diff --git "a/dev.json" "b/dev.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/dev.json" @@ -0,0 +1,26428 @@ +{ + "dataset": "NLUCat", + "version": "1.0", + "split": "dev", + "data": [ + { + "id": 10388, + "example": "Digues en veu alta el títol de les meves cançons favorites de la Julia Jacklin.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Julia Jacklin", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "títol de les meves cançons favorites", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1695, + "example": "Si a UTC -5 són les cinc de la tarda, quina hora és al fus horari de Turquia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Turquia", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "UTC -5", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9144, + "example": "Cada tres hores posa'm un recordatori per mirar-me al mirall.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Cada tres hores", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "mirar-me al mirall", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9053, + "example": "Seria possible que per diumenge afegissis a la meva agenda una cita amb la meva germana per organitzar el pont de desembre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "organitzar el pont de desembre", + "Start_char": 92, + "End_char": 122 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 795, + "example": "Seria possible que em diguessis com es diu la sensació d'inseguretat i de por de caure daltabaix experimentada per algú quan s'acosta al caire d'un lloc elevat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "sensació", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "d’inseguretat i de por de caure daltabaix experimentada per algú quan s’acosta al caire d’un lloc elevat", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 159 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6717, + "example": "Vull reservar taula per a dues persones a un restaurant vietnamita.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "dues", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "vietnamita", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1522, + "example": "Em pots tornar a posar el hit que sonava abans?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "tornar a posar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9992, + "example": "Enumera'm les alarmes que tinc configurades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4794, + "example": "Em pots donar l'oratge que farà durant la setmana a Olesa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Olesa", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10835, + "example": "Què passarà a la meva vida futura?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6896, + "example": "Volem demanar una taula per tres persones.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 139, + "example": "Apunta que tinc hora amb el ginecòleg el 23 d'octubre a les dotze del migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "ginecòleg", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "23 d'octubre", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze del migdia", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9622, + "example": "Em pots dir el correu més nou sobre la recepta del flam de formatge de part de la Gisela?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "més nou", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "recepta del flam de formatge", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Gisela", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7993, + "example": "Et fa res afeblir la potència dels altaveus?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9984, + "example": "Em faries saber les alarmes que tinc creades pel pròxim dimecres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim dimecres", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9970, + "example": "Em diries quines alertes tenim creades per dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1313, + "example": "Els endolls intel·ligents, podries desconnectar-los?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5925, + "example": "Digues-me quin és el número de l'hospital d'Igualada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "número", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Igualada", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10674, + "example": "Digues-me si dissabte a la nit hi ha el Barcelona Beach Festival.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Barcelona Beach Festival", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11536, + "example": "Fer una trucada al David ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "David", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5799, + "example": "S'està inundant el meu carrer; truca a Protecció Civil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "S'està inundant el meu carrer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Protecció Civil", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7268, + "example": "La nova adreça de correu electrònic de la Joana és joana_lopez@hotmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "joana_lopez@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11640, + "example": "No m'ha quedat clar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10450, + "example": "Em pots dir quins són els llistats que tinc emmagatzemats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5246, + "example": "Explica'm com puc sol·licitar l'informe de transport sanitari no urgent al portal La meva salut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "transport sanitari no urgent", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com puc sol·licitar", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3616, + "example": "\"La macarena\" és una cançó que m'agrada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "La macarena", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1931, + "example": "Et faria res treure l'alerta de les tres de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la matinada", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2494, + "example": "Fes-me el favor i recorda'm que avui a les set tinc una reunió amb el meu Superior.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu Superior", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5810, + "example": "Fes una trucada a la Creu Roja; l'avi necessita atenció mèdica urgent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Creu Roja", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "l'avi necessita atenció mèdica urgent", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 977, + "example": "Abaixa la potència dels bafles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6492, + "example": "Al cine de les Gavarres tenen una cartellera més àmplia que al cinema de Valls?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavarres", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "tenen una cartellera més àmplia", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5020, + "example": "Em dius els preus de les accions de Telefònica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Telefònica", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8152, + "example": "Voldria tenir un seient adquirit al tren que arriba a Cambrils a les cinc de la tarda des de Tortosa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cambrils", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 93, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10754, + "example": "He rebut cap missatge electrònic de correu d'en Toni aquest matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Toni", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge electrònic de correu", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10455, + "example": "Em pots dir quins són els meus llistats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9112, + "example": "Posa'm l'emissora de ràdio \"Onda Cero Tarragona\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Onda Cero Tarragona", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8540, + "example": "Truca un Cabify ja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5569, + "example": "Vull que truquis al Xavi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Xavi", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 712, + "example": "La Serralada Prelitoral és la més llarga de Catalunya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Serralada Prelitoral", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "és la més llarga de Catalunya", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1937, + "example": "Em trauries l'alarma que vam programar per les tres de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la matinada", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10318, + "example": "Saps indicar-nos quina hora és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10997, + "example": "A les 12 em toca prendre medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les 12", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10851, + "example": "Quin és el secret de la vida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1454, + "example": "Et faria res maximitzar la potència dels leds?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 727, + "example": "Saps s'anomena el fenomen atmosfèric que fa que caiguin pedres quan plou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "fenomen atmosfèric", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "fa que caiguin pedres quan plou", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10881, + "example": "Consulta si era Apiretal el que la nena s'ha de prendre cada dotze hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Apiretal", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada dotze hores", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "nena", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4678, + "example": "De l'Eva tinc algun mail d'aquesta tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eva", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5471, + "example": "Ensenya allà on em trobo a l'Arnau fins que es trobi a casa meva.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Arnau", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa meva", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7939, + "example": "Intensifica'm l'àudio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11385, + "example": "Em pots recordar quin dia tinc dermatòloga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dermatòloga", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9761, + "example": "A quina hora passa el ferrocarril que finalitza a Sant Andreu de Llavaneres demà passat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Andreu de Llavaneres", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9741, + "example": "Ensenya'm els horaris dels trens que circulen a Manresa de deu a onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "deu a onze", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8119, + "example": "Què t'expliques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1843, + "example": "M'esborres del meu calendari personal la pràctica de cotxe del dimecres vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "personal la pràctica de cotxe", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres vinent", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10157, + "example": "Voldria saber el que passa a Twitter.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5553, + "example": "Truca a la meva padrina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva padrina", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 349, + "example": "Podries tornar-m'ho a dir, si us plau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9485, + "example": "Pots reproduir-nos la cançó que més m'agrada de Skillet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "més m'agrada", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Skillet", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2364, + "example": "Vull pirar-me de Balaguer; que em podries demanar un lloc al tren de les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Balaguer", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 317, + "example": "El que m'acabes de dir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4849, + "example": "M'expliques com està la circulació de vehicles per entrar a Sevilla a les quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sevilla", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9769, + "example": "Horari del tren cap a Vallvidrera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vallvidrera", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7682, + "example": "A la tarda de diumenge tinc sessió doble d'entrenament de tenis a Pedralbes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "A la tarda", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sessió doble d'entrenament de tenis", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Pedralbes", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4450, + "example": "Verificaries si al cinema de Sabadell de la cantonada hi posen \"La vida és bella\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "La vida és bella", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4089, + "example": "Quina adreça postal hi ha al contacte del meu avi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça postal", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu avi", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11565, + "example": "Veritablement.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1311, + "example": "Els endolls intel·ligents, me'ls podries aturar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3206, + "example": "Em ve de gust sentir la cançó \"Novembre\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Novembre", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6565, + "example": "Notifica'm a les set del matí, que m'he de prendre l'antidepressiu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set del matí", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antidepressiu", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5858, + "example": "Hi ha una dona ferida al carrer; telefona a Emergències.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "Hi ha una dona ferida", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3066, + "example": "A la cuina em pots posar música gòspel?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "gòspel", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7416, + "example": "Adreçar un email a la meva companya de feina que tingui com a contingut \"demà no treballo, per què ho preguntes?\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva companya de feina", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "demà no treballo, per què ho preguntes?", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 314, + "example": "Estic molt perduda, què has dit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8293, + "example": "Vull saber si continua en peu que el 4 d'octubre farà bon dia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "bon dia", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "4 d'octubre", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8237, + "example": "Voldria un bitllet pel llarga distància de les sis de la tarda de demà que comença a l'Estació de França i va cap a Castelló.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "llarga distància", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Estació de França", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 104 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Castelló", + "Start_char": 116, + "End_char": 124 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2602, + "example": "Em pots preparar un cafè descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 442, + "example": "Ets un encant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2992, + "example": "Puc sentir \"El zoo de vidre\"? És el millor pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "El zoo de vidre", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8483, + "example": "Haig d'anar demà a les deu a Sant Quirze del Vallès; series tan amable d'encarregar-me un taxi per aleshores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Quirze del Vallès", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3229, + "example": "Ens tocaries el tema \"També sóc jo\" després d'aquest que estàs reproduint ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "També sóc jo", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "després", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3037, + "example": "Al celobert em poses Sopa de Cabra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Sopa de Cabra", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "celobert", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6809, + "example": "Em pots fer una reserva a la Tagliatella per les dues del migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Tagliatella", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues del migdia", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9868, + "example": "Informar-me de quants quilòmetres té el riu Nil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "riu Nil", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "quants quilòmetres", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3082, + "example": "Ens poses música electrònica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "música electrònica", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1263, + "example": "Vull desconnectar els meus endolls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3589, + "example": "Em mola que flipes la Montserrat Caballé.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Montserrat Caballé", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3280, + "example": "Comença pel segon capítol del llibre de l'Anna Ballbona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Comença pel segon capítol", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Anna Ballbona", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5122, + "example": "Això que està sonant em saps dir de quin grup és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin grup és", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1215, + "example": "Em podries posar a l'agenda que el 4 de gener tinc sessió de Judo amb en Felip Llopart a Cornellà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "4 de gener", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sessió de Judo", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Felip Llopart", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cornellà", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8955, + "example": "Engega la conga per a rentar les golfes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "conga", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1645, + "example": "Podries contestar el whatsapp que em va enviar la Martina ahir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "whatsapp", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Martina", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 123, + "example": "Enregistra la visita amb el doctor Cucurella demà passat a les vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Cucurella", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1763, + "example": "Pots eliminar-nos tots els esdeveniments que hi ha programats a l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1140, + "example": "Em pots posar un ítem nou a la llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "ítem nou", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7947, + "example": "Vull pujar l'àudio un 25%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4993, + "example": "Mirar l'horari del tren que va a Montserrat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Montserrat", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2748, + "example": "Em faries el favor de no dir ni una paraula avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7588, + "example": "A la meva llista de jocs de cartes preferits posa la botifarra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de jocs de cartes preferits", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "botifarra", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4051, + "example": "Ensenya'm el contacte de mon pare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon pare", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3289, + "example": "I si escoltem l'audiollibre \"Dones que no perdonen\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Dones que no perdonen", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10927, + "example": "Confirma si era la pastilla groga la que em prenc cada sis hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla groga", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4500, + "example": "Projecten algun \"western\" als Cinemes Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "western", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinemes Girona", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2097, + "example": "Necessito que obris el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7178, + "example": "Mostra'm com anar en cotxe a la Biblioteca Jaume Fuster.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Biblioteca Jaume Fuster", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1353, + "example": "Et faria res que maximitzéssim la potència de la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8564, + "example": "Reserva'm un taxi per ser a Barcelona el dissabte a dos quarts de quatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "dos quarts de quatre", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9431, + "example": "Et faria res iniciar \"El vaixell\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "El vaixell", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7825, + "example": "Els llums, vull que els tanquis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9774, + "example": "Busca quins trens hi ha durant el matí de Figueres a Terrassa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "el matí", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8291, + "example": "Vull que em confirmis si de veritat el 14 d'octubre farà sol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "farà sol", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "14 d'octubre", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11468, + "example": "Vull que guardis patimpatampatum@gmail.com com email d'Enric.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Enric", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "patimpatampatum@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11890, + "example": "Has comès un error.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6328, + "example": "Cerca els resultats de la Lliga.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10531, + "example": "Vull localitzar les farmàcies del meu barri.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "farmàcies", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "del meu barri", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6581, + "example": "Anotar que a la nit m'he de prendre el Sintrom.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Sintrom", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3058, + "example": "Ens punxaries un tema de la Dua Lipa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Dua Lipa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11656, + "example": "No sé què m'estàs intentant dir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11758, + "example": "No té importància.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 629, + "example": "Digue'm els trens que em porten fins a Sant Cebrià de Vallalta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Cebrià de Vallalta", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8695, + "example": "Voldria que eliminessis un ítem de la llista de la compra.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "ítem", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8654, + "example": "Em treus de la meva agenda personal la cita prèvia per renovar el passaport a les dues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita prèvia per renovar el passaport", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 278, + "example": "Quins autobusos hi ha des de Montserrat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobusos", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montserrat", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2023, + "example": "Demana baldana per emportar al Castell del Brull.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "baldana", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Castell del Brull", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 497, + "example": "Al·lucinant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 984, + "example": "Posa la música a un volum més suau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 49, + "example": "Recorda'm que tinc visita amb el traumatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4335, + "example": "Quines activitats hi haurà a Sabadell pròximament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "pròximament", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11344, + "example": "Demà passat he d'anar a l'hospital Sant Jaume?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà passat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital Sant Jaume", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 604, + "example": "Mostra'm quins trens hi ha de Barberà de la Conca a Manresa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barberà", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Conca a Manresa", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5199, + "example": "Necessitaria que em diguessis si aquesta setmana tinc alguna entrada al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8077, + "example": "Hola, bon dia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10276, + "example": "Saps quina hora és a Marràqueix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Marràqueix", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2770, + "example": "Calla ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10084, + "example": "Posa'm els últims reportatges dels \"Premios Ondas 2022\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Premios Ondas 2022", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1702, + "example": "Saps quina és l'hora mitjana de Greenwich -1 si al fus horari de Turquia són les tres de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich -1", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Turquia", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1891, + "example": "Ens pots esborrar l'alerta que vam programar per dilluns al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10595, + "example": "Trobar quines exposicions de ceràmica hi ha a prop de la meva zona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "exposicions de ceràmica", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop de la meva zona", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10656, + "example": "Em saps dir com es diu l'esdeveniment que fan a prop meu avui a les dues i mitja?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues i mitja", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4313, + "example": "Em dones el clima que farà a Canet aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Canet", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3856, + "example": "Amb anxoves què puc preparar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "anxoves", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5947, + "example": "Si us plau, busca l'horari de l'oculista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oculista", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9109, + "example": "Reprodueix \"RAC105\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "RAC105", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10844, + "example": "Déu existeix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9214, + "example": "Recorda que tinc una reunió amb en Joan Segueró aquest dijous de les tres fins a les cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan Segueró", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dijous", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7245, + "example": "Voldria que apaguessis FilminCAT.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "FilminCAT", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6291, + "example": "Com va quedar el partit de bàsquet del Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "partit de bàsquet", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 838, + "example": "Sabries dir el nombre de llistes que tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4714, + "example": "Hi puc demanar per emportar a aquell bar de truites?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "bar de truites", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "demanar per emportar", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5456, + "example": "Comparteix la ubicació d'on soc amb la meva nora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva nora", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2114, + "example": "Em pots activar el LED del despatx?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 861, + "example": "Saps què hi ha de nou segons la \"BBC\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "BBC", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9890, + "example": "Quant és cinc dividit entre tretze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "cinc dividit entre tretze", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4439, + "example": "Digue'm quines pel·lis hi ha a l'Arenas Multicines entre les dues de la tarda i les cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Arenas Multicines", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues de la tarda", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 583, + "example": "Posa'm en una partida del \"PUBG\" del mòbil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "PUBG", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11740, + "example": "No m'importa gaire.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2538, + "example": "Pots avisar-me si surt alguna cosa nova sobre les figures de Lego?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "les figures de Lego", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2297, + "example": "I si envies un correu electrònic a l'adreça desfamiliaplanes@hotmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "desfamiliaplanes@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1565, + "example": "Em pots modificar el color de l'ull de bou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10702, + "example": "Saps dir-me si tinc anotada al calendari alguna cosa pel dia catorze del mes vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "catorze del mes vinent", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10838, + "example": "Em trauré la carrera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4166, + "example": "Què tinc apuntat a l'agenda avui a les cinc de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la matinada", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3464, + "example": "Em pots compartir una conya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4157, + "example": "A quina hora he de sopar amb el Pere?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2637, + "example": "Em pots escriure \"no sabia que eres per aquestes terres, la pròxima vegada avisa\" a l'última foto que ha pujat a Instagram el Roger Canigó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escriure", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "no sabia que eres per aquestes terres, la pròxima vegada avisa", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 113, + "End_char": 122 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Roger Canigó", + "Start_char": 126, + "End_char": 138 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "última foto", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10668, + "example": "Mostra'm els concerts de Manel que hi ha a prop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concerts de Manel", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6639, + "example": "Vull que em recordis que demà que inicio el tractament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3862, + "example": "Els carquinyolis què porten?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "carquinyolis", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4075, + "example": "Em pots mostrar tot el que hi ha al contacte de la Lourdes Sabater?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lourdes Sabater", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11868, + "example": "Necessito que et bloquis i paris tot el que estàs fent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6165, + "example": "Troba'm el telèfon de l'IES Torre del Palau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "IES Torre del Palau", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5657, + "example": "Telefona al CAP de Cardedeu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cardedeu", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6752, + "example": "M'agradaria reservar taula al Castell del Brull.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Castell del Brull", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1699, + "example": "Digues quina és l'hora del fus horari d'Amèrica/Tijuana si a Filipines/Manila són les vuit del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Tijuana", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Filipines/Manila", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9387, + "example": "Posa'm algun tema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11913, + "example": "No ho has fet bé.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11753, + "example": "No m'interessa això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6839, + "example": "He de reservar una taula a un restaurant turc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "turc", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1063, + "example": "Pots arrencar l'aspiradora?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11336, + "example": "Et sona si dimecres em toca visitar-me amb el doctor Oliver Grau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Oliver Grau", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3424, + "example": "Em mostres quin és el significat de la paraula civader?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "civader", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1899, + "example": "Pots treure'ns l'alerta que vam crear pel pròxim dimarts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "pròxim dimarts", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11655, + "example": "No m'ha acabat de quedar clar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1589, + "example": "Podries posar la làmpada de color groc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "groc", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11733, + "example": "I a mi que m'expliques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7819, + "example": "T'ordeno que tanquis els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2788, + "example": "Podries parar-te uns minutets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2169, + "example": "M'encendries el lladre elèctric intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "lladre elèctric intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2244, + "example": "M'adreces un e-mail a la Berta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Berta", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3608, + "example": "La Rosalía m'encanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Rosalía", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3162, + "example": "Ens pots reproduir a la cuina \"La cultureta\" d'\"Onda Cero Barcelona\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Onda Cero Barcelona", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "La cultureta", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5171, + "example": "Confirma'm que la junta que tinc demà és a dos quarts de sis de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11154, + "example": "Et faria res dir-me què hi ha per sopar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4951, + "example": "Digue'm, si us plau, a quina hora podria agafar el tren que passa per Vilanova i la Geltrú.