diff --git "a/test.json" "b/test.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/test.json" @@ -0,0 +1,26460 @@ +{ + "dataset": "NLUCat", + "version": "1.0", + "split": "test", + "data": [ + { + "id": 8864, + "example": "Vull saber si durant els pròxims vuit dies tinc alguna reunió.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "durant els pròxims vuit dies", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 351, + "example": "Vull que repeteixis el que acabes de dir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9792, + "example": "Vull que em mostris els horaris del recorregut del tren cap a Torelló avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Torelló", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3442, + "example": "Què és una grípia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "grípia", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9544, + "example": "M'ensenyes alguna recepta per fer sobrassada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sobrassada", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2002, + "example": "Em podries eliminar el llistat de familiars del Madrid?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de familiars del Madrid", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9360, + "example": "Posa'm música portuguesa, que és de les meves músiques preferides.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "portuguesa", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferides", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6257, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis qui ha guanyat la Lliga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11037, + "example": "Dona'm indicacions per arribar a casa del Pol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pol", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1775, + "example": "Treu \"Thrust\" de la llista de trasformers de la saga \"studio series\" per comprar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Thrust", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de trasformers de la saga \"studio series\" per comprar", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6733, + "example": "Fer reserva d'una taula a un restaurant per dissabte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9450, + "example": "Escoltar un pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2579, + "example": "Em fas un tallat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "tallat", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5950, + "example": "Quin és el telèfon de la doctora Grau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctora Grau", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8125, + "example": "Hola.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10659, + "example": "Digue'm on fan l'exposició d'Eugènia Balcells diumenge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "exposició d'Eugènia Balcells", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10696, + "example": "Vull saber tot allò que tinc planificat per fer demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9738, + "example": "Digue'm ara a quina hora passa el ferrocarril cap a Arenys de Mar avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Arenys de Mar", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8316, + "example": "Fes una resposta al mail del Quimet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Quimet", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2869, + "example": "Posa'm una alerta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8992, + "example": "Vull saber què faig després d'anar al teatre aquest dilluns.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al teatre", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dilluns", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6647, + "example": "Em diries a les vuit que em prengui l'ansiolític?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "ansiolític", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11632, + "example": "Digues-ho amb paraules diferents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6247, + "example": "Quin ha sigut el resultat del partit del Tottenham?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Tottenham", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3029, + "example": "I si em reprodueixes a l'estudi l'episodi que segueix del pòdcast \"Lletra i música\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Lletra i música", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9239, + "example": "Informa'm de l'espectacle que faran la setmana vinent al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "espectacle", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7735, + "example": "Pots anotar-me al meu calendari l'espectacle?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "espectacle", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10725, + "example": "Pots confirmar-me si tinc la cita per renovar-me el DNI el mes que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita per renovar-me el DNI", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8799, + "example": "\"Obey de beard\" és el meu tema preferit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Obey de beard", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5667, + "example": "Telefona a Vall d'Hebron.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Vall d'Hebron", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7346, + "example": "Afegeix-me un correu al contacte de la Martina BonPreu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Martina BonPreu", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5206, + "example": "Podries explicar-me què tinc la setmana que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4432, + "example": "S'estrena alguna pel·lícula en anglès a Cines Verdi dimarts vinent a les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "en anglès", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cines Verdi", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 593, + "example": "Podries iniciar una partideta al \"Fire emblem: three houses\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Fire emblem: three houses", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7581, + "example": "M'hi podries afegir uns mitjons?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "mitjons", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5179, + "example": "Què hi tinc anotat a l'agenda pel dia d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4266, + "example": "Digue'm quin dia som.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2440, + "example": "Es podria cridar un taxi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10633, + "example": "Quines festes populars hi haurà a Santa Coloma de Gramenet aquest cap de setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festes populars", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Santa Coloma de Gramenet", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10464, + "example": "Podries confirmar-me els llistats que hi tinc aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6961, + "example": "Posa a Prime Video el primer episodi de \"Merlí\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Prime Video", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Merlí", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "primer episodi", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10532, + "example": "Troba botigues de filatèlia a prop meu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues de filatèlia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7234, + "example": "L'app de Caprabo, treu-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Caprabo", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3994, + "example": "A quant està el florí neerlandès vers el yen?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "yen", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "florí neerlandès", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4491, + "example": "A quin cinema faran \"El falsificador de passaports\" demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "El falsificador de passaports", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 955, + "example": "Abaixa-li el volum a la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1852, + "example": "Em pots esborrar del calendari la cita amb la Rita a la qual ja no aniré?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Rita", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4848, + "example": "Mostra'm l'afluència de vehicles per sortir de Granollers a les dues del migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Granollers", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues del migdia", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8202, + "example": "Podries comprar-me un lloc al tren que arriba a Figueres a les quatre del dia del meu aniversari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dia del meu aniversari", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11492, + "example": "Fes un truc al Joan, que he pres mal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he pres mal", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1779, + "example": "Em pots eliminar Argentina del llistat de països per visitar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Argentina", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de països per visitar", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2867, + "example": "Crea'm una alarma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6945, + "example": "Compartir el lloc on em trobo amb el meu amic durant quatre hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu amic", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "quatre hores", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3244, + "example": "Podries continuar amb la lectura de l'audiollibre \"Ara o mai\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Ara o mai", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5659, + "example": "Voldria fer una trucada a Vall d'Hebron.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Vall d'Hebron", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9495, + "example": "Em punxaries la música que més m'agrada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "més m'agrada", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4759, + "example": "Que pots buscar si al KFC fan menjar per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "KFC", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fan menjar per emportar", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10972, + "example": "Què em toca prendre a les vuit del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2935, + "example": "Seria possible anotar a la meva agenda que el dia 10 de cada mes s'ha de canviar el filtre de la gerra d'aigua?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "10 de cada mes", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "canviar el filtre de la gerra d'aigua", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 110 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2625, + "example": "Aquesta foto, posa-la d'estat a Whatsapp.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "Aquesta foto", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "posa-la d'estat", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8090, + "example": "Em ve de gust tindre una conversa amb tu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7147, + "example": "Indica'm el camí per arribar a l'hospital més proper.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8548, + "example": "Em reserves per a les cinc un taxi que em reculli a Alins?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Alins", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4339, + "example": "En quin dia cau la \"Festa del Renaixement\" de Tortosa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Festa del Renaixement", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4102, + "example": "Buscar el telèfon de casa de la Georgina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon de casa", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Georgina", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11893, + "example": "No ho has fet com cal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5534, + "example": "Vull trucar un segon al meu padrastre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu padrastre", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4224, + "example": "Em pots dir què és el que passa a TikTok?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4725, + "example": "Podries dir-me si puc demanar la pizza més bona del món a la Tagliatella a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "demanar la pizza més bona del món", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Tagliatella", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8424, + "example": "Vull fer una comanda de falàfel a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "falàfel", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5673, + "example": "M'agradaria que telefonessis a l'Hospital Comarcal de l'Alt Penedès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Comarcal de l'Alt Penedès", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7475, + "example": "Aixecar-me a les sis i mitja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis i mitja", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11535, + "example": "Fes-me el favor de trucar a l'Enric.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Enric", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5956, + "example": "Sabries dir-me si atenen urgències odontològiques al CAP Montclar de Sant Boi de Llobregat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "atenen urgències odontològiques", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP Montclar", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Boi de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11569, + "example": "Sí, d'acord.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3056, + "example": "Ens reproduiries El Canto del Loco?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "El Canto del Loco", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3523, + "example": "Aquesta sardana que sona em fastigueja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "sardana", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2062, + "example": "Vull demanar hamburguesa per emportar, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hamburguesa", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9612, + "example": "Digue'm quins correus electrònics tinc sobre la reorganització de la plantilla amb la Laura.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "reorganització de la plantilla", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4965, + "example": "Escolta, per anar a Balenyà, a quina hora hauria d'agafar el tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Balenyà", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10705, + "example": "Quin pla tindré per diumenge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10749, + "example": "Em sabries dir si he rebut algun missatge d'Slack nou d'en Marc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge d'Slack", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1628, + "example": "Pots contestar l'email que va arribar de part de la Bet fa un parell de dies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Bet ", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "fa un parell de dies", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2824, + "example": "Piular el text \"el vol ha sortit amb quatre hores de retard i no volen indemnitzar-nos\", citant l'atenció al client de Fly Emirates.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Piular", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "el vol ha sortit amb quatre hores de retard i no volen indemnitzar-nos", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de Fly Emirates", + "Start_char": 98, + "End_char": 131 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2641, + "example": "Em piularies \"el despertador que he posat a les sis del matí m'ha salvat la vida perquè no tinc ni energia per llençar-lo contra la paret, on és el cap de setmana per descansar del cap de setmana?\" hashtag \"dilluns\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piularies", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "el despertador que he posat a les sis del matí m'ha salvat la vida perquè no tinc ni energia per llençar-lo contra la paret, on és el cap de setmana per descansar del cap de setmana?", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 196 + }, + { + "Tag": "hashtag", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 207, + "End_char": 214 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11932, + "example": "Això és un error.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11084, + "example": "L'arròs de divendres és plat únic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4662, + "example": "Em pots llegir el missatge de Line de l'Oriol que he rebut avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Line", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Oriol", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11256, + "example": "Quines postres hi ha demà per dinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4438, + "example": "Voldria veure on projecten \"Segon origen\" demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Segon origen", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3713, + "example": "Al lloc on visc quina temperatura fa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Al lloc on visc", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "temperatura", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1600, + "example": "Posa la llum d'un altre color.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4351, + "example": "Busca'm on fan exposicions a la meva zona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "exposicions", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10413, + "example": "Quines cançons tinc guardades com preferidas de la Monserrat Cavallé", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Monserrat Cavallé", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quines cançons tinc guardades com preferidas", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8446, + "example": "Encomana pa de pessic al restaurant Castell del Brull.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pa de pessic", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Castell del Brull", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7277, + "example": "Desa'm que el correu de l'Adrià és adrianetpetit98@outlook.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "adrianetpetit98@outlook.com", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Adrià", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1499, + "example": "Atura la cançó \"Oh Jennifer\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Atura", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Oh Jennifer", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3606, + "example": "Freddie Mercury és una passada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Freddie Mercury", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9232, + "example": "Avisa'm que tindré una conferència a Girona amb en Pere Martí el dia 9 de setembre a les quatre de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferència", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere Martí", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "9 de setembre", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11233, + "example": "Es pot saber si la fruita de postres serà de temporada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fruita", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1882, + "example": "Em podries eliminar de l'agenda l'esdeveniment que tenim amb la Rosa la setmana vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Rosa", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "la setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11778, + "example": "Tant em carda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4667, + "example": "Comprova'm que no hagi rebut algun missatge de Discord de la Vinyet recentment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Discord", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Vinyet", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recentment", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11564, + "example": "Sense cap dubte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3564, + "example": "No puc suportar aquesta melodia que sona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10842, + "example": "Com em converteixo en milionari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3156, + "example": "A l'habitació petita podries reproduir-me \"Estat de gràcia\" de \"Catalunya Ràdio\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació petita", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Estat de gràcia", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Catalunya Ràdio", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2344, + "example": "Compra'm un tiquet pel tren dels Llacs per aquest dissabte a la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Llacs", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dissabte", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3137, + "example": "Ens podries punxar un tema?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 499, + "example": "Ets del que no hi ha.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9575, + "example": "M'interessa saber com està el trànsit per entrar a Sitges en aquest instant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquest instant", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1252, + "example": "Desconnectar els llums del passadís.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "passadís", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 987, + "example": "Treu-li un xic de potència al volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 353, + "example": "Torna'm a dir això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5098, + "example": "Vull que m'ensenyis a quin preu estan les accions de Google.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Google", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3809, + "example": "Saps quins plats puc fer amb tomàquet cor de bou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "tomàquet cor de bou", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5656, + "example": "Posa'm en contacte amb l'Hospital de Sant Joan de Déu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Sant Joan de Déu", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4765, + "example": "Duu el menjar a casa el Domino's Pizza que més m'agrada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Domino's Pizza", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "Duu el menjar a casa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3575, + "example": "Els Pets és el meu grup de música favorit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Els Pets", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4703, + "example": "Hi ha algun SMS recent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "SMS", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recent", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 401, + "example": "M'agradaria saber les inspiracions de la Gemma Mengual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "les inspiracions", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gemma Mengual", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4233, + "example": "Vull saber de què s'està discutint a Twitter en aquests moments.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10841, + "example": "Agafaré el virus de la COVID si vaig al Sònar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4680, + "example": "Saps si tinc algun missatge de Viber de fa poc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Viber", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "fa poc", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11644, + "example": "Pots expressar-ho d'una manera diferent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10752, + "example": "Tinc missatges de text nous de la Jana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jana", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2686, + "example": "Em podries dir què s'inclou en la llista de coses per posar a la maleta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de coses per posar a la maleta", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9968, + "example": "Digues-me quines alarmes tinc per demà passat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11814, + "example": "Podries parar-te una estona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5515, + "example": "M'agradaria que truquessis al 872765891.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "872765891", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8852, + "example": "Realment tinc fixada una reunió de pares a l'escola per aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió de pares", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "escola", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6485, + "example": "Hi ha millor acústica als Cinemes Verdi o l'Arenas de Barcelona Multicines?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cinemes Verdi", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Arenas de Barcelona Multicines", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Hi ha millor acústica", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10287, + "example": "A la ciutat de Nova Delhi quina hora és ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Nova Delhi", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5191, + "example": "Què faig cada dijous a la tarda de sis a nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dijous", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8520, + "example": "Sol·licita un Lyft per estar demà passat al Castelldefels a quarts de quatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Castelldefels", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "quarts de quatre", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5672, + "example": "Pots fer una trucada de telèfon al meu CUAP?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CUAP", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6026, + "example": "Saps si a la Farmàcia Fullana fan forats a les orelles?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Fullana", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "fan forats a les orelles", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8300, + "example": "Em pots mostrar si diumenge a les tres al migdia hi haurà boira?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres al migdia", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "boira", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7236, + "example": "Apagar l'aplicació Càmera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Càmera", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7730, + "example": "Seria possible afegir a l'agenda que tinc competició de \"Mario kart\" amb els nens en dues hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "competició de \"Mario kart\"", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en dues hores", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "nens", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4221, + "example": "De què està parlant la gent a Reddit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Reddit", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4612, + "example": "Em sabries dir si hi ha floristeries per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "floristeries", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5310, + "example": "De quina manera consulto els avisos i notificacions?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1850, + "example": "Podries treure del meu calendari personal la visita al museu Picasso del mes de febrer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visita al museu Picasso", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "febrer", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3869, + "example": "M'interessaria saber què puc fer amb llonganissa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "llonganissa", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10362, + "example": "Quina cançó sona ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quina cançó", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona ara mateix", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7834, + "example": "Necessito una mica més llum al menjador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3598, + "example": "Motörhead és un dels meus grups preferits.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Motörhead", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11178, + "example": "Què hi ha per esmorzar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "esmorzar", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7064, + "example": "Posa de nou el vídeo d'exercicis del DIR.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "exercicis del DIR", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3584, + "example": "Les bandes sonores m'encanten.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "bandes sonores", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9608, + "example": "Digue'm quins correus hi ha sobre l'aigua de Barcelona que m'hagi enviat amb en Bartomeu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "aigua de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Bartomeu", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9547, + "example": "Recepta fàcil de com es prepara la samfaina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "samfaina", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9732, + "example": "Em dius si us plau a quina hora surt el ferrocarril que es dirigeix al Prat de Llobregat demà passat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Prat de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7847, + "example": "Vull que posis més fort el llum del garatge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "garatge", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1990, + "example": "Elimina el llistat que es diu \"llibres\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llibres", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7827, + "example": "Les làmpades, apaga-me-les.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 312, + "example": "No he entès res; què m'has dit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3748, + "example": "Anuncien nevades per avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "nevades", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8189, + "example": "Em pots comprar un bitllet de tren per anar des de Palamós a Llúria a les sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palamós", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Llúria", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8514, + "example": "Sol·licita'm un Cabify per anar a Montserrat a les vuit del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "Montserrat", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4524, + "example": "A l'Odeon Multicines de Vilanova i la Geltrú fan alguna comèdia romàntica aquest dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Odeon Multicines", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "comèdia romàntica", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dijous", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10739, + "example": "Aquesta tarda tinc bicicletada per les costes de Garraf; és així?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "bicicletada per les costes de Garraf", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "Aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7953, + "example": "El volum, podries apujar-lo al 75%?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6648, + "example": "Si us plau, fes-me saber a les set que m'he de prendre el Paracetamol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Paracetamol", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2870, + "example": "Programa una alerta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7160, + "example": "Per on he d'anar per arribar a la universitat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "universitat", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 788, + "example": "Et faria res buscar el nom de l'aparell que es fa servir per mesurar la intensitat del vent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "aparell", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "es fa servir per mesurar la intensitat del vent", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9964, + "example": "Saber si tinc alarmes programades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4760, + "example": "Em saps dir si el meu Tento preferit té servei de repartiment a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Tento", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "servei de repartiment a domicili", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2305, + "example": "Adreçar a plurienganxats33@hotmail.com un mail.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "plurienganxats33@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9526, + "example": "Vull sentir la meva llista de reproducció de Música Medieval en bucle.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "Música Medieval", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11755, + "example": "Se me'n refot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5910, + "example": "Què em diries l'adreça de l'Hospital del Vendrell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vendrell", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10512, + "example": "Digue'm quines perruqueres tinc a prop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "perruqueres", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4140, + "example": "Publica vídeos a YouTube el Kilian Jornet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Publica vídeos a YouTube", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Kilian Jornet", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8005, + "example": "L'àudio voldria abaixar-lo una mica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4081, + "example": "El correu electrònic del meu marit, quin és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu marit", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2216, + "example": "M'encendries la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5072, + "example": "Em mostres les accions de Microsoft?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Microsoft", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11107, + "example": "Què significa el mot safanòria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "safanòria", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4473, + "example": "M'ensenyes a quin cinema fan \"Mòmies\" el dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Mòmies", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2591, + "example": "Ens prepares un cafè curt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè curt", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6718, + "example": "Vull reservar una taula a una arrosseria aquí a Roses.