# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import hashlib import json import shutil import tempfile from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path from zipfile import is_zipfile, ZipFile import requests from loguru import logger from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry from tqdm import tqdm from .definitions import DataGroups, NYMERIA_VERSION class DlConfig(Enum): CHUCK_SIZE_BYTE = 8192 READ_BYTE = 4096 RETRY = 5 BACKOFF_FACTOR = 3 class DlStatus(Enum): UNKNOWN = None SUCCESS = "success" IGNORED = "ignored, file already downloaded" WARN_NOTFOUND = "warning, missing download link" ERR_SHA1SUM = "error, sha1sum mismatch" ERR_MEMORY = "error, insufficient disk space" ERR_NETWORK = "error, network" @dataclass class DlLink: filename: str sha1sum: str file_size_bytes: int download_url: str data_group: DataGroups status: DlStatus = DlStatus.UNKNOWN def __post_init__(self) -> None: prefix = f"Nymeria_{NYMERIA_VERSION}_" if prefix not in self.filename: self.status = ( f"Version mismatch with the release {NYMERIA_VERSION}. " f"Please download the latest url json" ) raise ValueError(self.status) self.filename = self.filename.replace(prefix, "") @property def seq_name(self) -> str: return "_".join(self.filename.split("_")[0:6]) @property def logdir(self) -> str: return "logs" def __check_outdir(self, outdir: Path) -> None: assert ( outdir.name == self.seq_name ), f"Output directory name ({outdir.name}) mismatch with sequence {self.seq_name}" outdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) def get(self, outdir: Path, ignore_existing: bool = True) -> None: """This function throws error if not successful""" flag = outdir / self.logdir / self.data_group.name if flag.is_file() and ignore_existing: self.status = DlStatus.IGNORED return self.__check_outdir(outdir) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: tmp_filename = Path(tmpdir) / self.filename logger.info(f"Download {self.filename} -> {tmp_filename}") session = requests.Session() """ Retry will be triggered for the following cases (429) Too Many Requests (500) Internal Server Error (502) Bad Gateway (503) Service Unavailable (504) Gateway Timeout """ retries = Retry( total=DlConfig.RETRY.value, backoff_factor=DlConfig.BACKOFF_FACTOR.value, status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504], ) session.mount("https://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) with session.get(self.download_url, stream=True) as r: free_outdir = shutil.disk_usage(outdir).free free_tmpdir = shutil.disk_usage(tmpdir).free if ( free_outdir < self.file_size_bytes or free_tmpdir < self.file_size_bytes ): self.status = DlStatus.ERR_MEMORY raise RuntimeError( "Insufficient disk space. " f"Require {self.file_size_bytes}B, " f"tmpdir availabel {free_tmpdir}B, outdir available {free_outdir}B" ) with open(tmp_filename, "wb") as f: sha1 = hashlib.sha1() progress_bar = tqdm( total=self.file_size_bytes, unit="iB", unit_scale=True ) for chunk in r.iter_content( chunk_size=DlConfig.CHUCK_SIZE_BYTE.value ): progress_bar.update(len(chunk)) f.write(chunk) sha1.update(chunk) computed = sha1.hexdigest() if self.sha1sum != computed: self.status = DlStatus.ERR_SHA1SUM raise RuntimeError( f"sha1sum mismatch, computed {computed}, expected {self.sha1sum}" ) progress_bar.close() try: r.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: self.status = DlStatus.ERR_NETWORK raise RuntimeError(e) # move from tmp -> dst if is_zipfile(tmp_filename): logger.info("unzip") with ZipFile(tmp_filename) as zf: zf.extractall(outdir) else: dst_file = outdir / self.data_group.value dst_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) shutil.move(src=tmp_filename, dst=dst_file) logger.info(f"Download {self.filename} -> {outdir}") self.status = DlStatus.SUCCESS # create a flag flag.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True) flag.touch() class DownloadManager: def __init__(self, url_json: Path, out_rootdir: Path) -> None: self.url_json = url_json assert self.url_json.is_file(), f"{self.url_json} not found" self.out_rootdir = out_rootdir self.out_rootdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) with open(self.url_json, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) self._sequences = data.get("sequences", {}) assert len( self._sequences ), "No sequence found. Please check the json file is correct." self.__get_data_summary() self._logs = {} @property def sequences(self) -> dict[str, any]: return self._sequences @property def logfile(self) -> Path: return self.out_rootdir / "download_summary.json" def __get_data_summary(self): missing = {x.name: {"count": 0, "sequences": []} for x in DataGroups} for seq, dgs in self.sequences.items(): for dg in DataGroups: if dg.name not in dgs: missing[dg.name]["count"] += 1 missing[dg.name]["sequences"].append(seq) fname = self.logfile.with_name("data_summary.json") with open(fname, "w") as f: json.dump( { "missing_files": missing, "available_sequences": list(self.sequences.keys()), }, f, indent=2, ) logger.info(f"save data summary to {fname}") def __prepare( self, match_key: str, selected_groups: list["DataGroups"], ) -> set["DataGroups"]: selected_groups += [DataGroups.LICENSE, DataGroups.metadata_json] selected_groups = set(selected_groups) num_seqs = 0 total_gb = 0 self._logs = {} for seq, dgs in self.sequences.items(): if match_key not in seq: continue num_seqs += 1 self._logs[seq] = {} for dg in selected_groups: if dg.name not in dgs: self._logs[seq][dg.name] = DlStatus.WARN_NOTFOUND.value else: self._logs[seq][dg.name] = None dl = DlLink(**{**dgs.get(dg.name, {}), "data_group": dg}) total_gb += dl.file_size_bytes / (2**30) # populate confirmation msg msg = "\t" + "\n\t".join([x.value for x in selected_groups]) free_disk_gb = shutil.disk_usage(self.out_rootdir).free / (2**30) confirm = ( input( f"Download summary\n" f" Output rootdir: {self.out_rootdir}\n" f" Number sequences: {num_seqs}\n" f" Total memory (GB): {total_gb}\n" f" Available free disk space (GB): {free_disk_gb}\n" f" Selected data groups:\n{msg}\n" f"Proceed: [y/n] " ).lower() == "y" ) if not confirm: exit(1) return selected_groups def __logging(self, **kwargs) -> None: self._logs.update(**kwargs) with open(self.logfile, "w") as f: json.dump(self._logs, f, indent=2) def download( self, match_key: str, selected_groups: list["DataGroups"], ignore_existing: bool = True, ) -> None: selected_groups = self.__prepare(match_key, selected_groups) summary = {x.name: 0 for x in DlStatus} for seq_name, dgs in self.sequences.items(): if match_key not in seq_name: continue outdir = self.out_rootdir / seq_name for dg in selected_groups: if dg.name not in dgs: continue dl = DlLink(**{**dgs[dg.name], "data_group": dg}) try: dl.get(outdir, ignore_existing=ignore_existing) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"downloading failure:, {e}") summary[dl.status.name] += 1 self._logs[dl.seq_name][dl.data_group.name] = dl.status.value self.__logging() self.__logging(download_summary=summary) logger.info(f"Dataset download to {self.out_rootdir}") logger.info(f"Brief download summary: {json.dumps(summary, indent=2)}") logger.info(f"Detailed summary saved to {self.logfile}")