Do you think that if Donald Trump were elected President, he would be able to restore relations with Putin and Russia as he said he could, based on the rocky relationship Putin had with Obama and Bush? What are the top ten Consumer-to-Business E-commerce online? Why do people ask Quora questions instead of just searching google? Is social trade geniune? If universe and space is expanding? Does that mean anything that occupies space is also expanding? What is the plural of thesis? What is the application form you need for launching a company in Austria? Is O(Log n) close to O(n) or O(1)? What are the implications of not eating vegetables? Where is the best Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center in Hyderabad? How many Bollywood Actors takes drugs in real life? How can I secure my privacy on the web? What are the steps for creating an Android app for an absolute beginner interested in app development? How secure is the National Food Security Bill (NFSB)? What is the concept behind the design of the new lightsabers in Star Wars: The Force Awakens? What is calcium carbonate sulfuric acid? How do I stop being angry at everything? Should I study Computer Engineering in college? How do you calculate the density of O2 at STP? How many people died in the making of the movie Titanic? Do affordable wireless headphones exist? Is it true that Michelle Obama is a man? What are the most interesting liquors/spirits in the world? "Is 16""/50 caliber Mark 7 gun shell more powerful than Harpoon missile?" How do I give up on cigarette smoking? How can I earn cash online? What are some tricks men use to test women? How can I improve the communication skill and what are the best ways? What is the best way to eat a mango? Which is a better place to live: Sweden or the USA? What should I do if I can no more concentrate while studying? Who would win a war between NATO and some of its allies versus the rest of the world including India, Russia, China etc.? How do you cure dysmenorrhea? Can a school in India be registered as a private limited company? Which will be better option to buy a shell company or shelf company? Do you ever notice jealous wives or girlfriends? Animal Behavior: Would a lone adult wolf be able to take down an unarmed, athletic adult human? Do aliens exist really? Is time travel is possible in this age of technology? Could World War II have been won without the United States? Why are odd numbers odd? Has anyone land up to his/her dream job or started his/her own venture by taking online courses from websites like How do I start my career in Analytics field, being a MBA professional? What is the cost of rearing a cow for milk and then looking after her till her natural death? What cities in the world have the worst traffic, and why? I am currently a 2nd year student pursuing dual degree (B. Tech & M. Tech) in biotechnology.Can I get a summer internship program after 2nd year? If someone had snatched Voldemort's wand and beaten him physically, would be have died? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the advising system at Illinois Tech? Can I complete Udacity's Machine Learning nanodegree in a month? Will I be able to find relevant jobs/internships after it? What are the cons of being Shah Rukh Khan? Are American cars reliable compared to Japanese cars? How can we find professors, PhD & masters students from universities from Spain who would like to share their knowledge for free to record MOOCs? How can I use a HTML admin template on Wordpress? What is the difference between bank rate and bank lending rate? Who would win if all countries in Europe went to war with no help from outside? Why is the race of African Americans still considered a minority when applying for scholarships? Why can't white be considered a minority also? How much data does WhatsApp consume if you send a normal text of 4 to 5 words? What is the most embarrassing moment of your life? "What is ""suspicious activity"" in instagram?" How do you find music that few people listen to? What is the best season of 24 other than Season 1? Do you think time travel is possible? How do I make crispy chilli potatoes? What is the time limit for the eLitmus score card, after getting good marks in it? Is there a way to transcript an existing audio file? What's the coolest mathematical object? Is the earth actually round? Sir, May I buy Divi`s lab 2 this fallen price? What is the difference between augmented reality and mediated reality? Is gangstalking an English-language phenomenon? Has anyone heard of this in other countries than dominantly English-speaking countries? SIFT: How to use SIFT features in the fit function for predict_proba()? What is a good side dish to serve with tuna casserole? How do I know human nature? What is the reason that YouTubers from India are not famous on YouTube? How many Guinness World Records are there? How do I learn computer vision? Why do tectonic plates move? How do contributors get paid by Quora? Love: I'm deeply in love, and I can't stop thinking about him all day. This drives me crazy. How can I stop thinking about him, knowing that he most likely doesn't like me back and only sees me as a friend/sister? How does a person sever their femoral artery? Is the plane of charge an insulator or a conductor? How do I improve my English? Many students from third world countries apply to US universities just to escape from hell and live in a developed country. Is this good or bad? What are the pros and cons of being flight attendants? Has Kylie Jenner had plastic surgery? If we have custom validations and services separately, do we violate OOP encapsulation principle? Why does a number raised to the zeroth power equal one? Would I be wrong to consider the majority of people idiots? How can I avoid falling in love? What did Osho Rajneesh imbibe from Jiddu Krishnamurti? Some sources maintain that some of their teachings were similar? Is it normal that I don't remember any of my childhood memories? Theoretically if you had a perfect options pricing formula, how would you conduct arbitrage? Are there more stars than grains of sand? How can I lose weight quickly? How may I get cash on delivery in Paytm? Why do I get hurt when people don't think or care about me the way i do for them? Digital Asset Management: What is a good DAM system that lets you tag pictures with certain terms so you can filter them? Which is better: Amity Noida vs LPU? What are some ways to make hair grow faster? Who is the founder of numbers? What are some of NASA's greatest failures? Where does strength come from? What are the best Harry Potter books? How do I use Swiss Army knife? How should you breath while lifting weights? Where can I watch Tonkatsu DJ Agetaro Episode 9 subbed fast online? How do I know if a girl like me? How do you teach reading? Why do I compare life insurance? How many companies use freelancer? What is the exact meaning of 'mother pious lady'? How do you justify the title of the book Mother Pious Lady? What is the best handjob? Does a good physique matter for a girl? How is Santa Clara University for MS in CS? Where you can find Pest control service in Sydney? What were the political causes of WW1? How would I evaluate [math]\lim_\limits {x \rightarrow 2} \frac {\sqrt {27 - x} - 5} {\sqrt {18 - x} - 4}[/math] ? What is the greatest trick in mathematics? It's my 18th birthday, does anyone have any advice or things I should know? Is education in countries with teacher's unions better? How do one quit smoking? How do I sleep 2 hours? What do you think about Quora in general? How many wives did Lord Shiva have? How can I learn English well?? Will President Obama close Guantanamo Bay? Where do I get the TM-Surf in Pokémon Sun and Moon? Had Maxwell himself realized that the speed of light is constant in any reference frame? What is it like to be married to someone with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)? How independent should a 15 year old be? How should one choose a good book? What is the best route to hike from the Grand Canyon's South Rim to the river and back in one day? How does it feel to be the son/daughter of a billionaire? My laptop turns on fine but the screen seems to have gone but no cracks in the actually screen. How can I fix it and how much roughly will it cost? Do I need to eat after light calisthenics? Is there a known physical process to convert energy to mass? Is it bad to hold in your pee? Can I get anything I want if I go to Heaven? What was the main and most important purpose of the Magna Carta? Who is the best astrologer in the world? What's the easiest language to learn for a native Spanish speaker? What is the best thing you have seen someone do for their spouse? Facebook in 2010: Is Facebook raising a Series E funding round with Apple as an investor? Real Estate Investing: Is it ultimately better to rent or own a home? What is the best preparation method to pass Cisco 600-501 Exam? What are some of the most common examples of acculturation? What are the clues to what is in the case, from the movie Pulp Fiction, & reasons for any conclusions to what exactly, is in the case from that movie? What kind of jobs are available after PhD in Physics? How can improve my self esteem? Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Adams County IL? Can we be immortal? What makes a person truly happy? How does one get to be an umpire in cricket? Is Batman in Suicide Squad? How can you check internet speed on Windows 7? What is good teaching? What is the meaning of water? Which parts/traditions/ customs of Islam are those that you don't like? How can I get 100 likes on my Facebook photo? What are the best Youtube channels for Developers? Is the IIIT BBSR good for an ETC and EEE? How does a Chardonnay differ from a Pinot Grigio, and what is the best way to serve these wines? How do I get rid of anxiety? What is the jorokraken? "What is the origin of the ""soon"" meme?" Will there be a third World War? What is the way to get dribbble invite? How do you save instagram pics? How do I confirm my mobile number registered with my Aadhaar card? Why does internet explorer freezes on windows? "What is the imagery found in the book ""Life of Pi""?" What is the easiest and most painless suicide method? I want a cat but I live in a high rise apartment with a balcony. I am afraid the cat might fall off. What should I do? How does hydraulic pump works? Which universities in Japan would you suggest for studying culture/global studies or liberal arts in English? Does photon created instantly from the source of light? Is it possible to time travel to past? My voice sounds very bad when I sing, how can I make it better? What are the pros and cons of using a machine learned vs. heuristic / score-based model for search ranking? Which is best domain to select in digital marketing course? How can you speak English fluently without any stutter? What do you make out of the second presidential debate? What is it about Quora that attracts atheists, agnostics, and anti theists? How do sleeping pills work? What are some of the most famous questions on Quora? Are Abstract classes used to provide common method implementation to all the subclasses or to provide default implementation.? How can I see where I live on Google Earth? My close friend, who is a girl, never messages or calls me. She speaks only when I speak. What should I do? What are the types of search engines? What are some video games good for the background of youtube videos? What are some tips on improving writing skills? How can I unblock user who blocked me on Instagram? How do you define yourself? Will lifting weights reduce fats? What are the Japanese views of World War Two? Why do you do Pilates? What is best for income web design or seo? How come Surabhi Surendra answer questions with such accuracy? How can God give someone that much immense amount of presence of mind? Do we check mitochondrial DNA to confirm real Mother of baby? What are some real-life bad habits that vim gives people? I did not major in engineering. Is it possible for me to take the fundamentals of engineering (FE) exam without an engineering degree in Texas? "Is Trump saying ""bigly"" or ""big league""?" What is the best way to search for a job in the USA? What does the unicorn emoji mean? Did you ever have Korean food? What is your favorite Korean food? What is it like to be diagnosed with a mental illness? What can you learn about raising a child from having a pet? Is it possible to have good friends on Quora? What are the ethics of American conservatism? Liverpool F.C.: What do people think of the Charlie Adam rumours? Which intersections in Portland, OR are particularly dangerous? Why? What could be done to improve them? Did the Heritage Foundation invent Obamacare? What is the best college for hotel management? Can a man nurse if he takes enough estrogen? Which font is used for typing in a PNB bank passbook? What sort of questions are better to be asked on zhihu than Quora? Http:// #pcos? How can one overcome Quora addiction? How do I build a website like What is the most dangerous swing in the world.? Do thoughts have gravity? What are the disadvantages of mixed media in art? Why did the Federalist Party die? How can I prepare for the SBI PO exams within 15 days? Do you think time travel is possible? How do I build a profile to get accepted into a star college like Caltech, MIT, Stanford or Berkeley for a PhD in electrical engineering? What happens if you die while going to complete the Hajj? How can you look at someone's private Instagram account without following them? Are there any living descendants of the prophet Muhammad? What seeds should I plant during the winter? What is an accredited investor? What is the most badass prank you have played on your friends? How do Americans possibly see Donald Trump as a better candidate than Hillary Clinton? When I upload something, does my download speed of Internet affected by this and will be slower? What is the corporate culture like at Oracle? How is the culture different than other companies? Do we need filters and sorts on a search page? What is the easiest way to become a billionaire in less than a decade? Game of Thrones vs Harry Potter, which series is better? How difficult is to do a double major as an undergraduate at Berkeley? Is there really a dark web? Could our body have used nitrogen as our oxygen (given >70% of air is N) and if not, why not? How can I improve my oral English? What is a slab of marble worth? What is the options of doing Masters after mechanical engineering? Does anyone has experience working on Guidewire application? I actually want to learn more about how the application runs? Are figs popular where you live? What does it mean to dance with the devil? Would girls have sex with gay guys? How soon can I apply for the company again after I was failed in the interview? What's the Easiest way to gain weight? Does your kid play with LEGOs? How does a positive displacement-type pump work? Will a person I blocked on Instagram, be notified that I followed them? What if UN announces a world fandom day? Why is NAFTA important? What is the best small business software? How much do spies get paid? Do lizards have ears? What is the best way to market to small businesses in Indonesia? Why are anime characters so weak nowadays? Why do ECE people are being selected by software companies.? What do you think of my drawings? What is the smartphone under 15K? What questions should I ask to girls? What strikes first time visitors as special or unusual when they arrive in Montgomery, AL? Will Quora be bigger than Twitter? Is it worth it to buy a Google Pixel or an iPhone 7? What are the causes of insomnia? Can I give IIT JEE after my Bsc? Will work experience of USA will count in India while searching job in India? What is the purpose of alternative school? Can a single payment gateway be used in multiple websites? How do I boost up my confidence level? Where can I find good quality casual shirts and t-shirts in Delhi? How well paid are UN jobs? How do they compare with World Bank/ IMF jobs? What are the retirement benefits like? Why doesn't FlipKart deliver their products in Jamshedpur? Why are kids running around with big headphones when they appear to not be plugged into anything? How can I increase my penis girth? Who do you think could be recognized as a successor of the Beatles? Why are the large intestines bigger than the small intestines? Why has Malaysia failed to develop into a first world country like Singapore? Where do I upload videos from on my iPhone? What would a planet orbiting a red dwarf star look like? What type of light would reach its surface? Is Steve Rogers corruptible? Relationship Advice - Need answers? Please read comment too! Which are the best non-academic books on international relations? Why don't I feel happy? I'm interested in aviation how do I become a pilot? Where is the Suzuki Service Center in Allahabad City? What are the positions in making a movie? What are some of the best Game of Thrones fan theories? If I dropped out of college (2.0 GPA), but returned and maintained a 3.7, graduating with a ~3.2 and a CS degree, what are my grad school chances? Which actor/actress seemed to be born to play a particular movie or television role? How is IT at VIT? How can I reduce my belly fat in 2 months? Film Distribution: What is the typical revenue-share agreement between studios and an ott provider for a movie streaming site? What are the pros & cons of Myntra and Jabong in India? Why are wet clothes harder to put on than dry clothes? I'm a freelance web developer, but I am looking to migrate to industry or create a web startup. Will learning something like ITIL be beneficial to me? What are some good side dishes to serve with lobster? Does the UK have the potential to become a superpower again? Bim trichy cat percentile category wise? How can I connect a laptop with smart TV? Why is AAP government highlighting its budget in Punjab through advertising? In the final battle in Saving Private Ryan before you see the panzers you can hear them. Did they really sound that much? Common Misconceptions: Why is petrol called gas in some countries of the world, even when it is in liquid form in automobiles? I have installed custom recovery installed on my Android One (Sprout). Can I install custom ROM without unlocking bootloader? How do I start a fast food chain business? How do websites earn money in Kenya? Is Al Pacino still alive? What are some unusual aspects about politics and government in Cambodia? Is the Canon EOS 5D Mark III really worth the price if we compare it to the 6D? Why do NASA take pictures of everything except earth? How do I look up the company when I have the EIN? Is Gregory House hotter than Hugh Laurie? Moments: What are those smallest things which has/have made you happy? What are some intellectually stimulating books, and why are they intellectually stimulating? Is it true that most birds are monogamous? What is the JNU protest all about? How can I use the mortar effectively in Clash Royale? Why are Newport Kings cigarettes so expensive? What is the difference between not qualified and not shortlisted for skill test? Why didn't NATO occupy the Soviet Union after its fall? Does Sodium hydrogen carbonate absorb carbon dioxide? How is pop music in your country? How do I code in JavaScript? Where can I get my Xbox 360 controller repaired in Hyderabad? Is it realistic for Donald Trump to claim that he is going to revive the coal mining industry? What are the advantages of dairy farming? Do you think being gay is a mental illness and why? Boundary conditions in ruby programming language? How do you evaluate [math] \int\frac{(\sec^{3/2} x-\sec^{1/2} x) \tan x}{2+\tan^{2}x} dx[/math]? What are some good books to read about psychology and human behavior? Why is force equal to change in momentum? What are the most efficient methods for me to improve my English? How do I recover my Gmail password with a recovery mobile number and a Gmail address? What are the must know facts about PIC micrcontroller and 8051 processor? Why do Indian people pour milk and worship stone as a God whilst people are dying due to lack of water? Isn't that stupid? Is President Obama a Muslim? What is your most awkward memory with any family member? What is mass marketing? How is it done? Will rs.4000 limit applicable even when you deposit 500 1000 notes in your bank account ? How can the inflation rate of a country be controlled? As a citizen, what can I do to achieve this? What does it mean if a job posting disappeared but your application is still under review? How much do braces cost in india? How do I prepare for the Deloitte tax analyst interview? Is it an AMCAT exam or versent test? Why do some people like traveling and some don't? Can I get CSE or ECE at Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata with WBJEE 2016 rank 10,000? Is there a sequel to the 2002 movie Dahmer? What are the facts of being left handed? How do I get to contact a hacker? What is the best movie theater in the US? What are good pick up lines? What is the difference between a DDR3 RAM and a DDR3-L RAM? What is an IT analyst? How do I make an interesting conversation with the person who replies mostly with 'hmm'? Which is the best DSLR camera to buy? What is the difference between enterprise architecture and its system architecture? What is the explanation of Qur'an verse 2:23? How do I start to learn coding? What is your favorite Bollywood movie? Do bartenders make money year round or less in the snowy weather? How can I study 20 hours a day? What is the best outstation cab rental sevice in bangalore? We made our first prank video for YouTube. What do you think about the video? What is the cheapest country for studying? How can I remember new words quickly? Why are part black people black not white? What are some of the funniest and freaky incidents which have happened with you? Which is the highest paid job in Bollywood? Is now a good time to buy real estate in London? Can I read someone's mind? How do I lose 45 pounds the easiest way if I have cravings? Is limestone an element, a compound, or a mixture? How do I start online campaign? Is there any creative way to make molecule structure like using thread or sticks on paper? How can I find Crusher Feldspar in Guinea-in Bissau? What is more challenging, being a woman or a man? How much do you pay for monthly or daily parking? I'm just making a survey What is the effective way to fight laziness? How do I start web hosting services in India? How many times in a week do people have sex? If I block someone on Snapchat will they be able to see my story? How do I prepare for MICAT? How do the people in your country think of China? What are the best experiences? How do I write a memo? What are the advantages of being an atheist? What is an apostille? Why do earthworms crawl out on the cement when it rains, and end up dried up and dead? What can be a natural substitute for protein supplement? How do I improve my communication skills in one month? What is the best way paint your deck? How do you tell a narcissist they are narcissist? Do programmers take time off to learn touch-typing or do they develop the skill eventually from constantly programming? Can pineapple help to abortion? How would men feel when a woman tells them she has a crush on someone? Is it possible to escape the friend zone? If so, how? What was the biggest mistake of your professional life at the start of your career? Can people actually kill animals in their movies? Which is the best SEO tool and why? Why do people wear wrist watch when they can see the time in their cell phones? What is the definition of a close friend? How do I learn music theory for the violin? What is the best age to get married for a woman? Is the launch of the NEXA showroom chain for the premium products by Maruti Suzuki a good move? How do I set up a Facebook email address? Does gravity have opinions? What happened to the Chinese children born of forcible impregnation by Japanese soldiers during the second Chinese-Japanese war? Which country has the most beautiful girls in the world? How do you get free craft supplies? What hairstyle would fit on me? My ex and I have been talking, but he has a girlfriend. Is my ex boyfriend cheating? When will Ted(movie) release on DVD/Blu-ray? How do I get books at discount rates? Where do they get passage for the reading comprehension section in CAT? Why should I learn C++ if I know C#? What is the difference between EE and ECE? I like a guy who is 2 years younger than me, but he shows ego to me. What can I do to attract him towards me so that he also likes me? What is Rap Caviar on Spotify? People are getting more and more racist and xenophobic especially in France. What's going on? How do I get started using Quora? Why all my written answers are getting collapsed? What is 320 UCAS points equivalent in ECTS? Why did the Axis Powers lose in WWII? How many calories should a person consume in a day? Why would a 15 year old girl get chest pain? What is the best C IDE? Who uses film cameras, and why? How can I enlarge my dick? What is funniest joke you've ever heard? Will the Moto G 1st generation get the Android M update in India? Enable sim with puk-lock code for metropcs zte zmax pro? Why do many Iliad/Odyssey translators (such as Samuel Butler, Alexander Pope) use the Latin names for the gods instead of the Greek names ('Jove' instead of 'Zeus' etc.)? How do Asian and Western cultures differ, in regards to thought processes, perspectives, and approaches to life? Do they see the world differently? How do I manually upgrade my Android 4.4.2 to 5.1 Lolipop? "What is an example of the word ""repartee"" in a sentence?" Which foreign language(s) should an Indian medical graduate try to learn if he is planning to do a residency in the US after clearing the USMLE? Where can I change expected ctc in naukri? How can I earn 1 lakh/month just after completing MBBS in India? Swatch is what kind of watch? What are my chances of getting a job right out of college with a BS in computer science? What will happen with the United States and China in 2018? Which is best dance academy in Mohali to learn contemprary dance form? How do I solve y'=y^2? What are the best ways to learn the online courses? If you've struggled to read, how’d you improve on ur own to the point that you've gotten completely fluent at it & can now read anything effortlessly? What is Shear key? Is the Bose QC 25 worth $299? I Have a property in Lonavala to put on rent or lease looking for companies or agency who do yearly contract? How long does it take for a SPS officer to get promoted to DIG Rank in Odisha? Do small businesses need a PR firm? Is Pulp Fiction overrated? Why or why not? Has anyone ever actually caught all of the Pokémon? Do we need to have a gap between our knees to pass a medical examination for armed forces? In attention position my ankles and knees touche eachother. Can one get into IT JU with a rank of 1200 in wbJEE 2016? Why is it now considered abusive for a parent to put their foot down and let their children know who is in charge of the household? How do I add my village in Google maps? How much muscle do women find attractive? What is the best way to debug a Mac OS X app? How long does meth stay detectable in the body through testing? How can guys last longer during sex? How can I get a job in Digital Marketing with little or no experience? Where do surfboards go in air planes and how much does it cost to transport them? What is the cost-benefit of taking one to a surfing trip? Why India Should not attack Pakistan? How does diabetes cause bad breath? What's the story behind the bread symbolism in the series finale of Sons of Anarchy? What is Walmart's coaching policy? Where in Oakland can I buy meth? How much is rolling tobacco in Greece? What is the fastest way to cure a hangover? Is it rude if a girl you're currently dating admits to you that when you first met, she didn't initially find you attractive? After deleting a Gmail account by a user. After how many days will all the information of that Gmail account be deleted permanently from the Google servers? Under what circumstances may a police officer commandeer your vehicle? Can I travel with RLWL ticket status? What do you think of a woman with a tattoo down her spine? How did organisms evolve to need sleep? What is one thing you want to do before you die? Does Samsung on8 support Jio sim? What is the solubility of barium hydroxide? How do you lighten dyed hair? When will India be a developed country? Where is Edward Snowden hiding now? Will my 10 years tourist visa of us will create a problem for my F1 visa? Why is pokemon Go so popular? What was Steve Jobs like as a friend? How are the NIT Surathkal MTech CSE placements? What are the best coaching centers for bank in Hyderabad? Which Hindi songs can be sung by a father to her daughter when she is born? Why can't people hear me on my iPhone 4? A girl said she has no feelings for me. Will she ever love me? How does Brexit affect India? Am I falling in love with my good friend as I constantly think of her? I am studying in 12th science and I want to know that in 2017's engineering admission process, is there only JEE based merit system? Given the slope of a curve at the point (3,3) is 2x+5, what is the equation of the curve? How should I prepare for GRE in one month to score 320 +? Why muslims fast on ramadaan month? How do I to get rid of acne scars? How is asking questions on Quora different from Yahoo Answers? What if I install 3 different OSes on 3 different partitions on one HDD? Will I be able to choose between which of the OSes to boot? What are some of the most painful and/or cruel deaths in all of history? What are the most bleak rap songs of all time? What is marketing? "What is a ""portfolio""?" Can I do data visualization with Drupal? How can you fill a PAN card application for the NRI? "Why do I keep on getting invalid syntax error in Python while using ""else"" function?" What is the average salary in Philippines? Effect of brexit in India? What is the best way to learn a foreign language? What is the difference between a unitary and federal system of government? What if Iran would have won the Iran-Iraq War? Is a Netflix subscription an appropriate gift for a lover? I'm looking for a laptop. Which laptop is better: Asus, HP or Dell? Time Travel Is It Possible? "What are the themes of the poem ""Marginalia"" by Billy Collins?" What are the 5 best cases for the iPhone 6? How do I use Reliance Jio on my Redmi 1s? My son wants to sit for Civil services exam, he is an eleventh class science student, is it better to go through B.Tech exam for his graduation or some other graduation is better for his final goal? Do private video count as channel views YouTube? Is it easy to make friends in the military? Which laptop can I buy under 50k? How much nicotine is in American Spirit cigarettes? "Grammatically speaking, when is it appropriate to use ""4""? When is it correct to use ""four"" in a sentence or any numerical value for that matter?" How did you prepare for CAT?which books did you refer to? What is the best way to learn Japanese by yourself? Who are the best mobile app development companies? What places in Bali are worth visiting? What is the list of general topics to give a presentation? How can I buy a riversand crusher in Philippines? What should I do if I lost my 25-character product key for Microsoft Office 2007? What is a good summary for Potiki? At an E-Commerce company (Apparel Focused), which teams/roles actually work on creating the products and how does the launch process look? Can one make money from youtube? Why do I tend to think that I am a special snowflake and make my life difficult for myself compared to the average human being? What is your favorite poem in your language? What are the best tattoos to date? How can you improve the worth of your content? My son, aged 9, wants Minecraft for Christmas. Should I go for it? What would be the positives and negatives? What is the Industrial policy of 1948 and what was its intended purpose? Can you hack a phone if you have their wifi saved? What type of work HDFC consultants have to do at OFSS? "What are some examples of ""less is more"" in nature?" How can you measure smell? What is the chemical formula for sodium chloride? Is legit? When are accents used in Italian? Are they required? What is the difference between the two different accents? Why the breakdown voltage of silicon is higher than germanium? What is white skin privilege? Why doesn't a fire or a flame cast a shadow while other things around it do? What is the one thing that makes you most angry? Will an MD/MS guy want to marry a MBBS girl? I am a computer science student. Which laptop should I buy? What is the best way to design a website if I am running for student government? What is the best way to learn Malayalam? How did Akand Sitra suddenly became so popular on Quora? Could you list the different ways in which people can make money online? What food do people in Chile eat for lunch? I am 18 year old female and my height is 5.5 feet. I weigh 75 kg.How much weight will I lose in one week if I exercise for ten hours a day? Can I sell a domain name that I buy on Google domains? How do I deal with the fear of death in my late twenties? What is the probability that a student studying at Aakash institute will get good ranks enough to get to a government medical college through neet? Should I go back to my ex if he still has feelings for me? What is the creepiest thing you've ever seen? My female friend is not giving me her number and says she is planning something. Would I ruin it by asking for her number? What does it mean? For an automatic power factor correction is an Arduino Mega 2560 better than an 8051? Is there an actual term for when conspiracy theorists put actual science on top of their B.S when there is no correlation? I want to start a startup company in Bangalore. What can I do? Why the West present the fall of Aleppo as a tragedy, when the vast majority of the rebels are extremist jihadists? How was your first hug experience? How does virtualenv work internally? How do I take a backup of my WhatsApp chats if I cannot sign in with Google account? How do I get an internship in good IT companies in India? What should someone know before moving to Hyderabad? Why do most US dermatologists recommend Cetaphil and CeraVe? What are some habits and skills that one needs to adapt to succeed in law school? How do I get Pikachu as my first Pokémon in Pokémon GO? "Why did Apple decide to call their watch the ""Apple Watch"" instead of the iWatch?" How do an elk and a reindeer differ? Why do giant pandas exist? How do I play Mini Militia on PC with keyboard? What are some relationship stories/memorable moments on Diwali festival? How can I create some Facebook privacy setting? Why are Indian students and professionals so obsessed with salaries instead of a meaningful career? Who are some of the greatest mathematicians? What are those little flabs of skin on the neck of goats for? What is the smartest animal on Earth, not counting human beings? Is it okay to buy the Apple iPhone 5C for Rs. 22K? If no man is an island, what is a woman? What would you do if you were on the International space station and had to survive for 30 days with no contact with earth and 5 days of food only? Will science ever be able to explain everything? Do human bones rot the same as animal bones? What book would you recommend if you could reach out to your thirteen-year-old self? How do youtube earn money? Why don't India have renowned indigenous search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo? Is pallbearing more difficult in America to Great Britain? What is the definition of a pure substance? What is the significance of the number plates in India with black background and yellow numbering? Was it ever possible for Germany to win World War II? What is the best blog to start? Moto X play or Oneplus X or Oneplus one. Which one should I buy? Do gases always expand on cooling? How can you tell if someone thinks you're attractive? Who is the president of the Philippines? I have a passport which expires after 3 years. I am planning to go to US for a Ph.D for 5 years. Will that be allowed or do I have to renew my passport right now? How can I stay motivated to lose weight? How can Freecharge and Mobikwik afford to pay this high amount of cashback almost 100% of the time? Can anyone explain to me their business cycle? How do I improve my coding skill in C programming? Did Bruce Lee have any weaknesses in combat? Does a child raised by stubborn parents more often end up stubborn like their parents, or more submissive? How many Aleve pills can I take at once? What is the name of this font? What would happen if Hillary Clinton became President? Can I still track my iPhone even if the SIM card is taken out? What are some examples of foliated metamorphic rocks? What a Python language can do? What is the logic behind the creation of the capital redemption reserve? What are the effects of adding fluoride to drinking water on human physical and mental health? What is the energy of matter in motion? What is coronary heart disease? Acting/Optometrist Question: If you try to make yourself cry by keeping your eyes open to dry them out, will this do damage to your eyes? Does laptop response or working speed becomes slow upon updating windows of from 8 to 10? Can the components of a vector also be a vectors? How can I improve my concentration and keep my mind from drifting while studying? Is Java Swing fast GUI framework? Why is water a liquid at room temperature? Will there be a Doga movie? 121,1221,1432. What is next number in this series? How can one grow a thick beard at a faster rate? What is the best dating website in Europe? How much does youtube pay for 50000 views in rupees? What percent of people with ADHD ultimately marry? What are some websites similar to "If I want to make SEO changes to a page on my website, can I right click and ""view page source"" to edit?" What is the use of gray hat SEO? What are the exams in the 1st year of MBBS like? What is the difference between international marketing and domestic marketing? What is the caste based reservation system in India? How does it work? I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 2 years. It's my first relationship. It's been at least three years since my heart was broken over another guy, yet it still hurts and I think about him and other past lives often. Is this normal? If the Americas were never discovered by Europe, how different would the world be? Is stem cell banking for the second child necessary if we have already done the same for the first child? How can I stop worrying about what other people think of my failures? What is centripetal force? If we can see an image in one eye and one eye closed why don't we see two images with two eyes? Atheists: If you have ever attended a church service, how did that experience make you feel? How should I prepare for an Amazon SDE internship interview? How does Quora work? What is the fifth dimension? "How do you say ""I want a woman who loves to laugh."" in simplified Chinese?" If I failed in PABT, can I apply for Air Force Academy via CDS? How is India changing under Modi Government? What is the batch strength of Vajiram and Ravi? Is the Carnot cycle reversible or are the processes of the Carnot cycle individually reversible? Who will sit on the Iron throne at the end? What is "What is the purpose of ""kupdated"" Linux Kernel Thread?" Why did Elon Musk divorce Justine Musk? Why do we use Sigmoid function in the Item Response Theory? What is marketing risk management? If someone successfully cheated in every exam during high school without getting caught, what does this say about their future adult life? What profession will benefit them? Is this even a skill? How can I cheaply improve the flavor of my dogs' 'premium' dry foods? What is the best way to market your product? Is Cantonese an analytic language, like Mandarin, or it is to more or less extent synthetic language, like Shanghai dialect? Who is the best doctor/dermatologist for hair fall treatment in Bangalore? Can anything bad happen when I switch normal and Poisson distributions? I'm in FYBCom and interested in doing an MBA. Should I leave my and start BBA all over again? Which is a better choice for a commerce student: a BCom MBA or a BBA MBA? What is a definition of art? What is the detailed fee structure of Manipal Institute of Technology? What are some of the things which are referred to using English words only, rather than translating them into Hindi words? Is a large hunting knife a good tool to stop an attacking dog? Are dogs colour blind? I want to book a matrimonial Ad in English Newspaper in Kolkata. How do I book it online in The Telegraph Newspaper? What is a good CDN network, for India? I have seen some websites use both CloudFront and Akamai. How can I get such integration but with lower cost? What would a woman feel like if a guy comes up to her and asks her to kick him in his groin? Which national teams are the favourites to win the UEFA Euro 2016? Why? How can I download a free PDF of any book? Is there a tutorial on how to use Quora? How did the new weapons introduced in World War II affected the outcome? Can you use an unlocked iPhone 4S on Virgin Mobile (USA)? Why do some people buy iPhones over Android phones? Are they really better? Which is the best camera phone under Rupees 10000? When is pokemon Go releasing on India? I have a Samsung Note 3, SM-N900A (AT&T). I wanted a Note 7. What's the best ROM available for my model phone? What is the life after death.? What's satire? What is the difference between procedural, distributive and retributive justice? How do I improve the fluency of English speaking? Why does my stomach hurt when I eat a lot of chips? How should a married woman react when a guy asks for her phone number? What would happen if the earth rotated at the speed of light? Can I hide my real names on Paypal? What are the prophecies of world war 3 and will it actually happen? How do I donate troops and why should I ever do this in Clash of Clans? Why do cooks wear such long hats (toques)? How is the universe expanding, and what makes it expand? What are some examples of an open loop system? Is the plane of charge an insulator or a conductor? How do you pronounce Manwë? How do I download movies without using torrent? How do I control air curtain by access door systems? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Commerce Bank? How accurate or realistic are the facts in The Big Bang Theory (TV Show)? What movies make men cry? What will be the effect of banning 500 & 1000 rupees notes on the real estate? How can I change a radio to a walkie talkie? What should I do to not become a loser in the stock market as it is said that most people in the stock market lose their money? Which brand/model of printer is best for home use? How should I prepare for eLitmus test? What is What are the best way of loose the weight? How could you get today’s societies to live in harmony? How do I reduce body fat properly? What should I do in the 4 years of my engineering so that I could get a well paid job after 4 years? Given that I also want to enjoy my 4 years. Why is the Stormtrooper armor white? If I delete a contact on whatsapp but not in my contact list can the person see my info? Is space time travel really possible? What do I do to get admission in nit? "What was the scene after the end credits in Sherlock season 3 finale? Was it a trailer for another British drama? Why did they give the "" Did you miss me"" tone there?" Anger Management: What are some tangible things that you have done to refrain from becoming angry or to calm yourself down when you are angry? When do you use sang vs sung? What are the most expensive Yu-Gi-Oh cards? Which animals have saved human lives? I am getting 193/372 in JEE Advanced 2016, what rank will I get? What happens when a virus, bacterium etc interacts with a cancer cell? Which animal species could develop complex language if it had the human speech apparatus? How can I reduce my belly fat? I do crunches everyday. How is the word 'temerity' used in a sentence? Are mythical creatures real to you? Who are you voting for president and why? What should you do when you feel so down? Why do people waste and spend so much of money for no reason? What is meant by open door office culture? Is competitive advantage same than company advantage? Is politicians accepting money from corporations really that bad of a thing? Dont they need the money? Which is the best marketing strategy to promote an local business? Which is the greatest mistake made by a nation ever? I have $400 USD savings in my bank account. I'm only 18 but I want to invest in the stock market. How do I start and how do I keep my money growing? Is octane soluble in water? If so, why? What are the subjects in 11th commerce? "What is the difference between "";"" and "",""?" What are the consequences of Einstein's theory of general relativity? Bseb 12th syllabus? How is Mtech in IIT Hyderabad for electrical? Is the German language important in IT? What is your favorite genre of music? How can I prepare for CAT examination while working for 9 hours all weekdays? Would the proposed Kra Isthmus Canal destroy Singapore's economy? What is the need of a router if I have a USB WiFi dongle? What would it take to reverse the Brexit decision? Exactly how many seats are there in NEET 2016? Do females enjoy sex? Where can I get the money for my beverage start up? What is the most embarrassing moment of your life in office? How do I make eye contact with other people? I'm 1 co-founder out of 3. I came up with the original idea but can't commit more than 5 hours/week as I have a full-time job. However, I have 30 years of experience and an extensive network that will advance the company tremendously. I think that with that we should all have the same equity. Do you agree? What are the pros and cons of cloning? What is an RCC roof slab with beam? Is there a cheap alternative to Adobe Bridge that does not have you import pictures (Bridge uses the folder structure of Finder)? "What is the meaning of the Spanish phrase ""ya way""?" How does Google recruit? What distinguishes a great software engineer from a good one? What are the positive and negative effects of being ambidextrous? What's the difference between truth and law? Where can I buy an iTunes gift card in India, which can be used to buy apps from the App Store in India? Which are top 10 airtel 4g girl jokes? How can I find Jaw Crusher shale in Guinea-in Bissau? What are the environmental impacts of the tourism industry and how does it negatively impacted Seoul? Is India a democracy or a republic? What are some effective ways to stop social anxiety? What should I do if I want to sell sarees through online portals in a medium sized city? What are the temperatures at Burning Man? How should one prepare for the WAT/PI round of the IIM interviews? What are grammar nazis? How do I charge and enforce fees without a staff? What is intermediate algebra? What should be done to help a man who seriously suffering from social anxiety disorder.? Is Omnislash different in Dota 1 and Dota 2? What does a breathometer do? How did Pink (2016 movie) get greenlit? What's the backstory of how the movie got made? Can a body with uniform speed have uniform acceleration? What is system software developing? Why is cricket an overrated sport in India? What are the best rap songs to rap along to? How are cars designed? What are the future prospects after graduating from IISER? What happened at the end of Inception? What's the truth behind the spinning top? What are students like in Japan? What are some ghost facts? How is St. Xavier's, Kolkata when compared to National Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi? Why institutions has best percentage results in kota in JEE nd advance? Will the coming model (2017 or 2018) of JEEP Wrangler be better than the current versions? How do I improve my English communication and speak very fluently? How do I download books from Google Books for free? What are some examples of transpiration? How does pure democracy differ from a republic? What are the names of the parents of Kansa the king of Mathura, and his siblings? What do you like most about being white? What is a traditional Austrian family meal for kids and adults, which is easy or quick to make? How can I believe in myself? How accurate are diagnosis and information in House MD as compared to decisions taken by doctors in real life? What are some of the most bizarre places around the world which are less known to people? What is Think & Learn Pvt. Ltd. and What is BYJU'S-The Learning App? How are they different? Why are life hacks so popular? What's the purpose of apps that require Wi-Fi, when they were created to access websites without Wi-Fi? Why do hijras in india clap the way they do? Which websites provide free online certificate courses? What's Bhagavad Gita? Is there any scientific explanation for horoscope describing me so accurately? Which are the best books to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript? Why don't the evil terrorists attack countries like Switzerland? Where do I get to download full korean dramas with English subtitles? How can I improve my essay writing skill? Does rising inequality warrant the imposition of higher income and inheritance taxes on the rich? How do I travel in and around Switzerland? What is electronic configuration of atoms? A two footed animal is called? I can't stop using subtitles while watching English movies & TV series. Is it ok? If not, what should I do? Can you hold more than one visa? Who are the best teaching fellows in Ec 1011a (Microeconomic Theory) at Harvard? If a inteviewer asked are about salary? How do I solve the programming problem? How do I recover from depression? How do you define conversational marketing? Who will be the President of India in 2017? What is Bernie Sanders like in person? How can you emigrate from EU to Hong Kong? There's a bus stop. You arrive at a random time between 4 and 5. The bus arrives at a random time between 4 and 5. Both you and the bus stay for 5 minutes. If you and the bus are at the bus stop at the same time, you get on. What is the probability that you get on the bus? How do I hack a Wi-Fi password from a laptop? What is a product that you wish was already invented? Do you watch television anymore? How is the alcohol in beer/wine/others different from other types of alcohol? Why is Arvind Kejriwal the only CM of India without any portfolio? Will he leave Delhi to become Punjab CM? Why Nikon India Removed Flipkart and Snapdeal from Its Authorized Partners? Which is a better job, an SBI PO with 2 years of experience or an officer in any department through the SSC CGL? Why? How much would a program like this cost to develop? How do I fix the HDMI problem in Windows 10? How long will my Lenovo s21e 11 inch laptop last? How can I loose thigh fat without toning up? How do I factor a^3-1? What are the similarities and differences between Jainism & Buddhism? What are the Android M features? How do I format numbers in order to display them as millions of dollars with 2 decimal digits in Excel? What is your review about Chetan Bhagat's new book One Indian Girl? Do you have a mobile jaw crusher in Romania? When is the FBI going to announce the result of its investigation into Hillary Clinton? Why do people say eating chocolate could help you lose weight? How many rounds does a semi-automatic rifle fire per minute? What is the easiest way to make a little money online if I am a programmer? What was the worst incident that changed your life? How do Facebook owners earn their money? Why does a girl keep talking to a boy after rejecting him even when she know he loves her? How can superstitions affect people's lives? What happens when you fall in love with someone who is already broken at heart? What is the effect of core losses on regulation? What is the solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? What are good tank museums in the USA? Can I view who looked at my Twitter account? How can I prove that log (n!) < n*log (n)? What are the best language exchange apps? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Commercial Vehicle Group? "What are some synonyms for ""ever since""?" Can we take green tea before sleeping? What is the purpose of tone in literature? Is it possible for a Hindu girl to marry a Muslim guy without changing her religion (the guy agrees, too)? If yes, then how? What is your secret about sex? Should I start with Linux through a virtual machine or dual booting? What makes your Facebook page look weird? What's the process to get into the IIM for people having 3-4 years of working experience? What are 10 things you wish you'd known before breast augmentation? Who has the most commendable resume? If my subordinates openly challenge me during meetings with clients, should I be proud of the fact that it will lead to healthier discussion, or should I be wary that it will lead to dysfunction and a lowering of my status in front of the clients? Why do you use condoms? "Is ""The Twilight Samurai"" based on real events?" If I post on my Facebook Timeline, does it come up on my friends' pages? Or do they have to visit my page to see it? Is it possible to set up Facebook pixel so that it doesn't track my traffic? How do I overcome the feeling of being a loser? What we should do first on buying a used car? Is Donald Trump winning the election? "How do you do ""show image"" in HTML?" Which bike is the best when compared with all the factors and features. 1.KTM DUKE 200. 2. R15 V2, 3. CBR 150? "Is a ""fail-fast"" programming ready for production ?" What does it mean when a guy is always staring at me and then he and I lock eyes for a really long time? How do I bring up a 3.4 GPA? How much can you make from YouTube monetization from a video with 100,000 views? Do women feel uncomfortable in short dresses/mini skirts? If so, why do they wear them? What if Phoebe was Siri? Is Evernote better to use than a black book or regular notebook? How do I make a rewards based website like Swagbucks? What are some resources for learning about real estate law? What is hair spa? Where do retail store mannequins come from? What are the worst atrocities committed by any nation during a war? How did it evolve that Americans drive automatics and Europeans manuals/stick shifts? How do I setup a Linksys Wireless-G 2.4? Why does a simple cup of coffee cost Rs 150 at Cafe Coffee Day (CCD)? What role does water play in digestion? What is most user friendly cellphone among Nokia X, XL, Sony Xperia, Blackberry, Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy? How do I make money with binary options? What do I need to learn to learn animation? How can I raise self confidence? What is the best way to get people to view your youtube videos? What is the one thing you regret letting go of for the purpose of tidying up your life? I want to enter medical school, but my long term goal is to become a neurosurgeon. How can I ensure that it's a journey worth my while? What is relation between a module and controller in Angular JS? What distinguishes the top 1% of people who can identify talent from the top 10%? Why does Zillow have more funding, when Trulia has more users? What is the scope of the IT branch in engineering? What are the steps to make the stories on Instagram? What is centrifugal force? What were the best movies of 2015? Why? What is Why it is said terrorism has no religion while almost all terrorists are Muslims? What are the best comments on a guy's profile picture? What if humans didn't create God? Which investment company in India has the best customer service? How do I change my address in a passport? How can I concentrate more on studies as I am addicted to my android phone and cricket both? Where can I find a night club in Lin ping? What kind of businesses are busy year round? Is it possible for there to be a negative interest rate? In a ∆ABC, AB=10cm, BC=15cm and AD:DC=2:3. Line BD intersects AC at point D such that BDC=130° BCD=30°. What will be the value of angle ABC? What was Jimmy Carter's presidency like? What are the best architecture colleges in india? What are some of the famous ghazals by Gulzar? Solution mannual for k shanmugam and arthur m breiphol? How can you prevent hair loss due to stress? What is the Hindi word for destiny? I'm a 13 year old boy. My parents don't know I wear thongs and I want to wear them everyday. Should I wear them everyday around them.? Can I create my own server? What is the musical analysis of this video? What is the funniest joke you've ever heard or read? "What is the correct pronunciation of ""Yoplait""?" How difficult is it to evict a tenant that has not violated any lease terms, and the lease has not ended yet? What is Airtel broadband plans for UP East? What is the best strategy for nifty option trading? Does introverts and shy people suffer the most? What are matrix product states? E business scope in future? What are the pros and cons of doing a pros and cons list? What are the best websites to practice English online? How do I hit a boundary in a cricket ball? Where do we go after dying? How much caffeine do game developers drink at triple A studios? Which are the best engineering colleges in canada rankwise for electronics and communication? Why don't locksmiths steal cars? Testes vs testicles? How much Mbps internet speed do I need to get a download speed of at least 300KBps? "How can I find out who called me from an unknown ""No Caller ID"" private number?" How do you take a screenshot on a LG Optimus G? How do I find a partner for a live-in relationship? What's it like to be in an M1 Abrams tank during combat? How do I earn more money from online? Why do Indians eat food with their hands? How long does it take to become good enough at programming to be get a developer job? How do I convince my wife to have sex? What is the differenve between li-ion and lipo battery? Which is the best hotel of Dhaka? Which is the best way to hack Facebook account? How do I get a six pack? What are the alternate career options after engineering? What are some ideas for 10th grade science fair? What are the fundamentals of intellectual property rights? What is a database management system? Which is the best institute for GMAT preparation in Bangalore? How much 44th Express Entry Draw shows Increase In Invitations? How does the 3D work in Gran Turismo 5? Can we teach entrepreneurship? Do any old wives tales have any truth to them? What should I learn first in Java? "What are some things the ""average"" person can do to make the world a better place?" I'm not able to concentrate while studying.What should I do? India: India is very great country but what is the reason for so much unemployment? How should I talk to a girl I like? How do micro-organisms sequester carbon? Could you give me some reviews on Lenovo Yoga 500? What are some methods proven to reduce or completely stop snoring? What do you call something that a person wakes up screaming from a nightmare? What is the difference between fame and celebrity? How can I use stain removal liquid in the washing machine? How do I help an alcoholic with sobriety? Is this normal for a guy to masturbate fantasizing about her cousin sister? Are sword fights in real life as intense or visually pleasing as those in movies? Why is it that many people who don't exercise don't have heart attacks? What are the best tips for headstand? If I invest in the share market, expecting to make a return of let's say 40% over one year, but reach the target within three months, do I sell my shares now or wait until next year? If you are given an option to reborn in the past, which era or year you would choose and why? What is an atomic clock? What is the job profile of Development Assistant post in NABARD? How are the growth prospects? What is the best technique for indoor space modeling? Who will win the final of UEFA champions league 2015/16? What is your review of Scottrade? What happens if you put two dwarf hamsters in one cage? How important is programming for computer science engineers? How can I delete all my saved Snapchat messages? Who is the richest actor of bollywood? What is like to live in Downtown Los Angeles? Why do producers quote collection of movie much higher than what Box-office suggest? Ex Krish, Happy New Year collections were highly inflated. Do sociopaths ever feel lonely? How do I use my phone as a remote for my TV , I have a BRAVIA which ain't an Android TV (I have moto e2, BRAVIA - klv series)? What's the most cringeworthy portrayal of a psychopath or sociopath in literature or film? How does a potential immigrant find tech jobs in Canada? Is it safe to travel to Italy now? When will India look like U.S., Germany, France and other developed countries? What are the most interesting ideas for a performance art piece? What's the best method to get meth out of your system? Why Islam disagree theory of evolution? Why is capital punishment still legal in the United States? How does it matter, if I fail in a subject of my first prof of MBBS (say Biochemistry)? How can I reduce masturbation? What's the difference between Indian Muslims and Muslim Indians? What is your opinion about the CA final May 2015 group 1 exams? In layman's terms, what is the cause of the level of the Greek debt? Why do I need to learn math? What is the most expensive and fastest car in the world? How do you start to write a song? "What is the meaning of ""as in"" in this sentence?" If I miss my boyfriend what should I do? Is Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam really ill or is it just a rumour? What drives you to be a vegetarian or non-vegetarian? What does this mean in English? Why doesn't Rahul Gandhi join the BJP? What are the best carrier options after B.A.- LL.B. (H) in Corporate Side ?? Would a 30 year old women date a 21 year old man? Why do I have thoughts of peeling my skin off? Online grocery delivery method? What's the easiest way to make money online? When is dialysis needed? How do you react if you think someone is stalking you on Quora? If dreams are not realities, how can we feel physical pain in dreams? What is the min % required in cbse 2016 to apply for iiser? Are there any closed source parts in Android? What is the deepest meaning to the film Casper (1995)? How did Tangerine, Florida get its name? Is there any nice niche for product or service that can be sell easy online? What is a vector? Which is best hospital to work in critical care in India? What is Apple Store 2.0 like? What should one do to shift career from automobile designing to aerospace designing? Do Muslims wish that prophet Muhammad never married young Ayesha? What happens if we fire the gun in space? What is a metal sponge used for? Can I make a living using affiliate programs? What is the best way to get jobs in Canada from another country? How do i start a blog from basics? What is the strangest thing that happened to you as a foreigner in China? What can be the best budget plan for a 4-day Goa tour for a guy? How do airlines get you your luggage if they put it on the wrong plane? Do Bangladeshis hate being mistaken for Indians? How do I show that my phone is turned off/out of coverage area, but still get the calls? Can we swim while wearing a bra? Heather Lee's role in Jason Bourne movie? I sold my product to a local retailer. They haven't sold as well as we thought and she wants me to buy them back. What do you think about this? What are the best fishing spots in Texas? Is there more than one tool for SVN? If yes, which tool should I use for Java and C++? Why does warmer air have more moisture than colder air? Do you think the shape of Filipino Consiousness in natural? What are the Features of Prestige Lakeside Habitat? "Why do people call China as ""She""? Are there historical reasons?" Can I get placed in Mu Sigma with one month preparation? Why do people consider humans not to be animals? I love this guy. He sees me as a friend. He hooked up with someone last night. And I can't stop thinking about it. How do I stop feeling this way? What should I do/learn/practice to earn a job that pays me at least 1 lakh INR per month? Can we trace stolen laptop using imei? How can I stay awake for 14 hours at night with no naps in between? What are the top funny jobs? Why did people support occupation/street protest as democracy but strongly hate those public transport strike - Flight, Taxi, Bus, Train? Is God there? How do the gyroscopes in smart phones work? How can I learn English? How would I find the equation of a curve from a picture of the curve? Do girls talk about their boyfriend to their girlfriends? What's a good 100% free virus removal software? How could the UK become a social democracy? What is the power of money? What was the production of artwork intended for in Hawaii and how is it compared to the one intended for in Maine? Where can I find quality new business leads? Is the SAT essay an analytical essay? What was your experience the first time you had sex? "What does the term ""NETWORKING"" mean in dating sites?" Are intelligent people more likely to be neurotic? How can I calculate the voltage regulation of a line? Is legitimate? Is there a name for a Boxer/terrier mix? How difficult is it to become a Chartered Accountant? How do airplanes stay in the air? Why Indian men are so obssessed with working women? Should Gary Johnson be included in the 2012 presidential debates? How communist is the Communist Party of China? Is it normal to feel sad for no reason? Who is the best online competitor to Is time travel possible? If yes? How? How can I get ideas and stories for short movie? Is there any disease that used to bother a lot but solved easily later and now no more a threat due to the development of science and technology? Why am I getting notifications from a Quora user even if I am not following that user on Quora? What are some examples of biotic and abiotic factors? What is the definition of quikrete? How many cooks were in the crew of a 17th century transport ship? How do I improve my French pronunciations? Are there any successful stories of using just an issue tracker only (JIRA etc.) in software development team and not using chat (Skype etc.) tools? Should I be an architect or an urban designer? Work in guidewire? Why we don't deserve Narendra Modi as Prime Minister of India? Which are the best R courses? What programming languages are used at Infosys? Can I add 'Authorized Users' to my credit card in India? What can I do to make my graduate application stronger? What is the most badass thing about Elon Musk? How to block sim port in mobile phone? Does the first law of thermodynamics mean that there is a sum total to the mass-energy in the universe? Are fair girls expecting fair guys as partner or not? How do I create a free .edu email address for students? What are the most effective methods to reduce body fat by diet? Does binaural beats work? Why doesn't honey go bad? How do I reduce belly fat with food controlling? Why can't I get any matches on Tinder anymore? How do you know someone is your soul mate? Will Sunni Islam consolidate Shia? What can I do to improve my English speaking? I am a single 30 year old with a monthly income of 12 thousand. What will be a financial plan for the future? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in East Timor?" Can a HD ready TV play Blue ray movie without any problem? What are YouTube's marketing charges? Is it possible to lower creatinie 3.18 by proper diet fluid intake and medication for a diabatic hypertension patient? How can I make a gaming app? Will the Xiaomi Mi Pad 2 release in India? Will both OS versions release and when? How many words per minute does a person speak on average? What is the difference between the subconscious and unconscious? They seem to be used interchangeably. How has technology changed our lives? Which hotel is the best to stay in Goa if you're on a budget? How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP LaserJet Pro M402dw? Why is the derailleur on my mountain bike placed so far forward? Is this normal for a brand new dirt jumper? Which is better: IIT Guwahati CSE or IIT BHU CSE? What earrings are best for tragus piercings? "Why do people always say ""you know""?" Is the HIV 1/2 test negative on 8 weeks a good sign? How do I improve writing skills.? What does it feel like being the CEO of a startup? Why don't Americans want Jeb Bush for President? How can I complete my apple payment using sbi Classic debit card? Is there any way to hack a WiFi network and know its password? What do you do in the morning? If I thought linear algebra (18.06) was a profound class, what other math classes will I immediately find enjoyable at MIT? How many hours a day should I practice soccer every day if I want to become a pro soccer player? Why is the US in the Northern Hemisphere? What do the British think of Canadians? How can I see if someone has been active on Facebook? What is the use of void linkfloat()? Is kowtow an offensive word? What can substitute red wine in cooking? Is there a website, which does for apps and website projects, what Kickstarter does for physical products? What is the most embarrassing moment of your life? What is PathFinder.findAndGo() in Javascript? What are the technical skills that I can write in my resume? What are some of the most dangerous places on Earth, which can be considered as gates to Hell? What are common misconceptions of becoming an entrepreneur? Wat s the benefits for sc caste? How can the recent history be summarized as an opposition between Islamic uprising and democratic revolution? What are the pitfalls and drawbacks of Aadhar system in India? "Is there an archive that tracks ""Twitter Trending Topics"" historically?" What's the saddest book you've read or heard of? What is the annual salary of a mid career UX Designer at Deloitte Digital make? What are some good ways to prepare burdock to eat? What are isokinetic exercises? What are some examples? What is the difference between the self and the Self? Who are some crusher suppliers in Africa? How should I prepare for BANK exams effectively? How can photons have no mass and yet still have energy given that [math]E=mc^2[/math]? "Should I agree as a foreigner that Taiwan is a part of China? What do the Americans think about "" Taiwan is a part of China ""?" Is everyone selfish, even mothers also? Is being selfish good or bad? Which are the 5 best main battle tanks in the world in terms of firepower, armour and manoeuvrability? What happened to my left side wisdom tooth area after it was extracted? Remedy? Are Xbox One controllers safe? Is aricent in loss? Where is the heater blower motor located? I don't seem to enjoy my girlfriend's company anymore. What do I do? What happens if China declares war on France? When does the academic year for IBS Hyderabad MBA start? Where could I find web designers for my website? What is the formula for barium nitride? How did The Angry Birds Movie get greenlit? What's the backstory of how the movie got made? Why won't Dan Erlich let me comment on his answer to my question? Where can I watch punjabi movies online? How do we analyze a jaw crusher machine? What is the best strategy to survive falling at terminal velocity? Is there a remotely non-paid job or internship for beginners at Python programming? Will Jesus return? When will Pokémon GO release in India? What does the emoticon :3 mean? Which is the best online international shopping website that also delivers in India? What are reviews for the HSBC Best Buy credit card? Is a carboxylic acid a fatty acid? If not, what is the difference between the two? How do foreigners view your country? How did the concept of time originate? How can I know I am on right track in my life? What are the main cultural differences between Switzerland and South Korea? How do I write an SQL query in QC ALM? Which is the best reference book for class 10? What is your fondest memory? What do ducks eat? How popular is Swift as a programming language? Where can I get the highest level of service for interior painting in Brisbane? What are some awesome things to do in Malmö that are not in the standard guide books? Is mozzarella a healthy fat? What is the job of an investment banker? What functions can he perform? Is % used frequently when declaring height and width in CSS or is px used more often? Where can I get a quality build your own RC car kit? What does the active status mean on Facebook? "What are the important facts about ""K""?" What temperature should chicken be cooked to? Why isn't my Apple computer working? How can I fix it? Why do you think people should follow you on Quora? Will the relation between India and the US get affected if Hillary Clinton becomes the President of the US? How is CGPA calculated in MIT? Which one is the best institute in Hyderabad for GRE coaching: Princeton, Brooklyn or any other? Why do people block others? What are the reasons to block someone? I have only felt physical attraction in real life for 5 minutes. I don't notice pick-up cues. But I like the idea of sex. Can I claim to be asexual? What is the difference between a need, a want and a demand? How do I get rid of face fat fast and naturally? How can one never be bored? Is Slazenger a good brand for golf clubs? Why or why not? Do cows have horns? As a founder - if I don't issue stock options, how can I buy or get back the unused shares in the optional pool? What are the best options at rank 261 in NEET MDS? What is the meaning of nani desu ka? Where is the best place to find a mobile (iOS, Android) theme builder? How should I take the Semtex fat burner pills? Interior Design: Which is best software to learn for making 3D Views except 3D Max? How long is bronchitis contagious? How do you treat it? Can gaming laptop use for business or programming? I have submitted one form can I submit another as I filled only one option in the previous one? I've not commited any mistake in previous du ug form? How do I enlarge my penis? Any exercises or tips? Is Air BNB quoted for a night or per trip? Does Youtube pay for more views? Can I clear JEE Mains on the basis of 12 std state board? Which is Better: Raw egg or Boiled egg? Why do people make fun of religion? How successful are arranged marriages? What motivates you in your daily life? Why do fruits taste sweet? What should I do when my girlfriend just broke up with me by saying that she can't betray her parents? How can I convince her? What hotel in Munsiyari Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? What are some good tips for CBSE Class 11 Maths? Why is AB silent on panama. He was too fast to comment on Harsha bhogle's commentary? "Can anybody give me any suggestion on ""why vs why not""?" Why are the leaves of my orchid turning yellow? What would have happened if the Ming dynasty had colonized Hokkaido? Which are some of the best places to visit? Does god exists? If yes then why he killed you second time after he recovered you sending his angel in past when you were about to die? What are some good resources on building Android games? PC Gaming India: Is a reliable website to buy products from? "What is the Latin phrase that means ""death before dishonor""? What is the history of the phrase?" What is the craziest question ever asked on Quora? "How do you say ""also"" in Japanese? Is there more than one way to say it?" If the ball bounces off the goal post, is it considered on or off target? Theatre: What are some great new Broadway musicals? What am I supposed to do if I forgot my debit card pin? What is the greatest in this world? How do you know when it is true love? How do I overcome from insomnia? Concerning EMP, HEMP, or massive CMEs, would electronics that do not have any current running through them be affected? Would Bernie Sanders supporters consider not voting for Hillary Clinton if she gets the Democratic Nomination? What is the best motivational and inspirational picture you saw in your lifetime? What is Switzerland's currency? What is the Best and fast way to learn Java and Android? Why do people still believe in God? How can I improve my memory . I'm losing it? Why do people wear black thread in anklets? Is Pakistan becoming a failed state day by day? How do I make a website successful? What is the difference between algebra and statistics? What are the main reasons that a significant proportion of American citizens don't vote? How does one earn money online without an investment from home? What does it mean when a guy calls you mean? Has anyone used blackmaps software for email scraping? What is your experience like? Actors and Actresses: Why do we still not have gender equality in Hollywood? Is it just because of studios? Why the current is same in series circuit? How can we protect the environment without affecting people's standard of living? Me and my wife are at 36 years now, we have savings of Rs. 1.5 lakhs per month. How should we invest? What does owl taste like? Is Delhi a really hard-to-live-in city for the rest of the Indians? How do you write a letter to a school's principal? How good were President Barack Obama's reelection chances in 2012? Do TVF guys have any other jobs? What separates good surrealism from bad surrealism? How do I know why I was blocked from Instagram? What are some new startup ideas in India? What is the future of Oracle BI Apps? Which is the best reporting tool for Informatica? What are some good ways to get revenge on someone? What can I name my tv show? How do we distinguish Indian Muslims and Pakistanis? What do you think happens to us after we die? How can I lose weight quickly? What do you think is the most amazing thing about indian food compared to other countries? What is piles? How do I cope with severe stress? If a war starts between Russia and the US, who will win? How do I stop over thinking about things that happened in the past? What are the advantages of using Python over R for ML? How do we kill a snake? How much did Princess Diana get from her divorce? Did she have the right to sue the Royal Family in court if she was unwilling to accept the offer? How is the reaction rate in nuclear fission controlled? Is FMS superior than any of the IIMs? Is sugar alcohol really safe for diabetics? Why are mechanical engineers required for supply chain and logistics work? How is Bailey's Irish cream with orange juice made? What are some examples? Is the Indian economy too dependent on the US? Will 1 US dollar ever become equal to 1 rupee again? How is it like to have sex for the first time? What is the best source to learn Perl? How do I become a track car driver? It's my dream and I need help. What is marks vs rank analysis of JEE advanced 2016? Does cold calling still work? What does Adrian Lamo think of the series Mr. Robot? What does he think about the portrayal of hackers and hacker culture? What are the best gifts for your girlfriend? Is it necessary for Muslim women to wear the hijab? What if they don't wear it? Why did Terence Tao choose Flinders University for his undergraduate degree? I have a private Instagram, can someone I direct message, who doesn't follow me, see my photos? At what correct AC voltage will the DC series motor work properly? What is the future scope for SAP security? When pokemon go will launch in india? How does the childhood experience of Japanese differ from that of Americans? Why do we feel hungry after we brush our teeth in the morning? Why is global warming happening? What are the best coaching for ISI and CMI UG math entrance exames in Mumbai? How do I improve my memory and creativity power? Who is your favorite professor and why? What are some examples of a monopolistic competitive industry? Should empathy predominantly transition from personal emotion to collective moral concern? Is it mandatory for policemen to have clean shave in India? How can we protect a car from theft of petrol? How you celebrate your Weekends? How do I know my friend's password in Facebook? Are there any ancient locked chests (or other stuff) we still have not been able to open (or access) with modern day tech? How much math does a particle physicist need? How do I deal with the feeling of jealousy? Why are the stages of production important in economics? How would it feel to ride a motorcycle after two years? How can I buy a game on Steam that I can't afford right now, but will be able to later? Are Instagram usernames transferable? Which is the best QuickBooks payroll tech support number? What are some unexpected disadvantages of being attractive or well-liked? What is the best vegan food place in Toronto? How do I start Forex Trading in India? What is the difference between madhhab and aqidah in Islamic law? What is the most-beautiful bride you have ever seen? How do people earn money from YouTube? How can I overcome my stage fear and be confident in front of public? What should I do to increase my duration of and concentration in studies? "What does ""que Rico"" mean in English?" What are the 5 best ways to lose weight? Who is the most controversial rapper? Waking dead? What happens if Obama dies the same day Trump is supposed to be sworn in, but before Trump gets sworn in? Would Biden be the President? Why would someone take pictures of protestors? How can Sun Bum zinc oxide sunscreen be clear and not white on the face? Instagram (product): How can I get a verified account on Instagram? What are common early pregnancy symptoms or signs that make you feel you may be pregnant? How does Quora decide which questions are displayed first and which come later? Is time travel still theorized as being possible? Someone deleted me on Snapchat so I deleted them later. Then they appeared in the added me list. Does this mean they added me again? I'm 13 and have a crush on my 55 year old teacher. What should I do. I think he likes me? Why is Earth rotating? Why there are no answers for my questions on Quora? How do I add the back button to the left of my activity's action bar like the one in description? Someone living in your attic? Which one would be the best pick, NIMT - Greater Noida, Amity Law school - Noida or Alliance law school- Bangaluru? Computer Science Projects: I have to come up with a project idea for my final year project. If I do anything using ontology methods, is it favorable? Which books are the best for Android game development? What are the recommended research topics in homomorphic encryption according to current studies and future trends? What is the scope of UI/UX developers? Is it a good career for long run i mean is it a black horse? What was World War II about? Is WWE's NXT talent pipeline bare as of the start of 2017? What are legal arguments for and against gay marriage? What are the things that you like when listening to radio stations? What can a common man/woman can do to stop caste based reservation system in India? What are some business management skills? How do I know if I'm blocked on Facebook? How do I make money online without any investment? Which are the best institutes in India for CHEMCAD? How can I get a scholarship in Brown University? From the perspective of a business that has or is near an area that has a Snapchat geofilter, what are the benefits of Snapchat geofilters? Can I transfer money from a credit card to a bank account or debit card in the USA? Religion: Is atheism just another religion? Why Indian students are so crazy to get Master’s from abroad? How can I change the language for this site? Which topics I need to study to get good gate score for EEE if I'm preparing for GATE 2016? How many (maximum) devices can be connected to Android's WiFi Hotspot? Which one is easier for a German speaker to learn, Norwegian or Dutch? How can I avoid showing-off on Instagram? How can I pass the C2150-810 exam? What was considered the axis of evil in WW2? What are the latest emerging technology trends? Why do we sometimes feel that the moment we are in now has happened sometime in the past? Human Physiology: How is a cough formed? "What is the Japanese word for ""much""?" What happens to Kakashi after the end of the war? Did he lose his sharingan once Obito's spirit left? "Is there a ""blacklist"" of candidates that recruiters reference?" Does the time you sleep matter if you sleep the same amount of time? Why is Rob Schneider in almost every Adam Sandler movie? How do I learn Computer Science from the beginning? Who are the famous people in Quora? What are the skills required to be a next generation ‘Data Scientist’? What is so unique about this job than any other ‘Software Engineering’ job? Which is the best service provider in terms of coverage, cost, and speed for having unlimited internet at home in Chennai? Does sfsu have an industrial design degree? Do the illuminati actually exist? What are some ways to keep a vagina tight? Why can't my husband have sex with me more than once a week? How would laptops need to be designed to be much more prone to malfunctions than currently produced models? How many euros is 1 crore indian rupees? What rank should I expect with 150 marks in the JEE Mains 2015 and with a 95.4% in CBSE? My veterinary practice manager constantly criticizes me and she is never satisfied. How do I deal with that? In what situations might honesty not be the best policy? In which site can I earn money? What's the typeface used for code sources in web browsers? Which is the best whey protein? I could not clear my JEE mains which couching classes I should opt in pune to reappear? What things in our generally accepted view of the world are completely wrong or are a very biased and twisted view of how the world really is today? Could there have been a WW2 without a holocaust? Was it essential to any German political or military strategy? Is it possible to write pseudo-code for C++ or Java code? What is the purpose of socketcall() system call in Linux? What does human resource management comprise of? Which is Best camera mobile under 25000? How we can solve any problem with Vashikaran mantras? What are some unknown facts about Harry Potter series? Which is better AIIMS Patna, AIIMS Jodhpur or AIIMS Bhopal? Am 1 year experienced. I want to move my preferred location which is not possible in my company .what can be done? In relationships, how often a week do couples talk, text, and see each other? How can I improve my English speaking skills? Which will be a good smart phone for 10k to 15k? How did you learn Korean? How should I start up a new business? How many hours/week do you work as a director, VP, CXO, or CEO? What are the best programming blogs? What are the best places to visit in Andhra Pradesh, India? Which is the best website to download Bollywood movies? What are the chances placement in BE in JAIN University ? Are most computer science graduates able to find good jobs? I believe my wife is cheating. How can I hack her iPhone 5s? I had a dream where I die but come back to life later. Is it normal? Why do most computer cases have only 2 USB 3.0 ports? Which is the best book to learn C for beginners? Why is watching something and doing something myself always different? If my company has me working shifts alone, can my company consider those shifts as training shifts? What is the best phone to buy below 15k? What is the reason behind mysterious deaths of so many beaurocrats in karnataka? Which is the Best smart phone within INR 20,000? I am a 41 year old female married without kids. For the past year and a half I have been experiencing feeling of worthlessness.what should I do? "In Korean, how do you say ""I am""?" Can masturbation break my hymen? How do you find the dark web? Why do Turks continue to deny the Armenian genocide? How can I do marketing in real estate if I have a low budget? How is the campus life at ivy league college? Is recovering a deleted file from the recycle bin possible? How risky is it to take Real Analysis 1 & 2 at the same time? Is vision therapy (orthoptics) effective for strabismus? What is the best type of stock (technology, airline, etc.) to invest in right now (10/11/13) My landing page builder, a guy I found on fiver is asking for my WordPress account password, my website has some crucial data I am sacred for security? What are the telltale signs of a fake Louis Vuitton bag? Is loving your childhood friend bad? I'm not talking about sin, but it defies the very meaning of friendship. What is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Lafayette County FL? When did the Yangtze incident happen? How does narcissism and ego work? When peers find an individual unlikeable, but that person believes he's exceptionally revered, how does that work? How old is Walt Disney World? Why has India never had a Muslim Prime Minister? How can a phone number be tracked legally using a computer only? What are the best paid career in travel and tourism industry? If I want to explore the world? How do I access my Gmail's email? What should I do to improve my chances of getting into a top b-school? What is the least competitive area of physics? Why has India never had a Muslim Prime Minister? What is the best compliment for a girl? Does -2.5 power satisfy 6/9 visual standard? What is the fees structure of the India College of Technology for a BTech? Is the AA-12 a good shotgun? What is a pure virtual function? Does anyone have a crush on a teacher here? If yes, how do you feel? How are Formula 1 cars transported between Grand Prix venues? What is the most lovely conversation you ever had with your spouse? What are the best motivational quotes for students? What is the best way to remove belly fat? How can I know secert camera around me? My background is petroleum engineering. I got a job offer as cyber fraud analyst. Should I accept it? I'm really into engineering. Do homes with geothermal heating/cooling have more dust? """How should I prepare for the GATE 2017 Online Test Seriesfor CSE?""" Min marks required for SC candidate in SSC CGL to get the post of inspector in excise department? What is the scope to become an event manager? How do you do a master reset on an iPhone 4? How can I see all of my comments on Quora? How do I get one million dollars without doing anything? Can I use two different WhatsApp accounts on the same mobile phone? How do I control my voice while speaking? I have a layover at KLIA (Malaysia) of about 6 hours (12pm-6pm) Can I go out see the city? Even if I am just in-transit and do not have a visa? Why do I feel pain when I become aroused? My Android phone cannot connect to the internet via the browser but am able to use the Quora app. What could be the problem? What's the best place to exchange coins for cash? I ha(d)ve oily skin. I changed my usual face pack to a different one and after using it for the first time I have severe problems. What should I do? When and how is profit maximized? How should I start my preparation for the IAS exam? What is the corporate culture like at Epiq Systems? How is the culture different than other companies? Should IPL be abolished? Is Romeo and Juliet necessarily a tragedy? How good is UAE Exchange's Xpay Cash wallet? To Build An App Like Instagram or Twitter What Areas Must be Developed in the BACK-END of the App? What is the best way to learn English communication? "Is it true that people can't even use the word ""matter"" in a sentence without Black Lives Matter coming to mind?" What are some recommended courses on Coursera for a Chemical engineering undergrad? What are the best travel hacks? Why it is essential to decide goals and aims in life? What are the common causes of miscarriage? What will happen if I masturbate 2 times a day? How can I improve my competitive coding skills? Why do people study Business Analytics? Will President Obama keep his new Twitter account (@POTUS) after he finishes his term? How does the mass and charge between a proton and a neutron and a neutron and an electron differ? How do you find the verb in a sentence? What does :) mean? Which is better to buy Suzuki Ignis or VW polo? "Why is ""Fixer Upper"" not on HGTV anymore?" What's good for a sore throat? Is time travel possible? List of Songs used by 'People are awesome' YOutube Channel.? What is the cause of anamolous expansion of water? Why did traditional Scotsmen wear kilts instead of pants? Are there any Sweden universities or colleges as good as the Ivy League schools in America that are doing good research in the robotics field? What are the best eyeshadow colors for hazel eyes? What is the best external hard drive? What is the best fanfiction you have ever read? Is my boyfriend not attracted to me? What would be the profitable business to start in Bangalore? i don't want my android application to reveal my company name, can i hide my company name from it? Why did people get addicted to social media? Who would win in a fight The Mountain or Arthur Dayne? What is it like to go abroad for the first time - as an adult? How is the word 'ingratiate' used in a sentence? How do I get my business idea financed? How do I find out if partner has any online dating profiles? What AC temperature one should keep in the car at normal conditions? Why hasn't Shah Rukh Khan received even one National award for best actor? What are biotic factors and what are some examples of them in an ecosystem? How do I sell the tickets of various events through my website? One day after work, I did not remember my home and the route. Desparately, I let myself drove aimlessly and I finally reached my home. Any reasons? Can I get pregnant 3 days after ovulation? How can I find out what I want to do with my life? Can you make online friends with other people on Quora? Can pornography be good for you? What are the things/features which is still missing even after having tremendous analytics tool like Google Analytics, Adobe omniture, web trends and unica? Why are there so many homeless people living in streets in the US while there are shelters available? Should I confess to my teacher? How can I extend inlet and outlet hose for semi automatic washing machine? What games can an i5 laptop with Nvidia Geforce 940m (4gb) run? What do Taiwanese people think about the disputes in South China Sea? Is it bad to not go to a Christmas party? How do I recover my Gmail account password without a recovery email or the security question 2? Which are the most recommended books for preparing Job interviews? Who is the best neurologist in Singapore? What is the one thing you wish you could do or wish you didn't do? How can I improve my communication skill in english? Is it allowed to travel in Indian Railways if we have a tatkal ticket in the waiting list? Can gay couples adopt in the United States? "What do Marxist or leftist radicals normally do for people ""oppressed"" by Islamic fascists and terrorists?" On Snapchat, can I send snaps to someone who has deleted me? How much money does Bill Gates earn while he sleeps? How can I learn which algorithms are used by Google search? Is this a scam? What is the best way to learn java? Who will win the 2016 World Series? What is it like to be a Tampa Bay Rays fan? Is AT&T Uverse going to upgrade their 2wire gateways to Wireless N? Yanis Varoufakis: If you have a chance to go back as a Finance minister of Greece again, would you? And what would you do differently? How do I can improve my listening skills? "What is the correct pronunciation of the word ""chai""?" Why does certain Indian hotels doesn't have room numbers which end with 13? Girl who I find attractive sends me snaps after shower(in bath robe) and honey I'm home (emoji) snaps. What does it mean?Does she like me ? How can I learn English? How do nails grow? What does it feel like to live in rural India? Why is the state bank of Mysore not the state bank of Bangalore? "What is another word for ""so""?" What are the best Bollywood romantic movies? How can I learn fluent in English? Which college is best for a BBA in IPU? Which animals give milk? "What is the difference between saying ""think of what you want to be"" and ""think of who you want to be""?" How can I learn to speak English for abroad studies and general day to day life? When did the Romeo and Juliet story take place? Are there any genuine online data entry jobs in India? What is a proposal argument essay and what are some examples? What exactly does do? How much time does it take to learn coding? What are the career options for a mechanical engineer? What would happen if the Earth slowly stopped rotating until it was completely still? Why man won't change his FB status from single to in relationship? How can I locate Gujarat on a map? Which of the given Australian match do you like more. Against South Africa where the scores were 434 & 438 or against New Zealand in 2015 CWC? Can a U.S. President nominate him/herself for the U.S. Supreme Court? Which course is better to do after a B.Tech in IT/CSE, an MBA or an M.Tech? What are some old advertisements of Bollywood celebrities? How can we convince a girl for sex? How do I Print reverse of an array in java ? How do I know what I really want, or what is good for me? It's like I want everything? What happens if we travel at the speed of light? Does Elmer's Glue get rid of blackheads? How can I earn money online? In Gujarat total overall marksheet is prepared aggregateof all4semto qualify jeemains or admission inNITwould I require75percent in overall orclass12? Why is Priyanka Bedi banned? Why does hot water convert into ice more quickly than cold water? In the movie 3 Idiots, what is the name of the song that is playing on Kareena's wedding day when Sharman Joshi's character enters Suhas' room? What is the most oft-misunderstood line of poetry? Why do I get anxious when thinking about sex? Why is Urdu called a Sanskritic language? Which animals prey on chameleons? What can I do so that I am able to concentrate more on my studies for the GATE? Why do you love your mom? Who is the luckiest cricketer ever and why? Which country has maximum number of programmers? What is the most important social media tool? What are the English movies with English subtitles in which there are no romantic or sex scenes and fights? Why do I care so much about what other people think of me? What are ways to become wealthy? Are people finally waking up to the hypocrisy of Salman Khan? Why isn't there a protective coating for teeth to prevent cavities? If India and China are both ancient civilizations, why doesn't the Himalayas have a Chinese name? China can surely see the Himalayas from its side. Can dogs actually die if they eat chocolate? Why don't many people posting questions on Quora check Google first? In spite of studying a lot for whole week, why do I feel that I have forgotten everything on the day before my coaching test? Did Voldemort know Harry was a horcrux? Was ISIS created by the CIA? What are some frequently asked C++ questions in interviews? I'm 19years old and confused between CA and CFA ..what should I do? Why did not any indian or Chinese ruler ever invaded each other? How do I delete some connections on LinkedIn? How do I cope up with this depression? How to code in matlab, a GUI that can use of a trained classifier to classify video frames from a video file, displaying the predicted class labels? If you were to name Reddit what would it call it? Are there any physiological differences between intuitive brain and a sensor brain? Why do people ask questions on Quora when they can easily find the answer for it on Google? How is time travel possible? Which one is more like Tibet: Nepal or Bhutan? "What are some examples of ""less is more"" in nature?" Do you think Apple will at some point require you to be on the latest iOS version for your particular device to use the App Store? What are some of the best ways to forget someone whom you loved (crush) very much? How do I break habits? What is it like to be a black person working in the video game industry? Should I invest in property or in gold? Is harry potter the next heir of Slytherin? Can a voltage regulator convert AC to DC? What is the gay scene like in Dubai, UAE? Which college should I prefer for electrical engineering: PDPU or Nirma? How do I make a billion dollars in a year? What is the difference between computational and mathematical science and applied mathematics? Can we have a feature in WhatsApp to receive messages from added contacts only and unknown users should not be able to text if they know the contact number? Is there a Program to create programs? How is Australia both continent and a country? How does a casting group go about getting commercial work? By marketing itself to advertising agencies or production companies? Which one is the best movie in the world? Why are some psychopaths high functioning and others low functioning? What are the most empirically neutral and unbiased news sources in the US? How does one get a verified Quora profile tag like this guy in the details below? What was Sirius Black's patronus? What would be the cause of world war 3? Which position do women prefer in sex? Can I drink sea water after I boil it? "Why is drinking water called ""hydration"" when we don't drink the water for its hydrogen? H₂O so it's 66% hydrogen and 33% oxygen; But we don't harvest either from it?" How can anybody have a strong will to lose weight and follow a strict diet? Energy can't get destroyed. What if there was a rocket that converts all energy to kinetic? Would it go the speed of light with the infinite energy? How do I get unlimited gems, gold, and elixir in Clash of Clans on Android? Is it common for people to feel burned out and fatigued the day after they take LSD? What is the best book to learn the Swift programming language? Instagram (product): How can I login to Instagram if I don't remember the password, and I dont know the email address that was used to set up the account? How do I earn money in online? Why does Donald Trump tweet like a seven year old? How would you explain GDP in layman terms ? Why is it defined in two ways :PPP and Nominal ? And is GDP the same as exports ? Which action best shows that Andre cares about Deon's interests? Whàt is a real magic? How do I transform caste certificate? What do native Bahrainis / Emiratis / Qataris / Saudis think about Filipinos, Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis living in their respective countries? any stereotypes? Can I make money online? What are the job options for mechanical engineering students? What happened to the students that protested in china? What is the importance of a truck’s wheel alignment? What are the habits of highly successful people? What are the key lessons/ takeaways from college politics at IITs? How is the YouTube show China Uncensored funded? Is it possible to have your period during the first month of pregnancy? If you had to give one piece of advice about how to save money for a trip around the world, what would it be? Is there a way to get 500 dollars in a few weeks? From where can I buy a cheap and fast charging micro USB cable in India? How can I start small tea stall? Why hasn't President Obama managed to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay? How do I pass a set of points as the training matrix for SVM? How can I decrypt a .3ds file placed in the hard disk of my PC? Blood is an example of a … fluid. a) Thixotrpic b) Rheopectic c) Shear Thickening d) None of the above? If you died suddenly, and your parents/friends/children had to go through all your stuff, what would be the most surprising thing they might find? What are the health benefits of the egg yolk? What can cause a monitor screen to shake? What is the best drug for long and thick eyelashes? How do I make my skin moistured naturally? Can a rash be cured by cutting off the diseased skin and letting a new healthy one grow back? I got an offer letter and date of joining in Wipro. My training is in BAS-OEA-JEdwards. What does this stream deal with? What is the corporate culture like at Quantum? How is the culture different than other companies? Finance: Which is the best way to learn about stocks? In terms of light speed, how far is the Sun from the Earth? How should I react when people ask why I don't drink alcohol or eat meat? If you give less than 30 day notice, paying an extra month and removed your stuff, is it legal for them to rent it out during that remaining month? Which Q&A sites are better than Quora? What are India's views regarding homosexuality? "Is Quora's ""Be Nice, Be Respectful"" a slippery slope?" Can I apply for a Canadian post graduate work permit while outside of Canada? What is your favorite color for a gown, and why? "What are some sentence examples using ""until""?" Why do humans really exist? What is our sole aim as a specie? "What is meant by ""moral considerations""?" What is the purpose of humans on earth? What person in the present day claims that they have activated their pineal gland? How do you thaw chicken? How do I deal with chronic indigestion? What is the best answer if someone asks about yourself in the interview? How can a person be a better software engineer? What are the best things to do to lose body fat? What is the scope of IT in the Middle East? How can I easily prepare for the 1Z0-542 exam? Why is it said that traveling in the speed of light would make time travel possible? Why do we sleep? What is the full form of P.S. in 'P.S. I Love You'? Who are Facebook's first partners for the new Facebook Audience Network? What are the terms of the deals? Can they target ads to non-Facebook users? Is driving for Uber a good way to supplement my income in Tacoma, WA? Why? How does the molly fish lay eggs? "What's the best answer when your girlfriend asks ""How much do you love me”?" Would Bernie Sanders be an effective president? What is cost of constructing 1km two lane road in india? What should be my future aims and career goals in the next 10 years and 30 years respectively in merchant Navy please reply fast? How do I find someone special in life? What kinds of details go to Vodafone like call logs, messages, location, etc.? What are Marc Bodnick's favorite topics on Quora? How do I add a password to a PDF file using Foxit Phantom PDF Reader? How can you convert a layered Photoshop file to a Sketch file? Slavery: How many people in the US are descended from slave owners? What are the best women's fashion blogs? How is Singapore American School`s rank, and how does its academic program compare to GEMS World Academy? Where did my Quora Reading List go? How do I access the Dark web safely? How do I make a hair dryer at home? Is Deepika Padukone better than Katrina Kaif? Which of the following sentence is/are grammatically correct? How do I understand longitude and latitude in the easiest way? Which should one master: React or Angular? How much does it cost to visit Spain? What is the maximum speed of Jio 4G/LTE? What are the problems that India is facing? Have you ever felt like everything you say and do is complete nonsense? How did you deal with it? The balancing length in a potentiometer is changed by 10 percent when a cell connected to it is shunted with 6 ohm. How to find internal resistance? Why do people get close to people they hate? How do I get rid of import duties in India? What's the difference between customer support and customer service? How do I install software in Android device? Where I get the best free course for Web Development? What happens if you eat pooris every day? I am 33, fresh out of an ophthalmology residency/fellowship in NYC. I am debt free, and have $1M in the bank. What should I do with it? How did Donald Trump win the 2016 Presidential Election? What is a good 5.56/.223 rifle? What makes people hate brahmins? Why did the United States drop 2 atomic bombs on Japan during WW2? Does a diode act as a capacitor when reverse biased? What is the Best way to start preparing for ias? I am looking forward to meet you is it correct? Theres black stuff on my muffler exit pipe. Is that normal? Are there any reasons to consider Spanish a dying language? How is a capital account a personal account? "What's the origin of the term ""420"" as a slang word for cannabis?" How does it feels like to have a drunkard father? Is common core required in private school in states that have adopted it? What are the tools and the VFX software have was used during the production of Film '' World Trade Center 2006 ''? What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they're invited to someone's home in Vietnam for the first time? What is the domain and range of the function [math]f(x) = -4 \sqrt{x}[/math]? What are the advantages and disadvantages of iMesh? What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism? Why are Jews so successful? Will there be any problem in the future if I took more years than normal for completing my under/post graduation? Where can I find a Quora‘s APP? In many south Indian restaurants, I have seen tea served in a small steel glass and a bowl. Why is this combination preferred over a cup and saucer? Will private medical colleges accept only NEET 2 scores? Is Androx Extreme Really Helpfull For Muscle Building? What is the most closely fought battle in India Pakistan Wars? I am a BDS from India. I did my MSc in Dental Materials from the UK. What is the fastest way to migrate to Australia and do research? How would a psychopath or sociopath feel toward their child? Should I let my kid do meth? What are hydroxides of alkali? Is time travel possible or will it be possible? How can we manage work stress at the workplace? What should a Tier 2 or 3 Indian student do to get a job in Google, Microsoft or Facebook? Why does Quora delete my questions? Should I buy Suzuki Baleno or wait for Baleno RS(with powerful engine) which was showcased in India autoexpo'16? Is extra power really worth the wait? Will others see a direct message sent to someone in instagram? What is the best color of the Royal Enfield classic 350? What is your review of Saw (2004 movie)? Why is 'y' not considered a vowel? What is a frequency? How can we end the caste based reservation in India? Is there a fix to the slow scrolling problem that arose after the upgrade to Windows 10? Should I get a Macbook Air (released 7/20/2011) with 1.7GHz i5 processor or 1.8GHz i7 processor? How can I enable the insert rows with mouse right click option in my Microsoft Excel 2007? How can I build a chatbot engine like or Should Narendra Modi marry Mamta Banerjee? What it is like to have parents? How do Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders differ on the issue of treating Edward Snowden? Which is the best answer you have come across on Quora? Should you buy lottery tickets? How can I become a long distance runner? What are the technical differences between a V-twin, parallel-twin, and an inline 4 engine? What is a video view in YouTube? Why is the SR-71 Blackbird no longer in service? What are the most useful applications that are available on all popular mobile and desktop platforms? What is a good song about shame? Is it better to join in a newly started college in How do I carrier unlock an iPhone 4? What is best eBook for aptitude and reasoning? What is the etymology of the name Mucilinda? [SPOILER] Is Arya Stark actually the Waif? What do you think is the real meaning of life? Have you ever felt psychologically threatened? Describe. I can't log into my Instagram account with my phone, but I can log in with a laptop or other phones or systems. What's the problem? Is it possible that my phone IP has been blocked? From where can I get good study materials for class 10 CBSE? If I do digital marketing course which kind of job will i get in future? What is the software of advanced system optimizer's register number? How do I scan a QR code in PHP and use its output? How much do Indian TV stars earn? Is there any reason not to include U.S. women in mandatory military service the way Israel does? Which footballer has won the most trophies while doing very little for the team? What are some instant messengers that don't require your phone number? I am a final year engineering student in ECE. Which are some good seminar topics? How cheap can a physical book from a second-hand book store get? Why do some people have dimples in the cheeks while smiling? How do you connect Bluetooth headphones to PS4? What is the difference between love& in love? Does IRS officers get escorts? Why does the volumetric efficiency of an SI engine decrease at high temperatures of surrounding air? Is it true Anthony Hopkins's girlfriend left him after watching the movie Silence of the Lamb? Is it legal to get out of a contract by changing your name? What are the new banking Trends in Global Market? What are your thoughts about the new Apple Watch? What is the weight of a cricket ball? I know I write well, but I seldom write. Why am I not motivated to use my skill? What are some good Indian names for a baby boy & a baby girl? How do I clean my phone without losing my photos and data? What is the best broker for binary options? What is a starter code/link for convolution neural networks on MNIST dataset using Theano? How do we know that the beams or the structures are stable? Which were some of the best games you have played so far? Is it legal to copy the source code of a free theme available on WordPress and then develop a website according to my needs and host it? What happens when I withdraw money from another bank's ATM? How does reconciliation among banks take place? What is the craziest fact about Pablo Escobar? Can someone help me improve my Digital T.V reception? What are the best questions asked in Quora? How did 99+ percentilers prepare for CAT? What are the most important Off-Page SEO tactics for 2016? What causes the redness on your skin due to acne? How can the arctan of 1 be calculated? In your opinion, - and from what you know - , what is the world's most overrated monument? What should be a mini project topic for a 3rd year B.Tech. in CSE student? When do I use is or are in a sentence? What are the economic implications of banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes? What are the branches of science? What was the Connecticut Compromise? Have we all lived before? What created brahma who is himself the creator of everything? I want to be a writer. What can I do to improve my writing skills? What is Chinese culture? How is the future of robotics? Is sodium an element or a compound? I am based in Delhi, India. I earn 1.55 lacs rupee per month after taxes and PF deductions. I have no loan/mortgage over me for my house and car and bought it out of pocket. I save 70% of my salary every month. Is it alright for me to buy a 50k smartphone? Wireshark: Does each row in a pcap file correspond to a packet? What do guys want to know the most about sex or what are their questions about sex? How do I find a good lawyer in New York City? How do I develop a mind palace? What are some good naked bikes under 1.5 lakhs? Why do some people prefer to spend time on Quora rather than Facebook? What is the scope of career as a business analyst in India? Which colour most prefer sexual attract (in men's eye pupils color)? Friend complains my profile picture never show up in her Face Book News Feed, is she lying? "Is it true that Jesus said that he was ""a son of God"", not ""the son of God""?" Where can we get information regarding jessica simpson net worth? Where should I spend New Years in San Diego? What are the main causes of infertility? What is the meaning of maru in Japanese? How is it used? What is the most crucial lesson life has taught you? Is Windows 10 better and faster than Windows 7? What is the best source for online work to earn money? Where can I get a Camera for producing VR content for Oculus Rift? Does Orthodox Judaism permit abortion to save the life of the mother? What is the one incident that you think has completely changed your life? I recently bought a LG G4. Nothing happens when I touch the charging option. The USB options do not open. How do I get those options? What's the best thing to do in life? Which books/study materials should I follow for GATE (mechanical) if I am preparing on my own without any coaching? What are the most eagerly awaited Hollywood movies of 2017? How much does a new iPhone screen cost? What are the risks involved with starting a business? What foods taste better cooked in the microwave than on a stovetop? For scuba diving, is the GoPro Hero5 Black better than the Hero4 Black? "Why was the song ""Rains of Castamere"" played in the end of season 4, episode 6?" Should we be afraid of death? Where can I download anime series without torrents? Who is the best doctor for cardiology in India? How do most people learn how to have sex? What has been your best and/or worst experience in Mexico? When will be Pokemon go available in App Store of India? Can women reach an orgasm from anal sex? How can I learn C++ in 3 months? Which is better, PEC ECE or NSIT ICE? Is Arsene Wenger held in as a high regard as Sir Alex Ferguson? If yes/no, then why? "What is the importance of Outrage in ""The Mark of the Beast"" by Rudyard Kipling?" "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" very rare in The Philippines?" I want to delete certain rows in MySql which contain a specific word in the middle of a string. How should I do it? What are the nucleotides found in DNA and RNA? What are the rules of base pairing for those nucleotides? Why do Muslims, keep reciting the SAME prayers five times a day? Why can't you just pray for once? Why do you keep on saying Allah is great? How can I stop worrying and over-thinking about everything? Who do you love the most and why? How HIV is carried out through blood products? How do I remove dark circles naturally? Does sexting count as watching porn? Why should I vote for and believe Hillary Clinton? Are we Indians destroying Quora? "Is it correct to say ""He is older than she or he is older than her?""" What can I do to increase penis size? What is the cheapest, easiest, least painful way to commit suicide? How do I keep myself self motivated? How do you overcome fears? How does one memorize the identity [math]\sin (\alpha \pm \beta) = \sin \alpha \cos \beta \pm \cos \alpha \sin \beta[/math]? What is easiest way to earn money? I forgot my Apple ID and Password, what should I do? What is the use of the study centre for literature courses in IGNOU? When will Goa assembly elections held in 2017? How can I see the profile of a person who blocked me in whatsapp? Let's say Germany had same privacy regulations as the United States. What would then happen? How do I start to learn coding? What does it feel like to go to a party being an introvert? Why are anime based on mangas shorter? What is ic circuit? Is it important to varnish or clear finish polymer clay or its substitute? How do I improve my English? What is crippling depression? Are there programming languages in languages other than English language? Which is the best CDMA phone under 50k ? How old is too old to start medical school? Is a MBA from Malaysia good option? What are some tips for a 13 year old girl? How can I make my house walls interesting and very attractive? I have an approximate 10 hour layover at Tokyo Haneda. I want to leave the airport, what should I do? What is String Interpolation in C# version 6.0? Which is older film industry ,Tamil or Telugu? How is the word 'perfidious' used in a sentence? What is it like to regret having children? How can I transfer my HDFC VISA credit card balance amount to my HDFC bank account? Will they charge me for this transfer? What is the condition of Highway 44 from Gwalior (MP) to Saugar (MP)? Which is the best college in India for M.Tech placements in Environmental Engineering? Where can I buy the best granite jaw crusher? Which university is better for electrical and computer engineering, Carleton University, Concordia University or the University of Ottawa in Canada? "How long did it take you to get truly ""buff"" and sculpted muscles?" How was technology 100 years ago? What will change if speed of sound become faster than the speed of light? How is Chandigarh University for CSE? Should pre workout be taken on an empty stomach or with a meal? Why are there so many British in the game industry? What is the difference between eRetail and e-commerce? Which brand is best to buy t-shirts with round neck? How will we survive on Mars? How many months does it take for sociology optional preparation(planning to give CSE 2017) for a engineering background student? Where can I download free Microsoft 70-243 PDF Dumps and 70-243 VCE Dumps as 70-243 exam prep? I'm a computer science student (Graduated Recently) and not got placement. I want a job in IT firm, what language should I study to get a job? Does installing indoor unit of air conditioner right above a door causes problems with its working efficieny? How do I reset Mac address? Will edx, Coursera, Udacity provide online masters (specially for Electrical and Computer Science students)? How long does an average friendship last? Which is the best front-end development or PHP web development? What is data science? What does Newton's laws of motion tell us? Why the Chinese economy is slowing down? What are the best ways to stop or reduce the frequency of masturbation? Where can I get a library or code implemented in PHP for micro QRcode? What are the most important books that Paula Broadwell wrote? What are the pros of watching a horror movie? Which phone is better , Le 1s or Redmi Note 3 (3gb)? Who are the best players to buy in career mode in fifa 14? What are the best career options after a BSc in maths? How can I improve my memory problem? Can India defend itself from all the Pakistan nukes? How do you play a VTS file? What is the difference between i3 and Pentium Quad-Core? Is it easy to play dead in TV shows/movies? How do I prepare for volvo eicher? Why is New Zealand, Turkey, Austria and South Africa opposing India's entry to NSG even though NPT is unfair? What are the digital marketing strategies used by insurance companies? What kind of job can you get with a CompTIA A+ Certification? How do babies float in water? What is the speed of the fastest plane? Where can I fly my new DJI phantom in Bangalore INDIA? What are some unusual aspects about politics and government in Malaysia? How can I apply for ias officer as I m studying in last year of bcom? How can I learn to concentrate on my studies when I cannot sit still for more than 1 hour 15 minutes at a time? Why would a person applying for a job mention that they are a mother and housewife in the cover letter? Which are the best stock broker in India? Why is vasoconstriction necessary? I am not ready to have a technical interview yet. How can I ask companies to reschedule my interviews? How can an entrepreneur without any tech experience but a phenomenal idea successfully launch a tech startup? What percentile can I expect with a score range from 31 to 33.2 in the XAT 2017? What is one learnable skill I need to become a successful entrepreneur? What is the meaning of your name? Should India have one child policy or not? How much does SAS cost? How much weight can I lose in one week? If Bill Clinton was currently serving as a senator or representative, and Hillary was elected, would he have to resign to be the First Gentleman? On a 2400 calorie level, how many fruit servings should one consume daily? What are the best memories from your engineering college life in India? What are some reviews of the GMERS college? How much is SecondMarket the company worth? What is null modem? What is your favorite Leonard Cohen song? What are the best ways to handle bullies? What is the scariest fairy tale? What is the power of the CAG in India? How can I take a screenshot in Windows 7? I am not able to concentrate on studying which is extremely important for the next 20 days. What should I do? How much the coffee powder sold in India costs to us? What is the best HDMI cable for Xbox 360? How should a minus function be typed in Excel? What is the avg package of dualite in bits pilani? What is the best book for previous years solved UPSC mains paper? How do I find a good job? What happens when someone blocks you on Facebook? How do I stop comparing myself to others and accept myself? "What is the purpose of ""rcu_sched"" Linux Kernel Thread?" What if the French Revolution failed? What is the best way to learn English as a foreign language? What is the best phone ever under 17k? I have to choose between hotel management and journalism for Masters. I also want to travel the world and explore. So which is the better choice? What is space according to physics? What statistic methods should be used to analyse the difference between a new formula to calculate an index and the old one? How do I readuce bodyweight increased by anti phycotic drugs? Can I get any IIT with a rank 10431? Is stream training at Infosys training difficult than generic training? How do celebrities get their driver's licenses? What is the difference between a mutual fund and a hedge fund? How is the word 'gape' used in a sentence? I got JEE main 75 marks in S.C category and got 96.8% in A.P Board is there any chance of getting IIIT? Why is using Trello so much fun? Why did Ronald Reagan eat so many jelly beans? Why are the bastards called 'Snow' in Game of Thrones? What is importance of an agency worker signing a work contract? Are MSc in Management programmes good enough or should one do an MBA after gaining required work experience? Physical properties of cement in field? What are the benefits of drinking water soaked overnight with fenugreek seeds? Why should prostitution not be legalized in India? Where online is Barack Obama's birth certificate? Is a flight plan stick map a flight plan vector map? Who has purchasing power in hospitals in Europe? What is the software needed for mechanical engineering? How common is eating human semen? What are the best online Masters' Degree programs? Which background studies are required to be an expert in BPM (Business Process Management)? Which is the best book for a second year MBBS student who wants to learn ECG properly? What are the causes, symptoms and treatments for dizziness? I am having my 2nd year MBBS exams in 18days and I am unable to concentrate. How can I concentrate without getting distracted? Is cancer only caused by mutations in oncogenes, or can it be caused by changing coding genes too? How many schools are there in India? What was life like in the year 2003? "What is the difference between the French phrases ""Je bois de l'eau"" and ""Je bois de eau""?" Which major increases the chance of transfer acceptance? How do I turn off low power notification for iPhone? What is the exact difference between CL-OBC and NCL-OBC and is it the family income or the Fathers income which is taken to account? How much do Ruby on Rails developers in India earn? I will be interning at Hyderabad for a period of 2 months this summer. What are some places near HiTech city where I could stay during my internship? Why am I always pissed off and underentertained? How can a relationship avoid its imminent doom? Where can I get a full range of locksmith services in Sydney? I am a teacher and I find it very difficult to take classes in saree for higher secondary students. It is very annoying. What should I do? Where can I get free consultation on applications of sensor and measuring technologies in Victoria? How does one overcome depression and anxiety? Is it better to comfort a girl you are friends with that you like after her breakup or to just leave her be? What are the best places to go for a food pilgrimage in India? What usually takes place in an uncontested divorce hearing? My girlfriend of 2 years left to study in another state. Two months later she cheated, however she confessed the next day. Should I take her back? Iphone 6s or iPhone 6 plus, which one should I buy? What are your favorite films that came out in 1988? I am a computer science student. Which laptop should I buy? What are some of the cleverest methods to study biochemistry? What is a quick and easy trick to cure social anxiety? Is there a cure for tinnitus? Can I install an app on Android by deselecting some of the permissions? What are AP papers? What's the best place to have sex? What would happen if Quora introduced smileys and emoticons? How can I masturbate with hands? What do you dislike about Uber, both as a rider and a driver? Why did Charlie Cheever leave Quora? What do we mean by human rights? What if every single one of the world's 20,500 nuclear weapons were fired over the course of a year? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Sonic Automotive? How do you study for exams? I have an R3 PS4 console. Can I use a PS Plus from the United States? Will there be any negative effects? Power Systems: What is the difference between the voltage regulation of static devices(transmission lines, transformers etc.) and rotating devices (generators and motors)? What if a candidate in Indian army says that he wants to join army for career purposes? Will he get selected? What are some of the benefits and disadvantages of the internet? Is it true that if I eat mostly vegetables and fruits with meats I'll lose a lot of weight? What are some good subtitle fonts for anime? Can anyone let me know if there are budget hotels in Lansdowne? I'm a lone wolf and I plan to stay there for a few days and get some writing done. What are the last things an astronaut does before going into space? Does hypnosis work? Is the U.S. going to go to war with Russia anytime soon? What are some OTG oven dishes? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Albany Molecular Research? What is information technology? What is information system? How does a Honeywell thermostat work? What powers do Hades, Zeus and Poseidon have? Who can vote in the 2016 Brexit referendum? Is there an intuitive interpretation of what the geometric mean means? How can you tell if someone has blocked your number on an iPhone? I feel like I need to transition to male but am attracted to men. How can I stop being transgender/having gender dysphoria? What is the fastest way to burn fat in your belly and chest without using pills in 1 month? What are some modern examples of government corruption in Canada? Which is better CSE at MNNIT or IT at NIT Surathkal? How can I learn to speak English for abroad studies and general day to day life? On Instagram, I marked comments as spam and I can't see them to delete it when others can. How can I view the comments again to delete them? What are some good technical recruiting firms in NYC? What is the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet? What is the tallest building in India? Is there a list of companies working in the augmented/virtual reality field in Europe? How can I open an account and get an ATM card without going to bank? Is it true that a cure to HIV has been found in England? What is the difference between a software designer and game designer? What is it like for Indian families to raise children in the USA? Does Dropbox Mobile use mobile data? Is there any setting so that it syncs only on WiFi? How do I convince my mom to buy me clothes? How can I improve my English writing skills as a 15 year old? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Omega Protein is coming out with in 2016? What do people at SpaceX think of NASA? Finding a persons weakness? What is your review of X:Men Apocslypse (2016 movie)? What are the chances of an iOS 9.1 32-bit Jailbreak? What is a better news search than Google News? What is the use of knowledge management? "Aaron Rodgers says ""Green 18, Green 18"" before the ball is snapped. What are other cadences used by NFL quarterbacks?" What is the difference between procurement and purchasing? How do cell phone signal receptions and plan rates in Hawaii differ form the ones in Wisconsin? I feel sleepy after every 4 hours and that affects my productivity in office. What should I do? I sleep 7 hours in night. How are Indian Offline Brick & Mortar shops competing with hyper funded E-commerce players? How do I know actually who follow me on Snapchat? Can anybody provide how to test angular js application using protractor in eclipse? What happens to a corpse in space? What are the requirements and steps to join the Indian Air Force after graduating? Where can I get 3D measurement (not scanning) tool? What are some things that a 16 year old should know? How honest was Abraham Lincoln? When and how did the first stars and galaxies form? What is the electron configuration ofNa+? How is the NRI hostel in SRM university? Will CBSE give marks for completed math questions? What are the most amazing video documentaries? If I have bank passbook, birth certificate, MTNL bill and and e-AADHAR card, can I apply for a passport? When is the best time of day to work out? What's the smartest thing you've ever seen someone do? India: I want to become a scientist in India. What are the related exams and names of colleges that would help me accomplish this? How do I turn off screen overlay on my Galaxy S6 edge? What is the difference between ionic and covalent bond? I am a girl and have a crush on a transgender girl but I'm not gay? What is the role of mechanical engineer in genpact? Why should I drink green tea? What is the best topic for thesis or research paper? "I am a girl. I love my best guy friend and I told him. He is attracted to me physically but he said he doesn't want a relationship. We still kiss and hug. He touches me like I am his girlfriend. I can't say ""No"" nor can I live with the fact that he wants me only physically. What should I do?" What is my PUK code number and where can I find it? Why does the matrix [math] M = \begin{bmatrix}1 & 2 & 3\\4 & 5 & 6\\7 & 8 & 9\end{bmatrix} [/math] have a [math]0[/math] determinant? Is it cheaper to buy a car in USA/Canada and ship it to Europe? What is momentum? Does [math]x*0=0?[/math] What is the list of medical entrance exams in India? Can I still be just friends with my crush? Should I start preparing for IIT JEE in 8th Class? How does The Lovely Bones film adaptation compare to the book it was based off of? Were any people executed by King James I of England over the creation of the King James Bible? How do I keep my mind intact to do my studies? What causes small anterior osteophytes in a person? How long can a housefly fly before it's so tired it has to rest? Should Hillary Clinton be president? Can I build muscle on a low carb diet? Mexico: Who are the most famous gay Mexicans? How can I send auto tweets to my new followers? How do I get rid of the feeling of being alone or homesick? What is the best way to convert my web pages into a mobile app? How can an Indian student go to German University after completing 12th class? What is the difference between root and reboot? What is the 11 digit code? Is it possible to work your chest without engaging your shoulders? What are your favorite books of all time? And why? How do I unlink my WeChat account with my current WeChat ID? How do I hide a belly button piercing? How can you be happy in your life? What is a thing that has happened only to you? Which physics model can I make for school project for class 9? Can my vagina muscles grip a penis? How do you troubleshoot an old Honeywell Thermostat? What are some of the best ways to remove nose pimples? What does it feel like to run a marathon? How does football eye black work? Why is North India so developed compared to South India? What are the attributes of scientist by the name Sir Carl David Anderson? How do I calculate the number of moles of a chemical in a solution? Will people in the US ever give up on the anti-gay stuff? How many Kurds live in Turkey? What is the best Sci Fi novel ever written? What is the best way to cheat on my girlfriend? Why does metal cause microwave ovens to spark? Can I change my Clash of Clans account to a new Gmail account? How can I identify a person with a photo? Who is Donald Trump's base? Why is he popular? Why are people voting for him? Why do people like and support him? I am a final year engineering student. My exams for final semester will complete next month. I got placed in Wipro but I am a mechanical student. I want to work in the public sector. Should I join Wipro? Why do we feel tired after taking a hot shower? What's the main reason for getting goosebumps? Why do we sweat when a high fever reduces? How can we earn money online in india? How can learn English? What does sex feel like for women? What is the difference between an Arduino Uno and an Arduino Uno SMD? What is the evidence for and against a correlation between race and IQ (or base intelligence) in humans? What photos should stay and which should be deleted? What are the different notes in a perfume? How do I know if my sbi account is converted to Salary Package (CGSP)? Was Jawaharlal Nehru really corrupt and characterless? How do I enjoy in life? Are hospitality salaries good in Las Vegas? How can I make $2,000 per week with just my laptop? Which is the best college for electronics engineering in Mumbai? How can you trust Backpage? Is being transgender considered a mental illness? How do we know? What are the differences between biotic factors and abiotic factors? What is the average package for BITS Pilani Msc. Biological Sciences? What scope does it have in future? What were the Jim Crow laws? What is a Spermatic Plexus? Do you think the Malaysian plane is actually shot-down by NSA/CIA? What is the best write-up on Virender Sehwag? How do I see all my deleted Facebook messages? How should a patient pick a doctor? What difference it would make if India Nuked and Killed all Pakistanis? How can I overcome the procrastination? If someone whose handle I don't recognize adds me as a friend on Snapchat, how can I figure out who they are? What is the origin of the BMW logo? Why do we use a 12/24-hour system? Isn't that entirely arbitrary? Who are the top heart surgeons in India? What are the top questions and answer that you came across at Quora? What can be affected for the scrapping Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 currency notes? Is it worth doing MBA from IBS? Between C# and Java, which is the best programming language to learn object oriented programming, data structures and algorithms? Why? Can I connect a Bluetooth 4.0 smartphone with a Bluetooth 4.1 smartwatch? I have a signed application handed over by a perspective tenant for a rental property I own. The problem is I forgot to include of request for pay stubs as a requirement for the tenant application process for screening. Will I violate any WA state fair housing law if I ask for the pay stubs now? How can I best handle the situation now? Is there any quick method to loose belly fat? Did OJ Simpson own the Ford Bronco that was used as a getaway car? In what way Boltzmann constant is different from thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient? How do I learn about stocks? Why haven't we been back to the moon since Apollo? How do I tell a person that I do not want him to send me forwarded text messages? Will we ever run out of digital storage space? What is the best free betting tips site? The volume of world trade rebounded sharply in 2010 on the back of a fairly modest growth rate in the world economy. What does this tell you about the nature of international production in today’s global economy? Does time exist? Is form 16 same as income tax acknowledgement? How can I get into Google as a software engineer? How does it feel to have someone you hated die? What is the best frequent flyer program, and why? How is the Huawei Honor Holly mobile phone? Do the gospels try to explain why Jesus was uninterested in marriage or reproduction? Is it true that a Roman Catholic cannot be Prime Minister of the United Kingdom? Which ciaching center in surat in good for civil services preparations? Why is Chinese's President Xi Jinping visiting Germany for the first time right now? What are some interesting jobs? Do these public porn videos happen for real? Which is the best reference book for the c language? What is a supply chain? "What is the meaning of Hindi word ""Bakaiti (बकैती)”?" What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS? Which and how many programming languages should I learn to consider myself a good programmer? How good is the BML Munjal University? How competitive is the hiring process at Superior Energy Services? Which is the best tablet with Android (for reading, videos, browsing, downloading) within ₹30k / $500? Is Chromebook a better alternative? What is it like studying law at Queen Mary University of London? Can u please tell what virtualization concept(full or para) is used here? Will the BJP gain politically after the recent currency demonetization as their leaders had prior knowledge about it? How can I improve my oral English? What is the easiest way to learn a new programming language? How do you tag your friends on Facebook in comments to a post, using an iPad? I was not a person in my past life, and I was killed for it. Does that mean my soul is not human? What incidents and events have made Kerala proud? What is the most profitable agricultural crop? What is the best way to study more efficiently? Why are there no black chinese? What are the easiest ways to arrange the datas in tabular puzzle questions while solving a tough puzzle? What is the scope after clearing 2 papers of actuarial science? Why doesn't the Lexmark printer print black? What is the best question you have read/asked on Quora? Is quantum physics related to Vedas? Why do things change size when they change temperature? How should I deal with a sensitive boyfriend? Why am I romantically attracted to girls but not sexually? What is ∀? How do I concentrate on studies when I'm not in mood to study? I have this weird feeling that I'm dying. Can I be right? Will Donald Trump become the president of USA? What do you enjoy most about working for a nonprofit? What should I do to become an astronaut in near future? (I am from India. ) Are there any good alternatives to Instagram? Why do many people pee in swimming pools and jacuzzis? How do I really enjoy living? What are the best ways to raise smart kids? What are the best ways to release stress? Are life insurance plans from Exide Life insurance worth buying? Does Moto G4 Plus support Reliance Jio 4G? What kind of job opportunities are there for a person who has completed a Masters degree in Agile Software Engineering from a reputed university in the USA? What are examples of non-heat conductive materials? Is there any life on other planets? Is python easy to learn for those who do not have knowledge of any programming language? What are some examples of biological homeostasis? How do I stay updated with the world of technology? How good and safe is the Lasik eye surgery in India? Has Cauvery riots dented Bengaluru's image? "Is there a board called ""The Best of Quora""?" How is TRP (target rating point) calculated mathematically? What factors affect it? How does it feel to be a cheerleader in the IPL? Where can I download moviebox? I have a Windows 7 Key. Should I install W7 and then upgrade to W10? Or can I download a fresh W10 and use W7 key? Is there anyone who could help me answer a question regarding the decoding of LDPC codes in binary erasure channel? How long before a urine test should one refrain from peeing? What will be pros and cons if India is Splitted into two countries as North India and South India? How can you always remain happy? Is there any chemistry between Siddharth Malhotra and Shraddha Kapoor? What is gear? What does the world run on? How do I get rid of sexual thoughts? Is the Steelseries Rival the best mouse for Counter-Strike 1.6 as of February 2014? Is it normal for a couple to go to sleep with the penis still inserted inside the vagina? What is the difference between earthing, grounding and neutral? How can I create a nootropics/supplement business? Where can I find a wholesaler or supplier to give me the supplements and also brand it with my logo? I have received an offer letter from a new company that I intend to join. However the offer states a notice period of 3 months. Can I ask them to reduce it? How do I learn to trade online? What is the normal value of uric acid in the blood? Is there anything out there to make ones penis bigger? How do I date with a girl in Singapore? What is the state of child labour in India? Is time travel possible and if yes can we travel only in past or future or both? What are the best resources for learning German and how can I become a competent speaker, reader and writer of the German language? Is there any hill station in India where there are some IT companies? Or can anyone suggest what other jobs can I do being in a hill station? How do I improve the fluency of English speaking? Which is the best free VPN in India? How can I hack Facebook? Is the continued existence of the Republic of China (ROC) on Taiwan offensive to the people and government of the People's Republic of China (PRC)? What's the best way to get a ballpoint pen working again? Why has the IPL finals location shifted from Mumbai to Kolkata? What do Russians who live in Russia think of Vladimir Putin? If we need to combine AI to manufacturing industry where should we start and how to proceed? Why is showing off considered a bad thing in India? How do I sell my clothes online? If you had 1.5 billion of dollars to build an armored forces, which armored vehicles/tanks would you buy? What are the essential differences between IV and IM injections? I want to write a book, a book that sells. What topic should I write on? Which is the fastest way to lose weight? Could a woman be so hurtful when a husband leaves for another woman she would want to hurt another woman as badly? I want a cab from London Victoria to Stamford bridge? Is there any cab service available? Is the Huffington Post considered 'credible'? How do I write mother's maiden name in NSR form? Please give some examples? What are some books for beginners to learn rocket science? What shoulkd I have to do to become an Astronaut? What admission requirements does UoT require for undergraduate programs for Indian Students? How can i become reach in short time by internet or anything? How can I disable the Facebook chat read receipts? What were some early applications of wireless communication? What is the fees structure of inifd? How do you make Spotify lists? How should I deploy my website on a domain? How do you calculate the cross section area of an object? How do I Reboot Dedicated server through WHM? How long should it take to get over being cheated on? Does SRK write his own speeches? What is the differences between a Corporation, an LLC and a non-profit? Why do people say Hillary Clinton is a crook? What stacks do you use for ecommerce? Do I get a full-time work permit or a Canadian PR if I get a job (like in T.V show or movie) in between my college as an international student? The United States of America: What are some examples of taboos that Americans hold that Russians find puzzling? How do I crack Pondicherry university entrance for integrated MSc? How do I make a website? What is the best thing to say to your wife right after she gave birth to your child? Why do people take 'purity' pledges? Who is Laurence fink? What is the best pizzas to be bought from dominos with the least price? Why do we do research? "What song includes the lyrics ""Honey, honey, come and dance with me""? What are the rest of the lyrics?" Which is the best smartphone that I can buy under 10000? What are Daemon Tools? How long time charge a new mobile before first use? What is log square root 81 divided by log 1/3? What are the main changes in the development of modern to postmodern family life? What are the best and worst foods in your country? (Either quality-wise, or being disgusting) What are the best Cirque du Soleil shows? What are small businesses one could set up in Colombia related to photography or filmmaking? How often do you dry clean your suit? What is the point of living? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Gibraltar Industries? If I'm a mugging victim, but I'm able to overcome the robber and take its gun, what should I do with it? What are some ways to learn and understand a programming language? What is the Nile River? What is a photo booth? Do kangaroos eat meat? I was invited to a wedding by a girl. We both like each other but how can I tell if this is a romantic setting? I hate everything about myself. I feel worthless, pointless and I don't want to be seen. I'm starting to feel like I'm going to lose my two best friends and no one really likes me. What should I do? What kind of batteries does the Scholl Velvet Smooth apparatus need? I'm 13 and found out I have an IQ of 131. Is this good? Where can I get digital photo booth services in Sydney? What should I do if my boyfriend's dad hates me? What is meant by Corporate, Retail & SME Banking? How do I improve my English communication skills? What ingredients are needed and what is the brewing process to make a pilsner style beer and how does this compare to a brown style beer? When is the Champions League final? As a venture capital investor, if you had an opportunity to invest in Google but passed, what was your rationale? Are we hopelessly trying always to impress others and gain their approval these days? How will I know if someone is hacking my phone/laptop? Was Karl Marx an atheist? Is it Quora or Quora? MBA in Sikkim Manipal university certificate can accept MNC compny? Why is glucose important? Is the Internet overrated? What is the best way to get in contact with professional athletes? What is the latest status of the 57 storey building built in 19 days - is it occupied and financially successful? How do I integrate Bulk SMS API in Magento platform? How can I stop worrying and over-thinking about everything? How can I grow being an SAP MM end user? Which is the best IPCC audit coaching in Kanpur? Is Naruto really going to end after the movie (Boruto-Naruto the Movie)? What are truly the best tech companies to work for now? Does Suge Knight still hate Dr. Dre? How do moderate Republicans feel about Obama winning the election? If someone assassinates Trump before he takes office, would any reasonable juror find that person guilty of murder? Why can't my best friend accept that I have other best friends? How should I reduce hair fall? Where is the best residential area in Delhi/NCR? What can I do to improve my knowledge? How can you identify a metal? What is biodegradable plastic? Should I tell my friend that she is in the wrong? Why do we need polymorphism? When, where and how can we use it in a real world problem? What is an invoice? What are good topics to fill in the blank cards from Cards Against Humanity? I have a horrible skin. There are stretch marks, dark patches near my thighs and legs, dark under arms and waist and I look a bit fair. What do I do? There was a budget surplus when G. W. Bush began his presidency, but deficits during his two terms. What would have been a more prudent way forward? Is it bad to marry a girl you do not really love? What does it mean to have an empty stomach? Why is randomness important in sampling? Is the speed of light attainable? Has anyone studied for USMLE while working as a postdoc? Is it doable? Why train is moving to it's right and left when it's running? When I smoke weed, I can't function and it is hard to do regular every-day tasks. Is there a way to overcome this without quitting? Similar boot camp to GA in London? What are the mobile operating systems? Including initial discovery, what was the progression of evidence which indicated black holes? How long can chicken curry be kept refrigerated? How can you always remain happy? Can fireflies blink in the cold? Why do screws pop out of drywall? Is it wise to pay the income tax and invest in an open-ended mutual fund compare to an ELSS? Why does Ernest W. Adams answer so many questions? Is Elvis Presley dead or alive? How does sunscreen protect the skin and prevent skin cancer? What are some ways of preventing fruit flies from getting into my fridge? What are real time applications which can be used QPSK? How do I become an RJ? My laptop is working slow, so what are the steps I should follow to measure or increase it's speed? What is it like to earn Rs.60 million per year in India? What were the reasons for the Mexican-American War and what were its consequences? Why is so little known about the huge mortality rate from the Spanish Flu in WWI? What does an electrical and electronics engineer do to get a good job? If you had to teach something, what would you teach? What's the female equivalent of Trunk Club? How can I find a granite jaw crusher in my country? Why did Russia not join the League of Nations? What are you most thankful for this Thanksgiving 2015? How common are Iran Pakistan border skirmishes? Does choco liquor contain any kind of liquor? What is the one thing you realise when studying law? What is the best job online? What are the best porn apps? What is the education level of IIIT Sri City? What is the exam level of IIIT Sri City? How do I set up my Comcast Voice Mail? What is the average package do students of symboisis get? Where can I get flexible Photobooth leasing opportunities in Sydney? A girl I like asked me to teach her to speak dirty. Does this mean she likes me? What would happen if all of the world’s electronics stopped working? What is the sun? "In your view, who or what are ""the elite"" and what do you consider makes it good or bad?" A command prompt flashes every few seconds on Windows 10 (32 and 64-bit), what should I do to fix it? How do push-ups help burn calories? How do I : x + 1/x = (-) square root(3), then find x^42 + x^48 + x^54 + x^60 + x^66 + x^72=? How do I prepare for a written test? What are the reviews for the CRT TV from Best Buy? How can we decide which is the P side and n side of diode using multimeter? Which words in English have three consecutive double letters? Can we use capacitor in ac? How much money could I get from uploading videos on YouTube? Has anyone been using Samsung Galaxy S7 32GB G930P (GSM Unlocked) version on T-Mobile in the US? What's the most inexplicable experience you've ever had? Will I be removed from WhatsApp groups on changing from iPhone to Android? Why have people historically hated Jews? On Whatsapp what does it mean if you can't see the contacts last seen? What is the best way to study when you are distracted? Which is a better company for a fresher TCS or Tech m? Should I build my own portfolio? How am I supposed to get back into my Facebook if I forgot my email & password? I just want it deleted? Does it hurt the car to use the brake and the clutch at the same time? How do you avoid or prevent cancer? How could I improve my English? What are some places I should visit in India? Can a voltage regulator be used for a high voltage DC-to-DC conversion? What should be the maximum difference between the input and output voltage? What is the scope for a chemical engineer in India? What is the most effective way to source M&A clients? What is the surface area of a typical house? What should I invest in first for my business? What is alpha linoleic acid? What is the difference between through and throughout? What are the natural predators of bats? How do I get a lot of likes on my Facebook page? If you screenshot someone's Instagram video, will they get notified that you screenshotted it? potential function in an electrostatic field is given as V=2 x^2 + 2 y^2 - 6 z^2 volt, where x, y, z are in meter. How is mechanical engineering at Nirma University? Is it possible to time travel in the distant future? Best Things About X: What is the best thing about the USA? What is the best way to drive from Toronto to Orlando? Who is the Prime Minister of India? How can I uninstall windows 8.1 and install windows 7? Can I pay the ACT fee using a debit card? How many times should I drink green tea in a day? Linux: what's the difference between autoclean and autoremove? How can I recover unsaved pictures from snapchat? What kind of things make you laugh? What is the difference between Uber and Lyft? Should I learn German language? Does Cornell university have a good reputation among tech companies in Silicon Valley? How are board toppers selected for direct admissions in BITS? What are some good Android app development courses? Which is the best CAT coaching institute in chennai with good faculty and study material? List each UC in worth for a OOS in CS? If AI robots become the dominant species on the planet, what do you think they will do with humans? What is the hierarchy in HSBC? How can I concentrate on study when I starting study suddenly my mind convert on other thing? How many cells does a human have? How do I get 10 cgpa for class 9? What is the true meaning of life? Which are the best GMAT coaching institutes in Delhi/NCR? Politics of the United States of America: Republicans: what are your top requests to Democrats? Donald Trump is President, what now? What is after coding? How can I get into my son's cell phone HTC? For free and without him knowing Can I update my iPhone iOS 8 to iOS 9 without using Wifi? If I delete a contact on whatsapp and my main contact list, will the contact still see updates on my profile and be able to send me whatsapp messages? What's the thing/rule that sucks in your engineering college? What do Turks and Hungarians think of each other? Can algae eat coal? What is the republican party's strategy? 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Would you have sex on the first date? Is it possible for two strangers to marry on first meeting, live together, and fall in love? Which is the best project for mechanical engineering? When is one piece going to end? Why would a husband tell his wife she is not the woman for him? How do I get contract based jobs in public sector unit? I spend lot of time reading Quora during office hours and do my work slow. Should I feel guilty about it? Is Itachi the strongest fictional character to have ever been created, meaning that absolutely no other combatant character ever can beat him? What is a good domain appraisal service? Which college is better to do MBA - IMI or SRCC (GBO)? Video Game Artificial Intelligence: Why is it so difficult to use deep Q-network agent AI to play Asteroids at a human-like level? What is legal in Las Vegas? Why did Germany invade Norway during World War II? How do I take best photos from Canon EOS 1200D? Does Sakura really love Naruto? How can I strive to do my best in school? Can we connect a monitor to laptop and how? Can a tank destroy an aircraft? Can I fill 3 passport applications in one user id? What is the best form of art? What is a good way to invest money and get a fast return? How do you love someone you know you can never have? Is coconut water healthy? Is cheddar the most popular cheese? Can I upgrade to Android 6.0 from 5.1 on a Lenovo K3 Note K50? What is future of psycologist in india? Why NDTV Acts As Political Party? In Postcrossing, what happens if you request some addresses but then don't send the cards off? Are you penalised in any way? How do you become one highly skilled and well rounded human being when you don't have any money? Any programs similar to Peace Corps? How do I download UC Music on android 4.4? What do John Wick's tattoos mean? Which is the best IDE for C on Ubuntu? How is the UK version of Drunk History different from the US version? Which Islamic countries are predominantly Sunni or Shia? How much do porn stars earn? Which is the best book for learning Python from beginners to advanced level? Was Samwise Gamgee the real 'hero' of the Lord of the Rings story? What is the use of coffee cup lids? What are some causes and effects of the Russian Revolution? 1830's, increased numbers of settlers moved to Illinois? Have you ever met an evil genius? What did they do that made them evil and a genius? How is the meridian altitude calculated? What are the top ten largest privately owned companies in the world? Is it possible to evaporate significant amount of sodium chloride with propane-oxygen fire? What is the average PHP salary? How do various religions deal with the subjects of morality, sin, soul, life, faith and God? What is the purpose of existence? How can one motivate himself despite of losing his hair? What are some of the applications of threaded binary trees? What is the best way to learn Japanese? Where can I find a gift related to ‘Always’ (Harry Potter) in India? Are the people called for Phone A Friend in Crorepati informed previously? If yes, why do they pretend like they don't know? If no, how are they always available? What's the average size of an adult human penis? Does the average vary among people from different continents or ethnic groups? What is the best way to put Adsense ads inside topics? Can I block Facebook website on my Android browser to get rid of its addiction? Where can I watch Finding Dory full movie online? What are some of the most difficult questions to answer? Who is the most beautiful woman from each country in Southeast Asia? How can I get a fully funded PhD in pharmacology in European countries? What paint colors mix to make mauve? I recently worked for a nearly bankrupt organization (quit 2 months ago) but haven't been paid back yet. What should I do? Inter religion marriage in middle class (south indian family). Need opinion or suggestions Which is the best place to learn Flute in Ahmedabad? Is it illegal to armor my car from front to back? Is Amazon Go an original idea? How can we learn to use our subconcious mind more? Instagram (product): How do I quickly unfollow people on Instagram? How much time should I keep as a benchmark to do cycling for 15 km per day, considering that I am cycling to reduce my belly fat? I am in love with a girl from Assam. She is a simple girl and she loves me too. Due to some incidence she can't trust me. I want to marry her. What do I do? What happened at the Battle of San Jacinto? How do I get over my laziness and start preparing for my exams? How do I reduce my height? What is the impact of Brexit on the English Premier League? What is the most effecitve/fastest way to loose weight? How do I treat a rash between my legs? Where can I get Michaels’ 40% off coupon? How should I talk to the girl I like? What sectors of the job market are the most competitive in Springfield, IL? Which are the best selling books I should not buy? How much do chiropractors make? What are some good project topics for learning natural language processing? What are some things to know before visiting Lebanon? What words mean at least 3 different pronouns in different languages? How would you evade surveillance? Why are plants green in color? How do I get information about blake shelton net worth? How do I get job at Quora? Is Taiwan part of or separate from China? How is martial law declared? Anyone used voucher codes while shopping online? How can I manage a second language? Psychology of Everyday Life: What is the most difficult thing to learn and accept about life? How many minutes should I run on a treadmill at 7 kph to reduce 20 kgs in 3 months with proper diet? Which is the best web design company in Kolkata? What do Arab and Indian guys think of Asian girls? Can Hike Messenger takedown Whatsapp in India? What is the Difference between on circuit debuggers and Jtag as a hardware? And what is the difference between software and hardware breakpoints? How do I find if a guy is interested in you? Why should we pray? What Is a Background Check? How do I get noticed by a camera man in a football stadium while watching a semifinal game? Why did Britain lose its empire? What would be cut off for an NIT? Why are people asking for answers 'in ten words or less'? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Atlas Financial? Can Presidential campaigns collect donations in cash? What are the primary reasons people leave Facebook? Which topics of Java programming language are considered advanced? Should I buy a Motorola Droid or Devour? What are the best methods to develop photographic memory? How do you remove super glue from rubber? How can I write an OS for a raspberry PI 3 model B? How can one know the battery cycle count of a laptop battery? What are topics I can learn in networking? What was your story of a serious relationship that ended in a break up? Am I eligible to write Jee mains 2017 with 73% in CBSE 2016 ? What songs do you listen when you are sad or depress? Have you ever gotten an explanation from an ex after months or years of break up? Does magic really exist in the world? What is the best joke you've ever hear? What are a few entry level jobs that pay well? Is the Muslim population growth in India (& across the world) alarming? Why do people ask questions in Quora they could easily search via Google, Bing or Wikipedia? How would the accent of future English sound like? Who will win the UEFA Euro Cup in 2016 and why? What is the most complex form of relationship you've witnessed between two or more people? What are the best websites for learning Mandarin? I feel that I'm gonna cry after my first kiss. Is that normal or is anything wrong with me? What does Hamstra mean in Dutch? How do I get on the internet if I don't have a wifi card when I leave my home internet? What are some of the spookiest images? What are the best mixers for tequila? Does this mean anything or am I reading too much into it? Occasionally I feel a sharp pain near where I think my heart is and when I inhale it's painful, but goes away after a few seconds. Is this a bad sign? Is there any Linux OS (other than Pear and Elementary OS) that looks like Mac OS X? Can a country join a civil war of another country? What kind of animation is this? What do you think of Russian troops arriving in Pakistan for a joint military drill? Is this the biggest failure of the Modi government? This is wild mushroom and can be eaten .but I don't know its name .can anyone expert name this? Seen 4000m from sea level in the Himalaya of Nepal. How many years of study is required to be an IAS officer? Can I wear a wig in a swimming pool? Which is the best book for GRE preparartion? How would an Artificial Intelligence use external services such as gmail, phone, Facebook, etc. with current Terms of Service? How can I get the Happy movie in Hindi dubbed? What are some tricks to fall asleep instantly or extremely quickly? How did German reunification lead to the end of central planning in the USSR? What can a rice cooker cook beside rice? What are the advantages of Linux over Windows 8.1? Which is a better college LNMIIT, Jaipur or Nirma Ahmedabad? What does it feel like to be shot? What is the best way to get accurate information about the weather? Top Gear (TV series): What cars have Jeremy Clarkson owned? How can I find Jaw Crusher Feldspar in Cote Ivoire? How is a discount allowed on a balance sheet? How does memory management work in C++? How do native English speakers feel when non native English people correct their grammar? What is the best way to get backlinks? Why should I eat vegetables? Why does Quora allow so many questions easily answered by a search engine? Is it normal to worry a lot over a relationship lasting? Because I can't get over it and not getting over it bothers me more than the worry itself. Why does a car size always gets bigger whenever the vendor release the newer version? What is sales marketing office? Hod do I clean cache memory? What is H.L. Mencken's IQ? How do I know the net transaction amount of this year of my bank account? What are some good books on parenting and child upbringing? What happens if something travels faster than the speed of light? Why the placements of M.Tech students in IIT's is not as good as the B.Tech students? When I saw the latest video by Deepika Padukone, I thought it might be one more of her hot item numbers, but once I started noticing it was about women's rights and preachy, I just closed it in 5 sec. Does that make me a bad man? Does PewDiePie smoke weed? Will people throw the reliance Jio sim after free plan over? What is the chemical formula for bromine gas? Have you ever find yourself in a situation when you knew that you cheated a certain death? How do I identify a USB 1.0 or 2.0 or 3.0 pen drive? Given what we've learned from New Horizons, etc., about the vastness of the universe, how can organized religion still explain that the Bible says our earth is only 6000 years old? How is Dondokaya called in English? What are some traits of maladaptive cultures, with examples? Why is Pakistan such a failed state? Why is an upward force (buoyancy force) exerted when a body is immersed in water? How much does it cost to visit Auschwitz? What is the most widely played musical instrument? Why do people have two dimples on their lower back? How do I know if a person is using one number in two phones on WhatsApp? Should I install iOS 10 on iPhone 6? Are there lots of Indians in SJSU when compared to other universities? What's the most epic T-shirt quotes you have ever seen? What is it like to balance running a tech company and actively teaching at a university? Naruto (creative franchise): How did Nagato awaken his rinegan? Iam having so many business ideas ,due to fund issues i cant implement it.Suggest me how can I sell my idea concept to other who having Fund . What is Tatkal's tickets refund procedure? "How many digital frames can I plug into a standard 20amp outlet? The AC adapters for the frames read ""Input 110-220v 50/60Hz .4A Output 5v---1A""" How does an IAS officer lead his/her life, if his/her life-partner is also an IAS officer? How do I enhance my imagination? How and why do some people learn from their mistakes faster than others? Where can I get stunning image quality on photo booth services in Sydney? What are the top things to know about India? Can trekking be a profitable business in India or anywhere? I got 104 marks in JEE mains 2016 and got 90.4% in 12th CBSE 2016. Will I get CSE in any NIT or IIIT? Do coaching institutes really help in qualifying SSB? How do you respond to this? How could I make money online? How does one start a small business? Will the US only get better after the baby-boomers die off? Why does Quora limit the length of the questions preventing slightly complex questions to be asked? What's the best way to spend £2000? Why will private companies invest in developing smart cities through PPP model in India? 11. What are the biggest challenges in terms of usability of the ERP system within your enterprise? India: What are your views on caste based reservation system in India? Should I take American Sign Language or French in high school? Did Prophet Muhammad and his followers spread Islam through violence? I have secured 66% 12 th board I m thinking to do cma with bcom honours will it be better? How can I write a 300+ words question detail in Quora? Phone with removable battery or non-removable battery, which one is better and why? When will Arsene Wenger leave Arsenal? How can we get outsourced IT projects from Canada, Europe and the USA and the UK? What material should I use to pass the 650-157 exam? What is the best app to measure your Mac’s performance? Is Netherlands playing in the Euro 2016? Why is freon used in compressor of refrigerator? Does the Pokémon World in the games and television series take place in a post-apocalyptic version of our world? My boyfriend doesn't trust me and thinks I might be cheating. What do I do? Which language are you using to develop machine learning algorithms? Why is India so dirty? Why do some people hate Donald Trump and others like him? Where can I get very respectful and cleaned up plumbing services in Eastern Suburbs? What are some websites and apps like Quora? Defining Personality Characteristics: What can you learn about someone by hiking with them? Is this solution to time travel theoretically possible? Who is better at magic, David Blaine or Criss Angel? How can I start a website to earn money without investment and without ads showing on the website? Can a blocked contact on WhatsApp block me as well? How do you improve speaking skills in public? Why do some young people (18 and under) still take up smoking despite knowing the dangers? Who is the most corrupt politician in U.S. history? Why do people always end up ignoring me? What is the best thing to do to start being involved in open source projects? What are some plausible theories on where black holes lead to/what's inside? Currently I am doing my master's in India. How can I get admission for a PhD in the US? Which online wallet are you comfortable with? Why? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" rarely appear in Bahamas Culture?" How do I recover a hacked instagram? Is Obamacare good or bad? How do I really enjoy living? How do I let every show have its own set of seats in a cinema database? What is the cheapest way to stay in Silicon Valley? I am studying for my MBA in India. I would like to do any finance related job abroad (USA or European countries) after the completion of my MBA. How can I get a job abroad? What Happen When a Businesswoman Married a Businessman? What is not important in life? Which is the best Android mobile phone below 7000? Has anyone had any experiece with ashwagandha? Does Donald Trump hate Muslims? How did Dubai get so rich? Why are oscilloscopes still so huge? What are the different types of media and how are they used? Which flavour cigarette and its brand is less harmful? Is being transgender considered a mental illness? How do we know? Can we breathe in and out at the same time? What is the best amplifier that can be used in India for a home theatre? How can Vijay Mallya be brought back to India? What is the legal recourse if he does not come back from the UK? What's our arrangement with the UK? Is it possible for a person, in a lifetime, to read all the books in the Western canon? How do I keep myself self motivated? How can I find a good girlfriend in Life? What was the Pakistani army like in 1947? Will I get government job according to astrology? How do I use my Uber account in another state? How do I prepare for physics 12th cbse in 1 month to get good marks? Why does the human brain use only below 10% ? Why not 100%? Why does bacon taste like bacon? Do animals have emotions that humans don't have? What has been the most effective method to learn Spanish for you? How do I find instagram account activities? What's the right thing? My social life is not good. Few people talk to me. What can I do to improve my situation? What has made english the most popular language in India? I booked third AC train ticket its in waiting list if I cancel the ticket how much refund I will get the ticket cost is 1480? Is it possible to prove that 1+1 is 2? Have I made a good decision by taking CSE in Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology? What are the steps used in translating an article? "What is the difference between ""&"" and ""and""?" What can we do to impeach Trump? What happens if your eyes dried out? What is the difference between the NHS and Mental Health Trust? Is every 10x programmer also a full-stack programmer? How could I find my passion? What is the ionic charge of silicon? Can a gentleman field as a substitute? Which types of lawyers make the most money from suing? How do I know if my phone is tapped? Reason Why people feel to social withdraw and less willingness to interact with others? What are most genuine ways to earn money online, which you have tried? How do I do makeup? What are the best options for me with 191 in JEE MAINS, 89.4% in CBSE boards, 120 in JEE ADVANCED and 328 in BITSAT 2016? What are some of the things that PHP developers don't know about PHP even after 3 years of experience? What do you think about Arvind Kejriwal's latest rant against Demonetisation? How do you train a dog to stop jumping on people? Can a country raise more in revenue than its GDP? Which party will win elections in UP in 2017? Why asana take much more time to load than other similar apps? Fitness enthusiasts: How many different changes of clothes do you own because of your gym habits? What is vsco? Who will be president if Hillary Clinton is impeached? What is it like to play 1453 in EU4? Do Indian women use Omegle? How can a millionaire or billionaire spend his money on highest end things. what are they? Food etc. What would you do if you shot a parent because you thought they were in intruder? How do I find a job with UN? How are careers in psychology changing and what's necessary to stay current? What is the best way to get rid of the redness on my cheeks? How did you overcome the fear of failure? What are the best songs ever written that were inspired by a break-up? Who is sachin tendulker? How do I create and sell custom WordPress themes? What harm does laptop placed on chest cause? Should I host my WordPress site in AWS EC2 or DigitalOcean? How can we avoid getting dreams at night? How do we know we went to the moon? Do gender specific schools promote gender inequality? Where can I get a good RO water purifier in Mumbai? I smoke 2 box everyday. I can not stop smoking. What should I do to stop smoking? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Microsoft? I'm 18 and I want to own a Lamborghini and a great big house by the end of my 20's. How do I plan for that? Getting 372 in Upsee 2016, which rank and college can I expect? Is amazon a good employer? What strategic advantage will Microsoft get by the acquisition of LinkedIn? What are the best colleges in Andhra Pradesh? How do I get medical facility in us? What is the best way for a civilian to get military Grade MRE's? Which is the best time to study? Why do turkey (animal) and Turkey (country) share the same name? "What is the Latin translation of ""speak""?" Who discovered America? What would be the Best Algorithm to use in predicting future sales of a product using records for 3 years? How does Quora make money? How do I let users publish from the front end in a website without using WordPress? What is the most common mistakes of engineering students in exams? What is the best Telugu comedy short film? What is the size of a standard two car garage? Can I use USB 2.0 in USB 3.0 port? What is the best way to teach kids programming? What's in tap water? How does Target regulate and know their buyers are resellers that buy too much products beyond the quantity limit? How good is the University of Arlington-Texas in Master's in Business Analytics program in terms of ROI, placements and faculty? What are some Air Miles reward based on credit cards in India? How can I get admission in the IITs? What exactly is the final interview round for an Amazon SDE? Is this a culture-fit / bar raiser round? Do you wish something around you should be changed? If yes, then what? Which font is used in Bata logo design? What role has Bollywood played in forging this nation, India? What's a static method? Where can I find best SEO solutions? What are the best way to lose weight and remain healthy? What is the correct response when your wife is threatened? What are the opportunities after B.Sc. chemistry? What are some interesting marketplace platforms? Are polyatomic ions compounds? How do I evaluate [math]\int x \csc^2 x \, dx[/math]? What causes the common cold? How can I make it easier for myself to wake up early in the morning? Does the Nabi Jr come preloaded with the Google Play Store App? How can I find it or access it? Has Morgan Freeman ever played a bad guy? Does a Quora API exist? Is homosexuality genetic? Can we extend the education loan in SBI? What are the angles between two skewed lines? What is an effective diet to burn fat and lose weight? Where can I get a part time job in kolkata? Is it true that most Indian girls find Pakistani men more handsome than Indian men? Standardized Tests: How much time is required to prepare for the GRE? How do you design an aesthetically pleasing T-shirt that shows off a brand (in words, not a logo)? Where can I find a list of all Quora-related topics? What career should I choose? What is the reply if a girl doesn't believe me in what i say? What are some ways to get rid of cockroaches? Could becoming more detail-oriented in coding mean I'm improving my coding skills? How can I delete my Spotify account? Is engineering a good career option at this time and if it is not what is other good career options rather than medical to think after 10th? Where can I get best lock repair services in Sydney? How is it even possible to get pregnant while on birth control? Why don't I have any best friends? What is the contemporary classical music scene like in Philadelphia? Is QUT or UQ better for electrical engineering? Are low oil prices a net positive for the USA and the global economy? Who should i choose my ex or new guy? What is Native Mobile Applications? Can we use the energy from the Earth's rotation or the Earth's revolution? How do I upgrade my Verizon phone and keep unlimited data? Who was the worst political candidate in American history? Can I make an Android app with Python? How do I start preparing for the GRE in my BTech in the 3rd year in electronics and communication? How does banning 500 and 1000 INR notes help Indian economy? How can narcissists make a fool out of themselves? Is there any dramatic/business reason behind the PETA for jallikattu case in tamilnadu? What can be done to earn money while studying? Deepika Padukone says a woman having sex outside marriage is her choice. Is this justified? If yes, does the same choice apply to men too? Which is the best job portal to find a job? Where can I find the best sociology notes for UPSC IAS optional in Delhi? Which Is the best laptop around 30000 in India? I have 66% in 10th, 53% in 12th and 64% in graduation. Can I get admission in any of IIMs or FMS, if I score above 90 in the CAT? What are some of the old legends from Age of Empires II up to now? What are the politics between China and India? Will the PC version of GTA V have a lot of mods? If America went to war with Russia who would win and why? "IPO and M&A Rumors: Facebook S1 Dev addendum states: ""...FB charges to Zynga at any given time to redeem Facebook Credits shall be [*] 30% per each Facebook Credit redeemed [*]."" I wonder whether zynga implicitly has a better advertising deal b/c they switched to credits?" Why are potassium ions, in the kidney, pumped into a collecting duct? My wife gives money to her parents and she took bank loan for them. What should I do? What are some major social faux pas to avoid when visiting Nigeria? What are the best targeted advertising methods for small-business owners? Either cells or tissues are made up of atoms or not? Is there any way to use the battery of a OnePlus 3T in a OnePlus 3? What are reviews for the Jos A Bank shoe trees? What are the the key purpose(s) of the OSI model for each of its layers? What is Which is the best book to study CCNA 200-125? Is Iran's Chabahar port important to India? SBI writes off Rs. 7,016 crore loans owed by willful defaulters. Does this action affect people who are paying an income tax? Why do Indians on social media sites (like Quora) always seem to be seeking validation from westerners particularly Americans? What does no timestamp on Facebook chat mean? Who will win the 2015 NFL superbowl? What are some examples of alliteration in Romeo and Juliet? What is the best Magento 2 extension boost your sale? Is it possible to use multiple WhatsApp account on same device? What is the feeling of being a parent? What is the weirdest/grossest/most disturbing thing seen by emergency room staff? Do you ever find it difficult not to faint? How can I change the default font in OneNote Mac? What are some easy ways to lose weight in a short amount of time? What NFL team has the Mile High Stadium? What would happen if we use a lower power eye glasses? I have been on a low carb diet for 5 months and lost 25 kilograms. I'm still losing weight. Is it normal? What are some of the best strategies to make the world a better place? What are best tweets of RailMinIndia? Is legit? What is the difference between a Bachelor of Engineering and a Bachelor of Technology? How different do the stars and galaxies look from space compared to Earth? What is CIMA studies? How can I draw the attention of a girl I love, but she older than me? Is it possible to stay friends with your ex within a week from break up when you are both in love? "How is the word ""mordant"" used in a sentence?" How can one feel the presence of god? How can I improve my English speaking .? How do you create a blog in Quora? How can I find Jaw Crusher shale in Guinea-in Bissau? I got 1268 AIR rank and 168 in OBC in the JEE Advance 2016. What should be my preference for the IITs and branches while choice-filling? "What does ""="" mean in java?" What is medical tourism? What are the risks and benefits of participating in it? What is the cost of a deep teeth cleaning? What are some mind blowing iphone experiments that most people don't know about? What is your book about? What is paper made out of? How is it manufactured? Why should / shouldn't I watch porn? How does Facebook choose who shows up in the chat sidebar? What is a movie that you'd consider to actually be better than the book? What are the pros and cons of buying a foreclosed-house? What's the best shop for riding gears? Which is the best modern English translation of Shakespeare's works? How do I contact American Airlines human resources? How popular is general Qasem Soleimani in Syria and Iraq? What are the ages of consent in the states? What does an essay score of 6/6/6 on the new SAT mean? How I can make money fast? How can I get rid of sweaty palms and feet? How do saber tooth tigers differ from lions? How would the Harry Potter series be if it had been written by Chetan Bhagat from India? How much can an income tax officer earn? Was Lincoln of Type INTP? What is the property tax rate in Granville, Ohio? How is it compared to the one of Georgia? What are the lyrics to The Streetlight Song? What do they mean? Is it fair that a food truck in Baltimore can't operate with 300 feet of brick and mortar food vendors? What is the solubility of calcium iodide? To what extent was the American Civil War fought over the issue of slavery? What does the word 'decadent' mean in reference to a person? How can someone with no knowledge of cars, reduce chances of being ripped off by unscrupulous car mechanics who do unnecessary and exorbitant repairs? How can I live alone? Which one is better: bsc IT OR bsc biotech? What is data structures as a computer science course about? . And is it dependent on any language? Which university has the best history department in Ireland and Scotland? How do I treat ingrown eyebrow hairs? I'm applying for MS in US. Do universities have a cut off CGPA for admissions or do they consider the entire application before rejecting a candidate? How do I become an animator? How does population growth affect geopolitics? Will it be an issue if depositing 9 lakhs cash in saving account as the same cash was withdrawn from bank account? Amount is 100% legal.? What do you consider to be good teeth? What is the best gift I can give to a female friend during this xmas? If I enter a university with 30 credits from high school, am I considered a first year or second year student? What happens to reality show winners? "In ""The Lord of the Flies"", who are the creepers?" What exactly are open source libraries and how do they work? What are they used for? How can one retrieve deleted messages from a sim? Which University is better amity University or SRM? How can I play YouTube while Google Play services are disabled? What's the problem I should solve? What do British people think about India and Indian people? How can one see the list of all Instagram comments he ever posted? N objects are arranged in a row. What are the number of ways of selecting 3 different objects so that none of them are next to each other? I am a side and stomach sleeper and like a firmer mattress. What kind of memory foam mattress should I get? I don't like sinking too much into a bed. What is aircraft maintenance engineering? Can I use another opertator's SIM in Jio SIM slot after using Jio SIM ? Why do girls want to wear shorts? What is a file system? What should I do apart from studying and practicing to clear the SBI PO exam? Initial packages in Google? What would happen if China and Pakistan attacked India? Has anyone ever found true love online? How big would a chihuahua pit bull mix get? Does romantic love really exist? What is the relative mass of a neutron, electron, and a proton? What are the four states of matter? What are the best ways to prepare for CAT in the final three months? How do I start working in a multi-level marketing company? If China went to war with the USA, which side would Pakistan take? How I should prepare for JEE exam? Should I join Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University College of Engineering, Pune or Northcap University, Gurgaon for B.Tech CSE? Do we get tickets even if it is sold out in book my show? Can I become a good programmer? Do Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese people tend to have smaller egos? What does this mean in English? What are the cost drivers of companies? "What are some examples of sentences using the word ""naive""?" What is [math]\pi[/math]? Who is the founder of chakram? How can I get interference pattern from incoherent white light? How is the scope of sociology defined? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Citizens? What would be the (most likely) economic and societal impact of Britain leaving the EU? (BREXIT) Why do men love the smell of a vagina? How do you pronounce the company name Jabil? Could a lightsaber from Star Wars cut through a shield spell from Harry Potter? How do I turn black vigina into lighting? What is the easiest way to make money online for a 14 year old? Does police violence happen often in Mexico? Do Mexicans trust their police? Can I remove elements from a list in Python? What are some of the best free PC LAN games? How does the Tinder algorithm work? Why the BJP has not been able to win even a single seat in Kerala for so many years? I'm not able to concentrate while studying.What should I do? What are the biggest facepalm momen you have ever experienced? Burger What are the rates of prostitutes in Mumbai? How much do Uber drivers earn in Europe? Stockholm, Sweden: Where are the best places to watch Champions League football? What can be done to fix the H-1B Visa program? I got job offer at Yahoo in trust and safety team as software engineer. Should I take it instead of going to Amazon as SDE? What is the procedure to apply for a passport via online? Is it possible to create a 'solar-panel' for radiation -ie. make highly radioactive materials produce direct electricity? What is the scariest paranormal encounter you have ever had? What should I do after graduation, LLB or MBA? How is the training at infosys for freshers? Should I stop being friends with my crush? Why don't we get dead body of old animals like birds, dogs, etc in general? I mean I haven't seen any such animal dying due to getting old. :( Does Love have post credits scenes? Why can't we live only by drinking water? If presented with an opportunity will India be willing to make Nepal its new state? Is Time travel possible under known physics principles? My JEE advanced rank is 965. What should I choose between aerospace engineering at IIT Bombay and mechanical engineering at IIT Madras? How could I improve my English? How do you use the word prosaic in a sentence? What is the difference between a charity and a foundation? What are the best things about working at NPCIL? How do I make a girl comfortable on the first meet? Why are prisoners hanged in India between 4 a.m. and before sunrise? What is the relationship between lord shiva and ambe mata? What are the best government colleges in West Bengal? How do mass and inertia relate? What kind of questions are asked to experienced interview candidates (software engineering experience of 1-3 years) at companies like Quora? What are the symptoms and repercussions of bipolar disorder? How do you impress a boy whom you are going to meet for the first time for an arranged marriage? What are the best ways to lose weight? What is the best diet plan? How should I start the preparations for IAS? How did you start freelancing? Time dilation: why is this wrong? When does infosys mysore training start its next batch after october? How old is Kakashi in Naruto? Is Hinduism responsible for the rise of crime and tyranny? What are the syllabus and preparation strategy for the CEPTAM DRDO Entry Test 2015 for technician STA B physics? What are the tips and hacks for getting the classes that you want as a freshman at Missouri State? Why do occidental brands have to adapt their products (and the communication) when selling in China? Is time travel still theorized as being possible? How do I get a UAN number from a PF number? What are the supported RAM for Toshiba C640? What is the maximum RAM size I can install in it? What is the best type of wood to use for a desktop on a homemade desk, and why? Who was the first pianist to record the complete works of Rachmaninov? How can I stop overthinking everything in my relationship? What is the benefit of joining iet? Is South Indian cinema better than Bollywood? What would happen if you have to choose either for love or for money? What is the best master's degree to get alongside a bachelor's in engineering? How do I track if sent emails have been read using Mandrill? Why is God so different in the Old Testament than He is in the New Testament? I am making an eCommerce website. What's the cheapest, fastest and most reliable way to ship products in india? What are the reasons for kids not playing outdoor games? What is shaving hair good for? Is computer science a scientific discipline? What should be done to prevent hair fall? What was the first book ever ordered on Flipkart? Do all men watch porn? Are girls in real life that good in bed? Is porn a lie? What is the limit on withdrawal through a withdrawal slip from a home branch in SBI from a savings bank account? Why do I make someone uncomfortable with eye contact? How do I become Shahrukh Khan? "How do I pronounce ""an"", ""in"" and ""en"" in French?" Why do so many writers on Quora disable comments on their content? Should your spouse be your best friend? What are top English language television channels in India? How do I help my 16-year-old daughter not get bullied? Deleted. What type of questions are asked in RBI Grade-B phase-2 2016? How was the lifestyle for Kings's servants? I ordered Moto G 2nd gen from Flipkart. It comes with Kitkat 4.4.4. But when I turned on the device I found Lollipop 5.0.2 instead. What should I do? How do I watch Japanese anime in Chinese? After IPhone 6S launch, what will be the new price of IPhone 5S in India? What does bicameral legislature mean? Is the illuminati real or fake? Which is better iit Roorkee or iit bhu? How can we rank search results using Machine Learning? Are you only afraid if you have something to be afraid of, as Warren Buffet said about Trump's tax disclosure? What are some important facts you should know about type 1 diabetes? Has anyone completed CAIA exam from India? Is it Legal to run business on business visa ok UK? Why are Asian genes dominant? Who will win the 2016 U.S. presidential election and why? What does the term 'suburb' mean? What is the best move for black in response to 1. e4 in chess? How do I use two Whatsapp accounts on one iOS device? Is Donald Trump hurting the image of the Republican Party? How do circuit switching and packet switching differ in tabular form? What is the best way to withdraw cash from a credit card without incurring cash advance charges? What are good ways to make your skin fair? Where can I found largest selection of quality bamboo flooring services in Brisbane? How do AM or FM radio waves penetrate a brick wall.? Which institite provides placement assuarance? How long does it truly take to completely empty your stomach and intestines after eating? Should a girl put her hair up in a ponytail or down? Does the face shape matter? If humans had no emotions, would human intelligence still exist? What are your predictions for Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 6? What would happen if all the presidential candidates were assassinated or died by natural cause? When do you know a whiteboard duster is worn out? How will the Aam Aadmi Party fulfill what it promised in its manifesto? What are some amazing facts about corsica? What is a good graphic designer? What are some good house rules for teenagers? How much cement, sand, bricks and water are needed for 1 cubic metre brick work? CM 1:4 Fly Ash brick size of brick 230mm×100mm×100mm? When does Facebook Chat set user status as inactive? I have been offered a salary of 11550 RM/month in kuala lumpur Malaysia as sr. Dba. I get a salary of 14. 5LPA in India. Should I move? Are Apple products worth buying? How do you open your third eye and know that it has opened? How do I know what my interest is? What is best way to commit suicide painlessly? How come American high school students look older, compared to Canadian high school students? How is the word 'semantics' used in a sentence? What is the difference between Retina display and Super AMOLED display? I've recently met this guy who constantly asks me out to do stuff with him like going out for coffee, sports, traveling, and he would gladly accept my invitation as well. He also Facebook chats with me quite often. Is there any chance he might like me romantically or is he just a nice friend? How do India and China manage such a huge population? Why I cannot see profile picture of my contact list in viber? How do I quit masturbation? Which book is best for java learning? Does the Communist Party of India subscribe to Marxist theory? If yes, how do they reconcile it with contemporary history? What should everyone know about Radhe Maa? I want to develop an Android app. What would be some ideas or demands in an app which will help for social issues? Which countries gave foreign aid to the US? What do chefs think of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives? How do I find the best hotels in Bhopal? What are the time limits to sue someone for phone harassment in USA and Canada? What is adsorption? How do I identify a single phase & three phase motor? What kind of doctors treat children? What is a polite response when someone says 'god bless you' as a thank you that let's them know that you appreciate it, but are an atheist? Can my ex still miss me if I left him alone after a month of bothering him (not excessively maybe once or twice a week) and I stopped the contact? Will he still be waiting for my text? Will he be more relieved that I'm not bothering him anymore? How was MH CET 2016, held on 5th May? Which is the best scar removal cream? Why did the Nazis hate Jewish people to the point of committing genocide? What is borderline personality disorder, and how can it be treated? Why do you vote for Trump? What is the best notebook for Esri ArcGIS image/data analysis? Will I be able to apply for a job in renowned it company with an distance education degree? Where can I watch some English TV series? What are some examples of modern day categorical imperative? Who are the top SaaS VCs/Angels? What are some best questions posted in Quora? I have gotten a placement in Infosys and my date of joining is May 26, 2014. I want to extend my offer to the first week of July. How can I do so? What is SMUTHINI magic trick? How can I join Indian army after BBA? Why is Kevin Durant signing with the Golden State Warriors such a big deal? Which is the best website for online learning? How do you draw a 'Y' in graffiti lettering? Why when I push a car from inside it doesn't move? How do I motivate someone? How can I preload videos on Youtube on my phone to view offline? What is the average annual salary of an Uber/Meru/Ola cab driver in India? Do you think Donald Trump will become president of the US? How would the HP Omen 2015 run cities Skylines and other games alike? Is it a good enough gaming machine? What are the skill sets and experience required to work at a venture capital firm? Is Pradeep a good book for studying Maths of class 11? How can I apply for a copy of my Aadhaar card (lost) with my passport number or PAN number? How is caffeine produced by plants? What is the ultimate goal of everything? How can I train for my first 5k run when I don't run? Where can I buy a Xiaomi MiPad in India? What motivate a soldier in battlefield? Doesn't he get distracted by death of his friends and how he overcome fear of his death? What is the fastest growing category in the entertainment industry? What is the canon law? What planet did the humans evolve on in the Star Wars universe? Who are the best dancers in the world? Is there any speed difference between for-for, while-while, for-while and while-for nested loops in C/C++? Which countries are part of East Asia? What was it like to live in New York City in the 1980s? Is it okay if I sleep for about 3 hours for 5 days? What is the best Google employee perk, and why? What should I do when I'm bored? Is it okay to take penis enlargement pills? Will I get a seat in VIT if I get 9000 rank? How can I improve my communication skills, become more articulate and have a way with words? What are the differences between a Nikon 18-105 and a 18-55? Can I send medicine from India to Italy? How do I get birth certificate? How is planned obsolescence harmful to the environment? Is it at all beneficial for the environment? Why are some people more honest than others? What are the basics for VLSI when planning for job in India? What does last seen on true caller mean? I am 18 years old male. How to increase my height from 5.5? What does it mean when a guy calls you babe? "In Chinese, how do you say ""dumb""?" Do we have to register for CPT exam before passing class 12 in HSC board? I want to become web developer? What is the medical procedure D&C? How is it performed? What do I do if I don't feel passion towards anything? How do I convert my CGPA to a GPA from a 10 point scale to a 4 point scale? What are the things a good civil engineer must know? How soon can you apply again to Google after being rejected once? What are some suggested must-read books for someone who is interested in or is seeking a better understanding of contemporary African art? Did Voldermort know that there was a horcrux of him in Harry? What's the most shocking thing you've ever caught a joint family member doing? What materials do I need to build a simple quantum computer? What is Reliance Jio like to work for on the Dotnet profile with 10 years worth of experience? If you were a Secret Service Agent, would you rather go with President Obama's team to his retirement, or go with President-elect Trump's team? Do men prefer white or black women? How does Coursera benefit universities that participate in it? What does % S, % R, and % D do on Python 2.7? How can a restaraunt or bakery be a successful business nationwide? What can be a good gift for my mom on her birthday? What is the truth behind messi's retirement? Does biotin grow facial hair for women? How can I add a photo to my Quora? Are general transcription factors a type of activator transcription factor? How do mattracks turn? Do they turn like tanks do? Or the same way as car wheels? What are some amazing facts about The great Rann of Kutch, Gujarat? How can I convert Coaxial Cable to RCA? How can I lose weight quickly? How do you know someone is in love with you? What is your greatest professional achievement? What questions are asked in Civil Engineering PSU interviews? If the POTUS is removed from office by impeachment, what happens to all of the people they appointed, such as cabinet members, etc.? Can iron man suit be made in reality? How can I eat in a good way? How do mathematicians feel when they work in a job that uses very little math? If I want to study, how do I do it? What is love and how do you know when you love someone? If you could travel backward in time, where would you go? Does Trump really want to win the U.S. Presidency? How does bull riding work? What is the cause of headache and dizziness? What are the differences between speed and velocity? How are the measured? What are the differences between chromosomes, chromatids and chromatin? What would happen if humans are subject to an atmosphere of 21% oxygen and 79% CO2 instead of nitrogen? CO2 is a relatively non-reactive gas. Is an inert gas really required? What happens if the percentage of oxygen gradually increased? What are the pros and cons of elected monarchy and hereditary monarchy? How do I build mind palace? How can I get this modification of FZS V2? I am planning to start personal Finance app with utility bill payment option. What is best option for payment gateway or wallet? What is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Ada County ID? Was Jesus Christ Jewish? How will immigration into the UK change after the Brexit vote? Where can I find the jaw crusher in Gabon? Is there a way to make 10,000$ in to one million dollars when I retire? (Assuming I am 18) Which colors combine to make brown? When was the peak of the British Empire? Which are some of the best books by female writers? How do I write a good research paper on adoption? What is the average salary for CA freshers in India and in abroad? Is it bad to drink warm water? What is the cut off marks for jipmer? How do I make my face naturally glow? Effect of south china sea conflict on india? Is there a possibility that Jon Snow is Daenerys Targaryen's step-brother? How do you build a custom pc? Why should I do Sudarshan Kriya? Which is the best gear cycle to buy around 10000? How do I come out off one sided love? Why is the right side of the chest is paining? Is it true that when a substance reaches absolute zero it ceases to exist? Can a nano GPS Chip in 2000 rupees note reflect signal back to satellite? Has LinkedIn considered purchasing Quora? If Quora were a country, what would it look like? What is the importance of Martin Luther King Jr. to the history of the United States? What is the worst thing you saw when comparing the Harry Potter books and movies? How does Katniss not run out of arrows in the Hunger Games arena? What are the physical and chemical properties of diamond and graphite? How can I get started with developing Android apps with HTML5? How can porn stars have sex for so long? Does real sex also last this long? How can I make 50lakh per year? What books best depict the culture of Sweden? How do they do it so well? What are the different file format used in storing data in Hadoop? What have been most interesting research papers on machine learning? How do I file a restraining order? How many people have Delta Diamond Elite status? Why my boyfriend wants me to choose my best friend? Dating and Relationships: How can I get over a break up? Do I have a chance of clearing KVPY 2015 SA if I am getting around 60+- 2 in the aptitude test? Where can I buy weed in Andheri west? I got a rank of 20000 in muoet 2016, which branch can I get in the Jaipur campus? What's the most viewed question on Quora? Does IB HL maths look good on a medical application? "Do commas go before the word ""or""?" Do you have any proficiency in indoor/outdoor games? Which is the best phone under 30 K in India? What are career options after completing MBBS in India? How is the mileage of a motorcycle actually measured? If you could meet a character from a book or a historical figure, who would it be and what would you ask them? Do black holes lead to parallel universes? What is a good electric guitar for playing rhythm? What do you do if one of your permanent teeth is loose? Do you get what you deserve? What matches black jeans? What is the minimum GRE score requirement for getting an admit in Michigan State University-Ann Arbor? How do I overcome the feeling of regret? How do I know if I am addicted to coffee? Via OkCupid or other online dating services, do NYC girls prefer to be asked to go for drinks right from the first message? Why should I go for Suzuki Gixxer over Honda hornet and Yamaha FZ2.0? "How does limiting ""Work in Process"" (WIP) help software product teams?" What is the prerequisite set of knowledge required to learn Search Engine Optimisation? How do I delete my Quora account? Should I tell my ex boyfriend I am pregnant with his child? What era would you like to live in? How can you enable Cisco's restart command? What I have to do pg course after by BCVT? "What is meant by ""less dense""?" How can we prepare better disaster management in India? If I'm connected to the same Wi-Fi as someone, can they hack my apps on my cell phone or monitor my Internet access? Why people regret for getting married earlier in life? Why would a woman be unable to commit to a man? How do I set SD Card as default location in Moto G3? Why does it seem like the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty were not very interested in each other's existence? How should a blog for an ecommerce site be optimized to direct traffic and sales to the ecommerce site? Who is the best bulk SMS service providers company in hyderabad? Which is the most difficult language in the world? What is the best way to learn physics? Do Americans know the metric system or the world imperial system better? Will Trump win the 2016 election? What is the best advice you've ever given yourself? What could be the ratio of Boys to Girls who don't take regular bath (once everyday) while they are in their college lives? What is the maximum torque a wheel can handle? Who is the best free kick taker the world ever seen? How can I use this? How do I know whether I am intelligent? Does smoking really affect fertility? Would ASEAN ever recognize Taiwan as an independent country? How can I live without life? Should I marry a girl who lives In other state? What's it like to be approached by Google because they are interested in acquiring you? Which IDE For Coding and Debugging Node JS on Raspberry Pi? Where can I get PC game torrents that work? How do I make 10000 dollars with android app development in one month? Are non-Muslims going to heaven according to Islam? Is freezer burn on ice cream safe to eat? How can I improve my speaking skills in English? Is Salzer Electronics a good buy? "What is the meaning of the song ""Hurt"" by Nine Inch Nails? What inspired this song?" Is it bad if I don't like listening to music at all? How do money transfer to Germany Works? How do I study for physics class 12 cbse board exam in 10 days? How do you get a guy you just met to ask you out? What websites don't require a CVV when making online purchases? Why are Adam Sandler movies so critically despised if he makes so much money with them? Why is flame a chemical property and not a physical property? What is the reaction between sodium phosphate and sodium hydroxide? Which one is easier SATS or GCSE? Which is the better option for an MSc in physics, BHU or ISM Dhanbad? What are the consequences of gym work out with out supporter? What are the best free proxy servers? What happens in episode 49 of One Piece? Why does popcorn pop? What makes it puff up? What is the history behind Dharmasastra? Who is the inventor of clock? What are some useful and social skills of empathy? What will be the minimum thresholds for marketplace tech companies looking to IPO or go public in 2016? How is pastrami made? What traffic laws in Sweden are particularly hard for foreign drivers to get used to? What are some good resources for learning R? Which country is the most difficult to invade? How will I improve my spoken English? Is gynocentrism real or is it just MRA literature? What are some great side dishes to go with lobster? What are the best schools for a degree in data science? What makes the popular kids popular at school? Can we manipulate our emotion and how? Why would feeding cows, pigs, chickens, etc. with antibiotics be bad? What are some computer hacks that hackers know but most people don't? In Vedas there is the description about planet and there physical properties how is it possible such description with out going there? How can I log out from instagram on other devices? What are some good deodorants and perfumes for men in India? "How do I write an article for a college magazine for a topic like ""the Internet""? What are some other topics I could write about?" Suggest me a PC real time strategy game based on World War 2? How long should a cone stay on a cat? Why do we use engine oil in car? What is the best book to read for someone about to have kids? What are the highest-impact student groups/clubs at Princeton? How do I develop connections in linkedin? Why was there only two Kingsguard at the Tower of Joy when in the book there were three? Why would Pence become president, if Trump was impeached? What is the origin of the dragons in Game of Thrones? I like a guy who likes me too but he has a GF and they've been together for 6 years. What should I do? Should I continue talking with him or just be friends or not talk at all? How can I learn to speak a fluent English? Why my laptop is too slow after booting with Windows 10? What is the best way to minify a WordPress website? I was rude to a person and then realising my mistake I apologised .But the person is still angry with me and now I feel insulted. What to do? Do astronauts swim in space? Will the GDP come down to 3% because of the demonetization by Modi? Is time travel is possible in this age of technology? Does my posture make me look ugly? What is wrong with Sajid Khan? Why doesn't he quit Bollywood? What is three dimensional printing? Can T-Mobile prepaid phones be unlocked? How? How long does it take to learn Spanish with Rosetta Stone? "What is the Leonard Cohen song ""Hallelujah"" about?" How does AngelList make money? How should I start to learn to play chess from scratch? What is a list of songs played at Chipotle? How can you get a replacement for a lost ADAP Certificate? How should I celebrate my 18th birthday? What are some of the main characteristics of the flatworm? Life Lessons: How can I make my life simpler? Why are you a Muslim and how did you come to Islam? Why are Americans anti-intellectual? "In the movie ""Sing,"" what is the song the spiders audition to?" Who are the best broadband providers in nagpur with very little feasibility issues? How do I remove my Gmail account from all of my Android devices? Whats the best way to learn english? What is the best song to sing for a girl? Which is the best photo ever taken? Is there an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory like Aleeve in India? Who is the super specialist astrologer in uk? Where can I buy e gift cards of multiple stores in one place, including the new Amex and Visa gift cards? Why did Nathuram Godse kill Gandhi? What is the most horrible thing about hinduism? What are the downsides of attending Georgia Tech for a Masters degree? Why do movies look smooth at 24 fps, but video games look terrible at 24 fps? Is it because of motion blur? Are there any easy outward signs that a subject will be an attractive model for photography? Why am I single? Do teachers know when students are cheating in an exam and just ignore them? How was upper and lower Egypt united? What is the major difference between youth happiness PRG and general happiness PRG conducted by Sri Sri? How much marks should I score in NEET 2016 to get a govt. medical college in Bihar? How many hours of study per day are required to score in the 99th percentile on the CAT? Is there an inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in Alpine County California? What are the best qualities for a web designer? How does a 3rd world country become a 1st world country? What's the best country to visit in summer? Should the star wars prequels be rebooted? What are examples of household bases and acids? Do girls prefer the looks or financial status of boys? Indian Railways: How do you send irctc ticket message to another phone number if the one you used while booking is not working anymore? How is one selected to be a fighter pilot, whether in the US Air Force, Navy or Marine Corps? In Chennai, India, where can I get a good actual body massage with some extra afterwords? What else could cause chest pain, even if angiography report is clean? Is it something to worry about? What is the QuickBooks contact number? How good is the CS department at UC San Diego in comparison to UCLA and UC Berkeley? Why is my boyfriend not talking to me much anymore? What is the most crucial lesson life has taught you so far? How do you define imagination? Are male cats more social, playful and friendlier with humans than female cats? How difficult is it for the average person to become a computer programmer? Why do we need? Are any Sims games (sims, simcity, sim ant, etc) edutainment? Is there a way to sync your multiple Google accounts into one, so that Google Drive can handle them all? What is the limit for human physical strength? I forgot the security code of my Nokia X2. As a result I cannot access it. So how can I reset/hard reset my phone? What should I check before buying a used MacBook (with warranty)? How can someone hack Facebook accounts? Who invented the name 'cocktail' and why? I'm currently in Class XII. I'll be giving NDA-2 2016 in september. Will I be call for SSB if I clear the written test? What can we learn from Lord Krishna? What individuals and events in history are a source of pride for Jordan? Where does the Nose Flute come from? How is it played? Is time travel possible or will it be possible? Which is better between Adreno 418 and Adreno 510 in terms of performance? Different benchmarks at different times show different results. What to do? Can I have a good career (well paying) in testing? What is on the secret menu at McDonald's? 