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "arrosseria", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Roses", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 427, + "example": "Ets digna d'admiració.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7683, + "example": "Cada dijous tinc classe d'àrab de dos quarts de cinc fins a les vuit a Piera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Cada dijous", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe d'àrab", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de cinc", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Piera", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2782, + "example": "Podries xapar la boqueta uns minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minuts", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4761, + "example": "Em saps dir si el restaurant Hachiko que més m'agrada porta el menjar a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Hachiko", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "porta el menjar a casa", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2256, + "example": "Podries fer-li arribar a la meva parella un correu electrònic que digui \"terròs de sucre\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva parella", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "terròs de sucre", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11377, + "example": "Quin dia és la meva cita amb el cirurgià?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "cirurgià", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10034, + "example": "Què hi ha de nou segons l'emissora de \"Tarragona Ràdio\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Tarragona Ràdio", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4906, + "example": "A Rubí en aquest instant hi ha molt trànsit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Rubí", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest instant", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7377, + "example": "Afegeix-me que l'email de la Marina és marinadominguez34@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marina", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "marinadominguez34@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1321, + "example": "Apuja un xic la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9958, + "example": "S'activarà alguna alerta el dilluns de cinc a vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "vuit", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10235, + "example": "Voldria veure el clima actual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "actual", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1001, + "example": "Voldria atenuar l'ull de bou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4113, + "example": "Com és la casa de Gerard Piqué?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Com és la casa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gerard Piqué", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1659, + "example": "Quina hora és a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich 0 si al fus horari d'Amèrica/Santa Isabel són les sis de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich 0", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Santa Isabel", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 109 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 725, + "example": "Dona'm la definició de trespeus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "trespeus", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5337, + "example": "He de sol·licitar un duplicat de la TSI si la perdo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSI", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "He de sol·licitar un duplicat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7228, + "example": "Treu-me l'aplicació iVoox.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "iVoox", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3015, + "example": "Podries posar-me al pati l'episodi que ve a continuació del pòdcast \"Modern love\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "pati", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Modern love", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4126, + "example": "Amb qui està sortint el Rauw Alejandro?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Amb qui està sortint", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Rauw Alejandro", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7864, + "example": "Treu qualsevol cosa que hi hagi registrada al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3999, + "example": "Digue'm quants francs suïssos són tres dòlars ruandesos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "tres dòlars ruandesos", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "francs suïssos", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4225, + "example": "Que em pots buscar que es diu a Instagram?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2276, + "example": "Em fas arribar un e-mail a l'Helena amb el text \"l'excursió a Camprodon s'ha suspès perquè sembla que farà mal temps\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Helena", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "l'excursió a Camprodon s'ha suspès perquè sembla que farà mal temps", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 116 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5103, + "example": "Quina és la cançó que està sonant ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quina és la cançó", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant ara", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3439, + "example": "Què vol dir el substantiu gaiato?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "gaiato", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 387, + "example": "Vull sentir-ho de nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4911, + "example": "El trànsit per sortir de Vilanova i la Geltrú a les dotze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10593, + "example": "Pots buscar-me quines exposicions d'art modern hi ha.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "exposicions d'art modern", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3169, + "example": "Podem escoltar el \"Superesports\" de \"RAC1\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Superesports", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "RAC1", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11553, + "example": "Ho afirmo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7098, + "example": "Obre'm la Calculadora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Calculadora", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2730, + "example": "Podries tancar la boca durant una estoneta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estoneta", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10115, + "example": "Trobar el contingut de la llista que es diu \"còmics\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "còmics", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1267, + "example": "Vull apagar els meus endolls intel·ligents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11617, + "example": "Ho confirmo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6630, + "example": "A les tres i quart toca el Frenadol, no?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres i quart", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Frenadol", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11351, + "example": "Et sona si a dos quarts de deu tinc hora a la metgessa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de deu", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metgessa", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7734, + "example": "La nova d'\"Avatar\" al desembre de l'any vinent, me la poses al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "La nova d'\"Avatar\"", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "desembre de l'any vinent", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3648, + "example": "Estic molt cansada perquè m'he passat tot el dia estudiant per l'examen de demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9396, + "example": "Em pots tocar una cançó de gòspel?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "gòspel", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10249, + "example": "Vull saber la previsió del temps actual", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "actual", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3130, + "example": "M'agradaria sentir música clàssica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "música clàssica", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8338, + "example": "Vull que contestis el missatge de correu electrònic de l'Ona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ona", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9775, + "example": "Mostra'm quins trens passen durant el vespre de Tortosa fins a Cambrils.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "el vespre", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cambrils", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 300, + "example": "Ensenya'm el bus que em porta fins a Sant Gervasi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bus", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Gervasi", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8007, + "example": "Temperar el volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2594, + "example": "Et faria res preparar-nos un cafè llarg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè llarg", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5988, + "example": "Tenen consulta ginecològica al centre d'atenció a la salut sexual i reproductiva?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre d'atenció a la salut sexual i reproductiva", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "consulta ginecològica", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11600, + "example": "Hi estic d'acord.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3641, + "example": "He tingut un dia molt bo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2152, + "example": "Ens podries encendre aquest llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3023, + "example": "Ens reproduiries el següent episodi del pòdcast \"En joc\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "En joc", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9276, + "example": "Digue'm algun acudit que parli de professors.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "professors", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6349, + "example": "Puc recollir la meva targeta Cuida'm al CAP?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Puc recollir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "al CAP", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8593, + "example": "De l'agenda personal em pots esborrar tots els esdeveniments que acabin a les onze del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5324, + "example": "Necessito accedir al resultat d'unes proves.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "accedir al resultat d'unes proves", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6468, + "example": "Al de la Veïna o el Cul del Món, on trobaré una carta de vins més àmplia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "de la Veïna", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cul del Món", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "on trobaré una carta de vins més àmplia", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11125, + "example": "A quins programes de la televisió va aparèixer el Marc Márquez?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marc Márquez", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "A quins programes de la televisió va aparèixer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10963, + "example": "Quin medicament em toca a les sis de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1945, + "example": "Et faria res treure'm l'alarma que vaig posar per dilluns i dimecres a dos quarts de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 619, + "example": "M'expliques com puc arribar en bus a la Ceramicaria de Gràcia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bus", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Ceramicaria de Gràcia", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10713, + "example": "Juraria que tinc una visita d'obra demà a tres quarts de quatre; necessito que m'ho confirmis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visita d'obra", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de quatre", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 472, + "example": "Ets impressionant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6217, + "example": "Voldria saber quan caduca el meu certificat COVID.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan caduca", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6054, + "example": "He de trucar a l'Ajuntament, recorda'm el telèfon.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5300, + "example": "Mostra'm com em puc fer un duplicat del certificat de discapacitat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat de discapacitat", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com em puc fer un duplicat", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1060, + "example": "Ens pots arrencar l'aspiradora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11864, + "example": "Et bloques uns minutets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6327, + "example": "Digue'm com va la Champions.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1938, + "example": "Seria possible eliminar l'alarma programada per les tres de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la matinada", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5089, + "example": "M'agradaria saber com va el valor en borsa de l'empresa Sony.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Sony", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 69, + "example": "Voldria que apuntessis que tinc visita amb el metge a les tres i mitja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres i mitja", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2890, + "example": "I si em poses l'emissora \"Rac1\" a la sala d'estar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Rac1", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala d'estar", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3142, + "example": "Necessito escoltar algun tema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5533, + "example": "Et demano que facis una trucada a l'àvia Josepa al telèfon 977432753.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "àvia Josepa", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "977432753", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 526, + "example": "Juguem al \"Pokémon Go\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Pokémon Go", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 111, + "example": "Escriu al calendari que demà passat a les nou he de veure el dentista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dentista", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6004, + "example": "Dir horari: Farmàcia Bueno.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Bueno", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8114, + "example": "Quines bones noves em portes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4811, + "example": "Hauré d'agafar botes d'aigua demà a la tarda a les sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Hauré d'agafar botes d'aigua", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "la tarda a les sis", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5706, + "example": "Necessito telefonar al CAP Montgat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP Montgat", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11937, + "example": "Això no està gens bé.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10688, + "example": "Estaria bé saber què tinc al calendari d'aquí a dues hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "d'aquí a dues hores", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5807, + "example": "Truca als bombers.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11221, + "example": "El desdejuni portarà ous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "desdejuni", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "ous", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4159, + "example": "A quina hora tinc la visita al Parc Güell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visita", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Parc Güell", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1068, + "example": "El robot aspirador, me'l podries engegar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1633, + "example": "Podries contestar el correu que vaig rebre de l'Aniol dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Aniol", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8408, + "example": "M'agradaria encomanar al Hideout Burger per menjar des de casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Hideout Burger", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10142, + "example": "Pots mirar si la Gisela ha publicat un enllaç a LinkedIn?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gisela", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "LinkedIn", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1199, + "example": "Afegeix-me la meva agenda que tinc una cita amb la Magda avui a les deu de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Magda", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 549, + "example": "Fem un nivell del \"Stardew valley\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Stardew valley", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1340, + "example": "La música sona fluixa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6984, + "example": "Vull veure l'últim vídeo de Twitch d'en Jaume Fibla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Twitch", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Jaume Fibla", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5160, + "example": "El dilluns és l'últim dia que tinc per tornar el CD de Camela al Carles veritat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "tornar el CD de Camela", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carles", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8081, + "example": "Què tal va tot?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5240, + "example": "Com puc accedir a una eConsulta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "accedir a una eConsulta", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6272, + "example": "Saps quin va ser el resultat del partit del dimecres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 738, + "example": "El mot moresc què significa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "moresc", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6342, + "example": "Com ho he de fer per obtenir la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com ho he de fer per obtenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9645, + "example": "Els nostres macarrons amb beixamel per emportar, ens pots dir com van?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "macarrons amb beixamel", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4270, + "example": "Necessito saber quin dia és.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8218, + "example": "Vull agafar el ferrocarril que va cap a Roses a tres quarts de deu de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Roses", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9748, + "example": "Necessito que em mostris a quina hora passa el tren que passa per Tordera avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tordera", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2981, + "example": "Escoltar els meus pòdcasts preferits.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4647, + "example": "Trobes alguna xarcuteria per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "xarcuteria", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9231, + "example": "Recorda'm que tinc una assemblea amb en Joaquim a les deu del matí del divendres vinent a Lloret de Mar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assemblea", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joaquim", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres vinent", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 87 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lloret de Mar", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4008, + "example": "Em pots dir a quant està en aquests moments el won vers el franc de Burundi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "franc de Burundi", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "won", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 565, + "example": "Obre'm el \"Roblox\" que em ve de gust jugar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Roblox", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11114, + "example": "He de posar pa ratllat a les croquetes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "croquetes", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "pa ratllat", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10833, + "example": "Quin pentinat m'afavoriria més?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1320, + "example": "Els endolls, podries apagar-los?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9391, + "example": "Em punxes música rock al pati?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rock", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "pati", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6337, + "example": "Necessito saber on demanen la targeta Braile.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braile", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "on demanen", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10305, + "example": "He de saber quina hora és.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4201, + "example": "Busca el que passa a Instagram.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11337, + "example": "Demà a les vuit tenia hora amb doctora Alba Massot al Pius, no?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Alba Massot", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Pius", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5607, + "example": "Trucar al Pol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pol", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7175, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quin és el trajecte caminant al Rebost de Sant Celoni.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Rebost de Sant Celoni", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "caminant", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1906, + "example": "Ens cancel·les l'alerta que vam programar per les tres de la matinada tots els dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la matinada", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dilluns", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8600, + "example": "De cada diumenge em podries fer desaparèixer del calendari personal el partit de bàsquet a Les Corts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada diumenge", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partit de bàsquet", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Les Corts", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 277, + "example": "Quins metros hi ha cap a l'aeroport de Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "metros", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "aeroport de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5969, + "example": "Se sap si atenen urgències odontològiques al CAP Montclar de Sant Boi de Llobregat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "atenen urgències odontològiques", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP Montclar", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Sant Boi de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7003, + "example": "Vull veure \"Crims\" a Movistar+.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Movistar+", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Crims", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5093, + "example": "Podries ensenyar-me el preu de les accions de Casio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Casio", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8961, + "example": "Aspira la cuina amb la roomba.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8232, + "example": "Necessito estar al tren de demà que surt de l'aeroport a tres quarts menys cinc d'onze; compra un bitllet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aeroport", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts menys cinc d'onze", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9219, + "example": "Arranja'm una reunió a la papereria amb la Queralt a les deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "papereria", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Queralt", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2976, + "example": "Poses \"Todo concostrina\"; és dels meus pòdcasts preferits?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Todo concostrina", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3636, + "example": "He passat una nit horrorosa: només he tingut malsons, un rere l'altre sense parar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7859, + "example": "Necessito més llum a la cuina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8925, + "example": "Trobar el número de telèfon de l'oficina la Nina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de telèfon de l'oficina", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nina", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7214, + "example": "Tanca'm l'aplicació Factor Energia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Factor Energia", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4557, + "example": "Que fan alguna pel·lícula familiar d'animació al cinema demà a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "familiar d'animació", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6017, + "example": "Voldria saber a quina hora obre la Farmàcia Augé i Ribas.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quina hora obre", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Augé i Ribas", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5813, + "example": "Telefonar als Mossos d'Esquadra; m'han atracat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Mossos d'Esquadra", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "m'han atracat", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11374, + "example": "Com es diu el metge traumatòleg de la cita de dimecres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7769, + "example": "Vull els endolls intel·ligents desconnectats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2489, + "example": "Tenim un sopar familiar el dijous vinent al capvespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar familiar", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous vinent", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al capvespre", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10187, + "example": "M'agradaria descobrir les últimes tendències a Snapchat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Snapchat", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9871, + "example": "Digues-me el resultat de la divisió de cinc-cents quaranta-nou i seixanta-cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "divisió de cinc-cents quaranta-nou i seixanta-cinc", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8230, + "example": "He d'adquirir un bitllet per anar dimarts de Gavà a Sitges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11551, + "example": "Clarament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6098, + "example": "Em podries dir el telèfon de l'escola Abat Marcet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola Abat Marcet", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11005, + "example": "Vull mirar si la pastilla que prenc cada sis hores és el Nolotil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Nolotil", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6553, + "example": "Vull que em recordis que m'he de prendre la medicació cada sis hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1564, + "example": "Podries variar el color del llum del balcó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "balcó", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3740, + "example": "Em pots mostrar si demà a les nou al vespre farà sol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou al vespre", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "sol", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3296, + "example": "Continua amb la reproducció de \"Prince Maesa\" de Guy Haley.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Prince Maesa", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Guy Haley", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4399, + "example": "L'hora de Morelos, me la pots dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Morelos", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2632, + "example": "Fes un tuit a l'atenció al client de Caixabank on digui \"m'heu cobrat el manteniment de la targeta i hauria de ser gratuït segons el contracte que tinc, lladres\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de Caixabank", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Fes un tuit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "m'heu cobrat el manteniment de la targeta i hauria de ser gratuït segons el contracte que tinc, lladres", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 160 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2862, + "example": "Podries aixecar-me a dos quarts de set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de set", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10047, + "example": "Notícies de política recents de \"RTVE Catalunya\"; me les pots mostrar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "política", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "RTVE Catalunya", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7162, + "example": "Com es pot arribar a l'Esclat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Esclat", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8575, + "example": "Reserva'm Talixo per a les set del matí, que em porti a casa meva des de Razzmatazz.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Talixo", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set del matí", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa meva", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Razzmatazz", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10984, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis fins quan he de prendre l'Espidifen.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Espidifen", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5900, + "example": "A quina hora obre el centre d'atenció primària Lluís Millet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quina hora obre", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre d'atenció primària Lluís Millet", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4873, + "example": "Em mostres el trànsit per entrar a Barcelona avui a les set de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11235, + "example": "De quin tipus de cuina és el menú d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8345, + "example": "Voldria encarregar un biquini.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "biquini", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10570, + "example": "Estaria bé trobar quines festes de disfresses hi ha al meu districte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festes de disfresses", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu districte", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11970, + "example": "Em poses sarsuela al celobert?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "sarsuela", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "celobert", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11699, + "example": "No entenc què m'estàs dient.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6823, + "example": "He de reservar taula a una arrosseria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "arrosseria", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9044, + "example": "M'agradaria posar al meu calendari que estaré reunida amb la Júlia Montgriu el matí de dissabte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "estaré reunida", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Júlia Montgriu", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "el matí", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9720, + "example": "Digues l'hora del fus horari UTC-4.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari UTC-4", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1194, + "example": "Pots enregistrar-me a l'agenda personal que he quedat amb en Màrius Llopart a les cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "he quedat", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Màrius Llopart", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1520, + "example": "L'àlbum que estava escoltant, podries tornar-lo a posar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "podries tornar-lo a posar", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9873, + "example": "Quin és el resultat de cent tretze menys vuitanta-vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "cent tretze menys vuitanta-vuit", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2419, + "example": "Vull un taxi que em porti a la sala Apolo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "sala Apolo", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9570, + "example": "Quins components té la crema catalana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "crema catalana", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 16, + "example": "Anota que dijous 26 té la visita la meva àvia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva àvia", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3214, + "example": "Al lavabo petit podries tocar \"Vitamina sol\" a continuació d'això que estàs reproduint?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo petit", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Vitamina sol", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "a continuació", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1621, + "example": "Desitjo contestar al correu electrònic d'en Joaquim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joaquim", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11457, + "example": "Joseppelroig22@yahoo.es guarda'l com email del Josep Roig.