Why are African-Americans so beautiful? I want to pursue PhD in Computer Science about social network,what is the open problem in social networks? Is there a reason why we should travel alone? Why are people so obsessed with having a girlfriend/boyfriend? What are some good baby girl names starting with D? I am 25 year old guy and never had a girlfriend. Is this weird? "What does a good answer on Quora look like? What does it mean to ""be helpful""?" What are the best things to do in Hong Kong? Why is my life getting so complicated? Why should I crack Jee? Can you TRANSLATE these to English language? Can anyone tell shall mi mix mobile should be purchased or not? Which is the best gaming laptop under 40k? Why Tamil Nadu Universities are no good? What is an easy way to clean toothpaste stains from a shirt without washing it? What was the deadliest battle in history? What are your views about demonetisation in India? What are the difference between polyester 210T and 210D? Is FMS Delhi a good option for a MBA executive program? Is it a bad time to buy a condo or a house in the Bay Area in 2017? How is vanilla extract made? What is the Sahara, and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Patagonian Desert? Why was the Roman Empire so successful? Is it advisable to sent your cv to a professor with whom you are trying to make contact for graduate admission? Does a RainTPL syntax extension for Sublime Text exist? Where can I download it? What is the average salary of a microbiologist in India? How do you close a Bank of America account? How can I create the most popular question on Quora? What are the requirements to become president in the United States and how are the requirements different in Tanzania? "Who is the Adam the lyrics to Blink-182's ""Adam's Song"" are written about?" What books should I read as an aspiring entrepreneur? Why does a rainbow lorikeet make a good pet? Which sector (i.e. primary, secondary, tertiary) contributes the most to the GDP of India? Why? If universe is expanding without a limit and dark and vacuum energy are created as it expands…? How is India preparing for war against Pakistan? Why we do study computer fundamental in software engineering.? What is the smartest question besides this question? What is a good text editor? What people who you've never met have influenced your life the most? How much weed did Bob Marley smoke a day? What is the next number of this sequence? 5…..17……37…..89…..?? Which website is good for downloading Android (.apk) files? Are vacuum fluctuations occuring because the energy in vacuum? Are these virtual particles? How do I find my Publication ID on Medium? How could an HIV-positive person have children? I'm going to be US President one day. What should I start doing now to achieve this? Why MS Dhoni leave captaincy of ODI & T-20? are aliens real or are they fake ? Where can I buy special flavor cupcake at Gold Coast? Does marijuana cause cancer? How do I apply for jobs as an international student in the united states? What are the procedures for becoming an actuary? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Access National? How do I find out what operating system I have on my Macbook? How do smart and successful people control their emotions? Can eating only fruit for dinner lead to weight loss? How do I buy used car in India? Can i use mods in ps2 games like Gta San Andreass and others ? What is the difference between the House of Representatives and the Senate? What are the best tips for outlining/planning a novel? What's the easiest way to make money online from India? What will happen if Donald Trump became the president of America? What's the best way to increase agricultural productivity? What is the value of [math]\displaystyle\int_{0}^{\infty} \dfrac{x}{x^2+a^2}\,dx [/math]? What is it like to study in Llandudno? Why don't people just shoot Captain America below the shield? Is PlatePlay available in Barcelona? How do I increase sperms in my body? When you get a love spell done do you feel drained and tired? What do other countries think of Bosnia and Herzegovina? What is one of the biggest misconceptions people have about you? Will overstaying my visit visa with 3 months affect my spouse visa application? How can you find all of your Gmail accounts? "What are the best slogans based on the theme ""United India"" or ""राष्ट्रीय एकता""?" What is the best order to read the Ender saga in? What is the average BPM for these genres of music? Which laptop would be better to buy now an i5 6200U with AMD R5 M330 or an i5 5200U with AMD R5 M230? Are Rolls-Royce cars given only to reputed personalities? Whose Economy is in better shape in 2016: Pakistan or Bangladesh? Steel: Which is the best industrial wire products manufacturing company in India? Why are people evil? Why didn't Ned Stark bring more men to the Tower of Joy? What is the meaning of nani desu ka? How can I introduce the surface area of cuboid by using real life situations? What cheese skins can you eat? How do you get better grades? What is the most efficient way of studying to score a 700 on the GMAT? What is a good solar panel installation provider near Lemon Cove, California CA? Who is your favorite Prison Break character? How many time can one attempt for JEE Main in one year? FtM: How much of an effect did Testosterone have on your mental/emotional health when you started HRT? Which is the best way to pass the 74-322 exam? What is operational research? What is your new year resolution, short term and long term goal for 2017? Is WIMPs incorrect? Will wave-particle duality ever be understood to be a particle and its associated wave in the strongly interacting dark matter? Will NeoBux (PTC site) last? Where can I get a consistent high quality service for commercial cleaning in Bangalore? What are the most common ways people get rich in Singapore apart from inherited wealth and winning the lottery? What will happen to the next Star Wars movies after Carrie Fisher's death? What is the weirdest thing about you? Are you proud of it? Which kind of fit can we say of pen and their opener (cap)? Which searching technique is suitable for an ordered linked list and why? Design a server architecture for serving Google maps images? How do I know Jesus is talking to me? Can women reach an orgasm from anal sex? What is an analogy for a smooth ER? How much does it take to put an ad on tv in india? I love programming, but I get bored quickly. How do I have fun while programming? What is the market size of live chat support software? Your girlfriend/wife refused to have an abortion, so you leave and she raises the child. How do you feel about being a deadbeat dad? What makes Axl Rose's voice unique? Who was a better offensive tackle - Jim Parker or Anthony Munoz? Whom did you target as audience for the initial TED talks? What is the meaning of stonerindia? How did you learn another language? Does sharing my location still work if my phone is turned off? How do I update my graphics drivers? What is the best business to start in Bangalore? Is it possible to have a cashless economy in a country like India? How do you attract parents of preschool children online? In Windows 10, how do you change file association back to unknown program? Why do girls date abusive jerks? How should one deal with their own aggressions? When and how did you become an atheist? Why do most websites load slow and some dont even load when using 5ghz wifi? The internet speed is not the problem: Why does gst bill is important? What strikes first time visitors as special or unusual when they arrive in Colorado Springs, CO? Which aircraft was superior - the Douglas DC8 or the Boeing 707? How can I expand my IQ? What does it mean when a girl take a day to reply to your text? Did Mughal ruler Shah Jahan, who is said to have built the Taj Mahal, marry Mumtaz Mahal after killing her first husband? How can I stop myself from watching too much of porn? How do I cure kidney stones? What will be the effect of banning 500 and 1000 Rs notes on real estate sector in India? Can we expect sharp fall in prices in short/long term? How do I unlock my Yahoo Mail account? Music: How do I download MP3 songs for free from the internet? Is it worth it to pay for PhD from my pocket? What is the maximum file size that can be uploaded in Whatsapp? What are the best ways to learn to cook? How will Indian aspirants to go to the US for a masters, be affected under a Trump presidency? Which sentence is correct ?and why? Two trained 6ft fighters . One 170 pounds and the other 200 pounds . Will the heavier fighter come out on top? Why? What is JIRA used for? If I'm passionate about marketing and self development, should I make two separate blogs or one? Can a F1 student visa holder become a Uber driver in USA? What was first word spoken by human? What is labour? Is it healthy for dogs to eat bones? Who was started Social Media war between Indian and Pakistani? Should I give my JEE Main exam offline or online? What is the most foolish thing you did as a kid? How far can a person walk in a day? How do men last longer in bed? Is literally infinite number of unique human DNAs possible? What is motive of Mulayam Singh Yadav behind expelling Akhilesh Yadav from Samajwadi party? What do you think of the decision by the Indian Government to demonetize 500 and 1000 rupee notes? Jim Morrison: What is so great about Jim Morrison? Why do we need to philosophize? Rajya Sabha Television: What does banging benches in parliament mean, acceptance or dissent? Is India a soft nation in terms of its foreign relations? Is Jesus the only way to God? Does sperm count decreases due to masturbation? Is there any way to recover e-mails that were deleted from a Gmail account? Is universal health care good? Why or why not? What are the 3 types of NoSql databases? Does laser light have mass? Do I have to cook tasajo right away or can I store it in the fridge or freezer? Did this girl take advantage of me at homecoming? What is the best way to move to another country? What is a solenoid valve? Is it safe to pick up an Australian Huntsman spider? "How can I download the following book""""Microprocessors & Interfacing: Programming & Hardware, Douglas V. Hall, Tata McGraw Hill""?" Why collision is an issue in a random access but not in controlled access? What do doctors do to stop arterial bleeding in the wrist and how do they deal with self harming cases? Does anybody do an initiation at Kriya yoga? How do I find my own gmail accounts list? What kinds of body types do men prefer in women? How do I fix a 0xc0000142 error (game application) in Windows 8? Which books are the best for all the government exams? Where can I get sparkling and well maintained cleaning service in Sydney? Who are the 7 Chiranjiv (like Aswathama)? What is the force of gravity between the Sun and Earth? What are some tips and tricks in QlikView which are unknown by most? Which is the best and most reliable Chinese smartphone manufacturing company: Xiaomi, Huawei, Oneplus, Vivo, Gionee, Meizu, Oppo, ZTE, Alcatel, Coolpad or Lenovo? Can Fast and Furious 7 gross $1 billion worldwide? Do cruise missiles really exist, or are they a hoax? Which is the best book for learning language c++? How can I increase the traffic on my website without investing? Do most South Americans support Brazil or Argentina's people? What will be Barack Obama's legacy? Why do so many people hate Hilary Clinton? When I turn my head I get a sharp pain in my upper back—what can I do about it? What was the happiest day of your life? How do l see who viewed my videos on Instagram? Why is that the sky is so blue? Why not remove nail polish? Why wear chipped? What is your review of www.abundancestockadvisors.com? What does Quora mean? How can I learn English well in a short time? Which Indian states have lowest inflation or cost of living? Question That Contains Assumptions: Why do people think NYC is the greatest city in the world when it's really a rat-infested cesspool of noise and self-serving type A personalities all trying to outwork one another? What should I do to make life worth living? How can I specifically improve my English? How does a pussy taste? Which college is the best in trivandrum for electrical engineering? What language is this? Is it normal to fear the future at 19? What is the property tax rate in Granville, Ohio? How is it compared to the one of Massachusetts? Who is the best player in nba in 2016? How can I stop eating junk and processed food addiction and stay healthy? What can I do to improve my English speaking? Can you give some innovative ideas for embedded projects? How does masturbation affect one's concentrating power? How can we eradicate corruption? What are the movies one should see? Are girls intimidated by attractive guys? How can you open a .z01 file? What do I do if I forgot my Apple ID and email? What is an accurate way to calculate your IQ? "Which is correct: ""bare in mind"" or ""bear in mind""?" Why do we let the pants live by OUR blood, sweat and tears in OUR Europe, Russia and North America because they call it THEIR religion and ethnicity? Is our PM Modi doing the correct thing with 500 and 1000 Rs notes? What is TQWL in Indian railways? Is it possible to choose your dreams? What does it mean to you to be a designer? """How to jailbreak my iPhone 5 ?""" What does it feel like to be eaten alive by a Microraptor? Do you think I can get into MIT(pls read the details)? Why is the firm's marginal cost curve equal supply curve? How can you find the molar mass of deuterium? What are 10 shocking facts about Ancient Rome? What are the best massage parlours in NCR Delhi for happy ending? What have you learned from your life? How can I see someone's private instagram account? would/does the atmosphere thermally expand with rising global temperature such as the ocean or is there some mitigating factor to the expansion? What is the need for socket programming, and what are its advantages? Is elementary OS overrated (in any way)? What were the major contributions of the political leaders during WW1, and how are the compared to the ones during the Second World War? What is the difference between fat and calories? Will .2 grams of meth show up in a urine test 99 hours after consumed? What would happen if America became a communist country? What song do you like to sing along to most? I have a drug test at 3 next tuesday, its friday. I stopped smoking meth today. will I pass my urine test? Why do so many people ask questions on Quora.com when they could easily find the answers themselves online? What is the age when a person should ideally retire? What do people in India think of the Cauvery river water dispute? How safe are the neighborhoods of Boston? What is the square root of 1? Which is the best institute in Bangalore for IEEE final year projects? What a ghost can do? What is the best book for learning Java? What exactly is poetry? When a guy says that he wants to have sex with you, does that mean he only wants to have sex? What's the difference between cd and DVD? How can I lose weight effectively? How much does a MRI or CT scan of a head cost? Does masturbation causes pimples? How do I merge Informatica Code? LeEco Le Max2 vs OnePlus 3, which one should you buy? What should I do to earn money online? What are the best techniques for off-page SEO? What are the best home remedies to get rid of cockroaches? What makes India different from all other countries in the world? Why do we forget dreams so quickly? What are some determinants of a demanding market? What is the best category to monetize in the iOS App Store? Why does alkoxide ion acts as a base in alcoholic medium? If you are told that you have only 24 hours to live how you will spend it? With whom? What is the difference between a 6/6, 6/9, etc., eye vision? How do I become a professional wingsuit pilot? Why is my puppy vomiting white foam? I have had two failed marriages. I've been alone for two years. How do I meet someone else? I'm scared. Does Mike Wazowski blink or wink? How do I get night shift? What does it feel like to be stabbed with a knife? How can I see followers on Facebook? What should I think about a husband who doesn't allow his wife to gym or driving because it has both men and women? How do you start a private equity firm? How should I prepare for NEET-2017 in 6 months? Which reference books I need to refer apart from my coaching material? How successful was the Delhi's Odd-even plan? Is it possible to start from level 0 and score 500+ in NEET in 4 months? What do you write in your journal? Will the Airtel 4g SIM card work in 2G phones? If not, will it at least work in 3G phones? How was Chinese and Japanese look before the nuclear attack? How can you make money with Instagram? Why didn't Spain ally with Germany during WW2? What are some good gift ideas for my parents from my first salary? What is the procedure to get license as government contractor for mechanical engineer in Maharashtra? How do I post a question in quora? How can I continue to improve my English? How do you convince a conservative Muslim family to allow an inter-religion marriage with a Hindu? During The Purge, it is legal to steal stuff, but afterwards it is illegal to own stolen property, could the police come after you? Selena Gomez (actor, musician): Did you like it when she and Justin Beiber broke up? Why making a Time Machine is Impossible? How is the word 'adversary' used in a sentence? Do you believe in ghosts? And why? I am 23, height 160 cm, weight 44 kg. Is this proportional for a girl? How can I gain weight? How is school changing in the 21st century in Finland? What is the corporate culture like at Masonite International? How is the culture different than other companies? What is the difference between interspecific, intervarietal and intergeneric hybrid? I'm 27, is it too late for me to go to medical school? Can Utilitarianism theory be used to state why it is unethical for advertisement that targets children? How can I upgrade my English Writing skills? What does Hillary Clinton think of high-skill immigration? What is the mechanism of letter of credit? You are president of the United States. What will you do in the 4 or 8 years of your presidency? How do I mirror laptop screen on another laptop without installing any software? Is it possible to increase height after 22 years of age? I am pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science, can I apply for a B.Sc Physics course in DU through distance learning Program? When Is the Earth more protected from the Sun solar wind or EM radiation, summer or autumn? What are the pros and cons of using R vs. C++ for machine learning? Will Hillary Clinton run for president again? What are some amazing facts about Vladimir Putin? How can I upload my profile picture in Quora? What companies are expecting from the fresher (if they don't have any industrial exposer)? What is the average 100m time for a teenager? How should I get a grip on myself? What is the principle and working of fourth generation photovoltaic cell? Why is my period four days late? Are/were mermaids/mermen real? What content do people want to see in articles and on what topics? What is the best Alabama SEO Company? I am getting fat on my lower body and on the chest, is there any way I can get fit without looking skinny fat? What do Indian people think about Nepal? What is the corporate culture like at Apache? How is the culture different than other companies? How much more difficult is it to build a startup with a single founder versus having two founders? What brand of socks is this? Where can I get MOOCs/E-learning through online web and video courses related to store management developed by Indian professorial/professors? What language was PayPal written in? Why has Quora banned my real name account as fake? What is the difference between an AC and DC generator? Is Rupert Murdoch Jewish? What is the best way to encourage 4-5 year olds to play chess? What is a .EMZ file? How can I become an investment banker in India? Was Christopher condent a real historic pirate? How do I eat healthily if I’m poor? Are non-compete clauses enforceable for physicians? What is teeth scaling? Is NYU Tandon School of Engineering a good school for MS in industrial engineering taking jobs and internships into consideration? How can I stop my hair fall? Since I stopped eating meat my skin cleared up, I feel better, and have more energy. Why? I thought meat was good for us. Why didn't (don't) followers of the Hebrew Bible consider Jesus to be the Messiah? What's the best way to learn how to sing? How do I prepare for SSC CGL Tier 2 in English? What is Typepad on Facebook? Will I grow taller from 5'2 to 5'6 at age of 18? what will I do? "Does ""Splice"" have a sequel? Will it have one?" What is the best handbag? What exact property of older people's body's allow them to benter more immune against alcoholic all influence? Is it nice to swim in the ocean? Generally speaking; I don't mean with trash or monsters, etc. What is the relevance of legal reasoning in the legal process and court decisions? Which is a better smartphone brand, Asus, Microsoft or Samsung? I do not have my parents' surname on the birth certificate and I am applying for a fresh passport. Will it create any problem? Why can't we crop (or have) any picture in shapes like circle instead of rectangular frame? Who will win war between Russia and US? What is the most evil country in the world stage, not because of its reputation, but because of its actions? What are the best educational YouTube channels? How can I stop the urge to masturbate? Beome billionare i. 23 years? Why did the US invade Iraq in 2003? How do you deal with the side effects regarding ProActiv products? Have you ever found out your friend doesn't want you to be better than him/her? How do I find out what I truly want in my life? It fluctuates! What is the issue in Baluchistan? Which is a suitable solar panel installation provider in Bullhead City, Arizona AZ? I have lost my PAN card and I also forgot my PAN number. What is the procedure to reissue a PAN card? 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How did you make it into Stanford? What was your high school life like before Stanford? Why do we like life hacks so much? I have been told that the I will get the delivery of the baleno within 6-7 months, is there any chance that I would get it earlier? Is onion juice mixed shampoo good for hAir growth? What are the benefits of a small family? What documents do I need when I pitch venture capitalists or angel investors? Will the new SAT be harder than the Current SAT? What are p notes? What is the funniest joke you ever heard? What do you find encouraging? Which business is good start up in Hyderabad? How do I become a video game maker? What do we have to do in life? Which is more harmful? 1 cigarette or 1 indian Bidi? How can I have my users subscribe to my mailing list by entering their phone number? Is it difficult to jailbreak iOS 7? How does cigarette smoke affect you? How do I tighten my loose vagina? What is a implosive orgasm? How do you pick up girls at a restaurant? 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How do I connect my iPhone to a Samsung Smart TV? Robert Frost: Do they train astraunauts of what to do in situations where astraunauts may find themselve alone like in the movie Gravity? What are the unit economics of the iPad? Is there a tutorial on how to use Quora? What are the easy ways to earn money online? What should be the schedule of a student preparing for school & IIT? What is your favorite Myers-Briggs personality type? Should i updrade cards upto level 9 only in clash royale? Do we regret the stuff we didn't do? Why should I study biotechnology? How do people earn money from YouTube? What are the best ways to improve my English because I'm not good in English? I cheated on my wife would she cheat on me? How can I see who viewed my Instagram video? How good is computer science at VIT? What does a civil engineer do? Do you think time travel is possible? A mole of football fields could cover the surface of how many moons? What is the espionage behind the ban on Jallikattu? Where can I get proper training for tratak meditation in Delhi? What is the US presidential election process? What is space? What is dark energy? What is your review of The Big Bang Theory (TV series)? How can I stop masturbation? What is your new year resolution for 2017 or goal for 2017? How reliable are PS3 slims? Why is medical treatment costly in India? I have had oral sex only and I'm past my period due date. What could have possibly happened? Is it difficult to start a toy cleaning business? Should I learn Romanian as a second language? How do I prevent YouTube from increasing my ping? How much impact Quora has made on your life? How is v k dhingra and co for articleship and is the exposure good there? How did you meet your significant other? What are the things I can do to become more responsible? What companies are similar to razorfish? How can you get over someone? What I can sell on amazon.in? What is Jan lokapal bill? What are the best aspects of working at Power Solutions International? Would an external USB 3.0 CD/DVD drive be faster than an external USB 2.0 CD/DVD drive? Any advice for Tag Management regarding e-commerce site ? Gauss Vs. Nikola Tesla Vs. Leonardo Da Vinci Vs. Newton. Who was smarter and why? What are the APPROVALS required for A real ESTATE PROJECT? Hackers: How can I get started with hacking? Is shipping business profitable? What are some must-read books for people in their 50s? What is the criteria to get into Loyola College? Why don't I get the new user interface on Quora? If kids born on 2008 and we both parents in UK since 10 years can we eligible for UK citizen? Can an individual have their own religion or is it necessary that there be a community? How can I turn off getting asked by Google Chrome to save my passwords? Wiggling finger in front of computer creates frames? How do I get into NYU journalism? Why do we relate people to songs? How do I ask a question on this? What is observed when ydse is performed with white light? Do I need a midical test for the visa interview to the US? Can anybody get creative ideas for writing and composing music? And if so, how? What is it like to attend GDC? I want a bike, but my parents can't afford it. What should I do? How can I loose 5kgs weight in a week without exercise? I'm not happy with quora? My question always needs editing and never gets posts. What's the point of this site if I don't get anything out of it? What are the disadvantages of masturbation for boys? What is the future of Facebook Groups? What's the best advice you could give to someone under twenty? How do I manage money in manipal? What are the best ways to learn Java? What is reference state? Which are books one must read in life? How are Telugu and Tamil languages related? Which is the best dslr camera under budget of Rs 38000 for a beginner? What are some of the worst questions asked on Quora? What are the best online sites to learn computer programming? What are some very good and real touching romantic novels? How do you spell “metaanalysis”? Which is a good solar panel installation provider near Millbrae, California CA? Is there any relevance for morality in the modern world? How do cyber security services help my business? "Why is right ""right"" and wrong ""wrong""?" What does Richard Muller think of philosophy? If scientists invent a mechanism for humans to communicate in the language of animals, birds, plants & vice versa, then how would life be different? How do you get a free PSN generator with no surveys? Where can I learn to become a professional full stack Javascript Developer? What are some examples of cognitive dissonance in football? How do I find my employer's ein number? How to reset an iPhone? Is Donald Trump capable of running a country? What are the pros and cons of online shopping ? Is it wrong to date someone dates an 11yrs old when im 15? Is Dangal the best movie of Aamir Khan? How is being gay or lesbian less moral than divorce? What are tips for maintaining a beach waves perm? Do professional soccer players masturbate? What is the cut-off for KVPY exam( SA stream ) 2016 and when are the results declared? How can be less self-conscious? How many characters or people are mentioned in the Bible? What are the factors that decides the temperature of a matter? Where can I find French news shows with English subtitles? What are some tips to get the best airline ticket prices? My ideal girl/boy is out of my reach; should I settle for what I can get? How do I unsubscribe from all email? How long should I charge my new phone before the first use (a 3000 mAh Li-ion battery)? When you have a snapstreak and the hourglass emoji appears, after how long does the streak end? What are some good Indian stock market apps? How big is the Death Star? How do I remove hard water stains from a toilet bowl? If you could date any celebrity, who would it be and why? Does cannabis oil cure cancer? Or are the sellers hoaxing? What would you like to achieve in 5 years from now? Have the Ancient Incans been scientifically tested? How do I abort a baby within a month? From a Male Perspective, What Lingerie turns you on? What is the best way to learn and practice C programming? Why do poor people become poorer and the rich get richer? What are some of the best movies on F1? How do I migrate my Clash royale account from one Google Play ID to another? Can I use the simple past tense instead of the present perfect tense in these sentences? How can I earn money part time online? How many 12 digit numbers have the sum of digits as 4? M audio nova and samson c03 which is best? How do I deal with stress at home? What is the best specialization for ECE students to do an MS? How does one avoid existential depression? How is it to live in Belgium as an average citizen, meaning the lifestyle and the people, etc.? I am getting 445 marks in neet 2016 , can I get any government college (MBBS) ? I have haryana domicile. (General category) While I am requesting online SBI global debit card, I am getting error, saying either MOP not ser or invalid MOP for card type, can you help me? Which are best management colleges in Lucknow? Which are best eye clinics in Pune? Can anyone give me a good short courses institute's website in Australia? How do I solve 1/6^0.4 without the use of calculator? Which songs make you feel happy when listening to them? What kind of animal (Fox) is this? I am in first year. In which direction should I start my preparation to clear for IAS exam? How can I get a complete list of all old Gmail accounts in my name? Where can you hire the best PHP, ASP.NET and iPhone apps developer at a low cost in India? Which company provides photobooth hire service in Sydney? Is it unprofessional to include a brief list of influential people at the bottom of your resume? Why must God exist? Why is bedwetting (enuresis) associated with psychopathy? What is Quora doing to grow its user base? Is a 13 cm penis considered small? How do I find Best SEO Company in Delhi? How is technology changing the culture of Switzerland? What is a spiritual way of life? What color goes well with cobalt blue? What are the different career options after MBBS and their scope in India? What is the difference between original, appellate and advisory jurisdiction of Supreme Court in India? "The word ""English"" is always, always, always capitalized when referring to the language or nationality. Why do so many Quora questioners lowercase it?" How is duck sauce supposed to taste like? What is tcs values? What are the ways to earn money while studying? What actually controversial opinion do you have? Is there a chance for anyone on Quora to have 1 billion views or more than that? How can I slowly lose weight? What's the best way to get 1000+ likes for a Facebook page without spending any money? What are some extinct religions? How can I upload a pic from my timeline to make cover photo? Do you covet what you cannot have? Where can I donate my organs? How do element atoms bond to form a compound mloecules? How much does an average fine dining restaurant make in NYC? What are the similarities between monocot and dicot flowers? How is the MS telecom program at NJIT and RIT? How many engineers are there at Postmates? What is the difference between HTML and XHTML? What are some of the common mistakes made by candidates in IIT-JEE entrance exams? Which is the best digital photo frame? I'm from Bangladesh studying in class 10. I'm a bit weak in Mathematics but I dream to study Physics at MIT. What should I do from now on for future? What's the best way to conclude a Group Discussion in a placement drive? What would this look like if it were easy? What is the thing you most regret doing? How big is a whale? How do reversing entries simplify record keeping? What is it used for? Is cocaine kosher for Passover? Which subject should I study to crack NVS PGT Biology entrance I studied at a law school, but I didn't study a Juris Doctor. If I pass a bar exam, can I work for a law firm as a lawyer? Are predictions of the future based on the present too much? Should I join the Marines? If so, why? Has Modiji sealed the fate of Arvind Ji in the upcoming Punjab elections? Is there an app that notifies website visitor through a widget that someone recently purchased a product? Which raw materials are needed for photosynthesis? Did anyone ever said anything to piss off 2pac on camera like the N Word? What are the lists of Indian colleges/ universities offering MBA in biotechnology through distance learning? How do I stop my mother-in-law from visiting and staying for long durations without being rude and inappropriate? What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? How do you see the present and future of interaction design? Why hasn't the KTM 125 Duke launched in India yet? What is the cost of a commercial wifi deployment from say Cisco or Aruba? Why do I never have nightmares? Someone explain why my spring airsoft sniper rifle (Accuracy International replica L96) is skewing or curving to the right when I shoot long range? What are the pros and cons of owning an EV (electric vehicle) in Honolulu? How do I get my startup funded? How do I read my friend's WhatsApp chat without taking his phone? "What does it mean if tatkal passport aplication status shows ""under review at regional passport office"" since the very first day?" How do you sharpen a knife without ruining its finish? Is it bad for health to eat eggs every day? How much does it cost to own a small plane? Does redmi 2 work in the USA? What's Home Depot's return/exchange policy? Where can I meet the right guy? Girls: What did the first time your boyfriend ever touched you feel like (and you wanted the contact)? Which is the best course for digital marketing? Who is most likely to start world war three? Why are there not liens on all of Trump's holdings, with all of the contractors he's stiffed? Do you think scrapping of 500 and 1000 rupee denominations is going to eradicate corruption? How do I lose fat from my legs? Is eating bread good for health? What can we do to wake up in the morning without being tired? What kind of things do old people like? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Receptos? How is the chemical formula for titin determined, and how does it compare to that of casein? How does Felix Zemdegs solve the 3x3x3 cube? Why do people watch Jerry springer? When is the best nip slips??!!! What are the similarities between Narendra Modi and Hafiz Saeed? Can I learn MMA at he age of 26? How do I hack or spy on someone's WhatsApp conversation? Where would be the worst place for a new virus to break out? How cold can the Gobi Desert get, and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Chihuahuan Desert? Is it bad practice to put parentheses in a file name? Once I've installed Windows 10, if I have to factory reset my laptop, will it revert to Windows 8.1 or stay on Windows 10? What is the meaning of this Punjabi song in Hindi or English? How do I tell if a guy likes me back? What are the industries where chemical engineers can expect to play a role, especially in petrochemical & process industries? How can you tell if a Muslim is a Shiite or a Sunni? What is Clayton Kershaw like in person? How do I gain weight in a healthy way? Who own ygeia3.com? How does one tell if someone is tired or just woke up? Where can I watch Dragon Ball Z episodes english dubbed? Is there any way to study organic chemistry? How do you know if someone is in love with you? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Rhode Island? Why are there only 7 days in a week? How do I start preparing for IES? What are the origins of the most common last names in America? What is the acceptable TDS level of drinking water? Why are most African Americans easily swayed by pop culture media? How do I recover a hacked instagram? What does Jimmy Wales do with all his Quora credits? What are some good and bad benefits of banning 500 and 1000 rupees notes in India? Do you regret your marriage, and why? A guy tried to approach me. I ignored him considering him as a creep but I realized him to be genuine a few months later, and now l think it's too late. What can I do? What is the micro grain structure for low alloy steels? What is it like to be interviewed for a job by Bill Gates? What is the most embarrassing moment in front of your parents? What should I do to get an intership at Google? How much did local Africans help to develop a slavery market in Africa during the Colonial period? Do one night stands really happen? What was that best movie you watched and why? What is the scope for biomedical engineering in india? What are practical things one should know being a civil engineering student? Why can't I upvote my own answer or comment? Can a woman feel when a man ejaculates inside her? How did Slaughter Creek in Austin, TX get its name? Will you help a guy dress up as a girl? How shall I stop watching porn? "What is the translation of the word ""by"" to French?" Business degree from WGU? Is it true that foreign students doing an M.S. in Germany don't get jobs after they finish their studies? What were the traits, habits and characteristics of Leonardo da Vinci? What would happen if the people disappeared in Earth? How do I pass CPA exam in California? Can I make an Android app with Python? What do Spaniards think about Asians (Chinese, Korean)? Is this possible H4 visa holder having a drivers license of other state and moved to Illinois, how to take drivers license for H4 visa holders? How old do you have to be to become President of the United States? Do paparazzi break any law by stalking and taking the photo or video without your consents if you are not a celebrity? Can paparazzi become a stalker? What will improve my search engine ranking? What is the best share to invest in? How does one stop getting bored easily? How do I prepare for entrance exam of masters in economics (for DSE, ISI and JNU) in 4 months? What kind of girls do boys hate? How can we have fellowship with God? Do we still need to separate dark colour clothes from light colour clothes when we already know it will not ruin it based on previous experience? How do I start a stock market? Does Trump have a chance to win the elections? What are some cool and cheap things to buy online? What are the best ways to speak English fluently? What could happen if a woman's uterine lining just builds up after not having a period for months? What are the necessary steps in documenting a mobile app for Android phones? How do I get rid of excessive weight? What are the contributions of your state or region towards India? Based on what should a cardiologists determine whether one should medicate for LDL or only urge the patient to loose weight and exercise? What is a 3 parent child? What is the expected salary of a company secretary? What are the aspects of cell theory? Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University For Women: Who's interested in participating in the ACM-ICPC this year from IGDTUW? Any plans on working for it and forming a team? What are the sanctuary cities in the U.S.? On FB, if I block a person who is not my friend after sending a message, will it be delivered, or seen? What universities does UCT Industrial Manufacturing recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Is there anyone on Quora who got a perfect SAT score, yet got rejected by the Ivy Leagues? What would the world be like without law? How does IRCTC (Indian Railways) reservation system work? Which takes priority in moving up between tatkal quota WL and normal WL? What all scenarios get considered in final charts? Any idea about algorithms used in system? Is there any problem with using 0 diopter lens glasses for patient with repaired RD? What does a dollar sign mean in an Excel formula? How does blood come into the mouth as a result of high blood pressure? What's your biggest frustration with stress? How could I improve my English pronunciation? What are the scopes of mechatronic engineering? What is it like to work in a BSL-4 facility? What do you think of the Government's move of banning old Rs. 500 & Rs. 1000 notes? What are the best sources to learn digital marketing? Who is the best singer now? How do I get relief from back pain? How do you like China? What are some of the best campaigns on Instagram? How many Division 1 NCAA basketball teams are there? What are your insights on how to resolve the West Philippine Sea / South China Sea dispute? Can I use an abbreviation of my real name for signatures? What are some of the best technology stocks to invest in and why? What is the best universities in India after 12th? What's your gamer-tag and why? How can I buy potassium cyanide online? Am I overweight? Pls share ur personal experiences with the supernatural with me? "Why do people say ""get over slavery""?" How can one wake up early in the morning? What is resource endowment? Where can I find a program to convert an image to a mathematical formula that can be used to render that image? HELP ASAP! Not able to login to Quora! What to do? Is the Saratov State online judge being actively maintained? What would be impact on India if Donald Trump becomes President? What are the biggest problems experienced by hotel and restaurant management? Have you ever evaluated UPSC Mains answer copies? How was your experience? If your US visa expires, and your California driving license along with it, are you able to get a temporary California driving license while your visa renewal application is pending? What's worse for our health: smoking shisha or vaping? Research is to see what everybody has seen and to think what nobody has thought is this true? Why do people like to flirt? What happens if a firefighter truck runs someone over? "Which Type of ""Protein"" is Better for Our ""Kidneys""?" What do women think of keni styles? The principle fundamental to imperialism, philanthropy plus 5 per cent? Is the electoral college about to vote for Hillary? How can an educated medical doctor and author, student of 2orls history be a rabid Trump and Limbaugh supporter? 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Why girls height matters in Indian culture? What are the chances that Sony will last into the 2030s-2040s? How Do I get traffic on website? Which one comes first, charisma or self confidence? Is SocialTrade.Biz running a Ponzi Scheme ? How much one can earn from YouTube? How should one prepare for ssb? "What is the meaning of the word ""wanton""?" What is the average sized penis? Do actuaries get high pay in India? When does a person become an adult? Does South Dakota State University plays division 1 in football? What makes life inspiring? "What does the abbreviation ""OSK"" that is used in the name of Romanian football team Sepsi OSK Sfântu Gheorghe mean?" What is the story behind the alleged affair of SRK and Priyanka Chopra? Do you think Arijit Singh is an overrated singer? When do you watch TV? How do I know whether someone read my message on Instagram or not? How did you discover your true self? How could I gain weight in a healthy way? What is a suitable solar panel installation provider near San Fernando, California CA? What are some plane hacks? How can I get a rust stain out of a white cotton shirt? Does Snapchat send screenshot notifications for stories? What are the most common scientific myths? Is it a good idea to have a coffee before an exam? Could you give me some advice? What are the good ways to eradicate the begging system in India? How can I find value of cos37°? What is the review of ATOS Hyderabad? Is losing weight possible without hitting the gym like a maniac? I have a felony (burglary charge) (committed at 17) and want to join marines, is it still possible to join? Who won the first Clinton-Trump debate? And why? What are some mind-blowing car technology gadgets that exist in 2016 that most people don't know about? What is the best play of William Shakespeare? Why did the Intel Itanium microprocessors fail? Will I lose my Canadian permanent residence status if I leave Canada for too long to stay with my relatives in the UK? What is the process for migrating to another engineering college under Pune University in second year? What are some of the best jokes you've ever heard? What is the best love making experience? What's some of the best advice you've ever received? Is it possible to get a decent job after completing IPCC? How do I factorize factorize x^3+ 1/x^3 -2? How does CIBIL work? I am a MBA student and I want an internship in HR which I am not getting from college, and if by any chance companies are there, stipend is not offered. What should I do? Can someone identify this music video? Is pet insurance for a golden retriever puppy a good idea, bad idea, or does it depend? What does it depend on? I want to be with my boyfriend but he doesn't trust me what should I do? How do you convert cubic feet to square feet and visa versa? People are saying that games now can be played on-the-go with the Nintendo Switch. Hasn't this already happened with the Wii U? He asked what my weekend plans were but didnt ask me out. by the way I said no plans yet? What is the price and feature difference between UberGo, UberX and UberBlack in India? How do I check my UAN number? How can I start my own Minecraft Youtube Channel? What is VMware's technology stack? "Who won the debate : William Lane Craig v/s Sam Harris on ""Are the foundations of moral values natural or supernatural?""" How do I get my husband d to understand that i will never be happy. A marriage with absolutely no trust will not work and he needs to just move on.? In India, what is future of a Solaris system admin? How do I get my dad to stop drinking? Which is the best institute for distance MBA in India? Which online shopping website is best for the handicraft products? How cold can the Gobi Desert get, and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Registan Desert? Online gaming with IRL friends is more fun. Why do you play with randoms? What were you before you were born? What is the scope for MBA operations management in India? How legit is www.blippar.com? What is the best 3D software for creating an animation (HD cartoon movie) of ideas and plans.? What are some of the ways to keep secrets? When will HTC Desire 820 get the Sense 7 update? Where is the Royal Enfield Service Center in Kota City? Can an international F1 visa student get an SSN without a job offer in the US? What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping? Is temporarily disabling Instagram safe? Will I lose pictures or am I at risk of losing my account all together due to some bug? Will Brunei become a developing country soon? What are some amazing facts about Africa? What's the body that governs sports in Romania, and its (email) contact point? "Today one lady told me ""are you stalking me?"" What does that mean actually?" How can I remove screen overlay on my j7? When is f1 visa rejected? What are some examples of fiction written in the future tense? Why do some plastic caps smell kerosene? How do I solve [math]\dfrac{x^3-3x}{3x^2–1}=1[/math]? Which city is better Bangalore or Chennai for articleship? What are the best cinema schools in Germany for international students? How can I remember all cricket shots (e.g. cover drive, on drive) and fielding positions (e.g. deep square, cover)? Why does my pee smell like fish? What are some good dares for texting? What's it like to become the president of the United States? Is it possible to change India's name into Hindustan or Bharath? Is there an anti-French or anti-German sentiment in Belgium or Switzerland? How do I start learning to code? Also,which programming language is recommended for beginners? Is three months sufficient to prepare for the GRE? Which exam is difficult to clear: CA exams or CS exams? What effects does eating spicy food have on us? Can I see my deleted Snapchat history? What is neuro linguistic programming? Why are rechargeable AA batteries made to be 1.2V while alkalines are 1.5V? How much do comedians make from comedy clubs per gig? Which is the smartest city in the world? What is the corporate culture like at Owens Corning? How is the culture different than other companies? which laptop will be best under Rs 30,000? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Metals USA? How long can I keep a BigMac in my fridge before eating it? What are your views on the Brexit? Whether a Law graduate with PhD in science and having PG Diploma in IPR is required to write a Patent Agent Exam? What are some funny stories in engineering? What are the best books, topics, and ways to prepare for UGC NET English literature? How do I lose stubborn belly fat? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Manhattan Associates (fresher)? What are the best books about books? What if we cancel this election and extend the term of current president until we find civilized candidates? What are the most common Android unlock patterns? How do I find the email ID on Facebook of an unknown person? What are the best alternatives to democracy? Who among the famous people in India have a verified profile on Quora? What does さあひる mean? What advice does Jon Skeet will give to a novice programmer to become a champ like him? Where can I get nursery and baby prints on cotton fabric in Delhi? What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they're invited to someone's home in Belize for the first time? What's so special about Grana? What is life like after clearing SSC CGL? Why have human beings evolved more than any other beings on Earth? Would I need a different nail gun for dry walling, framing, and flooring or is there some model that can do all of these? What are some mind blowing tools and gadgets that mos't people dont know? How did President Kennedy get away with the nepotism of appointing his brother Robert to the Attorney General post? Is there any football club/team that is labeled 'underdog' and not so famous, yet managed to win the cup/title/league? What are the best inDesign template sites for ePub design? How can I search for a good video production company? How many keywords are there in PASCAL Programming Language in the latest version? Where can I find footage taken from inside an aircraft flying over countryside at night? What is a six-pointed star symbolic of? The guy I'm seeing calls me adorable. Is this him telling me he isn't that attracted to me? What is a rough endoplasmic reticulum? What do you eat for breakfast usually? What products should I use to get rid of acne quickly? Which one is the best medical school in Turkey? What are the best CrossFit workouts on YouTube? When is iOS 10 coming out? When hiking in the woods or fields, what would cause distinct cold spots with significant differences in temperature? What does it mean if you start spotting 9 days before your period? What are the top 10 TV series one should genuinely watch? What does 'mahol' mean, especially in Nagpur? What are the best novels to read while preparing for the CAT? Why is it socially acceptable for a black individuals to exclaim pride in their ethnicity publicly, yet for white individuals it is not? Why is Thailand's total fertility rate so low (1.4)? Did Trump win the election? Has anyone completed CAIA exam from India? Where can I buy first copy shoes in mumbai? What is the best place to work for among the following Indian start-ups/companies and why? What are some major and minor problems being faced by middle class Indians? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Diamond Foods? What are the differences between the aorta and the vena cava? Do spirts or ghosts exist? What are the names of months as per the Hindu calendar, and what is their significance vis-à-vis festivals or rituals? What if humans never invented clothes? Why is it that it is so important for some people not to let other drivers over when in traffic? Why don't people realize that being nice makes for a better society? How do I stop falling in love too fast? Which is better for gaming: Nvidia GeForce GT 840M 2GB or Nvidia GeForce GT 920? What is the quality of Wayfair's products? Is it comparable at similar price points to that of traditional furniture retailers? Where can I get best photo booth packages in Sydney? Is there ever a time when you should not let go? (of someone) Someone on snapchat added me by snap code and I don't know who they are. How did they do that? When you plan a vacation, do you plan it yourself or use a travel agent? How do I contact a mobile tower installation company on my plot or building in Agra? Which is the best online website to learn MATLAB? I'm planning on starting a YouTube gaming channel but I lack Confidence, do you have any words of encouragement or helpful tips, including experience? What hotel booking site gets the best deals? What are good ways to stop corruption in India? When should I start preparing for SSC CGL 2017? Who is doing CPA Marketing full time? What course would you recommend? Thanks How can one enter into universities of Germany? What are the things I need to know and the things I need to do to startup an automobile company in Africa? Is there an app of some sort that allows you to view private profiles on instagram? Why do men have this need to boast to a potential female lover, while women don't need to? "What is the meaning of the word ""arbitrary""?" How do I grow taller? Some tips? Is there any final score that it is mathematically impossible to achieve in a single game of bowling given the way scores are calculated? How do you repair the front part of a train? Will TCS cancel offer for campus placed students due to loss of US BFSI segments? Why do I experience chest pain while I playing football (Soccer)? Do you think it is worth buying a gaming laptop over game consoles or desktop PCs? What type of programming languages should I learn to be a successful web developer? What is CNF in IRCTC? "What animals begin with the letter ""y""?" Who wins in a fight between Deathstroke and Captain America? Day by day, Indians are becoming famous for being chutiya people around the world. What should every Indian citizen do to stop the propagation of such negative stereotype? Have you seen Bigfoot? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Spark Therapeutics is coming out with in 2016? Which is a good solar panel installation provider near Meridian, California CA? How is career important in our life? From your perspective, what is the purpose of life? Is India facing more stessful times and politically charged atmosphere when compared to Congress regime? How does it feel being raped? How do I join the Indian Army as a doctor after doing my MBBS? Which is the cheapest microcontroller for making projects? Who should regularly visit a gynecologist? Jelly bean update for samsung galaxy s advance in india? Is the magic done by magicians like Dynamo and Criss Angel real or is it just tricks? Does magic really exist? How does a steam turbine generator produce more electricity even though the frequency is kept constant? Should I buy NFL tickets from StubHub now or wait? Why? What is the conclusion of the movie Before we go? What innovative name can I use for an interior designing firm? Medical Conditions and Diseases: What role does the spleen play? Where can rent PS4 game in Bengaluru? Which questions are to be asked on Stack Overflow? Who would win in a fight between Superman and the Flash? What's a funny, interesting, or creative way to introduce yourself? What is the origin of the Tall, Grande, and Venti nomenclature at Starbucks? Why does the sun rise in the east and set in the west but not the north and south? How do landlords qualify tenants? Why is she flirting with me? What does semen taste like? What are some must-read books for computer science undergrads? Were the accusations against Pablo Escobar ever proved? What is macros? Is there any science-backed criticism on Jonathan Haidt's moral foundations theory? Who will win the 25th match between Australia and Bangladesh in the 2016 Kabaddi World Cup? I am a doctor.Simultaneously I also want to do law. How should I proceed? What is the difference between to and for? Does Apple hire international students for software engineering internships positions? Does it hire from MENA? I keep dreaming that my husband is cheating on me or is leaving me. What does that mean in reality? What is the best way to unshrink merino wool? Where can I learn Raspberry Pi? How did you exactly break up from your ex? What is an ethernet cable? What are its functions? What is the reason behind recent currency demonetisation? What is demonetization in India? I don't know how to code but I want to start my own tech company. Should I take the time to learn how to code or just work with someone else? Can you have the same Dream again by doing everything you did before you fell asleep? How did you get rid of your acne? What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen? How do you stop being lazy? How many constitutional amendments have come to effect till date? What is the difference between astrophysics and theoretical physics? What is the difference between ramen and pho? What are the least useful courses that people typically take for a degree in zoology? What does 'everything you love is well-arranged dust' mean? Is there any way to increase height after age of 20? How exactly does coffee help humans focus? Do you consider Edward Snowden a hero for freedom? What is the super best movie you recommend me to watch now? Your number 1 top list movies? Any kind (except horror)? How do I make money by doing affiliate marketing? How can you lose weight quickly? What is a good introductory video on computational neuroscience? Which are the best bass guitar songs? What are the best short term courses in financial markets after graduation in economics? How is your hostel life? What hotel in Binsar Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? Is there any culture difference between U. S. and U. K.? Is it illegal to bring outside food into a movie theatre? Where can I get very cost-effective envelope printing service in Sydney? What is fascism (in simple words but in detail)? What are extracurricular interests? What are examples of this? What are some of the traffic rules in India that people don't follow/know about? What are the names of all the people in this BuzzFeed video? What is the chemical formula of nitrogen? How can you track a mobile phone in Canada? Can anybody share the experience of the MDL interview for mechanical through GATE? Which has been the biggest political scam in India till date? Can someone share AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate dumps? How do I motivate myself to study for AIIMS? How do I get best thing out of waste? How do I improve the writings on Quora? What are the top 10 general knowledge-based apps on Android? I forgot to cancel my Tatkal waiting list ticket. Will I get a refund? If it is, when will I get it? Do South Indians think that North Indians are arrogant? What is truvada? Which are.the best books for algebra and trigonometry? How can you determine the Lewis dot structure for sulfur trioxide? What is the best laptop under INR 30,000? Why are skateboard wheels so small? What are some unique business ideas? What is the weather in Orlando like on June, and how does it differ from the weather in August? What basics are required to learn hadoop? Why do people ask so many Googleable questions on Quora? What is the best mobile CPA affiliate network? How about YeahMobi? How do I prepare for accenture campus interview? What are the disadvantages of linked lists? What guarantees are there that the new 500 and 2000 INR can't be duplicated given the quality of the notes? Who has seriously taken advice from people on Quora, and what was the result of doing so? What are GitHub and Git? What are their uses? What's your favorite James Bond film? What are the roles and responsibilities of a windows server support engineer? If we sent robots to another planet and they had a few cells of human DNA on them could these develop over millions of years into humans? Who are the people with the most followers on Quora? What exactly is digital art? Do you need to travel to set up an offshore account? What are your views on the design of India's new ₹500 and ₹2000 notes? What is the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm? How do I hide my likes and comments from my friends on Facebook? What does 84-2-1 code mean? How many Ibps clerical attempts are there for general category? What are good performance metrics on a gym rowing machine? What are Hindus collectively doing wrong? What are the reviews of SensoVision System? What was the total time taken to frame & write the Indian Constitution? What did Steve Jobs study in college before dropping out? What is it like to work at Virtusa Bangalore? Why is the Indian government afraid of the truth by banning the Australia journalist report on India and China war in 1962 for over 50 years? How do I sign out of auora? How do I become a conductor engineer? What is the difference between metaphysics and aesthetics? Who should be blamed for the poor performance of India in Rio Olympics? What’s it like working at Google? How will abolishing rs.500 and rs.1000 notes reduce corruption and identifying black money? Who are the highest paid employees at WalMart? How do I insert data in database using angularjs? What is the value of human life? What are 10 letter words with no repeating letters? What universities does Maxim Integrated recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? How do I apply for PPF? Does volatile and non volatile nature of materials depend on their chemical composition? What are the differences between a single and double action pistol? How do I prepare for SSC CHSL? Why do people ask such questions here on Quora which could be easily found on the internet? How do you renounce everything to attain Nirvana as mentioned in Buddhism? Is Deadpool overrated? How has technology changed the education system? "How do I send a Google form without making the users ""request access"" to view it?" What is the funniest thing you ever said to your family? What are the best free ringtones for iPhone? Theism: What is the most convincing argument to become a theist? How do I solve aptitude questions on cube? How do I prepare for Gate 2019 ECE? How do I become faster? What motivates people with technical experience to answer questions on Quora? What can I do to have a flat tummy? Why does a current carrying conductor produce a magnetic field around it? Any updates on Baahubali- The Conclusion? How do you get over a writers block? What's the gender breakdown for SCVNGR users? What are the best British television shows? How do you feel when someone upvotes your answer on Quora? What exactly are the Illuminati? "Where does the word ""suicide"" come from?" Which are the most used designs patterns for mobile games nowadays? How it would be to join time for cat in february for cat 2017? Why does my dog hold a toy, run around & whine after eating? What is the best way to reheat a cooked lobster? What is the poorest country in Asia, and how does its health system compare to the poorest country in Africa? Why are we so obsessed with looking beautiful externally? Imagine that you are a student-astronaut, who had participated in the launch. Describe what you experienced while in flight and later, what you felt and saw when Mangalyaan entered the Mars orbit? What characterizes tactile people? Do some women really like swallowing semen? Why or why not? What is your New Years Resolution? How widely accepted are credit cards at small businesses and restaurants in Pakistan? How can I join India's intelligence agency RAW? What is the basis of the combination of Greek letters in naming fraternities? What is the latest in Information Technology? Is mechanical engineering the right choice for girls? Should I use CLA? How will you know you love someone? What is the difference between CouchDB and Couchbase? Can I track a stolen cell phone that is turned off? Why can't I sign into Yahoo? I was rejected today for a MNC job in an interactive discussion round. What lesson can I learn from it? How do I explain a 4-month gap between jobs? If you have made a free Android app with 10,000+ downloads, how much ad revenue are you making? Why do people ask question on Quora that can be easily and definitively answered by Googling? What makes 2b2t beautiful? What are some good and cheap lodges in Paharganj, Delhi? Are there any good lodging options around Pragati, Maidan? Which aperture is better for a mobile camera: F1.8, F2.0, or F2.2? "What are some good ""Black Lives Matter"" slogan parodies?" How do I judge that a person has extra marital affair? What is a goood answer to 'Why should I not hire you?' I want to invest Rs 20,000 in mutual fund. Which mutual fund is best to invest? How do we deal with hypocrites? What is the most unbiased newspaper available in the United Kingdom? What percentage of Jews are atheists? What is the role that Go To Market Managers play in FMCG's and do they roles vary in Impulse and non impulse categories? What does it mean when the car starter is clicking? I used a fake email and phone number for Snapchat and I forgot my password how can I get it back? How can I improve interview questions answer? What's the difference between DNA primase and RNA primase? How can I increase traffic very soon on my blog? Will AAP be able to win elections in GOA? What is Modernism? What are some characteristics? What are the myths about Balkan countries? How does Snapchat's screenshot notification process work? What are some life-changing, must read books? What are some famous quotations on literature? What are some popular method to do suicide? Why should I choose BSD over Linux for my laptop/desktop machine? Why can salt be bad for you? "What documentaries are similar to Tony Robbins' ""I Am Not Your Guru""?" What is UPI - Unified Payment Interface? How would you weigh a jet plane without using scales? How do I get Mac Donalds franchise? Drinking milk just before sleep, is good or bad if you want to reduce weight? What is funniest joke you've ever heard? I love this girl so much. How do I make her my girlfriend.? What if Adam and Eve didn't eat of the tree of good and evil? What are the best books for IIT JAM math and what is the best strategy for preparation? What should I do to get cellular companies to install a mobile tower on my plot of land in India? How is the word 'audible' used in a sentence? How can you classify acids and bases? What is a referral? Which countries in Asia receive the most snowfall? What should I do to get rid of addictions? What turns people off about Quora? Which Jamboree coaching centre is best in Delhi? I applied for a passport and got an ECR stamp. What is the procedure to get a non-ECR stamp? Who is the most powerful Marvel superhero? Do people love the smell of their own farts? What is graffittibooks.com? Can anybody change the outcome of the election to let Donald Trump lose-when he won on December 19th? What books should I study and practice to crack NEET 2017? How can I organize my time? How should I title subject of a cold e-mail for App Developers and Digital Agencies? Who exactly is successful? What are some good songs to listen to? Is there a list (by hour) of sleep deprivation symptoms? What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions you've started with your family? Why does a dead body float in water? In layman's terms, what is an EM Drive? How does it work? Do guys like girls who are virgins? Do you have any experience with the Bible giveaways? How was the KVPY 2016 SX stream? Is it safe to take Claritin-D and Tylenol together? How can I gain weight as an 18 year old girl? Why does music evoke emotion? How can I transfer files from my phone to PC without using a USB cable? How do you get rid of the voice in your head when you read, and does it not hinder your efficiency in understanding? What are the best ways to wash a baseball cap? How long does it take to decommission a nuclear reactor? Is push up a great chest warmup? Does 7-Up really cure the common cold? If I delete the messages on WhatsApp, is it also deleted from the other person's phone and chat history? I am a PHP developer. I am tired of he hassle and stress of programming and lack of money. What can I work? How do I go about creating a device and an app that streams live video over wifi to an iPhone? I want to live the rest of my life alone and without working. Is jail an appropriate option? How can one break free of pornographic addiction? If an object whose mass is 20 kg is dropped from height of 10m, what is the maximum kinetic energy it will attain? Why do some people ask simple direct science questions in Quora when there are sufficient resources available in internet? What are some animals that live in the desert? How do I block WhatsApp in my company's wireless network? how to find investor who are looking for creative niche business ideas? Is it possible to lose belly pooch by skipping? What are the best free digital drawing programs out there? What is the best date to register on online dating? What is a sure way to commit suicide? How effective has the Public Distribution System (PDS) been in India in realising its objectives? Is it a bad idea to have 100% upfront payment for a fixed-price web development studio? Where is the oddest place you've had sex? Montana Football Live Stream | Watch Montana Grizzlies Football Game Today Live Streaming Online? Which watch brands are instantly associated in people's minds with middle aged women? How can I start a music band? What is the story behind chanakya's death? Is document image binarization a good area for mtech cse project? Is it easy to implement? Who is the best footballer of 2016? What is the cost of Baba Ramdev's Patanjali Franchise? What if Rahul Gandhi was Siri? How much money per hour do Uber drivers make in Yuma, AZ? What's the most a person can reasonably make per month? I got big gum between my teeth. If I gently push it once a day, will it go away? What are some examples of cardiac muscles? Hi how are you doing? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at United Community? Is it ok for a young men to get oral from and old women? What are the best phone gadgets 2016? What are the best job boards to recruit in the Bay Area for retail jobs? How do I get iTunes to sync photos from my PC to my iPhone? What was the colourful leader of the planet Sakaar that Hulk led a successful revolt against? "Do ""B"" students ever get accepted into top universities?" What makes you feel so proud of yourself? How I prepare for the exam before a week? Should India move towards a healthcare system like the UK’s NHS? "Is ""How about You"" grammatically correct?" Are love and sex two different things for men? Is Cameron Dallas a fuckboy? What are some funny economics quotes? How can you keep a conversation interesting? What are the causes of bibasilar atelectasis? How is it treated? Why are NCS tracks not globally popular? How do I get to standford with a poor GPA? What are the best paid survey sites for India? Can an airplane's exit door be opened in mid-flight? Which EU country has the most basic requirements to obtain a residence permit for EU nerizedentov? Why Modi is not admitting demonetisation has failed? How cold can the Gobi Desert get, and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Great Victoria Desert? Why do European martial arts seem to be more homogenous than Asian martial arts? How can we recover our Gmail password online? Should I go to an Ivy League University for nursing? Google Hangouts : How can you tell if someone has blocked you on GChat? What are some of the most underrated movies of the 90s? If a girl looks at you, what does it mean? How do I make a great first impression? Should I start smoking? Which is better for automation testing: Selenium or CodedUI? Why? What kind of projects should I push to GitHub? What exactly does the Fermi level mean in semiconductors and why is the Fermi level said to be close to the valence band in p-type semiconductors? How can I get an admission in list? We broke up recently, but how is it possible for him not to talk to me after everything we've been through, while I'm dying to talk to him? What is the commission charged by Uber used for? What is a prerequisite of Informatica? What are your views on the decision of Narendra Modi to discontinue the use of 500 and 1000 currency notes? Http://www.fitclown.com/6-reason... #reasons #avoid #carbonated #drinks #healthy #man #SEO #PBN? What are the top five places in San Francisco to get a vegetarian meal for under $10? Is it enough to compare several matched groups as opposed to representative groups of a population? What is it like to work at Imgur? Is it good to marry a man who is still in love with me? We were in a relationship (6 months) 8 years ago. I moved on but he didn't. What is your favorite musical instrument and why? How do you log in to Facebook if you forgot your password? What is positive displacement pump and non positive displacement pump? Do you think Virat Kohli can better Sachin's record? How do I get back a deleted Instagram account? What is the scope for a food technologist in India? How will China respond if India stop sharing water with Pakistan (Indus Waters Treaty)? How much an income tax officer earns by all means? Why are there no Dunkin' Donuts stores in California? How can I get out from addiction? How can I access blocked Torrent Sites from Chrome? What time does Denny's start serving breakfast? Is it possible to contract a cold or flu virus while one is already sick with another cold or flu virus? What are some unusual animals? Will you still get messages on Instagram if you mute notifications? Do stiffer gun control laws reduce or increase gun violence? What is the relationship between atmospheric pressure and elevation? How can I make my first marriage anniversary special and memorable? How do i prepare for UPSC exams? Why does my car's air conditioning smell bad? How does rain affect flights and flying? What is the experiences in ips training? How does first time sex feel like? How do I decrease poor eye sight? How do gay (and lesbian) people have sex? Is it bad if my back hurts from always sitting straight? How do I lose 30 pounds? How can I have a successful long distance relationship? What should I do to be topper of gate 2017? How good are SAP tools like BODS, HANA, Lumira and Predictive analytics for data scientist and will it replace traditional programming in the future? If you are traveling in a car going 60mph with a fly inside the car, is the fly traveling 60mph? Who are some of the greatest leaders in history? Can direct trauma at the breast leads brain clot? Which are the best whey protein brands in India? How do I cure stinginess? What are some of the worst things about Yale that they don't tell you on the tour? How can we put out the sun? How did you learn to speak English? What are the best sites to download anime? What are the pros and cons of banning currency notes of 500 and 1000 in India? Why is the year only 2015 when the universe is billions of years old? What's uses of honesty? This guy I barely know is making me very anxious, sad and hopeless. What is wrong with me? Can an introvert become an extrovert? What is it like to work at a startup that's on fire? Why do I like to feel my heartbeat when I'm lying down at night? Who has invented cellphones? Is experience certificate a mandatory valid proof of work-ex for admission into IIMs during GD/PI or later? What is the Present ATM money withdrawl limit per day in India? What is the reason behind left hand drive and right hand drive in different countries? What are the best books to learn Java? When will Donald Trump implode? What is Islamic banking and why does the RBI want it in India? Why do men have mustaches? Why one shouldn’t watch movies? How can you find all of your Gmail accounts? You push backward against the ground to move a skateboard forward. The force you make acts against the ground. What force acts against you to move you forward? What is the most awkward moment with brother? What does last seen in truecaller mean? Does it indicate the time when the person last used his phone or when he was last on call? Would there be life on the Earth without the moon? How do the aerobic and anaerobic respiration equations compare and contrast? What are the nutritional benefits of eating worms? Is there any smartphone app to measure weight? How do you factory reset an iPhone 5 without a password? What are the most popular pizza toppings in Pizza Hut Panama? Why? What are the niches? How do retailers like Big Bazaar and Spencer's decide the location of there store? How do I place my first question on Quora? How will Indian GDP be affected from banning 500 and 1000 rupees notes? Which phone should I buy under 15k? Can men fake an orgasm? How can territorial dispute over China resolved? How do u treat missed shot of meth? Has Tom Ford (formerly of Gucci) ever been to Marfa Texas? What are some ways to cash a check? Which communities and caste groups (apart from Pandits in Kashmir) are considered to be Saraswat Brahmins? Who are Red Indians and why they are called so? Where they got originated from, supposedly? What should I do to become a self-taught software engineer? Why aren't there 128-bit CPUs? What is snail mail? Are humans truly from another planet? What do you / people often complain of? Give some examples. What are some good arguments against the existence of God? What would happen if the federal government was suddenly dissolved and states became their own individual countries? How do I earn more money through internet/online? Jesus taught love & acceptance, so why do evangelical christians contradict that basic concept and try to convert everyone into their specific faith? How much price cut is expected for Galaxy s7 till April 2017? Should I lend money to my best friend when I am not in a good condition? Is it weird that I like this sophomore guy while I'm a senior girl? What do you understand by the concept of conservatism? Why is it also called the concept of prudence? Which is the best coaching institute for RAS in jaipur? What is the most patriotic day of the year? How can I get the practical experience needed to get the EASA part 66 B1.1 license? What is the lowest temperature in Australia? How do I write a letter to the bank to close bank account? How can I prevent from getting ripped off when leasing a car? How many rows and columns in one excel sheet? Why do women feel bad when guys look at them? What is difference between data and information? What is your Gangbang story? What should I study for the common defence services? How effective is the AYUSH systems of medicines? Is it scientifically verified and proven? Are the any organisms with a countable number of cells? Which is the best headphone under Rs. 1500? How many volts equal 1 kilowatt? How do I write my first research paper? Can you explain Interstellar in a simple way? If people don't judge based on gender would people still be trans or gay? Like if no one cared if you were female or male? What is the relation between rain and traffic jams in Bangalore? "Why had Churchill said, ""Islam to a man is like rabies to a dog. Islam is a deadly disease""?" Are there any good CSS icons library like Font Awesome? What is the difference between being alone and lonely? What are all the Jeff Dean facts? Does a cms is must to earn money through a single YouTube channel? Are there any shows similar to Glee? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in California? How do I earn more coins in 8 ball pool? Can I use letter stamps as postcard stamps? What areas of demography or population studies are most lucrative? Is Donald Trump's hair real? Do partners identify themselves as female and male partners in Lesbian/Gay relationships? Is IT is the only choice for a computer science student? What is Syria’s problem? What is a review on the Shaw Academy? How can one overcome procrastination? Should I update MIUI 7 to MIUI 8? Do I go no contact with my ex covert narcissistic boyfriend if we are going to be in the exact same classes for the next semester? Who owns Quora and what have you got to hide by censoring me? Is there any possible way to end caste-based reservations in India? What are the biggest misconceptions about Obamacare? How can I build my vocabulary for the CAT exam? How emotionally selfish should a child be regarding parental discord? Especially when the child knows that mom is right and dad is wrong. What is the Bloomberg on-site software engineer interview like for non-CS majors? How can we receive message (and then extract data )from gprs modem to web server, to insert it in mysql database ,to update it on websites? How will scraping of 500 and 1000 rupees notes help in curbing corruption and black money? Are there people with real-life superpowers? Why is everyone trying to kill me? How is simple harmonic motion linked to circular motion? What is the best way to invest $500k? How much money is needed for survival? We say that like charges repel each other. How do protons remain stable in a nucleus in spite of having like charges? Are antimatter and dark matter the same thing? What is the best way to reduce belly and arm fat? Can I do something I'm not good at? What is the Sahara, and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Sonoran Desert? What is the toughest question ever asked in any interview? How do I find the precision for a measurement? How do I deal with my scenario of unrequited love? Romance (love): Why do I love him so much if I barely know him? What are some real life examples of karma? What's the best way to make money without money? What is the best free tool and way to analyze competitors for creating a digital strategy? What is the best way to a get job in Dubai from India? What are some of the strangest phobias people have? How do I get the best relationship advice? What is the latency on Google Maps traffic updates? How would you complete this sentence? What is real kove? How can you determine a ratio between two numbers? What is lead generation campaign and conversion campaign in Facebook? What will be the best place in Sydney to buy any fire-resistant Roller Shutter? Can I get immigration to Norway? How do you decide between two job offers? "How do you resolve ""NSIS error: Error launching installer""?" I am a Mechanical engineering graduate working with an IT firm for the past three months.How can I get job a job in the design engineering field? How I make a call in Jio sim? Why did Sanskrit fail to become a suitable language for computers? Which is the best time to do exersise? Technology: What are the best smartphones gadgets? How do I fix 800B0001 error? What are some unusual aspects about politics and government in Japan? Does it seem like Turkey will invade Kurdish areas of Syria? Why is there a white line on my gums? What is the QuickBooks Support Phone Number in Los angeles? How many small/startup companies in Chennai offer software testing jobs? Do companies offer an investment banking profile while recruiting off-campus? How do I get to talk with a customer care executive of the ICICI bank? Which hindi movies, released in 2012 are a must watch? How many people are needed to develop a Chrome like browser and how long will it take them? I enjoy company but feel more content when I'm alone and tend to stay alone more and more. Should I join a sorority at Columbia University? How can I make money at the age of 19? How do I know what I want to ask? Which actress portrayed the Asian woman journalist at the end of Ant-Man? Do dominant vendors in a space ever force customers to sign non-competes? How do I apply for jobs in startups in India? Is Viber and WhatsApp safe to use or should I worry that someone be spying and reading my messages? Which is a good solar panel installation provider in Pacific Beach, California CA? Which are the best universities for MS in mechanical engineering in Germany? What is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle? What are some good sites for downloading English songs? Why is Scotland holding a referendum? Can I deactivate my Quora account? Is coding only restricted to English? Vietnamese Food: What is proper technique for eating pho? How are the amino acid derivative hormones formed? I get jealous when my girl friend posts pictures with other boys, what should I do? What buisness can we started in 30000 rs? Poll Question! If you shoot me in The head at 3,5 yars with a 50AE Desert eagle can I survive? Why does my Instagram account unfollow/block people on its own? Is there going to be a Quora meetup in Allahabad anytime soon? Development Practice: Have you ever worked on a successful water project in urban South Asia? What made it successful? Does misogyny really exist? As an entrepreneur, how do you balance wealth vs passion when you start up a project? What's it like to work at D. E. Shaw Research? Why do we get the same dream many times? Is there any specific reason for it or does it have something to tell us? Why does coffee make me sleepy instead of active? I was selected for a train and hire program for Cognizant by a firm named Vedicsoft. They are asking for 28000 Rs. Should I join it? Is celibacy normal? How do you filter plastic pyrolysis oil? Why USA is no longer a distinguished super power as it used to be some decades back? Who pays the artists, technicians, distributors, theatre owners and all other people involved in a movie? Is there any legal or reserved authority to use red ink for company stamp? What are some of the best ways to start a conversation with a girl? How do I draw a 3D sketch? What will be the effect of the ban of 500 and 1000 rupee notes be on the stock market? Why is quartz written on every clock? How do I control the tone of my voice? What is the future of e- commerce in India? Can someone hack my snapchat password? How much political influence does the Church of England have in 2017? I tried to add money to my Paytm account twice but both times the transaction failed and the money was debited from my bank account (that is 2600 twice). After an hour, I received notifications that the money has been credited to my Paytm wallet, but I didn't receive the money in my Paytm wallet. What should I do? What is the best George Foreman Grill for a college student? What are cell membranes? Where can they be found? What is the function of a computer processor? Why is my labia minora swollen and itchy? How do I get rid of face pimples? When will Windows 10 release? What does paperback book mean on Flipkart and Amazon? I understand the difference between an e-book and a hard copy. Will paperback simply be the same as the one that I might buy at any regular store? What are the biggest stories TMZ has broken? Which is your favourite song and why? How can I see in which websites on Google Display Network have received invalid clicks? How are the laws regarding self defense weapons enforced in Australia and how do they compare to the way they're enforced in the Philippines? Why is Panera Bread so good? Is Modi's decision on demonetization of 500 and 1000 notes welcomed by public? What is the use of attebergs limit? Why do royal lawyers in Great Britain wear wigs? How much money deposite in a saving account? Where can I sell my exclusive paintings online in india? "How does Trump believe that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte calling Obama ""son of bitch"" is a symbol of respect to the U.S. by the Philippines?" How can I make money easily online? I am a student in India studying Computer Science Engineering and I have little knowledge of coding? What is your review of Befikre (2016 movie)? What should I do before selling an iPhone? What can be the medium budget to visit best places in Kerala for three members (2-3 days)? What are examples of homeostatic imbalance? Should I share my wife for others friend? How safe it is for a dog to be cleaned with human shampoo? What is it like to be pre med at UC Berkeley? Which coaching institutes are the best for CAT? Where can I learn data warehousing? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Williams? What is the best list of books to learn the photovoltaics operation using quantum mechanics? What font does Twitter use? What happens if the production possibilities curve is a straight line? Is the Samsung Galaxy S7 a better upgrade over the iPhone 6S? How do you make Cadbury dairy chocolate milk at home? Why is Twitter attracting more followers in the US compared to Europe? What are some good projects where a novice can make open source contribution? How much time should I spend on Quora? How does the ban on 500 and 1000 rupee notes helps to identify black money and corruption? What Brand of Inverter Split units are marketed in the Caribbean and which are the leading brands by consumer preference? How do you say no without saying the actual word - no? What is the probable fee structure of IAS coaching in Kolkata? Why can so many people believe, without question, that the Earth is round but not that it might indeed be flat? How can I improve my writing skills for blogs? I am in love with my cousin (male), what should I do? How do purified and distilled water differ? Which is the best training company for Java in Bangalore? When do you think a sub 2 hour marathon will be run? How do I talk like a native English speaker? How can I stop feeling bad just because of how much I lift at the gym? How do I improve chess playing? What is the ratio of lesbians to gay men? How did England became a country? Is it necessary for Muslim women to wear the hijab? What if they don't wear it? What are your views on Modi governments decision to demonetize 500 and 1000 rupee notes? How will this affect economy? Can the Syrian Crisis escalate to a Third World War? What is the best way to move forward with my website? How did Kannada actor sunil died? Which one is the best landing page service at 2016? How do I clear the cache on our laptop? What is the best yoga studio in Bangkok? Who invented selfie? What is the difference between the OTC Volkswagen stocks VLKAY and VLKPY? How can I get into top companies like Amazon, Google, Facebook, DropBox, SalesForce and Box? Are cousins allowed inside Infosys Mysore campus? How long should i prepare for CAT to get a percentile of 99+? Why do people say Quora isn't a dating site when it has clearly brought couples together? Can anyone provide me some information about this brand, Black Gloma? How do I write a poem with intellect? What is the difference between a COO and a CEO? Does intermittent fasting improve the brain radically? Is Hillary Clinton’s lead in the popular vote totally represented by her overwhelming lead in California votes? "How would you answer the question ""Why should we hire you”?" How do I find out who’s asking anonymous questions on curious cat? "How would you word ""damas"" and ""chambelanes"" for an english Quinceanera invitation?" Which is the best hair transplant clinic in Mumbai & Nagpur? If I take too long to think upon a problem or to answer a question, being afraid of mistakes, does that make me slower or retarded compared to others? How could it be harmful to breathe in Raid (used to kill bugs)? I sprayed it on my bed and my friend said it coulld cause brain damage. Why was 'Right to Property' removed from Fundamental Rights in India? What is shadow register? What are the best safe proxy servers? Which is the best vegetarian Indian dish? Do you like this cool song? What language is primarily used in Infosys Mana? What are some important lesson you learn from your experiences? What are the top ten PC games ever? What percentage of the US has been to Disneyland? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Virtus Investment? What hotel in Vythiri Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? What is meant by turbine? What if I accidentally follow someone I've blocked? What is the revenue model for blogging? Do the laws of Thermodynamics apply to all energy, including the 'point of matter' that existed prior to Big Bang? What should I do to sleep better? How important is freedom? What are the best business to start with 20 to 30 Lacs of investments? Is it ok to feed asparagus to dogs? Who will win if India & Pakistan go to playing politics-game? Should India go for war with Pakistan? As a teacher, what is the weirdest thing you have seen in your school or classroom? What are guilty pleasures? How can you get a loan without having any credit? Will I be rejected from heaven if I accept Jesus as my savior and beg for my forgiveness at the gates of heaven? (For Christians) What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Colorado College? What does innovation mean? How can I improve my English speaking ability? If mangoes are slightly brown and soft inside, have they gone bad? Will prediction markets ever be popular? What are the interview questions asked for mechanical engineer? Although light beam bouncing between two plates inside a clock is often used to explain time dilation, how can other practical cases be explained? What is the best way to beat frustration? Where can I find high-resolution emoji? HOw do I speak Fluent English? How can you check who viewed your profile on WhatsApp? How does acquired behavior affect a person? In India, what is the percentage of black money in the form of cash (500s & 1000s)? What's the best Thanksgiving turkey cooking procedure for guaranteeing the juiciest turkey every time? Does a replacement of 500/1000 rupee notes with 500/2000 rupee notes a panacea for corruption? Who will win in America presidential elections in 2016? I'm a business infromatics student. I'm planning to pursue a master's degree in (engineering and electronics). Am I academically eligible? Does boob size matter during sex? Why do guys always pay more attention to my friends than me and make me feel invisible? Will Pokémon Sun and Moon be 7th generation? Will it include new Pokemon? Astrology: Which zodiac sign is the best partner for Libra? And what do you think about Libra characteristics? Why is my optional Question Details on Quora limited but some people are not? How do I know why I was blocked from Instagram? Should Mark Cuban run for president in 2020? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Washington? Railways SSE put under group C where all Central govt gives group B status for grade pay 4600? Why do people ask question on Quora that can be easily and definitively answered by Googling? How come guys who smokes, satisfy girls better in bed than guys who don't smoke even though according to science smoking affects sexual performance? "Why did everyone care about Trump misspelling ""unprecedented""?" Which intersections in Omaha are particularly dangerous? Why? What could be done to improve them? What are the best resources to learn digital signal processing for machine learning? What are the cause of high carbon dioxide in blood? What are the best music schools in the UK? My daughter likes to wear tight jeans to high school, and shirts that expose just a little bit of midriff. Should I confiscate these clothes? Which institute is better, IIT, IIST or IISER? On what basis are they compared? All my dreams are coming true, literally. If I dream something after couple of days it comes to reality. Does that mean I am a psychic? Is alcohol addictive? If yes, why? Why do most married men visit prostitutes? What are the three methods that can be used by the tire pressure monitoring system to determine the location of the tire on the vehicle? What is the basic programming used by Google it all Android and applications? How can I help a friend who is experiencing serious depression? Who views Instagram? What does it feel like to sleep with someone you aren't attracted to? Is their anyway to increase height after 23? My phone is heating above the battery should I return the phone to snapdel? Is it enough to sleep for 4-6 hours? What are your view on stem cell therapy? Is saving umbilical cord worth(monetary perspective)? Did Hillary Clinton ever lie to the american people? What is a realistic scenario where Hillary Clinton will drop out of the presidential race? What is my ideology? What attracted the British to come and rule India for 150 years? What's the algorithm with which random numbers are generated? How much time will spotify take to land in India? How can I solve this question of Aldehydes and Ketones? What is the funniest Hindi commentary line, in cricket, you have heard recently? How do you print a family tree from Ancestry.com? Which is better, the Canon EOS 1200D with 18-55mm + 55-250mm lens + 50mm lens combo or the Canon EOS 600D combo with 18-55mm lens + 55-250mm lens? How do I change lin space using HTML? In literature, what does the sea symbolize? What is business ethics and ethical business? "What should be a good answer to the question ""Why do you wish to join our company""?" Do squirrels eat other squirrels? How do I remove pimple and acne spots? I proposed a girl 5 months ago and I asked her three times for a response but she kept on asking for more time. Should I wait for her or let her go? Why do people still marry? Has anyone gotten married after meeting on Quora? Does taro boba milk tea have caffeine? Which is the best site to download PC games without any obstacles? What is the best road route from Lucknow to Nainital for bike driving? Is there any chance of World War III? What were Adolf Hitler's crimes? What would happen if you are falling from a great height and a platform is falling with you but you jump up right before impact? Is this possible? What does the S stand for in iPhone 4S? Do trombonists and players of the violin family adjust their intonation by ear? Is it common for a therapist to ask you to keep them in the loop between sessions? What is the maximum number of upvotes one answer can get on Quora? How can I permanently delete my question from Quora? Can deleting the profile help? What is the best way to understand and learn maths? Is coffee fattening? What is fast food? Why are you feeling happy today? What are the best and innovative news websites? Why do people's lips turn white when they are afraid? What are the benefits and drawbacks of cultural diversity? How do I add question details digitally on Quora? Can children see ghosts? Have you ever taken a job at a call center and learned you were part of a scam? What are the best applications that were developed in C language? What does int *(a) [20] mean? How long does a Swiffer Sweeper vac replacement battery usually last? How can I separate oxygen and hydrogen from water? What is the best book for a 13 year old? I am 20 years old and I am still virgin, never had a girlfriend. I am quite depresed about that. Is this normal? How competitive is the hiring process at Heartland Express? How does it benefit you to answer questions on Quora? Is INCEST wrong and why? Who are the smartest people alive today? How does Baba Ramdev run a yoga island in Glasgow, Scotland? How can I increase my chest size? Donald Trump says he saw thousands cheering in New Jersey when the Twin Towers came down on 9/11. Is this claim likely to be accurate? Why did you stop using Facebook? How do you exactly start a business? I want to do MS in electronics (communications) in US. Can anyone suggest me good colleges and the GRE and TOEFL scores I need for them? What are some amazing drawings you have seen with a deep meaning ? What is the fastest way to learn iOS development with Swift? Is GRE required for Dalhousie university in Canada? What was the root cause of anti-Sikh riots in 1984 and what was the Indira Gandhi's role in that? How can I read WhatsApp chats of another person? Should I use a PHP framework? How can I apply online for issuance of PAN card in India? What is the fastest method for learning a foreign language? What is the best chair? How can you tell if a girl has a crush on you? How do I see our TCS off campus written results? Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Jackson County CO? Can love happen twice or even thrice? Will I become a billionaire if I am determined to be one and put in the necessary work required? Which are the best books for SSC CGL Tier 2 preparation? What are your views on the govt's decision of banning NDTV India? What are some good books on parenting? What sounds impossible but has happened? If you would be granted one wish, what would be that and why? "Is the phrase ""Taking off today"" grammatically correct?" What is the most amazing photograph you have ever taken? Are there any telescopes powerful enough to view evidence left behind from NASA's moon landings? Lies and Lying: How can I become a better liar? How can I introspect myself? If The Trump campaign raises a huge amount of money and then loses, what happens to the money raised? Who's your favorite soccer player and why? How do I make 4000$ per month from YouTube? How can you fix a computer that won't restart? "Why do I always start sneezing in a cold environment even though doctors say ""You can't catch a cold by being cold""?" What was your best practical joke? What are the criticisms of Bernie Sanders and his platform? Facebook makes money through ads, how does Quora make money? Why do Spanish and Greek sound so similar? Was Buddha a god? If a fight broke out between a lion and a shark, who would win? "How can I fix ""Failed to Initialize Graphics"" fatal error in unity?" Is the skanda avatar is before or after krishna avatar? In 10th chapter of Gita, lord says about he is skanda among soldiers.? Do I need a good command of English to crack UPSC? Is it odd to be prideful or show interest in a nation you have no connection to ethnically or otherwise? What caused the decline of boxing in Korea? What kinds of body types do men prefer in women? Can a man with Hepatitis B impregnate a woman without infecting the child? Do give me some simple beauty tips? Which is the best institute for PHP training? How much does LinkedIn Recruiter the corporate recruiting tool cost? Why can't I just be the robot of an all good God who designs my life in a creative and unique way? Why should we stop using Quora? What is the best Alan Watts book? What are the problems of trying to compete on price? How did the Iranians lose to the Iraqis in their 80s war yet they look far superior today militarily? How do I can remove fear of an interview? How are eukaryotes and prokaryotes alike and how do they differ? How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP DesignJet Z3200 24-in PostScript Photo Printer? What are the best tips for meditation as a beginner? How can I crack the IIT/JEE 2016? What do you do when you feel like everything you do is wrong? Which is the best RO water purifier in India? Which are the good colleges for MBA in tourism in India? Should people over 92 not be allowed to vote? What does the Bible say about idolatry? What are some of the best mobile technology gadgets? How does Starbucks train its baristas? Is there a negative impact if I sleep while sitting? Why should I do self respect? Does Christianity exist in the Harry Potter universe, since people still celebrate Christmas? What are the best monologues from Disney movies? What is the difference between Nordic and cross country skiing? What are the best restaurants to try when visiting Iwaki, Fukushima, Japan? What should you try while you're there? Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not? Why did Ataturk change the language and the alphabet of modern day Turkey? Where are the origins of the Ayurveda? Can I find tutorial of PSD to HTML conversion? Is it possible to strike someone in the nose hard enough to send bone into the brain and kill them instantly? What are the proper ways to use Kojic acid soap? Who is the first pornstar? Can I use Jio 4G sim in a 3G phone? I have a very broad face. How can I improve my face structure? What are some best porn videos? How can I Spy? What was the mystery behind the Roswell incident? Don’t Eat Burgers That Are Pink In The Middle? What should someone do after completing a CA course in order to advance their career? What should I do to motivate my friend? What does the world think of India? Where can I buy sex toys in India? What could I do to reduce my sleep and utilize more time for studying? Is the food niche in blogging good for affiliate marketing? What is a Tesla (unit)? What does it measure? Should I read my math textbooks cover-to-cover or jump around skipping the parts I find uninteresting or irrelevant? Are Project Euler problems supposed to be done mentally without any tools, such as calculators? How do I become an investment banker? What do they actually do? I'm learning to code JavaScript. If I master it, is there still a need for me to learn HTML at all? If so, why? How can pie is the ratio of circumference and diameter or equal to C by D because pie is irrational number and circumference by diameter is rational? Is Eastern Washington University a good school? What should we do as soon as we get up early in the morning? How can we make our life simpler? What does it mean to invest in stocks? How do you start a hedge fund? What does it truly mean to be in love with someone? What are the easy ways to earn money online? What is the electron configuration for I? How many Bollywood Actresses are showing camel-toe in real life? What are 3 conditions for the flow of current? Should I be cool if my gf cuddles with another guy when I'm not physically with her? (we are doing a long distance relationship)? What are the most effective shoulder exercises, ranked by order of importance? How do Ron and Hermione control their strong love desires? I'm INFJ - is it expected that I very rarely feel loved? Why are non-Muslim men marrying Muslim women and then converting to Islam? How do you stick with a time table? What hotel in Azamgarh would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? Which is the best website to download Kannada songs? How creative are you? What is cancer? Do you'll think World War 3 will happen and why? What are some great keyword research tools for Myanmar? How do you solve [math]x^2=2^x[/math] analytically? Why aren't there bounty hunters today? How does it feel to have sex? How can I start preparing for civil service examination? What could be the reason behind Arnab Goswami quitting Times Now? Do you feel that many attractive women get away with crime that men won't? In which countries women care the most about the height of their boyfriend/husband? How does Quanergy's solid-state LIDAR sensor work? What are some of the contrasting aspects of India? My JBL flip 3 has stopped working the moment I did a software upgrade through JBL connect app and it's not starting wht should I do? Bill Maher claimed that 93% of scientists in the US are atheists. Is this true? Why do we care so much about someone? Who are some lesser known important historical figures of Australia and what should people know about them? Why did I have a period that was 12 days early and lasted only for one day? Which book is best to know indian custom? Which is the best place in Mumbai to get cricket coaching? How can someone make more friends? I've recently started working, and I'm still in school any tips on how to manage my time better? How is Vajiram and Ravi for IAS preparation? What are Entrepreneurship options? How do I get rid of sleepiness in the late morning? What online stores accept food stamps for delivery in FL? How can flu like symptoms be a sign of pregnancy? What are the best online resources to learn writing Makefile? Does a routine blood test check for cancer? Which Hollywood actor is totally underrated? What is Mobile Marketing Automation? How do I to improve the communication ability?? How many watts are equal to 1 unit in an electricity bill? How do I lose weight in weeks? How can I get a list of my Gmail addresses? What is the scope after an MSc in dental materials for a dentist? What life truths did the series Game Of Thrones teach regarding power, politics and strategy? How and where do I catch an Eevee in Pokémon GO? I am looking for investors in Germany, my business idea is trustworthy and valuable, I would appreciate it, if only serious people contact me? Can I install a custom Marshmallow ROM on my Gionee Pioneer P2S? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Park National? How can I know my gift? What is your review of Highway (2014 movie)? What is the Nordstrom equivalent in Russia? How do you become a prodigy in math? Which is the best movie ever? How can I remove account from Google opinion rewards? Why do Indians eat extremely spicy food? Which is a good solar panel installation provider in Alhambra, California CA? What are the best torrent sites for ebooks downloading? I need to develop a restaurant mobile app for Android. What would it cost to develop it? What is the best interview question ever? Can a black hole be destroyed? If yes, then by what? Which is the best site to learn German? What do you think about opening a cafe in Queen Anne (Seattle neighborhood)? What kind of cafe concept would be fit for this neighborhood? How can I come out of my comfort zone? What is the exercise to remove belly fat for girls? How do you approach the girl you I love? What form of verb is used with would? Which Is the best book on psychology? How do I get a passport? I have Airtel sim I’m not getting 3G network on my phone. What are the possible reasons? What should I do to make money online in India? What is the difference between Exynos 5433 and Snapdragon 805? Which is faster in Samsung Galaxy Note 4? What are the criteria for gaining citizenship in the Netherlands? Does an international student need to know Dutch in order to attend a university in the Netherlands? I do Not get views on youtube channel even if i am consistant? What in the world is wrong with you? What is the most badass thing about Phil Ivey? What are some event ideas for a college fest? How can I change my profile pic on Quora? Which is your favourite film in 2016? Do you think scientists who are open enough to do a science AMA on Reddit would prefer answering questions on Quora instead if only they knew about Quora? When was baseball created and how was it created? How did the sport affect the U.S.? Who are some interesting people that have been banned by Quora? Has anyone found a way to make money using Quora? Does PMP certification help in construction management projects? Do construction companies really look for PMP certified people? Which is the best book or magazine for understanding basic economics? How I develop thinking ability? What should everyone know about supplemental health insurance? What is good with indian politics? What would have happened if Batman were in The Avengers? What is the best method to learn language? What are some historical events similar to the Salem witch trials? What are the common factors among all these events? What do I need in order to apply for the R Visa? Why do pores open? Why is there a word limit for question details? Why do companies register in Delaware? INDIAN IN CANADA? What is the Arizona bark scorpion, and how do animal species in the Sonoran Desert compare to species in the Atacama Desert? Why do you want to become rich? How will the ban of old 500 and 1000 rs notes help in bringing out the black money? How is life of a young IFS officer? What are the best motivational Weight loss transformation stories? I am 100 and I want to shed 30 kg.these stories will help. How is Laravel/Symfony better than CodeIgniter? If someone blocked me on IMO then shall check there last login status? Is Hindi and Urdu same language? What are the limitations of a GPU to work as a CPU? How can the toughness of steel be improved? How do I integrate log (sinx)? How can I start calling in my iPhone 5s with Jio sim? How do I root android 5.1.1 lollipop without pc? Why is the mystery of Lal Bahadur Shastriji's death not solved yet? What is holding to resolve? Why was the autopsy report not made public? What are the greatest lies you've ever told in an interview? What is an extrusive igneous rock and what are some examples? Is an MS degree in the US worth all of the expense? How do I prevent anxiety and depression from affecting my studies and especially concentration? My Dr prescribes me adderall 15mg and my phycitrist prescribes me adderall 30mg can i still get both filled at the pharmacy in the same month? How do I restore a damaged PST file? What would happen if I accidentally got petroleum jelly in my eyes? What is the molecular formula of alkane? How is this determined? What is the difference between anarcho-communism and communism (in the original Marxist sense) What is it like having a cat as a pet? What are some of the best escort services in Bangalore? How can we increase our observing power? What are the best Gate exam Books for mechanical engineering? How can I control emotional stress? What is the worst injury you have ever had? What is the average revenue for a bistro/cafe per day in the first year and what is the benchmark once the cafe hots its second and third year? What songs should I listen to if I hate someone? Where is the European Union headquarters? How do I integrate 1/ (co^4x+sin^4x)? What kind of everday brands do you Ivy league students love using? What are the best Pokemon rom hacks? Are drones a good investment? How can you train a Aussie/Beagle mix? Does lime juice go bad? What are some mind blowing facts about the world? How do I improve my German pronunciation? What are the best ways to get rid of boredom? Is the water in Noida good for skin complexion? Can you buy alcohol in pooler ga on Sunday? Can we write blogs on Quora? If yes, then How? Why does Fox News support Donald Trump? Do worm holes exist? How do I fuck my aunty? Why do I think so much about the future? What is the function of a frog's gallbladder? What trivia (and/or little-known facts) do you find interesting about Delaware? Any videos that tell you everything about limits? How do I get rid of a irritating roommate? Which are the low investment high profit business? What is the difference between cyberpunk and steampunk? What would happen if you get swallowed by a black hole? Can a new president reverse the pardons of previous presidents? "What's your pick for the best pornographic movie from ""Golden Age of Porn""?" Is 'Swach Bharat' really possible? Non-Disclosure Agreements: For how long is the average NDA in effect? How do I make myself more productive/? Which is the best GRE coaching centre in Bangalore? Is it possible to liquify kevlar? How exactly does generating money with money work? What is it like to interview at Tesla Motors? Are certain famous people or companies part of the Illuminati? What's it like to not have depression? What are some interesting facts about Alphabet Inc and Google? What should you do to survive a plane crash into the sea? How do you tell if a boy likes you? Which actresses have innie belly button? Which answer on Quora has got greatest upvotes? Which are the top in-app referral programs in India? Where can I find affordable safety switch services in Sydney? Why Indian people don't watch any movies except Bollywood & Hollywood? Have you Indians watched any non English & non Indian movie ? Which one ? Will it show me if someone has seen their message even if we are not friends? What is India's Current Account Deficit? Why do we see numbers or codes on the screen while watching TV? Can the President Elect use the presidential seal on his products? What are some cool psychological hacks? What are some of the best games to play on Linux? What does does a bundled loan refer to? Is it safe to travel to Jordan, or is it not recommended at this time? If I get products from China and I sell it to a retail store at the wholesale price, what kind of tax do I have to pay? What is the biggest mindfuck ever? What are the most historic moments in nephrology? How do you know when you know yourself? What can I do if I keep breaking people's toilets with my very large feces? Do you need friends? Why do empty vessels make the most noise? Why did RBI issue new 2000 rupees note instead of new 1000 rupees note? Why do people ask questions on Quora that are easily to find answers too on Google? How do I stay longer in bed? I found an Instagram page that is selling the iPhone 6 for $300 and is accepting PayPal. Is this a scam? How can I get scammed in this situation? What is the purple box in Snapchat? What are some great examples of oxymorons? What does technology enthusiast mean? What is a healthy diet chart for 25-year-old man's body? Do you think the alt-right, populists, and nationalism will be in government for a long time? How long can you bake chicken thighs at 400 degrees without burning them? What is your favourite food? And especially south Indian? What would be the best way to control anger? can I use magnets to push an object in motion away from another object in motion using repulsion? How close is vat-grown meat to commercialization? How can anyone become a chartered accountant at the age of 19? What does it takes to be a successful coffee shop? Can you get pregnant a day after your period finishes? How can I make people want to be with me? What are good online sites to learn about IT, programming, cyber security, etc.? What's psychopaths average IQ? Is that above normal peoples' IQ because they are psychopath or it's the same? How is energy engineering in the IITB? What series would you recommend on Netflix? Who are the most irritating people on Quora? What are some names for darkness? Is there any way to punch harder and faster? I pay 15.5% interest for my mortgage loan of 20lakh rupees. How can I reduce the interest? What is are the best jobs in the Philippines? Who is the best actor in world? Does the belly button serve any purpose after birth? Where did racism come from? What can I expect in a group interview for Woolworths? When crude oil prices will be stabilise? What are differences between recognition and recognization? Give me some examples, please! I've been craving other women and freedom from my relationship is that bad? How much ram do you need for video gaming on the PC? What are the symptoms for Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction? How can I improve my ability of solving problems? Has any Modi supporter turned into a Kejriwal supporter? How is technology used in travel? Does wearing glasses make your eyesight worse? Is the climate an hoax? What is the best alternative for kat.cr (kickasstorrents)? After police verification they stated my brother is not a citizen of india.i have passport, with same parents, address document.what can be the reason? How much food does a human need each day to stay alive? How is spacetime curved if it isn't also displaced? How does the Earth move through and curve spacetime without displacing it? Doing PGDBA course from timespro will get me job? Which dog breed is the easiest to train? How can I publish my own book? When and how was aftershave invented? Are Public Libraries considered federal buildings? What is the first thing you write when you get a new pen? Who are the contemporary Hindi poets I must follow as a Hindi poetry fan and amateur writer? Why is sex important to humans? How hard is it to create a useful new antibody, patent it and sell that patent for millions of dollars? What can be the causes of dull throbbing chest pain? How do I know if I'm having an orgasm? If everyone got a personal cube with global genome database, would everyone chase everyone and kill everyone with help of this data? How difficult is it to transfer to the UCs for undergrad from a CA community college? "What is a summary of ""The Secret"" by Rhonda Byrne?" What universities does Ford recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? If you had to change something about yourself that isn't your physical appearance, what would you choose? Where can you cash Comdata checks? What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word apple? What are the best online drawing courses? How can I get rid of little cockroaches? How can I build traffic for my website? What are the chances that the Modi govt. would abolish reservation based on caste? How do magazines calculate how many readers they have? What are the possible interview questions asked in the UI developers with 3 years of experience? When is DC's legends of tomorrow coming? Can anyone enlist the 'must read' books before you die? How can I make money on musical.ly? Can you explain the battery graph from ~86% to 75%? At 86% I locked the screen (heavy usage till 86%).I'm using greenify with root to save battery. Has anyone paid Facebook to boost their post in a page using a debit/credit card of an Indian Bank? Is it a crime to use insurance money for personal use instead of fixing my vehicle? How can I write a program to print hello on C without using () [] {} <> in the program? What are some examples of inclined planes in geometry? Why do all celebrities go to Giorgio Baldi? Which place is the best to travel? How can you tell if you are friend zoned by a girl? How many days does it take for a cargo ship to go from India (Port Chennai) to the USA (Port Miami or any port on the East Coast)? Which is the best book to learn data structures and graphs with Java? Are white people more nationalistic than other cultures? What were women using before always ultra? How do you know if you are in love with someone? Should islam be banned to prevent terrorism? My stalker added me on Facebook using a fake profile and after a couple of days she got my mobile number. I haven't added my number on social networking sites for sure. How did she get my number? My SIM card (BSNL) got damaged and I want the same number. My number is from a different state that where I'm in. Can I get it replaced? What are some of the weirdest things you believed when you were a kid? "Why is every single question I ask on Quora suddenly being tagged as ""needing improvement""?" What or who is your inspiration and why? How much do YouTubers make when each of their videos get 50k, 100k, 500k, 1m, and 1.5m views? How many years lord Krishna lived? What is the reason behind exams? What are the best fantasy series you can recommend to me to read? When will I start the preparation of ilts? Which branch is good for engineering mechanical or computer science? How can I publish Theses on biochemistry on International Library for thesis? What is the value of π? What are the best interview questions that are tricky and require presence of mind to answer them? Who enjoys sex the most: men or women? And why? What would happen if we discovered that aliens had visited us in the past and influenced our development? Are Indians over-saving money to live a dream life after retirement? I want straight legs can I fill in the gap in between my legs with exercise? Who provides best DJ service for parties in Sydney? The earnings of A and B are in the ratio 4:1. If the earnings of A is increased by 50% and that of B is decreased by 20%, find A earning? What is your review of 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi? What does it cost the Indian government to print a Rs 2000 note? How can I recover the deleted AOL trash? Will iPhone 5s receive iOS 10 upgrade? "What is Pallavi, Anupallavi and Charanam in a song? If possible point them out in the song ""Marivil"" from ""Drishyam"" (Malayalam movie). Does it differ from film songs and Carnatic songs?" What is the difference between the following sentences ? Are there any mutants capable of effectively opposing the Sentinels from X-Men: Days of Future Past? What are some job prospects in India after completing an MS from Germany in electrical? How would you differentiate between infatuation and love? Is it true that our hair gets white if we got really scare? Why do women fake orgasms? What do Japanese think of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose? Which companies take Tata Ace on rent? How do I find love in life? How do bugs reproduce inside of my refrigerator? "As a psychologist or psychoanalyst, do you get ""stage fright"" when you are meeting your patients?" Who are some lesser known important historical figures of Barbados and what should people know about them? How does a user use the Uber Live or God view map? Can you get pregnant without being fertilized? What would be the best gift for my girlfriend? What are your all-time top 5 favourite albums? Why do people think that they are superior to others? Do you believe in fairy tales? Can we achieve world peace if the world's population started following only one religion? What is it like to work in porn industry? Who are the best dentists in australia? What is the best PDF reader for Windows? What's your best technique for reducing stress? What is the future of e-commerce in India? What is the difference between phase voltage and line voltage on a 3 phase transmission line? What are the various ways through which one can earn money online? How can you attract someone? Does your brain make you see yourself 5 times more beautiful than you actually are? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Approach Resources? How do I solve problem of multiple copy of PDF files with different name? What is the difference between hasn't and haven't? What are some of the good hotels near chennai central railway station? What's the purpose of a human life? Have you ever seen a BEK (black-eyed kid) or adult? I'm talking about these apparently non-human entities who ask to be invited into homes. Why do really specific questions on Quora always get marked as needing clarification? What are some of the best WhatsApp hacks? Which is best English grammar book for competition exam? What is the quickest way to make $8,000? How should mild rotatory scoliosis be treated once it is detected? What will happen if every indian become vegetarian? Is working on Appzillon (i-exceed), a good career choice? Is there evidence of dark matter SIMPs every time a double slit experiment is performed as they are what wave? What is eBIZZ? What is gravitational flux? How does light turn into heat? Why is Plaster of Paris called so? What are the similarities and differences between Pakistani Punjab and Indian Punjab? What is the most accurate free online Myers-Briggs test? How can I become a Top Writer on Quora? What is the best color of the Yamaha R15? Want to PhD in textile out of India.? My Android tablet shows an authentication problem while connecting with my Wi-Fi. What should I do? What particular problem(s) were attempted to being solved as Java was founded and consequently built as a result of pursuing solutions to those problems? Who is your favorite couple in Bollywood? What is the daily routine of a cadet at NDA or NAVAC? Why do I feel stressed for no reason? How do I hide my friend list on Facebook? What are the different genre of songs? What is the average salary of an Indian news anchor and editors? What it is like to be a Hindu in Pakistan? What is Australia's point of view on the Tribunal by the Hague Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)? What does shell mean in python language? And does script means? Is there any difference between script and program? Why do I mix my words up when I speak? In Zelda: Twilight Princess, what’ll happen if you drop a Sol off the edge in the Palace of Twilight outside area? How do I make $1000 extra dollars? Can one transfer money on PayTM app using UPI (unified payments interface)? How? What's the best way to get my driver’s license number and information if I lost my driver’s license and need the number now? What is it like to be a special education professor? Where are the past CERN NMS/Openlab interns (CS background) these days? What is the best email subject line you have received from Snapdeal, Flipkart or Amazon or any other deal site? How do I calculate cement aggregate and sand in KG by knowing the ratio, say 1:2:4? What is the best religion for men? If you had 100 trillion dollars, what would you do? Guns and Firearms: Can i survive a close range shot in the head with a .50 Action express? Why do people think Trump is racist? What do you think about Narendra Modi's decision about banning 500Rs & 1000Rs notes? And what will be the effects, Do this make corruption free India? If Harry Potter had an Indian cast, who would you want to play what roles? What is the biggest sin you have ever committed? Ias coaching center in chennai? What is a simple definition of experimental error? What is some legit online jobs for me to work at home? How are you feeling right now with the US Election? What does ~ mean in math? Why haven't there been any further moon landings by the NASA or the USSR? What are the differences between a police cruiser and a normal Crown Vic? Why distilled water unable to conduct electricity? What are the best aspects of living in Pésterion, Greece as a young adult? "What is an example of a sentence with the word ""terse""?" How do you know what you want to be in life? How do you learn Japanese? What would happen if the earth stopped spinning suddenly for 10 seconds and then sped up instantly to full speed? What does (1.6 * 10 to the power of -19 coulomb) mean? Yes, it's the charge of an electron, but what does that really mean? What does Hadoop do? What does it mean when you constantly think of someone? Which is the best available laptop for 50,000Rs? In a war between USA and India, could USA defeat India and occupy it? What are the best free LaTeX editors? I began to starve myself and throw up about a week ago to loose wieght but now i want to go back to normal?will this ruin my natural skinniness Is there any cab service available that provide pick and drop service at london Victoria to Brighton? What is the difference between a stock and a share? Why is my kitten so skinny? What are the factors that Apple takes into consideration when ranking a free app on the App Store? What is the good approach to implement rest API either to go with Http status codes or creating custom error field by always returning 200? What type of image is formed by mirage or looming (virtual or real)? Also what type of image is formed by atmospheric refraction? Is it true that Donald Trump is on amphetamines? What are the most epic, funniest farewell emails ever sent to coworkers when leaving a company? What are the placement statistics of IIIT Allahabad's 2015 and onwards passing-out batch? How do I change/update my mobile number for both SBI online banking and SMS alerts? Can someone translate a sentence in English into Latin for me? How many days does it take a PAN card to arrive after printing? Oak Island, will the mystery be solved in the next 10 years? If Earth's tilt was 40 or 50 degrees rather than the actual 23.4, would life become unbearable at latitudes above 60 degrees? How can I gain weight but also eat healthy? How is Byjus Tablet? What Microsoft office 2016 and 2013 is a specific difference? What is hexavalent chromium used for? How do I output webcam capture to broadcasting program? How do I output FFmpeg to Wirecast? How does laser hair removal affect tattoos? Do we need to have programming knowledge to learn or work on Big Data Hadoop? Which is a better career option between IBPS PO and MBA and why? Is the new 2000 Rupee note really implementing NGC (Nano GPS Chip)? What are some highly acclaimed movies or TV shows on Netflix that deserve the praise they've received? Is majoring in economics a good choice? What are the best home decor stores in New York City? Which is the best website for downloading free Maya(software) books? How theoretical would a 4 winged high speed combat fighter be? 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How do you conquer the fear of criticism? How can I avoid sleeping in class? Where can I get videos of cutting and stitching of men's shirt in detail? How is first time sex experience? Why do some women prefer tampons? What happens when a candidate gets tr,and if he corrects it,then how its updated at the time of final merit? What is it like in drug Rehab like? What would happen if Pakistan goes to war against India? What if I fail in UPSC Civils exam even after serious hard work? would that be a waste of time or will that knowledge helps me finding some career? How do I hide my friend list on Facebook? What are the ways to perfect your whistle register? "If your teenage son posted ""La commedia e finita"" on his Facebook wall, would you be concerned?" How can I earn money part time online? What is your favorite sustainable practice? How was Cybertron destroyed? How does one meet British people in the Big Apple? Is it bad to be a good person in today's world? Is there any 7-star hotel in India? What is the basic parameter that defines a 7-star hotel? Who is Lindsey Graham? How do I solve this Science Olympiad astronomy problem? Which hotel is the best hotel in Varanasi for tourist? Who was the kindest/friendliest celebrity you've ever met? How do I cook sweet potato without oven or microwave? Why is there so much moral policing in Indian schools? Is it a good choice to use Smarty with CodeIgniter? What are the applications of a full adder circuit? What is the reason of narrowing pulse pressure in critical phase of dengue infection? How will the demonetization of Rs 500/1000 notes finish the black money in the market exactly? When will i get my withdrawl bleeding its been 7 days since i had taken an unwanted 72 how much time does it take How do I learn guitar online? Does India have bunkers to protect the PM in case of nuclear attacks? What should I say when a girl asks why I love her? How can my child deal with verbal abuse by a person in authority in school? How do you treat asthma? How does the priming unit on centrifugal pump works? What is difference between has to have and will have? We are selling our house for 80 Lakhs. How much tax will I have to pay to the government after selling it? How do I join the Indian Army as a doctor after doing my MBBS? How do I eradicate child labour? What/how was the relationship/nature of relationship between Krishna and Radha after Krishna being married to Rukmini and Radha being married to Ayan? What brand or style oven mitts work the best? How do I calculate a final grade with percentages? Deanna says in Remember (S5E12) that northern Virginia was evacuated early on, where were they evacuated to? How do you use your voicemail? What haircut should someone with long, thick hair get? Is there anything that can completely replace water and all it does for us? Who is the best footballer of 2016? What are good web hosting companies? Why are all unidentified dead bodies called Ashok Kumar in India? Why is reservation based on caste but not on income? Which one out of both is better in your opinion? What could cause black tarry stool in dogs? What should I do when I think everything goes wrong in my life? Does red bull drink contain bull sperm? Which is the best dish TV connection in Hyderabad? How was podiatry as a subject of study developed? What's your 2017 new year resolution? Do you think United Nations has failed the world? Why are they unable to control Syria? What are the consequences of getting high on helium? Why I do not like Quora? How much do the dancers,stuntmen and other characters in the crowd earn on average? Your answer may be with respect to hollywood/bollywood . What's the value of the gravitational constant? Boys how is your experience with rose gold iphone? How can I add a question with picture on Quora? How do I do push ups correctly to prevent wrist pain? English is my second language.How can I improve my writing? Which are some best romantic movies that you recommend ? For what is the judicial branch responsible? Is developphp.com the best site for learning web designing? What means when some texts /.-? What is the performance review of employees like at Zynga? What should we eat for fertility, to get pregnant quickly? What is the weightage of the digital assignment in VIT? How many goals are scored by Messi and Ronaldo via a free kick? Does giving Benadryl to a dog make them sleepy? What is JDownloader used, and what are some of its disadvantages? How is a TF card different from an SD card? What is Mimosa Hostilis root bark used for? What are some obscure benefits of being raised in Russia? Why is this girl sending me mixed signals? Who views Instagram? Can I install android OS in Samsung Z3? Why has Nokia failed in the market? How much does smoking cost the NHS? How can I find a way to grow taller (maximize my height)? I'm 16. How can we improve our personality? If Thor is remade into Bollywood, then which actors will play in which roles? What are the average ratios for downloads, active users converting to transactions for ticketing apps like StubHub, SeatGeek, TodaysTix, etc.? How can I crop a shape in Sketch 3? What is best tool to start with Automation testing? I'm 15 and I really like a girl. She's lesbian but there's a 40% or so chance of her being bi (mostly me hoping). What do I do? What are some stretching exercises to get taller? What will be the answer of the following question? Why is social media so addictive for some people? What if the result of the engine compression gauge is too high or too low? Who names the cyclones and how it's done? "How did kanan gill faced the family pressure and relatives' ""taane"" when he quit his job to pursue comedy?" When should one use 'does' or 'is' in questions? E.g. 'does anyone know why the system is down?' vs 'is anyone know why the system is down?' I want to convert to Hinduism, what should I do? How could antibiotics cause acne? How many carbohydrates are in flax seeds? Where can I find large datasets open to the public on sleep? How can the mass of the earth be calculated? Do the moderators here need improvement? How did Donald Trump manage to win the 2016 US election? What is some information about Pushpak Vimana found in Afghanistan? Why do astronauts not walk on moon? What are the best Archer episodes? What is the effect of compression ratio? What are the Jet Set watch brands? What are the different types of bra available in India? What side dishes should be served with Mac and cheese? What is Tinder? Why do I love movies so much? Is this strange? How do I overcome emotional attachment to a person? What universities does CNB Financial recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? How one can define success? How do I change the date of birth on my birth certificate? How old were you in your earliest memory of yourself? How powerful will the James Webb Space Telescope be? What are the perks of business class on flights? Why should I vote for Hillary Clinton? Does the UN really have much power? Which intersections in Kitchener, ON are particularly dangerous? Why? What could be done to improve them? What books should I read as an aspiring entrepreneur? What is turbulence on a flight? What are the types of people you meet in a cafe? What do Japanese people think about indian? "What do you mean by ""hosting capacity"" of an electric power system?" How does sociology relate to other social sciences? Why does CW try to make Arrow so similar to Batman rather than using original Green Arrow characters ? Which icici credit card is the best? Why do men get aroused with legs? What do you think Bermuda triangle is? I wanna start preparing for ias exam, how should I proceed? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Rhode Island? How can I see who views my Instagram video? What exactly is death? What are good ways to learn to become the best digital marketer? If a car travels at the speed of light and you turn the head-lights on what would happen? "What does ""A mind is a terrible thing to waste"" mean?" Why don't I see porn in my Google Image searches anymore with Safe Search turned off? What movies are on your 2016 top 10 list? As Mi5 doesn't come with Qualcomm 3.0 charger in pack what's the best 3rd party Qualcomm 3.0 charger which is perfect for MI5? How can I cheat the biometric attendance system installed in my office, Central Water Commission? What's the difference between 32 bit and 64 bit cpu? What are some subscriber related signaling functions? How much are businesses using Instagram? Sex Tourism: Which city/country is the best legal bang for the buck? Is Malaysian food spicy? What is the best time to open a PPF account? Which are the best universities in Europe for doing Masters in Materials Science? Why would someone use Quora when they can Google instead? What are the best arguments against solipsism? What kinds of body types do women prefer in men if they were to hit on you at the bar/on tinder - basically for a casual relationship ? As a doctor, what was your most 'now that was stupid' moment with a patient? What are the best book in preparation for bank exams? What is it like to work in the Indian Army? Where can I find large datasets open to the public? Why is it important to save endangered languages? What does it feel like for a woman when a man ejaculates inside her mouth? How would I know if my husband is a sociopath? Where can I buy freshly baked cupcakes in Gold Coast? Which laptop is should I buy around 50000? "What's the difference between an ""organ"" and a ""piano""?" How should I prepare for IBPS PO prelims? What was the real reason behind the surgical strikes across LoC by the Indian Army? What will be its repercussions? Can a civil guy survive at Infosys? How can you know you are what you see in a mirror? Is Roman Saini from Rome? Why we advocating ''Gande Kapde''? Which private medical college can I get into with 342 marks? What is pre placement offer? Can Google Map show what type of public metered parking is available on certain streets? Why do some people type so fast? How does Adam Schefter always have the inside scoop? Which is the best country to study a master’s in data science? What was the significance of the battle of Somme, and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Port Arthur? How has humanitu allowed jewnuts to destroy 80% of its prosperity, progress, peace, productivity and pride? How do I download videos from Facebook.? What do you think of Trump’s Secretary of State appointment Rex Tillerson, CEO of Exxon Mobil? What time does USPS usually deliver? Can height be increased after age 21? Can an infinite amount of dark or vacuum or gravitational energy be created with expansion? What do cottonmouth snakes look like? Should prisoner be given the right to vote in elections in India? What can I say to describe my need for financial aid at Coursera? Who was the worst president in U.S. history and why? If you could get plastic surgery for free, would you? Do you believe we find Soul Mates or is it a case of Compatibility? What would it be like if someone had an IQ of 1000+? If gravity is present where there is matter, where does it go when that matter is converted to energy? Who would win in a fight between Superman and Wolverine? Is there any job opportunity in Bodo, Norway for international students? What is the difference between billiards, pool and snooker? Are we heading into recession? Why do we sleep? What are the conditions for a company to get its name on Wikipedia? Where is the list of all the topics on Quora? How fast is 60 mbps? Is Python better than Java? Why or why not? When will there be another Steam sale in 2016? Is there really the existence of Aliens and is there any proof available realted to them? Do people love Taylor Swift? What are the care options for bedridden Alzheimer patient in India, specifically Chennai or Coimbatore? How can I earn money online without investment on laptop? What happens if you pluck/epilate your hair after laser hair removal? Which countries could join NATO in the next 5-10 years? What is the meaning of this Arabic tweet? What is the mental health stigma like in Canada? How do I palpate my pregnant rabbit? Can a man's height increase after 20? Why is Yahoo more popular than Google in Hong Kong? Who are some new YouTubers in and around Kolkata? Which is better to live in, Abu Dhabi or Dubai? Can I play Clash of Clans from 2 accounts without rooting my mobile? Is mousse bad for my hair? How do you ping a router? How can I meet Narendra Modi? Can we store the energy from lightining? How many calories are burned during swimming? What are some great stories about Bill Gates? What is the VHDL code to rotate two servo motors using an Altera DE0? Does masturbation cause loss of memory? Is wireless networking in fleming college peterbourgh a good option? How is the scaling in the USPC's electrical engineering optional paper? Can an average IITian score 150 in the paper? What companies are located inside Manyata Tech Park in Bengaluru? How do I save money while shopping? How do I sleep as soon as my body feels tired? What are some best books to prepare for IBPS PO? How will it affect international students coming to the US for undergraduation now that Trump has become the President? What is the in hand salary of an SBI clerk? What do atheists think about miracles and signs of God? What are the top ten films of 2016? Did JFK really sneak Marilyn Monroe in the White house? Are there any language schools in Chengdu or in the Sichuan province looking for an English and German teacher? "Htc 816g rooted stuck at ""no command"" while updating. How can I resolve it? Hard reset not working.?" "How do I deal with ""grass is greener"" syndrome every time I have a girlfriend?" Do medical oncologists perform a lot of procedures? How do I stop my dog from humping my furniture? Now that Trump has been elected as president, how will it affect India? What if Queen Victoria had been a boy instead of a girl? What is the average download rate (not CTR) of a mobile ad for an app in the iOS App Store/Google Play? What incident changed your life forever? How do you get rid of stretch marks found on the neck? If I create an original drawing based off of a picture of a celebrity (Shawn Mendes), is it legal for me to sell the drawing on a t-shirt? Why can't I highlight text on The New York Times' website when using Chrome? How does triple talaq work? Is it easy to get a job on J2 visa? Why are men required to dress the same way as other men? How cold can the Gobi Desert get, and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Sahara? Does it turn off a guy if I drink 2cans of 4lokos in his car before going into the club/bar? Is there a way to explore fast Wikipedia articles and related Wikipedia links to build the graph of its pages structure? Can one apply for an education loan at SBI without a co-applicant (up to 4 lakhs)? Which is the most least corrupted political party in India? How do I add an image to a question on Quora? What is advertisement's role in promotional mix? How will the Indian economy benefit if GST is introduced? Any have guess what will the speech by Narendra Modi on new year Eve? Who won the First Presidential Debate of 2016? How do you calculate the equivalent resistance of an unbalanced Wheatstone bridge? Is Bangalore really the cleanest city in India? If yes, why? How can we find the best coaching for the UGC NET in India? What is wrong with the equation of time? What does it mean when someone adds you on snapchat but you can't add them back? What is Parse? What does exactly happen during the interaction of electromagnetic fields when two objects touch? Which of the following does not represent an activity? Do black people adopt white children? Are U.S. elections rigged? What is the scope of law for girls in India? What are the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle? Are humans evolutionarily predisposed to mental illness? What are the pros and cons of spiritual awakening? When were the Vedas first written down? Passport police verification status pending, police officer says due to delay of verifying birth certificate, how much time does this usually take? How do 3D printers make one object out of multiple materials? Do you think who will win the election of the precident of US? And why? What advice do you have for a girl who just turned 20? Which is better, mechanical engineering or computer science? How strong is gastric acid? What was time before the Big Bang? How hard is it to practice water polo compared to rafting? What powers does the Indian Prime Minister have? Why does everyone only talk about what's bad about the world? I go to the gym every morning. After a regular (not too heavy) workout and a decent breakfast (mostly puffed rice), I go to office. But I feel sleepy after lunch. Is this due to the meal or due to the workout? Why? What would the world have been today if Hitler had won the World war 2? Is there a customer service number for Quora? How do you get to date someone on Tumblr? Why don't we generate energy with an overbalanced wheel? What is the difference between aesthetic bodybuilding and normal bodybuilding? How many holidays are there in a year? What are the alternatives to using Twitter datasets (as Twitter has stopped exposing their tweets data) ? Does identi.ca make their datasets available publicly? My 14 year old adopted daughter asked me about how my life was like when I was a child. I have a very broken past. Should I lie to her? Do women/girls like to be chased? What are some notable examples of both good and bad sportsmanship? What kind of job designation people get after MS in VLSI in the US? I feel depressed when I'm alone. But those feelings disappear when I'm with others. What should I do? What are some of the criticisms on projective tests? Which are the Joker's best quotes? Should I stay with someone I love but doesn't love me back? What would the world be like if the Nazi Germany had won WW2? How do stock options work for Google employees? How do stock options affect the employee? What is a RSU? Is accounting a lucrative field to work in? Why? What are the chances of President Rodrigo Duterte significantly wiping out crime and terrorism in the Philippines with his methods? Why is Pride and Prejudice timeless? Can my boyfriend and I be tourists in Singapore (or even live there) despite the fact that we are both male? How do you log in to Facebook if you forgot your password? What will be the effect of banning 500 and 1000 notes on gold rate and real estate? Why does TCS hire so many freshers? Money is really important for living life? Why don't you join Quora? Does Chetan Bhagat deserve the Bharat Ratna? How much time will spotify take to land in India? What are the best spell tomes to get in Skyrim? Would you take a gap year between high school and college? What is the best thing to do on weekend? What are moving violations in Indiana? What's the output voltage of a smartphone's headphone jack (3.5mm jack)? What is your favourite painting? How do I see who has watched my story on Snapchat? What should I do when someone marks my question as needing improvement? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Western Liberty Bank? What's the funniest highbrow joke you've ever heard? Why do people ask such questions here on Quora which could be easily found on the internet? What are some ways of cheering yourself up? How can I realise if I am INFJ or INFP? What is the meaning of a reduced Planck constant? What all can be the reason for pus discharge from mouth during sleep? What is different between abstract class and interface in PHP? Do candles spoil? What is it like to be a programmer in Japan? What is the diference between $http.get and $http.jsonp? What do I need to learn to become a programmer? How many govt and private medical seats are availiable through Neet 16? What is the best site for downloading movies? What are are some ways to lose 25 pounds in 1 month? What are current rush hour traffic patterns like in the San Francisco Bay Area? Patrick Collison: What visa issues did you have when started companies in the US and how did you overcome them? Solid to liquid in a formula. Does the mass of the product increase or Decrease. Also Aqueous, solid, liquid and gas, Like solid to liquid. "What does ""name"" mean?" What benefits will I see from cold showers? What are best apps using YouTube? Where can you trade commodities online? How can we find the best Daikin Service Center in Hyderabad? Have you ever met a celebrity? What are some techniques for minimising the size of your KML files? How do I qualify as a freelancer for scroll.in? Can we see who viewed my profile pic on whatsapp? What is the point of living if we are going to die and not remember anything? Should you have sex with a stranger if you are gay? What is digital India and how shall it change fate of Indian people? What diet is Joe Rogan on? What exactly is the most important thing in life? How much rank needed in gate metallurgy for PSU? What were the educational qualifications of Adolf Hitler? What should I expect in a Software Engineer interview at Google and how should I prepare? What are the advantages of polyandry? What is the funniest movie to watch? I'm starting my own business, I'm in a generally new market in an undeveloped country, what are some general tips that I should know about? Should a woman in a relationship give a man sex every time he wants it, whether she's in the mood or not? What are the best places to visit in South India? "What does the name ""Himanjali"" mean?" What Android apps are only available in the US? How did Trump win America's vote? What is the difference between a DC motor, a servomotor, and a stepper motor? Why the input resistance of a transistor is low while the output resistance high? Why did Google reduce the Android Market return period from 24 hours to 15 minutes? What is Android development? How common is it for women to ejaculate (squirt) during orgasm? What should I play when someone asks me to play them something on the guitar? Which is the best romantic movie? What is mental illness? What's the best way to overcome your boss disrespecting you when they are a personal friend? What are these 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p units for videos? What's the basic idea behind it? Which is the best free VPN Website? What are some of India's best contributions to the world? Does it matter if you date a guy who is 4 years older than you? If there are no invading forces at our borders, how can we justify our $670 billion military expenses? Why can I not see someone's story on snapchat? How can I become confident in myself? What are some yoga poses to help me lose weight? What would happen if Modi died now? How can one track a mobile number location? How can you increase your elo score on Tinder? Why are tomatoes and cucumbers eaten together so often? "What is the meaning of ""thread safe object"" in java?" What is the best way to stop a child from masturbating? I sprayed my oven with a non-caustic oven cleaner and forgot to clean it and, now, my apartment smells. What are the dangers, if any? Why does Iran and India love each other? What are some of the interesting facts about india? What is the minimum GATE rank for GEN, electronics and communications engineering to get a job at PSU? What is the wittiest reply for 'how's life?'? What is it like to be a north east Indian living in metros? Have you ever been in a car accident? If yes, then how do you feel after that? Could Hillary Clinton sue Donald Trump for libel, or vise versa? What are the funniest WhatsApp forwards? Can I give 12th improvement from NIOS from Kota? Will it affect my JEE? What is the best laptop under 25000 in India? What is the square root of [math]-i[/math]? Is it creepy to friend someone you knew a very long time ago out of nowhere? What is the origin of multicellular eukaryotes? Which is the most entertaining book you've read? Who is Vladimir Putin? What is he famous for? What are the upcoming movies of year 2017? Was Jesus a Jew? What are some of the best romantic movies in the world of cinema? How can I find my passion career? What is the corporate culture like at Infinity Property? How is the culture different than other companies? How do you stick to your schedule? Who would win a fight, a blue whale or a Bryde’s whale? What are some unconventional dating site ideas? What happens if you use the wrong motor oil in your engine? Why isn't my pet dog eating properly? How did the Big Bang actually happen? In the case of a zombie apocalypse, which 3 Quorans would you want on your team, and why? How do roaches get turned upside down? Are there any famous cases of pronoia (the opposite of paranoia)? What kind of rules/boundaries should I establish to maintain our friendship while still having fun in the bedroom? Why is that I am seeing dreams every single night? Do astronomers' know where the center of the universe is? Which sex position girls like the most? What is the average ROI for casual/fast food restaurants? If you are a good listener, you will find that every person has his own opinions, and people's opinions contradict each other, everyone thinks that he is right. My question, why do you think that you are right, why do you think that your opinion is right? What are the most important things to do, and not to do in life? Who would win in a fight between Lord Voldemort and Darth Vader? How do I improve my overall native English language? What is the mechanics behind the Bank Reconcilation statement? Can snakes breathe through their mouths? Is it illegal to use Pirate Bay in the UK? What are some of the benefits that TCS employees can avail in any kind of Tata stores? How can I immigrate to the US? Why have you disabled people from making comments for your answers? Which one is best current affair app for iPhone? How many users does Microsoft Excel have? Which are the best books for jee? Ì am a .Net developer having 3 years of work experience working in Bangalore now I want to relocate to Hyderabad.suggests me how can I relocate? What is answer of this math question? How does laser guided bomb work? What is the history of Janjua Rajputs? What is something that I don't know and you know? What is the best way to detect hidden cameras in my home? What is your review of Capitals? Which countries have the strongest environmental regulations? Why is Sellotape birefringence? What will Hillary Clinton's India policy be if she becomes President? What traffic laws in Australia are particularly hard for foreign drivers to get used to? The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002 movie): Why do no elves, save Legolas, survive The Battle of Helms Deep? Is is possible to solve this mathematical problem? Which is the best university in India to do distance MBA? What's the next number in this sequence: 10, 9, 60, 90, 70, 66? What is the easiest way to become a billionaire($)? What is the meaning of Urdu compound word “ghairat-e-ashiq”? I am planning to join PGPSM from NISM. Is it really worth to boost my carrer in securities market? Is the demand to Shut Down JNU justified? What do you get when you rearrange the letters LNGEDNA? What is a good (free) API for getting the current price of gold? How should you treat constipation at 38 weeks pregnant? Which is the best laptop under INR 30,000? How many sleeping pills causes death? Do people who were wrongfully convicted get compensated for time served in jail? Is the crow the happiest bird? What will be the repercussions of banning Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes on Indian economy? How do I study while doing job? How should I study Was Trump University a scam? How do I a stacked bar plot like this in R? (including the values of each bar) What are examples of barriers to communication? What is it like flying from Bangkok to Manila and how are these touristic cities compared to Hyderabad? Mobile phone which has 13 mp front camera and 5.5 screen display? How often do you talk to yourself? How is Sanskrit and Mathematics related? Why did MS Dhoni resign as ODI and T20 Captain? What is the difference between passion and obsession? How do I round this number to the nearest ten thousand: 624,739? How do I play Clash of Clans on Windows Phone? What do elephant ears mushrooms taste like? Why do I get light spotting after Plan B? What is the meaning of the BuzzFeed Youtube channel colors? What is fictitious assets? Why are there more female teachers than male teachers in the USA? Can u give me a series or movie specially series that depend on mind very much? What is the superstition regarding your eye twitching? Is there any validity to it? I have to dress up as a punjabi girl in school. I am a guy can you tell me what things I need to wear ? Do serial killers still exist? How is magnetism related to electricity? What can cause a dryer to produce heat but not dry clothes? How can such problem be fixed? What is your favorite anime and why? Why do we feel weak? As an intern, how do you go about asking for more work? What is the meaning of the emoji winking mouth open? While using Law of Attraction, do we need to ask the universe only once or should we ask multiple times? How should India respond to uri attacks? What are the similarities and differences between a model and a prototype? Is an Islamic reformation possible? What does the order of who views your story on Instagram mean? Why is one person always on top no matter when they view it? What is the best interview question you have ever used or heard? What can you say about Filipino people? How can someone make a career in sports? What is the best wireless router for my use ? What are the best master's degree programs for mechanical engineering? How can I lose weight loss? "What is the output of following code? And then why? Printf (""%c"", 219);" Can I lose weight without dieting? If yes, how? Do university rankings really matter? Why doesn't Apple put all the songs available in iTunes on Apple music? What is the difference between scholarship and tuition fee waiver? What is the main difference between socialism and communism.? How can I learn how to act? "What does ""cookie"" mean as a slang term?" Which mail server is used for messaging in AT&T company (for employees)? Exchange or Domino/Notes? or another? What is the best tourist destination in Nigeria and why? What are the things that annoy you in any religion? How do acetic acid and glacial acetic acid differ? What are some good use cases for Spring Integration? How many liters of water are in the body? How are indians superstitious? How do I get started for cds exam 2016? Can we defeat terrorism? What is the responsibility of a software architect? How can I change my password? What is the best sura/dua you can read for something you really need? Is there any difference between whipping cream and heavy cream? What was the main cause of World War One? What companies in Tacoma, WA have the best employee benefits? What are the differences between what Mormons & Jehovah's Witnesses believe? How likely is it that Apple makes its own search engine? What public companies were (co-)founded by women? Should presidential debate moderators have to fact check debates? What is your internet speed? I don't want my cat to get pregnant again. What do you think of giving her a tubal ligation for cats after giving birth? Is it necessary? How do current Russian attitudes to black people compare to attitudes during the Cold War? What are the benifets of eating spicy food? One year ago my ex told me he didn't want to be with me (he said not at that time). Recently he texted me about a book series. Is he interested? How may being Gay/Lesbian affect the Oedipus/Electra Complex? How could we know whether we are living in a real world or not? Can I retrieve deleted messages on Instagram? How can I have 2 WhatsApp accounts for the same number on different devices? What is the best platform to build an e-commerce website in India? Which are the Best apps for New Zealand? How do I train my puppy? How can I secretly take screenshots on Snapchat? What are the uses of quick setting cement? Why is coffee so addictive? How is the IR spectrum of methyl benzoate determined? What does it feel like for someone with borderline PD to be at Berkeley? Why is the speed of light a constant? Why did bhagwan Krishna marry with rukmini, when he was in love with Radha? What after 68 years India is not having sufficient infrastrasture? Why is the Devil more powerful than God? What is the best comic book? Why do Iran and Israel hate each other? Can you be prosecuted for a crime committed in another country? Did Modi lie when he said that he will deposit Rs. 15 lakh in everyone's bank account? What's the salary after an MBA? "Is this sentence correct: ""May I have a pleasure to dance with you?""" "In Japanese, how do you say ""fat""?" What kind of person would you need to be to do a PhD? How can I make money online for job? Why does the UK have an unwritten Constitution? What are the best lines I can write to my ex-girlfriend who is getting married? What are the opinions of the expert when it comes to where the USD to SGD exchange rate may get to in next 2 to 3 years time? Is there a different price over the Internet than in person when trying to book a room in Mexico City from the US? Where does Mahesh Murthy get his data about Flipkart's fiscals? Why is the colour of KMnO4 purple before the titration and after the end point it is pink? What is your New Year Resolution for 2017? How do you get a book published? How can I change domain in career? How has immigration changed Europe? Has anyone used thereptileclassifieds.com? How many stamps do you need to send a letter from the U.S. to Europe? What are the coolest functions on Bloomberg? How does nail polish remove nail polish? Newly added country in world? What can we blog about? Why did Bart Ehrman become an agnostic? Is there any galaxy with 2 black holes? When will season 5 of Game of Thrones come out? Is there a poison that would kill someone but be untraceable at autopsy? What notes are used to tune a ukulele? What are some interesting C projects for a beginner in programming? Is Donald Trump secretly a Democrat? Is it possible to become intelligent in late twenties after spending quater of the life being average? What genre is Kill La Kill? What are the important steps that must be follow to write a successful seminar? What has been your weirdest dream? Which two political parties do you want to see in government and main opposition in India in 2019? Why can't I add someone back on snapchat although I can see their name pop up in the search bar? Why do women make sounds during sex? Will Bastian Schweinsteiger get a chance to play under Mourinho? If the earth is a globe then why does it look like there are countries above and below others? How can they be underneath in reality? What are some classics of Pakistani history and why? What is difference between l like you and I am very fond of you? What do 2/30 and net 60 on an invoice mean? What would be a good menu description of chicken Alfredo with fettuccini pasta? What is the value of [math]\left(3+2 \sqrt{2}\right)^{-3} +\left(3-2\sqrt{2}\right)^{-3}[/math]? Am I just being insecure in this relationship? How did prediction algorithms used for the US presidential election go wrong? Describe the most beautiful woman you have seen? Why does my peripheral vision get blurry? Where can I find a Wii to HDMI converter? What is the best weed in the world? How do I check who viewing your Facebook profile? Why isn't killing unborn babies illegal? How can I find the points at which their paths intersect if two particles travel along the space curves? Can a non resident get a bank loan in Dubai? What are all of the beliefs of Black Hebrew Israelites? Where can I sell old coins in India? Why does my question keep getting marked as needing improvement? What is the difference between a turbocharger and a supercharger? How do you become a Top Writer on Quora for 2014? Sum the series (1*2) + (1*2 + 2*3) + (1*2 + 2*3 + 3*4) + … to 12 brackets? Who should be the next President of The United States? How do you sync office 365 with Google calendar? What conspiracy theories turned out to be true? So how did you realise that you weren't the best friend of your best friend anymore? What is the difference between Linkedin Sales Navigator and Business Plus? How can I improve my English in all aspects? Can Trump’s accusers still sue? Is there a statute of limitations on sexual assault, and does it differ by state? Which is the best laptop below rs60000? How do I take a good photo using a 13MP mobile camera? Has anyone ever actually seen God (outside the Bible)? How do I see how many followers do I have after 10k in instagram? How does the principle of Civic Responsibility play out at Burning Man? How is it followed or not followed and what are the results? What should I get my boyfriend for Christmas? How can you write PDF files? How is aircraft altitude determined? What individuals and events in history are a source of pride for Colombia? If you want to go to graduate school in biophysics, should you major in physics or biology? How can I lose 5lbs in 2 weeks? Which are the countries set laws to control MNCs? Do people with ADD or the inattentive ADHD forget and misplace things? I misplace things quite a bit and forget things sometimes as well. Are there any good iOS apps for learning mindfulness meditation? What is the name of the world's oldest tree? Why are Bengaluru citizens protesting over steel flyover project? Why do you love her? What is the secret behind Bermuda triangle? Where can I watch or download all the full episodes of Impractical Jokers (UK) for free? Indians, what do you know about China? When you pass a cemetery, do you ever wonder what the lives of those buried there were like? Is it true that the Bhagavad-Gita is introduced in the 5th grade in The Netherlands? Why does everyone in the world love Scottish people but detest the English? What are the best websites to read well written articles? How can I direct message someone on Instagram from my computer? I heard somewhere that the MNNIT Avishkar, the robotics event, has prize money. Is it true? How are the 3D models of buildings generated on Google Earth? Is computer science engineering is only about software? What is the best programming language to learn first and why? What are some methods to last longer in bed? Does anonymity work with both question and answer? What's with the bow tie? What is the most popular course on Lynda? What are the best weapons to use against zombies? Why hasn't he contacted me at all for two days after our date where he tried to kiss me and texted that nite that he had a lot of fun? Is it harmful to cook or eat in aluminium utensils? What percentile do I need to score to get calls from IIMs? Which job is better, IES or software job? What are the most popular technology portals in India? Is digital camouflage better than traditional camo in a dense forest? What will happen to the character of Leia in StarWars now that Carrie fisher has died? Has anyone had a near death experience that they can describe? How is Trump filling stadiums and Clinton only high school gyms, if the polls are basically split or showing Trump up only slightly? "When is the anime ""Naruto Shippuden"" going to end?" Is the next number in the sequence 3, 6, 10, 20, 24 the number 40 or the number 48? How do I extract streaming tweet using Flume? Is it possible to invent the time machine? Is there any correlation between procrastination and depression? Can any body explain about meshing in FEA? Why can humans feel acceleration, but not constant speed? Who has the most beautiful eyes you have ever seen? Modi Ji was very positive about the Lokpal before coming to power. Why hasn't he appointed a Lokpal committee yet? What are the reviews of Davisco whey protein? What is a minimalist lifestyle? How can it be adopted? What is 'gate electrostatic control' in MOSFETs? What type of exercises can I do to lose weight at home? What is the easiest way to get a green card in the US? I'm bored as hell. What should I do? "Is 5'1"" considered as a midget for a girl?" What happens to a human soul after death? How does USPS forward packages? How do you calculate the surface tension of a substance in physics? Which airline experience is the best to travel to US from India? What's the best book of 2016? Chinese people: Do Chinese newborn babies look different? Do European guys like Chinese girls? What is the best Laptop for College in 2016? What are the stuffs one should know about India as an Indian citizen? How much time does a waiter spend in taking orders? What do you absolutely hate about Quora? What are the best Tumblr URLs? What does it mean In messenger when it says they accept your request? How safe is Magisto? My office mate (a girl) who sits next to me (due to same project) stinks. Like she smells like so bad that I am literally disgusted? Help! If 50 Hz is more efficient why we use 60 Hz? Who is currently the most famous person alive? Who is in the top 10? What is the projected growth for web development? What course should I take on from here? The headphone jack on my iPhone 6 is not working properly: how can I fix it? Which is the Best IAS coaching centre in Trivandrum? How much does a duplex house cost? What is the meaning of this exception? Anxiety: Why do I always purposely need something to worry about and how can I prevent this? What is the best way to make money fast? My LG Nexus 5 screen glass is broken. Do I have to replace the LCD along with the glass? What was the average life expectancy of a soldier in World War II? What are the best places to visit in Kerala for college students? Which colleges shall I apply under CAT (77.5 percentile)? What is the future scope of data science? If [math]\frac{1}{a} + \frac{1}{b} + \frac{1}{c} =\frac{1}{a+b+c}[/math] where [math]a+b+c \neq 0, abc \neq 0,[/math] what is the value of [math](a+b) (b+c) (c+a)?