort tenia un preu\" a la llista anomenada \"pel·lis de l'oest pendents\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "La mort tenia un preu", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "pel·lis de l'oest pendents", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5378, + "example": "Digue'm com puc arribar anant en tren al campus de Poblenou", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "campus de Poblenou", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4345, + "example": "De l'esdeveniment que fan a la meva zona aquesta setmana a les quatre i mitja quin és el nom?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre i mitja", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10746, + "example": "Digue'm quins correus electrònics tinc a l'email de la Martina Serra amb el títol \"Ja t'ho has pensat bé això\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Martina Serra", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "Ja t'ho has pensat bé això", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 109 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10945, + "example": "Cada quant és que m'he de posar el col·liri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "col·liri", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5136, + "example": "D'aquest hit, quina informació tens?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina informació", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10489, + "example": "Fa menjar per endur el Data Döner d'Urrutia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Data Döner", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Urrutia", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "Fa menjar per endur", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1195, + "example": "Podries planificar un acte a les deu a Gaià amb l'àvia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "acte", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "deu", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gaià", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "àvia", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10184, + "example": "Pots comprovar si la Mònica ha publicat un repte a TikTok aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mònica", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7027, + "example": "Que reproduiries de nou la sèrie \"Merlí\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Merlí", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5055, + "example": "Els preus de les accions de Bandai Namco.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Bandai Namco", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5500, + "example": "A l'Arnau fes-li una trucada, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Arnau", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3379, + "example": "Tinc una reunió a Girona a les set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3668, + "example": "Qui va proposar la teoria de la tectònica de plaques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "teoria de la tectònica de plaques", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "Qui va proposar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6817, + "example": "Ens pots fer una reserva d'una taula per a deu persones al Quinoa Aragó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "deu", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Quinoa Aragó", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8155, + "example": "Necessitaria adquirir un viatge de Torredembarra a l'Ametlla de Mar en tren pel dia 6 de febrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Torredembarra", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ametlla de Mar", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "6 de febrer", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11187, + "example": "Divendres hi ha bolets al plat per a dinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Divendres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "bolets", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2752, + "example": "Pots callar una micona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una micona", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8922, + "example": "Digue'm la direcció d'e-mail de la Duna.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "direcció d'e-mail", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Duna", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1509, + "example": "Em podries posar en pausa el reproductor de música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "posar en pausa", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6982, + "example": "Voldria veure la pel·lícula de la Lucía Alemany.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Lucía Alemany", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7906, + "example": "Passa els leds a groc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "groc", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4413, + "example": "Informa'm de si posaran alguna pel·li d'estrena subtitulada a Espai Funàtic aquest dimarts les set de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "estrena subtitulada", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Espai Funàtic", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dimarts", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 110 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10609, + "example": "\"El Tingladu\" el faran al meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "El Tingladu", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu barri", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11973, + "example": "Em pots punxar una cançó a l'habitació petita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació petita", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10053, + "example": "Quina és la notícia del revisor que va fer fora del tren a un grup de nens de nou anys per mal comportament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "revisor que va fer fora del tren a un grup de nens de nou anys per mal comportament", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11992, + "example": "Sentir el següent episodi del pòdcast \"La Sotana\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "La Sotana", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4418, + "example": "Vull que em diguis si fan alguna preestrena en català al Cinema Alhambra demà les nou a Valls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "preestrena en català", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinema Alhambra", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 88, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6402, + "example": "Comprova quan he de renovar-me la targeta sanitària europea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan he de renovar", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4583, + "example": "És probable que divendres estrenin \"Megan\" al cinema d'aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Megan", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2710, + "example": "Mira, necessito que tanquis la boca, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9610, + "example": "Ensenya'm quins correus electrònics tinc de la Laia sobre la reserva dels Pirineus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "reserva dels Pirineus", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8385, + "example": "M'agradaria fer un encàrrec de falàfel a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "falàfel", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6507, + "example": "Quin restaurant diries que té més opcions vegetarianes a la carta: la pizzeria la Bufala o el Celler de Lleida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la pizzeria la Bufala", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Celler de Lleida", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 110 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin restaurant diries que té més opcions vegetarianes a la carta", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 102, + "example": "Dilluns a les deu del matí he d'anar al CAP a visitar-me amb l'infermer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dilluns", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "infermer", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9413, + "example": "Punxar una cançó de dembow.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "dembow", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8689, + "example": "Et faria res suprimir la rentadora de foscos del llistat de tasques per fer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "rentadora de foscos", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de tasques per fer", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4494, + "example": "Voldria veure quines pel·lis d'espies ofereixen al Cinema Maldà demà a les vuit a Salou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "espies", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinema Maldà", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 325, + "example": "Podries dir-ho novament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8456, + "example": "Demanar uns panellets farcits del Racó dels Canelons.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "panellets farcits", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Racó dels Canelons", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4222, + "example": "Em dius què succeeix a TikTok ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1762, + "example": "Treu tot el que tingui registrat al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 601, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quins trens hi ha de Badalona a Balaguer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Balaguer", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 382, + "example": "Torna-ho a dir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9503, + "example": "Posa'm la cançó \"Que tinguem sort\", que m'agrada molt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Que tinguem sort", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'agrada molt", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1973, + "example": "Podries anul·lar l'alarma que vaig posar per dimecres a mitjanit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a mitjanit", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10469, + "example": "Em podries dir quantes llistes de la compra hi ha?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "compra", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5639, + "example": "M'agradaria contactar amb el meu cosí Àngel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu cosí Àngel", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10225, + "example": "Digue'm la previsió meteorològica de Girona per demà passat a les cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10537, + "example": "Quines botigues hi ha a prop meu amb lloc pels cotxes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "amb lloc pels cotxes", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3067, + "example": "Al lavabo petit pots punxar-me jazz?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo petit", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "jazz", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6486, + "example": "La terrassa més gran la té el restaurant Mako o la Barra del Gourmet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Mako", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barra del Gourmet", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "La terrassa més gran la té", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6771, + "example": "He de reservar una taula per tres persones dissabte al migdia a l'Honest Greens.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Honest Greens", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10336, + "example": "M'agradaria esbrinar quin tipus de música està posada en aquest precís moment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin tipus de música", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està posada en aquest precís moment", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6315, + "example": "Com van quedar a l'últim partit de la Lliga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "últim partit de la Lliga", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3435, + "example": "M'ensenyes com es defineix el concepte de roquet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "roquet", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6130, + "example": "Busca quin és el telèfon de contacte del teatre d'Ulldecona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "teatre", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon de contacte", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ulldecona", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10443, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis quines són les meves llistes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8319, + "example": "Vull que contestis el correu electrònic que tinc en pantalla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6150, + "example": "On està el centre comercial de Malgrat de Mar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "On està", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre comercial", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Malgrat de Mar", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9288, + "example": "Em fas el favor d'explicar-me algun acudit que inclogui un joc de paraules?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "joc de paraules", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10929, + "example": "L'antiinflamatori, me l'he de prendre cada set hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antiinflamatori", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada set hores", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8748, + "example": "Posa'm en marxa l'endoll de les golfes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3086, + "example": "Em podries posar música electrònica a la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "música electrònica", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 465, + "example": "Mel de romer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3829, + "example": "Quins són els elements que conformen la coca de Sant Joan tradicional?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "coca de Sant Joan tradicional", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5317, + "example": "Em pots dir de quina manera puc veure els meus diagnòstics?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "diagnòstics", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "de quina manera puc veure", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2182, + "example": "Et faria res engegar l'endoll de la bodega?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bodega", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9771, + "example": "Busca els trens que passin des de Castelldefels fins a Salou d'onze a dos quarts de dotze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Castelldefels", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "onze a dos quarts de dotze", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6103, + "example": "Saps si demà tanca l'Ajuntament de Rubí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "demà tanca", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Rubí", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1289, + "example": "Endoll intel·ligent desactivat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "Endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8442, + "example": "Encarregar quatre sandvitxos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sandvitxos", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6642, + "example": "Em diràs demà que em prengui el Nolotil?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Nolotil", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 227, + "example": "Com podem arribar a la teoria de gravitació quàntica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8601, + "example": "Elimina l'entrada \"torneig d'AOS\" que tinc fins a les tretze el divendres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "torneig d'AOS", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les tretze", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7831, + "example": "Podries enfortir-me la potència dels leds al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11618, + "example": "Ni més ni menys.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9079, + "example": "Ara mateix vull escoltar la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6016, + "example": "He de demanar hora per mirar-me la tensió a la Farmàcia Sanchís?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "demanar hora per mirar-me la tensió", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Sanchís", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7794, + "example": "Els llums, apaga'ls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5600, + "example": "Desitjaria que fessis una trucada a l'Agnès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Agnès", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5114, + "example": "D'això que s'està reproduint quina informació tens?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina informació", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8285, + "example": "M'agradaria saber la previsió del temps d'aquesta vesprada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta vesprada", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9067, + "example": "Em sintonitzes una emissora de ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1400, + "example": "Estaria bé apujar el volum de la cançó una miqueta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10620, + "example": "Em pots dir quines festes populars hi haurà a Berga el mes que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festes populars", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Berga", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 536, + "example": "I si fem una partida al \"Kaiju rush\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Kaiju rush", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7368, + "example": "Desa el nou correu electrònic de l'Eva a l'agenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eva", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11799, + "example": "No segueixis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2306, + "example": "Remet un missatge de correu electrònic a l'adreça davantalspomesipatates@hotmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "davantalspomesipatates@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1822, + "example": "Elimina'm els esdeveniments que hi hagi a l'agenda amb la meva tieta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5694, + "example": "Podries trucar a la consulta de la meva metgessa de capçalera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metgessa de capçalera", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4729, + "example": "A l'apartament puc demanar el meu menjar preferit de McDonald's?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "McDonald's", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "A l'apartament puc demanar el meu menjar preferit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4018, + "example": "Troba com està avui el franc de Suïssa en comparació amb el yen.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "yen", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "franc de Suïssa", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 488, + "example": "T'has superat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11353, + "example": "Digue'm si dimecres tinc cita amb la doctora Blanca Fortuny a la Quirón.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Blanca Fortuny", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Quirón", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5524, + "example": "Vull fer una trucada a l'Agnès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Agnès", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1323, + "example": "El volum està massa fluix; apuja'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4739, + "example": "Saps si accepten comandes a domicili a l'Starbucks?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Starbucks", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "comandes a domicili", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5251, + "example": "Vull veure el meu pla de medicació, com ho faig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "pla de medicació", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2112, + "example": "Em pots engegar el led del rebedor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebedor", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7001, + "example": "M'agradaria veure a YouTube l'entrevista a Guillem Estadella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Guillem Estadella", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10090, + "example": "Posa les últimes notícies sobre esports.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "esports", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3528, + "example": "La melodia que està sonant ara és odiosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7373, + "example": "M'agradaria desar el correu electrònic de la meva padrina com a marinadominguez34@outlook.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva padrina", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "marinadominguez34@outlook.com", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4976, + "example": "M'ensenyes l'horari del tren que arriba a Tarragona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11101, + "example": "Defineix el terme estupefacció.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "estupefacció", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7579, + "example": "A la llista dels peluixos fica'm una granoteta verda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista dels peluixos", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "granoteta verda", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7199, + "example": "Quin és el camí més curt per arribar a la botiga de roba del centre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "botiga de roba", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "centre", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3119, + "example": "Et faria res posar la desena cançó de la llista de reproducció que tinc amb el nom \"música per cites romàntiques\" a la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "desena", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "música per cites romàntiques", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 112 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 119, + "End_char": 123 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2784, + "example": "Necessito que estiguis en silenci unes hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "unes hores", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6656, + "example": "Alarma a les vuit per prendre Amoxicil·lina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Amoxicil·lina", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9643, + "example": "Comprovar si està en camí la nostra fabada a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fabada", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9423, + "example": "Em podries reproduir un pòdcast?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11616, + "example": "Això mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8336, + "example": "M'agradaria que responguessis al missatge de correu electrònic de la mama.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mama", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5868, + "example": "Necessito telefonar al Servei d'Emergències Sanitàries.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Servei d'Emergències Sanitàries", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7132, + "example": "Obrir l'aplicatiu BonÀrea Online.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "BonÀrea Online", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8857, + "example": "Tinc reunions programades per demà dissabte amb l'Adrià?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunions", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà dissabte", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Adrià", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10986, + "example": "Quina pastilla és la que em toca a les dotze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7503, + "example": "Seria possible configurar una alerta per llevar-me cada dissabte a les onze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dissabte a les onze", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 556, + "example": "I si fem una partideta al \"Dokkan battle\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Dokkan battle", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 308, + "example": "Escoltar-ho una altra vegada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1368, + "example": "Pots apujar un pèl la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1674, + "example": "Quina hora és al fus horari de Pacífic/Tahití si a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich +11 són les quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Pacífic/Tahití", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich +11", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5704, + "example": "Fes un truc al CAP Cerdanyola-Ripollet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP Cerdanyola-Ripollet", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10721, + "example": "El dimarts que ve he d'anar a l'aeròdrom és correcte?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a l'aeròdrom", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts que ve", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 997, + "example": "Pots abaixar un poquet el llum led?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8458, + "example": "Fes una comanda de bubble tea per Uber Eats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bubble tea", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Uber Eats", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5530, + "example": "Desitjaria que fessis una trucada a les meves cosines.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "les meves cosines", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4428, + "example": "Mostra'm en quin cinema faran \"Red\" el dimarts vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Red", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7777, + "example": "Apaga'm les làmpades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10474, + "example": "Busca'm sabateries al meu barri.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "sabateries", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu barri", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7047, + "example": "Volem tornar a veure el vídeo de \"La Riera\" a YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "La Riera", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5238, + "example": "Com accedeixo al portal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2634, + "example": "Podries actualitzar-me l'estat de Facebook amb una frase d'Eduard Punset?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "actualitzar-me l'estat", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2661, + "example": "Em pots escriure a Facebook \"avui fa quatre anys que em vaig graduar\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escriure", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "avui fa quatre anys que em vaig graduar", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1521, + "example": "Em podries posar \"Dawn of victory\" en bucle?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "posar", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "bucle", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Dawn of victory", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4521, + "example": "Em dius quins cinemes del barri de Benimaclet posen \"Yuku i la flor de l'Himàlaia\" aquest dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Benimaclet", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Yuku i la flor de l'Himàlaia", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dijous", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9050, + "example": "Organitza'm una cita amb en Joel per avui a la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joel", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1930, + "example": "Ens podries treure l'alarma que havíem programat els dimecres a les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8939, + "example": "Em diries quina és la informació que hi ha al contacte de la iaia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "iaia", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1417, + "example": "Elevar la claredat del llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6039, + "example": "Em recordes l'adreça de l'Ajuntament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9311, + "example": "Podries posar el següent pòdcast de \"Libros para emprendedores\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Libros para emprendedores", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3826, + "example": "Em podries dir què porten les farinetes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "farinetes", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2519, + "example": "Anem al cinema el dijous que ve a les cinc de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Anem al cinema", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous que ve", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11637, + "example": "No comprenc el que em vols dir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7877, + "example": "Treu tot el que tingui al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9002, + "example": "Em dius què celebrem el 25 d'abril?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "25 d'abril", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7718, + "example": "Em podries crear un esdeveniment anomenat \"Partida\" al meu calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Partida", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4556, + "example": "Vull veure una pel·li en català al cine entre les set i les nou de la tarda; podria ser?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "català", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "les nou de la tarda", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7044, + "example": "Torna a posar-me el vídeo d'en Jaume Fibla de Twitch.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Twitch", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Jaume Fibla", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3836, + "example": "Amb parmesà em pots dir quins plats puc cuinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "parmesà", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6995, + "example": "Reprodueix la pel·lícula \"Forrest Gump\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Forrest Gump", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7778, + "example": "Pots apagar-me el llum del lavabo gran?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo gran", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 808, + "example": "Com s'anomena el que es fa servir per bullir aigua?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "es fa servir per bullir aigua", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6822, + "example": "Vull fer una reserva d'una taula a un restaurant argentí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "argentí", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6757, + "example": "Reservar taula a un restaurant de cuina mediterrània per dinar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "cuina mediterrània", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1971, + "example": "Ens podries treure l'alerta de dilluns al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "vespre", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3803, + "example": "Voldria saber què puc cuinar amb mongetes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "mongetes", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1963, + "example": "Ens suprimeixes l'alarma que vam posar per dilluns i dimecres a dos quarts de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5820, + "example": "Telefona als bombers, que fa olor de fum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "fa olor de fum", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4935, + "example": "Darrerament, he rebut cap correu de la Maria que es digui regal d'aniversari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "regal d'aniversari", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1351, + "example": "Em poses la música un pèl més forta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3479, + "example": "Et saps alguna broma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2331, + "example": "Eliminar qualsevol cosa que tingui enregistrada al calendari de nou del matí a nou del vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "nou del matí", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "nou del vespre", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7843, + "example": "Intensifica la claredat del llum al lavabo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8653, + "example": "Eliminar la reunió que tinc a les divuit d'aquesta setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les divuit", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 182, + "example": "La setmana vinent tinc la primera visita, marca-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "La setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 546, + "example": "Entra'm a una partida del \"BitLife\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "BitLife", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2383, + "example": "M'agradaria que m'adquirissis un seient pel dissabte en el regional exprés que surt de Camarles i va fins a Sant Vicenç de Calders.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "regional exprés", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Camarles", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Vicenç de Calders", + "Start_char": 108, + "End_char": 130 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2569, + "example": "Puc beure un caputxino?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "caputxino", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2154, + "example": "Engega les làmpades del balcó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "balcó", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6726, + "example": "Vull fer una reserva a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "deu", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4412, + "example": "Em podries informar de si s'estrena alguna pel·lícula dramàtica a Yelmo Cines demà a les dues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "dramàtica", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Yelmo Cines", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10645, + "example": "Em dius el nom de l'exposició que inauguren dilluns a la Llibreria Finestres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "exposició", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Finestres", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4903, + "example": "Avui hi ha algun embús a l'AP-7?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "AP-7", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9356, + "example": "Em podries reproduir música indie? És el meu estil preferit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "indie", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferit", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9249, + "example": "Vull apuntar una reunió al calendari demà a les set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5653, + "example": "Necessito trucar a l'Hospital del Mar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital del Mar", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5783, + "example": "Posa'm en contacte amb el centre esportiu Vedruna.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre esportiu Vedruna", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 899, + "example": "Dona'm les notícies sobre les seqüeles de Salman Rushdie que es troben al diari \"Baix Llobregat Digital\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Salman Rushdie", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Baix Llobregat Digital", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8863, + "example": "Vull saber si durant les pròximes setmanes tindré més reunions amb en Marcel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "pròximes setmanes", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunions", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marcel", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6113, + "example": "L'oficina jove de Palafrugell quins serveis ofereix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina jove", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1809, + "example": "Pots anul·lar-me tot el que tinc a l'agenda amb la meva mare a Les Borges Blanques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Les Borges Blanques", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1759, + "example": "Esborra tots els esdeveniments que hi hagi enregistrats al calendari després de \"La Fira de la Candelera\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "La Fira de la Candelera", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10321, + "example": "Em dius quin és el grup de la pista musical que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin és el grup", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2973, + "example": "Podries iniciar el pòdcast \"Las raras\", és el meu preferit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Las raras", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11127, + "example": "Dimecres què esmorzo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "esmorzo", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimecres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4127, + "example": "D'on és la Gemma Mengual?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "D'on és", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gemma Mengual", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10665, + "example": "Hi ha espectacles pel veïnat al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel veïnat", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10079, + "example": "Busca'm les notícies més recents referents a gossos ensinistrats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "gossos ensinistrats", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6918, + "example": "Mostrar el lloc on soc fins a les tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1966, + "example": "Suprimiries l'alarma que havíem configurat per dilluns i dimecres a dos quarts de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7902, + "example": "El color de la llum me'l canvies per verd clar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "verd clar", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7783, + "example": "Apaga els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7163, + "example": "Digue'm per on haig d'anar l'escola.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8117, + "example": "Com prova això?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3665, + "example": "Qui va escriure \"El Quixot\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "El Quixot", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "Qui va escriure", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 238, + "example": "Soc guapo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5592, + "example": "Fes un truc al meu tiet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu tiet", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11081, + "example": "Pots dir-me el dia que soparem pizza?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "soparem", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8223, + "example": "Demana un lloc al tren de les set des de Fraga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Fraga", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9899, + "example": "Multiplica tres per vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "tres per vuit", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3373, + "example": "Podries prendre nota al calendari d'aquest esdeveniment a Berga i afegir un recordatori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Berga", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11949, + "example": "L'has espifiat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6499, + "example": "En quin lloc s'ofereixen més descomptes: al Bonpreu-Esclat o al Charter?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Bonpreu-Esclat", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Charter", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "En quin lloc s'ofereixen més descomptes", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5869, + "example": "Truca al 061; em trobo molt malament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "061", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "em trobo molt malament", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1395, + "example": "Seria possible maximitzar el volum de la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2068, + "example": "Vull demanar dos entrepans.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "entrepans", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2578, + "example": "Podríem beure un cafè sol descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè sol descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3304, + "example": "Podries posar-me l'audiollibre \"Un amic com tu\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Un amic com tu", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10978, + "example": "Quin és el medicament que he de prendre cada sis hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3273, + "example": "Puc escoltar \"Godeater's Son\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Godeater's Son", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8277, + "example": "Agafa un bitllet de tren a Granada per diumenge, que arribi les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Granada", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10468, + "example": "Em podries llegir les llistes que tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9197, + "example": "Vull que preparis un cafetó descafeïnat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafetó descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7562, + "example": "M'afegeixes la botifarra a la llista anomenada \"jocs\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "la botifarra", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "jocs", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 527, + "example": "Fem una partida al \"Brawl stars\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Brawl stars", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5109, + "example": "M'encantaria saber quin és el grup de la pista musical que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin és el grup", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2126, + "example": "Podries engegar els llums del menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 291, + "example": "Quins trens van cap a Palència?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Palència", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7525, + "example": "Aixeca'm a dos quarts i mig de sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts i mig de sis", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6696, + "example": "Guarda una taula per a 10 el dissabte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "10", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2363, + "example": "Compra tres tiquets de primera classe pel tren transsiberià.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren transsiberià", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4706, + "example": "Saps si hi ha missatges d'Instagram?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9878, + "example": "Quatre multiplicat per cinc dona vint?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Quatre multiplicat per cinc dona vint", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 728, + "example": "Quin nom rep la matèria dedicada al desenvolupament d'algorismes que permet a una màquina prendre decisions intel·ligents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "matèria", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "desenvolupament d'algorismes que permet a una màquina prendre decisions intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 121 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4813, + "example": "Saps si hauré de dur l'abric després?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "hauré de dur l'abric", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10932, + "example": "Em pots consultar si és al moment de llevar-me quan em toca el Gelocatil?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Gelocatil", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "moment de llevar-me", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5123, + "example": "Això que estic escoltant a quin àlbum pertany?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin àlbum pertany", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1926, + "example": "Ens cancel·les l'alarma de dilluns i dimecres a dos quarts de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3887, + "example": "Em pots dir quant fan quinze per cinquanta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "quinze per cinquanta", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2854, + "example": "Necessito que em configuris el despertador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8008, + "example": "Podries reduir el volum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10921, + "example": "A quina hora em toca prendre l'analgèsic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "analgèsic", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10277, + "example": "Em podries dir quina hora és Hokkaido.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Hokkaido", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3620, + "example": "Punxa \"La dansa del vestit\" que és un tros de cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "La dansa del vestit", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5991, + "example": "Em busques el telèfon de contacte del doctor Millet a l'Hospital de Sant Pau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctor Millet a l'Hospital de Sant Pau?", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon de contacte", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1609, + "example": "Posar la llum de color magenta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "magenta", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10221, + "example": "Vull saber si demà passat farà vent a Sabadell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "vent", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6695, + "example": "Necessito taula per a 4 dimecres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "4", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10426, + "example": "Necessito saber quins temes són els que més m'agarden d'en Lluis Llach", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Lluis Llach", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quins temes són els que més m'agarden", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10040, + "example": "Vull saber les notícies de \"TV3\" més recents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "TV3", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11215, + "example": "L'esmorzar d'avui porta llet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "esmorzar", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "llet", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4914, + "example": "Hi ha molt trànsit en aquest mateix moment per anar per Valls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest mateix moment", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1386, + "example": "Podries augmentar un xic la potència de la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10292, + "example": "Pots dir-nos quina hora és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7667, + "example": "Podries afegir al meu calendari personal una reunió amb la Teresa Nebot?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Teresa Nebot", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11623, + "example": "De totes, totes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1139, + "example": "Em faries el favor d'afegir un nou element a la meva llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "nou element", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8557, + "example": "Vull demanar un Lyft per anar a la Pedrera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Pedrera", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8768, + "example": "Desa que aquesta cançó m'emociona moltíssim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6480, + "example": "Té preus més baixos el Consum o el Coaliment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Consum", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Coaliment", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Té preus més baixos", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2466, + "example": "Assistiré a una conferència dijous al matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6109, + "example": "M'ensenyes quina és l'adreça de l'estació de tren de Palafrugell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "estació de tren", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5703, + "example": "Necessito telefonar al centre d'atenció primària Guineueta de Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre d'atenció primària Guineueta", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4591, + "example": "Coneixes quines botigues de joguines hi ha per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues de joguines", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3680, + "example": "Quina és la llengua oficial de l'Índia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quina és la llengua oficial", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Índia", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1198, + "example": "A la tarda tinc una cita amb en Miquel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Miquel", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1625, + "example": "El mail que es diu \"Diada de Catalunya\", respon-lo immediatament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "Diada de Catalunya", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 783, + "example": "Saps dir-me com es defineix el terme audàcia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "audàcia", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4296, + "example": "Quin és el temps d'aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3726, + "example": "A dos quarts de dues estarà ennuvolat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de dues", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "ennuvolat", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9007, + "example": "El dia de Nadal en quin dia caurà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Nadal", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3851, + "example": "Què es pot fer amb formatge de cabra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "formatge de cabra", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7961, + "example": "Voldria abaixar el volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10072, + "example": "Les últimes notícies sobre Macron.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Macron", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7935, + "example": "Alçar l'àudio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9015, + "example": "Quin dia serà demà passat a Egipte?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Egipte", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9767, + "example": "Digue'm a quina hora passa el tren que va fins a Lleida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11286, + "example": "A quina hora té la visita la Sílvia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "no_md_person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9689, + "example": "Saps si li falta molt per poder passar a recollir els tallarins amb bolets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "tallarins amb bolets", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4176, + "example": "Busca quina és la recepta per fer arròs amb fesols i naps.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs amb fesols i naps", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7037, + "example": "Reprodueix el vídeo més recent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "més recent", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4531, + "example": "Tenen alguna pel·li d'estrena al Comèdia de Passeig de Gràcia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "estrena", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Comèdia", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Passeig de Gràcia", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8834, + "example": "Vull que m'ensenyis els detalls de tot allò que tinc pendent al meu calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4150, + "example": "Oi que he quedat amb la Sarai aquest vespre a les vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "he quedat", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sarai", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest vespre", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7664, + "example": "Tinc un tast d'olis amb la Laia; m'ho pots anotar a l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "tast d'olis", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 101, + "example": "Anota a l'agenda la visita amb el doctor Manel Vives a tres quarts i cinc de nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Manel Vives", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts i cinc de nou", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7851, + "example": "Puja la intensitat del llum de l'estudi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6820, + "example": "He de reservar una taula.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7187, + "example": "Digue'm com es va a l'Usagui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Usagui", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10810, + "example": "Diaris, revistes i llibres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8780, + "example": "Pots guardar que m'agrada aquesta cançó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10067, + "example": "El reportatge més recent del fàrmac espanyol contra el càncer, me'l pots trobar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "fàrmac espanyol contra el càncer", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6829, + "example": "Agafa taula per dos a la Tagliatella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "dos", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Tagliatella", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11577, + "example": "Està clar que sí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3946, + "example": "Com es calcula el tres per cent de tres-cents vint-i-vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "tres per cent de tres-cents vint-i-vuit", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2846, + "example": "Escriu una piulada a Twitter amb el text \"ja van tres dies seguits de retards\" i citant RENFE.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Escriu una piulada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "ja van tres dies seguits de retards", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "RENFE", + "Start_char": 88, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9373, + "example": "Estaria bé escoltar un tema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2600, + "example": "Puc prendre un cafè?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4909, + "example": "Com està la circulació a l'hora d'ara per Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "a l'hora d'ara", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 618, + "example": "Em podries dir com puc arribar caminant al Rebost de Sant Celoni?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "caminant", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Rebost de Sant Celoni", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3747, + "example": "Demà suaré molt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "suaré", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3720, + "example": "Ara hi ha tempesta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "Ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "tempesta", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5017, + "example": "Em mostres a quant està el preu de les participacions en borsa de la companyia Adobe?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Adobe", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3274, + "example": "Seria possible que al despatx seguissis amb la reproducció de l'audiollibre \"Hamilcar: champions of the gods\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Hamilcar: champions of the gods", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 108 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 380, + "example": "Ho pots repetir novament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3941, + "example": "M'ensenyes quant fa deu multiplicat per onze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "deu multiplicat per onze", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2817, + "example": "Piula'm el text \"no em puc creure que m'hàgiu cobrat el mes sencer quan tinc una incidència oberta perquè he estat dotze dies sense línia ni connexió a internet\", citant el servei d'atenció al client d'Orange.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Piula", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "no em puc creure que m'hàgiu cobrat el mes sencer quan tinc una incidència oberta perquè he estat dotze dies sense línia ni connexió a internet", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 160 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al client d'Orange", + "Start_char": 173, + "End_char": 208 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7189, + "example": "Necessito que m'indiquis com arribar a l'escola Pia de Sarrià.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola Pia de Sarrià", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6589, + "example": "Fes-me saber que m'he de prendre l'ansiolític al migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "ansiolític", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1216, + "example": "Faré un cafè amb el Marcel a Lleida el dimarts vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Faré un cafè", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marcel", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 404, + "example": "Mostra quin és el color preferit de l'Elisabeth Maragall.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "quin és el color preferit", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Elisabeth Maragall", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9054, + "example": "Seria possible fixar una cita a dos quarts de dues amb el Guillem Calvó a l'Aladdin?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de dues", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem Calvó", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Aladdin", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4246, + "example": "Què està succeint a TikTok en aquest instant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 529, + "example": "M'agradaria jugar a un joc de lògica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_genre", + "Text": "lògica", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1481, + "example": "Reprodueix la cançó a partir del minut tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_stamp", + "Text": "minut tres", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4830, + "example": "A Girona, com va el trànsit ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11817, + "example": "Podries desactivar-te durant una mica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8499, + "example": "Truca un Lyft per a les set per anar a Portal de l'Àngel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Portal de l'Àngel", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11720, + "example": "No ho entenc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1344, + "example": "M'agradaria que apugessis la potència de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10925, + "example": "Pots consultar si és a les sis quan em toca l'anticonceptiu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "anticonceptiu", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5860, + "example": "Necessitaria trucar al 061, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "061", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2698, + "example": "Em pots dir què hi ha al meu llistat de sèries?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de sèries", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6627, + "example": "Vull que m'avisis cada tres hores per prendre l'ansiolític.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "ansiolític", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada tres hores", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6031, + "example": "Pots dir-me el telèfon de la biblioteca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10539, + "example": "Quins centres comercials hi ha per aquí amb centre de realitat virtual?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "centres comercials", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "amb centre de realitat virtual", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6500, + "example": "Quina cafeteria diries que té l'ambient més relaxat: el Bon Cafè o el Pessic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Bon Cafè", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Pessic", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quina cafeteria diries que té l'ambient més relaxat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9080, + "example": "Voldria posar en marxa la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6715, + "example": "Voldria reservar una taula per a quatre persones a una marisqueria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "marisqueria", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1740, + "example": "Quina hora és al fus horari de Líbia si al fus horari d'Amèrica/El Salvador són les quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Líbia", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/El Salvador", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 729, + "example": "Quin és el nom de la disciplina empírica que estudia i compara diferents textos literaris o altres formes d'expressions culturals?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "disciplina empírica", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "estudia i compara diferents textos literaris o altres formes d'expressions culturals", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 129 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2841, + "example": "Menciona el servei d'atenció al ciutadà de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona amb el text \"a veure si es nota que som al segle XXI i permeteu fer algun tràmit en línia, tinc més coses a fer que passar-me el matí fent cua per recollir qualsevol paper\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Menciona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al ciutadà de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "a veure si es nota que som al segle XXI i permeteu fer algun tràmit en línia, tinc més coses a fer que passar-me el matí fent cua per recollir qualsevol paper", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 240 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11068, + "example": "Per on anava quan he hagut de visitar a la Sílvia a casa seva?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 183, + "example": "Desa la visita del metge del divendres 21.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres 21", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 13, + "example": "M'he de visitar amb el cardiòleg el dia 2, anota-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "cardiòleg", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "2", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6157, + "example": "Com puc saber l'adreça de l'escola Abat Marcet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola Abat Marcet", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10190, + "example": "Ensenya'm quins fets estan tenint lloc a TikTok ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2832, + "example": "Em piularies \"em sembla una autèntica vergonya que no funcioni cap dels caixers de l'oficina 1237\" a l'atenció al client de Caixabank?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piularies", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "em sembla una autèntica vergonya que no funcioni cap dels caixers de l'oficina 1237", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 97 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de Caixabank", + "Start_char": 103, + "End_char": 133 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5967, + "example": "Hi ha urgències de pediatria a l'Hospital Santa Caterina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "urgències de pediatria", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Santa Caterina", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3502, + "example": "Explicar-me un acudit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11687, + "example": "Què m'has d'explicar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3615, + "example": "M'agrada molt la cançó \"Volcans\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Volcans", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10728, + "example": "No tinc res apuntat al calendari, corregeix-me si m'equivoco.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7882, + "example": "Vull que m'eliminis tots els esdeveniments que tingui al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7570, + "example": "Vull que incloguis \"Els set magnífics\" al meu llistat de pel·lis de l'oest.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Els set magnífics", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de pel·lis de l'oest", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5692, + "example": "M'agradaria que truquessis al CUAP Granollers.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CUAP Granollers", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5835, + "example": "Hi ha una fuita de gas a casa nostra; truca als bombers.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "Hi ha una fuita de gas", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4721, + "example": "Saps si el meu Pans & Company preferit té servei de menjar per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Pans & Company", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "servei de menjar per emportar", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2488, + "example": "Tinc una cita amb la meva xicota el dimarts a la tarda a Sant Cugat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva xicota", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Cugat", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 347, + "example": "Repeteix el que has dit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7908, + "example": "Canviar el color de les bombetes pel verd.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "verd", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1331, + "example": "No vull que la música estigui tan suau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5885, + "example": "Voldria saber l'adreça de la Farmàcia de la Plaça Major.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Plaça Major", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 235, + "example": "Em trobes atractiu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 206, + "example": "Anotació cita mèdica per divendres 29 a les 3.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres 29", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 3", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2083, + "example": "M'engegues els ulls de bou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3696, + "example": "Ara mateix fa sol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "Ara mateix", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "sol", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4640, + "example": "Al voltant, quines botigues hi ha?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Al voltant", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6264, + "example": "Em podries donar el resultat de l'últim partit del Barça?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "últim partit", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Barça", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7393, + "example": "Voldria enviar un correu anomenat \"bon dia, dormilega\" al meu germà que digui \"nen, són les dues de la tarda ja és hora d'anar-se llevant\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "bon dia, dormilega", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "nen, són les dues de la tarda ja és hora d'anar-se llevant", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 137 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu germà", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4390, + "example": "Digue'm l'hora a Santiago de Xile.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Santiago de Xile", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10398, + "example": "Mira'm si hi ha cap cançó d'en Todrick marcada amb un \"m'agrada\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Todrick", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "marcada amb un \"m'agrada\"", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 252, + "example": "En quant de temps passa el pròxim tren a Calella de Palafrugell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Calella de Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8065, + "example": "Explica'm alguna cosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10300, + "example": "Al fus horari Europa/Berlín quina hora és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari Europa/Berlín", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1421, + "example": "Intensificaries el llum al màxim?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10483, + "example": "Recomana'm una llibreria d'aquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "llibreria", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "d'aquí", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 432, + "example": "Ets una crack.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1157, + "example": "Em pots apuntar a l'agenda l'esdeveniment d'aquesta nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6625, + "example": "Notifica'm cada dues hores per prendre l'aspirina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada dues hores", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "aspirina", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4814, + "example": "Saps si hauré de portar la roba d'hivern a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "hauré de portar la roba d'hivern", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4619, + "example": "Quins locals comercials hi puc trobar al voltant meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "locals comercials", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al voltant meu", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7329, + "example": "Vull que guardis aquest correu al contacte de Valèria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Valèria", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1591, + "example": "Em podries canviar el color del llum del balcó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "balcó", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11789, + "example": "T'apagues una micona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2674, + "example": "Esbrinar el contingut de la llista que s'anomena \"noms d'alarma\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "noms d'alarma", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4239, + "example": "Què s'està dient a Twitter?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7687, + "example": "Estaria bé arranjar un esdeveniment a Barberà de la Conca amb la padrina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barberà de la Conca", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "padrina", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5341, + "example": "Vull anar al cinema, digue'm com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1878, + "example": "Elimina de la meva agenda personal la reunió d'accionistes amb els meus companys de feina que tinc fins a la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió d'accionistes", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "els meus companys de feina", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 89 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 106, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6170, + "example": "Em diries l'horari del cinema del Parc Vallès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Parc Vallès", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1696, + "example": "Podries dir quina hora és a UTC -5 si al fus horari del Canadà són les cinc de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "UTC -5", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "horari del Canadà", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1303, + "example": "Podries apagar l'endoll aquest?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll aquest", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7954, + "example": "El volum, eleva'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2145, + "example": "Vull que engeguis la làmpada de les golfes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2975, + "example": "Posa \"Escuchando documentales\", el meu preferit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Escuchando documentales", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4198, + "example": "Vull la recepta dels carabassons farcits de carn.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "carabassons farcits de carn", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8104, + "example": "No vols xerrar una mica amb mi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8143, + "example": "A tres quarts i mig de nou vull agafar un seient pel tren per anar a Gavà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts i mig de nou", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1064, + "example": "Podries habilitar l'aspiradora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10724, + "example": "Podries confirmar-me si tinc l'estrena de la pel·lícula Avatar dissabte a les onze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "estrena de la pel·lícula Avatar", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2455, + "example": "Podries reservar-me un taxi per sortir del carrer de la Racona a les vuit del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "carrer de la Racona", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1088, + "example": "Em poses en marxa l'aspiradora a la bodega?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bodega", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7356, + "example": "Apunta que raurauvic@outlook.com és l'email d'en Víctor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "raurauvic@outlook.com", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Víctor", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2274, + "example": "Pots contestar amb un correu electrònic al Joan que tingui per missatge \"d'acord, em sembla genial\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "d'acord, em sembla genial", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9753, + "example": "Fes-me el favor de buscar l'horari del tren que va a Sants.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sants", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5053, + "example": "Em pots dir les accions de Naturgy?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Naturgy", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7421, + "example": "Podries adreçar un missatge al meu gendre que digui \"com va el braç? Espero que el guix no et molesti gaire a l'hora d'estudiar\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu gendre", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "com va el braç? Espero que el guix no et molesti gaire a l'hora d'estudiar", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 127 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6010, + "example": "Està oberta la Farmàcia Camacho ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Està oberta", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Camacho", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6398, + "example": "Cerca les oficines del Baix Llobregat on puc sol·licitar la targeta sanitària europea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Baix Llobregat", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "on puc sol·licitar", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8635, + "example": "Podries suprimir un esdeveniment del calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1054, + "example": "Pots encendre el robot aspirador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6520, + "example": "Em pots recordar que m'he de prendre a les onze del matí l'antihipertensiu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antihipertensiu", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8573, + "example": "Fes-me el favor i crida'm un taxi per estar demà passat a les set del matí a Plataforma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les set del matí", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Plataforma", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6684, + "example": "Guarda taula pel dimecres que vindrem la Lola i jo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lola", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2060, + "example": "Em pots demanar un frànkfurt amb ceba i formatge perquè me'l duguin a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "frànkfurt amb ceba i formatge", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10289, + "example": "Ara a Okayama quina hora és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Okayama", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9781, + "example": "Vull que em diguis les hores del recorregut del tren que finalitza a Riudellots.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Riudellots", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 189, + "example": "Necessito que anotis la cita del divendres amb el traumatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8370, + "example": "Podries demanar-me alguna cosa per dinar a domicili a l'UDON?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "UDON", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7124, + "example": "Voldria que encenguessis l'app Rellotge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Rellotge", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2390, + "example": "He de sortir de Figueres a les sis; podries aconseguir-me un tiquet pel tren d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 328, + "example": "Vull sentir de nou el que acabes de dir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11944, + "example": "Quina rucada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8578, + "example": "Voldria un Cabify per ser demà passat a les dotze del migdia als Jardinets de Gràcia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dotze del migdia", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Jardinets de Gràcia", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5888, + "example": "Vull conèixer si administren la vacuna de la grip a l'Hospital Sant Jaume d'Olot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "administren la vacuna de la grip", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Sant Jaume d'Olot", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 659, + "example": "Quines són les indicacions per anar a l'apartament de la Duna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "apartament", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Duna", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4827, + "example": "He de portar la roba d'estiu demà passat a les dotze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "He de portar la roba d'estiu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10364, + "example": "Mostra'm la melodia que està reproduint-se actualment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està reproduint-se actualment", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11200, + "example": "La cassola de tonyina de demà porta pebrot vermell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "cassola de tonyina", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "pebrot vermell", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9869, + "example": "Vull que m'expliquis quan van ser els Jocs Olímpics de Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "historical_event_detail", + "Text": "quan van ser", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "historical_event", + "Text": "Jocs Olímpics de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2906, + "example": "Podríem sentir l'emissora \"Ser Catalunya\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Ser Catalunya", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1719, + "example": "Si al fus horari de Líbia són les deu, em podries dir si saps quina hora és a UTC +12?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Líbia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "UTC +12", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5271, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis quins són els requisits per fer-se la prescripció d'article ortoprotètic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quins són els requisits", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "prescripció d'article ortoprotètic", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7787, + "example": "M'agradaria que apaguessis les bombetes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5274, + "example": "Quin CAP em correspon?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "em correspon", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6014, + "example": "On està la Farmàcia Llavayol Busquets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "On està", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Llavayol Busquets", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8472, + "example": "Vull viatjar cap a Ulldecona; em pots cridar un taxi aquí a Tortosa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ulldecona", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4321, + "example": "A quina ciutat es fa el \"PintorRock 2022\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "PintorRock 2022", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9114, + "example": "Sintonitza l'emissora \"Flaix FM\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Flaix FM", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11087, + "example": "Com estarà el temps el cap de setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11573, + "example": "Entesos, doncs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6582, + "example": "En llevar-me m'he de prendre un Midazolam, m'ho podràs fer saber?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Midazolam", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "En llevar-me", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5445, + "example": "Vull que li diguis al meu fill on soc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu fill", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4523, + "example": "A prop de mi posen la pel·lícula \"El món d'ahir\" el dissabte a les nou del vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "El món d'ahir", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "A prop de mi", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del vespre", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8402, + "example": "Vull encarregar un plat preparat per sopar a casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4404, + "example": "Em sabries dir l'hora que és a Sydney?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sydney", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9750, + "example": "Vull que em diguis a quina hora surt avui aquest tren en direcció Ribes de Freser.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ribes de Freser", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5546, + "example": "Pots fer un truc a la Clàudia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Clàudia", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3042, + "example": "Em podries reproduir un tema de la Montserrat Caballé a la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Montserrat Caballé", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9626, + "example": "Em pots dir quins correus de la Carme tinc que siguin recents i estiguin pendents amb l'assumpte \"berenar a la fresca\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carme", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recents", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "pendents", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "berenar a la fresca", + "Start_char": 98, + "End_char": 117 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3729, + "example": "Aquesta setmana farà vent a Lliçà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "Aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "vent", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lliçà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11813, + "example": "Podries desactivar-te uns minutets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1484, + "example": "Activa'm el mode aleatori en la reproducció.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Activa'm el mode aleatori", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 880, + "example": "Parla'm de la notícia sobre la reunió de Putin i Xi Jinping.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "reunió de Putin i Xi Jinping", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1282, + "example": "Atura l'endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10923, + "example": "Et sona si era a les nou del matí el moment en què em prenc l'Omeprazole?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Omeprazole", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10168, + "example": "M'agradaria saber el que està passant a Twitter en aquest instant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4025, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis a quant està el kyat vers el franc ruandès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "franc ruandès", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "kyat", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11855, + "example": "Pots interrompre tot el que estàs fent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2998, + "example": "El pòdcast \"The first million\" és el meu preferit; ho pots rerpoduir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "The first million", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9885, + "example": "Fes l'operació set menys tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "set menys tres", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9511, + "example": "Em podries punxar al dormitori dels nens un dels temes de la llista de reproducció \"per menuts i no tan menuts\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori dels nens", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "per menuts i no tan menuts", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 110 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 774, + "example": "Mostra'm com és el nom del mamífer que té un bec com un ànec.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "mamífer", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "té un bec com un ànec", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6838, + "example": "Reserva per a sis persones a una marisqueria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "marisqueria", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11781, + "example": "Podries parar uns segons?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1894, + "example": "Trauries l'alarma que hi ha cada dissabte a les onze del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3799, + "example": "Amb carxofes què puc preparar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "carxofes", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6125, + "example": "Quin horari té el centre de dia de Barberà de la Conca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre de dia", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barberà de la Conca", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2805, + "example": "Piula que \"els preus dels recanvis de tinta de les impressores són un atracament\", citant l'atenció al client d'HP.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Piula", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "els preus dels recanvis de tinta de les impressores són un atracament", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client d'HP", + "Start_char": 92, + "End_char": 114 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11303, + "example": "Podries mostrar-me quan em toca la propera visita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11609, + "example": "Exactament el que has dit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7131, + "example": "Obre Apparella't.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Apparella't", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8151, + "example": "Pots agafar-me un viatge en el Rodalies que va de Tàrrega fins a Reus a les cinc de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tàrrega", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Reus", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5625, + "example": "Contacta amb la veïna Florència.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "veïna Florència", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 678, + "example": "M'interessaria saber on és la cita de recollir el paquet de correus amb la meva tieta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "recollir el paquet", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8098, + "example": "Vull parlar de cosetes amb tu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8528, + "example": "Pots trucar un taxi per a quan surti de la discoteca a les 3 del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "discoteca", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 3 del matí", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10423, + "example": "Els Buhos em fan vibrar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Buhos", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "em fan vibrar", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1415, + "example": "Fica més forta la potència de la llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4435, + "example": "Avui a la tarda quin cinema projecta \"Els Mínions\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Els Mínions", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5781, + "example": "Necessito telefonar al teatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "teatre", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11245, + "example": "Vull saber si avui per sopar toca risotto.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "risotto", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11678, + "example": "No ho estic entenent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5951, + "example": "Visita els dimecres al matí el doctor Fortuny?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Visita els dimecres al matí", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctor Fortuny", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10734, + "example": "Saps si he de presentar el projecte final demà a la tarda a la Universitat de Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "presentar el projecte final", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la tarda", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Universitat de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2435, + "example": "Em pots sol·licitar un taxi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8123, + "example": "Bona tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7010, + "example": "Em ve de gust veure \"Benvinguts a la família\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Benvinguts a la família", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1135, + "example": "Em pots afegir a la llista del cosplays comprar mitges roges?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista del cosplays", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "comprar mitges roges", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10060, + "example": "Em dius les notícies més recents sobre l'horari d'hivern?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "l'horari d'hivern", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4705, + "example": "Pots comprovar si han arribat nous missatges d'Slack?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Slack", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9862, + "example": "Voldria saber quina és la muntanya més alta de tot Catalunya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "quina és la muntanya més alta", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Catalunya", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 755, + "example": "Quin és el significat del mot bardes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "bardes", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9260, + "example": "Recordatori per demanar hora per renovar el DNI el dia 14 de gener.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "demanar hora per renovar el DNI", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "14 de gener", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8786, + "example": "Apunta que aquesta cançó és meravellosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5794, + "example": "Voldria que telefonessis a la Creu Roja; l'àvia ha caigut a casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Creu Roja", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "l'àvia ha caigut", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5232, + "example": "Com trobo el telèfon d'informació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3427, + "example": "Mostra'm com es defineix el concepte d'estovador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "estovador", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8584, + "example": "Em pots eliminar l'esdeveniment de teatre grecoromà que tinc amb l'Aran l'any vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "teatre grecoromà", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aran", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "any vinent", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2903, + "example": "I si em busques \"Radio Marca\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Radio Marca", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10329, + "example": "M'informes sobre qui és el creador d'aquest hit que estic escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "qui és el creador d'aquest hit que estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6672, + "example": "Pots fer una reserva al Racó per dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Racó", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8270, + "example": "Vull adquirir el tiquet de tren del dissabte a les deu de la nit des de Madrid.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Madrid", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11726, + "example": "Tant em fan naps com cols.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11316, + "example": "Tinc alguna visita al CAP Sabadell Sud?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP Sabadell Sud", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 602, + "example": "M'ensenyes quins trens van de Martorell a Palafrugell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Martorell", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11274, + "example": "Recorda'm a quina hora tinc la visita el dia 29.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "29", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10080, + "example": "Em mostres les últimes notícies sobre el preu dels pistatxos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "el preu dels pistatxos", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7043, + "example": "El vídeo de l'últim concert de la Lady Gaga, el vull tornar a veure.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "últim concert", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Lady Gaga", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1467, + "example": "Podria tenir més llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8973, + "example": "Em pots mostrar a quina hora tinc programada la conferència amb els caps de secció de divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferència", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "caps de secció", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9410, + "example": "M'agradaria reproduir música electrònica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "electrònica", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1059, + "example": "Em poses en funcionament la roomba?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4749, + "example": "Busca si l'Uncle Burgers fan comandes per portar a casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Uncle Burgers", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "comandes per portar a casa", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4843, + "example": "Quina és la situació del trànsit per sortir de Granollers en aquests moments?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Granollers", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquests moments", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 655, + "example": "Com es va caminant al Consolat del Japó de Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "caminant", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Consolat del Japó de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6359, + "example": "Com puc esbrinar la validesa de la targeta Braile?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "validesa", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braile", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2328, + "example": "Esborrar l'esdeveniment \"estudi\" del dimarts vinent a la tarda de l'agenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9911, + "example": "Indica les aficions de la Mònica Terribas.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "aficions", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mònica Terribas", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11866, + "example": "Necessito que estiguis una estoneta sense fer res.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8905, + "example": "El telèfon de casa de l'Hug.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon de casa", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Hug", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5115, + "example": "De quin any és aquesta peça que sona a l'habitació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "De quin any", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9898, + "example": "Fes l'operació vuitanta per setanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "vuitanta per setanta", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7749, + "example": "Els endolls de la cuina els vull apagats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7488, + "example": "Configurar-me l'alarma per llevar-me a les sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1433, + "example": "Podem enfortir la llum a les golfes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5579, + "example": "Telefonar a ma mare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma mare", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6395, + "example": "Vull cercar la data de venciment de la meva targeta sanitària europea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "data de venciment", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9471, + "example": "Reprodueix el pòdcast de \"Crims\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Crims", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 836, + "example": "Em pots comptar quantes llistes de llibres hi ha emmagatzemades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llibres", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11918, + "example": "Això és un lapsus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2309, + "example": "Seria possible fer arribar un e-mail a l'adreça entrenienbicicleta@gmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "entrenienbicicleta@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8214, + "example": "Vull anar a Querol; em pots buscar un bitllet del tren per sortir a les vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Querol", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2905, + "example": "Podries posar-me \"Flaix FM\" al rebedor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Flaix FM", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebedor", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11696, + "example": "M'ho pots explicar millor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8352, + "example": "Amb l'app Mytapper series tan amable de demanar que em portin a casa uns macarrons a la bolonyesa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Mytapper", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "macarrons a la bolonyesa", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6438, + "example": "Què he de fer per obtenir la TSI?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSI", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què he de fer per obtenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9826, + "example": "Voldria saber què significa ungüentari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "ungüentari", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6006, + "example": "Saber el telèfon de la Farmàcia Perelló.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Perelló", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1092, + "example": "L'aspiradora, me l'engegues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8518, + "example": "Per anar a la Batea sortint des de Llagostera, ens podries reservar un Free Now per a quatre persones?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Batea", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Llagostera", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Free Now", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10837, + "example": "La meva parella realment m'estima?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8047, + "example": "Què tal estàs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5057, + "example": "M'agradaria saber com va el valor en borsa d'Amazon.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Amazon", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3090, + "example": "Ens podries posar música indie?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "música indie", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10171, + "example": "Què hi ha al TikTok de la Lola Lolita ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lola Lolita", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5169, + "example": "Oi que tinc encara pendent una reunió per avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11515, + "example": "Voldria posar-me en contacte amb el meu germà per explicar-li el problema que tinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu germà", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7698, + "example": "Escriu a l'agenda que tinc una conferència a Sant Sadurní dimecres de dos quarts de cinc fins a un quart de vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferència", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Sadurní", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de cinc", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "un quart de vuit", + "Start_char": 96, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3343, + "example": "Seria possible que seguissis amb la reproducció de l'audiollibre \"Terres mortes\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Terres mortes", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1644, + "example": "Pots respondre al missatge de Line ens va enviar el Martí ahir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Line", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6117, + "example": "Quins serveis ofereix a la biblioteca municipal de Sant Cugat del Vallès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca municipal", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Cugat del Vallès", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9558, + "example": "Vull fer pollastre arrebossat, digue'm quina és la recepta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pollastre arrebossat", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8076, + "example": "Ei!", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10946, + "example": "Era a les tres que em prenia el Xanax?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Xanax", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10736, + "example": "Corregeix-me si m'equivoco, però crec que no tinc cap esdeveniment planificat amb la Júlia, correcte?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Júlia", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 751, + "example": "Saber què vol dir rabejat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "rabejat", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5744, + "example": "Podries fer una trucada al centre cívic de Porqueres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Porqueres", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre cívic", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 545, + "example": "Em ve molt de gust fer una partida del \"Roblox\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Roblox", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1132, + "example": "Sumar te verd al llistat del supermercat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat del supermercat", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "verd", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7883, + "example": "Vull que el calendari quedi buit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10563, + "example": "Mostrar quins espectacles tindran lloc a Balaguer demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Balaguer", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9887, + "example": "Quaranta entre quatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Quaranta entre quatre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9006, + "example": "Què passa el 30 d'octubre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "30 d'octubre", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11700, + "example": "Pots explicar-m'ho millor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2210, + "example": "Et faria res engegar-nos la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10894, + "example": "Digues-me durant quant de temps és vàlid el meu pla de medicació", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quant de temps és vàlid", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "pla de medicació", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6578, + "example": "Fes-me saber que cada sis hores m'he de prendre mig Lorazepam.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Lorazepam", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9508, + "example": "Reprodueix \"Winter Bird\", que m'agrada moltíssim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Winter Bird", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'agrada moltíssim", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1097, + "example": "M'inicies l'aspiradora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2713, + "example": "Per què no tanques el bec uns minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minuts", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4065, + "example": "Quin és el número de telèfon de la Bruna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de telèfon", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Bruna", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11926, + "example": "Refuto totalment això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4326, + "example": "Quins espectacles hi ha a Camprodon diumenge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Camprodon", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 177, + "example": "Anota que el dia 9 tinc la primera visita del cardiòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "9", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "cardiòleg", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9468, + "example": "Reprodueix el pòdcast \"Contes del Super3\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Contes del Super3", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 982, + "example": "Minimitza el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3342, + "example": "Puc continuar escoltant \"Pluja d'estels\" al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Pluja d'estels", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3843, + "example": "De quines maneres puc cuinar el carabassó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "carabassó", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10631, + "example": "M'agradaria saber on fan l'exposició d'Enric Majoral d'aquest cap de setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "exposició d'Enric Majoral", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11586, + "example": "Tira milles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10309, + "example": "Digue'm l'hora que és.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3830, + "example": "Saps quins elements conformen els rosegons?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "rosegons", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 558, + "example": "M'agradaria fer una partida a l'\"Among us\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Among us", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10500, + "example": "Localitza'm els veterinaris del meu barri.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "veterinaris", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "del meu barri", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 310, + "example": "Necessito que m'ho tornis a dir una altra vegada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11208, + "example": "Dissabte és el dia que toca arròs tres delícies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dissabte", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs tres delícies", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 883, + "example": "Explica'm les notícies que hi ha sobre les PAU.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "PAU", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 945, + "example": "Vull que la música estigui més baixa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6211, + "example": "Quins són els tràmits per treure's el Certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quins són els tràmits per treure's", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7758, + "example": "Necessitaria que tanquessis l'endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2063, + "example": "Demana menjar per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1329, + "example": "M'agradaria augmentar el volum de la música un xic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8259, + "example": "Compra un bitllet d'AVE per diumenge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "AVE", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6547, + "example": "Voldria que em recordessis que m'he de prendre el xarop a les dotze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6511, + "example": "Fer saber que em toca aplicar-me el col·liri cada vuit hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "col·liri", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada vuit hores", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3688, + "example": "On és Bangladesh?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "On és", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Bangladesh", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 484, + "example": "Ho has fet molt bé.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4927, + "example": "Busca el mail nou sobre els Jocs Olímpics que he rebut de part de la Laia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "els Jocs Olímpics", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4561, + "example": "On projecten a prop meu \"Els voladors de la nit\" demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Els voladors de la nit", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11046, + "example": "Quin és el trajecte agafant el tren a la casa de la Beth?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Beth", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 409, + "example": "On va néixer el Kilian Jornet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "On va néixer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Kilian Jornet", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9188, + "example": "Vull que em facis un cafè amb llet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè amb llet", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6524, + "example": "Em toca prendre a les set del matí el protector gàstric.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set del matí", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "protector gàstric", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1594, + "example": "Posa d'un altre color els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 145, + "example": "Guarda que dimarts tinc visita amb la doctora Rovira.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Rovira", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2075, + "example": "Que pots obrir-me el llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11283, + "example": "Saps si a les cinc m'he citat amb la fisioterapeuta Clara Capellades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "fisioterapeuta Clara Capellades", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3488, + "example": "Pots explicar-me un acudit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9313, + "example": "Podries posar-nos el següent episodi del pòdcast \"Recomana\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Recomana", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10935, + "example": "Ha passat ja l'hora que tenia apuntada per prendre'm el paracetamol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "paracetamol", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6908, + "example": "Vull mostrar el meu emplaçament durant una hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "una hora", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7139, + "example": "Vull l'app Donar Sang: inicia-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Donar Sang", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7837, + "example": "Augmenta la intensitat de la llum a la sala d'estar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala d'estar", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11364, + "example": "Quan tenia hora amb la doctora Adriana Ferrer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Adriana Ferrer", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10608, + "example": "El Festival \"Sónar\" es farà a prop d'on soc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Sónar", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop d'on soc", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 663, + "example": "Oi que tinc programada una visita a la Casa Batlló pel diumenge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visita a la Casa Batlló", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4287, + "example": "Em dius en quin dia ens trobem?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7838, + "example": "Fica el llum del garatge més fort.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "garatge", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6831, + "example": "M'agradaria que reservessis una taula per a dues persones al restaurant Rosa dels Vents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "dues", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Rosa dels Vents", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10960, + "example": "Era a les tres l'hora de la reserpina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "reserpina", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 943, + "example": "Vull que baixis el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 686, + "example": "Dimarts a les dotze em confirmes si he de renovar-me el passaport?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimarts", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "renovar-me el passaport", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10520, + "example": "Podries recomanar-me una botiga d'electrònica pel barri de Benimaclet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botiga d'electrònica", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Benimaclet", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4262, + "example": "Digue'm la data actual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4728, + "example": "M'encanta l'hamburguesa de Goiko, fan comandes al pis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Goiko", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "comandes al pis", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 194, + "example": "Desa al calendari la cita de l'àvia del dia 26.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "26", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "àvia", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5224, + "example": "Quins passos he de seguir per canviar el metge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "canviar el metge", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7255, + "example": "Atura Spotify.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Spotify", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1710, + "example": "Quina hora és al fus horari de Líbia si al fus horari de Brasil són les quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Líbia", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Brasil", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10566, + "example": "Em saps dir què és el que passa a prop d'on soc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop d'on soc", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1496, + "example": "Salta't les cinc primeres cançons.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Salta't les cinc primeres cançons", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9293, + "example": "Conta un acudit d'en Jaumet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "Jaumet", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4823, + "example": "Em pots dir si serà necessari que agafi la roba d'estiu demà passat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "serà necessari que agafi la roba d'estiu", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2232, + "example": "Podries adreçar a l'Oriol un correu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Oriol", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10723, + "example": "Oi que vaig arranjar una junta d'aquí a dues setmanes amb el cap de departament; m'ho pots confirmar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "cap de departament", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "d'aquí a dues setmanes", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 423, + "example": "Fabulós.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8941, + "example": "Vull fer anar l'aspirador per la galeria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspirador", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "galeria", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3876, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quant és noranta si li sumes cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "noranta si li sumes cinc", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1639, + "example": "Et faria res contestar l'e-mail que em va enviar l'Esteve ahir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Esteve", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1143, + "example": "Demà passat he d'anar a Correus a les deu i vint-i-cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a Correus", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà passat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu i vint-i-cinc", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5964, + "example": "On puc trobar a la doctora Salguero?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "On puc trobar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctora Salguero", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5211, + "example": "Saps què tinc planificat avui entre les onze i les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6992, + "example": "Reprodueix a Vimeo clips de \"Jet lag\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Jet lag", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Vimeo", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5685, + "example": "M'agradaria que fessis un truc a l'oficina del meu uròleg per demanar hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina del meu uròleg", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7476, + "example": "Aquest cap de setmana pots cridar-nos a tres quarts de vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "Aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de vuit", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4699, + "example": "Saps si tinc cap missatge recent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recent", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4581, + "example": "Em pots dir si dimarts a la nit puc veure \"The Poker\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "The Poker", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6702, + "example": "Vull reservar taula a un restaurant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9089, + "example": "Posa'm la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9678, + "example": "Saps com va la meva paella per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "paella", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3098, + "example": "A la sala d'estar em podries posar una cançoneta de la llista de reproducció que s'anomena \"melodies per adormir-se ràpid\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala d'estar", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "melodies per adormir-se ràpid", + "Start_char": 92, + "End_char": 121 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3956, + "example": "Quina és la resta de quatre-cents vint i cinc-cents u?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "resta de quatre-cents vint i cinc-cents u", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3285, + "example": "Et faria res posar-nos \"Trucant a les portes del cel\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Trucant a les portes del cel", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5649, + "example": "Truca a l'Hospital de Sant Celoni.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Sant Celoni", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11574, + "example": "Ho donem per bo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1393, + "example": "Preferiria que el volum no estigués tan baix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8542, + "example": "Demana un Uber per estar demà a les dotze en punt del matí a la Casa Batlló.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dotze en punt del matí", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Casa Batlló", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4014, + "example": "Quant són trenta pesos argentins en francs de Burundi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "trenta pesos argentins", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "francs de Burundi", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5731, + "example": "Fer una trucada a l'escola bressol municipal Balàfia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola bressol municipal Balàfia", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1506, + "example": "Pots activar el botó d'aleatori al reproductor de música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "activar el botó d'aleatori", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10014, + "example": "Podries dir-nos les alarmes que tenim programades pel pròxim dimarts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim dimarts", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11082, + "example": "Divendres vinent toca paella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Divendres vinent", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "paella", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2928, + "example": "Cada dilluns i dimecres et faria res afegir-me a l'agenda \"anar a buscar el diari\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Cada dilluns", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a buscar el diari", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1787, + "example": "Elimina \"Volcans\" de la llista de cançons preferides.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Volcans", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de cançons preferides", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10794, + "example": "Saps si ha arribat cap correu electrònic recent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6668, + "example": "Agafa una taula per 4 el dia 29.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "29", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "4", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 316, + "example": "Digues-ho un altre cop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9367, + "example": "Pots posar un tema a la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6923, + "example": "Envia la meva ubicació amb l'oncle fins a les cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "oncle", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11779, + "example": "Tant se me'n dona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 77, + "example": "Divendres tinc hora al metge al Pius Hospital de Valls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Divendres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Pius Hospital", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2596, + "example": "Seria possible prendre un cafè llarg descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè llarg descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1338, + "example": "Maximitza la potència de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2279, + "example": "Pots enviar un correu al Pol on digui que \"algú s'ha d'ocupar de mirar els horaris dels trens per tornar del mercat medieval\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pol", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "algú s'ha d'ocupar de mirar els horaris dels trens per tornar del mercat medieval", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 124 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8751, + "example": "Engegar l'endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2820, + "example": "Voldria fer un tuit citant el servei d'atenció al client de Ryanair on digui \"cada dia hi ha menys espai entre seients i amb 1,70 m que faig he de tenir els genolls clavats als ronyons de la persona que seu davant meu\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "fer un tuit", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al client de Ryanair", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "cada dia hi ha menys espai entre seients i amb 1,70 m que faig he de tenir els genolls clavats als ronyons de la persona que seu davant meu", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 217 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 581, + "example": "Juguem una partideta al \"Fortnite\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Fortnite", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 446, + "example": "Increïble.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4169, + "example": "Busca'm si he d'anar a buscar el paquet a correus demà a les onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "buscar el paquet a correus", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1708, + "example": "Si a GMT 0 són les deu del matí quina, hora és a UTC 0?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "GMT 0", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "UTC 0", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8906, + "example": "Necessito saber el telèfon del meu germà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "del meu germà", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2302, + "example": "Pots remetre un missatge de correu electrònic a muntanya87magica@gmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "muntanya87magica@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6423, + "example": "Què he de fer per obtenir la targeta sanitària?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què he de fer per obtenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6237, + "example": "Saps on em poden demanar que ensenyi el meu certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "on em poden demanar que ensenyi", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10262, + "example": "Quin dia serà demà passat a Santiago de Xile?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Santiago de Xile", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10987, + "example": "Vull saber quantes pastilles prenc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilles", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 459, + "example": "Ets la pera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9572, + "example": "L'afluència de vehicles per entrar a Viladecans.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Viladecans", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1084, + "example": "L'aspiradora, me la podries posar en funcionament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2498, + "example": "Et faria res anotar-me al calendari personal \"fer la massa de la pizza\" diumenge a les dotze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fer la massa de la pizza", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10166, + "example": "Mostra'm què es diu a Reddit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Reddit", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9465, + "example": "Reprodueix \"Pilota a l'olla\" a Google Podcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Pilota a l'olla", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Google Podcast", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11607, + "example": "Estic totalment d'acord.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6371, + "example": "Què necessito per treure la targeta Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què necessito per treure", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3541, + "example": "Sona una cançó que em desagrada profundament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Sona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4362, + "example": "Em podries dir si hi ha cap torneig de cartes al meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "torneig de cartes", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu barri", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1298, + "example": "Vull apagar el meu endoll.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10268, + "example": "A la Ciutat del Cap són les deu, oi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ciutat del Cap", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11610, + "example": "Total i completament d'acord amb tu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8331, + "example": "Respondre immediatament el correu electrònic de la Laura.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5775, + "example": "M'agradaria que contactessis per telèfon amb l'oficina de correus de Banyoles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina de correus", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Banyoles", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 780, + "example": "Em sabries dir com es denomina la capacitat que té una persona per a superar circumstàncies traumàtiques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "capacitat", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "per a superar circumstàncies traumàtiques", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3725, + "example": "Cauran pedres a Banyoles a les deu de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Cauran pedres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Banyoles", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11451, + "example": "Desa aquest telèfon al contacte de Valèria: 644883998.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Valèria", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "644883998", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5188, + "example": "Em fas saber si us plau tot el que tinc pendent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5376, + "example": "Em pots dir com puc arribar en bicicleta a La Pedrera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bicicleta", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "La Pedrera", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3697, + "example": "Em pots dir si tenim pluja?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "pluja", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2738, + "example": "Pots no parlar durant uns minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minuts", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10890, + "example": "Voldria saber quan he de renovar el meu pla de medicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan he de renovar", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "pla de medicació", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4867, + "example": "La circulació per entrar a Gavà quina és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1389, + "example": "Posa més forta la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1219, + "example": "Apunta que del dilluns vinent al pròxim dijous tinc un congrés a Palautordera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns vinent", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "pròxim dijous", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "congrés", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palautordera", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2401, + "example": "Demana un taxi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1390, + "example": "Vull sentir la cançó més alta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11284, + "example": "Quin dia em toca ginecòleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "ginecòleg", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9339, + "example": "Reprodueix la cançó que m'encanta de Paul Alone.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'encanta", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Paul Alone", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9571, + "example": "Podries dir-me l'estat del trànsit per entrar a Molins de Rei?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Molins de Rei", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8399, + "example": "Voldria fer una comanda de sushi a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sushi", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2523, + "example": "M'agradaria que em mantinguessis al dia de les notícies d'última hora sobre el medi ambient.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "el medi ambient", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5892, + "example": "A quina hora obren el CAP Sant Fèlix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quina hora obren", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP Sant Fèlix", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11028, + "example": "Podries donar-me indicacions per arribar on viu la Núria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Núria", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2408, + "example": "Em crides un taxi perquè porti al carrer Roger de Llúria, 53?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Roger de Llúria, 53", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2069, + "example": "Fes-me el favor i demana'm alguna cosa a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1925, + "example": "Et faria res treure l'alarma que vaig posar per cada dissabte a les onze del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dissabte", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4108, + "example": "Dona'm la informació de contacte de la meva tieta Maria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta Maria", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8837, + "example": "Mostra'm quin dia és el pla d'anar a la platja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a la platja", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 922, + "example": "Vull que posis la música més fluixa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2343, + "example": "M'agradaria comprar un tiquet d'AVE per anar a Tarragona aquesta tarda des de Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "AVE", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 87 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3460, + "example": "Conta una humorada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6916, + "example": "Voldria ensenyar on estic fins a les vuit de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les vuit de la tarda", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10032, + "example": "Vull saber si em pots mostrar les últimes notícies sobre famosos de \"8TV\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "8TV", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "famosos", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5978, + "example": "Atenen urgències pediàtriques a l'hospital de Sabadell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Atenen urgències pediàtriques", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "hospital", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10795, + "example": "Saps si tinc missatges recents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recents", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 693, + "example": "Quina va passar l'any 1917 a Rússia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quina va passar l'any 1917", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Rússia", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6590, + "example": "Cada nit recorda'm que em prengui la melatonina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "melatonina", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "Cada nit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5433, + "example": "Mostra a la Lola on soc durant vint minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lola", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "vint minuts", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11547, + "example": "Per suposat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5011, + "example": "A quant estan les accions de Renault?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Renault", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3998, + "example": "Comprovar quant és una rúpia índia en dòlars australians.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "una rúpia índia", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlars australians", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10370, + "example": "Em dius què és això que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5718, + "example": "Podries fer un truc a l'Hospital Santa Caterina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Santa Caterina", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4734, + "example": "Em podria portar el menjar a casa el Woki d'aquí al costat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "portar el menjar a casa", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Woki", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7159, + "example": "Arribar al mercat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "mercat", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5940, + "example": "Em dius l'horari d'atenció del doctor Capmany?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari d'atenció", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctor Capmany", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6330, + "example": "La targeta Braile per a què serveix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braile", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "per a què serveix", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6427, + "example": "Quina validesa té la targeta sanitària?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quina validesa té", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3793, + "example": "M'expliques què puc preparar amb perca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "perca", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8861, + "example": "Necessitaria saber si tinc alguna reunió aquesta setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10689, + "example": "Necessitaria saber què tinc al calendari aquesta setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1242, + "example": "Pots treure'ns els llums de la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7604, + "example": "Vull que afegeixis Viena al llistat vacances.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Viena", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "vacances", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 708, + "example": "Ensenya'm com és el volcà de Santa Margarida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "com és", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "volcà de Santa Margarida", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7284, + "example": "Guarda'm un correu electrònic als Contactes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4385, + "example": "Quina és l'hora a Olot?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Olot", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8210, + "example": "Busca'm un tiquet pel Rodalies que surt d'Igualada a les vuit del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Igualada", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8896, + "example": "Dona'm el telèfon de la feina del meu gendre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon de la feina", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu gendre", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7061, + "example": "Vull tornar a veure el vídeo de la Miley Cyrus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Miley Cyrus", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2613, + "example": "A l'última foto que ha publicat Pantene a Instagram podries escriure \"quin preu té\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Pantene", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "quin preu té", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "última foto", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9727, + "example": "L'horari del tren d'aquest matí que va cap a Sant Cugat del Vallès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Cugat del Vallès", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 289, + "example": "Hi ha algun tren que vagi a Banyoles avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Banyoles", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4655, + "example": "Mostra'm quins correus tinc amb la Irene a l'email sobre el treball de final de grau de Comunicació Audiovisual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Irene", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "treball de final de grau de Comunicació Audiovisual", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 111 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 763, + "example": "Em pots dir com s'anomena el moviment pictòric que va caracteritzar els quadres de Van Gogh?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "moviment pictòric", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "caracteritzar els quadres de Van Gogh", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11311, + "example": "Mostra'm les visites que tinc amb el doctor Pérez.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Pérez", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6202, + "example": "Quan caduca el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quan caduca", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 280, + "example": "Quins autobusos hi ha cap a Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobusos", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4331, + "example": "A quina hora comencen les \"Jornades Gastronòmiques de l'arròs\" que es fan a Amposta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Jornades Gastronòmiques de l'arròs", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Amposta", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2556, + "example": "Pots fer-me un caputxino amb la cafetera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "caputxino", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 12003, + "example": "Et detens durant uns minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1570, + "example": "Relleva la tonalitat de les llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7137, + "example": "Vull iniciar l'app Apparella't.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Apparella't", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9755, + "example": "Em pots dir a l'hora en què surt el tren que va fins a Beseit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Beseit", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 130, + "example": "Enregistra la cita a la Clínica Quirón del dia 13 a les dues.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Quirón", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "del dia 13", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3610, + "example": "Gossos és el meu grup favorit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Gossos", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9851, + "example": "Mostrar quins idiomes es parlen a Suïssa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "quins idiomes es parlen", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Suïssa", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8822, + "example": "Tinc planejada alguna cosa pel dia d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 992, + "example": "Temperar l'ull de bou a l'entrada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "entrada", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2356, + "example": "Necessito comprar-me un viatge en ferrocarril de Piera fins a Olesa de Montserrat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Piera", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Olesa de Montserrat", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5268, + "example": "M'interessaria saber si el meu certificat de discapacitat està actualitzat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat de discapacitat", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "està actualitzat", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6467, + "example": "Al Cent vint-i-tres o al Bon blat; on fan les millors pastes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cent vint-i-tres", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Bon blat", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "on fan les millors pastes", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5563, + "example": "Una trucada al Nico, fes-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nico", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2443, + "example": "Reservar un Cabify que em reculli al carrer d'Avall a les vuit i després em porti a Figueres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "carrer d'Avall", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 244, + "example": "Quins trens hi ha cap a Besalú?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Besalú", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3369, + "example": "Recordar-me que tinc una junta extraordinària a Granyena dijous vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta extraordinària", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Granyena", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous vinent", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 670, + "example": "Saber a quina hora està arranjada l'assemblea que tindré el dijous amb els llogaters de Solsona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assemblea", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "llogaters", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Solsona", + "Start_char": 88, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5921, + "example": "Em puc fer una serologia a l'hospital de Mataró?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "serologia", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "'hospital", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3926, + "example": "Què fan trenta-dos més quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "trenta-dos més quatre", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10075, + "example": "Mostra'm les notícies d'última hora de la guerra d'Ucraïna.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "guerra d'Ucraïna", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7269, + "example": "En Joan té un correu electrònic que és rodolinrodolan@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "rodolinrodolan@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4553, + "example": "Em podries informar de quines pel·lis hi ha a Espai Funàtic dijous vinent a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Espai Funàtic", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous vinent", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8762, + "example": "Pots desar que no m'agrada gens aquest tema?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8229, + "example": "Compra el trajecte del tren que arriba a dos quarts d'onze de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dos quarts d'onze de la nit", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2228, + "example": "Et faria res fer arribar un mail al Martí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3771, + "example": "Vull saber si aquesta setmana tindré reunions amb en Carles Sadurní.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunions", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carles Sadurní", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 934, + "example": "Posa la música al mínim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7478, + "example": "M'agradaria que em llevessis a les sis i quaranta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis i quaranta", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1643, + "example": "Pots contestar el missatge de Slack?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Slack", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7804, + "example": "M'agradaria el llum apagat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1666, + "example": "Quina hora és al fus horari dels Estats Units/Alaska si al fus horari de Pacífic/Tahití són les onze del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units/Alaska", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Pacífic/Tahití", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 87 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 92, + "End_char": 109 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3727, + "example": "A Tortosa farà bon temps demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "bon temps", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3676, + "example": "L'any 1981 què va fer Alfonso Tejero?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "any 1981 què va fer", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Alfonso Tejero", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 143, + "example": "Apunta la visita de dijous que ve a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous que ve", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9340, + "example": "Inicia la meva llista de cançons preferides.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "llista de cançons preferides", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6144, + "example": "On està a la residència d'estudiants de Santa Coloma de Gramenet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "On està", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "residència d'estudiants", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Santa Coloma de Gramenet", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6850, + "example": "Voldria una taula per dijous al migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10947, + "example": "Quina és la medicina que em prenc a dos quarts de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5275, + "example": "Com faig per demanar hora per vacunar-me?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "demanar hora per vacunar-me", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5045, + "example": "El preu de les accions de Bosch.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Bosch", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7860, + "example": "Em treus tots els esdeveniments que tinc anotats al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3035, + "example": "Posa'ns un tema de la Dua Lipa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Dua Lipa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 624, + "example": "Si vull tornar de la Cerdanya a Barcelona demà, quin transport públic em convé?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "transport públic", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cerdanya", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1003, + "example": "Podries disminuir els llums?