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josep Roig", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "Joseppelroig22@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4245, + "example": "Què es xerra a Twitter ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5815, + "example": "Truca als bombers ja: hi ha una fuita de gas a la cuina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "hi ha una fuita de gas", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6516, + "example": "En llevar-me em toca prendre el protector gàstric.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "En llevar-me", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "protector gàstric", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 543, + "example": "Em pots posar un nivell del \"Geometry dash\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Geometry dash", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4470, + "example": "Digue'm a quin cinema faran demà \"Detectiu Conan: la núvia de Halloween\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Detectiu Conan: la núvia de Halloween", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2682, + "example": "Em podries dir què hi ha a la llista de llibres llegits?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de llibres llegits", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6230, + "example": "Com puc aconseguir el certificat COVID digital?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID digital", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com puc aconseguir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1614, + "example": "Podries canviar els colors dels llums del menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2769, + "example": "Calles durant una miqueta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4601, + "example": "Al voltant quins mercats hi ha?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Al voltant", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "mercats", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8029, + "example": "Em crees una nova llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8175, + "example": "M'agradaria que compressis un viatge en el Regional que surt de Puigverd a les tres de la tarda i arriba a Calafell a dos quarts i mig de cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Regional", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Puigverd", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Calafell", + "Start_char": 107, + "End_char": 115 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dos quarts i mig de cinc", + "Start_char": 118, + "End_char": 142 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3795, + "example": "Saps quins plats puc preparar amb vi dolç?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "vi dolç", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4042, + "example": "Em podries dir com està el peso colombià vers la lliura esterlina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "lliura esterlina", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "peso colombià", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2164, + "example": "Posar en funcionament l'endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7854, + "example": "Fica la bombeta del menjador més forta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10033, + "example": "Vull veure les últimes informacions sobre Kim Jong-un a \"RAC1\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Kim Jong-un", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "RAC1", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8993, + "example": "Voldria saber quin dia és la cita d'inscriure'm al SEPE.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "inscriure'm al SEPE", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4852, + "example": "L'estat del trànsit per entrar a Palafrugell en aquests moments.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquests moments", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2365, + "example": "He de viatjar cap a Lliçà de Munt; em demanes un bitllet pel tren que surt des de Badalona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lliçà de Munt", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11380, + "example": "On he d'anar dijous per la meva visita amb la ginecòloga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "ginecòloga", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5198, + "example": "Em pots dir quines assemblees tindré l'última setmana d'agost a l'hotel de Salou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assemblees", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "última setmana d'agost", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "hotel de Salou", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5195, + "example": "A quina hora són les juntes que tinc programades per dimarts al matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "juntes", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7429, + "example": "Adreça'm un missatge de text a mon padrí que digui \"el tractor ja és al taller\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "text", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon padrí", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "el tractor ja és al taller", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 589, + "example": "Fer una partida ràpida al \"Doom\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Doom", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4525, + "example": "Em diries si fan cap pel·lícula policíaca de vuit a onze de la nit al Cine Yelmo Icària?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "policíaca", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "vuit", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "onze de la nit", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cine Yelmo Icària", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11850, + "example": "Aturar-ho tot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7076, + "example": "Pitja el play a \"La plaça del Diamant\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "La plaça del Diamant", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11619, + "example": "Ok.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1049, + "example": "Podries disminuir la potència de les bombetes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11466, + "example": "Afegeix carles928@gmail.com al contacte de Carles Mas.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carles Mas", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "carles928@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10814, + "example": "Jocs de taula, de rol i de cartes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1148, + "example": "\"Cinema a Palafrugell\" m'ho pots apuntar al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Cinema a Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2828, + "example": "Piula a Twitter un text dirigit al servei d'atenció al client de Zalando dient \"sabeu que les dones que calcen més d'un 41 existeixen i necessiten sabates per no anar descalces pel món, oi?\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Piula", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al client de Zalando", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "sabeu que les dones que calcen més d'un 41 existeixen i necessiten sabates per no anar descalces pel món, oi", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 188 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6963, + "example": "Veure la pel·lícula \"Entrevista amb el vampir\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Entrevista amb el vampir", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1590, + "example": "Podries posar-me el llum de color violeta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "violeta", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7755, + "example": "Aquest endoll intel·ligent desactiva'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3295, + "example": "Podria continuar escoltant \"Cordelluna\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Cordelluna", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8691, + "example": "Treu Berga de la llista de ciutats pendents de visitar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Berga", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de ciutats pendents de visitar", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8373, + "example": "Vull demanar un gyros amb l'app Uber Eats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "gyros", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Uber Eats", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9905, + "example": "Quants fills té en Julio Iglesias?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Julio Iglesias", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Quants fills", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4217, + "example": "Què es diu a Facebook?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8074, + "example": "Com prova el dia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2646, + "example": "Em publiques a Twitter una piulada dirigida al compte oficial de l'ONU?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "publiques", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "ONU", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5132, + "example": "Em podries dir quina és la lletra de la melodia que estic escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina és la lletra", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7399, + "example": "Adreça un email al meu tiet Martí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu tiet Martí", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3091, + "example": "Ens podries tocar un tema de la llista de reproducció que es diu \"cançons per aprendre italià\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "cançons per aprendre italià", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 927, + "example": "Minvar la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8730, + "example": "Esborrar una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 297, + "example": "Amb quin ferrocarril puc anar de Sarrià a Poble Sec?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sarrià", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Poble Sec", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6841, + "example": "Busca'm taula per mi i en Jordi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Jordi", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8194, + "example": "Podries comprar el bitllet del tren de les deu cap a Ulldecona sortint des de Gavà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ulldecona", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1005, + "example": "Pots posar l'ull de bou al mínim?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 186, + "example": "Posa al dia 13 \"visita amb el ginecòleg\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "13", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "ginecòleg", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9980, + "example": "Quantes alarmes per la setmana que ve hi ha actives?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3203, + "example": "Ens toques la cançó que ens flipa: \"Vitamina sol\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Vitamina sol", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1795, + "example": "Pots eliminar de la llista d'al·lèrgies del Jordi el pol·len?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "pol·len", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista d'al·lèrgies del Jordi", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5630, + "example": "Podries trucar als meus besavis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "als meus besavis", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8479, + "example": "Trucar un Blacklane que em porti a les set al Portal de l'Àngel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Blacklane", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Portal de l'Àngel", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7197, + "example": "Explica'm un altre cop la ruta a l'escola.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6870, + "example": "Necessito que reservis taula a Can Borrel per dinar diumenge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Can Borrel", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 460, + "example": "Ets la repera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4077, + "example": "Quina és l'adreça de la feina de l'Enric?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça de la feina", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Enric", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8141, + "example": "Podries comprar el bitllet del tren de les nou del matí cap a Salou sortint de Valls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6783, + "example": "Ens pots reservar taula a una arrosseria per aquest migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "arrosseria", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest migdia", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10584, + "example": "Mostrar quins espectacles es faran a Girona pròximament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "pròximament", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11442, + "example": "Crea un contacte per la Irene amb el número 656534341.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Irene", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "656534341", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6191, + "example": "Com obtenir el certificat COVID.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com obtenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8688, + "example": "Fes desaparèixer botifarra negra de la llista de la compra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "botifarra negra", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5713, + "example": "Voldria que truquessis al Clínic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínic", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3763, + "example": "Confirma'm si he de comprar tomàquets al pagès del mercat el mes que ve a les vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "comprar tomàquets", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "pagès", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "mercat", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7850, + "example": "Posa'm més potent la llum de la sala d'estar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala d'estar", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10019, + "example": "Hi ha alguna alarma que soni el dilluns a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5264, + "example": "Ensenyar quina validesa té la carta de vacunació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quina validesa té", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carta de vacunació", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 694, + "example": "A quin dels oceans del món està la fossa més profunda de la Terra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "A quin dels oceans del món està", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fossa més profunda de la Terra", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4340, + "example": "Com es diu l'espectacle que fan demà a la meva zona, m'ho pots dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacle", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3263, + "example": "Ens pots posar l'audiollibre \"La vigília a la sala\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "La vigília a la sala", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1214, + "example": "El 3 de desembre tinc un concert a Sant Cugat amb el meu xicot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "3 de desembre", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "concert", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Cugat", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu xicot", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2004, + "example": "Podries esborrar-nos la llista de veïns susceptibles?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de veïns susceptibles", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6737, + "example": "Vull la reserva d'una taula per a dues persones a un restaurant de cuina creativa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "dues", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "cuina creativa", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7848, + "example": "Posa'm més forta la claredat de la llum de l'estudi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5457, + "example": "Mostra el lloc on soc a la meva nora durant dues hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva nora", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "dues hores", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2518, + "example": "Recordar que tinc una reunió amb la meva mànager demà a les dotze del migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mànager", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze del migdia", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7441, + "example": "Digue'm una recepta que porti cogombres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "cogombres", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5884, + "example": "Buscar horari del Centre Mèdic Urquinaona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Centre Mèdic Urquinaona", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3144, + "example": "Et faria res tocar-me una cançó a la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6408, + "example": "Ensenya'm fins quan dura la TSE.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSE", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "fins quan dura", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2139, + "example": "Activar els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1017, + "example": "L'ull de bou, atenua'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3501, + "example": "Busca un acudit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5307, + "example": "Voldria que em busquessis com veure la medicació que m'entra per la Seguretat Social.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "veure la medicació que m'entra per la Seguretat Social", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10956, + "example": "Em podries recordar si era en llevar-me quan em prenc la pastilla del cor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla del cor", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9077, + "example": "Sentir la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10491, + "example": "Em podries dir quines botigues hi ha a prop meu que siguin tranquil·les?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "siguin tranquil·les", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7013, + "example": "Dona-li a reproduir \"Els passatgers de la nit\", la pel·lícula.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Els passatgers de la nit", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1872, + "example": "Pots esborrar l'entrada de demà a dijous del calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10352, + "example": "M'agradaria trobar quin tipus de música està posada ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin tipus de música", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està posada ara", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5448, + "example": "Mostra on soc a la meva germana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9456, + "example": "Em ve de gust sentir un pòdcast ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8431, + "example": "Pots fer-me una comanda a domicili amb takeaway.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "takeaway.com", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7974, + "example": "Abaixa el volum al 98%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6435, + "example": "Mostra'm si està actualitzada la meva TSI.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSI", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Mostra'm si està actualitzada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9036, + "example": "Em pots afegir a dos quarts de cinc una reunió amb l'Anna Bellpuig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de cinc", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna Bellpuig", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4835, + "example": "La circulació per sortir de Reus, quina és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Reus", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2960, + "example": "Tinc una trobada programada amb l'Ares, me l'anotes al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "trobada", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ares", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7113, + "example": "Activa'm l'app T-mobilitat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "T-mobilitat", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5297, + "example": "Fins quan dura la carta de vacunació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan dura", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carta de vacunació", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4284, + "example": "Quin dia del mes és avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4376, + "example": "Podries dir-me què puc fer per divertir-me per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_detail", + "Text": "divertir-me", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4318, + "example": "Hi ha vent aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "vent", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10137, + "example": "Ensenya'm què conté la llista que s'anomena \"viatges\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "viatges", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6490, + "example": "On tenen més opcions veganes al Delsams de cafè o a l'Esglaó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Delsams de cafè", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Esglaó", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "On tenen més opcions veganes", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7230, + "example": "Apaga l'app Rellotge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Rellotge", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11909, + "example": "No, no.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1523, + "example": "Para el tema de Psychostick.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Para", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Psychostick", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2806, + "example": "Menciona l'atenció al client de Mercadona amb el text \"no em puc creure que hàgiu deixat de vendre el cartó de suc de pastanaga, gingebre i préssec\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de Mercadona", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "no em puc creure que hàgiu deixat de vendre el cartó de suc de pastanaga, gingebre i préssec", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 147 + }, + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Menciona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4214, + "example": "Em mostres què succeeix a Instagram?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7392, + "example": "Voldria que enviessis a la meva neboda un missatge per correu electrònic que es digui \"felices noces\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva neboda", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "felices noces", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 100 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6748, + "example": "Voldria la reserva d'una taula per a quatre persones a una braseria de Cambrils.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "braseria", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cambrils", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6279, + "example": "Voldria saber com li ha anat al Barcelona al partit de la Lliga de dijous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "partit de la Lliga", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8798, + "example": "\"Barcelona\" és una cançó meravellosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3742, + "example": "A Montcada i Reixac, saps si nevarà aquests dies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montcada i Reixac", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "nevarà", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquests dies", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 448, + "example": "No tinc paraules.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9220, + "example": "Et faria res enregistrar per aquesta tarda que tinc organitzada una reunió amb la Mercè Sabater a la seva oficina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mercè Sabater", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 106, + "End_char": 113 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1849, + "example": "Podries esborrar del calendari la fira que tinc amb el Joel?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fira", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joel", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4098, + "example": "Em pots mostrar el número de telèfon fix dels meus avis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de telèfon fix", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "dels meus avis", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5610, + "example": "Desitjaria fer una trucada a les meves cosines.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "les meves cosines", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2926, + "example": "Em podries anotar a la meva agenda que tenim balls de saló cada dimarts a dos quarts de tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "balls de saló", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dimarts", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de tres", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3537, + "example": "Aquest tema em provoca nàusees.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11759, + "example": "M'és totalment igual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1871, + "example": "Podries suprimir l'esdeveniment que tinc cada dilluns a Londres del calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dilluns", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Londres", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 60, + "example": "Et faria res fer-me saber que he d'anar a la Vall d'Hebron?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Vall d'Hebron", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6691, + "example": "Necessito una taula a un japonès pel dilluns.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "japonès", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9673, + "example": "Com va l'amanida russa que he demanat al Supra Barcelona per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "amanida russa", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Supra Barcelona", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11123, + "example": "Qui va descobrir la velocitat de la llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "velocitat de la llum", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "Qui va descobrir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 192, + "example": "Apunta la visita dels nens pel dia 11.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dia 11", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "nens", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11835, + "example": "Acaba amb aquesta tasca, va.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8731, + "example": "I si ens engegues l'endoll del passadís?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "passadís", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 243, + "example": "Quins autobusos hi ha cap a Viladecans el 7 de febrer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobusos", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Viladecans", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "7 de febrer", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4885, + "example": "Hi ha molt de trànsit demà al migdia per a anar a Igualada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Igualada", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6386, + "example": "On puc demanar un duplicat de la targeta Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "On puc demanar un duplicat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10146, + "example": "Necessito esbrinar què hi ha de nou a les xarxes socials.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7722, + "example": "Tinc classes de pintura cada dijous de cinc a vuit a Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classes de pintura", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dijous", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "vuit", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7768, + "example": "Vull desconnectar els meus endolls intel·ligents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11116, + "example": "Quan comença l'horari d'estiu a França?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "França", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6102, + "example": "Em buscaries el telèfon de l'oficina funerària de Terrassa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina funerària", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4251, + "example": "Quines són les últimes tendències a Twitter?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9337, + "example": "Pots tocar-nos la cançó que més m'agrada de Skillet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "més m'agrada", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Skillet", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4742, + "example": "Al Pollo Criollo fan comandes per a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Pollo Criollo", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "comandes per a casa", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6514, + "example": "Recorda'm que en llevar-me m'he de prendre la càpsula de l'estómac.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "en llevar-me", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "càpsula de l'estómac", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 63, + "example": "Visita al CAP el dimarts vinent, apunta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10983, + "example": "Quantes vegades al dia he de prendre el Pectox?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Pectox", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4375, + "example": "Em saps dir què passa pel meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4949, + "example": "Buscar l'SMS recent sobre NBA que ha enviat el Pau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pau", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "SMS", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recent", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "NBA", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4043, + "example": "Mira'm quant són deu pesos argentins en dòlars.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "deu pesos argentins", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlars", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2318, + "example": "Em pots treure totes les cites que tinc al novembre del calendari personal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cites", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "novembre", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9796, + "example": "Digues l'horari complet del ferrocarril en direcció a Sants.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sants", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10407, + "example": "Digues-me les cançons de jazz que més m'agraden.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "jazz", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "més m'agraden", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1954, + "example": "Pots cancel·lar-nos l'alerta que tenim dilluns i dimecres a dos quarts de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7000, + "example": "Voldria veure l'últim episodi de \"Com si fos ahir\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "últim episodi", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Com si fos ahir", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5505, + "example": "Vull telefonar a algú.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7021, + "example": "M'agradaria mirar \"Vitals\" a HBO un altre cop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Vitals", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "HBO", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11808, + "example": "Atura absolutament tot el que fas.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11063, + "example": "Per on he d'anar per arribar a casa de la meva cosina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva cosina", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1806, + "example": "Buidar tots els esdeveniments de dinar amb el meu xurri a Barcelona que hi ha registrats al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu xurri", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3930, + "example": "Resta tres-cents tres a vuit-cents vuitanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Resta tres-cents tres a vuit-cents vuitanta", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8158, + "example": "He de comprar un bitllet de tren per anar de Barcelona a Mataró el dilluns al vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "l vespre", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8163, + "example": "Necessito comprar un viatge en el regional exprés que surt de Girona a les sis i mitja i va fins a Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "regional exprés", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis i mitja", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 99, + "End_char": 108 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3592, + "example": "M'agrada escoltar la Montserrat Caballé.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Montserrat Caballé", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2485, + "example": "M'han posat una reunió per demà a les quatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5844, + "example": "Fer una trucada a la Guàrdia Urbana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Guàrdia Urbana", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10926, + "example": "A l'àvia li tocava prendre l'antibiòtic cada sis hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antibiòtic", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "àvia", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7153, + "example": "Podries donar-me indicacions per arribar a la UAB?