Which level of prepration is enough for the exam jlpt5? How do you control your horniness? What can cause stool to come out as little balls? What do i do after my MBBS ? Would a second airport in Sydney, Australia be needed if a high-speed rail link was created between Melbourne and Sydney? I don't beleive I am bulimic, but I force throw up atleast once a day after I eat something and feel guilty. Should I tell somebody, and if so who? How do you become an air traffic controller? What are the top self help books I should read? University of the Philippines: If I take a second BFA in the UP College of Fine Arts, can I be exempted from gen. ed. or core subjects? How can I move to Jamaica? What is the county of Edgware and how does the lifestyle compare to the London Borough of Enfield? What will be Hilary Clinton's policy towards India if she become President? What is a qualified SAP ERP key user? Which is the best book for tensor calculus? "Why do a lot of theists and agnostics confuse mainstream atheistic thought with ""positive atheism""?" How can I go to Disneyland with little money? What are some cool hacks for Android phones? How can I contact Donald Knuth? What are some of the best motivational clips? What is the best way to reduce weight fast? If a die is rolled. what is the probability that the number on top is a 3? What is Morse code? What is the best backend for my app? What type of government does France currently have and how has it benefited the country? How does IQ test works? Is it safe or unsafe to use Xiaomi Products? What are some creative ideas for arranging a freshers' party? Which is the best book for cosmology? How much chances are there that NASA already knew that there is water on Mars? Why are the people on Staten Island are racist? How can I learn more about stocks? What are some good characteristics of the American culture? How do I spend my long weekend in an effective way? Why are the HTTPS sites not working? Why do people join ISIS? Has Ancient History been scientifically tested? Is it all real? Did it happen differently than we were told it did? Did it even happen at all? Which are some of the most beautiful houses around the world? Who is won indutal medal? What's the most important lesson about life? Which are the best recruiters for technology executives in the san diego Area? What is the best answer for 'Hmmm'? What is Trump's take on Edward Snowden? I got selected in Infosys via campus placement in September 2015 and received my letter of intent in June 2016. When can I expect the offer letter? How do I draw shear force and bending moment diagrams (strength of materials)? There is a good looking guy that acts like he is by boyfriend and that we have a thing. What does it mean? What would happen if ants disappeared from the Earth? Who are some artists with interesting or inspiring childhoods? What is the easiest way to learn java programming? Does the end justify the means? Will Narendra Modi win 400+ seat in L S 2019 ? What are the best websites for entrepreneur? What is the lead time for SSN4EGS411 board? Do any popular Quorans gain financially through Quora? What is the length of rebars on beams between slabs? What types of government did Aristotle want? What is the happiest thing about you? What is the saddest thing about you? Is it safe to travel through Italy? Are there any parallel universes? What is the difference between a virtual circuit and a circuit switch? What are some things people believe about Ireland but are laughably far from the truth? What are the different types of nuclear families? How do they all differ? How can I be more brave? What is Nuru massage? Why do so many people say Hillary Clinton is evil? I created a Telegram group but I could not find the option to Add Admins. Why? When/how did you realize you were gay/bisexual? Were you in denial? How do you reset your Yahoo! password? Do Tamils usually watch Malayalam movies? Why did you lose your virginity? What is Donald Trump's IQ? What are some good science documentaries? How did most creatures develop noses? What was the starting point? What do we use water for? Where do you want to spend your last days of life? Which technology will win the OLED vs LCD battle? How do I accept that I will always be alone? How do I get into IB india? What are some examples of typical bacteria? How can you overcome the depression, homesickness and anxiety of culture shock? Do employees at Pennsylvania REIT have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? What would happen if every human being can read the thoughts of all other human beings? Which is better Honda City or Maruti Ciaz? Can dreams come true? What are the advantages and disadvantages of 500 and 1000 rupees ban in India? What are the pros and cons of GitHub versus Bitbucket? What are the life lessons one can learn from Batman? What are startups? A polynomial leaves remainder [math]2[/math] when divided by [math]x-1[/math] and remainder [math]1[/math] when divided by [math]x-2[/math]. If the polynomial is divided by [math](x-1)(x-2)[/math], then what would be the remainder? When and how is mechanical energy not conserved? What is the Sahara, and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Registan Desert? Can gun control prevent a robbry? What are the ways of losing weight? What country has the most attractive women -- either in absolute terms or in density? What is your review of www.buttermyresume.com? How do I install Windows 10 on new Hard drive? How can I create a stage name? Did Hitler underestimate the jewish mafia-nation? Why are Laxmi, Saraswati, and Ganesha depicted together? How do trees grow in a zero gravity environment? What is the perception of Mikhail Gorbachev among Russians today? What is your review of South Indians? "What should I do if Quora marks my question as ""Needs Improvement""?" If I liked Skyrim, what other games would I like? What is the best way to meet new people? What is it like to live in the Chinatown or Nob Hill areas of San Francisco? What is Barack Obama doing now? Why is saltwater taffy candy imported in Austria? What is the business model for wooroll.com? What is your New Year Resolution for 2017? How do you get a job with a criminal record? What is the best way to meet women? What is the impact of Donald Trump's victory on Indian interests? What is the first reaction of a girl when a boy proposes? What is the difference between Javascript, JSP, Node.js and EJS? From where should I begin? Why is pewter so expensive, and how does its properties compare to those of aluminum? What are the best gifts ideas for sisters to give on this Raksha Bandhan? What will be my in Hand salary if I have? How can I continue to improve my English? How can I prepare for my interview? What steps can be taken by Indian Ministry of Tourism to improve foreign visitors coming to our country? What would be the effect of Trump's presidency on international Master's students who plan to work in the US after completing the degree? What are stars made out of? What companies are similar to IDEO? Which are the most modern courses in engineering? How should I lose weight? Is nearbuy shut down? How do foreigners who have settled in India feel about India? How do I recover my Gmail password when I don't remember my recovery mail ID? What is an explanation of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems suitable for a 10 year-old? Is it not normal to go out with friends? What is your thoughts on the theory that all of us living, is just the Earth being aware of itself? How do I post here? Where can I find some cool home decor products in USA? What is there to learn in photography? How is BIM trichy as compared to IIM Kashipur? What is the best book for DEV C++? What does it mean when I dream about somebody dying? μTorrent: How does VPN keep someone's identity anonymous when downloading torrents? How do I earn money in my free time? I am completing my 2nd year of computer engineering. I want to start my preparation for GATE 2017 (stream CS/IT). How do I start it now myself? How do I know if I can trust my business partner? Where Can My Small Business Capital Injection Come From? How are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches good for you? What are the best stocks to invest in 2015 for the Indian market? What are the different types of physics and what is and example of it in astronomy What are the most important things you should teach a kid? What is the difference between England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Britain, Great Britain, United Kingdom, the British Islands and the British Isles? "Does Facebook charge content sites to display a ""Post to Facebook"" button on their pages?" Can someone explain Newton's third law of motion? How do you distinguish the difference between micronutrients and macronutrients? What is best online coding bootcamp 2016? What does the daily schedule of those successful people look like? How do Americans view Vietnamese people? I got a python Kerberos module installation error. How can I fix it? How would you explain your stance on the TPP to the Prime Minister of Singapore who is in the USA now? What is 45 converted to a fraction? What is a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)? How bad can Trump's election as president be for students aspiring to study in US? What did Pope John Paul II accomplish? What will the government do with the old notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000? Following the Brexit decision, which companies are already moving their business away from the UK? Where is the oddest place you've had sex? What is credit score? Which are the best Hollywood movies of all time? What is the effect of black money on India's macro economy? What rank can I expect if I score 134 marks in wbJEE 2016 medical? Pepsi 500ml Contains only 250 calories. Why is it not allowed in a weight loss diet? What is difference between fact and opinion/view? I am currently in class 12th PCB. And I want to become a designer like interaction designer and want to work with Google. So what should I do? Will the corrupt politicians still have their black money safe in Swiss Bank even after the scrapping of old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 note? Why is greater than 80 km and less than 240 km considered as medium length transmission line? How should one prepare for campus placement? Do you think it is fair to compare Hannah Reid from London Grammar to Florence Welch? Which one is better to buy: Moto G3 or Samsung Galaxy J7? Can India develop faster if bigger states are divided into smaller states? What are the best places to hangout with friends in delhi? Why did America support Pakistan in the war of 1965? What is difference between self balanced binary search tree and AVL tree? What is the best way to learn Cyber Security? What are the best interview questions? How can technology help us? How could I make money online? How much distance do I need to run daily if I want to lose 1kg per week? What should I do when I don't know what exactly is the purpose of my existence? Would it be just as difficult, or maybe even more difficult, to make an irrational AI robot as it would be to make a rational one? What is the typical role of a brand manager? What are the challenges faced by Quora when choosing to use WebView for their mobile app? Is vacuum energy the same as dark energy? is it infinite? if it is, how and why? If you are unhappy with your current job, would you quit right away& find another job or wait until you find a job. What are the pros & cons of each? Which is the best smartphone right now and why? Has anyone overcome depression by themselves without external help? What would be the easiest popular website to code from scratch? Does green chai tea assist with weight loss? What is Best video player for pc? What Can happen to India if Donald Trump becomes president? How can I become Top Writer on Quora, what should I care most in this process? What type of government does Guatemala have? How does it compare to those in other countries? How many Hindu Parliamentarian in Indonesia? What are the things Indians are proud of which they should not be? What are the best Free VPN for Indonesia? Can I buy a fighter jet? How do I access hackforums.net? How do you convert RCA to HDMI? I lent an unemployed friend money. I am successful and could afford to. How do I get them to pay me back when they think I don't need it back? Are german shepherd dogs loyal? Which are the best Drug or Alcohol Rehab, Detox and Recovery Program Centers in the Mono County California area? What can I do if I fall in love with someone who doesn't love me? Is Mr Darcy based on a real person? How can I earn money from google? A rectifier converts AC into DC but still the output of half-wave and full wave rectifier is sinusoidal. Why? Which drawing software is easy to learn in mechanical? How do I Style the PyQt4 Widgets in Python? Which is the best online shopping? Is there a center in the universe? If so, do we know where is it? Why do people study physics? Does the sign of an inequality change when multiplied by a variable? Why or why not? Who are the best pune to mahabaleshwar cabs provider in pune? What is the best way to edit APK files? "Why is ""Sense and Sensibility"" a good book?" How do I increase my height? Is it “easy” to become wealthy if you have a computational PhD? How do CBSE board calculate 9th Sa exams grade? Why do you support the TPP? What is the iq of the average person? Is calcium flammable? Could you recommend some special dishes of your city? What are the purpose and the justification of US military help to Egypt? Why do our veins appear green? How does the embedded NGC technology of the Rs. 2000 note works? In India we are having Aadhar card, voter card, ration card, PAN card. Will it not be better to unite all of these into a single card? Does Uber get any signal or feedback when a driver or passenger cancels a ride? Can Uber figure out if someone is to blame? How is the placement in chemical engineering at IIT BHU? What are your favourite German podcasts and why? Has Ancient Egypt been scientifically tested? How do I loose 4 inches in 5 months? How did Donald Trump win despite projections that he would fail? Is Stefan Molyneux smart? How should I ask this bank teller out? Uses of tetracyclines? What is your worst experience? Why wasn't Leonardo DiCaprio Oscar-nominated for Titanic (movie)? In networking, Is router use in Mesh topology? Why is pyridine more basic than pyrrole? How do you measure vibration? How is time travel possible? How do mountain ranges in Oklahoma differ from mountain ranges in Idaho? Simple talking words in kannada? What is the best platform to start off in a game development? Is there any short guy (under 5'5) who is considered to be successful? Why hasn't the U.S. made an anti missile defense system as good or better than the Russian S-400? Which are western countries where interracial marriage is quite common? Is there a directory of individual landline and cell phone telephone numbers? Does Free trade affect the national sovereignty of a state? What is ‘Edgware’ and how does the lifestyle compare to the London Borough of Brent? Should welfare recipients be drug tested? Is there a way I can see what my friend has been liking on Facebook? What things do INTJs say? When is Reliance Jio expected to launch their 4G services? Which is a good place to stay in Hyderabad? What operating system do programmers and developers at Google use? How does Quora define spam? What are the consequences of spamming on Quora? How can you prepare a short summary of The Iliad? What is 0 DIVIDED by 0? How do stop spreading cold or flu in the air at home? What is your position in your current or previous job? What are some life hacks for students? Do aliens really exist? How do I reset my Gmail password when I don't remember my recovery information? Is there any evidence of alien life in space? What is the pattern for CAT 2016? What are the economic implications of banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes? How should I start to learn c language? How do I use bitcoin? What are some methods of generating artificial gravity? I'm a triple Capricorn (Sun, Moon and ascendant in Capricorn) What does this say about me? The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 movie): *Potential Spoiler* How did the FBI agent get the note Jordan Belfort writes to Donnie Azoff while wearing a wire asking him to not incriminate himself? In hiring an executive assistant, can I assume that today's college graduates have an in depth knowledge of Microsoft Excel, Word and Access? Do UFC fighters wear guards? Typography: What fonts are used in Haiku Deck? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Air Methods? Pure shear simple shear? Do pilots have sex with the air hostesses? What is the difference between Microsoft Windows 32-bit and 64-bit architecture? Is it normal to watch a movie before 4 months of my JEE Mains exam? Do any of the dedicated students do this? Was NEET 2 tougher than NEET 1? In the real world can men and women ever be equal? Why are there so many terrorists in the world ? What is the eligibility criteria for doing MS in mechanical engineering from Germany? Why did Germany lose WWII? What happens at Sri Chaitanya? Do Muslims eat pork? Which are the best movies to watch? What is the meaning of criticism? What makes a dense liquid sink? What after mechanical engineering? Who is the all time best fielder in Indian Cricket team? How do l contact a hacker? Is reliance jio offering 1 year of free internet on LYF Smartphones purchase? What are the best aspects of working at Range Resources? What is a sure way to make your baby laugh? "What do you think about the movie, ""The man who knew infinity""?" What are the best Books for Signals And Systems? "What is the etymology/word origin of the Tamil word ""Tamil""?" Is trump trying to lose? Do you think Trump will be the next president? How can I improve my studying? What are some examples of the second law of motion? What are the advantages Indians enjoy over others? What is it like to meet Donald Trump? What are some examples of cultural integration? What is so great about Generation X? How is laminate flooring installed? Would you come to jamaica to date a black man like me? What are the tips and hacks for getting the classes that you want as a freshman at Xavier University? What are some symptoms of eccentric and concentric contractions? Is TripIt worth using? How can I become a mountain guide? If vacuum energy is created as space expands, can infinite energy be created? Is Linux Mint a good alternative to Ubuntu? Are there any differences between the two? How can I get over the fear of public speaking? What is the most romantic poem ever written? What is the scope for MBA marketing graduates in hospitality sector sales & marketing? Should non-vegetarian food be completely banned in India? Why? What is the best additional course for mechanical engineers? What is Trump? Do you believe in free will or destiny? Why? How is the word 'mischievous' used in a sentence? What are the rules and regulations when visiting an inmate at Valdosta prison and how does it compare to prisons in Florida? How widely accepted are credit cards at small businesses and restaurants in Israel? Why isn't anime popular in America? What are the requirements to learn hacking? What is Tori Kelly's net worth? "What is the definition of ""amnesty""? How can you use it in a sentence?" What is effect of demonetization on the happiness of an average Indian? What is the best weight loss story? I am a layman. What is Form 16, Income Tax return and the fuss about it? Did dwarves have magic like the elves? How can I stop watching porn? How is the Lewis structure for cyanide determined? What is so special about 'Rafale' fighter jets? Why is India keen on acquiring them? What do South Indians feel about the idea of a separate South India? How is time travel possible? If I smoked 2 weeks ago, how do I pass a drug test? How can I hack someone else's WhatsApp account from a different place? Why did Pakistan ignored Jinnah's views and became Islamic Republic after partition? What are the different kinds of skateboards? Which genre or artists should I listen to? What is the real running cost of a super car? I got a mark of 41% in the FIITJEE FTRE admission test - will I get a scholarship? I am in my late 20s and feel I have wasted a lot of time. Is it too late for me to achieve something worthwhile? What is your investment checklist before you buy a stock? What should I do about my crush on this guy? Why are the Minions crazy for bananas? Should I join a coaching for CAT? What is your favorite, lesser known TV show? How can the word 'aquamarine' be used in a sentence? Which Oscar Wilde book should I read first? How does a cam pump work? Who was Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj? How can we improve payment gateway system to endorse cashless payment more since non reliable cashless transaction is very common in India? Who is the best politician? Why is hard engineering not sustainable? How do I get to know my crush? Can compressed sensing be used in EEG? What medical tests a couple should undergo before getting married? What are some unusual aspects about politics and government in Singapore? Which are the most overrated movies in 2016? How are my friends earning millions from home just by using Uber app? How does it feel to be a lesbian? How much does it cost to get hair transplant in India? Why did Messi and Ronaldo score so many goals in the last years? How can we avoid human verification in 8 ball pool hack? Which country by far is most ethical? What are the best coworking spaces in Delhi? When someone vanishes something in the Potter universe, where does it go? What is the best way to become a journalist? What is the best engineering field in the world? Why is Donald Trump not in jail for his comments? What are the ways to increase organic traffic on Facebook page and on website? Can I hack WhatsApp? Can I change my DOB in birth certificate? Smartphones: What is the best phone to buy below 10k rupees? What is a traditional economy? What are some examples? What is the Delta Force main focus? What is The Sims 3 rated? I want to learn Coding/Programming from scratch. How to start? How exactly does banning Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes curb the problem of black money? What career can combine my degree in mechanical engineering with my interest in international relations? Who are some lesser known important historical figures of Qatar and what should people know about them? Are fat burning pills helpful along with exercise? What are the best fat burning pills (non-steroidal)? What are statutory powers? Do constitutional bodies hold statutory powers? What can I do to make an extra $1000? How possible is it for a 14 year old to get pregnant by a 12 year old? What is the best mutual fund to invest for a long term in India? How do you become famous and receive a lot of views, upvotes, and followers on Quora? Can I able to make 5000 rupees into 1 lack rupees in 1 year of period.if it possible how can I able to? I dont no whether am in love or its just a crush.can u help me? What can you do to lose 40 pounds in 2 weeks? Can I use Jio 4G in HTC desire 526 Gplus pleace? How do I convert to an introvert? What is Software consultant designation? Does MoPub pay me money from connected Networks? Why was Christopher Columbus considered a villain? What are the most important and powerful questions in your life experience with which you have ever coped? Which question changed your life most? Which is grammatically the correct one to use? Let you and I go together or Let you and me go together. How do you know that you are no more in love? Is it okay to have sex with my mom? How can I travel around the world? What is the age requirement to rent a hotel room? Can I.Q. be enhanced? For the last 10 days I get aroused in the middle of the night and masturbate until ejaculation while literally sleeping. I don't want to do that but my arousal is so high that I cannot control it. I am feeling very weak due to this. Why does it happen and how can I control this? What are some great books to give as gifts this upcoming holiday season? What does it feel like to go to prison? When will Pottermore be open to the public? What is the most annoying thing about India? How does Twitter select trending topics? How can I use Omegle on my iPod Touch and how is it compared to using Lollichat? Which is the best University in Pakistan? Where do they stand compared to IITs? Consider the automobile manufacturing industry. Why is it that the production of vehicles is always active? Will there ever come a day when the demand comes down to nil? How do you know if someone is smarter than you? If light being pulled into a black hole is being pulled at the speed of light so it cannot escape does that mean anything inside is moving at the speed of light? What are some nice Tamil names to name my son/daughter? Can I become a pilot in India if I have passed the 12th with biology? We all know about the present condition of Indian politicians; they are all just using us to run their train, but still, they win elections and rule over us. Why aren't people giving their vote to NOTA? What's your stand on the recent Supreme Court's order about national anthem in cinema halls? What are the steps for registering a company in India? Why do strokes pre-maturely kill so many people in southeast Asia and East Asia? How do I improve my communication skills.? How do you earn bitcoins? Are GMO foods actually bad for you? Why does someone's empathic presence make us feel better? How safe is eating pink chicken? Has the USA done more harm than good in the 21st century? What are some mind-blowing outdoor adventure tools that most people don't know about? How much is €16.300 in INR? What are the best test automation tools? Why are iPhones so expensive? Why does Chlorine have valence 1? What lesson(s) would you share with your 25 year old self if you could travel back in time? Where does the Norwegian language come from? How many times does the average teenage couple have sex per week? What are these two types of mushrooms? How many working musicians are there in the world? What is the relationship of a human body's Ph Power Hardness and getting Cancer? How do I make a multiplayer Minecraft server? "What does Eminem's new song ""Kings Never Die"" mean?" How do you know if you're gay? How do I become software developer in india? Which celebrities are there on Quora? Does Congress party digging their own grave slowly as they opposing everything done by PM Modi like saying Jay Shriram or doing surgical strikes? How do I find a lost dog when it is brought only 1 day back? "Which one is proper, ""To whom it may concern"" or ""Dear Sir/Madam"", when you apply for a position?" Whic gas used in tubes light? Is Tourettes a mental illness? What are the best cars in the world? "What does ""grit"" mean?" What is the most interesting fact that most people don't know about? Would Donald Trump’s having become President adversely affect the job prospects of non-Americans who graduate from American universities? What is it like to meet Bobby Fischer? What is the best favicon you've ever seen? Is laser hair removal permanent? Introduction of legal methods? Would you like to share your learning experience and build a learning routine to help others learn fast and systematically? Is the Islamic state practicing the purest form of Islam as it existed at the time of Muhammad? How can I convert an .ASHX file to .PDF? Mid-Career Crisis - Should I do an MBA? Who was the first Indian to climb Mount Everest? Can history repeat itself? Can you keep a Red Panda as a pet? My favorite movie from Star Wars was Rogue One, what was yours? How can I used 3 phase motor in a 2 way supply? What is the closest Turkish equivalent (if there is one) of any the following words: startup, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, business, scaleup and new business? What are the best ways to be a better web designer? Why not make Manish Sisodia the Chief Minister of Delhi? In what year will we see successful in-space refueling or repair of a small satellite? Which cleaning service company is best in South Australia? What is the best teacher and student relationship story you know? As Euro members how long marriage should valid to get permanent residence? What is a broadcast domain? What are the chances that Medium will last into the 2030s-2040s? What is your worst experience with bullying? Why is Indian Army killing innocent civilians in Kashmir? How do I prepare for the GATE ECE 2017 on my own without any coaching classes? My sister was bitten by my pet dog 8 months ago and the dog is still normal healthy and alive. Is vaccination required by my sister? What is a money tree? Boredom: What can I do when I'm bored in my house? Can Quora users edit other people's answers? Can I get a dental seat if I got 405 for NEET 2016? How do I tell my best friend I don't what to be best friends anymore? What is the salary of chief minister? How many valence electrons does oxygen have? Since Carrier has been granted a tax break, can other companies threaten to ship jobs elsewhere if they do not get a tax break as well? What are the best metaphors? What's the fastest tank ever to be made? I'm looking to make some quick bucks as I broke my phone and my mother is paying for the repairs temporarily, how do I do this? Can I find a job with only knowing high school computer science fields? How would you solve this physics problem? What is the likelihood that on December 19th, the Electoral College can vote out Donald Trump and vote in Hillary Clinton? How should we study in medical school? The pain from getting a tattoo relaxes me. Is there something wrong with me? Is MacBook Pro 8 GB 2015 good for gaming? What are the reason of poor performance of India in Rio 2016 while expectations were too high? Which programming languages are used at Internet of things? How will demonetization affect India & Indian economy? How can you deal with self-incompetence? New Media: How do I get a show on Hulu? How do I transfer WhatsApp chat messages from my Android phone to an iPhone? Does federal reserve bank come under jurisdiction of supreme court? Which are the best mobile to buy under 8K INR? What are ONIX files? How close are we to World War Three, and how bad would it be? Why should I do join the Disney College Program? How can I get a domain for free? Why is Google not buying Twitter? What are some of the misconceptions you have which you got from watching porn? Which are the best restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City? What is the best experience you ever had with your friends? How is social class determined in Japan? What are some examples of simple sentences with a simple subject and a compound predicate? How can I recover my deleted Internet history? What could be causing the internet on my smart phone to be going slow? Who do you think wins this US presidential election? If I got 650 marks in MAT exam what will be my percentile? What trivia (and/or little-known facts) do you find interesting about Texas? Is it allowed to write with an ink pen in the UPSC main examination? Is it easy to earn 10000 per month with 1lakh rupees? Do guys approach girls only because of their looks? What is the best book for kids? What makes you truly human? "What is the meaning of the word ""pit""?" What are the good software companies in Chennai? Is the aryan theory true or is it a false story by the British? What is the meaning of Telugu word 'Thaakidhu'? What are some good lyric prank songs to send your best friends? How does calculating the volume of a cylinder compare to that of a sphere? How do I draw the shear and moment diagram? What is the reason for the separation of the waters of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans? Am I justified in being afraid to bring a child into the world? What grade on the US GPA scale is the equivalent of a B at an Indian high school? What's the best IRC client for Mac OS X? What are the best ways to overcome boredom? Does acupuncture really work? How do I crack the SSC CGL exam without coaching? Why does Saturn look so fake? Which foundation is used for two storey building on hard strata? Which are some of the low cost services for startups? How do you stop the itch from a wasp sting? "When gun enthusiasts say, ""why don't they enforce the laws we have?"" What laws do they mean, specifically?" Can H-1B visa holders do higher studies in the US? Is it worth pursuing a graduate degree in journalism? What is the best magazine for global issues? Is it still possible to get pregnant while pulling out even if you are under birth control? How do I speed up my computer? What's the worst thing you've ever done to another human being? What are the best places to visit on a 3-day trip in and around Kerala? Which startups use CouchDB? What is the greatest thing that can happen in terms of U.S Foreign Policy if Donald Trump is elected as President of the United States of America? How can I see who viewed my instagram? "My IFTTT recipes using GMail all fail to trigger. IFTTT already has access to GMail, yet it continually asks for ""Offline Access"" and still fails?" What statements from Indian banks are required to show interest earned in India on FD? If ancient philosophers such as Aristotle,Socrates or Plato were alive, what would they think about coding/programing and AI? How do I get over music addiction while preparing for software job? Bioinformatics: What is the difference between a single-end and a paired-end fastq file? What do you feel is the biggest challenge facing today's youth? What does the rest of India think about the Keralites? All dielectrics are insulators but not all insulators are dielectrics. But in reality we use many semiconductors like gallium arsenide as dielectrics. Why is there a conflict? Why am I getting the wrong answer in SPOJ? How can I increase my vocabulary? What are the future of mobile applications? What is the location of Palawan, and how does this Island compare to Mo'orea? How do i lose weight? "Why do they say ""God bless you"" when you sneeze?" How does the double camera on the iPhone 7+ work, including improving things like depth of field? Why do people get married? Why are we governed by so many incompetent people? We are a part of this hypocrite Indian society, where love marriage is all about caste and love is something called a crime. Do you agree? If yes, why? If no, what is your experience? Who is the most arrogant character in Game of Thrones? I always feel sleepy and lost in my own world.What should I do to avoid this and concentrate during my lectures? I'm currently in Class XII. I'll be giving NDA-2 2016 in september. Will I be call for SSB if I clear the written test? What are some examples of Indian etiquette? If I changed my Instagram username, can Instagram developers find me by my old username? What is the deepest lake in Europe, and how does this lake's flora and fauna compare to that of Lake Geneva? What is keynesian economics and does it work? Why does Uber not offer a way to book a round trip? I have secured 2970 in my common merit list for NIFT. Will I get into the fashion design course in any college? What are some good, reputable resources for selling domains? Why do we intialize the object in Java by default constructor? Which is the best site to download TV Series? I have an incurable disease. My wife left me because she can have more fun without me. She hung in for a while. Why? What is sin(x)=1? What are the boundaries of the FBI’s geography jurisdiction? How can I get into a top university? If Warren Buffertt or Bill Gates were to die, how would the IRS collect 50% of their assets? Is a Amazon Kindle really worth the money or Can I just use my Nexus tablet with Amazon kindle app to read the books? What will be my approximate salary per month with this salary structure? Which engineering college has best labortary? Why are plasma TVs heavier than LCDs, and why is it bad to lay them down? What would happen if we didn't have faces? How can I learn english quickly and well? "What is the meaning of ""kill one`s way to""?" Why does my Quora home feed sometimes show me answers I already upvoted a while ago? Can white hair turn into black? Is it better to buy or rent a house in Singapore? Is there any good Java open source demo project about Design Pattern on GitHub? How do I get rid of bad habits? Can you develop a decent competency in distributed systems by your own on your laptop or do you need a a real distributed infrastructure to play with? Which sentence is right? When will Pandora be available in India? Which is the best place to hangout with friends in pune? Is taking protein during a workout good for health? How do I hide mental state? What is salary in Huawei for fresher? What software license should I sign with a company with no restrictions as to my own usage of the code with no liability to the company? Who invented sex? How can you earn a living on Quora? Should