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9545, + "example": "Pot dir-me com es fa l'escudella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "escudella", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2720, + "example": "Mira, necessito que callis durant sis hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sis hores", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 12001, + "example": "Necessito que em confirmis quins són els llistats que tinc guardats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 79, + "example": "Anotar al calendari que el dimecres que ve tinc hora a l'Hospital d'Igualada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital d'Igualada", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11426, + "example": "Afegeix-me al contacte de ma mare un correu electrònic que sigui joana_lopez@hotmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma mare", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "joana_lopez@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10066, + "example": "Busca'm notícies d'última hora referents a la retirada d'en Piqué.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la retirada d'en Piqué", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9390, + "example": "Punxa'm musiqueta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2298, + "example": "Ens pots remetre un correu a xerinola48@hotmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "xerinola48@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5848, + "example": "Estic atrapat en un ascensor; truca els bombers.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "Estic atrapat en un ascensor", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9294, + "example": "Digues una broma de bars.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "bars", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3870, + "example": "Plats que portin cigrons.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "cigrons", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1649, + "example": "Seria possible respondre el mail que em va enviar l'Alba dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Alba", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8717, + "example": "Esborrar el llistat de restaurants a les Borges Blanques.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de restaurants a les Borges Blanques", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6374, + "example": "Quins són els objectius de la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quins són els objectius", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3077, + "example": "Ens punxaries música indie?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "indie", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6942, + "example": "Ensenya la meva ubicació als meus contactes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "als meus contactes", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9800, + "example": "Voldria saber a quines hores passa tren en direcció a Mollerussa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Mollerussa", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7676, + "example": "Surto a córrer amb en Pere de nou a deu cada dissabte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Surto a córrer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dissabte", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "deu", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 508, + "example": "Quin goig.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11324, + "example": "Pots dir quin dia tinc hora a la consulta de l'infermer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "infermer", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10301, + "example": "Em pots dir quina hora tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2733, + "example": "Em faries el favor de callar-te uns minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minuts", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11269, + "example": "Pots dir-me si surt alguna cosa nova sobre les conductes agonistes entre familiars en colònies de formigues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "conductes agonistes entre familiars en colònies de formigues", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3975, + "example": "Pots dir-me com està avui el canvi del yen japonès respecte del peso de Xile?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "peso de Xile", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "yen japonès", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5202, + "example": "Em pots dir si he de reservar el vol per a Finlàndia demà a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reservar el vol per a Finlàndia", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8590, + "example": "Ens fas desaparèixer del calendari el torn a l'hort urbà del pròxim dissabte?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "torn a l'hort urbà", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim dissabte", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6688, + "example": "Arribarem a les 10, reserva la taula.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 368, + "example": "Ho pots dir un altre cop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3481, + "example": "Conta'm alguna conya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10224, + "example": "Digue'm si avui tenim pluja a Vilaverd.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilaverd", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "pluja", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9879, + "example": "Sis més sis fan dotze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Sis més sis fan dotze", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6067, + "example": "Necessito l'adreça del Centre Cívic del meu barri.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Centre Cívic", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "del meu barri", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6047, + "example": "Han canviat el número de telèfon de la biblioteca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "número de telèfon", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10615, + "example": "M'ensenyes quines presentacions de llibres hi ha dijous al museu La Virreina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "presentacions de llibres", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "museu La Virreina", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5512, + "example": "M'agradaria que truquessis al 936443566.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "936443566", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1949, + "example": "Podries eliminar-me l'alerta que vaig posar de dilluns a dijous a les cinc de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la matinada", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7473, + "example": "Podries posar una alarma per alçar-nos a les set del matí el 14 d'octubre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set del matí", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "14 d'octubre", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6955, + "example": "Voldria que compartissis la meva ubicació durant dues hores amb la meva mare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "dues hores", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3022, + "example": "Ens posaries al menjador l'episodi que ve a continuació de \"The new century multiverse 25\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "The new century multiverse 25", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10955, + "example": "Cada quant em toca la píndola groga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "píndola groga", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4218, + "example": "Què està passant a la xarxa social de LinkedIn?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "LinkedIn", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10192, + "example": "Verifica les novetats de @JoelGarcia12.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "@JoelGarcia12", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9452, + "example": "Sentir un pòdcast ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6168, + "example": "Em podries esbrinar quina és l'adreça de la policia local de Rubí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "policia local", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Rubí", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1015, + "example": "Estaria bé atenuar la bombeta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2504, + "example": "Em prens nota al meu calendari de la convenció de cinema de la setmana vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "convenció de cinema", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2287, + "example": "Ens pots fer arribar a l'adreça xerinola48@hotmail.com un correu electrònic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "xerinola48@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4192, + "example": "Em pots donar la recepta de bròquil amb formatge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bròquil amb formatge", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4177, + "example": "Ensenya'm com es fa la fideuada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fideuada.", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10314, + "example": "Saber l'hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7306, + "example": "En Fran Xapa ha creat un compte: xapafran@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Fran Xapa", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "xapafran@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3453, + "example": "Explica'm alguna cosa que em faci riure.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3663, + "example": "Busca quines són les llengües oficials de Catalunya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "quines són les llengües oficials", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Catalunya", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10565, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis quins festivals tindran lloc a Gavà divendres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festivals", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3924, + "example": "Quant és onze menys vint-i-quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "onze menys vint-i-quatre", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5676, + "example": "M'agradaria trucar al centre d'atenció primària Montclar per demanar hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre d'atenció primària Montclar", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5491, + "example": "M'agradaria que truquessis a la meva tieta Maria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta Maria", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10708, + "example": "Em mostres si he d'anar a Vilanova dimecres per comprar regals de Nadal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "comprar regals de Nadal", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6322, + "example": "Com es va resoldre el partit que va jugar el Llevant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Llevant", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10114, + "example": "Saber què conté la llista d'obres de teatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista d'obres de teatre", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 870, + "example": "Hi ha alguna notícia al \"324\" que sigui nova?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "324", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8056, + "example": "Conta'm alguna cosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7654, + "example": "Haig d'anar al Zoo amb la Sílvia; m'ho pots afegir al meu calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al Zoo", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6453, + "example": "Quin cafè ens queda més a prop, el Quedem o l'Estació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Quedem", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Estació", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin cafè ens queda més a prop", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4400, + "example": "Digues-me l'hora a Salt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salt", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3050, + "example": "Reprodueix el tema \"Fuego\" de Vetusta Morla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Fuego", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Vetusta Morla", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8288, + "example": "Mostra'm si està previst que plogui dimarts vinent a les vuit de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plogui", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit de la nit", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5146, + "example": "Qui és el compositor d'això que sona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Qui és el compositor", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "que sona", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2978, + "example": "M'agradaria sentir el meu pòdcast preferit: \"Dones i cultura\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Dones i cultura", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7666, + "example": "Necessito programar un esdeveniment a la llibreria amb la Laia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "llibreria", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2800, + "example": "Em podries piular \"com pot ser que a hores d'ara no tingueu encara una aplicació que funcioni en un dispositiu Android\" mencionant Banco Santander?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piular", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "com pot ser que a hores d'ara no tingueu encara una aplicació que funcioni en un dispositiu Android", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 118 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Banco Santander", + "Start_char": 131, + "End_char": 146 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11044, + "example": "Com vaig a casa de la iaia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "iaia", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10783, + "example": "M'agradaria saber si tinc emails d'avui al meu correu que no hagi vist encara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "emails", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "no hagi vist", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6792, + "example": "Vull que reservis una taula per a tres persones al Casamar pel migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Casamar", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "migdia", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7542, + "example": "M'agradaria que apaguessis la làmpada de l'habitació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3366, + "example": "Al calendari posa un recordatori cada dimecres al matí per sortir a córrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dimecres", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sortir a córrer", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11459, + "example": "Que podries introduir aquest email floristeriapepits@gmail.com al contacte de Petita Flores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Petita Flores", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "floristeriapepits@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2790, + "example": "Et desconnectes durant una micona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5937, + "example": "Tens l'adreça exacta de l'Hospital Universitari d'Igualada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça exacta", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Universitari", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Igualada", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10975, + "example": "Quin medicament toca a les cinc i quart?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc i quart", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3277, + "example": "Reproduiries l'última novel·la de la Marta Rojals?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Marta Rojals", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5248, + "example": "Què he de fer per demanar l'informe de reconeixement de la situació de dependència?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "reconeixement de la situació de dependència", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què he de fer per demanar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8271, + "example": "Vull viatjar dimarts en ferrocarril de Figueres a Tarragona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5662, + "example": "M'agradaria que telefonessis al centre d'atenció primària Progrés Raval de Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre d'atenció primària Progrés Raval", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1137, + "example": "Podries posar un nou element a una llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "nou element", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1397, + "example": "Em maximitzes el volum de la cançó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3291, + "example": "I si segueixes amb l'audiollibre \"La vall de la llum\" a la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "La vall de la llum", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8987, + "example": "Vull veure quan és el pla de visitar cafeteries del mes que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visitar cafeteries", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8110, + "example": "Digues-me alguna cosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9617, + "example": "Digue'm quins correus electrònics tinc d'en Bartomeu amb el títol \"entrades per anar a veure el Barça\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Bartomeu", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "entrades per anar a veure el Barça", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1865, + "example": "Em podries esborrar de l'agenda la classe de pintura que tinc per aquesta setmana amb la meva germana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de pintura", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11458, + "example": "Em fas el favor de desar el correu martamarteta13@hotmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "martamarteta13@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6258, + "example": "Dona'm els resultats de la Champions.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8807, + "example": "Aquest tema que estem escoltant ara és el meu preferit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estem escoltant ara", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10460, + "example": "Em pots comptar quants llistats tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8843, + "example": "Quin dia és el pla de jugar a bàsquet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "jugar a bàsquet", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10282, + "example": "Digues l'hora de la ciutat de Figueres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6969, + "example": "Inicia \"Merlí\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Merlí", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2532, + "example": "Em podries mantenir informat dels canvis en el preu del petroli?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "canvis en el preu del petroli", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 787, + "example": "Quin és el moviment pictòric que caracteritza els quadres de Mondrian?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "moviment pictòric", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "caracteritza els quadres de Mondrian", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6638, + "example": "M'agradaria que em notifiquessus a les deu que em toquen les gotes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "gotes", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5862, + "example": "Truca al 061 que s'ha desmaiat una persona al restaurant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "061", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "s'ha desmaiat una persona", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1200, + "example": "Aniré a veure una pel·lícula amb el Joan el mes vinent, m'ho apuntes al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes vinent", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "veure una pel·lícula", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3441, + "example": "Saps quina és la definició d'àmfora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "àmfora", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3100, + "example": "Em reprodueixes la cinquena cançó de la llista que s'anomena \"no t'adormis al volant\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "cinquena", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "no t'adormis al volant", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1978, + "example": "Ens eliminaries l'alarma dels divendres a les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2873, + "example": "Necessito que em posis una alarma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 823, + "example": "Podries confirmar-me si tinc una llista que s'anomena \"sèries\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "sèries", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9832, + "example": "Busca què vol dir magarrufa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "magarrufa", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 271, + "example": "Quins ferrocarrils em porten a Sarrià?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarrils", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sarrià", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3444, + "example": "La definició d'escopinya me la podries buscar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "escopinya", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11133, + "example": "Em recordes el menú de divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3805, + "example": "Un plat que porti espàrrecs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "espàrrecs", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5276, + "example": "Com puc accedir a l'apartat de vacunes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7757, + "example": "L'endoll intel·ligent de la cambra, voldria desconnectar-lo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cambra", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10049, + "example": "Voldria saber les notícies més noves de \"Catalunya Ràdio\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Catalunya Ràdio", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6710, + "example": "Voldria reservar una taula al restaurant Los Abetos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Los Abetos", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8634, + "example": "Podries esborrar l'entrada del calendari d'aquesta tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5461, + "example": "Compartir l'emplaçament on em trobo amb el pare fins que estigui a l'oficina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "pare", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7226, + "example": "Voldria desactivar Whatsapp.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10867, + "example": "És cada sis hores quan m'he de prendre l'Enantyum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Enantyum", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4196, + "example": "Podries dir-me què porta l'arròs negre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs negre", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2956, + "example": "Posa a l'agenda que he quedat demà amb l'Ariadna.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "he quedat", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ariadna", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1898, + "example": "Seria possible treure l'alerta que tenim a dos quarts de nou cada dimarts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dimarts", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4603, + "example": "Em dius quins grans magatzems hi ha per la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "grans magatzems", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3834, + "example": "M'interessa saber què puc preparar amb vedella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "vedella", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1505, + "example": "Vull el reproductor en aleatori; que m'ho pots posar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "aleatori", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3562, + "example": "La cançó que està sonant no me la tornis a posar mai més.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1487, + "example": "Podries saltar-te les següents quatre cançons?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "saltar-te les següents quatre cançons", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4111, + "example": "Amb qui surt la Miley Cyrus?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Amb qui surt", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Miley Cyrus", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3897, + "example": "Soluciona l'operació dotze menys vuitanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "dotze menys vuitanta", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1752, + "example": "Seria possible que desapareguessin tots els esdeveniments que tinc anotats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11543, + "example": "Evidentment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10113, + "example": "Quins són els continguts del meu llistat de plats vegetarians?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de plats vegetarians", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8749, + "example": "Posa en funcionament l'endoll.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10597, + "example": "Em pots dir quins festivals tindran lloc a Salt demà passat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festivals", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salt", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2283, + "example": "Em podries fer el favor d'enviar un correu electrònic a l'adreça plurienganxats33@hotmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "plurienganxats33@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5562, + "example": "Un truc al Joan.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5049, + "example": "Em dius com estan els preus de les accions de l'empresa Iberdrola?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Iberdrola", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9091, + "example": "L'emissora \"Flaix FM\", sintonitza-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Flaix FM", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11608, + "example": "Tal com has dit; sí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4695, + "example": "Saps si hi ha SMS recents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "SMS", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recents", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1335, + "example": "Vull la música molt més forta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7202, + "example": "M'agradaria apagar l'aplicació Gencat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Gencat", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4047, + "example": "Vull saber a quant està actualment el dòlar de Brunei en comparació amb l'euro.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "euro", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar de Brunei", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5140, + "example": "D'això que sona, em saps dir qui n'és el compositor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "qui n'és el compositor", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 274, + "example": "Vull saber si hi ha metro que em porti fins a la Sagrera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "metro", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "la Sagrera", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4945, + "example": "Em pots ensenyar el whatsapp que acaba d'arribar que parla sobre teclats d'ordinador fluorescents que ha enviat el Robert?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "whatsapp", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "teclats d'ordinador fluorescents", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 97 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Robert", + "Start_char": 115, + "End_char": 121 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11047, + "example": "Mostra'm com s'arriba en bicicleta a l'apartament de la Joana", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bicicleta", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "apartament", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2001, + "example": "Em faries desaparèixer la llista de la compra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1688, + "example": "Quan a la zona horària del Salvador són les deu del matí, quina hora és a la de Líbia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "la de Líbia", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "zona horària del Salvador", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3049, + "example": "Pots posar una cançoneta d'El Canto del Loco?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "El Canto del Loco", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3490, + "example": "Ens pots explicar alguna conya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6361, + "example": "Quins beneficis té la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "beneficis", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7275, + "example": "Matildecabreta@gmail.com és l'adreça de correu electrònic de la meva sogra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "Matildecabreta@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva sogra", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2793, + "example": "Podries fer un tuit a Twitter citant Danone amb el text \"que tornin els danoninos de llimona\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "fer un tuit", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Danone", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "que tornin els danoninos de llimona", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8515, + "example": "Truca un taxi perquè em porti a les quatre a Plaça Espanya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Plaça Espanya", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7895, + "example": "Posa que les llums es vegin de color fúcsia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "fúcsia", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3010, + "example": "Em posaries l'episodi que ve després del pòdcast \"Thrilling adventure hour\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Thrilling adventure hour", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8009, + "example": "Necessitaria moderar l'àudio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6298, + "example": "Com va acabar el marcador al partit de dilluns de la lliga espanyola de bàsquet femenina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "lliga espanyola de bàsquet femenina", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3558, + "example": "Odio aquesta cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4787, + "example": "Aquesta tarda farà sol a Sabadell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "sol", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 495, + "example": "Fa goig això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7938, + "example": "Puja l'àudio de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7445, + "example": "Mostra'm la millor manera de fer carn d'olla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "carn d'olla", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6727, + "example": "Vull reservar una taula a dos quarts de dues.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de dues", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1853, + "example": "Et faria res fer desaparèixer totes les cites amb l'Armand del setembre de l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cites", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Armand", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setembre", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 264, + "example": "Voldria saber quins metros hi ha de Barcelona a Badalona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "metros", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2546, + "example": "Ensenya'ns les noves notícies sobre Europa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Europa", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 419, + "example": "Tiger Woods és el jugador de golf amb més majors del món?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Tiger Woods", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "és el jugador de golf amb més majors del món", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 491, + "example": "M'ha agradat el que has dit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3825, + "example": "Quines receptes porten rap?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "rap", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8348, + "example": "Demana pesto per endur a l'ABaC.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pesto", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "ABaC", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 742, + "example": "Com es diu l'aparell electrònic de la cuina que serveix per conservar els aliments?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "aparell electrònic de la cuina", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "serveix per conservar els aliments", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1411, + "example": "Posa'm llum a l'habitació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4106, + "example": "Dir el fax de l'Andreu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "fax", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Andreu", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9287, + "example": "Pots explicar-me una conya de Lepe?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "Lepe", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7496, + "example": "Els dissabtes podries crear una alarma per despertar-me a les onze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Els dissabtes", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4564, + "example": "Posaran \"La bella dorment\" a l'Osona del costat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "La bella dorment", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Osona", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "costat", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10042, + "example": "Mostra'm les noves notícies sobre esports de \"Catalunya Ràdio\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "esports", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Catalunya Ràdio", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8705, + "example": "Pots suprimir totes les llistes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1224, + "example": "Tinc una pel·lícula a Manresa, m'ho programes al meu calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "pel·lícula", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2148, + "example": "Necessito activar el led del balcó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "balcó", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1640, + "example": "El mail que em va enviar el Pere ahir, el pots respondre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2893, + "example": "I si sintonitzes l'emissora \"Onda Cero\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Onda Cero", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11383, + "example": "Revisar si a dos quarts de sis tinc hora amb la psiquiatra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de sis", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "psiquiatra", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11314, + "example": "Les properes visites amb Doctora Capdevila vull que me les mostris.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Doctora Capdevila", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8503, + "example": "Vull un Blacklane per passat demà de dos quarts de deu a dos quarts d'onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Blacklane", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de deu a dos quarts d'onze", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3233, + "example": "Et faria res punxar-me el tema \"Mariposas\" a continuació d'aquest que sona en aquests moments?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Mariposas", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "a continuació", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 538, + "example": "Obre el \"Digimon\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Digimon", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5125, + "example": "Això que sona quant dura ho saps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quant dura", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9861, + "example": "Mostrar les llengües oficials de Catalunya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Mostrar les llengües oficials", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Catalunya", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9609, + "example": "L'últim missatge nou sobre el concurs de Sant Jordi enviat per la Mercè.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "concurs de Sant Jordi", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mercè", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 136, + "example": "He d'anar al dermatòleg avui a les set de la tarda: apunta-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dermatòleg", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8146, + "example": "He d'agafar el ferrocarril que surt el dissabte a les nou del matí de Sabadell per anar a Sant Cugat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Cugat", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5446, + "example": "Digues-li a la meva filla on soc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva filla", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6894, + "example": "Necessitem fer una reserva per dilluns al migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7007, + "example": "Volem posar \"El geperut de Notre Dame\" a Disney+.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Disney+", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "El geperut de Notre Dame", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5131, + "example": "De la melodia que he posat a l'habitació, quina n'és la duració?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "duració", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7336, + "example": "L'adreça de correu nyx_sadeath@superhotmail.aq, guarda-me-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "nyx_sadeath@superhotmail.aq", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5893, + "example": "Atenen urgències pediàtriques al centre d'urgències d'atenció primària Sant Fèlix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "urgències pediàtriques", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre d'urgències d'atenció primària Sant Fèlix", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2508, + "example": "Avisa'm en mitja hora que haig de sortir a comprar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en mitja hora", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sortir a comprar", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10630, + "example": "Vull saber on fan l'exposició d'Enric Majoral demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "exposició d'Enric Majoral", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7723, + "example": "Tots els divendres a les nou del vespre m'apuntes balls de saló?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Tots els divendres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del vespre", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "balls de saló", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9023, + "example": "Què passa el 9 de març?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "9 de març", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9681, + "example": "Com va l'arròs de llamàntol a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "llamàntol", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8892, + "example": "El mail de l'Adrià.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Adrià", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7659, + "example": "Haig d'anar amb l'Òscar al fuster, m'ho afegeixes a l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Òscar", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fuster", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8199, + "example": "Vull viatjar amb l'exprés que surt de Juneda a les onze i mitja fins a Montblanc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "exprés", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Juneda", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze i mitja", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Montblanc", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5295, + "example": "Em pots dir per a què serveix la carta de vacunació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "per a què serveix", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carta de vacunació", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2888, + "example": "Et faria res buscar \"Catalunya Ràdio\" a la ràdio de l'habitació petita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Catalunya Ràdio", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació petita", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10998, + "example": "No recordo quina era la pastilla de les vuit, que m'ho dius?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1355, + "example": "La música se sent massa suau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11425, + "example": "Pots afegir al Robert a la meva agenda de contactes amb el número de mòbil 638204728?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Robert", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "638204728", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8092, + "example": "Espero que hagis tingut millor dia que jo; vols que t'ho expliqui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9646, + "example": "És possible comprovar què li passa a la meva truita amb suc per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "truita amb suc", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1784, + "example": "De la llista d'al·lèrgies del Jaume et faria res suprimir el marisc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista d'al·lèrgies del Jaume", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "marisc", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10942, + "example": "Era a les sis que m'havia de prendre l'antiinflamatori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antiinflamatori", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 203, + "example": "Desa al dia 7 la cita del dermatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "7", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dermatòleg", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7763, + "example": "Necessito desconnectar tots els endolls intel·ligents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11914, + "example": "La pròxima va la vençuda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2638, + "example": "Escriu \"que no deies que no hi tornaries a posar els peus?\" en resposta a l'última publicació a Facebook del Víctor Feró.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Escriu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "que no deies que no hi tornaries a posar els peus?", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 96, + "End_char": 104 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Víctor Feró", + "Start_char": 109, + "End_char": 120 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "última publicació", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4046, + "example": "En aquest moment a quants pesos argentins equival un franc de Burundi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "un franc de Burundi", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "pesos argentins", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10636, + "example": "Digue'm quines exposicions tindran lloc al Teatre Nacional de Catalunya demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "exposicions", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Teatre Nacional de Catalunya", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11160, + "example": "M'agradaria escoltar què tenim al menú.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11322, + "example": "Consultar quan tenia hora al ginecòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "ginecòleg", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2333, + "example": "Em treus l'esdeveniment que tinc en tres mesos del calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "en tres mesos", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4088, + "example": "Quin és el telèfon de la Maria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1208, + "example": "El matí de diumenge tinc una caminada per Sort.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "El matí", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "caminada", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sort", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11050, + "example": "Com arribar a l'oficina del Toni?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Toni", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4570, + "example": "Em pot dir on puc veure \"Tauró\" al barri de Sants?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Tauró", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sants", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3151, + "example": "A l'habitació petita podries reproduir \"Crims\" de \"Catalunya Ràdio\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació petita", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Crims", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Catalunya Ràdio", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3138, + "example": "Necessitaria escoltar una cançoneta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10193, + "example": "Crec que la Mariona ha publicat alguna cosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mariona", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2932, + "example": "Podries apuntar-me que dissabtes i diumenges a les nou del matí s'han de revisar les rodes de la bici?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dissabtes", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "diumenges", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "revisar les rodes de la bici", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9855, + "example": "Què es menja per Nadal a Catalunya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Què es menja per Nadal", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Catalunya", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6930, + "example": "Mostra on soc a la mama.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mama", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7015, + "example": "Posa un episodi de \"Manduka\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Manduka", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6333, + "example": "Explica'm pas a pas què he de fer per obtenir la targeta Braile.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braile", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "què he de fer per obtenir", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8474, + "example": "Vull anar a Gavà; pots reservar-me un Lyft que em reculli demà a les set a Alcanar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Alcanar", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5472, + "example": "Digues a la Sara que soc aquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sara", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 216, + "example": "Com de fiable és l'horòscop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 723, + "example": "El substantiu menjafestucs què significa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "menjafestucs", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9122, + "example": "Et faria res anotar que cada sis setmanes he de canviar el filtre de la gerra d'aigua?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis setmanes", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "canviar el filtre de la gerra d'aigua", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9521, + "example": "Em reproduiries la llista que es diu cançons preferides?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "cançons preferides", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11326, + "example": "Sabries dir quan tinc cita amb el doctor Gramona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Gramona", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5989, + "example": "Vull saber si hi ha consulta d'oftalmologia a l'hospital de Sant Celoni.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "consulta d'oftalmologia", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Celoni", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7006, + "example": "Ens ve de gust veure \"Formatge de cabra i te amb sal\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Formatge de cabra i te amb sal", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8315, + "example": "Respon a la meva companya de feina amb un mail.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva companya de feina", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7349, + "example": "El correu de Josep Mas, agrega'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josep Mas", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8010, + "example": "Necessito ajuda per a crear una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2496, + "example": "Dijous de la setmana que ve em pots apuntar que tinc organitzada una assemblea amb el Lluís Calvó i el seu fill Ferran a partir de les 11 del matí a la sala de juntes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dijous de la setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assemblea", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lluís Calvó", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 97 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "a partir de les 11 del matí", + "Start_char": 119, + "End_char": 146 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "sala de juntes", + "Start_char": 152, + "End_char": 166 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el seu fill Ferran", + "Start_char": 100, + "End_char": 118 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7166, + "example": "Vull anar a l'hospital, però no sé com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6613, + "example": "Necessitaria que em recordessis que he de prendre la medicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1077, + "example": "Em pots activar el robot aspirador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5722, + "example": "Voldria fer una trucada a la meva oftalmòloga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "oftalmòloga", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4181, + "example": "Com es cuina el bròquil per a que estigui dur?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bròquil", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9711, + "example": "Al fus horari d'Àfrica/Tunísia em pots dir quina hora tenen?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Àfrica/Tunísia", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7184, + "example": "Indica'm com arribar a la Tagliatella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Tagliatella", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6100, + "example": "Vull saber quins serveis ofereix l'estació de tren de l'Hospitalet del Llobregat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "estació de tren", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Hospitalet del Llobregat", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1218, + "example": "Apunta que aquest diumenge a les cinc de la tarda tinc partida de bitlles amb els meus amics a Sabadell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest diumeng", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partida de bitlles", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "els meus amics", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 92 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6846, + "example": "Agafa taula dimecres a dos quarts de nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11679, + "example": "No sé què em vols dir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4988, + "example": "Apareix l'hora en què el tren que va cap a Tarragona surt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3164, + "example": "Et faria res que sentís el \"Generació diigital\" de l'emissora \"Catalunya Ràdio\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Generació diigital", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Catalunya Ràdio", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6521, + "example": "Fes-me saber que em toca punxada de testosterona a les vuit del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "testosterona", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6289, + "example": "El partit de dimarts com va acabar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2149, + "example": "Podries engegar el llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6583, + "example": "Recorda que a les tretze m'he de prendre una pastilla de Nolotil", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Nolotil", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tretze", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11053, + "example": "Em pots dir com puc arribar en cotxe a casa de l'oncle Bernat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "oncle Bernat", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4411, + "example": "Informa'm de si tenen alguna pel·li d'estrena que sigui de comèdia a Yelmo Cines.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "comèdia", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Yelmo Cines", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11004, + "example": "És la insulina la que em punxo cada 24 hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "insulina", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada 24 hores", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11891, + "example": "L'has feta bona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8404, + "example": "Tinc ganes de sopar sushi, que ho podem encarregar per a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sushi", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3385, + "example": "Sortiré a sopar el diumenge a la nit amb els meus amics.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "els meus amics", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6851, + "example": "Dimecres vull taula per quatre a la Tagliatella", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Tagliatella", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimecres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9196, + "example": "Vull prendre un cafè americà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè americà", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9577, + "example": "Ara hi ha trànsit a Tarragona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "Ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11331, + "example": "Digues si dilluns a les nou em toca visita amb l'oftalmòloga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "oftalmòloga", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9758, + "example": "Mostra'm quins trens van de Salt fins a Begur entre les dues del matí i les dotze del migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salt", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Begur", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues del matí i les dotze del migdia", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3265, + "example": "Pots seguir amb \"Dominion\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Dominion", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9363, + "example": "Ens podries posar un tema a la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7, + "example": "Dijous 15 tinc visita amb l'uròleg, recorda-m'ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "uròleg", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dijous 15", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3051, + "example": "Em tocaries una cançó d'Antònia Font?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Antònia Font", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3586, + "example": "Metallica és el meu grup predilecte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Metallica", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 22, + "example": "M'he de visitar al CAP de Puigcerdà amb la doctora Pallarès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Pallarès", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Puigcerdà", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10683, + "example": "Em podries dir els recordatoris que tinc programats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1388, + "example": "Posa més alta la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1082, + "example": "L'aspiradora, podries posar-me-la en marxa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5262, + "example": "Em dius quins són els tràmits per aconseguir el carnet de donant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "tràmits per aconseguir", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carnet de donant", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8825, + "example": "Pots consultar què tinc planejat a l'agenda amb el Joel per avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joel", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6548, + "example": "Que no m'oblidi de prendre la pastilla, recorda-m'ho a les sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6893, + "example": "Em pots agafar una taula per dimarts al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8055, + "example": "Què tal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10876, + "example": "Cada quant m'he de punxar la insulina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "insulina", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8797, + "example": "\"Saoko\" és una cançó increïble.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Saoko", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4863, + "example": "Em podries donar un informe sobre la situació del trànsit d'ara mateix per sortir de Toledo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Toledo", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8429, + "example": "Em pots dir que tal va l'entrepà de xistorra que he demanat a Cal Pinxo Panxo per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "entrepà de xistorra", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cal Pinxo Panxo", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2239, + "example": "Podries fer arribar un missatge de correu electrònic a la Marta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 486, + "example": "Meravellós.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2491, + "example": "Et faria res prendre nota al calendari que hem de netejar les persianes dissabte al matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "netejar les persianes", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2740, + "example": "T'importaria xapar la boca una mica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una mica", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8326, + "example": "Necessito que contestis al whatsapp que m'ha enviat la Marina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "whatsapp", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marina", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7786, + "example": "M'agradaria que apaguessis les làmpades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1765, + "example": "Seria possible eliminar-nos tot el que tenim al calendari personal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8966, + "example": "Passar el robot aspirador per escombrar el despatx.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5137, + "example": "Em sabries dir qui és l'artista d'això que estic escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "qui és l'artista", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 263, + "example": "Com ho faig per anar a Vacarisses amb autobús?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vacarisses", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobús", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1453, + "example": "Et faria res apujar la intensitat dels leds?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4272, + "example": "La data actual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2898, + "example": "Podries posar l'emissora \"Ràdio Flaixbac\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Ràdio Flaixbac", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11770, + "example": "Tant m'és tot això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6747, + "example": "Voldria que fessis una reserva a un restaurant de cuina catalana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "cuina catalana", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1794, + "example": "Podries treure pantà de Sau del llistat \"pantans\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "pantà de Sau", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "pantans", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7814, + "example": "Necessito aturar els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11393, + "example": "Vull saber amb quin professional serà la meva visita al Centre Corachán.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Centre Corachán", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9399, + "example": "M'agradaria punxar soul.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "soul", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8516, + "example": "Haig d'anar a Balaguer demà a les vuit del matí; em podries demanar un Lyft?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Balaguer", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10205, + "example": "Vull saber quants graus tenim a la vila.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "vila", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "quants", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3052, + "example": "Al safareig podries punxar una cançoneta de Queen?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "safareig", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Queen", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 408, + "example": "M'expliques les aficions de la Carme Ruscalleda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "aficions", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carme Ruscalleda", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4310, + "example": "Aquesta setmana nevarà a Alcanar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "Aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "nevarà", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Alcanar", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5192, + "example": "Em podries confirmar si tinc alguna celebració a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9460, + "example": "Reproduiries el pòdcast \"Generació digital\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Generació digital", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8977, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis quan és el pla de visitar museus del mes que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visitar museus", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1880, + "example": "Els dilluns i dimecres podries suprimir-me de l'agenda la classe de contemporani?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de contemporani", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2914, + "example": "Fixa un recordatori cada diumenge al matí al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada diumenge", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11677, + "example": "No entenc el que m'estàs contant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5365, + "example": "Com vaig fins al MACBA en transport públic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "MACBA", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "transport públic", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11240, + "example": "Què hi ha de dinar demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1635, + "example": "Et faria res respondre l'e-mail del Nil que va arribar a quarts de quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nil", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "quarts de quatre", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10023, + "example": "Al diari de \"Meet the Press\" hi ha alguna notícia nova?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Meet the Press", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2689, + "example": "Em pots dir què hi tinc a la llista de verdures per comprar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de verdures per comprar", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3577, + "example": "M'al·lucina la cançó \"Jenifer\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Jenifer", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5698, + "example": "Vull trucar al CAP de Pobla de Segur.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Pobla de Segur", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1950, + "example": "Ens esborraries l'alarma que hi ha configurada a les tres de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la matinada", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8452, + "example": "Demana menjar a domicili amb Appatit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Appatit", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3772, + "example": "Vull que em confirmis que l'esdeveniment amb l'Adrià està planificat pel 15 d'abril.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Adrià", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "15 d'abril", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4349, + "example": "Em dius si el que fan a Fnac és a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Fnac", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4421, + "example": "Quines pel·lícules d'estrena fan al Cinema IMAX aquest dijous a les quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "estrena", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinema IMAX", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dijous", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4256, + "example": "Què és el que diuen per TikTok?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3368, + "example": "Anota al calendari un recordatori que es diu fer la compra del mes el tercer dijous de cada mes fins al març de l'any vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fer la compra del mes", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tercer dijous de cada mes", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "març de l'any vinent", + "Start_char": 104, + "End_char": 124 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10179, + "example": "Mostra'm de què s'està parlant a la xarxa social de Reddit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Reddit", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9667, + "example": "Saps si va bé la lasanya d'espinacs que he demanat per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "lasanya d'espinacs", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5803, + "example": "M'ha mossegat un rata i necessito que truquis al 112.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "M'ha mossegat un rata", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "112", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6739, + "example": "M'agradaria fer una reserva per sopar per a tres persones", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5586, + "example": "Podries trucar a l'Enric?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Enric", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3855, + "example": "Necessito saber quins plats puc cuinar amb llonganissa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "llonganissa", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8253, + "example": "Obtingues un viatge per l'exprés que arriba a Sant Quirze de Besora a les dues de la matinada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "exprés", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Quirze de Besora", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dues de la matinada", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1154, + "example": "Seria possible afegir a la meva agenda que hem d'escriure el menú de tota la setmana divendres de la pròxima setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "escriure el menú de tota la setmana", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres de la pròxima setmana", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 116 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6148, + "example": "Ensenya'm quin és el telèfon de contacte de l'oficina jove de Figueres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon de contacte", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina jove", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6406, + "example": "Quina validesa té la targeta sanitària europea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quina validesa té", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6387, + "example": "Què haig d'entregar per tindre la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què haig d'entregar per tindre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9454, + "example": "Et faria res posar el pòdcast \"Jazz club\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Jazz club", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9103, + "example": "Pots sintonitzar-nos \"Cooltura FM\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Cooltura FM", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3012, + "example": "Podríem escoltar del pòdcast \"Generació digital\" l'episodi que segueix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Generació digital", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6235, + "example": "Què he de fer si perdo el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què he de fer si perdo", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4918, + "example": "Em mostres quina sol ser la situació del trànsit per entrar Gràcia els dimecres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gràcia", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "els dimecres", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7028, + "example": "Obre de nou, si us plau, \"Joc de cartes\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Joc de cartes", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1673, + "example": "Si al fus horari de Pacífic/Niue són les tres, em dius quina hora és a GMT +1?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "GMT +1", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Pacífic/Niue", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5760, + "example": "Posa'm en contacte amb el centre comercial Parc Central.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Parc Central", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9307, + "example": "Em podries reproduir l'episodi que segueix de \"Phoebe reads a mystery\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Phoebe reads a mystery", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9484, + "example": "Ens pots posar la meva cançó preferida de Warduna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferida", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Warduna", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10152, + "example": "El Biel ha pujat una publicació a TikTok?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Biel", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6283, + "example": "Saps com ha acabat el partit de futbol sala de les quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "partit de futbol sala", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1430, + "example": "Podria ser la claror al màxim?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4622, + "example": "Pots buscar les botigues de bicicletes que tinc a prop ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues de bicicletes", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4054, + "example": "Hi ha alguna cosa en el contacte de la Maria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 394, + "example": "Quina carrera universitària estudiava la tiktoker Berta Roca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Quina carrera universitària estudiava", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Berta Roca", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2396, + "example": "Que pots adquirir el tiquet de tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7489, + "example": "Divendres pots despertar-nos a les sis i trenta-dos de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Divendres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis i trenta-dos de la matinada", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10493, + "example": "El meu rostidor preferit em pot portar el menjar a casa, m'ho pots dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "rostidor", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "pot portar el menjar a casa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9542, + "example": "Vull fer empedrat quina és la recepta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "empedrat", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2889, + "example": "Et faria res posar-me \"Rac1\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Rac1", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9955, + "example": "Em miraries les alertes configurades per aquest dissabte?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dissabte", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9417, + "example": "Punxar folk.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "folk", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 685, + "example": "Quina és la data del pla de berenar amb l'Eli?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "berenar", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eli", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6226, + "example": "Digue'm fins quan dura el meu certificat COVID.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan dura", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1225, + "example": "Sopar familiar el dia 6 de febrer a dos quarts i mig de la tarda a Horta de Sant Joan.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Sopar familiar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "6 de febrer", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts i mig de la tarda", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Horta de Sant Joan", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8227, + "example": "Voldria arribar a Barcelona a dos quarts de vuit del vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8983, + "example": "Quin dia de desembre va ser la junta que vaig tenir amb l'Arnau Puig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "desembre", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Arnau Puig", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3351, + "example": "Podries continuar amb \"Autobot hostage\" a les golfes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Autobot hostage", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5170, + "example": "Buscar quan és la cita d'anar al Cinema Verdi amb el Carles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al Cinema Verdi", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carles", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8279, + "example": "Reserva'm un lloc al tren que surt des de Bilbao el divendres a les vuit i arriba a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Bilbao", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1887, + "example": "Ens esborraries del calendari la partida de trivial que tenim per dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partida de trivial", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4980, + "example": "A quina hora passa el ferrocarril que va cap a Premià de Mar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Premià de Mar", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1014, + "example": "Necessitaria que apaguessis el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7536, + "example": "Reduir les làmpades de la bodega.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bodega", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6274, + "example": "El marcador del partit de divendres a la tarda, com va quedar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1028, + "example": "La llum està molt forta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 134, + "example": "Divendres dia 4 tinc hora al CAP per vacunar-me.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "4", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "test", + "Text": "vacunar-me", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7063, + "example": "Torna a reproduir la sèrie de Netflix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Netflix", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11803, + "example": "Prou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 564, + "example": "Pots començar una partida ràpida al \"Geometry dash\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Geometry dash", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8532, + "example": "Pots demanar un taxi per anar a Castelldefels?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Castelldefels", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3591, + "example": "M'agrada el hip-hop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "hip-hop", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11348, + "example": "Confirma quin dia tinc hora a les consultes externes de traumatologia amb el doctor Oliver.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "traumatologia", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Oliver", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11491, + "example": "Fer una trucada a l'Ona; he caigut a la banyera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ona", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he caigut a la banyera", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2850, + "example": "Escriu a Twitter citant l'atenció al client de FGC que \"és inacceptable que no funcioni cap dels ascensors a l'estació de Gràcia\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Escriu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de FGC", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "és inacceptable que no funcioni cap dels ascensors a l'estació de Gràcia", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 128 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8095, + "example": "No saps quin dia he tingut, haig de desfogar-me.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8108, + "example": "Com vas fent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8037, + "example": "Voldria crear una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8875, + "example": "Vull saber quines són les assemblees que tinc per aquesta tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assemblees", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6938, + "example": "Envia la ubicació fins que sigui a casa de l'Òscar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa de l'Òscar", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11325, + "example": "Quin dia em visita la doctora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "doctora", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6232, + "example": "He de dur el certificat COVID si vaig a Portugal en cotxe?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Portugal", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "en cotxe", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2410, + "example": "Vull demanar un taxi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 474, + "example": "Ets infal·lible.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 462, + "example": "Excel·lent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9813, + "example": "Podries dir-me què significa la paraula \"eustreptospondylus\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "eustreptospondylus", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8655, + "example": "Esborra qualsevol cosa que hi hagi enregistrada al calendari el dimecres a les sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3045, + "example": "Ens podries posar una cançó de Joaquín Sabina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Joaquín Sabina", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4952, + "example": "Busca'm l'horari del tren cap a Valls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10820, + "example": "Nous fitxatges, mercat d'hivern i futbol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6567, + "example": "Fes-nos saber que al nostre fill li toca prendre Apiretal cada vuit hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada vuit hores", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Apiretal", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al nostre fill", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2448, + "example": "Hem de viatjar cap a la masia dels meus avis; em reserves un Cabify per quatre persones?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "masia dels meus avis", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3758, + "example": "La setmana que ve he quedat amb la Carla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Carla", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7742, + "example": "Apaga els endolls intel·ligents del lavabo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 976, + "example": "Abaixa el volum dels altaveus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7835, + "example": "A l'habitació necessito més llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 900, + "example": "Dona'm notícies sobre les PAU.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "les PAU", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3399, + "example": "Pots explicar-me el concepte de forfet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "forfet", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3281, + "example": "Em poses l'audiollibre \"Canto jo i la muntanya balla\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Canto jo i la muntanya balla", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7264, + "example": "Desa evamor@gmail.com com el correu de l'Eva.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "evamor@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eva", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5027, + "example": "M'agradaria saber a quant estan les accions de Visa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Visa", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2876, + "example": "Configurar el despertador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6624, + "example": "Posa'm una alarma a les sis per prendre'm la medicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5602, + "example": "Al Dídac, vull trucar-li.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Dídac", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 73, + "example": "Em visito el pròxim dilluns amb la meva dermatòloga, pren nota a l'agenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim dilluns", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "la meva dermatòloga", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6738, + "example": "Et faria res reservar una taula per a deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "deu", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6320, + "example": "El Barça va guanyar el partit d'ahir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Barça", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9688, + "example": "Què passa amb les nostres racions de xató del Tapes la Bona Sort?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "xató", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Tapes la Bona Sort", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4676, + "example": "Em comproves si us plau si tinc whatsapps d'avui de la meva iaia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "whatsapps", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva iaia", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6466, + "example": "A quin local hi ha millor servei segons Tripadvisor: a la Roseta o a Granja Dulcinea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Roseta", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Granja Dulcinea", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "A quin local hi ha millor servei segons Tripadvisor", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9995, + "example": "Em diries si hi ha alarmes per avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3118, + "example": "Escoltar la meva llista de reproducció \"ballar tota la nit\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "ballar tota la nit", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3550, + "example": "Aquest tema no me'l tornis a posar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5357, + "example": "Vull anar a l'OAC amb cotxe.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "OAC", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7920, + "example": "Amplificar el volum al 75%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4488, + "example": "Busca on fan \"Minions: l'origen de Gru\" avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Minions: l'origen de Gru", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11357, + "example": "Sabries dir-me quin dia tenia cita a la clínica de Ponent amb la uròloga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "clínica de Ponent", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "uròloga", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10813, + "example": "Grip A, grip aviària i la Covid.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2486, + "example": "Tindré un dinar el 4 de febrer a les dues de la tarda amb les meves amigues a Sitges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "4 de febrer", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "les meves amigues", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues de la tarda", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6159, + "example": "Vull l'adreça de la policia local de Cerdanyola.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "policia local", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cerdanyola", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9935, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quantes alarmes hi ha programades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8818, + "example": "M'agrada molt la cançó que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11915, + "example": "Malament rai.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5898, + "example": "Digues-me a quina hora tanquen el CAP d'Abrera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quina hora tanquen", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Abrera", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4044, + "example": "El dòlar australià quant val en comparació amb el dòlar liberià?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dòlar liberià", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar australià", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1656, + "example": "Si al fus horari d'Amèrica/Vancouver són les nou, quina hora és al fus horari dels Estats Units/Nou Pacífic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Vancouve", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units/Nou Pacífic", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9480, + "example": "Posa'm el pòdcast \"Pop fashion\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Pop fashion", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3074, + "example": "Ens reproduiries un tema grunge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "grunge", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1677, + "example": "Saps quina hora és al fus horari d'Amèrica/Ciutat de Mèxic si al fus horari del Canadà/Pacífic són les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Ciutat de Mèxic", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari del Canadà/Pacífic", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 94 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 99, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11089, + "example": "Digue'm el temps que tenim al meu poble.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu poble", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7319, + "example": "Guarda xurrina@xurrina.com com el correu electrònic de la Isabel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "xurrina@xurrina.com", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Isabel", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1675, + "example": "Saps quina hora és al fus horari de Pacífic/Niue si al fus horari del Canadà/Montana són les tres de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Pacífic/Niue", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari del Canadà/Montana", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres de la matinada", + "Start_char": 93, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10804, + "example": "Destinacions de viatges, creuers i vols.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3944, + "example": "M'ensenyes quant fa onze més tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "onze més tres", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3653, + "example": "Saps el que m'ha passat aquest matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 323, + "example": "Torna a repetir-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7351, + "example": "Germanetmeu1993@gmail.es guarda'l com correu del meu germà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "Germanetmeu1993@gmail.es", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu germà", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7557, + "example": "Vull atenuar els focus que hi ha a la sala d'estar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala d'estar", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8317, + "example": "Contesta el correu que es titula \"primavera\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "primavera", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2911, + "example": "Posa'm un recordatori recurrent al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4808, + "example": "Voldria que m'informessis sobre si necessitaré crema solar després de les onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "necessitaré crema solar", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "després de les onze", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2272, + "example": "Podries remetre un correu al Guillem explicant-li que \"demà recorda que és el concert de la Bad Gyal\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "demà recorda que és el concert de la Bad Gyal", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7856, + "example": "Que el llum de l'habitació estigui més potent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11650, + "example": "No acabo d'entendre el que em dius.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10601, + "example": "Voldria saber quines activitats tindran lloc a Gavà la setmana que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7455, + "example": "M'informes sobre els plats que puc cuinar que portin patates?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "patates", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2319, + "example": "M'esborres del calendari les festes de Sants de la setmana que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "festes de Sants", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 129, + "example": "He de visitar-me a l'Hospital Josep Trueta el dimecres 18 de juny.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Josep Trueta", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres 18 de juny", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6242, + "example": "El resultat del partit del dimarts, quin va ser?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimart", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "s", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2941, + "example": "Voldria apuntar una cita amb l'Albert.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Albert", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2414, + "example": "Reserva'm un Talixo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Talixo", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3723, + "example": "Dijous que ve està previst que plogui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dijous que ve", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plogui", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5948, + "example": "Troba el telèfon del traumatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11881, + "example": "Has fet una errada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2920, + "example": "Pots apuntar que vaig al gimnàs a Sant Feliu cada dimarts amb en Miquel?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "vaig al gimnàs", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Feliu", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dimarts", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Miquel", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5999, + "example": "Mira'm si fan estudis de la son a l'Hospital de Bellvitge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "fan estudis de la son", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Bellvitge", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7931, + "example": "Altera el volum del bafle per posar-ho a tota bufa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4882, + "example": "La circulació per sortir de Toledo a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Toledo", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8301, + "example": "Digues: és veritat que farà bon temps pel 22 de maig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "bon temps", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "22 de maig", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4578, + "example": "És probable que estrenin \"El gato con botas\" avui a l'OCINE d'aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "El gato con botas", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "OCINE", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5071, + "example": "Com estan els preus de les accions de Bayer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Bayer", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6897, + "example": "Ens reservaries una taula per dues persones demà al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "dues", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7945, + "example": "El volum, voldria incrementar-lo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8953, + "example": "Agrana la terrassa amb el robot aspirador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "terrassa", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4171, + "example": "Em pots mostrar la recepta per fer sopa amb galets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sopa amb galets", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7364, + "example": "Marinadominguez@outlook.com és l'email de la Marina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marina", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "Marinadominguez@outlook.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5724, + "example": "Telefona'm el CUAP Horta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CUAP Horta", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1265, + "example": "Necessito aquest endoll intel·ligent desactivat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11921, + "example": "Això no està bé.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7390, + "example": "Podries respondre amb un email al meu avi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu avi", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3459, + "example": "Coneixes algun acudit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1900, + "example": "Suprimeixes l'alerta que tinc creada per dilluns al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1460, + "example": "Puja la claror del llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9847, + "example": "Em podries dir on se celebra Sant Jordi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "historical_event_detail", + "Text": "on se celebra", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "historical_event", + "Text": "Sant Jordi", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4891, + "example": "Ara hi ha molt de tràfic per circular per Sant Quirze del Vallès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "Ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Quirze del Vallès", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9702, + "example": "Em dones l'hora al fus horari dels Estats Units-Nou Pacífic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units-Nou Pacífic", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11346, + "example": "He de saber si avui les quatre tinc visita amb doctor Adell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Adell", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1188, + "example": "Apunta'm al calendari que he quedat amb en Joan el dimecres a la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7547, + "example": "Atenua el llum al mínim a la sala d'estar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala d'estar", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7822, + "example": "Aquesta bombeta, vull que l'apaguis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8848, + "example": "Busca si he d'anar a Vilanova el dimecres per comprar regals de Nadal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "comprar regals de Nadal", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8435, + "example": "Puc demanar amb Webel una ració de croquetes de pernil?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Webel", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "croquetes de pernil", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8943, + "example": "Passar la roomba per la cambra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cambra", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9241, + "example": "Demà de cinc a set estaré reunit amb la meva cap.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "set", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "estaré reunit", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva cap", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3224, + "example": "Després del tema que està sonant em toques l'\"Hospital del Mar\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "Després", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Hospital del Mar", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6184, + "example": "Digue'm com aconsegueixo el certificat COVID.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com aconsegueixo", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10776, + "example": "Vull saber si han entrat correus electrònics d'última hora a la meva safata d'entrada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "d'última hora", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1896, + "example": "Podries eliminar-me l'alerta que vaig programar per dilluns que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns que ve", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11072, + "example": "No recordo com arribar a casa del tiet, digue'm com ho he de fer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "tiet", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2474, + "example": "Seria possible anotar que tenim taller de cuina asiàtica en tres setmanes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "tenim taller de cuina asiàtica", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "en tres setmanes", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2065, + "example": "Demana qualsevol cosa al Mussol, que tinc moltíssima gana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Mussol", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6660, + "example": "Reserva taula al meu restaurant preferit per demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11762, + "example": "M'és totalment indiferent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2707, + "example": "Et desactives per un temps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2473, + "example": "Pots afegir \"portar el cotxe al mecànic\" en un mes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "portar el cotxe al mecànic", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "en un mes", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3690, + "example": "On es troba l'Everest?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "On es troba", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Everest", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10948, + "example": "Recordes si eren els antidepressius els que m'he de prendre a les deu de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antidepressius", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2709, + "example": "Mira, necessito que estiguis uns minuts sense dir cap paraula; si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minuts", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1914, + "example": "Pots treure l'alarma dels divendres a les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 653, + "example": "Digue'm com fer-ho per arribar al Centre Comercial Arenas.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Centre Comercial Arenas", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9353, + "example": "Vull reproduir el meu àlbum de música preferit, \"Viento de cara\", en bucle.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Viento de cara", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "bucle", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11796, + "example": "Para.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8129, + "example": "Com va això?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10294, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quina hora és.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6793, + "example": "M'agradaria que ens reservessis una taula per a quatre persones al restaurant Les Cols.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Les Cols", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6250, + "example": "El partit de la selecció catalana de bàsquet com va acabar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "selecció catalana de bàsquet", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6569, + "example": "Indicar que a les dues m'he de prendre l'antibiòtic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antibiòtic", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11969, + "example": "Em poses música de La senyora Tomasa a l'habitació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "La senyora Tomasa", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5334, + "example": "Com podria demanar una segona opinió mèdica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3311, + "example": "Em pots posar l'audiollibre \"La força d'un destí\" al dormitori gran?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "La força d'un destí", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori gran", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11238, + "example": "Què menjarem per esmorzar el dimecres vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "esmorzar", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres vinent", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10233, + "example": "Mostrar quin és el temps que fa ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10726, + "example": "Podries confirmar-me què tinc d'aquí a tres dies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "d'aquí a tres dies", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1751, + "example": "Pots esborrar-nos tots els esdeveniments que tenim al calendari personal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 516, + "example": "Podem jugar al \"Clash royale\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Clash royale", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4812, + "example": "Hauré d'agafar l'impermeable al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Hauré d'agafar l'impermeable", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4621, + "example": "Per aquí quines especieries hi ha?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "especieries", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4805, + "example": "Necessito saber si hauré d'agafar la roba d'abrigar demà a la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "hauré d'agafar la roba d'abrigar", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1150, + "example": "M'afegeixes al calendari \"torn a l'hort urbà\" tots els festius?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els festius", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "torn a l'hort urbà", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7314, + "example": "El correu electrònic del meu xicot és xurri@xurri.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu xicot", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "xurri@xurri.com", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11685, + "example": "Què estàs dient?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6557, + "example": "Recorda'm que prengui l'antibiòtic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antibiòtic", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8179, + "example": "Un bitllet pel tren que arriba a Santander a les dotze del migdia d'Esplugues de Llobregat, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Santander", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dotze del migdia", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Esplugues de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9977, + "example": "Em dius quines alertes tinc programades pel mes de febrer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes de febrer", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9777, + "example": "A quina hora passa el ferro que va cap a Palamós el dia 9 de febrer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferro", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Palamós", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "9 de febrer", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10102, + "example": "Digue'm les últimes notícies sobre esports.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "esports", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6137, + "example": "Quins dies obre la residència de gent gran d'Arenys de Mar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Quins dies obre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "residència de gent gran", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Arenys de Mar", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3310, + "example": "Pots seguir amb l'audiollibre \"Valeria\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Valeria", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11585, + "example": "Sí, és clar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 714, + "example": "Quin és l'índex demogràfic més alt que s'ha enregistrat mai a la Vall d'Aran?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin és l'índex demogràfic més alt que s'ha enregistrat mai ", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vall d'Aran", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10274, + "example": "Quina hora és a Ivercargill?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ivercargill", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11236, + "example": "Què tenim per sopar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4964, + "example": "Digues-me els horaris de tots els trens que surten avui de Camprodon.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Camprodon", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 156, + "example": "Apunta'm que he d'anar a la consulta del doctor Gutiérrez dijous vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Gutiérrez", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous vinent", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10966, + "example": "El Paracetamol me l'he de prendre a les tres, oi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Paracetamol", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2303, + "example": "Remetre a entrenienbicicleta@gmail.com un correu electrònic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "entrenienbicicleta@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2593, + "example": "Et faria res fer-nos un cafè curt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè curt", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7731, + "example": "M'afegeixes \"anar al zoo\" cada matí a Esplugues de Llobregat al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al zoo", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada matí", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Esplugues de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6530, + "example": "Notificar en llevar-me que m'he de prendre el Maxalt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "en llevar-me", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Maxalt", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7996, + "example": "Davalla el volum al 75%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2207, + "example": "Em pots sintonitzar la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5442, + "example": "Podries mostrar-li la meva ubicació a la Dolors?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Dolors", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7571, + "example": "Insereix \"La cançó d'Aquil·les\" al llistat de recomanacions de llibres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "La cançó d'Aquil·les", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de recomanacions de llibres", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10742, + "example": "Quins whatsapps de l'Emma m'han arribat fa poc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "han arribat fa poc", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "whatsapps", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Emma", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3553, + "example": "Ara mateix estem escoltant una cançó dels Catarres que detesto.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Catarres", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estem escoltant", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 665, + "example": "El diumenge he d'anar a buscar a la meva tieta a Castelldefels; és així?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a buscar a la meva tieta", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Castelldefels", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7703, + "example": "Podries posar al calendari que el 7 de març a les nou tinc el concert de Judas Priest a Madrid?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "7 de març", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "concert de Judas Priest", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Madrid", + "Start_char": 88, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 913, + "example": "Reduir el volum de l'altaveu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 702, + "example": "Quan es va descobrir Islàndia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Islàndia", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "es va descobrir", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7672, + "example": "Vaig a fer unes birres amb l'Esther el dissabte a la nit al Jerry's.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fer unes birres", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Esther", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Jerry's.", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11716, + "example": "No t'estic entenent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2980, + "example": "Vull sentir el meu pòdcast preferit: \"Paraula de mestra\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Paraula de mestra", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2672, + "example": "Em pots dir què conté el llistat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4541, + "example": "Quines pel·lícules d'estrena en versió original fan al Cinema Alhambra dilluns a les sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "estrena en versió original", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Cinema Alhambra", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1997, + "example": "Elimina la llista de pel·lícules.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de pel·lícules", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3044, + "example": "Em toques Justin Bieber?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Justin Bieber", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7129, + "example": "Vull obrir Netflix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Netflix", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4901, + "example": "Què hi ha bon trànsit a l'AP-2 avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "AP-2", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8204, + "example": "Voldria que adquirissis un tiquet senzill de ferrocarril per estar a les nou de la nit a Rubí des de Terrassa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "a les nou de la nit", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Rubí", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 93 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 101, + "End_char": 109 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1970, + "example": "M'elimines l'alerta que tinc programada de dilluns a dijous a les cinc de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la matinada", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2719, + "example": "Calles uns minutets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minutets", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 677, + "example": "Quina és la data de la cita d'anar a fer turisme a Bellaterra el mes que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Bellaterra", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fer turisme", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11396, + "example": "Em dius quin dia tinc el reumatòleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "reumatòleg", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3232, + "example": "Et faria res que escoltéssim \"Roto y elegante\" quan s'acabi això que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Roto y elegante", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5916, + "example": "M'agradaria conèixer si fan operacions ambulatòries a l'hospital de la Creu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "fan operacions ambulatòries", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital de la Creu", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9143, + "example": "Els dimecres vaig al cinema amb el meu germà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Els dimecres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu germà", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2552, + "example": "Podria prendre un cafè llarg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè llarg", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5384, + "example": "Necessito ajuda per anar a la Torre Agbar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Torre Agbar", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9565, + "example": "Mostra'm la recepta més senzilla per fer sípia amb mandonguilles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sípia amb mandonguilles", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10943, + "example": "Em podries mirar a quina hora m'he de punxar la insulina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "insulina", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 611, + "example": "Com arribo a la casa de la Queralt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Queralt", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7694, + "example": "Podries prendre nota al calendari del partit a Olot del mes vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partit", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Olot", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "del mes vinent", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 988, + "example": "Vull abaixar el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10503, + "example": "M'agradaria que em diguessis tots els cinemes del meu barri que siguin accessibles amb cadira de rodes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "cinemes", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "accessibles amb cadira de rodes", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 102 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "del meu barri", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7505, + "example": "Posa l'alarma per les cinc i deu del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc i deu del matí", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1831, + "example": "Per dijous de la setmana que ve ens elimines de l'agenda la cita amb el perruquer del gos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "perruquer del gos", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 647, + "example": "Quins trens van de Sabadell a Cadaqués?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cadaqués", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6558, + "example": "Vull que em recordis que prengui la medicació per la tensió.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació per la tensió", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10917, + "example": "L'ansiolític em toca a les deu de la nit o m'equivoco?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "ansiolític", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3996, + "example": "Busca com està el won sud-coreà vers el yen.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "yen", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "won sud-coreà", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2731, + "example": "Podries guardar silenci una estona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estona", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1081, + "example": "Pots activar-me el robot aspirador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8736, + "example": "A l'habitació petita ens podries engegar l'endoll?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació petita", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8644, + "example": "Vull esborrar la celebració de la setmana que ve del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6849, + "example": "Pot ser una taula per cinc, diumenge, a un quart de dues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart de dues", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6351, + "example": "Digue'm quan he de renovar la targeta Cuida'm.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan he de renovar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3494, + "example": "Em fas el favor de dir-me un acudit que tracti de dofins?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "dofins", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 713, + "example": "Quin és el continent més petit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin és", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "continent més petit", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9515, + "example": "Necessito que reprodueixis la cinquena cançó de la llista que s'anomena \"no t'adormis al volant\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "cinquena", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "no t'adormis al volant", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4392, + "example": "Digues l'hora de Calafell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Calafell", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6643, + "example": "Necessito que em facis saber que em toca la pastilla a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7652, + "example": "Just després de la classe de ioga tinc un berenar a Rasquera amb l'Enric.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de ioga", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "berenar", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Enric", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Rasquera", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9269, + "example": "Recorda que he quedat amb el Joan demà passat a dos quarts de sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedat", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de sis", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9445, + "example": "Reprodueix un pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9154, + "example": "Posa a l'estat de Facebook que \"vaig estar a l'últim concert d'Antònia Font\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "vaig estar a l'últim concert d'Antònia Font", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Posa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10369, + "example": "Ensenya'm la tonada que està reproduint-se ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està reproduint-se ara", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2049, + "example": "Demana'm uns tacos del Tamarindo per sopar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "tacos", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Tamarindo", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5349, + "example": "Com arribo al cinema amb autobús?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobús", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10680, + "example": "Mostrar quins concerts hi haurà a l'Hospitalet de Llobregat durant el cap de setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concerts", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Hospitalet de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "durant el cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11020, + "example": "Explica'm la ruta per arribar a casa de la Marina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marina", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1498, + "example": "Posa de nou \"Pa amb oli i sal\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Posa de nou", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Pa amb oli i sal", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5857, + "example": "Podries fer un truc al 061?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "061", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3612, + "example": "\"Cada cop\" és la meva cançó preferida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Cada cop", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11137, + "example": "Què soparem el dia 25?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "soparem", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "25", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5598, + "example": "Truca ja als meus avis, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "als meus avis", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11297, + "example": "Quan he d'anar al metge aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9650, + "example": "Quant de temps els falta als nostres bunyols de bacallà del Can Cargol per estar llestos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bunyols de bacallà", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Can Cargol", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 813, + "example": "Dir-me les llistes que tinc aquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9142, + "example": "Tots els dimarts a la tarda pots afegir a la meva agenda personal \"preparar les carmanyoles\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Tots els dimarts", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "preparar les carmanyoles", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1358, + "example": "M'apuges un pèl la potència de la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9018, + "example": "En quin dia cau Sant Bartomeu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Sant Bartomeu", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7186, + "example": "Dona'm les indicacions per anar a la llibreria Laie.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "llibreria Laie", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3899, + "example": "Vull saber quant fan onze dividit entre seixanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "onze dividit entre seixanta", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6321, + "example": "Dona'm el resultat de l'últim partit del Madrid.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "últim partit", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Madrid", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7575, + "example": "Afegeix-me cireres al llistat de coses per comprar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "cireres", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de coses per comprar", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4820, + "example": "Digue'm si necessitaré l'abric demà a la tarda a les set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "necessitaré l'abric", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7808, + "example": "Vull tancar el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9148, + "example": "Cada dijous m'apuntes que tinc classe de jazz al centre cívic a les vuit del vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Cada dijous", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de jazz", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "centre cívic", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 896, + "example": "Em pots dir les notícies d'ahir sobre l'augment del preu de la llum que es trobin al diari \"El Punt Avui\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "augment del preu de la llum", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "El Punt Avui", + "Start_char": 92, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5733, + "example": "Posar-me a l'escola Maristes Sants al telèfon.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola Maristes Sants", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7233, + "example": "L'aplicació Carnet Jove, vull que la treguis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Carnet Jove", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 590, + "example": "M'agradaria molt fer una partida al \"Super hot\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Super hot", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4237, + "example": "Què xerren a les xarxes socials?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11672, + "example": "No t'estic seguint.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4424, + "example": "On es podrà veure la pel·lícula \"Barcelona nit d'estiu\" el dilluns a Figueres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Barcelona nit d'estiu", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7736, + "example": "Vull que posis a l'agenda que vaig a Mollerussa amb el meu tiet per una conferència.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Mollerussa", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu tiet", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferència", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1805, + "example": "Vull suprimir la reunió d'aquí a una hora de l'agenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquí a una hora", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7458, + "example": "Què és el que conté el menjar blanc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "menjar blanc", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 273, + "example": "Digue'm els trens que van cap a Madrid el dia 28 de març.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Madrid", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "28 de març", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1598, + "example": "Vull modificar el color de la llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3782, + "example": "De què estan fets els pets de monja?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pets de monja", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8327, + "example": "El correu de l'Artur que es diu \"comiat\", respon-lo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Artur", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "comiat", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6884, + "example": "Necessito una reserva per avui al migdia al Kyoto Ramen, que hi aniré amb el Marc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Kyoto Ramen", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4017, + "example": "Digues-me quant són tres dòlars australians en pesos argentins.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "tres dòlars australians", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "pesos argentins", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5328, + "example": "Com trobo el CAP que em pertany per zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Com trobo", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4748, + "example": "Al Ramen Dou et porten a casa el sopar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Ramen Dou", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "porten a casa el sopar", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9644, + "example": "Digues què passa amb el confit d'ànec que he encomanat per emportar al restaurant El Meu Poble.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "confit d'ànec", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "El Meu Poble", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6682, + "example": "Guarda'm una taula per a l'Oriol i per a mi el dia 12.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "12", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Oriol", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1588, + "example": "Podries canviar la bombeta al marró?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "marró", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6503, + "example": "Quin cine diries que ofereix la cartellera més àmplia: Cinemes Girona o Cinema Balmes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cinemes Girona", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cinema Balmes", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin cine diries que ofereix la cartellera més àmplia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4547, + "example": "On projecten \"Detectiu Conan: la núvia de Halloween\" dimarts vinent a Barberà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Detectiu Conan: la núvia de Halloween", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barberà", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5689, + "example": "M'agradaria que telefonessis al CAP de Montgat per concertar una cita.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montgat", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7011, + "example": "Reproduiries la primera pel·lícula de Juan Antonio Bayona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "primera pel·lícula", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Juan Antonio Bayona", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 519, + "example": "Inicia una partida del \"Pet rescue\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Pet rescue", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3393, + "example": "Em pots dir la descripció de la pedra preciosa més famosa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "descripció", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "pedra preciosa més famosa", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1497, + "example": "Comença per la tercera cançó de la llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "tercera", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2555, + "example": "És possible que em preparis un cafè?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4504, + "example": "El dilluns a Palafrugell es projecta alguna pel·lícula d'animació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "animació", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 319, + "example": "Ho pots dir una altra vegada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5436, + "example": "Ensenya a la meva mare on soc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10447, + "example": "Em podries enumerar quines són les llistes que tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 952, + "example": "Afluixa-li una mica el volum a la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9487, + "example": "Podries fer sonar la cançó \"Sinmigo\", m'agrada moltíssim?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Sinmigo", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'agrada moltíssim", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5629, + "example": "Pots fer un truc a l'Antoni La Cruz?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Antoni La Cruz", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9910, + "example": "Em pots dir qui és el millor amic de l'Imma Clopés?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "qui és el millor amic", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Imma Clopés", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10949, + "example": "Recordes si era a les deu del matí quan m'he de prendre un paracetamol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "paracetamol", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10476, + "example": "Dir-me els supermercats més assequibles de Bellvitge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "supermercats", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Bellvitge", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "més assequibles", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9275, + "example": "Et saps algun acudit on apareguin animals?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "animals", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3407, + "example": "El mot monyica què significa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "monyica", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2456, + "example": "Podries fer-me el favor de trucar a un taxi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5520, + "example": "Posa'm en contacte amb el Xavier al número 93074600.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "93074600", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Xavier", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8201, + "example": "Em pots demanar un seient al tren que arriba a les vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2208, + "example": "Pots encendre la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 217, + "example": "Creus que hi ha extraterrestres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 393, + "example": "Quants viatges va fer la Taylor Swift en jet privat el 2022?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Quants viatges va fer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "en jet privat el 2022", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Taylor Swift", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4956, + "example": "Quin horari de sortida té el tren cap a Vic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7298, + "example": "Guarda a l'agenda de contactes que l'adreça de correu electrònic d'en Nil és nil.agusti@yahoo.es.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nil", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "nil.agusti@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3383, + "example": "Tinc una reunió amb el meu cap el dijous vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu cap", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous vinent", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5311, + "example": "Vull modificar les meves dades personals, com ho faig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3630, + "example": "\"Far over the Misty Mountains cold\" és la cançó que més m'agrada del món.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Far over the Misty Mountains cold", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11900, + "example": "Això està malament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11671, + "example": "No sé què m'estàs dient.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11197, + "example": "El dinar de divendres té com a ingredient botifarra d'arròs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "botifarra d'arròs", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2764, + "example": "Podries no parlar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2158, + "example": "M'actives els llums del despatx?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8462, + "example": "Truca un Blacklane de dues a set per anar a Vilafranca demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Blacklane", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vilafranca", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dues a set", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4490, + "example": "A quin cinema fan \"Pa negre\" el dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Pa negre", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4064, + "example": "Podries posar-me a la pantalla el telèfon de casa de la Laia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon de casa", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1106, + "example": "La roomba, la podries activar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5839, + "example": "Vull que telefonis a l'ambulància; algú s'ha desmaiat al carrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulància", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "algú s'ha desmaiat", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2269, + "example": "Vull enviar a la Paula un correu que es digui \"ja arriben les rebaixes\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Paula", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "ja arriben les rebaixes", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2405, + "example": "Em reserves per aquesta nit a les onze un Uber que ens vingui a buscar a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2377, + "example": "Busca un bitllet pel tren cap a Granera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Granera", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7216, + "example": "Treu l'aplicació Twitter de la pantalla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7384, + "example": "Vull enviar un missatge de correu electrònic adreçat al meu cosí David.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu cosí David", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2259, + "example": "Pots enviar un correu electrònic explicant-li a l'Enric que \"demà surten a la venda les entrades pel darrer concert del Harry Styles\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Enric", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "demà surten a la venda les entrades pel darrer concert del Harry Styles", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 132 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9404, + "example": "Ens poses una mica de blues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "blues", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 532, + "example": "Obres el joc \"PUBG\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "PUBG", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11033, + "example": "Ens podries indicar com ho fem per anar al pis del meu fill?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu fill", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "pis", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1895, + "example": "Treu l'alerta que tinc programada de dilluns a divendres a les tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10302, + "example": "Em sabries dir l'hora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9787, + "example": "L'horari del tren d'aquest matí a partir de les nou que va cap a la Universitat Autònoma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Universitat Autònoma", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4627, + "example": "Quines botigues d'electrodomèstics hi ha a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues d'electrodomèstics", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1712, + "example": "Si al fus horari dels Estats Units/Hawaii són les dues, quina hora és al fus horari dels Estats Units/Hawaii?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units/Hawaii", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 108 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units/Hawaii", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5714, + "example": "M'agradaria que fessis un truc a l'Hospital de Sant Pau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Sant Pau", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9904, + "example": "Quin és el grup preferit del Freddie Mercury?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Quin és el grup preferit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Freddie Mercury", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1153, + "example": "Posar a l'agenda que estic reunida amb els meus amics aquesta nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "estic reunida", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "els meus amics", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3861, + "example": "Què puc preparar amb tomàquet blau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "tomàquet blau", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3638, + "example": "El viatge de tren de tornada ha sigut més llarg que un dia sense pa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2258, + "example": "Et faria res fer arribar al Nil un mail per explicar-li que \"falten voluntaris pel sopar de germanor\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nil", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "falten voluntaris pel sopar de germanor", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2771, + "example": "Podries callar durant un temps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "un temps", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2946, + "example": "Podries anotar a l'agenda que tinc una junta amb la Tilda Nebot dijous entre les dotze i les dues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Tilda Nebot", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3945, + "example": "Què fan cent vint més dinou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "cent vint més dinou", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11818, + "example": "Et detens una micona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2743, + "example": "Que callis d'una vegada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7456, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quins plats puc cuinar amb formatge de cabra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "formatge de cabra", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7090, + "example": "Activar l'aplicació Adeslas Salut i Benestar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Adeslas Salut i Benestar", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6725, + "example": "Voldria reservar una taula a les nou del vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del vespre", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7134, + "example": "T'ordeno que engeguis Netflix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Netflix", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4354, + "example": "Podries confirmar-me què passa a prop de la meva àrea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop de la meva àrea", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11663, + "example": "M'ho pots clarificar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 329, + "example": "Em pots repetir el que has dit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7334, + "example": "Crea una nova entrada al meu directori de correus per la meva germana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5628, + "example": "Truca a l'Emma Watson.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Emma Watson", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6265, + "example": "Voldria saber com ha quedat la Champions.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2636, + "example": "Em poses \"és una vergonya que això continuï passant\" a l'última publicació del Miquel Palehí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "poses", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "és una vergonya que això continuï passant", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Miquel Palehí", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 92 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "última publicació", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6568, + "example": "Recorda'm cada sis hores que em toca prendre el medicament de la capsa blava.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "capsa blava", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3152, + "example": "A la sala podries sintonitzar \"Al teatre amb Rosa Badia\" de \"Ser Catalunya\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Al teatre amb Rosa Badia", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Ser Catalunya", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2299, + "example": "I si fas arribar un e-mail a l'adreça plurienganxats33@hotmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "plurienganxats33@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6341, + "example": "La targeta Braille la necessito per demanar una cita mèdica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "necessito per demanar una cita mèdica", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7385, + "example": "M'agradaria enviar un correu als meus pares.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ls meus pares", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4173, + "example": "Busca'm la recepta del trinxat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "trinxat", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3955, + "example": "Què dona sumar dos-cents vint i quaranta-dos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "sumar dos-cents vint i quaranta-dos", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7620, + "example": "Afegeix un element a la meva llista anomenada \"compra\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "compra", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9032, + "example": "Seria possible apuntar que tinc planejada una cita amb la Tilda Belloch aquest divendres al migdia per organitzar l'aniversari de la Paula?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "organitzar l'aniversari de la Paula", + "Start_char": 103, + "End_char": 138 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Tilda Belloch", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11604, + "example": "I tant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3506, + "example": "Digues-me quelcom graciós.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 35, + "example": "Apunta que dilluns a les 9 em toca l'analítica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 9", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "test", + "Text": "analítica", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8137, + "example": "Necessito adquirir un bitllet pel tren de llarga distància que surt de l'Ametlla de Mar a les sis de la tarda demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren de llarga distància", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ametlla de Mar", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 87 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 109 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 110, + "End_char": 114 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 284, + "example": "Demà hi haurà ferrocarrils que vagin fins a Canet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarrils", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Canet", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2382, + "example": "Pots reservar-m'hi un lloc al tren que va de Reus a Terrassa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Reus", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5135, + "example": "Em dius de quin disc és aquesta peça que escolto?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin disc és", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "escolto", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1407, + "example": "No vull el volum de la música tan suau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4495, + "example": "Digues quines pel·lícules biogràfiques projecten als Cinemes Girona el divendres de sis a vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "biogràfiques", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinemes Girona", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 87 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "vuit", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6172, + "example": "Mira'm quins serveis ofereix l'escola bressol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola bressol", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6164, + "example": "Podries investigar quina és la direcció de la biblioteca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "direcció", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8325, + "example": "Et faria res respondre l'e-mail que em va enviar la Jana ahir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jana", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5335, + "example": "Com puc sol·licitar un duplicat del carnet de donant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carnet de donant", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com puc sol·licitar un duplicat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1146, + "example": "Afegeix al meu calendari que aquest cap de setmana tinc un congrés.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "congrés", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8616, + "example": "I si em treus de la meva agenda personal la classe d'alemany de dimarts i dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe d'alemany", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2777, + "example": "No vull que facis cap soroll.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1253, + "example": "Els llums de la terrassa me'ls podries desconnectar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "terrassa", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 447, + "example": "M'agrada el que sento.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4265, + "example": "Digue'm quin dia és avui a Singapur.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Singapur", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4083, + "example": "Em podries dir quin és l'email de mon pare?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon pare", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4268, + "example": "Ensenya'm avui quin dia és.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8217, + "example": "Vull anar a Platja d'Aro; em busques un lloc al tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Platja d'Aro", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7428, + "example": "Fer arribar un missatge de text al meu marit que tingui per contingut \"al concessionari han dit que tenen nous cotxes per poder llogar; haurem d'anar a donar-hi un cop d'ull\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "text", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu marit", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "al concessionari han dit que tenen nous cotxes per poder llogar; haurem d'anar a donar-hi un cop d'ull", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 173 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 296, + "example": "Quin ferrocarril passa ara per Sarrià?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sarrià", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2092, + "example": "Engegaries els leds?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1138, + "example": "M'afegiries un ítem nou a una de les meves llistes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "ítem nou", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3701, + "example": "Fa boira en aquest instant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "boira", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquest instant", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9932, + "example": "Ensenya si hi ha alarmes actives.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2516, + "example": "El 12 de gener posa'm un sopar amb els meus pares.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "12 de gener", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "els meus pares", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11951, + "example": "No és ben bé això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 509, + "example": "Ho has fet superbé.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8031, + "example": "Fer-me una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6960, + "example": "Podries posar-nos \"Les noves aventures de Gulliver\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Les noves aventures de Gulliver", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 138, + "example": "Metge de capçalera dijous a tres quarts de dues: anota-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "Metge de capçalera", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de dues", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8181, + "example": "Em podries reservar un bitllet pel tren de les tres de la tarda d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11995, + "example": "Seria possible que posessis el pòdcast \"Mossega la poma\" a l'estudi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Mossega la poma", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3218, + "example": "Ens podries tocar el tema \"Deja que me lance\" després d'aquest que estic sentint ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Deja que me lance", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9162, + "example": "Les fotos amb la Maria, penja-les a l'estat de Whatsapp.