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "UAB", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3443, + "example": "Què és una groma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "groma", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1392, + "example": "Seria possible apujar el volum de la música un pèl?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7826, + "example": "La làmpada del dormitori, vull que l'apaguis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11922, + "example": "No puc sinó repudiar el que dius.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8236, + "example": "Comprar un seient al tren que surt de Figueres a les dotze en punt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze en punt", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11008, + "example": "Cada sis hores em toca el Paracetamol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Paracetamol", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "Cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6657, + "example": "Notificació a les onze per prendre'm l'Enantyum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Enantyum", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11905, + "example": "Has de parar més atenció.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3055, + "example": "Pots tocar-nos una cançó de Dua Lipa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Dua Lipa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4312, + "example": "Farà vent durant aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "vent", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 891, + "example": "Podries avisar si surt alguna cosa nova sobre l'espinosaure?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "espinosaure", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6413, + "example": "Indica'm quan em caduca la targeta sanitària europea.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan em caduca", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8547, + "example": "Vull un Blacklane per avui de cinc a set de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Blacklane", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "cinc a set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7697, + "example": "M'afegeixes al calendari el casament de la Núria i el Felip a Vilafranca del Penedès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "casament de la Núria i el Felip", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilafranca del Penedès", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3148, + "example": "Ens pots reproduir música a la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11062, + "example": "Com vaig a casa del meu pare?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu pare", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6563, + "example": "Avisa'm que m'he de prendre l'antiinflamatori cada vuit hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada vuit hores", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antiinflamatori", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11119, + "example": "Podries mostrar la frase preferida de l'Ona Carbonell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "frase preferida", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ona Carbonell", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7232, + "example": "Desactivar l'aplicació Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11449, + "example": "Podries guardar aquest contacte hola@yahoo.com com el correu de la Sílvia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "hola@yahoo.com", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9709, + "example": "Al fus horari UTC+5 em sabries dir quina hora és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari UTC+5", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4831, + "example": "Com està el trànsit ara a Salt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salt", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6091, + "example": "M'agradaria saber l'horari de demà del cinema del Parc Vallés.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari de demà", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Parc Vallés", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2685, + "example": "Em pots dir què conté el meu llistat de feines fetes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de feines fetes", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5588, + "example": "Truca ja al Marco, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marco", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3900, + "example": "Tres més tres són sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "tres són sis", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8347, + "example": "Podria encomanar pastís de xocolata a l'Obrador Santaló perquè me'l portin a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pastís de xocolata", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Obrador Santaló", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1387, + "example": "Voldria que la música de l'habitació estigués més alta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4472, + "example": "Fan alguna preestrena japonesa a Cinemes Girona el divendres a les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "japonesa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cinemes Girona", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5693, + "example": "M'agradaria trucar a la consulta d'urologia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "consulta d'urologia", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7337, + "example": "Necessito que registris aquesta adreça de correu electrònic khailanis_bloodmomma@khainemail.ul.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "khailanis_bloodmomma@khainemail.ul", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9497, + "example": "M'agradaria posar una cançoneta de blues que m'agradi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "blues", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'agradi", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1383, + "example": "M'agradaria apujar un pèl el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8134, + "example": "Comprar un tiquet de tren pel dijous a dos quarts i mig de set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts i mig de set.", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8268, + "example": "Aconseguir per dimarts un tiquet per al ferrocarril que va a Màlaga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Màlaga", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1251, + "example": "A la sala d'estar, em podries desconnectar els ulls de bou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala d'estar", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11642, + "example": "No t'acabo de seguir del tot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 147, + "example": "Apunta la cita amb l'oncòleg de dijous a les quatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "oncòleg", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7317, + "example": "L'email yahoo@yahoo.es, guarda'l al contacte de l'Ainara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "yahoo@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ainara", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11212, + "example": "Em diries quin plat hi ha al menú per sopar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7318, + "example": "Afegeix el correu rororo@gmail.com al contacte del papa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "rororo@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "papa", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1742, + "example": "Vull que eliminis qualsevol cosa que tingui al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7610, + "example": "Al llistat de material escolar suma'm bolígrafs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "bolígrafs", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de material escolar", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 413, + "example": "Quants anys té l'Ada Colau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Quants anys té", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ada Colau", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5134, + "example": "Em pots dir quin any va ser publicat això que sona a la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin any", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7042, + "example": "Vull veure de nou el vídeo d'\"El detectiu Conan\" a YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "El detectiu Conan", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 811, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis si l'ítem \"llavors\" està posat a la llista \"Menjar de les formigues\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "llavors", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "Menjar de les formigues", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6885, + "example": "Reserva'm demà a les dues al Thai Garden.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Thai Garden", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3781, + "example": "Amb anxoves quins tipus de plats puc elaborar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "anxoves", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3317, + "example": "Em reprodueixes l'últim audiollibre de la Marta Orriols?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Marta Orriols", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2775, + "example": "No vull que parlis en una estona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estona", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 170, + "example": "Vull que anotis la meva cita de dijous amb el psiquiatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "psiquiatre", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4191, + "example": "Busca'm quanta estona he de deixar l'albergínia al forn.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "albergínia", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4533, + "example": "Saps si posaran alguna pel·li d'estrena subtitulada a Diagonal Mar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "estrena", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Diagonal Mar", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9631, + "example": "Com està a la meva lasanya de salmó per endur?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "lasanya de salmó", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "endur", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9613, + "example": "Voldria saber el correu electrònic recent de la Dana que acaba d'arribar sobre la roba de carnaval.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recent", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Dana", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "acaba d'arribar", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "roba de carnaval", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11096, + "example": "Em podries publicar alguna cosa a l'estat de Facebook?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "publicar", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11051, + "example": "Com puc arribar a la casa del meu avi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu avi", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8646, + "example": "Elimina l'esdeveniment de pesca que tinc a Palafrugell des de les onze del matí el dijous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "pesca", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3631, + "example": "Avui estava a punt de pujar al metro i l'he perdut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4187, + "example": "Em mires la recepta del bacallà amb pebreres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bacallà amb pebreres", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11523, + "example": "Telefonar al 112, que el meu carrer s'està inundant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "112", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "el meu carrer s'està inundant", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1530, + "example": "Posa'm en bucle aquest tema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Posa'm en bucle", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 267, + "example": "Es pot anar fins a Torrelavit amb tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Torrelavit", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 640, + "example": "Vull saber quins ferrocarrils van a Blancafort.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarrils", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Blancafort", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9418, + "example": "Reprodueix música country.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "country", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3797, + "example": "De quins ingredients està fet el xató?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "xató", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2887, + "example": "Ens sintonitzaries \"Ser Catalunya\" a la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Ser Catalunya", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4869, + "example": "Mostra'm quina és la situació del trànsit per sortir de Palafrugell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9444, + "example": "Reproduiries l'\"hipòdrom\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "hipòdrom", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5962, + "example": "Saps el telèfon del doctor Manel Valls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctor Manel Valls", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10905, + "example": "Indica'm amb quina freqüència he de prendre la pastilla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4551, + "example": "Hi ha alguna estrena al cinema del meu barri avui a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "del meu barri", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 388, + "example": "Torna-m'ho a dir un altre cop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5117, + "example": "Em pots dir quina és la lletra de la peça que està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina és la lletra", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7404, + "example": "M'agradaria remetre un missatge de correu electrònic al meu nebot preferit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu nebot preferit", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2564, + "example": "Podries preparar un tallat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "tallat", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4160, + "example": "Em pots dir a quina hora serà la trobada de la setmana vinent per regar les plantes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "regar les plantes", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1425, + "example": "Posaries la llum més forta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7965, + "example": "Podries ajustar una miqueta al 25% el volum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8596, + "example": "Carrega't l'esdeveniment del calendari de planejar les vacances que és fins al dimecres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "planejar les vacances", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10757, + "example": "Pots dir-me si tinc correus electrònics nous de l'Adrià que hagin arribat aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Adrià", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5651, + "example": "Posa'm en contacte amb el CUAP Casernes de Sant Andreu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CUAP Casernes de Sant Andreu", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3126, + "example": "Em ve de gust sentir musiqueta per ballar una moixiganga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "ballar una moixiganga", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1884, + "example": "Em pots fer desaparèixer del calendari tots els esdeveniments amb el Jordi a mitjanit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jordi", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "mitjanit", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1934, + "example": "Podries treure l'alarma que vaig tinc programada cada dia a les nou hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dia", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou hores", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9677, + "example": "Va bé la nostra hamburguesa doble del König per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hamburguesa doble", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "König", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3934, + "example": "Quant és cinc més mil dos-cents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "cinc més mil dos-cents", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6404, + "example": "Com puc obtenir la TSE?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSE", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com puc obtenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3080, + "example": "Pots reproduir-me música soul?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "soul", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 661, + "example": "Digue'm si he d'anar al laboratori a passar els experiments demà passat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "passar els experiments", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "laboratori", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7290, + "example": "Mon padrí té una adreça electrònica que és mateudelamuntanya@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "Mon padrí", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "mateudelamuntanya@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8746, + "example": "Activar a la cuina l'endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1007, + "example": "Fas que minvi la il·luminació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3270, + "example": "Reprèn l'audiollibre que estava escoltant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5537, + "example": "És urgent; pots trucar a l'avi Pío i a l'àvia Mery?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "avi Pío", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "àvia Mery", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1929, + "example": "Pots eliminar-nos l'alerta de dimarts a les quatre de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11971, + "example": "Em pots punxar un tema al dormitori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6661, + "example": "Fes guardar la taula de la Ruda per dimecres a les dues.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Ruda", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8475, + "example": "Reserva'm un taxi per anar a Banyoles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Banyoles", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3458, + "example": "Series capaç d'ensenyar-me una broma divertida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 628, + "example": "Quins busos van a Sant Boi de Llobregat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "busos", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Boi de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3921, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quant fa seixanta per catorze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "seixanta per catorze", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8072, + "example": "Bon dia a la Vila del Pingüí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9247, + "example": "Tinc una reunió dilluns a les set a Lleida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2337, + "example": "Suprimeix l'esdeveniment \"brunch\" de diumenge del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "brunch", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9987, + "example": "Quines alarmes tinc configurades demà passat a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11584, + "example": "Precisament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10281, + "example": "Digues l'hora a Flix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Flix", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2791, + "example": "Podries piular que \"és una vergonya que no hi hagi personal a l'estació d'El Putxet un dilluns al matí\", citant l'atenció al consumidor de FGC?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piular", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "és una vergonya que no hi hagi personal a l'estació d'El Putxet un dilluns al matí", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 102 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al consumidor de FGC", + "Start_char": 114, + "End_char": 142 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4536, + "example": "Fan alguna pel·lícula en versió original a Cines Verdi aquest divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "versió original", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cines Verdi", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest divendres", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7389, + "example": "Podries enviar un email a la meva tieta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11869, + "example": "Bloca't, va", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1121, + "example": "A la llista anomenada \"jocs\", em poses la botifarra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "jocs", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "botifarra", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 366, + "example": "Ho podries tornar a repetir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6679, + "example": "Reserva'm taula si us plau, on facin un bon arròs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "arròs", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6479, + "example": "On puc trobar més varietat de productes ecològics: al BonÀrea o al Veritas?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "BonÀrea", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Veritas", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "On puc trobar més varietat de productes ecològics", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7345, + "example": "Afegeix-me a l'agenda de contactes l'email de la Josefina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josefina", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4829, + "example": "M'agradaria saber si hauré d'agafar la roba d'estiu demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "hauré d'agafar la roba d'estiu", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7573, + "example": "Pots posar-me també mig quilo de salmó a la llista de comandes peixateria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "mig quilo de salmó", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de comandes peixateria", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5753, + "example": "Telefona el museu Necròpolis Paleocristiana de Tarragona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "museu Necròpolis Paleocristiana", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7448, + "example": "Com s'elaboren els caragols a la llauna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "caragols a la llauna", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6141, + "example": "Necessito saber quin horari fan a l'oficina de serveis socials de Montcada i Reixac.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina de serveis socials", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montcada i Reixac", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1698, + "example": "Quina és l'hora mitjana de Greenwich 0 si al fus horari Xile són les sis de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich 0", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari Xile", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7989, + "example": "Que podries moderar el volum d'aquesta cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4092, + "example": "Em pots dir el número de telèfon de l'Anna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de telèfon", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3024, + "example": "Per què no em poses l'episodi que segueix del pòdcast \"Lo que nadie te dijo\" a Google Podcast?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Lo que nadie te dijo", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Google Podcast", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6803, + "example": "Voldríem que ens reservessis una taula a la Sandra i a mi a un restaurant turc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sandra", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "turc", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5734, + "example": "Necessito contactar per telèfon amb l'escola de formació professional.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola de formació professional", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6429, + "example": "Com puc demanar la TSI per primer cop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSI", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com puc demanar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9986, + "example": "M'agradaria saber si tinc alguna alarma preparada el divendres de sis a tres quarts de nou del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "tres quarts de nou del matí", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6902, + "example": "Mostra la meva ubicació actual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11819, + "example": "Podries desactivar-te durant uns minutets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2892, + "example": "I si ens poses l'emissora \"Cooltura FM\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Cooltura FM", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3762, + "example": "Confirma'm si he de bescanviar les sabates diumenge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "bescanviar les sabates", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9960, + "example": "Vull saber si hi ha alguna alarma activada per tres quarts i cinc de nou del vespre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts i cinc de nou del vespre", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 402, + "example": "M'expliques el lloc preferit per estiuejar de la Joana Ortega?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "lloc preferit per estiuejar", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana Ortega", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11075, + "example": "Recordes el camí per anar a casa de la Marta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1246, + "example": "Els llums de la bodega els podries desconnectar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bodega", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8884, + "example": "Ensenya'm l'adreça del Gerard.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gerard", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9568, + "example": "Com puc preparar arròs a la bruta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "arròs a la bruta", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 504, + "example": "Fantàstic i meravellós.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6862, + "example": "Pots buscar-me una taula per dues persones divendres al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "dues", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3732, + "example": "Saps si demà al matí farà bo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "farà bo", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 854, + "example": "Em podries donar totes les notícies que trobis del \"Telediario\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Telediario", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3186, + "example": "Al menjador em podries posar la cançó \"Pa amb oli i sal\"? M'agrada moltíssim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Pa amb oli i sal", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6927, + "example": "Voldria ensenyar la ubicació actual a la meva germana durant nou hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "nou hores", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5550, + "example": "Podries trucar als meus avis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "als meus avis", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7836, + "example": "Apuja'm la claredat del llum de la cuina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7158, + "example": "Digues-me com arribar al restaurant Los Abetos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "restaurant Los Abetos", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1612, + "example": "Pots canviar-me el color del llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6115, + "example": "Em dius quin és l'horari d'atenció al públic de l'oficina de serveis socials de Sant Cugat del Vallès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari d'atenció al públic", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina de serveis socials", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Cugat del Vallès", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6476, + "example": "Hi ha més opcions sense lactosa a la Galeria o l'Esglaó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Galeria", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Esglaó", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Hi ha més opcions sense lactosa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3432, + "example": "El substantiu senalla què vol dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "senalla", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9169, + "example": "Publica a l'estat de Facebook \"embarassada de nou\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "embarassada de nou", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Publica", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3466, + "example": "Saps alguna conya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11563, + "example": "Perfecte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9055, + "example": "Programar una celebració a dos quarts de sis amb l'Elsa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de sis", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Elsa", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1062, + "example": "L'aspiradora, me la pots iniciar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2430, + "example": "Vull un taxi per a les onze de la nit que em porti a l'Estany de Sant Maurici.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "les onze de la nit", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Estany de Sant Maurici", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7095, + "example": "Inicia l'app FilminCAT.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "FilminCAT", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1083, + "example": "L'aspiradora, me l'actives?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4026, + "example": "Quantes rúpies índies són en aquest moment cinc florins neerlandesos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "cinc florins neerlandesos", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "rúpies índies", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11724, + "example": "No tinc interès en això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1517, + "example": "El hit, me'l pots posar al minut tres quaranta-vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_stamp", + "Text": "tres quaranta-vuit", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7969, + "example": "Vull que disminueixis el volum que sona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10236, + "example": "En aquest mateix moment tenim pluja?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "En aquest mateix moment", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "pluja", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3739, + "example": "Em dius si aquest cap de setmana a les vuit del matí plourà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plourà", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1022, + "example": "Redueix l'ull de bou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4010, + "example": "Vint-i-cinc pesos argentins quants dòlars australians són?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "Vint-i-cinc pesos", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlars australians", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4693, + "example": "De la meva tieta he rebut cap missatge de correu electrònic avui a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8012, + "example": "Fes una nova llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2767, + "example": "Podries no parlar durant uns minutets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minutets", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9064, + "example": "Em podries posar la ràdio al jardí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "jardí", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 98, + "example": "Em toca visitar-me amb l'oftalmòloga el dia 20 a l'hospital Santa Caterina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "oftalmòloga", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "20", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital Santa Caterina", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8343, + "example": "Demanar una pizza.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2722, + "example": "Necessito que no parlis durant uns minuts, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minuts", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8889, + "example": "Quin és el correu electrònic de la meva germana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9137, + "example": "Em recordes que tinc classes de conversa d'alemany cada dimarts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classes de conversa d'alemany", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dimarts", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11058, + "example": "Voldria saber com s'arriba agafant el tren a la casa de Joana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6865, + "example": "Reserva lloc per dinar dilluns a dos quarts de tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de tres", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7207, + "example": "Vull que desactivis NomadSculpt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "NomadSculpt", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2084, + "example": "Podries obrir els llums?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11694, + "example": "Expressa't millor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 215, + "example": "Tu creus que la meva existència a l'Univers és transcendent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2994, + "example": "Seria possible reproduir \"El llindar dels somnis\" al jardí? És el millor podcast que existeix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "El llindar dels somnis", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "jardí", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6415, + "example": "Cada quant s'ha de renovar la TSE?