we take into account what others say or trust only our mind? How do I calculate the aggregate percentage of engineering in case of backlogs? Why could Hillary Clinton go to jail? How do I get the details of a person who has transferred money into my account? Is is true or just a rumor that RBI Rs 2000 note will carry a GPS tacking device? Do long distance relationships work? What is the main reason for discontinuing 500 and 1000 Rupees Note in India? What are the pros and cons of it? What are the ways to use Whatsapp on pc other than bluestacks? Who is the most beautiful woman of your country? Why is saltwater Taffy candy imported in Canada? What are some good universities in Germany for masters in computer science? What is a good age to have sex? Did Nikola Tesla have children? What is product market fit? What parts of the human body are poorly designed? Is the Preamble our part of the Constitution in India? What are the best ways to lose a lot of weight as quickly as possible? What is Product Hunt's technology stack? Is there any secret hidden from people of the world by the government of countries? Which are best sites to download movies? What are the best TTC apps for an Android device? Did Steve jobs followed his passion? Who make the best rolling paper? How do I convince my boyfriend to get physical after a 1 year commitment? I am a 19 year old girl. How can I receive FM radio broadcasts on my iPhone 6s Plus? What are some of the main functions of the skin and its shape? Are pyramid schemes for stupid people? Can gmail be hacked? How? What is acupuncture? How does it work? What is it like to play Oregon Trail? What are the chances that Donald Trump will be the next US president? Why does a boat float on water? How does a red dwarf die? What is one key criteria or computer part that makes a computer fast for gaming? How do satellites work? What are some of the best desktop and laptop hardware repairing training in Kolkata which will teach me practically and make me a self-dependent professional? I am a first year B.Tech student and I want to do MBA after UG. Which is the right time to start preparing? Is it advisable to join MBA directly? Does petroleum jelly (Vaseline) help eyelashes grow? How do I hide my IP address? What should I do improve my communication skill? Which headphones leak the least amount of sound? Is procurement a good field for an EXTC engineer? What does it feel like to be a mother with social anxiety disorder and have a child or children who also has social anxiety disorder? Is there a way to filter all psychopath/sociopath-related questions on Quora? How profitable is investing in the stock market? And how does one start doing it? What is a landing page? What is the best series to watch after Breaking Bad? How do I reset my Gmail password when I forgotten it? Why did all the countries join the Korean war? What is the best books for C programming for beginners? What's causing the rise of marriages that end in divorce? How can I speak English smoothly without any coaching? What are the scopes of mechanical engineering in India? What are some of the best novels you have read? I completed my bachelor's with second division, can I get admission in good colleges for a master's if I crack the GATE with 99 percentile marks? Which one is correct: between you and I or between you and me? How was education in Singapore during the Japanese occupation? What are the eating habits of a weasel? How can I download Photoshop on a Mac? What are problems faced by Q&A websites? Quora: What has a higher chance of lasting into the 2030s-2040s: Wordpress or Quora? I am currently in 10 class and i want to become an aerospace engineer in future, what should be my future steps to become an aerospace engineer? What is your honest opinion about the Philippines and Filipino people? Which phone should I buy at this moment? What is the biggest achievement of your life? Which business has a good scope in Chennai? Is it right to say all mobile devices use apps? Also which other features make Mobile Devices so successful compared to its counterparts? Why are mobile phones getting uselessly fast? When the real thing is how long its battery can last? What is some good advice for getting the highest possible score on the reading section of the SAT? How healthy would it be to lose 30 pound in 5 weeks? Assuming you want to measure a social phenomena, how do you proceed to create a new measurement? Where do you start? Will Quora be blocked in Mainland China by the Chinese government? If so, when? What is the revenue model of Reliance Jio? What is the process of getting a surgical residency in UK after completing MBBS from India? How can I know who unfollowed me on Instagram? What's going to happen to America if Donald Trump wins? Can I connect two PCs on seperate LANs just using their IP as we do in LAN? WiIl my router automatically figure out? If not then how it can be done? I'm interested in a soluble protein, and I am hypothesising that it is a decoy receptor as it lacks a cytoplasmic tail. However, can decoy receptors cause death by binding to immune cells? "If God is ""All Powerful"" then why can't he just kill Satan?" What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Treutlen County GA? How can you draw the Lewis Structure for NH2OH? How do companies record fixed line phone calls? Why were the Japanese so merciless to Chinese people during World War II? What is the longest amount of time anyone has ever slept? How do I gain more profit from stock trading? What is the meaning of PQWL, RLWL, GNWL, RLGN, RSWL, CKWL, in a railway waiting list? How do you become a BevMo member? What should I wear to a high school prom? Does the Android Device Manager app use the internet on a device that you are locating? How long is it safe to be on hormone replacement therapy? How many 4 digit odd numbers can be formed using digits 0 to 9 such that if one of the digits of the number is 5, its next digit should be 6? How do I start making money off of amazon? In the west ,the old buildings were made of stones while those were made of woods in the east countries What are some examples of moral topics for an essay? What is the best quote you have heard? What are the effects of bleach in gas tanks? How can a person become really boring to be with? "The best freestyle I've ever heard is Lowkey's ""Fire in the Booth"", does anyone know any freestyle's that top that?" How do we make friends? How can India's education system be fixed? How can I improve my communication skills in English? How do I get a guy at school to notice me? How do I last longer in sex? How can I register a marriage in India? How can I raise funding for my startup? A girl I know added me on Facebook. We never talk. She seems to be shy and me too. We belong to some group of around 20 people, and I'm the only one she add (no mutual friends on Facebook). I sent her a message after I approved her request, but she didn't reply. what is the meaning of this and what sign is she trying to show me? What are the best two minute poems? I started playing squash a few months back. I loved the sport and a thought hit me that I should take up this sport at a professional level. My age is 25. Is it possible for me to turn into a pro and represent my country at the highest level if I get started now or is it too late? "How can I write a good outline of the play ""Hamlet""?" Is it possible for a single developer to build and launch a AAA mobile game app? What is the best childhood memory you have? What are the best Wearable technology? Islam: According to islam, are all non-Muslims going to hell? Why does my beagle puppy seems depressed? Do you prefer Coca Cola or Pepsi Cola, and why? In your opinion, who is the best classmate you've ever met? What makes that person the best? What is a signal? Can we get below a 100 rank in the GATE CE with preparation of 3 months? What do you think about decision by the Indian Government to demonetise 500 and 1000 rupees note? What would happen if England left the United Kingdom? What is it like to work at Factual in 2016? What can be other career/job profiles for someone with a degree in computer engineering? Can you substitute canola oil for vegetable oil? Why do some people drive slowly (10+ MPH under the speed limit) in the passing lane? Why are the tyres of the car black? Why can't it be any other? How do I solve crashing and lagging of games in Android? I've got an AIR 745 in AIIMS with UR rank 580. Which AIIMS can I get in the first counselling? Will Trump and Tillerson embolden Putin to enforce more law and order in Russia? "What is the meaning of Socrates's statement that ""the unexamined life is not worth living""?" How do I plan my revision for GATE 17 in one month? Why use Quora when Google answers almost everything? How many hours / week need to be practised in the gym to get a good shaped body with muscles for men? I have a skinny body. Why are we here on earth? What's the purpose? Is a size 8 1/2 in shoes pretty big for a woman? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Denbury Resources? How do I do a homemade perm? How do green and hazel eyes differ? How can you improve your communication skills? How can I recover data from an external hard disk? What is urban loneliness? How much does Netflix cost a month? Should I buy the iPad Air or wait for the next iPad Air (iPad Air 2)? Can I join the Air Force? What are companies that have competed in the shopping vertical search space? How many countries have nuclear weapons? What is the perfect website that lists all types of word noun, verb and adverb? If Clinton drops out due to her health problems, who would replace her? Which chimney is better for indian style cooking: straight line chimney or hooded chimney? How many people pay income tax in India? Why are there still some women who are voting for Donald Trump? What is a good beginners book on topology? How do I install Mac OS on a Dell laptop? Should the Indian education system be changed? How good do foot massages feel? What breaks a person spirit? What has life taught you recently? What is the incubation period for the common cold? Something we did or didn't do in the past is taking atoll of our live after more than a decade we can't change it but why are we connecting or today with? How can the GST bill, passed by the Rajyasabha yesterday, boost the Indian economy? Why isn't there any international song contest like Eurovision? "Are there any cases of ""Homer Simpson Syndrome"" in nature, where an organism has an unusually large amount of cerebrospinal fluid?" Is it worth seeing all the disturbing shit on Quora? What's your current favorite song? How can I get the absolute best deal on a cruise? What is the best strategy to crack the main and advanced JEE? Does anybody feel like they're going to die young? What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake, and how do these effects compare to the Cascadia earthquake in 1700? Can everyone fall in love? Is this possible to put some bacteria-like tiny organisms in Martian climate? If you could go back in time and do one thing, what would it be? What do military personnel think of doctors joining the military? What are keyboard shortcuts for refresh? What is your review of Gandhi'S Passion: The Life And Legacy Of Mahatma Gandhi (Book) By Stanley Wolpert (author)? If you were to build a website/web app (think small social network scale) right now, what languages/tools/frameworks/etc. would you use? What is the meaning of word jiyr? What was there before universe was born? How can I learn to think faster on my feet? When sending an iMessage I won't come up saying delivered however the person can still read the message and reply back, but then all the iMessages I sent will send as texts? What is the Difference Between RAW and R&AW? Why do some people ask simple direct science questions in Quora when there are sufficient resources available in internet? What should I do about my small penis problem and my love for a girl who is interested in me? What can you make out from this poem? Where is best place to live in Mumbai? What is the best way to give a PowerPoint presentation? What was your first mobile phone? How can I delete someone from the WhatsApp contact list without deleting him/her from the main contacts list? How can I improve my English Language? My AIIMS 2016 rank is 1068(UR). Which AIIMS will I get an admission to? Is a high school senior dating a high school freshman taboo? Is there a Latin Unicode character for a backwards capital G? How can this reservation system can be overthrown from India? What should an eggplant look like on the inside? How do I filter out questions/answers about Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton from my feed? How does RedMart build awareness? Could there have been any humans before Adam? What is the best name for a social cancer platform? How can I effectively plan risk management sessions with SMEs while they are busy with test activities? How can I improve my efficiency? What does the word yoga mean in Sanskrit? Hi Avg @@@1800_@_251_@_4919@@@ Avg Antivirus Tech Support phone Number? Do you really think it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all? What is the best way to impress a girl in a meeting? What are the best digital marketing courses for mid-senior level marketing managers? Can I use any image from google/website in my blog, along with mentioning the credits for the image? Do modern navies allow the taking of prize ships? What is a meme? Does the amount of lives saved by products of innovation fuelled by wars surpasses the amount of lives lost in said wars? My company has been approached by an investor. He said he has many contacts that would help with the marketing of the product. He will also provide his own developers to make the final product (after the beta) for no charge. How do I know or calculate how much equity in the company he should receive? Why is simply being an American so attractive and have so much value in the world? If your mother and your wife fell into a river at the same time, who would you save first and why? Could the U.S. build a submarine aircraft carrier? What would its pros and cons be? What are your favorite French novels and why? How do I approach a stranger beautiful girl? What are some of the latest technologies geared towards helping people with disabilities? How can one learn PCB design online? If someone conducts an IQ competition between Alia Bhatt and Rahul Gandhi, whose chances are better to win the contest? What is the relationship between machine learning and either philosophy of mathematics or epistemology? What are some good and cheap hotels or hostels within walking distance of the train station in Vilnius? What is the process to get divorced in India if you are a Hindu? What is the expected time frame? What is the smartest zodiac sign? What is actual height of bollywood stars? Why is it so difficult to toast bread while cutting it? Why is it so hard to score marks in XLRI? What are some IT Management theories? What do you think about Trump's latest speech? What the world would be if there weren't world wars? How many keywords are there in A.P.L. Programming Language in the latest version? How do I approach a girl whom I have never met? How can I get rid of my acne and acne scars? What is nonlinearity in data? How it is determined? How can you get thicker thighs? Indian constitution constitutes both Articles and Schedules. What is the need for both Articles and Schedules? Aren't Articles sufficient to guide? Why is the gym always busy in April and when will it slow down? What is the best 7 day itinerary for family with toddler to New Zealand? What should I do to get my ex-girlfriend back if she does not even want to talk to me? What is an ESA (Emotional Support Animal)? What is integral of [math]\dfrac{ln(1+x^2)}{\sqrt{1-x}}[/math] ? What's the best anti-virus software for Windows? Why don't better people run for U.S. President? What are the benefits of getting married in this life time? What is in vape? How does Google earth work? How does images taken through satillite will be combined? What is the camera resolution used? What is the difference between H1 and H1-B visa? Is sex really important in a relationship? Do tattoo artists make good money? What is the process of becoming a tattoo artist or opening shop? What goals should I set? What is considered a good IQ? I lost my password with my Gmail account. How do I reset it without the account recovery info? What is an easy way make money online? How do I learn to use JetBrains IDEs to their full advantage? What is the best diet to gain weight? Do women or men want sex more? If so, biologically or culturally? What should I do to make money online in India? What software can I use to make a mobile app? F(n) in O(g(n)) implies lg(f(n)) in O(lg(g(n))),where lg(g(n)) >=1,f(n) >=1 for large n. True of false? What would ISPs block if we didnt have net neutrality? What is the worst beer in the world? Why is Saltwater Taffy candy imported in Mexico? What is the best option after btech in mechanical engineering? What do i do after my MBBS ? What is the best place for honeymoon in winter? How do you know if your partner is cheating on you? Can I have a container of goods shipped from China directly to my property? Where do the dresses go after being used in a movie by actors and actresses, what happened to those costumes after one time use? Can we eat ice cream when the weather is cold? Why do people find Manaphy annoying? What are some of the coolest office spaces in 2014? Why do people cheat? Why are you interested in the role at HSBC? What is the law of attraction? What can I do to improve my English speaking? How can I see who viewed my video I just posted on Instagram? How do I prepare for UGC NET (Hindi)? How did Microsoft build its Tay AI? How can the drive from Edmonton to Auckland be described, and how do these cities' attractions compare to those in Toronto? How much time do Top Writers spend on Quora? How tall is Ben Higgins from The Bachelor? What is the situation like for Christians in Pakistan? Is it safe to play with stray dogs? What will be the impact of election of Donald Trump as the 45th US president, on India? Who does Ash Ketchum like? How would I best justify the cost of buying a new Thermomix? What is the best algorithm to word 3 match game? Can those who meditate reach a state of consciousness devoid of thoughts? What is NCERT book? What are the best classified ads site in Denmark? What are the best place to visit in India with friends in December? Is there anything wrong with being an atheist? What are some good things to do before you die? What is the best movie song? Where can I find a complete list of songs for the Age of Adaline movie? How do I ride a bicycle? What's the difference between an artist and an artisan? What is meant by matching a load? Which phone has the best sound recording quality? What is function overloading? What will you do if you fail in your life? What is s/o? How much I can earn through blogging? What are some of the best nightclubs in dubai? Would you date a guy who is 5 inches shorter than you? What is the Sahara, and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Registan Desert? Which is a good solar panel installation provider near Aliso Viejo, California CA? What will be the effects of demonetisation of 500 and 1000 notes on the Indian economy? What do the breeders in Mad Max: Fury Road represent? How does the data rate differ from the bandwidth? Why can't I see photos by a certain follower in instagram news feed,but when I get in his profile I can see them? Does supply-side economics (Reaganomics) work? What is the difference between achievements of previous Indian governments since independence and the current Modi (BJP) Government? Catholics: what is the proof of purgatory from the Bible? 