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Why should I vote for and believe Hillary Clinton? Is the Oval Office really oval? What is forensic science technology? WHAT IS CIRCUIT IN NCDEX AND HOW IT WORKS? What are the reasons why soft water taste so bad? What is an easy way to find if a sequence converges or diverges? I start learning programming with Java, Is that a wrong step in learning programming? Do I have go back to start with another language? What is the best free app to download YouTube videos? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Montana? What happens if you take Amoxicillin on an empty stomach? What is the ongoing Greek economic disaster all about and what does it mean for India? Who will win, tiger or lion? What do you think? Has Barack Obama been a good President overall? "Why are my messages marked as ""sent"" and not ""delivered"" to one person for hours on Facebook Messenger?" What is a zero-sum game? How do I connect my LG Smart TV with my laptop using wifi? How can we develop the village? Can a normal person buy a sniper rifle legally? I am in love with my best friend what should I do? What nicknames are there for Austin, TX? Is it possible to be both a mathematician and a physicist? If so what's the path for that? What can India do to prevent terrorism in Afghanistan? How do I buy Bitcoins? What happens when a snake bites under water? How do you make a reservation for Olive Garden? What is orientation tuning for vision neurons? Did Ola cabs build their own tracking management system? How cheap is a GPS tracker? Are there any large scale manufacturers for that in India? Is it true that girls enjoy sex more than boys? What is the difference between love and care? How do you factorize [math](x+1)^2 - 9[/math]? I'm fresher IT graduate, how can I find good job as fresher? What is the most advanced technological progress we have yet seen? How will Trump supporters react once they realize he can't or won't keep his campaign promises? Can anyone fall in love at first sight? Is India a tolerant nation? How do you feel about people answering their own questions on Quora? Would Alia Bhatt be famous without Karan Johar? Where can I get a professional full-service for interior and exterior house painting in Brisbane? How do I learn to console someone? Where can I buy granite jaw crusher price in India? What parts of the modern Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus are truly death-defying? Why do secret service agents always keep their jackets unbuttoned? If I turn off notifications on Facebook messenger will messages still show as delivered? What is the very first song you learned to play on your guitar? Is talking to yourself a sign of mental illness? How can mechanical energy transform into non-mechanical energy? How many students appeared for the JEE Main paper 2 (B.Arch)? What are other question-asking websites like Quora? Where can I get the JEE Main 2014 rank card? How do I improve my marks? How do you say “Sorry” in French? "What is the difference between ""going home"" and ""coming home?""" Why is Forever 21 so disorganized? What is a gangbang? Why do people ask Quora questions instead of just searching google? Can I get a job in the US after a Master's from a top Canadian university being an Indian citizen? What are good games to play on a laptop? What's the average salary for Product Manager with 1.5 years of experience in London? If I like a photo to a private profile on Instagram, will my followers be able to see it if they don't follow that person? Does the emission of CO2 from biofuels 'count' as a contribution to climate change? Does any members of his family automatically belongs to muslim if a father is a muslim? How much should your B.Arch GPA be if you are interested in doing M.Arch at IITs or NITs? What are all the ten letter country names? I am staying in hostel.Here all pupils are wasting food.How can I motivate them in not wasting food? What IT company is good to join in? If I have an early morning flight from Mumbai Domestic Airport (at about 6), can I go to the airport some time around 11 PM on the previous night and stay in the lounge? Why should we learn calculus? I'll go to Australia to study for about 2 years. What kind of part-time job would you recommend other than washing dishes? I have cleared 12 comm. I want to give civil sevice exam so which degree should I do? Does not eating help you lose weight? What's the difference between tourists and backpackers? When will Apple release the iPhone 7? What did you think of the ending of The Game (1997 movie)? How do you know if a guy is being genuine? How can I apply for different government jobs for civil engineers? Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? What is Punjab government doing to make Punjab a drug free state? "Why does Google image search for ""Completely Wrong"" show up Governor Romney's images?" What's a good way to make some extra money? How much money do I need to emigrate to Australia? What makes you sad about UK? How do I solve [math]\lim_{x\to 0} \frac{(e^{x}-1)\tan^2 x}{x^3}[/math]? Who would come out on top in a fight between Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece), Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail), and Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto Shippuden)? What is an Amex Black Card? Why are IPv6 addresses only 128 bits long instead of 256 bits? Why can't I concentrate on my studies at all? Is there any toastmasters club in Pune? What are some examples of exploitation? "What is a ""deemed to be university""?" Is introducing the new denomination of Rs 2000 a good move by India? How will it help our economy? When a recipe calls for chicken stock, what do you normally use (store bought, home made, bouillon, or stock pastes such as ‘Better than Bullion’)? Which season is better on Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones? What is the easiest way to write a term paper? How can you improve your communication skills? What are some of the most common Indian last names? Is this a scam? What are the questions asked in a US visa interview for a teenager aged 14? What is the hourly rate for nanny in Bay area? What is the history of gas prices in Canada? Why would the cervix dilate if you aren't pregnant? How can I explain the curvature of the Earth to a small boy? What do people knowledgeable about NASA/aerospace think of Kerbal Space Program? Tamilnadu and Kaveri issue? Can you boil water at 0°C? What muscles make up the shoulder adductors? How can all stock prices go up? Who is the most terrifying animated character in your opinion? Where can I Watch Bigorder(TV) Anime Fast Online? Will Donald Trump be a good President? What are your favorite underrated TV shows? What is the best site for practicing English writing skills? How can I get more sleep without medication? How does a cactus survive in the desert? Why are no Cyanide & Happiness comics posted in 9GAG? What causes addiction? Where do I catch Magikarp in Pokémon GO? Where do teenage girls like to shop at these days? What are the top websites computer science students must visit? What are the best way of loose the weight? At what point did Chinese, Japanese people etc start being referred to as Asians? Can we relate recent Bangaluru Molestation with Tarahhush Jamai ? Is spouting words that make sense, not backed by any evidence, but don't answer the question, a logical fallacy? What can I do with Snapchat in terms of User generated content? Would the United States be better without Social Security? What is the relationship between surface area and heat loss? What advice would you give a 14 year old boy? [Late 2015 / Early 2016] Why does the United Kingdom want to leave the European Union? Why do some people there want to quit the EU? Which are the websites similar to What is the best free tutorial series to create unity games? How do jewish people feel about Henry Ford? Can Loratadine and Ibuprofen be taken simultaneously? If not, why? During an evacuation why don't people use both sides of the motorway? Which one should I learn first - C or C++? Is it important to be a sociopath/ psychopath to become successful? How can I lose weight safely? How reliable is the Subaru Outback? Why is transformer rated in kVA and not in kW? In meiosis, why does genetic variation occur? What are the best geocaches in the Detroit area? Would you marry a girl who had health issues in past and if she's having perfect health right now? What's the best superpower anime? I'm interested in aviation how do I become a pilot? What is the best compliment that you have received? What is adopted from India by foreigners in last 20 year? Why do people resort to bullying? "How did Coldplay create the song ""Viva la Vida""?" How do you make whipped cream without heavy cream? How can I turn off all sounds in WhatsApp except for specific users? I want to opt-in for sounds except of opting out for specific users. Is cloud mining still profitable in 2015? "What does ""dictum meum pactum"" mean? How is this phrase used?" "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" very rare in The Philippines?" Is WayTools a legitimate company? How much revenue does the Tamil Nadu government loose by not taxing movies with Tamil titles? What does ubiquitous computing mean? How was Physics Forums founded? How can I find a feldspar jaw crusher in my country? Special Forces: What training does the Swiss Guard of Vatican City go through? My husband and I earn equally. He says either I should let him manage my salary or I should pay equally for everything. Is this ok? Should I walk out on him? How can I fall out of love with my ex? How difficult is it to get a job as an assistant professor of art right now? What are some good big data training institutes in Hyderabad? How do I design a simply supported beam of length 4 m? What was the purpose of the Judiciary Act of 1869? Which are some courses for computer science to do an MS in the USA? What's the most annoying thing you have experienced? Why is it usually boyfriend's responsibilities to entertain his girlfriend? What is the best college in Mumbai to study physics for a Bsc? How can I earn money online easily? Which is better: an arranged marriage or a love marriage? I am placed in mnc company now I want to get government job so how to I achive? How do we know that we're not living in a computer simulation? I want to take the pre-calculus CLEP and it says required score is a 50. Does that mean an actual 50 as in 50%? Is it good to split stocks in the share market? What is the difference between internal energy and enthalpy? What is it like to be married? Is this a possible reason to not date someone? What are the online websites to shop for petite women in India? How can one make $4,000/month sitting at home in 6 weeks of time? What is the lagrangian for ToE? Why do Americans use the word gotten? What all can I do as a citizen to help Mr. Modi to make India a better place to live in? As recently as last year, Amazon had quarters in which they lost money. How is their valuation so out of whack with logic? Which car services are available in Atlanta? How good are they compared to taxis and relative to each other? "My ex-boyfriend has a girlfriend and wants to keep talking to me as friends. He also said, ""Let's wait and see what happens between him and I,"" but he has also told me he has no intention of breaking it off with her. Can someone help me define this situation I am in?" Did Tinder really work for you in India? What's your Tinder story? Who would Obama choose to be the next president? Is it better to work in product based company or service based company? How much does a laptop screen cost to manufacture? What are some ways to deal with fear of failure? How far ahead did George R.R. Martin plan ASOIAF before he began writing? I am pregnant because of my mistake, and I don't want to have an abortion or enclose the child's father name. Or is there any law in which I can write my name as the middle name? How can I become a good speaker? What rank and branch will I get with 133 marks in MU OET 2016? Can you mix nitrogen and air in tires? Will your ex girlfriend regret not marrying you? What is a security? Is it ethical for a vegan to feed his pet meat? I really want to study, but I cannot concentrate. What can I do? Will the PS4 prices drop in India? What is the name of the enzyme in the nucleus that synthesizes the chaperone mRNA? Why do Astronauts wear belts in space? I'm married but the idea of marriage makes me feel trapped and like I'm missing out. What can I do to remedy this? What are the best human behavior books? Which Delhi University Colleges can I get admission in? What is the mileage of honda livo? Why can't I delete my messages on Snapchat? Who won the IPL 2016? How do I reduce belly fat in 3 months? Do you believe in parallel universes? When it is required to show salary slip? How should we add descriptions / tags on any particular album in Google Photos? What do students at HBTI, Kanpur think of JSS in Noida? Is there a way to create demo presentations in Prezi without buying them? Exercise: What is the best time to go to the gym? What should we eat after gym? Why don't I sell any copies of my book? What is the disadvantage of social tourism? Why do news stations broadcast the race and/or creed of violent criminals if the perpetrator has already been caught or killed by police? How can I straighten my teeth at home without braces? How can an engineer graduate join the Indian Air Force entering into the flying branch? What are some great side dishes for cottage pie? Who paid the Permanent Court of Arbitration to violate the UNCLOS of no role in territory sovereignty disputes? Can two souls mate? What career advice would you give to someone who wants to become a Publicity manager? How often do you watch movies? "Why has the word ""like"" become so ingrained in American dialect?" How can I lose weight? Was leaving the EU a good decision by Greenland? What penis size do women prefer? How do I find global investors to invest on my idea? Is there a way to extract the automatically generated subtitles in YouTube? What do you do when you have nothing to do? Why would a woman you love get married to another man? Is Michael Jordan arrogant? What is the Briggs Myers test? What does the test measure and how should a person prepare to take it? What other sites are there like docstoc? If the United States is Athens, what country is Sparta? Why? How do I prepare for the Indian Engineering Services(IES) Exam 2016? How do I study communication system for GATE? What is Equatorial Guinea? How much investment is needed to start a small scale pharma manufacturing unit in India? What is Mohrs salt? Which privacy app lock should be there in my new android phone? Women: Why do most guys and some women stare at my lady parts when wearing yoga pants? Psychopathy? Beside the fact that you get rid of psychopath in your life, why do they always put you in his story' s when he meets someone new? And can he ever leave you alone? Should you contact someone to get them help or is it better to let them move on to new victim? How can I have a feel of ghosts? Why are there so many anti-Israel/Jewish questions on Quora? How can I treat my depression? Does God live within myself? What do I do about skin acne? Who is scarier to be elected as president, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? What should be the maximum span for beam in building construction? Why has China devalued its currency and what are the impacts of it? What is the Japanese work culture like right now? What are some of the greatest novels of all time? Why are they great? How are the hostels and peers at AIIMS? Why do most of the people don't score good in Jee? Can I use the freeze option after round 2 in the JEE Mains counselling process? Can I change my option from float to slide in subsequent rounds? What was your experience the first time you had sex? What is Latitude and longitude? What is the average age of leaving the parental home? How can I stop thinking about people I hate? What is the best laptop under 25000 in India? How can I put music from my PC to my iPhone without syncing? Is women empowerment biased towards men? What happened to the lineage of Cholas, Cheras and Pandyas? How can a man practice delay in cumming during sex? Where can I list my business? Why didn't the Great Depression of 1930s affect the Indian Freedom Movement? How is studying at Auckland University of Technology for Indians? What would be the reaction of mixing iodine and fluorine gas? Emoticons: What does -_- mean? What's the best way to spend a week on Iceland in april? Is there a way that I can feel less uncomfortable making eye contact? Does the sun go around the Earth or does the Earth go around the sun? What is the TDS value in Soften water? Is it allowed to watch ISRO satellite launch from safe distance at Sriharikota? If [math]1\circ3=5, 4\circ6=8, 5\circ7=11[/math], then what is [math]13\circ15[/math]? What is the most interesting thing you know about human behaviour? When did you cheat someone and why? What things does the Bible say about sapphires? What is Absolute Reason? Is it practical to remove acids from acids-H2O liquid mixtures with electrolysis? E.g. HCl Today during meditation, I got a tingling in my hands and face that spread throughout my entire body, until it felt like I was vibrating. Why? How do you know if an ex wants you back or wants to be friends? How do I find out if a song remix on YouTube is copyrighted? How do I apply for a PAN card? How do I save service tax in India? Is 6.5 CGPA in MITmanipal equivalent to 65 percent? Why honesty isn't the best policy always.? What is the best book for calculus? How can one differentiate between attachments and being in love? What do you feel are the most important factors in SEO going forward? What is the structure of a chromosome? What has been the best one night stand you ever had? "I applied for several internships at IBM. After taking IPAT, one of the intern status says ""Application Submitted"". What does it mean?" Why do people always laugh at me? How do I prepare for IIT JAM mathematical statistics? What are some good websites to learn Korean? How can I remove a third-party app on my network? I just won $180 million dollars, what should I do? What is design research? How do I write longer question details on Quora? "How do you say ""speak English"" in German?" I'm a B.Tech CSE student. I don't have money to enroll myself in any summer training program. What can I do? "What does ""mi amigo"" translate to in English? How would this phrase be used?" I have a lot of work to do but I can't start it and instead keep watching movies on the internet. What should I do? Why do people ask questions on Quora that are easily answered with a Google/Wikipedia search? How does one peel a banana? What will be the effect on synchronous speed of an induction motor with varying the number of poles? How long till you feel a small increase in your antidepressant typically? My daughter (15) mentioned to a boy at school that she was on her period, and she got suspended for a day. What is an appropriate course of action? Why did you choose to be a teacher? What color socks should one wear with a navy suit? "What is the eligibility for UPSC? I have done my BE with ""PASS CLASS"" does the class matters in UPSC.?" Did God exist? What are the best English songs? What accounting programs are best for a small, self-employeed business owner? Which are the best engineering colleges in Kerala? What are some statistics on Americans and vacation days? What should designation be with 17 years consultant designation Infosys? Breast Cancer: Should a woman have surgery for DCIS(s) Ductal Carcinoma In Situ? Can a founder of a company be its CEO? How can serving food on a banana leaf in South India be called eco-friendly while the plant dies afterwards? Can I locate my debit card? Is there a diet/food/supplement that could work with proper exercise to increase adult flexibility? How do techniques of political campaigning differ between Democratic and Republican activists? Had a 3 year old labrador healthy and he was walking and suddenly fell down n we found him dead please I really need to know the reason for his death? Star Wars (creative franchise): What are the symbols on the backs of storm troopers? How do you dye dark brown hair light brown? Why do I sometimes confuse memories of dreams with memories of reality? What are some good courses on Udemy about learning how to make money online? What NFL team has changed cities the most? What are the hottest startups that are up and coming? What are the most famous piano songs? Can I create my own political party? "What is the purpose of ""pdflush"" Linux Kernel daemon?" What knowledge is required for ML internship as a CS undergraduate? How much does it cost to get a Unity 3D license? What are the different types of plant hormones? Why do people still do Tatbir if it is against Islam? Is [math]\left(\sqrt{17}\right)^2[/math] an irrational number? Should Arsenal sign Jamie Vardy? Is Universe still expanding? What are the rules you live by? Why has Elizabeth Warren not endorsed Bernie Sanders? What is your worst experience with an ambulance ? What is America named after Amerigo Vespucci? How can I start up a business in India? How safe are android phones? Should I be cautious with anything I do on it? How do I approach studies in Mbbs 1st year if I want to top? How fatal is congestive heart failure? Socially how difficult was it for you to accept the truth after you have lied about something to someone very close to you? "What is the definition of the word ""definition""?" How can someone reduce belly fat in one week? How can one pursue a career as a traveler host? What is principal component analysis and how many variables can be used for PCA? What are the best restaurants in Queens? How should I start my preparation for the IAS exam? What do Americans think about Indian students coming from India to the USA for their higher studies? I'm about to join a college, what all things can I do in first my first year? How can countries such as Egypt benefit from climate change? Would you practice at home doing yoga? What is the integral of [math]\tan^3 (\frac{\pi x}{2}) \sec^2 (\frac{\pi x}{2})[/math] Would a dog-sized horse be a more convenient pet than a dog? "What is the correct pronunciation of ""Yoplait""?" I'm vitamin D deficient at point 5. Can I still work out at the gym or does it make it worse? Why can't a person look into another person in the eye during a conversation, especially the boys? How do I accept defeat when my favorite team lost in football? How can I stop my mind from wandering and increase my productivity? What is best way to commit suicide painlessly? Most of the top tier universities in the United States emphasize that their financial aid program is not linked with the admissions program . Is this really true or does applying for financial aid considerably weaken the likelihood of getting in? Are all waves of a sinusoidal nature? If yes, then why can't they have a different nature? How secure are AES-256 encrypted files? What are your views on Narendra Modi? I got accepted to Wolfson College (Oxford), but I'm 35 and terrified of living in a dorm again! Which housing option should I choose? What is the best way to get rid of belly fat? Effect of banning 500 and 1000 rupee on exchange rate? What are the benefits of a gym membership at Anytime Fitness? How do I get a job that travels a lot with low/no qualifications? How did Martin Luther King Jr. become a hero? What are the best branding strategies? How can I improve my English speaking skills if my listening and reading skills are strong? Where can I register a .do domain name? Will Brexit happen or not? What is the pte requirement for csu australia? What’s the easiest most painless way to die? Is it viably possible to start off with a penny and reach £1 million? How do we know that dark matter exists? Which college is better, vit or upes? Which is the best app for reading? Which could be the best day of your life? What is the best way to manage time for reading in a busy life? What year was the FIRST musical greeting card produced? (open flap and it plays) Are Puerto Ricans open-minded to gay staff? Why a moving aeroplane tends to stand still when we see it from a moving vechile travelling in opposite direction? How did your first app do in the playstore? What is the scariest urban legend? Would a Wankel rotary engine make a good engine for a motorcycle? How do I earn money from my channel on YouTube? What do you do if your Samsung Galaxy Tablet won't turn on? How many tds required in safe drinking water? How does WWE work? What are forums? What is the best resource to learn game development for free? Can I expect to get a programming job only knowing c#? What are the best apps of caller location for Android OS? Who is the better player James Rodriguez or Oscar? How I enjoy my life? How can I manage your all business conversations with CRM for Capital Markets? What were the best olympics opening ceremony? How can we get best Online Tutorials or educational videos or youtube videos or OpenCourseWare or mooc related to Petroleum Engineering Courses? What are the most common materials used for 3D printing? How can I get casual sex? What is the best way to memorize things? How can I get into a good US university for undergraduate computer science courses? I want to start my transition from male to female. What should I do first? How do actors feel about acting out lines or scenes meant for product placement in movies? Is it possible to have a dream in a dream? What will happen if diesel is used in petrol engine? What can be termed as maturity? How do I raise my self-confidence? Where can I get stunning image quality on photo booth services in Sydney? Would Elizabeth Warren be a good VP running mate for Hillary Clinton? Can the word over be used as a verb? How do I help poor people? "What is the meaning of the expression ""what say ye""?" Why should I become a data scientist? My ex-girlfriend and I broke up because she is a player. What should I do to completely forget about her? What is the minimum cost someone will incur for a Babson MBA? What are the top five books that one must read in their lifetime? And why? Why don't people understand me? Is it that they don't want to? Will evangelicals continue to support Trump after Pussygate? Can I earn money online? Locked out of Instagram account SMS don't know which phone? What is the most well choreographed music video that you have ever seen? I go forward in time and kill my future self. Would I face trial for murder or will it be considered suicide? Harvard College Courses: What is general shopping advice for Linguistics classes? Why does the Qur’an only contain gnostic stories of Jesus and nothing from the New Testament? How do I view a private Instagram? Why don't we have cars that run on water? What are some examples of animals that are omnivores? How can I apply for a driving license in Delhi? How can I get a remote internship in marketing? How can I get blue eyes? How does Quora earn it's revenue? How much cake is needed to feed 30 people? How do I hack a lover's Gmail? As a tourist, what is your best experience of Hanoi? Why do many Americans seem to blame/hate Muslims in the US? How do porn stars prevent pregnancy? Where can I get the most important questions online to top 12th CBSE exams? Do you think time travel can really be possible? Have you ever fired anyone who later became your boss? Which institute is better, Raus, Vajiram and Ravi, or Sriram? Who are the top 10 companies in big data analytics? I'm using a 5V 1A charger to charge my phone. The original charger was 5V 2A. Is it safe for my phone? What makes protein shakes foam? How many computers do you have at home? What's it like to be on reality TV? Is game of thrones the best TV series right now? Even the thought of cheating makes me physically sick. How do people do it? Least googled word? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at NetSuite? Why was the Ted Williams video such a hit on YouTube? What is it like to use Quora on a fiber optic network? Do things really come in threes? How did you make money as a 13-year-old? How many chemicals are generally present in a cell of the human body? "What does it imply when someone says ""amen"" on a photo or a comment on Facebook? Is it a positive or a negative comment?" Why is mercury used in thermometers? Why do they publish solutions to Sudoku puzzles? Are suspensions required for trike of max velocity 40kmph? If someone in my team is my 'teamate', what do you call someone who fancies the same sport team or celebrity as myself? What is the best move set for Decidueye? What's the relationship between Taiwan and China? What is the difference between pow/powl/powf function in C++ and when are they used? What are the laws in the Netherlands concerning hate speech and inciting discrimination? How can we make software documentation less dull? How do I get thousands of followers on Instagram? Does hair wax have side effects? Can I join air force after completion of aerospace engineering? In flying branch? What is it like to be a lawyer for Apple? How do I wear a polo hat? What does Peter Thiel think of Adobe? Please solve this central limit theorem question. B How do I create Yelp ratings for my business ID in PHP? "What is your opinion about Steve Jobs after reading the book ""Steve Jobs"" by Walter Isaacson?" Are there questions which must not be asked on Quora? Is there ever good populism? What should I do if my husband doesn't have time for anything with me? What hotel in Mirik Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? What is your review of MS Dhoni: The Untold Story movie? "What is the Japanese word for ""grass""? Is there more than one way to say it?" What is the difference between data exploration and predictive analytics? How can we earn money on YouTube? What is it like to work at sapient global markets? How is erectile dysfunction treated? Why can I not understand people? How do I fix a blue laptop screen? I want abroad practical civil site experience with scholarship? What is the factorisation of [math]x^4 - 15x^2y^2 + 9y^4[/math]? What VCs in Europe focus on investing in Artificial intelligence and machine learning? Am I the unluckiest guy in the world? What are the expectations for Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 9 (Battles of Bastards)? Have you ever been caught by someone while masturbating? Why do people like Breaking Bad so much? Why watch such a depressing and violent show? Is it possible to only have a bachelor's degree and get a good job in Ireland? Should I press clutch everytime I need to apply brakes or slow down the car? How do I make a homemade drone? What is the average time spent in a shopping site? Why do criminals launder money? What are the most common ways of doing it? What will happen to my car if I run out of gas? What does a director usually expect from a story and screenplay writer of a comedy movie/play/show? Who are some great writers on Medium, the blogging platform, I should follow? Can you transfer money online from an Axis bank account to another bank account on holidays? "If I ""like"" a page on Facebook can the owner of that page see my Facebook comments?" What is the Golden Temple? Why does my mom does not allow me to hang out in another city? What's the difference between music and noise? Who is your Favorite south indian actress during 1990 to 2000 ? Why? What is the best way to train in Capoeira individually? What is the fastest way to fall asleep? How good is the Teach for India organization? Why are there too few hedge funds in India? What do people regret the most about cheating? How do I learn to build a quadcopter? After several internships in on-site SEO I am looking for a job now. What is the best way to learn about off-site SEO to be a more complete employee? What is the perfect life? What are the best exercise to get fit? How can I hack fb password? What do you think married life will be like? What is bond enthalpy? Given the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, what is the sum of the highest & lowest possible 6-digit numbers that can be formed if repetition of digits is not allowed? What is the most romantic phrase a man can say to his woman? How does the Apple Watch work? How do I install WhatsApp in a Nokia 5230 memory card? Is there a way to code Swift on Windows? What does the future hold for robotics? How do I know that a girl likes me? How do you think World War III will happen if it does? "What is the correct pronunciation of the word ""anime""?" How many records have Linkin park sold? What is the safest dosage of Benadryl to sedate a dog? What are the side effects? What are the top cities of Andhra Pradesh? If there's no contract, does a promise matter? Is it a good idea to work for a startup? Is Teleone online teleshopping agency committing a fraud by selling online a herbal product called IME9 using the names of Govt. Organizations? What is the best online resources to learn Python for beginners? How do I stop thinking so deeply and just enjoy life? I feel like I am always trying to figure stuff out, like if I'm going down the right path in life What is the best theme for WordPress? I want to make a poster with the following words in as many languages as possible.? THINK LOOK SEE Why didn't Acadians and subsequently Cajuns speak a kind of French patois? What are the names of the models in Mono Love by Edward Maya? Would you say Keynes was the most influential economist of the 20th century? What is the difference between personality disorders and mental illnesses? Can drinking milk cause a person to gain weight? If so, how? Does Gary Johnson stand a chance of being elected president? What work I have to do for profile of Jr custmer service executive-service managment? Why do you think the people of India forget things so fast? What are some cool smartphone tricks? How do I access my fiance’s Facebook account? What is dark matter and what are its properties? What is the best way to spend the summer vacations? What is so great about Vladimir Putin? What is the best text editor for programming? How are Steve Jobs and Bill Gates different? Why do banks take time to update transaction history? How much salary will I get if I finish ITIL Foundation with 2 years of experience? What are the major differences between Java and C#? Is modi government bringing back the black money? What are some heuristics similar to Occam's Razor? Could a President legally refuse to live in the White House? What is the Munich pact? How can you create a time machine? What is the best story about friendship? Who will sit on the Iron Throne at the end of the season 8 of Game of Thrones? How can Facebook and Twitter make money for you? How do you make her feel happy when she is sad and not feeling good? How do you focus on studies and get all A's without distraction? Psychopaths: How do you handle stress? How do you calculate the oxidation number of carbonate? What are the risks involved in working on affiliate marketing while having a full time job in India? What is the purpose of art? Did President Obama veto a bill giving victims of 9/11 legal rights to sue a nation because US would inevitably be sued by victims of its own actions? What is the advantage of demonetization of Indian currency? Was Genghis Khan more or less evil than Hitler? Why is Manaphy boring in Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea? Why are people so judgemental & fake? What should be the rule for daily 5 times prayer for Muslims on planets where the day/night length is different than on earth? How do I ask a question on Quora and what should I ask? Can gmail be hacked? Politics of India: Is the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi afraid of the Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal? Why or why not? What foods begin with the letter K? How can I track someone using their phone number? What is the best Japanese restaurant in Philadelphia? What is Superfluid vacuum theory? Can anyone answer what rank one Akashian must get in AIATS to get top 20 in AIPMT? What is the difference between a start up and any other new business? What can we cook with salted butter? How do I recover deleted files from Android internal memory? Why hasn't David Lynch made a film since 2006? What are the best online resources to learn Hadoop? What should I know about the Nissan Leaf? What should I do with Arduino? Who has copied a lot from other cinema in Tamil cinema? In terms of story line, music, dialogues, arts, etc. What will happen to India if Donald Trump becomes the President of US? When was the worst day of your life and what happened? Is pattern recognition the same as pattern matching? Which is better: i7-6700HQ with Intel HD 530 or i7-6500U with Nvidia graphics? What area of law count as federal law in the US? Which is the best restaurant in Malad West? "Why is Winston in ""1984"" considered a lunatic? Is he actually a hero?" How many subject that ICSE make result? Do chit fund organizations actually work in favor of common people? What is the best way to get a good night's sleep? Where can I download Secret in Marathi as a PDF? I smoke 2 box everyday. I can not stop smoking. What should I do to stop smoking? What is the most impressive thing someone has done during an interview/presentation that got them the job? What are the good online tutorials and books to learn Android development? Can anyone give a comparison of the Middle East before and after the discovery of oil? What is performance appraisal system? What is an incident that changed your life? How do you unhide the Appdata folder in Windows? Why should someone use Mightybell instead of a group product on an existing social network? Christmas is on the way, and this is my first Christmas alone. What Christmas decoration can I get and where can I go to enjoy myself? Why can I not add comments on any of the answers of questions I've asked? What are ideas for a 14th birthday party? Is Berlin the next Silicon Valley? What is the difference between front end and back end in programming? Is share capital of $100,000 considered an asset to a company? Why did the USA and Japan go to war in 1941? How do I increase my concentration power while studying? How do I get control my thoughts and focus more? Why don't adult rated Bollywood movies have any sex scenes? "What exactly should one answer if the interviewer asks ""tell me about yourself""?" How important is getting an internship in the 3rd year in an engineering college? What is the difference between a trademark and a wordmark? How do I concentrate on my studies rather than using my mobile phone? Who will win the Battle of Bastards? What’s the most embarrassing moment of your life so far? What is the best porn site on the Internet? Why? Do Jews believe in reincarnation? What is the meaning of a Dark Mark tattoo? How do you send event alerts to Google calendar via text or email? How many years will it take for India from the present 1.32b in population to catch up with China's 1.37b in population? What is causing me to feel little to no (physical) pain? What are some of the best Telugu movie dialogues that went unnoticed? Which Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares are open? Do Baba Ramdev's medicines really work? Is all his medicines proved safe? Can I play football with glasses? Why are Americans so obsessed with money and status when life is so painfully short? What is the purpose of education when most of us hardly remember what was taught at the start of the semester when it is about to end? Which one is the best medical school in Turkey? What are the funniest jokes / stories you ever heard? Is it possible to time travel to past? Will Jon Snow take Winterfell? What condenser is used in a power plant? How can change my mobile no. in Aadhaar card? Do you need a bank account to use PayPal? How do I get a best start in French language? What are the main conclusions in Heidegger's Being and Time? How does it differ from Sartre's philosophical thinking? How do I recover back my Google account without recovery email? And without recovery phone number/ If someone blocks me on WhatsApp, how can I unblock? What should we do when we are bored? Should I apply for NEET-2, if my NEET-1 score is 570 marks? How does the nominal GDP compare to the real GDP? Do Apple employees get discounts on refurbished Apple products? If so, what is the usual discount rate? I want to be a writer. What can I do to improve my writing skills? "Does ""outstanding shares"" include the entire employee option pool?" Is China aiming for Siberia? Does it want to take Siberia away from Russia? Are physical tests compulsory in Physical Education? Which cricketer has the most inspiring story? Who do you think will win EURO 2016? What is the imei number series of lge Nexus 5x? Is there a proof of life after death? Where can I get very useful factory cleaning service in Sydney? How does Java autoboxing for int primitive type work exactly? Why are my mails on Gmail not getting sent? Dev Bootcamp: Is only available to do it in San Francisco and Chicago? If humans could somehow travel through a wormhole and end up 50,000 light years away from earth, could we look back at the earth and see it as it was 50,000 years ago? How can you derive the equation of motion for damped oscillations? How do you deal with someone who insists that what you feel is just an imagination and that you are wrong? How can I write a good essay topic about diversity? What are the placement statistics of software engineering at the DTU? Which motorcycle should I buy within 90000 Rs., the Bajaj Pulsar 180, Bajaj Pulsar 150, Suzuki Gixxer, Yamaha FZS v2.0 or should I wait for the Pulsar 150 NS? How could we overcome our fears? Somebody knows how to pay for a campaign on Twitter? I only got a scheduled campaign but cannot find a button for paying. I've been stuck with this for a long time. It's urgent. Thanks! Can anyone help me to join the French foreign legion? What is the best way to get a large number of upvotes for your answers on Quora? What is the total expense of UPSC political science optional at Vajiram & Ravi? What are the best ways to invest in the Cuban real estate market? Is intermittent fasting effective in weight loss? Is phenol more acidic than water or less? Why does my brother feel the world owes him? How are quantum entangled particles created in a laboratory? What really makes them entangled? How does the Google Fit app differentiate between walking and cycling? Are the Northern Irish considered British or Irish? What are the cultural differences between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland? Which variations of the ME-262 saw combat? How does the police track VPN users? Does the demonetization affect black money in the form of immovable property either directly or indirectly? What is the difference between a tornado, a cyclone, a hurricane, a typhoon and a storm? What are some good names to name a pet snake? What are the top science fiction movies ever? What should I buy first, land or a car? Can I get pregnant 11 days before my period? Why does Britain want to leave the EU? Why are you leaving Quora? Should I stay in high school? Is bulletproof coffee legit? What minimum percentage would be needed in CAT 2016 to get calls from new IIM'S and IIT with these credentials .. How can I prevent my face from being dehydrated? How can I perfect my English? What is the best way to improve IELTS speaking band? Can I get into college in track team then switch to a another sport? I need a room or PG near Vajiram & Ravi under 7k rent per month…? Hypothetically who would win in a war between India and Brazil? Why is having friends so important in life? What is the difference between a population and a sample in statistics? What good has come from WW1 and WW2? Deep Web: What is stealth shipping? How do you substitute self-rising instead of all-purpose flour? What are the functions of a cell membrane and a cell wall? Is bleeding after clitoral simulation normal? How can I simplify the square root of 170? Which majors at Caltech do highly unfocused undergrads with highly diverse interests major in? Which is the best online test series for ibps rrb po and clerk? Which is the best institute for Hadoop? What are the best mens socks? How can I make the best use of gems in Clash of Clans? What is Voldemort's wand made of? What are the best restaurants to try when visiting Kaohsiung, Taiwan? What should you try while you're there? How can you look at someone's private Instagram account without following them? Should I choose S&OP on Hana or SAP BW? What is the difference between animal and plant cytokinesis? Why do many Indonesian Muslim women do not wear hijab? How can I delete shared photos from the Facebook Messenger app? How can you know if you're in love or just attracted to someone? Where is the cheapest place to buy ski clothes near Palo Alto? What are some of the best resources for learning MATLAB for financial computation? During my whole life, I've been a show-off. How do I change that? How does Alex Chacon raise funds for travelling? How much competition is there for Senior Section Engineer (Civil) in Railway Recruitment Board? Why do people run background checks for a candidate? Why doesn't the US Navy use battleships anymore? What are your views on homosexuality? If I link my Instagram account to my Facebook account, will my friends from Facebook be able to see the photos I post even if my Instagram account is private? How do I name binary ionic compounds? How do I avoid a fever? What's the rudest thing a child has said to you? Why doesn't YouTube add download button? Still we can download videos using extensions or youtube downloader. Did they don't want to make life easier? Why does Israel have such a strong military compared to other middle eastern countries? Can I run GTA 5 with 16 GB DDR3 ram? Has anyone tried the simple garcinia pills? Do they really work? What are some gift ideas for anniversaries? Do IITians get to marry the best girls of India? Can I get a seat in any NIT for 91 marks in jee main 2016 & 87.4% in 12th CBSE 2015? I am from SC category. Should there be an HR department to hire ministers? Which distance learning program is best for IIT (JEE Adv) preparation, Allen, Resonance, or Bansal? "How much gas is left in your tank when the ""low fuel"" light comes on?" How I can improve my English communication? I love my girlfriend but she's out of my league and I'm scared of losing her. What should I do to make this feeling go away? What are some good computer desks for tall people? What's the programming language that introduced the for loop? Why Antarctica has only one ATM machine? Is love jihad really happening in India, or is it a hoax? Is global warming a hoax? If a man goes off to war, and a few years later comes home to discover that his wife, thinking him to be dead, has remarried, would their marriage still be valid? What is best way for preparation of IAS exam? What are the best colors for a professional website? What are some great programming projects for beginners? How can I download series from BBC Iplayer? Is there an easy way? Are ther any Nobel prize winning discoveries or inventions or scientific theories that later proved wrong? I collect fountain pens and I prefer pens with a traditional wide barrel and gold nib. What are some recommendations? Is 2.2 GHz too slow for a MacBook Pro? How can I locate my cell phone with the phone number? Why is A2 milk (from Bos indicus or the humped cow) considered to be more healthy than A1 milk from Western breeds? I want to go to usa as labour? Is there any IAS aspirant who wants group for GS in Delhi? What are relations like between Tutsi and Hutu peoples in Rwanda in 2015? How much does it cost per barrel to store crude oil? What is confidence? Can you correct this sentence? What will be my rank if I get 68/200 in wbjee 2016? Is time travel possible through cosmic strings? Who will win elections of 2017 in Uttar Pradesh and why? Why do people breath into a bag? I feel like everyone hates me. What should I do? How can I find Jaw Crusher Limestone in Mauritania? How is Pinot Noir made? I love someone, but that person loves someone else. I am feeling jealous. What should I do? Accenture joing 2015? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Zogenix is coming out with in 2016? Why do I dislike school so much? When had you been most embarrassed moment of yours? Why is Facebook so boring these days? How do I write this C programme? "Does someone who was born with a hearing loss ""hear"" an inner voice?" How do I start contributing to open source projects? What are the best productivity tools for programmers? What is the best Canon lens for portrait photography? What is tcs? What is off-page SEO and bookmarking 2.0? Why doesn't Quora say when a question is posted needs improvement they don't say why it needs improvement? Can I used a Micro SD card instead of a TF card? How can we start a small business, and turn it into a big business? Is imagery a literary device? If so, what are some examples? Are short term way to make money dangerous? When and where was ice cream invented? I want to take PCMB (physics, chemistry, maths and biology) in the 12th standard. If I take this group will I be able to study journalism? What book should I follow to learn and know about economics? Do radioactive elements decay into hydrogen or helium? Why? What do I need to consider when looking for a writing partner? I have a regular ps4 with a 2tb storage, is it worth it to upgrade to a ps4 pro or use that money to buy the psvr instead? Explain The Theory of Relativity in simplest way using examples? Can we internationalise DD News similar to RT, Al Jazeera or CNN. If yes, how? What are the things which a boyfriend expects his girl to do for him? Name some good book of GMAT on verbal part? Why do rainforests have high biodiversity? What is the best place to live in after retirement? How di I write a book? What's the most viewed answer here on Quora of all time? Should President Obama ask CDC Director Frieden to resign? What is a good reason why Benedict Cumberbatch doesn't deserve an Oscar for The Imitation Game? I have no basic knowledge. How should I prepare for IITJEE in one year at Kota? How should you introduce yourself in an interview? What is considered a good credit score? What happens inside the event horizon of a black hole? Is 1100 a good psat score? What does this tattoo mean in English? Which is the best book for NEET? What are the top/best restaurants in Rome? Why aren't clouds evaporated with the sun's heat? Do female infants develop language abilities earlier than than their male counterparts? What are some things to do while visiting the United Arab Emirates that a tourist might not know about? What would be the best way to save money? Why is there no Quora app for the Windows Phone? Which is the best coaching institute for CLAT in Kolkata? How do I delete 0byte files on Android? What's it like living in the Cayman Islands? How can I make 65 million dollars as a professional gambler? Is BITCOIN a promissory note? How many fights did Muhammad Ali have? "Why having a lot of lawyers is better than one (single case)? On TV, they say, ""the Big Company has an army of lawyers"" as if one lawyer can't compete" Who writes product description on FlipKart? How do I avoid oversleeping and focus on my study? Do muslims have sex before marriage? What does 'umi' mean in Arabic? Is time travel possible or will it be possible? Importing UMI PLUS smartphone from China, so can it support indian 4g bands, Like jio, airtel and more? What is the most interesting question you have been asked in an interview? What is the history of BNP Paribas? What are the best neighborhoods to live in and around San Francisco as a 24 year-old relocating from New York City? Should I brush my tongue? How do I unfollow someone that blocked me on Instagram? Is wine good for plants? Is it a blessing or a curse to be emotionless? What is your experience with a schizophrenic? Or, if you are a schizophrenic, what are some daily struggles? Under what category should a SBC candidate apply for CAT? What are the best ways to help developing countries? What should I say when I meet my long distance relationship for the first time? How we can upgrade Android 4.4.2 to 5.0 in the Samsung Galaxy Core 2? What would the world be like if everyone knew how to write basic code? Where can I find patterns for bead animals? I have failed 40 times in an interview. It's not getting better. What should I do? What is an API? What is IQ on the neurological level? How do you measure your height? How do I convince my father to visit a psychiatrist? What are some of Apple's most powerful marketing strategies? Why do some smart teenagers smoke cigarettes? How can I tell if a guy is gay and is interested in me? Is God there? Is lightning ready for prime time? How much equity should you give a developer who is offering to build your site for 12K instead of 20K? What are the best books for the JEE (Mains)? My score in BITS 2015 is 282. Which branch can I get in GOA and Hyderabad campus? How do I enjoy sex with my newly married wife? "[SPOILER] In Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 8 ""No One"" what plan is Qyburn referring to Cersei Lannister?" Have you ever had a dream beyond a lucid dream because I did? Should public nudity be protected by the First Amendment? What does feeling insecure mean? How does it feel like? Why do I feel insecure when she is being forward? How many eggs should I eat each day? Who is the richest sportsman in the world? What are some delicious desserts in India? What is the best way to perfect my reading comprehension for the CAT? Are those forward messages in WhatsApp saying that if we forward this message someone will get a rupee do they really get money? Or is it just fake? What are the pros and cons of marrying a girl who is 9 years younger? In reality, I don't want to hurt others with my words, but when I communicate with others my words hurts them. Why is this happening with me? How can I avoid it? What are the marks on twigs called? What purpose do they serve? Who splits electoral college votes? Why? Is there a way to request that the music managers at Apple Music make an album available for download? How do you feel when everything goes wrong in your life? How do I hack Wi-Fi? How do I use crimping beads? What are some of the best ways to reduce belly fat? What are the best restaurants in Akron, OH? What makes them special? "What is the meaning of the Spanish phrase ""no, por que""?" How did movies like Happy New Year earn 300 crores? How can you get pregnant during miscarriage? Why we dont talk about sex openly? Which type of lock repair service can I get from any locksmith company? Where can get it at Sydney? What are the best add-ons/coupons you love offered by a restaurant that make you want to come back? I have a laptop with 4gb RAM, AMD quad core A8-7410 2.2 ghz processor and Radeon R5-M330 2gb graphics card, will I be able to play fifa14 with these requirements? Is it safe to share personal data through whatsapp? How can you fake your location on Uber app? Are Pakistani more nationalist and patriotic than indians? Why do all casinos allow smoking inside? Why and for what are people shaving their hair only at Tirupati temples? How do you say owl in spanish? Which bank should prefer for home loan? Can I upgrade Window 7 SP1 to Window 10 now? What are the character traits of a Labrador/Beagle mix? How can I jailbreak my iPhone 4? Moments after the Big Bang all the mass of the universe was confined in a tiny radius. Why didn't it collapse to a black hole? Is Dr. Pepper a Pepsi or Coke product? Why is it called a Mercedes-Benz? Who are the best Smart Home / IoT consultants in Philadelphia? What makes them great? What do they specialize in? What are your views on de legitimization of 500 Rs and 1000 Rs note by Government of India? Visiting and Travel: What's the cheapest place I could live in the world for a year? How we can we get Americans to stop believing fake news? How is quick sort different from bubble sort? What are the restrictions of SRM WiFi? How can I start the conversation with female stranger? What are the best songs by The Cranberries? What is your review of The Painting (2011 movie)? What is a current ratio? How do you calculate it? How do you get rid of worms in dogs? Could we say 'sth of quality' instead of 'sth of good quality'? Do both phrases have the same meaning? How can I find Jaw Crusher Metamorphic in Sierra Leone? How do I get citizenship and permanent residence in Canada, America or New Zealand? What is the easiest and most profitable way to make money online? Why are pointers used in C/C++? My Laptop configuration is : Core i7 3rd Gen, 8 GB DDR3 RAM and 2 GB GEForce GT Graphics Card. Still it seems very slow sometimes (OS-Windows 7). How can I enhance the speed of my computer? How does a motor work? What hurtful thing can I say to the people who shun and ignore me? I want to retaliate. I'm really interested to start learning olympiad maths but I have no idea where to start. What is the best thing to do? What is Edward Snowden like in person? What is the best way to understand copy constructors in c++? Is it really inappropriate to ask a woman her age? What is the best way to understand peoples’ behavior? How can one create a search engine for his own website? Why do people like Donald Trump? How do I have complete control of my brain? "What is a ""dwarf planet""?" I'm a Hindu living in Assam, according to 2011 census Muslim population in my state has crossed 35%. Now I'm scared of rising extremists in my area. How should I protect my family? What logical or scientific evidence is there for the existence of a soul? Tried all the methods for silky hair nothing works? Is this grammatically correct? “What I want is everyone having a good time.” Why is the word 'fuck' considered a bad word? What does it really mean? Is it really such a bad word? In my aadhar card my name is spelt wrongly, how can I change that? How does Edgware compare with other neighbourhoods in London? How can I crack NEET 2017? What is the best study material for mechanical GATE? Why is it irrational to believe that six thousand years ago, God created the light of distant stars as having already reached our planet, if that was the only way that those stars, which God intended for us to see, could be seen from the earth? Is it important that Donald Trump's empire owes hundreds of millions of dollars to a China-state sponsored investor? How do you make informative animated videos such as the one in the description? Why were some books taken out of the Bible? What are the strengths and weaknesses of Pugna? I just turned 35 and there is no chance of pregnancy. Should I be worried if my period is 4 days late? I am kinda fed up with 'Chinese and regime' questions popping up everyday logging into Quora. Is there a way for me to stop seeing by filtering? Is it possible to visit the centre of the earth? How do I write a cover letter when applying for an internship? What is the worst thing that you have done? As per my rank I am getting CSE in Manipal and IT in VIT Vellore campus. Which is a better option? How do you know you have fallen in love? What is the best way to lose belly fat fast? Are there any e-commerce platforms that offer an app-like experience via the web? I'm thinking along the lines of a Progressive Web App (PWA). Who are among the most prominent scientists who study multiverse, time travel, and wormholes? Is it good practice to lift weights every day? What is the placement paper pattern of Tata steel for Associate engineer trainee? How do I prepare for GATE 2016? Why doesn't Congress vote on one issue at a time? Can someone see if I turned their notification on for twitter? How long did it take you to be able to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube? How do I modify a Maruti Omni van engine to increase its efficiency? How do I learn quantitative aptitude? How do you dye your hair silver? Is it better to invest money yourself or give those to a VC? How do I fill chicken pox holes? What is the difference between knowledge and education? What is a magistrate inquiry in India? Does OF2 react with water? How should I get to know, what I want to do in my life? What does it mean if your crush playfully hits or messes around with you? How do I tell my grandma she has cancer? What was God doing before he created the world? Will women pay a man for erotic massage? What is it like on a movie/tv show set? What are some modern examples of government corruption in the United States? Harvard College Courses: What is general shopping advice for Latin classes? How do I bypass the two-step verification of my Google Account? How do I earn money by uploading videos on YouTube? What is the training period for freshers in NTT Data? Do employees at Kelly Services have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? Why does Turkey ignore all the documents about the Armenian Genocide? How tough is to get into HKUST as an international student? What is the best male sex toy? Is there any good coaching institute available for SSC and Bank PO preparation in Delhi, NCR? I want to play college football at the University of Idaho. Do I have any chance? Who areThomson One Corporate Development competitors? W? T is ncvt? How many keywords can we use for each page in a website for SEO? What is the concept of cloud computing? Why do some Quorans post the question in their answer? Does sports make you stupid? How bad is masturbation and what are the bad effects? How is Radhe Maa as a Bigg Boss contestant? Is it possible to backup my whole iTunes library to a flash disk, and if so can it be done without losing any music or lyrics or artwork that I added? How do write a DVD using Android mobile phone? Why is so hard for me to find a girlfriend? If someone blocked me on Instagram, but they still follow me, they can see my posts? What's the oldest evidence of humans keeping track of how old they were? What is the sprinkler systems for growing coffee? What are the advantages of using Informatica as an ETL tool over Teradata? Why do so many people ask things on Quora that they could just as easily Google? If copper doesn't react with water, why do we write the formula Cu + H2O= CuO+H2? What will Europe's borders look like in 2065? How could I stop someone from smoking? What is the abbreviation for education word? Do you consider yourself gay or bi? "What does ""beghairat"" mean?" Is Callie the squid better than Ariel the mermaid? Is Vedic palmistry true? What are some tips/hacks to reduce the cooking time? Who will win the 4th match between Poland and Kenya in the 2016 Kabaddi World Cup? How do I concentrate in exam studies? What are the best journals for an Indian UG ECE student to publish a paper? What is the passion and how it was discovered? What is the difference between these two sentences? What's Kanye West's best album? What are the best computer science audiobooks? How should I lose weight? I just got my first certification as an Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer. Will I get benefit from a Network+ certification? I'm recent CS graduate student. How can I speak English fluently in one week? How will the ban on Rs 500 and 1000 notes impact the Indian economy? What is the difference in Quora between answers and edits? Does anyone has experienced near death experience (soul out of your body)? Does true caller work with iPhone 5s? Do all IES officers get bungalow and car? How do I improve decision making power? What is the best country to work as an Industrial Engineer? How does the gravity of other planets compare to Earth? What will be the final date for ISM to become IIT? Can somebody translate this for me? I believe it's Japanese. How can I make DIY beard wax? Where can I buy music CDs of international artists in Chennai? "Is the phrase ""the one of the most"" grammatically correct?" Do NDA cadets have their Sundays off? What do you think of Aam Aadmi Party's plan to campaign against BJP in Uttar Pradesh without any intention of contesting the polls? How can I stop masturbating permanently? How did Google get to be the best search engine? What's the actual difference between an Android phone with 1GB RAM and one with 3GB RAM? What are good websites that update me in technology including bikes, cars, mobiles and new gadgets? What is the difference between British and English? What does a soldering iron do? How is it used and how is it made? How similar is is Game of Thrones to medieval Europe? Why don't you ever (presumably) read non-fiction? "What if Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton suddenly says ""never mind, I don't want to be president anymore""?" Can a Muslim marry a Hindu? I still have a lot of space left in my phone memory and on my external card, but I can't download apps from the Play Store. It just shows an error about a lack of space. Why is this happening? I scored 193 in Jee Mains 2016 and 95.2% in 12th Boards(ISC). I also scored 323 in BITSAT 2016. What are my options? My rank in nchm is 2060, I am general, which college can I get, can I get ihm kolkata? How can I earn money easily online? Is it possible to make products from Procter and gamble at a homestead? I do not get angry at essential situations. What shall I do? What is the perfect start? "What is the best answer of ""why should I hire you""?" Do you find Russell Peters racist? High School Students: What is the most underrated problem in the life of a teenager today? What is a good substitute for kefalotyri cheese in a recipe? How can I start studying Quantum Physics from the very beginning if I have completed A-Level Physics and A-Level Further Mathematics? Hbti vs nit? What are some examples of stimulus? What is the most romantic thing someone said or did to you? What is voltage second balance? "What does, ""You snooze, you lose"" mean?" Are female wild animals stressed all the time? What is your agenda? "How does one say ""oh my god"" in Japanese?" What is a conservative? Could somebody suggest a book for English grammar available in India? What are some nice, beautiful stories? How would an email subject for a resignation letter be? How do I stop being emotionally abusive? Can I carry pepper spray in Philadelphia? What is the main aim of your life? Why can't I send or receive picuters in WhatsApp through antamedia wifi? How do I make my voice louder? How are the e-Commerce websites dealing with cash on delivery after the demonetization of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes? What is a good name for an online cruelty free makeup shop? What are best shares to buy now? How can I crack IES 2017 with my Job? Can travel agents sue the one who book the international package, paid 30% as advance and then cancel the tour and won’t pay the cancellation charges? How do you learn how to lucid dream in one night? Are cows aliens? What is the difference between film review and film plot? Is not gifting can lead to breakup? How could I learn forex trading? How can I leave smoking? Is it OK for universities to lower the requirement for female engineering and CS applicants to fix gender imbalance in the field of Eng and CS? What is the best joke you've ever hear? In Interstellar isn't McConaughey's body supposed to grow old irrespective of time. How does the body know what happens outside? Forgive me if this sounds very stupid. How can I concentrate more on my studies and career? Why won't my GFCI reset? Who is going to win Euro 2016? Can the concept from the Hollywood movie Lucy be applied to God's existence? How can you lose weight by walking everyday? What are the best engineering colleges in India? How do you make decision? How much is Stephen baldwin net worth? Why is it so hard to purchase Oneplus 3? Where can I get affordable service in Sydney to repair broken door locks? Who is the best actor in the world? What causes kyphosis? How do doctors remove ear wax from their own ears? Are there any treatments for restless leg syndrome that alcohol does not get in the way of? Where will you celebrate the 2017 New Year? How do I tie long shoe laces? What are the differences between elements, compounds and mixtures? Any ways to heal a broken heart? Is it a good idea starting up a solar power plant? For BTech in Aerospace Engineering in India, which one of IIST (Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology) and IITs is better? Why? Has god ever appeared before someone and given them money? How do I calculate RMSD? What is the remainder when 32^32^32 is divided by 7? Are ghosts real? Do they really possess people? Which is the best used car market place in India where I can get a good deal if I want to sell my old car and buy a new second hand car? What happened in the Apollo 13 mission? Is it a good idea to go to law school if you don't want to be a lawyer? What would happen if there was no Google? What are the answers to these riddles? Which is more democratic india or pakistan? How do I recover the photos in app lock vault in an Android mobile? What is the best country to study and settle as a chemical engineer? Can you explain how crude oil prices are decided? Has anyone scored above 90 in physics & chemistry, in class 12th CBSE boards, by just studying from sample papers in one month? "Gillian Anderson: What are some of the differences in playing Blanche DuBois in ""Streetcar named Desire"", Stella Gibson in ""The Fall"", and Dana Scully in ""X-Files""?" Who is the most beautiful woman on Game of Thrones? Do boiled eggs float? Who inspired you the most? Why do some life coaches use neuro-linguistic programming? Which book is best one for ibps po preparation? How can I improve my English quickly? Is it a good idea to be in a relationship with a psychologist/psychotherapist? What exactly is taught in an honours BA (political science) for four years? What is the purpose of life? What is the cheapest way to send money to India from the US? Is it wrong for a 27 year old girl having sex with 56 year old man? What are the problems faced by the toy industry? I completed my diploma in mechanical engineering and I will take admission for a B.Tech in college. I want to do work in the USA. What is the best way for me to get a job there? What is your position on abortion? How do I transform the T-Shirt? What is the best way to study for a competitive exam? What is the one thing I need to learn in order to look like a professional? Is it okay for a 16 year old guy to date a 21 year old woman? Why do grown people believe in religion? How can Asian people eat wheat three times a day? When will RICS construction management form will come? I have two big exams in May and June, but now I can't concentrate on my studies. What should I do? In cellular respiration, how is glucose broken down? How can you make some money sitting in home online? What is it like to be raped as a boy? Why are most musicians men? Where can I find the jaw crusher in Congo? Are Aliens living amongst us? Do fat people have smaller penises? How do I get a girl I like to like me back? What are the impacts of 7th pay commission? How much money should I have in the bank so that I don't need to work for the rest of my life? What is ionizing radiation? What does it mean to dream about having sex with someone? Can NRI get life insurance in India? If yes, would it provide cover the death risk anywhere in the world? What is the Home Depot paint return policy? How can I learn to play guitar online? "Name of a chill/minimal/tech-house song with lyrics ""say my name""?" Why have my mementoes stopped coming in Neko Atsume? Can I do a transaction with SBI on Paytm? I have a 3-month-old lab puppy. She is so fond of sweets that she does not eat any food without them. Also, she gets too excited when someone gives them to her. Is there any way to calm her excitement? What does it mean when I dream of my ex-boyfriend tormenting me about his newfound love? How can I apply to study medicine at Harvard University? Why does adderall make me feel calm? Which is the best bike for long rides? Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Pope County IL? Why do girls love to dance? What do you think will happen when you die? Which song did you sing in your childhood using your own words to make it a funny song? How do I simulate a network using SNMP Simulator? Why do people smoke while drinking alcohol? Do people hate Hitler? Why? What language is IBM Watson programmed in? What is good mobile phone under 10000? Why should I switch from Windows 7 to windows 10 on my HP laptop? What is the funniest thing you have ever heard/seen? What are the pros of an extended family? How can Google analytics for mobile help me with my A-B testing? Which is the best way of learning drums online? What are some interesting adult outdoor games? Porn Stars: Who is she? Why does it seem most intelligent people are liberals and uneducated people, conservative? How do you address a formal letter to a family? Which app has changed your life, and how? What are the most weird facts about India? How do you approach a woman/girl in a club? Why do black streaks appear on the tongue? What are the top schools Wall Street trading firms recruit from? Which BS/MD program is the best? Is Noam Kaiser a nationalist? What trivia (and/or little-known facts) do you find interesting about Texas? Is there any ski shuttle service from south Bay Area to Tahoe? Am I a loser with no meaningful life? Julia’s frogs are 2/5 of the amount of Rimma’s frogs Rimma gives 1/2 of her frogs to Julia what will be the ratio of Julia’s frogs to Rimma’s frogs? I am in love with a lesbian. What should I do? Every time I take a zinc pill it makes my hair fall out. Any idea why? What is the best everyday use laptop under INR 25k? How are rich people paid large sums of money? Are they paid in their own name or do they have corporations? How safe is it for a woman to travel alone in India? Why do my pimples (from Acne Vulgaris) subside in the night during sleep and aggravate during the day? How do I round off 2.5 , 3.5 , -2.5 and -3.5? How does fire burn in zero gravity? How can I change my address and mobile number in my Aadhaar card? How do I learn about stock market investing? How can I get a IP address by just the cell number? Why was Sam Bradford recently traded to the Minnesota Vikings? How does Facebook counts how many users viewed a YouTube video in the Feed? Why do so many people support Narendra Modi? Isn’t Arvind Kejriwal a more honest politician? Is staring at the moon dangerous? Why Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is not making its Political Donations Public? How safe is it for a woman to travel alone in India? How do I study for a programming test? What is it like to take DMT and ketamine together? How do I know if my friend doesn't want to be friends with me no more or never wanted to be friends with me at first? What are the most romantic things I can do with my girlfriend? How long is Captain America: Civil War? What is brownwash in cricket? Given an array of N integers, how can we find the number of all increasing subsequences in O(N*Log N) time? How are dams built? How can I absorb heat energy from an object? Is an M.Tech in RV college, Bangalore worthy? How can women reduce belly fat? Can I add USB 3.0 to my Mac Pro? How do you see Vladimir Nabokov's novel Lolita? Is it a good novel from your point of view? What will be the price to advertise on What are the greatest fears of a Piscean? Which laptop would be the best buy under 35k? What should I do to avoid sleep for studies? What brand of wristwatch has been your best buy? What should I do after a BTech in CSE? How do I solve a half wave rectifier with a voltage and resistance output? How can I turn a PowerPoint presentation into a YouTube video? Would it be more efficient for phones to make their camera switch side for selfies instead of putting 2 cameras? What are some tips for shooting better in basketball? How much marks should I score in NEET 2016 to get a seat in medical college or dental? Who are some people who have affiliations at both University of Washington and Caltech? What are some of the best photographs of nature ever taken? Are non-compete clauses illegal in California, and if not, why do many tech companies void that clause in severance agreements at the end of employment? How does one deal with distraction while studying? How do you unlock a Frigidaire oven? Why cant there be something like an online account/page for all the adult things one needs to have, do and know about? Do you support Palestine or Israel, and why? What are some major social faux pas to avoid when visiting Nigeria? What should be valued in a man? What might be the best way a guy can impress a girl? How much weight can be lost in 7 days? My colleague smells bad, what can I do? What are the side effects of using Spice? What will be the take home salary if wipro is paying 5LPA? Can women shave their heads? What is the importance of the tree in genetics? Why are Ekta Kapoor serials so popular? What is so special about the golden ratio? Are the Illuminati real or just drama? What's the best laptop for college? Is pornography an immoral practice? Which is better, Huawei Nexus 6P or OnePlus 3? What are Kant's duty ethics? Which are the most inspirational movies? Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Bryan County GA? Which is the best motor bike in the Royal Enfield series? How do I create a branded Bing Search engine to earn ad revenues? Can video tags affect my video views in YouTube? Why do girls wear panties? What is the most happiest moment in life? Do the vast majority of people who become rich get it through hard work or luck? What should I eat to get rid of belly fat? What is the most important point to be kept in mind while raising a child? How long would it take me to get comfortable driving a car? Why do some questions on Quora have long descriptions? How do I send anonymous emails? What are some elegant resume templates in LaTeX, or CSS for Markdown? Why did Donald Trump run for presidency only now? What kind of innovative gifts should boy give to a girl on a special occasion? Antibodies: Where can we get MMR titer test done in Bangalore? Which is the best smartphone brand? What is the easiest/most inexpensive way to set up a non-profit? Which is the best second hand car to buy in India? How can I get free WiFi for my village? How do I become an expert listener? Why don't some Muslims accept interests? I'm die-hard fan of Arijit Singh, how can I meet him? Which is the best agile software project management tool? How can I improve my knowledge of English? Where is Quora hosted? Why is polarization necessary in beam splitters? What are the weird nicknames that you have for you/your friends? Have India regained the No.1 spot in Test Rankings after beating NZ in the 500th Test Match? Blade Runner: Who is the actor/character who appears in the mirror when Deckard zooms in to reveal a person, in the 'mirror enhance scene?' Who was your favorite teacher in high school? What can a brick be used for? What is the largest meal you have ever eaten? My bf starts typing in search on instagram and naked girls pop up; his history was deleted does that mean he looked at their profiles? What is the difference between Melt point and melting point? What can I say in a FB message to a guy from work who I’ve texted/paged for work reasons, but have never met? Does German dairy cause diarrhea to IBS patients? What is the next super bowl number? What are some examples of homographs used in sentences? Which has better updates support — Chromium browser or Google Chrome? Is time travel possible? Why we need bioremediation? How is it done? Where is frequency modulation used? What are some interesting campus recruitment rejection stories? My rank is 291. What should I opt for in the IIT JEE? Are other mobile operators going to lose to Reliance Jio? What is the best question you came across in Quora? How does the human heart work? Which is the least number divisible by all the numbers between 1 to 19? Imagine that there's an inmate on death row. He commits yet another murder before his execution. Would the death sentence for the prior conviction be put on hold so that the due process for the latest murder can be carried out? Why are most civil engineers not good in designing? Which is best Nikon d3300 or Canon 1200d? Can I read deleted messages kik? "Is ""Horcrux"" the new word for ""Phylactery""?" What is the fee structure for M-Tech course offered in NITs? Is Washing machine motor a dc or an ac? What are some of the things that can happen if I keep driving my car with a broken tie rod? Islam: How did Islam become popular in the U.S.? What are steps required to setup a business? When can Bulgarians work in the UK? Do phone chargers charge slower when hot? Which are the best English or American tv shows to watch for women. (I am an English learner)? How do I determine my website's conversion rate? By month/ year/ 10k visitor milestone? How do I make an Instant messaging Android app? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Resource Capital? What is the literal meaning of the Korean word 보고 when translated into English? Have you ever encountered a ghost? Do they really exist? What is suitable to develop an Android app for AMD A8 processors? How are land reform and agrarian reform related? How can I reduce my belly fat? I do crunches everyday. Is it right to present the Nobel Prize for literature to singers? Why is Malaysia more expensive than Thailand? Is there any haunted place on the SVNIT campus? How much time does it takes to charge the power bank 6000mAh for full charge? Does he take goodbyes seriously? What do white French people think of non-white French people in France? How competitive is the hiring process at Cepheid? What are the tips and hacks for getting the classes that you want as a freshman at Idaho State? Who died withholding the biggest secret? How do I solve |2x+1| < |x+2|? What is the best way to download YouTube videos for free? Is $70,000 enough salary in Washington DC as a starting wage? How do I concentrate on studies without getting divert? Which country is better for immigration: Canada or Australia? What is the best way to give a PowerPoint presentation? What is the mystery behind crop circles? What is most of the water in California used for? How can I analysis my own website in the year 2017? Why are most song lyrics not straightforward? Why is there child labor if it is bad? What is the most shocking film ever? What are the pros and cons of low interest rates. Should I take out a loan? Why does Israel have nuclear weapons? Can an iOS App display a notification when the battery is low? What are places to be visited in and near Nagpur? How important is your psyche In psychology? How much does a football goalkeeper usually run in a 90 minute game? What are the pros and cons of being a product manager? How do I block or unblock someone on WhatsApp? What are the best TV series you ever watched and why? What makes Beats By Dre headphones so expensive? How old is too old to study medicine? How do I choose an Indian girl for marriage? Which colleges are considered grade A for the Tata Steel Inspire internship? "What is the translation of ""I don't like you"" in Japanese?" Do women find it acceptable for men to wear a bra? What should I do to enter hollywood? Who is Sundar Pichai? I use Autodesk inventor, is Intel HD graphics 620 good? What is the best way to make a girl believe that you truly love her? How do I nail a my cheating husband? The screen of my Samsung TV is not working. The sound is fine. Is there a way I can mirror the TV screen to my laptop or mobile? What are ways to make money online? What are some lesser known facts about GOT season 6? Why should we take IT subject in IT? In how many languages can UGC NET Exam be given? Why does our head flop when we sleep? Why are .aspx files browser compatible while many other files are not? What happens internally when these files are loaded on browser? What are the problems faced by people in india? What are the best quptes (in your opinion) said by Lemony Snicket? Will Palestine recognize the Armenian Genocide? I am an NITian and I'm pursuing a BTech in engineering physics from NIT Calicut. How can I join ISRO? How do I balance work and home? How can someone living in India get a job as a software developer in Europe? I have 4 years of experience in product development in e-commerce. I cheated on my wife accidentally because I mistakenly believed her to be cheating on me? Should I confess? Should you list a 3.1 GPA on your resume? Who owns the copyright on an in-game screenshot? Why do many people consider Age of Empires II as a better game than Age of Empires III? How do I improve brain power? How do you stay safe in Israel? If I delete my gmail account from one device, are my emails still on my other devices? When I study English I always feel sleepy. Why? Why do teenagers crave for girl's love forgetting the unconditional mother love? Why is Google still using Java. Which language is better, Java or Python? Why is the negative binomial distribution important? Whats the best way to loose weight? Is using hair shampoo color safe to use or this have side effects like any other dye i.e. burning sensation and hair loss? What client finding strategies should I adopt as a high-end freelance infographics designer with impressive samples? Does SDM/DSP get facilities & perks like DM/SP? Why to sell gold coins bought from bank? Why is the Bible copyrighted? What is the difference between repo rate n reverse repo rate? What happens when a vampire bites a vampire? My dad is 60 years old,I'm 17 I feel like I can't communicate with him anymore, please help? How many oz is in a pound? Is there a good book to learn the script style in ColdFusion? How do I approach an internship in the mechanical engineering field? What kind of compensation can I expect from Delta Airlines after waiting for 48 hours after my flight landed, for my bag to be delivered to me? What are hormones? Why do humans need pets? What are examples of inorganic molecules? How do I get invites from Dribbble? "A B&W music video by ""Various Artists"" used to play regularly on MTV India between 1989-1992. Song was in some Oriental language. The song?" Why does my brain hurt when I'm learning to play the cello? What are some of the best foreign fantasy novels that have been translated to English? Is there any way about how to make money online? I am 18 and my hairs are turning grey rapidly…can I get some good advices on diet and workout to implement? Why is it always BJP only opposing any remarks made by politicians in support of terrorist activities, & no other political party is dared to oppose? What are some tips for being a good peer mentor? How can I get into Yale(MBA)? What would happen to the world if the ice melts? How do I hack a phone? Emoticons: What does this mean? :^) What is the programming language with the biggest library? What does a guy think about a girl who proposes him in India? Who are some lesser known important historical figures of Norway and what should people know about them? People criticize Obama for being unprofessional for making a BuzzFeed video, or doing an actual segment on The Colbert Report (a few months ago). Are people who call Obama unprofessional for this correct? Should he take the moniker and job of U.S. President more seriously? What is best way to talk with attractive female stranger? In light of the fact that many conspiracy theories turn out to be true, why are conspiracy theorists considered nuts? How much it could cost to get Keyshia Cole to a private party? Who is the mockingbird in To Kill a Mockingbird? What are signs of the Judgement Day according to Islam? Is Baariz really a cure for HIV? What do Italian girls and women think about Indian men? What is importance of sex in life? Could I be pregnant? Period is late? Why is Jon son of Rhaegar and Lyanna? He doesn't have Silver White hair as that of Targaeryans. Could R+L mean Robert and Lyanna? If you were to change one decision in your life, what would it be? Is it possible to make people invite their email friends to see our website? What are some creative ideas for computer science final year projects? What are the advantages and disadvantages of water privatization? Where can I find the jaw crusher in Lesotho? What is a good substitute for lemon thyme in a recipe? How do I open a juice bar? How do I connect with people? What caused the French Revolution of 1848? What is the difference between strong acid and corrosive acid? Why aren't some strong acids highly-corrosive but some weak acids are highly-corrosive? Was Kemal Ataturk an agnostic or atheist? My sister is 12 years old. She always scores 13 over 16 in her essays. Is there any way to teach her how to make a good essay? What are some different kinds of brand strategies in marketing? How can we solve Nepal's energy crisis? What do you have to do when you are sad? Was Elvis Presley better than the Beatles? How can you tell if someone is lying on the phone? Who provides the best coaching classes for the CAT between T.I.M.E.S. or Byju's? I want to study Astrophyisics/ Cosmology. What courses should I take after Graduating from class 12 assuming I score above 85%? What should I carry before going to watch an IPL match live? A package had the right address but the USPS delivered it to the wrong address. It was delivered to a PO Box and we have no address. What can we do? "Is it correct to say ""had gotten""? If not, then what is the proper way to say it?" Why is inheritance bad in Java? Can I take up math, chemistry and biology for the KVPY exam? Are Hindi and Urdu essentially same languages? Can I join air force after completion of aerospace engineering? In flying branch? Can I download any image from Quora? How many students approx are there in gulf with 2400 in SAT Subject test? What are the best TV series for 1-2 year olds? How was Jesus crucified? What are the best horror movies of 2015 so far? Is it easy to get into Google after one year of experience or as a fresher? What are some of the main problems caused by over population? How can they be solved? Can I receive money on Paypal without a bank account? What are the top 5 Bollywood songs of 2016? How does one transition from an engineering role to a product management role? If somehow you could travel to Alpha Centauri and explore it, but it would mean never coming back to earth, would you go? What is the difference between Binary Tree and Linked Lists? How do I know if I'm sadistic? What are the best institutes to study a big data course in Chennai and Bangalore? How can I increase my concentration while reading? Why did my dog growl at me? What is the best way to learn Hebrew (for Arabic speakers)? How can I spell check PDF documents? Is Monavie a scam? Why does the Brita water filter cause the water to be black? How many cards are in a deck? What's the difference between a Project Manager and a Product Manager? Who is going to win uefa champions league this season 2015-2016? A particle moves along the x-axis according to the relation [math]x = 6t - t^{2} + 36[/math]. In which time interval does it travel in the positive x direction? How many houses can get electricity with 1 mwh for a day? What should I do if I missed twice on my arm while shooting meth? Why do companies like Nintendo and Konami send cease and desist letters to their customers after they built some version of their game? How will the move for non-tenderisation of 500 and 1000 Rupee notes affect property rates? In the skirmish at Malfoy Manor, if Draco was sent instead of Wormtail to check on the captives, would he have allowed them to escape? Is Naruto the strongest hokage? "Is it grammatically correct to say ""sent to me"" or ""sent me""?" What are some ways to improve memorizing? "What is the difference between ""if"" and ""whether"" in English?" Why should anyone vote for AAP in Goa 2017 assembly elections? "I tried verifying my number on WhatsApp many times but it won't detect and then I get the message ""voice verification failed too many times"". What should I do?" How do moderate Muslims interpret and/or deal with controversial passages in Quran What paint colors can I mix to make different shades of orange? What is more important: to feel love, to hear love, or to taste love? How can I begin my career in software engneering? Has anyone donated a part of their liver before and what is your quality of life now? Does a police officer get to keep his weapon after a shooting? "Where did the phrase, ""If you mess with the bull you get the horns"" originate?" How can I get rid of unwanted thoughts? I am getting URTI with minor climate or food, drink changes. How shall I enhance my immunity? How can I determine if the HVAC system cleaning was effective? Why don't many people posting questions on Quora check Google first? How does a person know that they are going through depression? Why do people ask questions in Quora they could easily search via Google, Bing or Wikipedia? Where are the legendary Pokémon locations in Pokémon GO? Where can I get very accommodating & competitively priced house painting services in Brisbane? How many of you have taken a pledge for the Clean India mission? How do I start preparing for UPSC exam? What's the best way to deal with this? Both Cornelius Sulla and Julius Caesar became dictators of Rome. But why is Julius Caesar more popular than Sulla? How can I earn huge amounts of money? How is six distance measured in cricket? Planning a trip to Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh and Uttrakhand in December! Can anyone suggest best and affordable fun places for the trip? From where can I buy modafinil online in india without prescription? Is there a polite way to refer to a salesperson? What is an effective diet to burn fat and lose weight? What is the difference between BSC-IT and BE- IT? How is Azim premji university? How tough is it to get admission? What is the total number of government MBBS seats through AIPMT? Can silverfish be harmful to humans in any way? What are legal ways someone can sell you a gun without running any checks? Do any other tech companies besides Microsoft use C#? What is the strangest/weirdest/funniest/most absurd/you name it compliment you have received or given? Which anime streaming site is better? DAISUKI or Crounchyroll? Why? Is there a better legal option? What is the best game of Android? How would American history be different if slaves had never been brought to the New World? Who is your pick for president Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? What is your best experience? Why do people keep pet hyenas? Why is Reagan so idealized, often compared to Lincoln? What is questions I should ask to a girl during arranged marriage meeting if I have just 10 min. time? Which is the best movie of Amitabh Bachchan? When making an Instagram account, do contacts get a notification when you sign up? How could I improve my English? What are good side dishes for baked salmon? Is it possible that a woman can be in love with 2 men at a same time? Comic Books: Is Batman a failure? I have scored 510 in NEET 2016 phase 1. Can I get Govt medical college in Orissa? what are the best aircraft fighter jets ? where hal tejas stand ? Which is the best book for learning python for absolute beginners on their own? WHERE ARE THE MANUFACTURING COMPANIES MORE IN INDIA? What is meant by 'sight Imagery'? How do I never care what other people think and how do I stop getting nervous whenever people judge me? Human Behavior: Does it make me a bad person if I don't agree with gay marriage, or am I entitled to my own opinion? Do any one know anything about risk browser used for catastrophic risk modelling? What are the legal separation laws in PA and how do they compare with the ones in New Mexico? At work when I'm asked if I want to go out for meals at lunchtime (which are really expensive in London) and I say 'No thanks. I can't afford it,' it seems to annoy people. Why is this and what would be better to say? What is the approximate total cost of one week couple trip to Andaman? "What was the movie ""Roy"" all about?" What is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Clay County AR? I've been proposed a simple agreement for future equity for 7% of my startup. What should I know about that? "Who makes the films in ""The Man In The High Castle""?" Is trimming or shaving pubic hair more amenable? What data will I lose should I choose to override Adwords Auto tagging with a UTM tag? What is the best way to attract qualified traffic to my website? Why does the English alphabet have 26 letters? What is the most unfortunate thing that's ever happened to someone? Does an electron in the ground state always have an energy of -13.6 eV? If yes, why? Who will win the Euro 2012 football tournament? How do you respond to a girl who never stops texting? Where can one undertake good web designing weekend classes in Pune? Which is the best coaching center in Allahabad for banking and SSC? What are the legal rights of son in the property of his father? Why do people hoard Tumblr URLs? To get rid of air pollution in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata etc. What measures should be taken? Is showering more than once per day bad for you? What are some must-watch Malayalam movies? "Why are the terms ""alpha"" and ""beta"" becoming more common when referring to men and women?" How do I link a submit button to another webpage using HTML? How do I buy Nespresso Capsules Filling Sealing Machine? "What is your opinion on Dell Inspiron 15 5000 2-in-1 (Specs: 7th Gen i7, 8Gb, 1Tb, 15.6"")? What are your reviews about it this product?" What are the chances of admission in DTU and NSIT with 128 marks in the JEE Mains and 94.8 in the CBSE? How do deaf and blind people watch movies? Are skills used in applications of Python to one discipline transferable to applications of Python in another discipline? How do we waste water when we keep a tap running? Doesn't it go back into the water cylce anyway? Why does my ex still want to remain friends with me although she's completely moved on? I don't understand her logic. What is the most happiest thing happened to you when you look back in to your life? How do I score more 250 in jee mains 2017? Performance test engineer switching from Infosys to other. How much ctc should I expect as I have 1 year experience? Why do Turks continue to deny the Armenian genocide? How does the Windows 10 free update work? What are some mind-blowing facts about Sweden? What is a Lagrange multiplier? Should I learn Node.js or Ruby on Rails? What's wrong with living on the Upper East Side in Manhattan? What is the best home theater projector based on price and quality? Why doesn't India have a uniform civil code? What is the best part of college life? How can someone stop loving a wrong person? What are some sad acoustic songs? Electrical Safety: What should you do if a power line falls on your car? Who does not want universal health care in the United States? And why? How do I approach girls in budapest? When making a decision, how do you weigh your options? Ancient Mysteries: Is there a phenomenon behind the Shiva lingas in Kathgarh? Which is better: Vivo or Xiaomi? In what ways are earlobes able to signal leadership potentials? What are some of the biggest flaws of Quora? How do you get cirrhosis of the liver? How are the placements at shiv nadar university? How do I get jobs in Ireland? What are some of the misconceptions you have which you got from watching porn? What are girls' thoughts about first love? What is IUPAC name of this Why do people ask questions on Quora before checking on Google? Beggars should we give money or not? What is your favorite 90s song from Bollywood? How do you deal with anxiety? In Outlook 2016 (Mac), where is the imported .PST data files? How can one get rid off his/her selfishness? What is the internal code of pow() function in C? Is my ex interested in me or more? How can one remove sun tans and lighten the skin back to its original color? Can I get visa without GRE score? How can I get a job overseas (in a country where I'm a citizen)? Can I withdraw PF without UAN? What are the best courses on Udemy and why? Do Arabs consider themselves white? How can I dye my hair blonde without bleach? What is the maximum temperature an average human body can tolerate? Which engineering college is best in bangalore? How do I go onto MyPark on NBA 2k17? What is America like with all those guns around? How would you create $100 worth of value? Is there afterlife? I am right handed and I want to do everyday-things also with my left hand. What kind of tasks should I do at first to accomplish my goal? What is the reason why every student is not able to get into an IIT? How can I earn money as a student in India? Docker: Which Fortune 500 companies are using Docker? "Is ""I'm sorry you feel that way"" a real apology? Why?" What would happen if the world were tilted so that the North Pole were at 60 N and the South Pole were at 60 S? Hi , Iam Sriram. I am basically interested in exploring things / technology. I am in production, interestgin but situations make me de motivated? What is the best movie download site for mobile? How can I get back my ex girlfriend? What are the signs and symptoms of claustrophobia? "What is the translation of ""happy birthday"" in Greek?" What are the advantages of a unitary form of government? What are the best beaches in Ibiza? What does one need to get an admit to Northwestern University or CMU for a master's in data analytics? What are some examples of a food chain? Why does India need several aircraft carriers and a powerful navy when nobody had threatened them from sea or have maritime conflict with them? Is it easy to sell your items on Amazon? What is the process to do that? Gyms and Workout Facilities: Is swimming a good way to lose weight? What is the 20 second rule? What is the revenue model of location based services? Why should we learn new languages? Is there any platform that brings together Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Advertising, Linkedin, Adroll and the like? Why is Kolkata so dirty? What are the most profitable business sectors? What are balanced chemical equations? How do we know the speed of transfer when connected to a WiFi router? What is the most traumatizing story you've heard from someone? What are the best male masturbation techniques? What language do minions speak? Is there a way to learn it? From where I can get the best subtitles for my TV shows and movies and also which site uploads the fastest? Which is the best website to download game of thrones season 6? What's the song in this video? "What are the differences between ""Although"",""Though"", and ""Albeit""? In what conditions are each of the above used?" What should I know when visiting your country? How we get rid of fear? Are there any shooting ranges in Kiev? Why do people ask questions that they know the answer to? Does metaphysics exist in the realm of science? How do I stay away from greed to make more money and just focus on my work selflessly? What strategy do utterly successful people employ in their lives to reach pinnacle in their respective fields? What do Delhi University girls (especially North Campus) think of FMS guys? What problem can I face in India and abroad when my name on ID cards is name and surname but on my degrees name and kumar or only name? How scraping 500 and 1000 rupee currency notes helps stopping future black money transactions? How long does it take to go from Italy to Florida on a cargo ship? Which laptop is good for under 20000 INR? Why don't Japanese schools allow jewelry? What are the best pictures that showcase life? University of Alberta: Do top software companies like Google, Microsoft recruit undergraduates, grads from UAlberta? How much does it cost to get a private pilots license? What are some food that help you lose weight? What is satellite? Does the US allow dual citizenship? I am a 30-year-old female dentist living in Pakistan, but my passion is to see the world. How can I achieve my goal given the Pakistani passports are bad for travelling and I am not rich either? If you had the chance to live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why? Do sc/st /obc category people take advantage of reservation even if they are wealthy and educated? What should I expect as a freshman in college? What US medical schools accept foreign credits? I want to improve my english level. What is the reaction mechanism of decarboxylation of aromatic compounds? What is the possibilities to confirm e-ticket if GNWL is 52? What is Twitter's business model? What source of revenue do investors see as a return on their investments? How do you replace a wheel bearing? Which are best horror movies as on 2016? How should I prepare for a business strategy associate interview at Google? At this point in time, is the 2016 presidential race the weirdest one ever? How will the IT sector in India be after ten years? How can I be perfect in English language? What is the word that means to have a strong sense of self? How much does it cost to build a Costco store? How do I get into McKinsey, BCG, Bain, if I am not from a tier-I management institute? Can you describe an incident that changed your life? Why is Marc Bodnick leaving Quora? Do I really need a mass gainer? Which regulation issues do we need to think of when starting up a company that introduces FOREX brokers to investors, in Singapore? Common Admission Test (CAT): Which institute is better for the CAT in Jaipur, Career Launcher or T.I.M.E.? Why do we not know much about Russia as a nation, its culture, people, traditions, etc., although it is one of the most powerful nations in the world? How skilled is Tony Stark as a hacker if he hacked the Pentagon on a high school dare? When I go trick or treating what should I bring to prevent being bombarded by clowns? How does disease modeling via stem cells work? What's the difference between Gandhi and Mandela? Why are suburban local trains in Mumbai always crowded? Has anyone ever been rejected by Amity University Noida? Does ghost still exist? How long does it take to get your hair back after chemo? How do people manage to work from home? What are exams that I can prepare doing my btech in Computer science? How long are US bank account numbers? What are the chances of getting an STD? What can be done to avoid this? How much is the in-hand salary at Mphasis during the training period? How do you inhale when smoking a cigarette? Can I use a USB 3.0 device in a USB 2.0 port? What is a site to make good money by filling up surveys? What is the best one? How can I delete photos from my iPhone but keep them in iCloud? What is the the best way to prepare for the admission test TIL-Engineering? Hunters: What emotion do you feel as you prepare to shoot an animal? Why do you do it? How do I become a good singer? How did they go about building Google maps? How do you become friends with German Policemen? What’s the difference between received and delivered Snapchats? What is it like to grow up bilingual in a place where most people are monolingual? How many days will it take to convert Airtel pospaid to prepaid? What are some good sites for reading books of Indian authors online? When will there be an American Pope? How should I go about making a hard life decision? What are some tips to get a Nidoking in Pokemon GO? What is the black web? Scuba Diving: How do I maintain my PADI certification? Is it normal not to ejaculate while you masturbate? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in East Timor?" Why do people with depression push others away? What are the criteria that companies recruiting from IIMs, FMS, and XLRI look for among students? Who founded How can I change the spark plug wires on a VW Cabrio? How did you get your nickname? What happened to What are some great examples of biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials? Does average people discuss about TV or other people's life in their pass time? If I feel annoyed listening to them, am I normal? Do applicants for tech jobs in the Indian army also need to go through the snake race and the individual obstacle test? Is any such test taken for tech jobs in the air force? Is pattern recognition the same as pattern matching? Will you be discussing politics on Thanksgiving day, or will you be carefully avoiding the topic? How do I deposit a check at a Bank of America ATM? How can you customize a Lenovo laptop? I have a Mercury 4.0.3. How do I update to 4.1? What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Lee County NC? How do I improve coding skills in c++? I am an intelligent student. I wasted around 7-8 months of 11th standard without studying much. Can I still hope to get into IITs/BITS? How will Trump and his supporters react after the election if he loses? Is happiness directly inversely proportional to contact with others on the internet? As a 16 year old, do you use an electro-shave to shave your peach fuzz/cheeks? And do you go up or down? What are some of the best movies based on true events? How does dinosaur meat taste? What is the one core essence of psychology? What is the business model of a trade/sell goodies mobile app? Is it suitable to start preparing for GATE exam from 4th Year BE IT? Sucking nox from air? What are the differences between Windows 7 and Windows 8? What are the special POINT for getting CONFIRM TATKAL in ANY TRAIN? How can I avoid a sprained pelvis? Why would some people believe the Holocaust was not real? What are the best and worst things about public transit in Los Teques, Venezuela? How could it be improved? What happens when you stare into someone's eyes for a full 10 minutes? Do elite colleges really care if you don't do all your service for one organization? How do I work efficiently? What is the best quarterback rivalry of all-time? Major depressive and amphetamines? How can we prove that a database schema is free of update anomalies? I have 57% in CBSE 12 Boards, Will it affect my future in terms of placement for big companies after engineering? I loved a girl, even she loved me. Now she doesn't care about me (friend zoned). How do I forget all my feelings without hurting her? What entrance exams should I prepare for? How do I deal with a break-up? Npat 2016 rank is 3696. Will I get admission in Mumbai or Shirpur campus? How do I watch Suits season 5 episode 3? Why it is that laser light travels straight while other light get scattered? What are Mutual funds? How do they work? Which developed country in the world is the easiest to immigrate to, for Nigerians? What is the best way to become an analyst? How do I emigrate to Sweden? I am 90℅ commerce maths student and love maths. Shall I go for actuary? Is simple always better in UX design? Are there good examples where more complexity is necessary? What is the Indian caste system and how does it work? Where can I hire professional painting contractors in Brisbane? Who is the biggest traitor of the history of Greece? What has been the most motivational speech you've ever heard? How is the future for ABAP with BW? What if I lose my 10th boards admit card? I deleted my Facebook, is there a way to get it back? Why is no Quora app available? What is shear force diagram? What is that one incident that changed your life completely? Why don't atheists demand a separate country? Can you name something you should never insert in your rectum? If Bill Gates donates so much of his money, how is he still one of the top three richest people in the world? Why do people tell me I am pretty, even though I disagree? What is the best treatment for hair loss? Does warming up food in a microwave destroy the nutrients? What is the difference between a teaser and a poster? What is your favorite position during sexual intercourse? Why? How much does Lizard Lick make per episode? If I want to buy a new car from a dealer with cash, is it normal that I need to pay all the cash to the dealer before I get the car? Why do planets rotate? How is make reflecting telescop? How we get rid of fear? How can I find out what the real reasons are why women don't like me? How does crude oil prices impact the inflation in India? What is the definition of true beauty? How can I improve my physics at school? Can I lease car without a license? What are some weird/funny questions asked on Quora? What are some really cool and innovative fun activities/game ideas, which can be played at a corporate team event? How can I increase my concentration on studies? How can a young black woman who is attracted to white men, attract them? How much is 12 lakh crore rupees in US dollars? What is the used of Zero Subtotal Checkout panel? Do humans have DNA that is found in other species? What are the most relevant mobile devices to test a mobile site on? Is backward time travel possible? How much do brake pads cost on a 2006 Mazda 6 "What does the medical term ""ICU"" mean?" Could the universe just be a computer simulation? What adhesive or chemical can make newsprint paper hard and crisp like papad? What are some rumours listening which you have just googled it to verify? How do you cure halitosis? How do I shape my body in two months doing only yoga? Can we use router as a switch and how? Disadvantages of coffee? How do you change the color of an object (like a circle) from white to black and back to white in MS-Excel (R) by clicking on the object? Which programming language is used to make Android Apps? What are some examples of social issues? How much is this mathematical formula regarding one's wife right? Waiting List 2 in Chennai Rajdhani for 18 Dec. Will it get confirmed? Which is your favorite startup and why? What is the best movie ever made? Which is the best Facebook comment ever? Can India really be changed? What are GitHub and Git? What are their uses? How can I meet Shah Rukh Khan? Beyond BIM (building Information Modeling): What is next for the AEC Industry? What is the strangest combination of two foods you’ve ever eaten? Are girls allowed inside boys PG in Bangalore? What am I supposed to blog about on Quora? Which is a better city to live in, Delhi or Mumbai? Will time travel be possible in the next 10 years? Are vapes just as effective as nicotine patches for quitting cigarettes? What do you think of ordinary Chinese people? "I recently came across the fact that the name of our country India was created by the British and it stands for ""Independent Nation Declared In August."" Is this true?" What would happen if Pakistan attacks India with nuclear weapons? Where are the religious organizing branches of minorities within the country? Where/how can I adopt a puppy dog in bangalore? What are the common first signs of pregnancy? How can I tell if I'm pregnant? What are the symptoms? How do I convince my parents to let me dye my hair brown? What is the opposite of 'householder' in Buddhism? What are some good software platforms to develop a professional certification platform for my company? How many days after a missed period, is a negative urine pregnancy test considered conclusive? Will India lose Arunachal Pradesh to China? Challenges faced by flipkart with COD transactions? How do I set up a small gym in home? How do you pick up girls at a restaurant? Why am I not able to lose fat from my lower belly? What is a day dream? What breed is my dog? Who let the dogs out? About sql dba? Is Kapil Sharma really spontaneous in his show Comedy nights with Kapil? Which is more better BDS or microbiology? What are some alternatives to yelp in India? What was the worst mistake of your life? Did you correct it? If so, how? I have almost 55k followers on Instagram and no brands have contacted me yet. How do people earn money from Instagram? Is 55k not enough? I desperately need money. How can I get $10,000 (US dollars) fast, legal, and without needing to return it? How do I make money by uploading videos on youtube? Why should one watch Hindi TV shows? Which is the best Web Hosting company in India? Can I get a admission in any physiotherapy college in maharashtra if I get 86 marks in CET? What is the most demanding job in the world? How long can you keep homemade vegetable soup in the fridge? What are some 3 letter animal species? How can you improve your communication skill? What are the best 3G offers? What are some cultural taboos in the United States of America? How do value added resellers work? What are some cultural differences between Canadians and Americans? Can I join Indian Air Force after completing an engineering course from IIT? How many lines of code are in the Linux kernel? How do you use the word exasperated in a sentence? What is your biggest weakness and why? What's the worst that can realistically happen under a Trump administration with a fully Republican Congress? Why is Silicon Valley important to history? Which is the best specialization course for an MS in chemical engineering in the US? What are some tips to concentrate when reading or at work? I find my mind wanders and I know I am not being as productive as I should be. What fast food chain is the best to work for? Does Superman die in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice? What is it like to be a top student? Can I stay with my girlfriend in OYO Rooms in Hyderabad? How many calories are in a bowl of shoyu ramen? Can you upload photos to Instagram? If so, how? What are some packers and movers in Gurgaon? Can I text a number I've blocked? Why did most of Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna and South Tyrol vote YES in the referendum while the rest of Italy voted NO? Why should we use Emacs? Where can I read erotic stories in Korean? What is it like to browse Facebook while on psychedelics? Why should we respect our National Anthem and National Flag? How can I make money online without any investment? If you ruled the world, what would you do? What is the best argument against drug use? What is the best argument for drug use? Why did Jordan Burroughs perform so poorly in the 2016 Rio Olympics? Have you ever had to use a martial art you have learnt? I have lied to everyone that I have cleared UPSC prelims this year and I am extremely guilty? What is the equation of second law of thermodynamics? Startup Culture: What are some tech companies that are friendly towards employee's side projects? I want to order a hair straightener for my sister living in US.. can anybody help me with the brand I should order? Is there any harm if you wear socks and sleep during the night? What are things to do when deleting an app from an Android, and wanting all traces of the app to be gone from the phone? What are some hotels in Goa where unmarried couples are allowed to stay? Is LinkedIn Secure? If I have my contacts hidden can someone still find a way to view or download the information from my account? How do you know if you're in love? What are the simplest, easiest ways to lose more weight? Who are the best people on the Internet to follow (reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Quora, blogs, other social networks) if I'm interested in Asperger's? Which institution is better for CAT, Endeavor or T.I.M.E.? How do I browse Amazon Add On items list? What are some good ways for introverted guys to meet introverted girls? What is it like to lead a married life without kids? Are there any react native and Meteor tutorials? When people speak of Americans, are Puerto Ricans included? My USB phone charger gets hot then keeps cutting out. I am using a 18650 lithium battery connected to a charge/discharge board. Why does it do this? How can you describe selfishness and selflessness? How do I overcome mental barriers which are preventing me to realize my desire and work hard in studies to achieve it? What are some good resources to learn game development and design? How is the word 'perceive' used in a sentence? How do I make homemade telescope? How can I be open-minded? Does the Hindu Marriage Act apply to atheists? Can you get cancer from mold? How does one overcome depression and anxiety? What programs do I need to know to write a social media app where people can follow others and comment on different posts? Is Ben Affleck the right actor to play Batman? How do I get into the Indian Air Force after completing a BTech? How do I reduce belly fat in minimal time? Which is the best book to learn about data structures using C? How do we start a business? How will Brexit affect India? Do tomboys get married? How do I prepare for SAIL MT Ceramic exam? Problems faced by rural women in home? Can I get mechanical engineering at BITS Pilani with a score of 349 in BITSAT 2016? I started using Code Academy and know some basics. What do I need to get started making an app? What is the best compiler for a Mac to build an app for iOS and Android? What are perks and CTC offered to management trainee(E2) in Coal India Limited? Is perks included in the inhand salary or are they given separately? Can you boil water at 0°C? Why do some people think NoFap is bad? Will time travel ever become possable? What author has written the most books? How secular is Islam? Should I join the Army or the Marine Corps? What would happen if the presidential nominee died before the November election? Where can I found stylish, custom designed and DIY wardrobes at competitive prices in Sydney? What is feminism? Why do I not get friends? I am a good girl, I concentrate in my work but why do people mock and talk back at me ? How should I face this? I have really dark brown eyes and I have noticed that I have a blue ring around my eyes. What is it? What are the career options after finishing engineering? Should I buy a fabric steamer or a clothes iron? How do I build a drone? Why am I not able to concentrate in studies nowadays? Why do you think people should follow you on Quora? How can I get rid of small mosquitos in kitchen? How can we read the minds of people infront of us.? What is your favorite anime character? And why? How do you know if something is healthy for you? How can I get dual citizenship in Canada and the U.S.? What is the best price and quality VR glasses? Who are the best people on the Internet to follow (Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Quora, blogs, other social networks) if I'm interested in play? What is antenna? How to design core balance current transformer? Explain lateral rigidity? What are some good gifts I can give my parents on their 25th anniversary? Can a family live comfortable on $450,000 a year in New York City? What is the English word for ദുരവസ്ഥ? How does meiosis lead to genetic variation and why is this variation important? How do birds hear sounds? Are parallel universes real? Who is the most inspirational character in the Harry Potter series, and why? What is the difference between the primary colors of light, and the primary colors? How does climbing Aconcagua compare to climbing Kilimanjaro? Why did Ghost Adventures get cancelled? How do I clear coat a boat? I just saw the documentary on Anthony Weiner. Why does it seem like I've seen it all before. Was there another doc or film several years ago? Why did Times New Roman become the default font for academic papers? Why do I love girls and feet? Can I get pregnant 10 days before period date? Should I learn Python or C++ if I already know C? Who is competent to dissolve Rajya Sabha? How are batch and online processings different? Who is current CM of Tamil Nadu? Which IIT is best for computer science and engineering? What is important in life? Why do IIT and NIT girls have so much attitude? How do I cash the fake checks I receive in the mail? How do I choose a major? Why did Adolf Hitler commit suicide? Which scooter is best to buy? What does firewalls protect against? How do you unlock a keypad on a laptop? What is the full form of XD? Why does is it matter that we identify ourselves to a certain group of people? What do the French think of India, and its people? How does file compression work? Are Karan Johar and SRK dating? Where can I watch The Profit (CNBC) season 1 and season 2 free? Someone in WhatsApp deleted and blocked me. I didn't delete his contact, and after two weeks his profile picture and status appeared. His 'last seen' is not visible. If he comes online, can I see it? My train has been diverted and it is not touching my boarding station.Will I get FULL refund upon cancellation or should I file TDR for full Refund? What will be my JEE Mains rank with 86% and Mains marks? What does being a woman mean to you? How old is too old to enroll in Stanford/Harvard/MIT undergraduate programs (CS)? What are the best restaurants in Portland, OR? What should be the maximum usage of cell phones/mobiles that is healthy on a daily basis? Which book is better for introduction to microprocessor? Is cereal just another form of soup? I want to do masters of engineering in Australia. I'm confused between manufacturing & mechanical engineering. Which course from this two has better job offering & scope in Australia? Is Donald Trump a Zionist or Jewish puppet? How much do Android developers make from their apps? Do Xiaomi mobiles work in the US? Can a relationship between two people with a 20-30 year age difference last for a long time? What about when one of them gets really old and may need care? Where can I found different types of colorful shutter in Sydney? Due to the current events in Paris, is it safe to transit through Istanbul with Turkish Airlines? How do I learn English? Why should we plant trees? Which has the best program for rural management, XIMB, IRMA, or the Indian Institute of Rural Management at Jaipur? Can anyone share their collection of barber shop pictures from their personal collection from 90(s) or early 2000? I am doing research for short film. How can I forget my best friend? Why are The Beatles the greatest band in history? What will be the impacts on Indian economy after the Prime Minister's decision of barring the 500 and 1000rs notes? Who is currently the best stand up comedian? How can I get investors? Is there a service which gives you a free phone number which can be used to verify a Yahoo account? How would you describe the emotion of long-term romantic love? Should I go for BA Economics or MA Economics from IGNOU? How is the word 'reluctance' used in a sentence? How is Jeremy Lin so effective? Where should I start learning about Hacking? Can a prisoner that has a TV in his cell watch the show Prison Break? How do you invest in this volatile market? How do you calculate the pKa value of CH3OH? What are your opinions about Modi Government's decision to declare Rs 500 & Rs 1000 notes no longer as legal tender? How do find GMO foods in India? What causes erectile dysfunction and how do you prevent it? How is time travel possible? Why Indian politics is so confusing? How do I find a number which when divided by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 individually gives remainder respectively 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0? What are the advantages of landlocked countries in Asia? Which has more/better protein: fresh chicken or canned tuna? What is an abstract class? Exams are up and my heart is broken and I can't concentrate on studies. What should I do? Do I have to file taxes if I only made 1200? Why are ornaments of Chhattisgarh famous? What is the top animal on the food chain? How is the internship experience at IISc? Is circumcision a ritualisitic mutilation of men in the West? What the difference between desire and lust? How is the coaching at the Ace Academy in Hyderabad for GATE mechanical preparations? How can I sell a movie script? How does superstition form and spread? Java (programming language): What are some recommended books, and online resources for learning Java for beginner, intermediate, and advanced programmers? Who are the best pest control agency in Sydney? How do you think is the news on channels like Zee News, ABP News, Aaj Tak different from DD News? How long does it take for an average man to ejaculate? How do I deal with procrastination? How can I get rid of the pain when swallowing? Was Jesus a lunatic, a liar, or the Lord? How were Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone's performances in La La Land? Do transgender individuals who used hormones during their transition have observations about how hormones affect behavior, cognition and emotions? How exactly are synthetic eggs produced? How do I reach out to international architects for export from India? What does the number of valence electrons determine, and how is it calculated? Can I see the browsing history of my router? What are front end and back end compilers? What is the difference between manslaughter and second degree murder? What are some good birthday gift ideas for a mom? What are some ways to write a strong letter requesting a donation from friends and family? How do I improve decision making power? What are the songs related to Krishna River? Why do I often answer the last part first? Is Business Insider a legitimate news source? What is the Best free film making book? What are the tips to reduce chest fat? Is discrimination for marital status that citizenship through marriage to a US citizen takes only 3 years as opposed to 5 in other cases? What does perfect mean for you? Why the letters on the keyboard are not arranged alphabetically? How should I improve my english communication skills? How do you download iPhone backup from iCloud to a PC? Role of ICC? How is Ruby a high level programming language? Which is the best VLSI institute apart from VEDA IIT, Maven Silicon, Sandeepani and RV-VLSI? Is there a better VLSI institute? Does menstrual bleeding reduce with age? What is hydrogen gas? I am a luxury brand lover. How do I convince my parents to buy me and themselves things from luxury brands (we can afford them)? Why do doctors make so much money? What is the truth behind the 52Hz Whale? "Is there a verb form of ""extinct""?" What is Explainer Video Company? 75seconds. Instagram says that I need to verify my account by putting my phone number in, but I don't have one and there is no other option. What should I do? What is reaction of methanol and ethanoic acid? Is it safe for Swiss citizens to travel to Iran nowadays? "What does the song ""Hey Soul Sister"" from Train mean?" How do I stop worrying about what people said to me? How do I become pilot after doing mechanical? Do you know a good site for movies in norwegian? What do you say when people ask what are you doing? Does a Michelin star belong to a restaurant or a chef? Does God have sex? What's the best way to become more mature? How do you learn to write a novel? My common merit is 1151 and category merit is 943 in NIFT entrance exam. Will I get admission in fashion design? What is the history behind the Google Drive icon? How can I get a lean body? How can we study English? What is the best weight loss program on the market? How do I get a free Spotify Premium subscription? What colleges to target for MBA (abroad) if you don't have GMAT but work experience of 4+ years? How do you catch Pokémon in Pokémon GO? What is the difference between liking and loving? Why doesn't Quora allow users to edit comments? Why do you believe that some people are labelled as creatives? What are some other great free web tools like Trello? How do I create a flowchart for a program that accepts integers only and print out its equivalent value in binary? What is the facilities and prospects of kendriya vidyalaya teachers? I am also interested to know about the work pressure of a KV teacher. How is it to work with kpmg global services in India? Do they provide flexibility in working hours? Does bipolar disorder affect the first and higher order moments of neuron firing rates (like mean/variance/skew)? If so, how? What are the chances of me making money on app store or play store? Which state speaks pure Hindi? Unsubscribe me from this site, now? How do you create a blank HTML page? Which college can I apply to if my rank is 1650 in COMEDK? What are the best resources for learning Ruby on Rails? What is the minimum salary to live comfortably in New York City? Who can become the next President of India and why? What should I do if my computer is entering power saving mode? According to you, Which is the best song of Shaan and why? How do I improve self confidence? "What's the origin of the phrase ""neck of the woods""" I'm 15 year old my height is 5 feet 7 inches and my weight is 50 kg what should I do to gain weight? How do I convert NFA with ^ to DFAdirectly? What is spiritual love? How can I make reading a regular habit? Which Australian Vanguard Index/ETF should I get? What strikes first time visitors as special or unusual when they arrive in Toruń, Poland? What's the technology behind How long does it take Tesla's Falcon Wing doors to open? Is it a lot faster to open a regular car door? How much of an issue is this? Why is it important to learn English and American poetry? Which is a good solar panel installation provider near Mcclellan, California CA? What is a good Clash Royale deck for arena 1? What is GST about? What are the best brain teasers? How do you transcribe and translate a gene? What should anyone expect with a JEE Advance score of 225, a BITSAT score of 320, a JEE Main score of 242 and the CBSE board score of 94.6%? Are there any subsidies or/and schemes for Polyhouse farming in Maharashtra? Are hotels in Gokarna safe for unmarried couples? What kind of prerequisite knowledge is needed before I jump into quantum mechanics? Why/How do some people become so ignorant? I ate my dinner and started watering flowers, I began to feel faint, my ears started to sizzle loudly, and my vision went black. What just happened? How do I ride a bike? Will Saina Nehwal win gold medel in Rio Olympics 2016? Do you still rent movies at a video store? "Is the ""descending hierarchy of academic prestige"" less important for new interdisciplinary fields than for older more established fields?" What are the different categories of customers in any bank? President rule in Punjab? What is it like to work as an IRTS (Indian Railway Traffic Service) officer? What is your perspective on “Holocene” by Bon Iver? Drug development and design? How do you become the top writer on Quora? What are some sites to study java and c++ comparatively? Development Practice: Have you ever worked on a successful education project in rural Southeast Asia? What made it successful? What's more important? Spending time with a girl or rubbing her feet? =] =] =] Is a bra size of 36B too large for someone who weighs 100 pounds? What is Montessori teaching? My laptop turns on fine but the screen seems to have gone but no cracks in the actually screen. How can I fix it and how much roughly will it cost? How does Brexit affect the Indian economy? How can someone with ADHD be a more interesting person? Indonesia: Why did you vote for Jokowi/Prabowo? What is the best joke you have heard? Is God there? What are the features of Intel core i3? What will happen if I eat only vegetables every day for a month? Is there a place on Earth where no life exists? Why does Quora have such a liberal bias? What happens if you don't have original marks sheet of final semester during document verification at TCS? I'm just an average student with 84% in 10th, 75% in 12th & 70% in graduation. How much do I need to score in the GMAT to get into the ISB? What is the largest river in the world? Where can I buy a jaw crusher in Namibia? How could an international student get a job in Dublin, Ireland? Were women allowed to vote in Nazi Germany? What does TRP mean in relation to dating? What are the advantages or disadvantages of switching bank account in UK? Will there be any effect if switching the bank account frequently. Which is better 4gb ddr4 or 4gb ddr3l? Does Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering have a better job outlook? What are some of the best tactical changes made by a captain of a cricket team? Are you facing problems in your marriage/relationship? Is Python the best programming language? Why? Is milk a non-vegetarian food? How does one become Hindu? Why are Mermaids rare in anime? Good reference books for kvpy exam sa? What should I do to make my life interesting? What's the history of C? In whatsapp, what does the word CUSTOM (appearing adjacent to a contact when I want to forward a message) mean? Why is your city the best city in India? Which are the best Hindi (Bollywood) romantic songs for a couple dance? Which color scale is used by the computer? What Christmas traditions are there in France? "Mahatma Gandhi always condemned violence. Why did he say ""do or die"" at the time of the Quit India Movement?" How do I tell a girl that her bra is visible to all? "What does it mean by ""this"" escaping the constructor in Java?" How do you successfully let go of the past? What is the most popular thing teens sell? When should one consider extending a class B from another class A instead of initiating an object of class A within class B? "I was chatting with a friend and I asked a question. He replied 6 hours later. What is the proper English response? Is ""it's well overdue"" correct?" What is the total cost of opening a petrol pump in India? How much money do The Slow Mo Guys make with their youtube channel? I'm looking forward to see you/I'm looking forward to seeing you, which one is correct and why? What are the best job fairs near Knoxville, TN? When and where are they held? What were your experiences at them? Is it safe to access the deep web? Approximately what amount of money is required to cure a cancer which is in third stage by chemotherapy? What are the best way to learn english? How much money does it take to register a startup as a private Ltd., LLP section 8 or in a partnership deed in India? What is an exclamatory sentence? What are some examples? What is a market supply curve? How does executive MBA in India help me leverage my career in IT? How do I get acquainted and make friends with native English speakers as a Chinese person? Why is there no cash back for airtel bill payments in sites like Paytm and Freecharge? Why are there so many 335E route buses in Bangalore? What causes a puppy not to eat their food? What is an interesting app? Why do Indian TV channels show a lot of ads? What do I do when my guy best friend ignores me and gets close with other girls? Psychology of Everyday Life: What are some things that make Indians happy? What is 3g and 4g? What is the effect of a vena cava filter on an existing pulmonary embolism and DVT? What is the solution of Kashmir dispute? What is the difference between various car types like a coupe, sedan, hatchback, etc.? Let's say we find evidence of life on Venus, the moon and Mars. What might it look like, and what are the implications of this? If my snapchat is set to everyone can people view if they don't have an account? Why did Kattappa kill Baahubali? How do I improve my mathematical intuition? How do I get free downloads for my android game? How much initial capital is required to setup solar power for one MV? Could jumping up and down potentially affect my intelligence? What are some good ways to overcome procrastination? In Captain America Civil War, why was Iron Man getting beaten up by Cap and Bucky? Why did James Franco go to so many schools? How do we measure the amount of lumens delivered by LED street lights on roadways? What has Gajendra Singh Shekhawat done in Jodhpur to make it do digital and cashless? What evidence is there that there is something after death? According to you, what is the meaning of life? Which is the better coaching centre for SSC CGL: Mahendra, Chanakya, Paramount or CL? What are the most secure payment processing platforms? Are memory and behaviors passed on by genes? "What is a good reflective summary of ""The Lady in the Looking Glass""?" How hard is it to become a U.S Marshall? Which brand needs a serious logo redesign? Where can I found different types of Spiderman Jumping Castle in Sydney? How do I perform support vector regression in caffe? Will the United States go to war with China? Should I pursue a master's degree? Which is the best bank for opening an account for a small firm in India? Which is more important: skills or attitude? Why? What qualifications do you need to get into NASA or ISRO? What is an atom? How do I simplify [math] \sqrt[3]{-512a^3b^{15}} [/math]? What are brain waves? Could someone please motivate me? Who is the best break dancer in the world? In the Great Gatsby, what does Wilson do to Myrtle? Why do so many people dream of living in New York? What is the difference between Information Technology and Computer Science? How do I stop doing Masturbate? How qualified do you have to be to become the first child in space? What is scope of learning logistics with BBA? Should I report an Uber driver who ran stop signs multiple times? How can I scan a document step by step? What is the procedure to open a bank account for a student in Singapore? Which is the best bank? What is the best way to study more efficiently? Who nominated the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize winners, Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai? There's a girl in my class who is mean and selfish to everyone but is nice to me. Should I be friendly to her or ignore her? How can I enhance my problem solving ability in physics? What is the best metal to metal glue? What are the pros and cons of the new GST bill in India? Why e-commerce companies like flipkart and snapdeal have refferal programs for their apps, even though they have reached million downloads? What are the jobs for a petrochemical engineer in India? Does India has a technology to take down nuclear warhead firing on it? "What song is used in ""O Brother, Where Art Thou?""?" Who's the nicest celebrity you've ever met (if any)? I've met Weird Al Yankovic three times :)? How do I choose a good badminton racket? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Fluidigm is coming out with in 2016? What are some paintball tips for beginners? How do I stop notifications from UC browser related to news and videos? When will AB de Villiers retire? what should I learn after learning html and css? What are the best ways to turn MP3 files to MIDI? How can I take 360° photos? What does a due diligence process of a VC look like? How much is doing own research in the internet? How much is talking to experts? How does one lose weight and get lean muscle mass? I am able to use only 41% of my RAM. I have 8GB installed, but I'm able to use only 3.4GB. Why? It's a 64bit. How can we prepare for JEE MAINS and JEE ADVANCE? How do you know if a person is lying? How is the bus route and Volvo sleeper bus service between Shirdi and Bangalore? How can I find out my passion? Why do retailers add 99 to the end of their pricing. $1.99 / $399.00 "What is the origin of the phrase ""86'd""?" What are the best resources for learning German and how can I become a competent speaker, reader and writer of the German language? Do I have to update Intel HD graphics even if I don't play games on my Windows 10 Laptop? Are there any hacks or cheats for Asphalt 8? What is the best way to learn about social ethics? Does the size of your brain determine how smart you are? What is the best torrent site for comics? What were the circumstances surrounding Bruce Lee's death? What is in Dr. Pepper? What drives people to drink Red Bull? What kind of Asian girl do you like? What are some software engineering project ideas? How do I download WhatsApp? Which are the worst engineering colleges in India? Where can I get affordable Jumping Castle Hire in Sydney? Why is epitaxial growth useful and how can the migration length be controlled? Which are the best historic fiction novels/series? Have you ever been caught staring at someone? Is it wrong for a 13-year-old girl to have a 23-year-old boyfriend? How are the placements at IIT Bombay for an Mtech in Aerospace? Why do people always laugh at me? When would you consider yourself rich? Is it possible that laptops can cause harm to sperm/testicles permanently? What is the typical career path for someone who becomes a professor in music? Is Immigration a betrayal to one's former country? How do I buy a Sniper Rifle in India? What is Brownian motion? Is It better to enroll into TIFR, Mumbai . Although having a enough GATE rank to get admission into IITs? What does an 'Argument' in Programming mean? How much do you earn a year and what do you do? What is the projectile motion formula? "What led France, in 2008, to get back to ""participate fully in NATO"", four decades after it withdrew from the alliance's command structure and ordered American troops off French soil?" How do I solve a non-factorizable cubic equation? What is synthetic CPH4? How do I become successful by not doing anything? What does it mean when you dream about someone that you care about? My mother is turning 80 next month. What should I gift her? What is tinnitus, and what are its causes and remedies? How do you depict sex scenes believably & honestly in your novels? How can I prepare for XAT entrance exam in 3 months? I told my best friend that I love her and she told me that her feelings were and still are caught between two people. Her ex and me. What do I do now? Why US and Russia are not helping the Yemen? What is penicillin? What is the best engine oil for Yamaha Vstar 650 and why? Is it possible for a 197lb woman to be pregnant? How do I approach a girl if I don't know her and she is my senior in my college? Java: What is an interface in Java? Is India becoming an intolerant nation? Will Littlefinger kill Jon Snow? How has China become the largest economy? How can you understand your wife? How often do hazel or green eyes show up in African-American people? How bad is 6/18 eyesight? Could Hillary make Bill Clinton her running mate? How do you make salmon cakes without eggs? How does printing money cause inflation? What are some tips on using Adobe After Effect? What could be some of the likely drawbacks in using a Reliance Jio sim? Can I use an HD TV as a computer monitor? How can I make chilli sauce less spicy? I have two different gmail accounts. One was personal and one for business. I want to fix my Google + and match my personal gmail account same name as youtube channel. How would I do this? "Why is the Empire now called ""The First Order"" in The Force Awakens?" How would Fifty Shades of Grey have been if Chetan Bhagat had written it? When is it a good idea to buy stock of a company that is losing money? What are the best resources for learning JavaScript? How do I prepare for aptitude tests for placements? Can you solve these aptitude questions? How much carbon is in structural steel? How is this known? Why did Google create Alphabet? What is the best way to delete software from my Mac? What is the work of Wi-Fi podcasts? How do you determine the atomic mass of air? What kind of research is happening in the field on mobile computing in UT Austin? Section allocation of tools and equipments used in the kitchen? What are some most interesting facts about the city or town you live in? What are the best online materials for learning backend development with Go? How do I get started to learn c# ? Who was Shaktimaan? Was he the Batman of Mumbai city? What is a good networking model for Clash of Clans-like games? Is there a permanent hair removal cream out there that has been proven to work? Can you buy a money order with a debit card? Will property prices go down after demonetization in India? If yes, how? If Bernie Sanders does not get the Democratic nomination, what is his best recourse/position to push for this platforms? How do HSBC credit cards work? Which is the best laptop under Rs 25000? What should I learn after Java? What are some good ways to improve English vocabulary? If x and y are two real numbers, what can we say about x/y? After how many hours should we change the pad during periods? Will Manu Punjabi win in Bigg Boss 10? What is the best laptop with price range about 40000? How can I get a girlfriend in Quora? What is your motivation for living? What is the best architectural visualisation rendering software? What are the expectations for Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 9 (Battles of Bastards)? How did Javascript become the most popular in web development, while programmers often say it's a bad language? Which colleges are best for Studying BFM abroad? Do Android developers earn more than iOS developers? What is the punishment for apostasy in Islam? What questions should I ask myself before starting a book? What are the easy ways to earn money online? Who was your favourite James Bond, and why? How many marks should one score in order to get selected for the second round of the admission procedure in the CMC Vellore? Whose technique is better: Naruto's or Sasuke's? In order to speak really good English what is it that I really need to do? What is sodium carbonate? What are some interesting stories? Is Domino sugar vegan? Why or why not? How does one get a job in the UAE? What is an effective way? How do I crack SSC CGL exam? Can I deposit money at a SBI branch which is not my home branch? Why does a diesel car make more noise than a petrol car? What is the difference between computer science and computer science and engineering? Is Rahul Gandhi really a dumb fellow? "What are some songs that use the word ""baby"" in their lyrics?" Have 2016 admissions into Kota institutes been impacted by the news on suicides? What are the career prospects after completing an M.A. in political science/international relations from JNU? What are the things that are important in a relationship, other than love and trust? How do I score above 70 marks in the GATE exam in the civil stream for GATE 2015? Is board exam tougher than school based exam? How do we solve these limits question ? Is it legal to have two current bank accounts in India? (in 2 different banks, under same proprietorship) What are some website which showcase upcoming films? What can you do with a gram of antimatter? What are the best UX / UI design agencies in the world? How can I stop procrastination? What hotel in Shillong Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? What are some good drawing programs to use with Graphic tablets for digital painting? Do you believe in God? Why or why not? How do people think of questions to ask on Quora? What is the admission cutoff in the IISc for grade 12? Has anyone ever made a real-life lightsaber? What are some good Hindi female songs to play on guitar? What are the permissions and licenses required for manufacturing shampoos in India? I need a 1rk flat for rent in akurdi, Pune asap? Anyone know where can I find it? Who are some notable teen entrepreneurs? How do I refute the statement that we don't use algebra on a daily basis? How do I read/study with focus/concentration and avoid distractions/procrastination? What would be a ballpark Saas price (per user per month) for a high end enterprise app sold to major financial institutions? Would it have made any difference if the sun revolved around the Earth? I graduated in economics in 2013. I currently work with S&P Capital IQ as a research associate. How can I make a switch from my company to a top consulting firm like McKinsey, BCG, Bain, Strategy& or AT Kearney? What are some of the best tips on making a mobile game popular? Could you suggest some influential people to follow on Quora? Does the iPhone 6 Plus have 3D touch and a fingerprint scanner? How do I check mobile internet data balance in a China Unicom SIM? What are some examples of elastic collision? Which one is more elastic? What can we do to improve the Indian education system? Elven warrior(lord of the rings) vs samurai? How does one determine if one is transgender? What does Balaji Viswanathan NOT know about? Is it natural to resent homosexuals? Who would win in a fight between a taco and a grilled cheese? What are some substitutes for popcorn oil? How long does it take to flush methamphetamine out of the body? What is your favorite horror movie villain? Why do people procrastinate? Are bitcoins legal in India or not? What should I do about my mood swings? I was born and presently am a vegetarian. How can I slowly shift to non-veg without upsetting my stomach and mind? What is it like to have a family member who is a murderer? When will India be a developed country? Is it haram to smoke weed? Why or why not? How will a country benefit from the keynesian theory? What is the role of mechanical engineer in telecom companies? How can you determine the Lewis structure for phosphorus? What is psychological assessment? What is the use of NLTK and TextBlob? What is the difference between both? And for text analysis which tool is better? Is it advisable to go for B.Sc in physics after 12th grade and how many years do I have to wait before getting a job? What would the world look like today if the internet hadn't been invented? How did Donald Trump win the 2016 Presidential Election? Do Quora staff ever get into trouble for spending too much time on Quora? Why don't people care about environmental destruction? How can a foreigner build credit in Japan? I will study Computer Science in college but I can't afford to buy a laptop. Is it possible just to use computers in the school for studying? What would be Spirituality for Machines would be like? What is the best place to live in Latin America? What are some of the best ways to learn programming? Are inmails private? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at S & T Bank? I got in contact with a guy through the internet. We exchanged numbers and talked. Does it mean I am bad or a characterless girl? What is the difference between the voltage of a regulator IC 7805 and Zener diode? What color is the opposite of green? What should be the orientation for answer writing in state psc exams? What are the reasons behind depreciation of INR, and how can we stop its depreciation? Who is the best web designer in IIT-Bombay? How can I get under 100 rank in IIT-JEE 2016? Periscope is great for live outdoor broadcasting. What is the advantage of using Periscope over Google Hangouts when you broadcast from your office? "How ""anonymous"" are you on Quora?" What is the severity of swine flu in Gujarat (Ahmedabad)? Is is safe to travel Gujarat as there are lots of deaths due to swine flu in this state? What is ratio analysis? What are some of the best biographies/nonfiction books one must read? What is the best way to learn Japanese? How is the value of pi calculated? What are some interesting start ups in Bangalore? Is it true that your soul could suddenly destroy your body? What is the job of a home page on a website? What do you think the 'Bittersweet' ending to ASOIAF will be? Can you have emotional intelligence without emotional maturity? Does Darth Vader know Yoda is still alive? What would be the best opening roll in the game of Monopoly? How can I improve my C++ skill for competitive programming? I am dull . What im going to do? What are the weirdest business ideas that actually became successful? Why is [math]0^0[/math] an indeterminate form? Can you get high off of acetaminophen? What are some problems that you face on a daily basis in USA? What are the topics to research in computer science to do m.phil? Does WhatsApp chat backup on Google drive replaces the previous one? When did Quora start advertising? What are some good examples of websites built using Yii Framework? Are SSD's more unreliable than HDD's? And do you detect a dying SSD? What do South Koreans think about India and Indians? Which are the best online free sex chat sites? What marks and rank should I expect to get selected in aiims? In which order should I buy cars in asphalt 8? Or which cars are necessary to complete races? Can I get pregnant 10 days before period date? What is the proof that there are free electrons in intrinsic semiconductor (intrinsic silicon)? Is there any scope in mechanical engineering? If SSRI's have the same mechanism of action why are different ones prescribed and why do doctors try several different ones on patients suffering clinic depression? I just read about speed-reading, going from approximately 200-300 words-per-minute to 3000, which means from 1 minute per page to 6 seconds per page. But does your brain still recall as much as when you read normally? My crush suddenly followed me on Instagram, what does it mean? How can I store YouTube content? Why is it hard for many women to have an orgasm? If a distant Alien civilization is able to communicate with us, wouldn't it be likely that they would want to cooperate? What is the best pay-you-go cell phone service for NYC? What do the people of Israel feel about India? Can a modern fighter jet trigger a sonic boom near ground or in low flight? If so, can this sonic boom / shock wave be used in any meaningful offensive capability? e.g. to cause some damage to enemy combatants holed up in a well defended position etc What are the best-selling albums of all time? What EDM songs can help me work? Indian Economy: According to the current scenario, where exactly is Indian Economy heading? Please read the description. How do I become happy? Sir I have 6/6 and 6/9 eye sight can is it managable at medical check up for ALP RRB? Was Mycroft better than Sherlock Holmes? What color eye do I have? Can you hack Dragon City? What are the best ways to lose a lot of weight as quickly as possible? Are some farts hotter than others? If so, do hot farts smell more than regular farts? If so why? What factors led to feudalism in Europe? How do you make oatmeal paste? Can I make money online? "What is the male equivalent of ""maiden name?""" How do I exactly get enroll in a Coursera course? What are the fundamentals of studying? Why doesn't Apple launch a dual SIM iPhone? Is it a bad idea to buy my wife clothes? What made Richard Feynman so great? What was the worst thing you ever did at school? If the earth was a cube, how would gravity be different? What does it mean by the criminal case being withdrawn? How do I properly utilise time? What new declarations of independence can we expect before 2020? Which is the most up voted answer in Quora? How is brain size related to intelligence? Does a bigger brain make you smarter? Does John Carmack now have a Facebook account and if so what is it? How do I recover data from a corrupted hard disk? How can I get a driving license in Chennai? Does Practo take responsibility for doctor malpractices? Is it possible to fall in love in less than a week? What is short circuit? What type of government does Turkey have? How does it compare to the one in Israel? What is the scope of medical microbiology in India? Who manages major Indian e-commerce websites' supply chains? Who plays Sherlock the best? Middle aged adult children: do your parents still infantilize you? Is this Sri Lanka tour suitable? How do I impress a girl who I really love? What do Tunisians, Algerians and Moroccans think of Italy? What is the difference between Cabo San Lucas and San José del Cabo? What are the different names of ISIS? Recently became a felon, how can I make money since most places won't hire felons? How would you feel if you were asked to leave the plane because you are different? How do I increase my penis? How do I get my script picked up by HBO? Is there a zoo that doesn't stink? How do I change the margin color on CSS? "What do the French call ""la sieste"" in French?" Why are people always mean to me in my dreams? Is a Plenty of Fish account free to create? If not, how much does it cost to create an account? What's the best song you've ever heard dedicated to a son? What is the corporate culture like at Flowers Foods? How is the culture different than other companies? Is the mountain a biotic or abiotic component? Why do people hate Justin Bieber? How can I find a job in Singapore? How can [(1+a%)^n]/[1+(1+a%)+(1+a%)^2+(1+a%)^3+...(1+a%)^(n-1)] be simplified? Can I pay my credit card bill with my PayPal account? Will living with my girlfriend make her less attractive to me? What are the negative effects of extreme positive thinking? What is your take on banning 500 and 1000 rs notes in India? What is the relationship between Fidel Castro and the United States? How should I promote my Facebook page organically? What are we likely to learn from Juno's orbit of Jupiter beginning July 2016? How do I start the preparation for Java programming without knowledge of C++? What are the best books and online tutorials for me? Are there any good universities in the USA for an undergraduate in Public Policy/ International Relations? What's the best VPN service? How can I improve my sleeping pattern? What kind of clothing did cavemen wear? It is possible for me to sell a comic I wrote about a copyrighted superhero to DC Comics or so? Which is the safest business to start in bangalore? What are some tips for painting light bulbs? How can I find my license plate number? Which are top Hollywood Movie songs which have the best lyrics? My bike is registered in RTO Pune and I am living in Mumbai. Now I want to transfer to Delhi and take my bike with me. What is the procedure for a bike transfer? What are the pros and cons of hiring a manager to run your business for you? Why didn't Pepsi change its logo in India? Which are the best romantic songs of 2015? What are the best study strategies? What does actually happen in a Quora meet up? What are the most significant differences and similarities between the Great Depression and the 2008 recession? What is the best way to learn finite element methods and what are the career prospects in the field of CAE? Will it pay me good? The founders of Microsoft are so rich that they are listed in Forbes, why are Apple founders not in Forbes? What are some less obvious consequences of the Ashley Madison hack? What is the average salary of an Android developer with 2-3 years to experience in London? Given that person has graduated from IITM in CSE. Why do people become homosexual? How is a naturist and a naturalist different from one another? Why is apostasy from the Islamic religion punishable by death according to the Islamic law? Why is the Vatican rich? What are top 10 mobile app development companies in India as of 2015? In scientific terms, what race of humans would be physically superior? You have 4.196 seconds to live, what will you think about? How do I make close minded people change their opinions? What is the best way to improve stamina? What are the reasons why fluorine has a higher ionization energy than iodine? Should I boast about my financial success to my friends through social media? What are the pros and cons? What are some tips and tricks to save with online shopping? China affiliate networks? Can people hate you without any reason? Where can I download free games? What are some funny team names for trivia? Why do men cheat? What is the application of a 'valley detector' in electronic circuits? What does democracy mean? As a mother and career woman, do you ever feel that you have been working harder than your husband? Why would Trump make a good president? Why do women wear makeup? What are all the questions I can ask to my interviewer at the end of interview? What is the best gift for a sister? What should I do if there is a warrant for my arrest? After working for 8 years in 3 big product companies, I am planning to move to Verizon India as a Tech Lead. Is it a good move? Which is a better phone: Moto X Play or Moto G4? How do I stop masturbating? Can we create a magnet by placing a metal in an electric field? What are some good EPC oil and gas companies in Chennai India? How much time does it take for a sim of Jio 4G to get activation in Bilaspur Chhattisgarh? Why do people ask stupid questions on Quora that could be easily answered by Google? Mandarin Chinese (language): How do you translate 欺负 to English? Why shouldn't you smoke with a sore throat? How do you treat a sore throat? How do I use JSON in PHP? Why do people believe that Marconi or Tesla invented the radio when it was actually invented by Jagadish Chandra Bose? What are the current hot research topics in cloud computing? What is the best way to study for IITJEE 2017 for droppers ? Should I learn HTML or HTML5? Is a DTG printer the only option for 100% cotton tees to start the custom t-shirt business? What is the retirement age in army? My date of birth is 11th June 1992, time of birth is 7.55pm. What is the general analysis of my Patri/Kundli? What are some must have Android apps? What's the best way to explain adoption to your child? What is the best and most popular film industry in all over the world? What will you get for your boyfriend's birthday? What is financialization of the economy, and why is it harmful? What is the corporate culture like at Agile Therapeutics? How is the culture different than other companies? Why doesn't Nickelodeon show The Thundermans in Finland? What are few small things that I can do everyday to change my mindset & forget my past? There few things of my past that really haunt me quite often. How can I start my PhD study in Germany as an international student? What is the law of attraction? What's strictly necessary in C, C++ and Java syntax for competitive programming? "What is the best answer to ""what salary do you want?""" India: What is the best phone to buy between (₹, Rs, INR) 18-20k? What is the best tourist destination in the UAE? Is Yoga a pseudoscience? Obama's Final Two Years (2015-16): Why hasn't President Obama lived up to the promise of his speech in 2004 to unite both Democrats and Republicans? Why have we, instead, gone far in the other direction? How can I find out if my girlfriend is cheating? How do you avoid non-Chase ATM fees? How can I start developing Android game apps? Is there any online tutorial for the same? How do I take ratings and reviews? Is it possible to open bank account online in India? What advice would you give to someone that has Pectus excavatum? What is the number of attempts for the UPSC CSE? Is it 4 or 6? What's the best way to learn fingerstyle guitar? What does a LinkedIn update view mean? Can you watch NBA League Pass internationally? What is the difference between unit testing and TDD? What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in Pakistan? Is North Korea an atheist country? To what extent are men's achievements driven by a desire to attract women and keep them attracted? What are the best Java web frameworks for Enterprise applications? What is it like living on water? What caused the decline of Greece? I typed in the promo code FirstRide30 to get $30 off my first uber ride. The promo code went through but when I checked my balance, I was charged the full amount. What can I do? How is linear programming used in business? If someone broke your trust than is it good to take revenge or forgive him? I am a PhD student in F1 visa and I want to change status to J1. My course started two months back. Is it possible to do a change of status? How can I sync or copy millions of items from Amazon S3 and Rackspace Cloud Files? Can the INFJ personality types be successful in working at a tech startup? Why can't I edit the YouTube videos I've already uploaded? Once upon a time I could. What happened? How can I learn C programming effectively and in detail? Can you build a great body with a barbell and dumbbells only? What is the best way to get a large number of upvotes for your answers on Quora? What is wrong with Indian engineering education system? How are the laws regarding self defense weapons enforced in Australia and how do they compare to the way they're enforced in Sweden? What is the phone number for HDFC credit card customer care Chennai? "Is the word ""verb"" a noun?" How I can learn java? How can I be less clingy in a relationship? What are the best universities for Computer Science in the U.S.? Why do people dislike Hillary Clinton? What has she done wrong? Which Berlin startups are hiring Ruby on Rails software engineering interns? What does Narendra Modi think of homosexuality? Why are many people not in favor of Sharia laws? How do I get rid of dandruff on my scalp? How do I stop myself from caring or loving someone too much? What is the good way to learn english? Is it wrong not to respond to your boyfriend's text/call if you're in a bad mood? Should I start a blog where I can promote freelancer writers? What are some foods that help reduce or prevent inflammation? What is a good book for learning the basics of C++ programming? What is your opinion about Narendra modis banning on 500 and 1000? Is Time travel possible under known physics principles? Does Facebook follow a CMMI process? What can you use as a substitute for buttermilk? What is the best adhesive to bind plastic to metal? "What does ""touché"" mean?" How many of us agree to organise a Quora meet up in Nagpur? Religon: If Jesus died for our sins does that mean we must sin otherwise Jesus died for nothing? Which are the most overrated Bollywood actors and actresses? What did the vikings think when a lightning bolt hit someone? Can I get IITs, new IITs or good NITs with rank of 900 in EEE stream (GATE 2016)? And which one is better - new IITs or good NITs? What are the best ways to lose weight? Why are rainbows shaped as semicircular arcs? How often do girls masturbate? What do they think of? Is there really god? I am 15 years old, I weight 50 kg and height is 168 cm. Should I take whey protein? What was the flag symbol of satavahana and reddy kingdoms of andhra pradesh? Which is the best product from Zoho so far? How can you have a blowjob? Is there a free version of VMware vSphere Hypervisor? If not, which are some effective alternatives? Why are the mountains in afghanistan named hindu-kush? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Hub Group? What are the best tools to make video tutorials? I currently run a 5K in 32-36 minutes. I want to run it in 27 minutes. What is the best way to achieve that in 6 months? "What do people usually mean when they say ""not that it's a bad thing""?" How do I ask a question on Quora via email? How do I increase reading speed for english? What is vehichle registration number in india? Is it advisable to buy a 2003 Acura TL model (used car, mileage around 140,000), and costs 3500$? Who will be the worst king in Indian history? What is the best makeup for hazel green eyes? What is the symbolism of the number 3? What is Hillary Clinton's stance on Russia? What is the reason why a digital pregnancy test can sometimes give a false positive? I've installed windows 10 but facing activation issue. How do I fix this? Do you think life can exist on Mars? Could Donald Trump be a Democratic plant? Is he trying to help Hillary Clinton? What conversion plug-in does Magento use? Is it normal and healthy to stop masturbation? How was the Proto-Indo-European language reconstructed? How do I choose which one of the following is the best phone under 10k? "Why is 120/80 considered normal blood pressure? What's the logic behind 120 and 80? Is that value normal at any age, or does ""normal"" change?" What is the propagation of a wave? When is a poem a poem? What are the options for international students who complete a master's in the United States and don't get a work visa due to the annual cap? How do I give a girl subtle hints that I like her? According to the theory of evolution, why do we die? How does it feel to be jealous? Can A type 2 Diabetic use raspberry Ketones as part of a weight loss strategy safely? If not why not? How do Americans feel about President Obama now, as his second term draws to a close? How do I get a massage therapist working permit to work in other countries? What causes a sore throat after vomiting? What is the scope after passing an enrolled agent exam for a person living in India? Is it worth it? Wine: How long can one keep an opened bottle of port? What is the best/coolest thing (or things) that you have ever found when dumpster diving? "What does the ""for"" in a for loop stand for?" How do I improve my communication skill in? How close do Daredevil and Jessica Jones live? Is Vellore Institute of Technology a good college? What are the symptoms of pheochromocytoma? How do they determine brain cancer? Would Douglas Carswell be a good replacement for Nigel Farage as Leader of UKIP? What are the best koans? What's an urgent C programming project that is simple and awesome? "Why would a British person go to a garage for ""papers"" at Christmas?" How can I get job in big companies as software tester with high package? Who is the best phone psychic reading service provider in Australia? Why do people offer milk to snakes on Nag Panchami (auspicious day in India where people offer prayers to the Snake God) even though they know that snakes don't take milk? How can I quickly get rid of belly fat as a male? How can you avoid getting distracted frequently when working? Is consuming Maggi or Top Ramen noodles good for our health? How is the word 'esoteric' used in a sentence? What happens if you eat a ghost pepper? Where can I found fantastic jumping castle hire in Sydney? "How do you spell ""Quora""?" What is the funniest joke you ever heard? How did a girl fall in love? What do you think of Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ ISIL/ DAESH) ? How do I build step by step a stratospheric balloon? How long is the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru ? Which is correct: half asleep or half awake? Is it rude to ask for gratuity / tip? Can I block anonymous users from asking me to answer questions? Do lesbians use condoms? How long does DHL shipping take? Tom Stagliano: Is there anything that isn't easy? I co-founded a startup in 2015. Our value hasn't increased and we didn't draw salary. Do I need to issue w2's/1099's to the co-founders for taxes? A Song of Ice and Fire (book series): How did the main White Walker guy have an armor? Was it supposed to protect from dragonglass? I am a mechanical student, but I want to place in an IT company. What is the software to learn from? What is the difference between Form S-1 and S-3? Why is the proportion of men and women equal? My JEE Main score is 117 and getting 88% in the MH HSC board. What will be my AIR? How does one get out of Quora? Where can I found fantastic jumping castle hire in Sydney? Why do things exist? What is the best specialization in mba? What are the top movies of 2016? How will I get jobs in gulf countries? How do banks manage so many accounts? Why aren't there 128-bit CPUs? What is the future of recirculating aquaculture system? What are some of the greatest novels of all time? Why are they great? How good are sulfates as leaving groups? How would a war between the US and China play out? Why is India called Asia's Italy? How do we make America great again? What are some common examples of DNA and RNA? What is NaCl? What if everyone gave the middle finger to others at the same time? What drum machine does Kavinsky use? How do DraftKings and FanDuel work? What are some of your sexiest pictures ever taken? How can I get into a Gmail account? Which things in India that are illegal will be made legal? How many cups of coffee a day can a person drink? How can I convince my friend to have gay sex with me? How do I have certain emails forwarded automatically but without revealing the original sender that sent them to me? Any help appreciated. "Why did Littlefinger ""help"" Sansa?" How could I avoid my laziness? What changes should be brought about in the Indian education system? Can anyone help me to realize what I really want to become in life? Do we need to ban death penalty? Is it really better to have food grade hydrogen peroxide if I use it for my plants? What is a barite grinding mill? Is zero even or odd? What are some advantages of a sole proprietorship? What's the best way to break up with someone? Which is the best mobile to buy under rupee 15000? What was the significance of the Industrial Revolution? I am a Zimbabwean and a holder of a Bachelors of Technology in Information Technology. How can I get a job in Europe or United Nations in any Nation? What is the best way to score marks in exams? What are some secret codes of phone? Why don't governments abolish taxation and print out all the money they need from a central bank? What is it like to have a close family member who is a celebrity? How do I integrate 1/ (x+e^x)? I am bored of the 9-5 job life. What passion can I follow that will, in a few years, help me travel all around the world at someone else's cost? How can I travel without money to work voluntarily? What does the Promote feature on Quora pages do? Total due is showing negative amount in my credit card. What does this mean? San Francisco, CA: Why are there so many homeless people in San Francisco? Are black holes real? Why is congress blocking GST bill in Parliament? What are some criticisms of UC Davis? What have been most interesting research papers on machine learning? What should be the minimum TDS level for the drinking water and what should be the maximum in RO system? How likely is World War III in the future? Who pays for dinner — my boss or me? What's the best life lesson you've ever learned from a fictional character? Is it safe to watch more than 3 movies per day? "What does the Chinese phrase ""no zuo no die"" mean?" Will demonitization help BJP to win over Punjab and UP elections? Which is better for fresher infosys or virtusa (2016)? How does NBA system work? What do we know about the Qibla in Mecca? What do you think is going on behind the random creepy clown sightings in neighborhoods around the United States? Who were the earliest opponents to slavery? Were there any classical (Greek/Roman) abolitionists? How much I will have to spend from my own pocket if I have a viral fever in Vienna considering that I am covered with a health insurance? Which is the eye hospital in India? How can I learn Japanese quickly? Can I solve your problem? Are laptops cheaper in Saudi Arabia as compared to Pakistan? "What is the meaning of ""what's up""?" How do you become friends with a girl? Is it possible to get into space with a really powerful resistojet rocket with water as a propellant? Effect of brexit in India? What jobs are for you if you love nature and animals? Why do I need Aadhar when I already have a passport and a voter ID card to prove my identity? Does your job give you a sense of fulfillment? How do copyrights, trademarks and patents differ? I have social anxiety and constantly feel like people are judging me. How can I truly stop caring what others think of me in order to be happy? What is the difference between legislature, executive and judiciary? What is the best way to get customers to trust your ecommerce site? How long does it take for my toefl score to be updated in their database? What is the severity in composite risk management? Does reverse racism exist? If so, what is it? Do phimosis causes cancer or infection or infertility? Is phimosis at age 22 is ok? How can I earn money as a student in India? What is the taste of water from a rubber hot water bottle? Why do police hang prisoners in morning only? What are examples of positive correlations? If P Q R are three points on a circle, What is the maximum area of the triangle formed by them where radius of circle is a units? "What do you reply to someone who tells you, ""I am sorry""?" Why does Quora allow so many questions easily answered by a search engine? Will you warn a friend about betreyal? Did I do right? How do some people feel no emotions? How can improve my English listening? Is Putin trying to start a new full scale European war? In Islam, what happens to a Muslim man who marries a religious Catholic girl in her church and baptizes their children? Is BITS Goa good for MSc Physics? How do you keep life from passing you by? What would you do if you knew you were going to die in one week? How much change in the basic pay can be expected once 7th Pay Commission gets implemented if my basic pay is 25000? Is there any way to calculate it? Does it snow in the Middle East, Indian subcontinent and Australia? Why are people so interested in war? What locations was the film Fear shot at? How do sites like Quora earn? What is the relationship like between China and Thailand? What are biased facts about public smoking? Will the accelerating expansion of spacetime eventually lead to mass meson creation due to pair production from quark-quark bonds? Australia: Sarcastically or truthfully, how dangerous is the Australian landscape? Which is the most widely used social medium used in India? My Ex who has BP2 and BPD is contacting me after 4 mos of painting me black. I can’t tell if I’m being recycled or if he really still cares for me? Why are there statues in Catholic churches? What is the mean sea level? What might the photon from Part C be useful for? What are some examples? Which is the best coaching for GMAT in Delhi? How do I prepare for AIIMS in LAST 2 MONTHS? What is the best freight forwarding company? How do we start a business? Do Caucasians suffer from memory loss more than other races? If I had a sample of pure iron in a vacuum, then shot an electron beam at it, would its electron configuration change? What is best after civil engineering? What are the most influential restaurant review sites in the Netherlands? How is the common good of a country defined? What are some ways to create commercial content? Do Pakistanis regret not being part of India? How do I stop watching porn? Are all video ads considered rich media? How is an interactive video ad different from rich media ads? I'm madly in love with my best friend. What should I do? What are some of the biggest lies that you ever told? How will the banning of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes affect the economy? How did Anurag Bhatia start with the basics of trading? France, Germany, and Britain dominated the world for centuries. How come their GDP per capita is $10,000 less than that of the US? Why isnt it higher? Why do I feel that people always hate me? What are the best cities to visit in Europe? How do I masturbate and orgasm? How can a medical doctor become a US citizen? I found that my brother uses shisha pen with his bad friends instead of going to school. What should I do? How do I enable mass storage on an Android phone? What does it mean if a girl talks to her guy friend more than her boyfriend? What is your take on honour killing in India? I saw all 10 seasons of FRIENDS. was there really not a single episode of valentine day or did I just missed it? How will a 40% cut in Australian aid affect Indonesia? Can I dye my hair from brown to cyan blue? How does one become a hacker? What is the best education? Which is the best 'Dental Clinic' in HSR Layout, Bangalore? Which website has the best Indian adult videos? In how many ways can nine dogs and six cats can be placed in a row so that no two cats are adjacent? How can you change the icon of a pinned tab in Google Chrome? I need cab form Victoria to Heathrow terminal 3? How can I learn Python, and how long does it take to learn it? What is The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy? How do I bypass ISP throttling without a VPN? Should I learn React or AngularJS? What exactly is Kashmir problem? Why is South Korea buying SU-50 fighter jets from Russia? What reagents are used to determine the presence of starch? What is your review of Can I have a panda as a pet in my house? How did life begin on Earth? What is an average CPM for magazine ads? What if you don't know what you want in life or what you want to be in life? What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Finland notice? If I write an essay totally in Chinese Pinyin, is there any software I can use to convert it into Chinese characters (Hanzi)? Why did reservation start in India? Does the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 lag? Does IIIT H offer MTech in Artificial Intelligence? What causes hypoglycemia? How can I improve my English skills? What should I do to be a part of GSOC 2017? What do you think about What's the difference between an android and a robot? Why do all MLS teams wear Adidas? Every time I drink beer I get hiccups. Does this happen to anyone? Is there any specific reason behind it? How do I increase the power of concentration while studying? What are the characteristics of someone with Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Leo and Sagittarius rising? How do I eliminate kidney stones? What does your computer desktop look like? Can someone die of electric shock because of putting a mobile phone charger pin in the mouth while the charger was plugged on in the socket? Why does alcohol make you sick? What are some ideas for a 14th birthday party? As a venture capital investor, if you had a chance to invest in SolarCity but passed, what was your rationale? How can one be good at making conversations? With your current knowledge now, what would you tell your 20 year old self? What is the difference between online gradient descent and stochastic gradient descent? Why do passports have RFID chips? How long would it take to be a software engineer? Do women enjoy analingus? What can I do to improve my SAT scores in the reading and writing sections? What is concrete tile/cube manufacturing cost and requirements? How often should I brush my teeth? Is the Bermuda Triangle real, or is it a myth? If Angels are gods soldiers and Satan was an angel why did god need soldiers before Satan? As of 2016: how does iCloud compare to its alternatives -- Dropbox, Google, etc.? Which should I use to backup my iPhone and computers? What are the options available after M.B.B.S? Where is your first love? How do I do a hard reset on my Nokia Asha 201? Why do we get bright ideas when we are taking a shower? What animals are extinct? How is the word 'prestidigitation' used in a sentence? What will happen if somehow Speed of light changes? Hi! My salary gets credited on Deutsche Bank India account and I hold a Hdfc savings bank account separately. Can I switch my salary account to HDFC? What is checked in police verification for passport? How do I retrieve my husband's deleted messages? How do I install an application on Linux? How do I hack another mobile with wifi? I love SRK so much and I can't accept the fact that he is married and has children. I just can't stop thinking about him. What should I do? What is the difference between styling and stylist? Do you believe the government protects you and why? Which are the best and top mobile app development companies? Why would Hillary Clinton be a good or bad president? Is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS leader) a descendant of Abu Bakr (the first Muslim caliph)? What is a CVAR in counterparty credit risk? How do you take a photo like this? What are some things that don't matter? What is the solution for the Moto G4 Plus hanging problems and heating issue? Between Oneplus 2 and Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 , what is a value for money buy? What should I keep in mind if I aim to become a pilot? I'm currently in class 10 now. How does WESM work in the Philippines? Essay on humurous incident occured during train journey? How do you distinguish between a chemical and physical change? How do I migrate my saved presets from an earlier version of Photoshop or import/export them? How long can I leave yogurt out of the fridge? Which centralized form do I need to fill for hydrabad college of architecture? Where can you buy cheap soccer jerseys? What will happen to Earth over the next 50 million years? How do cigars differ from cigarettes? Why is machine learning used heavily for Google's ad ranking and less for their search ranking? Do you ever feel like you screwed up your life by ending a relationship with the love of your life? Is this the best time to get married for me? How did the United Nations succeed where the League of Nations failed? Is judged come in grade A gazetted officer? Will I get a call from Top B schools in India If I score above 99 percentile in CAT? Which one is better PHP or Oracle developer? What are the best places in north India to travel to know more about Indians? What will be my rank if I score 90 % in HSC boards and 200 marks in JEE mains? What are some ways to calculate the molar mass of gas? How widely accepted are credit cards at small businesses and restaurants in Mexico? How do I get a good credit scores? I am ugly and fat, how to lose weight? Why hillary Clinton is better than Donald trump? What are the best questions on Quora? What is the corporate culture like at Ford? How is the culture different than other companies? What does the visitor mean when you see that who has viewed your contents on quora? How are tides caused? Who is best Karan or Arjun? Which university is the MIT of China? What will happen if I flash MIUI 8 in Coolpad note 3 lite? How are some ways to deal with a mouth ulcer to recover faster? How do I get over someone I love so much? Why does the dealer offer more discount on purchase for the cash transaction, without invoice? Can unmarried couples book a hotel room in the same city? How can I study 2 subjects in 10 days? Which subject is best for masters after completing bachelor of civil engineering? Is asking too many personal questions a sign of a controlling behaviour? Who are the few best table tennis players in India? What is MPI 1.2 litre engine? What are business to business services? What should I do during my summer holidays? Can you use a PS2 controller with a PS3? If so, how? What is the significance of gamma and beta functions? How do I get these clothes? What #Narendra Modi print 2000 note? It's ok to band 500 &1000 note but y he print 2000 note? What is the best knife? If you crush a planarian into tons of pieces, will each piece grow into a new one? Is there any management quota in VIT University? Is motor oil compound? What's the rudest customer you've had to deal with? What are the best ways to celebrate Christmas in Kolkata? What are the second ame? How do I improve the fluency of English speaking? What are the best ways to study organic chemistry? What are good ways to add Google map in oembed? How many tourist destinations in the world? "What does ""கற்க கசடறக் கற்பவை கற்றபின் நிற்க அதற்குத் தக"" mean in English?" What causes thunderstorms to develop? When is the TCS off campus 2015 drive? What is the cheapest way to send parcels from South Korea to Singapore? My h4 stamping is in aug and my spouse's h1 is valid till oct, while my spouse's extn will be filed by sep,Will it effect my h4 stamping in any way? What is meaning of tasnuva? What is a way to protect a unique idea for language teaching? Is Glassdoor a relevant product for people who are not seeking a new job? Is this a good book cover? What is the purpose of our life? .. Where do they put the ashes of their deceased after cremation in India? Why do all USB and other memory devices takes 1000kb/mb as 1mb/gb and not 1024 mb or kb? How many branches of Allahabad Bank are there in India? What is the right time to lose your virginity? What is an indemnity bond? How can you see if someone viewed your profile picture? Is Alibaba Gold Supplier Membership worth it for an European manufacturer? My boyfriend and I didn't have full sex because we were wearing underwear but now I am 2 weeks delayed. Can I get pregnant just that once? Am I? Why is the deep web dangerous? Should former US presidents be part of the current president's cabinet? What is the cure for enissophobia? I completed my B.E with less marks. After 1 year of desperately searching for a job, I am planning to do MBA. Should I do MBA or continue searching a job or any other course? Suggestions? What is the difference between internal and external forces of change? Can India get a permanent seat on the UN Security Council? To lose weight, is it better to jog or to do workouts like plank, push ups, or situps? How do I start airtel /vodafone DSA.? Why are the keys in a keypad not arranged in alphabetical order? Does R work with SAP HANA? What are the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing? Which is the best spoken English in Hyderabad? When did you lost your virginity? What are the career options in Law after graduation? How can I make money from YouTube? Why does Venus spin backwards? If I start running a show similar to Last Week Tonight in India, what will be the immediate consequences? How do I recruit executive for real estate market in Bangalore? Has there ever been an immigrant head of state or head of government? What are some fruits and vegetables that are surprisingly unhealthy? Why there is so much poverty in India? Is there any relationship between poverty and corruption What is Metallurgy Fefe3 diagram? What are your expectations from Raees? Who can defeat Narendra Modi in India? What's your biggest fear? Did the Japanese know Navajo code talkers were used in WWII but were unable to crack the language or did they have no clue what language it was? How much marks in JEE MAIN 2017 would fetch me CSE in IIIT-H or NIT Trichy? Does B.Tech in ECE have a future in the next 4 years? Will Quora be able to survive an all-out raid by 4chan? How/Why? How do I act with my ex who is also my colleague? What kind of major help does blind people have? How do I prepare IAS? How can the velocity of light be constant (= c)? Is India the worst place to be in right now? How can I get prepared for the Cisco 640–916 exam? What is your favourite rock song? Why do some people refuse to break up in person? What are the issues I will face if I marry a woman six years older than me? Where can I get a prepaid SIM card in USA? What's it like to feel invisible? What are etiquettes? What are examples of third angle drawings? How do you live with zero friends? How many Indians are named in Panama Paper Leaks? How can I make a novelty cake? What are the pros and cons of the GST for the E-commerce sector in India? What do they do with the losing team's expensive Super Bowl rings? Do they make a ring for every member of both teams before the game or do they make the rings afterward? How do pandas contribute to their ecosystem? Which is the most suitable silencer for a Royal Enfield Classic 350? How can I make friends with a girl I really like on Quora? Why is Sholay such a great movie? Any story of a NIOS student joining IIT? How do I learn java language? What is the most effective everlasting method of losing weight? At what marks one can get a govt mbbs seat under 85 % state quota in bihar? Why Tata replaces Cyrus Mistry as chairman with Ratan Tata? What venture capitalists and angel investors focus on the Horn of Africa? Why is talking about sex considered a taboo? How much does it cost to host a website on Amazon AWS? Is that a fair price? Should I learn python 2 or python 3? Why can I flirt with any girl for a long time and am afraid to say hi to my crush? Does ashwagandha causes nightfall? What are some tips and hacks for incoming freshmen at Metro State? Have you had a paranormal experience? What happened? I remember I have read an article about starchy and protein can't be eaten together, but what about cheese burger, pizza, or a burrito, are they bad? How can 220volts celling fan run on 110volts 2 phase system? How do I change my photo on Quora? Is it normal that I'm scared to have sex? What does an LA Fitness guest pass cost? What are some justifiable reasons for committing suicide? Where did JK Rowling get the name Voldemort? I've been texting with this girl for a while now and I always have to text her first, no matter what. If I don't text her, we don't talk at all. What does it mean? What are some technical interview questions asked to mechanical engineers in their campus placements? How can I track a mobile phone? What is engine speed? My sister just got married with an American citizen. She entered the country with a fiancee visa. Does she need a visa to go to Canada? What is croup and how can it be treated? Do audio subliminals work as an mp3 file? Why is the USA considered to be the top country of the world? What do you do if your Apple ID isn't working? How early we have to book a international flight ticket for a lowest fare? What is the employee position hierarchy structure in Crisil? Donald Trump: Why wouldn't you vote for Donald Trump for president? How do you braid thick hair? I am a computer science student. Which laptop should I buy? Is a throat freeze a different phenomenon than a brain freeze? How many moons are in our solar system? What's the most humane way to put your dog down at home? My boyfriend ignores me. What should I do? What streams can I get in SRM with a rank of 67000? If you had to change your name, what new name would you change it to? How long should be my term insurance? What are the most famous frauds? Is happiness the goal of life? What are good free plug-ins to improve sound quality? Is anyone using UC Browser for PC? What do you think about it? How do I become a doctor fast with high salary in India? How do you not get a virus or get spied on when searching on the deep web? HIPAA Compliant Messaging for Secure Collaboration? How has the internet changed? What doesn't cause cancer? What is the average salary of a mechanical engineer in japan? What is the highest rank/position that an IAS officer can get in his/her service? What are the highest ranks for other civil services like IPS, IRS, IFS, etc.? Which is the best course for mechanical engineering? If a renter wants to buy the house he is renting, how can the owners make sure they get fair market value - list the house or just negotiate a price? Is it possible to create a database in PHP? What do you think about Quora Policies? I am 2nd year MBBS student. Which type of stethoscope should I buy? How we can study in a best manner? What is the best way to prevent hair fall? How often should I vacuum? How does gatling gun work? Is it ok to attach a car in ola? I have scored 494/ 720 in NEET phase 1 2016. Will I get a good medical college? Who do you think is the most influential human recorded in history? What is the best way to lose belly fat fast? "When kids meet ""Elsa"" at Disney or other promo events, do they ask awkward questions about her powers, control issues, or isolation? Are there scripted answers?" How can an individual maintain a 4.0 GPA in community college? What is the best piece of advice you have been given? If I take instrimentation and control or print and media technology as im not getting any core branch in manipal (main) can change it? What does it feel like to grow up wealthy? I have been seeing very convincing videos of what appears to be two suns. What is this? How do we fix the UK's housing crisis? Which is the oldest mosque in India? How does it feel to have an IITian for a boyfriend? I love this guy, and he loves me. But he doesn't want a relationship because he says he's not ready for a commitment. Does this mean he doesn't really love me? Who is representative assessee in pan card? How do you read 3 books a week? What if India is ruled according to Quora answers? How do flies smell? How do protein shakes help me gain weight? How can I improve my study efficiency? What is the best treatment for pimples and acne? What are some of the best Indian movies ever made? What are the funny commands in siri? In Bollywood scenes during intimate scenes, they just act or they might have some real thing? What is Zen Buddhism? How can I download HD movies and videos directly? What are some interesting comeback stories? What organs are in the cranial cavity? I am 27, she is 16, can her parents stop her from moving in with me? What will be the standpoint of the people in Jammu and Kashmir if the J&K state is bifurcated? Can I use Jio sim to make calls on roaming? If I have a 2.46 GPA and only have 15 more credits to take, could I raise my GPA to a 3.0 in a semester? What's the best movie to saw in 2016? What are the reasons behind some of the most prominent and best Hindu rituals? Which is the better choice: Ambedkar Institute (CS), IP University or Jamia Millia Islamia? What are the steps to become a data scientist? "Latin (language): What does ""Loquimur pro illos quos nequeant"" mean?" What is your favorite song of music director Vishal-Shekhar and why? Do pharmacists have more time to rest than other jobs? What is the difference between psychology and intelligence? How do I prepare for IAS in one year? Before European contact, how isolated were the indigenous Australians? Did they trade with island civilizations to the north? How can I find an Indian girl who is genuinely into femdom (female domination)? How do I find the equivalent resistance between A and B in the given circuit? How prestigious is WorldQuant? How do I score above 90% in the CBSE class 12? Democrats, how can we reduce gun violence without affecting responsible gun owners? How can you know if your spouse is a sex addict? How do I create a gif and share it on WhatsApp? What happens at a pretrial if the evidence is not enough to even have a trial? What are some examples of gypsy superstitions? Why do so many people hate America? What is the cheapest, painless, easiest way to commit suicide? What's it like to be raised by gay parents? Why doesn't Manipal University (Manipal) have any placements at Google? What is powder coating? What was the Hundred Years War? How do I improve verbal communication skills? What is the structural formula for NH3? How do I become mentally strong? Do hotels reserve special rooms for guests they think will spoil them? Iam average student.None of mylecturers are good in teaching.I am studying on my own for the board exams.Is it possible for me to crack IIT JAM MATHS? Joomla Extensions: I need to restrict one user group to 2 posts a week. Is there a automated time oriented content submission control? "What is an example of ""querulous"" in a sentence?" What are some drawbacks of being a trader? Why do we feel the need to cover ourselves when lying down? What is the most boring job in the US? What are the things to do before starting a business? Russia: Is it safe for a girl to travel to Russia alone? Should weed be legal in India? What is the difference between content writing and blog writing? What are some random interesting facts? Will Trump keep the White House garden? What is career scope after SEO? What is Dan Bilzerian's Snapchat ID? What does it feel like to go down on a girl during sex? Can you sell a medical device that has not been approved by the FDA, if you clearly state that is not FDA approved? Smartphones: What is the best phone to buy below 10k rupees? Why do people buy cosmetics from e-commerce instead of retail? What are the limitations of DBMS? How do I erase a question on Quora? What's a good, career relevant way for a pre-med track, 20-year-old undergraduate to spend his summer? How do I get more followers on Instagram? What happens when a .50 caliber bullet hits a person? How do I play adagio well in Vainglory? What is the use of all purpose pan? How can I become a male escort in hyderabad? How easy is it to learn Indonesian? How can we track the coach position n trains? I'm a computer science student in my second year and I have a few options for internships this summer. How should I choose among the offers? What is the difference between anti-Semitism and racism? "Why is the tv series called Homeland? To whose ""homeland"" does it refer?" Are Arwen's scenes real in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers? What Is Web Design? How do you deal with stress in a startup? How can I update my Micromax A120 to Android Lollipop 5.0 or 5.1? How much food is needed to feed milking cows? What companies have the best employee benefits? What does this Japanese phrase (below) mean in English? I went to a passport office 3 days ago. They told me police verification is initiated. When I checked my status again it was the same as they told before. Suddenly my status is changed to under review in RPO? What should I do know? Which bike will go faster either the sport or the naked one? What diseases can be caused by a female in a rural area using cloth during her menstrual cycle? How do I log into my space account if I forgot the email and password? Why do some Americans leave the US and go to live in Israel? What kind of tomato sauce do you use for lasagna? Can my comment on a Quora answer be deleted? What is the worst question you have found on Quora? Why did you decide to stop smoking? How do plants and animals relate? What do non-Muslims feel about Muslims? What is the best South Indian diet food plan? How do you cure a sore throat instantly? Among Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft, which company is the most benevolent and has contributed the most to humanity? What are the differences between HomeAway and Airbnb? Without naming his opponent, what are 5 reasons to vote for Trump? Can you describe daily life for pilots nearest the front lines in WWI? How can I find my passion? How did we allow the jews to deprive us of 80% population, property, progress and pride? How can a person change a bad habit? Can we use space x ray and gamma ray telescopes using the few rays of these types that pass through the atmosphere to see the surface of our planet? Can we mention our Google play work in cv or resume? Do Portuguese speak Italian, French, Spanish or English better? What is the difference between the Caribbean region and Latin America? What do you mean by wasting water? What is the typical career path for someone who becomes a professor in accounting? Does anyone out there have any knowledge about the deep web and dark web? What should I do to increase my duration of and concentration in studies? How accurate is ground-penetrating radar (GPR)? How is the density of an aluminum metal determined? As of July 2015, who are Quora's moderators? How was your first time with your beloved? Are non-American residents exempt from the 'accredited investor' requirement for equity crowdfunding? How do I recover deleted pictures and miscellaneous data from the Note 2? How do I tell a girl that I don't want to date her, after telling her that I do want to date her? How can I recover my Gmail password without a recovery phone number or email? Is 167.7 cm or 5.5 inches tall a decent height for a male? Which is the best business school for an MBA in Delhi/NCR? How do Koreans view Russians? Why is spiritual awakening so painful? How can I stop worrying about things that are beyond my control? Can you get PTSD from violent video games? Can you attach or link documents (e.g., pdf) to a distributed ledger (blockchain) transaction file? What do British people think of their imperial/colonial past? How can I download this (Http:// What is your review of WordPress? Why is Fight Club widely regarded as one of the best movies of the 90's? Did Dr. B.R.Ambedkar write an autobiography? How do I recover deleted snapchats? The upper half of a thin lens is the convex of focal length f and the lower half of a thin lens is the concave of the same focal length f. What is the distance between the two images so formed? How is Riyadh city like to live in compared to Jeddah? Is this sentence grammatically correct? How do I get to Harvard University? I cry a lot for silly reasons. Almost once in every half hour. My fiance hates that and it makes him go mad. How do I control my tears? Keylistener work for showing information pf text field in textarea in Java? What is >>= operator in c/c++? How do you mix vodka with spiced rum? How can we predict Earthquakes? Do you speak Korean, Chinese, and Japanese? What does it feel like speaking those languages? Why are there so many celebrities of Italian descent? Should all education be free? What is the process to evaporate ethanol? How should I plan my finances to afford Lamborghini with a $100k salary? Puzzles and Trick Questions: This 9 letter word is related to Jersey number 12. The letters 2,9,8,6,5 is a human emotion related to happiness. The letters 9,7,4,7,4,3 is closely related to the word pattern. The letters 1,2,3,4,8,6 is closely related to the word matrix. What is the word? Does gpa matter? What is the use of design patterns in software development? How can I learn them? Is goat milk lactose free? What happens when you get hydrogen peroxide in your eyes? What are best tips for weight loss? Can I add USB 3.0 to my Mac Pro? Invisible ink in iMessage? How do I change my name legally in india? What are some unconventional career paths that people have pursued after graduating from IIT? Can the United States and China go to war? Aren't we almost there anyway? Do Indian NGO's spend money on projects or steal money also. because they Beg money in the name of Indian poor populous by showing awkward photos? Which is better, Java or Python? And how? What are the 5 most honest World War II films? Where can I hire qualified and experienced personnel for fire protection in Sydney? I love a girl even more than me but she doesn't even think of me. Should I quit because I am tired of not thinking about her or go into depression? What charities does Michelle Obama lead? How influential has she been? If I will not allot a seat in 3 rd round, then? What happens if you get caught driving with only a permit and are under 18 years old in CA? "How do I earn money from ""Google Ad-sense""?" What are some lesser known facts about Qandeel Baloch? Which TV series is best, GOT, Breaking Bad, Sherlock, or Dexter? Why? What is the most irreverent joke you know? Which is the best place for training in CATIA? Which is best book to learn R-programming for beginners? What is the difference between information technology and information communication technology? What are some Indian gifts that English generally like? How much Python should one learn before learning Django? Why am I always hungry? A rocket engine uses fuel, oxidizer, and must have an ignition source. So how does NASA, or anyone start a rocket engine? How do you access the dark web or black market? What are the advantages of Scala over C++ and Haskell? Which have better placements: government or private colleges of UPTU? What would you say to your 20 year old self? Have you ever fall in love and didn't express it? Why is the Jio network best for watching videos on YouTube? Can I use leverage and get more leverage? I have abysmal IT work experience. If I got a Cloudera certification in Hadoop and Cassandra plus maybe Python, what jobs can I look forward to? What is the difference between a CSE and information science? Who are the greatest kings and warriors in Indian history? I have to improve my communication skills, but I have only weekends and 2 hours (7pm-9pm) in weekdays, what would be the best possible way? Do black holes produce thermal radiation? Why do people eat cows? What is the mind? What can be the real use of Bangladesh Navy acquiring two submarines from China? Why was Brown v. Board of Education a landmark court decision? What is the corporate culture like at ON Semiconductor? How is the culture different than other companies? How can I control my words when I'm angry? How many calories do I burn if I run 3 km? Where can I get exceptional auto locksmith services in Sydney? How do you cope with the stress of school? How much one should take risks in life? As every big chance comes with risk only once should you risk it all or Play safe? How do you develop a mobile app for your business? What I have to do to become a Fighter Pilot? If a war starts between Russia and the US, who will win? What does a typical Japanese breakfast look like? Can I use a transistor to switch audio signals? Will I be a hypocrite if I eat non vegetarian food and still preach kindness towards animals? Is there a proof of life after death? "Is the correct grammar ""I look forward to meet you"" or ""I look forward to meeting you""?" """Calvin: [I pray for] The strength to change what I can, the inability to accept what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference.""" What are the basic things that all electrical engineers should know? How can I solve a combustion problem? What are the best colleges in Mumbai for arts? Does shaving make facial hair grow faster? What is the difference between London, UK, England & Great Britain? What are the best kept secrets about wine? What hotel in Palampur Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? How can I use some C library (.so) in my C code? Why train is moving to it's right and left when it's running? What are the best way to lose weight and remain healthy? Which are the books that one should read atleast one's in lifetime? If both white-colored objects and a mirror reflect all visible colors of light, why doesn’t a mirror appear white in color? How can I speak English well as native speakers ? Is it possible to join Indian armed forces after completing master’s degree at age of 23? If yes, how? What the UN is doing on palestine? Is time travel possible in next 5 years? When is Flipboard coming to the Mac? If you have Temporomandibular Joint dysfunction (TMJD) and Torus Mandibularis, does removing the bony growth improve TMJD symptoms? What are the pros and cons of C# vs Java? Why is happiness the purpose of life? What is the easiest and cheapest way to learn spanish? What happens if you skip jury duty? What are the best small classes for freshmen at Occidental College? "Am I the only one who can sense the proliferation of depth in Khaled Hosseini's writing from ""The Kite Runner"" to ""A Thousand Splendid Suns""?" Which are the top business schools in India? How can Jon Snow be Targaryen and not have blond hair? Is time travel possible? If yes, what is the idea behind that? Why does resistivity of semiconductors decrease with increase in temperature? What are the best new English TV serials to watch? How does one create a CID at accenture? What does Jacquot mean in english? What are ordinary least squares, and how are they used in regression analyses? What is the best places to stay for a CA student in delhi? and what is the budget p.m with food? How do I get yourself placed in PSU? What is a good profit margin ratio for a specific project? 