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSE", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Cada quant s'ha de renovar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5545, + "example": "Pica a la Queralt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Queralt", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8508, + "example": "Reservar un taxi per anar a l'Hospital Clínic a tres quarts de deu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Hospital Clínic", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de deu", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11358, + "example": "Segur que divendres tinc hora amb la infermera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "infermera", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2289, + "example": "M'enviaries un email a l'adreça dracsigripaus@gmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "dracsigripaus@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9329, + "example": "Posar el següent episodi del pòdcast \"Tardeo\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Tardeo", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8099, + "example": "Què passa en aquesta casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 85, + "example": "He d'anar al dentista dimecres, pren nota al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dentista", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6078, + "example": "Seria possible anar a la biblioteca divendres a les vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "divendres a les vuit", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 695, + "example": "Quan es va acabar de construir la Pedrera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "Quan es va acabar de construir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "Pedrera", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7518, + "example": "Els dijous em pots aixecar a les vuit del vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Els dijous", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10027, + "example": "M'ensenyes les últimes notícies que hi hagi sobre Europa al \"324\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Europa", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "324", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2478, + "example": "Em podries advertir que demà passat a tres quarts de dues he de buscar el carnet de vacunació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de dues", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "buscar el carnet de vacunació", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9863, + "example": "Himne Nacional de França.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Himne Nacional", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "França", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6140, + "example": "Em pots ensenyar quin és l'horari de l'oficina funerària de Malgrat de Mar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina funerària", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Malgrat de Mar", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6231, + "example": "On puc veure quan caduca el meu certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan caduca", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8599, + "example": "M'esborres del calendari la barbacoa amb el Joan del mes vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "barbacoa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes vinent", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2012, + "example": "Fer un encàrrec de kebab per endur.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "kebab", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4717, + "example": "Esbrinar si encara fan menjar per emportar al Nostrum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fan menjar per emportar", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Nostrum", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11356, + "example": "Quan tinc hora amb el cirurgià del Joan XXIII?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "cirurgià", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Joan XXIII", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11090, + "example": "Digue'm si fa calor en aquests moments.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquests moments", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "calor", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10150, + "example": "Mira quins temes s'estan parlant a Twitter.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10118, + "example": "Em pots dir què conté la meva llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5998, + "example": "Hi ha consulta d'odontologia al CAP La Sagrera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "consulta d'odontologia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP La Sagrera", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3533, + "example": "Això que sona ara mateix m'avorreix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4407, + "example": "Em saps dir l'hora de Baltimore?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Baltimore", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7773, + "example": "Pots apagar els llums led?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3157, + "example": "Al despatx et faria res que escoltéssim el \"Ja tardes!\" de \"RAC105\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Ja tardes!", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "RAC105", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8209, + "example": "Pots comprar-me un bitllet al ferrocarril que surt de Vilassar de Mar el dia 7 de març?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilassar de Mar", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "7 de març", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1203, + "example": "Pots eliminar del calendari personal la cita a Tortosa amb l'Olga que hi ha programada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Olga", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4189, + "example": "Quina és la recepta de la balandra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "balandra", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 924, + "example": "Posa la música menys forta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7741, + "example": "Vull que apaguis els endolls intel·ligents de l'oficina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8272, + "example": "Busca un seient al tren que va des de Santander el divendres a les vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Santander", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9967, + "example": "Digues quantes alarmes per dissabte tinc configurades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1927, + "example": "Ens eliminaries l'alarma dels divendres a l'una?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "l'una", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11312, + "example": "Podries mostrar-me quan em toca la propera visita amb la doctora Garcia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Garcia", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3773, + "example": "Voldria saber si hi ha cap cita arranjada entre tres quarts i mig de nou i les dues de la tarda del dissabte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts i mig de nou", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dues de la tarda", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 100, + "End_char": 108 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6543, + "example": "Indica'm que he de prendre el xarop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9490, + "example": "M'agrada molt \"Tanca els ulls\"; reprodueix-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Tanca els ulls", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "M'agrada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3518, + "example": "Desitjo no tornar a sentir la cançó que sona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5111, + "example": "Aquesta cançó que estic escoltant de quin disc és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin disc és", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estic escoltant", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11883, + "example": "És completament inviable que sigui així.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9784, + "example": "Els horaris del tren cap a Figueres, busca'ls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2246, + "example": "Em respons a l'email del meu company?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu company", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3837, + "example": "Necessito saber què puc cuinar amb blat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "blat", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2037, + "example": "M'agradaria fer una comanda de kebab per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "kebab", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3177, + "example": "A la cambra dels nens, pots reproduir-me \"Sense estudis\" de \"Ser Catalunya\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Sense estudis", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Ser Catalunya", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cambra dels nens", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2417, + "example": "Truca'm un taxi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7879, + "example": "Treu tots els esdeveniments que hi ha al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4800, + "example": "Digues si em caldrà roba d'estiu demà a les onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "caldrà roba d'estiu", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà ", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6360, + "example": "Què he de presentar per obtenir la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què he de presentar per obtenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8083, + "example": "Què fas?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5887, + "example": "Vull conèixer si obren els dissabtes al CUAP Casernes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "obren els dissabtes", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CUAP Casernes", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11118, + "example": "Podries informar-me sobre quin és el llibre més famós de la Mercè Rodoreda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mercè Rodoreda", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "quin és el llibre més famós", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11423, + "example": "Desa a l'agenda el mòbil de la Blanca Brunat és el 625816273.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "625816273", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Blanca Brunat", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4342, + "example": "Com es diu l'espectacle que van fer a la meva zona demà a dos quarts de quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacle", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de quatre", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4845, + "example": "Vull que em diguis el trànsit per sortir de Vigo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vigo", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3414, + "example": "Necessito saber com es defineix el concepte de terrina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "terrina", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9150, + "example": "Els dimecres a les vuit del vespre m'anotes a la meva agenda que he de regar les plantes del balcó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Els dimecres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "regar les plantes del balcó", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1629, + "example": "El correu electrònic amb el títol \"Apunts de dret constitucional\", contesta'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "Apunts de dret constitucional", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 993, + "example": "Minva el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11278, + "example": "Quin metge em toca dijous 29?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous 29", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3504, + "example": "Conta una conya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 885, + "example": "Voldria saber les notícies d'ahir sobre el nou ministre del Regne Unit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "nou ministre del Regne Unit", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11404, + "example": "Sabries dir-me si la cita de divendres és a les 9?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 9", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5014, + "example": "Em dius com van les accions de Tesla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Tesla", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8759, + "example": "A la cuina, activa l'endoll.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10415, + "example": "Quins són els temes de metal sinfònic que més m'agraden?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "metal sinfònic", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "més m'agraden", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3284, + "example": "Ens pots posar \"Digues un desig\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Digues un desig", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1566, + "example": "Canvia la tonalitat de la llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6539, + "example": "Voldria que em recordessis que m'he de prendre el xarop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8058, + "example": "Com va la vida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6059, + "example": "Quan puc trucar al CAP?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Quan puc trucar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6545, + "example": "Podries recordar-me que em prengui la medicació a les vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4789, + "example": "Digue'm quin temps farà demà a Londres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Londres", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11354, + "example": "He de saber quin dia tinc hora a les sis amb doctora Corral.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Corral", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4669, + "example": "Em podries dir si he rebut cap whatsapp recent de l'Eloi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "whatsapp", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recent", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eloi", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 479, + "example": "Ho has fet de meravella.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10902, + "example": "Quin és el medicament que prenc cada quatre hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada quatre hores", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10762, + "example": "Em dius si tinc algun missatge de WeChat d'última hora de la Silvia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Silvia", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "WeChat", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "d'última hora", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5401, + "example": "Em pots dir com arribo al Port de Segur?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Port de Segur", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2939, + "example": "Tots els dijous de nou a onze del matí faig piscina amb el meu cosí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Tots els dijous", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "onze del matí", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "faig piscina", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu cosí", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3413, + "example": "Digues què vol dir patena.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "patena", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10504, + "example": "Sabries dir-me si hi ha cap ferreteria oberta ara mateix pel barri de Sant Josep?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "ferreteria", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "oberta", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Josep", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5147, + "example": "Qui és l'artista d'aquest tema que estem escoltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Qui és l'artista", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "estem escoltant", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5443, + "example": "Mostra on soc a en Pep.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pep", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3208, + "example": "Et faria res reproduir-me \"Vitamina sol\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Vitamina sol", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9849, + "example": "Quan es va fundar Tarragona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quan es va fundar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5345, + "example": "M'ensenyes quin és el trajecte anant en bici a l'estació de metro Fontana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Fontana", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bici", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11684, + "example": "No veig per on vas.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11174, + "example": "Vull saber quins són els ingredients de la fabada del menú.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fabada", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9633, + "example": "Quant els falta als meus peus de porc amb prunes a domicili per arribar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "peus de porc amb prunes", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7221, + "example": "Desactiva'm el Traductor de Softcatalà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Traductor de Softcatalà", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6082, + "example": "Mostra'm quins són els serveis de l'estació de tren de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "estació de tren", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Hospitalet de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2457, + "example": "Vull un Cabify per a les dues del migdia, que em porti a Sants.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues del migdia", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sants", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1234, + "example": "Ens podries apagar la làmpada que hi ha al rebedor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebedor", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1545, + "example": "Abaixa el volum d'aquesta cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10284, + "example": "A Rubí quina hora és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Rubí", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11345, + "example": "Pots confirmar si a les vuit tinc hora a l'hospital del Vendrell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital del Vendrell", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8967, + "example": "Netejar amb l'aspirador el menjador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "aspirador", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7750, + "example": "M'agradaria que apaguessis el meu endoll intel·ligent de la cuina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11428, + "example": "La Mariona té una adreça de correu electrònic que és mariona783@outlook.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mariona", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "mariona783@outlook.com", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4059, + "example": "Fes-me saber el número de contacte de la Mariona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de contacte", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mariona", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10547, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quins centres comercials del meu barri tenen ascensor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "centres comercials", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "del meu barri", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "tenen ascensor", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11804, + "example": "Suficient.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 576, + "example": "M'agradaria fer una partida ràpida al \"Fruit ninja\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Fruit ninja", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 701, + "example": "Em pots ensenyar què saps sobre el Massís del Garraf?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "què saps", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Massís del Garraf", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 119, + "example": "La visita amb l'uròleg és dilluns 12 a les quatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "uròleg", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns 12", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4347, + "example": "Em saps dir si \"El Grec\" serà a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "El Grec", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8927, + "example": "Vull que em diguis quin correu electrònic té la meva àvia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva àvia", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5688, + "example": "M'agradaria que telefonessis a la Clínica Privada Coroleu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Privada Coroleu", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7469, + "example": "M'agradaria saber què puc cuinar amb bacallà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "bacallà", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1080, + "example": "Al rebedor, podries passar l'aspiradora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebedor", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7922, + "example": "El volum; m'agradaria que l'elevessis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6348, + "example": "Necessito informes mèdics per obtenir la targeta Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Necessito informes mèdics per obtenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9657, + "example": "On estan a les meves croquetes de pernil de la Lascaleta per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "croquetes de pernil", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Lascaleta", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9892, + "example": "Calcula l'arrel quadrada de cinc-cents quaranta-set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "arrel quadrada de cinc-cents quaranta-set", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3192, + "example": "Em reprodueixes el meu tema preferit d'Icon for Hire?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Icon for Hire", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 440, + "example": "Espectacular.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8346, + "example": "Encarrega menjar a domicili al König.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "König", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2125, + "example": "Encén els llums del rebedor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebedor", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 935, + "example": "Posa menys potència als altaveus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3555, + "example": "El que està sonant ara mateix és horripilant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1774, + "example": "Elimina la tasca \"estudiar\" de la llista d'activitats pendents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "estudiar", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista d'activitats pendents", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6145, + "example": "Quina és l'adreça del cinema d'Alcover?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Alcover", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3718, + "example": "Digue'm si està plovent en aquest instant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plovent", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquest instant", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5040, + "example": "A quant estan les accions de l'empresa Capcom?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Capcom", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 941, + "example": "Treu-li volum als bafles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10564, + "example": "Necessito saber quins espectacles hi haurà a Margalef aquest cap de setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Margalef", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1720, + "example": "Quina hora és al fus horari de Colòmbia si a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich 0 són les sis de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Colòmbia", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich 0", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2561, + "example": "Em pots preparar un cafè llarg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè llarg", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 897, + "example": "Em dius les notícies d'ahir sobre Rishi Sunak?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Rishi Sunak", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5979, + "example": "Vull consultar si tenen servei de psicoteràpia a l'hospital Mútua de Terrassa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "servei de psicoteràpia", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital Mútua", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8310, + "example": "Digue'm si continua en peu que farà fred per Sant Esteve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "fred", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Sant Esteve", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5871, + "example": "Truca el 061; he patit una cremada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "061", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he patit una cremada", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4692, + "example": "Saps si hi ha missatges de Telegram d'última hora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Telegram", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "última hora", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4576, + "example": "Hi haurà \"A man called Otto\" demà al cinema del meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "A man called Otto", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "del meu barri", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2585, + "example": "Et faria res posar-nos un tallat descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "tallat descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1803, + "example": "Tinc una entrada al calendari que vull eliminar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3242, + "example": "Pots continuar amb la lectura de l'audiollibre \"A l'amic escocès\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "A l'amic escocès", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11290, + "example": "Quin metge té la Sílvia dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "no_md_person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4501, + "example": "Avui fan alguna pel·lícula de drama a la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "drama", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5352, + "example": "Vull anar a l'OAC.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "OAC", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1277, + "example": "Podries apagar l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4022, + "example": "A quant està ara mateix l'euro vers la corona eslovaca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "corona eslovaca", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "euro", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2048, + "example": "Com ho fem si vull sopar a casa uns tacos de La Taquería?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "tacos", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "La Taquería", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6465, + "example": "A Casamoner o la pastisseria Armengol, on hi ha millor ambient per un cafè?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Casamoner", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Armengol", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "on hi ha millor ambient per un cafè", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11712, + "example": "No estic entenent res del que comentes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9267, + "example": "Recorda'm que tinc un esmorzar amb els meus pares a Badalona el dilluns a matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "esmorzar", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "els meus pares", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "matí", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5587, + "example": "Vull fer-li una trucada a l'Eli.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eli", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8273, + "example": "Obtenir un tiquet de tren dijous a la tarda des d'Andorra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Andorra", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2572, + "example": "Ens posaries un tallat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "tallat", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4090, + "example": "Quina és l'adreça de la feina de l'Eloi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça de la feina", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eloi", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11680, + "example": "No sé què m'estàs explicant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3299, + "example": "Vull escoltar \"Guns to the Black Eagle\" de C. L. Werner.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Guns to the Black Eagle", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "C. L. Werner", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8495, + "example": "Sol·licita'm un taxi per a tres quarts de sis que em porti fins a Rambla Catalunya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de sis", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Rambla Catalunya", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5842, + "example": "Truqueu a la policia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "policia", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6591, + "example": "Recorda'm que em toca el Vàlium a les onze de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Vàlium", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze de la nit", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 422, + "example": "Fascinant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2610, + "example": "Ens fas un tallat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "tallat", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9549, + "example": "Busca'm la recepta de la salsa romesco.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "salsa romesco", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11456, + "example": "Enregistra el marionamaria@gmail.com al contacte de Mariona Batre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mariona Batre", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "marionamaria@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5278, + "example": "Necessito notificar un canvi de domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8121, + "example": "Bon dia al matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11840, + "example": "Fulmina tot el que estàs fent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1046, + "example": "Pots ajustar els llums?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5318, + "example": "De quina manera puc enviar un missatge al meu metge de capçalera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "al meu metge de capçalera", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11739, + "example": "No importa massa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1354, + "example": "La música se sent baixa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7309, + "example": "Recorda guardar el nou correu d'en Manuel, que és manu.franco@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "manu.franco@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Manuel", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10909, + "example": "Fins quan he de prendre l'antibiòtic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antibiòtic", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2924, + "example": "I si m'anotes al calendari cada dimarts a dos quarts de tres \"rentadora de tovalloles i llençols\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dimarts", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de tres", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "rentadora de tovalloles i llençols", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1018, + "example": "La intensitat de la llum està massa alta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 283, + "example": "On es pot agafar el Rodalies que em deixa a Empuriabrava?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Empuriabrava", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7585, + "example": "Voldria que afegissis \"L'home invisible\" al meu llistat de pel·lícules de por pendents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de pel·lícules de por pendents", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "L'home invisible", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9716, + "example": "Al fus horari Amèrica/Belize quina és l'hora que tenen ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari Amèrica/Belize", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7932, + "example": "Creus que podries incrementar el volum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4398, + "example": "Em dius ara quina hora és a Newcastle?