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vilanova i la Geltrú", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3112, + "example": "Podries punxar-me el segon tema de \"Cuinar amb alegria\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "segon", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "Cuinar amb alegria", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7467, + "example": "Em saps dir quins plats puc elaborar amb formatge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "formatge", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9186, + "example": "M'agradaria prendre un cafè descafeïnat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3448, + "example": "Voldria saber què vol dir ninot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "ninot", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9894, + "example": "Fes el dotze per cent de vuitanta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "dotze per cent de vuitanta", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7651, + "example": "Per d'aquí a dues hores em pots afegir una junta amb l'Anna Sabater a la sala vermella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna Sabater", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "sala vermella", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquí a dues hores", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11899, + "example": "Quin descuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4136, + "example": "Quin és el patrimoni de l'Elon Musk?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Quin és el patrimoni", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Elon Musk", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11111, + "example": "Saps si l'escudella porta api?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "escudella", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "api", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4782, + "example": "Quin temps farà diumenge a Palafrugell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2320, + "example": "Elimina qualsevol cosa que tingui anotada al calendari fins a les vuit del dijous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1369, + "example": "Vull apujar una mica la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3981, + "example": "Em dius quants euros serien trenta francs de Suïssa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "euros", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "trenta francs de Suïssa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9345, + "example": "Posar el meu àlbum cançons preferides.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferides", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4405, + "example": "Em podries dir l'hora que és a la ciutat de Morelos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Morelos", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 577, + "example": "Necessitaria jugar una partida ràpida del \"Solitari\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Solitari", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4292, + "example": "Em mostres si aquesta setmana farà boira?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "boira", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7087, + "example": "T'ordeno que encenguis Telegram.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Telegram", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11478, + "example": "Desa a l'agenda de contactes que el correu de mon germà és nil_agusti99@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mon germà", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "nil_agusti99@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9820, + "example": "Ensenya'm quina és la definició de portapau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "portapau", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1711, + "example": "Quina hora és al fus horari de Jordània si a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich 0 són les set del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Jordània", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich 0", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set del matí", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 616, + "example": "M'ensenyaries com puc arribar a l'Escola Aragai?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Escola Aragai", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7375, + "example": "Desa l'email de la Marina com marinadominguez@hotmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marina", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "marinadominguez@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9295, + "example": "Explica'm una broma absurda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "absurda", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10389, + "example": "Quines són les cançons que m'encanten de Mishima?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Mishima", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quines són les cançons que m'encanten", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 608, + "example": "Mira quins ferrocarrils hi ha de Flix a Vilafranca del Penedès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarrils", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Flix", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vilafranca del Penedès", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5770, + "example": "Fes un truc al casal infantil, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "casal infantil", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3085, + "example": "Vull posar indie.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "indie", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11342, + "example": "Confirma quin dia tinc visita a la Clínica Dexeus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Dexeus", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9443, + "example": "Seria possible iniciar \"Els antisocràtics\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Els antisocràtics", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6388, + "example": "Té algun cost la targeta Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Té algun cost", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4215, + "example": "M'ensenyes el que s'està debatent a Instagram ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7123, + "example": "Vull que obris La Meva Salut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "La Meva Salut", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 341, + "example": "Repeteix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9605, + "example": "Busca quins correus electrònics tinc amb la Laura sobre la festa d'aniversari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "festa d'aniversari", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4611, + "example": "Que sabries dir-me si hi ha quioscs per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "quioscs", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4694, + "example": "Em pots llegir els missatges de Discord d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Discord", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7669, + "example": "Estaria bé arranjar una celebració amb el Dan.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Dan", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9555, + "example": "Quina és la recepta de la perdiu a la catalana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "perdiu a la catalana", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8263, + "example": "Obtenir un tiquet de tren dijous a les cinc de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9594, + "example": "Com es troba el trànsit ara per anar a Badalona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11997, + "example": "Voldria que fessis una trucada al centre d'urgències d'atenció primària de Gràcia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre d'urgències d'atenció primària de Gràcia", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7824, + "example": "El llum, tanca'l.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7649, + "example": "Escriu \"Lo Cartanyà\" també al llistat de sèries entranyables de \"TV3\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Lo Cartanyà", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de sèries entranyables de \"TV3\"", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1868, + "example": "M'agradaria suprimir la reunió amb la Nerea d'aquesta setmana de l'agenda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nerea", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7491, + "example": "Em pots alçar el dimecres a les sis i deu del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis i deu del matí", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8420, + "example": "Em pots fer una comanda de hotdogs a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hotdogs", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3497, + "example": "Em podries explicar una conya que tracti sobre idiomes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "idiomes", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5397, + "example": "Obre el navegador per veure com puc arribar caminant fins al centre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "caminant", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "centre", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5915, + "example": "Fan radiografies a l'Hospital Sant Jaume?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Fan radiografies", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Sant Jaume", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8901, + "example": "Digue'm el telèfon mòbil del Roger.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "telèfon mòbil ", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Roger", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10786, + "example": "Hi ha missatges electrònics nous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatges electrònics", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10556, + "example": "Trobar botigues de productes a granel a prop meu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues de productes a granel", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1428, + "example": "La llum podria ser més intensa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5555, + "example": "Vull parlar per telèfon amb el tiet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "tiet", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2584, + "example": "Ens prepararies un cafè sol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè sol", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3337, + "example": "Et faria res posar \"Benvolguda\" d'Empar Moliner?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Benvolguda", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Empar Moliner", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7948, + "example": "Apuja el volum una mica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9927, + "example": "Digue'm a quin supermercat compra normalment el Carles Porta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "a quin supermercat compra normalment", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carles Porta", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 67, + "example": "Anar al metge demà a les cinc quaranta-cinc, desar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc quaranta-cinc", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2141, + "example": "Engega el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6709, + "example": "Reserva una taula a un restaurant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10073, + "example": "M'agradaria saber les notícies d'ahir sobre la pilota atòmica de Biden.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la pilota atòmica de Biden", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3980, + "example": "Em pots dir com està el dia d'avui el yen japonès respecte peso xilè?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "yen japonès", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "peso xilè", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2650, + "example": "Em publicaries al mur de LinkedIn una entrada que digui \"molt feliç de passar un any més formant part d'aquesta empresa\", on mencionis l'usuari de Sanofi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "publicaries al mur", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "LinkedIn", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "molt feliç de passar un any més formant part d'aquesta empresa", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 119 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Sanofi", + "Start_char": 147, + "End_char": 153 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5047, + "example": "El valor en borsa de la companyia Pfizer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Pfizer", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11202, + "example": "Dilluns mengem canelons d'espinacs?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dilluns", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "canelons d'espinacs", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6079, + "example": "M'agradaria saber si puc reservar un ordinador a la biblioteca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "puc reservar un ordinador", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1155, + "example": "Vull que afegeixis al calendari que tinc una reunió que acaba a les set el dimecres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5690, + "example": "M'agradaria que truquessis a l'Hospital de La Monegal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de La Monegal", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 32, + "example": "Em visitaré amb la meva neuròloga demà a les sis en punt a l'hospital de Sant Pau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "la meva neuròloga", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis en punt", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital de Sant Pau", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1802, + "example": "Seria possible que desapareixis de la meva agenda personal \"renovar el passaport\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "renovar el passaport", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10590, + "example": "Vull saber quins espectacles hi ha a prop de Cornellà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacles", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cornellà", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9779, + "example": "Avui, quina és l'hora exacta en què surt el tren que es dirigeix a Vaquèira?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vaquèira", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10803, + "example": "Meditació, hàbits i alimentació saludables.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6769, + "example": "Reserva'm una taula per demà a les tres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8116, + "example": "Com anem?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8778, + "example": "Anota que m'agrada molt el que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5551, + "example": "Posar-me en contacte per telèfon amb el meu marit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu marit", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4668, + "example": "La Sílvia m'ha remès algun missatge de Telegram recentment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "Telegram", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recentment", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11057, + "example": "M'agradaria saber com es va amb el tren a la casa del Xavier.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Xavier", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2187, + "example": "Pots engegar l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2765, + "example": "Necessito que deixis de parlar, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10487, + "example": "Saps si fa cuina per emportar la terrassa del Mercat de la Guineueta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "fa cuina per emportar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "terrassa", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Mercat de la Guineueta", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9138, + "example": "M'avises que el tercer dissabte de cada mes tinc classe de ioga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "tercer dissabte", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada mes", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de ioga", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 892, + "example": "Digue'm les notícies d'ahir sobre l'escalfament global.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "escalfament global", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 226, + "example": "Com es pot acabar la fam al món?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10618, + "example": "M'expliques com es diu l'espectacle que hi haurà al CosmoCaixa la setmana que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacle", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "CosmoCaixa", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5366, + "example": "Quin metro haig d'agafar per arribar al Parc de la Ciutadella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "metro", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Parc de la Ciutadella", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6135, + "example": "Quina és l'adreça de la policia local de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "policia local", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Hospitalet de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7681, + "example": "Anotar-me que divendres tinc una reunió amb el cap de servei a Salou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "cap de servei", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9401, + "example": "Em tocaries un tema de grunge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "grunge", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2102, + "example": "Vull els llums encesos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6352, + "example": "On puc demanar la targeta Braille?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "On puc demanar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5022, + "example": "M'ensenyes quin valor en borsa tenen les accions de Pirelli?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Pirelli", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7012, + "example": "Enceta el documental de la Isa Campo i l'Isaki Lacuesta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Isa Campo", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Isaki Lacuesta", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11555, + "example": "De segur.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2834, + "example": "Piula'm el text \"estaria bé que controléssiu el volum de les pel·lícules a la sala quatre o acabarem tots sords\", citant l'atenció al consumidor de Cinemes Splau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Piula'm", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "estaria bé que controléssiu el volum de les pel·lícules a la sala quatre o acabarem tots sords", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 111 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al consumidor de Cinemes Splau", + "Start_char": 123, + "End_char": 161 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9262, + "example": "Tinc partit de bàsquet el dissabte a les nou a Sant Cugat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partit de bàsquet", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Cugat", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8235, + "example": "Aconsegueix el bitllet pel ferro que va des de Manresa i surt a les vuit en punt del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferro", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "vuit en punt del matí", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1638, + "example": "Seria possible contestar l'e-mail que em va enviar el Pere ahir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2822, + "example": "Pots piular el text \"seria un detall que tinguéssiu articles de mostra per provar els perfums a la botiga de Diagonal Mar\", mencionant el servei d'atenció al consumidor de The Body Shop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piular", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "seria un detall que tinguéssiu articles de mostra per provar els perfums a la botiga de Diagonal Mar", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 121 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al consumidor de The Body Shop", + "Start_char": 138, + "End_char": 185 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4874, + "example": "Avui quin és l'estat del trànsit per sortir de Sant Sadurní d'Anoia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Sadurní d'Anoia", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8790, + "example": "M'encanta aquesta cançó, recorda-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2534, + "example": "M'avises si surt alguna cosa nova del conflicte polític al Regne Unit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "conflicte polític al Regne Unit", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9099, + "example": "A veure què hi ha a \"Ràdio Estel\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Ràdio Estel", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7436, + "example": "Enviar un correu electrònic a la meva germana amb títol \"bon dia\" i amb missatge \"ja és hora que et llevis, dormilega! Que només fas que dormir\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "bon dia", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "ja és hora que et llevis, dormilega! Que només fas que dormir", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 143 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9954, + "example": "Em dius si hi ha alarmes posades dilluns que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns que ve", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4013, + "example": "Em pots dir com està el dòlar fijià en comparació amb la lliura esterlina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "lliura esterlina", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "dòlar fijià", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2104, + "example": "Posa en funcionament les làmpades que hi ha al balcó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "balcó", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11674, + "example": "On vols anar a parar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 843, + "example": "Mira'm el \"324\" i digues-me si hi ha notícies que siguin recents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "324", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7987, + "example": "M'encantaria reduir el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11388, + "example": "Quin dia tinc visita amb la doctora Bonastre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Bonastre", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3940, + "example": "Em pots dir quant fa noranta dividit entre seixanta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "noranta dividit entre seixanta", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10036, + "example": "Podries dir-me quina és l'última informació segons la ràdio de la \"Cadena Ser\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Cadena Ser", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11392, + "example": "Em pots recordar l'horari de la visita al CAP de Rubí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Rubí", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10647, + "example": "Hi ha cap festival a prop de mi que se celebri el dijous de tres a vuit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festival", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop de mi", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "vuit", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1726, + "example": "Em dius quina hora és al fus horari d'Amèrica/Santa Isabel si a GMT +4 són les vuit de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/Santa Isabel", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "GMT +4", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit de la tarda", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6440, + "example": "Necessito saber quins són els tràmits per treure's Targeta Sanitària Individual.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "Targeta Sanitària Individual", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quins són els tràmits per treure'", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 587, + "example": "Fem un nivell del \"Dokkan battle\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Dokkan battle", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10048, + "example": "Voldria saber les noves notícies de \"Ràdio Marca\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Ràdio Marca", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5935, + "example": "L'Hospital de Bellvitge té urgències de pediatria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "urgències de pediatria", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Bellvitge", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1380, + "example": "Et fa res posar més alt el volum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5615, + "example": "Truca a l'àvia Rosita, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "àvia Rosita", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9942, + "example": "Digues-me quines alarmes tinc per demà passat a les cinc de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9446, + "example": "Posa'm un pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3002, + "example": "Al despatx podries reproduir el següent episodi del pòdcast \"About race\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "About race", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9636, + "example": "Saps si van bé els gambots amb kimchi que he demanat a domicili al restaurant Flamant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "gambots amb kimchi", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Flamant", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5338, + "example": "On podria programar una cita mèdica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "programar una cita mèdica", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2557, + "example": "Voldria un tallat, me'l prepararies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "tallat", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5112, + "example": "Quins premis ha aconseguit aquesta cançó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quins premis ha aconseguit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10419, + "example": "Em podries dir si Estopa és un grup que m'agrada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Estopa", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "és un grup que m'agrada", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4675, + "example": "Tinc whatsapps que m'hagi enviat la Berta últimament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "whatsapps", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Berta", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "últimament", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7201, + "example": "El Whatsapp tanca'l, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5559, + "example": "M'agradaria contactar amb el meu xicot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu xicot", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3702, + "example": "Hi ha calamarsa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "calamarsa", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2300, + "example": "M'envies un missatge de correu electrònic a l'adreça somnidunanitqualsevol@hotmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "somnidunanitqualsevol@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11378, + "example": "Podries dir-me l'hora de la visita de dijous amb el cardiòleg?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "cardiòleg", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3927, + "example": "Quin és el resultat de multiplicar dinou per vuit-cents tretze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "dinou per vuit-cents tretze", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8106, + "example": "Com va?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10196, + "example": "Voldria saber què succeeix a TikTok.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11782, + "example": "Et desactives durant una estona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4916, + "example": "Com és l'afluència dels vehicles per sortir de Granollers els divendres a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Granollers", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "els divendres", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3239, + "example": "Després d'aquesta cançó que està sonant, em reproduiries el tema \"Bon dia\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "Després", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Bon dia", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3238, + "example": "Em pots posar \"Nacidos para creer\" a continuació d'aquesta cançó que estic sentint ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Nacidos para creer", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "a continuació", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7606, + "example": "Posa'm també espuma a la llista \"disfresses\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "espuma", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "disfresses", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1889, + "example": "M'elimines del calendari l'obra de teatre que tenim per aquí a tres dies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "obra de teatre", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquí a tres dies", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6636, + "example": "Fes-me saber que les vuit m'he de prendre el xarop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10823, + "example": "Fruites, verdures hortalisses.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1641, + "example": "Et faria res contestar el missatge SMS que ens va enviar l'Iris ahir al matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge SMS", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Iris", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9649, + "example": "Pots dir si li falta massa a l'orada al forn que hem demanat al Caliu de Gràcia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "orada al forn", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Caliu de Gràcia", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2757, + "example": "Calla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6635, + "example": "Recorda'm, si us plau, que em prengui la pastilla a les nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2813, + "example": "I si em fas una piulada al servei d'atenció al client de Cinemes Splau que digui \"ja és la segona vegada que em quedo a mitges amb una pel·lícula perquè falla el projector\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "fas una piulada", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al client de Cinemes Splau", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "ja és la segona vegada que em quedo a mitges amb una pel·lícula perquè falla el projector", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 171 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7030, + "example": "Torna a posar el vídeo anterior.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "anterior", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10502, + "example": "Em podria portar el menjar a domicili el Pans de Maragall?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Pans", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Maragall", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "portar el menjar a domicili", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4904, + "example": "Com tenim el trànsit avui a Calafell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Calafell", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7244, + "example": "Vull que tanquis Adeslas Salut i Benestar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Adeslas Salut i Benestar", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3965, + "example": "Podries dir-me quantes rúpies índies són cinc dòlars de Tuvalu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "rúpies índies", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "cinc dòlars de Tuvalu", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7372, + "example": "L'adreça electrònica del meu pare és dock-out@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu pare", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "dock-out@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4859, + "example": "Com estarà la circulació per Barcelona el divendres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6852, + "example": "Necessito que em reservis una taula per quatre persones diumenge a la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7602, + "example": "Voldria posar jaqueta d'hivern a la meva llista de viatges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "jaqueta d'hivern", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de viatges", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4072, + "example": "Pots ensenyar-me l'email de la Marina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marina", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2864, + "example": "Crear una alarma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6787, + "example": "Ens pots fer una reserva a un restaurant francès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "francès", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1534, + "example": "El single d'abans, el pots repetir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "repetir", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6493, + "example": "A quina botiga puc trobar més roba de talles grans: a Somsis o a Festuk?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Somsis", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Festuk", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "A quina botiga puc trobar més roba de talles grans", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8727, + "example": "Esborrar el llistat de cinema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de cinema", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2472, + "example": "M'apuntes al meu calendari festa amb en Fabi per l'any vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "festa", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Fabi", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "any vinent", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2409, + "example": "Pots cridar un Uber per avui a les dotze per anar des de l'estació de tren cap al meu hotel?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "estació de tren", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "al meu hotel", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7707, + "example": "De dijous a dissabte tinc un congrés a Matadepera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "congrés", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Matadepera", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6658, + "example": "Digues a les tres que em posi la insulina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "insulina", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5547, + "example": "Telefona al Pau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pau", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2452, + "example": "Demana un Lyft per a dues persones; volem anar a Llinars i que ens reculli a casa d'en Jordi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Llinars", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "casa d'en Jordi", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5605, + "example": "Necessito que truquis immediatament l'Eloi Sánchez.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eloi Sánchez", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10576, + "example": "Em pots dir quan cau la festa local del meu barri?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festa local", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "del meu barri", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10704, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis quin pla tinc per divendres a la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5750, + "example": "Fes un truc al museu de cera de Barcelona, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "museu de cera", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1452, + "example": "Ens apuges la intensitat dels leds a l'habitació petita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació petita", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11513, + "example": "Vull trucar al Jordi per avisar-lo del perill.