30%, 40%, etc.? Was Martin Luther King, Jr. a socialist? How do I get over my boyfriend’s past? How do I find the purpose of a life? How can I transfer data from an internal memory to an SD card on an HTC 816 dual SIM? Is 70,000 euros (gross, before tax) annually a good/sustainable salary in Berlin, Germany for a family with 2 kids? Do we know if there's a limit to how much information the brain can store? What happens when a suicidal person calls up a pizza place? How can an Indian become rich? How can you do homework quickly? How can I lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks without feeling inconvenienced or jeopardizing my health? What are the best piano trios? What is the best way to improve ones programming skills? What is it like to be married to someone with different political opinions than your own? How it is like to be work from Patanjali? How do I study MBbs final years subjects in just one month? Which are the top 10 PC games one should try? Balaji Viswanathan: What are the pros and cons of railway & general budget merger in India? What is the full form of wifi? Should I call the talent acquisition manager regarding my 2nd interview? I had done my interview 2 days ago but haven't heard back from her since. Can I use a GSM SIM in the UMTS slot of a Moto E from the second generation? What are good products to export from India? What is the best Rails- or Merb-like framework for Node.js? "What does ""initial quality"" mean?" Who discovered Destiny's Child? Do light skin black girls prefer dark skin guys and why? Is there cement mixers for sale in Kenya? How do I know if my watsapp account is hacked? Which museums in England have the best sword exhibits? What is the best study material for mechanical GATE? Can you produce more energy than you put in a electromagnetic engine and make it self running? What are some mind-blowing outdoor gadgets tools that most people don't know about? Excel bugging on Mac - Tech recommended an upgrade to El Capitan? How do I earn money with goibibo? How can I write essays about my vacation? Is Django the best web framework in Python? Why do I lack common sense? What are some mind-blowing iphone gadgets stuffs that most people don't know about? How do I reach to Noida Sec 62 from any metro station in delhi in a most cost effective way? Metro or DTC will be fine, No taxi or auto's please. How do I recover deleted videos from Android phone without PC? What Loreal Feria color is similar to Loreal Preference 6 1/2 ? What is your favorite app? What you think about Fall of Man (Adam and Eve)? How is the winning percentage of a team calculated during a live cricket match? How are the factors like number of wickets remaining, run rate, required rate, etc correlated and a final win percentage calculated? Does it also depend on team ranking and past performance and records? What are some of the less known facts about Tony Scott? What are the best passenger car models in INDIA in the B B+ Hatch back, B+ Sedan, B+ SUV, MUV and MPV categories? What branch can one get with a rank of 2350 in PESSAT 2015? What sexual practices are accepted in Islam? What will happen if a potato is put in water with sugar? How can I improve my management skills? Could I be pregnant? Period is late? What do human players in Age of Empires III do that the AI doesn't do? How do I commit suicide painlessly? Why do most men go on about preferring hot women but end up marrying objectively average looking women? Who are the best traders in the indian stock market especially on Twitter/Facebook ? How can I start learning Japanese? What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Knox County KY? What are the best companies for a PHP developer in Singapore? How do I use a rheostat? What purpose does it serve? "What does the word ""indicum"" mean in Latin?" Has anyone worked for the FCI as a manager? What is the job profile and pay scale? What are the chances of promotions? What is a good book to learn Python? Hw can I spell French words? Which was the worst Bollywood movie in 2016? Someone tracked my Ip on Omegle. Should I be worried? In which penny stocks (India) could I invest as per current market trends? Which chip set is better, MediaTek, Intel Atom or Snapdragon? If you could change one feature of yourself, what would it be? How do you play cricket? What type of distributed systems can be developed based on CORBA or DDS security? What does X tattoo mean? How do you franchise with Harbor Freight? How do you get a PayPal account without a credit card? What are some ways to self-treat for depression? How can I start a blog for free? If I want to choose a public school for bioinformatics program, which school should I choose, VCU or San Diego State? What historical figure is seen as good from the most people? Do female porn stars get pregnant while doing their job? Can having a cervical stitch cause a pregnant lady to not have a full 40-week pregnancy? "What does the phrase ""drawing a line in the sand"" mean?" What is the best way to clean burners on a gas stove? What is Google Project Zero? I have wasted my early 20s time, what should I do now in order to have better life for future? Indian Railways: What are the differences between the different classes of Air-Conditioned (AC) Coaches? Are some people born gay? Can you eat Brie cheese and still lose weight? How many times can a person have transgender surgery? What are some good hotels in Bhopal? What is the best entry-level DSLR camera? Why? Where do I buy flowers in Pune? What is polypropylene? What are the different kinds of sets in mathematics? In the future, Will someone disprove Einstein's Relativity Theories? How can I improve my English pronunciation? What is the difference between capitalists and entrepreneurs? How do I find out whether you are working in text mode or graphical mode on a Unix server? What's the preparation plan for upsc with geography as optional? What is the meaning of Shaival? Why did you choose to marry your husband/wife? Why it should be him/her? How can I learn BP debate? Which high schools feed the most students to Harvard? What was Aviral Bharatnagar's starting salary when he passed out from IIMA? What is Apple Pay? How do I make a resume with experience? Who is Donald Trump's base? Why is he popular? Why are people voting for him? Why do people like and support him? I am a teen boy, good in acting. I want to be an actor. But I don't have any connections in bollywood. What should I do? How do I solve: [math] \int{\frac{x^2}{1+x^5}dx} [/math]? Where can I get expert painting solutions across the Brisbane? What would happen if I stop drinking coffee? Why does my ex boyfriend try to message me? What will happen, when fossil fuel will run out in the world? Can I study electrical engineering after completing diploma course in mechanical engineering? What does pelts in the movie revenant mean? What are they made of? What are they used for? How do you write your Quora answers? Harvard College Courses: What is general shopping advice for German classes? Why is it more serious to talk someone into committing a crime than the crime itself? What are significances and benefits of attending a Kumbh Mela in modern world? My ex is cheating on his wife. Should I tell her? How would I stop doing masturbation? Why don't Pakistanis speak Punjabi? What's the most generic question ever asked on Quora? Why do some people get offended easily? Quora: How do you post on Quora? Ways to earn money easily? Is time travel possible? What are some good substitutes for coconut cream? Which country gives the most flexible residence permits or visas with minimal documentation processing and payment? Does electricity travel at the speed of light? How is school changing in the 21st century in Singapore? Who won last night Mike Pence or Tim Kaine VP debate? My hair is buzzed and bleached. How long should I wait to bleach it again to get desired color? If I wait too long & cut it I'll have to start over. How many songs are available to subscribers of Apple Music? How do you earn 10 dollars in 3 days, once every month? How good are birds at building nests? I am from Maharashtra but I have completed my +2 from Odisha. Am I eligible for admission in private medical colleges in Maharashtra through NEET? How do I enhance my English? What type of handicrafts is trending in UAE? Can anyone complain to police without evidence? Is there anything out there to make ones penis bigger? Indian Railways: In spite of being one of the busiest junctions in India, why doesn't Itarsi get any importance in the Rail budget? How do I study more effectively? What triggered the Big Bang? Why did my dog lose motor function in hind legs? I am 50 yrs old lady. I am losing my hair and the upper portion of my head looks slight bald. What should I do? How is Seth MacFarlane in person? Why is Dropbox deleting files? Is there any app which can store internet from WiFi and we can use it after when we are offline? What is the best training centre for CCNA in Chennai? What is the function of engine seal in a gas turbine? Where is their position on a gas turbine? How does it feel to love someone who doesn't love you anymore? Since negging has gone mainstream, what’s the common way girls deal with it, and what’s the new strategy? What is the best men's suit brand for a teenager? Why did Manaphy panic before using Heart Swap in the movie? What is the probability of a CKWL 9 getting confirmed? What classical sources do Greek myths originate from? What would cause people to stop using Quora? Which companies credit card is best to use in India and for online transaction internationally? How do I tell someone they have BO? Why do people get into dealing drugs? How fast did Thomson grow its revenues before it merged with Reuters? Does Geographical situation affect language? Is it boring to live an organised life? Why do I feel like no one cares about me when I'm upset and depressed? How can I learn to speak English fluently? What is the best order to watch the Star Wars series? Which one matters more in a diagnosis H pylori: IgA or IgG? What is your review of Kendriya Vidyalaya? Why have I stopped dreaming in color? "What does the phrase ""words bleed"" mean?" Where can I find a mentor to teach me internet marketing? What is the best way to heal facial scars? What are symbols of forgiveness? Is it worth spending $200k to get an MBA at a top business school? What does it mean for a girl if she doesn't feel anything when a guy holds her hand? Is there any negative marking in the BITS HD exam? What is the architectural design and features of Cloudera Impala? Why do door-to-door Jehovah’s Witnesses think it's okay to push their religion on people they don't know? Where NOT to store prescription drugs? Which laptop is good for an information science student? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in Haiti?" What does it feel like to have a one night stand? Why do other countries see India as poor country? Is a there a hard and fast rule to go about procurement consulting in the real estate arena? How should one ideally go about getting vendors on-board? What are the interview questions for a social media marketer? Are men allowed to be feminists? What's better, Gintama or Naruto Shippuden? What are the most iconic images? Does Facebook remove 'Seen' when I mark a message as unread? What makes Android games fun? Where can I get smooth and flawless finishing services for house painting in Brisbane? If you have a smartphone with a non-removable battery, how can you get the battery replaced? How would you rate Smriti Irani parliament speech? What are the top colleges in India for a MBA in information technology? What would happen if Russia joined the European Union? What is your review of Promote (discontinued Quora feature)? What are the qualities which our best friend must possess? Is it strange for a 40 year old man to date a 58 year old woman? Does civil engineering studies actual used in field? Should I commit to a girl with small boobs and almost no cleavage? How does one get many views on a Quora question? For what purpose are underground cables used in India? Which Indian govt bodies conduct annual entrance exams for recruitment of scientist/scientific officer and other similar postions in physics stream? What universities does Trade Street Residential recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? What is the most coincident thing that happened in your life? Is it advisable to attempt CS executive during my final year of or wait till completion of graduation? Do I need to pay service tax on AdSense revenue? Which are the best institute to learn graphic designing? What is it like to work in INFRA BU at Capgemini India? Can I switch to SAP after 2 years of working the same? How do I attach my car in ola in mysore? How can I teach myself to stop procrastinating? What would happen if some EU country said they, won't accept new, even worse restrictive EU privacy regulations, being already sick from too much privacy inherited from EU? What is the history of Indian football team? I need to upload an image to Quora with my question. what do I do? What is your favorite genre of music? How do I edit the summary in my LinkedIn profile? Which laptop is more durable and performs better - Lenovo or Asus? Why is getting an education important? Interpretation and generalization of sources? How are a persuasive essay and a proposal the same? How do I trace mobile number? How do I become a DH at the Home Depot? Is it mandatory to send the acceptance letter attached in the offer letter by capgemini before the joining date? How exactly does the brain produce consciousness or self awareness when cells themselves are not conscious? How many books do you have for JEE Mains or advanced? What is beyond the universe? Does it have an edge? Which one is better, National Institute of Science and Educational research at Bhuvaneswar or Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc)? How do I reverse a string in c++ recursively? Is there a way to see every link I've ever posted on Twitter? What is considered as a mathematical fact? How do I start a successful marketing campaign? Can humans get tapeworms from cats? If so, how? 2016 U.S. Presidential Election: Would Hillary Clinton supporters support Bernie Sanders if he won the nomination? Is bottled water bad for you? What is max resolution of radar? Where can I get my IQ tested in the USA? If you could witness any event from history, what would it be? How do I be come mentally strong in sports? What are some biodegradable materials? What is it really like in the Army Reserve? Audio equipment: What are the best 2.0 stereo receivers for beginners? What is the best place to go traveling in 2016? I unfriended someone on snapchat, added them back, if they messaged me will it pop up after I add them back? Privacy settings were set to my friends. How can my 7-year old son be serious in studying? How can I invest in income producing real estate with 1000$ (no REITs or ETFs)? What could the United States learn from Germany? How are difficulty levels for golf holes ascertained on a golf course? Who do you admire and why? Which English language test should I take: TOEFL or IELTS? What are the top business schools in India that consider MAT score? What are some good Christian rock bands? What are the best cruise vacation life hacks and tips? The dark web how will I know when I access it? Which is the most dangerous chemical? Where can I buy the cheapest Apple iPhone 5s/6 and use it in India? How much money I get from 3000,000 Android app downloads? Did anyone ever find love on Quora? Should I use a one way Anova or multiple t-tests? How can I increase traffic to my blog on marketing? Do the people who voted for Donald Trump still believe in him? Can I take three Benadryl? I am 16 years old. I have been smoking for past 3 months. I smoke 2-3 cigarettes a day? How harmful is it for me? And how will it affect me? How can I get a free laptop? Why do people ask questions on Quora when they can easily find the answer for it on Google? What are the various incarnations of Goddess Lakshmi? What are the best blowing mind gadgets to buy in 2016 that most people don't know about? How much money is RED POWER? Is an i5 of 2.4 Ghz faster than i3 of 3.2 ghz? Is it better to live as a Swiss in Switzerland or as an American in the USA? Will the Quora team redesign the Android App in accordance to Material Design? Was the coup d'etat in Turkey a farce? How can I learn C programming? What are the best async web frameworks? Should I major in Computer Science or Biochemistry? How do I fix error code 108? Do children of NRIs feel patriotic? Could AI save the planet? How good is University of Chicago compared to the Ivies? How can a coding beginner get started? Why does my male friend go from hot to cold? What is the ultimate list of books to read before you die? "What does ""; *"" mean?" Doesn't it anger Indians that India was looted and plundered by Mughals and Britishers so much that from a super rich country it became a poor third world country? What is the value of the square root of 1%? What can I start doing today to become an alpha male? How do I learn Japanese? Are there any experiences that you got from working on Quora that have helped you work on Winnie? How do guys know if a girl is horny? Who is Krishna, mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita? Can we call Harsha Bhogle as one of the best cricket commentators of all time? How do we balance living in a safe western environment whilst so much suffering, death and distraction is less than a days flight away? What are some good essay topics for competitive exams? Will Pepsi buy SodaStream? Is it a fact that Hindus will be in minority in India by 2040? How can I improve my communication skills in English? What object represents an ISTP personality type? What will be the effect of banning 500 & 1000 rupees notes on the real estate? Is Flipkart better than Amazon in India? What can I add to ramen noodles to make them less crappy? What is the expected cutoff for MIT Pune CSE in mht cet 2016? Why is it my boyfriend always comparing me to his ex-girlfriend? How can I save my text messages on my iPhone? What happens to the body when you drink less than 1 liter of water a day? I don't know how to resist temptation from other woman. I'm taken and I keep texting this girl. Why can't I shake her off? What power did John Coffey really possess in the movie The Green Mile? We never learned to civilise, did we? All the problems of the ancient period are just more organized. We still have adultery, crimes, frauds, war and casualties. Its like nothing really changed. How do people contact et aliens? How do I lose stubborn belly fat? Has anybody used Uber with PayTM lately? What is the best way to cook a filet mignon in a slow cooker? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Lightstream Resources? How do you prove that for all sets A, B and C, (A∪B) \C = (A\C) ∪ (B \C)? What should every traveller know in order to not be totally ignorant about Belgrade? Do you like watching movies? Are there free calls on Jio sim? How can I transform my Physical grocery store into Online? How do you make friends while studying abroad? What are some good examples of rotational symmetry in daily life? Is class 11 actually important? What are some bizarre Indian cultural traditions / rituals? Why should the kinetic energies of photons and gluons, (i.e. responsible for the mass of something), dictate how resistant a body is to acceleration? "What does the phrase ""pain is temporary, pride is forever"" mean?" Can I install and run Windows 10 on an external hard drive to free up space on my 128 GB MacBook Air? Where can I find e-commerce statistics? What is the best car to buy under 5.5 lac? I need financial stability. My mother is a cancer patient. I still do not get the inspiration to aggressively prepare for govt job. Am I mentally ill? What is the most compromising living situation you have ever experienced? Which is the most enigmatic country in the world? How is NIT Trichy in comparison to NIT Warangal? Do we have bollywood songs in Just Dance for Xbox one? What are the benefits or running and weight lifting? What is the best way to live a happy and successful life? I have been out of high school for four years. My middle school teacher has always tried to contact me (in high school she saw me at practice and told me I should come over for a pool party or to help her daughters with soccer). Boldly, I emailed her. She wants to grab a bite to eat and catch up. Romantic or not? How much platinum is use to make electric transformation devices? How much do special interest groups influence lawmaking? My boyfriend seems to not want anything to do with me. How do I write him a letter telling him he's hurting me? What are the procedures involved in importing copper scraps from China? Could Obama tender a resignation effective 11:58 on January 20th, solely so Biden could be President for 2 minutes? How does someone become a top writer in Quora (criteria)? What level of management prepares proposals at the big consulting firms? How is Javascript used within the Spotify desktop application? "What does ""鴻日"" mean in English?" What is a UI/UX developer? What is the best book to learn C# for absolute beginners? What are some online resources? How do I get a Tier 5 internship visa in UK? Can we drink Park Avenue Beer Shampoo? What are the cons of GST bill? What is best place to study engineering canada or Australia? How do I change my YouTube channel name more than three times? How can I find love on internet? What is the basic principle of life? Why the faculty for VLSI not that good at VIT Vellore? What is the best way to get in SAP HCM? What is the least common natural eye color? What is the maximum non taxable amount of money that can be gifted to one's housewife in india? Why is the painting of Mona Lisa a big deal? How big is a chance that Fata Morgana would make direct visibility between Munich and Moscow? What are types of personalities? Who is Evangeline Lilly playing in Ant-Man? What is the corporate culture like at Analog Devices? How is the culture different than other companies? I know basic HTML, CSS, Javascript. I want to make a simple website with what I know. What are the non-coding steps that I need to take? I have bought a book from Amazon Kindle on my iPad. How can I read it from a Windows laptop? "Why do I see a ""last seen"" of yesterday when I have received response today?" What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Singapore notice? How do girls/women feel when boys touch their boobs or somewhere else? What are the best Android games ever made? Why do guys feel weak after sex? What is Best video player for pc? How can we be sure that the Christian God is the only one that exists? What is the best means to increase traffic to your website without spamming? Which of the US presidential candidates is more favourable towards India? How do I make a dark chocolate? Is there any other apps like Quora in Hindi? What exactly does an engineer do? "Why do people always text me ""streaks""on snapchat when we don't have a streak and they're not asking for one?" How is the prefrontal cortex affected by autism? How and where can I get a Minecraft premium account for free? How do I see my saved messages on Snapchat but I block them, but I still want to see them? What should I do if I do not enjoy sex with my husband? How can I treat a submammary candidiasis? Could we read a paper using phone radio frequencies? Is there any radiotelescope that images the subsurfaces of planets using these frequencies? I scored 327 on the GRE, 4 on the AWA, and 108 on the TOEFL. I have three published research papers and I have a very strong LoR and SoP but my CGPA is 5.2/10. Do I have a chance of getting into NYU or the University of Chicago - Illinois for computer science? Cooking boook pdf? How do I get rid of a Trojan virus? Is Piccadilly Circus the Times Square of London? What are the plots (30 plots) that were planned to kill Adolf Hitler? How did he succeed in putting all of them down? Can you make Scrapy keep all the HTML it downloads? Will Leonardo DiCaprio win an Oscar in 2016? Which is the best time for study? Is it early morning or late night? What is it like to go to Scripps College in CA? Is there a heaven after death? What should I do 10 days before my CBSE class 12 board exams? I have Physics, Chemistry and Maths? How can someone hack Facebook accounts? Why does aluminum resist rust? "Which one is grammatically correct: ""an year"" or ""a year""?" I'm studying right now 3rd year in software engineering. How can I get a job in the USA? Could the preferred axis of rotation of a universal black hole cause the spin alignment of black holes on the universe? What are the fundamentals books to read in the field of electrical power engineering to get to know the industry and also the technical part? I want to do my masters in Aerospace and I want to work in an industry first and then as a researcher. Should I join an IIT or IISC? Do teenagers hate classical music? Is it possible to time travel in the distant future? How did the mongols ride so far in a day? Is pneumonia fatal? Does the following sentence make sense? How do stock options work for Google employees? How do stock options affect the employee? What is a RSU? How do I stop myself from believing what other people think about me? How deadly was Bruce Lee? How do I stop procrastinating my study? How can we get best Online Tutorials or educational videos or youtube videos or OpenCourseWare or mooc to learn Operations? What is the most awkward situation you have ever been in, involving a girl? If I forgot both my username and password of my Instagram account, how do I delete the account? How do I stop comparing my art to professionals? What is the formula for converting moles to molecules? What is the scope of civil engineer in India after doing ms from germany? How does ARP spoofing work? What will be the consequences of 500 and 1000 rupee notes banning? What are some funny gaalis (expletives) used by Indians? "Why is ""Marine Day"" unknown in Britain?" How do I boost self esteem? If women must choose, which would it be, a loving partner or a child/children? Why is my penis thicker mid shaft than at the base? Does Donald Trump still have a chance to become President of the United States? My name is Suman and on my birth certificate it is printed as Sumon. Will it create any problem while applying for passport? If yes suggest solutions. What should I opt? Product design or Mass media? What is the goal of Quora Credits? What is the significance of the traffic lights in Twin Peaks? How can I learn to read body language? How do you play BluRay discs on an Xbox 360? How can I overcome low self-esteem? Should I mention chess as my hobby for IIM interview? My Elo rating is 1700. How do I make my boyfriend feel that I'm just for him? What is your review of HTC One? What is the best GPS tracker for bicycle? What are the most important software packages for a mechanical design engineer to know? Was the moon landing in 1969 fake? How can I reduce excessive fat in my Thighs? "Who was Simón Bolívar and why he was known as ""The Liberator""?" How is a metamorphic rock formed? Is State board weightage high in comparison to cbse board in JEE mains? Do boys like shy girls? How long does it take for a man to fall in love? What are some alternatives for red wine vinegar in recipes that cal for it? Which is the best comic book? Is eating the same thing every day healthy? What is Bhartiya Nikoo Homes Phase 2? What is the best way to reduce belly and arm fat? I am a beginner programmer. How can I input a custom test case to my program so I don't have to type it every time? What are some superstitions that people believe in? Where can I go to register my mobile number for an Aadhar card? Can I do it in an out of state centre? Which is the better Marvel game: Contest of Champions or Future Fight? What are the advantages of a revolver over a regular handgun? How do you clean Nike Free Run 5.0 shoes? How much is too much? Who invented zero and how? How do you get permanent stretch marks removed? What is an effective diet to burn fat and lose weight? Can non-Nicotine Vape Liquid Still affect you? What is it like not to want kids but have one anyway? English (language): What are some English phrases and terms commonly heard in India but rarely used elsewhere? What is the best way to wash shoes in the washer? Who is the hottest pornstar? Is it normal to be a virgin at 23? What type of exercise helps in losing weight? Will Trump keep the White House garden? Do guys like shy girls? If all the water in the oceans was distilled and only the pure water was put back into the oceans, would the water cycle consist of pure water? Is it really true that we should fear failure? If yes then why? If not, then how can one be more successful? Is it necessary for children to wear school uniforms? What will be Real estate trend after Demonetization of 500 & 1000 currency notes? What are the three keys to making money online? Why do Sc / St people have more preference than other people? When will season 2 of the Baked web series of ScoopWhoop come? What is the best/ most interesting question you have read on Quora? How do big ears help animals? Can you make butter from buttermilk? Do we have to take an entrance exam for getting into DU colleges? Photography: What are some tips for taking great iPhone photos? "How do you say ""panda"" in Japanese?" What are some of the best examples of explaining something complicated with a simple analogy? What are creative ideas for mechanical engineering final year project? Can an introvert become an extrovert and vice versa? Among the Asean nation, who are going to dominate Southeast Asian region - Indonesia or Myanmar or Vietnam or Philippine based on their potential? How hard did you work to get into IAS? Will real estate prices fall in Chennai? How can I get the Call of Duty Black OPS 3 Redeem Code? Do you have more than one Quora account? Which car services are available in Atlanta? How good are they compared to taxis and relative to each other? What are some examples of farce in literature? If I put an electric charge (proton or electron) next to a magnetic field very slowly what happens? Uber and ola which one is better? Can I use React-native same app for android and iOS? Why do people talk about a Native American genocide when a lot of Americans today have some native American ancestry? What's the best ways for obese people to lose weight? How fast is a 50 Mbps internet download speed? Who are the leading businessmen of the UAE? How is a high heat capacity measured? How can I get my old Instagram id back? Why is uranium used in nuclear power plants? I will be leading a team to (re) design our company's Intranet. How do I start a presentation for the team's first meeting? Why do most high school students hate reading? What is considered sexist by men and what is considered sexist for women? What is the best hosting for a self hosted wordpress blog? Is US passport number a social security number? Is Retina Flash present on iPhone 6 plus? What are some useful breathing tips and techniques to use in order to pass a PT test? What is the best and fastest way to become a billionaire? What are the monomers of disaccharides? Are coding bootcamps a scam? Did Sashikala poison Jayalalitha? What is the best free way to check credit score for Indians? How can I start affiliate marketing? Can you give me my child prediction date of birth 19th Oct 1978 time 09:28 Kanpur Uttar Pradesh India? Should I outsource or do it myself? What kind of job would you like to have? What is the difference between Big O notation and Worst case Analysis of an Algorithm? Is 'The Diary of a Young Girl' by Anne Frank a postwar fake? How was the 24 hour clock invented? And who invented it? What are some of the best silent scenes in movies and television? Is ballet dangerous? What one single advice can change a life? What is difference between savings account and RD account? Where can I find a list of anime movie dubbed in English? Why didn't Donald Trump run for President as a Democrat? How do I write good content? Where is the best place to find pre-game NBA photos? "What is the meaning of ""talent acquisition""?" What are the career options after graduating with a B.A. in philosophy? How does phosphorus reacts with water? Why isn't slavery prohibited in Islam? Should YouTube offer a premium account that spares you the commercials? Why doesn't Quora delete troll accounts? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Hofstra University? Can I start investing in stocks with $100? What is the plot for new pirates of the Caribbean movie? What are the signs of a bad ignition coil? What is your take on banning 500 and 1000 rs notes in India? How should I solve this probability question? How are artificial neural networks and Markov chains different? What is the most scary moment in your life, that ever happened? How do I earn money fast? Is it safe to travel to Turkey, Istanbul on July 2016? How is Hepatitis B treated? How should I find a startup to work for in Silicon Valley? What is the purpose of the law of facilitation? How do I get my prepaid BSNL mobile number call history and rates charged for each individual call? How can I lose weight quickly? Which is the best GMAT institute in Bangalore? How can I make black hair grow faster? How many people have actually seen a ghost? I find it hard to study. I feel like my mind refrains from studying at all. What should I do? What is engineering management? What is the best website for worldwide news? Do porn stars really have passion in porn? Is sulfur a mixture, a compound or an element? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in Dominica?" If photons have no mass, how are solar sails pushed? How is machine learning being used in healthcare? What do you think about Quora in general? What is my Wi-Fi network password? What is GST bill and how exactly is it beneficial? What is a link production? Should the US eliminate area codes now that almost everyone has unlimited long distance? How do you bake a chicken and how long should you bake a chicken at 350 degress? How would you describe happiness? I wasn't able to clear one subject in supplementary 2nd puc, will I be able to attend exam on March and attend CET exam? How much does Mark Zuckerberg actually make in a year? Which is the best service under Railway IRTS or the ones offered through ESE? Why Energy is constant? Why bank earn less from loan compare what is given out in fixed deposits? Where can I get very affordable services in Sydney for water heater repair? How do you stop a Lab/Terrier mix from biting your furniture? Why do people ask questions on Quora that are easily answered with a Google/Wikipedia search? How did Harsha Bhogle start commentary? Is it a good idea to find a co-founder on GitHub? What are the ways to effectively save post tax salary? How does a for loop work in C programs? How do I grow a YouTube channel? "What should be the answer of "" tell me about yourself"" during an interview?" How do I join army after hotel management? When do we, as human beings, use water for? What can I do to help my 13yo brother learn more about developing virtual reality gaming? Which movie is the most moving you have ever watched? "What is your opinion on Prime Minister Modi's statement on a permanent seat in the UN Security Council: ""Those days are gone when India had to beg. Now we want our right. No other country has such moral authority""? What will be the consequences?" How do I know if guys are intimidated by me, or just not interested? How do I get a 10% return on 50 dollars a month? I'm a young 19 year old interested in investing. Please add great books to read about investing! What is the best commuter city outside london? What's the mood in Germany like as Trump has been declared victorious? What is the best way to lose weight at home/office? What is the most severe injury to have ever happened to astronauts at ISS? Will I get admission in IIM IPM with a waitlist rank of 55? What is it like to work in Ireland as a software developer? Who is the super specialist astrologer in uk? What would your heaven be like? What are the best potty training methods? What are the best tips for potty training? How do I read the Chronicle Magazine for the IAS preparation? What attracts guys to girls? How can I increase my body metabolism? What is the hype about Tesla? How are they different from regular cars? Why is Google showing weird symbols when I try to search for something? How can I fix it? How can you watch American TV shows in the UK? What is common in Alia Bhatt and Rahul Gandhi as far as L.Q. is concerned? Who found zero? Which is the best company to outsource work to find sponsorship for a mass campaign? How do I hire an ethical hacker? What are some crazy sex stories? What is the most embarrassing moment of your life when you were a kid? "If ""The Martian"" really happened and one astronaut got stranded on Mars, would the US government spend billions on another mission to bring that one man back?" My mind wants to see porn in my free time. What should I do? What is Vipassana? Why do so many professional photographers still use the cheap camera strap that comes with the camera? Why do major luxury brands come from Italy or Switzerland? How do I choose penny stocks in India? Why is the Oval Office oval? What are some effective ways to increase a coffee shop's revenue by selling more pastries and bistros? How can I stop thinking about someone I shouldn't? What is the most pleasurable job in the world? I have given my 12 board through rbse but I want to give my boards, again through jharkhand board is it legal? Will I eligibl for JEE main next year What are some interesting facts about Cottonmouth Snake? How do I convince investors for my startup idea? What programming languages should learn in college? Which are the Best architecture colleges in India? Is it okay to do strength training 2 days in a row? Is Gender dysphoria a mental illness? What is Instagram's hourly comment limit? "What are some things the ""average"" person can do to make the world a better place?" How does one concentrate on studies in the noon? How was a snapchat request sent from my account to a person that I removed off my friends? Why is log17 = (log18+log16) /2 ! = log10+log7? Which are the constitutional bodies in India? Who is better Narendra Modi or Manmohan Singh? What is he difference between IT and computer science? How do I integrate x/ (x^+1) (x-1)? How will you describe your crush in one sentence? What is Metal? Which option should I choose CSE in MNNIT or CE in SVNIT? How hard is it to add a heated steering wheel to my car? How do you handle your emotional needs not being met by your partner in a relationship? Where can I get great deals and combo rates for jumping castles in Sydney? What can be a good name for an e-commerce website? WHAT IS THE BEST COLLEGES OFERING BTECH IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING? How can we measure power consumption and feed to internet for IOT purpose? Why are people generally unsatisfied with their life? How do I find a girl friend in Chennai? Where can I buy Jordan 3 shoes? What are some of the best questions on Quora? I am a 21 year old boy. Having weight around 49kgs and height around 166cms. Is there any way to increase my height and weight both? Why do people love? Who are the worst directors in Bollywood? Where can I catch a Rhydon in Pokémon GO? What are the major characteristics of Egyptians? What do you value most in your life and why? How will you know if your partner was or still cheating on you? How does one overcome procrastination? What is future in JAVA? Desktop and Web based. What are the best live albums of all time? Which laptop is the best in the range of 30000? What is the best gre book? Do you sweat less if you have shaved armpits? What is the best porn site on the Internet? Why? Do women also enjoy sex? What should I do to increase my concentration on studies as I am a lot distracted from other aspects of my life? Why is Congress party supporting AAP in Delhi? How do I know my pf number? When can we start to live free of oppression and totalitarian state control? What are the 4 best ways to lose weight? Fashion management uk? Are antibiotics necessary for strep throat? How can I develop my business profile as a job seeker? Do you think time travel can really be possible? How do I change the address on my new Aadhaar Card? How did you managed to get more than 300 likes on Facebook? How do I make toast? How do I choose motor oil for my vehicle? How can I scan a document? How do I jailbreak iOS 8.1.3? Is an M.Sc. degree in mathematics and computing from IIT KGP good? How do I dye my hair from blonde to black? What is the CGPA required to upgrade branch from ECE to CSE in PEC? Is it healthy to drink lot of water, everyday? If term limits did not exist, which modern US presidents would have served more than two terms? If I block someone on Instagram, are they still able to see photos I was tagged in, even if my account is private? Which Linux distribution is the best for a programmer? What are the best answers for the question ''what is your goal in life'' during interviews? What happens if one eats lots of junk food and exercises and plays a lot? I got a 93 in JEE mains and 86% in 12th board exams. Which colleges can I get admission? What are your views on India banning 500 and 1000 notes? In what way it will affect Indian economy? What would happen to plants if it was always winter? What's the point of living, when eventually we are going to die? What is the cheapest and painless way to commit suicide? Why is Quora so leftist? How is Narcissistic Personality Disorder diagnosed? Who is the best digital marketing agency in the world? Is aeronautical engineering hard? What is the best Swiss chocolate cake mix? What is the difference between a brokerage and a mutual fund? How do I get rid of fat in my tummy since it makes me look pregnant ? What could cause the right side of my head to hurt? How do you prepare for the Navy? What should I do to stop burning pain in my rectum after bowel movements? Who is your favorite Anime character? Why? What are the four states of matter? Fashion Accessories: Does this bracelet look like something good for a straight man to wear? What will be the next blasting move by PM Modi? What are the hidden features of Whatsapp? How can I send SMS from my Facebook account? What are South Africa's national sports? How are they played? If a boy won't reply to me on WhatsApp, but talks well when I meet him and even talks with me voluntarily, what does that mean? Is he ignoring me? What do the molecular orbitals of EDTA look like? Which is the best badminton racket under ₹1500? Can Shri Narendra Modi become PM in 2019, Loksabha election? Do guys typically like it when girls hug them from behind? Is Azad Kashmir better than J&K? Is this a good cover letter? Can one open a savings bank account in SBI any where in India? How is the simple past tense used in sentences? Why are ecommerce site forcing us to use app only? How do I focus on studies without diverting our mind? Can humans breathe 100% oxygen and live? The Holocaust: Why did the Nazis shave off all of the hair of concentration camp prisoners? Which casinos offer video roulette in Los Angeles? How can I make money online in India? How do I prepare for GATE exam effective from 2nd year onwards? Why do our skin turns white to brown? What is the source of income for WhatsApp after it has been made free of cost? I have a Huawei Honor Holly. How can I use the VR app? What could cause a heart rate of over 200 bpm? Which uses the least wireless data on an iPhone: Waze, Google Maps or Apple Maps? What are some tips to master finance courses in MBA? How can I calculate the square root of four? Which would be better, CAT or GATE for engineer? Why do people ask questions here in Quora instead of just googling? Picnic spots in mumbai? How do recipe sites make money? What are the best books on Internet and mobile businesses? If a body is projected with a velocity of (v) at an angle of (a) from the horizontal what is the velocity when the angle becomes (b)? Why is the ampersand (&) symbol written in multiple different ways in English? "How does one make ""homemade"" permanent magnets?" What is an example of a smartphone operating system? What is the pH of distilled water? What are some of the best Tamil movies of recent times? What are the best high schools in the world? Is loving someone a choice or a feeling you cannot control? Why does my internet video stutter and how can it be fixed? How do I delete a Question I asked when the Delete option has been removed from the Options menu? Why can't I feel happy anymore? How do I get girls? How do I cook Tilapia Fish Curry Recipe? Where will I get Xiaomi Redmi Note 3? Where can I get expert house painting service in Brisbane? How do I backup phone data before upgrading to Android 6.0? The God worshipped by Jews, Christians and Muslims is male and bans any acknowledgement or belief of a female deity. Is patriarchal monotheism, then, to blame for the general lower social status experienced by women over the years? How could I become rich? What is the best gift you have received? In AC/DC's Shoot To Thrill, what is the meaning of the lyrics: I'm like evil I get under your skin just like a bomb that's ready to blow? Why is scientific name useful? Why is there a need for a front end and back end language? How can I hack Facebook accounts in minutes? Will I get a medical seat in Karnataka (GM) by scoring 147/180 PCB KCET? What are some words that rhyme with home? How do I access the texture assets of rust? Who has bowled the fastest ball for India? My Mu-oet rank is 8648. What branches can I get in Manipal University main campus? Why do police shoot to kill? This ignores the fact that someone is innocent until proven guilty. If someone has a gun, shoot them in the arm. How I use 4G network sim on my 3G mobile? Is lnmiit good for mechanical? What does Jupiter alone in 4th house (Taurus) of D9 (navamsa) chart mean? How do I learn German with out any coaching? How can I transfer money from an SBI account to another bank account using a debit card? If you are getting one word replies from a girl while texting, does that mean she isn't interested? What is engineering mode code for Gionee marathon 2? How can I know this code? Are you following your destiny? How do you know? What can I do with a static IP address? What happened if U.S. decides to leave NATO and make a new alliance with it's former enemy? How should I take revenge with my cheating girlfriend? What are the new rules of football in Euro 2016? What are your tips for writing slow burn fanfiction? Is a student who sucked in High School but ended up being a top PhD student in a top school a misunderstood genius? Why did Pax Romana start? How do you naturally get rid of severe back acne? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at The Gap? How does the Garmin Forerunner estimate calories burned? What are the top ten must watch sci-fi movies? What are the best methods to study matrices and determinants in great detail and clarity? What are the best admission counseling consultancies in the Delhi for applying to MS in USA? What are some events that can be held at a college level fest (Technical or Cultural or Annual)? What is the best political solution to the Kashmir conflict? Is Sting a good singer or a bad singer? What is life? Is death real? What are Botox? Why do some people still think the Earth is flat? How long does it take for self harm scars to heal? Will BJP win UP Elections in 2017? What strategy should they use to win the voters' trust in UP? What is one piece of simple advice that actually changed your life? What are the most serious vulnerabilities and security concerns of the TCP/IP protocol? How can I convince my dad that Apollo 11 went to the moon? What is the academic pressure and workload at Christopher Newport University like? What does it take to be an ethical hacker for the NSA? Do you think Scotland leave the UK and join the EU? Has Modi become Hitler? What is the most painful experience in life? How do we know that we're not living in a computer simulation? "What is ""what is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich don't need it and if you eat it, you'll die""?" Which is the best programming language for beginners? How do I ask a question on Quora? Which DIY stores can I buy string curtain (Rideau fils) in France besides Gifi? How can I delete snap chats that are saved? Where do I catch an Beedrill in Pokemon GO? How can I learn communication skills? Can you use Roku without the internet? Describe how a linked list can be used to implement a stack and a queue? This guy who gets teased about me liking him well today in class his friends kept staring at me & he did too but why & why would he avoid eye contact? I am a student studying in class 11. What should I do to prepare for the coming up RMO and how hard is the RMO? How will Sigfox be able to provide city-wide network coverage if it supports a star topology and not a mesh topology? Who's best US president ever? How can I apply for a winter internship at Facebook or Microsoft in India? I am a BE student. In what order should I watch any DC movies/shows (animated or not)? I have a 250 rank in BVP Pune and 5500 in IPU CET. I want to do mech engg. Should I prefer MAIT or BVP Pune? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Sun Hydraulics is coming out with in 2016? Who are you inspired by? What happened to How does IBM's Watson work? How exactly does stress induce weight loss? Does India need reservations? Why? Who is the best Bulk SMS service provider in Telangana? Is there a possibility of having a magnet having just one pole? How would Brexit affect India? How do I get into IB HL math? What are the differences and similarities between ionic and covalent bonds? What are some theories about the inside of black holes? How can I become a computer expert? I am 27 years old, female and I am unemployed. Is it too late for getting married? Where can I download engineering drawing with worked examples by M.A Parker and F. Pickup for free? I have to buy it everywhere I check I am religiously doing HCV, M.L Khanna and the FIITJEE packages. Can I score a good grade in the JEE Advanced 2016? Which colleges match which MBTI personality types? Did really ghosts are present? Is it better to use Python 2 or 3 in 2016? If all the matter and energy in the universe was compressed into a black hole, how big would it be? What are the consequences of the reversal of the earth's magnetic field? Would humanity vanish? Can a PAN card number be misused in any way? What happened at the Tower of Joy? How do I get 10 cents from 1 million people? What perks are given to a Google employee? Is there any advantage of using a credit card over a debit card if I can always keep a good balance on the checking account? Someone blocked me on WhatsApp. I changed my number on that WhatsApp account but I am still not seeing their profile picture etc. Why is this? How would you secure your wi-fi connections on your laptop? Do all of the calories that you eat on cheat day enter your body? Or is there a limit of absorption before it gets pooped out? What are some alternatives to Bloomberg terminals? Is any antivirus effective for Android? "What is the English translation of ""moi""?" What will most likely cause World War III? Who has inspired you the most? How do I set default screen in jelly bean? Is it good to start your career as a salesforce developer? How do I get rid of OCD? Why do people wear sunglasses at night? What is the biggest outdoor advertising LED display screen in the world? Can I open an S-corp on an H1B visa? Do employees at Old National Bank have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? Does a cylinder have a face? What happens to the cool kids after College? What are typical traits of Filipinos? "How do you say ""good morning"" in French?" Can I use vodka or gin as an aftershave? What do people see when they close their eyes? What happens when the top reinforcement of the concrete beam is cut off? "What are some sentence examples using ""absolve""?" How will Facebook Questions impact Quora? What is the state of distributed learning (multi-GPU and across multiple hosts) in Keras and what are the future plans? How did Winston Churchill cope with depression? Do Chinese newborn babies look different at birth? How do you teach yourself well in programming? What is the role of a best friend in your life? How can I write a program for converting hexadecimal to decimal in C? What is the general perception of Telugu people across India or the globe? What can be the best gift for my friend's wedding? How do I remove Virus, Malware and Spyware from a computer or laptop? What is the theory of conditioned response? Why am I single? What are the political orientations of the Brookings Institution? How does David Guetta compare to Daft Punk? What on demand start up exists in South Africa? Why is the Permanent Court of Arbitration illiterate on UNCLOS? "How do you say ""so-so"" in French? What are some other basic phrases that are useful to know?" Why is Justin Beiber more popular than Shawn Mendes? How often should my company tweet? Did NASA really forget how to go back to the moon? Are Juggalos anti-intellectual? What does LEO Privacy Guard app and features do? How can I get 50000 followers on Instagram? What are five books to read before you die? Why do I care very much one moment and feel self conscious about something, and then tell myself that I don't care? What should I believe? Why did Angelina Jolie say she has “less inclination to feel for” Shiloh? I have got a composite score of 557.5 in MAT exam. What is my percentile and what are the best colleges I can look for? How do I know why I was blocked from Instagram? Has anyone pooped on the moon? How are speed control of high voltage (180 V) DC motors done? What factors have influenced your career choice? Life Advice: What is important in life? What are things which everyone should know in achieving it? Are Master degrees (MS,MEng) from Canada is approved in India? What I am suppose to do to earn 40 lakh per annum? How do I find my driver license number? What are some tips for my first day in the office? What is the best Udemy course on productivity? How does feng shui work? Which is the best college for msc in India? What are some careers in professional selling? Why is AIIMS Bhopal considered better than AIIMS Jodhpur? Keya moto g4 plus ke dono sim 4g network sapport karte hai? I have no social life as a teen. I only talk to people when I see them in person. Is this bad? How many truck tyres are loaded in one 40'HQ container? Kingroot cannot root my Sony Xperia Z2, what app should I use to root my phone without using Pc? Its running Lollipop 5.1.1. "What is the translation of ""good luck"" to Dutch?" How can I listen to audio books on Pandora Radio? What does ॐ signify? What is something that you will never do? If you are in a job interview and asked to name three of your flaws, what´s the best way to deal with this question? Why doesn't prince Harry do as much royal duties as prince William? Why not just break a shell of a hatchimal instead of nursing it? How do I join BARC, Mumbai as an electronics and communication engineer? What is the difference between leafs and leaves? When is it correct to use each one? 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How many tectonic plates exist? "What does the word ""pizon"" mean in English?" Where can I watch Dragon Ball Super online with English subtitles? Will wearing reduced prescribed glasses help in reversing axial myopia? How is the Lewis structure for NaBr determined? How should I talk to a girl I like? What is the amplitude of sound waves? Why do people ask stuff on Quora that they could just google and find out themselves? Which is the best budget 55 inches 4K TV with HDR out there? What is a reference point? How do Jab Comix users get a username and password? Vip Seller. ICQ 3337999. Selling cvv all country - dumps - bank login - wu bug? Are muscle cramps unhealthy? How do I stop fake Instagram account? Which are the best places in Goa to visit alone? How do I figure out job burnout? What are the best franchises to open? What are the best mattresses for a stiff back? How long does it take to write a speech? In the future will India and Pakistan be together? What is the meaning of this song? How can I earn money from YouTube? Why there are certain things that make you happy but don’t make everyone happy? What is the difference between supply chain management and operations management? How can I get my neighbor's WiFi password using an app? My age is 29, can I take the risk of permanent makeup? How can I remove latex paint from my carpet? Where and how should I use 'ந,ன,ண', 'ர,ற', 'ல,ள,ழ' correctly when writing/speaking(Tamil)? Is time travel possible? If yes? How? Will I get admission in private medical colleges with 371 marks in neet 2016? What are the best books about improving your body language? I have to give a speech in my communications class for 5 minutes. What are some good topics to speak on? Could you explain the concept of frequency, signalling, radio and bandwidth in relationship with GSM and wireless communication, in simplest terms? Which institute is best for only Gate coaching for mechanical in Delhi? Does Reddit have its counterpart inside the dark web? How can I use data science to match CVs (resumes) with job offerings? What's the best website to learn stocks market news and what to invest in? Will extraterrestrials probably use a programming language similar to ours? (like C++) What will Obama do after he's done being President of the USA? It is possible to travel by time? "Why is ""Marine Day"" unknown in Britain?" What are some tips write a fictional love story? What is the best book to learn algorithms in computer science? How many couples are unhappily married? How is Six Sigma beneficial for BPO industry? Being a boy, how do I deal with eve-teasers in any public place who tease women? What are taboos when traveling to Thailand? Is Donald Trump really a democrat who is trying to get Hillary Clinton elected as president? A flight school in Ontario, Canada is offering me a Private Pilot course. I don't have Maths and Physics as a subject. Can I take it? In Sherlock S04E03, who was the girl in the plane Sherlock was talking to? Is it safe to microwave plastic cups? How do I find my right career? Is it okay to put a mint plant in my fish tank? Can I give a cheque without mentioning account number? How will win of donald trump affect India? How can anyone study engineering computer science subjects smartly? Why Mars before the Moon? How do amphibian cell membranes differ from human cell membranes? What is the best practice to write Java methods? Why does the human body need hair? Is there any scientific reason behind it or is it just for showing off? One of my close friend loves me but unfortunately I couldn't revert it? Should I avoid her completely or can I continue her friendship? What are some good songs/music? If an asteroid falls and was projected to destroy one half of the earth's surface, is transporting all people to the other side logistically possible? What are some of the best marriage scenes you have encountered in a bollywood movie? Can I become asexual? I don't want to live like this anymore Which is best featured laptop under 25000 Rs, in any brand? Is Python enough to get a job? How can I set the zooming control on a downloaded image from Google Maps in Android? How do I install Gnome in Ubuntu? On which metro station should I get down if I want to go to Supreme court from Paharganj in New Delhi? "How do you ""penny lock"" a door?" Are we humans the most intelligent species on Earth? How do I study for the GATE 2017 ECE without joining coaching? What is an example of a sentence for the word loathe? How do we learn how to learn? Can I use my American bank account in Switzerland for direct deposits from European clients, or am I required to use a Swiss bank account? How can I find a perfect co-founder? Which the best way to propose a girl? What is the Verilog code for 4 bit odd up counter? Thanks in advance What do I need to learn to make a website like Would America be better off if presidents could only serve one term? What are farver beans? How are they used in recipes? What are some cool startups in Calgary? What are some of the best places to live in America? How many ears does Spock have? What does successful people have in common? What are the options for the future you have if you don’t get placed during the campus time in your college? After crude oil is refined, what products are produced by percentage of oil? Is there a way to make money off of the election of Trump in 2016? Why is the public sector less efficient than the private sector? What can I as an atheist learn from a theist or polytheist? Where does the NBA finals MVP rank among NBA awards? BSNL: Is BSNL a PSU? What is the kindest/ most moving thing someone has ever said or done for you? What is the difference between software engineering jobs in U.S. and Europe? What do I do if I have lost my prescription slips? What are the cool features of zsh that beat other shells? How will BREXIT effect India? How can I start switching to a CSS file using JavaScript on a clicking a link? What free Android app can I use to show who is looking at my browsing history? How can I get a scholarship fund lots in Allen? What are some fun and creative things to do at a party for a 14 year old? What are the requirements to publish a scientific paper? Is it ok to wear girdle while sleeping at night? What is the most tragic novel you have ever read? What are some cultural faux pas when working at Goldman Sachs? Do photons, the particles of light, have mass? Why was Martin Luther King, Jr. shot and killed by James Earl Ray? What are the minimum marks needed in the IISER aptitude test to get into any IISER? How do I reduce fat? "What are the logical flaws of Rousseau's ""social contract"" theory?" The Y and the X chromosomes define the sex of a child. What happens in case of transgender? Which chromosome enters the female egg? How can I legally make 1 million dollars in 1 month starting with $0? Which country has the most beautiful girls in the world? Why do people on here ask the dumbest questions? How can I install QEMU on a Mac? How do I motivate myself to start trying to lucid dream again? How do I use the LaTeX style file in LyX? Was the partition of India necessary? Are there any good books to read? Is TIME Travel really possible? What should I know before doing it? How can I make my laptop speakers louder? "What does the Spanish word ""chayote"" mean in English?" How do you invest intelligently in upward trending small cap stocks? Can introverts become extroverts? How do I develop a personality attractive to girls? Can someone I block on Instagram see my messages? Has anyone had problems climaxing on Prozac and what did you do to fix it? What are classes and objects in programming? Is there any difference between [] and [[]] in Bash? My Instagram won't let me log in. What should I do? Why diode is a non linear device? Will I get Cse in Amrita coimbatore with a rank of 5523? How is ISIS funded and how do they operate? When will the foreigners feel proud to be a part of Indian companies? "A chamber music composer who wrote a piece for Native American flute, said all NA flutists sound the same and are not ""real musicians"". Is this true?" How many bones are in the human body? How can I find the range of a linear transformation? What are some of the must watch non-Hollywood movies? Can castor oil be applied to hair daily? The sequence of values −2, 1, −3, 4, −1, 2, 1, −5, 4; the contiguous subarray with the largest sum is 4, −1, 2, 1, with sum 6. how? (source wekipedia) I would like to learn functional programming. Which functional programming language is the best for beginners? What was the cause for the British to rule India? I have lost my IP admit card. What should I do? What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they're invited to someone's home in Norway for the first time? Do Hindus get circumcised? How do I travel from Cracow to Warsaw? What is the car culture like in New Zealand? Are Chinese tofu or egg dishes lower in calories? What are the process of environmental analysis? What are some examples? Why are South Korea and North Korea enemies? What is the meaning of SriLanka and why is it not called Ceylon anymore? What is the molecular formula of hemoglobin? How is it determined? What is the difference between an existential crisis and nihilism? Is it true that the moon landing never happened? What are the chances of getting sastra through 73% Bihar board and 114 JEE mains marks in civil engineering and my state is Bihar? How should I prepare for my freshman year at Harvard? How is multidisciplinary in shiv nadar university? Which is the best book for JEE Advanced for math and chemistry? How can I earn money part time online? Is it possible to remove someone from mind completely? "Can we say ""wear one's uniform again"" to mean ""work for the military again""?" Are there any similarities between mythologies or theologies of different religions? How should I start to learn c language? Is it possible to add custom fonts to Kindle Paperwhite? How? "Why is Madonna's nickname ""Madge""?" Who is more destructive batsman in the. Is it right handed batsman or left handed batsman? Do people make up answers on Quora for upvote as answers seems like cooked up stories? Which are the best books to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript? Will India enter in to 2016 Olympic medal list? What is cut off for IIIT Hyderabad? Housing: What is the average price of a home in America? What are good songs for a lyric prank on your family? What are some good examples of social media campaigns from 'uncool' FMCG brands? What is the volume of phone calls that flipkart receives per day? How does that compare to their website traffic volume? What are some good short stories? 2 year gap is allowed in tcs is allowed or not? Which fruit has the most antioxidants? What's the best email service provider for sending simple emails directly from the webpage? In plain Javascript, probably with $.ajax() What is the timing of casino in Goa? How can I improve my English speaking .? What are best online fashion boutiques store for girls? What is the correct and desirable way to make a personal assistant/chat bot using AI, ML and NLP? What are the famous street foods to eat in Thane city and where are they located in the city? How did the Ancient Greeks know about South America? What are the best memories from your engineering college life in India? Why is religion more important to people than love and peace? How can I write a poem about a blue bird? Why is jam mostly made of strawberries? What is the average broker fee in NYC? What should I do to focus on my studies rather than Quora? Up to what AIR rank in the GATE EE stream can any PSU call for an interview (for OBC)? Who will win the 16th match between Bengal Warriors and U Mumba (Mumbai) in Pro Kabaddi Season 4 2016? How will Brexit affect India? How should a 22-year-old invest his/her money? "How did the characters die in ""And Then There Were None"" by Agatha Christie?" How do I move BPO to Hr and talent development? What does FOAR stand for? "What does the Chinese word ""煥森"" mean?" What is hormone imbalance? What are the best ways to get pregnant during your fertile days? How can I overcome anxiety before examinations? How do U.S. Supreme Courts affect laws? Is it harder for introverts to lose weight? What color shirt and tie should I wear with a gray suit to a wedding? When is the best time to workout, before or after a breakfast? Given the coordinates of n polygons, how can I find out how many polygons are contained inside an i-th polygon? If the Earth had a capital, what would it be? And why? Where can I get affordable Interior home painting and Exterior House painting services in Brisbane? How consistent are Estes B6-4 engines? Which country has paramount power, the USA or Russia? How do I get good grades in MS? What is it like being a cheerleader? How can I increase girth of my penis? If Hillary Clinton is elected President will Bill move into the White House with her? What will a girl think if I look at her and smile casually? If we didn't evolve from monkeys, what did we evolve from? What is the difference between consumer/ commercial and retail banking? Why do we sleep? What are some namesof hair gain tonics? How do you give a guy hints that you like him? How do I keep my mind intact to do my studies? In the case that Hillary Clinton gets indicted before the convention, whom would be nominated? Why do some people answer a question with a question? Is this really useful? Why hasn't Turkey acknowledged the Armenian Genocide? How do I make a video call? What is the best treatment for a chronic migraine? India: Why does the Indian newspaper The Hindu use standard English, not simple English? What song has you obsessed right now? Dominion (card game): What are some good Mine strategies? Is there any way to get into MIT, Pune without the MHT-CET / JEE Mains score for UG in mechanical engineering? Is Hillary Clinton secretly paying Donald Trump to throw the election? How does one ejaculate without achieving orgasm? What are the best Hollywood movies? How is human health affected by computers? Which are the best earphones with mic (truebass) under Rs. 1000? How much percentile can one expect with an overall of 28 marks in XAT 2017? How do I turn PayPal money into cash immediately? I have no desire to do anything. I don't enjoy my life at all. I am not depressed, but I just don't want to do anything. What do I do to regain myself? Which is the best faculty of Chemistry for JEE Prep & how can I avail their lectures? Why do males love female clothes? What are the javascript frameworks that are likely to be popular at least until the year 2017? Which is your favorite startup and why? What would be the topic of poster NID 2017? What is it like taking a train from Scranton to NYC? What were the major contributions of the political leaders during WW1, and how are they compared to the ones during other major armed conflicts? What does Facebook plan on doing with its oculus rift acquisition? Can we expect more virtual and augmented reality from Facebook in the near future? How do I get rid of half headache? How do you check your SBI account number? What is a candid picture? How can you increase your height? Why is the left testicle lower than the right? How do I hack and retrieve Twitter and Instagram account? What is a power distribution system? What is register in c? How does Quora count views? If friction is equal to the applied force, is the body at rest or in uniform acceleration? If the object is at uniform acceleration, it's moving. How will the object move if the applied force is not greater than friction? Does legalizing prostitution help or hurt women? Do I need to learn Linux and terminal if I want to become a developer? Besides platinum+rhodium for NOx reduction and platinum+palladium for CO reduction, which catalyst can be used in catalytic converters? If I wanted to immigrate to Canada, what do I need to know? Why is energy released or absorbed? How did Jumanji (2017 movie) get greenlit? What's the backstory of how the movie got made? Why is Lionel Messi retiring from Argentina's national team? What are your favorite movies and why? What can I do if I forgot the email address to access my Tumblr account? Why am I afraid of telling my boyfriend I love him? Where in the manga does the last episode in Fairy Tail 2014 end? What has changed in Delhi after AAP came to power in 2015? Which are the best books to learn C? Why do Indians drink milk before the wedding night? Is buying Patron Tequila worth the cost? How do I deal with bad neighbor? What is best place to sell phone in cuttack? What were the major contributions of the political leaders during WW1, and how are the compared to the ones during the Polish Succession? What are synonyms used for? What is the name of this flower? Is it possible to get my own call records for a prepaid number from airtel? Why is India a democratic country? How do I manage password storage of administrators and users on the website? Should they be stored in different tables or the same? What algorithms should be used to encrypt them? What is the best thing you can do in Bangalore? How can I concentrate in studies and stop my mind from distractions? Why is China supportive of North Korea? Do Asian girls like black guys? What kind of girls do guys fall for? Are any of the WhatsApp desktop clients any good? How can I avoid food poisoning in China? Can dogs sense bad spirits? Why or why not? Why is Virat Kohli so abusive? What are the reasons to divorce? Which one is better: CSE in PEC or CSE in NIT Kurukshetra? What is the most stupid question and answer(s) on Quora? How was the iPhone made? Which is better idea prepaid or postpaid? "What is the correct pronunciation of ""Thais""?" What is hair conditioner for? How do you make Texas Caviar? When will the earth lose its gravitational force? What consumes less battery on a smartphone - WiFi or 3G? Why? Is Newton's third law of motion followed everywhere? What is it like for a guy to have sex for the first time? What are the best places to shop in Bhopal? How can I improve my social skills? How would the outcomes of Brexit affect Indian Economy? What do you season cabbage with? Which is the best smartphone ? Where can I get a very easy online booking system for jumping castles in Sydney? What is in the future of chemistry? How can I make my life philosophy into a business? What are your thoughts on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Trailer 2? How do I decide which novel I should read? As Jesus was a rabbi, and in his day that meant he had to be married to be one, why is this never mentioned? What does life mean to you? How many starting players are on a soccer team? What are their positions? What will be some of the most productive new year resolutions for the year 2017? Indian army strength 2016? What kind of attitude do boys have to maintain while chatting or talking with girl? I am thinking of living my life alone. I am 15. Is that a good idea? What are some good ways to do agile modeling? Apart from ToELR and interview what are other criterion for admission in AFMC, Pune ? Is there a tendon that goes across the arm bone? Will the value of Indian rupee increase after the ban of 500 and 1000 rupee notes? If I was born 10,000 years ago and was time traveled to the present, would I still die before the age of 30? What pressure should my Worcester boiler be at? League of Legends: How do you effectively play against a jungle Nidalee? Why did white people enslave black people? What are good substitutes for clarified butter? How do check cashing places work? Which is better for data analysis: R or Python? Is it possible to enhance penis? What are the max file size and dimensions for animated GIFs on Google+? Where can one raise funds for an online service? ($5k-$10k) I have a Moto G with an Android version 4.4.4. Do I need to buy a new phone to use the new Lollipop version 5.0? My IQ score is 67. What does that even mean? How can a really skinny guy get buff? Can you use nicknames in quotes on Quora? A quack charged me rs.400 just for a refractive pwr test. I told him that m also a mbbs student . he didn't cared about the ethics. What should I do? How much investment do I need to start a restaurant in Canada? Why do so many Asians believe in the effectiveness of Chinese medicine? In Macbeth, why does Macduff flee to England? Why did the British and French Empires find it so hard to defeat the Nazis during WW2 despite Germany being comparatively minuscule in size? Does the Xbox 360 come with a hard drive? What are the tips to crack the SSB interview? I have severe upper back pain due to a golf swing. What can I do? What is the best credit card for young adults? What is glycolysis? What is the purpose of it? Which is the best coaching institutes for IAS? How do you install OS X Mavericks on an AMD PC? What should a high schooler do to become a cyber security specialist? How can I be cool? What is difference between SBI SO and SBI PO? Why was cyrus mistry sacked? Is reading the Bhagavad Gita worth it? Why do Bollywood movies mix English and Hindi? What should women know about men? Where can I get best quality fire alarm system in Sydney? I got into GNLU. Is there anything I should know before coming there? Could the space shuttle land on an aircraft carrier? How long did it take for Uber to reach 1M users? How can I treat an infected conch piercing? Why does -1**(even_number) return -1 in Python? I have an approved H1B visa till 2018, but not yet stamped. Can I apply for a tourist visa and travel to US? Will that cancel my H1B? Is there anyone in the United States more powerful than Barack Obama? What is the INR equivalent to 1 billion USD? Was Georgia O'Keeffe a champion mud wrestler? How can there be videos with more likes than views? How do I crack KVPY exam? Can you share your diet plan? My rank is 728 in pessat, can I get admission through merit category 'A' in cs? Why do intelligent people overthink and concern for then who don't concern about them? Do Jewish people know which of the twelve tribes they are from? Why do people often ask questions in Quora while they can Google it themselves? What is the proper way to write a letter of resignation? Should UK prisoners have the vote? What are the main reasons why students from Webster University don't graduate on time? What was the most unlikely team in recent years to win the Stanley Cup? Why? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at General Mills? How do I start playing football outdoor? How much power do off-duty police officers have? How can I avoid silly mistakes in exam? "How is the word ""suppress"" used in a sentence?" How can I become a doctor? "What is the English word for the Hindi word ""sanyaas ""?" Did anyone receive the interview call letter from PowerGrid India through GATE 2016? Do I have what it takes to be a kpop idol? What are the benefits and consequences of smoking weed? What are the best videos to be watched in youtube? How do I improve my communication skills if I don't get what I am doing wrong? How do you write a How-To essay? What do people think about China? Are gun owners in favor of automatic weapons? What are some examples of a face tattoo done right? Is it normal to have hairs around your nipples as a female? "If our normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, why do we perceive weather in the 90s as ""hot?""" What will be the effect of Brexit on India? Is it better to file 3 separate patent claims, or to file one patent claim which includes them all? (money is no issue) Who would win in a fight between Superman and the Flash? What are some good gifts I can give my parents on their 25th anniversary? How can I reduce my fear of flying? I have a three-hour flight in a couple of weeks. What is the difference between Delhi, New Delhi, and Delhi-NCR? Why are they all described as the capital of India? From where do they start the design of a car? Who is the richest person in India? How do I to find the best cities for buying a rental property? Why are taxis yellow in colour? If a banker knows my PAN card number, can he search my other bank accounts? Are there custom ROMs for Gionee P5 Mini? What are some examples of open source application software? Where is Falun Gong practiced? Should I join old IITs or go for BITS or DTU? What is the effective method to study for medical entrance exam? How do the brain structures of dogs change as they age? How are these structural changes different from human brains? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at US Silica? What is difference between BS and there any major differences degree wise in IITs What is steam Cleaning? What are the best places to hang out in Delhi for night out with friends? Aside Somalia and Sudan (including South-Sudan), has IGAD made any other meaningful conflict resolution or peace keeping attempt? What is quantam mechanics? How do you build a Lego car? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Seattle Pacific University? Facebook User ID Space: How do I remove a name from a Facebook profile? What do I do if I feel sad and lonely? Do car winning lottos benefit more from the fees or lose a lot of money? What kind of clothes do you wear in America back in 1755? What are some experiences of using Which is the best online teaching (course) for programming languages? Why should I visit Lake Baikal in Siberia? "What would you answer if somebody tells you: ""you are so complicated""?" How do I know if I'm blocked on WhatsApp? I have lost my windows 7 ultimate password, how do I recover it? Why is suicide a punishable offence under the Indian Penal Code? Check on my website: please, tell me, what am I missing? Which is the best maths book for CBSE class 11 out of Pradeep’s, RD Sharma, RS Aggarwal, and SN Dey? Who is the best orator: Hitler, Stalin, Churchill or Gandhi? What do you think he is trying to say in a facebook Message? What do you do when you're in love with a married man? Is it safe to visit Kashmir? How can I become millionaire online? What does it mean when you dream about someone you miss? If I invested $100,000 in the stock market using mutual funds of average risk in year 2000, approximately how much would it be worth in 2013? Can you sneeze while keeping your eyes open? Is Made Easy, Kolkata good for civil? What are some painless and easy ways to commit suicide that insures a instant death? I think and daydream too much. It also keeps me from having good sleep. What should I do? Which language has more scope, French, Chinese, Japanese, German or Spanish? Does dark matter ripple when galaxy clusters collide and wave in a double slit experiment? How can we earn money online in india? What is indian skill development services? What is document sharing in SEO? What skills do I need to be an entrepreneur? Can anyone tell me some online shopping store in Thailand? What qualifies something as a comfort food? Will Barack Obama be regarded as a better or worse U.S. President than Jimmy Carter. Why? How can I teach myself to play the violin? Is electronic violin with headphones an appropriate variant for this goal? How can I get a Clash of Clans account? What are some typical per image rates a photographer would charge a beauty client for photos? What are some signs I can be pregnant? What was Japan's motivation for entering World War II? What role did the Japanese emperor play during World War II? Why is the divorce rate so high, especially in Western countries, if love marriages work? Why can't I listen to some songs on Spotify? What is the effect of a constitutional crisis? Does it result in impeachment? How do I prepare for MIT? What's the one thing you would say/ask if and when you meet God? I am not preparing for the JEE Main and Advanced, but only the BITSAT; how should I prepare for the BITSAT without any IIT JEE preparations going on? What is most painless way to kill yourself? Which is the best way to learn a language? I love my friends but they drain me of my energy. What do I do? What is your take on banning 500 and 1000 rs notes in India? What should I do if I want to kill myself? How can the atomic mass of bromine-81 be calculated? How can I motivate myself to study even if I'm not interested in education? How can one earn $10,000/month from home in a short period of time? What are the best SEO Services provider companies in Ahmedabad? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in the entire U.S. including it’s territories and possessions? 4 Who would win in a fight between Carter Kane and Percy Jackson? Are the 'The Feynman Lectures on Physics' the absolute best physics textbooks for a first year college student? What is the best European football club beside Chelsea F.C.? Why? How do I use a door knob to make pizza? Can you dread relaxed hair? Are Walmart bikes good? How is the chemical equation for chemosynthesis determined? Is 1st or 2nd shift in GTBIT for an ECE branch better? I want to be a NFL football coach by the age of 23? Is that possible, and if so, how do I do this? Besides Steph Curry, who are some of the best shooters off the dribble in NBA history? How much should I score in Neet 2 to get admission in a government medical college in Allahabad? Why is a free rider considered a type of market failure? How does it occur? "What is ""ecological footprint""?" How do I stop getting jealous in a friendship? What is the difference between Quram and Essenes? Which are the best books for UPSC SSC preparation? I'm 30, resigning from a company I worked at for 5 years to move to NYC. Do I accept their bid to double my salary or do I pursue my dream move? I bartend full time while going to school for engineering, what do you think is the most crucial tool to manage time, and maintain a little sanity? What did Hillary Clinton lie about? How do you fix a cracked Nexus 4 screen? Why are positive ions called cations? When my Whatsapp privacy setting set to Everyone, can my blocked contacts also see my profile picture and last seen? Does content on Quora need to be written in English? Where can I get smooth and flawless finishing services for house painting in Brisbane? Why do guys never text first? What is the power consumption of GPFD board? Is 8 an irrational number? What is Which capsule is best for increase intercourse time in India for first time use . 23 yrs old.? Adam D'Angelo: What inspires you to create Quora? Why do we have numeric keys on keybord like 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3? What is considered a great credit score? Why do software engineers say that they have no life? Whose James Bond do you like most and why: Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, or Daniel Craig? Are OCI card holders eligible to obtain a Aadhar card / UID card? What is the Darknet? What if devil fruits were real? What is the best IELTS preparation center in Islamabad/Rawalpindi? What would happen if the sun burnt out? What are you looking for in life? Does the Republic of China also claim all of those tiny islands in South China Sea? How do I get toothpaste stains out? How was the experience as a DAAD intern? I’m required to be on pain killers, but they make me sleepy and I need to stay awake. How can I help this? Is man landing on the moon true? What are the major arteries of the human body? How do I Merge .mkv files? How do I deal with introverted people? How can an Indian BTech student get an internship at Tesla Motors? What are the good ways to start conversation with a girl without sounding creepy in India, If you know you’re watching her and she doesn't know yet? Who is more intellect, Shashi Tharoor or Subramaniam Swamy? What are the current fashion trends in tights and stockings? Does Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering have a better job outlook? Is time travel possible? What is the best way to learn Chinese in the shortest time possible? Studies after 10 years of experience? What is the average life expectancy of a very obese 20 year old male? What is the most motivational story you have ever heard? How many 1963 Red Seal five dollar bills were printed? What is European Voluntary Service? What can/should I do as an Indian student if I want to study engineering or architecture in the US? Is there an app (not sales force) that automates my sales process (e.g. I have 6 Sales cycle stages with each cycle having different steps. I can't move a lead forward until I complete the assigned step)? What are the sources of light energy? Why are you happy in life? "Is supporting ""Kiss of Love"" the right thing to do in a country like India?" How can I stop worrying about what other people think and be myself? How can I control emotions? Would the environment suffer under a Trump presidency? What language should I learn first, Spanish then Portuguese or Portuguese then Spanish? Which one is the best movie in 2016? Do you think there is a huge waste of human potential in our society, and if so, what could be the solution? What are some good DICOM/PACS server and software? How do I learn java programming code? What are some other the ideal beauty standards in Japan? Would Lincoln have chosen Supreme Court justices like Scalia, Thomas or Alito? Do I have any chance of getting into any NIT in special/spot round? My JEE main rank is 51,219 and I am a general candidate in Delhi. Is 1 month enough to prepare for 12th boards? What is the best way to relax from working too hard and too long? The name of a book series, it was a hard covered book with comic strips, it was about a group of kids one kid was human and one was a beast? What are the best mobile app development companies of 2015? I have choosen HBTI Paint over IET IT Did I commit the biggest mistake of my carrier? How can I get rid of squirrels in my garden? What are the best ways to make money as a teenager? Can you rotate a video on YouTube? Is propanone soluble in water? Topic: who will win euro 16? Why do people like Game of Thrones? How do you delete a Quora blog post? What is the melting point of glass? How can I improve in competitive programming? What are some good apps for Android? What font does Twitter use? What caused the Bauhaus to split up? Did Donald Trump say that he would get rid of Obamacare? Where do I see who I follow on Tumblr? How can I make myself to be interested in math? What's the country that sells the cheapest gold? Do some women and men choose to be lesbian or gay? If so, why? What are some good dating websites in Germany? How do I get started learning blues piano? What will happen if two supermassive black holes collide? How much do hedge funds pay for data feeds? How do I get ranked first in Google search? How do I geolocate with a sim card? Why are many Indians so happy with the government decision to ban Rs 500 and 1000 notes? Is there any cheat to get gems in Clash of Clans? In Facebook messenger, what does a grey circle with white tick mean? Winston Churchill said democracy is the best form of government. Did Lee Kuan Yew prove otherwise? Why do some people find sex as something unclean and immoral? Is Sweden still safe? How can I get over a girl I'm still friends with? What is a heal tool? How do I get 10 cgpa in 10th? I am 25-year-old software engineer in India. I work in an IT consulting MNC. I earn decently. How do I keep myself enthusiastic about my life? I am doing a B.Com from Uttarakhand University (not hons). I wish to appear for the CAT in 2015. What should my preparation strategy be? The terms of a sequence may be re-arranged to change its convergence. How do I prove this? How many Apple Watches at a price of $17K can Apple actually sell per year? Is there really an area 51? I am planning to start a waterproofing company in India. What would be a good name for it? Where can I hire full service painting contractors in Chatswood? How important are the CBSE Class XII Board results? How many protons, neutrons, and electrons does boron have? What is the best way to overcome an addiction? What is the purpose of life? What are we here for? I have X% in 10th, Y% in 12th and Z% in Undergrad, what should be my CAT score to make it to an IIM? Where was the French Revolution fought? What do Canadian people think about Indians living in Canada? What si the difference between blue and white collared jobs? What is the killer feature of Samsung Galaxy S7? What's a good online store to buy a casual women's dress? Where can I find a good hacker? Do Hindu Mahasabha really have the rights to do marriages? What would you buy a Book or a game for leisure time? What is the selection and recruitment process indigo airlines? How they provide training to the empolyes? Was there a plane at the Pentagon on 9/11? What is the best Android app for business? What are some reasons that you, personally, would not want to visit or live in the United States? How can I change my transmission fluid? How much does a 1 litre mineral water bottle cost in India? How is atomic radius measured? What triggered the Big Bang? How many players are on the field during a game of lacrosse? How do you measure job satisfaction? Why has jimmy wales stopped answering on Quora? In what ways is meat healthy and/or unhealthy? What are good sites to learn Vedic astrology? What was the most important decision you ever made in your life? And how did it change your life? How can I actually remember something? Do narcissists ever come back after discarding you? 20 wats is better sound or not? What is the meaning of life? What is the most endothermic reaction? Why does Kylo Ren felt hurt in the Force Awakens? And how does it link to the history of Kylo Ren? I only have two days left for the CBSE board physics exam. How should I prepare for it to get good marks? How do I stop being negative? What is the wealthiest country in the world? When was Lord Shiva born? What is the best thing that your best friend has said you? Is sheet lightning ever dangerous? Which is grammatically incorrect -- I had just waken up or I had just woken up? What is the difference between flirting and eve-teasing? What are some cultural faux pas in Vietnam? Is cold air always denser than hotter air? How can I get Google AdSense account approval? Why is congress blocking GST bill in Parliament? How does one go about getting seed funding for a startup? Is previous year question practice is sufficient for neet ug examination? How long can I leave my King Charles cavalier home alone? What is legitimacy? Where does a government get it? How can I overcome my nervousness? Which sentence below is grammatically correct? How do I become an iOS developer? How is reading on a Kindle? Is a perpetual motion machine theoretically possible? What's the difference between a DDD, E, and F bra cup size? What is relative atomic mass and how is it determined? What's classy if you’re rich, but trashy if you're poor? What was the kindest thing you have ever done to someone? Mining Industry: What is the price of Hydraulic cone crusher? How do I score above 70 marks in the GATE exam in the ELECTRICAL stream for GATE? What is the best random chat app? How widely accepted are credit cards at small businesses and restaurants in Mexico? What does a betta eat besides fish food? Doing mtech chemical engineer after 3 years work experience? Aston Martin DB9 is made from aluminium, right? Why is it heavier than, for example, an Audi S8 D2? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" rare in British Culture?" What is Erwin Schrödinger theorem (cat in a box)? What determines the size of an erect penis? What are the minimum marks required to qualify JEE ADVANCED? How do I participate or contribute in open source projects? What is a good method for generating a Snapchat username? How does it feel like meeting Sachin Tendulkar? Which electric guitar should I buy as a beginner? Https:// is sexy? Time base generators applications? How do we get to see all of our Quora questions, answers and comments on the profile page? Were the original Egyptians black African? What are some of the best social media listening tools available in India? Does calling your friend by his last name look cool? Exhaust is in two ways but where is the middle point or zero in bending? How can you stay faithful to your girlfriend or wife when there are SO many other desirable women around? How has south Africa developed since 1910 till to date? Why is it unstylish to wear a long sleeve shirt with shorts? What are the shortest verses in the Bible? Which one is the best snapdragon processor? What Quora is for? What is the best way to lose weight in my thighs? What is the best way to get real Instagram followers? In a war,how will a nation try to overthrow a foreign country which reigns over it? When my mom insults me, I feel like killing her. How could I stop these thoughts? Can a guy hit a girl if she hit him first? Is it possible for me to change from BBA to BA LLB in Jindal Law School? What did you learn from Naruto? What are some cool dark web websites? What is repo rate? How are they decided by the RBI? How can I delete an Instagram account with the password? What is your opinion about Smriti Irani being dropped as the HRD minister? "Does everyone have a running ""ceiling""? Can one person have the potential (from birth) to run a 5-minute mile, and another person a 7-minute mile?" Is sound energy just kinetic energy? How can I study? Who is the richest person in all of history? How do I begin a successful career in science with poor high school grades due to lack of effort? How can I watch Chinese movies with English subtitles? Where can buy Jordan 6 shoes? Can people with eye power become a fighter pilot after getting LASIK done? Why are so many people on here close-minded? No one knows everything. We all have valuable input that could potentially benefit others. How can I recover my Gmail password without a recovery phone number or email? "What is the ""secret"" to making great fried chicken?" Why are Kashmiri people supporting Burhan Wani? What parts of the body are most sensitive to pain? What is it like to work at akamai? Why are Marwaris hated so much? What are some of the best ways to start a conversation with a girl? Is there a device that can make your penis grow bigger? Is it necessary to take UGC net coaching? What is software development lifecycle? How do you get rid of a scab on the nose? My cheque has bounced due to bank's mistake. I want to take a car loan. Will it affect my Cibil score? Will I be able to get the car loan? Should I leave Quora if I don't get upvotes on my answers and posts? One person asked me to give my bank account details so he can transfer the money. Is it safe? Can any current player in the NBA lead the league in assists and scoring in the same season? What are synchros? What have you done with your minor in Economics? How does the human respiratory system work? Does Deadpool have two post credit scenes? Who will win the 2016 U.S. presidential election and why? Why doesn't a fire or a flame cast a shadow while other things around it do? What kind of conversations only happen in Australia? What is the best way to send an RSS feed to a Twitter account? Where can I buy bulk matcha powder? What will be the most popular Halloween costumes for kids in 2016? France or Germany as a law student? Time Travel Is It Possible? Why can't I follow more people on Instagram? Is there a cure for cancer? How does classical music influence current music? What do British expats in other countries think about Brexit? Which mobile phone is better Samsung Galaxy J7 or Lenovo K3 Note? How many golf balls can you fit in Holberton School? Can it be possible to switch life between virtual and real worlds? What is the best way to learn basic Hebrew? What is the purpose of cacheflush system call in Linux? What are some stories related to fainting? Who are the most famous Manchester United fans? What is the difference between conclusion and summary? Is death a bit like general anesthesia? What cards are in the Yu-Gi-Oh Blackwing deck? What is it like to visit the grand temples of Tamil Nadu? Pro-choice advocates, during what time frame should abortion be legal? Why is there conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran? Can you buy Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards at Walmart? Can a girl get pregnant with her hymen intact? "What is the definition of an ""Object Oriented"" language?" What is Quantum teleportation? What are some little touches at high end restaurants that improve the experience? What is the safest investment? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Regal Entertainment? What are some tips for having sex for the first time? What is HK's equivalent to the AR-15? Is it more common for Princeton students to regret taking too many classes, or for them to regret not taking more classes? "What are some sentence examples using ""mischief""?" Do N95 masks help against air pollution? What are the best ways to regulate user-generated content? Why do some Christians demonize Obama so much? Per the Bible, aren't we supposed to respect & obey our leaders? Which is the best compliment you have ever received? Are people in Italy racist? What is the placebo effect? What's the best way to learn to play chess? How well might the USSR have defended against the launch of Operation Barbarossa if Stalin had allowed an immediate defense? If 24 inches of snow fell, followed by an air temperature rise to 96 degrees F., how long would it take for all the snow to melt and evaporate? Why are Jio Sims free? India: Legal advice - My family has been counter-slapped IPC sec 354B. How can we prove our innocence while proving them guilty (details in comment) ? Is it true that Priyanka Chopra's dad, an IAF officer lost his job because he molested a fellow officers daughter? How do you repair an old pencil eraser? I am gay from a country that doesn't recognize gay marriage. Can I marry someone in France? What does it mean to make a rational decision? How can porn stars have sex for so long? Does real sex also last this long? What does it mean if I am 6 months pregnant but I do not feel my daughter a whole lot? Is she okay? How much money would you feel comfortable retiring with? What is the fastest way to earn money? Which DSLR is better the Canon 1200D or the Nikon D3300? What are some exercises that will guarantee me a bigger butt if I keep on doing them? Are Adderall/ritalin like cocaine? How can I make two systems communicate using any free Internet based service? What type of places cash Western Union money orders? Can a black hole be created inside a black hole? How do I recognize psychopath? Should I join CSE at VIT, Vellore or NIT Durgapur? Why Narendra Modi banned 500 and 1000 notes in India? How do I delete a Facebook video without deleting the entire post? What are the types of non biodegradable waste? What is the difference between a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist? Which olive oil is good for cooking? What will Republicans offer as a replacement for Obamacare? Is there any women in india who think of One night stand? How do I sell a Facebook fan page? What are some great mind-blowing books? Why? What is the least percentile in cat? What are good astrological signs for people who want to do a PhD? How does it feel to touch a woman's boobs? What are the best ways to reduce and eliminate belly, abdominal, and thigh fat? What is an isodose line? What are the best Japanese animated films for a Miyazaki fan? What's the best Halloween costume for couples? Is it unfair to be asked to bring your seat back up on an airplane during meal times if you're already asleep in a fully reclined position? How is job location assigned in tcs? What is a Disney Princess? Why do some people use Quora when a dictionary or Google could be used instead? How can you study biology online? How many fights did Muhammad Ali have? What are some of the best travel destinations for solo travellers in India? Is speed considered a vector or scalar quantity? Is Australia or France safer to live in? What is the best way to immigrate from Egypt? Are there any lazy management consultants? Why men are so much interested about boobs? What methods can be used to lose weight? How can I learn to speak a fluent English? Where can I get lasik in the USA? How do Latter-day Saints worship? What is the new topic in oil production? What is the reaction between sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide? A white person told me racism never existed before Obama got into office, therefore he made racism. How can people be this oblivious? I lost my mobile and have given a complaint at the police station with my IMEI number. Can I count on them to help me in this situation? Will I get my mobile back? Which university is better PES OR SRM? My girlfriend and I had to breakup, she says her parents wont let her date, but her younger sister is allowed to. How can we get back together? What do logo designers think of the Starbucks logo? Who were the most cruel men or women in history? What were their cruel acts? Thesis vs non thesis - which one results in more publications in Masters in CS? Can you use a Chromebook laptop to work with a Wacom tablet? What is it like to work at Google Boston? How does it compare to other offices (e.g., Ann Arbor, Mountain View)? Is Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Pune, good or bad? "Is using ""Hi All"" grammatically correct?" Why do one person's all sperms have different DNA? Did Lord Shiva smoke weed? What are some products that Amazon takes 40 days to deliver in India? What is [math]\displaystyle\lim_{x\to2} x^x-\frac{4}{x^2}-4[/math]? What are some Indian novels which involve authentic family drama? How do I use XAMPP? Many shops in Bangalore charge higher than MRP for cool drinks. Isn't this illegal? How can we stop this? How can I gain weight naturally? Where is Bhairamgarh Wildlife Sanctuary in Chhattisgarh? Is it important to have many followers on Quora? What hotel in Horsley Hills Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? How do I know if I'm gay? What is the scope for placements in mechatronics? Who would win in duel fight between Salman Khan and Superman? What is the corporate culture like at Lion Biotechnologies? How is the culture different than other companies? What is it like to do DMT? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Annaly Capital? What is the new question pattern for CAT? How can I find Jaw Crusher Feldspar in Cote Ivoire? What software do I need to use to open a .tgz file? Mary is 16 years old. She is 4 times as old as her brother. How old will Mary be when she is twice as old as her brother? I cancelled an order just after it was shipped. How much time it will take for refund? Is it harmful to not finish antibiotics? Can I still send message to someone who block me in skype? How is the material provided by Helios educore (Er. Dushyant Kumar) for NEET 2017? Who are the best tech recruiters in nyc? Is the Samsung Galaxy S6/S6 Edge worth buying? Why? What constitutes as a notification read receipt on an iPhone? I.e., does 'seeing' a message in Lock Screen qualify? If not, what does? What is an anti-lock brake system in a car? Which one is more recognised, talent or character? What can I do so that I am able to concentrate more on my studies for the GATE? "Would calling someone a ""Donald Trump supporter"" as an insult be a violation of BNBR?" [math] f(x) [/math] is a real function such that for every [math] a > 0 [/math] is [math] \lim_{n \to \infty} f(an) = 0[/math]. Does there necessarily exist [math] \lim_{x \to \infty} f(x) [/math]? "What is ""male privilege"" and what are some examples?" How do I start a career? I am 26 years old, and my education goes only to 12th? How can you use voice call on iPhone 5s in Jio sim? Can sex addicts love someone? If so, why do they cheat on their gf, bf or spouse on a regular basis? What is that one quality that make you different from others? Can betnovate cream be used for skin lightening? Why is private property important to the US economic system? What are most popular neighbourhoods for young professionals in kitchener/waterloo? The eternal question: How are men and women different psychologically? What is the conclusion of no food waste? Do people still code HTML and CSS by hand? What could be the basic purpose of life? How do I learn more efficiently? What are the opportunities for a mechanical engineer after a B.Tech? Is an M.Tech necessary to get a good job with a good salary? What are the most interesting things about Ahmedabad? Is it safe for me to allow the father of the kittens to interact with them? They are newborn. What are the most interesting questions you have answered on Quora? I just started to sell something on the internet. LINE Sticker, specifically. How do I make my sticker even more profitable? Visiting and Travel in Europe: In which embassy in Singapore can I get the cheapest Schengen tourist visa? Worth it to submit website on webbyawards? Which is the latest forest fire? "What is an example of ""Bengalis will be Bengalis""?" Will Barack Obama really come to India? How many doctors perform house calls in California? Instagram (product): How can I login to Instagram if I don't remember the password, and I dont know the email address that was used to set up the account? Is Apocalypse the most powerful mutant in X-Men? What is it like to remain a childless couple? Why shouldn't we vote for Donald Trump? What are the most interesting products and innovations that SEACOR is coming out with in 2016? I want to film vlogs in pov style. What camera and mount should I use for comfortable filming everyday? What should I have to do after Is it safe to eat garlic bread during pregnancy? Why would a guy ask for a hug? What can an individual or a family or a business in Guinea do today to prepare and adapt for the coming impacts of climate change? What is a shoe? How can we get rid of depression? Why does the central limit theorem work? What do I do if a girl I love said I love you? Did the Ancient Romans have any type of mass transit in their big cities? How do I transfer my savings account of a nationalized bank from one state to another? What are the peak hours for CABS in hyderabad to earn good money? And with which OLA/UBER? What should I do before going to bed that will help me sleep better? Why did the U.S. join in WW2? I am using Vodafone but I am facing call drops? Is there any other provider? How is the word 'inarticulate' used in a sentence? Why am I so angry? "Can I say ""oh my god"" if I don't believe in God?" Is there a God or not? What percentage the CRR is after raising it by RBI? I am professionally more successful than most of my close friends. Most of them are struggling, and this makes me feel bad. What should I do about it? Why did Steven Gerrard waste his career at Liverpool? How can I use Spanish accent while speaking Hindi just to have some fun with the words? Can a medical student give the CAT? How do I create 1gb file using python, C,JAVA? What is a legit website to buy auto parts for a Ford? What is the most famous gang? What does it mean when you have a throbbing pain in your head? "Phrases: Are there any alternatives to the expression ""to kill two birds with one stone""?" Which is the highest peak of the world? Which age is the best age to get married? In what ways could the South China Sea conflicts lead to a world war? What is difference between Slavic people and Nordic people in terms of appearance? "How can the word ""reputation"" be used in a sentence?" I have extreme lust for a girl who has a boyfriend. And I think she has no feelings for me. What to do? "Why is it written like ""an"" MVC not ""a"" MVC, when ""M"" is not silent?" How can a beginner start trading in the commodity market? Was Muhammad a psychopath? Why hillary Clinton is better than Donald trump? How do you take a screenshot on a Coolpad Mega? How come they ask you to not believe in ghosts and bigfoot and its okay, but when you don't believe in 9/11 or space travel, suddenly they complain? What is the difference between an MBA in economics and a Master’s in business economics? Is western society a selfish society? How do I number rows automatically in Excel? What are some good dictionary/thesaurus apps for Android? What are the limitation of using register variables? What's the best book for learning to program? Why is a Red American Staffy a good pet for children? Can speed of 5 km per hour cause a fracture? Who was the creator of InfoCentral software ( which later became CorelCENTRAL )? What are the differences between Jiu Jitsu and karate? What is sex addiction? How good is the continental food in the Rajdhani train? Which are the best Hollywood movies of all time? Can wildfire be used by The Night Watch to kill zombies and White Walkers? Do Indians know that Indians are much poorer than Africans, although African are poorer in the world? Does Jack Dorsey code? How do I add an icon in Android Action Bar? How is white noise harmful? How many cell phones exist? What skills do I need to learn to become a computer hacker? Where can I find all the parts of The Big Bang Theory with English subtitles? What is a good example of phenomenal customer service? How did Allegiant (2016 movie) get greenlit? What's the backstory of how the movie got made? Is Quentin Tarantino overrated? Can I swipe my credit card with my brothers POS machine? What is the easiest way to burn fat? What is a Turing Machine? What would be in the mind of someone who is going to be hanged till death? What things can be shared? I made my BF mad at me. How do I get him happy again? Do semiconductors conduct electricity? Is USA the biggest terrorist country? How much time IBM GBS Bangalore does take to release the offer letter? Why are there so many WWII POW movies? Where do you find stocks to swing trade? How can I motivate myself to study even if I'm not interested in education? Is it possible to lose 20 pounds in 5 days? How do I link a submit button to another webpage using HTML? Do you think Donald Trump will make a good U.S. President? Who is George Bush? What is it like getting into IITs or IISc after graduating from a Tier 3 Engineering College? How can I write a no harassment legal note for my husband and his family before divorce? What should be re invented? Is it ever too late for someone to learn how to program? I will be graduating in computer science from an elite U.S. university this week. I have got good programming skills, but I can't land a job. I have a medical condition and I'm embarrassed about it and I'm not sure how the interviewers would see me. I believe that I'm a smart guy. What can I do? "What is ""crossing over"" and when does it occur?" What is the difference between CNY and CNH currencies? Which is the best gaming laptop to buy under 60k? What real-time stock prices websites would you recommend? Is there bluetooth on the xbox one? What is the Match of the Day? What are SAP softwares used in businesses for? Does ghosts, demons, spirits and other supernatural beings exist? How do I get rid of a gaming addiction? What is the integral [math]\dfrac{x-1}{x^2+x+1}?[/math] How do I start blogging? What are some tips? When brushing my teeth, I leave the tap running and continue brushing. Can someone explain why I do this? What can be the problem with my new Honda Unicorn 160 engine, it auto stops in every 4-5 mins as if it is low on fuel? How do I get more fans and likes on How can we make money through posting videos on YouTube? "What inspired the Jason Mraz song ""I Won't Give Up""? How did he write it?" What is a better option, diploma after 10th and then a degree in engineering or a degree after completing 12th through entrance exam? Cannot bring myself to finish a TV series? What is a signal? How can I become Prime Minister of the UK? "What is the ""flatten transparency"" option used for in Adobe Illustrator?" Is there a zap to create a deal in hubspot? Are famous actors mostly lucky, or very talented? In B-theory of time, does time act as a vector? IIT JEE all India rank is same as gate all India rank: Is it true or not? What is the best part about living in Sweden? Should I cheat on my wife on the grounds that she refuses to have sex with me? Why is rice planted in water? My course is completed please give me some final revision tips to follow for iitjee 2017? Where can I get really high quality t-shirts printed? When is the best time to study? How can I increase my concentration while studying? What is the one incident that made you redefine your life? What changed the way you looked at it & lived? Will india get a un security council seat? What song plays over the end credits to the 2002 movie Saathiya? Is the DJI Phantom 3 standard drone Able to withstand crashes? I have a blade 180QX now. It is very durable. Are these comparable in durability at all What is a diamond's melting point? What are some major differences between Java 7 and 8? Can a narcissist turn into a sociopath? Why don't my Xanax work anymore? Is it possible to find a bank name from an Indian account number? Can I use 5.2V 1.35A charger for my mobile phone instead of its original 5.0V 0.85A? How do I find energy required to change the speed of electron from rest? Is 326 (BITSAT 2016) a good score for admission in MSc physics at BITS Goa? What is the meaning of meaning? Is there any word that ends with the letter Q? Nazi vs US? Does embedded systems programming require knowledge of circuits and design? What does Americans think of Vietnamese people? How do I split a MP4 file? What is the difference between extrovert intuition (Ne) and introvert intuition (Ni)? What are the chances of a zombie apocalypse in the future? How do I receive answers from the question asked by me from Quora? What math do I need for elementary calculus with matrices? Are we living in a computer simulation? Is it true that if a person can run 6 miles, they can train for a marathon? How do I do a trigonometry question without a calculator? How important is a well designed logo for a startup? "What is your review of Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 6 ""Blood of my Blood""?" Did Alan Watts do drugs? Why? Should guys ask out girls or do girls ask out guys? Can a 15 year old go to the gym? Microsoft Excel: Why isn't there a keyboard shortcut for toggling between superscript/subscript? Which is the best news channel in India and why? Andrew Ng: I am weak in Algebra & Calculus. Is there other ways I can learn the basic maths required to complete the machine learning course? Which is good indira college or ness wadia? What should my rank be in JEE Main to get CSE in IIITD if I'm OBC of Delhi region? I am a CA CPT student and I have my CPT in June 2016. How should I manage both HSC and CPT? What's a suggestion for a perfect time schedule? How do I help my 2 year old nephew who was just diagnosed with Autism Spectrum disorder? "How do you say ""nightclub"" in French? What are some other useful going-out words and phrases?" What are some of the things you can only buy in Japan? What profits more: selling cocaine or crystal meth? What are the latest Facebook trends? I want to play 'Assassin's Creed' but I have only 240MB RAM, how can play the game? What are some iconic images of books? In Sherlock, Jim Moriarty says he's an actor hired by Sherlock to be his arch enemy. Why would this not work in a real court case? Which are the best coaching institutions for the IIT-JEE? What is the best way to convert plain text to ciphertext? What are the tax laws in California around reinvesting short term or long term capital gains in a small business? What is the difference between intent and intention? They're both derivative of intend. Why does it have two words? What are some easy ways to lose weight in a short amount of time? Is there a rational reason to abhor idolatry? How much marks should we score in SSC CGL 2016 Tier-1 to get selected ? Why is Digimon less popular than Pokémon in the US? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at West Pharmaceuticals? Why doesn't Google promote Google Contributor? Which is better in a relationship, 2 people on a similar path, or 2 people with very different careers? Which is the best honeymoon destination for couples in India? How do I start investing in the Indian stock market? Did God create himself? Do Bars open on the New Year's Day in New York? If I want to get PhD in quantum physics, is it ok to minor in physics? Will it decrease my chances of getting into a program? How do I get over my fear of being raped? Who was the first pianist to record the complete works of Rachmaninov? Does a free Android app having a large number of downloads earn money for a person? What do NFL football players do on Saturday nights? "Is the ""The Flat Earth Society"" right in saying that the world is flat?" How would you start a new country? How do you say I hate you in Korean? Who is the residential architects in Pune? Why do people's necks flush red when they are nervous? How can I stop procrastinating? How can I convince my mom to let me open an investing account? Should I buy a BRZ or WRX? What are the differences between Asian and Caucasian faces? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using iPhones in India? What are the best reasons to attend East Carolina University? How would US colleges regard my full time internship? What is the purpose of Python language? When is momentum conserved, and when is kinetic energy conserved? In ethics, do the ends ever justify the means? How does one prepare for the WBJEE? How can I be successful? What is the meaning of tolerance in R L C components? Since Donald Trump and the Clintons are friends, what is the possibility that the entire Trump campaign was designed to ensure Hillary the Presidency? How difficult is it for the average person to become a computer programmer? Why are some Clinton supporters protesting Donald Trump’s victory? How do I live a perfectly normal social life? What is the fees for RVCE under management quota? Why can Dhoni not play cricket? What is Raj Thackeray doing these days? What kind of martial arts do FBI trainees learn at Quantico? What are some methods to overcome the fear of success? Which is better: Capgemini or Infosys? How much money do YouTubers make with 1 million views and above 10,000 subscribers? How much tax do they have to pay? What are the most absurd movie scenes of all time? France has long outlawed racial statistics in censuses or forms. Has it been effective in any way or is it burying one's head in the sand? How is the camera in Mi 5? How can I improve my memory power easily and very quickly? What percentage of the Canadian population is below the poverty line and what are the main contributing factors of this? Is it possible to clear the GATE without any coaching (by self-studying)? Do we see our image in a mirror or in our eyes? A patient is about to undergo a TAH. She has a history of leukemia and has received several blood transfusions in preparation for the procedure. Which increased risk scenarios is she exposed to? How do I get into Stanford with a poor GPA? B What are the most interesting products and innovations that Microsemi is coming out with in 2016? How do I study for TOCFL level 1? When should I use a social network? How do acquirers decide whether to acquire companies with stock or cash? What are the pros and cons? What are some side dishes for grilled salmon? How do I hack an Instagram account if I have their IP address? What is the most poignant example of Hamlet being a tragic hero and why? I smoked a lot of weed and I can't remember anything I did that day.? How can Superman hide his identity just by wearing a pair of glasses? How should I prepare for IAS - CSE? Can I give IIT exam in class 10th? Which is better aerospace engineering or mechanical engineering? What are some good career options after an MBA? What government will do from old currency? How do I prepare for NEET Phase 2 in 3 months? How many countries are there in the world? Thanks! Can I apply for IT officer in public sector bank? How can I find a Youtube MCN that will let me keep my video views? What are the theories about Lady Dustin's visit to the crypts of Winterfell? How did Sirius Black escape from Azkaban? Why would a considerable number of iPhone 6 and 6s handsets shut down without warning? How long does it take to sail across the Atlantic? Is Quora a Q&A site first or a social site first? What's your greatest achievement? Does getting your belly button pierced hurt? i want one for my thirteenth birthday but have a low pain tolerance? Where can I get online PDF or EPUB versions of books? How much does the human brain weigh? I'm 18 and I weigh 50kg. How can I gain weight? What are protons and neutrons? How do I convince my mom to let me get married to love of my life? Do you get credits for merging identical questions on Quora? I am in class 9. I am interested in 8n science and ec9n9m8cs, and I want to invent things, and I don't want a run-of-the-mill job. What should I do? Is it possible for animals to dream? How can one compare all the different bibles of the world? What are some tips to concentrate when reading or at work? I find my mind wanders and I know I am not being as productive as I should be. Why do Indians who spend a significant amount of time outside India tend not to lose their accents? Where can I get a range of products & services for fire safety in Sydney? Where is the best home appliance services for microwave repair center in Hyderabad? How can I make money fast from Youtube? What are the common first signs of pregnancy? How can I tell if I'm pregnant? What are the symptoms? What are the pros and cons of a career in education? What is the wittiest question one can ask siri? What is it like to work as an IRS officer in Mumbai? What are the uses of Kali Linux? How can I frame a silk painting? What is the real benefit of Simhasth for society? What's more correct: Did you ever eat or Have you ever eaten? What kind of first jobs do architecture majors tend to get? If you managed an electronics retail outlet and you wanted to think of your product/service not in terms of category, but as if the entire outlet is a product and/or service, and this product and/or service was hired by a customer to do a job for them, what would that job be? How should I prepare for JEE advanced if I am in class 9.which books I should read.? Which water purifier is the best that works up to 1500 TDS level or 2000 TDS level? "What makes jazz distinctly ""American""?" What's the difference between rich vs middle class vs poor? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Oklahoma? What is the best book for practicing Gre verbal? Is there a cure for cancer? What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Greece notice? What does this code in C mean? Is it possible to insert C code into HTML or PHP and if so, how? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Quiksilver? If you work in a CS industry after bachelors, and then apply to masters afterward, how is the admission criteria affected? Comcast: What speeds can I expect with DOCSIS 3.0? What does it feel like to a girl when a guy sits on her lap? Can I use another opertator's SIM in Jio SIM slot after using Jio SIM ? What is an HDCP error on my TV and how do I fix it? What is the best face cream available in India that makes skin glow? When a metal plate is one side gets into compression and other side expands. Does it mean there is a length increase in one side? Why is it that Pakistanis are silent on the demolishing of Mosques in China but cry when it happens in India? Is there a double standard? Is it possible transfer a video from one YouTube channel to another? Can someone give me a question that invokes existential crisis? How fast is China's economy growing? How do I get basic information on how to and where to invest in ELSS? How can I make money online without a business? Is it necessary for a IT business analyst to get a masters degree? Would the pay get better after masters? How do I prepare for ukpmt in 5 months? Which is the best IIT foundation book for class 10? How can I reduce my lower belly fat in one month? Which is the best earphone under Rs 2500? How do I publish a free ebook on Amazon Kindle? Is interstellar the best sci-fi movie? Why don't we like grey hair, choosing to dye it all other possible colours? What state has the best real estate market? Why should I open my savings account in private banks instead of public banks? How many flight handles by Ahmadabad airport in one day? Chartered Accountants (CA): How do I study for CA - Final examination? What do you think is the real meaning of life? Do VR headsets work with all tablets? What countries are Japan's closest allies? What would have happened if Harry would have made a Horcrux before Voldemort's Horcrux inside him died? Would the new Horcrux also contain some part of Voldemort's soul? What brought about the downfall of Rome? How many distinct 4 digits integer can we make from the digit 1,3,3,7,7,8? Where will be the videos downloaded from hotstar saved? Can someone be sociopathic, but not a sociopath? What is your strengths and weakness? How do I become a more likable person in general? What is it like to have lesbian parents? Is is possible for Indian to marry a norwegian? Is it okay to pick up your package from usps before delivery? What are the must watch movies to see before you die? Do we deserve happiness? What is the future of content marketing? What is the best way to end a habit of procrastination? What is difference between Software and Applications? Which is the fastest way to lose weight? What are some cultural faux pas on Facebook? Can a square matrix be raised to the power of a complex value? Which is the best website for download free civil engineering books? Will Google's Go programming language be popular? What topics of ECE are very important from the GATE point of view? Are there any Bluetooth 4.0 speakers on the market? What is the best question ever asked in Quora? What can I use Instagram for? How should I reduce my belly naturally? Which is the oldest civilization: Chinese, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Mayan, Indus Valley, Other civilization? What is the evolutionary purpose of pederasty? How do I choose the best interior designer? As of 2011, what is the average number of followers for a Twitter user? In CGL 2016 tier 1 response my score is 109.50. Is there any chance to qualify for tier 2? If yes then what will be be strategy to crack tier 2? Can the US Energy Grid currently support 1 electric car charging per household? Why does sodium bicarbonate being an acid salt give a basic solution at [math]0.1\ N[/math]? What should I choose: a government administrative job or a job in the private IT sector? Can i opt for jee advanced 2017? Why am I so tired? How can I get into medical school? Which city should a fresher opt for ILP training by tcs and also to work as an employee? How do I boost cell phone signal for a wide area indoors? What are the best ways to cook an egg? What is the best source for getting the funding/crowdsourcing out there? What are good MP3s to listen to while walking? Is it illegal for a 13 year old girl to date a 17 year old guy? Do humans have super natural powers which they don't realise they have? What is hdhdjd cuisaj? What is the role of technical branch and ground duty branch in Indian air force? How many product managers are in the United States? How do I delete thousands of old unread emails from my Gmail? How is medical education in Gujarat? What skin problem is this? How can we block IIN videos/ads from the TV? As a 21 year old individual, which account should I opt for, Axis Bank Youth Account or Axis Bank Savings Account? What are some lessons of life that you realized to be true with time or after it was too late? What is the most embarrassing moment of your life so far? Why do the film's shown on television cut some scenes from their movie? What are some of the best slow songs for a wedding? How does drop shipping work? What are the technical hurdles which prevent microphones from performing better? Is it safe to drink packaged milk without boiling it? Are ants able to smell food? How we can make the world a better place by 2030? Which country during WWII was the most merciful to an enemy who surrenders? Do women like watching men cum? Do these symptoms mean I have HIV? How does happiness depend on inner peace? How much do you save on Johnny Walker Black Label (1 liter) by buying at a duty free shop in an airport? "What is the first image that comes to your mind on hearing the word ""Apple""?" How do I choose a web hosting service? Which YouTube celebrities were homeschooled/unschooled? Does the city of Palo Alto install red light cameras? If so, where? What's the best way to remove black spots from your face? How iOS is more assured than Android? How do I approach a random girl in park? What will happen to Thailand when King Adulyadej dies? How can I get documents to open in chrome and Google docs? How can you prove someone is narcissistic? How does Pepsi Max make you fat? Does penis size matters for girls? How can I improve my oral English? How do I track a regular cell phone? What is sensex? What type of knives would Vandal Savage use? Why is Tamil Nadu against Sri Lanka? What is the difference between CBSE UGC NET and CSIR UGC NET? Where can I find the modular kitchen designs in hyderabad? What should I do to make money online in India? Do you feed a stray dog(s)? If yes, where are you from and what has your experience been? What are the most irritating moments in your life? What does quasi-ontological mean? What are some characteristics of traditional African houses? For tourists: what was special about your human experience visiting Morocco? Will time travel be possible in future? It was my birthday I was super drunk and I kissed my best friends girlfriend and I dont remember it and he isnt talking to me what should I do? What is the big problem for the U.S. dollar? What is the importance of soft computing? What is on your reading list for 2016? Is Govinda the Leonardo DiCaprio of India? Why do people say to get into trades and unions to get rich? How do people in trades make money? What is good mobile phone under 10000? What isn't boring? Which is better to have in India, a private job or a government job? How do I control masturbation each day? I'm a 11 year old boy and puberty hasn't started yet. Should I be worried? Brexit, how will it impact Indian economy? How good is Cristiano Ronaldo? How do you promote/market your content? What is global standard? Who is the all-time best defender in the NBA (stats) vs (opinions)? What is the benefit if I do mtech for civil engineering? Python community for data science? Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day? Did Aaron Sorkin know going in that he would write only 4 seasons? I am mostly looking for garment retailing online. What are the best business ideas with a capital of Rs 10 lacs to earn 50k monthly in India? How did Dumbledore know that Voldemort had not died after attacking Harry? Which is best for keeping clean and smelling good: anti-perspirant or deodorant? Is it allowed to travel in Indian Railways if we have a tatkal ticket in the waiting list? Is asking a team to design the perfect animal a good group interview question? Why or why not? If one were to flush a small catfish down the toilet how long would it live? What times are described as morning, evening, afternoon, and night? What is the best way to clean a window air conditioner? Can digital antennas receive analog signals? Why do people point out my flaws? Regarding dog park etiquette, if a dog repeatedly mounts and humps your dog, what should the other dog's owner do? How can I reduce my belly fat through a diet? I just came into $463,000 in cash. I am about to buy an investment property of a 2 bedroom apartment in Honolulu, Hawaii, for $350,000 that will net me $1,000 a month. Is there a better way to get rich off this money? Which is your favorite outfit? Why can we not buy a land in Jammu and Kashmir? How widely accepted are credit cards at small businesses and restaurants in Australia? What are some of the best lyrics in a romantic song? Why are oil prices falling and how long will low oil prices continue? How is preparing for ias? Why is he coming after me if he has a woman to go home to? How many Super Bowl rings does Peyton Manning have? Which language has more scope: German or French? Why do we feel empty even when we have got everything to be happy about? Where can I hire full service fire protection contractor in Sydney? Can I refuse a hair follicle test from DSS? From which month will there be an increase in the salary of Central Government Officers through the 7th Pay commission? How do you know if you truly love a person? Are land mines still in use by the U.S. military? In C language, who calls the main function? What is it like to have a pet bear? Why can't I look the guy I like in the eye? Is it ridiculous that people in the 21st century still believe in the existence of a God? Should I replace my Android phone with an iPhone? What are the benefits of eating bottlegourd? How do I tell my boss that she is dumb? A set of scores is normally distributed with a mean of 75 and a SD of 8. What is the estimated probability that a random score is between 71 and 75? What do I have to do to get into top graduate schools? Where can I find best Jumping Castles in Sydney? What's the best IRC BNC setup? Why does beer is better than milk? Can you lose fat and build muscle at the same time? Can a photon be absorbed by a free electron? Is Reliance Jio sim worth it? Was the coup in Turkey staged? What are some low-cost geeky activities in London in summer? What force caused the Big Bang? When I go to bed I don't feel sleepy. Am I sleeping too much maybe? Why does communism get such a bad reputation? Are there any drawbacks to using deodorants? How do I delete files from an external SD card in KitKat? Why is it taboo to make clothing from cat fur as opposed to other animal furs? What is rose quartz? What are the main challenges in material design? How many countries in this world are democracies? What is the smallest possible number such that when its last digit is moved to the front, the number becomes 9 times the original number? How many people received IELTS IDP results of 14th july 2016? Is a MacBook Pro worth the money when I can buy same configuration for half the price? Why? I got 1209 rank in the UPSEAT, which branch will I get? What's the most interesting story you've been told? What is the main use of an electromagnetic interference? What is a heart felt letter you would send to your ex? What is the “Clinton Body Count” theory, and why do people believe it is true? I am working with a MNC and already an enrolled agent. I want to pursue CPA. Whats the best way to schedule my exams and what are the related costs? How can I book cheap domestic flights in India? Can a civil engineer from India get a job in Australia? How much weed butter should I put on my bagel to get a nice high? Why is there suffering in the world? With about INR 5,00,000 (0.5Mn) in hand, what business can I start in India? Who is more deceptive, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? What is the best music player for Android 4.4.2? Why do doctors and dentists pay so much for their equipment? Can a dog be transported on the Tokyo subway? How do I activate an iPhone 4 without an Apple ID? What would be a realistic plan to lose weight? How would you translate 猫腻 into English? Why should I have a Twitter account? What are some of the key phrases in the Preamble to the Constitution of India? What is the best Samuel L. Jackson movie of all time? Why? In India, which is the best consultancy to get a job abroad? Who will win the 51st match between Portugal and France in the final of the UEFA Euro 2016? Why is there a strong movement for Britain to leave the EU? What are the chances it will happen? Are there centres in Kerala for NPTEL certification courses? What is the GATE 2016 CS detailed syllabus topic wise for each subject? What are some covert behaviors? Why is Bigg Boss so heavily criticized by some people? What is the best and most economic perfume for men in India? What is the best book for learning Java? How do I stop worrying too much and focus on studying? What are some good New Year resolutions for programmers? What is the customer service phone number for LegalZoom? What are some English songs sung by Indian singers? My boyfriend NEVER closes his eyes while kissing. He is not an inexperienced teenager but an adult man. Why does he keep his eyes open? Are there any Autistic billionaires? How do I bet a no lose bet in Nigeria? What is the dress code policy for a Starbucks employee? What jobs will be left for humans when robots will take over half of the jobs by 2050? Is it fair that Indian government expect 100% declaration of investments from citizens even after having too many scams every year? If I get a seat in NIT and Manipal which should I choose? Does petting and loving your cat help them live longer? How can you tell a if guy likes you? What are common tropes in the most successful movies ever made? What is a definition of an artist? Why is Quora so liberal and progressive? Why does it have such a left/liberal bias? How do health insurance laws affect me as an uninsured 18 year old? What kind of personality do you have to have to stay with a narcissist? Could jumping up and down potentially affect my intelligence? Why is a slow process in thermodynamics reversible? When will be the releasing date of Acer predator 6 mobile? What are some of the mind-blowing facts about the Baahubali movie? How Israel is being viewed and reflected in Middle East studies in Arab universities? When should I use the present perfect tense rather than the simple past tense? For instance, “I have eaten,” instead of “I ate?” How do I skip a grade? How can I see @mentions for another Twitter user? Why do computers slow down? What should I do if a dog eats chocolate? Which is the best smartphone in rupees 13000 in India? What are the long term side effects of actinic? What did the wallpaper that Oscar Wilde didn't like look like? How can we earn money from YouTube? How can I clean the cache for the Mail app on a iPhone? What are the factors that determine the value on the basis of the annual interest rate in banks? Is it morally right and acceptable to have a crush on a friend or your friend's sibling? What makes Pokémon GO so popular? What are the tips and hacks for getting the classes that you want as a freshman at Seattle University? What would happen if the government printed loads of money but controlled prices and wages to stop inflation (like a communist style regime, but printing loads of money and handing it out)? Would that work? What happens when the zener diodes are connected in series? What are the least useful courses that people typically take for a degree in international business? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Federal Realty? Was L. Ron Hubbard a black man? Planning to do CFA (Chartered financial analyst). How do I crack it the very first time? What is the average revenue per Apple store outside U.S? Are they different among regions? What does CPU usage mean on my Android ZTE phone? Which is the best book to prepare for the IELTS? Why can't India ban the import of Chinese products in India? How did people eat food before the plate was invented? Why is my period 20 days late and how probable is it that I'm pregnant? When, where and how did you meet your first love? What are some tips to get over writer's block? I have very huge pores and various dark spots on my face. What's a natural but highly effective way to get rid of both? Is Jaqen H'ghar Ned Stark? I have a homophobic friend. He knows I'm gay. He's strongly rejecting to meet me. Can he be one of those Self-hating gays? What can I do to find out? Why do PC laptops have Windows and Intel stickers? What would happen if Donald Trump lost and refused to concede the election? Why is Shahrukh Khan tagged as a superstar and not Aamir Khan, Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar or Ajay Devgan? "What is the best way to vote against the ""reject EU migration quota"" in Hungary?" Did Batman kill this guy? What are the latest and most promising hypotheses of the cause of Alzheimer's? Why emitter is heavily doped & base is light doped? What is the best way to take care of the squash court wooden flooring in a dusty area? Residential jr collegeges in pune? I'm gay, how do I come out to my friends and family? Hasn't Wikileaks largely been a dud? What are the differences between basic training for the US Army and US Marines? Is it illegal to market a legal product as illegal? How do I touch my boyfriend's private parts while kissing? I want to turn my boyfriend on while kissing but I've never touched a guy before and I have no idea what to do. I don't necessarily want to touch his actual penis yet, just the area - please help me! Why can't Barack Obama run for reelection as President in 2016? Can you give me your opinion of my iOS app? How do I create a bootable CD/DVD that can be used only once? How do you draw your eyebrows? How do you earn money from internet? Which are the sites that one should visit daily? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Suffolk University? Call 1800 213 2171 How to set up mail windows 7 ? Call 1800 213 2171 How to set up microsoft outlook 2010? How do sex for the first time? Help me.I scored 56 percent in hsc board. How much should I score in nata to get admission in good college? Is becoming a seller on Flipkart, Snapdeal, etc a profitable business? Why? What are the core hardware and software technologies used in Google Glass? How did Martin Luther King Jr. become a hero? How would you solve this puzzle? Will there be a new general election in the UK after Brexit? How do you get over people not liking you? Where do I catch a Starmie in Pokémon GO? What is the best photo editing software or app? What are low cost countries where retirees can live easily post retirement? How should I get motivation to study hard? Is Donald Trump really a democrat who is trying to get Hillary Clinton elected as president? What do you think about Narendra Modi's decision about banning 500Rs & 1000Rs notes? And what will be the effects, Do this make corruption free India? Is fuel required for a satellite to orbit the Earth? What is the value of friendship? Which is the most innovative way which you used to find and get a job? Why air has nitrogen and oxygen in 70 :30 ratio? What is the solution to [math]x [n] = k * x [n-1]-x[n-2]?[/math] I'm a student of class 11 CBSE board. My attendance is below 40%. Would I be allowed to appear for my board exams or am I helpless? Does Pakistan and Israel have diplomatic ties? Who is more powerful Shiva or Vishnu? What is the difference between a gate and a globe valve? Will this circuit generate ac in the secondary coil of the transformer or pulsed dc? "What is the origin of the phrase ""olive branch"" as in ""extend an olive branch?""" What are the backstage secrets about the kapil sharma show? What questions should a HR ask in a job interview? How should I lose weight? How can I understand english? "What does ""canem"" mean in Latin?" What are some great modern rock love songs? Which AC is better- window or split? Are comedians like regular people? Are there really any websites to chat with strangers? How much should I spend on a gift to a wedding I need to travel to and have other expenses? Trump wins the election. So, is he good for India? How can I use two WhatsApp accounts with the same number on different devices? Which would be more painful, to be stoned to death or crucified? What are the best Linux bootcamps? What are the best ways (non-verbal) through which you can express your feelings to an unknown person? What should I buy after an iPhone 5s? Who has played Pokémon GO? Is religion dying out? Are there many women in the USA like Korryn Gaines? Do people fake and make up stories to pretend intellectual and logical on Quora? How can I activate Jio SIM in iPhone 5s directly? What is the history of the Gulf Cooperation Council? What should the headline of an executive summary be? Was Marilyn Monroe murdered? What are the best top 10 movies of Hollywood ever? Why do plants need sunlight? How can I deal with emotionally abusive parents? Which Is the cheapest flight to india from usa? Does windows phone support ios? Anyone here does know about bands similiar to badbadnotgood? Write a letter to the employer stating that currently I am pregnant so that I cannot get into the job can I join after my delivery? What is the best solution for Kashmir problem? Is it easy to get job in India as software developer after a gap of 2-3 years? How do you paint your rims black? "What is the Japanese word for ""have""?" What is the Gujral Doctrine? Will I improve my memory power? What is the cigarette with the least additives? How do I create online store? How do I become a stock broker in India? "How well does the ""muting"" feature work on Quora?" What is the pay scale for an HR workday professional? Who will sit on the Iron throne at the end? What we are liable to pay the service tax? Why is the eagle an important Apache tribe symbol? What does it mean? Does AlphaGo think during Lee Sedol's move? What is the difference between a religion and a cult? Could the top college football team consistently beat the worst NFL team? How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP DesignJet T730 36-in Printer? If I clear AFCAT exam but not EKT, will I be eligible for ground and flying branch still? What is the most effective way to lose weight? How can I improve memory ability efficiently? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Seattle University? "What does the Spanish phrase ""por que"" mean in English?" Is it unhealthy to have a low body fat percentage at age 16? What is proxy? What is machine learning and how it is linked to Big Data/Data Mining? What are some interesting topics to talk for a presentation? What does it mean when someone stares at you? Qualification for business analyst profile? What are customer care hacks? Is it normal for a high school student to have a crush on a teacher? What exactly is time travel and is it possible? How do I connect my phone to my computer through a USB cable? Can Obama make a recess appointment to replace Justice Scalia? What are Hillary Clinton's favorite books? How do I get over someone who played with my heart? What are the Government jobs possible in Computer Engineering field in India? How can you identify suitable skin care products for your skin? What is the difference between being in love and lust? Where can I find business partners in the USA? Can a girlfriend be taller than her boyfriend? What are the best products to sell on eBay? What is the largest site that is using Django? How I can become a good public speaker? After completing Bsc in Chemistry, which courses will be best for good future? How would I know if I was born psychopathic? The differences between living in kenting and at sun moon lake? When is the best time to eat yogurt? Before a meal? During a meal? After a meal? Instead of a meal? Which phone should I buy - Redmi Note 3 or Redmi 2 Prime? Which is better: or Ruby on Rails? I got a 9.6 CGPA in my SA1 class 10. Is that a good score? What is the meaning of the Spanish word 'Pantalla'? If the Higgs boson gives mass to other particles, then why are photons massless? What is the high spring constant? How is it used? What if Michael Jackson had vitiligo but had no plastic surgery. How would he look? Is the Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering good for electronics and communication? What are the chances to increase your score in NEET 2 as compared to NEET 1? Can you share best day of your life? I've never watched much superhero movies, Marvel or DC, how do I start? Should I watch the first movies in order or just skip to the recent ones? Can I do my M.Tech in Chemical Engineering if my B.Tech is in Mechanical Engineering? Is it possible to make a 3D video for YouTube and make it spherical as wel? So it is 360 degrees and side by side 3D. What does it feel like to fight for your life? Do you think the current India cricket team jersey the best looking ever? How was your experience of pursuing an MTech CSE from IIT Kanpur? How is a right thumb twitch provoked? I am Oracle PLSQL Developer from last 3 years and now I want to grow my technology base. Which technology should I learn to grow in future? How will scrapping the INR 500 and INR 1000 currency notes affect the daily lives of Indians? How much money do Uber drivers make? What is the most empowering song you know? What's the best/safest over-land route into Afghanistan? Who is the most beautiful teen? How can I reduce masturbation? Why is Los Angeles called La La Land? How is it that navigation can be used even without 3G/2G/signal on Nokia Windows phones but not on Samsung Android phones? Is Hinduism a religion of beliefs? Which are the best compilers for C language (for Windows 10)? What are all the devices that will run a web browser? How has WhatsApp changed over the years? Is leadership a choice and not a position? How many monthly transactions are allowed for saving account and current account in any nationalized banks? What is the rationale behind the introduction of the 2000 rupee note by the Indian government? How can I get rid of the belly fat? What NFL teams do not have cheerleaders, and why? What can I do to build a quality backlinking? Is it safe to travel alone to Goa (for a girl)? Is it possible to migrate to Switzerland? What is the weirdest use of radiation you know? Is it okay to ask a guy out? What are some good ways to learn ReactJS? What are good ways to learn Chinese on the internet? What's a good way to create release notes with Pivotal Tracker? What is the advantage of union in the C programming language? How do you know if a function is differentiable over a given interval? What is the best glue for leather shoes? How do I stop caring what people think about myself and just live life? Which service is better at networking and 3G speed wise, Tata DoCoMo, Idea, Vodafone or Airtel? Where can I get different types of promotional glassware and mugs in Melbourne? Can kangaroos swim? When will MiUi 7 roll out for Redmi 2 Prime? I sent messages to someone on WhatsApp. I received a tick because their data connection was not active. I blocked the person shortly after. Will they receive the messages I sent them before blocking them? Why can't we use Instagram in China? Why is search on Quora so limited? What is the best Web Hosting service? Do people go on dates in college? Which is the best to-do list app for iOS in Q32016? How does acetaminophen reduce fever? What is a typical day like as a packaging specialist in the Marines? How is plasma different from other states of matter? Can an automobile engineering graduate apply for GME in merchant navy? Is Russia becoming more communist? What are some good inspirational movies? What is the best book/resource as a primer for high energy physics? Why don't governments abolish taxation and print out all the money they need from a central bank? What are the best ways to learn the Java programming language quickly? Search Engine Optimization (SEO): How does one learn to become an SEO expert? Is Quora full of BJP propaganda? How can I speak fluent english and get confident? Which is the best Linux laptop for a student? I found a CPO car in a Benz dealer, and I want to ship it to my local dealer. Would they allow this and if I paid the fee, would I have to buy it? What is the history of surfing in the United States? How do I get the input source file path of a hive table that is stored in HDFS? Which one is a better processor: 1.8 GHz Intel quad core or a 1.7 GHz Snapdragon Octacor? What can I do when I have full speed Internet? How would you use IBM Watson? Who would win in a fight between Superman and Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku? My girlfriend broke up with me, but she still likes me. I like her, but she doesn't want to be my girlfriend. What should I do? What is it like to smoke alcohol? Which is the greatest chess move ever played? Has Mahendra Singh Dhoni ever lost to a minnow team as captain? With a JEE Mains (2016) Score of 105 can I get admission in LNMIIT? Jessica Jones (TV series): What happened to the vaccine developed by Albert (Kilgrave's father)? Why do all the Chinese people I know eat so loudly? How do I change profile picture in Quora? What are the parameters available in a 22nm & 14nm technology file? What is the problem with the indian society? How can you tell if you've been blocked on Facebook Messenger? What is the future scope of BSc in agriculture? What is Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes's religion? What is the difference between 5th and 6th generation of intel i7?which one is best for laptop? What is the difference between Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering? Which one has more opportunities and future? What is the minimum penis size a 'size queen' prefers? Which is the best place to visit in Goa? Is there a Russian Quora in Russia? Which characters have Marvel copied from DC Comics? How do I train mentally to join the special forces? What are poll campaigns? How do I develop augmented reality? I linked my aadhar to bank account and also got the confirmation message from bank but still it is not updated to npci server. How long will it take? Why does my car shut off while driving? How does the latest decision of abolishing 500 and 1000 rupee notes help the Government curb corruption? How do you know you have fallen in love? What are the differences between mechanical and kinetic energy? What are their similarities? What is a spur gear? I am 23, A man who has never been on stage before. Yes I have stage fear. In my bucket list, one element is to give a speech. How to get rid of my fear? How can I calculate the number of zeroes from 1 to 1000? Which is the worst country in the world? Does NASA use Photoshop? What are some of the best soft English songs? Is a Trump presidency inevitable? How does 1-800-FLOWERS delivery flowers? How do I learn dancing? Did man really land on the moon? What is Australia? What are the specific infrastructure projects that can solve traffic congestion problems of Bangalore? Is there a possibility of World War III happening in the next 10 years? Why is the south the most populous region in US? Why do girls squirt? What issues are you facing with a Moto G 3rd gen bought from Flipkart? "Should I leave consulting for a startup? I just started at Accenture in October 2015. I've been on the ""bench"" for nearly 4 months now." What universities does Apple Capital recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? If someone uploaded a videos form their phone to Facebook can I download and upload it to my YouTube channel legally? Where can I buy men's summer clothing online? What are some cheap methods of teeth whitening? Is Harsha Bhogle a good cricket commentator? What is the best way to make a successful life? How do I build a hashing algorithm? Where can I learn more? I'm off to Thailand for 2 weeks holiday. What are some things I should know, do, see, experience? I'm a single, 25 year old male, going with friends. How do you remove bugs on the bed? Why don't many people posting questions on Quora check Google first? Have you ever been Hilton hotel and share your experience.? What are the best answered interview questions? Is the State a force for good or a force for evil? "Why does Romeo kill Tybalt in ""Romeo and Juliet""?" I have the IP address of my GF who cheated on me. Is there any possible way to get into her computer using a method like Keyloggers? If so, how can I? What are the best questions on Quora? Can someone see my app history from my Google? "What is the meaning of ""itsuka"" in Japanese?" Is eating the same thing every day healthy? Will PayPal adopt Bitcoin? Is binary options trading a scam? What is the French Riviera famous for? Do lobsters pee from their faces? How do I use a theme downloaded for ionic framework? What is the minimum investment for hedge fund? What would happen if I ate a spiderweb? When a post is hidden from timeline on Facebook will it still show up on home feed of my friends and followers? What types of teachers do college going students want in India? Sports Cars: Why are Ford GT's so expensive? What should I do to get cellular companies to install a mobile tower on my plot of land in India? What do top Statistic PhD programs look for in applicants? What do you think is the best way to weed out negative people from your lives? What can the UN do to the government of a country that violates human right? What are the different ways to say uncle in English? What is one thing you regret doing? Etymology: From where does the term 'bullying' come? What is the fastest way to learn to develop apps (with no prior experience) for either iOS/Android/wp? What are the health risks of inhaling fumes from battery acid? What are the steps to prevent cervical cancer? Why is curly hair so attractive? How do I mirror my PC screen to a Samsung Smart TV wirelessly? What is the difference between an activated pirated Windows 8.1 and an original one? What is the full form of ZIP code? What percentage of the world suffers from I.B.S (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and is it curable? How can I set up a Wi-Fi router without an Ethernet port on my computer? How can we read Hindi PDF files on a Kindle? How do I deal with my difficult boss? How should I respond when a prospect asks for a discount? Is god there in world? If marijuana was legalized federally, would you be allowed to smoke it in the military? Is it reasonable for an ex-spouse to ask me not to marry again because he/she does not want our kid/s to grow with a step mother/father? What is destiny? How are the annual hikes in HSBC GLT for people joining as a Software Engineer (GCB 6)? "What exactly is ego? What do you mean by "" my ego is hurt ""?" How do I know if I am an introvert or an extrovert? I need cab from Pimlico to Heathrow terminal 5 with 2 kids and luggage, is there any good cab service available? What are the main characteristics of the French language? Men's Underwear: Why don't more people freeball? Which is the best E-commerce platform for developing website? Can you buy dangerous creatures such as poison dart frogs and rattlesnakes off the internet? Is acetone soluble in water? What drives certain people to defect from North Korea? Psychologically, what does it take to defect? How do I study physics by myself? Do porn stars watch porn? I am from the Philippines and I want to make calls in the U.S. using Google Voice. Is that possible? My girlfriend doesn't respect me. Will this make her love me any less? Can I check to see how my fan page is viewed by others on fb? How do I delete my own question from quota? If I used any other then given in the marking scheme method to solve an indefinite integral or a differential equation, How would I get marks? What is the process of legalizing my own car brand in Singapore and actually driving it on the road? What are the career options after graduating from chemical engineering? Is transgenderism mental illness? How can I download music albums? India: What is the best place to travel to in India for a foodie? What is the most irritating thing on Quora? I have got 97 percentile in cat 2016 but have not yet applied for any college, which all colleges can I apply for now? How can I calculate the speed of light in a medium? Can I get an AIR 1 in IIT JEE? Has anyone written about the history, philosophy, or psychology of the suburbs and suburban life (especially in America)? What are some examples of monomers and polymers? What is array in c language? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Harman International Industries? Why is China facing a problem? How do hackers learn how to hack? On what bases are names given to typhoons? How profitable is Volvo bus operations in India? What are reviews for the Allen Edmonds Weekender? "Why do so many Latin words end in ""-um"" or ""-us""?" How many employees does an NFL team have? "What is the Leonard Cohen song ""Hallelujah"" about?" Why don't I feel happy with anything? Am I just not grateful or am I so sad that I can't see the good? Do British people feel guilty for what they had done to India? Who is going to win Euro 2016? How can I get a letter from Narendra Modi conveying his best wishes for my college magazine? What is a good social media, website idea? What is the Marianas web? What are the implications and useful uses of setting up port forwarding on your repeater instead of your router? How do I prove that the set of real numbers is a subset of the set of complex numbers? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Telenav? Which is more important: education or learning? "Why Airtel uses term ""4G"" and Jio uses term ""LTE"" for the same service? Is there any difference?" I'm studying electrical engineering. Which laptop should I buy? What is the best way to impress a girl? How can a person hack into a Kik account? What qualities does one look for in a good wife? Why is communism portrayed negatively in media while capitalism isn't? "How do you break from the ""follower"" mindset to become a leader?" Will consumerism slow down in the near future? What is the significance of The Gimp in the movie Pulp Fiction? How can I lose weight quickly for my theater role? How can a person land on moon? Atheists: If you were finally presented enough evidence to convince you that God exists, would you worship Him? At what age should I start going to the gym? Can I do areonautical engineering after diploma in mechanical engineering? What is the university experience in South Africa like? What is the difference between a file system and a database? What is Highlight doing at SXSW? "How much do you have to lift to ""maintain"" strength gains if you have gotten to a 350lb deadlift?" What is the difference between cotton and cotton twill? Why am I afraid of telling my boyfriend I love him? How do I know that escort girls are safe for sex? Why does a cactus do not have leaves? What is the easiest way to find topics to follow using the Quora app? What are the impacts on Indian Rupee value after demonetizing Rs. 500 or Rs. 1000 notes in market as economic stand point? This is my laptop Sony Vaio VPCEC35FG can I play GTA V in it? What does it mean when a guy giggles when he hugs you? Which fictional character do you hate most, and why? How can I get budget hotel list in Shimla to visit this New Year Eve? Why did it seem Hitler also hated black people? Would a guy be jealous of a girl if he didn't like her? How do I restore not tracked file from stash (in git)? Has anyone really been cast away like in Tom hanks movie? What should one study for the CMAT GK section? What should I look for on my husband's smart phone to see if he is hiding apps for cheating? How much can you make on YouTube? If I get write eLitmus in november and get good scores could I be able to get company's call for placemnt? What are the best ways to start losing weight? What are good substitutes for ghee for use in recipes? What is the difference between variance and standard deviation? What kind of books should I read during pregnancy? How are bow legs corrected for adults? What are the spindle fibers attached to? What purpose do they serve? Why so many people believe in politicians? How can I root my Android device? How do I set a goal? How does China have the authority to kidnap political prisoners and deny them basic legal protection? Does rule of law exist in China? How do I amplify a voltage of 2.4-2.7 volts to 0-5 volts? [SPOLIERS]Are all the Children of the Forest dead? Is time travel is possible in this age of technology? How do I get good marks? Which is the best country to live for a foreigner? Where can I learn Muay Thai in Bengaluru? What will happen if I drink only water and not other beverages? How can Gender Differences affect communication in the workplace? Which color shirt is suitable for white pant…? Do you agree with the persona's description of old age? Why? Is Mamata Banerjee Hindu or Muslim by faith? What characteristics should a data warehouse posses? Why do Koreans use chopsticks made from steel? When I touch positive or negative terminal (one at a time) of a battery do I get charged? If not what else happens? Delhi has the busiest airport in India but which is the one with largest international arrivals? Does animals dream during sleep too? Is it a good choice to develop a final year project in: MongoDB + Express.js + AngularJS + Node.js? What causes sunburned skin to peel? Which would be best laptop under 25k INR? Will time travel be possible in the next 10 years? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in Kiribati?" How do I root HTC Desire 526g? Which is better practice for an aspiring writer: writing novels or writing short stories? Vainglory: What are the differences in play styles between the various regions? Can an indian citizen get job in nasa as space scientist? Are tech holding companies considers tech companies? What are the best topics to write an article for your college annual magazine? What do the four coloured circles/hearts/stars at the bottom of the newspaper depict? Where can I get different types of personal unsecured loans in Sydney? Which programming language should I learn to be a big data developer (Hadoop)? What kills your boredom at workplace? How do I get good marks in class 12 CBSE Practical? Where can I buy jewelry online? How can I find that someone is lying? How can I improve my youtube channel? How can I get rid of acne permanently? Who is Vajiram and Ravi? What is the best job consultancy in Nehru place, Delhi for civil engineers? How does one fall in love? How do I plan my diet to lose weight naturally? Does cats and other animals dream when they sleep? Can I be pregnant even after having a period? What do you prefer: love marriage or arranged marriage? How do start preparation for IAS? What could be the consequences of eating only tomatoes for a month? What about a whole year? Can you contest a life insurance claim that's already been paid out? What are some of the good ways of learning English? What is the adverse effect on body if you drink cold water? When I do something serious like studying, I get distracted by thinking in the purpose of nature, Existence. What should I do to concentrate? Is Narendra Modi really doing any development? What are some tips for effectively networking on Linkedin? "In Instagram, under the magnify glass- what does the ""top"" section mean? Does that mean I've searched that Instagram account the most?" What are some good books that a CAT aspirant must read? Will Brienne become Lady of Tarth? How do I make something battery AND outlet powered? Where can I find Naruto Shippuden episodes to watch ad free? My girlfriend cheated on me. What should I do? How much weight does the average person have as a pilot? Do boys like introvert girls? How do I spend a gap year productively? How can someone make money online for real? Who are Bosley's top competitors? How can Asian people eat rice three times a day? Did the guest actors on Ted 2 get paid? Is there any evidence that Greek gods actually existed? If you heard about a new FinTech (Financial Tech) called 'TriCitizen', what would you imagine it does? If you are just starting to learn Python, should you start with Python 3 or Python 2? How do I gain coins quickly in Clash Royale? What are some ways to get a traditionally made katana? What is the bench press record? Are there any studies on how to study better? If someone block me on WhatsApp may I block him again? What is the qualification to become an immigration officer? "How we can send the mail to many people at the same time , keeping them in ""To"" and not in ""Bcc"" and still unicast them?" Which DSLR is better, a Canon 1200D or a Nikon D3200? Who is the best hair stylist for Curly hair in Bangalore? Is foul language really prevalent in the US armed forces as many movies depicted? Is there any formal policy about language in the US armed forces? I realize I'm a hateful person but don't necessarily dislike this side of me. I kind of embrace it. Is this a good or bad thing for me? Who will win the first debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and why? How can I get phone call logs in Xcode? Why does the upper and lower part of the human body have different heat capacity? I am placed in Infosys, TCS, Cognizant and Wipro. My stream is IT. Which company is best to join as a fresher? How has the introduction of DLC hurt the gaming industry? "Can someone translate ""We act like mortals in all that we fear, and like immortals in all that we desire."" to Latin?" What are the legal separation laws in PA and how do they compare with the ones in Maryland? What are some good career objectives to write in a resume of a mechanical engineer (fresher)? Who are the best personal financial advisors in San Francisco for people saving for retirement? What were your experiences with them? Do aliens exist? What are some good computer programming books? I have secured a rank of 6117 in IPU CET 2016.What should be my preference order in choice filling? Does love jihad really exists? What are some games like Limbo? How do I create a social media strategy? What do people think of China? What are the best photos of World War II? Will Naruto end without Naruto being the Hokage? What would Hillary Clinton do now that the election is over? What is the weirdest thing that has ever happen with you? Is it really possible to learn language while sleeping? Will demonetization affect Modi in 2019 elections? Can auto rickshaws in Mumbai have MH 03 in their vehicle registration number? Does secret relationship works in india? If my brother was vaporizing weed in his room would I be able to smell it at all? Why invest in stocks? What is the difference between N-type and P-type semiconductor materials? If someone asks why do you love me, what should I say? Which medical university is the best one to study MBBS in Europe for Indian students? What are the best career options for a civil engineer after getting a bachelor's degree for girls? Which color combinations make gray other than black and white? Does HGTV's Flip or Flow showcase any deals in the red? (flops) What have the present day Indians forgotten the most? Did Sophia from Doraemon movies appear in the English dub of the anime? What is it like flying from Bangkok to Manila and how are these touristic cities compared to Colombo? What is the JoSAA mock seat allotment? Will Charlize Theron be in the next Mad Max film? Is there any evidence for reincarnation? What is cardiovascular disease? Which website should I use for learning c language? Which is the fastest way to lose weight? What are novel materials? "How does Quora select ""Can you answer __?"" questions?" What happens if a Cirque du Soleil performer is sick or injured? How can you not be self-conscious? Is it possible to move from the software engineering field to the network engineering field? If so, how? Is the CCNA exam a good choice? What would it take to reverse the Brexit decision? Why do people think that banks rule the world? Is Nicholas Nassim Taleb writing a new book? The Godfather, Part II (1974 movie): Who killed the gunmen that shot up Michael and Kay's bedroom? Is it worth it to drop a year for the JEE? I have no knowledge of the stock market, but I want to learn about it. Is there a website or a book where I can learn the basics on my own? My DOB is different on my SSC and birth certificate. I want to apply for UPSC and RBI PO positions. Which birth date will be considered and will it cause any problems for me? Why don't many people on Quora like Facebook? Can you solve _ + _ + _ = 30 using 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15? "Why was the TV show ""Dead Like Me"" cancelled? Is it worth watching anyway?" Who are the top 5 most powerful people in India and why? How can you make yourself shorter? What would Japanese students do if their pencil broke during exam? Are they allowed to use a sharpener in such case? How can we improve conversation skills? What is the best linux distro for desktop (for programmers and designers both)? How do magnets attract metals? What are the benefits of a multifaceted public relations plan, compared to a media relations plan? Can you die from taking too many sleeping pills? What is the general dress code for all Las Vegas casino visitors? What happened in France during World War II? “Let's meet at 10 AM at this place.” Is the sentence correct? How do I handle the loss of a pet? What is it like to travel to Pondicherry? What is pega tool? What is Trump's strategy for winning California in November 2016? What are the advantages of using lead-free solders? "Discourse Analysis: What are some good names for the components in online conversation on ""social media""?" Has anyone ever accidentally broken an elevator? Why should people care about Quora? Is there any Maharashtrian studying in JIPMER? How many more Star Wars movies will Disney make? When is it useful in real life or at the workplace to find the square root of a number? Which coaching institute is best for Civil Engg, IES in Delhi, IES Masters, or MADE Easy? Does anything like LOVE really exists? How can I transition from a software engineer to a sales, business management or marketing role? How can I get rid of Quora? As a fresher, how can I join a startup? What do they expect? Is it worth it to drop a year for the JEE? I am in class 10. What should I study from now onwards which will help me to clear the P.M.T. exam? How do you hide a direct message on Instagram? What are the pros and cons of educational technology? Is there irony in Japanese culture? Which is better, IIT Dhanbad Computer Science or BITS Pilani Computer Science (Pilani Campus)? Is being alone or single forever a punishment? What can I do to remove pimples? Where can I download detective Conan Manga in English? Can vegetable oil be used as an alternative to shortening? What are some of the Best and creative whatsapp status? What is a book similar to Dune? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Dana Holdings? My ex cheated on me a couple months ago. He still is with the girl he cheated on me with, but somehow I just keep falling for him. What should I do? Are MTech students at IITs paid better than BTech students from UPTU colleges? Where can I find good Indian blog contests to participate? How can I rap in Urdu/Hindi? Preparing for a graduate assistance interview? Which is the most trusted app lock for android? What is the corporate culture like at Unifi? How is the culture different than other companies? How did they code Elite Dangerous? How can Islam be reformed? "What is the meaning of the song ""City of Stars"" by La La Land?" Tennis: What will it take for Federer to win an 18th Grand Slam title? Is India a famous country? Is the NYTimes biased towards the Republicans? HOw do I speak Fluent English? Would Sherlock Holmes's keen observation skills and reasoning skills work in India? If I am talking on whatsapp call to someone and another person calls me on my whatsapp. what status will he get. will it show busy? What are some best poems on parents? I HAVE BOOKED A 3AC TICKET IN 12165 RATNAGIRI SUPERFAST EXPRESS OF DATE -27 OCT2016 AND ITS STATUS IS GNWL27/13.WILL IT GET CONFIRM? How is generic velcro produced? Hiking: are trekking poles worth it? How would India have fared if the medium of teaching is only in the local language after the Independence? How can I become a jet pilot in the Indian Air Force? What is the biggest mistake you ever seen committing by someone? What's good about the US healthcare system? Where are some of the best scuba diving sites in Europe? Why did RBI choose to come out with a ₹2000 note instead of a newer ₹1000 note? Why are Indians so taken in by personality Cults? I.e excessive public admiration for or devotion to a famous person, especially a political leader. Are religion and philosophy incompatible? What would be the salary of an architect? "What symbol represents ""other""?" Do airline pilots touch every button in the cockpit during a flight? How can I get rid of acne permanently? What are other question-asking websites like Quora? How long does it take to fly from London to Toronto? Do you like Quora? Why or why not? What are some unusual aspects about politics and government in Israel? Which are the best colleges for mechanical engineering in maharashtra? How do I lose my weight from 58 to 50 kgs? Is it true that humans only use 10% of their brains? Who was better: Mahatma Gandhi or Bhagat Singh? How can I become good speaker? "What are some examples of sentences using the word ""augment""?" Why do airlines follow a hub and spoke model? For example, why do Emirates Airways flights go to Dubai first and then from there go to other destinations? Why do some countries keep kings, queens, and emperors around? How can someone hack a Facebook account? What are some winning strategies for Civilization V: Brave New World? Why does my Quora Reading List keep emptying? Who is going to win World Cup 2010? "In French, how do you say ""my love""?" Which is better for CSE: VIIT Pune or MIT Pune? Do you play guitar with your thumb behind or over the neck? How do I get Elder Scrolls online? What are the top skills required to get a job in 3D Systems? What should I get my boyfriend for Valentine's Day? He loves basketball and ps4 but I don't want to get games, what should I do that's sweet? He's 19. Where can I get complete residential locksmith services in Sydney? Can I do LLB after B.Tech? Names for alumni meet? What is the best content for a lifestyle blog? Can you make money with a Dji Phantom 3 standard? How can I get electrician licence in Australia? How is the 4th dimension explained? Or the ones past it? If Jesus was a Jew, why do Christians say Jesus was a Christian? Why do people send flowers? How do I enhance my English writing skills? What are some painless ways to commit suicide? What are the major algo trading/HFT companies in India? What is the best online resource to learn Portuguese? How widely accepted are credit cards at small businesses and restaurants in Australia? What do Asian countries do to celebrate Lunar New year? How do you register a trademark in Italy? Do cheerleaders have a demonstrated effect on athletic performance? When will Nikon release the D820 or D900? Which is the best ac hostel near Resonance coaching institute in Kota? Will there be a Zootopia 2? How often do you visit Quora? How much money (from ads) can you make if you have a YouTube channel with 200k subscribers and you post videos regularly (~daily)? How can I reduce my belly fat through a diet? What is a good Arduino controllable robot arm kit to start experimenting with? How do you get people to follow you on Quora? Which are the most important tips & tricks for CCNA exam? What is the difference between a rug and a tapestry? Why is Harry Potter books liked by people of all ages? How can I inspire other members of my family whose disorder with theirs things affects mine? Only by decluttering mine? What was the most romantic experience you had? How the commercial bank distribute its primary deposits between CRR, SLR and Minimum cash reserve? What is an intuitive explanation of a Moment Generating Function? Does the Supreme Court have the power to revoke Government of India’s (Narendra modi’s) decision to ban 500 and 1000 denomination bank notes? Do I need to use a definite article in this sentence? Will India destroy Pakistan? How much do first time actors in lead roles get paid in bollywood? What are the power differences between a US senator and governor? How US presidential election takes place? What is the best site for 300mb movies download? How good is a 1971's Dom Perignon? Do you consider yourself a hero after serving in the military? Would you ever get a tattoo? Roman Empire: What would the world be like today if Rome had never fallen? What does a female orgasm feel like? How will the Dr. Hsiu-Ying “Lisa” Tseng case/prison sentence reshape how doctors handle prescriptions in the USA? What is the best and painless way to kill yourself? How do I reset my Gmail password when I don't remember my recovery information? What should I do if I love a girl and she apparently doesn't love me? Bollywood: Which are the worst Bollywood movies of 2016 and why? How can you tell whether someone is a psychopath? What is the best way to get rid of belly fat? Does IOI give full access to STD library in C++? Why do people even compare VMC and FIITJEE when VMC is like an insect and FIITJEE an eagle? How can I stop worrying about what other people think of my failures? What is the best way to find things? Which laptop will be most suitable to buy in a budget around INR 25-30K? Why did Johnson and Johnson pay $3.3 billion for Vogue international? What should I never do with a mountain bike? Export surplus garments? What are the advantages of mobile computing? How can I take selfie with my noka x2? How can I earn money online by working from home? How will an MBA help you achieve your goals? Why do so many ISS astronauts cross their arms? Vaaranam Aayiram vs Premam: Which of these movies are best known for the screenplay, Cast, Cinematography, Revenue? Which is the best site to learn German? Beggars should we give money or not? How can I start-up a company in the US? What is your million dollar question? What are the best phones within Rs. 7000? Can you find the Facebook profile of someone on Tinder? If we know our birthdate than why don't we know our death date? What does a non-alcoholic person drink in a bar/party? What is a drink suggestion which is commonly available in a bar that contains no alcohol? Does the Lunar Rover still work? Why are loyal customers who buy Mind Body Soul Oil failing to post a product review? How much does a Top Eleven - Be a Football Manager earn per month? How can I practice and start behaving with discretion? Is the Allen online test series tough? What are some work from home opportunities that aren't a scam? How could I can have sex with my friend's mother? Do you know anyone who has had a seizure induced by a video game? Can you be a genius and not know it? Who are the stakeholders? What are your favorite quotes of all time? Who is a fashion designer? My girlfriend says that all her family is in love with me except her. Is that a joke? What's better: BMW or Mercedes? What are thoughts? What is the meaning of arwa? How much hours should we sleep daily? How do you make scrambled eggs without butter? Who are the most famous graduates of the Princeton class of 2010? How can I find Impact Crusher in Tanzania? How can I find a jaw crusher in my country? What is the salary for DM candidates in PGI Chandigarh? Which Android Phone Have Good Quality Hardware? -Chip-Circuit-and All Hardware Part That Have possibility Of Failure After 20 Years Of Usage The Office (U.S. TV series): Would Michael Scott make a good father? When is Netflix coming to India? Which is the best browser, Google Chrome or UC Browser? What is the fashion trends for next next year? Which is better, PPC or SMO? What chance does Gary Johnson have to beat Trump and Clinton for the presidency? What is the most dangerous monkey? Why do planes use their jet engines to taxi instead of being towed by a pushback tractor or tug? How is it to fall in love.? How do I export phone numbers from Linkedin contacts? How do I use Jio sim in 3G devices? If Trump won the us election would he increase us involvement in Syria and Iraq to try and take out isis? And would this lead to ww3 in the east? Does using a Jio SIM decrease battery life and make the mobile slower? What're the differences and similarities between acids and bases? Waht is meaning of dreams? Which is the best free VPN to download Torrents? Should I reduce my sugar intake or stop it completely? What is at the end of the universe? How do I make the form for changing my driving license address in Bangalore? What are some of the most exciting programming trends in 2016? Should I move to somewhere in Oregon or Seattle, WA? How can I motivate myself to get into study? F-15C vs F/A-18E combat radius disparity? How does one simultaneously memorize and understand Mathematics? What will touch a guy's heart? Is the Royal Enfield classic 350 difficult to ride and park for a 5'6'' tall and thin person? How do fighter pilots make decisions? How can I remember biology's theory? What are the benefits of working at McDonald's? How can I make a social media website? Why is Facebook blocked in China? "How do you say ""逢十进一""“逢二进一” in English?" How do I make own extension in visual studio code? Is time travel possible in future? How do I edit a video? What are the health benefits of eating grapes? How can mixtures be separated? Can I join Indian Air Force after completing an engineering course from IIT? Can I earn money while studying in iit through coding? I decided to learn music and I just got my new guitar. I'm starting from the scratch. I don't know much about music and I will learn by myself. What's the first thing that I should do? What are the main things I should learn? What are keys? How can I understand English native speakers' speaking? How is Manipal University, Jaipur? How do super-nice famous people deal with having to turn people down? How can we hack fb? What is the distance between Demios and the Moon? How do I become a motivational leader? Is TF card is better than SD CARD? Do actors and actresses get more extra pay for sex scenes and who gets paid more the actor or the actress? Why do some people say their girlfriend or wife is hard to handle? Who can see my Facebook profile? How much data does it consume per minute in watsapp call feature? What would cause a car to stall while driving? Is KZG a good rapper name? Should I buy a Royal Enfield Classic 350? Do you need talent to be a great programmer? How should one prepare for Indian polity? What is varna system? What are primary consumers in the desert? Which is better, a beard with a mustache or a beard without a mustache? What does deadly nightshade smell like? Is there a nutritional difference between red and green apples? How is the MBA program in HR at JBIMS, Mumbai? How can I stop procrastinating? What are the best board games? What is ammonium carbonate? How can you speak English fluently without any stutter? What it means when an ex boyfriend tells you that he is serious about you when you were together? What made him say that? Is true if a man keep calling u sweet names, honey babes so on , means he loves u? In which Elearning website do I get best online courses for C and C++? How much money per hour do Uber drivers make in Yuma, AZ? What's the most a person can reasonably make per month? What should I Learn: SAP or Android Developer? How can i increase my vertical leap.what are the various exercises. what kind of diet is necessary (vegetarian) and does skipping rope really work? Can PBS/NPR be compared to the BBC? I have these red glitchy pixels on my touchscreen. (Note: its a resistive touchscreen) any ideas on how to get rid of them? Which is best book for theory of machines.? How do you replace a 2001 Ford Focus timing belt? What was the worst website that you've ever visited? How do I learn Spanish effectively? "Why does Odysseus taunt Polyphemus in ""The Odyssey""?" Why is Mr. Modi not replying Mr. Kejriwal's allegations? What if Reagan had run in 1960? Will Rothang Pass be open in the first week of November? What is the office location of NDTV Goodtimes? How do I get banned on Quora? What are some good books for learning wend designing? What's the difference between bourbon, scotch, and rye? Is it true that if we get a new phone and without using it we charge it to a 100% it will increase the battery life? How do you repair old TVs? What are the best tips to achieve lifelong happiness? What are some of the best motivational techniques used to get up in the morning for exercise? What are the best crime novels to read? At what age did you have to start earning money independently? What are the tips to crack the SSB interview? Where is the SKODA Showrooms in Salem city? Is it possible to time travel in the distant future? If you can go through an bad cancer after you stand the pain which feel like a gun shot but without any hurt. Will you choose that.? Where do Roman Saini sir and Gaurav Munjal sir see Unacademy in next 1 year? What's going to be new and how they aim to generate Revenue? What if India would not have been divided into India, Pakistan and Bangladesh? Which phone is better: Lenovo K3 Note or Motorola (Moto) G3? How do nude beaches in Punta Cana compare to other nude beaches in Aruba? What Is The Suspected Reason(s) Behind The Currently Ongoing Military Coup In Turkey? Is it better to learn Java Spring or some other web framework? What is the difference between a Fourier transform and a Fourier integral? Where can I get my name changed legally in India? What's the whole process of doing it? Should I worry about getting a six pack at 15 1/2? Chemically speaking, what happens to milk when it turns sour? What is it like to have a sibling with OCD? Is there a discussion in vision ias test series prelims? What is a good way to study for CFA level 1? Is there an ETF fund that tracks the Fortune 500 companies (not S&P)? Is time travel possible? What is the smallest fighter jet? What kinds of people do not use social media? I have 107 marks in nata and 55% in 12th then what college can I get? Does Google take mechanical engineers for any job? Which book should I refer to for Structural Analysis 1 at Pune University? What is the punishment, if any, for a government official in China if he is caught keeping mistresses and cheating his wife? Do you think Mr Brainwash is a real artist? What is your review of Can CPH4 really unlock your mind up to 100%? If someone's Instagram account is private, can I see comments on their photos that are also posted on Facebook if that comment was made on Instagram? I'm 18. How can I make money online? What is Mandarin Cafe in a nutshell? In Romeo and Juliet, act 2 scene 2, Are Romeo and Juliet being rational? Why or why not? "Where does the phrase ""cool beans"" originate from?" San Francisco 49ers: Will WR Jerry Rice's records for career receptions, touchdowns and yards ever be broken? What is something that I can buy in bulk and sell online for a profit? What is a statistic on lower back pain? Why was there a military coup in Turkey? How can I get more followers and profile views on Quora? What's the best way to access Gmail in China? How is the rate of a reaction measured? What is the procedure? Which poisons are undetectable in a autopsy? Which factors should one consider when re-applying to PhD programs while already enrolled as a PhD student? Will Taiwan ever be referred to as Taiwan in the Olympics rather than Chinese Taipei? Should I name my YouTube channel my name? What is the most important period of a person's life? What makes some rocks red, and others grey? Data Storage: What is the best secure / encrypted usb thumb drive? How can Wolverine fight Magneto given his adamantium skeleton? Why is my DisplayPort not being detected, but appears in NVIDIA Control Panel (Windows 10)? I forgot my Gmail ID password. How do I get it back? Reliance Jio was a marketing strategy or really a boon for Indian customers? How do I start preparation for IAS? Are poor people lazy? Does LGBS make more sense than LGBT? Who are the worst cricketers of India? Which is a good career option for girls, an IT professional or a college professor? How can I make perfect the dim sum? What is desire? What do liberals think of Bill Maher? When I said to my ex that I can buy you gud food, gud clothes and a gud house.She answred these r basic necessities. Evryone have. What does it means? How do I get free stuff by mail in Pakistan? How much code does a software engineer write on a normal day? What are some of the best colleges under Anna University counseling for 180 cut-off? How do I find tiny solenoid valves? How do I improve my memory and remember what I read? What are movies that everyone should see? What event would have to happen for the United States to have another Civil War or Revolution? Should I still continue having relationship with my ex-gf who got married? What is a paradox? Will I ever know exactly what I want from life? What is the purpose of our existence? Which is the best CRM for Startups in India? Southpark(TV Series):How do the writers of South Park come up with such random episodes? Does DTU accept JEE Mains score? How is ITC limited for an industrial trainee (for CA)? How do I get incoming and outgoing call details of a particular prepaid number here in India? Is Elohim one God or many Gods? If I block somebody on Instagram, will he still be able to see any direct messages I send him? Which locksmith service provider is best for commercial locksmith in Sydney belt? How do I convince my girlfriend to gain some weight (especially on the upper body as lower body is perfect)? Is it possible to become a genius? If Rommel replaced Hitler, Would the war continue or halted? How do I convert an MP4 file to DVD? What would be the ideal payment gateway for Wordpress? I have scored 79 marks in JEE mains and 83% in ISC board. I am in OBC category. Would I be able to get good colleges or should I drop a year? Is China taking over the South China Sea to prepare to invade the Philippines? Why am I so impatient? Which is your favorite Roger Waters song? Can we really get money from YouTube? Name of villages end with pur? Pur I am Kushala I want to apply for fresh passport But in my voter ID instead of female they have mentioned wrongly as Male? How do you improvise on the guitar? Do women in the U.S. Air Force have to wear skirts? What is batch processing? What is the life of a fresher engineer at Tesco HSC like? What are the rules and what kind of training is given to them? What are the best way to gain weight? Do Moroccans consider themselves Arabs? What is a typical shift length for an air traffic controller? What are the chances of getting a job in Australia if I get a PR visa? Why engineer has less payment? "How is ""damp skin"" best defined?" Which are the best books to read for the preparation of GATE 2017 for civil engineering? What made Einstein so smart? Who will be running Google Ventures in London? Is a class 5e LAN cable enough for a 3200 Mbit Router? Do college/university marks really matter? In a 3 tower AM broadcast antenna system why is one a top hat? 50 kw daytime 2 towers, 5kw night, 3 towers. What are some great sites for downloading complete albums? Who invented the first mobile phone? What happens if Pakistan conquers Afghanistan? What does it feel like to not be friends with your sibling? What kind of energy is needed to start a chemical reaction? How can improve my English speaking? Is chemical engineering a dying industry? Am I better off switching my major to computer science if I enjoy both? I don't have time to double major. Which is the best investment option in india? I'm doing 4 languages, learning quartet music and coral, and college. But I don't have time to study all this, what can I do? How do I separate urine from water? What is it like to have an acquired disability resulting from someone else's actions? How is it different from having a congenital disability? Where should we travel from Chandigarh with ₹25K in the month of December? Anything divided by zero is infinity or undefined? If I know ones name and address can I get his pan number? What is the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek? Which is the popular one people keep talking about? What's the best computer security software in the UK? How can I tell if my phone or room is bugged? Which is the toughest branch among all engineer? What do you think is the real meaning of life? Why shouldn't people be afraid of dying? What is dark matter? Which are some good Indian army based movies? Is it normal to get tired of watching movies? How can I improve my English? How much do tennis umpires get paid? Is Woot too ruthless on its return policy? Why might my dog be obsessively licking his paws and what can I do about it? How can I be the best conversationalist? What are your favourite quotes from books by Carl Sagan? How can I unlock android phones? How do I blur edges/sides of an image using PhotoShop? Does penis size matter during sex? What are the advantages of system software? What are the disadvantages? "How can the word ""inertia"" be used in a sentence?" I have read somewhere that the full form of 'India' is 'independence in August'. Is it true? If not, how did India get that name? What are the best options for laptops /notebooks for around Rs. 25000? What career advice would you give to someone who wants to become a Statistician? If u were CEO of IPL, how differently you would have processed to make IPL as a brand? Is time travelling really possible? Are there some examples about time travelling in the Indian mythology? What will India be like in the year 2050? How do I broadcast myself or my cam on Facebook? What are the best charities to donate hair? Did Sherlock fake his own death in books? What is the best way to trade penny stock? Am I having breast cancer? Where can I find cricket nets for rent near Hitech City, Hyderabad? What is peripheral hospital? Why is my monitor flickering? What is the ideal altitude for baking bread? What is the value of an MS degree in electrical and computer engineering in India? Can I use a Reliance Jio 4G sim in a 3G iphone? What is it like to intern at Facebook? How do I calculate the temperature-related energy flow? How do I start loving myself again after being in a long relationship? Compilation with labbeled daigram? What makes you a person of influence? Where can I search for malayalam movies? How many people die because of brain dead in India? What are the pros and cons of living near East Coast beaches over West Coast beaches? What are some of the best replies in a job interview? I want to add my animation skill whether for 2d animation or 2d mobile games, should I focusing in adobe flash or unity 3D? Is CATIA a good CAD package to learn first? What is a good book to learn Python? Why do people ask Quora questions instead of just searching google? My expected score in NEET-1 is 415 and I am from General category. Can I get medical seat in MBBS ? Does Stephen Hawking like video games? What would happen if U.S. Congressmen/Senators had term limits? Is 莉灵 a good Chinese girl name? What are the best books to prepare for GATE for second year mechanical students? Which are the major highways in California and how are they compared to the major highways in Utah? What the signs that your ex is into you or wants to get back together? What are some uses for litmus paper? I want to be a software engineer but what if a company does not hire me? What is the purpose of your life? What is blood pressure? How do I talk dirty to a guy? Is there any way to use Android phone as walkie talkie with other phone by using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth or other enhancement? How do I write a personal statement to the CUHK? How did Alan Rickman die? How do I become a USAF Career Officer? What does it mean if a girl says you're attractive but she doesn't want you? How can I become fluent in English? Is it possible to develop iOS apps using C++? What is the square root of the 2x2 matrix (1,2,2,4)? I'm a straight (Kinsey 0), white, cisgender, heterosexual, traditionalist-leaning man from the South. Do you see me as basically the devil? Would a Trump presidency be more likely to result in WWIII than a Clinton presidency? What is a good score in nata? I have an exam tomorrow, but am not able to concentrate on studies. What do I do? Where did the Malayalis originate from? I want to learn Java thoroughly. I know C and C++. I don't know anything in Java. What are the websites to learn Java completely? Is it normal to have a menstrual cycle once every two months? About how long would it take until humans could travel all over the universe or would it be too late and we all die from the sun exploding? Ice is cold or hot for human body? Why do people have back dimples? What is Anthony Bourdain really like in person? What is the best meal plan for a 3 year old girl? "What defines the ""friend zone""?" What caste do Jats belong to? Which is better: iPad 2 or Xoom, and why? Is there a way to speak into the mic of MacBook and have it go to a speaker? What is Marketing? If someone were to get shot in the leg on a college campus, and then refuse to give an account of how it happened, what is most likely to happen to him? What causes men to wake up with erections? What is the best way to negotiate salary as a fresher? All my certificates have a small mistake of my parents' name.Should I correct all of them or can my father get a legal name change to match it? Was Bruce Lee a good man? What is should be the role of Philosophy in society? How do I unhide folder from Redmi 3s prime? How do I know if someone deleted me from there contact list? Why wasn't Abhishek Bachchan appreciated like Vikram in the Raavan/Raavana movie? Which is better: HCL or TCS? How deep is the deepest sea? Why doesn't R2-D2 wake up sooner in Star Wars: The Force Awakens? For a pure web based consumer aggregation business model, what has been recent CAC that others have experienced? Do sc/st/obc really need reservation in India? Why does my brand new iPhone 6s runs out of battery so quickly when I'm using it? If I have someone blocked on Instagram and I accidentally like their photo, do they get a notification? Is it possible for animals to dream? Why does the United States has the highest crime rate among all Industrialized Nations? Philosophy of Everyday Life: What are some of life's most underrated feelings? Does internal energy of a thermodynamic system change with density? Why do people want to live forever? What is your review of How to make the best out of your college life? How do you calculate your customer acquisition cost? Is it wise to go into undergraduate engineering without a chemistry background? Why don't fashion models smile? What inspires you to be a good person every day? What is the craziest thing your parents ever told you? How can I learn more programming? Which is the best online store that offer party wearing for men? Why doesn't my boyfriend like it when I gossip about other girls? How long does it take to learn Android for a Java Frontend developer? How can I stop worrying about what other people think? Why we are living in this world? What is the difference between sapply and lapply? When should you use one versus the other? Bonus: When should you use vapply? Which audio mixer is better yamaha or Behringer? How do I start database training? When will DirecTV carry BBC America in HD? What should be the study time-table of students appearing for NEET in 2016? What is the best way to clean my barbecue grill after it was left out this winter? What is the best honeymoon destination from India in the month of March? What does a normal distribution signify? What are your personal experiences with Yoga/Pranayaama? When will I know I found the one? What is the qualification to be a fighter pilot in the IAF? How does Google profit from Google Photos? What should I do if I witness a mother physically abuse her child in public? What is the difference between an embryo and a foetus? How do I prove If a > 0 then -a < 0? How does the Quora algorithm sort and publish popular answers on more users' feeds? How do I become a consummate liar? [SPOILER] Will Lady Stoneheart appear in Game of Thrones season 6? I have hired an SEO team and they have been working on my site for the last 5 months. My ranking is stuck at the same range (285 to 350). How long should I wait? I don't like milk but I like drinking tea a lot which has milk. What is a good variety of milk that I can use in tea? A man in a gym is holding an 8kg weight at arm's length, a distance of 0.55 m from his shoulder joint. What is the torque about his shoulder joint due to the weight if his arm is held at 30° below the horizontal? Can I access any website using Unix operating system? What is it like to work at Ericsson R&D, Bangalore? Did Operation Unthinkable really exist? What is the revenue model of Books for aat preparation? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Smart & Final Stores is coming out with in 2016? What is the most effective way of disintegrating a human body? If there is one thing you could change about yourself what would it be? Why? What’s the domain of [math]\sin x+\cos x[/math]? What is involved in breaking an atm machine open? Is my Ex BF trying to get back together with me? How much will it cost me if I join TIME in June 2016 for CAT 2016 preparation? Prior to WW1 and WW2, why was the act of going to war perceived as heroic or glorious? The manga version of Naruto is ending today. Who will miss it? Is it physically possible to time travel back in time? Is every polynomial function a rational function? What are some real-life examples of a trapezoid? How do I convert a layer to a mask in After Effects? What is the best way to learn java? What are examples of allusion is Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet? Which Wifi router should I buy? What is difference between machine learning and IOT? "Why is this NASA verified, 20 mile long, 70 feet high fortress called a ""rock wall""?" How can I improve my English for communication purpose? A million programmers developed the fictional OS in the movie Her. How would you go about managing a software project of this size in real life? What were the major contributions of the political leaders during WW1, and how are the compared to the ones during the Football War? Is trump going to win the president seat? Are women capable of enjoying sex? Which is the best biography movie? What is Robert De Niro worth? How do you say we haven't been introduced yet in Japanese? How do women judge guys on Tinder to swipe right? I want to improve my English. What should I do? How do I open a new tab by a middle click on the title bar in Google Chrome? Who has the bigger ego, Kanye West or Donald Trump? How many times a married couple have sex in a week? What is the easiest way to hack wifi? How does Britain's education today compare to a hundred years ago and onward? What is the way to reduce the fat on belly? Is a Sam's Club membership worth it? Why or why not? How much money do I need to travel Indonesia? What did the leaders of France and Britain do in the Munich Conference in 1938? How can I make my dog happy? What is procedural dependency? Where can I watch Dragon Ball Super Episode 45 Subbed Fast online? What does the application layer separates data into? Why? Which is the best open source test case management tool? What is best way to bypass torrent blocking? If Hillary Clinton really disgusts me, should I vote for Donald Trump or just not vote? What is the best domain parking service? Can I send a message on WhatsApp using other apps? How do I force myself to manage my time well? Why don't Germans speak English? How do I delete my WeChat account? Why are most of my questions in Quora, marked as needing improvement? How many hours daily is it advisable to read business books? How good is the food that is served at Hell's Kitchen? Https:// this denim shirt what is model of this shirt hero in yellow bike is wearing this shirt What is the best professinal resume form? What jewelry do you wear every day? Do you ever take it off? Will Hillary Clinton get indicted for her email scandal? What is the latest fad among BTech students? What are the best ways to stop your period? What is something you're an expert at? To what extent can I trust answers on Quora? What are the ways to hack ones facebook account? How are Liberty water bottles for use? How much does a teacher earn in India monthly? What is Hillary Clinton's diplomatic attitude toward India? If she becomes president what India should expect from her? Is there a paying guest or room I can get in Dadar, Mumbai? What is software development? Why did Lucy travel back in time to the first human being only? Why didn't she go to the beginning of the universe? Which is healthier, brown rice (not organic) or organic white rice? What are some must have Windows Phone apps? What can I do when I am bored in class? Is Hinduism a violent religion? "What is the formula for calculating ""full load current""?" Can we extend the education loan in SBI? How can Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton? I am about to turn 20 in a few months. What advice would you give me? What skills, knowledge, or life habits should I focus on getting? What is the difference between Bluetooth 3.0 & 4.0? What is my purpose in life? How should I make myself happy? What is the best recipe for homemade chili? How do you change your Apple ID email? "Assumptions: Why do we continue to call Islamic extremism ""terrorism"", when it's really a corrupted form of religious based murder or genocide?" I'm starting my new fmcg buisness what are the initial things I should do? A normal human eye can see objects between 25cm and infinity. Can we see objects which are placed closer than the minimum distance using a lens? Should I buy an HP or Dell laptop under 46k? What are some ways to study smart and hard? How can we lose 20 kgs in 2 months? How many times we can give nift entrance exam? Why is Gayatri Mantra locked? I have been out of high school for four years. My middle school teacher has always tried to contact me (in high school she saw me at practice and told me I should come over for a pool party or to help her daughters with soccer). Boldly, I emailed her. She wants to grab a bite to eat and catch up. Romantic or not? How can I get over my crush when he's my best friend? What is the most reliable way to be making at least $250,000/year within 8 years of graduating with a bachelor's in computer science? How was the experience when you had sex for the first time? What do people hate most about airline travel? Were flails effective weapons? How did Google defeat Microsoft? How hard is it for an Odia person to learn South Indian languages? What is the looping structure in C++? Which laptop one should buy under 50K INR? How do you make egg fried rice? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Federal Realty? Which ones are the best project management tools for HR departments? What are the most likely sources of the gravitational waves discovered by LIGO? How do you determine the formula for phosphorus trihydride? Should I go for skill development courses after completing BCA (Bachelor of computer application)? Could human intelligence exist in an organism the size of a tardigrade? What universities does Resources Connection recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? What do Indians think of Henry Kissinger? Recently I took Reliance Jiofi. OTP generated is sent to jiofi number. And not to my registered alternate number. How to get OTP? What's the easiest and most effective way to improve my English? Should I pay off my mortgage? What is the main reason to leave a good job? What should I do to get employed? Does sertraline (Zoloft) make you gain weight? What are some good ways to learn the Japanese language? How do I get jobs in Ireland? Which is one of the most irritating thing someone has done to someone? Who write the speeches for Modi? Which is the best Pokémon ever? Do I need a Ph.D or other advanced degree to get research funding? I have got 115 marks in JEE Mains 2016 and 84% in CBSE XII . Which colleges can I expect? What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Lake County IL? How does Brexit affect India? How do I increase my website's page rank on Google? How do I control anxiety? Where can I find a jaw crusher in zambia? What would be the life of software engineer after age 40? In modern western culture, are people afraid of being their imperfect selves so much, that they HAVE to show off to feel relevant? Which is the best psychiatry institute in india which offers pg courses? Which solution will change litmus from blue to red? How does it do it? What are the coolest photos of international borders? Where we can see the Milky Way from India? How do I ask questions on here? In arkansas how do I get a copy of my birth certificate without any other form of id? How chauvinistic are Filipinos? What kinds of things appear to be simple but are rather complex in the deeper sense? Has associates and relatives of Erdogan become immensely wealthy, with possible help from Erdogan? How can I convert solar energy into mechanical energy? What are the effects of an exalted Sun-Rahu conjunction in the eighth house? What did you do to lose weight? What is the exact requirement to receive funding for a start-up venture with only a solid business plan? What are some fast food restaurant hacks? What's the saddest song you have ever heard? Which is better: Amity University Noida or GLA Mathura for a B.Tech in CS? Is laptop necessary to join ILP in TCS? Can this mobile game become a hit? What's the most unhealthy thing that society encourages us to do? What are the main differences in higher education between UK and US? Why do I feel that I cannot tell the people I care about the most the truth about everything? Is it normal for a 25 yr old to have a heart rate of 200 bpm while running? How do I glow my face skin? What is a layman’s description of how Brexit can affect India? Which is the best place in the world? Is there any way about how to make money online? How do I retrieve deleted Snapchat messages? Is honey good for hair? How do I find a job with UN? Which are some of the most approachable food chains for college festival sponsorships? What are the best places to visit in Europe? How can I continue to improve my English? How much money is paid to Mr. Navjot Singh Sidhu for cricket match commentary? Why were the planets named after Roman gods and not Greek gods in the English language? What is the best content management system for websites and what makes it the best? How is it used and what are some examples? How do I eliminate my student loan debt? "Why did Japan stop making ""Space Cowboy"" themed anime like Outlaw Star and Cowboy Bebop?" Does the guy always have to ask the girl to hang out? Why or why not? Is GRE test score a way to get admitted to US universities for those with average GPA? How can I get involved in the political strategy of a campaign? How I can make money fast? Why do pugs shed so often? What is What is the best route to vemulavada temple from Hyderabad? How do I evaluate [math] \displaystyle \int \frac{\arctan x}{x^2(x^2+1)} \: dx [/math]? What is the cost of the construction of a house? Were Adam and Eve religious? Is it needed to use same syringe which is given in a pack of Rabipur? If I do MBA (executive) after CA, what are my future career prospects (salary, scope for promotion etc)? What is skinny fat? Should India rely on Pakistan again? Have you ever bullied someone without realizing it? In an interview what questions can I expect from my Hobby-Guitar playing? What is homeostasis? Why is it important? What are some books that changed your life, and why? What question do you get asked the most? And why is it important? Can the DNC just replace Hillary Clinton with Joe Biden if she gets indicted or has to withdraw? How can I be an owner of a jet? Is it easy/hard for international students to get a job in Dublin, Ireland? Can I use a rucksack for normal travelling? How can I get my birth certificate? How can I improve my oral English? Are you looking for datastage online training? Who started the custom of putting songs in Bollywood movies? Are humans part of a simulation? Can cats and dogs get fleas during the winter? How do I legally divorce my wife if I caught her cheating? Why do people in Iraq shoot their guns into the air? How do I forget my ex after everything we've been through? How do I stop masturbution? Is 122,000 SGD a good salary in Singapore with 6+ years of mobile app development experience? How do you fix a utorrent that has stopped downloading? Where can I notarize foreign document? How do you get rid of mouth ulcers? Why do we feel a strong connection with some people without a reason? How can I effectively revise 11th before going to 12th? Some topics of mine of +1 are weak. What is the melting point of metal? Why do I sleep more than I should? How do I concentrate on studies when I am so addicted to my phone and the internet? How do I keep the disturbing things aside? If our blood cells contain iron, then why aren't magnets hazardous to our health? How can I join the Indian Navy or Indian Air Force if I'm a chemical engineering graduate? Can jade stone have air bubbles inside it? What is the real difference between applied and pure mathematics? What is the difference between a tornado, a cyclone, a hurricane, a typhoon and a storm? What was a direct result of the Intolerable Acts of 1774:? Why did I wake up at 3:33am? How can I lose weight quickly? How do I join the Indian Air Force after completing my MBBS? Is it normal as a guy not to desire/want sex? Who is this meena boy? My husband says he is not in rush to file divorce but he doesn't want to live with me anymore. Why is he doing this? Why is there a stereotype that old people play golf? What would European society and culture be like if Jewish communities were at their pre-WW2 levels? What is the reproduction process of euglena? Who created What KFC food item is the unhealthiest in the UK? Why did you break up with your last bf or gf? Which is the best insurance policy for senior citizens around the age of 65 & above in India? What is porters five forces? Can I teach English in Vietnam without a degree? Why do some mushrooms taste like meat? How do I get job after having a gap of 4 years in net working? Can I apply for Canadian PR or AUS/NZ/US/UK/EUR/etc with my Freelance experience? If I remove dvd writer and speakers from my laptop will my lap function normally? How driverless cars will affect the life insurance industry? How do I activate Jio Voice Service on iPhone 5s? How do you say this in English? How do I get more StumbleUpon Followers? Are there trolls on Quora? How can a man get raped by a woman? What are the different types of securities market? What is the difference between big data and Hadoop developer and administrator? What are your favorite date ideas in Maine? I am about to pursue ECE. So how should I prepare myself from now, given that college will begin in two months? Youth: What is great about being young? How is the Lewis Dot structure for Co determined? If you could live like anybody who has ever lived, who would that be? What are ways to get more views on youtube? "Why do movies like ""The Da Vinci Code"" and ""Angels and Demons"" have such low ratings on IMDB and why are they disliked by many? Is it because of the level of the novels or due to fact-manipulation?" What're the disadvantages of currency reformations? Why do the things I mearly listen or I had a glance somewhere came to happen or something I have to do about it within few days? How many Haredi Jews live in Jerusalem (east and west)? What is the counselling fee at LNMIIT and is it refundable? How do I add a photo to a topic on Quora? How can I learn the Chinese language easily and smoothly? What is the corporate culture like at Ford? How is the culture different than other companies? What would happen if one of the major-party candidates were to die before election day? Can someone get me the screenshot of the Instagram profile named supriyaxsingh? How much peanut oil is used for a turkey fryer? What do you do with the oil after you fry a turkey? What is the precaution I take during brain stroke? Do you think teenagers (under 18) should be allowed to vote in the United States? Why or why not? Is there a limit to the number of Flickr accounts I can have? "What are some examples of sentences with the word ""ignorance""?" What are some of the best quotes from Winston Churchill? "Does ""having the right to do something"" mean we can take it for granted that we can do that?" How does CPM work on AdMob? Why isn't the Armenian Genocide recognized by the US? How can I download youtube playlists? Does skin tone play a part in muscle definition? What should be done to avoid watching porn? What should I do to get over an anime crush? I like Tsunade of Naruto too much. What should I do? What are some painless ways to commit suicide? What is clip and strip bonds? What's the worst emotion a person can feel and why? Does the one child policy apply to foreigners moving to China? Does it matter if they are of Chinese origin? What makes you sad about people living in India? What are the health risks of eating raw mussels? What are some regional English words, that you think ought to become more widely known? Who is Adam West married to? Hurricanes die out quickly when they pass over land or cold water, why? How can I improve my English skills? Who would win a fight between bronn and Jaime Lannister? Will Balochistan get freedom from Pakistan? How did you find inner peace? My laptop screen is broken (there are black spots/lines which keep on increasing), does the repair guy need to know my windows password to fix it? What are the pros and cons of the introduction of a GST in the Indian tax system? What is @+£>§? What are the benefits of learning java programming? How many chromosomes does a zygote have? Do I have to pay customs fees or taxes if I ship wholesale goods from Canada to the USA if I already paid customs fees when importing these same goods from China to Canada? How do you pronounce Jaqen H'ghar? How do you get rid of pimple on the chest? What are the differences between HTML5 and (pre-5) HTML? Is it a crime to burn the Union Flag in the UK? How would British people generally feel about such act of desecration done in front of them? What's the purpose of a human life? Why do they say that brown bag keep bread fresher? What A levels should I take? "If Narendra Modi promotes ""Make in India"" then why does he use a BMW car for commuting?" What is the best solution for Kashmir issue? Which one has higher a compression ratio, SI or CI engine? What incidents and events have made India proud? How do I prepare for NMAT 2016 (19 dec) if I start now? My mom did not allow me sleeping in floor for I will be cold . Is she right or wrong? What's it like to have sexual intercourse (penile/vaginal penetration) with a woman who has a prodigious vagina? The electric field in some region of space is uniform in magnitude and direction. What is the volume charge density in this region of space? How can I stop someone from going on my WhatsApp web? What is the best international SMS gateway? In C++, why is a pointer an object? Would it be possible to exhume Edgar Allan Poe's body for an autopsy to settle the mystery of his death? What are the most famous real-life instances of agents going rogue? What is natural selection? How can I reduce my Belly and tummy fat? What are strategies for eating cheap and healthy? How do I stop eating junk food? How many miles is a 3K run? Is it a good distance for a beginner to run? Which is best car? How do I stop Quora sending me questions about the USA and guns? How can I find a business mentor for a service and economy-sharing startup in Pune? How long has NASA been planning this manned Mars mission Orion? Do year back students have the chances of working in DRDO? How do you get over your best friend? How does file compression work? Where is the first Zika virus vaccine made? What is the square root of [math]-1[/math]? Why are some people atheists? What should I know before visiting Finland? How do I unlock my Sony Ericsson XPeria X10? Why does the caste system still prevail in India? Is gravity a function of density or mass? What are the best aspects of working at GameStop? How can India become a manufacturing hub? What is an under-reported news story? When was the last time you cried without anyone seeing you and why? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in Cuba?" How often do you watch films? What's the point of a free mobile app? How too make money online? Who would win in a fight, in-game Kirito or one punch man? What are the most beautiful cities in the world? How do you cook a turkey? How can we improve our English language skills? What happens to engine oil of bike when it unused for a stretch, let's say three months? Which credit card companies offer cash back? If you were to rebuild (recode) Quora today, would you use Python 3.5? What is web crawling? How does it work? Is it weird for a chinese person to speak in a english accent? Which car brand is the best? How can I make money with music? My boyfriend says love is 'empty' to him right now because he does not feel it, yet he wants me in his life forever. Should I stay? Is it inappropriate to ask a candidate for a designer position to do a test project as part of the interview process? Is an illegal website? If I use it could I be in trouble? I have been watching POI show for free. I'm not sure if this is legal. Which is the best site for movie download at fast speed? What are biotic and abiotic components? How do I play overwatch online? Who will win this Euro Cup 2016? As a 39 year old inspired to become a programmer, should I start my education by going to a community college or learn from MIT/Stanford open courseware? How would one plot DWG files to a DWF, from a ZIP file? What is the least painful and best way to commit suicide? How could the Quora feed be improved? What is your favorite scent? What are the benefits and drawbacks of using a Demand Side Platform (DSP)? How is the word 'prestidigitation' used in a sentence? How do you determine the pKa of methanol? "How can I write an acrostic poem for ""home""?" Where can I find a country chic clothing wholesaler for my boutique that I am opening? What can be the best topic for a seminar in electronics? What number comes next in this sequence 5,14,30,55,91? What are the three states of matter and how do they differ from one another? Why defence expenditure in India comes under non-plan expenditure? Doesn't it create assets? What happens to Hillary Clinton if Bernie Sanders wins the Democratic Nomination? Can a computer science student who's into competitive programming help me prepare for IOI in Bhopal? Is dream study a good topic for a science fair project? How can I speak fluent english and get confident? Which apps download free songs? Which state of India has produced more iron in 2015-16 financial year? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Texas Woman's University? How did Captain America die? How do I reduce belly fat in 20 days? What games do you think would be suitable to be a movie adaptation or series? How do I approach a girl to make her my girlfriend? What's best solution between India and Pakistan over Kashmir issue? What is the economic and geopolitical impact of Port Chabahar to India? How can I earn money easily on online? I think I am mentally ill, a psycho. I completely lost the belief.I want to die because I am skill less, ugly, shy, weak, unemployed, what should I do? Is racism against Blacks and minorities worse in France than in the US, or is it the other way around? How does magic of playing cards work? Is red hotdog in the Philippines only? How can someone change himself from extrovert to introvert? How does minimum balance work in credit cards? Is period sex bad for health? What are the best mobile apps for learning to program? I've loved him for years, and I've let him go and do what he wants with his life, love others because all I want is for him to be happy. However, letting him leave has left me unhappy, and no matter what I do I can't be happy again. Does anyone know how to fix the emptiness? What is the cost to mint Indian coins? What is Dick Cheney like in person? How I make money online? How much money do I need for retirement? How do I get a job as a programmer at MapleSEA? "What is your opinion on the video ""My Choice"", directed by Homi Adajania for Vogue Empower, which stars Deepika Padukone?" How commit suicide? What is the fee structure at iitram? What are your opinions about Modi Government's decision to declare Rs 500 & Rs 1000 notes no longer as legal tender? Who will win colors Bigg Boss 8? What is the best way to study and remember what I had studied? Can Muslims also be called Christians in a sense that Jesus Christ is a prophet and Messiah in Islam? What evidence does China offer to substantiate its claims of sovereignty in the South China Sea? Who was the Battle of Stalingrad fought between? What does Quran behold? How do I build a good network? Is human behavior genetic or learned? Which cbse school is better Jawahar Vidya Mandir, shyamali or DPS RANCHI for science stream (PCM WITH CS)? What are the top 10 best things to do in a lucid dream? How do I decide between two best options? Waht are the best startups in automobile industry? Is Audi Q3 a good car to upgrade from Skoda Superb? What is the function of a fat cell? Humans are known to consciously do self-damaging things: smoking, taking drugs, drinking. Do animals in nature show some behavior similar to this? What has been the best decision you've made in your life? Which is your most memorable train journey? Why? Do Android custom ROMs really improve the experience or are they largely a placebo? How do I get 10 cgpa in class 10? Which is better for web applications, Java or Python? What is the Israeli public's reaction to Shimon Peres's death? Are there guys who don't watch porn? Which is the best book by Rick Riordan? How di I write a book? Which is the best place to roam in Mumbai other that marine drives and Gateway of India? Should I really go to the gym or swimming and ballet are enough? How can one tell if their car needs an alignment? How has the lot of common man in India changed under Modi Government? What are the kinds of happy moments that touches the heart in everyday life? What is Aspra cream used for? What advice would I give to someone about being a doctor? Why don't we have mandatory military service in the United States? What are the best CA firms in Lucknow for good exposure? How difficult is it to become an effective altruist sugar baby? What is the procedure of register/court marriage in India? What are the procedures to follow if both are from different religions? Is there any restriction to marry a person of a different religion? What is analytical chemistry? What importance does it serve? What is your review of BHIM App? How is it going to change India? What do Sikhs and other non-Sikh Indians feel about the 1984 Sikh massacre? What are some travel hacks for transcontinental flights? What is the best security app for Android? I wanna be a startup entrepreneur? What should I do? How can I stay calm? How does the power of attorney differ around the world? Why would a sniper choose a parking structure as a sniper and/or counter sniper location? How can I find a feldspar jaw crusher in my country? What are the side effects of mondeslor tablets? What sites are similar to Quora? I have a 3-gauge box with 4 sets of wires. One has a red wire and black/white/ground, others are b/w/g. How do I wire it? Why structure size different from sum of their element size in c/c++? "Wouldn't things fall ""onto"" a black hole?" Summer and winter are caused by varying distance from sun due to Earth's tilted orbit. Why not by the larger difference due to its elliptical orbit? What will Melania Trump's role be as first lady? Who is the person deserving a Bharat Ratna in India still hasn't got one? How do you use commands to build stuff in Minecraft 1.9? What regrets keep you up at night? What is the best way to clean roller skate wheels? In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, we learn that Sabertooth is Wolverine's brother. Why then doesn't Sabertooth recognize Wolverine in the original X-Men film? Is ghee (clarified butter) good for your health? What are the common first signs of pregnancy? How can I tell if I'm pregnant? What are the symptoms? Why do we feel itchy? How do I make money by uploading videos on youtube? Why am I experiencing joint pain and full body muscle stiffness/ soreness after viral fever? How do I unblock blocked users on instagram? Why can't my friend see the messages I send to her on Facebook? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Omnicell is coming out with in 2016? What is the best treatment for a hypertropic scar? Pizza store canada? Possible to see who is watching you live on facebook? How would you kill Batman? Which material is used to make currency coins? If you were given 20 dollars in bitcoin, what would you do to create a stream of income? How can I access a blocked webpage? Who won Super Bowl XLIV on February 7,2010? Is Donald Trump thin-skinned? How many human beings have ever lived? What is the process to convert H1B visa status to H4 visa ? I am currently working on H1B and would be leaving my job to convert it into an H4 What is the salary for retail associate in Amazon India? Is Fargo Season 2 really a true story? Are men more attracted to successful women? What are some ways of getting graduate research assistant job in US universities while applying for MS? Is there any bone in penis? Why are liberals so condescending? How do I talk with people I don't like? Which are the best mystery, crime, thriller, action movies (Hollywood)? How can you improve and make your communication skills more productive? What is your attitude towards death? Who are some people who changed the world before they were 35? How? What is a good solar panel installation provider near San Jacinto, California CA? What is the meaning of11:11? How much can an Uber driver earn in London? Can WhatsApp be hacked? What kind of tea to drink before bed? How can I find out if my phone has spyware on it? How do I receive files in my Google Drive from users uploaded on my website? Is 'I did an experiment' correct english? Is it possible to make good friends on quora? Maratha before Shivaji? Why was FEMA Test Answers created? Are Alaskan Malemutes a lot for a novice? Why are people so angry at God? Is Ahmedabad a good place to live with a package of 3 lpa? What is voter intimidation? What do voter intimidators do? What is the ultimate goal of humanity? Why do we have to keep the RPM of the rotor blades (of a helicopter) constant within a limit? What are some good ways to improve essay writing skills? How did you start your import export business? Is it possible to be a General Manager and Head coach of an NBA team at the same time? What is the best porn video you've ever watched on the internet? In Georgia if you break and enter and someone dies then you are responsible. Is this always the case? How do I change my habit of masturbation? What were the advantages of being an unlimited liability Name at Lloyds of London vs one that had limited liability? I understand that new Names have limited liability How can I find Jaw Crusher in Ethiopia? Is Delhi the only Union Territory to have a Chief Minister? Is the principle of vaccines based on evolution: survival of the fittest for white blood cells? How do I get content permissions of any movie trailers? Why do you sign up for Quora? Why is an appeal to an authority considered a fallacy? Is it possible to get a membership from one of the Youth Hostels Association India's hostels, instead of applying online? What book will you recommend for PHP5 web services like Youtube API, Facebook Graph API, Twitter, Google etc? How can I attach a video to an email? I just completed my Bachelor's of Engineering in India, but I want to change my field and get a Master's in mass media and communications. Which universities in the USA, especially California, accept such students? Can I get all the holdings of a person from his PAN number? How do you determine the formula for copper(II) chlorate? How do I turn off the second alert for a text message on my iPhone? Does a navel piercing hurt? How do I build a website on my own from scratch? What are limiting amino acids? What is the difference between friction and viscosity? How could I fill my KYC application for Fixed deposits in HDFC bank? What are some good Discovery Channel/National Geographic channel episodes on human physiology? Why do all Hindus worship so many Gods if every Hindu has the option to worship only one God he/she believes in? When it comes to criminal sentencing, do judges have their minds made up when they enter the courtroom on the day of sentencing? Can a 13-year-old child get a SIM card? What happens when we die? How long is the first trimester? Do the students enrolled in high school have a .edu email address? My Google Chrome always shuts down between 4:00am to 6:00am (GMT). What could be wrong? Is there any way to take a course in UDEMY online for free? How do money changers earn money? Why should Europe accept the sudden influx or refugees from Africa and the Middle-East? Why do the wheels of a fast moving car or the blades of a Fan appears to rotate opposite to its actual rotation? What is a good CNC machine for use at home? I'm afraid that if I act like myself around others they won't like me or will think I'm crazy. How can I stop feeling this? Is Saudi Arabia a political ally of the United States? Why is Kareena Kapoor loved by many? What is a smart way of saving money? Psychology of Everyday Life: What are some little things that make people happy? What would happen or what would be the scenario if Pakistan launched nuclear nukes on India? What hair colour and cut would suit me? How many hours should I sleep during preparation of gate? What is the difference between Java RMI and Why are famous physicists like Stephen Hawking, Brian Greene, Alan Guth, Michio Kaku, Neil deGrasse Tyson, etc., not on Quora? Why would an EU citizen want the UK passport? Which was the most glorious period in the history of journalism in India? What is the best advice for a young, first-time startup CEO? Was O.J. Simpson guilty? Did he kill Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman? Hi I did diploma in mechanical engineering I have aboard experience in marine field plz help me how to go Canada? What programming languages should I learn for video game development? "Gun Control in the United States: What do non-gun owners believe an ""assault rifle"" is?" What is the correct order for content writing? How did you publish a novel as a teenager? What are some examples of different input devices and output devices? I just finished learning HTML and CSS. Are there any projects that I can work on right now? What is there to look for in life? How can I program an interface in Python? How can I unblock user who blocked me on Instagram? How do you remove an Otterbox case from your iPhone? How do I enter the film industry? What are common treatments for Down syndrome? Are there any risks? What should I do I am not able to clear JEE mains this year 2016 even after taking a drop I got 99 marks I am so depressed now I can't study. What are movies must to see before preparing for GS? What is the meaning of japanese word kikuwa? I try telling my girlfriend she's beautiful, but she thinks she's ugly and that I'm just saying it. How can I make her believe me? If a startup founder makes a great app with lots of traction, but has absolutely no business/marketing experience, should/can he be CEO? Which oratorios in a foreign language are widely performed outside their native countries? Did Barney Stinson go to MIT? "I booked a railway ticket with Booking status as ""PQWL/3"" and the Current Status showing is ""CNF"".. What does this mean?" How can I develop self-worth? How many kilometers should I walk a day to lose 10-15 kilograms per day? Should I buy a PS4, Xbox One or gaming PC? Which car services are available in Manhattan? How good are they compared to taxis and relative to each other? Are zebras black with white stripes or white with black stripes? Are we always guided by our self-interests? Are there any exceptions to it? How do I prepare for DMRC JE electrical exam? What can we include in a self introduction? Is feminism still relevant in modern day developed societies? What is your review of How do I get rid of depression? How can I start building a website? I need to hard reset my HP notebook. Will I still have Windows 10 in it or will it revert to Windows 8.1 (from factory)? How do you conquer fear of failure? How do you find distributors for your products? How do I earn money from social media without having a website? What are some good top universities in Canada for computer science with a good placement record? Does marshmallow fondant taste good? How can I help my 7 month old baby learn by exploring? What is Can Esperanto become the national language of India? What are some of the best cerebral fiction books? How can I improve my fluency in English to face a more confortable job interview? How do I become a real estate agent in Australia? What are the best aspects of working at GAIN Capital? Is it too hard to place an animated GIF image inside an Android app view? Is it true that European venture capital firms offer significantly lower technology startup valuations than US VCs? When is tata tiago AMT going to launch? How do I learn sitar? What design app does HGTV use? What can I do to guarantee I get into an Ivy League university? Why do most Americans use iPhones and other Apple products? Should I do MBA after B.Tech (CSE)? How can I use black magic? "Does the last video at ""How do I solve ansys license manager (failover feature ansys blademodeler) error?"" applies for a cracked version? Help needed!" As a venture capital investor, if you had an opportunity to invest in Dropbox but passed, what was your rationale? What's the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? When is the best time to post on Facebook? "Should I get a 12"" retina MacBook, 13"" retina Macbook Pro, or 11 inch Macbook Air?" What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in Australia? Who are Aghoris? What do they actually do and why do they only come out in public during Kumbhs? What is the best way to lose belly fat fast? What is the proof that the square root of 3 is irrational? Why do some cars have their engines at the front trunk while others at the rear trunk? Is it possible to feel nostalgic about things you haven't done? How do you find out if someone is active on dating websites? Can Pembroke Welsh Corgis swim? What is the reason to name 8085 microprocessor as 8085? What is the best place to play pokemon go in delhi? How do you determine your bank account number? What parallels can we draw between Indian & Greek Mythology? What basic knowledge should one have to pursue MS in software testing? What is sleeping paralysis? Is investing in the stock market worth it? I sent someone a message on whatsapp and it showed 2 grey ticks and then I blocked the recipient. Will they turn blue if the sender reads it? What are some instances of stupid questions on Quora ? Is everyone a fast learner? What is the definition of economical? Me and my roommate have done some experiments home-alone and my boyfriend is open to it. Is it a right direction to follow? What is the best harmonica key for blues? Why is Linux kernel written in C and not C++ given that C++ is more flexible and one can write C code in C++ as well? How can I get an admission in the Heritage Institute Of Technology? Why doesn't my laptop show any wifi connection or wifi setting? What are the most used topics on Quora? In which field does Quora get the most questions? How do you stop sunburned lips from peeling? Can helicopters airlift a Humvee or a fast attack boat? Just to be devil's advocate, what movies are better than the books? Why is Kylo Ren a Sith? What question asked on Quora is the most debated? How can we access our search history in chrome? Do narcissists ever cry? What is some important Java programming advice from Effective Java? What are some of the questions I may likely be asked in a job interview? What is it like to go through Course 9 at MIT? Do people like Jimmy Wales and Robert Frost think themselves as big deals? What is a ductile metal? What is the science behind why it hurts more to have a 5 pound weight thrown at you than a 5 pound stuffed animal? How do I learn VFX to be professional? How can I attract girls for sex? How can you have clarity on what you really want in life? I'm a 13 year old an I want to pursue mechanical engineering. What should I start to do to help me get started with this? How will demonetization affect India? What does Jimmy Wales think of Rajinikanth? What are the best help desk experiences? How can a deleted file from the Recycle Bin be recovered? How do I tell if a girl likes me? And if so what do I tell her? What are some tips to lose 50 pounds? Why is Japan called the Empire of the Sun? If the UK leaves the EU will UK citizens require visas to travel within Europe? Which is good tech m or Infosys? How do I cope up with fear of failure? I passed grade 12 in 2015. Am I eligible for this year JEE Main 2017? What is the easiest software to create a mobile application? What is it like to go on tour with a major musician? Will the Airtel 4g SIM card work in 2G phones? If not, will it at least work in 3G phones? Which is more difficult CAT or SSC CGL? Is Rohit Sharma a better test player than Virat Kohli? Cats that like to be constantly scratched, are they marking their scent/territory or are they itchy? "What exactly does ""ask out"" mean?" Is it possible to put a full stop to computer virus? How can I cure vertigo? Why is it that we can find a song that we love so much and then get sick of it after listening to it over and over again? How do I become a better 5000m runner? What is the difference between acrylic and fabric paint? Can I get into NIT if I get 86 marks in JEE Mains and 95.2% in the CBSE Board exams? Could Autism be the next step in evolution to reduce the human population? Is Mamta Banerjee trying to follow Angela Merkel? How do I get a job in malaysia? Is Dubai metro or are they constructing more routes? Where can I find a jaw crusher in Zimbabwe? How do I concentrate on studies and increase interest? What causes a painless small lump under my armpit? Will I improve my memory power? Why do people dye their hair colors that are not natural? What happen when slip ring induction motor overloaded? What are the similarities and differences between fascism and democracy? What is the best laptop for using ANSYS software? What documents are needed to create a quality system? Why do so many programmers prefer vi or Emacs to using an IDE? Are there any tips to concentrate more on studies rather than girls? Who are more greedy, men or women? What is an example of content strategy vs content marketing? Why do pieces move in the way they do in chess? Is it logical? How can I used Uber API in my Android application to search Uber ride? "What do ""non-biodegradable wastes"" mean?" Could the U.S buy another country? If so,what country could we buy? Why does 'Format Cells' option not work when I want to convert numbers to text in Excel columns? What are some of the greatest upsets in sports history? I got B Plan in SPA Bhopal. I dont know if its good enough. should I get admitted there or shoud I go for other colleges? Who is the best superhero? Which Hindi song should I prefer for my caller tune? Are we really alive due to the fact that we are made of empty space? How do I get more muscles? What are the brain's chemical reactions when a man meets an attractive girl? What are the problems you have noticed in the online Aadhar card updating system? What are some unusual aspects about politics and government in Kuwait? How can I learn to speak English fluently? What is the most beautiful thing that you have ever seen? What is the best way to ask a significant other to participate in a threesome? Does military diet work? Can I use a $.49 stamp on a priority mail envelope? What are the options available to commute from Panvel to Airoli in Mumbai? What does broadcasting a message on WhatsApp mean? Is Kaplan a good prep course for the SAT? How Turks of Turkey people feel about Turks of Azerbaijan? How do you create pivot tables in excel? "What's another word for ""creative team""?" How can I stop worrying about what other people think? Is Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam really ill or is it just a rumor on WhatsApp? Can you solve the following limits problem? Can Barack Obama run for presidency in Kenya? How do I learn deep learning in 2 months? Does anyone work in MTurk full-time? What is this type of egg called? What is the best way to cook it? Are there any system theories that seem to satisfactorily explain the precarious status of women in most societies? What are some major Rastafarian values? Does this answer by Sam Altman deserve to be collapsed for 'very poor formatting that significantly detracts from readability'? How do I start learning to use Arduino? What beginner projects are recommended? What specific advantages does the American economy gain through the dollar as a reserve currency? Why is today's generation less happy as compared to previous one even though provided with much more facility in comparision to them? What made you become a liberal, if you were formerly conservative? Does GPA really matter in college? What is your review of The Thing (2011 movie)? What are some amazing facts about food? Is there a connection between Black Rock inv. co. and Itau -one of the largest banks in Brazil, that means Black Rock in Tupi Guarani? Why are sarcastic people so annoying? Is it possible to go to a massage therapist too often? What happens when diesel is used in petrol engine? I stay in Bangalore and my daily commute is 50 KM. Is Royal Enfield Himalayan a good choice? What are the basics should a mechanical engineer known? "What is meant by ""the law of the jungle""?" What are the most unethical companies in the world? How can I shoot weapons in Gun Ranges in US as a foreign tourist? How much does it cost and which weapons can I try? Is it safe for foreigners to indulge in these type of activities? Graph Databases: What exactly is Facebook Unicorn? ‘Potential difference is work done to move a unit positive charge.’ What is that positive charge in potential difference? How do I write an abstract in IEEE format? How do I tell my best friend I don't want to hang out anymore? What is the best way to learn a new instrument? How much will you rate your experience of travelling with Air India? How do I start an aircraft manufacturing company? How should I prepare for IIT JEE in 1 year after passing 12th? I'm using a 5V 1A charger to charge my phone. The original charger was 5V 2A. Is it safe for my phone? What are some data mining disadvantages? What is the League of Legends? What is my ethnicity? Is samsung galaxy j5 waterproof? Could Rolex manage with less marketing? Can I have my phone connected to opera VPN all the time? What subjects do I need to learn to become a successful software engineer? Should we use ac while working out? What are the after effect of brain tumor after chemotherapy.? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at American Express? How can I speak American English well? What are the pros and cons of 2 cycle and 4 cycle engines? How did Billy Mays die? Could distance be setting us back in finding extraterrestrial lives? Could time travel ever be possible? Does low hemoglobin cause obesity? What are some basic rules of life? What is the difference between gelato, sorbet, sherbet, frozen yogurt, and ice cream? What is vicodin? Why do I feel that I'm so useless? Is it safe to give the Aadhar number? Why does a bicycle remain balanced when riding, and fall when at a stop? "Which caste does ""Biswas"" surname belong to?" What kind of shoes (preferably loafers) go with khaki pants and a navy blue shirt? What is difference between double malt and single malt whiskey? How can I start a trading career in a hedge fund in India? Do humans have any wing genes in our genome? Why does one feel exhausted after crying? What is the best source for learning python which would be useful in competitive coding? If a mother has blood type A and the fetus has blood type B is it possible that mother's antibodies (anti-B) induce a Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN)? What should Alexander the Great's legacy be remembered for? What are the ways to get out from stress? How can I make a command line interface on a website with Python/Bottle/Flask? Do I need to use JavaScript for that? What is a layman’s description of how Brexit can affect India? Why does zero factorial (0!) equal one (1)? What will foreigners now do with their Indian currency notes of 500 and 1000 rupees? Am learning SQL and want to practice on software written in C#, .NET, downloaded from sourceforge. How do I access the SQL database of this software? Who controlled / manage hell? God or the devil (lucifer) ? Did the demons in hell just simply following order to punish the sinners? What is the expected cut-off for BCom at St Xaviers, Mumbai this year? Why do I feel scared and nervous all the time? Can an intelligence exist without also having emotions? How do I overcome fear and depression? I just bought a Samsung Galaxy S3 mini, what are the 10 best apps to install? How do I deal with dandruff and hair fall? What is the difference between the effect of AC and DC on the dielectric materials? What is distributed system? Does a Donald Trump Presidency need to happen in order to motivate our politicians to change? What older video games would you like to see receive a reboot? Who are some of the best interior designers in the world? How do I reduce high sex drive? Evolutionary Psychology: How do you suppose Homo sapiens came to be the only hominoid species in the process of evolution? Are our ancestors guilty of mass murder and genocide and what does that say about humans today? What is the compatibility of sun sign Taurus/ moon sign Scorpio man and sun Cancer/ moon Libra woman? English (language): What are some English phrases and terms commonly heard in India but rarely used elsewhere? I am a computer science student. Which laptop should I buy? How do I increase the power of concentration while studying? What big incident in your life changed the way you are? How do I make robot? What is the best brand for formal shoes? What does a desktop engineer and technical support do in BPO? What is the scope of interior design in Canada? What is Deloitte currently working on? Is it safe to take Benadryl with Allegra? What would happen if you take them together? I already have 2 wheelers license in india. Now I want to obtain a 4 wheeler license as well. How can I add a class to existing license? Modest Dan wants to know, what does modesty mean to you? Why do I feel very hot, weak, and shaky after doing some basic yoga asanas? Ethereum has reached 116GH/s hashrates in just a week. How long did it take Bitcoin to reach 116GH/s? Why do people drive so badly? Will my car insurance cover get cancelled? How can I get rid of the addiction of 'asking questions on Quora'? Can the penis size (length or girth) be permanently increased? What are some ways to make an attractive character as a short guy? Mostly used programming language? What experience will help a C++ Programmer to get a better job? Can I get into tech as a second career? Reddit (website): What is link karma? Who is the best UI/UX design studio? Are there some things teenagers know that adults don't? How many Indian engineers are working for Quora? Where can I get super high quality photos for any photo booth services in Sydney? Which is the best site to buy funky T-shirts with cartoons and football themes? How can I best get involved with research as a first year medical student? Were Moon landings visible from Earth? "Do Americans generally think of the Democratic Party as ""leftist"" or just ""liberal"" or ""progressive""?" Where can I found most professional and friendly photo booth services in Sydney? Why is an emulator needed to run old games? Why is there liquid coming out of my breasts when I'm not pregnant? I feel like I can't get any women unless I get rich. One problem though: getting rich is not easy. And because of that, I am depressed. What should I do? Is Britain a monarchy or a democracy? How can I start prepration for GRE? Can you describe the best date you've ever been on? I'm 16 and have $1000 to invest. What should I do? Is it morally right for children to be considered property of their parents? Did the international protocols for saving the environment have any impact? Discuss. Does it make me a bad person if I don't love my girlfriend as much as she does me because she doesn't want to do anything physical? What is web framework? How do Bulgarians treat their diaspora members? What are the key points of the Digital India initiative of the Government of India? How many pounds can you lose by using the Insanity workout in 8 weeks? "What does the name ""Ryan Thomas Knight"" mean?" What does it mean to have a purpose? It's about the Angels.If someone sees sparks of light such as:blue, green, white etc.What does it mean? Is that something to worry about? Which SPF number will prevent you from tanning? Whom does ISIS fear? How can a big company with legacy systems start with Docker? What is purpose of HRMS Software? How can I add a downloaded mp3 music to my iPhone playlists? What are Non trivial properties in turing machines? What are the best YouTube channels about music? Why is the argentine youth soccer team not so good? Is it wise to trust people? How do I start my first business? How do I make a zip file randomly decompress pre-loaded images/files on desktop? What are the best Places to Visit in Arizona in March? With no US and no nukes could Russia conquer Europe? My IQ is 142 (university tested) HS grad and have 55 college credits. I'm a vet and former cop. Yet I live in a trailer. Why have I failed at life? What is method to remove tan of hand easy n quick? How do you watch IPL in Australia? What are some creative ways of asking a Harry Potter fan girl for valentines? Where can I get finest residential painting job in Brisbane? Why does America hate Islam? I will apply for a PAN card online, but my mobile number is not updated in my Aadhaar card so authentication failed. Are my rupees lost? By attempting only test series and previous year papers, is it enough to crack gate? What is Brexit and EU? How much it will affect indian economy? Can principal of a school be called as gazetted officer? I got 124 marks in JEE mains 2016 and 95% in CBSE boards. What will be my JEE mains rank? Why is signal conditioning important? I am an engineer (female) and currently I have an IT job in my hand with a CTC of 3.3LPA. Apparently the cabin crew of Fly Emirates have an amazing pay, of around 1.4L/month for grade 2 crew, their basic salary being more than double of my monthly salary. Should I take it up or not? Why are the Indian supreme court's judgements and directives feared by the executive (govt)? How many 6-digit numbers are there using the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 if the first digit cannot be 0 but repeated digits are allowed? What does it mean when a guy says he likes you? What have you learned and applied to your life that has had the biggest positive impact? What do women find sexy in men? Why does the bride's family give dowry to groom's family for marriage in India? Is it demanded or is it more of a choice of the bride's family? What are Donald Trumps views on National Security? What is a parallelopiped? What computer does Donald Knuth use? How do I come to know that my best friend love me? How do I know my husband is cheating on me? Which field has good scope in future? What is the reaction between sodium carbonate and benzoic acid? What is M.R.I.? How do you measure the concentration of hydrochloric acid? How do waiters/waitress get the tip when you pay with a card? Why Indian news media wont use Snapchat like the way American news media uses it? How do I write a good paragraph on creative topics? What is the best camera lens for a Canon EOS 600D? If you throw a regular die 3 times, what is the probability that exactly 2 of the 3 rolls will yield a 6? What are the best safe proxy servers? Why has the central government introduced GST? What are the benefits? Why are states opposing it? What points are causing a stalemate? Has there ever been a country run on libertarianism? What can be done to stop hair loss.? Sanjay Nandan sir: How do you rate Chhattisgarh cadre of IAS? If I read a lot of articles will my brain store the new knowledge so that I would easily remember or do I have to concentrate in order to remember? How much does Storypick pay? Where can I find in the Philippines gangue crusher? How do I stop worrying about what others think of me? What might happen if I don't treat my possible prostatitis / bladder infection? Which are some online certification courses that are useful for computer engineering students during placements? Is it possible to get 95% in CBSE boards if I start preparing from September (class 12)? What's the biggest lesson you've learned from quora? Can I make money online and how? Here is Bangladesh? How do you land up a job in field of finance when your background is in engineering? What does a dream of lions and tigers mean? Which one is better to buy Iphone 5s and moto g4 plus? How can I reduce my weight in 3 months? How would you explain Virtualization Technology to your Mother? I see whiskey to be the most popular alcohol around but I hate the taste. I like gin a lot. Is anyone else in the same boat as mine? What is the best way to make money in india? What are the information technologies would be needed when making an information system for photography drone? Clinical Pathology: Do you know who Jack Ladenson is? How do I interface a C++ code to MATLAB code? How much is 5.7 lakh Indian rupees in US dollars? Why does Walter White kill Lydia in Breaking Bad's last episode? I would like to study at KAIST. I am from Germany. Does anybody have any tips for the application? Can drug dogs smell Adderall? I need a excel sheet format to calculate concrete and steel in Beams? How do I improve writing skills.? What is the the best way to learn programming? Which book is best for Indian POLITY? How does qnet work? Did meditation change your life? What is meditation and how one can meditate? What are top 10 failed psychology experiments? Why is happiness the purpose of life? What are the pros and cons of leaving the EU to the UK? What did Tumblr use to create Blog profile view? Would the world be a better place if money didn't exist? How much money do YouTubers make with 1 million views and above 10,000 subscribers? How much tax do they have to pay? How many doctors in California already perform house calls? How does a whole home water filter work? Why is Indian journalism so bad? "Would the Western Roman Empire survived had it not been ""split"" with the Eastern Roman Empire?" Is there any solution of indo-pak Kashmir issue? How do I fix guitar string buzz? What are the best high-end preschools in Phoenix? What makes them good or special? Why does Quora allow so many questions easily answered by a search engine? How do quadriplegics have sex? How much does it cost to host a typical website? How do you handle people who get dangerously jealous of your happiness? Why staffing agencies in Canada prefer to work with consultants with incorporated business versus sole proprietorship? How are educated, gainfully employed Indians treated in Dubai? How do you calculate the density of an irregular object? Why do mango tree roots grow so much? What is the impedance of human body? What are some ways to charge a mobile or laptop battery other than a charger? Why do people ask so many Googleable questions on Quora? Do most Europeans know the names of every country in Europe? What is two phase flow in pipe? Why don't I want to do anything in my life anymore except watch TV or play video games? I have Nikon D3100 DSLR. I have inserted SD card but when I switch on it says no SD card inserted. What is the problem? Could a gang of hedgehogs beat up a porcupine? Why can't iOS run on any Android device? What is the best lesson you have learned from your life? What is the average salary of IAS officer? What do I do if I dropped my iPhone 6 on its side and it won't come back on? "What is the legal term of ""disposition""?" What anti-semitic statements were made by Stephen Bannon? Why do secretaries need to know about human resource and strategic management? "In ""you can't fire me, because I quit!"" situations, is it better for the employee to get fired, or quit?" Who is the best batsman: Sachin tendulkar,brian lara or ricky ponting? How does Tesla Model S auto insurance compare against other types of cars? Why is mouth odour so bad after a long sleep? What should an average 10 year old weigh? What are the strongest arguments for net neutrality? What is alveolus? What function does it serve? What is the value of [math]\sqrt{-1}[/math]? What is easiest way to earn money? I noticed most manufacturing managers didn't work their way up, is this right? How competitive is the hiring process at Balchem? How does the Internet work? How do I lose weight fast? What are the different aspects of Physical Strength? "Why is the TV show ""Shark Tank"" named so? And what is the analogy behind the investors in the show being referred to as sharks?" How can I tell if someone is just pretending to be my friend? What are the group discussion topics for cgi? How good is a GRE score of 314, verbal 149, quant 165? Can we customise the Tata Sky HD mega annual pack? What is the best institute for IAS in Bangalore? What are the most common causes of project failure? What is your experience with prepackaged vacations? What is the natural cure for herpes? When looking for developers, do recruiters view systems engineering majors differently than Computer Science majors? Can gravity pull energy? What was the most embarrassing moment of your life till now? I want to learn ML algorithms by writing codes from scratch in C++? So, what is the best visualization tool to observe plots and graphs in C++? How do you pronounce Bvlgari? What are some good places to live in the east Houston Texas? How much does an oil pump dealer earn in India? I'm turning 18. What advice would you give me based on your experience? Why does one get a rabies vaccine shot after getting bitten by a dog? Is it because the vaccine's incubation period is shorter? What are the impacts of global warming on biodiversity? Can a girl get pregnant due to fingering after touching a dried penis? Did Plato ever write about Aristotle? What lens should I use for landscape photography? I have a Nikon D5500 with a Tamron 16-300. I want to do long exposure photography. Why does 0^0=1 and 0^1=0? Is happiness the purpose of life ? What was it like to major in math in the 1980s? What prevents us from advancing studies and research towards travel in outer space? Which is the best way to learn about promoting a brand of a company? What are the best books or series of books to start and acquire decent skill in applying regression analysis/Predictive Modeling using SAS? What are the best movies that make you think? How can I send my followers automated direct messages on Twitter? What are some state of the art security system? What are the possible reasons of being rejected even after doing very well in an onsite coding interview? If I ever say to myself that I am going to be a vagabond for a month, book a plane ticket and land in some other country, what are the essentials that I need to pack in my bag? Can you live with chronic pain? Why should someone do MBA? Why hasn't NASA return to the Moon? What is difference between quasi static and reversible process? What are some of the good ways of learning English? How do you find periodicity of a function [math]f(x)=\frac{\sin x}{2+\cos x}[/math]? My iPod Touch 5 hasn't been updated to 8.1.1. Now it’s slow but I'm waiting for iOS 9. How do I make it work faster and smoother? How strong are Shaolin monks? What is Courtney Compagnino known for? How can you tell if a star fruit is ripe? Who are the likely 1-seeds in the 2015 Men's NCAA tournament? I dreamed about a man I like. Does that mean that he's thinking about me? For how long have you thought about further education? Why does only 3% of the Indians pay their income taxes? What are the rest of the people doing? What is the reason behind such a low percentage? "Why was the term ""Bennett Buggy"" so popular in Canada during The Great Depression? What did it mean?" What are some of the best incidents of coincidence? What time of the day does police comes for the verification of passport? What is the procedure to get VAT number in Maharashtra? Sexism: Why do some men hate women? How do you get a girl to like you? What is a good way to make money fast? Which coaching institute is best for Civil Engg, IES in Delhi, IES Masters, or MADE Easy? How apps can be moved from phone to sd card? What Materials are used in making oil pump? Are there any healthcare start ups which are working on improving Immunization coverage of any country? Are they non-profit or social enterprise or commercial ones? What is the best engineering course? What are the after effects of LASIK surgery? Where can I download the newest IBM P8010-034 Exam VCE dumps? What are some cultural faux pas in Boston? I bought a secondhand Samsung Galaxy S5, and the phone feels creaky when pressed on the top of the screen and some other places. Is this normal? Why can't North Korea and South Korea unite and agree with each other? Which are the best companies in data analytics in Europe? In the TV show Bar Rescue, who pays all of the costs? How do I keep myself motivated for an interview? What are the important functions of the cell or plasma membrane? If I got 115 marks in aiims 2016 then is there any possibility to get admission in any of the aiims? I am from genral category. I am planning to take an OCJP exam in 3 months. I am not getting enough time to prepare. How can I achieve a good score? Which countries were in the Soviet Union? What is the best Christmas gift? How can I download free books on my Amazon Kindle? Which molecule contains the strongest bond? (a) H—Cl (b) H—F (c) Cl—Cl (d) F—F? Can a stolen iPhone be found? How does one need to prepare for XAT verbal section? What books, newspaper, magazines, blogs one must read? These 10-15 years have brought a lot of change in the society, majorly in terms of technology. What would it be like in an upcoming decade? What is the philosophy behind using DLL in your projects? Will the Euro 2016 have a 3rd and 4th place playoff? Would you want to be a tiger or a lion? In what ways is America worse than it was 30 years ago? Who is your unsung hero? How much does it cost to convert a FWD drivetrain to RWD or AWD? It's a lot less likely but how much to change AWD to RWD? What are some good gifts to give to your parents on their marriage anniversary? How can I create an imaginary friend? How do I concentrate and focus on only one thing while studying? What does Jana Gana mana Adhinayak Jaya Hai mean? What does Lorem Ipsum mean? "Is there truth to the narrative that in the US illegal immigrants are ""stealing our jobs""? Or is the economy much more complex than this?" How do I find consumable (not edible) wholesale products that are bought again and again from time after time? Why does Quora ban people permanently? How can I protect my intellectual property for a card/boardgame? Which is best book for web design? What is the best approach to creating a website? What is the most efficient way to refine your accent from regional to neutral? Can I use Jio to make calls without VoLte support? If yes, will my calls still be free like on other devices? What is a political failure and what is a military failure? How do I prepare for CSE Ethics paper? Can I catch a Gastly in Pokémon GO? If you're re-streaking your streptomyces culture, why is it important to pick up the spores, but not the other parts of the colony? How much does luck matter in life? Where in Belgium can I find a commercially savvy electronic engineer with lighting experience who would be interested in a sales role? Eating meat is bad? What are the rules and regulations when visiting an inmate at Valdosta prison and how does it compare to prisons in California? What kind of vacuum pump can be used to create low pressure say 0.5 bar in a closed container of 0.13 cubic meter capacity? My income is INR 4,80,000 so how much I needed to pay as income tax? And where and what amount of money I needed to invest, donate to save some tax? Which are the best countries for studying finance after high school? Is it safe to drink tap water in Beijing? Is Dave and Buster's family friendly? How can I improve my spoken English ability? Are there fake profiles and matches on bumble? Why does no one want to talk or meet after we match? Did Microsoft kill the Windows 10 universal platform at Build 2015 by allowing Android and iOS developers to port their apps to Windows 10? What are some of the best YouTube channels? Is it easier to get into CS or EECS at UC Berkeley? What are the top hotels in Rajasthan? Best time to add Facebook post to get likes? What are the pros and cons of client server architecture? What are the top blogs / online media sites catering to entrepreneurs in Singapore? What if life is a dream and when we die we wake up? Lies and Lying: What is the easiest way to catch a liar? Which are the best sites to learn Java programming? What is a good sauce for gnocchi? Can PlayStation 3 games be ran (emulated?) on a PC? If yes, then what is the recommended way to do it? I masturbated while thinking of my aunt, who is a MILF. Is that wrong, and how do I overcome it? I really love programming, should I study and learn AI? What are some cool WhatsApp tricks? Why can't fans cheer and boo during live action in golf and tennis? How do I embed a Google Calendar in my Tumblr blog? How do I reduce my tummy fat? Which is a good solar panel installation provider near Hollywood, California CA? How many programming languages have been used to create Quora? Using C, how can I add two numbers without using the + operator? I like a girl but she doesn't seem interested? Should I buy a Philip or an LG Smart TV? What is your recent purchase in Amazon India/Flipkart? Is verbal/mental repetition of positive affirmations effective in changing/reprogramming my subconscious beliefs? What is the best angle mostly like girls while having sex? Does wine contain vitamin C? Why does the moon revolve around the earth, the earth around the sun, the sun in the solar system around the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy? Which martial art is best for training for MMA? Can I link Bank Account in USD to my Indian PayPal account? If I do so, then would I be able to save PayPal's currency conversion charge of 2.5% on every payment I receive in USD? How can I refute some of the claims made by the Alt-Right (such as that of race realism)? Do mini space heaters pose a threat in anyway? Is it possible to choke to death after swallowing an ice cube? Fundamentalists see themselves as returning to the original form of a major religious tradition. How is this a post-modern movement? How do you use the word 'engulfed' in a sentence? Can walking on terrace help me reduce weight? I scored 97 out of 200 in MU OET 2016 (Manipal) what branches can I get in the main campus? What is the mechanism to print currency in the country? How much currency can a country print at a time? What other jewels can be found near a diamond mine? How is the word 'ingratiate' used in a sentence? Instead of dark matter consisting of black holes could the cosmic X-ray and infra-red radiation be caused by a Universal black hole? How can we motivate a student to learn mathematics? What does it require to be good at solving number series? What Can You Do With a Barometer on a smartphone? Which is the nearest railway station to Tardeo, if my train comes from Nagpur? When a submarine is sunk, what happens to its nuclear missiles? What are some of Cleopatra's greatest achievements? How did they benefit the people during her reign? What is the best site to practice gate online? Which activity gives you a little cocaine, and makes you do again? What if there is a world war 3? How many countries will survive? Can Nadal win another Grand Slam in his career? What is a better economic measure, the GDP deflator or the Consumer Price Index? Which coaching institute is best for Civil Engg, IES in Delhi, IES Masters, or MADE Easy? What are the interesting places to visit in Kochi? What is the best gift you have received? What inspires Chetan Bhagat? How should a business leader make decisions? What is the best way to get gold in Guild Wars 2? How common is the combination of normal TSH and low T3 levels? Google Maps Navigation: Is the voice used originally that of a human, put into some kind of vocabulary/voice software? What is the best place to learn guitar in Bangalore (South)? How is life at NIFT? Does nominal GDP ever go down? What is the weightage of the subjects in the revised IAS Mains exam syllabus? How do people earn money from YouTube? Is it safe to visit Kashmir in 2016? How can I learn Ruby on rails really fast? Which are the best B-schools in India other than IIMs? Which one is better VIT Chennai or SRM main campus? Where can I get the yellow fever vaccination in Germany? I am unable to add my SBI debit card (Mastercard) to my Google Wallet account. Does Google not support SBI debit cards? What should I do to keep myself motivated? What song would be perfect to close up the finale of 2016? Is Hello Kitty a sign of the devil? How do I focus without ANY distractions? I have exams soon and I get distracted very easily. How do you know if someone is secretly attracted to you? Where can I download Microsoft Office 2010? I'm in an LDR. I only see him about once or twice every 2 or 3 months. Is it wrong for me to feel jealous whenever my boyfriend's friend is there? Is there any tool or app to see who views your profile on Instagram? How does one make a career change into finance? How do you order a beer Spanish? Do we need a graphics card for playing FIFA 14? How will you know if your partner was or still cheating on you? If Bahubali is remade in Bollywood, which actors would be best suited for the roles? How do I make light physical contact with girl, you have feelings for without being weird? What is the best way to say 'no' or convey a negative answer to a person without hurting his or her feelings? What do cats hate the most? How much fees do I have to be ready to pay during my stay at BITS Pilani if I join this year? What would personal costs normally be for 4 years? What is meant by social science? What are the products or things that are used by every human being in this world? What is thing when their is nothing? What is the full form of S.M.A.S.H. and S.H.I.E.L.D? I am currently working as a consultant in SAP ERP. Will my career get a boost if I do the ITIL Foundation Certification and PMP certification? Do intelligent people worry more than others? If yes, then why? How do I know if my best friend is a good friend? Can a pregnant woman get pregnant? What is your greatest achievement so far? How can I join as a delivery boy in Delhi? What is the best car that you have ever driven? My son, currently in the 9th grade, wants to study medicine. He is very strong in math. What major should he pursue as a pre-med in college? You want to leave military service and have a civilian life. What will you do? What kind of guy do girls like ? & why? How can I sell a painting? Which apps are good for learning to read Mandarin (Chinese) characters? Why and how are pi bonds formed? What are the side effects of nodosis 500mg? How can you increase your video? Which one of the following is better- cardio for 30 min or cycling for 1 hour? What is the difference between fate, coincidence and destiny? What would be the cost to construct a cricket pitch for leather cricket? What style of font is the smallest in Microsoft Word? What are some main differences between population and sample? Why is Cricket called Cricket? What is the difference between freedom and causality when we have to make a choice? How do you treat allergies in dogs? What is the penalty for driving without a license in Alabama, how do they compare to the penalties in California? What return gifts (between range of Rs. 50 to 200) can be given to teens on birthday? What are some good Raspberry Pi projects for a beginner? What are the best books you ever read? And why? Does logging out of snapchat delete chat history? Where can I find the questions I ask on Quora? How can I earn money from the Internet using my spare time? What is your opinion on Fidel Castro? How much time does Infosys HR take to get back with results after the interview process for lateral hires? Is loving someone a choice or a feeling you cannot control? What is the meaning of life? How are the placements for Manipal ICAS? If I had to read only one Shakespeare play, what should it be? What is the most advanced artificial intelligence (general intelligence) that exists today? What is the saddest thing that happened to you that you never shared with others before? What are some examples of social justice issues being faced by citizens of Canada? How do I configure and install ownCloud (in layman's terms)? Can someone go from a extrovert to a introvert? Hi. Is there any coaching institute for IBPS SO (Law officer)? I am 23 years old working as a software engineer with 30k salary per month. My family (6members) is facing financial problems to survive. Are there any other ways for me to earn some more money to my family? What is your review of The Girl (2000 movie)? What is the best way to start learning cloud computing from the basics to in depth? How many eggs should I eat each day? Why is Ivanka Trump so hot? What is the future of computer vision? What is pH value of oxides? Is Kevin McHale biased against Jeremy Lin? What does sexual intercourse feel like? How can I find the aim of my life? Is it possible to make silver bullets and would it work? Which branch will I get with a 3926 rank in UPES? How can I get my six year old daughter to start sleeping in her own room? How can one artificially increase the variance of a data set? What are your worst experience with tourists in your country? What should everyone know about computer programming? What is the difference between VLSI and CMOS? How do I find the best blonde porn sites? Why does my cat lick my other cat but not me? Will Trump Will Be Impeached? Can an ideal machine be made with 100% efficiency? How often do MMA fighters lift weights? In present day India, is it possible to get a driving license without any intermediates? What will it cost? What are the best selling sex toys for gay men? Will there be a CGI General Leia in Star Wars Episode 8 or 9 considering the demise of Carrie Fisher? How does one get into rock climbing? Where can I get to see Milky Way Galaxy in India? Moto turbo or the moto x style. Which is the best choice? Is Rogue One better than The Force Awakens? How do I fix up a 1997 Volkswagen Jetta GT? Am I becoming anorexic? Is it possible to create a wifi network on an Android device? Is kccitm a good college? What are some walkthrough guides for Causality Level 1? What is the best economic system in your opinion? Can I do a masters in psychology after having a bachelors degree in commerce? Is BigSpot a scam or a a legitimate survey company? How do I use the Nokia 515 as a modem? Why does german use so many english words? What is the scope of doing an MBA in IB from PIMR indore India? What are the best veterinary colleges in West Bengal and India? Is Dhoom 3 the best contender for the most illogical movie of Bollywood of all time? What causes hiccups when you eat? What can I do to improve my career as a HR? Can you suggest any course that I can do which will have a positive impact on my career? What is FSB on a computer? Is the Shia claim true that Imam Ali was born inside the Kaaba? What should I do to learn Java by myself? Why do I feel better on less sleep? Why are bicyclists not required to have insurance like automobile drivers are required to have? Do doctors lie to patients? Why is a hollow shaft is better than a solid shaft? Where to start in making a website for my text based Python games? What is the Internet penetration in India? Where can I find someone to sponsor my education? Which sport has more athletic players: the NFL or the NBA? How do you unfreeze an AC unit? Is there any chance of World War III? My OBC NCL RANK IS 6617,BUT I AM NOT QUALIFIED FOR CRL RANKING, BECAUSE IN PAPER I MARKS IS 27 & PAPER II MARKS IS 46 .TOTAL MARKS IS 73.WHAT CHANCE? What was the most embarrassing moment in front of your school? Why do orgasms from masturbation feel so different from orgasms from sex? How could I confirm that my Facebook friends received a notification that I joined Instagram? What's the difference between supply chain and logistics? "Why is there no ""New questions"" section on Quora?" Why are aphorisms evil? What is the best compliment you have ever received? Prisons and Prison Life: What is it like to get visits from family and friends? Do women enjoy sex more than men? Does smoking cause hiccups? What is the appropriate way to wear chinos for business casual dress? Which is the World's largest Temple? How do I find capital for a real estate investment? What apps are used to track the location of a cell phone? What does it take to be an airline pilot? I don't love myself, what should I do to love myself? America bases ist response on ethics and morals when sum 1 of popularity commits a breach of either one what should happen? What is it like to live without fear? How do you treat a dog with ringworm? "My wife changed her Facebook status from ""married"" to ""widowed."" Should I be worried?" Which medical college can I get at air 7615? How can I download MP3 songs for iPhone? What do Persians and Armenians of Iran think of each other? How do I deactivate a WhatsApp account of other person? Has Barack Obama been the greatest president ever for the US? If not, who has been better? Who are the DMPs of the mobile advertising industry? Why do I have burning nostrils when breathing? What is the functionalist perspective on marriage? What is your favorite homemade cake? What is the difference between England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Britain, Great Britain, United Kingdom, the British Islands and the British Isles? Who will be the MVP of the 2010 NBA Finals if the Boston Celtics win? How should I write a personal statement? How are two formulas used in one cell in MS Excel? What are some examples of marketing research proposals topics? What are the objectives of software quality assurance? Who is the titano in DC comics? How much did building Dubai Airport cost? What is an anhydrous salt? What are the best tourist spots in Kerala? How much would Amazon Web Services be worth if it was an independent company as of 2015? Why is oil classified as a non-renewable resource? If God exists, how can another God exist? What is it like to work as a graphic designer? What is Angel investor? What are some top Telugu novels? Is caste system justified in hindu texts? How do you learn English grammar? What does % mean in C++? How long does the smell of aftershave last? Latest thearpy of hairfall? Why is there no lane discipline in India? How can I make 46k a year? Where can I view the first list of selected candidates of Thapar University? What are three examples of renewable resources? Why my questions do not get answered? Where can I buy the best granite jaw crusher? Is it possible to use an animated gif for the image in a Facebook ad? Who drinks green tea? Is my phone being tracked & monitored? What is meant by VoLTE? How it is different from normal LTE networks? Where can I download FL Studio for mobile for free? What is your review of The Next Warrior: Proving Grounds - Part 5? What is the role of diplomats toward international organization? What are the difference between Latin or Roman, and Syrian Catholics? How do I understand and learn Google's TensorFlow? What is your reaction to Donald Trump winning the 2016 US presidential election? What is a starter flywheel? What makes our life simple? Does receiving free products from someone make you a fraud? How do you calculate the amount of watts found in a volt? What happens if a waiting list e-ticket does not get confirmed? Did Tom Cruise die? How? What are the best sarcastic comments? How do I deal with arrogant teamleader? What factors govern the currency exchange rate? What are cells? What are good birthday gifts for a girlfriend? I am a pre-engineering student.I want to study engineering in australia.But I don't know about expenditure.? How common is polygamy in Pakistan? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Vista Outdoor? Do most billionaires have bodyguards? How can I improve sex? How can we test a date field in Selenium - Java? Which is the best college for industrial automation in the world? What happened to the Green Party in U.S. Politics? What is it like to be a bengali in Chennai? How do I succeed in high school? Are sexual things a bad thing? How can I improve my English speaking skills? When is next recession? What is the craziest thing you have thought of doing but could'nt do? What proportion of restitution of conjugal rights petitions filed by the husband/wife? Can you schedule an Uber ahead of time? How do you do this? Can I set the pickup time in advance? What are the career options after completing a degree in Computer Science? How can India gain a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council without China's assent? "Is 6'1"" a good height for an Indian guy?" How do you explain that the collapse of the WTC7 was reported before it actually collapsed? Where and how do tree frogs hibernate? Why do so many people on Quora ask questions about IQ? What is Indias role in isis? How can NFC be used for asset management? Which is the best site to start practicing SQL queries? Why do humans invent Gods? How bad is it to have a simplistic writing style? How do the main organs in the circulatory system work? Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Carroll County IA? Does a BCom MBA finance graduate need to work hard on the Level 1 CFA exam? Why IIT-JEE are nightmare for aspirants? Why the price of petrol and diesel is not decreasing much in India, even though the crude oil price have reduced drastically? What are some innovative on-the-spot events which can be conducted at a tech fest? If a Bollywood movie were made on the life and career of Syed Mujtaba Hussain Kirmani, what would be its opening scene? Why cannot I see my view activity on my profile ? Is Dell XPS 15 the best laptop with 4k display to have in 2016? I don't have many friends who use Nike+ Running. How can I find some Nike+ Running partners? Is there any way to know detail about prefrence shareholder of companies? Who are the most successful entrepreneurs of all time? Hi. My CAT score for CAT2016 is 88.16.. which are the colleges for MBA I can look for. Work Experience is of 2+ years and good academics? Can 360 degree videos be viewed on a Wordpress site through a phone's browser? What is the cost of one acre of land in rural areas? Who should win academy award for best actor male this year? How can I manage electrical engineering optional in Upsc CSE? What is a good demo conversion rate for SaaS startup? How is university of tokyo? What's the difference between Quora and yahoo! answers? How do you fix a laptop that is stuck in sleep mode? Women, how would you describe orgasm? What are the differences between an orange and a sweet lime? How did the domestication of animals originate? Which company in the Bay Area offers the best cell-phone service? Which is least expensive? Did Turkish President Erdogan purposely stage the military coup to suit his own benefits? How much debt does india owe to japan? What is the best way to make a million dollars? INDIAN ARMY: Should I worry about the merit list for TES 34? What are the tools available for covey's time management matrix? Why does the Architect give Neo the choice of two doors in The Matrix Reloaded? What is the healthiest and worst sleeping position? What are some tips and hacks for incoming freshmen at the University of Houston? What are best real estate investment options in Mumbai? How can I start making money from YouTube, my current account has 50 subscribers and under 100k total views? Why does China restrict Google? What is the proudest moment of your life? How do you upload pictures from your PC to your Instagram? Which is the best torrent site for music? How should I study to get good grades in exams? Why do people do MBA after engineering? What are the cases of racism or sexism in big tech companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, etc.? What is a good book to read on business law? What did Adam and Eve eat? Is it worth it to invest in yourself? If I cut up my credit card into several pieces, can the information of the credit card still be stolen? How can I correct errors in InDesign pages? "In Spanish, what is the meaning of ""tampoco""?" My lpi on Lumosity is 517 after a week. is this good or bad? What varnish do you use on acrylic paint? How should I get rid of belly fat? What is your best hollywood movie? Why is it said that traveling in the speed of light would make time travel possible? What do I do to track deleted WeChat messages? "What are some potential or likely events or consequences that might occur if a well-known ""A List"" actress does a nude scene?" At the end of A Dance with Dragons, does Varys know about Jon Snow's parentage? What is frontend and backend in programming? Why can't I concentrate on my studies at all? What is it like to be a lower league professional footballer? What is your review of Samsung Galaxy Note 3? Why we fall in love with people? Where can I get quality fire & security services in Sydney? How common is intense fear of death among those with PTSD? Do you easily get spare parts of Toyota car in the middle east? Which speaker is better - JBL Charge 2+ or UE Boom 2 - assuming both cost the same? How do I convert an .RD file into a PDF file? What does it feel like to survive death? How many active war ships does the US Navy have now? What are the tips and hacks for getting the classes that you want as a freshman at Northern Arizona University? How will banning Rs 500 and Rs 1000 note help fight corruption in India? I'm a 32 years old Palestinian refugee with an Egyptian travel document issued to refugees but I'm living in Jordan, what are my immigration options? What does electronegativity have to do with bond polarity? How do I kill a tiger? What are some good puzzle type games for Xbox One (or backwards compatibility 360 games)? What are the pros and cons of studying I.T.? Do pre-seed VC exit during seed round? What is the reason behind a situation where some one becomes happy about his friend who is sick? "Is the newly discovered subatomic particle ""Higgs Boson/God particle"" ?" What do you think about Frankly speaking with Arnab? Can I downgrade my Xperia z3 to 5.1.1 from 6.0.1? How do I write 16 birthday wish to my son? The electromagnetic force is mediated (carried) by particles/waves. What about kinetic force--like an explosion? Is there a particle for that force? What is the best time to go to a gym daily? "How many languages ​​in the world do plurals in ""s""?" If I have a BTech degree from DTU and want to pursue higher studies in finance. What and how should I pursue/prepare it? How do you see who someone followed on Instagram? As my (male) hair is becoming thin, I want to use onion juice. what should be used with it for the best? How frequently should I use that solution? What are historical reasons why menu bar in Windows is on top of the window and in Mac OS on top of the screen? I just installed 4GB of RAM (an upgrade from 2GB). However, when I go into the computer's properties, I see that only 2.92GB are usable. What's going on? What happens after you die? (Human Being) How can one learn to trust again? How do you dry sunflower seeds at home? What are some business ideas for students? What should I have to do for developing an android app? Why is the Fortune 500 list important? What causes hallucinations? How do I add 150 more people on a WhatsApp group? What is a family-oriented business? What are some of the best paid part time jobs that can be done from home? What is Java? Has any U.S. president elect not come to the inauguration? Why do people use Quora to ask questions when Google or Wikipedia would be sufficient? What percentile can I expect with a score of 34 in XAT 2017 ? Is there a chance of getting a call for the next round? How do you install an APK file on Android? What are the main reasons German Shepherds make bad pets? How can credit cards be used for person to person payments? How does the processing model work for crediting the funds to the credit card back? How can I improve my oral English? How do I get an MNC job on a CA Inter and B.Com qualification? What is a purgatory to you? My 11-years-old son hears voices in his head after having a bad fever. Sometimes he thinks I am calling him, but I was not. How can I help him? How can I make a million in a year? Is a commission-based model the only business model for online marketplaces? Why? What is the difference between different kinds vs different types? What are some of the social problems that people face in their daily life? Is it better to study in cbse or state board? Can you setup a WeChat account with a Google Voice telephone number? How do the pronouns ce and ça differ in French? Which college will I get if I scored 15000 rank in the IPU CET exam? How can I go to Rann of Kutch from Ahmedabad, by train? How do I define happiness? What are examples of communication? Why do computers use base-2 instead of base-10? Which are the best product based companies in India? What's the best way to take revenge on my girlfriend? How do I concentrate on studies and increase interest? Whom do you like the most from Game of Thrones and why? Which is the best book to start learning programming? What is latest technology? What are the major landforms of Argentina? What role do they play in the region's ecosystem? What is a quick and easy trick to cure social anxiety? Was the Civil War truly fought over slavery or was it fought over where and in what states the Transcontinental Railroad would be constructed? How can anhydrous glycerin be used? If polyjuice potion alters appearance, but not voice, how does Barty Crouch successfully impersonate Mad-Eye Moody throughout the Goblet of Fire? Which is the largest liquor shop in India? After an assault, can a victim press charges if the police won't? What are some mind-blowing facts about Star Wars? Where can I find a windshield trim/molding for Honda Civic 08? What is the differences between diversified, mid-cap and large-cap in equity? Websites: What is the best dating site? What was it like to be 16 years old? How old is TOO old to start a PhD? Which actor/actress should quit acting? Why? What are some interesting cities to visit in France? What happens when you break the copyright law in Dubai? Can I upgrade my Lenovo A6000 Plus to an Android 7.0? Why is the Indian government decreasing fixed deposit rates as of August 2015? How do I sync a folder to OneDrive on Windows 8.1? Do Whey protein and other mass gainers contain steroids? My doctor once mentioned that these products do contain a certain amount of steroids in them. Is it advisable to take protein shakes and mass gainers? What letters appear at the front of the most words in the English language? Why and how do unknown people follow me in Instagram even if I don't upload pictures? How do you delete a Quora blog post? What is the best software to control internet usage on pc? Why does New York City use a red-white traffic signal for people and a red-green one for cars? How can I stop doing masturbation? What are some rational liberal news sources? Where can I found fantastic jumping castle hire in Sydney? Why is it that Hindi and Urdu have so many similarities? What is the origin of both languages? How can I improve my thinking skills, be mature and find confidence? How do I develop a blood pressure monitor using sensors? Why are dark skinned boys encouraged in the Indian cinema, but not girls? What is managerial economics? What are some tips for a business analyst in the US for advancing their career? Does green dot next to the phone icon on messenger mean person is on a call? What are offline advertising methods? Who is Tom hangs? Is Gmail the best email provider to use in 2016? What is the best way to learn dynamic programming? How many protons, electrons and neutrons does an atom of sodium have? It's it feasible to survive a shot in the head or the heart with a Desert Eagle 50AE at close range when 300 grain hollow points are used? How many RTGS can you do in a day in India? How can I find a therapist online for free? I'm a rising senior. I plan on taking AP Physics 2, AP Literature, and AP Calculus AB. I plan on majoring in architecture. Should I take AP Chem? Can I use escitalopram life-time under doctor control? Why doesn't WhatsApp support a single account on multiple devices? Who is Independent & who is celebrating Independence Day? What is LEGO? What are the oldest languages in the world? How do I lose weight in a short time? What is the corporate culture like at The Container Store Group? How is the culture different than other companies? Can anything that happens in your dreams happen in reality? What should I do in the last 2 months for JEE Mains? How is the word 'precariously' used in a sentence? How does research methods differ from research methodology? What are the best Harry Potter books? After 5 years, I've finally set a meeting with HR and my bullying boss to try and fix our working relationship. Any suggestions on how to prepare? What are the best and worst things about public transit in Alajuela, Costa Rica? How could it be improved? What would push someone to start an airline? Where can I learn about foreplay, oral sex, etc. online through tasteful sources? Why do some people use Quora when a dictionary or Google could be used instead? Who is Chefdabhutani at DPS RKP? What is your review of Certified Management Accountants (CMA)? What are the major differences between the Linux and Mac OS X command lines? What is the history of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York? Define multi utility timer? Has anyone ever experienced a D&C without having a miscarriage just for months of heavy bleeding? I've been menstruating for about 9 months consecutively now since I stopped the depo shot What is the correct spelling of Khow suey? Did anybody ask Kiran Rao that she asked Aamir Khan that she felt insecure? How do I find the right girl for me? Can I see my deleted Snapchat history? Did the Queen Mother ever meet Tsar Nicholas II? What is the most efficient way to bookmark and share links with a team if you are using Trello? Why do men like sex so much? Does Japan show G7 members the greatness of the US' nuclear bombs which were dropped to Japan during the G7 meeting? What would happen If an astronaut takes a glass of water out on a spacewalk? How can I download free PDF books for homeopathy? I am not sure if you remember me or I am not sure if you remembered me, which one is correct? How do you convert int to String in Java? Where can I find hookers in Kuala Lumpur? What is the best video player (flash, html5) for a website featuring web video? How should I start work with freelancer? Why do people stab each other in the back? What things are youth in India interested in? How do I take pictures from my photo gallery and post to Quora when relevant? If France suddenly forgot how to speak French and had to relearn it, whom (dead or alive) would you select as a supreme example for everyone to copy? Can I clear out my pimples in 1 month? Can we see last seen info of my contact even if his last seen option is off? If you had a chance to change something in history, what would it be? Who are some lesser known important historical figures of Switzerland and what should people know about them? Which is the best book to learn .Net? How much cash would you need in the bank to live off the interest at $200,000 annually? What is the best thing you said to someone while drunk? How did the rule for spending on an engagement ring originate? What US airlines do retiring baby boomers fly most frequently? What are the love stories of IAS officers? What does it mean when a girl spells out your name through text? Which is the best ultra HD smart led TV 50 inches to buy for? How do I get over my fear of driving a car? Do you think time travel can really be possible? What's the fastest way to learn Japanese? What is the advantage of rooting my Moto G4 Plus? Who do you think would win the IPL Season 7? What are the three main regions of the brain? What is one of the characters that you have been related to and you hate? What is the natural cure for herpes? If someone gets a restraining order against you, and they try to walk up to you, what do you do? Is 65% necessary for PSU job? What are some mind-blowing facts about the Chinese? Why a new customer of vodafone postpaid is not allowed to switch to prepaid within 3 months from activation? Which is better in your opinion a horrible truth or safe lie? What do you think about Chinese people? How can I improve my English pronunciation? Why is Quora too lagging and slow loading of contents? I want to learn coding how should I start it? Who was the best football player in 2015? What is the first letter of a five letter word meaning big? Is it too late to become a dentist? I am 20 years old and by the time I finish I will be 26.? "How is Taiwan a continuation of ""traditional Chinese culture""?" How could we use corroborate in a sentence? Which are the best GMAT coaching institutes in Delhi/NCR? What is the best job for a veteran? Which one of these countries (Japan and South Korea) is more popular for Western tourists? Onboarding on mobile apps : Do you think using a video to onboard users is a good idea rather than traditional onboarding process? Can some one give the lyrics and meaning of the #Neruppuda song from #Kabali starring Rajinikanth? Were Donald Trump and Ross Perot paid by the Clinton family to run for president? What is the probability that I will get maths and computing at ISM in the second or third counseling if I lag the closing rank by 50 ranks? How does Tristan Perich create his 1-bit music? What is the meaning of the word 'fatwa'? How can I control my anger if someone lied to me? Will My Indian Note 4 SM 910G work with T mobile 4G LTE in US? What is the difference between alkaline and non-alkaline batteries? How do polarized light vibrates? The Fourier transform (or similar transform) is in every field of information processing. How different would technology be if the idea of transforming data into a different space, such as frequency or wavelet, was not known? Would we have attained the same level of technology as we have today? "What does it mean to you when a woman in need tells a man, ""Don't do anything, just love me.”?" Can there be a logical explanation to why Indians are supporting Burhan Wani? How you are spending your weekends? Which is the best train by Indian Railways? "What does it mean to say ""I didn't want to lead you on"" if a guy says this to a girl?" How do you preheat an oven? Which materials have the highest dielectric constant? What are the benefits of using Zyrtec nasal spray? Is cat tough than cmat? What do gun shots feel like? What would happen if I cut down all the sugar in my diet (except fruits, honey)? Is Batman a real superhero? What is better for MBA, construction economics or construction project management? What does it feel like to be a Pakistani Hindu? Is pass4sure legit? Is there any way to publish an RSS feed to Google+? How much money do youtubers make? How do I get my husband to stop drinking? Why is my Gmail account signing out of my devices? Does liking a public figure on Facebook show up on friends newsfeed? Which is the best CA or ICWA? How do I see a saved wifi password? If my tax has already been deducted at source, I am not looking for any refund from my tax. Do I still need to file income tax return? Why does ExxonMobil run ads promoting engineering careers? Why are parents surprised when children run away from home? How do I know whether someone is there on line or not without texting them? Why did Japan invade China? Which is the best gaming phone in Indian smartphone market? Money is not an issue. What is IVS department in Infosys? How can I create a clustered index in oracle 11g? How do I write the sql? How is the word 'perfidious' used in a sentence? What is better for becoming a contractor - a masters in structural engineering or construction management? What oozes out of a wound? What is the best way to be motivated? I did B.E. in CS & worked in IT for 3 years. Did MBA & got placement with NBFC as IT Manager. With 8 years in NBFC & PMP, how to get in IT industry? What is the Enrollment Deadline at TUM? What was your kinkiest sexual experience? How do I let go of my ego in my relationship? What is the scope of promotion after LDC in SSC? What is computer programming, and how can I program? What are the side effects (positive and negative), if any, of masturbation? Share embedded system with processors specification? How can I improve my English speaking skills and my fluency? What do you think of the decision by the Indian Government to replace 1000 notes with 2000 notes? What Naruto Shippuden episodes show Naruto's saddest childhood moments? With respect to movies, how big is the difference between 24fps and 48fps? Who designed the chain link fence? What is the best way to learn Mandarin? How do I get rid of maggot cocoons in my car? Is there is any medicine available to cure dengue? What is a word for a man who always want a girlfriend? What happens if you put a person in a microwave? How do I post a photo in a Quora topic? Is it more beneficial to run in the morning or at night? How do I know how many of the cores on server would my account use from the server to run my multiprocessing code? What do you think about the OLED touch bar on the new MacBook Pro? Geology: Why does the magnetic field of the Earth reverse itself? I am going to Goa in September, how should I plan my trip to enjoy the Goa monsoon? Is there a program that can edit a scanned document? Did anyone ever knowingly sacrifize their life to save someone else? How can I stop worrying and over-thinking about everything? How do I lose weight by walking? Who will win the MVP of the 2016 NBA finals? What are the best ways to get rid of an addiction? What are some of the most annoying TV Ads? How do I motivate myself to lose weight? Will there soon be a war between Russia and the West? How do I prepare for SSC CGL Tier 2 in English? How can I build an AR app that tracks and labels airplanes (I've got their coordinates and altitude) using phone's GPS/magnetometer/gyroscope? How can you prepare for the CLAT in 3 months? Why does current flow from the positive side of the battery to the negative one? What is the difference between paneer and tofu? How is mechanical engineering at Nirma University? How do female-to-male gender reassignment surgeries work? How can someone help a weak student? Why do German-made cars like Mercedes-Benz, BMW feel very solid when driven compared to most other makers? How much muscle would I lose if I stopped working out, but ate the same as if I worked out? What are some of the peaceful ways to commit suicide? How does a gas turn into a solid? What are some examples? What is the general perception about India and Indians around the world? Who is the best female escort in Kolkata? Car Battery Store? If I spend Rs 20,000 for a disabled child under section 80DD, how much deduction will I get in India? What is the craziest thing that you did in your college days? What is the best gift for father? How can I earn 8 ball pool cash? Are we losing our cultural ethos? Where does one start a personal free blog? What is your review of Tamil Novels? What is the significance of Samsung buying Joyent? Did meditation make me insensitive? What can I do to increase compression ratio of an SI engine? What are some of the best lyrics in Hindi film songs? What is centrifugal force? Why do Indian judges think that pre-marital sex is immoral? What is a DDoS attack? "In ""Cave of The Yellow Dog"" movie, Why is Nansal's little brother wearing pigtails?" What is the worst thing you've done lately? What are some animals that eat turtles? What three books are a comprehensive way to learn how to cook Indian food as a non-Indian? What are the best training institutes in Bangalore which provide UI/UX design training (web-designing)? What are the three best romantic movies to watch with a girlfriend? How do I avoid or get rid of bad breath? What causes emotional pain? What is the cheapest, painless, easiest way to commit suicide? What's your favorite oxymoron? Is it physically possible to travel back in time? Should I text my crush every day? What are the Major problems in Indian education system? What is the best gift for a girl from his lover? A hurricane was headed for my country a few hours ago and changed course. Now I'm disappointed even though its something bad, why? What is the easiest way to build an app? How can I go to Google Summer of Code? Can I use Multiple accounts on one PS4 to play different games? How can I fix a DNS server? Will there be a greater chance of nuclear war under Hillary Clinton, or are people simply fear mongering? What are some creative ways to use Quora login? What should I do if I'm driving and get a sudden PAINFUL cramp/muscle spasm? How can I get green card? I have F2 visa. What does Vegemite taste like? What are some best strategies to prepare for a competitive exam? Why did Hillary Clinton, Colin Powell, and Condeleeza Rice use private email for official State Department business? Why mix work and personal email? What makes Bahubali an amazing movie? How can I improve my English in all aspects? What is life like in the U.S. Army Reserves? I am confused whether to go for Ca or Ias.? I have cleared CPT. How do I sell my clothes online? What are some of the best interview answers? How does an increase in the interest rate impact debt sustainability? They say that we hardly use about 10% of our brains. Is it possible to use the entire brain? What is the difference between getting an Indian patent vs a US patent? Why do people ask Quora questions instead of just searching google? Games related tso words and spellings? What is it like to be virgin? What kind of bug is this one? What are the main functions of brain cells? What is the best mobile phone below Rs. 25000? How do you stop coughing up mucus? An introduction to statistical Thermodynamics solution manual? What does a day in the life of a handicapped person look like? How does the mind work? What will make a married man cheat on his wife? How do I keep my teeth stronger and gums too? How long will uncooked chicken last in the fridge? "How are big companies like Facebook or Google able to use brands like ""Messenger"", ""Origami"", ""Inbox"", etc. terms that are already heavily trademarked by other companies?" What happens to narcissistic men as they age and lose their physical attractiveness? "Do you agree with the quote, ""Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life""? Why or why not?" Where is a cheap hotel in or near Las Vegas? What are your favorite songs? What do the Lorde songs mean? What is the effect of Venus and Ketu-conjunction in 8th house of Capricorn Ascendant in a person’s life? Can body fatigue due to gym excercise cause sleep deprivation? What can I know more about WR104? What do these Chinese characters mean/say? What are liberal socialists? "What are some of the ""must watch"" videos for every Indian?" What are the best video tutorials available on the internet to learn Hadoop? What are the differences between love and not-love? What are the physics of film and digital cameras? What are the fallacy of circular definition examples? I am 17 years old. My height is 174 cm and my weight is 61kg. Should I be thinner or fatter? Can Deep Web be accessed from India? What is your review of Gambit (2017 movie)? What is external stimulus? Why does Minnesota have such a high Human Development Index? Why can increased dendritic spine density be a bad thing? What would be the products and equation if carbon is added to a thermite reaction? How can I change my working and holiday visa to just a work visa in New Zealand? What is an effective diet to burn fat and lose weight? What brand are the Quora hoodies? How do I solve OTG blank space problem in Redmi note 3? Which is better from a placement point of view: Jadavpur or VIT for CSE branch? "How should you use ""reiterate"" in a sentence?" What startup could make me a millionaire in four years if I got hired as an employee today? What are the types of thyroid tests? Is Yo Yo Honey Singh a better rapper than Eminem? Is oil non-polar or polar? What are the easiest methods to boost SEO for my website for quick results? Aging Brain: How do the brain structures of gorillas change as they age? How are these structural changes different from human brains? Why cannot a helicopter go on top of the Everest? What is the difference between Project Management and Program Management? "Why didn't the movie ""Selma"" receive more Oscar nominations?" I am in class IX.How can I start preparing for ntse? "What is the meaning of ""what""?" Why do people hate Nicki Minaj so much? How does iodine react with water? Should I jailbreak my iPhone 6? To what extent are Azerbaijani and Turkish languages mutually intelligible? How much of each others' language can native speakers understand? Why is my internet speed only reaching 50 Mbps, when it should be 100 Mbps? How do I gain weight (fat)? What are the Indian Government's initiatives/programmes for youths that every youth should be aware of? (like PMKVY etc.) What are some peculiarities of Indian culture which are not easily understood by foreigners? Does Transcendental Meditation really work? What is synchronicity? How can I be the best girlfriend for my Japanese boyfriend? Why doesn't Google use Google Fonts? What can I get with WBJEE 2016 rank of 442 (GEN) in Jadavpur University? I am 27 years old man working in an IT company and I want to be an Olympic level athlete. Is it possible? What is David Sedaris writing style? How do I dye my hair blue if I have brassy color tones? How could I make money now? Are all humans gods? What is a substance? What are some examples? How can I master C programming in 7 days? How do I stop daydreaming all the time? Why am I antisocial? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Park University? Do all Muslims wish that Islam was the only religion on earth? U I am so I am so? How can I improve my communication skills? & step up my vocabulary? What is the basic knowledge of a civil engineer? Why does water evaporate after we turn off the heat source while boiling it? Where do I buy a battery for a Toshiba laptop? "How did the phrase ""you snooze, you lose"" originate?" What happens when sodium sulfite and hydrochloric acid is mixed? Do cows release oxygen into the atmosphere? Is Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice the 2016 movie based on the comic Injustice: Gods Among Us? What is the justification if a software engineer gave up his high-paid job in the US and got a lower pay elsewhere because he's frustrated with the immigration process? How do Islamic banks make money if they can't charge interest because of shari'a? How can you find a literary agent? What would be the cause of world war 3? I think my police verification is going to fail as I don't have enough address proof documents. Can I stop the process for sometime? Are the perfumes sold on fake? What can I do with my UPC? Where can I get a very easy online booking system for jumping castles in Sydney? What is the best time to eat peanuts? How do the Paralympic Games differ from the Special Olympics? How much time does it take to ascend Tirumala Hill to reach the temple from Tirupati? Is there more than one route / an easier route? What are some must-watch movies on Netflix? Can I still play professional soccer? How do the economics of the MLB work? How do organelles form in cells? What's the best way to learn how to get a motorcycle going from a stop on a slope? Who are the famous people in Quora? Why can't I sleep? "What is ""constant speed""?" How are scientists attempting to reduce the cost of antimatter production? Demand for freedom by balochistan from Pakistan? How could I make money online? Which is the best iit for aerospace engineering? How can I apply for a credit card? Did Steve jobs have any friends? "What does it mean to ""have lived a full life?"" What's the definition of ""full life?""" Is nitric acid a strong oxidizing agent? Can I paint my house myself? Will a short guy love a tall girl? How we place two images side by side in html? What is the total surface area of this figure? Where can I get high-end services for fire safety in Sydney? How do I stop the feeling of being ignored? App developers: I need someone who would like to be my partner (50-50). I have an idea of an app but can't code it. Is anyone interested? Is doing CPA or CMA better in India? Is salmon skin fat? Why did George R.R. Martin name the series A Song of Ice and Fire? How do Trump supporters think he is going to bring manufacturing back to America? Which is better, Moto G3 or Moto G Play 4? What Quora users have more than 1000 followers? Watch premier league matches free website? How would you describe chemical equations? Which is the IAS Mains subject with the smallest syllabus? How can I close my yahoo email account permanently? What can I do to improve communication skills? How do I overcome stage fright? How is kinetic energy measured? What are kaiser blades used for? How do you file an RTI? Will the scraping of 500 and 1000 rupees have negative effect on Indias's economy? Can I machine wash my letter jacket? Why we want to pack up our body with thin blanket during fever? Is index trading is safe? What are the best restaurants to try when visiting Pasay City, Philippines? What should you try while you're there? How do I buy cheap Broadway tickets to see Book of Mormon? What is the process of dividing water into oxygen and hydrogen? Where are the cheapest places to live in Arizona? What type of chicken lays green eggs? Where can I buy high security fire doors in Sydney? Why is Google Adsense not accepting my website What is MILE an abbreviation for? How does one become a soccer referee? How does one sit to study after a long break without getting distracted? I'm about to be a junior in high school. I don't have a computer and can't leave my house much. Is there a way for me to start a business in my situation (or even make money)? What are the types of compilers? Could you use low-frequency sound wave to kill flames? How do you lock a door without a lock? Why does India want to be a member of NSG (Nuclear Supplier Groups)? What is the Best and fast way to learn Java and Android? What is the difference between these two sentences? What is it like to drive for Uber / UberX? Which is best iPhone emulator? What is difference between North Indian Brahmins and South Indian Brahmins? If I start selling atheist t shirts on Amazon, will I get buyers? Are there ranks in the Salvation Army? If so, how do they differ from ranks in the US Army? Is it good to make girlfriend in college? Do you believe in alien life forms (ET intelligence) from outer space? How would interaction with them benefit/harm mankind? How big was the American Industrial might during WW2? Is libertarian just a way of confusing moderates to vote republican? What are the best places for a tourist to see in Key West? Why is the price of Petrol and Diesel not equal? How should I pitch a story to movie producers/directors if I don't know anyone in the film industry? With a salary of only Rs 18,000/month, how can one afford to live in Mumbai? What is the best way to get rid of toenail fungus? How can I do time lapse photography on canon 700D? Which was the world’s first mass produced car? What is the advantage of using a graph database over a relational database for recommendations? What is the best way to configure the Yoast SEO Premium WordPress plugin? Is it possible to bike through Greenland? What is the best way to learn how to drive a car with a manual shift transmission? Why are US Army songs taught in schools outside of the USA? How prevalent is ragging in medical colleges? Is buying AA or AAA battery charger a good idea? Which is the best conference/media company in Australia to work for? What's the best way to know what other people really think of you? Who is the best odi batsman among Virat Kohli (India), Hashim Amla (SA) and AB de Villiers(SA)? What are some rare pics of TECH Entrepreneurs ? Do startups ever get funded in the idea phase? What are top two books to refer for CAT exam? What are the top 5 mods for Minecraft 1.6.4? What are some examples of the characteristics of a state government? What is the bystander effect? What is Twitter? What positive role does religion play in a man's life? Can I have too much blood in my body? Does eating microwaved foods cause cancer? How I hack clash of clans? What is it like to drive a Bugatti Veyron? I am 14. I know HTML, CSS, Python, Ruby, and have dabbled in JavaScript. What can I make? What are some of the most mind-blowing facts about the United States? How much successful a CSE student with backlogs can be? How can I identify a person with a photo? Have you been a Super 30 student? How did the program help you succeed? What are the most innovative/best online news readers? How do I graph [math]2(\frac23)^{1/x}(\frac13)^{1/y}+(1-(\frac23)^{1/x})(1-(\frac13)^{1/y})=z[/math]? What is the parental leave policy at Airbnb? What's the best waiting list app? How do I allocate more CPU and RAM to a single process in Linux with Fortran? Why did Dropbox increase the upload file size limit through the web interface from 10 GB to 20 GB? How many inches of a man's penis can go inside a woman? Does the smartphone industries provide 2cm3 of internal space for a new product which protects their phone in accidental drops from 2–8 feet? How do I make a homemade drone? Why are Jews blamed a lot? If reading does not make me rich, what will? Can I withdraw money in non home branch of sbi using cheque? How do the players inside the Indian cricket team get their jersey number? What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word sex? What Happens When Earth’s Magnetic Poles Reverse? Do Muslims believe Jesus was Muslim? What does ‘visual thinking’ mean? How do you see design, tools and ethics working together? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" rare in British Culture?" What are the four kinds of sovereignty? How do you focus on studies and get all A's without distraction? A lot of things or A lots of things- which one is correct? What is the difference between energy and enthalpy? What are the drawbacks of the Indian Forest Service? Should I be sad that my Facebook profile doesn't get many likes? How many years will salesforce demand in the market? "What is the meaning of ""call to mind""?" What would be the cause of world war 3? If I have a DM conversation on Instagram and the other person unfollows me, but doesn't block me, will they still be able to see my DM messages in that same conversation if I send them another message? Which is better for gaming: i3 with 4GB or 8GB RAM? What does it feel like to work on an offshore oil rig? Who will be the best actor to play Ser Arthur Dayne? Does the Xbox one use Kinect 2 or Kinect 1? Which are the best hotels in Jaipur city? What is the average temperature for America? How did Augustus die? What is it like to be lactose intolerant? How do I know if I'm blocked on WhatsApp? How do I loose ten pounds in two to three weeks? Now that Donald Trump is the president of the USA, what does it mean for the H1B program? How does it affect the students on F-1 visa? Why is chlorophyll needed for photosynthesis? How do you block a call on an iPhone 6? What are the best Hollywood suspense, action and thriller movies forever? How do you fix the power button on an iPhone 4S? Are magic spells real? How do I change my Youtube name? Where can you safely download albums for free? How do I cheaply cool my house down in the summer? What are the applications of computer? Did anyone get a call because of Hackerrank jobs? How do I prepare for BITSAT 2017 and boards improvement test simultaneously? I have worked in an MNC 3 years. I feel I can do good in social work or an NGO. How can I join a genuine one? What is the alternative to matrimonial sites in India? Why is cos x the derivative of sin x? How do you learn to program? How would you invest a 5 million dollar windfall? Is crab high in good or bad cholesterol? Why is pyridine used in the synthesis of aspirin? Do you need to get your wisdom teeth removed? Why or why not? What does it mean when you dream about someone? How similar are mitosis and meiosis? Can you provide me some suggestions for my current situation? IF I took my graduation from us army college and completed my army training over there, can I enter Indian army? What will be criteria then? Why is mitochondrial DNA different from cellular DNA? What's it like in Thailand? How do you deal with Quora addiction? Can someone see I viewed their Instagram in explore? Which is better between PU Leather and FAUX Leather? Where can I get a snake in Hong Kong? Is the current NHS strike justified? What's it like to live in Montreal compared to living in the US? Which bike have good mileage and suspension? I'm a 13 year old boy. My parents don't know I wear thongs and I want to wear them everyday. Should I wear them everyday around them.? Which is better- CS in SRM Ramapuram or IT in SRM main campus? How do you stop habitually lying? Who do you think will win the UEFA Euro 2016? How do I really speed READ? I Saw YouTube tutorials didn't help, any real video out there? Why do my eyes water whenever I smile? Can I go for an MS in Machine learning or Data Science after MTech in CS from India? Who is best in ODI? Dravid or Virat. Which is your top 10 hollywood movies list? Does pay you? Why doesn't India sign NPT? What is a short 2-3 minutes speech on science and the future? What are the best photos you've taken using a smartphone? College and University Admissions: With a 2400 SAT score and a 3.6 GPA can I get into an Ivy League school academically? How do I download books from Google Books for free? What do you think, how to work comfortable, its a fullstack freelance developer or being one of the staff developers in the company? What is the best PC game suited for the configuration of Core i5 2nd gen, 4GB RAM, 1GB graphics card? How do I crack a Wi-Fi password from my iPhone? Are Antarctica bases fake? For what kind of students is the BFIA course best? How do I stop npm from installing long paths that cannot be deleted? What is the relation between Murli Manohar Joshi and Shahnawaz Hussain MP, Bihar? How do I prepare for an MBA? What are some interpretations of the movie Apocalypse Now? How do I get scholarships for college? Does center of mass of a uniform rod has anything to do with its axis of rotation? What are the available tuition free universities in US that accepts international students? Why is there no jury in family court? If a man is truly in love with his girlfriend, would he stare intensely, maintain eye contact, and smile to another girl? How do I restore permanently deleted Facebook messages? I don't like drinking milk as such. Can I boil it with tea leaves and drink? Is it as good as drinking milk alone or it eliminates benefits of milk? How important is money in life? Can I wear emerald with this planetary position? How do you cook frozen ground beef? Which is better amino 2222 or Bcaa? What is the best camera for food photography? Was Hitler aware of the Ku Klux Klan? If so, what were his feelings about them? Conversely, how do KKK members regard Hitler? How do you solve the integral [math]\int \:\frac{3x+1}{\left(x^2-x-6\right)\sqrt{3x^2+4x+7}} \, dx[/math]? What do girls fantasize about while masturbating? Why did a Snapchat from months ago show up at the top of my Snaplist? How good is the food used in TV/Film during scenes? Is Super Mario the king of video games? Do people get notification when I add them to my friends circle on Google plus? How can I improve my fluency in English to face a more confortable job interview? What is Filthy Frank, a.k.a. George Miller, getting a degree in? What are some very good and easy ways to earn money fast? What is your favourite song right now? How can I become a data scientist? What is distributed operating system? What are some of the best movies about magic? How can I make an older girl fall for me? I got a 11400 rank in the MU OET 2015. Can I get a CSE in Manipal Jaipur? How are the best logos created (read description)? Which is the right time to have sex? Where can I watch Naruto Shippuden episodes that are dubbed in English? Does commerce have scope? Out of the six habitable continents, which continent is least known to rest of the world? How much would it cost to replace a full HD Lenovo laptop screen? What are the rules and regulations when visiting an inmate at Valdosta prison and how does it compare to prisons in Hawaii? What are cheap and easily available motors that can drive the weight about 100 kg? What does Waze do to make money? What is the best way to promote your business online? Among IIT Madras and Bombay, which would be better for Chemical engineering? What is RBI master circular? Did Father Christmas used to wear green clothes? If so, why was his clothing color changed to red? What colleges can I get with 22000 rank in WBJEE 2016 engineering? Why is my penis not becoming hard when I try to insert it? Do guys hate their first love? How many votes are needed to raise the debt ceiling? What are the differences between faith, belief, hope and trust? How do I start to learn coding? Does the movie ‘The Attacks of 26/11’ deserve an Oscar? What are the biggest myths about life that many 21 year olds believe? Why do some New Zealanders walk on the street without wearing shoes? What is the perfect life? What are the various post graduate courses options for a working professionals available at Delhi university? What are some common applications for the price supply equation? How do I differentiate between pimples, warts and skin tags? Are skin tags a type of warts? How do I identify cancerous warts? What is a boot loader? What are some stereotypes about French people? "What's the difference between ""doing good "" and ""doing well""?" How did losing a significant amount of weight change your life? What are the textbooks to be followed for GATE ECE 2017? How can I reverse, stop, or inhibit the aging process? What is the one thing about you that you want to change but can't? "As I developed two games and I upload it to Google play store . But it""s not getting so much download, What is the main reason behind this?" What are some good quotes to move on? What hotel in Jowai Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? Can I do MBA after BCom? Which building has the best architecture in Germany? How was the duplicate of Miss Irene Adler dead or was it a fake scene (and if fake, then how Sherlock couldn't identify it) in S02E01 in SHERLOCK_BBC- TV series? What is the best 'Little Snitch' alternative for PC? Can I swim and/or run with my Sony SmartWatch? Is Rick Santorum a libertarian? What is the scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery in india? What are the best courses for commerce stream students after 12th? How does it feel to survive an airplane crash? How can I set the zooming control on a downloaded image from Google Maps in Android? What is the difference between corn and wheat? How do girls feel when people they don't know try to start conversations with them on Facebook? What is HBO Now and HBO Go? Is gymnastics considered a sport? Why or why not? What are the most romantic things you've seen? How do you compare your JEE coaching institute teachers with your IIT instructors? How do you remove Kool-Aid dye from hair? How can we manage sense of urgency and having patience at the same time? If I have roughly a year (I mean the hours we get after work), what can I do to prepare myself so that I can make it to ThoughtWorks? How much does mosaichub earn? What are some name suggestions for a car company? Where do you insert a tampon? What is your review of Programming Bootcamps? What do you think of when you can't sleep? What is the most widely spread affiliate marketing platform used on Instagram? How is security managed in an operating system if a potentially malicious program's code is executed directly by the CPU? How can you find your drafts using the APP on the iPhone 6S? Should I buy Xiaomi Redmi Note 3? Why? What are some causes of fever? Where can I watch all episodes of Time machine on epic channel for free? What are the things needed to become an Android developer? What are some mind blowing gadgets that exist in 2016 that most people don't know about? How can I make my mattress more comfortable? What motivates you from moving on during hard times? What are the best 10 places to visit in Kerala including any falls? How can I become an engineering manager? How can I read WhatsApp chats of another person? Why is watching someone give a foot massage different to giving one? What ways are to become stock broker in india after btech? How can I secure my Amazon S3 storage files? How does the U.S. Air Force B1 Bomber compare to the Russian Air Force Tupolev T-160 BlackJack? What is love all about? On a certain sum the simple interest at the end of 1/4 years becomes 41/40 of the sum.the rate percent per annum is? Recreational Drugs: Can baking soda clean your system of methamphetamine? How can some forex brokers offer spreads of zero? Is any one living on North/South poles of Earth? What are your unforgettable daydreams in your life? What is the rate of economic growth in India? What are a few of the habits that successful people do daily? On 9/11, why were the USAF fighters sent in the wrong direction? I have an offer of 21 lpa from Microsoft, but I'm applying for MS. Assuming I get a university like UCLA, what starting salary can I expect in India? What is the Verizon Cloud app? How could degree programs in linguistics prepare students better for careers? What are the best sites to watch TV shows? Do Muslims consider Obama apostate? Why do teenage girls wear bra in school? Can we make telescope by ourself? What's your opinion about Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi? Do ghosts really exists? Where in LAX can I buy a SIM card? How much time will score cards of GRE take if you reinstate them? Why do two processors of the same architecture not have a significantly higher TDP at higher clock speeds? How can I access my old Yahoo account? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Euronet Worldwide? How do women lips feel when you make out with them? What will human trace fossils look like to a scientist in 100 million years? If you are in a car and want to improve its handling performance, should you raise the sun roof to increase downforce? Would ism ever become an iit? I am 16 years old and yesterday a girl of my age said that she loves me. I don't want to hurt her. What should I do? What do you think of farewell Obama? Do my electrical product need an ISI / ISO certification before selling it on markets in India? Who is the greatest fictional character of all time and why? What are the top Android app development companies? Why do people post questions on Quora when they can find the answer quickly with a Google search? How do women feel about men who don't expend much effort on their appearances? Is asking more questions usually the best way to keep a conversation going? Is it unhealthy to eat bananas every day? What is the different between trump and Hillary Clinton? Do bodybuilders inhale oxygen? Is there a good Vedic astrologer out there? What are the various ways through which one can earn money online? Why is Kangana Ranaut compared to Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif? Will Donald Trump deport illegal immigrants? How can I get my friend's WhatsApp messages on my phone? Why is One Piece so popular in Japan? Will supplements that has high mercury content affect the cognitive abiliity of the brain? How can I improve my sleep quality? Alien (movie series and creative franchise): How does the egg get on the Sulaco? "How can the word ""contrite"" be used in a sentence?" How masala bonds works and what are its returns? How is ASUS Zenphone Max mobile? What does rubber cement do on glass? What are the top dating apps? What can I do for career progression in digital marketing? How good is amity university? How do I waste time? According to the new law in Qatar, if I resign my job, can I come back to another company? What are some amazing facts about Uttarakhand? What are the basic characteristics of life? Are there any text editors which support LaTeX math syntax like Quora does? What branch can I get in with a rank of 32000 at VIT Vellore? Why is Lilith, the first wife of Adam, not mentioned in the Bible? What is oops? Is the result of the U.K. Referendum on the EU binding on parliament? How can I heal wounds faster? Which is the best type of two-wheeler transport? Is there any chance to launch a new search engine and make people move from Google to the new one? What are the most interesting products and innovations that National Research is coming out with in 2016? I created a Java library and build it into a JAR. How can I see arguments names in a java method when I use this JAR from another project? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at State Auto Financial? Won't reading answers of people who are non-expert mislead your brain? Because let's be honest, not all of the writers can be rational thinkers. Which one is better for an MTech: Nirma or PEC? When will the super bowl be? What are some possible solutions to combat antibiotic resistance? How can I be featured on How can you look at someone's private Instagram account without following them? Can we simply make a new Uber account on our Android phone and get awesome Uber offers again and again? How do you fight fear of uncertain result while preparing for CAT? What is the formula for potential and kinetic energy? If I made 10 YouTube videos with an average number of views of 1.5 million, how much money would I make? How was the International Olympic Committee established? What's the best books to read as a doctor? Can India's Mars Orbital Mission become successful? What went wrong with the F-35? How many angles does a 10-sided polygon have and how are they measured? What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done in front of your parents? How much would it cost to remotely deploy free wireless access via satellite internet across all of Cairo for a week? How do I improve grammar? Why is APJ Abdul Kalam single? What is more valuable, knowledge or money? How can I be happy? What is love and how do you know when you love someone? What are some stand-up comedians that someone who likes Jim Jefferies and Tim Minchin would also like? How can I completely cure my gas and acid problem naturally? How do I create blog on Quora? What is the best way to remove chewing gum from the sole of a sneaker? Why are many boys in Taiwan so sassy (as inferred from the way they speak Mandarin Chinese)? How do I study for exams in engineering management? What is the heaviest tank in World of Tanks? How will the exit of UK from the EU affect the economy? What part, if any, do you know the Rothschild family played in WW2? How can I improve my English speaking skills as well as writing skills? What are some news channel affiliate? What are the ways to end loneliness? What is the Universe expanding into? How can I get casual sex for free? Why does a rolling tyre/wheel stop after some time? Rolling friction does no work. What dissipates its kinetic energy? What is model quantum field theory? How did Ritesh Agarwal (founder of OYO rooms) get funding to start Oravel or OYO rooms after he dropped out from school? Does a hard drive weigh more when its full? What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Long County GA? Have you ever tried to commit suicide? Why do I love attention from other men, but not my husband? How is magnetic flux produced? What are some of the best ways to learn programming? How can l get married? How can I charge my Nokia 5190 without a charger? How can you determine if barium sulfide is soluble? I am looking to marry a single mother. She has partial custody of her kid, & receives child support. Does marriage mean I am a legal guardian? What is the correct option for the following question? How many vacancies are there for IAS every year? How should I start my preparation for IAS from today? What are some foods that start with the letter v? What is the best job searching site? How do I prepare for Google and Microsoft interviews from a no name college? Hospitals often inject fluid into people's veins to increase blood volume. They use 0.9% saline solution instead of distilled water. Why? What is a smart home? What are the most poisonous spiders in New York? What is the origin of yogic sciences? What is your review of Mafia Wars? Is Sikhism, truth based or a true religion? How can I improve memory Power? What are some unknown facts about tredmill? What is the normal fad among the young boys age between 17-25? Buying a new camera vs buying a new computer? What are some effective ways to stop overpopulation in Brazil? How much profit have you made so far by trading in F&O? Does Tulu have more words to denote respect in sentence compared to Kannada? What is the logic behind women not touching pickles during periods? What do you think about Arnab Goswami's resignation from his post as Editor-in-Chief of Times Now? Is Islam a religion that somehow makes some proportions of its followers the most violent people on Earth? How fulfilling and incredible is it to learn mathematical physics from Dr. Kaushik Bhattacharya at IIT Kanpur? What should I do after I take a steam bath? Can bad teeth cause bad dreams and nightmares? How would you spend your last 24 hours that you had to live? What is the worst religion? What's a good way to go about promoting a new open source machine learning library? How do we file a complaint in consumer forum against my gym? What is the taste of cum? How do I extract matrix (set of vector) from document (set of sentences)? I am a 15 year old looking to start my own business. How would I go about doing this legally? (Read the description) Is perception reality? Do parents have a favorite child? Are there any scholarships for post-graduate international students in the field of Environmental psychology? How can I make money online consistently? What are the harsh truths about marriage that all men need to know? Why can't humans eat dead animals? Why does everyone hate Ross Geller (from the TV show Friends)? "Why do people posthumously diagnose geniuses with autism (often with a lack of evidence or ambiguous ""evidence"")?" Are there any supporters of Kanhaiya Kumar on Quora? Are there any active plastic recycling units based in Thailand? How much does it cost to set up one? Does the Thai government provide any fin support? I remember my instagram username & password. but not my email. when login, it asks me to get verification code from email. any way to know my email? I have 64% aggregate in engineering (acc. to my university's aggregate calculator & 2nd division acc. to the university). It's 59.7% aggregate acc. to general aggregate calculation. Am I eligible for an admission in IITs through the GATE 2016? Why did David Cameroon wanted Britain not to exit EU? What do Brown admissions interviewers look for? Is time travel possible? If yes how How can someone help a weak student? How can I run linear regression in parallel? Can a franchise require the use of specific vendors? When was the Cold War? Which countries were considered as Aryan by Hitler? If I have two offers one from LSE and one offer from Imperial College London, which one should I go for? What should I do to keep myself motivated everyday? Is it possible to watch 3D films on Google Cardboard? What is the daily routine of an IITian? "I got a show cause notice from the passport office that I suppressed some information. I showed up, paid the penalty, completed the re-verification and now my status is being shown as ""your response to SCN was satisfactory."" How many days from now may it take to get my passport?" In today's (2011) society with the push toward gender equality, should the US military require women to sign up for the draft? Why or why not? Which one incident/decision changed your life style? Is raping a porn star a crime? Legal Issues and Law in Everyday Life: I am a CBSE student living in Uttarakhand (India). I want to change my name in my certificates and in all of the government's documents. What is the shortest possible way to change my name? What should my score in JEE Mains 2017 be to get a good NIT for CSE? If we bring up a newborn baby in a fully sterilized environment, and suddenly expose him to the world after several years, what happens to him? Is there air conditioning in the US Army M1 Abrams battle tank? Space Travel: Can we surf gravitational waves? Should Turkey be allowed to join the European Union? How do I use byethost for Android app backend? How do I learn English properly? What is the reason behind dying at 27 like that of Jim Morrison and Hendrix? How good are chances for seattle transfer from Amazon Hyderabad? How can I start an uprising against corrupt government? I am 20 years old. I still don't have my voter ID. How can I get a voter ID? How should I overcome breakup? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Varian Medical Systems? What are the pros and cons of shaving your head? How do I invest in Navi Mumbai? What are the most promising very early stage startups in San Francisco/Silicon Valley in 2015? Would Azerbaijan give economic support to Armenia? Can a country with relatively low GDP be a top country in GNI per capita? Do you regret anything in life? What does alpaca meat taste like? How and why is Harry Potter a Horcrux? What is the biggest irony of your life? What if my mobile number on Aadhar Card is not updated and I want to have a Jio SIM? How far is mars? What should I do if the guy I just met ask me if I would like to marry him soon? He's 37 and I'm 23 What is the relationship between DevOps, Lean UX, and product management? Is how fast you answer a question important in NATA Aesthetic sensitivity trst? Why is P. Chidambaram not being tried in the Ishrat Jahan case? Is it better to buy a 3 piece suit so you can also pull it off as a 2-piece at any time? I have a Iphone 6s locked which I bought from US and want to use it in India. How to unlock it? What are the basic functions of information management? Which are the best places in Kerala for celebrating this summer vacation? What are some must read non-fiction books? How does it feel to emigrate alone from a country in the Middle East (e.g. Iran) to Europe (e.g. Germany) as a 17-year-old? What online store should I buy clothes from? What is it like to hold an executive-level position at a large corporation? What is your review of New York Knicks? Can a judge tell me how to argue my case? What is impact of depression on IQ test scores? Why do people still support Donald Trump despite his controversial views? Why don't people want to believe in God(s)? What is he difference between IT and computer science? "What should I say to a girl that says ""you're a good guy""?" Why enthalpy is an extensive property? Which router would you suggest to share WiFi between 2 floors? Will it be difficult to get a H-1B if I've a Russian tourist visa? Is true love exist or not? Is MH-CET getting replaced by JEE Main in Maharashtra from 2016? If I were to build a large scale website just like Amazon today, which language will be the best for backend among Java, Python, and JavaScript? Is it possible to raise my GPA to a 4.0 in high school? How will reduce our borrows? Is the Chinese beauty standard basically a Western look? If someone had the ability to predict the future and hedge fund managers knew you had that ability how would things play out in the market (this assumes that the hedge fund managers don't know at what time scale the person is investing for) according to Game theory? How is motion possible? What are some unbiased newspapers in India? In which Brackets should I Invest more to save maximum Income Tax in India for the current F.Y. 2016–2017 (A.Y. 2017–2018)? What are the most famous/popular local products and businesses in Seattle? Naruto: when will they english dub up to the last chapter? Which is a better place to migrate for a environmental professional: Australia or Canada? Why? I have mistakenly filled the wrong reason for renew of passport in my online passport application form, and paid 3500 rupees to schedule the appointment after a month in Delhi. Is there something I need to worry about? How many days does a person work, on average, every month? How good is using lavender essential oil for cooking? Can a cheetah easily kill a tall muscular adult male human? Why do so many non-Jewish people take Jesus Christ, a figure from Jewish history, as their God? Is Tim Ferriss going to write, produce, and direct a Hollywood movie? When? Why does the matrix [math] M = \begin{bmatrix}1 & 2 & 3\\4 & 5 & 6\\7 & 8 & 9\end{bmatrix} [/math] have a [math]0[/math] determinant? How do you treat a cardiac sphincter spasm? How can I sell a patent to Google? Sound wave in nature? Are there BlackBerry apps? How can I make money online for job? Does taking bath at different time effect health? How do I think without stress during an interview? Why don't I have live on Instagram? How do I make a website? Which is the best smartphone under INR 7000? Why not destabilize Russia? Which cell phone can I buy in the range of 6k-7k? List of leading Construction Companies names in Oman? I am working in US on H1B. Will marry in India end of year. How can I ensure that she returns to US with me on H4 after marr? How long will it take? Should I opt for BA LLB or BBA LLB? How can I hack a Facebook account? Which company (Infosys, TCS, Cognizant) pays good salary to lateral entry employee? Which is the best university/institute in India for an executive MBA course? What are some of the most interesting answers given in Silicon Valley company interviews? I have achieved average 7.5 Band In IELTS what should be my next step? How do I stop daydreaming while studying and keep my mind focused? Why is Hermione never attracted to Harry? Why fall in love with Ron instead of Harry? What is it like to be an Indian living in Saudi Arabia? Why are many girls after marriage, tortured and burnt due to the dowry system? Why doesn't the Robinhood app allow buying stocks like FNMA or FMCC? What does cyuranic acid do? Can I get CS at RVCE with a score of 128 in COMEDK 2015? Should Quora raise the character limit for question details? What are some community service ideas? Is there an inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in Mendocino County California? If you could be any breed of dog, which breed of dog would you be and why? What are good project ideas for the Google science fair? If someone's Instagram account is private, can I see comments on their photos that are also posted on Facebook if that comment was made on Instagram? What is the best way to deal with a false imprisonment charge? How many people use Twitter but not Facebook? Is human life on earth an experiment by aliens? What are some money saving techniques for San Francisco residents? How can one get rid of loans? What are your favorite 20 movies of all time? How can we earn money online without any or little investment? Why are Quora's answers always answered from a liberal bias? What are some good ways to improve essay writing skills? Approximately How many VPN users are there worldwide? What are the books taught in first year in VIT, Vellore for EEE? What is the future of Manhattan? What does dreaming of bleeding while pregnant mean? How should I deal with a breakup? Is there is sms gateway like skebby in India where my server can receive SMS messages? How do I change my debit card PIN after it has expired? Can a girl get pregnant after her last day of periods? How do I create a Snapchat filter? What's a safe online source to purchase modafinil or provigil without prescription? How can you get out of being addicted to porn and masturbation? "What is the meaning of the Hindi word ""Holu""?" What universities does M/I Homes recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? How can you tell if a Texas lottery scratch-off ticket is a winner by its serial number? Which is more effective at saving time and space, recursion or loop traversal? How do I gain weight in 2-3 weeks? What organs and tissues can be donated? Why did China invade India in 1962? What should you know before visiting Dubai? Anime: Will there ever be a second season of Hungry Heart Wild Striker or Slam Dunk? How do I print the sum of all the odd numbers between 3 to 30 using for loop in vb 6.0? What is the definition of mezza? How do I make a man feel crazy about me? What is it like to be an introvert? What is acidity? How do I get a flat belly? Indian passport, both US B1/B2 & Canada Visitor Visa. Can I go to Canada (Toronto) and then travel to USA (Buffalo) for a day & come back to Canada? Why do people love and hate each other? How do I tell my parents that I want to seek mental help? Would you rather be a famous musician or actor? What is Alexander the Great's legacy? Do you think a long distance relationship will survive if one person is depressed? Is it healthy? Do plant cells have a plasma membrane? How secure is the anonymous option on Quora? As a person with English as my first language, what would be the most useful foreign language that I could learn? What is the difference between V=2πr/T and w=2π/T? Why do people feel good by showing others about their lives on Facebook? Why do they want to show their happiness? Which is better: Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad? What app can receive files from an Android phone with a Windows phone? Does Khan academy provide enough information to study? Where can I get more information to study an upper level? Which are some good countries to do Masters other than america and germany? Is beef halal? How do I regain hope about life when everything seems meaningless? How do you access each element of an array by using only pointers in C? Does normalization happen in SSC-CGL exam? How can I concentrate while studying on laptop? Did Sundar Pichai (new CEO of Google) ever write code? Which is the best downloadable movie websites? Somewhat how can I improve my communication skill? "What is the difference between ""sign in"" and ""log in"" and how websites choose one VS. the other?" I'm going to start an Online Fashion Store. Which of the following Ecommerce Website Builders should I use? Godaddy, Big Commerce or Shopify Who has more power between Hindu and Muslim in India? Was Omar Mateen Gay? What is the best way to lose belly fat quickly? What is the best lucid dream technique? What are rogue planets? Can I get my old passport back when I apply for a new US passport? "What is the purpose of ""pdflush"" Linux Kernel daemon?" What was Steve Jobs' cause of death? What inspired France's traditional dress? How do I count binary on my fingers? Why is my Google Chrome not working? How can I fix it? Can I use Jio SIM in 3G? How will the US-Russian relations under the Trump presidency benefit the American people? What was your favorite movie of 2014? My water has a pH of 8. How can I figure out how much phosphoric acid to add per volume to bring it to 6.5? How do I get reliance jio 4g sim without LYF handset? I am planning a tour of some of the best zoos in the Midwest and Southeast of the USA. What would you consider the top three zoos in those regions? Do most gangs have an organized hierarchy? How can you increase your IQ? Should I major in Applied Mathematics? What is the true meaning of life? Who are the greatest kings and warriors in Indian history? What's the easiest way to ruin your entire life in one move? Can a passenger airplane glide if all engines fail? Laziness: How can the daily process of soaking almonds and recycling water be automated? What is the difference between metaphor and irony? How is irony different from sarcasm? Is Uber good for drivers? What are ways by which I can concentrate more on my studies? How long does it take to become an expert in iOS development? Am learning SQL and want to practice on software written in C#, .NET, downloaded from sourceforge. How do I access the SQL database of this software? In what way will Brexit affect India? "What defines the ""friend zone""?" What is it like to take MCB 54 (Cell Biology) at Harvard? Should Michelle Obama run for president in 2016? I find that people make fun of me behind my back. How should I react? Why is [math]0.999 \ldots[/math] equal to [math]1[/math]? What is TED? What are the benefits of using GitHub? Why is McDonalds more successful than Burger King? How is the currency value for a country is determined? What was the cause for the Russian revolution? Would it be interesting to create a band with people from different countries from the European Union? Has anything like this ever been done before? How do you fix burnt hair? When is surge pricing on Uber generally in effect in Bloomington, IL and how high does it go? Why some brands like Gucci, Tommy Hilfiger are most expensive? What's classy if you’re rich, but trashy if you're poor? Is the rarity of diamonds a myth? Where can I get leftovers in Pokémon sun/moon? Do psychopaths get along with other psychopaths? Can White Walkers turn dragons into wights or dragon White Walkers? How do I make a 300x250 ad to include in an email newsletter that, when clicked, would like our Facebook page and take users there? How much electricity (units) is used by 1 ton split AC? If Russia invaded North America, where would be the best place to do it? I will be flying with my wife and our 18 month old baby from Manila to Copenhagen, Denmark. My company bought me a business class ticket. How much grief would I get if I upgraded my wife to business class and we did a lap carry of our baby in business class? Is there an economical way to travel from Berlin to Poznan, Poland? "What is the French word for ""for""?" "What is the best way to cook an egg ""over easy""?" What would you do if you get three wishes in real? Do many VC funds hire analysts/associates right out of school? Design procedure for cantilever retaining wall? Which mammal has the best sense of smell? I am offered mech. engg. in NUS as a full fee paying student. Is it worth all the money I spend because I come from a middle class family? How do you forgive a bully? Why do people fade faster than memories? How can I make money online consistently? Is there any way about how to make money online? What is the best way to prepare for civil service examination? Should I get a gerbil or a hamster? Is India ready for Erotic Novels? Is the Anonymous hacker group really a threat to society? How should a good explainer video script look like? Why don't some people never smile on photos? How often should I paint my house? Should we replace the income tax system with a nationwide sales tax? How can I speak English fluently? Is it safe to smoke cigars if I'm sensitive to caffeine? Will the cigars affect me the same way? What are the main imports and exports of Venezuela, and how does Venezuela's industry compare to Barbado's? Is it bad to go to the gym 5 days a week straight as long as you switch up the exercises? What is the difference between a narcissist, sociopath and a psychopath? What was the toughest decision you had to make? Did Instagram redesign their new logo in 2016 internally or did they use an outside agency? Is it ok to go back to my ex? What will be the unit digit of 777^777? What are the application of projectile motion? How do I know if he wants to start a long distance relationship with me? I am a mechanical engineer working for a software company as I didn't get any job in any mechanical companies. Now I don't like this job at all as I am given support projects and I have to work in shifts. As a fresher is there any way that I can get into mechanical again? As a ece fresher which would be better tcs or virtusapolaris? I have been working on a startup idea which I thought was unique since the last two months. Today I found that a couple of other startups have tackled the same problem and have received funding as well. What should be my approach now to compete against a company with much more money? What is the purpose of small green screens in the background of a scene with VFX? "Is the usage ""myriad of things"" right?" Why do analog clocks always turn on the right side? What platforms other than Facebook can I share my blog posts? What is SQL's full form? What is the definition of economical? Why don't India wages war against Pakistan? Which football boot is better, adidas, Nike or puma? What topics of Java are needed to learn selenium automation testing? How can I have intercourse with a very tight vagina? Can I add SSD in my MacBook along with HDD? Why did Muslims try hard to convert people to accept Islam? How can I know my crush is interested in me? How do I turn my life around at 40? What was the first question asked on Quora? What kind of film do you love the most? Why hasn't Apple opened any Apple Stores in India? What caused ancient religions to become mythology and why are they not still religions now? How do I become rich socially and financially? How's double grip in a cricket bat useful? Is Amity University Noida good for BTtech CS? Why do people think that Donald Trump is an idiot? Is Donald Trump likely to win the 2016 election (late 2015 / early 2016)? Where can I find my Quora user ID? Can I pump some gas into a room to make it weightless in there? A part of Kashmir has been acquired by Pakistan and China illegally. On what grounds does Pakistan repeatedly raise the Kashmir issue in the UN assembly, and why does India not raise the issue of PoK? How can you tell if a pineapple is ripe? Can you make tomato soup out of tomato sauce? How do I learn to say no? What are the payment options available for the KPMG Lean Six Sigma program? What is the difference between wealth management, fund management and investment management? What are some of funniest jokes that you have ever heard? Why should Americans vote for Donald Trump? How can I increase my chances of getting a Mi Band on an Rs 1 flash sale? What are the most ironic photos and images ever? "Which one is best ""the theory of relativity "" or ""the theory of everything ""?" What are some tips to concentrate when reading or at work? I find my mind wanders and I know I am not being as productive as I should be. #include void main() {int*p; *p=5;printf (%d,*p);},find the output and justify your answer? Why hasn't Disney ever made a Lion King 3? What are the disadvantages of using too much activated charcoal to remove coloured impurities? Should I ask a guy why he stopped contacting me? How do I lose weight in a short time? Ours is a vegetarian household. I have a pet kitten who is six weeks old. What can I feed her? How is afforestation important? What is the good way to learn english? What are all the possible career options for a graduate in history honours? What is the expected cutoff for Karnataka NTSE Stage 1 2017? Which SSC-CGL job gives you more chance for getting posted in Tamilnadu? How long would it take for me to lose 30 pounds? How did Prithviraj Chauhan die? Did he kill Md Ghori? What would Mozart have thought of Chopin's music? As a two wheeler riding in Bangalore, how many rules do you break on daily basis? You can answer anonymous for this? A social book club is shown in movie tamasha. Does it really exist? Which is the easiest way to loose weight? Write a C function that searches for a given number in a 2D array of size 6 by 5? What are all the events leading to an anthropic coincidence? Nobody answers my questions on Quora, why? How can I lose weight quickly? How can I join Indian army after completion of my in electrical engineering? What is pointer cut off for selection in IIMs? Do some people become atheists because they believe the bible? Why do Turks continue to deny the Armenian genocide? How can I write an essay about the things that people do not know about me? I've only read non-fiction books all my life and I've never read a fiction book in my life. Where do I start? How you need to respond to people around yourself who makes friendship only on the basis of your status? Is our universe finite or infinite? How can we install MIUI 6 on a Redmi Note 3? Can I change my Facebook profile picture without broadcasting it? Which is best laptop under 50k? Could being more aware of my intuition help me on math? How do to earn money in a short time? Malware: Is Socialcam a Facebook virus? Can you private message people in Quora? If so, how? How do I handle a negative person working in my engine maintenance team? What is the best way to start learning about machine learning and artificial intelligence? I am currently working in the SAP BODS ETL tool and thought of switching to some other tool. What is the best ETL tool which would fetch me a job with a good salary quickly in the US? How do girls masturbate? How often do they masturbate? How can mixing honey with yogurt be good for you? Each day new dream what to choose confused because everything is important for me? Why do I feel guilty after getting drunk? What are the most innovative products that you have seen? What is the best way to improve reading module band in IELTS? Which celebrities (famous founders of companies, businessmen, actors, sportsmen, etc.) are on Quora? Should Hillary Clinton be in prison? Which is the best Android emulator app? Which is the best place to learn violin in Chennai? How is it possible for cops to trace a lost mobile using the IMEI number even after the SIM card has been taken out? Who can we contact in Capgemini to know about our joining date? What is drum? How do I get a job at deloitte? How do I ask a correct question in Quora? What are inherent traits that all humans possess? Why do doctors flick the needle before giving injections? Fat burner in India? How do I identify my core competitiveness? What are the steps to be taken when we get wrong number calls and they try to blackmail us? What are symptoms of erythema of the stomach? How do I prepare for general knowledge and current awareness for interviews? What are some good books available? Why do people drink carbonated water/drink rather than normal water? Can I buy a Micromax Yu Yureka? There r more people out to pull u doun than people who want u to succed.How to deal with them? What programming languages should I start? What is the reaction between H2SO4 and KOH? Who are great competitive programmers and never won the ACM ICPC world finals? What are some ways to learn and understand a programming language? What is a good free video editor for Windows? What's 河蟹 in Cantonese? How do I convince my parents to let me travel to another country with my friend along with her family? How the moral from THE MOTH AND THE STAR by JAMES THURBER is related with the story? What is the difference between a hatchback and a sedan? How many more people would have died if WWII ended a year later? "What is the translation of ""hopeless romantic"" in French?" "What is the meaning of ""as in"" in this sentence?" When had you been most embarrassed moment of yours? How easy is it to grow a mailing list? I am working as manual tester for Android and web applications from past 8 months, will I get job in manual testing or I should learn automation? How do I remote desktop into a computer with multiple monitors? What should I do to improve my concentration? What are the differences in grammar between Australian English and British English if any? What's the perception of most Chinese people towards Thai bird's nests? People say books are way better than the movies that was based off a book. What movies were better than the book based off the book? Where can I buy Addium? How do I become a data scientist? Do our dreams mean anything at all? Which is the best website to watch the latest poker tournaments - cash games? Should I buy the Microsoft surface pro 4 or MacBook? Why does Wheel of Fortune prohibit people who have been on other game shows from being contestants? What are your favorite songs that you play on acoustic guitar? How do I know if a person is good to marry, just in one meeting, for an arranged marriage? What are the best questions on Quora? I forgot my Instagram password. How can I get into my account? How do I gain more concentration towards our studies? What is the function of the liver? At t = 0, an object moving along the x-axis, passes a position x0 = 20 m (from fixed reference origin) with velocity given by v(t) =3t^2−25m/s, with time t in seconds. What is (a) The average velocity of the object from t = 1 s to t = 4 (b) The average acceleration of the particle from t = 1 s to t = 4? How was Book 1 of Game of Thrones written into season 1 of the TV series? Why do Latin American countries hate the USA? What is the difference between Uber and Lyft? Who is the favourite to win the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015? I'm getting mouth ulcers very frequently. What are some quick solutions and permanent solutions? Do women like anal sex? How do I create a username for my Facebook business page when Facebook says I'm not entitled to? Will I ever get over hating my dad? What is the best way to learn Artificial Intelligence for a beginner? What are the best resources for learning Yiddish? How is the word 'vital' used in a sentence? What is it like as an Indian living in Germany? Why does Fiverr restrict an account without informing the seller? What are some tips and hacks for incoming freshmen at the University of North Texas? What do libertarians think of Kevin A. Carson's work? I have two options after 12th. First one is to pursue B.Planning from SPA and second one is B.E. from BITS Dubai. Which one should I choose? What are some of the best Easter eggs in Indian movies? With what was the first ever selfie taken? How does walking up stairs effect digestion? What is the scope and salary package after doing B.des from NIFT? What is the Panama canal like for tourists? How can I know the college wifi password from the college system? What is the difference between dissociative disorder and dissociative identity disorder? Why do bank give option for minimum amount due on credit card? What is Shadow IT? Why do people ask questions on Quora, when they could just search it up on the internet? What does heartburn feel like? What are some of the cheapest cities in the world to rent a flat/apartment in? What is the number divide by 2,3,4,5,6,7 the reminder is 1,2,3,4,5,0? How should one prepare for reading comprehension on the CAT exams? What individuals and events in history are a source of pride for Australia? What role did Israel play in saving the Jews during the Holocaust in WW2? What are the densities of solids, liquids, and gases? How is this determined? What are good ways to stop lying? Will Trump lead to the downfall of the USA? How can I use my HP wireless keyboard and mouse set now that I have lost the USB receiver? Why are the giant pandas in danger? Can the AAP win the Delhi re-election after their poor performance in the LS elections? I haven't received board verification for marks of class 12 till now, where as my friends have. What should I do? How do I save videos from twitter? Which was the largest war before WWI? I am a married 29 yr old salaried person. Our take home is Rs. 150,000 per month. What are our investment options? How tall is 175cm in feet? How can a kid improve her eyesight? What are some of the best autobiographies? How do I update Windows 10? Yesterday My frnd was disappearing .How can I track his location through mobile number? How do I turn up the volume on Ducasso Ducasso DMS 2351 speakers? Do goats eat ivy? What's the best job? Makeup (cosmetics): Where do i get mid range beauty products? Is submitting applications to accelerators that we have no connections into a waste of time? Should we just spend all our time networking? Does having relatives in the USA reduce chances of getting a F1 visa for studying MS in the US post the GRE? What's the difference between opposite and different? Is Bhutan an Indian protectorate or not? What is it like to be a graduate student at McGill University? How am I going to get used to all the lies that Trump tells for a few years? Why don't I get sleep at nights? Will I get admission in cusat with a rank of 2200? Which are some good books on psychology for beginners? How should I prepare for interview for an assistant professor in ECE department? Was New Year Eve 2016 a memorable one? What is your review of the Game of Thrones season 6 finale? Which software is usually used in the SAAS companies status dashboards? Which university is the best to study medicine in Ukraine, Europe? Where can I halt at Elephanta caves, Mumbai? What are the best resources for learning Russian and how can I become a competent speaker, reader and writer of the Russian language? In terms of energy spectrum, what is the main difference between closed and open systems in quantum mechanics? What is the Business Model of Qnet? What would be the pros and cons of a Quora acquisition of Magic school bus market value? Would you rather go to MIT or Caltech? What will be value of 1 Rupee note of 1978 bundle? What recent bands would you recommend to listen to? I opened my downloads folder on computer and there was a folder RIP3 with Prodigy songs and pics. I didn't do this so who did? What are the reason for ring warm infections? What do villi do in the digestive system? How can I improve my communication skills in English? I have never seen a hairy six pack. Does my stomach hair vanish if I have a six pack? What if one is more attracted to trans women than cis women for social/personal reasons instead of objectifying ones? Is it possible to clear the AIPMT without tuition? Where can I get very traditional plastering service in Boston? Is it weird for people over 40 to still play video games? What's the most effective way to cram in college? What are the pros and cons of gst bill? Do Redmi 3s prime support VR headset? Is it true that SpaceX is developing a warp drive? How can I write a proper farewell mail to my manager? Which company I should join Cognizant or Siemens? How does the online dating process work? Are kiwi seeds and cannabis seeds the only two plants where their seeds need a male and a female seed to mate in order to produce a plant? What are some of the books that are really worth reading that you can recommend? Can any one tell me the truth behind the area 51? What is the best laptop brand between MSI and HP? Who is the best singer/band of all time? How can we solve cube 3×3? How can I stop being lazy and useless? What is the evolutionary basis for dreams? Where do I get to download full korean dramas with English subtitles? Can a plane fly with only one wing? Why is attempting suicide a crime? What does the LSAT actually test? Which is the best way for suicide? What is to be fill in jossa iit or nit? What is the evolutionary purpose of misanthropy? How much did you score in JEE Mains and Advanced 2016? Who is faster than the Flash? Which supplementary book is recommended for chemistry and physics class 11 CBSE? Is SL Arora good or is HC Verma better? Why did Saif Ali Khan marry Amrita Singh? As a student, should I write a thank you email to my teacher? Why is Harvard mascot crimson? How did Harvard choose its mascot? What are the companies started by IIT/IIM dropouts? How often does Trump go to church? How would an Apple car affect Tesla Motors? How much do the actors get paid for appearing in a British soap opera? How should I proceed after I upgrade my townhall to level 6? What's your definition of beauty? What is the difference between Data Analytics, Data Analysis, Data Mining, Data Science, Machine Learning, and Big Data? Is there a way to survive a expanding round in the forehead with a Golden .50 Action Express Desert Eagle? What is the result of venus in first house aries and then jupiter and moon in 7th house Libra? What is the latest in UI design? What time did I wake up today? Which are some of the safest cities to live in? If I live in the US, have a Father who was born in Canada, and want to claim dual citizenship without moving to Canada permanently, is that possible? Does the Brazilian butt lift surgery hurt? Is carbon considered a metal or nonmetal? What are the differences between emails and letters? Why is Pokemon Go so addictive and popular? How can I get 2D points coordinate from an image? How does Netflix allow people to take advantage of it by making multiple email id's and getting many months of free trial? Why is metal foil not used often in clothing? How do you become a good teacher? How should I prepare CA final first group in last 15 days for may 2016? How is the word 'prestidigitation' used in a sentence? What are the best and worst memories of your life? Does god exist? YES What if the US became Canada's 11th province? What is the easiest way to make a little money online? Can I get job in IT after having 4 years gap? And how? Do I need to get a visa to visit a Mercosur country if I have a Brazilian foreigner card? What are the best colleges in agricultural studies in India? Are Data Scientists frequentists or Bayesians? How is mathematics and computing at ISM Dhanbad? Can I make my hair hard? Baking soda vs clr? What would be the best configuration for desktop under Rs. 30,000 ? How can I prepare for GMAT in India? How can I see the list of people who follow me on Facebook but who are not my Facebook friends? What is the best alternative for current Indian reservation system? How do you quit smoking? What are some good organizations / institutes for pursuing research in the fields of deep learning in Ireland? How do you delete a Snapchat account? I'm confused with Head First Java Book..where is the coding? What is the real way to lose weight? What can I do on a cast screen? How is the name Xiomara pronounced? How can I improve sleep quality? """Brexit has had no major effect on economy so far"" was the news in the media last week.When they'll start to account for the exchange difference loss?" What separates humans from apes? How would battles with knights in full plate armor ever end? Ways to find the mail addresses of a Twitter? What are the best wholesale clothing suppliers? Are Romeo and Juliet together in eternity? How do I to stop the Android OS from using background data? Where can I get Effective online SAP basis training? "How can I become more ""badass""?" For learning a song, can I upload its MIDI in a digital piano? What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about Quora? Why is a Lintel beam not fixed but simply supported? How do I get the RSS feed for a YouTube channel? What benefits does a network marketer get in taxation in India? I get my periods on time when I'm stressed or when I do a lot of physical activities, on other times there is a delay.Why? Microsoft OneNote: Is there a Mac app that will allow me to open .one files? Why don't Americans use the metric system? I haven't lost all my baby teeth. I'm 20 year old and I still don't have wisdom teeth. Is it possible that it will just stay this way my entire life? Can iOS 8 be Jailbroken? What is it like to meet TCS CEO N Chandra? Do I still need to complete my anti rabies vaccination even if the dog didn't die? I have designed an india-based car pool app. I would like to launch the same app in different countries. What are the steps I need to take? Why don't mathematicians like to use the mathematical notations used by phyicists? Do they find that those notations which represent the same things are more elegant? How can we find out the C.g of suspension? Why is my laptop showing over saturated colors in high contrast? The black appears very black and white very bright. Other colors too appear dark What is the best website to learn cloud computing and networks with the best video lectures for free? How can I get 80+ in Physics JEE Mains in 2 months? What is the English translation of the Malayalam song Anuraagam from the movie Thattathin Marayathu? How much money can I make (approximately) if I buy 10 shares in Apple? What is a good text message to send to a girl to ensure she got home ok? What time of the day is best to exercise? Why Tata replaces Cyrus Mistry as chairman with Ratan Tata? What is interactive advertising? Does anyone care if I change the shark fin topic to shark finning? What are the main civil engineering final year projects? When is the chart preparation time for train number 12488? Does Gary Johnson really have a chance in the election? How can I calculate GPA from ABCDEF grades? Which laptop is preferred for a CS engineering student within 60k? What is your least favorite fantasy literature cliche? Could one earn a living in neuroscience or its related areas of AI working from home? Why do Crest whitening strips hurt? Where did the term cowlick originate? Is it harmful when chlorinated water in swimming pools enters eyes and ears? What are the differences between an Indian high school and British high school? How does one find a threesome? What happens when you ignore a narcissist? Can dead people see us, and will I ever see my dead husband again? Who has more ladies fan following Sachin Tendulkar or Virat Kohli? How do I start learning cloud computing as a beginner and learn properly? Also, what are the prerequisites I must know to understand cloud computing properly? Do Westerners discriminate against Asians? How do you earn money from home? How is the life after UPSC exam for a doctor? How much do rare Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards cost? Does GIM accept GMAT scores for Indian students? "I have been married almost 15 years. We have two children, 11 and 8. My childhood was horrible, seven years of sexual, physical, and mental/emotional abuse followed by instability and low self esteem issues as a teen. My husband met me after I began dealing with my childhood and knew all about my issues. He knew what would end our marriage, yet he did it and lied about it multiple times. I was pregnant and did not leave. We tried to make it work. We had another child. We have been through MANY ""situations"" in our marriage and as parents. For the past 6-8 years we have just been living as parents. Not lovers. In the past I tried everything to make our marriage work. I finally decided to be done with it. Now he says he loves me and wants to make it work. But he is manipulative and can be so mean. He uses my children to cause me pain and stress. He knows that they are the only reason I stay. We are in counciling, but I really have no ""love"" feelings for him. I told him I want a divorce, but he won't give me one. He has said he will make my life miserable until the 18 months of separation are up and divorce is granted. Any advice? I'm ready to run away..." What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous? Which is the best time to visit Kerala? Does Google ask knowledge-based interview questions a lot? What all cost does the exporter have to pay while exporting goods? And what does the importer have to pay? Import export What are the main differences between Peter Griffin and Tony Soprano accents and lingo? My parents don't approve of the guy I'm dating because of his religion, what should I do? WWE: What are the top 25 WWE songs? What are some thriller shows I should watch next? Why is magnesium hydroxide insoluble in water? Apps are working only on WiFi and not in mobile data? Can a person fall in love over again? How do I convert a Muslim to Hinduism? What causes power transformers to explode? What is sodium bicarbonate? How do I write a meta description tag for kids site? What is the difference between supply chain management and operations management? What are the different types of fear? What happened to the people of Germany after WWII? How long does meth stay detectable in the body through testing? What is it like to be a female drag queen? Which NHL team had the most players represented in an All-Star Game? How does Tim Urban prefer his eggs to be cooked? Who do you think is the best coach the Cowboys have ever had? How do I remove pimples/blackheads on my forehead? Which is better the Dell Inspiron 15 5000 series (5558) or mid-2009 13″ MacBook Pro? How is the chordata circulatory system? Can I know the COMEDK 2016 MBBS fee structure with tuition fee, hostel fee and all? How much for a picssso? What does Jack Dorsey think of Quora? How do I get free money? What is the on-road price of a Land Rover Discovery Sport in India? What are some of the greatest demonstrations of genius-level intellect? Black money to white? How nonconventional energy is differ from conventional energy? What skills does chess playing improve? Is ginger ale available in India? What is the most active metal in the periodic table and what are some of its special properties? Is nature or nurture more influential? What are the products formed when acetone reacts with concentrated nitric acid? Is Donald Trump likely to win the 2016 election (late 2015 / early 2016)? Who is the manufacturer for Insignia TVs? Which CFA level is the most difficult 1, 2 or 3? What is the technology stack behind Beagle? Is it possible to make plastic from food waste? If yes, how? Is late 2015 a safe time to visit Israel? How do you come to terms with the realization that you may never achieve the life and experiences you want? I get frequent mouth blisters. Is there any solution to resolve it permanently? What is the EXP function in Excel used for? What are some hacks for getting job on upwork? I am a relatively finance-savvy person and would like to start investing in stocks. What are some good books to read to learn more about how to make smart investment choices? How can I move the position of a pivot table in an Excel spreadsheet? Do women turns on when they sees men abs? What does amazing sex feel like? Only led light is blinking but power bank is not charging? Can I put my metro pcs iPhone 6 SIM card in a Verizon iPhone 6? Why do cellular calls disconnect after one hour? What is best way to learn trading in derivatives? What do you do when your girlfriend loves you but you don't love her yet? Was mother teresa homeless? What does Alpha Centauri have in common with the sun? Tony Blair's legacy across both Britain and the world is remarkable; why then is he so disliked by the British public? How was the life of a common man in syria before the civil war started? What style of dance is this? What is this() in Java? How do I start the preparation of IAS? What are the technical questions asked in SSB by the interviewing officer to those candidates who have appiled for TGC and are graduated in B.E (ECE)? What are the theories about the mystery of the Bermuda triangle? What is the meaning of Bhakt in Indian political scenario? "What is the first image that comes to your mind on hearing the word ""Microsoft""?" What are some of the best classical paintings representing scenes from the Aeneid? Can you recommend popular Israeli/jewish religious music? Can you still see someone's private messages if you delete your Facebook page? What is it like to attend a Donald Trump rally as a black person? How competitive is the hiring process at Clean Energy Fuels? When I input site plus the domain, some pages are not seen, Google says it is due to the robots.txt. But why? How do I break up with my girlfriend when she won't just let me go? What are some venture capital firms that focus on early stage investments in France? How can I use Omegle on my iPod Touch and how is it compared to using Why are you still single? What was the Soviet Union? How do I edit my answer on Quora? Following issues when carrying out an oil change on an 11 kv/400 v transformer (a) Spillage and containment, (b) Fire, (c) personal health and safety? Was Iago jealous of Othello? How can one understand the stock market in India? When do you know it's Love? What should I do if a dog eats chocolate? How does it feel to be betrayed by your best friend? What are the top 10 qualities that make the Airbus A350 XWB family better than the Boeing 787? What is the most unusual way you have celebrated your birthday? Can a passport be issued after closed court case in India? How can a revoked passport be re-activated? Does a criminal have right of passport in India In a ticket booked for 2 people, if 1 gets a confirmed, and the other is still RAC after chart preparation, can the RAC passenger board the train? Is eating cow more ethical than eating dog? Why? What am I missing by not doing a full time mba? What can I do to leverage it? What are the things need to be considered before buying home in Bangalore? How can one learn something new fast? What is a good price for natural body care? How did Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016 movie) get greenlit? What's the backstory of how the movie got made? How do I prepare for the IES exam (EEE)? What are the best professions in india? What are the pink and white things in ramen? Is it possible to play PC games on a PS3? Do pigeons lay their eggs themselves? What is economics? Which one is better: NIT Jalandhar CSE or Jamia Milia Islamia CSE? What was life like for the average family in the Netherlands in the years leading up to World War 2? What does A2A in Quora means? How did you turn atheist? "What if your brother and sister say ""you are not my sister""?" Why does fantasy never live up to the reality? What are the best websites with free photos of nude porn models? How easy is it to transfer a Wix website to WordPress? What is the easiest way to measure waist length? What song plays over the end credits to the 2002 movie Aankhen? Should cloning be ethical? Was Descartes more influenced by Plato or Aristotle? What sort of things are simple on the surface but indescribably complex with a closer look? Why isn't Modi Ji on Quora? How do I create files in Swift? I am getting distracted a lot. How do I concentrate on studies? What are examples of a solid solution? What is the craziest thing you have ever said (or done) at an interview and still got the job? How can I remove negativity from my mind and concentrate on studies? In real power system what does bus mean? What are some common uses and applications of silk? How do I let go of a relationship that has run its course? How do people with borderline personality disorder react when a person they feel close to wants no contact after he/she was hurt by the borderline? How can I get prescribed sleeping pills? How do you deal with a child who is a guest in your house (your child's friend), and who is talking back to you or ignoring your requests? I'm a girl. I get these sexual vibes from a friend of mine. She had helped me get over my ex-boyfriend. Not seeing me used to make her hyper, she's very protective of me and I think I love her because I can't get her off my mind. I am confused. Any advice? What is Michael I. Jordan's MBTI type? How is erectile dysfunction treated? Has OYO rooms really partnered with over 4,500+ hotels? What is best photo editting app in laptops? Is it good to get a diploma before a degree? Did Russia hack the US election? What do you think is the best metaphor of life? Why are most only children mysterious loners? (obviously Does not apply to all only children) My boyfriend says he deleted his Facebook Messenger app, but he is still available for video calling. Next to his chat name the mobile icon always says 1 min. What does that mean? How do I transfer money to many accounts at once through SBI NEFT? When I save offline videos from YouTube does it use my SD card memory? Has Amazon contributed to the open source community? What should I say if I don't know the answer to a question asked of me in a technical interview? Does Gayle Laakmann McDowell earn more money from code interview consulting and books than she did at her software engineering positions at larger companies? How can I overcome procrastination? What are the good resources to learn about distributed, scalable, robust software architecture/infrastructure building? Doing an MBA after Masters in Public Policy? What are the career options and is it a good choice? How do you know if she is the one for you? How should I boost up my confidence? What happens when you snort Paracetamol? How often does Google Maps update satellite images for general/specific locations the US? Example: New York City Who is more comparable to the British SAS? Is it the Navy Seals or Delta Force? I broke up and have not found a new love since years back. Will I ever find the one? What if a person had savings above 2.5 lakhs which he saved in more than a year and want to deposit now? Does he need to pay tax in India Why is the 9/11 report still classified? What is most painless way to kill yourself? Do metallurgy and material engineering have good jobs in India? How do I start investing in stocks market India? Why do I care so much about what other people think of me? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Genie Energy is coming out with in 2016? What will be your reaction if you came to know that your forefather were Coerced to change their religion? What number should you call to activate a Verizon phone? If a US military member is dishonorably discharged is that person eligible for a military funeral? I only have time for one TV show. Which one should I start watching: Mad Men or Game of Thrones? Can you give me some details about Shah Rukh Khan's character in his upcoming film The Ring? How do the MVP, MVC, and MVVM patterns relate? What are some actual reasons why people think Donald Trump would be a bad president, not including his appearance/wealth? How do I find a good mentor for a startup? "Phrases: What does ""once bitten twice shy"" mean?" Do I think too much? Who's the rudest person you ever witnessed on stage? Do tigers eat snakes? If no, why? How am I struggling in life? What are some good startups to work for in Pune? Will the use of nuclear weapons at the poles of mars make it inhabitable? Aren't there any risks to the earth if we do so? What are some good non-alcoholic drinks to order at a bar? "Is ""Go You"" grammatically correct?" Who do you think will win the Champion's League this year: Atletico Madrid or Real Madrid? Why? Is The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger worth a read? How long can earth sustain humanity? What are the effects of having Saturn in first house or in lagna for Aquarius ascendant? How can I better observe actors in a film? What are hardware and software decoder modes? Which country has the most brain drain in the world? What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in Australia? Why do countries borrow money from the World Bank? Can it be printed in their own country? How much data can the human brain store? Is there any limit to it? Can humans keep storing information as much as they want? If so, how? What are some of the best television series of 2015? How can I create a serial device that takes in a binary number and outputs (serially) the same number with every third ‘1’ converted to a ‘0’? What tools out there do you recommend to manage your search ads on the Google Search Partner Network or Bing Search Partner Network? How do i handle my fathers death? Its hard to leave him .. his memories? Can a software engineer become a hacker? What's the dumbest conversation that you overheard? What is the oxidation number of SO2? What does friends with benefits means? What are the best books about graphics? How do I make my characters in a novel diverse? What Inspired you to learn the piano? Is it a good idea to remain friends with ex-girlfriends or boyfriends? How do I study signal and systems? I am a skinny girl. Do squats will help me to gain some weight in the lower part? Do mountains grow? How accurate was the movie Saving Private Ryan? What are the best marketing strategies for acquiring B2B customers? What is method of making a color gradient in Photoshop? What does an enemy mean? experience in Support & Customization domain can help me getting job in development domain? What does the Latin 'thesaurarius et omnes ballivi civitatis hostes oppugnaverunt' mean? What are all the ways to achieve lucid dreaming? How do you get a girl to like you? Can you transfer money from inw debit card to another? How can you rapidly lose weight in 14days? Is Adrián Lamo on WhatsApp? What are the symptoms of a bad EGR valve? How can this be fixed? Why am I gaining weight? How do I lose weight? If I want to learn HTML what book should I read as a beginner? What is the difference between web development & web design? I am a student majoring in politics in China and I want to go to HK for my postgraduate studies. What should I do? Life Lessons: How can I make my life simpler? Why doesn’t PM Narendra Modi attack Pakistan, even after the recent Uri attack in India? Which is the longest organ in human body? What does a CEO of a start-up do? How many 7 digit numbers can be made using digits 1-7 and are not divisible by 5? I am in love with my best friend, what should I do? What can I do if I hate Google? How much is smoking is injurious to health? How do I decorate a bedroom with a 1979 theme? What is the chemical equation for calcium and water? How can I stop masturbating permanently? What happens if the electoral college doesn't vote for trump? Does stuttering really piss off ladies? Is there any reasonable and logical relation between science and spirituality? What is the best strip club in Barcelona, Spain? Are there nuclear weapons in Australia? "What is the importance of Romeo and Juliet's first meeting in ""Romeo and Juliet"" by Shakespeare?" How do I lose weight fast? What is a person who solves mysteries called? How hard is it to practice water polo compared to surfing? Can you go into the EU/EEA/Switzerland line at the UK border if you have a Tier 4 Student Visa? Is time travel possible? What are most people ashamed of? How do I apply for a summer internship? How liberal is the Palestinian Authority (Fatah)? How can I increase the traffic on my website? What is the best Leonard Cohen song? Isn't Mexico part of North America? Are 138 no act bailable offance? What are the examples of biotic factors in an ecosystem? Who is Mathew Sentoro on Periscope? Why do some people play mind games? What should girls do to become a fighter pilot in IAF? A bag contains 5 white, 7 red and 8 black balls. If four balls are drawn one by one without replacement, what is the probability of getting all white balls? "What is a polite way to ""poke"" someone who hasn't yet replied to your email?" What is life? Can a Bulgarian work in China? Effect on gate exam if PSU visits IIT? How many steel quantity beam required for 1 storey prefab house? At what altitude is Yao Ming's head at? Can you solve this math problem? What will happen if I water plants with human blood? Is green tea a fat burner? Does it help with weight loss? how much should I drink? which time to drink ? What is a flower? How can I sweat less in gym? "Do I say each and every one of my dogs ""is happy"" or ""are happy""?" How is it that sometimes a dream turns into reality? How do I cure vision to 6/6 as I want to join merchant navy? I am very distracted in my life. How can I keep myself focused? Why do so many people enjoy drinking coffee? What are some good self-deprecating rap songs? How do we create a video like this? How is MANET for marine engineering? Is the National University of Singapore well-known and respected by the American academic community? I need help in redesigning my wardrobe? What is your review of What happened to the German scientist/engineers that went to France rather than US, USSR and UK after WW2? Is there a listing of their names? How soon can we expect world war 3? Which phone has the better camera among Redmi note 3 and Le Eco Le 2 ? I own penny stock in a company from a private investment. How do I find a broker to sell them? Do women/girls get aroused by just looking at a penis? How will the UK's vote for Brexit impact the 2016 US presidential election? What distinctive features differentiate the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and the Vietnamese? What is your review of Anglo Eastern Ship Management? Does low performance in GD affect the selection process at the IIMs? What should I do in the first week of my gym? I want to use some lozenges that are sugar free as I am diabetic. Sugar free Lozenges? What hotel in Srinagar Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? Gay Asian rejection? How do Psychopaths spend their time? Why does my friend hate Sandeep Maheshwari's speeches? What's the difference between the Moors and Saracens? Adobe CQ: Which is the latest version of CQ5 and what new features does it come with? Why can you increase the reach of your campaign with an e-mailing? How can I learn to speak a fluent English? What is the best free EPS viewer? How does MDMA affect inflammation? What were the basic features of ancient India’s culture and traditions and how they are different from Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greek culture? Why is voltage constant in a parallel circuit? What should I do if I find a human skeleton buried in my land? What branch can I get with a rank of 3855 in pessat? What is 7th pay commission? How are follower lists on Instagram ordered? Why does Quora allow only 15 answer requests? Who is the best guitarist? Can I say “thank you to you, too” to someone? Which is best website for indian politics news? How can one Muslim convert to Hinduism? Are mobile phones allowed inside the Indian parliament? Where is the best fish restaurant in London? What are all of the sororites at Stanford and what are their reputations? Should India sign the NPT and CTBT? Why or why not? What is the best way to live a full life? Which is better, Adreno 530 or PowerVR GE8200? What is the highest upvoted answer and for what question on Quora? How much does it cost to incorporate a company in California? Whats the best way to reduce belly fat? Youngstown State Football Live Stream | Watch Youngstown State Penguins Football Game Today Live Streaming Online? What are some of the most important inventions created by the Assyrian empire, and how do these compare to those of the Achaemenid empire? When pokemon go will launch in india? Why do tennis ball boys get the ball so fast? Why is there a low number of new drugs discovered in India but there is a lot of manufacturing? What are the best coaching institutes for the CAT in Hyderabad? If someone had to be in the ICU a day before they turned 18, would they go to the pediatric or adult ICU? What is the relation between elasticity and modulus of resilience? Will time travel ever become possable? Where to get a online job? How can I get better at drawing anime? What is saturation current? Why am I feeling pain in my left ring finger? What is the proper English translation for 意义和比较的数字, 意义和图的数字, 物理分类? How can I correlate telic and paratelic to sports preferrence and performance? How does the experience of being in UChicago compare with that of being at MIT? Which coaching institutes are best for M.A. ECONOMICS ENTRANCE preparation in Delhi? Where did demons come from? What are some things that airline cabin crews know, but won't tell you? What is the average number of friends a homeschooler has? What did you do on your first day at work? Which language should I try to learn next, Portuguese or French? What three books everyone should read? I am currently working as an associate software engineer in Accenture for the past 6 months, but I want to pursue an MBA and I find it difficult to prepare for it along with the work. What are the pros and cons of leaving the company? How is the Samsung Galaxy J7 phone? What is the price per kilogram of arquerite? As of 10/09/2016. Why when we turn on computer windows always automatically connects to their servers? Who were the only U.S. civilian casualties in World War II? What is the salary of Assistant Commandant in BSF? Can I get a name of a person by his phone number? How do I install Ubuntu 16.04 on Ubuntu 14.04? What are some encrypted phone call apps for iOS? What is the best definition of Quora? What are some good team names for Wiffle ball? What is right: to sacrifice your love for your happiness or to sacrifice your happiness for your love? How is sociology relevant to public administration? Should Sharia Law be enacted as federal law? What is JEE Main ? What's it like having family member who's a psychopath? Why is 'fahrenheit 451' perceived as dystopia? What do I have to learn to make an Android app? How can individuals make a difference in this world? When and how was pyromania discovered? For a 14.4V 1.9Ah NiMh battery, which charger fits better: 12V 2.9Ah or a 15V 0.8Ah battery charger? I'm 13, I'm 5'2. Idk how much I weigh. Last time I checked I was 170-180. Is that overweight? I'm really scared that I'm the heaviest kid in my grade. What is the Axel Brodie Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck? Is it really possible to hack township and gain coins? How can I prepare for the IES civil engineering exam? How many microfarads can a super capacitor store? Have you ever cried after watching a movie at the cinema? What are the advantages and disadvantages of not using Facebook and WhatsApp? What is the dumbest question you have seen on here? How do I determine my IQ? What is the best story have you ever heard? How do I get more followers on Instagram? How do I find the square root of a non-perfect square number in the easiest way? What was or is the highest pay scale (package) for a mechanical engineer fresher? Is it possible to build a PaaS SaaS company using all equity based developers? What is a restraining order? What is the best embedded software used today? How do people in wheelchairs travel by air? What is the best way to migrate from Microsoft Dynamics CRM to Netsuite? Poland: What is a great, special place to have breakfast in Warsaw? How do you know if you have fallen in love with someone and not just like them? How do you think World War III will happen if it does? What are important things for people intending to major in education to know about? Why doesn't Bitcoin's blockchain abridge transaction history? What is difference between mathematical and scientific inquiry? What is the cause of an enlarged pancreas? How is it treated? What should you do when someone hates you? "Why do people say ""mine as well,"" instead of ""might as well""?" Why do we eat vegetables? How can I learn and improve freestyle dance? How long does Swarovski jewelry last? How is the word 'irascible' used in a sentence? Why iphone is not working well in cold weather? How can I prepare for CAT 2016 while continuing the job? Is it OK to make fun of my nationality? What is 'official separation between religion and state'? Is watching good movies regularly a constructive use of time? Why is my period late every month? What does my Chinese first name 良 (liáng) mean? Did the switch in accent put you off the new Star Wars films? What's it like to work at HP Labs? Why do some people buy iPhones over Android phones? Are they really better? What is the difference between the male and female orgasm? Which boxing gloves are best? Who would win in a fight: Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne) vs Superman? Who or what decides what to show in my feed on Quora? What's your opinion on a beautiful girl and a pretty girl? What are the best resources for learning Chinese (Mandarin) and how can I become a competent speaker, reader and writer of the Chinese language? What is that one incident that changed your life completely? Is computer science person with chemistry background and have experience of water analysis, chemical parameters… can do PhD in this field? What were the greatest bluffs ever made in history? Where can I get best quality promotional coffee cups in Melbourne? Is indian youth facing problems due to mix of east and west? What strikes first time visitors as special or unusual when they arrive in Chillán, Chile? What is conductive reasoning? What does 'enseignage' mean in French and how does it translate to English? Besides the typical body language signals, what are the other ways of nonverbal communication that humans use? Why there are no answers for my questions on Quora? I am 18 years old. Sometimes I feel very depressed. I have no friends. I just don't know what to do. I have kind of started hating myself. What should I do? What are all the things you can buy on the deep web? How does a Manchester United fan feel? What are some things that seem justified but aren't? What is the life of an IFS (Indian Foreign Services) officer? How is it different from an IAS (Indian Administrative Services)? Which are some new social networking websites? I'm a software engineer and got hired for my First job in United States. What are the things we should know about the work culture in US? Why does god want humans to worship him/her/it? What is your review of Inside Out (2015 movie)? Which is the best way to find lost things? What strategies could Donald Trump use to win a general election race against Hillary Clinton? What do Turks think about Albanians? What are the meanings of henna tattoos? How do I transfer mobile phone balance to bank account? What should I expect with 100 marks in JEE Advanced 2016? My exams are coming and I am not able to concentrate on my studies because of WhatsApp and Facebook. How do I get rid of all of these? Is Subramanian Swamy against Muslims? What does radical mean in chemistry? Were dairy cows bred or did they evolve? Which deep learning framework do you prefer? Is spacetime displaced by matter? How can I become a kpop star if you're not talented? Who is an intelligent person? Who is voting for / supports Trump on Quora? Which are the best cash in transit companies? Which topic on Quora do you like but mute because of the annoying questions? How do I look up old Snapchat chats? If you microwave food a cockroach or cockroaches were on is it safe to eat it? What is aircraft maintenance engineering? What is better: mba pharma management/mba healthcare management or mba biotechnology management in terms of Scope & salary? My kitchen cabinets have become old and I am thinking of replacing them with some new ones. Where can I shop for kitchen cabinets in Dubai? Why do guys approach me in shopping malls? What is the best way of study? What does an Alaskan/Husky mix eat? Are there any jobs for international students in Poland? Which countries support India's bid to NSG and which do not? Being killed in my dreams? Will a Trump Presidency damage the environment so much that we can never recover? How do I lose 10 kgs in a month? Why is talking about sex still a taboo in India? What is the function of spark plugs in a car? Is C# good for back end web development? What are some of the best YouTube channels? Where can I find Dumps for OCJP 1.7 version? As I am TCS Employee and I have received the final anniversary rating 3.55. Do I come under rating 3 or rating 4? What are the different security tests that a penetration tester can perform on a web page without using any tools ? How do I get a girl to like me? I have planned to start an online fashion imitation jewellery business. Where can I find a jewellery manufacturer in India who sells their products for the best/cheapest prices? What are the industrial applications of citric acid and sodium carbonate? Do wolves make good pets? Is the Indian media biased towards Congress as compared to BJP? Why? I failed in 3 subjects in CBSE 12th, what should I do? What are some laws that should be made to control the high levels of animal trafficking in China? How capacitor works in electric fan? Are SSDs worth it for my PS4 and 2009 MacBook Pro? Does the illuminati or any such organization exist? Where can I watch or download Korean dramas? Can I check my JEE 2015 result now? "Where can I watch the final episode of ""One Piece""?" How is the faculty in PEC Chandigarh? Machine Learning: How can one measure the Kolmogorov complexity of a training set? Gestures: Why is it difficult to do the Vulcan salute? What's the difference between top and bottom for gay couples? Who will be Jose Mourinho’s first buy for Manchester United? How many bags of cement are required to build a 2750 Sq only roof? Do animals have memory of harm done to them and can they take revenge on the harm? Which stock of public companies did not crash in 1929 and why? How is the Mandelbrot Set used in real life? Which one is better, a CSE at IIT Delhi or at IIT Kanpur? How do train drivers operate locomotives and how do they change tracks continuously? "Is ""If I was"" grammatically correct?" I got 206 in mains. How many marks should I get in the CBSE for CS at DTU or in the NSIT? "Brexit: How can the below article on Brexit be rebutted by the supporters of ""Remain"" campaign?" Is Donald Trump a fascist? What is the best approach to become better at C++? What is the relationship like between Israel and Russia? How is school changing in the 21st century in Singapore? Can anyone edit a question on Quora? What is Quora's policy on community control of questions? Gmail: How can I get back a hijacked Gmail account? What are remedies to get rid of belly fat? What are the best books for CBSE class 12 (PCM)? What makes German engineers better than the rest? Do the engineering colleges teach something in a different fashion? "Is there a word that is an antonym of ""nostalgic""?" How brexit will affect Indian Stock markets? Is spacetime expanding? What are the lessons that AP, Telangana, Kerala and Karnataka should learn from Tamil Nadu? What's a good beginner blog for quant trading? Who are chameleons' natural enemies? Do Indian girls date white guys? How do I play games on my MacBook Pro? What are the laws to change your status from a student visa to a green card in the US, how do they compare to the immigration laws in Argentina? With a JEE Mains (2016) Score of 105 can I get admission in LNMIIT? Should I attempt the CAT if I'm not very well prepared? How do I get a flat lower tummy? How does the introduction of new 500 and 2000 denomination currency and stopping old 500 & 1000 denomination currency help/ affect India's economy? Delete key on MacBook suddenly works to right instead of to left. How to fix it? Do the people of Kashmir want to join Pakistan or India? Why? Why is this code wrong? How should I convince my parents that I don't want to get married? How do grizzly bears defend themselves? Why did she give me her number when I didn't ask for it? Is USIT (IP DELHI) good for MCA? How is the center of mass outside of the body? How can I link clash of clan to a new Google account? What is the importance of qualifying the UGC NET exam for the M.Tech computer science candidates? What is the best PC game? What's the best day spa in NYC? What is the purpose of amendments to the U.S. Constitution? What are some of the most important Navy jobs? How do I start contributing to open source projects? What is the role of fresher in TCS? Who is Anne Strong on PlentyOfFish? What is the best minor along with an economics major? Which minor would make it easier for me to get a job after undergrad? Would a computer science minor be the best option? Do you mind if your girlfriend is not a virgin? What are the best black and white photos? Can height increase after 25 by any method except surgeries? Which city is best to relocate to find a job for IT and automation fresher, Pune or Bangalore? How does internet service provider work? Which song relives you of pain? What did Hillary Clinton lie about? Do most people care that their mind is closed to obvious truths? What can I do now with my life? How do you use direct message on Instagram on a computer? What is the difference between arguments and parameters in JavaScript? Who is going to win EURO 2016 & why? How do I find an investors for my show idea? How would monarchists feel if a politician became royalty? What is the history of BRICS? I have a 2.5 GPA going into my junior year of high school. I will be taking 2 AP courses. Is it possible to get to a 3.0 by the end of the year? How do you solve this puzzle game? I have scored 95 in my KCET and 250 in boards. What is my expected rank? Why do thick wires have a lower resistance? Which is the best Institute for SAP training and placement in noida? I am in love with a girl who is very hard to open up. She lives a secluded life and suffers from depression. What do I do? How do I write this precisely? How are the placements for an MTech in aerospace engineering from IIT Bombay? What is the scope of an aerospace engineer? [GoT] How/Why will Jaime kill Cersei? I'm pusuing BCA (1st yr) & I wish to study MBA.Can anyone enlighten me with tips, books & stuffs which will help me in getting selected in top B-schools? Why do bikers wear German style helmets? Who invented zero and how? Which is the best smartphone with good camera within 30k? "Which caste does ""Biswas"" surname belong to?" How is life like at a Singapore Prison? Who was smarter, Stalin or Hitler? What are some tips for starting a blog? If dragons existed, would physics allow them to fly? What will be inhand salary after successfully completing the ICICI bank's PO programme? What are the advantages of using C++ over C? Did the 2011 EU bailout of Portugal help economically? How do I play a DVD on PS4? What is #BlackLivesMatter? What does the campaign seek to accomplish? Why is it important? Which would be the best laptop for gaming under Rs. 25000? Why do so many people ask questions on when they could easily find the answers themselves online? What is typical life of student at Fms Delhi , means what's the schedule of classes , etc? What makes someone smart? Can I use Reliance Jio only for making free unlimited voice calls without recharging with data plans? How can I hack a WiFi using an android smartphont (unrooted)? Which is the most amazing photograph ever taken? Is it bad to watch porn? How do I loose body fat? Is Shirdi a commercial holy place? How can I acquire leadership qualities? What are some interesting examples of false cognates? How do you translate the term 宅男 into English? How satisfied are Detroit's citizens with NAFTA? What are the best websites to download Hindi movies? How does overdosing on antidepressants cause death? Why most of the opinion polls showing victory of AAP in Punjab Assembly Elections 2017 even after so much hatred for Arvind Kejriwal? Where does the energy of the universe come from? What are the police and ambulance no-go areas in London, due to local resistance? Medical Conditions and Diseases: What dosage of Amitriptyline should I be on for alcoholism? Will poodlecorp hackers be caught? Or will the fbi ignore them? What was the significance of the battle of Somme, and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Eslands River? What is a quickest way to improve English? Which is the best treatment for an anal fissure? Has anyone stayed in oyo rooms in patna? I want to know is it safe to stay for unmarried couple? Which car should I buy in budget of 9 lacs? What are all the best book series for gifting? Why do you need an isolator on both sides of the circuit breaker? How do I create a form like the comments of Facebook and make go to the end of the queue without having to reload the page? When they say we only use 10% of our brains, what happens to the other 90%? What are the apps and websites for students who are in class 10th state board and CBSE? I am a BTECH student, what books I have to study to write CAT and AMCAT exams? How do I know if someone has blocked me on their iPhone? If Quora had a tvtropes article on it, what are some things it would say? How do I earn money by uploading videos on YouTube? What is your review of Raspberry Pi? How can I get myself to cry? Why are the tyres of the car black? Why can't it be any other? What is the technology behind star rating in electrical appliances for power saving? I want to prepare for MDS. How do I start? Can you convince me to give up atheism? How long does it take to design and layout a small magazine on average? Where can I hire someone to perform a computer simulation (e.g., Monte Carlo) besides What are the recommended books/materials for the CAT exam preparation? What are some mind-blowing things about Patna that people are normally unaware of? Which font is used in logo of Enrich Salon and Academy? Why are Chromebooks so cheap? What is the treatment for restless leg syndrome? Is peaky blinders worth watching? Which college is better for doing a B.Tech, DIT or UPES Dehradun? Is it legal to download PDF textbook? If you block someone on Instagram could they still see you in the followers list of an account that didn't block them and they already know? How long does it take to get an Australian 186 visa? How good is the in CEG? Are all life forms relatively symmetrical? Can I still send direct message to someone who block me in instagram? Is Noida a good place to live? Did Donald Trump run for president in order to disrupt the Republican opposition and help get Hillary Clinton elected? Is Google Go ready for production use? How do I factor a^3-1? What is kk? What are the weaknesses of dependency theory? How do I cook pheasant curry? Who would win in Captain America: Civil War, Iron Man or Captain America? Is Qnet a scam? What are the softwares a mechanical engineer should know? What's the best VR headset available in 2016? What else to see in Munich during Oktoberfest besides the festival? Do I need a commercial driving licence to buy a taxi in India? African countries salary is better than asian countries? How do I participate or contribute in open source projects? How do I cope up with breakup? She left me saying she don't love me 1 month back but still I am not able to sleep crying like hell How do I organize my AppData folder? What happens to cells in our bodies when they die? What happens to a vehicle if you don't start it for a year? How did Percy Spencer invent the microwave oven? How I make money online? How can I root or unlock the bootloader on a SM-g900v Galaxy s5? When is pokemon Go releasing on India? How can I write a good farewell letter to a friend? What is the formula for cellular respiration and photosynthesis? What purpose do the serve? What should I do to maintain tidiness while speaking in a program? What is my strategy to clear IES exam? How many keywords are there in P.H.P. Programming Language in the latest version? Which is the most well-planned city in India? What's the best time to visit the Azores and why? What is the best season? How can you become famous on Quora? How can I lose 4kg weight? Do New York City residents rank among the savviest Americans? Is Lord Krishna a myth? How do you convert percents to decimals? "Are TV networks aggressively covering the ""who are Trump supporters"" topic or are they avoiding it because the answer would offend Trump supporters?" I am a group admin of the WhatsApp group. If I install it on new mobile as I got new mobile with same mobile no, will still be the group admin? How do I optimise selection sort using insertion sort? How much money I can get from YouTube channel from 5 subscriber 10 likes and 50 views per month? Where can I torrent all of the Dragon Ball series? Is the mind part of brain? Is Reliance Jio roaming free? How do can I hack a WiFi password using CMD in Windows 8.1? Why do hackers generally use MacBooks for hacking? How can I know that my Lenevo laptop is full charged without turning it off? What are broken limestone and sludge good for? What are some of the best questions to ask an interviewer? How would I loose belly fat? What's the difference between an iMessage and a text message? When did Valencia win the UEFA Champions League? What is second shift for B. Tech in IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad? Which are the best books for iit jam mathematics? What is the difference between character array and string? What is the best mutual fund on SIP? What are the physical differences between different types of massages? Why can't I sleep for a long time? How can I lose 7 kilos in 1 month? Can i get an MS in supply chain management in Singapore? (NUS / NTU / TUM Asia) How do I export organic products from India? What is a current source and what are the differences between voltage source and current source? Why did the Syrian refugee crisis escalate so quickly? What is marine engineering? When will the JEE Mains 2015 AIR be declared? How many named rivers are in the world? When is the form for CBSE class 12 improvement exam coming out for 2016 – 2017? I am going to be in class 12 should I now take DLP? How does the ceiling fan create air flow? How can I improve on my communication and writing skills? How do I search for files within a folder in Google Drive? What if I clear 4-5 CT actuarial exams before graduating? Why are men generally more perverted than women? How can we look at the relationship between China and Japan justly? How to comfort a grieving friend? What are good and cheap photobanks? I used to use until their service got closed. Can I make a blouse out of a maxi skirt? Should I do Major Training at BHEL Bhopal? I'm a CAT aspirant, is the training worth it or should I be at my home town and prepare for CAT? Where can I buy a Greeting card vending machine? Relliance GSM 149 unlimited voice calls is available for old custumers? How much money does Dan Bilzerian have, and how is he getting all this money? How do I control on masturbation? How can I avoid various distractions and solely concentrate on my studies? I want to travel from Bangalore to Ooty alone. How do I plan my trip, as I am going alone for first time, and what places can I visit? How is Nikah Mutah different from prostitution? Will KIITEE mbbs 2016 still declare result? How can I lose post marriage weight? What are the best places to go for trekking in north India? Do aliens exist? Is it possible to recover a deleted data from a Android phone? Which is a more acurate representation of politics in Washington D.C.; The West Wing or House of Cards? Anyone is free to answer, but I'd love to hear from some people who live/work in the capital. Which bike should I buy Hero splendar ismart or Honda shine? Can we use more than one Jio sim in a 4G mobile? Which university provide better economy course? How effective is psychoanalysis for the treatment of social anxiety symptoms? How does evolution is supported by the fossil record? What made Lionel Messi to retire from International football? What is the static balance? Why do people vote for Trump if he is so brash? What are some of the most underrated movies of all time? What is it like to have an introverted partner? Do snakes have bones? How do they move? Is it possible for a human to forget how to see by remaining in complete darkness (absence of visual stimuli)? How many days would this take? Who do you think should be the next ODI and T20 captain of India? What type of cameras can we use for photography? Are there theories in physics in which time is not a scalar but a vector? If there is no god, then why do so many people believe in him? Which college should I choose between Manipal and IMT Ghaziabad for a regular MBA course? Is Armin van Burren really an outstanding DJ? How do you take care of a stray cat with kittens? What do I need to start my own recording studio? Do bond prices matter if you hold them to maturity? What are some volcanic islands in Southeast Asia? What is the plot of Raees? How do I send money from India to UK? What is the role of a guru in Hindu faith? What is the charge of Nitrogen? How can you tell if someone is a virgin or not? What is the best usb dac? Why can Xi Jinping be so mighty? How many years left before humanity self-destructs? How do Publix digital coupons work? What is difference between earthing & natural? What are some pros and cons of using Gmail vs Hotmail vs Yahoo Mail? Which car is the best amongst Honda City, Hyundai Verna and Maruti Ciaz? Do I have to be an extrovert when I'm happy being an introvert? Is distilled water a compound? My WhatsApp web is not working. I'm using the Chrome browser on my Windows 8.1 laptop, and the internet speed is decently good. I opened and the QR code doesn't load up at all. It just keeps going round and round. How can I fix this? Is Vladimir Putin a dictator or not? How can I stop myself from being affected by what other people think about me? Has anyone used CTY - John Hopkin's Center for Talented Youth? Is it a money making scheme or a legitimate and useful online course? What should everyone know about the penis? "Why does ""The Economist"" no longer offer digital subscriptions for purchase with airline miles?" How do I deal with stomach cramps in the morning? Medicine or Law? What is the difference between public schools and charter schools? Suppose a poor person wants to file a case in the court against government. If he cannot afford a lawer will the govt. provide him one? What is the best web programming language to use with Firebase? Is human nature fundamentally selfish or altruistic? Explain VT characteristics of a diode along its operation in forward as will as reverserd biased? My friend wants to make a cash deposit of Rs. 1.5L in my savings bank account, then wants to book airline tickets. Would there be tax questions? A ball thrown vertically upwards with a speed of 19.6 ms-1 from the top of a tower returns to earth in 6s. Calculate the height of the tower.? How do you get a car dealers license in California? Is it important for one to take a course from GIA (or any other institution) before getting into the business of diamonds? What are the pros and cons of dropping out of school/college? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Biocryst Pharmaceuticals? What are some good catchphrases to hook up German girls on Facebook? How can I get teachers to like me? Are baking soda and edible soda the same? Is it illegal to pass oneself off as a CIA or NSA agent? How do I pitch a patent (project) idea to an investor? And how do I get in contact with possible investors? Is IDR 40 million is good salary in Jakarta? What is Kapil Sharma like in person? How can I make sure that a person is really an atheist or just pretending to be the one? Could a girl play with a guy? What do British people think of the Bengal famine of 1943? Why are most dogs so hellbent on, and obsessed with, playing fetch, never getting tired of the game? Is World War 3 coming? How much money should you give for a wedding gift? How does turbo in a car engine work? What are the real life/practical examples of a Java interface? Is it really useful? Why? Do Asian girls like black guys? Why can't I concentrate on my studies at all? What's the most important thing that a first-year college student must know? What are the top 10 things you wished you knew when you were a teenager? How do I overcome loneliness and depression? How will win of donald trump affect India? Why are Americans living in the northeastern or west coast states portrayed as out of touch or elitist? How can I recover my Gmail password without a recovery phone number or email? Why is it advised first to look left then right while crossing the road? How is polyester fabric made? Why are petrol engines not used for a heavy vehicle? How do you determine the oxidation state of C3O2? Is there a book about Amazon's approach to product development or something similar? Why doesn't Snapchat have a send to streaks button that would send to all current streaks? What was the biggest mistake you made in your startup? What are the things that we use in daily life and take them for granted but are actually of huge importance? Is there a site filled with numbered and/or named mathematical propositions and their proofs? (like in a textbook?) Does sole exist? What is the best world university ranking? How can I add multiple contacts in LinkedIn at once? Does god exist? YES What are the top 10 horror movies of all time? I am now 19 years old and my height is 182cm. How much height can I increase upto height limiting age if I am a boy? Did you ever get back with and end up marrying your ex? Did the Pharaohs wear diamonds? Or only gold? Who is a computer scientist? If Jesus is the Son of God, then who is God? Who is better out of Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar and Ronaldinho? How can I root my Samsung Galaxy S5 LTE-A (SM G906k) running on Andriod 6.0.1? How do you format poetry on Quora? Is that a good score or do I need to take the AMCAT again? How do I contact Quora? How do people fall in love? What is your review of Mass Emailing Company in Raipur? "Is the song ""A Sky Full of Stars"" by Coldplay trippy?" Is time travel is possible in this modern age? Software project? I'm immune suppressed so can't take live vaccines, I live in Sweden. Would love to see some wild exotic animals. Where could I still travel to? What parts of your memoir will you share with me in order to make me want to read your story? What are some good online shopping sites for women clothing? How can I enlarge my dick? "Phrase Origins: Where did the saying ""that's what she said"" come from?" How do I start making websites? I have startup idea to order food online in India. I need to know how could I setup workflow like food delivery, food safety, etc.? """Sage has a stubborn mother whom she only wants to make proud."" Is this a correct sentence?" How do preparation for G.A.T.E exam in production engg. branch? Why was true communism never achieved? Which is the best torrent site for music? Does Trump really want to win the U.S. Presidency? How do I convert a csv file to an RDD file? What are strengths and weaknesses of Java? Fiscal deficit and import duty? How can one use more of our brain? What is the best way to send my blog as a newsletter email? Did the ape man really exist? How was the transverse wave path observed to be like the ones on textbooks? What should be the gross salary after a 7th pay commission of defence personal? What is the structure of red blood cells? Recently I bought an HP laptop with free DOS. Now I want to install legal Windows 8. I have an ISO image of Windows 8. Where can I get a product key/activation key at best price? When was Quora founded and by whom ? How can we do meditation? What are the best iOS apps of all time? What are the problems with Quora? What are the best ways to prepare for the JAM in physics? Why does Planned Parenthood state, “Is being pregnant a health concern?” What if student does not get campus placement? Where can I find best Jumping Castles in Sydney? "How do you say ""healing"" in Japanese? How do you pronounce it?" Is democracy more efficient than a dictatorship? What does it mean if you have Braxton Hicks contractions at 28 weeks? What solvents dissolve nylon? What are the complete rules/regulations of professional soccer? What's the Lewis structure of naphthalene? My boyfriend wants to leave me now cz I am not able to go for any night stays, I am an Indian having a strict family and I am 21, what should I do? My LDL- CHOL is 66 and HDL-CHOL IS 38 and Cholesterol is 120, is it good? If you leave Google and then come back after a year do you get a stock refresh? How do I know why I was blocked from Instagram? Adam Lanza used guns that were legally bought and owned to kill children. Do you still believe gun laws should not be tightened? How is IHM Mumbai? Does a hot shower help high blood pressure? Where can I found modern designs of flooring tiles in Sydney? What does test statistic mean for hypothesis testing? "Is there any way to watch HBO's ""Game of Thrones"" legally, without subscribing to HBO?" What are some crazy e-mails you have sent to service or government companies? Which is the best keywords for mobile app development company? Is CBSE expected to be lenient with the checking of class 12 board papers? How can I pass a drug test? How is carbon dioxide released? Students may elect to take the knowledge test online or at a license office. What additional test must be taken at the licensing office? How do I learn java language? Why are Indian women so beautiful? Social heated spots? How can we earn money online while studying? Which form of fuel injection is better in fuel pump or carburetor ? Why are there no actors or actresses from northeastern states of India? How many tanks does the U.S military have? How can I get liquor license in Bangalore? How visible is your Facebook account after you deactivate it? What kind of people live in Malibu, CA? What don't you like about yourself? From a biological perspective. How can I as a male get pregnant? Would Mongolia be a part of China today if Baron Roman von Sternberg *wouldn't* have invaded Mongolia during the Russian Civil War? "What is the best answer to the question “ANY?""" How can I prepare to make money (part time job) in Qatar 2020 world cup? What is the detailed meaning of a bank letter of credit (LC)? Who are some famous people who went on leaves from college? What are the best places in the world for traveling and why? How can I accredit a STEM academy? How do I speak English like celebrities? Should I work at a bank as a stock broker? What's the difference between SPF 45 and SPF 50 sunscreen lotion? Especially in the Winter? What are some examples of adjectives used in a sentence? How many inches is 5 feet? Where can I buy a fan for a MacBook Pro? What pop culture moments, movies, TV shows, video games, events, and technology best define the 1990s? What is the most difficult situation you have had to face and how did you tackle it? Are US states democratic? What is it like suffering from endometriosis? Where can I take an IQ test on the internet for free? How long was George R. R. Martin working on material for A Song of Ice and Fire before the first book was published? How do I order a custom-made katana forged by a genuine Japanese swordsmith? How do I make business out of Reliance JIO? What would be the future of Nokia? Do women not feel disgusted when they taste a man's semen? I am interested in acting. how can I chose good institutions who provided skill on low money "Is it correct to say ""me is going to market""?" What is an example of subject and simple predicate sentence? What is the required GATE score to get admission into IISc Bangalore in electrical engg? What are some of funniest jokes that you have ever heard? How do you prevent morning nose bleeds? Where can I buy shrimps in nagpur? What will the next generation think about us? What is the crime rate in the Borough of Ealing and how does it compare to Hillingdon? Islamic boy names? Can a really ugly guy behave like a hot one? How is he going to be perceived by women? Why does Quora say that my question needs improvement but doesn't say what actually needs to be improved? How can I find the aim of my life? What should I do during my summer holidays? How do you tell if someone is a true friend? What can a personal assistant do for a CEO? Do bands choose who will open up for them or that is up to the venue promoter or whoever? How fair is it to blame IITians for IITs not being in the list of top universities of the world? Can we create a ZERO GRAVITY on the normal earth surface without huge investment? Is gasoline soluble in water? Why or why not? What should I eat to get rid of belly fat? What are the best questions asked in Quora? What course is better in Lal Bahadur? Can you predict a person's interests by taking an IQ test and an EQ test? Has anyone travelled by Mumbai Local Train? Does a developer need a degree to join Toptal? How do I send mail? Are there any more examples of countries GIVING foreign aid to America or the American people? How many goats do you need to start with goat farming? What is the best way to implement a custom mobile theme for WordPress? Which are your favourite five nonfiction books? How did Indian banks open branches and function in general before liberalization and globalization? Do you find women over six feet tall attractive? Do jinns and angels really exist? How do I start and run an E-commerce business? Is sodium hydroxide an acid or a base? Why? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Quest Diagnostics? Is there any app to hack Wi-Fi passwords? PH of a solution at 303 k is 7,is the solution? Who is the best cosmetic surgeon in India? What are the best places to visit for a two days trip from Bangalore? What is a Q&A site that rivals Quora? Which song best represents the 90s? How much did the British Pound devalue since Brexit? How can I befriend Priya of NDTV (co-anchor with Ravish Kumar)? What is the name of this 9mm pistol? I have a offer from Persistent Systems Private Limited with 3.7 lpa CTC, and from L&T Infotech with 3.0 lpa CTC. Where should I join? How do I reverse any string without using function in Java? How can I create and develop a customer service from scratch in a B2B Company? What is the best comedy movie ever? What is the best exercise for belly fat? The uni asked me to write a self-introduction regarding what I have done in the past 4 years. What is the best approach for this? 2012 NFL Season: Is Joe Flacco an elite quarterback? What makes Israel one of the most feared nations on earth? How did Quora get initial traction? What is the meaning of inversion in terms of chemistry? What do you think about ban on Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 currency notes? "What is the translation of ""I don't like you"" in Japanese?" Will we ever have world peace? What are the best questions asked in Quora? How do planets and their motion effect our Lives? Should I remove my facial hair with thread? I cannot afford lazer treatment? What is your take on banning 500 and 1000 rs notes in India? What is it like to be at NIT Surathkal? Onor, Sobodor Mystici, Poseam Honoris Beatis Limpia”? How does it feel to live in a haunted house? How do movies make money if the main star's salary is half the gross? Who is the best WWE superstar of all time and why? Will drones replace news helicopters? What is the problem with penny stocks? What are the ways to sell or trade a digital gift card? How can I stop going out but don't stop being social? How do I get my 12-year-old interested in entrepreneurship? What are the Data monetization challenges? Will we go back to the moon? How does one deal with distraction while studying? Why does the PM of India, Modi, think that the salary of a government employee is not enough, and bribes must not be restricted? Can't he increase salaries if he is unable to stop the promotion of bribes? What are VPN and its uses? Which is the fastest way to lose weight? Where is the best resource to learn web development for free? When does sleep paralysis usually occur? Who are you voting for and why? What are some tricky questions asked in the ICSE? Which is the best coaching centre for upsc? Where can I found luxury photobooth hire in Sydney? Should the military of a democratic nation have the constitutional right to remove a government that is behaving unconstitutionally? Are birds dinosaurs? How can men train themselves to have multiple orgasms? What's the fee structure for VIT, Pune - Electronics branch (including hostel fee)? Where can you buy wholesale jerseys in the US? What after becoming Bank PO if,I wanna join some foreign bank and earn in dollars? What is the best time of day for workout and exercise? Do guys kiss or suck women's breasts during sex? Do girls like it or not? How do you load balance between load balancers? Is it safe for a 19 year old guy to date a 17 year old girl in arizona? She is now 17 years and 4 months. Who is your favorite character on Friends? "In Chinese, how do you say ""hello, my name is""?" How do I impress my ex? What diet pattern should I follow to reduce body fat? Which college is better for an MBA: Amity or the NDIM? How can I tell if I am allergic to tea? If there is one thing you could change about yourself what would it be? Why? Which channel has the best intro on YouTube? What should i do to lose my body fat? Can USA passport holder kid travel to India without OCI card ? What are the career options for a guy who finished MBBS from India and want to do service in India? What's it like to get a snake eyes piercing on your tongue? How should I prepare to score 90+ in all subjects 12th PCM with computer in less than 1 month? Why might some people like the suburbs? If a so-called harmful content such as porn or something violent is uploaded, how do YouTube filter that out? Is there an algorithm for filtering? What are the differences between working as a programmer for a software development or consulting company, and a product startup? How do I solve _+ _+ _ = 30 using 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17? Does not having a Twitter account put you at a disadvantage when applying for an internship or job at Twitter? How can I hack ss7? How should I prepare for NEET 2017? How many airplanes fly each day in the world? Can price elasticity of demand be negative? I'm so overwhelmed by stress, what can I do? How can one get the neighbor's dog to shut up? How can I reduce weight by not going to gym and following diet? Is it appropriate to help poor people? What is the grade of concrete(M20/M25 etc.) normally used in roof casting? How much PSC cement is required for making 1 cubic meter of concrete? What is a trusted website for an online data entry job? How do i stop procrastination? What issues arise when you fake your own death? How do I design a habit forming user interface? How do you earn money through internet? How do I become fat or gain weight with a healthy diet? How many eggs should I eat each day? How do I stop wanting to be perfect? Are there long queues to pay for parking in shopping malls in Thailand? How many grad students get lots of publications after their first year of grad school? How is the navigation system in a car different from that of the GPS of Android phones? What are the most possible ways that can help me to stop Masturbating? I keep dreaming about a guy that I met once. I haven’t seen him in months and I’ll most likely never see him again. What does this mean? What are the taxes an international student holding F1 visa is liable to? What can be done to reduce taxes while doing CPT/OPT in US? How do I check prepaid & data balance in Reliance 4G? Why is the square root of a negative number undefined? Is skills at programming language like c and c++ is sufficient for get an internship in Flipkart? How to increase IQ level? How much data does Rebtel use? How has our understanding of the heritability of autism spectrum disorders changed from the 1950s to the 2010s? What are some legal ways to stop a basketball game? Is there any way to know if someone is a psychopath? Is it possible to have a non-carbon based life form? What are the advantages of the Indian education system? Why do Muslims criticize Israel much more than Saudi Arabia? Have you ever seen a ghost? What incident has traumatized you for good? How can the Kashmir issue be resolved? Was there a Brahmin massacre (5000+ killed) in India after godse killed Gandhi? How earn money online? Which university is better for an electrical engineering graduate, Santa Clara or San Jose State? How can I remove the .LNK virus on a PC? What is the best motivational shayari you have heard? How do I impress a girl? How does it feel to be lonely? Is it true that the government forbids us from collecting rain water for consumption? If so, why? What is the difference between logistics and supply chain management? Do science restrict (blind) thoughts, beliefs, transgressions, [re] actions and activity? What is the best non natural treatment for acne scars and pigment spots? How can I create a new topic on Quora? How come we are able to simulate the sense of touch when we dream? Which are the best courses in commerce stream after 12? How do I start a sugar industry in India? How can I recover my wechat account with same id but different phone number? What are the best activities to do with children when visiting Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, UK? Do women sacrifice for men more than men do? Why are so many Quora questions about factual information that the questioner could easily look up? What is it like to be a true master of your profession? What happens if you brush your teeth for 2 hours? What is the other self person we create inside? Which is the best national football team? Can cosmic mountain bikes take the abuse? What are the best movies of Bollywood? What is difference between classical model and quantum mechanical model? What is the need and use of multiplate wet clutch in two wheeler? What are my rights under the 90 days at work? Is there any harm in licking vagina? And eating vaginal fluid How safe is it to live in Kansas City? How do I cut onions so that they won't make me cry? What are some pros and cons of living in France? What is the process to delete my Moonpig account? I am in a relationship with a guy from past 2 year.Few days back he told me that he is getting married. we both decided to be in touch with each other. I don't understand where this relationship is leading to. Am I wrong? Should I stop talking to him and let him start his new life? Will the USA have a chance of winning if it goes to war against China in the South China Sea? How much it cost to build a website for mobile recharge? What is the best goal you look to achieve? Where can I buy a cheap yoyo online in India? "I'm a 19-year-old guy, my height is 5'6"". I want to built up a lean physique. Should I lift weights, or can I gain some height before I turn 21?" Facebook: I can't view a friend's profile on Facebook. She didn't block me. How can I fix this? Why didn't the USA take more land from Mexico in 1848 as shown in this map? Is time travel to 2010 possible? How can I meet girls online? What are some good open community forums for cisco networking discussions? Is it possible to pursue MTech after joining a PSU? What do neurons do in the brain? How do Use Marham Find a Doctor Application? How do I send messages to someone on Facebook and make them read them without being connected? What are the top fashion brands for everyday clothing and accessories for Men & Women in the US? Which is better, Air Force or Navy medicine? What is the difference between geostrophic wind and gradient wind (non geostrophic wind)? What is the best way to learn how to quickly get traffic to a new website? What we must know about Pokemon Go India? How should I prepare to get selected for Google summer of code.? What radical changes must happen in India for her to become a developed country by 2020? Which intersections in Springfield, IL are particularly dangerous? Why? What could be done to improve them? How do I short a stock, as opposed to buying puts? What Apple product should be considered Sir Jonathan Ive's worst design and why? What individuals and events in history are a source of pride for Malta? Is death by carbon monoxide painful? Why or why not? My boyfriend told me he was not as attracted to me like he has been with past girlfriends. I don't know even what to say to this, or how to feel but hurt. What should I do? What kind of job can you expect once you earn your MSC in supply chain management? Is Sweden really that dangerous for women? Is there a possibility of humans becoming immortal? How many decimal places have we found for Pi in 2015? What are some great startups in Kolkata? How do I know my boyfriend wants to marry me? What is difference between Shia and Sunni? How do you get a girl to like you? Since Modi and Indian government has declared to void 500 and 1000 notes, how would this affect Indian economy and real estate? Which are some of the best books for beginners to understand life better? What are some good excuses to bump in to a guy who is customer care executive? How do I sell my house in Philadelphia? What is the best government jobs? I wanna be an actress. I am 14 and I am full on determined and don't give up until I get it right. I don't want to be in my late 20's or 30's before I actually make it. I really want this. I have very little experience. Where do I start? How do i confirm if my partner is cheating on me? I lost the wall charger of my Moto G 2nd Gen. What are the best ways to charge my phone? What was it like to leave Google for LinkedIn? Who would be a good actor for One Punch Man? Dell Inspiron 3520 Laptop does not start after shut down but restarts normally. How can I fix it? Read Question Details. How do I estimate the VC dimension of a Neural Network? How can recover deleted email from Gmail? What are carbohydrates? Who are the best NFL quarterbacks without a Superbowl victory and why? Who would face more racism in the US - a very dark skinned Indian or a light skinned black person? What is the relationship between math and economics? Is it ok to clear data and caches from most applications? How can I delete shared photos from the Facebook Messenger app? What should I do after B.Tech in mechanical Engineering? How much should I charge for startup or tech consulting? Is there a fee per hour or an estimate for a whole project depending on time? Is it possible to save wifi data (internet) in any form so that I can use it afterwards whenever I need it? Is Aditya Chopra richer than Shah Rukh Khan? Is Counter Strike Global Offensive better than Condition Zero? A ball of 10 kg falls from 3 m height. Assuming its initial velocity as 0, what will be its final velocity at the ground? Does Indian girl masturbate? How do radio stations tune your song? What is critical mass in physics? What should be my strategy for CSE preparation if my first attempt is going to be in 2017? Why a student should do MBA? Who are the competitors of Why do I feel extremely motivated after pulling an all-nighter? Could a special ops team hide from a dinosaur without being noticed? How do you treat inflammation of the mouth with small ulcers? Why Modi is unable to control the corruption in India? What are some interesting startups in India? My eye itches and turns red,what should I do? What are budding organisms? What are some examples of them? Does the silence of another person make you feel alone? Why does faired bike like R15 have better lean angle while cornering than naked bike like Duke 200? How do I sort out emergency spends? Still no money in ATMs, no cash in pockets? How can I make money today? "Can I install Cyanogen 12.1 on my ""Yuphoria on Android"" (the new Yuphoria with Pure Android 5.1.1) without any warranty issues? If yes, how do I go about it? (Please read details before answering)" If a recruitment officer for a company says congrats at the end of reviewing my application over the phone, does that mean I got the job? See descript What is the best Linux distro for hacking? How can an ECE student get placed in core companies? How far 150kw laser weapon can fire? What is Microsoft PowerPoint used for? What are its functions? What is difference between turbines and water wheels? Can we get electrocuted by playing guitar in a valve amplifier? What are Michael Porter's competitive strategies? What does it feel like to have bipolar disorder? What is the best way to do a clean install of Windows 10? What are some of the most effective ways to fight depression? If energy cannot be created or destroyed, what are the energy transformations to existing energy source Coal, Oil? hope energy never destroy. What does SSD and SSD (onSATA) mean? Why are police officers in the Freddie Gray trial being acquitted? North Korea Travel: Malaysian passports get visa-free entry to the DPRK. Can I just book a flight/train ticket and show up in Pyongyang if I have one? What might cause a water leak on the basement floor? How can I remove tea stain from vest? Which is better Computer Science Engineering or Information Science Engineering? How can I start my own company after completing my degree in mechanical engineering? Did Sauron ensnare Men from the island of Numenor itself or from the Numenorean settlements in Middle Earth? Career Advice: I just turned 32 years old. Is it too late for me to make my career in IT? Where can I find investors if I have a good Idea? Which is a good solar panel installation provider in Rimrock, Arizona AZ? What does it mean when someone stares at you? What are examples of good uses of Intercom? What is the best GMAT and CAT coaching centre in Bangalore? What would the world possibly look like today had the South won the Civil War? What is the scope of mechanical engineering worldwide? Is India becoming an intolerant nation? What are some examples of cool sounding names for leopard geckos? I just cleared my CT1 (actuaries) from a UK institute of actuaries. The results came out yesterday. Should I now sit at home and prepare to give more exams in April next year or should I start doing a job side by side? Why is sex seen as 'bad' by some people? Cricket (sport): Whenever India is playing cricket, I support the other team playing. Is it right? Find an equation of the tangent line to the curve at the given point. y = ln (x2 − 9x + 1), (9, 0)? Which supernova explosion is more luminous, type 1 or type 2? Do Bigg Boss contestants get paid per week? Are there any technology barriers for in-orbit servicing satellites or is it just a commercial issue that it's not yet happening? Has a breakup ever caused you despair for months? How do I learn about big data? How can I pass the C2010-565 exam? How do I start using Lucky Patcher? On what basis the merit list is prepared in vit vellore for b.arch? How do I travel in and around Switzerland? What is the average salary of a journalist in India? Why can't Diode Clipping be applied in DC? Do most women prefer to be asked out directly or indirectly? I have successfully been unemployed for a year & 2 months today and I feel absolutely pathetic and worthless. Does turning things around ever happen? Which colleges provide dual degree MS and PhD in petroleum engineering in US and I have about 1 year of mud logging experience? How do B-grade Bollywood movies likes Roar get financed when a three-year old can tell you that it is not going to make any money? What are the free web hosting sites, which will allow me to earn via Google Adsense? Does having gone to a small foreign university for undergrad hurt my chances of landing a good job after graduate studies at a top school? How do I convince my dad for a trip? How does the power of attorney from the U.S. compare to India's? Should online customers be provided with an interface on the bank’s side that prompts the user each time a request is made for a payment recurrence? What is the best advice you've received? What are good options for further studies after chemical engineering? Is it possible to install an Android app in a Windows Phone by hook or crook? I have Manhattan Prep GMAT Guides and GMAT Official Guides. What is the best study Plan? What free SEO research tools are most effective as compared to the old Google Keyword Tool? Life Advice: What are some of the most important things that we should be informed about in life? What would happen if Pakistan attacks India with nuclear weapons? What is the best online learning resource for the GMAT? "What is the first letter of a five letter word meaning ""fake"" or ""not genuine""?" What is there to do for Chinese New Year week in Taipei? What do publishing companies do? Is the new Samsung Galaxy S5 worth buying and why? Can a person fall in love again? "Which book should I read first ""Intelligent Investor"" or ""One up on Wall street""? And why?" How do I get my mobile number by using IMEI number? Why we love hating some people? What is the meaning of the following Urdu poetry? Is this a pointer? Contrary to Newton's 3rd law of motion, why does the truck moves when a large force is applied by pushing it but not by small force? What will be the Hillary Clinton's India policy if she become the president of USA? What is the easiest way to treat a fever? "When and why does a man call the girl ""baby"" that he's been dating? What does it mean?" What exactly happened on 2017 New Year's Eve in Bengaluru? What could be causes of this? Is it possible to use multiple Snapchat accounts in one device or phone number? "Why are there so many ""no picnic"" signs in Venice?" How do I forget someone whom I truly loved? What are the things to be taken to osho's ashram? What is an API? How can Pakistanis help brothers from Palestine against the Israel's aggression? Why working in big 4 is such a big deal? How many Americans live overseas? How do I hack Instagram account? Someone is using my identity and posting inappropriate post? How can I improve my writing skills? Some tips? What are my chances of getting PR invittion through express entry with a score of 340? What algorithm does Airbnb use to order the search results for a query? What should I do in holidays? Is there any chance of getting NIT if I scored 70 marks obc category in JEE mains 2016? Why are there waves in the sea? What is the difference between an IT Engineer and a Computer Science Engineer? I love a guy, but he doesn't love me in return. We have sex but still he says we are friends. Should I leave him which is difficult for me or what should I do? What are some definitive reasons of [not] using a linked-list instead of arrays? What's the best thing to learn in Iit as an MTech student? What is the best area to live in London for a young professional? Office located in central London. Looking for area where I can get a good bargain for rent & commute. What are the isomers of glucose? Which is the costliest mobile phone available in the market? How was the Clash of Clans game created? What all did the developers have to learn? How did you guys make it a success? How can a web developer earn money from the internet? What is the distribution of scores for games on History: Why is Canada not part of the U.S.? Is it safe to browse the dark web? How should I deal with anxiety? How do I market analyzing for my startup in event managment? What are the disadvantages of a unitary form of government? What are some of your favorite misheard song lyrics? With a score of 306 in BITSAT 2016, can I get MSc Maths/Physics in BITS Goa? What are the best things to learn in 10 days? What's the best way to make money using music? How can I become a gigolo in Delhi? What are you planning to do to make the world a better place? How can managers be eliminated in the software industry? How can I learn martial arts by myself? What are some good countries to immigrate to for an Indian IT professional? How can I lose weight safely? What is the best sniper rifle in Fallout 4? Why can't I swipe through a list of photos on Instagram? Why do you like or hate horror, scary, gore movies? When is the optimum time to sell car and buy a new one? Where can I get meticulous exterior painting services in Brisbane? What are some of the side effects (negative or positive) of regularly watching porn? Which health insurance companies cover telemedicine? Can oral sex transmit HIV? If I ahve opted for physical education as my optional subject, should I expect p.e. related ques. in college interviews? Is it safe to take expired Imodium? Why do salt and sugar (not powdered) look similar? Polygamy: What's it like to have two or more wives? What are the biggest problems facing China? What is a five letter word meaning pace? Is it okay to pick up your package from usps before delivery? Is hydrogen bonding ever present between molecules not containing hydrogen? "Is ""How I Met Your Mother"" available with Chinese subtitles?" What do you think of French people? How can I get into Ivy league colleges like Harvard Business School, Stanford etc. for MBA? What is HDMI and for what is it used? Where can I get affordable fire alarm & detection systems in Sydney? Why ISPs provide high speed for YouTube and torrent only, and not other sites? Are there some activities which are ethical in nature but illegal in practice? What will the consequences of smart cities be in India? What are the top 10 cheapest travel destinations in the world? What are the best music videos released post-2009? Can you get a license if you are suspended in another state? When and how should I start preparing for CAT 2016? What is Vassar College known for? How do I make my boyfriend back? Why do you think Quora is amazing? How do you know what time zone you are in if you're at the north or south pole? "How did Jeremy Clarkson of TV's ""Top Gear"" walk through Chernobyl without becoming contaminated?" Why do women wear fur? How do you pass a drug test for opiates? "How does ""taking a break"" help in a long-term distance relationship, when you're already on an unofficial break mode since a month?" Which is the best PR agencies in Delhi, India to work with? How is sociology at Jamia Millia Islamia? How are volume and mass used in chemistry? Does gaming (Dota2) kill a notebook? How feasible is it to have a bachelor's degree from IGNOU? What is the best time to work out? Why? What is the difference between industry, market and industry market? "In Chinese, how do you say ""family""?" How well can iPython notebook replace Powerpoint? What individuals and events in history are a source of pride for China? What is the best programming language to build a GUI and what IDE should be used for that? Why is my Windows OS (Windows 10) using 1.7 GB of RAM? Is money demonetisation correct? What are some places or hotels in pondicherry to stay for a solo women traveller? How should I respond to a guy who I am not interested in being in a relationship with? I got my F1 visa approved in November 2015. My passport has the ECR stamp and expires in 2018. Will this pose a problem while flying to the US? How do I truly find out my IQ? Military Technology: Why is a Bradley Fighting Vehicle not a tank? Do women enjoy sex more than men? Which is the best laptop brand in India? Is an economic system premised on debt (I.e., American Capitalism) intentionally designed so that the government enslaves a majority of its citizens? Could time travel be possible? I just released my mobile game, and on the 2nd day it got 70,563 app store impressions, but only 2 app units. Is this bad? How can the Lewis Structure for NH2NH2 be determined? How can I get rid of getting yellow phlegm every morning? Can eating only one meal a day make you lose weight? How can I hack Facebook accounts in minutes? What are the benefits of double majoring in physics and computer science? What is the fee structure for the FIITJEE pinnacle programme? What is the fundamental reason why the speed of light is constant in all frames of reference? How is Crohn's Disease Diagnosed? How do I use Elasticsearch to search data in Hadoop? How is simple harmonic motion linked to circular motion? What are examples of involuntary muscles and their functions? What is philosophical inquiry? Why I could not wake up early in the morning? What is the best itinerary for 3 days in Florida? Who is gonna win the Euro 2016? Has an NFL player ever played in 2 games in 1 week due to a trade? When is surge pricing on Uber generally in effect in Atlanta and how high does it go? What should I do to get a job in a product based company? How many students are there in BITS Hyderabad from Odisha? What determines the specific heat of a substance? How can I be more spiritual? I deleted my friend on Snapchat after a fight. They appear on my added me list but I cant see their score. Does anyone know what this means? Against computer education be provided to class 1 students in Hindi? What are the ways to tune an engine? How do I make videos side by side in Premiere Pro or After Effects? What are the best books to read in preparation for travel in Southeast Asia? How can I know I am loving a girl? I'm a 17 year old male & I gym a lot, I'm short but averagely built, I would like to know if weightlifting will stunt or slow down my growth (height)? How does a non-EU medical student find a part-time job in Dublin? Is there really a chip embedded in the new Rupees 2000 note? Does HCL Technologies give an NOC to join the Territorial Army? What are the best email service providers (ESPs)? What does it mean when someone calls you bright? What behavior that is considered extremely rude in the US would be considered normal in other countries? How do I replace the old 500 and 1000 rupee black money to new notes which is released by the RBI? How can I prevent my hair loss? Heroes: Who is someone you admire and why? How will FDI affect the retail sector in India ? Tomorrow, I'm going to kill myself. I thank god for giving me this life but I no longer wish to live.? DSLR Cameras: How can I use Canon EOS 20D to make a film Is it possible to join Indian armed forces after completing master’s degree at age of 23? If yes, how? If someone decided to live completely off-the-grid in the extreme harsh conditions of Antarctica with no bills or property taxes, would it be legal? What are the health effects of masturbation? Will an animated Batman movie be made with all the Robins? What are the best laptops for MS students in computer science? What is I'm an alcoholic, I've been sober for three years now, my wife noticed I fight/argue with a lot of people. Is this normal? What is Laurie Halse Anderson's writing style? Where can I buy best quality & affordable floor mats in Sydney? What is the specific use of countershaft? What are the achivements of mars orbiter mission? What is the literacy rate of india? What is the best way to lose weight at home/office? How many calories do I need to burn in order to lose weight? When I query a MySQL table, would it make a difference in speed if the data was normalised? Is parking a big problem in metropolitan cities? What are the qualities a professional Electrical engineer should have? Which are some of the most beautifully picturized songs in movies? My girlfriend cheated with my best friend. She says that she still loves me. Do I take her back and lose my best friend from childhood, or do I kick her to the curb? What are your favorite movies and why? Does leapdroid provide root access? How can I increase my height? Which type of songs accelerates mind power? Can you find true love today? Which Bollywood actor have you met accidentally? How can guys last longer during sex? [math]i= √(-1)= -1^(1/2)=-1^(4/8)=(-1^4)^(2/4)=1^(2/4)=1[/math]What rules have I violated? Where am I wrong? How do you know when hard boiled eggs are done? How do I get a 6 pack as a 13 year old boy? What are the pros and cons of using a graph database? How does MIT compare to Caltech for an undergraduate studying economics? What skills are best for QA i.e. manual testing or automation testing? What are the best destinations to stay in the holiday homes? Which is better 2.0 ghz octa core or 2.5 ghz quad core? Could time travel be a real thing? Could it be scientifically explained? What is the solution of Kashmir conflict? Does Mindfulness meditation really work for anxious persons? Why the most of the times Sky is Blue in colour? I am going to start a Chain of Cafés in India.. What name would You suggest? What clothes can you buy that repel mosquitos? How can a worrisome nature be put to good use? What is a good product to buy and sell? "Is the ""politeness"" in Japan actually fake? Is it just a show off?" What is the capital of Antarctica? Current Review On Impact Of Foreign Institutional Investment On Stock Market: Indian Evidence? How would Brexit affect India? "How is ""happy birthday"" written in Russian?" We all know Hitler hated Jews, but why did Hitler hate them? Why can’t a country print money and become the richest? Which is the best performing aircraft built by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited? Where can I get very friendly assistance for buying, selling or remortgaging a property in Sydney? How do I lose 45 pounds the easiest way if I have cravings? Why would Trump make a good president? What are some tips to catch an Ekans in Pokémon GO? What is Azad Kashmir in Pakistan? What are the best programming languages to learn today from my pc and get a job? How are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells alike and different? If you could travel back in time, what time and place would you pick and why? What is the difference between a provost and a dean of faculty? Where will I get PDF books? Which one is better if I want to go to NASA: mechanical or aerospace? Do proteins contain peptide bonds? What were the impacts of World War 1 on eastern civilization? What is the IQ score of the one who invented the IQ test? How can I give up my smartphone? Is any hack done in Watch Dogs possible in real life? What are the best nursing homes in Chicago? What are some interesting mathematical stories? What is your review of Befikre (2016 movie)? What factors affect the Break mean effective pressure of a diesel engine? What are some tips for cooking a pork loin in the oven? How much water should I drink in a day? How can I learn English? Why are colligative properties important? Why is the Quora community so anti-Donald Trump? Which is the best Ielts or toefl? If there is no way to rehabilitate psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists, aren't we all in terrible danger? How do I develop a passion for science? Are there any Malayali Quorans in Kuala Lumpur? What is stopping Indonesia and Malaysia from annexing Singapore? What are some of the funniest photos you've taken on your phone? What team pioneered the current style of NHL hockey? Does meth show on urine test the same day you use? What is the best time to study, day or night ? How can a C programmer go about learning Java and OOP? What is the reason behind our birthdays being soo hyped? How should shower gel be used? What are other games like Skyrim and Fallout 3? Why does a guy not reply to my text? What are some tips for applying to veterinary school? What are best techniques to learn trading for an amateur? What is an evolute? "Various chat and dating apps have this ""shake to chat"" feature where you are connected to another stranger who also shook their phone. Anyone know who invented this feature first, and the engagement from it?" Is valentine's day in winter? How do I ask a question on Quora? How I can speak English fluently? Can I replace JIRA with Asana? What is free air delivery in an air compressor? What are some interesting facts about airplanes? What would happen if Modi died now? Is a 10/20 Rs or any amount less than 100 Rs stamp valid for an employment agreement? Why do I hate losing so much? What's classy if you’re rich, but trashy if you're poor? What hotel in Shimla Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? Which are the best SEO strategies? If I can watch only one of the Bollywood movies Dangal and Baahubali 2, which one should I watch? "How can I see my ""like"" history?" Who is the chief minister candidate for AAP for Punjab 2017 elections? What would happen if every one on Earth would jump at a same time? Do hotel cleaning people sometimes steal items from the rooms of their guests? What happens when iron oxide reacts with hydrochloric acid? How do I prepare for Indian bank PO exam? Why is it that some people still believe the earth is flat? Does my lenovo k3 note mobile run smoothly if I use a 32 gb memory card? Who do you predict to be the winner between Alabama and Florida? What are the most interesting animals? Which is better? StG-44 gun or Thompson gun? I want to create a daily word calendar to sell. What are the necessary steps I have to take? What is best job in the world? How can I remove Bad-Links from my website? Is a graphics card necessary in a laptop for a computer engineering student? What is the point of life if we just stop existing? What is the point of existence itself? Which is the best Canada immigration consultant in coimbatore? How do I program with Unity 3D? Why do some areas/countries appear larger on world maps than others despite in reality being smaller? Why should I vote for the AAP and Arvind Kejriwal for PM in 2019 elections? How do I add a question on Quora? Is it too late for a 70-year-old to learn Spanish? What is the most overpowered video game weapon? How can I recover a username or password for BrainPOP? What if you have a crush on your final year senior girl in your college? How do you approach her? What caused Kansas City's walkway to collapse in 1981? How do I love a depressed person? What is the most advanced web browser? When applying for product management jobs, is it a bad idea to list unfinished software projects on your resume? I got rank 163 in DU JAT 2016. What are my chances of getting into SSCBS? What is the Arizona bark scorpion, and how do animal species in the Sonoran Desert compare to species in the Great Victoria Desert? How do I survive the thought that my girlfriend still has feelings for her ex? What are some lessons Ae Dil Hai Mushkil teaches us? "What does it means ""Your answer has been collapsed"" in Quora?" Who is the most adorable actress in Bollywood? Does Islam revere Jesus Christ as a prophet? Is it really necessary to get married? "Why is there a special term for women who are gay (e.g. ""lesbian""), whereas gay men are simply ""gay""?" How do I recover contacts from nokia dead minimal phone memory? What are some data analytics courses? What are some other effective ways of harnessing solar energy other than photovoltaic cells? Why do we see a Indian people wearing clothes styled with the US flag and US Army brands but not one with the Indian Flag or Indian Army crest? What is the best website with an extension to save bookmarks? Which historical mysteries would you most like to solve? What do you think is the most important thing to do in your life? Can dogs eat steak bones? Can we use induction pressure cooker on a gas stove? Can someone who has gotten married through the Catholic church get married again through another Christian religion like the Methodist? What are the best YouTube channels for news? Will anyone give me stylish name suggestions for myself? Which is better, dc pandey or hc verma for aipmt? What are must read Indian novels? How do animals live in the water? How long can I keep homemade pea soup - jarred in the fridge? Is there any chance for a women to get pregnant at the age of 46? Can the Kashmir dispute ever be resolved? How? Why can't I zoom in profile pictures on Quora? How could Wolverine survive Jean Grey's powers in X-Men Last Stand but En Sabah Nur couldn't in X-Men Apocalypse? Is there any easy way to make money online? What is a solution to build online game? How can I lose weight quickly for my theatre role? How can I get my rank under 1000 in GATE? How is allen for droppers? How can I convert a status into note without losing likes & comments in Facebook? What does it take to become an iOS developer? How do you identify transitive and intransitive verbs? "How is ""this"" implemented in JavaScript?" What is the secret/reason behind the particular word arrangement/pattern of the Hare Krishna Maha mantra? Are there any natural ways to make mens lips thinner? Is it compulsary to give MICAT 1 and then only you will be able to appear for micat 2? Does jio sim supports in coolpad note 3 lite? What is social anxiety? How did the Industrial revolution influence China? (Qing Dynasty)? How much gas does it take to start a car engine? "What is the meaning of ""what nourishes me destroys me""?" Do guys and girls feel crushes the same way? Are Narendra Modi's trips of any help to India? What programming languages are best to learn at a young age? How do you get high from smoking weed? What new item would you like dota 2 to introduce? Why does anyone ever get married? What are some side effects of All Day Energy Greens? Which is best, Manipal, SRM or VIT? What is z to the power z to the power z to the power z (and so on) where z is a complex number? What games are similar to Candy Crush Saga? Seats in OTA for female candidates? Why are requirements in matrimonial sites very weird? My Macbook Pro has 16gb of RAM yet is still super slow. What can I do to optimize it? Google Summer of Code (GSoC): Suggest organizations related to machine learning, AI, CV, NLP? Could you tell the name of the song that plays at the starting of the video? What are the free hack for Top Eleven game? What is the relationship between the terms Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Soft Computing, Natural Language Processing and Neural Networks? How much are these similar or different? What's the best way to cook a lobster tail from frozen? What is your review of What does 14kt GE mean on a ring? How do I protect an idea? Will time travel be possible in the next 10 years? What is be the best Linux distro to replace Windows on a laptop? How good is karpagam college of engineering? Is it too strict? How do I know if I have a stomach infection? I am not JEE Mains qualified. My JEE general rank is 187736. I want study a BTech in CSE. Can I get into JIIT, Noida? Which country has had the most wars? When would the diploma in Animation course class would start in India (BLR/HYD)? If wanted to kill the party, what else could they do besides cancel my membership? I earned that so many times there, right? What are some good anime shows to watch if you like Cowboy Bebop and FLCL? Should Sizodon be given during manic episodes? What are the most widely recognized product development certifications? How can I know if someone is blocked from my phone texted me? What are the things you would need in a relationship? How many US citizens don't vote? What are the reasons cheetahs are so fast? What are the various jobs or higher studies a mechanical engineer can opt for? What is an anti-lock braking system? How long does it take before I have my energy back after coming off meth? If I forgot my Facebook password, how do I reset it? Are there any economic benefits for India from purchases from Flipkart or Snapdeal rather than Amazon? What is the difference between net revenue and gross profit? Is it cheaper to build your own computer? How do I retrieve deleted Snapchat messages? What are the diameters of pizza Hut medium large and regular size pizza? What can I do for focus on study by ignore distractions? Is it possible to clear SSC CGL 2016 tier 2 in one month? My tier 1 score is 130. Who would be champions of Euro 2016? Can I do dancing, running, Swimming and weight lifting after limb lengthening surgery for increasing height? Which are the best Indian ethnic wear stores online for US consumers? How can I learn & speak & write English? How do I talk to people? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at AT&T? Do NFL team members regard the Super Bowl as a good measure of which team is best in a given year? "Which animals can ""talk"" to each other?" "What is the correct pronunciation of ""schwarz""?" How can I learn Advaita Vedanta? Is the curvature of the moon visible on the ground? What is the most confident MBTI personality type test? What is the best badminton tutorial for a beginner on YouTube? Can a shy guy get a girlfriend? What is Best import business in india? What is the best hotel to work for in Nashville? Is Flipkart dying? How long should fresh pesto stay good for in the fridge? I'm planing to use an Uber code for a 10 dollar ride and I have the code that takes 30 do they remove the 10 from the 30 and let me get 20 off the next ride? How do you become a concert pianist? Can I enter Sri Lanka twice with the Sri Lankan ETA transit visa? What is the best way to start business? Drive (2011 movie): Why is Driver so good at fixing cars? Is Marathi spoken in Mumbai? Why does extracted chlorophyll fluoresce? Where can I find a list of WWE theme songs? What are the top books that will make you smarter? Wow! 9643672114 @ Call Girls In Near New Delhi Railway Station, Escort Girls In Paharganj? Why are there no ISIS attacks on Israel? What are the losses that are faced by Indian government by demonetizing Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes? Are there any more games like Lumosity? Why is Islam the best religion? What if Earth was tilted on a 45 degree axis? Is it wise to put $5 Million in the bank and live off the interest? For Online Medicine Purchase Which is the best India's leading pharmacy? Can I score 9 CGPA overall in class 10 if I scored 7 CGPA in SA1? Which is the most dangerous amphibian to humans? What are the best scientific studies on money as it relates to happiness? Are gay people bothered by the fact that they won't leave a biological descendant? If a co-founder is leaving on good terms, what is the best way to handle the un-vested shares? "What does the Sanskrit Phrase ""कर्मण्ये वाधिकारस्ते"" mean?" Why do some questions on Quora never get answers? What is the sum of all prime numbers between 50 and 90? What is the meaning of Urdu word 'Ehteraam'? Which is better for job and financial reasons, mechanical or electrical engineering? What are some of your tactics when training your puppy with a crate for the first time? Who do you think is the most irritating character in Game of Thrones? How does one draw a circle with radius r using MATLAB? What are some good music bands that are similar to Linkin Park? I have thick hair which is probably damaged by my constant home-dyeing. Any tips to revitalize and make my hair softer/healthier? Why Tata replaces Cyrus Mistry as chairman with Ratan Tata? What are your perceptions, understanding, views, and opinions, about Islam? Which is the Best android app for video chat? What is it like to work with Elon Musk? How can one make 10,000 out of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, in order? What is the Roadrunner tech [1-877-(778) ~8969] Support number? "What does ""Quora"" mean?" What is the main function of fail-safe in Java? How should I get the call history of outgoing calls from Reliance Jio prepaid sim number? How does one create Twitter cards in an iOS app? Is there a limit to how many Instagram accounts you can create? What was Kurt Cobain like? If scientists and philosophers don't even agree on what exactly intelligence is, what is all this talk of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the U.K. staying in the E.U? How many children has batman fathered in the comics? (All versions) Why are Apple products more expensive than other similar products? I'm a Muslim immigrating to Santa Monica and I would be going to high school there, will I get bullied there? Why is the AAP popular in Punjab? Is cricket a detriment to other sports in India? What does a logistics manager do? How will banning of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes affect the Indian stock market? What are the characteristics of skeletal muscle? Dogs (pets): How many times a day do puppies poop? What concepts or words of the Cantonese language would be good to incorporate into the English language as English seems to be becoming the world's lingua franca? What are natural resources? How can they be conserved? What are the best piloting institutes outside India with scholarships? What are your favorite photos? What would you do if you had a chance to start your life all over again? How can I improve my spoken English? Is sneezing a sign of pregnancy? Is it more common for Caltech alumni to regret not taking more classes, or to regret taking too many classes? Can I take admission to IGNOU in November? What is the expected date Afcat 2016 results to be declared? If someone blocked me on Instagram can I still see if they are following my friends? What's is benefit of doing MBA after doing CA? Among the commonly available deodorants, which is the best within a price range of Rs 200? How do I get rid of a phobia? Can I buy a computer on Groupon U.S from Canada? "What is the definition of ""bueno"" in English?" Will I go to hell because of this? What does the current Pakistani youth think about the partition of British India in 1947? Given what's happening in the world today, do you think we may be heading for a world war? Which is better, a part-time MBA or a distance MBA? What are the best job fairs near Bronx? When and where are they held? What were your experiences at them? Does rebirth really happen? Did NASA fake the moon landing? If so, how can you tell using the images? If you are a master marksman with a pistol, would you be just as accurate with a nail gun? Is the vasectomy procedure painful? Why can't I see someone's activity that I am following on Instagram? Does anyone have an interesting idea for me to implement as a computer engineering senior project? Which U.S. celebrities are from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil? How much does it cost to make a single one punch man episode? "To what extent is ""junk food"", junk?" How do the thoughts of highly gifted people differ from those who are not? What is the best way I can make money online? How do I decide on a novel plot/idea? How can I play Pokémon go without moving from your place? How thick is the femoral artery? How do I stop feeling worthless after having sex with people that didn't love me? Who is the best packers and movers in Gurgaon? Is Earth a planet? How do we evaluate [math] \int_{0}^{2} \frac{\ln(1+2x)}{1+x^2} \mathrm{d}x [/math]? How can I overcome this? Is it safe for a solo 18-year-old female traveller to stay in a dormitory in hostels? How do you see a saved Wi-Fi password on Android without root privileges? What is Vlingo voice command? How long should I wait after a Google phone interview with a manager? Should I send a follow-up email to the recruiter after the phone interview? Is Denzel Washington the best action hero that you can find? Getting admission to Medicine course in Germany difficult? What should I buy as a birthday gift for my crush? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Encore Capital Group? Did You Know?: What is your review of Did You Know?? Why does Messi hate Pepe? How do I prepare myself for the GATE, being in the electrical branch? A girl I flirt with (and she flirts back) texts me every day. She has a boyfriend. How do I let her text less without being rude? Why is not anybody answering my quora questions? What is the job profile of an ECGC scale-1 officer? How do I make up for lost time? What would be the birthdate for test tube baby? What makes petrol so costly in india? What are the various taxes that have been charged in it? I had sex the day my period was due and then it never came. You can't get pregnant on your period right? How bricks are calculated? "What is the Latin translation of ""water""?" Which is best sound system for car? What are the cons of the TPP? What is the difference between a savings, current, money market and checking account? Is Kota a good place for JEE preparation? What are the things that I must be aware of if I am going to Germany for the first time? Should I join the Tolani Maritime Institute? What's the best way to ask your girlfriend for a kiss? What is it like to study for an MBA at the London Business School? Do want genuine online home based work? How much money can I withdraw from savings bank account in a day? What is a good salary for a family of 3 in paris? What is the best way to earn money online? How long does it take the average person to run a 10k? How did meeting with Jeb Bush influence Romney's decision of not running for president in 2016, if at all? What does he think of Jeb Bush? How do I get a pilot's license? What are some healthy snacks I can keep in my desk at work? How can I be more focused while reading a book? How do I develop a business plan for a real estate services company? Which is best? NICMAR, RICS or in anyother colleges like BMSCE,Bangalore for ACM Which is the best book to learn data structures and algorithms in Java? What do you think about the scope of automobile engineering & its placements? Why do most people like Yo Yo Honey Singh? What is the best way to prepare for a computer science interview? How can learn English? Graduate course in medicine at cambridge equivalent in india? Will the BJP win the Indian elections in 2019? Why does benzene not dissolve in water? Do relationships work between INTJs and INTPs? What does it feel like to get a bullet shot in your stomach? I Scored 56 marks in JEE mains 2016 and I m General category student so can I get CSE in Nirma University through NRI quota? What is the cause of mutations in DNA? How do I add value to my life? What should one use in a cone crusher to adjust size of crushed material? What happens with the furniture used to stage the homes in the show Fixer Upper? How do you find your product key for Microsoft Office 2011? Which course is better in the Sastra University? What are the things that people don't know about MacBook? What is the best part about hostel life? Can a person live without love? Where can I get cheap ps4 in India? What does 'intellectual' mean? Should basic life skills be taught at school? What type of gum does Pete Carroll chew? If the Germans had fought only the Russians in WWII, and no other countries intervened, who would have won? Do red beans and white beans differ in taste? How was Pompeii destroyed? How do I stop a Pointer/Boxer mix puppy from chewing my shoes? Which weighs more, a normal egg or boiled egg? What where the Bene Gesserit afraid to look at in the Dune novels? What does a smart card contain? Could I take the shell off a snail and put it on a slug? Can you eat marshmallows to help with a sore throat? If Pluto is not a planet, what is it? Does amazon drug test all jobs? What is the truth behind ZCC? What is the purpose of F.A.S.T in China? What is the N factor of sodium hydroxide? How does banning 500 and 1000 INR notes help Indian economy? Why most of the kashmiri people do not feel proud to be Indians? How do you properly prepare corned beef so that it comes out red and juicy inside? How much does an Apple iPhone 6 cost? What do dreams about being killed mean? Is it true that strong painkillers also work for emotional pain? What are the different forms of mechanical energy? What will happen if filled wrong bubble but write right digit in OMR sheet in railway exam? Do Chinese newborn babies look different at birth? What do you love about your parents? "Is there a list of names for ""alex"" in all sorts of different languages?" What is the purpose of life? How do I know if I have a good or bad self esteem? Can I notice if another person have a good or bad self esteem? "How do I ""delay send"" a Gmail to pick a specific time for that email to go out?" What makes a good yoga class? What is XAT Score cutoff for IMT Ghaziabad? Are the Minions the best ones in the Despicable Me franchise? "Why are the Apple stores removing ""store"" from their name?" My Windows Movie Maker screen appears blank. How can I make or edit a video if it's not visible? What will happen if Aluminium dust is boiled with sodium hydroxide? Why can't I trigger this SCR? Is legit or a scam? How is the life of software engineers in general in India and how can it be made better? Could the European Union rule the world? How do you change your Boost mobile number? Do the members of the blue man group get a lot of tail? How is? What are the most popular messaging apps in Japan? Whom should I love when there is more than one person at a time? Can long hair be used advantageously in a fight? What was the hardest question you have ever answered? What are some good cameras for shooting vacation videos? Are light-skinned black people descendants of Caucasians? If you had a 50 pound pumpkin that had to go 1000 feet what catapult would you use? Where do the GATE CSE toppers get placed after their MTech? What are the earliest memories or moments from your childhood that you recall & what was your age then? Is Black History month celebrated in other countries outside of the US? Does America have a Pirate Party? What is the best way to learn a language by yourself? Is Barack Obama the last US President ever? How can I save bookmarks from chrome? Is it dangerous to do unguided meditation.? How does student happiness at Columbia change between freshman/sophomore/junior/senior years? How can I approach some sponsors for my intercollege debate competition? Finance: Which is the best way to learn about stocks? Is it possible to discover a new univ erse by launching a satellite into a blackhole? What are some tips and tricks to play Battle Dragons? Is time travel possible with inventions that are made till date? What are your sex secrets that you haven't told anybody yet, but would tell on Quora anonymously? Why do mermaids get electrocuted underwater? How do I mail a letter? As finasteride affects only 1% of total user population, is there any way to test if finasteride will make any harm to me or not? What simple things still baffle scientists? How can I improve memory ability efficiently? Is the penis size of 4.5 is good? Who is the best doctor in India for migraines? What are some thoughts about forex trading? Is it really a profitable industry? How do thunderstorms occur? Which is the oldest known mythology tale, that actually happened? What's the easiest and most effective way to improve my English? What if I fail to learn anything in TCS ILP? Will I be able to learn anything after project allotment? Which restaurants serve the best escargot in Palo Alto/Menlo Park area? Should I marry a person with same interests as mine or a person with different interests? Which is the best smartphone for 20k? How do I become a president of Russia? How hard is it to create a website like Zillow or Trulia? What are good ways to create a gnome/GTK theme? How do I know if I have been blocked by someone in Facebook but could still see there profile picture? Where can I buy world coins cheap? How do I understand the kinetics of batch reactor? I have no idea about differentiation and integration What are some examples of financial technology? Assassinations: How would you plan the perfect murder? How can I develop iOS applications for enterprises but still have my name as the developer as soon as I don't use my own Apple Developer account? What could be some events/books/processes/occasions & general knowledge etc. whose watching or observation can bring about faith on God? How can I improve IQ? Why do most guitars have six strings? Why is Romeo and Juliet considered timeless? I am 36, want to invest 26000 per month in mutual funds through SIP for a period of 20 years, what should be my portfolio? What is the most used sound effect on vines? Is it possible to pet a bear? Which language is difficult to learn Serbian or Russian? What are some fun things a 14 year old can do at a sleepover? Which internet directories are important for SEOs in UK? Why don't humans eyes see in the dark? How can you tell if others find you attractive? Which is a better newspaper to read: Economic Times or Mint? How does pay to click work? Is driving for Uber a good way to supplement my income in Melbourne, FL? Why? How do I prepare for the TOEFL in 6 months and get 100+? What are some tips & tricks I should know before going to an Interview? How is chemical engineering in PEC? What are some common examples of a hanging indented letter? How can I install Cloudera CDH for Ubuntu 14.04? Is an FSSAI license required for opening a food truck? What is it like to be a hydraulic engineer? Is light affected by gravitational force? What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in China? What server spec do you need to run a Magento Ecommerce store? How do you ask questions on Quora? Why does one day feel like yesterday? Can fossil records be used as evidence for evolution? If so, how? My father is a government doctor (Gazetted Officer). Does he need to get a non-ECR category passport for travelling to the UAE? What is the real aim of human life? Which car services are available in Atlanta? How good are they compared to taxis and relative to each other? World War II: Was Kiel located in East or West Germany after the war? What can I do to improve my photographic memory? How many people did Denzel Washington's character kill in The Equalizer? Who wrote the Gita? What is taught in Calculus 2? Can you use Top loading washing powder for Front loading machines? What piece of evidence do you think was the most convincing as proof of a reasonable doubt? How can I do business? Moto G3 : Suddenly my phone can't read SD card anymore. Why? What is the JEE Advanced 2015 expected rank for 230 marks? What is the difference between NAT and Proxy? what are the places we use these and why? How can I prepare for GSoC 2017? I have beginner level knowledge of Ruby on Rails. What is the most embarrassing moment in front of your parents? If given a choice between the two colors red or blue, which one would you choose? Why? What will happen in Season 7 of Game of Thrones? What are some funny fortune teller fortunes? What are the best travel hacks? Is it good to do marine engineering after mechanical engineering? Is processing debit cards cheaper than credit cards? (Online) How do you take a screenshot on a Samsung laptop? What was Scotland like in the 1800s? Which degrees prove rewarding monetarily in the UK? Which companies/professional-sources creating these WhatsApp messages? How do I lose weight by walking? I'm 17, and I love painting and drawing and I was wondering if you know some scholarship or some internships or anything related to that? What is the craziest thing you did while having sex? What is happening in the brain when we listen to music? What is the most expensive or historically significant item ever to be destroyed? Why are visors on football helmets necessary? Is there anyone in their 20s who has never experienced Déjà vu? How's your life been till now emotionally and financially? Is there a difference between a suppressor and a silencer? What's the average size of an adult human penis? Does the average vary among people from different continents or ethnic groups? How can I concentrate more on my studies as tomorrow I have my exam? What has been your most embarrassing moment from childhood? What is the best way to meditate to improve conentration? Who is the supermind astrologer in india? Is watermelon good for you? Why do I love and hate to write? Why was Chopin a great composer? How long does it take for a bank wire transfer from western Africa to the USA? Which is your favorite element and why? What is the best 50 caliber machine gun? How do find the owner of a lost PAN card? What factors can affect the force of gravity? Is it legal to own a pet otter? How do I make a resume? There is news that Twitter may have approached Google Sundar Pichai to be their new CEO. Does anyone know about this? What do people think of China? When will Quora bring material design to their Android app? What are some lesser known facts about Ranveer Singh? What are the most popular websites in Russia for booking rental vacation stays? How thick would a solid steel sphere have to be to contain the explosion of a golf ball sized explosive (say C4) at its core when detonated? When I am doing crunches my lower back hurts. What's the best alternative to tone up my abs? Why do people think that Superman is dumber than Batman? Is pornography for losers? What makes a colour appear the way it does? Is it illegal to tell the police you have a gun when you don't? Where can I get study material for people online? How do I get writing internships in travel magazines like Lonely Planet? How do you deal with frustration in trading? What are the best computer hacks? After engineering which course is best to study to get a good job? What is a search that can guarantee you can get a url on the page if you subscribe to Google alerts? What is the male equivalent of the word lesbian? What is happening in Syria? When was earliest hindu muslim communal riots in indian history? How do I know that protein powder is good or bad? I forgot my Microsoft email id. How to get it back? How do I book bulk tickets on IRCTC? Why are Dementors important to the Harry Potter storyline? "What are some movies similar to ""The Village""?" Has IIIT Hyderabad CSE grown beyond IIT Madras and IIT Kharagpur? What single (non-chain) restaurants have highest food delivery volumes in Australia? How is the law of the conservation of matter compared to the law of conservation of mass-energy? What is the meaning of “Teinse”? Should it be illegal for women to wear revealing outfits which objectify women? Why doesn't my mom believe me that I don't have facebook? Funnily enough, I receive messages from Facebook that I never logged in nor made an account. Why can I only get pregnant on my fertile days? "What is the Latin word for ""here""?" How does a RJ45 to RJ11 convert work? Who pays for NATO? My boyfriend always texts to ask if he can call me after a conflict. How can I get him to just call me without replying to his text? What is the Best way to start preparing for ias? How can I start learning about manual testing in a practical manner? Why are metal gaps seen between the railway tracks? What is the best book on lord Shiva's power? What's the secret to successfully determining the marketing mix of a business? I am a Malaysian and I can visit London for 6 months without a visa. With 2 years experience in banking, will I be able to find a job in 6 months? Is it possible to induce puberty via hormones in a 4 year old child and produce mature and viable eggs? Among large US Newspapers, which are considered conservative and which are considered liberal? How did the agricultural revolution affect the world? How can I make a question in Quora? Is my phone bugged? What are the salaries of cricketers who play in the Ranji trophy championship? What is law school? Can cream of tartar mixed with water help you pass a urine test for meth or any other drugs? Should I learn Java first or C#? How much does it cost to register a trademark in the U.S.? What are the study options in the USA after completing an MBA in marketing in India? What are the top bounties in One Piece? How do you find a nanny cam? Is Instagram the first photo-sharing app that offer stylized image filters? How do I motivate someone to learn android development? Why is pewter so expensive, and how does its properties compare to those of cobalt? I think I have a thin and small penis. My erect length is 5.5 inches. But girth is only 4 inches and even less near the head? How I remove friend request button from Facebook? Do you care about your girlfriends' virginity? What is the difference between the team leader and the CTO? What is the reason behind surgical strike? What is the difference between Apache Hive and Apache Spark? What are the pros and cons for giving JEE Mains online and offline? Why shouldn't I become a pilot? How can I try harder? Which is the best PSU out of ONGC, GAIL, IOCL, and BPCL? If the current FIFA Ballon d'Or rules applied since its inception, who do you think should have been the winners in each year? Should Snapchat change its name to Snap? How are revolutions started? In what other pan could these cream buns be baked? How do I limit the download speed per tab on Firefox? Is there an add-on to do that? "Which ""Games of Thrones"" character would you be?" What are some lesser known facts about Kuwait? What font is used on this picture for Vim? What is difference between American English and British English? How can I write an essay efficiently? Do you believe in alternate history? Why or why not? What are the documents required for a uneducated person if he doesn't have birth certificate? How much tax do we pay in India? Who is the first person from India to become a great scientist? How can limiting beliefs be overcome? What can we do to improve the Indian education system? If I were to create a non profit fan series only using characters and locations from the original series, could the company/creators take it down? How do I write a C program to calculate the sum of two numbers? Have you ever met an adult human of normal intelligence who has no idea how to operate a common appliance such as a microwave oven? What are the core values of Whole Foods? Is time travel possible? If yes, what is the idea behind that? How should I handle employees who call in sick often? How much does it cost to get 100,000 impressions with Facebook ads? How intelligent are spotted hyenas? I scored 53 out of 60 on Raven's progressive matrices. Can you help me calulate my IQ? Which is the best engineering entrance exam coaching centre in allahabad? Which city would you live in, Mumbai or Chennai? Why? What are the best alternatives to What's a topic based on recent happenings related to finance on which I can work and make a different project? Is there any Shutter companies available in Sydney, who provides quality fire rated shutters? Why did India allow Tamilians to be ignorant of Hindi? What are some amazing WhatsApp (Plus) hacks? What is a good site for finding a re-seller of womens vintage clothing and newspapers covering San francisco events of the 1970s- 1990? What is the best strategy to attack base in Clash of Clans? Which coaching best IAS in delhi? Why don't Syrian refugees want to claim asylum in Russia? What are the best Digital marketing companies in Kochi? What universities does Altisource Portfolio recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Can I crack ‘German Language C1 exam’ by using Duolingo App only? I am 33 years old and I want to get 1 crore 50 thousand after 15 years with mutual funds invested without tax. I can invest in the SIP for 15000 per month. What are some good mutual funds? How can I convert CR2 files to Jpeg files for free? Why is masturbating a taboo in India? How does the New York Times keep track of how many articles a non-subscriber reads per month? How do I study for civil service examination? I am currently using WhatsApp on two devices with the same number Will the messages be received in both devices at the same time? What are some very impressive words that I can add to my vocabulary and make it stupendous? What do I need to take college majors in to become a web developer? Which NFL team will most likely win the Super Bowl next year? Pre-installed full Microsoft Office not yet activated? Why not decrease the market price of Mac Pro Late 2013 edition? What is Element X? What does it feel like for a woman to have an orgasm? How accurate are the Lord of the Rings movies to the books? How is it to live in China? Is there a freedom of speech? How do you find the molar mass of MgSo4 7H2O? Why was Nelson Mandela awarded the Bharat Ratna? Can you make money selling Amway? What are magnetic fields and magnetic flux? Why did Mortal Kombat decline in sales and quality after MK3? Why does the Windows XP get stuck on the loading screen? How can I fix this? How do I stop worrying about going blind? Is sweet corn good for you? Do people not like it if I cross-post posts on seqanswers and Can we know the last book uploaded to Google Books? How can I stop nail biting habit? How did Google get to be the best search engine? What is a calibre? Why does god not make his existence evident to all of mankind, but in fact forces us to rely on blind faith to believe in his existence? How do I get filtered drinking water in the office? Why don't we receive Satellite tv signal while it is raining? Which are the new skills and talent I need to succeed in the digital space? How do I learn the art of conversation? How are philosophy and science interrelated? How can I increase my self-esteem? Where can I buy granite jaw crusher price in India? What is the hiring process in amex? Are Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and The Godfather similar? How do I renovate a house with less money? Is there any possibility of having a bank open on August 25, 2016? What are the consequences new businessmen need to face when he import good from China or from Alibaba? Is their any chances of getting damage goods? What does it mean when a girl who is a complete stranger sends you a Facebook friend request? What is the best way to port apps from Android to iOS? How do you make a marriage happy? How can I increase my concentration on studies? Are the referees in WWE wrestling real or paid actors? How is the status of Indian economy raised by banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes? Is there life after death? What methods can be used to lose weight? How can I improve focus on my studies? Why won't my iPhone photos load? Where can I get study material for xat online? I often want to have sex with my ex but he's in Austin, TX and I'm in Seattle, what should I do? We still love each other. If a moon landing expedition was launched today, how would it differ from the Apollo program, technically speaking? How do I become fat or gain weight with a healthy diet? Has anyone recommended the book Learn Python the Hard Way? Can a graduate give CA IPCC exam without practical training of 9 months through Direct Entry? How do I get a childlike imagination back? "How do I use as long as in a sentence? ""I would have been okay with everything as long as had a good friendship."" is it correct?" What are the pros and cons of Agile methodology? What countries hate each other? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Omega Healthcare Investors? How do you set up a homepage on Google Chrome? Why does racism exist in our society? Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize, but not Gandhi. Does this affect the credibility of the prize in any way? What is the word for a society where women and men hold equal power? What is the best place to get royalty-free BGM for free to be used in YouTube videos? How likely is a false negative pregnancy test three days before a due period? Why do people want to be billionaires? What are the best small classes for freshmen at the University of West Florida? What does a guy feel about the girl when she asks him to sleep with her? What is the business model of India Post Payment Bank? As it can not give loans, then how will it make profits? How many spatially distinct patterns can be formed? What are the must-see places in Berlin? Is it possible to pick up narcissistic personality disorder from a relationship with a narcissist? What are the best websites for learning C? How do I add photos to my question on Quora? How did Harsha Bhogle start commentary? How can I stop myself from emotionally abusing my boyfriend? Is C# in a Nutshell a good book for beginners? Does reading on kindle with lights off or in dim light affect the eyes? How can I improve my oral English? How do black fin sharks survive in fresh water? How many sixth seeds have won the Super Bowl? Which teams in which years? Jim corbett trip plan from Roorkee? How can I use my android phone to find direction on compass if it doesnt have magnetometer sensor? Which college can I get with 13000 rank in JEE Advanced? Any book recommendations for a economics major preparing for a corporate finance interview? What are some free SMS gateway providers in India? What can I do if I can't think of a startup name? What is the Tax number for State Bank of India? I asked to my branch but they are not responsing. I want to know it for my foreign exchange. How do I enter my own Instagram account after forgetting my password? Which is the best site to download one piece 480p episodes? How do you make money online? What is the story behind Reggie Bush and a Super Bowl ring? Who is/was the most underrated actor/actress in Bollywood? Do people who work on nature documentaries ever interfere to save or help out the animals that they're working with? I am aged 18 I have a moustache which is exposed more on my face, can I have any way to get rid of this moustache naturally and permanently? How can someone profit from the Pokemon Go craze? I am expecting 80-85% in CBSE Class XII. Is it a good percentage? Can I get more than the expected? What's a suggested name and stage theme for farewell function? How is chickenpox contagious? How do I get someone's password secretly for wifi? What do I do if I feel dead inside? How do you differentiate between sleet, freezing rain and hail? In Facebook messenger can a filled blue circle with a white check mean also that the person has seen the message? Who will win the Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump election? What are the most interesting products and innovations that MSC Industrial is coming out with in 2016? What would you do for your 16th birthday? What is the best online coaching classes among Superprof's, ace tutorials and gols online classes or any other for CS foundation? Why is merge sort important? What major should I choose if I want to get into medical school? How shoud I start my preparation for IAS? Why was Mohammed (PBUH), the most beloved prophet of Allah (SWT)? What are the formula units for density? Can I use a microcontroller as a microprocessor? Why does Thailand have an aircraft carrier? In a ticket booked for one couple, if one passenger gets a confirmed berth, and the other is still waitlisted after chart preparation, can the waitlisted passenger board the train? How can I tell if my email was read? Does farro have gluten? What is like to have a psychopathic child? How do bulldozers use hydraulics? Would banning notes of denominations 500 and 1000 help to curb the black money in system? Is time travel possible? If yes? How? What are the top data analytics companies in India? I want to start reading Batman comic books, where should I start? What are your top 5 best movies youve ever watch? What are some best books to prepare for IBPS PO? What are the new trends today that I should integrate into my old website? Who is the best coder in the world? If you could recommend anything to me, what would it be? Is now a good time to go to law school? What is the use of processor and RAM in a laptop or any other computers? I want admission in du I passed the 12th commerce with 87 .6 % ..can I get admission in How do I study and concentrate if I feel sleepy every time I open my book? "What is the French word for ""for""?" Spoilers: Is it possible that Eurus is the real Moriarity? I broke up wit my ex 3months ago coz we always fought about my lack of trust.We still talk like before but he wont tell me if he has a new girl.why? What do the British think about South Asian immigrants in the UK (regardless of the generation)? What is a Flexible Expenditure Plan (FEP) component of Salary? Why don't we feel the moment when we fall in love but always remember when it ends? Who is the most respected Indian Muslim? What is the effective way to write books? What are some ways to tell if a motorcycle's alternator is bad? Which is the best over the ear headphone with a mic under 1200 INR? "Will the stage play ""Harry Potter and the Cursed Child"" be filmed and made available on TV for those who can't afford to travel to London?" How do I unblock page blocked by TOI owing to presence of Adblock on my PC? How did Japanese militarism lead to WWII? Is Sigourney Weaver flat? Can I get chemical engineering branch for 6900 rank in UPES? Where can one buy YSL bags online? Why did India lose the 1962 war against China? What is SAP? Is it a course or company? Which is the best interior design company? My girlfriend and I have been together for years, but she recently broke up with me because she doesn't know what she wants. What shall I do? What type of human cells undergo mitosis? Why not drink tea or coffee in a plastic glass or cup? What is your review of Golden Ratio (Phi)? Expand x/ (x^4+x^2+1) into mclaurin series? Is The Foundation by Isaac Asimov worth reading? Is Robert Vadra really an accused? How am I supposed to find a person whom I've blocked on Quora? What are the biggest philosophical paradoxes in life? Who are the best shoulder surgeons in the Boston area? What is an alternative for Southern Comfort? Was Martin Luther King a genius? What are three chemical changes? What is the best way to sharpen a colored pencil? Are these pregnancy symptoms? Who is your favorite not-so-famous composer? Why does Donald Trump always remind me of Hugh Hefner? Is economics considered a STEM field? My father is a cynical person. He always complain bad things to me, which has a negative effect on me. what should I do? How do I prepare for CA final examination? How do I get to win a girl's heart? Is USA the biggest terrorist organisation? What is the average net economic value to the world of someone living in absolute poverty? Does Redmi note 4 1 LTE supports 4G? How many #tag should I use on Facebook post? What is true religion in world? What are you good at? How? Is a shark a fish? Which is the best time to visit Kerala? What is quality of Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics papers compareed with top-tier venues like ACL, EMNLP, NAACL? What is the best way to improve my spoken English soon? What life lesson did you learn the hard way? "What is the correct pronunciation of ""Coelho""?" How do I get a top VC tech fund to also invest in my Seed Round? What was the most awkward conversation you have dealt with? Did Martin Luther King Jr. support affirmative action? Where do helium-filled balloons go once they are released into the air? Do people realize the central bank being private is debt slaving them the same as 3rd world countries? How can I become an IRTS officer? Where can I get cone crusher for river aggregates in Philippines? If time travel would be possible, could we meet ourselves? What are the interesting bollywood movies? How do I get a chemical engineering job beyond India? Which one is better for a country: GNP>GDP or GDP>GNP? Are there any language learning apps that compare Spanish and Portugese? How does a sewing machine stitch clothes? What is a balance sheet? Is Pakistan a failed and a terror state? What are some substitutes for corriander? Is there a proper equation to excess free Gibbs energy as a function of the pressure? Will time travel be possible in the next 10 years? Which database certification should I take to get a job as database administrator? I am a fresher and I have completed Btech in computer science. Is Oracle database certification useful? Is it okay to eat yogurt before a workout? What are the physical fitness requirements of Indian Police Service (IPS)? What economic factors affect foreign currency exchange rates? How much meth do you need to smoke for it to show on a hair follicle test? Do civil servants get time to learn co curricular activities like dance? How should snow boots be worn? Does Donald Trump have histrionic personality disorder? Which is a suitable solar panel installation provider in Tucson, Arizona AZ? What should I prefer: IT or ECE in JIIT 62 campus? Am I breaking any laws if I remove my physical mailbox that the U.S. Postal Service uses to deliver mail? "What is the meaning of the Chinese name ""Xinran""?" How do people earn money from YouTube? What is an honors college? On Instagram I blocked someone who blocked me. How do I unblock them? Are there any areas in KOTOR 2 that can only be visited once? Are European countries becoming more conservative/right-wing, and why? What would it take to reverse the Brexit decision? Why is there so much adult male baldness, especially in populations of European ancestry? World of Warcraft (2004 video game): What is it like to play as Warrior in World of Warcraft? Why does focal length of convex lens is always positive? What jobs are paid more than 50000 € per year? How can a wart remover help treat skin tag? Is there a chance to get a place in Google after completing from any IIT college? What else should I do to quit smoking? What is the perfect penis size? How do I get rid of my writer's block? How long does it take to become an expert in iOS development? Difference between coder and programmer? What if body esr is 35? If manager is unaware of the concept of statistics, data is a most dangerous tools in his hands? Explain and justify this statement? What is the cutoff for Round 1 of B.Tech admissions at IIIT Bhubaneswar in 2016? Will Cersei have more children after the deaths of Myrcella and Tommen? Can I recover data from a Micro SD card if it has a crack on it and is unable to be read? What are the equations of the tangents drawn to the curve y2-2 x 3-4y+8=0 from the point (1,2)? I got 370 in this year's BITSAT.Is there any chance of getting CSE in Pilani? Unlike a mission, what do you call the group of stages that do not have a due date? Why are insects attracted towards light? What is the most comedy movie you've seen before? Where are more elephants? What life lessons have you learned completely? Is demonetization a failure? When discussing the Holocaust, why do people usually mention 6 millions Jews being killed instead of 12 million people being killed total? How does arbitration differ from mediation? How do I recover my Facebook password by email? What is the diffrence between computer science and computer engineering? What is the difference between .doc and .docx file formats? When will we live in peace? Can an advocate practising in India be a director and shareholder in a private limited company incorporated in India? "What is the meaning of ""LMAO""?" Are Kindle e-readers becoming less popular than tablets? MHTCET Rank? What strikes first time visitors as special or unusual when they arrive in Conakry, Guinea? If I were transported 6000 years into the past, how could I prove that the Sun is larger than the Earth, and the Earth orbits around it? How do I calculate the force of an object, thrown from a height? Which iphone 6s plus model to buy the one with 64gb or 128 gb? How would you analyze your business to create the content strategy? What is the Lewis structure of C2HCl? What are the best colleges in Kolkata for engineering? What percentage of US sales is done door-to-door? Why do astronauts in space sleep while standing? How am I supposed to follow you, if you haven't written about anything yet, ya slacker;) What are the current federal gun laws? What was the first advertising mediation layer? What is the scope after pursuing a CFA Indian charter? What does Sakura confess to Naruto? What is diffrence between hindi marriage act and special marriage act? How is BBA in Christ University, Bangalore? What features should be added to Quora to make it better? What's the best solution to the kashmir issue? What is your view on the banning of 500 and 1000 rs? Why is it important to innovate? Visual Basic: How do I integrate JSON with What are some tricks to memorizing bone markings? How much GATE score is required for IIT Khargpur? Is the Federal Reserve justified in its concern with regard to the economic impact of Brexit on US economy? What was the worst moment of your life and where were you when you lived through it? I constantly want to pee my pants or on a towel. I'm a 13 year old girl. Is there anything wrong with me? How many moms are stay at home? What is the most efficient way to heat up water? What are some of the most common examples of elastic force? How many of you are happy with your life so far? Should Ruth Bader Ginsburg step down during the Obama administration to protect her democratic seat? What are some jobs without a dress code? What are some of the best school memories? Why can't I find my Snapchat history? Is there anyone older than Emma Morano? "What is a ""healthy diet""?" What was your best speech ever? Are women bad at poker? If so, why? How do you think the USS Firebolt should have reacted to the Iranian military speed boats harassing it in international waters? Is it possible to survive a few months with only sugar-free chewing gum and water? Has garlic gone bad if it turns purple? When will Quora update its app to material design? Do hard boiled eggs spin? Why are nuclear power plants considered to be bad? How safe is RO water with 16 TDS? How do I cure my color blindness? Which is the best book for physics to get under 1000 rank in JEE Advanced? How do you generate leads? I work with a SAAS firm and working in sales and marketing. If an interviewer or anyone asks me how do you generate leads, What should be the answer or how do I answer that? I actually generate leads by many ways but don't know how to say that. Please help What are good resources for introducing children to coding before they are school age? Which city is best to relocate to find a job in IT Noida, Gurgaon, Pune as 2015 fresher? Which movies should be shown together? What topic should be posted in your blog first? Did Al Pacino win any awards for Scarface? How do I break the glass ceiling? "Is the notion of ""philosophical zombie"" conceptually coherent?" How do I prepare for summer internship? What's the main difference between British and American teens? What are your favorite exercises? What do you get an Italian for Christmas? Does acupuncture give temporary or permanent results? What is the meaning of primitive and non primitive data types? How do you delete the booking history from your IRCTC user account? What makes song lyrics good? Which government organisations or PSU's provide internship or industrial training to civil engineering students? I have $9.44 in my paypal account. What is the best way to invest this money? For Christians: In a Red Dawn Scenario, does Roman 13 still apply? What are some of the best ways to study or prepare for the GMAT? Where is the best place for a destination wedding? What are some good Shayari on Kha Moshi? Organic Chemistry: Why is anisole less reactive towards electrophilic substitution reaction? What is an Absolute? Can Muslims wear jewelry during ramadan? Is there any expression for gravitational wave? What is the best book for python? Should I learn calculus before analysis? Why doesn't Australia create a hydro power system by piping the ocean into the Great Lakes (Eyre etc.)? They are below sea level.? What is it to work as an IBPS IT scale 1 officer in Indian banks? What are some of the best architecture colleges in india? I am a college student from Egypt, i have always received an insufficient non accredited education, what should i do to start over ? Is time travel possible then after how long time? If Scotland became independent from the UK, would the new country be eligible to join the EU? What are some blowing mind small technologies that most people don't know about? Where can I get very affordable printing services in Australia? What is Platonic love? Which are the reasonable packers and movers agency in Kolkata? What is ISO 9003? How does one snort cocaine? How do I convince my wife to leave for good? How is a word accepted and added in a dictionary? Is there a Zite equivalent for Android? Does rain affect performance of 2 pair ethernet cable? An uninflated balloon has a mass M . When it is inflated by blowing air of mass M into it . Its net weight will be? What are the top ten verses in Holy Qur'an that would enlighten a non-moslem? If you know for a fact that your neighbors practice Satanic rituals, what would you do and who would you call? Why did you vote for Trump? Star Wars (creative franchise): Who is Supreme Leader Snoke and what is his backstory? How has Delhi AAP government been working in the field of education? Which SaaS companies will IPO in 2015? Will doctors marry nurses in Singapore? What is the difference between M.Sc and M.Tech? What's the difference between a lithium ion battery and a regular battery? Why is the white phospor toxic and the red phospor is not? What is the difference of both except the colour? How did you fly a space shuttle? How do I get over my fear of driving? What is it like to eat Indian cuisine for the rest of the world? What are the phone numbers of US depression hotlines? How do you become a good guitar player? What are the basics of guitar playing? Where can I get a private loan? What should I do to learn English fast? Which instrument is good for girls? What is the average monthly salary of a teacher? How much does a Tesla charging station cost? What makes a smell good or bad? Is the US a republic or democracy? What are the various ways through which one can earn money online? Is cbse class 12 board evaluation lineant? How does it feels to be homeless? How many parks are there in Bangalore city? How imminent is World War three? What advice do you have for someone starting a virtual assistant firm? Can I recover emails deleted from Gmail trash? What rank should I expect if I am getting 170 in JEE Advanced 2016? What was Napoleon planning to do with Russia if he won? Is surrogacy a good thing or bad thing? What is Walt Disney World like? What do rich people learn? Do vampires really exist? How do you delete saved Snapchat messages that won't go away? Should I leave my job as a construction manager and start my own construction company? Who were the Habiru/Apiru people? Are they related to the Hebrews? How do I add a background image (located in the computer) in a HTML page using CSS? How can I prepare for NEET 2 in one month? If someone blocks me in Hike will my messages be sent to him when he unblocks me? How do I update iOS 6 to iOS 7? What are all the things one should keep in mind after failing in one subject (say math) in 10th cbse board exam? How will I get to know who I am? In the United States of America, will the Election of 2016 be an IQ test for its citizens? What should I do to keep myself motivated? What is a good ad network for websites other than adsense? What are the chances of getting job in Germany once I have completed my ms in mechanical engineering from there? Why did Naruto end? Can I be a stock trader? Working is fine. I love it. I just hate working for other people. What is wrong with me? What is the best way to easily understand chemistry? A boy scored 35% marks of 900 . he fails by 20 marks what is the pass mark? What are the best books for a beginner to learn physics? Which startups will be the next generation billion dollar companies? How is the Japanese music industry? What is it like as an Indian living in Germany? What theory supports that our Earth is the only planet in the universe to have life? Is there a life in other planet? What do the Lorde songs mean? Is the yen undervalued relative to the U.S. dollar? How can I learn English? Why is there gravity? Is sports sponsorship in India just glorified billboarding? Who is the most famous person in 2016? How do you catch Pokémon in Pokémon GO? What is fashion marathon? How do I attach my car in uber? Does it matter if I do my L.L.B. from a national law school which is not in the top ranking or should I try and appear for C.L.A.T. again? Which is the best time for studying? Is Tatum a guys' name or a girls' name? What do women think of men in the military? "Certain streets in Riyadh are better known by popular names rather than their official ones, such as ""Tahlia"". Does anyone have the complete list?" How do you search for people on Quora? What is the best free sleep tracker app for Android? What is the working days in psus? Where is the best vegetarian food in Washington DC? "What was it like study computer science before it was ""cool"" to do so?" Should I worry about what people think about me? Will reservations and quota system ever end in India? What are some of the most popular Japanese junk foods? "What is your opinion on the video ""My Choice"", directed by Homi Adajania for Vogue Empower, which stars Deepika Padukone?" What are the differences between apple cider and apple cider vinegar? How should I prepare for JEE Mains Exam 2017 ? I am worried about maths and physics . I want to score more then 200 Why do people ask such questions here on Quora which could be easily found on the internet? I've my semester exams coming up in 10 days. How can i prepare when there's so much going on? I'm always depressed and worried. Please help? Do relationships affect academics ? How can Egyptian citizen without a credit card create a PayPal account? What is The best book to read in order to get a profound understanding of CS? I feel like I care too much about how people feel and what they could think about me. Should I care less? How? How does the value of shares change? Why do people ask so many Googleable questions on Quora? What is a bearer cheque? How can I write a program to print hello on C without using any semicolon in the program? Is falling for someone just coincidence? Is there any mass communication course which could be done in 3-6 months and provide me with a good job? Is it harder to be a man or a woman in your opinion? How do we improve education in Nigeria? Magento: What are the major advantages / disadvantages of using the magento platform? Where do I put MOOCs on my reśume? In the education, qualifications, or hobbies/interests section? What are some Pixar inside jokes that have found their way into released movies or shorts? Is without the use MVC still relevant today? What is the difference between the concept of beauty during classical era and renaissance period in terms of art? How do I hack an Instagram account if I have their IP address? What are some ways to help a teenager overcome depression? How can an Indian user create a PayPal account? With a debit card? How do you spy on WhatsApp messages? Which is the best college for a BSc in biotechnology in India? Are there aliens on the moon? Can I make money by uploading videos on YouTube (if I have subscribers)? Is Jim Moriarty(BBC Sherlock) the funniest villain ever? Does eating milk and fish causes vitiligo? Will Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 be launched in India soon? What movies were so bad that people walked out of the theater? How do I prove 2=-2? How can I automate messages in Whatsapp using tasker? Why Mac OS is not as widespread as Windows? To what extent did the McCollum Memo provoke Japan into starting war with the US in 1941? How do you log out of Facetime on a Mac? Why do mosques have crescent moons on top of them if the crescent moon isn't supposed to be a religious symbol for Muslims? Is it good to have milk with breakfast? If yes, then what can I have with the milk? Why do Earth's magnetic poles reverse? My voice sucks. Still I need to sing a song for my gf. Which would be the best song for me? How can I learn to sing it? Why is Eminem underrated? Is it harmful to drink 16 tea bags a day? How can I get winter internship at olx? Why do Starbucks employees (always, everywhere) seem so happy? How are the placements in BITS Goa for mechanical branch? How do I forgive someone? Why do some people say the act of simply acknowledging your own intelligence is considered arrogant? How can I check my bank account NUMBER if I only have my account number? "What does it mean when someone says ""bite me""?" Can I transfer ePub books to iBooks for iPad without using iTunes? How do you manufacture a product? Why do some people love Delhi? How did stray dogs in India come to be? What is the weirdest thing you have ever done with your pet? How can I tell the difference between good and bad advice? Would you be happy if you were suddenly given everything you ever wanted in life? What is the most interesting sound? What are the best documentaries and movies for computer science students to watch? How can I prepare for the CAPM certification exam? What are the best study materials? What are the top product design schools in India? I am completed BE Computer Science . But I Have a Full interest of History in India and Tamil nadu. I eligible to study this? How do the websites like work? What color are most flowers? What are the achievements of BRICS so far? How did the Battle of the Bulge affect the outcome of World War II? Why does everyone love Hans Zimmer so much? If you believe that prospective romantic partners are intimidated by your good looks, could you post a picture of yourself? How can I learn vectors and calculus for AIPMT Physics? What is the best bread recipe? Will Apple stop making the MacBook Pro? Why does hydrochloric acid react with carbonates? What is it like to lose your sense of taste? What is the scope for mathematics and computing? Why can't I keep a good poker face in real life? What are some business ideas for a 13 year old boy with $1000? What are the most common misconceptions about Wiccans? How can I change my mindset to a new one as fast as possible? Regardless of what mindset I want. How do I improve my English? Could I find my car in parking lot with GPS? What are good ways to be a good developer of iOS? How do I stop doing Masturbate? What is Kerala most famous for? How do you know when your startup needs to hire a PR firm? Which is the best learning app Byju or Meritnation? In the movie arrival, what did louise say to general shang? How do I add a profile picture to my Quora account? What do we have to do on the last day of the 48 days hanuman vrat? Is Xcode developed in Xcode? What are the implications for MNCs today if the Bretton Woods system was reinstated? What is register in c? How are plant and animal cells alike? Which is best country to settle? When is a series of adjectives separated by commas? What are the most subscribed and the best YouTube channels? What is the best thing that ever happened to you for being rude? With an hourly rate of $200-350, doesn't a median lawyer salary look kind of low? Can a dead car battery be completely recharged by just jump starting the car and driving around? What is the best advice you've received? What is the root cause of fear? Is Illuminati a real theory? What will Hillary Clinton do now? What has been your best sexual experience? What are the differences between houses in Mehrgarh and Mohenjo-Daro? What are my job options in India after working in US for a few years after an MS Degree? How does Quora decide what actions appear on a user's feed? Should I study physics or chemistry? Is the south India well developed than north India? Which are the best books to prepare for SSC CGL 2016? What changes do you observe in people the moment you tell them that you are a professor emeritus when they think you're a high school student? What are the comparative pros and cons of using Python, MATLAB/Octave, and R for data analysis and machine learning? How can I prepare myself to get an internship at Google? Why does linear algebra make sense? What’s better – Regular College or correspondence courses? Why am I stupid? What's it like to play catch with an NFL quarterback? Can I get a B.S. in pre-med after already achieving a B.S. in Chemical Engineering with goals of getting accepted to medical school? Can you freeze ketchup? What should I do after 10th to become pilot? What are your thoughts if the Golden State Warriors are able to sign Kevin Durant in the off season? Can I delete answers to my questions? How is CPI inflation rate calculated? What is the significance of AST/ALT-1.16 (AST =155.3 IU/L and ALT=133.4 IU/L) and ALP-118.5 U/L? How did ISIS form? When and where did ISIS begin? I have completed my computer science engineering and distance MBA (project management). Now I am working as a lecturer and I'm planning to do my distance psychology to become a counsellor. Is it worth doing? Which is better SAP BW on Hana, SAP HANA or Apache Hive Hadoop? How can I locate a person using a cell phone number? Which qualities truly separate each military branch individually? What makes each branch appealing in its nature? What is it like to go from working at a fine dining restaurant to a casual dining restaurant? What is it like to work in the insurance industry? How can you treat dry skin around the nose? What are the best data visualization books? What is the tallest human skeleton ever found? Where was it found? I dream about my crush a lot, what does it mean? Selling non profit federal tax credits? What is it like to play Spain in EU4? How do I get my Microsoft Surface Pro 3 broken screen fixed in India? My family has 1.5 lacs, where to go in these vacation Bangkok or Dubai? What is the easiest way to reduce tummy apart from exercise and food habits? How big is the IT market? How can I catch my crush's attention? How can I relax myself mentally? How do you become a mathematician? Is it legal for a landlord to take rent and not pay their mortgage? Why are cars made to go significantly faster than the highest national speed limit? What causes our hair to hurt when we wear a woolen hat for a long time? What was it like to work with Tom Cruise? What are the best free and legal music download sites? Which one is the best smartphone at present? How do I gain software development experience if you are working in production support? How is VU HD Ready 32 inch tv? Has anyone bought it? Please help me buy. Can having menstrual pain be a sign of a growing fibroid? Which Is the best laptop around 30000 in India? I have transffered my bank account to another branch of the same bank. do I need to update my ifsc code in my company for my salary to get credited? If someone leaves an acute UTI untreated are they likely going to get a kidney infection within 2 months? What is the budget I need to travel to Myanmar for 2-3 weeks? Which is the biggest facepalm moment you've experienced on WhatsApp? What kind of pollution is most harmful for Human and Earth? What can you make with leftover chicken? Can I tell if my wife's hotmail address is on dating sites? What cyber security events are coming up in Delhi? What are some good romantic slow songs (Bollywood Hindi songs)? What are the monarchy countries that still exist today? How were they established? What would happen if someone who had Down’s syndrome had sex with a normal person? What would happen to their kids? What does an IQ score of 137 mean? What is ionization energy? Who is eligible for SBI Global Visa Debit Card? Why do many UK shows use the same actors/ actresses? What are some good companies/startups to work for in Pune? What is the most important social media tool? Was it Quentin Tarantino who played Robert (in the bags on heads scene) in Django Unchained? What is your Opinion on India as Cashless economy is better that India dealing with Cash? What is the best laptop for animating and modeling that I can get for under or around $500? How do I improve the fluency of English speaking? What is pepper? What are the effects of deforestation in the wildlife? What do you think of the name 'Zephyr' for a girl? In general, why does an airport need such a huge area? Why won't my laptop turn on? What are some manga games? I have a script and a trailer for a singing competition parody show for YouTube. If I do it myself, how can I protect it from TV/production companies? What is the best suited answer to: why us? When and what was Dr Martin Luther King Jr's first civil rights activity? How can I learn the German language? Which should be considered a good deal, buying Honda Civic EX 2016 or a pre certified owned BMW 320i 2013 with 40 KM? How can one stop caring about what people say or think about them? Who would you want on your side, Jason Bourne or James Bond? How do I improve my communication in english? What is the monthly in-hand salary (including all allowances) of a fresher as a bank PO selected by the IBPS or the SBI? For SPA applications, which testing tool is better, Selenium or Protractor? What is the best way to dry hair without damaging it? Can I pursue company secretary while doing my LLB? Does pursuing my physics bachelor degree in 5 years affect my chances of getting accepted at a good Masters or PhD program even if my GPA was high ? How do you replace a valve cover gasket? Why there is a war between israel and palestine and who is palestine and why they fight with them and? What is the future of Google Express? Are supplies assets or liabilities? How likely would it be for the electoral college to meet and vote differently than the general vote this year? What are the top 10 most dangerous animals to ever exist in history? How can I gain weight? Are prime minister Narendra Modi's foreign trips a drain on the Indian economy? Why? What should I do about my girlfriend ignoring me? What kind of benefits do chief operating officers earn? How Do I Book Fast Indian Railways Ticket? Do aliens exist? What is link-local address in IPv6? How much do online food ordering websites like in India charge restaurants for processing their orders? Where can I buy fresh oysters around Boston? Which is the most innovative Android app of 2016? "How come that the Hindu festival ""Makar Sankranti"" is on January 14 each year? Is there any link between the Hindu and English calendars?" How do you know someone is in love with you? What are the steps to find the Laplace inverse of [math]\frac{s}{(s^2 +9)^2}[/math] using Convolution theorem? Could refugees be considered immigrants? Do girls think a lot before replying to text messages? What is the purpose of life? How can one go back to his childhood? What does a research analyst in science do? Where was sherlock going in the end of season 3? Will human DNA change in time? To start an online home accessories store, how do I decide the quantity? E.g. to start how many types of cushions (and how much quantity within each)? What is your biggest mistake or regret? Which is better: Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 or Galaxy S3 Neo? What are all the steps to complete a credit card transaction? How can I hack/ spy on someone's Google hangouts chat? Is it possible to run iOS apps on an Android phone? Why is Akhilesh Yadav so popular among I.A.S officers in Uttar Pradesh with respect to infrastructure development? Is it true that NGOs and foreign companies are responsible for the Jallikatu ban? Can 1 ever be equal to 0? What is the most amazing moment of your life? I want to buy a laptop. Is it true that when buying online, there is no warranty guarantee? Is there a way to buy 2016 Republic day parade tickets online? What are the best smartphones under 15000? Which would win a fight a lion or a gorrilla? How do I download series of dragon ball z? Who decided that 36-24-36 is the perfect figure of a woman as defined in Indian measurement? How much time does it takes to charge the power bank 3000mAh for full charge? Should Kashmir be free? Why? Why not? What are Donald Trump's odds of winning the 2016 Presidential election? What is the starting salary of a software engineer working for Google, Facebook, SuperCell, Amazon? Which one is correct to recite among 99 names of Allah Ar-wahab or Ya-wahab or do both have the same effect? Can it be recited any time during the day? What are slip and slip speed in an induction motor? What are the specs on a Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4? Is there any life on other planets? What is the corporate culture like at West Pharmaceuticals? How is the culture different than other companies? What is the recommendation movie? "How do I read ""The Fault in our Stars"" online for free?" What kind of questions are asked in upsc civil service interviews? How do update Samsung grand 2 4.4.2 to 5.1? What is the future of cloud computing in India? What qualities make someone enjoyable to be around? Is it true we were really brought to earth by aliens? Can a vehicle brought from NEXA showrooms be serviced in normal Maruti showrooms? What are the most important examples of volatile liquids? Why is Albert Einstein overrated? Which city in Alberta is better overall Calgary or Edmonton? How can I get rid of black heads on my nose? "What is the origin of the term ""bullshit""?" What are some facts about sleeping? Can I do exercise in bed? Are labor unions good for the economy? Can I install Mac OS X on a Windows machine? "What does a guy mean by ""hang out""?" Who is a genius person? Does Hinduism need reformation? What does AM and PM mean? How did Virat Kohli learn to bat? Do employees at Primoris Services have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? How does one preserve a happy, prosperous, and fulfilling romantic relationship, such as in a marriage? Is such a goal even achievable? Why didn't the Jews have a country of their own before the end ofWW2? Are number of cars used in each formation of NYC MTA fixed (ex. Line 7 is always operated by 11 cars each)? Are there any database I can use? Why do you think people should follow you on Quora? Why do pending transactions take long? I often find myself distracted during studying how do I get focused? How can I sell my books on Is Bhangarh fort really haunted? Why are the fibre optic cables on the shore of Nigeria NOT fully utilised? How does one overcome procrastination? How can I set my Career Goals? Why are New Zealand, Turkey, South Africa and Austria opposing India's entry to NSG? What is the best method to learn new language? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Alexander's? Is tejas advanced aircraft? How do you change the lock screen on a Kindle Fire? What is the Fisher price equivalent Indian brand? I kissed my girlfriend today and now, I feel bit weird, like sort of depressed something . is this normal? How can I improve my memory power and other mental abilities? How do I get an internship in Google India if I don't have any references? Why do you like history? I'm doing heavy weighted dips regularly (body weight + 28–30 kg). Can this eventually lead to a shoulder injury? What is the difference between current, watts, hertz, amperes and voltage? We see drones used in combat from the skies. How long will it take for tanks to be controlled from somewhere remotely? Why are none of the greatest composers of classical music from England, Spain or France? How do I download videos from a paid YouTube channel? How do you think Daenerys will die? Is there any website where we can do creative writing online? What is the proper way to season cast iron? What are the rules for offcampus selected candidates in tcs? How do I know if I'm hallucinating my whole life? I have 77896 rank in VITEEE 2016 and called for counselling for 1st Jun, any chance for me get Mec Engineering @ Chennai campus for this rank? What is a Quora credit competition? How do I stop being shy with my friends? How do I add a GSM SIM 300 module and GPS module to MSP432P401R LaunchPad so as to send SMS and location? How can I speak with more clarity and confidence? Which are the best institutes for learning animation (short term) in Pune, India? If you block someone on Instagram could they still see you in the followers list of an account that didn't block them and they already know? Can a father with A+ and a mother with O- have a child with A- blood? Which US political party has more history of dirty tricks? What is your review of Is Time travel possible? Is private banking a lucrative career in comparison to investment banking? Is it primarily a sales job, in that those who acquire clients, win? What is the .NET Framework? "Why is the name ""Sean"" pronounced ""Shawn""?" Can we make a suit like iron man suit? Why are email scams written in broken English? What is the key of success? What is it like to have a trophy husband? What are some of the top challenges when it comes to online IT training? How can I build a Q&A website? Is there a way to search the comments on Quora? How can I get Reliance Jio 4G SIM by Jugaad? How do I increase my typing speed from 40 WPM to 120 WPM? How similar is the University of Bologna to Oxbridge? Why do Japanese people speak Japanese to foreigners? How can I stop worrying about others' approval? What are the best exercises for spine health? Are there any black Arabs? How can I hack Facebook without a password? What is the meaning of the Hindi word 'badhazmi'? How will religion react if we find life on other planets? How do one improve communication skills in English? How do you start a radio station? "Rue 21, Why do they hire ""customer service"" personnel that can't understand English?" How do you alter a sewing pattern for a different size of clothing? Why are membranes important? What is mat & cat eam? Would any of the presidents on Mount Rushmore win an election in the current era? What causes gravity? Why can't I feel emotions? I feel yoga originated in China. How can I prove it? How can India prove that yoga belongs to India and not China? Do colleges/univerisities prefer IELTS to TOEFL? How did Collateral Beauty (2016 movie) get greenlit? What's the backstory of how the movie got made? What are the fastest ways to become wealthy? What are the major factors that affect osmosis? What is the easiest way to learn guitar? Should I go with Windows 7 64-bit or 32-bit for a Celeron? What kind of film camera was used in WW2 by the military? Which lens hood should I buy for Nikon D3300 18-55mm? What's the worst emotion a person can feel and why? Why am i so ignorant and stupid? Is Seoul/ South Korea a good place for black people to live? What are the best Engineering websites? What are some of the best Indian movies ever made? What app allows you to listen to music without WiFi or Internet? What are some tips and hacks for incoming freshmen at Cal State San Bernardino? What are the different types of protocols used in communication? How do I transfer WhatsApp chat from iPhone (4s) to Android (Oneplus One)? Is simply giving a speech a good presentation idea? Is it possible that hcg would never show on a home urine test? What's truly important in life? What's matter most and what's not? What is the purpose of life? What are we here for? Are there better alternatives other than Facebook? What is the Lewis Structure for cyanamide? How long does gum stay in your stomach when you swallow it? How can any electronics engineering student build advance robots for NASA and ISRO? Is it safe to eat Pringles while pregnant? How can you learn how to grow stalagmites? I am currently in third year btech mechanical engineering. I never had any interest in engineering. I have joined mechanical engineering at my parents force. I am good at math. I require as much salary as possible and I need at least 4 hours time to spend by myself. What job is suitable for me? What is a freelance job for a 14 year old? "Is ""Cogito ergo sum"" an early form of nihilism?" What can I get with a JEE Main rank of 88050 (general category)? Do I need to publish in conference related to ML to be able to join OpenAI? Were Asians ever lynched by the KKK? Why does water boil at 115 degrees Celsius in a container? Can I exceed the Firebase Storage limit? How wealthy is Donald Trump? How can I avoid falling in love? What is it like for an Indian to live and settle down in Jaipur? What should be my approach and CAT percentile to get into IIMs? What stocks would be affected if there was a major earthquake in the US (say the San Andreas fault)? "How do you say ""friends"" in French?" Where can I find the UPSC Prelims and Mains syllabus? Will it be awkward if an introvert suddenly try to be or act like an extrovert? Which famous composers never studied composition? How do I quickly calculate mortgage? Is snoring a sign of an upcoming heart attack? How do I recover administrator password for windows 7? Why doesn't the US president or vice-president go to North Korea and talk with them, and perhaps try to curb the tensions that are mounting? Which is the best books to study for gre? How do I keep a guy in the friend zone? Is heavy water always composed of two deuterium atoms and one oxygen atom? Is there a form of water that has one hydrogen atom and one deuterium atom? If not, why not? What's the cause of under eye dark circles and what treatments can help? What should I gift my wife on her birthday? What are some examples of skills to put on a resume? Which computer software programming language is easy? Does distilled water conduct electricity? Why or why not? What is computer vision? How can I stop being so sad for being totally alone in life? Why does Quora allow so many questions easily answered by a search engine? Black Money in India: How does just bringing Black money back to India will help economy as it will just devalue Indian rupee? Is it similar case of printing notes and not generating equivalent value for it? Which Entente country had the best troops during WW1? How much money does a person spends a day to live in India? Why do people get married? What country provide free education to both local and international students? How does it feel to have sex the first time? Is death during anesthesia painful? What is your New Year's resolutions for 2017? What is the best way to market for a hardware profit in India? Why is Mosquitto (MQTT Broker) written in C? I m heartless by vinit k bansal free pdf? Why is Pakistan such a failed state? Would our life be better without the invasion of social networking websites like Facebook? How do I get admission in MCA in abroad? [math]3 \sin^2 x + 4 \cos^2 x = [/math]? When was the release of the iPod Touch 4th Generation? How should I have sex with a virgin girl? Which European universities are the best renowned for music? Is it actually bad to look an animal in the eyes? How do I to wear underwear? If Lightsaber is plasma, why does it need Kyber crystal? What is Publish America? What do I need to cash my check? What is the chemical formula for magnesium metal? If someone is shot in the head with a 50 Cal Desert Eagle from 10ft away can he Survive that? Why can I not see who viewed a photo in Instagram on PC version? If I am born to a British citizen (such as a parent) within the United States, do I qualify for British citizenship? Can I travel in a train in India even if the tickets are in waiting list? What is your review of LSAT? What are some tips to concentrate when reading or at work? I find my mind wanders and I know I am not being as productive as I should be. What are my chances of getting a call from IIM A, B, C? What should I eat to slow down my metabolism? What's the difference between US citizens and US legal permanent resident in rights they're protected by US law? How can I learn oral English well? "What is the genre of the song ""Young and Beautiful"" by Lana Del Rey?" What is so appealing about Donald Trump? Does the Electoral College have the power to reject Trump, or any candidate for that matter, if enough electors decided to change their vote? Why does Elon Musk want to send us to Mars? How much force does it take to snap someone's neck? What are reviews of yellow American Spirit cigarettes? What is thecontact no. of Mio Aamore Franchisee? I forgot my MI Account username and password. How to delete that account in Xiaomi Redmi Note 3? Which club made the most impact in English football? Will you get dark circles or bags under your eyes I you sleep late and wake up late? Which part of human body expands in a fat person? "Me and a girl were friends on snapchat. She's not in my friends list anymore, and when I try to and her it says ""Sorry! Couldn't find _____"". Did she block me or delete her snapchat?" Which is better: Mahabharata or Game Of Thrones? Can Jio barcode can be generated twice? What steps would you need to take if you wanted to start a clothing line? Can someone completely alter their state of mind without drugs? Which are the best slim laptops under 60000 without or with cd/DVD drive having i5 processor 7th gen and min 2gb graphics card? What are the best products to sell online in India and how much can one earn every month? Will the military coup in Turkey succeed? Will it be a good idea to do MBA if you are earning 8 LPA and having 3yr+ experience? I always think about how could a women change herself to attract her husband continuously? Do you think BJP can win the Punjab Elections 2017? Would you rather have questions with no answers or answers that can't be questioned? All else equal, which is better to learn today: C, C# / .NET, C++ or Java? Is driving for Uber a good way to supplement my income in Miami? Why? I had a surgery involving insertion of titanium plates in both bones of left forearm for an open fracture. Can I fly in high g condition for long? Indian Two Rupees Coin? What are the driving rules in Georgia versus Arkansas? Where do I find an orgy party in new delhi? What are the different types of town planning? Is TaskRabbit based in Nashville, TN? If not, where is it based at? How likely is it that Hillary Clinton will be indicted over the email issue? If she does, what will happen to the Democratic nomination? Which are the rich, socialist countries today? What are the best ways to generate good business ideas? Why don't women propose to men in India? One partition is missing from my external hard drive. How can I get it back? Are Calicut and Kannur girls the most beautiful in Kerala? Judgments on Muslim law? How do I combat social anxiety? Why are the Vietnamese so inspired by Ho Chi Minh, but the non-Vietnamese seem uninterested in him? What are the differences between an MS and an M.Tech? How can you recognize true love? What is your best paranormal experience? (Ghostly or Godly)? How can I really make money online? Does power corrupt? How is revenue minus net income calculated? Which is the best for seminar- tri gate transistor or ultracapacitor? What is the song at the beginning of the Magic Mike trailer? Which is harder: medical residency or raising a kid? Why are solar systems and galaxies flat? Can a Windows phone get a virus? What exactly is Internet of Things (IoT)? Which companies are the leading in e-commerce fashion Europe? If you had a magic button that when pressed would do whatever you want it to do; what would It do? How does rebasing change GDP calculation? How do I make money by uploading videos on youtube? How can I become similar to the fictional DC Comics male character Bruce Wayne (Batman)? Am I pregnant or do I have a late period? Why do people love watching Naruto so much? How can you be classified as part of the upper middle class? I want to invest ₹2000- ₹3000 per month for 3 years in mutual funds. Is there any best debt/equity mutual funds with 3 year locking period? What kind of amendment do you want to the Indian constitution? Why? At work, some of my co-workers don't speak much to me because I don't gossip and stay neutral. I have good EQ but am I in the right path? Why do I feel very low without any particular reason? How should Californians vote on 2016's Proposition 54? What can I do when I feel depressed? What are some good places to go on a two day trip, in and around Boston,MA? How likely is it to like/unlike a photo on Facebook by mistake? What are the chances for Sen. Bernie Sanders in the 2016 U.S. presidential election? Why do doctors recommend not to become a doctor? What is a hype? How can I add a Facebook Like button to a webpage? What is the difference between a liquid special and an oral solution? How does Shobhit University in Meerut's academic program compare to the University of Madra's? After JS what should we learn Node JS or Angular JS? How hard is it for a non IITian, non BITsian or non NITian to get job in top notch companies like Google and Microsoft? How do I promote my WordPress site? What is ratio, peers and seeds? Will I get a gov medical seat at 470 marks and 14000 air? Why do semi trucks get pulled over by the police? Can I get a job in the ASI after graduating in mechanical engineering? Do they recruit engineers? What are dielectric particles? How many stamps do I need to send a letter to brazil? What are the best AIs in PC video games? What are the differences between arrays and linked lists? Do NFL teams wear new uniforms every game? What are the advantages of CRM software? Did Apollo 18 ever land on the Moon? How is ice cream made? Who is Donald Trump's base? Why is he popular? Why are people voting for him? Why do people like and support him? How can it be possible that Ankit Shrivastava who scored more marks than IAS topper Tina Dabi but could not be selected? What should I do whenever I feel so lost for my future? How can you build a strong brand and profit from it? Is time travel possible? If yes then Why are people from the future not time traveling to our period? What is anatomy of a project? Is it possible to create bridges connecting Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao? Can White Walkers kill dragons? How should I learn about the best scaffolding? I think my girlfriend was having a sleepover with another guy and trying to hide it from me, should I break up with her? What is the best pedicure nail color? I like a guy. He's 7 years older than me. He likes me, but since I am just 19 he thinks a relationship between us is impossible. A few days back, he stopped talking with me giving a reason that he may fall in love with me. He doesn't want to live in false hopes. What should I do? How do I tell people the truth about faith? "Who said ""No one will ever complain because you have made something too easy to understand""?" What's the one thing you wish you'd done when younger that you'll never get the chance to do? Why can't India attack Pakistan to kill the 26/11 attackers? How do I walk wearing high heels? In Harry Potter, has the Sorting Hat ever been wrong? Can I get a car loan on my parent´s name? What do you think of people who do kind acts but film them? Is it right or wrong? Can WhatsApp be hacked? What should be my GATE (EC) rank for getting into PSU? What is United Airlines reservations number? How do I get over an ex that I dated for two years? Which is best book for mock test papers for JEE mains? What's 5 divided by 5? How do I apply for a Data Science Internship at Facebook? Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IITM): Why do companies prefer B.Tech. students over Dual Degree students? Why is creatine unhealthy? How can I read more quickly? What are the pros and cons of doing an MBA after mbbs? I got 78/200 in the MUOET. Can I get admission in Manipal University, Jaipur? What should I wear to a black and white party? What happens if you brush your teeth for the duration of an hour at least once per day? What are some of funniest jokes that you have ever heard? What are your opinions about Modi Government's decision to declare Rs 500 & Rs 1000 notes no longer as legal tender? What is the heat treatment process for steel? What are types of load in power system? Where can I find a comprehensive list of regional and national holidays in India? Is it easy to get an H1B visa after an F1 visa? What is the best pc configuration for programming? What is the decade from 1910 - 1919 called? Why does Age of empires II not work on Windows 7? How do I learn to spread read and retain what I've read? How I make money online? What questions do I ask a website development company before hiring them to design my website? Can I use 4g net with reliance jio sim in my Nexus 5 mobile? What is Article 4 of the Indian Constitution? When should I ask a guy from tinder to meet in person? How much does ERP software cost? What is the best way to get my IQ checked online? How do I reduce belly fat without going to a gym? What will be your new year resolution for 2017 and your plan of execution? Provide your opinion of Latin? Why do people in Tamilnadu not like Narendra Modi? Should I take off the lens hood when shooting with a polarizing filter? Are Russians White or Asian? What are some of your best and worst experiences in Las Vegas? Which are the Top institutions offering Distance Learning Management programs? What is the best song ever sung on Indian Idol? How can we really change the Indian education system? "Which episodes in ""Naruto"" are fillers?" Can we eat ice cream when the weather is cold? Who was the fifth president of the United States? What are the benefits of doing MBA after Engineering? Which are some of the startups looking to hire interns for summer 2016? What is resonance and resonance energy? "What do you say or do when your husband says that ""all men do porn"" but you wish that he limits or stops his viewing of porn?" Which is a better college amongst these three: NIT Raipur, NIT Jalandhar or IIIT Jabalpur? How many cities are there in Los Angeles? How do I start a security agency in Maharashtra? Where do I apply, and which type of company should I register as? How do I become a top recruiter? How do I get my contacts back after deleting them from my Android phone? How are placements in EEE in SRM? What's causing someone to be jealous? What is the best UI for food ordering app? Is it possible to crack IIT JEE in the top 300 in 3 months of intense preparation? What were the real contributions of Rajiv Gandhi towards India's development? How do I improve confidence? Are there any Chinese/English bilingual TV channels? Are we living in a computer simulation? How do you make pancakes without any dairy products or eggs? How do I look at the followers of a private instagram account? Which is the best season to visit St.Maarten vacation? What are the tips and hacks for getting the classes that you want as a freshman at Butler University? What does it mean to dream about cotton? Which is the best suggested Mtech course for a mechanical student? Phase Transitions: How does water evaporate below its boiling point? How do I to start a new business? What is the best kind of hat to wear if you look bad in hats because you have a round face and a weak chin? If I eat a very high percentage of protein, but less calories than my TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), will my body use that protein to build tissue and burn body fat for energy? How earn money online? How do I get the user details from HackerRank or any coding challenge platform (data sets)? How can you explain the law of thermodynamics to kids? How long anti rabies vaccine last? Is it worth studying engineering in nepal? What is best time to have sex? What constitutes true beauty? Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Bryan County GA? What is the best way to get a photo pass? How is it like to be a pornstar? What is the one incident that you think has completely changed your life? What will happen if we drink water after having tea? Is Quora a liberal cesspool? What is anti-venom? After school I study 2 hour in tuition and 2 hour at home. Is it enough for ICSE? How can I be happy alone? How do you answer a question on Quora? Why are people whom I have blocked able to edit my Quora questions? How do I write a letter to bank requesting them to accept coins as deposit? What are best practices in supply chain management? Can open Braou degree pass out apply for government jons? How is the chemical formula for iron carbonate determined? What are the different types of measurement? How can I prepare for Google Adwords certification in a short amount time? What are some of the best Indian movies ever made? What food can I eat to gain weight? How good is IBS Hyderabad? Are celibate men attractive to women? Why are Palestinians not asking to get land from the countries with a large population of Palestinians, such as Jordan, Lebanon and Syria? Was there a general economic crisis in Eastern Bloc nations during the 1980s and if so why did it happen and why then? If we are allowed to choose one dead person to wake up and explain the cause of his/her death, whom would we choose from history? Can lifting weights help me lose fat? What is the best English translation of the Bible? And why? What can I do to spy on my wife's Snapchat messages? Where can I get very reliable & fast cleaning services in Sydney? Why is makeup so essential for a women? How can we charge and use a USB while using a new MacBook? How do I start IAS preparation along with BE engineering? How do I set up an insurance company in India? How is analog audio encoded digitally? Structure of cilia? How can you learn English faster? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Park University? What was the best book that changed your life? "Which statistics should show up on life's ""game over"" screen?" How does an amplifier work? Can I learn yoga without yoga Classes? Which zodiac sign is the best and have the best traits? Why do people ask questions on Quora that are easily answered with a Google/Wikipedia search? Do people still believe in demonic possession? What can I do with Raspberry Pi 3? What are some good belts for weighted dips? Why is the Gulbarg massacre verdict significant? What are the 5 most honest World War II films? How do I lessen penis sensitivity? Who was the first Indian on the moon? How do ants determine which path to follow? What is the tallest building in Hungary? I can't concentrate continuously for more than 15-20 minutes on anything, whether it be studies or novel reading or listening. What should I do? How do I create online store? What is the salary of operations executive in BNY Mellon India? Which of these 3 photos is best suited as a LinkedIn profile picture and why? How can I find a job in oil and gas? How do multiply two numbers using only for loop in C? What is the most important guitar lesson? According to karma, if you do wrong, wrong will follow! Then why is Don Dawood Ibrahim still alive? Why do people ask questions on Quora, when they could just search it up on the internet? What are good books to motivate me? What are the best things to do in Rishikesh, India in April? "Which is the better and stronger BRAND in India now between ""Baba Ramdev"" and ""Patanjali""?" How do people around the world perceive Latin America or South America? How late is a late period considered? Which is better to take, MNC in IITs or CSE in Bits Pilani Campus? What is the criminal justice system? What are their goals? What core statistical concepts should I know to work as a data analyst in the financial services industry? How do you become a paid freelancer? What are affordable lodges in pune to have fun? Which are the best libraries in Pune for MPSC preparation? Can I get a good score on SAT SUBJECT TEST (Physics, Maths level-2 and Chemistry) just by reading Barron's text books? Fastest fighter plane in the world? How is the word 'irate' used in a sentence? What do London taxi drivers think of Uber? How is the status of Indian economy raised by banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes? Is this paragraph properly written? Have we reconstructed IE inflexion in the dual completely? What happens if I don't eat for 4 days? Which is the best programming language for web development: Python or PHP? Why ice floats in water? How do I comparing between two matrix by Confusion Matrix in Matlab? Matrix a = 10X1 matrix b = 10X1 or is there is any other method to do this? Why are Jews called Jews? Does China also suffer from Islamic terrorism? What language do deaf people think in? Do men cheat when they are in love? Are there any good GMAT classes in Mumbai? CBSE class 12 English novel is asked for hhow many marks? How too make money online? "Are a ""child's eyes"" just based on fear?" What will be the best SEO strategies in 2014? What is the difference between district court and a trial court? How difficult, as an olympiad problem, would proving Dirichlet's theorem (prime numbers in an AP sequence) be if asked at IMO or Putnam? How is technology changing the culture of Colombia? How do I prepare for BANK PO and SSC-CGL in 16 -17? Drinking water early in the morning before brushing teeth, good or bad? Which is the best laptop under Rs 60000 for gaming in India? What do foreigners think of Arnab Goswami? How is the Scarlet Letter transcendental? Why do Medicaid and Medicare pay differently? "What does ""regulation"" mean?" What are the best ringtones? What can you get from Poké Stops in Pokémon GO? What is the true meaning of life? What is the difference between a Bachelor of Engineering and a Bachelor of Technology? How do I know where users are coming from if I only have one single Thank-you page for all my contact forms on the site? God real or fake? Or just a mere creation for law and order? What's the difference between 4G and 4G LTE? What was the worst thing you ever did at school? How do I delete saved messages on WhatsApp? Where can I get best commitment and professionalism for any fire protection work in Sydney? What are some professions that pay over 20 lakh per annum as a fresher? Is the MBBS course difficulty a hype? Why do elves die in Lord of the Rings? What would the world be like if everyone were enlightened? How can photons have no mass and yet still have energy given that [math]E=mc^2[/math]? Can we attach a car in ola without a driver? What will happen to the black money kept in Swiss bank after the demonitization of 1000 and 500 rupee notes? I quite easily get mild electric shocks from electric gadgets. Why are some people more susceptible to this than others? What was the greatest empire in world history? Which are some best TV shows about computer and cyber world? Bmtc yearly bus pass? Should the government subsidize investment in social businesses? Why or why not? Reviews about Bennet University? Who are the current site admins of Quora? In what county is Manhattan located? Can conservatives major in liberal arts? Does a commerce degree pay more than an engineering degree? What is the best advise given to you by someone when you are too fucked up? Which glue do you use on Toothpick Bridges? Can the removal of a benign mole increase the chance of one to get skin cancer (compared to if the mole is left alone)? Why do people enjoy politics? Does smoking weed makes you lazy? What are the best was to lose weight? Why would my dog eat a cat? What happens after you die? What are the angle measurements of a 3:4:5 right triangle? How do you deal with the stress of getting older? What does “Yankee” mean, and what is its real History? Is the BVPMC (Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College) in Pune good or bad? Why do people enjoy BDSM? What should I do if I can't log-in to Quora with my Facebook account? Is breakfast for dinner or breakfast for lunch better or also breakfast for breakfast? Is there any way to commit painless suicide? What rank should I get to join aerospace in amrita university? What are the lyrics to the theme song of the show Lie To Me? Where can I buy modafinil online without a prescription? What is the best hookah hose? How many cups of coffee do I need to get the same effect as taking Adderall? What are the options for a btech graduate to get a good job in visual effects and animation field? What are the best events to be conducted in college feast? If your waiter changes shifts with another waiter while you're dining, who gets the tip? How does one assess the convergence of a free-energy profile? Is it possible to join Indian Army (Specially air force) after doing my (Agricultural Engineering)? What is bulk density of cement, aggregate, sand? What are some of the best comedy Marathi movie? How can you stop being afraid of other people and being afraid of disapproval? Which branch could be allotted to me with a UPES rank of 14000? I have not been employed nor have I had any income in India for the past two years. Should I still file my income tax returns? What do couples fight about? Excluding humans, do animal lifespans generally scale with physical size? What is the best way to learn java? How long does it take for medication to work on cats? How are the hostels of RNSIT? How do I convert a DOS laptop to Windows 8 on an HP laptop? "Is Vu 32"" LED HD Ready TV is value for money?" According to the Bible, is astral projection a sin? A smart object image is blurred while scaling with the transform tool in Photoshop CC on a Mac OS X Yosemite. What are some suggestions? Is my husband cheating? How can earbuds be improved? Did writing develop once and then spread globally, or did it arise independently in each river Valley? How does the stock market work? How can you make an electropermanent magnet? How do I add filters in videos in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6? What is the single word for science and technology? Why does my car's air conditioning smell bad? Why is an aqueous solution of Na2CO3 basic? Why do so many Quora users not fill out their last name? Should I buy the Xbox One S? English (language): What is the most misspelt word in English? Do partners of people with borderline personality disorder have a greater tendency than average to become obsessed with getting them to come back, after the relationship ends? What book subjects should I focus on reading to prepare for the new SAT? Should faith in families be a matter of discussion or should everyone choose whether to believe or not? Do some races generally age better than others? What would go well with Quiche? What are the advantages of Than a common degree Why did workers demand collective bargaining? Why are few people against of Uniform Civil Code in INDIA to unite nation? What would be the best way to quit smoking? Which are the best songs of music director Sachin-Jigar? Which exam is much tougher IBPS PO or IBPS SO? Literature of Japan: Where can I find Toyo Shibata's poems translated into English? What is the point in humans having souls? Why is cocaine expensive? What is the difference between CV and resume? How can Topics (Quora feature) be used for writing good essays? I got 90 marks in the JEE Mains 2015. Will I get admission into IIIT Bhubaneswar (CSE) under a state quota? How should I convince a startup investor that he should invest in my idea? Why do people care so much about looks? What would be direction of rotation in 3ph induction motor if power is supplied in rotor, shorted the stator winding? Will you vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016? Why or why not? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Bank of America? My girlfriend really wants to have a cat but I am not into having animals as domestic pets. At the same time, I want to keep her happy. How can I convince her to not have animals in the home? Did you or do you smoke? Why is Oprah Winfrey so popular? What are some ways for a person to write a professional self-introduction on a website? What's the best smartphone I can get under rs. 15000? Is it possible to link a GTX 780 with a gtx1070 via sli bridge? What should we do if someone start to attack? How much do I need to run after eating medium size dominos pizza? What was it like to work for Microsoft on Windows 10 mobile when all the early bad reviews started pouring in? Can you get a private pilot's certificate/license in the USA while being there on a Visa? As a speaker of American English as a second language, what were the most difficult words (or sounds) to learn how to pronounce? What are the benefits of upgrading from windows 8.1 to 10? Is time travel possible? If yes how Why do our skin turns white to brown? What is difference between real life and movies? How do I bake a cake without an oven? What was Eazy-E's last song? What is the career path for an SAP BI and SAP Basis fresher with respect to HANA? How do I decorate a bedroom with a 1990 theme? What courses did Bill Gates take at Harvard? Is there a God or not? Does God exist? "In Japanese, how do you say ""sorry""?" How do I properly link two YouTube channels to one Adsense account? What other things should I do with my settings for YouTube? My crush and I openly talk about our lives together as a married couple, we are both 14 and we really like each other. Is this good? And if no why? What is the difference between a spot instance and a demand instance on EC2? How do I stay motivated? Which college and which branch will I get with a 35742 rank in the WBJEE? I want to earn much money in short time how? What is target market? Why C-H bond of allylic carbon is weaker than C-H bond of sp3 hybridized carbon? Which medical college can I get if my all India quota rank is 5036 in NEET 2016? Why is Pakistan's government still oblivious to the Balochistan problem? Why does Rejene burn my skin? What is the difference between cand c++? Is time travel possible? If yes, what is the idea behind that? What are 5 of your favorite songs? The chemical composition of petroleum? What is the salary of a company secretary in India? Why do I have double vision? What's the dumbest question ever to be asked on Quora? How much time does it take to receive a normal passport in India after printing has been initiated? Where is the SKODA Showrooms in Trivandrum city? I am interested to work to gain experience in Warehouse, Logistics, Export & Import. I s there any employers to offer me an opportunity? Who is the best porn star? What is a good substitute for orzo? How can I open a US bank account without going to the United States? What is the rent of kiosk in an upscale mall? What is the fee structure for mfm from NIFT? How do I calculate the threshold frequency? How do I improve my overall native English language? How can I succeed faster in Multi-Level Marketing business? I can't wake up early in the morning no matter how much sleep I get. What can I do to change this? Which are the easiest way to crack/hack any mobile phones? Did shuttle astronauts sleep in the space shuttle when it was docked to the ISS? What is the fastest possible way to lose weight? What is the most painful joint rehab? How do I take a perfect selfie how do I position my eyes? Why is hot water heavier than cold water? Do you think government can solve all the problems in the Philippines? Why or Why not? I seemingly display FIVE different personalities: that with friends, with family, with my boyfriend, with neighbors, at school. Is that a bad thing? What has been the reaction in China to the UN human rights report on North Korea? Is revenge porn common? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Ingles Markets is coming out with in 2016? At what position from the centre of the loop of current is the magnetic field maximum? How do you get a man? Can female U.S. Navy corpsmen (HM) serve SEAL teams? What is a good Calendar API that can be used for an event booking website with each event provider/organizer having a separate calendar to book appointments? How can you tell if someone has a personality disorder? How do download sata? What lasts forever? Is it better to start with data science courses at Udacity (intro to data science) or the Machine learning course at Coursera? What can't you eat while pregnant? What are Best computer science engineering colleges in mumbai? How do I avoid or get rid of bad breath? How much should one score in CAT 2015 to get 99 percentile? What makes a good student council president? What was your biggest culture shock going to Turkey? What are some of the things that Germany still lacks in terms of Business? Is hot tea a mixture? Is Google making assistants a priority? How long does it take a native English speaker to become fluent in Chinese? What are some good ideas for a story? What is the relative risk of depression for those with comorbid aspergers and adhd over aspergers or adhd alone? Who is our God? "In The Good Wife, why does everyone use the verb ""phone"" when they mean ""call""? Is this a Chicago thing?" How can I build my self confident? Is there any evidence of reincarnation? I am planning to do a research project related to engineering and neuroscience. What are some suggestions of topics? How do you save a PDF image? What happened to Terry Pratchett? Which technical topics should be focussed to prepare for a good software company interview? The Microsoft Store doesn't work on my new Windows 8.1 PC. What can I do? What is the impact of ease of doing a business on Indian economy? What is the potential energy of two concentric shells having charge q and radius r and 2r? "Why does the word ""party"" have so many meanings?" Why are my eyes always yellowish in color? Do porn stars ever get sick from fellating a penis that was just in their anus? Any nice pics? Can you compare Indian and Chinese people? Can Donald Trump really win this election? Where would one find a reputable jewelry and diamond wholesaler that works with small online jewelers? Is it possible to be good looking, but not look good in most photos? How can we end the caste based reservation in India? Could the EU be saved by reforming it into 2 types of EU members: trade centered and federal state centered, a so called variable geometry Europe? What's the easiest way to crack WEP on Windows? Do sociopaths care about their families? Why is One Direction hated so much? Why is it considered ill to stay with your girlfriend or boyfriend in the same hotel room in India ? Can anyone provide German shepherd herding dog information? What is the difference between friction and damping in a simple harmonic oscillator? Which colleges are good for architecture in india? What are the best photography institutes in Hyderabad? What is a suitable solar panel installation provider near Adelanto, California CA? What challenges do managers face? Why did the Nazis hate Jewish people to the point of committing genocide? If SHIELD had a secure floor, how would they secure it? Why are fish tanks so expensive? I plan to go abroad for further studies in aerospace. How good is the aeronautical engineering at Manipal University (or should I consider mechanical at VIT University)? What are the best companies to work in field of networking engineer? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Digital Realty Trust? What to do after I get CCNA Certification? What are some examples of the similarities of a plant and animal cell? How is Accenture Pune? Visual Perception: Is everyone's experience of color the same? How fun is college life? Can you see anything on a 3 week gestation ultrasound? Who would you choose as CM candidate of UP for BJP? Which is the best way to improve memory? How do I improve english writing skills as well as framing sentences while speaking? Why am I constantly annoyed when I'm with my family? What will the 21st century be like? Is it justifiable to boycott Pakistani artists from India? What is the best way to test a website for SQL injection vulnerability? What are some of the unsolved mysteries of space? What are some great b2b2c models? How much does Groupon Bangalore Office offer for a software developer role to students graduating in 2016? What does it mean if someone in my dream was supposed to die but they were miraculously saved by me? Does Jimmy Wales watch One Piece? Are there any videos on YouTube with 1 billion views? If so, which ones have 1 billion views? What are the best books on human psychology and the human brain? I'm looking for a free WordPress plugin using which the visitors can sign up as two different kinds. which one would be good? What are examples of a 5th degree felony? What is the most interesting training workshop you've ever attended? What did you learn? How does a flake of oat absorb so much water? Is a mobile phone with an IMEI number of 06 a good phone? Which is the best video player for iphone? How do I become creative? How do you deal with unbearable grief? How do you get relief from blue balls? What is it like for an Indian to live in different parts of the world? What does it feel like to get hit by a baseball in the face? What factors have influenced the human species to evolve into different races? Why do I feel much more attracted to girls with short hair than the rest of girls? If Dr B. R. Ambedkar was alive today, would he support reservation in India in its present state? How do we isolate white blood cells from whole blood? What is it like living in Norway? What is the career growth in 5 years if one joins as PO in public sector banks in india? What are the top Cloud Hosting Providers in the UK? How can one breed demons? What is meant by liability in business? How can I develop a program in Python? What is your favorite article of clothing? What is the best substitute for vegetables? How do I make money online? Where is it better to do a B.Arch, in a government college or a private college? If I have any query I open Quora before going to Google. Is that normal? How many startups are there by stage of funding in the US? (roughly) Is reading some wisdom on Quora less valuable than finding it out the hard way? How we can get outsourced IT projects from Europe and US? What is the difference between the good, the bad and the evil? What app do you use to sync and play audiobooks on your iPhone? What questions were asked in the BITSAT 2015? Do humans have basic animal instincts? How can I raise money to go to a hackathon later this year? Did the Death Star miss when it fired on Scarif? It looked like the blast missed the base. How can I find a job in Mumbai? Job satisfaction aboutState gov in haryana? I have identical twin boys. One can touch his nose with his tongue, one cannot. If they have identical genes, shouldn't they both have the ability? How does science differ from philosophy? I am new in JAVA programming. I want to build a project using spring MVC and SOAP web service. How can I do it without using Maven? How can I earn money from Youtube videoes? What is nursing? I start college in two months and I'm very obese, what can I do to lessen the social isolation? How can I practice my English? Why is there always pain at the top of my left-hand index finger? How safe is Dream Water? How is the best way to record with my electroacoustic guitar so it sounds acoustic and not electric? Where is the Oppo Service Center in Gurgaon City? What are the most hilarious scenes one could face while playing Skyrim? I smoke between 0 and 4 cigarettes per day. How will that affect me? Why were the Huns called the Huns? Which programming language do I start with? How does iOS 8.1.1 perform on iPad 2? How do I feed my Facebook Page into Twitter? My buddy thinks a 25 yo woman is hitting on him, he's 18. She keeps asking for back rubs from him. Is she flirting with him or inviting him for sex? How should a new startup handle a situation where a competitor tries to spread lies/slanders about you or your startup? What are some of the peaceful ways to commit suicide? What are some must-read books for aspiring mathematicians? What colour trousers and shirt should I wear with a black blazer and black boots? What is the impact of demonetisation on real estate? What are some things men should learn about women? Is musical notation ever tied to actual time? Which is the safest jail/prison in the World? What are the best rejection hotlines? What problems do 6 feet plus tall people face in India? What is your favorite fantasy? What's wrong with the TPP? Where is the best place to buy a laptop Table in the Rajasthan? How do I get a duplicate Aadhaar card made? What is a Unix shell? How do I give a good bj? Would it be okay to create a musical making fun of Islam? Are there ways to charge any device without a charger? If yes, which ways? How do gaming PCs differ from regular PCs? What is electric charge? Why do so many Chinese people have Western first names but Chinese surnames? What is the need of error control at the data link layer when the transport layer provides error control? What is the difference between the two error controls? Can I charge a fee for my iOS app that uses Foursquare data? "What is the difference between ""lots of"" and ""loads of""?" What are the differences between a monkey and a chimpanzee? Do high school girls find angry and hostile guys attractive? Why does being in love make one happy? Is Bitcoin mining still profitable in 2016? Was Bill Clinton's speech at the 2012 Democratic National Convention the greatest speech ever given at a national nominating convention? What is better, watching a 720p or a 1080p movie on a 1600*900 display screen? And why? Can you sell your bike or car in India while you are overseas? How can you thaw fish? How can I find a granite jaw crusher in my country? What is an unusual building? What is the plural of id? What is the inverse function of [math]y=\dfrac{1}{e^x +e^{-x}}[/math]? What are some of the most helpful tips to overcome fear of flying? What are some of the best sleeping pills in India that have no after effects? What are your favorite The New Yorker magazine covers? I know my password on Instagram, but reset it. I'm still getting notifications, but I don't remember the password to the email that I used. Why didn't Instagram ask me something before it reset it? How long can you store hard boiled eggs? What is the best way to store them? Is bicarb soda the same as baking soda? Why did Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez break up? Would the Indian version of Game of Thrones be successful? What is a 4-day detailed itinerary for Goa in the month of May? What are the negative effects of a revolution? How can I display all of my tags in Asana? Is clear urine a sign of pregnancy? If so why? I am doing my mbbs from a private college in india... After completing four and a half years of course can I apply for one year internship in another well established hospital? If yes then how? What are biotic factors and what are some examples of them in an ecosystem? Is it a myth or truth that generally after completing (Mech related) from IIT's students are left with vert less campus recruitment options.? How do you write a book (steps) and publish it? What happens when the earth's magnetic pole moves? Is there any way to add ABS for kwid car? What are the major economic competencies of Scandinavian countries? What do people from Mexico think of India? What are best career options after home science? What simple task are you surprisingly bad at? How do I do a mass unfollow on Instagram? Who is the best Bulk SMS service provider in Bhopal? How can I find Jaw Crusher in Kenya? Can a North Indian girl marry a South Indian boy? Which is the best book for learning how to invest in stocks? Do you think time travel can really be possible? Enthalphy is a measure of contained by a system? How can I learn to speak a fluent English? Does this boy love me or not? Does lucid dreaming really work? What would happen if we supply diesel to a petrol car and vice versa? What are the best way to lose weight and remain healthy? How much do auto dealers spend on advertising per month? Can I donate blood if I smoke weed daily? Was Mr. Jinnah bribed by British for two nation theory so that they can have a base to resist USSR or Jinnah was really convinced heart and soul that Muslim cannot live in India as minority? Do Uber drivers make more than taxi drivers? What does human capital mean? "How important is it to watch the dragonball special ""Yo! Son Goku and his friends Return"" before viewing Dragon Ball Super?" When do ionic bonds form metallic atoms? How do heavy depersonalization tendencies affect one's empathy towards other people? What's a tattoo that symbolizes motherhood? My mic keeps recording on the left side only. How can I fix this? What is retail in single brand retail? If I send a message to someone before I deactivate my Facebook account, will they receive my message and can I know if they read it? How should one change their diet to lose weight? How good are Donald Trump's chances of winning the presidential election? What is the corporate culture like at Phibro Animal Health? How is the culture different than other companies? How can I lose weight quickly? How do I block a certain channel on Airtel Digital TV DTH? What are some Intresting facts about Bangkok? Do you have any romantic engagement stories that you want to share? How do I know if someone deleted me from tinder? Is the MacBook Air be good enough for Android development and iPhone development and in general for programming? What is the real reason behind Dr Raghuram Rajan's exit as the RBI Governor? What are screencasts? What is the motive and implications behind Modi's abolishment of 500 and 1000 INR notes? Could World War 3 happen? Is it possible that Donald Trump is in cahoots with Hillary Clinton? My best friend and I like the same girl, what should I do? What is a photon of light? Why aren't babies ticklish? Do I need a voltage converter in Europe for my Samsung phone? What is the fastest way to get cure from sciatica nerve pain? What is the significance of duality theory in linear programming problem? Why do dogs look up at their owners? Is it only because they want food? Why are some questions on Quora flagged as needing improvement when they don’t need improvement? What is the best order to watch Naruto movies? Why do people commit for suicide? Why does my iPhone 6 screen sometimes display a static noise like an old TV with no signal after waking the phone up? How do I get Reliance Jio 4G SIM? Will I have any health problems if I eat rice daily in a healthy diet? How differently do you socially behave with friends apart from family? What were the weaknesses of the Treaty of Versailles? What is the meaning of swag? How does a Premier League referee prepare for a game? What are the best useful apps? What is the dotted condom? What does God (Supreme Soul) want from us? Is tap dancing a must to be in a Broadway show? What's the best advice you can give to a 25 year old? What percentage of the world's population lives in developed countries? What is a good stiff frosting recipe for cupcakes? How does a mechanical watch keep its timekeeping precision? Which processor is best for an Android phone: dual core or quad core? Why? Do Asian guys like Indian girls? What are some of the best romantic Hollywood movies? What has anime been lying to me about? Career Advice: What are the career options after BCA? Where can I buy the IPL 2015 jerseys in India? Does drywall appear under a black light? How can I join WhatsApp groups? What are some ways to make the world a better place and how can we all contribute to that? Do galaxies move? How do covalent bonds form? If I direct message someone on Instagram and they hide it, can I still send messages? Is Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 rooted? Is Eminem real or fake? Aurelia's intro video made me believe that Aurelia uses Angular V1's blueprint (Angular scopes = ES6 classes, etc). Is my impression correct? What is the best Android flashcard app? Why would an ex talk to a friend he supposedly hated? They started to talk after he broke up w/ with Can Albus Dumbledore look through the invisibility cloak? What is the importance of digital marketing? Where can I find what clothes are worn in Fast and Furious 7? I have my aptitude and verbal exam for placement stuff. Can anyone suggest a suitable book for practicing verbal and Aptitude? What is 404 error? What is the current percentage of increment for a 2 year experience software developer? I fear using public restrooms, should I not? How do I score 81 + marks out of 90 in maths class 10 cbse in just three days? "What are some examples of ""allusion"" in the book Lord of the Flies?" I have password for Gmail address used on someone's phone. Does anyone know how can I access the text messages without installing software's? I am 25 yo and I weigh 95. My height is 6'. I am trying to lose weight but I am not getting drive to go to the gym. What are the alternatives for gym? Importance of women empowerment in developing and developed nations? How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP DeskJet 1112 Printer? What has India gained and lost since independence? What is good place to start learning concepts of quantum computing? Do Indian Bengalis hate Bangladesh? In transportation, which networks use primarily the point-to-point mechanism, as opposed to hub-and-spoke? How can I live my life to the fullest at the age of 21? What attracts men to women? Are there any constitutional limitations on ex post facto outside of criminal law, or can the state and fed make retroactive any law that is not criminal? What is the eligibility criteria for a spot round of JoSAA? How are pleurisy and bronchitis related? How can I make my Gmail account better? How strong is Arale in Dragon Ball Super? What is it like to be a geology professor? I'm 175 cm tall. Am I of decent height? Dream of blood meaning? Is there a way that you can view a list of people who follow you back on snapchat (not just who added you on it)? How can I improve my English? What are some bad experiences that people have faced on their honeymoon? Why do developers include an R-R interval reader in the Suunto devices? Are GR and QM related by the superfluid dark matter as it is what ripples when Galaxy clusters collide and is what waves in a double slit experiment? When is the best time of day to work out? How is the campus of NIT Surathkal? Where can a person travel with a German passport? How can I approach a pigeon without him realizing I am there and evade me? How would you define loading diagrams in shear forces and bending moments? Where can I get very efficient and low cost conveyancing services in Sydney? How Can I Stop Dreaming And Concentrate More While Studying? How do I learn about stocks? How can I help to fullfill my uncle's will? He left part of his estate to his foreign family and one son wants to contest the will. Is Hinduism largely being viewed through the lens of Western researchers today? How do I know who is following me on Snapchat? What do people of Thailand think of China? What is the corporate culture like at Dominion Resources? How is the culture different than other companies? What are the most important parts of a homeroom meeting? Who needs Online payment platform most of all? Which university should I prefer for a CS/IT: G.L. Bajaj, Greater Noida or Galgotias University? "[SPOILER] Why did Jaqen say, ""Finally a girl is no one"" to Arya, despite her breaking all the prescribed rules of being a true “No One”?" How would you describe modern American politics? What would happen if one of the major-party candidates were to die before election day? How is the word 'mollified' used in a sentence? If Bill Gates donates so much of his money, how is he still one of the top three richest people in the world? Why is grapefruit good for diabetics? Does a beam buckle? Where can I watch Dragon Ball Super Episode 46 with English subtitles? Should I use my weighted or unweighted GPA when applying to ivies/Stanford/MIT? Is my UW high enough? Buying a car from different state in india and getting it registered in other state is it possible, will I have to pay taxes in both states? What is the difference between an MMS degree and an MBA degree? What are the similarities between Christianity and Islam? Has anybody explored running LDA (latent Dirichlet allocation) in Mahout in Windows without Cygwin? Is there a way to do it programmatically? What advice would you give to a person who wants to move from London to Moscow? What is A Clockwork Orange? How many colleges are there in Chennai? What is the best way to increase your vocabulary? How do I stop feeling sleepy all the time? Why does my ex-girlfriend say she doesn't want contact with me but has contact with her other exes? Where do I learn words for gre? What does a full moon represent? I'm not able to concentrate while studying.What should I do? How do I leave Islam without ruining my life? For which problems are deep learning algorithms the state-of-the-art? How can I find out who's behind the Facebook page? What is the minimum mark for admission in govt medical colleges in west bengal? Which would be a better buy, Moto G3 or Moto G Turbo? How can I lose weight quickly? What is an Active Directory Password Reset Tool? Which Disney character has asthma? How do I learn to write English like a pro? Did the Ancient Egyptians have totems? How many inter state water dispute tribunals formed upto 2016? Why does my pregnant cat keep meowing? Who is the High Sparrow? What are the chances that Trump will win the GOP nomination? Could he beat Hillary Clinton? What is the dark side of Quora? My first EP issued in 2015, I worked for 1 month, left SGP, now in 2016 my new employer submitted EP, what are my chances of getting EP? Are there any instances where a Cricket Team players have done good for their opponents? About sharda university? What will the government do of all the 500, 1000 notes they are collecting? How will they reuse? How can I contact Facebook via email? What should I say when asking for a job through email? What are the best smartphones to buy in range of 15000 to 20000rs? Is it easy to get into USC's summer high school program? What is the best way to prepare for a software developer internship? Why dose java initialise member variables before instance initialisation block in inheritance ? What should I do to enhance my English? With 25000 rank which will be the best college that I can get in comedk and what subject should I take ? Mass density of rod length 2L varies with distance from center as k=k0x. What is moment of inertia of the rod about perpendicular axis through center? "Is it correct to say ""advanced happy birthday""? Shouldn't it be ""advance""?" How does one play Minecraft? What should I do after digging and what is digging for? How are sex scenes in movies shot? As an actor/actress, how is the experience? How can we say 干货 in English? Did humans come from apes? Is it true some bangladeshis hate Indian culture or Hindu culture? How do I find a talented graphics designer in Shenzhen or Hong Kong for a freelance job? How do I remove pimples/blackheads on my forehead? Is it weird for a 14 year old boy to date a 12 year old girl? When will I grow up? What are the pros and cons of Node.js versus Apache web server? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in Ireland?" How does it feel to drive a Rolls Royce? Do I have to mention college achievements if I am writing a resume for an experienced professional? What are some abiotic and biotic factors? What are some examples? Question about my best friend's 21st birthday Why is Palo Alto so expensive? Do girls like swallowing cum? How much is India ahead of China in terms of freedom? What are the most interesting products and innovations that One Liberty Properties is coming out with in 2016? What is the meaning of emulsion? What are reliable economic indicators? What do we mean by electromagnetic radiation? I am an engineering student. I have no close friends, despite having many friends. My roommate decided to move in with his best friend. What do I do? "How can I fix ""Skype has stopped working"" issue in Windows 7?" How do you make caramel using condensed milk? What are the ways of losing weight? Should one buy commercial property door of which is Nairutya Facing (south west entry)? What is the difference between automotive and automobile engineering? "How do I stop saying ""I'm sorry"" all of the time?" How can I become a genius like Doraemon? How do I get enough likes on my Facebook page? How do I unite all Marathi speaking people? "What is ""small talk""?" Why do so many men flirt with me? What is the difference between esi and health insurance for employees? "Do government contracts prohibit ""work-for-hire"" clauses?" How do I improve grammar? What are few good ways to teach an Arabic friend how to speak English? He lives in a different country and we use Skype. Who is the current defence minister of india? What is a ranking of private colleges whose admission is through the JEE Main? What is it like to be gay in IISER Kolkata? What are abstract data types? Which is the best phone to buy in India under 20000 right now? Consider a biased coin that produces heads 70% of the time. One tosses the coin twice. What is the probability that both tosses have the same outcome? Oral Sex: How do I get my boyfriend off without sexual intercourse? Why don't people quit Facebook when they know that all they are doing on it is wasting time, snooping on friends/exs, trying to network with people who don't want to know them or don't know them? CSC bps non voice is good? Do midgets appear to have a condition even at birth? Why is Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara so popular? "Why was Real Madrid's José María ""Guti"" Gutiérrez Hernández so underated?" How do I deal with my dad? With my profile, what are some good colleges in the U.S. for studying MS in Data Science? Who would win a fight, a blue whale or a salt water crocodile? How can I increase traffic on my blog on Blogger? How do you convert a fraction to a percentage? How do I recover deleted photos from Samsung Galaxy S6 on Verizon with android 5.1.1? With 8000 rank which nit will I get? Which is the best college in DU for physical science? Which are the highest paid jobs in India? I love a girl, she treats me as a good friend but I want her to know how much I love her and I want to spend my life with her, she's the best thing that ever happened to me? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Jazz Pharmaceuticals? I am expecting 514 marks in neet ug 2016. what would be my expected rank? Do flax seeds aid in weight loss? How should one consume flax seeds to get their maximum benefit? What is the mystery behind Black hole? What do machine learning researchers do? Does Xanax cause withdrawal symptoms? How can I restrict a phone number? How can the USA citizens overthrow the government? "Do British people resent being called ""Brits""?" What are some opportunities to have an international job? Are my parents at risk of the MERS virus? What are good ways to get rid of obsession? How can I get internship in good law firm after pursuing ll.b from normal college of my state? Which team is most likely to win the 2014-2015 UEFA Champions League title? How can I improve my Anime drawing skills? Better create my own style? How did the characteristics of Victorian literature influence modern literature? How do I get Vajiram & Ravi notes free of cost? What thought process will help me to overlook other people's fault? Which is the best coaching for IAS in Allahabad? What is the tuition fee in sastra? Where do I get wedding photographers in mumbai? What are some examples of structural adaptation? How do you describe yourself? What are the answer keys in the English proficiency test in RareJob? In the HBO TV show Silicon Valley, the Weissman score is a fictional metric used to measure the performance of a compression algorithm. Who did the writers name this after? What is a good diet to lose weight? What happens to all the working phones that Flipkart collects in exchange? Is there a cure for HIV? What is the definition of cognitive neuroscience? Are mangoes harmful to health? I eat 4 to 6 mangoes daily, will it affect my health in future? Why is friend pronounced the way it is? Why does Ned Stark not legitimize Jon Snow the way Bolton does once Ramsay proves himself? Which one is better and why: Quora or Yahoo Answers? How does people in IRAN download Android apps?I am a developer and my downloads come from IRAN mostly, But I have no idea what's going on (Not from Google Play)? Thanks for any answer. How can I find Jaw Crusher Metamorphic in Mauritania? Which country is more interesting - Armenia or Azerbaijan? What is there to do in Yosemite in the winter? Is the water around an iceberg sweet? What are the chances of getting pregnant 1 week before your period? Do CIA and FBI agents work hard? As a guy, I definitely prefer to be chased. How do I if ever so slightly increase my chances of being chased? What are some of the most logical comments on a picture on Facebook? Does Donald Trump have a secret relationship with Hillary Clinton? What are the purpose of smart object in Photoshop? Is 7 a lucky number? Which one is better, the Xiaomi Mi3 or the Mi4i? How can we earn money on YouTube? As a college student, how can I make money online without investing a huge amount of money and time? How do your leg muscles make you run faster? How many hours should I spend in studying Math and Physics? What are the benefits of semen retention? I'm a B.Tech in ECE first year. How can I start preparing for the IAS exam? What goes through a guy's head when they find out a girl likes him? How can I promote - world's first social media for education sector? I don't understand what my girlfriend wants from me. She wants me to be me, and when I am she doesn't like it. What should I do? What are the advantages of water transportation? What are the disadvantages? What is it like to watch a circus live? "Which version of Sherlock is best: ""The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes"", ""Sherlock"", or the movie ""Sherlock Holmes""?" EU Referendum in the UK (June 23, 2016): How likely is it that Britain will leave the EU? Is it rude to ask to have your room cleaned in the afternoon rather than in the morning when you stay at a hotel? I want to wipe dalvik cache on my phone. Will this delete my apps or data? What's the current course syllabus for CS 51 (Introduction to Computer Science II) at Harvard? What are the benefits of kefer? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in Dominica?" How do you join the Sims 2 University Secret Society? What is a good time to complete a 5k run? How does one overcome laziness and actually finish something they set out to do? Is anyone here on Quora a PMS student? How can you get cyber crimes investigated by the police? I am in India now and I have some Thai baht from my last trip in Thailand. Which is the best place to change Thai baht in India? Who would win in a fight between Superman and the Flash? Do you really think that the Bachchans are upset at the role played by Ash in 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil'? Why do I not feel guilt when I lie or steal or cheat? Could the gravitation of overlapping universe be the cause of dark energy? Is tamil a racist language? What are the benefits of doing an MBA after getting an undergraduate degree in neuroscience? What unrealistic expectations do women often have about men when it comes to dating? How should I boost up my confidence? Is Malibu Rum technically a rum or liqueur? If a man was raped by a woman, what should he do? Does it make sense for Tommen to do what he did? What are some best pages on Facebook to follow? What are the best ways to lose weight? What is the best diet plan? Will the Bradley Fighting Vehicle's TOW missiles be replaced with Hellfires anytime soon? How can I get blue eyes? Was Pokémon GO a “warm up” to promote Pokémon Sun and Moon? What are the characteristics of a person with a Taurus Sun, Aries Moon and Pisces rising? "What does it mean when people tell you, ""you look like your spouse""?" What is the future of democracies and governments? How do I publish my biography? I need clear steps. Help? What movies have you made or been an integral part of? Why did the NBA restrict Kobe from signing with the Clippers but did nothing about Durant? For Indians only, Do you remember watching movies with sex/nude scenes (eg- Titanic) on Indian Cable when it was not censored like contemporary cable? What are the documents needed after a show cause notice at passport office? What are the differences between a diesel fueled car and a gasoline fueled car? I am on a ship going 1mph less than the speed of light. I throw something towards the front of the ship. How fast is that object moving? How can I download Quantico's s1 e1? What are the best firms for predictive data analytics? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Engility is coming out with in 2016? With radar, drones, lasers, digital cameras and satellites why would we ever need to build a brick and mortar wall between Mexico and the US? Why do schools block YouTube? Would you agree to these prenup terms? How can I find out a girls mobile number? What courses should I take to become a Professional Software Engineer as a High School Student? How can I download books in PDF ? I m a BBA student and I am passionate about dancing. What should I do? What is the best site in the world to ask questions whether it Quora? What can I do to make the world a better place? Why do cricket experts like Ravi Shastri believe that Rohit Sharma is extremely talented given the fact the he hasn't won many games for India like Virat has? What are all the arguments against gay marriage? How can I show an income statement for a company offering two different products. Do I show income and expenses for each separately or I can combine? How can I improve my TOEFL speaking? If you had to teach something, what would you teach? If Ahalya was able to see through Indra's disguise, why was she freed from the curse of Gautama by Rama? Is that act of freeing her from curse is right? How do I find the % of methionine (and leucine) in each and every protein? BSNL removed its night plans. How badly will it affect BSNL? What will happen to the moon if the earth was destroyed? How can I reduce my lower belly fat in one month? How do Mike Pence's views on foreign intervention compare with Donald Trump's? A new guy friend sent me a very romantic love letter (non-creepy, but completely wooing) and he knows I have a boyfriend of two months. Should I tell my boyfriend about it? If so, how? What is the scope of logistic and supply chain management mba? How would you define innovation in your own words? What are quarks made of? What does maturity exactly mean? How do I delete my Quora account? Is the subject accounting a difficult subject? Why do some people use Quora when a dictionary or Google could be used instead? How do you find the best selling products on Alibaba/Aliexpress? Which are the best colleges in Bangalore? I am very lazy. I want to work out but I cannot makeup my mind for the same. What should I do? What is the best way to refinance credit card debt? What is the most heat resistant material on Earth? How much heat can it stand? How do I learn JavaScript from basic? What is it like to live in Santiago, Chile? How can I report a fake Instagram account? What are the best books for general aptitude in the GATE and IES? Which group of football players are best paid? Strikers, defenders, midfielders or goal keeper? How can I access Google Maps JavaScript to change web calls? How do I improve verbal communication skills? How old are the DigiDestined in season 2? Can we use ethernet cables like cat5, cat6 or cat7 cables for audio transmission? How does it compare with classic audio cables? Which company provides the best tech support for IoT? Can I get MBA tech in Mumbai or Shirpur campus with 3293 rank in NPAT? 10 L package in TCS? How does Brexit affect India? Which came first, the sperm or the human? What's the difference between purchasing and procurement? Should I go ahead and say yes to marry the person I love despite knowing that I am a Manglik? How are loaches sold (by weight or by number) and for how much in Korea? How do I start a successful business? Will I be able to play Nintendo 3DS games on the new Nintendo Switch console? Why can’t I add more than 300 characters and some can on Quora? What function does the human eye serve? What are peoples' biggest restaurant pet peeves? What is the key difference between JDBC and ODBC? Why do retailers add 99 to the end of their pricing. $1.99 / $399.00 What are the best books you ever read? And why? What happens when you go into a hot bath (that dilates your capillaries) and then take an aspirin (which thins the blood)? Approximate estimate of a poultry farm of 5000 birds? What is the secret to Quora's success? I want to improve my english level. Where should I start learning to program? Is it possible to hit a bullet with a bullet? Will the United States ever have a 3rd big political party besides Democrats and Republicans? If so, what could they be like? Which is the best book for learning C for Beginners? Is it relevant to test if there is a correlation between blood sugar and blood pressure? Are the Chinese who works in Egypt criminals back in their home country? What is the biggest sacrifice you've ever done for someone/someone ever did for you? Which companies in Omaha regularly hire contractors? What are they like to work for? How programs on Discovery, NGC, Science, History TV 18, etc were conceptualized? How do you PlastiDip your car's rims? Why do Apple and cell phone carriers replace the SIM card after buying a new phone even if the old one works just fine? "What does ""to give the benefit of the doubt"" mean in the following sentence?" How do students get so deeply inspired to study day and night to get into IIT? With such media control, isn't there a risk that Poland may have the type of censorship we see in Russia under Putin? How do I reset my Gmail password when I don't remember my recovery information? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Ford? How can I improve my oral English? How do you find meaning in what you do with your life? Are Kurdish people more literate in Turkey than in other countries? What is the difference between a software development specialist and team lead at Accenture? If you click extremely with a person of opposite sex that isn't the partner you are currently with, what should you do? Should I leave fiitjee and join some coaching for SAT? What is the difference between biotic and abiotic? Why has bjp not given special status to Andhra Pradesh? How would you define an idiot? Which are Best tours and travels in India? What are ways to make money online? How does the unconscious recognizes patterns? What is the email address for Airtel broadband Mumbai head? Can the penis size (length or girth) be permanently increased? What is the Netherlands? How do I find the underground water to dig a bore-well? What are the qualifications for being a Top Writer on Quora? What is the best & latest seminar topic for a 3rd mechanical engineering student? Is English a romance language? How do I make a Bootable Pendrive? What criteria determines the list of user suggestions when searching on Instagram? He keeps continuously flirting but when common friends ask he behaves as if I'm undateable. He is only interested when I am not. How do I deal? What is the meaning of pay band 5200-20200 in india? What is the monthly emoluments? The Arrow Of Time is caused by entropy. But entropy can temporarily go backward, toward order. Time never runs backward. Explain? What are overdraft fees and how do they differ from bank to bank in the United States? What are the reasons for suicide? How can I make quality pizza at home? On what sized planet could you hit a golf ball into orbit? How did tai lopez get all over youtube, what is your estimate of his marketing expenses? Why do koala bears make funny sounds? Who is the artist wayne leal? Why do people use Quora when we already have google? Can I use coffee scrub on face daily? How can I find my passion in life? Is it possible to train a robot to automatically run apps in my Android phone? What are some good top universities in Canada for computer science with a good placement record? Is there any college in india where there in no upper age limit for earning a bachelors degree through regular college? How can I improve my memory power and other mental abilities? Which character in the Game of Thrones TV series is the best adaptation from the book? What is the actual size of the Oracle Solaris OS? Which kind of operating system (Linux) is good for installing Oracle 11G database, client or server? "Is there more ""low-hanging fruit"" in the social sciences than the natural sciences?" How do I get admission in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore? Is life possible on a planet without liquid water? Why wouldn't life develop on a different fluid? What makes a woman or girl unattractive? What makes me smarter than other people? How can I recover data from an old IDE hard drive? Why is Pichi Pichi Pitch so popular in Spain and Italy? Where is surrat? Which states in india are the least literate as of 2015? Who is Mona Lisa? "How do you say ""fire"" in Greek?" Why do earthworms have hearts if they don't have blood? I'm an American and I want to help the Syrian refugees. How can I do so? How one can explain magic tricks? What is IME 9? Where can I download popular books free? What does it feel like to delete your Facebook account? What did Indra do with Karna's kavach and kundal? How do you know when someone really loves you? Can I jailbreak ios 9.3.2? Why do some people hate Mahatma Gandhi? How do I calculate the value of Debye length? When will the Pokemon Go Android game release in India? What would have been the present if Hitler had not led Germany after WW1? What happens if I do not tip my waiter in the U.S.? How can I follow every topic on Quora? What is the name of the movie, filmed in the 60's or 70's, set in an alternative '60's and it involved an attempted coup by some Senators? What do South Koreans think about China? Which is the best trimmer in India? What is a weekly schedule for a Broadway actor? Add questions on quora? What technology does Adobe use? What is the song played during the end part of the movie Deadpool (2016)? I listened to this song during my childhood. Must be a 90's song. Which is better car than Hyundai i20 active 1.4 sx? How do Greyhound's advance purchases work? Are they responsible with purchase returns? How can one crack AIIMS? How probable is it that a third world war will break out? I am taking a romantic partner to Disneyland for one day. What are the best things for a couple (with no children) to see/ride at Disneyland? What was the reason behind emergency in india? What is light? If it takes something an infinite amount of energy to accelerate to light speed, then how does light itself exist? Is light infinite? Is python the best language for machine learning algorithms? How do I score 99-100 marks in tomorrow's English exam (CBSE class 12)? Would repealing the Affordable Care Act be a dangerous move? How can I efficiently lose weight? How do I get my life back on track, and what happened to me? What is the difference between CSE and IT engg? Will Muhammad's parents go to heaven or hell? Why are some gay men feminine and some not? What is the difference between an oscillation and a wave? Secure programming in web application? Is Caitlyn Jenner a lesbian? What are the benefits of brolico? Is this for real? When will Quora update its app to material design? What are the applications of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle? How much is 6.5 inches in meters? What are the easiest languages to learn for an English speaker? Which one is the most embarrassing moment of your lift? What can a medical student learn in the next 10 minutes which will be useful for the rest of his/her life? How do I, a non-Muslim girl marry a Muslim guy with our families approving? What is the average height of an NBA coach? How can I learn fluent in English? What are some opinions about Ryanair? How many people are needed to air a live sports broadcast? Why am I not able to set any ringtones on my Moto G 2013? How do I stop my Black Lab/Pitbull mix from destroying my furniture? I am a 19 year old guy. I briskly walk for around 5 km every day, run 2.5 Kms, and do a lot of skipping. What should be my daily calorie intake? Is it important to read a book in its original language? What are the disadvantages of reading a book which has been translated? What are the cons of road transport? Who are some notable people on Quora worth following? What would a girl talk about with a male friend she likes? Are there any examples of countries located south of the equator colonizing lands far to the north? What is the psychology of bullying? How intelligent is George W. Bush? What are some good examples of emotional intelligence? How do I find the email I used for Instagram? How can I find purpose in life? What will make me lose the most fat? Which is the best place to visit in india? How can I get more views on my Instagram videos? What are tips and hacks for new ride-sharing drivers in Montréal? Is legit or a scam? What type of questions are asked in a Goldman Sachs interview? How do I Optimize magento mobile website? What is the best Chinese history reader and why? What are the most stylish smoking pipes? Is Barack Obama the last US President ever? Can I increase my height after 23? Can I use Granite in Wood Ovens? What are the best books to prepare for the IIT JAM physics exam? Does master's in space engineering fetch a job in India? What do people think of Apigee? How can we make India a developed country in 10 years? How do I avoid unnecessary expenses? How do I prepare for jee 2017 in one year after taking a drop? What is the passport validity requirement for a Swiss visa? "What does ""Sorry for the long post, here's a potato"" mean in 9GAG?" Where can I see Pro Kabaddi League in Singapore? Which app is better for downloading YouTube videos? How does Miracle Whip differ from mayonnaise? What is the use of constant values in C++ templates? "Is there a way to run programs in a ""virtual machine"" so they cant affect my PC? I don't want to run them in a new os." How can I remove my gmail from my friends phone? What type of people are good computer programmers? Which colleges don't require high school record (including those w conditions such as needing a certain # of credits) if you are a transfer applicant? How can the FBI arrest people who never lived in or visited the United States? Who is better and why, a physicist or an engineer? Is mozzarella cheese healthy or not? When were cameras invented? Who invented them? How did this invention impact society? What caste is Saini? What will Hillary Clinton's India policy be if she becomes President? Which is the best smartphone brand that has good battery life and internet connectivity? How do read receipts work on iMessage? Is it possible to read a message without the sender knowing on a per-message basis? How did Hitler come to power? What are the best ways to promote a travel website? What are the best weight loss tips? What are the best blogs about the stock market? Why does Quora collapse downvoted answers and comments instead of just showing a downvote ticker beside the upvote ticker? How can I get my photo as the first of Google image search results? (just for fun!) We say light always has the same speed in a vacuum, regardless of the observer's speed. But there are galaxies so far away that they move away at the speed of light. Would a photon coming from there appear to us as if it didn't move at all? Where can you find driftwood for an aquarium in Mumbai? Is there a top secret space program? When is the best time of the year, weather-wise, to sail from Key West to the Dry Tortugas? How do we protect astronauts from radiation on the way to Mars? Are bluetooth headphones good? Why do people say 'God bless you' when someone sneeze? Microsoft Salary Level 64? What is the best way to love someone? What is Donald Trump's IQ? Do men think more logically than women? Is Hamlet considered a tragic hero? Why or why not? Should Muslim Cake Bakers who refuse to bake gay wedding cakes get the same death threats and backlash that Christian Cake Bakers get? How can I manufacture my own printers using e-waste? What is the difference between PaaS and IaaS? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at AT&T? How much does beer at Costco cost? How are buttons made in HTML? What are the bulk modulus values for each of the different layers of Mars? What is Nail Making Machine? What songs I should listen to when I am feeling down, upset and alone? Why there are more and more democratic rogue countries in the world? What is an aggregate demand and economic growth? Which is the best English book to prepare for SSC CGL? How did you overcome the fear of failure? Can I get CSE in LNMIIT with a score of 131 in JEE Mains 2016? Is it bad I had sex with my neighbor? What is the story behind different Sindhi surnames related with physical objects? If I'm chasing money, should I become an investment banker or an entrepreneurial programmer? How can I reduce my fat and keep my muscle? Which team has a chance to win uefa 2016? What is the correct way to pronounce 1/32? How does Quora earn money? Is it okay to ban beef in a secular country like India on religious grounds? What is the difference between suck and fuck in terms of sex? Did anyone in the Empire know Vader was a Sith? Or did they think he was a Jedi? I am working in an IT company and now I want to become a cinematographer. How can I do that? Is it late to think about cinematography? What are some ways to help get rid of redness from a sunburn? What does: = mean in algorithms? Can someone see the number of times I viewed their snapchat story? Is cost of ticket high on book my show then at the counter? What is Germany position on South China Sea? What does it mean to be educated? How do I use Is Tejas as good as Gripen? Where is the best place you have ever traveled to? What are the most common symptoms of early pregnancy? Is there really eternal life after death? What is the origin of surname ROY in Bengali diaspora? Who will replace Marissa Mayer as the new CEO of Yahoo? Where do APK files get stored in Android Studio? Did the US really blame Saddam for the insurgency? What do you do if a girl you like talks to you about how much she likes her guy even though her guy doesn't care about her? "Where do I get the English subtitles for the movie ""eCupid""?" Is Google Maps the best maps? What is the most surprising and unexpected thing ever happened to you? Who is the best surgeon in Ahmedabad? What are ghosts? What's a perfect age to get married for a guy and a girl? How does Twitter earn money? Is Robert Hooke the most underrated scientist? How to force your hyper active mind to concentrate on studies? How can I concentrate on studies rather than thinking about a girl who has kicked me out? Why is it not ok for women to go to the beach natural, without shaving? What are the various taxes levied in India? Do you think the USA is overhyped in Hollywood movies? What will revolutionize Internet recruiting and staffing? Im a 13 year old boy. Parents don't know I wear thongs. Should I wear them everyday even in public and everywhere? What were some lessons that you learned from your recovery from depression? Do NFL players party during the weeks leading up to the Super Bowl? How do we know that we're not living in a computer simulation? Why do I feel that my happiness is superficial? Where can I get best quality service on Photo Booth hire across the Sydney? What are a few male group songs in Hindi for stage performances? If it is finally proved that Prime Minister Modiji's degrees are fake, how will it affect India in general and BJP in particular? What are the study tips for a student who go for cpt exam? Is it possible for me to get software engineering in DTU with a JEE-Mains score of 202 and a CBSE board score of 94.6%? How do I choose tyre for SAE Supra vehicle? How do you add pictures to questions on Quora? What is the best way to ignore someone? Is my phone hacked or something? I got signed out of some apps last night and am getting SSL errors everywhere. My phone was working fine until now. "I am a Saudi National and have ""SR 3 million"" in my hand to invest in Dubai real estate with approx. 20% ROI annually. Is this possible? Any advice?" What is the use of feed rod in a lathe? What is meant by service? Are there any witches that joined Quora? In July 2014, where can I buy FIFA 15? Is it bad that I associate my school's ringtone with negative consequences, due to my past as a bully? How big is a reference variable? Why does Hades tell Orpheus to not look back? What’s the symbolism of it? Do people really eat spiders while asleep? How can you make money while you are a college student? Is driving for Uber a good way to supplement my income in Orange, CA? Why? Is aluminium harmful for our bodies? How should I avoid accepting little doses? How should I clear my body from aluminium? Can I use clips from the shows and make a video from them and get money? How can I allow multiple users to share an email address? What is the cut off for a nit? "Why is there a special term for women who are gay (e.g. ""lesbian""), whereas gay men are simply ""gay""?" What is the oil capacity of a Duramax engine? Is Reliance Jio available in Leh, Ladakh? What kind of first jobs do nutrition majors tend to get? How does pruning help trees? Is there a difference between a sales strategy and a go-to-market strategy? Why do cats bite their nails? How is an interference created by radar signals? How can I stop my hair fall? How do I contact flipkart for warehouse? What happens to the equilibrium price and quantity using demand and supply curves when hot weather causes demand for ice cream to increase? How can we give unconditional love? What reasons did and do some people give for hating Jews? What is the value of a 1963 $5 bill with a red ink seal? Have any couples of two countries met on Quora and fallen in love? Black panther vs Phoenix? Is Canadian natural resources stock going to rise in March? How are Singaporean's treatment or attitude to non locals? My driving license is lost. How do I apply for a new one? Is future travel possible? What would happen if Sheldon Cooper met Future Sheldon Cooper? Why do people ask Quora when all they have to do is Google their question? What are some creative ideas to get invited to the party to which you are not invited to? How does the discover tab work in a true caller app? What are the best stocks to invest in India in October 2016? What are the best ways to find native English speakers interested in communicating with students to improve their English as a foreign language? How do I get rid of belly fat? How do you know you have a crush on someone? Is there any way to commit painless suicide? Forgot my cvv number? What good work you did today? Which MBA stream is best compatible after a B.Tech in information technology? 1kg gold=how much pavan? What will you do with your black money after the government discontinued 500 and 1000 notes? How many times has India got divided? What is Load bearing? When will the CBSE improvement exams forms be out? What should I do if I have a virus on my phone? Who is Prophet Muhammad? I'm visiting England soon. What are the things that are frowned upon in public? "Is it possible to have an identical ""twin"" in the world who is genetically unrelated?" What are people from Utah called? How easy/common is it for an employee at Facebook (or Google) to switch teams internally? Why doesn't it snow when the temperature is below zero? How do I intuitively learn quantum mechanics? What might a 51-star US flag look like? What are the best foods to eat when you want to lose weight? Who was the all time best President of the United States of America? Are Apple products overrated and overpriced? How has life been unfair to you? What's a good way to stay updated on indie movies? How can we play gta 5 pc online in cracked version? Why can animals be tamed? Is it commonly agreed that sitting in the back seat is rude when someone is giving you a ride? What does Github do? How do I make a girl fall in love with boys easily? Which cab service is the best to go from Pune to Akkalkot? How can I sell or pitch my idea? What TV series are worth watching? How do I never care what other people think and how do I stop getting nervous whenever people judge me? Has anyone received interview call letter from HPCL through GATE 2016? Which company has the best pros among the following: Accenture, Cognizant, TCS, Infosys or Wipro (please mention cons also)? Who has had a crown removed from tooth? Where can get professional home painting service in Brisbane? Does visualization works? Does British school system have such thing as second language as mandatory subject? What are the top anime TV series? If you were to reform the Indian education system, what would you do and why? How can I factorize [math]x^8+x+1[/math]? What is the easy way to make money online? Who would win in a war between Pakistan and USA? Is arrow worth watching? How does it feel after sex for the first time? How does one synthesise methamphetamine? What might happen now that President-elect Donald Trump has won the election? What will be the impact? I'm a second year electrical engineering student at the IIT Delhi. What should I do to earn some money during an academic semester? What is a good bar in Auckland? What can I do to reduce the pain while having sex with a man whose penis is large in girth? Did Russia influence American election for Trump to win? What is an easy way to learn French? What was the best day of your life? How do I reset my Gmail password when I don't remember my recovery information? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in The Bahamas?" My dom is a switch and we agreed that one week out of the month, we would switch and He would give me control. Any ideas? Can a rhombus be a rectangle? How do I reach Iruppu falls from Coorg? Does it snow in IIT Mandi? How are foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks characterized? Why can't we harness lightning energy? What is the best way to reach Super Angels and mentors? Who wrote Hamilton (the musical)? What is unleaded fuel in a diesel engine? What is managerial economics? Is plate tectonics real, or not? Where can I hire qualified and experienced personnel for fire protection in Sydney? How do you know if someone can potentially be your friend? What is the best wine cellar software? Can you limit access to a Facebook fan page? Is it true that all humans have a parasite that lives inside of them that records their memories and thoughts? What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they're invited to someone's home in Brazil for the first time? Will Jamie become a Kinslayer in Season 7 of Game of Thrones? What would you say to your 20 year old self? How I get start email marketing? Can you suggest a mind-blowing phone? How does it feel going from being very skinny to a normal weight? Where can I get weed (marijuana) in Faisalabad, Pakistan? I have fallen in love with my closest friend. But due to some misunderstanding she doesn't even wants to see my face. What should I do? Where was the cotton gin invented? What is the easiest way to learn English? What does 'CrowdSense' mean? How can I get rid of depression and anxiety? It's giving me occasional chest pains. Can you answer this question? How can I find out if my girlfriend is actually attracted to me? What is the best way to learn about the stock market? How could one get more salary as a mechanical engineer? How can one apply for an internship in DRDO? What is your guilty pleasure anime? How are videos embedded in Twitter's new preview pane? What do people eat for lunch and dinner in the US? How do I get rid of screen overlay error on my Droid Turbo2? Why does CS50 at Harvard use C as its primary language? What is the difference between living, earning and study in regional Australia like Ballarat vs a big city like Melbourne as an international student? Is July a good month to visit Goa? Can you masturbate too much? Was it wise for conservatives to point out the lack of physical US flags at the first day of the 2016 DNC? Who am I? Am I my DNA? What's the most inspiring music ever? Why checked exceptions are not propagated? Is there any website that provides historic ticket prices from Ticketmaster, Stubhub, etc.? How do doctors treat synaptic clefts? Why did McCarthyism end? What led up to the Welch-McCarthy exchange? How do I decide between living a single life with different partners & getting married? I'm 36 and we've been together for 4 years How often do people who check in miss a flight? Does Sansa still hate Theon in Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 5 (Kill the Boy)? What do I write in a letter to an absent father? How much does it cost to advertise on Spotify? As a very young kid (1 year old or about) my hair was blonde but now it's a dark brown why did it change? Is psychology a good career option in india? What is the history of medical technology in the Philippines? Why and how did you break up with her/him? What branches can I get in Manipal Jaipur if my rank in Manipal is 29000? Do I need a hub or a switch? What is the BSc IT cut off for St. Xaviers, Mumbai? What are some good Android apps for video editing? Is there any reason behind wearing a gold ring on the ring and index fingers of each hand? What is Linux Kernel internals? How can I purchase travel insurance? How do I Introduction to Cloud Computing for hosting Oracle ERP Servers in Cloud? What is an effective diet to burn fat and lose weight? Someone I know thinks that brushing their teeth isn't necessary if he doesn't eat bread or processed food. Is there any truth to this? If you are training for your first 5K, 10K or Sprint Triathlon, what do you use? What is it like to have a near death experience? A girl on Tinder said she deleted her Tinder app. She's still in my matches and her picture changed. Also her status says she was last active 10 minutes ago. Is she lying? What will be my OBC rank if my general rank is around 9000 in jee mains? What is mathematical maturity? What are the best/cutest things a girl has ever done for you? Why is it so important for Indians to know what other people think about them? How do I create and deploy cloud applications like Salesforce? Who created the solar system in our galaxy? How is it to be a stay-at-home dad? Does BBA require mathematics in it's course of study? What are the books one should read in his life? If Jews were one of the tribes of Israel, where are the other eleven tribes? How can i make money in you-tube? How do banks verify when and how they issue replacement debit cards? How is this tracked? How can I approach my crush? How do you safely wash silk pajamas? What was Laureen Harper's graphic design business named? Did anyone here do business with her firm? Is it still active? How can I become a wise man? What is the cut off marks in IIT JAM in mathematical statistics for general students.? Which NIT is the best for mechanical engineering? What are the some horror movies? What is the name of the red Ninja Turtle? What is a good way to make friends? Read the details How electricity is produced in a nuclear power plant? What are the ways to download videos from PluralSight? How could I find my passion? How do I get into any branch of the BITS campuses through BITSAT? Which is the best one Hitachi Service Center in Hyderabad? You want to e-sell? 1. look at other websites you have been to and like what they sell. 2. study the web page = what do you like about the web page. How do freezers work? What is the difference between a rule and a regulation? How do I make a whistle-controlled keychain? How does one go about renouncing his/her citizenship? My friend is having an interview at Tech Mahindra for Mule ESB Technology. What questions can be asked and what should he prepare for the interview? Is it possible to scale down a sub-mm accuracy GPS to a single IC? How do I be a sperm donor in Chennai, India? How can a scab inside an ear be treated? What three Quora answers would you consider your best answers on investing? How should one apply for an internship with Maruti Suzuki? If two stones are thrown upward with their velocities u1 and u2 respectively, prove that the heights reached by them is in the ratio u1^2 :u2^2? In Quora, What should I do if two questions are the same in different words? Why do some Indian Muslims cheer for Pakistan in an India-Pakistan cricket match? Who do you think will win the Super Bowl in 2017? Why? Do ghost actually exists? What are the best places for a tourist to see in Gangtok? Can you undelete a picture from Instagram? How can i increase my height in my late sixteen? Were the ancient Greeks blond? How should one start a career in photography? Who were the original investors and/or advisors to Yelp? What are the ways to earn money? What is the best way to write a check to cash? Is there any website where I can earn money by solving maths questions? How do fund managers market their Mutual Funds? Is there any coupan code for airtel postpaid customers? I have been seeing my deceased boyfriend in my dream ever since he died. And it's kinda weird and lucid dreams. What does it mean? What is the name of the common GOD of Muslims, Christians and Jews? Are Bengali girls the most beautiful ones in India? What will be Real estate trend after Demonetization of 500 & 1000 currency notes? How fast would humans be able to run if they were canines? How do I become a game developer? Can I open online banking for my education loan account or can I see my loan transactions even in my SB account net banking in CORPORATION BANK? How can I make laminate flooring at my office floor? How do you solve [math]x^2=2^x[/math] analytically? How do I earn money from photography? How can I break all Nokia security codes and passwords? How can I get over my fear of driving on the freeway? How do I get a government job? What are some interesting questions asked in an interview? What are some good movies based on real life people, incidents or events? What differentiates Judaism from Christianity and Islam? Am I the only one who can think about a certain word so hard that you forget its meaning and how to use it in a sentence? Is Algentis a good way to outsource HR and Payroll services? How many brake pads does a car with 4-wheel disc brakes have? What will the world look like in a million years? I am using Jio sim in LTE phone. So I use Jio4Gvoice app to make a call. After the free period will it require data packages? Growth in SAP mm? What is the structural formula for condensed cyclobutene? Who was John von Neumann? Can albinism happen in pigs? What size of pressure cooker is best? What do you think of women who wear purple wigs? I have recently learnt HTML/CSS. What are some websites suggestions that I should practice by rebuilding them? Is it true that if someone is earning money, someone else in the world is losing money? How does income growth for the world happen together? What do you think about Trumps new info on Exxon and Russia? What are dependent and independent variables? Why is Windows used more in the developing world than Linux? What are some low budget graphic design sites and how do they compare? If you have $100,000,000 , practically speaking, what sort of monthly interest would one make at the bare minimum if they did absolutely no investing with it and only kept it in a bank? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in East Timor?" What are the best fantasy sagas (movies and/or books)? How can I improve my English writing skills? Which books do you suggest? What is the Rolling Stones song Sympathy for the Devil about? How do I generate leads for B2B software sales? How do I find an email address? If it takes more than a few days to hear back from Google regarding an internship, does that mean that I didn't get the position? How did Bjarne Stroustrup turn C into C++? Can I use relince gio 4g on any divce after activation samsung phone? Why did Manaphy had a panic attack in Pokémon ranger and the temple of the sea? Does building up your abs i.e. stomach muscles cause problems with digestion or cramp-like pain? How do mountains affect the climate? How far are these effects felt? What is the saturation temperature? What is the best way to keep calm in tough situations? Do other races find Indian women attractive? If I remove a book I've made notes to from my Kindle and later put it back on the Kindle, will my notes still be there? How do I follow up after a second job interview? Why was the Great Wall of China built? What was its main purpose? Why is productivity the source for economic growth? How do you get your nose to stop running? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Crown Castle? What unit is mass measured in? My Samsung Galaxy J5 takes too long to charge. What is the problem? "What did Alan Watts mean when he said, ""everything is of course fundamentally yang and yin, and if you understand that you really don't need to understand anything else?""" What are some good ways to get revenge on someone? Are there any non-Korean K-pop stars? What do Koreans think of them? What existed before the beginning of the time? What is the fastest way to travel to Mars? What is the best paid email verifier software? Which is the best place to hangout with friends in pune? How can I become fluent in English? Why is Quora addicting? Being a Coimbatorian, with a rank on 5390, will I be able to get CSE in Amrita Coimbatore? How much equity should a founder keep? Why is it so uncomfortable to eat with a palate expander? Is it safe to access the deep web? Which is the best smartphone under Rs. 15000? What are your thoghts on the second presidential debate? Which small low cost car is best for Uber and Ola? If US government compensated costs of medication development instead of using patent system for it, would extremely expensive medication vanish? How can I get the list of irrigation companies listed on stock market of india? Why doesn't UK have an Air Force One equivalent? My lover doesn't like sex at all. If she reaches an orgasm once, can she change to a sex whore? How are governments blocking, banning and shutting down torrent sites? What are the best places to visit on a trip to Kerala? How can I learn playing piano through You-Tube? "Why is the Swedish House Mafia ""allegedly"" breaking up?" Could the frequency of an HV power transmission be lowered now with the advent of the LV DC house? (The Hz of fluorescent lights irrelevant.) What are the best computer hacks? What are some of the highest paying jobs in India? My girlfriend's ex keeps telling everyone that they're still together. What should I do? How did Hitler manipulate so many people? How do I catch a Cubone in Pokémon GO? I am 20 and never had any gf? All my friends have their partners. What is the grossest parasite? What's the difference between Chinese high school and American high school? Are girls impressed by guys who pee on everything? What are the pros and cons of the Samsung S5? What should I do if my girlfriend is in love with another man? What music gives you goosebumps? Why did Palpatine lose to Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi? What are semiconductor? What is the difference between Turbofan and TurboProp? Is there a lighter version (having all features of Oracle but does not occupy huge space) of Oracle? How can I learn more programming? Can a woman get addicted to an abusive husband? Can glucose be converted to galactose? How so? What are these car parts and is it real? How do I export my mailbox to Outlook on Windows? What is the best book on baseball strategy? What are the most effective anti-depressants? Who designed Quora's Top Question Writer Icon? Who is the best film director in the entire history and why? Should I believe in astrology? How do I block a number from calling my phone? What is the recurrent problem in your startup? What things in our generally accepted view of the world are completely wrong or are a very biased and twisted view of how the world really is today? How could degree programs in philosophy prepare students better for careers? What is the deskphone in this picture? I got 182 rank in tcs codevita 2016 round 2,will I get any benefit from it? How can I find lesbian women just for chatting? Is it normal to enjoy your own company? What is the definition of CIBIL? Is Kobe Bryant Overrated? What causes more damage, .45cal pistol or 5.56 mm rifle? How can I hack Facebook accounts in minutes? What are the best courses at Coursera? What would happen if a mobile phone with a battery capacity of 1300 mAh is used with a higher battery of 2000 mAh or more? What is the best thing someone has done for you? How can I transfer music from my itunes to my students' ipads? If some one block me on whatsapp can I unblock my self? How money in swiss bank will be affected by scrapping of 500 and 1000 rupees notes? Did Facebook graph search fail? If so, why? Can Ayurveda cure myopia? What is the best practice material for gate mechanical (2017)? How can I pass the time in a boring class? How common are green eyes? What is the difference between Purusha and Brahman? What are your favorite movies? Will people think I'm weird/loner/hiding something if I don't use Facebook/Instagram/social media? How do you treat a 99.6 fever? Do you think Trump will be impeached? What business opportunities exist in Nigeria? My brother is 16 and is addicted to drugs, what can i do to help him? What are some examples of onomatopoeia in sentences? Is it true that the Sufi Saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti of Ajmer was once a spy of Muhammad Ghori and played a prominent role in defeat of Prithvi Raj Chauhan and was later on killed by daughters of the defeated Rajputana king? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in other island countries?" How can I make my boyfriend STOP smoking weed? What do people of China think of NSG membership to India? Keeping in mind that it all depends on my personal interests? How to choose the best specialization in MBA? What other factors are involved? How do delete Quora quesitons? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" rarely appear in Bahamas Culture?" Does Taylor Swift lip sync? Which party will win election in 2017 in punjab? How do I improve my memory if I forget everyhing too fast? If I want to publish my book of poetry in India, how can I do it? Where can I do it in Karnataka? How do so many people have Adobe Photoshop? What are some good Hindi poetry books? What are the characteristics of a genuine person? Who will kill Ragnar? Why we use degree with celcius? Which is the best MPSC Coaching class in Pune? What are thermal insulators? How much weight would I lose in a month if I eat 300 calories per day? Which softwares are best for iOS app UX/ UI design? What are some ways to dispose electronic waste? How do I tell if a guy likes me when he has a girlfriend? What can cumin seeds be used for? "What is the line-by-line meaning of ""The Hammer Song""?" What is the best sound quality for music? When is the best time to run? Which is the best online training centre for oracle DBA? Who are India's best stock traders? What is database replication in Microsoft Access, and what is it used for? What rank is expected for a score of 200+ in JEE advanced 2016? What form of verb is used with didn't? How do I read/study with focus/concentration and avoid distractions/procrastination? How many people were killed in the knife rampage in Sagamihara, Japan? Where can I found most diverse ranges of Jumping Castles & Bouncy Castles in Sydney? How will the ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes affect Indian economy? Why did Congress grant firearms manufacturers an exemption from product liability lawsuits? Is this a good thing? "What does an ""endorsement"" do on Quora?" Is there a cure for herpes? If not, what can treat herpes? What are some ways to be a good storyteller? What were the largest cities in the Tang Dynasty? What are the signs that you disrespect someone? I want change my date in my dob certificate is there any legal procedures ? What is the truly fastest car in GTA V, with full modifications? What is space-time? How can I focus on studies? What's Queen's song Bohemian Rhapsody about? How do I be less awkward and more eloquent as a first-time teacher? What will be the consequences of Brexit on India? How are interest rates determined? Why is Baba Ramdev so homophobic? How can I study on my computer without getting distracted? What are the symptoms of high blood sugar? I tried making up with my ex but he left me again after being back once. How do I recover? Can a cbi inspector join territorial army? What are some gainful re-employment options for retired government officers? Does carrying a gun reduce your fear? Google street view I will take photos what is the advantages for me? What are my best options with a JEE Main rank of 17913? What are the free tools for marketing on Twitter and instagram? "How do you translate ""makulit"" to English?" How can I acquire taste? How many skin cells die in a day? How can I check if I am riding vigorously on a stationary bike? What is the solubility of hydrogen in water? Do rich people bargain when buying a car? I.e. does someone buying a Mercedes S-Class or higher bargain? What do they bargain for? What will be my rank if I got 92 in JEE advanced 2016 (general category)? What's the happiest face What are some of the best motivational songs in Kannada? What are the most technically demanding piano pieces? What is it like to have Sensory Processing Disorder? How do Quora make money? What would happen if my cement were submerged in water? "What is the correct pronunciation of ""Pabst Blue Ribbon""?" What is the best WOWZA hosting provider? Why are haters so stupid? How can I find a mobile jaw crusher in my country? "I'm a ""cat person"" and I don't care about dogs, even if a friend's dog dies. I know I should feel bad, but I don't. Is this common?" Why isn't there a 1 million dollar bill in U.S. currency? Why are some stars not visible? What happens if a waiting list e-ticket does not get confirmed? When, do you think, Android Nougat (7.0) will be coming to Oneplus 3? If a+b=3 and a^2+b^2=7 what's a×b? How do we calculate rainfall data? Why is it always hard to be wise when young? Would it ruin the life of a 20 year old person to have a 60 year old brain? What is best way to crack the Civil Services Exam? Is it possible to take a loan against shares from a bank? Do you have any on hand construction in south Kolkata? How do I learn Java? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at National Western Life? What are some good substitutes for taleggio cheese? How useful is ansys? Which is the single best app for entrepreneurs today? How long after migrating to a Francophone country would it take to become conversant, starting with only a basic knowledge of French? I'm going to Disneyland specifically to propose to my girlfriend. How is the best way to do it? What was marilyn Monroe like as a person? How is the BSc physics in Shiv Nadar University? Is it better than IISER? What is cloud computing? How does it work? How did Alice In Chains get their name? How do I get started with Android application development? How can I reduce my lower belly fat in one month? What is the name of the one eyed minion? Can I clear the exam and get IAS if I start preparing for 2017 CSE NOW? Can a common cold cause asthma-like symptoms? Is it possible for me to do some specific exercises and increase my height at the age of 14? My period is 17 days late but the pregnancy test was negative. Could I be pregnant? What is the probability of statisticians being right about probabilities? What does it mean when a woman puts her hand on a man's chest? What is a best song to sing for a party bollywood? What NFL team has the most players in the NFL Hall of Fame? How do you know if a 13 year old girl likes you? What is the square root of 63 simplified? "What should you answer when asked ""Why do you want to quit your current job?""" Why are demand curves downward sloping? What if was to bet entire Quora community they can't provide a single source that has more evidence than this one in the description below? What do I need to know about exhaust fan hinge kits? How do you turn off TTY on an iPhone 5? How do I convert voltage to frequency? Who is the CEO of Xchrisone Animation? Why do you find the white girl more attractive than the black one? From where can I get Jio sim card in Surat? What is an ultrabook? If evolution is true, then why are there no fossils of intermediate species? "What are some examples of sentences using the word ""augment""?" What is the difference between boiled rice and raw rice? Which is healthier? How good is a daily download of 50 for an Android free app? In order to be a great president do you have to care more about the people than yourself? What are some easy but cool piano songs? What is the easiest field in engineering? "What is the purpose of ""/dev/cpu_dma_latency"" device file on Linux systems?" Is it harmful to drink a cup of coffee per day? Can I get addicted? How could the UK reemerge as a world power? A really popular guy just randomly started to talk to me, I never talked to him before but we had a great conversation. Should I text him or not? How do I lose my weight from 58 to 50 kgs? How can I build my self confident? Can we generate electricity from lightning or thunder? Who are the most famous Indian painters? Can my German shepherd defend me from a pit bull that tries to attack me? Can you name a painter who paints with his tongue? Why is there no Disneyland in India? What is the most common regret when people are old? What haircut should I get? Why is the hand pump water pure? What is a virus? Will the Middle East stabilize within this century? What are the metal mineral resources in Philippines? If I were to stream a 2 hour movie at 480p, how much data would it take? Is it bad to watch porn? What are some good frog puns? What is the cutest thing someone has ever said to you? I'm an US L1 visa holder and husband is a US green card holder. We plan to have our baby overseas. do we need a visa for the baby to get in to the US? What's the best/complete book about the history of money? Why is The Internet not Free? Tune light is colder than bulb? Is there any jobs after complete my diploma in mechanical engineering? What are the best websites for online training/Classes? Is Quora going to be substitute of Google in future? Why are most civil engineers not good in designing? Why do you use beakers in a lab? How do you find the conjugate base of acetic acid? What's the opposite of either-or? Did Humblefool regret not attending any of the IITs? How do I make migration certificate in Mumbai? Why DC is better than Marvel? Show me some reasons please? How do I know whether to go for a master's in research or coursework? Given that I have another 2 months before I graduate from my degree in EE. Can a vagina bleed if you penetrate it fast? Even though she is very very wet? Can you motivate me to work hard for studies? How do I calculate exact monthly salary from pay scale and pay band? Can any one give good idea to abolish poverty? Civil War in Syria (2011–present): Since Russia has more territory than any other country shouldn't they take all the refugees and just resettle them in the east? What is Surya Arghya? Can i practice it everyday? How much power does an Arduino ramp 1.4 need to run 4 stepper motors? Who is behind the female voice that Google Now search uses? A bot or a human? Which is the best mobile for 7k to 8k? How do you determine if you are the target of a private investigator? What is the good way to learn english? Which book is best for java learning? How do I sell my house in Philadelphia? Is Donald Trump likely to win the 2016 election (late 2015 / early 2016)? What are the differences between row-by-row select, cached comparison table and sorted input options in table comparison transform in SAP BODS? How do I find out when I sent a friend request to someone on Facebook on mobile? Which rank should I get in NEET to get admission in AIIMS? How can you be an anarchist and a communist at the same time? What is the way to bring equality in government and private sector jobs in India? Why do some teenagers in the United States get pregnant? Why are there no major movies or TV series based on the Ashoka? Is it possible to escape the friend zone? If so, how? Why don't electromagnetic waves require a medium to travel? Why is the internet speed slow in India? Which are the good book(s) for C language for intermediates? How do I open a bank account in ICICI bank? Will Alzheimer's disease be cured? The Dark Knight Rises (2012 movie): Why does Bruce Wayne use his hoarse voice whenever he's wearing the Batsuit, even when he's alone, or talking to people who know his true identity (as Bruce Wayne)? How do I solve the following equation: 128^n=8? How do I selectively remove music from an iPhone without syncing to iTunes? What do Bengalis think of Mamata Banerjee? What is the most expensive soup in the world? Which is the best university to do MS in data science? Which is tougher, DNB or MD/MS entrance exam? What is the most awesome question ever asked on Quora? "What does the phrase ""around the horn"" mean and how did it originate?" Which is more challenging for an aircraft pilot, takeoff or landing? What is the difference between objective observation and subjective interpretation? How do I crack IBPS PO 2018? How many calories does buttermilk have? How do I find the value of t from [math]2T^2-4Tt+t^2=0[/math]? Are there any good earphones? Is it a good idea to take a solo driving road trip? Which is best hostel for boys in SRM Kattankulathur campus? How can I see if someone has saved your message on Snapchat? If I want to study neurology do I have to study medicine first? What do north Indians think of South Indians? Where can I get free handwritten notes for the GATE chemical? Will class 12th boards marks have any weightage for JEE mains 2016? Which country should I choose for pursuing mba? How will the banning of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes affect the economy? What is the axial tilt of the earth today? What information & data you need to look out for in Bloomberg terminal that other free service and company website do not provide? How is MSc. In Data Analytics in NIT, Nagaland? Is Arnab Goswami mad? My site requires Facebook Connect. How do I prevent new users from being afraid to connect their account? How can I become fluent in English? Just got EVGA GTX 1070 FTW GPU. Voltage from MSI Afterburner reads 625mv when computer is idle. Is that correct? (No overclocking done) What is cell respiration? I used to love a girl and she used to do the same. I want to completely remove her from my mind. What are some suggestions? Fitness: How do Supermodels lose weight? Why don't Indian cities have skylines? Is thought faster than light? How/why did Lil Bow Wow get famous so young? How does IT as a career is good option? Why does the heart beats faster the morning after drinking alcohol? What is the scariest paranormal encounter you have ever had? How do I become master in iOS development? Who is a senator? Why are some men at strip clubs so angry? What are some of the best coaching institutes in New Delhi/NCR region for clearing the CAT/XAT? What are the advantages of Amazon Go? How do I begin writing essays for my MBA applications? Is it good to bath with hot water during summer? Why do you have to wait so long in doctor's offices? How is Roman Law used today? When should you tell someone you love them? "Is ""Cast Away"" based on real events?" How many marks on the JEE Advanced will make sure that I am ranked under 1000? What is black seed? Swedish HR is asking me to sign an employee contract which my reporting manager has not yet signed. Should I request them to sign the contract first? How can we hide plugins from WordPress detectors? How is the formula for ammonium monohydrogen phosphate determined? Is arrange marriage preferred over love marriage? Is there anyone who went to Kota in 12th for JEE coaching? How was your experience? "What are the top 10 reasons that keep India a forever ""Developing"" nation?" How does ammonium sulfate react with barium nitrate? Are Indians overreacting over Maria Sharapova's comment about Sachin Tendulkar? Is homosexuality observed in animals? How can I motivate myself for study? What are some best whats app status? Why does everyone look differant…same basic skull…so why no two people look alike? Could time travel ever be possible? Problems faced by a person with slightly knock knees? What are some must-watch Hollywood Movies? In Facebook Messenger, what does it mean when the little icon stays white with a blue checkmark? I know it means it's been delivered, but if the icon doesn't change, would that mean the person has you blocked? What's the weirdest thing you've found in No Man's Sky? How do I reply when a guy I talked texts me after 6 mouths? What is a genre? Which state in India is the largest producer of gold? What is ‘Edgware’ and how does the lifestyle compare to the London Borough of Brent? How do I make a good plan for social media? If I block someone in whatsapp can I see their dp and lastseen? In Hinduism, people are named after all gods, shiva, vishnu, lakshmi etc. How come no one names their kids Hanuman, or with any of Hanuman's other names (Maruti, Bajrangbali)? What are the ways to get rid of laziness? How does the body make so much heat during a fever? Is time travel good? How can I watch Hollywood movies with English subtitles? If you connect a headphone to your phone, does it drain the battery? How does a headphone work? Why would it be bad for Americans if Donald Trump will become the president? I love him insanely but I can't believe it when he says he's over his past relationship. What should I do? Is there any alcohol that doesn't make you fat? How do you prevent typhoid fever? How do I lose body fat? Was the moon landing in 1969 fake? What is the difference between canape, hors d'oeuvre, amuse bouche and appetizers? When did Costco introduce their membership fee? Why should or should not I stop watching porn? Can WhatsApp be hacked? What is a real time system? Are Singapore universities really world-class? On what basis do they claim that they are world-class? Who are the top 10 beautiful women in the world? Where can I find the Australian iron ore crusher suppliers? How would I make a website like this? How do I connect a TV to my U-verse cable box? Who is using TensorFlow? What are the major issues in biodiversity? Where are the best spots to surf in California? On Airbus and Boeing airliners, can pilots manually switch to alternate flight law/secondary mode? "Where can I find examples of ""composition"" Art Supplements who were submitted to Ivy League schools?" Is it tough to get admission in german universities? Can I get into UT Austin? What is the shortest phase in mitosis? Is cyber security going to be a fourth arm of the Indian Armed Forces? Is eating too much pizza bad for one's health? How is Moto G Play 4th Gen? Indian election? Who are the worst cricket players? Which Surahs in the Quran are named after prophets? How shielded is the Airforce from a missile? Which institute has the best IIT JEE study material? Why don't most Americans learn a second language? If America suffered a full government and Economic collapse, what country is most likely to take up occupation? "What are some sentence examples using ""arrogant""?" Which is a better option? Starting your own company from scratch or buying a poorly known company? How are cameras helpful for security? Would it be correct to say that Pakistan is more developed than India? If so, why? How do I find out what is the purpose of my life? What is the best adult anime series? Why don't bears eat deer? Do fat people snore louder? Which are the topics for projects in mechanical engineering? Is flying in first class over business class in one of the top airlines worth it? What were the causes of the Protestant Reformation? How do I start an LED lighting company? What is the formula for aluminum nitrate and ammonia? What is a stove? How do I get more followers on Instagram? What is the greatest island in the world? When will, if ever, artificial intelligence surpass humans? What are digital electronics applications? What type of gift should I give my girlfriend on her 18th birthday? Is there any Indian site like Quora? How can I stop my hair fall? What is the border between objectivity and subjectivity in ethics? Is death by old age painful? What is the difference between the purposes served by a test case class and a test runner class in JUnit? What are some of the best photo editing apps? Deleted folder accidentally on Dropbox when I pressed control+Z. How to recover it? How do I make money in Nigeria? Why doesn't Quora notify me when someone starts following me? What should r be, so that the ratio of the unshaded area to the shaded one is phi? Why do girls have boyfriends? What is the History of Gulab Jamun? What do Btech Computer Science graduates do for a living? Who'll get the Iron Throne in Game of Thrones? What did you experience in your Near Death Experience? Is it any less likely to be in a plane crash more than once? How do you spell out cat noises? What it is like to do retail textile business in India? Is there a full jailbreak for iOS 9.3.1? How can I loose weight for wedding? How is the T.I.M.E. Institute in Gurgaon? Is it a good option to pursue CA after 24 years of age? What are good ways to react when women are hitting on my boyfriend? As a temporary resident in US, do I need to get a new driver's license if I move from one state to another? How is CS taught in new IITs? 20s (age): What are the best ways to connect with older people? Can a first-year undergraduate apply for summer internship in ISRO? How can I safely induce a coma upon myself? Why is mathematics so hard? What can you do if your pet dog is sneezing a lot? How do I make a dog stop chewing shoes? Where can one buy inexpensive bridal trousseau from Juhu, Mumbai? How did the Seleucid empire fall? How will the banning of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes affect the economy? What are the best designed mobile apps in Singapore? What is make money online? Do Indian girls love mama boy? Can I become IAS after CA? How can I get better speed on Jio 4G? Is actuarial science more about numbers? What is the most romantic photograph ever taken? What improvements are required in the current education system in India? Low framerate in amd r7 m360 in cs go please help? Why is white people's hair so thin? What is average placement or average salary? What is the best way to recruit sales guys for your startup? How do I run *.xap file in Windows 8 PC? "What is the main problem in the story ""The Dog of Pompeii""?" How can I improve my sensory memory? How can one solve that system of equations? How was the name Quora chosen for this website? What is best way to block ad in Chrome? Why don't passenger airlines have ejection seats? Does one side of the moon always face the sun? Will I be able to get IT in the main campus with MU OET 2016 rank 5191? "Is the 13"" MacBook Pro good for development?" Why do humans want to have sex with good looking people? Aviva dhan samruddhi or lic? How do I control the intensity of bulb with PWM using 8051? Why is it that so many English speakers write Columbia instead of Colombia? "Why is seeing feet in public versus not in public ""different""?" What does it feel like to go through menopause? What would happen if light didn't travel in a straight line? "How do I answer in an interview when asked ""what is your weakness""?" What can be done with my old 500 and 1000 rupee notes now? "Have an iPhone, trying to send text message to an Android, but it keeps saying ""not delivered."" Could this mean I've been blocked?" What can we learn from the classics from Spain such as Don Quixote the Man of La Mancha that differs from the Northern European classics? 'Treat people the way they treat you as you'll anyway be loved by some and hated by some' or 'Be kind to all, irrespective of how they treat you'? How can I invest money every month? How much does it take to do a patent inquiry (patentabilty) to know if your idea you thought to invent has been patented or not, in university in India? What are the pros and cons of letterpress printing? What are ways to make money online? Is the Google Now UI patented? Which company provides experienced professionals in Sydney area for any asbestos removal work? What mind blowing technologies exist in 2016 that most people don't know about? What is the best way to reheat a casserole? What song to use to lyric prank my best friend? How will you make a real life Falcon or Iron man suit using drone tech? How can I survive in China being an Indian and pure vegetarian? Who will be the next India President? What would happen if an advanced civilization such as Vulcans came to earth and said that God or say Allah didn't exsist, how would Muslims respond? How can I prepare for the IELTS exam for free? What happens to our body while sleeping? What is the difference between the United Nations and the League of Nations? Can long haul truck drivers live in their trucks? How can I lose an extreme amount of weight? What is the corporate culture like at Synchronoss? How is the culture different than other companies? IN SPITE OF ALL HIS SHORT COMINGS, WHY DOES DONALD TRUMP STILL HAVE SO MANY FOLLOWERS? What makes the Earth's magnetic field change between reversals? How long does a bank to bank reversal take from a credit union? How long after an overdose will they be unable to pump you? "Wrote ""Still to be Neat""? What's the meaning of the poem?" Who would win in a fight: Itachi or Minato? What are your views on prank videos made by JALALS? What is the corporate culture like at L Brands? How is the culture different than other companies? Which macbook is the best? How did Lehman Brothers fall? Is time travelling really possible? Are there some examples about time travelling in the Indian mythology? How do I speak English quickly and accurately? What is the difference between an Indian and a US citizen? Do Muslims in India dislike Narendra Modi? Which is the strongest fictional metal, Vibranium, Adamantium or Valyrian Steel? What are the lean meats other than chicken breast? Is sirloin tip beef okay? Does age matter when you have fallen in love with someone twice of your age? Are Europeans actually superior compared to Indians or the Chinese? You have $1 billion to spend. No investing, no saving just all out blowing the money. What do you buy? Is Patanjali aloe Vera gel effective? Who is the super specialist astrologer in uk? What is the first thing that you would like to do on your wedding night? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Oriental Financial? How can I sing higher? Is it possible for a guy to get back with his ex? I liked this guy but he recently told me that he loves someone else and trying to get back with her. Is he lying? How can I get full marks in the ISC Physics Practical Exam? I got 7 CGPA in 9th. How can I score 10 CGPA in 10th? What are the different technique of meditation? What is the synthesis of urea and its uses? Just how smart is Elon Musk? Where can I found best quality horse rail fences across the Sydney? "WHAT IS A ""ROGER BEEP"" & WHAT's IT FOR?" How do I make my first website? What are the most effective methods to reduce body fat by diet? What are the ways to satisfy a woman during sex? What are the best books for preparation of CAT? Is Indian education system flawed? Can a person with spects join Indian Navy through UES? What is a suitable solar panel installation provider near Antioch, California CA? What are the benefits of having a PhD in quantitative statistics over having a master's degree? Is there a way for a foreign minor to rent a house in the U.S.? How do I sell and buy shares in share market? How can a car with low engine displacement produce high power? "When a girl says ""Don't break my trust"", what does she mean? If I don't intend to marry my girlfriend, am I cheating on her?" How does human digestive system work in space? How should I improve my English speaking and writing skills? Can India be ever an 100% cashless economy? Can someone list out the all apps like nearby app? Are there any alternatives to Tor? What are some ways to improve your life? How do I learn to code? Why don't more surgeons use obsidian scalpels? Can you please give me an example of vector space that is not a subspace? What is the most surprising ending in a film? "Does the ""Total outstanding Amount"" in credit card includes future EMIs as well?" What ages do I need for learning licence? How did plants evolve from single-celled organisms? What are valid objections to solipsism? Is Intex Power Bank good for the iPhone 6s? Which city in Indian has the best food? What's the purpose of life? What is life actually about? Why do people ask common knowledge questions on Quora when they could just google the same question quicker? What are the requirements and steps to join the Indian Air Force after graduating? How do you play Blu-ray discs with VLC? Is this solution to time travel theoretically possible? Is Latin a phonetic language? I am looking for a medicine containing ḌHA and omega 3 fatty acid? Can one with a mechanical degree apply for any of the Google's internship programme if he/she has helpful ideas for thecurrent Google projects? What is the nutritional value of tomatoes? Which are best Korean dramas to watch? How can a Mac user open a .msg file? What are the best treatment of erectile dysfunction? Which are the best journals to publish papers on web services? What are some interesting research topics regarding UAV? What is the worst food in the world? What are some good 5V 2A power supply chargers? Where is the SIM card on an iPhone 4S? Which is best book for maths in class 10? What are some of New Zealand's best kept secrets? Are the NSA coach scenes real in the movie Dangal? My daughter and granddaughter passed away in a accident 7 months ago. Has anybody else experienced this and the terrible grieving? What helped them through it? Why aren't helicopters used for commuting? Do animals have emotions and feelings? Apartments for lease in Boston? Where are ribosomes found in a cell? Who was the first person to own a dog as a pet? How profitable would it be to attach my car with Ola/Uber in Pune.? How can I read English newspaper for IAS? What is shadow balance in a bank account? What is the best email service for application? Do you feel sexy? What is your review of The Next Warrior: Proving Grounds - Part 17? What are some mind blowing facts about Lord Ram? How do I gain weight in 3 months? What does it take to lose 30 pounds in three months? What are the advantages and disadvantages to having a fast versus a slow metabolism? Do most Indian men prefer if their parents choose their wife for them? I have a lumpsum money of 1.8 lakhs to invest for one year. Where should I invest it? What are social networks? Given M a matrix in Mn(R). Find all the polynomials such as P(M) is nilpotent? What should every chess player know about the Sicilian Defense? Should I retain or return a new MacBook Pro 2016? Which is better: Kindle Paperwhite or Kindle Paperwhite 3G? What is the role of a chemical engineer in pharmaceutical industry? How can I overcome fear? Will people vote for a person who can't come clean about his or her personal life, and cannot decide on a partner to be the President of the US? If a calorie is a unit of energy how do you make a zero calorie energy drink? What does it mean when a guy looks intensely at a girl? Are there Entrepreneurial Mentors for African women? Who is the best kicker and punters in the NFL? And what is the average salary of these players? Is Fox News fair and balanced? How was imperialism perceived in the late 19th century? HOW CAN I BE A COMEDIAN? What are some problems that I can write a program to solve? What are the top 3 test match saving innings by Sachin Tendulkar that you can recall? Is the only way to stop someone following you on Quora to block them? Why do some people like cats more than dogs? How do medics cope with frequent washing of hands? Doesn't this affect the skin of the palm? What is the chemical composition of oil? Korea: What do North Koreans and South Koreans think of each other? What is the secret of the Taj Mahal? How many NFL backup quarterbacks went on to win a Super Bowl? What exactly is dark matter and dark energy? What are Kejriwal's achievements as an IRS Officer? When does a girl fall in love? Will Pokemon go be released in India? How would you go about getting a job just helping in the film industry? What are some of the key issues that separate Hillary Clinton from Bernie Sanders? What are rain dances like? How do I control my thoughts&emotions, while I am studying? My vocal range is C2 - E6. What female voice part am I? What are some good alternatives to for hiring commission-only sales agents on a freelance basis? I'm a 17 year old boy. I am 5 feet 10 inches tall. I want to become 6 feet tall. What should I do? Are there Quora Republicans voting for Clinton because of Trump? How can celebrities afford such expensive designer clothing? I mean not all of them are rich.They generally wear it once. What is an average salary of an IFS officer? What part of a guy's body do women like the most? What is GDP? How is it calculated? If dark energy is created with expansion can infinite of it be created? What is your success story of becoming a Chartered Accountant (CA)? Have you ever experienced any incident that changed your life? How do I actually lose weight? How do I ride a bicycle? What happens if red blood cells are put into sugary water (10%)? How much of an evil person am I if I lay little traps around? Does a merchant using PayPal indirectly pay a fee to PayPal, acquirer, card network and the issuer? Why do we write return 0 in programming in C++? What does it mean if someone still follows you on snapchat but Unfriended you on snapchat? I scored about 190 in the JEE Advanced 2015. What rank can I expect? A few days ago I missed my train due to traffic. Is there any way to get the TDR on that window ticket? Is tejas advanced aircraft? If I used heat in a reaction, do I have to state it when I write the equation? I am a final year M.Tech student. What are some good dissertation topics on big data? How do you calculate the implied open from futures? If I do correspondence MBA & get some experience, will I be considered at par with regular MBA guy? Why has Bernie’s movement turned against him and his wishes? What shouldn't be flushed down a toilet that often is? How do I learn to read someone's bodylanguage? Which is best book for analog communication systems? What is the best way to prepare for CAT examination? How are students selected for GSoC? Is IT at NIT Durgapur a good option? What is the best hair dye brand? Why does it cost so much to paint a car? Despite being one of the oldest districts of Haryana, why isn't Jind that developed? How can we joint Tesla company for Indian? Which are the best online jewellery suppliers? What is the Lewis structure of H2PO4? What would be a sure shot, painless way to kill myself? What is the difference between a gateway and a router? If Judaism doesn't believe in proselytizing, why does Chabad encourage non-religious Jews to perform mitzvos? What could the leaders of the Weimar Republic have done differently to head off the rise of the Nazis? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Walmart? If becoming a maester takes many years, why does Jon assume that Sam will come back in time to be useful to him and the Night’s Watch? Scarlett Johansson, beyonce, nicki minaj or rihanna. who is the most attractive? Why do I feel dizzy before, during and after menses? Why do all technologies come to India so much later? I'm going to shift to New York City for long term for business purpose. What languages should I command on to attract more number of clients? "What is the definition of ""gomen""?" I am 23 year old guy and dont want to get married is there is very difficult to live entire life? What are some creative fashion line theme ideas? How can I make money via YouTube? What is the best closing line of a movie or TV series? Can you get high from second hand weed vapor? What are the startups in the insurance industry? I want to either become an entrepreneur in the tech sector, or become a trader. What major or combination of majors would give me the widest array of skills to pursue either of those objectives? How I can speak English fluently? Laziness: Why should I go for MBA? What does it feel like when you see that your crush likes someone else? How can I comment as anonymous in Quora? Why Samsung Note 7 battery issue has not been discussed or debated extensively? Manual Transmissions: Why do you need to release the clutch slowly? How was CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Paper 2016? How do you take a screenshot on your PC? Are you a former AAP supporter who feels AAP has let you down? How? Is HCL a good company? What is the American airlines flight status phone number? How do nails grow? Should I shave my eyebrows off? What is the belief of Social Darwinism? Should I aim for MS when I have bad academic profile? Why do some people say dinosaurs only eat meat? "My boyfriend cuddles, holds, and calls other girls ""baby"". He's even let them sit on his lap. What do I do?" How can I delete an Instagram account? What are the best ways to make money on GTA V Online? How do kosher dill and dill pickles differ? How are they similar? How do I manually update Blu dash jr. 3g Android KitKat 4.4.2 to lollipop 5.1? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the European Commission? Is there any built-in feature in the Chrome browser to force a link to open in the same tab, instead of the new tab? "Why are the so called 'random' plays or shuffles on ""all"" music players not random?" Is it possible to study in usa after 12th? I'm 14. How can I make more guy friends and get invited to more out of school things? What is this image on the new 10 rupee Indian coin? What is the difference between a S/W programmer, S/W developer and S/W engineer? I get along fine with people of color. Yet white people in the same crowd consider me racist. Why? How much do top doctors earn in india? Is it right if for food inflation only RBI holds the interest rate or Increase it? As the rate will affect industries more. How do we make an electrical cycle? How much is a rental stroller at Walt Disney World? Why are most private equity firms partnerships? What is the difference between the urinary tract found in a bird and the one in a frog? "Am trying to create simple drop down list in android studio, but I am getting a ""array"" element cannot be resolved,what is the solution?" Impractical Jokers (TV series): Is it true that Joe backed out of a punishment? In which episode did that happen? Can I eat junk food but at a deficit of calories per day and still lose weight? How was Isis made? Can the Internet ever be shut down? What is the ER diagram of inventory management system and how is it implemented? Do house lizards bite? How do you get rid of them? Why is USA considered by everyone as the hero of the planet? Is it just because of money? How do smart students study? Will the AAP succeed in Punjab? Is Azula the best character in Avatar: The Last Airbender? Why or why not? Trump wins the election. So, is he good for India? What is the best way to impress a girl? Which is the best institute for CAD & Auto CAD in Hyderabad? What is the funniest thing ever happened with you? What is a good point to start reading DC and Marvel comics? How to join small and large databases on different machines? Why do the crows craw in the Van Helsing TV show title card? What is the maximum amount one can transfer through SBI online banking? How much are the per day limit and per transaction limit? What are the experiences in life that touch the heart? Do real spy agents exist like in Indian movies? If so , then what do they do to remain anonymous and how do they work secretly on major issues? Which is the best online shopping? How do I control my spendthrift mind? What's the difference between an F-Test and T-Test? Which one is better Moto G4 Plus or Redmi Note 3? Any other suggestion for good smartphone under Rs15000? Rahul Gandhi has more degrees than Narendra Modi. Shouldn't this make Rahul Gandhi more eligible for the PM post? Like God, does any devil exist? Will Bleach ever come back? Since Modi and Indian government has declared to void 500 and 1000 notes, how would this affect Indian economy and real estate? What happens with the furniture used to stage the homes in the show Fixer Upper? Donald Trump: Why wouldn't you vote for Donald Trump for president? How did scientists calculate all the constants in physics? What is the most reactive alkali earth metal? How do I improve my English? Why is so much chicken consumed in the U.S.? What is it like to be a Hindu guy married to a Muslim girl? Were Jews black people? How can I learn stock trading? What does cumulative GPA mean? Where can I find professional resume writers in Delhi? What is the taste of fig fruit like? How was Big Bang created? Efficiency in slip ring induction motor? What are some ways to negotiate a higher salary? Why do people say egregiously hateful things about politicians? Can I attach a cab with ola without driver? What has been your worst interaction on Quora? How do I speak fluent English with confidence? How many people are on the Secondary Security Screening Selection? What is the gradual change in a species over time called? Why is it called that? What if there is a world war 3? How many countries will survive? Have any Indian girls worn a bikini and where? How do I my increase memory power? Does wind carry radiation? How much does Trivago charge hotels per provision? How do you fix Sony MDR-G52 headphones? What are some inexpensive ways to learn to play the piano? What is the middle portion of the small intestine called? What purpose does it serve? Is Quora worth spending time on? Which is the best ice cream parlour in Milan? What happened to American Healthcare around 1980? Which is the best brand of silicone product in India? Is it possible to send data from my Arduino's Analog pin to my Java project and an iPhone for further visual processing? How do you become a patent attorney in the US? What is the difference between an alto, soprano, and a tenor? How can we prevent hair loss? Do white women find Asian men attractive? Do presidents take antidepressants? Should I wait until marriage to have sex? Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Marion County AR? Can guardian attend counselling of comedk on behalf candidate? How can I contact a genuine hacker? I am expecting a 200+ marks in JEE Main's paper 2 and I belong to SC category. Is there any chance to get selected for counsling for any NIT's or SPA? Is perfection a good thing? When does an employee become an asset for the company? I am using shared hosting and my bandwidth usage is full after every minute. What is this bandwidth usage in cPanel? How can I reduce it? What is the solubility of hydrogen chloride in water? Will Bernie Sanders run as a Green or Indepedent in the general election? If fire needs oxygen, where does the Sun get oxygen if there's no oxygen in space? Does intermittent fasting work for weight loss? What is the worst slave story you ever read? How can I connect my Android mini PC to a tablet screen? How do I recover a deleted text message from my phone without a computer? What do you think about Rahul Gandhi’s statement that he had Narendra Modi corruption information? How do you hack Facebook on iPhone? What is the best way to cook bonito fish? What is the role of a chemical engineer in ISRO? Are there sharks in the Adriatic Sea? How can I put up my profile photo on my Quora? Is the Macbook 12 (2016) good for an iOS developer? What causes shivers down the spine? What does a new parent fear the most? How do I get to speak fluently English? Who are famous celebrities with a fringe haircut? "What are some soliloquies used in ""Romeo and Juliet""?" Does yoga help to reduce weight loss? Why does pyrrole behave as phenol? Why the time complexity of b+ tree is same in insertion, deletion and update? What is going to happen on season 6 episode 9 of Game of Thrones? Is it possible for an Arabian woman to marry a man from London? Can a first-year undergraduate apply for summer internship in ISRO? What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? How much Indian YouTubers earn? If you could get now instantly and completely guaranteed right and complete answer to ANY of your questions, which one question would you ask? What is a spindle fiber and what are its uses? Where can I find previous years papers of UPPSC Mains optional? How do I get the HR contact details of Accenture? Why do we vegetate? Statistically, how common were misprints with the US One Dollar Bill in the year 2015? I dreamt I was shot in the head from close and thrown off a bridge. Does it mean anything? What is the most inspirational line you ever heard or read? Why? Describe how Gulliver was searched by the little men? Is taking two courses with their labs in the summer (Chem and physics) too much? I am a freshman student.? What is the difference between a monkey? "What is the meaning of the poem ""Choices"" by Nikki Giovanni?" How do I get started with Android application development? What is the best way to learn Chinese in the shortest time possible? Do I have to listen to the RPM or check the speedometer when shifting gears while driving a car? What was the feeling of Duryodhana when he came to know that Karna was eldest of the Pandavas? Which are the best online portals to practice GRE for free? Has Quora become your new Facebook? How do I become a veterinarian? Is there any advantage to having an account in a government sector bank like SBI rather than a Private bank such as HDFC? What is the difference between a criminal law and a civil law? Is murder a criminal offence or a civil offence? How do I help a drug addict? How do sites like make money? What are some of the best dialogues from kollywood movies? Why was the novel The Kite Runner made into a movie? Can I put lemon buttercream underneath fondant? How important is the size of your penis to woman? Can bscit graduated student get into multimedia and graphics design as a lifetime career and if yes, then how? Why do we say “HELLO” when we answer a phone call? "Which is more correct? ""A loss to what it might be"" or ""A loss -as- to what it might be""?" I forgot my Apple ID and Password, what should I do? Should there always be a backup to the product owner to step in when the PO is away or not available during a scrum project? What is Ultra data saving in Samsung j series mobile phone? Who won Super Bowl XLIV on February 7,2010? How long does sex last first time? What is the best book to learn Angular 2? Why do people ask questions on Quora when they can easily find the answer for it on Google? Is Dubai shopping festival cheaper than India? Is everyone a narcissist? How can I learn a new language in short time? Now that the UK has voted to leave the EU, are other countries likely to follow suit? Is it true that PM Modi is considering to suggest Amitabh Bachan for Indian President in 2017? What is the best way to get traffic on your blog? SEO, SMM, PR, etc? Should India be allotted a permanent seat in UN Security Council? How do I quickly and efficiently learn a new language? Can I lose weight without eating rice? How did the photographers in the videos and pictures of the first plane hitting the towers know where to point the cameras without prior knowledge? What is the most depressing video game ever? How can I improve English speaking skills? How do I get admission in Punjab University? Why do people ask Quora questions which can be answered easily by Google? How can I prepare for the DMRC Accounts assistant job? Is downloading movies from apps such as Terrarium TV illegal in India? Does using VPN help? Is it safe to use VPN? How much does it cost to buy a CharlieCard for the Boston MBTA? What are the novel ideas and profound insights in the design of the OCaml programming language? Would a civilization from other star detect us if they point their telescopes towards us? How do I score more than 650 in aipmt? What are ways to make money online? What is the significance of 320 kbps for mp3 files? What is the best site for soccer predictions? How can I attract women? "Is 1366*768 screen good enough on a 15.6"" laptop?" Is 'learnt' a word? On Snapchat, if I have blocked someone and then deleted my account, can the person still see the messages I sent to them? Why are there many more Muslims in the New York area? How are pictures of airplanes in flight taken? I love travelling, want to buy a DSLR camera. Any suggestions? Which phone would be better between ZUK Z1 and Moto G4? What are some lesser-known sights to see when visiting Bafoussam, Cameroon? At what point does the media, press or journalists refer a businessman as a tycoon? Can l become fluent in English? What is temperature? Does PGDBA course jointly offered by ISI, IIT KGP and IIM C provides full tuition fee waiver for students whose family income is less than 6 lakhs? How can you find all of your Gmail accounts? How is Samsung Galaxy S6 Case? How can I get really interested in mathematics? Are there any Sikhs in Bangladesh? What is the meaning of Punjabi greet 'Sat Sri Akal'? How do I upload .GIF animation files to my blog? Is villain a Tamil word? What was it like to live through the 1997-1998 Asian Financial Crisis in Indonesia? What are your views about Zlatan Ibrahimovic having his very own search engine? What are some of the Best and creative whatsapp status? I gave my GMAT and scored 630. Q49, V27. My target is 720. I have 1-1.5 months. Any suggestion on the study plan? For the average Libyan was it better to live under Gaddafi, or under the warlords that currently rule the country through their militias? What are the skills needed to become a data analyst?Does one need to be good in maths?How is a life of a data analyst? Will John Wick become a franchise? What is it like to be a foster parent? What is your review of Amity University, Noida? "Where does the term ""you rock"" come from?" Are employers being affected with health insurance rate increases to the same degree that self employed people are with the new health care policy? What could possibly cause a bump in my rectal area? How should I treat this? Why did the elves have to leave Middle-earth and where did they go? What's the best programming language for a beginner? Could a vacuum cleaner suck your eye out if directly pressed on the face? What can we do to improve the Indian education system? In Greek Mythology, who are Zeus's children? What does ' <| ' mean? In C++? What technologies are used to create a web page for creating web pages? What is the the function of a cell nucleus? How do you multiply? When did you start to learn coding? Is it true that if someone wants to be extremely good at coding, he or she will have to start learning at a young age? Can you use a Swiss Army knife as a weapon? What does an essay score of 6/6/6 on the new SAT mean? How do I deal with homesickness? What is 3D printing in fashion design indstruy? What is the job profile of a trainee engineer? Is Quora really the best source of knowledge? How do I file taxes as a Airbnb property manager? Why should we be friends? I don't know anything to ask or to be discussed in Quora, what should I do? A luminous object is placed at a distance of 30 cm from the convex lens of focal length 20cm. On the other side of the lens, at what distance from the lens a convex mirror of radius of curvature 10 be placed so image coincide with object? How do I start to learn coding? What are some applications of the intermediate value theorem? How is bacon smoked? How do I read faster and get maximum benefit? Is American Express Premiere Rewards Gold Card a good credit card for me? What is the best system for learning Korean? Why? Can people see that I have looked at their pictures on instagram if I am not following them? How do you say welcome to our site in Japanese? What are some of the important life lessons from Mahabharata? What does HD capable in mobile mean? Is there someone that you know passed away unexpectedly and you didnt get a chance to say I love you? Why do the Navy SEALS seem to get more attention than the Green Berets, Delta Force and Army Rangers combined? How do I stop my hairline from receding? What does primary health care delivery include? Why is such care categorized so? What is the best way to get rid of mood swings? What are Communities of Practice? Do you think people will continue to care about Donald Trump if he loses the election? Can you flush baby wipes down the toilet? Which is more reliable, hiring someone who is an expert of reading human behavior or using the lie detector test to know if someone lies? How do poems use figures of speech? "How do you say ""eating a full-course meal"" in French?" I'm strong. I like to fight. So am I a UFC fighter? Bollywood: Can a normal, middle class girl from a small town in AP become a singer in Bollywood? Or should she stop dreaming about it? Which are some of the best one-liners you've ever read? If a match is a tie in Marastra Kabaddi, what happens next? I do not go out in sun. Still my face and arms are darker than my rest body. Same with my father.Why is it so? What is society? Who is the best between Celine Dion and Whitney Houston? How did Quora team get Barack Obama on Quora? What is the best aptitude site? What are your forecast's for 2016? What is cougar? What's the minimum speed for an airplane to stay airborne? Is Nike a publicly traded company? Why or why not? Which programming language is used to create Tally.ERP and TDL software? How do they manage to keep file size so compact? Where can I search for best hotels of Bhopal? How can I earn $10,000 per 50,000 views on YouTube? What do Non-Muslim women think about Hijab or burqa? Which is the best site for free stock intraday trading picks? How do I earn $400 in 1 month online? How can a cellphone be tracked when the location is turned off? Why was Kim Jong-Un made the president of North Korea ahead of his older brothers? How are Telugu and Tamil languages related? What are some of the best lyrics in a romantic song? I am a third-year B.Tech student in electronics and communication. Is there any scope of embedded in India? At MIT, what is the average graduating student loan debt and starting salary? What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? Which programming languages should I learn for good job? What skills do security guards need to have? Which is the best digital marketing institute in Navi Mumbai? Do High Courts in India enjoy more powers than Supreme Court? What are some gas station hacks? Where do most people fail in the process of teaching themselves to learn how to code? Which is your favourite sports car and bike? How many Scots consider Scottish English their mother tongue? What gyms in San Francisco have parking? How do you motivate yourself daily? How is the work environment at regional rural banks? Who are the top people you follow on Quora? Why? Who would win in a death battle, Captain America vs Spider-Man? What can I do to spy on my wife's Snapchat messages? What is the best example for work smarter not harder? How can I remove a virus from my phone? What should a Java developer learn, Android or Big data? What is [math]\displaystyle\lim_{x\to 0}\dfrac{|x|}{x}[/math] ? Can Narendra Modi make India a superpower? Is it possible to warg into a wight? Why is necessary to open all windows when the plane is taking off or landing? How do I remove all contacts from my iPhone 4? Is time travel is possible in this age of technology? Why helmet is named as helmet? How can find the no of common elements in multiple string for eg abcd, bcde, cdef (here 2 elements are common)? How do I learn anything? Who observed variations in the characteristics of animals and plants? What are differences between CSE and ECE? Why air is used for leak testing not the charged air or liquid? "When and why did people begin to add ""so much"" to the simple reply ""thank you""?" How much money is required to become an IAS officer? What's the most effective anal desensitizing lubricant? What's it like to be raised by gay parents? If energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, then who created energy? I'm alone at my home as I'm preparing for exams I can't concentrate what should I do? Is Aam Aadmi Party capable of running a state like Punjab? What else should I do to quit smoking? What is the best way to increase your vocabulary? I am a non-medical student, what are the career options for my except engineering and business after class 12th? What do guppies eat? What vst can I use to make bashment? Who would win in a fight between Electro and Thor and why? The ratio of sum of n terms of two ap is 2n:n+1 then the ratio of 8th term? "What are the pros and cons of the US soccer establishment calling the sport ""football"", as most of the world does, instead of ""soccer""?" What is located in the center of the earth I need specific answer? What is the best movie you have ever seen? What are some of the best core companies for chemical engineering? What happens to the food made in cooking channels/shows? I'm writing a multi-thread program to read and write data. Does the optimal number of threads to use change depending on I'm doing it (read/write) to the memory or to the hard disk and why? Who will be the next president of USA according recent analysis? How do I prepare for CAT and other MBA entrance exams for this year by self-study alone? Sarah thug lyfe is scaring me? What is fall in love with your best friend? Is a card shower an appropriate way to celebrate my parents 25th anniversary? What are the differences between CodeIgniter 2x and 3x? What is the wedding tradition in Japan? Which one is better - Ayurveda or allopathy? Why is it that I love gospel music so much but I don't believe in religions? Can you suggest me one word which has different meaning In different languages? Is it possible to have it all? Passion and true love with the same person? What are the colleges that accept nata? What are some story about shree krishna? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Lands' End is coming out with in 2016? Can money be transferred from an SBI account to a Bank of Baroda account? How do I convert WVM files to MP4? How do Jack in the Box tacos compare to Taco Bell Tacos? What Is the best way to settle abroad? How does the mind palace work? Is there a FREE SOCIAL MEDIA SCHEDULING TOOL to post on a Facebook Page setting TARGETING DETAILS? (especially language) Where do I find an investor who would invest in a business plan and idea? Which is the best train route in Sri Lanka? What universities can I target for a MS in chemical engineering in the USA? What are the side effects of levothyroxine? Where do I sell digital products? Can you have emotional intelligence without emotional maturity? On Snapchat, how do I know if someone deleted me / removed me? Why do baked potatoes make my stomach hurt? What does H2SO4, the chemical formula, stand for? How do I look attractive? How can I start a ecommerce start? What are the Miracles of Vishnu Sahasranamam? Why do dogs bark at some cars? What is the best way to develop your memory? Are Muslims allowed to benefit financially from pork? How can I get Netflix for free without a credit card? Is JBL T150A and T200A headsets compatible with Sony Xperia Z? How much does it cost to create a website like Can we play online using an Xbox One vs a PS4? Is it scientifically possible to prove that something DOES NOT exist? What is the best airline for a JFK to SFO flight? How do I quit my job and start a business? What makes an electric charge emanate an electric field? How do I update ZenFone 5 from KitKat to Lollipop by a custom ROM? What are some egg puns? How did developed countries develop? Any idea on how long Sprint is going to maintain their unlimited data plans? With the recent Verizon news, is it a good time to switch? What would be a 4 day itinerary for a Goa trip from Patna with friends? Are EBT card readers less likely to be able to read EBT/food stamps cards from other states? How many stamps do I need to send a letter from the US to Rwanda? Is protein powder has any side effect on the body? Is being in a relationship with a large age gap a bad idea? What are the best brands for earphones? How many people are in the air flying at any given time? Can you track an iPhone if the SIM card is out and it is reset? How can I make the time between engagement and marriage more memorable? Which database should I use for a killer web application: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, or MySQL? "How ""anonymous"" are you on Quora?" Which is the best perfume to wear for females that lasts all day? What is wrong with wearing shoes without socks? What is the difference between somatic cells and gametes? How does having sex feel? How can I teach my children to embrace and practice critical thinking? How much time does it take to send a speed post from Mumbai to Kanpur? Where should I stay in SK during Seollal next year, Seoul, Busan or Jeju? What is the best way to remember things? A dinner plate broke by itself while having dinner, is this a good or bad omen? Why does the U.S ban hedging in the forex market? When will the overloading of Delhi metro and Gramin Sewa stop? Is line a geometric figure? What is that, which can't be done by using any other language than Javascript? Which is the Best cream for acne scars? What are the issues to consider in the Italy referendum on 4 Dec 2016? Why do people who study less than me get better grades? Why can amphibians live in land and water? What engineering product, technology or design is Sweden famous for? Human eye can't see micro sized objects, is the same way with very big objects? I joined Vidyamandir classes and I am in the best regular batch in Pitampura. But my performance in the HRTs is deteriorating drastically, even though I am trying to do my best. What should I do now? What are some ways to make legs look longer? Is Eduardo Saverin still involved with Facebook? Where can I get professional photo booths service in Sydney? What is the main difference between square column and circular column? Which one is more used and why? Do we have ASL exam in class 12th cbse? Why time stops in a watch travelling with the speed of light? Are humans at the top of the food chain? What are the qualities that you look for in your future wife? Is transgenderism mental illness? How do you build a habit? Is Manchester united a great team? What colleges may I get into after scoring 140 in JEE Main and 91% in the CBSE board? Is there any value for dual degree in jntu hyd? How can I stop worrying about what other people think and be myself? Is a Mac or Windows better for a CS student or developer? What are some long distance relationship hacks? What are some of the most common examples of dicotyledon? How could two parallel lines meet at infinity? Is this letter from US Marine and Navy Veteran a good rebuttal to Khizr Khan comments on Donald Trump? As an ECE student, what can I learn right now in just 10 minutes that could be useful for the rest of my life? How can I make a child to calm down while he is playing with others? Who do you think is a better chief minister, Mamata Banerjee or Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, based on their performance? Where can we buy stickers of car logos that go on the boot of your car? Could Moses have stuttered because when he was found, he was hidden away & developed it from isolation from other kids the first 5 years of his life? How can I stop being addicted to porn? What do you think of the new MacBook Pro Apple announced in 2016? What is the difference between the MassHealth health plan (a managed care organization or MCO) or the Primary Care Clinician Plan (PCCP)? Which is better XIMB HR or IIM Nagpur? How can I avoid electronic gadgets while studying? Where can I watch free streaming movies online? Do ghosts exist? Have you ever experienced something paranormal? What is the difference between arts, science and commerce? When will Posterous allow autoposting to Google+? What are good activities to do with a 1 year old in NYC? What are some tips to prepare for the GATE? Why don't vehicle manufacturers design and make cars etc. with some sort of viewing device in the very front of the bonnet (hood)? Is type O- and rh- the same blood type? I am 25 years old and I am still confused what to do in life? I am 18 years old, and I am stocky (175 cm and 78 kg). If I go to the gym and do weight lifting, can I be slimmer? Do you hate any of your traditional foods? How do you write a restaurant review? I already have Java experience. I want to learn one web backend language. Should I learn Python, Ruby on Rails, Go, Scala or Node.js? What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they're invited to someone's home in Philippines for the first time? Are men attractive with a beard or without a beard? How do I find out the size of the global market for bicycle helmets and accessories? What is augmented reality? What are the skills required to be a successful entrepreneur? Who Is best & Powerful Astrologer In TIRUPATI BALAJI Guru Ji N K RAI? Why does Jesus Christ so often answer a question with a question? Should we emulate him? Why is the Massachusetts Department of Transportation implementing All Electronic Tolling? How did Indonesia fare during the Cold War? What happens when phosphoric acid reacts with sodium hydrogen phosphate? Does Sanyasi Ayurveda medicine for weight loss really work? Any personal experience? What is the rudest thing you have ever done? Why do people ask questions on Quora before checking on Google? What are the best job locations in TCS in India? Where should I start reading the flash comics? Ftp speed difference is very high on different remote machines within the LAN? What is the difference between a hatchback and an SUV? Why are tv shows/series highly rated than movies? What were the major contributions of the political leaders during WW1, and how are they compared to the ones during other major armed conflicts? What are the pros and cons of common law versus civil (Roman) law? How long will it take to gain B2 language level in Russian? If you were to change one decision in your life, what would it be? How it feels like to be around Kendall Jenner? Where is the sale of jaw crusher in Philippines? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Whiting Petroleum? What do I need to cash my check? Who is the cutest person on Game of Thrones? What is documentation? What is the use of a negative voltage generator? Does Capgemini provide residential facilities during FLP? What are the key differences between capitalism and socialism? Why and how is Canada so peaceful? What is the way to know the IMEI number of a mobile phone? Given that life on earth began about 3.5 billion years ago, does the fact that the sun was thus younger factored in the abiogenesis of life? How can I get up early in the morning(8:00am)? Is it okay to take the divider out my betta fish tank? What is a lion? Where is sharia law practiced? What could this manga be? How can Anthony Weiner possibly have 650,000 email messages on his laptop? That seems like way too many by a factor of at least 10. Why am I so bothered about my ex-girlfriend's life? Law: Do district judges have administrative powers over subordinate courts? Who is C.M. Punk? What is the corporate culture like at CONSOL Energy? How is the culture different than other companies? Are there too many entrepreneurs out there? "What are some epic Bollywood gangster movies like ""Gangs of Wasseypur,"" with the same level of screenplay and story-line?" Love: Can love really last a lifetime? What is the best news site to read in Chhattisgarh? How does burning/destroying 500 and 1000 Rs notes affect the India's economy? How can you create a collage for Facebook? How is an investment decision made at a VC fund? Do all partners vote? How do I develop games for Nintendo Switch? Why I have negative energy? Why is India building long range missile? Pakistan says its not worried as ‘the missile would fly way past Pakistan’. How do I stop Quora from posting to my Facebook profile? Is there an API that allows you to pull in ticket inventory? What reparations did Germany pay after WWII? What is the corporate culture like at Extreme Networks? How is the culture different than other companies? How do I get a girl online? Are 2 years enough for ias prep? Can I get CSE or ECE in the second round if my rank is 2126 in PES? I have completed my MBBS from India and would like to do my post graduation from Canada. Which exams will I have to give? How does one create a 360 degree image for Facebook? Will Arya ride a dragon? Which is the best 150 cc bike in 2016? Is Run Ze Cao's falsification of Einstein's relativity valid? What are the drawbacks of being emotional? How good is the University of South Florida for pursuing graduate studies in the field of engineering management ? How do you see the decision of Lionel Messi to retire from international football? What important things did you learn about life when you first fell in love? How many people like Elon Musk are there in the world? How likely is it that I'll die before I die of old age? Is there any benefit to those belonging to OBC category under creamy layer appearing for CAT? Is life a dream or reality? Why did Sasuke opt not to have his arm replaced? When will McDonald's change its policies on serving breakfast? Is India really changing under the leadership of PM Modi ? What if China goes on a war with India? Am I crazy for this? What are your top 10 favourite movies of 2016? What are the Big data related companies in Vancouver? How do I create a quality blog? "What is the correct pronunciation of ""Chobani""?" Which are some of the famous hindi songs based on raagas? What are the causes of increase in height after the age of 18? What are some defining characteristics of a secular state? In a simple and more general language, what is a hidden variable and why quantum entanglement not influenced by this variable? Did panderm nm helps to glow skin? Draw a rectangle in Illustrator or CorelDRAW, how do I move vertically or horizontally rotating reference point? Would you marry a man who is 10 years older than you? Where can I find an imperial class ultra star destroyer model? How was Arsenal F.C. formed? Can WhatsApp video call be stored on your phone? What is the criteria for allocating ILP centres in TCS? As an Uber driver, when I have an accident Geico gives me a rental car. Uber does not allow rental cars to be used. Can I collect lost wages from Geico? Why do we feel fear? What do the four coloured circles/hearts/stars at the bottom of the newspaper depict? What's the best way to learn a programming language like java? How do I learn programming by doing? Will India be successful in making 100 smart cities? How proficient do I need to be in a language to put it on my resume? What are some mind-blowing facts about Indian army? How do I manually add a name label for a photo to Google Photos? How do I learn machine learning? How do I downgrade to Windows 7/8/8.1 from Windows 10 OS version? How many matches has Nadal won in grand slams? Is the USA the greatest country in the world? Did all messengers receive books from Allah? Could you explain it? Who pays when the police accidently break down my door? What is the best way to lose belly fats? Is Pakistan a failed state? What drug works against poison? Where can you get a Dell Studio 1569 battery? How do dogs communicate with each other? How long do humans live normally? How do you calculate the mass number of an atom? Why should we support illegal immigration? Which is the biggest magic trick which is revealed? What are the best sources for free (and paid) e-books? What are the scope and career prospects for an MS Dynamics AX Functional consultant? Which companies use nosql DBMS? How can I be male sex worker? Is it normal for a couple to go to sleep with the penis still inserted inside the vagina? How can I earn money in YouTube? How was your first sex experience? Good /bad, describe it? What are some indoor games which can be played among 7-10 members like dumb charades or mafia? I have blocked someone on Instagram but I still appear on their following list. Can they have bypassed the block feature and still can see my profile? How is RIT for MS in Telecom? How too make money online? Why is it that when performing back propagation in a convolutional neural network we rotate the kernel? I.e: why do we perform cross correlation? Can I update my PC with the Windows 10 ISO file? Is Shreya Ghoshal right- or left-handed? How were Game of Thrones Season 5 episodes leaked before its airing? Do we know who was responsible? I was watching 2 states yesterday.They spend nights together in one's room. Is that possible in any of the Indian college campuses? - lll UG boy What is the function of a URL? How long can a human survive without sleeping? Which one is a better Qualcomm SOC, SD410 Or SD430? What's an efficient way to overcome procrastination? Can I make music available that is stored in a phone with Google Play app? Is there anything harder than diamond? Is Jon Snow Daenerys' full brother? What do you think about the corruption in your country? The total area of a cylinder is 112•pi square centimeters. The radius and the height are a total of 14 cm. What's the volume? What is your day to day routine as GM and what do you consider a productive day? Which is the best Badminton play ground near HSR layout, Bangalore . (good lord HSR club is 13k/month that's too high looking for a cheap alternate help anyone)? Does God really exist? What are your opinions? Does Deloitte do a drug test? How can one increase and improve his IQ? Do you like tennis or basketball better? What is the definition of perfection? Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So where does energy crisis come from? When should I take a pregnancy test if I had sex 4 days before my period came? How can we remove reservation in india? What are some examples of acids? What is your review of Bad Moms? How do you write a book (steps) and publish it? How do you charge your laptop via USB? What countries in Europe speak English? What are hangover cures that deal especially well with nausea? What are the functions of the rough endoplasmic reticulum in animal cells? How does Alum purify water? What were some causes responsible for French's defeat in karnatic war? What is Palestine's stand on the Kashmir issue? What is the difference between didn't and did not? How does one use these two words? What books are must and best for learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript from the very scratch? Do personal fitness trainers make good money? What is the formula for velocity? What tie should I wear with my dark blue suit and white shirt? What happened to Bonn? Who designs the jersey of the Indian cricket team? Why does anyone give a f&*k if nothing matters anyway? Does Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens have post credits scenes? What is the best app to track someone's phone location without having the person's device? What is the 40% rule in US navy SEAL? What is the measurement problem of quantum mechanics? What is my real skin color? When I was younger I had a lighter skin color and now I have a darker skin color From what I have seen and read I believe Justin Trudeau is an excellent politician, can someone who disagrees on this tell me why they do? What is the difference between corn syrup and high-fructose corn syrup? How do I become a better decision-maker? How do I study until late at night without feeling drowsy or sleepy? Can cannabis make a woman slim? What does it mean when a guy says he likes you? Who designed the website? I want to start a graphic design inspiration website, am I allowed to use other people work to showcase? How much marks should I manage to score If Im following Rd Sharma and Ncrt for class 12th CBSE board maths and arihant chapter wise during exam? What's it like to meet Katrina Kaif? What are some ways to learn and understand a programming language? What is the best distance education university in Bangalore? What is customer relationship management in business? Which one should I buy: X Box or PS4? How many products are listed on Flipkart, Snapdeal and Amazon? How does pure research compare to applied research? How do I clean my floor tiles? How can you tell if someone is a virgin or not? What is this - “This website/URL has been blocked as per instructions from Department of Telecommunications and/or Courts of India.” What are the best middle names for Emma? How does high biodiversity affect an ecosystem? "How does one ""work"" on one's personality? How difficult or possible is it to change it?" What are good free sites for genealogy? Why can't I view some videos on Snapchat? What do the two eggs in a frying pan symbolize at the end of Chapter 28 (S3E2) of House of Cards? What are some of the best pharmacy schools in the Philippines? How is income tax calculated on saving bank account interest? India: What are things that make Indians sad? Why does my main account tells me to create a YouTube channel? How do I buy and sell Rolex watches to make profit? What is better? Being a introvert or extrovert? "Gender: What are the differences between the ""waves"" of feminism? What are other similar terms?" How do I treat diarrhea? I am a B.Tech. graduate and want to work in data analytics. What diploma/degree courses for freshers in India can I pursue to achieve this? Which English word has the most definitions? How can I get cash from a credit card? What is the stand of smart cities in INDIA? How do I choose which one of the following is the best phone under 10k? What, if anything, would Donald Trump need to be able to do or achieve between now and November to secure your vote away from Hillary Clinton? What is the best IDE for Ruby on Rails 3.0 development in Linux(Ubuntu)? What are some problems that technology won't be able to solve? What do frogs eat? What does it feel to learn Cantonese? What is the difference between a conservative Christian and a fundamentalist Christian? Is it technologically possible to clone a human? Where can I get most modern photo booth services in Sydney? Why does my iPhone 5 spontaneously shut down? What jobs are open if I take the Humanities stream in my school (CBSE)? How do I write a letter to the principal? Can I pet a Panda in India? Is Modi the dictator that India needs? What are the odds that Trump will be impeached? What is the most embarrassing moment of your life? Do girls feel bad after using a guy? Which should I choose: CSE at BITS, Goa or CSE at NIT, Trichy? What are some secrets behind ZCC? Where can I find venture capital firms that investing in ideas? Which institute is best for gre in pune? How Snapchat does this? Does it save snaps of People? What is the best way to deal with writer's block? Is it possible to buy a new SIM card or number online, or choose a mobile number in India online? How do you define a typical Infosys employee? How much growth will be there for a site engineer? Is Apple richer than Microsoft? What are the benefits for the UK if they leave the EU? Is the php session stored on the client side or the server side? What is the meaning of Urdu word 'Ehteraam'? Who would win a war between India and Israel? Why? Does offering free modafinil during class improve student attentiveness/alertness? How does YouTube count videos? MBA from India or Abroad? What's better for an engineer who has passed out from a decent engineering college from Pune recently? What does it means when your left ring finger itches? Is Britain a monarchy or a democracy? What is the best book on Radiology? How can I get MOOC/E-learning through online web and video courses related to teaching that are developed by Indian professors? If there is one person that you could kill and get away with it, who would you kill and why? What tech trends (SaaS, PaaS, Programming, IoT, etc.) will gain more momentum in 2017, and which will falter? What are the problems that product designers face? What is the easiest way to get rid of ACNE? How can I increase my metabolic efficiency? How do I calculate the area of a circle without using the formula for the area of a circle? How do I solve lateral thinking puzzles? What is the best way to learn about stock market? Matt Gallagher: Why did you choose to become a cavalry officer? Why not Armor or Infantry? How do venetian blinds work? How do I crack the civil service exam for the first time? Where can I get affordable price for fire rated door inspection, maintenance and repair services in Sydney? Any one who did not get a job after engineeering? How can the total amount of money, including all currencies, be viewed or summarized? What Is The scope Of PGDCA After How can I speak english naturally and fluently? What are good ways to promote on Quora? Website to download movies? How do I become a master in algorithms and data structure? How do actors/actresses deal with their husband/wife filming passionate scenes on the set? Is there a conversation/deal before they get married? What are some of the most beautiful photographs of food? How could you theoretically survive inside a Nazi gas chamber? What is it like to marry a girl older than you? What should I do if I really like a guy with whom I've just become friends? Were there pro slavery blacks in the US? Is there any binaural beats to help you remember past lives? "I am going to be sawed in half by a magician for a charity event. What should a woman be looking to dress up in to be ""sawed""?" Why do people (mainly civilians) fake military service? Does a local Telugu Hyderabadi speak in Telugu or Hyderabadi Hindi in Nampally? How about in Mehdipatnam? What is it like for an Indian to live in Denmark? What should I do with lots of powdered non-dairy coffee creamer? I am 34 years old, my family wants me to marry a girl who is 22. Is it ok to marry a girl with such a age gap? What is a tensor? I had 13 months Over stay in UK.I came back with 'Volunteer Departure ' Method. How many years I can get a Ban to enter UK? I have a huge 'blind' pimple or spot on the tip of my nose. How can I get rid of it? What are some good FPS games for my PC? My uber account has been disabled. Can it enabled? Do women get as horny as men? "What does the phrase ""daijoubu"" mean in Japanese?" How can I get my old Instagram id back? What are speed-reading apps for Kindle? What is the closest place I can ski near London? What does this mean in English? Me gusta la buena vida y eso que tiene de malo Que escuchar corridos compa le aseguro no me asuma el mexicano If one wanted to innovate in the field of solar energy, with only high school physics as one's background, what would one have to read/study? Do you think world economy will become cashless and there will not be any notes and coins, only concept money will run the world? What are some examples of bad data (data quality issue) commonly seen in a data management platform? Why is it that rain drops but snow falls? What will Hillary Clinton's Chinese policy be, if she is elected? Could the Fallout Universe defeat the Elder Scrolls Universe? The numerical value of the volume of a sphere is equal to the numerical value of its surface area. What is the diameter of the sphere? Is supply chain management part of social sciences? How can I stop my dog from chewing my childrens toys? Will demonetisation destroy India? How do LPG gas sensors work? Can a tornado lift a blue whale? Are there students at SRM university who live at or near omr? If so let's car pool. It's better if there are both girls and boys. Why do I blush at certain questions? How do I prevent or maybe stop blushing? How does anal sex feel compared to vaginal sex? How do you become famous and receive a lot of views, upvotes, and followers on Quora? What is your favorite anime? What is the food one can eat and not eat to reduce the blood ESR level? What is your review of Outbrain? In NBA basketball, why doesn't ESPN report individual player achievements (e.g. triple-doubles and double-doubles) differently when it takes overtime to achieve them? Where can I download movies with subtitles? Is it possible to fake mental illness so you get looked after for free in hospital forever? What are some good computer speakers and subs? Which latest bollywood song are you playing on loop? Have you ever seen a student get roasted by a teacher? What is metabolic engineering? Positive impacts of electronic media on business? Where can I get qualified technicians for high quality of services for fire protection in Sydney? How do I change my email account on my iPhone? How can I get traffic from a particular city for my website? What not to do during preparation of IIT JAM physics? What exactly is Nautilus? What does it do? What is a diploma? What's the difference between a diploma and degree? "Are there multiple meanings to the phrase ""one's funeral""?" How do I deal with toddlers who throw temper tantrums? What is an associate manager salary in Accenture, India? What is the minimum work experience required to be in the AM level in Accenture? What are the sexiest male body parts? Do girls get offended when a guy stares at her? I am currently pursuing an MA in political science in distance mode. Will it be accepted in international universities if I want to do a PhD in that? How can I stop being afraid of disappointing myself? What are your best moments in graduation? Which are most used Punjabi words for poem? I have got a rank of 23557 in COMEDK 2016, in which engineering colleges can I get admission? I have purchased a contract based Phone on My Credit card and Passport. What will happen if i don't pay the bills and leave the Country? How does one sit to study after a long break without getting distracted? Is it true that studying for JEE is more difficult than studying in an IIT? Is it possible to get a user's Facebook friends using Android SDK 4 or Graph API? Explain the SAP ABAP OOPS Type Casting Concept using Real Time example? I have doubt in Widening Cast Specifically How did France fare in the decades before the First World War? Which certificate do I need to produce at the time of admission? Migration certificate or Transfer certificate? How much money do I need to live comfortably in New York City? What are the best ways to celebrate my 18th birthday? How can I increase my speed while preparing for the quant section for the GATE exam? Where are some places you've gotten food poisoning at? Can we catch Pokemon in pokemon go by not moving and siting at a place? What is happening with Kashmir? Which iPhone is better? New iphone 4s with 32 GB or an used iPhone 5C or 5S if comparing the price. What do I do when I have no direction? If hot air moves to cold places then how does a refrigerator work? Are the claims of Devil worship in Hollywood true? Why should good artists sell their souls to the Devil? "How do we really ""love ourselves""?" What will be the best SEO strategies in 2016? How can I get released from a project in TCS before 18 months? What do men find atttactive in a women? Why do we get skin tags? How do I choose a guy in an arranged marriage, especially in one meeting? What is the full course fees for MBA in Manipal University? Why do people write long answers on Quora? Why is Bollywood fond of Tamil films in the South rather than other film industries like Tollywood (telugu) or Sandalwood (kannada)? What is it like to live in Denmark as a foreigner? Do most Americans and Europeans bathe daily? What cars do Mercedes produce in india? What do guys really want from a girl? I'm 17 just graduated what would be a first good job? How could I give a presentation in TED? Why is my heart rate so high? When I run it goes up to 185 and my resting heart rate is about 80 to 90 BPM. What can I do to lower it? What are the best websites to learn programming? How do you introduce yourself influentially? What is the best way to learn Japanese by yourself? Which books are best for self study for preparing CS executive 2017? What do Native Americans want to be called by others? What is the cut off rank for St in IIT 2016? Is it more hygienic to use water or tissue to clean-up after a 'long job' at a restroom? How to read a barcode from an image in C#? Where can I donate my clothes in Mumbai? Who is the current indian police chief? Was Kaasargod a part of South Canara? If yes should it be retaken by South Canara? When will non-wealthy Republicans stop voting against their own interests? In developing with Unity 3D, should I learn Java or C#? What are some best air purifier designs? I'm 23 for heaven's sake so why am I still single? Do you support the ban on Pakistan artists in India? What is J2EE stack? How often do you get rejected by girls? What are Afghanistan's main exports? What is the relationship between science and philosophy? How do I setup an AT&T U-Verse remote? How much does it cost to form an LLC? How do I find any website previous Page authority? If you only charge for costs of production and shipping, is it legal to sell merchandise with fan art on it? What are some good books on philosophy for beginners? Is rediffmail a better option to create official id? What are best ways to earn money in India? Can someone hack an iCloud account without changing the password? Will my ex-girlfriend get curious after no contact? Why would Trump make a good president? I failed in 12th CBSE. Can I take the private exam of 12th from the state board? With what diet can I lose a lot of weight fast? How can I jump to next line in a .txt file when I save the variable values within it using Eclipse? What are the benefits of doing an MBA after getting an undergraduate degree in neuroscience? What are some tools used to measure force? Is MIET a good engineering college? Why should you use Zenoss? How is Zenoss used and what are some examples? Life in Infosys? Is it possible to create an array of Objects class in Java? Why does Ra's al Ghul ask Oliver Queen to become the next Ra's al Ghul in Arrow 3x15? Is Ra's al Ghul a title? What are division of bank? What does the :( emoticon mean? Why might a refugee olympic team be bad? What is the reason for majority of people in the world still believing in god? Which are the good books for preparation of CLAT? How will banning of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes affect the Indian stock market? Why can`t employee`s become wealty? What is the average monthly living cost for a foreign student in Istanbul, Turkey? Can running help me lose fat? Can I get internships abroad if I am an electrical 2nd year student from an old IIT and have a 9+ GPA in 4 semesters? What is a camel toe? Does low TDS water means low minerals? Where can I get free Udemy courses? How do I graph X=[X]? What is veto call? How is the partying/bar/clubbing scene in Tokyo? What do these Korean words mean in English? What is the best reason you got kicked out of class? Students: What was that one incident that changed your life or view towards life during student days? What is the saddest short story you have heard? As a non-native English speaker, how can i improve my English quickly? Hi. I am Filipino teen who can speak English fluently and I've been told that I have a good accent, but how can I get a job and make use of my talent? What is the coolest thing you've done with a Raspberry Pi? How do I see who communicates with my partner on her phone? What should we do to tackle the traffic issue in Bangalore? How is a horcrux made? How do I write an excellent history essay? How is the word 'courtier' used in a sentence? How can I hack my boyfriend's cell phone and know who he is talking to? What are Barnes & Noble's policies for buying books? Are the anti-Trump camp making the same mistakes as the Bremain campaign? If you dream of a specific person are they dreaming about you? If I feel unable to study for the chapters I don't know for my economics exam tomorrow, am I depressed? Why Tata replaces Cyrus Mistry as chairman with Ratan Tata? How can a girl attract a boy towards her? Who is unemon on Twitter? How do I forget my ex after everything we've been through? How did your first kiss happen? What is the corporate culture like at Verastem? How is the culture different than other companies? What is the point of living when were all going to die? Will there be an Age of Empires IV? What is the best thermodynamics book? Is it possible to have friends like those on the TV series Friends? Also, do you have such friends? What is the best subject for a graduate degree? What is the difference between a co borrower and co signer? Who is the best stock broker in india? "What is a summary of Emily Dickinson's ""Hope is the Thing With Feathers""?" What is the best pencil? What is the difference between 1st party cookies and 3rd party cookies? Interpersonal Interaction: If you say hey or hi to a girl and she says hello to you back is that a sign of not being interested in you and just replying? Who do you think won the VP debate (2016) and will it matter? How good is gruber's for gre preparation? How can I persuade myself to pay all my attention to my studies? What should I do if I start getting bored with Quora? Which country is most likely to start world war III? Does receiving anal sex make your butt bigger? What are the best ways to learn a lot of things in very less time? Do Jim Crow laws still exist? Are most tattoo artists capable of doing anything to cover up a tattoo? Why will Donald Trump be a good president? What are the best sites for learning English? How do I get admission in SRCC for B.Com? I shifted to Chennai just one month ago. I need some unlimited Internet plan with good speed. Which will be the best? How can I type an inverted cross symbol on an iPhone? What is the best way to learn English via Quora? Do I need to regsiter a company before registering with Ola cabs as developer? Which is best phone under 10000? Period film cliches? Do you use a pimi tremolo on a classical guitar? How many medals can India win in archery in Rio Olympics? If you had 4 days to visit New York, what places would you recommend? What happens if I skip one EMI payment of my credit card for one month? How do I stop fapping forever? Did the 10 lost tribes reunite with the other 2? What is the best cure for depression? "Does our brain remember ""good"" memories easier than ""bad"" memories?" How long would humans survive without the sun? What is your prediction for Super Bowl LI (51) in 2017? Why do people wear high heels? Which services in IES are best for preparing for Civil service exam? What is the future of AngularJS developers? Which all are the places to visit in Bangalore, where I can find girls to date? "What's the difference between ""long life"" engine oil and ""normal"" engine oil?" What is the reaction between Calcium Carbonate and Hydrochloric Acid? What rank can I expect if I scored 129 marks in JEE mains and secured 98.5% in telangana board (OBC category)? "Does a Hindu God also exist in the shape of a pig? I have seen a picture which has so many faces of gods in my friend's house. I asked him what is this god with a pig face and he replied ""I don't know all our god's, the concept is idiotic to me"". Could a Hindu explain this?" What can happen if I mix engine coolants together? I love a girl but I don't know how to tell her. What should I do? What are the most important courses for a degree in petroleum engineering? Can my dad afford VIT if he has a take home pay of around 87000/- per month, Before I try to convince him i must know whether he will really be able to pay the fees? Where can you sell used cameras? Do bobcats purr? Do all big cats purr and why? How do you remove MegaBackUp from a Mac computer? How do I earn more from YouTube? Is there life after death? Has anyone had the experience of being dead for a minute or so and coming back to life? Was Karl Marx a political extremist? How do I deal with my dad? How do I move on from my ex when I see him daily in the college? What would happen to Russia if Putin suddenly dropped dead right now? What should I get my mother for her birthday in a week? Where did the Quora Reading List go? How do I calculate the amount of concrete in cubic meter? What can I do using Dropbox API? Why is IIT Roorkee better than the other IITs What are some awesome titles for farewell? Is a Roth IRA better than a traditional IRA? How many YouTube subscribers do I need to make $2000 a month? How is the sound mix in Interstellar? How do scientists calculate the distance from Earth to a star or galaxy in space? What rare Pokémon can I catch in Pokémon Sun? What is the easiest way to make a lot of money fast? How do I become a commercial pilot in India? 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What are some things the outside world would be shocked to learn about Mumbai? What is the difference between Methylin and Adderall? What is raspberry pi? What is highest package offered ever in NIT Srinagar, and what about the faculty of chemical engineering and IT? How do I find something I can talk endlessly about? What was the worst incident that changed your life? What do you do when you feel lonely? What are the best ways to save money? Would it be unusual to try setting your own schedule working in a nursing home kitchen, if you are working doubles from the early mornings and would like spending less time there now? When was it revealed to the viewer that Palpatine was Sidious? I own a business but my father is trying to shut down it. What should I do? Which Summer Olympic sport can you start late (say 25+) and still hope to win a medal (or at least do well)? Should a C# programmer learn C++? Why or why not? Why is everyone a celebrity on Facebook? What is the difference between the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Congress? What would win in a fight to the death: ten wolves or a grizzly bear? Has the quality of questions, answers, and comments on Quora declined? Do cars with a large CC engine, a high BHP, and torque figure mean that its mileage is bad? Which is the best beach in Goa that is safe for kids to play? Which is the 50 Shades of Grey best book? How do I find investors for my startup? Do you think time travel can really be possible? CIVIL ENGINEER JOBS IN DUBAI? Which is the best flight simulator? Does the magnetic quantum number describe the magnetic field that is generated when the electron moves in the orbital? What is the difference between MySql, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Lite? Is it necessary to learn SQL for all of them? What is the sleep mode on an air conditioner? How useful is it? What are all the advantages of using Linux rather than Microsoft Windows? Can Ashoka be called the greatest Indian king ever? Who is the Emperor of Mankind in 40K Warhammer? How do I get my anger under control? How do you know when a girl is playing you? What hotel in Hyderabad would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? What are best courses for science stream after 12? Is it safe to drink alcohol after taking Tylenol? How do I find cocaine? GuiOf parents to students while preparing UPSC CS? LinkedIn: What features do you wish LinkedIn had? How much time will the Swach Bharat campaign take to clean India? Can I use coconut oil for my skin and hair? What does Islam say about homosexuals, their rights, marriage, punishment if any? And what issues do gay Muslims face in their daily lives? What is the salary of a principal at a venture capital fund? What if India replaced English with Telugu, Bengali, and maybe Marathi or Tamil as official languages of the Union of India? 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What are some examples of nonvascular plants? Which foods should I avoid? What are tools used in animation? Why do some websites have a check box for accepting their terms and conditions and some do not? If someone takes away an item from a store, leaving sufficient money but not notifying the salesperson/shop owner, is this considered a theft? Which is a better option- Honda jazz or i20 active (both top models) Is Ground clearance a major issue with jazz? How do I enlarge your penis? Was the People's Republic of China actually an ally to the US in the original Red Dawn (1984) Movie? Is there any lore behind it? Which module is best to learn SAP, SD or MM? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Ball State? What kind of grill makes the best grilled cheese sandwich? What's the egg glitch in Pokémon GO? How do I carry on a texting conversation? Could you suggest some influential people to follow on Quora? Could one use HDMI to transfer data computer-to-computer? How? What is mental health? What is the crime rate in the Borough of Ealing and how does it compare to Bromley? Why is Louis Vuitton one of the most successful luxury brands to date? Which is the best Ielts or toefl? What is a welding machine? I want to join a BSc in computer science, math & statistics in the Christ University, Bangalore. How should I prepare for the personal interview? I didn't have a CS or statistics as my subjects in school. Should I learn them now? What are some general tips for the interview? What is so special about the stainless steel ruler? What is the general topic for small speech? What is the best wedding gift? What does a decision scientist at Mu Sigma do? How can I learn how to play violin? Is it possible that two people who love each other do not have a good relationship? What is Sciences Po's (Institut d'études politique de Paris, France) reputation in the US, especially for the foreign service? How can I meet Alia Bhatt? What websites don't require cvv list? Makeup (cosmetics): Why do most bengali women wear dark, loud eye liners and lipsticks? What algorithm does Airbnb use to order the search results for a query? What are some movies that everyone needs to watch at least once in life? Sixty words of a known book and my work are exactly the same without any intent of copying it - do I need to ask the author for permission, rewrite or can I publish without consequence? Can I live on $60.00 an hour in Manhattan? What is the difference between income statement and profit and loss account? What is your most embarrassing moment? Which is the best story you ever heard? What were the causes and effects of the Mexican-American war? What were the pros and cons? What is the difference between subject and object? What do baby chicken hawks eat? What is the Illuminati conspiracy? What are real life examples of classical conditioning? How can I find out whether my partner is using dating sites? Is there any one here who never got joining in Cognizant even after getting offer letter? How can I lose 60 pounds in 5 months? Is there a phenomenon in which people fluently speak a foreign language, in a dream, when in reality they can't speak it? Why do swimming pools have radial edges? What is the best way to achieve success? Do Tamils respect Telugu? What types of fuel are used in rockets and satellites? How do I recover a deleted Instagram name? What smallest number should be added to 2714 to make it a perfect cube? Is it bad to just wear a sweatshirt and sweatpants? What are the best pick up lines that you've heard? What are some of the best mystery novels by Indian Authors? Can I wrestle an elephant? Which is the best song of music director R. D. Burman (Panchamda) and why? What trouble would come from spitting on an elected official, even the president? Which one is a better option for droppers targeting JEE Main +Advance: Resonance, Allen, Bansal,Vibrant in Kota? How do you know if you are in love or just limerice? Do celebrities or public figures ever offer to endorse products or brands they like, or is it always the other way around? What do North Indians like about Chennai? I want to invest 5k per month where should I invest? Is it true that the location of turned off mobile phones can still be tracked if the battery is installed? How easy is it for a citizen to leave North Korea? How do I start a production house in India? What does 750 and LI stands for in the BMW 750LI? How fast can a top DJ beat match two records that are matchable but he hasn't played before just by ear? For example, he plays record 1 and it's 135 bpm so how long would it take to get record 2 to 135 bpm using only the pitch control and your ears so you can mix them? What are U.S Army Rangers trained for? What are the best resources for learning Japanese and how can I become a competent speaker, reader and writer of the Japanese language? What's the minimum number of trees I should use in a Random Forest? What is the best solution for Kashmir issue? Which is better: CSE at BITS Goa or CSE at BITS Hyderabad? Which breed dog is this? Where can I get icse question papers? Where can I know more about PMP certification exam? Who is the don of India now-a-days? Does garlic burn fat? Where is polymorphism used in the real world? Is Brain Drain a boon or a bane? How do you make your married life wonderful? What is the best book on consciousness? I am planning to study further in Canada in the finance stream. Which will be the best college for this? Why should one continue to live? How do I download the Play Store for the Blackberry Z10? Can height increase after 25? What familial incident has changed your life? What is the difference between a traveller and a tourist? What are the best movies about marketing/PR? How do I become an expert listener? What do you do when you feel lonely? If have a kidney stone, why am I getting a CT scan? I thought kidney stones don't show up on them? If I delete the messages on WhatsApp, is it also deleted from the other person's phone and chat history? Can I do civil engineering after BCA? What is the difference between any PGPs (PGDM, PGDBM etc.) and an MBA? Will there ever be a 4 point line in the NBA? How do you politely remind donors to fulfill their promise to give? Is red meat healthy? What is the importance of biochemistry in nursing? What can I do to perfect my blogging skills? What kind of books should I read? What were the causes of the Spanish-American War and what were the effects? Where can I buy CCTV cameras in Hyderabad? What are the exercises during pregnancy? How can I get a free or low cost website for my business? How do I find myself, my interests, my passion? Why do Americans tip food servers? I am a mechanical engineer. I got a job in a paper industry. Will I be able to switch to any other type of industry after some time? What are some signs I can be pregnant? Can I tell if my wife's hotmail address is on dating sites? What is the meaning of Marathi word 'Jatra'? How is a glass armonica made? Which is the best tutorial video for quick books? If I don't want to do something, is it laziness or disliking that thing stops me from doing it? What was the worst thing you did as a teenager? How long does a background check take? How do you get Rayquaza in Pokemon Emerald? What percentage of Indians prefer love marriage against arranged marriage? What are some interesting topics for Chemistry Extended essay? What is a procedural programming language? How do hackers learn how to hack? Why do teenagers attempt suicide? How do I turn off camera sound in Redmi Xiaomi 3S? How can I reduce my belly fat through a diet? Which coaching centre is best for ssc rrb in Delhi? Are CIA agents unhappy of Trump election? How do I catch a Cubone in Pokémon GO? Which hotels/resorts/guest houses/lodge allow stay of an unmarried couple? Which Bollywood actor have you met accidentally? When can we use TCP and when can we use UDP? What do you think about self-harming? How does LED glow in a lemon? How do I win an argument with someone who is both ignorant and certain? How do I install a VPN? Up medical faculty se GNM (staff nurse) kiya ha to how can fillup form another states? Transgender: Does transsexualism reinforce gender stereotypes? What is the best laptop under 25000? Why is the German government afraid of legalizing same sex marriage but happy enough to let in millions of refugees from Syria? Does science contradict any of the religions? Do bigger animals tend to be less agile/mobile and if so, why? Vodafone India (company): Can we use a SIM-free Microsoft Lumia mobile bought in the UK in India? Are there any problems? How can I download Game of Thrones season 6 episode 9? I have 79 marks in JEE mains and 872/1000 marks in Andhra Pradesh board.Can I get a good seat in sastra university? I am planning to bring bike frm TN to Maharashtra, can I ride with the NOC that I get from TN or is there any other procedures that are to be followed? Who will lead Quora’s community team after Marc Bodnick steps down? Why does federal law override state law in the United States? How does survey design software would be fruitful to a project? If you had a time machine to go back 1,000 years ago, what would you do? How much to veterinarians make? How do I get call letter of SSC 48 (Tech) men? Which is the worst road in Bangalore? What asset classes does Hedgeable invest in? Will relatively cold water make your cold worse? How do I start a novel? How do I start preparation for chartered accounts? Which Indian bank offers the most convenient NEFT and IMPS transfers for a current account? Would it be fun to travel from Leh to Manali in a shared cab? What are the charges? What will be Hillary Clinton's policy towards India if she becomes president? C Programming: How to learn it? What is the best season of Friday Night Lights? Which laptop gpu brands is more preferable. Nvidia or Radeon? Which fetches better jobs: MBA from an ordinary college or LLM? What is the best political solution to the Kashmir conflict? Why isn't everyone vegan yet? (Yes I am vegan) How do I upgrade to iOS 5 on an iPhone 4S? I wanna go to Rio de Janeiro. How can I prepare? Where can I get complete decorating and painting service for domestic & commercial painting in Sydney? Should a girl confess her feelings to a boy whom she likes? How do I improve my Chemistry knowledge? Who designed I cleared my Infosys written test last week. I did my HR interview averagely today. What are the chances for me getting the job? I am from iem (mech sub branch) can I sit for companies which come for cs if I know programming and coding? From bmsce collage What are some interesting one liners on India? Should I switch off my car air conditioner before I start or stop my car's engine? What do we call Jaledi in English? I an going to give elitmus test. Is tere any one have discount coupon for it. Its my first time. Pls help.? Who are the famous people in Quora? What does it mean when you die in your dream? What is browser compatibility? When was Deneb born and what classification of star is it? How do I start to learn coding? Can a daughter claim her share in self acquired property of her father? How do you get rid of pimples on your back? What does a=&*A mean in C++ (in which A is a pointer)? How is the word 'ingratiate' used in a sentence? What is the key to confidence? Should I exercise once or twice a day? Who is the most influential person in human history? Why? It it legal to keep anteaters as pets in the US? Do women feel a sense of completeness after having started sex? I just moved to Rochester, NY and am looking for ways to meet people. Are there any good open mic nights in Rochester? Which is the best subject to be studied in mechanical engineering for MS in USA? How does epigenetics affect intelligence? How difficult is it to get a job at Google? Which is the best IIT foundation book for class 10? Who are the Kai characters in Dragon Ball Z? How do I deal with rude teammates/colleagues? How can I learn as much as possibly? What is the file structure of an .exe file? What is the memory location of its starting address? Why do vintage vinyl records sound better in mono than stereo? Theranos. Is it through? Can I write it off this year on taxes and take the loss? Are bees essential for plant reproduction? What is Quora all about.? What is one of the cheapest office supply stores in Miami? Was Kaizad Khambhatta sexually inclined towards Johnny Balraj in 'Bombay Velvet'? How do you determine the oxidation number for copper? Is a dead person a person? Is it better to wash your mouth with water after brushing your teeth than not? What about washing it with mouthwash? How do you stop Mini Westie puppies from chewing your shoes? What are the best Thai restaurants in San Francisco? What is the difference between MOU and MOA? Are both of these legally binding? Which are some good institutes for GMAT preparation in Mumbai? What are polar and non-polar molecules? How do you perform top hat magic tricks? What are the main uses of Inconel alloy 625? How easy would it be for NASA to send astronauts to the Moon in 2018, compared to the sixties? Does HM have scope? Does Venmo have a limit? What are some of the best Federalist slogans? Which is an app that helps to reduce the data usage on a laptop? You hold an option that pays you $2 for every $1 that the price of Amazon is away from $780. Replicate this option by trading in calls, puts, bond? Where can I download free Microsoft 70-243 PDF Dumps and 70-243 VCE Dumps as 70-243 exam prep? How effective are the gun control laws in England? How do I delete a phone number from WeChat? "What is the origin of/meaning behind the surname ""Mill""?" For IAS preparation, is it advisable to study any guide (like the TMH general studies manual) or NCERTs? Why are there so many dumb, easy questions on Quora? What are the effects of adding fluoride to drinking water on human physical and mental health? What attracts introverted women? How do pillow top and memory foam mattresses compare? What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done? What is the main function of photosynthesis? What credit card score is good? Do Chile and Argentina have a border dispute in Antarctica? How can there be more people learning Cantonese? How will the 49% of FDI allowed in the insurance sector by the government affect the healthcare space? "I would like to know more about the painting in the background of this photo. It is from the movie ""Nine Lives"". Where can I get a print?" Where can I watch Game of Thrones online? Do an Indian guy would like to marry a girl of 5 feet who is himself 5.10 feet in height? Why is becoming a good entrepreneur so hard? Can I get sites where I can download images such as fashion images and use them for free? Academic and Educational Advice: What can I do after completing bcom? What is a thought disorder? Which MBTI types are most attracted to INFPs? Which is better for sex, penis length or girth? Why has Raghu and Rajiv left roadies? What is the routine of an Indian Air Force technical officer? Where can I find some open (free) data sets for exploring and experimenting with the data? Is gasoline a pure substance or a mixture? Which are some of the Companies and Startups which have successfully established itself in China? What is difference between attraction and love? Self-Improvement: How can I increase concentration power to remember studies for a long time and be sharp minded and active? How do I last longer during sexual activity? How electricity is produced in a nuclear power plant? How can I write compelling stories? Three line break? How can I monetize my app? Who is the actress in T-Mobile Piggyback commercial? What is dark matter? Do police officers have monthly ticket quotas? How can I get rid of acne permanently? Why is the Holocaust Slander self-evident? How do I make myself stop having a crush on someone? How often do we dream? What are some good ways to improve your memory? How can I forget my past boyfriend? Do we normally hear better by bone or air conduction? "Is the phrase ""Mistake me if I am wrong"" correct?" Do women love sex? Does Rogaine stop hair loss or just grow new hair? What's the best place to live in Southern California? Why does my crush make me want to throw up? What is the opinion of quorans on Jallikattu ban? How do I make a wishing well out of cardboard? How does Elon Musk spend time with his children? What do Bulgarians think about Turks and Turkey? What answers on Quora have the lowest upvote to view ratio? Who is the best electronics professor in India? What is the reaction between sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide? Which is the best coaching centre in India to Prepare for PMT? Has JPA replaced JDBC? How do I start and succeed in a MMA career and what are the steps that I need to make in order to one day fight at the highest professional level? What does it take to have a healthy relationship? How do I stop obsessing over someone? Why are you marking my question as needing improvement? Is smoking bad for you? Why or why not? Why do people tell the truth? How do I start preparation for IAS? What makes the Mercedes line of cars unique? What are the must-have iPhone apps? Why? What is the best way to prepare GMAT? What is the best World War II movie? What is it like to be an animator for Disney? What are some examples of artists using digital media? How do you translate this from Chinese to English: 沙粒感? Why do most apps on the Google Play store ask for permissions they don't seem to use? Are they collecting my private data? What do you call a formula 1 pilot? How do I adopt a puppy for free in mumbai? Can a friendship go back into a relationship with some exes? What is advanced financial planning? Can I tell my close friend that I love them? I have an ECR passport, and will be visiting Malaysia on a holiday. Can I travel on my passport? Why is Pokemon Go such a unique game? Why are people on Quora so ignorant/anti-American? What's the biggest mistake INDIA ever made? Which mobile has a better display, Lenovo or Motorola? Which is the best laptop to buy in India in the range 40k-50k? Did Egyptians kill heretics that didn't believe in the Egyptian gods? What is the official job description of a physician? How is Google+ better than Facebook? What is your advice for a normal middle class girl? How do you use Google reverse image search on mobile? Which is the best institute for the GMAT in Delhi, Jamboree or Princeton? Do women really like performing a blowjob? What is the best dating script? Is Donald Trump successful? If so, why? "Why is real estate called ""real estate""?" What could this chronic nerve/pain/muscular illness be? What is the mode of admission in the PEC (BTech)? What is the difference between Python 2.x and Python 3.x? How do high tides differ from low tides? Why do all Presidents have to live in the White House? What are some things to avoid in your teenage years? How safe is the paleo diet? What are the best ways to lose weight? Can I transfer money from Payoneer to PayPal? How do we measure the age of the sun? As an atheist, why don't you believe that god or gods exist? How did they calculate the distance between earth and the sun? How can I improve my English speaking skills? Why were there no theatrical adaptions of Star Trek DS9, Voyager, or Enterprise? How important is sex in a marriage? Why do some Indians read 'The Hindu' newspaper? "Are there any of those ""great quotes"" which have significantly affected your life in a good or bad way?" Is time travel possible? If yes how How do eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells differ? What is the best way to invest X amount of money? How will be the IT and software industries grow in the next 5 years? How do I conquer the world (Serious)? How hard is it to be a web developer? "What is the best answer in interview for ""why should I hire you? ""?" Which sites other than Kaplan, Princeton, and Manhattan Review offer free mock tests for revised GRE? How many hours per day does a Google programmer code? What is the main function of geology and exploration geophysics? How do I root Micromax canvas 5? Shouldn't pirating of comic books be banned in order to save the comic industry? What do married women expect from men other than their husband? If turn-off of a computer is called shutdown, what is turn-on called? Which of these sports will help me the most in soccer, swimming, weight lifting or running? Which is the best history book you ever read? Out of the Safavid, Mughal and Ottoman empires, which was the best to live? Where does Fernando Alonso live? How are most people able to work or do other things while listening to music in the background? When is a person most vulnerable in their lives? Why do swimmers wear swim caps in the water? How do you cook a turkey? How do I control sexual desire in teens? What are the best books for IIT-JEE preparation? How can I improve my communication skill in english? If a non-alpine rock climber switches to alpine rock climbing, will the climber have to adjust or is it the same thing except on a mountain? What would happen if Ukraine joins NATO? How do I apply for NYU Abu Dhabi Hackathon? How can I launch my WordPress site for free? How does Flipkart's credit card EMI work? What are the difference between Eastern and Western in game culture? Can I get my Tier 2 visa sponsorship with an expired Tier 4 visa in the UK? What are the best books about psychology a medical student can read? How you change the battery in a wall thermostat? Can I swipe my credit card with my brothers POS machine on daily basis? Are we heading towards World War III? I own a new office in Brisbane. What is a great company who deals with office furniture items? Why are tattoos permanent? What kind of management software does the fracking industry use? What is an Airport Duty Manager? How does Verilog compare to VHDL? Can I migrate IBM WCS front end to angular js? Who are the top 10 most controversial Prime Ministers in Indian history? What is the most effective way to generate real estate SELLER leads? Could there be an evolutionary reason for religion? Which are Trek groups in Mumbai? How do I hate a person? How do I cure a wrist fracture? I am studying my 1st year of PU. I have taken biology (PCMB) as the subject. But I am interested in Quantum mechanics and Astro physics. What should be my next step for my career? What causes diabetes, and how is it treated? "Why did Romeo finally fight Tybalt in ""Romeo and Juliet""?" How do I overcome fear of failure when I can't afford to fail? What does 'height from sea level' means? How it is measured? -6: net: :ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED how do fix this issuue? Who is the great master of astrology in india? What is the best small business that can be started in village? What are the pros and cons of social networks? What is the salary of the police in India? What do you think about China? What happens when you delete a Yahoo email account? How do I get started using Quora? How do I stay motivated? How will the recent move to declare 500 and 1000 denomination notes illegal will curb black money? Is it good to eat bread everyday? What can I do to be a good friend? How did you learn data mining? Is Bruce Jenner a father? How can I find out if my ex is using dating sites? When will be counselling of LNMIIT be held? Where can I find a jaw crusher in zambia? How light and heavy can bullet proof vests be to wear? You throw an indestructible hammer with an infinite amount of force in front of you, what happens? Will I be able to immigrate to UK to work and study even after Brexit? If I delete a message from WhatsApp group chat will that get deleted for everyone in that group? Who has been the most sarcastic actor in Indian cinema ever? Why do some people dislike Rosetta Stone? How do I design and build my own drone? What is the best way to lose fat efficiently? What is one place you have visited and you never want to go back to? What was the mark scored by the AIIMS entrance exam topper in 2014? Is everything predestined? What are your chances of winning and losing in a poker game? If I get a job offer, how do I ask the other companies I'm interviewing with to hurry the process? "Why was Osama bin Laden's code name ""Geronimo""?" ‘Her curly hair was like that of the dog behind her.’ In this sentence, can I use ‘a’ instead of ‘that of the’? What are the career options after graduating from chemical engineering? What is meant by bank ombudsman? What do whale sharks eat? Which is a good solar panel installation provider in Alhambra, California CA? Why is John Boehner's name pronounced B-A-Y-N-E-R instead of B-O-N-E-R? Would an amateur mathematician without a reputation be ignored if he claimed to be able to prove an important conjecture? Why is there a limit to the range of missiles? Like if an air craft can go 20000 miles, why not missiles? What is the absolute lowest you've ever felt in your life and why? What are the steps that allow you to use grep? What is quantum fluctuations? What are some good ways to improve essay writing skills? What does it mean when a guy says he wants the girl to move on after being friends with benefits? What are the best podcasts on investment? How did Porsche get the money to buy Volkswagen? Are USA Automobile Salvage Titles recognized by European Countries? If so, how? If we download a video offline in the YouTube app from a mobile, can we watch it on another device when I sign in from the same account in YouTube? Does ice have any electrical conductivity? Is the project for B.Tech 2nd year engineering student is really helpful for placement? How do I write a C program to implement a SRTF (Shortest Remaining Time First) scheduling algorithm, along with displaying the Gantt chart? How can I improve my English? Why do I want to eat even though I'm not hungry? Why did President Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize? What does it mean when a guy smiles at you every time he sees you? What is the meaning of 'A2A' and 'P.S'? I like to ride on my husband's penis during intercourse but I get so wet that it keeps slipping out of my vagina. What do I do? Should I become a nurse practitioner? If you were given God-like powers to create anything you can imagine, what would you make? Where can I get friendliest service and best price for Jumping Castle Hire in Sydney? How do I interpret the results of a k-means cluster analysis? What are some tips for bank exams preparation? What are some of the best English songs you have listened to lately? Is Laughlin's relativistic ether 'stuff' a sea of massive gravitons? Is time travel possible? If yes, what is the idea behind that? What are some must have Android apps? Are most poets just philosophers? Is it better to just stay single forever? How do you clean tile floors with vinegar? How do I increase my self control? What are the most inspiring people in Project Management? Why does the UK compete as the UK in the Olympics but as individual countries in the World Cup? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" rare in British Culture?" What would be my rank if I score 112 in the JEE-Mains and 93% in the CBSE boards? What is it like to go to college with a celebrity athlete? Can grain be flash frozen for long term commodity food storage? Why do guys hide their feelings when they like a girl? What is the difference between declaration and definitions? Why do I like guys with girlfriends? What are some 'X' qualities that IITians have? Development Practice: Have you ever worked on a successful water project in rural South Asia? What made it successful? Where is my time? If I have a phone number or email, can I find out the persons name? Who has tried self hypnosis? And how does it work? What's the difference between Rock, Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Punk, Metal, and Heavy Metal? How can someone help a weak student? How could I get my two senior cats to eat their canned food instead of just licking the sauce off, leaving the meat to dry, harden, and be trashed? "How do I fix ""Error Code 0x80070002""?" Are there any alcoholic drinks made from tomatoes? Which laptop is best for computer engineering student? What should you do with great ideas you can't act on? "Was America's infatuation with the ""Pregnant Man"" an example of transphobia?" What are some great tricks to save money while shopping online? What are the best online resources for learning Korean? How do I take input from xml file which is present in my local machine into html? I'm preparing for bank and SSC exams after completing graduation, but I can't concentrate on studying. How can I concentrate and do well? At what age range roughly does ones brain so down so much that mastering a new skill becomes impossible? How do I change or reset my password on Quora? How do I send instagram direct messages from browser? Do I want to lucid dream? Is it good or bad? What is good and bad about it? I'm not sure if I should learn to lucid dream or not. How many people think the world is flat? Who is the general secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)? Why something with mass cannot travel near or at the speed of light? What is meant by inflation? What is range of function 1-x? What is the story behind a man dragging a dead body into a lake on Google Maps? What is the best way to improve our communication skills? What are the best movies with shocking/surprising endings? Why does it take so long for amazon to ship? Can I get B.Tech CSE in Tezpur University with 70% in boards and 80 marks in JEE Mains? (General and home state) Can I download movie torrents to my iPad? Is playing video games a waste of time? "Can we use ""kinds of"" without modifiers?" How hard is it for a father to get sole custody of their children after a divorce? Is it pistulla a disease? Where can I buy Subway sweet onion sauce? How much does Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google pay to senior technical program managers in base salary, stocks and bonuses in Seattle, WA? What is the best city in the U.S. to spend a weekend vacation? Would an unopened bottle of truffle oil with a date of 2014 still be useable? How many of you found the CBSE Class 12 physics paper of 2015 tough? How do I fill in address lines 1 and 2 for my professor? Can one line be her office number? How could I learn embedded system by my own? Does cigarette smoking affect stamina? Are they safe for young (< 5 years) children? What would be the earliest age that would be considered safe for children to watch a movie with 3D glasses? "Guy said ""I don't know"" when I asked if he wanted to see me again. What does this mean? (See details)" What is the worst argument in the world? Why are Quora's answers always answered from a liberal bias? Can I donate the food leftover at my wedding? Should I hire a private investigator? Are cats clean pets? What are the tax rates for USA 2015? How do I use Facebook's newest reactions? Are there any working mod menus for GTA online PS4? If not, are there any other hacks that let me get money? Why do you look in the mirror? What are good alternatives for salt? Time travel is it possible? Was Sundar Pichai' s Twitter and Quora Account hacked? It was also said it was because of a Quora Vulnerability by hacker Team OurMine? Is this True? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in other island countries?" Why does a string reference variable will have the actual string value but not for other class reference variables? What are the best ways to start losing weight? How do I fix the control key on my keyboard? (TOSHIBA Windows 10 Laptop). How do small-time sociopaths select their victims? Are there any books about the Crusades which are accurate and objective? How has the programming languages curriculum changed in the past 10 years? How difficult is it for the average person to become a computer programmer? Can I convert electricity into a heat? Can we write in our own words in the CBSE boards of class 12th? Why did my ex contact me after years of no contact? What are the projects in SAP HCM at Cognizant Pune? Where could I anchor my boat free of charge instead of paying the marina fees? I have IP in class 11 CBSE in humanities. Can I continue learning programming as a side course in college? When is the right and when is the wrong time to for a company to file an IPO? My birthday is coming up. I want to be invisible or hide out somewhere for one day on my birthday. I don't want to talk to anyone or meet anyone that day. What should I do? How do antidepressants help with obsessive thoughts and behaviors? How can I lose weight loss? Can a single person operate (take off, fly, and land) a large aircraft like a C-5 or 747? Trace the number from where he was? How do I become the worlds most powerful man on earth? What is the simplest recipe for Tandoori Chicken? What are some cheaper alternatives to Bloomberg data terminal? What are easy ways to learn programming language and include some websites? I have rs.5000. Which share should I buy to get 10% returns? What is the most attractive thing the women loves about men? What is the best spray to waterproof your shoes? After I got married I always remain insecure of mean relatives. How should I bring peace to myself? Is there any way to alter some of your physical features which runs in the family? Are eggs good for you? If so, what are the health benefits? If my parachute didn't deploy as I leapt 14000ft from an aircraft what should I do to ensure I have the best chance of surviving the fall? How can I get paid through instagram? Is India still considered to be a third world country? How can I improve my English? How easy is learning to speak Vietnamese for an English speaker? Is Islam the most tolerant religion of them all? Which is the best question you've read on Quora? What are the reference books to prepare for GATE chemical engineering? What are some tips? How do I get an iPhone for free? Why do Quora users bulldoze the question instead of simply answering it? What are the pros and cons of visual quality from Unreal Engine 4 vs Unity 5? As an aspiring technology officer, which books would you recommend me to study? Basically for software development purposes. Where can I found most diverse ranges of Jumping Castles & Bouncy Castles in Sydney? What are the best beaches to visit in Goa? What can you with a Rescue Rabbit card deck? Should I join a test series for JEE? Is Budget (annual financial statement) money bill or financial bill in india? If a = x/(x^2+y^2) and b=y/(x^2+y^2). Then find the value of (x+y)? What branch can I get with pessat rank 5251? How do I hide my SD card files from Android? How can I motivate myself to study even if I'm not interested in education? What is an example of a cation? Is there a self-driving Google Street View car? Can I employ a driver to drive my car as an UberX? Srm demands school transfer certificate, but I dont have because I was in the school from nursery. what should I do? Can same blood group affect on child gender? Is anyone having success with a Customer Relationship Management solution other than Salesforce? Do guys stare at other girls when they have girlfriends? Why is it so hard to hit home runs? My Sony Xperia T2 Ultra Dual touchscreen is not responding. How can this be fixed? What is the reaction between H2SO4 and KOH? Ask a girl out? If you have a pistol and you are given the chance to kill a serial killer or kill the serial killer's parent in the past. Who would you shoot? How much does an average Ballet dancer/Ballerina earn when he/she is dancing professionally but is not a prima ballerina? What are the best headphones under 1000 rupees? How effective is palm reading for predicting the future? What, according to Jimmy Wales, is great programming? What are the effects of eating too much cheese? What are the best private engineering colleges in Delhi/NCR? What can I learn right now in 15 minutes that will be useful for the rest of my life? Adult Dating and Relationships: What are the best sex positions? Will services like Wix (with their new AI builder) kill off web designer/devs who make a living off of mom and pops? What is synchronous generator? What is best porn website? How do I open a current account in ICICI bank? What do NASA engineers and scientists think about Kerbal Space Program (KSP)? Where can I buy the best and largest giant bubble wand to make Huge Bubbles? Is there any way to make money with custom Google Maps? How do blind people think? "What are the best answers you have received when you asked someone ""tell me about yourself""?" What is the best IDE for C/C++ in Ubuntu? How can I avoid electronic gadgets while studying? What are the best books to prepare for the CDS exam? How hard is it to hack a new 3DS XL? Are tribal governments exempt from the H1B cap? What do scissors do on the molecular level? How can l download torrents on my computer? "How many of you think that Sab TV's show ""Chidiya Garh"" has become more hot and appealing?" What are the main theories of psychology? What is the best browser for working? Why do I always feel heavy-hearted and fearful? How can I overcome this? How can I find Jaw Crusher in Somalia? Is Adam's Bridge a man-made structure? What should I do to make my parents understand me? Which debit or credit card is accepted in Dubai? Do employees at Universal Health Realty have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? What can method hack and change the amount of money in my paypal or online checking bank account? What would happen if a person went through life without ever having any friends? How is the word 'mischievous' used in a sentence? Is protein food required for weight loss? Can we drink soya milk everyday? How can I improve my vision for playing soccer? What hotel in Gurgaon would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? Is it physically possible to time travel back in time? Is Pluralsight any good? As powerful as Thanos is, why do you think he's still not enough to defeat Galactus in a straight up one-on-one battle? What are the salaries of IAS, IPS and IFS officers? Suspension system: Which type viscosity is controlled in suspension? Will Avicii release this song for his next album? "What is the meaning of ""tho"" and why do people use it at the end of a sentence?" Why is the first heartbreak so painful? My phone is not compatible with the Google cardboard app, so how do I configure my VR glasses? What is the cutest cat picture? I feel very lonely because I don't have anyone to talk to. What should I do? Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Jefferson County AL? In Snapchat, how do you know if someone has cleared the conversation? What do the BHIVE workspace 45 assessments entail? How do I take a computer screenshot on my HP laptop? Who discovered gravity? What protection does a bank's armored car have? What does an Army MI officer do? What airlines offer flights from Mumbai to Melbourne? How do you get people to invest in you? What are some easy tricks for college going students to earn money in spare time? What will the government do of all the 500, 1000 notes they are collecting? How will they reuse? How do baby rabbits breathe underground? What are some of the best one-liners for IITians? Is money important? How can we make the living beings proactively contributing towards the success, evolution, science-education, wisdom, and welfare, of the afterlife? Who invented virtual private networks (VPN)? Why is there no affirmative action in Canada? How do I choose a car? Why is there a military coup happening in turkey? What are some of the mind-blowing facts about the Baahubali movie? What are some of the best movie fight scenes? What do you have to do to join the Indian Navy after engineering? Who is the best captain of all time in cricket? Which books are best for neet? Are Bollywood movies now making more money than Hollywood movies? What is the Riemann Zeta Function and its purpose and uses? How much minimum would it cost for hosting online shopping web application using dotnet technology? Will there be any prequel movie for The Hunger Games? Which video software and or app can I use to make short videos like this one with captions? How does glycolysis differ in plant and animal cells? As an ASP.NET developer, which one is better to learn next: Spring or JSF? Can I download any file from Xiaomi Yi cam to an iPhone? What are the best ways to get data entry jobs online? What should I do to deal with quarreling parents? How do you cook ground sausage? What are the career options after UGC, NET JRF in management in Indian universities? Is there a way to stream without a jailbreak to the Apple TV? What would somebody do if he finds that all the other people were gone? Have you ever had a dream that happened exactly in reality? Which PSU has highest salary for ECE? If a hospital is penalized 3% for being over heart failure readmission rate, does the penalty apply to total CMS payments or per CHF readmission? "What Brazilian music has the same ( spiritual vibration ) psychosphere or ""psychoemanation"" as Monet's paintings?" What are the career options available for a student highly interested in biological research (in diseases)? How do I get more Pokémon in Pokémon Go? Cqn you explain this ladder diagram What are the best cuisines in the world and why? Is Singapore too clean? Which is the best book for the preparation of the Civil Services exam in India? The age of adine is it a true story? What does the green dot mean on Facebook Messenger? What do you think of 4th year students updating status in Facebook about their placement? How do you set up an Apple ID? Why people use spanking implements for punishment? Which is better, England or America? How do I decrypt my files that are encrypted by RANSOMWARE (.CERBER FILES)? What would be my AIR or normalised marks if I have 146 marks in the JEE Mains and 94.4% in the CBSE boards (year 2015)? What life lessons does TVF Pitchers teach us? Does Quora censor questions and answers, and should they? How do I earn money through mobile online? Is it possible to download a Google spreadsheet tab as a CSV in Linux, without using a browser? Is Tanmay Bhat really wrong? What is your opinion? How does a retina get detached? How was Kiran Bedi (IPS) as a police officer? What are the best ways to make money fast? What is a diesel engine? What is the effect of a dash in poetry? What are some examples? Why are Indian E-commerce start ups (like Flipkart, Snapdeal, etc.) getting good funding even when they still have a loss? Liberals: What do you think about many colleges being intolerant of Conservative and Libertarian views? I am afraid of failure. And due to this fear I lost my interest in studying. What should I do to overcome this situation? How do I convert 220volts AC to 15 volt 3Ampere DC without using a transformer? Who are some notable alumni from VTU? What is the fastest way to make $100 online? What was the status of blacks in South Africa before the implementation of Apartheid in 1948? What are some symbols of bravery? What is the best way to earn money fast without any obstacles? What is Ohm's law? How can I start to writing a novel? "How would you use the word ""admonish"" in a sentence?" "Is saying ""See you in one hour's time"" grammatically correct?" What exactly is black money? What if I earn illegitimately but deposit it in bank? (paying tax on it) Why am I so attracted to women with beautiful eyes? What is the actual manufacturing cost of a car? How can I get unlimited life in mini militia? Is there any scholarship offered to Indian students for the LSE summer school? Why do smokers look cool if smoking is quite stupid? What are the consequences if my dog swallowed gum? If a teacher doesn't show up in the first 15 minutes of class, am I free to leave? What is difference between vodka, whisky, brandy? How would a small indie band get a spot in a music festival? "What were the errors made in the book ""The Pixar Touch""?" How do you know he wants to be more than friends? What was your best experience as a female escort? Can depression lead to fever? What are some good books on John Locke? Pls I need a good project topic in my field of study pharmaceutical and chemical engineering? How long can risotto last if it is kept refrigerated? What are the chances of getting job after completing MS in Germany? "Where did the names ""Bharat,"" ""India"" and ""Hindustan"" originate from? Who coined them and how did they evolve through the times?" How good is placement at NIT Jamshedpur ECE? How are finite and nonfinite verb forms used in combination? What do you want to change about your life? What are the best ways to reduce and eliminate belly, abdominal, and thigh fat? Are some atheists so afraid of God that they don't want to believe in Him? What three Quora answers would you consider your best answers on evolution? Which is best among the new aiims? What is a car? I am aware of the reason of my depression but cannot afford to visit a therapist regarding it. How do I come out of this myself? Who invented chess and how? Is water with TDS around 9 and ph at 7.5 fit for drinking? How many architects are in Africa as a continent? How do I make a door in Minecraft? Does a woman always bleed after first time sex and how much? Do recruiters read cover letters? What is a good programming language for learning object oriented programming concepts? Is Tor browser illegal? What are the excercises to reduce belly, thigh and butt fat? Who is the best enterpreneur? How long do Aeron chairs typically last? In Twin Peaks, could Bobby and Mike be BOB and Mike in a sort of time lapse situation? In what ways do cladistics and linnaean taxonomy differ? Name has more weight than fame I believe. Fame is good to have but name works a lot than fame. Am I right? Is aloe vera gel really beneficial? What's is osmosis meter? What do you think about the ban on 500 and 1000 denomination notes in India? How do you calculate the altitude of a place using air pressure? Do some Quora moderators mark questions as needing improvement if it goes against their personal beliefs? Why doesn't this code work? My Google Play Music is deleting some of the songs on its own while the same songs are present in other music players. How can I fix this? "How can ""love"" happen in arranged marriages?" How can I build an chat application? How many girlfriends did Barack Obama have in Occidental, Harvard, and Columbia before meeting Michelle? Is it safe to take a chest x-ray during the first trimester of pregnancy? If not, then when would it be safe to take CXR during pregnancy? Why do thumbnails on youtube videos show 1 second more than the actual video length? What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in Singapore? I'm new to coding. How do I get accepted to a top-rated bootcamp? What are some stupid and weird questions have you come across in Quora? What are the most promising engineering courses? What are some examples of abiotic factors and biotic factors? What is a good film to pair with Amadeus (1984)? What is the difference between an agent-based system and an artificial intelligence? Which is the best book for implementing datastructure? How do I get good marks in class 10th for the ICSE Board? What is the evolution of the smartphone? What is the most annoying thing about you? Why do people ask basic questions instead of searching them? How many times PGT exams conducted in a year? My teacher said that most European law enforcement agencies don't use fingerprints anymore because people can have the same prints. Is this true? How can I get call details of my prepaid number? How much sleep do people actually need to remain healthy? What advice would you give your 14 year old self? Can I hack someones facebook? Is there any difference between the modulus of elasticity and the modulus of rigidity? "What does ""Quora"" mean?" Body Odor: I am totally obsessed with the strong masc. pheromones from a mans armpits! and you can't find other gay men into this :( So I have to produce my own. Where can I find men into this or at a reasonable price ? and where? reproduce this erotic aphrodisiac? Should kids be raised as entrepreneurs? What is the required vision to become a pilot? How does one create a strong password? Any tips? If everyone except babies under one year old were to suddenly die, what would happen to humanity? What value can you add to the company as an employee? How hard is it to get a job as a analyst at a hedge fund/investment bank? Which of the two would be the best place to work? Is there any place in Chennai screening champions league 201 finals? Which is better: a Camaro or Mustang, considering all the models since 1960? Are there specific meanings to wearing a ring on fingers other than the ring finger? How can I bypass my schools internet which is blocking sites on my school iPad? What are tips and hacks for new ride-sharing drivers in London, ON? How many orders per day does Amazon get? What happens when I archive a conversation on WhatsApp? How much would I need to make in order to live comfortably in California? How eBay is different from Amazon? What should someone in his mid-20s do to become a billionaire? What does Uber's new logo mean? My Instagram account is set to private. If one of my followers hit a like in my picture, will it appear to others that aren't following me? What are the best ways to promote a travel website? What are the words to compliment a girl? Why did you choose to be a teacher? Can a new credit rating agency overtake S &P? How do I become mentally strong? Does it help to learn another language? What are the most interesting words you know? Is there any chance that Donald Trump will win this election? What are the best resources to learn the Treap data structure? What are best practice in Web scraping in context of SEO? Are we in more debt to our self or other countries? Why is beer cheaper than water in Germany? Is a mutual fund better than shares? What is it like to work in cyber security? What is the function of the kidney? What is the evolutionary benefit or purpose of having periods? What are some deployment skills I need to learn to become a full stack developer? The nature of my job demands a great deal of travelling? I don't have a Credit card, should I apply for one? And which Credit Card is better How do you make the cent symbol in Microsoft Word? Why is Windows such a popular OS for gaming? How can I reduce thinking about others while studying? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Brandywine Realty Trust? How do I download videos from some YouTube channels to my Google Drive? Why is machine learning used heavily for Google's ad ranking and less for their search ranking? Is there a way to speed up the playback of Youtube videos up to 4? How could we help Nepal from here in India? What are the requirements to be considered for the United States Air Force and how do these requirements compare to Pakistan's? What are some books everyone should read before going to college? What happens if I stop paying LIC policy premiums after 5-6 years? How can you use a Visa debit gift card? Why did Americans elect Barack Obama as the President? Pregnancy Questions: My period is a week & a half late, but all HPT show negative. When is the best time to test and get accurate result? How far is the Sun from Earth? What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Emanuel County GA? What are some of the most common false beliefs? How do I link database using Mysql? Is Quora an answer to everything? I have to place an ultrasonic sensor on my room roof to identify on the floor where is the free area and where are the obstacle. How this can be done? What are the best places to visit in Switzerland? What cities were the atomic bomb dropped on in Japan? Who is the most famous fictional dog? Which is the best question bank for class 10 cbse science? How can you make sure that you don't analyze something that ends up meaningless? Is it bad to maintain secrecy? I sent a message to a non-friend using Facebook Messenger, and I was asked to pay $1 for it to be delivered directly. I clicked the button agreeing to pay but was never asked for payment info. The message shows 'sent', but not 'delivered'. What went wrong? What is the square root of 100%? How do I wake up early and not staying late? Will I be able to get admission in ASMSOC for a BBA if my merit list now in NMIMS NPAT is 1532? Do cops treat other cops differently when pulled over? What are different forms of energy? How are the attempts of the SBI PO exam calculated? Where can I get excellent and reliable service every time for horse fencing in Sydney? Where can I get smooth and flawless finishing services for house painting in Brisbane? How do I stay focused and concentrated on my work without being distracted? Are Hit Counters still relevant in web development? Why is the game Fallout 4 searched worldwide? "What does it mean when someone says, that they don't ""like"" someone?" How do I delete my own question from quota? What are some technical fun events to conduct at a college function? How can we open our minds? When does the small signal analysis break down? How many people travel to the office by car in India? What is the HGC diet plan? Where can I watch Game of Thrones Season 2? Are there more Tamil speakers or Telugu speakers in Bangalore? How do I re-frame a question on Quora? How do people with very few views become Top Writers on Quora? How important is visual learning as a form of learning? What do I do during the internal breaks of the GRE exam in order to stay fresh? Why does the United Kingdom want to leave the European Union? What reasons made them consider leaving and how would it affect the EU and the UK? Where are the best places to meet innovative people? What is the difference between the while and do while loop in C? What are unicellular organisms? What does off campus colleges in du mean? Is there anyway for me to know if i am pregnant or not, 3 days after sex? Why isn't copy-paste working on Quora app? How can I train myself to be more social? What do you think of spicy tuna roll? Should I apply for NEET Phase 2? Is it possible to make solid mercury at room temperature? What are the things needed for selection into the Indian army? Where should I learn about networking protocols? Which are the books that one should read atleast one's in lifetime? What causes stomach cancer? Why do people like Game of Thrones? How can you access a Walmart employee directory? Who is the highest-ranking woman in the US military? Where can I find English subtitles for Korean shows and movies? Do you need an undergraduate degree to get an MBA? Is this solution to time travel theoretically possible? How can periodontitis be cured? "How does shampoo that ""straightens"" hair work?" Which two teams will reach Super Bowl 50? What do you know about the music director RedOne? How can I check on my SBI account status online? How can I find Jaw Crusher Metamorphic in Sierra Leone? How does one control all governments? What is the effect of excess masturbation? What do non-Indians think about Narendra Modi? Is sugar free gum healthy? Why can't I sign into my Yahoo email? What would happen if the atmosphere was lit on fire? How do athletes train? What's the difference between social psychology and clinical psychology? How do teachers feel when students won't tell them why they are sad? What's the difference between an i5-6th gen 2.7Ghz processor and i5-4th gen 3.2 Ghz processor? Can I be a good physicist if I'm not that good at math? How much does it cost to pursue an MBA from Melbourne University? If you cut a dragon fruit and keep it in the fridge, will it get spoiled? Will I get ITR form if I have to pay income tax? How can I prove to the world that I am a good person? What are the adverse effects of tea? Is macho going to call me? What were the sacred animals of the Greek gods? What are reviews of the 2015 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited? If I have two life insurance policies, one that I have taken personally and another that is part of my employment, can my dependents claim both? Can a person dream in his dream? What is a crab cactus? Which branch is preferable in engineering to crack ies? Which are the best books or learning resources to prepare for the GRE? Why do people ask Quora questions instead of just searching google? What is the most important thing you learned as a kid? How should I drop my body fat while keeping the muscle that I have after bulking? Why is it that 'a picture is worth a thousand words'? Which Android Apps make the phone a great tool? What is it like to mentor someone with ADD/ADHD? What is a power factor? How can I get a power factor equation? I doze off when trying to listen to someone. How can I focus more intensely when someone is talking to me? How can you make others respect you? What are the steps Cognizant takes to retain an Employee (Associate) who has resigned? Can I use my Alexa in Sweden? What advice do you have for computer engineering students? Friends (TV series): Who wrote Chandler Bing's dialogues? What are the common questions asked in an interview to an electrical engineering student? What apps are used to track the location of a cell phone? Is it worth taking a franchise model of Lenskart? What are the short term courses after an MBA? How can I become similar to the fictional DC Comics male character Bruce Wayne (Batman)? Which historical figure would best utilize Twitter? Have the cleverist, funniest, most epic tweets? How come film directors do not make movies with plenty of nudity and sex like what they made decades ago like Basic Instinct with Sharon Stone? Are there Hindus in Pakistan? Why I can't go faster than light? Can dogs eat crackers? Why or why not? What is a positive displacement blower? What is the best phone / email / chat customer service you've ever had that might have impacted your life in a positive way? What can I do to make my hair grow faster? How come there are so many stupid questions on Quora? How does Coursera certification work? I'm in 11th. What branch should I take if I want to become a pilot in India? What is the salary of an average pilot? Is Emma Watson related to IBM's Watson? How does it feel to travel alone? Who are ANSYS's competitors? "How do ""low cost"" airlines work out their fares?" Why do people harass or stalk others while in groups? Is there any advantages to this as far as to avoid being prosecuted? How much broker commission does one make when they own their own company and represented the buyer and seller in a 10 mill commercial building sale? What are the best books on psychology of magic? What is the easiest way to do a push-up? How many species use natural objects as “tools”? At what age do most couples stop having sex? How can I prevent/backup my documents in Gmail from getting deleted? "Was there something like ""bad advice"" in your childhood? When I was a child we had ""harmful advice"" poems which you were not supposed to follow." "What is the meaning of the Spanish word ""como esta""?" Why is running every day on a treadmill not helping me to lose weight? What is What are the necessary things one need to know before entering stock market? How do I find the right guy to date? Is it so hard to say thank you in bahasa? Where can I hire highly skilled technicians for fire protection work in Sydney? Will Jaime now murder Cersei ? Can two brown-eyed people have a blue-eyed child? How is the Samsung Galaxy J7 phone? Is mercy killing right or wrong? Is there a spy tracking app you can send to an iPhone via SMS or email? What do you like most about Pokémon Go? What do you think about Saudi Arabia? What is your best skill? My previous employer has put wrong date of leaving in my PF form for which I am not able to transfer my pf account. How to transfer the PF account? Why do dogs lick? How are placements at the IIIT Bhubaneswar for a BTech in CSE? I am getting error code 443 in the error log! What does it mean and how can I resolve it? What is your review of Outside Lands 2013? Which one is better in terms of performance, C++ or Java? I am shifting from Hyderabad to Delhi soon. What should I know? How should I prepare myself? What has been the observed multiplier in economic growth of GDP (dollars additionally spent) from the U.S. federal government's Keynesian stimulus spending? What are some fruits that start with s? Is it safe for girls to live as paying guest in Chandigarh alone for undergraduate studies? If iron is the heaviest element made by nuclear fusion, then how do we have so many elements heavier than iron on earth? What are results of knee ligament injuries? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Portland State? What is the past tense of bet? What were some of the best squash games of all time? Who will win the 17th match between Bengaluru Bulls and Puneri Paltan in Pro Kabaddi Season 4 2016? I'm german, I love jokes, but don't know a single one about us germans. I'd feel bad just ridiculing other nationalities. If you know some? Why can't I stop thinking about someone? How does glycogen granules help cell function? What can I do to assertively make my Quora question interesting enough to answer? What are the best SAT vocabulary flashcards? Where can I get affordable retail cleaning service in Sydney? What aspects of your interpersonal skills are most important for your quality of life? What is Google X exactly? What questions do you ask your crush? What is the scope of a metallurgical engineer? Why is Jeremy Lin so popular? Do pre-med students need calculus? Do women sleep more of the left side or the right side of the bed? Is it more/less ethical to buy a mobile phone from a Chinese company? I mean they all come from the same place. but? What does 'Sapna' mean in English? Can you comment on the biography of Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance? How can I improve my English vocabulary? What are the tips and hacks for getting the classes that you want as a freshman at Georgia Southern University? Why do cockroaches exist? What are some nicknames for sisters? How do I connect with people? Which are the nervous tissues in the lungs? Has the UPSC exam syllabus for the year 2017 been released? I could not find it on the UPSC site. Do women love muscular men? Is there a GOD? Does he really exist? Do ghosts really exists in the world? Why did Valak tell Lorraine her name? Is there anyone besides the NY AG looking at levying fines or charges based on your discoveries? Will they continue after the election? Do you think that DNC now regrets choosing Hillary over Sanders? "Why does a text message say ""not delivered""?" Why are people crazy about others? Why do people like Apple products? Observers standing on the equator, the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn would see the sunrise where? (Autumn Equinox) Where do I get large earthen pots in Visakhapatnam? How much money has CIA spent to catch Jason Bourne? Is it Worth spending so much on one person? What do Americans eat for dinner? What is a fallopian tube? Which is your biggest fear? Can I trust a married man when he says that he loves me? What is it like to be an Indian CS grad student (MS) at Georgia Tech? What is user experience? If my phone's processor support VoLTE, does my phone support VoLTE? (Ignoring the software update require to enable it) Why shouldn't we judge someone by their drinking habits? Isn't drinking a bad thing? How does one learn English? How do I improve self confidence? "How ""anonymous"" are you on Quora?" What's the most shocking thing you saw a friend or family member do? I have a door that keeps closing on itself. It fits perfectly in its frame. How do we make it not close by itself? How much discount will Apple give on Thanksgiving on a iPad? What is a sentence and what is not a sentence? What are the steps to be taken to become an IAS officer? Why should I add a bio on Quora? In the robot demonstration, when changing the initial position of target object, how the robot can get the position of that object? How big is too big for a bodybuilder? How do you get a girl to like you if she has a boyfriend already? Who are General Electric Billerica competitors? Which is the first component in substation? How do I remove eye makeup after LASIK surgery? What is the best way to study any given subject? How do I learn the English language? Is there a good idea to help me? Ought I get the Pokémon GO app on my phone? What predators do ladybugs have? How do they evade their enemies? How can I increase my IQ and general knowledge? Can I track someone if I know their social security number? How do you know if you've discovered your passion? Which kind of Barite Grinder is the Best one? Where can I watch Dragon Ball Super online with English subtitles? How do I find out who mad an Instagram account? Does ionic bonding conduct electricity? What are the main differences between Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo? Does tatkal waiting ticket change to RAC then Confirm or directly from WL to CNF? Can I do CA after BSc? How can I become an extroverted person? Why is [math]\int \frac{1}{x^2} dx = -\frac{1}{x}+C[/math]? A Most Violent Year (2015 movie): Who was robbing Abel's trucks? What causes me to sleep too much? If the schizoid personality simply wants to be left alone, why is that a personality disorder? What kind of flower is this? How long does cbd stay in your system? Why do irons stain clothes? What is the difference between an FBI officer and a CBI officer? My guy friend was talking to his other female friend. I looked and he blushed and smiled. What does this mean? What does 'kiska' mean in Hindi? Why is Donald Trump such a big cry baby though? What are the most beautiful nature spots in the world? What are some useful courses for graduate in electrical engineering? What's your favorite anime character? Can AAP defeat BJP in Loksabha elections, 2019? Can Cibil search bank accounts when pan and aadhar is not linked? What are the websites where android apps can be downloaded for free directly to a pc as . Apk files? What are the functions of alloys? What are the behavioral adaptations of a polar bear? Where and how do I file income tax returns? What are the requirements for an Indian student to pursue an MBA in the US? Why was the 14th amendment proposed? And what are the most important provisions? What does it feel like to overdose on pills? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Ally Financial? How do I make a pay per click website? Do cultural technologies of man (education, religion and science & technology) help him live better? How much should I invest to earn money online? What is 23andMe? How can I increase my concentration while reading? Who are some software engineers at NASA? What are adventures used for? What are the scopes of mechanical engineering in India? What's the evolutionary explanation for bad eyesight? How many Indians live in Jakarta? "Where has happened to my ""Reading list"" here in Quora?" What are the books that one MUST READ in his lifetime? How do you use snap up? Can we transfer the money from one account to another of different banks in Nepal? What are the best ways to reduce and eliminate belly, abdominal, and thigh fat? What's the best thing that make you happy? Do I have to consider my maths marks for calculating total of the best four subjects if I want to join Hansraj College at Delhi University? Does Mars have water? I need help with a name for a character? Why not fill car tires with cotton instead of air? I am a newbie in reading books. I started reading Chetan Bhagat's Half Girlfriend and found that I have some interest in reading books. Are there any books that I shouldn't miss out on (beginner level)? Is there any technology which can convert sea water to drinkable water? How do I pronounce L'Estate? Can a woman get pregnant if a man ejaculated in her anus? Fellatio: What is it like to give a blowjob? What is valuation of stock? How many hours those it take to walk 1km? What happens if you don't take a shower or bath for too long? How do I implement such “card” like design? And is it best to use Table Views or Collection Views? Using swift How does Karin meet Naruto? How do you reset your Yahoo password? Should I get an iPhone 6 16GB or an iPhone 6 64GB? "How does light exactly ""convert"" to heat?" How do I learn the English language? Is there a good idea to help me? Does Putin support Israel or Palestine? Will you forgive me my sins? What are the most unfortunate things that can happen or have happened during an execution by firing squad? What causes high blood pressure (hypertension)? How do I open a locked door that has a small hole in the doorknob? Where can I catch a Zubat in Pokemon GO? Can I buy an iPhone 5 off contract for less than MSRP? What is the best way to get an orgasm? Where can I get high quality weed or hashish in Jaipur? How do I speak English like celebrities? What are the worst things you have ever done? How healthy is it to mix rice cereal with baby food? Who would likely win in the Philippines 2016 election? What is the fastest possible way to lose weight? What would you do if the purge was real? What happens to the muscles if you don't eat protein after weight lifting? Which is more electro positive D or H? How's the life of a PG in AIIMS, Delhi? What are some crazy names which you gave to your pet? What is meant by A, B and C grades in Indian cinema? On what criteria are they being differentiated? How do I look like a computer geek? What’s it like to live with a psychopath? Fashion and Style: What are the best dresses for women to wear in office? How often is Google Street View updated? How much do ESF teachers get paid? What is linkage in C? Why did Quora Moderation delete my question? What are the best places to hang out with girlfriend in Jaipur? How can I make money in India current times? I am a chemical engineer, How can robots be made polite? What are some of the first things you do in the morning? What are the best gifts that you could give to your girlfriend/boyfriend? What positive things did you notice when your antidepressant started working? How does it feel to read ebooks on a 11.6 inch laptop? Or shall I go for 14 inch laptop? Which is the best book for learning python for absolute beginners on their own? Will I lose muscle if I miss the anabolic window after I workout? Who is Aishwarya Rai? Who leads the Spanish Inquisition? What is your review of Xamarin? I scored 76% in 10th and I want to appear for UPSC exams, can I clear it in first attempt with coaching? Is that BHIM App will work without Internet? What do you foresee as the purpose of NATO, as it pertains to Europe and Russia, going forward? What is the meaning of soap in Tamil? What are the pros and cons of information & communication technology? Which protocol is used to find MAC address of a Given IP address? 2016 U.S. Presidential Election: Who are Democrats voting for in 2016? How does anger relate to Zodiac signs? Is Costa Rica socially liberal? Instagram (product): How can I login to Instagram if I don't remember the password, and I dont know the email address that was used to set up the account? Who are the people on Quora who have more than one Recognized Topic Biography? Am I awful for wanting my girlfriend to have an abortion? What life lessons does Game of Thrones teach us? Which is better Android or iOS? How does foreign investment help a country's economy? Why is restaurant Chinese serve Human FEET in Italy? Why does the Earth rotate? Should I join the military? Do I get margin while trading on Zerodha? Can you eat clam chowder while pregnant? Why won't Instagram let me add comments or captions to my photos? Do I need flight, hotel bookings to get Schengen visa? I am planning 10 day Europe trip from Delhi What are the advantages of being stupid? What is the rudest thing you have ever done? Can I choose IP as an additional subject with commerce and maths in class 11 to do BCA and MCA? Who are some politicians which dent the image of Arvind Kejriwal or PM Modi? Can I install Android OS on a Windows phone? Who should I circle on Google+ if I'm interested in SEO? Why does pressure decreases on altitudes? While pursuing Bachelor in Journalism and Mass Communication can I pursue BA in English (honours) from an open university? Will it be beneficial? How do I grow my small scale business in india? What are some movies similar to Donnie Darko? What can be the reasons for discontinuation of 500 and 1000 rupee notes? What can be the future effects of it? How does Houston differ from Atlanta? Why is the capacity of power plants rated in MW and not in MVA? What are ways by which I can concentrate more on my studies? Is there a way to compress files on AWS S3? How do you block calls on an iPhone? Do football players have speakers in their helmets? Why does WhatsApp compress your images? What are the habits of highly successful people? How do you earn respect and admiration? What is 1E power systems? I've had lucid dreams before. How do I do it again? What are the best methods? How can I get the attention of a special friend (guy)? How do I download and install Windows 10? How many times a day should a type 2 diabetic on insulin do glucometer tests daily? Why did Remus Lupin never visit Harry? How many U.S. states would be obliterated if a nuclear weapon was set off in Kansas City? I really don't want to work. Is there something wrong with me? "What are the different ways to say ""I"" in Japanese?" What is the Ask-to-Answer request limit on Quora? What is the difference between Delhi, New Delhi, and Delhi-NCR? Why are they all described as the capital of India? How can someone make money online for real? How do I upgrade to embedded Linux, device driver and kernel development? Can I make money with my drone? What is the career scope after CS with LLB? Also, Which is better, ICWA or CS + LLB? ICWAI CMA Inter Final Results are announced? Why does Quora want only short questions? How does Google use machine learning? What is the best way to prepare for IELTS? What is some good advice for selling a car for interview? Why do some Chinese hate Pakistan so much? I just have completed my 1st year in electrical engineering. what should I learn in summer vacation .tellme some ideas? Was Pikachu not Ash's first Pokémon? How can I improve my Spanish? I'm 32 years old and want to become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. How? How do I find the value of currency exchange rates? How do men have multiple orgasms? Which one of the numbers does not belong in the following series? 