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Newcastle", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11707, + "example": "Digues-ho d'una altra manera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10716, + "example": "Juraria que demà passat he d'anar al camp de futbol amb el Marcel, però estaria bé que m'ho poguessis confirmar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al camp de futbol", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marcel", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10797, + "example": "Sabries dir-me si tinc correus electrònics nous que hagin entrat avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5304, + "example": "Com trobo l'informe d'urgències d'ahir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "informe d'urgències d'ahir", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Com trobo", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1257, + "example": "Redueix els leds de les golfes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10558, + "example": "Et sona si hi ha alguna papereria per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "papereria", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4972, + "example": "Ensenya'm a quina hora surt el tren cap a Santa Coloma de Gramenet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Santa Coloma de Gramenet", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8725, + "example": "Si hi ha un llistat de millors botigues a Barcelona, fes-la desaparèixer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de millors botigues a Barcelona", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2094, + "example": "Necessitaria que encenguessis aquests llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3556, + "example": "El que està sonant no m'agrada gens.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "El que està sonant", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6579, + "example": "M'he de posar un supositori cada dotze hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "supositori", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada dotze hores", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10332, + "example": "Ara mateix quina melodia tinc posada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina melodia", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "tinc posada", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8256, + "example": "Vull que m'adquireixis per dimarts un bitllet de tren.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 595, + "example": "Vull jugar una partida del \"Minecraft\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Minecraft", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10387, + "example": "Mostra'm quina és la cançó que m'agrada de la Lucy Dacaus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Lucy Dacaus", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina és la cançó que m'agrada", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11830, + "example": "Podries, si us plau, parar i apagar-te.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11013, + "example": "Em pots dir on es durà a terme el Festival Escena Poblenou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Festival Escena Poblenou", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6856, + "example": "Fer una reserva d'una taula per a cinc persones a una hamburgueseria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "hamburgueseria", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7018, + "example": "Què em poses a Netflix un nou episodi de \"Sakura caçadora de cartes\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Netflix", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "nou episodi", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Sakura caçadora de cartes", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5621, + "example": "Desitjaria que li telefonessis al Josep Mas.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josep Mas", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5506, + "example": "Vull fer un truc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8066, + "example": "Com anem fent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3389, + "example": "Tots els dimecres vull un recordatori per cantar música soul.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Tots els dimecres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cantar música soul", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3977, + "example": "El yen japonès com està vers el peso argentí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "peso argentí", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "yen japonès", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8302, + "example": "És veritat que hi haurà neu l'11 de desembre a Plaça Catalunya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "neu", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "11 de desembre", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Plaça Catalunya", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4780, + "example": "Hi haurà calamarsa a Barcelona aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "calamarsa", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5398, + "example": "Recorda'm quin és el trajecte en cotxe fins a Reus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Reus", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11764, + "example": "Me'n dona un pito.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3932, + "example": "Quina és la resta de disset menys tres-cents catorze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "disset menys tres-cents catorze", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10101, + "example": "Buscar les notícies d'última hora de societat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "societat", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2695, + "example": "Em pots dir què s'inclou en la meva llista d'aus mediterrànies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista d'aus mediterrànies", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3694, + "example": "En aquest instant hi ha molta humitat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "En aquest instant", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "humitat", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2278, + "example": "Em pots enviar un missatge electrònic al meu fill on digui \"ha arribat el teu paquet\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge electrònic", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu fill", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "ha arribat el teu paquet", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7622, + "example": "Posa un nou títol a la llista \"pel·lícules\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "pel·lícules", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "nou títol", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7509, + "example": "Em podries configurar una alerta per alçar-nos a un quart de deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart de deu", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10273, + "example": "Em dius quina hora és ara a Nairobi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Nairobi", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9848, + "example": "Em pots comunicar com es diu la mascota dels Jocs Olímpics de Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "historical_event_detail", + "Text": "com es diu la mascota", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "historical_event", + "Text": "Jocs Olímpics de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8105, + "example": "Com anem provant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1928, + "example": "Ens podries eliminar l'alarma de dijous a les vuit del vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10322, + "example": "De quin LP i de quina banda és la pista musical que està sonant, ho saps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin LP", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina banda", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6228, + "example": "On s'obté el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "On s'obté", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7427, + "example": "Remetre un correu a ma mare que contingui \"hola mama\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma mare", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "hola mama", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2714, + "example": "Podries no dir res ni fer cap mena de soroll?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10961, + "example": "Cada quant he de prendre la medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2499, + "example": "Em podries anotar pel 23 de novembre enviar les postals de Nadal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "23 de novembre", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "enviar les postals de Nadal", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9009, + "example": "En quin dia va caure el dilluns de Carnaval?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns de Carnaval", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1158, + "example": "Em pots apuntar al calendari l'esdeveniment d'aquesta tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9165, + "example": "Publica al Facebook un estat dient \"visca el Barça\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Publica", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "visca el Barça", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10812, + "example": "Malalties, pandèmies i epidèmies.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3643, + "example": "He flipat quan avui he tornat a veure la Yolanda; la meva veïna de quan era un marrec.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1948, + "example": "Pots treure'm l'alarma que tinc configurada els divendres a les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11756, + "example": "Tant hi fa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7291, + "example": "Pots guardar-me l'email del meu pare?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu pare", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8819, + "example": "Aquesta cançó m'encanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7700, + "example": "Vull apuntar al calendari que tinc un dinar a Santa Coloma amb els meus avis el dilluns vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Santa Coloma", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "els meus avis", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns vinent", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3629, + "example": "La música electrònica m'agrada un munt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "música electrònica", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11706, + "example": "Clarifica-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5085, + "example": "M'ensenyes les accions de Tesla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Tesla", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7829, + "example": "Desactiva els leds de la galeria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "galeria", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11287, + "example": "Quin metge li toca primer a la Rita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "no_md_person", + "Text": "Rita", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 163, + "example": "Dijous que ve tinc hora a les sis a la Clínica Corachán.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dijous", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Corachán", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2323, + "example": "Em pots treure la \"movie night\" que tenim amb el meu germà del meu calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "movie night", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu germà", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5010, + "example": "A quant està el valor en borsa de la companyia Nike?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Nike", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3511, + "example": "No m'agrada gens ni mica el que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9715, + "example": "Digues sobre quina hora és al fus horari Europa/Luxemburg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari Europa/Luxemburg", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 771, + "example": "Em pots dir quin és el nom de la tècnica de conreu més utilitzada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "tècnica de conreu", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "més utilitzada", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6937, + "example": "M'agradaria mostrar la meva localització fins que sigui al gimnàs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "gimnàs", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11251, + "example": "Em pots donar informació sobre el dinar d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5997, + "example": "Em pots dir el telèfon de contacte d'oftalmologia de l'Hospital Josep Trueta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon de contacte", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oftalmologia de l'Hospital Josep Trueta", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6000, + "example": "Em diries l'adreça de la Farmàcia Casulleras?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Casulleras", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3937, + "example": "M'ensenyes quant fan trenta si li treus catorze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "trenta si li treus catorze", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6730, + "example": "Et faria res fer una reserva per divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6375, + "example": "He d'anar a una sucursal de la Caixa per fer la targeta Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "anar a una sucursal de la Caixa per fer", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1858, + "example": "Ens pots eliminar del calendari personal la visita al veterinari d'aquest divendres amb el lloro?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visita al veterinari", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest divendres", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "lloro", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2127, + "example": "Pots activar els llums?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6641, + "example": "Avisa'm, si us plau, que m'he de prendre la càpsula.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "càpsula", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5138, + "example": "D'això que sona, qui n'és l'artista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "qui n'és l'artista", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 498, + "example": "Amb això t'has superat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2658, + "example": "Respondre l'última piulada de la Casa del Llibre amb el text \"molt recomanable, esperant que se'n publiqui la segona part\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Respondre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Casa del Llibre", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "molt recomanable, esperant que se'n publiqui la segona part", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 121 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "última piulada", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2971, + "example": "Podem escoltar al menjador el meu pòdcast preferit \"Dones i cultura\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Dones i cultura", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9324, + "example": "Em ve de gust escoltar el següent episodi del pòdcast \"Junction series\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Junction series", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1021, + "example": "Vull menys llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10592, + "example": "Veure quins concerts hi ha en aquesta zona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concerts", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "en aquesta zona", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2146, + "example": "Engegar el llum del balcó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "balcó", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1473, + "example": "Pots posar reiteradament la cançó d'abans?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "posar reiteradament", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2248, + "example": "Et faria res fer arribar un missatge de correu electrònic al Sergi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sergi", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7636, + "example": "Inclou-me un ítem a la llista de la compra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7729, + "example": "Vull anotar una nova cita al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2551, + "example": "Ens pots preparar un cafè?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7074, + "example": "Posa de nou al DailyMotion un vídeo de \"Plats bruts\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "DailyMotion", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Plats bruts", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9065, + "example": "Al pati, em podries engegar la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "pati", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5216, + "example": "Digue'm a quina hora és la reunió planificada per aquesta tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5511, + "example": "Trucar al número 932075400.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "932075400", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5460, + "example": "Mostrar la direcció d'allà on soc amb el Roger.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Roger", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2849, + "example": "Em piules citant Telepizza el text \"m'ha arribat la pizza freda i amb mitja hora de retard, per això feu promocions els dies de futbol?\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piules", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Telepizza", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "m'ha arribat la pizza freda i amb mitja hora de retard, per això feu promocions els dies de futbol?", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 135 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3259, + "example": "Ens reprodueixes de Martí Gironell l'audiollibre \"Paraula de jueu\" a la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Martí Gironell", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Paraula de jueu", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2835, + "example": "Vull fer una piulada a l'atenció al client d'Antena 3 on digui \"ja n'hi ha prou de les reposicions de 'La ruleta de la suerte', sembla que no tingueu cap altra cosa\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "fer una piulada", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client d'Antena 3", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "ja n'hi ha prou de les reposicions de 'La ruleta de la suerte', sembla que no tingueu cap altra cosa", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 164 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10451, + "example": "Digues-me quins son els llistats que tinc guardats aquí, va.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7619, + "example": "Agrega orada a la llista de la peixateria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "orada", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la peixateria", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 917, + "example": "Fica la música a un volum menys alt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11714, + "example": "No sé on vols anar a parar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 313, + "example": "Si no tornes a dir-ho, no m'assabentaré de res.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11381, + "example": "Digue'm quan és la cita amb el dentista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dentista", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 33, + "example": "Pren nota de la cita mèdica al CAP demà a les vuit del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 853, + "example": "Em podries ensenyar les notícies sobre la guerra d'última hora a \"VilaWeb\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "guerra", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "VilaWeb", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3140, + "example": "Reprodueix una mica de música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 791, + "example": "Em podries dir quin és l'esport que es practica en una piscina i en què dos equips tracten d'introduir la pilota en la porteria de l'equip contrari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "esport", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "es practica en una piscina i en què dos equips tracten d’introduir la pilota en la porteria de l’equip contrari", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 147 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9973, + "example": "Està activada alguna alerta per les deu i cinc minuts de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu i cinc minuts de la tarda", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3219, + "example": "A la sala em reproduiries \"Punto y aparte\" a continuació d'això que està sonant en aquests moments?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Punto y aparte", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "continuació", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4707, + "example": "Han arribat missatges SMS?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "SMS", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9290, + "example": "T'animes a explicar-me un acudit que parli de professors?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "professors", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6136, + "example": "Troba quin és el telèfon de contacte de l'oficina jove de Montcada i Reixac.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon de contacte", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina jove", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montcada i Reixac", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 45, + "example": "Podries desar que he d'anar a l'ambulatori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulatori", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8587, + "example": "Fes desaparèixer l'esdeveniment \"tarda a Tarragona\" amb l'Eulàlia de l'agenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "tarda a Tarragona", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eulàlia", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1299, + "example": "Aquest endoll intel·ligent necessito apagar-lo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8128, + "example": "Ep.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6347, + "example": "M'agradaria saber els requisits per sol·licitar la targeta Cuida'm.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "requisits per sol·licitar", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6675, + "example": "Pots demanar una taula a un japonès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "japonès", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7830, + "example": "Posa'm més forta la claror de la llum de l'estudi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8986, + "example": "Necessito saber a quina hora és la reunió del club de lectura.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió del club de lectura", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2794, + "example": "Escriu una piulada amb el text \"fa mitja hora que espero el tècnic per fer la instal·lació del nou router i ni tan sols agafa el telèfon\", a l'atenció al consumidor de Vodafone.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Escriu una piulada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "fa mitja hora que espero el tècnic per fer la instal·lació del nou router i ni tan sols agafa el telèfon", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 136 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al consumidor de Vodafone", + "Start_char": 143, + "End_char": 176 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11709, + "example": "No acabo d'entendre't.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 654, + "example": "Quin és el trajecte en metro cap a l'Escola Joso?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Escola Joso", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "metro", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1366, + "example": "Posa més forta la potència de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5008, + "example": "Quin és l'horari del tren que va cap a Hostalric?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Hostalric", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10751, + "example": "De la Xènia m'han arribat cap missatge de Discord aquest mes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Xènia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Discord", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest mes", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1319, + "example": "L'endoll del menjador, podries tancar-lo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4895, + "example": "M'interessaria saber la situació del trànsit per sortir de Lugo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lugo", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5641, + "example": "Fes una trucada a la Clínica Corachan.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Corachan", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7567, + "example": "Em pots afegir una cinta mètrica a la llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "cinta mètrica", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5762, + "example": "Truca al cementiri.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "cementiri", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 522, + "example": "Necessitaria fer una partida ràpida al \"Stellaris\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Stellaris", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 30, + "example": "Pren nota a l'agenda que el divendres tinc la consulta amb l'uròleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "uròleg", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9178, + "example": "Fa mesos que no poso res a l'estat de Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6936, + "example": "Voldria mostrar el lloc on soc fins a les nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11594, + "example": "Perfectament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1910, + "example": "Et faria res cancel·lar-nos l'alarma programada per cada dissabte a les onze del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dissabte", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7670, + "example": "Seria possible enregistrar a la meva agenda una cita amb l'Albert Segura?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Albert Segura", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5606, + "example": "Que podries fer una trucada a la iaia Luisa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "iaia Luisa", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2548, + "example": "Pots mantenir-me informat dels canvis polítics a la Xina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "canvis polítics a la Xina", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5254, + "example": "Què he de fer per descarregar-me el meu pla de medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "pla de medicació", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què he de fer per descarregar-me", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8604, + "example": "Del calendari em podries treure la visita al museu Picasso amb l'Albert?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visita al museu Picasso", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Albert", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5958, + "example": "Em recordaries l'adreça del traumatòleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5828, + "example": "Voldria parlar ara mateix amb una ambulància.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulància", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10719, + "example": "Et faria res confirmar-me si el meu germà viatja a Austràlia demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "viatja a Austràlia", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu germà", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1126, + "example": "A la llista \"punts\", em poses un ítem nou, si us plau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "punts", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "ítem nou", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9783, + "example": "Busca l'itinerari del tren a Girona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8427, + "example": "Seria possible que em portessin a casa un entrepà de salmó fumat i ruca del restaurant Pinyol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "entrepà de salmó fumat i ruca", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Pinyol", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8846, + "example": "A quina hora és la cita de pagament del curs de costura?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "pagament del curs de costura", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1543, + "example": "Atura la cançó que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Atura", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1163, + "example": "Registra al calendari que surto a Marina amb les amigues la nit del divendres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "les amigues", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "surto", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Marina", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3971, + "example": "Quin és el valor equivalent d'un kyat de Myanmar respecte al franc ruandès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "franc ruandès", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "un kyat de Myanmar", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4741, + "example": "Es pot demanar perquè ho portin a casa a l'Arepish?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "demanar perquè ho portin a casa", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Arepish", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 715, + "example": "Quina superfície ocupa aproximadament el Pirineu Axial?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quina superfície ocupa aproximadament", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Pirineu Axial", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9149, + "example": "De dilluns a divendres tinc partit de futbol amb la Magdalena Fuster a Sant Feliu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "De dilluns a divendres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partit de futbol", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Magdalena Fuster", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Feliu", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5723, + "example": "Vull trucar per telèfon a la Dexeus de Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Dexeus de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6108, + "example": "Em podries dir quin horari fa l'Ajuntament d'Esplugues de Llobregat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Esplugues de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6174, + "example": "Com aconsegueixo l'adreça de l'oficina de la Seguretat Social de Sabadell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina de la Seguretat Social", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4723, + "example": "És molta molèstia comprovar si el restaurant que m'encanta fa menjar per emportar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "restaurant", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fa menjar per emportar", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7482, + "example": "Crea una alerta que soni a dos quarts menys cinc del dimecres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts menys cinc", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4807, + "example": "Serà necessari que agafi la roba d'abrigar després?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Serà necessari que agafi la roba d'abrigar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2745, + "example": "Calles durant una estona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "una estona", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8401, + "example": "Em ve de gust demanar alguna cosa per dinar a casa avui a la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5558, + "example": "Fes-me el favor de comunicar-me amb els avis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "avis", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9328, + "example": "Em ve de gust sentir l'episodi següent d'aquest pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6236, + "example": "Cada quant caduca el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Cada quant caduca", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2370, + "example": "Vaig cap a Begur; em reserves un lloc al tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Begur", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11168, + "example": "Indica'm quin dia dinaré canelons", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinaré", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "canelons", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8632, + "example": "Ens podries treure de l'agenda la classe d'estiraments al gimnàs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe d'estiraments", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "gimnàs", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4429, + "example": "M'ensenyes on es podrà veure la pel·lícula \"Els nens salvatges\" demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Els nens salvatges", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7709, + "example": "Cada dimarts abans del gimnàs tinc classes d'anglès a Castelldefels.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Cada dimarts", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "abans", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "gimnàs", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classes d'anglès", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Castelldefels", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7109, + "example": "Posa l'aplicació Càmera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Càmera", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10798, + "example": "Em dius si recentment m'han arribat molts missatges electrònics dels meus pares?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatges electrònics", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "dels meus pares", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recentment", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8888, + "example": "Pots buscar-me el número de mòbil del meu cosí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de mòbil", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu cosí", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8954, + "example": "Aspira la cotxera amb el robot aspirador.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cotxera", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4957, + "example": "Em dius quins trens hi ha de Berga fins a Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Berga", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9397, + "example": "Em punxes una cançó instrumental a la bodega?