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "fotos amb la Maria", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "penja-les", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1909, + "example": "Pots treure'ns l'alerta que vam posar per dilluns a mig matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "mig matí", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8538, + "example": "Que em pots demanar un Bolt per anar a l'oficina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Bolt", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6056, + "example": "Em podries donar el telèfon de la biblioteca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1287, + "example": "Podries aturar els endolls del dormitori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3914, + "example": "Digues-me el cinquanta-sis per cent de quatre-cents dos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "cinquanta-sis per cent de quatre-cents dos", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7759, + "example": "Vull els meus endolls apagats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9259, + "example": "Fes-me un advertiment el dia 10 de novembre per una festa d'aniversari que tinc a les cinc de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "10 de novembre", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "festa d'aniversari", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1812, + "example": "Podries treure de la meva agenda personal la classe de contemporani de dijous al matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de contemporani", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10866, + "example": "Podries dir-me a quina hora em toca posar-me el col·liri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "col·liri", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8497, + "example": "Sol·licita un Blacklane per demà de tres quarts de sis de la tarda a onze de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Blacklane", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de sis de la tarda a onze de la nit", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10401, + "example": "Per què no em dius les cançons que més m'agraden?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "cançons que més m'agraden", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9695, + "example": "Aclareix-me quina hora tenen a la zona horària Europa/Luxemburg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "zona horària Europa/Luxemburg", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11319, + "example": "Quan és la meva propera visita a la Vall d'Hebron?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Vall d'Hebron", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6956, + "example": "Necessito que enviïs la meva localització durant sis hores al meu germà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "sis hores", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu germà", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8177, + "example": "Voldria que m'obtinguessis un seient al Rodalies que arriba dimarts a les deu i mitja de la nit al Torelló.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les deu i mitja de la nit", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Torelló", + "Start_char": 99, + "End_char": 106 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4797, + "example": "Hi haurà sol a Figueres durant aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "sol", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8191, + "example": "Em reserves un bitllet pel tren d'aquest matí amb sortida a Olesa de Montserrat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Olesa de Montserrat", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10944, + "example": "Quina pastilla m'he de prendre a les nou del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7986, + "example": "Minva el to un xic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9406, + "example": "Voldria reproduir música indie pop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "indie pop", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11173, + "example": "Em podries mostrar què porta el peix del sopar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "peix", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7641, + "example": "Necessito afegir pinzell fi a una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "pinzell fi", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11566, + "example": "Sí, afirmo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4387, + "example": "L'hora de Nova Delhi me la dius?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Nova Delhi", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7890, + "example": "Substitueix el color dels llums pel blau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "blau", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9939, + "example": "Em comprovaries les alertes que hi ha per dimecres que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres que ve", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11390, + "example": "Quin dia tenia visita amb el doctor Lluc Comas?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Lluc Comas", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5368, + "example": "Necessito arribar al Parc Güell en metro.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Parc Güell", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "metro", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8902, + "example": "Ensenyar quin és el número del Guillem.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5302, + "example": "De quina manera inicio una consulta virtual amb el meu metge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "inicio una consulta virtual amb el meu metge", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4373, + "example": "Mostra'm quines festes hi ha a la meva zona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festes", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 784, + "example": "Què vol dir el substantiu rampell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "rampell", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11411, + "example": "Mira'm si la visita amb la doctora Subirats és dimecres 28 a dos quarts de deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Subirats", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres 28", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de deu", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6411, + "example": "Quan caduca la TSE?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quan caduca", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSE", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9891, + "example": "Deu menys vuitanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Deu menys vuitanta", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5478, + "example": "Mostra la direcció on em trobo al tiet fins que arribi al gimnàs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "tiet", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "gimnàs", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9944, + "example": "Alguna alerta està programada per dilluns a les cinc i mitja?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc i mitja", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11882, + "example": "Això no pot ser possible.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9361, + "example": "M'agradaria si em pots reproduir un tema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2205, + "example": "Em pots connectar la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 352, + "example": "Vull que ho diguis una altra vegada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1039, + "example": "El llum, podries temperar-la?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10588, + "example": "Saps si fan algun acte a prop de Sants?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sants", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "acte", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10144, + "example": "Pots comprovar si la Mònica ha publicat una foto a TikTok en aquest instant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mònica", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6808, + "example": "Fes una reserva a un restaurant de cuina tradicional al vespre, a les set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "cuina tradicional", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "vespre", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set.", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8378, + "example": "Podries encomanar un arròs tres delícies al restaurant xinès Gran Siglo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs tres delícies", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Gran Siglo", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1965, + "example": "Em suprimeixes l'alerta que tinc programada per les tres de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la matinada", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8371, + "example": "Es pot fer una comanda per Glovo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Glovo", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2809, + "example": "Escriure a Twitter el text \"gairebé he hagut de vendre un ronyó per pagar un ordinador de sobretaula que s'ha encarit més de sis-cents € en dos mesos per com s'ha inflat de forma desmesurada el preu de les targetes gràfiques\", mencionant l'atenció al consumidor d'HP.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Escriure", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "gairebé he hagut de vendre un ronyó per pagar un ordinador de sobretaula que s'ha encarit més de sis-cents € en dos mesos per com s'ha inflat de forma desmesurada el preu de les targetes gràfiques", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 224 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "mencionant l'atenció al consumidor d'HP", + "Start_char": 227, + "End_char": 266 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5776, + "example": "Truca a l'oficina de correus de la plaça Corsini.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina de correus", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "plaça Corsini", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10671, + "example": "Em mostres quins festivals hi haurà a Batea demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festivals", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Batea", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7146, + "example": "M'expliques el trajecte que he de fer per arribar a l'Amat Verdú?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Amat Verdú", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11837, + "example": "Apaga't durant unes hores, va.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4878, + "example": "Com està la circulació per sortir de Granollers?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Granollers", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9019, + "example": "El 8 de gener en quin dia va caure?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "8 de gener", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 270, + "example": "Vull anar a Savallà del Comtat amb autocar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Savallà del Comtat", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autocar", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2629, + "example": "Pots repiular la recepta dels panellets inclusius de l'Ada Parellada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "repiular", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "recepta dels panellets inclusius de l'Ada Parellada", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2013, + "example": "Em pots encomanar una hamburguesa vegetal a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hamburguesa vegetal", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5426, + "example": "Voldria saber com faig per anar al carrer Victòria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer Victòria", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6522, + "example": "Necessito que m'avisis que a les dues em toca prendre un comprimit de Couldina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Couldina", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11860, + "example": "T'importaria desactivar-te una estona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6762, + "example": "M'agradaria que reservessis taula per anar a dinar amb la Sílvia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8172, + "example": "Haig de viatjar des de Girona fins a Calafell, em compres un bitllet del tren de les nou de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Calafell", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou de la nit", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5356, + "example": "Com puc arribar a Valls amb tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7050, + "example": "Torna'm a reproduir \"Les de l'hoquei\" a Netflix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Les de l'hoquei", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Netflix", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9836, + "example": "Busca què vol dir festuc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "festuc", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11669, + "example": "No ho acabo d'entendre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9530, + "example": "Posa el meu àlbum \"Febrer\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Febrer", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3260, + "example": "Em pots continuar reproduint a l'estudi l'audiollibre \"Ca la Wengling\" de Gemma Ruiz?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Ca la Wengling", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Gemma Ruiz", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6772, + "example": "Voldríem fer una reserva a un restaurant italià per divendres al vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "italià", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11281, + "example": "Comprova si dijous tinc hora amb la traumatòloga Armengol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "traumatòloga Armengol", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10673, + "example": "Comprova si dijous al matí fan la castanyada a l'Ajuntament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "castanyada", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11859, + "example": "T'importaria aturar-te una estona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 607, + "example": "M'expliques quins trens van de Sant Cugat del Vallès a Llagostera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Cugat del Vallès", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Llagostera", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8709, + "example": "Esborrar la llista que es diu noms d'alarma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "noms d'alarma", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1322, + "example": "Augmenta una miqueta la potència de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9974, + "example": "Hi ha alguna alarma per les sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11103, + "example": "Defineix-me el concepte poca-solte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "poca-solte", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10391, + "example": "Quines cançons m'agraden de Sabaton?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Sabaton", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quines cançons m'agraden", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2643, + "example": "Escriure a Twitter \"m'he adormit amb l'última carrera de Fórmula 1… que trist\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Escriure", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "m'he adormit amb l'última carrera de Fórmula 1… que trist", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4773, + "example": "Com estarà el temps al Prat del Llobregat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Prat del Llobregat", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1029, + "example": "Posa'm menys llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8487, + "example": "Vull un VTC per demà de tres a quatre per anar a l'aeroport del Prat", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "aeroport del Prat", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres a quatre", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7517, + "example": "Demà passat a les deu em pots posar una alarma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà passat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9182, + "example": "Preparar un cafè amb llet desnatada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè amb llet desnatada", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11989, + "example": "Podries reproduir-me el següent episodi de \"Gent de merda\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Gent de merda", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10429, + "example": "\"Volcans\" és una cançó que em mola?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Volcans", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "és una cançó que em mola", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6251, + "example": "L'amistós del Gimnàstic contra el Girona com va?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "amistós", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Gimnàstic", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4498, + "example": "On es pot veure la pel·lícula \"La gran aventura suïssa\" dimecres que ve entre les onze i les quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "La gran aventura suïssa", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 99 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7026, + "example": "Obre al reproductor la pel·lícula \"Pa negre\" una altra vegada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Pa negre", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3147, + "example": "Ens podries posar música electrònica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7644, + "example": "Escriu un ítem de \"trencaclosques per la Jana\" a una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "trencaclosques per la Jana", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2445, + "example": "Agafa un taxi per demà a les deu del matí que vull viatjar a Blanes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Blanes", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7477, + "example": "Demà podries configurar-me una alerta per les set del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set del matí", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11517, + "example": "Fer una trucada al Pere perquè estic perduda pel bosc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "estic perduda pel bosc", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4690, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis si tinc SMS recents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "SMS", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recents", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10604, + "example": "Ensenya'm quines exposicions s'inauguren al Museu del Ferrocarril aquest cap de setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "exposicions", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Museu del Ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9168, + "example": "Posa \"em caso al novembre\" i emoji de cara somrient a l'estat de Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Posa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "em caso al novembre", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "emoji de cara somrient", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 421, + "example": "Estic conforme.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6142, + "example": "Quin horari fan a l'estació de tren de Canet de Mar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "estació de tren", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Canet de Mar", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5554, + "example": "Truca als meus avis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "als meus avis", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7770, + "example": "Pots apagar-me el llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1449, + "example": "Podríem tenir més llum a les golfes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8477, + "example": "Sol·licitar un Lyft per anar a Montjuïc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft ", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Montjuïc", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10653, + "example": "Hi ha espectacles al meu entorn?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu entorn", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7841, + "example": "Fica més fort el llum de l'estudi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3599, + "example": "No hi ha res millor que el dembow.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "dembow", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5528, + "example": "Vull parlar per telèfon amb la Jana, pots fer-ho?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jana", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11009, + "example": "No recordo quan m'he de prendre l'ansiolític, m'ho pots dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "ansiolític", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11438, + "example": "Guardar nil_agusti@yahoo.es com l'email del nebot d'en Joanic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "nil_agusti@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "nebot", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joanic", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8932, + "example": "Què hi posa al contacte del Joan Fuster?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan Fuster", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11863, + "example": "Pots blocar-te una micona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11522, + "example": "Trucar al 112; estic ferit a la muntanya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "112", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "estic ferit a la muntanya", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6494, + "example": "La Granja Petitbo ofereix millor servei a domicili que el Racó del Cafè?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Granja Petitbo", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Racó del Cafè", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "ofereix millor servei a domicili", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7120, + "example": "Activa HBO Max.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "HBO Max", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4631, + "example": "Saps si hi ha alguna ferreteria a la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "ferreteria", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7719, + "example": "Afegeix al calendari que tinc una assemblea dimarts de les quatre a les cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assemblea", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2482, + "example": "Organitzar un acte demà passat a un quart de vuit amb l'avi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "acte", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart de vuit", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "avi", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10924, + "example": "Podries mirar quin era el medicament que toca a les sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11267, + "example": "Pots dir-me si surt alguna cosa nova sobre el Projecte AINA?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Projecte AINA", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10243, + "example": "Informa'm del temps actual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "actual", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 202, + "example": "Posa al calendari la visita del dia 16.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "16", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2214, + "example": "Podries posar en marxa la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2657, + "example": "Pots repiular el darrer missatge de Lady Grantham amb el text \"endavant les atxes\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "repiular el darrer missatge de Lady Grantham", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "endavant les atxes", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5757, + "example": "Voldria que fessis una trucada als cines Verdi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "cines Verdi", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1885, + "example": "Esborra la reunió que tinc amb el Ricard fins a l'hora de dinar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ricard", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "hora de dinar", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4732, + "example": "Em dius si em pot portar el menjar a casa el meu l'Atmetller Origen preferit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "portar el menjar a casa", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Atmetller Origen", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 773, + "example": "Quin era el nom del concepte de sentir que tothom t'està observant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "concepte", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "sentir que tothom t'està observant", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8016, + "example": "Crea'm una llista nova.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6773, + "example": "Reservar taula dimarts a les dues al tailandès per a dues persones.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "tailandès", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "dues", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1490, + "example": "Podries repetir la melodia anterior que deia \"Oh Jenifer em tunejaré el cotxe per tu\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "repetir", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10888, + "example": "Quins medicaments inclou el meu pla de medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "pla de medicació", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quins medicaments inclou", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5149, + "example": "Qui és el creador del tema que estic escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Qui és el creador", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10661, + "example": "L'espectacle que fan a la meva zona aquesta setmana és a dos quarts de vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "dos quarts de vuit", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4985, + "example": "Quan podria agafar el tren que finalitza a Cunit avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cunit", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6219, + "example": "Qui em pot fer el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Qui em pot fer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3076, + "example": "Ens posaries heavy metal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "heavy metal", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1786, + "example": "Em treus la crema catalana del llistat de postres pel concurs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "crema catalana", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de postres pel concurs", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5720, + "example": "Telefona a la consulta de la meva infermera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "infermera", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8996, + "example": "Amb qui va ser l'assemblea que vaig tenir dilluns a les set de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assemblea", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10379, + "example": "Mostra'm la cançó que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3415, + "example": "Defineix-nos setrill.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "setrill", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11030, + "example": "Anar a casa de la Sílvia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10410, + "example": "Llegeix el títol els temes que em flipen de música electrònica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "música electrònica", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "temes que em flipen", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6517, + "example": "A les quinze recorda'm que m'he de prendre una tauleta de Maxalt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quinze", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Maxalt", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10528, + "example": "Em saps dir si hi ha especieries per la meva zona que tinguin productes àrabs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "especieries", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "tinguin productes àrabs", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3425, + "example": "M'agradaria saber què significa estola.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "estola", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7507, + "example": "Lleva'm a dos quarts i mig de sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts i mig de sis", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 852, + "example": "Em podries mostrar les notícies de política més recents del \"Periódico\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "política", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Periódico", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11025, + "example": "Pots recordar-me com anar a casa del meu germà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu germà", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5903, + "example": "Vull saber a quina hora obren el CAP del Pont de Suert.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quina hora obren", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Pont de Suert", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1161, + "example": "Sortir a comprar pomes tots els dimarts, guarda-ho al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Sortir a comprar pomes", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dimarts", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3717, + "example": "Mira'm a veure quin és el nivell d'humitat actual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "nivell d'humitat", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9191, + "example": "Em vindria de gust un cafè americà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè americà", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10458, + "example": "Em pots dir quants llistats hi ha?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4311, + "example": "Estarà ennuvolat durant aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "ennuvolat", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11069, + "example": "Si us plau, digues quin era el trajecte més ràpid per arribar a casa del Pol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pol", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1301, + "example": "El meu endoll el podries tancar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7204, + "example": "Tancar l'aplicatiu Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5180, + "example": "Quina reunió tinc apuntada aquest dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dijous", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4383, + "example": "Quina és l'hora a Figueres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2379, + "example": "Agafa'm un lloc al tren que va de Tortellà a Pals.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tortellà", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Pals", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3813, + "example": "En quins plats puc fer servir mantega?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "mantega", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10421, + "example": "Saps quines són les melodies de Manel que em tornen boja?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Manel", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "em tornen boja", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10996, + "example": "El xarop de les onze quants dies me l'he de prendre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4893, + "example": "Com es troba el tràfic en aquest moment per sortir d'Alcarràs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Alcarràs", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2505, + "example": "M'apuntes a la meva agenda \"assaig amb la coral\" d'aquí a vuit mesos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assaig amb la coral", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquí a vuit mesos", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2575, + "example": "Pots preparar un cafè curt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè curt", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10202, + "example": "Saber quin temps hi ha en aquest moment aquí a la vila.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "vila", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11773, + "example": "M'importa un pebrot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6598, + "example": "Recorda'm que em posi el col·liri a les tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "col·liri", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7991, + "example": "Minimitza el volum a 10%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6278, + "example": "Coneixes el resultat del partit de la Champions contra el Bayern?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "partit de la Champions", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Bayern", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4604, + "example": "Coneixes si hi ha alguna llibreria al meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "llibreria", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu voltant", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 151, + "example": "Guarda que divendres vaig al dermatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dermatòleg", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8826, + "example": "Comprova quan està apuntat el pla de visitar el CosmoCaixa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visitar el CosmoCaixa", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 55, + "example": "Podries desar que he d'anar al dermatòleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dermatòleg", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1578, + "example": "Em canvies al color turquesa els llums del menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "turquesa", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3104, + "example": "Ens reprodueixes un tema de la llista \"màxima concentració\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "màxima concentració", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2191, + "example": "Mira, em posaràs la ràdio ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7558, + "example": "Minva el llum led de l'estudi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10951, + "example": "Cada quant em prenia la pastilla del ronyó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla del ronyó", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2150, + "example": "M'engegues l'ull de bou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5038, + "example": "Saps el valor de les participacions de Sony?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Sony", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3290, + "example": "I si reprens la reproducció d'\"El mercader\" al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "El mercader", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5013, + "example": "Com van les accions de Google?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Google", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3166, + "example": "D'\"Onda Cero Barcelona\" ens sintonitzaries \"La cultureta\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "La cultureta", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Onda Cero Barcelona", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8225, + "example": "Adquireix el tiquet del viatge que arriba a les 10 del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les 10 del matí", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11109, + "example": "Què vol dir el terme babau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "babau", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11962, + "example": "\"LOS40 Urban\", m'ho pots posar al pati?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "LOS40 Urban", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "pati", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3330, + "example": "Podria sentir l'audiollibre \"Covens of blood\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Covens of blood", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4364, + "example": "Hi ha algun espectacle de manga pel meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacle de manga", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10106, + "example": "Dir les noves notícies sobre esports.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "esports", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11206, + "example": "Quin dia tenim al menú crema de pèsols amb crostons de pa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "crema de pèsols amb crostons de pa", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1204, + "example": "Podries esborrar-me del calendari la sessió de rol que tinc amb l'Arlet a Sabadell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sessió de rol", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Arlet", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8923, + "example": "Mostrar el contacte d'en Joan Fuster.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan Fuster", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4565, + "example": "M'informes de si al cinema del barri hi passen \"La vida és bella\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "barri", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "La vida és bella", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10606, + "example": "Em saps dir si el Carnaval de Vilanova el faran al meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Carnaval de Vilanova", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu voltant", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2353, + "example": "Compra'm un viatge pel tren exprés que arriba a Ulldecona a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren exprés", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ulldecona", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6716, + "example": "Vull fer la reserva d'una taula per a deu persones a un restaurant de cuina mediterrània.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "deu", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "cuina mediterrània", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1416, + "example": "I si augmentes la intensitat de la llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6229, + "example": "Com es fa per obtenir el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com es fa per obtenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 242, + "example": "Vull saber quant li queda a aquest tren per arribar a Avinyó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Avinyó", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_detail", + "Text": "quant li queda", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7501, + "example": "Pots aixecar-me el dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8491, + "example": "Em pots cridar un taxi aquí a la platja del Prat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "platja del Prat", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5873, + "example": "M'he tallat un dit; truqueu un metge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "M'he tallat un dit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9896, + "example": "Digue'm l'arrel quadrada de noranta-sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "arrel quadrada de noranta-sis", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11982, + "example": "Podríem escoltar alguna de les meves cançons preferides de Txarango?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Txarango", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferides", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8017, + "example": "Voldria fer una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7333, + "example": "Guarda'm al meu directori de correus que l'adreça del meu amic és bambi_deer20@bubble.bu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "bambi_deer20@bubble.bu", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu amic", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1541, + "example": "Ves al minut dos d'aquest tema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_stamp", + "Text": "minut dos", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11718, + "example": "Què és el que vols dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2128, + "example": "Em pots activar les làmpades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9305, + "example": "Ens podries reproduir el següent de \"Henderson and havner\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Henderson and havner", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6784, + "example": "Fer una reserva d'una taula per a dues persones al Lasarte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "dues", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Lasarte", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6594, + "example": "Em toquen les càpsules vermelles a les deu, recorda-m'ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "càpsules vermelles", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1040, + "example": "Em baixaries els llums?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9850, + "example": "Quina és la capital d'Azerbaidjan?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quina és la capital", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Azerbaidjan", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5924, + "example": "Vull consultar si hi ha urgències pediàtriques a l'Hospital Comarcal del Pallars.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "urgències pediàtriques", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Comarcal", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Pallars", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8886, + "example": "Quin és el número de mòbil de la meva mare?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de mòbil", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1991, + "example": "Elimina aquest llistat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9930, + "example": "M'agradaria saber els hàbits alimentaris de l'Elsa Punset.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "hàbits alimentaris", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Elsa Punset", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9865, + "example": "Vull saber qui va inventar la impremta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "qui va inventar", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "impremta", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3818, + "example": "Quines receptes hi ha amb pollastre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "pollastre", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2, + "example": "Recorda que la setmana vinent tinc visita al CAP.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7487, + "example": "Podries crear una alarma a un quart de deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart de deu", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5035, + "example": "M'informes de les accions de Netflix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Netflix", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 749, + "example": "Digue'm, si us plau, el nom d'allò que serveix per posar junts els papers.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "serveix per posar junts els papers", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5462, + "example": "Vull enviar la meva localització al Sergi durant cinc minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sergi", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "cinc minuts", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1979, + "example": "Ens esborraries l'alarma que hi ha a les set els dilluns i els dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "els dilluns", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "els dijous", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5669, + "example": "Vull fer un truc al centre d'urgències d'atenció primària Lleuger Gimbernat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre d'urgències d'atenció primària Lleuger Gimbernat", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5809, + "example": "Estic atrapat a l'armari de la cuina; truca els bombers, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "Estic atrapat a l'armari de la cuina", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 792, + "example": "Em mostres com s'anomena la figura retòrica que consisteix a substituir el terme propi per un altre que n'augmenta o en redueix la designació d'una manera exagerada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "figura retòrica", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "consisteix a substituir el terme propi per un altre que n’augmenta o en redueix la designació d’una manera exagerada", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 164 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2530, + "example": "Podries dir si surt alguna cosa nova sobre la presència de llavis als arcosaures fòssils?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la presència de llavis als arcosaures fòssils", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 910, + "example": "Redueix la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8023, + "example": "Em poses una nova llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1560, + "example": "Torna a reproduir la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Torna a reproduir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2676, + "example": "Què hi diu a la llista millors jocs de rol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "millors jocs de rol", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7332, + "example": "Fica'm al mòbil l'adreça de mon pare com a optimuspapi@iaconmail.cy.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon pare", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "optimuspapi@iaconmail.cy", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9921, + "example": "M'agradaria que em diguessis l'edat de la Carme Chacón.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "edat", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carme Chacón", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6732, + "example": "Ens podries reservar taula per dimarts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3303, + "example": "I si ens poses a l'estudi \"Contes per capgirar el món\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Contes per capgirar el món", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8328, + "example": "Contesta dient \"gràcies\" al correu electrònic de la Marta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "gràcies", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5292, + "example": "Quina és la duració màxima de la carta de vacunació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carta de vacunació", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quina és la duració màxima", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9242, + "example": "Tinc una reunió amb en Pau a les dotze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pau", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6734, + "example": "Reserva una taula per diumenge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11482, + "example": "M'agradaria fer una trucada a l'hospital; hem tingut un accident de cotxe.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "hem tingut un accident de cotxe", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7637, + "example": "Incloure un objecte nou al llistat de recomanacions.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de recomanacions", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "objecte nou", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9402, + "example": "Em toques música folk?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "folk", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 426, + "example": "Estic bocabadat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3472, + "example": "Conta un acudit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2314, + "example": "L'esdeveniment al CCCB d'aquesta tarda treu-lo del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "CCCB", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11335, + "example": "Comprova si dilluns a les quatre em toca anar amb la meva al·lergòloga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "al·lergòloga", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5244, + "example": "Necessito renovar el meu pla de medicació, què faig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "pla de medicació", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Necessito renovar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7498, + "example": "Els divendres ens podries aixecar a les sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Els divendres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6910, + "example": "Et faria res compartir la meva ubicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9173, + "example": "Penja aquest nou estat a Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Penja", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10670, + "example": "Vull trobar quins concerts hi ha a la meva zona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concerts", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8000, + "example": "El volum tempera'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3656, + "example": "He menjat cassola de la meva àvia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4035, + "example": "Trobar a quant està el dòlar nord-americà en comparació amb el ien japonès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "ien japonès", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar nord-americà", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5865, + "example": "Telefona a Emergències; hi ha un home amb un atac de cor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "hi ha un home amb un atac de cor", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4070, + "example": "Et saps el número de mòbil d'en Guifré?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de mòbil", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guifré", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7775, + "example": "Podries apagar-nos els llums?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10295, + "example": "Saps dir-me a quina hora estan a Ipiales?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ipiales", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11409, + "example": "Pots mirar si la visita amb el psicòleg de divendres que ve és a l'Hospital Josep Trueta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "psicòleg", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres que ve", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Josep Trueta", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4396, + "example": "A Ulldecona quina hora és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ulldecona", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11792, + "example": "Necessito que t'apaguis ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2151, + "example": "M'engegaries la làmpada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 220, + "example": "Existeix la reencarnació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11217, + "example": "Avui hi ha pizza de verdures al menú?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza de verdures", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11508, + "example": "Truca immediatament al meu pare, que he tingut un accident amb el cotxe.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu pare", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he tingut un accident amb el cotxe", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10481, + "example": "Localitzar les botigues de làctics d'aquesta zona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues de làctics", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "d'aquesta zona", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4679, + "example": "Em pots mirar els missatges de Line que m'han arribat aquesta nit de part de l'Òscar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Line", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Òscar", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1405, + "example": "M'agradaria que augmentessis la potència de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 664, + "example": "Quan és la reunió de veïns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió de veïns", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 969, + "example": "Afluixar la música un xic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3600, + "example": "Les cançons dels Rolling Stones són les meves preferides.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Rolling Stones", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10912, + "example": "Quan m'he de prendre la medicina de la gota?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicina de la gota", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11715, + "example": "No sé per on vas.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8964, + "example": "Renta l'habitació amb el robot aspirador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4032, + "example": "Com està la corona noruega respecte al dòlar de Brunei?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dòlar de Brunei", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "corona noruega", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8763, + "example": "Desa que aquesta cançó que sona em posa histèric.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2110, + "example": "Ens pots encendre les bombetes de la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11731, + "example": "Fes el que vulguis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7151, + "example": "Com puc arribar al cinema Maremàgnum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "cinema Maremàgnum", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9432, + "example": "I si escoltem el pòdcast l'\"irradiador a la sala\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "irradiador a la sala", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1717, + "example": "Si al fus horari dels Estats Units/Nou Pacífic són les vuit, podries dir-me quina hora és a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich 0?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units/Nou Pacífic", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich 0", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 121 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1032, + "example": "Podries temperar el led?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2393, + "example": "Pots reservar un bitllet de tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9843, + "example": "Qui va escriure la lletra dels Segadors?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "Qui va escriure la lletra", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "Segadors", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6498, + "example": "En quin súper venen el peix més fresc: al Bonpreu o al Keisy?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Bonpreu", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Keisy", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "En quin súper venen el peix més fresc", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5225, + "example": "Com desbloquejo l'aplicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9024, + "example": "Voldria saber què passa el 13 de febrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "13 de febrer", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7568, + "example": "Pots afegir escuradents a la meva llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "escuradents", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6053, + "example": "Vull trobar el telèfon de l'escola bressol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola bressol", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11964, + "example": "M'agradaria escoltar un debat a la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_descriptor", + "Text": "debat", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5403, + "example": "Dona'm indicacions per arribar al Portal de l'Àngel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Portal de l'Àngel", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5488, + "example": "Podries compartir la meva ubicació actual amb la meva amiga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva amiga", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11927, + "example": "Vull denegar el que dius.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4474, + "example": "Mostra'm on es podrà veure la pel·lícula \"El món d'ahir\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "El món d'ahir", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6599, + "example": "Voldria que a les deu m'avisessis per prendre la pastilla groga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla groga", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5344, + "example": "Dona'm instruccions per arribar al Portofino.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Portofino", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 164, + "example": "Guarda la meva cita de dimecres al migdia a la Quirón.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Quirón", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2032, + "example": "Demana una hamburguesa doble per endur al König.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hamburguesa doble", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "König", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3623, + "example": "El rock m'agrada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rock", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4444, + "example": "Podries confirmar-me si posaran \"La bella dorment\" a l'OCINE del costat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "La bella dorment", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "OCINE", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "costat", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 921, + "example": "No posis la música tan alta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11045, + "example": "Per on vaig a casa del meu germà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu germà", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11112, + "example": "Volem saber si la lasanya porta pastanaga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "lasanya", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "pastanaga", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 315, + "example": "Estic confós, has de tornar-ho a repetir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8868, + "example": "Digue'm si el mes següent tinc algun acte programat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes següent", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "acte", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5780, + "example": "M'agradaria que fessis una trucada al tanatori.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "tanatori", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7320, + "example": "Et faria res afegir aquesta nova adreça de la Marta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3508, + "example": "Explicar-me algun acudit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9146, + "example": "Anotar que cada divendres de cinc a vuit tinc escacs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada divendres", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "vuit", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "escacs", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7114, + "example": "Posa'm l'aplicació La Sirena Congelats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "La Sirena Congelats", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1525, + "example": "Pots anar al final de la cançó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "anar al final", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10167, + "example": "Vull trobar què passa a les xarxes socials.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1550, + "example": "Pots saltar-te aquesta pista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "saltar-te", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8489, + "example": "Vull un Talixo a les sis el vespre que em porti fins a Esterri d'Àneu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Talixo", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis el vespre", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Esterri d'Àneu", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9835, + "example": "Necessito saber què és un hipèrbaton.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "hipèrbaton", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8103, + "example": "Voldria petar la xerrada amb tu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4322, + "example": "A quina hora és la \"Mitja Marató de Ripoll\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Mitja Marató de Ripoll", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 790, + "example": "Com s'anomena la branca de la biologia que té per objecte l'estudi dels vegetals?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "branca de la biologia", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "té per objecte l’estudi dels vegetals", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 357, + "example": "Repetir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7817, + "example": "Voldria que tanquessis el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6452, + "example": "La Garriga Eixample o Cocoroco, quin local ofereix mètodes de pagament més diversos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Garriga Eixample", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cocoroco", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "quin local ofereix mètodes de pagament més diversos", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9724, + "example": "Vull veure del tren que va cap a Celrà, l'hora de sortida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Celrà", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10242, + "example": "Em faries un favor si busques la previsió del temps d'avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8511, + "example": "Demana un Uber per a les set que em porti a Sitges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4626, + "example": "Quines adrogueries puc trobar-hi a la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "adrogueries", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10790, + "example": "Revisa si tinc emails nous que hagin arribat avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "emails", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10981, + "example": "Mira'm a veure quan m'he de prendre el Maxalt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Maxalt", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8831, + "example": "Vull informació sobre els esdeveniments que tinc fixats al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11898, + "example": "Quina barbaritat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9697, + "example": "Si al fus horari de Pacífic/central són les deu del matí, saps quina hora és a GMT 0?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Pacífic/central", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "GMT 0", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10092, + "example": "Busca'm les notícies d'última hora referents a la llet materna.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la llet materna", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7997, + "example": "L'àudio abaixa'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4642, + "example": "Hi ha supermercats a la meva zona amb guarderia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "supermercats", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "guarderia", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3174, + "example": "Em reproduiries a les golfes \"El ritme de la nit\" de \"RAC105\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "El ritme de la nit", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "RAC105", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9785, + "example": "Digues a quina hora surt el tren en direcció a Terrassa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6445, + "example": "La targeta sanitària té versió digital?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "té versió digital", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3402, + "example": "Com definiries el concepte de casulla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "casulla", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3267, + "example": "Tornaries a posar a la cuina l'audiollibre \"Cursed city\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Cursed city", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4997, + "example": "Podries mostrar-me quina és l'hora d'arribada del ferrocarril amb direcció a Bellaterra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Bellaterra", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7135, + "example": "Spotify, obre'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Spotify", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3866, + "example": "M'agradaria saber què puc cuinar amb una pruna.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "pruna", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10934, + "example": "Quan m'he de prendre el Sintrom?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Sintrom", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4172, + "example": "Com puc preparar uns bunyols de vent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bunyols de vent", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8924, + "example": "Mostra'm la informació de contacte d'en Marc Martí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marc Martí", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9326, + "example": "Posar el següent episodi de \"La sotana\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "La sotana", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11601, + "example": "Així doncs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9659, + "example": "Què li passa a la taula d'embotits i formatges que hem demanat a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "taula d'embotits i formatges", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11800, + "example": "Para ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4635, + "example": "Quines floristeries hi ha a la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "floristeries", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1813, + "example": "M'anul·les tot el que tenim planificat fins al 15 d'agost de l'agenda personal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "15 d'agost", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8813, + "example": "Aquesta cançó que sona és horrible.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7051, + "example": "Vull veure un altre cop els capítols de \"La Riera\" a YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "La Riera", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1211, + "example": "Anota al calendari que de dilluns a divendres treballo a Salou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "treballo", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10335, + "example": "Estaria bé descobrir la melodia que està sonant ara per ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant ara per ara", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2277, + "example": "Et faria res enviar un correu electrònic recordant-li a la Laia que \"algú s'ha d'ocupar de preparar les carmanyoles per la platja\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "algú s'ha d'ocupar de preparar les carmanyoles per la platja", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 129 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8418, + "example": "Vull ramen a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "ramen", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5705, + "example": "M'agradaria fer una trucada a Sant Joan de Déu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Sant Joan de Déu", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5785, + "example": "Truca'm a l'EOI de Tarragona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "EOI", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3040, + "example": "Em pots tocar al menjador música de Sopa de Cabra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Sopa de Cabra", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2070, + "example": "Podries fer una comanda de pizza italiana a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza italiana", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1693, + "example": "Converteix les quatre de la tarda del fus Pacífic Central a la zona horària del Canadà Montana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus Pacífic Central", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "zona horària del Canadà Montana", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2949, + "example": "M'agradaria planificar un acte a les dues amb la Marta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "acte", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "la Marta", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 131, + "example": "Marca al calendari que demà dilluns tinc hora amb el reumatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "reumatòleg", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà dilluns", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4360, + "example": "Quan és l'\"Aplec del Caragol\" de Lleida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Aplec del Caragol", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 961, + "example": "Abaixa el volum de l'altaveu que està massa alt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3416, + "example": "Què vol dir braser?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "braser", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11582, + "example": "Ho aprovo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10195, + "example": "Vull veure què ha publicat avui el meu xicot @Marcmercos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "@Marcmercos", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 208, + "example": "M'agradaria veure apuntat la cita de l'anestesista de les vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "anestesista", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8460, + "example": "Vull fer una comanda de pastissos de maduixa per Glovo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pastissos de maduixa", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Glovo", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1491, + "example": "La cançó de \"Holy thunderforce\" la pots parar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "parar", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Holy thunderforce", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11549, + "example": "Oi i tant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2656, + "example": "A Twitter escriu: \"com podeu tenir la barra d'apujar-me la quota mensual després d'haver eliminat del paquet els canals on fan la Lliga i la Champions\", mencionant l'atenció al consumidor d'Orange.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escriu", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitte", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "com podeu tenir la barra d'apujar-me la quota mensual després d'haver eliminat del paquet els canals on fan la Lliga i la Champions", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 150 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al consumidor d'Orange", + "Start_char": 166, + "End_char": 196 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7359, + "example": "Guarda el correu del Nil Birra com a nil_birra@yahoo.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nil Birra", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "nil_birra@yahoo.com", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8726, + "example": "Elimina el llistat \"restaurants\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "restaurants", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8880, + "example": "Aquesta setmana saps si tinc assemblees arranjades al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assemblees", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "Aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7533, + "example": "La bombeta de la galeria, abaixar-la al mínim d'intensitat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "galeria", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11815, + "example": "T'atures una miqueta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4946, + "example": "Podries mirar-me si m'ha arribat un missatge de la Clara amb assumpte \"biografia dels personatges\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Clara", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "biografia dels personatges", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2995, + "example": "Puc escoltar el pòdcast \"La riota\"? És el que més m'agrada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "La riota", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3487, + "example": "Vull que m'expliquis una broma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4279, + "example": "Em pots dir a quin dia som?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5801, + "example": "He relliscat pel carrer i necessito trucar a una ambulància.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "He relliscat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulància", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10672, + "example": "Saber si dilluns comença el festival de primavera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "festival de primavera", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9298, + "example": "M'agradaria que em contessis una broma de Lepe.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "Lepe", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10403, + "example": "Quines són les cançons que m'animen.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quines són les cançons que m'animen", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11193, + "example": "Saps si avui hi ha empedrat per sopar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "empedrat", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1524, + "example": "La música que sona, la pots parar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "parar", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6509, + "example": "Quin cine ofereix el menú de crispetes i refresc més barat: Yelmo Cines Parc Central o JCA Cinemes Valls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Yelmo Cines Parc Central", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "JCA Cinemes Valls", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 104 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin cine ofereix el menú de crispetes i refresc més barat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10819, + "example": "Fórmula 1, escuderies i circuits.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7450, + "example": "Pots dir-me què porta la cassola de tros?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "cassola de tros", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9943, + "example": "Hi ha alguna alerta per demà a les sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10931, + "example": "Cada quant em toca prendre l'Ibuprofèn?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Ibuprofèn", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1797, + "example": "Seria possible que traguessis el pastís de pastanaga del llistat de postres pel concurs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "pastís de pastanaga", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de postres pel concurs", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10582, + "example": "Mostra'm quin dia serà l'\"Oktoberfest\" a Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "l'\"Oktoberfest", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4582, + "example": "El dilluns fan \"Tenir-ne o no\" aquí a la cantonada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Tenir-ne o no", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "cantonada", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3338, + "example": "I si em poses \"Quan érem feliços\" de Rafel Nadal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Rafel Nadal", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Quan érem feliços", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3895, + "example": "Quin és el resultat de multiplicar tres per tretze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "tres per tretze", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11471, + "example": "Podries afegir 633221554 com el telèfon del Nil?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nil", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "633221554", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2034, + "example": "Demanar hamburguesa per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hamburguesa", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9171, + "example": "Canvia l'estat de les meves xarxes socials.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Canvia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 682, + "example": "Saps si arriba el meu germà del viatge de negocis la setmana que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "viatge de negocis", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu germà", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6798, + "example": "Reserva taula per tres persones al restaurant vegetarià Arc Iris.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "vegetarià", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Arc Iris", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4659, + "example": "M'ha arribat algun correu de la Beth sobre la fruita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Beth", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "la fruita", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9916, + "example": "M'agradaria veure el color preferit de l'Anna Boada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "color preferit", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna Boada", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 830, + "example": "Ensenya'm el que conté la llista de roba que em vull comprar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de roba que em vull comprar", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 231, + "example": "Em queda bé el color vermell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10761, + "example": "Juraria que m'han arribat missatges de Whatsapp nous de la Maria del Mar, mira-m'ho si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatges de Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria del Mar", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7715, + "example": "Et faria res apuntar al calendari una cita amb la Tilda Segura per esmorzar demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Tilda Segura", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "esmorzar", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10589, + "example": "És possible saber si hi ha algun espectacle per la zona de Sant Quirze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacle", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Quirze", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9147, + "example": "Apunta al calendari tots els dimarts a les dues del migdia un recordatori per sortir a caminar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dimarts", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues del migdia", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sortir a caminar", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5212, + "example": "Saps què tinc planejat per avui d'una a dues del migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "una", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dues del migdia", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2033, + "example": "Demana'm menjar a domicili a Les Cols.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Les Cols", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11872, + "example": "Has d'estar més atenta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9997, + "example": "Alguna alerta s'activarà el diumenge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7210, + "example": "Apaga'm l'Apparella't.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Apparella't", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9757, + "example": "Ensenya'm quins trens hi ha de Balaguer a Castelldefels entre les onze i les dues.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Balaguer", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Castelldefels", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze i les dues", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2255, + "example": "Vull adreçar un email als meus pares amb assumpte \"visita al museu marítim\" i que digui \"diumenge anem al museu marítim a les deu del matí ja tenim les entrades i tot us passarem a buscar\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "als meus pares", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "visita al museu marítim", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "diumenge anem al museu marítim a les deu del matí ja tenim les entrades i tot us passarem a buscar", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 187 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7887, + "example": "Suprimeix tots els esdeveniments que tinc al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 92, + "example": "Enregistra la visita que tinc programada a l'hospital Sant Jaume d'Olot el pròxim dia 9.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "9", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 87 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital Sant Jaume", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Olot", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 648, + "example": "Mostra'm a quina hora surt el tren que porta a Sant Joan Despí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Joan Despí", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8035, + "example": "Crear una llista nova.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6366, + "example": "S'ha de renovar la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "S'ha de renovar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4928, + "example": "Busca si hi ha cap telegram nou del Marcel sobre la llista de convidats del sopar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "telegram", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marcel", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "la llista de convidats del sopar", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11727, + "example": "Me la pela.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7797, + "example": "Tanca'm els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3794, + "example": "Amb bolets xiitake quines coses puc cuinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "bolets xiitake", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4446, + "example": "Avui posaran alguna pel·lícula de terror al cinema?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "terror", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4855, + "example": "Saps si hi haurà trànsit dimarts a la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4919, + "example": "Em pots informar de l'afluència de vehicles els dijous per sortir de Cerdanyola?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "els dijous", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cerdanyola", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9864, + "example": "Mostrar quin és l'idioma oficial de Sud-àfrica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "quin és l'idioma oficial", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sud-àfrica", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4186, + "example": "Com es prepara el sofregit de tomàquet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sofregit de tomàquet", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8823, + "example": "Realment tinc apuntat al calendari que he d'anar a Plaça Catalunya demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "'anar a Plaça Catalunya", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8882, + "example": "Digue'm el número de mòbil d'en Guifré.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de mòbil", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guifré", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10697, + "example": "Vull veure si aquesta setmana tinc alguna celebració.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4639, + "example": "Saps de cap quiosc a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "quiosc", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4711, + "example": "Puc demanar un entrepà al Conesa i emportar-me'l?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Conesa", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "emportar-me'l", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "demanar un entrepà", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11431, + "example": "Anota el número del meu cosí 678904333.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu cosí", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "678904333", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4614, + "example": "De forns de pa, n'hi ha a la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "forns de pa", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7280, + "example": "Vull que m'afegeixis un correu al contacte de la Matilde.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Matilde", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11760, + "example": "No m'interessa ni gota.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5532, + "example": "Voldria trucar al meu cosí Carles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu cosí Carles", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8662, + "example": "Seria possible treure del meu calendari personal la neteja dels vidres que tenim cada mes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "neteja dels vidres", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada mes", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1361, + "example": "Posa un pèl més alta la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4250, + "example": "Quins fets estan tenint lloc a Facebook?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6304, + "example": "Se sap qui passa a la final de la Supercopa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "final de la Supercopa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2500, + "example": "M'agradaria afegir al calendari que divendres vinent tinc una junta a les dotze i vint-i-cinc minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres vinent", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dotze i vint-i-cinc minuts", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10226, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quin és el temps que fa en aquest moment a Lleida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2872, + "example": "Crea'm una alarma per demà a les set i cinquanta-nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set i cinquanta-nou", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11934, + "example": "Això és una barbaritat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7454, + "example": "Quanta sal li poso als musclos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "musclos", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9941, + "example": "El dimecres tinc alguna alarma configurada per un quart i mig de tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart i mig de tres", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7988, + "example": "M'agradaria suavitzar el so d'un dels bafles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8311, + "example": "Contesta al Mateu amb un mail que exposi que \"ja ens veurem pel gimnàs llavors\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mateu", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "ja ens veurem pel gimnàs llavors", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5487, + "example": "La meva localització actual, comparteix-la amb el meu tiet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu tiet", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11912, + "example": "No t'he demanat que fessis res d'això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3838, + "example": "Podries dir-me què puc cuinar utilitzant tomàquets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "tomàquets", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4756, + "example": "Pregunta si al Moments fan plats per emportar i si donen coberts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Moments", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fan plats per emportar", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "donen coberts", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11049, + "example": "Com puc arribar si vaig en tren a la casa del Quim?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Quim", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 707, + "example": "Em dones informació sobre el golf de Roses?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "golf de Roses", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "informació", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9940, + "example": "Et faria res comprovar-me quines alarmes tenim per dimarts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6901, + "example": "Ensenyar la meva localització.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1782, + "example": "De la llista \"coses per fer abans dels trenta\" elimina'n preparar-me per la marató.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "coses per fer abans dels trenta", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "preparar-me per la marató", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11293, + "example": "Quin metge em visitarà al CAP el dia 26?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "26", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2311, + "example": "Elimina l'entrada \"menjar turc\" del divendres vinent al migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "menjar turc", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres vinent", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7241, + "example": "L'app del 324: apaga-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "324", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5749, + "example": "Que telefonis als Cinemes Odeón de Girona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Cinemes Odeón", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6722, + "example": "Vull reservar taula per als meus pares.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "als meus pares", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3938, + "example": "Quin és el vint per cent de trenta-dos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "vint per cent de trenta-dos", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7599, + "example": "Posar-me calçotada al meu llistat de vacances.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "calçotada", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de vacances", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8357, + "example": "Encarregar dues amanides.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "amanides", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3800, + "example": "Què necessito per a fer un pastís tatin?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pastís tatin", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5331, + "example": "Explica'm com descarregar l'aplicació mòbil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4661, + "example": "M'ha arribat cap missatge d'Slack de la meva filla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Slack", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva filla", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6615, + "example": "Repeteix-me que m'he de medicar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5755, + "example": "Telefonar l'escola d'adults del Clot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Clot", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola d'adults", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2916, + "example": "Seria possible fixar al meu calendari personal que el dia 15 de cada mes he de revisar les subscripcions?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "15 de cada mes", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "revisar les subscripcions", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1968, + "example": "Pots esborrar l'alarma que tinc creada per cada dissabte a les onze del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dissabte", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8821, + "example": "Vull veure si tinc algun acte aviat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "acte", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aviat", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5788, + "example": "Necessito fer un truc al CaixaForum de Lleida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CaixaForum", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4798, + "example": "Nevarà a Mataró?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Nevarà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 44, + "example": "Voldria que apuntessis que tinc visita amb el metge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 644, + "example": "L'horari del tren que va fins a Manresa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4174, + "example": "Saps quins ingredients conformen la coca de recapte?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "coca de recapte", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5354, + "example": "Digues-me com arribar a l'oficina d'informació turística.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina d'informació turística", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5614, + "example": "Vull que facis un truc a la meva madrastra Joana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva madrastra Joana", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3661, + "example": "Pots buscar-me què va fer Alfonso Tejero l'any 1981?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "què va fer", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "any 1981", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Alfonso Tejero", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5007, + "example": "Veure les hores del ferrocarril que va cap a Siurana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Siurana", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10425, + "example": "Podries dir-me totes les cançons que m'agraden de Linkin Park?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Linkin Park", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "cançons que m'agraden", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4195, + "example": "Em pots donar instruccions per preparar una empanada d'espinacs amb formatge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "empanada d'espinacs amb formatge", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5480, + "example": "Envia a la Naomi la meva localització actual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Naomi", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8921, + "example": "Dona'm l'adreça postal de la Laura.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça postal", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1684, + "example": "Quina hora tenen al fus d'Amèrica Santa Isabel si a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich són les onze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus d'Amèrica Santa Isabel", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5350, + "example": "Com ho faig per arribar a l'Ajuntament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3057, + "example": "Ens punxes Lady Gaga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Lady Gaga", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2541, + "example": "Pots mantenir-me informat de la gira del grup Blind Guardian?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la gira del grup Blind Guardian", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9084, + "example": "Voldria escoltar la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3300, + "example": "Vull que continuïs amb \"Black Talon: first mark\" de Andy Clark.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Black Talon: first mark", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Andy Clark", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 159, + "example": "Dimecres vinent tinc cita a les quatre i quart amb la doctora Riba.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimecres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre i quart", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "la doctora Riba", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3715, + "example": "Digue'm si tenim pluja a hores d'ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "pluja", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "a hores d'ara", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6097, + "example": "Indica'm l'horari i l'adreça de la benzinera més propera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "benzinera", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "més propera", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10864, + "example": "El Voltarén em toca a les vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Voltarén", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10390, + "example": "Em pots llegir el títol de les cançons que tinc marcades amb un m'agrada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "títol de les cançons que tinc marcades amb un m'agrada", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6426, + "example": "Em podries dir a què dona dret la targeta sanitària?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "a què dona dret", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5118, + "example": "Em saps dir-me de quin LP i de quina banda és la pista musical que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin LP", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina banda", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8566, + "example": "Reservar per les nou de la nit un taxi que em reculli a plaça de la Virreina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou de la nit", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "plaça de la Virreina", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7760, + "example": "El meu endoll intel·ligent, atura'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4555, + "example": "Avui a la tarda abans de les cinc quin cinema de Lleida projecta \"Pa negre\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "abans de les cinc", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Pa negre", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5623, + "example": "M'agradaria que fessis un truc a la Mar Montero.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mar Montero", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8744, + "example": "Encendre l'endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8249, + "example": "Adquireix-me un bitllet pel regional exprés que surt a dos quarts de sis del vespre de Sitges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "regional exprés", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de sis del vespre", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10853, + "example": "Quin serà el número premiat de la Grossa de Sant Jordi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9237, + "example": "Recorda'm que tinc assaig de capoeira divendres de la setmana vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assaig de capoeira", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres de la setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11387, + "example": "M'agradaria que em poguessis confirmar si estic citat amb el doctor Martí Mas.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Martí Mas", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6587, + "example": "Notifica'm que em toca la dosi d'omeprazole a les vuit del vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "omeprazole", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7761, + "example": "Apaga els endolls intel·ligents del menjador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10136, + "example": "Ensenya'm què conté el llistat que es diu \"factures\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "factures", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4730, + "example": "Accepten comandes a domicili els de Telepizza?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Telepizza", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "comandes a domicili", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1818, + "example": "Elimina l'acte al Palau Sant Jordi apuntat al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palau Sant Jordi", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6392, + "example": "Quan he de renovar la targeta sanitària europea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quan he de renovar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8703, + "example": "Esborrar un llistat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2231, + "example": "Em remets un correu al Pau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pau", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9510, + "example": "M'encanta la cançó \"Wolf in sheep's clothing\"; posa-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Wolf in sheep's clothing", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6206, + "example": "Sabries dir-me com aconseguir el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com aconseguir", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1697, + "example": "Si al fus horari d'Amèrica/Florida són les nou, quina hora és al fus horari d'Austràlia/Sidney.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari d'Austràlia/Sidney", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 94 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Florida", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3008, + "example": "De \"Conflict of interest\" ens reprodueixes l'episodi següent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Conflict of interest", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10793, + "example": "Vull saber si tinc correus electrònics recents al meu correu personal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recents", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1923, + "example": "Pots anul·lar-me l'alarma que vaig posar per dijous a les vuit del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7638, + "example": "Vull incorporar una cosa a la meva llista de jocs predilectes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de jocs predilectes", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9504, + "example": "Punxa \"Bon dia\", que és de les que més m'agraden dels Pets.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Bon dia", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "més m'agraden", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Pets", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7062, + "example": "Recupera el vídeo d'ahir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "d'ahir", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8633, + "example": "Esborrar la celebració a Andorra d'aquí a una hora del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Andorra", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquí a una hora", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10787, + "example": "Comprova'm si hi ha correus que hagi rebut en els últims minuts sobre les vacances de pasqua.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "vacances de pasqua", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 92 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "els últims minuts", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9394, + "example": "Ens podries posar jazz al pati?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "jazz", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "pati", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6853, + "example": "Sortim a sopar dissabte, reserva'm una taula al Bulli.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Bulli", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9020, + "example": "Quin dia va ser diumenge de fa tres setmanes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge de fa tres setmanes", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10617, + "example": "Em dius si fan alguna festa per la meva àrea durant la setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva àrea", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "durant la setmana", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1893, + "example": "Et faria res treure l'alerta que tinc configurada dimarts a les quatre de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2316, + "example": "Buida'm tot el que tingui apuntat al calendari abans de la classe de ballet d'avui a la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "abans", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de ballet", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "avui a la tarda", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4733, + "example": "Em poden portar el menjar a casa els de Taco Bell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "portar el menjar a casa", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Taco Bell", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3601, + "example": "El Miki Núñez m'agrada moltíssim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Miki Núñez", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9805, + "example": "Voldria saber si hi ha trens a la nit cap a Maçanet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Maçanet", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9786, + "example": "Busca els horaris nocturns del tren cap a Sant Celoni entre les dotze i les sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Celoni", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze i les sis", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3961, + "example": "Com està el canvi del dòlar nord-americà respecte a l'euro?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar nord-americà", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "euro", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11871, + "example": "Aquí has comès un error.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2756, + "example": "Podries tancar el bec durant unes hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "unes hores", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9395, + "example": "Et fa res posar-nos heavy metal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "heavy metal", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3364, + "example": "Tots els dijous vull un recordatori per llençar la brossa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Tots els dijous", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "llençar la brossa", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11705, + "example": "Què vols explicar-me?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6977, + "example": "Voldria posar el vídeo que em mola.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "em mola", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8303, + "example": "Assegura'm que continua en peu que farà fred el 2 d'abril.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "fred", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "2 d'abril", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11333, + "example": "Pots confirmar si era a les set quan tenia cita a la neuròloga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "neuròloga", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 901, + "example": "Abaixa la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6442, + "example": "Com em puc fer un duplicat de la TSI?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com em puc fer un duplicat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSI", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5778, + "example": "Voldria que em contactessis per telèfon a l'oficina de correus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina de correus", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10893, + "example": "Quants medicaments diferents inclou el meu pla de medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quants medicaments diferents inclou", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "pla de medicació", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 539, + "example": "I si juguem al \"Brawl stars\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Brawl stars", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 399, + "example": "Ha assistit a concerts de música clàssica la Clàudia Dasca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Ha assistit a concerts de música clàssica", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Clàudia Dasca", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3649, + "example": "No esbrinaràs pas com ha acabat el meu dia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6313, + "example": "Qui va guanyar la final de la Supercopa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "final de la Supercopa", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4666, + "example": "Et faria res mostrar-me el missatge de Line que ha arribat recentment del Joaquim?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Line", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recentment", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joaquim", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5906, + "example": "Em pots mostrar l'adreça de la Clínica Corachan?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Corachan", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6397, + "example": "Digues a quines oficines puc recollir la targeta sanitària europea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "a quines oficines puc recollir", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1957, + "example": "Esborra l'alerta que vaig configurar el divendres a les vuit del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5836, + "example": "Telefona als bombers, que hi ha un incendi forestal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "hi ha un incendi forestal", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1845, + "example": "Podries eliminar de l'agenda la revisió del cotxe del 15 d'abril?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "revisió del cotxe", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "15 d'abril", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1348, + "example": "Se sent molt fluixa la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6685, + "example": "Pots fer la reserva per a les 3?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "3", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7845, + "example": "Vull que augmentis la intensitat de la llum del menjador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9042, + "example": "Et faria res afegir-me una cita amb la Joanna Ribes a Hospitalet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joanna Ribes", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Hospitalet", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2090, + "example": "El llum es podria encendre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1873, + "example": "Del calendari personal ens suprimiries tot el que hi ha apuntat els dimecres al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 457, + "example": "Ets la canya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2582, + "example": "Ens podries fer un cafè descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2235, + "example": "M'adreces al Pere a través d'un mail?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3143, + "example": "I si ens punxes una cançó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3257, + "example": "Pots posar-nos l'audiollibre de l'Alba Castellví \"Un cistell de cireres\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Un cistell de cireres", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Alba Castellví", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5812, + "example": "Telefonar a la Creu Roja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Creu Roja", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6940, + "example": "Envia la meva ubicació al meu company de feina fins que arribi al restaurant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu company de feina", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "restaurant", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 222, + "example": "Vols saber què m'ha ocorregut avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11509, + "example": "Truca a ma mare, que he caigut per les escales.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma mare", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he caigut per les escales", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6396, + "example": "Vull informació de la renovació de la targeta sanitària europea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Vull informació de la renovació", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10635, + "example": "Quins espectacles de gegants hi haurà a Barcelona el mes que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles de gegants", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11597, + "example": "Okay.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9770, + "example": "Digues a quines hores passa el tren cap a Tarragona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11401, + "example": "Quin dia té la Paula el metge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "no_md_person", + "Text": "Paula", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10550, + "example": "Per aquí, de la Ràpita, quines botigues hi puc trobar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ràpita", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6441, + "example": "Què haig de fer per tenir la Targeta Sanitària Individual?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Targeta Sanitària Individual", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què haig de fer per tenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10279, + "example": "Em sabries dir a Tijuana quina hora és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tijuana", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4497, + "example": "Informa'm de si fan alguna pel·lícula en anglès a Cinema Rambla de l'Art avui entre les cinc i les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "anglès", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinema Rambla de l'Art", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 92 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10534, + "example": "Sabries dir-me si hi ha mercats grans pel meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "grans", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "mercats", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2439, + "example": "Un taxi ens el podries sol·licitar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4579, + "example": "Avui fan \"The whale\" aquí al barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "The whale", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí al barri", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7844, + "example": "M'apujaries la potència de la llum al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6035, + "example": "Necessito el telèfon de l'escola, me'l pots donar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7307, + "example": "Diu l'Andrea que el seu correu és art.drea@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Andrea", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "art.drea@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4687, + "example": "Pots dir-me si tinc nous telegrams d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "telegrams", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1844, + "example": "M'esborres tot el que tingui al calendari per demà al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2180, + "example": "Ens podries activar l'endoll del menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll del menjador", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2598, + "example": "Seria possible que em posessis un cafè llarg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè llarg", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4634, + "example": "Quins establiments hi ha per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "establiments", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4397, + "example": "Ara al municipi de Lakhimpur quina hora és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lakhimpur", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4285, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis quin dia és avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 561, + "example": "Vull fer una partida al \"Clash royale\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Clash royale", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8441, + "example": "Encarregar una hamburguesa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hamburguesa", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10189, + "example": "Busca a Instagram de què s'està parlant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5148, + "example": "Saps de quan és això que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "de quan és", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3768, + "example": "Tinc avui alguna cita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3468, + "example": "Vull que em contis una broma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8070, + "example": "Bon dia i bona hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5178, + "example": "Pots dir-me quines cites hi ha programades al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cites", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1974, + "example": "Podries treure'm l'alarma de divendres al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3395, + "example": "Què és un setrill?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "setrill", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8147, + "example": "M'agradaria el diumenge poder agafar el regional que surt d'Altafulla a tres quarts de set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "regional", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Altafulla", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de set.", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5584, + "example": "Fes-me el favor de trucar ara mateix a la Marga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marga", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10663, + "example": "M'informes sobre si fan espectacles aquesta tarda aquí on soc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí on soc", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 40, + "example": "Et faria res fer-me saber que he d'anar al CAP demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5173, + "example": "Digue'm si els pròxims mesos tindré més juntes amb la Blanca Solà si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "pròxims mesos", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "juntes", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Blanca Solà", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3278, + "example": "Voldria continuar amb el llibre de la Milena Busquets.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Milena Busquets", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9156, + "example": "Redacta'm un tuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Redacta'm un tuit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2372, + "example": "Vull un bitllet de tren per anar a Girona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 15, + "example": "Registra que el dimarts tinc hora amb l'anestesista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "anestesista", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8814, + "example": "No em tornis a posar la cançó que s'està reproduint mai més.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 185, + "example": "Marca'm la visita que tinc amb l'anestesista el dimecres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "anestesista", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11184, + "example": "Portarà verdures el bacallà a la llauna del divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "verdures", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bacallà a la llauna", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6535, + "example": "Recorda'm que m'he de prendre la pastilla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9919, + "example": "Mostra quan és l'aniversari del Pau Gasol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "quan és l'aniversari", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pau Gasol", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8974, + "example": "He d'anar amb la Blanca al cinema demà a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Blanca", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2953, + "example": "M'enregistres una assemblea amb el Guillem Bellpuig i el senyor Aimat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assemblea", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem Bellpuig", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aimat", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6066, + "example": "Dona'm l'horari del mercat municipal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "mercat municipal", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11695, + "example": "M'ho pots explicar d'una altra manera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 494, + "example": "M'agrada el que veig.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4458, + "example": "Al cinema ja tenen la pel·lícula \"Bumblebee 2\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Bumblebee 2", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7497, + "example": "Els dissabtes pots programar una alarma per llevar-me a les onze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Els dissabtes", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11321, + "example": "Comprovar si dimarts a les quatre em toca anar al CAP.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9416, + "example": "Punxar country.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "country", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1248, + "example": "M'apagues els leds de l'entrada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "entrada", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9778, + "example": "A quina hora surt el ferrocarril que arriba fins a Tàrrega demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tàrrega", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3576, + "example": "M'agrada moltíssim escoltar Sopa de Cabra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Sopa de Cabra", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9318, + "example": "Estaria bé reproduir el següent episodi de \"Contes del Super3\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Contes del Super3", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5953, + "example": "Em podries dir si la doctora Camí visita avui a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "visita avui a la tarda", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctora Camí", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11414, + "example": "A quina hora he de veure la doctora Civat el dia 29 de gener?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Civat", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "29 de gener", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6528, + "example": "Recorda cada dotze hores que em toca dosi d'Eutirox.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada dotze hores", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Eutirox", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 12004, + "example": "Veure quins esdeveniments hi ha prop d'aquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "prop d'aquí", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6022, + "example": "La Farmàcia Marina Bcn, on està situada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Marina Bcn", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "on està situada", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5725, + "example": "M'agradaria trucar al CAP de Falset.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Falset", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11402, + "example": "Aquesta setmana quantes visites al metge tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "Aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5758, + "example": "Vull fer un truc a la biblioteca pública Miquel Llongueras.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca pública Miquel Llongueras", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2727, + "example": "Podries no obrir el bec durant una estoneta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estoneta", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4616, + "example": "M'informes sobre quines botigues existeixen per aquí al voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí al voltant", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8715, + "example": "Elimina la llista de sèries.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de sèries", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3258, + "example": "I si reprens la reproducció de \"Soulslayer\" de Darius Hinks al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Soulslayer", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Darius Hinks", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11821, + "example": "Faries el favor d'apagar-te?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8026, + "example": "Crea una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9040, + "example": "M'apuntaries una trobada amb el Salvador Salichs d'aquí a deu minuts al despatx número 3?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "trobada", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Salvador Salichs", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquí a deu minuts", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "despatx número 3", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3447, + "example": "Què vol dir predel·la?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "predel·la", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 614, + "example": "Em dius com es va agafant el tren a la casa del Lluc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lluc", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7308, + "example": "Afegeix el següent correu grande.lorena@gmail.com de la Lorena.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "grande.lorena@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lorena", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7328, + "example": "Emmagatzema l'email del Marc Ventós.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marc Ventós", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8686, + "example": "Podries fer desaparèixer les peres de la llista de la compra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "peres", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3207, + "example": "Em tocaries \"Boig per tu\" a la sala d'estar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Boig per tu", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala d'estar", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4942, + "example": "L'últim missatge de Telegram nou de la Pepa sobre finestres curioses.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Telegram", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pepa", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "finestres curioses", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3451, + "example": "Cerca una gràcia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5409, + "example": "Com vaig al carrer Orient?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer Orient", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4462, + "example": "\"Doctor strange\", l'emetran dilluns 6?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Doctor strange", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns 6", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1043, + "example": "Em podries atenuar la llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4508, + "example": "Em dius si als Cinemes Boliche fan alguna pel·lícula bèl·lica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinemes Boliche", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "bèl·lica", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5797, + "example": "T'ordeno que telefonis a Emergències; necessito atenció mèdica urgent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "necessito atenció mèdica urgent", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1808, + "example": "Elimina qualsevol cosa que hi hagi enregistrada a l'agenda abans de la lectura conjunta amb l'Aurora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "abans", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "lectura conjunta", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 87 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aurora", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2728, + "example": "Necessito que guardis silenci una estoneta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estoneta", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5959, + "example": "Demà té cites disponibles l'oculista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Demà té cites disponibles", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oculista", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6180, + "example": "Com ho he de fer si vull descarregar el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com ho he de fer si vull descarregar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5347, + "example": "Pots dir-me quin tren he d'agafar per arribar a Gavà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1483, + "example": "La cançó d'abans posa-la en bucle.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "posa-la en bucle", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11177, + "example": "Quin plat tenim programat per desdejunar demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "desdejunar", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5556, + "example": "Vull que facis una trucada a les meves cosines al 658661833.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "les meves cosines", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "658661833", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1804, + "example": "Elimina l'entrada \"brunch mexicà\" del divendres vinent al migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "brunch mexicà", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres vinent", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6788, + "example": "Fes una reserva d'una taula per a quatre persones a un restaurant vegà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "vegà", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8816, + "example": "Quin tros de cúmbia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "cúmbia", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11519, + "example": "Si us plau, truca al Joel perquè m'he fet molt de mal caminant per la muntanya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joel", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "m'he fet molt de mal caminant per la muntanya", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4832, + "example": "A Ulldecona ara hi ha trànsit per entrar-hi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ulldecona", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5339, + "example": "Com accedeixo a urgències mèdiques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "urgències mèdiques", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Com accedeixo", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11853, + "example": "Vull que facis stop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 160, + "example": "Apunta la cita de divendres a les set de la tarda amb el doctor Domènech.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Domènech", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8486, + "example": "Vull un Uber per sortir passat demà a quarts de set de Pacha Pineda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "quarts de set", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Pacha Pineda", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 356, + "example": "Torna-m'ho a dir de nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3384, + "example": "Tinc una partida de rol en viu amb els meus amics durant el cap de setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partida de rol en viu", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "els meus amics", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1050, + "example": "Sabries atenuar aquest llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7388, + "example": "Pots remetre un correu electrònic a la meva supervisora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva supervisora", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11647, + "example": "Expressa-ho de manera diferent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3230, + "example": "Ens pots reproduir la cançó \"I wanna dance with somebody\" quan s'acabi aquesta que estic sentint?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "I wanna dance with somebody", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1807, + "example": "Carrega't l'esdeveniment anomenat \"tarda al cinema\" que tenim el primer diumenge de cada mes amb l'Ariadna.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "tarda al cinema", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "primer diumenge", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada mes", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 92 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ariadna", + "Start_char": 99, + "End_char": 106 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11745, + "example": "M'importa molt poc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6382, + "example": "Quina és la validesa de la targeta Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quina és la validesa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4543, + "example": "Saps si fan \"L'orquestra terrestre\" demà a Vilafranca del Penedès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "L'orquestra terrestre", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilafranca del Penedès", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1098, + "example": "Podries engegar-me l'aspiradora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10857, + "example": "Creus que hi ha vida intel·ligent a l'Univers?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11627, + "example": "Equiliquà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 777, + "example": "Em recordes el nom de l'objecte que obre les llaunes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "objecte", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "obre les llaunes", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11416, + "example": "Em confirmes a quina hora he d'anar al CAP La Sagrera demà passat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP La Sagrera", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 108, + "example": "Demà a les deu tinc hora al CAP per mirar-me les al·lèrgies.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "deu", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "test", + "Text": "mirar-me les al·lèrgies", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8454, + "example": "Fes per DiDi Food una comanda a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "DiDi Food", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8451, + "example": "Fes una comanda per Just Eat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Just Eat", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11682, + "example": "No t'acabo d'entendre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5371, + "example": "Com puc arribar en autobús a la Fundació Miró?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Fundació Miró", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobús", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2468, + "example": "Apuntar al calendari que el matí del dissabte tinc una junta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "matí", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3760, + "example": "A les sis tinc alguna alarma posada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5855, + "example": "Voldria telefonar a Emergències, que hem vist un accident de cotxe.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "accident de cotxe", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3786, + "example": "Quines receptes coneixes que portin castanyes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "castanyes", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5290, + "example": "Digues si està actualitzada la meva la carta de vacunació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "està actualitzada", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carta de vacunació", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2913, + "example": "Apunta un recordatori al calendari tots els dilluns de l'any que es diu \"fer el dinar de demà\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dilluns", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "l'any", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fer el dinar de demà", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2444, + "example": "Podries demanar-me un Cabify per dues persones que ens porti a Olot?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Olot", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11919, + "example": "Declinar això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4359, + "example": "M'informes de com es diu l'espectacle que fan a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacle", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8032, + "example": "Haig de crear una llista nova.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5521, + "example": "A l'Aleix, truca-li.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aleix", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9405, + "example": "Ens pots punxar un tema de gòspel?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "gòspel", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2480, + "example": "Et faria res avisar-me de cancel·lar Netflix en un mes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cancel·lar Netflix", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "en un mes", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9263, + "example": "Tinc un compromís el dia 4 d'octubre a Calafell a les vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "compromís", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "4 d'octubre", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Calafell", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6991, + "example": "Posa el film \"Un amor a Escòcia\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Un amor a Escòcia", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 475, + "example": "Ets massa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5796, + "example": "Trucar a la Guàrdia Urbana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Guàrdia Urbana", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3947, + "example": "M'ensenyes quant queda si a seixanta li treus vuitanta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "seixanta li treus vuitanta", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3549, + "example": "El que està sonant és insuportable.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1374, + "example": "Posa al màxim els altaveus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8805, + "example": "M'avorreix moltíssim aquest tema que sona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1347, + "example": "Vull augmentar un pèl el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5819, + "example": "Un noi ha caigut pel carrer, hem de trucar a Emergències.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "Un noi ha caigut", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2342, + "example": "Em compres un seient al tren del migdia que va cap a Palafrugell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "del migdia", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 453, + "example": "Diví.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4167, + "example": "Confirma si tinc la reunió amb la Paula.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Paula", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1685, + "example": "Saps quina hora és al fus del Canadà-Pacífic si al d'Europa Central són les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al d'Europa Central", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus del Canadà-Pacífic", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4753, + "example": "La meva rostisseria preferida fa plats preparats per endur?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "rostisseria", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fa plats preparats per endur", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7094, + "example": "Engega l'aplicatiu Vivagym.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Vivagym", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2220, + "example": "Posaries en marxa la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7867, + "example": "Vull que esborris tots els esdeveniments que hi ha al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3754, + "example": "Crec que el divendres tinc més d'una junta amb en Joaquim; és així?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joaquim", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10348, + "example": "Ensenya'm quin tema està posat a hores d'ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin tema", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està posat a hores d'ara", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7032, + "example": "Voldria posar el vídeo que acabo de veure.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "acabo de veure", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3264, + "example": "I si al despatx escoltem \"Beastgrave\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Beastgrave", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9830, + "example": "Saber què vol dir quimera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "quimera", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1030, + "example": "Pot ser que aquest led estigui massa fort?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4235, + "example": "Quines coses s'estan dient a LinkedIn?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "LinkedIn", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7754, + "example": "Els endolls intel·ligents, tanca'ls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11646, + "example": "Explica-m'ho d'una manera més clara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7451, + "example": "Digues-me quins elements ha de tenir un bon sofregit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sofregit", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11077, + "example": "Què esmorzarem divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "esmorzarem", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10973, + "example": "L'ansiolític l'havia de prendre a les dues del migdia, no?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues del migdia", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "ansiolític", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1051, + "example": "Em pots activar la roomba?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5952, + "example": "Vull saber l'horari d'atenció del doctor Prats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari d'atenció", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctor Prats", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10623, + "example": "Ensenya'm les exposicions d'art contemporani que hi ha a prop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "exposicions d'art contemporani", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1746, + "example": "Vull que esborris tot el que hi hagi anotat al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4552, + "example": "Hi ha alguna pel·lícula en anglès a Odeón Mulitcines dimarts vinent a la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "anglès ", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Odeón Mulitcines", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 367, + "example": "Ho pots dir novament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 878, + "example": "Em pots dir les notícies d'ahir sobre la crisi econòmica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "crisi econòmica", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7079, + "example": "Cerca aquella pel·lícula que vaig veure d'Agustí Villaronga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Agustí Villaronga", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3888, + "example": "M'interessa saber quant fa deu dividit entre onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "deu dividit entre onze", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6255, + "example": "El partit de dissabte com vam quedar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8356, + "example": "Demanar falàfel per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "falàfel", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 864, + "example": "Em mostres l'última hora segons \"El Singular Digital\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "El Singular Digital", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9870, + "example": "Mostrar quin és l'idioma oficial de Belize.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "quin és l'idioma oficial", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Belize", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 968, + "example": "Abaixa una mica la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2901, + "example": "Ens pots sintonitzar \"Los 40\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Los 40", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9105, + "example": "Ens pots posar l'emissora \"Onda Cero\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Onda Cero", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2943, + "example": "Podries anotar-me al calendari que el divendres a les sis estaré reunit amb la Joana Pedrer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunit", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana Pedrer", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4068, + "example": "Pots buscar el telèfon de l'oficina de l'Isidre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon de l'oficina", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Isidre", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 91, + "example": "Apuntar al calendari que m'he citat amb el doctor Alfons a l'hospital de Sant Celoni.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "doctor Alfons", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital de Sant Celoni", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7930, + "example": "Vull modificar el volum al màxim valor que es pugui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2993, + "example": "Podries posar-nos \"Nadie sabe nada\"; és el nostre pòdcast preferit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Nadie sabe nada", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2912, + "example": "Anota un recordatori tots els dijous a la tarda per anar al mercat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dijous", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al mercat", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2010, + "example": "Pots esborrar-nos el llistat de països per visitar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de països per visitar", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9721, + "example": "Mostra'm el recorregut i les hores en què passa d'aquest tren a Sabadell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9712, + "example": "Digues-me l'hora del fus horari PST.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari PST", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7973, + "example": "Pots afeblir el so?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11417, + "example": "Busca'm quin dia tinc hora amb l'oftalmòleg de la Clínica Teknon.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "oftalmòleg", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Teknon", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8073, + "example": "Com prova?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7706, + "example": "Pots posar a la meva agenda que dilluns de la setmana que ve a tres quarts de set tinc partit de bàsquet a Granollers?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns de la setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de set", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partit de bàsquet", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 104 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Granollers", + "Start_char": 107, + "End_char": 117 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5051, + "example": "Em pots dir a quant estan les accions d'Aldi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Aldi", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5152, + "example": "Ara mateix quina cançó està posada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina cançó", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està posada", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9532, + "example": "Posa'ns la llista \"màxima concentració\" al dormitori dels nens.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "màxima concentració", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori dels nens", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11461, + "example": "Pots desar-me el telèfon 689754123 al contacte de Josep Blas.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josep Blas", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "689754123", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6461, + "example": "Quin supermercat està millor valorat segons Google, Sorli o Plusfresc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sorli", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Plusfresc", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin supermercat està millor valorat segons Google", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7213, + "example": "Tanca l'aplicació BonpreuEsclat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "BonpreuEsclat", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2502, + "example": "Tinc una reunió a l'Ampolla amb la meva supervisora demà a la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ampolla", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva supervisora", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10270, + "example": "Ens podríeu confirmar que a Londres són les dotze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Londres", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3617, + "example": "Escoltaria la cançó de \"Gat rumberu\" tot el dia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Gat rumberu", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 14, + "example": "Pots anotar al calendari la cita del dijous amb l'endocrina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "endocrina", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2859, + "example": "Configura una alerta per aquesta tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1528, + "example": "Repeteix \"Obsesión\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Repeteix", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Obsesión", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7045, + "example": "Reprodueix-me un altre cop els vídeos d'\"Avatar: l'últim mestre de l'aire\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Avatar: l'últim mestre de l'aire", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5168, + "example": "M'ensenyes què tinc planificat al meu calendari per aquesta tarda a dos quarts de sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de sis", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11371, + "example": "Quan era la meva cita amb la doctora Jordan?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Jordan", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9690, + "example": "Van bé els calçots arrebossats que he demanat a domicili al Caliu de Gràcia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "calçots arrebossats", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Caliu de Gràcia", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6888, + "example": "Vull una taula per sopar avui a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1036, + "example": "Pot ser que els llums d'aquesta casa brillin massa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4652, + "example": "Podries llegir-me el nou SMS de l'Emma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "SMS", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Emma", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4685, + "example": "Necessito que miris si tinc cap missatge de Whatsapp nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6072, + "example": "Ens podries donar l'adreça de l'OAC?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "OAC", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1601, + "example": "Em canvies al color verd la bombeta del teclat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "verd", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11104, + "example": "Com definiries socarrat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "socarrat", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5936, + "example": "Em pots buscar l'horari de visites de l'Hospital Dos de Maig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari de visites", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Dos de Maig", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2416, + "example": "Sol·licita'm un taxi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4605, + "example": "Em dius quins quioscs hi ha a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "quioscs", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7140, + "example": "Digue'm el camí per arribar a l'hospital del Vendrell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital del Vendrell", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2729, + "example": "Pots fer silenci, si us plau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2144, + "example": "M'agradaria que engeguessis les làmpades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9342, + "example": "Pots punxar el meu tema preferit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferit", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 266, + "example": "Com puc anar a Torredembarra amb bus?