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jordi", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9647, + "example": "Falta molt per passar a recollir el meu hummus amb crudités?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hummus amb crudités", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7271, + "example": "Guarda'm que el correu electrònic del meu pare és francesc_90189@outlook.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "francesc_90189@outlook.com", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu pare", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8149, + "example": "Adquireix-me un bitllet pel regional exprés que surt a dos quarts de sis de Sitges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "regional exprés", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de sis", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8999, + "example": "Confirma'm què tinc al calendari d'aquí poc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquí poc", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5484, + "example": "Envia la meva ubicació actual a la Laura.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5666, + "example": "Podries trucar a l'Hospital de Sant Pau per a concertar una cita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital de Sant Pau", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4414, + "example": "Quines pel·lícules familiars projecten a Cine Balmes avui a les nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "familiars", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cine Balmes", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10207, + "example": "Fa fred avui a la meva localitat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "fred", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva localitat", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9654, + "example": "Em pots dir quant li falta a la meva empanada gallega per recollir-la?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "empanada gallega", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per recollir-la", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9589, + "example": "Quin és l'estat del tràfic ara com ara per a entrar a Manresa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara com ara", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 826, + "example": "Què conté la llista \"obres de teatre\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "obres de teatre", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6924, + "example": "Vull compartir la meva localització amb en Carles durant set hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carles", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "set hores", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8396, + "example": "Et puc demanar que encomanis a domicili per Uber Eats una hamburguesa de pollastre del König?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "hamburguesa de pollastre", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "König", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 92 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Uber Eats", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9671, + "example": "És molta molèstia comprovar on està ara mateix la nostra carn d'olla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "carn d'olla", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1632, + "example": "Seria possible contestar el correu que va arribar de part l'Èric diumenge al migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Èric", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5707, + "example": "Podries telefonar a l'Hospital del Vendrell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital del Vendrell", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1118, + "example": "M'afegeixes a la llista del projecte de tecnologia \"enganxar amb cola blanca\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista del projecte de tecnologia", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "enganxar amb cola blanca", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3228, + "example": "Ens pots punxar \"Cadillac solitario\" quan s'acabi aquest tema que estic sentint ara?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Cadillac solitario", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11805, + "example": "Per què no t'apagues i pares el que estàs fent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6218, + "example": "Què he de presentar per obtenir el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què he de presentar per obtenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2655, + "example": "Em faries una piulada al servei d'atenció al client de Cinesa que digui \"fa dues setmanes que la butaca tretze de la fila vuit està trencada\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piulada", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al client de Cinesa", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "fa dues setmanes que la butaca tretze de la fila vuit està trencada", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 140 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 971, + "example": "Treu-li so a la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1764, + "example": "Pots fer-me desaparèixer totes les cites que hi ha programades a l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cites", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10877, + "example": "Confirma'm si em tocava cada vuit hores la gabapentina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "gabapentina", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada vuit hores", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2952, + "example": "M'enregistres una trobada amb el Robert Nebot demà a les quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "trobada", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Robert Nebot", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4341, + "example": "Com es diu l'espectacle que feien ahir a prop meu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacle", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop meu", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6178, + "example": "Em confirmes l'horari de l'Ajuntament de Terrassa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3749, + "example": "Aquest vespre cauran pedres a Mataró?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "Aquest vespre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "cauran pedres", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9155, + "example": "Puja un estat a Facebook pels meus amics.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "pels meus amics", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Puja", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2768, + "example": "No parlis durant tres hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "tres hores", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6087, + "example": "Quin és l'horari de la Biblioteca Central de Terrassa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Biblioteca Central", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6566, + "example": "Em pots fer saber que m'he de prendre una dosi de Vàlium cada dotze hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Vàlium", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada dotze hores", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7578, + "example": "Escriu-me també tres parells de calçotets a la llista \"maleta\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "maleta", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "tres parells de calçotets", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2421, + "example": "Em reserves un Bolt per anar a Balaguer sortint de Tortosa a les tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Bolt", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Balaguer", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9703, + "example": "Quina hora tenen a la zona horària de Turquia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "zona horària de Turquia", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3943, + "example": "Què fan vint per vuitanta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "vint per vuitanta", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7992, + "example": "Baixa la música a 50% i deixa-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1045, + "example": "I si ajustes la llum del led?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 909, + "example": "Treu-li potència al volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10125, + "example": "Em pots dir què hi tinc escrit a la meva llista de pintures?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de pintures", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8897, + "example": "Vull que em mostris el número de telèfon de la meva tieta Paquita Gomis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de telèfon", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva tieta Paquita Gomis", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1883, + "example": "Em podries treure de l'agenda personal tots els esdeveniments que hi ha enregistrats a Terrassa amb l'Albert?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Albert", + "Start_char": 102, + "End_char": 108 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6419, + "example": "Quins beneficis em dona la targeta sanitària europea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quins beneficis em dona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8883, + "example": "Pots dir-me el correu electrònic de la Sònia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sònia", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1095, + "example": "M'habilites la roomba?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3804, + "example": "Vull veure quins plats porten moniato cuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "moniato cuit", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11347, + "example": "Em dius quan m'havia de visitar amb el doctor Sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Sala", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9557, + "example": "M'agradaria saber com es fan els panellets de coco.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "panellets de coco", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3390, + "example": "Tots els dilluns i dimecres a dos quarts i cinc de la tarda tinc classe de pintura amb en Pep.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de pintura", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pep", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 93 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts i cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Tots els dilluns", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2385, + "example": "Vull anar-me'n de Salt; em reserves un bitllet pel tren de les cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salt", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6176, + "example": "Obre els caps de setmana l'oficina de Mossos d'Esquadra de Barberà del Vallès?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Obre els caps de setmana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina de Mossos d'Esquadra", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barberà del Vallès", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4048, + "example": "Buscar com està el franc suís comparat amb el dòlar de Surinam.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dòlar de Surinam", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "franc suís", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8207, + "example": "Necessito un viatge en tren d'Artés a Perafita per demà dia 9.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Artés", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Perafita", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà dia 9", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1403, + "example": "Gairebé no sento la música, la pots pujar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7070, + "example": "Reprodueix de nou \"Els passatgers de la nit\", la pel·lícula", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Els passatgers de la nit", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9093, + "example": "Em pots cercar l'emissora \"Cadena Dial\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Cadena Dial", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 276, + "example": "Quins autobusos hi ha disponibles d'Osca a Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobusos", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Osca", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9291, + "example": "Explica algun acudit de teatres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "teatres", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10992, + "example": "La pastilla groga, és dimecres o dilluns?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilla groga", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5239, + "example": "Necessito informació per veure la meva medicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "la meva medicació", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6179, + "example": "Tanca avui la biblioteca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Tanca avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11606, + "example": "Justa la fusta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9203, + "example": "Vull que preparis un cafè sol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè sol", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1956, + "example": "Ens treus l'alarma que tenim configurada dilluns al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2497, + "example": "He quedat al Vallès amb el meu germà per fer una excursió el divendres a la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vallès", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "el meu germà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fer una excursió", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7252, + "example": "Treu Apparella't.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Apparella't", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 802, + "example": "Voldria saber com es diu l'estructura òssia que permet posar-se dempeus als arcosaures.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "estructura òssia", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "permet posar-se dempeus als arcosaures", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8793, + "example": "Em sulfura el tema que s'està reproduint.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5269, + "example": "M'expliques per a què serveix el certificat de discapacitat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "per a què serveix", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat de discapacitat", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10222, + "example": "Anuncien pluja avui a Manresa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "pluja", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5372, + "example": "Em pots dir quin és el trajecte cap a la Sagrada Família?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sagrada Família", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1000, + "example": "Em podries abaixar una miqueta la llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1160, + "example": "Em pots programar l'esdeveniment que tinc dilluns vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns vinent", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7447, + "example": "Vull saber quina és la millor recepta del conill amb allioli.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "conill amb allioli", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7408, + "example": "Vull enviar un e-mail al meu avi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu avi", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11061, + "example": "Necessito saber quin és el trajecte en bicicleta fins a l'apartament dels meus avis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bicicleta", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "dels meus avis", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "apartament", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 942, + "example": "Vull el volum dels altaveus més baix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9176, + "example": "Comparteix amb els meus amics de Facebook un nou estat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Comparteix", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "els meus amics", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 306, + "example": "Esmenta-m'ho una altra vegada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3043, + "example": "Em punxes El Canto del Loco?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "El Canto del Loco", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4625, + "example": "Quines adrogueries hi puc trobar al meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "adrogueries", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu voltant", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10020, + "example": "Està activada alguna alerta per les set i cinc minuts de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set i cinc minuts de la tarda", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7413, + "example": "Envia un mail a la meva mare i digues que \"el forn s'ha espatllat\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "el forn s'ha espatllat", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11496, + "example": "Telefona a l'Ona; he pres mal en caure de la llitera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ona", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he pres mal en caure de la llitera", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11149, + "example": "El menú de dimecres porta molta sal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "sal", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9529, + "example": "Posa'm algunes cançonetes de la meva col·lecció de música dels Catarres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Catarres.", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11504, + "example": "He caigut del marge; et demano que truquis a la Núria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "He caigut", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Núria", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2653, + "example": "Pots escriure a Twitter \"o baixen les temperatures o podrem torrar les castanyes a l'asfalt\" hashtag \"castanyada\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escriure", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "o baixen les temperatures o podrem torrar les castanyes a l'asfalt", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "Tag": "hashtag", + "Text": "castanyada", + "Start_char": 102, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7702, + "example": "Tinc una partida a Esplugues demà, me l'afegeixes al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partida", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Esplugues", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6356, + "example": "Voldria saber on aconseguir la targeta Braille.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "on aconseguir", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Braille", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6840, + "example": "Necessito agafar taula per l'Anna i jo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9343, + "example": "I si em toques una de les meves cançons preferides?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferides", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3779, + "example": "Confirma'm que la reunió d'avui és a Sitges.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 938, + "example": "Redueix molt el volum dels bafles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7869, + "example": "Netejar tot el que hi ha enregistrat al calendari fins al 19 de desembre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "19 de desembre", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6631, + "example": "Recordes si el Nolotil era cada vuit hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Nolotil", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada vuit hores", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1599, + "example": "Pots posar els llums de color negre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "negre", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1410, + "example": "Ens apuges la música?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3276, + "example": "Continues amb el primer llibre de la Marta Orriols?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Marta Orriols", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10526, + "example": "Saps d'alguna fleca per la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "fleca", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3417, + "example": "Quin és el significat de setrill?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "setrill", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10155, + "example": "Vull saber què es cou al Facebook de Josep Mas en aquests moments.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Josep Mas", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9228, + "example": "Em recordes l'esdeveniment que tinc amb la Nadina la setmana vinent al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Nadina", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4493, + "example": "Quines pel·lis de terror fan a l'Espai Funàtic avui a les onze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "terror", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Espai Funàtic", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4979, + "example": "Vull veure els itineraris del tren que va cap a la Molina avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Molina", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5418, + "example": "Quin recorregut he de fer per arribar a Diagonal Mar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Diagonal Mar", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3777, + "example": "Algun recordatori està programat pel dimecres al vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "recordatori", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al vespre", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5832, + "example": "Truca a Protecció Civil, que s'està inundant el meu carrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Protecció Civil", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "s'està inundant el meu carrer", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5567, + "example": "Voldries fer una trucada a la Bruna?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Bruna", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6616, + "example": "Necessito que em recordis que m'he de prendre la medicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8856, + "example": "Voldria veure si demà passat tinc alguna reunió.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8045, + "example": "Records.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4139, + "example": "Quants anys té en Tomàs Molina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Tomàs Molina", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Quants anys", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1066, + "example": "Podries engegar-me la roomba?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7995, + "example": "Ajusta l'àudio a la meitat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8388, + "example": "Podem encomanar un pollastre amb patates al caliu de la Rostisseria Ca La Júlia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pollastre amb patates al caliu", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Rostisseria Ca La Júlia", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4281, + "example": "M'ensenyes a què som avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8504, + "example": "Vull un Cabify per demà de dos quarts de sis de la tarda a dos quarts de vuit de la nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de sis de la tarda a dos quarts de vuit de la nit", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7528, + "example": "Demà passat podries crear una alerta per despertar-me a les nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Demà passat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5974, + "example": "Em pots mirar l'horari que fa el doctor Capellades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctor Capellades", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1342, + "example": "Estaria bé maximitzar la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5431, + "example": "Comparteix amb l'Anna la meva ubicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9052, + "example": "Quedada amb l'Esther i la Mariona per fer birres el dissabte a les vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Esther", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mariona", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fer birres", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3409, + "example": "El terme mantí què vol dir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "mantí", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5087, + "example": "Mostra'm com van les participacions en borsa de PharmaMar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "PharmaMar", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8157, + "example": "Comprar un bitllet d'AVE per a la tarda del dissabte vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "AVE", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la tarda", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte vinent", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11865, + "example": "Pots desactivar-te durant una miqueta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5976, + "example": "Tenen servei de nutrició i dietètica a la Monegal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Monegal", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "servei de nutrició i dietètica", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10010, + "example": "Digues-me ara mateix quines són les alertes que tinc programades al mòbil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10333, + "example": "En aquests moments quina tonada està posada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina tonada", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està posada", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3678, + "example": "Amb qui es va casar Catalina d'Aragó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Amb qui es va casar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Catalina d'Aragó", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1159, + "example": "Em pots apuntar al calendari l'esdeveniment que tinc a Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11015, + "example": "Explicar-me quines activitats hi ha per aquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10372, + "example": "Necessito esbrinar quina cançó s'està reproduint en aquest precís moment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina cançó", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint en aquest precís moment", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2885, + "example": "Vull escoltar l'emissora \"Rac 1\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Rac 1", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6325, + "example": "Qui ha guanyat la lliga?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8261, + "example": "Haig de viatjar dimecres a les set en tren de Blanes a Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Blanes", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9817, + "example": "Digues-me quina és la definició de trespeus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "trespeus", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2168, + "example": "M'actives l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2628, + "example": "Posa \"ets a les Maldives\" i un emoji de palmera a l'última foto de l'Instagram del Joel Jonàs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "ets a les Maldives", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "multimedia_content", + "Text": "emoji de palmera", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "adressee", + "Text": "Joel Jonàs", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 93 + }, + { + "Tag": "reference_content", + "Text": "última foto", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11294, + "example": "Recorda'm quin dia tinc la cita de l'Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Sant Joan de Déu", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4537, + "example": "Saps quines pel·lis hi ha en francès al Renoir de Floridablanca aquest dissabte?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "francès", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Renoir", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Floridablanca", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dissabte", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1451, + "example": "Em podries augmentar la intensitat de la llum a la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "sala", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 132, + "example": "Recorda que ens toca la visita amb l'oftalmòleg el dimarts 25.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "oftalmòleg", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts 25", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7815, + "example": "Vull desactivar els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11307, + "example": "Quan he d'anar al físio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "físio", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3335, + "example": "Puc sentir \"The court of the blind king\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "The court of the blind king", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8757, + "example": "Posa'm en funcionament l'endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6286, + "example": "Com li ha anat al València el partit de les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "team", + "Text": "València", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10263, + "example": "L'hora de La Plata, me la dius?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "La Plata", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 612, + "example": "Com se'n va amb el tren fins a l'estació de Sants?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "estació de Sants", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7580, + "example": "Posa'm maduixes a la llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "maduixes", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8609, + "example": "Ens treus del calendari el torn a l'hort urbà dels dilluns a les onze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "torn a l'hort urbà", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dels dilluns", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10954, + "example": "Era cada dotze hores que em tocava prendre antihistamínics?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada dotze hores", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antihistamínics", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6024, + "example": "La Farmàcia Soler obre a les tardes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "obre a les tardes", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Soler", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4870, + "example": "A Badalona hi haurà trànsit demà al matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8166, + "example": "Em compres un seient al tren de la 1 de la matinada que va cap a Manresa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "la 1 de la matinada", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3422, + "example": "Em dius la definició de brandonera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "brandonera", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4921, + "example": "Digue'm quins whatsapps tinc d'en Jaume Martí sobre el Cap d'Any al Montseny.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "whatsapps", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jaume Martí", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "el Cap d'Any al Montseny", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6776, + "example": "Vull fer una reserva d'una taula per a cinc persones a una marisqueria de Palamós.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "marisqueria", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palamós", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9744, + "example": "Digues les hores exactes del recorregut del tren que arriba a Mataró de tres a sis de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "tres a sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2206, + "example": "Podem escoltar la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2358, + "example": "Oi que podries reservar un bitllet pel tren que surt de Berga i arriba a les onze de la nit a Girona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Berga", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les onze de la nit", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8645, + "example": "Del calendari em suprimiries de la setmana vinent el canvi del filtre de la gerra d'aigua?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "canvi del filtre de la gerra d'aigua", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11289, + "example": "La Maria a quin hospital ha d'anar dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "no_md_person", + "Text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7446, + "example": "M'ensenyes com fer trinxat de la Cerdanya d'una manera fàcil?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "trinxat de la Cerdanya", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7066, + "example": "Tornar a veure \"MadFit\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "MadFit", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 47, + "example": "Apunta: demà oftalmòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "oftalmòleg", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2934, + "example": "Posa un recordatori al calendari per tots els dilluns del mes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "tots els dilluns del mes", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6354, + "example": "Que he de fer per obtenir la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Que he de fer per obtenir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7701, + "example": "Voldria que anotessis a l'agenda que he d'anar a les nou a Salou per un congrés el divendres vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "congrés", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres vinent", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 99 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3764, + "example": "Confirma'm si he de trucar al veterinari dimarts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "trucar al veterinari", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6033, + "example": "Recorda'm quin és l'horari d'obertura de l'escola El Castell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari d'obertura", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola El Castell", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1920, + "example": "Pots esborrar l'alarma que creada per diumenge a les dotze de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze de la nit", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5390, + "example": "Vull arribar al Fòrum, em dius com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Fòrum", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 696, + "example": "Com és la Serralada Litoral Catalana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Com és", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Serralada Litoral Catalana", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3858, + "example": "Què puc preparar amb mongetes del ganxet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "mongetes del ganxet", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 617, + "example": "M'indicaries com puc arribar a la casa del Dan?