4 pipes inlet and 2 pipes outlets, find water inlet? I want marine engineering in IMU. My rank in IMUCET-2015 is 5681. What are the chances of getting this course? What are some sensible trolls and memes? Why are my questions not answered on Quora? What are some good podcasts about music? What does VC mean in the merchant cash advance industry? How do I integrate root of tanx? What is the difference between a pornstar and a prostitute? What is the purpose of the steam drum on a water tube boiler or a HRSG? What are ways of earning money online? What can you do with a Business Administration degree? When did Scandinavians stop worshiping Norse gods? What do you do to manage food cravings? Why does Dr. Pepper have 23 flavors? What are the some of the best examples of hypocrisy in India? What is a 'pivot' in a business? How do I deactivate a Yahoo! account? What are some latest Hindu baby boy name starting with “Dh” for my nephew? My question was marked as needing improvement! What does it mean? How do you mark other questions for improvement? Why do some parents kiss their children on the lips? How do people manage to travel outside, attend college and work in the coldest parts of the world? What is your review of iOS 7? What are some of the best photos taken from a cell phone? Why doesn't anyone here answer my questions? If two similar cars have a front collision at 50mph, each one gets similar damage as if they hit a concrete wall at 100mph or 50mph? What is a professional soccer player's diet like? What's the procedure to become Collector? Is Islam really a religion of peace? What are some jobs that involve adventure? Provide an example of indirect discrimination that could impact on this key diversity target group? Does plucking hair stop it from growing back? Which is the best story from Ruskin Bond? What are your top 5 best movies youve ever watch? What's it like to be mistaken for being a different ethnicity than you actually are? How can a woman act mature in front of a man? Now that Donald won the election, how will this affect the admission of international students into undergraduate and graduate programs in the US? Who would be the perfect President of the United States? Where can I find a wordpress theme that allows you to pay the user for a service instead of the user posting a job or gig like fiverr? What are atif aslam's best songs? What site is better: Reddit or Quora? Do Buddhists believe in a God? Why is India performing bad in Olympics? What is presence of mind? Why do people have trust issues? Would Bruce Lee at his peak be able to contend with today's top MMA fighters? Why do some people ask questions on Quora that could easily be answered by using a search engine? What is the average placement for CSE at IEM Kolkata? Who should Win 2015 FIFA Ballon D'Or Award? Is it possible to file your taxes from previous years? What are the best places to visit on a 3-day trip in and around Kerala? What is the best way to curl short hair? How do I get a rank in CA CPT and is two months of preparation enough to get it? Which are the most memorable moments in football? Which camera should a beginner at professional photography buy? How do I know that the food I am eating is 'safe to eat'? How much stock is Amazon giving in a job offer? What are the tips and hacks for getting the classes that you want as a freshman at NYU? Which fruits and vegetables help to increase the blood? Will not having enough money / credit to purchase something ever be seen as a UX flaw to be solved like any other? How do I get a job with a B.Tech. (CSE)? What does the below German sentence mean in context of a job interview? What would happen if Pakistan declared war on India today? What advice would you give to someone who is depressed? How do you ask a guy friend to hang out? What PM Modi should do to control such a negative tide against him? How many merchants exist on ebay? How many of them have more than 1000 items listed? What are benefits of change in ₹500 ₹1000 notes? I feel like I'm surrounded by friends who, even if unintentionally, don't take me seriously and simply treat me like the happy-go-lucky clown of the group. Do I leave this group of friends or how do I deal with it? What is the way to read human brain/face reading? What are the best English songs of 2015? How many millions of people have been killed in the past two years by the U.S. jet fighters flying day and night over the Middle East countries? How do the tourist attractions on the Scandinavian Highlands compare to attractions in Slovenia? Why should I visit your country? How much is a Bob Ross painting worth? How much should I bid on eBay? "Does ""an eye for an eye"" apply in legal situations?" Do men wear the same wedding/engagement ring as women? What should I do to improve my explaining skills? Is there hostel in SIG? My crush likes a girl and I like him. I can't let him go. What should I do? What are the symptoms for having low blood sugar? Is Donald Trump's hair real and what about his skin color? Is paying for LinkedIn Premium worth it? What happens when a virus, bacterium etc interacts with a cancer cell? If time travel is possible, would our universe be in the first and original timeline and no one from the other timelines would be able to interfere? What is the chemical equation for calcium and water? Where can I find best hotel in Bhopal for holidays? How can I stop making excuses or justifications? How is CGPA calculated for BE? Which is the best website to buy lingerie online in india? Do we have subsidies on renewable energy in India? What is the meaning and significance of GDP per capita? Why does India have such a low GDP (nominal) per capita? Is it possible for a Chinese girl to be in a relationship with an Indian boy? Who is Gilgamesh? What's the most times you should call someone? What do software engineering interns do? What is the reason OYO Room Hotels may deny check-in to single guest (not couple) providing ID proof of the same city as the hotel itself? "What is a good answer to the invalidating response of ""I'm sorry you feel that way""?" How can we hack a phone? Is space travel fake? How can I go to USA by boat? What is the range of number of days in a leap year? What is the scope of Mechanical Engineering? What are balanced forces and what are some examples? What sani will do in 12th house? What are some of the interesting facts about India? Are fears rational? How much marks in need in mains to get ECE in Hyderabad? What material should I use for the 1Z0-435 exam? Why was cyrus mistry sacked? Which Royal Enfield bike is best? How do I stop being possessive over my girlfriend? Who are the best architects in the world? Would I go to jail if abuse somebody badly on Facebook in India? How much would it cost to design and develop a website like 'tripadvisor.com'? What is digital marketing? What are the circles on Micheal Phelps back/shoulder? What are some best ways to earn money without monetary investment or fixed regular job? It is very difficult to express my thoughts. I know the subject, but I can't combine and articulate my thoughts. What should I do? How do you determine the chemical formula for aluminum carbonate? What does it feel like to lose your virginity to a prostitute? Do you know of startups that focus on providing local tour guides with a specific focus on off-the-beaten track culture, arts, foods, etc? Multi line number picker? Write the essay in ISC board exam, in the beginning or after finishing all the sections? Why do people put old pets like dogs, cats and horses to sleep rather than allowing them to die naturally? How can we wipe out terrorism from the world? What is this beat? Difference between Stack and Heap Allocation in java, c++, c? How many students were recruited by Amazon at NIT, Delhi? Does God exist? What is it like to be prom king or queen? What makes cotton a comfortable fabric? Who was the first Vice President of Kenya? What countries start with the letter A? Was global warming replaced by climate change because they found there was no global warming? Could Facebook (post-WhatsApp) eventually compete with telecom carriers? How can I control myself from masturbating while watching porn? What does Homogenisation of an equation in math mean? How can I get rid of all this like back black neck and other parts on my skin, is there any liquid, soap or something? Is science a religion that must be believed in to be true? Who would win in a war between Russia and the US? Which is the best OTC cough syrup in India? Will my mobile get damaged if I use my mobile data in my PC via USB? What is your plan for the new year? How is iPhone 6s better than the Android flagships like Samsung Galaxy S7, LG G5 and One Plus 3? If a fly enters your car when you drive, and goes out of the car after 50 km, does it notice it's a different place? Does it change anything in its behavior? Does the fly care at all? Why are Americans so ignorant about other countries? How do I expand my vocabulary? How can the rate of mass transfer via thermal pump in a closed system be calculated? "If I erase my iPhone, will the photos in my ""iCloud Photo Library"" be deleted?" How can I improve my English pronunciation? How can I do a summer internship abroad in biology? What is the difference between Scotch magic tape and Scotch transparent tape? How do I become an occupational therapist? What does test statistic mean for hypothesis testing? What are the ways of losing weight? What are some good names for an NGO for education, training, Environment and other services? What are some of the uses a laptop has? What causes a person to go insane? Can the Logitech wireless headset use the same nano as their wireless keyboard mouse combo? What is the best Final Fantasy game? Which Country and University is best to Study mechatronics? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Alaska? What is the definition of a nuclear family? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a nuclear family? How can you improve your communication skills? What are some of the best horror movies? How do you connect your wireless connection to the Virtual OS using Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager? Which is the best laptop to buy under 30k? What step must taken to make Indian Politics more transparent? Corruption free? How do I train my kitten not to be wild? What problems do solo travelers face when going abroad? How does a writer or director pitch a film or their script? How do you present that to a studio/producer? If someone is denied a STEM extension in the US, can he/she still apply for an H1B visa? What are all the possibilities under this condition? What are the best movies of all time? Is 32 too old to start a PhD program? Which is the best coaching centre for IES (civil engineering) in India? Experimental set up of lamis theorem available? Which is the best restaurent in nagpur? If your period is 10 days late, are you pregnant? How is school changing in the 21st century in Japan? What are some inspirational quotes and stories? What is the best way to overcome your phobia? Why some of people still sleep all over the day? What would constitute a “perfect” day for you? How can I achieve my goals? How can I become a freelance content writer? Who killed John Lennon and why? What is the best way to learn C++ STL for programming contests? Is it true that fruits and vegetables help prevent cancer? Which language should I learn after C++? What according to YOU is the purpose of life? What differentiates a pizza as taught in Naples from one in NYC? Why is the pass percentage of chartered accountancy exams so low? What is the best programming language in 2016? How can I increase the traffic on my website without investing? What happens if you swallow chewing gum? What are challenges facing hotel managers? Which is the best university to do distance MBA in India? Which countries hate each other? How do I make friends as a shy, socially awkward introvert? What are some of the most creative cons performed by career con artists? How do I get rid of my WhatsApp addiction? "What is the difference between ""don't we verb"" and "" do we not verb""?" What are Newton's three laws of motion? What are the uses of Darmstadtium? What is the highest salary package in India? Which is the best custom rom for the Huawei Honor 3c 4G? Which one is better for embedded systems: ASU_CE (CS) or NCSU_CPE? What are some cultural faux pas in Germany? How can I defeat my desire against fast food? How does it feel when PV Sindhu won the silver medal on the Rio Olympics 2016? What are the 11 dimensions in string theory? What is a suitable solar panel installation provider near Lake Elsinore, California CA? How can I print passport size photos on my Mac? Is Batman considered an antihero? Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in Japan? When was first clock made? How was the time set? Will the earth be hit by a meteor? "Slang: What does it mean to be called a ""Lucy""?" How do I remove Google bar on Moto G3? I'm traveling to the US from the UAE and I have a 2 hour layover in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Will I need to obtain a travel visa ahead of my trip? How dangerous would it be if a blue whale bumps into me? Can I be killed? As an NRI, do I need to file income tax returns for the TDS on the interest earned for the money kept in the NRO account? Should student take part in politics? CAN I GET A GREEN CARD AS WALL? How can I beat procrastination? I am trying to get an off-campus interview at Zoho - I sent several emails to the HR but didn't get any response. What do I do? Why doesn't the Moon fall on Earth? What are some phone with best cameras under Rs. 6500 in India? Nobody is answering my questions on Quora and all my questions, even the descriptive ones are regarded as needing improvement. What should I do? What are the best MS in Data Science/Analytics Programs in the US? How are foreign currency exchange rates governed in banks? What is the file system in Linux? Are there any plugins for integrating payment portals like PayU or Citrus in WordPress? What are indicators of a chemical change? How can a newly recruited teacher instantly make a name for himself so as to attract students to his tuition services? Should I drop this year to give the JEE or join JECRC college (the one which is affiliated to RTU)? Which is the best book for understanding Kali Linux? A ball thrown horizontally from the top of a building 55m high strikes the ground at a point 35m from the building. What is the (a) time to reach the ground, (b) the initial speed of the ball, and (c) the velocity by which the ball will strike the ground? Who is Olivera Despina? Which is the best Li Ning badminton racket I can buy? Is there a proof in the Bible that Jesus was buried three days and nights? What daily habits can greatly upgrade life? What would the world be like if nobody questioned authority? What is the chemical formula for sodium carbonate? What are the best night clubs in Dubai? What is an ideal timetable for studying 17 hours a day to prepare for IES/IAS? Who are your favorite movie stars? How can I import Excel data into MySQL? How does banning 500 & 1000 rupee notes solve black money problem? Which country have an amazing education system? How can I predict my future? Is Hillary Clinton really worse than Donald Trump? What is the best way for making money online? To what extent does the US constitution allow a state to implement full socialism? How would Hillary Clinton keep USA's relationship with India if she becomes president? What are eternal closed timelike curves? What tips do you have for someone entering into growth hacking? How do I delete thousands of old unread emails in outlook.com? Where can I buy cheap MLB jerseys in New York City? What are the best places to find themed fleece fabric? How can I delete my old YouTube account which I forgot the password? What data science and machine learning career opportunities are there at Google? Do you think time travel is possible? What are some websites out there that provide the same service as Blue Apron? Why Angela Merkel let Refugees to come Germany? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Mississippi? What are some local laws in regards to nudity in Vermont, and how do they differ from nudity laws in Georgia? How is device management used in an operating system? What is the best way to reduce your calorie intake? Is timetravel possible? Why do I have to lie so much? How can I tag people in Facebook using Instagram? Can I make money with Amway? What do the people from Pakistan think about Indians? What is sales force automation? How is philosophical logic related to mathematical logic? Does ECE have a scope in India? Has anyone had any success using onion juice to regrow their hair? What is a half wave plate? How can you fix a garage door with a broken spring? What's your favourite colour? Are there any free online iq tests that are accurate? How do people hack into social media accounts? How do I start with SparkSQL? And what is the best tutorial available for it? How will Trump's presidency affect the Indian students who are planning to study in the US? When puppies are separated from their litter-mates at a young age, do the dog siblings recognize each other years later? Is it possible to increase the size of a penis? Java (programming language): What are some recommended books, and online resources for learning Java for beginner, intermediate, and advanced programmers? What kind of algorithms or machine learning technology is used in Cortana, Google now and IOS siri? What is a beta software? How does it differ from an original software? What is the way to verify that a Royal Enfield bike that's been delivered is brand new? How do you reset your Yahoo! password? What is the best beer? What are the creepiest paranormal experiences one ever had? How do I keep my teeth clean? How does doc2vec represent feature vector of a document? Can anyone explain mathematically how the process is done? What is the (closest) VSCO film equivalent of the VSCO Cam A6 preset? I'm in high school and aspire to be in the United Nations. What steps should I take in college and as a young adult to make my dreams come true? What are the molecular building blocks of lipids? What are their functions? Was Nietzsche gay? What's the biggest coincidence that has ever happened to you? I transferred my money from the US to my regular Indian savings account over a period of time. Will it be taxable in India? How do I get into McKinsey, BCG, Bain, if I am not from a tier-I management institute? How did you get away with murder? Can you sign a document on behalf of someone else? "How is Grendel defeated in ""Beowulf""?" Where can I find free exporter importer data of shipping for international trade business? What are the best coding bootcamps in India? What does it mean when a guy is emotionally unavailable? What are the ill effects of demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupee notes in India? I found the best site to help me out. Can anyone help to donate money for my further study? I wanna start preparing for ias exam, how should I proceed? How much Pepto Bismol should I give my dogs? Who do you think is going to win the presidential elections and why? What kinds of hats do you have? Why is the 1960s considered a cultural decade? What is the best compliment you pass on a girl ever? How might have Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham each turned out if they hadn't met at Yale Law School? How can I decide with whom do I go during New Year's eve? I have been asked by two women, and I like both of them? What are the benefits and drawbacks of living in a joint family? Why do some people copy and paste the question and details in answers? Can I get any private medical college in 207 marks? Do you think that the petition asking those in the electoral college to vote for Clinton will succeed? What does a hug at the end of a first date mean? What are some good books to learn Korean from? Did Margot Robbie learn gymnastics just for her role as Harley Quinn? What are some ways to prove you love someone? How can I get rid of a pimple on my hand? How do I get hired at ArcelorMittal, Shell, Cairn Energy? What happens at high-school parties? What are the mechanics of cramps? What is the most painless and quick way to die? What are the best phones under 15000 in india? "I find the term ""Asian"" incredibly inaccurate since Indians, Israeli, Iranians, and Russians are also in Asia. Why is it that some people get called white or black, but the word yellow for people from East Asia is considered racist? What is a different term for them?" Will Israel go to war with NZ over the UN resolution? I know some people that STILL believe the earth is flat. Why? I been seeing some questions on Quora and Yahoo that anime might exist in another parallel universe so is it true? What are the pros and cons of joining NUS High School? Is there a way to adjust the playback speed in the YouTube Android app? How do you know if you're in love with someone and might only be denying the fact to yourself? What is the best Android emulator for Mac? Which are some of the best universities in India to pursue a PhD? Who is the best doctor for hair loss treatment in bangalore? What tool is used to make this video ? How do I take good photos using Canon EOS 750D? Also suggest some good lenses for capturing Portraits & Landscapes using EOS 750D? What do you think of the decision by the Indian government to demonetize 500 and 1000 rupee notes? Which combat sport currently generates more money: MMA (UFC) or Boxing? What are the sexiest videos on Vimeo? Which is the best book of physics for cracking aipmt? What are some good books for graph theory where one can understand advanced algorithms which can be used in competitive programming? What should I start learning with for a beginner, VHDL or Verilog, for a career in VLSI front end? What is the StumbleUpon app? What would happen if time completely stopped (i.e. atoms/molecules, everything within the universe stopped moving)? How can I seek advice on when to play the lottery? How do I reset iPhone without passcode or fingerprint? Why is there multiple inheritance in C++ but not in Java? How can I get rid of blackheads under my nose? How can we stop terrorism permanently? Is 401(k) a pension plan and how much does employer contribute to the 401(k)? What universities does Charles River recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? What is true value? How do you remove rat trap glue? Which is better for the GATE mechanical: MADE EASY or ACE Hyderabad? How do people kill themselves? How do I make $100 a day? What's the best motorcycle for beginners? Where can I find a willing mentor? How do I make my legs tighter? Why did Harry break the Elder Wand in the last scene of Deathly Hallows Part 2? Is it possible to download a low resolution version of a high resolution image from a URL? What traffic laws in Singapore are particularly hard for foreign drivers to get used to? Hello iam from India how is I phone in chor bszaar? What is the best place for a visit in December in India? How do I recognise a voLTE mobile? What is a girl's biggest turn off? What is the integration of ((cos²x) ÷ (1+tanx))? Should Sai Baba be considered as God? How do I to make money online? How do you delete a suspended Twitter account? Why would I want a Raspberry Pi? What made Undertale so great, and how do I make a game similar to it? Can an IAS officer give any order to an IPS officer? Who provides best broadband internet in New Delhi? What are some mind blowing camping tools that exist that most people don't know about? Why do we need two fluxes in a synchronous generator or a synchronous motor? What would happen if a person got merit out of the SSB? Will he have to give the SSB again? How might my Quora question no one likes be deleted? What's one easy way to waste a life? What should every UC Berkeley undergraduate do before they graduate? How do I start an essay? Fitness: What is the best cardio exercise to lose weight? What is wrong with the following sentences? How do I find the best web design agency in Ontario? What is the best mutual fund to invest for a long term in India? What are the ways a dumb person can earn money online? What is the biggest problem with Africans on Quora? How much importance does the XLRI (Xavier Labour Relations Institute) give to work experience for their BM (Business Management) program? How I can improve my English communication? What oil is in oil change? "Does ""ice and fire"" mean White Walkers and Dragons or Jon and Dany?" Is it human nature to talk about others behind their backs? Who is the almighty Narayana? Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva or Lord Krishna? Can I use 110V 60 hz CFL with 220V 50 Hz? Who is better between Dravid & Dhoni? Who is not giving toll tax? What is life's most satisfying purpose? How could one turn a million into a billion? Why is PayTM being promoted by the BJP despite Alibaba, a Chinese firm, being its largest shareholder? What should you do after fainting? If hole is positive why is diode neutral? What is the function of a computer hard drive? How can I get up early in the morning(8:00am)? What exactly is secret about the secret service? Have you ever been raped? How much power consumes a 5hp 3 phase motor in 1 hour? What does it feel like to drive a train? I eat healthily, exercise daily. I wake up at 2-3 am and lie in bed awake unable to fall asleep for 2-3 hours. What can do so I STAY asleep at night? Why is Nehru's birthday celebrated as children's day? How much money can I make from a YouTube video with 5,000 views? What happens if citizens continue to use old 500 and 100 notes after Nov 9? We can still exchange those notes till Dec 30. Is IPC 279 a criminal case? I don't want marriage, children, or a typical life. I want to focus my life on meditation and knowledge. Which lifestyles could realistically suit me? What's a good book to learn programming for the absolute beginner? Which is the best skin whitening cream in India? Who would win a war between Vietnam and China? Why? If the earth is round and we live on the surface (keeping in mind the law of gravity) why doesn't anybody fall off? How can I make money online quickly and easily? Can pornography be art? What is the scope of Mechanical Engineering? What are the advantages/disadvantages of a all-in-one network or separate devices for security? How do I review a paper? What should I include in my review? How much time does it take for a male to ejaculate during masturbation? Can a police detective go back to being a patrol officer? How do you make banana juice? What does anal sex feel like? I am travelling to Thailand from India. Which Currency should I carry with me. US Dollars or Thai Baht or Indian Rupee? What were the most followed topics on Quora in 2016? How do I gain access to a person's instagram photos, if their account is private? Is it true that if you don't use it you lose it? I have a Samsung Galaxy Note Edge and Google Maps works only when the mobile data is on. How can I use Google Maps via WiFi? How do I get rid of my butt pimples and the scars caused by them? What is the best online course for studying basic computer science? What positive lessons can an atheist teach a religious person about being happy? How can I control sleep while studying? Which car services are available in London, ON? How good are they compared to taxis and relative to each other? Can reservation for backward cast be cancelled? How do I make money through YouTube? What is the best content of the e-learning course? What would be the effect on India if Donald Trump really becomes the president of US? Are witches real? How can I blur the background and focus the object with an 18-55mm lens using a Nikon D3300? Why has Narendra Modi not appointed any Lokpal yet? How many hours should I spend Quora each day? Is a BE CSE a good course? How will hillary Clinton deal with foreign issues? Who would win in WW3 if it broke out? What will be the adverse impact of uniform civil code on Hindu customery laws if it is implemented in India? Is it worthwhile doing MBA from NITs? Which mobile is better under 15k? What should I learn now to become a game developer? In all honesty, can a girl be attractive/sexy with a big wide nose? What are the best places in chennai? What are some of the best anecdotes? Is there any cure for Crohn's disease? Jay bazzinotti: do you have any pictures of yourself that you wouldn't mind sharing? How many people die of laughing each year? Who will win the 2016 presidential election? "What are some of the best examples of ""life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you react to it""?" What are some best business ideas with minimum investment? What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake, and how do these effects compare to the Arica earthquake in 1868? Does touching a TV screen can affect the TV and can I clean the TV or does that affect it? How do I lose 15 kilos? I got a job offer from a company and client is wells fargo.is it ok to join company? Is there any chances to move on payroll of wells fargo Instagram (product): How can I know who visits my Instagram profile? What movie website can I watch movies on without credit card information? If universe can expand without limit and it creates dark/vacuum/gravitational energy with it,then is the potential energy infinite? How can an individual learn about linguistics? How is a charity organization run and taxed in the US? How do I lie to my parents? Why stray dogs bark at rag pickers? What is a good web site for online chiropractic CE and chiropractic webinars? What are the best places (stores) to buy wedding dresses for men in Mumbai and Delhi? What are places that can be visited in Gurgaon? What are the essential skills that a Java web developer should have? Are jQuery and JSF some of them? How many calories should a 60 lb dog eat per day? How do I crack the TCS aptitude test? What are the best budget rums? What are the best programming languages to learn today? How do I know that a guy likes you? Which is better for mechanical engineering, PDPU or Nirma? What are some best ways to earn money online? I am an international student in Ethiopia. I really want to apply for a summer program in the US? Where do you suggest I apply? Why are there no female Navy SEALs? Do VCs don't provide funding because of a young CEO running the company? What is a cloud? How can I pass the IELTS? How do I renew msn premium? What would happen if Bill Gates bought three billion dollars worth of stock and then sold them all at once? Which moisturizer is best used for dry skin? Why the banning of 500 and 1000 rupees notes? Can we be immortal? How do unicellular organisms maintain homeostasis for survival? Why do people on Quora ask silly questions about the facts which can be googled very easily? How do I get into Archaeological survey of India? What Is your New year resolutions in 2017? How do I cure a squinted eye with natural exercises? How can I book tickets on IRCTC using ICICI payment gateway? How should I start preparing for CAT? What material should I use to pass the C2150-202 exam? Why aren't even harmonics significant when compared to odd harmonics in power system? I am a structural engineer but I am confused whether I can do business analytics, I need some suggestions? Spotify: Do artists get paid for offline listens on Spotify? Why were my last few questions I asked marked as needing improvement? Why do we celebrate mother's day? Why isn't the media reporting on the rape lawsuit recently filed in NY against Donald Trump? Have you been raped? Which was the best tank of the 1960s and 70s? Leopard 1, M-60, AMX-30, Chieftain, or T-62? Why don't people reply to my questions? "Was Flipkart's ""Big Billion Day"" sale a success or a failure? Why?" Do Americans see $1 the same way Indians see 1 Indian Rupee? What is the best climate to live in for permaculture? A poker hand consists of 5 cards. It will come from a well-shuffled deck of cards. What is the probability of having 4 Queens and any face card? How do I get over a broken friendship? Can I move my SIM card from one iPhone 4S to another? Who would win in a fight between the Imperium of Mankind and the Galactic Empire? Which Ivy League university is the easiest to get into? What are some of the worst questions asked on Quora? What is your review of www.buttermyresume.com? What does groupcommerce.com do? What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? What are the best programming languages for beginners and why? What hotel in Agra would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? What are all the Thai restaurants in Palo Alto? What is the structural difference between a protein and a peptone? What is full form of L E D? What was your favorite Halloween costume, and why? What are the best books on Data Structure to prepare for theory based exam? Which was your dream that you can not complete? Is it possible to create a Facebook ad campaign for a client that is not on Facebook? How old is too old to start medical school? How should I start work with freelancer? Where can I learn to create a GUI using GTK on C/C? How can millennials better engage with church? How do you think a World War III would play out? Why is Twitter killing Vine and not selling it? What are some examples of saturated and unsaturated solutions? Does reality believe in philosophy more during the summer than it does in the autumn? What online resources are there to learn Esperanto? What's it like in the navy? How do I find the even factors of a number? What are the weirdest questions you have seen on Quora? Are there any organs in the human body that can be regrown completely? How can I become less jealous? How can I find my look-alike? What is the best camera for a photography starter at an affordable price? Is banking sector should be degitized? Am I getting enough required vitamins and minerals? What are the last things an astronaut does before going into space? How is the opportunity cost of economic growth in Israel determined? What is the use of hair in the nose, underarm & groin area? What do you do to spy on a friend's Snapchat? What will the American education system look like in the future? Which are examples of inelastic collisions? Can dark matter exist in earth? How did the 2008 financial crisis affect Germany? How can girls prefer bad boys more than kind gentlemen? What are some of funniest jokes that you have ever heard? Why are Tamilians obsessed with fat heroines? MySQL: How to avoid reading stale data from Slaves? Do I always need to read from Master? Why do we worship the linga of Lord Shiva? How much percentile can one expect with 31-32 marks in XAT 2017? Could Donald Trump be a Democratic plant? Is he trying to help Hillary Clinton? Does the foreskin generally retract when the penis becomes erect? How do I stop stalking someone on social media? Why are fossil fuels unsustainable? What is the best way to get rid of pimples? What is a good, reliable online job that I can work on at home? Do people still wear monocles? Do many people still believe in alchemy, or is it only a few? How can you prevent a bathroom mirror from fogging up during a hot shower? What is the nicest thing that a complete stranger has ever done for you? What is the best way to inprove my English writing ability? Can I sell in USD with a EU bank account? Why does it make my wife upset when I try to convince her not to leave? Why does my butt bleed every time I poop? Do you believe that you can be in love with two people at the same time? What are the best writings/books on the psychology and personality traits of dictators? What are your favorite music genres? If he thinks sex is only to get a nut and would prefer to masturbate most of the time instead of having sex with me, should I break up with him? Or am I am taking this too personal? "How do you say ""Do you have a passport and visa?"" in simplified Chinese?" What are all the available options for government jobs after completing B.Tech in mechanical engineering? Why is Judaism seen as not only a religion but a culture and heritage? Is there any good reading room available near ACE academy Abids? What should you do when your sugar cookie dough is too dry? How can I factorize [math]x^{10}+x^5+1[/math]? I have a two month old knee injury, how can I still continue to lose weight? Why can't India set up many sea water desalination plants to solve water problems? Is neem oil good for hair? What is the value of the square root of (-1)? How do I lose weight? Am I eligible to apply for the UGC NET exam with a distance learning degree? Is there a specific list of colleges from which we can do distance learning degree that are accepted by UGC NET? Tarzan is a myth or real? How do I develop myself? My boyfriend wants to have sex with me . And I have mixed feelings regarding that. Should I do it or not ? What is the difference between statistics and machine learning? If the Game of Thrones houses were Hogwarts houses, which would be which? How can I get rid of thorn trees? What are your top 10 favorite bands? What are the basic elements of a good business idea? How can you tell if this is worth your blood, sweat and tears? How could Donald Trump become a dictator? What do anti-ship missiles do differently from other missiles? I had been gifted BEATS headphones and they now aren't working, does no one repair these in bangalore? I don't have the warranty What's the best way to earn Rs 10000 in one month? What is the best running show under 150$? What are the best resources for learning about mobile app UI design? How do I improve my English writing ability? Is it true that Facebook pre-IPO employees don't have to pay taxes on their options and RSUs? Do you think a brain transplant will be possible to perform in the future? How will banning Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes help in overcoming corruption in India? How do you find the magnitude of the net force? Why are hematomas caused when drawing blood What does a cold symbolize in poetry? What does this Google Doodle mean? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Metro State? What is Trey Knight's first start-up? What's the possibility of planet Earth running out of drinking water? How do I get word count in Microsoft Word 2003? I'm 18 and have nothing to do with my life, what should I do? Kerala, India: How do you describe a typical keralite/malayali man? What do fashion brand manager do? What are the most irrelevant questions you came across? Ex- do the subway drivers know that they are carrying coins on the carriages in subway surfer? Why is Singapore and China in a bad relationship? What colors make red? How can we find angel investors for my first startup in India? "What is the difference between ""on time"" and ""in time""?" Which is the best digital marketing course? How do I know if it's time to break up with someone? How do I have sex with a prostitute? I got C grade in hindi, class 10 FA-1 exam.What is the maximun cgpa i can score in final? Why was Katrina Kaif's Cannes debut a flop? What are some cool and unique ways of marketing for promoting a website? How would your life change if your IQ dropped by 20 points? How can I locate my husband's phone location without him knowing? How websites earn? Does they get payed when website is visited by large number of people or when large number of visitors click on adds on the site? What does it say about America if Trump is elected president? I am a medical student and want to make an app for patients. I want to use NLP to parse queries of patient. Where to start and which NLP to use? Are we actually immortal? What is the difference between resting heart rate and normal heart rate? Why do interior designers travel? I'm curious, is there any prophecy regarding Tom Riddle? The significant one like Harry, because Tom Riddle existence is kinda essential. Does long distance relationships actually work? What should I do now in my love life? Should I have a weasel as a pet? Does HIV only affect humans? If I view someone on LinkedIn and then block them, can they see I viewed them? When we see a mosquito flying in our car, is he actually flying at the speed of our car? Which is the best book for building Self Esteem and Confidence? What are the best way of loose the weight? Snooker: I know how to clear the colours on their spots - do I just need time to do it correctly? What will be impact of 500 / 1000 notes ban on real estate? What are the things that can escape from a black hole? Why do media and politicians not deal with the core of the Kashmir issue instead of running around the fringes? What are the best ways to make money online? Is man inherently good or evil? What should I do to improve my memory? How do Google employees that live in Seattle commute to the Google Kirkland office? What is the most resistant material on earth? I have lost my phone, so I deactivated the SIM-card. How can I delete my WhatsApp account? What is the best way to learn about investing in the stock market and what stocks to buy? What are the advantages of the 2nd law of thermodynamics over the first law? Why is only one of The Chronicles of Narnia movies on iTunes? What are some of the best merchandising campaigns? How do you cope with social anxiety? How can I cast my vote via post? What are your most inspiring movies? How do I become an international arms dealer? Which company provides the best SEO services in Delhi? What is the difference between baking powder and baking soda? How are they used differently for cleaning? What are some contrasting aspects of Hinduism? Is there any mobile app through which I can download music? Where do I learn to make an Android app, using Python, from scratch? How exactly does the Indian economy work? What are some major social faux pas to avoid when visiting Nigeria? How happy are you? How do I become a good writer from just being an avid reader? I cut my hair and I don't like it. What should I do to make it grow fast? From where do atheists get their morality? Where was Percy Spencer when he invented the microwave? What's your favorite anime? And why? The Newly Introduced 2000 Rupees and 500 Rupees notes are enabled with NGC Technology (Nano GPS Chip) ? Did any country introduced such currency? What are some secrets that a girl would rarely be fond of sharing with a boy? What have you learnt from your life until now? What has been the best movie of 2016? How can I hire and incentivize interns to help with my new application if we don't have any revenue? How can I earn money online? If objects appear colored because all visible spectrum gets absorbed by it except the color it reflects, what is the color of a red tomato placed inside an iron box under earth? Is is colorless, like a Schrodinger's cat event? I've tried to confirm my email on Quora and it says I'll get an email but I don't get it. Why? What does a complete beginner need to know before getting into tennis? Could human intelligence be decreasing? Why is a broken mirror bad luck? How can I join a startup company? Who invented the air conditioner? What universities does Parkway Properties recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? How can I make a question in Quora? What does being a freelancer mean and what do they do? What are the best Italian cooking techniques? What's the best advice you've ever been given? What will be Hillary Clinton's immigration policies be like? How would I find the equation of the tangent to x^2+y^2=100 at the point on the circumference with x coordinate 6 and a positive y coordinate? Daniel Ek: When will Spotify be available for Indian customers? Can someone who developed schizoid personality disorder change? What are the best health & fitness apps for Android devices? What are the legal separation laws in PA and how do they compare with the ones in Delaware? Which is the best book to prepare for xat? Will Bernie Sanders win California? How do you make yourself completely come out of your comfort zone? Was the partition of India necessary? How much does it cost to book a good wedding venue? How do I reduce the pain of eyes? What is the best way for preparing CFA Level - 1 Exam? How do you treat a distended eardrum? What are the best courses for mechanical engineer for high salary? Is the Bermuda Triangle literally mysterious? What is the technology stack of Vivino? If you could ask God a question, what would you ask? Which is the best smartphone I can buy under Rs.6000? Why am I not getting any freelance jobs on Upwork? Resident Evil: Was the Hive built after Raccoon City? What is the difference between automotive and automobile engineering? Does the Black Knight satellite actually exist? Why do people give a shit? What is the geographic distribution of Foursquare users? How are supernova and black holes related? Why do some white people hate non-white people? What is the next number in the series? 2,4,7,10,15,18,... How much would it cost to build the pyramids today? As a B.Arch student, what is the process for applying as a Junior architect in Singapore? Are there any generators that generate unlimited coins and cash in 8 ball pool? Is it true that if British hadn't ruled Indian caste system won't be criticized? How can I get really good at deducing things like Sherlock Holmes? Should someone born an asian stay in Asia or try and make it in the West as a minority? Why? What is best puzzling question ever asked in an interview? Can I be in the army if I have a terrible memory / recall? What would happen if the sun quits for a week? Why do people I don't follow on Instagram show up in the search bar when I type one letter? Why/How do some people become so ignorant? How can you determine the chemical formula for magnesium and copper sulfate? What would be a realistic plan to lose weight? What does Denmark's economy depend on? "For insurance purposes, what is ""an act of god""?" If I start to exercise a lot, stop eating and drinking, will I lose a significant amount of weight in a year? What do Italian mythical creatures represent? Should I get the new Macbook Pro? How is the movie Kaththi featuring Vijay and Samantha in the lead and directed by A.R. Murugadoss? How many international students in USA? What should you do if you test positive for opiates? How can I reset my phone number in irctc app when I have forgotten the password? What is the best way to cook pork? How can I stop thinking of a person? I am good programmer on H1b visa. What are some of the good employers that I should target to get green card? How can I improve my study efficiency? "Is referring to an American house as a ""mansion"" considered derogatory?" Is it worth pursuing a graduate degree in mathematics? What reasons can a landlord give for retaining a security deposit? Is really true love exist? How do you convert a PDF to a layered PSD? How do you know if you're in love with someone and might only be denying the fact to yourself? What is Explorate? How does it work and how is it different from other shopping apps? What are the coolest inventions of the 21st century that people don't know about? How do I handle my anger issues? How do eccentric and concentric contractions compare and contrast? Why do people love the Linux operating system? What are the most popular publications in the 'investment'? Why is Colorado considered a swing state and how is it important to the elections? What are some examples of autotrophs or heterotrophs? How do I hack Instagram account? Someone is using my identity and posting inappropriate post? My height is 5'6 and I'm 14 year old boy, my mom is 5'4 and my dad is 5'7. How tall will I be? Do astronauts masturbate in space or what do they do when they get aroused? How do l see who viewed my videos on Instagram? I completed my B.tech in 5 years. Can I get admitted into US universities? What did Ivanka Trump do at Wharton? What are the popular job search sites in India for Mid-Level Experienced MBA Professional apart from Naukri.com and iimjobs.com? Why wasn't The Vietnam war censored as much as WW I or II? What are the good oil and acyrlic paint brushes to buy online? Is wwe fake? Music Production: Can anyone tell me where can I find a free download for Nuendo 5? Do women in big cities like New York notice/feel attraction to guys on the street? I feel very few women notice me at all/make eye contact. Which will be the best day of your life? What causes a wart to turn black? How can it be treated? Where can I find free Premiere Pro title templates? A girl kissed me on my lips after I REJECTED her proposal. What should I do, I am damn confused? How do I remove the smell of vomit from a mattress? How is disease stopped through giving drugs to relieve illness symptoms? What is the use of computer architecture and organization to a programmer? What is the meaning of Urdu word 'Mazhab'? How can one get an interview with one of the big four consulting firms? What do you mean by iPhone is disabled? What are the most amazing facts about a country? Will Lionel Messi keep scoring as many goals as he is scoring now, once Cristiano Ronaldo retires? Will YouTube replace TV in 5-10 years in the US? Can anyone get Bunsen burners? What is a recommendation for article spinner software? If A and B are two vectors, what is the angle between (A + B) and (A × B)? What type of app sells the most? Can Virat Kohli be a good captain? If he had such a good time on our date that he had to kiss and text the second it ended, why would he radio silence me for 3 days now? Why is a 3 pass heat exchanger not made? Why are Mountain states so Republican? How can I get over social anxiety? How do I buy Instagram followers? What happens with a foreign startup at Y Combinator after the 3 month program? If God is omniscient, then do we really have free will? Why is Zeus so powerful? I want to attack Great Britain. How can I defeat the British Army? Indian Judiciary: Is it not necessary to have a transparent and unbiased appointment procedure of judges in lower courts, high courts, and the Supreme Court in view of controversy created by Justice Katju? How do we know the bright spots in the HST Hubble Deep Field are galaxies and not stars? What are some mind-blowing technologies things that exist that most people don't know about? What do volts and amperage mean? Does eating prunes help with constipation? I need an SME term loan. Where can I get one? What is the functions of communication? What do we know about Hillary Clinton's health? What is the cheapest toothpaste? Preparing for civil services but my parents are worried, they are asking me to join in some software company.I don't know what to do? Can I drive on an Indian driver's license in the US? How would you feel if the government banned soft drinks for minors? What would happen if Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both suddenly dropped out right now? Where and how did Mother Teresa help the poor? How can I become a math genius? What are the weirdest things that make you happy? What is a Cumulative Distribution Function or CDF in case of random variables? How can one invest in Bitcoins? Is religion mass delusion? How many countries exist in the world this time? Which is the best institute to study PGCFR course. Doing PGCFR after an mba or the same without an mba which option is more advisable? How is life of IIT? At what age do boys' height increases? What is the highest inhabitable mountain location in southeastern Turkey? Who owns the Internet? Is there a music app you can use that don't use data after downloading music? Who invented words? Why is Maharashtra the richest state in India?? Which is the best e-commerce platform in India? What are the different types of mechanical seal? Why is salt ground? Did Japan start WWII by bombing Pearl Harbor? What is your success story? Why are the contestants on Hell's Kitchen so cocky and nasty to each other, and are they actually like this or was it for good television? What is meant by dollar loss rate in terms of credit cards? What Is your New year resolutions in 2017? I'm a +2 CBSE non-medical student. Is there any provision to give a single bio-paper instead of repeating +2 with all 5 subjects? Is it bad that I do not want to make a man leave his family because they have children, and I would rather them grow up with a father, as my dad left when I was young to be with another woman and we never had a relationship since then? What is the difference between using Turbo C and GNU C/C++? What does the following statement mean? Is it possible to code a desktop app that plugs on LinkedIn and sucks in the contact list, to be augmented withs tags and attributes locally? What would happen if I would lick a cat? Is he right person for me? Why doesn't Hayao Miyazaki make more movies? What causes a bad person to become a good one? What is the difference in raw sugar and refined sugar? What are the best thug life moments of your life? How do I Get Started with my career in Ethical hacking? Are there any countries that have never been disturbed by a natural disaster? Which ones? Why did Germany lose WWII? How do nested loops work? Is curved spacetime the state of displacement of the strongly interacting dark matter? What are some major social faux pas to avoid when visiting Syria? If the Modi Government is serious about fighting corruption, why doesn't it pass the anti-corruption Lokpal bill? How do I learn Java without knowing C or C++? Or what topics should I cover from C or C++ to learn Java? What's the difference between the emotions of a girl and a boy? How will banning Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes help in overcoming corruption in India? I don't have a proof of address, how do I apply for pan card? Who will become the next PM of India? Will Hillary Clinton pardon herself if she's indicted for a crime? What do Star Wars fans think of the Palpatine theory about Rey in Force Awakens? What is a good alternative to ZOLA Software? How do I present my answers in RMO? Japanese: Do westerners smell bad? What do you do when you have free time? What I should do to be enthusiastic? What does it take to unsubscribe from Quora? I do not want anything from Quora any more. Is there any evidence of life on other planets? How can I purchase a One Plus 3T from Amazon using a Bajaj Finserv EMI Card? Where can I get a free guided meditation from Sadhguru? How was FDR elected four times when the limit was two terms? What can I do with a 6 Mbps for download and 1 Mbps speed for upload internet? What is the intro to Avatar: The Last Airbender? What are the funniest memes you have come across on Narendra Modi? Is it good to take LIC endowment plan? How can I get job in MNC? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Education Realty Trust? How do I stop my computer addiction? What are the best home exercises to lose weight? How can I learn to be a great father for my future kids? Is Patanjali shares available in BSE or NSE? Like electric charge there are no magnetic charges in a magnetic field. This statement refers to Gauss Law, Faraday’s law, Newton law, All of above? What universities does Teletech recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? What is the relation between linear and angular displacement? What are some common household acids? What will be the effect of Donald Trump becoming the president of US on India? How does spin affect the trajectory of a body in motion, such as a bullet, ball, or missile? Do fluid profiles over spinning & non-spinning bodies differ? How long meth stay in system? Which is the best laptop to buy at price range 40-45000 rs? What is it like to smoke marijuana? Do you ever have to leave your house? What are the 14 leadership principles of Amazon? Does green tea reduce weight? How does it work? How many glasses should we have daily? How do I delete suggested users on Instagram? Which is your biggest fear? How can I avail business loan from Mudra Bank? What all documents I need to prepare for the same. How much does it cost to buy weed brownies? Who does not use Quora? Why has the UK retained the monarchy? What is the difference between Ubuntu and windows? Why has Narendra Modi not been appointed as Chief Information Commissioner and a Lokpal yet? Has he something to hide? Combination of SAP bi and fico? From where, I could get the exact on road price of all branded 35 to 50 HP farm tractors in India? Since terrorists believe what they're doing is correct, how difficult is it to interrogate them? What specific precautions/tactics are used? Has there been any serious scientific study into unexplained phenomenon such as ghosts etc.? It bothers me to see a black man with a white woman but it does not bother me to see a white man with a black woman. Why might this bother me? What is a factor for 3? What's up with Donald Trump's hair? What is the biggest question about food? What would you do if given the power to become invisible? Is there a smart way of property investment I could make for under 10K pounds anywhere in UK or Ireland or generally in EU? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Steel Dynamics is coming out with in 2016? Can I use the previous Manhattan GMAT guide (5th ed designed for 2013 official GMAT guide) in combination with the GMAT official guide of 2016? Who is the most favoured assassin in Assassin's Creed series? How do I learn WordPress from scratch? How many valence electrons does oxygen have? What is Esther Duflo like in person? What is the difference between a turboprop and a jet engine? "By what process do humans ""remember to remember""?" What is your review of Adidas AG (company)? Why do people think Trump is racist? Where can I found different types of floor tile collection in Sydney? How do I repair a broken Apple iPad screen? What does it feel like to get stabbed? How do I deal with close minded teachers? How many Vietnamese have Chinese blood? Is Socrates a hoax? Or not? Why should I jailbreak my iPhone? Why didn't Severus Snape appear when Harry used the resurrection stone? How do I prove that there is no god? What is environmental context in design? Are hate crimes terrorism? How do I start a food startup in Pune? Was it ever possible for Germany to win World War II? Are there any competitive coders from Tamil Nadu? Who will win 2019 Lok sabha elections? How many papers you cleared at once in engineering? How can I join merchant navy after B.Sc hotel management? How do I overcome my fear of work? Why do some artists tune their guitars a half or whole step down? Is it ok to lie and say you're in school for a master's degree on your resume when you're not? Does hypnotism work? How will long distance relationship work? Do the Japanese have shame for the military crimes committed by their army in the 20th century (like the Nanking incident, for instance) like the Germans have shame for theirs during World War II? Is IELTS or pte easier? Does oyo rooms allow local unmarried couples in Hyderabad? What is the best laptop under 60,000 INR? How do you go about integrating a video player like Vine / Instagram on iOS? Inserted a m4V movie using the video tag. Plays in chrome and Safari but not in Firefox. I get no error message saying that it is not supported. Just a gray box. Any ideas why? What are the requirements for selection into MIT? Jobs for mechanical engineer after masters in australia? What happens if someone overdoses on cetirizine hcl using about 26 pills? How do I write an irresistible subject line for a cold email? I have a crush on a co-worker but we don't work in the same team and have no communication whatsoever. How can I ask her out without coming off as creepy or spoiling work place relations? How quality check is done in e retails? How do snails poop? Are atheists are afraid of dying? Which Indian movies meet Hollywood standards? How has India changed after having Narendra Modi as the PM? Where is the Baraka River located, and how does it compare to the Yellow River? What made Facebook better than MySpace? What are the best Hollywood thriller movies? What work experience will get someone with an engineering background to an M7 business school? Why do Muslims hate the BJP? Should I choose a company with low pay but nice colleagues or high pay with office politics? Can I take industrial training after b.tech? "What is considered to be an equivalent of ""The Feynman lectures on Physics"" for Logic?" What actually happens in the Bermuda Triangle? How is internal mobility at Two Sigma? What was the best dish you have ever been served on board an airplane? What can I do to become an automobile engineer, after graduation in mechanical engineering? If there's infinite energy in zero point energy and infinite virtual particles in vacuum energy, is this real or just a mathematical thing? How many bones would it take to gnaw off my own shinbone? Why are there different blood types? How do I stop fantasizing about girls? What is the equation of lines having slope -1? What happens when systolic and diastolic pressures are close together? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at HD Supply? What makes life difficult? How have I motivated others? How can we prepare for an IIT-JEE just by self-studying? How do I start the preparation for civil service examination from ground zero? Why do people write such lengthy answers on Quora? How can I get in shape quickly? Who likes Miley Cyrus? When should you downvote a comment? How much can I make playing poker? What songs make you cry and why? What are the objectives of smart city plan? How many hours do you spend playing clash of clans? Where can I hire a real bad ass hacker? Should I crop my American pitbull terrier's ears? I'm not an IITian and graduated in 2016. I have CGPA around 8.4 and pretty good scores in X and XII. Can you advice considering following details? How much would it take to learn C#? What has Barack Obama done that gets so many people angry? Where can I eat authentic Italian food in London? Is ISBF affiliated to University of London? Can Evernote or OneNote be used to substitute paper lab notebook that is legally valid for intellectual property protection purposes? Why does Quora allow people to turn off comments? For how long a dog can stand on his back legs? How do I make life more interesting? What is junk food? What is the most efficient way I can learn Texas Hold’Em Poker? How can a person philosophically explain the difference between the words subjectivity and objectivity? Should I work for McKinsey or Google? What is the compulsory public education system? Can the Yamaha Clavinova CVP 709 GP do everything a Tyros 5 can? What is Implicit function? Is it better to work out at night or in the morning? Romania: What are some key characteristics of Romanian people? Does iCloud store Safari's history/data? How do I ship household utensils from Chennai, India to Herning, Denmark at the lowest cost? What does it feel like to go from skinny to ripped? Mean ± SEM or Mean (SD)? Which is the best use for presenting data in graphical or tabular form? How many Android phone users receive SMS from their banks in India? What is data science Which trek is better for a first timer: Dzongri Trek or Sandakphu (with Phalut) trek? How did being aware of politically incorrect phrases rise in popularity in the U.S.? What do I do when I no longer look good in Facebook pictures and people keep putting them up? How do I stay alive hungry? Why do people hate fat/obese men and women? Where can I find Dishonored in Pokémon GO ? How Many days it takes to open a SBI account? What can a Chinese speaker do to become fluent in English? How can gain my weight? How can I create a blog about motivation and self-improvement? What are some mind blowing tools and things that most people don't know? Is jailbreaking an iPhone safe? Why does my puppy seems depressed? How can I use avocado oil for hair growth? How do you calculate retention rate? Which is the best business with low investment and high profit? What is address of line 1 and line 2? How can I improve my intelligence? What are some ways to train the human mind to resist certain temptations? How do I calculate a semester percentage from SGPA in ITER? How are Android apps developed? What is the programming language used? If the members of NITK Electrical and Electronics batch 2016 were Game Of Thrones characters, who would be whom? How can I be a native English speaker? How could I gain weight in a healthy way? What makes a man attractive to women? Can we use pneumatic motor to generate electricity somehow? Why is it OK to vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a woman, but not OK to not vote for her because she is a woman? What is the difference between Vamana Jayathi and Onam? My startup is currently in the pre-launch, product development stage. We are making projections for our marketing campaign. Our budget is $1,500 to start off for organic tactics. How do I get the CAC? How can I improve my English pronunciation? Should India have a uniform civil code (personal laws)? Do diets cause depression? If so, how? How do people die? Why do lawyers run the world and not engineers? Is Made Easy handwritten notes enough for the GATE exam? How do I spend a day fully? How do I cook soup? What are the best books for Data Structures (No Algorithms)? Why doesn't an IES officer get security like an IAS officer? Is there a site where you can safely synchronize and archive all your internet activity, emails, chat, Android and Windows app data? A storage service that doesn't have the option to be deleted? Why does Redfin not provide an API? What should be the beam depth and column size for 6 metre span between the columns? Why do I find girls bare feet attractive? Is it useful to see a life coach regularly? How can I get an internship at Deutsche bank? What are the ways of losing weight? How are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells different? How are Paper Boat juices health wise compared to Real and Tropicana? How do I start preparation for IAS? What is the phone number for The Ellen DeGeneres Show? What is the role of youth in Indian politics? Could India and Pakistan unite again? How do I write add on in Quora while asking questions? Should India use Army against maoists? Why? How can I become fluent in English? How do you delete a question on Quora? How do I know whether someone really loves me? How much time will my Jio sim will take to get activated? I need help for me and my doyfreind? Is Punjabi also an official language of Canada? What are some of the best data scraping tools? What is it like to work at a startup for the first time? What is Palm Pre? How would you communicate with aliens? Are there any other special exams other than engineering or medical exams after 2nd year of pre university? What type of government does Guatemala have? How does it compare to the one in Venezuela? Do I need a type of degree to help overweight teens reach a healthy weight? What could go wrong if I take Ibuprofen with Tylenol? How do I get pass the awkwardness of sitting alone at lunch? What's the most interesting thing about aspd? How can I stop being scared of talking to people? Which one is the best micron accuracy 3d scanner for industrial design? Is there a reason why it is beneficial to follow people or be followed on Quora? If Einstein's theory of general relativity says that gravity is the result of curved spacetime and that matter, such as a planet, has no force whatsoever that pulls other matter towards it, how are we able to walk on the Earth without falling off? Is there a force pushing on us? Is it a good time to join Twitter as a software engineer? Why have European colonial powers never conquered China like they did with India? What is the etymology of 夏天? A convex lens with a focal length of 20 cm is placed in front of a convex mirror with a focal length of 7.5 cm. A luminous object is placed in front of the convex lens at a distance of 40 cm from it. What is the distance between the mirror and the lens to get the object's erect image coincident with the object? What are the best places to visit in Kerala? How do I recover my Gmail password? How do I approach a girl without failure and fear of rejection? Why do you think TV networks compete? How can I grow long hairs? How can you prove e^πi+1=0? How do you evaluate the book Polly Anna? How do I control my emotions and anger? Can you delete someone's picture on Instagram? I have blocked someone on Instagram but I still appear on their following list. Can they have bypassed the block feature and still can see my profile? "How is the word ""scornful"" used in a sentence?" What type of government does Turkey have? How does it compare to the one in Japan? How did Donald Trump become such a racist? Why doesn't honey go bad? Is learning Chinese really difficult? How does Ally bank offer higher rates than other online banks? How many men are needed to take down a chimpanzee bare-handed? Is class X score important for IIM's IPM? What's the street value of A332? Does a car heater use gas? Why don’t textbooks in India tell our children about the sacrifices their ancestors made to retain and protect the culture of the nation? What's the nicest looking coworking space in Bangalore? Is drone delivery possible? What is the difference between an L1 and an H1-B visa? Who is the best batsman of all time? Could Apple and Samsung ever merge? Will Jimmy Fallon ever have Jimmy Kimmel on his show? Would an external USB 3.0 CD/DVD drive be faster than an external USB 2.0 CD/DVD drive? Are fate and destiny interconnected What is the best online coding bootcamp? What's better at the age of 22 being single or commitment in a relationship? We are planning to launch a website. What are good Beta Tester Group in Facebook? What are the prospects for pulses for sustainable food security? Is white a colour? Which is the best online dating apps? What is the most meaningful/interesting thank you note you've ever received after a design interview? Why do I feel like I'm tired of life? Where can I find boohoo.com voucher codes and promo codes? Coming from a lower-middle class family, how to survive financially in London while studying? What are customer service functions? Who has been the most worldly US President? What are the best ways to lose weight? Why do most of the motels have a connecting door between the rooms? How do I get the fields in dimension from other data source in tableau? My doctor has prescribed me with MDD XR 50 (desvenlafaxine) a few months ago for an anxiety disorder and depression. Now I want to stop it. But once I skip it, the next day I am vomiting, have irritation and indigestion-like symptoms. What should I do? How can you determine the chemical formula for calcium nitride? What is the age of consent in Washington? What is the best diet for a growing decathlete? Why would a man you love leave you and want you to hate him? When does a woman have the highest chance of getting pregnant? Is this before periods, during periods or after periods? Is Robert Frost related to THE Robert Frost? Do space shuttles create sonic boom? If no then why? What would you do if your teenager were in an open relationship or a polyamorous relationship? Which hurts the most? Saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing and wishing you had? What does a near death experience feel like? ⁠⁠⁠What are you most passionate about? What is ‘Edgware’ and how does the lifestyle compare to the London Borough of Brent? I am a big fan of Murdoch Mysteries. What are the best history books about 19th and early 20th century Toronto? Has religion developed globally? What are the best pages to follow on Facebook? How can I hack my husbands cellphone? Is DY Patil Navi Mumbai a good college? Is there any way to travel faster than light speed? Do you believe American police officers are too militarized? Will a gap year after graduation adversely affect my interview at IIMs? What's the best Bitcoin exchange? How can I search for pending patents that have not been issued yet? How can I get rid of pimples all over my face? "Fragrances: What is the difference between ""perfume"", ""eau de toilette"" and ""cologne""?" "Whenever I come across the word ""minorities,"" why do Muslims always come to my mind even though there are other minority groups in India too? Why do we never speak about their rights?" I don't like sale? How do numbers help your life? Which Android mobile phone is best under Rs.8000 ? What is the best way to overcome porn and masturbation addiction? What are the most popular pizza toppings? Was the Republican Congress too tough on President Obama? "How do I stop someone when they tell everyone what I told is ""bullshit""? I didn't lie." How do websites like The Pirate Bay survive? Who are the best manufacturers of white label effervescent vitamins in Europe? How do I get people to donate things for a fundraiser? Do many people fake smiles when they get their picture taken? Have you had a paranormal experience? What happened? Is Income tax audit required? How can I be a native English