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bus", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Torredembarra", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5901, + "example": "On està la Clínica Dexeus de Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "On està", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Dexeus", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2774, + "example": "T'importaria no parlar en quatre dies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "en quatre dies", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11579, + "example": "Per descomptat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7424, + "example": "Vull enviar un correu a la meva germana que tingui per títol \"vacances a Sant Feliu\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "vacances a Sant Feliu", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5917, + "example": "M'agradaria saber a quina hora tanquen l'hospital Taulí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quina hora tanquen", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital Taulí", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8614, + "example": "M'agradaria esborrar l'acte d'aquesta setmana del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "acte", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4757, + "example": "Esbrinar si encara fan plats per emportar al Nostrum, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Nostrum", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fan plats per emportar", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9021, + "example": "Em pots dir què passa el 3 de maig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "3 de maig", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10488, + "example": "Em sabries dir si fan comandes a domicili al restaurant de gyros de la cantonada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "restaurant de gyros", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fan comandes a domicili", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la cantonada", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7325, + "example": "Desa el correu de Marta Bleix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta Bleix", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 80, + "example": "M'agradaria que prenguessis nota a l'agenda de la cita de demà amb la doctora Sara Albert.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Sara Albert", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 373, + "example": "M'ho pots repetir un altre cop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5284, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis quan m'haig de renovar el Carnet de salut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan m'haig de renovar", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Carnet de salut", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4818, + "example": "Dijous farà dia de platja?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dijous", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "dia de platja", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5538, + "example": "Afanya't i posa'm en contacte amb la meva germana Marta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana Marta", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8111, + "example": "Què em contes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8184, + "example": "Vull tenir un seient en el ferrocarril que surt de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat i arriba a Olesa de Montserrat el diumenge al matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "l'Hospitalet de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Olesa de Montserrat", + "Start_char": 88, + "End_char": 107 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 111, + "End_char": 119 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 120, + "End_char": 127 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6475, + "example": "A quin lloc creus que podrem trobar una major oferta de productes d'higiene: al Sorli o al Bonpreu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sorli", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Bonpreu", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 98 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "A quin lloc creus que podrem trobar una major oferta de productes d'higiene", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5116, + "example": "Em pots dir la duració del hit que he posat al dormitori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "duració", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10687, + "example": "M'expliques quin esdeveniment hi ha per dissabte?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3756, + "example": "Ves al meu calendari i confirma'm si tinc alguna cita programada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1435, + "example": "Podries augmentar-me la intensitat de la llum al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7251, + "example": "Tancar aplicatiu BonÀrea Online.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "BonÀrea Online", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2772, + "example": "Podries xapar la boca durant una estona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estona", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10124, + "example": "Em pots dir què hi tinc enregistrat al llistat de figures per comprar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de figures per comprar", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11490, + "example": "He tingut un accident de moto; truca a la Creu Roja", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Creu Roja", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "He tingut un accident de moto", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3751, + "example": "Corregeix-me si m'equivoco: el dilluns tinc un esdeveniment a Cambrils; és correcte?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cambrils", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9190, + "example": "Posa'm un tallat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "tallat", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8084, + "example": "Explica alguna cosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2808, + "example": "M'agradaria que escrivissis a l'atenció al consumidor d'Antena 3 amb el text \"no teniu vergonya, amb tanta publicitat feu que les pel·lícules d'una hora i mitja en durin tres\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escrivissis", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al consumidor d'Antena 3", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "no teniu vergonya, amb tanta publicitat feu que les pel·lícules d'una hora i mitja en durin tres", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 174 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2701, + "example": "Pots estar una estona sense dir ni piu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estona", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10266, + "example": "Quina hora és ara mateix a Istanbul?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Istanbul", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6009, + "example": "Voldria consultar els horaris de la Farmàcia Marta Sala Soler.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horaris", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Marta Sala Soler", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9691, + "example": "De la zona horària UTC+5 en vull saber l'hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "zona horària UTC+5", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4700, + "example": "Em mires si tinc algun missatge de Signal nou d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Signal", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11373, + "example": "Quina especialitat és la cita de dimecres a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 533, + "example": "Fem una partida al \"Candy crush\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Candy crush", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 211, + "example": "Quina és la fiabilitat de l'horòscop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6946, + "example": "Ensenya el lloc on em trobo durant una hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "una hora", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4459, + "example": "\"El viatge d'Arlo\", la tornaran a emetre avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "El viatge d'Arlo", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 513, + "example": "Fem una jugada al \"Fruit nibbles\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Fruit nibbles", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2948, + "example": "Anota al calendari que tinc classe d'anglès amb la Maria Martí de dilluns a divendres de sis a set de la tarda a Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe d'anglès", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria Martí", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 92 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 110 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 113, + "End_char": 122 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7802, + "example": "Apaga el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6317, + "example": "El partit de bàsquet com va acabar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "partit de bàsquet", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4784, + "example": "Saps si plourà a Santa Coloma durant aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plourà", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Santa Coloma", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3339, + "example": "Podem escoltar \"Ones a la panxa\" de Mar Romera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Ones a la panxa", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Mar Romera", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 501, + "example": "Ets la pera, llimonera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9909, + "example": "Em podries mostrar si ha defraudat a Hisenda el Jordi Morales?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "ha defraudat a Hisenda", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jordi Morales", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9797, + "example": "Quins trens hi ha de Vilafranca del Penedès a Vilanova i la Geltrú?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilafranca del Penedès", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7248, + "example": "T'ordeno que tanquis Moovit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Moovit", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2240, + "example": "M'adreces un e-mail al Guillem?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2341, + "example": "Adquireix un bitllet per anar de Saragossa a Lleida amb tren el 18 de novembre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Saragossa", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "18 de novembre", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10218, + "example": "Quin és el pronòstic del temps que hi ha per avui a la meva ciutat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva ciutat", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6373, + "example": "Com es tramita la sol·licitud de la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com es tramita la sol·licitud", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4774, + "example": "Em pots mostrar si aquesta tarda plou a les Garrigues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plou", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "les Garrigues", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4210, + "example": "Què debaten a Twitter en aquest moment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2690, + "example": "Em pots mirar si \"Dinosaures per dibuixar\" és una de les meves llistes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "Dinosaures per dibuixar", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11006, + "example": "Digues a quines hores em prenc l'Amoxicil·lina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Amoxicil·lina", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4379, + "example": "Podries dir-me què puc fer per entretenir-me prop de casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "prop de casa", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_detail", + "Text": "entretenir-me", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3911, + "example": "Cinc per tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Cinc per tres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 51, + "example": "Vull que apuntis que tinc visita amb el físio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "físio", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3469, + "example": "Tindries l'amabilitat d'explicar-me un acudit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4445, + "example": "Saps si al cinema de la cantonada hi posen \"High School Musical\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "cantonada", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "High School Musical", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5861, + "example": "Telefonar al 061, que el meu pare no respira.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "061", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "el meu pare no respira", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11894, + "example": "No t'he dit que facis això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4145, + "example": "M'ensenyes si diumenge a les vuit he d'enviar el pagament de l'escola de música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "enviar el pagament de l'escola de música", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4767, + "example": "La meva marisqueria preferida compta amb servei a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "marisqueria", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "servei a domicili", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10808, + "example": "Tractats, batalles i esdeveniments històrics.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11338, + "example": "Digues-me quan em toca visita amb la doctora Pasqual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Pasqual", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6764, + "example": "Voldria reservar una taula al Goiko per anar amb la Núria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Goiko", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Núria", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1468, + "example": "Pots posar la llum més forta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11298, + "example": "A quina hora he d'anar al CAP demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8060, + "example": "Ei col·lega.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7727, + "example": "Escriure'm al calendari un nou esdeveniment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3115, + "example": "Seria possible que ens posessis una cançoneta de la llista de reproducció que es diu \"música per a Rol\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "música per a Rol", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8533, + "example": "Mira si trobes un taxi que em porti fins a Calella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Calella", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1538, + "example": "Podries repetir la cançó que estava sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "repetir", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1863, + "example": "Elimina l'entrada que tinc al mes de novembre de planejar les vacances amb els sogres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "planejar les vacances", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "sogres", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "novembre", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2630, + "example": "Respon a l'última publicació d'Instagram de la Maria Soldevila amb l'emoji del cor blanc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Respon", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Maria Soldevila", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "emoji del cor blanc", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "última publicació", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8470, + "example": "Truca un VTC per estar a la plaça de Sant Felip Neri demà passat a les quatre de la madrugada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "plaça de Sant Felip Neri", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les quatre de la madrugada", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10427, + "example": "Vull que em mostris quines són les meves cançons preferides de la Julia Jacklin.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Julia Jacklin", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quines són les meves cançons preferides", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10747, + "example": "Saps si ha arribat algun missatge de text nou de l'Emma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Emma", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 187, + "example": "Vull marcar al calendari la visita del reumatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "reumatòleg", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8606, + "example": "Esborrar l'entrada \"pel·lícula\" amb la Lucy a les nou del vespre del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "pel·lícula", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lucy", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del vespre", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3268, + "example": "I si al dormitori em reprens l'audiollibre \"Entre el cel i la terra\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Entre el cel i la terra", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7453, + "example": "A quants graus es cou un coulant de xocolata?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "coulant de xocolata", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10523, + "example": "Quins són els tallers de cotxes més barats del meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "tallers de cotxes", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "més barats", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "del meu barri", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11728, + "example": "Fes el que et sembli.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 265, + "example": "Hi ha algun bus a Vilobí del Penedès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bus", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vilobí del Penedès", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3165, + "example": "Et faria res sintonitzar el \"Sense estudis\" de \"Ser Catalunya\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Sense estudis", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Ser Catalunya", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5021, + "example": "Em mostres el preu de les accions de l'empresa Apple?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Apple", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4238, + "example": "Què passa a TikTok ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 463, + "example": "Fantasia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10940, + "example": "Em pots confirmar a quina hora m'he de posar el supositori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "supositori", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1730, + "example": "Si al fus horari de Turquia són les tres, saps quina hora és a UTC 0?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Turquia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "UTC 0", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10827, + "example": "Ogres, rucs i dracs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8284, + "example": "Vull saber si hauré de dur la roba d'estiu demà a les set de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "hauré de dur la roba d'estiu", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dem��", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5204, + "example": "He d'anar amb l'Eduard a comprar aquest vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "comprar", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eduard", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest vespre", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7589, + "example": "Afegir-me nas vermell al llistat \"disfressa\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "nas vermell", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "disfressa", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3579, + "example": "Em deleixo per escoltar heavy metal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "heavy metal", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 386, + "example": "Vull que repeteixis el que has dit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10116, + "example": "Em pots dir si el llistat \"Peces d'escenografia\" conté l'ítem \"cascada màgica\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "Peces d'escenografia", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "cascada màgica", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3808, + "example": "Què puc elaborar amb unes anxoves?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "anxoves", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5241, + "example": "Com puc demanar informes a través de La meva salut?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "demanar informes a través de La meva salut", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2381, + "example": "Em reserves un bitllet pel tren de les vuit de la nit amb sortida a Balaguer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit de la nit", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Balaguer", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8439, + "example": "Podries mirar de demanar per takeaway.com que em portin a casa una porció de pastís de fruits vermells?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pastís de fruits vermells", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 102 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "takeaway.com", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3544, + "example": "Em sulfura aquest tema que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10094, + "example": "Busca les últimes notícies sobre la gentrificació a les capitals europees.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la gentrificació a les capitals europees", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11299, + "example": "Quan és la meva propera visita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8851, + "example": "El mes que ve hi ha reunions programades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunions", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3019, + "example": "Et faria res posar-nos l'episodi que segueix del \"Combat dels poetes\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Combat dels poetes", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11419, + "example": "Pots comprovar si al Centre Mèdic Urquinaona hi he d'anar demà a les cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Centre Mèdic Urquinaona", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2961, + "example": "Planificar un esdeveniment a les sis a Figueres amb la Xènia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Xènia", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2165, + "example": "Si us plau, ens encens l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9248, + "example": "La reunió amb la meva supervisora és el dimarts a les deu del matí a Sitges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva supervisora", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3028, + "example": "I si ens poses l'episodi que ve a continuació de \"Pantalles\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Pantalles", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5565, + "example": "Voldria que fessis un truc al Sergi Molina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sergi Molina", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2322, + "example": "Em podries treure de la quedada de voluntariat de la setmana vinent amb el meu amic del calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedada de voluntariat", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu amic", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3660, + "example": "Doncs avui he tingut dia horrible.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1244, + "example": "Et faria res apagar-me la làmpada del despatx?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1112, + "example": "Pots afegir quatre ítems nous a la llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "quatre ítems nous", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9205, + "example": "Prepara un cafetó amb llet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafetó amb llet", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7174, + "example": "Em dius com anar al restaurant El Ñaño?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "restaurant El Ñaño", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5453, + "example": "Necessito mostrar la meva localització a la Mariona fins a les sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mariona", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4962, + "example": "M'ensenyes els horaris del tren fins a Rubí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Rubí", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3018, + "example": "Em pots posar a l'estudi l'episodi que ve a continuació del \"Black tapes\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Black tapes", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3114, + "example": "Pots posar-nos el quart tema de la llista de reproducció que tinc amb el nom \"writing jams\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "quart", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "writing jams", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5313, + "example": "Pots dir-me com veure els meus informes de l'últim mes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com veure", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "informes de l'últim mes", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9985, + "example": "Està programada alguna alerta per dijous al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1213, + "example": "Aquesta tarda tinc partit de l'Espanyol a Esplugues de Llobregat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partit de l'Espanyol", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Esplugues de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7253, + "example": "Voldria que apaguessis la Càmera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Càmera", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5613, + "example": "Li podries fer una trucada a la iaia Antònia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "iaia Antònia", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10598, + "example": "Vull saber quina activitat hi ha a Badalona avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3627, + "example": "Escoltaria la Rosalía tot el dia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Rosalía", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4117, + "example": "D'on és en Juan Magán?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "D'on és", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Juan Magán", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3682, + "example": "Em dius quin idioma es parla a Malta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Em dius quin idioma es parla", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Malta", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2427, + "example": "Vull anar cap a casa meva; em crides un Uberx al carrer de l'albereda aquest migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa meva", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uberx", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "carrer de l'albereda", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest migdia", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10701, + "example": "Sabries dir-me si tinc planejada alguna cosa a l'agenda per demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3952, + "example": "Quant dona la divisió de cinc-cents quaranta-nou i seixanta-cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "cinc-cents quaranta-nou i seixanta-cinc", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1547, + "example": "El reproductor de música, el pots aturar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "aturar", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1540, + "example": "Podries saltar aquesta cançó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "saltar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2691, + "example": "Descobrir el contingut de la llista \"viatge a Xile\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "viatge a Xile", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1053, + "example": "Em pots connectar la roomba?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9962, + "example": "M'agradaria saber si hi ha alguna alarma configurada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10788, + "example": "Saps si tinc correus sense llegir d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "sense llegir", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3827, + "example": "De quins elements està constituït el romesco?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "romesco", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3262, + "example": "A les golfes, et faria res seguir amb l'audiollibre \"Soulwars\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Soulwars", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11495, + "example": "Podries trucar al meu xicot; m'he torçat el turmell i no puc caminar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu xicot", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "m'he torçat el turmell", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 103, + "example": "He d'anar dimecres a les nou a la consulta de la doctora de l'ambulatori.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "consulta de la doctora", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulatori", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2078, + "example": "Em pots posar les làmpades en funcionament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7780, + "example": "Desactivar el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10781, + "example": "Digue'm si tinc algun email que no hagi llegit d'ahir al migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "no hagi llegit", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10434, + "example": "Mostra'm les cançons que em fan estar feliç.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "em fan estar feliç", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11295, + "example": "La visita del CAP era una analítica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "test", + "Text": "analítica", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 626, + "example": "Vull visitar Riudaura; quin bus haig de buscar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Riudaura", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bus", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4469, + "example": "Em pots mostrar quines pel·lícules de \"Missió impossible\" posaran avui al cinema de vuit a deu de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Missió impossible", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "vuit", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2801, + "example": "Vull que facis una piulada a l'atenció al client de La Casa del Llibre on digui \"gràcies per posar-vos en contacte amb mi en relació amb la meva darrera comanda, on m'heu cobrat dos cops les despeses d'enviament\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "facis una piulada", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de La Casa del Llibre", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "gràcies per posar-vos en contacte amb mi en relació amb la meva darrera comanda, on m'heu cobrat dos cops les despeses d'enviament", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 211 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 916, + "example": "Abaixa el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7560, + "example": "A la meva llista de la compra vull que afeixis pollastre de kebab del Mercadona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "pollastre de kebab del Mercadona", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1271, + "example": "Aquest endoll intel·ligent el vull desconnectar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8406, + "example": "Em ve de gust demanar a La Uramakeria alguna cosa per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Uramakeria", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11802, + "example": "No segueixis més.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1439, + "example": "Pots enfortir-me la intensitat dels leds al dormitori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8853, + "example": "Em mostres quan tinc la reunió que tinc fixada per demà passat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 359, + "example": "Torna-m'ho a dir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2086, + "example": "Pots encendre els leds?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4430, + "example": "Digue'm si al cinema fan algun thriller aquest dissabte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "thriller", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dissabte", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 345, + "example": "Torna a dir-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6042, + "example": "I si em dius el telèfon de la biblioteca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11630, + "example": "És evident.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3708, + "example": "Digue'm si fa vent ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "vent", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5665, + "example": "Necessito trucar a l'Hospital de Sant Celoni.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Sant Celoni", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8960, + "example": "Neteja amb el robot aspirador l'habitació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11253, + "example": "Què tenim demà per esmorzar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "esmorzar", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 882, + "example": "Del Procés me'n dones les notícies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Procés", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8651, + "example": "Em suprimeixes del calendari l'assaig de capoeira de les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assaig de capoeira", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10649, + "example": "Podries consultar si hi ha cap esdeveniment entre les dues i les sis per la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2178, + "example": "Em pots encendre el lladre elèctric intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "lladre elèctric intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3831, + "example": "Em podries dir quins elements tenen els fideus a la cassola?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fideus a la cassola", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11162, + "example": "Voldria saber què soparem avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "soparem", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8933, + "example": "Quina informació hi ha al contacte del Carles Rosselló?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carles Rosselló", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4722, + "example": "M'informes sobre si el meu Data Doner preferit fa menjar a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Data Doner", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fa menjar a domicili", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2577, + "example": "Un biberó, m'ho pots preparar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "biberó", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2147, + "example": "Necessitaria que activessis el llum del jardí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "jardí", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 384, + "example": "Vull que diguis de nou el que has dit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9735, + "example": "Llegeix-me l'horari complet de tots els trens que passin per l'estació de Cerdanyola-Universitat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cerdanyola-Universitat", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 515, + "example": "M'agradaria fer una partideta al \"Solitari\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Solitari", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9123, + "example": "Apunta'm al calendari que tinc una reunió cada dimecres a la tarda amb els meus companys de feina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dimecres", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "els meus companys de feina", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3275, + "example": "Al lavabo petit ens reproduiries \"The vulture lord\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo petit", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "The vulture lord", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5255, + "example": "Demanar cita a La meva salut, mostra'm com, ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "Demanar cita a La meva salut", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5942, + "example": "Cercar horari doctor Capell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "doctor Capell", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9038, + "example": "Podries prendre nota d'una cita amb el Robert Genebat dissabte al vespre al Restaurant BelleBuon?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Robert Genebat", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Restaurant BelleBuon", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9693, + "example": "Busca quina hora tenen a la zona horària d'Europa/Madrid.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "zona horària d'Europa/Madrid", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7546, + "example": "Tempera la bombeta del lavabo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10571, + "example": "Descobrir què passa a prop de la meva àrea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop de la meva àrea", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5184, + "example": "Saps què hi tinc fixat per avui al Prat de Llobregat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Prat de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6779, + "example": "Voldria fer una reserva per a dues persones a un restaurant de cuina gurmet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "dues", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "cuina gurmet", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9126, + "example": "M'anotes al calendari el primer dimarts de cada mes comprar begudes i paper de vàter?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "primer dimarts", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada mes", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "comprar begudes i paper de vàter", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9222, + "example": "Recorda'm que el 3 de novembre a les nou del matí tinc una reunió amb el meu cap.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "3 de novembre", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu cap", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2076, + "example": "Voldria engegar els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4872, + "example": "Com estarà el trànsit per entrar a Vilanova i la Geltrú el dilluns vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns vinent", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 152, + "example": "Apunta la meva cita amb el ginecòleg dimarts a les dues.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "ginecòleg", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11224, + "example": "Tindrà cacauets el dinar d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "cacauets", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1373, + "example": "Augmenta el volum del so.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1130, + "example": "Podries incloure'm Roma al llistat de ciutats d'Europa que he visitat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de ciutats d'Europa que he visitat", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Roma", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10230, + "example": "M'agradaria saber el temps que fa a Santa Coloma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Santa Coloma", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4480, + "example": "Em pots informar d'on es podrà veure la pel·lícula \"El falsificador de passaports\" el dijous a Valls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "El falsificador de passaports", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 92 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10521, + "example": "Em sabries dir per aquí quins hipermercats hi ha que acceptin mascotes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "hipermercats", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "acceptin mascotes", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11146, + "example": "Quin menú tinc amb espinacs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "espinacs", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4204, + "example": "El que s'està debatent a Instagram ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11947, + "example": "Has pixat fora de test.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2407, + "example": "Volem anar a Sabadell quatre persones, ens pots agafar un Cabify?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1512, + "example": "Pots parar-me la cançó d'\"Atrocity\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "parar-me", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Atrocity", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6993, + "example": "Voldríem veure \"Dúnia i altres contes del món\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Dúnia i altres contes del món", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3640, + "example": "He complert tots els meus objectius laborals així que puc dir que ha sigut un bon dia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 845, + "example": "M'agradaria que em mostressis les notícies de política més noves que siguin del \"Periódico\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "política", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Periódico", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6556, + "example": "Em pots recordar que prengui el xarop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5260, + "example": "Tinc guardat el carnet de donant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carnet de donant", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Tinc guardat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10194, + "example": "M'agradaria veure si hi ha novetats al perfil de Facebook d'Enric Mera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Enric Mera", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10667, + "example": "Veure quines són les festes de rock que hi ha a prop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festes de rock", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3099, + "example": "Al dormitori dels nens pots punxar-me un tema de la llista de reproducció \"música dels meus peluixos\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori dels nens", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "música dels meus peluixos", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7721, + "example": "Programa'm una reunió a la ferreteria amb la Jana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "ferreteria", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jana", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3840, + "example": "Què es pot fer amb formatge Edam?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "Edam", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11120, + "example": "Publica vídeos a YouTube el Carles Porta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Publica vídeos a YouTube", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carles Porta", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11596, + "example": "No ho dubtis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5875, + "example": "M'agradaria que truquessis a Emergències.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8360, + "example": "Pots mirar de demanar a domicili una ració de truita de patates amb ceba?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "truita de patates amb ceba", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2699, + "example": "Em pots dir què s'inclou en el meu llistat d'aliments sense gluten?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat d'aliments sense gluten", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11571, + "example": "Completament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 466, + "example": "Ho has brodat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5502, + "example": "Fes una trucada a la Clara Fonts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Clara Fonts", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4097, + "example": "Em pots dir el número del Jaume?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jaume", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5404, + "example": "Explica'm com anar fins al carrer Victòria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer Victòria", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5980, + "example": "Quin és el número de consulta de la doctora Maria de la Paz?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "número de consulta", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctora Maria de la Paz", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1940, + "example": "Podries treure'm l'alerta que tenim creada per diumenge al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11903, + "example": "Cagada, pastoret.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11771, + "example": "Fes com vulguis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1176, + "example": "Em podries afegir al meu calendari personal per demà una junta amb la Laia March?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laia March", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10285, + "example": "A Mataró quina hora tenen.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6864, + "example": "Busca'm taula per sopar dimecres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10501, + "example": "Dir totes les peixateries de qualitat de la Bordeta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "peixateries", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "de qualitat", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Bordeta", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6895, + "example": "Podries agafar una taula per cinc persones al vegà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "vegà", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7048, + "example": "M'agradaria posar un altre cop el clip de \"Harry Potter i el pres d'Azkaban\" a DailyMotion.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Harry Potter i el pres d'Azkaban", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "DailyMotion", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4353, + "example": "Em dius si serà pel meu voltant el \"Magnífic Fest\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Magnífic Fest", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4991, + "example": "A quina hora hi ha trens de Camprodon fins a Martorell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Camprodon", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Martorell", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1461, + "example": "A l'habitació, podries maximitzar la llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3386, + "example": "Visitaré un museu amb el meu germà el dimecres a la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Visitaré un museu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu germà", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8752, + "example": "Al passadís, vull encendre l'endoll.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "passadís", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10120, + "example": "Em pots dir què hi ha apuntat a la llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2225, + "example": "Cal respondre al mail del meu encarregat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu encarregat", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2826, + "example": "Fes una piulada dirigida al servei d'atenció al client de la botiga GAME dient \"ja sabem que els sortejos que feu estan manipulats, tongo\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Fes una piulada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al client de la botiga GAME", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "ja sabem que els sortejos que feu estan manipulats, tongo", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 137 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2202, + "example": "Connecta'm la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6794, + "example": "M'agradaria que fessis una reserva d'una taula al König.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "König", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6593, + "example": "A les dues recorda'm que em prengui el protector gàstric.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "protector gàstric", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1413, + "example": "Em fas el favor d'apujar la intensitat dels leds?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11532, + "example": "Telefona al meu xicot urgentment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu xicot", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2609, + "example": "Ens faries un caputxino?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "caputxino", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8734, + "example": "Pots posar en marxa l'endoll intel·ligent que hi ha al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11014, + "example": "Em saps dir si la presentació del nou llibre de David J Peterson la fan a alguna llibreria a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "presentació del nou llibre de David J Peterson", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "llibreria", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1193, + "example": "Pots afegir una cita amb el Lluc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lluc", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4433, + "example": "Informa'm de quines pel·lis hi ha al cine aquest dijous a les cinc de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dijous", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2357, + "example": "Obtingues-me un tiquet de l'exprés que surt el dia 10 de setembre al vespre de Parets del Vallès per anar a Centelles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "exprés", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "10 de setembre", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Parets del Vallès", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 96 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Centelles", + "Start_char": 108, + "End_char": 117 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6038, + "example": "Saps quin és el telèfon de l'escola?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 385, + "example": "Vull que diguis novament el que m'has dit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5638, + "example": "Fes el favor de comunicar-me amb l'avi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "avi", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4053, + "example": "Mostra'm el contacte de l'Enric González.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Enric González", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6753, + "example": "Reservar taula per a deu persones al Rebost.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Rebost", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "deu", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10198, + "example": "Trobar què es diu a Twitter.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11528, + "example": "Demana'm una ambulància urgentment i avisa als meus pares.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulància", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ls meus pares", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3959, + "example": "Em mostres quant és catorze si li sumes noranta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "catorze si li sumes noranta", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5627, + "example": "Telefona al Guillem Roig.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem Roig", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8603, + "example": "Ens eliminaries tot el que tenim programat al calendari abans del club de lectura a Sant Andreu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "abans", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "club de lectura", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Andreu", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7798, + "example": "Treu-me els llums led.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11166, + "example": "Podries dir-me si tenim macarrons al menú?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "macarrons", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10384, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis quina és la cançó que em posa alegre de Txarango.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Txarango", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "em posa alegre", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 756, + "example": "Vull saber com és el nom de l'esport que es juga a la platja amb una pilota i una xarxa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "esport", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "es juga a la platja amb una pilota i una xarxa", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 866, + "example": "Vull que em diguis les notícies de política de \"Catalunya Ràdio\" d'última hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "política", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Catalunya Ràdio", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6085, + "example": "Mostrar els serveis de l'Ajuntament d'Olot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Olot", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 998, + "example": "Pots ajustar la llum del led?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4932, + "example": "Mostra el whatsapp de la Jana que ha arribat recentment que parla de mobles de disseny minimalista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "whatsapp", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jana", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recentment", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "mobles de disseny minimalista", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8767, + "example": "La música que escolto ara mateix és una meravella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "escolto ara mateix", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7237, + "example": "M'agradaria desactivar Apparella't.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Apparella't", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4330, + "example": "A quin lloc es fa la \"Fira de Guilleries\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Fira de Guilleries", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3213, + "example": "A les golfes pots posar-me la cançó \"Cómo repartimos los amigos\" després d'aquesta que estic escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Cómo repartimos los amigos", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9386, + "example": "Posa una cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4781, + "example": "N'hi haurà de tempesta a Esplugues de Llobregat aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "tempesta", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Esplugues de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3907, + "example": "Calcula'm tretze dividits per quaranta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "tretze dividits per quaranta", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7294, + "example": "Podries guardar-me el correu electrònic de la meva mare?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9246, + "example": "Posa'm que tinc una reunió el dimarts a la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2347, + "example": "Reserva un seient del ferrocarril que arriba a Mataró.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11183, + "example": "Porta api la soja texturitzada amb samfaina del dinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "api", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "soja texturitzada amb samfaina", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10599, + "example": "Hi ha algun espectacle de manga avui per la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacle de manga", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6847, + "example": "Reserva per quatre a un quart de dues.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart de dues", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1067, + "example": "Podries posar a aspirar el robot aspirador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3107, + "example": "Posa'm una mica de música de la llista \"dies feliços\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "dies feliços", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10109, + "example": "Fes-nos saber les últimes notícies d'economia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "economia", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 481, + "example": "Déu-n'hi-doret.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 246, + "example": "Quins autobusos hi ha disponibles que vagin cap a Ademús?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobusos", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ademús", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5417, + "example": "M'ensenyes com arribar al TNC?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "TNC", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5664, + "example": "M'agradaria que truquessis al CUAP La Solana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CUAP La Solana", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5208, + "example": "Quin dia és la cita de menjar patates braves de la setmana que ve amb la Joana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "menjar patates braves", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8556, + "example": "Per anar al turó de la Peira sortint des de Montjuic, ens podries reservar un Free Now per a quatre persones?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "turó de la Peira", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montjuic", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Free Now", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9235, + "example": "Dimecres al matí tinc una reunió amb el meu superior a Blanes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu superior", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Blanes", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8381, + "example": "Amb Just Eat, demana que em portin a casa un kebab amb patates fregides.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Just Eat", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "kebab amb patates fregides", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8042, + "example": "Bones, amic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11164, + "example": "Et faria res dir-me què hi ha per dinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11102, + "example": "Defineix-me la paraula efímer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "efímer", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 126, + "example": "Cal apuntar que dimarts em toca anar a fer-me una radiografia a l'Hospital del Mar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital del Mar", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "test", + "Text": "fer-me una radiografia", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3824, + "example": "Què puc preparar amb raïm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "raïm", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2513, + "example": "M'han convocat per una junta el dilluns a les tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8363, + "example": "Podries encarregar-me menjar a domicili als Tinars?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Tinars", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5719, + "example": "Si us plau, posa'm en contacte amb la nostra pediatra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "pediatra", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3173, + "example": "Et faria res posar el programa \"Estat de Gràcia\" de \"Catalunya Ràdio\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Estat de Gràcia", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Catalunya Ràdio", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2424, + "example": "Reserva un Lyft per avui de set de la tarda a tres quarts d'onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "set de la tarda a tres quarts d'onze", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7788, + "example": "Tanca els llums del garatge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "garatge", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9809, + "example": "A quina hora surt el tren amb direcció Caldes d'Estrac demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Caldes d'Estrac", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10764, + "example": "Em mires si he rebut algun whatsapp nou d'en Joan?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "whatsapp", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5319, + "example": "Vull saber com puc veure les meves vacunes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "vacunes", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com puc veure", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 965, + "example": "Posa el volum considerablement més baix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2052, + "example": "Encarregar pizza a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4689, + "example": "Em mires si m'ha arribat cap missatge de Discord?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Discord", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 41, + "example": "Vull que apuntis que tinc visita al CAP.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8131, + "example": "Vull anar amb ferrocarril des de Sant Cugat a Barcelona dimecres al vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Cugat", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10163, + "example": "Mira si el Pere ha fet una publicació a TikTok en aquest moment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3554, + "example": "Detesto profundament el tema \"Invencibles\" que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Invencibles", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8101, + "example": "Que voldries xerrar una miqueta amb mi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6537, + "example": "Podries recordar-me que em prengui la medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3355, + "example": "Reproduiries l'audiollibre \"Un cistell de cireres\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Un cistell de cireres", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1584, + "example": "Em pots posar l'ull de bou blau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "blau", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7959, + "example": "M'agradaria que amplifiquessis el volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7401, + "example": "Adreça a mon pare un missatge de correu electrònic titulat \"bon dia\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon pare", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "bon dia", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5046, + "example": "El preu del valor en borsa de la companyia Iberdrola.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Iberdrola", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10012, + "example": "Mira'm si hi ha alarmes programades pel dissabte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6970, + "example": "Posa'm el meu vídeo de música reagge favorit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "favorit", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "música reagge", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7179, + "example": "Digue'm el recorregut que he de fer per anar en bici a l'Hospital Clínic", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bici", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Clínic", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9194, + "example": "Preparar un cafetó amb llet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafetó amb llet", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1745, + "example": "Seria possible que m'esborressis tot el que tinc organitzat a l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 410, + "example": "Podries explicar-me si juga a videojocs el Pau Gasol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "juga a videojocs", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pau Gasol", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4969, + "example": "A quina hora surten trens que van de Camprodon a Gaià?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Camprodon", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Gaià", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2951, + "example": "I si m'apuntes una cita amb l'Albert Ribes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Albert Ribes", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6175, + "example": "M'interessaria saber l'horari del teatre de Sant Cugat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "teatre", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Cugat", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1494, + "example": "Podries posar de nou \"Les nits no moren mai\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "posar de nou", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Les nits no moren mai", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5210, + "example": "Tinc res anotat a l'agenda entre dos quarts de sis i les set de la tarda del divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "entre dos quarts de sis", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 169, + "example": "Pren la nota que dijous tinc cita amb el cardiòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "cardiòleg", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9492, + "example": "Et faria res reproduir un tema que m'agradi molt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'agradi molt", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9047, + "example": "Tinc una quedada programada a Batea, me l'apuntes al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedada", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Batea", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 674, + "example": "Ensenya'm on farem la cita del mes que ve de preparar croquetes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "preparar croquetes", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "mes", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3901, + "example": "Calcula l'arrel quadrada de quaranta-cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "arrel quadrada de quaranta-cinc", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 334, + "example": "Em podries repetir el que acabes de dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2061, + "example": "Demana menjar per endur.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3539, + "example": "Aquesta cançó és una porqueria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7956, + "example": "El volum, vull que el maximitzis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5412, + "example": "No sé com arribar al carrer Casp.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer Casp", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1402, + "example": "Et faria res maximitzar el volum de la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3964, + "example": "A quant està en aquests moments el franc suís vers el dòlar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "franc suís", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dòlar", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 168, + "example": "He d'anar dijous a l'al·lergòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "al·lergòleg", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6875, + "example": "Em ve de gust sopar pizza, pots reservar-me taula?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "pizza", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopa", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11993, + "example": "Reproduir el següent episodi del pòdcast \"Audiollibres en català\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Audiollibres en català", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9086, + "example": "Connecta la ràdio ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1574, + "example": "Pots canviar l'ull de bou al color turquesa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "turquesa", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7083, + "example": "Necessitaria posar l'aplicació AOS.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "AOS", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4877, + "example": "Com està la circulació en aquest moment per anar cap a Ulldecona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ulldecona", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquest moment", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3329, + "example": "Pots reprendre a les golfes la reproducció de l'audiollibre \"Tirant lo blanc\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Tirant lo blanc", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3647, + "example": "Tinc un concert aquesta nit i en tinc moltes ganes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1939, + "example": "Podries cancel·lar-nos l'alerta que vaig posar per dilluns al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7198, + "example": "Ensenya'm la manera d'arribar més ràpidament a l'hospital.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6122, + "example": "Digue'm on està la policia local de Vilanova i la Geltrú.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "on està", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "policia local", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3580, + "example": "M'ho passo molt bé amb la cançó \"Camins\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Camins", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1187, + "example": "Demà a la nit tinc una cita romàntica amb la meva parella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita romàntica", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva parella", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5463, + "example": "Necessito enviar la meva ubicació a l'Enric fins a les onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Enric", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3728, + "example": "Aquest cap de setmana farà sol a Badalona a les tres de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "Aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "farà sol", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 578, + "example": "Vull fer un nivell del \"Candy crush\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Candy crush", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6077, + "example": "Puc anar a la biblioteca dissabte al matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "dissabte al matí", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6040, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis el número de telèfon de la biblioteca més propera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "número de telèfon", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "més propera", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4890, + "example": "Llegeix-me l'informe actual del tràfic a Amposta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Amposta", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10874, + "example": "Confirma'm l'hora per les medicines de l'àvia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "àvia", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1482, + "example": "Para la cançó de la banda Rhapsody.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Para", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Rhapsody", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3159, + "example": "A l'entrada reproduiries el \"No ho sé\" de \"RAC1\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "RAC1", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "No ho sé", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5872, + "example": "Vull que telefonis a Emergències.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2897, + "example": "Pots sintonitzar \"Kiss FM\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Kiss FM", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11023, + "example": "Digue'm com arribo a casa de la cosina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "cosina", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4554, + "example": "Mostra'm si tenen alguna pel·li d'estrena de ciència-ficció a Aribau Multicines dissabte a les deu de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "ciència-ficció", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Aribau Multicines", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 108 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5405, + "example": "Podries donar-me indicacions per arribar a la Plaça Major?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Plaça Major", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6711, + "example": "Vull fer una reserva per sopar a la Cala Barceloneta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cala Barceloneta", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6378, + "example": "Què hi ha de benefici en fer la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què hi ha de benefici", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1856, + "example": "M'esborres qualsevol cosa que hi hagi anotada al calendari els dimarts a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4190, + "example": "Com es fa l'allioli?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "allioli", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 929, + "example": "Reduir el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9315, + "example": "Posa'm el següent episodi d'aquest pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7339, + "example": "Pots guardar l'adreça dyrni_derollo@deathmail.nag.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "dyrni_derollo@deathmail.nag", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10148, + "example": "Ensenya'm què diuen a la xarxa social de Twitter.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9221, + "example": "M'anotes al meu calendari \"festa\" a Santa Coloma de Gramenet per l'any vinent i li poses un avís?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "festa", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Santa Coloma de Gramenet", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "any vinent", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7379, + "example": "Guarda el correu del Nil Agustí com a nil_agusti@yahoo.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nil Agustí", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "nil_agusti@yahoo.com", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6931, + "example": "M'agradaria ensenyar aquesta ubicació amb la meva companya de pis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva companya de pis", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1976, + "example": "Cancel·les l'alerta que hi ha per les tres i quart de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres i quart de la tarda", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9823, + "example": "Què significa balafiador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "balafiador", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11169, + "example": "Ens podries informar de quan toca carn aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "carn", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5070, + "example": "Quin valor tenen les accions de Bosch?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Bosch", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10346, + "example": "En aquest moment quina tonada està posada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està posada", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2882, + "example": "Posa l'emissora \"Cooltura FM\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Cooltura FM", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7203, + "example": "Tanca'm l'app de Kindle.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Kindle", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10088, + "example": "Dir les notícies sobre la guerra més noves.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la guerra", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6676, + "example": "M'agradaria tenir una taula reservada a un mexicà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "mexicà", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7265, + "example": "Rodolinrodolan@yahoo.es és el correu electrònic del Joan.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "Rodolinrodolan@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10430, + "example": "Digues-me el tema que més em flipa de La Gossa Sorda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "La Gossa Sorda", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "tema que més em flipa", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10712, + "example": "M'ensenyes si he d'enviar els documents del pis dijous a les dues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "enviar els documents del pis", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9377, + "example": "Sentir alguna cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9556, + "example": "Com fer l'esqueixada de bacallà amb pa amb tomàquet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "esqueixada de bacallà amb pa amb tomàquet", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6023, + "example": "Vull que em proporcionis l'horari d'obertura de la Farmàcia Mir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari d'obertura", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Mir", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10100, + "example": "Digues-me quina és l'última hora de les notícies científiques.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "científiques", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 362, + "example": "Digues-m'ho de nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11066, + "example": "Refresca'm el camí a casa la Sara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sara", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10958, + "example": "Quan m'he de posar la crema analgèsica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "crema analgèsica", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8242, + "example": "Vaig cap a Ulldecona; em reserves un seient al tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ulldecona", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2665, + "example": "Em pujaries a Twitter la captura del Garfield amb el text \"dia internacional de la lasanya\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "pujaries", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "captura del Garfield", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "dia internacional de la lasanya", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 29, + "example": "M'agradaria prendre nota al calendari de la visita de dilluns amb la meva cardiòloga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "la meva cardiòloga", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9920, + "example": "M'agradaria saber l'any que va néixer la Mònica Terribas.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "any que va néixer", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mònica Terribas", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 951, + "example": "Abaixar la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4596, + "example": "Recomanar-me un forn de pa que estigui obert per aquí a prop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "forn de pa", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "estigui obert", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3815, + "example": "Què puc cuinar amb pomes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "pomes", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6698, + "example": "Si us plau, fes una reserva per a 6.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "6", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9299, + "example": "Conta algun acudit d'en Jaumet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "Jaumet", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7776, + "example": "Et faria res desactivar-nos la bombeta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7081, + "example": "FilminCAT; obre'm l'app.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "FilminCAT", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9166, + "example": "Canvia el meu estat actual de Facebook per \"com m'agrada el canvi d'hora quan toca dormir una hora més\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "com m'agrada el canvi d'hora quan toca dormir una hora més", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 102 + }, + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Canvia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7716, + "example": "Cada dilluns a la tarda em pots prendre nota al calendari de la competició de \"Mario kart\" amb la família?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Cada dilluns", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "competició de \"Mario kart\"", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la tarda", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "família", + "Start_char": 98, + "End_char": 105 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7052, + "example": "M'agradaria veure una altra vegada \"Crims\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Crims", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3062, + "example": "Ens toques hip-hop al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "hip-hop", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3821, + "example": "Els plats que porten gambes de Palamós.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "gambes de Palamós", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4656, + "example": "Tinc novetats del meu germà al telegram?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu germà", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "telegram", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3500, + "example": "Ens sabries explicar una conya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1377, + "example": "M'agradaria escoltar la música a tot volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9163, + "example": "Fa molt de temps que no canvio l'estat de Whatsapp.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11986, + "example": "Podries reproduir l'episodi que ve a continuació del pòdcast \"Aquí hay dragones\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Aquí hay dragones", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9763, + "example": "A quina hora surt el tren que va cap a Maçanet-Massanes demà passat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Maçanet-Massanes", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3683, + "example": "Em mostres quines característiques té la Pica d'Estats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Pica d'Estats", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "quines característiques", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9400, + "example": "Pots posar un tema clàssic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "clàssic", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9961, + "example": "Em dius quantes alarmes hi ha actives per avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4115, + "example": "M'interessa saber quina és la ciutat preferida de l'Eduard Punset.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "quina és la ciutat preferida", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eduard Punset", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4308, + "example": "Em podries donar l'oratge de la setmana a Llagostera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Llagostera", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11454, + "example": "Vull que anotis el 972345687 com a fix nou de casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "972345687", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 949, + "example": "Abaixa'm el volum de la música que està massa alta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2312, + "example": "Ens faries desaparèixer el pla del dijous al vespre que hi ha a l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3679, + "example": "Com es diu el camp de futbol que hi ha a Manchester?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Com es diu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "camp de futbol que hi ha a Manchester", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6, + "example": "La visita de l'anestesista la tinc el dia 23.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "anestesista", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "23", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11816, + "example": "Em faries el favor de desactivar-te uns minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9907, + "example": "Em podries explicar si veu anime l'Andrés Iniesta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "veu anime", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Andrés Iniesta", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1760, + "example": "Esborra'm tots els esdeveniments abans de Nadal que tinc al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "abans", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Nadal", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9816, + "example": "Mostra'm què significa el verb acabussar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "acabussar", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7481, + "example": "M'agradaria que em posessis una alarma que soni dilluns a les vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5108, + "example": "Vull saber quin és el tipus de música que s'està reproduint.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin és el tipus de música", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1587, + "example": "Em canvies el color de l'ull de bou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11858, + "example": "T'atures una micona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11477, + "example": "Afegeix arceewithwheels@gmail.com com l'adreça de correu electrònic de la meva germana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "arceewithwheels@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11861, + "example": "Et desactives durant uns minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1306, + "example": "Pots desconnectar aquest endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7866, + "example": "Podries treure'm de l'agenda personal tots els esdeveniments que tinc anotats després del sopar amb l'Arlet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Arlet", + "Start_char": 102, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4096, + "example": "Saps quin és el telèfon del Roger?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Roger", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10103, + "example": "Ensenya'm les notícies de política més noves.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "política", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6118, + "example": "L'adreça de l'oficina jove de Sant Carles de la Ràpita.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina jove", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Carles de la Ràpita", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 594, + "example": "Posa'm el \"Fire emblem heroes\", que vull jugar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Fire emblem heroes", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 415, + "example": "M'expliques el lloc preferit per estiuejar de la Maria Reig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "lloc preferit per estiuejar", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria Reig", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3449, + "example": "Voldria saber quina és la definició de veracreu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "veracreu", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7914, + "example": "Fica les llums perquè estiguin de color blau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "blau", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1096, + "example": "M'inicies el robot aspirador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 973, + "example": "Abaixa una mica el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7771, + "example": "Em podries desconnectar la bombeta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5402, + "example": "Recorda'm com faig per anar a la Rambla Nova.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Rambla Nova", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4671, + "example": "Em pots dir quants whatsapps recents tinc de l'Anna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "whatsapps", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recents", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2851, + "example": "Configura una alarma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9683, + "example": "Com van els nostres entrepans de llonganissa per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "entrepans de llonganissa", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 609, + "example": "Vull saber quins trens surten de Sabadell a Malgrat de Mar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Malgrat de Mar", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1735, + "example": "Pots dir quina hora és al fus horari d'Amèrica/Vancouver si al fus horari dels Estats Units/Alaska són les quatre de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Vancouver", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units/Alaska", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 98 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la matinada", + "Start_char": 103, + "End_char": 128 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6488, + "example": "On tenen la platea més gran: al teatre CCCB o al Tívoli?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "CCCB", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tívoli", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "On tenen la platea més gran", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10183, + "example": "El Màrius ha publicat un reel a l'Instagram?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Màrius", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10312, + "example": "Voldria saber quina hora és.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9048, + "example": "He quedat amb la mama a la cafeteria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mama", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedat", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "cafeteria", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4352, + "example": "Quin és el nom de l'espectacle de dos quarts de tres que fan per la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de tres", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacle", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6596, + "example": "A les quinze em toca ansiolític: apunta-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quinze", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "ansiolític", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1553, + "example": "Pots tornar a posar aquesta cançó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "tornar a posar", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2132, + "example": "Necessito obrir el llum del garatge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "garatge", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2747, + "example": "Podries simplement no parlar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9369, + "example": "Inicies la llista \"Neteja amb energia\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "Neteja amb energia", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7471, + "example": "Dimecres que ve podries despertar-me a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimecres que ve", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3220, + "example": "Al despatx em punxaries el tema \"Mariposas\" quan s'acabi aquest que estic escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Mariposas", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4900, + "example": "Em pots dir si avui l'autopista serà gaire plena?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1623, + "example": "Contesta el mail.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 573, + "example": "Vull jugar al \"Clash of clans\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Clash of clans", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2190, + "example": "Ens pots connectar el lladre elèctric?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "lladre elèctric", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3867, + "example": "M'ensenyes quin plat porta rovellons?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "rovellons", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5154, + "example": "De quan és aquest tema que estic escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "De quan és", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5288, + "example": "M'ensenyes com em puc fer un duplicat del Carnet de salut?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Carnet de salut", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com em puc fer un duplicat", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7661, + "example": "Pots crear-me al calendari un esdeveniment amb l'Ot?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ot", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10210, + "example": "En aquest moment, a la ciutat on estic vivint quin és el temps que tenim?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "En aquest moment", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "ciutat on estic vivint", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1035, + "example": "Podries temperar el llum de led?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 171, + "example": "La cita de dijous amb el doctor Romero és a les sis de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Romero", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2254, + "example": "Podries remetre un correu al meu cosí que tingui per missatge \"ja he acabat els deures i que tingui per títol tasques completades del dia\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu cosí", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "ja he acabat els deures i que tingui per títol tasques completades del dia", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 137 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 34, + "example": "Pots apuntar que dimecres a les 11 tinc la visita del metge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 11", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6294, + "example": "Com ha acabat l'enfrontament contra l'Sporting?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Sporting", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2574, + "example": "Podria beure un caputxino?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "caputxino", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 767, + "example": "Llofris què vol dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "Llofris", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2290, + "example": "Em pots adreçar a desfamiliaplanes@hotmail.com un correu electrònic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "desfamiliaplanes@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7929, + "example": "Enlaira l'àudio al 50%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7626, + "example": "Agregar truita d'albergínies al llistat de receptes fàcils.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "truita d'albergínies", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de receptes fàcils", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6195, + "example": "Vull anar a França, necessito el certificat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "França", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "necessito", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 64, + "example": "Voldria que apuntessis que tinc visita el dilluns.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2199, + "example": "Al jardí podries posar-me la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "jardí", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3569, + "example": "Detesto el tema que s'està reproduint.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7717, + "example": "Anota al calendari que tinc teatre amb la Laura cada dilluns a les dotze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "teatre", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dilluns", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2415, + "example": "Reservar un Uber.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7693, + "example": "Podries crear al meu calendari una quedada a Batea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Batea", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedada", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3931, + "example": "Quant fan vint-i-cinc entre nou-cents vuitanta-sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "vint-i-cinc entre nou-cents vuitanta-sis", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11198, + "example": "El desdejuni de dimarts inclourà pastanaga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "desdejuni", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "pastanaga", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2531, + "example": "Em pots avisar si surt alguna cosa nova sobre la crisi política a Anglaterra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la crisi política a Anglaterra", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3279, + "example": "Inicia la lectura de la novel·la de Jen Díaz.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Jen Díaz", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4588, + "example": "Quines són les pel·lícules que faran avui a la tarda pel meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu barri", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3017, + "example": "Ens podries posar l'episodi que segueix de \"Powder burns\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Powder burns", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 762, + "example": "Ensenya'm com s'anomena el concepte de sentir que tothom t'està observant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "concepte", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "sentir que tothom t'està observant", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4682, + "example": "De la germana tinc algun mail d'aquest any?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "germana", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest any", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10879, + "example": "Confirmar cada quant tocava posar-me el supositori.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "supositori", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 228, + "example": "Com s'acabarà \"La casa del drac\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3450, + "example": "Voldria saber com es defineix el concepte de museta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "museta", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6001, + "example": "Pots dir-me el telèfon de la Farmàcia Capell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Capell", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5430, + "example": "Ensenya la meva ubicació a la Rita.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Rita", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1229, + "example": "Al meu calendari personal et faria res escriure que demà al matí tinc cita a la perruqueria Joan Miró?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita a la perruqueria Joan Miró", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1475, + "example": "Pots reproduir aquest disc de manera aleatòria i reiterada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "aleatòria i reiterada", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6287, + "example": "Com ha quedat la final de la Champions?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "final de la Champions", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10494, + "example": "Em podries dir si hi ha botigues per aquí amb guarderia i que siguin molt grans?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "amb guarderia", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "molt grans", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3392, + "example": "Quina seria la definició del concepte de casulla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "casulla", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6422, + "example": "Puc anar al podòleg amb la targeta sanitària?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Puc anar al podòleg", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9812, + "example": "Digues-me el significat de braser.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "braser", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4125, + "example": "Em pots dir quina música escolta la Pilar Rahola?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "quina música escolta", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pilar Rahola", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8174, + "example": "M'agradaria obtenir un viatge pel tren que surt aquest vespre de Puigcerdà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest vespre", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Puigcerdà", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8203, + "example": "Podries reservar-me un bitllet pel tren que surt des de Terrassa i que arriba a Alcover a les sis de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Alcover", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 87 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les sis de la matinada", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 188, + "example": "Divendres tinc analítica, desa-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Divendres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "test", + "Text": "analítica", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10769, + "example": "Tinc novetats als correus de ma germana sobre els mobles?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma germana", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "els mobles", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1034, + "example": "Podries temperar l'ull de bou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1837, + "example": "M'esborres tot el que hi ha programat al calendari personal amb l'Anna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9976, + "example": "Digue'm quines són les alarmes que tinc posades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1725, + "example": "Quina hora és al fus horari de Sidney si al fus horari d'Argentina són les quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Sidney", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Argentina", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5025, + "example": "Ensenya'm quin valor tenen les accions d'Iberia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Iberia", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 796, + "example": "Com definiries el terme naveta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "naveta", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10522, + "example": "Hi ha hipermercats per la meva zona, però que tinguin pàrquing?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "hipermercats", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "tinguin pàrquing", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4768, + "example": "La pastisseria que més m'agrada, saps si té servei a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "pastisseria", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "servei a domicili", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8505, + "example": "Vull un Talixo per estar passat demà a Torredembarra al migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Talixo", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Torredembarra", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9010, + "example": "Què celebrem el 4 de desembre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "4 de desembre", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4465, + "example": "Quines pel·lícules faran pel meu barri avui de set a dotze de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu barri", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "set", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dotze de la nit", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1861, + "example": "Carrega't l'esdeveniment \"sopar italià\" amb la colla de l'agenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar italià", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "colla", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5517, + "example": "M'agradaria que truquessis al número 977252211.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "977252211", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8006, + "example": "El volum baixa'l un 25%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11121, + "example": "Amb qui està casat el Pedro Sánchez?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Amb qui està casat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pedro Sánchez", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6608, + "example": "Recorda que m'he de prendre el Trankimazin a dos quarts d'onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Trankimazin", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts d'onze", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 825, + "example": "Tinc una llista que es diu \"sèries\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "sèries", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6827, + "example": "Busca una taula per dues persones per sopar demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "dues", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11199, + "example": "El cap i pota de dimecres inclourà la nyora com a ingredient?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "cap i pota", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "nyora", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6932, + "example": "Voldria compartir la meva ubicació amb el Joan durant set hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "set hores", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5825, + "example": "Vull trucar als bombers de seguida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1378, + "example": "Que et fa res apujar el so?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7846, + "example": "Vull que augmentis la intensitat del llum al rebedor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebedor", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2238, + "example": "Pots adreçar un mail al Pere?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9956, + "example": "Quines són les meves alarmes programades per demà passat a les sis de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2326, + "example": "Ens pots esborrar del calendari personal la rentadora de tovalloles de demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "rentadora de tovalloles", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6959, + "example": "M'agradaria que enviessis la meva ubicació actual durant mitja hora amb el meu grup d'amics.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "mitja hora", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu grup d'amics", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1646, + "example": "Vull respondre a l'email d'en Joaquim dient \"la cosa va rutllant\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joaquim", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "la cosa va rutllant", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1312, + "example": "Els endolls intel·ligents, necessito tancar-los.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2982, + "example": "Pots punxar els meus pòdcasts preferits?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1780, + "example": "Em trauries l'ou de la llista d'al·lèrgies del Josep?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "ou", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista d'al·lèrgies del Josep", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5044, + "example": "Digue'm les accions de la companyia Deloitte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Deloitte", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9981, + "example": "Quines són les alarmes que em sonaran el dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4466, + "example": "Podries confirmar-me si posaran demà de vuit a deu \"La bella dorment\" al cine del costat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "vuit", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "deu", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "La bella dorment", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "costat", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9859, + "example": "Qui va ser l'últim emperador de Roma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Qui va ser l'últim emperador", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Roma", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 974, + "example": "Afluixar la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4505, + "example": "A Glòries Multicines fan alguna pel·lícula musical?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Glòries Multicines", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "musical", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1859, + "example": "Ens fas desaparèixer de l'agenda la revisió del cotxe del dia 10?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "revisió del cotxe", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "10", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10527, + "example": "Saps de cap papereria per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "papereria", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5432, + "example": "Envia el meu emplaçament a l'Oriol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Oriol", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2266, + "example": "M'adreces un correu electrònic recordant-li a l'Eulàlia que \"hem de comprar les entrades pel concert d'Antònia Font\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eulàlia", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "hem de comprar les entrades pel concert d'Antònia Font", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 115 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6249, + "example": "Vull saber com li ha anat al Lleida a l'eliminatòria de la lliga Tot Bàsquet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "eliminatòria de la lliga Tot Bàsquet", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1094, + "example": "M'engegues la roomba?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7067, + "example": "Posa el documental sobre la jungla una altra vegada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "sobre la jungla", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3000, + "example": "Vull escoltar el meu pòdcast preferit: \"El sonido del crimen\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "El sonido del crimen", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8802, + "example": "Odio amb tota la meva ànima el que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 933, + "example": "No vull que la música estigui tan alta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11721, + "example": "Tant se me'n dona el que dius.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 93, + "example": "Fixar a l'agenda la cita del dilluns amb la meva ginecòloga a Vall d'Hebron.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "la meva ginecòloga", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Vall d'Hebron", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4036, + "example": "Busca'm com està el ien en comparació amb el dòlar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dòlar", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "ien", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9876, + "example": "Vint-i-cinc més vint-i-cinc donen cincuanta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Vint-i-cinc més vint-i-cinc", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 867, + "example": "Em pots ensenyar les notícies d'última hora de \"Vilanova Digital\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Vilanova Digital", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3172, + "example": "Em sintonitzes \"Ja tardes!\" de l'emissora \"RAC105\" al jardí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "RAC105", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Ja tardes!", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "jardí", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10632, + "example": "M'informes sobre si el Primavera Sound serà a la meva zona aquest any?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Primavera Sound", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest any", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10977, + "example": "Què prenc cada matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada matí", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4248, + "example": "Quines novetats trobes per Instagram?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 364, + "example": "Ho podries repetir un altre cop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8968, + "example": "Voldria fer córrer l'aspiradora pel garatge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "garatge", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 540, + "example": "M'agradaria jugar als \"Crusader kings III\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Crusader kings III", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2631, + "example": "Et faria res pujar una nova foto a Facebook i escriure \"el meu gat s'ha fet amb la custòdia del sofà\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "pujar", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "nova foto", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "el meu gat s'ha fet amb la custòdia del sofà", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1270, + "example": "Desactiva els nostres endolls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10727, + "example": "Podries confirmar-me si tinc alguna celebració aviat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aviat", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7541, + "example": "Desconnectar els llums del passadís del moble vell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "passadís", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3966, + "example": "Cerca quants dòlars són deu pesos argentins.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlars", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "deu pesos argentins", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3957, + "example": "Quina és la suma de vuitanta més cent noranta-dos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "suma de vuitanta més cent noranta-dos", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6644, + "example": "Seria fantàstic que em recordessis al matí la pastilla que em toca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8874, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quines reunions tinc programades per aquest matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunions", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10382, + "example": "Et fa res dir-me quins són els temes de rock que em fascinen?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rock", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "em fascinen", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1020, + "example": "La llum està molt alta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8387, + "example": "Encomana escudella al restaurant El Mussol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "escudella", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "El Mussol", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3833, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quines receptes hi ha amb carabassons.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "carabassons", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8700, + "example": "Fes desaparèixer estudiar de la llista d'activitats pendents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "estudiar", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista d'activitats pendents", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6225, + "example": "M'interessaria saber què he d'entregar per sol·licitar el certificat COVID.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "què he d'entregar per sol·licitar", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6069, + "example": "A quina hora tanca l'escola?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quina hora tanca", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9025, + "example": "Vull saber què celebrem el 20 de novembre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "20 de novembre", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9841, + "example": "Qui va inventar l'internet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "Qui va inventar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "internet", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3398, + "example": "El substantiu toga què vol dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "toga", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5618, + "example": "Pots posar-me en contacte amb la cosina Rigoberta, si us plau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "cosina Rigoberta", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10086, + "example": "Ensenya'm quines són les notícies de política recents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "política", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2253, + "example": "Respon \"que vagin molt bé les vacances\" al correu electrònic de la meva companya de pis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "que vagin molt bé les vacances", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva companya de pis", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1815, + "example": "Per divendres al migdia em pots eliminar de l'agenda la compra setmanal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendre", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "compra setmanal", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5793, + "example": "Telefona a l'ambulància; algú s'ha desmaiat al carrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulància", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "algú s'ha desmaiat", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3983, + "example": "Quant és un yen en dòlars namibians?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "un yen", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlars namibians", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6973, + "example": "Vull veure un dels meus vídeos favorits.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "favorits", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4180, + "example": "Com s'elaboren els macarrons gratinats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "macarrons gratinats", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7387, + "example": "Enviar un email al meu cosí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu cosí", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2051, + "example": "Demana pastís de carn al Mussol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pastís de carn", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Mussol", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8929, + "example": "Ensenya'm l'adreça electrònica de ma mare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça electrònica", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma mare", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9157, + "example": "Puja un estat a Internet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Puja", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2467, + "example": "Demà em trobo amb la Sílvia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11182, + "example": "El sopar de divendres porta verdura?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "verdura", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10316, + "example": "Vull l'hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7105, + "example": "Iniciar Abacus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Abacus", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6381, + "example": "On puc recollir la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "On puc recollir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3737, + "example": "El dimecres a les tres de la tarda estarà assolellat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "assolellat", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7605, + "example": "Podries afegir-me esquelets a la llista anomenada \"festa de Halloween\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "esquelets", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "festa de Halloween", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8620, + "example": "Em treus del calendari la partida d'escacs de demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partida d'escacs", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2198, + "example": "Ara m'agradaria escoltar un programa a la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8050, + "example": "Com et va la vida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2332, + "example": "Em neteges tot el que hi ha anotat al calendari entre les deu i les onze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9031, + "example": "Pots afegir al calendari que tinc organitzada una reunió amb el Salvador Calvó aquest dijous a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Salvador Calvó", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 92 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10117, + "example": "Em pots dir què conté la llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10906, + "example": "Em podries indicar quan m'he de prendre la pastilla blava?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla blava", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7601, + "example": "Posar també cigrons al llistat menjar per comprar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "cigrons", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "menjar per comprar", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7926, + "example": "Necessito incrementar la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10454, + "example": "Em pots dir quines són les meves llistes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6412, + "example": "Mostra'm quins documents es requereixen per fer-se la targeta sanitària europea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quins documents es requereixen per fer", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10678, + "example": "M'interessa saber quines presentacions de llibres tindran lloc al CosmoCaixa aquesta setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "presentacions de llibres", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "CosmoCaixa", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11210, + "example": "Dimarts toca crema de carabassa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "crema de carabassa", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimarts", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2192, + "example": "Em podries engegar la ràdio a la galeria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "galeria", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8723, + "example": "Elimina el llistat que s'anomena \"còmics\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "còmics", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1136, + "example": "Pots afegir-me un element a la llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 52, + "example": "Anar a l'otorrino demà, desar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "otorrino", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9845, + "example": "Com es va dir l'últim faraó de la segona dinastia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Com es va dir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "últim faraó de la segona dinastia", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1441, + "example": "M'apuges la potència de la llum al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5186, + "example": "Dona'm informació sobre els esdeveniments que tinc a l'agenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7810, + "example": "Atura els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8320, + "example": "L'email del Pere respon-lo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 395, + "example": "Qui és el millor amic de la Laia Talarn?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Qui és el millor amic", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laia Talarn", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9420, + "example": "Posa música pop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "pop", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8636, + "example": "Podries treure del meu calendari la quedada amb la Fina a les vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedada", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Fina", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 920, + "example": "Redueix-li el volum a la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8647, + "example": "Eliminar la cita Tinder a Manchester que tinc apuntada a l'agenda personal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita Tinder", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Manchester", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5419, + "example": "Quin és el trajecte en tren a l'estació de metro Fontana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Fontana", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2400, + "example": "Em podries fer una reserva al tren de demà a la nit cap a Madrid?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Madrid", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6760, + "example": "Reservar una taula per l'Anna i per mi al Green & Burguer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Green & Burguer", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 433, + "example": "Sincerament, no ho podries haver fet millor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2697, + "example": "Em podries llegir els meus llistats de regals de Nadal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistats de regals de Nadal", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3619, + "example": "M'agrada la cançó \"Jump\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Jump", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2954, + "example": "I si m'enregistres una junta amb el Guillem Belloch per demà a les nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem Belloch", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5845, + "example": "S'està cremant la casa del veí; truca als bombers.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "S'està cremant la casa del veí", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6693, + "example": "Vull menjar al Terrat dijous, reserva'm una taula.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Terrat", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 23, + "example": "M'he citat amb el doctor Joel Vidal a la Clínica Quirón.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Quirón", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Joel Vidal", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9723, + "example": "Vull que em diguis l'hora en què surt el tren que va direcció cap a Puigcerdà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Puigcerdà", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1394, + "example": "Pots apujar una miqueta la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8318, + "example": "Voldria que responguessis al meu tiet amb un correu electrònic on posi \"quina enveja que em feu a les fotos espero que us ho estigueu passant molt bé\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu tiet", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "quina enveja que em feu a les fotos espero que us ho estigueu passant molt bé", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 149 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5531, + "example": "Podries fer un truc a les meves cosines?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "les meves cosines", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11143, + "example": "Quants dies em toquen llegums?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "llegums", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 154, + "example": "Anota que demà a les tres tinc traumatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3149, + "example": "Podries posar reggaeton?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "reggaeton", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10858, + "example": "Quan volaran els porcs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6646, + "example": "A les deu vull que m'avisis que em toca el Nolotil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Nolotil", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7946, + "example": "Voldria que intensifiquessis l'àudio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 251, + "example": "Quins tipus de transports públics puc agafar a Sants?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sants", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "transports públics", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1981, + "example": "Suprimeix aquest llistat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4223, + "example": "Em mostres de què es parla a LinkedIn?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "LinkedIn", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3654, + "example": "Quan anava a la feina he perdut el transbord per un minut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6484, + "example": "Quin restaurant té major accessibilitat per a persones cegues: el Cul del Món o l'Alqueria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cul del Món", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Alqueria", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin restaurant té major accessibilitat per a persones cegues", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8219, + "example": "Que podries comprar-me un bitllet de tren cap a Bassella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Bassella", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7957, + "example": "L'àudio, vull pujar-lo al doble.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1170, + "example": "A la meva agenda podries anotar l'assaig amb el grup de teatre els dimarts a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assaig", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "grup de teatre", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2660, + "example": "Fes una piulada a Twitter mencionant Bimbo amb el text \"heu provat el Cruapan\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Fes una piulada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Bimbo", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "heu provat el Cruapan", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6603, + "example": "Anota que cada vuit hores m'he de prendre el mucolític.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada vuit hores", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "mucolític", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6177, + "example": "Quin és l'horari de l'IES Terrassa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "IES Terrassa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6632, + "example": "Vull que m'avisis quan hagi de prendre la Lixiana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Lixiana", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 430, + "example": "Insuperable.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1669, + "example": "Quina hora és al fus horari de Turquia si al fus horari d'Amèrica/Vancouver són les dotze de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Turquia", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Vancouver", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze de la nit", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9068, + "example": "Ens connectaries la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2284, + "example": "Envia un mail a filarprim@hotmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "filarprim@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6999, + "example": "Volem veure \"Malson abans de Nadal\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Malson abans de Nadal", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7680, + "example": "Escriure al meu calendari que tinc classe d'idiomes tots els dijous al vespre a Montcada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe d'idiomes", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dijous al vespre", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montcada", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2789, + "example": "T'apagues durant una mica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5107, + "example": "Quin any va sortir aquesta peça que sona a l'habitació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quin any va sortir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4609, + "example": "Em saps dir quines botigues hi ha per aquí on puguin entrar els gossos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "on puguin entrar els gossos", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8817, + "example": "Em flipa sentir la Dua Lipa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Dua Lipa", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9070, + "example": "Ens poses en marxa la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1375, + "example": "No redueixis per res la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2683, + "example": "Em podries dir què s'inclou en el meu llistat de sèries romàntiques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de sèries romàntiques", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6394, + "example": "Puc obtenir la TSE per internet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSE", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "per internet", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Puc obtenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7617, + "example": "A la llista m'hi pots posar tres ítems nous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "tres ítems nous", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11649, + "example": "Comunica-ho millor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 903, + "example": "Disminueix el volum del bafle.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9134, + "example": "Tots els dilluns al matí et faria res recordar-me que s'han de preparar les carmanyoles abans de les vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Tots els dilluns", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "preparar les carmanyoles abans de les vuit", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 105 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9569, + "example": "Pots dir-me quins ingredients té el trinxat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "trinxat", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3075, + "example": "Ens punxes música indie?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "indie", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2617, + "example": "Podries preguntar a l'última foto d'Instagram de La Colmena \"teniu panellets sense sucre\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "preguntar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "La Colmena", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "teniu panellets sense sucre", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "última foto", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2241, + "example": "Et faria res enviar un correu electrònic al Sergi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sergi", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3139, + "example": "Podries tocar una cançó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5501, + "example": "A la Jana Garcia, la podries trucar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jana Garcia", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1429, + "example": "Seria possible posar la llum més forta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 711, + "example": "On està el Pedraforca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "On està", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Pedraforca", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9455, + "example": "M'agradaria escoltar un pòdcast a Podimo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Podimo", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11806, + "example": "Que et desactivis d'una vegada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6912, + "example": "Voldria que compartissis la meva ubicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9330, + "example": "Reprodueix l'episodi següent d'aquest pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10354, + "example": "Esbrinar quin tipus de música està reproduint-se en aquest moment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin tipus de música", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està reproduint-se en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3005, + "example": "Em reprodueixes l'episodi que segueix de \"Phoebe reads a mystery\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Phoebe reads a mystery", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4738, + "example": "Pots dir-me si fan menjar per emportar al Bocatas?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Bocatas", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9199, + "example": "M'agradaria prendre un caputxino.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "caputxino", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1372, + "example": "Vull que la música se senti més.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2159, + "example": "Et fa res activar el llum de l'estudi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5400, + "example": "Digue'm què he de fer per arribar al carrer Vilamar", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer Vilamar", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5104, + "example": "Com es diu l'artista d'això que s'està reproduint?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Com es diu l'artista", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2742, + "example": "Podries estar una miqueta sense dir ni mot?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una miqueta", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4030, + "example": "Comprovar quant és un dòlar liberià en francs suïssos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "un dòlar liberià", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "francs suïssos", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5594, + "example": "Fes-me el favor de trucar ara mateix a la meva tieta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9359, + "example": "Comença a reproduir la meva cançó preferida de pop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "cançó", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "pop", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7705, + "example": "Pots registrar al meu calendari que de sis a set el dimecres tinc piscina amb en Felip a Cadaqués?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "set", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "piscina", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Felip", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cadaqués", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6874, + "example": "He quedat per sopar, pots reservar per dues persones al Yokoso?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "dues", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Yokoso", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6744, + "example": "Necessito reservar una taula a la Tagliatella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Tagliatella", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7218, + "example": "Voldria que desactivessis l'app Telegram.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Telegram", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7085, + "example": "Posa'm el Traductor de Softcatalà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Traductor de Softcatalà", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10817, + "example": "Ludopatia, atzar i pòquer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9175, + "example": "Fa temps que no canvio l'estat de Whatsapp.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11349, + "example": "Consulta quan tinc visita amb la terapeuta ocupacional.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "terapeuta ocupacional", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2334, + "example": "Ens anul·les tot el que hi ha programat pel juliol al calendari personal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "juliol", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11635, + "example": "M'ho pots explicar amb unes altres paraules?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1908, + "example": "M'eliminaries l'alerta de dilluns al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7918, + "example": "El color de les llums, vull que me'l canviïs a color verd.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "verd", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6288, + "example": "Com va quedar el marcador del partit del Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2907, + "example": "Podries sintonitzar \"Onda Cero\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Onda Cero", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5654, + "example": "Vull fer una trucada a la clínica Quirón.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "clínica Quirón", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4973, + "example": "Estaria bé que em diguessis l'hora de sortida del tren que porta a Portbou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Portbou", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 36, + "example": "Voldria que apuntessis que el dimarts tinc visita amb l'oftalmòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "oftalmòleg", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7281, + "example": "Apunta'm a l'agenda que el correu electrònic de la meva nora és mariadelamuntanya@yahoo.es.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva nora", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "mariadelamuntanya@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3567, + "example": "No puc suportar ni un segon més el tema que s'està reproduint.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3116, + "example": "Escoltar la meva compilació de música \"moure l'esquelet\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "moure l'esquelet", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2411, + "example": "Demanar un taxi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5037, + "example": "Em diries el preu de les accions de Bosch?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Bosch", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5779, + "example": "Fes un truc al teatre la Llotja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "teatre la Llotja", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2787, + "example": "Calles durant una micona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una micona", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11681, + "example": "No sé què vols dir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5761, + "example": "Truca al casal del barri de Porta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "barri de Port", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "casal", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11180, + "example": "El dinar de dijous portarà nou moscada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "nou moscada", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11128, + "example": "Em dius què soparé dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "soparé", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10139, + "example": "Ensenya'm el que conté la llista de cançons.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de cançons", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10409, + "example": "Llegeix el títol les cançons que més m'agraden de la Lucy Dacus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Lucy Dacus", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "cançons que més m'agraden", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1603, + "example": "Em canvies els llums de l'escriptori al color negre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "negre", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7876, + "example": "Treu qualsevol cosa que tingui apuntada al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5467, + "example": "Podries enviar la ubicació actual al meu xicot fins que arribi a casa meva?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "l meu xicot", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa meva", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8733, + "example": "Connecta l'endoll intel·ligent que hi ha a la sala.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3428, + "example": "Què vol dir naveta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "naveta", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2588, + "example": "Pots posar-me un caputxino?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "caputxino", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2394, + "example": "Podries aconseguir-me un tiquet per al ferrocarril?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11135, + "example": "El bròquil el tinc anotat per dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bròquil", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4337, + "example": "Em podries dir quan es fa l'\"Agro-Activitats de l'Horta\" de Lleida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Agro-Activitats de l'Horta", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5886, + "example": "Voldria veure si fan estudis del son al Centre Mèdic Milenium Robresa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Centre Mèdic Milenium Robresa", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "fan estudis del son", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4597, + "example": "Vull saber si hi ha cap copisteria barata a la meva zona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "copisteria", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "barata", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4128, + "example": "De quin país és la María Sharapova?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "De quin país és", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "María Sharapova", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11854, + "example": "Interrompi-ho tot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10009, + "example": "Ensenya'm si hi ha alarmes actives.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3585, + "example": "M'agraden molt les cançons instrumentals.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "cançons instrumentals", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6948, + "example": "La meva ubicació: ensenya-la durant tres hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "tres hores", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10347, + "example": "Ensenya'm la cançó que està reproduint-se.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està reproduint-se", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10104, + "example": "Ensenyar-me les notícies d'assumptes internacionals més noves.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "assumptes internacionals", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1907, + "example": "Suprimeix l'alarma que tinc de dilluns a dijous a les sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10227, + "example": "Fes-me saber quin temps tenim en aquest precís instant a Arbeca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest precís instant", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Arbeca", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1832, + "example": "Per la setmana vinent pots suprimir-me de l'agenda la neteja dels vidres amb mon padrí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "neteja dels vidres", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon padrí", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7008, + "example": "Volem veure el nou episodi de \"Guardians de la nit\" al reproductor del web del SX3.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Guardians de la nit", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "SX3", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3890, + "example": "Multiplica dotze per quinze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "dotze per quinze", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11560, + "example": "Com hi ha món.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7685, + "example": "Dilluns faig una visita al Museu Marítim amb en Marc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dilluns", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visita al Museu Marítim", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1302, + "example": "El meu endoll el voldria desconnectar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5811, + "example": "Telefona als Mossos d'Esquadra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Mossos d'Esquadra", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8850, + "example": "Demà a quina hora tinc el concert de Madonna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "concert de Madonna", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10135, + "example": "M'agradaria trobar el que conté el llistat \"còmics\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "còmics", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4790, + "example": "Em pots mirar si a Balaguer plourà aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Balaguer", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plourà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10441, + "example": "Enumera'm les llistes que tinc aquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2814, + "example": "M'escriuries a Twitter \"acaba de marxar el repartidor d'entregar-me un paquet amb retard i sense mascareta\" al servei d'atenció al consumidor de SEUR?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escriuries", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "acaba de marxar el repartidor d'entregar-me un paquet amb retard i sense mascareta", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 106 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al consumidor de SEUR", + "Start_char": 111, + "End_char": 149 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10511, + "example": "Coneixes cap forn de pa que estigui a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "forn de pa", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2525, + "example": "Digue'm les notícies d'ahir sobre el quaranta aniversari de la victòria del PSOE que es pot llegir a l'\"Agencia EFE\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "el quaranta aniversari de la victòria del PSOE", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Agencia EFE", + "Start_char": 104, + "End_char": 115 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1025, + "example": "Posa'm la llum més baixa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4348, + "example": "Em dius quin és el nom de la cosa que fan a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 96, + "example": "Anota al calendari la cita de dijous amb l'oncòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "oncòleg", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9195, + "example": "Preparar un caputxino.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "caputxino", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10875, + "example": "Em pots dir si era a les tres quan em toca la mitja pastilla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "mitja pastilla", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 106, + "example": "Apunta a l'agenda que el dermatòleg em veurà divendres 16.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dermatòleg", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres 16", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11704, + "example": "Què vols dir-me?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1783, + "example": "De la llista d'al·lèrgies del Jordi ens podries esborrar les taronges?