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Dan", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5231, + "example": "Em diries com baixar-me el certificat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "baixar-me el certificat", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7756, + "example": "Apagar els meus endolls intel·ligents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4630, + "example": "A la meva barriada hi ha cap carnisseria oberta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva barriada", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "carnisseria", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "oberta", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 42, + "example": "Anar al metge demà, desar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10126, + "example": "Em pots dir què tinc al meu llistat de la compra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de la compra", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7005, + "example": "Posa a YouTube un vídeo de \"Lo Cartanyà\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Lo Cartanyà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7239, + "example": "Que tanquis l'aplicació de la T-mobilitat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "T-mobilitat", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10541, + "example": "Podries dir-me si hi ha cap perfumeria luxosa en aquesta zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "perfumeria", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "luxosa", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "en aquesta zona", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11073, + "example": "Descriu el trajecte fins a casa del meu fill.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu fill", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8812, + "example": "Desa que no m'agrada gens el tema que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10545, + "example": "Estic buscant una drogueria per la meva zona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "drogueria", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7745, + "example": "Desconnectar els endolls de la cuina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11552, + "example": "Afirmatiu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1288, + "example": "Endoll intel·ligent apagat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "Endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8537, + "example": "Vull trucar un Uber per anar fins a casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3122, + "example": "Ens reprodueixes un tema instrumental?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "instrumental", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3345, + "example": "Pots reprendre la reproducció d'\"Invisible\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Invisible", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1357, + "example": "M'agradaria que la música se sentís més forta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4155, + "example": "M'ensenyes si he de dinar amb el Pere demà passat a les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11873, + "example": "L'has feta grossa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9664, + "example": "Què passa amb la meva comanda a domicili de raviolis de camagrocs del Lateral?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "raviolis de camagrocs", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Lateral", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4229, + "example": "Què és el que passa a Facebook en aquest moment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3486, + "example": "Pots dir alguna cosa graciosa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8904, + "example": "Vull que em diguis el correu electrònic de l'Agnès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Agnès", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6614, + "example": "Recorda'm el tema de la medicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2627, + "example": "M'escriuries al mur de Facebook \"avui finalment surt l'últim disc de la Rosalia\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "escriuries al mur", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "avui finalment surt l'últim disc de la Rosalia", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8643, + "example": "Suprimeix l'entrada \"cafè\" amb l'Anna del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cafè", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6188, + "example": "Encara és necessari el certificat COVID per viatjar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "per viatjar", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2487, + "example": "Tinc una junta a les cinc de la tarda del dijous vinent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous vinent", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 719, + "example": "Vull saber informació sobre el Massís del Montseny.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "informació", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Massís del Montseny", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5631, + "example": "Posa'm en contacte amb el pare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "pare", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9140, + "example": "Podries fer-me saber que tenim classe de rus cada dimecres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de rus", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dimecres", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6344, + "example": "On miro la validesa de la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "On miro la validesa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 320, + "example": "M'ho podries repetir una altra volta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4282, + "example": "Mostra'm a quin dia som.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1261, + "example": "Desactivar els endolls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8403, + "example": "M'agradaria encomanar alguna cosa per menjar des de casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4941, + "example": "Mostra'm quins correus electrònics tinc de l'Ariadna Verdaguer amb l'assumpte \"Menú del convit\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ariadna Verdaguer", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "Menú del convit", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11625, + "example": "En efecte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8828, + "example": "Vull saber si he quedat aquest vespre amb la Paula.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedat", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest vespre", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Paula", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9795, + "example": "Vull que em diguis l'itinerari del ferrocarril que finalitza a Toses avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Toses", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5177, + "example": "Pots dir si tinc alguna cosa apuntada a l'agenda avui a les cinc de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9838, + "example": "Digue'm quin significat té carallot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "carallot", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10351, + "example": "Ara per ara, què està sonant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "què està sonant", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10440, + "example": "Quina és la cançó que em fa feliç del Bon Iver?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Bon Iver", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quina és la cançó que em fa feliç", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1446, + "example": "I si poses més forta la llum a l'habitació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11838, + "example": "Vull interrompre la teva activitat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1864, + "example": "Elimina l'esdeveniment \"escoltar música clàssica\" de la meva agenda personal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "escoltar música clàssica", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4688, + "example": "Comprova que no tingui nous correus electrònics d'ahir a les nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus electrònics", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8916, + "example": "Vull que em diguis l'adreça de la meva germana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6253, + "example": "La final de la copa d'Europa ahir a la nit saps com va acabar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "final de la copa d'Europa", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1826, + "example": "Carrega't l'entrada del calendari \"Bloodbowl\" dels dimecres a les onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Bloodbowl", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6576, + "example": "Avisa cada dotze hores que em toca prendre l'antibiòtic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada dotze hores", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antibiòtic", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1221, + "example": "Vull que escriguis al calendari que tinc una reunió a les deu del matí del dilluns a Juneda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "deu del matí", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Juneda", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2741, + "example": "No vull sentir cap soroll ara, silenci.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "ara", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 898, + "example": "Quines notícies hi ha de Bolsonaro?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Bolsonaro", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8519, + "example": "Reservar un Uber que em porti al Poble Espanyol a tres quarts de set de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Poble Espanyol", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "tres quarts de set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7128, + "example": "Obre'm l'aplicació Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9274, + "example": "Em pots compartir una humorada que no sigui racista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "no sigui racista", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11641, + "example": "No sé de què parles.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1042, + "example": "Em disminueixes el llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3828, + "example": "Quins són els ingredients de la ratafia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "ratafia", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9319, + "example": "M'agradaria escoltar l'episodi següent d'aquest pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 260, + "example": "Els busos que puc agafar a Cubelles, quins són?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "busos", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cubelles", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6914, + "example": "Vull que comparteixis la meva ubicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1456, + "example": "Fica'm el llum més fort.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6119, + "example": "Em pots informar de l'adreça a l'oficina jove de Montblanc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina jove", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montblanc", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5732, + "example": "M'agradaria fer un truc a la Universitat de Girona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Universitat de Girona", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11443, + "example": "Guarda com a contacte l'Anna que té el telèfon 686977550.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "686977550", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8397, + "example": "Pots fer que em portin a casa pizza de barbacoa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza de barbacoa", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6189, + "example": "Explica'm què puc fer per veure la validesa del meu certificat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "què puc fer per veure la validesa", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5764, + "example": "Truca a OCINE les Gavarres, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "OCINE", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavarres", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9880, + "example": "Tres multiplicat per dos fan sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Tres multiplicat per dos fan sis", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1237, + "example": "M'apagaries les bombetes de les golfes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6501, + "example": "Quin supermercat diries que ofereix més productes de proximitat: Coaliment o Plusfresc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Coaliment", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Plusfresc", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quin supermercat diries que ofereix més productes de proximitat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1727, + "example": "Podries dir quina hora és al fus horari de Turquia si a UTC 0 són les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "UTC 0", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Turquia", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3252, + "example": "Em reprodueixes \"Ghoulslayer\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Ghoulslayer", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1771, + "example": "Podries esborrar les infusions de la llista de begudes prohibides a la festa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "infusion", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de begudes prohibides a la festa", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6096, + "example": "El teatre de Sant Cugat quin horari té avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "teatre", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Cugat", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari té avui", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10353, + "example": "Mostra'm el tipus de música que està posada en aquest moment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "el tipus de música", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està posada en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6187, + "example": "He de dur el meu certificat COVID per viatjar a Suècia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Suècia", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "viatjar", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7582, + "example": "M'agradaria agregar una pilota.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "pilota", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3985, + "example": "Un yen a quant equival en corones eslovaques?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "Un yen", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "corones eslovaques", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7378, + "example": "Desa'm rauxabar@outlook.com com l'email de la Joana Bar Rauxa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "rauxabar@outlook.com", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joana Bar Rauxa", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10286, + "example": "A Jacksonville quina hora és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Jacksonville", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11497, + "example": "Trucar a la meva mare, que he tingut un accident.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he tingut un accident", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 161, + "example": "Pren nota que dijous tinc cita amb el traumatòleg a l'Hospital General de Catalunya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital General de Catalunya", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6463, + "example": "Quina cafeteria té millors ressenyes a Yelp: la pastisseria Armengol o el Pessic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Armengol", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Pessic", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Quina cafeteria té millors ressenyes a Yelp", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4527, + "example": "El dijous vinent es projecta cap pel·lícula de terror al barri de Sant Pere de les cinc de la tarda a les vuit del vespre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous vinent", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "terror", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Pere", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la tarda", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 99 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les vuit del vespre", + "Start_char": 102, + "End_char": 121 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7410, + "example": "Envia al meu pare un correu electrònic que es tituli \"bon dia\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu pare", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "bon dia", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1419, + "example": "Podries fer que tingués més llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7613, + "example": "Em podries posar a la llista de la festa de Halloween llaminadures de llimona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "llaminadures de llimona", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la festa de Halloween", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6767, + "example": "He de reservar una taula per a deu persones a un restaurant de cuina tradicional per a l'hora de dinar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "deu", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "cuina tradicional", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 97, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5823, + "example": "Telefona a la Guàrdia Urbana, que necessito ajuda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Guàrdia Urbana", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "necessito ajuda", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6754, + "example": "Voldríem reservar una taula al restaurant Els Tinars.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Els Tinars", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6454, + "example": "S'ofereixen més productes de marca blanca al Bonpreu o al Consum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "S'ofereixen més productes de marca blanca", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Bonpreu", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Consum", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5899, + "example": "Saps si atenen urgències CAP de Sant Boi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "atenen urgències", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Boi", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2211, + "example": "Et faria res engegar la ràdio del menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4806, + "example": "Saps si hauré de dur botes d'aigua demà al matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "hauré de dur botes d'aigua", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11673, + "example": "Pots detallar-m'ho?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4496, + "example": "Digues quines pel·lícules projecten a Balmes Multicines avui de quatre a sis de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Balmes Multicines", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10773, + "example": "Em pots dir si ha arribat algun correu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3892, + "example": "Quant dona noranta per dos-cents vuitanta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "noranta per dos-cents vuitanta", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10093, + "example": "Busca les notícies d'última hora referents a Bon Iver.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Bon Iver", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10180, + "example": "Necessito saber de què es parla a Twitter.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2000, + "example": "Em suprimiries la llista de cotxes que m'agraden?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de cotxes que m'agraden", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 642, + "example": "Digues l'horari del tren que va fins a Santa Coloma de Gramenet.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Santa Coloma de Gramenet", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5817, + "example": "Necessito trucar als bombers perquè hi ha un incendi al bosc on estic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "hi ha un incendi", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7483, + "example": "Aquest diumenge podries configurar una alerta per llevar-nos a un quart de deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart de deu", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2041, + "example": "Vull demanar una pizza al Pummarola.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Pummarola", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3894, + "example": "Què dona restar vuitanta-vuit a cent tretze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "restar vuitanta-vuit a cent tretze", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8048, + "example": "Com està anant el dia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8334, + "example": "A aquest e-mail vull fer-li una resposta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "e-mail", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7874, + "example": "Vull que treguis qualsevol cosa que tingui anotada al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8534, + "example": "Que em trobes un taxi des d'aquí fins plaça Catalunya?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "plaça Catalunya", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1128, + "example": "M'afegeixes a la llista un ítem nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "ítem nou", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2072, + "example": "Ens pots activar els llums?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10831, + "example": "Tindré èxit a la vida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7792, + "example": "Desconnectar el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7121, + "example": "Engega'm l'app del 324.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "324", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7371, + "example": "Apunta que el correu del meu gendre és josep7878@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu gendre", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "josep7878@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11220, + "example": "Avui tenim estofat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "estofat", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8275, + "example": "Compra'm un bitllet de tren per dilluns cap a Galícia, el que arriba a les set de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Galícia", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les set de la tarda", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 592, + "example": "Fer una partida al \"Digimon rumble arena\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Digimon rumble arena", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2554, + "example": "Un biberó m'ho pots preparar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "biberó", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10957, + "example": "Era l'antihistamínic el que em toca prendre abans d'anar a dormir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antihistamínic", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "abans d'anar a dormir", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2261, + "example": "Pots escriure un missatge electrònic que es digui \"viatges fabulosos a Timbuctú\" per enviar-li al Miquel Lladruc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatge electrònic", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "viatges fabulosos a Timbuctú", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Miquel Lladruc", + "Start_char": 98, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3348, + "example": "Podries posar l'audiollibre \"Paraules que tu entendràs\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Paraules que tu entendràs", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 759, + "example": "Quin era el nom del mamífer que té un bec com un ànec?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "mamífer", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "bec com un ànec", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1023, + "example": "Reduir el llum de led al mínim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11675, + "example": "Què dius?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8417, + "example": "Podries demanar-me una pizza i que me la portin a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2310, + "example": "Seria possible enviar un correu a desfamiliaplanes@hotmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "desfamiliaplanes@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9028, + "example": "Què celebrem el 10 de novembre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "10 de novembre", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5882, + "example": "Digue'm, si us plau, l'adreça del Centre Mèdic Calafell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Centre Mèdic Calafell", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11436, + "example": "Desa que l'email de la meva mare és marinadominguez@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "marinadominguez@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7743, + "example": "Desconnecta els llums de la cuina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1240, + "example": "M'apagaries la làmpada de la bodega?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "bodega", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 342, + "example": "Repeteix-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3179, + "example": "Em reprodueixes el programa \"Radioestadio\" d'\"Onda Cero Barcelona\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Radioestadio", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Onda Cero Barcelona", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2910, + "example": "Podries posar \"Cadena Dial\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Cadena Dial", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7224, + "example": "Tanca Moovit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Moovit", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11590, + "example": "Ja ho pots ben dir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5126, + "example": "Aquest hit a quin disc pertany?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quin disc pertany", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11587, + "example": "Totalment d'acord.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4955, + "example": "Necessito que m'ensenyis l'horari d'arribada i el de sortida del tren que agafo cada dia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dia", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 550, + "example": "I si juguem al \"Roblox\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Roblox", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10442, + "example": "Em pots dir quants llistats tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6273, + "example": "El resultat del partit de les sis, quin és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1027, + "example": "La intensitat de la llum està molt forta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8340, + "example": "Vull respondre a l'email d'en Joaquim.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joaquim", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 406, + "example": "On va de vacances l'Elsa Punset?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "On va de vacances", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Elsa Punset", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5580, + "example": "Vull parlar amb la Paula per telèfon.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Paula", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8144, + "example": "Em podries comprar tres bitllets per un Talgo cap a València?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Talgo", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "València", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10970, + "example": "He de prendre alguna cosa a tres quarts d'onze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "tres quarts d'onze", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4232, + "example": "Quins temes s'estan parlant a LinkedIn ara mateix?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "LinkedIn", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5608, + "example": "Vull telefonar a la Jana, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jana", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9756, + "example": "Busca'm quins trens hi ha de Badalona a Vilafranca del Penedès d'onze a dotze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "trens", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vilafranca del Penedès", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "onze a dotze", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3706, + "example": "Digue'm, si us plau, quin temps fa aquí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2131, + "example": "M'agradaria que connectessis les bombetes del dormitori.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3175, + "example": "Em posaries el \"Superesports\" de \"RAC1\" al lavabo gran?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Superesports", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "RAC1", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo gran", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2677, + "example": "Em pots dir què hi ha escrit al llistat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3135, + "example": "Ens podries reproduir un tema?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 282, + "example": "Quant falta per arribar a Lleida amb aquest bus?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bus", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_detail", + "Text": "Quant falta per arribar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8997, + "example": "A quina hora tinc el pla de competir al \"Mario kart\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "competir al \"Mario kart\"", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6687, + "example": "Reserva una taula cap a les 12.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "12", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3848, + "example": "Saps alguna recepta que porti llamàntol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "llamàntol", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10691, + "example": "Voldria trobar si tinc alguna celebració aviat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aviat", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11430, + "example": "El nou correu de la Martina és martina_98@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Martina", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "martina_98@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2044, + "example": "Ens agradaria demanar sopar per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1222, + "example": "Voldria que m'apuntessis que el 18 de novembre a dos quarts de nou tinc el concert de The Hu a l'Hospitalet de Llobregat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "18 de novembre", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de nou", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "concert de The Hu", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 92 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Hospitalet de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 97, + "End_char": 120 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2963, + "example": "M'enregistraries al calendari personal una reunió amb la Joanna Bellpuig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joanna Bellpuig", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2563, + "example": "Et faria res posar-me un bombó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "bombó", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7009, + "example": "Vull veure l'InfoK.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "InfoK", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11285, + "example": "Quina prova em farà el cardiòleg del dia 13?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "cardiòleg", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "13", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5963, + "example": "Fins a quina hora hi és avui la doctora Ramírez?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Fins a quina hora hi és avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctora Ramírez", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8990, + "example": "Quina és la data del pla d'anar al cinema amb la Martina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar al cinema", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Martina", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3905, + "example": "Calcula vuitanta dividits per noranta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "vuitanta dividits per noranta", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2987, + "example": "Posa'm el meu pòdcast preferit, \"Crims\", a Google Podcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Crims", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Google Podcast", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5728, + "example": "Telefona'm el centre d'atenció primària La Granja de Molins de Rei.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre d'atenció primària La Granja de Molins de Rei", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6966, + "example": "Vull reproduir un clip de \"El cor de la ciutat\" a Dailymotion.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "Dailymotion", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "El cor de la ciutat", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9591, + "example": "A hores d'ara, hi ha molt de trànsit per Santa Coloma de Gramenet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Santa Coloma de Gramenet", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "A hores d'ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5166, + "example": "Vull que em confirmis que demà tinc programada a les dotze del migdia la visita al pis de Vic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze del migdia", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visita al pis", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5377, + "example": "Em pots dir com arribar en bicicleta al Castell del Brull?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "bicicleta", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Castell del Brull", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9722, + "example": "Voldria saber l'horari del tren cap a Terrassa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Terrassa", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4657, + "example": "Confirma'm si he rebut correus de l'Adrià Rocamora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correus", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Adrià Rocamora", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7240, + "example": "Apaga'm la TMB app.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "TMB app", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10339, + "example": "Quina cançó està sonant en aquest moment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "Quina cançó", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 673, + "example": "En quin mes vaig tenir les assemblees amb la comunitat de propietaris de l'avinguda Francesc Macià 25?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assemblees", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "comunitat de propietaris", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "avinguda Francesc Macià 25", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8562, + "example": "Sol·licita un Cabify per estar dijous a les vuit de la tarda a Lloret de Mar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les vuit de la tarda", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Lloret de Mar", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10710, + "example": "Dir-me si dissabte a les cinc he d'anar a buscar a la Martina a la guarderia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a buscar a la Martina", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "guarderia", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 798, + "example": "Què vol dir encoixinat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "encoixinat", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8936, + "example": "Què posa al contacte de mon pare?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "mon pare", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11645, + "example": "Què t'empatolles?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7259, + "example": "Necessito que tanquis Instagram.