[/math] How can I fetch more number of answers for my questions on Quora? How do you stay fit if you don't like the gym? What is the best thing to spend 700$ on? What are the NCRP reports of a car? How do I focus on who I am talking to? Should I play ukulele? Is Hillary Clinton on Quora? 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Do I essentially have to be valedictorian to be accepted into an elite university like Stanford or Harvard? Characterize the problem of “Meno’s paradox”? What was Plato’s solution to that problem? Critically discuss one contemporary solution for that paradox What are the problems faced by teenagers? Who are the best startup lawyers in nyc? What are some of the best websites or other tools to help find quality people to outsource work to? How do I gain weight fast but still be healthy? What are some of your New Year's resolutions for 2017? What are the best aspects of working at United Community? Why do BJP supporters hate Rajdeep Sardesai? What are the chances of getting into a good US grad school with GPA of 6.7/10? Can I compensate my GPA with 1 internship and 1 research paper? What is the purpose of Ethernet cables? How do you get your best friend to confide in you? How engine work? Can I crack protected wifi network? What are the best melodies English songs? 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Why do people ask questions here in Quora instead of just googling? What are some of the best work from home jobs for students? Where can I buy used books online? What is the name for those Japanese restaurants where they make a show of cooking the food at your table? How do I access global variable in c++? How does an orgasm feel? What are the scope of reverse supply chain management? What are some good metaphors? What is the best gadget for your phone? How do I cope with a long distance relationship? How do I make friends with people on Quora? Why isn't my question answered on Quora? Did you have a good day today? Can depression lead to insanity? Are there any video lecture series or good books on understanding human psychology/behavior? Was a Rs. 79, 16 GB pen drive sale on eBay on July 28th a fraud? What are some very beautiful French songs from the 1950 to 70s? "Is 125 pounds considered underweight for someone who is 5' 8""?" Who will be win in USA: hillary or trump? What are the after sale services of Dell? What is a neutral wire? Can Fedevel academy teach me to make a modern PCB? If you were to take a newborn baby from prehistoric times (say, 10,000 years ago), and raised him/her in modern times, would this child grow up to be like us? Is it possible to recover an email deleted from the Gmail trash folder? Can I give my dog aspirin for pain relief? If so, will he suffer any side effects? Is working out pointless if you eat poorly? Can I still enjoy crappy food and get results at the gym? Which is better: Heroku or Beanstalk or AWS for creating a website plus a native mobile app for e-commerce platform? What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake, and how do these effects compare to the Sohei earthquake in 1361? What is the most efficient electrical generator? What is the full from of BPLR? How often do mutations occur among humans? What is some of the best YA novels? Is masturbating daily good? What is Palestine? What is the value of 3^4^5? How can you calculate tensile stress? Can a Hindu go to mosque? What does Trident do? Which one is better : ECE at VNIT or Mechanical at BITS ( Goa campus )? Software Engineering: Do you still do code reviews if you pair-program? Why does Moves app turn off by itself? How can I download an Aadhar card without providing name? Should India strike Pakistan now after Uri terror attack? What is the stupidest thing you ever did? Can a data scientist be a freelancer? How can I lose weight loss? Have you ever seen any Chinese dramas like 步步惊心?do you like them or not? Why? How do scientists detect tectonic plate motions? How can atrial fibrillation cause a stroke? A Song of Ice and Fire (book series): What is the best theory you have heard about the origin of the Others aka White Walkers? How do I contribute to increase tolerance in my local community? What is the difference between structured and procedural languages? Is C a structured programming or procedural language? How is enterprise mobility driving the consumerization of IT? What are some great examples of biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials? How should I prepare for NCHMCT 2017 and wanted to know some preparation tips as well as how should I study to get into IHM Pusa or Mumbai? What is the Sahara, and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Gobi Desert? I'm a 15 year old boy and I am a very optimitic guy at school and in public but when im alone I dont feel like I have something to live for? What are some of the worst tattoos ever seen? How does one crack TIFR physics interview for I PhD course? What is your most prized possession in your closet? How do I hide my SD card files from Android? How is Samsung Galaxy S7 compared to iPhone 6s Plus? What are some benefits of doing IIM after IIT? The current year is 2014. Why is this the 21st century and not the 20th century? My girlfriend just left me without a reason,how do i heal my broken heart? How do I know if a girl likes me at school? Is energy in vacuum real? How do we know that this energy that can be borrowed and returned immediately is real if virtual particles didn't exist then? What song plays over the end credits to the movie Kurukshetra? What are some examples of a neutral mutation? How should I cope with the death of my cat? How do I continue doing my homework when I'm tired and just want to sleep? What is the difference between a militant and a terrorist? Kitchen Appliances: What is the purpose of the metal drawer under an oven? How do I talk English fluently? Why is female foeticide prevented? What do you think about AliExpress? How do I make Instagram account private? Any five difference between accounting and accountancy? Who is the most unpopular President of India and why? Does Google give interns stipend for travel? Can I live anywhere in Manhattan with a yearly income of $480,000? 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What are the best Coffee Meets Bagel hacks? How do I increase height after puberty? "What comes to your mind when you hear the word ""Afghanistan""?" How can I find a native English speaker in Shanghai? How can I lose 25 kg? Other than Mahatma Gandhi, which person would be a good candidate to appear on Indian currency, and why? Where can I learn calligraphy and penmanship in toronto? what about good how-to books? How can we face an interview? How does Quora moderate Topics, and how was moderation performed in the early days with minimal manpower? Can you interpret my dream? What are some of the best time-saving tips for PHP? What has been your forced/accidentally naked embarrassing story? Who was Martin Luther King Jr.? What were his main believes? Do voice overs really pay a pivotal role in explainer videos? How should I start learning how to code with zero knowledge in programming? How will the passing of GST bill help Indian Economy? What are all startup costs and risks in setting up commercial laundry for hotels? (in developing country) How do nude beaches in Punta Cana compare to other nude beaches in Saint Martin? Is CA better than CFA? Why can't passenger aircraft be amphibian so they can land in water in an emergency? What are the services with sports statistics? MMA, Hockey, boxing? As a white man, why am I so attracted to black women? What are the three things you have to do before you die? How do I earn money through online games? If I have left a whats app group and not deleted that group. I want to change my number will the participants of the left group will me notified? How do I approach an African girl? How much time is required to gain a 80 wpm speed in Pitman's shorthand? How do I fix Err_Connection_Refused problem for some websites in all browsers in mac? What is a good institute for ITIL certification in Pune? How long does it take to hatch a chicken egg? How is the process carried out? How can I get girls to like me? Do we have to learn the value of constants and electrode potentials for NEET exam or it comes mentioned in the question? I tend to get sleepy when I start studying. What should I do to avoid that? Which is the best phone for outdoor/nature photography? How do venture capitalists actually work? Where and how did the drama masks originate? Should one self-learn Javascript and take C++ at school the same time? When will La La Land 2016 movie become available for download as torrent? How easily do pooled quota waiting lists get confirmed? What hotel in Kudremukh Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? The latest report says Apple will begin selling larger iPhones—4.7-and 5.7-inches. If true, which one would you buy and why? What was the Sunidhi Chauhan concert at Saarang 2015 like? Is there a comprehensive and citable report on HPC cluster's utilization? What are the most important things VCs look for before investing in a startup? Tech Reviews: Is there any way of me getting Consumer Electronics in India? (My English accent is great) Which is best digital marketing course? Is a 130k$ a good salary to live in San Francisco Bay Area? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Energy XXI? How would you use statistical analysis to verify results from your research? Why do I feel bad every single time I masturbate? If 1 = Single, 2 = Double, 3 = Triple, 4 = Quadruple, what are 5, 6, 7, 8, etc. called? What are the ways to commit suicide? What is the best one liner on life or philosophy that you have ever heard? What if I am boring? What is the best effective treatment for impotence? Why does cast iron cast in soil? What are the best free online dating site? How can I keep a rolling pin from sticking to dough? Typography: What are some good resources for learning typeface design? What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Telfair County GA? What will be future prospects of Agriculture Engineering's student from IIT Kharagpur? What one should know about Ekal Vidyalayas run by RSS? Is the scare mongering about humanities destructive, fatalistic future no more than a toddlers caution over learning to walk? Psychopaths, who is the most difficult type of person for you to manipulate? What is the easiest way to use the Law of Attraction? What is make money online? Which countries don't speak English and still they are so rich and developed? How can I lose 20 pounds in one month? Which are the most underrated movies in Bollywood? How much does attractivness matters in life? Globe is flat? How do I keep hermit crabs as pets? How are waterproof electronics designed? What is the difference between a microprocessor and a CPU? What are some of the main components of a computer? What functions do they serve? What Are the biggest Challenges of India Going Cashless? What happens if u delete .misc files in android? What's the best question to ask in Quora? Were Jews absent from work in world trade center on 9/11? What are some interesting facts about the Holocaust? Why do so many people ask questions on Quora that can be easily answered by any number of legitimate sources on the Web? Have they not heard of Google or Bing? How are storms named? What are examples of long-term goals? How do I determine the required cross section of the screen for the MV cable (say 6kV)? IEC defines some cross section but, how can this be verified for a double earth fault phenomena? Will a DVD player play MP4 files? How can inquiries be removed from credit report? What consequences does Donald Trump's GOP expect from reducing minimum wage? How can an apprentice programmer make money online? Can you deposit a check made out to someone else in your own account? What happened to the theories that LSD changes your DNA / affects chromosomes from the 1960s? How can I start writing my own blogs? What is your biggest achievement in life? Is one night stand good? I m a 3rd year CS engineering student,now I realized that i am interested in Biology.So should I go for medical or complete my engineering? Which is a suitable solar panel installation provider in Murrieta, California CA? Which is the best rock band of all time? What is the best way to whiten your teeth? How much does it cost to rent a private jet? What's your New Year 2017 resolution? How do I remove dried (mosquito) blood stains from my clothes? How do I learn maths properly? Have I committed a mistake by joing a Private Physiotherapy college? (Read the details) Why does China supports terrorists like Masood Azhar? How can I move apps from internal memory to an SD card? What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Clay County IA? Who do you want to be president and why? How can I master Java in one month? "What did Trump mean when he said: “Border patrol agency, 16,500 plus ICE last week endorsed me; the first time they've ever endorsed a candidate""?" What would enlightenment feel like? What are some interesting things about Android development? Where do I look for a job after completing PhD in chemical engineering? How can we learn c programming? What is the most stupid thing you have ever done? Should psychiatry be banned? Is India still a poor country? What should be done to make skin acne free? In a bad enough situation, I.e. City under attack, nuke going off, etc. would police be complicit and allow a person to become batman? Do human beings get all of their genes for intelligence from their mother? How can we change society to regard being gay as 'normal', and being heterosexual as 'out of fashion'? While slowing down, is it harmful to press the clutch along with the brakes in a manual car? How close are we to a real Iron Man suit? Why are Quora users allowed to disable comments? Is NIIT Delhi good for a digital marketing course? Does DigitalOcean allow public VPN and torrents over VPN? Psiphone VPN uses digital ocean IP address Who and how is the face value of a currency note decided? Do men or women have a better orgasm? CAT Preparation: What should my CAT strategy be for the last month? What is the last thing you want to do before you die? What is your favorite letter in the American alphabet? What is the best forensic medicine books for medical students? How many countries are there? What are your favorite Slack integrations/Slack bots? How can I stop feeling guilty about something that happened a very long time ago? How do you feel about Virat Kohli as the captain of the Indian Cricket team? How does rent.com make money? How would I dress in workout attire like it's the year 1990 if I'm a guy? What are the best beatboxing videos on YouTube? If my iPad (air) screen is cracked, but still working, how much will it cost to fix? How do you write a dialogue between two people? What are the best online courses available for digital business and marketing management? I accidentally hotlisted my RuPay debit card of the Bank of India. What should I do? How much do I have to pay for getting a new debit card? What are the best comments that we share on a girls picture to impress her? What is mod-2 counter? How can a person control anger? How are careers in sociology changing and what's necessary to stay current? How many girls loose virginity before marriage? What is the best passive investment strategy? Is it true that the uglier the girl, the lonelier she is? Is it possible for people to love 2 person at the same time? What is the difference between a director, DOP and cinematographer? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of cyber schooling? Why do black people call themselves nigga? Is there anyone who's taken the DASA SAT and can guide me? What is it like to be high on marijuana or other sources of THC? What is the best Mature Linux distro for beginners to advanced users? Why is Tokyo's standard of living so high? How do you perform a chemical test to identify water? What happens to people's bank accounts when there's a war in the country where a bank account is located ? Is eventual annexation of West Bank the unstated policy of Netanyahu? What was your strategy to prepare for SSC CGL? How can I call from my iPhone 5s using Jio sim? Joining of amc SSC after PG/diploma requires PG/diploma in which subjects? Can a non clinical / para clinical branch PG sit for the interview? What were the crazy conspiracy theories that were actually proven to be true? What are the differences between 80186 and 80286 microprocessors? What is the best website where we can read/download books for free? Why do frog legs twitch with salt? Why, with all the focus on Education Reform year after year, does it seem like the American public school system remains as broken as ever? Why is there a influx of Christian Ukrainian women and Russian women marrying Arab Muslims and converting to Islam? How can I hide my activity from followers on Instagram? Why should I vote for Trump? Which one should I buy, a GoPro or DSLR camera? Why is there bad smell in some of New Jersey's cities? Not needed How do I prepare for history practical class 12 cbse? What is Quora's monetization strategy? What is athe circuit in the processor chip in calculator? As a computer science student, should I plan for a job, MS, or MBA after graduation? How can I get a job in Hadoop? How do I see who I'm following on Quora? How do I prepare for RBI grade B exam 2017? What are some best travel hack? What software do people at Pixar use for design and animation? Is Paul McCartney considered a great bassist? Will we ever truly explain the results of the double slit experiment? What are adverbs? What are some kind of adverbs? What was the significance of the battle of Somme, and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Leningrad? What is outside our universe? Also does it make sense to ask what is outside of the outside of universe? Which country is the least intolerant towards criticism? What is Thomson Reuters' technology stack? How can I get rid of a habit? What the purpose of life on earth? Did Baba Farid lived in a jungle and crows ate his flesh? What are some of your New Year's resolutions for 2017? What is happening in Syria? What are all the possible formats of USPS tracking numbers? How can I reduce my belly without doing exercise? How does Quora intend to generate revenue? What are the dumbest questions ever asked on Quora? What is the difference between synchronous motors and self synchronous motors? What is the salary for office assistants? Does bleach dissolve some plastics? If so, which ones? (And why?) Is a mixture of air and liquid air a pure substance? Who are the three players Dhoni refers to in the movie MS Dhoni to omit from the team? Should I sell my car to Carmax? Is Smoking hookah more hazardous than smoking cigarettes? How can I manage between coaching and school due to which my concepts are poor .Are there any book for concepts.? In my convocation certificate surname in english is correct but in marathi their is a spelling mistake, does it will create problem in future? Why does an increase in centripetal acceleration affect the magnitude of tangential velocity in circular motion even though they are perpendicular vectors? What are the features of the Indian caste system? What is the best way to invest 125000/-? Is Julian Assange dead, as of 17 Oct, 2016? Why does it feel so good to orgasm? How many people per year develop popcorn lung due to vaping? What's the real success in life? What is the Bigg Boss show? "Why many of the Indians use the phrase when something goes out of order, ""Majboori ka naam Mahatma Gandhi""?" What does Google Duo do better than Hangouts? What are some proven solutions for erectile dysfunction? What is the pressure requirement in vacuum swing adsorption? What are some jokes? Which option is better among NIT Jamshedpur Metallurgical and Material Science Engineering and IIIT Bhubaneswar CS/IT? Why dogs tend to pee on the tyres of the parked vehicles? Which are the top places to visit in Kerala? Why are some eggs brown? Does a mechatronic degree exist in MIT? What are top rural development institutions in India? Can an American become a citizen of Kazakhstan? What is the dance that people sing knee knee elbow elbow toe toe? How it is like life after spending few years in prison? What happens with the clones after the Clone Wars? "Should 'Government' be capitalized in, ""The Government imposed a 5 tax""?" How do I set up an N300 Belkin Router? Is it possible for me to find a woman/girlfriend that would love to give me blow-jobs? Was the Warren Court more liberal or conservative? What is the first programming language you learn? What would be the effect on India if Donald Trump really becomes the president of US? How long did it take you to get approved for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry? How much money can I make from a YouTube video with 5,000 views? Why aren't lie detector test and other polygraph tests used frequently against the convicts under trials to close the court cases? Is global warming really increasing? How can I change karma? What famous rappers are bloods and crips? How will Singapore solve the problem of land constraints? How do you describe a poor and a rich person? How do I uninstall Quora? Who are some lesser known important historical figures of Seychelles and what should people know about them? How can I stop being so horny all the time? How can I setup direct deposit for my employees through my LLC? Why does the stereotype of Sikhs being 'stupid' prevail in India? What are some arguments that can counter this hasty generalization? How much money did Psy make from the Gangnam Style YouTube video, given that it is the most viewed video on YouTube? What are some of the best books to learn coding? How does stock market works? What IB subjects to take for Engineering? What are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing K-12 education in the Philippines? What self-righteous question that promotes greater division in our country will I see on Quora today? How do people loose 4-5 kg in initial month of weight loss exercise? What does the song Hotel California mean to you? What does one's perspective consist of? Thoughts, beliefs? How difficult is starting an own business in Singapore? How does sex for the first time feel like? Is communication an art or a science? Discuss How can I cure my knee pain? Who do I contact if I've forgot my Apple ID? Which is the best hollywood movie you have seen? Is there a scientific name for what existed before the Big Bang? How did the Battle of Vimy Ridge begin? As one grows older, is it common to feel less and less sociable? Which is that one incident which made u feel God exists? What's the difference between a TF card and a Micro SD card? How do I get better at talking to people? Is iPhone 7 warranty valid in India if purchased from Hong Kong? Renting in San Francisco: How can I break my California rental lease? "Why did Severus Snape said ""Yes, but he thinks it is her son?""" Is it true that humans only use 10% of their brains? What are we going to do now that Donald Trump has won the election? What is a Jewish red tent? What is the mathematical formula for the area of a circle? How is it applied? What is spoofing? What should I do before going to my university? How can I sync my iCloud notes with Google Keep? What do the basics of arthroscopic knee surgery cost? Why are the United Nations so ineffective? What are diode applications? What are the effects of natural disasters on the environment? Apache rtr 2004v vs Pulsar 220f? What does the infinity tattoo mean? Is there a way to email Instagram customer support? How? How many times should you wash your hair? How do you describe someone’s life mentioned below in one sentence? Relativity and QM what's the best explanation of there relationship in physics? Does mass really exist or is it just a property of energy? Why is Hillary Clinton worse than Donald Trump? Tech Support: My Samsung Series 9 is overheating even after dust cleaning - what do I do? How do I recover Gmail accounts I haven't used in a long time? I want to marry a jaunsari girl but I'm not jaunsari. Is it possible? What is a social justice warrior? How do I sleep the minimum amount of time without risking health? Why is there no copyright on reaction videos on YouTube? People are making money with it? What universities does Ring Energy recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? What is the best way to control your anger? What is a statistics study? What is random fertilization, and how does it contribute to variation within species? How do I make symbols on a Mac? Can intelligent woman marry a simple man? What is a good multivitamin? What are the most common traffic convictions in Arkansas, and how does the severity of the convictions differ in Texas? Are there any free online iq tests that are accurate? How do I know if someone has blocked me in Facebook messenger? What is the best way to do an N.A.P. for a professional who wants to rank for his personal name and his business name? Why do we stalk people on Facebook? How can I speak English more fluently? How do I clear the UGC NET exams for commerce? How much does it cost to hire a computer technician or hacker? What's the best Windows alternative to a MacBook Pro Retina? What is the difference between Adobe Photoshop and GIMP? What causes the death of a star? Can pomade applied to very short hair (1 cm long)? How can I prepare for SSC CGL at home? What are the best stories behind a country's flag? Do women enjoy anal play? What is the best way to get traffic on your website? How should I learn Korean? What are the differences between Keurig's K-Cup, Vue, and Rivo systems? What is the D class time table for DAC at Sunbeam Pune? How do I reset my Outlook password? Where can I rent PS4 games in Kolkata? What are good countries to study masters in mechanical engineering? How can we improve our emotional intelligence? What are the benefits? What is the Dedekind Cut and the construction of real numbers? Is eating chyawanprash really beneficial to your health, and what are your experiences with it? Have any great companies emerged from the Singapore startup scene? What is a market space? What are some of the weirdest dreams you've ever had? What will be the effect in Stock market after the Indian Government's decision to demonitize 500 and 1000 rupee notes? What should I do? How can I be happy? Did someone from Titanic actually gamble for a 3rd class ticket? What does it mean when a girl sends mixed signals? Is uhg offer good package to fresher? What strikes first time visitors as special or unusual when they arrive in San Luis Potosi, S.L.P., Mexico? What will be the impact of banning Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 on the Indian economy? What are the craziest/weirdest things you've seen in a taxi? What causes the soil fertility to diminish? What universities does Bebe Stores recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? What are the benefits of doing an MBA after getting an undergraduate degree in sociology? How do I recover a Yahoo account? My husband and I want to give our daughter an allowance of $1,000 a week. Is this too much money? What is the function of a nucleoid in a bacteria cell? What are some of the things you dislike about Quora? How should I prepare for CFA level 1 exam? Is there any specific material available for the same? What are and what causes dreams? How can one join the Indian Air Force as a doctor after doing their MBBS? How durable are solar panels? Is hail and wind damage going to be a major concern? What is it in for the Ibibo group employees with the Makemytrip merger / Buyout? Was Scalia assassinated? Is mathematics good for optional in UPSC? How are careers in biology changing and what's necessary to stay current? How do I get rid of the pain and suffering from unrequited love? Why do so many people ask things on Quora that they could just as easily Google? What is it like to attend Harvard Extension School? What are race relations in South Africa like in 2016? How has apartheid shaped their culture? How should I start learning how to code with zero knowledge in programming? Way to Solve Poverty? How do I strengthen my lower back before joining gym for bodybuilding? Which OS is better, Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux? Which specific heat is used to calculate the gas internal energy change? How does Tim Kaine resolve being Catholic with his pro-choice agenda? How can I benefit from a 4G network? Why is marble used to make sculptures? How can an allergy to sawdust be treated? What do you do to overcome writer's block? Can I use an oven to reheat my food just the way I reheat food in my microwave? How much profit does a gas station make from a gallon of gas? How do I learn the stock market? How do you begin a startup with no money? What are common topics of English writing skills which can be asked in exams of class 10? What are the best rock song quotes? My YU yuphoria on android is hard bricked. Neither it is switching on nor it switching to fastboot recovery mode. Its not even charging. What's the solution to it? Hi Patrick! I was wondering if you could give us permission to use one of your pictures in our book about Flying Dragons? [READ DESCRIPTION] I always get pissed off, when I see, that something changes in my world (YouTube, etc.) — how can I deal more easily with that? What does it mean when your crush asks for a picture? Why do folks ask questions on Quora that a Google search could answer faster and more accurately? What are some beautiful lines on women? Do you like to visit Albania? How true is it that a catalytic converter reduces the fuel consumption in a car? What inspires you the most? What traffic laws in Mexico are particularly hard for foreign drivers to get used to? What makes diamond the hardest material? What are the best programming practice sites? How do we know if the surgical strikes by India in POK are real and not a misinformation? Why are Pomeranian/Shih Tzu puppies so coveted among breeders? How is the word 'probity' used in a sentence? How is mufft.com? How do you delete messages on Snapchat? What is the best face maintainance routine for men? Why do you choose your major? Can I open two current account with same name but with two properitor? "What is the true power behind ""I am""?" Are there Poké Stops and Poké Gyms in Antarctica? What happens when frequency of supply increases? How can I become the dictator of India? What is most important in life? Psychology of Everyday Life: What are some of the greatest examples of presence of mind? How can I be happy living with people who judge my actions were wrong? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Florida? What is the latest technology in electronics and communication? What is the best/most memorable thing you've ever eaten and why? What is a factual statement and what are some examples? What happens if I register for GRE and not write the test? How does one explain gravitational waves for layman like me? How can you describe the taste of XO Sauce? Is it possible to catch HIV by eating contamined human flesh? Which is the best newspaper in the world that provides unbiased information on world affairs? How can one reverse the rotation of a AC motor? What are some good places to go with a girlfriend in Mumbai? What will happen to Putin within the next 3 years? How do you make chocolate chip cookies? Can we use bio thermal plant's wastage as fertilizer for agriculture? Do you think the shape of filipino consciousness is natural? Explain briefly What are the laws of Newton? "What is the meaning of ""Swag""?" Where is the cheap mobile and accessories market in delhi? Why are dimples such a cherished trait? What is it like to go through Course 15 at MIT? How do I learn CNC programming? What aspect motivated you to choose HPCL as a career choice? What does the hub controller do in USB 3.0? How is the hub controller different than the USB 3.0 hub repeater/forwarder? Why do people ask such stupid questions on Quora? What will happen if I put regular gas into a car that requires premium gas? If my mother's mother get pregnant for my father what is the child to me? Who is the better batsmen , virat kohli or joe root? What is a physical quantity? Who is the biggest traitor in the history of the United States? What are the system differences between Windows and Mac? Why don't girls approach guys? Why do people invest in bitcoin? How can I install Microsoft Office 2013? How can I monitor the internet data usage of my home WiFi network? Have bombs actually been detected in airports? Who is the most corrupt indian politician? How many total members in akatsuki? Movie Directors: What director is the best actor? What are some great soothing songs? Are ideas more important than persons? What is wrong with Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)? What was it like to learn how to drive for the first time? What does dreaming about snakes and spiders mean? What are the chances of getting pregnant 3 days after the period is over? What is the technology behind Google Nose? How do I commit suicide with no pain? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Store Capital? How do I get the gmail phone sms option when recovering my password for gmail? Is the Shri Shikshayatan college good enough? How do you write a blog on Quora? Which are the European countries? When you hide a Facebook post on your timeline, does your friend who posted it still see the post on your timeline? Or can they see that you hid the post? Which colors match pink? Which brand has the better build quality for their smartphone, Xiaomi, Lenovo, Huawei, or OnePlus? How do you safely use the broiler on your oven? How is the square root of 50 simplified? What are some books similar to Jack Reacher? Am I spending a lot of time on Quora? How much is too much? How can I clone a cell phone? Which technique is best? Why do many people consider Age of Empires II as a better game than Age of Empires III? What is a weak minded individual? Why do people stay in unhealthy or abusive relationships? I need 8 dental implants. how much will it cost? What number fits in the blank: 16, 06, 68, 88, __, 98? How can I jailbreak my iPhone 4 on my own? Why do men love big breast? Why do conkers repel spiders and tarantulas? What causes a jugulodigastric lymph node to be swollen? If a question doesn't need improvement, why does Quora mess with your questions? What is the syllabus of aims? I never remember my dreams. Am I in a dream? What's the best earphones in India under 2000? What do you think Victoria's secret is? What's the difference between a V6 and a flat 6 engine? And which is more powerful? What is the best way to live a happy and successful life? "Where did the term ""wing it"" come from?" What is your favorite place to travel to? How viable is Uber's business model according to you? How can I join Indian Air Force after be in mechanical engineering? How do I memorize faster? What is the best phone with USB C port and fingerprint sensor on the front? What makes my urine smell like fish? Why does sitting in the front seat of the car reduce motion sickness? Can you jog everyday? Is the Russian Orthodox Church under the authority of the Russian State, technically? How can I get AIR 1 in the IIT-JEE exam? "What are the pros and cons between 1 large monitor (30"") vs 2 big monitors (24"")?" How do US citizens apply for a Brazilian tourist visa? How far is Mars away from Earth? How many days, weeks, months, or years would it take to get there? Who is the most popular cleaning service in Australia? Do employees at S & T Bank have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? "What is the eye in ""The Lord of the Rings""?" How can I use Google in China? How important should sex be in a relationship? Why Spotify is not available in India? What should I do so I wouldn't feel sleepy while I'm studying? "What does the phrase ""sometimes there'a a line in between"" mean?" What would happen if North Korea and South Korea reunited? What are some signs that an introvert boy loves you? What is the difference between the Republican and Democratic parties? How much %tile req to get calls from the IIM A, B, C? How do I become a transgender female if I'm not very feminine? What is computer memory? Is Sadhguru a conman? How much do porn stars who do “creampies” get paid? What is the meaning of having a rain check? If we are in a black hole, would the speed of light be faster outside of our black hole? What animals eat their own babies? What happened during the Holocaust? Is it safe to touch stray dogs? Should I kill myself, if Trump wins the election? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in North Carolina? What is computer programming, and how can I program? What name did you save your dad/mum's number with? Why do ceiling fans rotate anti-clockwise and table-fans clockwise? Why do people say that current kills you not voltage? I have one, an Mayan flute, with gold in, what is their story? Which cycle should I buy under 10 K? What should you do to make your dream come true? SRK's FAN should won an OSCAR award or not? What is the trick to study late late at night for a +2 level student? Why allopathy approve masterbation? How do I know if my wife cheats? What are the best programming languages to learn today? How do you say a person is matured? What is the food chain of a cane toad? What is the New World Order (NWO)? I'm 26 year old male having baldness in crown Area and somewhat infront. I just recently had hair STM treatment in batra. Can I use minoxidil now? Where does the word 'kowtow' come from? How can you see exactly how may answers a question on Quora has when it says 100+ answers? Graduate studies in Hong Kong? Is it too late for any age person to learn computer programing? How can I make myself more attractive as a boy? Does long distance relationships actually work? Friends: Why is Chandler scared of Michael Flatley - lord of the dance? What is the difference between a service-based and a product-based company? Is there a way to download the complete dump of the Cricinfo Statsguru database? What are the best NumPy resources? What are some reasons why marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes? How should I prepare for an interview at Credit Suisse? What should you do if you meet an alien? What are the best romance movies? My face has gained a lot of fat .How do I reduce it? What is the value of RAM in super computers? What are the best treatments for vitiligo? What is the current MBBS fees in Pacific university, Udaipur? How can I get into a top university? Is religion important? How do I project my Android phone screen to my laptop? How can we improve our listening skills? What are the disadvantages of using Samsung phone? How do I play a DVD on PS4? How do I create a superhero universe? Any tips/ideas? What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they're invited to someone's home in Mali for the first time? What is the expected cutoff for the KVPY 2016? Can a 777 land in Vadodara airport? Can acrylic paints be used on acetate? How do you know if you are in love with someone? Why was Daylight Saving Time invented? How do I Find female roomates in Pune? What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they're invited to someone's home in Barbados for the first time? What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in Kazakhstan? How do I get funding for my business? My 12.5 year old daughter really wants a phone for Christmas or New year. I would let her get one. Which one out of iPhone 6 or 6s should I get her? Where can I watch episodes of dragon ball super? What are some things to do while visiting Sri Lanka that a tourist might not know about? How do you get an upvoted answer on Quora? IT Services in textile industry? What is the scariest horror movie that you have ever seen? What is the sum of 2+4+6+8+…+98+100? How many people are selected for an IIT JEE advanced paper, and of them how many get into IIT? What does a burning smell from the vehicle's clutch mean? What are the advantage of yoga therapy? What kind of problems will you face when travelling abroad? Has any trick or any other way which shows my number on other’s whatsapp account if i saved his/her whatsapp number in my contact list but they've no Can you predict the Sharpe ratio with a regression? I am creating an Artificial Neural Network program and need to use Gaussian, Sigmoid, ramp, linear and step transfer (activation) functions. What are some examples that I could use to use use each of the transfer functions separately? What is the derivative of [math]e^{2x}{/math]? Why do horses, cows, and deer have different excrement if they all eat grass? What is the best stock or mix of stocks to give me $1000 a month in dividends? When do guys get their adam's apple? Did you watch anime as a kid? Why is ham bad for dogs? How do we deal with hypocrites? Route of train 3411? What is the value (log e)? Why is Manaphy bipolar in Pokémon ranger and the Temple of the sea? What is the most deadliest snake in the world? Psychology of Everyday Life: How do I win an argument with someone who will never admit that he's wrong? Can anyone give an idea related to project work on microprocessors? What are some adjectives that start with an N? How do I get my clingy friend to back off without hurting her (she has a past of self-harm, low self esteem and controlling, chaotic family)? What is the best way to learn how to make flowcharts? books? Which country owns the Moon? What's the difference between an isle and an island? What is the use of the app Betternet? What is Ulquiorra's personality in Bleach? Is the law of conservation of energy a relative concept? Why does america accept Hillary Clinton's lying? "What is your favorite ""Weird Al"" Yankovic album?" Which books would you recommend that I read? What are some ways to send an email to yourself? What are some chords to do for money? Do you think dataquest.io is worth to purchase a premium account to learn data analytics? Which is the best custom rom for coolpad note 3 lite? What are the types of DC Motors? Can you eat same thing every day and get all the nutrition you need? How much time does it take for a loan to be disbursed? Is there any possibility that a species more intelligent than human exists on earth? What's with all these manifest destiny questions? What's your favorite thing to do? Why? Is it possible to stop masturbating? What is the Amazon interview process for fresher? Who is better, Messi or Ronaldo? Why do people ask questions on Quora while They can get all the answers by Googling? Which is the best vloggers on YouTube? What does it mean when the car starter is clicking? What is the best, most memorable experience, you have ever had with a true friend? To Adam Taha: What books that you think every male must read? Why do people dislike youtube? Lawrence Lessig: Do you agree with John Rawls' theory of justice? What is the Police report has been submitted by your respective Thana and is under review at Commissioner Of Police, District Thane City? I want to learn advanced Java. What are some suggestions for some free online advanced Java course providers or free advanced Java tutorials? Mathematics: What's the difference between an equal sign with two bars and an equal sign with three bars? Cricket is a game or a sport? Is there a way to get electrical energy from cold? What brand of computer (Hardware) does Edward Snowden/Micah Lee use? How can I export Google SketchUp models into webGL as json points? What is the effect of compression ratio in an engine? In business and/or entrepreneurship, what important truth do very few people agree with you on? What are easy ways to lose 500 calories a day? Are there any Indian companies developoing chat messenger? Do compact fluorescent lights have any advantages over LED lights? What is the best way to reduce weight fast? How can you cook cup noodles with an egg? How do I stop being infatuated with someone? Why are Indians obsessed with God and religion? Why has the Modi Government banned the 500 and 1000 rupee notes? Why didn't Philippine ask the UN backed courts, instead of the Private Temporary Arbitration over the water territory disputes with China in SCS? What are the top 10 child movies of all time? What is best way to make money online? How can partial pressure be calculated? What changes can one expect in CAT 2016? When was crystal sugar (one used regularly now) introduced in India? What is Airtel V-Fiber? How will it help to counter Jio broadband? What are the best five benefits of reading novels? What is the smell in the air right after a rain? What is the one thing that should be on our children's curriculum and isn't? What is your algorithm to reach castle age within 17 minutes in Age of Empires II? What are some of Füssen's best kept secrets? How to hack Wifi? Which is the best business to do in India with less investment for youth? What is the significance of gamma and beta functions? What are some of the best video games of 2016? Why? Which documents are needed if I have passed the 10th from the Maharashtra State Board and want to join a college in Bangalore? What kind of person are you? How competitive is the hiring process at Oncomed Pharmaceuticals? Who is the next MJ? What is the best way to represent Russia in the Model United Nations? Which processor is better i5 6th gen or i7 4th gen? How do I solve analytical reasoning questions? Why is there still Poverty in Africa? Where can I get free Marvel comic books? What is the difference between a Boeing 747 and a 777? Do we get scholarships at MIT? Is a second hand Macbook Pro 2012 worth it? What are your most interesting travel stories? Does time stop ever? Why did aircraft stop using variable-sweep wings, like those on an F-14? How do I root my Samsung Galaxy S5? How much U.S. postage is needed to send a greeting card to Australia, letter sized, from the US? How can I get my money back from a scammer? What was the first question on Quora? What are simple ways to keep healthy and fit? How do I arrange an Indian kitchen? Which alcohol drink is less harmful to health? What should I do if I just got my period? Why do MOST muslims believe that hindus will go to hell? What are some ways to tell if someone has mixed feelings about you? How can I check for viruses or malware on my iPad? Are there any secret chambers under the base of destroyed Konark Temple of Odisha? What is Superdry in Japan? Where can I find screenshots of the Facebook News Feed changing over time? Does the US law prohibit a person from planting a GPS tracking device on someone else, or otherwise using a GPS tracking device, to track the location of someone else without the latter's consent? How do I start PCB designing? Are there any universities or colleges in the USA which offer a Master's degree in ballistic engineering? What's the difference between a graded and action potential? How can someone hack my WhatsApp? How people accept homoeopathy? What is the temperment of a Razors Edge pitbull compared to other pitbulls? How can I blur the background and focus the object with an 18-55mm lens using a Nikon D3300? Which is the best relationship, friendship or love? How can a country like Nigeria recover from recession? Which Programming website is better Hackerearth or geeks for geeks? What are some great business ideas that you wouldn't mind giving away for free? How do I overcome the fear of spiders? Can we use ground penetrating radar frequencies with ground based telescopes into solar system planets to see their subsurfaces? How do I love and hate a person at the same time? Which company offers best health cover insurance in India including health check ups and tests? What are some good content ranking algorithms? Why in constant pressure process, the change in internal energy becomes '∆U = m × Cv (∆T)'? How can I overcome sadness after a breakup? "If a girl texts ""good night, sweet dreams"" to me but puts a heart emoji after it does it mean anything or is it just friendly?" How can I get PokeCoins on Pokémon GO? Do grades of 10th and 12th matter for admission in top MBA colleges? What was the funniest incident you have faced? The remote device or resource won't accept the connection problem in Windows 8.1. How do I solve this problem? What's your favorite animal? What is an example of observable evidence for evolution? What is machining process? Who designed the graphics for Adobe CC? What's the 'Theory Of Everything' you believe in? If you block someone on Instagram could they still see you in the followers list of an account that didn't block them and they already know? What is the best example of Karma in your life? Has India done surgical strike before? What kind of people study economics? What is Chemistry World? I have a Tata Indica 2007 model. Can I attach it with Ola? Which are the best fresh food blogs? I'm an average student and working as customer service associate. I want to do MBA from IIM's, but I feel like I can't achieve it. What should I do? How can I make a website known? How do I get coins on musical.ly? How many marks one has to score in JEE Mains 2017 to get mechanical eng in NIT Trichy? Are we in a larger version of the outflow of a universal black hole? How will a guy know if they like a girl? What is the meaning of Love to you? What are the most abundant compounds in the universe and on earth? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at TAL International Group? IT related bottlenecks faced by insurance company? What iPhone app do you use most often? What are some good free VPN providers for Linux? How do I lose weight? What jobs pay 250k a year? How do I plan my honeymoon in south Goa? (Please read details) How do I get 5k followers on Instagram? How can I make my room sound proof? Can someone see how much funds I have in my bank account when they deposit? I forgot my Facebook and email password. How can I log into Facebook? Can you get the same cold twice? How was the journey of Balaji Vishwanathan in Quora? Why do bolts and nuts not get welded, when both are the same metal and their crystal structure is the same? Is being transgender an identity disorder? If you had a time machine would you take a one way trip into the future or past? How do I get my friend to take a shower without offending her? Is ByteFence Anti-Malware safe? "What does the phrase ""red right hand"" mean?" Why are most karaoke tracks recreations rather than the actual instrumental tracks from the original recording? Why is tourism good for an economy? How does this industry effect the economy of Cuba? What is one stupid answer you wrote on Quora? What's the worst customer service experience you've ever had? Have pandas ever been known to attack people or for violent behavior? What are some Android apps to compile and run turbo C programs? How do I get into ISRO or DRDO after completing a BTech in ECE? What is a polyatomic ion and what functions do they serve? How did the Renaissance and the scientific revolution change the world? is it possible to override the methods by changing access specifier in java? if yes , what are the rules need to follow ? What are the best and worst things about public transit in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, India? How could it be improved? Is there a thinly veiled and persistent discrimination against Muslim Malay minority in Singapore? What is the best laptop under 60k(900$ approx)? What are the best creative ideas for an architectural dissertation? What are the mistakes in 24 (Tamil) Movie? How do I get my Facebook account? What is the full title of Daenerys Targaryen? What is plasticizers? Why are the majority of engineering graduates in India unemployed? How can I set up a system that will make money if I hate to go to office or business ? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in the entire U.S. including it’s territories and possessions? 3 Which is the best government job in India and why? Does lunch detention usually involve eating with your teacher? What is the neural code that signals stimulus strength? How can I learn Java from home? Is suicide a murder? Could Jesus have been crucified without Judas Iscariot? What are some mind-blowing outdoor gadgets tools that most people don't know about? What is the maximum number of devices that can be concurrently watched on Netflix? Which hair colour is this? What are the signs and symptoms of borderline personality disorder? How is it like to live and work in Madrid? Why did President Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize? "What are the best ""describe who you are on Facebook"" sentences?" When would India organise Olympic Games? Which city will be the best to host the event? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Smith College? Is salt really bad for you? "Why do people say ""sorry to hear that"" when they mean ""I am sorry that happened""?" Is it normal if you lose 25-30 hair strands daily for males? How do you restore a Dell Inspiron B130 to the factory settings? How does autosuggestion differ from positive thinking? What are the best white-label mobile apps for CRM? What are the bitter truths of going to Germany/Norway for MS as an Indian? Meht quality account? Can humans be immortal? What is job like during training as Executive Trainee in NTPC and what kind of postings to expect during training? What are some shortcuts in life? How does banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes help to control black money? Which is your favourite Pokémon and why? What are some good oxidizing agents? Who is better from India's perspective, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton and why? Why do they use small glass stands when someone is giving a speech? What if jio is not registered within 48 hours? Are the new 2016 MacBook Pros worth the upgrade? What are some beginner tips for someone learning how to play the guitar? I know nothing. How do I sleep fast? What are the reasons why cats bite and knead blankets? What is Kantianism? What are some examples? What is the best book or book series you ever read and why? What is the difference between social media and digital marketing? I've a raging crush on Magnus Carlsen. What should I do? Where can I find friendly pest control services for cockroaches in Sydney? Where can I get the list of upcoming 5 star hotels in India in 2016? Does Coca Cola contain cocaine in countries where coca extract is legal? Is it healthy to eat chapati every day? How bad is it to eat raw fish? Why are some individuals better organized than others? What are the 6 business strategies? How do I make a PHP website? Is everything non-euclidean geometry? How can I slowly lose weight? What is the best Facebook-like plugin for WordPress? Why are things in Canada much more expensive than in the States? How can I manage my anger? Who is the owner of www.sexstorian.com? What is conservation economy? What are the health effects, if any, of ceasing to masturbate? What are some good rainmeter apps? Is it safe to use honey in or near your eyes? What is grammatically correct: goodnight or good night? Who are some good competitive programmers or just programmers from Etawah, Uttar Pradesh? What is the basis to find the income of a person or his family as income certificates in India by the authorities? What is Quora's policy on expressing opinions and proselytizing to answer questions? How can I track my SWIFT transfer? What is the average salary of a nurse at Singapore? How do I use reliance Jio wifi device on my CCTV dvr of newlook brand with ethernet? How can I install Windows 10 onto Linux with dual boot? Was the Taj Mahal originally an ancient Hindu temple? How do so many open source apps exist for Mac? I have no top teeth I'm unhappy in life ppl judge me? Which is the best song that one can listen to when they are sad or depressed? How do I forget someone whom I once loved deeply? When will there ever be a cure for autism? What is the consulting career path at a firm like Deloitte and what percent make it to partner? What I can do after core Java but having very less interest in core Java? Which in the best bicycle to buy under 15k? What is the average salary of an OR nurse? What are the cool unknown facts about Narendra Modi that only a few people know about? What was the true purpose behind disbanding Gol D. Roger's pirates? Was there any big scheme to make it happen? If I needed to quit my previous job due to stress and the desire to have time to change life trajectory, how do I explain to future employers this gap, and will they ignore my resume because of it? What separates humans from animals? On Jan. 20, 2017, after Trump is sworn in, will the Obamas go where ever they plan to go first, aboard Air Force 2? How do I stop worrying about what others think of me? What does the word “meaning” mean? How is it working for google? How can I solve this AP computer science question? How do I speak English fluently in five days? Which is better: Pilates Mat or Reformer? Why does quora mark my questions as needing improvement? How can I convince employees to stop using Google Docs and switch to Microsoft Office as our security and functional requirements dictate? What are the applications of fuzzy topology? What is history of Asia? Confusing about the sentence:‘Bauxite is the richest of all those aluminous rocks that occur in large quantities.’? Can President Obama run again in 2024? Is midnight 12 o'clock AM or PM? What is the scope of hospital management in india? Which is the best app for learning English vocabulary? How do I start answering questions on Chegg as I can't see any option on my homepage? What are the most liberal Muslim majority countries? How far is it true that new 500 and 2000 rupees notes have Nano GPS chip in it? Why is a demand of Indian mobile application development companies surging in Africa and the Middle East? Why should one buy an Apple Watch? What causes a nightmare? What should I learn if I want to start a career in a field related to power electronics/power supply? Does green tea really help in losing weight? Has the economy in Finland been worse compared to the Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway and Sweden) during this year (2016)? What is pulse code modulation? What are some applications of it? What's it like to work at POMCO? How do I become a better designer? Aside from the President, who is the most powerful individual in the United States government? What is the dumbest thing you have done? I accidentally posted a vulgar message on a WhatsApp group. What should I do? I want to get admission in NSIT through OBC. Do I have to show an income certificate? Why do black men have big penises? How would a Trump presidency affect schools accessibility for international students? Where is Mount Villarica located and how does its eruptive history compare to Mount Eyjafjallajökull? How do you do the Insanity workout? Who started World War I and World War II? Which is the best and worst bank in India to open a saving account and why? What are characteristics of highly emotionally intelligent people? How is the life of assistants in mea selected through SSC CGL? How do I care for a money plant growing indoors in water? What is the best college, with a better laboratory faculty, for studying BSc genetics in India? What is the greatest number of points of intersection of 8 straight lines and four circles? What do women think that men like the most about a women? Do black people still suffer from racism in America? Does discrimination against colored people still exist? Is salmon skin fat? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Brexit? Can I make 30 million on Amazon selling? Why does the mass of a electrodes change when voltage is increased? Why are German Boxer dogs so active? What fields can I enter after completing a B.Tech in mechanical engineering? Does vaginal fluid have any medical benefit for males? How can I experiment with simulating, on my own, the full experience of having partnered sex, using only common or easy to obtain items? Can one country use the currency of another country? What will be the economic impact? What are the easiest ways to make good money using the Internet? Which is the best way to learn networking? Was anyone successful in using jio 4g sim in 3g phone? What hotel in Fatehpur would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? How many people could become millionaires this year, the next year, etc.? Do instant hand sanitizers really kill germs? How did you meet your life partner? Can I make 50,000 a month day trading? What kind of books do you enjoy reading the most? What is the QuickBooks payroll tech support number in Washington? What are the most useful apps on Google play store? Is it possible to create a zero gravity environment on Earth? What are the questions asked in power grid India interview? Do the subsidiary marks also add in marksheet for grade? What is difference between contactor and relay? Which car services are available in Kitchener, ON? How good are they compared to taxis and relative to each other? What's the best way to get Tomorrowland tickets? What database is most suitable for Python as a back-end in web application? Why did World War 1 started? What were the effects? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in South Carolina? Would Google Ventures back fashion tech? How can I earn money online without investment? Should India ban all Chinese goods or anything which is made in China? "Is there a phrase synonymous to ""don't worry""?" What is data flow? Are twin flames real? I am in my third year ECE student.I know DS and C,C++ programming. What else do I need to learn for getting a placement in software companies? How do I see a non-friend's photos on Facebook? Officially, In what continent did Panama rests? North America or South America? Does the rest of Central America (From Mexico to Panama) included on North or South American territory? Is JIUDUIDODO a good shoe company? If all humans descend from a single original population of ancestors in Africa, then how did humans with different skin colors come about? Raspberry Pi 3 with Node.js and MongoDB doing IoT Project and MQTT Broker is it a good choice? What could be done to improve the hearing after mastoid operation (naturally)? I'm a defence aspirant and a SSB candidate. Which is your favourite Tv serial? Are data carrier rates justified in the US? How I should fix my computer while it is showing no boot device found? Is the OnePlus One as good as it was said? Why is it so hard to write an essay? What is the popular fruit of France? How does it feel to get your first salary? How did you spend it? Is it weird for an adult to still enjoy watching cartoons from time to time? Is anal sex painful? If so, what are some tips for reducing or eliminating pain? What is the procedure for admission of international students to ITMO? Which are the major highways in California and how are they compared to the major highways in Maine? She is born in 97 and he is born in 98. Is a relationship ok? Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? "What is the Leonard Cohen song ""Hallelujah"" about?" How did Donald trump win the elections? Which is better, an MBA in finance or marketing in Amity, Noida for a good placement? How do i hide images and video in Samsung J7? People say god gives everybody a gift so why haven't I found any? Was my birth a curse? What are the main reasons why students from Eastern Kentucky University don't graduate on time? What two famous songs are similar but have never, to date, been accused of plagiarizing the other? How do you describe the contrast between the first impression you got from the person you were arranged to marry and how this person really is? People often say that one regret is not buying Apple/Google stock early. However wouldn't buying stock for these companies now have similar returns in the same timeframe in the future? In a turbine, why is the final enthalpy (of the working substance) in an actual process greater than that of an isentropic process? Does Uber operate in Las Vegas? Can lions fight gorillas? What are some unknown facts about rajnikanth? What's a good workout program and a diet for a 14 year old male? What are the best places to visit in Wayanad, Kerala? What can I do if I learn Python? What are the Applications of avl tree? What type of doctor would you see if you have a hernia and what are the most recommended treatments? How is black money curbed with the ban of 1000 rupee notes and introducing new 500 and 2000 rupee notes? What is the cost of 1 rupee note bundle from 1993? Can I become a good coder in 2 months? Can the existence of time machine is possible? Can we use photos from Facebook on our website? What all branding and marketing activities can be done on instagram? As a plastic surgeon, what's your biggest concern with your marketing? Which framework is best for an Android app? Indian government demonetized Rs 500 and 1000 notes but replaced them with 500 and 2000 note. Isn't this contradicting? What is the difference between a photon and a quantum? Who is Sigmund Freud? What are cannibals? Why Indian men are not so romantic? I am a pharmacist student. I want to be rich enough. What should I do? I received multiple job offers which differ hugely in compensation scale (up to 2x). Should I reveal the numbers for further negotiation? What are the courses after b.com? How would you rate Marketo for marketing automation? What are some of its key features? What are the best English songs? How can I get admistion in Egrail Agricultural University? Is it alright to fall in love with your sister-in-law? What's your best memory in your childhood? How do we change the system that gave us such unpopular presidential candidates? Which is the best college for MBA course in Gwalior? How are rotation and revolution alike and different? How do I crack Visual Studio Enterprise 2017? I am 23 year old, 57 kg and 5'8 height skinny with belly fat.I want to lose my belly and gain muscle.Should I run before or after workout? What was your experience in riding a jeepney? Why would anyone still vote for Hillary Clinton after the Director of FBI Comey challenged her truthfulness about her email scandal? What could be the most unpleasant thing while having sex? Is it considered culturally appropriative to get henna tattoos done if you are not Indian? What individuals and events in history are a source of pride for São Tomé and Príncipe? After Electrical engineering what Masters field can I go for to learn about renewable energy producing materials like piezoelectric materials etc? What are the best ways to make your life easier? How many calories do you reckon I lose if I purge about 20-30 minutes after meals or right away after meals? How does the calorie absorption get affected? Is it the type of food or timing after meals? Who is the best teacher in Chennai for IIT JEE respectively for math, chemistry, and physics? How can I get an internship in Quora? After two years of quitting programming how can I restart programming? Who is the next president of USA? Can height be increased after age 21? Why do people emotionally manipulate others in quora? Do bad things happen to good people? Or do bad things create good people? What are the best places to take acting classes in NY? How do I reduce dark circles under my eyes from inside? What was the significance of the battle of Somme, and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Bataan? How was the numeral system created? (And how to construct one) Why we are always haunted by the idea that we are wasting our life? How do you clean a dog's teeth? What are the best photos taken by phone? What does it feel like to live in China? What is between loops in loop quantum gravity? Why am I not getting a job after completing my BCA? How can you study economics on Quora? What is the relationship between the Mujahideen and the Taliban? What is the scariest paranormal experience you have ever had? Why should I go to college? What is the best place for vacationing in paradise? How can I stop worrying about what other people think? Which are the best hotels in Goa? How can a common, middle-class young Indian meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi? How do great quizzers like Suraj Menon, Yogarshi Vyas, Mayan Mujumdar, Movin Miranda to name a few gain their immense knowledge on various topics? What are the best dialogues from Hollywood movies? Feel like punching my ex bf but I don't want him to think I'm irritating or creepy. Not able to control! Been an year. What do I do? Not talking. Where can I sell my idea? What's your favorite Disney character? What are the good parts of being introvert? What was David Hume like as a person? What is the salary scenario in pharmacovigilance sector? Can you name a few graduate schools for studying political economy? What is the difference between elastic constant and modulus of elasticity? In how many ways can a person in India easily escape, even if he is involved in a murder or any other deadly crime? Why can't India become a Buddhist country? What's a really good mogul ski? When can women get pregnant in the menstrual cycle? How can I run a startup? What is an example of how a quasi contract works? What is the right tablecloth for large rooms? What is difference between multinational and international? Is news important to you? What are some best books to prepare for IBPS PO? What songs are on Tap Tap Revenge 4? Which book is best to clear NET in history? What are your strange habits? Why are Royal Enfield motorcycles so cheap? Can you choose which office you work in (at least out of the big locations) at Google and Facebook? What are the similarities between mammals and reptiles? What is the difference between classical liberals and libertarians? Where did the stereotype that Asians are smart come from? How should I divert my mind from something or someone? How do I focus on studies without getting diverted? Chinese Food: Why do Asians eat shark fin soup? What are best japanese psychological anime? What are my chances of getting into UCLA, UCB, and Ivy League Schools? How do I find my xfinity password? What do people think about a relationship with an age gap of 15 years? What are adulterants used in milk and milk products? What should I do to earn money online? What is the hybridization of CH4? What are the main functions of the cartilage tissue? Why is Newton's first law important? My period is 10 days late and have tested negative four times. I have cramping along with fatigue and white discharge. Could I be pregnant? Can you be in love with more than one person at the same time? Should you be? Which are the best movies with real events as its story line? What is the climate of California's coastal regions, and how does it compare to the climate in Indiana? Is there any web analytics software written in Python? How do I become a better thinker, innovator and a problem solver? What does root access mean on an Android phone? What can be done after rooting a phone? What is the purpose of prayer in Vedanta? And why do people after enlightenment still practice praying? What is the physical significance of rank of the matrix? What song plays over the end credits to the 2002 movie Luster? What are the symptoms and treatments for Asperger's syndrome? Which metals are very active in modern periodic table? What is the best way to learn .net? Which is the best institute in Chennai for Oracle DBA training? On the surface of the earth, the acceleration of gravity is [math]9.81 m/{s^2}[/math]. If you are 2 earth radius away from earth's center, wouldn't the acceleration of gravity be half? How CAN I MARRY A GIRL YOUNGER than ME 10 YEARS? Who is the stupidest evil Game of Thrones character? Now that Donald Trump has been elected as the 45th President of the USA, could anybody guess who will he appoint in his cabinet? What are 10 shocking facts about Ancient Rome? What's are the meaning of life? If energy is created and not conserved in an expanding universe (that expands without limit) can infinite energy be created then? What is the answer to this question and why? What laundry detergent do you use? How do one get out of a love triangle? Is GDP a good measure for the standard of living? How can I make money fast from Youtube? Why is Nigeria a poor country? What are the advantages of having UPI for startup companies? Is time travel possible after the discovery of gravitational waves? What pseudoscience runs/upholds Christian terrorism? How many police officers were fired in the USA in 2016? Does a woman always bleed after first time sex and how much? How do I write a letter to the bank to close bank account? Why did you use a private email server for official business? Will Django or Flask overtake Ruby on Rails in web development popularity? Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Page County IA? How do I get a copy of my bankruptcy discharge? For what purpose this gap in a shirt? How do I start learning and practicing programming? Is it true that if you shave your facial hair it will grow back faster? What are the best sites to download movies from? Do Indian girls ever give lifts to boys? What if something happened in California that made everyone there want to move to another state? Can IFS officers (rich-inherited) buy a property in the countries he is posted in? Is there any restrictions? Why does the government tax for non revenue purposes? What is an interesting/funny/cute multiple choice question I can ask someone, that will give me deep insight into that person? How can I start hacking from scratch? In the perfectly inelastic demand, when the price becomes zero, why is the quantity demanded not changing? What are the best ways to prepare for class 10th board exam (nios)? What is a good job like? How many of you think that Indian women and girls enjoy being groped in Public Transport? What do Russians think of Kurds? "Why do restaurants post a sign saying they ""reserve the right to refuse service""?" Where can I get quality assistance in Sydney for any property transaction? What is the residual pollution damage? How long would it take me to draw like this? Given recent Uri attacks, who will win if there is a war between India and Pakistan? Where is the Maruti Suzuki Showrooms in Bhopal? Does people are really desperate to do anything to earn money? Interstellar (2014 movie): SPOILER How can you see into 3D space while in the tesseract? What's the interview process like for the data analyst position at Stripe? How do I prove the relationship between nodes n, and height h of a FuII Binary Tree is 2h =(n+l) /2? Do you think United States would ever elect an atheist president? What are the best xkcd comics about love? How long will tires last with 40% tread left? Can I study physical science and web development together? What are the return policies for online clothing retailers in France? What is the best GUI framework today with .NET platform and why? What trivia (and/or little-known facts) do you find interesting about Minnesota? Does gout have a permanent cure? Why Egyptian men are lying to non-Egyptian women? Which is the best book for engineering mechanics? Why is the period of time for keeping a cellular number not printed on the carrier's fine print either in paper or digital format? Do I have to be licensed to guide tourists around New York and get paid or can I do it without any special license? What are the probable chapters for English literature ICSE board exam? Which country is known for beautiful people? Who is CTO of Quora? What is San Francisco and where do we find it in north America? My answer was collapsed and I can't even appeal against it. What should I do? Is it normal to want everyone to die? How do I convince my girlfriends parents for our marriage? What is philosophy in education? What are the number of candidates writing VITEEE every year? How can I download IGNOU study materials? Is IIT Indore really worth it? How much data does a YouTube video consume? What's the fastest way to make 2000$ as a developer? How can I see who my boyfriend views on instagram? Is film actress are too fart loudly? What is bubble tea? How do I contact someone on Quora? How can I become a conductor? Will I lose weight if I fast? Which are 10 best novels one should must read before die? Why are there so many dumb questions asked on Quora? How do I switch from Software Testing to Business Analyst role? How does a bullet shot at the head (brain) cause an immediate death? I know nothing about programming. What is the best way and the best language to start learning how to program? How is New Zealand for Indian students wants to study in New Zealand? Which is the best book to start learning ethical hacking? Why can't we deal with Apophis once and for all? If it is going to come back again at us then why shouldn't we destroy it when it comes near? Why do guys not wear skirts? Will Bangalore be the next Silicon Valley? What are the specs of Cherry Mobile MAIA Smart Tab? What does sleep debt feel like? What are the top 5 best torrent sites for eBooks? How do you manage to deal with stress? What are the best college for M.tech in U.P? Why do so many people ask questions on Quora that can be found in a Google search? How can I post an article on Quora? What causes dry lips and peeling? Do people change? How does one learn advanced maths? Is it ok to eat onions while drinking milk? Can I attend Harvard or other colleges' classes without enrolling in the school? How does one deal with anger issues? How to prepare for CA Final exams? Why do the stars in the sky flicker? Justice League vs the Valar, who wins? What app in iPhone helps us to run APK files? How do I download books from Google Books for free? What are the most common symptoms for pregnancy, and can you know with certainty if you are expecting without taking a test? Does it look like Donald Trump has a new toupee this campaign? "What is the significance of Pablo Neruda's poem ""Ode to the Sea""?" Which country buys huge quantity of pearls and pearl ornaments from India? What is asset servicing? My preboards are starting from 12 January 2017and I have prepared nothing.so what can I do to score more than 90% in preboards? What is the reason behind the resignation of Tata Sons (Tata Group) chairman Cyrus Mistry? Can Superman outrun The Flash? What is a No Objection Certificate? How do you get one? Is morality subjective or objective? "How do you know if you had a ""bar raiser"" round at Amazon?" What proof is there of life after death? As a 13 year old, how do I get out of my unlivable house? Can a US green card holder’s son, who is married and over 21 years old, get a US visit visa, if he doesn't have a green card himself? What are the most highly anticipated movies coming out in 2017? What is the best medical university to study medicine in Ukraine, Europe and why? How many years is a decade? What hotel in Vythiri Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? Step by step: How does a EMV contact card payment work? Why didn't PM Narendra Modi end reservation? What can we do for India? What do you do if you're tired but you have to study? How do i get along with my roommate? Which mobile should buy below 20k? What is the best possible way to get away with murder? I am 24 years old and all my friends or people I meet treat me like a sweet loving kid. What should I do? How did Donald Trump win the presidency? How does invalidating the current Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 currency notes help in weeding out black money? How much weight I can lose in 1 month? What are some gift ideas for my brother in law? When will La La Land 2016 movie become available for download as torrent? What's the best bank to open an account with globally? Can you snort Xanax? What is the reason behind the self energizing action of drum brakes? Which is best laptop to buy under 30k? If you could re-live your 20's, what would you do? What is the corporate culture like at Strategic Energy? How is the culture different than other companies? How can Donald Trump select unfit people for the advisers role? Will earth always have a moon? How does a normal thermoelectric generator (not radioisotope) work? Why are backlinks important? Why is ₹500, ₹1000 notes banned in India? What is the reason behind saying that Sanskrit is the most suitable language for programming? What is the best program for make logos? What are some major social faux pas to avoid when visiting Morocco? Why does Quora always ask me to improve my questions? What are some applications of differential geometry in engineering? Any chance of the recount happening? What should I do to score 500+ in NEET 2018? What was the weather like in New York City this past weekend? Why do so many people hate Hilary Clinton? Is it rumour that ₹2000 note will be banned after 30 December 2016? Is there an optimal guessing strategy in the game Battleship? Is dark/vacuum energy infinite because the expansion of the universe is infinite and more and more of it is created as the universe expands? Why can't the XOR-problem be solved by a one-layer perceptron? What is the best advanced c# book? Should you tip your Uber or Lyft driver? How can I lose weight safely? What are the easiest ways to earn money online? What are lookup tables in sql and what are they used for? What are the relationships between Arab countries? Do any NATO countries have allies that are not also closely allied with the US? Which is a suitable solar panel installation provider in Chandler, Arizona AZ? How do you earn easy money (no surveys no Bing searches)? How can I learn technical analysis of Stocks in financial markets? What KPIs should all good Business Analysts be on top of? What's your review on “OK Jaanu” trailer featuring Shraddha Kapoor & Aditya Roy Kapoor? Who is the scientist considered the father of industrial revolution in Europe? Why? Is it common for kids to get headaches? What are some interesting startups of 2014? How do I learn bioinformatics? Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Macon County GA? How do mountain ranges in Oklahoma differ from mountain ranges in Missouri? What were the most followed topics on Quora in 2016? What would be your New Year resolutions for 2017? Was Ravana virtuous? What was your first sexual experience like for you? What is the best decision you made in your life? Examples of Newton's second law? What are satirical essays? What are some examples? Where is the aadhar card enrollment centre in bhubaneswar? Did you have a good day? "What is the true power behind ""I am""?" What is the best way to get traffic on your website? Why does feminism have a negative connotation in the US? Can a child be blood group B+ if father is A+ and mother O+? Is there a way to 'reset' push karma at Facebook? Where should I start to learn SEO or digital marketing? How do you tell if a head gasket is blown? What is the best way to teach yourself piano? Where is the Baraka River located, and how does it compare to the Ohio River? What actually happened in Greece? On Snapchat, how do you know if someone blocks you? Whose reflection is in Neil Young's sunglasses in the famous photo from Oakland Stadium in 1974? Why do only some people see ghosts? What is it like to rapidly go from being poor/middle class to incredibly rich? How do companies like policyadvisor.in, getmeinsure.com get insurance data? Do they use any kind of api service to fetch data from multiple insurance companies? How can I learn hacking at home? How can a foreigner get rid of their accent while speaking Korean? How do I hide my friend list on Facebook? How can I make a girl fall truly in love with me? How do I improve my pronunciation of English? What are the best places to visit in Kanhangad, Kerala? Social Sciences: What is the difference between sociology and anthropology? What are the main ideas of Confucianism? 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How can I get BLUE Verification on Quora? Who do you think is going to win the presidential elections and why? Is there a gender pay gap? If so why? What does it feel like to love someone you can't be with? What would your advice be for a recent graduate looking to thrive in the IT industry? What should be an ideal time table for me as an engineering student? Is smoking really bad for your health? How are sulphite and sulphate different? How does a sideswipe accident occur and which driver is considered at fault? How do I upload profile pic in Quora? What are the most abundant ant species by mass? Both my parents are from Norway, but I learned English fluently when I was 5/6 years old. Am I bilingual? How would someone go about creating a comic universe like Marvel or DC? Can you take pseudoephedrine and NyQuil together? What are the side effects? What are good ways to learn German? Why do many Americans say 'I could care less.' when they mean the opposite? 