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista d'al·lèrgies del Jordi", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "taronges", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7169, + "example": "Explica'm per on vaig al Zara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Zara", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9729, + "example": "Quins trens van de Sabadell a Cadaqués aquest matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cadaqués", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7168, + "example": "Com vaig fins a la biblioteca central de Terrassa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca central", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11836, + "example": "Acaba.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6736, + "example": "Vull fer una reserva d'una taula per a sis persones a una pizzeria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "pizzeria", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11732, + "example": "M'és indiferent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8915, + "example": "Vull saber el mòbil de la Jana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "mòbil", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jana", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7833, + "example": "Vull que em fiquis la llum del rebedor més forta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebedor", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 591, + "example": "Voldria fer una partida al \"Dawn of war\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Dawn of war", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7875, + "example": "Treu qualsevol cosa que tingui a l'agenda del mòbil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6324, + "example": "Digues com va acabar el partit del Club Bàsquet Granollers.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Club Bàsquet Granollers", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6712, + "example": "Vull reservar taula al restaurant Don Asador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Don Asador", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1790, + "example": "Esborra francès de la llista d'idiomes preferits.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista d'idiomes preferits", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "francès", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4702, + "example": "Hi ha missatges de Telegram recents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Telegram", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recents", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11350, + "example": "Em pots confirmar si el divendres tinc visita amb el metge de capçalera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge de capçalera", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4358, + "example": "Hi ha alguna convenció demà a la meva àrea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "convenció", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva àrea", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9583, + "example": "Quin és l'estat del trànsit per a anar a Tarragona ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2967, + "example": "Crea'm una celebració al calendari amb el Xavier.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Xavier", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 517, + "example": "M'agradaria jugar al \"Candy crush\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Candy crush", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 295, + "example": "Quin és l'autobús que em deixa a la platja de Castelldefels?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobús", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "platja de Castelldefels", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3081, + "example": "A l'entrada, pots punxar blues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "entrada", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "blues", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8618, + "example": "Em treus de l'agenda la boda del meu germà del mes vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "boda", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu germà", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "del mes vinent", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7966, + "example": "Afebleix el volum al 80%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8274, + "example": "M'agradaria que em fessis una reserva per dissabte al tren que surt de Saragossa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Saragossa", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4623, + "example": "Pots dir-me si hi ha cap cansaladeria artesana per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "cansaladeria", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "artesana", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7650, + "example": "Planificar un acte a les set amb la mama.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mama", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "acte", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4252, + "example": "M'ensenyes quin és el subreddit més popular a Reddit ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Reddit", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8527, + "example": "Voldria trucar a un taxi per les 10 de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 10 de la nit", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5816, + "example": "Si us plau, truca als bombers, que m'he quedat tancat dins de casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "m'he quedat tancat dins de casa", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11664, + "example": "M'ho detalles?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10774, + "example": "Em mires si tinc algun mail nou d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1016, + "example": "Necessito els llums del despatx desactivats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1755, + "example": "Suprimeix tots els esdeveniments que tingui apuntats a l'agenda personal del mòbil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5219, + "example": "El cap de setmana passat vaig tenir conferències programades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "cap de setmana passat", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferències", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4011, + "example": "Em dius quantes rúpies índies són cinc dòlars de Tuvalu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "cinc dòlars de Tuvalu", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "rúpies índies", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10145, + "example": "Digue'm si la Carla ha publicat un comentari nou a Instagram.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carla", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11824, + "example": "Atura't una estona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2142, + "example": "M'agradaria que activessis les bombetes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bombetes", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7522, + "example": "Configura'm una alarma per dijous a les dues de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues de la tarda", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4067, + "example": "Em llegiries el número de contacte de la Mariona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mariona", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de contacte", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2974, + "example": "Podries posar-nos \"Nadie sabe nada\" el meu pòdcast preferit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Nadie sabe nada", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3904, + "example": "Calcula quant fa catorze si li treus vuitanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "catorze si li treus vuitanta", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7690, + "example": "M'agradaria que afegissis al meu calendari que el pròxim dilluns tinc una reunió a Cadaqués.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim dilluns", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cadaqués", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1769, + "example": "Suprimir qualsevol cosa que hi hagi anotada al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 434, + "example": "Estic molt orgullosa de tu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3561, + "example": "La melodia que s'està reproduint m'està posant histèrica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7494, + "example": "Ens pots aixecar divendres a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 503, + "example": "Ets un geni.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6634, + "example": "Indica'm si ara em toca el Yurelax.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Yurelax", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11272, + "example": "Pots recordar-me quan tinc la visita amb la doctora Armengol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Armengol", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11539, + "example": "Fer una trucada urgent a l'Agostina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Agostina", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4327, + "example": "Quins concerts de música clàssica faran al Liceu durant el cap de setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concerts de música clàssica", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Liceu", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6830, + "example": "M'agradaria que reservessis una taula per a tres persones a Els Tinars.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Els Tinars", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3489, + "example": "Ens pots explicar algun acudit de marcians, si us plau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "marcians", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1038, + "example": "El led, pots disminuir-lo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 851, + "example": "Em pots dir alguna notícia de l'\"Economista\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Economista", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1186, + "example": "Em pots programar al calendari l'esdeveniment que tinc amb la Ingrid?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ingrid", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7352, + "example": "Em faries el favor de desar tietenric13@hotmail.com a tiet Enric.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "tietenric13@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "tiet Enric", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6065, + "example": "OAC, digues-me el telèfon.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "OAC", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10280, + "example": "Busca quina hora és a Girona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11446, + "example": "Afegeix sara@sara.com al contacte de la Sara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sara", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "sara@sara.com", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10603, + "example": "Coneixes si hi ha alguna convenció pel meu voltant al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "convenció", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11568, + "example": "Sí, per suposat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7813, + "example": "Vull que m'apaguis els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7480, + "example": "Configurar una alarma per despertar-me el divendres a les nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6533, + "example": "Dir abans d'anar a dormir que m'he de posar el col·liri antibiòtic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "abans d'anar a dormir", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "col·liri antibiòtic", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4236, + "example": "Quines novetats es veuen per TikTok?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7842, + "example": "Incrementar la claredat de la llum a la cuina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2723, + "example": "Deixa de parlar i de fer soroll.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2919, + "example": "M'anotaries que cada diumenge al migdia hi ha partit de vòlei?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada diumenge", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "migdia", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partit de vòlei", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4902, + "example": "Al matí d'avui, hi ha gaire trànsit a la Ronda Litoral?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "Al matí", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ronda Litoral", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2008, + "example": "Podries esborrar-me el llistat de reparacions pendents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de reparacions pendents", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2035, + "example": "Em pots demanar un sandvitx de sobrassada i formatge del Rodilla a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sandvitx de sobrassada i formatge", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Rodilla", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5392, + "example": "Explica'm que he de fer per arribar al Claudi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Claudi", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5709, + "example": "Necessito trucar i posar-me en contacte amb la Clínica de Ponent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica de Ponent", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6183, + "example": "Necessito informació sobre la validesa del meu certificat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "validesa", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7608, + "example": "Vull que posis una cosa nova al llistat que es diu \"reformes casa\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "reformes casa", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "cosa nova", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3128, + "example": "Inicia la llista \"cançons per dormir\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "cançons per dormir", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2050, + "example": "Demana'm alguna cosa per sopar des de casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1076, + "example": "Em poses en funcionament l'aspiradora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 858, + "example": "Dona'm les notícies sobre els premis Grammy que surten al diari \"Avui\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "premis Grammy", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8872, + "example": "Tinc reunions demà al matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunions", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7955, + "example": "El volum, voldria que l'incrementessis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2492, + "example": "Recordar-me que el dilluns a dos quarts de cinc tinc una junta a Salou amb l'Eva.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de cinc", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eva", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 17, + "example": "Recorda que l'Aran té visita amb el psicòleg dijous 29.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "no_md_person", + "Text": "Aran", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "psicòleg", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous 29", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9699, + "example": "Si al fus horari d'Amèrica/Sitka són les vuit del matí, quina hora és a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich -2?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Sitka", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich -2", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 102 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6200, + "example": "Fins quan és vàlid el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan és vàlid", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4633, + "example": "Em podries dir quins són els comerços de la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "comerços", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6536, + "example": "M'he de prendre la pastilla, recorda'm.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7036, + "example": "Em podries posar el vídeo d'ahir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "d'ahir", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8795, + "example": "Em flipa la cançó \"Lo tengo\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Lo tengo", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6018, + "example": "Tenen servei de perforació d'orelles per arracades a la Farmàcia Carles Busquet Masip", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "servei de perforació d'orelles per arracades", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Carles Busquet Masip", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 383, + "example": "Torna-ho a repetir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2397, + "example": "Em demanes un bitllet per viatjar en tren de Blanes a Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Blanes", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4419, + "example": "On projecten \"Segon origen\" demà a Sabadell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Segon origen", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8154, + "example": "Podries reservar un seient del tren que va a Barcelona i arriba a dos quarts de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4799, + "example": "Em pots donar l'oreig que farà a Lloret aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "oreig", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lloret", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4958, + "example": "Sabries dir-me a quina hora podria agafar el tren cap a Torre del Baró?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Torre del Baró", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2966, + "example": "Arranja un esdeveniment a les dotze amb el papa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "papa", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6268, + "example": "En podries donar el resultat del partit contra el Real Madrid?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Real Madrid", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8257, + "example": "Necessito agafar el tren divendres a la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3253, + "example": "Pots continuar amb la reproducció de l'audiollibre \"Gitslayer\" a les golfes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Gitslayer", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11691, + "example": "Clarifica-ho una mica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4343, + "example": "Com es diu la cosa que fan pel meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6968, + "example": "Obre \"Outlander\" a Netflix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Netflix", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Outlander", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2979, + "example": "Pots iniciar el pòdcast \"Coses modernes\"? És el meu preferit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Coses modernes", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8930, + "example": "Dona'm l'adreça de correu electrònic de la meva neta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça de correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva neta", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1396, + "example": "Apuja el volum de la música una mica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2307, + "example": "M'enviaries un e-mail a muntanya87magica@gmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "muntanya87magica@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6534, + "example": "Em prenc la melatonina a la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "melatonina", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5407, + "example": "Com puc arribar a la plaça de l'església?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "plaça de l'església", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5571, + "example": "Truca ara mateix al meu amor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu amor", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7157, + "example": "Porta'm a l'Ajuntament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7115, + "example": "Encendre l'aplicació CVradio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "CVradio", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1406, + "example": "M'apuges el volum de la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6552, + "example": "Podries recordar-me que em prengui la medicació cada vuit hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada vuit hores", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7657, + "example": "Et faria res enregistrar-me al calendari una reunió amb l'Albert Ribes del despatx d'advocats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Albert Ribes", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1384, + "example": "M'agradaria sentir la cançó una mica més alta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7618, + "example": "A la llista, podries obrir-hi quatre ítems nous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "quatre ítems nous", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8870, + "example": "Necessitaria veure què tinc al calendari pel mes que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2608, + "example": "Et faria res preparar-me un cafè sol descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè sol descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9824, + "example": "Em pots dir què vol dir la paraula punxent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "punxent", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3529, + "example": "Em sembla superpesat el que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10698, + "example": "Necessito veure si tinc alguna celebració en una hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en una hora", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9271, + "example": "Comenta'm un acudit que s'explicaria als bars.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "que s'explicaria als bars", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7150, + "example": "Com ho puc fer per anar a la llibreria Escoles?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "llibreria Escoles", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2222, + "example": "Escriu un mail que es tituli \"pagament de les classes de patinatge\" per enviar-lo a la Joaquima.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "pagament de les classes de patinatge", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joaquima", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9321, + "example": "Em ve de gust posar el següent episodi del pòdcast \"Tumanbay\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Tumanbay", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1842, + "example": "M'esborres del calendari la fira que tinc per demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fira", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4948, + "example": "Mostra'm quins telegrams tinc sobre la mort de l'autor amb la Lourdes Canals.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "telegrams", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "mort de l'autor", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lourdes Canals", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3752, + "example": "Realment tinc apuntada alguna cosa per fer a les sis de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3645, + "example": "No m'ho puc creure; venint cap a casa, m'he trobat un bitllet de vint euros.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1776, + "example": "Em pots suprimir el Manel de la llista de veïns susceptibles?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Manel", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de veïns susceptibles", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2798, + "example": "Em podries piular a Twitter \"fa dues hores que miro la carta que m'ha arribat d'hisenda sense gosar obrir-la\", hashtag \"por\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piular", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "fa dues hores que miro la carta que m'ha arribat d'hisenda sense gosar obrir-la", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 108 + }, + { + "Tag": "hashtag", + "Text": "por", + "Start_char": 120, + "End_char": 123 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10878, + "example": "Cada quantes hores em toca prendre el Voltarén?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Voltarén", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11661, + "example": "Digues-ho d'una forma diferent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6296, + "example": "Com va el Barça al partit de la Champions?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Barça", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "partit de la Champions", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4457, + "example": "\"Doctor strange\", quan l'emetran al cinema de la cantonada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Doctor strange", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "cantonada", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9012, + "example": "Quin dia va ser ahir a Kuala Lumpur?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Kuala Lumpur", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4259, + "example": "Què xerren a Twitter?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7171, + "example": "Com ho faig per arribar a l'ABaC?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "ABaC", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4231, + "example": "Quins fets s'estan discutint a Twitter ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 531, + "example": "Juguem als \"Sims\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Sims", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10311, + "example": "Vull saber l'hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1857, + "example": "Esborrar l'esdeveniment \"planejar les vacances\" que dura des d'aquesta tarda fins al dimecres que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "planejar les vacances", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "dimecres que ve", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4989, + "example": "Busca l'hora del tren que va fins a Gavà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10643, + "example": "On fan la presentació de \"La ciència de Pixar\" avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "La ciència de Pixar", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9270, + "example": "Em podries avisar de l'assaig amb la banda municipal el dijous vinent a les dotze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assaig", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "banda municipal", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous vinent", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2351, + "example": "M'agradaria que em compressis un bitllet de ferrocarril.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1401, + "example": "Apuja'm un pèl el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11366, + "example": "Pots mirar si demà tinc visita a l'hospital Comarcal del Pallars?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital Comarcal del Pallars", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6868, + "example": "Podries agafar taula per sopar dimarts a dos quarts de deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de deu", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7499, + "example": "Em pots alçar a les sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8493, + "example": "Truca'm un VTC per ser passat demà a quarts de sis al Pantà del Foix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "quarts de sis", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Pantà del Foix", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9372, + "example": "Escoltar un tema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3306, + "example": "A la cambra dels nens puc seguir escoltant \"Contes de bona nit per a nenes rebels\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cambra dels nens", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Contes de bona nit per a nenes rebels", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4620, + "example": "Em pots dir quins comerços puc trobar-hi a la zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "comerços", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la zona", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7590, + "example": "Em podries posar la nova tasca a la llista de treball?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de treball", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "nova tasca", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4110, + "example": "El número de telèfon de l'oficina del Quim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de telèfon de l'oficina", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Quim", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7383, + "example": "Envia un email amb el títol \"demà no treballo\" a la meva companya de feina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "demà no treballo", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva companya de feina", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10625, + "example": "M'agradaria veure quins són els concerts de rock que fan a prop d'aquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concerts de rock", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop d'aquí", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7784, + "example": "Vull els llums desconnectats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1448, + "example": "Pots maximitzar la potència dels leds al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6421, + "example": "Quines possibilitats tinc per fer amb la targeta sanitària?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quines possibilitats tinc per fer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6572, + "example": "Informar a les onze que m'he de prendre la pastilla del cor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla del cor", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 95, + "example": "Em visito el pròxim dimecres a l'Hospital Comarcal d'Amposta amb un traumatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim dimecres", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Comarcal d'Amposta", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4099, + "example": "Saps el telèfon de l'oficina de l'Agustí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon de l'oficina", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Agustí", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9098, + "example": "Em pots buscar l'emissora \"Rock FM\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Rock FM", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7885, + "example": "Vull suprimir-ho tot del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3618, + "example": "\"Boig per tu\" és la meva cançó predilecta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Boig per tu", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1905, + "example": "Podries treure l'alerta que hi ha creada pel pròxim divendres a les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim divendres", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10358, + "example": "Què està sonant ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Què està sonant ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 257, + "example": "Vull saber quins autobusos passen per la parada de Cardedeu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobusos", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "parada de Cardedeu", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6008, + "example": "Tenen productes ecològics a la Farmàcia Laguna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "productes ecològics", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Laguna", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5451, + "example": "Ensenya a l'Eloi el lloc on estic fins que arribi al supermercat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eloi", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "supermercat", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3323, + "example": "Podries seguir al dormitori amb l'audiollibre \"La plaça del Diamant\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "La plaça del Diamant", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7459, + "example": "Què puc fer al forn amb gall dindi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "gall dindi", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10000, + "example": "Em pots enumerar totes les alarmes que sonaran el dimecres a la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4082, + "example": "El mòbil d'en Josep, quin és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "mòbil", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josep", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4002, + "example": "El peso mexicà a quant equival en pesos colombians?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "pesos colombians", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "peso mexicà", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8919, + "example": "Dir el telèfon del Joan.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5151, + "example": "De quin àlbum és aquesta cançó que s'està reproduint?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin àlbum és", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està reproduint", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4600, + "example": "A la meva zona, em sabries dir quines botigues hi ha?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4844, + "example": "Ensenya'm quina és la situació del trànsit per entrar a Alacant avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Alacant", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3047, + "example": "Ens reprodueixes una cançoneta de la Dua Lipa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Dua Lipa", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11313, + "example": "Et faries res dir-me quines visites tinc programades amb el doctor Arnau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Arnau", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3087, + "example": "Em podries tocar una cançó pop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "pop", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3560, + "example": "No saps com odio el que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1714, + "example": "Si al fus horari del Canadà/Pacífic són les vuit de la tarda, quina hora és al fus horari d'Amèrica/Sitka?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Sitka", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 105 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari del Canadà/Pacífic", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit de la tarda", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4069, + "example": "Em podries dir el telèfon mòbil de la Martina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon mòbil", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Martina", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 588, + "example": "M'encantaria jugar al \"Cat game\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Cat game", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3872, + "example": "Catorze entre set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Catorze entre set", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11110, + "example": "Què significa estaquirot?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "estaquirot", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6027, + "example": "Voldria saber l'adreça exacta de la Farmàcia Fermin Sanz.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça exacta", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Fermin Sanz", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2106, + "example": "Podries, si us plau, encendre la làmpada de la sala de jocs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala de jocs", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6681, + "example": "Fes una reserva per a la meva mare i per a mi dijous a les 12.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "12", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9459, + "example": "Pots posar-me el pòdcast l'\"hipòdrom\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "hipòdrom", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1744, + "example": "Suprimeix tots els esdeveniments que hi ha al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8649, + "example": "Em podries treure de l'agenda la partida d'\"Stellaris\" que tinc amb en Raül?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partida d'\"Stellaris\"", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Raül", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9467, + "example": "Posa el pòdcast \"Cualquier tiempo pasado fue anterior\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Cualquier tiempo pasado fue anterior", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1156, + "example": "Em podries apuntar al calendari l'esdeveniment que tenim la setmana vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11000, + "example": "Mira quin xarop és el de les tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 261, + "example": "Fins a Talamanca, digue'm el tren que arriba més ràpidament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Talamanca", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_detail", + "Text": "més ràpidament", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1145, + "example": "Aquesta tarda he quedat amb en Robert.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "Aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedat", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Robert", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9193, + "example": "M'agradaria beure un cafè doble.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè doble", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8546, + "example": "Sol·licitar un taxi per ser demà a la Plaça Sant Jaume a les onze del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Plaça Sant Jaume", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3188, + "example": "Em tocaries la cançó que més m'agrada dels Amics de les Arts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Amics de les Arts", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2852, + "example": "Posar una alerta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10583, + "example": "Quins dies té lloc la \"Fira d'Espinelves\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Fira d'Espinelves", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4567, + "example": "M'agradaria saber si la pel·lícula de \"Missió impossible\" la fan avui per aquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Missió impossible", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5789, + "example": "Telefonar al tanatori.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "tanatori", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11241, + "example": "Saps quin dia berenem entrepà de pernil?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "berenem", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "entrepà de pernil", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7901, + "example": "Canviar el color dels llums de l'habitació al roig.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "roig", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 726, + "example": "Pots dir-me quin és el nom del mamífer que té un bec com un ànec?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "mamífer", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "bec com un ànec", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1226, + "example": "A l'agenda et faria res enregistrar que tinc classe d'estiraments al gimnàs d'aquí a mitja hora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe d'estiraments", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "gimnàs", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquí a mitja hora", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3700, + "example": "Cauen pedres a Figueres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Cauen pedres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3801, + "example": "Hi ha alguna recepta sense gluten de caragols a la lluna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "caragols a la lluna", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5220, + "example": "Com demano visita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "demano visita", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10018, + "example": "M'agradaria que em diguessis quines alarmes tinc activades per les onze del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7254, + "example": "Vull tancar Donar Sang.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Donar Sang", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 840, + "example": "Pots comptar totes les llistes que tinc en aquest dispositiu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 768, + "example": "Em pots dir quin significat té la paraula Karpàs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "Karpàs", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4380, + "example": "Podries dir-me a quina hora estan ara mateix al municipi de Cascades d'Iguaçú?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cascades d'Iguaçú", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6768, + "example": "Voldria reservar avui a les vuit al Rebost.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Rebost", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5497, + "example": "M'agradaria telefonar al telèfon 877543521.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "877543521", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 148, + "example": "Enregistra la visita de divendres amb el doctor Nadal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Nadal", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7985, + "example": "Abaixa una mica l'altaveu dret.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5332, + "example": "Com puc modificar les dades personals de la meva TSI?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSI", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com puc modificar les dades personals", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4858, + "example": "Podries verificar l'estat del tràfic dimarts a la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11259, + "example": "Informa'm del menú de demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1630, + "example": "Et faria res contestar el correu de l'Ignasi de dimarts passat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ignasi", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts passat", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10350, + "example": "Estaria bé veure quina cançó està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina cançó", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2107, + "example": "Necessito que activis el LED de l'habitació de les miniatures.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació de les miniatures", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11474, + "example": "Em fas el favor de desar el nou telèfon de casa 972358464.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "972358464", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4854, + "example": "Estat del trànsit en aquest instant per sortir de Calafell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest instant", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Calafell", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9675, + "example": "On està a la persona que m'ha d'entregar la meva heura amb verdures al wok?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "heura amb verdures al wok", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 88, + "example": "Anotar al calendari tinc hora amb la doctora Clara Armengol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Clara Armengol", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 327, + "example": "Torna'm a dir el que has dit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5850, + "example": "Necessito que telefonis al 061; tinc l'àvia desmaiada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "061", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "tinc l'àvia desmaiada", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2858, + "example": "Crear una alerta que soni a un quart menys cinc de les dues de la tarda el divendres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart menys cinc de les dues de la tarda", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6114, + "example": "M'ensenyes què es pot fer a la biblioteca de Begur?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "què es pot fer", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Begur", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9632, + "example": "Els nostres fideus rossejats a domicili com van?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fideus rossejats", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2514, + "example": "M'avisaries que he de netejar la gàbia del periquito el dijous que ve a les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "netejar la gàbia del periquito", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous que ve", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9218, + "example": "M'agradaria que escriguessis a la meva agenda personal que tinc una reunió amb el meu nebot el dimecres vinent a les cinc de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu nebot", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres vinent", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 110 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 113, + "End_char": 133 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8670, + "example": "Esborra qualsevol cosa que tingui anotada a l'agenda personal del mòbil de dilluns a dijous a les onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8314, + "example": "Redacta una resposta al mail del Francesc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Francesc", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11780, + "example": "Mira, no t'enganyaré: m'importa una merda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3021, + "example": "Et faria res posar-nos el següent episodi d'\"El podcast gordo\" en Català al rebedor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "El podcast gordo", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebedor", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 666, + "example": "Pots mirar-me si a les vuit de la tarda he de sopar amb el Pere?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "vuit de la tarda", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3499, + "example": "Ens pots dir algun acudit de marcians?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "marcians", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11323, + "example": "Em dius quan em visitava amb el cardiòleg Jaume Calafell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "cardiòleg Jaume Calafell", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8693, + "example": "Esborra les bombetes de la llista de la compra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "bombetes", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11395, + "example": "Quin dia és la meva visita amb el doctor González a la Dexeus?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor González", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Dexeus", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6363, + "example": "Quina validesa té la targeta Braile?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braile", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "validesa", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10173, + "example": "Pots mirar què és l'últim que ha publicat al seu compte de Twitter en Gerard Piqué?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gerard Piqué", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4170, + "example": "Pots mirar si tinc res planejat al calendari per avui de cinc a set de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1732, + "example": "Saps quina hora és a UTC +8 si a UTC -11 són les dotze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "UTC +8", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "UTC -11", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6807, + "example": "Reserva'ns al Jaume i a mi una taula a una braseria a Tortosa per aquest dijous a les tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jaume", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "braseria", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dijous", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3286, + "example": "Et faria res reproduir \"Mentida\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Mentida", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9672, + "example": "Què li passa la meva hamburguesa per emportar que triga tant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hamburguesa", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1315, + "example": "Podries desactivar aquests endolls intel·ligents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8086, + "example": "Molt bones, com va?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5943, + "example": "Quina era l'adreça del doctor Grasses?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctor Grasses", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6994, + "example": "Vull visionar la pel·lícula \"Incerta glòria\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Incerta glòria", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1917, + "example": "Et faria res cancel·lar l'alarma que vaig posar per divendres a les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1820, + "example": "Suprimeix l'entrada \"barbacoa\" de l'agenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "barbacoa", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1479, + "example": "Pots aturar la reproducció musical?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "aturar", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11301, + "example": "Vull saber quines visites tinc programades aquesta setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9366, + "example": "Pots donar play a la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3735, + "example": "Oi que tindrem sol demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "sol", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5660, + "example": "Vull telefonar al CAP de Cardedeu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cardedeu", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1912, + "example": "Podries cancel·lar l'alarma que tinc programada dilluns al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2447, + "example": "Demana un Uber per a les dotze que vull anar des d'Altafulla a Manresa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Altafulla", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6123, + "example": "Ensenya'm quins dies obre l'oficina jove d'Ascó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quins dies obre", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina jove", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ascó", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4381, + "example": "Vull saber quina hora és a Alcanar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Alcanar", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8984, + "example": "Quan he d'anar a la revisió de l'examen aquest dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "revisió de l'examen", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest dijous", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5155, + "example": "Quina és la lletra de la melodia que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quina és la lletra", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6774, + "example": "Vull una taula per a dues persones dilluns a La Trocadero.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "dues", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "La Trocadero", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9346, + "example": "Seria possible escoltar un dels meus temes preferits de Kendrick Lamar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferits", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Kendrick Lamar", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 779, + "example": "Digues-me el nom de l'estri de cuina que tritura els aliments fins que es tornin líquids.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "estri de cuina", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "tritura els aliments fins que es tornin líquids", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1781, + "example": "De la llista \"cançons preferides\" elimina'n \"Boig per tu\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "cançons preferides", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Boig per tu", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11489, + "example": "Desitjaria que fessis una trucada al Joan perquè he ensopegat al carrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he ensopegat", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8094, + "example": "Jo tinc un parell de coses que comentar amb tu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4029, + "example": "Com està el dòlar fijià respecte del franc de Burundi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "franc de Burundi", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar fijià", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1750, + "example": "Treu-me qualsevol cosa que hi hagi anotada al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7915, + "example": "Canvia'm el color de la llum a color magenta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "magenta", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9121, + "example": "M'afegeixes pràctiques curriculars cada matí al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "pràctiques curriculars", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada matí", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1443, + "example": "Podem apujar la intensitat de la llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 510, + "example": "Immillorable.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4061, + "example": "Saps quin és el telèfon mòbil d'en Pere Gomis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon mòbil", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere Gomis", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6051, + "example": "A les sis encara serà obert l'Ajuntament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "A les sis encara serà obert", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11505, + "example": "He tingut un accident a la cuina; truca a la meva parella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "He tingut un accident a la cuina", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva parella", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2923, + "example": "M'afegeixes \"entrenament\" cada matí amb els meus avis al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "entrenament", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada matí", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "els meus avis", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5535, + "example": "Truca a l'àvia Rosita.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "àvia Rosita", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10900, + "example": "Quin medicament prenc a les quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10843, + "example": "Creus que aprovaré la selectivitat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11701, + "example": "No veig on vols anar a parar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1833, + "example": "Podries eliminar-me de l'agenda el partit amb l'Agnès del mes vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partit", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Agnès", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes vinent", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7524, + "example": "Divendres pots despertar-nos a les sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Divendres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6600, + "example": "Cada sis hores recorda'm que toca una dosi de paracetamol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "paracetamol", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "Cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10979, + "example": "He de prendre cada cinc hores l'antiinflamatori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada cinc hores", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antiinflamatori", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11870, + "example": "Podries blocar-te per un temps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3361, + "example": "Fixar un recordatori al calendari tots els diumenges a la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els diumenges", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8171, + "example": "Em podries agafar un bitllet pel tren de les tres del migdia que surti d'Empuriabrava?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres del migdia", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Empuriabrava", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3659, + "example": "He acabat el llibre que m'estava llegint i ara tinc ganes de plorar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1897, + "example": "Ens cancel·les l'alarma que vam programar per dimarts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8054, + "example": "Vull tindre una xerrada amb tu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3245, + "example": "Ens reprodueixes l'audiollibre \"Paraula de jueu\" a la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Paraula de jueu", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6215, + "example": "Vull saber què he de fer per aconseguir el Certificat COVID.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "què he de fer per aconseguir", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 585, + "example": "Pots iniciar una partida ràpida al \"Blood bowl III\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Blood bowl III", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10930, + "example": "Quina és la píndola que em toca prendre cada sis hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "píndola", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2030, + "example": "Fer una comanda de kebab per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "kebab", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2778, + "example": "Per què no calles uns minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minuts", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 596, + "example": "Voldria jugar una partida del \"Sky: children of the light\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Sky: children of the light", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4602, + "example": "Buscar grans magatzems a la meva zona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "grans magatzems", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1085, + "example": "Podries engegar-me el robot aspirador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 989, + "example": "Vull treure-li so a la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10265, + "example": "Informa'm de l'hora a Amposta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Amposta", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6254, + "example": "M'agradaria saber com ha quedat el marcador de la Supercopa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9348, + "example": "Em ve de gust escoltar al meu cantant preferit de pop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferit", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "pop", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3605, + "example": "Gaudeixo especialment de la música de Metallica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Metallica", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5961, + "example": "Recorda'm l'adreça de la doctora Salguero.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctora Salguero", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10456, + "example": "Em podries enumerar quantes llistes tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5829, + "example": "Truca als bombers, que veig fum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "veig fum", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3, + "example": "Anota la cita de dijous amb la Doctora Vallverdú.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Doctora Vallverdú", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1835, + "example": "Podries treure'm de l'agenda el taller de cuina asiàtica previst pel darrer divendres de gener?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "taller de cuina asiàtica", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "darrer divendres de gener", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3121, + "example": "Ens pots punxar una cançó a l'estudi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10815, + "example": "Arqueologia, fòssils i restes humanes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11228, + "example": "Informa'm si l'esmorzar d'avui ve amb suc de taronja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "esmorzar", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "suc de taronja", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4254, + "example": "Què succeeix a la xarxa social de Twitter?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9790, + "example": "Vull saber els horaris de l'AVE d'aquest vespre entre les set i les vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "AVE", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest vespre", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set i les vuit", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9584, + "example": "Saps el trànsit per entrar a Calella ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Calella", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7872, + "example": "Vull que el meu calendari quedi net.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10001, + "example": "Em pots dir quines són les alarmes que tinc el dijous a les set de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8585, + "example": "M'esborres del calendari el partit que tenim el Quim i jo l'any vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partit", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Quim", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "any vinent", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 378, + "example": "El que m'has dit, repeteix-m'ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11400, + "example": "Pots veure a quina hora és la cita del nefròleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "nefròleg", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11578, + "example": "Sense cap mena de dubte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1556, + "example": "Ves al minut tres d'aquesta cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_stamp", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6586, + "example": "Necessito que m'avisis a les nou del matí que m'he de prendre la píndola anticonceptiva.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "píndola anticonceptiva", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 700, + "example": "Dir-me com és el volcà de Croscat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "com és", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "volcà de Croscat", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6470, + "example": "Hi ha més opcions vegetarianes al Racó de l'Abat o al Vadegust?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Racó de l'Abat", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vadegust", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Hi ha més opcions vegetarianes", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11923, + "example": "No, per res.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6796, + "example": "Reservar una taula per a mi a un restaurant vegetarià per sopar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "vegetarià", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3846, + "example": "Em dius quins plats porten salsitxes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "salsitxes", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1821, + "example": "La reunió amb l'Andrea treu-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Andrea", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 772, + "example": "Com es diu això que es fa servir per a tendir la roba?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "es fa servir per a tendir la roba", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6879, + "example": "Busca'm taula per dinar a un tailandès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "tailandès", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9708, + "example": "Al fus horari Amèrica/Florida, m'agradaria saber quina hora tenen.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari Amèrica/Florida", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11906, + "example": "L'has cagat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7100, + "example": "Activa'm l'aplicació Spotify.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Spotify", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6266, + "example": "Vull conèixer com s'ha acabat el partit d'ahir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6662, + "example": "Vull una taula per dimecres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6950, + "example": "Vull que comparteixis la meva ubicació actual amb la meva germana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6223, + "example": "El certificat COVID, com el puc aconseguir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com el puc aconseguir", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8592, + "example": "Del calendari podries suprimir-nos la cita per arrencar-me el queixal de vuit a nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "arrencar-me el queixal", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "vuit", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11554, + "example": "Corroboro.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5740, + "example": "Fer un truc al casal d'infants de Salt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salt", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "casal d'infants", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6880, + "example": "Em reservaries una taula per a sopar avui amb la Maria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5261, + "example": "Explicar què fer si he perdut el carnet de donant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carnet de donant", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "què fer si he perdut", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6127, + "example": "Em pots dir quin horari té el teatre de Salt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "teatre", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salt", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1924, + "example": "Podries treure'm l'alarma que vaig posar per dilluns i dimecres a dos quarts de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9210, + "example": "Prepara un cafè curt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè curt", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6424, + "example": "Quins documents he de dur per fer-me la targeta sanitària?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quins documents he de dur per fer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11752, + "example": "Tant me la fot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6449, + "example": "On puc aconseguir un duplicat de la meva targeta sanitària?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "On puc aconseguir un duplicat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2449, + "example": "Aquesta tarda a les cinc ens podries demanar un taxi a casa de la meva àvia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "Aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "casa de la meva àvia", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2450, + "example": "Demà em podries demanar un Bolt per les quatre de la tarda per anar des de l'avinguda Ramon i Cajal fins a l'avinguda Roma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Bolt", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "avinguda Ramon i Cajal", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 99 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "avinguda Roma", + "Start_char": 109, + "End_char": 122 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5496, + "example": "Fer una trucada al número 650222814.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "650222814", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8550, + "example": "Truca un Cabify per anar de casa de ma mare a Lesseps a les vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "casa de ma mare", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lesseps", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4333, + "example": "Aquest any es farà la \"Trial Indoor\" de Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Trial Indoor", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9900, + "example": "Voldria saber quant és cinquanta multiplicat per onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "cinquanta multiplicat per onze", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7552, + "example": "Minva la llum al mínim a les golfes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5593, + "example": "Truca a la mama, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mama", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8082, + "example": "Què m'expliques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6105, + "example": "Ensenya'm quin és l'horari d'atenció al públic de l'Ajuntament d'Anglès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Anglès", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari d'atenció al públic", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10856, + "example": "Els cotxes arribaran a volar algun dia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3403, + "example": "Com es defineix el concepte de roquet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "roquet", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8088, + "example": "Què em pots explicar de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6925, + "example": "Compartir la ubicació actual amb l'Àlex durant quatre hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Àlex", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "quatre hores", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11415, + "example": "Confirma'm que la cita amb el doctor Cases és a tres quarts de cinc de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Cases", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7256, + "example": "Vull que aturis Desdelsofà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Desdelsofà", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 627, + "example": "Per anar fins a Riudecanyes aquesta tarda, quin transport haig d'agafar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Riudecanyes", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "transport", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10967, + "example": "Quan em toca prendre la medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1527, + "example": "Avança al minut tres de la cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_stamp", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6949, + "example": "La ubicació, la vull compartir durant una hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "una hora", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8205, + "example": "Em podries demanar un bitllet del tren des de Pinós pel dia 23?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Pinós", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dia 23", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2330, + "example": "Et faria res anul·lar tot el que tinc a l'agenda personal a partir d'aquest migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "d'aquest migdia", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9983, + "example": "Tinc alarmes configurades per dissabte que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte que ve", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9301, + "example": "Pots reproduir del pòdcast \"The missing\" el següent episodi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "The missing", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8938, + "example": "Pots mirar quina informació hi ha al contacte de la mama?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mama", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6911, + "example": "Comparteix ubicació ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6867, + "example": "Voldria reservar una taula per cinc per dimarts a les sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8409, + "example": "Tinc ganes de KFC, pots demanar una comanda per a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "KFC", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2705, + "example": "T'importaria desactivar-te per un temps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8580, + "example": "Vull un Blacklane pel més aviat possible, que em porti a la Garrotxa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Blacklane", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "més aviat possible", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Garrotxa", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4737, + "example": "Podries dir-me si fan menjar per emportar a Empanadas Las Muns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fan menjar per emportar", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Empanadas Las Muns", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3613, + "example": "Posa'm \"Els teus ulls glaucs\" que és fantàstica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Els teus ulls glaucs", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10162, + "example": "La Sílvia ha pujat un enllaç a Instagram en aquests moments?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5078, + "example": "Quin és el valor en borsa de l'empresa Bancolombia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Bancolombia", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4179, + "example": "Quina és la recepta per fer amanida catalana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "amanida catalana", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4288, + "example": "Em mostres quin dia és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6609, + "example": "Anota que m'he de prendre el Sintrom cada dia després d'esmorzar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Sintrom", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada dia després d'esmorzar", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8208, + "example": "Voldria un tiquet per anar demà a les deu i vint-i-cinc a Súria amb tren.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "deu i vint-i-cinc", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Súria", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8998, + "example": "Busca'm quan és el pla d'anar a la platja apuntat del mes que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a la platja", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10271, + "example": "A Montferri quina hora tenen?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Montferri", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3482, + "example": "Explica'ns un acudit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5289, + "example": "M'agradaria saber fins quan dura el Carnet de salut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan dura", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "Carnet de salut", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5092, + "example": "Les accions de Nintendo, a quin preu estan?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Nintendo", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7868, + "example": "Suprimeix tot el que tingui apuntat al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 303, + "example": "Pots esmentar-ho un altre cop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 567, + "example": "Em ve molt de gust fer una partida ràpida al \"Free fire\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Free fire", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6775, + "example": "M'agradaria fer una reserva d'una taula per a quatre persones a un restaurant de cuina vegana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "cuina vegana", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3603, + "example": "M'encanta Zoo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Zoo", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9131, + "example": "A les classes de pilates de cada dimarts a les sis del calendari, posa'ls-hi un avís.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classes de pilates", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dimarts", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10470, + "example": "Quines són les meves llistes de pel·lícules?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10741, + "example": "Tinc correus recents de la Joana sense llegir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recents", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "sense llegir", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7381, + "example": "Enviar un mail a la meva mare que digui \"hola mama, això és un missatge de prova\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "hola mama, això és un missatge de prova", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1959, + "example": "Podries anul·lar-nos l'alerta que vaig posar per dimarts a les quatre de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2804, + "example": "Piular el text \"fa dos mesos que espero la reposició de les cintes reflectants per bicicletes, n'hi ha per gaire més?\", citant el servei d'atenció al client de Decathlon.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Piular", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "fa dos mesos que espero la reposició de les cintes reflectants per bicicletes, n'hi ha per gaire més?", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 117 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al client de Decathlon", + "Start_char": 130, + "End_char": 169 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6046, + "example": "Tanquen a les cinc l'escola?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Tanquen a les cinc", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3223, + "example": "Després d'aquesta cançó seria possible reproduir \"Cruz de navajas\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "Després", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Cruz de navajas", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1993, + "example": "Eliminar un llistat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9963, + "example": "Podries dir-me si tinc alguna alerta programada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6284, + "example": "Com va anar el partit de la lliga ACB de dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "partit de la lliga ACB", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4485, + "example": "A Mataró quin cinema fa \"Matrix\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Matrix", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1823, + "example": "Em suprimeixes del calendari el sopar amb la Silvia de les dotze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Silvia", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6836, + "example": "Reserva'm taula a una hamburgueseria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "hamburgueseria", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5124, + "example": "Això que s'està reproduint saps quant dura?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quant dura", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7538, + "example": "Minva els llums led de la bodega.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bodega", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2352, + "example": "Em demanes un bitllet de tren per anar cap a Hospitalet de Llobregat des de Salt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salt", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Hospitalet de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8656, + "example": "Per aquest vespre em pots esborrar del calendari els balls de saló amb l'Adriana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest vespre", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "balls de saló", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Adriana", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5830, + "example": "He caigut de la bici i necessito atenció mèdica urgent; truca a l'hospital.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "He caigut de la bici", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10585, + "example": "Vull saber a quina hora comença el \"Temps d'avellana\" a Reus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Temps d'avellana", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Reus", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3079, + "example": "De música country, posa'n.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "country", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7689, + "example": "Em podries crear un esdeveniment que tinc a Olot anomenat \"Comprar hummus\" al meu calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Olot", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Comprar hummus", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5503, + "example": "Fes una trucada al Roger.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Roger", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4534, + "example": "Quines pel·lícules de terror es projecten a Cine Balmes avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "terror", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cine Balmes", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 348, + "example": "Repeteix-ho de nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10174, + "example": "Consulta a veure què ha sigut l'última cosa que ha piulat en Pere Aragonès sobre la seva trobada amb Macron.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere Aragonès", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "trobada amb Macron", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11722, + "example": "M'és igual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10771, + "example": "Em pots mirar quants missatges recents tinc i no he llegit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recents", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "no he llegit", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1174, + "example": "Em prens nota al meu calendari de la sessió de rol que tinc amb la Nàdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sessió de rol", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nàdia", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3542, + "example": "Detesto aquesta cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1427, + "example": "La brillantor de la llum es pot augmentar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8859, + "example": "He de saber a on es farà la reunió programada amb l'Oriol demà passat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Oriol", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3315, + "example": "Pots posar \"La vigília\" al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "La vigília", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6806, + "example": "He de fer una reserva per a cinc persones a un restaurant hindú per sopar a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "hindú", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6607, + "example": "A les nou em toca posar-me el Ginecanespié.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Ginecanespié", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5018, + "example": "Quin és el valor en borsa de Siemens?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Siemens", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8638, + "example": "Seria possible d'eliminar la cita amb en Josep a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josep", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3236, + "example": "Després d'aquesta cançó, podries reproduir-nos \"Our last summer\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "Després", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Our last summer", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10743, + "example": "Em saps dir m'ha arribat algun missatge de Telegram de l'Eloi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Telegram", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eloi", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7738, + "example": "Voldria que enregistressis al calendari que he de cancel·lar la subscripció d'Amazon Prime el 5 de novembre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cancel·lar la subscripció d'Amazon Prime", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "5 de novembre", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8772, + "example": "Ni de conya em tornis a posar aquesta cançó que sonava.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sonava", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8290, + "example": "Hi haurà tempesta dissabte?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "tempesta", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11376, + "example": "Digue'm a quina hora era la cita amb la doctora Fernández.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Fernández", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11742, + "example": "És igual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4926, + "example": "Troba el missatge de Whatsapp que acaba d'arribar sobre Isabel Allende que ha enviat la Laura.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "Isabel Allende", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 88, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10907, + "example": "Vull saber quan em toca el xarop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6790, + "example": "Fer una reserva per a tres persones per dinar al Cafè Camèlia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cafè Camèlia", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4512, + "example": "A Martorell fan alguna pel·lícula documental a les deu de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Martorell", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "documental", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2773, + "example": "Pots callar una mica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una mica", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8087, + "example": "Deixa que t'expliqui alguna cosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11525, + "example": "Vull que truquis als bombers.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8761, + "example": "Podries guardar que no m'agrada la cançó que estic escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5854, + "example": "Vull que telefonis al 061; he caigut i m'he fet mal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "061", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he caigut i m'he fet mal", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8971, + "example": "Ensenya'm si he de comprar les entrades del concert dissabte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "comprar les entrades del concert", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9327, + "example": "Escoltar el següent episodi del pòdcast a iVoox.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "iVoox", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1284, + "example": "El meu endoll, el vull desactivar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2368, + "example": "Podries reservar-me un bitllet pel tren que arriba a Montblanc aquest vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Montblanc", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest vespre", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8728, + "example": "Fes desaparèixer el llistat \"viatges\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "viatges", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6871, + "example": "Agafa taula per cinc dimarts a les quatre al Thai Garden de Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Thai Garden", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10492, + "example": "Em dius quins locals coneixes per aquí que acceptin mascotes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "locals", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "acceptin mascotes", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6290, + "example": "Com ha anat l'enfrontament de dimarts contra l'Atlètic de Madrid?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "Atlètic de Madrid", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7038, + "example": "Vull que reprodueixis el vídeo que vaig veure fa dues hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "vaig veure fa dues hores", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9539, + "example": "M'agradaria posar la meva recopilació de música titulada \"estudiar alemany\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "estudiar alemany", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 869, + "example": "Em pots posar les últimes notícies del \"Canal Blau\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Canal Blau", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3176, + "example": "A la sala, em podries reproduir \"Al teatre amb Rosa Badia\" de \"Ser Catalunya\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Al teatre amb Rosa Badia", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Ser Catalunya", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2118, + "example": "Activar el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2803, + "example": "Podries escriure \"l'import de la bonificació de la benzina és ridícul si tenim en compte com han apujat els preus les benzineres\", citant el servei d'atenció al ciutadà del Govern d'Espanya per Twitter?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escriure", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "l'import de la bonificació de la benzina és ridícul si tenim en compte com han apujat els preus les benzineres", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 128 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al ciutadà del Govern d'Espanya", + "Start_char": 141, + "End_char": 189 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 194, + "End_char": 201 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9866, + "example": "M'agradaria saber on es troben les cascades del Niàgara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "on es troben", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "cascades del Niàgara", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4137, + "example": "Quina malaltia tenia en Michael Jackson?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Quina malaltia tenia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Michael Jackson", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7344, + "example": "Pots desar-me un correu electrònic a l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11615, + "example": "Absolutament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9106, + "example": "Busca \"Rock FM\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Rock FM", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10239, + "example": "Fa sol en aquest instant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest instant", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "sol", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9145, + "example": "Cada dues setmanes faré cames al gimnàs recorda-m'ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Cada dues setmanes", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "faré cames", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "gimnàs", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8611, + "example": "La celebració d'aniversari amb el Nicolau d'aquesta tarda treu-la del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració d'aniversari", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nicolau", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9651, + "example": "Com va el fricandó amb moixernons per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fricandó amb moixernons", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3767, + "example": "Tinc alguna cita arranjada per demà a les cinc de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 50, + "example": "Et faria res fer-me saber que he d'anar al psicòleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "psicòleg", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2517, + "example": "La setmana que ve a les cinc he de fer la massa de la pizza.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fer la massa de la pizza", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9554, + "example": "Ensenya'm quina és la recepta de les orelletes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "orelletes", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8894, + "example": "Dir el fax de l'Enric.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "fax", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Enric", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1568, + "example": "Posa'm els llums d'un altre color.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5652, + "example": "Truca a la clínica Sant Josep de Vic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "clínica Sant Josep de Vic", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2460, + "example": "Vull un Cabify per ser a Esplugues de Llobregat demà passat a dos quarts d'una.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Esplugues de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dos quarts d'una", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1605, + "example": "Em podries posar el llum de l'estudi de color negre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "negre", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4532, + "example": "S'estrena alguna pel·lícula al cinema del Gran Via 2 que sigui una comèdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Gran Via 2", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "comèdia", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7852, + "example": "Posa el llum de l'habitació més fort.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 412, + "example": "Podries explicar-me si s'ha fet alguna operació estètica la Núria Picas?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "s'ha fet alguna operació estètica", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Núria Picas", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3978, + "example": "Em diràs quants pesos de Colòmbia són cinc francs de Burundi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "pesos de Colòmbia", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "cinc francs de Burundi", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7544, + "example": "Necessitaria reduir els ulls de bou de l'estudi al mínim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9791, + "example": "Mostra'm a quina hora puc agafar el tren cap a Platja de Castelldefels avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Platja de Castelldefels", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3178, + "example": "Em podries sintonitzar \"El món a RAC1\" de \"RAC1\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "El món a RAC1", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "RAC1", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3471, + "example": "Conta alguna conya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 97, + "example": "Apuntar al calendari la cita amb el dentista del dia 20 de maig.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dentista", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "20 de maig", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8907, + "example": "Digue'm quin és el telèfon mòbil de la meva tieta Maria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon mòbil", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta Maria", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5721, + "example": "Truca a la consulta del meu ginecòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "ginecòleg", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10836, + "example": "Què trauré a l'examen de demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 574, + "example": "Voldria jugar un nivell del \"Dokkan battle\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Dokkan battle", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4060, + "example": "Em podries dir quin és el contacte del meu padrí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu padrí", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7982, + "example": "Podries ajustar els altaveus? La música està molt forta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6812, + "example": "Reservar una taula a un restaurant francès per aquest dimecres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "francès", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dimecres", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6314, + "example": "Se sap el guanyador del partit de quarts de l'Eurocopa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "quarts de l'Eurocopa", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11583, + "example": "Així exactament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9283, + "example": "Digue'm una conya d'animals.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "animals", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9130, + "example": "Podries anotar a l'agenda que tinc sessió de pintura cada dimarts a les sis a Lleida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sessió de pintura", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dimarts", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6220, + "example": "Què he de fer per obtenir el meu certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què he de fer per obtenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3721, + "example": "Aquest dijous farà calor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Aquest dijous", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "calor", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7107, + "example": "M'agradaria engegar l'app Gencat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Gencat", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4303, + "example": "Saps el temps d'aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1266, + "example": "Voldria que apaguessis aquest endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3294, + "example": "Podem seguir amb l'audiollibre \"Fungus\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Fungus", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1855, + "example": "Esborrar l'entrada \"aniversari de la Júlia\" del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "aniversari de la Júlia", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2668, + "example": "Podries mencionar al meu germà a la meva història d'Instagram?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "mencionar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "al meu germà", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11562, + "example": "Ausades que sí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3461, + "example": "Conta'm una broma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3394, + "example": "Definició de maragda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "maragda", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5494, + "example": "Fes un truc a l'Elsa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Elsa", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10337, + "example": "Necessito descobrir la melodia que està reproduint-se.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està reproduint-se", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3446, + "example": "Què significa tronera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "tronera", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4499, + "example": "S'estrenen pel·lícules en alemany a OCINE El Vendrell avui de tres a nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "alemany", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "OCINE El Vendrell", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5802, + "example": "M'acaben d'atracar; si us plau, truca a la policia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "M'acaben d'atracar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "policia", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 559, + "example": "Posa'm el \"Garena free fire\", que vull fer una partida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Garena free fire", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4184, + "example": "Com puc fer lluç a la planxa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "lluç a la planxa", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6256, + "example": "Quin és el resultat del partit del divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8694, + "example": "Eliminar l'Ugot del llistat de llocs de brunch.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Ugot", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de llocs de brunch", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1290, + "example": "M'agradaria que apaguessis aquest endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1217, + "example": "Posar al calendari celebració aniversari boda avis diumenge al vespre a Sort.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració aniversari boda avis", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sort", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9297, + "example": "Et saps algun acudit de l'Eugenio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "Eugenio", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8625, + "example": "Podries eliminar-me del calendari una partida de \"Warcry\" per demà a les onze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partida de \"Warcry\"", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7398, + "example": "Envia un correu a l'Aina de la feina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aina", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1942, + "example": "Podries eliminar l'alarma de diumenge al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9072, + "example": "Em sintonitzaries la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10201, + "example": "Ensenya'm quina temperatura tenim en aquest moment al meu poble.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "meu poble", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1504, + "example": "Podries posar-me en bucle la reproducció?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "bucle", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11022, + "example": "M'expliques el camí per arribar a casa del tiet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "tiet", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6825, + "example": "Reserva'm una taula per sopar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4027, + "example": "Amb un peso mexicà, quants diners tinc en dòlars de Brunei?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "un peso mexicà", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlars de Brunei", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10538, + "example": "Saps si hi ha botigues amb zona de videojocs per la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "amb zona de videojocs", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1866, + "example": "Em pots treure del calendari el concert de Manel amb la meva xicota?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "concert de Manel", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva xicota", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9062, + "example": "A l'oficina, em podries posar en marxa la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5611, + "example": "Podries fer un truc a la tia Mame?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "tia Mame", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1109, + "example": "La roomba, podries arrancar-me-la?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7470, + "example": "Crea'm una alerta el Dijous Sant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dijous Sant", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11511, + "example": "Telefona a la meva mare, que m'he quedat tancada fora de casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "m'he quedat tancada fora de casa", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2566, + "example": "Voldria un cafetó, me'l prepares?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafetó", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 797, + "example": "Casulla, què vol dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "Casulla", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6263, + "example": "Mostra'm el resultat Barça - Real Madrid ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Barça", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Real Madrid", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4990, + "example": "Mira a veure si pots descobrir l'horari dels trens que van des de Vilaverd cap a Lleida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilaverd", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9083, + "example": "Sentir la ràdio una estona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9135, + "example": "Vull que em recordis que tots els dijous tinc natació a l'Hospitalet de Llobregat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dijous", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "natació", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Hospitalet de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11361, + "example": "Quin dia tinc hora amb el doctor Antoni Adell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Antoni Adell", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2133, + "example": "Voldria que encenguessis la bombeta de la cuina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9421, + "example": "Vull escoltar un pòdcast ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8741, + "example": "Activa'ns l'endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9581, + "example": "Per sortir de Tortosa, hi ha trànsit ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10605, + "example": "Fan algun espectacle de dansa pel meu voltant aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacle de dansa", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10112, + "example": "Què hi ha a la llista \"regals\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "regals", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8241, + "example": "Podries comprar el bitllet del tren de les nou cap a Valls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 500, + "example": "Ets la canya d'Espanya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8436, + "example": "Encomana pollastre a l'ast al Castell del Brull.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pollastre a l'ast", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Castell del Brull", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4746, + "example": "Digues si al The Quick Greek fan sopars per emportar a casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "The Quick Greek", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fan sopars per emportar a casa", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11668, + "example": "No et comprenc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4240, + "example": "Què hi ha a TikTok en aquest moment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4156, + "example": "A les dues què tinc apuntat al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6297, + "example": "Com ha quedat el Barça al torneig Joan Gamper?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "torneig Joan Gamper", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Barça", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10560, + "example": "Em podries dir quins cinemes tinc per aquí a prop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "cinemes", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí a prop", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6886, + "example": "Agafa taula avui a les vuit per sopar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3635, + "example": "Avui he tingut un dia molt estressant a la feina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4968, + "example": "Em pots dir quins trens hi ha de Valls a Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7521, + "example": "Cada diumenge podries aixecar-me al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Cada diumenge", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8138, + "example": "Compra't un bitllet del tren que se'n va de Lliçà de Munt a les tres del migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lliçà de Munt", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres del migdia", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11662, + "example": "Explica-m'ho amb paraules diferents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7338, + "example": "Enregistra'm l'adreça voltainepeixateries@aethermail.sea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "voltainepeixateries@aethermail.sea", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10402, + "example": "Per què no em mostres les meves cançons preferides?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "les meves cançons preferides", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1706, + "example": "Si al fus horari de Líbia són les tres, saps quina hora és al fus horari d'Amèrica/Colòmbia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Colòmbia", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Líbia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9124, + "example": "Em pots fixar a l'agenda cada dilluns i dimecres \"torn a l'hort urbà\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dilluns", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "torn a l'hort urbà", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11652, + "example": "No entenc el que m'estàs detallant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2236, + "example": "Podries fer arribar a la Jana un mail?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jana", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6444, + "example": "Digue'm si puc demanar medicaments amb la meva TSI.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "si puc demanar medicaments", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSI", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5508, + "example": "Truca, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11575, + "example": "Ja ho crec.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11452, + "example": "Fes-me el favor d'anomenar el 644888999 com mòbil personal de Marta Boix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta Boix", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "644888999", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4467, + "example": "Em verificaries si al cinema de la cantonada hi posen \"La vida és bella\" d'onze a una de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "cantonada", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "La vida és bella", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "onze a una de la nit", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10555, + "example": "Em pots dir quins centres comercials tenen pàrquing a la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "centres comercials", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "tenen pàrquing", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2693, + "example": "Em podries dir què conté la meva llista de material escolar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de material escolar", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2490, + "example": "Surto a fer un berenar el dijous a Cornellà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fer un berenar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cornellà", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7222, + "example": "L'aplicació FilmCAT, treu-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "FilmCAT", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10254, + "example": "Em pots dir quina temperatura tenim aquí a la vila?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "vila", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9822, + "example": "Em mostres quina és la definició d'esquinçar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "esquinçar", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1422, + "example": "Em podries posar la llum més forta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6854, + "example": "Voldria que em fessis una reserva per quatre persones dilluns al migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8678, + "example": "Elimina'm \"Ramona adéu\" de la llista de llibres pendents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de llibres pendents", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Ramona adéu", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5120, + "example": "A hores d'ara quin tipus de música s'està reproduint?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin tipus de música", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està reproduint", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1622, + "example": "Respon el correu titulat \"vacances d'hivern\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "vacances d'hivern", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11195, + "example": "La sopa de galets de demà ha de portar cansalada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sopa de galets", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "cansalada", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6084, + "example": "Quins serveis ofereix l'oficina de serveis socials de Salou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina de serveis socials", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10806, + "example": "Peres, pomes i taronges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 54, + "example": "Voldria que apuntessis que tinc visita amb la infermera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "infermera", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7805, + "example": "Necessito que apaguis els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3153, + "example": "T'importaria que escoltéssim al despatx el \"Ja tardes!\", de \"RAC105\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Ja tardes!", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "RAC105", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5525, + "example": "Necessito que truquis a l'Eloi Sánchez.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eloi Sánchez", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 376, + "example": "Digues-m'ho una altra vegada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4004, + "example": "Em diries quantes lliures esterlines són vint-i-cinc kyats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "vint-i-cinc kyats", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "lliures esterlines", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9551, + "example": "Com es prepara el pollastre amb samfaina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pollastre amb samfaina", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 28, + "example": "M'he de visitar el dimarts 22 a Bellvitge amb el doctor Cabrera, apunta-ho al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts 22", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Bellvitge", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Cabrera", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10140, + "example": "Ensenya'm què hi ha al llistat de sèries.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de sèries", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7565, + "example": "Agrega Londres a la llista de viatges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Londres", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de viatges", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 120, + "example": "He de veure el psicòleg a les cinc: anota-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "psicòleg", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9670, + "example": "Que em pots mirar com va la comanda del Ginos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Ginos", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10799, + "example": "Saps si ha arribat cap correu electrònic nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10380, + "example": "Esbrinar la cançó que tinc posada en aquests moments.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "tinc posada en aquests moments", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8522, + "example": "Vull agafar un taxi per al dissabte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1294, + "example": "Tancar els endolls intel·ligents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 691, + "example": "En quina data va caure el mur de Berlín?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "historical_event_detail", + "Text": "En quina data", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "historical_event", + "Text": "va caure el mur de Berlín", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9595, + "example": "Pregunta: hi ha molt trànsit per Palafrugell ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8231, + "example": "Vull agafar un tren per anar des de Sant Celoni a Girona dilluns al matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Celoni", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10980, + "example": "Prenc la píndola blanca cada hora, oi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "píndola blanca", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada hora", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6887, + "example": "Em pots reservar taula per dinar a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6306, + "example": "Com s'ha acabat el partit del Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6560, + "example": "A la nit recorda'm que l'avi s'ha de prendre la pastilla blanca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla blanca", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "A la nit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "avi", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 492, + "example": "Quina genialitat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8595, + "example": "Al final no em renovaré el DNI demà a les nou del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "enovaré el DNI", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10650, + "example": "Em buscaries quins concerts hi ha de tres a nou a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concerts", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10076, + "example": "M'agradaria saber les novetats de Zelenski.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Zelenski", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1770, + "example": "Seria possible treure tot el que hi ha a l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5485, + "example": "Pots enviar la meva localització a la meva cunyada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva cunyada", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4595, + "example": "Per aquí hi ha botigues de mobles?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues de mobles", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3247, + "example": "Ja pots continuar reproduint \"La meva Cristina i altres contes\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "La meva Cristina i altres contes", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3411, + "example": "Ensenya'm quina és la definició de capolador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "capolador", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5877, + "example": "Truca a Emergències Sanitàries.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències Sanitàries", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2604, + "example": "Em prepararies un cafè amb llet descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè amb llet descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5464, + "example": "Mostra la meva localització al Màrius.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Màrius", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2043, + "example": "Em podries demanar una Kevin Bacon al Goiko?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Goiko", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "Kevin Bacon", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11507, + "example": "He tingut un accident amb el cotxe; truca al Jaume.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "He tingut un accident amb el cotxe", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jaume", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8457, + "example": "Encomanar un arròs negre al restaurant xinès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs negre", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "restaurant xinès", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4122, + "example": "Donar-me informació de les intoleràncies alimentàries del Joel Joan.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "informació de les intoleràncies alimentàries", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joel Joan", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2725, + "example": "Podries deixar de dir coses durant uns minuts, si us plau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minuts", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 99, + "example": "M'agradaria que registressis la cita del dia 30 amb el doctor Antoni Adell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Antoni Adell", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "30", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9965, + "example": "Quines alarmes tinc enceses?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8756, + "example": "Vull connectar el lladre elèctric intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "lladre elèctric intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9745, + "example": "De cinc a set, quins horaris de tren hi ha a Sabadell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "cinc a set", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6293, + "example": "Com va anar el partit dels Ludogorets del dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Ludogorets", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 19, + "example": "La visita del metge de la Lola és dimecres 29.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "no_md_person", + "Text": "Lola", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres 29", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11763, + "example": "Me'n dona tres pitos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6795, + "example": "M'agradaria reservar per sis persones a un restaurant de cuina moderna.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "cuina moderna", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3349, + "example": "Et faria res continuar reproduint a la cambra petita \"Megatron's fight for power\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Megatron's fight for power", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cambra petita", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9352, + "example": "Reprodueix el meu tema de soul preferit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "soul", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferit", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3266, + "example": "Seria possible escoltar a l'estudi la reproducció de l'audiollibre \"Lady Olynder\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Lady Olynder", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2227, + "example": "Em remets un email al Sergi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sergi", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3704, + "example": "Neva a Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Neva", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4091, + "example": "Em pots dir el mòbil de la Queralt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "mòbil", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Queralt", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3256, + "example": "Puc seguir escoltant \"Pluja d'estels\" de Laia Aguilar al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Pluja d'estels", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Laia Aguilar", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9616, + "example": "Tinc cap correu de la meva filla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva filla", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10840, + "example": "Existeix la màgia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1391, + "example": "Voldria que la música se sentís més forta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7423, + "example": "Em podries remetre un email a la meva parella on posi \"he hagut d'anar al veterinari de pressa i corrents i encara soc allà\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva parella", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "he hagut d'anar al veterinari de pressa i corrents i encara soc allà", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 123 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8513, + "example": "Sol·licita un taxi per estar demà a les dotze del migdia a platja de la Barceloneta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dotze del migdia", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "platja de la Barceloneta", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8563, + "example": "Demanar un Lyft per anar a Girona divendres a les tres del migda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres del migda", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6448, + "example": "Com puc renovar la targeta sanitària?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com puc renovar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9045, + "example": "M'enregistraries per dijous a les vuit del matí una reunió amb el Robert Belloch al Milk Bar & Bistro?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Robert Belloch", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Milk Bar & Bistro", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3819, + "example": "Quins plats puc elaborar amb verat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "verat", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10775, + "example": "M'agradaria que em diguessis si tinc emails sense obrir d'avui al meu correu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "emails", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "sense obrir", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6550, + "example": "Recorda'm que m'he de prendre la pastilla cada quatre hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada quatre hores", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3243, + "example": "Podem recobrar la lectura de l'audiollibre \"Entre el cel i la terra\" al dormitori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Entre el cel i la terra", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8561, + "example": "Demanar un Uber per ser dimarts a quarts de dotze a Blanes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "quarts de dotze", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Blanes", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11192, + "example": "Quan mengem sopa de fideus?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sopa de fideus", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 301, + "example": "Podries tornar a esmentar el que has dit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2292, + "example": "Et faria res enviar un correu electrònic a plurienganxats33@hotmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "plurienganxats33@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10855, + "example": "Quins són els secrets per l'èxit professional?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4861, + "example": "Em pots dir la circulació per sortir d'Altafulla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Altafulla", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8529, + "example": "Vull demanar-me un taxi per sortir en 20 minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en 20 minuts", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2779, + "example": "Necessito que tanquis la boca durant uns minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minuts", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5695, + "example": "Podries fer una trucada la consulta de la metgessa per a renovar una recepta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "consulta de la metgessa", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4123, + "example": "Digues-me quina és la ciutat preferida de l'Eduard Punset.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "quina és la ciutat preferida", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eduard Punset", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11360, + "example": "Quin dia em visito amb la meva oftalmòloga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "oftalmòloga", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3316, + "example": "Podria seguir escoltant l'audiollibre \"Ramona, Adeu\" de Montserrat Roig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Ramona, Adeu", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Montserrat Roig", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5370, + "example": "Com arribo al CaixaForum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "CaixaForum", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1367, + "example": "Posa una mica més forta la cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8982, + "example": "Quin dia de la setmana que ve he quedat amb el professor de matemàtiques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "professor de matemàtiques", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedat", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8492, + "example": "Vull un Cabify per estar demà a la platja de Castelldefels a les onze del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "platja de Castelldefels", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9355, + "example": "Posa la meva cançoneta de dembow preferida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "dembow", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferida", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 205, + "example": "Assenyala al calendari la cita del reumatòleg a les 11.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "reumatòleg", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 11", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8624, + "example": "Pots cancel·lar tots els esdeveniments programats per demà a les dotze de l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2059, + "example": "Podria ser que em portessin a casa tres racions de bacallà a la llauna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bacallà a la llauna", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4484, + "example": "Vull veure quines pel·lícules projecten de drama al Cinema Truffaut avui a les quatre de la matinada a Sabadell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "drama", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinema Truffaut", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la matinada", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 100 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 103, + "End_char": 111 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10328, + "example": "La peça musical que sona al menjador de quin any és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "de quin any és", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9008, + "example": "Què passa el 2 de juliol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "2 de juliol", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8127, + "example": "Digue'm alguna cosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5277, + "example": "Explica'm com puc agafar cita al meu CAP.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "agafar cita al meu CAP", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2166, + "example": "Em podries encendre el lladre elèctric?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "lladre elèctric", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3516, + "example": "Sona una cançó ara mateix que no suporto.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Sona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8120, + "example": "Què tal et va tot a la vida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11078, + "example": "Què vaig anotar que dinaríem el dia 26?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinaríem", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "26", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9466, + "example": "Inicia \"Escoltant sardanes\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Escoltant sardanes", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5837, + "example": "M'he quedat tancat dins de casa; truca als bombers.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "M'he quedat tancat dins de casa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5185, + "example": "Dona'm a conèixer tot el que tinc fixat d'esdeveniments.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4406, + "example": "Em pots dir a quina hora estan ara a Chicago?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Chicago", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11629, + "example": "És clar que sí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5726, + "example": "Necessito telefonar a la consulta de psiquiatria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "consulta de psiquiatria", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10062, + "example": "Digue'm les notícies més recents de Fórmula 1.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Fórmula 1", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6089, + "example": "Busca l'adreça de l'Ajuntament de Sabadell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7091, + "example": "Activar Twitter.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5914, + "example": "Busca l'adreça de l'Hospital Clínic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Clínic", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4771, + "example": "Farà vent a Vilafranca del Penedès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "vent", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilafranca del Penedès", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4338, + "example": "A quina ciutat es fa el \"Canet Rock\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Canet Rock", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1327, + "example": "Gairebé no se sent la cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11330, + "example": "Saps quin dia em toca visitar-me a Vall d'Hebron amb la doctora Alba Massot?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Alba Massot", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Vall d'Hebron", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1127, + "example": "A la meva llista, podries afegir escuradents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "escuradents", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5729, + "example": "Telefonar al Joan XXIII de Tarragona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Joan XXIII de Tarragona", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1426, + "example": "Es podria posar la llum al màxim?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10807, + "example": "Astrologia, tarot i horòscop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9189, + "example": "Fer un caputxino.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "caputxino", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8914, + "example": "Vull que em diguis el correu electrònic del Carles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carles", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3909, + "example": "Cinc més dotze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Cinc més dotze", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5333, + "example": "Si perdo la TSI què passa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "perdo", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSI", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 639, + "example": "Digue'm quins trens em porten a Pujalt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Pujalt", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2900, + "example": "Pots posar-me \"Rock FM\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Rock FM", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1904, + "example": "Vull esborrar l'alerta de les nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10138, + "example": "Esbrinar el contingut de la llista que s'anomena \"recomanacions Grècia\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "recomanacions Grècia", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4071, + "example": "Em pots dir el telèfon de l'oficina de l'Ignasi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon de l'oficina", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ignasi", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11692, + "example": "Dis-m'ho amb unes altres paraules.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11506, + "example": "Telefona a la meva tieta, que la mare s'ha desmaiat al carrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "la mare s'ha desmaiat", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11736, + "example": "M'interessa més aviat poc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3437, + "example": "Saps què significa pàtera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "pàtera", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 467, + "example": "De cine.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9226, + "example": "M'avises que tinc un esdeveniment la setmana vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3204, + "example": "I si reprodueixes el tema \"Blue tack\" que tant m'agrada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Blue tack", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3674, + "example": "Qui va compondre l'àlbum més venut de la història?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "Qui va compondre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "àlbum més venut de la història", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5301, + "example": "Mostrar què he de fer per aconseguir el certificat de discapacitat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat de discapacitat", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "què he de fer per aconseguir", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1642, + "example": "Seria possible contestar el missatge de Skype que em va enviar el Guillem ahir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Skype", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7820, + "example": "Necessito que m'apaguis el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6690, + "example": "Que em faries una reserva per dimecres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7432, + "example": "Voldria enviar un correu a la meva germana dient que \"avui no aniré a dinar\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "avui no aniré a dinar", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4124, + "example": "Em dius a quin supermercat compra normalment l'Alexia Putellas?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "a quin supermercat compra normalment", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Alexia Putellas", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1004, + "example": "Redueixes la llum de la làmpada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4571, + "example": "Hi haurà alguna pel·lícula demà al cinema de Santa Coloma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Santa Coloma", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 805, + "example": "Com és el nom de l'objecte que obre les llaunes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "objecte", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "obre les llaunes", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10108, + "example": "Les últimes notícies d'e-sports.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "e-sports", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 710, + "example": "Mostra'm dades sobre la Depressió Central Catalana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "dades", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Depressió Central Catalana", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11576, + "example": "Textualment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8783, + "example": "Guarda que odio la cançó que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8784, + "example": "Desa que em crispa la cançó de Manel que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Manel", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 57, + "example": "Apunta: demà ambulatori.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulatori", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3440, + "example": "M'ensenyes quina és la definició de naveta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "naveta", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6243, + "example": "Com va anar el partit de dimarts de l'Igualada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Igualada", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5490, + "example": "Telefona a les meves tietes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "les meves tietes", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8536, + "example": "Demana'm un Cabify, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11413, + "example": "Necessitaria saber si la cita amb el doctor Pous és demà al matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Pous", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3006, + "example": "A l'habitació em pots posar l'episodi que ve després de l'\"Adeptus ridiculous\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Adeptus ridiculous", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11670, + "example": "No m'ha quedat gens clar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2837, + "example": "Podries escriure a Twitter citant el servei d'atenció al consumidor de Nike que \"és molt frustrant que hi hagi models de venda exclusiva a la pàgina web quan portes plantilles i necessites emprovar-te el calçat en botiga\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escriure", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al consumidor de Nike", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "és molt frustrant que hi hagi models de venda exclusiva a la pàgina web quan portes plantilles i necessites emprovar-te el calçat en botiga", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 220 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5827, + "example": "Telefonar ràpidament als Mossos d'Esquadra per alertar d'una agressió.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Mossos d'Esquadra", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "agressió", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6414, + "example": "Què he de fer per aconseguir la meva targeta sanitària europea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què he de fer per aconseguir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 502, + "example": "Ets pura màgia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10685, + "example": "Pots dir què tinc fixat per avui al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10777, + "example": "Esbrina si durant l'última mitja hora han entrat correus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "última mitja hora", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1247, + "example": "Et faria res tancar els llums del passadís?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "passadís", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9680, + "example": "Què passa amb el suquet de rap que hem encomanat per endur a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "suquet de rap", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per endur", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5617, + "example": "Necessito que facis una trucada a l'avi Joan immediatament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "avi Joan", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9430, + "example": "Reproduir un pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1733, + "example": "Si a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich -2 són les vuit de la tarda, em dius quina hora és a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich -9?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich -9", + "Start_char": 88, + "End_char": 116 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich -2", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit de la tarda", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7358, + "example": "Desa'm raulbar@outlook.com com l'email del Raul.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "raulbar@outlook.com", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Raul", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11039, + "example": "Per on vaig per a anar a casa de la Sara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sara", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 200, + "example": "Reflexa al calendari la visita del dia 6 a la Clínica Quirón.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "6", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Quirón", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8390, + "example": "Pots fer que em portin unes aletes de pollastre del Bar Aitor a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "aletes de pollastre", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Bar Aitor", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1308, + "example": "Seria possible desconnectar els endolls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6872, + "example": "Pots reservar-me taula per una persona a l'Udon?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "una", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Udon", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5955, + "example": "Saps si tenen urgències psiquiàtriques a l'Hospital Joan XXIII de Tarragona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "tenen urgències psiquiàtriques", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Joan XXIII", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8912, + "example": "Troba'm el fax de l'Isidre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "fax", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Isidre", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5000, + "example": "Saps a quina hora passa el ferrocarril que et porta a Bellvitge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Bellvitge", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10640, + "example": "Mostrar-me els espectacles de gegants que hi ha al meu barri.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles de gegants", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu barri", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6329, + "example": "Vull saber els resultats del partit de dilluns.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5678, + "example": "Podries fer una trucada a l'Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8482, + "example": "Sol·licita un Blacklane per estar demà a les nou del matí a Salou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Blacklane", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5923, + "example": "Hi ha psicòlegs a l'Hospital Comarcal d'Amposta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "psicòlegs", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Comarcal", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Amposta", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4403, + "example": "Em pots dir l'hora d'Okayama?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Okayama", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8865, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quan tinc la reunió planificada per la setmana que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2908, + "example": "Et faria res sintonitzar \"Cadena Dial\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Cadena Dial", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7154, + "example": "Indica'm com puc arribar al cinema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11167, + "example": "Quan soparem peix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "peix", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "soparem", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3134, + "example": "Em ve de gust sentir musiqueta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7937, + "example": "L'àudio, vull elevar-lo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5373, + "example": "Em pots dir com s'arriba al Parc Güell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Parc Güell", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2937, + "example": "Vaig a anglès cada dilluns amb la Mònica de set a dos quarts de deu de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anglès", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dilluns", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mònica", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "set", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dos quarts de deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7923, + "example": "Fes ascendir el volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8046, + "example": "Bones.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6915, + "example": "Comparteix aquesta ubicació fins a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10091, + "example": "Conèixer les últimes notícies de política internacional.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "política internacional", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3509, + "example": "Et saps algun acudit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6645, + "example": "Avisa'm a les onze que em prengui el xarop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4300, + "example": "Hi haurà núvols aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "núvols", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7403, + "example": "M'agradaria que enviessis un missatge de correu electrònic a la meva tieta Maribel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta Maribel", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7002, + "example": "Vull veure vídeos d'\"El quadern d'en Noah\" a DailyMotion.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "DailyMotion", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "El quadern d'en Noah", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10105, + "example": "Fes-me saber quines són les últimes notícies de política nacional.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "política nacional", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4610, + "example": "Quines botigues hi ha al meu voltant que tinguin lloc on deixar els nens?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu voltant", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "tinguin lloc on deixar els nens", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1647, + "example": "Respondre a la Judith amb un email anomenat \"estic de baixa\" i que tingui per missatge \"tinc una baixa mèdica de sis dies pel mal d'esquena\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Judith", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "estic de baixa", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "tinc una baixa mèdica de sis dies pel mal d'esquena", + "Start_char": 88, + "End_char": 139 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3434, + "example": "La paraula lleixa, què vol dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "lleixa", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10830, + "example": "Entreteniment, xarxes socials i internet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7194, + "example": "Necessito conèixer el camí fins al restaurant Vell Papiol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "restaurant Vell Papiol", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10220, + "example": "Quin és el pronòstic del temps que tenim per avui a la localitat on visc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "localitat on visc", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2972, + "example": "Podria escoltar el pòdcast \"El podcast del cine español\", que és el meu preferit, al pati?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "El podcast del cine español", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "pati", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1792, + "example": "I si esborres la pasta de dents del llistat per fer la maleta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "fer la maleta", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "pasta de dents", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8481, + "example": "Sol·licitar un Uber per ser demà a dos quarts de dotze a Garraf.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dos quarts de dotze", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Garraf", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7258, + "example": "Pots parar Calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Calendari", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10574, + "example": "Em dius si fan espectacles pel meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3759, + "example": "Oi que tinc una visita programada al meu calendari per avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visita", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1123, + "example": "A la llista de Halloween, em poses \"Sinister\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de Halloween", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Sinister", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 438, + "example": "Déu-n'hi-do.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8206, + "example": "Reservar un bitllet pel tren de les sis de la tarda de demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 730, + "example": "Com s'anomena el moviment pictòric que va caracteritzar els quadres de van Gogh?