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8659, + "example": "M'elimines del calendari un esdeveniment anomenat \"XBOX\" que tinc amb l'Arlet per aquesta matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "XBOX", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Arlet", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta matinada", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10829, + "example": "Energies renovables, el preu del gas i combustibles fòssils.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1791, + "example": "Et faria res esborrar el descapotable de la llista de cotxes que m'agraden?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "descapotable", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de cotxes que m'agraden", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 778, + "example": "Com s'anomena el moviment pictòric que caracteritza els quadres de Dalí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "moviment pictòric", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "caracteritza els quadres de Dalí", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1236, + "example": "Ens podries desconnectar el llum del garatge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "garatge", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6719, + "example": "Reserva una taula a un restaurant japonès", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "japonès", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5612, + "example": "Que pots trucar al meu cosí Carles, si us plau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu cosí Carles", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10355, + "example": "Ensenya'm quina tonada s'està reproduint a hores d'ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina tonada", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint a hores d'ara", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2066, + "example": "Vull encarregar amanida per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "amanida", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1485, + "example": "Ves al principi d'aquesta cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Ves al principi", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7744, + "example": "Desactiva ara l'endoll intel·ligent del meu estudi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5012, + "example": "Com estan els preus de les accions de la companyia Shopify?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Shopify", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4454, + "example": "Podries comprovar si avui és quan fan \"El diari de Noa\" al Molí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "El diari de Noa", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Molí", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 292, + "example": "Quant trigarà a arribar aquest tren a Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3886, + "example": "Em dius quant és onze si li restes dos?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "onze si li restes dos", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10760, + "example": "Em pots dir si hi ha missatges de Whatsapp nous d'avui de la Miriam Sucarrats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Miriam Sucarrats", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "missatges de Whatsapp", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 12002, + "example": "Respon el missatge de correu electrònic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 530, + "example": "Podríem començar un joc de preguntes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_genre", + "Text": "preguntes", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3181, + "example": "Pots posar-me un tema que m'encanti?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11998, + "example": "Voldria que fessis una trucada al CUAP La Solana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CUAP La Solana", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10417, + "example": "\"Una lluna l'aigua\" és una de les cançons que m'agraden?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Una lluna l'aigua", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "les cançons que m'agraden", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2776, + "example": "No vull que diguis res durant uns minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minuts", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10422, + "example": "Pots cercar les meves cançons preferides de heavy metal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "heavy metal", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "les meves cançons preferides", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1796, + "example": "Podries suprimir el paper d'alumini de la llista de la compra?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "paper d'alumini", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de la compra", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3359, + "example": "Vull continuar escoltant \"El violí d'Auschwitz\" de Maria Àngels Anglada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "El violí d’Auschwitz", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Maria Àngels Anglada", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2840, + "example": "Cita l'atenció al consumidor de Disney+ amb el text \"hauríeu de tenir més varietat de pel·lícules amb el que cobreu cada mes\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Cita", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al consumidor de Disney+", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "hauríeu de tenir més varietat de pel·lícules amb el que cobreu cada mes", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 124 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6981, + "example": "M'agradaria posar clips de \"Harry Potter i el pres d'Azkaban\" a DailyMotion.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Harry Potter i el pres d'Azkaban", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "DailyMotion", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2581, + "example": "Ens faries un cafè?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6068, + "example": "A quina hora obre l'escola?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quina hora obre", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3445, + "example": "La paraula morralla, què significa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "morralla", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8064, + "example": "Què maquines?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1, + "example": "Apunta que dimecres tinc visita al ginecòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "ginecòleg", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2958, + "example": "Posa'm al calendari que he quedat amb la mama.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "he quedat", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mama", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1099, + "example": "Podries arrancar el robot aspirador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "robot aspirador", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2360, + "example": "Vull comprar un bitllet pel tren que surt de Barcelona a Maçanet a les dotze del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Maçanet", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze del matí", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6310, + "example": "El resultat del partit de dilluns de la lliga, el coneixes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "lliga", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3483, + "example": "Digues-me algun acudit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9003, + "example": "En què cau el 26 d'octubre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "26 d'octubre", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11085, + "example": "Quan soparem estofat de vedella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "soparem", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "estofat de vedella", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3538, + "example": "Aquest tema l'odio a mort.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2282, + "example": "Envia un correu electrònic a l'email carme33@outlook.cat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "email carme33@outlook.cat", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9469, + "example": "Sentir un pòdcast del \"Búnquer\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Búnquer", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9333, + "example": "Reprodueix el meu àlbum de temes favorits.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "favorits", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6721, + "example": "Vull fer la reserva d'una taula per a en Pep i la Ramona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pep", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ramona", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2136, + "example": "Activa el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10699, + "example": "Necessito saber què faig aquest dimecres de set a nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dimecres", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "set", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11638, + "example": "No et segueixo del tot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9726, + "example": "Busca els horaris de matinada del tren a Vilafranca del Penedès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "matinada", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Vilafranca del Penedès", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5303, + "example": "Com puc buscar la meva agenda del metge d'aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3812, + "example": "Digues-me quins plats puc cuinar amb bacallà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "bacallà", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3255, + "example": "Em pots llegir el llibre \"Paraules que tu entendràs\" al dormitori?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Paraules que tu entendràs", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "dormitori", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4273, + "example": "Mostra'm en quin dia ens trobem.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10611, + "example": "Quines festes temàtiques hi haurà a l'Espai Jove La Fontana dimarts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festes temàtiques", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Espai Jove La Fontana", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11749, + "example": "Mira, m'importa entre res i poc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8976, + "example": "Voldria saber a quina hora és l'assemblea que tinc demà amb l'Ariadna Segués.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assemblea", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ariadna Segués", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3185, + "example": "Et faria res posar la cançó que més m'agrada dels Amics de les Arts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Amics de les Arts", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11648, + "example": "Explica-m'ho amb unes paraules diferents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5218, + "example": "Aquest matí he quedat amb el Pere per fer panellets?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "Aquest matí", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "fer panellets", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 124, + "example": "Apunta que la doctora Sentís em visitarà el 15 de març.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Sentís", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "15 de març", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8368, + "example": "Podries demanar a domicili una pizza quatre formatges a la Tagliatella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza quatre formatges", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Tagliatella", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4839, + "example": "M'expliques el trànsit per sortir d'Alacant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Alacant", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4560, + "example": "Em fas el favor de dir-me si el dijous fan \"Alcarràs\" a prop?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Alcarràs", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "a prop", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9472, + "example": "Vull sentir un pòdcast a Spotify.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Spotify", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4142, + "example": "Vull saber si he d'anar a la Boqueria aquesta tarda a les cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a la Boqueria", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1919, + "example": "Podries treure'ns l'alarma de dimarts a les quatre de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1330, + "example": "Maximitza el volum de la cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2308, + "example": "M'envies un correu a arnau_vilanova6@gmail.com?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "arnau_vilanova6@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4057, + "example": "Trobar el número de contacte de l'Eloi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de contacte", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eloi", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3322, + "example": "Posaries l'audiollibre \"Tinc un volcà\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Tinc un volcà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9611, + "example": "Mostra'm quins emails tinc amb la Irina Bosch amb el títol \"entrades pel concert dels Stay Homas\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "emails", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Irina Bosch", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_title", + "Text": "entrades pel concert dels Stay Homas", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1982, + "example": "Podries destruir aquesta llista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9119, + "example": "Reprodueix l'emissora \"Cadena SER\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Cadena SER", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5034, + "example": "Les accions de la companyia Movistar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Movistar", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 190, + "example": "Vull deixar marcat que dimecres tinc cita amb el dermatòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dermatòleg", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4944, + "example": "Vull que busquis el mail que ha arribat recentment sobre les lectures d'estiu que ha enviat la Clàudia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail ", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recentment", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "les lectures d'estiu", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Clàudia", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 330, + "example": "Pots repetir el que has dit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8478, + "example": "Truca un Uber per arribar a l'estació de Vilafranca del Penedès.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "estació de Vilafranca del Penedès", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10846, + "example": "Saps quin número tocarà a la Grossa de Nadal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5074, + "example": "M'agradaria saber com van les accions de la companyia Toyota.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Toyota", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8041, + "example": "Respon-me.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1175, + "example": "El dissabte tinc una reunió a les sis amb la Patri.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Patri", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8018, + "example": "Fes una llista.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6523, + "example": "Fes saber a les deu del matí que m'he de prendre una càpsula blava.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "càpsula blava", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1260, + "example": "La llum de l'habitació dels nens està massa forta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació dels nens", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9682, + "example": "Digue'm si va bé la pizza tres formatges que hem demanat per portar a casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "pizza tres formatges", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per portar a casa", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10573, + "example": "Em dius què és el que estan fent pel meu voltant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "pel meu voltant", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9051, + "example": "Vull quedar amb el Marc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedar", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2550, + "example": "Vull que m'ensenyis les últimes notícies referents al sorteig de la Champions.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "sorteig de la Champions", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3357, + "example": "Comença \"Island of Doom\" de Greg Farshtey.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Island of Doom", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Greg Farshtey", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6542, + "example": "Em podries avisar que m'he de prendre la medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "medicació", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8234, + "example": "Comprar un tiquet d'Euromed pel dijous a dos quarts i mig de set cap a València.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Euromed", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts i mig de set", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "València", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6577, + "example": "Cada dotze hores m'he de prendre l'ansiolític: fes-m'ho saber, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "Cada dotze hores", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "ansiolític", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1264, + "example": "Desactiva els endolls intel·ligents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7260, + "example": "Afegeix un correu electrònic al contacte de la Montse.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Montse", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9766, + "example": "Voldria tindre els detalls de les hores en què passa el tren a Camprodon.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Camprodon", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 841, + "example": "Pots indicar-me quines són les últimes notícies d'\"Onda Cero\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Onda Cero", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10616, + "example": "Com es diu l'espectacle que fan al Liceu la setmana que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "espectacle", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Liceu", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1892, + "example": "Seria possible que cancel·lessis l'alerta que tinc configurada cada dissabte a les onze del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dissabte", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4153, + "example": "Podries consultar què tinc apuntat al calendari per avui a les sis?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3371, + "example": "M'afegeixes al meu calendari una trobada de la comunió que tenim per dintre de tres dies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "trobada de la comunió", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dintre de tres dies", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2045, + "example": "Vull mirar demanar alguna cosa per sopar a casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1511, + "example": "Podries anar al principi d'aquesta cançó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "anar al principi", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4006, + "example": "Com està la corona noruega en comparació amb el dram?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "dram", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "corona noruega", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4066, + "example": "Pots dir-me el número de telèfon del meu cosí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de telèfon", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu cosí", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2964, + "example": "Necessitaria organitzar un acte a dos quarts de tres amb el Màrius.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "acte", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de tres", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Màrius", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2057, + "example": "Encomana bacallà amb patates al Bulli.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bacallà amb patates", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Bulli", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10730, + "example": "Pots confirmar-me si he d'anar a Stuttgart la setmana vinent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar a Stuttgart", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10782, + "example": "Vull que em revisis si tinc algun correu electrònic sense llegir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "sense llegir", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6372, + "example": "A quins col·lectius s'ofereix la targeta Cuida'm?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "A quins col·lectius s'ofereix", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4324, + "example": "Saps si hi ha algun concert aquesta nit a la meva àrea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "concert", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva àrea", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1276, + "example": "Desconnectar els meus endolls intel·ligents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 570, + "example": "Partida ràpida del \"Fortnite\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Fortnite", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1944, + "example": "Treu-me l'alarma programada per dissabte que ve a les quatre de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte que ve", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5604, + "example": "Vull trucar a l'Ignasi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ignasi", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8899, + "example": "Vull saber el número de contacte de la meva germana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva germana", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "número de contacte", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2754, + "example": "Calles uns minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "uns minuts", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10459, + "example": "Em pots dir la quantitat de llistats que tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11152, + "example": "Voldria saber què dinàrem avui.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinàrem", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9951, + "example": "Dilluns hi ha alguna alarma?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dilluns", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5425, + "example": "Necessito que m'expliquis com arribar al carrer Vilamar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer Vilamar", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4727, + "example": "Esbrina si aquell restaurant predilecte porta menjar a casa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "restaurant", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "porta menjar a casa", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8282, + "example": "Informa'm de la previsió del temps d'aquesta nit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1474, + "example": "Em podries reproduir música aleatòriament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "aleatòriament", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 249, + "example": "Sabries trobar els autobusos que van cap a Jerez?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "autobusos", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Jerez", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 816, + "example": "Podries dir-me quines llistes tinc que s'anomenin \"gomes de cabell\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "gomes de cabell", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7196, + "example": "No recordo el camí a l'hospital, me'l dius?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4518, + "example": "Saps si a la meva zona es projecta el film \"Minions: l'origen de Gru\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Minions: l'origen de Gru", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7285, + "example": "Afegeix-me un correu per la Maria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9075, + "example": "Ens podries engegar la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5513, + "example": "Pots trucar al número 937502136?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "937502136", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8719, + "example": "Fes desaparèixer el llistat \"obres de teatre\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "obres de teatre", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11260, + "example": "Quin és el primer plat del dinar d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5032, + "example": "Voldria veure que tal estan els preus de les accions de Toyota.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Toyota", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11453, + "example": "El 655777888 guarda'l al contacte de Petita Flores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Petita Flores", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "655777888", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7071, + "example": "Vull que posis un altre cop l'entrevista a l'Anna Pallejà Garcia a YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Anna Pallejà Garcia", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1736, + "example": "Si al fus horari de Turquia són les dues, saps quina hora és al fus horari d'Amèrica/El Salvador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/El Salvador", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 96 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Turquia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6407, + "example": "Em mostres fins quan dura la TSE?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSE", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "fins quan dura", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 636, + "example": "Vull anar fins a Soses; quin Rodalies haig de buscar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Soses", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11938, + "example": "Has badat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6173, + "example": "M'esbrinaries el telèfon dels bombers de Barcelona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "bombers", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2812, + "example": "Fes una piulada a l'atenció al client de Vodafone dient que \"no tinc internet i no hi ha manera que vingui un tècnic a mirar-s'ho\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Fes una piulada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client de Vodafone", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "no tinc internet i no hi ha manera que vingui un tècnic a mirar-s'ho", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 129 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 122, + "example": "Pren nota de la visita amb la doctora Pons demà a les cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Pons", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9085, + "example": "Sintonitzar la ràdio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 872, + "example": "Busca notícies d'última hora referents a la retirada d'en Bale.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "retirada d'en Bale", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 775, + "example": "Seria possible que em diguessis com és el nom del recurs literari que té en compte la repetició de sons similars?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "recurs literari", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "té en compte la repetició de sons similars", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9462, + "example": "Vull escoltar el pòdcast de \"Gent de merda\" a Google Podcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Gent de merda", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Google Podcast", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 370, + "example": "Ho pots repetir una altra vegada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2453, + "example": "Haig de viatjar a la plaça d'Espanya aquesta nit; podries cridar un Free Now a casa del Ferran?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "plaça d'Espanya", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Free Now", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "casa del Ferran", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1381, + "example": "Apuja una miqueta el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11487, + "example": "Que telefonis al meu cunyat, que hem tingut un accident.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "al meu cunyat", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "hem tingut un accident", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7958, + "example": "M'encantaria augmentar el volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 552, + "example": "Inicia'm una partideta al \"Fortnite\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Fortnite", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7921, + "example": "Addicionar l'àudio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3536, + "example": "Aquest tema em fa venir ganes de vomitar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3597, + "example": "M'omple de joia la cançó \"Ghost Division\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Ghost Division", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7502, + "example": "Programa'm una alerta per dissabte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1548, + "example": "Podries activar el bucle en aquesta cançó de Lordi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "activar el bucle", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Lordi", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3806, + "example": "Amb ceba què puc cuinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "ceba", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 469, + "example": "Em fascines.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8808, + "example": "Escoltaria aquesta cançó tot el dia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4261, + "example": "A què som avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11372, + "example": "Amb quin doctor tinc cita dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "doctor", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4544, + "example": "On es podrà veure \"Pirates del Carib\" a Figueres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Pirates del Carib", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Figueres", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9541, + "example": "Com es fa la crema catalana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "crema catalana", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11787, + "example": "Em faries el favor de detenir-te una miqueta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 162, + "example": "Anota la meva visita de dimecres que ve a l'Hospital del Mar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital del Mar", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6155, + "example": "Busca'm la direcció de la biblioteca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "direcció", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6694, + "example": "Guarda taula per dinar el dia 29 al Claudi.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Claudi", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "29", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10577, + "example": "Quin dia es farà la manifestació a la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "manifestació", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6201, + "example": "Què necessito per aconseguir el certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què necessito per aconseguir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6729, + "example": "Podries reservar taula a les nou en punt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou en punt", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 48, + "example": "Podries apuntar que he d'anar al dietista?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "dietista", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6303, + "example": "Com van quedar ahir les semifinals?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "semifinals", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10581, + "example": "Digue'm a quina hora comença el \"Festival Mixtur Barcelona\" si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Festival Mixtur Barcelona", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 451, + "example": "Així m'agrada.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5323, + "example": "Com descarrego l'aplicació mòbil La meva salut?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "La meva salut", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9312, + "example": "Podries posar-me l'episodi que ve després del pòdcast \"The daily\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "The daily", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2475, + "example": "Seria possible que posessis al calendari que he de netejar la peixera demà passat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "netejar la peixera", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6592, + "example": "Anota que m'he de prendre un Nolotil a les cinc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Nolotil", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2024, + "example": "Demanar sushi a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sushi", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10444, + "example": "Em pots dir el nombre de llistes que tinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3711, + "example": "Bufa el vent de tramuntana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "vent de tramuntana", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 420, + "example": "Quants anys farà la Lolita Flores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Quants anys farà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Lolita Flores", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1777, + "example": "Em pots treure el patinet elèctric de la llista de regals d'aniversari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "patinet elèctric", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de regals d'aniversari", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7753, + "example": "Necessito apagar l'endoll intel·ligent de l'habitació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 407, + "example": "Per què la Shakira va deixar a en Piqué?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Per què", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "va deixar a en Piqué", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Shakira", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4129, + "example": "A quina edat s'ha retirat en Roger Federer?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "A quina edat s'ha retirat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Roger Federer", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11946, + "example": "Has ficat la pota.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7117, + "example": "Voldria l'app FREE NOW: engega-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "FREE NOW", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6393, + "example": "La TSE quines cobertures té?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSE", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quines cobertures té", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5851, + "example": "Podries telefonar el telèfon d'Emergències?