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I MARRIED AT THE AGE OF 14, WITH A UNEDUCATED LADY BY FAMILY, SINCE THEN I WAS OUT FOR STUDY, NOW I BACK AND EVERY ONE IRRITATE ME, WHAT SHOULD I DO? How do Indian solo travelers finance their trips in India? Is it safe for dogs to eat pork rib bones? How much is 9,000 crore in USD? What is parasitism? What are some examples? What are the fees for an MBA in SP Jain Institute of Management, Mumbai? I have a masters in hospital Administration from India and 4 yrs of work ex in a super speciality hospital, how can I get a job in USA? How's life after death? Why do specific heat capacity of objects differ? I smoked weed last night for the first time in 8 months, about how long will it be in my urine? Can lasix pass my drug test? What is the refractive index of plastic? What are the reasons why eradication of 1000 rs and 500 rs notes? What are some free encrypted e-mail services like ProtonMail? What's living in Middelburg, Netherlands like? Using assembly language program how to access any location in 1Kb RAM memory space in P89V51RD2? Which is the best Android tablet? Can we expect time travel to become a reality? What can we surmise from the apparent lack of people reading software Eula? Is IB tougher than CBSE? Should I answer a technical question if I feel I'm not an expert in that field? What was the the Gallipoli campaign and what did it succeed (or fail) in doing? How does it feel to hate someone who loves you? What color should I do my nails? What did Thoreau mean when he said: for a man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone? What are some good hip hop songs to listen to? What is metamorphic rock? Is it safe to eat sushi on a daily basis? How do you stop procrastinating on Facebook? Have you ever disliked a class because it was too easy? I'm trying to make a program that simulates distance vector routing with a file with router tables. Where can I find good examples and resources? Which is the best book for basic concepts in mathematics? How can I watch any clip4sale video without paying? Who are more sought after: product designers or design engineer, in India? How do you self publish a book? Which lens is good, 18-135 or 55-250? What industries will create the next billionaires of the world? What are the chances that I'll become paralyzed? Was Obama right to abstain from the UN vote on settlements? Which Bollywood movie that flopped in box office yet you loved but never admitted to anyone out of fear of being judged? Which is the best unedited photo you have taken? How do I get output of Oracle queries to different excel sheet? What is armchair enlightenment? Where can I buy Visa e-gift cards? When does Cognizant hire for 2015 freshers through referral drive? What is a subscription photography plugin? MySQL or PostgreSQL? What are good start-ups and larger companies to apply to for a summer software engineering internship as a freshman? How can porn stars have sex for so long? Does real sex also last this long? Is Imperial College London better than Oxford University for engineering? If I qualify SIA youth scholarship, should I take it? What are some things that irritate you and that you hate? Can black holes create superconductive materials through nuclear fusion? Have you seen an alien craft? How do I calculate the total resistance in this circuit? What is the difference between inner and outer planets? Is a man gay if he likes dildos? Is it possible to submit an HTML form without a submit button? Does any college in Delhi university offer food technology? What are the steps to become a Quant trader for an Engineering background person? Do North Americans prefer sedans more than hatchbacks and wagons and why? How do arrogant people react and feel when they are ignored? Is the Indian Ocean named after India? How is torque determined? What are normal human flaws? What is the condition of WiFi at RVCE hostels ? Why does M.S Dhoni left captaincy for ODI and T20? What are best places to go on a first date in bangalore? What is expected from a partner interview at Ernst and Young? "Why do US school grades go A, B, C, D, and F. Why not ""E""?" What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Bureau County IL? How do I become a IT security specialist? What are the major Development of Chhattisgarh? What is a way to make money online? What is your favorite thing to do and why? What are the most interesting products and innovations that On Assignment is coming out with in 2016? If a garden is a collection of plants and trees, is it a collective noun? What are the pros and cons of San Francisco Ballot Measure L (2014)? "What is the difference between ""buying"", ""purchasing"" and ""shopping""?" How can I survive EMP attack? Hearthstone: what is pogchamp? What makes the Spanish accent in Spain distinctive from Spanish spoken in Latin America? When will Trump administration begin deportation of illegal immigrants? Is Purina good for dogs? What kind of activities can be helpful to overcome performance anxiety? What is the fastest method for learning a foreign language? How can you train a Malamute/Husky mix? What are some downsides of GMX Mail? How can I say 失皮 in English? What is mit like? Does masturbating after gym affect anything? Who provide the best carpet cleaning services in New York? What is the average bounce rate for an online apparel store? What is the meaning of life in only one word.? What is India's relationship with Bangladesh? What are the Top 10 NPTEL courses for Electrical Engineering? As a woman, are you ever physically attracted to men who are short (e.g. 5-5)? How do I get good at English? Will a Master's in Management degree from London School of Economics get me good jobs in India? How do you make a call to a private number? What are the best spiritual books to read? Is Asperger's Syndrome Autism? How do I become a better or pro web designer? How is it working at Goldman Sachs? Why did Quora take off, whereas Yahoo! Answers could not? How do I justify content in string using PHP? If I want to ask my young child “What is this in Chinese” in Mandarin, could I say “用中文的話, 這是什麽?” What would be a better way to say this? When I mention my friends in comment using @ on instagram, it doesn't show suggestion for some friends' but does shows for some. How to solve it? How is IIT Delhi different from other IITs? I'm 18 and my body doesn't consume alof of fat, I eat alot of fatty things but I can't get a alot fat, why? How do police officers get used to working both day and night shifts? Why is banana bread considered a bread and not a cake? Which is the best coaching center for GMAT in Delhi and gurgaon? How can you overcome a writer's block? (songwriting) It is possible to travel by time? How to get percentage between two numbers? What are the most common regrets that people have once they grow old? "What are the difference between ""p namespace"" and ""c namespace"" in Spring framework of Java?" How many keywords are there in NewtonScript Programming Language in the latest version? How was your first day at office/job? How can I slowly lose weight? What would life be like without the internet? How can we implement the shortest path in a weighted graph using a genetic algorithm? What is the song in the link below? What is the best way to learn Javascript in a weekend? What are some political nicknames for Donald Trump? How can I join a theatre group in mumbai? Can anyone help me with the contacts? Where are the distributed databases in use now? How could I learn Vedas, Upanishads and Puranas from internet with correct translation of the same, (translated into English by an Indian author)? What is the ideal way of loosing weight? How many feet are in one mile? So many bad things have happened in my life lately, I'm full of so much anger and lost in life. How can I overcome this? What is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Lincoln County AR? What is the difference between a primary and secondary consumer? Is steel a mixture or a pure substance? What is the difference between transistor and transformer? How can I ask for the correction of personal details in my Provident Fund ID? My father's name and date of birth provided by my new employer to the PF office are incorrect. Can it be done? What are some examples of friction in everyday life? Where can I find the Windows 10 update? Are wedding rings in different cultures worn on different hands? Is it good to join a core mechanical company or a construction company? If you could (aesthetically) change how humans look what would you change? Can a non-CS person get a cool CS job by learning some software coding and stuff? What is the Lewis structure for SO2? I'm 2 weeks pregnant and I don't want the baby; what should I do? What is a good way to become motivated? Which modern cities lack historical buildings? What are best books for psychology (students of age 18 to 28)? To those with experience: how do you suggest those having difficulty with schizophrenia learn to cope more easily? Which is the best site to download paid apps? What are good questions to ask your professor during office hours? What is the worst thing that ever happened to you for being nice? Did Aaron Burr regret killing Alexander Hamilton? Is it safe to buy a laptop-online from Infibeam? Why am I so sensitive and how do I become less sensitive? Can you offer me any advice on how to lose weight? How can I find investor for my startup firm? What is the difference between a prostitute and an escort? Is there a YouTube channel that has good tutorials for Adobe Illustrator? What is the best way to earn money while studying? Why does my laptop ask for a network security key instead of the WiFi password on any WiFi network now? How do I start up a new cafe? What is the prescribed book for Mechanical engineer students to clear the ISRO scientist/engineer SC exam? Do concealed carry laws reduce crime? Why or why not? Which is the best free animating software? How do people deal with procrastination? What is the best way to study well in ACCA F7 for year 2016 paper? Is water really incompressible? What are the products by Ramdev Patanjali for mass gain? How can I undo a steering lock on a VW Polo? How can one embrace the shadows in personality that are at times strongly criticized and resisted? How do I learn SQL for beginners? Are there only final examinations in class 11 CBSE or Half Yearly’s are also there? When will Cognizant start off campus for the freshers 2016-2017 batch? Does it hurt to take out a tampon for the first time? Which is easier, web designing or app development? Can you find a vector that has a magnitude of zero but components that are non-zero? Who are all writing C-DAC CCAT June 2015 exam? What are the reason for ring warm infections? How do I know if I'm in a emotionally abusive relationship? What does first sex feel like? What is the best coaching center for GRE in chennai? What should you do if you think you love someone other than your husband? What are different ways to monetize a user generated content website? Why boy like aunties more than girls? How do I see who's viewed my Instagram profile? Do women like men who wear cock rings? What is macroscopic motion? How can I find suitable projects for gsoc 2017 based on C++? I don't know you but what is one thing you would like me to know about you? What's your New Year's resolution for 2017? I'm scared of my behavior and hate myself, can anyone help me? How do I get my mom to say yes to anything? What is Q Continuum? Why are there so many anonyms on Quora? What is it like to own an Alaskan malamute? What does a near death experience feel like? If there is opportunity in IIA after B.Sc physics? What are some tips for writing a National Honor Society application essay? Can I apply for a student visa for Canada if I have a 3-year gap in my studies? What is the best programming language for web development? What's the correlation between having perfect pitch and being a great singer/having a great singing voice? Where can I find DJs for large event in Sydney? How can I change my mind state? How many Grammy Awards has Eminem won? Which is the true Lorem Ipsum? How can I start learning the developing of websites using Python? If you died and God would give you another chance to live for 1 more day what would you correct? Is time travel to 2010 possible? What does it feel like for a women to have sex? Has sasquatch been scientifically tested? Why is 4-HO-DMT so different from DMT? Which is the best SEO ‪Company‬ in ‪Delhi‬? What are the best/worst cases of using Triggers with MySql How does Pepto-Bismol help relieve the symptoms of diarrhea? What are the career options after a B. Tech in biotechnology? How can I be ok with not being ok? What are eps files for? Which is the most romantic novel? What's your 2017 new year resolution? Has a long-distance relationship ever lasted successfully? What is the multiverse? Which are some of the most convincing theories given in support of its existence? What are the legal separation laws in PA and how do they compare with the ones in Washington? What order did the Star Wars movies premier in? How did vivaldi make a lasting impact on classical music? Why do people ask such questions here on Quora which could be easily found on the internet? What are the seven deadly sins? Does bpm’online integrate with any other applications or social networks? What are other names for Las Vegas? Which test would be easier: IELTS or PTE (Pearson Test Of English)? What are the methods to avoid pregnancy? What is a possible way to send a GIF in WhatsApp? Who might President Donald Trump appoint to their cabinet? How will the customer and operator information be sent from Lync Server to SFDC, if we use Lync Server and not Lync client? I am working in SAP hr security from 1.5 years in IBM want to switch to different company need some suggestions? How do you know if you are in love? How do you know its not just chemicals in your brain trying to trick you to reproduce? How Indian economy got affected after ban of 500 1000 notes? What's the importance of GST bill in India? Is Arihant general knowledge 2017 by manohar pandey a good book to prepare for CLAT? How widely accepted are credit cards at small businesses and restaurants in Austria? What is the best position for sex? How many ATM pincode permutations/combinations can be produced with 4 digits? Who are the Rohingya Muslims? What was the significance of the battle of Somme, and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Eslands River? Have you changed all measuring pparameter and borrowed from france germany sweeden? Is anyone willing to join Vajiram and Ravi for UPSC in 2017? What's your JEE Mains score? Are developers working on making Google Chrome more efficient with memory? Which answers does Quora show first for each question? Who would win a fight between a lion and a grizzly bear? Why do scorpions live in the desert? How do they survive? What is the strangest/weirdest/creepiest thing you've overheard? If you could sit down for a coffee with Tim Cook, what would you ask him? What will be Hillary clinton's policy towards india if she becomes the president? What are some mind-blowing Drivers accessories that exist that most people don't know about? What is the purpose of flavoured condom? Can I cure my knee pain? What are the mind games women play on women? Why is Autism painful? What are the merits and demerits of Redmi 3S Prime? How can I forget my exboyfriend completely? Need advice What are some of the best Linux Distros? Is there any picture of real Karla of Shantaram by David Gregory Roberts? Does Quora have plans to support other languages? Does Lipton green tea Assist in weight loss? Why North Indians like to abuse? How do you put on Crest white strips? What do I do when I've too much work to do and not enough time? Are there any lies told about hitler? Can allo app ever outrun WhatsApp? Why or why not? How can I increase traffic on my blog? What is the main difference between a photo and a video? What does right and left wing mean? How do I properly integrate Angular2 with Laravel? Does child support have to be court ordered? Who will win the US elections 2016? What is your favorite Avril Lavigne song? In the US, is it legal to drive while pointing a gun out the window? Why doesn't Apple invest in making the native MacOS Numbers app support more advanced spreadsheet/analysis functionality? What single thing would most improve the education system in the USA? What are the best ways to attract investors to your business or idea? Is there a place online that I can pay to have people print and mail me my documents? What are your top 5 movies for 2016? Which are best apps for photo edit? Why is Sociology important for Law students? Why does light have a dual nature? How can I start preparing for GATE 2016 within 4 months? How do I retrieve deleted Snapchat messages? How can apple cider vinegar lower blood pressure? What steps could be taken to get rid of the electoral college? What is the meaning of pen down? Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways? What are the diferrent types of wiring used to domestic dwellings? What universities does Lincoln National recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? What is it like to be Trained at Infosys Mysore Campus? "How is ""The Divine Comedy"" an allegory?" How much are consultants paid after Indian Institutes of Management ABC? Have any governments confirmed intelligent extraterrestrial life? How should I prepare for competitive exam? What is the most important study habit you've developed? What is that one incident that changed your life for better? How is NIT Delhi for an NRI? What are some books that changed your life, and why? Are there notable biological differences between people of different races? What are some great side dishes for fried oysters? Are all those who died due to the after effects of demonetization of currency in India qualify to be declared as martyrs? Can Liv.52 cure fatty liver? What is work of mechanical engineer in coal mine? What is it like to work as a contractor at Yahoo? What great knowledge have we lost? What is the sum of all the integers less than 100 which leave a remainder 2 when divided by 5? How do you make colloidal silver? I find myself better off alone. Not able to develop a good friend.But still there is some jealousy while I see people enjoying. Is that normal? What are some tattoo designs that symbolize freedom? What is SBI's PAN number? What is a motto? How do I start online business? What are some insane facts about Area 51? How much video can you record with an iPad Air 16 GB in hours? What universities does Mercury General recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Can an atheist not be humanist? Where can you read maximum ride for free? Who is the worst Actor in Bollywood at present time? What does bok choy taste like and how can it be used in recipes? Where can I find the best quality cupcakes in Gold Coast? What are some interesting areas of biology that I could do undergraduate honors thesis in? How winning money from YouTube? 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What are most over the top things you got in trouble for when you were in public school? Does dark matter exist on earth? How can I get into Internet security? Why is the cathode of an electrolytic cell negative? How can I potty train a Pug puppy? What is it like to live in Denmark? Should Dr. Ben Carson be appointed as Surgeon General? Which city is the best in 2016: Calgary, Vancouver or Toronto? What are the best methods to study as a high schooler? How do I prepare IBPS PO exam 2016? Is there a good online course for operating systems being offered? Which is the best state for education for a international students in U.S? Where did the people of Nod come from? How do I reduce sex drive? What is difference between logical memory, physical memory and virtual memory? What is capital market segment? "Do I need the ""Annexure I"" affidavit if I'm applying for re-issue of my passport after a major change of name?" What would the complete cost of allergy immunotherapy be, over 3 to 5 years in Bangalore? How can I help myself help myself? What are the advantages of being lonely? What universities does Arrow Financial recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? What are the different grade levels and titles at top consulting firms (M&B&B, Strategy&, LEK etc) and do they differ? What is the worst thing that can happen to a person? How bad is social smoking? Should I consume sperm for survival (say in dessert) if there were no other edible substances? And how much energy does it provide? Which IIT has best music club/society? I heard your husband had a extra marital affair, is that true? What is the meaning of backlog in engineering? What is the worst question or answer ever posted on Quora? What is the difference between units and dimensions of physical quantity? Was Karl Marx great? Phone Calls: What does it mean when AT&T plays a message saying 'all circuits are busy'? Can you get dry sockets after a wisdom tooth extraction if the sockets were stitched closed? Should I get a laptop with 1 TB HDD or 256 GB SSD? "Where I would get English translation of ""thane thane"" song from 2 countries malayalam movie ?" What are your views on ban of 500 and 1000 rupee notes in India? How should I make notes of news for upse? How do I get 8 ball pool coins using hack generator without paying any money? Is the real Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort still rich today? Is ff14gilhub.com Legit and Safe? Why do women generally moan much louder than men, during sex? What is it like to take Astronomy 151 (Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics) at Harvard? What is the toughest question asked in an interview but needed presence of mind to answer it.? What are the best weight loss foods? What is it like to be hunted by the FBI? How can I increase my communication skills? Why do so many girls in India seem like gold diggers? Why is lambswool itchy? What are the biggest lessons you have learned in the corporate world? What is the recipe for vattalappam? What is the proper format of writing formal-informal letters (with resume), speeches, articles, and notices? What is considered a good IQ? How does a planned economy work? What is the cheapest helicopter in India? How competitive is the hiring process at Cardinal Financial? What are the rumors that are fake, but spread wildfire in Social Media Facebook and Whats app? What are Balaji Vishwanathan's views on astrology? Does getting root canal cause problem in speaking words clearly? Does it causes mispronunciation of words? Or does it make your mouth feel heavy when you speak in your mind or in general? Can an officer in the Indian army get married before 25? What are the circumstances where it might be allowed? Can you use shaving cream as hair conditioner? What are some books to expand your mind and increase intelligence? Does the electoral college take the power out of the hand of the people? Is there any possibility to increase height after 21? When might verbal communication be a better choice than written or electronic communication because of the emotions involved? Who are you inspired by? Who decides the Poké Stops in Pokémon GO and how come there are pokestops in India if the game has not yet released here? What is common mistake of graph? Can we use pencil for writing on a paper in space? Why do ticks love to suck human blood? What is music theory? Are fleshlights any good? How do I drive a car? How does UPS Will Call work? What does a three-headed elephant tattoo mean? Generated OTP multiple times over two days and have still not received the code. How do I get the Reliance Jio sim otherwise? Where can I get very affordable fire test and inspection service in Sydney? What are reasons someone might be admitted to a mental hospital? How can I stop binge eating? What is it like losing your virginity? What is the best philosophy of life? What's something you wish people knew about you? Sexuality: What percentage of married men/women masturbate, and how often? How well trained are Pakistani troops? How do I access my youtube account, I have forgot my email and password but I can see my channel? What is the best way to make the right decisions? What are the main imports and exports of Venezuela, and how does Venezuela's industry compare to Belize's? Who will win the next Lok Sabha elections in India in 2019? Do my dating rules help me get a girlfriend? Is it possible to use a PS4 controller for a PS3? What are sneaky signs of a cheating spouse? Who should we choose between our true love and our parents, and why? What are unique or lesser known facts about PM Narendra Modi? What are the best neighborhoods in Chicago? What should I do to become as smart as Elon Musk? Is it safe to travel/visit Pakistan? Jobs and Careers: What are the job opportunities in New Zealand? How accurate is Neil deGrasse Tyson's Cosmos? What is the best website Design company in Hyderabad? What are common goods? What are some examples? How can I save a Snapchat video that others posted? Which is the best website builder online? How can I use a VPN service and get Thunderbird to work at the same time? Good product based company? Why Nigerians are scammers? Is there a state ranking for neet 2? What should I do if my guinea pig has a vitamin C deficiency? What is the best outfit a guy would wear for working out in the summer like it's the year 1990? When do we use na, da and do in Portuguese? Why do people want to be civil servants? What's the best gaming PC I can build for under $600? What are the best sci-fi TV shows or mini-series not from the USA that you have seen? What is a hypertonic solution? What are some examples? What can you learn from watching Crime Patrol? What should you do if you want to lose a lot of weight? Where can I find best quality photo booth service in Australia? Does my ex deserve to know whatever is happening in my life? He broke up. Now he follows me on Instagram and Snapchat and likes my pictures. As an engineering 3rd year student what should I start preparing for IAS exam? I have so many stories inside me but I’m unable to write them on the paper with passion.What should I do? How many Kurds live in Turkey? How can I get a ballet scholarship in National Ballet School? What is the cure for pearly penile papules? How cold can the Gobi Desert get, and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Colorado Plateau? What are some relationship hacks that actually are worth learning? On Snapchat, how can you upload a picture out of your gallery to your story? Why do our faces look puffy in the morning just after waking up? Is there any way to claim LTA without a boarding pass? Investment Banks: What's the relationship between JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley? What are the best tips to study philosophy at university? How do restaurant hosts deal with customers who keep sitting at their table even after they are done, while there is a long line of people outside waiting to be seated? Why do some people bully others? Why some of them have pleasure on bullying others? Why is the Pakistan government unable to control terrorism? What's the function of cell membrane? Is the SBI Mother Dairy SmartChange card refundable? I have to take coaching to crack NTSE? What makes life worth living? What should you do if your Amazon package shows up as delivered, but you never got it? What principle makes the EM drive work? What are the best mobile phone gadgets? There are 5 countries called Guinea: Papua New Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, French Guiana, Guyana and Guinea. How did that happen? What is that good logical reason behind scrapping the 1000 Rs. note and introducing the 2000 Rs. note? What are the most interesting books you should read in your life? How many calories are in a serving of bread with butter? What are some ways of reducing the calories? What does this symbol ≈ mean? Why are Indian parents so conservative? My family and other friends judged him for acting gay.I do love him and so does he love me. What should I do? How much does Lazada charge merchants for selling on their platform in Indonesia? "What do ""chan"", ""sama"", ""san"" and ""kun"" mean in Japanese?" If some stranger cover my face with napkin anaesthesia. Would I be able to survive my consciousness at that time if I stop my breathe Why do I love intelligent and pretty girls? What are some good argument Augmented reality SDK and the benefits? Will there really be any war between India and Pakistan over the Uri attack? What will be its effects? What are the clues girl leaves you if she likes you? Is there anyone in the real world kind enough to trust a very eager business minded person to borrow capital from him? What is the difference between an AC and DC generator? How can I check my Tag Heuer watch's serial number? What are the best places to eat in Indore (Indori food)? What should I do for controlling anger? What are biofuels? How is it made? How easy is it to learn Python? Who will win the 2016 presidential elections? How can I implement the object localisation algorithm on FPGa? How much does Invisalign treatment cost? Why didn't Sania Mirza condemned the terror attack at Uri? Why would a woman date a man who is not only married, but also had a girlfriend? Why Sinai is a stupid jewplicate of Ararat? What is the best way to learn a programming language? How do I create hotspot for windows 10? Is Windows 10 now available for the Lumia 640 & Lumia 640XL? What is the difference between ecological diversity and biodiversity? I have scored 410 marks in NEET 2016. Which private colleges should I apply for? Are human beings made of cells or atoms? What is SSC exam? Is it hard to self teach the ukulele? What is the equation for anaerobic respiration? How can it be calculated? Could World War lll happen in the future? Is anyone preparing for the civil services examination? Why are companies that completely control a sector of the digital space like Facebook or Google not considered monopolies? What is the best site to learn java? Why is clay considered organic? How does RBI design Indian currency notes? What is the best way to improve my questions on Quora? What should I download from YouTube to productively use Jio welcome offer? How is CAT percentile calculated? What is the scope of Bioinformatics in India? Do you think scrapping of 500 and 1000 rupee denominations is going to eradicate corruption? What are the technical skills required to get placed in core company of biotechnology? How do I retrieve texts from a number I blocked? Was the aggressive diplomatic shift (refering to open support to Baluchistan people by Indian PM) necessary? Does it worsen India's claim on POK? Why do I worry so much? Where are the Jain hostels (hostels meant particularly for Jain students) located in Delhi? Is it true that people eat baby fetuses in China? If so, why do they do such a thing? Multicolour Gems: What is ultralite and how does it compare to amethyst? What is the meaning of the double lightning bolts that began with the SS during WWII? How do I write a short and interesting Tinder bio? How long does it take a native Chinese speaker to become fluent in Chinese? Why is sugar soluble in water? Is it possible to study for a PhD in computer science focused on machine learning after a BS and MS in mathematics? Where can I found extremely talented painters in Sydney? What are your favorite five Leonard Cohen songs? How ca n I improve my communication skill? What should do when nothing goes right in life? What will the generation after the Millennials be like in the workforce? How much capital needed to start a paper mill in India? Can a person be in love with two persons at a same time? If a baby is baptized in a Catholic Church, is that baby now Catholic? Why does Donald Trump think the debate schedule favors Hillary? What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in front of your boss? What is the difference between UEFI and Legacy Mode which we need to choose while installing the OS? Is it true that all Russia or China has to do to destroy the US is drop a nuclear bomb on Yellowstone? What are the best tech companies to work for in India? Do you like sex? How do I play .RAW camera files on TV? How do I say happy birthday to myself? Can people with cochlear implants hear a screen reader? Why should we answer on Quora? Is daughters day Celebrated on 25th September In India? (2016) What does the latest official update of samsung s3 neo contain? I'm using Samsung grand quetro phone can I use reliance jio sim in my handset? Can I learn big data without knowing any other concepts other than java? Why are some people on Quora able to write really long descriptions for their question? Is there a shortcut to finding the Eigen vectors of a 3*3 matrix? If yes, how? If Obama is Christian as he claims, why does he ignore the Christians being murdered by Muslim terrorists in the Middle East and around the world? Why are humans such different animals? Why universe is sending me these signals? Do I have HIV? How do you determine the chemical formula for paradichlorobenzene? How do I track a person basing on his mobile phone? What is corruption in india? How do I take a computer screenshot on my HP laptop? Did you know that Chiropractors can help you reduce your tension headaches? "Which cities/landmarks get destroyed in the movie ""Knowing""?" How do you tweet embedded YouTube videos with autoplay on Twitter? Can I play contact sports like Soccer and engage in activities like swimming after having ICL implants? Can a transgender male get a woman pregnant? "Did Earl Spencer keep his funeral pledge on behalf of Princess Diana's ""blood family"" to steer his nephews' upbringing?" Is the Bible a lie? What is the best age to tell your kid that he's adopted? Will deleting my ex boyfriend off social media make him come back? He was the one who dumped me. Why is sex funny? "What happened to Andy Griffith's wife in the ""Andy Griffith Show?""?" Did the Italian army win an important battle in Europe in WWII? What is the best App for downloading films for free? Should autistic children be placed in a regular school setting? What are the good novels to read for CAT preparation? Where can I get very professional fire inspection service in Sydney? What are the skills required to be a successful entrepreneur? "How could Google predict ""this site might be hacked""?" What were some of the rarely mentioned factors leading to the rise of Putin? How can I know the Wi-Fi password in my phone? What would Voldemort have done if he survived and escaped at the end of the 7th book instead of dying? Which community colleges in the Bay Area offer courses in robotics? "Beasts of No Nation (2015 movie): What is the ""brown-brown"" drug?" I have an untreatable and life-long disabling neurological disease. What is the easiest and most painless way I can commit suicide? Some good but unpopular colleges in Delhi? When can we expect capitalism to collapse in the same way we witnessed communism collapse? Why do trained falcons wear blinders? What was the first programming language you learned and why? How do I make girls come sit near me on a bench at school without saying anything to them? How many times did Thomas Alva Edison fail exactly? What's the difference between the facial features of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean people? Why is my girlfriend constantly mad at me and not anyone else? What is corporate real estate? How can I think deeply? What are the most interesting products and innovations that Reading International is coming out with in 2016? How photosybthesis prosis complte without lsun shine? What do cricket fans think of Gautam Gambhir? What is alkaline water? What are some good topics for a economics extended essay? Can I go for an auto upgradation after booking the ticket that is in a waiting list? Do employees at Home Bancshares have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? What was the universe before Big Bang? Is it safe to travel in Istanbul? Why did Mulayam Singh Yadav expel Akhilesh Yadav from Samajwadi Party? What do you think about it? Can I hack someone's mobile using IP address? Are you interested in dating a 40 year old male virgin? What is better than Quora? What is the relationship between science and philosophy of science? Do I take revenge or not? Will the commencement of Apple maps research centre in Hyderabad and Bangalore improve stock maps navigation? As a venture capital investor, if you had a chance to invest in Flipkart but passed, what was your rationale? Why does a narcissist run away and hide when confronted by a source of supply? Who are the best poets of 2015? What is happiness according to your view? What order do you have to watch and read Naruto? Is Rohit Sharma a better captain than Dhoni? What is IDBI bank’s PAN number? What will happen to Hancock and Mary after the events of the film ‘Hancock’ (2008)? What are some drawbacks of having large breasts? What is the appraisal process in Accenture? If someone got a top rating, how much (in percentage) can he/she get? Is Bangalore really the cleanest city in India? If yes, why? What is the easiest way to suicide? How can I lose weight without hard exercises? Why do people hate Gandhi and prefer Subhas Chandra Bose? Why do we feel headache? Why does Sherlock say Detective Bell is intelligent? [Elementary] How is the chemical formula for silicon determined? How much should someone make to live comfortably in Manhattan? What are the angriest answers on Quora? What are some good songs to show off a wide vocal range? What's bad about sparkling/carbonated water? Are there any long-term health effects of consuming this? Is MacBook Pro 2016 worth it? Why is the rate of taxes on vehicles so high in Nepal? “The United Nations Organization has made the world a better place.” Critically evaluate this statement? How many satellites have reached the distance of Pluto from earth? How can you enlarge your penis? "Genetic Engineering: Can we change our genes and then ""fix"" our appearance?" Why do people ask questions on Quora that are just as, if not more than easier to, look up with a search engine? How much did Google pay for the Jetpack startup? What are the PPF benefits? What is the best place for sex? How do I play in share market in India? "Should you answer ""unknown"" phone calls? Why or why not?" Why is it that I often feel dizziness when I am hungry? I have to complete my mechanical engineering. What do I have to do become a car manufacturer & car designer? Does someone get a notification if you delete a picture you posted with them tagged in it? If Barak-8 has been designed to shoot down Brahmos, any thoughts why India helped Israel in joint development of a missile killer for its most potent short range cruise missile? Is it bad to think about your ex when you masturbate? Is there a way to find out if an email you sent was read? Is honey really healthier than sugar? How can we control bad feelings? I'm 18. How can I make money online? How can I lose more than 1 kg a week? What are some of the best part time jobs to do from home? How can I increase the traffic to my website? What is the siginficance of merging railway budget with general budget? How long does it take to get tier 2 visa after biometrics? I am poor in English grammar so how should I improve my grammar? Is it possible to backup the photos on Google Photos? What are the similarities between Narendra Modi and Donald Trump? How did Hillary Clinton lose the 2016 US Presidential Election despite winning the popular vote? Is there such thing as 'the Devil'? Why should I laugh at the joke below? What existed before existence? What's the difference between radial and axial and what are some good examples of each? How do made a gun? What are the examples of perishable goods? How do I trade binary options? How safe and effective is laser hair removal? Why do hot guys make my pussy wet? What is punchti.me? How many sentient beings did Luke Skywalker kill when he destroyed the Death Star? What are the top 10 online recruitment portals in US? What is the best Washington dc neighborhood to buy a townhouse? What is the answer for [math]7+7/7+7\times 7-7[/math]? If someone without any formal education proves a theorem, math community respects the guy but an equivalent would never happen in social sciences why? What are the best documentaries about World War 2? How can we control bad feelings? Why do Indians use phrases such as 'Respected sir/madam', 'I beg to state that...', 'I humbly request you to...', 'henceforth', 'aforementioned' when writing letters? Is instant hot water safe? Is a 16-year-old legally allowed to be at home alone for a week? What is the one way slab design? How can I work in Nintendo? What is imitaion economics? Why do eggs expire? How can I obtain a marriage certificate? What are the unsolved mysteries of environmental engineering? What qualities do women look for in a guy to consider him for a longtime partner? Can a graduate in science make 25k per month? How can I lose 4kg weight? Things to do in vienna? How can I create a File object from a file stored in the res/raw folder in the Android? Why do athletes bite medals when they finish on the podium? How should I control my emotion? Difference between girlfriend and a boyfriend? Why does Quora put neither the most upvoted nor the most viewed answer on top? What is your favourite fruit? What should I do if I'm badly bored? What is the function of nucleoid in a bacteria? If we all together stopped every single clock/watch on earth for a while. Would we lose track of time? How can I hack the others Facebook account? I want to learn logo designing. Which is the best logo design software to start off? What is it like to study computer science at RKMVU? My classmate has left to India for studies(I known her for 6 months). I want to give her a something that will make her day through my social media? What are the best airport hacks for India? Which is the best training institute in Pune for software testing? What are some local laws in regards to nudity in Vermont, and how do they differ from nudity laws in Maine? Why is that when we order from ebay India, it takes a week to deliver even for pre-paid order? Did you like Tywin Lannister or not? Is is true or just a rumor that RBI Rs 2000 note will carry a GPS tacking device? 11 Healthy Drinks For Weight Watchers This Summer? How should I prepare for the IELTS? What are the disadvantages of linguistic divide of India? Concatinate two columns in teradata with null values in one of the column? What is a beautiful and similar font to San Francisco? What's the problem with India? "Is Dr. Dre's Beats 1 show ""The Pharmacy"" transmitted live?" National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra: How is the social life at NITK, Surathkal? How do I get an internship from Google, Apple, etc. as a high school student? Can someone find you from your phone number on their contact list on snapchat? What is the best remedy or treatment for migraine relief? Can women work and have a career in Islam? Please only give a reference from the Quran? Why are seaplanes rare now? What are some Facebook tips and hacks? How do serious Star War fans feel about the plot similarities between The Force Awakens and A New Hope? Which amendment was passed and then later repealed? How can an IIT undergrad get a research internship in foreign universities? Are there some minimum GPA requirements for it also? How do I know if someone is not into me? What were the responsibilities of a medieval king? How do I learn stock market investing? What is it like to be an electrical engineer? What is the best way for a first time entrepreneur get his or her business idea funded? Why do some people still think Global warming a myth? What do snails eat? How do girls react while talking to their crush? How is Randeep Hooda as a person in personal life? Is it healthy to eat instant white oats every day? How can I recover deleted text messages from boost mobile phone without having the actual phone? What is your review of COMSOL Multiphysics? What are the best homeless living and survival hacks? What is the average salary of an Oracle consultant? Can one produce music while a student with an F-1 (student) visa? How would I decorate a 70's and 80's bedroom? Why Chennai people are not using Tinder? Will wushu be in the Olympics? What universities does CMS Energy recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Was Veda-Vyasa, author of Mahabharata more inclined towards Pandavas (as it would appear from his writing)? What are some ways for Indian students of class 12 and below to earn pocket money? Which is the best book for MCA Entrance exam preparation? How long can you live without food? Why do ancient Greek sculptures and statues all feature small penises? What are the best books on data structures? What is your opinion about love? Developer: I am available for part time, do you have any work for me? What is main cause of cancer? Among ICICI, HDFC, and Axis Bank, which one is the best to start a career as a clerk? Where do I start in order to succeed in life? MasterCard (payments): Where can I find a list of acquiring banks in South Asia? What does German sign language look like, and how does it differ from English sign language? Who would the Republicans have an easier time vilifying, Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton? How does sex for the first time feel like? Who controls Aksai Chin? What business should I start with a $100k investment? How hard is it to be accepted into Cambridge astrophysics? What will be your new year resolution for 2017 and your plan of execution? How long does it take for nuclear fuel rods to cool? How can I convince my parents I have schizophrenia? Do neck tattoos really hurt? I have uninstalled my WhatsApp account. When I installed it again I got messages only from groups I had. I did not receive private messages, which I sent from the other number. Why is this? What happens if you aren’t charged with a narcotic related offense after a 24 hour stop hold in Missouri? A bag contains 4 balls. Two balls are drawn at random and are found to be white. What is the probability that all balls are white? What causes errors in the replication of DNA? What is the 9th Amendment? What are some examples? How do I lose weight? How are the placements at MIT school of Management, Pune? Why did Darth Vader step on Obi-Wan's robes after killing him? What is the best zodiac sign? Why was Children Of Men commercially unsuccessful? Why are Canadian universities such as U of T, McGill and UBC ranked high globally while their admissions processes are not as competitive as the U.S. universities that are ranked below them? My boyfriend says he doesn't know what he wants, he said he doesn't know if he wants a relationship right now? How can I make myself to get out of my super comfort zone? How can I prepare for both the GATE and IES? What is the cheapest, painless, easiest way to commit suicide? Are Uggs still in style? What should we do after engineering? How long does it take to get an answer on Quora? Which or what are the best laptops under 35 to 40000 in India? How do investors protect their investments from political and various other risks? How do you find the magnitude of the net force? Why do Silicon Valley male billionaires choose average-looking wives? What is the hardest thing(s) about raising children in Syria? What is the best way to learn and write a AI Chat bot? Who is going to win the 2016 presidential election? What can I do as an individual to help innocent people of Syria? What is the difference between boeing and airbus? Which of the ecommerce software is best for online business? In The Catcher in the Rye, what is Holden Caulfield's personality like? What are digital electronics applications? How can I improve fluency in English? I got a job 2 months back in Singapore, but I see that there is a huge difference in the position proposed and what I am currently doing, there is a skill mismatch. Is it ok to try for a different job or should I wait for some more time? What should I say during my next interview? Which is the best phone under 15000 Rs.? How often can I use hair removal cream? I've been dieting for 9 months. I'm 5' 7'' and haven't grown since I started my diet. Now that I'm eating again, how long will it take to grow again? What is the easiest business to start? How do I get funding for my web based startup idea? Why does my lower back hurt when I lie down on a flat, firm surface? What are some of the most touching photos ever taken? I have a R: B1/B2 US visa for 10 years. Can I visit the United States for tourism only? Should it be combined with business? How did India defeat Pakistan in war? What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake, and how do these effects compare to the Rat Islands earthquake in 1965? How do you check your Google+ Followers? What is first operating system? What is your review of Government Employees India? How do I become a partner of Youtube? Is it possible to have a prolong period and test positive for pregnancy? What is the best online course for learning programming? Where and how can I express my feelings? What do you think about when you watch a movie? What is Japan’s revenge for America dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? What is the best phone under Rs.13000? In 2016 Is it ok to watch porn with boyfriend? Why has Google+ failed to produce desired results? Do you think the shape of filipino consciousness is natural? Explain briefly What is the difference between sold by Amazon and fulfilled by Amazon? What is the best way to self teach English? How do I know if I have a child? How is the electoral college democratic? What equity should I request as a CTO/Co-Founder? Why don't Israel and Palestine unite? Do girls get crushes on their female teachers? Where can I find my lost iCloud password? How can I keep a conversation going? Career Advice: What are the real reasons some people get promoted and others don't? How should I invest $3000 in 2016? How do I to start a new business? Why do evolutionists lock questions asking for a way to falsify the theory of evolution? What is it like dating a British woman? How do I pan fry potstickers (frozen dumplings) without having them stick to the pan? How can I find a job that I think I could enjoy doing? How can I stop binge eating? Shipping: How does a shipper (USPS, UPS, FedEx) detect if illegal items (narcotics, explosives, etc.) are being mailed? Which USA universities have late deadline for master in AI , ML or vision? (For Fall) As a teacher, what was the biggest facepalm moment you have experienced? What's your absolute favorite song right now….one you can put on repeat and listen to all day long? What are some foods to improve eyesight ? How can I stop smoking a cigarette? How should I start to learn c language? How is the mental process of reading Quora different from reading a book? What are the main different between love and attraction? and How to identify love and attraction? Can my grandma give me a blank personal check which can be used to pay for a purchase at Walmart? What should everyone know about tea? Can bacteria infected by a virus? What are foursquare's disadvantages? What should you wear to software engineer internship interview as a woman? How Bone Broth Protein helps to grow? What is the best laptop for civil engineering student? What are the Sanyo TV remote codes for a GE universal remote? What do you think about Donald Trump pick? How should I study for the reading and writing section of the SAT? What is your definition of soulmate? Should I study philosophy? What were your best moments in college? How should air pollution in Delhi be reduced? What are the positives of Donald Trump being a President? How can I stop being pushy? Some people believe that global warming can cause longer, colder winters? How is that possible? What is the most reactive element? How do CIA or MI6 kind of agencies deploy their agents in countries with population of entirely different race and color? Which exam is good CAT OR GMAT? What are some of the largest first time venture capital funds? What religion was James Cook from? Why Cyrus Mistry has been sacked all of a sudden? How do I file for bankruptcy? How do I find a good therapist in Santa Clara, California? What is the difference between centripetal acceleration and centrifugal force? How do I volunteer for any NGO in pune? "What do the phrases ""Valar Dohaeris"" and ""Valar Morghulis"" signify in Game of Thrones? Why are they gaining such popularity?" What is the worst thing that could happen if Donald Trump becomes President? What is the future scope of data science? Do other female animals have menstruation like humans? What are the principles of hydraulics? What is the best piece of Music composed by Beethoven and why? Who gave the best speech so far at DNC? Which is a good solar panel installation provider in Long Beach, California CA? Which is the worlds best electric shaver? What are the best smartphones under 10000 in 2016? Is there a way to learn programming language quickly? How can I do it? Which comment do girls like the most? What is electric wire insulation made of? Is it made of plastic, rubber, both, or something else? House of Cards Season 2: What is the significance of Frank and Claire's special encounter with Meechum at the end of Chapter 24? How imminent is world war III? Why is Epic Meal Time considered unhealthy? Is weed good or bad for you? What hotel in Fatehgarh would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? How can I download music in my iphone? Who invented the Hunter ceiling fan? How does one become rich in 2015? Why does outlook load in SharePoint when exchange license is disabled? Whisky or brandy which is good for health? What exactly is West Bank? Who are the Indians currently working in Quora and what are their educational qualifications? If Pope is the head of Catholic Church, who are the heads of Protestant and Orthodox Churches? What are some of the best travel hacks at Indian airports? I’m trying to write an erotic scene for a story. I have one provided in the details, which can be read. What do I need to change? Is carbon sequestration a viable solution to global warming? Why do we wear costumes on Halloween? I have 10,102 items in my Yahoo mail inbox, how can I delete them all at once? Were Jews responsible for the killing of Jesus? Is Chicago in danger of becoming the next Detroit? Do teachers actually fall in love romantically with certain students? Even when a male teacher is 20 years older? How do I reach out to angel investors in Delhi-NCR? Norway: What is it like to live in places with 24 hours of full daylight or darkness? Why do I get dreams daily? What do smart people do? How widely accepted are credit cards at small businesses and restaurants in Pakistan? Can new aircraft manufacturers like Mitsubishi innovate and create another Airbus/Boeing? Who is the best MMA fighter of all time? What websites are like Tympanus' Codrops? How do I earn money by you tube? What is one of the best conversation starters? What should you say when hearing someone has died? How can I re grow my hairs naturally at home? How can I transfer a mortgage to another person? How good an actor is Vijay? Why do people call him Ilayathalapathy? I don't speak Tamil but I am interested in knowing more about him. What game engine has the best graphics of them all? Being Single: Will a man moving from New York to San Francisco have trouble with the dating scene? Why is a video not showing on YouTube and how can I fix this? How do I respond to not being invited to a wedding? How should I get rid of addiction? What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Iceland notice? Do I have to file for taxes if I have no income or assets? Why do Biharis feel proud of having Rajnigandha and Tulsi (Gutka)? Do protons decay? Why is 2-hydroxy benzoic acid more acidic than 2-methyl benzoic acid? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Green Revolution? Why do black people have white palms? What are the pros and cons of charter schools? Why does some engineering students struggle to get job? What do astronomers use scientific notation for? What is the average in stock percentage for UK supermarkets? If humans evolved from apes, how was the first human created? What are the best books for cat section wise? How can we calculate GDP GROWTH? Does it matter what time of day you take an antidepressant? What is SKD light? Does anyone else think cats are plain evil? What is a credit score and why does it matter? What do I truly need to learn and do to become a successful software engineer? Is the traffic broker site reliable? Which Australian online meat shop provides best offers for all year? How was the feeling of having a father? BBC podcasts ‘we are not Madrasi’, a comedy on North vs South in India. South Of India video on Youtube is now trending World-wide? What is the Great Depression all about? How do I track my wife's cellphone GPS without loading an app on it? Why is my EarthLink so slow? Does Laravel support PHP 7? Where can I get best website management service provider in Australia? How do I go from $0 to $1,000,000? Can you please let me know which is better Tableau or Micro Startegy? How many black airline pilots are there in the US? Is there time when you’re dead? Which is better at SIBM Pune- HR or Marketing? Do you think I will ever get a girlfriend or attract any women? Im a 20 year old virgin and I might end up single for life because I been call ugly? Are there any Canada based firms providing Revenue Based Financing? Is it harmful to eat fish every day? How do I improve at drawing? How do I analyze a short story? When should one eat fruits? Before or after a meal? Why are there no mainstream 'good news' newspapers or TV programs? What is the Universal Credit project about? What is the benefit of blockchain technology? Why do I get bored so quickly? How do you know when someone is taking you for granted? What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Kankakee County IL? How does it feel to have sex with prostitute? What makes Quora so addictive? What is answer of answer? You're a personal trainer, why should I hire you? What is the benefit for India to join the Missile Control Group ? How do I successfully launch a startup on a tight budget? How do you stop German Shepherd/Husky puppies from biting your stuff? How can I break off my relationship with this girl without hurting her too bad? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at CMS Energy? I am poor in English grammar so how should I improve my grammar? If Trump gets elected, can we immediately impeach him so Pence can take the office? Who is the best ENT specialist in mumbai? Can Donald Trump still win the election? How do I go about branding myself? What are you most passionate about and engaged with and why? Why did Biogen discontinue development of amiselimod? What is the best porn site on the Internet? Why? What is your biggest regret? Is Greece part of the European Union? Can we time travel? What are some of the best background pictures ever taken? How can I make money online for free? Do you have any villains in your family genealogy? Is a third world war coming? In a relationship, does it matter if the girl is older than the boy? Why is Islam the fastest growing religion in the world? How vulnerable are paratroopers on their descent? If they are fired at can they fire back? How has Quora changed your view/belief about exclusiveness? Can I screen mirror my Moto E with my Sony Bravia Smart TV? How will you know you love someone? Why has the Tata Sons Board voted to remove Cyrus Mistry as chairman? Can dogs eat peanut butter? Are there any risks involved? What is the best phone to buy under 27k? Who become 1st in auv national level competition 2017 at niot, Chennai? I am an Indian, I want to move to Greenland. I will go on a tourist visa and will never come back, what would you advise? Why was Rick James' hair like that? What are the positive and negative effects of premarital sex on a relationship? Why are indians obsessed with religion? Can I sell my business idea? What does destiny have in store for you? What happens when a narcissist gets sick? Which is the best website to buy Instagram followers and likes? What are some of the best conductors? Which are the best Hindi (Bollywood) romantic songs for a couple dance? How can I get admitted to MIT? Which is the best coaching institute for GATE architecture in Bangalore? How much power does my 40W lamp consume in 1 hour? How do i get a custom bike in India? Should I invest in the Japanese Stock market? What are your views on the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's mystery death case? What is the interview process at Shopkick like for an engineer? What is coffee? What will be Hillary Clinton's foreign policy towards India if she comes into power in 2016? What is found in animal cells but not plant cells? What is the Fairy Tale manga? What is the ratio of circumference to diameter for any circle is? What is the strangest thing that you have ever experienced? How effective is China's one child policy? What is the transpose of a matrix ? Which startups are hiring in Toronto? Which book should we use for the NICMAR entrance exam? Do Christians think Jews go to heaven too? Is the new 2000 Rupee note really implementing NGC (Nano GPS Chip)? Why do people write questions on Quora that could be answered with a quick web search? How much would you pay for a desk space per day? How do I earn instant money? What are synonyms of Smartness (intelligence) in different languages? What are the best fitness/strength and conditioning books? If I visit someone's profile will it show up in the visited you and visitors section even after my account has been deleted? My mother repeatedly calls me a liar along with other bad words. I have mentioned that I dislike it and she said she would not do it, but she is.? I have an IQ of 147 and I get easily bored. What can I do to prevent this? How is the value of 0! 1? What do Tolkien fans think of Howard Shore's score for the Lord of the Rings movies? What is the best earphones under rs 500 in india? How imminent is world war III? Is cross branching in the military difficult? What is subcooled boiling? What is the Golden Gate bridge named after? How long do the relationship between man and dog? How do I discover what is the minimum amount of sleep I need to function well? Hypothetical Scenarios: What would it be like if we were able to use, or at least tap into, the full capacity of our brain at one time? Which American restaurant chains can be found in Norway? What do Norwegian people think of them? D Is religion doing more harm than good? What should I do to start a web application project? Which is the best earphone under 1000rs? Why is Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan's birthday celebrated as Teachers' Day in India? What were the challenges and lifestyles of middle class women during the Gilded Age? "How is the word ""wring"" used in a sentence?" What net worth puts you in the top 2% and 5% of families in the United States? How do I improve this writing? Are there any differences in the content of Indian Polity by M Laxmikanth 4th and 5th edition? What is the training given to service dogs? I constantly think I'm going to fail. I feel that this has a great impact on my performance in my work. How do I solve it? Why do people cheat on their spouses? Is there a way on Quora to report individual answers as spam? Why is meth all of a sudden so popular? Why are so many people using it? What is it called when someone ignores all the warning signs and the discomfort of their own instincts and proceeds doing something anyway? What are some books that you wish you had read earlier that have had an impact on your life? Why? How is electromagnetism used in loudspeakers? How do I calculate the calories burnt by planking, based on the time and weight? What are some interesting areas of microbiology that I could do undergraduate honors thesis in? What are some of the best TV series of 2013 and 2014? How can I get excellent at programming? In Car Dekho web site, I have seen CNG as option for fuel. What does it mean? Which type of fuel consumption car is better either petrol or CNG car? What is the reason many engineering students can't get job? Do laws against hate speech legally override and suppress our right to free speech? What is the average cost of owning a dog in India? What is the process to make Leggings and which machines are required for it? I'm medical student and I’m interested in learning piano, drawing and programming. Can I do them without affecting my medical career? Under what circumstances would the production possible curve bowed in towards the origin? What is the best way to improve my writing skills? What are the best monologues from Disney movies? How do I show the heat flux perpendicular to the surface in Ansys? How is it to work as a BI or Data engineer at Amazon, Hyderabad? What is the possible explanation for Krishna's butter stone of Mahabalipuram of Tamilnadu? What is funniest video you have ever watched? Can a man ejaculate while receiving anal sex? What is the #1rule of success? Which is better: computer science or information technology? How can I make the Instagram search bar stop giving me suggestions for what I am typing before I finish typing it? Honestly what is the healthy minimum and maximum one can sleep? What are the best ways to learn to speak Shakespearean English? Dota 2,League of legends or Paladins, what you recommend me to play? How do I know if someone blocked me on Instagram or not? How can I get a quantitative finance summer internship? Can I find love? Why do most people become sad when it rains? "What are some teaching ideas for ""Welcome to the Web""?" How do I calculate interest rate from emi manually? What is Pharma Validation Testing? What is the difference between active voice and passive voice? Can we ever really perceive from the viewpoint of another? Which is the best country to live in? How do you stop global Islamic terrorism? How nerdy is MIT? Do INFJs and ENFPs do well in romantic relationships? Why do European cars have only one reverse light in their rear where as Asian cars have two? Can I apply for a student visa for Canada if I have a 3-year gap in my studies? Which is a suitable solar panel installation provider near Laveen, Arizona AZ? How can I lose weight in 21 days? What are the best places to visit on a 3-day trip in and around Kerala? What do you imagine death to be like? What's the importance of marine engineering? How do I start-up a restaurant? What is a way to brand myself better online? Is there a tree with the scientific name of Boswellia Sacra (Sacred Frankincense)? How could I be fluent in English? What is the symbolic meaning to dying in a dream? Consumer Behavior: How many unique buyers of lottery tickets are there in the US? Are both Brahma and Saraswati & Abraham and Sarah the same? Can a software programmer’s/coder’s job can ever be automated? How can evaluate a smart board as a education tool? What content management system does Huffington Post use? Why is dubsmash app not compatible with Samsung devices? What's the pros and cons of changing your business name? Can air have surface tension with vacuum? What is one thing from your past you consider a big mistake and want to change? Why? Are there any billionaires who own country clubs? How do I approach a girl who likes all my photos, status updates even my comments on someone else's photos? Why does Quora Android app is not working? What is an internship and the types of internship? How do you make a horror movie trailer actually scary? What would have happened if Hitler didn't attack Russia? Why didn't Delhi go to Pakistan when it was part of Punjab and the majority of the Punjab province was Muslim? Who will win in a fight between Hulk and Wonder Woman? When is bariatric surgery recommended for diabetes? What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they're invited to someone's home in Pakistan for the first time? Injustice: What percentage of American prisoners are serving unjust sentences? Is the course from Anik Singal a scam? "What does the phrase ""Going to the mattresses,"" from the Godfather movie, mean?" How do you give yourself a heart attack? Why does Google hijack pages from other sites on mobile phones? How do I lose weight? Does appearance make people mock someone or treat someone like complete crap? What is the best romantic novels like pride and prejudice? What are the best Quora answers? Is there a difference between platonic love/relationships and romantic friendships? Will there be any tornadoes in pune? Which country has highest number of oil and gas industries? Name some which are in the top. Do you have super powers? I believe I have mental blockage for last 11years.sadly no phsychiatrist or counsellor were not concern. I lost learning skills for last 11 years.? One of my molar teeth is starting to break should I leave it? How to reduce my tummy? Will barry allen eventually go back to original timeline in flash season 3? What kinds of thing can young people learn from old people? What is the purpose of json? How can we apologize to someone who we make him/her crying? What would cause an AMP to cut out? "Is it ""centered on"" or ""centered around""?" What are some symptoms of eccentric and concentric contractions? What is the best online medical supply company? Is there a Quora for underachievers? Who would win: Black Panther or Batman? How can you recover your Gmail password? I want a laptop (portable) for movies and internet usage only which are my options max up to 25k? Why does Set Max repeatedly telecast Sooryavansham movie in India? I cannot update my Samsung Galaxy j7 to 6.0 Android marshmallow. What should i do? "Does saying ""I apologize"" mean as much as saying ""I'm sorry""? Why or why not?" Is sex is required in relationship? What was your favorite movie of the 1980s? How much video can you record with an iPad Air 16 GB in hours? How do I improve my communication skills.? Effect of politics on FDI? What is the best way to share knowledge within an organization? How do I lose weight without stopping? If you inherited £100, how would you ensure you received a reasonable return over a one-year period? How can i get over any failure? How do you improve your writing skills? Are Gods and Aliens, one and the same? Is Kejriwal anti-national? Which companies are using design thinking? C and Java Programming Language If Condition? How many devices can be connected to iCloud? What video game would you like to live in? How do I burn fat and build muscle at the same time? Can you be an atheist but believe in ghosts? How do I learn Java from home? What are the courses available after B. Com? How exactly does banning Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes curb the problem of black money? Where can I find the solutions to Marsden's and Tromba's Vector calculus? Which are the producers in a food chain? What are the advantages and disadvantages of database management systems? What makes an artist legendary? Why does that make an artist legendary? What is the next number in the sequence: 1, 2, 3, 4? What are some economic policies? What's the dress code for an interview at Amazon? Can I get MBBS seat in private medical colleges with 389 marks in NEET 2016? What is the best way to contact obama in personally and he will listen? What is so special about the number '1729'? Do secret societies like Illuminati actually exist? What is the origin of your name? What is the minimum cgpa required to complete BTech at NIT Trichy? Why does power factor increases when capacitor is introduced? How far away from a planet could we theoretically see its surface? How do I recover a Gmail account when I have the username and password, but don't have the recovery phone number or email or any other information? How should I prepare for SSC CGL 2016 without coaching and also want to learn tricks? What is the full form of L.L.B. and L.L.M.? How many hours does a successful programmer code per day? What is the biggest mistake you made in your 30s and what did you learn from it? How can you lose weight quickly? If all the humans in the world were distributed evenly across the Earth, how many people would be in 1 square mile? "Why do we use the indefinite article ""a"" instead of ""an"" in front of the word ""usual?""" Is SSC chsl exam is related to bank exams? Or both are different? How do I find someone on social media sites by email address? How do you determine the oxidation number in calcium? What is Clinton's stand on India? Is ISI better than RAW? How can I start learning and doing programming again? What is the most sustainable way to dispose of tupperware products? Who will win in a war between India and Pakistan? Which are the best movies ever? What is meant by patriotism? Why do dumb people are called owl (Ullu) and donkey (Gadha) in India? What is wrong with these animals? What is the difference between the roles of an Architect and a Manager in Cognizant? What is the best book for practicing Gre verbal? What will happen if two black holes collide? "Can you track ""incognito browsing"" in Chrome?" What is SBI's PAN number? Why does China support Pakistan inspite of all the proofs against Pakistan? What is the best selling Laserdisc of all time? Is school based better than board based exam? What challenges does a UX design student face when entering the new industry? How can they transition easily from theory into practice? I need some suggetions regarding investing in capital markets for the very first time, how should I proceed? What is the best response for tantrums, my kids cries for things they want as a response I raise my voice and I get very upset? How do you unlock an iPad? How do I know if someone blocked me on WhatsApp or not? What are some amazing facts about Vladimir Putin? "How does a person answer the question, ""Tell me something about yourself?"" in a social situation (not in a formal setting like a job interview)?" What are some ways to open Interface Builder in XCode 5? I am using a Moto G, and it failed to download the OTA update of Android due to a network error. Now what can I do to get it updated? What are the basics to becoming a popular student in college? What programming language was used to make Temple Run? Where is Perfection? Is pretending a question wasn't asked a logical fallacy? Which is the best Harry Potter book? Will drinking sour milk make you sick? I've been working as a Systems engineer in an MNC for 2 years. To survive and grow in the IT industry in India, is a masters degree or MBA essential? How does a long distance relationship work? What is the maximum age of increasing height? The U.S. has lost Philippines as a pivot in ASEAN. Which other member of ASEAN will the U.S. seek in order to incite a war and make ASEAN another ME? How can I start learning Hindi? What will Trump do to make America great again? Is it advisable to give a 2 month old prune juice to help with constipation? How much should you care about what other people think of you? Who is Dawood Ibrahim? What do astronauts do if they have to make a poo while walking on the moon? Why are the stocks of Airtel and Idea are crashing down after the launch of reliance jio? Why would China want to invest $42bn in Pakistan? What is the best way to learn SAS? Is there anyway I can increase internal memory for my intex phone? What is an HUF account? What are its pros and cons? How do I get my Facebook account back if I've changed phone numbers and they still send the code to the other number? How did special vision school in the last three weeks change your thoughts on the purpose of your life? How does the hard drive work and store memory? Is there a hammer and nail emoji? What individuals and events in history are a source of pride for Rwanda? Harvard College Courses: What is general shopping advice for Tamil classes? Why were the 500 and 1000 rupee notes demonetized? How do yo stop your Boxer/Pitbull mix from biting your furniture? What is difference between aerospace engineering and aeronautical engineering? Are writers on Quora mostly lonely or have no job (unemployed)? What is the best place to stay at on Highway 1 / Pacific Coast Highway between San Francisco and L.A. with a reasonable budget (at least midway on the way to L.A.)? What does it mean if a girl blocks me from messaging her on FB? Are there any chances of connecting with her? What is reddit and how to use it? Will I be able to crack JEE advanced 2018 if I start preparing now, right from scratch? What is it like to be president of the USA? What is this black spot for? What kind of questions do you downvote on Quora? I am sending a message to someone who is not my friend on Facebook. How do I know if she can see my message? What are the laws to change your status from a student visa to a green card in the US, how do they compare to the immigration laws in Canada? Should people over 100 not be allowed to vote? Why don't we move the observance of Thanksgiving to mid-October to help avoid interference with Christmas, and weather related delays at airports? What are the best places to visit in dharamshala? Hey, where are you from? How do I avoid watching porn? How do I gain weight in naturally way? Why are people so stupid? Are all of the rings on an Olympic track the same length? How do I get motivation to lose weight? How do I start preparing for IAS exam? How much time should I spend on which subject? Are there any complications if you lose 40 pounds in 3 months? Does the moon appear bigger in areas closer to poles compared to the Equator? It it true that learning new programming languages goes much easier and faster after you learned one? Which research areas of neuroscience attract the brightest minds? Tinder - how do I delete my interests? What were the effects of WW-I? How do I stop being desperate for love. I'm 25, male living in NYC. Have never had any girlfriend or even girls who are friends? Do dogs have an analog to humans' mirror neurons, and might that explain their successful association with humans? How should a father explain puberty to his daughter when his wife no more? How much time does it take to clear a cheque? Why do developers at Google use Ubuntu over something like Windows or Mac OS X? Neuroscience: How do antipsychotics affect an animal's ability to learn through operant conditioning? Which is the current topic in production? How can we recover our Gmail password online? Which car services are available in Denver? How good are they compared to taxis and relative to each other? Which solar powered mobile phone charger is the best in India and under 1k? Who will win the Ballon d'or in 2017? Ronaldo, Suarez or Griezmann? How so I ask questions on Quora? What does Apigee do? What is my bra size if my band size is 27 and cup size is 31 and half? What percentage of profits do publishing companies take to publish a book? What are Apple's vision and mission statements? Why is my dog eating grass excessively? Royal Enfield Bullet: Any good mechanic in Whitefield/Marathahalli/Kundalahalli? What is the difference between a resume and C.V.? What are all the available options for government jobs after completing B.Tech in mechanical engineering? Which are the good sites for preparing Infosys written tests? I don't have a social security number and would rather not get an ITIN. Is there any way I can open a bank account? How can you get rid of pimples in your earlobe? What individuals and events in history are a source of pride for Lithuania? How can I develop good writing skills? Do you like to skydiving? How do I be a heartless, emotionless, strong, ambitious, and competitive person and also a misogynist? How do you potty train a 4 month old puppy? Have you ever felt intense, deep, pulsating horniness at an inconvenient time? What is it like being a missing person's detective? I am doing research for a student film, and have a lot of questions? Anyone willing to chat? What is the meaning of A2A? How was your experience looking for a sperm donor or donating sperm? What is the best puppy food? How can you remove a bank account from the BHIM app? Which are the best places to visit in Finland? Www.krazybutterfly.com Closed captions on CNN are badly garbled and unreadable and have been that way for hours. Why can't CNN fix that in a timely manner? What are some best horror movies? Does anyone work at Envigo in New Jersey? Is being polite a sign of weakness? If you could have lunch with anyone in history, who would you choose? Do Chinese people believe wishing trees? How close are we (or not close) right now to World War 3? What is the least one can expect from His/her spouse? Where can I sell my unimplemented business idea? What is the best keyboard layout for the fastest typing speed? Is it possible for conduction current to be equal to displacement current? How much does it cost to register a startup as private limited in India? How do I find a basic purpose in my life? Why do I often get confused? Why does my question keep getting marked as needing improvement? In what ways are the gaming and movie industries alike? How are they different? How much money I get from 10,000 voucher Android app downloads? Why are men attracted to women only? What are the main things everyone should learn from Bhagavad Gita? Are there any conspiracy theories that are probably true? Any conspiracy theories that turned out to be true? What is it like to live in Norway as an expat? What is the logic of some expats moving to India if they don't like Indians? "What Philosophical Ideas are in ""The Purge""" Why the path of planets is elliptical not circular? What are the reasons why cats bite and knead blankets? Why I am low in confidence for the interview? How does QQ manage to transfer files so quickly? What is the best science book you ever read? What do Dalits think of RSS? Where can you find Pikachu on Pokémon GO? Why do we cry while chopping an onion? How do I sync Google contacts to iPhone? Which is the best eye hospital in Kolkata? ROMs of size 256 Kwords x 4 BITS are available. Design a 1 Mword x 8 bit ROM using these? What are the best jobs for a library and information science degree holder graduate? What kind of music do you like and why? What Rank can I expect in jee mains 2016 with 147 marks and 98.87 percentile in west bengal boards? I have forgotten my password for Facebook and no primary email and phone is added to my account. How can I get access to my account? Is it possible in any way to save the money if one draws a demand draft in favour of an institution (DD didn't reach the proper place)? What if it was possible to go anonymous in real life as well? Does General relativity mean that there is no free will? How do I find Owner of the 10th class marksheet of Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB)? Do lesbians like the feeling of a penis in their vagina? My husband thinks that giving someone a handjob is cheating, I disagree what do you think? How are job opportunities in Canada after MS? How do I make a cake without using an oven? Can I create my own internet connection without using an ISP? What is sex like with an older man? Is Chopra a sexy surname? Is it justifiable to leave your parents for love? How is the word 'globalization' used in a sentence? Which equation in general relativity predicted the existence of black-holes ? Why don't girls like nice guys? What is the difference between art and music? Why did Quora remove my question? How do you balance relaxation and being productive? If everything in the universe doubled in size overnight, would one be able to figure it out? Leonardo da Vinci: Are there any criticisms of the Mona Lisa? Where can I meet British women in Ontario? How do I convert percentage in to gpa (scale of 4.0)? Does Obama ever use a body double? what’s your review of the Wuhan university of textile? How will abolishing rs.500 and rs.1000 notes reduce corruption and identifying black money? How do I earn money online? How can one learn to love themselves? How can I make a blog on Quora on iOS 10? What is it like to be the parent of a psychopath? What kind of classmate were you INTJs and INFJs in middle/high schools? The weight mentioned in SSB Chart are the least one or it is the exact one? What are some books by Bhagat Singh? What is a double taxation agreement? What is input tax credit and output tax credit? What does 40C8 mean (in respect to the grading system of carbon steel)? What are the career oppertunities after M.Sc. Tech in Geophysics from ISM Dhanbad? What are the latest IT trends? What should I wear to prom? Can I differentiate cultured umbilical cord CD34 cells to B cells? How do I stop playing video games? Which is that incident which transformed your ego into humility? How can a store officer add value to a company? I am preparing for CLAT I want to study for atleast 12 hours but I cant focus. How do I manage my routine and get out of this destracting situation? How do I learn blueprint reading by myself? Which operating system do most programmers use? What is the most popular porn niche on Internet? Can I apply to US law school with a foreign 7-semester LL.B.? Why do you want sales? Which is the best book for shell script? What colleges are there for bsc in microbiology and bsc in life science? What are the effects of demonitization of 500 and 1000 rupees notes on real estate sector? What would a world be like with more than 2 logic state? Does Jio sim qork in 3G mobile? What are the reasons for the collapse of Roman Empire? "What are the ""Round Robin"" and ""Knock Out"" formats of sports tournaments?" Will passing electric power through the Space elevator cable be the most cost effective way of climbing to Space than for example using a laser? Which DSLR camera is best under 35000rs? What does flannel feel like? Do the Japanese have shame for the military crimes committed by their army in the 20th century (like the Nanking incident, for instance) like the Germans have shame for theirs during World War II? Which is the best royal Enfield bike in 2016? Does Lipton green tea Assist in weight loss? How does the ban on 500 and 1000 rupee notes helps to identify black money and corruption? Why does every fan that calls in PL Fanzone is from India or South Africa? How does the Stanford CS Program choose its Siebel Scholars? Which is the best Harry Potter movie? What are TISS interview Like? Are algorithms and formulas two different, mutually exclusive things? What is or isn't the difference? What do '...!' and '...?' mean? How about sociology as an optional subject? What online payment methods are most popular in Vietnam? What is ultimate goal of life? Where can I found a good quality wardrobe in Sydney? What are some amazing facts about Japan and Japanese culture? The impact of brexit on Indian economy? Why can't I solve easy competitive python problems? What are the hardest puzzles asked in interview? If you are smart, do you need to be kind? How can I overcome a desperation towards a girl and How can I have her? Situation is on details. Which is correct: please find the attached file or please find attached the file? Which is better? Xampp or EasyPHP? Where can I learn Turkish music in Delhi? Can we judge a book by it's cover? Why is Katrina Kaif still in Bollywood despite being a bad actor? Who is Grandmaster Shifu Shaurya Bharadwaj? I am 14 and want to be tall when I grow up. What are some recommended diets/exercises/whatever to help me grow taller? What is the best programming language to know? What is the most badass thing about Napoleon Bonaparte? How should I start preparing for CAT ? Which is better-Cortana, Siri or Amazon echo? What is the difference between a concept, an idea, a thought and a mental image? Why didn't China break up like Europe? Why do some girls like to stick their their tongues out when taking pictures? What is the eligibility criteria for graduation courses in USA? How can I Transfer Music from iPhone to Mac without iTunes? Is MQM the 'Shiv Sena of Karachi'? Has a girl ever choked to death while giving a deep throat blowjob? Where can I find resources about speech recognition? What does it take to have millions of likes on a Facebook page? How can I learn hacking for free? How can I stop being racist to myself? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Safety Insurance Group? Which one is better among KMC Manipal and KMC Mangalore? Why do almost all bras show inner cleavage? What are some foods that begin with the letter U? What is your review of Aam Aadmi Party - Varanasi? Should I buy this new laptop or not? How do I cut off my friend? How does a female astronaut urinate in the ISS? Which is better for programming: Ubuntu vs Mint? I have a Facebook page with over 75,000 likes. How do I monetize the Facebook page? Royal Enfield Motorcycles: For a crowded city, which one is better, the Classic 350, the Classic 500 (chrome edition), or the Bullet Electra? How many degrees does the hour hand on a clock move in one day? Which 3 players did Dhoni removed from the Indian ODI teamas shown in the movie? I guess one was Sehwag? What is best source for start learning digital marketing? How much food do the WWe Superstars eat? Why do Tantriks worship Vulva? What is the current username and password for HINARI? What is the least known country in the world? What are some common examples of non-vascular plants, and how do they compare and contrast to connifers? When performing a Split S, how does the pilot know he is at a safe altitude so he does not hit the ground? What does the ISIS want? What does love feel like to you? How is the syncytial epidermis defined? Do employees at Electronics for Imaging have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? Is one a prime number? Why did Shae betray Tyrion's love and sleep with his father? What are the advantages and disadvantages of limited liability company? Why should one choose IPS over IAS? What are my chances/ How can I improve my chances of getting into an Ivy league or UC school? What is Jake Williams’s history that made him into a narcissist? Is the portrait mode on the iPhone 7 Plus still in beta? What is the difference between Shia and Sunni? How do I get the first million users for my app? If you are an entrepreneur what three words best describe you? What do you think of PM's decision on the banning of 500 and 100 rupee notes? Does Starbucks, Costa, Caffe Nero, Pret a Manger, et al do 'pending' or 'suspended' coffee in the UK? "What is another way of saying ""I will be off then?""" What's it like to be married to a pornstar? How do I know if I'm good? What can I do to make my younger sister realize that she is doing wrong with her life? What are the top 100 most interesting eBay Categories? How are uranium atoms split in a nuclear reactor? How does organizational structure affect the stakeholders? What are some good metaphors? What is the thing that you find most difficult to explain to other people? "I have been getting the status ""Police Verification Report is not clear and application is under review at Regional Passport Office"" for 1 month. What should I do?" How do I take an exposure shot with a Nikon D3300? What are ways I can make money online? When will my questions be answered? How could we measure pole strength of a magnet? Are people who makes IMO sleeping less than 6 hours? Why China is threat to India? Is there any psychology fellowship that a an international grad student with F1 visa in the USA can apply for? How can I make money online for job? What is the benefit to Quora? How do I increase traffic on my site? How would you respond to someone who says that your degree is useless? How do I sell dry Moringa leaves powder in Indian market? My cat had miscarriage 2 days earlier and she is stil bleeding unable to sit properly, seems to be in pain? How do I build an electromagnetic propulsion engine? Why is it so hard to get an attorney to take my case? Is it possible for antibiotics to cause acne? Is 80,000 pounds enough to live in london? Who do you think will be the fall person for Trump’s alleged Russian scandal? Can the FBI arrest a CIA? What is A brand strategist? What do I see if someone has deactivated their account? What are the best shooting ranges in the U.S.? Which foreign universities offer winter internships for Indian engineering students? Who will be the CM in Delhi? Why set max telecast movie Suryavanshan on every week? Is the verification cost on Couchsurfing worth it? How do I get an hacker? What do you think about my voice? What is finger in ginger then finger? What books or magazines should I read to improve my English? How many times have safeties been scored in past Super Bowls? What is the daily routine of the Infosys Mysore for a trainee? How can I get a complete list of all old Gmail accounts in my name? What hotel in Nallamala Hills Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? Where do I meet girls in Pune? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Rhode Island? If someone were to detonate a nuclear bomb in Yellowstone National Park, then can that trigger a super volcano? What questions should I ask my boyfriend, we are bored while texting? Is there any app that scans maths questions (in a book or in a image) and searches Google for step by step answers? Would a year on Earth be shorter if our planet was orbiting two suns? Is demonetization (demonetisation) in India a failure? What are the strongest majors in terms of job prospects and what are the weakest majors at Cal State Bakersfield? Canada: I haven't done my (Canadian) taxes in six years, what should I do? Why is water considered a pure substance? How do you order Comdata checks? What is a fistula? Why did I get my period 6 days late? How long did it take before your first business got off the ground? What is the proper way to dispose biodegradable waste materials? Do men and their unborn children deserve some reproductive rights? Why does Prilosec cause anxiety as a side effect? What does it mean when a phone rings twice and then goes straight to voicemail? What is the reason Muhammad's child wife Aisha said to him: “I feel that your Allah hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires.”? If I have a slow metabolism do thoughts about food increase appetite? What are some good reads on Buddhism? How do I improve my writing skills? Which board should I take up after my 10th? Why didn't Modi live with his mother or wife? How do I trace a phone call? What are some good truth or dare questions to ask over text? What is a binary compound? How could World War III occur, transpire, and conclude without any nuclear bombs seeing use? How do i know if someone loves me? How do I buy goods from Amazon and ship to Vietnam? What are the main components of BigData? What is the name of the president of India? So my boyfriend had a seizure 6 days ago he's fine now but his right temple hurts like a migraine, what does this mean? What are your opinions on Harry Potter and the Cursed Child? For SSC Cgl 2016 preparation, which class I should join in Delhi? Does Spiderman ever die in the comic books? How? I have LG G Pro2 smartphone &want to use Reliance's Jio free voice. How to get free calls from Jio? Is there any software patch I can apply? How will Donald trump's Victory would affect India's relationship with USA? What do Bengalis think of people from Odisha? What is the Kony video all about? What is binary number system? How does America see the rest of the world? A stone is dropped from the top of a tower.If it hits the ground after 10 seconds, what is the height of the tower? How different would the world be if we had never split the atom? Which is best between IIT Bombay and Bilkent university turkey for PHD in engineering? Why do I think people hate me? Are the elderly more conservative because they matured with age, or because liberalism is leaving behind more conservative generations? Oil and Gas Industry: How does oil get from the sea floor to an oil tanker on an oil platform? Are there storage tanks on the platforms? What is the physical significance of divergence, curl and gradient? In C++, what does a call function do? How do you obtain a trial court transcript if you are in Georgia and if you are indigent? Are vacuum tubes still used in computers? What are Elon Musk’s political beliefs? What costume should I wear for Halloween? What are the dimensions of a standard gurney? How did superstar Mahesh inspire your life? What are proteins of fast and slow absorption? Has anyone used those tummy vibration belts with successful results? Where can I get bikes on rental basis either in Kozhikode or Wayanad? How are Indians treated in Singapore? Will you recommend professor Israr Sheikh online classes for CA final AS and INDAS? Where can I find Filipino communities in Mexico? What are the pros and cons of living in Sydney, Australia? Can a black hole accelerate an object beyond the speed of light by its attraction? Why is the Alexa ranking increasing? How do I download movies from torrent sites? What will be the impact of the step taken to ban the 500 & 1000 rupee note on Indian economy? What is colonialism? What is Aleppo? -Gary Johnson What is the difference between having an ego and having self esteem? Why is Saltwater Taffy candy imported in Italy? Is it necessary to uninstall Photo Locker to install Leo privacy guard? How do I set default storage as SD card in a Samsung S7562? What's the best method to lucid dreaming? What was your biggest investment mistake? Do Sikhs feel bad about 1984? I work in TCS and I am green belt certified so what should be my career in MNC? What is the purpose of human life in the world? "Why did ""Pokemon Ranger and The Temple Of The Sea"" got kicked out of Cartoon Network in America?" What can be the revenue generation model for Simpl wallet? Wat is subsidy? What are the best human resources? How do we calculate inch dia of pipe? What is the best laptop in price range 50000 - 60000 for 2016? What was the most embarrassing moment of your life as an IITian? What kind of optics do snipers use? What do you think about the Bermuda Triangle? Do women find quiet, shy, or introverted men attractive? Who was the most ignorant American you have ever met? What are the best resources to learn Javascript? Is the medical insurance free for every citizen of australia? What are some good Malayalam books to read? How do I ask her out? Why is religion bad? Why are so many people obsessed with the flat Earth theory? What is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Richmond County GA? Is on-line gambling legal in Sweden? What is the acceptable TDS level of drinking water? How can I get a job on Quora? Why do people use [math]9.8 m/s^2[/math]? What does the number represent? What is the best way to get rid of distractions while studying? How can I access files from SD card in Recovery mode (TWRP) in Marshmallow? What is the difference between Byakugan, Sharingan, and Rinnegan? How can one learn to love life? Why do people ask such questions here on Quora which could be easily found on the internet? When should I start preparing for GATE and how? What are some good books to read to prepare for CAT? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Vermont? Why some north Indians pronounce v as b? Why are people so passive aggressive on Quora? Is sex important in life? How much does it cost to hire someone to build a website for you? How do I pursue my career in acting? Can we cancel one seat out of 3 booked seats on the IRCTC site? What is best book for bank exams? What is the difference between brake horsepower and horsepower? Which one is correct? 'If it was me' or 'if it were me'? What will it take for Trump supporters to realize that they got conned? Why do they love computers? Which post is better in stenographer and office assistant? Why does Quora always ask me to improve my questions? My mom won't let me get a pixie cut. How do I convince her? What are some of the most common biotic factors of the boreal forest? Is it good to join CSC as a fresher? What are the main causes of air water and land pollution? Is French or Spanish easier for an Italian speaker to learn and use? How is Hrithik Roshan as a person in real life? Is V for Vendetta a thriller? Are there any side effects of Massage Chair? Is it good for old people? Which fragrance is similar like reebok reeload deodorant? What are the advantages and disadvantages of building automation technology? Does the fan direction for the CPU cooling make a difference? What do IITians think about NPTEL courses? What is your review of Kendriya Vidyalaya? Is there a substitute for Mod Podge in India? How do you know if it is time for divorce? Why do I want to become a lawyer? What is capital of china? Why does the same job pay much lesser in developing countries than in developed ones? How do mountain ranges in Oklahoma differ from mountain ranges in Missouri? What are the merchant marine requirements? Who is Magnus Carlsen? How will Trump's presidency affect the Indian students who are planning to study in the US? What is it like to compete with a professional athlete? Can alcohol be beneficial in some ways? What type of mental diseases or disorders cause people to copy other people's behaviors, work, words and personalities? How Can I get success in CPA? How has Arvind Kejriwal performed as a CM of Delhi? How do I get rid of hormonal acne? How do I get fit and get rid of body fat? If we bet on Bet365 from India and earn money, are there any problem with bankers? Is this legal money? How do I develop my presence of mind? So, are there people that have utterly failed important classes in college and still made it to medical school? What's your biggest regret during your past years? What does the Bible say about the existence of other gods? Why should I learn Python instead of Java? Who were the most dangerous women in history? What is Reddit karma and how do people benefit from having more Reddit karma? Why there is so much nudity content in Game of Thrones? What are some ebook downloading sites? Environmental Science: What would happen if Carbon Dioxide were completely removed from the earth's atmosphere? How does life begins from a single cell called zygote? Which is the best internet service provider in Australia? If both Scotland and Northern Ireland leaves 'United Kingdom', what do you call what's leftover, with only England and Wales? Was the Taj Mahal originally an ancient Hindu temple? What else should I do to quit smoking? What are some of the funniest movies? How do I recover a hacked instagram? My friend from the past is stalking me. What should I do? Who is the best career counsellor in india? Has Jimmy Wales asked any question on Quora that has not been answered yet? Why India's performance is still poor in olympics? What most effective R.A. drug? What universities does Universal American recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? How do I know if I have been blocked on an android phone? secrets behing subash Chandra Bose death? How should India tackle CPEC? How did you learn to speak several languages? What is the value of a Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis Faciebat Anno 1713? Microeconomics: How would you explain elasticity to a child? What is the best car to buy under 5 lakhs? What is the best site for soccer predictions? How do you get over feelings of loneliness and depression? How do I devote 16 hours a day to something? Why are arranged marriages successful? Define professional context? Do variac work only for AC devices only? What are the best responses when someone tries to tell you (in error) that Superman is better than Batman? Is the iPad mini 2 still a good Tablet? General Knowledge: Didn't Judaism, Christianity and Islam originate from the same religion that existed earlier? What are their origins? Can time travel exist somewhere in our universe already? How do I access the ExtraTorrent website? How big is a honey bee's stinger? How wikipedia earn money without ads in their website? Where can I get necessary legal advice and services in Sydney for property transaction? What are some good online lectures on distributed systems concepts? What traffic laws in Australia are particularly hard for foreign drivers to get used to? What are the good qualities required for software developers? "How and why did Nixon ""open"" China to relations with the US?" If you ask someone to kill you, is it suicide? How do I know if someone deleted kik off their phone? "How do you correctly use ""who"" and ""whom""?" Is there infinite energy in zero point energy in reality? (Not only in mathematics) Can you see who views your Instagram videos? What is the current political climate in Australia? What is the best language in the world and why? How far down into the atmosphere of jupitor does the pressure = earths pressure? Welding: Can anyone recommend an all in one welder (mig,stick and plasma cutter) for under $1,000? What are the legal separation laws in PA and how do they compare with the ones in Washington? What's the best birthday present for a guy? Are there any sensors available for checking nutrient levels in the soil? What is the temperament of a Lab/St. Bernard mix? What technology does ting mobile use for theri OTT voip? How do you know if you are in love with someone? Schools in Maine however, have made great efforts to improve the nutrition and palatability of the daily offering? What are some good modern philosophy books? Is it safe to use castor oil at 36 weeks to induce labor? How many amperes (amps) come out of a wall outlet? What are the risks of contract based government jobs in India? What phone should I buy under Rs 15000? What can we do for hair loss? Are Turks too obsessed with Ataturk? Are people's everyday cycles to keep clean going to progress towards getting rid of the problem? How does one know if one is under surveillance? What are some tips for passing the UK driving test? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at H&E Equipment Services? Will the US election counts be rigged? What are your views on the recent case of mass molestation in Bangalore, and what can be done to prevent such acts in the near future? What is the best laptop in 50000 in India? "What are some songs that can be used for saying ""no, not interested""?" What's it like to live in Switzerland? Why do so many people on Quora ask stupid questions they could find answers to if they spent less than 5 minutes on a search engines? What universities does Global Indemnity recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? What is the advantage of demonetization of Indian currency? What would happen If I came out to my straight platonic love? Why asking questions is better than answering them on Quora? What system elements are incorporated into a single camcorder? What are the best triller books? What are the biggest lies told on Internet? What is line? How does a great white shark adapt to its enviroment? How do I reduce my anger? Can there be an ArrayList of ArrayLists? If so, how do I add elements? How difficult is it for an IMG (Indian) to become a surgeon in the USA? How was your experience during your TCS ILP at Nagpur? What do you usually talk about with your friends? Is there life on other planets? What is the meaning of SAP workflow? Who was the Tashkent Man? How often should one visit a dentist? Has anyone received an admission offer from HKUST for 2017? What are some healthy daily activities and habits every student should adopt? Would Mike Pence be a better US president than Donald Trump? How can one sell on Flipkart? Who are the best headhunters in Mumbai? Why is Quora useful and successful? Why is that some people get what they want very easily while others have to struggle for the same? In your opinion, did Miss Philippines deserve to win the elusive pageant crown? Explain briefly. I have been offered a software engineer job in Dubai at 3000EAD plus accommodation. I have 2+ years of experience. Is it a good offer? How will I improve my spoken English? What is the format for writing a debate in CBSE English Board Exams? Can I get funded based on my startup idea? Does Trump likes to play any computer or console games? Which is more important, career or marriage? How can I increase followers in Quora? "What are some ways to be a good stage anchor ? How to keep your crowd entertained ? What are the different filler performances or questions or ""things"" an anchor can do?" Where can I get best offset printing, and UV printing services in Australia? Which is the best inspirational hollywod movie? Should I subscribe ICICI Pru life insurance IPO? What are the best debt collection agencies in India? Is there some painless way to suicide? How are the girls hostel facilities at IIT? What is the best way to learn the rules of NFL football? Is there a littering fine in Slovakia? How much do I have to pay if I get caught littering? Can a military officer wear a uniform on leave? What are the best mobile app company in Kuwait? I just recently turned 13 and I am 5'4 how tall would I be? Why do you lose weight in your face first? Is it possible to make a car run on water? Quora: Should I take advice from people on Quora? "Is having a ""I don't care"" attitude bad?" How do I score good marks in chemistry class 11 in 4days? Is there a way to get taller, and increase your height? What are the top 10 problems faced by today's younger generation? How do I stop being scared of a picture? What are websites that are similar to eBay? Can friendship stay after breakup? Who are competitors of Linxup? How do women feel about men who wear pantyhose? How does UberEATS compare to DoorDash in the South Bay? Is Tina being overworked by her PR directors to make her quit? How do I lose weight without stopping? What do Chinese people think of Americans? How are science and engineering related? How can I download an app from another country's App Store? How can I get into investment banking? Do hedgehogs have quills? What should I do to concentrate more on my studies? Which is a better place for paragliding, Kamshet or Saputara? What is a device that is an IoT device now, but in the past was a non-IoT device? What has happened to openbittorrent.com? How hair grow after hair transplant surgery? What is the first step to take if you want to start a business? What does the open blue circle in Facebook Messenger mean? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Michigan? What is it like to fail again and again at job interviews? What is the connection and relationship between borderline personality disorder and codependency? Law School: What does it feel like to be someone with depression in law school? Is there a possibility of a new world religion shaping up in the 21st century? Have you ever made a decision in a video game, pre-designed or not, that made you guilty enough to quit? How can I block Facebook messenger calls? What should be my resolution for 2017? Which is the best brand to buy for a 16GB USB 3.0 pen drive? How can I get sex from my female friends? How can I seduce them in a respectful manner? "What is the meaning of ""hmmm"" in chatting?" How does the speed of a nerve impulse vary? What’s the easiest way to learn JavaScript? What is the difference between Naxalism and communist? What is the difference between ج and ز? What does it mean if one dreams about baby elephants? What was the best way you've ever seen a teacher eradicate bullying in their class? Black people: Be honest, If you had a choice, would you still be black or be white? The zombie apocalypse just started, what are the first few things you do? How do I prepare for the Engineering Services 2017 Prelims paper? You are given 1 million dollars. What do you do with the money? Who are the best politicians in India according to performance? Which is the best entrance coaching centres in Kotta? Where can I download all the episodes of Bigg Boss 10? What is it like to get a master's in artificial intelligence from the University of Georgia? What is the best smelling fragrance for men? How can I send money to a PayPal user without having my own PayPal account? If hearing is associated with abstract thinking, how do people who were born deaf think? How can I prevent acne? What is best way to make money online? Are there any similarities between mythologies or theologies of different religions? Aren't we all just a little bit racist? Is Vicks VapoRub safe for children? How do I become an excellent project manager? How do I contact Amazon Prime? Is Katrina Kaif an actress? What are the attributes of monkeys belongs to cercopithecine monkey Family? What is the corporate culture like at Mercury General? How is the culture different than other companies? What is the largest amount a startup has ever raised? Can earth’s magnetic field be repelled by a magnet? Can guava seeds be eaten? Has Donna Tartt done a lot of drugs? What are some good topics for research projects? Commerce, Law, Management? How can you resolve the problem of accounting software tool by quickbooks technical support number? Why are so many questions on Quora about Quora? Why can't Windows Explorer find files I dragged into Google Drive when searching? How much power (in KW) does an inverter battery consume while charging? If I, as an Australian passport holder, have the Austrian Type D Visa, can I travel in other Schengen country with the 90-day visa free scheme? What are some fun bet ideas? How does a charcoal suit pink waistcoat and blue shirt look for graduation? What's the best morning routine for me? Why is PK better than Oh My God? What is the best seo techniques 2016? "Are ""objects in the mirror really closer than they appear"" in any vehicle?" I have forgotten my RRB roll number. How do I get the roll number back? How do I love my body as a guy? What causes smog? What are the best MBA business schools in the world? Why is reducing individual and societal ecological footprint necessary and important? What are the best ways you motivate yourself to write more and better? How can you wake up earlier? What is the best answer when we are asked by interviewers why should we hire you? What can you take to lose weight fast? Permanent friends and enemy? Why have there been so many successful rappers from Atlanta? Why is pewter so expensive, and how does its properties compare to those of zirconium? What is your review of the 2016 MacBook Pro? How do Bangalore bus routes compare to Srinagar's, and what authority oversees them? Who are the best Marvel Comics villains? What does it feel like to be paralyzed? What does an internet marketer do? Why are breather pipes important? Who is the worst teacher you ever had? What does the laws in Honduras regarding Razor Edge Pitbulls say? My uber account has been disabled. Can it enabled? What are some reviews of the Galaxy Note 3? Which are the top ten best Hollywood romantic movies? What is the difference between Chinese and American education? Why isn't Charlie Sheen on Quora? Was six party talks successful? What is Tangent Universe? What is the difference between Directx and graphics card? Can narcissists ever love anyone and ever be truly happy? What is the percentage of black people in the world? Why did Maneka Gandhi split from Congress and joined BJP? What is the minimum course fee foe CFA in Kolkata, India? Should India declare a war on Pakistan and Why? What piano chords go together? Is music like a language? If you flip a coin and roll a 6-sided die, what is the probability that you will flip a heads and roll a 2? Does raw silk feel like cotton? What is the biggest mistake you have made as a bond investor? Is it okay to ask question and also answer to it on Quora? What is the difference between x265 & x264 video coding? Which is advantageous? Is it possible to increase height after 25 using LOA? Anybody here has achieved this? Which liquid roof sealant is the best cost or value for a rolled shingle flat roof that is easy to apply? "Aaron Rodgers says ""Green 18, Green 18"" before the ball is snapped. What are other cadences used by NFL quarterbacks?" Could I be pregnant with two negative tests? What is it like to live in Himachal Pradesh? Is it fine for a 19 year old girl to date an 18 year old guy? How much is a Netflix year-long subscription? Which is the shortest way to reach Electronic City from KBS? Can the last seen on whatsapp be manipulated? What kind of clustering algorithm and parameters are used in clustering friends into friends cluster by the Wolfram|Alpha Facebook report? Which Facebook SDK are they using? How engineering statics helps to mechatronics student? How do I make a fingerprint scanner at home? What evidence do we have that God doesn't exist? What is good with Southern Comfort? What are some synonyms used for education in India? How do I save a PowerPoint presentation with the notes page as a Word document or as a PDF file? Is the responsibility for trying to stop climate change local or global? How do I hack a WhatsApp account without having access to victim phone? How did Indians live in Ancient times (around tenth century)? What is the surgical strike? What are some lesser-known sights to see when visiting Darbhanga, Bihar, India? What is your favorite vegetarian recipe? How can I find my goal? How does the immune response against antigens compare against nucleic acids? What is the best vitamin regimen for men in their 20s? Why? Why don't all app creators send passcodes to all of their app users? It's my first job and my first time as a civil engineer. My project is now starting to clear the area and site grading will follow. What are the important things I should not forget in site grading? What sort of pets do possums make? Is there life after death? What is the best ABS CORE workout I can do everyday to get a flat stomach? What is the importance of stanzas in poetry? I smoked weed for the first time ever a couple days ago, how long until it's out of my system? What is the importance of education to the United States and how are their views of education different from Singapore's? Why does it take so overly long to install visual studio and why does it need a restart? What is your opinion on PM Narendra Modi's decision to ban INR 500 and INR 1000 notes? Which is best leather strap cutter machine? Is 41 a prime number? How can I judge my results after doing a structural analysis in ANSYS Workbench? Why is it that a lot of Chinese people don't feel oppressed by their regime but some foreigners insist they are? What's the point of trying so hard in life when your going to die and not rememeber anything? How biology related to environmental science? What is the craziest thing that you ever did in your life with your best friend? Would I qualify as NRI if 75 days I was in US on Business Visa (salary from India) and 120 days after getting work permit (salary from US) in same FY? What is Trinidad and Tobago? Information Security: How do I become a penetration tester with no relevant experience? What do north indian boys think about south Indian girls? Should I be an engineer or animator? What is the best way to promote your YouTube Video? Why can't I maintain an erection during sex when I can do it during masturbation? How do I cheat life? What is the average tenure of a US Senator? How do I stop caring about what people think about me? How much traffic does Mormonthink.com get? What are all the games I can play with Intel HD 5500, 16GB of RAM and an Intel i5 processor? What is e-challan? What is the difference between a scanned copy and a digitally clicked photo of a document? Can I work as a freelancer while working in Amazon India? How get can I rid of belly fat? How did you plan your story? What will be the effect of banning 500 and 1000 Rs notes on real estate sector in India? Can we expect sharp fall in prices in short/long term? If I call someone on my iPhone and they don't answer, but the call log says that the attempt to call them was cancelled, does that mean they saw the call but ignored it? Which are the best 5 novels a girl must read? What is the Sahara, and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Gibson Desert? What is the average CPM for ads on ESPN? What is the difference between a story and a novel? Can we transfer electricity through air as medium from one place to another? "What words rhyme with ""me""?" What can delay your period besides pregnancy? Will the decision to demonetize 500 and 1000 rupee notes help to curb black money? How could I avoid my laziness? Are there any good open source human resource (HRIS/HRIM) systems out there? Is Fat Diminisher works? What are some ways to change your Netflix password? How do you create an array in PHP? "What is the meaning of ""nature of acquaintance""?" What are the best foods and drinks to help you go to sleep? "What are some examples of sentences using the word ""incredulously""?" Theoretically speaking, what's the best way to rob a bank? How do I keep the faith when everything is going wrong in my life? What is 3.5cm (width) by 1.5cm (ht.) in pixels at 200 dpi resolution? What are some of the subliminal messages in Nickelodeon? How far is the Sun from Earth? How do I stop food cravings? Why do I almost lose conciousness, when standing up after sitting on the ground for a long time? What is the relationship between Uddhava and Lord Krishna? What is a good explanation of Labeled LDA? How do I find a great web developer? Industrial policy for women entrepreneurs India? Can I choose physics and maths as my major at IISC after giving the bio exam (in KVPY SX)? Which is the best question you've read on Quora? What are some amazing facts about Vladimir Putin? I lost my PAN card and I want a new one with the old PAN number. How should I proceed? Did the financial industry cause 2008 crisis? Why shouldn't I vote for Hillary Clinton? What are some natural ways to grow hair faster? Does anyone believe that there is life on other planets? If I want to become a software engineer, which subjects do I have to read in class 11th and 12th? How are images stored in a database? Books: How long would it take to write and complete a book? What is the average coefficient of friction? How can it be calculated? What is the best coaching institute for the GRE and TOEFL/IELTS with counselling in Pune? What is VMware Use for? Who will help Hillary Clinton most as her running mate? How serious can a blown head gasket be? Can I get admission in Lnmiit or Nit in session 2017-18 if I had taken admission in for Bsc in a private college? If you could choose your birth biological sex, what would you choose and why? How can I keep my hair having that always wet look? Is there any Facebook-advertising agency that has CPA/ROI based pricing? I want to withdraw money from my Robinhood account. My 'withdrawable cash' has $0, which cash and buying power both have $500. How do I withdraw? What are the alternatives for student id and bonafide for passport application? Which is a better option in career growth : SalesForce or ServiceNow, considering all the aspects which includes scope, job opportunities in India? How do I get my dog to stop eating grass? Why is JavaScript the only client-side language available? Why does the Amazon Instant Video app for iPhone only work on Wi-Fi? "What is the male equivalent of ""maiden name?""" What do you think of the decision by the Indian Government to demonetize 500 and 1000 rupee notes? In my room I have birds, photography and plants what should I use instead of cityscapes? What are some reasons to not vote for Bernie Sanders? What is business plan conceptualization? How do I stay longer in bed? Do singularities exist? At the center of earth, gravity would be all around you causing you to float. What about at the center of a black hole? Do you have to be intelligent to be intelligent? How do I remove a 4 GB data limit of Jio SIM? Which books are the best for beginners to learn Python 3? "What is the meaning of ""moral rigor""?" Where's a good university to study Computer Science in the UK? What is the best thing you ever bought? How do I get all the list registered to your gmail account? What are the best car accessories? What is the fastest mile you have ever run? What is the relationship between operation research and mathematics? When is the patent on the drug Strattera going to expire? How does Lyft have the ability to give out 50$ promo codes? What is the Elephants Foot and what risks does it pose? Are bigger brains smarter? How much does a website cost to build? Is there a multiverse? Which College should I Choose? VGEC, LJ, Charusat, MSU, or DDU? What are some of the most accurate documentaries/movies on the Indian Independence struggle? How can guys last longer during sex? How do I change gender in booked IRCTC e-tickets? Where I can watch English movies with subtitles online? What is the best answer for tell me about yourself in an interview? How much money should a start-up potentially earn for it to be viable for a investor? I have a $100, where should I invest? What are the top 5 TED talks that you took away the most learnings from? How can I retrieve the password of a Wi-Fi source saved in my phone? For free gas (Gas price 2.27) , Drive 24 miles from Salinas to GilroyIs it worth? Will the US Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage have any bearing on culture in America? What are some characteristics of siliciclastic sedimentary rocks? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Physicians Realty Trust? How soon before there will be cheaper and more efficient ways to travel to other planets? Bachelor of Science Electrical engineering? In how many ways can a necklace be made using 6 identical red beads and 2 identical blue beads? How much Sinemet is too much to take daily? I take 1 25/100 every two hours. Could visible lights or photons have a shadow? Is visa required for Indians to travel to Goa? Why did Hillary Clinton think it was necessary to use a private server to conduct her personal and government communications? How does the increase in interest rate causes the price level to rise? How is the value of 0! 1? How can I understand [math]dy/dx[/math]? What are the best opportunities to build a career after a diploma in mechanical engineering? What are the chances of getting a job in Australia if I get a PR visa? How can I master the language 'c'? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Aon? Is being naturally nocturnal a disorder for humans? Why is are obelisks important? How can I change my profile pic on Quora? Can I find web designers on thunderquote? "What is the meaning of Blanche's last line ""I've always depended on the kindness of strangers""?" Why isn't Prince Philip the King of England when his wife is the Queen? When my answer is collapsed, is it really possible to edit it so it is acceptable, or should I just start over? What's grammatically correct: [company name] are looking to... or [company name] is looking to? When will Leonardo DiCaprio win an Oscar? How do I get back the focus on studies? When did Europeans sleep in the 17th century? What does it feel like being a US Marine in Afghanistan or Iraq? What is the best gift idea for a new bride within 100$? Where can I ask for donations for a personal cause? What proof do you need to get a restraining order against someone? How do I get more traffic on my website? What is entropy? What is the best gaming PC I can get for 1400€? How do I lose 20 kgs in a year? If you could wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, who would it be? Is Islam really a peaceful religion? How unsafe the deep web is? How do you know if someone has blocked you on FaceTime? How did UChicago get so strong at Statistics? How do I improve my communication skills.? How do I get rid of distractions? Basics of chemical engineering? What is the dimension of the volume of a cube? What can we do for hair loss? What is your review of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU)? What are some good mixers for vodka? Can you get pregnant from oral sex? Why did Zayn Malik leave One Directon? If one of my YouTube channels gets banned, will it affect my AdSense account linked with it and other channels? Does it feel sexy and sensual to make love in a satin dress? Are mobiles harmful for the health? "What does ""TL; DR"" mean?" Career Advice: What is the reason many engineering students can't get jobs in India? What is the best way to develop an iOS app by hiring someone? JEE Advanced 2016 web portal is not responding even when I am entering the correct registration number. What should I do? What are the requirements of rebar detailing in UK? What IS the REASON WHY BIRDS are NOT ELECTROCUTED ON POWER LINES? How do I increase height at age of 16? Where is the key to the safe in the Nuka-Cola factory in Fallout 3? What is the function of VPN in an iPhone? How do I know If I'm really in love? Why is Arnab Goswami resigned as the Editor-in Chief of Times Now and ET Now? How could I get rid of Facebook addiction? What's so bad about women showing their bra straps? What movies will change my life? Why is Gibbs free energy at a minimum at equilibrium? How do I prepare for MICAT? What are some examples of organic and inorganic chemistry in everyday life? After submitting documents in Accenture, my status is Candidature in process since around a month. When should I expect the offer letter? Computer Science: How do I propose a game idea to major game publishers/developers? Do employers prefer candidates who have worked on projects using different languages/frameworks to someone who uses the same language/framework? Where can I get best quality professional sound on DJ services in Sydney? Was Andrew Jackson a man of the people? What is an example of a social contract? What would happen if the volcano at Yellowstone would erupt? "What is the correct way to say ""let's go"" in Korean?" What's the syllabus for SSC? "Why is the police sometimes called ""12""?" I get stressed out a lot over little things and it's hard for me to overcome this. Is there anything that I could do to be able to control this? What are strengths and weaknesses of Conflict Theory? What is shear centre? How does one learn how to hack? How do you motivate your employees to use your company gym? Where did the emperor of Japan hide during the war? If you have to choose between mount bromo and ijen kawah what one should choose? Where are all my Gmail accounts? How do I know if my wife has been faithful? Is the spin of an electron the cause of magnetism on a macroscale? Can a company take a loan from its promoter under the Companies Act, 2013 and not be covered by the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014? Why did things evolve in a way that made it so that they have to sleep? It would make more sense for life not to need it because of predators. Can I pay ICICI credit card bill at a physical bank? How do I stop expecting from others? How long does it take a woman to get pregnant after sex? "Is the Florida airport shooter mentally ill or an Islamist ""terrorist""?" How can I become more interesting? How are joules and calories related? Why would one use Google Allo over Google Chat/Hangouts? Is Julian Assange dead, as of 17 Oct, 2016? What is the legality of vehicles, which are stopped by protesters in a public street, moving forward to break the human barricade? What were the Jim Crow laws? What are Unknown facts about India economy? Which university in Ukraine is best for medicine and why? Do employees at McDonald's have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? Can we transmit Video signal through IR? Events (leisure): Who is the organizer of The Color Run? How much is the total fee of BITS Pilani per annum for a B.Tech course? How do I become a football manager without playing professionally? Is China bigger than Japan? What do u do when u got to knw that ur ex is getting married to a girl with he ditched u? Can a 16 year old buy a house? What should I do if someone hits me physically? If I hit them and knock them out, will I get into trouble? What are the legal processes? Why can't a country print its own currency? How is CAT percentile calculated? How can a boy become the world's youngest billionaire? How many phones can one carry without being charged at airport? How do I remove the empty SIM icon from the status bar in Android (Lollipop)? Who are the youngest billionaire in canada? What is the difference between a visa and a passport? How long does it take for NEFT transfer to reflect? What are the best recommendations to live with a pet in an apartment? What's the sole purpose of life? "Is ""The Chronic"" the best rap album of all time?" What is the value of courses from ip university? How do you learn Motosports photography? How automata theory applicable in text processing? What is link to download kitkat zip? Does light loses power in space? Or every light in space (in our visual field from earth) is percivable? What are some great Firefox add-ons? Which are the best couse for financial modeling? Where can I find reviews for the Suzuki Gixxer SF? What is the difference in pronunciation between 'v' and 'w'? Why are answers and reviews on Quora collapsed? How do I sell photos on the Internet? Did any Indian king attacked nation outside of Indian sub continent? What are the best books to learn advance c++? How do I check land records (Khasra, Khata details) in Jharkhand online? What data science and machine learning career opportunities are there at Google? Can IIMA hold my converted seat for 1-2 years if I opt for work experience and later join them? What are the most effective marketing tools for starting a wedding planning business? How do you make a programming language? What is the meaning of Urdu word 'Himakat'? Do you loose money in House investing if the house its not by your name? Types of fuel injection system used in tractor engine? How do I get rid of the fear to work? What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in China? How do I get my first I.T project manager job as someone who is completely changing her career? What can I do to practice my English? How do I install VLC, GCC Compiler and Java in Fedora 22? What are skateboard wheels made of? Why do C statements end with semicolons? What are the positive and negative impacts of movies on society? How is school changing in the 21st century in Jordan? Is Scotland working towards becoming an independent country? How do you take the derivative of [math]\frac{x^2}{2}[/math]? Why is China a manufacturing hub? When did the US become a democratic republic? Which is the best phone to buy under 40,000? Why are there so many ignorant questions on Quora? And why do so many seemingly intelligent people waste their time responding to them? India: What things you shouldn't forget to take while travelling to USA from India for a long term stay? How can I just be myself? How does it feel to become attractive from unattractive? Is there any way in which I might break up with my girlfriend but hurt her less? Which are the most underrated movies in Bollywood? What if I don't maintain minimum balance in my HDFC saving account? What does negative degree of freedom mean in the context of mechanisms and links? How do I become a real estate agent in Wisconsin? If you could write a letter to any fictional character, what would you write? If you could change one feature of yourself, what would it be? How soon will the world speak one universal language? What are the best Model United Nations (MUN) simulations in the United States? Which will be the best budget laptop under 30k? How much will you earn for 100 views on YouTube in India? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Stage Stores? How is it to meet Narendra Modi? Is it possible to be born with naturally purple eyes? When did Hinduism become a religion? What was life like in the ancient Mesopotamian society? So Sarada Uchiha isn't actually daughter of Sakura and Sasuke but of Sasuke and Karin? What is a vested bonus in LIC? How do shoes sizes vary in Mexico? How can I stream a pre-recorded video via Facebook live? What? What is a breezer? Is florida a good place to live? How National Stock Exchange can list itself? How should I look confident? What is the difference between linear and non linear devices? How can I become a good software engineer by myself? How do I prepare for Works Applications take home assignment? How can you tell if your male teacher likes you more than just a student? How do the Buddhists perceive, feel, understand, view, believe, and/or opine, about other religions? Who are some of the most famous LGBT religious Jews? What is the significance of Doctor's logo? How do I get a lean body? How can I improve my English speaking ability? How do I publish a book in India for free? Why can't I get my Quora feed to not show me Donald Trump questions? Why do Indian Muslims hate P.M. Narendra Modi? How do I flush my system of meth in 24 hrs? What type of pakistan do we need? What is a good tagline for Facebook? What is the relationship between angular acceleration and linear acceleration? What are things which I can export from india? What's your favorite political joke? What is the most compelling journal article you've read? What is the best song you've ever heard? How can you cite ArcGIS for a project? Why doesn't Karan Dharma Kama Johar want to hire freelancers in his Dharma Productions Private Limited Production House? How can I make website like pubfact.com? What does command line mean? What is the difference between UMTS and LTE? How can I find my all Gmail accounts? What are the key differences between the HBO series Silicon Valley and the Amazon Instant show Betas? Dating a married man? Is the offshoring of manufacturing jobs a good thing or a bad thing, on balance? Why? Which place do you suggest to go for a date, Pondicherry or Goa? What language is used in Visual Basic? How does it compare to C#? Do Trump supporters believe his claims about his tax returns, or do they just not care? Can a person with alzheimer disease participate in clinical trial? What is the total number of seats available (govt and pvt.) in NEET 2016? What is a momentum stock? Which is the best mobile phone under 12000 Rs.? What opinion do IIM students have of Chetan Bhagat? How do I hide my followers list on Twitter from others who are on my profile page? How do you stop a Rottweiler/Pitbull mix from humping your furniture? What happens if your brain wakes up before the rest of your body? What are the chances that Gary Johnson will participate in the 2016 Presidential Debates? Is there any way to become a mutant? What strikes first time visitors as special or unusual when they arrive in Nzérékoré, Guinea? Who are the best personal financial advisors in Davenport, IA for people saving for retirement? What were your experiences with them? What exercises can I do to be able to jump higher? Can there be an alternative to curb black money other than demonitization? What are the facilities power and perks of Asst Provident fund commissioners in EPFO? What are plants that grow in 2 liters bottle? How should I manage time in college? How much are YouTubers paid a month? How do I develop presentation skills? What are some best business which can start with a low budget in India? How does someone search for customers abroad when they did not even see your face? Is it actually possible to travel through time? What is object orientation? What are the best ice cream cake sandwiches out there? What should I do when I don't feel like doing anything? What are the creepiest paranormal experience you have had? Is there a source for objective, unbiased, non-partisan news in America? Can I get pregnant a week after my cycle? What are the chances of getting a job after masters from ENSIMAG? Which is the worst Hollywood movie which released between 2010 and 2014? Where Can You best Luxury Towels In USA? Why does the earth revolve around the sun? How long does a marijuana high last? "Can you read a ""message request"" on Facebook before ignoring it? If you ignore it will the sender see it as just ""Delivered"" or ""Read""?" What is the difference between logical, analytical, non-verbal and verbal reasoning? How safe is the campus at Texas A&M - Commerce and should anything be done to make it safer? How good is the Technical University of Munich for a master's in computer science? "What does the Joshua tree symbolize in ""The Glass Castle""?" Which bicycle is best for India? How is 'Befikre' trailer? Which is better for Masters in Computer science csu (California state university) San Bernardino or Dominguez hills or Channel Islands? What moderated caucus can be raised in DISEC? I am a student of grade 9 in MUN. Is Antonio Guterres a good choice to be the next UN Secretary General? What are the best songs to listen after getting high on weed? Is Numismatics a form of BLACK money? If so what I need to do legally to have it in white form? Can porn stars get attached from having sex with each other? What are the best ways to earn money online from Morocco? How is salt able to melt ice? How much tax do I have to pay in Forex? What's the pass percentage at training program in tech Mahindra? What is the difference between virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality? Ofdm transmitter flowgraph? What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous data transfer? Why do women enjoy sexual intercourse? What are the top web hosting services? How do I delete my Quora account? How did trump win the presidential election? How can skinny men get six packs? Which countries use the popular vote to elect their president and do these examples support the popular vote as a good idea for the U.S.? Why do people hate Mr. Narendra Modi? How do I write the first email to a professor that may accept me as his graduate student? What is the best way to get your girl back? What are the condition for refraction of light? Can I include a branded item product (panty liner by kotex) along with my own private label product in my own packaging to sell not mentioning kotex? What is sexual? Why is the Seven Years War not considered a world war? What are the most profitable door-to-door sales businesses? Quora: How do you post a question on Quora? Why is AwePost the most controversial page on Facebook? How can you calculate total revenue on a financial statement? How do I can boost my self confidence? How big is the average penis? What exactly is a call drop? Would vegans eat things like meat and eggs if the animals were treated humanely? The Bible Genesis and the order of creation has to be logical to everyone…is this logical? What is Fiscal deficite? How can someone make more friends? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in North Carolina? Why usually men find women's hair (especially long hair) fascinating and seductive? Can a lawyer be called a gazetted officer in india? How do you explain API to a 10 year old child? What software runs on NVIDIA GeForce 940MX? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Analogic? Why do you love to write software? Where can I watch Naruto Shippuden? How can I get a full scholarship to Harvard Medical School? How can I know if my wife is a cheater? Can you suggest a best budget phone below 15k? What should I do to get away from boredom? What are the good B.Tech colleges in Rajkot? Which came first: chicken or the egg? Which is better: mouse or trackpad? Who do you look up to? Which is the best application for editing photos for tablets? Do you think scrapping of 500 and 1000 rupee denominations is going to eradicate corruption? How can I regain my self-confidence? Does pure love really exist? How do 3-phase RCDs work? How does Zuckerberg earn the money, when facebook is free to the users? Who is the Vedic Astrologer? What colors go well with green? Marketing agency myrtle beach? How do i install xdman on my Debian OS ? Can Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss win the 2016 elections? Has anyone ever built a device to win on the slot machines? What is a sorgel transformer? Will swimming increase height after 20 years of age? "Do ""B"" students ever get accepted into top universities?" What are the differences between encapsulation and decapsulation? What is the worst food you ever cooked or ate? Is Bosch a Chinese company or a German company? What are semaphores? How can you save YouTube videos for offline viewing in laptop? Why are passports different colours? In online dating if a woman keeps writing back to you long messages but they are all about herself with no questions or inquisitiveness about myself, does that mean she is completely into herself, up her own arse and not worth the time? What you like doing most? Can I write interval notation like this [math][1/2,3)U(3,Infinity)[/math] to [math][1/2,Infinity]-{3}[/math]? Why is carbon dioxide more in venous blood than arterial blood? How do you resolve conflict? Three situations were not scientifically accurate in gravity movie? I haven't smoked in over 3 years, will I get high by licking a weed nugget one time? What is the easiest and cheapest way to lose weight fast? Should I leave my job and prepare for CAT? What is the best used car to get under 5k? What exactly does Trivago look for in the assignments for hiring software engineer? If you could, would you become immortal? Why? Which are the best mystery movies of all time? Why won't snapchat add someone? How do I improve my pronunciation of English? What do Indian girls think about sex? How can I just be myself? What is the definition of virginity and losing your virginity for both males and females? Like unlike react js? What are the best car accessories? I am a student of instrumentation and control engineering, but I want to go into the IT sector. What should I do to go into it? What scenes in Furious 7 were filmed with Caleb and Cody standing in for their late brother Paul Walker? What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake, and how do these effects compare to the Banda Sea earthquake in 1938? Does any country allow someone to have 3 citizenships? What are the real examples of karma in real world? Did Narendra Modi insult the national flag by wearing it around his neck and using it to wipe his sweat? What is secularism? How is Neil deGrasse Tyson reacting to reports of real magic? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Illinois? How do you find a woman's G-spot? If we are installing apps with our number and otp code, can the app company block us from using their app in future? What's it like to be a shy person? Who created the Apple TV 4 screen savers? I am unable to tag people on Instagram. Why? Are there additional privacy concerns when installing the Google+ Android app? What's the quickest way to solve a city's traffic congestion? What is the best tech news mobile app? Is there any software that you can help me find, which covers advanced (gre level) synonyms for words? How do you install Koha software in an Ubuntu 16.04LTS? How can I start producing electronic music? How wise is to choose web development as a career? What is water bear? What made Donald Trump run for president? What is your monthly salary, if you work in Poland? How does the Test Strategy for a software project differ from the Test Plan? Does your brain make you see yourself 5 times more beautiful than you actually are? What is it like to have thousands of followers on Quora? Vegan sustitute for sour cream? Where can I go on vacation? Does metal detector detect magnets? What are the best books for IIT JAM math and what is the best strategy for preparation? Is National Green Tribunal a constitutional body or a statutory body? What is truth about area 51? What are the creepiest paranormal experience you have had? Why does Manaphy cry annoyingly in Pokemon Ranger and The Temple of The Sea? What is it like for a Muslim woman to be married to a Christian man? How do I lose weight only through a vegan diet? How do I think like Sherlock Holmes? What should I follow in astrology: the Moon sign or the Sun sign? What will happen now that President-elect Donald Trump has won the election? What are some shoes that look like Toms? Which gaming laptops are as good as Alienware with a low price? Which is the best field after 12th (commerce) for girls? How do I reduce my Vietnamese accent and/or improve my English pronunciation? How did Pakistan occupy Kashmir? What are the best tutorials (for bug finding) I need to visit to earn money from bug bounty programs? What is cognitive behavior therapy training? Is there a Stoic state in India? If so which one? How long will a ktm duke 200 last? 10 years? What is the best way to discover new (random) subjects on Quora? How long would it take to learn the C# and Java programming languages? Which is the most loved country? Is Nikon D3100 a good camera? What is the best way to deal with someone who has a histrionic personality disorder? What is default gateway? Why is Jake Williams so famous? How do I apologise to him? Who the hell is Modi? What companies are similar to IDEO in Melbourne? What is a customary tip on instacart? Who is the most inspirational person in your life? How is the Ph.D program in electro-optics at University of Dayton? Is it safe to carry hash from Kasol to home? How to get away with police and security? How can one get a job in UNO? What are good online sources to study knowledge representation and reasoning? How can I tell if someone blocked me on snapchat? What are the possible ways to commit suicide? How is the height of a place from sea level calculated? What method is used by scientists? Why the hell does Quora mark all my questions as needed improvement? What is the typical starting salary for someone with an undergraduate degree in sociology? How is it like to touch huge boobs? How do you start investing online in India? What are alternatives to Vonage service for calling India and local and long-distance calling in US? What is the difference between legal and law? Plumbing: Where do most clogs occur in house drains? Is it OK to take Advil and NyQuil together? So, what's with the BLMs and the random assassination of police? Is it a conspiracy? When do you know it is time for getting married? Is China bullying its neighbors in the South China Sea? How can you tell if a voice is autotuned? How can you export sketchup top view in 2D to autocad? Why do people ask such stupid questions on Quora? When was the first porn movie shot? How do you write a letter to excuse your child's absence from school? How do I clear the bank PO while working for 10 hrs? What is your most unpopular opinion that you wholeheartedly stand by? Most of my questions are marked as needing improvement. Where can I seek professional help? "What does ""followed by None"" mean in Instagram search?" What does baptism mean? What’s life like working on a US Navy submarine boomer? I've heard the chow’s at least not bad! What's day to day life like? Someone has stolen my jio barcode to purchase jio sim. No one responds at the care.What can I do? Self employment tax? How do we control our emotions? How would an enemy aircraft surrender/defect? Why is silver not considered a compound? What should I do after knowing that my husband is a cheater? How do I concentrate on studies after a breakup? "What does ""Humma"" mean from ""The Humma song""?" Setting aside religious teachings, what do you consider as possible evidence for life after death? Can kale reduce blood pressure? Ww2 main cause? "Is it ""I have already taken the exam"" or ""I had already taken the exam""?" Would Cape Town be a safer city than Johannesburg? What is Shaoxing vinegar? Which are the most inspirational movies? If a movie were made on the life and career of an Olympic Gold Medallist, what would be its opening and closing scene? What is the most effective essential oil blend (aromatherapy synergy) used in massage oil for depression? How can I apply lean startup methodology for a shoe line? What are the application of binary search trees? How can porn ruins one's sex life? What is the price of a German Shepherd dog in India? How can I make my penis big and long? How do I study for longer hours? Does delivered go away when a message is read? Does the band Tool have any love songs? How easy is hacking and what's it like? What causes sore breasts one week after my period? How do I download videos from Google Drive on to my camera roll? What are the best reasons to attend Marist College? What is a 'guys will be guys'' moment that you experienced? What is the best way to make a girl constantly think of you? What is the code of a C++ program that will do a brute force attack to crack passwords (4 characters maximum)? What are the best universities for Modern Languages and what makes them the best universities for Modern Languages? What are the best one-minute life hacks? What will be the prospects of international students studying in America with the new American president? How do I stop myself from overthinking and making scenarios in my head that are never going to happen and go to sleep easily? Where can I buy a Chinese family office database? How do I motivate online students? What was title given to Ashoka? How different are the Vietnamese and Khmer languages? What universities does Harris recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Which intersections in Philadelphia are particularly dangerous? Why? What could be done to improve them? What're some good songs to make a lyric text prank? Have you ever had sex with your best friend? Which organs can a human live without? Why is that? Crime patrol, Gumrah, Savdhan India: What is their impact on of common man of India? Is globalisation affecting the Indian economy? What are the benefits of being a Thought Leader? How do I become a political leader in Nepal? Which is the best website for downloading latest english songs? In what ways did Malcolm X hurt civil rights? How do I train a person to become a good programmer? Who are some most followed/popular writer in Quora? What is a scam? What are some tips for the USMLE Step 1? What are some good online courses to learn foreign language? What do military leaders think of the military industrial complex? What should I look out for when looking to purchase a used Jeep Wrangler? Why testes are outside the body? What are lithium ion batteries? What does OBO mean? Which is the best online site to learn English? I wear weaves for 3 months because I retain length when I leave it in for that long. However, I experience a lot of shedding. How can I prevent this? How do Indian husbands treat their wives? Can one overcome depression? What are the best examples of companies using continuous deployment? What is the Difference between microbes and bacteria? When a girl ask you the last time you had sex what does that means? Is doing eco hons a good option from op jindal univ since it is the first batch? Do men really feel non-platonic love for women? Why weren't chemical or biological weapons widely used during the war? (excluding use against civilians e.g. during the Holocaust) Can I order Chase checks online? What are some examples of crime control policies? Why is the current ranking of Jadavpur University far behind other good engineering colleges in India? Which programming language is worth learning? How do you improve speaking skills in public? How do I stop myself from let ppl used me? I mean they will look for me when they need something. I don't like to being used and I'm kind of sad? When has the electoral college voted against the popular vote? Could I be pregnant if I got my period a week after intercourse? What is the best way to remove super glue from metal? What universities does American Tower recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Are NFL games rigged? Should I buy an iPhone? Are HP laptops worth buying? Is there any forensic evidence that one single person was gassed in Nazi camps? Does Yu Yureka support Reliance jio VoLTE? Can Donald Trump still win the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election? Where can I rent/purchase and watch the Hindi Dangal movie? Why does plastic surgery go wrong so often and look so strange? Any suggestions on good books to read? Which laptop I should buy, Dell or Lenovo or HP ? What do Afghans think of Indians? What are composite numbers? How do I stop caring about what people think about me? How do I hack into a Mac login password? Which is best choice for newbies Honda hornet 160R or Suzuki Gixxer 155? What universities does Roadrunner Trans recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? What was the main cause of World War One? How should I begin learning Python? "Is there a way to beat the ""drug-sniffing-dog"" at border control? Can you carry bacon pieces with your heroin/cocaine package so the dog is thrown off?" How do I enable an OTG support in a device that does not have an OTG support? Is it okay to move on if I am are not okay with my boyfriend? What is the difference between a per annum interest rate and an interest rate as a percentage? Which one is the best romantic movie? Will India and Pakistan war happen in the future? How do I jailbreak my ...? What are the good options for mobile phones under 15000? Is there any way to hack facebook account? Why has the Modi Government banned the 500 and 1000 rupee notes? How can you make money from Quora? How do I graph X=[X]? Which are the best and affordable resorts in Goa? How do I log out of Gmail from Android? Is sitting cross-legged or kneeling bad for your knees? What is the cause of absent mindedness or sudden loss of situational awareness? Which internet service provider and router should I buy which can connect to phones, tabs as well as desktops? Are there any perks of being a dark skinned girl in India? Do we need to prepare a CV to get admission into B-schools? Do long distance relationships work? Could Donald Trump realistically be the cause of WW3? Is RBI governer is relative of Mukesh Ambani? What is meant by apriculture? What universities does NN recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? "What is an example of the word ""quizzical"" in a sentence?" Which is the best 100cc scooter of India? Who is better for India: Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? How do I review a review paper? How do you keep white Vans white? Do girls accept the guy who was proposing her for years and are sincere in their motive? What would be impact on India if Donald Trump becomes President? What are good books to learn about body language? What are some of the best tweets on health? "Conversations: How do you respond to ""What's up?""" How can I get Meth out of my system in less than 2 days so I can pass my drug test? Can life really exist beyond Earth? What kind of jobs can you get with a bachelors in biology? Can the Airtel 4g router be used for any other internet service provider? What are the most important current women's rights issue in Germany? Who can have Clash of Clans? How good is a Rs 16 lakh per annum salary for a 21 year old”? If Quora was a country, how it was as compared to present countries? What is difference between nlu and other law colleges? What are the best ringtones? Are vintage KitchenAid Mixer attachments still being manufactured? If yes, where can they be found? What are the best places to visit near Bangalore in one day? Is there any step in which to be taken by the government in J&K? What are the ways to promote a site? What are the job duties of a FBI Supervisory Special Agent (SSA)? Can an introvert change to an extrovert? Can you place a copper wire directly into the ground socket of a wall and use it as a ground? "Is the correct term, ""I used to be"" or ""I use to be""?" Why do we get tears in our eyes and nose when we eat spicy food? What's the difference between HBO Go and HBO Now? Have you ever lost yourself in life for a while and came back to yourself later? Why tulsi leaves should not be chewed? How is Chanakya IAS Academy? How much does a Restaurant owner earn in Mumbai? What is the purpose of Ethernet cables? In Muslim countries, are dogs used in police forces? Why don't they let women drink water during labor and ask them to chew on ice chips instead? What are your all time favorite TV series characters? Why? Correct name in profile? Can a running electric motor produce its own energy? What is the best smartphone currently? How did Muslim minority population in India surge while Jains, Parsis, Jews, and other minorities have stayed roughly the same? Why is life so unfair? "What are some examples of sentences using the word ""palpable""?" Why can't a country print its own currency when required? Is someone born in 1977 generation X or Y? What are the best/most accommodating places to travel to with a terminally ill (cancer) parent? How do nude beaches in Punta Cana compare to other nude beaches in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines? How can I programmatically access YouTube video subtitles? How can I hack Facebook? How I joined Indian Cost Accounts Service (ICoAS)? Is it true that in a room of 23 people, there's a 50% chance that two people have the same birthday? What is snapdragon processor? What's a good in-game team for Pokemon Sun & Moon? How did Silicon Valley get its name? What is the best Ola hack for UNLIMITED Ola Money? I know there is a coupon for that. How do I convert Linux shell script to Windows batch file? Is there any proof that God really exist? What is the best way to prepare for the theoretical part of the CA Final Exam? What is the meaning of Hindi/Urdu word 'Maaf' and 'Kshama'? How does wireless charging work on the Galaxy 6? Should teenagers be allowed to have sex? What is the difference between unexplained wastage, administration shrinkage and shrinkage? What are the best quotes from The Book of Mormon musical? Which TIME coaching center is the best in Bangalore for the CAT? Where can I watch Game of Thrones with subtitles without having to download it? Dating and Relationships: How can I find out what social media my husband is on for free? Is crying a logical fallacy? Are there any ways for a womb to be grown inside of a biological man after sexual reassignment surgery, so that they could have a child? Does GDP of 18 trillion dollars means U.S federal bank is printing that much money yearly? What are the scopes to sell artificial flowers and plants in India? What is the best way to take revenge on my Ex? What is your New Year's resolution for 2017? What is the monthly salary of chief minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal? Can you type the best picture of nature here, wich is the best for you? On what basis does China claim Spratly Islands? Why do I always study at the last moment? What is the embarrassing of your life? What are the requirements needed to immigrate in to Canada from the United States? Where can I donate sperm in India? "Why is ""The Outsiders"" considered a good book?" How do I prepare for neet 2017 in 4 months? What does it mean if I have an IQ of 60? What day in your life did you consider to be the best day ever? Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in The Bahamas? What are some of the best Hindi short films? What are the best ways to speed up my computer? Why can't I rearrange pins within a board on Pinterest? Is Donald Trump a closet Libertarian or Democrat? How much did Michael Jackson have in assets when he died? What type of language is C#? How winning money from YouTube? How is a German Sherperd/Great Pyrenees mix compared to a Papillon and Maltese mix? What charges can a wife file against her husband to get him into prison? Which are the 10 best Hollywood movies? When will educated Hindu women use her feminist strength to guard her religion instead of getting converted? How do you cook frozen chicken croquettes? Does the Apple TV (3rd gen) support HDMI CEC (a.k.a HDMI Control)? For GATE (ME, 2019), how should I boost up myself? Will only self study with sound conception be enough to crack this? What if everyone was bisexual? Which American restaurant chains can be found in Norway? What do Norwegian people think of them? B How are the paint colors determined for rockets? Which really are the benefits of reading? Can you lose weight in 2 months? What are the best elearning portals? What are the most annoying types of highly upvoted answers on Quora? Are male Trump-critics just closet misogynists who think women are weak? What is the procedure/steps involved in starting a groundnut oil mill in Tamil Nadu? I have a general PwD reservation for the JEE Main. What does this mean and what chance do I have of getting into a good NIT/IIT? How can I find my Wells Fargo account number on wellsfargo.com? How can I find influencers by topic or theme? How do I get paid for writing? I've been sleeping 12 hours a night for almost 3 months now. I'm 19. Is this healthy? What is the best way to avoid questions needing improvement on Quora? Question That Contains Assumptions: Why is cheating and dishonesty so rampant in India? What are some cultural faux pas when interacting with someone with histrionic personality disorder? Can a 15 year old go to America alone to study with his parents' permission? As an interior designer, how do you know if your design works? Should I apologize my friend (mistakes out of pride)? What has made OYO Rooms stand apart from its competition? When and why did the jury system in the courts got demolished? What gives the yolk of organic or free-range eggs their distinct orange-yellow colour? Will there ever be a sequel to Batman Under The Red Hood? I'm 21,Indian. I am in love with a European girl and Now we want to meet .Please help? How helpful is doing digital marketing course? How can I find all my old Gmail accounts? Is reincarnation possible? Is it good to have sex before a marriage? What causes bitter beans? What is the difference between using prescribed Xanax vs having a beer or two to treat anxiety? Both are addictive and both have negative consequences of overuse. Is one better than the other? How can I see who my boyfriend views on instagram? What is a good web page layout to display many videos on one page? What was Sherlock looking for when he dug the grave of Amelia Ricoletti? Confirmation that once someone blows their brains out they cannot come back? What is the best book for core Java for beginners? What is the difference between Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood? What is the etymology of the word 'touchwood'? What was it like to go to your high school reunion? What are the companies in India that offers summer internships in game design? Were CSK players involved in the IPL match fixing scandal? What can I do to get better at basketball (shooting, guarding, dribbling, passing etc)? With TAMILROCKERS.NET blocked where do I get genuine tamil movie torrents? What is the solution of Kashmir problem? What is the difference between social anxiety disorder and avoidant personality disorder? What qualities do you admire most in the people you admire most? Do long distance Amtrak trains move up and down to attach to another car while they're still moving? Would you ever cheat on your partner? Is Digital Marketing a finer term for Internet Marketing? What should we do to face campus interviews? What is the chipset on the motherboard? What is the difference of kilohms and ohms and what are they used to measure? What is the difference between TRIAC and thyristor? How do they work? What are the pros and cons of Myntra/Flipkart mobile app filters UX-wise? Do you like to have many friends? How do you start a web hosting service? How does cabin pressure in a plane change with altitude before it reaches 10,000 feet (is the plane pressurized to 4000 feet at 4000 feet ASL)? What is the etymology of the word theory? How long does it take to repair extremely damaged hair? Who would win, Brock Lesnar vs Ryback? How can I remove acne marks from my face? What is the best silencer for Classic 350 and why? Why are modern parents so dumb? What programming language I should learn first? What can cause a woman's period to be late? Which is the best and clever answer you ever read on Quora that make your day? How do I make videos side by side in Premiere Pro or After Effects? Is it advisable to move out of MNC to start a career in farming? How did you deal with the death of your parents? How are careers in philosophy changing and what's necessary to stay current? How do you get rid of bum fat? Should we take food supplements daily? Is anal sex good? "Why is ""The Black Cat"" by Edgar Allan Poe considered a flashback?" What are the best Tinder hacks? Why should India consider to review Indus Water treaty? What is the difference between mass communication and journalism? What is the value of cos9*? Did Steve Jobs win an Academy Award with Pixar? How do I open encrypted PDF files without password? How do I get over the grief of my cat dying? How can I increase traffic to my site and what are some suggestions on how to get more of it? What are the most beautiful beaches in the world? How can I start getting into Politics? Is mentalist Steve Kudelski's show entertaining? What are the top 5 Android applications? Which business school has the happiest MBA students? What are the basic components in a salary statement? How do I calculate income tax on it? Why wasn't Neville Longbottom the Chosen One? Do I have to pay more than MRP for an imported product which is not sold by a company in the country? Is this legal? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Iridium Communications? Should a car battery be removed if it's going to be parked for a month or more? Which American actor or actress has appeared in the most movies? How do I get source codes on RSA threshold distributed signature (with/without) share refreshment and verification in C, Java or Python? Why are my all questions marked for improvement? Which Hindu God is widely worshipped by people? What are some small restaurant chains in Dallas? (under 10 locations) How do I start learning web development? Which is the best accoustic guitar to buy in the range of 15k-20k? I had smallpox when I was 6 months old. Is it necessary to get a booster at 25? Find the odd one out: Which of these is not a Marathi movie: Natsamrat, Sairat or Udta Punjab? Does the Multiverse exist? How do I get over the fear of everything? Why does India sponsor terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan through RAW? Mobile Apps: Which company is best for developing mobile apps in USA? Does the U.S. have low social mobility? Should I be excellent in Math or Algorithms to be a good programmer? I have old indian coins and I wanna sell it with good price. How can I decide the price of coin? Why are Indians more racist than whites? How are we enabled to see the black colour? What is the exact difference between programming languages and scripting languages and their types and their real time applications? What should I know to become an data analyst? Can you sleep in an airport if you just arrived and don't have a flight the next day? How long to cook a 14 pound turkey? What is the difference between a choke and a ballast? How would the effects of 9/11 be different if the Twin Towers had fallen sideways? How long did it take you to decide not to buy a Tesla car? Should I buy the new iPad (3rd generation)? Why does Donald Trump seem to hate Obama? Is there any way to recover an e-mail in Gmail after it's deleted from the trash? "Does chanting the ""Hare Krishna"" Mahamantra 108 times do any good?" Which martial art is best for self-defense? Who/where are the best people to learn it from? How do I ask a really great question on Quora? How should I impress a Punjabi boy? Can someone love two people at a time? How many Agni-V missiles is India going to manufacture later? What are the mos important forts in San Antonio? How can I enjoy my life being alone? Mumtaz was a Shahjahan's 4 th wife out of his his 7 wives, then how is it a true love? What causes light periods? What was the ending of Toy Story 3? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Stage Stores? What is the difference between introversion and antisocial? How do crop circles form? Which is a better band between Coldplay and Floyd? How can we earn money online without investment? How has 2016 been as a year in your life? How can I get my crush to ask me out? What's the different between heart, soul and mind? What open source software is popular for writing and self-publishing an ebook? Would most women prefer a bulky, thick-muscled man over a lean, ripped man? How can I build a new religion? What is the difference between a matter of opinion and a matter of fact? "What is ""priming"" and how was it discovered?" What are the best Uber areas on GTA? "What does ""Questions were directly from NCERT"" mean?" What should wear with orange pants? How do I have to pay the installments once I bought something through krazybee? The Apple ID was never officially created. It says that my email is invalid and can't sign in. What is some help? What are you most looking forwards to about NRF17? What do vehicle tyre numbers & sizes mean? What is the best book for electric power systems? Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Who's less likely to create war, Hillary Clinton, or Donald Trump? Why is there a regulation on the freedom of speech in Quora as it is called a freedom speech forum? What is the importance of technology in a modern enterprise? If the universe is expanding, about which point is it expanding? If you could re-live your 20's, what would you do? What is the most effective way to study maths in high school? Has there been any instances in history where one party to the war promised not to attack but attacked later on? What could be the implications of Mulayam Singh expelling Akhilesh Yadav from his party? How did Tom Hardy build his body for the role of Bane in The Dark Knight Rises? Why is the universe not a sphere? "Which among ""I will be in leave"" or ""I will be on leave"" indicates the right usage of preposition?" Why is swimming so hard for beginners? What should I know to get into GSoC? A man and a woman produced some brown-eyed children and some blue-eyed children.What are the possible genotypes of the parents? Without any knowledge how can I make a website? What is the best way to get traffic on your website? Who is a better cricketer, Rohit Sharma or Virat Kohli? What are the opportunities available in Mumbai for a US MS degree holder with 5+ years of experience in US? What does a high pKa indicate? Why did Hitler make his moustache like that? Did he copy from Charlie Chaplin? Where can I find local or OTR truck driving jobs in Oklahoma with insurance benefits and home time? Why is it that the Indian society is so highly conservative with the idea of change? How can you reuse used condom? How can I increase traffic on blogspot blogger? How do I earn 1 million dollar before I'm 18? How do I cheer up my friend who just fought with her boyfriend? How do you submit a TV show idea to Netflix? What was the main cause that ended World War One? What are some leguminous crops? When can I use will in a sentence? Why do babies cruise on their toes? How do I read someone's WhatsApp messages without any access to their mobile phone? What is the reason that all the NASA astronauts that landed on the moon were white males? What are relations between India and Pakistan like in 2014? Can I earn money online? How can I get free funds for my startup ideas? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at CommunityOne Bank? Was Forrest Hayes well-respected by his Google colleagues? Vocational education details in hindi? What does it mean when you dream about someone repeatedly? What are biotic and abiotic factors? How do they differ? How can I increase the traffic to a website? Was Eisenhower a 'centrist' or moderate Republican? What is your favorite hindi/Bollywood song from 2015 and why? What are the best books on neuroscience? I want to become a porn star. How can I apply? What are some examples of nationalities? At what speed a rocket should travel to escape from the gravity of earth? What are the differences between tint and shade? What is the best way to run an ambulette business? Is Eye in the Sky a realistic depiction of how drone warfare works, including all the global coordination? When people say time may end are they talking about our universe or whole multiverses (if it exist)? Who is the best graphic designer of all time? What are the pros and cons of marrying a woman who is older than me? What happens if a dual-citizen is drafted by both countries to which the person is a citizen of because the two countries are at war with each other? Can the level of economic development represent the level of civilization? Assuming your answer is no, explain why? What does a wait listed Mitacs application mean? Why we need to study? When you grab cereal from the cereal box with your hand, how much of it gets germy overall? How do I prepare for Microsoft’s 98-379 software testing fundamental certification exam? How can we detect the programming language and technologies which are used for a site? What happens to a Quora question noted as being in need of revision? What's the best HTML5 book for web designers? What can happen if the pancreas stops working? Who are the top physicists of all time? Can I buy IPO shares from Sharekhan.com? Is lollipop better? What is spectrum in? How can I lose 25 kg? What is phase voltage and what is line voltage? I just read the wikipedia article on cold fusion. Is cold fusion possible? Are ghost evil are real? How do you make a pregnant belly costume? How did the Hebrews end up as slaves in Egypt? Why did they leave Canaan? What are the lyrics to the Pepto Bismol song? Why won't my iPhone make calls? What is your best infographic? What happens to the a person's soul after his/her death? How do transgenders live in India? What is their style of life? Do they have customs like all of do? Where is Dr. Harsh Vardhan nowadays? Why is he not seen when Delhi is preparing for the coming elections? What is the antiderivative of cot(x)? How do I Hire a BDM for contact center? Is LeTv Le 1s(Eco) a good smartphone? How do I know if someone has blocked me on WeChat? What does Hillary Clinton plan to do with the migrant crisis? Why do people fight for seat in Delhi metro? How can I improve my English speaking skills and my fluency? How can I develop application using c++? Is it true that Moses saw God write the 10 Commandments on a mountaintop? "My inbox shows 1 unread email even though I have no unread emails. I am using Google chrome. I tried searching ""is: unread in:anywhere"". But this doesn't work. Could anyone tell me how to fix this?" What is the full chemical name of titin? What can you do when your iPhone won't send pictures? What is the best way to learn networking? How many hours you work in your job? How do I get a dominant girlfriend? What is the atomic number of neon? If a war erupts between USA and Russia who will eventually win? I forgot my password for the UAN (Universal Account Number) and changed the mobile number. How do I obtain the new password? What are the factors that causes data inconsistency in distributed platform/application? What are some books or videos for understanding how the Indian economy works? What is a blind spot? Why is it not seen? Can a bank refuse to transfer money for some one whose name is Mohammad? I heard that the PlayStation PS4 Network is now free. Is this true? Commission for sales development representative? Do narcissistic men target a certain type of woman? What is the Arizona bark scorpion, and how do animal species in the Sonoran Desert compare to species in the Arabian Desert? Do you like Coke Studio Pakistan? Where is the issue number on a Visa debit card? Why do we use abbreviations? I'm planing to buy a hyosung gt250r which is registered in TN. If I bring it to kerala should I pay taxes? Please help What are some facts about Rajdeep Sardesai? How did Craig Good raise his children? Why does my ear itch so bad? Does true love exist in the world? What is meant by perception of truth? How can I prepare for a GATE to get a very good rank? What are some touching stories you have heard of, read or even experienced? What are some of the positive and negative implications that could come with time traveling? How do I collect Twitter data using python? How can I determine how many address and data lines memory has and the memory size? What is the most important outfit in Indian weddings for brides? How do I get admissions through 15% all India Quota in various state medical colleges? To which class cin and cout belongs? How can we build a model tree in matlab with its pruning and smoothing stages? How can you build a strong brand for your business? "Why did Harvey Dent become bad in the ""the dark knight movie"" in the end. What did joker tell him that made him change?" How could Facebook improve the API? "How do I respond/acknowledge my boss for the task assignment in email? Is it fine to say ""Thank you so much for sending the task. I will get back to you once I get questions?""" Why do I get bored so quickly? %3c%2fscript%3e%3cscript%3ealert(1) %3c%2fscript%3 %3c%2fscript%3e%3cscript%3ealert(1) %3c%2fscript%3 %3c%2fscript%3e%3cscript%3ealert(1) %3c%2fscript%3? Can both we take mass gainer and whey protein? Why are there so many Indians answering on Quora? How long does meth stay in a persons blood? How does Hopeless to Harvard work? If you could only eat one meal a day what would you eat? I want to take a home loan. What is the general repayment tenure for it? My Current Bike is Hero Honda Passion Plus (2008) should I buy KTM Duke 390 As My Next Bike? What is Jerry Seinfeld up to these days? Which things you dislike on Quora? Why is the scholarly consensus that Jesus of Nazareth existed when there is no physical evidence? I have problems with food and need to gain weight. What's the best food for it? What is the meaning of ISO in camera? Why India fails to get medals in Olympics? How do I create a successful app? Is there a way to hack Facebook account? How can I get into WWE? What is a marginal decision? Is there a way to block certain topics on Quora? Which section of press managed to defy censorship laws during emergency? In International Relations, what's the difference between an Idiographic approach and a Nomothetic approach? Followers of all faiths, what is your testimony? How many genders do you believe there are? Why do I feel emotionally drained? "Did Nintendo's 2016 shortage of the NES Classic Edition have any affect on the sales of ""Super Mario Run""?" How do you turn things like base metals, straw, leaves, rocks, dirt, and wood into gold, so that you can sell the gold? What is it like to live in Cambodia? When will 'Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS)' be available for use to public? "Is ""being characterless"" a fashion , in modern world ? Or by ""being characterless"" a person becomes more modern ?" What are the best romantic Hollywood movies to watch? What are few confusions about Islam that every Hindu would want to know from Muslim? What are your top ten favorite books? "Why do people use the phrase ""you know"" very often when they speak?" Is there a need to worry if hair growth stops suddenly for a long time? How can I access the JCPenney Associate Kiosk at home? How do I get rich online? I am sleeping 13-14 hours a day. What's wrong with me? How many times is afcat exam is conducted in a year? How do I stop my colleagues from bullying me? How are memories stored and retrieved in the human brain? What social apps are popular in Japan? What are the different wiring capacitances? How are they used? Has anyone attended the previous marketing conclaves of KIIT school of management? Are they helpful? Which is better, a career in environmental buildings or typical structural engineer? I'm 18 and have started to do weight lifting. Will it stop my height to increase? Do long distance relationships work? What is the most interesting thing in the internet? What is a two stage gearbox? How do I multiply two numbers? Does God worship Himself? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Bridge Bank? How do I get motivated to do something? What are your favorite healthy snacks? Application of conductance? Why are pharmacists required in a drug store? Why cant a person with the ability to read the prescription of the doctor, sit in a drug store? How do I become more strategic? Can a president elect ever be forced out? How do you say happy birthday in Korean, both formally and informally? Does change.org work? What is the difference between a subset and proper subset? Who is the worst actor/actress in Bollywood according to you? "Can we start a sentence with"" as well as""?" Can you receive money on PayPal without crediting it first? What will the preprocessor do for a program? India has god of cricket but not godess of cricket, is it a irony? Which are the best career options after a bachelor's degree in civil engineering in india? How do I reactivate my old Yahoo mail account? What is the salary range of Software Engineers in Munich? What is the cheat code for a rare candy in Pokémon Emerald? What are some genuine circumstances under which anger is acceptable/appreciated? Why don't women like revealing their age? What is the meaning of death? As an Indian how can I get job in Germany? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Partnerre? Can we love two person at the same time? What do you think, is your best answer on Quora? How hard is it to make a P2P file sharing program? Is IMS noida good for BCA? Would you marry a woman if she has a mentally retarded sibling? Does Diphenhydramine cause drowsiness? If so, why? What is the best path I should take to improve my English? What is the compressive strength of ACC sheet? How can I make money from Facebook? How would I find jobs in pharma companies? What is the krabby patty secret sauce formula? How often should you masturbate? How can I become an extroverted person? How do I get a job as a film and TV critic? What was the starting lineup for u of Oregon in 1958 rose bowl? Am I a good looking girl or not? Will anyone like me ever or not? What is the reason hair loss in the sides for men? How do I get a girlfriend online? What is the best question asked on Quora? What was the best answer? Why do foreign travellers love to visit the HuTong in China? Where can I buy tents of good quality? Is homosexuality against the laws of nature? Which is correct: please find the attached file or please find attached the file? Should I choose Infosys or Cognizant? Is it necessary to attend a farewell/get together after your B.Tech? Is there any Nano technology GPS tracking features in new 500 & 2000 rupee notes to be released by Reserve Bank of India? Can I learn a language using Google Translate? Why are panda bears going extinct? Military Strategy: If you are an Army General and you 'absolutely' have to invade Russia in winter, how would you do it? Does Google need advertisement? I am going abroad for masters, should I convert my account from savings to NRE or NRO? What is the compensation for Partners/Principals at Deloitte Consulting? Where do I find Spacious residential apartments in rajaji nagar, yeshwanthpur bangalore? What is the meaning of PQWL, RLWL, GNWL, RLGN, RSWL, CKWL, in a railway waiting list? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Dunkin' Brands? Can dogs eat banana peels? Why anaemia can never be hyperchromic? Why does an insurance provider should have freedom? Why isn't the US dollar weakening? Are you more intelligent than most people? If so, why? Why is the sun labelled as a yellow dwarf? Which laptop is best under 25000? What is the best evidence for the existence of aliens? Why does quora mark my questions as needing improvement? How do I crack the Tech-mahindra aptitude test? What are some of the best career objectives written in a resume? What does an assistant professor in residence do? How can I recover deleted pics in gallery lock application? How do I start my own TV channel in the US? World top online selling sites to sell Indian wooden handicrafts and Novelties/nauticals from India? What is the difference between 多少 and 几 in Mandarin Chinese? Can India become a developed country from a developing one? Do we really get that day? Why don't we hear any news from Mongolia? Was Jean-Paul Sartre a nihilist? In which attempt is NET/SET exam cleared approximately? Which are the most innovative content marketing agencies? What is the difference between performance and productivity? What does carbonation do? Who are the bottom 20% worst programmers and what are they working on? What is the most unfortunate country in the world? Why? What are the best courses for mechanical engineering? Breaking Bad (TV series): Why did Walter choose Heisenberg as his alias? How is Walt's character related to the real Heisenberg and his uncertainty principle? What was the significance of the battle of Somme, and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Mill? Is it hard to live as a bachelor your whole life? How difficult is it to get into a good, computer science graduate program with an undergraduate GPA below 3.0? Why is India so bad at Olympics and football? Can Gary Johnson win the presidency in 2016? Was Khal Drogo intelligent? Without naming his opponent, what are 5 reasons to vote for Trump? What is the easiest way to make money? I wanna start preparing for ias exam, how should I proceed? How do I connect with 50 plus women to find people willing to be interviewed about starting something late in life? Which is the best laptop to buy under INR 50K? Who is the most selfish fictional character ever? How did Ariana Dumbledore died? "I am male age 21, 5'7"" I weigh 180 lbs what is a good meal plan (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and foods I can eat to at least reach 160 lbs?" What is the SSC exam? What is it like to be gay and also a devout evangelical Christian? What is something that I don't know but you do? How do I convert a dog into a service dog? Why does my nose keep twitching? Why did French tanks in WW2 have no reverse gears? How do I determine the side of latent strabismus using cover uncover test? When is she less likely to get pregnant? I issued my non creamy layer certificate during March 2014. Will it be valid till April 2017? How can you recharge Energizer Ultimate Lithium batteries? Why should I vote for Hillary Clinton and not Trump? How can I become a cricketer in Canada? What is cached data? Will it cause any problems, if we clear cached data? How do I prepare for a score of 300+ in the BITSAT? How is replacing 1000 rs notes with 2000 rs notes going to make black money hoarding a lot harder? What does it feel like for a woman to have sex with a man with a large penis? What is the best book to master C++ (to be a professional C++ programmer)? What fast food restaurants hire 15-year-olds? Why does the US let Chinese citizens buy real estate in America when Americans can't do the same in China? How can I increase the compiling speed of my C++ program? I'm a boy. Why do I like to wear girls' clothes? What is a selfie stick and how does it work? How can I download Chandrakanta Serial? Can I avail VAT credit on free sample purchase? How does it feel to reject a girl's proposal for a relationship? What is the difference between zyrtec, claritin, and benadryl? What are the reasons behind nuclear energy being non-renewable? What is a collection? "Should I not put a comma before ""which"" or before ""that""?" How do I view text messages from a phone on my Verizon account? How do you prove that between any 2 real numbers, there exists another real number? Is 1.5 Mbps fast internet? In the United States, what is the difference between a state and a commonwealth? How can I make fried ice cream? Is this a bug on Quora? What is the notice period in oracle india pvt ltd? Should prostitution be legalized in India? Why? What makes a good photo a good photo? What is short circuit and open circuit? What are future apps? What would have happened if Facebook were present at the time of World War I? How many times has LeBron James been to the NBA finals? How do I know that the content I'm viewing at any moment on Quora hasn't been fabricated by the same person? If I post as an anon how do I know I am? Why India call as 'bharatvarsh'? Where do I buy a 2 piece bikini in Mumbai? Why not Bihari jounalist of Aaj Tak criticizes Bihar government for the murder of another Bihari jounalist in Bihar (Jungle Raj Part ll)? What do you need to do for a soft opening of a coffee shop? What laptop would you recommend for a first year college student? What are the best option after completing my B.Tech in mechanical engineering? Where do I dump old gasoline? How do I know if I am a pervert or stalker? Why aren't Quora answers organized by most upvoted anymore? Can I make it so that they are? What is the future of MBBS doctor without FMGE MCI? How do I speak English like celebrities? Can someone translate this to Latin? How do you update your Yahoo mail account? Application should be for VLSI or Ele engineering Or electrical & Comp engineering to study VLSI @US university, USC,GAtech fall 2017? What is the difference between a Systems Engineer and a Systems Administrator? Can you argue that nearly all human actions are done in self-interest? How do I commit suicide and make it seem like an accident? Who will win the US election? How often should one empty a countertop compost bin? Why is it necessary to shave pubic hair? What is the average 100m time for a 12 year old boy? What does the following symbol mean ➰? Why do many Quora users ask questions they could look up online? How is time measured at the North and South pole where all the meridians of longitude meet? What does organic consist of in relation to food? Is it ok to keep friendship with other cast girl inspite of my parents oppose it.she is my neighbor.just frndship? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at National Beverage? How do I find an excellent PTE Academic coaching in South Delhi? What is contunuity editing? What is the human spleen for? How do I make a ppt? How can you get pregnant when you are not in your period? How do I prepare for BITSAT-2017? I temporarily disabled my Instagram account, but I can't log into it anymore. Why can't I log into it? How did you find happiness? Is it good to invest money on SIP? What should be India's national game? Why should we protect threaten and endangered species? How do the Delhi Metro cards and tokens work? Not even a good troll Who's my boyfriend accuse me of things I don't do, and I do everything for him? What does 'couldn't've done' mean? Why can't I follow a question on Quora anonymously? What is your new year resolution, short term and long term goal for 2017? If an x-ray shows possible loosening of total hip arthroplasty, and an MRI of the same indicates no evidence of loosening, which one should I believe? Is Donald Trump racist? How do I convert my 64.4 ℅ in UPTU to CGPA or GPA, please write the value and explain below it? Why does sickle cell anemia cause pain? What good is Asus Zenfone Max without quick charge? My niece has been administered with DPTw-3 +DPTa-3 +hepatitis= SHAN 5 vaccine on NOVEMBER 5 but expired date on vaccine was october 2016? What are the side effects of AlgaeCal? How can I create minimal graphics designs for smartphone covers? What are the best freelancing sites? If Western Europe want more labour, why don't they open more immigration quota to people from the Far East? What is the best browser for Mac OSX 10.6.8 now that Google are no longer going to support it? In India direct tax is more or indirect tax? How do I find a good book editor? When the (mis) leading statement of enjoy yourself is made, what is an appropriate response? Why did India sign the Indus Water Treaty? How do I distance myself from my family? For a normal size house with optimal exposure in Hawaii, what is the payback time for a solar electric installation? What if NASA fought the Galactic Empire? What does continuum mean? Who will be the new president of USA? How do I deal with emotionally abusive and narrow minded parents? Do Trump supporters really just want a king? Which was the best film of 2016? What does it feel like to have your penis inside a vagina? Why doesn't everyone I ask to answer a question answer it on Quora? School: Can I skip a grade? Why isn't Quora encrypted? Which is the best budget laptop under 50,000 INR? What is the best remedy for erectile dysfunction? How do you decrease the bounce rate on your website? What blogs, journals, forums, or other resource should one use to stay current on etools/etechnologies? Which is the best place to learn baking in Mumbai? What should you do if you want to lose a lot of weight? Was Ataturk potentially gay or sterile as he never fathered children? SNAP FORM APPEARED for bachelors degree or appearing? How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP DesignJet Z3200 24-in PostScript Photo Printer? What is the Demo? Why do people call China as mainland? What is utility? What is the 5th roots of unity and how are they used? What is the difference between Internet marketing and digital marketing? What is the best way for a 14 year old to make money? How do I learn Informatica online training? What will be the repercussions of banning Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes on Indian economy? Why do I always feel sleepy when I start to study biology? What must I do? How can I delete my Quora account in one minute? How do I get rid of an emotional girl? "How is the word ""implausible"" used in a sentence?" What Is the meaning of 210 MW unit of a power plant? In other words what does it means of 210 or 250 or 600 MW power plant? What will be the basic salary of professors who have just completed their MTech in Pune? What are some logic building techniques for a beginner developer? If The Conjuring 2 made in Bollywood then whom would you like to cast and why? What powers does the Indian Prime Minister have? Which is the best QuickBooks Tech Support Number in New York, USA? What towns are located near the Kilauea, and how does this volcano's activity compare to the volcanoes in Ecuador? What is the science behind Luke Aikins safety in his 7km (25000ft) skydiving without a chute? What is it about Game of thrones that has made it so popular amongst the populace? What is retail store? Which laptop is best under 25000 INR? What's it like to be gay and a Christian? Would like baby. Am 55 Can you help me become fertile? Have no periods What are the uses of carbon nano tubes? "Where does the word ""digital"" come from?" What do you do when you don't know what to do? Does Christianity condone lying if it is in the service of Christianity? What is the difference between “thank you” and “thanks”? What are the most modern forms of promotion used in integrated marketing communication? What is the best hilarious joke you have ever heard? Why does my dog only hump me? How do I get bottle caps in Pokemon Sun and Moon? What is the next big thing in educational sector? Can a psychopath be a step father to three children? What's your say? How can I learn better in school/ How can I get better grades in school? How can I use Omegle on my iPod Touch and how is it compared to using Alt.com? How has Jason Day's playing style changed throughout his career? Can I use GSM sim in WCDMA slot? What artificial intelligence can do? What do the Japanese think about China? How much space does Mac OS X Yosemite take on a new MacBook? Which is best ratio 4.3 or 16.9 for photo clicking from mobile Why do people do some certain things? Where can I find free books? Height: How would a 14 year old increase his height? Is square root of negative numbers imaginary? How many brands are there in the world? Friends or family who is more important? Why invest money in Supertech Crown Tower project? How do I get a job in teaching field along with research in the field of chemistry in Canada? Can high levels of anxiety over period of time cause brain damage? What is the cut off for GBO at SRCC for general category? What's the coolest thing you can do with a computer? How do you start a conversation with a girl in public? What do you think about the idea of Narendra Modi about 500&1000 notes? Is it possible that Russia and the US will fight a proxy war in Syria? How does people survive in ladakh in winter? How do I tell if a guy likes me? How do i become an international arm dealer in Ireland? Which metal is used in an electric heater coil? How can I reduce post-pregnancy belly fat? What will happens with my old locked data when I uninstall Gallery Lock to Install Leo privacy guard? What is the rationale behind Apple touch bar on the Macbook Pro? Which is the best laptop for BE students? Does Adrian Lamo speak Spanish? Do I need to take the IELT for candana Entry Express if I finished college from the USA? Why is magnesium oxide considered a compound? What's the difference between gyros, shawarma, döner & kebab? Which is the best site for watching porn? What are the best online web development courses? Why does MTNL have operations in Mauritius? HOw do I speak Fluent English? How long after a below the knee amputation can you fly? What is the salary of an assistant director in Bollywood? "Why was my question marked as ""needs improvement?""" If God created man then why man created so many Gods? How do you train your dog? 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 x 0+1=? Is going to college really worth it or just a waste of time? What is your review of Electric Now? How do I reduce belly and chest fat? What will be the regex pattern to match strings having atleast one digit anywhere in the string? How would you differentiate between infatuation and love? What is the Andhra Bank user ID? What are some symptoms of eccentric and concentric contractions? Which is a suitable solar panel installation provider near Huntsville, Alabama AL? It is now January 2017. Why do you now regret voting for Trump? If I make homemade salad dressing, do I need to refrigerate it? Does good and evil exist? Why India can't ban Chinese products? How can I get rid of a bad habbit? How is Donald Trump a better choice than Hillary Clinton? Get cheAP flight TICKET in India? Which is the best book for teens? How do you reset a Sony Ericsson Xperia? What are some examples of a competition? How do I increase breast size and shape naturally? Where can I download Design of Concrete Structures (in SI Units) by Nilson (14th edition)? What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake, and how do these effects compare to the Lima-Callao earthquake in 1746? What are the best ways to cook steak in an oven? Your parents want to give you a birthday gift. Do you prefer cash or a gift? Why do all the planets rotate on the same plane? I purchased a blue sapphire ring and had a ream of the planet Saturn in the sky on the same night Is this a good or bad sign? What is intellectual property valuation? Is it a bad idea to choose a degree just to travel? Where can I find delicious cupcakes at Gold Coast? What is the top university in Japan for car design? Why do people ask questions on Quora that are just as, if not more than easier to, look up with a search engine? I'm a 5 letter word. I am normally below you. If you remove my 1st letter, you'll find me above you. If you remove my 1st & 2nd letters, you can't see me. What am I? Is marketing a good major? Can numbers be represented in a base that is not an integer? What's the best way to publish a children's book? Why Wipro is delay to give date of joining after getting appointment letter? Who would win in boxing Triple G vs Canelo? If i sex with girlfriend, can she force me to marry her? Who is the most powerful man? Are there any characteristics that the Japanese economy has that do not align with the characteristics of the CME model in the VoC approach? Which is the best government job in India and why? Is there any smartphone app to measure weight? What are the best books to read about Automated Reasoning and Program Verification? Does Accenture take candidates with its offer letter delivered onboard if they have arrears in the final semester? What if I have wet dreams? What individuals and events in history are a source of pride for Bulgaria? What are the discontinuity and zero of the function [math]f(x)[/math] of [math]\frac{9x^{9x}-18}{3x+6}[/math]? "How do I write a script for ""street play"" in Hindi?" How does communism affected by its ambivalence towards democracy? How could I wake up early in the morning? Are there notable biological differences between people of different races? How can I know if someone has blocked me on WhatsApp? Can I use my wife's car to drive for Uber if the car is just in her name? Are carbon fiber parts really stronger and lighter than metal parts, AND if yes, how much stronger? What is the best place to buy gold or silver bars from online? What can a person do during his/her holidays? How can you make a variable number of variables in python? Which is the best place to visit in Goa? Who are some lesser known important historical figures of Croatia and what should people know about them? Is it better to do an MBA after engineering? Why is everything change in every person? Why do most of the artistic people have a failed or unstable love life? How much will it cost to just build an app like uber if I hire someone external to do it for me? Is it safe to use the deep Web? What does Jimmy Wales think? What are some of the funny jokes on Modi? During meiosis, what are the sites where maternal and paternal chromosomes can exchange genetic material? What would a US vs Russia war be like? How do I count lone pair electrons in a molecule? What is a good website for Minnesota chiropractic webinars and online CE? What suggestions can be considered for improving the Indian education system? What are best, effective ways to become discipline? Why most of the Badminton talent are emanating from Hyderabad? What might be the cause for a missed period 3 months in a row? How did you improve your looks? How did an orchestra sound during Bach's time? How do I browse the Internet on a Vizio smart TV? What is the past tense of by? Beauty Products: Is a mud mask supposed to burn your face? How can I becomec the next APJ Abdul Kalam? How many medals should we expect from India this summer Olympics? How can I find an episode of a game show I was a contestant on? Ways to earn money easily? Do cell phones really get infected by viruses? What is the curriculum for IAS officers for their training? Is an Internet speed of 100Mbps considered fast? Does eating bitter things help in controlling diabetes? I have 1500 USD and have been challenged to raise it to 1 million USD in a period of 6 years. What to do? What are the ideal online courses for a mechanical engineer? Why do many expats living in the Philippines think they know who is best qualified to lead the Philippines? Will we ever achieve immortality? Is it possible to make time machine? Who is the real owner of WWE? How do i prepare for NEET and AIIMS 2017 in a year? What is the best share to buy? What should I do to increase my chest size? What is the difference between shape and form in art? How do I create primarykey and foreignkey in sqlserver? Any idea about anti-virus hardware appliance that can have email notification capability when virus signature is identified? Do You Think Gay Marriages or Homosexuality Should Be Legal In India? "What are some adjectives that start with ""th""?" Does an MS in Electrical Engineering degree from San Francisco State University has a value in the Bay Area? What is the best resume format for applying master studies in abroad universities? How do I start a conversation with a girl whom you have never talked but only met on internet? How can you learn the art of asking good questions? What are the tips for self studying? What is the current in the resistor if I add two voltage sources in parallel of the same voltage instead of one? What are the best third party hotel booking websites? How can I meet Sir Narendra Modi Ji? What are the best destinations for solo trip in India? Which is the best book with which I can prepare for GRE exams..? How do tube porn sites (e.g. tube8, pornhub) make enough money to cover servers/bandwidth? Is the media unfairly biased towards Hillary Clinton? When a website recognises an old password what does that say about how the passwords are stored? Does this indicate that passwords are not salted? How can I get taller after 25? What is the KVPY SA expected cut off for 2016? What are the facilities given to teachers in Army Public School Ferozepur? What one thing you do in a day to keep yourself motivated? Why does helium make your voice sound funny? Can you ever forget your first love? Can LTE be changed to Volte? What are the best ways to speak English fluently? What is the difference between static and dynamic analysis of structure? Do Muslim men need the permission of his first wife to marry a second wife? Is China Indirectly Supporting Terrorists in North-East India? What are some energetic words for a person who shifts from Tirupur to Chennai? In what year did it become widely known that smoking during pregnancy is bad for the baby? How can I slowly lose weight? Why is my boyfriend ignoring me? Which has been the biggest political scam in India till date? What are some applications of cone clutch now a days? What are some cool WhatsApp group names? Which is better iPhone 6s or iPhone 7? Can a narcissist actually fall in love with someone else? How is the Deakin University's masters in electrical and renewable energy engineering? Why is the world so unfair? What is the thing you wish you have not done? Which side of the piston is the major thrust side? How many cups of coffee a day can a person drink? What is the difference between mass and weight? How do you measure each? What is the best way to teach saving & investing to kids? How can I delete the suggestion in search instagram? Can you still get pregnant one day before menstruation? How can I reduce tummy fat? Why do some people enjoy a quick sniff of gasoline? What is it that really matters the most in our life? What is the best way to solve a Sudoku puzzle? Does the Earth also orbit the Moon? "What are some synonyms for ""looking forward to""?" Why do most coders hate managers? Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Monroe County IL? What questions are expected for a mvc dotnet developer for 3-6 year of experience? Who is your least favorite Harry Potter character and why? How is the word 'importune' used in a sentence? Who would win in a battle: 1,000 Spartan hoplites or 1,000 Roman legionaries? Should I flush transmission fluid for a Japanese car with 140K miles? Why do jerks and dumb people breed way more than nice and intelligent individuals? What is the difference between String and string in C#? What happens to the muscle gained from steroids after you stop taking them, assuming diet and exercise stay the same? deleted How do commercial mirror solar systems work? How do the mirrors all point the sun directly at the top of the tower? What is it like to have a surgery? How do we prepare for UPSC? How do I effectively teach the kids to read? Are there portals in Moonglade in World of Warcraft? If so, where are they located at? How is working at Loy yang ltd? What would happen with a magically created 2000 km tall tower on Earth? How did Quora differentiate itself from Yahoo Answers? What is deglutition apnea and why is it important? How would you lead an alien invasion of earth? What is EDGESV unit in Infosys? What is refrigerant? If you were able to stop time as many times as you want, what would you do? Which are best Korean dramas to watch? Has anyone formed an intimate relationship with somebody that they met on Quora? Till what age does one usually continue having periods? Who is your favorite YouTuber? What does employment per thousand jobs mean? What is maximum real power transmission? Why didn't Rome explore Africa? Friends make the worst enemies. Is it true? Which is better: the Hyundai Creta or the Maruti Suzuki S Cross? How can we translate “膜” into English? What is the difference between host and server in terms of computer networking? "When was the name ""India"" given to the country of India?" What if your boss doesn't listen to your advice although you are right in predicting the outcome? Can I add an app to my Vizio smart TV? Where can I have sex? Abandoned? Broken hearted granny how can I stop hurting? What is the best torrent site for audiobooks? Are IIMs overrated? How do I change my face as rich person? What is the remainder when a number is divided by 10^n +1 or 10^n - 1? Do people always get answers to their questions on Quora? If ballots were cast by contributing money, who would win the 2016 election? Does our Milky Way galaxy travel? What's dating in Seattle like? What is the dating culture in San Francisco like? When will the next Macbook Pro (2016) be released? Does the subject of authentic leadership is trending know for a PHD? Why do we get physically stronger when we get angry? What is Hillary Clinton's policy towards India-US relations? How should I increase my height? How many views and answers are required to become Top Writer in Quora? What is federation and why it is important? "How did Hitler make everyone say ""heil Hitler?""" How can we submit an HTML form without a submit button? What is the difference between Internet and Intranet? What was the official language of India during the period of Akbar the Great? In Chennai, India, where can I get a good actual body massage with some extra afterwords? When people say mean and hurtful things to you when they are angry, do they really mean all those things? What is the use of MBA? I only sleep 5- 6 hours each night. Will this effect me in any way? What is the best way to study an MBA online? Are there any U.S. non-profit organizations promoting the reduction of retail packaging? What do atheist swear upon in courts? I am preparing for IIT JEE . Is it advisable to play video games for 1 hour daily? How is NMIMS Shirpur campus life? Can I play wynk music files in another player? What does it mean when a girl winkes at a boy? How many hours in a day? What are some characteristics of concentric and eccentric contraction? How should I study for kvpy math? Why do Indians believe that Indians IQ of 82 is too high for Indians? How can I split a 4 digit number into 2 two digit number like 2016 into 20 and 16 in c? Which is the best site to download English songs of 320 kbps bit rate? What is difference between an asset management company and a mutual fund company? Can We do mba after mtech? If you remove politics, allies, nukes and just look at war as a 1-1 MMA fight, is there any country that can defeat the US? How do I recover deleted messages on my Android phone without a computer? Are dogs colour blind? How can I make gears in Autodesk Inventor 2017? How do Russians and Ukrainians feel about Genghis Khan? "What does it really mean to ""stop existing and start living?""?" Should owning private property be a right? How many hairstyles are there limited or unlimited? What are the best resources available to learn Digital Marketing ( Social Media and Online Strategies)? What are some of the best WhatsApp statuses? What is the penalty for driving without a license in Alabama, how do they compare to the penalties in Maine? What is 1^4+2^4+3^4+…+n^4? How much money do YouTubers make with 1 million views and above 10,000 subscribers? How much tax do they have to pay? If Jesus is God, then who is God? What is the best workout plan for a beginner (male) who wants to loose fat and build lean muscle at the same time? How do I delete Whatsapp media from an iPhone? What are the top programming languages to learn? Why and how is 0! =1? Can narcissists ever love anyone and ever be truly happy? Are location factors favourable in Singur for Tata Nano? Are the parents who raise their children so gender neutral that they keep their kid's gender a secret harming them? What is the value of strain at yeild point of mild steel in the stress-strain curve? Is one jar of Dymatize super mass gainer sufficient for some weight gaining? What is the difference between listening through ears and listening through heart? Why ISPs provide high speed for YouTube and torrent only, and not other sites? Can I rejoin in TCS after 1.5 years from separation. Am I eligible for hike? Does white rice cook more quickly than brown rice? How does transistor BC547 work? How is corn meal the same as corn flour? What is the best supplement or multivitamins? What were the effects and consequences of the Agricultural Revolution? Which is the best laptop under Rs 60000 for gaming in India? What is the TET offensive? How can I view a private Instagram? How do you report scam calls? Why doesn't Pakistan arrest Hafiz Saeed? Why is ice lighter than water? What are the animal rights? If I fail AP Spanish in high school, but have an A in every other class for all 4 years, how much will I be wrecked for college admissions? Why does Malibu rum go bad? Tasha marie walls? How can you tell if a startup's culture is boring or without personality before accepting an offer? How can I find a startup mentor? Who are the best Orthopedic surgeons in Mexico? What are the best beaches to visit in Goa? What does it mean to be a 'wildcard' in the NFL? What are the most historically unrealistic features in Total War battles? Why are most psychopaths males and not females?and are female psychopaths different from male psychopaths? Does geographic tongue hurt? What is the best way to spend the weekends ? (IT people) Which companies sponsor H1B visa in Pasadena? What is the best answer of why you want to join non technical field when you are doing engineering? What types of links are considered good links? Music: What's your favourite song at the moment? "When is the anime ""Naruto Shippuden"" going to end?" What is trauma? Is Mba in travel after btech is correct option? What is the best time to do sex? How do I write my first nonfiction book? How much distance do I need to run daily? How can I retrieve a discarded draft on Gmail? How do teenagers living in New York City see the place? What is the operating system for Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro? What would be the best name for a cartoon studio that makes fantasy novels into wacky and zany animated movies? What are correct saree accessories & make-up for women, aged 35-45? I am European and don’t want to offend or look crazy. Has the trade deficit decreased under Obama? Which one is better, a high bandwidth or a low bandwidth? Can all engines be overbored? What engines cannot be overbored? Can Google Map show what type of public metered parking is available on certain streets? Which car services are available in Kitchener, ON? How good are they compared to taxis and relative to each other? "What is Niantic's criteria for ""tiny rattata"" and ""big magikarp"" in Pokémon GO?" Is NATO and CIA behind Turkey's failed coup, why Turkey purges NATO military envoys? Which is the best tricky question for IT quiz? What can India do to improve its performance in the Olympics games? How is Eevee's evolution determined in Pokémon GO? If a simple pendulum is suspended in a train which then starts moving with constant acceleration then what will be the effect on its time period? What examples of haploid cells are there? Why does non polar solute dissolve in non polar solvent? "What is the meaning of ""Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"" in the Declaration of Independence?" Is world War 3 currently happening? What are some exercises to get rid of stomach cellulite? How do I see who viewed my instagram videos? What are some best jazz radio stations in the world? What are the best high-end preschools in Gary, IN? What makes them good or special? Is floor price good or bad? What will be the effect of possible war between India and Pakistan on Indian Stock market? How do I prepare for UPSC GS-4? How can I improve my English writing skills by myself? What would be the best inspiring quote for you? How you become more creative? What are the pros and cons of masturbation? Will the President actually honor his promise to the veteran community? What do computer science engineers learn beyond programming? How many marks do I require in NEET 2017 to get into the government medical colleges in Karnataka? Which has better job prospects, MBA from IIM or MA in economics from DSE? What if prostitution is legal in India? What is best book for verbal ability aptitude? How painful is kidney stone? How can you increase your stamina before running? Why can my iPad have difficulties with charging? What is the difference between seagate expansion and Seagate Backup Plus external hard drive? Why should you be my girlfriend? Can I take NyQuil and Sudafed at the same time? Which are the best emotional english poems [5 mins] to recite? What can I do with a Political Science degree? Which are the great examples of presence of mind? How do I talk English fluently? How is everyone doing today? Does baking soda help to whiten teeth? What is the best website of government jobs in India? What would happen if the Earth's gravity becomes zero for 2 seconds? Which are the best universities for computer science in USA? Do you hate sunny Leone? If yes, then why? My roommate’s dog peed on my mattress while I was away. She only knew about this after I found out just now. How would you solve this? How do I stay encouraged.? Why do some people only wear black? What does it mean? How does autosuggestion differ from positive thinking? "How do I deal with two-faced ""friends""?" Did Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose die in a plane crash? Why does Kakashi Hatake wears a mask under his mask? What might be the next big and bold step of PM Modi after scraping big denominations? What universities does First NBC Bank recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? I want to start writing. How and where do I start? What is algorithms? What was the best day of your life? (Excluding family things like births) Why does Quora keep collapsing every answer I write? Why the construction of sriram Sagar project on river Godavari not yet completed 100%?? What should be done if question is very large, for example, some questions related to personal issue or problem? How does the Pomodoro Technique work? What was your age when you saw porn for the very first time? My husband is charged with drug charges. The drugs he is charged with were in a locked safe in someone else's house. Does anyone know about warrants? What are the best bodyweight upper chest exercises? Who would win in a fight? Ser Arthur Dayne or Robert Baratheon? Do you like to tickle yourself? Can I retrieve deleted messages on Instagram? How can I get a hacker? How can you remove permanent marker from plastic? How do I prepare to get into PSU through GATE for EEE? What is the climate of California's coastal regions, and how does it compare to the climate in Georgia? How can I access the deep/dark web without using tor? What are some endemic species of India? What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Brazil? What are the disadvantages of having a backlog in the first semester? What pleases American women? Why did MithaiMate, the online mithai store, close down? What are the best resources for learning Ecuadorian Sign Language? Which is best gaming laptop under 60000? Will NonMuslims in India plight of the Arab Christians and Yazidis if India attains a Muslim majority either wholly or in large parts of the country? Who are Emma Watson's friends? How widely accepted are credit cards at small businesses and restaurants in Pakistan? What is it like for an American to live in Australia? Why orange colored cars have become popular in India ? How long should you wait after drinking (alcohol) before taking painkillers? Who is your inspiration in life? What changes can we expect in education systems in the next 50 years? Is there any need of introducing a note of high denomination (rs2000) in current economic situation of India? As a UG CSE graduate, can I join companies like Lockheed Martin and Dassault? What is the best advice for someone with social anxiety? How many mobile operators are there worldwide? What are some cool things to do on command prompt (pranks, hacks, etc.)? How can I increase traffic on my blog on Blogger? I often feel enraged by my kids' sounds, and constant chatting or arguments, I will shut off emotionally and mentally, what is going on? Is it possible to get in to FMS with very poor academics..?57%,71%,62% How much do bathroom renovations cost? Is it OK to drink cold water in the morning? What are the best investment strategies? Why is Katrina Kaif still in Bollywood despite being a bad actor? Psychotherapy: How do I find an individual psychotherapist? Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Scott County IA? What type of government does Guatemala have? How does it compare to the one in Honduras? What are the best places to visit in Wayanad, Kerala? Why does my nose bleed? How can I become more patient and understanding? How do one reach Bangalore airport from majestic bus stand, Bangalore? How much time will it take? Is Paris Hilton connected to Hilton Hotels in any way? What are some mannerism examples? What kind of job should a mechanical engineer get in isro? What is your view on the move to scrap 500 and 1000 rupee notes? What will be its effects? Why do men have mustaches? What documents are required for exporting from India? What are the best indie games of 2016? What is the difference between CAP and BASE and how are they related with each other? Can you delete pictures from an iPhone and still have it saved in iCloud? If so, how? What is the easiest way to make money online? If energy is not conserved in an expanding universe, can infinite energy be created? Is it potential energy or potentiality infinite? Why is salt water taffy candy imported in France? What is it like to raise miniature donkeys? How much money can I make from a YouTube video with 5,000 views? What is the difference between research paper and research article? How will you know when you've found your purpose in life? What is your bra size? Which age is the best to start teaching my little son to play chess? What constitutes true beauty? What is the best way to restore an iPhone back to factory settings? Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? What did he do? Why do unrooted tests occur when doing a JUnit test for a single method of a test class? Ow is the interview itc infotech? "A ""Friends"" episode was dedicated to Pearl Harmon. Who is that?" Which is the best laptop under 40000 INR? How do public disclosure requirements protect consumers? What is an example? Why do people from the southern states of India usually have a very long first name/family name? Would Bruce Lee at his peak be able to contend with today's top MMA fighters? What are some of the best images depicting Hyderabad? What does it feel like to want to have kids but not be able to? I won the lottery and have 5 million in the bank now. How should I invest to live off the interest? How many protons and neutrons are in each isotope? What are the craziest facts about Microsoft? Is it healthy to eat soup for breakfast every day? How can I make a difference online? How can I find the right girl to get married? How useful is the Codecademy AngularJS course? What should be done? Has anyone really seen or experienced Lord Shiva? What is the first law of thermodynamics and what are some examples? What are some attention grabbers for a speech on global warming? What is the best MacBook for me? What is the scope of a health inspector? Have you ever been to a brothel? How was the experience? How do I change my profile photo in here on Quora? Why the Big Bang is widely accepted while it violates the first law of thermodynamics? How were the PhD placements at IIT Madras? What are the Best places to travel in India? How can I find best budget hotels in Haridwar for accommodation in this new year eve pick season? What is the process to establish a new coaching centre for IIT-JEE/PMT/CBSE for 11th & 12th physics specially in Delhi? Is consumption based GST good for Indian economy? Could a president run for a third term after taking a 4-8 year break? Will Quora Members make New Year's resolutions for 2012, and if so what do they resolve for the coming year? If not, why not? What would have happened if President Richard Nixon didn't resign? "What is a perfect example of ""ignorance is bliss""? What is a perfect counter-example?" What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at South Jersey? What does Pakistan mean to China? What are organic macromolecules and what are some examples? How do you know what you want in life? Is Microsoft acquisition of LinkedIn a threat for Facebook? What are the perks and problems with being physically attractive? What is the worst thing a loved one ever said to you? How do I explain pi to a five year old? What are best books for SSC CGL? How did you raise funding for your startup? How can I learn Number Theory online? What did T.S. Eliot mean when he said that April is the cruelest month? What's the best specialization after finishing a civil engineering degree? Is it advantageous to take up a master's before proceeding to the specialization? How do I respond to a cancellation notice? What are the easy ways to earn money online? How is the value of p calculated in Excel? How do I stop caring about what others think? How do I stop myself from hating people? How does it feel like to be gay in India? We believe in freedom of speech, but we we made the Communist Party illegal, why? Are mitochondria motile? What is leaf spine architecture? I have registered an office giving my home address. My Dad is afraid that my partner may take loan and run away. How should I convince him? What are the differences between Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif? How did you become so successful? Is Donald Trump really a racist? Studying: I have made easy handwritten notes that I bought from Delhi. Are they sufficient for the GATE preparation in ECE? What is the meaning of your name? How do I advertise on AdMob? How did Donald trump win? How far should one keep mobile while going to bed? Why did my answer collapse? What does it mean if I keep seeing the same person in my dreams every day? What is the ultimate happiness? Can I crack IBPS PO exam (2017) in my first attempt with my full dedication from now onwards? I have done btech in ECE Why is my proxy server in Firefox refusing connections? How do I fix this? How are major undersea cables laid in the ocean? Why does breathing pure oxygen kill you? What is fangdd.com's business model? "Who is the ""scariest"" possible person you could have in your audience when doing an academic talk on aging?" Do I really need a mass gainer? Which startups in pune are hiring banking professionals? How can I effectively zone out politics from my life? Where can I find various large foam mats in Australia? Has Ancient Chaldea been scientifically tested? Which is a good solar panel installation provider near Nipomo, California CA? What is the best novel of all time? Who has the most subs on YouTube? I will be working at Thomson Reuters in Gdynia. Is it better to live in Gdansk or in Gdynia? How hard is it to learn how to longboard? What would you think of a Presidential Pardon by President Obama of Hillary Clinton? What if a guy interested in me earlier suddenly stays away? What category of porn do girls like the most? Can anybody share their articleship experience? How do I retrieve deleted Snapchat messages? How many keywords are there in the Metafont programming language in the latest version? What are the types of non-linearity in finite element analysis? What's one time you failed a test? How do I loose weight fast? How do I apply the Fourier-transform in a real-life scenario? Will India fight a war against Pakistan? Why must we always sleep at night? In electromagnetism why does the number of turns affect the magnetic field of the solenoid? What should be a daily routine for a student? How do I control anxiety? What are some funny puns? Why do we eat ice cream when we are depressed? What does the Yiddish word nebbish mean in English? Why can't we, as humanity, get rid of the idea that blond and/or blue-green eyed people are automatically more beautiful? What is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Effingham County GA? What are the benefits of Emotional distress? How do you download Xcode without the App Store? What is an elementary particle? What is the answer to this question? (see description) Which is the best korean drama of all time? What are the effects aeration has on a plant's growth? I woke up with my right side of my body feeling numb. I don't have any health issues. Should I be worried? Is it ok to pirate a game to see if it's good, and if you like it therefore buying it, is it immoral or wrong? Is a degree in education required to become a filmmaker? What is the best way to keep and share your plasmid database with other people in your lab/other labs? I live with my mom and we are always arguing and she is always blaming me for things and she never wants to talk to me and she told me that she does not care about me and that she wants me out of the house and she never lets me hang out with anyone or leave the house. What should I do about it? How should I go about having sex after an arranged marriage? If I was to draft a questionnaire that would look at the following aspects of improving my customer service, what questions could I ask? How often do pilots and flight attendants have affairs? Which granite is a good match for White Shaker Cabinets? Why is it that women are so infatuated with people of fame? I have yet to see any dude get even half as star struck as girls do. I am 16 and my height is 5.4 feet. I would like to grow up to 6 feet. What should I do? Can anyone list the best motivational quotes from movies like Star Wars/LOTR/etc.? Which is the best private engineering college in india? Can a biological virus be created to target only a specific DNA? Was Martin Luther King, Jr. a socialist? Why do priests molest children? Do you think guys should wear leggings? Why do people expect? What is the best way to motivate yourself to be productive? Where can I find a list of the 10,000 most important English words? How do I get internship in Lamborghini? What does having too many lines on your palm indicate? What are some hillbilly foods? Is it dangerous to wear 24/7 a device like the Fitbit Flex, having the bluetooth always on? What's a good processor speed for gaming? Which are the best condoms? How should I dress for my brother's wedding? Where do Congressmen and Senators live when they are in DC? What is the weather like in port Townsend, WA compared to Seattle? I'm almost 27 years old and only have 28teeth. I don't suffer from any pain or discomfort in my gums & jaws. Is it normal? What are some awesome qualities to have? What function does the nose has in the respiratory system? How do you want to change the world? What are the most Interesting facts? What should be the resources and steps to become a penetration tester? Why does my piya go to rangoon? Why do some people buy iPhones over Android phones? Are they really better? Which are the best headphones I can buy under ₹2000? I have a good startup idea, how to find investors? Do Indian women not show interest in sex only because of cultural reasons or are many genuinely not interested in the act? Do you think you are smart? "What is the origin of the phrase ""olly olly oxen free""?" I'm not a native speaker. Will reading on Quora every day improve my English significantly? What are the main problems in maglevs and Hyperloop? How did Ron Conway become Ron Conway? Why do the majority of cars in the United States have automatic transmissions? Why don't sedan cars have rear wipers? What was your biggest achievement during college life? Why is travelling to Peru so expensive from india? Which companies have their offies in Mindspace at Malad Mumbai? What will be pros and cons of creating my e-commerce mobile app using Kivy? Is the era of PC gaming coming to a close? How much time do you need to spend on Quora to become a top writer? Can I switch back to Windows 8.1 after I have updated to Windows 10? What are the best ways to improve my writing skills in English? If you could go back in time, would you? How does an organized crime group such as the mob distribute funds to members? What is the best time for studying? Why? Why aren’t cats mentioned in the Bible? What are some ways to solve systems of equations graphically? What are the websites doctors spend their time on? I am in the 2nd year of my engineering. And, I am targeting UPSC CSE 2019. How can I approach from now itself? Why do all my questions need improving on quora? What is the best laptop within the 20000-25000 INR range with a genuinely nice configuration? What is the best way to grow a channel on YouTube? Why does Indian education suck so much? I loved the handmade mint mojito ice coffee of Philz in San Jose. Now I want it in Seattle. What can I do? What is the problem of Kashmir? What tool are you using to mock or storyboard BI dashboards? Would you share your deepest secret with your spouse? How can I prepare for English on the CAT? What's your klout score? Is it important? What are the differences between the Dell Inspiron 3000, 5000, and 7000 series laptops? What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do consultants only offer solutions to companies, or do consultants also help businesses implement proposed solutions? "What purpose does ""en"" serve in chemistry?" What studies have been done on racial bias in U.S. courts? Which one is harder, programming or mathematics? Why am I romantically attracted to men but sexually more to girls (masturbation)? Who in history was first to understand tidal forces were driven by the Moon? Why can't we use 100% of the brain's capacity? What is the relation between torque, slip, and speed in induction motors? Why can't you add your credit card to Apple Pay from within mobile banking apps? What percentage of women like to exhibit their body? How can I control my anger in a moment? Why is the EPA held in such low esteem by a large proportion of Libertarians and the Right? What did Barack Obama do to be awarded with the Peace Nobel Prize? Philippines: Where do you get your news? How can I effortlessly look beautiful? What happens if a black hole die? What are the most interesting but little known historical events? I want a software like cam-scanner (Android) for Windows 7 PC. What are some similar softwares compatible for Windows 7? How can I study for my IB courses? What is the bloodiest war in the U.S. history? How do you view protected Twitter accounts? Who was the best couple on the TV series Friends? I have an untreatable and life-long disabling neurological disease. What is the easiest and most painless way I can commit suicide? Why does Yoga insist on breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth? What is your motivation in your daily life? Which phone is best to buy under 15k? Deleted question. What is your new year resolution for 2017 or goal for 2017? Is the gender pay gap a myth? How many flights does a typical airline pilot fly a year? Why doesn't anybody make an app store for the Mac, to compete with Apple? How can I unblock my Facebook account on Chrome? Why do Indian doctors try to get an mrcp or any other UK degree if they want to settle here in India? How do you send private messages to the people in a Google+ circle programmatically in iOS? Is there anyway to retrieve my deleted emails from my Gmail account? What can we do for the people of Aleppo? Taxes in India: Can donations to trust as a part of CSR contribution, be claimed u/s 80G of income tax act, 1961? What are the functions of the muscle cell organelles? How was Nazi Germany able to technologically surpass the Allies in so many ways? How could I get more answers to my questions on Quora? Which books should I read to learn about Buddhism? Are Sony LED TVs worth buying? Do submarines that can go deep underwater for months exist? How do you start a career in politics? What are the best monospace or fixed-width fonts to use for programming? How do I remove the Windows 10 watermark? Is the Panchayati Raj system really strengthening our democracy, or helping the corruption expansion at the grassroot level? Has anyone benefited, health-wise, from essential oils? What are the best and safe hotels in ooty to spend with my girlfriend? Does using Wordpress Multisite have any negative SEO impact? Which state in India pays least salary to MBBS doctors? Why hashtags are used in Twitter? What are some local laws in regards to nudity in Vermont, and how do they differ from nudity laws in Kansas? My iPhone 5S screen has cracked, but the phone works. I am in Mumbai. Where can I get the screen repaired? Who is South India's number 1 hero? What's the purpose of a human life? Would you rather be a top student at a school like Amherst or be a mediocre student at a school like Princeton? Can we stop hair fall? How could Kiran Bedi lodge a FIR against Kumar Vishwas when he didn't even mention her name in his speech? Is dasa worth it? How will the ban of old 500 and 1000 rs notes help in bringing out the black money? What is the best evidence that proves beyond reasonable doubt that the Holocaust occurred? Are Uber drivers ever penalized for canceling? What are some words that rhyme with here? What is the reason for the current economic downturn of France? What can I do to get a chiseled jawline? What are the features Quora needs to add to make it better? Pornography vs social networking. Which business model is better? (ignoring the legal aspects) What is the first thing you would do if you woke up as the opposite sex? What are ETF'S and what is the difference between ETF'S and mutual funds? How does TheQot.com earn money? Do Muslims respect people who follow other religions? What was the significance of the battle of Somme, and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Rostov? I really wish I could sing. I harbor jealousy when I hear a beautiful voice. How can I accept myself? How many IITian joined ebiz? How can you research keyword popularity on eBay so you know what people are shopping for? What does it feel like to sit for the South Korean college entrance exam? Do any male flight attendants wear pantyhose? How does it feel like becoming attractive and beautiful from unattractive and ugly? Is there a relationship between the word 'continental' and Brexit? What is the purpose for the .asd sample analysis files created by Ableton? How can I get my parents to like me? What is the passing mark in wbut theory papers? How do I unsubscribe from Quora for good? What universities does Dexcom recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Is Hollywood better than Bollywood? What does it feel like to have bipolar disorder? What's the most effective way to ask a question on Quora? Which console is better- Xbox One or PlayStation 4? What were the consequences of the Persian Wars? How do I convince my girlfriend to have sex for pleasure? Which are the top universities in germany for electrical engineering? For parents who get a refund on their IKEA dresser, what are some good, similarly priced alternatives? How can I transfer money to Nepal? Is it time to end this relationship? Define melting point and boiling point? What is the difference? What can help me fall asleep at night? Why didn't the SBI add the UPI in its online banking platform? What is a good song to lyric prank your best friend? How can I earn from online? What are related documents for subdividing the land in the philippines? In PHP, what variable holds the value of data sent to the server? What real changes have you felt in your lives (not via media reports), ever since the Modi government came to power? What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Montenegro notice? Does gravity affect energy? Why is Mia Khalifa suddenly so popular? How can I lose weight and sustain it? Which are the best coaching centers for GMAT preparations in chandigarh? Please guide me about it? Do black holes move across space? How hard are Google's software engineer job interviews? How and when was the telephone invented? What genre of music puts you in the best mood? Whenever I eat boiled eggs I get stomach pain until I go to the bathroom. What may be the reason behind this? What is the stock market? How could I be fluent in English? "What is the difference between the ""Internet of Things"" (IoT) and ""Machine to Machine"" (M2M)?" How do I save long-term capital gain tax from property in India? Is Ayurvedic medicine effective if the thyroid gland is extracted? What should I study or learn if I want to be a data analyst? 1, 10, 27, 64, 66, What is the next number in the sequence? How do I pronounce r? What is the solution to control anger? In the wake of the Fort Lauderdale airport shooting, do we need to rethink airport security measures? Has anything good resulted from the discovery (creation) of the last 15 elements on the Periodic Table? What's the goal in finding more? Is it ok to create multiple Google accounts and thumbs up my own YouTube channel? If I temporarily suspend my personal Facebook profile, can I still run ads and manage fanpages from Business Manager? Is this considered plagiarism? How do you solve a Word Wrap problem with the following conditions? What is the name of an Egyptian headdress worn by Pharaohs? How do you win a lady's heart? What is the connection between poverty and terrorism? Can we earn money through Quora? How should I focus on studies? What are good ways to proceed with the business idea? Why is iPhone so expensive? How can you know if you’re pregnant without using a test? How long does it take to get over depression? What is it like to work in a start-up? What are the best nursing homes? What are the limits (legal limits) of the First Amendment? What are the limits of freedom of speech in the U.S.? Why does Jake Williams love Zootopia so much? Why are so many people on Quora obsessed about IQ? It must surely top the list! What machine learning theory do I need to know in order to be a successful machine learning practitioner? What is the best configuration for a home server without spending a lot? Do cable companies track which programs subscribers watch? How do I bulk add a page to multiple pdf files? What is good and what is bad about USA? What do you think? How fast are greyhounds? Which are in your opinion the most depressing and the most beautiful truths about life? What did you think of Stranger Things? When you do not feel like studying how do you motivate yourself back to study? Which is the top e-commerce companies in India? How does a precision rectifier work? Do you think Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the US? How can I get job at FOX Traveller as a camera operator? Has the world ever become a better place? Which is the largest cotton producing state in India? Which volcano is most likely to erupt next? Does walking in heels tone your legs? Is it wrong for me, a 16 year old guy, to date a 14 year old girl if her parents are okay with it but my parents aren't? Coders: If you could create the perfect workspace, no matter how ridiculous, what would it consist of? What is address binding in memory management? What is the etymology of 阿? Technology: What are the best smartphones gadgets? What is the best budget hotels in Udaipur for accommodation of me and my friends in this coming New Year eve? Are Unix and Linux operating systems the same? What is the basic difference between Arabic and Urdu? Do magicians like Troy and Dynamo abuse the use of clever editing on TV in order to do some of their tricks? How do I ask questions on Quora? Psychology of Everyday Life: Why do I tend to forget words while speaking? Which type of crude oil being used in Pakistan? How can one take an additional subject even after clearing 12 from CBSE? Need help Why are people so numb to the fact that many people are starving? What is Melania Trump's IQ? Is there an Android app that let's you easily make 3d models with your thumb? If a movie was to be made about your life, who would you like to play 'you'? What is a short, useful, and generally applicable piece of wisdom? Who is the Ann Coulter of American liberal opining? Can you convince me to vote for Donald Trump? What is the difference between since, for and from? How can I grow my personal brand? How can I fuck my girlfriend faster? (read description so there is no confusion) Is there a website like Investopedia for programming? What are the disadvantages of clay brick? Will Airtel work in Singapore? How should I behave in japan? Who do you think will win the 2016 Presidential Election? How do I learn Spanish fast? Does cannabis oil made from indica plant really cure cancer? How much are Postmates couriers paid? How harmful could it be to get cut by a rusty nail? Who are all the celebrities in This Is the End? How can I unfriend someone on Facebook without them knowing? If Jon Snow is a Targaryen, why is he not immune to fire like Daenerys? Why do the films release on Fridays? How is career after a diploma in mechanical engineering? Why can't Indian Railways add more general compartments in trains? Is there any way to join a Facebook group and not have others see what group you join? What is the corporate culture like at Corning? How is the culture different than other companies? Is news about fake news fake news? Why is Goethe considered a genius? How do I come to terms with? How different is university life from junior college in Singapore? Who would win a fight Bruce Lee or Muhammad Ali? What are the differences between financial accounting and managerial accounting? What's the best advice you could give to a person suffering from social anxiety disorder? Which countries weren't involved/affected during World War I & II? How do you get to the front page of Reddit? Who are some of the famous alumni of DAV Mogappair? What lists are there, if any, of the most active/popular Facebook Connect-enabled websites? Will it be any problem if my father's name has one letter spelling mistake in my birth certificate while applying for passport? How do you get over an attitude problem? Can you give a Dribbble invite to yourself? If you were to try to rebuild civilization after an apocalypse, which book would be the most useful to restart it? What comes to your mind when you hear of the word 'Corruption'? How do I find mutual friends between two people on Facebook? Which are/were the big, bigger and/or biggest hypocritical theories, theses, hypotheses, and/or practices in/under/of/over the religion, Taoism? Why do so many people on Quora ask stupid questions they could find answers to if they spent less than 5 minutes on a search engines? How can I interface with Omnivision cameras such as this OV9712-A camera module? What are the names of the actors on the BuzzFeed videos on YouTube? Why does it seem like early polls were so inaccurate in terms of actual 2016 presidential election results? What do you think about Modi's new policy on the ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes? Is it safe to browse the dark web? What are some adverbs which begin with x? What do program managers do? What types of foods do Americans eat which the rest of the world finds disgusting? How frequently does B&H have sales? They had a good sale that expired yesterday and I missed it. My son prays to President Taft everyday, what should I do? What was The Hundred Years War and who fought in it? Why would eating the following foods give somebody allergy-like symptoms? When will the CBSE improvement exams forms be out? Is Somalia an accurate outcome of a libertarian run country? How hard is programming? Is one safe to fly on a plane with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 amid safety/fire concerns? What is mean by li-fi? How do I handle this break up? Why are my periods lasting longer when I'm on birth control? What are the top differences between a Libertarian, Republican and Democrat? How does “the black sharpie challenge” work? How much NEET rank will I need to get a free seat in manipal? What are some ways to get rid of zits on my earlobe? How can I get back deleted WhatsApp messages? My classmate has an incredible high school resume - and being the academically competitive person I am - I've constantly felt jealous. Any advice? How can you prevent voter fraud if you're against voter ID law? Is the sun alive? Why or why not? How do you handle being in love with someone who doesn't feel the same? What animals knowingly commit suicide? How do I download photos from 500px in mobile? Expert barbers of Quora, how do I ask for this exact hair cut? How do I control my love? What is something you would buy for $50? How do I improve my pronunciation of English? What is the Sahara, and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Antarctica? Who is your favorite world leader? What is/are your New Year resolutions for 2017? How do you balance a chemical equation? How do a setup a home recording studio? What is the most trending business opportunity for startups? What is the best birthday gift for celebrities? Why do people claim to stand for government by the people, but bash a non-government agent running for president? It sounds 2-faced. How can I delete my Instagram comments off an account that's blocked me? Can we use Lloyd Electric Kettle for the boiling of milk? How do you convert silver grams to ounces? Why does earth revolve and rotate? Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Porter County IN? What is the best photo editing application and software available online or offline? What is the intersession in VIT? What will happen if I don't put a thermal paste in my processor and heatsink? "What is the meaning of ""moment"" in physics?" "How is the word ""ground"" used in a sentence?" Why is salt water taffy candy unknown in Japan? What do gynecologist do to girls? Why don't cellphone employees tell their users before a customer returns a cellphone back to the store to delink the device phone number from apps? Has anyone ever seen a ghost in real life? What does a Trump presidency mean for Indian students looking to pursue Master's degrees in USA? What are the differences between China and western table manner? Should I use who or whom in this sentence and why? How can you breathe on your own in a coma? I have a Xolo q1010i (Android 4.4.2) and I've tried almost every rooting app but haven't been able to root it. How can I do it? Why are some people more intelligent than others? What is yielding strength? Does vomiting cure a hangover? Do organists here prefer OrganMasters or Capezio shoes? Why aren't supporters of Bernie Sanders voting for Jill Stein? What are the tips to grow taller? What do you do if you don't have any friends? Who is the soulmate of Virgo? Why is Raghuram Rajan popular? Does red bull drink contain bull sperm? How can I improve my relationship with my friend? Why is India performing poorly in the 2016 Rio Olympics? What is the legal age for sexual consent in India? Does ureaplasma, a fungus, live in symbiosis with a kind of bacteria or fungus which produces its necessary food source, urea? How can I become a psychotherapist in the US? Why do you think 50% of people voted for slightly racist Donald Trump against Ted and Rubio in the Primary? How can I cure my disease of act like a ruminant? Money is really important for living life? How do I permanently delete Facebook account? How can you do an image search on Facebook? How can noise pollution be controlled? Should I carry a power bank (external battery) in airplanes? What are the best places to visit in Wayanad, Kerala? What is a good Apple ID password example? How does Donald Trump's win affects Indian students preparing for graduate studies in US? What you learn from Naruto? Is witchcraft more powerful than African Voodoo? What is the best quote you’ve heard? What are the demographics of Wall Street professionals in New York City? Do Quora users still see questions that are marked as needing improvement? Who was Hoei Shin? Why the colour of wires in homes are black, green and red? Why is black soil is also called cotton soil? Does God make mistakes? Which company owns Harvard University? How rare is the mythical 10x software engineer? What do USPS tracking numbers look like? How did the classical mechanics fail? Is it worth it to do an MBA? What happens if I do not tip my waiter in the U.S.? What are some good job profiles that a btech computer science fresher should look for keeping in mind future scope of that profile? How can PVC be both hard and soft? What are the primary tasks of SEO client development? What is it like to work on a cruise ship? Will the initiative to ban ₹500 and ₹1000 notes succeed in curbing all the Black money getting circulated? How about Black money saved in Swiss banks? Could Hillary's pneumonia have been introduced into her system on purpose by someone opposed to her winning (like Trump or Putin)? After demonetization, which could be next step that needs to be taken by Indian Government to prevent black money and corruption? How can you determine the chemical formula for calcium dioxide? How do I improve my English language? How much black money is recovered till now? Are there any tributes for Carrie Fisher Quorans would like to add? Which is the best logo designing company? What is the best way to reduce gravity in a closed container/room on earth? How do I convince my friends to go on a trip? How can I master C#? How do I get answers to my question? How many hours a day does the average Ivy League undergraduate spend learning and cramming? How do I get the PAN card? Why when I urinate does my urine sometimes come out in two directions simultaneously? Does the word 'slave' come from the name of the Slavic people? What was the significance of the Tet Offensive and why was it so damaging to the US war effort? What are some examples of economic and cultural artifacts? What does it mean to dream of dead relatives? How possible is it to get pregnant one day after my 3 day period? Is there anyway to get yourself to have a lucid dream? What is a secret which you would not tell anybody in real life, but would on Quora using anonymity? Which phone is the best? What are the requirements to get into a German university? What are cultural boundaries? What are some examples? Why do we park in the driveway and drive on the parkway? If the earth was going to die, in 99 seconds from now, what would you do? I have recently bought a Lenovo ideapad 300 with Intel HD 520 graphics…I want to know whether can I add a dedicated graphic card to it.? "When do you use ""was"" or ""were"" in a sentence?" What does it feel like to date a famous person? What are some examples of color symbolism in Japan? What is motive of Mulayam Singh Yadav behind expelling Akhilesh Yadav from Samajwadi party? Do you think whites are more racist towards Asians than Asians are racist towards whites? Can a Beechcraft King Air 350i be flown legally by one pilot? How do I prepare for anthropology as a main subject in the UPSC mains? Has Indian government failed to uphold tolerance in the country? Is Mcom worth doing from SRCC? Is Quora's engine biased against Donald Trump? I recently came across a business idea website that sourced Facebook and Twitter for a near real time (new ideas upon page refresh) flow of business / web startup ideas. Can anyone suggest the site I seem to have forgotten? Is there an alternative for alexa ranking? How do I memorize faster? Can India defeat a cyber war? Can I get taller than 5 foot 7 at age 20? How do I lose weight without doing exercise? How do I know if I'm in a emotionally abusive relationship? Can someone switch from telecommunication field to software field? What are the best quotes? Which are the better laptops, HP or Dell? How does parallax scrolling work? Which American restaurant chains can be found in Norway? What do Norwegian people think of them? D What is the best natural remedy for cough and cold? What should I do if I wake up one morning and find 1 million dollars credited to my account? Can you stop gas after eating beans? What is worse than death? Has a married woman had an affair with a woman? Why don't Chinese people revolt against communist rule and bring about democracy in China? How do I download flash season 3 all episodes? What are the most important programming languages to learn nowadays? What is the first programming language I should learn? What is the future of AI in IoT? What is your reaction about the ban on Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes? Won't it create a chaos and harm the economy? Why should I study physics? Can men feel the hymen when they insert their penis into the vagina? Which state in Peru speaks pure Hindi? What is the corporate culture like at Aaron's? How is the culture different than other companies? What are some interesting one liners on IIT's? Indian Music: What are the best feel-good Telugu songs? Tomorrow is my crush birthday.We had talk by text.She is in my class. I dont know does she loves me.should I wish her personally by hand shake? Why do people hate the live action Transformers movies? "What is the meaning behind ""ME! ME! ME!"" and what symbology does it use?" How does shareit app transfers data packets on same network? Can a girl get pregnent without breaking up her hymen? Why do objects burn while entering from outer space to Earth's atmosphere? How is the Jd for business development executive? How would you quickly learn a language? How do I get early release from project in TCS? How true is the story in Mockingbird by Eminem? Does caesin cause insomnia? What is singlet coordinate bond? Is there a reason why most Quora posters are anti conservative liberals? How much did Kickstarter raise in its first year in Denmark? What is the difference between Dvaita, Advaitam & Visishtadviatam? What is a good first programming language? Is jobs in logistics good in India? Were there any substantive differences between the space shuttles? What is the way to cook brown rice? Which is the best smartphone within 15k? What are the life lessons that Batman teaches us? How do I prevent the yellowing of pages of a book? What is the chemical equation for iron and sulphuric acid? How much is one million and one billion in lakhs and crores? Like in the movie Idiocracy, is humanity getting dumber and dumber? Could the electoral college ditch Trump? Why is Islam, as a major religion, being discriminated worldwide? How do I hack with cmd? How is it to be lucky? How do you troubleshoot a MacBook Pro that won't power on? What does 'first of his name' in Game Of Thrones mean? If a transsexual woman has genital problems, should she consult a gynecologist? What is it like working for ONGC? How can you convert a iMovie file to a MP4? How do I write lyrics for blues songs? "I just saw ""Bourbon"" (brand KOVAL), label says ""distilled in Chicago"". But isn't it law that whiskey labeled ""Bourbon"" has to be made in Kentucky?" I have only 65000 Rs in my account at the age of 29 and I am jobless. Even if I get a job in future, can I financially afford marriage and children? Productivity: Why do people normally wear watches on the left hand? What is the best programming language to learn in 2016? How safe is it to browse the dark web? What are some of the biggest problems in Philippine public education? Where can I get sparkling and well maintained cleaning service in Sydney? What's going to happen when all the oil runs out? How does 301 redirection works? Wholeseller dealer of ply in jamnagar? Whom should the world support in the Israel-Palestine conflict? Do galaxies travel faster than the speed of light? What is an air superiority fighter and how is it different from a multirole fighter? How do you delete your Yahoo account permanently? Why is Alabama the crimson tide? What are some differences between a Mac and a PC? What are some similarities? What prepaid cell phone company is similar to Straight Talk but cheaper? How long would it take to create my own operating system? Can I do CA after Bsc (maths) in India? What do you think of the Indian Government's decision to carve out Telangana? How do I make a woman squirt? Is it right to bury Jayalalitha despite her being an ardent and staunch Hindu Brahmin? How would be our life without internet? Do women hate each other? How is transcendentalism different from romanticism? How do I fix Samsung Galaxy S5 black screen problem? Is it possible to spy on cell phones? How can i earn money through blogging in India? What is toastmaster? How do you know if you believe in God? What is the process to edit Nikon RAW .nef files in GIMP? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Massachisetts? How should we make money on patym? What are some cool things to do outside with friends? How did the Mayan Civilisation predict that the world will end in 2012? Is Baluchistan an independent country or region? Where can I learn the art of deduction? If you could end all forms of irrationality (organized religion, self-contradicting ideology, psychological bias, etc), how would you do it? Who are the most hated professors at IIT Delhi? How do professionals write speeches that sound like they can be spoken, and yet sound powerful? What is the ending of Game of Thrones? Do you think WION Media would revolutionize the international media industry? How do I make money fast? Which is the best laptop under Rs 45000? "One of my friends who is a girl questioned me, ""how much do I mean to you?"" We are more than friends but less than lovers. What answer is the best for her?" What is the importance of a control group in an experiment? What do you think causes bipolar disorder? "Is ""generation wuss"" a good name for the millennial generation? Why or why not?" How do I know am not been cheated on by my partner in a relationship? How would you spend the last 24 hours in your life? Why doesn't Hillary Clinton win the White House if she won the popular vote? What is difference between Tat Khalsa and Bandai Khalsa? How can we recognize them? What are some of the most important thought experiments to have happened in physics? How is masters in university of Connecticut? Which is the best phone below 15000? How is life after masters? What is BJT? Why does actress Ranjitha fall for Nithyananda? How can I be good in my studies? Who would win in a war between Russia and the US? Can time travel ever be possible? What is the best time pass android app? "What is the Rebellion in ""The Hunger Games""?" If universe is expanding without a limit and dark and vacuum energy are created as it expands…? How can I deal with an extremely rude friend? What products should I use to get rid of acne quickly? How do ATMs work? Which is the best book about Indian struggle for independence? Have you ever experienced any paranormal activities? Who are the best personal financial advisors in Spokane, WA for people saving for retirement? What were your experiences with them? What is your review of Indian Institute of Management? Can I lose weight without dieting? If yes, how? Why do we have postal codes? How do I recover loss data in MongoDB? What are some of the greatest arguments against the wearing of hijabs among muslim women? How can I become famous one day? What is NATA exam? Is there love at first sight? Was Nietzsche a theist or an atheist? What do single broken white lines mean on the road? Does Antarctica have oil/gas deposits? Is it possible to hack whats app? What exactly happens when energy changes from one form to another? Is time travel possible through cosmic strings? Are there really 8 planets and 1 dwarf planet in the solar system? What are common required and elective courses in pharmacy? Why don't musicians/singers, particularly men, don't look into a woman's eyes when playing music and/or singing? Will it be easy to move on? How do jinns and shaitans differ? Does NATO have its own cyber arm to intrude into the cyber space of its own members? How do I control my craving for food during my weight loss programme? What is the Bible verse that Samuel L. Jackson says in Pulp Fiction? What makes a woman beautiful besides her physical appearance? Can you hack my crush's WhatsApp account for me? What would they do if a twitch.tv streamer dies during a stream? What is the requirement to study medicine in germany? How can I make my Quora feed interesting again? How do I improve my written communication skills? What's the best place to learn React.js? Any prerequisite? Penises: Is Anthony Weiner unusually well endowed? Why did you not get ROI on your digital marketing strategies? What would happen if terrorists sank an Aircraft carrier? "Quora's Top Stories for you"" showing me Indian/Asian posts because of my location. How do i change it?" What are the difference between the US and Chinese education system? How do I start acting normally? What's the most unhealthy thing that society encourages us to do? Should you refrigerate Irish cream after it is opened? How can I get back deleted Instagram messages? What are the negative side effects to musturbating? How do you legally immigrate to America from Peru? How can I ease up this process? What are your views on donald Trump and his strategies to make America great again? What is the maximum rpm that can be obtained in DC motor? how is it happened ? How can you substitute tarragon in recipes? Which countries provide free education, like Germany, for foreign students? What are some adult tips you wish you knew at 18 years old? What are the possible options for India to deal with Uri terror attack? How much data does voice calling over Facebook Messenger use? Are rhetorical questions allowed on Quora? What kind of training does astronauts go through? Is a world war going to happen? Who will win upcoming USA election? Why do I hate life so much? What do programmers do at Facebook? What is the order of Young's modulus for low, high and medium carbon steel (with explanation)? If you are homeschooling, or have been homeschooled can you share pros and cons of it? I am suffering from religious ocd and triggered by religious places. I am a Hindu. And cant afford any doctor and specialist. Anybody help me...? What things do we need to improve in our philippine national police? Which type of Machine Learning algorithm should I use for a seeing robot? Where does this image come from? Is this a picture of an anime Donald Trump? Is it true that there is life after death? Could the arrow of time associated with the Big Bang actually be the time associated with the outflow of a universal black hole? Is Rolex a non-profit company? And if so, why? What do Bengalis think of Mamata Banerjee? What is cognition? How would I introduce myself in experienced interview? What are the benefits of soaking fenugreek seeds overnight in water? Feeling bored. What do I do? Is there any Java plotting library like matplotlib that supports many features, including 3D? Who were the children of Persephone and how did they fit into her mythology? Am I good enough for clearing Google Summer of Code 2017? What do the economists say on the demonetisation in India? What are the best ways to plant 5 acres or so of hops in E. Texas? Do your taste buds disappear with age? Why does $500 trillion rich Rothschilds are not on Forbes richest people list? What is the death penalty? How should I revise for JEE 2017? 1 quadra billion is equal to how much billion? What is the best way to avoid procrastination? Is Jayalalithaa on ventilator support? What is most important in life: sex or love? How well did Steve Jobs and Bill Gates get along with each other? Should I pursue a master degree in gender studies? If all objects which has mass exert gravitational force on another object then why we don't see objects on earth moving towards each other? One glass of water is how many ounces? Do professional photographers use the viewfinder or the LCD when shooting with their DSLRs? What is the best programming language I should start learning? What's it like to get accepted to Harvard but not go? How can I make my college life better? What does MILF stands for? If an American citizen marries a Mexican citizen in Mexico, what is the process for the Mexican citizen to be able to come to the United States? What is wrong with the educational system of the U.S.A? Can one self-induce a coma? What are some good books in Spanish? Does chiropractic work for allergies? How can milk make you fat? Is it ethical to upvote an answer just because I spent the time reading it? What are the best movies to watch in Hollywood? What does KIK mean in internet slang? If I want to learn hacking, what should I do? What is a good itinerary for a 10 day trip to Europe for a solo traveller? How do I remove all Google analytics spam? How do I promote your website? Why should I care if Trump releases his tax returns or not? What would it require for Humans to coexist in peace indefinitely? Is central fringe dark or bright for youngs double expt when phase is 180 radian? What is The Elder's Scroll? Does a slim continental 2-pin plug need a fuse? How do I to get rid of acne scars? What is a blanket ban? Where was the movie ' Kapoor and Sons ( Since 1921 ) ' shot? Why is it that Christians can laugh and scoff at the absurdities in other religions, but can't see the absurdities in their own? What are the advantages of convolutional neural network compared to a simple neural network from the theoretical and practical respective? In which form (hard or soft copy) should I read ncert? What does it mean if a girl tells a guy that she's on her period and he replies with 'k.'? Do you think Quora app is slow and crashes sometimes? What does the term government mean? Why do vets sell Science Diet? How much does one crore rupees weighs (in rs. 500 denomination)? What's the difference between analog and digital system? I have a long distance relationship with someone I met online, never in person. Is it normal that he wont call me or even send a picture? 'Ramcharitmanas' is a great epic as religious as 'Divine Comdey' or 'Paradise Lost'? How do I solve the permutation problem with repetition? Why do some men slap their (female) partners during sex? Do employees at W&T Offshore have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? What does it mean when a girl tells you she doesn't know what to say after you tell her you like her? Is astrology real? Is it a branch of math and/or science? Who agrees that all this “your question or answer stuff here needs improvement” is a load of crap? "What is theory/concept behind the ""Miniature Arc Reactor"" built by Tony Stark?" Why do I like to eat cheese so much? What are the best cities to visit in Europe? How much loss does thermal power plants have to incur on an average due to land acquisition problems? If I do bpt in India then what is the my starting salary? Can I change my university after going to Canada on student visa? How do I message someone on Facebook without becoming friends? How can I improve me problem solving skills? What are the Black Hat SEO techniques? How big can the ISS get? Are people with morals those who suffer the most? What is your review on How To Win A Cosmic War by Reza Aslan? How did you get over hating your self? What is the difference between interim and ad interim order? Can an average student crack NDA easily or not? What will Barack Obama do next after he finishes his presidency? What makes a girl to fall in love with a boy? How can I get peace of mind? Are men genetically designed to be polygamous? Which is better: Yu-Gi-Oh! or Magic: The Gathering? "What is ""negative pressure""?" I don't want to study for an exam. What should I do? Why would a girl stop viewing my Snapchat stories? What's the difference between working all night until 4am and waking up at 12pm and going to sleep at 10pm and waking up to work at 5am? How do I solve my problem of not being able to follow through with all the great ideas I have? I want to do work in ISRO? Which are some of the best academies in Mumbai for UPSC preparation? How is at skiing Vail, CO? How do you overcome Writer's Block? How do you become a warrant officer in the military? How do you permanently delete your Yahoo account? What was your first experience with making music? What are the best and most addicting Android games? What is the best romantic conversation you can write for a newly wed couple? How do you find someone phone by GPS? How do I speak English fluently? What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power? Who is the Compare of the Mr Olympia? What does the ISIS want? How do I access the Belkin router website? What is Behavioral Economics? What is a transistor and how does it work in layman's terms? What animal is the king of the jungle? Why are Alibaba products so cheap? Are they genuine? How can I start a charity in India? When will apple launch iphone 7 ? Will doing 2 day split make me muscular? How can I export my Yahoo contacts to Gmail? What is different between UI and UX? What is the life of sugarcane after it is harvested? What is a good substitute for zucchini in recipes? Are comic books a dying medium? Stop customer from giving bribe? I am planning a talent show and I will have to figure out how the kids will be judged, the problem is that each kid is a different age. What can I do? How many sexually reproducing species are there? Are most Quora users left wing progressives? What are some mind-blowing technologies that exist that most people don't know about? Why Electron affinity of Fluorine is less than Chlorine? How can I earn money part time online? What are constructors in C#? What is the best way to make more money? What can I blog about? Clash of Clans: Which is best war base for town hall 9? What if there was no concept of time? Which are the best websites to practice and learn object oriented in java or C++? How does Fitbit figure out that I'm sleeping? How do I talk English fluently? Wildfire interactive: Reviews? What is the meaning of right hug smiley? For how much can I sell my Instagram account with 100k followers? What qualities should you look for when deciding whether or not to follow someone on Quora? What is the most difficult game? What should we do to be best software developer? What happens if you snort diazepam? Can you lose consciousness fully if you take 300mg of melatonin at once? I have nearly a month of my fifth semester holidays (doing EEE). How should I spend them usefully to get placed in a core company? Is drowning animals when they are in pain humane? Where is the cheque number in a cheque? What is the reason behind the resignation of Tata Sons (Tata Group) chairman Cyrus Mistry? Will Muslim population overcome Hindu population in India in future? If trump won what would happen to global markets? Who are the best Payroll outsourcing services in Delhi NCR? Is reiki practical? How can one control the urge to masturbate? Why are there so many 9/11 conspiracies? What months are the active seasons for football, soccer, baseball, basketball, lacrosse, running, etc? What is the relationship like between the U.S. and Japan? Why is a synchronous motor not self-starting? How was your day? What did you do today? If the Republicans historically were opposed to slavery and pro civil rights, why do African Americans tend to support Democrats? How is a hostel for female Master's of Technology candidates at IIT Bombay? What are some interesting sites on the deep web? I'm using WhatsApp, but I don't see blue colored double tick after my messages are read. What should I do? Do you think Daniel Craig will agree to do more James Bond films? Breaking Bad (TV series): Who was Gus Fring in Chile? What are some of the methods of excreta disposal? What are some of your embarrassing moments? What actually is Gravity? What is the best and most advisable age for a man to get married? Math vs programming which pays more? How different would the world be if there were no Great Britain? Can India's rupee be adopted as an international currency of trade, at least by its neighboring nations? Can an awk script written for Linux run on Windows (via Cygwin)? How long, approximately, can 30WHrs 2S1P 2-cell Li-ion Polymer laptop battery last? How well does a MacBook Air run Photoshop and Illustrator, CS5.5 edition? Which research labs work on tendinopathies in France? How do I get better at math? Freshii franchise profit? Why do some hackers use Mac over Linux? What are some movies, songs or books in which the characters have a non monogamous relationship (like polyamorous or a trouple)? Was Prophet Muhammad a black African? How does Quora determine how many views an answer gets? How do I stop premature greying of my beard? English Grammar: Is it 'Can you explain me?' or 'Could you explain me?' What are the supporting documents for L2 visa? Which produces more eggs: cestoda or trematoda? What are the best science courses after 12th science? Biologically, will any vitamin K, 1 or 2, support a negative zeta potential? Will Muslims be deported from the us? Will Indians face any difficulty if Donald Trump becomes the President of USA? What are the worst natural disasters in human history? Do spirts or ghosts exist? What are the disadvantages of using text messages? How is the formula for height calculated in physics? What is your purpose of life? What can integration be used for in real life? What is the historical background of Chinese workers in Australian gold mines, and how does gold production compare to production in Indonesia? How does I make a person lovable with other life partner and aim full in life? Which call recorder would work on Samsung J5 2016? What is SATs? What suggested users will show up in my Instagram? Will the people I follow show up below my suggested users to others? Which is a superior test: GED, HiSet or TASC? Is the dairy business (cow milk farm) profitable? If yes how do the numbers look? What are the risks? Where in Maharastra can I get good training? What is normal curve? How do I become a product manufacturing supplier of burberry? How hard is accounting compared to other majors? What do the Japanese think about World War II? Why most of the film uses Dolby as well as DTS in one? What is best treatment of pancreatitis? What are some tips for search engine optimization? Do UK residence permit holder need a transit visa in Paris CDG airport if I have to go around the city? Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Madison County FL? Is there a way to follow or locate someone using Android phones without using an app? Is Diaspora launching or not? How do I prepare for CPT? How do I lose weight ayurvedically? How do I learn machine learning? How could I improve my love to my girlfriend? How and when will humans likely become extinct? How do I to start a new business? Why did allama Iqbal not win a Nobel prize? What is data frame? How can one switch from a service-based company like Wipro and TCS to a product-based company like Amazon and Oracle? Which is the best institute for Hadoop and gives placements in Bangalore? What will be the impact on real estate by banning 500 and 1000 rupee notes from India? Is Donald Trump really a closet liberal? Who would win in a battle: 1,000 Spartan hoplites or 1,000 Roman legionaries? What is the latest fad among the youth of Pakistan? What is the best books to prepare UGC Net Computer Science? What do Persians think of Kurds? Do you believe in Christmas miracles and why or why not? How can a plant respire without leaves? What was daily routine of Roman Saini while preparing for IAS? Does the C.P.H. 4 molecule really exist as shown in the movie Lucy? If so, how does it work? What is meant by etymology? What do you think life is about? What is the climate of California's coastal regions, and how does it compare to the climate in Illinois? What are some of the gifts you can give to your best friend on his wedding? How can I start a real estate business tamilnadu? What does the red seal on US dollar bills mean? How many attempts can a student have for the NEST exam which gives admission to NISER and CBS Mumbai? How did LaCroix become so popular? What's the appeal of LaCroix? How do I see the list of people I have blocked on Instagram? All else being equal, what are some Y Combinator S13 startups one should want to work for, whether as a designer, developer or salesperson and why? "Why are white lighters considered ""bad luck""?" Do all cold sores blister? What actually is server side templating? What are the basic knowledge and books required for creating your own operating system? What is the NumLk key used for? What is it like to live in Riyadh for Brahmin girl married to a Hindu fanatic underwear-obsessed OBC guy who bought his way into an education? How do I get my boyfriend to give me attention without me asking for it? Can a genetically engineered virus delete some of my DNA? Does a pre-revenue startup (DE C-Corp, based in CA) have to pay salaries to cofounders? Which is the best site for learning python? What is the best book for becoming rich? What should I have for lunch? Can we bid copyrighted keywords in AdWords? What should be strategy for CAT 2017? What is the day routine of district magistrate? How do you sleep 7 hours a day? Who is stronger: a mature alpha male chimpanzee or The Mountain from Games of Thrones (world's strongest man)? Vegetables: Is broccoli that is turning yellow safe to eat? Red often means to stop (at least here in the United States.) Are there situations where red means to go? What song plays over the end credits to the 2002 movie Cypher? What kind of self-defense training (martial arts, firearms training, etc.) would you recommend? Do girls like oral sex? Canon 1300D and Nikon D5200, which one is better? Do Quora users still see questions that are marked as needing improvement? Where can I find a technical co founder in Bangalore for my foodtech startup? I am in eighth grade and I got a 1700+ on my lexile test. Is this good or bad and what does it mean? How do I learn programming language? Why are people self centered? What is journalism for you? What's the difference between a programming language and a scripting language? What are the best features the online SEO tools like WebCEO, SEOmoz, Raven SEO, Hubspot, etc. have? What are the best sites for learning python? How does Telegram make money? Will Hillary Clinton run for president again if she loses in 2016? What is the qualification required for appearing in the GMAT? What are the amazing things and facts about the human body? What is a loan? What was the best happening or moment in your life? What should I put in the subject line of an email while applying for a job? How many zeros are in 1 million? Which are Malayalam super hit movies 2016? What are your views about governments decision to stop flow of 1000 and 500 rupee notes.? Is it legal to make biographic movies of others in India? Why IT companies do not hire IT professor eventhough they are brighter then their students atleast? What are the advantages of storing data in a file system rather than a SQL database? What is your review of Sausage Party? Are there any funny Indian youtubers out there except IISuperwomanII? How can I make money with blogging from blogspot? What is the normal package after cse from chitkara uni? What's the official website of JavaScript? How do I become a big programmer? What are the common technical problems faced by the rural population in India that a mechanical engineering student can solve? What are some good things about Pakistan that everybody should know? What are dendrites and axons? What are some good secret Santa gifts? How do I buy a dildo in India? What gangs rep which colors? What is the difference between Airbnb and VRBO? How serious is the Scorpene submarine data leak? What can be done now? How can I stay motivated while preparing for CA final? What country is the most diverse and/or has the most diverse group of millionaires and/or billionaires? My car's engine died while driving. The starter turns well so it can't be the battery. It was filled up yesterday. What can the problem be? What are the options for a high school drop out? How do I design an FMCW level transceiver? Have you ever had a mind blowing sex? What is your review of www.abundancestockadvisors.com? What are the pros and cons of cultural relativism? Will there be a cure to T1 diabetes soon? What tis a wage garnishment calculator? How do you count sigma and pi bonds? Where can I get a legal wholesale provider of Apple iPhone 7 worldwide to accept the payment list by WU? Which are the best MBA colleges in Gwalior? "What are some sentence examples using ""punitive""?" Is abortion in india illegal? Do body wraps work? How can I know it my long distance boyfriend is cheating on me or not? Could a Baratheon Ride a Dragon? Why am I so upset all the time? Modi's announcement on banning 500 and 1000 currency notes. How would it affect economy? What is the best time to read MBA? Why do Indian archery players wear round caps? Why do China and Japan hate each other? What would Hillary Clinton do now that the election is over? Is it safe to apply aloe vera gel on the face overnight? What are the qualifications to become a film critic? What are some examples of bad design? What would happen if earth stopped rotating? Is it high time that Bengaluru is declared as union territory? What is the average return rate for apparel online? What is Conyers, GA weather like in winter? Who are some famous University of Florida alumni? What makes them stand out? How do you calculate a HCI solution density? What do you think is something that is super important and people don't know about? Which is less healthy for your body, beer or Pepsi? Which country has the highest suicide rate? How do I learn Tamil on my own? Which is the most least corrupted political party in India? How useful has Khan Academy been to you? What's it like to be a pizza delivery driver for Domino's Pizza? What are some of the cranial nerves? What functions do they have? "Why is ""Foster's Home for imaginary friends"" forgotten?" "What are the important topics in the chapter ""Surface Chemistry"" for CBSE 12th boards?" What are the basics of logarithms? Do BBC news APP use webview to load their responsive website? How can I apply for deloitte off campus interviews in DU? When something is frozen its density increases but why this is not applicable in water? How does the rpm increase in an automobile as you press the accelerator? Also how does the gear transmission work and how does that in turn help speed up the vehicle? What function does WebLogic serve? I love my wife more then anything. Why do I fantasize about her with other men? Has anyone got the Nougat update on Oneplus 1? Which is the best sex position? Can stimulants increase Intracranial pressure? Can a US state secede from the Union? How many 4 digit numbers can be formed by using 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7? How many of them are between 4000 and 6000? Are there any regions of the world where Allan Savory's grassland management techniques are going mainstream? If not, why not? How would you use MDMA to self treat PTSD? How do I live for 100 years? What does it mean to play someone? Who is the most beaufiful girl (Penny, Amy, Bernadette, or Alex) in Big Bang Theory in terms of Western/US culture? What are the worst subreddits that Reddit still hasn't banned? What is it REALLY like to live in Dubai for a single person? What is difference between science and spirituality? Where can I get amazing collection of floor tiles in Sydney? How do I get into my Instagram if I forgot my email and my Facebook password? Quora: How do you get your answer on top? Which is the best Business school in the World? Why do dogs urinate mostly on car and bike tyres.? "Counterfactual: If white is the ""absence of color"" then how do you explain the color clear?" How do I obtain a scholarship for a post baccalaureate premed program? How can I meet Narendra Modi? Has there ever been a U.S. president elected who, under normal circumstances, would be ineligible for security clearance? If so, what was done? How do we know if a VAST tag has a live-stream video or not? What is the corporate culture like at Citizens Financial? How is the culture different than other companies? Would Donald Trump make a good U.S president? Why or why not? How do I start learning programming while having a full time job? How is the value of 0! 1? How is the Modi government faring at the national level? What changes has it brought about after coming to power? Is sticking your penis in a vagina then pulling out sex? What is taboo? How can I enjoy masturbation? How is the dating culture in the UK different from the US? Have you done lesbian sex with your mother? How does it feel afterwards? How can I improve my communication skills and writing skills? Where and how to promote YouTube Channel? What are the best side dishes for pork chops? Which is the best gaming laptop to buy under 60k? Does Quora earn any money? If yes, then How? Among IRS (IT) and IRS (C& CE) which option is being given more preference these days? Is there any particular reason? I rarely hear my alarm in the morning. What can I do to wake up for work so I don't lose my job? Can I make money by uploading videos on YouTube (if I have subscribers)? How can I clear my acne? "Where did the pointy ""S"" symbol come from?" Can one get pregnant when the condom doesn't break? Why is democracy considered the best form of government? How do I know my shoe size? What's epigenetic? What's it like to be a pre-med as an English major? Is 13 .5 cm penis length enough to pleasure a girl? What is the best book to learn React? How can weed induce a depersonalization? What was your little adventure as a teenager? Which book shall I prefer for the CAT? "What is the concept of ""white guilt""?" What are the best translations of The Holy Quran in English language? How do I analyse and predict volcanic eruption using big data? What is the QuickBooks support phone number? What are the best colleges for Aerospace engineering in India? Is egg vegetarian or non vegetarian food consider? What is the roles of linker in a c program? What are causes of having oily face? What are the best Hollywood movies which you should watch once? What was the first question you asked on Quora, and what was your answer? What are some simple things you do every day to slow down/prevent aging? How do l improve my communication skills? My computer isn't working any more. How can I recover the things that I had on it? What is talented team? What is the real world usage of math in computer science? How does one choose the best global health insurance plans for frequent travelers or expatriates? When does it start to show that Naruto likes Hinata? (If it ever happens) Can you suggest a sample of statement of purpose for MBA after b.ed? How do you improve reading comprehension for the GRE? What books should I read for it? If we compare Tupperware, Pearlpet, Lock and Safe, and Signoraware containers, which one is good to buy? Which is the best Android smartphone below 20K? Can humans as a species run out of drinking water? Why are some blood types rare? What is a healthy diet for people with ADHD? What is your review of Discontinued Quora Features? What are some applications of Posa's Lemma in graph theory? What are the 10 best English TV series to watch? How can I lose or reduce thigh and hip fat fast? How did the Irish save civilization? Are acupuncture points in close alignment with lymph nodes or follow the lymphatic fluid system? Are you truly happy? How do you know if you are in love or just limerice? Is divxcrawler.com legal? "How effective is the Oculus Rift CV1 headset microphone compared to common ""clip-on-lapel"" microphones?" How do I log out from Quora website? How do you get over being the black sheep of the family? How do I become private investigator in India? Which is the best gaming laptop in 60000 Rs? Girl Rapes: My gf told me that her step brother touched her when she was 6, what I should do? What do I need to do to get into MIT? What are the modifications that can be done to Bajaj Avenger street to make it look taller? "What is the meaning of the name "" Mirant ""?" What causes behavior? What are some well-known personal achievements of Belgian nationals? I prepare good notes but I feel that I'm forgetting everything. I fear that I haven't prepared enough. what should I do? How do I gain more followers on Instagram without following other or liking pictures? I want to buy my close friend(boy) something techie as a gift, what would you suggest under 10k? How do we find people on Quora? I got a 2 wheeler LLR and I want to have a 4 wheeler LLR also (in Hyderabad) What can I Do? What happens if I don't sleep after a workout? What's the oldest song we still sing today? How can I stop being so obsessive with grades? What will be the impact of the step taken to ban the 500 & 1000 rupee note on Indian economy? Has anyone been able to stop masturbating? If yes, how? If there is a soul what is the purpose of its being? Was Dr Vinay Kumaran ragged in First year of MBBS? I just saw the new episode of The Big Bang Theory. Was the affair between Einstein and Marilyn Monroe true? Are there any proofs? Are you a freelance telemarketer based in India? Which country is best suited for doing an MS in ECE? Why am I mean to my friends? What do I do if my girlfriend tells me she's upset but doesn't want to talk to me about why she's upset? Can a person with one year of experience in a housekeeping department apply for a post on a cruise? Why doesn't India buys SU-34 Fullback fighter bomber? What are some books that everyone should read? How can you integrate both body building and marathon training into your workout regimen without one being detrimental to the other? What is the difference between the GDP and GNP? What are the best gaming laptops under INR 60000? Which will be the best arranged computer hardware under 50k in India in which softwares like 3d max and Stadd pro won't face a problem? How is Trump win going to affect MS admissions in US universities Fall 2017? Why does light have energy? Where can I get knowledgeable assistance for transfer of property in Sydney? What is the shortest available Twitter username? List of persons climb mount everest till date? Will Donald Trump’s win in the elections have an impact on Indian students applying for a higher education in the US? What are some good Punjabi songs for couple dance (on the wedding)? What is an INFJ - ISFJ relationship like? How can I get rid of scars of the pimples on my face? Is there any cream to heal it? What are some current products that facilitate community engagement? Where is the pool table in the BITS Pilani (Pilani) campus? What are the best franchises in India? How do I get a thin waist? Is there a StackOverFlow with financial bounties to have questions answered? How do atheists explain the Shroud of Turin? What do foreigners think of Singapore? What is a soul? "What is the origin of the phrase ""olly olly oxen free""?" Why did industrialists support prohibition? Should I get the new Macbook Pro? What is Bayesian? What are some genuine ways to earn money online? What kinds of conversations only happen in Indonesia? What happens if you don't use your mother's maiden name when a bank tells you to as a security question? Are the media scaremongering on Ebola? Why do people ask such questions here on Quora which could be easily found on the internet? Is Slack a native app? How can the government policy of demonetization help the government to recover the black money? Why is intellectualism seen as inherently elitist? Is it possible to vote for anyone other than Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? How can I grow the balls to approach a girl? How does the ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization) work? How do they verify the data I provide (ie. criminal record) from another country? How do I start as a motivator? Does the 'friend's with benefits' concept exist in Gurgaon? Which conferences are best for Procedural Content Generation research? How could someone come out the formula that could create unlimited wealth? What's the most unfortunate thing happening to India? I lost my phone. I have its IMEI number though. What should I do? "What are some sentence examples using ""unitary system""?" Why are gerbils nocturnal creatures? A mother is 21 years older than her child. In exactly 6 years from now the mother will be exactly 5 times as old as the child. Where's the father? Which question has the most views on Quora? Which programming language is easy to learn and understand? What was/were the reason/s behind the decline of the Indus Valley civilization? Can RealD glasses do anything on a normal LCD monitor? How do I explain quasi-coherent sheaves on algebraic stacks to my 5 year old? I am 14 I want to be a football player and want to play for big clubs but live in india what can I do? How can I start writing my own blogs? What are the best ways to earn money online in India? How can I start freelancing content writing? How much pain does a person feel during an ISIS beheading? At what point does it no longer hurt for them? What is a polite way to ask for a signature from your supervisor or a boss? Can I be a good writer? "What do you think about the song""Lean On""?" "Is 5'9 considered tall for a 15 year old? .Could I reach 6'3""?" Do Quora users still see questions that are marked as needing improvement? How long does it typically take for the FDA to review a NDA? What should i do know as i broke up with my gf and i lives in hostel and my roommate has gone to his town. I want to suicide please help? Bill Gates, Steve Jobs & Mark Zuckerberg …are this people ever do romantic stuff with their spouses? How would you describe Donald Trump? What do you think about the 2016 US Presidential election? What are the differences between articular, auricular, septal nasal and costal chondrocytes? What are the best ways to invest money? Have you ever caught your partner cheating? What was your reaction? Who or what inspires you and why? How do you make Yahoo your homepage? Can we assemble a laptop? Is wowecoin legal in India? Would a gorilla or lion wi in a fight? Why aren't Peter Drucker's books as popular in America as they are in Japan? Where can I buy affordable and beautiful birthday cakes across the Gold Coast? What is the scariest or creepiest movie you have ever seen? What are the best hotels in Varanasi? Do bilingual people think in both languages? What's it like to work at Travelzoo for your first job? What is the salary of a doctor in India? Which protein powder would be best for a working woman 41 years age which triggers wight loss as well as provides energy and required protein? What are some examples of 3 stanzas in poems? What is the best time to buy Galaxy s7 edge? Where are the latest 1Z0-820 materials? What is the best place for sex? What exactly is the Baluchistan conflict? What hotel in Kozhikode would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? My math is good but not that good. How can I improve my math? How can I sexually punish my girlfriend? How much did Movember raise in 2013? Where can I get music downloads? "If a British politician sold the idea - ""Make Britain Great Again"", could he enjoy similar success and popularity to Trumps in the USA?" What are the possible skill shortages in the time to come? If frozen chicken is left out for 24 hours, is it still cookable? Do love spells really work? How should I start and from where should I start preparing for UPSC? If a building has 'n' floors and 'm' selections are currently active in the building's elevator, what is the probability that the elevator is currently at the (numerically least highlighted number-1)th floor? What would you do if you could relive your teenage years? How do I change my SBI register mobile number? What is systematic reading? What are the legal separation laws in PA and how do they compare with the ones in Washington? What is the most haunting experience you have ever had? How many minutes in an NBA basketball quarter? How can I celebrate my girlfriend's birthday in Goa? What do I need to get accepted in MAMASELF Erasmus program? What is your review of Medellin, Colombia? Does the Black Knight satellite actually exist? As a result of a disaster, only a handful of serial killers remain alive. Would you kill them in the name of justice or use them to re-populate Earth? How does StubHub compare to Craigslist? Can a police officer pull you over in a different city that's out of their jurisdiction? What are the different domains in computer science field? How many restaurants are there in the San Francisco Bay Area? What's the difference between a manager, a director and a chief officer? Can I be a fighter pilot if I wear contacts? How in heaven's name would I dress like a workout guy from the year 1990 in the summer? Why do people smoke cigarettes even though they know it could kill them? What is the difference between COMEDK and KCET? Can other state students also write these exams? What is the best blogging platform 2012? What is the most inspiring biography? What are the best websites or apps to download free ebooks? Is Fresh Prince of Bel-Air a good show? Is it funny? What's the worst experience you've had while in a restaurant? What is the way to happiness? What exactly does having 'the heart of a lion' mean? What is it like to have a narcissist and a sociopath as parents? What's the difference between homologous and analogous organs? What would you do if you only had a week to live? What is the national language of India? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Capital Bank? Is there a possibility of Ahsoka Tano appearing in Force Awakens? How can I climb Mt. Everest? Drinking water early in the morning before brushing teeth, good or bad? Is IPS LCD display better than OLED display? How is drilling done in petroleum engineering? Organic Chemistry: What is the best way to master reaction mechanisms? Where can I learn Tai-Chi in Bangalore? How can I prepare for my 12th class board as well as IIT? What was your scariest travel experience? What are the symptoms and repercussions of bipolar disorder? Long Island, NY: What is the best place to play tennis on The North Fork, East End (around Greenport/Orient)? How do you delete a question? Could we create a mixture of a computer and a brain? (to make an inmortal and indestructible completely functional brain) What is SQLite browser? I have a birth certificate from my native state in India, but all my other certificates including passport, schooling certificates and address proofs are from another state where I currently live. Which state do I get my birth certificate apostilled ? From my current state or my native state. Can you plan a day for me? What should yellow taxis do to face competition from Ola and Uber? How long does it take to receive a passport after it gets dispatched through Speed Post? Since many Americans don't want foreign military in their country, can they understand non-Americans not wanting US military in their countries? Do most white people have superiority complex? As a young entrepreneur, how do you begin the development of an incredibly capital intensive concept (e.g. design and manufacturing of aircraft)? I was told that Warframe was a much better game than Destiny. True? What is the Price of Vitrified tiles? Why do you like chinese food? Why did Quora change the fonts? What are some funny Samoan jokes about Samoans? Is academic plagiarism morally wrong? Which countries have good job prospects for Indians, who are planning to pursue an MBA abroad? How do I hack or spy on someone's WhatsApp conversation remotely? What are the different types of art? Has a team ever had home field advantage in the Super Bowl? When can women get pregnant in the menstrual cycle? What are some tips and hacks for people going for college first time? Which are some fine hardcore porn sites? Why are the 5 million non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust rarely mentioned? How do you compute a square root? What do Thais think about Italy? What is limestone? How is limestone formed? I'm not fat and in fact I'm under BMI, but I have a round bloated stomach. How can I lose the stomach without losing weight? How many users does imo have? How can I change my profile pic on Quora? What is 0 dimension? What is discount and rebate? Is Chicago turning into another Detroit? I want to vote for Hillary Clinton but I live in Arkansas, a completely red state. Should I vote Green Party so they'll get funding or vote Democrat? How should I spend the 10 days before the GRE? Can you put the in fabric softener together with the detergent in the washing machine? What happens if you do? What does one do after a degree in liberal arts in India? How do I start my career in the sport of boxing? Which is the marketshare of Intel microprocessors in PC, tablets? What is it like to be an ORFE student in quantitative finance at Princeton? How do you commit suicide? Do people in east Asian countries eat every food item with chopsticks? How can density and volume be calculate? What is the address of the motel used in Psycho? Psychology says that if you dream about someone it means they are thinking about you. Is this true? Why is it that Battlefield 4 on PS3 only has 24 players in one game when DICE said that it will support 32? How is the Indian cricket team selected? Is there any particular procedure? How is probability and statistics relevant in computer science? How long does it take to learn TCL (tool command language)? How can I get peace of mind? Is it true that the United States owes a lot of money to China? How do I change my YouTube username? Which mobile has best camera? What is your favourite scene from a Bollywood movie and why would you recommend others to watch it? I am a seller on amazon US, what are the websites allowed to put a deep discount promotion code to attract and benefit more customer? Thanks so much Social Media: What does it mean when a guy deletes all of his ex's photos and comments, and even unfollowed her? Where can I buy boo party supplies? What is the penalty for driving without a license in Alabama, how do they compare to the penalties in Wyoming? What are some attractive phrases for anchoring a fresher's party at college? Are e-cigarettes safer than smoking actual cigarettes? And how e-cigarettes may affect? What is your new year resolution for 2017 or goal for 2017? Are human beings born ignorant? Is it ever okay to slap a child in the face? "When should I use the prepositions ""in"" and ""at"" in a sentence about skills (e.g. ""She's good at math"")?" Who is the best Internet service provider in Bhugaon, pune? How do I reduce belly and chest fat? What is it like to be a portfolio company of Mohr Davidow Ventures? Why is it so difficult to build a standard Hindi keyboard? How do I find an artist who can draw me naked? How do I create a web portal for my college? How do you send a text message from the US to Mexico? Hacking: ffffound account hacked - what should be the action plan to retrieve 000s of images? How does IIT Kanpur manage to provide such delicious food in its mess hall for only Rs.35? What is Sony's Triluminos technology? What is the difference between distilled water, purified water and RO water? How come I can't post pictures? What does εἶμεν mean? What is the best time to start CAT preparation? Who won the FIFA world player 2012? What are the most anticipated games in Spiel des Jahres 2016? Does Dun & Bradstreet have competitors? What makes a piano accompanist good for a singer? Why is there no reservation in the armed forces in India? What does Pakistani media have to say on uri attack? What are the best books for IBPS PO? How much does a big data scientist make in Pakistan? How is Faruq Haque classes for CA final? What is culture value? What are the pros and cons of Magento vs Shopify? How would you define GOD? How are you celebrating Christmas this year? How can I convert watt to ampire? Is Toronto a better city to move from London, UK? How will Donald Trump getting elected as the President of the United States affect the relations of the USA and India? How do I focus? Career options after law and company secretary? What happened to iOS 1? How do I decorate a bedroom with a 1980s theme? How do Christians justify the grandeur of their churches compared to the simplicity and humility of Jesus Christ? What was the longest American war? What were the longest to shortest wars in which the US has fought? What is the best way to learn how to draw? Have you had any experience or routine ruined by Quora? What is it? If philosophy and logic are real fields of study, do we have to take conspiracy theories seriously? What's it like to be a model with short legs? What is the most realistic WW2 movie? How do I take back my ex boyfriend? Which is a good solar panel installation provider near Perris, California CA? What is it like to see 3 Doors Down in concert? What is the force behind gravity? How does tension, compression, shear, bending, and, torsion force act on an arch, truss, beam, or suspension bridge? What can a hacker do with an IP address? How do I recover a hacked Instagram? Is it illegal for Hillary Clinton to become president because her husband served two terms? How one should know that he/she completely prepare for CA final exam? Are you a small online bookseller looking for published books? What is the function of ICSP pins on the Arduino Uno? Is there any difference between USA and US? What material should I use for the JN0-380 exam? What were the causes for the Great Economic Depression? Why can't we make a time machine? Which company has the best image recognition APIs in the market place today? What things are cheaper to buy in India compared to UK? How should I prepare myself for my wedding? My AMCAT scores are: verbal: 29%, quants: 88.1%, and logical: 65.1%,computer progr: 68%. Can I expect a call from Cognizant or Accenture? Why do you like the NBA? "What is the meaning of the word ""occuied""?" Why does left handed people smarter than right handed people? What are the advantages of masturbation? Does schizophrenia have a cure? If not, why? How do you make a Nike Swoosh emoji? Is there a api to get GDP of India state wise? What are 5 of your favorite songs? How is Amity Lucknow? Can height increase after 25? Is intellectual property really that important? Without saying the name of it, what would be your favorite color? Can we time travel anyhow? How do you apply to a German university from India? How do you treat sleep apnea without CPAP? Actuarial Science: What are the softwares we need to learn in this field apart from excel and sas? Do admission councils look down on applicants that take the GRE after not doing well on the GMAT? Note, I have already applied once using the GMAT, and would like to apply again with the GRE instead. How do semiconductors differ from conductors and insulators? What was the reason behind the sudden end of the White Collar TV show? What song to use to lyric prank my best friend? Why were Africans used as slaves instead of Native Americans? Why did Quora moderation collapse the answer? How can I learn Tamil script? What is an intellectual development? Why do women wear figure-hugging clothes? Is this to showcase their sexuality / its comfortability. Are there any other reasons? Does blind person from birth dream? Can you give me tips for food distribuiton business? Why doesn't anyone reply to my questions on Quora? How do I bypass a wifi password? Can we login mac we chat without any QR code? How can I pick up my USPS package before it is delivered? What is the difference between INA, IMA, AFA and OTA? How are the candidates screened through CDS? What is the significance of 'AtmaKarka Planet' in Vedic astrology? What is the best way to learn c programming for a complete beginner? How is NIBM, Pune? What is the expected cutoff through CAT? What were the unsuccessful presidency of Coolidge? What were some of Obama's daily habits when he was at Harvard Law? In Islam, the pig is considered as the most worthless animal and is Haram. Then what made Noah (Nooh A.S.) save this (filthy) animal during the Storm? What is landing page conversion rate? What is the difference between software engineer and data scientist? How do I know what martial art is right for me? How does it feel to have an IITian as a girlfriend? What region is the most prone to natural disasters? Where the maximum number of natural disasters may take place? And whhat are those disasers? How do lectures affect the relative ratio of brain waves (alpha/beta/gamma/theta/delta)? Why do people ask questions whose answer can be easily found on the internet? Why should I outsource my payroll? How do you solve [math]\left( {3x + 1} \right) \cdot \left( {{3^{x - 1}}} \right) = x[/math]? Should I get a 18-140mm Nikkor lens or 55-200mm? How do you stop an 8 week Husky puppy from biting my shoes? What's the best story about Egypt? Why can't I cry anymore, even when I'm sad? How can I make myself to get out of my super comfort zone? "What is the Hebrew word for ""famous""?" What would happen if you cover one of your eyes with an eye patch for one year, then take the patch off? I'm 19 years old and I don't know what to do with my life. I have a lot of interests, but I just can't decide between them. I don't have a life project. What should I do? How far is GM pig skin to human transplant commercial availability? Who are the founders of Google? What are the biggest challenges facing the California Department of Finance? What types of food do Americans eat that people from other parts of the world find disgusting? How do I write great essays? What are the best roller skate brands? Is torrenting safe in India? How do people deal with black money because of the ban of 500 and 1000 rupee notes? How to purchase Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi Cellular but budget is a constraint. Better Call Saul: Season 1: What condition does Chuck McGill have? What are the scope of a startup in civil engineering? What is the use of # in c++? How do kids in the foster system who were abandoned at birth get birth certificates and social security cards? How do you ask a friends mom to spank you? What are some ideas for stalls in college fest? How much of your personality can you change? Which is the best movie ever? Is it a wise decision to open up an IT startup business in Ahmedabad, India leaving a career of 8 years as a software engineer in Australia? What did people who speak proto-Germanic refer to their language as? And how about the Germanics? And what did the Germanics called the proto-Germnx? What should be the medical care you should give a 2 year old German Shepherd? Can I open more than one demat account? What are some interesting topics for paper presentation? Where can I find a video of the full Broadway play “Hamilton” online? What are the best photos taken from a phone? How do you make cotton candy flavoring? How is cotton candy made? What are the effects of wearing a neelam ring on left hand? Is there a saturation limit for a black hole? Who are some of your favorite Quorans and why? Who will win the 2015 Indian Premier League? What can I do to lose 20 pounds? What do Kurds think of Arabs? How do I find someone by their phone number? How can I select which labels are synced from Gmail to Mail.app? What is the approximate net worth of the investors on Shark Tank? How can I increase English vocabulary? Every night I get music ideas but no idea about apps, how do I manage? Have the Ancient Incans been scientifically tested? Which is the best inspiring autobiography novel? What would you pick if a theist forced you to pick a religion? How is Pokémon GO played? How will be my career if I chose MBA after b.tech in mechanical engineering? What are free electrons? Why am I unable to view ‘All activity’ of a person on quora? Can you trust the information on Quora? How can a person OD on ibuprofen? What strikes first time visitors as special or unusual when they arrive in Najafabad, Iran? What bird would make a loud jungle-sounding call twice then stop at night in Massachusetts? Why is generally woman will become fat after marriage? What are the things that are relatively cheaper in Australia than other countries (like India)? What if everyone was bisexual? I have loved her for 4 years. She got married, and I am unable to forget her. She knows that I love her. How do I forget her? Can I recover my email if I forgot the password? Which is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Butler County AL? How should I stop masturbating? What is the fastest propeller plane? Why is the demonetization of 500 and 100 rupees notes necessary? Is our new currency note of Rs.2000 equipped with nano GPS chips? In India this days girls wear designer dresses in every function, hw thy afford & wat thy do after function as no use in normal days? We were offered a term sheet by a VC group, but the terms gave them the option to invest (or not) all the way out to April (it's November) at the current valuation--is this unusual? How can a paradox exist? Is Trump still going to build a wall a make Mexico pay for it? o What will be the effects after banning on 500 and 1000 rupee notes? What impact has an experience that caused you to rethink or change your perspective had on you? Can I live in Manhattan on a yearly salary of $240,000? What are some good projects where a novice can make open source contribution? What are some of the drawings you did, with step by step pictures? What are the various ways through which one can earn money online? I'm a girl and this girl stares at me at school. Should I say something if she keeps staring at me? Who all are attending Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, India in Bangalore 2015? Why is Narendra Modi and BJP not so popular in South India? Is it possible to change your personality as a child? What's the easiest way to register as an insurance broker / provider in all 50 states? Can the feminist theory of patriarchy in the US be considered as a conspiracy theory? What if I create salary slips to apply for a new job, since I dont have originals anymore What is Netbeans? How is the Chandigarh University for electrical engineering? How many friends are really needed to have a life worth living? What is the Arizona bark scorpion, and how do animal species in the Sonoran Desert compare to species in the Simpson Desert? If carbon fiber is stronger than steel,why we do not use it instead of steel in our dailylife? Radio app development in Android? What actually happens in career counselling? Where can I get a Kohl's 30% off promo code? How long does it take for an iPhone 6 Plus to charge? Are protons, neutrons, and electrons perfect spheres? Are there hot chocolate Nespresso capsules? What PhD program would you recommend for someone interested in studying Environmental Political Theory, Climate Change, and Indigenous politics? What if the human race is the first intelligent life to emerge in the universe? Could that be why we haven't made contact with alien life? How do I convince a builder to waive off infra charges from the cost of an apartment in Pune? Can you be 8 weeks pregnant with negative blood and urine tests? "Bodybuilding: Is it possible that Bradley Martyn is natural at 6'3"" 260lb lean looking like this? *see description*" Can you have a false positive DNA test? What car do you drive? What will be the future impact of artificial intelligence? What is the font used on military dog tags and is it available online? How long has it been in use? Is 3D Touch and Force Touch the same? Should I drop a year after engineering for CAT preparation or join Capgemini as a fresher? What are the job opportunities after doing BS in biology major from IISC? Why is Donald Trump still 'ducking' his income tax return issue? When did you realise you have grown up? How do I mirror my Android's screen to my TV without a HDMI cable? What are some best classified websites? If Lord Kalki kills the Mlechhas as it is written in Kalki Purana, will he be visible to all normal beings other than ones mentioned in the Purana? How do you search for middle level or senior management jobs? What happens when you throw up to lose weight? Which is the best pizza chain: Dominos, Pizza Hut, Papa Johns or Little Caesars? Why? Which is the best mobile below 15000? Why is Jimmy Wales everywhere? Is it possible to get a backdate baptism certificate in Kolkata? What is the weight of human lungs? How are human lungs different from animal lungs? Don’t get time for workout or running due to scheduled life. Feeling sleepy and lazy all the day in office. Any valuable suggestion? What is the placement scenario after an MS in CS from University of North Carolina, Charlotte (UNCC)? What is flag in c? How do I understand the time value of money? What is it like to live in Ireland? How do I get my iCloud password? How do I pass an ETG test? How do I do well on exams? What operating system is preferred by most programmers and why? How do you know if a Shar Pei is pregnant? What dishes best represent Japan's history and culture? How did aman goel study in class 11? What is cached data? Will it cause any problems, if we clear cached data? What are some nonprofit organizations that promote travel? How do gnome warriors compare to orcs in World of Warcraft? What would be an ideal world according to a psychopath? What is the difference between computer science engineering, software engineering and mechatronics? Will Trump be impeached and if so why? How can I start making money by starting a blog? What is it like to date an extremely attractive woman? My Speech teacher told me to stand up straight instead of leaning should I control that, because I got swag? How will my girls aged 10 and 12 get affected if I move from a middle east culture with extended family to a European culture in nuclear family? What is whey protein? What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake, and how do these effects compare to the Cascadia earthquake in 1700? I'm 19 years old, should I start a professional gambling career if I want to reach billionaire status? What is the pay based on for YouTube? Is it the number of subscribers? How do I prepare for CAT2016? Can a girl get pregnant after her last day of periods? What are the best ways to lose weight? Why do some completely straight forward questions get marked by Quora as needing improvement and what can you do about it? What does it mean to create value? What one exercise will help me lose belly fat? Question what is string theory? Can a woman that is O positive marry a man that is O negative? Love is a verb, noun or adjective? What are some of the best examples of gamification? What do doctors think when a patient dies? How do you remove your Gmail Profile picture? How can I improve my story writing skills? "If USB is a kind of port, why is it called a universal serial ""bus""?" Is Bethany Hamilton on Quora? Which are the best travel agents in Bangalore for Umrah? How can I start my own VOD website? How can I stop feeling lonely and depressed? Is fabric softener the same as laundry detergent? Why is it important to care for others? I forgot my Facebook password and email password. How can I log into Facebook? Where does Tour de France start? How do science and engineering PhD programs differ? What are some good topics related to Big Data and Internet of things (IOT) for a master's thesis in Management of Technology? What are the differences between a typhoon and a hurricane? What will be the positive and negative effects of demonization of ₹500/1000 notes on Indian economy? Can a two-term former President be a cabinet secretary or run for Congress or the Senate or be appointed to the Supreme Court? What is the most frustrating thing for you? How do I write a killer proposal on Upwork as a newbie? For how long can Zincovit syrup (a nutritional supplement) be given to children under age the age of 5? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Washington? Why did Hindi is not national Language Of India? What are your personal view on briext? What is the best price to buy a share? What is Hillary Clinton doing these days? Is mercy killing right or wrong? What do hedgehogs look like? What do you do when things don't go as planned? Is it dangerous/unprofessional to wear basketball shorts while working in a retail setting? What are some best ways online tutorials to learn sketching? Which is more stable, an isotope, isobar, or isotone? Why? How is Fundbox funding the loans it makes? Is it using its own equity capital or a line of credit? Is our Universe expanding? Are FinTech Startups Really Disrupting Banks? How do you calculate the stall speed of an aircraft? How do you understand big data? Where can I find free boxes for shipping? How do I increase the rank on my website in SEO? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Wilshire Bank? What is the size of the internet? What is a question you asked on Quora that you're particularly proud of? Will data used between 2am -5am be debited from Jio data plan or is it separately taken care of? Is the EIT digital masters in security and privacy any good? How can I motivate myself for workout 3 hours, study programming 4 hours and work 6 hours each day? Is it possible to time travel to past? What is the most funny joke you have ever heard? What is best opinion sharing app? How should I study to get 98% in class 12 commerce? How can I install Ubuntu 16.04.1 on a preinstalled windows 10 laptop? Do you think scrapping of 500 and 1000 rupee denominations is going to eradicate corruption? What are the qualifications needed in order to get an equity research analyst position in India (at brokerage houses/mutual funds etc.)? What is frictional force? What is the logic behind how Facebook Messenger lists out active friends? How do I resolve this C problem? How do I move on from breakup? How long does it take to charge MI 20000mah power bank for the first time? Where do they get oxygen from on a spaceship? How do I ask questions on Quora with images? Will the World end? How can I get rid of ant problems in my house? Which is a suitable solar panel installation provider in Taft, California CA? Why do I feel so stupid in college? How is NIT Jaipur? What are the most overlooked facts/incidents about Native Americans before the European colonization of the US? How can you tell apart God's voice from a hallucination? Why should we be kind? How does it feel to be famous? "Are you supposed to capitalize the first character of every word for job names? Would it be ""Kevin is a Plastic Surgeon"" or ""Kevin is a plastic surgeon""?" What is flagella used for? What are bacteria without flagella called? What are the long term effects of abuse (verbal, emotional, psychological, physical) on young people? Can male muslim date a foreign girl? Are the people smarter with a good memory smarter than those who without? Can I be notified when someone goes online on WhatsApp? Do you hate your parents? What is cognitive intelligence? How does it differ from emotional intelligence? How does one go about reporting the realization that your ex murdered his 1st wife and you're next? Why is it a fad of being Introvert in Indian Youth these days? What age should I be letting my kids watch m movies? Who are the smartest people with Williams Syndrome? How do carbon dioxide be converted into oxygen? Help me understand women. Do all of them backstab you in favor of their social standing? Are they legitimately concerned about me or their standing? Is there a language that can be interpreted and compiled? What are the top 5 best catches in the world for cricket? What conspiracy theories turned out to be true? Why is it necessary to have mobile application for small business? Can we pursue biotechnology after B.tech in mechanical engineering? What is your language exchange experience on Lang-8? What is a good conversion rate for a website? Is CAT after b.tech in mechanical engineering useful? How many protons does iodine have? How do I become a billionaire by 25? What is the definition of principle of superposition? Is it possible for an individual to become a trillionaire? How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP LaserJet Enterprise M604dn? Can’t delete my Quora account, what should I do? Which are the top places to visit in Kerala? My mother has brown eyes and my father has blue eyes and yet I have green eyes. How is that possible? Is Hillary Clinton worried about the email scandals? What can nurses do to not get so tired from work? What's the fastest mile ever run? How I can improve my English communication? Can anyone predict about my career from my lagna chart and D9 Chart? I'm going to meet a girl for the first time & I'm not a good looking guy (tummy fat). What should I do, to impress her? IDHTT (slang) "When will David Pollak complete ""Simply Lift""?" What is your biggest flaw? "Is it true that in Russian culture, a woman's last name must end with the letter ""A""?" What is the difference between an illiterate and uneducated person? Can a person be literate but uneducated? Which country is best suited for doing an MS in ECE? What is your best sexual experience? What is the chance of getting selected in TUM Asia for a Master's in IC design ? How do I increase the capacity of my brain? What are the best exercises for arm muscle building if I have no access to gym but have a set of dumbbells at home? Why are dogs considered omnivores? Does it matter whether humans are selfish or evil? Why do the pants control and counterfeit our money plus empty and erase our accounts? What is coaching fees of vibrant academy Kota for 2 years (classes 11 and 12)? I got 42.333 in tancet mba2016.which college will I get through counselling? Are there any good websites that provide free online courses with certificates? Why is chronic flatulence known as meteorism? How is Donald Trump seen in Russia? How can you have a guaranteed lucid dream? How do you read the balance sheet of a company? What things do women hide from men? Is there any library on Delphi like Sklearn, Numpy, Scipy or Pandas for machine learning? How much is in an eight ball of meth? What is actual meaning of life? Indeen, it depend on perception of people or other thing? How do I get glowing healthy skin? How do we know what are we? How do I change a wifi password? What is planing in management? I used a fake email and phone number for Snapchat and I forgot my password how can I get it back? Did Ben Affleck shine more than Christian Bale as Batman? What is a way to get your eyes to change color or get lighter? How is Windows 2000 firewall compared to Windows XP firewall? Is sodium carbonate soluble in hydrochloric acid? What universities does Healthequity recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Which was Adolf Hitler's most famous speech? What is an open circuit in electronics? What is the biggest difference in British culture and American culture? Do OYO rooms allow local unmarried couples in Pune? What is the significance of uncertainity principle? Are Japanese people religious? Best Things About X: What is the best thing about Chicago? What have been the contributing factors to Hong Kong's GDP growth rate and how does it compare to Kenya? What should be India’s best reply to Pakistan after uri attack? Hypothetically: What would happen if all fault lines around the world simultaneously suffered major disasters; the devastation and the aftermath? Is there any way of unlocking a SIM lock iPhone? Will meth show in blood test after 3 days? What do I do once my friend betrays me? What are some characteristics of the West coast of the United States, and how does it compare to the Midwest? What is the flow of learning Java and the resources to learn Java? What are the pros and cons of being an engineer in India? What are the best colleges for studying economics in India? Why do I cringe each time my Dad accidentally touches me ? I hate it & dont feel comfortable. I don't have this issue with other men. Have you ever been attacked by a great white shark? What is the of best website for learning on youtube? What is the quickest way to lose belly fat? Why are HF and HR called control parameters in amplifiers? What is it like to have a boyfriend in Indian army? According to Einstein's theory of relativity, gravity is not pulling us down but space is pushing us down. Does that mean there is no gravity? What advantage does an MS in system engineering from BITS Pilani through a work integrated learning programme have in a career? Can you do a chargeback on a debit card transaction? Which data analytics course is useful for job in market Research? What's it like to work at Best Buy for your first job? "What can you say about ""self-pity""?" Is there a difference between classical singing and opera? Why are people protesting in North Dakota? On Instagram I blocked someone who blocked me. How do I unblock them? Why are saltwater taffy imported in Japan? What is the smallest/lightest device capable of streaming Pandora over wifi? Who is known as the father of paleontology? Where can I buy belly dance belts in Mumbai? Are Liberals too sensitive? Who would win in a war between India and Australia? What causes a pulsating feeling under the left rib cage? When do men realize they made a mistake in letting you go if they truly love you? What is the salary of aircraft maintenance engineer and what is the duration of the completion of the course in India? Which lens used in cameras? What is punishment for drinking and driving in India? Is it possible to self-induce mental illnesses? How do I become my manager's favourite? How do you get hard copies of your AWS certificates? How do the tourist attractions on the Scandinavian Highlands compare to attractions in Malta? Why does temperature decrease when altitude increases? What are the fees for MIT? How can I start a real estate business with no money in my pocket? Is iOS 10 better than Android Nougat? If 1 = Single, 2 = Double, 3 = Triple, 4 = Quadruple, what are 5, 6, 7, 8, etc. called? What causes yellow acne? What is Hillary Clinton's stance on Russia? How do pilgrims prepare for Hajj? What is the best e-Commerce platform in/for India? Why do Muslims not actively make videos mocking or insults other religions just like many non-Muslims do about Islam on YouTube? What should I do to get rid of a bruise on my lip? Why do we require zodiac signs? Who can see my Facebook profile? How much time does a waiter spend in taking orders? Why are there no ISIS attacks on Israel? What are the signs when a woman has a secret crush on you? What is the biggest challenge of being in an interracial relationship? C what language is written? What are the best visualizations for financial data, e.g. stocks? How do ballistic missiles aim and change direction? Why is GST amendment a gamechanger for Indian Economy? Who are the enemies of Russia? What do all Indians commonly doing wrong? Which is the best way to learn C? What is the physical principle that allows the Archimedes' Screw to work? I read lots of books and articles, but I seem to forget most of what I have learned in them. How can I remember what I learned? How is a German Sherperd/Great Pyrenees mix compared to a Goldendoodle and Labradoodle mix? What are some of your favorite books? How can I learn to speak English well in non-English environment? How do I redirect a RaspiCam stream on a Unity app? What is the most unusual story you've ever heard? How do I get over my porn addiction? What actually is the purpose of life? What is the story behind the creation of the iPhone? "What are some other ways to say ""as mentioned previously"" in a formal text?" Should I be feeling sad when I see other people with a happening social life? What is unusual or different about the food and cuisine in Slovakia? What's the difference between a blog and an article? What are some interesting and little known facts about Alibaug? What are some university scams? Approximately how many students have dropped a year off to join SPA Delhi for architecture? How do I fly fishing? What are the best podcasts on investment? How do I be a good friend? How are yoga mats manufactured? Is it more economical to drive a Tesla than a regular luxury car? Is there a multiverse? "I am planning to give my GRE at ""K K Wagh Inst of Engineering Education & Research-Nashik"". Does anybody have any idea as to how this test center is?" Should I buy the 2016 or 2015 MacBook Pro? What is a good diet to lose weight? According to Kashmir issue what exactly Pakistan want from India? What does upload mean while we are downloading something using torrent and why does it even continue after the download is complete? How close are we to sentient robots? What should I do after gate exam? Which is the best SBI debit card? What is the initial release date of Wget? Can you buy ballsyic gel/targets in Australia? Since few gamma and cosmic rays can pass through our atmosphere, can we image Earth with them and using their penetration image its subsurface? Are there such things as objective truths? How evolution explains white skin of Europeans, scientifically and historically? How far can your eye see from inside a plane? What are some interesting facts about independence? Can I trust healthwarehouse.com? Which is the best univerisity for masters in actuarial science around the world? What is the best country to find a wife? Why? What are the best hospitals for treating Lung Cancer? Is there any video game (developed by Chinese company) that has been released in Italy? What is the revenue model of collegedunia.com? What is enterprise intelligence? What does GHz mean? How does it relate to processor speed? Why are birthdays so special? What is it like to attend Yale Law School? Is world war 3 likely? What was the motivation for white abolitionists during slavery in the US? What is the best erectile dysfunction treatment? How can I search my friends on Quora? How can I get Reliance Jio SIM Card? Is beard oil effective? Why does Quora collapse short answers though they are relevant? How do I get maximum upvotes in Quora? "Why the ""GST' bill is not getting passed?" Will Trump really build that wall and make Mexico pay for it? Is my family normal? How can I know if I'm brainwashed and how do I stop it? What is viscous fluid? Where can I hire experienced professional for any property transaction in Sydney? What are some amazing facts about prime numbers? How many employees does Quora? When you have a snapstreak and the hourglass emoji appears, after how long does the streak end? What is the best morning routine? How long does Redmi Note 3 phone battery lasts? Has anyone on Quora used thwglobal.com and can vouch for it? What is the difference between velocity saturation and pinch-off saturation in CMOS? How do I prepare a study timetable being a class 12 medical science student? How can i connect with like minded Business enthusiasts who are willing to collaborate globally? Example of perfectly inelastic demand? My computer will boot but won't load the homescreen. It only shows a black screen with only the mouse visible. What is the problem? Do people die after cancer surgery? What is the weirdest dream you've had? How can I emotionally support my best friend with type 1 diabetes when he comes to me feeling very insecure with it? Do employees at Resource Capital have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? Which is the best country in the world to become a citizen of? Does anyone actually know what they're doing in life? What is the difference between the Naive Bayes Classifier and the Bayes classifier? Does the 'InitialChatFriendsList' trick really work on Facebook to check the profile views of our page? What are some ways you can become a better writer? Should President Obama grant Hillary Clinton a presidential pardon on Obama's last day in office - just as President Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich? What are good businesses to start at 18? How will the market react on scrapping Rs 500 & Rs 1000 notes? Why is attempting suicide considered a crime? Why is Clinton better than Trump? What's your favourite hummus recipe? How good is the Michael Kors brand? Is there a list (by hour) of sleep deprivation symptoms? Is it possible to crossbreed a cat and a dog? What was the language in Japan before they wrote their own and before adopting China's alphabet? Which color pant goes well with a white color shirt? What are some of the best and unique employee perks given by Indian companies? What are some good places to find erotic services online now that they're banned from Craigslist? Life: I don't want to die. I don't want to live. Is there some place else I can be? How can you update a Coby Kyros tablet? Is the film MS Dhoni, The Untold story worth watching? How do I cash a cheque in SBI? Which quads/ATV are street-legal in the US? If I smoked meth Monday afternoon will I be clean for a urine test Thursday morning? Do you understand this sentence? What is the salary of Applications developer II in Oracle, India JD Edwards vertical with 3 years experience? What will be the price of iPhone 6 on Flipkart and Amazon after the launch of iPhone 7 in India? What is the best fact that I should know? How can I cure my internalized homophobia? What's better to buy more ram in the first place or to add a ram chip? What is the best beach in Goa? Which is the best Big Data Hadoop training institute in Pune? What are some easy to learn methods for keeping track of homework assignments and moving forward with my to-do list for college applications? Can you gain weight from not eating enough? How do France's economic activities compare and contrast to those of Chile? How can I restore the photos deleted from Vault? What will be the best SEO strategies? How can I calculate my personal q-index? Who has a higher chance of winning the