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bodega", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "instrumental", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 214, + "example": "Aprovaré el grau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11879, + "example": "Res.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5870, + "example": "Necessito una ambulància; truqueu el 061.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulància", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "061", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9026, + "example": "M'interessaria saber què celebrem el 12 d'abril.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "12 d'abril", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3036, + "example": "A la cuina ens tocaries Lady Gaga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Lady Gaga", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9687, + "example": "Què li passa a la coca de trempó que he demanat a domicili a la Torreta de Sarrià?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "coca de trempó", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Torreta de Sarrià", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2611, + "example": "Pots fer una piulada amb el hashtag \"foodie\" responent la darrera publicació del TNC amb el text \"em podríeu confirmar l'horari\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "fer una piulada", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "TNC", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "em podríeu confirmar l'horari", + "Start_char": 98, + "End_char": 127 + }, + { + "Tag": "hashtag", + "Text": "foodie", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5259, + "example": "Com em podria donar d'alta a La meva salut?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "donar d'alta a La meva salut", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3109, + "example": "Estaria bé sentir la llista de reproducció \"temes per ballar sardanes\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "temes per ballar sardanes", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 980, + "example": "Fica el volum més baix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1888, + "example": "I si em treus tot el que tinc organitzat a l'agenda personal per avui després de la visita als meus avis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visita als meus avis", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9719, + "example": "Del fus horari UTC-1 en vull saber l'hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari UTC-1", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2894, + "example": "L'emissora \"Onda Cero\" ens la pots sintonitzar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Onda Cero", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11352, + "example": "Quin dia tinc hora amb el fisioterapeuta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "fisioterapeuta", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9107, + "example": "Mira a veure què fan a \"Catalunya Ràdio\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Catalunya Ràdio", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6246, + "example": "El partit de l'Espanyol saps com ha anat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Espanyol", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11598, + "example": "Literalment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3161, + "example": "Ens podries posar \"Radioestadio\" d'\"Onda Cero Barcelona\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Radioestadio", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Onda Cero Barcelona", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2108, + "example": "Seria possible activar els ulls de bou del menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10070, + "example": "Les notícies més recents del pla d'Alemanya contra el cànnabis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "pla d'Alemanya contra el cànnabis", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10414, + "example": "Mostra'm quins són els temes de Lax'n'Busto que més m'agraden.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Lax'n'Busto", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "més m'agraden", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1667, + "example": "Si a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich +8 és la una, quina hora és al fus horari d'Amèrica/Ciutat de Mèxic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Ciutat de Mèxic", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 100 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich +8", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "la una", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4615, + "example": "Hi ha botigues de roba amb productes de cotó ecològic al voltant meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues de roba", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "amb productes de cotó ecològic", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al voltant meu", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9475, + "example": "Posa'm un pòdcast ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6731, + "example": "M'agradaria fer una reserva per dilluns.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7695, + "example": "Podries anotar a l'agenda una trobada amb el Lluís Bellpuig pel viatge a la fira de Frankfurt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lluís Bellpuig", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "viatge a la fira de Frankfurt", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11643, + "example": "Què em vols dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11412, + "example": "Digue'm quin dia tinc hora amb el doctor Fenoller.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Fenoller", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1678, + "example": "Si al fus horari d'Amèrica/Guatemala és la una de la matinada, quina hora és a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich +11?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich +11", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 110 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Guatemala", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "la una de la matinada", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 90, + "example": "Apunta a l'agenda que he d'anar dimarts amb la doctora Ariadna Ferrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Ariadna Ferrer", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4966, + "example": "L'horari dels trens en direcció a Vilafranca del Penedès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vilafranca del Penedès", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2346, + "example": "Vull un tiquet de tren de Barcelona a Lleida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3430, + "example": "Em dius quina és la definició de pal·li?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "pal·li", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9692, + "example": "Busco saber l'hora de la zona horària de CST.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "zona horària de CST", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3884, + "example": "M'interessaria saber quant és dos dividit entre setanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "dos dividit entre setanta", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1177, + "example": "Guarda al calendari que tots els diumenges del mes de juny aniré a la platja amb la mama.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els diumenges", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mama", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "juny", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "platja", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10994, + "example": "Quin xarop em toca divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4350, + "example": "A quina hora és el concert d'aquesta nit al meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concert", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu barri", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1518, + "example": "Podries parar la reproducció de música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "parar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 38, + "example": "Podries apuntar que he d'anar a l'ambulatori el divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulatori", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2441, + "example": "Demana un Uber per a tres quarts de nou que em porti fins a Reus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Reus", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9937, + "example": "Hi ha alertes creades per divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 241, + "example": "Amb quin transport públic puc arribar a La Bonanova?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "La Bonanova", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "transport públic", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10234, + "example": "Ensenya'm el temps d'avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11502, + "example": "Et demano que telefonis al Manel, perquè m'he quedat tancat a casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Manel", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "m'he quedat tancat a casa", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2662, + "example": "Podries actualitzar-me l'estat a les xarxes socials?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "actualitzar-me l'estat", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8613, + "example": "M'elimines del calendari la convenció de cinema de la setmana vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "convenció de cinema", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8341, + "example": "M'agradaria demanar tres empanades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "empanades", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4572, + "example": "Posaran alguna pel·lícula nova al Cinesa de Diagonal Mar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinesa de Diagonal Mar", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7080, + "example": "Encén-me l'app Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1079, + "example": "La roomba, me l'arranques per netejar el garatge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "garatge", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10519, + "example": "Quina llibreria LGTBI+ del districte de Gràcia em recomanes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "llibreria", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "LGTBI+", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gràcia", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9517, + "example": "Em posaries una cançoneta de la llista \"mantenir viu el nen interior\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "mantenir viu el nen interior", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3624, + "example": "Em mola Buhos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Buhos", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6331, + "example": "Què puc fer amb la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què puc fer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7191, + "example": "Descriu-me el camí per arribar a l'escola.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10586, + "example": "Quins festivals hi haurà a Sitges aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10219, + "example": "Quin és el pronòstic del temps que tenim aquí a la meva vila?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva vila", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2291, + "example": "Podries adreçar a dracsigripaus@gmail.com un mail?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "dracsigripaus@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5929, + "example": "Consulta'm si hi ha servei de podologia a l'Hospital del Mar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "servei de podologia", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital del Mar", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 46, + "example": "Dijous tinc visita amb el pediatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "pediatre", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dijous", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7296, + "example": "Desar nil_agusti@hotmail.com com l'adreça electrònica del germà d'en Nil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "nil_agusti@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "germà d'en Nil", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 146, + "example": "Dimarts al matí tinc cita amb la ginecòloga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimarts", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "ginecòloga", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2997, + "example": "Podries reproduir \"The wild project\" a Spotify? És el millor pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "The wild project", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Spotify", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4019, + "example": "Digues quants dòlars de Brunei és un franc congolès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "un franc congolès", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlars de Brunei", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 846, + "example": "Em pots dir les notícies noves de la \"COPE\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "COPE", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5876, + "example": "He relliscat al terrat de casa i necessito trucar a Emergències.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "He relliscat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "Emergències", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10901, + "example": "Quina és la pastilla que em prenc cada tres hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada tres hores", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6447, + "example": "Es pot demanar la targeta sanitària per telèfon?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Es pot demanar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "per telèfon", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9938, + "example": "Em mires les alertes configurades per aquest dissabte?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dissabte", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10892, + "example": "Està disponible el meu pla de medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Està disponible", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "pla de medicació", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4168, + "example": "A quina hora és la junta que tinc dijous a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5476, + "example": "Ensenya al meu padrí la meva localització fins a les quatre de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu padrí", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 669, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quan és el pla d'anar al Tibidabo amb la Joana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al Tibidabo", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8190, + "example": "Busca't un bitllet del tren que comença a Valls a les vuit d'aquesta nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit d'aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7324, + "example": "Vull que guardis el correu de la meva companya Maria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva companya Maria", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 94, + "example": "Pren nota que el nen es visita a Sant Joan de Déu amb la pediatra dimarts vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "pediatra", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Sant Joan de Déu", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "nen", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7382, + "example": "Envia'm un correu que digui \"exhibició de quadres surrealistes a Barcelona\" al meu avi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "exhibició de quadres surrealistes a Barcelona", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu avi", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5701, + "example": "Podries telefonar a la consulta d'endocrinologia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "consulta d'endocrinologia", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2884, + "example": "Engega'm l'emissora \"iCat FM\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "iCat FM", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2461, + "example": "Si us plau, recorda'm que divendres 20 al matí estaré reunida amb el meu soci.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres 20", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "estaré reunida", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu soci", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7631, + "example": "M'afegeixes auriculars amb micròfon a la llista anomenada \"regals\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "auriculars amb micròfon", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "regals", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2413, + "example": "Reserva un taxi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11940, + "example": "Quina badada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10098, + "example": "Mostra'm les notícies més noves sobre ciència.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "ciència", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5710, + "example": "Podries fer una trucada al CAP de Sant Sadurní d'Anoia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Sadurní d'Anoia", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10432, + "example": "De Psychostick, digue'm quines són les cançons que més m'agraden?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Psychostick", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quines són les cançons que més m'agraden", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1653, + "example": "Si a GMT 0 són les cinc, saps quina l'hora és al fus horari dels Estats Units/Hawaii?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "GMT 0", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari dels Estats Units/Hawaii", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 436, + "example": "Bravo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7942, + "example": "Et faria res incrementar una miqueta el volum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8473, + "example": "Truca un Cabify per ser demà a les tres a Castellet i la Gornal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Castellet i la Gornal", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9184, + "example": "Vull beure un cafè descafeïnat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8448, + "example": "Demana'm menjar preparat al König.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "König", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1657, + "example": "Em dius quina hora és a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich +2 si al fus horari del Canadà/Pacífic són les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich +2", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari del Canadà/Pacífic", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8988, + "example": "Quin dia és la cita de sopar amb els iaios de Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "iaios", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10129, + "example": "Ensenya'm què conté la llista \"noms d'alarma\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "noms d'alarma", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7593, + "example": "Em pots incloure pollastre a la llista de la carnisseria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "pollastre", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la carnisseria", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2694, + "example": "Em podries dir què tinc a la meva llista de la compra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5099, + "example": "A quin preu estan les accions d'Asus?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Asus", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1070, + "example": "Podries accionar la roomba?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10299, + "example": "L'hora de Nasik me la dius?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Nasik", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9599, + "example": "La circulació per entrar a Madrid.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Madrid", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2470, + "example": "Recorda'm que estaré reunida demà passat amb en Carles Porta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "estaré reunida", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carles Porta", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9066, + "example": "Em ve de gust connectar la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9825, + "example": "Ensenya'm què vol dir portapau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "portapau", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5867, + "example": "Avisa a Emergències.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9931, + "example": "Em dius quantes alarmes tinc posades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5024, + "example": "Quins són en els preus de les accions de Walt Disney?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Walt Disney", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3462, + "example": "Pots compartir alguna cosa graciosa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5536, + "example": "Em pots fer un favor i trucar a l'avi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "avi", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1341, + "example": "No vull la música tan baixa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8523, + "example": "M'agradaria prendre un taxi per al dilluns vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns vinent", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11884, + "example": "No pot ésser.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5379, + "example": "Voldria saber com arribar a la Font Màgica en metro.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Font Màgica", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "metro", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6526, + "example": "Cada vuit hores recorda'm que em toquen dues gotes de clonazepam.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "Cada vuit hores", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "clonazepam", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1620, + "example": "Pots variar el color del llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 371, + "example": "Ho pots tornar a dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2484, + "example": "Ma cosina i jo fem un escape room el dissabte vinent de tres a cinc de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "Ma cosina", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "escape room", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte vinent", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2163, + "example": "Podries encendre el lladre elèctric intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "lladre elèctric intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11420, + "example": "Digue'm si la visita amb el traumatòleg de l'Hospital de Sant Pau és la setmana vinent", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Sant Pau", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9489, + "example": "M'encanta la cançó \"Volcans\"; posa-la al reproductor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Volcans", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "M'encanta", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2247, + "example": "Vull que enviïs un correu electrònic al meu tiet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "al meu tiet", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6309, + "example": "Quin resultat va quedar al final del partit de l'Espanyol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Espanyol", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 425, + "example": "Apoteòsic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4978, + "example": "Vull que em diguis l'itinerari del tren que porta a Ripoll avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ripoll", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1488, + "example": "Podries saltar la música al minut dos cinquanta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_stamp", + "Text": "dos cinquanta", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9117, + "example": "Sintonitza \"Kiss FM\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Kiss FM", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9180, + "example": "Penja un nou estat a Whatsapp.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Penja", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2016, + "example": "Vull fer un encàrrec de sushi a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sushi", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1486, + "example": "Podries activar la repetició en l'àlbum \"At the edge of time\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "activar la repetició", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "At the edge of time", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3292, + "example": "I si segueixes amb la reproducció de l'audiollibre \"Victus\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Victus", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10393, + "example": "Tinc cançons que m'agradin de Lax'n'Busto?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Lax'n'Busto", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Tinc cançons que m'agradin", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11056, + "example": "Digues-me com ho faig per arribar a la casa del Gerard.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gerard", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11249, + "example": "Es pot saber si el pastís de formatge porta melmelada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pastís de formatge", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "melmelada", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9320, + "example": "Posa'm el següent episodi d'aquest pòdcast ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9482, + "example": "Em pots posar un dels temes que més m'agraden?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "més m'agraden", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3593, + "example": "M'agrada molt sentir AURORA.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "AURORA", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9717, + "example": "Al fus horari UTC+8 em sabries dir quina hora és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari UTC+8", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2224, + "example": "Envia'm un correu que posi \"partida d'escacs a Barcelona\" a ma germana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "partida d'escacs a Barcelona", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma germana", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8917, + "example": "Vull que em mostris el contacte del meu cosí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu cosí", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6835, + "example": "Pots reservar una taula a una arrosseria a Tarragona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "arrosseria", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11136, + "example": "Tinc preparat el menú pel sopar de divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6238, + "example": "El certificat digital el puc tenir tant en IOS com en Android?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat digital", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "el puc tenir tant en IOS com en Android", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11959, + "example": "Quina ximpleria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6811, + "example": "Reserva una taula a Rosa dels Vents pel diumenge a la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Rosa dels Vents", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9368, + "example": "Pots reproduir música a l'estudi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2434, + "example": "Seria possible agafar un taxi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3485, + "example": "Em fas el favor d'explicar-me un acudit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11827, + "example": "Fes stop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3546, + "example": "Quin fàstic de cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7077, + "example": "Vull tornar a veure un episodi de \"Cites\" al reproductor de TV3 a la Carta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Cites", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "TV3 a la Carta", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 441, + "example": "Estic flipant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10865, + "example": "Quants dies m'he de prendre el Nolotil?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Nolotil", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 560, + "example": "M'encantaria poder jugar al \"Cat game\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Cat game", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11340, + "example": "Dilluns vinent tenia cita amb la doctora Nadal o m'equivoco?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Nadal", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dilluns vinent", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9499, + "example": "Posa'm el tema \"Arrival to earth\", que és genial.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Arrival to earth", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "genial", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2080, + "example": "Voldria que activessis les bombetes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6529, + "example": "Avisa que m'he de prendre cada dotze hores l'omeprazole.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada dotze hores", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "omeprazole", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7779, + "example": "I si m'apagues els llums del rebedor?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "rebedor", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2428, + "example": "Vull un Cabify per passat demà de sis a vuit del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "sis a vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4461, + "example": "El divendres sortirà la pel·lícula \"Megan\" al cinema del barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Megan", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "barri", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10847, + "example": "Quin és el vertader propòsit de la vida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5736, + "example": "Trucar a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10621, + "example": "Necessitaria trobar quines són les exposicions d'art conceptual al meu carrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "exposicions d'art conceptual", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu carrer", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2355, + "example": "M'agradaria tenir un seient comprat al ferrocarril que surt de Vallvidrera avui a la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vallvidrera", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9261, + "example": "Tinc un dinar el dia 5 de febrer a les dotze amb els meus tiets.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "5 de febrer", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "els meus tiets", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 167, + "example": "Divendres a les cinc he d'anar a l'Hospital General, apunta-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Divendres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital General", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11171, + "example": "Els canelons són vegans?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "canelons", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3823, + "example": "Em podries dir quines preparacions puc fer amb carn d'hamburguesa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "carn d'hamburguesa", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2877, + "example": "Crea una alarma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6941, + "example": "Enviar la ubicació als contactes fins a les dotze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1758, + "example": "I si m'esborres tot el que hi ha planificat amb la Laura a l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2909, + "example": "Pots sintonitzar-nos l'emissora \"Kiss FM\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Kiss FM", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7597, + "example": "Agrega'm Els anells del poder al llistat de sèries pendents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Els anells del poder", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de sèries pendents", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 835, + "example": "Em pots llegir quins són els meus llistats de recomanacions?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "recomanacions", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10495, + "example": "Em sabries dir si el restaurant que més m'agrada reparteix a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "reparteix a domicili", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "restaurant", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9251, + "example": "Posa'm un recordatori al calendari de la reunió que tinc de sis a set de la tarda el pròxim dimarts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim dimarts", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8926, + "example": "Veure el contacte de la meva mare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6742, + "example": "Fes una reserva d'una taula al restaurant Casamar pel migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Casamar", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "migdia", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6060, + "example": "Digues-me l'adreça de l'OAC.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "OAC", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7492, + "example": "Em vull aixecar el dilluns a les set.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 859, + "example": "Segons el diari \"El Ter\", què va passar al Japó l'altre dia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "El Ter", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Japó", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7916, + "example": "Canvia el color de les llums a groc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "groc", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6126, + "example": "Mostra'm quina és l'adreça de l'oficina de serveis socials d'Arenys de Mar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina de serveis socials", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Arenys de Mar", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7799, + "example": "Desconnecta'm els llums de led.