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10700, + "example": "Trobar què tinc al calendari pròximament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "pròximament", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3675, + "example": "Digues qui és el president d'Itàlia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "qui és el president", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Itàlia", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1886, + "example": "Em trauries del meu calendari personal l'assaig que tinc amb la Coral els dimecres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "assaig", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Coral", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11479, + "example": "Afegir marinadelamuntanya@yahoo.es com el correu de la Marina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marina", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "marinadelamuntanya@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4007, + "example": "Digues-me com està la corona eslovaca vers el peso de Mèxic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "peso de Mèxic", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "corona eslovaca", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10999, + "example": "Quantes pastilles em toquen a les set?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pastilles", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les set", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11040, + "example": "No sé com arribar fins a casa del Marc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8969, + "example": "Vull aspirar el lavabo amb l'aspiradora robot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora robot", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "lavabo", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1834, + "example": "Podries suprimir l'esdeveniment de pelar patates que tinc d'aquí a dos dies?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "pelar patates", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquí a dos dies", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3463, + "example": "Explica un acudit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5406, + "example": "Voldria arribar al carrer Orient.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "carrer Orient", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 435, + "example": "Estic totalment agraït amb tu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7292, + "example": "Afegeix al contacte de la meva cap una adreça electrònica.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva cap", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 358, + "example": "Vull que ho diguis de nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3859, + "example": "Busca quins plats puc cuinar amb poma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "poma", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9559, + "example": "Vull que em diguis com es fan els bunyols de vent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bunyols de vent", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 24, + "example": "Necessito que apuntis que el divendres vinent em toca anar a l'hospital Germans Trias i Pujol.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres vinent", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital Germans Trias i Pujol", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11558, + "example": "Ho asseguro.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8841, + "example": "Quina és l'hora del pla del mes que ve amb la meva mare?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7639, + "example": "M'agradaria inserir un nou element al meu llistat de queviures.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de queviures", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "nou element", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3205, + "example": "Podries punxar-nos \"Cuando tú vas\", que ens agrada molt?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Cuando tú vas", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10164, + "example": "Pots comprovar si la Rosa ha compartit un comentari a TikTok?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Rosa", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9710, + "example": "Busca quina hora és al fus horari Corea del Sud/Seül.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari Corea del Sud/Seül", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1544, + "example": "Posa de nou \"Girls just wanna have fun\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "Posa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Girls just wanna have fun", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3168, + "example": "Ens pots sintonitzar el programa \"Rebobinem\" de \"Ser Catalunya\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Ser Catalunya", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "program_name", + "Text": "Rebobinem", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11258, + "example": "Voldria saber el menú del dissabte.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5968, + "example": "Fan citologies ginecològiques al centre d'atenció primària d'Abrera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Fan citologies ginecològiques", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre d'atenció primària", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Abrera", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9625, + "example": "Vull saber quins correus electrònics tinc a l'email sobre els resultats del psicotècnic amb la Ruth Canals.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "email", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "subject", + "Text": "resultats del psicotècnic", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 87 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Ruth Canals", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 106 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3250, + "example": "A l'estudi podria seguir escoltant \"Realmslayer\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "estudi", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Realmslayer", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5242, + "example": "Com podria demanar certificats a través de La meva salut?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "demanar certificats a través de La meva salut", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5831, + "example": "Necessito que telefonis al 112; estic perdut a la muntanya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "112", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "estic perdut a la muntanya", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10404, + "example": "Per què no em dius quines són les cançons de pop que més m'agraden?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "pop", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "més m'agraden", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3814, + "example": "M'informes què puc elaborar què porti mongetes del ganxet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "mongetes del ganxet", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7553, + "example": "Necessitaria abaixar la intensitat de la llum que hi ha al safareig.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "safareig", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1558, + "example": "Abaixa el volum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10738, + "example": "Buscar si he de visitar el pis de Barcelona el dilluns que ve a les nou o no.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "visitar el pis de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns que ve", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6741, + "example": "Vull fer una reserva d'una taula a una pizzeria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "pizzeria", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8554, + "example": "Em reserves un Cabify per sortir d'Arenys de Mar a les vuit i anar cap a Sabadell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Arenys de Mar", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8287, + "example": "Mostrar si dimecres a les onze del vespre farà fred.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del vespre", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "farà fred", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10968, + "example": "Com es diu el xarop que prenc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5852, + "example": "Telefonar al 061, que m'he cremat la mà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "061", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "m'he cremat la mà", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2122, + "example": "Activar les làmpades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8622, + "example": "Seria possible que esborressis del calendari el partit de bàsquet de les nou del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "partit de bàsquet", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou del matí", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11036, + "example": "Com he d'anar a casa de la Sílvia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "casa", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11429, + "example": "Apunta a l'agenda de contactes que el correu electrònic de l'Albert Alberic és albert_alberic@hotmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Albert Alberic", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "albert_alberic@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 105 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5308, + "example": "Com demano cita amb el meu metge de capçalera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "demano cita amb el meu metge de capçalera", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9133, + "example": "Tinc una festa amb la Regina cada vespre, m'ho pots recordar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "festa", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Regina", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada vespre", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8359, + "example": "M'agradaria encarregar tres sandvitxos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sandvitxos", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 699, + "example": "Em diries si l'Amazònia és la selva més gran del món?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "és la selva més gran del món", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Amazònia", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10097, + "example": "Ensenyar-me les noves notícies sobre famosos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "famosos", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 622, + "example": "Per anar a Ripoll, quin tren haig d'agafar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ripoll", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7231, + "example": "Apagar l'aplicatiu Spotify.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_end", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Spotify", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1057, + "example": "La roomba, la podries posar en marxa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10159, + "example": "Quines són les novetats de Reddit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Reddit", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8754, + "example": "A la biblioteca, engega'ns l'endoll intel·ligent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10884, + "example": "Et sona quin medicament m'he de prendre cada sis hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada sis hores", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6015, + "example": "Quin és el telèfon de contacte de la Farmàcia Anna Gelabert?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon de contacte", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Anna Gelabert", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3194, + "example": "Ens en poses una de les que m'agraden tant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10029, + "example": "Llegeix la notícia més recent sobre la mort de Dietrich Mateschitz al diari \"Tribuna\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "la mort de Dietrich Mateschitz", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Tribuna", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1743, + "example": "Treure tot el que tingui anotat al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5939, + "example": "Necessitaria saber si hi ha unitat de cremats a l'Hospital Sant Andreu.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "unitat de cremats", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Sant Andreu", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9097, + "example": "Busca \"Europa FM\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "Europa FM", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 390, + "example": "Pots dir-ho de nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4388, + "example": "Quina és l'hora de Novosibirsk?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Novosibirsk", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6971, + "example": "Reprodueix un vídeo que m'agradi molt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "m'agradi molt", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4212, + "example": "El que s'està xerrant a Instagram, vull saber-ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1202, + "example": "La setmana vinent pots treure del meu calendari la classe de nàhuatl amb l'Iris a Sevilla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "classe de nàhuatl", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Iris", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sevilla", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 89 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6933, + "example": "Ensenya-li a l'Helena l'emplaçament on soc fins a les vuit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Helena", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les vuit", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8465, + "example": "Demana'm un Uber per ser a la Colònia Güell demà al matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Colònia Güell", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 471, + "example": "Ets del que no n'hi ha.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10928, + "example": "Em pots recordar si és cada dotze hores quan em toca posar-me les gotes de l'oïda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada dotze hores", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "gotes de l'oïda", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7673, + "example": "Voldria programar un esdeveniment a la floristeria amb la Laura.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "floristeria", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1841, + "example": "M'esborraries tot el que tinc programat cada dilluns del calendari personal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "cada dilluns", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11134, + "example": "Digue'm quin dia toquen mongetes", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "mongetes", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7057, + "example": "Volem veure una altra vegada l'últim capítol del \"Com si fos ahir\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "últim capítol", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Com si fos ahir", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6857, + "example": "Reserva una taula per a tres persones a una pizzeria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "num_people", + "Text": "tres", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "pizzeria", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8544, + "example": "Reserva un VTC per passat demà de les dues fins a tres quarts de quatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues fins a tres quarts de quatre", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8379, + "example": "Seria possible fer una comanda de croissants farcits de xocolata per Uber Eats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "croissants farcits de xocolata", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Uber Eats", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10628, + "example": "Quines presentacions de llibres tindran lloc dilluns a la llibreria Laie?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "presentacions de llibres", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Laie", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10203, + "example": "Mostra'm el temps que hi ha avui a la meva ciutat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva ciutat", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11248, + "example": "Hi ha tomàquet a l'amanida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "tomàquet", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "amanida", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3525, + "example": "El tema aquest és insofrible.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9914, + "example": "Li fa por viatjar en avió a l'Andrés Iniesta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Li fa por viatjar en avió", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Andrés Iniesta", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2245, + "example": "Pots remetre un mail a la Txell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "mail", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Txell", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5105, + "example": "De la melodia que està sonant pots dir-me qui n'és el creador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "qui n'és el creador", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11933, + "example": "Denego completament això.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7739, + "example": "Vaig a Juneda a una conferència sobre medicina el dimecres després de dinar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "conferència sobre medicina", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "després de dinar", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Juneda", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8228, + "example": "Reserva el tren que arriba a les tres de la tarda.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les tres de la tarda", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4316, + "example": "Em podries dir alguna cosa sobre l'oratge de la setmana a Esplugues?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Esplugues", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 793, + "example": "Saps com es diu l'instrument musical cordòfon en què les cordes són colpejades per martellets maniobrats per mitjà d'un teclat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "instrument musical cordòfon", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "les cordes són colpejades per martellets maniobrats per mitjà d’un teclat", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 127 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10891, + "example": "Em podries indicar quin és el meu pla de medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quin és", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "pla de medicació", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2053, + "example": "Que podries encarregar-me menjar a domicili al Castell del Brull?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Castell del Brull", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5634, + "example": "Telefona a la meva àvia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva àvia", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7060, + "example": "Reprodueix una altra vegada l'\"APM\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "APM", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5663, + "example": "Fes una trucada al Centre d'Atenció Primària La Granja de Molins de Rei.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Centre d'Atenció Primària La Granja", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1604, + "example": "Em canvies la bombeta al negre a l'habitació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "negre", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7878, + "example": "Treu tot el que tingui apuntat a l'agenda personal.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11302, + "example": "Mostra'm les visites que tinc programades properament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "properament", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5626, + "example": "Pots fer un truc a l'Esther Mas?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_person", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Esther Mas", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10304, + "example": "Et faria res dir-me l'hora que és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10448, + "example": "Em podries enumerar quins són els llistats que tinc guardats?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4880, + "example": "En aquest mateix instant, quin és l'estat de la circulació a Reus?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "En aquest mateix instant", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Reus", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8015, + "example": "M'agradaria fer una llista nova.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9751, + "example": "Em pots ensenyar els horaris del tren que van fins a Sarrià?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sarrià", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 766, + "example": "Em dius quina és la definició de fardatxo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "fardatxo", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1450, + "example": "Seria possible augmentar la intensitat de la llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6692, + "example": "Reserva a una pizzeria dimecres.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "pizzeria", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3842, + "example": "Què puc elaborar amb carn de xai?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "carn de xai", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9385, + "example": "Voldria sentir un tema.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7182, + "example": "Vull saber com ho faig per arribar al König.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "König", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3297, + "example": "T'importaria posar-nos \"Godsbane\" de Dale Lucas?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Godsbane", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "author", + "Text": "Dale Lucas", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3063, + "example": "Ens reproduiries rap?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rap", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11702, + "example": "Què m'estàs explicant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "generat_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10568, + "example": "Es farà a la meva localització el \"Vida Festival\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva localització", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "Vida Festival", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4452, + "example": "Faries el favor de dir-me quines pel·lícules de \"Missió impossible\" posaran avui a la Rambla?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Missió impossible", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "la Rambla", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3433, + "example": "Em dius quina és la definició de brandonera?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "brandonera", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7402, + "example": "Contesta'm amb un missatge de correu electrònic a la meva companya de feina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva companya de feina", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6455, + "example": "On creus que s'ofereix la cartellera més àmplia, a l'Ocine les Gavarres o a Ocine Vila-seca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "s'ofereix la cartellera més àmplia", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Ocine les Gavarres", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Ocine Vila-seca", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 381, + "example": "Repeteix el que m'acabes de dir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5782, + "example": "Podries telefonar als Cinemes Aribau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Cinemes Aribau", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9209, + "example": "M'agradaria fer-me un cafetó llarg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafetó llarg", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8724, + "example": "Suprimeix la llista que s'anomena \"restaurants\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "restaurants", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5643, + "example": "Pots fer una trucada la meva metgessa del CAP?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metgessa", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7348, + "example": "Desa el nou email del meu xicot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu xicot", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8931, + "example": "Què hi ha en el contacte de la Maria?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 70, + "example": "Podries desar que he d'anar a l'ambulatori a dos quarts de cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "ambulatori", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de cinc", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1037, + "example": "Pots fer-me el favor d'ajustar el llum al mínim?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2942, + "example": "Seria possible apuntar a la meva agenda una reunió amb el Salvador Bellpuig?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Salvador Bellpuig", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 507, + "example": "Moltes gràcies.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6390, + "example": "On puc aconseguir la targeta sanitària europea?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "On puc aconseguir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària europea", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1210, + "example": "Al capvespre vaig al cinema a Badalona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "Al capvespre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cinema", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7790, + "example": "Atura el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 179, + "example": "Vull que posis al calendari que dijous em toca anar al metge.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11170, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quan menjo amanida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "amanida", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9912, + "example": "Quants Premis Nobel va guanyar la Marie Curie?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marie Curie", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "Quants Premis Nobel", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7880, + "example": "Suprimeix-me tots els esdeveniments que hi hagi apuntats al calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9837, + "example": "Busca la definició de patena.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "patena", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4517, + "example": "Avui als Cinemes Girona fan la pel·lícula \"Pa negre\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Cinemes Girona", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Pa negre", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10338, + "example": "Necessito trobar quina cançó està reproduint-se actualment.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina cançó", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està reproduint-se actualment", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1286, + "example": "Els endolls intel·ligents, apaga'ls.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 703, + "example": "Per on passa el Riu Groc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "on passa", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Riu Groc", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10498, + "example": "Hi ha magatzems al meu voltant on venguin material de construcció?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "magatzems", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "venguin material de construcció", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu voltant", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 692, + "example": "Em pots buscar l'origen i la història del Golf de Roses?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "l'origen i la història", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Golf de Roses", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2371, + "example": "Comprar un tiquet de tren pel divendres que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres que ve", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2380, + "example": "Vaig cap a Cantallops; em compres un tiquet de tren?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cantallops", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3070, + "example": "Podries reproduir una cançó animada al menjador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "animada", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "menjador", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1166, + "example": "Al calendari personal, m'anotaries que tinc una trobada amb el Guillem Calvó aquest dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "trobada", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem Calvó", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dijous", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5932, + "example": "En quin carrer està l'hospital Mútua de Terrassa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "quin carrer està", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "hospital Mútua de Terrassa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2880, + "example": "Necessito que em configuris una alerta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5054, + "example": "Ensenya'm el valor en borsa de Tesco.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Tesco", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 473, + "example": "Ets increïble.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5015, + "example": "Em dius quin valor en borsa tenen les accions de la companyia Bancolombia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_stock", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "company_name", + "Text": "Bancolombia", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11098, + "example": "Ensenya'm què diuen a Instagram.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Instagram", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 12005, + "example": "Saps si tinc cap correu recent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "recent", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1658, + "example": "Si a l'hora mitjana de Greenwich +6 són les quatre, quina hora és al fus horari de Pacífic/Tahití?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "hora mitjana de Greenwich +6", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari de Pacífic/Tahití", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4598, + "example": "Quines botigues puc trobar-hi a la meva zona i amb pàrquing?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "amb pàrquing", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10974, + "example": "M'he de prendre alguna cosa a les deu del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu del matí", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6620, + "example": "Notifica'm que a les quatre de la tarda m'he de prendre el xarop.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les quatre de la tarda", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 652, + "example": "Com puc arribar l'oficina de la Margarida?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Margarida", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8957, + "example": "Escombrar les golfes amb l'aspiradora robot.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "aspiradora robot", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9289, + "example": "Em fas el favor de contar-me algun acudit de polítics?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "polítics", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8344, + "example": "Fer una comanda de sushi a domicili.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sushi", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4574, + "example": "Hi ha alguna pel·lícula nova aquí al barri dels Pescadors?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "nova", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "barri dels Pescadors", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9453, + "example": "Posa'm el pòdcast de \"Les golfes\" a Podimo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Les golfes", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Podimo", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1916, + "example": "Cancel·les l'alerta que hi ha per les tres de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les tres de la matinada", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8810, + "example": "És increïble aquest tema que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8551, + "example": "Em demanes un UberX que vull anar a Alcarràs aquest mateix migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "UberX", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Alcarràs", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest mateix migdia", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1749, + "example": "Pots suprimir tot el que tenim organitzat al calendari personal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8283, + "example": "La previsió del temps d'aquest matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest matí", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 72, + "example": "Dimecres tinc hora a la consulta del ginecòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "Dimecres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "consulta del ginecòleg", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6819, + "example": "Reservar una taula per a sis persones al restaurant El Rebost.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "sis", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "El Rebost", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3625, + "example": "Els Pets és el meu grup preferit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_likeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Els Pets", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4147, + "example": "Em confirmes si demà tinc una cita amb el Jaume a les sis de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cita", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Jaume", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8250, + "example": "Agafar tren que surt de Sils i arriba a Portbou a les vuit del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sils", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Portbou", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5321, + "example": "M'interessaria saber com es fa la prescripció d'article ortoprotètic.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "prescripció d'article ortoprotètic", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "com es fa", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11611, + "example": "Ben dit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2795, + "example": "Seria possible que piulessis \"cansat de viatjar en metro com si fóssim sardines\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "piulessis", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "cansat de viatjar en metro com si fóssim sardines", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5913, + "example": "Digue'm l'horari de visites de l'Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari de visites", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Universitari Sant Joan", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Reus", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4302, + "example": "Pots donar-me l'oratge d'aquesta setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11904, + "example": "Es pot saber què fas?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11832, + "example": "No facis res de res.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11851, + "example": "Frena el que estàs fent.