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "moviment pictòric", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "va caracteritzar els quadres de van Gogh", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 210, + "example": "Crea un recordatori per dilluns a les 9 amb el metge de capçalera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 9", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge de capçalera", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8068, + "example": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9464, + "example": "Escoltar un episodi del pòdcast \"Delicatessen\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Delicatessen", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4584, + "example": "A quina hora dissabte estrenen \"Los vengadores\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Los vengadores", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 518, + "example": "Pots començar una jugada ràpida al \"Garena free fire\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Garena free fire", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10259, + "example": "Buscar a quina temperatura estem en aquest mateix moment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest mateix moment", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 247, + "example": "Quins ferrocarrils surten de Gandia el 14 de febrer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarrils", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gandia", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "14 de febrer", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2780, + "example": "Que callis i tanquis el bec.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5711, + "example": "M'agradaria que fessis un truc al CAP Doctor Barraquer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP Doctor Barraquer", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11750, + "example": "No importa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 757, + "example": "Saps com és el nom de l'estri de cuina que tritura aliments fins que es tornen líquids?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "estri de cuina", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "tritura aliments fins que es tornen líquids", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10397, + "example": "Digue'm si tinc temes que m'agraden d'Oques Grasses.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Oques Grasses", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'agraden", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7795, + "example": "Els llums, desconnecta'ls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11514, + "example": "Necessito trucar a la Mercè ara mateix perquè m'ajudi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mercè", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7728, + "example": "Vull afegir un nou esdeveniment a l'agenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10919, + "example": "Sabries dir si era a la nit quan m'he de prendre la pastilla de les tiroides?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla de les tiroides", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9378, + "example": "Reprodueix música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10160, + "example": "Podries buscar quina és la polèmica de la setmana a les xarxes socials?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11533, + "example": "Voldria que fessis una trucada a la Marta perquè hi ha un problema amb el gas de casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "hi ha un problema amb el gas de casa", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1631, + "example": "Pots respondre l'e-mail que vaig rebre de l'Adrià fa un parell de dies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "'e-mail", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Adrià", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "fa un parell de dies", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3650, + "example": "Els veïns han posat ja l'arbre de Nadal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4629, + "example": "Quines peixateries de per aquí em recomanes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "peixateries", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8937, + "example": "Què hi diu al contacte de la meva cosina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva cosina", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7220, + "example": "Apaga l'aplicació de Caprabo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Caprabo", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10250, + "example": "Ara mateix quin temps fa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "Ara mateix", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2116, + "example": "Activa els llums ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4912, + "example": "Em mostres quina és la situació del trànsit per entrar a Gavà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4713, + "example": "Aquella rostisseria fa plats per endur?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fa plats per endur", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "rostisseria", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9151, + "example": "Actualitza'm l'estat de Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Actualitza'm", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5518, + "example": "Voldria que telefonessis al 900243938.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "900243938", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11138, + "example": "Em dius el menú pel dinar del dia 13?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "13", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8375, + "example": "Ens podries demanar per Uber Eats que ens portin una pizza de verdures?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Uber Eats", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza de verdures", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8739, + "example": "I si poses en funcionament l'endoll del balcó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "balcó", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4162, + "example": "Pots recordar-me què tinc fixat a l'agenda avui a les onze de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze de la nit", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3875, + "example": "El resultat de deu entre quinze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "deu entre quinze", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 411, + "example": "On va néixer la Rihanna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "On va néixer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Rihanna", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8612, + "example": "La setmana vinent pots esborrar la partida de \"Magic\" del meu calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partida de \"Magic\"", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11822, + "example": "Que et pots aturar una estona, si us plau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10045, + "example": "Vull saber les noves notícies de \"RTVE Catalunya\" sobre Europa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Europa", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "RTVE Catalunya", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8176, + "example": "Podries comprar-me un lloc al tren que arriba a Gaià a les tres del dia de Nadal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Gaià", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Nadal", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6571, + "example": "Notificar a les vuit del matí que m'he de prendre la pastilla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6365, + "example": "Voldria saber qui pot sol·licitar la targeta Braile.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "qui pot sol·licitar", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braile", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4143, + "example": "He quedat demà de tres a quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "He quedat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2429, + "example": "Vull un Lyft per ser demà passat a l'aeroport del Prat a les dues de la matinada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "aeroport del Prat", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dues de la matinada", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 454, + "example": "Esplèndid.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9435, + "example": "Ens posaries \"Getting on with James Urbaniak\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Getting on with James Urbaniak", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10054, + "example": "Em pots dir quines novetats hi ha sobre el coronavirus al \"20 Minutos\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "el coronavirus", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "20 Minutos", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 750, + "example": "Voldria conèixer el terme emprat per definir allò que cau del cel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "cau del cel", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11139, + "example": "Vull saber l'esmorzar de dimecres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "esmorzar", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5019, + "example": "Com va el valor en borsa de l'empresa eBay?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "eBay", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9945, + "example": "Quantes alarmes per demà passat hi ha configurades a les sis del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis del matí", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7807, + "example": "Vull els llums apagats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4476, + "example": "Quines pel·lícules fan de comèdia al Cinema Rambla de l'Art el divendres a les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "comèdia", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinema Rambla de l'Art", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3968, + "example": "Quants euros són vint-i-dos kyats ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "euros", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "vint-i-dos kyats", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10475, + "example": "Saps quines farmàcies barates hi ha per la Florida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "farmàcies", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "barates", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Florida", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9897, + "example": "Deu entre quinze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Deu entre quinze", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5066, + "example": "Em mostres el preu de les accions de Shopify?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Shopify", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1617, + "example": "Pots canviar el color del llum de la galeria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "galeria", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 895, + "example": "Les notícies d'ahir sobre Tesla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Tesla", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8570, + "example": "Vull un Cabify per demà a les set del vespre que em porti al Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set del vespre", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4599, + "example": "Mostra les botigues d'estris de cuina que tinc més a prop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues d'estris de cuina", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5102, + "example": "Em diries a quin disc pertany aquest hit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin disc", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6664, + "example": "Dimecres m'agradaria tenir taula a La Barca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "La Barca", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimecres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4953, + "example": "Ensenya'm l'itinerari del tren que arriba fins a Sant Andreu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Andreu", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 928, + "example": "No vull que la música soni tan alta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9506, + "example": "M'agrada molt el tema \"Viure sense tu\", posa-me'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "M'agrada molt", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Viure sense tu", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11503, + "example": "Fes una trucada a l'Agnès; m'he quedat tancada a casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Agnès", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "m'he quedat tancada a casa", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4549, + "example": "Digues on fan la pel·lícula \"Tornar a l'amor\" demà a Cerdanyola.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Tornar a l'amor", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cerdanyola", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1840, + "example": "Podries carregar-te aquesta reunió amb en Sergi de demà del calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sergi", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5069, + "example": "Em pots fer saber quant valen les accions d'Inditex?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Inditex", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5754, + "example": "Telefona'm la comissaria dels Mossos d'Esquadra de Girona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "comissaria dels Mossos d'Esquadra", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2874, + "example": "Podries configurar-nos una alerta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5360, + "example": "Per on vaig si vull arribar a Plaça Catalunya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Plaça Catalunya", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4289, + "example": "Ensenya'm quin dia és.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6876, + "example": "Podries agafar-me taula per sopar sushi avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "sushi", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5495, + "example": "Que facis un truc al número 931242442.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "931242442", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9478, + "example": "M'agradaria escoltar un pòdcast ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 831, + "example": "Quantes llistes de la compra hi ha?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "compra", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3298, + "example": "I si continues amb \"Gloomspite\" de Andrew Clark?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Gloomspite", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Andrew Clark", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1332, + "example": "Podries posar la música un pèl més forta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9152, + "example": "Comparteix un nou estat a Facebook amb les fotos del bebè.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "fotos del bebè", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Comparteix", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2968, + "example": "Voldria crear un acte a Salt amb l'Ignasi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "acte", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salt", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ignasi", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6377, + "example": "Qui pot demanar la targeta Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Qui pot demanar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 754, + "example": "Quin significat té el terme empiocat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "empiocat", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8665, + "example": "Pots eliminar-me del calendari l'espectacle amb el Josep del primer dijous de cada mes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "espectacle", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josep", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "primer dijous", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada mes", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11261, + "example": "Mostra'm les últimes notícies sobre Europa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Europa", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5281, + "example": "Explicar què haig de fer per fer-me Carnet de salut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Carnet de salut", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "què haig de fer per fer-me", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5581, + "example": "Vull fer un truc a l'Amat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Amat", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7862, + "example": "Suprimeix qualsevol cosa que hi hagi registrada a l'agenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11843, + "example": "Cessa el que estàs fent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9959, + "example": "Alguna alarma sonarà el dissabte a les tres de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9629, + "example": "Saps si hi ha missatges electrònics del Pau sense llegir amb assumpte \"sopar d'empresa\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatges electrònics", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pau", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "sense llegir", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "sopar d'empresa", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3925, + "example": "Quant fa sis entre dos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "sis entre dos", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4673, + "example": "Em sabries dir si avui m'ha arribat cap SMS nou l'Ares?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "SMS", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ares", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6652, + "example": "Posa un repetidor cada vuit hores que digui Nolotil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada vuit hores", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Nolotil", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11887, + "example": "Això no és així.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10024, + "example": "Fes-me saber les notícies de \"VilaWeb\" d'assumptes internacionals d'última hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "VilaWeb", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "assumptes internacionals", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5422, + "example": "Digue'm com ho puc fer per arribar al carrer Sant Jordi número trenta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer Sant Jordi número trenta", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 417, + "example": "Bellerín té xicota?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "té xicota", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Bellerín", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7980, + "example": "Vull que moderis el volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6227, + "example": "On puc viatjar amb el meu certificat digital?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "On puc viatjar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat digital", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5519, + "example": "Truca al 931242442.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "931242442", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5766, + "example": "Fes un truc a l'Ajuntament de Sabadell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6898, + "example": "Demana'ns una taula el divendres per a 8 persones a la pizzeria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "8", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "pizzeria", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3789, + "example": "Què conté una paella valenciana tradicional?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "paella valenciana tradicional", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3408, + "example": "El mot patarrufa què vol dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "patarrufa", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8335, + "example": "Respon immediatament l'últim correu del Marc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1734, + "example": "Si al fus horari d'Amèrica/Ciutat de Mèxic són les quatre, em dius quina hora és al fus horari dels Estats Units/Nou Pacífic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units/Nou Pacífic", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 124 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Ciutat de Mèxic", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3857, + "example": "Amb galtes de porc quines elaboracions puc fer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "galtes de porc", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6417, + "example": "Quins són els requisits per obtenir la TSE?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSE", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quins són els requisits", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1554, + "example": "Em pots tornar a posar aquesta cançó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "tornar a posar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6909, + "example": "Comparteix la ubicació fins a les 12.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les 12", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1932, + "example": "Et faria res anul·lar l'alarma que tinc per les tres de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la matinada", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5712, + "example": "Necessito telefonar al CAP del Masnou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Masnou", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1278, + "example": "Seria possible desactivar el meu endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2983, + "example": "I si em reprodueixes un dels meus pòdcasts preferits?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3189, + "example": "Em toques el tema \"Més que la meva sang\"? m'agrada molt", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Més que la meva sang", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8469, + "example": "Reserva'm un Cabify per a tres quarts de vuit que em porti a Portal de l'Àngel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de vuit", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Portal de l'Àngel", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9743, + "example": "Mostra'm els trens que van a Gaià de set a vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Gaià", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "set a vuit", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1921, + "example": "M'elimines l'alerta programada de dilluns a les cinc de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la matinada", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9127, + "example": "Seria possible enregistrar que el dia 15 de cada mes s'ha de dur la tortuga al veterinari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "15", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada mes", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "dur la tortuga al veterinari", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8494, + "example": "Sol·licitar un Talixo per ser passat demà de matinada a Sitges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Talixo", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "matinada", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9323, + "example": "M'agradaria sentir el següent episodi del pòdcast \"Un dos i seguit\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Un dos i seguit", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 687, + "example": "Divendres que ve he d'anar a l'oficina a buscar el portàtil oi que és així?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Divendres que ve", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "buscar el portàtil", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9676, + "example": "Seria molta molèstia verificar si està en camí la meva guatlla escabetxada a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "guatlla escabetxada", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 229, + "example": "Creus que tens consciència pròpia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11065, + "example": "Què he de fer per arribar a casa del meu oncle?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu oncle", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 939, + "example": "Treu-li potència a la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5367, + "example": "M'agradaria anar en cotxe a la Boqueria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Boqueria", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6826, + "example": "Necessitaria reservar una taula per demà a la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2501, + "example": "Tinc un sopar a Sant Vicens dels Horts demà passat a dos quarts de nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Vicens dels Horts", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3360, + "example": "Torna a posar l'audiollibre de Jaume Cabré.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Jaume Cabré", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4665, + "example": "He rebut algun mail recentment de part d'en Ferran?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recentment", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ferran", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 918, + "example": "La música posa-la més fluixa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 25, + "example": "Podries apuntar a l'agenda que he d'anar el dia 6 a les quatre amb la metgessa de capçalera al CAP Rambla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "6", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metgessa de capçalera", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP Rambla", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 105 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4164, + "example": "Vull saber si hi ha cap cosa programada el dimarts de deu a dotze del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "deu", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dotze del matí", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6828, + "example": "Busca lloc per dinar divendres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2651, + "example": "Et faria res repiular l'últim tuit del compte LegalizeRats i afegir-hi el text \"feliç diumenge de rata giratòria\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "repiular", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "LegalizeRats", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "feliç diumenge de rata giratòria", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 112 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "últim tuit", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7261, + "example": "Mon pare té un email que és nil_agusti@hotmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "Mon pare", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "nil_agusti@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4938, + "example": "M'ha arribat algun missatge de correu electrònic del meu cap que tingui com assumpte \"l'oficina\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu cap", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "l'oficina", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11775, + "example": "Me la sua.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6204, + "example": "Què faig si perdo el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què faig si perdo", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2029, + "example": "És possible encarregar a domicili una comanda d'amanida verda per ObviousEat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "amanida verda", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "ObviousEat", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1819, + "example": "Carrega't l'entrada \"cinema\" del calendari de la setmana que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 800, + "example": "Sabries dir-me què significa el terme vailet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "vailet", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6860, + "example": "Podries reservar-me un lloc per sopar dimecres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8376, + "example": "Puc demanar que ens portin uns xuxos de crema a domicili de la Pastisseria Tornés?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "xuxos de crema", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Pastisseria Tornés", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5320, + "example": "Explica'm com em puc fer un duplicat del carnet de donant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carnet de donant", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com em puc fer un duplicat", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7460, + "example": "Necessito saber com s'elabora el mató de forma fàcil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "mató", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2280, + "example": "Voldria remetre un correu a la meva supervisora anomenat \"tasques completes\" i que posi \"he completat sense dificultats les tasques que se'm van assignar\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva supervisora", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "tasques completes", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "he completat sense dificultats les tasques que se'm van assignar", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 153 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5805, + "example": "S'està cremant casa meva; truca als bombers ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "S'està cremant casa meva", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1444, + "example": "Podem augmentar la intensitat de la llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11834, + "example": "Vull que aturis totes les activitats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5482, + "example": "La meva localització actual, envia-la al Miquel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Miquel", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3587, + "example": "No hi ha res millor que el heavy metal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "heavy metal", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2711, + "example": "Pots fer muts i a la gàbia una micona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una micona", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2286, + "example": "M'adreçaries un correu electrònic a somnidunanitqualsevol@hotmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "somnidunanitqualsevol@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1350, + "example": "Voldria sentir la música no tan fluixa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2087, + "example": "Vols encendre'm els ulls de bou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1996, + "example": "Carrega't el llistat que es diu \"cançons\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "cançons", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 199, + "example": "Vull que aparegui al calendari la visita del dia 3 a l'Hospital de Bellvitge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "3", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Bellvitge", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4875, + "example": "A Sabadell hi ha trànsit ara per ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara per ara", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8195, + "example": "Reserva-li a la meva xicota una plaça al tren que va de Salt a Mataró.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salt", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11405, + "example": "Necessito veure l'hora de la visita de l'anestesista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "anestesista", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10308, + "example": "Digue'm l'hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3954, + "example": "Quin és el resultat de tres-cents més tres-cents vint-i-dos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "tres-cents més tres-cents vint-i-dos", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4329, + "example": "Quin dia és el Vida Festival?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Vida Festival", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 414, + "example": "On va de vacances el Jordi Alba?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "On va de vacances", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jordi Alba", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9979, + "example": "Em pots dir les alarmes que tenim creades per aquest cap de setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6575, + "example": "Cada sis hores m'he de prendre antiinflamatori, recorda-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antiinflamatori", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "Cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2590, + "example": "Un cafè americà, m'ho podries fer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè americà", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5475, + "example": "Envia la meva localització a la meva companya de pis fins que arribi a la feina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva companya de pis", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "feina", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1325, + "example": "Ens apujaries el volum de la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3920, + "example": "Multiplica vuitanta per setanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "vuitanta per setanta", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11315, + "example": "Volia saber quines visites tinc programades amb la doctora Soliu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Soliu", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9684, + "example": "Quant li falta al lluç a la planxa que he encomanat per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "lluç a la planxa", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3212, + "example": "A la sala podries reproduir \"Punto y aparte\" quan acabi això que està sonant ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Punto y aparte", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9874, + "example": "Quin és el resultat de dividir dos-cents vint-i-dos entre tres-cents cinquanta-set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "dividir dos-cents vint-i-dos entre tres-cents cinquanta-set", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2067, + "example": "Demana crema catalana per endur al Roura Blanch.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "crema catalana", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Roura Blanch", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8071, + "example": "Bon dia pel matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7642, + "example": "Afegeix aigua mineral a una de les meves llistes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "aigua mineral", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9520, + "example": "Pots punxar un tema de la llista que s'anomena \"Per menuts i no tan menuts\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "Per menuts i no tan menuts", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11222, + "example": "El sopar de demà ha de portar tofu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "tofu", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2918, + "example": "I si m'apuntes que tenim partit de vòlei l'últim dimecres de cada mes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partit de vòlei", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "últim dimecres de cada mes", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11130, + "example": "El menú de divendres és vegà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 734, + "example": "Em pots buscar com es diu el recurs literari que es basa en la repetició de sons similars?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "es basa en la repetició de sons similars", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 89 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "recurs literari", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 684, + "example": "Saber a quina hora és la reunió de feina que tinc planificada a la cafeteria Sandwichez.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió de feina", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Sandwichez", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8102, + "example": "Bon dia i gana al migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8122, + "example": "Bon vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6041, + "example": "Informa'm de l'horari que segueixen a l'institut del poble.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "institut", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "poble", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1705, + "example": "Si a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich +6 són les set, quina hora és al fus horari de l'Uruguai?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich +6", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de l'Uruguai", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 89 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11327, + "example": "Tinc hora amb el doctor Bruno Gasull?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Bruno Gasull", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10706, + "example": "Digue'm quan és la cita de la setmana que ve de vendre castanyes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "vendre castanyes", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7645, + "example": "Afegir formatge a la llista de la compra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "formatge", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 675, + "example": "Mira quina és la data apuntada per la cita de menjar sushi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "menjar sushi", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5294, + "example": "Quan caduca el Carnet de salut?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Carnet de salut", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quan caduca", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7812, + "example": "Necessito que apaguis la làmpada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2704, + "example": "T'apagues per un temps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10658, + "example": "Busca on fan l'exposició d'Enric Majoral demà passat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "exposició d'Enric Majoral", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4910, + "example": "En aquest mateix instant, saps l'estat del trànsit a Lleida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "En aquest mateix instant", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 429, + "example": "L'has clavada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3374, + "example": "Posa'm un avís al calendari de l'esdeveniment anomenat \"lliga de Warcry\" amb la meva germana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "lliga de Warcry", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11230, + "example": "Vull que em diguis què hi ha de postres avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8702, + "example": "Em pots eliminar totes les llistes que tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8552, + "example": "Podries demanar un Bolt demà per anar a plaça Urquinaona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Bolt", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "plaça Urquinaona", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10677, + "example": "Vull saber com es diu l'exposició que inauguren al CosmoCaixa la setmana que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "exposició", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "CosmoCaixa", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9407, + "example": "Reproduir indie rock.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "indie rock", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5465, + "example": "Envia la meva localització a l'àvia fins a les set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "àvia", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les set.", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8165, + "example": "Agafa'm un seient en el regional que surt de Flaçà a les sis del matí per anar a Granollers.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "regional", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Flaçà", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis del matí", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Granollers", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8577, + "example": "Reserva'm Uber per avui de quarts de cinc de la tarda fins a les dues de la matinada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "quarts de cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dues de la matinada", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4242, + "example": "De què s'està parlant a Instagram?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8034, + "example": "Podries fer una llista nova?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4577, + "example": "Posaran \"El riu de la ira\" al Cinesa d'aquí al costat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "El riu de la ira", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinesa", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí al costat", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6934, + "example": "Comparteix la meva ubicació amb la Mariona fins que sigui a l'acadèmia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mariona", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "acadèmia", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6621, + "example": "Vull que em facis saber a les sis que m'he de prendre l'aspirina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "aspirina", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6601, + "example": "Cada dotze hores recorda'm que m'he de prendre l'antihipertensiu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "Cada dotze hores", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antihipertensiu", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8350, + "example": "Series tan amable de demanar menjar a domicili al Racó dels canelons?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "Racó dels canelons", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11907, + "example": "L'has pifiat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6090, + "example": "Informa'm de quins serveis ofereix el centre de dia de Barberà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre de dia", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barberà", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10731, + "example": "Vull saber si ha de venir l'electricista dimarts a les quatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "electricista", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 100, + "example": "Pren nota a l'agenda que tinc hora al psiquiatre el dia 20 a dos quarts de tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "psiquiatre", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "20", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de tres", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2833, + "example": "Escriu un tuit al servei d'atenció al ciutadà de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona on hi posi \"no m'explico per què permeteu que s'alimentin els coloms a qualsevol plaça o parc de la ciutat, començant per plaça Catalunya\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Escriu un tuit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al ciutadà de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "no m'explico per què permeteu que s'alimentin els coloms a qualsevol plaça o parc de la ciutat, començant per plaça Catalunya", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 212 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 225, + "example": "El dia d'avui ha sigut un malson.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 720, + "example": "Voldria saber si hi ha volcans a la Garrotxa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "hi ha volcans", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Garrotxa", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1360, + "example": "Podem posar la música un xic més forta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2082, + "example": "M'engegues la làmpada del pati?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "pati", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6540, + "example": "Que no m'oblidi de prendre la pastilla, recorda-m'ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9814, + "example": "Explica'ns què és un setrill.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "setrill", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4297, + "example": "Pots mirar-me si hi ha sol aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "sol", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8405, + "example": "Que ens podem demanar uns fideus avui per dinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fideus", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7704, + "example": "Registra'm al calendari que tinc un festival de cinema a Sitges tota la setmana que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "festival de cinema", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "tota la setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3757, + "example": "Realment tinc programada alguna cosa per avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2786, + "example": "T'atures durant uns minutets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2838, + "example": "M'escrius a Twitter \"m'han desaparegut les llistes de reproducció que tenia creades\", citant el servei d'atenció al consumidor de Spotify?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escrius", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "m'han desaparegut les llistes de reproducció que tenia creades", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al consumidor de Spotify", + "Start_char": 96, + "End_char": 137 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9540, + "example": "Posa alguna melodia de la meva llista de reproducció.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5675, + "example": "M'agradaria que truquessis al centre d'atenció primària d'Oliana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre d'atenció primària d'Oliana", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9804, + "example": "Per anar a Blanes de vuit a nou en tren necessito saber a quina hora exacta passa per Sants.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Blanes", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sants", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "vuit a nou", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9560, + "example": "Recepta de com es fan les perdius amb col.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "perdius amb col", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2375, + "example": "Vull anar a Capellades; em compres un bitllet pel tren per les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Capellades", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8039, + "example": "Necessito fer una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3979, + "example": "El dong quant val en comparació amb el peso argentí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dong", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "peso argentí", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 597, + "example": "Vull entretenir-me amb el \"Pokémon Go\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Pokémon Go", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3064, + "example": "Volem que punxis música indie.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "música indie", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6610, + "example": "Hauries de recordar-me que prengui la medicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7278, + "example": "Vull que desis el correu anitasister@gmail.com de ma germana a l'agenda de contactes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "anitasister@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma germana", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4295, + "example": "Em saps dir alguna cosa sobre el clima que farà aquesta setmana a Salt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salt", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4817, + "example": "Necessitaré la roba d'estiu demà a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Necessitaré la roba d'estiu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4276, + "example": "M'agradaria saber a quin dia som.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11018, + "example": "Quin trajecte he de realitzar per arribar a casa del Blai?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Blai", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7164, + "example": "Quines indicacions em dones per arribar a la Tagliatella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Tagliatella", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4594, + "example": "Em sabries dir si hi ha botigues pel meu voltant que no siguin molt grans?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "no siguin molt grans", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4996, + "example": "Mostra'm els horaris del tren en direcció a Badalona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3133, + "example": "Em ve de gust escoltar una cançoneta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8770, + "example": "Pots desar que m'encanta aquest tema?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3919, + "example": "Computa quant fan dos multiplicat per tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "dos multiplicat per tres", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7059, + "example": "Torna a posar l'últim \"Polònia\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "últim", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Polònia", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3741, + "example": "Saps si plourà el divendres de la setmana vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plourà", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2174, + "example": "Em pots activar al lavabo petit l'endoll?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo petit", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9614, + "example": "Vull saber quins emails tinc sobre l'assemblea oberta que ens hem enviat el Roger i jo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "emails", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "assemblea oberta", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Roger", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10361, + "example": "Quin tipus de música s'està reproduint?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quin tipus de música", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1006, + "example": "M'atenues els llums?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2878, + "example": "Em pots programar una alarma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4663, + "example": "He rebut avui algun missatge de Whatsapp nou de la Georgina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Georgina", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4226, + "example": "Què es comenta per LinkedIn?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "LinkedIn", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8262, + "example": "Reserva'm un lloc al tren que va de Girona a Marsella i surt el dimecres a les tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Marsella", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1478, + "example": "Pots desactivar la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "desactivar", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6233, + "example": "On he de sol·licitar el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "On he de sol·licitar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 354, + "example": "Sentir-ho una altra vegada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2436, + "example": "Em crides un taxi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1890, + "example": "Podries cancel·lar-me la reunió que tinc tots els dimecres fins a les onze que hi ha a l'agenda personal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dimecres", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11092, + "example": "Digue'm el temps que fa en aquest moment a la vila.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "vila", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7679, + "example": "Programa una celebració amb l'Ares.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ares", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4039, + "example": "Quant són en aquest moment dos-cents cinquanta-nou iens en pesos mexicans?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dos-cents cinquanta-nou iens", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "pesos mexicans", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1611, + "example": "Pots canviar-me el color dels llums del lavabo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11801, + "example": "Pots parar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11939, + "example": "Has errat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8668, + "example": "L'assaig de capoeira de les dues me'l pots fer desaparèixer de l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assaig de capoeira", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10275, + "example": "Saber l'hora a Esplugues de Llobregat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Esplugues de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7870, + "example": "Vull eliminar-ho tot del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1245, + "example": "Els llums de la tauleta de nit, me'l pots tancar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4206, + "example": "Ensenya'm de què es parla a TikTok.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9388, + "example": "Posa una cançoneta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11384, + "example": "Quin dia de la setmana que ve he d'anar al traumatòleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7118, + "example": "Posa el Radar Covid.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Radar Covid", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 321, + "example": "Repeteix el que acabes de dir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9483, + "example": "I si ens reprodueixes el tema que més m'agrada d'en Jonathan Young?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "més m'agrada", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Jonathan Young", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3942, + "example": "Quant és catorze multiplicat per catorze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "catorze multiplicat per catorze", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8057, + "example": "Com estàs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10128, + "example": "Em podries dir què s'inclou en la meva llista de destinacions idíl·liques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de destinacions idíl·liques", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3677, + "example": "Qui és el millor jugador de golf?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Qui és", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "millor jugador de golf", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5091, + "example": "Ensenya'm el preu de les accions de Lenovo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Lenovo", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8545, + "example": "Trucar un taxi per demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5424, + "example": "Vull arribar al número setanta-nou del carrer Ausiàs March.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "número setanta-nou del carrer Ausiàs March", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8245, + "example": "Em demanes un bitllet de tren per anar cap a Manlleu des de Montgat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Manlleu", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montgat", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1757, + "example": "I si esborres tots els esdeveniments de la setmana vinent de l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9381, + "example": "Punxa algun tema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1516, + "example": "Et pots saltar aquesta música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "saltar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11622, + "example": "Correcte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5421, + "example": "Com ho faig per arribar a l'avinguda Diagonal tres-cents quaranta-set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "avinguda Diagonal tres-cents quaranta-set", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10342, + "example": "Descobrir la melodia que està posada actualment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està posada actualment", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11703, + "example": "Pots explicar-m'ho amb unes altres paraules?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2811, + "example": "Escriure a Twitter citant l'atenció al consumidor d'Endesa \"ja és la segona vegada que m'envieu malament la factura perquè no teniu en compte que tinc contractada la tarifa regulada\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Escriure", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al consumidor d'Endesa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "ja és la segona vegada que m'envieu malament la factura perquè no teniu en compte que tinc contractada la tarifa regulada", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 181 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1563, + "example": "Vull que em canviïs el color de la llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5481, + "example": "Comparteix amb l'Aina on soc actualment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aina", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10880, + "example": "Pots confirmar-me si era cada dotze hores el moment de prendre l'Aspirina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Aspirina", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada dotze hores", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3785, + "example": "Saps què porten els caragols a la llauna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "caragols a la llauna", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1986, + "example": "Què conté el llistat \"bars de copes\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "bars de copes", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8421, + "example": "Voldria encarregar dos kebabs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "kebabs", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6457, + "example": "Qui serveix el cafè més bo, la Granja Dulcinea o El Petit Príncep?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Granja Dulcinea", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "El Petit Príncep", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Qui serveix el cafè més bo", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8337, + "example": "El correu del Ferran, contesta'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ferran", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5058, + "example": "Mostra'm el preu de les accions de la companyia Iberia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Iberia", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6618, + "example": "M'has de recordar la medicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9524, + "example": "Ens tocaries la llista de turisme per carretera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "llista de turisme per carretera", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9652, + "example": "Digues quant els falta per arribar a les meves croquetes de rostit per emportar de Cuinats Josep.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "croquetes de rostit", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cuinats Josep", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4950, + "example": "A quina hora circulen trens de Calafell a Lloret de Mar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Calafell", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lloret de Mar", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6541, + "example": "Prendre l'antibiòtic, recorda'm.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antibiòtic", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4094, + "example": "La meva mare quin número de mòbil té?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "La meva mare", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de mòbil", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3691, + "example": "A hores d'ara, fa boira?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "A hores d'ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "fa boira", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 253, + "example": "Com puc anar fins a Granollers amb Rodalies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Granollers", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2931, + "example": "Podries anotar tots els dimecres a les tres de la tarda un recordatori al calendari que es diu \"metge\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dimecres", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 96, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6979, + "example": "Posa'ns un dels vídeos que més ens agraden ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "més ens agraden ara mateix", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10887, + "example": "Quan caduca el meu pla de medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "pla de medicació", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quan caduca", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1305, + "example": "Pots aturar els endolls intel·ligents de la casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5391, + "example": "Si us plau, descriu-me el trajecte per a anar fins al teatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "teatre", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4138, + "example": "Sol publicar a Twitter el Gerard Piqué?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Sol publicar a Twitter", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gerard Piqué", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11254, + "example": "Vull veure el menú d'avui per dinar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9742, + "example": "Diguem quins trens surten de Girona de vuit a nou del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "vuit a nou del matí", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7407, + "example": "Escriu un correu electrònic al meu germà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu germà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4361, + "example": "Em sabries dir què és el que ha passat pel veïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel veïnat", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3217, + "example": "Ens podries reproduir la cançó \"També sóc jo\" a continuació d'aquesta que estic escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "També sóc jo", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "a continuació", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7293, + "example": "Vull que desis que l'email de ma mare és evamor@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma mare", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "evamor@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6891, + "example": "Vull demanar taula al Suís per sopar dissabte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Suís", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5683, + "example": "Voldria que telefonessis a l'Hospital de Sant Celoni.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Sant Celoni", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11444, + "example": "Pots guardar el contacte de l'Oriol a la meva agenda de contactes amb el número 665511223.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Oriol", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "665511223", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7910, + "example": "Substituir el color de la llum pel taronja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "taronja", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10058, + "example": "Buscar les notícies més recents sobre les baixes per maternitat i paternitat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "les baixes per maternitat i paternitat", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3520, + "example": "La cançó que està sonant em fastigueja de mala manera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1772, + "example": "Pots remoure la videoconsola de la llista de regals d'aniversari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "videoconsola", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de regals d'aniversari", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4078, + "example": "L'adreça de l'e-mail de l'Ares, quina és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ares", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça de l'e-mail", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2454, + "example": "Podries demanar-me un Uber per quatre persones que ens porti al local d'en Miguel?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "local d'en Miguel", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8182, + "example": "Necessito adquirir un viatge en tren regional de Girona a Barcelona per demà mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren regional", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5596, + "example": "Podries trucar a la meva sogra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva sogra", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1073, + "example": "Em podries engegar la roomba?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4606, + "example": "Em podries dir si a la meva zona hi ha pastisseries?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "pastisseries", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2156, + "example": "Vull activar el llum de la sala.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4718, + "example": "Podria demanar cafè per emportar a l'Starbucks?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "cafè", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Starbucks", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9648, + "example": "On està el nostre arròs negre a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs negre", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1753, + "example": "Treu tots els esdeveniments que tingui apuntats al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4294, + "example": "Farà sol aquesta setmana a Igualada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "sol", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Igualada", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11567, + "example": "Sí, per descomptat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8019, + "example": "Necessito crear una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11370, + "example": "Saps si dijous a les quatre de la tarda tinc visita a l'Hospital Clínic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Clínic", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7839, + "example": "El llum de la cuina, fica'l més fort.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6428, + "example": "La TSI em serveix fora de Catalunya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSI", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fora de Catalunya", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "serveix", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11794, + "example": "Et desactives una mica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9371, + "example": "Escoltar musiqueta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 832, + "example": "Em podries dir quins són els meus llistats de viatges?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "viatges", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11636, + "example": "Expressa-ho d'una altra forma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11572, + "example": "Efectivament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1691, + "example": "Si són les tres a Europa Central, quina hora és a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Europa Central", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3154, + "example": "Podries sintonitzar-nos \"La cultureta\" d'\"Onda Cero Barcelona\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "La cultureta", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Onda Cero Barcelona", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 844, + "example": "Les notícies d'ahir sobre Dinamarca que es poden llegir al \"20 Minutos\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Dinamarca", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "20 Minutos", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9701, + "example": "Quina hora és a la zona horària de Pacífic Central?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "zona horària de Pacífic Central", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8126, + "example": "Déu vos guard.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9656, + "example": "Li falta molt a l'arròs de calamarsets que hem encarregat a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs de calamarsets", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11055, + "example": "Com arribo en cotxe a casa de l'avi Jaume?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "avi Jaume", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5130, + "example": "D'això que s'està reproduint, em podries dir qui n'és l'artista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "artista", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6003, + "example": "Trobar adreça: Farmàcia Pons.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Farmàcia Pons", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10681, + "example": "Confirma'm què tinc al calendari aquest mes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest mes", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8167, + "example": "Necessitaria un tiquet de tren per anar de Sitges a Tortosa demà passat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6554, + "example": "Voldria que em recordessis que m'he de prendre el xarop cada set hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada set hores", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3972, + "example": "Vull saber quants pesos argentins són mil yens de Japó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "pesos argentins", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "mil yens de Japó", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 27, + "example": "M'he de visitar la consulta de nefròleg, apunta-ho pel dimarts vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "consulta de nefròleg", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10772, + "example": "Digue'm si tinc algun email que no hagi llegit i que hagi arribat en els darrers tres dies.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "no hagi llegit", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "tres dies", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11203, + "example": "El dimecres és el dia que toca menjar pasta a la bolonyesa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pasta a la bolonyesa", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2175, + "example": "Engega l'endoll intel·ligent de la sala.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7952, + "example": "El volum augmenta'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7176, + "example": "Com puc arribar al Celler de Can Roca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Celler de Can Roca", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6513, + "example": "Notifica a les dotze que m'hauria de prendre la càpsula marró.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "càpsula marró", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 623, + "example": "Per arribar a Ripollet, quin bus agafo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ripollet", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bus", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6491, + "example": "Quin hotel de Barcelona té les habitacions més netes el Majèstic o l'Exe Laietana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Majèstic", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Exe Laietana", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin hotel de Barcelona té les habitacions més netes", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1559, + "example": "Para la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Para", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3811, + "example": "Amb formatge de cabra quins plats puc fer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "formatge de cabra", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2350, + "example": "Vull adquirir un viatge amb tren de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat fins a Molins de Rei.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Hospitalet de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Molins de Rei", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9317, + "example": "Escoltar l'episodi que va després del \"Celobert\" a Google Podcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Celobert", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Google Podcast", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11161, + "example": "Què esmorzarem avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "esmorzarem", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7457, + "example": "Podries dir-me què puc elaborar amb orellanes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "orellanes", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7968, + "example": "Modera el so dels meus altaveus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10622, + "example": "Saber quins espectacles de titelles hi ha en aquesta àrea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles de titelles", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "en aquesta àrea", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10310, + "example": "Quina hora tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7696, + "example": "Faré un vermut amb el meu cunyat a Sant Vicens de Calders el pròxim dimarts a les onze del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "vermut", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu cunyat", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Vicens de Calders", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim dimarts", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9550, + "example": "Com es fa el fricandó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fricandó", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5250, + "example": "Com demanar cita a La meva salut?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "demanar cita a La meva salut", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1110, + "example": "M'actives l'aspiradora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5306, + "example": "Em podries dir com guardar l'informe de la baixa per enviar a la feina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "informe de la baixa", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com guardar", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1901, + "example": "Ens cancel·laries l'alarma que tenim programada a les tres de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la matinada", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10918, + "example": "Quina era la píndola que em prenc a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "píndola", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4971, + "example": "Em mostres els horaris del tren cap a Sabadell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 307, + "example": "Reiterar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5009, + "example": "Per anar a Sant Celoni en tren necessito saber a quina hora passa per l'estació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Celoni", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9834, + "example": "Voldria saber què és un nicab.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "nicab", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7181, + "example": "M'agradaria saber com puc arribar al MNAC.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "MNAC", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4939, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quins correus tinc amb la Roser amb l'assumpte \"Currículum actualitzat\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Roser", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "Currículum actualitzat", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8366, + "example": "Podries fer que ens portessin a casa un menú infantil del McDonald's?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "menú infantil", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "McDonald's", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4372, + "example": "Hi ha alguna festa d'electrònica a prop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festa d'electrònica", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 480, + "example": "Ho has fet genial.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2476, + "example": "Recorda'm que tinc un aniversari el divendres vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "aniversari", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres vinent", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3336, + "example": "Podries reproduir \"Cap al cel obert\" de Carme Riera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Cap al cel obert", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Carme Riera", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3129, + "example": "Pots començar a reproduir música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8910, + "example": "Dir el telèfon de la meva germana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6163, + "example": "Fes-me saber els serveis que ofereix l'oficina de Mossos d'Esquadra de Sabadell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina de Mossos d'Esquadra", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9768, + "example": "Busca l'horari del tren que va a Provença.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Provença", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10770, + "example": "Em podries mirar si he rebut algun whatsapp nou de la Beth?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Beth", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "whatsapp", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4696, + "example": "Han arribat whatsapps recentment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "whatsapps", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recentment", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5090, + "example": "Mostra'm quin valor tenen les accions de PharmaMar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "PharmaMar", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 850, + "example": "Al \"Telediario\" què hi ha de nou m'ho pots dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Telediario", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2680, + "example": "Què conté el llistat de tasques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de tasques", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3030, + "example": "Et faria res posar-me l'episodi que ve després del pòdcast \"La llanterna màgica\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "La llanterna màgica", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11464, + "example": "Em podries anotar el 666777888 com Kevin Ramírez?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Kevin Ramírez", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "666777888", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10536, + "example": "Quines drogueries hi ha pel meu voltant on deixin entrar els gossos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "drogueries", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "deixin entrar els gossos", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4929, + "example": "Comprovar si hi ha correus electrònics recents de la meva àvia sobre el dinar de Nadal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recents", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva àvia", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "el dinar de Nadal", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1220, + "example": "Em podries anotar al calendari la partida de parxís que tinc a Montferri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partida de parxís", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montferri", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4062, + "example": "Em diries quin era el mòbil de l'Àxel?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "mòbil", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Àxel", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 521, + "example": "Obre el \"Geometry dash\" que vull entretenir-me una estona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Geometry dash", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3199, + "example": "Puc escoltar la cançó \"El tiempo que gasto\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "El tiempo que gasto", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10859, + "example": "Quin dia em moriré?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10715, + "example": "He d'anar a Arenys de Mar el mes que ve amb l'Eduard?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "el mes que ve", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eduard", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Arenys de Mar", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1455, + "example": "Fica el llum una mica més fort.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11204, + "example": "Quan menjarem escudella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "escudella", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 309, + "example": "Repeteix-me això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1008, + "example": "Pots disminuir la llum de les làmpades de peu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 568, + "example": "Jugar una partideta del \"Fruit ninja\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Fruit ninja", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9662, + "example": "Quant li falta a la meva coca de recapte per poder recollir-la?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "coca de recapte", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10533, + "example": "Quins són els forns de pa més bons de la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "forns de pa", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "més bons", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1069, + "example": "Pots posar en marxa l'aspiradora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 178, + "example": "Apunta que el dimecres tinc l'analítica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "test", + "Text": "analítica", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 680, + "example": "Saps dir-me quan tinc programada la junta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8869, + "example": "M'interessa saber a quina hora és el pla del mes que ve d'anar al teatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al teatre", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6623, + "example": "Necessito que m'avisis a les nou de la nit que he de prendre l'Iboprufèn.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou de la nit", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Iboprufèn", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3093, + "example": "Necessitem que ens posis un tema de la llista \"màxima concentració\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "màxima concentració", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11911, + "example": "T'has equivocat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8972, + "example": "En quin moment serà la cita apuntada d'anar a la muntanya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a la muntanya", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9349, + "example": "Estaria bé reproduir la meva música preferida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4483, + "example": "Vull saber quines pel·lis fan en versió original als Cines Verdi avui les deu del matí a Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "versió original", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cines Verdi", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10035, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis les novetats del creador de Facebook que es puguin llegir al \"Crònica\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "les novetats del creador de Facebook", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Crònica", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8377, + "example": "Pots fer que em portin a casa unes croquetes de rostit del Racó dels canelons?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "croquetes de rostit", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Racó dels canelons", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2644, + "example": "Et faria res publicar \"amb ganes que arribi el dissabte d'embogiment\" amb la foto del mem del gat que duu ulleres de sol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "publicar", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "amb ganes que arribi el dissabte d'embogiment", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "foto del mem del gat que duu ulleres de sol", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 120 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4936, + "example": "Mostra'm quins emails tinc de l'Emma Alemany amb l'assumpte \"Opcions de vestits de núvia\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "emails", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Emma Alemany", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "Opcions de vestits de núvia", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6469, + "example": "Als Cinemes Verdi hi ha més pel·lícules en VOCat que als Cinemes Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cinemes Verdi", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cinemes Girona", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "hi ha més pel·lícules en VOCat", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 688, + "example": "Em confirmes si tinc apuntat al calendari que he d'anar al concert de Billie Eilish diumenge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al concert de Billie Eilish", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4158, + "example": "A quina hora tinc la reunió d'aquesta tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9494, + "example": "Em pots tocar una de les que m'agraden a les golfes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'agraden", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5223, + "example": "M'ajudes a demanar visita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "demanar visita", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5863, + "example": "M'he fet una ferida escalant, truca a Emergències Sanitàries.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "M'he fet una ferida escalant", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències Sanitàries", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11201, + "example": "Avui esmorzarem torrada d'escalivada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "esmorzarem", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "torrada d'escalivada", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2781, + "example": "Xapa la puta boca una estoneta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estoneta", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9486, + "example": "Posa \"Pa amb oli i sal\", que és de les meves preferides.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Pa amb oli i sal", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferides", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11901, + "example": "Això és erroni.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 184, + "example": "Assenyala que el dia 9 tinc cardiòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "cardiòleg", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "9", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1241, + "example": "Pots apagar-nos la làmpada de l'oficina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5028, + "example": "M'ensenyes el preu de les accions de l'empresa Siemens?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Siemens", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3248, + "example": "Al rebedor ens podries reproduir \"Pluja d'estels\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebedor", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Pluja d'estels", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2955, + "example": "Podries anotar que dissabte a la tarda tinc programada una cita amb la Tilda Genebat al carrer Robadors?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Tilda Genebat", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "carrer Robadors", + "Start_char": 88, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1655, + "example": "Podries dir-me quina hora és al fus horari dels Estats Units/Alaska si al fus horari de Líbia són les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units/Alaska", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Líbia", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 93 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 98, + "End_char": 106 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8248, + "example": "Em podries agafar un tiquet pel tren que va de Granollers a Osca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Osca", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Granollers", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6816, + "example": "M'agradaria agafar una taula per a nou persones a un japonès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "japonès", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3698, + "example": "Ara fa vent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "Ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "vent", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10363, + "example": "Què s'està reproduint ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Què s'està reproduint ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7933, + "example": "Apuja el volum al 87%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11048, + "example": "Mostra'm com puc arribar l'apartament de l'Antoni Adell", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Antoni Adell", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "apartament", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2109, + "example": "Podries connectar els llums del balcó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "balcó", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9470, + "example": "Posa'm \"Entrenador online\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Entrenador online", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2204, + "example": "Em connectes la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9316, + "example": "Em ve de gust escoltar l'episodi que segueix de \"The monster hunters\" a iVoox.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "The monster hunters", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "iVoox", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9853, + "example": "Podries informar-me de quan acabaran les obres de la Sagrada Família?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "quan acabaran les obres", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "Sagrada Família", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4290, + "example": "Digue'm en quin dia ens trobem.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7510, + "example": "Configura una alarma per despertar-me el divendres a les nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1116, + "example": "A la llista anomenada \"curs de Python\", m'afegeixes fer l'exercici 10?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "curs de Python", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "exercici 10", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 322, + "example": "Sentir-ho un altre cop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4970, + "example": "Em dius els horaris del tren cap a Vilanova i la Geltrú?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9806, + "example": "Vull que em mostris l'horari del tren que porta cap a Planoles avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Planoles", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2626, + "example": "Escriu \"quina bona pinta que fan\" a la darrera foto d'Instagram de l'Elisenda Castells.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Escriu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "quina bona pinta que fan", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Elisenda Castells", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "darrera foto", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11602, + "example": "Sí, totalment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3664, + "example": "De quin filòsof és el mite de la caverna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "De quin filòsof és", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "mite de la caverna", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2425, + "example": "Sol·licita un taxi per anar a Viladecans per demà de dotze a tres quarts de tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Viladecans", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dotze a tres quarts de tres", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1810, + "example": "Esborra'm del calendari la festa d'aniversari del Raül del 12 de novembre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "festa d'aniversari", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Raül", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "12 de novembre", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3913, + "example": "Com es calcula el setanta per cent de tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "setanta per cent de tres", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9658, + "example": "Quant li falta a l'arròs al forn a domicili que hem demanat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7943, + "example": "Voldria que matisessis el volum i el posessis més fort.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8416, + "example": "Vull kebab; pots buscar algun restaurant que m'ho faci i m'ho emporti a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "kebab", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3548, + "example": "La cançó \"Volcans\" que s'està reproduint, no la puc suportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Volcans", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2215, + "example": "Et faria res connectar-nos la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11469, + "example": "Apunta tirsomolina79@hotmail.com com adreça de correu de Tirso.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Tirso", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "tirsomolina79@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6161, + "example": "Comparteix-me l'adreça de l'oficina funerària de Terrassa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina funerària", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3201, + "example": "Ens punxes \"Vida de rico\", que ens encanta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Vida de rico", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6116, + "example": "Informa'm de quina és l'adreça de l'hospital de Flix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Flix", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9128, + "example": "Tinc una festa cada vespre, m'ho pots apuntar al meu calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "festa", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada vespre", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1682, + "example": "Converteix al fus horari de Tunísia l'hora que tenim a la zona horària de Vancouver.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Tunísia", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "zona horària de Vancouver", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7053, + "example": "Em ve de gust tornar a veure \"El geperut de Notre Dame\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "El geperut de Notre Dame", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8488, + "example": "Vull un taxi per anar a les set de passat demà als Aiguamolls de l'Empordà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Aiguamolls de l'Empordà", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3853, + "example": "Què podria preparar amb un moniato?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "moniato", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8239, + "example": "Haig de viatjar fins a Anglès; em compres un bitllet del tren per sortir des de Girona a les dotze d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Anglès", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 98 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 101, + "End_char": 105 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4260, + "example": "Quines novetats s'estan discutint per Snapchat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Snapchat", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10619, + "example": "Hi ha alguna festa aquesta setmana per la meva àrea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festa", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva àrea", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7884, + "example": "Treu-me tots els esdeveniments que hi ha registrats al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8003, + "example": "Voldria que moderessis el volum un xic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6546, + "example": "Vull que em recordis que m'he de prendre la medicació a les cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10548, + "example": "Voldria que m'enumeressis totes les rostisseries més delicioses del meu barri.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "rostisseries", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "del meu barri", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "delicioses", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2580, + "example": "Em pots posar un cafè amb llet descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè amb llet descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9857, + "example": "Dona'm dades sobre el primer emperador xinès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "dades", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "primer emperador xinès", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 667, + "example": "Em dius a quina hora és la cita de visitar el barri de Gràcia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visitar el barri de Gràcia", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1212, + "example": "Apunta a l'agenda que tinc un sopar el dimarts a Sant Joan Despí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Joan Despí", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7978, + "example": "Davalla'm el so dels altaveus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10554, + "example": "Em sabries dir si hi ha establiments molt grans i amb pàrquing pel meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "molt grans", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "amb pàrquing", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1825, + "example": "Elimina tot el que tingui apuntat a la meva agenda amb l'Anna.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4643, + "example": "M'agradaria saber si hi ha alguna botiga de proximitat a la zona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botiga de proximitat", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la zona", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3798, + "example": "M'interessaria saber quins plats porten verat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "verat", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4012, + "example": "Quant són en aquest moment vint-i-dos kyats en euros?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "vint-i-dos kyats", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "euros", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3563, + "example": "Està sonant un tema que no suporto.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Està sonant", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1172, + "example": "Fixa un esdeveniment a l'agenda amb el Martí al febrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "febrer", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11408, + "example": "Quin dia tinc la visita programada amb l'anestesista de l'Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "anestesista", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10540, + "example": "Quins barbers accessibles en cadira de rodes hi ha al meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "barbers", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "accessibles en cadira de rodes", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu barri", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 732, + "example": "Em pots cercar com s'anomena el moviment artístic del segle disset que pretenia recuperar el món clàssic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": " moviment artístic del segle disset", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "pretenia recuperar el món clàssic", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 781, + "example": "Com m'explicaries el significat d'antropologia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "antropologia", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8951, + "example": "Fer anar la roomba pel passadís.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "passadís", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7208, + "example": "Voldria que traguessis Desdelsofà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Desdelsofà", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11862, + "example": "Podries passar del que estàs fent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2471, + "example": "M'apuntaries a l'agenda \"cancel·lar la subscripció de Filmin\" demà al matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cancel·lar la subscripció de Filmin", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6318, + "example": "Quin va ser el resultat final del partit de dimecres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2493, + "example": "M'agradaria que em recordessis que tinc una entrevista amb la cap de l'empresa avui a les set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "entrevista", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "cap de l'empresa", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3495, + "example": "Explica'm quelcom graciós.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1111, + "example": "Pots afegir-me tres ítems nous a la llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "tres ítems nous", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9952, + "example": "Tenim alarmes per dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4401, + "example": "Digues l'hora de Canet de Mar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Canet de Mar", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11917, + "example": "De cap ni una manera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11334, + "example": "Dimarts tinc hora amb la meva ginecòloga o no?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimarts", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "ginecòloga", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5343, + "example": "Per on he d'anar si vull arribar al port?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "port", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11950, + "example": "Malament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 209, + "example": "Pots posar que divendres 12 a les 3 tinc el metge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres 12", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 3", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6214, + "example": "M'interessa saber què he de fer per fer-me el certificat digital.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat digital", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "què he de fer per fer-me", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5574, + "example": "Ara mateix voldria que telefonessis a la meva àvia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva àvia", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8524, + "example": "Sol·licitar un taxi per a la matinada del dijous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la matinada", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5205, + "example": "On he d'anar aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6277, + "example": "Com va el clàssic d'avui contra el Madrid?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Madrid", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "clàssic", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7257, + "example": "Si us plau, tanca CaixaBank.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "CaixaBank", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6416, + "example": "Puc fer els tràmits per demanar la TSE en línia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSE", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "en línia", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Puc fer els tràmits per demanar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2647, + "example": "Podries piular a Twitter el missatge dient \"el meu acaba d'arribar ara mateix\" citant al compte de l'FNAC?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piular", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "el meu acaba d'arribar ara mateix", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "FNAC", + "Start_char": 101, + "End_char": 105 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10258, + "example": "Digue'm quin temps fa ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2117, + "example": "Activa'm el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11746, + "example": "Tant m'és.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11540, + "example": "Vull posar-me en contacte ja amb el meu xicot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu xicot", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4095, + "example": "Quin telèfon hi ha al contacte de la meva tieta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2543, + "example": "Em mantindries informat de totes les novetats que surtin del BSC?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "BSC", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9017, + "example": "En quin dia cau el 26 de juny?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "26 de juny", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4055, + "example": "Ensenya'm el contacte de la meva mare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3111, + "example": "Podries posar-me la cinquena cançó de \"Temps de relax\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "cinquena", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "Temps de relax", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8676, + "example": "Fes desaparèixer un element de la llista de restaurants de tapes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de restaurants de tapes", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "element", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11176, + "example": "Saps què hi ha al menú per dinar diumenge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10085, + "example": "Quines són les notícies més recents sobre l'horari d'hivern?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "l'horari d'hivern", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10895, + "example": "Quins tractaments de llarga durada inclou el meu pla de medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quins tractaments de llarga durada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "pla de medicació", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10941, + "example": "A quina hora em toca l'aspirina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "aspirina", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4856, + "example": "Dilluns al migdia com estarà el trànsit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dilluns", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3527, + "example": "En aquest moment sona una cançó que no suporto.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1086, + "example": "Em podries arrancar la roomba a les golfes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9903, + "example": "Quants anys deu tindre en Fernando Alonso?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Quants anys deu tindre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Fernando Alonso", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4617, + "example": "Pots dir-me quines peixateries em queden a prop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "peixateries", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3769, + "example": "Demà he de reunir-me amb el director de l'empresa a les dotze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunir-me", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "director de l'empresa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7130, + "example": "Engega'm iVoox.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "iVoox", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5883, + "example": "Pots recordar-me el telèfon de l'Amedics Centre Mèdic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Amedics Centre Mèdic", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2599, + "example": "Un cafè seria possible?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4293, + "example": "Em podries dir quin és l'oreig d'aquesta setmana a Malgrat de Mar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Malgrat de Mar", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "oreig", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9978, + "example": "Em pots comprovar les alertes que tinc configurades per la setmana que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "la setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4538, + "example": "Fan alguna preestrena en català al Full HD de Cornellà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "preestrena en català", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Full HD de Cornellà", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8430, + "example": "Podries demanar-me menjar preparat al Mussol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Mussol", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4899, + "example": "Em dius l'estat del trànsit per sortir de Palafrugell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1285, + "example": "El meu endoll intel·ligent, aturar-lo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3249, + "example": "Puc seguir escoltant a la cambra dels nens \"Un cistell de cireres\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cambra dels nens", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Un cistell de cireres", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9925, + "example": "Voldria que m'informessis sobre el color preferit de la Marta Vilajosana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "color preferit", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta Vilajosana", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8222, + "example": "Haig d'anar des de Calaf fins a la Ràpita, podries buscar-me un bitllet de tren per aquest viatge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Calaf", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ràpita", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1149, + "example": "Apunta'm al calendari un nou esdeveniment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3639, + "example": "No encertaries mai el que m'ha succeït avui quan anava en metro.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7970, + "example": "Podries reduir la intensitat del volum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5382, + "example": "Com s'arriba a les Rambles?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Rambles", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 944, + "example": "Vull que la música soni a un volum més baix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10985, + "example": "Pots dir-me si avui he de prendre el Rubifen?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Rubifen", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10315, + "example": "Quina hora és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6434, + "example": "La targeta sanitària té data de caducitat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "té data de caducitat", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5234, + "example": "Digue'm on trobo l'apartat de vacunes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5201, + "example": "Em pots dir quan he quedat amb la Laura aquesta tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedat", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5946, + "example": "Dona'm el telèfon del ginecòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ginecòleg", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10003, + "example": "Ensenya'm quines alarmes tinc programades demà passat a dos quarts de dues del migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de dues del migdia", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2503, + "example": "Voldria que afegissis que tinc una junta el dilluns vinent que durarà fins a les cinc de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns vinent", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7276, + "example": "Guarda'm a l'agenda el correu de mon padrí raulribert75@yahoo.es.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon padrí", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "raulribert75@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2026, + "example": "Em podries encomanar dues racions de fricandó via Appat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fricandó", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Appat", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11229, + "example": "Vull saber si el segon plat del dinar d'avui és carn.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "carn", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4826, + "example": "Hauré d'agafar la roba d'hivern a les quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Hauré d'agafar la roba d'hivern", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10031, + "example": "Voldria veure les notícies de política del \"324\" més recents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "política", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "324", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7928, + "example": "Si us plau, intensifica el volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3881, + "example": "Fes l'operació de nou menys dos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "nou menys dos", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5909, + "example": "Busca'm el telèfon per demanar hora a la Clínica Teknon.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Teknon", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2616, + "example": "Et faria res escriure al mur de la Roser Solís \"enhorabona, parella\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escriure al mur", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Roser Solís", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "enhorabona, parella", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7545, + "example": "Abaixar les bombetes a l'oficina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3666, + "example": "A on es va inventar la pólvora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "pólvora", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "A on es va inventar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3096, + "example": "A l'habitació em pots posar la tercera cançó de la llista de reproducció que tinc amb el nom \"música per cors trencats\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "tercera", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "música per cors trencats", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 118 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4650, + "example": "Em podries dir si m'han arribat missatges de Line d'en Pep?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pep", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Line", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 839, + "example": "Em podries enumerar quants llistats tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10452, + "example": "Em podries llegir quines són les meves llistes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3254, + "example": "Vull escoltar l'audiollibre \"El Fibló\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "El Fibló", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1472, + "example": "Em pots posar el hit \"Devil is a loser\" en bucle?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "bucle", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Devil is a loser", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10920, + "example": "Recordes si era cada vuit hores quan m'he d'aplicar el col·liri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "col·liri", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada vuit hores", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6456, + "example": "On podré trobar una major oferta de pel·lícules en versió original subtitulada al català, a l'Aribau Multicines o al Cine Balmes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "On podré trobar una major oferta de pel·lícules en versió original subtitulada al català", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Aribau Multicines", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 111 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cine Balmes", + "Start_char": 117, + "End_char": 128 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5674, + "example": "Podries fer un truc al centre d'urgències d'atenció primària Dos de Maig.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre d'urgències d'atenció primària Dos de Maig", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5312, + "example": "Com ho puc fer per trobar els meus diagnòstics?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "diagnòstics", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com ho puc fer per trobar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8704, + "example": "Pots fer desaparèixer totes les llistes que tinc aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7106, + "example": "Necessito obrir l'app de Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10904, + "example": "Vull saber amb quina freqüència prenc l'antibiòtic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antibiòtic", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2329, + "example": "Et faria res esborrar del meu calendari personal la partida de \"Trivial\" amb la família?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partida de \"Trivial\"", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la família", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3958, + "example": "M'ensenyes quant fa quinze si li treus vuitanta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "quinze si li treus vuitanta", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9685, + "example": "Pots verificar com va a la nostra fideuada amb cloïsses a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fideuada amb cloïsses", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11761, + "example": "M'és absolutament indiferent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8934, + "example": "Em sabries enumerar la informació del contacte Marta Castellví?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta Castellví", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8811, + "example": "Aquest tema és horrible.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9255, + "example": "M'agradaria un recordatori al meu calendari de la reunió que m'han posat demà passat a les vuit del vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 106 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4131, + "example": "De quina nacionalitat és l'Ana Torroja?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "De quina nacionalitat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ana Torroja", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5514, + "example": "Vull fer un truc al 936443566.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "936443566", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2219, + "example": "M'engegues la ràdio al rebost?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebost", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9306, + "example": "Del pòdcast \"The missing\" pots posar el següent episodi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "The missing", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10121, + "example": "Em pots dir què tinc enregistrat a la meva llista de llibres pendents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de llibres pendents", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4925, + "example": "Buscar-me quins correus tinc de la Vinyet sobre el curs del CCCB.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Vinyet", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "el curs del CCCB", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11512, + "example": "Truca al meu marit, que vaig de part.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "vaig de part", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu marit", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9488, + "example": "Inicies aquella cançó que m'agrada tant, la que es diu \"Compta amb mi\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'agrada tant", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Compta amb mi", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11867, + "example": "Que et bloquis d'una vegada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8266, + "example": "Adquirir per dimarts un bitllet de tren a Tarragona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6367, + "example": "On puc consultar els avantatges de la targeta Braile?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "On puc consultar els avantatges", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braile", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 165, + "example": "Vull que anotis la meva cita de dimecres a la Vall d'Hebron.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Vall d'Hebron", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7025, + "example": "Què puc veure \"Si no t'hagués conegut\" un altre cop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Si no t'hagués conegut", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4660, + "example": "Digues-me si he rebut ara mateix algun missatge de Discord nou d'en Leo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Discord", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Leo", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8866, + "example": "Estaria bé trobar què tinc al calendari per la setmana que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1989, + "example": "Ens podries esborrar el llistat de receptes per provar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de receptes per provar", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2708, + "example": "Podries callar una estona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estona", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5214, + "example": "Quines assemblees vaig tenir ahir de quarts de quatre a les nou trenta a Sant Genís de Palafolls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assemblees", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "quarts de quatre", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les nou trenta", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Genís de Palafolls", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7796, + "example": "Desactiva'm els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8215, + "example": "Aquest dijous vull un bitllet de tren per anar a Cadaqués.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Aquest dijous", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cadaqués", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3353, + "example": "Seria possible continuar escoltant al lavabo gran \"Attack of the decepticons\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Attack of the decepticons", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo gran", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8027, + "example": "Ajuda'm a crear una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1119, + "example": "Podries posar-me guants a la llista de roba d'hivern per guardar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "guants", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de roba d'hivern per guardar", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8994, + "example": "Voldria saber on serà la cita de cuidar de la Paula del mes que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cuidar de la Paula", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7242, + "example": "Tanca'm la Calculadora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Calculadora", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 983, + "example": "Minvar un xic el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5041, + "example": "Quin és el valor en borsa de Prosegur Cash?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Prosegur Cash", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6859, + "example": "Voldria fer una reserva per a tres persones al Bulli.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Bulli", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9808, + "example": "Em pots mirar a quina hora el ferrocarril que passa per Castelldefels demà estarà a la meva parada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Castelldefels", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva parada", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7419, + "example": "Fer arribar un email al meu marit que digui \"factura de l'aigua del mes de gener\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu marit", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "factura de l'aigua del mes de gener", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7014, + "example": "Engega l'últim capítol del \"Polònia\" a YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Polònia", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2659, + "example": "Seria possible que responguessis l'últim post de la Gina Tous a Facebook amb \"em deus una cervesa\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "responguessis", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Gina Tous", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "em deus una cervesa", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 97 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "últim post", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11122, + "example": "A quina escuderia està en Lando Norris?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "A quina escuderia està", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lando Norris", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4850, + "example": "La situació del trànsit per sortir de Granollers quina és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Granollers", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5156, + "example": "Qui és el compositor d'això que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Qui és el compositor", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6107, + "example": "Informa'm de què es pot fer al cinema de Margalef.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "què es pot fer", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Margalef", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8444, + "example": "Demanar pizza a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8080, + "example": "Què tal va la vida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11810, + "example": "Ja està.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7484, + "example": "Dimecres i divendres pots posar una alarma per despertar-me a les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimecres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8053, + "example": "No tens res nou per contar-me avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6128, + "example": "Mostrar què ofereix la biblioteca d'Esplugues de Llobregat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "què ofereix", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Esplugues de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2957, + "example": "Marca a l'agenda que el dilluns a la tarda he quedat amb la Júlia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "he quedat", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Júlia", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4744, + "example": "Que al Porta La Pasta fan comandes per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Porta La Pasta", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "comandes per emportar", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8839, + "example": "Mira quin dia és el pla de la setmana que ve de menjar gelat amb la meva tieta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "menjar gelat", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11079, + "example": "Cerca el menú dinar del dia 30, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "30", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5543, + "example": "M'agradaria que fessis un truc al Nil Costa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nil Costa", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5279, + "example": "Digue'm quines regions sanitàries hi ha.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7101, + "example": "Cabify; obre l'aplicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7554, + "example": "Redueix els leds de l'estudi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9380, + "example": "Pots posar música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11179, + "example": "L'amanida Cèsar de dimecres porta pa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "amanida Cèsar", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "pa", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3948, + "example": "Em dius quant és dotze menys seixanta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "dotze menys seixanta", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4003, + "example": "Em diries a quant són dotze wons en rúpies índies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dotze wons", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "rúpies índies", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 84, + "example": "Enregistra la cita al podòleg del dimarts vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "podòleg", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5841, + "example": "He relliscat i necessito trucar a una ambulància, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "He relliscat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulància", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8362, + "example": "Encarrega menjar a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3982, + "example": "Mirar quant és exactament un franc suís en dòlars de Surinam.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "un franc suís", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlars de Surinam", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7305, + "example": "Desa el correu de la Maria: leiva.guerrera.maria@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "leiva.guerrera.maria@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7511, + "example": "Crea una alerta que soni a les sis del dimecres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8455, + "example": "Demanar per Rappi una pizza de pernil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Rappi", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza de pernil", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4076, + "example": "Em podries dir quina és l'adreça de la Marta Castanya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta Castanya", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2606, + "example": "Ens poses un cafè llarg descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè llarg descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4507, + "example": "Saps si demà projecten alguna pel·lícula de temàtica històrica al meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "temàtica històrica", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu barri", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7627, + "example": "Al meu llistat de vacances afegeix-me Escòcia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Escòcia", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de vacances", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1514, + "example": "Pots tornar a reproduir totes les cançons de l'àlbum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "tornar a reproduir totes les cançons", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3183, + "example": "Em punxaries la música que tinc a la llista de cançons preferides?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5874, + "example": "Demana una ambulància; la meva dona està de part.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulància", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "la meva dona està de part", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6037, + "example": "Vull saber l'horari de dilluns de la biblioteca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari de dilluns", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4112, + "example": "Com es diu la mare de la Reina d'Anglaterra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Com es diu la mare", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Reina d'Anglaterra", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6063, + "example": "Biblioteca, mostra'm l'adreça.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Biblioteca", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7279, + "example": "M'agradaria guardar nil_agusti@gmail.com com l'adreça electrònica del Nil Agustí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nil Agustí", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "nil_agusti@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 212, + "example": "Creus que tens una vida pròpia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11786, + "example": "Et detens per un temps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11845, + "example": "Voldria que paressis amb el que estàs fent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9666, + "example": "Saps si li falta molt a la meva amanida alemanya per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "amanida alemanya", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 254, + "example": "Quants busos puc agafar demà per anar a Siurana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "busos", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Siurana", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8920, + "example": "Digue'm l'adreça de casa de la Rosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça de casa", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Rosa", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11151, + "example": "Què tindrem per dinar avui mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5158, + "example": "Em podries dir quina és la duració d'això que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina és la duració", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8309, + "example": "Confirma'm que tindrem vent fort el dilluns de Carnaval.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "vent fort", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns de Carnaval", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3125, + "example": "M'agradaria escoltar alguna cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1223, + "example": "Vaig a fer un passeig amb mon padrí per Palautordera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon padrí", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palautordera", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fer un passeig", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7823, + "example": "Desconnecta els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2268, + "example": "Pots remetre un correu electrònic al Guillem amb la frase \"hi ha pastanagues d'oferta al mercat per si l'Anna en vol fer un pastís\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "hi ha pastanagues d'oferta al mercat per si l'Anna en vol fer un pastís", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 130 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1477, + "example": "Pots reproduir música de manera aleatòria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "aleatòria", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2692, + "example": "Em podries dir si el meu llistat de destinacions per al 2023 conté Indonèsia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de destinacions per al 2023", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Indonèsia", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 803, + "example": "Com s'anomena la matèria que estudia la conducta animal mitjançant modelitzacions computacionals?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "matèria", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "estudia la conducta animal mitjançant modelitzacions computacionals", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4423, + "example": "Saps on fan \"L'orquestra terrestre\" demà a Vilafranca del Penedès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "L'orquestra terrestre", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilafranca del Penedès", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3048, + "example": "Podries reproduir un tema de Sopa de Cabra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Sopa de Cabra", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3282, + "example": "Em pots reproduir l'audiollibre \"Aloma\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Aloma", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4866, + "example": "L'estat del trànsit per entrar a Reus en aquest instant, me'l pots dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Reus", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest instant", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7726, + "example": "Escriu-me al calendari que tinc un nou esdeveniment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7816, + "example": "Vull tancar els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 748, + "example": "Em diries com s'anomena aquell fong verinós?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "fong verinós", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5175, + "example": "Podries consultar què tinc anotat al calendari pel dia d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4024, + "example": "Mira'm quant són deu lliures esterlines en dòlars australians.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "deu lliures esterlines", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlars australians", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3578, + "example": "Em passaria tot el dia escoltant el tema de \"Gat rumberu\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Gat rumberu", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1984, + "example": "Vull eliminar un llistat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 906, + "example": "Està massa forta la música; abaixa-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10244, + "example": "Dir quin temps fa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4731, + "example": "El Taco Bell que més m'agrada fa takeaway?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Taco Bell", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fa takeaway", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3693, + "example": "Ara plou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "Ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plou", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9500, + "example": "Punxa el tema \"Oxigen\", que és un dels més bons dels Gossos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Oxigen", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "més bons", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Gossos", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4698, + "example": "Saps si tinc correus electrònics sense llegir que hagin arribat avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "sense llegir", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11991, + "example": "Seria possible posar \"Nadie sabe nada\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Nadie sabe nada", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6308, + "example": "Sabries dir com està el marcador del partit del Milan?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Milan", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9202, + "example": "Vull que facis un cafè doble.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè doble", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4264, + "example": "Em pots dir en quin dia ens trobem?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1048, + "example": "Em fas el favor de baixar la potència de la làmpada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8321, + "example": "Vull contestar al correu del meu encarregat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu encarregat", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1704, + "example": "Em dius l'hora mitjana de Greenwich +2 si al fus horari de l'Índia/Nepal són les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich +2", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de l'Índia/Nepal", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3929, + "example": "Quant és l'arrel quadrada de vuitanta-dos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "arrel quadrada de vuitanta-dos", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8891, + "example": "Digue'm el fax de l'Àlex.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "fax", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Àlex", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5941, + "example": "Pots recordar-me l'adreça de la doctora Jolonch?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctora Jolonch", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3792, + "example": "Em diries una recepta que porti pebrots?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "pebrots", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 445, + "example": "Ho has clavat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3470, + "example": "Conta'ns una anècdota divertida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10178, + "example": "Mostra'm quins fets estan tenint lloc a Facebook en aquest moment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4228, + "example": "Què diuen a Snapchat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Snapchat", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4836, + "example": "Hi ha trànsit ara per circular per Figueres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2844, + "example": "Em fas una piulada a l'atenció al consumidor de Lidl on posi que \"m'han trencat el cor quan he sabut que han deixat de fer les barres de pa de cinc cereals\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "fas una piulada", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "'atenció al consumidor de Lidl", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "m'han trencat el cor quan he sabut que han deixat de fer les barres de pa de cinc cereals", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 155 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8447, + "example": "Encomana bacallà amb patates al Roura Blanch.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bacallà amb patates", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Roura Blanch", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9807, + "example": "Mostra'm l'itinerari del tren que porta a Viladecans passat demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Viladecans", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6271, + "example": "Com ha quedat el marcador de la copa Catalunya, ho sabries dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6071, + "example": "Ens podries proporcionar el telèfon de l'ambulatori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulatori", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11475, + "example": "M'agradaria emmagatzemar el meu mòbil 644887744.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "644887744", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 889, + "example": "Posa'm les notícies d'ara mateix sobre l'últim iPhone.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "últim iPhone", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9776, + "example": "Quan passa el tren que em porta a Vic demà passat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7485, + "example": "Alça'm a les vuit del matí el divendres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10756, + "example": "Voldria saber si he rebut algun missatge de text nou de la Martina ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Martina", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2339, + "example": "Pots treure del meu calendari personal la pràctica de cotxe de dimecres a les nou del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "pràctica de cotxe", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9576, + "example": "Pots mirar-me com va el trànsit a hores d'ara a Vic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "hores d'ara", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11935, + "example": "Desmenteixo el que dius.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2544, + "example": "Et faria res mantenir-me informat de totes les novetats sobre el reactor de fusió ITER?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "el reactor de fusió ITER", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9523, + "example": "Ens reproduiries una cançó de la llista de reproducció \"temps de relax\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "temps de relax", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8265, + "example": "Compra'm un bitllet de tren per dilluns cap a Vigo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vigo", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1875, + "example": "Em trauries de l'agenda la rentadora de tovalloles de cada diumenge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "rentadora de tovalloles", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada diumenge", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6300, + "example": "Com ha acabat el partit del Nàstic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Nàstic", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11844, + "example": "Paralitza't.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4033, + "example": "Em dius a quantes rúpies índies equival un franc suís?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "un franc suís", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "rúpies índies", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9041, + "example": "Et faria res afegir que demà passat hi ha una junta amb el Guillem Belloch i el seu germà Adolf?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem Belloch", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "el seu germà Adolf", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2721, + "example": "Mira, calla durant deu hores, va.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "deu hores", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6990, + "example": "M'agradaria veure la pel·lícula \"Alcarràs\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Alcarràs", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 542, + "example": "Em podries posar en una partida del \"Fortnite\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Fortnite", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8021, + "example": "Em podries fer una nova llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6239, + "example": "Com puc veure el meu certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com puc veure", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8978, + "example": "Em podries dir si al desembre vaig tenir alguna junta amb el comitè de Carnaval?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "desembre", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "comitè de Carnaval", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1297, + "example": "És possible apagar l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11651, + "example": "No soc capaç d'entendre el que m'estàs dient.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9788, + "example": "Mostra'm els horaris del tren d'aquest dissabte entre les sis i les vuit en direcció a Blanes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dissabte", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Blanes", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 93 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis i les vuit", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 551, + "example": "I si m'obres l'\"Among us\", que vull jugar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Among us", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7625, + "example": "A la llista de viatges afegeix Londres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Londres", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de viatges", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6259, + "example": "Vull saber els resultats de la Lliga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7116, + "example": "Engega l'aplicatiu Desdelsofà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Desdelsofà", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10792, + "example": "Em pots mirar quins són els missatges de correu electrònic que han arribat des de fa poc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatges de correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "han arribat des de fa poc", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3849, + "example": "Em mostres quins plats puc cuinar amb anxoves?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "anxoves", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7564, + "example": "A la llista de materials m'hi afegiries serra de marqueteria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de materials", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "serra de marqueteria", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4862, + "example": "Saps si es pot sortir de Gavà, o hi ha molt de tràfic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9427, + "example": "Vull escoltar l'episodi que va després d'aquest pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1801, + "example": "Podries eliminar-me de l'agenda la classe de ioga dels dimarts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de ioga", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9256, + "example": "Em pots recordar demà al matí anar a buscar el carnet de vacunació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a buscar el carnet de vacunació", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1309, + "example": "Els endolls, me'ls pots apagar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11734, + "example": "M'és absolutament igual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11389, + "example": "Sabries dir quan em visito amb la doctora Sara Albert?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Sara Albert", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11163, + "example": "Vull que em diguis què hi ha per berenar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "berenar", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1969, + "example": "Pots cancel·lar-nos l'alarma que hi ha programada els divendres a les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1961, + "example": "Eliminaries l'alerta que vaig programar per les tres de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la matinada", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5499, + "example": "Pots fer un truc al 877543521?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "877543521", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3671, + "example": "A quin any va caure el mur de Berlín?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "historical_event_detail", + "Text": "A quin any va caure", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "historical_event", + "Text": "mur de Berlín", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1955, + "example": "Et faria res treure l'alerta que vaig programar per dimarts a les quatre de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 191, + "example": "Anota \"cita per l'Arnau\" divendres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "no_md_person", + "Text": "Arnau", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5282, + "example": "Fins quan dura el Carnet de salut?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan dura", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Carnet de salut", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1670, + "example": "Si al fus horari d'Amèrica/Denver són les dues de la matinada, quina hora és al fus horari d'Amèrica/Guatemala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Denver", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues de la matinada", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Guatemala", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 110 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1983, + "example": "Podries anul·lar-me totes les llistes que tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8738, + "example": "Encén-me l'endoll de l'estudi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8650, + "example": "Em pots treure la quedada de cosplay que tinc amb la família aquest matí del meu calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedada de cosplay", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la família", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3962, + "example": "Com està la corona sueca vers peso xilè?