speaker? How do I change my Quora profile picture? How do I search the deep web? Where can I found different flavours for cupcakes at Gold Coast? What is the correlation? Why would a magnetized particle rotate in a magnetic field? Why is engineering more favoured? How is Trump planning to get Mexico to pay for his supposed wall? Why can't India secretly invade Pakistan and kill Dawood like US killed Osama? I have completed my mechanical engineering with below 60%. What should I do to get a job in good company? How do I deploy web application in a private cloud open nebula? Is there freedom of speech on Quora? What is the hardest part about being a teacher? What are the functions of software asset management? What is your favourite tea? How do I give a creative speech? What are some good coaching institutes for medical coding training in Bangalore? How rat poison kill humans? What is the difference between narcissism and self-love? What do you expect your last thought will be? What questions shouldn't be answered? What are some interesting smartphone hacks? How do I tell if a girl I sit next to likes me? How are Quora views counted? Is Arvind Kejriwal/AAP's Government better than Sheila Dixit ? How should I learn faster? Which books/study materials should I follow for GATE (mechanical) if I am preparing on my own without any coaching? How do I learn not to care about what people think of me? I want to improve my English? How can I immigrate to Canada from China with my husband together? Are there health benefits/risks associated with drinking diet coke or coke zero as opposed to regular coke? What are some examples of isolationism? Who is the oldest person to play soccer? Is FIFA a good place to work? Am I the only one who prefers Monica and Chandler's relationship compared to Ross and Rachel's on Friends? Why are people so obsessed with boobs? Which are the best war fiction books? I want to do a project to boot my Nexus 7 tablet with Android and Linux with a few apps of my choice. How can I do this? Can you suggest me 15 minutes workout for widening chest? Is online coaching better than going for institutes like TIME and PT Education for CAT preparation? I have done MBA in international business and having 1.5 years of experience I need job out of India? Did the descendants of the leading Nazis officers change their last names? Where can the approach of tinkering find its applications? Apart from learning? What insects undergo incomplete metamorphosis? What are some good ways to improve English vocabulary? I'm in the UK and 4 months before I was made redundant someone was employed to do my job. Do I have a legal right to unfair dismissal? What are some examples of polymeric macromolecules? What is the most unusual question ever asked on Quora? Can I get in trouble for watching movies on YouTube that are not public domain/GNU/Fair Use? Do people with autism know that they have autism? "What is the meaning of ""extending the literature on something""?" What is the best Google Chat client for Mac OS X? What would happen to Pakistan if it is declared as a terrorist nation? I am on an H1B visa and based on the new rule I am planning to apply for an EAD for my spouse who is on H4. What would happen to my spouse's EAD application if I change employers and transfer my H1B to a new employer, (which also means my spouse will get a new H4) before the EAD is approved? Do caterpillars know that they're gonna be butterflies or do they just build the cocoon and be like, what am I doing? How can you do scientific notation on a TI-84 calculator? What caused the Songhai Empire to fall? Did Marissa Mayer fail at turning Yahoo around? Someone has made a fake Instagram profile of my friend. Should we be worried? How can I find out who did it? What is the creepiest thing that society accepts as a cultural norm? What is the best way to drive traffic to a website? How do you turn on touch screen on a Lenovo Laptop? What is the salary of IBPS PO in hand? What fruit would you consider to be like an hourglass body shape? How much can an Android App with 50,000+ downloads earn from ads only? Which is the oldest relegion in the world? What are some ways to get famous on Vine? What is your favorite movie of all-time? Why did Western media and USA rarely released /print the picture of Vietnam aggressive reclamation in South China Sea as they did against China? Harvard College Courses: What is general shopping advice for Sociology classes? How did GoPro gain initial traction? For my first web app which framework should I choose? What's awesome about being Pakistani? Can we see light? Why Should I invest in M3M Urbana Premium Gurgaon? How do you type the plus and minus symbols in Excel? Best places to eat in Chennai? How do you describe yourself in an interview? How is Vistara Airlines different from any other airline? Can you get cheese on Five Guys fries? How do Americans think about Chinese? What is the difference between a rotary engine and a piston engine? Are all non-Muslims going to hell according to Islam? What is freezing point of petrol? How long do you have to run a car engine to charge the battery back to the point it was at before starting the car? Is IT field in India going to drop because of Trump's new policies? Where do I learn Tanjore painting in Tanjore? Who will Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump pick as their running mates? How does one get scabies? Is there any real proof of mermaids? What are the uses of imagery? Can you see who views your Instagram? What are the most pristine islands in Indonesia? How can I become your boyfriend? Benefits of NIOS board from Karnataka? How can I make my teeth white? What's the difference between a V4 and V6 engine? What is the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness? What are some examples? How can you tell the difference between a placebo effect or a real high from weed? What are the best companies for a civil engineer? Is Searchline database pvt ltd true or fake? Can I delete someones IG account? How do I become better at drawing? Is it bad to date a married man? Whose stand is more authoritative: that of a 'Sheikh' or that of a 'Mullah'? What is kitchkarma.com? Can graffiti artists spray graffiti in Rockdale County, Georgia? Does a long distance relationship really work? What is the importance of atlas in mbbs & which atlas should I prefer? I am 1st prof student. Why do I feel so sad and sorrowful when I see happy couples? What are the best strategies for preparing for the bar exam? If my sister dies, does that make her husband no longer my brother-in-law? If he still is considered my brother-in-law, what if he remarries? What are some funny things to include in a speech for student council? How can I upload profile picture on Quora? Is there any real way to earn Rs. 5,000 - 10,000 per month in India working a few hours per day online? If Elon Musk wants to colonize Mars as a backup to save humanity, why not colonize the moon? Is it normal to have cheated in a relationship even though you wouldn't tolerate that behavior from your partner? What is the best way to remove pubic hair permanently? Does it cost to make a police report? What are some examples for physics school project acknowledgements? What are remedies to get rid of belly fat? What are the nuances of reviewing a film? What all aspects should the review contain? How does someone become a medical writer? What precautions do female pornstars have for not getting pregnant while shooting? Why do dogs bark at rag-pickers? What is the biggest injustice you have ever faced? How can I clear IBM first round of placement? What is the cut off for first round ? Which websites are banned in India? What were the best PC games in 2016? Smartphones: What is the best phone camera at the moment? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Cisco? As an atheist, you wake up in hell and in time realise God really exists. Whom do you ask for help? Meaning of pent? Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in the Philippines? Why do I miss my home? What's the most awkward/embarrassing situation you've ever faced in your life? What other movies are like Interstellar? Is there a way on Quora to ask why a specific question was marked as needs improvement? Why are humans cruel? Have you ever looked into a mirror during an OBE? What is the purpose of philosophy on an educational level? Time Travel Is It Possible? How can I get the notes for Kannada literature for UPSC Mains exam? Of the three Amritapuri sites for the ACM-ICPC, which is the best to visit? Who is the best website builder? Is it too difficult for a Canadian immigrant to own an NFL team, unlike American citizens? Which is the best laptop available in India in a budget of 60k? Do the Chinese really hate the Vietnamese? If yes, why? As a web developer how can I contribute to open source on GitHub? Swedish HR is asking me to sign an employee contract which my reporting manager has not yet signed. Should I request them to sign the contract first? India: I have made a helicopter from tractor engine and is ready to fly, how do I convince my parents that I want to fly it? Which is the best Hollywood movies of 2016? Why? What's the most romantic thing? Cost estimation of 400 kV quad line? What are the 03 things that man live in HaNoi most interested? Who's your favorite author and why? What types of body language is this woman displaying? What is a composite primary key in a relational database? What are some good guitar compressor pedals? How do biotic and abiotic factors work together to make an ecosystem? Who would be better for India, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Is it possible to hack WhatsApp from a laptop through long distance? Search Engine Optimization (SEO): How can I find out why my site has shot to the top of Google without even doing anything? Is there another way of counting the formula of surface area for a triangular prism other than the normal way? (a unique way) What are some of the best camping gadgets and tools? Why don't my headaches go away after a few days? How can I lose weight, I am 16 years old teenager? How do I link my MyBoy! Emulator to visual boy advanced? Is it even possible? As the stock price of Facebook currently is 77$ and in starting they offered it for around 35$ (back in May'12), if I had brought 10 shares back in 2012, how much profit I would have made till now? Was Season 4 Episode 10 of Game of Thrones the worst episode in the show yet? How should i find a good job?As i am so much confused whether to go for preparation of exams or job hunt. What are some good birthday gift ideas for my girlfriend? Which standard book should I use for cracking GATE INSTRUMENTATION? How do I report a personal line of credit on my taxes? Is time and space an illusion? How can I win in UGC Net Exam in English literature? What will Michelle Obama do once she leaves the White House? Which product is attractive as Christmas presents? I want to custom some products as little Christmas presents. Which product can attract young people? I'm going to wholesale some customized electronics online, and sell them at Christmas. How do I forget this girl I had a crush on for 4 years? How can I control my emotions? How do I increase the page rank of my blog? Can Donald Trump ban Muslims if he gets elected? What are the best gifts for a boyfriend on his Birthday? How do you start your own hedge fund? How do you explain the concept of this business model to prospects who may not know better? What are some major social faux pas to avoid when visiting Norway? How can you approach a strange girl in India and eventually ask her out? What is the difference between direct and indirect elections? What are some good ways to make a little extra money? Can I pay my HDFC credit card payment thru ICICI credit card? Which is better to live in, Mumbai or Manchester? How can I see who viewed my instagram post? How do I start study for CA exam for Nov 16? What are common things that happen in movies that can actually happen in real life? A and B throws a Fair dice one after another. Whoever throws 6 first wins. A Start's first. What is the probability that B wins? What is the best way to earn money online? How can I hire a hacker? What is the best thing someone has done for you? Which is the best book you have ever read? Which are the most difficult mathematical questions ever asked in an entrance exam? Should the U.S. mortgage interest tax break be modified in some way given that it may encourage people to buy bigger, more expensive houses than they otherwise would? What are some of the most overrated movies in 2016? And why? Are there any ways to make money through Quora? What is the government of Assam doing for the Assam floods? How did Voldemort progress into his final physical form from when he was a child? Which song is linkin park's best song? How do you get a girl to like you? How do sophisticated patterns of crop circles actually come about? Which programming language should I learn according to today's market trends? C, C++ or Python? In aboriginal culture, why is the Dreaming important? Why do dogs chew their toys on people? What would you do differently if you knew what you know now at any given age? How do I get a girlfriend? What role did Japan play in World War One? Why do I get bullied? I am 61 years old. What is the European Union? Why most people do not prefer DySP in MPSC? Has the de duplication of the Aadhaar data base done? How does evolution explain how non-living objects became living things? How the step from non-living to living occurred? Find the point on the curve y = x^2 - 2x + 3 where tangent is parallel to x axis. How much did SAT exams cost as of 2002 in Nigeria? Do employees at L-3 Communications have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? Why can't Yahoo allow me to type in a name or word and block all emails that have that name/word in them? When did movie credits shift to the end of the movie? My flight is from Manglore to Mumbai and Mumbai to Delhi T3 at mid night. Can I stay till 6 am by the time my receiver will pick me from the airport? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Level 3 Communications is coming out with in 2016? I'm currently pursuing B.E. (IT) at NSIT, Delhi, want to pursue MS from MIT/Stanford/other top American college. I am a sophomore. What should I do? Who is the main character in The Great Gatsby: Gatsby or Nick? I am trying to find a meaning to life, to give a purpose to my life. Is there any book that can help me find my answer, or at least give me the tools? If you get to meet God for 5 minutes, what is that one question you would ask him and why? I am basically from Msc cs.I did my project with .NET . But sincerely I dont know much about my project & about .Net. What should I do now? .I am interested to learn anyone of Android, php & java. As a fresher, which one of the above do you suggest me. What is your New Year Resolution for 2017? What do you think about Bob Dylan winning the Nobel Literature Prize as a singer and a songwriter? Where can I find a copy of the Ashtavakra Gita in Hindi or Sanskrit? The U.S didn't really get involved in WW2 because of the Holocaust right? They didn't even care about how blacks and other races were treated at home. How many Facebook shares does Microsoft own? How did the 2016 US election polls get it so wrong? How do you find the angles of a triangle? Why do I always feel like a loser? Is length contraction real? "What is the Urdu word for ""composition""?" A point charge q is located at a distance l from the infinitely conducting plane. What amount work has to be performed in order to slowly remove this charge very far from the plane? What are some historical events in 1998? Is there any other life existing except on Earth? How can I reduce my fear of flying? I have a three-hour flight in a couple of weeks. How can one fly in their dreams? What is a botnet? Which should I choose SMS Jaipur or AIIMS Jodhpur? Why? Why doesn't Wikipedia run optional ads? How much do partners at law firms get paid? Banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes is appreciated but why is the government bringing 500 and 2000 rupees again into the market? Is it fun for movie stars to kiss other movie stars on-screen? Are supernatural powers possible? What is the best way to get a postgraduate scholarship in a British university? PS: I'm Syrian? I am 14 and can jump 5.30m/17feet in running long jump is that good? What does Alex K Chen think of brown vs. white rice? Is it too weird if I ask to bring my own PC to the company for programming? What are the best recipes using tomatoes? Do employees at Realty Income have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? I just found out after 5 years of marriage that my wife never really loved me. We had a daughter together as well, but still she feels nothing towards me. How do I handle this? What happens when diesel is used in petrol engine? What is the easiest way to crack gate? What are the best legitimate methods to making money online? How can you know if you're in love or just attracted to someone? How did Jeremy Lin react the first time he heard about Linsanity? What universities does Kite Pharma recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? What region is the spiciest Mexican food from? I lost my Moto G mobile yesterday. I know the IMEI number. How can I meet beautiful women? To what extent can meditation change who you are? What are some alternative ways to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks? Which is the most used computer language? What language should I learn first? What are the various ways through which one can earn money online? Can I book first class AC train ticket for one person in India? What is your biggest sexual secret? Who is Imam Mahdi? How can I make money online in Belarus? Which country is the most loved throughout the world? What do you do if your Maytag Washer stops working? What are the most credible news sources? How can I retrieve deleted photos from Mac OS X El Capitan? Why does India not make video games? Did Mukesh Ambani knew about the currency change? How do I deal with my really obnoxious co-worker? What are the Navy SEALs responsibilities? Where do you think we actually go when we die? Why does Quora discriminate between users allowing different amount of question details for different users? What is the customer support phone number for AVG antivirus? In your AI post, there isn't much of an intermediate step between AGI and ASI. Will we ever see the kind of human-like AI seen in movies (AGI