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9230, + "example": "Tenim agrupació amb la coral en un mes, avisa'm.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "agrupació", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la coral", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "en un mes", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11485, + "example": "Vull que facis un truc a la Carme perquè l'avi està ferit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Carme", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "l'avi està ferit", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6824, + "example": "Voldria reservar lloc a una hamburgueseria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "hamburgueseria", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6791, + "example": "Ens reserves taula a l'ABaC?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "ABaC", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4641, + "example": "Em pots dir si hi ha cap de quiosc per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "quiosc", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4448, + "example": "Faran \"Temps de glòria\" al cinema Floridablanca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Temps de glòria", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Floridablanca", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3496, + "example": "Em podries contar una broma de nens?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "joke_type", + "Text": "nens", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 807, + "example": "Quin objecte es fa servir per tallar arbres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_type", + "Text": "objecte", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept_feature", + "Text": "es fa servir per tallar arbres", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7370, + "example": "Apunta a l'agenda de contactes que l'adreça de correu electrònic del meu tiet és wheel_jackie@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "del meu tiet", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "wheel_jackie@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10306, + "example": "Em podries dir l'hora que és?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5759, + "example": "Vull posar-me en contacte per telèfon amb l'escola Sagrat Cor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "escola Sagrat Cor", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5164, + "example": "Em pots confirmar si dimarts a les dotze he de renovar-me el passaport?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dotze", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "renovar-me el passaport", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 78, + "example": "Apuntar que dimarts he d'anar a vacunar-me de la grip al CAP.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "test", + "Text": "vacunar-me de la grip", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7548, + "example": "Disminueix la intensitat de la bombeta a les golfes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "golfes", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9441, + "example": "Vull sentir un pòdcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4724, + "example": "El König que tant m'agrada fa desplaçaments a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "König", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "desplaçaments a domicili", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7963, + "example": "Voldria suavitzar el volum un 75%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4447, + "example": "Podries mostrar-me quines pel·lícules de \"Missió impossible\" posaran avui al cinema?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Missió impossible", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3672, + "example": "Qui va ser l'inventor de la impremta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "Qui va ser l'inventor", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "impremta", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8827, + "example": "A quina hora és la junta que tindré demà dimecres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "junta", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà dimecres", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2433, + "example": "Podries demanar un taxi?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1108, + "example": "La roomba, me l'actives?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_cleaning", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "roomba", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3020, + "example": "I si poses al jardí l'episodi que ve a continuació de \"cinestèsia\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "cinestèsia", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11150, + "example": "Quin dia cuinarem amb pebre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "pebre", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9917, + "example": "Indicar quan és l'aniversari de l'Oriol Junqueras.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "quan és l'aniversari", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Oriol Junqueras", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4109, + "example": "El mòbil del Víctor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_info", + "Text": "mòbil", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Víctor", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10078, + "example": "Busca les notícies més recents sobre activitats a la Casa Amèrica Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "activitats a la Casa Amèrica Barcelona", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1115, + "example": "Si us plau, a la llista \"punts\" em pots afegir-hi un ítem nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "punts", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "ítem nou", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11591, + "example": "Sí, absolutament.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_confirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9538, + "example": "Estaria bé escoltar la meva llista de reproducció.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8496, + "example": "Reservar un Cabify per ser passat demà a les dues al Castell de Cardona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Cabify", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Castell de Cardona", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2079, + "example": "Activa els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8690, + "example": "Ens suprimeixes la tieta Alícia de la llista de convidats al casament?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de convidats al casament", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "tieta Alícia", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5325, + "example": "Vull posar la meva contrasenya.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4793, + "example": "Han predit calamarsa per aquesta setmana a Santa Coloma de Gramenet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "calamarsa", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Santa Coloma de Gramenet", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9451, + "example": "Reprodueix un pòdcast de \"Crims\" a Google Podcast.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Crims", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Google Podcast", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10530, + "example": "Saps si hi ha floristeries per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "floristeries", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 86, + "example": "Fixar al calendari la cita de dilluns amb la doctora Miró.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Miró", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7543, + "example": "M'agradaria temperar la llum de l'oficina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9161, + "example": "L'estat de Facebook, el vull actualitzar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "actualitzar", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 133, + "example": "Em toca visita amb el metge de família el dijous 3 de febrer.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge de família", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous 3 de febrer", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9846, + "example": "Qui va inventar l'ala delta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "Qui va inventar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "ala delta", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4580, + "example": "Faran \"El riu de la ira\" el dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "El riu de la ira", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7899, + "example": "Substituir el color del llum led pel blau cel.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "blau cel", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4763, + "example": "Em sabries dir si el bar que més m'agrada té servei de cuina a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "bar", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "servei de cuina a domicili", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2431, + "example": "Vull un Lyft de nou a tres quarts de deu del matí de demà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Lyft", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "nou", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "tres quarts de deu del matí", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9546, + "example": "Mostra'm com es fa el bacallà gratinat amb allioli.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bacallà gratinat amb allioli", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9350, + "example": "Escoltar el meu àlbum de música preferit en repetició.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "repetició", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11265, + "example": "Mostra'm les notícies més recents sobre noves tendències a les xarxes socials.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "noves tendències a les xarxes socials", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 389, + "example": "Sentir una altra vegada el que has dit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 985, + "example": "Redueix el volum de la música.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11214, + "example": "Pots dir què menjarem per esmorzar avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "esmorzar", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3071, + "example": "Escoltar rock.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rock", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2985, + "example": "Posar els meus pòdcasts preferits.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7180, + "example": "Indica'm com s'arriba al restaurant Miramar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "restaurant Miramar", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2969, + "example": "Em podries programar al calendari el concert que tinc amb l'Eva?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "concert", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Eva", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7919, + "example": "Canvia'm a roig el color dels llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "roig", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5176, + "example": "Quina va ser la reunió que vaig tenir el dimecres a Palafrugell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9597, + "example": "En aquests moments hi ha tràfic per Cubelles?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "En aquests moments", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cubelles", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10914, + "example": "Em podries dir en quin moment del dia em toca la pomada de les cremades?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "pomada de les cremades", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11546, + "example": "Entesos.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6562, + "example": "Anota que cada dotze hores m'he de prendre un Gelocatil.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada dotze hores", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "Gelocatil", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5814, + "example": "S'està inundant el meu carrer, pots fer un truc a Protecció Civil, si us plau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "S'està inundant el meu carrer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Protecció Civil", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2621, + "example": "Aquest estat puja'l a Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "puja'l", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4857, + "example": "L'afluència dels vehicles per sortit de Granollers com estarà el dijous?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Granollers", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6132, + "example": "Necessito saber quin és el telèfon de contacte del centre de dia de Montblanc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "centre de dia", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon de contacte", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montblanc", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6800, + "example": "Reserva una taula per a mi i la Mercè a una arrosseria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Mercè", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "arrosseria", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9004, + "example": "Mostra'm en quin dia va caure el 24 de juny.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "24 de juny", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3816, + "example": "Quin berenar em puc preparar que tingui fruita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "ingredient", + "Text": "fruita", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1423, + "example": "La intensitat de la llum es podria pujar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightup", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2157, + "example": "Pots activar el llum del jardí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "jardí", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4539, + "example": "On projecten \"Transformers\" demà a Sabadell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Transformers", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2301, + "example": "Voldria enviar un missatge de correu electrònic a dracsigripaus@gmail.com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "dracsigripaus@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3033, + "example": "Ens podries posar una cançoneta d'El Canto del Loco a l'entrada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "El Canto del Loco", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "entrada", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 478, + "example": "Ho has fet bé.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11244, + "example": "Hi ha croquetes avui per dinar?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "dinar", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "croquetes", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6234, + "example": "Quina és la validesa del certificat COVID?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Quina és la validesa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat COVID", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11839, + "example": "Bloca't del tot i para.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5468, + "example": "Enviar la direcció del lloc on estic a la meva cosina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva cosina", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6129, + "example": "Informa'm de quins són els horaris de l'institut odontològic de Montblanc.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horaris", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "institut odontològic", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Montblanc", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2275, + "example": "Pots enviar al Pol un correu electrònic amb la frase \"hi ha poca disponibilitat de cita prèvia per renovar el passaport\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pol", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_content", + "Text": "hi ha poca disponibilitat de cita prèvia per renovar el passaport", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 119 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5984, + "example": "Com puc saber el número de col·legiat del doctor Jacint Guzmán.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "número de col·legiat", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctor Jacint Guzmán", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8900, + "example": "Ensenya'm el contacte que tinc guardat de ma mare.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "ma mare", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11191, + "example": "Tenim ous ferrats amb cansalada per demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "ous ferrats amb cansalada", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3731, + "example": "Serà necessari que agafi les botes d'aigua demà a la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "Serà necessari que agafi les botes d'aigua", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "demà a la tarda", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10341, + "example": "Descobrir el tipus de música que s'està reproduint.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "el tipus de música", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "que s'està reproduint", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2288, + "example": "Em fas arribar a davantalspomesipatates@hotmail.com un correu electrònic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_send", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "davantalspomesipatates@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6075, + "example": "Quan puc anar a la biblioteca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Quan puc anar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11355, + "example": "Digues-me quan tinc visita a l'oftalmòleg.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "oftalmòleg", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9351, + "example": "Posar el meu tema preferit dels Blind Guardian.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferit", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Blind Guardian", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3200, + "example": "Pots tocar-me la cançó \"Punto y aparte\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Punto y aparte", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2583, + "example": "Ens podries posar un cafè amb llet descafeïnat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "cafè amb llet descafeïnat", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2395, + "example": "Et fa res comprar-me un bitllet de tren urgent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1002, + "example": "M'abaixes la claredat de la bombeta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 1190, + "example": "Per la setmana que ve m'afegeixes que tinc una reunió amb l'Albert Belloch per revisar els plànols.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Albert Belloch", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "revisar els plànols", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5926, + "example": "On està l'Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "On està", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2865, + "example": "Prepara una alarma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11738, + "example": "No em fa res.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_dontcare", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2783, + "example": "T'importaria xapar la boca unes hores?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_mute", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "unes hores", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2389, + "example": "Podries comprar el bitllet del tren d'aquest migdia cap a l'Hospitalet de Llobregat sortint des de Tarragona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "aquest migdia", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Hospitalet de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 99, + "End_char": 108 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10330, + "example": "Mira, necessito que em mostris quina cançó és la que està sonant ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant ara mateix", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8588, + "example": "Esborra'm de l'agenda la cita amb la Judit per anar cap a Sevilla.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "anar cap a Sevilla", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Judit", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2071, + "example": "Encén el llum del pati.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "pati", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 860, + "example": "Pots informar-me sobre el reportatge de l'enfrontament entre Armènia i Azerbaidjan al diari \"El Punt Avui\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "reportatge de l'enfrontament entre Armènia i Azerbaidjan", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "El Punt Avui", + "Start_char": 93, + "End_char": 105 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3423, + "example": "Em mostres com es defineix el concepte de roquet?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "roquet", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3132, + "example": "Em podries tocar una cançoneta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10331, + "example": "En aquest moment quina tonada tinc posada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quina tonada", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "tinc posada", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10903, + "example": "Mostra'm el xarop que prenc cada vuit hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "xarop", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_frequency", + "Text": "cada vuit hores", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11783, + "example": "Podries apagar-te durant una miqueta?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10759, + "example": "Crec que he rebut telegrams nous d'en Pau fa vint minuts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "message_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Pau", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_type", + "Text": "telegrams", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "message_detail", + "Text": "nous", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "vint minuts", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 848, + "example": "Em pots dir si a \"Radio 5\" hi ha notícies noves?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Radio 5", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9160, + "example": "Posa \"m'acabo de comprar un ordinador nou\" d'estat al Facebook.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Posa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "m'acabo de comprar un ordinador nou", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3237, + "example": "Em pots punxar la cançó \"Blue tack\" després d'aquesta que estàs reproduint en aquests moments?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "song_name", + "Text": "Blue tack", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "order", + "Text": "després d'aquesta que estàs reproduint en aquests moments", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7663, + "example": "Seria possible enregistrar per dimarts a l'agenda que tinc una reunió amb el Guillem Genebat per les obres de la piscina municipal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Guillem Genebat", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 92 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6021, + "example": "On està situada la Farmàcia Nadal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Farmàcia Nadal", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "On està situada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1721, + "example": "Si al fus horari de Tòquio són les dues, saps quina hora és al fus horari d'Amèrica/El Salvador?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "fus horari d'Amèrica/El Salvador", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Tòquio", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8004, + "example": "Suavitza l'àudio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2120, + "example": "Llums connectats.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11831, + "example": "Fes-me un favor i parat, si us plau.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9408, + "example": "Punxa'm música rap.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rap", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5897, + "example": "Fan proves de malalties de transmissió sexual al CAP d'Oliana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "Fan proves de malalties de transmissió sexual", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "CAP", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Oliana", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4306, + "example": "Em dius quin és l'oreig de la setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "oreig", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9502, + "example": "Voldria escoltar alguna melodia per estar content que m'agradés molt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "per estar content", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "m'agradés molt", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3681, + "example": "Com es diu l'autor de \"Solitud\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "concept_detail", + "Text": "Com es diu l'autor", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "concept", + "Text": "Solitud", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7133, + "example": "Posa'm Desdelsofà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "app_launch", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Desdelsofà", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5772, + "example": "Trucar a la UdL per telèfon.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "UdL", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10529, + "example": "Em saps dir si hi ha carnisseries al meu voltant on venguin productes halal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "carnisseries", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "al meu voltant", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "venguin productes halal", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11363, + "example": "M'agradaria que em diguessis dia i hora de la cita programada amb la doctora Nàdia Santacana.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Nàdia Santacana", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6928, + "example": "Ensenya-li a l'Arlet la meva localització durant 1 minut.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Arlet", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "1 minut", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8629, + "example": "Vull esborrar l'entrada d'aquest mes del calendari.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest mes", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5751, + "example": "M'agradaria que em posessis en contacte per telèfon amb la secretaria del Campus Sescelades.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "secretaria del Campus Sescelades", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11099, + "example": "La Beth ha pujat un vídeo a TikTok en aquest instant?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Beth", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "TikTok", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11634, + "example": "Explica-m'ho millor.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_explain", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11140, + "example": "Mira'm el menú de dissabte per sopar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meal", + "Text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10132, + "example": "M'agradaria descobrir què conté la llista \"millors cafeteries de Gràcia\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "millors cafeteries de Gràcia", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1951, + "example": "Suprimeixes l'alerta que hi ha per diumenge a la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la nit", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11559, + "example": "Home, és clar!", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_affirm", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9254, + "example": "M'agradaria posar un avís al calendari del ple de l'Ajuntament que tinc dimarts vinent a dos quarts i mig d'onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "ple de l'Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts vinent", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts i mig d'onze", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10477, + "example": "Em dius si el Burger King que més m'agrada té servei de takeaway?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "Burger King", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "servei de takeaway", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "més m'agrada", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8443, + "example": "Encarregar alguna cosa per sopar per endur; em ve de gust mexicà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "mexicà", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5640, + "example": "Desitjaria que fessis una trucada al meu psiquiatre.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "psiquiatre", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9553, + "example": "Em pots dir quina és la recepta del bacallà amb samfaina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "cooking_recipe", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "bacallà amb samfaina", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8666, + "example": "Pots carregar-te la reunió de socis que tinc a les sis de la tarda de demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió de socis", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11234, + "example": "Hi entra la beguda al menú d'avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "menu_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8698, + "example": "Eliminar la Montserrat Caballé de la llista de cantants preferides.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llista de cantants preferides", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Montserrat Caballé", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5227, + "example": "Necessito ajuda per demanar hora per a vacunar-me.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "procedure", + "Text": "demanar hora per a vacunar-me", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4884, + "example": "M'ensenyes l'estat del trànsit per sortir de Castelldefels a les cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Castelldefels", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8185, + "example": "Necessitaria comprar un bitllet pel tren que surt a dos quarts de cinc de Palautordera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dos quarts de cinc", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palautordera", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7949, + "example": "Necessito incrementar el volum un 75%.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11465, + "example": "El 678983421, desa'l com Tirso Molina.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Tirso Molina", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "phone_number", + "Text": "678983421", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3013, + "example": "Podríem reproduir l'episodi que ve a continuació del \"Tot costa\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Tot costa", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9527, + "example": "Sentir la meva llista de reproducció \"Música Medieval i de Fantasia\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "playlist_name", + "Text": "Música Medieval i de Fantasia", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11397, + "example": "Pots mirar si divendres tinc metge?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "health_provider", + "Text": "metge", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8637, + "example": "Pots cancel·lar-nos tot el que tenim planificat a París demà a les deu?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "París", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8278, + "example": "Vull el tiquet de tren del dissabte amb arribada a les onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9061, + "example": "La ràdio posa-la.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6391, + "example": "De la meva targeta sanitària, necessito que em diguis quan caducarà.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta sanitària", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quan caducarà", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9762, + "example": "A quina hora passa el ferrocarril que va cap a Sant Feliu de Llobregat passat demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sant Feliu de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "passat demà", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10185, + "example": "Digue'm si la Bruna ha publicat un comentari al meu canal de YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Bruna", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10197, + "example": "Vull saber què es cou a Facebook en aquests moments.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Facebook", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4319, + "example": "L'oreig d'aquesta setmana, el saps?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "oreig", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9344, + "example": "Posa les meves cançons preferides mentre em dono una dutxa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferides", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4770, + "example": "Hi ha núvols a Sant Carles de la Ràpita?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "núvols", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Sant Carles de la Ràpita", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6483, + "example": "Què és més lluny de casa: el cine Verdi o Cinemes Aribau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "compare_places", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Verdi", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Cinemes Aribau", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_detail", + "Text": "Què és més lluny de casa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3269, + "example": "Continua amb l'audiollibre \"Esperant el diluvi\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_audiobook", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "audiobook_name", + "Text": "Esperant el diluvi", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6311, + "example": "Com s'ha quedat el marcador de l'últim partit de la Copa de la Reina?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_sports", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "match", + "Text": "últim partit de la Copa de la Reina", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9923, + "example": "Necessito saber la sèrie preferida del Sergi Roberto.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "sèrie preferida", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Sergi Roberto", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10252, + "example": "Em confirmes si hi ha calamarsa en aquest moment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "en aquest moment", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "calamarsa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9663, + "example": "Quanta estona li falta a la fideuà amb cloïsses perquè estigui llesta per recollir?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "fideuà amb cloïsses", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6743, + "example": "Voldria reservar a un restaurant de cuina catalana a Barcelona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "cuina catalana", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7976, + "example": "Podries minvar el volum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9240, + "example": "Fes-me saber que el cap de setmana estic de vacances a Lleida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "vacances", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1113, + "example": "Em pots inserir un nou ítem a la llista anomenada \"torneig\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_createoradd", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "torneig", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "nou ítem", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6972, + "example": "El vídeo que tant m'agrada, reprodueix-lo ara.