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "corona sueca", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "peso xilè", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3113, + "example": "Pots posar un tema de la llista que s'anomena \"RPG boss music\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "RPG boss music", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3974, + "example": "A quants dòlars de Surinam equival amb exactitud un franc suís?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlars de Surinam", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "un franc suís", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3163, + "example": "Ens reprodueixes \"Generació digital\" de \"Catalunya Ràdio\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Generació digital", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Catalunya Ràdio", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8063, + "example": "Què hi ha de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2823, + "example": "Podries pujar l'última foto a Twitter i escriure el text \"la bossa de cacauets que m'han donat a l'avió estava caducada\", citant l'atenció al consumidor de Lufthansa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "pujar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "última foto", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "la bossa de cacauets que m'han donat a l'avió estava caducada", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 119 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al consumidor de Lufthansa", + "Start_char": 131, + "End_char": 165 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3950, + "example": "Em mostres quant fan tretze per sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "tretze per sis", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 733, + "example": "Busca'm quin és el corrent de pensament que defensa que només es pot conèixer verdaderament la realitat mitjançant el raonament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "corrent de pensament", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "defensa que només es pot conèixer verdaderament la realitat mitjançant el raonament", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 127 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8342, + "example": "Encomana esqueixada al Miramar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "esqueixada", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Miramar", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2592, + "example": "Ens prepares un cafè descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11095, + "example": "Em mostres si suaré molt avui a la tarda, a les cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la tarda", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "suaré", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1756, + "example": "Esborra tot el que tinc anotat al calendari amb el meu avi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu avi", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1729, + "example": "Si a GMT -1 són les dues de la matinada, quina l'hora és a UTC 0?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues de la matinada", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "GMT -1", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "UTC 0", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9948, + "example": "Quines alarmes em sonaran aquesta tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4791, + "example": "Em pots mostrar si farà sol a Begur al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "sol", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Begur", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1827, + "example": "Ens podries eliminar tot el que tenim al calendari fins al dimecres a Juneda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Juneda", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5548, + "example": "Vull parlar amb l'Andrea per telèfon.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Andrea", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6093, + "example": "Necessito trucar a l'Ajuntament de Rubí, em dius el telèfon?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Rubí", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1967, + "example": "Seria possible treure l'alarma que vaig programar per dissabte que ve a les quatre de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte que ve", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6538, + "example": "Vull que em recordis que m'he de prendre la medicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9669, + "example": "Al Pollo Criollo, saps si els queda molt amb el nostre sopar per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Pollo Criollo", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "sopar per emportar", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9206, + "example": "Em ve de gust un americà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "americà", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7263, + "example": "Guarda'm l'email del meu pare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu pare", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7764, + "example": "Tancar l'endoll intel·ligent del despatx.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9730, + "example": "Vull saber els horaris del tren cap a Terrassa d'aquesta tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10141, + "example": "Comprova si el Bruno ha pujat una publicació a Twitter.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Bruno", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5253, + "example": "Com funciona la descàrrega de l'historial mèdic a La meva Salut?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "historial mèdic", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com funciona la descàrrega", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 87, + "example": "M'agradaria que anotessis a l'agenda que m'he de visitar amb la doctora Martí a les nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Martí", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6158, + "example": "Digues-me el telèfon de l'oficina de la Seguretat Social de Sabadell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina de la Seguretat Social", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 646, + "example": "M'expliques a quina hora surt el tren que arriba fins a Badalona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2273, + "example": "Podries enviar un mail al Sergi explicant-li que \"la reunió de veïns es farà dilluns\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sergi", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "la reunió de veïns es farà dilluns", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9972, + "example": "Em sonarà alguna alerta a dos quarts de sis del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de sis del matí", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2376, + "example": "M'agradaria adquirir un bitllet per anar a Tona amb el tren de les cinc de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tona", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1946, + "example": "Em podries treure l'alerta que vaig posar per cada dissabte a les onze del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dissabte", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5647, + "example": "Podries fer una trucada al CAP d'Abrera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP d'Abrera", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2281, + "example": "Envia un mail a xicaticacamacurtaiballarica@yahoo.es.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "xicaticacamacurtaiballarica@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5150, + "example": "D'això que s'està reproduint, qui n'és l'artista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "qui n'és l'artista", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4151, + "example": "A quina hora està programada la conferència amb la Lluïsa de la setmana que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferència", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lluïsa", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3923, + "example": "Necessito saber quant fan quaranta multiplicat per cinquanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "quaranta multiplicat per cinquanta", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8281, + "example": "Necessito saber si pedregarà a Gaià a les nou del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "pedregarà", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gaià", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3609, + "example": "Els Catarres m'agraden un munt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Els Catarres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5327, + "example": "Voldria esbrinar com aconseguir cita per vacunar-me.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "aconseguir cita per vacunar-me", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11527, + "example": "Que vingui una ambulància; truqueu el 112.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "112", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8395, + "example": "Seria possible que demanessis un entrepà de pit d'indiot i enciam per Uber Eats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "entrepà de pit d'indiot i enciam", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Uber Eats", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4408, + "example": "Informa'm de l'hora a Alcover.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Alcover", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11542, + "example": "Ho reafirmo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7438, + "example": "Vull remetre als meus pares un correu electrònic anomenat \"visita al museu\" que posi \"el diumenge anem al museu; us passarem a buscar\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "visita al museu", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "el diumenge anem al museu; us passarem a buscar", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 133 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ls meus pares", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10044, + "example": "Posa'm les noves notícies sobre esports que hagin aparegut a \"Radio MARCA\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "esports", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Radio MARCA", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4460, + "example": "Em pots mostrar si el dissabte que ve faran \"Nàufrag\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte que ve", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Nàufrag", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5727, + "example": "Podries iniciar una trucada amb el metge d'atenció primària?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge d'atenció primària", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5088, + "example": "Ensenya'm quin valor tenen les accions de Microsoft.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Microsoft", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10394, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis quines són les cançons que m'agradin.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quines són les cançons que m'agradin", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3421, + "example": "Digues-me la definició de setrill.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "setrill", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7374, + "example": "La nova adreça electrònica del meu cosí és nil_agusti@yahoo.es.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu cosí", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "nil_agusti@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9908, + "example": "Em pots detallar quin mòbil fa servir el Ramon Gener?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ramon Gener", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "quin mòbil", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1412, + "example": "Posa al màxim la intensitat del llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5427, + "example": "Digue'm quin és el camí per anar al carrer del Carme.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer del Carme", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7406, + "example": "Enviar al meu gendre un correu electrònic titulat \"vull veure les fotos de la lluna de mel\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "vull veure les fotos de la lluna de mel", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu gendre", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10269, + "example": "Veritat que Lisboa és una hora abans de Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lisboa", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5097, + "example": "Voldria veure les accions de Meta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Meta", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1724, + "example": "Vull saber quina hora és al fus horari de Xile si al fus horari de Nepal són les vuit de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Xile", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Nepal", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit de la tarda", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6842, + "example": "L'Aina, el Joan i jo necessitem taula avui a la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aina", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2603, + "example": "Em pots fer un cafè amb llet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè amb llet", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2640, + "example": "Pots escriure \"molta sort\" a l'últim post de Facebook de la Marina Salas?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escriure", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "molta sort", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Marina Salas", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "últim post", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3313, + "example": "Ens reproduiries a la sala l'audiollibre \"El fibló\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "El fibló", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3225, + "example": "Em podries punxar \"Cuando tú vas\" després d'això que estic sentint en aquests instants?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Cuando tú vas", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 456, + "example": "Ets fascinant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5715, + "example": "Fer un truc a l'Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2549, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis les novetats del funeral de la reina d'Anglaterra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "funeral de la reina d'Anglaterra", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 962, + "example": "Afluixa una micona el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8781, + "example": "Aquest tema em fa posar malalt; desa-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1107, + "example": "La roomba, la pots posar a aspirar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2378, + "example": "Reserva'm un bitllet pel tren que arriba a Rupit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Rupit", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11925, + "example": "Queda invalidat el que has dit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 940, + "example": "Treu-li una mica de potència a l'altaveu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10694, + "example": "Voldria descobrir si tinc alguna entrada al calendari aquesta setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1147, + "example": "Al calendari et faria res afegir que hem de fer rentadora de llençols en un mes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "rentadora de llençols", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "en un mes", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2123, + "example": "Que engeguis les làmpades, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10508, + "example": "Saps si hi ha per aquí especieries que siguin enormes i on pugui portar el gos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "especieries", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "enormes", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "pugui portar el gos", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7020, + "example": "Pots tornar a posar \"Nit i dia\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Nit i dia", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4783, + "example": "Saps si pedregarà a Vilanova i la Geltrú a les deu de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "pedregarà", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2124, + "example": "Obre la làmpada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8740, + "example": "M'agradaria que posessis en marxa l'endoll intel·ligent del celobert.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "celobert", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9212, + "example": "Recorda'm la reunió que tinc amb els meus socis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "els meus socis", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5470, + "example": "Vull ensenyar la meva ubicació a la Rosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Rosa", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4864, + "example": "Hi ha tràfic ara mateix per a anar a Olesa de Montserrat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Olesa de Montserrat", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 256, + "example": "Vull veure quin metro em porta fins a Fontana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "metro", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Fontana", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6922, + "example": "Comparteix la meva ubicació amb la Georgina fins a les quatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Georgina", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 506, + "example": "Magnífic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6338, + "example": "Al CAP he de dur la targeta Braile?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Al CAP he de dur", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braile", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7737, + "example": "Vull que afegeixis que tinc un compromís el dia 15 de novembre a la tarda al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "15 de novembre", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la tarda", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "compromís", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3406, + "example": "El significat d'escopinya me'l podries dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "escopinya", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9286, + "example": "Et saps acudits sobre cambrers?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "cambrers", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10256, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis quants graus fa ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 305, + "example": "Torna a explicar el que has dit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11660, + "example": "Podries explicar-m'ho com si fos un nen petit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3182, + "example": "Pots posar un dels temes que m'agraden a les golfes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6110, + "example": "L'adreça de l'oficina funerària de Terrassa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina funerària", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11631, + "example": "Clarifica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2871, + "example": "Configurar una alerta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4735, + "example": "Em sabries dir si el Papa John's Pizza que més m'agrada fa menjar per portar a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Papa John's Pizza", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fa menjar per portar a domicili", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8298, + "example": "Em podries mirar si aquest cap de setmana hi haurà calamarsa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "calamarsa", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8079, + "example": "Què hi ha?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6205, + "example": "Com puc saber la validesa del certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com puc saber la validesa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 753, + "example": "Quin significat té la paraula escarxofar-se?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "escarxofar-se", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4981, + "example": "Em pots dir a quina hora surt el tren cap a Santa Coloma de Gramenet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Santa Coloma de Gramenet", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8796, + "example": "Em mola la cançó \"Jenifer\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Jenifer", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1093, + "example": "L'aspiradora, la pots posar en marxa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6410, + "example": "Què faig si he perdut la TSE?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSE", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què faig si he perdut", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9136, + "example": "Fes-me saber que tenim taller de cuina asiàtica el dia 4 de cada mes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "taller de cuina asiàtica", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "4", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada mes", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2618, + "example": "Podries escriure \"ets la millor\" i l'emoji de la corona a l'última publicació a Instagram de la Sofia Boronat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "ets la millor", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "emoji de la corona", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escriure", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 89 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Sofia Boronat", + "Start_char": 96, + "End_char": 109 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "última publicació", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8918, + "example": "El telèfon de l'oficina de la Sílvia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon de l'oficina", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2760, + "example": "Necessito que no diguis cap cosa en els deu minuts següents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "els deu minuts següents", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5891, + "example": "M'agradaria conèixer si fan operacions ambulatòries al CAP de Llefià.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "fan operacions ambulatòries", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Llefià", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 907, + "example": "Minimitza la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2623, + "example": "Comparteix amb els meus contactes de Whatsapp les fotos noves de la nena.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Comparteix", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "els meus contactes", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "fotos noves de la nena", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3410, + "example": "Em mostres què significa terrina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "terrina", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1463, + "example": "Em podries apujar la llum a les golfes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1447, + "example": "Seria possible que ens apugessis la intensitat de la llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3061, + "example": "Em ve de gust escoltar música del gènere rock.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rock", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6269, + "example": "Posa'ns els resultats del partit contra el Llevant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "Llevant", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11621, + "example": "Confirmo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9094, + "example": "Em podries reproduir l'emissora \"Rac 1\" a la sala d'estar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Rac 1", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala d'estar", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9888, + "example": "Quant fan tretze per dos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "tretze per dos", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11501, + "example": "Desitjo que facis un truc al Jordi; he pres mal cuinant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jordi", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he pres mal", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11080, + "example": "Per a quantes persones és el menú del dinar de dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7376, + "example": "Apunta que vicky95wulf@outlook.com és l'email de la Victòria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "vicky95wulf@outlook.com", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Victòria", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2233, + "example": "Et faria res fer arribar un correu electrònic a l'Albert?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Albert", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2138, + "example": "Encén els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3953, + "example": "Quant dona mil set-cents catorze menys vuit-cents vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "mil set-cents catorze menys vuit-cents vuit", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10882, + "example": "Em podries confirmar si era la pastilla antihipertensiva la que em toca prendre abans d'anar a dormir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla antihipertensiva", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "abans d'anar a dormir", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8832, + "example": "Vull que em donis informació sobre els esdeveniments que tingui fixats amb la Tomasa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Tomasa", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 487, + "example": "Quina fantasia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10484, + "example": "Pots recomanar-me una botiga d'electrodomèstics del meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botiga d'electrodomèstics", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "del meu barri", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11218, + "example": "Dissabte hi ha macarrons amb bacó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dissabte", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "macarrons amb bacó", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3673, + "example": "Digues-me quin és el plat més famós del Japó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "quin és el plat més famós", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Japó", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1414, + "example": "Podries posar-me la llum una miqueta més forta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11856, + "example": "T'atures una estona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9842, + "example": "Em pots buscar quin és el continent amb la menor superfície?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "continent", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "amb la menor superfície", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1268, + "example": "Podries desconnectar l'endoll?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6267, + "example": "Barça - Madrid, veure resultat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Barça", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Madrid", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11305, + "example": "Les properes visites voldria que me les mostressis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6707, + "example": "Ens podries reservar taula per aquesta nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10638, + "example": "Em dius si hi ha algun concert aquesta nit a prop d'on soc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concert", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop d'on soc", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4674, + "example": "M'ensenyes el nou missatge de WeChat que m'ha enviat l'Anna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "WeChat", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5507, + "example": "Fes un truc a una persona dels meus contactes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10784, + "example": "Esbrina si tinc emails sense llegir d'avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "emails", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "sense llegir", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7249, + "example": "L'app Quironsalut: tanca-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Quironsalut", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 641, + "example": "A quina hora hi ha trens de Cadaqués a Palafrugell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cadaqués", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4883, + "example": "La situació del trànsit per entrar a Vigo a les dues del migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vigo", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues del migdia", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7434, + "example": "Escriu un correu a la meva mare dient que \"ja tinc els regals de Nadal dels nebots\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "ja tinc els regals de Nadal dels nebots", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3131, + "example": "Em podries tocar un tema?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11153, + "example": "Vull que em diguis què hi ha per dinar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9731, + "example": "A quina hora passa el ferrocarril que es dirigeix al Masnou demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Masnou", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7925, + "example": "M'agradaria alçar el volum al màxim que es pugui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1874, + "example": "Elimina tot el que tingui al calendari que sigui a Berga els dijous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Berga", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "els dijous", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6036, + "example": "Quina era l'adreça de la biblioteca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4992, + "example": "Em dius els horaris del tren que va cap a Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8304, + "example": "Confirma'm si efectivament nevarà el 2 de febrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "nevarà", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "2 de febrer", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10845, + "example": "Quan col·lapsarà la civilització tal com la coneixem?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10720, + "example": "Podries confirmar-me si he d'anar a buscar al Marc avui a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a buscar al Marc", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la tarda", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 812, + "example": "Quantes llistes tinc guardades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1922, + "example": "Ens esborraries l'alarma que hi ha a les set els dilluns i els diumenges?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "diumenges", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1470, + "example": "Seria possible que maximitzessis la llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10594, + "example": "Necessito veure quins festivals de cinema hi ha per aquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festivals de cinema", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7161, + "example": "Indica'm com anar al Zara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Zara", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7863, + "example": "Vull eliminar-ho tot del meu calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1507, + "example": "Et pots saltar les tres cançons següents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "saltar les tres cançons següents", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9739, + "example": "Busca'm l'horari del tren en direcció a Vilafranca del Penedès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vilafranca del Penedès", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8313, + "example": "Voldria respondre al missatge electrònic de la Laura.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge electrònic", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8258, + "example": "Aconseguir un tiquet per al ferrocarril per aquest dissabte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dissabte", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11847, + "example": "Cessar-ho tot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4710, + "example": "Saps si el Mussol fa menjar per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Mussol", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fa menjar per emportar", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8426, + "example": "Encomana pollastre amb samfaina a Ca l'Enric.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pollastre amb samfaina", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Ca l'Enric", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11093, + "example": "Digue'm el temps del poble on visc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "poble on visc", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2762, + "example": "Necessito que callis fins al migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "migdia", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7692, + "example": "Necessito crear una reunió a tres quarts de dues a Alins amb el Jan.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de dues", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Alins", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jan", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3878, + "example": "Dotze per cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Dotze per cinc", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9988, + "example": "Vull saber quines alarmes tinc programades per demà passat a les nou de matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou de matí", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2540, + "example": "Em pots mantenir informat sobre el desenvolupament del conflicte ecològic a Uganda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "el desenvolupament del conflicte ecològic a Uganda", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4041, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis a quant està en aquest moment el ien vers el peso argentí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "peso argentí", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "ien", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6462, + "example": "Té millor puntuació a les ressenyes de Google el Celler de Lleida o el Celler de Can Roca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Té millor puntuació a les ressenyes de Google", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Celler de Lleida", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Celler de Can Roca", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8673, + "example": "Podries suprimir el cinquè ítem de la llista d'al·lèrgies del Jordi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista d'al·lèrgies del Jordi", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "cinquè ítem", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5747, + "example": "Telefona a la biblioteca pública.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca pública", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3595, + "example": "M'agrada un munt el punk-rock.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "punk-rock", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9364, + "example": "Ens posaries música a la galeria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "galeria", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7809, + "example": "Que aturis els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3582, + "example": "El rap és increïble.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rap", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9258, + "example": "Avisa'm que el dia 2 del mes vinent tinc balls de saló.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "2 del mes vinent", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "balls de saló", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5544, + "example": "Necessito parlar amb la Bruna per telèfon.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Bruna", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3989, + "example": "Troba'm com està avui la lliura del Regne Unit vers el peso argentí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "peso argentí", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "lliura del Regne Unit", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11885, + "example": "No t'ho puc creure per res.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5489, + "example": "Pots compartir amb el meu company de feina la meva localització actual?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu company de feina", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10071, + "example": "Busca notícies d'ara mateix sobre nous llançaments de Xiaomi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "nous llançaments de Xiaomi", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10765, + "example": "Saps dir-me si he rebut algun missatge de Signal nou d'en Joaquim Abad?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joaquim Abad", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Signal", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4037, + "example": "Trobar com està avui en dia el dòlar australià respecte del franc congolès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "franc congolès", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar australià", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10245, + "example": "Digue'm el clima d'avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2930, + "example": "M'enregistraries al meu calendari personal que el dia 2 de cada mes tinc sessió de trivial amb la colla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "2 de cada mes", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sessió de trivial", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la colla", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10319, + "example": "Quina hora tinc, m'ho pots dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5063, + "example": "Digues-me les accions de Master Card.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Master Card", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2666, + "example": "Em fas un tuit que digui \"no suporto a l'Eva\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "fas un tuit", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "no suporto a l'Eva", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11115, + "example": "Ingredients que porten els fideus a la cassola.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fideus a la cassola", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6882, + "example": "Pots fer una reserva a la Tagliatella per sopar demà amb el Pol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Tagliatella", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pol", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 198, + "example": "Si us plau, anotaries la visita a l'Hospital de Sant Joan de Déu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Sant Joan de Déu", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10177, + "example": "Ensenya'm les últimes tendències a Tumblr.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Tumblr", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11548, + "example": "Evidentment que sí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3031, + "example": "Em reproduiries un tema de Miguel Bosé?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Miguel Bosé", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1047, + "example": "Podries ajustar la potència dels ulls de bou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1602, + "example": "Em canvies el color de la llum pel fúcsia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "fúcsia", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4519, + "example": "El dilluns a Gavà saps si fan la pel·lícula \"DC Lliga de supermascotes\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "DC Lliga de supermascotes", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10213, + "example": "Aquí mateix, a la meva ciutat, quina temperatura hi ha avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva ciutat", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "temperatura", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11793, + "example": "Em faries el favor d'apagar-te durant uns minutets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5203, + "example": "Està programada cap cita pel dimecres entre les set i les nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8028, + "example": "Em fas una llista nova?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2855, + "example": "Em pots configurar una alarma a mitjanit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "mitjanit", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3839, + "example": "Què puc fer amb un alvocat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "alvocat", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11667, + "example": "No entenc què dius.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2055, + "example": "Seria possible demanar que em portin a casa un entrepà vegetal del Pans & Company?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "entrepà vegetal", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Pans & Company", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 610, + "example": "Necessito saber quins trens hi ha de Manresa a Valls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9537, + "example": "Et faria res posar-me la llista \"dies de ressaca\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "dies de ressaca", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1230, + "example": "\"Anar a la platja\" a Roses posa-ho al calendari cada dimecres al migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Anar a la platja", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Roses", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dimecres", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8776, + "example": "Aquest tema que està sonant és genial", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8178, + "example": "Vull obtenir un tiquet pel Rodalies que surt dilluns de Bellpuig i arriba a Mollerussa a les tres de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Bellpuig", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Mollerussa", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 109 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1359, + "example": "No vull el volum tan fluix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10349, + "example": "Ensenya'm quina cançó està sonant ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina cançó", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant ara mateix", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6292, + "example": "Com va acabar el partit de l'Atlètic de Bilbao a la Lliga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Atlètic de Bilbao", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10111, + "example": "Què conté la llista de la compra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 493, + "example": "Quina passada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9522, + "example": "Ens punxaries un tema de la llista de reproducció \"per menuts i no tan menuts\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "per menuts i no tan menuts", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7273, + "example": "Vull afegir una adreça de correu electrònic a mon cosí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon cosí", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9159, + "example": "Publica un estat a Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Publica", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3352, + "example": "Podem tornar a posar a l'habitació l'audiollibre \"A l'amic escocès\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "A l'amic escocès", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1615, + "example": "Em canvies el color de la làmpada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11825, + "example": "Desactiva't un moment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11735, + "example": "M'importa un pito.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10911, + "example": "Saps cada quant em toca prendre l'antihipertensiu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antihipertensiu", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1283, + "example": "Desactiva els meus endolls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4947, + "example": "Ensenya'm el missatge de Discord que acaba d'arribar de part del Miquel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Discord", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Miquel", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2802, + "example": "Pots escriure un tuit al servei d'atenció al client de Mercadona on digui que \"és molt poc sostenible l'ús abusiu que es fa de les bosses de plàstic i dels embalatges\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escriure un tuit", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al client de Mercadona", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "és molt poc sostenible l'ús abusiu que es fa de les bosses de plàstic i dels embalatges", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 166 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4646, + "example": "Hi ha cap llibreria a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "llibreria", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6622, + "example": "Avisa'm que a dos quarts de tres m'he de prendre la medicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de tres", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11729, + "example": "No m'interessa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4860, + "example": "Com va el trànsit en aquests moments per Tarragona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquests moments", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3689, + "example": "Em pots dir on està el riu Nil?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Em pots dir on està", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "riu Nil", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3158, + "example": "De l'emissora \"Catalunya Ràdio\" podries posar el programa \"Popap\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Catalunya Ràdio", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Popap", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7086, + "example": "Voldria que engeguessis l'app 40K.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "40K.", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6611, + "example": "Vull que em recordis que he de medicar-me.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6192, + "example": "Digues la data de venciment del meu certificat COVID.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "data de venciment", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10735, + "example": "Podries confirmar-me si he de recollir les castanyes a les sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "recollir les castanyes", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7587, + "example": "Posa nectarines també al meu llistat de la fruiteria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "nectarines", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de la fruiteria", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8289, + "example": "Hi haurà precipitacions dimarts a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "precipitacions", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9013, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quin dia va ser divendres passat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres passat", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5249, + "example": "No tinc clar com demanar visita a La meva salut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "demanar visita a La meva salut", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9875, + "example": "Quina és l'arrel quadrada de cinquanta-quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "arrel quadrada de cinquanta-quatre", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9512, + "example": "Al safareig ens punxaries la tercera cançó de la llista \"cançons per lligar\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "safareig", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "tercera", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "cançons per lligar", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8878, + "example": "Confirma'm que tinc reunions programades amb en Joan Valldossera demà si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunions", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan Valldossera", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2718, + "example": "Necessito que callis durant les pròximes hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "les pròximes hores", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4745, + "example": "Mira si al Pizza Virona fan pizzes per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Pizza Virona", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizzes", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5987, + "example": "Digues si hi ha consulta de neurologia al CUAP Casernes de Sant Andreu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "consulta de neurologia", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Andreu", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CUAP Casernes", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10707, + "example": "Em pots confirmar si he d'enviar els documents del pis dijous a les dues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "enviar els documents del pis", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11277, + "example": "On em toca la visita del reumatòleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "reumatòleg", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4000, + "example": "Digues com està el dòlar nord-americà respecte a l'euro?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "euro", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar nord-americà", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6185, + "example": "Per a què serveix el certificat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Per a què serveix", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1197, + "example": "A l'agenda personal, m'anotes que tinc una junta amb la Joanna Salichs d'aquí a dues hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joanna Salichs", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquí a dues hores", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11391, + "example": "Podries dir quin dia tinc hora amb el fisioterapeuta de l'hospital Germans Trias i Pujol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "fisioterapeuta", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital Germans Trias i Pujol", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4417, + "example": "Saps quines pel·lis hi ha en francès a OCINE El Vendrell aquest divendres a les deu de la nit a Vilanova i la Geltrú?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "francès", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "OCINE El Vendrell", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest divendres", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 93 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 96, + "End_char": 116 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5995, + "example": "Saps si tenen servei de nutrició al CAP Guinardó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "servei de nutrició", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP Guinardó", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3419, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis com es defineix el concepte de patena.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "patena", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2533, + "example": "Em podries dir si surt alguna cosa nova sobre els preus del plàstic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "els preus del plàstic", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1848, + "example": "Podries eliminar de la meva agenda personal el canvi del filtre de la gerra d'aigua que tinc apuntat d'aquí a sis mesos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "canvi del filtre de la gerra d'aigua", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquí a sis mesos", + "Start_char": 103, + "End_char": 119 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4005, + "example": "Em dius com està el kyat respecte al peso mexicà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "peso mexicà", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "kyat", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6275, + "example": "Quin és el resultat del partit del Barça contra el Sevilla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Barça", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Sevilla", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1572, + "example": "Podries canviar-me el color de l'ull de bou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11441, + "example": "Afegeix el contacte de la Núria amb el número 676789894.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Núria", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "676789894", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7529, + "example": "Desperta'm a dos quarts i mig de sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts i mig de sis", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 875, + "example": "Digue'm les notícies d'ahir sobre els avenços en reconstrucció d'organismes fòssils que es pot llegir a l'\"Agencia EFE\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "avenços en reconstrucció d'organismes fòssils", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Agencia EFE", + "Start_char": 107, + "End_char": 118 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5668, + "example": "Truca'm el CAP de Sant Sadurní d'Anoia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Sadurní d'Anoia", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8112, + "example": "Vols que et conti una anècdota meva?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9268, + "example": "Informar rentar les disfresses a les cinc de la tarda de demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "rentar les disfresses", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1124, + "example": "A la llista de la compra, inclou-me llet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "llet", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5730, + "example": "Em vull posar en contacte per telèfon amb l'Ajuntament de Martorell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament de Martorell", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2345, + "example": "Podries comprar-me un lloc al tren que arriba a Alcover a les dotze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Alcover", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9773, + "example": "Ensenya'm, des de Puigcerdà fins a Berga, entre les nou del matí i les dotze del migdia, quins trens passen.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Puigcerdà", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Berga", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 100 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí i les dotze del migdia", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5187, + "example": "Digues tot el que tingui escrit al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1165, + "example": "Pots prendre nota al calendari de la classe de jazz de demà a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de jazz", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 245, + "example": "Quins autobusos hi ha de Castellbisbal a la Jonquera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobusos", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Castellbisbal", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "la Jonquera", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7420, + "example": "Podries fer-li arribar un correu electrònic a la meva xicota on posi \"recorda que demà sortim a sopar\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva xicota", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "recorda que demà sortim a sopar", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1173, + "example": "Em podries apuntar a l'agenda l'esdeveniment que tenim amb la Rosa la setmana vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Rosa", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9604, + "example": "Digue'm quins correus electrònics tinc a l'email amb l'Abril Estruch amb el títol \"nou projecte aprovat\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Abril Estruch", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "nou projecte aprovat", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10745, + "example": "Vull que m'ensenyis el mail recent sobre articles de psicologia que la Duna ha enviat recentment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recent", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "articles de psicologia", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Duna", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "ha enviat recentment", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3184, + "example": "Fes que soni el meu tema preferit d'Icon for Hire.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Icon for Hire", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11091, + "example": "A la Barceloneta, fa fred?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barceloneta", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "fred", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5441, + "example": "Digues-li a la Clara on soc exactament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Clara", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 876, + "example": "Vull saber les notícies d'ahir sobre l'escalfament global.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "escalfament global", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2700, + "example": "Ensenya'm el contingut del llistat \"multes\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "multes", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3007, + "example": "Al lavabo petit seria possible posar el següent episodi del pòdcast \"Trashfuture\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Trashfuture", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo petit", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 752, + "example": "Ravatxol què vol dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "Ravatxol", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2821, + "example": "Escriu a Twitter mencionant l'atenció al client de Google el text \"no paro de rebre avisos per dir-me que he iniciat sessió en un altre dispositiu tot i que sempre faig servir el mateix\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Escriu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de Google", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "no paro de rebre avisos per dir-me que he iniciat sessió en un altre dispositiu tot i que sempre faig servir el mateix", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 185 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9902, + "example": "Qui és l'Steve Jobs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Qui és", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Steve Jobs", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9167, + "example": "Penja al Facebook un estat que diu \"comença la temporada de pera llimonera\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Penja", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "comença la temporada de pera llimonera", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8476, + "example": "Truca un Cabify per anar a Vall d'Hebron passat demà de vuit a un quart de nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vall d'Hebron", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "vuit a un quart de nou", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9801, + "example": "Vull saber l'horari de tarda dels trens cap a Sabadell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4888, + "example": "M'interessa saber com està el trànsit per sortir de Vigo avui a la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vigo", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8212, + "example": "Necessito un bitllet de tren de llarga distància que surt cap a Valladolid a dos quarts de sis de la tarda del dia 20.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren de llarga distància", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Valladolid", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "quarts de sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 106 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dia 20", + "Start_char": 111, + "End_char": 117 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8384, + "example": "Encarregar pizza per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9280, + "example": "Necessito que em contis una conya sobre adolescents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "adolescents", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4788, + "example": "Com està el temps a Cornellà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cornellà", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7205, + "example": "Voldria que desactivessis l'app de Caixabank.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Caixabank", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4437, + "example": "Vull saber si fan alguna pel·lícula familiar al Cinema Maldà demà a la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "familiar", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinema Maldà", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4624, + "example": "Pots enumerar-me totes les botigues de queviures que tinc més a prop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues de queviures", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 789, + "example": "Em diries com es diu l'objecte que serveix per protegir les estovalles de les cassoles calentes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "objecte", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "serveix per protegir les estovalles de les cassoles calentes", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11665, + "example": "M'ho pots explicar d'una forma diferent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8747, + "example": "Engega'm el lladre elèctric intel·ligent a la cuina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "lladre elèctric intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7227, + "example": "Vull que apaguis l'app d'Ametller Origen.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Ametller Origen", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10482, + "example": "M'informes sobre si hi ha pel meu voltant alguna fleca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "fleca", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8830, + "example": "Et faria res fer-me saber si demà passat ve la meva germana a dinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4307, + "example": "Em dones l'oratge que fa aquesta setmana a Cadaqués?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cadaqués", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6418, + "example": "La targeta sanitària europea existeix en format digital?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "existeix en format digital", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10015, + "example": "Quantes alarmes hi ha programades pel dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11043, + "example": "Indicacions per anar a casa de la sogra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "sogra", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2183, + "example": "M'activaries l'endoll intel·ligent de l'entrada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "entrada", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 794, + "example": "Com es diu el rèptil queloni que té el tronc tancat dins una closca convexa per dalt i plana per sota i amb la boca en forma de bec corni sense dents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "rèptil queloni", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "tronc tancat dins una closca convexa per dalt i plana per sota i amb la boca en forma de bec corni sense dents", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 149 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8024, + "example": "Em pots fer una llista nova?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3707, + "example": "Digue'm si fa fred a hores d'ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "fred", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "a hores d'ara", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9088, + "example": "M'agradaria connectar la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8989, + "example": "Quan és la trobada de fans dels peixos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "trobada de fans dels peixos", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3662, + "example": "Pots dir-me on s'inventà la pólvora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "on s'inventà", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "pólvora", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6978, + "example": "Veure vídeo que m'agrada molt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "m'agrada molt", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4045, + "example": "Digue'm com està el dòlar australià respecte de la rúpia índia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "rúpia índia", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar australià", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1440, + "example": "I si enforteixes la intensitat de la llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10612, + "example": "Voldria saber com es diu l'espectacle que tindrà lloc divendres al Palau de Congressos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacle", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palau de Congressos", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 822, + "example": "Necessito trobar si tinc cap llistat que es diu \"regals\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "regals", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3712, + "example": "Ara hi ha calamarsa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "Ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "calamarsa", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3072, + "example": "Estaria bé posar reggaeton.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "reggaeton", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6133, + "example": "Quins són els horaris a l'hospital de Sabadell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horaris", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2522, + "example": "M'informes de les novetats que puguis trobar sobre la recerca de la conducta instrumental dels ximpanzés?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la recerca de la conducta instrumental dels ximpanzés", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6436, + "example": "Mostrar què faig si he perdut la Targeta Sanitària Individual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Targeta Sanitària Individual", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "què faig si he perdut", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7034, + "example": "Vull tornar a veure el mateix vídeo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "el mateix", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8619, + "example": "Em pots eliminar de l'agenda l'espectacle medieval a Sant Julià de la setmana que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "espectacle medieval", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Julià", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11545, + "example": "Oi tant que sí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4420, + "example": "Avui a quin cinema de Vallcarca fan \"Reservoir dogs\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vallcarca", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Reservoir dogs", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10264, + "example": "Mostra'm l'hora de Manila.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Manila", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4638, + "example": "Pots dir-me quins establiments es poden trobar a la zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "establiments", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "la zona", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8794, + "example": "S'està reproduint un tema que em desagrada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "S'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6673, + "example": "Fes una reserva al Bona Gent per demà, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Bona Gent", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7537, + "example": "Temperar l'ull de bou que hi ha a les golfes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6496, + "example": "Quin restaurant és més accessible amb cadira de rodes: el Racó d'en Cesc o Mako?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "el Racó d'en Cesc", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Mako", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin restaurant és més accessible amb cadira de rodes", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3796, + "example": "Els panellets de pinyons quins ingredients porten?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "panellets de pinyons", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 304, + "example": "Escoltar el que has dit un altre cop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6845, + "example": "Es pot reservar taula per les dues avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4683, + "example": "M'ha arribat cap missatge de WeChat nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "WeChat", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5182, + "example": "Quins esdeveniments estan apuntats per aquest vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest vespre", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 706, + "example": "Em podries compartir el nom de la segona muntanya més alta de Catalunya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "compartir el nom", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "segona muntanya més alta de Catalunya", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 155, + "example": "Dimarts vinent he d'anar a l'hematòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "hematòleg", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4247, + "example": "Què hi ha de nou a Facebook?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2265, + "example": "Pots remetre un missatge electrònic a la Maria que digui \"estic anant a classes de cuina com em vas recomanar, sincerament m'estic firant molt\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge electrònic", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "estic anant a classes de cuina com em vas recomanar, sincerament m'estic firant molt", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 142 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5790, + "example": "Et demano que truquis a la policia; m'estan perseguint pel carrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "policia", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "m'estan perseguint pel carrer", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10005, + "example": "M'encantaria que em diguessis quines alarmes tinc activades per a la una del migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "la una del migdia", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8965, + "example": "Passa el robot aspirador pel dormitori.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5745, + "example": "Voldria contactar al centre d'esports de la meva zona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre d'esports", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5036, + "example": "Com van les accions de Samsung?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Samsung", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10711, + "example": "Em sabries dir si he d'anar demà al sopar de l'associació de veïns units pel fuet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar de l'associació de veïns units pel fuet", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4963, + "example": "Em pots dir els horaris del tren que arriba a Vilanova i la Geltrú?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5393, + "example": "Com faig per anar a la Rambla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Rambla", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11329, + "example": "Quan em toca anar amb la doctora Sara Albert?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Sara Albert", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4371, + "example": "Em saps dir què és el que fan pel voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel voltant", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9802, + "example": "L'horari del tren d'entre les sis i les deu de la nit que va cap a Cerdanyola del Vallès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cerdanyola del Vallès", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis i les deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6604, + "example": "Cada vuit hores avisa'm que m'he de posar la pomada antifúngica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "Cada vuit hores", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pomada antifúngica", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3106, + "example": "Reprodueix algunes cançonetes del meu àlbum de música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1862, + "example": "De la meva agenda personal em fas desaparèixer l'assaig amb l'orquestra que tinc fins a les catorze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assaig amb l'orquestra", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les catorze", + "Start_char": 88, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7660, + "example": "Pots anotar per dimecres de la pròxima setmana que tinc una trobada amb l'Anna Nebot i la seva mare?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres de la pròxima setmana", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "trobada", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna Nebot", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "la seva mare", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10326, + "example": "Em pots consultar quina cançó està sonant ara per ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina cançó", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant ara per ara", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2570, + "example": "Seria possible fer un cafè sol descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè sol descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7858, + "example": "Posa el llum més fort a l'estudi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9596, + "example": "Hi ha trànsit a hores d'ara per Vic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "a hores d'ara", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 523, + "example": "Em ve de gust jugar una partida del \"FIFA\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "FIFA", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 721, + "example": "El terme murri què significa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "murri", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7791, + "example": "Desactivar aquest llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4841, + "example": "M'ensenyes l'afluència de vehicles per entrar a Palafrugell avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7732, + "example": "M'agradaria anotar a l'agenda que dimarts vaig a Figueres per un congrés.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "congrés", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9479, + "example": "Posa \"Escuchando documentales\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Escuchando documentales", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3420, + "example": "Voldria saber què és una estola.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "estola", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11010, + "example": "El Paracetamol és el de les onze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Paracetamol", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7710, + "example": "Et faria res afegir-me al calendari que el pròxim divendres tinc una assemblea amb la Gina Salichs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "el pròxim divendres", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assemblea", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gina Salichs", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10231, + "example": "Podries mostrar-me la previsió que hi ha del temps actual?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "actual", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5469, + "example": "Envia la direcció d'on estic al meu germà durant dotze hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "l meu germà", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "dotze hores", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11002, + "example": "Cada 12 hores m'he de prendre una pastilla, quina és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "Cada 12 hores", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 174, + "example": "A les cinc de la tarda de dijous tinc visita a l'Hospital de Bellvitge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Bellvitge", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1262, + "example": "Desconnecta els meus endolls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5174, + "example": "El dissabte tinc una barbacoa a Mollet amb les companyes de feina o m'equivoco?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "barbacoa", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Mollet", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "companyes de feina", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9204, + "example": "Preparar un expresso.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "expresso", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2140, + "example": "Connecta el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1552, + "example": "La cançó d'abans, la pots posar en bucle?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "posar en bucle", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5414, + "example": "Fes-me saber com arribo a la Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4613, + "example": "Em saps dir si em pot portar el menjar a casa la rostisseria del barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "rostisseria", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "barri", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "em pot portar el menjar a casa", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9733, + "example": "M'ensenyes a quina hora puc agafar el tren que passa per Sant Andreu Arenal avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Andreu Arenal", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2921, + "example": "Podries crear-me al meu calendari un esdeveniment anomenat \"la quedada a Valls\" que es repeteixi cada any?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "la quedada a Valls", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada any", + "Start_char": 97, + "End_char": 105 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3551, + "example": "Aquesta cançó que està sonant no em fa patxoca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4999, + "example": "Busca els horaris del tren a Vilafranca del Penedès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vilafranca del Penedès", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8873, + "example": "Vull esbrinar si el mes que ve tinc alguna reunió.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9765, + "example": "Vull saber a quina hora surt el tren que porta cap a Barcelona demà passat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6889, + "example": "Em faries una reserva per demà a les nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2684, + "example": "Em podries enumerar quants llistats d'instruccions hi ha guardats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "instruccions", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7022, + "example": "Vull fer marató de \"Porca Misèria\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Porca Misèria", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5806, + "example": "Telefona al 112 perquè algú s'ha desmaiat al carrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "112", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "algú s'ha desmaiat", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2836, + "example": "Puja a Twitter l'última foto mencionant l'atenció al client de Decathlon amb el text \"si col·loqueu així les botes de muntar es ratllen i es fan malbé\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Puja", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "última foto", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de Decathlon", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "si col·loqueu així les botes de muntar es ratllen i es fan malbé", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 150 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3016, + "example": "Em posaries l'episodi que segueix del pòdcast \"The magnus archives\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "The magnus archives", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6323, + "example": "Pots buscar els resultats del partit que va jugar el Sevilla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Sevilla", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8535, + "example": "Truca un taxi per anar a la plaça Joànic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "plaça Joànic", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10377, + "example": "Saber quin tema està sonant ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin tema", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant ara mateix", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4736, + "example": "Podries dir-me si accepten comandes a domicili els del Txapela?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "comandes a domicili", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Txapela", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6518, + "example": "Notifica'm a les nou que em toca prendre els comprimits de la caixa verda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "comprimits de la caixa verda", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10064, + "example": "Digues quines notícies noves de cultura hi ha.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "cultura", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1102, + "example": "A la terrassa, em pots passar l'aspiradora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "terrassa", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8760, + "example": "Activa'm l'endoll de la sala.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10172, + "example": "Digue'm de què s'està parlant al mur de Facebook de la Georgina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Georgina", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7170, + "example": "Com es pot arribar a la Norma Còmics?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Norma Còmics", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4937, + "example": "Mostra'm quins correus electrònics tinc amb la Marta Bosch amb l'assumpte \"Llista de convidats + parelles\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta Bosch", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "Llista de convidats + parelles", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 105 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3963, + "example": "Digues-me com està el dòlar de Surinam en comparació amb el franc suís.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar de Surinam", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "franc suís", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7535, + "example": "Abaixa el llum que hi ha al despatx.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2737, + "example": "Podries xapar la boca durant uns minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minuts", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11498, + "example": "Telefona al meu marit, que m'ha esclatat un got a la mà i està tot ple de sang.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu marit", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "m'ha esclatat un got a la mà", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11181, + "example": "Em pots dir quan toca la coliflor gratinada amb beixamel?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "coliflor gratinada amb beixamel", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8829, + "example": "Digues-me tots els esdeveniments que tingui anotats a l'agenda personal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11895, + "example": "No m'has parat atenció.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1404, + "example": "La música sona massa baixa, pots pujar-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6512, + "example": "Recorda que m'he de prendre la pastilla groga abans d'anar a dormir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla groga", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "abans d'anar a dormir", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11467, + "example": "Desa'm el correu de la Mariona com a marionaccss19@hotmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mariona", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "marionaccss19@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10871, + "example": "El supositori me'l poso a les vuit o no?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "supositori", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7596, + "example": "A la meva llista de la fruiteria vull que incloguis coliflor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "coliflor", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la fruiteria", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10208, + "example": "Escolta, digue'm quin pronòstic hi ha per avui al meu poble.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu poble", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6640, + "example": "Anota, si us plau, que m'has de dir que em prengui la pastilla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8124, + "example": "Bon dia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1624, + "example": "Contesta ràpidament el mail de la Laura.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6147, + "example": "Busca quin és l'horari d'atenció al públic al cinema de Barberà de la Conca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari d'atenció al públic", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barberà de la Conca", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 978, + "example": "Afluixa la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8466, + "example": "Vull anar cap a Vic; pots reservar-me un Lyft que em reculli demà a les set a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6044, + "example": "Fins a quina hora és oberta l'escola?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quina hora és oberta", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8627, + "example": "Un dels esdeveniments d'aquest mes del calendari, esborra'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest mes", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4923, + "example": "Mira'm si hi ha missatge de Whatsapp sobre el viatge a Taipei de part del Xavier.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Xavier", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "el viatge a Taipei", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5408, + "example": "Anar a l'avinguda Barcelona ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "avinguda Barcelona", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1626, + "example": "Ara mateix pots respondre al correu electrònic de la Cristina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Cristina", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11019, + "example": "Recorda'm com vaig a casa de l'Aran.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aran", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3026, + "example": "Del pòdcast \"The sandman\", podries reproduir-nos el següent episodi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "The sandman", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8669, + "example": "Fes desaparèixer l'entrada \"club de lectura\" dels dimecres fins a les dotze del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "club de lectura", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dels dimecres", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5927, + "example": "Quina és la direcció de l'Hospital de Sant Pau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "direcció", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Sant Pau", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7065, + "example": "Vull que tornis a posar \"Com cordar una corbata\" al YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Com cordar una corbata", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11958, + "example": "Res; això no serveix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11730, + "example": "No ve d'aquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6210, + "example": "M'interessa saber com em puc fer un duplicat del Certificat COVID.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com em puc fer un duplicat", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5966, + "example": "Mira'm si fan estudis del son a la Clínica de Ponent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "fan estudis del son", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica de Ponent", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4144, + "example": "Saps dir què tinc planificat pel dia d'avui a les dotze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2560, + "example": "Pots preparar-me un cafè?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8610, + "example": "Eliminar la celebració d'avui a les quinze del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quinze", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1994, + "example": "Eliminar una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10175, + "example": "Què està passant per Twitter amb l'Alberto Garzón?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Alberto Garzón", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4654, + "example": "He rebut algun SMS d'en Sergi Rodríguez ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "SMS", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sergi Rodríguez", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7785, + "example": "Voldria tancar el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 990, + "example": "Redueix-li bastant volum a la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5992, + "example": "Voldria l'adreça de la consulta del doctor Querol a Porqueres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctor Querol", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Porqueres", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça de la consulta", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11070, + "example": "Com feia per anar a casa de l'Aran?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aran", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1058, + "example": "M'engegues l'aspiradora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9736, + "example": "Digues els horaris del tren que arriba a Mataró.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10215, + "example": "Digue'm a quants graus de temperatura estem aquí a la ciutat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "ciutat", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "temperatura", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7212, + "example": "L'aplicació de Salutcat tanca-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Salutcat", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4393, + "example": "Em dius l'hora que és a Kyoto?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Kyoto", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 937, + "example": "Posa més fluixa la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10344, + "example": "Em podries dir què s'està reproduint ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint ara", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4135, + "example": "Em pots indicar la marca de roba preferida del Joan Pera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "la marca de roba preferida", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan Pera", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5920, + "example": "Consulta'm si posen la vacuna de la COVID a l'hospital de la Vall d'Hebron.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "posen la vacuna de la COVID", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital de la Vall d'Hebron", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10669, + "example": "M'agradaria descobrir quines són les exposicions d'art gòtic que hi ha a prop d'aquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "exposicions d'art gòtic", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop d'aquí", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 26, + "example": "Em toca visitar-me al metge el dia 19.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "19", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3565, + "example": "Quina merda de cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5280, + "example": "Em mostres si està actualitzat el meu Carnet de salut?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "està actualitzat", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Carnet de salut", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7559, + "example": "Minvar la intensitat de la làmpada del safareig al mínim possible.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "safareig", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2576, + "example": "Seria possible que ens fessis un cafè americà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè americà", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8286, + "example": "Hi haurà pluja àcida dilluns a la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "pluja àcida", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5866, + "example": "Truca al Servei d'Emergències per alertar d'un accident.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Servei d'Emergències", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "un accident", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3695, + "example": "Em dius si hi ha tempesta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "tempesta", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4230, + "example": "Què és tendència a Facebook?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10251, + "example": "Digue'm si fa bo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "fa bo", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2620, + "example": "Per què no penges les fotos amb la meva cosina a l'estat de Facebook?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "penges", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "fotos amb la meva cosina", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9860, + "example": "Barcelona és la ciutat amb el PIB anual més alt de Catalunya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "és la ciutat amb el PIB anual més alt de Catalunya", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 690, + "example": "Em mostres si he d'anar al mecànic dissabte o no?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al mecànic", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11027, + "example": "Vull anar a casa del meu veí Pau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu veí Pau", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1279, + "example": "Desconnectaries els endolls intel·ligents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1363, + "example": "Puc escoltar la cançó més forta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7073, + "example": "Tornes a posar la pel·lícula \"Alcarràs\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Alcarràs", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8148, + "example": "Em reserves un bitllet pel tren que va des d'Ascó cap a Olot?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ascó", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Olot", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10046, + "example": "M'expliques les últimes notícies de futbol d'\"Onda Cero\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "futbol", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Onda Cero", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4804, + "example": "He de portar la roba d'abrigar demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "He de portar la roba d'abrigar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11207, + "example": "Avui tocava menjar peix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "peix", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6276, + "example": "El partit del Barça, pots consultar com va anar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Barça", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3658, + "example": "M'ho he passat molt bé a la festa d'aniversari de la Ramona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2399, + "example": "Pots obtenir un tiquet de tren avui a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4079, + "example": "Quina informació tinc dins del contacte de la Maria Lloberes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria Lloberes", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8164, + "example": "Voldria obtenir un bitllet d'AVE que surt de Madrid a les sis i tretze minuts del diumenge per anar a Tarragona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "AVE", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Madrid", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis i tretze minuts", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 102, + "End_char": 111 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11060, + "example": "Indicacions per anar caminant a la casa de l'Andreu Guasch.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Andreu Guasch", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "caminant", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5735, + "example": "Vull que facis una trucada al centre esportiu del poble.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "poble", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre esportiu", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1829, + "example": "Podries suprimir de l'agenda el partit de futbol amb la colla dels dijous al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partit de futbol", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la colla", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 799, + "example": "Quin és el significat d'ungüentari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "ungüentari", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9379, + "example": "Escoltar algunes cançonetes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3391, + "example": "Busca com es defineix el concepte d'embut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "embut", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3534, + "example": "Això que sona és horrorós.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Això que sona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4892, + "example": "Digue'm com està el trànsit per entrar a Viladecans.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Viladecans", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5890, + "example": "Hi ha urgències pediàtriques al Joan XXIII?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "urgències pediàtriques", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Joan XXIII", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2437, + "example": "Trucaries a un taxi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11875, + "example": "No és així.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7418, + "example": "Voldria enviar un correu electrònic adreçat al meu nebot Humbert que digui \"avui aniré a buscar-te jo a l'entrenament de futbol\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "avui aniré a buscar-te jo a l'entrenament de futbol", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 127 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu nebot Humbert", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4130, + "example": "Em podries mostrar la sèrie preferida del Kilian Jornet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "la sèrie preferida", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Kilian Jornet", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8067, + "example": "Salutacions.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8036, + "example": "Ajuda'm a fer un llistat nou que s'anomena \"còmics\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "còmics", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7903, + "example": "Canviar el color del llum pel color blau cel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "blau cel", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 298, + "example": "Algun ferrocarril arriba a Poble Sec?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Poble Sec", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4253, + "example": "Què s'està discutint a Snapchat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Snapchat", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11368, + "example": "Quan em toca visitar-me amb el neuròleg de l'Hospital de Bellvitge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "neuròleg", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Bellvitge", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8952, + "example": "Fer córrer el robot aspirador per aspirar les golfes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3363, + "example": "Recorda'm que he de beure aigua cada dues hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "beure aigua", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dues hores", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1634, + "example": "El missatge per correu electrònic que em va enviar l'Èlia fa un parell de dies, el podries contestar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge per correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Èlia", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "fa un parell de dies", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2095, + "example": "Necessito engegar el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2022, + "example": "A ObviousEat podries demanar una hamburguesa perquè la portin a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "ObviousEat", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "hamburguesa", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10122, + "example": "Em pots dir què s'inclou en el llistat \"novel·les per llegir\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "novel·les per llegir", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9734, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis a quina hora surt el tren cap a Santa Susanna demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Santa Susanna", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3372, + "example": "Per aquesta tarda m'avises de l'esdeveniment \"revisió de la moto\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "revisió de la moto", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11427, + "example": "Desa eevee@gmail.com com el correu de la Núria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "eevee@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Núria", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 158, + "example": "El dilluns a les nou del matí tinc hora amb la doctora Rosselló.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Rosselló", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5316, + "example": "Com accedeixo als meus informes clínics?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "informes clínics", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com accedeixo", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7748, + "example": "Voldria que apaguessis el meu endoll intel·ligent de l'estudi ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7466, + "example": "De quins components està fet el fricandó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fricandó", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2189, + "example": "Ens podries posar en funcionament l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9950, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis quantes alarmes tinc actives.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8043, + "example": "Hola, bona nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7461, + "example": "Recepta fàcil per fer romesco.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "romesco", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8507, + "example": "Pots cridar-me un Cabify per sortir a les sis en punt cap a Lleida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis en punt", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11476, + "example": "Vull que guardis rodolinrodolan@gmail.com com l'adreça de correu electrònic d'en Joanic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joanic", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 87 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "rodolinrodolan@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7772, + "example": "Em pots desactivar els leds?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8801, + "example": "No tornis a reproduir aquesta cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3573, + "example": "M'encanta el rap en català.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rap en català", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3885, + "example": "Calcula el resultat de tres per vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "tres per vuit", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5619, + "example": "M'agradaria fer un truc al meu xurri.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu xurri", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6844, + "example": "Vull que em reservis una taula per sopar amb el Guillem.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9034, + "example": "Posa'm a l'agenda que avui he quedat amb l'Aina a la cafeteria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedat", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aina", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "cafeteria", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4402, + "example": "Em dius a quina hora estan a Iekaterinburg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Iekaterinburg", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3473, + "example": "Conta'ns un acudit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4726, + "example": "És possible trucar per fer una comanda a domicili del meu gelat favorit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "gelat", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "comanda a domicili", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5394, + "example": "Voldria veure què he de fer per anar fins al centre cívic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre cívic", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10170, + "example": "Estaria bé trobar de què s'està parlant a les xarxes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 776, + "example": "Indica'm el nom de l'aparell que serveix per obrir les nous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "aparell", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "serveix per obrir les nous", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7686, + "example": "Apunta'm al calendari reunió a Santa Coloma amb la Montserrat dilluns vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Santa Coloma", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Montserrat", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns vinent", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5582, + "example": "Fes un truc al Patrick.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Patrick", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5691, + "example": "M'agradaria que truquessis a l'Hospital de la Vall d'Hebron.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de la Vall d'Hebron", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11317, + "example": "Quan he d'anar al Taulí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Taulí", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5697, + "example": "Fer un truc al meu infermer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "infermer", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1707, + "example": "Si a UTC 0 són les sis, quina hora és a GMT -4?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "UTC 0", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "GMT -4", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2763, + "example": "Podries simplement no dir res durant una estoneta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estoneta", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3734, + "example": "És veritat que hi haurà pluja demà passat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "pluja", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3775, + "example": "Tinc una visita el dilluns al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visita", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7367, + "example": "Guarda a l'agenda de contactes el correu nil.agusti@yahoo.es.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "nil.agusti@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7907, + "example": "Modifica el color de la llum al roig.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "roig", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8820, + "example": "Quina cançó més guai.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1462, + "example": "Al menjador, em podries enfortir la potència dels leds?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11987, + "example": "Podries reproduir-me del pòdcast \"Todopoderosos\" el següent episodi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Todopoderosos", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11343, + "example": "M'agradaria que em confirmessis quan tinc cita a l'Hospital Sant Jaume d'Olot amb la doctora Serra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Sant Jaume d'Olot", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Serra", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2595, + "example": "Puc prendre un cafè llarg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè llarg", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4548, + "example": "Mostra'm en quin cinema faran \"Soul\" dimarts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Soul", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1663, + "example": "Pots dir quina hora és a GMT -9 si al fus horari dels Estats Units/Hawaii són les quatre de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "GMT -9", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units/Hawaii", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la matinada", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10791, + "example": "Saps si hi ha correus electrònics que hagi rebut en els últims minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "els últims minuts", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1314, + "example": "Els meus endolls intel·ligents, podries desactivar-los?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1995, + "example": "Em podries esborrar aquesta llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3724, + "example": "El dilluns hi haurà precipitacions?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "precipitacions", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11399, + "example": "La visita de l'anestesista, quan és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "anestesista", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11963, + "example": "M'agradaria escoltar indie pop en alguna emissora de ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_descriptor", + "Text": "indie pop", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 820, + "example": "Em pots dir quin nombre total de llistes de la compra hi ha?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "compra", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5748, + "example": "Telefonar a l'Ajuntament dels Garidells.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Garidells", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1256, + "example": "Necessito temperar el led de les golfes al mínim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6385, + "example": "Quins són els beneficis de tenir la targeta Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quins són els beneficis", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1664, + "example": "Saps quina hora és al fus horari d'Amèrica/El Salvador si al fus horari de Pacífic/Honolulu són les dues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/El Salvador", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Pacífic/Honolulu", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 96, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5287, + "example": "Necessito saber per a què serveix el Carnet de salut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "per a què serveix", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Carnet de salut", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4440, + "example": "Mostra'm on faran \"Alcarràs\" el dijous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Alcarràs", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9993, + "example": "Digues-me quines alarmes tinc posades per demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11484, + "example": "Necessito que truquis als bombers, que s'ha incendiat casa meva.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "s'ha incendiat casa meva", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1365, + "example": "Vull augmentar la potència de la música una miqueta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3038, + "example": "Al soterrani pots punxar música de Nirvana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "soterrani", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Nirvana", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10486, + "example": "Sabries dir-me quins establiments de la Torrassa són aptes per a fumadors?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Torrassa", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "aptes per a fumadors", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5911, + "example": "Necessito el telèfon de l'Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Sant Joan de Déu", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1465, + "example": "Et faria res posar la llum més forta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3381, + "example": "Vaig al gimnàs a dos quarts menys cinc de tres els dimarts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "gimnàs", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts menys cinc de tres", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "els dimarts", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6094, + "example": "Mostra'm l'adreça de la funerària de Terrassa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "funerària", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10022, + "example": "M'interessaria saber les notícies d'ahir sobre el coronavirus que apareguin al \"Diari del Baix Empordà\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "el coronavirus", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Diari del Baix Empordà", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3596, + "example": "M'encanta escoltar cançons de hip-hop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "hip-hop", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11375, + "example": "A quina hora tinc cita amb el doctor Giró?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Giró", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8002, + "example": "Necessito atenuar l'àudio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9780, + "example": "Saber l'hora en què surt el tren que va fins a Mollerussa demà passat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Mollerussa", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7289, + "example": "Pots afegir una adreça de correu electrònic al meu pare?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu pare", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3750, + "example": "Em mostres si demà passat a les sis al migdia farà boira?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "boira", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis al migdia", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7643, + "example": "Vull afegir sabates d'esport a una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "sabates d'esport", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4291, + "example": "Aquesta setmana farà sol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "Aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "sol", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7425, + "example": "Enviar a la meva xicota un email que es digui \"sort amb l'examen\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva xicota", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "sort amb l'examen", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10257, + "example": "Mostra'm, si us plau, quin temps fa en aquests moments a Cervià de les Garrigues.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquests moments", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cervià de les Garrigues", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2944, + "example": "Programa una celebració al gener a la fleca amb l'Adrià.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "gener", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fleca", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Adrià", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3328, + "example": "Podríem escoltar al pati \"La vigília\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "pati", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "La vigília", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1689, + "example": "Sabries dir-me quina hora és a la franja horària del Canadà Montana quan a la de Honolulu són les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "franja horària del Canadà Montana", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la de Honolulu", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 89 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1870, + "example": "Em pots esborrar del calendari l'espectacle d'aquesta tarda amb l'Aniol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "espectacle", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aniol", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8093, + "example": "Informa'm d'alguna anècdota teva o algo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8871, + "example": "Quines conferències amb la Joana tinc per la setmana que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferències", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2091, + "example": "Els ulls de bou, es podrien connectar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3397, + "example": "Què vol dir el mot faristol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "faristol", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5363, + "example": "Com ho faig si vull anar a la Sagrada Família?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sagrada Família", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8782, + "example": "Desa que aquesta cançó que sona és terrible.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6358, + "example": "Saps dir-me què puc fer amb la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "què puc fer", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 279, + "example": "Podries buscar-me els trens que van de Barcelona a Montserrat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Montserrat", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 505, + "example": "Ho has fet de conya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2537, + "example": "Em podries mantenir informat sobre la situació del lloguer a Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la situació del lloguer a Barcelona", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3088, + "example": "Em punxes una cançó de punk?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "punk", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4178, + "example": "Vull saber com es fa l'escalivada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "escalivada", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 294, + "example": "Avui quants autobusos van des de Sitges fins a Badalona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobusos", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7354, + "example": "Afegeix al contacte de papa el correu papapapito12@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "papa", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "papapapito12@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8675, + "example": "Treu-me un dels ítems del llistat cafeteries de Banyoles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "cafeteries de Banyoles", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "un dels ítems", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8305, + "example": "Oi que l'11 de setembre farà bon temps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "11 de setembre", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "bon temps", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4368, + "example": "Em pots ensenyar quin dia es farà el \"Festival Terrer Priorat\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Festival Terrer Priorat", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4777, + "example": "Saps si nevarà a Ascó a les sis de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "nevarà", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ascó", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5509, + "example": "Fes-me el favor de trucar ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8908, + "example": "Busca'm el telèfon mòbil de la meva germana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon mòbil", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8773, + "example": "Ni se t'acudeixi tornar a posar aquest tema que estaven posant un altre cop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estaven posant", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 548, + "example": "Fem partida al \"Splatoon 3\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Splatoon 3", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9623, + "example": "De la tieta tinc cap correu d'ahir sobre el dinar familiar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "tieta", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "dinar familiar", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6629, + "example": "Posa un avís cada hora per prendre la meva medicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3324, + "example": "Puc sentir l'audiollibre \"Mirall trencat\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Mirall trencat", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10050, + "example": "Mostra'm si us plau les noves notícies sobre famosos que hi hagi a \"Catalunya Informació\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "famosos", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Catalunya Informació", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3703, + "example": "Hi ha pluja àcida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "pluja àcida", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11038, + "example": "Explica'm com ho faig per anar a casa de la Berta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Berta", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11743, + "example": "I a mi què?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11250, + "example": "Necessitaria saber si el rodó porta fruits secs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "rodó", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "fruits secs", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11243, + "example": "Em pots dir si demà menjarem espaguetis amb salsa de pesto?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "espaguetis amb salsa de pesto", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4709, + "example": "Tinc correus electrònics que hagin entrat avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6855, + "example": "Estaria bé que fessis una reserva d'una taula per a set persones a un restaurant gallec per dinar a les dues.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "set", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "gallec", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 87 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 92, + "End_char": 97 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 100, + "End_char": 108 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2028, + "example": "Encomana pa de pessic al Miramar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pa de pessic", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Miramar", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8877, + "example": "Diga'm si els pròxims mesos tindré més reunions amb la Vanessa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "pròxims mesos", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunions", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Vanessa", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8893, + "example": "Busca'm la direcció d'email de la Paula.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "direcció d'email", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Paula", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 849, + "example": "Ens pots dir què ha passat segons \"El Economista\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "El Economista", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6588, + "example": "Apunta que m'he de prendre la Couldina en sis hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Couldina", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en sis hores", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5076, + "example": "Com està el valor en borsa de l'empresa Shopify?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Shopify", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11094, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis el clima d'aquest matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10524, + "example": "Quins supermercats hi ha per aquí amb pàrquing?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "supermercats", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "amb pàrquing", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8033, + "example": "Necessito que facis una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10096, + "example": "Vull saber les últimes notícies sobre els perills del Botox.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "els perills del Botox", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7143, + "example": "M'ensenyes el trajecte per arribar a la botiga de roba del centre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "botiga de roba", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "centre", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 760, + "example": "Mostra'm com es diu el corrent de pensament que considera que l'única manera vertadera de conèixer la realitat és per mitjà de la raó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "corrent de pensament", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "considera que l'única manera vertadera de conèixer la realitat és per mitjà de la raó", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 133 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5526, + "example": "Podries fer una trucada a la tieta Eulàlia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "tieta Eulàlia", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10854, + "example": "Quin serà l'argument del pròxim joc d'en Hideo Kojima?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7449, + "example": "Em busques si us plau la recepta de l'arròs a la bruta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs a la bruta", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5655, + "example": "Busca el telèfon de l'Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol i fes una trucada, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11, + "example": "Guarda al calendari que el dia 13 tinc la visita del metge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "13", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10293, + "example": "L'hora a Salou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3802, + "example": "Què porta la balandra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "balandra", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10733, + "example": "Realment tinc programada una conferència de formalisme rus el dissabte a les cinc de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferència de formalisme rus", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6058, + "example": "Vull saber on es troba l'escola Pablo Picasso.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "on es troba", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola Pablo Picasso", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4084, + "example": "Em podries ensenyar l'adreça de correu electrònic del meu net?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça de correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu net", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7752, + "example": "Necessito apagar l'endoll intel·ligent de l'estudi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6437, + "example": "Tinc guardada la TSI?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSI", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Tinc guardada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2922, + "example": "M'enregistraries al meu calendari personal que cada dissabte tinc sessió de làser.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dissabte", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sessió de làser", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6208, + "example": "Em podries donar la informació que necessito per treure'm el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "treure'm", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5423, + "example": "Vull indicacions per arribar al passeig de Gràcia dos-cents cinquanta-sis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "passeig de Gràcia dos-cents cinquanta-sis", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1205, + "example": "Et faria res suprimir de la meva agenda personal la classe d'alemany a la EOI La Pau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe d'alemany", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "EOI La Pau", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 396, + "example": "En quin equip juga el Ricky Rubio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "En quin equip juga", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ricky Rubio", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9153, + "example": "Vull que em posis alguna cosa a l'estat de Whatsapp.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "posis", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9603, + "example": "Necessito saber el missatge que acaba d'arribar sobre el viatge a Taipei enviat per la Joaquima.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "viatge a Taipei", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joaquima", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "acaba d'arribar", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2398, + "example": "Em reserves un lloc al tren que va de Girona a Marsella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Marsella", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2539, + "example": "Pots mantenir-me informat de la gira de la banda Lordi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la gira de la banda Lordi", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10216, + "example": "Em pots dir quin temps tenim en aquest moment aquí a la meva ciutat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva ciutat", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2348, + "example": "Em reserves un lloc al tren cap a Blanes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Blanes", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7303, + "example": "L'email d'en Marc és aquest.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4463, + "example": "El diumenge tindran al cinema la pel·lícula \"Poker face\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Poker face", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8490, + "example": "Truca'm un Uber per a tres quarts de nou perquè em porti a Plaça Catalunya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Plaça Catalunya", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11765, + "example": "No hi fa res.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3457, + "example": "Conta'm alguna cosa divertida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 53, + "example": "Visita amb el podòleg, apunta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "podòleg", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11076, + "example": "Divendres tenim sopa per dinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sopa", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Divendres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7363, + "example": "M'agradaria que em guardessis a l'agenda que mateudelamuntaya@gmail.com és l'adreça electrònica de mon padrí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon padrí", + "Start_char": 99, + "End_char": 108 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "mateudelamuntaya@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1466, + "example": "M'intensifiques la llum de l'estudi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 888, + "example": "Vull veure les últimes notícies referents a tempestes solars.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "tempestes solars", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6957, + "example": "Envia la meva localització a l'Èric durant una hora i mitja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Èric", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "una hora i mitja", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 230, + "example": "Quan els sortirà pèl a les granotes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2101, + "example": "Voldria encendre el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3714, + "example": "A hores d'ara, hi ha núvols?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "núvols", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "A hores d'ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11690, + "example": "No ho acabo de pillar, què vols dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1789, + "example": "Carrega't Edicions Periscopi del llistat d'editorials preferides.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Edicions Periscopi", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat d'editorials preferides", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6899, + "example": "Podries reservar-nos una taula el dijous per a 4 persones?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "4", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2866, + "example": "Configurar-me una alerta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5557, + "example": "Voldria trucar al meu pare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu pare", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3347, + "example": "Podries seguir amb la reproducció de \"La noia del vestit blau\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "La noia del vestit blau", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9913, + "example": "Juga a jocs de taula el Marc Giró?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Juga a jocs de taula", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marc Giró", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2977, + "example": "El pòdcast \"Berícid sulfúric\" és dels meus preferits; posa-me'l?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Berícid sulfúric", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8555, + "example": "Haig de viatjar a Olesa de Montserrat aquesta nit; podries cridar un Free Now a Gaià?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Olesa de Montserrat", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Free Now", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gaià", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5473, + "example": "Comunica a l'Aina on em trobo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aina", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2663, + "example": "Comparteix amb els meus amics de Facebook l'estat de \"vaig a Nova York al maig\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Comparteix", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "els meus amics", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "vaig a Nova York al maig", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10546, + "example": "M'agradaria saber, al meu barri, quines rostisseries tenen rampa per cadira de rodes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu barri", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "rostisseries", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "tenen rampa per cadira de rodes", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6573, + "example": "Em toca posar-me la pomada antifúngica a les onze de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pomada antifúngica", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze de la nit", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8779, + "example": "Aquesta cançó que està sonant m'agrada molt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5838, + "example": "Truca un metge; algú s'ha desmaiat al carrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "algú s'ha desmaiat", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3524, + "example": "Detesto moltíssim el que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1636, + "example": "Em pots contestar a l'email del Joan?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 931, + "example": "La música està massa alta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3997, + "example": "Com està el peso argentí respecte del dòlar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dòlar", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "peso argentí", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 637, + "example": "Per visitar Miravet demà a la tarda, quin transport haig d'agafar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Miravet", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "transport", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7849, + "example": "Posa la llum de la cuina més forta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5486, + "example": "Comparteix amb el meu cosí la meva ubicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu cosí", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3401, + "example": "M'expliques que vol dir bassinejar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "bassinejar", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3210, + "example": "Em ve de gust sentir \"Invencibles\" dels Catarres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Invencibles", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Catarres", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1637, + "example": "Et faria res contestar l'e-mail que em va enviar el Martí diumenge al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3949, + "example": "Com es fa l'arrel quadrada de vuit-cents vint-i-quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "arrel quadrada de vuit-cents vint-i-quatre", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2739, + "example": "T'importaria no parlar una micona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una micona", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3783, + "example": "Digue'm què puc preparar amb xai.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "xai", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11790, + "example": "Vull que frenis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3530, + "example": "La cançó aquesta no m'agrada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10950, + "example": "Em recordes quin era el medicament que m'havia de prendre a les vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6699, + "example": "Necessito que guardis taula per a 4.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "4", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6162, + "example": "Esbrina'm quina és la direcció de l'escola Pia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "direcció", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola Pia", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8394, + "example": "Podries demanar per Comandesja una pizza de burrata i pesto i un risotto de bolets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Comandesja", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza de burrata i pesto", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "risotto de bolets", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7149, + "example": "Ensenya'm el camí més curt per arribar a la biblioteca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4834, + "example": "Em mostres l'estat del trànsit per entrar a Palafrugell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10679, + "example": "Mostra'm on faran aquesta setmana l'exposició titulada \"Cervells\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Cervells", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8980, + "example": "Quan tinc apuntat \"partida al Mario party\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partida al Mario party", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1911, + "example": "Eliminaries l'alerta que vaig posar per cada dissabte a les onze del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dissabte", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7621, + "example": "Afegir un ítem a la llista que tinc de Crunchyroll.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "Crunchyroll", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 237, + "example": "Quin estil de cabell m'afavoriria més?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2483, + "example": "Necessito planificar una reunió a Balaguer amb la meva germana l'any vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Balague", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "any vinent", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6585, + "example": "Avisa'm que a les sis m'he de punxar la insulina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "insulina", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5881, + "example": "I si em dones el telèfon del Centre Mèdic Alomar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Centre Mèdic Alomar", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6920, + "example": "Compartir la meva ubicació amb el meu company de feina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu company de feina", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1828, + "example": "M'elimines de l'agenda personal la classe de contemporani del pròxim dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de contemporani", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim dilluns", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10420, + "example": "Vull que llegeixis els títols de les cançons que m'agraden de Txarango", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Txarango", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "títols de les cançons que m'agraden", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9867, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis qui és el president del Canadà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "qui és el president", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Canadà", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6751, + "example": "Voldria reservar una taula per a sis persones a La Trocadero.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "La Trocadero", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7326, + "example": "Guarda la nova adreça de Blanca companya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Blanca companya", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10596, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis on fan l'exposició d'Enric Majoral demà passat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "exposició d'Enric Majoral", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4837, + "example": "Digues com va el trànsit a Vilanova i la Geltrú ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9087, + "example": "Connecta la ràdio en aquest moment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7530, + "example": "Necessito minvar el llum de led de la bodega al mínim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bodega", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8608, + "example": "Em suprimiries del calendari la cita amb el perruquer del gos de demà a les dues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita amb el perruquer del gos", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2652, + "example": "Podries piular a Twitter \"m'arrencaria els ulls abans de tornar a una reunió de veïns\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piular", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "m'arrencaria els ulls abans de tornar a una reunió de veïns", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2153, + "example": "Vull obrir el llum de la cambra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cambra", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5252, + "example": "Com esbrinar quina és la propera cita amb el dermatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dermatòleg", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10758, + "example": "Em sabries dir si m'ha arribat algun missatge de Telegram nou de l'Àrtemis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Àrtemis", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Telegram", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3283, + "example": "Ens podries reproduir l'audiollibre \"Haru\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Haru", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1432, + "example": "Maximitzes la llum a la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3969, + "example": "A quants pesos mexicans equivalen tres pesos argentins?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "tres pesos argentins", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "pesos mexicans", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8640, + "example": "Esborra la quedada al zoo amb la Marta dijous a les nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedada al zoo", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6399, + "example": "Quines cobertures proporciona la targeta sanitària europea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quines cobertures proporciona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9419, + "example": "Posa'm música punk.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "punk", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 865, + "example": "Els d'\"Informativos Telecinco\" què han dit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Informativos Telecinco", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11500, + "example": "He tingut un accident de tràfic; truca a la meva germana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "He tingut un accident de tràfic", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2304, + "example": "Ens pots fer arribar un missatge de correu electrònic a somnidunanitqualsevol@hotmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "somnidunanitqualsevol@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7417, + "example": "Vull que enviïs un correu electrònic al meu tiet dient \"ens passarem a fer un cafè el dilluns el Ricard i jo\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "ens passarem a fer un cafè el dilluns el Ricard i jo", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 108 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu tiet", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1592, + "example": "Modifica el color de la llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 662, + "example": "Necessito que em mostris a quina hora és la junta que tinc planificada a Sant Celoni.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Celoni", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10839, + "example": "Com seran les cases del futur?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9081, + "example": "Estaria bé connectar la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2819, + "example": "Pots fer una piulada a l'atenció al client de Spotify dient que \"em continuen sortint anuncis tot i haver pagat el servei prèmium\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "fer una piulada", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de Spotify", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "em continuen sortint anuncis tot i haver pagat el servei prèmium", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 129 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3404, + "example": "Voldria conèixer el terme bonegar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "bonegar", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1142, + "example": "Afegir-me a la meva agenda que dimecres a la tarda tinc una reunió amb la meva cap.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "tarda", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva cap", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11534, + "example": "A casa meva hi ha foc; truca als meus veïns.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "A casa meva hi ha foc", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "als meus veïns", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11407, + "example": "Voldria saber quin dia tinc hora amb el dermatòleg del CAP.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dermatòleg", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2927, + "example": "Apunta'm al calendari que cada dimecres vaig a comprar al Mercadona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dimecres", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "comprar al Mercadona", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10074, + "example": "Buscar les notícies d'ara mateix sobre noms de nen i nena a Catalunya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "noms de nen i nena a Catalunya", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5056, + "example": "El valor en borsa de Nokia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Nokia", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10896, + "example": "Quina pastilla m'he de prendre a les vuit del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8753, + "example": "Vull posar en funcionament l'endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7437, + "example": "Vull enviar un correu a la meva germana que tingui per títol \"vacances\" i posi \"estem planejant les vacances en família, ja ens diràs què et sembla el que tenim de moment\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "vacances", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "estem planejant les vacances en família, ja ens diràs què et sembla el que tenim de moment", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 170 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10063, + "example": "Digues les novetats d'avenços tecnològics.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "avenços tecnològics", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1409, + "example": "Podria escoltar la música més alta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5006, + "example": "Em pots dir els horaris del tren fins a Terrassa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7893, + "example": "Fes que les llums estiguin blaves.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "blaves", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8681, + "example": "Elimina les pastanagues de la llista de la compra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "pastanagues", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8569, + "example": "Vull un Blacklane per a tres quarts de sis del matí que em porti a Vic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Blacklane", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de sis del matí", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1876, + "example": "La dansa persa amb la Laia la pots eliminar del calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "dansa persa", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2807, + "example": "Fes una piulada al servei d'atenció al client d'Endesa perquè \"han vingut a mirar el comptador de la llum i el noi ni tan sols portava identificació\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Fes una piulada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al client d'Endesa", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "han vingut a mirar el comptador de la llum i el noi ni tan sols portava identificació", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 148 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3847, + "example": "Què podria preparar amb un parell de calamars?