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 745, + "example": "Podries dir-me el nom de l'aparell que serveix per obrir les nous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "aparell", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "serveix per obrir les nous", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 634, + "example": "Si vull fer el viatge de Solsona a Tremp aquesta nit, quin tren em convé?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Solsona", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tremp", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3246, + "example": "Ens podries posar \"Nagash: undying king\" a la cuina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Nagash: undying king", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10255, + "example": "El clima actual; me'l pots dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "actual", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4132, + "example": "Em podries explicar una anècdota divertida del Sergi Roberto?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Em podries explicar una anècdota divertida", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sergi Roberto", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3844, + "example": "Digues-me els plats que porten pebrot verd.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "pebrot verd", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 268, + "example": "Quin ferrocarril arriba més ràpidament a Tornabous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Tornabous", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_detail", + "Text": "més ràpidament", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3436, + "example": "Em dius quin és el significat d'àmfora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "àmfora", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3936, + "example": "Quant son cinquanta-quatre multiplicat per cent tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "cinquanta-quatre multiplicat per cent tres", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9737, + "example": "Veure tot l'itinerari del tren a Sabadell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10131, + "example": "Esbrinar què hi ha a la llista \"restaurants\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "restaurants", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8574, + "example": "Vull un taxi per avui de nou a dos quarts de deu que em porti fins a la Plaça Espanya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Plaça Espanya", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "nou a dos quarts de deu", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 672, + "example": "Em pots dir quan tinc la reunió que tinc planificada amb la Laura?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9046, + "example": "Vull que anotis al calendari que he quedat amb la Margarida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedat", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Margarida", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 74, + "example": "M'he de visitar el dimarts amb el metge del CAP.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5086, + "example": "Vull veure a quant estan les accions de Hyundai.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Hyundai", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11147, + "example": "Per a quin dia necessito els fideus?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "fideus", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4522, + "example": "Aquest diumenge fan la pel·lícula \"El falsificador de passaports\" al meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Aquest diumenge", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "El falsificador de passaports", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu barri", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11074, + "example": "Refresca'm per quins carrers he d'anar fins arribar a casa de la meva àvia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva àvia", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8292, + "example": "Vull que m'asseguris que el 12 d'octubre farà mal temps.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "mal temps", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "12 d'octubre", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7097, + "example": "L'app Factor Energia obre-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Factor Energia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5217, + "example": "Digues si he de fer l'examen d'alemany aquest cap de setmana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "examen d'alemany", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2459, + "example": "Vull un taxi per a tres quarts de tres que em porti fins a Razzmatazz.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de tres", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Razzmatazz", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2529, + "example": "Em podries mantenir informat sobre els nous videojocs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "els nous videojocs", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1019, + "example": "La llum està massa alta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10099, + "example": "Pots dir-me les últimes notícies sobre els Estats Units?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "els Estats Units", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4977, + "example": "M'interessa saber l'itinerari sencer del tren cap a Manresa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1800, + "example": "Pots fer desaparèixer Cuba de la llista de destinacions pendents que tinc aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Cuba", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de destinacions pendents que tinc aquí", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7531, + "example": "Minvar els focus de l'habitació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6724, + "example": "Fes reserva d'una taula per a mi i les meves amigues.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "les meves amigues", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2936, + "example": "Veure la meva sèrie preferida cada dimarts al migdia, posa-ho al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Veure la meva sèrie preferida", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dimarts", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 603, + "example": "M'interessa saber quins trens hi ha de Cadaqués a Gaià.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cadaqués", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Gaià", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8308, + "example": "Confirma'm si l'1 de maig tindrem vent fort.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "1 de maig", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "vent fort", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11213, + "example": "Què toca per esmorzar demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "esmorzar", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4920, + "example": "Digue'm quins SMS tinc amb en Miquel que diuen \"Data oficial de llançament del nou producte\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "SMS", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Miquel", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "Data oficial de llançament del nou producte", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7119, + "example": "Voldria que obrissis l'app de l'Agenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Agenda", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4838, + "example": "L'estat del trànsit de Barcelona, quin és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1660, + "example": "Si a UTC 0 són les onze, quina hora és a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich +6?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "UTC 0", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich +6", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2188, + "example": "Em podries posar en funcionament l'endoll intel·ligent de l'habitació petita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació petita", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7142, + "example": "Vull anar a la biblioteca del poble, com hi arribo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca del poble", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6821, + "example": "Pots fer una reserva per una taula a un restaurant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10562, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quines festes populars hi haurà a Tarragona la setmana vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festes populars", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 311, + "example": "Què és això que m'has dit ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8765, + "example": "No vull tornar a sentir el que està sonant una altra vegada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9893, + "example": "Digues quant fa quatre per vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "quatre per vuit", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9110, + "example": "Sintonitza \"Onda Cero Barcelona\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Onda Cero Barcelona", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1867, + "example": "L'esdeveniment \"anar a buscar el David\" a l'aeroport amb el papa esborra'l del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a buscar el David", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aeroport", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "papa", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7192, + "example": "Detalla la ruta que em porta a l'hospital.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4087, + "example": "Quin és el número de contacte del Nil?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de contacte", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nil", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1999, + "example": "M'esborraries el llistat de receptes per provar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de receptes per provar", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4114, + "example": "On va néixer en Juan Magán?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "On va néixer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Juan Magán", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2143, + "example": "Obre els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 281, + "example": "Quins trams puc agafar a la Diagonal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trams", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Diagonal", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6403, + "example": "Digues-me si tinc guardada la TSE.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "si tinc guardada", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSE", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10717, + "example": "Tinc programada una visita al Parc Güell aquesta setmana oi que és correcte?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visita al Parc Güell", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7532, + "example": "Voldria suavitzar la llum de l'oficina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10499, + "example": "Coneixes alguna ferreteria a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "ferreteria", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 392, + "example": "Quants milions ha desfalcat Cristiano Ronaldo a Hisenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Quants milions ha desfalcat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Cristiano Ronaldo", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "a Hisenda", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11857, + "example": "T'atures una mica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3503, + "example": "Explica'm una broma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6832, + "example": "Voldria reservar taula al König de Girona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "König", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2017, + "example": "M'agradaria encarregar un entrepà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "entrepà", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5616, + "example": "T'ordeno que truquis a l'àvia Ramona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "àvia Ramona", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4301, + "example": "Saps si plourà aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plourà", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7520, + "example": "Alçar-me el dimarts a les set i trenta-cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set i trenta-cinc", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 400, + "example": "Indica'm quin és el menjar preferit el Jordi Font.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "quin és el menjar preferit", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jordi Font", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10158, + "example": "Trobar què es diu a la xarxa social de Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9428, + "example": "Et demano que em posis un pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6280, + "example": "Com ha acabat l'últim partit de la Copa de la Reina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "últim partit de la Copa de la Reina", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6926, + "example": "Comparteix la localització d'on estic amb el meu pare durant dues hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu pare", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "dues hores", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1672, + "example": "Saps quina hora és al fus horari del Canadà/Pacífic si a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich 0 són les dues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari del Canadà/Pacífic", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich 0", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6797, + "example": "Pots fer una reserva una taula a un restaurant tailandès pel divendres a la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "tailandès", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6198, + "example": "Digues on trobar la validesa del certificat COVID.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "on trobar la validesa", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7574, + "example": "Pots escriure també llegums al llistat coses per comprar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "llegums", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "coses per comprar", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3973, + "example": "A quants pesos mexicans equivalen ara mateix dos-cents cinquanta-nou yens?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "pesos mexicans", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dos-cents cinquanta-nou yens", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1754, + "example": "Vull que m'esborris tots els esdeveniments que tingui apuntats al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6686, + "example": "Fes una reserva a les 10 al Vell Papiol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "10", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Vell Papiol", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2096, + "example": "Necessito que m'encenguis el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9393, + "example": "Pots tocar ara música folk?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "folk", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6580, + "example": "Cada sis hores recorda'm que m'he de prendre un Depakine.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "Cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Depakine", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6062, + "example": "Voldria saber on es troba l'Ajuntament de Barberà", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barberà", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "on es troba", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2678, + "example": "Què hi ha a la meva llista \"factures botiga\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "factures botiga", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5435, + "example": "Compartir la ubicació actual amb el meu company de feina fins a les dues.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu company de feina", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5846, + "example": "Telefona al 112 perquè algú ha estat atropellat al carrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "112", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "algú ha estat atropellat", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5153, + "example": "Què diu la peça que s'està reproduint?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Què diu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està reproduint", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7138, + "example": "Voldria que iniciessis l'aplicació de YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5933, + "example": "Puc saber l'adreça de l'Hospital General de Catalunya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital General de Catalunya", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7394, + "example": "Em podries enviar a la meva filla un email on posi \"no paren d'arribar paquets teus a casa, què és això?\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva filla", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "no paren d'arribar paquets teus a casa, què és això?", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6295, + "example": "Com ha quedat el partit de les sis de la Lliga Endesa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "Lliga Endesa", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11016, + "example": "Com arribo a casa del Marc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3852, + "example": "Podries dir-me què puc preparar amb taronges?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "taronges", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8484, + "example": "Reserva'm un Lyft per ser al Portal de l'Àngel passat demà a quarts de quatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Portal de l'Àngel", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "quarts de quatre", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6953, + "example": "Comparteix ara mateix la ubicació amb la Carlota.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carlota", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3699, + "example": "Digue'm si tenim pluja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "pluja", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1385, + "example": "M'apujaries la potència de la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8948, + "example": "Aspirar amb l'aspirador l'habitació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspirador", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7675, + "example": "Tinc una reunió amb la Judith Gómez a Calafell el dimarts a les vuit del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Judith Gómez", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Calafell", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5774, + "example": "Trucar a la biblioteca pública.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca pública", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5570, + "example": "Fes una trucada a la meva germana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9354, + "example": "Reprodueix la meva cançó preferida del grup d'Epic Metal Rhapsody.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferida", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "Epic Metal", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Rhapsody", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 324, + "example": "Vull que diguis un altre cop el que acabes de dir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8139, + "example": "Com que haig de viatjar fins a Anglès, em podries demanar un bitllet de tren per sortir a tres quarts de quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Anglès", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de quatre", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 111 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2991, + "example": "Pots iniciar-me el pòdcast que més m'agrada, \"Estirando el chicle\", a les golfes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Estirando el chicle", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1683, + "example": "Em dius quina hora és a la franja horària de Hawaii si a la de Tahití són les onze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "franja horària de Hawaii", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la de Tahití", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10485, + "example": "Hi ha papereries per la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "papereries", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5084, + "example": "M'ensenyes quin preu tenen les accions de Renault?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Renault", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9272, + "example": "Explica'm algun acudit on surtin professors.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "professors", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2042, + "example": "Que puc demanar una carbonara del Pummarola?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "carbonara", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Pummarola", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9573, + "example": "L'estat del trànsit per sortir de Toledo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Toledo", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8173, + "example": "He de sortir d'Amposta el dia de Halloween, em demanes un lloc al tren de les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Amposta", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Halloween", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7355, + "example": "Desa l'email del Marc com marcdominguez@hotmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "marcdominguez@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6701, + "example": "Vull fer una reserva per sopar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6939, + "example": "Pots compartir la localització a l'Arnau fins que arribem a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Arnau", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3190, + "example": "Em ve de gust sentir alguna cançó que m'agradi; posa \"Cert clar i breu\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Cert clar i breu", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 563, + "example": "Tinc moltes ganes de fer una partida al \"Candy crush\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Candy crush", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2317, + "example": "Esborrar l'entrada de demà al vespre del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7125, + "example": "Obrir Whatsapp.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3928, + "example": "Quin és l'u per cent de trenta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "u per cent de trenta", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11788, + "example": "Em faries el favor de parar-te durant una micona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11769, + "example": "Tant se val.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1610, + "example": "Em pots canviar el llum al color negre a la galeria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "negre", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "galeria", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 645, + "example": "M'agradaria saber l'itinerari del tren fins a Vilanova i la Geltrú.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 343, + "example": "Repetir-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8333, + "example": "Respon a aquest correu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1418, + "example": "Llums a màxima potència, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7152, + "example": "Voldria anar al restaurant xinès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "restaurant xinès", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7611, + "example": "Al llistat de la maleta vull que m'afegeixis crema solar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "crema solar", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de la maleta", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8501, + "example": "Reserva un taxi per anar a l'Hospital Sagrat Cor demà passat de tres quarts de quatre a un quart de cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Hospital Sagrat Cor", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts de quatre a un quart de cinc", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9933, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quines alarmes tinc programades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9092, + "example": "T'importaria buscar l'emissora \"Radio Tele Taxi\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Radio Tele Taxi", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 397, + "example": "En quin idioma parla la Laia Talarn?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "En quin idioma parla", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laia Talarn", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5083, + "example": "Com està el valor en borsa de la companyia Hyundai?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Hyundai", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8935, + "example": "Et faria res llegir la informació que tinc del Ramonet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ramonet", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1370, + "example": "Vull més alt el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4785, + "example": "Està ennuvolat a Amposta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "ennuvolat", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Amposta", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7630, + "example": "Em pots posar Florència a la meva llista de destinacions favorites?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Florència", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de destinacions favorites", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11394, + "example": "Podries recordar-me la cita del dermatòleg a l'Hospital Vall d'Hebron?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dermatòleg", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Vall d'Hebron", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2005, + "example": "Pots suprimir-me el llistat de reparacions pendents?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de reparacions pendents", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 141, + "example": "Guarda la cita que tinc demà a les dues amb la doctora Ortega.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Ortega", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10908, + "example": "Digues-me quantes pastilles grogues em toquen.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilles grogues", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5498, + "example": "T'ordeno que facis un truc al telèfon 973778753.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "973778753", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10317, + "example": "Voldria conèixer quina hora és.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 894, + "example": "Ensenya'm quines notícies hi ha sobre Daniel Ricciardo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Daniel Ricciardo", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10371, + "example": "Mostra'm què està sonant ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "què està sonant ara mateix", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 476, + "example": "Ets un sol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7024, + "example": "Si us plau, posa'm de nou el capítol 11 de \"El cor de la ciutat\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "capítol 11", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "El cor de la ciutat", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5597, + "example": "Vull fer-li una trucada al tiet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "tiet", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8558, + "example": "Vull un Uber per a les nou de la nit fins a les tres de la matinada de demà passat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou de la nit fins a les tres de la matinada", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6781, + "example": "Fes una reserva per a set persones al Miramar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "set", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Miramar", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 643, + "example": "L'itinerari del tren que van fins a Salou, me'l pots ensenyar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6670, + "example": "Reserva taula al 66 per dimecres, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "66", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11270, + "example": "Què han dit els de \"La Vanguardia\" que passarà demà a Berga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "La Vanguardia", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Berga", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9827, + "example": "Vull saber com es defineix el terme de quimera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "quimera", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 405, + "example": "Necessito que em diguis la frase preferida del Custo Dalmau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "frase preferida", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Custo Dalmau", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3854, + "example": "Plats que portin all.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "all", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6964, + "example": "Veure \"Les nits de la tieta Rosa\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Les nits de la tieta Rosa", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1508, + "example": "Em pots repetir les cinc cançons anteriors?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "repetir les cinc cançons anteriors", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11550, + "example": "De ciència certa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9477, + "example": "Escoltar \"Pista de fusta\" a Spotify.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Pista de fusta", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Spotify", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10375, + "example": "Veure la melodia que s'està reproduint en aquest mateix moment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint en aquest mateix moment", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6527, + "example": "Indica'ns cada sis hores que el nen s'ha de prendre el Dalsy.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Dalsy", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "nen", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3426, + "example": "M'ensenyes quin és el significat de tronera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "tronera", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3669, + "example": "Qui va descobrir l'àtom d'hidrogen?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "àtom d'hidrogen", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "Qui va descobrir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9233, + "example": "Informa'm que tinc una reunió amb el Ricard a Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ricard", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10340, + "example": "Quin tipus de música sona ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quin tipus de música", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona ara mateix", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4374, + "example": "Em saps dir què ha passat a la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11021, + "example": "Em recordes com anar a casa de la meva mare?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11876, + "example": "No has escoltat el que he dit amb atenció.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6700, + "example": "Voldria reservar una taula a un restaurant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 537, + "example": "Juguem al \"Squishy magic\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Squishy magic", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9630, + "example": "Voldria saber si tinc algun correu electrònic del Manel que sigui recent al meu correu amb l'assumpte \"IRPF\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Manel", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recent", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "IRPF", + "Start_char": 103, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1269, + "example": "I si em desactives aquest l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5741, + "example": "Fes una trucada a l'oficina de correus dels Pallaresos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Pallaresos", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina de correus", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4356, + "example": "Ensenya'm les festes hi ha per aquí a prop de rock català.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festes", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_detail", + "Text": "rock català", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5196, + "example": "Confirmar-me què tinc al calendari aquest mes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest mes", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10937, + "example": "Podries dir si era la pastilla petita la que m'he de prendre cada sis hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla petita", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7615, + "example": "Vull que m'incloguis mig quilo de lluç a llistat de la peixateria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "mig quilo de lluç", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de la peixateria", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8521, + "example": "Reserva'm per a demà un taxi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 464, + "example": "Genial.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 739, + "example": "El significat de rendibilitat me'l pots explicar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "rendibilitat", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file