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "m'agrada", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6903, + "example": "Envia la meva ubicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5973, + "example": "Saps si la doctora Camí visita els dimecres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "doctora Camí", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "visita els dimecres", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2687, + "example": "Em pots dir a quin llistat està posat l'ítem \"Dragonheart\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "Dragonheart", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7886, + "example": "Seria possible que em traguessis tots els esdeveniments que tinc anotats al calendari?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 11339, + "example": "Em dius quan toca visitar-me amb el doctor Adell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctor Adell", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8062, + "example": "Què et contes?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 681, + "example": "Quina és l'hora de la cita de collir bolets la setmana que ve?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "collir bolets", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2902, + "example": "Et faria res posar al despatx l'emissora \"RAC105\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "despatx", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "radio_name", + "Text": "RAC105", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7896, + "example": "Passa'm les bombetes a color vermell.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "vermell", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10360, + "example": "Saber el tipus de música que s'està reproduint ara mateix.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "el tipus de música", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "s'està reproduint ara mateix", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8100, + "example": "Bon dia i bona hora, bona mort quan sigui l'hora.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_greet", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8664, + "example": "Pots esborrar la celebració de Hanukkà del mes que ve de l'agenda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració de Hanukkà", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8860, + "example": "Vull saber si tinc alguna reunió arranjada a Riudebitlles amb l'Helena cap al migdia.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Riudebitlles", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Helena", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "al migdia", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10510, + "example": "Voldria que em diguessis tots els forns de pa que facin servir productes de kilòmetre zero de la meva zona.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "forns de pa", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "facin servir productes de kilòmetre zero", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 106 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 333, + "example": "El que has dit, torna-ho a dir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_repeat", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2217, + "example": "M'encens la ràdio a la sala?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3917, + "example": "Dotze dividit entre quaranta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "Dotze dividit entre quaranta", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5396, + "example": "Vull agafar el metro per arribar a Plaça Catalunya, digue'm com.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "metro", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Plaça Catalunya", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2119, + "example": "Engegar els llums.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lighton", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 5190, + "example": "Podries dir-me quines cites tinc el dimecres de cinc a nou del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "cites", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "cinc", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "nou del matí", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5756, + "example": "Trucar, si us plau, al museu d'Història dels Jueus.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "museu d'Història dels Jueus", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2506, + "example": "En una hora recorda'm que tinc birres amb els amics.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "En una hora", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "birres", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "els amics", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4881, + "example": "En aquest mateix moment, hi ha trànsit per Martorell?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "En aquest mateix moment", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Martorell", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3778, + "example": "Busca'm si he d'anar a la biblioteca a estudiar física quàntica demà passat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "estudiar física quàntica", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà passat", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1593, + "example": "Modifica el color de les bombetes.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 8706, + "example": "Carrega't el llistat de regals.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "llistat de regals", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10922, + "example": "Em pots confirmar si la crema em toca posar-me-la a les onze del matí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "crema", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze del matí", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4165, + "example": "Què tinc planejat a l'agenda pel dia d'avui a un quart de dues del migdia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "un quart de dues del migdia", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5716, + "example": "Hauria de fer una trucada a la Clínica Bofill Girona Centre, pots?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_medicalService", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Clínica Bofill Girona Centre", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8410, + "example": "Que ens podem demanar alguna cosa del Healthy Burrito per sopar a casa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Healthy Burrito", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7301, + "example": "Anota el nou correu electrònic d'en Julià.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Julià", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7803, + "example": "Desconnecta el llum.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightoff", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7500, + "example": "Em vull alçar a les sis i mitja el dijous.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis i mitja", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1980, + "example": "Ens treus l'alarma que vam configurar de dilluns a dijous a les cinc de la matinada?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_end", + "Text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc de la matinada", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9872, + "example": "Em pots calcular l'arrel quadrada de vint-i-tres?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_maths", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "math_operation", + "Text": "arrel quadrada de vint-i-tres", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10392, + "example": "Em pots dir quins temes tinc marcats amb un m'\"agrada\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "quins temes tinc marcats amb un m'\"agrada\"", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9374, + "example": "M'agradaria escoltar una cançoneta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2367, + "example": "Obtenir un bitllet pel tren dels Llacs.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_ticket", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "tren", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Llacs", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7653, + "example": "M'agradaria arranjar una reunió avui amb l'Hug.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "reunió", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Hug", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2605, + "example": "Et faria res fer-me un biberó?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "biberó", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5879, + "example": "Fer una trucada a Emergències Sanitàries.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Emergències Sanitàries", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8549, + "example": "Em cal un taxi per sortir de Palafrugell a les vuit del matí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit del matí", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3032, + "example": "Posa'm música de Justin Bieber.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Justin Bieber", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10886, + "example": "Durant quant de temps és vàlid el pla de medicació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "quant de temps és vàlid", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "pla de medicació", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4982, + "example": "Sobre quina hora està aquí el ferrocarril que va cap a Sants demà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferrocarril", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Sants", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3710, + "example": "En aquest instant plou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "plou", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "aquest instant", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7046, + "example": "Veure un altre cop vídeos de gats a YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_descriptor", + "Text": "de gats", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4328, + "example": "Quina activitat hi haurà a Flix durant el cap de setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Flix", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9424, + "example": "Podries reproduir el pòdcast d'\"Unwritten\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Unwritten", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1551, + "example": "Podries repetir el hit anterior?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_settings", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "player_setting", + "Text": "repetir", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1816, + "example": "Podries eliminar la revisió de l'oli del cotxe del dimecres vinent a les onze?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "revisió de l'oli del cotxe", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimecres vinent", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2167, + "example": "Et faria res connectar el lladre elèctric intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "lladre elèctric intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3633, + "example": "Aquesta tarda quan tornava de l'oficina m'he trobat amb un antic professor de l'institut al qual anava.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2203, + "example": "Connectaries la ràdio?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_radio", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4415, + "example": "S'estrena alguna pel·lícula de ciència-ficció a Truffaut aquest dimecres de dues a quatre?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "ciència-ficció", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Truffaut", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "aquest dimecres", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "dues", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "quatre", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8425, + "example": "Vull encarregar dos biquinis.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "biquinis", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2825, + "example": "Necessito que facis una piulada mencionant el servei d'atenció al client de Carrefour dient \"porto dues setmanes esperant que arribi la meva fregidora d'aire i encara no en sé res d'ella, lladres més que lladres\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "facis una piulada", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "servei d'atenció al client de Carrefour", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "porto dues setmanes esperant que arribi la meva fregidora d'aire i encara no en sé res d'ella, lladres més que lladres", + "Start_char": 93, + "End_char": 211 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5291, + "example": "Què he de fer per aconseguir la carta de vacunació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "carta de vacunació", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Què he de fer per aconseguir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9382, + "example": "Reprodueix musiqueta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9637, + "example": "Va bé el meu confit d'ànec per recollir-lo?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "confit d'ànec", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "Tag": "order_type", + "Text": "per recollir-lo", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9949, + "example": "Em comproves les alertes que tenim configurades per aquest cap de setmana?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2706, + "example": "Et bloques uns minuts?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_commandstop", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3521, + "example": "Aquest tema de música rock l'odio.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "rock", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2027, + "example": "Encarrega menjar per emportar.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6935, + "example": "Necessito compartir la meva ubicació amb la meva cosina durant set hores.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "la meva cosina", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_duration", + "Text": "set hores", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8415, + "example": "Ves a Deliveroo i demana alguna cosa asiàtica", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "asiàtica", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Deliveroo", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7190, + "example": "Parla'm del camí a fer per anar a la biblioteca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "biblioteca", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2039, + "example": "Seria possible demanar croissants a domicili?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "croissants", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6154, + "example": "Quin és el correu electrònic de l'Ajuntament de Vic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9183, + "example": "Preparar un caputxí.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_coffee", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "coffee_type", + "Text": "caputxí", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4649, + "example": "Em saps dir quins mercats del meu voltant tenen lloc pels nens?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "mercats", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "del meu voltant", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_detail", + "Text": "tenen lloc pels nens", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6111, + "example": "Em pots informar de quin horari té el teatre de Manresa?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "teatre", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "horari", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Manresa", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8679, + "example": "Del llistat \"coses per fer abans dels trenta\" treu-ne veure Els Catarres en concert.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_remove", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "coses per fer abans dels trenta", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "item", + "Text": "veure Els Catarres en concert.", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3716, + "example": "Em mostres si a la localitat on visc fa boira avui?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "boira", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "on visc", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6197, + "example": "És gratuït el certificat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "És gratuït", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "certificat", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10028, + "example": "M'agradaria saber quines novetats hi ha sobre Lomachenko que surt al diari \"Agència Catalana de Notícies\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_topic", + "Text": "Lomachenko", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "Agència Catalana de Notícies", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10496, + "example": "Hi ha cap pastisseria per la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "pastisseria", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4589, + "example": "Que posaran \"La ventafocs\" al cinema del costat demà durant la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "La ventafocs", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "costat", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "demà", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la tarda", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4363, + "example": "Com es diu la fira d'herbes que fan a Vilanova de Sau?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "fira d'herbes", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Vilanova de Sau", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1616, + "example": "Et faria res canviar el color del llum?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4868, + "example": "M'expliques com està el trànsit per entrar a Granollers a les cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Granollers", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les cinc", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 959, + "example": "Fes el favor de posar els bafles menys forts.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_down", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2875, + "example": "Posa'm una alarma.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 3745, + "example": "Digue'm si diumenge a les dues de la tarda hi haurà molta humitat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les dues de la tarda", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "humitat", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4434, + "example": "Hi ha alguna pel·li d'estrena de ciència-ficció dimarts 22 a les deu de la nit?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "movie_type", + "Text": "estrena de ciència-ficció", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "dimarts 22", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les deu de la nit", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3452, + "example": "Explica'm algun acudit.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_joke", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2170, + "example": "Que ens podries engegar l'endoll del passadís principal?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "passadís principal", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11985, + "example": "Podries posar al safareig una cançó de Metallica?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "safareig", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "artist_name", + "Text": "Metallica", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3984, + "example": "Si tinc un kyat a quant equivalen en yens?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_currency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "currency_source", + "Text": "un kyat", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "currency_target", + "Text": "yens", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2645, + "example": "Fes una piulada a Twitter mencionant Coca-Cola amb el text \"una Coca-Cola Zero amb gel em dona la vida\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Fes una piulada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "media_type", + "Text": "Twitter", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Coca-Cola", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "una Coca-Cola Zero amb gel em dona la vida", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6786, + "example": "He de reservar una taula a una pizzeria.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "book restaurant", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "restaurant_type", + "Text": "pizzeria", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10296, + "example": "A la zona horària Amèrica/Tijuana vull saber quina hora tenen.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "zona horària Amèrica/Tijuana", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5444, + "example": "Indica a la Marta quina és la meva ubicació.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10850, + "example": "Què hi ha després de la mort?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 6353, + "example": "La targeta Cuida'm caduca?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "targeta Cuida'm", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "caduca", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10238, + "example": "Fa boira actualment?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "weather_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "actualment", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "Tag": "weather_descriptor", + "Text": "boira", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8471, + "example": "M'agradaria sol·licitar un Uber per arribar fins a Piera.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_taxi", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_agency", + "Text": "Uber", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Piera", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7892, + "example": "Canviar la coloració de les bombetes a taronja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "taronja", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 4913, + "example": "En aquest mateix moment hi ha trànsit per anar a Gavà?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_traffic", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "En aquest mateix moment", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Gavà", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7655, + "example": "He quedat per prendre alguna cosa amb el Joan el dia 24 d'abril a les nou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "24 d'abril", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les nou", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "prendre alguna cosa", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 113, + "example": "Vull que prenguis nota de la visita amb la doctora Crespi de la setmana que ve.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medicalAppointment_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "la setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "doctora Crespi", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7891, + "example": "Pots posar-me la làmpada vermella?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "vermella", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9924, + "example": "Vull que em diguis si sap parlar anglès la Clàudia Dasca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_factoid", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "personal_detail", + "Text": "sap parlar anglès", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Clàudia Dasca", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2011, + "example": "Demana una ració de sopa bullabessa per emportar al Celler de Can Roca.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "takeaway_order", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "food_type", + "Text": "sopa bullabessa", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "Celler de Can Roca", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7549, + "example": "El led de la cuina disminueix-lo.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightdim", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "room_type", + "Text": "cuina", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6439, + "example": "Està actualitzada la meva TSI?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_procedures", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "document", + "Text": "TSI", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "Tag": "document_detail", + "Text": "Està actualitzada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6549, + "example": "Prendre l'antibiòtic abans d'anar a dormir, recorda-m'ho.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "medReminder_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "abans d'anar a dormir", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "Tag": "meds", + "Text": "antibiòtic", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6997, + "example": "Reprodueix-nos \"Nissaga de poder\" a YouTube.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_video", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "video_platform", + "Text": "YouTube", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "Tag": "video_name", + "Text": "Nissaga de poder", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7315, + "example": "Desa que l'email de la mare és marraqueta@marraqueta.es.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "contact_add", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "mare", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "email_address", + "Text": "marraqueta@marraqueta.es", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10297, + "example": "Digues quina hora és a la zona horària UTC+9.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "zona horària UTC+9", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9049, + "example": "He quedat amb l'Adriana al restaurant a les onze.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "quedat", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Adriana", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "restaurant", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 3540, + "example": "Aquesta cançó és la mar d'avorrida.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 9476, + "example": "Em ve de gust sentir \"Action science theater\" a Spotify.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_podcasts", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "podcast_name", + "Text": "Action science theater", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "Tag": "app_name", + "Text": "Spotify", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 528, + "example": "Pots iniciar un joc nou?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4632, + "example": "Hi ha pastisseries per aquí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_locations", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "business_type", + "Text": "pastisseries", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "aquí", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8815, + "example": "La cançó que sona no la vull tornar a sentir.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "sona", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5804, + "example": "Fer una trucada a la Guàrdia Urbana, ja que he tingut un accident de cotxe.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "call_emergency", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "Guàrdia Urbana", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "Tag": "situation", + "Text": "he tingut un accident de cotxe", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7905, + "example": "Modificar el color de les bombetes a taronja.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_hue_lightchange", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "color_type", + "Text": "taronja", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 7519, + "example": "Els divendres podries configurar una alarma a les vuit i cinc?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "alarm_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_frequency", + "Text": "Els divendres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les vuit i cinc", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 8803, + "example": "No puc suportar ni un segon més la cançó que està sonant.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "music_dislikeness", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "està sonant", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 569, + "example": "Em faria gràcia fer una partida al \"Subway surfer\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Subway surfer", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 724, + "example": "Em pots dir el significat d'acròstic?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_definition", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "definition_word", + "Text": "acròstic", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 232, + "example": "Consideres que tens vida pròpia?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_quirky", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 4585, + "example": "Fan de vuit a deu \"Alcarràs\" al costat?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_movies", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "vuit", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_end", + "Text": "deu", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "movie_name", + "Text": "Alcarràs", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "costat", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9357, + "example": "Reprodueix el meu estil preferit: música folk.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "music_detail", + "Text": "preferit", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "music_genre", + "Text": "folk", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 2179, + "example": "I si ens encens l'endoll intel·ligent?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_on", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endoll intel·ligent", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1652, + "example": "Podries dir quina hora és a UTC -3 si al fus horari de Corea del Nord són les sis de la tarda?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "UTC -3", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Corea del Nord", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les sis de la tarda", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 11910, + "example": "Quin disbarat.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_negate", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 10662, + "example": "M'informes sobre si fan alguna festa a la nit per la meva zona?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "recommendation_events", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_type", + "Text": "festa", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "time_range", + "Text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "la meva zona", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 584, + "example": "Tinc ganes d'entretenir-me amb els \"Simant\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_game", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "game_name", + "Text": "Simant", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9375, + "example": "M'agradaria sentir alguna cançó.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "play_music", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7678, + "example": "Registra l'agenda que durant el cap de setmana tinc concentració gegantera amb la Magda Marineta.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "date_range", + "Text": "el cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "concentració gegantera", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Magda Marineta", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 5353, + "example": "Podries donar-me indicacions per anar a l'estació?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_directions", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "estació", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6092, + "example": "Buscar el telèfon de l'oficina de serveis socials de Salou.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "qa_service", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "service_detail", + "Text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "Tag": "service", + "Text": "oficina de serveis socials", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10123, + "example": "Em pots dir què s'inclou en la llista \"Bionicle\"?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "lists_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "list_name", + "Text": "Bionicle", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9746, + "example": "Ves a buscar els horaris dels ferros que passen avui per Cerdanyola.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "transport_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "transport_type", + "Text": "ferros", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "Tag": "date", + "Text": "avui", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Cerdanyola", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 470, + "example": "Ets admirable.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "general_praise", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 7762, + "example": "M'agradaria que m'apaguessis els endolls intel·ligents.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "iot_wemo_off", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "device_type", + "Text": "endolls intel·ligents", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10288, + "example": "A quina hora estan a la ciutat de Potosí?", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "Potosí", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 10043, + "example": "Notícies de \"8TV\" recents; digues-me-les.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "news_query", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "news_source", + "Text": "8TV", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 9060, + "example": "Voldria programar una celebració amb el papa.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "calendar_set", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "event_name", + "Text": "celebració", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "Tag": "relationship", + "Text": "papa", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 6944, + "example": "Comparteix la meva ubicació amb l'Àlex.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "share_currentLocation", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "person", + "Text": "Àlex", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1694, + "example": "Podries convertir al fus horari de Pacífic Honolulu les onze AM dels Estats Units Alaska.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "datetime_convert", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "location", + "Text": "fus horari de Pacífic Honolulu", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "Tag": "time", + "Text": "les onze AM", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "Tag": "location_end", + "Text": "Estats Units Alaska", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + } + }, + { + "id": 1345, + "example": "Necessito el volum un pèl més alt.", + "annotation": { + "intent": "audio_volume_up", + "slots": [] + } + }, + { + "id": 2796, + "example": "Fer una piulada a l'atenció al client d'Amazon on posi \"m'ha arribat la caixa del Mario Odyssey sense el cartutx del joc\".", + "annotation": { + "intent": "social_post", + "slots": [ + { + "Tag": "action_type", + "Text": "Fer una piulada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "Tag": "business_name", + "Text": "atenció al client d'Amazon", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "Tag": "post_content", + "Text": "m'ha arribat la caixa del Mario Odyssey sense el cartutx del joc", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 120 + } + ] + } + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file