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "calamars", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7913, + "example": "Canvia el color del llum al fúcsia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "fúcsia", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7405, + "example": "Em contestes al correu de la meva supervisora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva supervisora", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3396, + "example": "Et fa res buscar la definició d'enciclopèdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "enciclopèdia", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3308, + "example": "Et faria res seguir a les golfes amb l'audiollibre \"Paraula de jueu\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Paraula de jueu", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8211, + "example": "Compra un seient al ferrocarril a les dues en punt de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues en punt de la tarda", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1250, + "example": "Podries tancar el llum de la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5971, + "example": "Digue'm on és la consulta de la doctora Prats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctora Prats", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "on és la consulta", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8246, + "example": "M'agradaria agafar el ferrocarril que surt a les nou del matí de Sabadell aquest divendres per anar a Sarrià.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest divendres", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sarrià", + "Start_char": 102, + "End_char": 108 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2223, + "example": "Enviar un correu electrònic a la meva mare que digui que \"les recuperacions han estat una victòria\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "les recuperacions han estat una victòria", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5449, + "example": "Indica a la meva dona quina és la meva ubicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva dona", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1151, + "example": "Haig d'anar al Zoo; m'ho pots anotar al meu calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al Zoo", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2726, + "example": "Podries fer muts i a la gàbia una estoneta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estoneta", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5889, + "example": "Voldria consultar si es fan ressonàncies a l'hospital Monegal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "fan ressonàncies", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital Monegal", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11908, + "example": "No és això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1476, + "example": "Podries posar en pausa el reproductor musical?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "posar en pausa", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11980, + "example": "Ens reprodueixes R&B a la terrassa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "R&B", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "terrassa", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2384, + "example": "Vull tenir un bitllet d'AVE per anar de Madrid a Tarragona per Sant Ponç.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "AVE", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Madrid", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Sant Ponç", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9653, + "example": "Em pots dir com va la samfaina que hem encarregat per emportar al restaurant El Meu Poble?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "samfaina", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "El Meu Poble", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1206, + "example": "Afegir al meu calendari que tinc un ple el pròxim divendres a Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "ple", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim divendres", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5699, + "example": "Podries fer un truc al consultori local de guàrdia de Tremp.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "consultori local de guàrdia de Tremp", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10320, + "example": "Pots indicar-me l'hora que és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8307, + "example": "Vull que em confirmis si el 12 d'octubre farà mal temps.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "12 d'octubre", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "mal temps", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2040, + "example": "Voldria demanar kebab a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "kebab", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10298, + "example": "Em podries dir l'hora que és a Montevideo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montevideo", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5437, + "example": "Envia la meva ubicació al meu germà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu germà", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4750, + "example": "Saps si al Pocasolta fan menjar per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Pocasolta", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fan menjar per emportar", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1272, + "example": "M'agradaria que apaguessis els endolls intel·ligents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5129, + "example": "D'això que s'està reproduint, me'n podries dir el compositor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "compositor", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 785, + "example": "Què significa la paraula desavinença?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "desavinença", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5247, + "example": "Podries explicar-me què de fer per demanar l'informe de dependència energètica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "dependència energètica", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "què de fer per demanar", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 68, + "example": "Visita al CAP a les dotze trenta, apunta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze trenta", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 114, + "example": "Tinc hora amb el psicòleg avui a les sis de la tarda: anota-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "psicòleg", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2296, + "example": "M'envies un correu a l'adreça dracsigripaus@gmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "dracsigripaus@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8136, + "example": "Compra'm un seient al tren de Rodalies que surt de Sils a les quatre i trenta-quatre minuts de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren de Rodalies", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sils", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre i trenta-quatre minuts de la tarda", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10232, + "example": "Digue'm el temps que fa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1817, + "example": "L'entrada del mes que ve amb la padrina treu-la del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la padrina", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5743, + "example": "Necessito que truquis a l'Ajuntament de Martorell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Martorell", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2404, + "example": "Truca un Cabify.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9440, + "example": "Pots iniciar-me \"Truco o trato\" al rebedor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Truco o trato", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebedor", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8411, + "example": "Demana'm tres menús dürüm amb JustEat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "menús dürüm", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "JustEat", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10303, + "example": "Ens podries indicar quina hora és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8389, + "example": "Podria ser que em portessin a casa una magdalena de nabius i un cafè amb llet de la Desayunería?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "magdalena de nabius", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "cafè amb llet", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Desayunería", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8898, + "example": "Veure la informació de contacte de la meva sogra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva sogra", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8671, + "example": "Carrega't un ítem del llistat de sèries per veure.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de sèries per veure", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11155, + "example": "Mostra'm el menú que tinc assignat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10718, + "example": "Saps si he d'anar al Liceu avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al Liceu", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6474, + "example": "En quin hotel tenen el millor bufet d'esmorzar: a l'hotel Vela o a l'Arts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vela", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Arts", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "En quin hotel tenen el millor bufet d'esmorzar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1249, + "example": "Podries apagar els llums de la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1877, + "example": "De l'agenda em cancel·laries la reunió de personal de les dues del migdia que hi ha anotada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió de personal", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues del migdia", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10223, + "example": "A Sant Cugat saps si cauran pedres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Cugat", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "cauran pedres", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 582, + "example": "Voldria fer una partideta al \"Sims lite\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Sims lite", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1839, + "example": "Podries carregar-te aquesta celebració amb l'Esther del calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Esther", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9883, + "example": "Em mostres quant és dos més deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "dos més deu", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9563, + "example": "Vull conèixer alguna recepta d'olivada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "olivada", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 553, + "example": "Posar una partida del \"Crossy road\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Crossy road", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9561, + "example": "Quina és la recepta de l'arròs negre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs negre", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9095, + "example": "Pots sintonitzar l'emissora \"Flaixbac\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Flaixbac", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10910, + "example": "Pastilla vermella, quantes prenc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Pastilla vermella", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3438, + "example": "Quin és el significat del terme capçana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "capçana", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5541, + "example": "A l'Estel, desitjaria que li telefonessis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Estel", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4821, + "example": "Em mostres si serà necessari que agafi l'abric més tard?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "necessari que agafi l'abric", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "més tard", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1854, + "example": "Em pots treure del meu calendari la visita al zoo amb la Sílvia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "la visita al zoo", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6383, + "example": "Un cop demanada la targeta Braille, l'envieu a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "l'envieu a casa", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7462, + "example": "Vull aprendre com es prepara un bon escabetx.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "escabetx", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5880, + "example": "Quins serveis ofereixen al Centre Mèdic Rambla Nova?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Centre Mèdic Rambla Nova", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1349, + "example": "Mira, el volum està baixíssim; apuja'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11196, + "example": "La sopa bullabessa del sopar porta musclos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sopa bullabessa", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "musclos", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9528, + "example": "Reproduir la meva col·lecció de música \"preparant-me pel Primavera Sound\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "preparant-me pel Primavera Sound", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5399, + "example": "Si us plau, mostra'm el trajecte en bici per arribar al Port.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bici", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Port", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10246, + "example": "Quin temps fa a Lloret de Mar ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lloret de Mar", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8979, + "example": "Vull saber quan tinc la junta fixada amb en Joan.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11242, + "example": "Quan menjarem rovellons a l'all i julivert?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "rovellons a l'all i julivert", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3898, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis quant fan setanta sumat a tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "setanta sumat a tres", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3234, + "example": "Podries tocar \"Vitamina sol\" a continuació d'això que estàs reproduint?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Vitamina sol", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "a continuació", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 599, + "example": "Partida del \"Vermintide 2\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Vermintide 2", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4691, + "example": "Hi ha algun missatge de Whatsapp recent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recent", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7909, + "example": "Vull que les llums siguin vermelles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "vermelles", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2679, + "example": "Em podries dir què hi tinc apuntat al meu llistat \"nord de Xile\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "nord de Xile", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9635, + "example": "Confirma si falta molt perquè arribi la nostra cassola de tros a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "cassola de tros", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3340, + "example": "Em pots posar \"Sola\" de Carlota Gurt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Sola", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Carlota Gurt", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2422, + "example": "Haig de viatjar a Alcanar aquesta nit; podries cridar un Free Now a Lleida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Alcanar", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Free Now", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2750, + "example": "Necessito que no diguis cap paraula.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 39, + "example": "Recorda'm que tinc visita al CAP.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5552, + "example": "Podries fer un truc als meus tiets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "als meus tiets", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4468, + "example": "Avui de cinc a nou de la nit posaran alguna pel·lícula de terror al cinema?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "nou de la nit", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "terror", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9229, + "example": "Comunica'm que tinc reunió amb la Marta cada dia de la setmana vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dia", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11398, + "example": "Cerca la propera visita de dermatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dermatòleg", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6099, + "example": "Podries dir-me la direcció del teatre de Sant Cugat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "direcció", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "teatre", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Cugat", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4056, + "example": "Vull veure el contacte de la Maria Castanya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria Castanya", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8374, + "example": "Faries per Webel una comanda a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Webel", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5902, + "example": "Voldria consultar quin horari fan al CAP Gràcia-Cibeles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP Gràcia-Cibeles", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4809, + "example": "Saps si hauré de dur crema solar al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "hauré de dur crema solar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1480, + "example": "Pots reproduir tres cançons més enllà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4752, + "example": "Que sabeu si podem demanar pizzes per emportar al Papa John's?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "demanar pizzes per emportar", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Papa John's", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4897, + "example": "L'estat del trànsit per sortir de Vilanova i la Geltrú, quin és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10247, + "example": "Quin temps fa ara aquí on visc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "on visc", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5928, + "example": "Fan radiografies a l'Hospital Comarcal d'Amposta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Fan radiografies", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Comarcal", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Amposta", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7246, + "example": "Desactivar l'aplicació Cabify.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3622, + "example": "El rap en català em mola.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rap en català", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8543, + "example": "Reserva un Talixo per estar demà a les dotze del migdia a la Rambla Nova de Tarragona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Talixo", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dotze del migdia", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Rambla Nova de Tarragona", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11510, + "example": "Podries telefonar a la Laura; he caigut de l'escala.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he caigut de l'escala", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9172, + "example": "Vull que pengis el collage que he fet d'estat a Whatsapp.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "pengis", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "collage", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 437, + "example": "Olé.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 193, + "example": "Marca que el dia 9 toca revisió de la Carla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "9", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "no_md_person", + "Text": "Carla", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "test", + "Text": "revisió", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 650, + "example": "Em dius a quina hora surt el tren amb direcció Ocata?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ocata", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3652, + "example": "A que no endevines què m'ha passat avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2586, + "example": "I si ens prepares un caputxino?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "caputxino", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 477, + "example": "Ets una passada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7873, + "example": "Vull que esborris qualsevol cosa que tingui apuntada al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 954, + "example": "Afluixar el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5822, + "example": "He de trucar a una ambulància per un atropellament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulància", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "atropellament", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6532, + "example": "Anota que en llevar-me em prenc l'antiinflamatori.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "antiinflamatori", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "en llevar-me", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8881, + "example": "Busca'm l'adreça electrònica de l'Àxel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça electrònica", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Àxel", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10655, + "example": "Em sabries dir què passa a la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5833, + "example": "Voldria trucar a un metge perquè algú s'ha desmaiat al carrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "algú s'ha desmaiat", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10169, + "example": "Ensenya'm què passa a la xarxa social de Reddit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Reddit", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7984, + "example": "Redueix una mica el volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7323, + "example": "Introdueix el nou correu electrònic de la tieta Sandra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "tieta Sandra", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8648, + "example": "Em faries desaparèixer de la meva agenda personal l'assaig amb la coral d'aquesta tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assaig", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "coral", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11271, + "example": "Què em dius quan em toca la propera visita del metge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8683, + "example": "De la llista de llibres pendents treu \"La plaça del Diamant\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de llibres pendents", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "La plaça del Diamant", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1972, + "example": "Et faria res eliminar l'alerta que tinc configurada per dimarts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2388, + "example": "Vull un bitllet pel tren que va a Granada des de Sants.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Granada des de Sants", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9434, + "example": "Escoltar un pòdcast a Google Podcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Google Podcast", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11589, + "example": "Em sembla correcte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2046, + "example": "Vull encarregar un dinar a casa del Flax&Kale.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Flax&Kale", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5864, + "example": "Pots trucar al 061, que he caigut caminant pel carrer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he caigut caminant", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "061", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 201, + "example": "Divendres 9 em toca visita, marca-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Divendres 9", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11493, + "example": "He ensopegat en sortir de la dutxa, necessito trucar a la Roser.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "He ensopegat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Roser", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10077, + "example": "Digue'm les noves notícies sobre Europa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Europa", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 979, + "example": "Disminueix considerablement el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10004, + "example": "De quatre a nou tinc alguna alarma activada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5993, + "example": "Podries buscar l'horari de visites de la doctora Puig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctora Puig", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari de visites", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 855, + "example": "Ensenya'm les noves notícies sobre famosos que hagin sortit a \"COPE Barcelona\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "famosos", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "COPE Barcelona", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5002, + "example": "Quin horari de sortida té el tren en direcció a Manresa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9059, + "example": "Vull arranjar una reunió a un quart de dotze amb la tieta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart de dotze", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "tieta", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3226, + "example": "Em reprodueixes \"Juntos\" després d'això que estic escoltant ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Juntos", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11255, + "example": "Digues què he de preparar per al sopar de dissabte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8510, + "example": "Vull anar cap a Cadaqués; em pots demanar un UberX avui a les tres de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cadaqués", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "UberX", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5843, + "example": "M'ha mossegat un gos; necessito que truquis al 112.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "M'ha mossegat un gos", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "112", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4653, + "example": "Mostra'm si m'han arribat missatges de WeChat nous de l'Hugo Vila.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "WeChat", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Hugo Vila", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8862, + "example": "Podries dir si tinc alguna reunió planejada al calendari avui de nou a dotze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dotze", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9793, + "example": "A quina hora passa el ferrocarril que porta a Pineda de Mar demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Pineda de Mar", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5658, + "example": "Podries fer-me el favor de trucar a l'Hospital de Mataró?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Mataró", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9001, + "example": "El 3 d'agost en quin dia va caure?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "3 d'agost", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1033, + "example": "Podries temperar el llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1943, + "example": "Seria possible que eliminessis l'alarma de dimarts a les quatre de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5364, + "example": "Explica'm com arribo al Palau de la Música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Palau de la Música", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6723, + "example": "Vull reservar una taula a una arrosseria per la meva parella i jo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "arrosseria", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva parella", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3791, + "example": "Com puc cuinar el xató d'una forma ràpida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "xató", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 957, + "example": "Podries disminuir el so.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7342, + "example": "Vull que em guardis un email a l'agenda de contactes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5589, + "example": "Fes-li un truc al meu contacte anomenat Laura Saragossa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura Saragossa", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 566, + "example": "Comença'm un nivell al \"Solitari\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Solitari", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10373, + "example": "Trobar quin tipus de música està reproduint-se en aquests moments.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin tipus de música", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està reproduint-se en aquests moments", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4455, + "example": "Em dius si avui faran \"Neu que crema\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Neu que crema", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9185, + "example": "Fes un tallat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "tallat", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 605, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis quins trens hi ha de Begur a Sant Antoni.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Begur", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Antoni", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10915, + "example": "Cada quantes hores m'he de prendre el Paracetamol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Paracetamol", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5142, + "example": "Em podries dir qui és el compositor de la melodia que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "qui és el compositor", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9069, + "example": "Ens podries encendre la ràdio a les golfes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4847, + "example": "Necessito saber l'afluència de vehicles per sortir de Sitges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2477, + "example": "Avisa'm que haig de cancel·lar la subscripció de Netflix en tres setmanes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cancel·lar la subscripció de Netflix", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "en tres setmanes", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9819, + "example": "Busca què significa mil·liari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "mil·liari", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2868, + "example": "Necessito que em configuris una alarma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8323, + "example": "Pots respondre l'últim correu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8995, + "example": "Troba on serà la cita de comprar bombons del mes que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "comprar bombons", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3820, + "example": "Un plat que porti pastanaga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "pastanaga", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1502, + "example": "M'actives el mode aleatori en la reproducció?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "M'actives el mode aleatori", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2528, + "example": "Em podries avisar si surt alguna cosa nova de les pujades de preu del menjar i l'energia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "les pujades de preu del menjar i l'energia", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6007, + "example": "Saber si es fan tests d'intoleràncies alimentàries a la Farmàcia Nadal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "fan tests d'intoleràncies alimentàries", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Nadal", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3309, + "example": "Podria seguir escoltant al dormitori l'audiollibre \"Ara o mai\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Ara o mai", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10165, + "example": "Saps si la Xènia ha publicat una publicació a Twitter?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Xènia", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8774, + "example": "No em reprodueixis mai més el tema aquest que sona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8186, + "example": "Necessito viatjar amb el ferrocarril que surt de Terrassa a un quart de dues de la tarda del dijous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart de dues de la tarda", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 93, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 970, + "example": "No vull que la música soni tan forta, abaixa-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10767, + "example": "Saps si he rebut cap missatge de Line nou de part d'en Martí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Line", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11239, + "example": "Quin àpat menjarem per esmorzar el dimecres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "esmorzar", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6379, + "example": "Com puc fer per obtenir la targeta Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com puc fer per obtenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 804, + "example": "Com es diu la disciplina empírica que estudia i compara diferents textos literaris o altres formes d'expressions culturals?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "disciplina empírica", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "estudia i compara diferents textos literaris o altres formes d'expressions culturals", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 122 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11059, + "example": "Vull saber com arribar l'apartament de l'Oriol Roig.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Oriol Roig", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "apartament", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10411, + "example": "Em pots dir quines són les cançons que m'agraden de la Lady Gaga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Lady Gaga", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quines són les cançons que m'agraden", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9516, + "example": "Em poses a la bodega una cançoneta de la llista de reproducció \"descontrol i alcohol\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "bodega", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "descontrol i alcohol", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5127, + "example": "Aquest hit que estic escoltant quin any va sortir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin any va sortir", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 770, + "example": "Llampurnejar què significa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "Llampurnejar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4315, + "example": "Em pots donar l'oreig de la setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "oreig", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3512, + "example": "Ara mateix s'està reproduint un tema que no em satisfà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2403, + "example": "Em podries reservar per les deu de la nit que em reculli a casa nostra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "casa nostra", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8130, + "example": "He d'adquirir un bitllet de Rodalies per anar a les sis del matí del dimarts de Gavà a Sitges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 93 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis del matí", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11538, + "example": "He ensopegat amb la porta sortint de la dutxa; necessito trucar al meu tiet Joel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu tiet Joel", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "He ensopegat amb la porta", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9409, + "example": "Posar música heavy.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "heavy", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2173, + "example": "Em pots engegar l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5601, + "example": "Fes una trucada a la Gal·la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gal·la", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10253, + "example": "Em podries dir com està el temps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 956, + "example": "Redueix el volum dels altaveus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1962, + "example": "Em pots eliminar l'alerta de dilluns a dijous a les cinc de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la matinada", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6346, + "example": "Vull saber els avantatges de tenir la targeta Cuida'm.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "avantatges", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10396, + "example": "De l'artista Matriss tinc cançons que m'agraden?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Matriss", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "tinc cançons que m'agraden", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7058, + "example": "Reprodueix un altre cop la pel·lícula \"Els intocables d'Eliot Ness\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Els intocables d'Eliot Ness", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5438, + "example": "Afegeix a la conversa de la meva tieta la meva ubicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7330, + "example": "Enregistra'm l'adreça de correu del meu cosí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu cosí", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6602, + "example": "Pren nota que el nen ha de prendre el Dalsy cada sis hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Dalsy", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9071, + "example": "Em pots posar en marxa la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8769, + "example": "Podries guardar que m'agrada molt la cançó que estic escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10575, + "example": "Em dius si fan alguna festa pel meu entorn a la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu entorn", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7964, + "example": "Vull abaixar el volum al 50%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3776, + "example": "A dos quarts de dues del migdia tinc alguna reunió programada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de dues del migdia", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3412, + "example": "M'agradaria saber el significat de patena.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "patena", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4747, + "example": "Saps si Doner Kebab el Maño fan comandes per emportar a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Doner Kebab el Maño", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "comandes per emportar a casa", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1362, + "example": "Pots apujar la potència de la música un pèl?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6430, + "example": "Què puc fer amb la targeta sanitària?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què puc fer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4255, + "example": "Quin és el tema d'avui al Tumblr?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Tumblr", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2883, + "example": "L'emissora \"Ser Catalunya\", sintonitza-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Ser Catalunya", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6171, + "example": "Aconsegueix-me l'adreça de la biblioteca d'Esplugues del Llobregat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Esplugues del Llobregat", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8324, + "example": "Et faria res respondre l'e-mail de l'Enric que vaig rebre divendres a primera hora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Enric", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "a primera hora", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7898, + "example": "Posar el llum de color fúcsia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "fúcsia", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1072, + "example": "El robot aspirador, me'l podries habilitar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11878, + "example": "Quina absurditat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9620, + "example": "Mostra'm el mail que acaba d'arribar sobre col·loquis de mindfulness que he rebut de la Mercè.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "acaba d'arribar", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "col·loquis de mindfulness", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mercè", + "Start_char": 88, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7464, + "example": "Quina és la millor recepta per fer pollastre amb llagosta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pollastre amb llagosta", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2209, + "example": "Podries engegar la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7782, + "example": "Necessito que em tanquis els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4317, + "example": "Coneixes l'oreig de la setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "oreig", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5957, + "example": "Busca el telèfon de la meva ginecòloga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "la meva ginecòloga", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5454, + "example": "M'agradaria compartir la localització d'on soc amb la Joana durant nou minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "nou minuts", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2442, + "example": "Em crides un taxi perquè em reculli aquí on soc i em porti cap a casa d'en Jordi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí on soc", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa d'en Jordi", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8750, + "example": "M'agradaria engegar el lladre elèctric intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "lladre elèctric intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10356, + "example": "Estaria bé trobar el tipus de música que s'està reproduint en aquests moments.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "el tipus de música", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint en aquests moments", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10412, + "example": "Pots dir-me quines són les cançons de Buhos que més m'agraden?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Buhos", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "més m'agraden", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1091, + "example": "El robot aspirador, me'l poses en marxa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11194, + "example": "Quin dia teníem bistec amb salsa de rocafort?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bistec amb salsa de rocafort", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4119, + "example": "Amb quina mà escriu l'Artur Mas?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Amb quina mà escriu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Artur Mas", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6654, + "example": "Vull que em diguis cada vuit hores que em prengui l'Amoxicil·lina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Amoxicil·lina", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada vuit hores", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8684, + "example": "De la llista de la compra elimina'n la llet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "llet", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10991, + "example": "Hi havia una càpsula que em tocava els dimecres, quina era?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "càpsula", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "els dimecres", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3780, + "example": "Corregeix-me si m'equivoco; oi que he programat un esdeveniment per demà passat a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6746, + "example": "Vull reservar per a deu persones a un restaurant libanès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "deu", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "libanès", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9264, + "example": "Abans de la reunió de divendres tinc una altra reunió amb en Ramon a les set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "Abans", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ramon", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7304, + "example": "Guarda el meu email.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "meu", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3522, + "example": "Aquesta cançó no m'agrada gens.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10057, + "example": "Buscar les notícies d'ara mateix d'accidents a l'AP-7.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "accidents a l'AP-7", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6244, + "example": "Com s'ha acabat el partit de diumenge a les cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4489, + "example": "Dona'm informació sobre l'hora que fan la pel·lícula \"El món d'ahir\" a Badalona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "El món d'ahir", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4314, + "example": "Em podries donar l'oreig d'aquesta setmana a Salou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "oreig", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9273, + "example": "Em pots explicar un acudit que parli d'universitats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "universitats", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9704, + "example": "Em sabries dir quina hora és al fus horari de Pacífic Honolulu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Pacífic Honolulu", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2374, + "example": "Haig de sortir de l'Arboç aquesta nit; em demanes un tiquet de tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Arboç", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9619, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quins emails tinc sobre la barbacoa de dissabte que ens hàgim enviat l'Ariadna i jo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "emails", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "barbacoa de dissabte", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ariadna", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11952, + "example": "No.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1104, + "example": "Em podries habilitar la roomba?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7310, + "example": "Podries desar xuxe@xuxe.com com l'adreça de correu electrònic del meu amic Aitor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "xuxe@xuxe.com", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu amic Aitor", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9833, + "example": "Em pots dir que significa el verb \"eguinar\"", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "eguinar", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8572, + "example": "Vull demanar un Cabify que em porti fins a la Sagrera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sagrera", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 468, + "example": "De pel·lícula.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9772, + "example": "Voldria saber quins trens hi ha cap a Balaguer entre les nou del matí i les nou de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Balaguer", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí i les nou de la nit", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5633, + "example": "Truca a les meves tietes de Huelva.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "les meves tietes de Huelva", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8903, + "example": "L'adreça de casa de l'Esteve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça de casa", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Esteve", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11757, + "example": "Tant se me'n fot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10323, + "example": "Ara per ara, quina tonada està posada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està posada", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 953, + "example": "Afluixa un xic el volum a la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 936, + "example": "Posa menys potència als bafles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9458, + "example": "Podem escoltar \"El podcast de Jana Fernández\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "El podcast de Jana Fernández", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 736, + "example": "Com es defineix la paraula àmfora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "àmfora", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2715, + "example": "Necessito que tanquis el bec durant una hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "durant una hora", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11772, + "example": "Fes el que et doni la gana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3835, + "example": "M'informes sobre quins plats puc elaborar amb les anxoves?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "anxoves", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7635, + "example": "Inclou un element nou a la llista de fruita i verdura.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de fruita i verdura", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "element nou", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2098, + "example": "Obre el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2891, + "example": "Et faria res buscar l'emissora \"Cadena Dial\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Cadena Dial", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1671, + "example": "Em dius quina hora és al fus horari de Pacífic/central si al fus horari de Turquia són les vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Pacífic/central", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Turquia", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11613, + "example": "Magnífic del tot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7093, + "example": "Encendre l'aplicació Tinder.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Tinder", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1239, + "example": "Seria possible tancar els llums de la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8854, + "example": "Tinc alguna reunió amb la Clara el mes que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Clara", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9831, + "example": "Definició de terraplè.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "terraplè", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6167, + "example": "Cerca el telèfon de l'oficina de serveis socials de Sant Cugat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina de serveis socials", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Cugat", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9901, + "example": "Quan va néixer la Taylor Swift?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Quan va néixer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Taylor Swift", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4776, + "example": "Hi haurà núvols durant la setmana a l'Hospitalet de Llobregat, ho saps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "núvols", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Hospitalet de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11237, + "example": "Què tocarà el dijous per dinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2863, + "example": "Et faria res crear una alarma per alçar-nos demà passat a les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8216, + "example": "Busca'm un seient al tren de les nou del matí cap a Palafrugell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7740, + "example": "Apaga l'endoll intel·ligent que hi ha al despatx.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8361, + "example": "Pots encomanar menjar a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7127, + "example": "Obre l'app de Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11791, + "example": "Et bloques per un temps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10383, + "example": "Digue'm quina és la melodia que em flipa de Mishima.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Mishima", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "em flipa", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3590, + "example": "El reggae m'omple de joia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "reggae", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1581, + "example": "Em canvies la làmpada de la sala d'estar al lila?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala d'estar", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "lila", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9211, + "example": "Anota a l'agenda personal que tinc un esmorzar a les vuit del matí demà passat a Sitges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "esmorzar", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11653, + "example": "No estic entenent de què parles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4587, + "example": "En quin cinema fan \"La gran aventura de Charlie\" de quatre a sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "La gran aventura de Charlie", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2176, + "example": "A l'estudi ens podries posar en marxa l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 218, + "example": "El T-Rex tenia plomes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 449, + "example": "Què fabulós.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11113, + "example": "Quins ingredients du el fricandó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fricandó", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11486, + "example": "M'han ferit i necessito trucar a la policia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "policia", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "M'han ferit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8885, + "example": "Busca'm el fax del Joan Costa Sala.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "fax", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan Costa Sala", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7656, + "example": "Em prens nota al calendari de la fira de dintre de tres dies amb la Marta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dintre de tres dies", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fira", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11041, + "example": "Fes-me saber com arribar a casa de la tieta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "tieta", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2338, + "example": "Seria possible que traguessis de l'agenda els balls de saló dels divendres al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "balls de saló", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 431, + "example": "Majestuós.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5682, + "example": "Truca al CUAP Cotxeres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CUAP Cotxeres", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 455, + "example": "Ets al·lucinant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5975, + "example": "Tenen terapeutes ocupacionals al CAP de Pont de Suert?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "terapeutes ocupacionals", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Pont de Suert", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1087, + "example": "Al soterrani, podries arrencar l'aspiradora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "soterrani", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9370, + "example": "Pots activar la música a la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5477, + "example": "Compartir l'emplaçament on soc amb el meu pare fins a les sis del vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu pare", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les sis del vespre", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6473, + "example": "En quin cafè creus que trobarem millor ambient: a la Galeria o al Cent vint-i-tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "trobarem millor ambient", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Galeria", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cent vint-i-tres", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9856, + "example": "Mostrar les invencions de da Vinci.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Mostrar les invencions", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "da Vinci", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 66, + "example": "Vull que apuntis que tinc visita a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11603, + "example": "Totalment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2904, + "example": "Podem escoltar \"Rac1\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Rac1", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4391, + "example": "A Sant Francisco a quina hora estan ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Francisco", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5221, + "example": "Què he de fer per veure el meu historial?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què he de fer per veure", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "historial", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1953, + "example": "Què desaparegui l'alarma configurada per dilluns i dimecres a dos quarts de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6224, + "example": "On em serveix el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "On em serveix", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4503, + "example": "El dijous fan cap film d'acció a l'OCINE Les Gavarres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "acció", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "OCINE Les Gavarres", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7474, + "example": "Vull alçar-me a les deu del matí el diumenge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5079, + "example": "M'ensenyes quin valor tenen les accions de la companyia Bighit Entertainment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Bighit Entertainment", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8581, + "example": "Carrega't l'esdeveniment \"estudi de filosofia\" dels dijous a Sant Cugat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "estudi de filosofia", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dels dijous", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Cugat", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11439, + "example": "Podries afegir nil_agusti@yahoo.com com el correu del Nil?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nil", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "nil_agusti@yahoo.com", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5416, + "example": "Digue'm com puc arribar a la Plaça Lesseps.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Plaça Lesseps", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2093, + "example": "Connecta el llum del pati.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "pati", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8353, + "example": "Podries encomanar uns natxos amb formatge del City Burger per Uber Eats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "natxos amb formatge", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "City Burger", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Uber Eats", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1785, + "example": "De la llista d'autores preferides treu a la Mercè Rodoreda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista d'autores preferides ", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Mercè Rodoreda", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11186, + "example": "Dimecres per berenar menjarem pastís selva negra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimecres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "berenar", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pastís selva negra", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2462, + "example": "Pots apuntar un recordatori tots els dissabtes al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dissabtes", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 219, + "example": "Sabrem algun dia què és l'energia fosca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6281, + "example": "Com ha quedat el marcador del clàssic de dissabte?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "clàssic", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2479, + "example": "Podries recordar-me el taller de cuina asiàtica d'aquí a deu dies.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "taller de cuina asiàtica", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquí a deu dies", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9592, + "example": "El trànsit per entrar a Alacant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Alacant", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4994, + "example": "Vull que em diguis l'itinerari del tren amb direcció Rubí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Rubí", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1513, + "example": "Pots saltar cap enrere la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "saltar cap enrere", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1152, + "example": "M'enregistres al calendari que tinc cita amb el perruquer de la fura divendres a les cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 89 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "perruquer de la fura", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7556, + "example": "Vull abaixar el llum led de l'habitació al mínim possible.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8299, + "example": "Em pots ensenyar si dijous estarà ennuvolat a Anglès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "ennuvolat", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Anglès", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6134, + "example": "Quina és l'adreça de l'oficina funerària de Montblanc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina funerària", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montblanc", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9481, + "example": "Pots posar el tema que m'encanta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'encanta", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7583, + "example": "Al llistat voldria incloure una crema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "crema", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7440, + "example": "Amb cues de rap quins tipus de plats puc preparar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "cues de rap", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1310, + "example": "Em podries desconnectar l'endoll de l'habitació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1495, + "example": "Reproduiries \"Tu fas\" un altre cop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "un altre cop", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Tu fas", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10959, + "example": "Saps si és en llevar-me quan em toca prendre el protector gàstric?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "protector gàstric", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "en llevar-me", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9815, + "example": "Necessito saber quina és la definició d'avenir-se.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "avenir-se", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6181, + "example": "M'expliques què he de fer per a obtenir el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "què he de fer per a obtenir", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5568, + "example": "Voldries fer una trucada al Nil?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nil", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6196, + "example": "Per viatjar fins a Mallorca he d'obtenir el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Mallorca", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "obtenir", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7366, + "example": "Afegeix-me l'email del Joan a l'agenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5847, + "example": "Voldria que fessis una trucada a Emergències.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9782, + "example": "Digue'm, si us plau, a quina hora surt el tren cap a Montgat demà passat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Montgat", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1788, + "example": "Del llistat de cinemes, elimina'm els Verdi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de cinemes", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Verdi", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7801, + "example": "Desconnectar els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5439, + "example": "Compartir ubicació amb el tiet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "tiet", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4220, + "example": "Què succeeix a Facebook?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3167, + "example": "Ens posaries el \"Generació digital\" de \"Catalunya Ràdio\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Generació digital", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Catalunya Ràdio", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4715, + "example": "Es pot demanar per emportar al Burger King?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Burger King", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "demanar per emportar", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3068, + "example": "Al rebedor podries tocar dembow?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebedor", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "dembow", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1318, + "example": "Podries desconnectar el meu endoll?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1500, + "example": "Posa'm de nou \"Caminem lluny\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Posa'm de nou", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Caminem lluny", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1662, + "example": "Em dius quina hora és al fus horari d'Amèrica/Santa Isabel si al fus horari de Pacífic/Honolulu són les quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Santa Isabel", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Pacífic/Honolulu", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 100, + "End_char": 110 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3883, + "example": "Explica'm el resultat d'onze més tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "onze més tres", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4816, + "example": "Necessitaré crema solar demà a la tarda a les cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Necessitaré crema solar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10156, + "example": "Vull saber què passa a Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2938, + "example": "Tots els diumenges a les vuit del vespre em prens nota al calendari per endreçar factures?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Tots els diumenges", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "endreçar factures", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9411, + "example": "Reprodueix cançonetes de rock.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rock", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11593, + "example": "Pots pujar-hi de peus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1191, + "example": "Pots escriure al meu calendari que dimarts que ve vaig a dinar amb la Marta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts que ve", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "vaig a dinar", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10703, + "example": "Quins plans tindré el mes que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "el mes que ve", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2015, + "example": "Encarrega menjar per emportar a Ca l'Enric.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Ca l'Enric", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1713, + "example": "Si al fus horari del Canadà/Montana són les dues, em dius quina hora és al fus horari de Líbia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Líbia", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 94 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari del Canadà/Montana", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8433, + "example": "Series capaç de demanar per Webel que em portin a casa un plat de pasta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Webel", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pasta", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6240, + "example": "Voldria saber com ha anat el partit de diumenge a les set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4334, + "example": "Com es diu l'esdeveniment del trinxat que fan a Puigcerdà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "trinxat", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Puigcerdà", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 118, + "example": "Tinc hora amb el cardiòleg la setmana que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "cardiòleg", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5856, + "example": "Telefona al Servei d'Emergències.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7072, + "example": "Vull reproduir des de l'inici la pel·lícula \"Els Mitchell contra les màquines\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Els Mitchell contra les màquines", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9728, + "example": "Mostra'm l'itinerari del tren d'aquest vespre en direcció a Badalona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest vespre", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7526, + "example": "Configura una alerta perquè soni a les set i cinc minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set i cinc minuts", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6508, + "example": "Venen més productes de quilòmetre zero al Keisy o al BonÀrea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Keisy", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "BonÀrea", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Venen més productes de quilòmetre zero", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10778, + "example": "Digue'm si us plau si tinc emails que hagi rebut en els últims minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "emails", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "els últims minuts", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6706, + "example": "M'agradaria fer una reserva per dinar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9534, + "example": "Posa un tema de la meva llista \"franceses\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "franceses", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 571, + "example": "Pots iniciar un combat del \"Clash royale\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Clash royale", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7708, + "example": "Pots apuntar-me al meu calendari l'espectacle que tinc a Igualada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "espectacle", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Igualada", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10217, + "example": "Mostra'm quin temps tenim ara mateix aquí a la meva ciutat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva ciutat", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 857, + "example": "Em mostres les novetats de l'NBA que es troben al \"9 Punt\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "NBA", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "9 Punt", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2624, + "example": "Carrega un estat a Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Carrega", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2418, + "example": "Necessito que em demanis un Cabify, podries fer-ho ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3910, + "example": "Cinc multiplicat per dos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Cinc multiplicat per dos", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3880, + "example": "Resultat de dos més deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "dos més deu", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11447, + "example": "Vull desar arribemja@yahoo.es com el correu del meu cosí taxista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu cosí taxista", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "arribemja@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 176, + "example": "Marca al calendari la visita al CAP del dia 11.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "11", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 786, + "example": "Em pots dir com s'anomena el corrent filosòfic que defensa la indiferència envers els plaers i dolors externs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "corrent filosòfic", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "defensa la indiferència envers els plaers i dolors externs", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 109 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5907, + "example": "Saps si al Centre Mèdic Entença visiten els dissabtes al matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Centre Mèdic Entença", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "visiten els dissabtes al matí", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5326, + "example": "Què necessito per sol·licitar l'alta al portal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8963, + "example": "Passa el robot aspirador per netejar el menjador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3766, + "example": "Demà tinc reunions amb clients?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunions", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "clients", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10087, + "example": "Digue'm les últimes notícies sobre famosos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "famosos", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 656, + "example": "Com puc arribar a peu l'oficina de la meva germana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2009, + "example": "Pots eliminar la llista d'al·lèrgies del Jordi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista d'al·lèrgies del Jordi", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9310, + "example": "Em reproduiries el següent pòdcast d'\"Unwritten\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Unwritten", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4887, + "example": "L'estat de la circulació per sortir de Montgat a les tres de la tarda de passat demà, me'l pots dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montgat", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10395, + "example": "M'agrada algun àlbum d'en Lluis Llach?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Lluis Llach", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "M'agrada algun àlbum", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 272, + "example": "Quins trens hi ha cap a València el 13 de febrer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "València", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "13 de febrer", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 144, + "example": "Vull que anotis la meva cita de divendres amb el traumatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7148, + "example": "Parla'm del trajecte a fer per arribar a la botiga Món Petit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "botiga Món Petit", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11659, + "example": "Què pretens explicar-me?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 240, + "example": "Em queda bé aquesta caçadora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1399, + "example": "Ens posaries més alt el volum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8838, + "example": "Necessito que m'ensenyis a quina hora és la junta programada amb en Lluís.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lluís", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7430, + "example": "M'agradaria que enviessis un missatge de correu electrònic a la meva mare que digui \"ja he fet totes les coses que m'has demanat a casa, fins i tot he descongelat el pollastre\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "ja he fet totes les coses que m'has demanat a casa, fins i tot he descongelat el pollastre", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 175 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9966, + "example": "Digues-me si tinc alarmes dissabte que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte que ve", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7075, + "example": "Torna a projectar \"Harry Potter i la cambra secreta\" a Amazon Prime.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Harry Potter i la cambra secreta", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Amazon Prime", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7019, + "example": "Puc veure vídeos de \"Polseres vermelles\" a YouTube?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Polseres vermelles", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1009, + "example": "Em podries atenuar la bombeta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10041, + "example": "Dona'm les notícies d'assumptes internacionals més noves de \"TV3\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "TV3", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "assumptes internacionals", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 966, + "example": "Treu-li volum a la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10639, + "example": "Fan alguna fira avui a la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "fira", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5599, + "example": "Fes-li un truc al meu fill.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu fill", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9829, + "example": "Mostra'm com es defineix el concepte de vailet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "vailet", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4202, + "example": "Comprova de què s'està parlant a Twitter.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11708, + "example": "Es pot saber què dius?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8785, + "example": "Recorda que m'encanta aquesta cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7433, + "example": "Enviar al meu cap un email adjuntant la baixa laboral.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu cap", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "attachment", + "Text": "baixa laboral", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4930, + "example": "Em podries llegir els correus nous del Guillem que es titulen \"em venc la moto\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "em venc la moto", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9991, + "example": "Alguna alarma està activada per demà a la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 344, + "example": "Sentir-ho de nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 697, + "example": "Hi ha massissos a Espanya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Hi ha massissos", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Espanya", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2815, + "example": "M'escrius una piulada citant l'atenció al client de TV3 on hi posi \"per què heu eliminat els capítols de 'Nissaga de Poder' del servei de 3 a la carta\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escrius una piulada", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de TV3", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "per què heu eliminat els capítols de 'Nissaga de Poder' del servei de 3 a la carta", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 150 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2565, + "example": "Un cafè amb llet descafeïnat, ens ho podries preparar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè amb llet descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3476, + "example": "Dir alguna cosa divertida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 972, + "example": "Vull que posis el volum més suau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3069, + "example": "Al despatx em reproduiries indie?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "indie", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6481, + "example": "Quina cafeteria ofereix el millor cafè: Cal Verdaguer o Tarraco Taverna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cal Verdaguer", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tarraco Taverna", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quina cafeteria ofereix el millor cafè", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7684, + "example": "Em poses al calendari la nova d'\"Avatar\" al desembre de l'any vinent a Sant Carles?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "la nova d'\"Avatar\"", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "desembre de l'any vinent", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Carles", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8159, + "example": "Necessitaria anar a Barcelona amb ferrocarril dimecres a la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10473, + "example": "M'agradaria saber a quines joieries accepten gossos al centre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "joieries", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "accepten gossos", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al centre", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3784, + "example": "M'expliques quins plats puc fer amb bajoques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "bajoques", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4271, + "example": "Em dius quin dia és avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1579, + "example": "Pots variar el color del led?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1184, + "example": "Haig d'anar amb la Sara a un partit; m'ho pots anotar al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sara", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partit", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11930, + "example": "No pot ser com tu afirmes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8970, + "example": "Renta la bodega amb el robot aspirador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bodega", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8576, + "example": "Em podries reservar un Talixo per estar demà a dos quarts d'una a Plaça Espanya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Talixo", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dos quarts d'una", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Plaça Espanya", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9035, + "example": "Podries arranjar un esdeveniment a Valls amb la mama?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mama", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 269, + "example": "Hi ha trens que em portin a Sarrià de Ter ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sarrià de Te", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4257, + "example": "Què està passant a Instagram?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6319, + "example": "Com ha quedat el partit de dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4905, + "example": "El trànsit està bloquejant l'entrada a Igualada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Igualada", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2324, + "example": "Em suprimeixes tots els esdeveniments per anar de compres a Barcelona del calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar de compres", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 195, + "example": "M'agradaria anotar que divendres la Rita té la visita.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "no_md_person", + "Text": "Rita", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8386, + "example": "Encarrega menjar per endur al Celler de Can Roca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Celler de Can Roca", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11711, + "example": "No entenc què m'estàs explicant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 879, + "example": "Vull veure la notícia de la llei turca que castiga amb presó la difusió d'informació falsa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "llei turca que castiga amb presó la difusió d'informació falsa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3687, + "example": "De quin color és la bandera de Rússia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "De quin color és la bandera", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Rússia", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2895, + "example": "L'emissora \"Radio Tele Taxi\" la puc sentir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Radio Tele Taxi", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6446, + "example": "He de dur la targeta sanitària sempre que vagi al CAP?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "dur", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "sempre que vagi al CAP", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7088, + "example": "Vull l'app Abacus, activa-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Abacus", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10424, + "example": "Pots mirar quina és la meva cançó preferida dels Alestorm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Alestorm", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina és la meva cançó preferida", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9057, + "example": "Vull programar una celebració a Alins amb el papa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Alins", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "papa", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6451, + "example": "On hi ha millor acústica, a Odeón Multicines Girona o a l'Ocine Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Odeón Multicines Girona", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ocine Girona", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "On hi ha millor acústica", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5784, + "example": "Telefonar el teatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "teatre", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6064, + "example": "Adreça de l'Ajuntament de Cerdanyola.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Adreça", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cerdanyola", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10578, + "example": "Quin és el nom del festival de rock que té lloc cada any a la meva ciutat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festival de rock", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada any", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva ciutat", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10637, + "example": "Em dius quins festivals hi ha a Tortosa divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festivals", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11521, + "example": "Truca als bombers, que s'està incendiant casa meva.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "s'està incendiant casa meva", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8438, + "example": "Voldria encarregar un entrepà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "entrepà", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8187, + "example": "Vull anar-me'n d'Alcover; em reserves un bitllet pel tren d'aquest migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Alcover", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest migdia", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3896, + "example": "Resol l'operació de cinquanta entre dotze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "cinquanta entre dotze", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11941, + "example": "Quina estupidesa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8735, + "example": "Encén l'endoll del passadís.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "passadís", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6011, + "example": "A quina hora tanca demà la Farmàcia Montserrat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quina hora tanca demà", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Montserrat", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2469, + "example": "Anota'm a l'agenda que tinc una junta demà a les nou a Sitges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9141, + "example": "Cada dilluns tinc reunió de feina a les quatre de la tarda a Juneda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió de feina", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Juneda", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10149, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis quins temes s'estan parlant a LinkedIn.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "LinkedIn", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1903, + "example": "Seria possible suprimir l'alerta que tinc configurada dimarts a les quatre de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5209, + "example": "Quin esdeveniment tinc per aquest cap de setmana a la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5771, + "example": "Telefona a la Universitat de Lleida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Universitat de Lleida", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9706, + "example": "Saps quina hora és al fus horari dels Estats Units/Hawaii?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units/Hawaii", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4074, + "example": "Saps quina és l'adreça nova de la Paquita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Paquita", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça nova", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5970, + "example": "Busca'm el telèfon de contacte del doctor Miralles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctor Miralles", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon de contacte", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10463, + "example": "Quines són les llistes que tinc enregistrades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11064, + "example": "Com s'hi va a casa de la meva sogra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva sogra", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 339, + "example": "M'ho podries repetir de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6443, + "example": "Com em puc fer un duplicat de la Targeta Sanitària Individual?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Targeta Sanitària Individual", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com em puc fer un duplicat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9063, + "example": "En aquest moment vull escoltar la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8942, + "example": "Utilitzar el robot aspirador per escombrar el menjador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8981, + "example": "On serà la cita apuntada per la setmana que ve de fer una barbacoa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fer una barbacoa", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4898, + "example": "Com va el tràfic a hores d'ara per l'Hospitalet de Llobregat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "a hores d'ara", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Hospitalet de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1936, + "example": "Em pots treure l'alerta de les tres de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la matinada", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4672, + "example": "Saps dir-me si m'ha arribat algun missatge de Telegram nou de la Mia Lloveras ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Telegram", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mia Lloveras", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9998, + "example": "Digues-me quantes alarmes per diumenge que ve hi ha actives.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 391, + "example": "Quants gols ha marcat Leo Messi en tota la seva carrera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Quants gols ha marcat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Leo Messi", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5945, + "example": "Em recordes l'adreça del cardiòleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "cardiòleg", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3916, + "example": "Deu més dos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Deu més dos", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4216, + "example": "Quina és la nova polèmica de Twitter, ho saps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9585, + "example": "Vull saber l'afluència de vehicles per entrar a Cubelles en aquest moment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cubelles", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 925, + "example": "Treu-li potència als altaveus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10378, + "example": "Necessitaria trobar la cançó que està sonant ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant ara", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4984, + "example": "Podries mirar-me a quina hora podria agafar el tren que finalitza a Calafell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Calafell", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1748, + "example": "Ens fas desaparèixer tot el que tenim planificat a l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7513, + "example": "El dijous vinent ens pots aixecar a les vuit del vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9285, + "example": "Saps algun acudit d'humor negre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "humor negre", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2792, + "example": "Pots piular a l'atenció al client de Foster's Hollywood que \"al local de Terrassa he hagut d'esperar més de vint minuts que em portessin el compte tot i que no hi havia més de vuit taules ocupades un dimarts al vespre\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piular", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de Foster's Hollywood", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "l local de Terrassa he hagut d'esperar més de vint minuts que em portessin el compte tot i que no hi havia més de vuit taules ocupades un dimarts al vespre", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 217 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7612, + "example": "Al llistat de sèries vull que afegeixis \"Guardians de la nit\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de sèries", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Guardians de la nit", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11666, + "example": "No entenc de què parles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 743, + "example": "Com és el nom de la tècnica de conreu més utilitzada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "tècnica de conreu", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "més utilitzada", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2839, + "example": "Em pots piular el text \"podeu deixar de repetir programes vells d''El Foraster' a totes hores\" mencionant el servei d'atenció al consumidor de TV3?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piular", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "podeu deixar de repetir programes vells d''El Foraster' a totes hores", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 93 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al consumidor de TV3", + "Start_char": 109, + "End_char": 146 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8766, + "example": "Em flipa la cançó que estic escoltant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11086, + "example": "Cauran pedres a Olesa de Montserrat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Cauran pedres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Olesa de Montserrat", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9011, + "example": "Em mostres què celebrem el 24 de desembre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "24 de desembre", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3761, + "example": "Confirma si tinc apuntat que he de recollir al meu pare de l'aeroport dilluns a les vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "recollir al meu pare", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aeroport", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5101, + "example": "Pots dir-me aquesta cançó de quin grup és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin grup és", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9303, + "example": "Reproduir el següent episodi del pòdcast a Spotify.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Spotify", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9996, + "example": "Els dilluns quines alarmes hi ha posades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 544, + "example": "Em ve de gust jugar al \"Roblox\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Roblox", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1648, + "example": "Contesta \"aquesta tarda me'n vaig al poble\" a l'últim correu de la bústia d'entrada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu ", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5849, + "example": "Vull trucar als bombers.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6858, + "example": "Reserva'ns per a dues persones al restaurant Miramar al vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "dues", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Miramar", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2229, + "example": "Seria possible fer arribar un mail al Biel?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Biel", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5798, + "example": "Vull que truquis ara mateix a una ambulància; he caigut a la banyera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulància", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he caigut a la banyera", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4093, + "example": "Ensenya'm el telèfon de l'oficina del Joan.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon de l'oficina", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5388, + "example": "M'expliques com puc arribar en bicicleta a l'estació de Sants?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bicicleta", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sants", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6169, + "example": "Esbrina els serveis que ofereix el teatre de Manresa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "teatre", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11936, + "example": "M'oposo completament al que dius.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5576, + "example": "Fes un truc a ma cosina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma cosina", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6460, + "example": "Quin bar creus que ofereix millors preus: el Cucurutxo o Cal verdaguer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cucurutxo", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cal verdaguer", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin bar creus que ofereix millors preus", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3288, + "example": "I si em poses \"Els camins de la llum\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Els camins de la llum", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5361, + "example": "Em dius com anar a la Casa Batlló?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Casa Batlló", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3211, + "example": "A continuació d'això que està sonant ara podries reproduir la cançó \"Quiero ser\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "A continuació", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Quiero ser", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1324, + "example": "Em maximitzaries la potència de la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10644, + "example": "Com es diu l'exposició que hi ha avui la llibreria Lata Peinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "exposició", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Lata Peinada", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3365, + "example": "Posa un recordatori per estendre la roba cada dilluns al vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "estendre la roba", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dilluns", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6833, + "example": "Vull reservar per a set persones al restaurant Casamar pel migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "set", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Casamar", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "pel migdia", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4815, + "example": "Necessitaré botes d'aigua demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Necessitaré botes d'aigua", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4309, + "example": "Em pots dir alguna cosa sobre l'oratge d'aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4592, + "example": "Em dius si hi ha cap quiosc al meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "quiosc", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu voltant", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1562, + "example": "Canvia'm el color de la llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10386, + "example": "Quins són els temes de rap que em tornen boja?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rap", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "em tornen boja", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 600, + "example": "M'encantaria fer una partideta al \"The movies\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "The movies", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5121, + "example": "A hores d'ara quina cançó tinc posada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina cançó", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "tinc posada", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9403, + "example": "Em ve de gust escoltar a algú cantant grunge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "grunge", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6055, + "example": "Mostrar què es pot fer al cinema d'Alcover.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "què es pot fer", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "cinema d'Alcover", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3535, + "example": "Això que sona no m'agrada gens.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1715, + "example": "Si al fus horari dels Estats Units/Montana és la una, quina hora és al fus horari del Canadà/Pacífic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari del Canadà/Pacífic", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 100 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units/Montana", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "la una", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3493, + "example": "Explica'm un acudit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6671, + "example": "Guarda una taula al Vell Papiol pel proper dijous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Vell Papiol", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "proper dijous", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2589, + "example": "Seria possible beure un cafè amb llet descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè amb llet descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3103, + "example": "Ens punxaries el primer tema de la llista que es diu \"cançons per preparar trobades al Soulbound\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "primer", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "cançons per preparar trobades al Soulbound", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8602, + "example": "Fes desaparèixer l'esdeveniment \"lectura conjunta de Jo que mai he conegut els homes\" a Gràcia fins a les quinze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "lectura conjunta de Jo que mai he conegut els homes", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gràcia", + "Start_char": 88, + "End_char": 94 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les quinze", + "Start_char": 102, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11628, + "example": "És clar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10848, + "example": "Quins són els secrets de l'univers?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2315, + "example": "Per dilluns a les set em pots treure de l'agenda la classe de twerking?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de twerking", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11956, + "example": "Quina bestiesa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4701, + "example": "Ha arribat algun missatge de Viber nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Viber", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2759, + "example": "No parlis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6433, + "example": "Em sabries dir la validesa de la TSI?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "validesa", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSI", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2243, + "example": "Pots enviar un email a la Joana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3628, + "example": "El dembow m'omple de joia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "dembow", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3171, + "example": "Em podries posar el \"Matina Codina\" de \"RAC105\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "RAC105", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Matina Codina", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11676, + "example": "No entenc el que em contes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2293, + "example": "Em fas arribar un e-mail a davantalspomesipatates@hotmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "davantalspomesipatates@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8459, + "example": "Voldria encarregar un cous cous del restaurant àrab per endur.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "cous cous", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "restaurant àrab", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4320, + "example": "On es fan les \"Jornades Gastronòmiques del Calamar\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Jornades Gastronòmiques del Calamar", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8372, + "example": "És possible fer una comanda de menjar a domicili amb Appat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Appat", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7360, + "example": "Afegir que l'adreça electrònica de la Matilde Gómez és rauxabar@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Matilde Gómez", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "rauxabar@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3637, + "example": "Avui he quedat amb en Robert i l'he hagut d'esperar mitja hora sota la pluja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8701, + "example": "Aquest llistat esborra'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8946, + "example": "Netejar amb l'aspiradora robot el rebost.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora robot", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebost", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1352, + "example": "Està massa fluixa la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5133, + "example": "De quin grup discogràfic és la peça que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin grup discogràfic és", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5340, + "example": "M'agradaria anar al cinema, em dius com hi arribo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1998, + "example": "Em podries fer desaparèixer el llistat de receptes per provar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de receptes per provar", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1731, + "example": "Quina hora és al fus horari del Canadà/Pacífic si al fus horari d'Amèrica/Ciutat de Mèxic són les quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari del Canadà/Pacífic", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Ciutat de Mèxic", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 89 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2573, + "example": "Podem beure un tallat descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "tallat descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 234, + "example": "Et consideres un ésser intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10291, + "example": "Vull saber l'hora que és.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2327, + "example": "Ens treus del meu calendari personal la compra setmanal al Lidl d'aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "compra setmanal al Lidl", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6983, + "example": "Volem veure \"Les de l'hoquei\" a Netflix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Netflix", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Les de l'hoquei", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9213, + "example": "M'agradaria que em recordessis que tinc una junta amb en Flaix a les nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Flaix", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11144, + "example": "Quin dia menjaré sopa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sopa", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8030, + "example": "Fer una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4575, + "example": "Em pots dir si aquí puc veure \"The Menu\" el dimarts a la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "The Menu", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7592, + "example": "Em pots afegir una figura de Starscream a la llista anomenada \"Joguines\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "figura de Starscream", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "Joguines", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 914, + "example": "Treu volum a l'altaveu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10241, + "example": "Vull saber si fa sol ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "sol", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1606, + "example": "Podries canviar el color de la làmpada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3547, + "example": "Tinc zero ganes de sentir aquesta cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1442, + "example": "M'intensificaries els leds a la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10899, + "example": "Medicament de les nou, quin és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10995, + "example": "Pots dir-me per a què em prenc l'Amoxicil·lina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Amoxicil·lina", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2115, + "example": "Voldria obrir els llums del pati.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "pati", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11581, + "example": "Vale.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6628, + "example": "Necessito que cada cinc hores em recordis que he de prendre les pastilles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada cinc hores", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilles", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1515, + "example": "Ves al minut dos set de la música que sona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_stamp", + "Text": "dos se", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7674, + "example": "Vull apuntar a la meva agenda personal que tinc una reunió amb la Mariona aquest dijous de dos quarts i mig de cinc fins a un quart de set de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mariona", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dijous", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 87 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts i mig de cinc", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 115 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "un quart de set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 123, + "End_char": 150 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5542, + "example": "Fes un truc a la Núria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Núria", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3054, + "example": "Seria possible que ens toquessis una cançó de The Who?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "The Who", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5359, + "example": "Digues-me com arribar al cinema amb autobús.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobús", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7443, + "example": "M'expliques quins plats porten ou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "ou", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6384, + "example": "He de presentar la targeta Cuida'm cada cop que vagi al CAP?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "cada cop que vagi al CAP", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "presentar", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 890, + "example": "M'expliques quines notícies hi ha sobre el Bàsquet Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Bàsquet Girona", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7577, + "example": "Voldria que em posessis pebrots a la llista \"fruiteria\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "pebrots", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "fruiteria", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 12, + "example": "Em toca visitar-me el dilluns a les vuit del matí amb la ginecòloga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "ginecòloga", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4336, + "example": "Em dius la ubicació del \"Festival LOLA\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Festival LOLA", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3545, + "example": "No em pot desagradar més aquesta cançó que sona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10561, + "example": "Ensenya'm quines activitats tindran lloc a Reus el dimarts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Reus", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 834, + "example": "Em pots enumerar quants llistats anomenats \"recomanacions lectores pel 2023\" tinc emmagatzemats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "recomanacions lectores pel 2023", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2509, + "example": "Vull que m'avisis avui a la tarda que he quedat amb ma mare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedat", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma mare", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11304, + "example": "Et faries res dir-me quines visites tinc programades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1596, + "example": "Vull que canviïs el color del llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5786, + "example": "Voldria trucar al cementiri d'Horta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "cementiri d'Horta", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3102, + "example": "Ens pots reproduir l'últim tema de la llista \"no t'adormis al volant\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "últim", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "no t'adormis al volant", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4456, + "example": "Ha sortit la pel·lícula \"Rise of the beasts\" al cinema del barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Rise of the beasts", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "barri", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5960, + "example": "M'agradaria saber l'horari d'atenció del doctor Prats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari d'atenció", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctor Prats", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8349, + "example": "A veure si pots demanar alguna cosa al Lasarte per que arribi d'hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Lasarte", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4205, + "example": "Em pots dir què passa a Facebook?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8393, + "example": "Et puc demanar que encarreguis un gyros amb l'app Just Eat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "gyros", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Just Eat", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3227, + "example": "Ens pots posar \"Piñata\" a continuació d'això que sona ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "a continuació", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Piñata", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1281, + "example": "Apagar els endolls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8835, + "example": "Vull saber els detalls de tot allò que tingui fixat a la meva agenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6312, + "example": "Quin és el resultat de vuitens de final d'ahir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "vuitens de final", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2933, + "example": "Podries prendre nota a l'agenda que tenim tàndem de llengües els dimarts i els dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "tàndem de llengües", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "els dimarts", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "els dijous", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7444, + "example": "Busca un plat que porti espàrrecs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "espàrrecs", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5342, + "example": "Digue'm què he de fer per arribar al Fòrum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Fòrum", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3908, + "example": "Catorze entre dotze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Catorze entre dotze", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5896, + "example": "M'agradaria conèixer en quin horari posen la vacuna de la grip al CAP Jaume I.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quin horari posen la vacuna de la grip", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP Jaume I", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7646, + "example": "Posa'm cireres a la llista de la compra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "cireres", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6270, + "example": "Com està el marcador del partit de futbol femení?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "partit de futbol femení", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9994, + "example": "Digues-me les alertes que tinc programades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3191, + "example": "Em posaries el tema que m'encanti?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3774, + "example": "Veritat que no tinc cap cita d'aquí a diumenge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10465, + "example": "Ves a mirar-me quines són les llistes que tinc enregistrades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4280, + "example": "Em mostres a què som avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6057, + "example": "Quin horari fan a l'Ajuntament de Barberà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barberà", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5348, + "example": "Quin és el camí que he de fer per arribar al teatre caminant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "teatre", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "caminant", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4529, + "example": "Faran demà entre les dues i les quatre de la tarda la pel·lícula \"Alcarràs\" en algun lloc proper a la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Alcarràs", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 99, + "End_char": 111 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11097, + "example": "Ensenya'm les últimes tendències a Reddit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Reddit", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8400, + "example": "Vull fer una comanda de pollastre rostit per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pollastre rostit", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11526, + "example": "Necessito un metge; aviseu a la mútua.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "mútua", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2392, + "example": "M'adquireixes un bitllet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4644, + "example": "Em pots dir si hi ha bugaderies per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "bugaderies", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 765, + "example": "Em mostres com és el nom del mamífer que té un bec com un ànec?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "mamífer", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "bec com un ànec", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1144, + "example": "Anota'm al calendari la classe de psicologia que tinc a Balaguer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de psicologia", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Balaguer", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4514, + "example": "Em pots dir si aquest dijous a Rocafonda fan alguna pel·lícula de robots?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dijous", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Rocafonda", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "robots", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5603, + "example": "Desitjaria que fessis una trucada a la Neus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Neus", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11880, + "example": "Mai dels mais.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1131, + "example": "A la llista de pel·lícules, m'hi posaries \"El Padrí\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de pel·lícules", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "El Padrí", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1459, + "example": "Puja la intensitat del llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3078, + "example": "Estaria bé reproduir una mica de rap.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rap", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3325, + "example": "Podries posar-nos \"La força d'un destí\" al dormitori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "La força d'un destí", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4628, + "example": "Quines carnisseries econòmiques hi ha pel meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "carnisseries", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "econòmiques", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu barri", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5267, + "example": "M'he de fer el certificat digital?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat digital", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5447, + "example": "Podries mostrar-li la meva ubicació al meu marit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu marit", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10260, + "example": "Vull saber la sensació tèrmica que hi ha ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "sensació tèrmica", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5440, + "example": "Vull que li diguis a en Toni on soc ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Toni", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4506, + "example": "Fan alguna comèdia romàntica a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "romàntica", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "prop meu", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4959, + "example": "Per anar a Vic, a quina hora he d'agafar el tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7395, + "example": "Pots enviar-li un telegram a la mama i al papa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "telegram", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la mama", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "l papa", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11435, + "example": "834732760 és el número per trucar el meu avi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu avi", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "834732760", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5637, + "example": "Voldria trucar a la meva mare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11841, + "example": "No et vull sentir parlar; desactiva't, va.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10408, + "example": "Mostra'm les meves cançons preferides de Sopa de Cabra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Sopa de Cabra", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "les meves cançons preferides", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7092, + "example": "BonpreuEsclat, encén l'aplicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "BonpreuEsclat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7200, + "example": "Apaga'm l'aplicació Cabify.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8198, + "example": "Vull un bitllet de Rodalies pel dia 3 de novembre que vagi del Masnou a Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "3 de novembre", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Masnou", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10059, + "example": "Digues les novetats de la dimissió del número dos de Compromís.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la dimissió del número dos de Compromís", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4559, + "example": "Digue'm quines pel·lis de drama hi ha a Glòries Multicines avui després de les nou del matí, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "drama", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Glòries Multicines", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "després de les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11148, + "example": "Em recordes quin dia faré servir julivert?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "julivert", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9760, + "example": "Mostra'm quins trens hi ha entre les nou i les deu del vespre de Vic fins a Montcada i Reixac.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Montcada i Reixac", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 93 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "del vespre", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "entre les nou i les deu", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 248, + "example": "Digues quin Rodalies surt des de l'estació de Cubelles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "estació de Cubelles", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9448, + "example": "Ens poses \"The message\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "The message", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8787, + "example": "Anota que la cançó que sona és fantàstica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2724, + "example": "Podries aturar-te durant una estona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5273, + "example": "Quins són els requisits per rebre la prescripció de la pròtesi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quins són els requisits", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "prescripció de la pròtesi", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10513, + "example": "Voldria saber quins establiments de venda al detall hi ha per aquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "establiments de venda al detall", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11052, + "example": "Mostra'm el trajecte per anar en autobús a casa de la meva germana Alba.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobús", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana Alba", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5257, + "example": "Consultar visites programades a La meva salut, com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "Consultar visites programades a La meva salut", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4163, + "example": "Vull que em confirmis que la junta del 16 de març està programada a les nou del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "16 de març", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7800, + "example": "Necessito que apaguis el LED que tinc al bany.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bany", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4915, + "example": "Hi ha molt trànsit els dilluns al matí pel Garraf?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Garraf", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3110, + "example": "Em ve de gust escoltar la meva col·lecció de música en aleatori.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "aleatori", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9215, + "example": "Vull que em recordessis que diumenge a la nit estaré reunida amb el meu mànager.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "estaré reunida", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu mànager", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2535, + "example": "Podries avisar-me si surt alguna cosa nova de Donald Trump?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Donald Trump", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3418, + "example": "Saps què significa suro?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "suro", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7229, + "example": "T'he dit que tanquis Telegram.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Telegram", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9245, + "example": "Apunta al calendari que divendres de dos quarts i mig de cinc fins a les sis tinc una reunió.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts i mig de cinc", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les sis tinc una reunió", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4286, + "example": "Digue'm avui quin dia de la setmana és.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6728, + "example": "Vull reservar una taula a dos quarts de deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de deu", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2940, + "example": "Cada dia del mes vinent estaré entrenant cames al gimnàs, guarda-ho al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Cada dia del mes vinent", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "entrenant cames", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "gimnàs", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11975, + "example": "Em pots punxar una cançó de la llista \"turisme per carretera\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "turisme per carretera", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9660, + "example": "Saps com va el llobarro al forn per emportar que he demanat a l'Asador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "llobarro al forn", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Asador", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3915, + "example": "Divideix vint-i-tres entre set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "vint-i-tres entre set", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4511, + "example": "Saps si demà projecten en cap lloc de Nou Barris la pel·lícula \"Fill de Caín\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Nou Barris", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Fill de Caín", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4365, + "example": "Em saps dir si la presentació del nou videojoc la fan a la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "presentació del nou videojoc", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5381, + "example": "Indica'm com puc arribar a la Sagrada Família.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sagrada Família", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4755, + "example": "Es poden demanar patates per emportar al Burger King?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Burger King", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "demanar patates per emportar", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7172, + "example": "M'expliques com s'arriba al König?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "König", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4443, + "example": "Quines pel·lícules estan fent pel meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu barri", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3333, + "example": "Pots reproduir \"La ventafocs\" al dormitori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "La ventafocs", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10789, + "example": "Em pots dir quants missatges electrònics sense llegir tinc que siguin recents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatges electrònics", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "sense llegir", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recents", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10755, + "example": "Ensenya'm el missatge de Messenger de part del Pere que acaba d'arribar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Messenger", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "acaba d'arribar", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11877, + "example": "No és això el que vull.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6081, + "example": "Em dius quins són els serveis que ofereix el cinema de Vilafranca del Penedès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilafranca del Penedès", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6052, + "example": "Em donaries l'adreça de la biblioteca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9990, + "example": "Digues si tinc alarmes per avui a dos quarts de sis del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de sis del matí", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9278, + "example": "Busca un algun acudit d'humor negre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "humor negre", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5938, + "example": "Mira'm si fan estudis del son a l'Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "fan estudis del son", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Universitari Arnau", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10433, + "example": "Digues-me les meves cançons preferides de rap en català.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rap en català", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "les meves cançons preferides", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1431, + "example": "M'augmentes la llum al despatx?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 995, + "example": "Pots atenuar-me el llum de led?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6980, + "example": "Em ve de gust veure \"Tadeu Jones 3: la taula maragda\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Tadeu Jones 3: la taula maragda", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6080, + "example": "El cinema de Begur quin horari té?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "cinema de Begur", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10181, + "example": "Comprova si el Ricard ha pujat una foto a les històries d'Instagram.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ricard", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10051, + "example": "Em dius les notícies recents sobre el Projecte AINA?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Projecte AINA", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7040, + "example": "Torna'm a posar el vídeo de \"La Riera\" a YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "La Riera", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8463, + "example": "Reserva un taxi per avui d'un quart de dotze a dues de la matinada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart de dotze a dues de la matinada", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2134, + "example": "Vull que obris els ulls de bou del menjador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10686, + "example": "Ensenya'm què tinc programat al meu calendari per aquest mes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest mes", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3073, + "example": "Ens toques una cançó d'indie?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "indie", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5965, + "example": "Tenen urgències psiquiàtriques a l'Hospital Joan XXIII de Tarragona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "urgències psiquiàtriques", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Joan XXIII", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2263, + "example": "Seria possible enviar a l'Aniol un missatge de correu electrònic amb el text \"la reunió de veïns és finalment al local del carrer Fontrodona\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aniol", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "la reunió de veïns és finalment al local del carrer Fontrodona", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 140 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8413, + "example": "Amb UberEats, fes que em portin una pizza familiar a casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "UberEats", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza familiar", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7632, + "example": "Pots afegir a la llista anomenada \"cosplay\" goma eva de color verd?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "goma eva de color verd", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "cosplay", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7223, + "example": "M'agradaria desactivar l'aplicatiu d'Abacus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Abacus", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5299, + "example": "Vull saber com em puc fer un duplicat de la carta de vacunació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "carta de vacunació", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com em puc fer un duplicat", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9437, + "example": "Em reproduiries a la cuina el pòdcast \"Hector VS the future\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Hector VS the future", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11979, + "example": "Ens reprodueixes Nirvana a l'habitació gran?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Nirvana", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació gran", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9531, + "example": "Reprodueix la meva llista: \"esenciales del punk\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "esenciales del punk", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11488, + "example": "Fes un truc a l'àvia, que hi ha un incendi a casa nostra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "àvia", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hi ha un incendi a casa nostra", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7633, + "example": "Voldria afegir ulleres de sol al llistat de la maleta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "ulleres de sol", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de la maleta", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3532, + "example": "Això que sona ara mateix és una cançó que no vull tornar a escoltar en la vida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6778, + "example": "Reserva'm taula per a cinc persones a un restaurant tailandès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "tailandès", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10061, + "example": "Em podries donar les notícies que siguin d'avui i parlin de les noves fàbriques de xips a Europa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "noves fàbriques de xips a Europa", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 439, + "example": "Em flipes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 744, + "example": "Em recordes el nom d'aquella tela que feien servir per als vestits de núvia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "tela", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "feien servir per als vestits de núvia", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3124, + "example": "Tinc ganes d'escoltar algunes cançonetes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2193, + "example": "Podries activar-me i sintonitzar-me la meva ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 326, + "example": "Repeteix-m'ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11131, + "example": "Per a quantes persones he de fer dinar el dia 11?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "11", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9223, + "example": "Seria possible afegir un avís al calendari de la cita a la comissaria el dimecres de la setmana que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "comissaria", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres de la setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10779, + "example": "Comprova si tinc nous correus electrònics d'aquesta setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2201, + "example": "Connecta la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10870, + "example": "Digue'm si a les dues tinc alguna pastilla per prendre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1254, + "example": "Ens podries tancar la làmpada del rebedor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebedor", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7983, + "example": "No suavitzis massa el so.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2113, + "example": "No veig res al jardí; pots encendre la bombeta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "jardí", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4520, + "example": "Saps si el dimarts es projecta algun thriller per la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "thriller", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 76, + "example": "Voldria prendre nota de la cita programada pel dijous amb la nostra pediatra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "la nostra pediatra", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1747, + "example": "Suprimeix tot el que tingui al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5791, + "example": "M'he cremat; si us plau, telefona un metge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "M'he cremat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 905, + "example": "Fica la música a un volum més suau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 635, + "example": "Per anar fins a Flix amb tren, com ho haig de fer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Flix", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8221, + "example": "Em reserves un bitllet pel tren que surt de Gandesa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gandesa", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2860, + "example": "Demà passat podries aixecar-nos a les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà passat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3990, + "example": "Quant és un peso argentí en pesos xilens?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "un peso argentí", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "pesos xilens", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1860, + "example": "Ens podries suprimir de l'agenda la cita prèvia per renovar el passaport que tenim demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita prèvia per renovar el passaport", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 621, + "example": "Digues amb quin bus puc anar al Solsonès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bus", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Solsonès", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3312, + "example": "Em reprens la reproducció de l'\"Ot el Bruixot i la pluja\" a la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Ot el Bruixot i la pluja", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1585, + "example": "Podries canviar-me la bombeta al color taronja?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "taronja", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1575, + "example": "Em canvies al color blau els llums de l'habitació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "blau", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9461, + "example": "Reprodueix el pòdcast de l'\"hora negra\" a iVoox.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "hora negra", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "iVoox", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9389, + "example": "Posa'm música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6489, + "example": "On podria trobar una major oferta en productes de neteja: al Sorli o al Bonpreu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sorli", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Bonpreu", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "On podria trobar una major oferta en productes de neteja", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7096, + "example": "L'app de Kindle encén-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Kindle", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6131, + "example": "Em pots dir quin horari té la residència d'estudiants de Camprodon?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "residència d'estudiants", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Camprodon", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9543, + "example": "Digue'm com es fa el plat de mar i muntanya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "mar i muntanya", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8911, + "example": "Busca'm el fax de la Paula.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "fax", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Paula", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 346, + "example": "Pots dir-ho novament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1235, + "example": "Ens podries apagar el llum de la tauleta de nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5578, + "example": "Contactar per telèfon amb el meu padrí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu padrí", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5283, + "example": "Mostrar si tinc guardat el Carnet de salut", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "guardat", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Carnet de salut", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3187, + "example": "M'agrada molt la cançó \"Nacidos para creer\"; la pots posar, si us plau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Nacidos para creer", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8642, + "example": "Seria possible eliminar de l'agenda la visita al veterinari amb el lloro per d'aquí a dues hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visita al veterinari", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "lloro", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquí a dues hores", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4298, + "example": "Pots dir-me quin és el temps de la setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10261, + "example": "Em dius l'hora del municipi de San Diego?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "San Diego", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4269, + "example": "Em dius quin dia som?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4998, + "example": "Els horaris del tren en direcció a Rubí, quins són?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Rubí", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4876, + "example": "Ara per ara hi ha molt tràfic per a sortir de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Hospitalet de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "Ara per ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6799, + "example": "Em pots fer la reserva d'una taula a un restaurant argentí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "argentí", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8264, + "example": "Vull una plaça per dissabte a les deu al tren que va cap a Madrid.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Madrid", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9100, + "example": "Em posaries l'emissora \"Ràdio Flaixbac\" al vestidor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Ràdio Flaixbac", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "vestidor", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9624, + "example": "Busca quins correus electrònics tinc a l'email amb la Maria amb el títol \"nous cursos d'idiomes\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "nous cursos d'idiomes", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9170, + "example": "Publica la foto a la Torre Eiffel a l'estat de Whatsapp.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Publica", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "foto a la Torre Eiffel", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4528, + "example": "Pots consultar si a la meva zona fan alguna pel·lícula de nou a dotze del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dotze del matí", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8680, + "example": "L'ítem \"La mar rodona\" treu-lo de la llista de llibres pendents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "La mar rodona", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de llibres pendents", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6900, + "example": "Comparteix la meva ubicació actual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8365, + "example": "Seria molt demanar pollastre a l'ast a l'Entrecuixes per Glovo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pollastre a l'ast", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Entrecuixes", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Glovo", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5096, + "example": "Puc veure les accions d'Apple?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Apple", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1799, + "example": "Seria possible que eliminessis l'avi Cisquet del llistat de familiars del Madrid?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "avi Cisquet", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de familiars del Madrid", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6988, + "example": "Posa l'últim vídeo d'\"El Racó del Manga\" a Twitch.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "El Racó del Manga", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Twitch", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1532, + "example": "La reproducció musical, me la pots parar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "parar", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7766, + "example": "Necessito que apaguis aquest endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8213, + "example": "Em podries comprar un bitllet per les quatre de la matinada al tren que va cap a Sant Guim de Freixenet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la matinada", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Guim de Freixenet", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11994, + "example": "Vull escoltar l'episodi següent d'\"El matí de Catalunya Ràdio\" a Google Podcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "El matí de Catalunya Ràdio", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Google Podcast", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10462, + "example": "Quins són els llistats que tinc emmagatzemats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4234, + "example": "Quin és el tema del dia a les xarxes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 31, + "example": "Em toca anar el dilluns 4 a les set quaranta-cinc del matí a fer-me una analítica, apunta-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns 4", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set quaranta-cinc del matí", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "test", + "Text": "analítica", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8183, + "example": "Voldria que m'adquirissis un viatge per anar el dissabte a les deu i vint-i-tres minuts en tren des de Figueres fins a Caldes de Malavella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 103, + "End_char": 111 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Caldes de Malavella", + "Start_char": 119, + "End_char": 138 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "deu i vint-i-tres", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11480, + "example": "Vull que emmagatzemis que el correu del meu tiet és nil_agusti@yahoo.es.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "nil_agusti@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu tiet", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file