2 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 14 - 15 – 30 What is the chance of Asteroid 2012 TT5 hitting earth this September 24, 2015? Are we in danger? What are some of the stereotypes Americans have about the rest of the world? What would diesel fuel do to a gas engine? What's the best way to make popcorn in a microwave? Getting 126.5 in SSC CGL tier 1. What are the chances of clearing tier 1? Can I earn money online? How do I learn English? Is a two week period normal after stopping birth control pills? How can I gain weight in a cost effective manner? What career advice would you give to someone who wants to become a entrepreneur? Do black ants bite humans? If so, how should it be treated? What is a million dollar smile? How can I save my mental energy in daily life? Facebook videos buffering too slow on chrome . solution please? I deleted a miscellaneous file from my Android phone. I lost my personal data. I want them back. Can I get them back? What should I do? What are some of the best Indian films without music or dance? How do you know if you are an impostor? Which is the best startup? How can an Indian become a Hollywood actor? What are the best horror movies of the first decade of the 2000s (2001 - 2010)? Do eggs contain lithium and if so how much? What is the purpose of our life? .. Is mid-April a suitable time to visit Goa? What would you rather be doing than what you're doing right now? What are the things that I can do to become an rj? Why can’t some people understand sarcasm? What can be done to earn money while studying? How many iron rods are required for construction of a 1,000 square foot building? Is it possible to time travel in the distant future? Why should one do a PhD? Who are the most influential people in Toronto? Why does Neutrogena burn your face? Does the debate really matter? How can Turkey become part of the European Union when it's not even in Europe? What do Harvard Law alumni think of their schoolmate, Ted Cruz? Is it compulsory to stay in a hostel at NIT Surathkal? What crops are affected by the California Drought? What would happen if a cabinet member switched parties in the middle of an administration? How much tax do you pay as a business? Should I go for an MS in the US or an MBA in India? Is it true that the Mongol Empire is the most hated empire in history? Have reservations created differences or bonhomie? What is it like to not get married and live alone? "How do you say ""I like [something]"", ""I love [something]"" and ""I don't like [something]"" in your language?" How does the ultrasonic or camera get the odometry? What is the principle of the algorithm? IS IBM a better company then Accenture? Should I pursue a master's degree? What is it like to overdose? Can men and women be friends? How can I be a native English speaker? What is the best Doors album? I am not able to meditate after i have started smoking more than usual. Is smoking cigarettes or marijuana has anything to do with meditation? Do people in new York city live in fear? How do you become a graphic designer? What is the difference between coal tar and bitumen? Does Google hire employees over the age of 50? If any, what are the bailout measures taken by Italy's financial regulators? What does it feel like to turn down a more prestigious grad school for a less prestigious one? Groups name suggestions for debate? Why does the Indian Rupee (or any other currency) depreciate or appreciate with respect to Dollar (or any other currency)? How can I learn to speak English for abroad studies and general day to day life? Is it advisable to marry at the age of 48? How is it working as a diplomat? Should I get a bachelor's degree in computer science, or go to coding boot camp? Do I have to pay short term capital gains tax if I am in the 10% ordinary income tax bracket? How do stores such as Forever 21 evade lawsuits when they copy of pattern and silhouettes of other designers' garments? Does Quora have any Easter eggs? How does first time sex feel? What TV show has the best theme song? What is it like to be a sex worker? I am in my second year of MBA, and I have an education loan of 6.3 lakhs. If I get a job this year can I take home loan after one year of my job? I think my Facebook account was hacked by someone. What should I do? Is there any Colombian restaurant in Melbourne? I don't feel like I'm good enough for a music career when comparing my singing to others. What should I do? What are the benefits and uses of baking soda? What are some of the best horror movies? Do you believe in life after death? What are the best part time job? Who are the actual Aryans - Europeans, Iranians or Indians? What is the most hilarious tweet by Kamaal R Khan? Why am I not good looking enough? Why are cross spiders so venomous? What license does one need to start a service apartment? Why is Sansa Stark so stupid? Is it offensive that I, a non-Muslim, find women who practice hijab attractive? What is the cutoff for Round 1 of B.Tech admissions at IIIT Bhubaneswar in 2016? What are ways to decrease income tax, having a income of 20 lakhs/annum? I want to decrease my amount paid as income tax. Why did Robert Baratheon rebel? Who is the richest person in Ethiopia? Am I missing out on anything if I give up on ever becoming datable? Why do transition elements exhibit variable oxidation numbers or variable valency? What do the letters on the coffee cup lid signify in the following picture? What is the criteria for batch allotment in TCS for training? My studies documant and other document my name is change I want apply passport what should I do know? What is the ROI in Patanjali Franchise? Is UPES a good college for petroleum engineering? Why do U.S Army Special Forces wear scarves? How can a shy person improve his social life? How can I make homemade hair detangler? Why does inflation happen? How do you break free from porn addiction? What makes a woman want a man? Why don't some women or girls like or find nice guys attractive? What would you call this? What kind of non-LED light bulbs can work with this IKEA lamp? How do I downgrade from lollipop to KitKat in lenovo a6000+? How much weight can I lose in 8 weeks? How do know that you are in love? Can a sex desire can be eliminated? Why is a diode useful? Is Dal scam by Adani and Modi, the biggest ever scam? Which type of underwear is best for running: synthetic or normal? Have you moved from the UK to New Zealand? What was the experience like and are you happy with that decision? How do I believe in myself? What are the best books on algorithms and data structures? How do I get a Russian passport? How do we use coupon sites to advertise my mobile app without giving a coupon? "What are the elements in your life that make it ""simple""?" Why are bugs attracted to light? I'm looking for a song in which video a female runs from her husband because he is violent. The female gets into a man's car and he takes her to his home. Then the angry husband comes after her and he shoots both of them and you think they're dead but they are not. What song is this? Why did the USA and Japan go to war in 1941? How does it feel when a penis enters a vagina, from either partner's point of view? Why do intellectuals say that Islam & democracy are incompatible? Is discharge a sign you're menstruating? How can I make a python program that searches for the definition of a list of words on the Internet? How do I figure out as to what I am good at? What is the one thing you wish for? Why? What are the best free antivirus programs for PC? How can I remove my phone number from iMessage off of another device? How can I get my friend's WhatsApp messages on my phone? "Why do Iyer Brahmins say that 'because you eat eggs and non-veg, you don't achieve your goal."" Is this true?" What is the dslr settings for photographing sun and moon? Can I use a USIM in a GSM SIM slot? How could Sunni and Shia Muslims be reconciled? How can I view deleted Instagram dms? Should I go for online training or classroom training for devops, also which is the best institute for it in Bangalore? How can one fill in the patches in a patchy beard? How can a small business generate leads offline? "What ""languages"" do you speak with God?" How do you talk to a Verizon representative? What are the problems with Martin Seligman's PERMA model of well-being / flourishing? Why did lorica segmentata armor fall out of use in Rome? Why do clouds look solid from the ground? Who are some of the celebrities on Quora? What's the difference between blame and justice? How can I wake up early in the morning? How do I connect Zoom H1 into a DSLR camera to shoot videos? Can we make girlfriends in VIT vellore campus? What are some things writers do to improve there writing skills? Where can I find good PHP developer? How do things actually turn out in Flowers for Algernon? What are the top-five books that changed your life and why? What are the best web design agencies in Southern California? What is a great durum flour substitute? Is 40 too old to go to medical school? What is sexual abuse? What is the best way to learn music theory on your own? What is the best exercise for belly fat? How can one remove the black spots on one's face? How would the world be different if everyone spoke the same language? How can a company get a used car dealership license in India? Is it safe to visit Kashmir in first week of July? What is like to have a true friend? What are the ways to enhance the contribution of three sectors (primary, secondary and tertiary) in INdian GDP? What's the best breakfast to eat? Which archaeological findings and/or genetic studies refute or strengthen the Aryan Invasion Theory? How many gigabytes or terabytes of information is Wikipedia? How did Edward Witten transition from being a newspaper writer with a history degree to a Ph.D. student in physics at Princeton studying under a future Nobel laureate (David Gross)? What is the best 'Slice of Life' anime? What is the reason of cavery water dispute? Which is better: to see a lot of beautiful girls on Facebook or to question and answer on Quora? What is the best Coen Brothers movie? Is it allowed to look up help in competitive programming? How can I delete a Twitter account from an iPhone that I don't have access to? In what conditions does hypnosis really works? Is it possible for people of color to have natural straight hair? How do I prevent from masturbation for boys? Which is the best institute in mumbai for MBA? Can a board member of a company switch and become a board member at a competing company? How many keywords are there in the S.Q.L. programming language in the latest version? What are some parody horror movies? How can WebGL be enabled and disabled in Safari 5.1? Which coaching institute is worth joining for GATE/IES for EC in Delhi? How do I deal with a girl that plays with my feelings? Which is the best event management institute in kolkata? In Arabic, how do you say: he is a good boy? Why don't small business owners become rich more often? Why does my arm feel weird when I bend over my arm backwards after a blood draw? How can you make your school better? How do I ask for condom in pharmacy? How much is a tennis court? Career Advice: What are the chances that an international student gets a job from college placements in the US from colleges like MIT, UCB, UCLA, etc. (after finishing 4 years of graduate school)? What are statistics from the previous years? Do photons interact with other photons? Who regulates Tamil Language? How much does it cost develop a iOS game app? "Why is Pakistan considered a ""failed"" state even though there has been a government in power for quite some time?" Why do some people hate Seinfeld? Could Barack Obama be elected Vice President in 2016? Which book is best for human psychology for beginners? What actors and male models have the most cool/handsome/masculine/striking walks? What will be SBI PO salary in mumbai? What colleges can I get in UPTU if I scored 356/600 in UPSEE 2016? Which is the best strike duo in the history of football? Is it possible to ask too many questions? I have been hearing rumors about TCS planning on increasing freshers' packages from 3.18 LPA to 3.6 LPA or 4.2 LPA. Is this true? Which are some of the best television serial on Indian television in the post-Doordarshan era? How to study properly? What are the limits for the dimensions of passenger vehicles in Japan? Why is the national anthem played before sporting events, but not before other entertainment performances, such as concerts and plays? Is life a hell? Why do computers (especially RAM) slow down with time? What are three types of neurons and their functions? Now a days I become so lazy towards my studies what should I do to increase my concentration towards study? How do I earn money by uploading videos on YouTube? What is your favorite sport to play? What's the shadiest tactic you've witnessed HR use at your job? "What is the ""organic reason"" for panic attacks?" How can I transfer my old Clash of Clans account to a new phone? What is the status of DRDO Cannon Launched Guided Missile? What is the minimum percentage required in class 12 for getting admission into XLRI jamshedpur? What are the best opening scenes in film history? Does your pet have a best friend? Why does my webcam lag when I use it on Skype/Hangouts? What is the typical ratio of domestic to international students in US graduate schools pursuing a Master's degree in the field of Computer Science? What is the difference between a savings account and a salary account? How do I stick my fingers in my vagina? How object oriented programming is different from structured programming? Aren't scrubs and doctors lab coats supposed to be clean and relatively sterile? Why do so many doctors and nurses wear them out and about? Does Quora pay users to answer questions? What is the value of 'PI'? Who will will euro 2016? How is a mirror image of a picture created on a computer? Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Fulton County IL? Would you rather marry someone you love but whom doesn't love you back or someone who loves you but you can't seem to love? What is the oldest word in the world? How do you manage your time efficiently? How can I get free airtime for Tracfone? Which personality traits often lead to failure? Is it illegal for Hillary Clinton to become president because her husband served two terms? How was your first job after graduation? Who is the best PM of India, Narendra Modi or Indira Gandhi? What are the effects on body of Masturbating daily? How is placement in NIT Raipur for MCA? Can colour be mixed with metals? Which is the best hotel in colombo? How did mathematics change your life? Why does my phone beep when I get calls? After 2 years being in a relationship my girlfriend says she doesnt want to get physical with me. She says she doesn't like it now. I always think something is wrong and we end up fighting, but she says she loves me. I am confused. What should I do and believe? What is the history of the standard basketball rim height in the NBA? What are some ways to train my ball python? What are some mind blowing bike inventions and tools that most people should have? Good govt colleges in india except iit and nit for engineering in btech course? "German: What does ""Das Schicksal ist ein mieser Verräter"" mean?" Who is the girl walking beside Bahrain Olympic flagbearer? Do I have to use my real name on Quora? What is Quora's Real Names policy? Will it be hinderance being second divison in 12th for CAT? My wife found clothes that were not hers, but I'm not cheating on her and I don't know how they got there. How do I prove I'm not cheating on her? Why is war inevitable? Could World War 3 happen? How do I control girlfriend, call us for the vashikaran? Are heat and temperature the same? How many Hindu temples are in India? How do I find a lawyer for a cheque bounce or fraud in mumbai? On snapchat, when I type in my friend's name to chat the box is grey and we are already friends, why is this? Which is better: IIT Mandi mechanical engineer or ISM Dhanbad mechanical engineer for UG? What is the nicest thing you've ever done? What happens if hydrogen peroxide is boiled? Should everyone go to college? How can someone like your Facebook profile picture if they are not friends with you? How do I use SVM for the sentiment analysis of a news headline? Why is Cl2Cs polar or non polar? Where is the mind located? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at On Assignment? How can I get back my Facebook account that I forgot its password? What are some of the best places to shop in mumbai? What does it mean if my heart rate is at 130 bpm? Why don't I feel like sleeping at night? "What's the reasoning behind the naming differences between ""Walt Disney World"" and ""Disneyland""?" If Hilary becomes president, will that make Bill clinton the first lady? Is decaf green tea as good as the caffeinated one? How can I find Jaw Crusher shale in Guinea-in Bissau? Can I join Indian Air Force after completing an engineering course from IIT? How do you fix AT&T U-Verse when the Internet is not working? About the research methodology? How can I overcome my sadness and the feeling of being worthless? How much tax to be paid for annual income of rupees 20 lakhs? What will be Real estate trend after Demonetization of 500 & 1000 currency notes? How do you treat a peeled sunburn? Why is Lucifer show not on Netflix? I am in love with a girl, but now I am falling in love with another girl. What should I do? I have received a rank of 534 NIFT MFM in General Category. What are my chances of getting a seat this year for the MFM programme? My Uncle living in London and he needs CCTV camera. So he wanted to know, How to choose a suitable CCTV camera for him? Why did turo cancel my membership without giving me a reason? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at University at Albany? Why does China have a territorial dispute with Bhutan? I broke up with my first love and we ended badly. I still love him but he doesn't want me. Now he's gone, I'm unsure on how to deal with it, help? Why does the US support Israel? What benefit does the US get out of this alliance? Quora: Can I become immortal? "Is giving service like ""Free Basics"" from Facebook against net neutrality ?" Is it worth buying a used Amazon Kindle in India? And how do different versions of the Kindle differ from each other? What's the best way to move on from a relationship and accept a break up? What is Uber's business model? How do I prove that [math]\frac{\cot^2(\frac{a}{2})-\cot^2(\frac{3a}{2})}{\cos^2(\frac{a}{2})\cos(a)(1+\cot^2(\frac{3a}{2}))}=8[/math]? Who was Osama bin laden? What is the difference between a parameter and a statistic? What are the pros and cons of marriage? How many pages or how many lines should I write for a 150 words essay? How can I become fluent in English? Which is better, classic 350 or electra 350? How do I read/study with focus/concentration and avoid distractions/procrastination? What is the definition of economic globalization? What are some useful websites for mechanical engineering students? Where can I watch Bollywood movies with English subtitles? What does 1 atm water resistant mean? Why do some people prefer age of wonders 2 to age of wonders 3? "What does it mean to get a Papa John's pizza with ""the works""?" What does it mean when a guy puts his hand on girl's waist? Where can I get a full service fire protection across the Sydney? How should I start learning Machine Learning? Iran: What does Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad say he believes about the Holocaust? What is actual reason behind maximum divorce? What is the alternative to LIC policy for investing Rs.50,000 per year for next 15 year? How is Raghubar Das performing as CM of Jharkhand? How do I get a girl to give me her body and soul? What kinds of questions should I ask during a police ride-along? What is fault tolerence in hadoop? How do I open a DB-WAL SQL database? What is this website ? Do you think time travel can really be possible? "Is ""Scarlet Diva"" based on real event?" Which stream in TCS is better as far as growth & opportunity are concerned? I am confused between JAVA, ORACLE and SAP..?Which is the better one? I want to buy a ROYAL ENFIELD DESERT STORM. But now I am confused over 350 cc RE variants and a 500 cc. Which one is better? What happens after someone signs a lease? How much money do NFL football teams make from each of their different revenue streams? What do you do when someone files a false police report on you for household theft? How much power is produced per square foot of a solar panel? How should I write this story? I like my best guy friend and I've heard he likes me too. I also heard he is considering asking me out. I have a huge crush on him, but I don't want to ruin our friendship. Would it ruin our friendship if we dated now and broke up later? Why do people think that they are the smartest things to have ever existed when all we seem to do is fight and destroy the only planet we can live on? How do I know if I have found the one? Can an NFL player block a field goal attempt from anywhere on the field? Can you change time of a streak on Snapchat? Do girls enjoy sex? What makes you think that you are different from everyone else? What is the importance of chloroplasts in plant cells? Who will win the 48th match between France and Iceland in the quarter final of the UEFA Euro 2016? I can't use net banking or ATM banking online in SBI. What are some suggestions? Which laptop is best to buy within the range of 30000rs? What is the best cure for pimples? What are some tips for buying a 1.5 carat diamond ring? From an employability standpoint, what would be more beneficial as a double major, CS & Math or CS & Applied Stats? What is the most-asked question (merged) on Quora? What do Taiwanese people think about the disputes in South China Sea? Is it necessary to have friends if you want to achieve success? What are the best Instagram usernames for quotes? Which stocks to choose? Does my ex like me and is he trying to get back with me? Is it better to take the Hadoop course than Java? What are some sad Kannada songs? What are some good fantasy and thriller books? What conspiracy theory do you believe in? Why? What do people of other countries think of Narendra Modi? What will be the effects of Donald Trump being the US president on India? HTML5 , iOS or Android ? Which choice is the best to learn for mobile app development for the future? "How is the phrase ""suits your needs"" used?" Why do Indian TV serials show Saas-Bahu fighting and extra marital affairs all the time? What is the best way to keep track of expenses in a startup? Which is a good solar panel installation provider near Agoura, California? I am an 18 year old boy. My wrists are thin and my digital wrist watch doesn't fit. What should I do so that my watch fits my wrist ? How do I get rid of sweating allergies? What is Restore? How many upvotes / follows do you get on Quora on a daily basis? How would the world look like if there were no World wars? Can someone be angry and happy at the same time? What is the use of sodium hydroxide solution? "What's the origin behind the word ""Om""?" Why doesn't MIT give up its unused IP addresses? Why is Getty Images allowed to sue so many people when many of their photos do not show that they own the photos? Ab+a+b=139,bc+b+c=567,ac+a+c=987 then find a+b+c can we solve this question with the given 3 equations? What is your review of Hindutvas in India? How do I enetr manipal university for studying MCA? How do I surprise my boyfriend on his birthday? Which race of men or women do you find most attractive and why? How do you get a super rod in Pokemon Blue? What kind of professionals do I need for customizing and developing an e-commerce site on Magento? What specific advantages does the American economy gain through the dollar as a reserve currency? What are the duties of a bank so? Which is the best mobile under 10k in India? How harmful could it be to use too much nasal spray? Do employees at Cousins Properties have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? What should one look for when buying a used Hyundai i10 2009 model automatic? What's it like being an accountant? Can depression push people away? How difficult is it to learn a language isolate? How can I enjoy the present moment without worrying about the future? How do I become good in Python? What does this mean? “The purchaser of the property is liable to pay TDS in terms of section 194IA of Income Tax Act.” What are the characteristics of a great tutorial? I want to start online business . What should I do? Can I register for CA IPCC may 2018 attempt in Jan 2017? What is the future of EU after Brexit? Is there any group of adult male humans that don't grow facial hair? My iPhone's Facebook app icon and a few other app icons have turned dark and show 'waiting.' These apps are also not opening. What is a solution? Is there any other ways to download torrent as KAT went down? If Russia invaded North America, where would be the best place to do it? "What does the Spanish word ""trabajo"" mean?" What are the benefits of using a Wells Fargo Visa debit card? Which are the most visited parks of Chhattisgarh? What universities does National Research recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? How many hours did Albert Einstein read per day? Some theists appear to challenge atheists' lack of belief in god(s). But why do they even care? What are the most famous/popular local products and businesses in Chicago? How do you make a portal between two worlds in minecraft not counting nether or ender? Which one to choose from Blackberry Priv, Dtek 50, and iPhone SE? A phone for Calls, Emails and Camera. Is it safe to still live in delhi? How do I forget someone whom I once loved and cared for deeply? What is the cost of starting a free download website like Where will be ACM- ICPC world finals in 2017? How do I market street food business? How can you make your life easier with Siri? What is the step by step process to get Belarus visa from India without agent? The blue colored default browser in my mobile is not running. Chrome is running normally though. How come this is possible? Why aren't poll results presented as a range that accounts for the margin of error? Is TIME Travel really possible? What should I know before doing it? What is one word you would use to describe 2013? How can I search my LinkedIn contacts' locations? What has India as a country lost by not having an NSG membership? What new genres of music will there be in the future? Where can I find a left-handed camera for sale? What are some tips to prepare for the GATE? What are some of the most important psychological facts? How do I save my YouTube videos to my camera roll? Men only please: What does it mean when a man says he wants me all to himself? Why do most UPSC Aspirants are having grudges to Tina Dabi? Hair Care: Is hair regrowth possible? How can jackup converted to Mobile Offshore Production Uniit (MOPU)? How do I start day trading? What do mice eat? How do they obtain food in the wild? What was life like in British India? 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I got placed in off campus drive of TCS. I got access to aspire.Should I start the course or should I wait for an official mail from the TCS? Why is the picture of Mahatma Gandhi printed on the Indian currency? Is India really secular? How do nude beaches in Punta Cana compare to other nude beaches in the Bahamas? Is legal? What is your most embarrassing moment? How do you strengthen visa application for Australian government convincing them you are only want visitor visa 600 class? Can you see gravity? What is the cost of MRI Chest in Mumbai? What is the freezing point of saltwater? How can I get job in Microsoft, Google or Oracle in USA without MS in CSE in USA? How good is the movie Bahubali? Where can I get quality exterior house painting work in Brisbane? What are the best franchises in India? Which is the best ever west Indies cricket team? What is an insincere question? What are the top 10 websites built with PHP? 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What are some of the funniest questions on Quora? Does Amitabh Bachchan wear a wig? How did Lee Kuan Yew rise to power in Singapore? Can Hillary Clinton win over Sanders supporters, or can she win without them? How is it possible to have your period while swimming and not stain the pool's water? Should IAS preparation start after graduation? What are the best questions to ask a girl while chatting? What are all the basic things that need to be known while investing in the share market? Will the racial tension between black and white people in the US escalate to a point that could disintegrate America from within? What would you do for love? A network protocol is a computer program? If not what is the difference? How is school changing in the 21st century in Togo? Why are the keys in the keypad not arranged in alphabetical order? Is it necessary to know the reasons why you love someone, or is just loving them enough? How can I improve my english? 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What do you think about Tanmay Bhat's video mocking legends like Sachin Tendulkar and Lata Mangeshkar? Which is the largest and longest railway station in India? What happens if you inject dopamine? When will pokemon go come in India? How long does it take to get visa? Can I dye my leather shoes? Do universities like NTU and NUS require any publication in chemistry to join phd for an Indian? What is the best wireless keyboard? Should I invite my crush to my birthday party? We are far from close but we've been working together and some of his friends are invited to the party? What is it like to be raised by a narcissist? Why do some people keep their A2A price so high? How one can activate his third eye? Is the fictional DC Comics male character: Bruce Wayne (Batman) a negative person? What is the best brand for messenger-style laptop bags? Who should pay for a farewell party? Are there cultural aspects behind this? What is the best time for sex and why? Why does my boyfriend want me to be friends with his exes? Does he want to be closer to them again? Is Microsoft evil? What is a good diet to lose weight? What's the difference between 'due on' and 'due by'? How do you stop missing someone? Who is helping Trump to pick his cabinet? Why do dust and cold cause breathing problems? Why is the gold rate increasing and decreasing? What are the chances of Donald Trump winning the GOP nomination? Is being gullible part of human nature? Do most people do it? How does Erlang differ from other programming languages? How can I make friends in a new neighborhood? My whole family mooches off me because I'm the only one with money. How can I stop this? They owe me thousands. Pakistani ahmedi views of india? I have scored 102/180 what will be my rank in comedk? Who do you think will win the World's Strongest Man Competition 2016 and why? How do I deal with clingy girl via online dating? Is it possible to travel time with real life? Which type of lock repair service can I get from any locksmith company? Where can get it at Sydney? What is the best online IQ test? What does death in a gas chamber feel like? What program do I need to write Java programs? What would have happened if the Soviet Union declared war on China in 1969? What is the JEE cut off required for admission in jamia millia? How do I become master in iOS development? How do I know if I have amnesia? How can I join TCS after getting 4th rating in CTS? How do I book a premium Tatkal ticket on IR CTC? When is the next Galaxy S7 edge price cut? How do I change my shift at MAIT? How many states are there in the United States? What is the best Dalai Lama book? What is the American airlines phone number? How do I tell who my real friends are? Which is the best website to download mp3 songs? Where can I learn programming from home? What does it mean to kill a lover in a dream? How many types of equations are there in Algebra? Why did the chicken cross the road? Which is the best institute in India to learn Bayesian Networks from? How should I tell my brothers I got my first period? Does anyone has experienced near death experience (soul out of your body)? What if your passionate about something but unable to invest time as you work full time to support family.what would you do to pursue your passion? What is the best C++ book to read to learn C++ in 5 days? What is the mass and charge of a proton? What is the 4k resolution such as in Z5? How do I download a video? With score of 100 in WBJEE what will be my rank? Can I get IT at the rank of 7400 through waitlist in Manipal, main campus? Why are Indians so active on Quora? How would you know if a girl likes you? What happens to your DMs after you delete your Instagram account? How do I write business plan for a start up? What are CFN numbers used for? What are the best government jobs for women in India? How can I Improve my English? How will Paul Ryan's endorsement of Donald Trump affect Trump's campaign? How do I backup my bios (Lenovo ideapad U430 touch)? It seems as if Quora readers are liberal, and that most will not even try to understand why one might take a conservative stance on things. Why? Why do cats and dogs have tails? Is agarose gel edible? Painting and Paintings (art): What are the best oil pastels brands? What are the best gaming app for Android? I want to join the us navy as a officer, what are some things I should know? Do hernias build up over time? How do I stop daydreaming while studying and keep my mind focused? What items in an electric car drain it’s battery the most? How do I write in Hindi in WhatsApp? What is the difference between voltage and current? What is a recommended third party company to help bring an invention idea to reality? What can I do to alleviate constipation? How do submarines float and sink in water? Do you think the Justice League is better than the Avengers? What are the benefits and side effects of drinking warm water with honey and lemon every morning? Do NFL quarterbacks wear microphones in their helmets? If so, what are the microphones used for? What should I do in Hong Kong? How do I become a home architect and interior designer at the same time? How can I update the KitKat version of Android in the Samsung Galaxy S Duos 2 S7582? Was the July 2016 coup in Turkey planned by Erdogan to strengthen his power? How intrusive is Cortana in Windows 10? What is meant by control system? What is the difference between Twitter and Facebook? How much salary will I get for a basic pay of 35400? What will be Hillary Clinton's policy towards India if she becomes president? When will the Quora Android app get its material design makeover? Can I use my hotspot on my phone for my laptop? Is it possible to lose 20 kgs in 4 months? What movie website can I watch movies on without credit card information? What is a good HD movie screen capture site? I've seen quizzers tell the answer just after the question appears on the screen without even waiting to read the whole question. Is it gut feeling? What do you do if you eat too much dairy and are lactose intolerant? Psychopaths, for those of you with an actual diagnosis, how did you get it? How do I approach writing a thesis on suicide without causing problems and conveying messages that can be misunderstood by the inexperienced? Why does penis feel pleasure inside vagina during sex? Has anyone been interviewed for the digital design engineer position at Google? If yes, can you share your experience? What is the national income of India in present? What is the best job for a mechanical engineer in India? Why is water colorless whereas saturated steam is white? Sit at Starbucks n get insight into journalism? What is out of turn passport issuance? Do men sleep with many women but love only one? Does Hiring manager know the candidates list when Google recruiter does the phone interview? What should I choose: BITS Pilani CS or IIT KGP CS? Puzzles and Trick Questions: What is a great riddle that has no right answer? "What does the Tagalog word ""salamat"" mean in English?" I'm a MBBS student in India. I would like to do my medical PG in Australia. What should I do for the same? I am a IT professional working in Microsoft technologies for 3+ years. How difficult would it be to get a job in Singapore with my experience? How it feels like studying aeronautical engineering in IIT-B? What is spirituality? How do I remove all porn from earth? How is it to work at DE SHAW INDIA S/W as a fresher in Computer Science? What is the most effective way to stop hair loss? What are some mind blowing gadgets that exist that most people don't know about? What does it mean? How do you make a cool Tumblr theme? What are best data entry web? How can one create an app for free? Is a Mac or Windows better for a CS student or developer? How are WhatsApp messages delivered? How do I earn 50k per month from home in India? Why do I laugh so much? Which national teams are the favourites to win the UEFA Euro 2016? Why? Is jammu n kashmir safe for job? How do I stop masturbating? If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself before going to school and becoming a computer engineer? Was John Oliver's medical debt forgiveness a publicity stunt or gimmick? Did he really write off $15mm in medical debt? What is a hydrodynamic and a thermal boundary layer? Having a score of 120/180 in COMEDK Engg, what branches can I expect in RVCE or MSRIT? How can I gain weight? How good is GM diet? What are the must-see places in Israel? What is it like to graduate from ivy league college with bad grade? Can I get admission in IIT from d2d (diploma to degree)? What's the best investment strategy I can do while in college? What are the main benefits of an early 30s man dating someone younger between ages of 18-21? Brand Strategy versus Business Strategy: Where do you start? What are the health risks of losing 20 pounds in a month? How do I become motivational speaker? How can an Asian guy get a white girl? What does it mean when the HR says that hiring manager has not gotten back and was away on leave 2 weeks after interview? How can I not be socially awkward? What should be done after btech-business or job? How can I make my summer breaks more productive? Cryptography: What is the difference between a Code, codeword and block code? Why don't airline companies get into hotel business? Why does Fabletics charge a monthly membership? What are some good fishing spots in Iowa? Does Redmi Note 3 support augmented reality? Which is better, The Departed or Goodfellas? Is carbon dioxide organic or inorganic? Could it be that Midi-chlorians are not actually alive, but were only described as small creatures because Qui-Gon was talking to a nine year old? What is the complete syllabus for IAS? Is Bruno Mars part white? How do I get PS4 games for free? How do I recover deleted files from Android internal memory? How do I study physics for board? Is Malwarebytes Anti-Malware safe? What are the talents given by God to every human being? Can we forget feelings? What is the difference between using butter and vegetable oil in cake? Why do we study literature? What is a Lewis Structure? How do I run java programs? Where could I learn, Java, Python, or C++? Where can I get finest residential painting job in Brisbane? I have an ASUS X556U laptop with NVIDIA 920M (2GB) graphic card. Which are the best racing games to play on this laptop? What are Naruto Gaiden and Boruto the movie? "What does ""account of"" mean?" Does the energy radiated from the Sun contribute to an increase in the mass of Earth? What martial arts should I start? Can I be an airline pilot if I struggle with math and have a learning disability? What is the chemical formula for ammonia? Sex of progeny is determined at the time of? Is wearing makeup a sign of insecurity? What is the best way to learn English as a foreign language? Would Donald Trump be assassinated if he is elected? Is philosophy your pandora's box? Who's a better captain, Dhoni or AB de Villiers? What part time jobs can a student get in Vancouver? How does Airbnb work? Drawing tablet pen settings for drawing Anime? What is the meaning of geology? Should I share my innermost thoughts and feelings, and how can I feel comfortable doing so? Why don't airline pilots give more of a commentary to the countries they're flying over to the passengers, especially on day time long haul flights? What is it like to go to a Minnesota Vikings game? "How am I supposed to solve questions like the ""number of triangles in a given triangle"" problem?" Is there any machine learning API or advanced R package like H2O where the data will not go out of my domain? I mean data will remain secured. Has anything scary or creepy happened to you when accessing the dark Web? Why are men attracted to women? Who is the strongest character in Game of Thrones? What are the challenges of being a 2nd-string quarterback in the NFL? What is the best way to learn Revit Architecture? What are Donald Trump's odds of winning the 2016 Presidential election? How will you help india and indians? Is Irrfan Khan better than Nawazzudin? What techniques do Canadians use to build their storefronts? What is your review of Two Girls And A Guy (1997 movie)? What large applications have been built using C#? What can make you a multi millionaire certainly? Poker or sports betting? And why? What is it like to work at TATA Motors Limited? Which book is better for organic chemistry IIT JEE : Morrision and Boyd or Claydens? Is it a good time to buy a house in London? Who controls our actions? What is Undifferentiated schizophrenia? Is this absolutely true the nirma university colapses ones passion other then engineering? How do animal cells and human cells differ? When do people listen to podcasts? How can I become Top writer on Quora? Do you have any tips? Is Vicodin 10 twice as strong as 5.. Like taking 2 5mg? Did Judaism give birth to Hinduism? Is there any scope if I'm doing CS with BBA? Who is India's Governer? How old is Gumby in 2016? Where is he still popular? What is the best way to prepare for CAT exam and when should I start? Who was the greatest hero in the Civil War? How do I get good command over English? Did Spirit Airlines habitually under-report mechanical problems with its airplanes in summer 2001? What is 're-evolution'? "How do I say ""I am not Korean"" in Korean?" Why do some people hate Donald Trump and others like him? Is there a better way to say this? It would be more economical to purchase lifetime license with free updates, since we will keep using this software. How can I tell my girlfriend she has bad breath? How do you feel if death is getting closer? How can I purchase a developer account on Google Play Store with an SBI Master debit card? What is the most upvoted answer on Quora? What are your favorite movies and why? I want to start a small business of my own within 2.5 Lacs budget in Hyderabad. Is it possible? What is the relationship between allergies and bronchitis? Is it important to learn Java for a computer engineer? What are the best tutorials for Unity 5? What are the best homeopathic medicines? How long will it take the United States to live down the candidacy of Donald Trump? How do I become friends with an economics nobel prize winner? Which seismic wave causes tsunami? What effect would rising interest rates have on home prices? If the rates are doubled, will homes fall 50 percent like a bond? "Which is correct: ""mission complete"" or ""mission completed""? How do you use it in a sentence?" I am a working man but I want to study law and become a practicing lawyer. How can I do that? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Park University? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Eastern Michigan University? Is it normal to be a straight man but sometimes want to be a girl? How does a motorcycle engine work? What can I do to improve my general knowledge? How can I become better at debate? What are the benefits of eating avocado? Can you say with complete confidence that you don't believe any of Hillary Clinton's scandals are legitimate? Is Maggi a taboo in India? When a girl likes you but she says that she wants to keep things simple for the time being? How long should I wait before asking her out? How do you know if you are in love with someone? What did they do to Darth Vader's costume in Rogue One to make him look even more evil than previous films? Can any one suggest me which is the best application development company? My COMEDK rank is 4500. Which college is best for pursuing CS/IT? Can I trust my feelings of being emotionally abused if I suffer from anxiety and depression? How tempting is it to formerly orthodox Jews let it be known how regressive their former environment was for them? How can you find the units for displacement? What's the best Amazon customer service number that will get me to a real person? How do you use a square root calculator? Why do a lot of Uber drivers have a 4.8 rating? What's the worst hotel in Lomé? Why do Facebook videos upload slowly? Is Time travel possible under known physics principles? Do Indian women watch porn? I found out that my boyfriend is cheating on me with his ex. I don't know how to talk to him about it. Any advice? What does my craving for sweet potatoes mean? Should I learn Spanish or French? If Pakistan can attack without warning, can it drop a nuclear bomb without warning? List of best Hollywood movies 2016? Sociology or history, which optional is good for no background? What are static variables in Objective C and how are they used? What do you do if FedEx says a package was delivered but you didn't receive it? How do I get rid of little bumps on forehead? Why are there no classes for commerce and CA on BYJU's? How did the USA buy Alaska from Canada? What are some amazing psychology facts? How do I prepare for AIIMS 2017? If time travel is possible, where are all the time travelers from the future? Does Google comes to hire in MIT, Pune? What's the difference between VPN and TOR? What is it like for an Indian to visit Pakistan, especially if you are a vegetarian? Why should we be more kind? What would happen if all presidential candidates died at the same time? Why am I afraid of sex? How can I take screenshots on Snapchat without letting the poster know? Why can I not see a friends Snapchat score anymore, but their still a friend on my Snapchat? How easy it is to find embroidered clothes in market? What's the difference between centripetal, centrifugal and inertial force? What are some good methods to promote a 'general gaming' community forum? I'm sick of living in Japan, but I don't know how to get out. I feel like I'm wasting every day. How do I just up and leave without being destituted? "Why did Heinrich Himmler say in 1944: ""I never allowed an unbeliever to join the SS""?" What are some facts about sleeping? Which is the most beautiful place to visit in India? How do I make a website like with WordPress? What is the most popular MVVM framework for WPF? What is Best programming language for web development? How can we remove a plugin off the heap in Javascript? "If ""all men must die"" is written as ""valar morghulis"" then how will ""all women must die"" be written in the context of the series Game of Thrones?" What is the Sum of the roots of the given equation 4^(x)-3 (2^(x+3)) +128=0 ? Why should one support Indian national congress? How can I open a very large Excel file? I smoke hashish on daily basis, like one cigarette a day of hashish makes my self calm and I enjoy, is it much harmhul for health? How do I solve integration of (f(x) *x) dx? Why do people use big words? Where could you find the best anime? What is the Lewis structure for ketene? How is it determined? How do I learn machine learning from scratch? What is the most common problem business owners face? What is the best gift for a 14 year old girl? Does an AEO selected through SSC CGL get IRS rank after promotions? My husband is working out of state for 17 months and my kids don't want to come and I have a crazy ex. What can I do? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Franklin Resources? What open source humanoid robot platforms are available for the IBM Watson APIs? What is the launch date of Sony Xperia Z2 in the United States? How can I lose fat in 2 weeks? Who is most likely to solve the P vs NP problem? What is the strangest thing you've eaten? How do you get from $1M ARR to $10M ARR? What is the Price of the Samsung Galaxy S7? Who would win a fight between spiderman and batman? Is the Subaru BRZ/Scion FR-S a good first car? Why should I feel happy on my birthday? I am planning to visit Copenhagen for early next month for one weekend. Can anyone help me with must visit places in and around Copenhagen? "What is the saxophone song with the lyric ""save me""?" Why current is different in parallel circuit? Who is the most famous politician in the world? How can I reduce my lower belly fat in one month? What is the best application for the iPhone 6 Plus? Should you be happy with a promotion? What are some of the best jokes on marriage? How I make money online? What should I do to become an automobile engineer? Why did the Sikkimese decide to join India and not Nepal in 1975, given that the majority group in Sikkim are Nepalese? Can you tell me about a time when you were gaslighted? How should I respond when someone tells me that they haven't cut themselves in two weeks? Congratulations? How delicate should I be about the topic? Can I deposit joint holder name if I deposited 2.5 laks in other account? How does a valley change overtime due to urbanization? What are the do's and don'ts for a job interview? If the universe expanded from the big bang to the size of our galaxy in a micro-second, this must mean everything in creation traveled much much faster than the speed of light; how is this possible? Why is the gulf stream warm? How is John Abraham (Bollywood superstar) in real life? What are some weird things done by strangers in public places? How do you solve a Rubik's Cube? How's the Ford Figo Aspire 1.2 L petrol car? Is it really lacking in performance? Would it be wrong to compare it with the diesel version? What is the time duration for the preliminary exam of NABARD? Can Vaseline be used as hair gel? How does one form a small community or town in the nuclear apocalypse? How does science differ from philosophy? How can I find an Indian girl who is genuinely into femdom (female domination)? How do I make myself fall asleep when I just can't? Are there any tips to concentrate more on studies rather than girls? What is it like to know someone with dissociative identity disorder or be someone with the disorder? What are the chapters in the IIT JEE Main and Advance that are related to class 10 and class 9? Why have I failed at everything I've ever done? How do I set a BIOS password on Windows 8.1/8 to ensure security? Why can you not have an ADSL broadband in the UK without a telephone line service? Can it be done in other countries (e.g. Hong Kong)? A person is about to start studying quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. Which classical physics subjects would be essential to know first? Why doesn't the stigma of World War 2 haunt Japan as much as it does Germany? What are the chances of ww3 starting? Starbucks opportunities in Nigeria? My ex-husband is behind on alimony payments by 3 months, what can I do to get the money? What is a pay band? How fast do Bernese Mountain Dogs reach adulthood? Agarbatti raw material? I am married and have fallen in love with another married man. We can't be together, but can't live without each other. What should we do? With a 135 mark in the JEE Mains 2015, will I get CSE in LNMIIT? How do I delete my dropbox account? What is the difference between polar and non polar molecules? I saw an anaconda snake in my dream and a lot of small black snakes. What does it mean? Has NPTEL covered all syllabus for every subject for CSE? What difficulties will occur to me if I'm mumbai University BE student with aggregate higher second class to take admission to good MBA college? What is a Vashikaran mantra? How do I use Aghori Tantra Mantra Sadhna for Vashikaran? How did Roman dry cleaners use urine as a cleaning fluid? How can I write a question with long details? What is the difference between a good conformation horse vs a bad conformation horse? If it's true that humans evolved from monkeys why is that all monkeys are not evolved yet? What is your review of Will/Should Quora introduce a night mode version in the mobile app⒮? How do you quit smoking? What are the best resources when applying for a philosophy graduate degree? How do I change my user account name on Quora? What is the difference between social democracy and social liberalism? How can I lock columns and rows in Excel? What are the benefits of doing an MBA after getting an undergraduate degree in history? "What's the chemical formula of ""iron precipitate""?" How do I learn stock market investing in India from scratch? The equations of two straight lines may be written in the matrix form as (k k-1 )(x)= (10) k-2 3k y 20 , i) If the two lines do not intersect, find the value of k. ii) If k=3, find the point of intersection of the lines, using the inverse matrix method? What is the relationship between lateral, longitudinal (axial) and angular magnification? Which is the Best android app for video chat? What are the best books for preparation of IIT JAM physics? If [math] \dfrac{x+1}{x-1}=\dfrac{a}{b} [/math] and [math]\dfrac{1-y}{1+y}=\dfrac{b}{a} [/math], then the value of [math] \dfrac{x-y}{1+xy}[/math] is? If one is going to prepare for ESE 2017 what should be the proper strategy? What are the best places to visit on a 3 day trip in and around kerala? What are the best institutes to study a big data course in Chennai and Bangalore? What is The Venus Project? Exactly what is a protein? How do I learn Scala? How many users did snapchat have in their first year? What are some great side dishes for fried oysters? How long does it truly take to completely empty your stomach and intestines after eating? How do I tell my mother I'm pregnant? I got selected in TCS Ignite. What is the salary hike in TCS for BCA graduates? When we're sick, how come we temporarily lose taste and smell? Is legit? What are the symptoms of septis? How do I overcome failures in career? Which is better: BITS, Goa or BITS, Hyderabad? What is the Lewis structure for N2F4? How is this determined? Which is the best center in Chennai to take SAS training? What are some nonsense questions asked on Quora? Why did Modi oppose FDI back when he was CM? What are his reasons now for increasing FDI in almost every sector? Why do some users on Quora not accept anonymous A2A requests? How do I send money from the Philippines to India? After graduating from a top elite university with honors should I accept the first job offer that comes to me, or wait until I get more job offers? What are some free music apps to download whereby you can download music in the app itself and listen to the music when offline? How is RBI funcatiional in India? How did you learn to build a company? What are some tricks to fall asleep instantly or extremely quickly? Do lizards carry Salmonella? How is the demand for University Lecturers in Australia? What were the best walkout songs of UFC 188? How do celebrities influence culture? What is it like to be a security guard at Facebook? Can an adult survive on human breastmilk alone? Why doesn't Sania Mirza and Leander Paes pair up for mixed doubles? I rejected my best friend, and he said he's okay with being just friends. But I think he still feels hopeful. Is it cruel to be friends with him? Eclipse.exe stops working after I updated to Windows 10 from Windows 7. How can I solve this? Being with a depressed friend is making me depressed. How to help myself? If energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, then who created energy? What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in Russia? How can I improve my programming skill? Is it okay to work in a software industry when my country needs more farmers? What is the process of reproduction in wombats? Why does sedimentary rock form in layers? What purpose does it serve? What is the most upvoted answer comment in Quora? How can I learn a new language in short time? What happens if I block a number on my iPhone? Will they still be able to send me a message? What happened to Duran Duran? Why does acne flare up only in low humidity and temperatures for some people? What are the best sad songs? Should I care about what other people think of me? How is an Ouija Board dangerous? Which is the best printer for home use under Rs. 4000? Violence: what can I do to make my mind become more adept at it? How long would it take a programming beginner to learn to write a single page application with backend? Can you provide a summary of World War II? How do you sell your home for sale by owner in Manhattan without an agent? Which is the best model Bajaj Avenger 220 Street OR 150? Which is the best one in mileage? What makes TATA India's pride? What are some must read books that everyone should read? Is leaking coolant an expensive fix? What is a natural ecosystem? What are some examples? What are the best graphics games that I can play in my laptop which has 4gb RAM and Intel Pentium core CPU 3825U @ 2.4 GHz processor? What can you say about the comparison of Samsung Galaxy C5 and C7? Is Osama bin Laden a martyr? Does lenskart not offer Crizal lenses? Why do many Quora users ask questions they could look up online? What is the scope of the Australian space industry? Specifically for somebody with a degree in aerospace engineering How do you get spotify on your iPod? What is the male-female ratio in MIT? How good is MBA in Sports Management? How are the career opportunities? How do I stop being jealous from my ex? What is meant by Advaita? How should I deal with procrastination? What are some must have Android apps? Do US fashion magazines influence eating disorders? How? Apple Iphone 6 screen broke (slipped off hand and fell), cracked all functionality is fine. Any suggestions? Do people use Hike Messenger? When was the worst time you were ever discriminated against either on set or not for being Asian? How many African American generals in the US army are 4 or 5 star generals? Which is the best samsung smartphone under 30000? What is he meaning of Hindi/Urdu word Darkhwast? Kindly dose f 35 lightning ii has thrust vectoring? Reference needed. What is the best way to increase penis size? How to design a small device that can connect to Phone to simulate tap? What causes pyloric sphincter spasms? Is an atom living or non-living? How much does it Take to weigh 290 lbs? Is there a racism in Poland? Is Poland safe enough for a single women to live? "Where did the term ""stick in the mud"" come from? What does it mean?" U.S. Department of Defense: What would happen if not a single person joined the military for 5 consecutive years? Why is everyone interested in marijuana? Why should one buy Letv Le 1S phone? How do I buy cheap Flyers jerseys? How does it feel to be unemployed? What is the pH of a 4.5 x 10-11 M NaOH solution? How do I run an .apk file on windows PC? How much does Cisco earn from certifications? What does it mean for the economy to grow, and why is it good? How do I make my IMO ID? What do you think about Donald Trump? Sex in public places? Is regional anesthesia going to replace general anesthesia in future? What if the Holy Roman Empire never existed? How would Europe have turned out? What does it mean by following on Facebook? What universities does Approach Resources recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Which is the best month to visit nainital? Are there people who believe God created the Big Bang? What is the best option for money transfers from Italy? What is meiosis? Which are the best online free sex chat sites? How much money do people make from YouTube videos with 1 million views? What are the nutrition values of chicken breast? How do I get rid of black patches on my face? Why do they come out? How is the Nifty calculated? What are symptoms of high testosterone? How do I add an icon in Android Action Bar? Do Indian girls masturbate? If yes, how? If no, why? How do I improve my memory and remember what I read? What is the most dangerous disease in our digestive system? Why is my dog afraid of me? How can I prepare for gate 2017 chemical engineering with job? How is the strength of a KHP acid determined? I want to write a book, where do I start? How does mobile SAR value affect our health? What is the difference between tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 colleges? What is the corporate culture like at Spirit Airlines? How is the culture different than other companies? Can you add 5 odd numbers to get 30? Why was Genghis Khan so successful? Can I change my stream to mechanical from ADE after 1st year in UPES? I'm too thin. What's the best natural way to gain weight? Can you get pregnant before or after your period? I need to restore my WhatsApp account, but I have moved overseas for work. My original account with WhatsApp is tied back to my old mobile number in my previous country, so I'm not able to restore it as it sends a verification code to my previous number which is currently suspended. What do I do? What is the workplace hierarchy in Cognizant Technology Solutions? Is toluene organic or inorganic? What do you think of connecting cars to the cloud for M2M communication? What is the difference between friction and friction factor? Which books are best for RMO? Why there is no treatment for low sperm count? Who do you think will win the UEFA Euro 2016? I need a working hacking tool for the game Madden NFL Mobile. Where can I find one? How do I get a job in the UK at 16? Alcoholism: I drink half a bottle of whiskey every night, but I water it down. What is the harm? I have got a rank of 1280 in SRMEEE and 10,800 in VITEEE. Should I attend the SRM counselling? How do you unlink Gmail accounts? What is the address of priyanka chopra's Mumbai home? Why is cat calling rude? What is the temperature of the Sun's surface? Is it illegal to gain access to someone's Facebook account by phishing? What do I do if I think I have a mental illness? Why does the earth revolve around the sun? What is meant by rooting an Android device? What are its uses? What are some printers that can print on metal? Is this police brutality? Is it okay that I'm 22 and I love a man that is 50? What's it like to have a loving father? What's the scope of Java? Does Kung Fu really have its roots in India? How can I be featured in an issue of Forbes Magazine? What are the symbols for justice? "What is another way to say ""get rid of""?" No protocol header version in python? How do I play PC games on lan? How handmade carpets are mafe? What are some good penny stocks in india? What is the BHIM app? When will it be available for the iPhone? What is easiest way to earn money? Which is the best chair to watch TV? Why do Sindhi girls change their names as well as surnames after marriage? Who are the best people on the Internet to follow (Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Quora, blogs, other social networks) if I'm interested in unschooling? How and were do I work and get paid online? How tough is it to get CSE in Shiv Nadar University? Do breakups suck? Who is Marvel and DC's worst-street level character and why? How is feminism different from egalitarianism? Does feminism focus only on gender issues? "In ""The Hunger Games"" book series, how does Prim die?" "What are some horror K-Pop musics? Let me give a clue, I want to listen ""T.O.P Doom Dada"" type songs." What do you feel is your purpose in life? How big is the largest nebulae in the universe? What is the way to prove this packet scheduling problem's hardness? What qualities should a good teacher have? What are some guidelines and policies for editing a question on Quora? How do I add a profile picture to my Quora account? If I don't get into the CS major at UC Berkeley but don’t want to settle for another major, what options do I have? Why is wikihow low quality? What is an easy way make money online? What are the different types of chemical reactions? What does Al Pacino drink? I was thinking about joining the army when I turned 18 to pay for my college tuition. Should I reconsider after Trump's presidency? How much should I study for medical? Which GPU Is Better? Mali-T830MP2 or Adreno 330? What is the typical salary of a MSc(CS) graduate in India? What are the best way to learn english language? Why don't I know who I am? Can I take a demand draft using my friend's bank account (ofcourse with his permission and signature)? How do aeroplanes take turns or change their angle of direction? Why do people think The Avengers is a good movie? Will the universe ever stop expanding? What is the best way to learn a programming language? What is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Jefferson County FL? How do you become a professional IOS developer? What are the Cantonese pop songs produced in 1999? I am in love with my male friend for his gentleman side. He's always hurting me referring to my past relation too. What should I do? How do I clean my thoughts? Is a Mac or Windows better for a CS student or developer? IIT JEE Preparation: Does refering too many books affect your preparation in anyways? Why do birthdays feel depressing? What should I do to make money online in India? How does one overcome depression and anxiety? Is Coca-Cola dangerous to drink? What are some major differences between the USA as portrayed on television vs. the real USA? Is there a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in Skagway County AK? Comparisons: Do Chinese people prefer Quora or Zhihu? Why? What is the best evidence that exists for the reality of an afterlife (life after death)? What are your life goals and how do you plan to achieve them? "What does ""bleached coral reef"" mean?" What is it feel like to die? How do you apply for a tax ID number? How can I make extra money with my current job? What is the Holy Ghost in the trinity? What are some of the best or nicest ways to celebrate an 18th birthday? How can I confirm my email account on Instagram? What is the hardest thing(s) about raising children in Singapore? I'm 15 and my shoe size is already 11 (Indian Standard). Can I stop my feet from growing? Is there an app that will allow Facebook users to send pictures on Facebook to my website? What is the exact business model of Uber in India? What are some of the best Physics classes at Harvard? What is wrong with the Indian education system? What is are the intermolecular forces of HF? Which are the most horrible movies of all time? The girl I loved friendzoned me upon finding my feelings for her and stopped caring & loving me the way she used to as my BFF. What do I do now? What does frequency measure? How is it measured? How can I get scholarship in USA or Canada? What is the best age to get married for a woman? How do I change my password on Yahoo mail? Does the Indian army commit human rights violation in Kashmir, or is it a propaganda spread by the separatist Kashmiris? What is the best TV series and why? What are some references to tigers in popular culture? What kind of first message can I send to an unknown girl so that she will become friends with me? Does having some legal experience help with the law school admission process? What are some interesting apps on Android smartphones? What is the meaning of Hindi word 'sampann'? What are space & time? How do I start rice export business in india? How is the training of cadets enrolled at IMA Dehradun under Army Education Crop. Is this similar to other cadets. Or different? How many numbers between 1 and 21million are divisible by 2,3, or 5 but not 7? What are some epic tattoos? Is it possible to time travel to past? How do I start a successful comedy YouTube channel? What's the easiest way to make money online? If you toss a fair coin 9 times, what is the probability of getting 4 heads and 5 tails? Is there actually something that can make a 13 year old girl grow taller, at least 2 inches? "I was asked in the SSB: ""Why aren't you doing any job after your graduation?"" What can I answer?" Why do people smoke weed after drinking? Cavity on wisdom tooth. What are the do-s and don't-s if I dont want to get it removed? What is the craziest thing you have done for a relationship? What do you think is the real meaning of life? How do I train a German Shepherd Puppy from scratch? Is blocking cars in parking lots illegal? What is it really like being 19 years old? If [math]p>3[/math] is a prime, how can one show that if [math]p^k + p^l + p^m = n^2[/math] has natural solutions [math]k,l,m,n[/math], [math]p+1[/math] is divisible by [math]8[/math]? What is 12th class exam? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Erin Energy? What is a suitable solar panel installation provider in Orinda, California CA? What is the remedy for vitamin d deficiency? Why is my computer slow? I am an engineering graduate, working with a leading HR consultancy for past two years. How can I get a job in a CSR (corporate social responsibility) profile? Should I start by working with an NGO first? How do you do fun Secret Santa games? Should the UK abolish the monarchy? Should I use TypeScript (now with JSX support) or plain ES2015 (via Babel) when building a new React powered UI? Why is SF6 an electrophile? How can I get more than 100 referrals? Is it safe to put aluminum foil in the oven? What is the most iconic line in the Star Wars prequel trilogy? Can a 14 year old boy wear panties? Tamil Cinema (Kollywood): Who do you think is the best Tamil film comedian? Which is the best laptop in terms of gaming performance? What does it mean when a guy gives a girl this look? What does it take to inspire an INTJ (personality type)? Does deleting my Snapchat account get rid of non saved messages in the other person's chat? What are some creative YouTube names? How can I increase my sex power? My girlfriend and I decided on guilt free passes for the summer. She used hers and I don't plan on using mine. Am I allowed to feel betrayed? Why do I get tired when watching a new movie? What are the requirements for A Levels to get into UC Berkeley? What are some good indie comic series out there which are not Marvel or DC? Is there any website where I can earn money by solving maths questions? What is it like to have a first threesome? What are the economic implications of banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes? Is it necessary for men to know about periods in women? How is the word 'rancorous' used in a sentence? Where is this place? How do I fix speakers that make a static sound only when there is no audio output? How do you unlock a Honeywell commercial Thermostat? When I press the backspace, enter or the up, down and right arrow keys on my Sony Vaio laptop, it just types certain characters. What can I do? Why does the human brain use only below 10% ? Why not 100%? There were two guys who always competed with each other to prove who is best but they also love and respect each other. What can we call them? Which is the best hollywood movie I can ever watch? How can one own a tank (a battle tank) in India? What is the meaning of human beings in the world? What are the consequences of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland voting Leave in the referendum on their EU membership? Is LPG a natural gas? How much better is iPhone 5 than iPhone 4S? About Indian tricolour? What is the best institution for CA IPCC in Hyderabad? Why do people not create new Operating Systems but create so many variations of the same Linux OS? How can you look at someone's private Instagram account without following them? What's between an introvert and extrovert? Can I buy a mobile cone crusher in Ukraine? What else feels like orgasm? Why can't my girlfriend reach orgasm through normal intercourse and only from oral sex? What is the difference between computational and mathematical science and applied mathematics? Boyfriend doesnt respect me? What are the best Indian stocks to buy in July 2016? Where is the best tasting tap water in the world? Is global warming actually a hoax? I am in India now and I have some Thai baht from my last trip in Thailand. Which is the best place to change Thai baht in India? How do I silence camera shutter sound on Nexus 6P? Why do I want to go to hell when I die? What are the most common Zumba songs? What are the best cancer institutes in South India? Do pilots take psychological tests before flying? How is Bolivia's geographical location unique in the region, and how does its geography compare to that of other countries? How do I use STL in competitive programming? How can an app or game earn money from the Google Play Store? How much does the developer/owner earn per download? If I were to fall into a black hole, what would I experience? Is it true that if I fell into a black hole, I would go to another universe? Which are the hollywood hottest adult movies? What is the meaning of meaning? Why am I so shy? "Is it too late to fix my ""lazy eye""?" What is average return on investment in residential real estate in Kolkata? What is it like to meet Sachin Tendulkar? What are some ideas for decorating a 11x11 room? How can I stop myself from being affected by what other people think about me? Is vaping okay if you have COPD? What is the Physical significance of hydraulic diameter? Why are some words so difficult to define and why does it matter? I scored 67% in the HSC exam 2014. I am planning to take the JEE exam in 2016. How can I get admitted in a good engineering college? "What is the purpose of having a ""Turn Off Chat"" option as well as a ""Seen at"" feature together on Facebook chat?" What is a trust fund? Why does iPhone 5s battery drain? What does this translate to in English? Ways to gain healthy visible weight in 30days? How should I decide whether standard dance or Latin dance suits me more? Where does a startup founder stand when the company fails? Singapore does not have any forest, minerals, farms. They even import drinking water from Malaysia. Then to how is it that their currency is much stronger than India's and almost equal to the USA? What makes ITMO, MIT, Stanford, and some others Computer Science degrees much better than any other random CS degree around the world? How do you reset your Yahoo password? Will Apple release an iPad Mini Pro? Should I Buy a used car? How can you look at someone's private Instagram account without following them? Which sorting algorithm makes minimum number of writes? I am doing my B.Tech at IIT Roorkee in biotechnology. What will be the scope of biotechnology in the next few years in India and abroad? What everyday diet and exercise should I follow to loose 6kgs in a month? I'm 21 yo girl my weight is 66.6 kgs ~ 5'2? How Ola working? How do I stop being a pushover? What is the ranking of five IISERs? Which is better, iOS or Android? Why? How should I start learning Machine Learning? What's the name of the actor in Sam Hunts take your time video? Are Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, and the rest of the Balkans going to ban Islam like Hungary did? Is it possible to resolve the conflicts in character of two persons who want to be together? I shared my PlayStation network password with an unknown person and he changed it. I can't sign in now. What should I do? What are the major changes in Java 8? Which one is better LIC JEEVAN ANAND policy or having a PPF? Mahabharata (Hindu epic): What are the best qualities of Karna? What things we should learn from Karna? What is an intuitive explanation of Kruskal's algorithm? How do I grow a YouTube channel? What is Manohar Parrikar like as a person? Is there a way to see if someone forwarded an email? Who has the best cloud billing solution? What is the difference between chassis ground, signal ground and earth ground? What are the drawbacks of Modi’s governance? What song to use to lyric prank my best friend? Is time travel possible? In LOTR, when humans die, is there an after life for them? What is the work of sensex and nifty? Is it possible to time travel in the distant future? How can I find Jaw Crusher Limestone in Mauritania? How can you make your ex love you again? Why do the black community and gay community in the US have the highest incidences of HIV and AIDS? What makes anal sex pleasurable to some people? Why do couples prefer corner seats in cinemas? What happens to my US Visa if I get my passport re-issued? How can there be people that they don't smell bad naturally when they sweat and have nice smelling scent in general? What is happening to their body? What are some of the best ways to learn programming? Why does Apple use SAP ERP instead of Oracle ERP? What's wrong with being an independent Black woman? What are the political and social science books that any one should read to get ready for trump presidency? How do transgender people feel when someone refers to them as their original sex? When did Michael phelps started to swim? What do Indians think of the Indian Soccer League (ISL)? What is the meaning of a hindi word बेदबी? Is Scarlet Witch the most powerful mutant in the Marvel Universe? Does green tea help you quit smoking? Can it be solved: [math]a+b=8;c-d=6;a+c=13;b+d=8[/math] ? There are 2 channels on my YouTube which got terminated in the last 2 months for no reason. What should I do now? How do you enter a voicemail password on an iPhone? How does GameStop calculate their used game prices? What should I do when people disrespect you and hurt your feelings? How's life like working in a bpo in india? I'm 20 years old and want to buy some stocks. I want to start with $100. Where can I buy stocks and how much could I expect to make as a beginner? Suggest job portals other than naukri, monster, times jobs from the recruiter's end? How can I switch from development to software testing? Can consciousness arise from a system that is not neuronal? What are some life lessons learnt from cricket? Is the Urdu language more close to Hindi or Arabic? Can any one predict my career via Vedic astrology? Anakin turning to the dark side doesn't make sense. How can one become so cruel and detached after seeing what the dark side does? What are the major problems facing Iran? If there is dark matter, shouldn't there be dark stars.? What is the tech stack behind Box? Do Mormons have good dirty sex or do they keep it simple? How does someone become a hedge fund trader? Do we get paid for instagram blog? How can I self study discrete mathematics? Why don't the North Koreans rise up to overthrow Kim Jong-un? Who are some lesser known important historical figures of India and what should people know about them? How can I track my friend's phone without them knowing it? Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? 1. What type of medicine your store is selling? 2. What type of medicine is your store selling? Which Akshaunsh has six-month day and night? What are the arts benefits? Kindly tell me, What is the counselling process in AIIMS inside the auditorium (step-by-step)? What is the name of the bone that forms from fibrous membranes? What is its functions? What changes can be made to Quora to make it better? Which is best CAD training centre in bengaluru? What are the ways that increased spending that comes from increasing taxes on the wealthy can reduce income inequality? What are some natural ways to relieve head congestion? What INNOVATIVE CAN BEN DONE with 5 STEEL RODS? Why do people form cliques? What was the most important date in human history? Do boys like shy girls? Are we near World War 3? How can I prepare for the SAT Writing section (books or resources)? How is IIT Tirupati as compared to NIT Calicut? Why Canon 5D Mark II is used more than Canon 5D Mark III in film making? What do symbols represent? What are some applications of statistics in biology? How do I earn money from an app? Why are you marking my question as needing improvement? Where can you buy counterfeit money on the dark web? What is balanced equation of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide? What is the medical term for overeating? How should I run for Boxing ? How can I improve my English? Is there any scope of course like CCNA? How does one map words in a language to an N dimensional space in such a manner that the words with similar meanings are closer in distance? Where can I hire expert painters for any exterior house painting project in Brisbane? Is it better to drink tap water or refrain from it? "What is the origin of/meaning behind the surname ""Shah""?" What are the best linguistics jokes you've ever heard? How can I become smarter or more articulate? Why do we get brain freezes? Is there any foul play by Mulayam Singh, Arvind Kejriwal and Mayawati to mock Modi for demonetizing currency notes? What are some good PC games that are free and require low specs? To which countries does the United States give the most foreign aid? How do you get better at math if you're not good? What are the best beach destinations for a couple in the Mediterranean? How can one transfer money from the USA when one does not have a bank account in the USA? Can you be allergic to water? "Who was the song ""Wish You Were Here"" by Pink Floyd written about and what is the deeper meaning of it?" How do I reboot my phone? What is it like to go backpacking alone? What is the saddest thing about the Philippines? ¿Do you what is personal branding? Is C++ a lot more difficult than C? How do I apply for an internship at the Martinis Group at UCSB? What are your reviews for the movies Dilwale and Bajirao Mastani? What are the functions of the cell membrane? How can I find local investors For my startup? When should I use std::move in C++11? "Did you know that ""Song of the Sea"" movie is going to have a Japanese dub?" How will the world react if India threatens to quit the UN until granted a permanent seat on the Security Council? How do you teach a child to love to learn? Is there a way to search Gmail for a phone number 1800–243–0019? "How can I make my password ""system"" better?" How is for the preparation of SSC CGL? I want to improve my english level. How do can I fix hating myself? What were the effects of militarism in WW1? Which streams and colleges can I get with a rank of 2891 in Comedk 2016? Which companies/startups have been founded by IIIT Allahabad graduates? How do I convert a kolkata registration privately owned car to commercial one? How can I make a gaming app? How do I earn money daily in delhi? How can I learn English? "How is the word ""servile"" used in a sentence?" I am attending fiitjee classes. What are the good books for higher level preparation for IIT JEE? Can anyone hack video conservation on skype? I have a 2-year-old daughter. Her hair is rough and dull. What care, shampoo, or oil must I use to make it soft and shiny, and which other care should I take? How do I make an event on Snapchat? Why my question is not answered on Quora? What are some of the rarest natural phenomena that occur in the USA? Why do I keep having dreams about being chased by zombies? What does percentile mean in my NEST score card? Do you have an explanation for the results of the at quantum eraser experiments? How much does it cost to build a house in Toronto, Ontario? Will cotton shrink? How do I hack? How is high-fructose corn syrup manufactured? What are the possible final year projects for mechanical engineering? How much would it cost to build an app like 9Chat? What is the serif text font used in the “Here again” example below? Can the Indian economy overtake the Chinese economy? Can a limited liability partnership firm give advances to its partners? Who is/was the best CS 1.6 player in NIT Rr? What is the meaning of name 'Tunisha'? Can we see ISS from Earth? What is the best book for CA final ISCA? Should Virat Kohli be suspended from the Indian team and IPL for disciplinary reasons? How can I use back link for increasing traffic for my blog? Is it true that if your phone gets wet that you should put it in a bowl full of rice? How would this dry it out? How is Pest Control done? I have a bare wall in the passage way. What can I put on it? What should I get my boyfriend for his birthday? What are the strengths and weaknesses of Pugna? Why does rights groups keep silent as Clinton Foundation takes millions from countries that imprison gays? Why must PlayStation 4 and Xbox One games be installed on the console? What are the pros and cons of sports? What are the options available for me with an GATE 2016 AIR 235 in Electrical Engineering? How does our nose produce so much of greenish mucus when we have cold? Why do people feel empty? What is the difference between bank wire and bank transfer? Why were two different or more invented? What is it like growing up with divorced parents? What branch can I get with a score of 312 in BITSAT 2016? My Panasonic HDC TM15 has a super hazy and sharp video quality; is there a way to change that? Is sleep paralysis dangerous? What is the Laquoise Method? I used to talk to a girl for months, and when I asked for her number she ignored me. What does that mean? How can I become a playboy? What are the coolest technological gadgets that would actually be useful (could be a cool phone, computer, speaker, etc.)? How can you have clarity on what you really want in life? Where are some places that a guy can go to in order to meet attractive women with big butts, regardless of their race or ethnicity? What are consumer court proceedings in india? "What is the basic difference between the words ""Affect"" and ""Effect""?" "If Shakespeare wrote Hamlet today what would be an updated version of the ""to be or not to be"" soliloquy?" Is a Starbucks card worth using in Starbucks? Have you ever encountered paranormal activity? How do I work for kpop music videos? Do you like China? And why? What is a good reason? Can arranged marriage be successful after two un-matured love stories? What can be my rank in the Jee Main 2015 with 219 marks and 96% in the CBSE? Who besides Hillary Clinton should run for the Democratic nomination for President in 2016? What is your view on the banning of 500 and 1000 rs? Should I buy this domain? What could be a good idea for a high school farewell party? Will Blackberry devices like Q10 and Z10 ever run Android OS? What´s the sense of life? Can you simplify string theory? I did not take my board admit card to the JEE Mains exam centre. How do I send my admit card to the board? Self-Improvement: How can I motivate myself to work hard? How does it feel like when the peanis enters the vagina? How many stamps do you need to send a letter from the U.S. to Europe? What are the best ways to lose weight? What is the best diet plan? Who invented chess and how? How is it to make out with a girl for fun? What should I do to get a normal glowing skin? What you couldn't do with Ruby on Rails? What would happen if the forests vanished? What is the best piece of news source to read about financial markets? How is Meyer Wolfsheim connected to Jay Gatsby? What is procedure of buying flat in Mumbai? How does Maharashtra Housing society act plays role? What materials are used to build spacecrafts? What are creative ideas for mechanical engineering final year project? Can I implement min-heap insert () in the max priority queue? Can humans eat dry dog food? I have completed Maths for CBSE 12th Board but haven't studied Physics & Chemistry at all. How to get above 80% in 1 month? How do I prepare for the GATE EE? Are the SR-71 and A-12 the same airframe? How do I reply when someone asks the price of any expensive things you own? I absolutely hate it & don't want to disclose? Where can I found very safe and secure house painting services in Brisbane? How will I contact a good hacker? Why is GitHub called GitHub? What are some good example for combinatorics problems in competitive programming? How is New Zealand as a study destination for Indians? Is this article saying that we should cut off modern technology in order to not practice helicopter parenting? What are some soap opera shows? What is private wealth management? What should I do for prevention of hair fall? What does the Spanish word suro mean in English? What famous events have happened in Waco, TX? Before you die, can you make sure your own funeral has no attendance at all? Essentially, not have a funeral? Justin Bieber purpose? What is the way to do PhD abroad after MBA in India? Is it possible for a healthy man to die? What is the market size of consumer marketing research? What is difference between hub, switch, router, and bridge? Which are the best Corporate Event Management companies in Delhi/NCR to organize events? Is it legal for an employer in Illinois to charge you for accidentally taking counterfeit money? How do I handle more than 65536 rows export to excel SSRS2008R2 - Via Codebehind? What if Napoleon ruled Germany during WWII and Hitler ruled France during the Napoleonic Wars? How do I write song lyrics without a beat? Hero worship in India is too big. Why? What is the one thing that makes you most angry? Can you delete photos from your Photo Stream on iCloud without permanently deleting them from your iOS and OSX devices? I feel that I'm getting addicted to Quora. Is it a good sign or bad ? How long has the T-Mobile website been down? What is Best courses for mtech in ece in India? What are the problems that India is facing? What is the use of teaching trigonometry in basic education? How can I increase my GHz on my i3 Intel 1.70GHz processor? South India: Why is South India much more developed than North India? Why is there no metro station in Mayur Vihar Phase-3, Delhi? How long do you bake one chicken breast? Why was the Black family not ashamed of Bellatrix and the Death Eaters, considering the murders they committed? Was Adam (as in Adam and Eve) a human being? Do liberals or conservatives give more to charity? How do TV companies sell advertising for their shows? How do I use HTTrack website Copier? What does Wu-Tang's symbol mean? What are some useful life hacks? I had sex 2 months ago. I had my period last month but this month I'm 7 days late. am I pregnant? Is it unhealthy to eat beef three to four days a week? What are your views on the importance of digital literacy? How can one prove the existence of God? How are petrol and diesel prices fixed? What is the difference between TTA(JE) and JTO in BSNL? How can we prevent Parkinson's disease? How do I learn C++ without doing competitive programming? If time travel is possible, where are all the time travelers from the future? What are the most modern and progressive states in the US? Is it true the Far West states are the most conservative? What happens if you drink spoiled milk? How to make INR 10 lakhs in a year? Why is the United States' Declaration of Independence important in Western political thought? Why are Chetan Bhagat's books all based on the same concept? Are there any alternative for proofs of birth acceptable, when applying for an Indian passport. If Date of birth is afterward 1989? What is Mark Cuban's email address? How can I hack mobile strike? What is the corporate culture like at Lund Enterprises? How is the culture different than other companies? Would consuming 3 glasses of wine a day be considered alcoholism? How do I leave a job I don't like? What does it mean when a guy says he has feelings for you? How can I clean my mattress? Is the establishment rejecting Trump saying that they do not care what Trump supporters think? What is the best book for learning German? Why are people called feminists and not egalitarian, if what they seek is equality? How long does tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon take to hire Product Managers? What are some examples of irony in Julius Caesar? How do you determine the velocity from an acceleration graph? What really annoys you? Why? What brand of bra do you wear? Where do you buy them? What are some examples of symbolism in Hamlet? Which course in mba is suitable mechanical engineering? What are the differences between technical support, product support, application support jobs in MNCs? Who is the fastest Indian bowler? Which country is best for masters degree to opt in computer science? Why does CS106X not use Visual Studio 2010? Why wouldn't Quora let me ask my question? Why are the descendants of Jawaharlal Nehru using Gandhi as their last name? How long does it take for a bank wire transfer from western Africa to the USA? What are some creative ways to get your child to eat? I am relience gernal insurace agent but I want portable in star health insurance I can do? How do I install Ubuntu after Windows 7? Up to what rank has the IOCL recruited officers/engineers (electrical) through the GATE-2015 in the general category? Do perms damage hair? What are the advantages of learning Nvidia Cuda and what are the career options for CUDA Developers? Is chemical engineering a good career option for girls? Could World War 3 happen? How do I add an electronic heating component to a product? How many books should one have read by the age of 20? What is the one word that describes you well? What are the characteristics of kinetic energy? What are the most interesting products and innovations that CACI International is coming out with in 2016? Which graphics card is better Radeon R5 m335 2GB or Nvidia Geforce 940m 2GB for laptops? What is the English translation of 存在即是合理的? How long does it take for alcohol to fully metabolize? What are the aims of UNICEF? What was the overall percentage of Kashmiri Pandits before their migration out of Kashmir? What is the best Search Engine Optimization company? Can Stimulants treat Obsessive Compulsive disorder? What's your favorite album and why? Where can I buy a Xiaomi Mi TV in India? Has a Rotten Tomato critic ever made a movie? How do I learn machine learning and from where? What we studied in electronics and instrumentation and what is the scope of electronics and instrumentation engineering? How can I practice my English? Where can I watch Game of Thrones online? Can someone identify this plant with a bright orange rolled-up flower? What is the most important feature you look for, when you choose the newsreader app? How can I get rid of buck teeth and is it healthy to do it? How does Cabsguru do aggregation? What is impulse function and impulse response? Is the lack of finger lunulae bad? How can I get UPS to pick up my packages for free? What's a cool name for my new Timber shop in Chennai City? I'm trying to think of something catchy. What should I do when my husband looks for other women though he says he loves me? What would you say to your 20 year old self? How do I download videos from YouTube in an iPad? What should I prepare for my upcoming PhD interview my previous research topic was cognitive radio networks (wireless communication)? Why is The Count of Monte Cristo so compelling? Would you purchase the (2015) Honda Pilot or Nissan Murano? Why? What is the best way to sell software? "What does ""no mas"" mean in Spanish? How is this phrase used?" What has caused a split between Shia and Sunni? Which is the best engine oil for pulsar 220 bike? What is Mutual Fund ? How i can invest in Mutual Fund? How i can start it ?and how safe to invest in it? What is it like to have an extramarital affair in India? How can I improve my communication skill in english? I'm sixteen and im having a hard time bulking up. Please help me? How do I prepare for meo class 4 exam? What is a laptop cooling pad? If Elon Musk wants to colonize Mars as a backup to save humanity, why not colonize the moon? Should I stop trying to get attractive girls? My currently laptop is a Windows laptop (HP). Should I buy a MacBook now or later? When I have to give speeches in class, I tremble and start to cry. How do I prevent this? Who is better Saina Nehwal or PV Sindhu? How do I overcome social awkwardness and become confident? Would an alien race be able to tell what humans are like if they would have access to Google? How can phones get viruses? Why is the population of East European countries very low compared to other regions in Asia, Africa, etc., although they have good resources? Do employees at ONEOK have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? How can I trace my lost Moto E? What is the best way to learn HTML? Is there any escrow system in prestashop? What does it mean if my heart rate is at 130 bpm? How do I fix an an error on WhatsApp that happens every time I try to verify my phone number? Say you're texting a girl for a long time, maybe more than a month, and she calls you a bro out of nowhere. What does that mean? How can I send message to device(s) (known or unknown) connected to my mobile hotspot? Are Donald Trump supporters smearing Hillary's Campaign by up voting negative comments about her on all her social media posts? What are some govt jobs that involve technical engineers? When are the exams? Is MBA a good option for somebody from a top 3 IIT with a CGPA of 5.8 and a work ex of 1 year? I have five samples and I calculate the standard deviation of each sample. Then, I calculate the standard deviation of the standard deviations, and the coefficient of variation is very high. What does that mean? If people I live with shout at me regardless of the state I'm in without me fighting back in the same way that they do, over many years, is it abuse? Does every dreams have a meaning? What should I do first? A dark vs light themed novel? Or a moral good vs evil hero themed novel? I have lost hope completely. Every single day is like a burden on me. What should I do to get over this? Which one is the best 'Bullpup' assault rifle in the world and why? What is the maximum turn of steering wheel? Cuteness: Who are the cutest girls? How do I stop masturbation permanently? What is the best website for e-currency sell and buy? What Logistics model are used by companies in India and abroad? What is the corporate culture like at Callidus Capital? How is the culture different than other companies? Why do people change the IMEI number of devices? Can anyone get in Google after learning VFX and animation? Should I join the US Army reserves? Would you marry a woman who is not a virgin? Why, or why not? What does the word festival mean? What does Erdogan want with Turkey? What are his plans? What is the variance between the mulayam Singh Yadav and akhilesh Singh Yadav? What is the variance of the Party symbol? Why would a cargo ship enter San Francisco Bay empty? What does new Mifepristone label mean for abortion? "Is it true you should never put a comma before the word ""and""?" I filed an amended H1B petition. When can I expect the receipt notice? "Is it a cliché to say that ""history repeats itself""?" What is the cut-off for Clearing UPSC Prelims? Is it or will it ever be possible to surgically narrow one's shoulders? I have a 126 LSAT and a 2.71 GPA. I graduated from an HBCU and was inducted into a national honor society. Will I be accepted into law school? Why should we live life without expectation? If you found out your baby wasn't your baby would you keep it or take your biological one? I have a degree of Business Administration (marketing) from HK, what does it take to get into a master’s program of international relation in the US/UK? Is there MSW in HRM in Tata Institute of Social Sciences? What documents and time it would take for applying a minor passport in India? What is a humane way to put down my sick dog? What are the MS courses in electronics and telecommunication, a graduate can take up,if he does not like programming? What is the difference between the Devil, Lucifer and Satan? What is your heart's most secret desire? Is reality an illusion? What is an incident that changed your life? Are there any cadres which put a great risk on the life of IAS or IPS officers? "Is ""What I need to do now is take a shower"" grammatically correct? Shouldn't it be ""What I need to do now is to take a shower""?" What is Quora's problem with short and simple answers, those are the best ones of all? What is wrong in my C++ code ? What is the Lewis structure for OH-? She knows that I love her but she pretends like nothing is going on. Why? What in your opinion, is the best computer Operating System of all time? What are some of the characteristics traits of Hamlet? Why is the portrayal/caricature of images of Jesus or God not regarded as blasphemy in Christianity? What are the salary and perks of RBI Grade B officer? What's the advantage of an audio setup that separates pre-amp and power amp? Should I buy Samsung Galaxy S7 or the S7 Edge? Can I install Zotac GTX 1060 amp in an Asus H61M-C? What is pa dss? I have 20,000 to invest and I'm 18 years old. What should I invest in. Should I start forex trading? What is your favourite Taylor Swift song and why? How many departments are there in the central government in India? Which companies create the best mobile applications? What makes a good photographer? I am getting air 6xxx. So shall I join iit kgp (mining) and try for upgrading to cse, or should I appear for JEE once again? How many days does it take for a printing before being dispatched? What are the best ways to get over a girl you loved, who left you for some other guy? What are the 4 best ways to lose weight? Which is better, a Samsung M3 Portable 2 TB external hard drive or a Transcend StoreJet 25M3 2.5-inch 2 TB external hard disk? Why do we say hello to answer the phone? Why is the media, all jews-xontrolled, cannot say that all Muslim must be deported? How do I get my first customers for a new web service? Sulphur exist in different allotropic forms like S2 , S6 and S8 etc. If equal weight of three are taken in separate container then the ratio of number of atoms is ? Explain. Are there any video chat programs on a PC that let you share your audio stream with your screen? What is the best way to catch attention on your Facebook page for a new company? What are some great examples of coincidence? What does a black sun tattoo mean? Do women like being eaten out? What is freedom? How do I get a six pack? Can you dye your dog's hair? I'm an average student and got 75% in boards and I'm dropping this year for preparation of JEE 2017. Is it possible to get in IIT or NIT next year? What is the best programming language for an application having both GUI requirements and communicating data through WiFi? How can I get out from addiction? How can I improve my Math? How can I remove a device from my Gmail account? What makes XCOM a good game? How do stingrays sting? The Catcher in the Rye (1951 book): What is Holden Caulfield's appeal? Where can I get weed in rishikesh? Have you ever lost your balance in the shower? What is the property tax rate in Granville, Ohio? How is it compared to the one of Delaware? How would you do the personification of Romeo and Juliet? Why do people prefer meeting at Starbucks instead of a Virtual Office Space? Do Maulvi people eat non-vegetarian food or not? "Is the hologram in ""Now You See Me"" real?" What are interviewers looking for when interviewing candidates? If I changed my number, what will happen to my old WhatsApp account? Why is ‘The Art of War’ by Sun Tzu highly regarded, even outside military circles? How do I remove black stains from unpolished mosaic flooring? How can I prepare for neet phase 2 in 15 days? Who should write the test cases on the TDD? How has Gaddafi's death affected Libya? What do aggregators do? Is it good to do MBA or PGDM after electrical & electronics engineering with experience? What does it mean when you dream about someone? I have girlfriend who doesn't talk to me very often. She doesn't call me or pick up my call. But when I ask her the reason she just says love is not about talking over the phone all the time. What is some help? Is the US federal government trying to introduce backdoor gun control by making ammunition hard to come by, or is that just a conspiracy theory? What is the evidence to support or disprove such a claim? What does the tiger symbolize in Japan? I temporarily disabled my account on Instagram, and it’s saying to wait a few hours till I can reactivate it again. It’s been 3 days. What's going on? Which do you prefer, normal vaginal labour or C section? And why? Do most women wish they got less attention from men? How would I be able to watch a 3D video in class on a projector? "Who are ""Quora Users""?" What if an asteroid as big as Ceres crashed into the Earth, but only at 1 mph? What is the best way to make straight hair curly? How can I buy mobile crusher plant Kenya ? What is a chemical element? How tall was Anne Frank? How does green light affect plant growth? What is the best way to learn Japanese for a native speaker of Chinese? How can you factory unlock an iPhone 5? Why most of the opinion polls showing victory of AAP in Punjab Assembly Elections 2017 even after so much hatred for Arvind Kejriwal? When were the notes of 500 and 1000 introduced into the Indian economy? Will 1 lac be enough for ist trading to china on electronic items? Should I convert from Buddhism to Islam? What is your favorite Bollywood movie? Which is the cheapest fashion designing institute in Kolkata providing part time class? In which countries do men and women wear two-piece suits the most? Is distilled water better than boiled and filtered water? What should I wear on my first day of college? What rank would I get with a score of 250/372 in JEE advanced 2016? What are the benefits of working 1st shift? How long will it take to get a six pack? What is the Best LIC policy? How do I find if a guy is interested in you? What are the important functions of the cell or plasma membrane? Which is the best gaming laptop in India under 75000-80000 Rs? Which phone is better-asus zenfone 2 or lenovo vibe p1? I am preparing for CAT 2017 and the day is not too far. Can you tell me what should I do in these 2 weeks? How do I to get rid of acne scars? How do I make a Facebook photo hidden for me (the uploader) but still visible for the people tagged in the photo? "What software operating system does Tesla run on the 17"" touchscreen display in their Model S?" Do any soldiers enjoy war? How can I improve my English pronunciation? How can I get the IISER previous years question papers with the solutions? If I show original animators from 1930s one 2D animation done in Adobe Animate, what would they think of it? How scientific is psychological egoism? What's the easiest way to make money online? Is Suits a better show than Game of thrones? Why do people ask questions here in Quora instead of just googling? I am an Indian citizen and living in India, but I'm employed by a US company working remotely from India, earning a salary in USD. What should I know about filing a tax return in India? What does do? What is Indian Law and Constitution? Did the Native Americans eat lobster? How do you boot a mac from external drive? What Java skill level is required to write Robotium tests and on what Java concepts I should focus on? How can a Malaysian get a job in Australia? What are some of your best college memories? What do Bangladeshis think about Sikhs? What are the chances of me getting into DTU/NSIT scoring 91 in JEE mains and 90% in cbse boards being in delhi obc category? Where are red blood cells destroyed? How does this process occur? Why is Russia so pro-Trump? When will be Pokemon go available in India? What are the best history books in Hindi for civil services? Why do we use main() in C or C++ language? Why should students learn evolution? Why don't smartphone processors emit any noise even when playing games, like laptops do? If there are no internal fans, how is cooling maintained? How can I root my Micromax Canvas 2.2 A114 Jellybean 4.2.2? Why does smoking marijuana make a person high? Which is the best college for aerospace engineering in India? Is it true that China government is paying people to write favorable things about China on western sites like Quora? How do I run .bat file in Android? If you delete someone on snapchat and they show up under 'added me' does this mean you are still their friend but they are not yours? When your level of sociality is very low, what can you do to improve it? What is the difference between kill() and signal() system calls in Linux? Which are some of the famous street food vendors in your city? Is it ok to write a concept for a research paper based on electronics engineering, without actually developing the device? How do I show a girl that I care for her? Why was Frederick William Hacker banned? How do I prove this identity [math]\dfrac{\sin^2x -\tan^2x}{\sin x + \tan x}= \sin x - \tan x[/math]? What were your JEE Mains 2015 marks (both years) if you are a dropper? Why do I feel insecure when my ex is flirting with my friend? Can I join animation courses after 12th? Which is the best book to clear concepts of civil engineering? Who all can see my photos on Instagram? What are the best five star hotels in varanasi? How would you define an artist? How does Quora select the top answer for a given question? Which is the most easiest music instrument to learn? What is dark web and how can I find an assassin in dark web? Why do trailers of kollywood get more views than that of tollywood? How difficult it is to be a multi-instrumentalist? How and where an Indian Chartered Accountant can start pursuing US-CPA? Procedure for the same.. How can I study whole night for 2 months before class 12 th board exams? Who is the most underrated rapper? What is the difference between yoga formed in totality and yoga formed in full might? Sir can I change my job location in my home town after training of executive engineer mechanical engineering? What crops can be grown with coffee? I want to start my own clothing business and I want to make it an online store. My problem is about delivering products. How do I deliver a product as we are only working for it? What are some good Spanish language films? Donald Trump, love him/hate him, along with his high priced law experts, exploited a tax loophole from Section 469 Tax Code. How can I do the same? How many teeth does a whale shark have? What was the most important decision of your life and how would your life look if you chose differently? What are the pros and cons of being a wife and being a husband? How do Bollywood movies make money? What are the countries recruiting foreign doctors? Why are men obsessed with breasts? Whenever I wear a push up bra, I always get unwanted stares. Why is this so? Is it possible to block ads on YouTube video on-site? What do sanitation workers do to make sure they finish their job? What is the difference between HDD and SSD in layman's terms? What's the best way to deal with a noisy neighbor? Can a woman hate being a woman and yet be a rational feminist? Could Donald Trump be a Democratic plant? Is he trying to help Hillary Clinton? How do I see answers to my questions in Quora? What are some tips for learning Korean? I’m in cse I don't have any intrest in coding? So in which feild should I enter? How do I reduce screen size of LED TV? What is the full form of I.C.S.E.? How does I learn BASIC Programming Language? What does it mean when a 15-year-old boy flirts with an 11-year-old girl? Is it safe to eat raw egg? How can I treat pancreatitis in a natural way? If you could change one thing about the past year, what would it be? How do I lose 25kg in 4 months? Mahabharata (Hindu epic): What does Draupadi's marriage to all 5 pandavas represent? What is the underlying symbolism? What turns you on sexually? Do a project on scheduled castes and scheduled tribes listed in constitution? How are photos saved in the iCloud? How can I find out the exact date that I started following someone on Twitter? Who are the best mobile app development companies? How do you know if is that just a love or lust? "Why do AC traction motors (such as those used in electric cars and trains) ""whine"" when initially pulling away?" "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in Samoa?" Can we transfer music from a PC to an iPhone? Will it play or do we have to download an app for it to play? What were common Asian ethnic groups that were fighting in the soviet army during WW2? What is the best way to promote something on Quora without spamming? How can I use Rails on Google App Engine? What are some tips to concentrate when reading or at work? I find my mind wanders and I know I am not being as productive as I should be. As a non-Indian, what is the best Indian movie you have seen? Which DSLR camera is a good upgrade after the Canon 600D? How do you raise self confidence? How do we know if we are over thinking? Academics of a person seem to be a lot underwater, how can he get a front desk job in Proprietary trading? What health outcomes is loneliness associated with? What causes loneliness and how can it be reduced? How can I recap a beer bottle? How do banks trade in forex market? Is there statue of shivaji maharaj in USA? I am in 11th class. How should I prepare for the IIT JEE? How nitric acid react with calcium carbonate? Who has the most followers on Instagram? How do I learn about stocks? Is it safer to skydive or scuba dive? What is the most sad or serious thing you have talked about other than 9/11? Can we fit CNG kit in turbocharged petrol engine of Tata Tiago? Will Putin's body be frozen and resurrected so he can serve even more presidential terms? What should I buy for a soccer first aid kit? What should I do for getting an on-site opportunity at Capgemini in India? A robot re-builds a disassembled pen then tries the same with a different type of pen. Will the robot succeed due to Machine Learning? How can you change Google maps buisness information that isnt yours? Which is the best season from Friends (TV series)? Should I switch from AT&T to Verizon for my home wifi? Why is eggplant called brinjal in Southeast Asian English variants? How many blogs are there? How can we live without money in India? What are some tips for buying a used car from out of state from a private seller? Do M.Tech students (especially, in EE Department) at old IITs or IISc, get internships at MNCs and Foreign Universities? How does a flash drive/pen drive store data? Which kpop groups write their own songs? "How do you say ""Spanish"" in Spanish?" Guys give some ideas to celebrate Money-Free Weekend? How do recruiters get paid, and how much? How can you sell a vpicjer from an obline shop like Mr. Porter? Is India Pakistan war inevitable? Can one say that a circle has infinite sides? Will Facebook make an app for the Mac App Store? How can I change my cost per click on a YouTube ad? How do guys become gay? Why are some plastic beer bottles double skinned? How do I earn money in online? What is Murphy's Law? How is it related to the Interstellar film? "What is the translation of ""you are welcome"" in German?" What is on the deep web? Is it illegal to view? What are the dos and don'ts when using or accessing it? What are any suggestions on where to go on it? How can we dream about someone we never met? Is it possible to have sex with your best guy friend and still remain friends? What are the best places to go in Stowe, VT in the summer? What percentage of married men are bisexual? What is it like working in IT company in Singapore? Why won't my Nokia Lumia 925 turn on? I got an AIR of 2615 in AIPMT 2016. Which college can I get? I am a general category student. What are some foods rich in protein in India, as whey protein supplements are imported and very costly in India? Where can I find a jaw crusher in Angola? How many hours does Michio Kaku sleep? Which are the best courses on coursera for machine learning and data science? What kind of meditation is Robert Greene practicing? How can I create an AT&T email account? My SLS Pune wait list number is 582. Is there any chance? Jee mains solutions 2016? What do investors look for in a startup CEO? What are some of the most common examples of microorganisms? How can I improve my English? Can the UK visa be extended on medical grounds? What is the relevance of database management systems in managing data? How can I increase free RAM on my phone? What is polyurethane technology? What are some good ways to lose weight? What is sole sourcing in government? What are good substitutes for pizza sauce? What is another word for cool? When warming up food in a microwave why does it take longer for the watery ones to heat up than the not so watery ones? Is orange juice filling? Why is important a frame for a picture? How the image or the picture change their meaning with a frame? What have I to do to delete picture from Linked in? How do I get into Stanford with a 3.3 GPA and a nearly perfect SAT score? Which is the best Hollywood movies of 2016? Why? How do you get scabs to heal faster? What is the expected cutoff for RVCE in COMEDK 2015? Is Christianity the most hated religion? Who is the best fake Internet personality besides fake Steve Jobs? What is biology in one sentence? What does it mean if your butt is twitching? How can we use {} Developer options in System settings of an Android Phone? Can drinking bleach cause permanent loss of voice? What do the characters and symbols in dreams represent? What are the reasons for signal conditioning? Is India ready to host 2028 Olympic games? What takes to change one's life? A kick in the butt or a kiss on the lips? What is the govt rules for completing graduation in 5 years? Why did Secretary of State Clinton approve the Uranium One deal? "If a guy says you're a ""good girl"" is it a good thing or not?" What is the basic difference between a loan and an advance? What is the difference between dependence and dependency and competence and competency? Do you think we need one another state in India? Why is it that roads named after Martin Luther King Jr. so often go through poorer, black communities? What is a retention package? What are the minimum specs of a PC that would be able to play back 4K footage from a GH4 in Premiere Pro (rendering time doesn't have to be blazing fast), as cheap as possible? What precautions should I take during high blood pressure? Is it good to be bad? What does Fourier Transform physically mean? Do Sikhs think that they need reform so that they may dispel caste and ritualistic practices - practices that never had a place in Sikhism? What were some of your worst bond investments, and why did you make them? I got 86% in my boards. My subjects were commerce with maths. Is a BCom honors a difficult course? What is another best classified site like Free Classifieds India to post classifieds online? What should I do to beat boredom? Why does my cat throw up after I give her catnip? Is it all right for a research assistant who did data collection only to be included as one of the authors in a research paper? How do I get into harvard university? Why are there so many irish bands? Where can I find a swimming pool in Mumbai? Is it a better choice for choosing FMS, Delhi over IIM-B and IIM-C? How do we make money online? What are 10 things that you should definitely do before turning 30? I am 25 year old and want to join indian army. how can I join? What causes thunder and lightning? How is computer engineering related to robotics? What are the best books one should read? How do we study English effectively? What are the job prospects after studying an MS in analytics? What is the best way to save all of my pictures online? When will Pokémon GO release in India? What causes man boobs? How can a person conquer his/her fear? Is it possible to use 3G or 2G data packs in 4G sim? Why don't we see animals undergoing evolution today? What is it like working with PM Narendra Modi? Where can I find an overview from all my old gmail accounts? As a non-medical professional, can one open his own doctor surgery office and run it as a practice manager? If so, what would one's requirements be? Is there any video player for 10-Bit HEVC? What are the best places to visit on a trip to Kerala? How hard do I need to study to get into Medical School? Is it safe to use local internet service provider for browsing? How do I join Indian navy having degree in science? Which are the best Pharma companies to work for in India? How effective is the Linkedin for hiring? How do I learn the English language? Is there a good idea to help me? What is a suitable solar panel installation provider near Ridgecrest, California CA? How hard is it to mint fake currency? What makes the person strong? A success or a failure? What these lyrics means in Theri movie? What do Indian citizens imagine about the life in pre-partition British India? What is the most useless product that has ever been sold? Why is my go-kart’s check engine light on? If one hates people and society, why not just kill a bunch of people, and spend life in solitary confinement? Who developed mathematics? What's the best way to gain muscle naturally? What's the fastest way to add about 10 pounds? "What does the Spanish word ""ahora"" mean?" How does one find out about your past life without undergoing past life regression therapy? What do you have to say about this picture? Which is the best porn channel? Why do people ask questions on Quora that are easily answered with a Google/Wikipedia search? How can I add an upload button to a Google Form? How do I start to learn investing in stocks in India? Why is the shape of red blood cells important? Why does it take more than four years to get a patent in India? Is there an extremely fit police officer in India? World War II: Could Hitler still win World War 2 in 1944? Who would be champions of Euro 2016? Which is the largest volunteer army? My gym uses standard fluorescent light bulbs in the sauna, is it safe to have it in there? Would it be rude to ask my boyfriend to trim/shave his pubic hair? Why don't Koreans speak Japanese if they were under Japanese rule for so long? What's the best treatment for hair loss? If molecules accelerate to the speed of light, would it turn into a black hole (infinite mass), or will it turn into something that can achieve light speed like photons and neutrinos? How do I become a billionaire when your already a millionaire? What do Iranians think about Turks and Turkey? What are some good glow party outfits? Assuming Scotland votes yes and then seeks to join the EU and Eurozone, would Spain and Belgium be likely to put up any roadblocks to fast tracking their admission? What do Irish people think of Scottish people and Scottish Independence? What would happen if all but 7 million people disappeared? Who is the shortest investment banker in history? Are there any under 5 foot 6? What are the expected cut off rankings for NIT 2016? Has anyone met on Quora and got married? How can I improve self-esteem? Why don't people like Nickelback? Mass spec percent abundance Y axis. The Y axis goes up to 160000 instead of 100. How do I interpret this in terms of percent abundance? Why would someone as ethical as Elizabeth Warren unconditionally endorse Hillary Clinton if Clinton is as evil as Sander's supporters claim? How is the LG 32LH564A TV? How much does a full body hair removal laser treatment cost in USA? What’s common between fe, 26 and ferrum. This brand has its origin in Gujarat? How is the job in ITC Infotech like? What are the most beautiful places in the world? How many feet equal 1000 meters? How difficult is it to immigrate to Canada from the United States? How far does the work experience in an MNC matter while applying for a MS in top US universities? Can I do a PhD after Btech? Why should I see a therapist? What can I do to improve my public speaking skills? In my birth certificate, my father's name is 'X Y', and in my 10th class mark-sheet it is 'X KUMAR Y.' Will it cause any problems during passport document verification? What is the greatest obstacle you've overcome in your life? How do I dispose of computer waste? Do women take up prostitution by choice or by force? Bse institute placements? A student studying everyday and a student studying a night before the exam, whats the difference if they both are getting same marks? What is stated in the law of supply? Why was Germany able to beat its World War II victors to become Europe's export superpower? How can I find the job I can enjoy? How can I buy bitcoin in Canada? "What are ""positive aspects""?" How can I make a hollandaise sauce? "HOW WILL YOU ANALYSIS POEM ""THE GIFT ""OF RABINDRANATH TAGOR?" What do Indian people think about how Native Americans were erroneously given the same name? Which is more difficult, BBA or engineering? "What are the origins of the slang phrase ""done up like a kipper ?""" What are Adobe Illustrator alternatives? Do I need a transit visa as an Indian citizen for a 2-hour layover in Singapore? Will I be allowed to board in San Francisco to fly to Singapore? What is the Munich pact? Why are bananas shaped the way they are? How much money is needed per month to live a healthy lifestyle in Europe? What are the differences between the people of Delhi and Mumbai? How can I talk to girls at a party? How can guys last longer during sex? What are good substitutes for paneer? What were results of the Agricultural Revolution? How did it affect society? Why does Quora limits character questions to 150, why not 140 like Twitter for example? Who are the top 10 richest people in world now? Do inkjet printers use color ink when printing black and white documents? If so, why? Is 5 -6 hour (per day) study sufficient to crack gate exam in 5 month? Is there anyone in MNNIT who has got IT with JEE Main marks of 178 and 95.4% in CBSE? What are some creative ways to hang pictures in restaurants? "What does the term ""flat retina"" mean in an eye exam?" Is God there? How does a user know if a business is claimed on Yelp? How much money can I save in my bank savings account without tax? Can I delete my Snapchat account and then sign back in? Can peppermint oil keep mice away? What is the meaning / etymology of the word lapse? What can I do to assertively make my Quora question interesting enough to answer? How does Walmart get an access to the GS1 database? Which software should I use for vehicle modeling: Autodesk Maya or 3DS Max? If my dad died from a heart attack at 44, should I be worried about my heart health at 23 or even later? How is life at VIT? What are the best romantic movies? Why I don’t get much likes on Instagram? What is the funniest joke you've ever come across? Why is there no Peace Corps in China? What happens to the body when you eat and drink? What permits do I need to launch a homemade rocket into orbit? How do I reduce belly fat in 3 months? What does it mean when Snapchat notifies you that someone took a screenshot of your chat? Can a subsidiary company file a law suit on behalf of the parent company? I just had the final job interview. The manager said they still have a couple people to interview, and they will get back to me in a week. Is this a good or bad sign? Can I go to leh trek as a beginner...if not what trek do you suggest in july? Which is the best 3D VR headset under 1000 rupees? What are the odds that Obama will try to declare Martial law to remain in power? What skills or life hacks does every person with Asperger’s Syndrome need to learn in order to adapt socially? Which is the best library to implement GUI in C++? What do I have to do to become a animator? How do I quit masturbation? How do I personalize my Quora feed? Which is the best coaching centre for group 1 and group 2 in Hyderabad? What is the purpose of existance? What programming language is written in? In which posts of SSC CGL does one get home posting? How do you post a question on Quora? Are there any sales of granite jaw crusher in Turkey? How is appointing Manoj Tiwari as BJP Delhi unit chief is going to help Delhi? "Can one use ""much"" as in the statement ""I am looking forward to seeing you much""?" What do Cubans think of Mexico? What jobs you can do from home? Are US universities really better than canadian universities? Is watching pornography harmful? Why does india have financial year as april to march instead of January to December? What are the pros and cons of going to college? How can I earn money online, seriously? Is it necessary to do a masters in architecture? What do Non-Muslims in India think of Indian Muslims? What is the most informative service to use for genetic testing, 23andMe, Ancestry (Mormon), or the National Geographic Society? Do any of these offer both testing of female DNA and male DNA and how does it matter? Is an MBBS worth it? What will most likely be my duty station as a Military Police officer? Did Leonardo da Vinci paint The Last Supper? Why southern states in India are more developed than northern states inspite of very little role of central in southern states including tamilnadu? "What does it mean when people say ""love yourself before you can love someone else""?" Which countries fought in World War II? What can I do with a BA in liberal arts and an MBA? What is a electrostatic sprayer and what are its uses? Which is the biggest city in the world? How hard is it to get good scores on the Pearson test of English? What are the pros and cons of using macbook for a pentester? Who is the best urologist in Gwalior? I am a 25-year-old Leo girl and all of my relationships just don't work as I am very impatient. What can I do? Are flip flops the same thing as slides? How can I leave a relationship with a friend? What are the best reasons to attend Yale? What are the functions and objectives of human resource management? What are the factors that affect climate? What is the most dangerous animal on Earth? Why am I not able to complete the procedure for online PAN card application? What does it feel like to be a very attractive woman in India? How much powerful is Hit in Dragon Ball Super? I just broke up with my first true love, and I get some dating proposals, but still I don't want to forget my ex. I think he is the best. What should I do? What are the benefits of attending nail school online? How can women reduce belly fat? I'm 18, it takes me half a liter of whisky to (personally noticeably) get drunk, is that normal? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Endo Pharmaceuticals? What are the best ways to cook sweet potatoes? What can I do to stop thinking about my ex-boyfriend? Is head first python book better than learn python the hard way for beginners? What is an information system (IS)? What should I do if I missed my period last month? What is the truth behind the Philadelphia Experiment? Which are the best English songs for a party? Who really has all the power and directs the critical decisions of India? What big incident in your life changed the way you are? Is the opinion of the Minnesota Astronomical Society to change the signs of the zodiac valid? How can I watch a paid video on YouTube? Why do people often ask questions in Quora while they can Google it themselves? What types of aircraft required to do type rating? What's the easiest way to measure social media success? How is the HTC 826? What is depression like? How can I generate PIN for my new SBI debit card? Safety: What should you do if you land headfirst in powder becoming stuck? What is the difference between digital radio(DAB) and FM radio? Which fruits and vegetables help to increase the blood? How can I make money online consistently? What is the difference between MD and MS Ophthalmology and why does AIIMS now offer MD and not MS in Ophthalmology? Which Laptop can I buy under INR 25k? Which famous Tamil actor/actress is on Quora? Which is better to live in - Kansas or Ohio? How do I make a 3D model from 3-4 2D images? "What is the ""Directive Principles of State Policy""?" What is the real life experience in the US of an au pair? What are variable oxidation states? How do I get into someone's Facebook account? What is the best know site to download any movies easily? How can I see who views my Twitter? Is iPhone 5 a good option for making YouTube videos? How can you determine if a cell membrane is an organelle? What is black body radiation? Should I increase blood flow to the brain by tensing my facial, head and neck muscle? Is Taiwan part of China? How do I write test scenarios from FRS document? Where can I found efficient bakers & designers to prepare any special birthday cakes in Gold Coast? Why do iPods charge faster using an outlet charger? How do I deduce someones secrets? What would happen if the Punisher met Diamondback? Are you enlightened? How do I lose weight without doing exercise? How do I create a mind palace? What does cyanide do in aerobic respiration? I have a 36 pages Indian passport and its validity is not yet over but there are only 2 more pages left. Will I be able to get a new passport? What is M83's best song? Which is scarier a mascot or a clown? What is the meaning of this Arabic text? How do I clean a Rowenta Iron? What incident do you regret in life? Does India ever call up its citizens to appear for jury duty? What did you learn from Naruto? How can I get AIR 1 in the IIT-JEE exam? How does assembly code get interpreted to machine code? How often do you log in to Quora? I'm 13, is it possible for me to get a web development job part-time (in Australia)? How much would it cost to furnish a pretty huge five bedroom house? How do you get rid of bed bugs without an exterminator? Did the Pentagon get hit by a plane on 9/11/01? Why are there so many irrelevant and frankly stupid questions on Quora? Will the scraping of 500 and 1000 rupees have negative effect on Indias's economy? What does mean of 9.0 eyesight? How do I learn Englisn? Is it true that 37 people died while watching Conjuring 2? Instagram (product): How can I login to Instagram if I don't remember the password, and I dont know the email address that was used to set up the account? "What does ""you are the peanut butter to my jelly"" mean?" Why was the Erawan Shrine targeted in the August 2015 Bangkok bombing? How many of you applied to the UTRIP internship in Tokyo? Pulp Fiction (1994 movie): Why is Vincent Vega so concerned about a $5 milkshake, when he had just bought $300 worth of heroin, from Lance? Is cumulative distribution function always measurable? What are strange habits of Indians? How expensive would it be to start a podcast? I am working on a web development. Which server side scripting language is best for it? Is it possible to become a millionaire by Forex trading? How do you get rid of pimples on your back? If I score 340/340 in the GRE then is it possible to get admission to Stanford University? Does James Dyson vacuum his own house? What are the best portrayals of either or all of the 'seven deadly sins'? Does india have a hyper sonic missile tecnologly? Is a minor in mathematics good for a computer science major? How will Smart cities and/or IoT improve our future? Where can I get best selection of bouncy castles in Sydney? Why should I trust on people? Why is pH for 2mol/dm^3 negative? Will there be a world war three? What is the best way to celebrate your birthday? How do I patent my dating app? What are Hillary Clinton's plans on relations with India? Is programming video games a good use of my time? How do Amway and Tupperware sell their products without commercial advertising? Is Iran on the verge of becoming a global power? Does coffee help you lose weight? In your opinion, does God exist? Convince me of what you think. Is there chance to get pregnant on the 18th day of the starting period? Where is the sale of impact crusher in Philippines? How do I find the diameter of a cone? I have to temporarily deactivate my whatsapp account without deleting my account? What is the future of Ruby and Python? How can you find out if your boyfriend only wants to be with you to get you pregnant? What Is a Sentence? What is a computer engineer? How do I ride a bicycle? How do I get rid of my writer's block? What are your favorite movies and why? What are good books to crack xat? What does it mean when a girl says she likes being mean to you? What does 胖口 mean in English? Is it better to live in a developed country or a developing country like India? What is a torrent tracker? Are most Crossfit games athletes on PEDs? How can I get settle in London after doing CA? Will Donald Trump defeat his opponent in the general election? How do I evaluate [math]\displaystyle\int\frac{1}{\left({x}^{\frac{1}{2}}+\left(1-x\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}\right)}dx[/math] ? Is 5'1 tall for an 11 year old? Which are the best resources/books to learn c++? Which country is best for MS in mechanical engineering and why? What is the best video to MP3 downloader for Android device? Is vestoma legit? has anyone bought from them? Why do people move their arms while walking? What is the average condo price in Mississauga? "Why don't I see ""reply"" to the comment made by my friend on a picture of one of my friends on Facebook?" What are the ways to get rid of bloating? How can I hack Facebook without a password? If a boy has blood type O and his mother has blood type A, what is the genotype of his father? If (Christian) God was real and I made it to the Heaven, would it be immoral to try to get more powerful than Him (as an atheist)? How does the clotting cascade work? Am I depressed or just sad? I feel like everything I do is bad. Like I'm not good enough. How do I stop feeling like this? Is it better to buy a new acoustic guitar or a used acoustic guitar? How does deep web make money? Why should we use dollars instead of rupees? Is time travel possible in future? How does Pakistan view the claims of surgical strikes carried out by Indian army in Pakistan Administered Kashmir? My KVPY SX rank is 670. Do I have chance to get into IISER Pune or Kolkata? Can masturbation be the cause of acne? Which is the best book for psychology for preparation of UPSC? How does it feel to have sex? Which college can I expect with 27000 rank in NEET 2016? How do I retrieve deleted Facebook messages? Did anyone of you lose your money by investing in qnet? My crl is 4.6 lakh and sc rank is 30000 can I get admission in nit? How do you cook shrimp? Why is the actual download speed much lower than internet speed which is claimed to be in the order of mbps? Which camera should I buy in range of 40000 INR? "Is Pepsi full form ""pay every penny to save Israel "" and why?" Which are the top MBA colleges in mangalore? Does my pet dog think that I am (like) god? How can I eliminate my stage fear? What is meant by python technology? What is an ADB (Android Debug Bridge) and how can I use it for my Android device (Redmi Note 3)? What is it used for? Why do so many people dislike reading? Can I delete iPhoto after having Photos installed? What is Raksha Bandhan? Game Theory: Could the majority of society not being assholes ever be a Nash equilibrium? Has or can a society based on Volksgemeinschaft succeed on an economic, political, and ethical basis? Can I make myself shorter if I'm attracted to a tall girl? How can I make myself shorter in height? How do I earn by uploading videos in youtube? Has anybody made it big in India after doing mechanical engineering? What is the coolest way to handle a man hitting on your girlfriend/wife? Can a hospital change the date on a birth certificate? Who should be the role model for IIT JEE aspirants? How do I download Bigg Boss 9? What are the best laptop backpack brands in India? What are good ways to teach your biological children to deal with your adopted children? Is the IEEE an NGO? How do I flirt with girl living besides my house? Which is your favorite outfit? What's the best app for vine editing on iPad? How can I increase memory power? How do people lose their integrity? There are 3 star, 5 star, 7 star hotels, but why not a 4 star or 6 star? What is the best stock trading software? Is job experience required to do MBA in TAPMI? How long does it take wet concrete to fully dry from the time it was poured? What is an easy way to learn Malayalam? I have scored 189 marks in JEE main 2016 and got 91% in CBSE board , I belong to obc category , can I get any nit ? "How is the word ""arrogant"" used in a sentence?" Are Indian Americans pro-Trump or anti-Trump? Can you make restaurant style garlic naan at home? How does a rice cooker know when the rice is done? Is it wrong to sleep with a married person if their sexual needs are not being met by their spouse? If an instagram account is temporarily disabled, how long before its deleted? What compromises did Apple make in the 2016 MacBook Pros? Why do people drink Kombucha? How can I calculate the vertices of a right triangle? After paying 1.5 L on conselling at SRM, paying the balance fee within due date. Will total amt be refunded if applied before commencement of classes? Is there any option to make gestures visible on an iPhone in order to mirror the screen and let the audience see what the user is doing? Which of them is good, cse in virtual technology or main frame computing in upes? My mom is in love again after my dad died and kept her phone close 24 hour which to me is not healthy. How do I tell her in ways that won't hurt her? What is the chemical composition of exhaled air? Are all cool people on Omegle bots? What are the most influential and popular websites? How do I take admission in Delhi University? How do I disguise my voice while making phone calls? Is there any app of the sort? How can one become a Japanese Interpreter/ translator in Google? (India or abroad) How can I strike a conversation being an introvert? Any tips? What would be the consequences if the Earth lost its magnetic field? Why most of the students are having HP laptops? Is Harry Potter and the Cursed Child worth reading? Will I get the same magical effect as other Harry Potter books? Why can't I remember my dreams a few times? What is better, watching a film in original version or dubbed? What do Native Americans eat? Why do I feel cold and shiver when I have a fever? How should I increase my concentration on studies from watching TV? How can I use higher level words or the English words we find in newspaper editorials in writing and talking? Why do many women like wearing skimpy clothes? Is it only to attract attention? Eg. in Tennis, girls wear short skirts, while guys wear fuller clothes Why doesn't Ruby have increment and decrement operators (++ and --)? How do I build a web app? What can I do to become smarter? Telepathy: What would happen if anyone/everyone could read each others thoughts, feelings and fears? How should I start preparing for IAS? What math level is required to be a good HVAC-R Tech? How difficult it is to be hired as a STEM OPT Software Engineer with 1 year left and one chance of H1B lottery? (so <30% to stay after 1 year) Is a Six Sigma certification useful for a mechanical engg graduate? What is wrong with this country (India)? Hich is best ace academy delhi or made easy delhi? Whom do you think will win in Punjab elections 2017? Do I still have a chance to get into a graduate school? Can you recommend a good book? Is it possible that the Berlin Attack on Dec. 19, 2016, was conducted by someone other than Jihadists in order to influence German public opinion? Can I get a flat tummy by exercising with a jumping rope? What can I learn right now in 15 minutes that will be useful for the rest of my life? What are some affordable places/shops for men’s clothes shopping in Mumbai ? Why so many people hate Justin Bieber? Why is Batman evil in Batman v Superman? What is the superstition about your hands itching? What is the fate of the laser beam projected towards the sky? Which NGO is worth to work for in ahmedabad? Which is the best hollywood adult horror movie? I am preparing for NEET 2018. I am a good student and feel really depressed at times because of my academics especially Physics. What do I do? What are some good Chinese sources for Chinese proverbs? What is it like to have ADD or ADHD? How do I get a job in HR department at Goldman Sachs? What are the best English songs? What Is Co-Dependency? How can I delete this question? When did the 13 colonies/United States lose its British accent? What problems do Hindus face in Pakistan and Bangladesh? What changes do you think should be made to the US government to best benefit citizens? What example in science of not using common sense for no good reason? Can I run GTA V on my laptop which has a core i5 4200u, 4GB RAM, and a Nvidia 820m 2GB graphics card? How should I prepare to improve GRE score from 313 (Q-164 , V-149) to 330+ in 1 month? Why does my car crank but not start? Why do some people criticize everything? What can I do to become better at my sport than other kids my age? Where can I find large data sets open to the public of all available drugs and medicines? What kind of mirror designs can I look at? Do you have uplifting greeting ways to begin an English class?At least students can wake up. In arranged marriages, how can I get to know a girl in just one meeting? What is the self-determination theory? What are the list of movies I should watch prior to watching X-Men:Apocalypse? What are some best quotes on life? Is ISM going to be converted to an IIT? How often do you experience fear of death and how does this fear affect your daily life? Do PhD students in IIT get harassed by their guides? Where can I find The Big Bang Theory (TV series) s06e20 ? Desperately looking for a source to download the latest episode. I had secured a ~400 rank in the CE GATE 2015. Is there any chance of getting any PSU in the OBC category? How do I choose universities? Was Israel responsible for the US entering Into the Iraq war? "What makes Wonder Woman stand out from her Amazon ""sisters"" in the first place?" Why should PCA only be fit on the training set and not the test set? What is the difference between minor and major chords? What do Persians think about Azeris? Is Game of Thrones the best TV series ever? How do I know if my girlfriend loved her ex? Where can I get quality paint work for home in Hurstville? Could time travel ever be possible? What is a virus? What is the best book to learn English? What are good sites to download Hollywood or Bollywood Movies? College Freshman Majoring in CS at a decent engineering school, failed my first Physics Exam. Should I give up on majoring in CS? What is solar constant? Why don't people drink beer with a straw? What is meant by an impulse response? What would the world be like if money didn't exist? How can I become more creative? Whom should I follow on Quora? Why? How can I sue Amazon? Is Sai Baba god? Where can I find the jaw crusher in Congo? What are some websites that allow you to earn money online? Which stocks are good to invest for short term? Will Walter White survive the final season of Breaking Bad? How can I improve my public speaking skills? What exactly a mechanical engineer does? How do I check authenticity of fssai number on any product? What is the best way to write a speech? "What inspired ""Death of a Moth"" by Annie Dillard?" What are the differences between commercial accounting, management accounting, financial accounting and cost accounting? Are there any historically accurate films or series set in the Ancient world or Medieval world? Are Hollister jeans size 3 a true fit? What is the procedure to cancel passport application after appointment? What is integral of [math] \int e^x \frac{1-\sin x}{1-\cos x} ~dx [/math]? How good is the intern at bhel for electrical engineers? Why is it important to include the polarity sign when recording the value of the current in a Thevenin equivalent circuit? Will Virat Kohli score 100 International Centuries? What is a VSI crusher? What are the best places in Pune? Is there any realistic chance of getting a call from a good college with a CAT score of 61.81 and around 54% in graduation? Do Hindus in Pakistan regret not migrating to India in 1947? How is the methyl propanoate structural formula determined? How do I send new order notification SMS/Text Message by using Prestashop platform? What classical literature would you recommend? How is the SRM University? How has Quora improved your life? Is he interested in me again? What do you do after you realize happiness is a choice? Why are halogens coloured? Is a charged battery heavier than a depleted one? How can I increase size and thickness of my penis? Is there a mobile cone crusher for sale in Botswana? What are some interesting PhD theses in physics that are freely available? How do I get an internship at Google? What advantage Quora is having over google search? How can I design social media in future to change the world? How do I go out with a girl? What does 'void' mean in C++? Why was Vision able to lift Thor's hammer in Avengers Age of Ultron? Why dogs don't eat properly and even get thinner despite being active and playful? can NET exam be given in allied subjects? What is the future of the European Union? Is Batman wrong to not kill the Joker? How do I start over as this new woman? What are the career options after graduating from chemical engineering? How do you create a dance remix of a song? Why is gaming percieved as a bad thing by non-gamers, unlike a sport? Why is it difficult for some people to make friends? "English question: Do men say ""oh dear"" as well as women do? Or do they say ""oh boy"" instead?" Which classes did Albert Sheu TA at CMU? How does the Google Knowledge Graph work? Why is northern Mexico full of Germans, Dutch, Norwegians and Swedish people? My car dies when I let off gas, I have to keep my foot on gas pedal the entire time the car cuts off. What causes that? Will the human race ever be able to scientifically explain what happens after death? Who are some of smartest people alive today? What's the role of Martin Luther king Jr. In elimination of racial violence? With 50 marks in JEE MAINS and around 80% in HSC boards, which nice engineering college can I get? I have scored 130.25 in clat 2016 in general category. which nlu should i expect? What is the most played song on your phone/ipod? How do I make my straight, fine hair look like thick, curly natural hair? Why did Twitter use LESS instead of Sass for Bootstrap? Is there a way to get paid for posting content on Instagram if you only have 5k followers? What are eco-friendly or renewable energy practices that developing countries engage in that also boost their economy? What are some of the best written grad school CV? Which is the most reliable older BMW (1995-2005)? Is younger generation smarter than parents? How did you feel when you first learnt that Santa Claus was not real? Where in NYC can I take a big group of teens and adults with mental disabilities? I am a final year civil engineering student. Should I go for a Revit or a STAAD.Pro course? Are people born gay or do they choose it? Indian women : will you avoid gym if you feel not much ppl are enrolled and that can make you gym for alone on few days? What are some programming language options for inductive logic programming? Is it true people hurt the ones they love or care about the most? What is Shah Rukh Khan's best movie till date and why? How do I create a successful app? I don't like being an INTP. How can I become an INTJ? Is this solution to time travel theoretically possible? How can I decrease stress? Should I tell my dad that I know he cheated on my mom? What is the population of Austin? What is it like having a lucid dream? What did you do in it? "What is another word for ""would""?" "Orphanages are a necessary in ""India"". In which state of India are they needed the most?" Should I get my MBA? What is the average package of a civil engineer in IIT Bombay? Do people who work for the FBI travel a lot? What are the best action movies to watch? Will C/C++ ever die out? Why does suicide seem to be ignored unless it involves a popular kid? What is the importance of the mesosphere? If you can read someone's brain, and you play a game of checkers, how good are you at checkers? How can we know about off campus placements? What is a heterozygous sickle cell? What is the best investment strategy for a 16-year-old? Which is the most beautiful word? What are the most controversial dares? How do I make up mind for hard work and scoring highest marks in any exam? How do I delete a question on Quora application? What are the best Hollywood movies? Were Jews black people? How can one be an exporter? How should I present myself in group discussion? How many stars are in The Fast and the Furious 7? What is the meaning of meaning? How is mathematics and computing in ism dhanbad? What are some confessions of a college admissions officer? How can I lose weight safely? Who will succeed Raghuram Rajan as the next RBI Governor? What are some good resources for learning about knowledge management? What did Alvin Toffler get right in The Third Wave? What did he get wrong? What are the in one should know to be an actress? What is the botanical name of mint leaves used in Indian kitchens? What's a good gaming laptop between 800-1200€? Where is the best place for naps at Stephen F. Austin? How do I comb/style my hair like this? How do I report dangerous driving in the UK? What is the best way to learn Japanese as a foreigner? Which is the best place to learn Italian in Mumbai? Can the game God of War be made through the Unity 3D engine? What can I do to increase compression ratio of an SI engine? Why do some people want to be depressed? What will be my expected rank in JEE Main 2016 with 131 marks and 94.2% in CBSE board? How many people in western countries are expecting the collapse of China? Did Donald Trump knowingly mock a reporter for his disability or was he truly unaware of it? Why was the concept of money invented? How do I make life complicated? How do I watch Dragon Ball Super Episode 48 English Subtitled? Why do I get pain in half of face in winters or cold? How do I heal it? Head teeth jaw half side pains? How can I improve English speaking skill? What are cathode rays composed of and how are they used? What countries have no national debt? How do people earn money from YouTube? Is the U.S. government covering up the existence of aliens? Is there any app or website that counts the amounts of photos uploaded to a specific Instagram geo location? Can the penis size (length or girth) be permanently increased? What are some sites similar to How do I stay focused for last 3 months of jee mains preparations without getting distracted? How did Einstein conclude that speed of light is constant? Are there RC plane simulators that can run on my Macbook Air? How do I download old movies from the internet? Is it safe? Reddit (website): Who are some of the smartest/most interesting/most trustable redditors on reddit's /r/futurology? What is more important: privacy or freedom? What does Chiron square North Node mean? Which is the best exercise to cut-off tummy fat? Why would people not want to upgrade to Windows 10? "SaaS Sales: How do companies with the ""Everyone shares one seat."" problem deal with it?" How long should corn be cooked? What is the ZIP code of Dubai? Which psychology book is best for beginners? What is the difference between R and RStudio? Are strategic thinkers neat? Which is the best sex video? Have you ever been fallen in love with your teacher? What is your best moment of love? Why is anime so popular in Japan? Why did Nitish Kumar ban liquor in Bihar? What is it like to be on a death row? I drive a hybrid car. After starting the engine, do I still need to wait for it to warm up for a few minutes before driving off? How can I hack a phone without touching someone else's phone? What flavour is creme soda? Where do I start learning algorithm and data structure? How do you add an image to a question or a post on Quora? What is the most precious thing you have? What are some important and useful apps like Quora? Bernie Sanders supporters, how do you feel about his endorsement of Hillary Clinton? What are the career options after doing BA programme from DU with esb and German as the main subjects? How do you find ratio of two numbers? Is there any Independence Day workshop being held anywhere in India for kids? Why are some people atheists? How can I get rid of acne permanently? I like this girl, can I ask her out via email? If we want to make a low-budget movie and have $1,000 to pay a screenwriter, what do we do next? How do I fund my MS education in Australia, suggestions welcome on loan and other expenses during my 2 year course irrespective of the city I live? What are some common puzzles asked in interviews? How could you illustrate/visualize complex numbers? 10 Must Have WordPress Plugins? What is the quickest laxative? How can you make some money sitting in home online? What are the limitations of tableau public? How can I delete an Instagram account? How can I disable the speed governor on a recently purchased electric bike in China? How can I be more charismatic? "What is a good ""abusable"" chef's knife?" Will English clubs participate in European tournament like Europa league and Champions league after England being terminated from European union? I'm introverted, people around me think I'm quiet and shy, too. Should I change myself? What is the review of Indian institute of public enterprice (IPE) college? How can I stop falling in love with too many girls? How much would it cost to develop an android app? What is the best GENCO training institute in hyderabad? How do new words get added to the English language? How good is Daniel Day-Lewis in Lincoln? How can I make $50k per year online? Are there any apps' UI designed like Quora? How can a fresher get the job in big data firm? What are the scopes of sap? Why is it that some people still believe the earth is flat? How does it feel to put your fingers inside a girl's vagina? Which are the best and affordable resorts in Goa? How do I find my question on this website? "How does Google's ""Feeling Lucky"" URL work?" Why aren't guys attracted to me? What makes smoking marijuana pleasurable? Where are the cheapest places to live in Denmark? Should I go for an MBA in finance or marketing for a better future? How does one fight the effects of accidental overcaffeination? What's the best VR headset available in 2016? Does Pakistan and India want to reunite? Week 14 was the craziest NFL football played ever, (in 2013.) Will that be very hard to top for an even crazier week of NFL football? Why do people post pictures on Facebook? "Which monkey (of the ""see no evil/hear no evil/speak no evil"" metaphorical monkeys) is most valuable?" What is the fastest and easiest way to learn piano? Is conservation of charge basically that of the numbers of protons and neutrons? How do I turn off my touchpad on my ASUS laptop on Windows 10? How good is a salary of 100kCZK per month for good living and expenses in Prague, Czech Republic? What are some of the best questions/answers ever seen on Quora? Is there any free online Ichimoku system based technical screener for Indian stock markets? What is the best religion for networking? What are the best places to visit in march in Maharashtra? Why are Korean television shows and K-Pop so popular in Japan? My old number recently recycled by my service provider, but I forgot to delete whatsapp account on that number, is my personal data safe? What are the best schools in hyderabad? Why so many rappers are black? Can the under eye dark circles be removed? If so, how? In what ways is the Game of Thrones TV show better than the ASOIAF books? If Google is 2 billion lines of code, does that mean that if you coded 1 billion lines of code your business would be at least a little successful? What is the meaning of PF and PA in NFL? Which companies in India are hiring for data science internships? Could a Tesla Model S be used as a taxi? What are some 1940s dance moves? Which incidence changed your life? What will be the exact salary per month for pay band 9300-34800 with grade pay of 4200? How do I put bike centre stand? How is an Audi A4 better than a BMW 3 Series? If Michelle Obama were to decide to run for president, what would her chances be? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in Samoa?" My girlfriend broke up with me about a month ago. I got very dramatic about the whole thing and she hasn't said a word to me. I was her first boyfriend. I want her back. Will she ever talk to me again? What are the best productivity apps on ios? Will Virat Kohli achieve as much as Sachin Tendulkar, Rahul Dravid or any other great cricketer? What are some examples of a biased statement? How do you enter your penis into vagina? I smoked weed 3 times this week. I have a surprise drug test in the coming 2 weeks. I'm 173cm tall and weigh 52 kilograms. How long will it take for my body to not show a sign of smoking in the test? Is orange juice healthy? What's the equivalent resistance of this circuit? What is What can I do to make my hair thicker? Why hasn't a football player who just graduated high school ever been drafted by the NFL? What are the personal questions asked in an interview? What is the objective of an engineer? Is it allowed to +1 the Like Button? What are some good songs to lyric prank your crush? What enzymes are in a chimpanzees mouth/saliva? How can I join indian air force or indian Navy after completing engineering? Should everyone be expected to learn English? What is the fact of evolution theory? India-Pakistan Rivalry: Why do Pakistanis and Indians hate each other? What will India be like in the year 2050? Why did the Turkish military launch a coup? What computer should I buy, assembled or branded? I am in love with a 16 year old girl and she loves me too. I want to marry her one day. I am 23 year old. Is it illegal even being in a relationship? Should I buy an i7 or i5 CPU for gaming? Are dumb people stuck where they're at? I am the father of a 2-year-old child. What should I do to make my son enter the IITs? When will the OnePlus 3T receive the Android 7.0 Nougat update? LG India: Will LG LF6300 webOS 2.0 2015 TV models in India get the webOS 3.0 update in 2016? I have checked on the Internet that height can be increased by taking ashwagandha capsules with cow's milk. Will it be effective with buffalo's milk? Where do I get some basic websites that use HTML CSS JavaScript PHP with codes? Is a Pentium Quad Core good for low budget laptops? I have the Learner's License with me. What is the process to get the Driving License finally? Why is the color of Aegean Sea so different than seas in other places? Where can I get M&M dark chocolate online in India? Should Quora prevent very short answers to questions? How can I be myself when I don't know who I am? How do I find out who I am? What factors affect the rate of chemical reactions? How is the rate affected? Which is the best QuickBooks Tech Support Number in New York, USA? Can time difference between two places be greater than 24 hours? What is basilar subsegmental atelectasis? How does it occur and how is it treated? Can I take Nyquil and Tylenol together? Why do you call a person who lies about cheating? What is at stake in the theist vs. atheist debate? What are the best technology inventions of 2014? Is there a large free database of images of food? What is the password for the man who knew infinity torrent? What is a good way to give advice to your parents? If the cooks at KFC know the recipe why don't they start their own business? What can be affected for the scrapping Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 currency notes? What are the best C++ books? How do I can get 15% in 200? Where can I find a list of Reddit's entire product offering? What is the corporate culture like at CenterPoint Energy? How is the culture different than other companies? What is it like to be a summer student at Metro State? How is it different from the normal school year? How did you get a job in a startup? Calculate ΔH°rxn, ΔS°rxn, and ΔG°rxn at 25°C for a) N2(g) + O2(g) → 2 NO(g) b) 2 NH3(g) → N2H4(g) + H2(g)? I want to change my profile as a Test engineer so can any one suggest me and how to prepare myself for Test engineer interview? Separated for 3 yrs. not divorced. We text nearly everyday. He has drinks w me at my house. Why does live in girlfriend tolerate this? Why did you prepare for IIT JEE? In what sites can I watch euro 2016 football matches live free? What is career growth and salary in JSW energy? Why was Jon snow rude to Melisandre? What are the bitter truths in Indian society? What does the infrastructure in IT mean to you? Is there any way about how to make money online? What is the best way to get admission in top engineering colleges? Can any one help us to get Adwords interview questions? How do I buy CAT Books online for CAT entrance examination? Who built Which is the easiest way to loose weight? How does one differentiate between introversion and social anxiety disorder? If Bill Gates donates so much of his money, how is he still one of the top three richest people in the world? How is oxidation a chemical change? Can you make double base propellant explode? Can there be an epidemic of psychiatric disease? What would happen when I die? Who is a realistic/artistic person according to the holland typology? Are there any websites that has similar functions as Quora? What are the best arguments for God's existence? Which is a suitable solar panel installation provider in Littlerock, California CA? Does Prussia still exist today? What are the advantages of using prices to distribute economic products and what are the disadvantages involved? Where can you buy Soylent in NZ? What is the solution to this implicit differentiation question? How can we earn money on YouTube? What are the health benefits of an avocado? In which BMS/BBA college can I get admission after scoring 60% in hsc science (open category)? How do I wean off my Quora addiction? What is it like to give up your parental rights? Can I get admission in NICMAR if I have two years gap after BE? Did Tywin love Cersei and Jaime at all? Can gravity be controlled? How can we solve 1/x-√3/√ (4-x^2) =2? What is 6 divided by 5.8? "What do economists think of Anwar Shaikh's book ""Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crises""?" How can I get hire for infosys being a fresher? What will be your best bluffing face technique? How do I see someone's deleted Instagram account? How do I get a job in NASA from India? Which is the best version of Ubuntu to work with VMware 5.0? Was Dhoni forced to step down as captain in ODI and T20? How can one start a bakery business? Which one is better, CM 13 vs MIUI 8 camera of Redmi Note 3? Is 40 too old to go to medical school? What will be the effect of recent demonetization of rs500 and rs 1000 notes on the real estate or property business? How did the Second Amendment come about? "Should California replace the ""winner-takes-all"" system for assigning electoral college votes in favor of a proportional allotment?" How can I tell who someone interacts with the most on Instagram? How do I prepare for JEE MAINS within 18 days? What should be my schedule during these days? Where can I find large datasets open to the public in cvs? What do you eat immediately after a hard cardio workout or an HIIT? What is the most popular forum in India? Did magic do everything? Is magic real? What is magic? Where does one find magic? Is Donald Trump the new Abraham Lincoln? Why aren't all destructors in C++ virtual by default? Is it a problem for mechanical people to have one deaf ear? What is a motion picture? As a fresher how can I introduce myself for a job interview? How are the salary packages for production and industrial engineers from PEC Chandigarh? Which is the most intolerant nation in the world? How could you stretch a ten mile long cord of Christmas tree lights ten miles up from the ground and how far away would the lighted cord be visible? What is the best way to send money from US to India? Which are Good site/blog for hadoop developer interview questions? I got a score of 333 in BITSAT 2016. What can I expect? Why should someone support Israel? How do I stop thinking too much? What kind of conversations happen only in the UK? What are the ways to hack ones facebook account? What is the radio code for a 2006 Honda Civic? Would training in PetroSkills be a significant help in securing a job in O&G? Is hiring upwork web developer freelancers safe? Which processor is better for daily usage? No gaming as such. Options are 3rd Gen i5 or 5th Gen i5? Who are the best personal financial advisors in Seattle for people saving for retirement? What were your experiences with them? How do people make money from youtube? How do I make a project on the implementation of natural language processing? What are the best places to learn beginner skiing near Seattle? I am about to receive my high school diploma i.e. IGCSE qualification. Where do I go next, excluding college, if I am an aspiring aerospace engineer? What is the name of three years planning? As a loan officer, what mortgage company is the best to work for and why? Is it bad if I hardly drink water then the next day I drink more water and feel different not in the good way? What are some good career options after an MBA? What language should I learn? What do earthworms need to live? How have they adapted to their environment? What are the best ways to be motivated and lose weight? What is computer science and system engineering? How did humans evolve to have a soul? I want to lose about 10 kgs, but I'm afraid to have loose skin. Will I have loose skin after weight loss? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" rare in British Culture?" What should I do after completing of Bpharm so that I can work in manufacture industries? Which country has the best roads and highway system? Why does my iPhone 5 spontaneously shut down? Can you get into a bar with a temporary license? Is it a double standard that humanity doesn’t give equal punishments to various animals (pets, zoo animals) as we do to humans? (i.e. killing a man) How does ratan Tata make profit from loss? Do animals ever commit suicide? Is 6K enough to live comfortably in Cambridge? When you sell a car, is it customary to fill up the tank? Why is media significant? What projects/work can an undergraduate student (2nd year completed) of computer science do in summer? What is the most awkward moment you have faced in front of your school? What can Daniel Ek tell us about how Spotify's Discover Weekly works? How plausible is it for a student of electrical engineering to get a CS job? Does a woman always bleed after first time sex and how much? What do Americans think of Canadians? How do I become fat or gain weight with a healthy diet? What are the marks of maturity? Why is Jeff Bezos so private? What reasonable alternatives are there to being a Liberal, Conservative, or Libertarian? What would physically happen if something with a mass of 1 gram goes at 0.99999 of the speed of the light in my bedroom without touching anything? What is the best way to invest 100 million dollars? What is your opinion about Narendra modis banning on 500 and 1000? Why does Paragard make you bleed? How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP LaserJet Enterprise M506n? What are some suggestions/tips for performing well in college from the first year itself? (During a course)? Can I carry deodorant while traveling in a domestic flight India? What are some examples of nuclear fission? Do women love sex? How can I install NGINX, PHP-FPM 5.6 and Joomla on Amazon EC2 instance? Has anyone ever kissed your feet? What's inside a black hole? What are some of the things that Twitter can teach us about Product Management? What similarities do solids, liquids and gases share? Andrew Ng: Why has Baidu not released a framework as Tensorflow or Caffe or Torch or Theano? What is the cheapest/most efficient way to have a legal residence in the United States if your job is location agnostic and you travel constantly? How can I download Friends seasons 1 to 10 in Hindi? As a foreigner what was the rudest thing you experienced in India? Is there any way to stop or prevent the UK from proceeding with the Brexit after the vote? If you knew you were going to die and you had only one song to play before you go, what would it be? Which maca powder is best? What do the poor in third world countries have that the average UK/US citizen do not? What is it like to be the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society students activity team co-chair? What are similarities and differences between techno and house? What is the best sunscreen lotion for the face? How is Activia used? What is operation supply chain management? Why are you alone? Is time travel possible? Is Donald Trump likely to win the 2016 election (late 2015 / early 2016)? One film I downloaded that displays like this - ЯA0Я (Opposite).So how can I see it in (ROAR) right? Why is it so bad to drink alcohol after working out during the day? What are the Vampire Diaries books about? What does it feel like to be diagnosed with Asperger's? What should be my approach and CAT percentile to get into IIMs? What are the tricks for an artists to attract touring bands attention for a support slot? My stepson's favorites are coming in fall, he'd die to play. What country has the highest proportion of atheists? How do I destroy the ego I have? How does David Blaine or any magician read mind? If they're his accomplice, have you ever been an accomplice to a magician while posing as audience? What is the best programming language for Hacking? Why should everyone read Game of Thrones, The Lord of the Rings, or the Harry Potter series? After off campus getting placed after how many days we get call letter tech Mahindra? Why does light bend in water? Can not listening to music be bad for you? What is your review of U.S. Department of Justice? How do I make a dog stop chewing shoes? Which metals are the best conductors of electricity? What's the most interesting item I can buy on Amazon with a $15 gift card? Are there any health benefits to spoiled milk? When uploading videos about screen recordings for a youtube channel, will 720p quality be enough? What happens if a country couldn't afford to pay debt to World Bank? What are the money recovery strategies of the World Bank? Who are Deloitte competitors? What is China's poverty like compared to the U.S.'s? Is daily masturbation harmful for health? My Windows 10 wireless adapter is missing when I try to share a WiFi network. How do I fix it? Which ecommerce platform should we use? What are the symptoms of borderline personality disorder? How does one become an author? Which is better, a full HD plasma TV or LED TV? I think like a cynic. How can I think positively? Is there a right to privacy when using the internet? What career advice would give to someone who wants to become a administrative supervisor? Is Jon snow Ned Starks nephew? What can a couple do on New Year’s in Mumbai? Who was Martin Luther King Jr.? Where can I get free Udemy courses? How do I come up with ideas to write about? If I clear ipcc in second attempt will I get articleship in a mid sized firm? How could Justin Jedlica, aka The Human Ken Doll, afford 90 cosmetic surgeries? Is a cube a manifold? Should a pre-filter be used in a water filter? What is the future scope for procurement, logistics, operations and supply chain management? Who are your personal heroes and why? What was the British North America Act? Why is benzoic acid a weak acid? When will TaskRabbit or Zaarly be available in London? People that live alone: How often do you walk around your house while fully nude? Do you feel children should be sheltered from unhappiness until a certain age? How do you get unlimited master balls in Pokemon Fire Red? Do I need any work experience or internships for getting admission into any business school with a good gmat score? With 274 marks in the BITSAT 2015, can I count on getting an admission in any BITS campus? One girl touched her hair 3 times in only 2 hours while talking to me. Does that mean she's interested? An I start teaching in a coaching institute after I qualify IBPS PO exam? If there was an evil opposite of the Effective Altruism movement — Ineffective Narcissism — what would this mirror opposite movement be like? What are some lesser known facts about Rohit Sharma? How is reproductive isolation studied in biology? How do we benefit from it? Why did Britain colonize India? What are the most dangerous insects for the human race? Is a maximum break possible for a non-pro possible for a non-pro to make in snooker if he's good? Are skills in Excel VBA useful to have? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Arrow Electronics? What social network (like Google, Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Skype, Wiki, etc.) made a huge impact on people and lifestyles? Why has the quality of questions on Quora declined so much? Is it possible to get AIR 1 in IIT-JEE and AIIMS both? What song plays over the end credits to the 2002 movie The Hours? Which is the best university in the world to pursue a degree in economics? name the model in the picture below? I've added a sugar packet to my coffee at my desk, but have no spoon. What (common) office supply within reach should I use as an agitator? Body language: what does it mean when someone has their head lowered and eyes looks forward? What is the difference between RAM and SSD? What is difference between micro SD, and micro SDHC and micro SDXC cards? Guys do you get butterflies when a beautiful girl looks at you? What is the difference between gasoline and petrol? How do you stop your mind from wandering when you are trying to study? Is tea more healthful than coffee? What is the best language to learn functional programming? What is Pokémon GO? If you found out that your girlfriend had been a victim of sexual assault/rape, would you marry her? If you had B's in all subjects, but had started a million-dollar company in highschool, could you be accepted to Harvard (Or other top schools)? How can I reset my Snapchat but still keep my friends? Indian Cuisine and Food: Are Parle-G biscuits good? How much does trademark registration cost in India? What is a bad IMEI number? What are the top tips for travelers to Rome? How do I join the ISRO after having an M.Sc in physics? When is surge pricing on Uber generally in effect in Queens and how high does it go? "Quora Moderation: Why does it say ""Unverified Name"" above my answers?" I had registered for CA CPT on 03/04/ I wanna revalidate my registration for December I have to pay 300 or do I need to pay 6000 again? How do I provide online SEO services? What can we expect from Quora offering a Spanish version of the site? Why do people wear sunglasses at beautiful places? Shouldn't one enjoy the natural view? Where can I get a full range of locksmith services in Sydney? Which job is higher paying: lawyer or PO in bank? What are some successful startups built entirely on WordPress? Names of algorithm used in yahoo search engine? How long will it take to recover after sinus surgery? What does Islam say about homosexuals, their rights, marriage, punishment if any? And what issues do gay Muslims face in their daily lives? What's the best laptop I can buy as a CS student? Does India need reservations? Why? What are some good ways to end a support group session? Is time travel possible? If yes then how is it possible? Which is the best book for understanding fluid mechanics? How can I make myself to study for much hours? How is life of sirius? I think gay affection and sex are disgusting and it can make me physically ill to see it happen. Is it hypocritical of me to be pro-gay marriage and gay rights? Who invented the light? What are some examples of long range goals? How do I add an image on Quora? What's it like to be a parent to four or more children? Where can I get affordable key cutting, lock repair and replacement services in Sydney? What is the saddest story you can make up? What is the best revenge? What's the right sales structure for enterprise SaaS? Do we need F2F account managers, or will a modern telephone-driven customer success team work? What movie should I watch? How do I work with advertisement agencies in the US? I have to construct a new home. Which is better for flooring, marble, granite, or tiles? What study material should I prefer for GATE mechanical? Is watching porn good for the health? How do I take a bike in slope? Why did MS Dhoni retire so early from Test Cricket? What is tax free transport allowance? Why is the same person always in all my dreams? What is it like to work at Edelweiss Capital? Do they work long hours? Is the salary average or above average? Who is taher shah? How do formal and informal organizations differ? IT MNC India: I don't want to go to office. Managers bombarding work at me and I dont get any rewards recognition. What should I do? How can I make my skin beautiful and glowy? Who is the real life Sherlock around you? Will Deep Learning replace all other forms of machine learning? Do women expect too much from men? Which Indian king had the biggest empire in history? What are the best universities in Singapore that offers a master’s in digital marketing? Is there difference between construction management and construction project management? How do you overcome a love failure when you learn that the person you love ditched you for another? What is the best way to invest $2000? Transgender: Would you have a sex change operation if you were paid $10 million? Do homosexual animals reproduce? Is there a working Nintendo 3DS emulator for PC or Android? What are some of the best websites to watch and download anime? What happens when law changes and there are people accused of committing that crime? Where is the singer Sarika Kapoor now? Why is she away from lime light now? What is the book sequence of A Song of Ice and Fire? What organic compounds are present in the cell that aren't one of the four main groups (lipids, nucleic acids, amino acids, and carbohydrates)? How many percentage of houses electrified in Bihar till date? What do American people think about Vietnam war? What is the best camera phone under $300? How do I get email access without being a paying student or employee? My 23-year-old daughter knows only how to lie and hurt me a lot. She has failed in her life. How do I change her? How should I ask this guy out who I've had a crush on for a while and I'm fairly certain he likes me back? How did you make your personal brand? Is PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) curable? How do I download GTA 5, the PS3 version, for playing on a PC using a PS3 emulator? How fast can shrub Roots grow in 8 months? How often has it happened that senior Indian Army officers have served under Pakistani officers in UN peace keeping missions? How can I hack porn sites? How do I add to my roku channels? Does sodium pentathol really work as truth serum? What kinds of truth are revealed? What are some good things to wear with dark grey shoes with hints of brown? What will be the next big thing in web design after Responsive Design? How do I get rid of the bad habit of sleeping in afternoons? How can I learn to be a good product designer? I have attempted 196 questions in the aiims 2016 exam and I scored 585 in NEET 1. Will I get an admission in AIIMS Delhi? Is the NCERT enough for the AIPMT biology entrance exam 2016? How many questions can I solve in the biology AIPMT by studying the NCERT? "What is the meaning of the Spanish phrase ""para ti""?" Continuum (TV series): What was on the note Jason gave to Kiera in the last episode? Do vampires really exist? If they do how can I recognize them? How will the recent move to declare 500 and 1000 denomination notes illegal will curb black money? Hi all, is there any easy way how to download videos from pornhub without using any software? Why does the grooveshark desktop client have a uggly black column on the right that doesn't allow me to see part of my screen? I am premium. Why are BMSCE and PESIT rivals? Which U.S. Presidents have had French nationality? Why do countries engage in international trade? How di I stop myself from masturbating? Can I install Skype on a Chromebook? How do you upload a GIF to Memrise? What is investment range for an app startup? What would happen if all United States presidents had a single 20 year term instead of 4-8 years? Why is there a strong movement for Britain to leave the EU? What are the chances it will happen? I am an engineer student. How should I prepare for the KAS exam? Why is Obamacare good? What is a plasmid? How much can a 10 rupee note signed by Manmohan Singh fetch? Where can I get the list of all colleges in India accepting the MAT score for an MBA? What is best place to get cash back offers? When is the the right time to have sex? Why do companies need a board of directors? What is the most-asked rhetorical question? Do you think younger women and older men dating is good? What is the black American Express card? Which is the best Hindi tv serial to watch in Star Plus? How do I know that she like me? How much do YouTubers earn without the ads? Can I be successful in life if I don't study in IIT but other good institutes in CSE? I love computer and can code very well. What would happen if the oxygen level on earth decreased by 75%? How would the environment change and how would human and animals cope? What are the life lessons one can learn from the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi? What are the broadband plans in Noida? Is Doc from Van Helsing TV show a coward? "What is the meaning and derivation of the Hebrew word ""selah"" (סלה)?" Why is it only white people can be called racist? What do Freemasons do in Masonic lodges? How do I get a Payoneer card from Iran? What does your country's border look like? What are some easy ways to lose weight in a short amount of time? If photons are massless, how is it that light cannot escape from a black hole? What are the best questions asked in Quora? How do I lose weight even after going to gym? Which is the best 3.0 external hard drive in india? Who's the most badass friend you have, and why? What are steering wheels made of? What is sex addiction? Are there ghosts in reality? If I have a research paper how and where can I publish it? Versus: Who would win in a fight between the Avengers and Justice League? What is a back-end developer? Do guys like it if girls wear short skirts? Will private companies (software companies) also be increasing salary after the 7th Pay Commission is implemented in India in 2016? Is law a belief system? How is Quora different from Wikipedia? What is the unexpected incident happens in your life which almost changed your life? Is it safe to visit Kashmir in 2016? How can a 16 year old male get a more attractive face? How do I motivate myself to go to school? How do I stop obsessing over a woman? Why did George Orwell write Animal Farm? What's the best movie to saw in 2016? When my female friend talks to other people but not to me, why do I feel jealous? Am I in love with her? What are some of the best documentaries about skiing? What is Kindle Paperwhite and what is it used for? Why would someone go to a top business school from Silicon Valley? Is it a good investment given that said person might be looking to return to tech? How do Native American tribes commemorate death? What ceremonies do the Cherokee Tribe practice? I just broke up with my girlfriend. She said we can be friends and I agreed. Does that mean I still have to talk to her? How many Ola cabs & Uber cabs are there in India? How can I understand the English literature.? "Is ""no"" the correct answer to this question?" "Can we agree that the Arab world ""hates"" the U.S because the U.S keeps supporting Israel?" Which is better, Thapar CSE or BIT Mesra ECE? What took Microsoft so long to launch Visual Studio for Mac? Which is a better phone: the Samsung Galaxy S4 or the One Plus One? What is the use of SOP in GRE? How does one stretch canvas for painting? What is it like to live on Oahu? What is your review of University of Calgary? Are patents slowing down scientific growth of mankind? What are the best ways to improve my memory? Which is the greatest, but short, retirement speech you have heard? What is the best keyword research tool for search engine optimization? Is there any SaaS platform that provides both network and data security for cloud centric Big Data and IOT? Is lime acidic or basic? What are some substitutes for saffron threads? What are the reaso? Which is better: ECE at IIIT Hyderabad or mechanical engineering at IIT Roorkee? I just realized I have an old Quora ID. How can I combine it with my newer ID which I have used for much longer? Does phosphorus react with chlorine? What was it like to live in Silicon Valley in the 80s? What is the future scope for SAP security? Is this grammatically correct? Which is the best way to pass the PMP exam? How can I hack somebody's Facebook account if that person is not added as a friend? How do I impress on interview? Do we fall in Love only once in our lives? Is that true? Is platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment for hair regrowth effective? Has anyone gotten this done and seen noticeable results? What is the Star Delta connection? Why are Korean movies so good? How are the placements in mechanical engineering at ISM Dhanbad? Will Hillary Clinton face any federal charges for her use of a private email server? How can I improve my communication skill in english? What daring act did you do in your college days? How does it feel to have a near to death experience? What are some unexplore places in earth and why it is not explored till now? How do you communicate with animals? How do I change my profile pic on Quora? Is there any solid evidence to suggest that there is life after death? Why cops still use only motorola walkie -talkies for communication? What is a good first anniversary gift for your girlfriend? Do porn stars watch porn? How do I speak English fluently after studying for 4 years? What is the corporate culture like at Globalstar? How is the culture different than other companies? How do you dye blonde hair red? Is the merchant navy oversaturated? What is an entity framework in .NET? "Why is the moon named ""moon""?" How powerful does an adult human bite can be? What are some of the best brand slogans? Will there ever be a philosopher president of the USA? How should I propose to a programmer? In mathematics, why does the order of operations matter? Which is a good solar panel installation provider in Linden, California CA? How do I get the grappling hook Mod in GTA 5? How does Naruto die in Naruto the Movie? Why is it that I am able to solve JEE Mains level questions but not Jee Advanced level questions? Can a gay person get a government job in India? How should the Nike 4 Flyknit fit? How can we get rid of mobile addiction? What will be the prices of Kohsamui beach villas for rent? I am unable to understand the OSI model. What are some facts about it? In which layer does UDP TCP fall? What free (or low cost) service or platform can I use to send a daily email to subscribers? What don't you like about yourself? Which laptop is better for a enginnering student under Rs.25000? Where should I buy furniture in Bangalore? Why did Kanye West marry Kim Kardashian? Which Indian bank is branch independent? Would it be OK if I go to Kota in12th for JEE prep? What's the best way to give a wedding speech question? What do Christians and Jews think about Muslims? What is Qt and how can I use it? What is the difference between a TV show and a TV commercial? Does it mean the same? If I block someone on Facebook, can they see events I'm going to? How is Masters in Information Management (MIM) course by Mumbai University? Will it hold value if done Part-time? I have 5 yrs of exp in programming. What salary should one expect for a vendor manager or senior vendor manager role at Amazon India? What is the best torrent downloader? Which university has the best campus in the world? How do you find money for your startup idea? What smartphone does Mark Zuckerberg use? What is the better posting order for SSC CGL posts? How many types of visa does America issue? If Santa were real, how old would Santa be? What are some reasons for nginx not starting properly? Is it true all Muslims hate Modi? What is a social entrepreneur? What questions are not currently on Quora? How could I learn embedded system by my own? As a non-native English speaker, how can I improve my accent? How can I keep my mind determined? How is Brienne of Tarth related to the Targaryens? What will be the cutoff marks of CLAT 2016 to get into NALSAR? I am going to appear for AFCAT in Feb'2017 but because of a few less marks in Physics at 10+2, I'm not eligible for EKT. Is there a solution? Which universities in Germany are actually free? What are the pros and cons of donating blood? "How do you say ""you're welcome"" in French? Is it commonly used as it is in English?" Are we alone in this universe? Why? What can you use as a substitute for parchment in a recipe? How hard is it to learn what's taught in a computer organization/architecture class? "Why are ""bad boys"" so attractive?" How do I stop talking too much? What is the best pc cabinet under 4k? If a person threw a party for you but messed it up horribly by accidentally burning your house down would you prefer an apology or a do-over? What did Chinese think about their country supporting Pakistan? How do you cook carrots? Where is this place? Why aren't American Spirits a healthier cigarette? "What are the time signature and key of PJ Harvey's ""Working For the Man?""" How can I convince my girlfriend to allow me to fuck her in the ass? What would you call your life purpose? Why transformers are rated in KVA and why not fans? What does love at first sight actually feel like? What are the daily eating habits of people of USA? What are their special recepies Can I get admission in a ComedK medical college with a score of 481 for NEET? How can I improve my presence of mind? I am a burning out computer science student. What should I do? Sexual relief in hospital? What is the most inspiring movie you have ever seen? Considering the fact that Palestine was a region under british mandate during WW2, why didn't the germans attack it? What color of women's summer dresses do you like the most? "When Iranians say ""death to Israel/America!,"" are they talking literally?" Who should I sue if I get stabbed in a home party? I just broke up with my boyfriend because I thought I didn't like him, but now I think I'm regretting it. How can I be sure if it was the right thing to do? Which has the best 2G speed among Airtel or Vodafone in Chandigarh? I have somebody matching me and I can't upgrade! What should I do? Should Amazon buy the USPS? Why is Google doing ads on TV? Why should I pursue a masters degree? Could a samurai sword cut a human bone in one move? How much would you pay to buy a travel e-book on Thailand with 21 destinations in INR? Is future prediction possible? How much does it cost to spay a cat in west Bengal? I am 22 years old male weighing 78 kg, vegetarian & doing gym for about 6 months. Should I take any protein supplement? If yes, then which supplement? How do you calculate the mass number of an atom? Can I apply online for passport twice? Who is the most annoying contestant in Bigg Boss 10 and why? If HIV can only be spread from 1 person to another, then how was the 1st HIV virus made? If it evolved from something, then isn't it possible that this will happen again? What is molested? Which is a better city to live in, Delhi or Mumbai? What is the meaning of Hindi/Urdu words 'Marhaba' & 'Maula'? What are good melodic dubstep songs? Can I run multiple CAT 3 or Ethernet cables next to each other in a tube without interference? What is your biggest mistake that you have done in your life? How can I write a story/script for a movie? How can Docker run on an embedded system? What is the best cancer hospital in India? How do I get out of the change ticket fee? What is the best English version movie of King Lear? Does Air Video for iOS support subtitles in .srt format? How do I order some fake diplomas online? Why hasn't Aamir Khan been on Comedy Nights with Kapil? What is the public sector? Do you think Donald Trump will make a good U.S. President? What does a black hole look like? Your opion of the BBC film of the seven deadly SINS? How is the review of Loving (2016) movie? Where is my will for life? Whenever we search any app on Google Play Store, why won't it show apps with the names exactly matching the search string? Where can I get free samples of Clinique products? Why is Pi an irrational number? Women's Horlicks good for health? "Why are football/soccer coaches called ""managers"" instead?" How easy is it to steal a car? What's the best Bluetooth speaker in China? What is the career path in TCS/Accenture based on years of experience? I forgot my Apple ID and Password, what should I do? Who is this pornstar? Which picture is best that shows escape? What are the problems with letting users peek at the different buckets in an A/B test? How do you find the formula for tin(II) hydroxide? What problems do an orphan has to face in the society? Can I continue my 2nd year of BBA from abroad? How did Pearl Harbor affect the U.S. today? How is the P-block hostel at VIT Vellore? How do hypotonic and hypertonic solutions differ? Can you produce electricity from nitrogen? What makes accounting information useful to its users? How does Quora make money? How do you upload pictures from your PC to your Instagram? "Do police officers dislike being called ""cops?""" What is the Best investment of money? What is a good way to build a Node.js app that runs both standalone and from AWS Lambda with the API gateway? What trees are native to United Arab Emirates? In order to measure how much energy is being sent to a rechargeable battery from a solar cell under different light conditions what do you measure (mA, Volt, Watt) and what piece of equipment do you use? "May I use the ""Superman fly"" image depicted on the Quora website in a YouTube video with your permission?" Is it wise or paranoid to cover your phone's or laptop's camera? What is it like to attend Kim Il-sung University? How do I prepare for aptitude tests for placements? What TV show has the best theme song? How can I improve my decision making skill? A boy loves a girl and the girl doesn't loves the boy and friend-zones him.The same thing happens after 5-6 years. The boy hates love.What must he do? Would Indians living in the US like to date using dating websites such as OkCupid and Tinder? What are your New Year’s Eve plans? What is the best landscape lens for a Nikon D750? "Is ""where did I go today?"" Grammatically correct?" How do I start a mafia-style gang? How does Varunastra compare with other torpedoes? What causes a post-nasal drip and shortness of breath? Whats your favorite text editor? What is meant by a negative power factor? When does it occur? Why? What's an example? Which is better, ACE or Made Easy in Lucknow? How do the Illuminati communicate? What are some problems that are harder than they look? How do you round to the nearest hundredth? What is important in life? Why India can not declare a war against Pakistan? Can a person be honest all the time? Is Quora free, or is there a charge for using it? What is the most overrated band of the 70s? What is the population of sea urchins in the world? What are some of the best cult Bollywood movies of all time? Does dreaming about a specific person mean anything? "What are some sentence examples using ""furthermore""?" He says he doesn't have feelings for me but he still treats me like he does have and I'm hurt about it because I feel the same way, what should I do? What things frustrate nursing staff and doctors the most? What does RPM mean in a car? I have completed my MBA in HR & marketing. While choosing for my career, which one is the best: marketing or HR? Why do Mexicans speak only Spanish? What kind of conversations are typical to Mumbai? How significant are mitosis and meiosis? "Can you tell if this ""skydiving without a parachute"" video is real? It looks real to me." If I decided to take a year off after Bachelor's degree, will it decrease my chance of getting admitted to Masters degree in top tier university? What are good business or IT topics to choose for a research paper? My husband thinks I do nothing while at home with my 5 month old baby. Why doesn't he understand that what I do IS work? What is the best lawn mower engine? How are vasectomies performed? How do I remember domain and range of trig and inverse trig function? What is the best free porn website? My friend suddenly stopped talking to me. I've tried talking to her, but she ignores me and talks with my other friends instead. What should I do? Who are the best hair transplant surgeons in Mumbai? Where can I Get FREE Coupon Codes for any Premium Android App? Can I turn my white skin to dark forever? If any number multiplied by zero is zero then why not infinity multiply by zero be equal to zero? I have a Skullcandy 4 pole 3.5 mm jack earphone with red, blue, green and golden wires. How should I solder these wires correctly? Where does all the garbage of a country dumped? How do I grow a good beard? How can I get longer legs? What is the best extension for Store locator? How safe are bears as pets if you've had them since they were cubs? Why is a hypothesis a part of the scientific method? Where can I get Nissan key-less remote? Texas A&M University: Does TAMU admit students for CSE in Masters if I dont have any prior research experience? What are the merits of demonetisation? How does it feel to have a best friend? How do we fight depression? How do I search for blogs in Quora, and is there a way to search for them by topic? How many Indian engineers are working for Quora? How do I finish anything I start? How many books do you read a month? Why do people intend to complain and blame others or the environment (or anything other than themselves) even if it is their own fault? What is [math]\sqrt{x^2}[/math] equal to? What should I opt CSE or ECE in GGSIPU? What makes the people of Bollywood consider Karan Johar a special person? What penis size do women prefer? How do I improve confidence? How much a PG diploma holder paid? What is meant by plinth beam? Why is it more acceptable for women to wear wigs and hair extensions than men wearing toupees or hair pieces? Do most American PhD students get their PhD before 30? How did natural resources help Europe to become industrialized? How is quantum physics different from classical physics? If democracy is so great, why is China way ahead of India? How does quantum computing work? Evolution has basically worked through creating better and better killing machines of other creatures? Is this not kind of horrible? How can I consistently earn Rs. 100 everyday online? Which political party in the United States (Democrats or Republicans) has a hostile fear of progress and why? Who are the actors that died while performing the stunts in their movie? What's the biggest challenge we millennials face today? Does cancer screw up expression of mRNA implicated in metabolism/the Krebs cycle? How do I get the binary code of any file? What are the easy ways to earn money online? Who are the top 5 people who should be banished from India? What is the schedule for the New York fall/winter 2013-14 fashion week? My reading list is lost on Quora after it is updated. Can I get it back? Who was the most ignorant person you ever met in India? What does she mean when she says that she needs more time? Does dynamite smell like bananas? How many American soldiers were killed in World War I? What diseases are caused by cocci bacteria? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in Ireland?" I had 2 RAC tickets RAC1 and RAC2. RAC1 got confirmed and after 4-5 hours RAC2 got confirmed. What is the probabilty of getting 2 adjacent seats? How do I stop asking questions on Quora and start answering them? I have different dreams every night, but there is one person that continues to pop up in every dream that I have. What does this mean? Social Network Analysis: Why did Facebook succeed over Myspace? What is the configuration of electrons in water? What is meant by biasing a diode? How do I retrieve deleted Snapchat messages? What is grade separated intersection? What is the link for downloading band songs? What is a PLC? What are the most iconic photos in world history? How can I beat the stock market? Why do I feel dizzy and can's stand when I take a shower? What is the best hairstyle for long faces? "Candidate status in Accenture Portal is showing ""Status Not Available"" what does it means?" What are the Cutoffs of BITSAT 2016 for the different branches, in different campuses? What is a threaded binary tree? Is it better to work at Barclays Technology Center India, Pune or at Citicorp Services India Limited, Pune? How much money does Bill Gates have? What is the correct way to boil frozen lobster? If I got 8.0 cgpa in term 1, will I be able to get a 10 cgpa as my overall? Life Advice: Which single incident changed the way you look at life? Do people in San Francisco work harder than in Los Angeles? Why is Quora so completely biased towards Hillary Clinton? What is your worst interview experience? What is the best way to improve stamina? What should I do about my downstairs neighbors who complain about my 2 year old daughter jumping a lot and making them uncomfortable? What are some of the biggest ecstatic moments of your life? "How do you feel about the word ""hub"" being a component of many domain names?" Why temperature increase in negative laps rate? 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How does it feel to become blind? What do you want to buy? I am doing CS from ICSI. Is there any scope for this profession in Germany? What is the best birthday gift? Who is responsible for criminalization in politics? I'm a 24, single, I make way more than I need and already invest and give to charities, how can I spend without others guessing my income? What's the difference between beside and aside from? What is the difference between Iyer and Iyengar if both are Tamil Brahmins? What are some cultural faux pas in Chicago? Can we throw trash into the space? What parts of Dangal movie happened in real life? Is it possible to switch on the mobile handset's Bluetooth through an Android application? What should every traveller know in order to not be totally ignorant about Madrid? How do I create a generic search engine using Elasticsearch? How does it feel to be successful? Are there any statistics about the people migrations in India? What is the best laptop for mechanical engineering students? Are kashmiri people selfish? Which is a nearby local railway station to get down to reach Worli Naka in Mumbai? Has anybody successfully migrated to Canada or Australia through immigration services like Apex visas or so? What is best credit card? What are the best books to learn Java? What's the best ways for obese people to lose weight? How beneficial would be an MBA from TAPMI or Great lakes after 3.5 years of ex in IT. Cat 87%ile 10th 87 ,12th- 87, 72.26? Can you get high if you touch weed and then put your fingers in your mouth? How can I control my urge to masturbate? A girl I like keeps looking at me. What does it mean? And how do I continue contact with her after losing it? How do you open Facebook without a password? What's the worst episode of Game of Thrones? How do I reduce obesity by Ayurveda? What are the interview questions asked for a quality assurance engineer at Amazon? I am 14 and I masturbate and cum, is that bad? After a BSC nursing course, I want admission in a MBBS. Is it possible or not? What was Marcus Aurelius' philosophy? Why do Iranians claim that Iran, a Middle Eastern country, is white? Which fingerprint sensor is used in Xiaomi Redmi Note 3? What is the meaning of life? What is the speed at which gravitational waves propagate? How do we know this? Sibirian husky mix with American sttafordshire and border collie how big will grow? What are the things to remember while starting an E-commerce website in India? I'm getting a rank of 4863 in SRMJEE 2016,which branches can I get at the main campus? How long should it take you to learn python? How has the 2015 NFL draft impacted the 2015-16 NFL season? How tall were the Beatles? I am studing in a not so good engg college but I want to apply JEE mains how should I study? How do you like to celebrate your birthday? "How do the Japanese say the word ""angel""?" Is it meaningful to do MBA after two years of experiance in it sector? Formula of kinematics? I want to be an astronomer. What should I do? What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a farmer? Is Overwatch the greatest game of all time? My boyfriend never told me that he has a backup girl. Suddenly he left me for the other girl. Is it okay if I speak with the other girl and ask about him because he stopped answering my calls? What are the best psychedelic rock songs? Why am I anonymous on Quora, and why are you so, or not? What is liquidation in accounts? "What is the best answer of ""why should I hire you""?" What happened in the Cultural Revolution? What are the best tutorials to learn Golang? Has anyone cracked JEE in just 3 months? How do I start contributing for open source development? "What do you mean by ""Electives"" which are offered in EEE in BITS Pilani(Goa)?" What is AspectJ used for? Everytime I read/watch sad love stories, I feel like crying. But I cant seem to cry. Is their something wrong with me? I'm a male. Is demonetization in India a good move? How do I learn how to listen when mixing a song? What if the wind stopped blowing? What are the most important things to check when buying a second hand car in Bangalore? How do I start preparing for GATE 2017 from now? Is a hamster bite a reason to get a tetanus shot? What are the differences between Quora, Reddit, and Yahoo Answers? What are the job opportunities in the IT sector for mechanical engineers? What all nearby places to Manali can I visit in a 5 days trip? What are the pros and cons of information & communication technology? Which is best website to download cracked softwares? "What does ""such that"" mean in math?" What will India be like in 2030? What can you do to stop being an overthinker? What would the length of day and night be if Earth was not tilted? How do I find escort in delhi? Could an assault rifle be used to hunt a Sasquatch? How whatsapp messenger earn money? Why would one use profanity when one can do without it? What are the most inspiring short stories? What are the best books on leadership? Can I get access to the whole YouTube server for free? What is the financial loss if entire world is closed for a day? How I can speak English fluently? What is exponential growth? Why do people stare at me in public and work? What proportion of applicants receive a summer offer at Jane Street Capital? What is meant by mathematics? How do you overcome fear and insecurity? Someone can explain the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture? How do absorb and adsorb differ? Are comedians always funny? How should I prepare for UGC NET in Management for January 2017? How can I see which Instagram photos of mine another user liked? What are some substitutes for saffron threads? Where can I download the Chef app for Android? How can I reduce my belly fat in 2 months? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Saga Communications is coming out with in 2016? How do you prove cos^2(x) + sin^2(x) = 1? How do I live a happy, prosperous life? As a teacher, what is most embarrassing thing you overheard from your student? Which is the best course for travelling? How can an engineer get into the Indian army? Should I pursue my M.Tech in mechanical engineering or should I apply for a job in a PSU? Can I get admissions in IIT with a rank of 15k in the JEE Advanced? Do you use mouthwash before or after brushing? Why? Is there/will there ever be a college course on SEO? Which branch is better for an M.Tech in mechanical? Why do most people think they are more intelligent than most people? Is there a Java library that can do numerical integration in parallel? How does ethanol dissolve in water? How do I extend the Cisco DPC3825 network with AirPort Express? How is a German Shepherd/Pug mix puppy bred? Will the Government of India ever take steps to stop the reservation system? I have anaphylaxis and I want to join the Indian Army. Can I still join? I am looking for a direct source On Peter the 3th of Russia opinion on Frederick the second of Prussia. And I wonder if anyone know of one? How do I change my gmail account password when I don't have access to my recovery email address or my phone or computer? What is the corporate culture like at Epiq Systems? How is the culture different than other companies? Who runs CineFix channel on YouTube? What will kill you first, a bullet to the heart or a bullet to the brain? Why am I not losing weight? Is it just me or does anyone else find the new Quora user interface obnoxious? What are the best funny short stories? What if you have friends but there is no one who is your best friend? What is Culture Shock? Are the yakuza harmful to tourists? What factors led to Pandora operating at a loss in 2016? What is the cheapest good honeymoon destination outside of India? Which book to read? Please refer to the details. What is the probable reason behind a slow reading speed (150 wpm)? What can one do to improve his/her reading and comprehension speed? How do you become okay with letting people go when you don't know and don't remember how to live without them? How could I improve my English? When people have been crushed to death in massive street gatherings, what exactly happened to cause the deaths? The woman I currently date suspects that I am bisexual and she doesn't like bisexual people. Should I tell her the truth that I am bisexual? How could I earn money online for a homeless guy? Are there any pornstars on Quora? Why do Indians usually drink water from an earthen pot (matki) in summer seasons? What are the types of insurance frauds with respect to third party claims? And how do you catch them? How many seconds can I use as intro a song without copyright notice? I have heard 15 and under. How do I become a cruise manager? How do you deal with chronic fatigue syndrome? What is a good natural face wash to buy? What is the difference between hormones and enzymes? Why is ISIS targeting Turkey? What can I do to become a product designer? Do I absolutely need a master's in human computer interaction or communications? What is the best way to learn dynamic programming? What are some good documentaries about the history of all important inventions and discoveries? Which is the best blogging platform? What are some good websites to free download photoshop? What font was introduced to the Quora website and apps in 2016, and why? Why do people keep asking stupid questions on Quora? In GoF, Barty Crouch Jr has been in Hogwarts from day 1 of Harry Potter's 4th year. Why didn't he arrange for a Portkey sooner? Why did it have anything to do with the Triwizard tournament? Why are these questions marked as needing improvement? What do vegetarians think about animals who eat meat? Do you miss Christopher Hitchens? Could time travel ever be possible? What are some haunted/spooky places in Delhi? How can I get good marks on the GATE exam? What is with people calling it vaping? "With what speed do electrons ""transfer"" between energy levels?" How do we know that we're not living in a computer simulation? Why don't actors in TV shows and movies act or talk how people actually talk in real life? What are the biggest problems or difficulties for a US citizen who would like to retire and move to Ireland? How can I gain more self-discipline in studying? How can I learn to play violin on my own? What is snot (nasal mucus)? How do I stop thinking too much while studying? What are some of India's best newspapers and why? Is it cheaper to take the bus or drive your own car? What is it like to audition for The Voice? "Should guys put up with wearing these ridiculous long ""shorts"" that are in style nowadays?" Why am I so obsessed with things that I cannot have? How do I modify an Android APK? What is the best way to go about building lean muscle? What is the most beautiful moment in your life? What is the best way to learn the German language? Why should I major in engineering? What is the difference between liberal socialism and social liberalism? I took 5 doses of Rabipur as anti-rabies vaccine six months ago, i was nibbled by a stray dog, will the previous vaccines provide me immunity? What brakes are used in ATVs? Do Hollywood actors really have sex in movies during sex scene? What can you do if a dog eats a pencil? Do I need to show funds in my account during visa application stage or during the visa interview for a tier4 UK visa? Please Check below for details. How do I run a file in terminal using Linux? Is it good for weight loss, eating chestnut kadhi without oil? Why am I so thirsty after sex? How did you feel when you got selected for your first Job? I'm 30 year old man. Is it okay to have a relationship with a girl 12 years younger than me? Do Republicans support Trump? Is a J1 visa a good way to get into the US to look for an H1B sponsor? Can hedgehogs shoot their quills? What are the top Linux distros? What is the cheapest way to learn how to sail and to sail regularly in Chicago? What are different kinds of adult behaviors? What are the safety issues concerning vitamin A? Http:// #avoid #carbonated #drinks #healthy #man #SEO #PBN? How can a mother not love her daughter? What can I learn in one minute that can change India (or any other country for that matter) drastically? How is Airbnb? What can I do to relieve stress? Can I get an educational loan for study in vogue? What are some good business ideas? Help! My girlfriend dumped me. What do I do? What are job opportunities after in EEE? How safe is it to travel in AC first coaches in Indian Railways? I have heard that the coupe or cabin can be bolted from the inside. How can I earn money online from home only? Does wormholes really exist? Zte z972 have tried all the top apks but I can't root this 4.4.4 kitkat? What are the best women’s winter boot brand and the best sock brand to survive a Chicago winter? Who makes tax revenues laws? Can I direct Siri to use other services of Ajura like recharging Ajura wallet, purchasing Ajura Global Number etc.? Can I get CSE at JIIT noida sec 62? How can I lose weight and sustain it? What is the corporate culture like at Brinker International? How is the culture different than other companies? What is organisms? Why does time speed up as I age? How do I contact a certified hacker? What are the disadvantages of lubrication? Can evolutionary psychology hypothesize about why human beings want to be 'happy'? Not happiness in eating or sex, but 'satisfaction in life'? What would happen if a billion people jumped together at the same time in the same place? Are students working on an OPT Extension to F-1 Student Visa always considered Non-Residents for tax purposes? What is cause of gravity? How do you feel about death? What is an incident that changed your life? What kind of rock music is this? How do you make money with Quora? How do I become an escort? What are the perks of being quiet and introvert? Which mental illnesses might The Joker have? How can I make money through YouTube? Kindly give more detail on the Proving concept and Gaining traction Can I use one paid Xbox Live account to watch Netflix on more than one Xbox 360 console? What about games? Why do birds fly? What is the difference between Java and C? Is fried food unhealthy? Is it possible to get your periods while you are pregnant? What is it like to be raised by an American mother? How do I plan a 10 day trip to Europe from India? Who won the men's singles Wimbledon title in 1990? Is it possible after lightening that meterial become iredium? "What do the verses beginning with ""Yada yada hi dharmasya"" from the Bhagavad Gita, chapter 4, verses 7-8 mean?" \ Is it bad form to wish Jews shabbat shalom if one is not also Jewish? What is Shabbat? What is the safest way to invest in stock market? Why does red shift occur? How do you transfer money out of India? What things does a renaissance man know? How do I learn mobile marketing? I got 222 in my NMAT exam, what is my conversion chance for NMIMS Mumbai? How long does it take to become an expert in iOS development? Which are the most explored planets in our solar system other than Earth and Mars? Do people ever go from gay to straight? How do you convert grams to milliliters? Why should I vote or not vote for Narendra Modi in 2019 elections? What kind of chemical changes occur naturally in an environment? How do they occur? Can you go still go to dental school if you have been in biology major for 10 years and have a low GPA? What is your review of Ally Bank? What question on Quora has the most views? What is the best place to study graphic design? How do I learn Java? How do I get lenovo miix 510 in India? How could Roman legions be defeated in battle? What were the weak spots? What clothes do Indian women normally wear? Is masturbation between married couples a mortal sin? Who is Sigmund Freud and what did he contribute to psychology? What is silicon chloride? How can it be used? How do a computer science student prepare for GRE? How can I improve my English handwriting in 40 days? What algorithm does Airbnb use to order the search results for a query? Do people know I viewed their Facebook video? My JEE-Advanced rank is 4580. What are my best options available? How should you use verb tenses in cut lines? Is there a problem in being an Introvert? Do software engineers need to get multiple offers to get a higher salary? What major at UPenn is best for getting into a management consulting firm? Will there be a World War III soon? What's the best way to become a owner of a professional sports team? Did Hitler ever travel to Japan? What should I do to enjoy my life? How do I make a billion dollars in a year? What are some good ideas for a mechanical engineering project? If Vanellope was actually an intended racer ever since and not a glitch, why could she not exit her game? My son have got 331 in BITSAT and he is interested in CSE and EE. What are his chances in BITS Pilani, Hyderabad and Goa? Where is the best place to live in athlone? What was it like to meet Carl Sagan in person? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in Iceland?" What are some dirty secrets about google? Which is the best way to feel better? Why does? What are the differences between a trial balance and balanced sheet? What are some must have Android app? What all lisence required for magazine? Is one Star Destroyer capable of defeating the US army? I am getting distracted a lot. How do I concentrate on studies? Which one should I learn first - C or C++? How do I improve my English communication skills? How do I reduce belly fat in minimal time? Are cheap people more selfish or unselfish? How do religious Muslims date? I forgot my Instagram password. How can I get into my account? What are some of the most common examples of system software? Why is it that you see attractive women marrying unattractive men more often than attractive men with unattractive women? Why does my dog lick my cat? How do you perceive the future of Blockchain technology in finance? What effect masturbation do on the health? How did you realize you were gay? How do I combine enzymes, substrate and porous material? What are benefits of using Quora instead of LinkedIN Ask and Answer or Yahoo! Answers? What is the major difference between a Immediate Payment Service (IMPS) and NEFT from a bank's point of view? Doesn't the launch of IMPS reduce the usage of NEFT services? Why should I use __main__ in the end of the python program? Do black roses exist? Why or why not? What is a Acupuncture Physician? Suppose Prince William wanted to move to Australia. Can a crown prince live outside his own country? How do you analyse the data gathered from market research using conjoint analysis? What is the most common thing a girl does that freaks a guy out? How much I can prepare for JEE mains paper last 15 days left after boards? Do I still have a chance at an Ivy League College? What does Mecca look like? Social and Behavioral Norms: Why do Europeans use a fork in their left hand, while North Americans hold it in their right? Is there any way to leave a WhatsApp group without letting anyone know? Why is the cure for cancer so elusive? What are some of the best colleges for an MBA in Pune? Are we heading towards World War III? Do successful people use drugs like cocaine, ritalin, adderall or other stimulants to enhance their performance? What hydroponic system yields the greatest growth and amount of produce? What does drinking alcohol feel like to people with ADD/ADHD? What is gourmet food? I need to write a short letter to someone in the military, but I don't want to thank them for their service. What should I write about? What exams should I prepare for after a B.Tech in electronics & instrumentation so that I don't have to wait after my graduation and get a job? How do I maintain my motorcycle: a Royal Enfield Classic 350? What is it really like to work for Amazon? What are the prerequisites to learning ANSYS? Micromax mobile fdi? What is CGPA required for CS in BITS Pilani after the first year under the dual degree? Can cats see ghosts? In American football, why do some centers point ahead before they get set and snap the ball? Would you rather be loved unconditionally or give love unconditionally? What are the pros of selective breeding? How do I know if some one has read my direct message on instagram? How should I find producers? What are the best tech gadgets to buy in 2016 that most people don't know about? What are the five freedoms of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution? Which are the recommended institutes for Hadoop training in Bangalore? Event, trial and outcomes? If someone blocked me, will they still get my text message? Is there a cap on how many times someone can get married or divorced? Can smoking meth cause high blood pressure? Why was the Pulitzer Prize awarded to the Washington Post and not directly to Woodward and Bernstein in 1973? What will be the effects of Donald Trump being the US president on India? What are some mind blowing techs gadgets that exist in 2016 that most people don't know about? What is the difference between 4WD and AWD? Do most ducks quack? How can a married Hindu man keep another wife, in presence of his 1st wife and equally treat both. Is there Any law supporting it? How did Billy Mays die? Which Indian news channel is the most corrupt one and which one is the most credible? What are the most difficult lessons for the INFJ to learn? What algorithm for calculate edge betweeness at girvan Newman community detection? What is a capacitor bank and why is it used? What is the purpose of life? What was the most weird incident that ever happened with you, which almost changed your life? What are locusts? Dilute solutions of alkali metals in liquid ammonia are paramagnetic why? Is it possible to reduce Blood Pressure without using any medications? How do I know if I've had my periods? When it comes to mobile phones, who is number one? Can masturbation make you bald? How can a person add values in his life? What do you understand by macroeconomics? What are some ideas for a computer science fair project? Why did D-Day call for thousands of soldiers to run into machine gun fire? Why didn't battleships just pound the guns to dust first? Is there homosexuality in animals? Is it possible for a math graduate to become an actuary? Can one hack Facebook with software? Are you a member of a cult? Why does a user not show up in a following list? (Instagram) Is 25 too old to learn computer programming? Do frogs eat spiders? How can I improve my English pronunciation? What is Daniel Banzali doing now and why do I not see him in movies anymore? Which is the best java compiler? Is Hindu mythology true? How long would it take for a cat to catch hypothermia if it`s -3 out? Is it possible to transfer music from iPhone to iPhone without launching iTunes? If possible, how should I do? What are the best ways to market self-published books? What are the requirements for an education in investment banking? Which is the best online coaching for civil engineering? How can I connect 2 audio devices to one stereo input? What are the coolest looking college buildings? How do I write a psychological thriller for young adult's fiction? How can I hack Facebook? From psychological point of view, why do people like cute things? What is the average rent to live in New York City? Which professional [IRS officer or RBI Grade B officer] has the greater salary? What are you not allowed to do with the internet at Google? What does it mean when I dream about killing someone? What are some of the most freakiest stories about Manipal? Why should I visit your city? What is a Quality Control Analyst? Who was the Battle of the Bulge fought between? Could a kitten be pure evil? How do I prepare for NDA written exam? How do you become unafraid? I've been in a relationship for 5 years. All of a sudden my boyfriend has started eating non veg. I'm totally against it. He's asking me to accept him or leave. What should I do? What is the most sought after certification in Computer & Network Security? What if you were upside down and you start feeling head pain? What percentage of engineers are moving towards banking sector and why? Militant ISIS has now seized land in Iraq and Syria, all by violent or military action. Yet I do not hear mainstream Muslims criticizing the ISIS at all. Do moderate Muslims support the ISIS? Which human cell does not contain cell organelles? Why everyone in Pakistan strongly supports the two nation theory?Does it really make any sense? What are common early career problems for people with degrees in nutrition? What is the best way to overcome stage fear? What exactly is time travel and is it possible? What book should be made into a movie? How do I turn myself into a psychopath? Has anyone taken executive education courses? Can I return an exchanged item on Amazon? What is the process? What are the most eagerly awaited Hollywood movies of 2017? What is the color theory? Is it easy to find a job as a software engineer in Germany? What's the average salary? "I need to transfer custody of my son. How do I set up an ""appointment"" with a judge?" Which is the best work while travelling? Is there a way to travel from China to India by rail via Nepal or Bhutan? Can yoga meditation and exercise in the gym go hand in hand? "Was the book ""The Lovely Bones"" based on a true story or not?" What are some good projects in electrical engineering? Why do only humans smile and laugh? What is FAT32 and NTFS? What are the main disadvantages of using cassandra... what are the scenarios where cassandra should not be my first selection? Where does the vice president of India live? What is a prokaryote? What is the most useless job? How can I watch past seasons of Survivor? Boardwalk Empire (TV series): Why did Margaret Schroeder sleep with the Irish man who was just a driver. She is a married woman with children,if Nucky found that out,she would be sorry? Why do people ask questions on Quora that are easily answered with a Google/Wikipedia search? What are the careers opportunities after studying chemistry? What is the integration of 2^x. xdx? How much can you tell about a person by looking them in the eye? What would teachers really like to tell their students' parents? How much caffeine is dangerous for a 17 year-old boy? What is the name for people who look down on everyone else of their race? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at How are the placements of M.Tech students in BITS Pilani in all 3 fields of Microelectronics, Embedded Systems and Communication Systems? I have planned a 4 day trip to Maldives.How can I make the most of the trip? What is the best Spyro game for PS2? What are the most important points/tips that I should take care of while working on my graduation project? What are fun things to do for a winter birthday? What kinds of companies use MongoDB? Which IT company gives highest average salary hike? How are dry cell batteries used? How can I learn to speak English fluently? What is studied in political science? What are some ways that evil people can earn money? How can I keep my mind off and focus? Is taking 5 cups of tea per day a good habit? Is it possible to not be a citizen of any country? Is what ripples when galaxy clusters collide what waves in a double slit experiment? Which would be best laptop under 25k INR? How can I improve my English writing skills? Why is Lee Min-ho so popular? What can I do to stop receiving notifications from apps on my Blu phone rather than manually blocking all apps' notifications manually? Why is life so unfair and difficult? How do you find new books to read? How can I get job referral in Accenture, Chennai? How do I run a Python Script from C code? How much would it cost to play one round of golf at Augusta national for non-members? What is the difference between earphones and headphones? And do they produce the same sound quality? Is DevOps a good career? How can I become good at English? What is data science How do I register a mobile in SBI for OTP services? How do I look at a private user account on Instagram? How do I buy property in India? What are some good examples of self fulfilling prophecies? How can I tell if my blog idea is good enough? I forgot my Facebook password and email password. How can I log into Facebook? Which book is best for java learning? How much time has to generally pass after you watch a movie until you are able to watch it again with at least some renewed novelty? "When people say ""Asian"", does it include Indians?" What are the detailed placement statistics for IT from VIT Vellore in recent years? What is hierarchy? How can l detect whether my data are ergodic and stationary? What are your favorite science podcasts? How can I download books? What is a tourist attraction that isn't overrated and why? Can I find out the mobile number using the IMEI number of the device carrying that SIM card? I'm in love with my best friend. He doesn't really care about me. What should I do? What are some best online shopping sites for men clothing? What is love? Why are some of the medications 5 times more expensive in US compared to other countries? How can I generate my debit card if I know my card pin? How eBay sell there product on cheap prices? How do private military companies recruit? How can I leave smoking? How long is enough for a penis? What are the best questions to ask on a first date? I spent 6 hours a day alone generating my ideas and rest of time executing my ideas. Some times I feel like killing myself. What is wrong with me? How do you find the true purpose of your life? What are the prophecies of world war 3 and will it actually happen? Who would win in a war between China and the UK? What's your favorite Disney movie? What do white people think about sikh people wearing turban? "How was the movie ""Titanic"" filmed?" Does hair wax cause loss of hair or make the hair thinner? Is it considered plagiarism to use a concept and/or idea from a screenplay (or any other writing) ? Even if I use it in a completely different way ? What are the key differences between the big data frameworks hadoop and spark? How will Asana's main product be different than Basecamp? How long does it take for toilet paper to decompose? Is China's economy about to collapse? How to run my short courses language and computer institute such that employees especially the registrar will not be able to commit financial fraud? When is silence better than words? Why didn't Facebook allow posts to be edited in 2013 and before? Why do people think you can say anything in a poem and have it be good? What is an average cost of hair transplant in Delhi NCR? Is Naruto Shippuden episode 484 before or after the movie The Last: Naruto the Movie. Which timeline is this in episode 484? Does Amazon use Slack? How does Google hire product managers? What is plantar fasciitis and how is it caused? What's the difference between a frog and a toad? Where can I find a directory with Author's contact information? What are the things you would like to change in your life, are you taking enough pains to actually bring a change? If so how? How do I stop being greedy? How do I know if a guy likes me? Electrostatic waves are longitudinal waves or transverse waves? How many calories do I get if I eat one meal per day? What is international financing? What are the most famous/popular local products and businesses in Boston? How is PURE Nightclub in Las Vegas? How does Waze make money? Why don't many people posting questions on Quora check Google first? If human beings evolved from monkeys, why do we still have monkeys today? How has science influenced philosophy? How does a girl feel if someone says she is the most beautiful girl? How soon is world war III? How can I create a good first impression when dating? How do I stop fapping forever? How can I change my Quora profile picture? If the majority of us citizens revolted against the United States government would the military and law enforcement join them? What are the best methods to learn a new language? Why is it illegal to destroy money? What is the most difficult language to learn? How are you today? Do resident indians need to write GMAT to get into IIM? Why do some people think that only white people can be racist? How many numbers from 1 to 1000 are divisible by 120? If time travel is possible, can we freeze time? I understand when people are mean to me, it makes me improve, but when most people are mean to me, then I don't even want to live. What can I do? What are the most suitable career options for an INFJ personality type? Is TV viewing harmful for children? Why or why not? What is the best way for adult caregivers to talk to adolescents about sex? In an interview, if I say drawing is my hobby, what are the questions that are asked? Ohio State Football Live Stream | Watch Ohio State Buckeyes Football Game Today Live Streaming Online? If I hide a direct message on Instagram, can the sender still see it? What are the best resources for learning to learn? Are eggs good for you? If so, what are the health benefits? I know eating dog meat is limited to a certain region of China, but are most Chinese supportive of eating dog meat in the first place? What style of art is this image ? How do you fix a Honeywell Thermostat? What are some cultural faux pas in Vietnam? What was the weirdest thing you have ever done? Why do babies have white spots on recently errupted teeth? How did Wicked go from being a book to a Broadway musical? What's wrong with white people wanting to preserve their own race? I'm 18. I want to join a startup and help it succeed just so that I can be a multi-millionaire by the age of 30. What should I do? Why is George Bernard Shaw important? Why is aluminum foil shinier on one side than the other? Would you want to be a teacher in the feture? What are some good short stories about empathy? What is the best bet in a casino? What is the use of Adobe Flash Player? Why does the Pelton turbine have a higher efficiency than the Kablan and Francis turbine? What are analytics services for a large website? Why would the Americans signed on to and remained a part of NAFTA if it took jobs away from Americans? What are the best websites and videos to learn computer architecture and organisation? How spiritual is having sex? Which laptop should I buy under 25000? What could you tell about public diplomacy of Belgium? What might cause a stripey sky? What do dreams mean? Which is the best denim jeans brand in India? How do you find a telecommuting job that pays you in US dollars and allows you to live outside the US? "What does ""; *"" mean?" Do you get high the first time you smoke weed? Why don't I have any friends? Why do I hate shoes and socks so much? How did Jesus, dying on the cross, save me from my sins? Which countries have the largest economies in the Southern Hemisphere? Where can I get high rise residential fire protection, inspection and maintenance services in Sydney? Why did Britain leave the EU? What are the pros and cons of them leaving the EU? What are the important things in our life? What are some fun things to do at a sleepover? Is it legal to buy all companies? What do we use in diesel engines, rich or lean mixture? How do you activate Rear fog lights in a Volkswagen Vento? What are application of MATLAB? How are members of the Democratic National Committee elected? Why can't I concentrate on my studies at all? What important historical events happened in 2008? how to writing a good resume? What is the best final year project to do? Can I stop selling a Udemy course yet let those who already bought it continue to use it? What made you stop believing in God? What would happen if Pakistan attacks India with nuclear weapons? How do you learn big data? What makes a good software engineer? Why was Ethiopia never invaded during the Islamic Conquests just like Somalia and Sudan? What is the biggest tip that you have ever received as an employee? Where is the best skiing in Colorado? Why? "What does ""ya vol"" mean in German?" How much does it cost to build a high rise? I have scored 137 in jee mains and expecting around 94% in cbse boards I m from delhi do I still have chance of getting a respectable branch in dtu nsit or iiitd? How do I remove a tea stain from clothes? I'm 14. Whenever I walk down the street, old guys stare at me from their cars and it's super disgusting. How do I learn to ignore this? If all humans moved to inhabit Mars and left Moslems alone on earth, would there be peace on earth? Would there be peace on Mars? Do worm holes exists? If yes then how they are formed? How do I improve writing skill? "What is the setting of the ""Confessions of a Shopaholic"" book?" How can I get knitting manual? As a freelancer I joined a US firm which pays only by checks. Where and how to deposit the USD checks in my local bank account in Nepal? How can one become super cool like Obama? What if every nuclear weapon in the world suddenly ceased to exist, and the ability to build them was forever lost? Why is black money related to Swiss banks? I want to start a online store of diamond jewellery. What basic steps should I take? Suggest a name too. What is the best Villager strategy in Super Smash Bros. 4? What makes apps downloads from Google play store to not connect to the internet? I love him and he loves me, but he doesn't want a relationship right now. Should I give up or keep trying? What are the consequences of masturbating everyday? I masturbate once a day and sometimes its thrice? Is it normal? Does an investment banking analyst usually need an MBA in order to become an associate? Is Kohinoor business school good for an MBA? I want to buy a German Shepherd. What will one cost in India? I am from Nepal. I want to complete Msc in Harvard what should I do? In the indirect cash flow method, why do we have to subtract increases and add decreases in current assets and do the opposite for current liabilities? How do I show that O(max{f(n),g(n)}) = O(f(n) +g(n))? Why do I feel so horny in the Rain? Should abortion be legal? In which countries is the Swahili language spoken? What is the best Android game framework? Why does angular momentum of an object moving in a uniform motion remain constant? What is the best iPhone app for learning or studying Chinese? In Digital Fortress, a novel by Dan Brown, why did Strathmore want to sell the key (the gold ring) to Numataka? How does gravity work (at the sub-atomic level)? If A>B, then is sinA>sinB? Why should I pay income tax? How do I learn English? What is the difference between the Army and the National Guard? At what age does a mens skin wrinkle? What is a great scooter/motorcycle that can go on the highway? How can I overcome my self doubt? "What does the Hindi word ""Astitva"" mean in English?" How do people like to party in Guyana? Do illegal immigrants get welfare and health insurance? Does Cologne feel like a big city? What are some great apps like Quora? Is BITS worth a drop? And will my drop affect my placements at BITS? How many droppers are at BITS? I am a very lazy guy, but I want to win at least one Nobel Prize. What should I do? What are best ebook for ethical hacking? What is the expected price of Microsoft 8gb ram mobile phone? How many people died by the end of World War 2? How was it different than World War 1? Why silica gel absorb moisture? Which are the major highways in California and how are they compared to the major highways in Washington? Which CMS is best developed and why? What is the best dye for tie dyeing? What is the most paranormal thing that has ever happened to you? "What is the best answer in interview for ""why should I hire you? ""?" Why don't I get any answer for my question in Quora? Is Quora not a place for serious questions? How can I start to make money online? What happens to the guns and tanks seized in a war? What happens if I don't eat anything at all for 3 weeks? Is nicotine bad for your lungs? Which is better, PIC or AVR? How do I optimize my Quora feed? Articles How do I improve my risk taking ability? What is gravity? "How do you say ""thank you"" in Thai? What are some other useful words and phrases?" What is the price difference between stainless steel and carbon steel? I hate my voice on camera but I want a YouTube channel. What should I do? What would you do for your 16th birthday? How can a current pass through a cell? Do universities like Harvard, Stanford, and Yale only consider Olympiad-qualified students or those with some special achievements? What is the best treatment for hair loss? How do I get white hair? How can I delete my old Twitter account if my e-mail no longer exists? What material should I use for the 1Z0-068 exam? Why was Jon Snow's giant not better equipped in the Battle of the Bastards? If I block someone on Snapchat will they be able to see my story? What does it feel like to be arrested? I just broke up with my girlfriend a couple of days ago. I like someone else. How long should I wait to date/ask out the new girl? Which is better according to placement CS at NIT jamshedpur, CS at BIT mesra, CS at NIT hamirpur or IT at NIT Kurukshetra? What are some of the best romantic thriller novels? How much can teeth move after using braces? Where can I watch good porn for free? How can an instructional designer make a foray in digital marketing? How do you get tobacco-free shisha? What is the life hack you have done to become smarter? Could I use a microwave oven (without convection mode) to bake frozen pizza? If yes, how? How can I be a professional speaker? Do I need an agent? How can I speak English more fluently and effectively? Why is it that forms in the US that ask for your race/ethnicity also ask in a separate question if you consider yourself Latino/Hispanic? How can I access a blocked webpage? C (programming language): What is the difference between: ++a and a=a+1? What are the chances of getting pregnant after taking the Plan B pill 2 days after? How much percentile do I need to get a call from IIM A, B or C? What are some underrated movies according to you and why? What are the books to be read in your early 20s? Why does coffee make my stomach upset? Why does former London mayor Boris Johnson look worried in the aftermath of the Brexit vote? If an egg having two yolks is hatched, are two chicks produced? Have Mythical Creatures been scientifically tested? Who are the best writers of Quora? How was Narendra Modi in his school? "What does the Spanish phrase, ""Te amo, mi amor"" mean in English?" Which IIT can I get with a JEE advance rank of 12590? Why hasn't Turkey acknowledged the Armenian Genocide? How are design decisions made at Twitter? Where does photosynthesis occur in plant? Have women soldiers/officers of the Indian Army fought in any real wars that India have fought so far? What is the summary of Darwin's theory? Where can I go to register my mobile number for an Aadhar card? Can I do it in an out of state centre? Has Hillary Clinton's ties to Monsanto influenced her decision to not enforce labeling of genetically modified foods? Why or why not? I have forgot my signature. How can I apply for ATM card in Bank of Baroda? I'm having to use every free hour of my day to get things done, and then I struggle getting to sleep from being overactive. How can I make sure I don't waste time lying wide awake in bed? How can I solve the following vector problem? What are the best books in neuroscience? Are Bull Terriers good for novice owners? Which is the best book for Indian history? How do I find technical co-founders for a startup idea? Why do I feel sleepy after I drink wine? Does buddhism come from India or Nepal? What si definition of child labour? What movie is the most beautiful just to look at? What is Dojo Toolkit, explain in simple words? How can you tell if someone has a personality disorder? How is the word 'candor' used in a sentence? How much would it cost to build a building 5 km tall? Can the groom be the only person wearing a tuxedo at a wedding? Which engineering can be run on amd radeon r5? Is a GTX 980 TI overkill for 1080p gaming? How should I prepare management for UGC NET exam for JRF? What practical difficulties could I face in starting a software services company in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh? What would happen if everyone were mentally healthy? What happens when you dont masturbate for a long time? Why does bottled water has expiry date? Is the bottle that expires or the water? Does Shazam recognize K-Pop? Which IT course is job oriented? How do I build a million dollar company? What is the evidence for biological evolution and what is the evidence supporting creationism? What are good books about computer architecture? How long will it take to learn Flask, if I already know python? Would there be a hike in service charges once cashless transactions gain momentum? What color is blue? Is it possible to make penis size longer? What do acceptance letters from Oxbridge/Ivy leagues look like? How do I make a married lady fall for me? What are the differences between wolves and dogs? "What is the total amount of money in the world economy? What is the ""figure""?" What is the Credits page on Quora, and where can I find it? How can I delete the cache in Facebook and twitter? Do all the temples in India allow all Hindus inside despite of caste? Do shows like Crime Patrol portray sex as evil? What are the most prominent theories of what caused the Big Bang? Where can I get very friendly assistance in Sydney for buying or refinancing a property? Are spirits real? What do you think will happen with China in the South China Sea? How many exams are held per month in RESONANCE KOTA for the students studying in VIKAAS JA course (class XI target IIT)? What books I should read in 2016? Which is the best mutual funds to invest in India? What is important in statistics? How can you tell if a woman has had an orgasm? Is there a heart rate monitor available for the iPhone 5 yet? How do I upload pictures to Quora questions? How can I become bigger than Hitler? How do I increase my concentration tremendously? What is the most beautiful thing on earth? Are Axis & Allied miniatures discontinued for good? What can someone do in IT to grow their net worth? Why was an innocent man murdered in India, the so called democratic and secular state, for eating Beef? Study of statistics Can someone hack a Facebook account for me? Why does good people face many problems in the current world and bad people are happily living? What is the best yielding crop to grow for cash return per acre or hectare and what other considerations are there when deciding what crops to grow on agricultural land? What algorithms can one start learning Game Theory with? Why is there a fight between Mulayam Singh and Akhilesh Yadav recently? How can I improve my English pronunciation? How long have you been vegan? What is the best business in India? What is the best way to remove plaque from teeth? Considering the drop in cutoff in the JEE-Advanced to 124, will I be able to get a seat in an IIT with 129 marks in the general category? Why is there a stigma of American men marrying Filipina women? Is college identity card accepted as a valid address proof while applying for Pass port? Where can I get hicare pest control services in Sydney? What is your roommate nightmare story? Can a girl and a boy be best friends forever? What's it like to work with Casey Neistat? Can Vicks VapoRub be used for headaches? How can I find Jaw Crusher Granite in Guinea-in Bissau? I'm Indian and working as a project manager in Australia. The team I'm managing are whites. They resist my instructions. What can/should I do? How do I change my password in Facebook? What are the trigonometric ratios? How does Quora count the number of views in an answer? Do you prefer a yoke, center stick, or a side stick? Will my UK Tier 2 visa application be rejected if I have been denied a US visa 3 times already? Twice for working visa and 1 for tourist visa. Why don't Floyd Mayweather, oprah winfrey, bill gates and mark Zuckerberg speak on the police killing in riots going on in America? What is the best college for a BCA in India? What is the longest roller coaster in the United Kingdom and how does it compare to the longest roller coasters in other countries? "How do you solve the old ""I really like a girl, but if I tell her I may ruin our friendship"" conundrum?" Should I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Are Orihime and Ichigo really a couple in Bleach? Which is the best color in honda hornet 160? How does photosynthesis occur in prokaryotes? Why has my throat been hurting for a week? Hypothetical Scenarios: What would you ask for if you had one wish granted? What are the best startups to work with for a software engineer? Is 3.2 an odd or an even number? Can I earn money through my YouTube channel? Where can I buy full-sleeved football jerseys in Mumbai for the upcoming World Cup? What's the best lunch place in Amarillo, TX? "I don't have a naturally ""Broadway""-sounding voice. Is it possible to work to change this?" Do all seed plants produce flowers? Why or why not? Is [math]0.25[/math] multiple of [math]0.5[/math]? Why do some people think hitting your child is a good form of discipline? If you think about someone does that mean they're thinking about you? How do I get back lost DMs in Twitter? Tata Consultancy Services: What should I do if I was told to find a project in one month? How does one concentrate on studies in the noon? Is potassium phosphate considered an electrolyte? How do l fuck a girl? Is it normal to be attracted towards a girl being a girl? Is it better for Nepalese students to study medicine in Nepal (MBBS) or abroad in countries such as Australia or the USA? I am unable to decide between electrical, computer and aerospace engineering. However I am interested in space and aeronautics. What should I do? Given r1 and r2 vaue and angle calculate distace travelled? How is land and sea breeze created by convection? What is new in construction? What is truly the most important thing in life? What causes medical fail when we go abroad? How can you determine the Lewis structure for phosphorus? What is the weirdest site on the internet? How long would it take for me to lose 30 pounds? How do I catch Moltres in Pokémon GO? Are there any recommended Japanese dramas on Netflix? What is the fastest possible way to lose weight? Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 2 (The Lion and The Rose): Why does Cersei have Pycelle give the leftovers to the dogs, instead of the poor? According to Hindu mythology, why is it forbidden to eat or drink something during an eclipse? What is the importance of Kusha (A certain type of grass said to act as a preservative during an eclipse)? Where can I get professional house painting services in Brisbane? Which is the best IELTS coching center in Chennai? What kinds of tequila are kosher for Passover? What's the most interesting new email startup? How many sects are there in Judaism? Where can I get best byke jackets in mumbai? "Which is the best ""business"" newspaper in India?" Is Donald Trump's wife a U.S citizen? What are some good historical TV shows? I hate my dad? Can I drink cucumber water for the rest of my life? What martial art is the best? Do wind instrument players get bored in orchestras? "French (language): What's the difference between ""J'aimerais"" and ""Je voudrais""? Are they interchangable? How does one say ""I would like to know about it""?" Has Narendra Modi let the Hindus down? How can I be convinced that Muslims are actually peaceful people who respect my right to hold my beliefs and practice my religion the way I want? How does one set Google Secure Search (SSL) as the default search engine for Firefox? What do you think about the movie Kimi No Na Wa's ending? What is the best books to read? What foods should I try in France? What are the words that differ in British English and American English? Where can I find the best cakes in Bangalore? I need a good name for an anti-bullying campaign. Any suggestions? Which 1 good for a fersher to start with? Preparing for front end developer? Back end developer or study Java for getting job? What is the admission procedure for school of planning and architecture in building engineering and management course? How should one prepare for SSC CGL with M.Tech.? How do I view saved videos from Facebook? What is the fundamental root cause of every disease? What were some social causes of the French Revolution and how did society overcome the repercussions caused by it? What should I do to improve my English ? What are the benefits of partially defatted peanuts? What is a welfare state? Will President Obama ever hit the studios to record a rap song? Which college I can get in IP with a rank of 6139 In IPU BBA CET? Why is Sagarika Ghose labelled as pseudosecular? Did Russia hack the US election? Can a colorblind person join the Indian Army? What programming languages are used most by Microsoft? Do u love your girlfriend? What does it feel like to see a homeless beggar and realize that you know them? Is iOS better or Android? Girl keeps texting me and calling everyday even after she said she is not interested. What should I do? What's the meaning of life? "In Spanish, what is the meaning of ""marron""?" "Why is there a special term for women who are gay (e.g. ""lesbian""), whereas gay men are simply ""gay""?" What are user interface features? What would YOU do if you were Walter Mitty? How does one grow facial hair? Who were the last uncontacted people or tribe in Europe? What are the best nodeJS software development consulting companies / firms in the United States? I am not able to receive a .apk file to my Micromax Android One mobile via Bluetooth. Why? What are the skills required for any SEO professional? Can an individual from a non tech background also learn SEO? What are the best SEO Companies in Pune? How do you deal with Quora addiction? What are some good ways to cope with anxiety and depression without using medication? How do I lose a minimum of 5kg of weight in just 1 week? "How would you use the word ""consequently"" in a sentence?" I know my PAN card number, but I do not know my bank account number. How can I get my bank account number? Somewhat how can I improve my communication skill? What is the least painful way for suicide? How do I regrow hair also how it is possible to make it healthy? Why do people ask questions on Quora that are easily answered with a Google/Wikipedia search? What is the best adult dating site for find a best sex partner? How does it feel like to be young/old? Is there any way to prevent petrol/diesel price fluctuation in India? My perfume bottle fell and broke. My whole room unbearably smells strong. How can I remove the odour? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Marathon Petroleum? "Does the US Government allow data analysis on its ""confidential"" data? How has open data improved overall operations of different departments?" How much computer experience do you need to make a decent chess engine? Do you think an Elo above 2000 is enough? How can one stop caring about what people say or think about them? Are hoverboards dangerous? "Is it possible for thick androgenous hair to ""revert"" back into vellus hair?" Is the stair-stepper better for maximizing your glutes or the elliptical? I make $800 a week. How much will that be after taxes? Why do the moon and stars come out at night? As a kid, I liked to pick on other kids my age. Does that mean I had sociopathic tendencies? What do you think about the movie Kimi No Na Wa's ending? What are the most embarassing moment in life? What are the crazy things that only mumbaikars do? How do I know if I am being scammed online? Is President Obama considered black -- considering his mother’s white and he was not raised by a black family? Why or why not? Which coaching institute is the best for a GRE preparation: Jamboree or Princeton in Delhi? What are some interesting cultural taboos in Europe? How does anything exist? Does college degrees really matter? Is it possible for grey hairs to stop? What happens after you die? (Human Being) How do the dead contact the living? Why aren't aircraft tyres made to spin before landing to prevent excessive wear on touch down? When you break up with someone, why does it feel like they broke up with you? Wat to do for an IES? As a CEO of a start-up, when you receive enough funding to work on a venture full time, how do you determine what your salary should be? How do I know followers on private Instagram account? Does god exist? YES What is the meaning of the blue telephone icon beside the name in the fb messenger? How do I solve this problem, step-by-step? Who are some lesser known important historical figures of Libya and what should people know about them? Why am I earnings so low on YouTube even though I have 10 videos with good views? How can I promote them for free? Doctors: how far away are we from an artificial kidney? What do the youth of India really want? How do I become a good programmer in C? Who is the most wonderful person you ever met? Why do Japanese people use so many English words? How do I send my IELTS score (British council) electronically to US universities? How do I make the payment? I am from India. How can I make my e-commerce website take off? Why does my PC says it is connected to WiFi but there is no internet access? I didn't pick up a girl's call on an app in which I was chatting with her. I feel uncomfortable talking to strangers on phone. She got upset and refused to chat anymore. Could I have done anything different? How can I become popular? What is Sheryl Crow like in person? I've heard good and bad things. How can I get peers for a torrent file in blocked Wi-Fi in college? Does it need domicile to play or a Ranji team? Can I join Indian navy after BBA? Is the Japan Rail Pass worth buying for a student? What are your most controversial or unpopular opinions? My son 11for Narayana IIT academy IZ batch in hyd recently mock test around 1250 rank main/ADV what expected in 2018? How do you replace an HDMI Port on a TV? Propped cantilever beam bending moment? What is the difference between regression and functional regression? What is the age limit for IES? Is the frequency of a sound wave the same as the frequency of its source? How did you grow your business rapidly? How do I play Dungeons and Dragons? My girlfriend flirts with every other guy. We have been in a relationship for 2 years, but when the flirting turns into sexting she realises her mistake and comes back to me. I never said a word to her and I forgive her easily. It's because I love her and I can't live without her. What should I do? Why does Apple continue to stick with using Nvidia graphics chips even though it means that they have to use slower Intel CPUs in their new MacBook Air line launched in October 2010? Are penguins cold blooded? How much time will it take for india to become a superpower? What are the best ways to rescue dogs? What seems simple yet is indescribably complex? Which phone is better, Samsung On7 or Xiaomi Redmi 3s? Can I get CSE at PES with PESSAT 2016 rank of 1150? Why is Russia invading Ukraine? What universities does Marvell Technology recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? What was your biggest culture shock going to india? Dating and Relationships: What are some innovative ways to propose to a girl? How do introverts enjoy life? What are some examples of occurrences of pure chemical compounds? How do you write an excuse letter for being absent in school? How would you rank Harvard, Stanford, and Yale for JD/MBA joint degree programs? Why? "How can the ""relative strength index"" be used best for determining stock movement in intraday trading in Indian stock markets?" Can someone who only graduated from high school be as smart someone graduated from a college 4 years later? My girlfriend and I took a break. About two months later she told me she made out with her ex during our break. What do I do? Does a Husky/Cocker Spaniel mix shed? If so, what is the best treatment for this? What is the best way to prevent/treat acne? "Are the titles ""liberal"" and ""conservative"" being used incorrectly by the Democratic and Republican parties, respectively? What are more appropriate descriptors to sum up the Parties' beliefs?" What are the best movies to watch when you are stoned? Can you go skydiving at grand Cayman Islands? What's the cheapest PC I can build to run high-end games? Who is your favorite contemporary living visual artist and why? "What are ""layman's terms""?" What is it like to attend a Hillary Clinton speech? How can I create a picture like this? I it better to do medicine in america than india? Why do people ask questions on Quora when they can easily find the answer for it on Google? I am a beginner coder with a low-frequency quantitative algorithm. How do I go about trading with my algorithm? What is 3.5cm (width) by 1.5cm (ht.) in pixels at 200 dpi resolution? Is eggplant/brinjal considered a fruit or a vegetable? What is your list of swear words commonly used? What is the correct way to pronounce this: Dido and Aeneas? How do I keep indoor flowers alive? What happens when someone dies on a plane? Is psychiatry a ruse? What are the similarities between Christianity and Islam? Which is the best way to learn English fast? Without gravity, how does the CO2 from exhaling not suffocate the astronauts? Is diffusion sufficient or are there fans? What is the format of writing a formal and informal letter? Stupidity: How do you argue with morons? Is an automatic car using engine braking whenever the driver doesn't step on the gas pedal? What causes small pimples all over my face? How do I get rid of them? How can I learn to become more disciplined? What is the best video tutorial to learn chess? What should one do after a civil engineering degree? What is difference between industrial and applied maths? Why doesn't Jadavpur University contribute to open course platforms like NPTEL or edX or Coursera? What are some songs with a lot of bass? Should India ask China to return Aksai Chin and all the territory occupied by China as their relations are good now? What are the side effects of masturbation? Is it possible to crack IAS in 7 months? How is the education system in chains? What are the mischievous things that you did in your childhood? What would happen if one gets untethered from ISS? Why is it a big deal? Would they not be orbiting the Earth along side the ISS? Why is immigration bad for the U.S.? What problems does it cause? Why does familiarity breed contempt? Why can't I click my tongue while breathing in or out through my mouth? How do you become good at reading people? How do you become good at reading people? I have 94% bof. Do I stand a chance in getting Kamla Nehru College in DU for Bcom Hons after the fifth list? How many person can travel in first class AC in darjeeling mail? How can I improve my essay writing skill? Which are the good web designing companies in India? What exactly was Count Olaf's plan in the Ersatz Elevator? How can I improve my English? What is an effective diet to burn fat and lose weight? If Thor had been in the movie Civil War, which team would he have sided with? How can I earn extra pocket-money? What was something that someone did that made you think they were really damn stupid? What was the best British tank of WW2? How does it feel to lose weight? How do I lose 10 kgs in a month? What is a 2nd class sleeper? How can I get scholarship? What was your biggest culture shock coming to a foreign country? Is 25 too old to learn computer programming? What are some of the best Fallout 4 graphics mods? Where can I see Naruto Shippuden 362 English dubbed? What are the health risks of eating a raw potato? How does the M.Eng degree differ from the MS degree? Is one preferred over the other by employers? I have mistakenly filled the wrong reason for renew of passport in my online passport application form, and paid 3500 rupees to schedule the appointment after a month in Delhi. Is there something I need to worry about? Who will win the 2nd match between Albania and Switzerland in the UEFA Euro 2016? What is the Oort cloud? How can I check what the longitude of the earth was at a given time? How can I get to the top of my Snapchat conversation? How do you stop Mini Westie puppies from chewing your shoes? Why South Korea is considered a successful country if it has one of the highest suicide rate in the world? What will be a good project if I want to learn machine learning with big data? Why all LTE phones Don't support VoLTE? Is it hardware limitaion? In terms of salary and job availability after graduating, is it a good idea to change majors from ECE to CS for MS degree? Why/Why not? What's the value of zero to the power zero? I am currently in third year of Computer Science. What should I do to improve my resume and stand out from other coders and comp scientists? Why did J.K. Rowling proclaim Dumbledore gay after the book series ended? What are the worst advertisements ever? I have no trespassing signs in my yard a minor trespassed and I hit him with a metal object what happens in kentucky? How effective is trench warfare in modern warfare? What is the easiest way to earn money from online? How important is the discovery of Gravitational Waves? What is the objective of studying history? Difference between swirl and turbulence in combustion chamber? Are dairy products healthy or not? How do you know you have a crush on someone? How can I gain 10 kg weight in one month? What do the lyrics to Pippin's song mean? Is the browser in Android Honeycomb Chrome? And if so, what version is it? Can I get chemical in Manipal with rank 23k? What are some good pubs (with disco) in chennai for a saturday afternoon? What is aldol condensation? Why does an ex girlfriend calls years later, asking to be friends then this? Why would a man who has been married a little over a year have an affair? He says that they never have sex. Who is the most misunderstood character in Game of Thrones? How long do you wait for a sales rep to make their first sale before firing them? What skills does one need to build a vertical search engine? Which are the best games in android (offline) under 25mb? For a company name, do you prefer NebuShare or TimeSnip if the latter is more fitting? What is x if (190/15)/10 = x/15? Why do certain artists continue staying alive if they believe in such dark truths of life? How can you look at someone's private Instagram account without following them? How do convert .xls file to pdf using libreoffice command? How do I choose between doing what I want and what my parents want? Should I become a blogger? What is the difference between Program, Product, and Project manager roles? What are some of the things that cannot be understood? What are Pokemon Emerald game codes? Do people feel shame anymore? What are Bach's most famous pieces? What are the things needed to be learned for IoT for an ECE student? How can I become successful? What is the best way to memorize things? What are the advantages of rupee dominated Masala bonds? What are some mindblowing facts about Countries? How do I mine bitcoin on my laptop? How do I unload a loaded pistol? Which Naruto theme song you like the most? Why do the South Koreans hate North Koreans? College and University Admissions: Can I get a scholarship as an international transfer student when transferring from Bangladesh to USA? In CS:GO, how can I use grenades efficiently on the Mirage map? Why do Secret Service agents wear suits when they can limit their motion? Which is the best food for our life? How can I be more useful to Quora? How is the word 'courtier' used in a sentence? Are US law enforcement agencies so bad that US citizen don't feel safe without privately owned guns and rifles? What is intraday in the stock market? I have a graph, and a property on nodes pairwise. I want to do a check in linear time, and bound my error. What algorithms or bound can I use? What is the most effective essential oil blend (aromatherapy synergy) used in massage oil for headaches? How can I write an essay about phobia to blood? Should Quora ban anyone under 21? Where can I get best wardrobe products in Sydney that can make my daily life easier? I had applied for a passport, but after police verification I received a message saying adverse report. Which PSK should I refer and do I need to book an appointment? Why does my second shift key in my laptop work like CTRL? A top-notch psychologist had tested my IQ. He said I broke the limit. What does it mean? Is propanol classified as polar or non-polar? How can I prepare for CA CPT? What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they're invited to someone's home in Canada for the first time? What is your favorite black privilege moment? How do I run an ultra marathon? What is the best way to optimize my blog? Is being wealthy worth it? I’m thinking of a 10-digit integer whose digits are distinct. The number formed by the first n is divisible by n for each n from 1-10. What is the #? What are examples of the reserved powers in the United States? Which layer in TCP/IP stack is responsible for the work done in Physical layer of OSI model? How do I get deep web on android? In Buddhism, is the purpose of lives to attain nirvana? If so, why? How do I believe in myself more? Are there any disadvantages to using wordpress Multisite? Is it possible to see how many views others get on their Snapchat story? Is this a kind of slug? I got bored by using Lollipop in my Moto g 1st Gen. Now I want something new. Which are the best ROM available for the Moto G? What was the most upvoted answer on Quora? Where does gravity come from exactly? From the earth's core or the disturbance of the space-time fabric. Is it normal that my iPhone 6 dies when it has around 15%? Where is the best site to buy wholesale plus size boutique clothing for boutique? Is mock seat allotment? What are some good 12 episode anime series to watch? I am 19 and want to learn programming. How should I start? What is the Bitcoin's real USD exchange ratio? Where does the name Kirkland come from and what does it mean? How do I protect my software with licenses? How do websites get a list of all colleges and universities to pick from in a list of values/drop down list? UI Design Tools: What is the best modern mockup software? How can I increase traffic on blogspot blogger? What are the benefits of laminating a poster? Video Games: Will my Hp 15-r032tx notebook PC run gta 5? What is the best place to travel in the month of October for 4 days in India? Which is the best book for puzzle solving? Why did President Obama travel to England to lobby against Brexit? How long does it take for biopsy results? I am getting my wisdom tooth and I am having some pain and feeling a lot of discomfort. Is this normal? How safe are helicopters from ground fire? What is the best horror movie you have seen? How can I earn some money in online? Would anyone be willing to take a marketing survey? (It is only 10 questions long). Who are ZoomInfo's top 3 competitors? What is the best Android Smartphone to buy? How can I build a LED light? What are the SI units used to measure resistance? Can I use a USB 3.0 device in a USB 2.0 port? How can I get rid of my widows peak? What kinds of jobs would be in a cubicle? How do I get into Stanford with a poor GPA? How do I unlock a Samsung Android tablet? What is the boiling point of rice? What is the best thing I should do after my civil engineering? What are health effects of LSD? How do I know if I am addicted to masturbation? If a war takes place between Pakistan and Israel and given that no other country helps either country out, how will it go? Should I upgrade my iPhone 5 to iOS 8 or wait a bit longer? What are some important APIs supported by Kivy for Android? Is it childish to ask someone out that you don't know? Like, what are your thoughts of asking people out that you don't know? Do early morning dreams come true? Is there a vim plugin to debug JQuery and AJAX? Who is the first human? I need to ship 60lb of product from China to Guam. What is the cheapest way to do this? What are some of the best life sciences consulting companies? How To speak English Fluently ? Why is Australia so expensive to live? What are the causes of writer's block? How can I overcome it? Why did the Chinese government recently acknowledge environmental problems caused by the Three Gorges Dam? Will college and university tuition fees increase under a President Trump? Or would they anyway over the next two decades? I got 73 in JEE-Mains and hoping to get 85-90 percent in boards. Should I take a drop and try again next year or just take whatever college admits me? My Dell Inspiron N5010 beeps 8 times at the time of booting. Also the screen is completely black and the (process) LED light is not blinking. What are any solutions? How can I reapply for a lost pancard? I dont know pan card number How does the cashless transaction in transportation works in some parts of europe? Like what is the process involved in it? What are the things that I should learn to make my own drone? How do I play pirated games on my Wii (v4.3)? How has food helped you connect with your body? Is SUN solid, liquid or gas? What are the odds of dying in an airplane crash by engine type? How do I start international business import and export in cloth brands? Are gay people openly accepted in America? What happens when ethane reacts with chlorine? How do I reverse the direction of DC shunt motor? How much can a person eat at a buffet? Is God abusive? What do white american guys think of black american guys dating white american girls? What are vector components? What is the meaning of unity in diversity? Should I have a Malaysian residency to start a company in Malaysia? What is the difference between IBR and non-IBR boilers? Can I send a private message to someone on Facebook that I am not yet friends with? What was the use of a copper iridium? How prevalent is it that people don't wear underwear? If a girl continues the conversation with a guy who started it, is she being friendly or is she interested in him? Is United Kingdom a secular state? Then why is the monarchy intrinsically related to the Church of England? Shouldn't the Queen represent all? What are some of the worst movie scenes of all time? What are the best ways to seduce someone? In a magical world in which nobody ever has the idea to build trenches in WWI, who would win? How do I get free Instagram followers fast? What are some awesome things to do in Sydney that are not in the standard guide books? Which incident has changed your life? "What are some sentence examples using ""until""?" Can I make a PayPal account at 13? There is a girl I like and she says she has a boyfriend and has started avoiding me. Can't I just be her friend? What are your favorite photos? Which sports academy in India has produced most number of world class athletes? How can I get more money in a short time? Why is the jet deflected by bucket wheel between 160° to 170° instead 180° in a Pelton turbine? How is the word 'culture' used in a sentence? Things aren't working out at my current company. Is it normal to contact a recruiter at a different company about a job offer I rejected earlier? Do worm holes really exist in the universe? What are some verbs that start with an S? What are the best resources for learning iOS development? What if an iPhone has totally different IMEI numbers on the back and inside the OS settings? Is it legally unlocked or just a duplicate? Why isn't Hound as famous as Ser Barristan Selmy and Ser Arthur Dayne? How can I hire programmers for a startup in India? Do you have a 30-60-90 day plan template? How would one solve the equation [math]0=4x-e^{x-2}-3[/math]? How have millipedes adapted to their environment? How can I lose weight, I am 16 years old teenager? As a beginner, what are the best books to learn Java? What is the best Rise Against song? Is elitism about being the best? How do you profile people by their shoes? Why are you not happy with your life? How good a player was OJ Simpson? What is the most stupid thing you have ever done to yourself? Who was the Idiot who took the first selfee? "What does ""xoxo"" mean?" I started STEAM CARWASH@Doorstep sevice in Chennai but I have very few customers so I want to improve marketing by launching app is it advisable now? "What is the meaning of the word ""Gundabad""?" How can gain my weight? Which IPR database is better for searching? MICROPAT or ORBIT What was the scariest experience of your life? How do I learn to observe people like Sherlock Holmes? How can I see how many tweets a hashtag has? If I don't want to become a frequent user of Snapchat, but I do want to get familiar with the product, which features should I take a look at? Where is Vijay? How is a diamond ring qualified to be a 17-carat? What are the chances of getting confirmed in the WL1 in the 3A class? How can I define myself as a Christian if I believe that Jesus was only a man? What video formats can DVD players run? Why did Merv Griffin create Jeopardy? How powerful of a wizard is Dumbledore? How do I get from a 160 to a 165 (minimum) in the quantitative section of the GRE? What are some of the unsolved mysteries of India? What are the branches I can get in Manipal main campus with a score of 86? What would be the rank? What are the best ways of marketing your website for free? Can I make a 'film-fest' quality Conservation Film for less than $1000? How does global warming work? If Banquo could speak in Macbeth, what would he say and why? What is your take on banning 500 and 1000 rs notes in India? What would aliens evolving on a planet lit by a red dwarf star see? Would they see in infrared, or like us? What should I do to learn English fast? If the USA was at war with the entire world, except Canada, how would that end? Who would win? What is a non-political opinion you have that is likely very unpopular? What was the most embarrassing moment of your life till now? I broke all her trust but I still couldn't leave her . What should I do? I am in Grade10 right now in a CBSE school. I really want to move to IB and I'm 100% sure about it. What are some good IB schools in India? Do gay Catholics have to confess the sin of masturbation? Can we convert a 3G phone to 4G? DJ craze India? I'm getting 480+ marks approximately in the AIPMT and I belong to OBC too. Is there any chance of getting a medical college? How can I reverse an inappropriate question merger on Quora? Why do less dense liquids float on water? Any Online link to watch or download Suits Season 6 Episode 4? How can I improve my English for communication purpose? Why is the left side of my neck more sore than the right side? Is rohit sharma really talented? Who is shah jahan? What is the need of women empowerment? How much tax will be reduced for my LTA amount? What would be an optimal CTR for an ad? Where can I learn programming? How should the US react to the attempted military coup in Turkey? What is the location of Palawan, and how does this Island compare to Ouvea Island? Who exactly invented calculus? Newton or Leibnitz? And was their work on same lines/methodology? Why SSL connection errors occur and how can I fix it? Does God exist? What does BFF mean? Who are some crusher suppliers in Africa? Should there have been a referendum on Britain leaving the EU? Did they ever find gravitons, or was it all just hype and hoax? If they never found gravitons, then how can gravity work? Magic? Goddidit? How did Selena Gomez turn off Instagram comments? How long will new delhi remain the capital of india? Did ISM Danbad convert to IIT? Is there anyone who really knows the true background of the band Pink Floyd and who influenced them? What gadget can I buy on Amazon for Rs 1299? How do I crawl news on a topic from the web? How does TripAdvisor gather the data at the beginning? Is Tim Cook an effective CEO? Whom do you think is a complete batsman among the following: Virat kohli, kane williamson, steve smith, joe root? And why? I'm in first year doing BE in Electronics and Telecommunications. Should I go for internship at this level? Will it be helpful? Why is setting goals important? Does this sound like ocd behaviour? What do dreams about being killed mean? Why would I use React over AngularJS? What do you think of yourself? Which is the best site for the SSC CGL online mock test? What is the real bad guy in Syria? President Assad or the Salafi and Wahhabi terrorists? Please only Syrians answer me! Is it grammatically correct to say peoples instead of people? What is the Commerce Clause? Why is it important? "How is the word ""suppress"" used in a sentence?" What makes Obama cool? Can I play Clash of Clans without internet connection? What is the best Android app for transferring money from bank to bank? What is the best hostel available near IES Masters, Delhi? Is there a way to see deleted Instagram photos? Why did this incident happen? How do I get over my fears? Should I join Aricent or Tech Mahindra as a fresher? Does blood really coagulate best when a baby is 8 days old? What exactly is a software framework? Can testosterone be used to lose weight? What is the benefit of banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes and again introducing 500 and 2000 rupee note? Which DSLR is better: Nikon D5200 or Canon EOS 700D? "What is the meaning of a ""clove of garlic""?" Were Adam and Eve African? What do I do when I feel lonely, depressed and left out? What is the best picture comment till now on fb? Suggest me a Good Camera under Rs.15000? How can I get Overwatch for free? If being transgender isn't in itself an illness or disorder, is Gender Dysphoria an illness brought about by trying to cope with being trans? How can I change a string to an array in C#? What are the negative and positive effects of deforestation? What is the best way to find a product designer? Which is the best institute for GRE coaching in Trichy? How can I calculate the cube root of a fraction? What should a 35-year-old man consider before getting married and starting a family? How do I add a picture to my Quora question? How can we earn money through online? What are the differences between material and non-material culture? How is the word 'prestidigitation' used in a sentence? How is the word 'coefficient' used in a sentence? What kind of dog food is good for a dog with calcium oxalate stones? I have basic programming skills (Java, Swift, Web Dev…), is there anything useful I can do that could maybe earn me some cash? I'm using Sony Xperia SP. Why do I always get a notification saying: transfer data to SD card internal storage is 75% full? What does my happiness mean to you? Are there general rules for food/wine pairing? How many wives has Donald Trump had? What is an IB diploma? Can I enter its exams without attending classes? How do I join a research project under a professor in IIT? What does the average Pakistani think about India's growth story? What is your recommended prepaid 3G or 4G roaming SIM card for international travelers? Can cops force me to be snitch? From where should I start reading A Song of Fire and Ice series after watching all four seasons of the TV series? If time travel becomes possible in near future then where are the travellers from future? What are the signs of alopecia areata? What are the chances of getting pregnant without having sex? How much can I make playing poker? Why are my lips so tight? What is the funding situation for theoretical high energy physics in the UK? How do I check if kmspico worked? How well did Disney do with its movies in 2016? What type of exercise helps in losing weight? How was GATE Biotechnology 2016? How did Quora get so many users so quickly on day 1? Can I install a stock Android Lollipop 5.0.2 in a Xiaomi Mi 4i? What is the comorbidity between narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder? What is Rothschild's family history and how they can affect the world? Is 1080p a Blu-ray? How can I write a poem about a blue bird? How can I prove that 5*5=0? I was generally chatting (not flirting) with a girl whom I met and she deactivated her account on Facebook. How can I remedy this? How does a girl feel if she knows that a boy is looking at her more often? What are ways to improve my essay writing skills? How do I become an UX designer? What is a good website for free books? What proportion of sleep should be deep sleep? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in Ireland?" How many types of RNA are there? What is the intuition for SVM-Rank and when should I use it? How do I make a presentation for PhD interview? Why Tinder says I have a new match with a person that I have super liked when I am sure I have not did this? Is it easy to expatriate in Bangkok, Thailand as a software engineer? Do you think it would be a good idea for Twitter to block Donald Trump's tweets? What's the cheapest way to send a letter from the US to India? What is hydrogen peroxide? How can I use WhatsApp on iPad without a phone? What about working in Infosys Mysore campus? How much money do you need to start a business? What rank will I get with 220/372 marks in JEE Advanced 2016? Who are some celebrities you dated? Why do people like to be a terrorist? What will Bernie Sanders do in 2017? How can I improve my writing skills? Some tips? Can we eat chocolate during a fever? What is the hardest thing(s) about raising children in Japan? Does Markowitz portfolio optimization work in practice? Which is the best thermal paste to use for Dell Inspiron N5110 laptop? How can I recover deleted Telegram chats? What is the average inventory turnover ratio in e-commerce? How can I download apps for a Windows phone? What are some of the most important things in our life? What is the best way to manage photos files using my MAC, Lightroom and Google Drive and an HDD? How are Wikipedia's articles verified? How is the day of a trader? What are the most amazing facts of human body? How much does Logan Paul earn on YouTube? What are the most readable and aesthetic serif and sans-serif fonts? What can I do after in ECE? Tech Mahindra levels? What electronic music genres became big in 2013? Why? I don't want to attend my college farewell party. How do I explain it to my parents? What are the best Facebook alternatives? Who will win the 2016 IPL? What is the highest rank a conscript in the IDF can achieve? Apart from biology, is chemistry or physics more important if considering a career as a vet? Where do I buy online products? What were some of the causes of World War V? Can someone clear IIT JEE and can get good marks in 12 boards in six months if until now he hasn't studied anything? What books should one use now? When and how to start the preparation for gate exam? Who is more likely to be the next President of India? What is the most innovative way to use Wakie? Where can I get cost-effective and efficient skip bin hire services in South Perth? How many of the total Google intern applicants make it to the host matching stage? Why doesn't Apple sell a MacBook Pro with a CD drive? What's the health benefits of drinking sorrels? What are the types of foods and drinks I must try in UAE (especially Abu Dhabi)? How is Faramir in The Lord of the Rings? Why is it so out of the question to have more than 1 wife in the UK? Is there any Indian restaurant in Lagos, Nigeria? What are the purpose of forming Isis? Which is your favorite website for booking budget accommodation in Europe? I am just completed TE MECHANICAL engineering WHAT should I do in summer vacation for project? My ex-boyfriend owes me money. Can I sue him in small claims court without a written agreement? He verbally agreed to pay me back and I have receipts. What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Australia notice? What do you think about network marketing? How can I conserve biodiversity at a personal level? How do I print a random number in C language? What are the pros of the current United States healthcare system vs. a multi-payer universal healthcare system? What is the most effective way to lose weight fast? what body type am I Is it better to fight or not to fight? Why? Can the fastest pitch ever recorded break a woman's arm even if wearing the proper equipment to catch it? What is register in c? How do I never care what other people think and how do I stop getting nervous whenever people judge me? How do transgender people experience gender? What is it like to experience gender dysphoria? Why did the Democrat and Republican parties switch? Which NFL quarterbacks are left-handed? Do collapsing answers in Quora serve their purpose? Why does nothing makes me happy? Who is good for India Trump or Clinton? Why won't Apple make a touch screen laptop and iMac in combination with also keeping the trackpad, mouse, and keyboard? Is it safe to take a sleeping tablet after cocaine? Why aren't celebrities speaking out about Donald Trump? How can isotopes of the same element be separated? Does Jack Dorsey code? Who are some lesser known important historical figures of Finland and what should people know about them? "Why is Bhrahmaputra the only ""male"" river in India whereas all other rivers are ""female""?" How do I lose weight in a day? Is Karl Pilkington for real? What are the best way to lose weight and remain healthy? How can the drive from Edmonton to Auckland be described, and how do these cities' attractions compare to those in Windsor? How do you integrate [math]\frac{4}{x(\ln(x))^2}[/math]? What is a good Mandarin learning website? Do you know any good Chinese textbooks? How do I get over daddy issues? Why are dental retainers necessary? What are the best pop punk bands? Why are the fringes in Newton’s ring setup circular and get closer, when moved away from central spot? Did Kylo Ren get his force powers from Leia? How do you win the war on terror? Is there any mention about the technique to break the chakravyuha in the Mahabharat? How is the ideal life? How shall I get rid of hair fall? How can I build online business using E-commerce Platform? What is the most important thing in the universe? Why is Kemal Ataturk called father of Modern Turkey? How I can motivate myself for study? How many airplanes take off each hour on average in the world? Is inference a soft version of deduction? What are the top movies of 2016? Which alcohol drink is more dangerous? Why do rich people work even after they become rich? Why don't they play? How and when will we get a more detailed look at star KIC 8462852 and its unusual orbital matter? What are good ways to prepare for Google's non-technical interviews? Hillary, is your constant lying a product of poor upbringing or just extreme self interest? What questions are considered insincere by Quora? Do our dreams mean anything at all? Why don't we feel the Earth's rotation? Why do many cities in India end with '-abad'? How can I see which Instagram photos of mine another user liked? How do I motivate myself to exercise? Does air dissolve in water or is air simply trapped in water? What is success for you? Is it better to use Photoshop on a laptop or desktop computer? What are the chances that I will get a good job in industry after completing PhD? Why are people dumb? How can I improve my memory in 1 month? How do I lead a friend to a surprise birthday party? What are the requirements to get into Berkeley and Princeton? What do dogs think about humans? Can a COO be a managing director? "Why does Macbeth want Banquo dead in the play ""Macbeth""?" Can we simply invest in Small/midcap mutual funds with CRISIL rank 1? What is the best laptop less than $1000 for 3D modeling and rendering? What is the CSS exam? Is SRM a good university? How do I study for NEET 2017 along with BPT? Can I get a credit card if I'm 16? What can I do to make my blog better? I want to ask my boss for last month's salary. How can I write it in a formal email? What is the average profit margin in the beauty industry? How do I stop procrastinating while studying? How can I accomplish the extermination of the human race? What are some must-read books for teens? What is economic collapse? What the benefits if all the person in the world is a billionaire in the future? I just started a blog/website on personal finance. What are the best ways to drive traffic to the site? How can I show results in console in Turbo C++ without getch()? What is the best way to meet new people? What should I do to prevent myself from commiting suicide? What are some good examples of B2B Ad Landing Pages? Why are we so creative in our dreams? How was life in Iran before the 1979 revolution? Mathematical Puzzles: What is () + () + () = 30 using 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15? How do I speak English fluently and express myself clearly? What would happen if you drank 100% ethanol? What can I make using wood? What can you do if your cat stops eating wet food? What is the methodology behind discounted cash flow, I'm confused on why would you discount your cash flow? How do I know who asked a question on Quora? What is the procedure to [09655559298] get direct admission in srm university under management quota? (2016) (All Campus) Can Zoom beat Ra's al ghul? What is so special about Seagate Backup Plus 1 TB external hard disk that its price is high despite having the same specifications like Seagate Backup Plus Slim 1 TB external hard disk and Seagate Expansion 1 TB external hard disk? I'm using a free version of Avast Mac Security. How should I take care of a virus if it finds one? Can you drive with an Indian license in Chicago? What is best company for sheet metal parts? Which is the best ROM for a Xiaomi Redmi 2? What can I do to make my best friend's birthday special? What factors determine how far a propeller plane can fly? Breakfast and lunch is Brunch. Lunch and Supper is Lupper. What is Dinner and Breakfast? How does a novice get started with open source development? "How is realism represented in the novel ""The Red Badge of Courage""?" Is there a way I can add a task to Asana, from an Excel sheet? How many Likes are required to get a vanity URL for a Facebook Page? How do I select US universities for MS computer science according to GRE and IELTS score? "How do I say ""America"" in Chinese?" Is voting for someone because they're the lesser of two evils a good reason? Where does Quora suck most? What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS? What is probability of getting both king of diamond when two card are drawn from deck of card? "What is the ""this"" pointer?" How rich are you? Is a rhetorical question a question? How do I crack the IBPS PO exam? What's the next big thing in social media marketing? How do I delete a Quora question? What would happen if acceleration due to gravity becomes zero on Earth? When is the best time to visit Kerala? What are some of the best ways to learn programming? Where can I found most diverse ranges of Jumping Castles & Bouncy Castles in Sydney? Why is the Vatican anti-gay? How can I learn a new language in short time? What are some interesting questions asked in an interview? If I delete snapchat will it mess up my streaks? How much do dental implants cost for a full mouth in Mexico? How can someone make money online for real? How much GB is Assassin's Creed Unity and Far Cry 4? What is it like to be a porn star? What is the most messed up thing you have ever done? Does Riak support Apache Spark? How do I get very dark red hair? What bug is this? Why should the BCCI not be brought under the RTI? What are the best ways to learn the Java programming language quickly? In X-Men, a character named Kitty Pryde who can walk through walls. What type of molecule would she best represent? Charged, polar or non-polar? Why? Animal Behavior: Would a lone adult wolf be able to take down an unarmed, athletic adult human? Do German universities require a GRE score or is it only applicable for US universities? What are some uncommon ways to work smarter instead of harder? How can I lose weight quickly? Do I need to eat fruit everyday? Pakistan: Pakistan a land made for Muslims is called the land of pure (thats what Pakistan literally means). Do they mean that Hindus are impure? What's the best way to take revenge on my girlfriend? Is Instagram easily hacked? Which is the best brand for running shoes in India? Will there be a world war three? Why does NBA have such an imbalance classification? I think there are more powerful teams in Western, whereas teams in Eastern are mostly weak teams. Is it unfair for those weak teams participating in playoffs? What is the SSC CGL custom inspector salary? Does sapientnitro miami do background checks on new hires? How can you influence people? How do you score MAC lipstick for free? Big Cats: How can I purchase a tiger (cub) in India? Is there any legal issue? What are some of the best Android phones (4G) within 15k, India (2016)? How do I Install Avira antivirus? How could I start selling my own fashion designs online? Is the MOBA genre dying? CLASS XI FAREWELL:Is it okay to skip the dress code and go in my nightdress? Xiaomi note 3 call issues loudspeaker continuously on? How do I get more followers on Instagram? I have fantasies about being raped and dominated and love reading rape victim stories since they get me off. I can't be the only woman with this fetish, right? Which oil is more beneficial for hair growth- coconut or almond? How can I make a website from scratch? Why is my dog limping and licking his paw? How do I create affiliate eCommerce store with WordPress? Which one is a better course is it BBA or BSc? I read a recent report that stated young, southeast Asian men are opting out of the dating pool, preferring instead to focus on a career, and a life alone, especially for young men from India. Is this true? Which is the best English translation of the Qur'an? How do I reduce the reactive power consumption from grid for solar power plants? How does face unlock work on Android phones? "How is the word ""obstinacy"" used in a sentence?" For someone with a degree in CS, is a startup CEO more likely to make more money? Or is an algorithmic trader more likely to make more money? Is 5'8 height average for a 18 year old boy in USA? How do I lose weight by walking? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at OceanFirst Financial? Was Helen Keller an alumni of Harvard University? YouTube channel for eLitmus prepration? What is the formula for instantaneous velocity? What are foreigners general impressions of Ireland? What are the best resources to learn Data Structure and Algorithms? I'm 22 pursuing a chartered accountants course. I am not able to clear my IPCC (Inter) after four attempts. I am completely lost and depressed. I am not able to study or enjoy life. How do I make things right? Why are almost all Hindi songs romantic? What is the average IQ of 13 year olds? Why is palaeontology relevant today? Can I get rid of back acne? How do I stop watching porn when I am depressed? Why would an answer to a question on Quora be closed from further comment? Which book is best for SSC CGL? Where can we avail hair transplantation in India? Which is better an Intel core i5 processor or a quad core processor? What is your unpopular opinion on minorities? How much time does it take for activation of Jio SIM ? I commented on my childhood friend’s Instagram post the other day during class. He just glared at me in annoyance. Is our friendship ruined? Why is Raghuram Rajan stepping down as Governor of the Reserve Bank of India after only one term? What is your relationship with your mirror? What is the oldest thing you have? What does dipsy mean? How can I be a web celebrity? What do really good math students end up doing for their career? What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking Breezer (an alcoholic pre-mixed beverage)? Will it make my cheeks fat? Did Tom Riddle open the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago? How? What is the process and procedure to get EPFO UAN number? Is it safe and effective to use apple cider vinegar to remove a mole? Why are people intelligent? How hard and rare is it to find a one bedroom apartment in nyc? Football Players (soccer): Who is the best striker of all time? What are some of the best strategies to make the world a better place? How should I prepare for an IES conventional paper? What is the best way to get out of debt? What trivia (and/or little-known facts) do you find interesting about Chile? Where can I find a jaw crusher in Angola? Should I speak to my ex girlfriend? What is the best option to buy the property Bhiwadi? What is the coolest Jugaad that you have ever seen? What is legal process to change my first name in India? And what are the consequences? A coin is flipped twenty times and landed heads fifteen times (fair). What is the probability of a head on the next toss? What is the breadth of national highway 4 lane? Which is the best coaching institute for banking exams in indore? What is the art according to science? How do I know if someone deleted kik off their phone? What should I know before I take up an MBA? Is BCCI the saviour or destroyer of cricket in India? What is the best Android tablet in 2015? How much monetary damage was done during the Oct 21, 2016 DDOS of DynDNS? How was the Grand Canal in China built? What keeps network managers up at night? What is the SI unit of resistivity? Which of these college is better for MBA, SRCC GBO or Department of business economics DU? Which edition of LG wade organic chemistry should I buy for JEE prepration for 2017? Is the Radeon RX 470 better than MSI GTX 1060 3GB? Why is Quora so obsessed with Jimmy Wales? How can I make money via YouTube? How should I deal with a breakup? What is the mileage of Polo petrol 1.2L highline? Is NASA hiding evidence of intelligent alien life? How do you get rid of writer's block? Where can I find photographer who can shoot for advertisements? What is the best way to get a job as a planner in an advertising agency? How do I beat a seat belt ticket? Why do Indian women like family based shows, daily soaps? Why are they interested more in neighbour's affairs than their own family? Do you often visit a museum? What are the must have apps if I have an Android phone and a Macbook? Why won't my boyfriend put his phone down when he's with me but he does when he's with his friends? He will not text me when he's out with friends How is Hong Kong? Is watching movies a waste of time? Why or why not? What are some good broadband internet service providers in Mira Road (Mumbai) that provides high speed fiber optics connection with speeds more than 10 mbps and unlimited data usage? How do I use the word 'resonate' in a sentence? How long does a Prius battery last? What are basics of civil engineering? How can I change my signature? What are some cultural faux pas in Guwahati? Are girls attracted to guys that don't check them out? Should I tell my friend his wife is cheating on him? Can I get job illegal in USA? How do I sue someone who hit me with their car while I was working? What does this symbol ♎️ mean? What are some of the impacts of technology on society? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Five Prime Therapeutics? English (language): Which one is correct for describing this picture? I burned my meal. My meal was burned. My meal burned. Which one? "How is the word ""oppressive"" used in a sentence?" What are the similarities and the differences between Jainism and Buddhism? What is Atal Bihari Vajpayee like A person? How do I stop jumping in a conversation and making it all about me ? I want to learn how to keep great conversation going? What was the situation in Riga during WW2 & USSR period? Do boys talk about girls at sleepovers? How can children avoid high estate taxes if inherited property. Left to to both but only one wants to live there and the other sells out? Why are inverse trigonometric functions important? Can scalp psoriasis be permanently cured? What are the best horror movies of the first decade of the 2000s (2001 - 2010)? Why do a lot of Uber drivers have a 4.8 rating? What is the explanation about the important file and folder when you create a new Android application? Which topic is so important in biology in the CBSE class for 10th course? What are the best ways to lose weight? "How do you pronounce ""Mekong""?" What will you do to develop your country? How are champions born? What are the best courses to do after B com? What are your favorite things to do on your day off? Process of result making of improvement exam class 12 , that will be taken in 2017? I am new to programming. I have decided to learn Python. Would you recommend Python 2 or 3 and why? How does a massage therapist differ from a masseuse? What is the best Caribbean cruise to take? What are the best movies of all time? Where can I learn FL studio in Pune? How did you fall in love? I was raised with high morals and I am in love with a guy from IIT. He kissed me many times, but he says that he doesn't love me. I am in deeply love with him, and it hurts when he says that he doesn't feel the same and has someone else. Why did he do this? What is the worst crime someone could commit? What is the nicest thing that you ever did for a stranger? Who are the most influential biologists and what are their contributions? What is an example of a priori argument? What is a safe place to park your car for a week in Delhi? How can I stop over thinking everything? How do you increase your credit? What is the best software for digital painting? Which is easy to learn, software testing or software development? Who are some Filipino scientists and what were their accomplishments? How do I start preparing for IES? Why did I just read somewhere that bone is 5 times stronger than steel? In what sense (or senses) is this true? Why do people ask basic arithmetic questions on Quora? Is there vegetarian street food in Pakistan? How much money per hour do Uber drivers make in Mexico City? What's the most a person can reasonably make per month? How do I know if someone deleted me from tinder? "Was Facebook a ""lean startup""?" What hotel in Lansdowne Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? What do you think when you hear the word e-bike? "Why is JK Rowling allowing ""Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"" to be made into three movies? What are they about?" How are IP addresses created? What type of motorcycles were used in the Judge Dredd movies? Can you substitute canola oil for vegetable oil? What are the effects of Foreshadowing? How is it performed and what is it used for? I got 148 marks in JEE Main 2016. Can I get into any NIT? How do I migrate my Clash of Clans account from one Google Play ID to another? How do I update my Samsung Galaxy Duos S7582 from 4.2.2 to 4.4.5? Which team has a better chance of winning the Germany vs France Semifinals at Euro 2016? What makes you let go and move on? "What are the most amazing ""Xiaomi Redmi Note"" tips, tricks, hacks, and features that most people do not know about?" What are the chances to obtain US Citizenship by private bill? Which are the important video lecture that we see on youtube? What are the biggest complaints that professors have about their undergraduate students? What is the fastest way to turn £200 into £1000? I had a lower jaw surgery for fracture 4 months back, still I don't have movement and sensation in my right half of lower lip, will it heal? Im working in real estate agent in Pune.i want to sell my I can find buyers? Or how i can advertise my property without investment? How hard is it to develop an antivirus software? How can a broken light bulb be replaced in its socket? Why isn't Microsoft developing Windows Media Player to compete with VLC or KMP? Has anyone ever documented a seance in which they have had communication about the after life? What is the most interesting question you have read on Quora? What are some good ways to earn money online? Is joining the French Foreign Legion worth it? What trails have the best views in the Bay Area? Why did my mother said she not getting my grandmother a gift for Christmas? Is it normal to hate Vishnu and love lord Shiva? What is the good low-priced Oakland neighborhood to buy or invest in real estate? Do men prefer slim women? What is the best way to invest X amount of money? What does the Japanese name Mikoto mean? What happened to Benjen Stark? Is he dead? I have a link index.k.PHP? I want rewrite the url how di do it? What happens when Britain leaves the EU? Why do some people enjoy giving blowjobs? How do I lose my identity? Is attending campus placements necessary? How could i know my IQ? How do I know what I know? What are the best places to visit in Europe? "What does ""coarse meal"" mean?" How does the Greece crisis affect India? Why can't a country prints so many notes and become rich? Is there any new smartphone launched with Stock Android other than Google Pixel? What should I do to improve my English ? Why are all small things cute? Do you think we are on the verge of World War III? Can a Linux OS be as stable as OS X for programming? How is the Lewis structure for urea determined? What is the most painful feeling, emotionally? How do I know if I'm blocked on WhatsApp? How was height of the Mount Everest measured? Which coaching centre is best for CGL coaching in Delhi? How do I study for 12th CBSE board exams (P.C.B.) 2017 from 3 months ahead? Who is Darth Vader's father? How dogs milk is different from cows? Why is a negative number multiplied by a negative number a positive number? What is the difference between Hinduism and Buddhism? What is the first step to become an independent entrepreneur? How do I deal with being a universal misfit? What area in Belgium speak French? What is the difference between amphoteric salt and table salt? Is the following sentence correct? Can a woman be sexually satisfied by a man that has a small penis and refuses to use props? Which SSRI is the most have side effects on men health? How can I divert my mind on studies from clash of clans? Is La Trobe University a right choice to pursue a bachelor's degree in Information Technology? What is the top animal on the food chain? What should I do so that I can spend more time in studies rather than phone? What is the process to convert mg to ml? How can you convince the American people that Islam is a religion of peace? Is it fine to have sex before marriage? What are the most common uses for high quality PU leather? People keep telling me to go to college but I don't want to. What should I tell them? How do I defend against my iPhone app being hacked? Why doesn’t anybody answer my questions on Quora? Are doctors allowed to ask patients if they want to live? What 5 books would you use to rebuild society? Is there a site where I can download comics, either Marvel or DC (anything) in ePUB forma? If it's not available on an ePUB format I'll be happy to settle with .pdf. Why do grooms cry during the wedding when he first sees the bride in her wedding dress? Has anyone realized that a perfect square times a perfect square is always a perfect square? What do SpaceX employees think of ISRO? How do I figure out what I want to write about? What makes a song pleasing to our ears? Shows to watch? How old is Peter Maximoff in X-Men Apocalypse? How difficult are the economic challenges for digital nomad life? "Why do I get offended so much by the word ""stupid""?" Where is and isn't there gender equality? How do I stop caring what people think about myself and just live life? How do I prepare for NIOS science stream? Who are rich Chinese people? Can I run GTA V on my PC with Intel Core i7-4510U, Nvidia GeForce 820m 1GB and 8 GB RAM? Why are South Korea's fertility rates so low? Who is the oldest living person? How can I cure hair-fall due to excessive masturbation? What kind of food should I eat? Can a lazy skinny person become a body builder? How does machine translation work? Which are the major highways in California and how are they compared to the major highways in South Carolina? How do I tie up with swiggy? Distance learning for masters degree in india? What should I do to improve my English ? Has Barack Obama been a good President overall? Why is Lord Vishnu considered to be more powerful than God? What has been the role of technology in the communication process and what are some examples? How do you convert grams to cups? How can one test their IQ? Should I be concerned that my boyfriend gets jealous when I talk to other guys? Maximum no.s of partitioning in hive in hadoop? Suppose that the Taliban had not given Osama Bin Laden refuge, and he had gone directly from the Sudan into hiding in Pakistan. Would 9/11, 3/11 and 7/7 have still probably happened? Where can I get best quality service on Photo Booth hire across the Sydney? How do you lie to someone without feeling guilty about it? Why was Walt Disney considered to be a Freemason? What are the benefits after donating blood? What's the best way to cancel a Yahoo email account? What is the purpose of life? Was the partition of the Indian sub-continent into India and Pakistan a good thing or a bad thing? Is Allah the one true God or is it Jesus? What are some of the merits of primary data? Why isn't iOS supporting the WhatsApp calling feature? What is HR? Which college is better for doing CSE, SRM University or KIITS University? How does Samsung Galaxy Note's S Pen work? Is there any problem with taking a bath just after you have eaten? Forbes ( and magazine): Why is Amway not listed as a Fortune 500 company? What is Cosmic Microwave background? If Donald Trump became President and Secret Service refused to risk their lives for him and went on strike, who would protect him? One refrigerator filled with ice, one filled with air, and one is vacuum, which one consumes more power? Where can I find free porno? Who is Martha MacCallum? What do Chinese people think about the Indian Chinese cuisine? Is 0.5 singular or plural? What is missing in B.Tech CS curriculum in India? What are your suggestions to make CS Engg better in India? What are topics that must be taught? Is legitimate? What are the ways for a skinny person to gain weight? How many Chinese people are using Quora? Will two equal charges spend energy in repelling each other just like two persons of equal strength spend energy in pushing each other? "What is the meaning of a a ""driving force"" in chemistry?" Why do we really use aluminium foils to pack food? Why don't we use old newspaper instead? Who were the biggest role models among teenagers in the 1950s? Is C++ a good first programming language? How does gravity dilate time? What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they're invited to someone's home in Brazil for the first time? What qualities of a woman makes men attracted to them? What is the marking scheme for AMCAT exam? How many questions are there in each section and what is the cut off? What are some of the most common interests of girls on Tinder? How would one make a video-sharing site like YouTube and prohibit copyrighted material effectively without the connections, legal team, and systems that YouTube has? What measures could be used to avoid being sued/breaking the law? What are the biggest facepalm moments you have ever experienced? Why do many Bangladeshis hate Pakistan? What Singapore hotels that are within 5 minutes walking distance from MRT stations? The USA has accepted the nuclear weapons of Israel, India, and Pakistan. So why not let Iran have nuclear weapons as well? "English Grammar: Is it acceptable to say ""me too""?" What is the best way to mature? How can I unlock my iPhone 4 without a passcode? Which is better: ECE at IIIT Hyderabad or mechanical engineering at IIT Roorkee? Which is a good solar panel installation provider in Alhambra, California CA? I want you to know? How do I react when a dog attacks? My laptop accidentally got melted. Does extended warranty cover that? How is targeted gene sequencing performed? What drug gives you the best high? When you don't sleep what will you think? Were there Tamil terror camps in Tamil Nadu, India which trained the Tamil Tigers? "Where does Snowball go in ""Animal Farm"" by George Orwell?" What will happen to the Asian People who want to go to USA, if Donald Trump is elected as President? What is Brexit and EU? How much it will affect indian economy? What is the review of How can we make water soluble polymers? My phone blocks phone calls when I am using my mobile data. What is wrong with my phone? Which are the best YouTube channel for motivational videos? When you pass through the US Pre-clearance facility of an airport, are you now technically inside the United States? Why didn't Bernie Sanders run for president in 2008? Can I get into university of Alberta? What are all the functions of apocrine glands? What are Quora Posts? Why most of the guys are all focused on girls rather on their career? How much do top professional bloggers make per post? Which is the best college in IP university for journalism? Do Israeli Jews have any dietary restrictions? Do they not eat pork/beef? What is the difference between voltage and current? What is most painful? What are the ideas behind successful startups? Should I talk to my best friend? She left me after my breakup with boyfriend and now after 6 months she is trying to talk but I don't respond. What is the function of baffles in a heat exchanger? How do I become bold? How can I attract girls for sex? What are the best short-term courses for a mechanical graduate? What is the value of an Abraham Lincoln gold 1 dollar coin? How rare are they? How do I start a merchant export business in India? What are websites dedicated to custom PC builds? I've taken four pregnancy tests today. The first two that I did this morning were positive and the second two that I did, 90 minutes later were negative. What does this mean? Is having friends important and how can I make friends? What should I do if I had lost my Pan Card? How is Lenovo laptop G50- 70? Which is the best 2 day strength training programa for Bjj? What is the best way to travel the world with a budget of 1 million dollars? Where can I get superior locksmith services in Sydney? What is BHP in bike? What can I do to read more books in short time? How do I stop looking down on people? How many hours per week on average do chefs work? What are some websites where I can download HD wallpapers? Why is it important to research epistasis? "What was the best answer for ""Why we can hire you""?" If someone has blocked me on WhatsApp, will I see him if I change my number? What do you think of this blog? What is making my urine smell so strong? How can I fix this? How do I drive more traffic to my YouTube videos? Is it reasonable to walk in on your partner watching TV and just change channel to something you want without even asking? What is the importance of the International Phonetic Alphabet? What should you do if you suspect one of your parents is having an affair? In which horror movie does the killer not show up until the end, and bleeds from his nose every time he kills someone? What are some of the best tips/advice to stop masturbation? What do you think about 9/11 conspiracy theories based on Physics that the buildings collapsed due to controlled demolition? How to conduct a research? What is the best photo editing app for a MacBook? What would be the expected results of 2017 elections in Uttar Pradesh? Is it strange that I am able to comprehend quite well when I study by book, compared to when I use an electronic device? How should I invest $32,000 in a TFSA? How can I permanently delete my question from Quora? Can deleting the profile help? Which college is the best for bba between Symbiosis, NMIMS and Christ University? What is a good nickname for the name Tushar? How do you stop a English Bulldog/Pitbull mix puppy from biting my shoes? Who are the best publishers for new writers? What is the use of toe pics on ice skates? What do we call 'Nani' in english? How does a vagina taste like? How can I watch the young pope online? Can we install windows 8.1 from a memory card? How Can I be open minded? How do I recover a hacked instagram? Is 106 IQ enough to be a good computer programmer? Why do psychopaths wear a mask? Which are the best books to play with structural analysis? What is the best way to reach out for advice, and to find possible partners for a business idea without disclosing the idea to every man and his dog? How do I ensure a safe online shopping experience in Sri Lanka? The volume down button of my phone is not functional. Is there an alternative way to take a screenshot? What hotel in Badrinath Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? Is transferring money possible from my NRE ICICI account to my NRO ICICI account and is it taxable? How do I hack wifi password with Micromax A99? Long distance relationship: how do you find out if she is cheating on you? How do I know which type of reader I am? What is the ionic charge of silicon? Is the song Sunn Raha Hai Na Tu good for auditions? "What are the music tracks used in the TV series ""The Blacklist""?" What is a good undergraduate final year project? Does having an paid account on 500px help? Does it help in sales rather than the free account? How do you convert grams to tablespoons? What is the best way to develop a project (i.e. web-based on Spring & Hibernate) for a Java beginner? What do your farts smell like? Why do so many Jews, Muslims, and African tribes practice circumcision? What are the most charming small towns you have been to or know of? Where can you find Naruto Episode 51 dubbed into English? Why are my prayers not being answered? Why is my left nipple fatter than my right nipple? Which is the funniest joke you've ever heard? What is the biggest problem with Chinese on Quora? What are the advantages and disadvantages of database management systems? What do you think of Donald Trump's attack on Indians? What is Which is the best way to protect metals from corrosion? Ms in the spring intake? Does an archived chat show that you're online? What is democracy and why is it important? Why do we use struct node in linked lists and trees? What does it feel like for a woman to have an orgasm? How are qr codes better than barcodes? What are Qr codes? What is are the functions and structure of a nucleus? What does pandan taste like? What three ingredients go well together? Can we register twice on eLitmus? Which is the best question ever asked in Quora? Which is better Sri Balaji Society, Pune or ISB&M Pune for MBA? What are some ways people make money without adding value? What is the salary range of a pilot in Singapore? How do I have multiple orgasms? What happens when you don't put your phone on airplane mode on an airplane? Which would be best laptop under 25000 INR? What is your pursuit of happiness? Is Interstellar about Elon Musk? Which CRM is best for SME? How can I speak english naturally and fluently? My TSH level is more than 100. It’s way above normal. Is it Curable ? How much will it cost for 7 day trip to Mauritius? Full backup: how does it work? My car won't start and is silent when turning the key. What's the most likely reason? Would the young turn out for Bernie Sanders? What would that mean for the Democratic primaries? My dog ate a bee, what can I do? How do you connect Redmi Note 3 to band 40, in order to get maximum download speed in Jio? What's it like to be a comic book writer? How do you import high quality PU leather? What is it like to be raped in prison? Where is closets gas station to inflate bike tires? What are some painless and easy ways to commit suicide that insures a instant death? How can I anonymously add content on Quora? What's the best way and best website for booking railway passes and reservations for traveling in Germany and the Czech Republic? What is the best Android app for daily reminders? How can I train my mind to focus while reading? Why do kids who are mentally challenged/retarded look the same all over the world? Which is the best insurance company in India? What is the best place for a holiday in South India? What is the great business? Who is better, Phil Collins or Peter Gabriel? Which is the best Android app to get pop up reminders on my home screen with a sound? Which is the best hair spa product for mens? How much would it cost to live comfortably in Chiang Mai (Thailand) for two months? Why should we believe the writing of the Bible was inspired by God? What is the difference between gelato, sorbet, sherbet, frozen yogurt, and ice cream? What happens if an electron collides with a positron? What are the rules that you have to follow for wordpress plugin development? Criminal Justice: Should someone who attempted and failed to commit a crime be punished any less than someone who succeeded in carrying it out? Is it ok to comb my hair on my left side? What do you love the most? Why does a man wear his watch on the right hand whereas a woman wears it on her left hand? What are some good inspirational movies? How do I focus on studies without diverting our mind? What is the secret of the Kabaa? Can I get CSE in BITS Goa with a score of 327 in BITSAT 2015? How do I build a freelancer website? Is PSR JNU safe to go to with a girl? Why won't Instagram let me comment on others photos? Was the American civil war really about slavery? Is it true that there is a big poster of Shivaji Maharaj in the Buckingham Palace in the UK? Why are there no actual princes in the Pokémon manaphy movie? How do you calculate percentage in PHP? Is it possible to make little money (for example 50$) trading with bitcoins and dollars? Which is an easy way? What is the best book for refreshing English grammar? What is the European Union, and why does it matter if UK stays or leaves it? What is difference between a micro processor and integrated circuit? "Why do hockey jerseys have the word ""stop"" on the back?" I am in 6th sem. can I try for gate and GRE both. how to manage both and how to prepare? How can I stop getting angry? What are the best coaching institutes for RBI grade B exam in chennai? How do I create animated videos? "What is the meaning of the suffix ""-physis""? What are some examples of words with that ending?" How much do lingual braces cost in India? What is the chemistry syllabus in the first year at vellore university? What is the best pilates teacher training in San Francisco? Why did not government changed 1000 rupees note instead of 2000 rupees note? If a boy and girl are friends, can friends kiss each other? Is Swift a good language for a beginner to learn? Will there be a world war three? How strictly is the zero alcohol tolerance in merchant navy ships enforced? Can we earn on Quora? What inspired The Country Bears movie? How long can it take to grow your eyebrows if you had them plucked? Should I allow my 13-year-old daughter to wear a bra? What is the difference between primary and secondary storage? Can I get 8+ CGPA if I got in SA1 5.6 CGPA in class 10? What methods can be used to lose weight? What is it like to be an environmental engineer? "What is meant by the phrase ""you're a pip""?" Is it worth it to hate someone? I have Mastek shares that I purchased at Rs 130 . The stock has declined to Rs 118 levels. Should I hold or exit? What does war smell like? What are all the prime numbers p such that both numbers 4p^2+1 and 6p^2+1 are prime numbers? Can we pursue CS or CA along with DU LLB? Are there any Jehovah's Witnesses on Quora? How do I teach my child to be grateful? PK (2014 movie): Is the Bollywood film 'PK' an anti-Hindu and Muslim-appeasing film? What are four examples of chemical properties? Is 'looking older than your age' a big curse? Why do we celebrate festivals? What is a good romance anime with a good English dub? What is the difference between productivity on the extensive margin and intensive margin? What are best Hollywood movies? What are the differences between a hedge fund and a mutual fund? How can we recover a deleted photo in an Android phone? Why would parents put their children in the Phillips Exeter Academy? "Why did Quora remove the ""reading list"" option?" Should I help blind people? My phone is broken and I want to access my Gmail account with someone else's phone? WhatsApp: How do I check a WhatsApp call duration? Is iPhone better than all other phones? What are the b grade movie theatres in hyderabad? And where? I'm donating to a charity for Mother's Day. Which charity should it be? Which is better the PS4 or the Xbox One? What are the benefits of a nipple piercing? "Which one is grammatically correct, ""there was none"" or ""there were none""?" How do I convince myself to quit smoking? How do I speak English fluently and clearly? How do I build a profile to get accepted into a star college like Caltech, MIT, Stanford or Berkeley for a PhD in electronics engineering? How is junior college in Singapore compared to the US? What does Islam say about homosexuals, their rights, marriage, punishment if any? And what issues do gay Muslims face in their daily lives? Why are Indian media groups so anti-Modi? What is the best hospital to give birth at in Shanghai if one wants as natural of a birth as possible? I went to sleep for a year. When I woke up, the world was fallen apart. Who said this in Game of Thrones? Is it possible to reset or to find out the administrator password on Windows 7 without booting from Linux Live CD or some other Live CD and without being logged in as an administrator in Windows 7? What are the differences between programmers, software engineers and data scientists? Will backwards time travel ever be possible? Where can I get used small gold processing plant in Philippines? What is a PhD interview like at UPenn? How can I get my old Instagram id back? What are the best creams to remove acne scars and crators? What is the all time best Tamil movie you have ever seen? How many job search apps are there? I am an international student and have my MIT interview next week. How can I prepare? How may I know whether my wife is cheating on me? Where can I buy granite jaw crusher price in India? How can I heal Hypothyroidism naturally? What is the best place to meet new people on the Internet? I keep thinking about and singing songs in my head all the time. How do I deal with it? Does Johnny Depp smoke? Why do I ignore a girl after telling her how I feel? When will the oveloading of Delhi metro and Gramin Sewa stop? In the eye of a hurricane, is there a wall of clouds visible? Node.js: What is a good comparison of the reactor pattern vs actor model? Do we sometimes see future in our dreams? If I throw a ball in air and catch it. Will the initial velocity be equal to final velocity? Should I tell my best friend that I love him? What are the worst movies made and released in Kollywood? What is a typical day like in Japan? How much can an Uber driver earn in London? What is AARP good for? Which are the best IIT JEE coaching classes in India? Was Lee Kuan Yew corrupt? How do I forget my ex after everything we've been through? How do I make hamsters run in their wheels? What are the best online tutoring sites for the GMAT? What is blood composed of? What is your favorite movie, and why is it Tremors? How different do you think the technological advance would be if there were no Social media for the last few decades? How do I answer tell me about yourself in an interview? What are some of the misconceptions you have which you got from watching porn? What are latest research topics in simulation optimization, supply chain management and logistics? Why wages are low in kitchen jobs? What is the name Liam short for? I have bad social skills, how do I know how to react to a social situation? What is the best treatment for chronic pancreatitis? What is the most embarrasing moment for your parents infront of you? Is it possible to drown from your own mucus? What is the difference between an agreement and a contract? Are live-in relationships illegal in india? What time is it at the North and South Pole? Which is the best hair salon in coimbatore for men? How does CGNAT differ from NAT? What are isotopes? "What is ""electrosmog""?" How has social media affected commerce? How do you improve your programming skills? How do I use bitmap in Android to reduce size of many images? Could India's army beat Pakistan? What is systemic and pulmonary circuits? Why did our honourable prime minister Mr Modi say in his speech that Indians were ashamed to be called Indians earlier? What is the resolution of the human eye in megapixels? How does technology change culture? What are the powers of the U.S. Supreme Court? Who are some great but lesser known Indian freedom fighters? How is HL IB Math compared to Engineer's math, Physicist's math and Mathematicians math? How hard is it to get Express Entry in Canada when I have less points than the minimum required? Can ramen cause cancer? What is the best diet plan to gain weight? What is the name of the Bollywood movie in which there are no songs? Which companies compete with Stripe besides Paypal? What are some ways to make the world a better place and how can we all contribute to that? What are the skill requirements for a financial analyst? How did AC/DC members split/share their incomes? How good is LCA Tejas compared with other fighter jets in its category? Can a musical piece be time-scale invariant? Why shouldn't I vote for Clinton? What if I put acoustic guitar strings on an electric guitar? How can I tell if I'm a narcissist? How do you become a professional IOS developer? What's the purpose of human life? Will humans ever be able to know about their creator? How do you hire a personal trainer? What branches can I expect in Manipal with a score of 94? Are most Geminis aloof? How is the Lewis structure for NaOH determined? Is time travel possible or will it be possible? Is it possible for gonorrhea to kill you? What can I use as a substitute for garlic powder? What are some tips? Can I pin/stick some emails to the top of Gmail Inbox? Is Russia too strong for USA to destroy it? What or who stopped you from committing suicide? I am very weak at maths . my maths sucks . what stream I should opt for in class 10? Subaru WRX vs 2.5 RS; What's the difference? Why is Napoleon Bonaparte considered a hero? What is the corporate culture like at Discover Financial? How is the culture different than other companies? What is the oxidation number of nitrogen in hydrazoic acid? What was the most embarrassing moment of your life till now? Where is Catfish: The TV show filmed? Where are the best places to travel in the world? How can you improve and make your communication skills more productive? What were the greatest intellectual achievements of the 20th century in science and mathematics? What are some of the mind-blowing facts about the Baahubali movie? How do I prove that [math]\frac{\cot^2(\frac{a}{2})-\cot^2(\frac{3a}{2})}{\cos^2(\frac{a}{2})\cos(a)(1+\cot^2(\frac{3a}{2}))}=8[/math]? How do I prove a theory? How do you write a short story? What books or magazines should I read to improve my English? What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen in a rubbish bin? What is a Muslim and what does he/she follow? Is time travel possible after the discovery of gravitational waves? How are planets revolving around the sun? Which force made them to revolve around the sun? What is the answer to this riddle? Computer Programming: Who is considered to be the best programmer of all time? How do most non-Colombians perceive Colombia? Where Indravati National park is located in Chhattisgarh? How can I achieve a lower golf ball flight with irons? My last day with my current employer is March 6 (laid off) and my new employer filed my visa on Feb. 27 on premium processing. I am still waiting for the receipt to join my new employer. Will I be considered out of status? Why did conservatives back NAFTA? Can India, Pakistan and Bangladesh unite? Is double majoring in Computer Science and Finance a good idea? What are the benefits about double majoring in those 2 fields? How can I be decisive? Is someone able to tell me the relationship between a_T_T(t) & a_N_N(t) in this equation? Not formula but what it actually means in everyday life? Why are infj consider the best type to rule the world? How can China devaluate its own currency? Do black holes actually exist? How can we remove water pollution of rivers? Which is the best place to buy kurtis for resale in delhi? Food: What is the difference between being a vegetarian and herbivore, if any? How did Baroque art start? What is the most useful app in Play store? How can I be successful on Instagram? How did Bruce Springsteen write the song Blinded By The Light? For a mechanical engineer how to choose a girl for marriage? What is the best animation software? What medicines are good for hypertension? How did Audrey Hepburn get discovered? How old is the Bhagavad Gita? What are the best career options after completing How are the laws regarding self defense weapons enforced in Australia and how do they compare to the way they're enforced in Sudan? How do you save a docx file as a PDF? How is the movie conjuring 2? Is it scary? What is the formula for Fermi energy level? What are the advantages and disadvantages from smoking marijuana? What is the best way to celebrate my birthday? How do I know if I have a 64 bit processor running a 32 bit OS? What is the best institute for SAP HANA training? What does a pregnancy test with a Very light “ positive” line mean? Pic below! What can be the skills & educational qualifications needed to work in the VLSI domain industry? On what basis do Kanan Gill and Biswa Kalyan Rath pick the movies for Pretentious Movie Reviews? Do earth's rotation effect the net pull we feel due to gravity as centrifugal force due to rotation must be there? How do I make a video go viral on WhatsApp? What in our opinion are the top 5 best books of all time? What is the best way to get a newborn baby to sleep? Are upgrades at a car wash worth the cost? What is the relationship between Bronn and Jaime? How can can be trusted? Love you to death mean? How do I add a saved image on Instagram without making it zoomed in? What is the easiest way to make a little money online? Why do people ask Quora questions instead of just searching google? What was it like to play Microsoft Ants? What is the possibility of working in the UK after completing a BDS from India. Would I able to repay loans with part time jobs there? What is casting in java? What sport is most beneficial for increased flexibility? How do I contribute to society? What is the cost of living in Jaipur for a couple with two kids? Maharashtra, India: How can I contact Nana Patekar or Makarand Anaspure, as I want to contribute to their initiative to stop farmers' suicides? What is √-1? Why did Whatsapp web warn me about my phone battery being low? Why is maths compulsory for economics honours? Why do Russians drink so much Vodka? Does the normal force act on moving objects? Why was the defense against the dark arts course jinxed or was it really jinxed in Hogwarts? Can I stand on glass without breaking it? How many quantam numbers are required to designate an orbital? Should I date a Vietnamese girl? How do you use Facebook for social engineering? Do girls observe other girls boobs and how do they feel when they get to touch them? Which is the best company for LED TVs? What is the difference between a smart and normal LED TV? Is the current trend of helicopter parenting temporary? I'm preparing for JEE and MH-CET. I want to know how much marks should I score in JEE Mains/MH-CET and boards(HSC) to get into VJTI CSE branch? How is the MIS course different from an MS in CS? What is beyond the universe? Does it have an edge? Should I learn C, C++ or Objective C? Can smokers donate bone marrow? What is your definition of success? Which certification is better for an intermediate web developer, CIW Web Development Professional or MCSD Web Applications? How do you delete a question on Quora? Is Interstellar a must-see movie? What is the best semi-automatic .308 rifle? Why can't a car be jump started with normal electric wires, even though it's just a 12 volt battery from which current is drawn from? Have U.S. soldiers ever killed a U.S. citizen? What are subjects of arts in IGCSE A level? Why do we label sexual orientation? "How is the word ""ominous"" used in a sentence?" What is a good design for Clash of Clan's base town hall 7? How can I improve my English skills? Which is the best antivirus for Windows 10? Is Arvind Kejriwal doing anything? Why did the Nazis hate Jewish people to the point of committing genocide? Why is Quora so popular in India? Who are the lesser-known people of India? What should I do when I come across pathetic answers on Quora? What are some examples of homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures? I have a general rank 700 in BHU UET 2014, will I be able to get Bsc Maths in the main campus? What are some interesting facts about Nattukkottai Chettiars? Are you using your real name on Quora? Where online can I learn how to make an app? What are the best ways to invest money? Why did the Buggers attack twice in Ender's Game? How can I overcome my frustration? Have you ever seen a student get roasted by a teacher? How often do most people play sports? What is it like to be an atheist in Muslim dominated countries? What are the best places to visit in Maharashtra? How do I start a youtube channel in 200,000rs? In the Ramayana, does Sri Rama knows he is God? Which is a good mass gainer for a hard gainer? Will my Indian driving licence be valid in Ireland or do I need an international driving licence? I am going there for a month on visitor visa. What are some new and innovative projects for a computer science engineering student? Which is your biggest coincidence ? Is Nadi astrology accurate? Is there a sound mathematical reason to prefer the standard deviation over the mean absolute deviation? What are the ide in? Who is Lebron James? How can you beat a federal(dot) drug test if you are a cocaine user? What are some things that come in groups of 7? What restroom should transgender people use? How do I get free Instagram followers fast? What qualities does Greek literature have? Where can I get professional house painting services in Brisbane? What are the benefits of taking an aptitude test? "Who are some of the people on Quora who are a ""must follow"" for a computer science student?" How could I stop someone from smoking? How should I get rid of belly fat? I have always loved to sing since I was a kid. I'm 23 now. I am too nervous and scared to take lessons and be in front of a crowd. What do I do? Why can't a plane mirror form a real image at a finite distance? Which is the best smartphone under Rs- 15000? Which are the best airbnbs available in Costa Rica? How can I save money on textbooks? Why can't moral policing be banned in India? What are red blood cells? What is Uruguay? What is the GRAND purpose of life? What is the standard size of a comic book from Marvel and DC Comics? What's a good car? What song/piece of music should I listen to that’s not about a breakup? Can I use the present perfect tense and the simple past tense interchangeably, except for the meaning of past-to-present continuative actions? Should one use map side join in the hive query since it throws memory heap error when data volume becomes high? What are the most innocent websites on the dark web? How can I find the C2010-501 exam dumps with correct answers? What is the best way to lose weight at home/office? Do guys dream about romance and love like girls? Or is it very important for them? When will MBBS first year classes start at PMCH? What are some great study tips, for those who feel they do not study properly? What is the fastest way to lose body fat? "Who originally wrote the song ""Hallelujah""?" What can I do to get an internship with the UN? Why do people like classical music? How do I write a review paper? How do I identify my talent? Does water really boil at 100C in a vessel that has a large height at the sea level? What are some interesting facts about Bill Gates? What is the perfect way to use a smart phone? How do we get Peace of mind? How can you make money with Instagram? If we have studied only from NCERT books without joining coaching what are the chances of qualifying in jipmer exam? "What is the English translation for ""c'est qui""?" What are the top three best personality traits? All I want to do is to live in the U.S. How do I do that? What should I do? What should I eat to get rid of belly fat? How many Pakistanis read English newspapers? Which is the best movie in Cinema History? How did Malawi become the poorest country in the world? What's the one thing you regret most in life? If the big bang happened ~13 billion years ago, then how is the universe 150 billion light years across? Should I send my ex a friend request on Facebook? What is the best way to not waste time? What are some things to do while visiting Ivory Coast that a tourist might not know about? Is it true that Trump is failing to read his intelligence summaries? Can time travel exist somewhere in our universe already? Is it normal for men to cry when they're angry? Can ISIS win a war against India? How do I calculate bar bending shedule along with steps with formulae? How do I start a dating app? Will Google drive be discontinued? What is a Costco cash card? What is the name of this filming technique? "What is a way to solve the ""page not found"" error?" What are some personal development RSS directories for blog submission? What are some of the awesome gadgets that are available in India? Why do Quora reviewers mark questions as needing improvement without specifying a rationale? Why is sex painful for me? How do I convince my parents to let me travel to Europe? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Yum! Brands? What makes a person fall in love with someone? What software should I use to write an eBook? What does it feel like to be attractive and desired by many? Can the sum of three odd numbers be even? Do you use 'sorry' or 'apologies' in business emails for late replying a mail? Social media researchers, what % of your total Twitter search for brands falls into archived tweets? What will be the salary of PSU Oil employees after the 7th pay commission? How many countries had India invaded in history? How do I get a WhatsApp foreign group? Is it hard for international students to get an internship or job in the U.S.? I was coddled by my mother and she told me not to trust men. It is seriously hurting my relationship. What can I tell myself to change my perspective? Are there any PS3 emulators? If so, where can I download one? What is the best recipe for puchka? "When shopping on Amazon, do you go straight for the ""search"" box or filter by product category?" Why doesn't the prime minister of India speak in Gujarati or any other Indian language? Why Hindi alone when Hindi is already being promoted by Bollywood? I got 144 marks in the JEE Main 2015 and 92.4% in the CBSE Board, what would my rank be? Is gone girl worth watching? How can we earn money online in india? In the movie Gravity, at the moment that Dr. Stone detached Lieutenant Kowalski he was static. Why did he move away? By means of which force? Which city in New York is the best place to live with a family? Is time travel already possible on Earth? How does one become an investment banker? How do I convince my wife for swapping? Did any country ever decide against entering EU in order to avoid getting tighter privacy regulations from EU? What causes anxiety? Who is the most down-to-earth celebrity? Where and how did you meet your current long term partner? How can I download gta 5 for free for PS3? How do I extract a Skype ID and email ID? Can I eligible to apply for the OBC non-creamy layer ? Why does Big Boss have a horn in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain? Which book is best for study of gre? Becoming a tour guide online? Do we really need to buy a house? Are people buying for tax saving or a sentimental decision? What is the best maths and physics book for the engineering entrance exam? Who invented clocks? Do people buy online clothing brands? Does difficulty of major matter for premed? What is the best airline food you have eaten? What picture represents the Chinese people? Where does the word 'okay?' come from? In movies, I always see soldiers not wear helmets in combat. Does this ever happen in real life? Why will India remain poor forever after the U.S. made & deep wedge between India the world using a fake UN-backed Arbitration? Could it ever happen that an English native speaker confuses the vowel sounds of “beet” and “bit”? Don't they hear them as similar? Scorpio female, has a child and I am falling for a virgin Capricorn. What are some obstacles he may be thinking about due to this? What width wheels will fit 225/50/17 tires? How can I stop obsessing over girls? The dark web how will I know when I access it? How can I get traffic on my youtube videos? What are the most important parts of a rooster's development? What function do they serve? How should I read comic books? What is the most profound thing your parent has ever said to you? How do I unblock the online transactions of ICICI credit card? What is it like to work for AdMedia (UK)? How did gain its initial traction? What do I talk about on a first date after being in a long relationship? Does Tinder work? What's the best gaming laptop brand? How can I earn Rs.1000 per day by working online? How do I convince my dad to support me till I get to med school? It is pretty normal in my country to only be able to get in your early 20s How can I root my canvas 3d? What is BMS? Can a CEO of a startup also start a VC fund? Philippines: Are there any group of local investors in the country who conducts meetups to share their investment techniques and ideas? How can I edit a question on Quora? What is the best accounting software for large businesses? Can braces be used to fix a gap in the front teeth? How do I create a review Shopify app? Why do I yawn when I study? Which coaching institute is best for the JEE in Chandigarh? What are the best horror movies of the first decade of the 2000s (2001 - 2010)? How do you stop a Lab/Terrier mix from biting your furniture? If a narcissists discards you, then why do they come back trying to get what they want without commitment? How do you write your Quora answers? Is there an indian based diet to lose weight? How can I overcome the fear of lizards? How do I grow my online business? Which is the best hair transplant clinic in Bengaluru? Can a U.S. President return to Congress when they leave office if they were previously a member of Congress? What can be the possible effects of removing 500 and 1000 rupee currency notes? I have Samsung Galaxy Grand Quattro and the charging was fine but then I used a LG charger to charge and it was charging very good but when I again used the Samsung charger it was charging very very slow? Why? A true definition of existence and reality, definition of god and evil? Can I write a long question on Quora? Why do some people need to go to university? Want to buy latest LeEco Le 2 Smartphone. What to do? "Who designed the Twitter ""verified account"" icon?" What are the best websites to learn programming? What does it feel like to have anal sex with a completely dry penis? Can you take a bath after eating? What is the best marketing tactic for a conference to get more paid attendees? Which Indian actress has the best zero figure? Is it possible to change the hard drive of an iPhone 4 (16 gb) with an iPod touch 4g (32 gb) one? Is there a way to share music on a phone call? Which are the best universities in Germany for getting a degree in mechanical engineering? How does one cultivate personal neatness? How do I use an Amex gift card on Amazon? What do you do on long distance flight? How can I find my old password or can I log into Facebook from my Gmail account? How many co-working spaces are there in India? Are there any statistics? As a fresher how to become a data analyst? I went on a first date with a guy and we hit it off really well, but he hasn't texted me and it's been 3 days. What does that mean? What are the prerequisites to start learning the machine learning course by Andrew Ng on Coursera? What are the career opportunities after BBA? What is the best tool for a newbie game developer? How do I get termination from CA articleship? How do I impress a girl when I love her a lot but she is not interested in a relationship? Which is the smallest constellation? What is a cast screen in Android? What is salary hike in citicorp? How do I invite satan my life? How do I hypnotize someone? Is Flipboard good? How Much Salary Do A Coal india Employee (Safety Officer) Get in Hand? What is the result of venus in first house aries and then jupiter and moon in 7th house Libra? What are some ways to study smart and hard? Where can I post reviews for travel portals? Will the law of attraction will work for me? What is the Monty Hall problem and what is its solution? What can cause cavities on the side of my tooth? What is a wave function? Which is the best free video downloader app for I phone? IRCTC Tatkal says we can book only 2 tatkal tickets. Is this rule for 2 tatkal tickets or bookings since in 1 tatkal booking you can book 4 tickets? What are your thoughts on a girl dating a married man? What is the best photo editing software? Why does my period stop when I use a tampon? Are sensation and perception separate processes? "What is the correct pronunciation of ""Coelho""?" What are the vehicle number plate rules? Why do some people enjoy horror and torture movies? Should I watch Thor before I watch Avengers: Age of Ultron? How many valence electrons are in aluminum? How do you make a guy go crazy about you? What is the difference between different colored chicken’s eggs? At the end of Rogue One, how did the rebels feel when they saw [SPOILER]? What are some good ways to improve essay writing skills? Are humans the only species that kill each other? What is it like meeting varun dhawan? How much power of generator is required to start 150kw electric motor? What other intelligence metrics does IQ relate to? What if the military coup never happened in Egypt? What is your review of Runner's World? Considering the fact that John Kasich can't run for reelection as Ohio governor, will he endorse Trump? Any way I can retrieve data from my memory card, no physical damage but phone and laptop not detecting it? What actors star in the movie Chaos? Can an iPhone be hacked? What film scene(s) influenced you most? Which is the best business to do? What is the meanest thing a child has ever said to you? How can I create a blog on Quora? Is there such a thing as a life coach? If the US presidential election is decided only by a few swing states, then why not just hold the election in the swing states, and how about saving costs by leaving the other states out of the election process, thus saving taxpayer money? What is electric displacement? What are some good ways to learn the Japanese language? The audio in my Lenovo laptop suddenly stopped working, even with ear phones. I tried to change many settings. Even the test sound doesn't work. Are there any ways to solve this problem? I am currently going through back pain treatment & because of this I am not allowed to go to gym. What should I do to loose weight? Wt: 64kg Ht: 145cm How do I design and build a drone from scratch? What is the easiest way to sell product online? What is the duration to take a Travel insurance when moving to Germany for full time? What are some favorite interview questions? How can I find a feldspar jaw crusher in my country? Do all form of energy actually come from the motion related energy of electrons? Where do these motion related energy come from? How many views would a YouTube video need to get to earn $10,000? I am looking to commit myself to a TV series, which would be better Gotham or the Arrowverse (Arrow, Flash, Legends of tomorrow and Supergirl)? How can I call premium numbers? How can I get a job in New Zealand? How do I get cheap flight deals within USA? Was anyone else on here around during the e/n days? When will Shake Shack open a Shack in San Francisco? Can an economy survive/thrive on a service sector alone? What are some good songs to lyric prank your boyfriend? What should I do after my graduation in mechanical engineering? In Wuthering Heights, what did Heathcliff really do to Isabella? My common merit rank in NIFT B.Des 2016 is 1209 and category (Gen) rank is 992. Will I get into any of the NIFT? What is nuclear winter? Will I face any problem if my 2nd last name is not on my flight ticket? Would it be wrong to get a handjob or blowjob while parents are home? What is the best eBook reader that can read PDFs? How do I get rid of auto screen locking on windows 7? Why is the Pakistani government not able to sentence Lakhvi even after having all the evidence against him? How do I pierce your navel? How many face cards are in a deck of cards? I requested to follow somebody on Instagram by accident and they have a locked account. I deleted the request a few seconds later. Will the person still get a notification that I requested to follow them? I am eligible for ILP in TCS, however, my aspire modules still haven't started. In how much time will this start and when will I get my call letter? Where can I find a Kannada movie with English subtitles? What are the best ways to lose weight? What is the best diet plan? How do you fix a car heater that is only blowing cold air? Does one get a job after doing certified course as a Lead Auditor in ISO 14001 EMS? What is the best way to be in a calorie deficit and lose weight successfully? Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Jackson County CO? How can a company have more total current assets than total liabilities and still have negative free cash flow? Which smart phone has the best camera for macro 2017? Do you want to get married? Why? What is polarization of light? How tempting is it to formerly orthodox Jews let it be known how regressive their former environment was? 4th Year Engg. student with a CBSE background preparing for SSC-CGL & related Exams. what is the strategy to clear the exams in 1st attempt? What are linking verbs? What can cause a betta fish to die? Should i drop a year for IIT-JEE 2017? How do I motivate someone to cook? What are some mind blowing videos that showcase the effects of climate change and will convince even the most ignorant? Is online chatting a good way to make friends? Unable to mount loop device. This error occurs in Android terminal app while installing Ubuntu on android. How to fix it? How does the education system in India work? Why is it better that British schoolchildren are segregated based on income than skills? How are Bose speakers designed? What are the design factors that come into play? What is the difference between web server and the app server? What are the best programming languages to learn today? Why is it best to wear a tampon when swimming? How many stripes does a tiger have? I need to resize a photo to 3.5cm X 3.5cm with 15-19 KB file size. How do I do it? Why chrome does not delete history? What do you do if you are a foreigner who speaks a foreign language fluently and people around you are talking bad about you because they assume that you don't understand? What are the best ergonomic chairs under $1000? How can I force my Mac to get a DHCP-assigned IP address instead of a ZeroConf IP address on WiFi? How much can you earn if you have your own TV channel? "Was there ever a time in recorded history where there was ""peace on earth,"" or a period where no states or sects were at war?" "How does one politely say to someone ""Did you do this yet?"" on an email?" What are the best lqbtq documentaries? Why it is not red plush instead of red crush? Can muscle relaxers and Xanax be taken together? How do I control my thoughts&emotions, while I am studying? How do I analyse a debt mutual fund? How can I root my Android 5.1 device? What is the one social media platform businesses are not using enough? Is there one platform businesses should spend more time on or a new platform emerging? (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, YouTube, etc.) What is one of the smartest ways to learn German, if you spend most of the time of the day at the office? What are the best companies to work for in Texas? What is the one thing in your past that you will change given a chance? What would your reaction be if one morning you wake up and find Quora has been closed down forever? Do you think time travel can really be possible? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Conmed is coming out with in 2016? Which is the best political science coching for IAS other than Vajiram? Can I get the ip address for a broken Android phone? Ad Networks, Ad Exchanges and Ad Services: How can you be approved for DFP Small Business before launching your site? How does banning 500 and 1000 INR notes help Indian economy? Is the moon landing a hoax? What should be the strategy for selecting an optional subject in the Mains exam of civil services for someone from an engineering background? Did anybody got oneplus 3 VR headset in the flash sale? How do Solr query planners and indices work? What is the most intimate moment? What should I do to get a decent paying job after BTech? Why does the number of holocaust witnesses increase over time? What is the relationship between N-gram and Bag-of-words in natural language processing? Why did J.K. Rowling proclaim Dumbledore gay after the book series ended? How can individuals create a Snapchat Live Story on their own account? What have you regretted the most in your life? Trump or Clinton? Does Google intend to make Google Music available offline similar to its Android app? What is the password to open an e-Aadhaar card? What are the best books for creative writing? If you are walking and a police officer stops and asks for your ID do you have to present it? "Can ant colonies""learn"" to avoid certain pesticides?" How do I to wear underwear? Why are Scandinavians so humble? And people from the Nordics in general? What is the strongest theistic argument against atheism? How can I become a freelancer? How can I earn money when I have a lot of free time? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Indiana State? How can I recover my Gmail password without a recovery phone number or email? Why do companies like freecharge, paytm, gaana, etc. offer free mobile recharge to download their mobile app? Can anyone help me with CBSE improvement exam? Is a job opportunity for an MIS in MS good? How can we see images in our minds? How is Linus managing the Linux kernel? Service estimation cost for swift and grand i10? What is the best way to apply off campus in flipkart? I am 20 years old and still have acne. It seems more like inner acne. What is some known cure? What committees should a board have and why? How do you make easy money online? What are the most overrated cities in the world? Why do humans have two kidneys if we can survive with only one? Why are some people anonymously editing questions on Islam on Quora? Are they afraid people reading these answers will start viewing Islam positively? Does Tinder continue to update location if app is left running, or only when the user is active? As a parent what is your biggest regret? If an author publishing a book with Amazon (print sales with Kindle eBook publishing), does Amazon require exclusivity? And if so, how long before the author is able to publish their books through other sources such as the Barnes and Noble Nook Store? Is there a way to send an email to an IP address directly? What is Newton theory? What is the integral of sinx/x? How do you fix a cracked iPad 2? Do employees at US Dollar Index have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? What is the best way to feel better after breaking up with someone if you feel they were the one? What are the best resources to learn MATLAB? When will online education take over traditional education? What is the full form of GSC seat type of engineering? Are there any adjunct professors teaching in the USA on Quora and if so what kind of insurance options have you come up with for yourself and family? Where can I get best assistance for gutter/roof maintenance in Sydney? Why is table tennis called ping pong? Nit hamirpur chemical or thapar cs? The Lord of the Rings (creative franchise): How did Gandalf plan to lead the fellowship into Mordor? For he did not have knowledge of the secret path through which Gollum leads Frodo and Sam. What do men think of tall women? "What is the meaning of the phrase ""cold hands hide a warm heart""?" I have a crush, he used to look at me and try to talk to me, then he started avoiding me. Did he give up on me or does he just not like me anymore? How do I use Varnish with Django? Was Ho Chi Minh actually a Chinese spy? How do I make PowerPoint presentations more amazing? Why India did not sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty? "In the movie Tokyo Drift, I heard a part of a song say, ""who wants to know all that is gold is rusting."" What does it actually mean there?" Does the US president need permission of House to start a war? What is it like to work at Imperial College London? Should I become similar to the fictional “DC Comics” male character: “Bruce Wayne” (“Batman”)? Would you want Kaine for President if Hillary dies? How do eukaryotic and prokaryotic differ? What are the perks of being quiet and introvert? What were the achievements of the Congress led UPA government during their tenure 2004-14? Jobs in USA after MBA: Is it possible for me to get into consulting/investment banking jobs If I have work exp in IT? What is the evidence of Ramayan? How much do Rhett and Link earn on a monthly basis and per episode of GMM? Can I upload to the App Store an app with an icon similar to Apple's icons? Has Hollywood run out of original ideas? Do you regret voting for Donald Trump? What are some of the latest inventions in technology? Is it okay to fall in love again? Want to learn Oracle but before this want to know different job categories and scope? At what speed should one travel, to witness day/night all the time? My girlfriend and I broke up after I lied to her twice. How do I regain her trust? How do I calculate the distance of a point from a given line? Which is better, New York City or Los Angeles (and why)? Can the QR code be scanned without an app? What kinds of dynamic programming questions are asked in Google interviews? What are some ways to make money from my site? What is future of traditional business of automobile spare parts in india? What are some of the worst things about living in South Korea? How did Nelson Mandela survive the 27 years he spent in a South African jail? Has the class of 2019 in Harvard already been selected? Why do some people hate Donald Trump and others like him? How were relations between Vajpayee and Sonia Gandhi? How can I tell if Nike Blazer shoes are fake? How can I make an animated GIF? What is the difference between a Chrome App and a Chrome Web App? Which is better: CSE at BITS Goa or CSE at BITS Hyderabad? Who is gonna win the Euro 2016? How can I delete a message sent by me in a group in whatsapp? What is the best way to learn any new foreign language? What could be the most humane model to deal with political power? Is Ricky Martin still as famous as he used to be 15 years back? Flash Vs Arrow: Which one is more arrogant and show off - Arrow or Flash? What is loneliness and how to beat it? What should be the torque of the motor to move about 80 kg at a speed of 20 kmph? What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in Mexico? How many days it takes to ship from USA to india? What is a personality that INTPs seem to relate to? How will Samsung recover from note 7? "What is the correct pronunciation of the name ""Pavel""?" How do network administrators and system administrators differ? What is sanitary waste, and how does the way waste is managed in Arkansas compare to how it is managed in Alabama? Donald Trump has won the presidency election. How does it affect US relations with India? Is it possible to be nomadic in this day and age? Is 30 years old too old to start trying to earn a medical degree? What happens if someone overdoses on Xanax? What is the best question ever asked in Quora? What are your favorite races in Skyrim, ranked best to worst? How can I post on Quora? What’s the point of buying an expensive f/2.8 lens when you can buy a cheaper f/4 lens and edit your shots in Lightroom (raising exposure) in post? How do you listen effectively? How can I improve my social speaking voice? What is the difference between an analog and a digital radar? Is there a way to hack snapchat? What is it like to attend the University of Leeds as an undergraduate? How can you remove dark circles under the eyes? If a person from 700 BC time-travelled to 1300 AD in Greece, what technological / political advancements would they be amazed by? If I am a dual US and british citzan, what death duties do I have to pay? How do I stop masturbution? Who are the top gamification agencies? Not engines or platform providers... Why is attraction irrational? Does company like 123rf, Shutterstock has to register their business in each country to sell digital content? On what basis does a country print its currency? Why did Hillary Clinton use a private email server? What are hipster stereotypes? What is it like to attend a Kingdom Hall for the first time? How do I contact a certified hacker? Can Quora admins collapse an answer without giving any reason? Has the no confidence motion ever been passed in India? How many gender identities exist? What does Groupon do? What do I do if I have forgotten the Apple ID and password for my iOS 7 iPhone? How practical are the courses at the TU Munich Informatics MSc? What does it mean if I hold my breath to come? When a ball is thrown inside a moving bus, does its kinetic energy depend on the speed of the bus? Explain.? Why is Leonardo DiCaprio regarded such a great actor? Do humans have a higher percentage of water than other animals? What are some real life applications of complex numbers in engineering and practical life? How do you spell the word COW in thirteen letters? What is ca ipcc? How did you become an iOS developer? Why do researchers focus on Droop Control to control parallel operation of converters in Microgrids? How will I get CGPA 10 in class 9 and 10? What are some natural ways to make your hair grow longer? What will be the cutoff for ntse stage 2 2016? Are there any stories in the Torah that are not original to the Jews? How do I make a country a major tourism destination? How do astronauts deal with anxiety or panic attacks? What are some unique features of the F 22 Raptor fighter jet? Which is best reasoning book for the CAT preparation? What is the most profitable casino in Las Vegas and why? How do I get my dad to talk to me again after a fight? Is there any rule that says a player can not sit on the cricket field when a ball is being bowled? What is the most efficient and effective way to study? How can I add a subtitle file in the series from i-USB-Store? For an athlete or fighter, should you add anything extra to the workouts in Convict Conditioning? I have an idea for an app which I have not seen yet. How can I make a claim so others can't steal it? What is the best programming language for hacking in the world? What are the good and bad effects of apple cider vinegar? When you follow someone on Quora, do you see everything they write? What does it mean? Can you describe the most productive, successful, blazingly fast software product team you have ever been a part of? How can I learn Japanese vocabulary more effectively? What is the most embarrassing moment in front of your children? Why do YouTubers dislike some videos for apparently no reason? Do guys use toilet paper when they urinate? Where can I download English songs free? What are some positive habits successful people practice on a daily basis? What is the probability that Martin Shkreli will go to prison? What are the best alternatives to Kaltura? How do you rebuild your character after a breakup? Is Okcupid a good site for long term dating? Why can't I remove topics from Quora? What are the best movies of 2016? Why? How can I improve my short term memory? How tall is Tiffany from SNSD? Is it remotely possible to work for Google if you did Medicine? How can I learn coding? What are good substitutes for Gruyère cheese in quiche? Can hermit crabs eat lettuce? What is the life cycle of bacteriophages? "What is a ""Private Browser"" to you?" What should everyone know about cats? How are guinea pigs, hamsters, and gerbils related? I have uttrakhand domicile how much marks I need for neet? What is the best cab service in mumbai? Which Halls in IIT Kanpur are analogous to the Houses in Hogwarts (Harry Potter) and Game of Thrones? Why? How can I motivate myself to go for longer training rides on my road bike? What is your review of The Iron Lady (2011 movie)? Why do people bother to ask questions on Quora they could just google to get the answer? How do you respond to answers to your Quora questions? What can be some techniques & methods to acquire hotel clients who already deal with other supply vendors? How can I penetrate into the market professionally? In what way can I link technology to my line of work? Why does Pakistan is so much worried about Rs.500 and Rs.1000 currency ban in India? Why not require a Photo ID to vote? If I get a good rank in the JEE main am I eligible to write the JEE advanced exam? How do I become Quora-famous? What is wave-particle duality? How is that everyone has a different handwriting? Does white wine last longer than red wine? How long does it take to become an expert in iOS development? Which case rank of a matrix does not exist? Can I move a Google photo album into another album? What is the future roadmap of Google Earth? Is Google investing in it? And what are alternative comparable well funded services? Is there a difference between seltzer and soda water? Is calcium oxide soluble in acidic solution? Taiwan: What are some common features of Taiwanese movies? What's the difference between the Core 2 Quad and the I5 processors? What are films that deal with themes like death and letting go? Why don't men write romance novels? Where did my Quora Reading List go? A and B together complete a work in 15 days. A alone can do it in 20 days. In how many days B alone can do it? I want to design an electric motor in 2D: is there any free software that can do that? Is Quora better than facebook? And why? Can we see the Aurora Borealis from the ISS? Why don't Indian or Bollywood movies win Oscar/s? Will they ever be able to tackle Hollywood movies in content, quality or creativity? Why is Martin Luther King Jr.'s day celebrated on January 21? How much does it cost to build an app like How should I start at the gym? What should be my diet? What are some of the best books that Quora users have read recently? How can I create blog in Quora? Let [math]x^2=y+z, y^2=z+x, z^2 = x+y.[/math] What is the value of [math]\frac{1}{1+x}+\frac{1}{1+y}+\frac{1}{1+z}?[/math] How do I earn money by uploading videos on YouTube? What is the definition of culture in sociology? Which city has the highest PISA score? Is it possible that on a particular there day for 6 months and night for another 6 months? If someone deletes or blocks me on WeChat, does it mean that I offended him/her? How does a cold front form? What is josaa 2016? How can I stop watching porn? How would the merger of all associate banks into SBI impact their business? Which is that one movie you want to watch again and again? Why? What are the salaries of IAS, IPS and IFS officers? What is a good way to describe Quora to friends? What is the formula for compound potassium and sulfur? How do I set up a solar power plant in Fatehabad, Haryana? I am scoring 425 in NEET-1. Should I give NEET-2? What strikes first time visitors as special or unusual when they arrive in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India? Who is the most genius among Sherlock, Mycroft, and Moriarty? How can a textile engineer earn more than computer and other engineers? How can I lose weight? What is the best way to freeze mussels? Was there ever a case where the prisoners in WW2 concentrations camps revolted against their guards, the Nazis? Do employees at L Brands have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? What are some good places to hangout in Toronto? How much money do u make writing in blog? What are the Cantonese pop songs produced in 2006? Why can't aircraft take off vertically just like a helicopter? How can you make personal essay out of chess? Who is Harry Potter? What is earnings per share (EPS)? What are the best app marketing strategies? How can I increase my physical energy level? My boyfriend says he deleted his tinder account ages ago but it is still showing up for people to match with, why? Could a country become very prosperous with a very low taxation rate? What is the difference between a USB Mixer and an audio interface? How do I calculate forecast costs? How do you see Harsha Bhogle's sudden sacking by BCCI? What can I do to increase my memory What is the best social platform to promote a startup? What does it mean when a guy saves your snapchat conversation? When were tampons invented? What are some good habits to follow? How can one stop masturbation? It's been two and a half years, and I still think about my ex girlfriend, is this normal? Can I take all 3 six star pills together? Are Muslims restricted from becoming Japanese citizens? Does Japan restrict Islam in any other way? Who will India Choose at times when it has to choose between USA and Russia? How do I integrate e^(x+2) and e^(x^2) and e^ (x^-2)? How do you determine good code quality? Which are the best books for quantitative aptitude in bank exams? India: Is Aamir Khan correct on his comments about growing intolerance in India? Are there any limits to how many questions I can ask on Quora? I am looking to buy mobile phones online. Which are the best websites to do so in India? How many ZZZquil pills should you take? What are the new ideas for research that a electrical engineering student can do? What are the considerations when dating a divorcee? How long does it take the pNB to issue a checkbook after I submit the request at a parent branch? What are the job responsibilities of a program manager? "What is the meaning of the name ""Nikita"" in Russian?" Does playing Basketball in normal sport shoes detoroite them/ruin theor condition? Why is money the most important thing in life? Did you ever visit an old teacher who said you will never achieve anything just to show that you are very successful now? Which are the best laptops priced at around 50k? I am getting NEET 2016 rank 5538 I am UR from rajasthan which govt college will I get in my state? How many mosques are there in the world? I am talking meftal spas first day of my periods. only one tablet ..can I take that? Should we legalize surrogacy in China? What do some people dislike about the Harry Potter books that doesn't seem to bother most people? How does the ranking of answers on Quora work? How do you see who is following you on Quora? What does this mean on Facebook messenger? How can I be like Tyler Durden? How do you know if you might be marrying the wrong person? In the Merchant Navy, which is better: the engine or deck department? And what should a person specialize in working on between oil tankers/crude carriers/bulk carriers/car carriers/container ships/cruise liners etc.? What is the future of Akhilesh Yadav after being exiled from SP for 6 years? If Hitler had quit aggressions after a few small victories prior to WWII, would he have been able to stay in power for another 20-30 years? What do Western people often think about China? I am 16 years old. Is TopCoder a good place to spend time? How do Topshop jeans fit like? What is a quick and painless way to kill yourself? International Relations: How would Russia respond to a US or NATO invasion of Iran? Should Microsoft acquire LinkedIn? What is the Christian population in Bangladesh? Who are the best pest control agency in Sydney? When will Dayone app jornal release their peer to peer storage? Which Asian country has the most elite infantry training? "What is the meaning of ""SDK""?" How does it feel to have a beautiful body? How much electricity is consumed by an electric train? Which is the best Indian SEO company in 2015? How do I connect the PS3 to the laptop using the HDMI port? What was life like in Hong Kong in the 1980s? What type of animation is this? Is Donald Trump fat? What are the best porn sites featuring saliva porn videos? Who is the most beautiful British actress? For a beginner who likes photography, what’s a good not too expensive digital camera? Do democrats support illegal immigrants just to get hispanic votes? On which platform can I sell softwares? Does the correlation between IQ and education vary with ethnicity? "If a situation like in the movie ""Martian"" arises, would NASA (or some other space agency) spend few billions to save that one person?" Why do bride grooms manipulate themselves only later on to reject a girl after knowing everything true about her? What is the best oil to use for baking brownies? How can I lose my weight from 55 kg to 50 kg within two month? Why does the so called democratic country consist of all the autocratic families, schooling and companies? How can I find the maximum number of minimal spanning trees in a graph? What are top 10 worst actors in the world? Why inspector of income tax job is group C despite of having pay band of Rs.9300--34800 as other group B non gazetted jobs? How do you cast a love spell on someone? I have limited web programming skillset and started with software startup, but no customer yet. How to get customers and build up your profile? I deactivated my Facebook. But I am still visible to my friends. How is this possible? Is leaving toothpaste on your teeth after brushing good or bad for you? How do I decide between IIT Delhi and IIT Madras for engineering physics? Should Arundhati Roy be banned from India? What is wrong with our society today? How does one use a UIkit for developing a mobile application? How do I score 70+ in CA IPCC tax? Why does the thermal conductivity of metals decrease with an increase in temperature? What are some good suggestions for novel reading? What are the best scholarships? Why can't Asian Americans perform romantic male leads in Hollywood? What is the best way to learn structured programming practices? What is the best resource/guide to learn about A/B testing? What is your genius? What happens if I masturbate 3-4 times per day? What is the best online tutorial to learn Android application development for a beginner with no idea about Java? Can my husband hide TV channels from me on our TV? Is the Old Testament an accurate historical text? How can apply for job in good software company after if my 12th percentage is 78? What is the essence of humor? What are the best books to learn about business? What are the best website design company Delhi/NCR? What's it like to graduate high school a year early? How do I write research paper, what are the initial steps? What will be the effect of banning 500 & 1000 rupees notes on the real estate? Could you use Roku to stream content from your computer? What are some good songs similar to the Sempiternal album? How can you cook ground beef in a crock pot? How can I convert the percentage system in India into an equivalent GPA system in the USA? What helped you learn Mandarin Chinese fluently? How do I write in Hindi on Quora? In what ways, do sociopaths differ from psychopaths? Is it possible for either of them to function normally in a marriage, or family-type setting? How do I identify a reliable and professional mobile app development company? Is it helpful if we look at external reviews? What are the best Bollywood tracks for a running playlist? What do people outside the UK think of Brexit? What is the best product design company in India? Is Big Brother rigged? How can I prove my positive attitude? What are good chasers or mixers for Peach Ciroc? Why does Turkey ignore all the documents about the Armenian Genocide? According to the Bible, what is the rapture? Who is Justin Bieber? Why do you fall in love with your best friend? What martial art combines both wrestling and boxing? Is time travel possible after the discovery of gravitational waves? What made you laugh? What makes PC video games easy to hack than PS4 or Xbox one? "Why are my Instagram followers’ info (""average time your followers are on Instagram on a typical day"") does not appear in my stats (business account)?" What should I do to become a fashion designer? What is a good strategy for Risk (the board game)? How do I run VMware on a Windows 8 32 bit operating system? I think I am suffering from depression. How can I help myself? Hollywoods influence on global culture? Karma, does it exist? Is it safe to visit Kashmir? Why is Google Chrome only loading a few specific sites for me? Which is the best smartphone in India under Rs 15000? How is the life of divorced women in India? What are best exercises for quick abs? How can I become socially confident? How do I read FG-WhatsAppLogOld.txt file, in a human readable format? How much India needs feminism right now? What can make a car go slow down a hill? How can I reset password of Instagram account without email? Is there any way to hide online status in whatsapp? What nice train trips can I do during Easter in Norway? I live in Oslo! "What do Russians think about the TV series ""The Americans""? Is the image of the Soviet government fairly illustrated?" How is an ionic compound formed? How should I start a conversation with an Indian girl? What were the causes of World War I? How do you heal a broken heart? Which will be best pension plan for me? On what type of men do earrings look good on? What are the types of acne caused by antibiotics? How can they be countered? I am a commerce stream student class 12 which career should I prefer? Which type of lock repair service can I get from any locksmith company? Where can get it at Sydney? How do I use AnimateX Plugin in SketchUp? What California cities are considering marijuana cultivation? Are all humans technically brown? Did Roman soldiers really have tattoos that said SPQR or was that just something they made up for Gladiator? Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Montgomery County NC? What is checked in police verification for passport? How much credit does Luke Walton deserve for the Warriors' record-setting start to the 2015-2016 NBA season? What are the best free WordPress plugins for holiday accommodation providers in the UK? And are there any must have paid ones? Why are some people atheists? describe the best day of your life? What are the app to change my phone icons? Why is Germany ready to take so many refugees and asylum seekers? What does Hillary Clinton think about Narendra Modi? Now that Jon Snow is the King in the North does that mean he is now a Stark and if not will he declare himself one? How can one stop caring about what people say or think about them? If time travel would be possible, could we meet ourselves? Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? Are narcissists evil? Why can I only save chats sent by me and not the other party on snapchat? What's the fastest way to learn Japanese? I am looking for klezmer recordings, or any Jewish music that features the vibraphone. Any suggestions? Will Kerala Iyer Brahmins get minority staus? What is the difference between Milkor USA and Milkor South Africa? How do comedians get their starts as comedians? CAT: should I appear for CAT so as to receive calls from the top IIMs? My credentials are X: 93% XII: 76.1 % B.Tech: 6.5 CGPA. I belong to SC category Who has made the most accurate predictions in history? Is it safe to jailbreak an iPhone? What are some standard Books for GATE CSE? What is the fate of the universe? How can I improve my English grammar? What is the most upvoted answer on Quora till date? Is yoga good for building lean body muscle? What causes earthquakes? How do I lose weight and reduce my waist quickly? What do geese eat? Is Westworld better than Game of Thrones? What are Best New Year's Resolutions MeMe? How could one increase their concentration and memory? Are we heading towards World War III? Solid Mechanics: Why is strain energy equal to 1/2*force*displacement? What about the remaining half? What are the principles and barriers to effective interpersonal communications? What are some good split screen games for the PlayStation 4? How much does highlights hair treatment cost in USA's salons? Who are happier, people with low IQ or high IQ? How the salt water battery work? What do you think about Arvind Kejriwal? Do IFS officers has powers like IAS and IPS? Which video games could you recommend that are similar to the Elder Scrolls, in terms of territory exploration/almost endless action possibilities? I want to marry a girl who is from a different caste and is 5 years older than me? How can we convince both the families? What is your review of Pokémon GO? How is Koregaon Park, Pune area for renting a home? Is there any chance of getting an admission in CS in some good college with a JEE Mains score of 85 and ICSE Score of 97%? What is the scope of civil engineering in India for someone who has completed their BTech in civil engineering? Why do sports and politics create the most back and fourth arguing? What will be the effect of banning 500 & 1000 rupees notes on the real estate? What does it mean if a guy texts you every day for 3 weeks? What are the best ways to get a cheaper air fare? Why do people spit on the streets of Mumbai? What are proved consensus algorithms available for blockchain? How do you get rid of muscle knots in your neck? What do intelligent people do with their phones? Is Facebook going to put ads on WhatsApp? What are some examples of plant adaptation? How do I recover deleted files from Android internal memory? What are some tricks male porn stars have to last longer? Which laptop should I buy if I am a first year computer science student? How do you as an individual use symbolic symbolic interactionism to interpret the world around u? I want to get into the shipping line. I've done in Electrical.What should I do? Where can I get affordable key cutting, lock repair and replacement services in Sydney? How can I objectively know whether I am intelligent? I have become a WhatsApp addict. I get restless when I don't get replies or texts. What should I do? Can an Indian doctor with only MBBS and no experience get a job in Dubai? Is there a polite way to unfriend someone on Facebook? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Twitter is coming out with in 2016? What is the benefit of getting asq student membership? Why was the Bayeux Tapestry important? What is the difference between 'lesser' and 'fewer'? Can you give examples too? Which one is better, LNMIIT CSE or Chennai Campus VIT CSE? What is PS3 error code 80710102 and how do you fix it? What is an OTG cable? What TV series are worth watching? What is it like joining the Indian Army/Air Force/Navy? What is it like to attend Caltech? What is this type of graph called? Is it Quora or Quora? Before how many hours of departure of train reservation ticket can be booked? How do I increase my cock size? Does Prayer really make someone else get changed (as per our wish)? Where is HDR setting in Nikkon P530 camera and how can I take HDR picture using this Camera? How do ecommerce start up make money through advertisement? Is time travel is possible in this modern age? What are the subjects in bsc biotechnology and btech in biotechnology? Is it worth the money to buy real Ray Bans vs. buying a knock-off pair? I have to prepare an ASL speech. Can I get some ideas on the topic moral education? What is the best game? The moon is roughly 250,000 miles from Earth. Escape velocity from Earth orbit is roughly 25,000 miles per hour. How is it that a trip from Earth orbit to Lunar orbit takes, not ~ 10 hours, but about 3 days? I don't get angry too soon I am too polite with everyone, but I think some anger and aggression is necessary. How to get angry.? Should Facebook allow you to search websites, links, images and videos uploaded through people in (and directly connected to) your network? What was the legal basis for the use of a robot delivered bomb against a suspect by the Dallas police? Who is the most highly paid porn actress? What are the future posts /levels of transportation operation specialist in Amazon, Hyderabad? What should be the time management for last month gate preparation? Why did PM Narendra Modi ban currency of denomination INR 500 and INR 1000? What's the average size of an adult human penis? Does the average vary among people from different continents or ethnic groups? Is time travel possible? If yes, what is the idea behind that? Should I have internet banking to change mobile number online? How can I build a HTML-UI RStudio shiny application that actually works? How can I improve my English pronunciation? Was Hitler good or bad? What about the complete details of SSC CHSL exam? What are question asked for interview on data structure? How do rich people buy drugs? Is there a database for octane numbers? Who will win the 9th match between Ireland and Sweden in the UEFA Euro 2016? Is 40 years of age too old for consulting? How is the status of Indian economy raised by banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes? What are the future trends in biotechnology? Why do you believe or know that bigfoot/sasquatch is real? What should everyone know about Rio de Janeiro? Who are the richest people on Earth? Who is the richest black person on Earth? Which header file is needed to use clrscr() function in C? How do I download all the videos in a YouTube playlist at once for free? How much nicotine is in one cigarette? Are there any instances in the making of a movie in which an actor/actress has improvised and the director didn't approve? Is there any hard data/statistics on the health consequences (if any) of regular anal sex? How does a plesiosaurus dinosaur adapted to his habitat? What is grevular gravity? What do non-Thais on Quora think about Thais on Quora? What is best trees to cultivate in very low rainfall areas in Tamilnadu? What went wrong with the F-35? I am expecting 450 marks in NEET. I am a resident of MH. Can I get a government MBBS seat through state quota? What in the world did the Golden State Warriors see in Andris Biedrins? Why didn't the Japanese develop a deep-seated hatred against Americans after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? "What is ""Udta Punjab"" movie all about?" What has Ireland contributed to the world? I have an idea for an app which I have not seen yet. How can I make a claim so others can't steal it? What do you think of Modi comparing Kerala with Somalia? Is he right or did he stoop too low this time while campaigning? Can I run GTA 5 with 16 GB DDR3 ram? What happens when you stop taking Garcinia Cambogia? Is obito a bad guy? Which telescope gives the best experience for beginners? How do I save my Periscope video or broadcast to my phone? Which is the best institute in Bangalore for a CAT intensive classroom program? If a bird had never seen a nest, would it know how to build one? Is there a difference between a string and an array? How can I make money online in India? Which book is best for Indian history and world history for ias preparation? Is there any fish oil softgels supplier in india? What is a circuit breaker alarm? How can I learn web design? What are some of the most famous paradoxes? What are their pros and cons? A US citizen marries an F1 visa alien, if both are students, how can they file an affidavit of support? Is there a way to prevent traffic jams? What is the best way to prepare for SSB? How do I prepare for scoring more than 250 in JEE Mains in 2016? How can the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle be explained? Has anyone ever met a D.I.D /multiple personality disorder patient? Are there ways to learn Japanese other than by asking Quorians, word-for-word? Which is the best cartoon ever created and why? Which are the best coaching classes in Mumbai for MPSC? How is the Befikre movie? Will there be a second list for SCB candidates in IISER admissions 2016? Is sucking pussy ok or not? I m scoring only 410-430 marks in NEET Phase 1. Is there any chances of me to get my state medical college. Im from Rajasthan & with General Category? What are some honest reviews for the BTech in mechanical engineering at SRM Katankulattur campus? Can I take back resignation in tcs? What are some lesser known facts about Indian Constitution? What are some examples of things that are politically correct but morally incorrect? Should I read Game of Thrones or watch the TV show first? Or even a mixture of both? Why do ceiling fans in the US have 4 or 5 blades, and fans in India have 3 blades? Is French Open the most difficult Grand Slam to win? How can I stop my puppy from chewing things? What are the causes of great depression? Is there a million dollar bill? How do I control the urge to masturbate? Should I develop my current practice on priority or should I expand my business to other cities? What are the best way to lose weight and remain healthy? Theists: Is there a possibility that atheist get possessed which is taking away their spirituality? Covering the same distance, does running or walking cost the same energy? Since '' W=F*S'', it seems that the friction F is constant, and the distance S are the same, but why do we feel tired when running? Is there really god? What are some essential tools for PHP developers? Can a chief minister suspend IAS officer? Which is the best & safest country to start a new life & to make money? The atoms, molecules, and cells I have change over time. The things I like and do change. What makes me me? What is the role of a business analyst? If someone is scoring 95+% in the Endeavor mock test, then what can he expect in the CAT 2015? How do we increase concentration? "What is the difference between ""provided that"" and ""providing that""?" How can I write a complaint to Apple? Where can I watch sarrainodu with subtitles? What is a double hat trick? What is the meaning of the word nothing? "Why is ""Marine Day"" unknown in Britain?" How do I improve self confidence? Why isn't English considered a Creole language? What are some examples of refrain poems? Is Buddhism selfish? I have 8.4 Lpa and working in dubai and want yo buy a house in bangalore? How do I become a Top Writer and make my every answer viral? Could depression and ocd be cured permanently? What are the best places to visit on a trip to Kerala? When registering a trademark for a company/brand do all products and services have trademark protection since the company/brand has already been trademarked? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in East Timor?" How is the all new WhatsApp? Is becoming an IAS officer really helpful for society? How does it feel to have sex the first time? Why do people get addicted to porn? What song do you feel describes you? Which is best PHP or NodeJS? How can I make reading more interesting? What are the reasons to use RSS to create content? What is the best web application language? Which is a better option: B.L.S. LL.B. from GLC, Mumbai after HSC or B.A. from St. Xavier's (Mumbai) and then LL.B. for GLC? What is the right age to get married though he is a struggler? What are the differences between tor and normal browser? What are some of the best books to read? What kind of computer does Mark Zuckerberg own for his personal use? Are cyclones present in the Bermuda Triangle? What is an MTM text message? How is it different from other text messages? Is a Mac or Windows better for a CS student or developer? Which professors at Columbia have attracted the most research funding? Where can I get competitively priced wardrobe products in Sydney? Who discovered chromatin and how? Are we heading towards World War III? Did God exist? I am a 20-year-old medic. How should I study and plan ahead? How does it feel to get a tattoo on the bottom of your foot? What are the loops in JavaScript? What do I need to move to Norway? Why is Adobe Creative Suite 6 so big? What are some of the biggest regrets in your life? What are some good YouTube channels to study Math? What is the best Ariel cosplay from Disney's Little mermaid? Who are the best Photo Mugs providers in Australia? How do I find past Instagram notifications? How do I write in follow up mail to IT clients? What does it feel like to pilot a plane for the first time? How do you calculate a fourth root on a calculator? Word order with or without “for:” which of these sentences is more grammatically correct? What GMAT self-prep book is the best for the test? Is Turkey fully Westernized? I'm 19, and have never gone on a date. Is something wrong with me? How can i get lean and lower body fat from 25%+ to 10-12%? What are some lesser-known facts about the Cold War? How much do liquor store owners make? Why don't we use satellites more than undersea optical fibre cables? My GRE score in Power Prep II first test ranges around 290. I have just around 10 days for final GRE exam. How can I achieve a score 310+ within these 10 days of preparation? "What does Bill Murray think about his time acting in ""Groundhog Day""?" How can I simplify the square root of 84? What is object-oriented programming? Why didn't Ramachandra Guha become as popular as Chetan Bhagat among the Indians? Why should the US remain a member of the United Nations? I am planning to buy a new car and put it in Uber and ola taxi services . Which car will be better option dezire or wagon r? Are fascists socialists? What are the Best niches for AdSense? Is it possible to hack WhatsApp? What was the most upvoted answer on Quora? What kind of colleges can one get after a score of 70 percentile in CAT 2015? I miss my ex so much how do I stop thinking about it? If I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump what will happen? Will voting for a third party be helpful or harmful? Is it unhealthy to eat 8 eggs a day? What do you do when your girlfriend loves you but you don't love her yet? Does Zenefits use netsuite? What is A/B testing? How do we hack a Facebook account? What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? What are some of the most common examples of zygote fungi? What are your best tips in studying? What makes a great UX Design portfolio? How good is LCA Tejas compared with other fighter jets in its category? "What is the difference between ""I am fine"" and ""I am good""?" At what point do parents give up on a child? How can India surpass China economically? Why is the Guantanamo Naval Base in Cuba if they don't have good diplomatic relationships with the US? What is the value of a liberal arts education? Marine engineering or petroleum engineering which is good? How do you know that your phone is being tapped? Who in your opinion will be the winner of 2017 up election? What is the highest frame rate (fps) that can be recognized by human perception? How can I lose max weight in 14 days? Will I get into CSE or IT in Manipal Institute of Technology? What is the difference between political theory and political science? Which is a better college: MIT or Stanford? In science, what is a frame of reference? What is the technological difference between DVD and Blu-ray? Sometimes, I smell an odor in my house that reminds me of the warning odor of natural gas. Our home is entirely electric. What could it be? What would happen if I used a US Apple ID in India? How do I withdraw premium bonds? When is wet bulb temperature constant and why? I have blocked someone on whatsapp then deleted this contact from my contact book yet I can still see their display picture updates through my blocked contacts list, how is this possible? I was wounded by a piece of rusty metal, but my wound shows no signs of infection. Can I get tetanus shot now? Please answer. What is it like to be born in a Brahmin family in India? How much should I score in the IISER Aptitude Test to get admission into IISER Pune? How can headphones be used as a microphone? What are some of the reasons people should follow you on Quora? What is the price of Hydraulic cone crusher? What are the procedures for a MBBS degree holder to get admission and study PG / ND/MS in the USA? How do I improve the fluency of English speaking? Can I get into VIT Vellore with a rank of 50000? If yes, which branch can I get? Is there a way to find out how large a specific Photoshop layer or group is in terms of bytes? How do documentary makers find subjects? How do make an app like Mcent, and Ladoo, which allow users to install the app and earn money? Which is one book that everyone should read in their early 30s? I think I'm becoming a part of the thug life. What are some suggestions? Can Gary Johnson win? Is 24 coming back for a new season (10th)? How should I prepare to get good marks in mbbs? Is it ok for a 28 year old man to date a 20 year old woman? Which are the best books for SSC CGL Tier 1 and 2 preparation? What are the history of Indian railways? Why are soldiers allowed to smoke? Aren't they supposed to be healthy? What would happen if all the presidential candidates were assassinated or died by natural cause? Why China doesn't want India to enter in the NSG group? What is the difference between an 11g and 12c oracle database? How do I retrace deleted files using Command Prompt? Where can I found most diverse ranges of Jumping Castles & Bouncy Castles in Sydney? Which is the best residential location in Chennai? Where can I buy books about Earth science? What would happen if humans lived in a pure oxygen atmosphere? Will they inhale and exhale oxygen? How can I market an app? How do you grow 5 o'clock shadow? (beard topic) Why is India so reluctant to sign NPT and CTBT? "Why is ""Japan's Marine Day"" unknown in Ireland?" "I can't play a video in Google Chrome. How can I fix ""the plug in""?" What is Akshay Kumar's new movie Airlift all about? Was Hitler an atheist? If a guy says a girl scares him, what does he mean? Have you ever experienced any incident that changed your life? I want to break the world record for the mile run; where do I start? What did Winston Churchill do in WWI? What is the purpose of a dual polarized antenna? What is the circulatory system homeostasis? If an object exceeds the speed of light, does something like a sonic boom occur? What is the resolution of human eye? What were the Crusades all about? How do I get data entry franchise in India? How much money do you have to make a year to be considered middle class in Manhattan? How can I add locations to my Instagram photos after they've already been uploaded? Which is the best coaching class for the preparation of medical entrance exams in India?( UG and PG) Will I get ECE in RVCE with a score of 132 in COMEDK 2016? What hurdles have you encountered when purchasing glasses online? What made you choose the company you ordered from? Did you do any research? Would you do it again? "Has Ben Roethlisberger been ""forgiven""?" How much do part time job pay students in US? What is so great about developing a financial plan for a small business? What are best Android phone under 20000rs? What are the pros and cons of global warming? Does running the AC in your car really burn gas? Why do some women like to wear thongs? How do you know what size of tampon to use? How can I start my career as an actor? Would you rather be given diamonds or gold if you had the opportunity? Why did Jawaharlal Nehru refuse the UNSC seat for India in 1955 when it was offered by the USA? I want to write data to files and easily search for and retrieve the data. What are good python modules for file handling? What is the corporate culture like at Boston Scientific? How is the culture different than other companies? Can you get pregnant 2 days before your period has ended? How do I get rid of the smell from a cat spraying? What are the three types of secondary bonds? What are some examples of family acrostic poems? How should you write one? Can money buy happiness? What is the best part of being in law school? Is it a good idea to buy a used car from a car rental agency? Why, Lisa, why? If your personal photography included pin-ups and fine-art nudes, that you shared on Flickr or other photo sharing site, can it hurt your career? What is the dark side of Baba Ramdev? If 8Amp motor is used for AC current then what is the motor and battery size in DC? What's is better to buy, an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi? How do you cope with anxiety? How can I improve my communication skills in English? Why did India vote against Iran at the IAEA? Why does a plane in the air make more noise than when it is on the ground about to take off? What is the rule for playing badminton? How do you become immortal? What is the all time best Telugu movie you have ever seen? What is it like to play basketball with Hakeem Olajuwon? If you medically stop menstruation does that delay menopause? Should I do MBA after BE in computer engineering? What is the purpose of life? What are we here for? Could World War 3 happen? "What is your opinion on newshour debate with ""Arnab Goswami""?" Can Microscopic Particles Actually Form Into Solid Celestial Bodies? Apple keyboard: why no numeric key block? I have booked 1ac ticket and I am travelling from first to last stop. Will it increase the chances of getting a coupe? What's the estimated budget to visit Leh-Ladakh from New Delhi in March? What are some of the best fast paced, instrumental EDM songs? What are the prevalent ideas of life after death for atheists? How competitive is the hiring process at Juniper Networks? How do I hack someones phone messages? Is the LG 900G a good phone? What are good birthday gifts for a girlfriend? What is the difference between inertia and moment of inertia? How do I change the registered mobile number for the DBS bank account? What's a good way to start a conversation with a stranger? In your opinion, who won the first Trump–Clinton U.S. Presidential debate? Who helps raise money for real estate development deals? Electrical Machines: A synchronous motor is connected to an infinite bus, slowly field current are being reduced and made to zero. It was again increased but with opposite polarity. How armature current of motor will fluctuate? Where can I get the Green Cloud technology report and ppt? When did Protestants first break from the Catholic Church? How do I loop videos from USB on a Dell TV? Should I do my CA articleship from a top firm (maybe Big 4) or a small firm? TravelPune: Which are one of the best and unique places to Visit near pune ( less than 300 km) in winter? What male celebrities have big noses? How economic rate of country is decided? Why HIV is so hard to cure? Radiation: Is it a health hazard to turn on my 3G/4G connection all day long and leave the smartphone in my pocket? Will the Madame Secretary series have more topics on China? How easy is it to spit up blood? Can you actually spit up blood after a tough punch to the stomach? "What does the phrase ""by the same token"" mean? How would one use it in a sentence?" What books or magazines should I read to improve my English? What are some mutual things or events which make both India and Pakistan proud? What is a Salesforce Admin? How can I start contributing to open source as a beginner? Which spiritual guru would be best in Delhi NCR? Is this solution to time travel theoretically possible? What is an example of a diatomic molecule? Will deactivating my Facebook account take me out of people you might know when I reactivate? "Does ""Valar Codulis"" mean ""All men must code""?" What is the best men's watch under $5,000? What is the best way to whiten your teeth? How can I check when was the last time someone logged into Instagram? What are camel spiders? What is Quora's answer collapse policy? What types of answers and reviews aren't allowed on Quora? How can I remember all cricket shots (e.g. cover drive, on drive) and fielding positions (e.g. deep square, cover)? I have 5 year gap after 10th. Can I get admission into direct 12th? I took several IQ test online and my IQ ranges between 118-129. Are online tests accurate? I'm 15-years-old and will my IQ increase? Is it good to talk to your ex, if he is getting marry in sometime? My girlfriend never ask me for sex what should I do? How good is the Udacity full stack developer course? How long does it take for regular mail to be delivered from San Antonio Texas to Jamaica Queens N.Y. 11434? How can I improve my spoken English? Why is watching someone give a foot massage and giving a foot massage different? How do I crack the IBPS PO exam? Which is the best city in the world according to you? What is China doing to destroy Islamic terrorism? What are the top best physical education colleges in India? I keep having terrifying visions which involve my ex boyfriend who is a narcissist. These things didn’t happen but they seem so real. Am I crazy? Are we friends with benefits? Is plotting in programming langauges always discrete? How can I build shoulder muscle mass? Why is China not a developed country? Which is the best racquet, Nanoray 7000i or muscle power 3? Is Season 4 of Sherlock the last season in the series? How long after drug use may it be detected in the urine? Which is best Linux distro? How do I delete a Skype username? I cannot stand my ex. He will not leave me alone. What can I do? What are some good online courses for learning German? "In Korean, how do you say ""smile""?" What should I choose: NITK CSE or IIIT Hyderabad CSE? How could the death of death work? How do I delete a 'User Account' which shows up when the Windows are started but doesn't show up in 'User Account Settings'? What are examples of stem tubers? Why doesn't Numbuh 4 like water? How do I find a good tech co-founder for a mobile app centric startup in India? What GET do at Vedanta? Is America really supporting ISIS? If someone doesn't reply to an email and I have to send a repeat email, should I pretend as if I didn't email them before? Women served in russia's army during WW1. Have women been able/forced to fight in any armies before then? What is the most horrific experience you have ever had? What cultures of the world do not have the custom of shaking hands with someone when meeting them for the first time? "A girl was going to college and a boy asked her name. The girl said: ""20 years 6 months"". What could the girl's name be?" Are pit bull/doberman mixes good dogs? Why? How is food digested in a grass-eating animal? Why do people have so much pride about being an INTJ personality type? What are things that make Indian students sad? What is the Bank of America routing number in California? What were the contributions to society made by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam? Which is the best brand for mobile covers in India? What is the formula to find the area of polygon having n sides? Do you love to give oral sex? What is the best hair oil? How should I concentrate in my studies (I have not been studying properly for a long time)? How do we know that the career chosen by us is the right one? If the us had non-gerrymandered districts, which party would dominate congress? Would expats consider dating locals? Why does warm water freeze faster than normal water? Was there any way one could have predicted James Harden would be as good as he is? How do I change 500 and 1000 rupee for 100 and 50 rupee note? How much money can be changed in bank on a day? I lost my Aadhaar card. What should I do as I have to bring it in an IBPS interview? How are sex scenes in movies shot? As an actor/actress, how is the experience? What is the easiest way to loose weight? What type of clothes look good on skinny boys? What are the most important Indian writers to study for the preparation of UGC NET English Literature? How is the PCL compound name determined? What are the applications of quantum mechanics in mechanical industry? What are the good universities for pursuing an M.S. in EE with a GRE score of 297? Dsce telecommunications or srm chemical what should I go for? Which is the best city in asia for sex tourism? what is time travel? Which car should I buy in the budget of 5 lacs {(+) (-) 50k}? Why/how does drinking lemon-lime soda help people who are sick? Will there be a third season of manga for rosario vampire? what are the problems faced by Indian students? Can the Decepticon ideology be justified? Would Megatron's rule bring something not so loathsome and terrible to Cybertron? Can I eat brown rice for lunch as well as dinner every day? Is it OK not to eat chapatis? How many data centers does SoftLayer have as of September 2015? What is Pressure vessels stress? What are some movies similar to Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)? Is reading sex stories harmful like watching porn? Are there any good books about the history of Northeast India? What's the best WordPress Git deployment tool? What are some of the best and high paying careers? What is Perclocutinary Act? What's the best way to get rid of a canker sore? How many 4-digit numbers can be formed using the digits 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5 and 5? How is D.Y Patil Law college, Mumbai? What are some animals that could benefit from climate change? How do actors in a movie or tv show remember their lines? What is the most scariest situation you have experienced in life? What are some cool shoes for teens? Can I download power BI on my pc? What does it say about me if my sun sign is Aquarius, my moon sign is Scorpio, and my rising sign is Aquarius? How do I translate 任性 into English? What have been Facebook's greatest technical accomplishments? If I make a habit of running 2 km every day and eat in moderation, how will my body look? Should Christmas be changed to Santa Claus Day? What kind of pets do Husky Blue Heeler mixes make? Why don't my digital assistants use my chosen TTS voice? Is time travel already possible on Earth? I want to change the rear tyres of my Yamaha R15 v1 but i am confused on the options available. What are the best options available under 3k? How do I flash Cwm/Twrp with my screen locked? Is the GRE required for doing an MS in Germany for mechanical? How do you stop a English Bulldog/Pitbull mix puppy from biting my shoes? What are the main differences between Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo? What are some must have Android apps? Does China have an authoritarian government? If so, what characteristics identify its government as authoritarian? How many people have the KKK killed? What are the must know tools for SEO agents? Which is the best 3D video player for windows 7? What is employee turnover like at Yahoo? How is ice cream made? How can I connect Philips music system to Sony Bravia 40 kdl 40w600b TV? Can I connect a 5.1 speaker with a 3.5 mm jack to my LG TV (32LB5650) with built in dolby digital & dts decoder? Will it work well? Why interest on national debt is part of private income? How many humans have died on earth? Is legit? What are the best motivational quotes for students? Can you grow facial hair with Rogaine? How is the heart and respiratory system related? Did Biggie Smalls kill Tupac? Can I become an entrepreneur? Why is Pretty Lights considered popular? Is it safe to drink tap water? How can I find Jaw Crusher Limestone in Mauritania? What background color of screen hurts eyes more? White or black? Can I ask Fender for a free guitar? Where can I get professional and personalized airport assistance in Dubai? What is an administrative building? What should I do if part of my toenail is coming off? Do I need to set up a legal business entity when selling on Amazon FBA? Which is better: Unity or GNOME 3? Which country is better to immigrate to France or America? What do BJP supporters have to say about BJP's U turn on FDI? What worked for you when you were trying to lose weight? Why am I bulimic? Music Theory: In a major chord progression, why does playing III instead of iii sound so good? Joint Entrance Examination (JEE): How do I prepare for IIT-JEE in a few months? How did John F. Kennedy acquire a net worth of $1 billion? What were the major contributions of the political leaders during WW1, and how are they compared to the ones during other major armed conflicts? I can go weeks without saying much. Is that bad for me? Is Orlistat effective for weight loss? Give names of some of the best horror movies? I know a person who is depositing 2.5 lakh on each member of his brother's family. To whom should I report this? Is it possible to get an output value greater than 1 (for prediction) by Neural Networks? I have been doing 40 push-ups and sit-ups every day for a week now. Why is it getting harder and not easier? How is Windows 10 on the Lumia 620? Is it preferable to update or not? Does masturbation causes pimples? Which is better chemical engineering at IIT madras or mattelurgy engineering at Bombay? If people believed that Earth is flat. Why did Columbus tried to find easier way to India by exploring west ? What is that moment that made you shocked or made you stressed that you couldn't talk to anybody? 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