presidential elections? Donald Trump or democrat opponent? How do I become a copywriter? Is working so hard worth it? Why did Quora collapse my answer? Is there a way for my employer to apply for my green card before I graduate, provided I already signed the full time offer? How can I remove this yellow hard stuff on my teeth? What's the reasoning for not having released all the Star Wars films in order? Where can I found different flavours for cupcakes at Gold Coast? What is the healthiest breakfast routine? What is it like to date an extremely attractive woman? What's the most embarrassing moment you've ever had? Is it normal to have multiple dreams every single night? Is it a sign of anything? Is a PhD in chemistry worth pursuing? What are some of the best ways to fight mental health issues? Binary (number system): What if a Byte has 16 bits instead of 8? Is sex necessary in a relationship? Why did Buddhism (almost) disappear from India before 20th century revival, despite being a major religion behind Hinduism? How much money, in resources, would you estimate are below the average square foot of land on earth? Are there any definite plans for something like ISS2.0 after the ISS expires in 2024 (or possibly later)? "How can you see who ""Likes"" your updates on LinkedIn?" Is there any way to get rid of fat soluble drugs without losing weight? What would happen if Donald Trump were assassinated after the election? What is a good tool for automated testing for mobile apps? What causes black spots on a cat's tongue? What are best classified sites in Iceland? Can you offer me any advice on how to lose weight? How can I be a business analyst? What are self-referential structures? Can I go to an American college on the merits of SAT alone? How can I get an internship at IISc? What are the best Battery Saver Appd for android 2016? What's the best school in the world? How should I start my preparation for the IAS exam? Where can I get a legal wholesale provider of Apple iPhone 7 Plus worldwide? Why would you as US working professionals eat out at work? Is it safe to give dogs rib bones? What is the most embarrassing thing you have done in front of your teacher? How can I view someone's new followers on Instagram? What country has the highest average virginity losing age? What are some reviews of www.imadcompanypipingdiv.com? What are some favorite serendipitous moments from your life? How headphones work as an Antenna to play FM radio channels on Mobile phones? Why mobile companies doesn't install the same inbuilt Antenna on phones to be able to play FM without the headphones? Is there any question that Google can't answer? How do you find the model number of a Dell PC? Is handa ka funda is good? What do Protestants protest? How can I make friends on Quora for practice my English? Does love have a scientific explanation? What are the best books in machine learning? What are some unusual aspects about politics and government in Belgium? If a piece of raw steak meat was refrigerated for 2 days, is it okay to eat it? What is the best and fastest way to increase your height? Does XFCE4 on FreeBSD 11 support animated GIF wallpaper? What are the symptoms of chikungunya? What are the best pictures that showcase kindness? Is PV^ (gamma) = constant valid for only an internally reversible adiabatic process or just an adiabatic process? How much money do people make from YouTube videos with 1 million views? What is the meaning of Ego considering buddhism? Do you need to apply for US military school before permanent residence for foreigners? What are the best books on algorithms for a beginner? How would one describe @Dory's personality? Why do men give women flowers? How do I retrieve old snapchat messages? Do you believe in two Human beings thinking about same things at the same time even though they are far off? How does it happen? Any explanation? How do I change my YouTube username? In what language do you think first while speaking English, your main or the English? What are weather-predicting postcards? Why do people use log returns of stock prices for autoregression? Where does the water from the Great Lakes come from, and how does these lakes wildlife compare to Lake Geneva? How do Chinese feel when they go back to live in China after living abroad for 4-5 years? As 500 and 1000 rupee note is demonetized, what will RBI do with the collected old notes? Can Donald Trump win? What's the difference between 32 bit and 64 bit cpu? How do the teachings, learning, followership and/or fellowship of Islam, project, propel and propagate the artificial intelligence and/or alternative reality? How can I reach Uber customer service? Do they have a phone number? What are the biggest presidential debate gaffes? How can I be a super memorizer? How can I make you my new friend? What is the worst thing that happened in 2010? How do I get more Facebook page like? How do I integrate x.sin^(-1) x? I wan to enter into an RSI. How can I enter into an RSI? Why are liberals trying to violate my second amendment rights? What is it like to study computer science at UIUC? What are some interesting facts about formula 1 champion Lewis Hamilton? How do you get rid of a addiction? How can I see followers on Facebook? I am a Java developer, thinking to do certification on cloud computing, but not sure which one (Microsoft, AWS, Google, CompTIA & etc.,) I can choose? Is it impossible for two persons to have exactly the same fingerprints? How can I use WhatsApp on my laptop without using my phone? What are some businesses that can possibly make me a billionaire in the long term? Chances of work for nurses in Germany after taking masters degree? I want to know people checking on my WhatsApp profile? How do I answer questions anonymously on Quora? How do you address two people in a business letter? Why is there a need for god? How did news search on Google become so terrible? It shows only recent news, it seems highly limited and it's really hard to find much older articles. What does porcelain mean? How do I solve this for x: |x+3|>|2x-1|? What is ARN number? What is 'Wants to share with you ' notification on fb? What are the top 10 most read articles on Wikipedia? How do I download a Google drive file? What is mental health promotion? How do I tweak a wordpress site to be compatible with the Internet Explorer Browser? Is there any cab service available that provide pick and drop service at london Victoria to Brighton? What is your new year resolution for 2017 or goal for 2017? What is more effective in terms of losing weight.. trade mil or running in the ground? Why India is so bad at Olympics? Is it because India is poor? Do water purifiers like Brita really work? How will issuing of new 2000 Rs notes help curb black money and corruption? What is the quickest and less painful way to commit suicide? Where can I find Facebook Hacker Cup problems? How do you take care of your man? I moved to a new school and nobody talks to me and I don’t know what to talk about with them? What is the best way of improving spoken English? Why indian students dont opt for foreign education? Why does my hair stop growing after it reaches my mid breast section? Why do cats get scared when you place a cucumber in front of it? How do I download series without using torrent? How will issuing of new 2000 Rs notes help curb black money and corruption? How does the HP OfficeJet 4620 Airprint compare to the HP DesignJet T1530 36-in PostScript Printer? What are the drawbacks and advantages of taking a drop after class 12 to secure a good rank in the JEE (at least for the IIT B)? What is my take home per month from IBM? What is the advantage of embedded system over microprocessors? How many photos can 16GB iPhone 5C hold? Can we make money on Quora? Which is the best North Indian food restaurant in Karkardooma? What is the difference between a headset and headphones? Where does hacker really learn? What are the best investments? How can it be proved with graph/calculus that the substitution effect must always be negative? Does time slip exist? What does the phrase “stay blessed” mean? What are the effects of demonitization of 500 and 1000 rupees notes on real estate sector? Why does China have border disputes with almost every neighbouring country? Is it possible to form an image with the intersection of reflected ray and incident ray? What is the best answer when we are asked by interviewers why should we hire you? What is the most irritating thing on Quora? How common is prostitution in Saudi Arabia? How do you find good friends? Why did the Marathas lost the battle of Assaye? How can I get my shirts ironed without doing it myself and without dry cleaning them? What should 6 week old Pit Bull puppies be eating? What is Android SDK? What are some good ways to get rid of belly fat? What is an ambivert? What are the major differences between Japanese and Korean cinema? How is wheat gelatin made? "In real estate what does ""GCI"" mean?" What is the best way to learn math? How can I learn math more effectively? Where can I get best assistance in Sydney for buying property? What is the pH of blood? How can I ask long questions? How do I hack Instagram account? Someone is using my identity and posting inappropriate post? What is your review of Video Recording? Windows 10 issues: wifi is shown as disabled and does not enable . How do I fix this? What can I do to learn all about cars? What's the purpose of a human life? Why do some people not dream while asleep? Is dissolving table salt in water a chemical or physical change? How do Chinese people study? Share your review about Kabali movie? What is the resistance? Why do we want the things we can't have? In the movie Rear Window, if Mr. Thorwald had murdered his wife, then who was that lady coming out of his house with him when Jeff was sleeping? And what was in that big box? What is the right age for getting pregnant? How do you access the internet on a Vizio smart TV? How much does it cost to build a solar electric plant? Can you buy youtube subscriber? Why should I study mathematics? What do final year students feel? How do you make risotto? When i play carrom alone, the chances of black winning is 3 times that of white. What about the placement of black coins makes this possible? What are the best books on trading? What are the best books to learn advance c++? What is the best programming language I should learn as a beginner? How do I follow someone I know? What are the best was to lose weight? How can we use respectively in a sentence? And what is the meaning of respectively in a sentence? How are you going to make Donald Trump release his tax returns? How do you delete the blank page MS word in Android phone? How do you know who your real friends are? Is Squared Online (the digital marketing course) good? What technology is out there to automatically count bullets? Is it true that there is always a way? Are mun sessions interesting? Can you offer me any advice on how to lose weight? What can I do to earn money? What's a more practical language to learn: Russian or French? What are the best trucking movies? What do you think about minds.com? Should people over 87 not be allowed to vote? What do linguists think of the movie Arrival? How was the usage of guerrilla warfare by the Communist Party of China like a social movement? Which football stadium is best in the world? How should I celebrate my 18th birthday? What is the difference between bread and toast? Where can I get Gta 4 full version free? Donald Trump said his father gave him a small loan whereas Hillary Clinton said it was in the millions. Who was right? Was it a loan or not? What are some Korean social network sites? How do they differ between each other? What is the difference between torque and moment? Which app can improve my English pronunciations? How do I ask for help from teachers? How do I get a online job a real online job? What is a logic gate? What is the scope for MHA after MBBS? Is internal hard drive a primary storage device or secondary storage device? How is a small nation like Israel so technologically advanced and powerful? Why are all public shipping companies in trouble, with stock price down like 90% in the last few years? What could create a turnaround? How can I stop dreaming so intensley? What causes narcissism? How do Rust and Go compare? What rate is given when cashing a U.S. check abroad? How do I deal with this new YouTube bug? What are some interesting areas of communications that I could do undergraduate honors thesis in? Abstact Algebra: why the proofs and problems of group theory are so non-intuitive to me. How should I approach it? What is the Sahara, and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Atacama Desert? What is the oldest religion on earth? How can I learn Python faster and effectively? What are some good ideas for suspense stories? Tax analyast e and y? What are the 5 animal welfare needs? What does it mean when a man says he trusts you? Where can I hire a hacker? How does a father feel about the birth of his first child? Can I clear the CCNA exam without going to any coaching centre? How much money does Supercell make in a day? Carnegie Mellon University: Why is Panther Hollow Inn closing? "How do I answer, "" Why do you want to join a bank after doing B.Pharmacy?""" What are the basic reasons you should vote for Trump? What are the financial markets (all)? Can we cancel a 'Tatkal waiting list' ticket? Can I remove sun tan skin and back to my original skin? How can I stop getting scared? What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping? What happens if you don't pay your Netflix bill? What is automatic speech recognition? Did you cheat on the SAT? Can I make an Android app with Python? How is it to be a CBI officer? What are arguments in favor of Israeli settlements? Make a plan what your comfort allows is correct or incorrect? Am I missing out by shunning social media and keeping my life as private as possible, especially when I have no real reason to? What company has a culture? How can I reduce my body weight without doing workout? Development Practice: Have you ever worked on a successful water project in urban Africa? What made it successful? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Trovagene? How do you get your romance on? If I block a person on iphone 6 and later unblock them, will I receive the messages that were sent to me while the sender was blocked? What is the best way to learn white hat hacking? What changes have taken place in Varanasi after PM Modi took over as MP of Varanasi? What are the chances that Hillary Clinton still becomes President? When will be the end of the world and why? My parents think I am rude for being so introverted, is there anything wrong with being an introvert? What would be the basic benefit of demonetizing 500 and 1000 Rs currency? How can I be a good software engineer? How do I find a WhatsApp group that aims to improve English? How do I prepare for the NID entrance exam? Where can I get comprehensive written advice in Sydney for any property transaction? If trump won what would happen to global markets? Is management quota available in Symbiosis pune, JBIMS, SP.JAIN for MBA ? How do you identify a Jacobus Stainer violin? I forgot my password and the email address I used to create my Snapchat account. How can I log in or at least change my email address or password? What are good social media ideas? How do you design an algorithm? What are the best coaching institutes for GMAT preparation in Gurgaon? What will be the output of the following program? How does ranking system work in Rainbow six siege? What are proper nouns? What are some examples? Do banks in Dubai offer credit cards on an AED 4500 salary? Why is the NDTV news channel banned for one day on 9th of this month? How often do supermoons appear? Why are all of my Quora questions marked as needing improvement, even though they meet all of the guidelines? How big should a planet be (radius,mass) and how far away from it's star to have (for example) four natural satellites? What banks have the best tools for small business? Would you support Gary Johnson's claim to be included in the presidential debates in the interest of fairness and an equitable playing field? What is meant by digital transactions in India? What is it like to have a gang bang? How does one configure TCS mail on an iPhone? What can I do to rise above negativity? What are the best neighborhoods in Chicago? Why? What are the top 10 most profitable businesses in India? How do I find work-life balance? How can I overcome the fear of failure? What is the easiest way to enrich vocabulary? What evolved into Homo sapiens? How do you locate the power button on a Samsung television? What does it mean for a woman to be described as a hot mess? I had an incident during massage. Masseuse left the room immediately. I feel so sorry for her. What do I do? What stops india to declare a war against Pakistan? What is your opinion of the Ring programming language? When will the HTC One E8 get the Android Lollipop update in India? How do you wash a duvet cover? What are my chances of getting into The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies? What is the difference between Mumbai Metro and Mumbai Monorail? Are they same or different? Is a cop allowed to give me a ticket for not stopping at an unmarked t-intersection? How do I have safe sex without condom and risk of pregnancy? How can I get better at understanding math? Which one is better, SEO or PPC? How is the word 'probity' used in a sentence? How can I get entry in MIT? How do I start a youtube channel for cosmetics? Should I invest in Bitcoin now? Why? "Why was ""M"" named ""M"" in the James Bond movies?" What are the health benefits of pomegranate? What are the best comments that we share on a girls picture to impress her? How can I be selected in mit? Can I pursue Sports management as a fresher abroad? How cold can the Gobi Desert get, and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Great Victoria Desert? Why US people mostly don’t believe to make any business relationship with Indians or Indian Company? What is the difference between inspiration and motivation? How could I focus on my studies? How do I know my life partner loves me truly? What are some good tutorial sites to learn problem solving interactively (almost like the syntax learning from code academy)? Is the Tradesy model proven? Are they profitable? What kind of runway do they have? How do I crack UPSC dental examination? How do you deal with people who talk behind your back? Which brand is the best to buy t-shirts with round neck? What is your review of Skins (UK TV Series)? How much is $1 million in Indian rupees? How do I bulk delete likes on Twitter? Saying there is infinite energy in zero point energy and infinite virtual particles in vacuum energy, is this a real or just a mathematical thing? What are the black hat SEO techniques and tools? How can you watch Twitcams on an iPhone? How did Greenland fit into Pangea? What is the safest way to Jailbreak an iPhone 5c? How does one understand and interpret instrumental music? What are some legitimate explanations for the Ewoks beating the Emperor's best stormtroopers? Why are Android versions always named after sweet items? When are the JEE Mains 2015 paper 2 of B.Arch results coming? Is it easy to end your own life? What is TQWL in IRCTC wait list? How do I become rich? Why did the SpaceX Falcon 9 explode? Has any ENFP dated an INTP? "What is the ""Monty Pythonesque application of the principles of logic and etymology""?" How can a young male prevent himself from getting prostate cancer? If China is so much against India why don't Indians stop buying Chinese products? What is the total marks in Python module of TCS Aspire? What are some reasons for not standing with Deepika Padukone's My Choice video? Is masturbating a sin in islam? How can I feel less tired in the morning? Which continent has seen the most wars over the course of known human history? Why is Frederiksberg not a part of Copenhagen? Is Donald Trump corrupt? What is the best books for entrance exam of fine arts? What are the best (and worst) jobs for someone who has social anxiety? What is the fastest way to lose weight safely? If earth has been visited and helped by aliens in the past, why don't we find evidence of their advanced technology? Why would someone choose to stay with Airbnb if a hotel/motel is available at a similar price? What is the best mutual fund on SIP? What is the difference between human resource management and personnel administration? What is Gemini app? Which are the most inspiring autobiographies? In a new relationship, when should I first kiss a girl? What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they're invited to someone's home in Brunei for the first time? How can I get rid of a cracking shoulder pain? How do I erase all my answers and question on Quora? How does Notifications work on Netflix? How can you describe helium? What is the best way to type Spanish accents in Windows 7? What are the onsite salaries in Indian IT companies? How do I upload my profile picture on Quora? Which is better between satin and silk? How do I increase traffic on my site? How can we determine the electric field of a vector? URN given to me for Aadhar update is showing incorrect when I try to check the status. Is there any other way to check it? How is the word 'dexterous' used in a sentence? Which country you would like to visit again and again and what's the reason? How should you vote in a non-swing state if you want to send the message that you want more progressive politics in place? What is Reliance Industries' total employee strength? Do Indian guys like beautiful Brazilian girls? How can I get into a start up vlsi company during 7th semester? What are some Non Electronic Dance Songs that have been remixed by Trance Artists amazingly? What universities does Comfort Systems recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? How can I make friends at work? Is it possible to use the internet on a phone without Wi-Fi or mobile data? How can you get water on Mars? 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Are Web developers also considered software developers? What are the unique characteristics of a German Shepherd/Great Pyrenees mix? What is non-fiction? What was the best gift you gave yourself? What's the best way to take an iMac on a plane? Who is more Influential according to you Newton or Einstein? How can I get Fifa 17 Coins and Points for free? "How come traffic from Quora comes up as ""direct / none"" in my Google Analytics reports?" What is the definition of a parabola? How can I Improve my Alexa ranking? Can a green card holder be naturalized without taking the American passport, my country India do not allow Dual citizenship? When does political correctness become lies and free speech become hate? How do I find a friend with benefits? What are some good resources for the study of German? Can you walk across the Canadian-US border? How big is the average penis? What are the tips and tricks of lenovo k3 note phone? How many indie movies are released worldwide in a year? In Google Sheets, how can a cell be made to hyper-link to another cell? Why are Marwaris against inter caste marriage? Should I join Aon Hewitt Gurgaon as software engineer II if they are giving me 75% hike on my current CTC? Why do dogs chase their tails? If you were to throw a ball straight up while in a moving car, would it fall straight down or fall towards the back? How can I grow taller fast at 18? What is consistency level generally people using Cassandra follow (say you have 10 node cluster)? I want to start the event organizing business with my friends at Hyderabad. Is it a good idea? What are your 5 favorite poems? Who will win in a war between India and Pakistan? Why are most parents against love marriages? When I post a question on Quora, am I expected to play a more active curation role for that question? What is the meaning of pay band 5200-20200 in india? What is the monthly emoluments? Why are new girls willing to do amateur porn for the first time and expose their face, when they can easily make the same money by prostitution? How relevant are the answers on Quora? Why do we celebrate new year on January 1? Is really there a secret to success? Could the following bike gear design be adequate for smoother gear shifting and less shear stress on chain? What are some circumstances when a compliance certificate is required? What is the best programming/coding language to learn? Why hasn't the medical community come together and banned the sale of cigarettes? Do bananas help digestion? Why? How do you make a portal to Heaven in Minecraft? How do I start to overcome clinical Depression? How did yoga help you? What should I do if I want to get pregnant? Can any other person restrict any hus and wife to lead conjugal life? How much money does an average Uber Black driver earn in a day in NYC? Why do Dibakar Dutta's answers always revolve around love, relationships, friends etc.? Would it be possible for a planet to orbit two stars in a figure eight pattern? How do you make cute lanyards for car keys? Is Aamir Khan overrated as an actor? How many industries will the first trillionaire be in? What is the difference between Class 10 and Class 4 memory cards, and also between SDHC and SD? What does Stanford golf membership cost? "What is a ""private banker""?" How do I get over someone I can never be with? Which are some of the best VC firms and Startup Accelerators you are aware of? Are Indians dominating Silicon Valley? How do I hide Instagram followers? If I buy a pirated DVD of a game and a win rar file of the DVD is corrupt how should I fox it offline? How do I conduct effective one on one meeting? What's the difference between acquaintances and friends? What are the best ways to think of ideas for a startup? "In Westworld, what does the phrase ""We'll drink to the lady in the white shoes"" mean?" How do I loose weight fast for operation? How much it has cost to build the towers in dubai? Can you add topics to a question? How? Donald Trump won the elections. How much will it affect Italy? Has the Graph Search feature been removed from Facebook? When will most jobs be replaced by robots? I have an education loan in sbbj. Bank written off the account. Do I still need to pay it? How do I get a list of all my Gmail accounts? Where does the water from the Great Lakes come from, and how does these lakes wildlife compare to Lake Geneva? What does it mean to be a generous person? Are you a generous person? What is the sigmoid function, and what is its use in machine learning's neural networks? How can a health coach help you? How is dark/vacuum energy created with the universe conserved if it is not conserved? Can infinite of these be created? 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How do I to start a new business? Factory restore dell XPS 15 L502X? How do I improve concentration on studies? What are the next best multibaggers in the Indian market? When will self-driving cars be available for people to buy? How would I decorate a bedroom with a 2007 theme? How can I unblock sites on Chrome? What are the most effective approaches to deal with social anxiety? What is the siginficance of merging railway budget with general budget? What is machining process? How can I turn my idea into a fundable business? What are some best ever Telugu movies? I drink a lot of coffee 2-3 times a day.What are the Con's? Can somebody share with me about his/her story towards how they quit porn & masturbation addiction? Why do my questions keep getting marked as needing improvement even though my grammar is correct? What are the best books, articles, lectures about information theory for deep learning? What are some of the most intelligent or inspiring modern books about Hinduism? How much time is required to crack the SSC CGL exam? Why have I become so fearful? What can be the best solution for this problem? What is the salary of systems engineer for freshers in TCS India? How did Bill Gates and his foundation come to select Polio as the vaccine to target for eradication in the next few years (vs. other initiatives, diseases, etc.)? What should Justin Bieber do? How much time is required to prepare for the IELTS? "How is characterization used in ""The Great Gatsby"" by F. Scott Fitzgerald?" Day to day life at intel? What is the meaning of 'ilaahi'? Is Tina Dabi from SC category? What is everything to learn regarding big data analytics? What is the best book in fiction? What are some of the best team building activities outside office? Let's say everyone in a plane suddenly fell unconscious and unable to wake up except you, what would you do? Why do the so-called jews rule, rob and ruin us? Which subject has more scope between zoology and biology? And how much salary should I get? What can be done on the Cauvery issue? What is the difference between an IVP and a CT scan? What about between a non-contrast CT scan and a contrast CT scan? What are the pros and cons of each? How much time Adobe Noida takes to release an offer letter of software engineer after the initiation of BG check process? Which are the countries who have invaded, occupied Philippine and committed atrocities to Philippines people in the past 200 years history? "Is there a difference between ""native"" mini displayport and just mini displayport on Mac boo air?" Can you love someone over the Internet? "What should be my answer for the question ""Tell me about yourself "" by HR?" Is it possible that Trump entered the Presidential campaign to ensure that Hillary Clinton wins? I am a MBBS graduate from Bangladesh with a 1 year internship completion and 6 month of work experience as a medical officer in Bangladesh. What is the process to start a job in Dubai even in non clinical career? How much licensing fee can you expect to charge phone manufacturers to pre-install an Android app like Swype? What should be my resolution for 2017? What are some good examples of household solvents? What's the differences between ACS (international) Singapore and ACS (independent) Singapore? How do I preserve a journal that has pencil and pen writings in it? Is Trump his own worst enemy in his race to become the next President? What are some good project topics for learning natural language processing? How do I crack my GATE 1? Which are some of the funniest questions on Quora? How do I raise funds? How can a photon not have mass but still have momentum? What sites are similar to fuskator.com? Doing finance modelling course with edupristine along with CS will it be beneficial with edupristine which is providing me with BSE certificate? Is James Comey really to blame for Hillary Clinton defeat? Is it difficult to get through DRDO interview for Chemical Engineering considering that it requires 80% GATE weightage and 70% interview weightage? Is there any way to scrape data from a LinkedIn public profile? How can I overcome a bad mood? How can the drive from Edmonton to Auckland be described, and how do these cities' attractions compare to those in London? How can change be bought in the mentality of people who perform mass animal sacrifices in the name of religion and god such as the recent Gadhimai festival in Nepal? How does Morse code work? What are some examples of characteristics that terrestrial planets share? now, how should I propose her? Why doesn't MAIT upgrade its website? What are the reset steps for a Gmail password reset? Wouldn't ISPs block forum sites without net neutrality, why or why not? How can I avoid that Gitbook prints the name of the chapter/subchapter before the h1 when exporting in PDF? Do someone have any suggestions for CSS? How do I control my diabetes? How can I speak English fluently and fast? Why does Dushka Zapata have a story about EVERYTHING? Are they all true? South Dakota Football Live Stream | Watch South Dakota Coyotes Football Game Today Live Streaming Online? How do you rate Sushma Swaraj's speech at UNGA 2016? Can human survive without socializing with each other? Researching historical fiction? What is the best way to learn Synthetic Biology? What key questions should I ask when hiring a Lead Generation company? Why is specifically Northern Ireland not a part of the Republic of Ireland? Work from Work from Home Opportunities in India? What are some conspiracy theories you believe are true? Is it normal to have a heavier than normal period after weight loss? Why are people ignorant? How can I get a girlfriend and another friend? How do you ace the MCAT? Which martial arts is good for beginners? What are some best movies of all time? How do I reduce body fat percentage at the gym? What are lightning rods? How do they function Why does the sun rise in the the East and set in the West? What does a communications manager do? Authentic graduation in one year in India? What is the new launching system that revolves around the Earth and then propelled to the moon or Mars? What breed is mixed with my dog? What are the best books to read to learn about human psychology? What are good institutes in Delhi NCR for PMP classes and training? How do I apply for pan card (lost)? Is akbar a great emperor? How can you determine the chemical formula for dichlorine trioxide? How will Trump’s presidency affect international students in the US? How do I prove the Pythagorean theorem using Garfield's method? Is it difficult to love someone? How do you type a check mark on a Mac? What a finance manager do actually? What was your first mobile phone/handset? What is the difference between CSE and software engineering? Do any economists believe $15/HR minimum wage would be good? What are the table manners in the military? How IS TO get into MIT? How can I stop feeling sleepy in the morning while studying? How should I start to prepare aptitude for CAT? What are the worst science fiction movies? How do I know whether a guy is cheating on me or no? What are some entry level IT jobs? How important khayal style in hindustani music? What is snapdragon processor? Is it healthy to eat an apple at night? What are non expensive dandiya nights in bangalore? How do I learn German in Mumbai? What is the difference between a director and managing director? What are the chances of getting pregnant on the last day of your period? How should I prepare for BITSAT 2017? How do I apply for an internship at Codenation? What is the difference between constantly and continually? I'm not sure if I'm bisexual or pansexual. How do I know? Politics: Who is satisfied with Indian Prime Minister Mr. Modi? What is the dark side of a human being? How does unaccounted/black money affect a country's economy? What are the best online marketing tactics? What can I do to practice my English? Is platinum metal very reactive? Is Narendra Modi the best Indian Prime Minister ever? Why so? How do I prepare for a software engineering job interview? A famous saying is “magnets, how do they work’. How do magnets work? My 14-year-old son watches dirty videos on YouTube. What should I do? Why are so many Americans oblivious to the history of the Democratic party as it pertains to slavery, segregation and civil rights? Why is it hard to adopt a child? How did Hollywood movies lost innocence and family values? How Playboy started in 1953 influenced the Hollywood and American culture? How do I make myself feel beautiful? What is happiness? Why it is so difficult to be happy? Whether happiness comes from outside or from within? What are some logical fallacies? How can I change the order of Snippets in Google Search engine? 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When you get a benzoyl peroxide burn, how should you treat it? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Utah? Why do people ask questions on Quora that can easily be answered by Google? What happens if we transfer low power through the DC lines? How do I get rid of anxiety and depression? How do I read XML data in MySQL workbench? What will be the stored procedure to insert XML data as a parameter into the table? What are the essential skills of the project management? What is the best way to get a government job? Is Rolex a non-profit company? And if so, why? What are some aspects of culture? Does Ernest W. Adams live in a liberal bubble? Where can I get good quality of double strap monk in 1000-1500 bugs in Mumbai? Why swami Vivekananda had not participated in freedom fight? What does it mean when your guy best friend gets mad at you for mentioning other guy's name? How is the density of rubber determined? Have you ever met someone from Quora? How do Islamic banks make money if they can't charge interest because of shari'a? How hard it is to write a book? How do you tell someone that you don't like them? Is sitesmatrix.com a scam? Are asexual men just suffering from low testosterone? What was the best news you ever received? Why the financial year starts from April and ends in March? What camera does Charles Trippy use? Why has Quora banned my real name account as fake? What should the average salary offered for a PHP and Wordperss Developer in India? Why did China's CCTV disparage SpaceX during recent Chinese rocket launch coverage, by claiming Musk's Mars aspirations were an unfunded pipe dream? Is the MMH program from Cornell same as the Cornell Nanyang MMH asia? Why are people nowadays so sensitive to people's body odor? What response do you give to a girl who friend zoned you after asking her out? How do you play 21 Questions? Will there be a World War III soon? What would it take for the Serbia women's national basketball team to improve their international FIBA ranking? How does vodka cause diabetes? Why does my dog have scabs on its paws? What Rolling Stone song has the lyrics “oh and you know me so well and your time ain’t so hard to sell”? Which company provides the best SEO services in Delhi? What should be my job as Social Media Manager? I am looking for waterproof solutions for DSLR and mirrorles cameras - any advice? What do women find attractive in men? Is this sentence grammatically correct? I am used to hard work. Where do I have to learn digital marketing course for for free? How do I get more views on youtube video? Which are going to be the best computer programming languages in future? How do I set and unset a cookie using jQuery, for example create a cookie named 'someName' and set its value to 'someValue'? What are the applications of bearing in an automobile? What is the meaning of Bajram and why is it celebrated? How should I start my preparation for GATE-2018? What are some good blogs that deal with online collaboration, virtual teams and off-site workplaces? Has anyone ever recovered from anxiety and panic attacks? Which is the best company for SEO services in Lucknow? How long does it take to get CT scan results? Do you think telekinesis is real? Which is the better city to live: Hyderabad or Pune? How do I convert a mp3/wav file into stems? How do I learn english acent? Why does Richard Dawkins view Islam as a threat? How does the waist trainer work? Why did Hillary Clinton delete her emails? How can I stop hairfall? Who is the worlds most beautiful girl? Are protests a form of terrorism? How do I become rich by trading? My girlfriend spends 14 hours a day surfing online. How do I handle that without being rude about it? Which software is necessary important in civil engineering design in mumbai? How can I learn the English language faster, day by day? Why does pewdiepie stopped let's plays? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Rhode Island? When do shoulders stop growing? What will the third world war look like? How QuickBooks Proavisor Tech support Phone Number is Prominent for getting Solutions? What is considered a good IQ? How can the children see ghost? What is the meaning of our life? What are the key differentiators between the major VC firms in Silicon Valley? How do I get rid of scalp acne? Which is the best graphic card for a PC under Rs. 10,000? How is the strength of a human bite compared to an alligator bite? How do I get a permanent residence in Sweden? What books does a high IQ need to read? Are medical students smart or hard working? (I know it takes both but generally, are medical students smart?) Will I grow taller at 15? Why is love so important in human life? What are the alternatives to temboo.com? Is there a dog breed that looks like a polar bear? "Is Manaphy from ""Pokemon Ranger and The Temple of the Sea"" considered annoying?" Is Pisces Sun and Gemini Moon compatible with Virgo Sun and Libra moon? What are Promises in Javascript? Do you put chritmas ham on freezer or refrigerator? Is it better to ask things to people you don't know online or ask things to people who know you and can't be completely objective about what's asked? My girlfriend still texts to her ex with whom she was intimate with? Why major in math? How can I have a more defined jawline? How do I delete my account from this site? Which is the best place to prepare for the IELTS? Could a nuclear bomb trigger the Yellowstone supervolcano? If so, would it lead to the total annihilation of the United States? What are the advantages of living in India over living in the U.S.? What are the pros and cons of expert systems? What is the proper name for a hat maker? What is a photograph? What is the relationship between velocity, pressure and area in fluid dynamics ? If area increases, will the velocity increase or decrease? What is the volt per hertz ratio and over fluxing of a transformer? Is it good for charging more than specification mobile charger? What is the new trends in dresses? How do foreigners view China after visiting China? I get negative thoughts while praying and I am just not able to control them. What do I do (P.S. Question edited)? Which is the best book to learn about indian stock market and trading in indian stock market? Are all electrons the same electron? How do I open a private Instagram account? What is the difference between short-tempered and high-tempered people? Why are people addicted to pornography? Why do we feel anger? What is the difference between phlegm and sputum? Why is it easier to love then to be loved? Was Swami Vivekananda a vegetarian? Who is best the best composer of all time? What does an essay score of 6/6/6 on the new SAT mean? Is there a PDF available listing the rules to crack the GMAT sentence correction? Does my boss like me romantically? Do girls like erections? What universities does NetSuite recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? How do female-to-male gender reassignment surgeries work? How do I develop empathy for myself? "In the Discovery Channel programme ""Wheeler Dealers"", why does Edd China always wear a long sleeve shirt underneath his t-Shirts?" What is the best example of hypocrisy you ever witnessed in your surrounding? How is standard deviation used in the real world? Which is the best car battery brand in India? What classes do you wish you’d taken in high school? Consider patients can wear wristbands in hospitals to track their health progress and replacing the checklist. What are the target markets for this product? Why are some atheists so serious about their beliefs? How shall I prepare for clat? How could Christianity have avoided schism? Why SEO is important for SEO? Who are some lesser known important historical figures of Qatar and what should people know about them? What is lacking in today's social networking services? How should India respond to uri attacks? How is public breastfeeding seen where you live? How we start preparation for IAS? What universities does Access National recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Why does the US try hard to prevent Philippines from having a good relationship with its good neighbouring countries & Russia? Is there a way to see deleted Instagram photos? How many staff does Quora employ? What is the highest power of 9 completely dividing 99? Can a family live on $125,000 a year in New York City? Is there an intelligence agency in real life that is similar to B613 in the TV show Scandal? What are the best offline games played on Android? What is the difference between an UberX, Uber Black and Uber Taxi? How soon and by what means will the human race become extinct? How do you rewrite this sentence? Which is the best book for preparation for CDS? Which are the major highways in California and how are they compared to the major highways in Oklahoma? What are Hillary Clinton's plans for India? What is the importance of preserving minority language? What are the things you hate when walking on road? Do good project managers complete tasks them to meet customer deliverables if the team members responsible for the task do a poor job? What is the best thing someone ever did for you? Where did the Puritans settle, and why? Is it safe to masturbate or have sex thrice a day? Survey: Salman Khan said that he's still a virgin.Do you believe him? What are good ways to create videos such as this? How good is General Assembly's Product Management course? What is the relationship between kinetic stability and thermodynamic stability of proteins? How should I learn coding? Is there good scope after completing AMIE? Where can I get very comprehensive commercial painting services in Brisbane? What is the scope of an electronics and communications engineer in India? Do girls like to do video call with strangers? My girlfriend is having piles, I am depressed after i get to know about this. what should I do now? What are the causes of a clogged catalytic converter? What is the answer to a subtraction problem called? How do I translate these sentences? How can you determine the Lewis structure of CH2OH? What do you think about Memrise? Why do people with Asperger's syndrome hate group homes? What do I do if I lost my USPS mailbox key? Is it common for home owners to own a BBQ in Europe? What are the side effects of AlgaeCal? What are the disadvantages of Python? How can we make this world a better place to live? What is the world's largest mountain? Will Hillary Clinton lead America to a war with Russia? Is the fact that history majors believe the holocaust, a refutation? What is a mirage? How does it happen? What's the best time of year to go to Paris? What are the best books you read in 2016? What is the best latest movie? How can I find someone. With a picture? How do I remember various IPC and CrPC in FMT in INDIA? What are your New Year resolutions for the upcoming year 2017? What is the best way to learn machine learning and deep learning from scratch? What is purpose of life? Which mobile is better for 7k? Suppose [math]NP=OM[/math] and [math]MN=PO[/math]. Can you use the SSS Postulate or the SAS Postulate to prove [math]MNP=POM[/math]? What was it like to anchoring The Spiltzvilla Show by Vijay Raaz? Colonial britain had tortured, slaved, killed more people than Nazi Germany. But why is Nazi Germany referred to as evil, but not colonial Britain? Why do even tall women wear heels? What is the necessity of height at all? What does 'sine' mean when using a calculator? Will there be a World War III soon? What colour tie should I wear with a pink shirt? In an animal cell, what are the functions of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum? Where is fuel in a passenger aircraft stored and what is the typical capacity? If buy a dress online, is it reliable? Is it necessary to follow a religion? Why would someone block you on social media after they reject you? What is the technique to predict a football match result? What are the good things about pakistan? Who is your best friend? Why? How many calories does Zumba burn in one hour? How many times does the earth spin around on its axis (relative to the fixed stars) in one year? What are the best options for laptops in data science/analysis/machine learning? Which is the best book? Can a teacher / lecturer / prefessor reject a former student request of recommendation letter? Is it a good time to become a lawyer? Why are cells a fundamental unit of life? How do I calculate air temperature? How do I run away from home? What is the best gaming graphics card for around 400 euros? What does Balaji Vishwanathan think about the ban of ₹500 and ₹1000 currency notes in India? Do wormhole really exist? If yes, are there any discoveries so far? Why did the custom of saying “God bless you” after someone sneezes start? How can I help my friend to find a job? What is the role of vision, mission and values in the strategic management process? Do you like fast food and why? Is it mandatory to have 10,000 Thai baht when entering Thailand for a visit, or can I carry the amount in my ATM card and use it when I need it? What is the interview process at bpo? Which is better, The GTX 1060 6GB or the RX 480 8GB and why? What Is your New year resolutions in 2017? Why do only American authorities seize websites on the dark web? Shouldn't sites in other countries be seized by their authority? Who is the love solutions super specialist astrologer? Why do Shias hurt themselves during the Islamic month of Muharram? How can chemical bonds form? Why do Chinese people eat bird's nest? Is it good for health or other reasons? Why was Ellen DeGeneres awarded a Medal of Freedom? Can I get the schedule for preparation of maths and English NDA in 6 months? How do I stop my puppy from chewing my shoes? What is the best board to learn FPGA programming? Polymers: What are the differences between addition polymerization and condensation polymerization in terms of molecular behaviour and mechanistic features? What hotel in Nallamala Hills Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? Why do some IFTTT recipes not work? Why is gravity so difficult to include in the Standard Model? Do employees at Diamond Foods have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? What are your strengths and weakness that you feel will influence work in the organization? Anybody wants know to know how you can make an extra $1000 a month? How can I become a data scientist? Why has Ukraine done so well in the Paralympics? And why do France perform so poorly? What are the best books for learning data structures? What are the details behind Square Cash (P2P Service)? Do swiping machines in shops have a limit on the amount to be drawn like the ATM machines? Will India be able to achieve it's vision 2020 or will it take some more years for APJ Abdul Kalam’s Dream to come true? What does high level mean in terms of business? Why do Indian medias and experts doubt the Indian GDP growth rate? What is the process to immigrate to Canada? How accurate is Criminal Minds regarding behaviour analysis? How do I find out what social site my boyfriend is using? What is your view on the move to scrap 500 and 1000 rupee notes? What will be its effects? Who are the best bossa nova artists? What is best credit card? What will be the fees for management quota in medical colleges? What are some mind-blowing smartphone gadgets that exist that most people don't know about? Which are the best places for get together in Pune? In mi4i when the phone is on standby it automatically makes call to any random contact on its own? Do you think caste based reservation is good for India? I asked before about passing my drug test but didn't give enough details, will I pass my drug test? (sorry to those who answered before) I give you £100. You have to offer part of this £100 to someone. Unless they accept the offer, you get nothing. How much will you offer? Why cooldrinks filled with gas are bad to health? What do you think about the ban on 500 and 1000 denomination notes in India? How can you treat a bruised cornea? Who is handsome northeastern boys or mainland india boys? Does God live within myself? Where can I take a reference for A Level Music 9703 subject? Which is the best phone in a range of Rs 5000-6000? Why are computer science engineer graduates not told what authoritative dictionary they should rely on to define terms in their perspective fields? Is it possible to grow hair on natural wide forehead with natural ingredients? What is the best format for seo Reporting to a client? It will be great help if anybody can provide a sample Report or a link from where it can be seen. What is the meaning of Daboch? What does the blue tick mark beside the names in Instagram mean? Why do so many consider Erwin Rommel to be such a great general? What is the strangest thing someone has ever said to you? Which is the highest peak of India; K2 or Kachenjungha? Who is the best actor ever in Indian cinema? I'm new to the Nimrod language and I'd like to know what are the best practices concerning a web app developed in a Windows system to run in a Linux server? Where can I get best services in property transactions across the Sydney? How do I deal with a person who never accepts his/her mistakes even after knowing that he/she is wrong? Can you play Asian Playstation 4 games on a European Playstation? What does the poem Amitabh Bachan narrate in pink movie mean? What was the production of artwork intended for in Hawaii and how is it compared to the one intended for in Pennsylvania? How do you get rid of acne scars on your chest? How does postimage.org make money? What are the best ways to lose weight fast? Is it possible to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks without a regular diet? How do I remove Google custom search engine from address bar of Google chrome? What is it like getting a job in IT (web development) in Southeast Asia and East Asia? Which countries are the easiest to get into? How is the concentration of concentrated HCl calculated? What is the most funny joke you have ever heard? Which is the most expensive school in India? Why do some YouTube videos load slower than others? What is Hillary Clinton like in private? What will happen after I die? "In Facebook's definition of ""monthly active users"" do they include users who signed up that month, and didn't visit again that month?" What are some cultural faux pas of asking cultural faux pas questions? What is efficient market? Was Elvis Presley overrated? Has any country other than India ever had Demonetization of their currency notes? What are the differences between being nervous and being anxious? How can I become a great communicator? How can I reset a PC Window password? What is the difference between parliamentary and presidential form of government? What are the best countries to work in for Indians? What exactly is illegal about the Israeli settlements? Which iPhone should I buy between iPhone 5s and 6? Why are external exams important in schools? What are the best kitchen knives for a beginner? How do I increase general knowledge? Why there are no pictorial evidences of surgical strikes by Indian Army released so far? Can a CT be used as PT? Is there any bug or issue found in coolpad note 3 lite marshmallow update using sp flash tool? What are the best ways to celebrate new year at home? which laptop will be best under Rs 30,000? What does it mean if a dog vomits white foam? Should people be judged by the way they dress? Where can I find the uncut, uncensored Fifty Shades of Grey movie online? What are you pretending not to know? Why was the Baby Boom important? Do phytoplankton cause eutrophication? What do you think of the decision by the Indian Government to replace 1000 notes with 2000 notes? Did Lilith really exist? Why is she not mentioned in the Bible at all? Why does popcorn taste bitter? I am a final year student and i want to clear UPSC . Where should I start? Is it possible to connect two TVs to a Tata Sky? Is Nest independently profitable near the end of 2015? Why did J.J. Abrams decide to change the look of Klingons in the latest Star Trek movie? Will you marry a girl who is not virgin? Which university offers fastest bachelor course in India? What is the difference between the USA and India? How can I leave a WhatsApp group permanently so that no admin can add me further? Is it legal for a civilian to be wearing full military camouflage uniform at the airport while travelling? How would World War Three develop if it started today? Daniel Ek: When will you launch Spotify in India? Are grappling dummies worth it if I want to get better at BJJ and MMA? Who in the Earth named Earth? How can we make elearning courses or video tutorials to teach Dentistry.? My laptop came without an Nvidia Graphics card sticker on it,what should I do now? What are the practical steps in a statutory audit? Is input: 150-300VAC, output: 5.0--0.7A charger compatible for Gionee E6 battery capacity: 2000mah.? How do I fix a laptop that won't turn on? Is EEE in VSSUT, Burla good? Is the placement good? What type of companies recruit EEE graduates? What is Hillary Clinton's strategy to take down ISIS? Do you use Java or JavaScript to make an Android game? What bones are safe for a dog to eat? Can a black mamba kill an elephant with one bite? What is the condition for a straight line y=mx+c to be normal to a parabola y^2=4ax? Which is the best alternative for Google AdSense and why? How likely is getting an offer from Facebook after passing technical phone interviews for a software engineering job and preparing for an onsite interview? How do actors' significant others feel about love scenes in film, TV and theater? How is it possible to turn lead into gold? What is to know about money? My wife's cat is old and does not use the litter box any more. Is it right to consider putting her down? Can NLP be implemented in PHP? If yes, how? What are some best topics for blog according to trends? Which kind of topics will grab more attention? What's the worst thing a boss has ever asked you to do for your job? How do I pass my btech maths exam? What is the best way to write a cover letter head? How do I see someone photos on snapchat? What is a psychology? How do I become mature? What is the best video for someone who has never done yoga before and has bad wrists? (See details please!) I've seen many disabilities, that have asocial and introvert as symptoms, can someone with no disabilities or disorders that are normal, be like this? What do you think of the decision by the Indian Government to demonetize 500 and 1000 rupee notes? Five intersecting straight lines are drawn in a plane. What is the maximum number of triangles that can be formed? Is tickling POWs acceptable according to the laws of war? Do people of thinking type personalities (intp or intj) exist much less in Asia than the rest of the world? What is the difference between centripetal and centrifugal force? What causes people to be ignorant? How do I demonstrate entrepreneurial skills in running a business/retail service station? What does retailer think of e commerce website? Asus: How do I update zenfone 5 to lollipop? My firmware is v Psychology of Everyday Life: What are some of the greatest examples of presence of mind? Is there a chance that Donald Trump turns out to be a very good president? What do you think about the next chapter in the mass effect universe? Who are the best political leaders in India? How much interest money will I get per month, if I deposit 50 lakhs ₹ for 2 years and the interest per 3 months is at 8%? Do you have any New Years resolutions for 2017? What is a Euro? Could Bruce Lee actually play table tennis with his nunchucks? What are some of the best work-from-home jobs and where can someone apply? "What horse breed were commonly used during the ""Wild West""?" How do AKC and ACA dog clubs differ? How do you invert your selection in Photoshop? If a student clear a compartment in one subject in class XI CBSE exam. Would he be eligible for promotion or his overall result in that subject would be taken in to consideration? What is the difference between CC and 2S classes of travel in Jan Shatabdi express? Which one has more scope-SAP CRM Functional Testing or CRM Performance Tesing as a career? What is the dress code of news anchors? Does the medical profession know the cure to cancer? How much does an M1 Abrams cost? What are the daily routines of Barack Obama? What is really sarcastic and how can one be sarcastic? Who is better Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Will the value of Indian rupee increase after the ban of 500 and 1000 rupee notes? How can I sell antique furniture? How do I unlock carrier locked iphones? Is there a genealogical degree? How do I make websites? How widespread is Arabic in France and Italy? What is the best advice for someone with social anxiety? At what time should I drink green tea to be fit? Is Udacity Nanodegree plus is available in India now? Can I do second year degree after completeing my AME course? How difficult is it to get admission to the Syracuse University? How do I get smooth legs? What exams are require for entering a Mechatronics college in India after 12th like jee, neet or any other? Which country are the trustworthy allies of India? Is Marcos Arteaga a social media expert? What are the checkpoints to get the Tata Cornell scholarship? If our parents never taught us to walk when we were toddlers, would we be able to walk as adults? What are the best books to improve Math skills? Does it matter who wins the American League East in 2010? How do I get better at conversing with strangers? Is the lottery rigged/a scam? What are the healthiest foods to eat for dinner? How can I see who viewed my Instagram videos? How can I publish my novel without much money? What is it like to be a public relations professor? What are some good hacks for formatting the Table of Contents in a Google Doc? Where can you find the best weekly Forex Analysis? Why do the people fall in love? What is the reason behind the resignation of Tata Sons (Tata Group) chairman Cyrus Mistry? What is a beneficial interest statement and how does the way I answer it affect my taxes? Who are angel investors? Can someone share your experiences about real time puppet issues and how did you solve them? Is India going to win any medals in Rio Olympics 2016? A man covers 1/3rd of journey by cycle at 50 Km/h, the next 1/3 by car at 30 km/h, rest walking at 7 km/h. average speed during the whole journey.? What kinds of games did you play in the schoolyard as a child and who taught you them? What would happen if an independent presidential candidate beats out the Republican and Democratic candidate but fails to win enough electoral votes to secure the presidency? How much salary should I offer a somewhat junior (i.e. college degree but only 18 mo of work experience) UI/UX designer? What is the fastest way to grow an economy? What is the best 2 day tour plan for Palakkad, Kerala? What is some music like the late period of Swans, considering Michael Gira is dissolving the current incarnation after this tour? What are the similarities and differences between Islam and Shaivism? How do I post a question in Quora? What is an atomic? Why did the State of Israel systematically apply torture against so many Palestinian and other prisoners in its custody? What are some interesting questions you come across on Quora? How do I upload videos edited in iMovie on iOS to Instagram without losing the HD quality? Why is a governor not used in petrol engines? What is the easiest and painless way to commit suicide? Do you know anything about the Masai's custom of drinking cow blood (that they take from the cow without killing the cow) that you can share? How can discontinuing 500 and 1000 rupee will help to control black money? How do you stop an 8 week Husky puppy from biting my shoes? Did Trump win the debate where it mattered? Name the coutries other than india which provide caste reservation? Why is rock music greater than EDM? How can you get a loan without having any credit? Why do men abuse women? What are some military software that is used in hunting hitler tv show? Teenagers and Teenage Years: What does it feel like to be in 12th grade? How can I learn flute online? What are some unusual aspects about politics and government in São Tomé and Príncipe? What is the difference between 'start' and 'begin'? What does it mean when soldiers say 'actual' in a radio conversation? How can I switch my job from sales fmcg to Supply Chain Management? Who is better: Donald Trump or Rahul Gandhi? How can I download videos from YouTube through IDM? Smokers & ex-smokers: What words would you send to a 16 year old, who's experimenting with cigarettes and smokes once a month as a stress-relief? NMAT MOCK for free.? Why is the cost of living so high? How soon can you test for pregnancy after ovulation? Did you ever get back with a lost love? How do I make a virtual pro on FIFA 16? And how do you play as the pro(be a pro). What about drinking too much green tea? What is the true intent/motivation and purpose of racism? Is there a comprehensive list of the top 100 news websites in the world? In what language should I record YouTube videos if I live in Poland and fluent in both languages? Is juice the new coffee? What is the best structure for a Marketing Department in an Internet Company? For web designing, where shall I start from i.e. which one shall I learn first like PHP, dotnet, CSS or something else? How can I increase traffic to my websites by Facebook? Does the new 2000 Rs. Indian currency really have a microchip or is it just a trick to fool the people convincing them about this bold step? "Will the ""Egyptian model"" help to curb Islamic terrorism in other countries?" I have an interview in Telecom in 5 days. Where can I find a good free online course on the basics of 2g,3g,4g? Why C++ is not considered as pure Object Oriented programming? What is the best way to make a girl happy? What is the difference between budgeting and forecasting? Are there other trading REST APIs like Robinhood API? How to flirt with unknown girl? I want to do engineering in robotics after BBA .Is it possible? "What can you do to get rid of the ""Already Imported"" photos on your iPhone, as reported by iPhoto?" What do Americans think about Australians? How do North/South Korean spies travel between the two countries without being detected? Why was Austria-Hungary divided into a dozen states after WWI but Germany not? How can I pass the 1Z0-560 exam? How should you take care of a Border Collie/Golden Retriever puppy? Why do some people smile when the other person is angry? What's the best crash course on blogging? What career advice would you give to someone who wants to become a journalist? Is there a dark side to xenophilia? Where can I find a multi-criteria product rating dataset? What's a catchy name for a freelance makeup artist? How do you wash boots in a washing machine? Does long distance relationship works? What is it like to live in a submarine for a prolonged period of time? Do you think that this world is really fair? Is there anything like Karma? Do we really reap what we sow? When is the next Flipkart's Big Billion Day? Is life really what you make it? I am expecting 180 in the JEE-Advanced 2015. Can I get mechanical engineering in the new IITs? How and why did some labor unions become intertwined with organized crime like the mafia? What is a good way to start making multiple streams of income? Does ICICI Pockets App (Visa Card) also use two factor authentication or just CVV based Authentication (while doing transaction online)? Can tortoises eat blueberries? Why? How do I know if my wife cheats? What is the best anime to watch when you are bored? What are your views on Digital Development by Akhilesh Yadav in Uttar Pradesh? What are the list of exercise to do at home for getting six pack abs? Is there a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in Kenai Peninsula County AK? Which is the best online platform to sell products? I’m planning for a career as FD/RD agent. What is the commission percentage do FD/RD agents receive? What are antibodies and antigens? How does sex feel like for the first time? What are the main reasons why students from Mills College don't graduate on time? If energy is not conserved in an expanding universe, can infinite energy be created? Is it potential energy or potentiality infinite? What can money buy? How will the ban on Rs 500 and 1000 notes impact the Indian economy? What nonprofits are leading the way in a nonviolent consumer revolution? Where can I get best furniture removal or storage services in Central Coast? Would enterprise POS Systems allow any new feature done outside? Why do I get bored with things so quickly and easily? Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Moultrie County IL? Why is expansion valve and condenser used in refrigerator? Why most Indian men hate modern day feminism? Do you believe in life after death? What universities does Resource Capital recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? What is the best laptop under 45k? Where can I download the entire 2001 album by Dr. Dre? Who are the best book publicists in mumbai? I am doing diploma from computer science what are the points I should follow and remember to attain a good career, any suggestion from experienced one? Will GST be applicable for may 2018 CA final exam? How do you use a Vanilla Visa gift card? How do I beat a psychopath? Why am I losing body fat percentage and not weight? What are good reasons that an American should move to Europe? Is it healthy to eat egg whites every day? What is the best cure for a hangover? How will the scrapping of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes help in reducing black money and corruption? How should I make money online for free? Is transsexuality a mental condition? How much of myoglobin is there in pork and how much of Iron is there in the myoglobin in weight? What is an Animal Technician? How many keywords are there in the TeX programming language in the latest version? Having never read Ernest Hemingway, what's the one book of his, one should read? What is the Rogan Board? How is mass of earth calculated? What is the importance of your parents in your life? What are the biggest mistakes people make when visiting Afghanistan? What is the most important thing in life? And why? Why haven't any other countries been to the Moon since the U.S. last did with Apollo 17? Why are nitrogen triple bonds so stable and double bonded nitrogens are so unstable? "Tamil: What is the etymology/ word origin of the Tamil word ""வெற்றி ""? How does it relate to the word ""Victory""? Which word is older?" What are the interesting criminal cases solved? How do I prepare for Puthat entrance exam? I don't think my boyfriend cares about my feelings, and if I try to talk to him about that, he turns it around somehow so he looks like the victim. Why does he do that? How can I stop letting this affect me? Is walthpire.com a scam? What is Coursera? How West Indies got its name? How can I remove my Gmail account from a device? What I do after electrical engineering? How much does getting a patent cost? What is your score in KVPY SA 2016 (aptitude test)? What is the expected cutoff? What happens to basketball players' outside contracts when they're injured, have a bad season, or consistently lose games? How can I contact my secret ruling class or shadow government? Is it okay to wear a black shirt with khaki pants? What is the average height in the USA? What is your review of City by the Sea (2002 movie)? How can I overcome my depression and my fears? What are the laws that disallow fondling an unconscious person at a party in Britain? From where I can buy bitcoin? What are the disadvantages of the internet? How do I become an expert in trignometry? What is engineerapplication.com's business model? How do I learn to talk less? I am an engineer with some courses in Sanskrit (High School Level). How hard would it be to become fluent enough to compose folk poetry? How cold can the Gobi Desert get, and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Karakum Desert? Will you spend any time or focus on Morgellons and the five overlooked parasite infections in the USA? How many hours of sleep does Barack Obama get per night? How does a 3D printer work? Are there ones that are even able to print food? How would scrapping Rs 500 and 1000 notes affect the real estate sector? Before the BIG-BANG the Universe was condensed in just one point. Where was that point in, since the Universe was all there in that point? What is your review of Broken (2006 movie)? How does Soyoung.com make money? What is the First Amendment? What do the MC, M+, M-, MU and MRC buttons on calculators do? What makes you feel bad? Can I make money by uploading videos on YouTube (if I have subscribers)? What is chia? How different are the Thai and Lao languages? Why does sex exist? How do I prepare for the NEST exam (last 10 days)? DId something exist before the Big Bang? What is your review of the book Dystopia, The Thin Line between Love and Hate? If cats are so smart and emotional, why didn't they evolve into humans? What accounts for the success of Elon Musk and his various companies? What is the difference between dubstep, electronic, techno, and house music? What are the advantages of land pollution? What is the meaning and usage of the phrase 'or part thereof'? How can I stop masturbating forever? How do you invest $1000? How do I know if my car is a front wheel drive or a rear wheel drive? Do young people listen to Beatles music? How can I become a better problem solver? What mindset should I cultivate? Why are guns legal in USA? Do women in Saudi Arabia remove the burka for passport photographs and security checkpoints? How helpful is doing digital marketing course? What is the best story you can write in only one line in malayalam? How can you tell if someone is active on Bumble? How do I let WhatsApp store data directly to a micro SD card? When you are doing something and there are obstacles, how do you decide if God is trying to stop us or is he testing how desperately we want that thing? How can I stop masturbation? Does eating microwaved foods cause cancer? What is the best whey protein shake on the market? When is surge pricing on Uber generally in effect in Sarasota and how high does it go? Is adfc a good company? Is there a free voting script online, like maxim hot 100? What are your views on the decision of Narendra Modi to discontinue the use of 500 and 1000 currency notes? I am not happy with myself. I think my memory is bad, and I struggle in conversations as I have to try hard recollecting/ thinking what to say next. What are some psychological tricks to get people to like you? How can I control on my anger? What are all the buildings constructed using composite materials? Does black hair dye fade? What are some things that you want your fellow Indian citizens to stop doing? BenQ ZOWIE XL2720 144Hz 27 or BenQ 1ms GTG XL2720Z? What is an air turbulence? What is the purpose of enlightenment? What are the most interesting products and innovations that City National is coming out with in 2016? How many users does SoundHound have? When will Luffy meet Shanks again? What happens after a PhD? What do you guys think of adult babies? How can I make a post on Quora? Why does moon drop look like that? Shouldn't temperature have units of J instead of K (since it measures the average kinetic energy of a body)? How will black money and corruption be stopped by banning 500 and 1000 notes? What advice would you give to a person that has debilitating social anxiety? What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Will County IL? What universities does Chefs' Warehouse recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Are there any distinct different benefits between Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve? If so, what are they? How much can a great essay help in getting an Indian undergraduate applicant into one of the top 50 engineering colleges in the US with financial aid? How do I value vintage Cabbage Patch Dolls of 1985? How do I read someone's WhatsApp messages without any access to their mobile phone? What is the best way to get free traffic to my website? Does Language in autistic children improve as they grow older? What is the worst thing that happened to you for being nice? Why do many people programming in artificial intelligence choose Python and JavaScript? Why doesn't Linux support .mp4 video format? What is the use of BPO Service Provider in Aadhaar online update service? Which chicken fast food place has the best fried chicken? What is velocity of charged particles? How do I convert commercial vehicle number to private vehicle number? Why does generic pasta cook so poorly, compared to higher-priced pastas like de Cecco? How do LGBT members feel in India? Do women like anal sex? What are some experiences about studying in IISER? What is the function of a resistor? Is it necessary that anyone has some hobby? What should I do to become a good actor? What is the best way to prevent Cancer? Which are the best educational resources for studying moral leadership for human resource management? How important were the INR 500 & INR 1000 notes to an average person? Can dogs eat grapes? Where do I learn C#? How do I delete someone off Facebook Messenger? How should I break up with my girlfriend? I am conflicted? Which bike is better Pulsar 150 dtsi or Avenger 150 street.? How successful was the US policy of containment in the origins of the Cold War? What will it take to eradicate racism in America? What is the currency war? What are some of the responsibilities of a US citizenship compared to a Swiss citizenship? Would you invest in a stock at its first day of trading (IPO)? What does Hans Zimmer think of the Schmidt synth compared to other analog polysynths? Why do many people shake their leg involuntarily, or while thinking? How do I stay motivated while self educating? Why were Native Americans never or not widely enslaved in America despite being coloured? How do I fight loneliness? What is purpose of life? How do you determine the chemical formula for hydrogen sulphate? What is the question that you've always wanted to ask the world? What is the difference between Honda Accord LX and EX? Which is the best coaching institute for IIT JAM physics in Delhi? If you are given a wish to choose one super-power, what will you choose? Why are people usually more scared of stray dogs than stray cats? Lately, I sent a WhatsApp message to a friend who was online, but my message shows only one tick mark. How can I do that to my WhatsApp too? How do I build traffic to my website? "Why are some of my questions being marked as ""Needs Improvement"" no matter what I do to improve it?" Where can I hire an email hacker? What are some good penny stock marijuana stocks? How do I get a custom Snapchat filter? Why can I not get out of bed? What is x category security? Where can I get very superior painting services in Sydney for home’s interior? Can I get some GSL speech on disbandment of foreign military bases in other countries country France? Why is Manaphy crying incessantly throughout in Pokemon Ranger and The Temple of The Sea? How good is internship in embedded systems in TEVATRON TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD? What is PPF account? What are some of the best emerging storytelling formats? How do I block proxy server? How popular is audio messaging (press and hold the microphone to record) in apps like WhatsApp, Viber, and WeChat? And why would people use audio messaging instead of a typed message? What would have happened if John Lennon hadn't been shot? How can I get over the fact that I'm unintelligent? What tomatoes are used to make salsa? How is salsa made? Which are the best Hollywood movies of all time? How should I propose a girl who is my crush? What was Marc Srour like as a teenager? What do you get for being a Google Student Ambassador? What are some tips on transitioning from the United States to England? "Why is plaster of Paris called ""plaster of Paris"" and not by any other name like cement concrete?" How can I get MOOC related to Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery [B.H.M.S.] developed by Indian doctors/Medical professorial/professors? Which website can I watch free TV series? How do you pronounce love? These days the only thing smart about a person is their phone? How is the brain different from the mind? What should I do for my career growth? How can I apply for summer internships? If you see yourself as an objective, knowledgeable observer of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, what is the absolute bottom line in your opinion? What is the purpose of NADPH Oxidase in the nucleus and mitochondria? Who is better Trump or Clinton? Oneplus 3 review from Indian user? What accomplishments has Halle Berry achieved? What causes a false melena? Why is Michael Scott balding in season 1 of The Office? What time does Walmart money center close? What are guilty pleasures? Is light the same as ray? If not, what are the differences between light and ray? What is your review of 9 (2009 movie)? What are the functionalities of the session layer of the OSI model? How does it compare to the presentation layer? How do I prepare for ibps? How do you lose weight in a week? How will banning the 500-1000 rupee notes ensure black money inflow from the foreign countries and also why make 2000 rupee notes later? What is the best song to sing in a karaoke? Why does the United States give so much foreign aid to Israel? What are some chemical properties of halogens and alkali metals? "What does ""in transit"" mean on FedEx tracking?" I have been allotted into Contact center project using VoiceXml.what is the scope of this technology? What's the difference between chemical engineering and applied chemistry? What would happen to Indonesia if Bali became an independent nation? Online wholesale grocery store in vizag? What are the key points do I look for in the companies before investing in them? What is the best forum on the internet to subscribe in? How does learning happen? What is wrong with Indian education system? How can we improve it? Which are the best places to visit in Lucknow? What is it like to date a pornstar? What are the most stressful things about directing films? What are some good dares for texting? What will kill me first: lack of sleep or lack of food? What is the salary for new graduates starting at Google in 2016? How hard is it to learn how to snowboard? Why are kirchaff's law for distributed models? Can I get CGPA 10 if I score A1 in 2 subjects and A2 in one subject and finally a c grade in maths? What are some of the best ways to prevent deforestation? What is the symbolism of the number 8? Can someone still get your message on snapchat if they haven't read it yet and you deactivated your account? How do I overcome this anxiety of dying? How can I be a doctor? How much money should I carry for a week-long trip to Cambodia? What are payday loans? Is the reservation system good for our country's educational system? How close are we to time travel? What are some of the jobs good for introverts? What are the top most coupon sites in India? Why did Major Gaurav Arya retire from the army? Would you vote for Hillary Clinton and why? What is the role of the Bank of England? Which is the best way to learn c++? Are there any good probability and statistics supplemental textbooks for a 300 level math course? If 4 whites had kidnapped and tortured a disabled black teen in Chicago, would Black Lives Matter now be rioting in the streets? What is the perfect age for marriage in India? Why is Malaysia wealthier than Indonesia and Philippines? Can I remotely gps track another phone? Does honey go bad? Where can I get good quality weed in Delhi? Who is Batman's greatest foe? What Factors decide Google place Ranking? Why should we pay tax in India? How can I be important in the society? Why am I attracted to East Asian men? What are some great speciality hospitals of the world? Have Catholics ever been persecuted for their beliefs? How do I convince parents for a love marriage? What are some best techno songs? I've been snowboarding for a few years now, and have good control of the board, but I can't seem to get over the fear of speed. Any advice as to how to get over it? Why are climate scientists saying that the situation is worse than they first estimated it to be? Do I need to have a Gmail account to use WhatsApp on a Microsoft phone? I am a student of class 9. I wish to secure an excellent AIR on the JEE IIT. I am done with a few important chapters of studying 11 physics and math. How should I prepare? Which team will lift the IPL 2015 trophy? How are monster balls paintball made? How are they used? Which engineering stream has the most scope? Was Mahavir Phogat really locked in the store room as shown in the movie Dangal? What is an austerity program? Where do you find stocks to swing trade? How many individuals in the United States have a net worth of 100-300 million dollars? How do Hutterites, Mennonites and Amish differ? What are the differences amongst should, could and would? What are some questions that should never be answered? How should we improve communication skills? I am getting 540 marks in AIPMT 2015. Will I get in Lady Hardinge Medical College Delhi? Is paypal on a hiring freeze. If yes when are they expected to start hiring again? What will I get if I scored 482 in GATE 2016 CSE? What is the best way to learn Chinese? "How is the word ""dissemble"" used in a sentence?" Why do people ask me to answer questions that there's no reason to think I know the answer for? Why aren't white Americans called European Americans? "What does the police code ""Code 5"" mean?" How can I change the appearance of WhatsApp's iOS chat bubbles? How do you get so many views on Quora? How do I stop being addicted to news? How can one concentrate on work? Is there a psychological explanation for why humans name things? "Which is correct, ""I missed you"" or ""I've missed you""?" How do I improve my pronunciation in English? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Access National? How can you lose weight quickly? How can I find the aim of my life? What makes someone fall in love with you? What should I absolutely not do when visiting your country? What are the cut off marks for the JEE Mains 2015? How hard is making an app in the UK? Who are some of the best people to follow on Quora? Dating and Relationships: Is there a way I can get him to tell me how he feels about me and what he wants without directly asking that question or seeming needy or pushy? What is it like to be a visual designer at Google? What were the drawbacks of New Economic Policy 1991? Can I install a tablet in my car? What's the best online backgammon game and why? I want to see if my girlfriend will make effort like me to have me in her life. Am I thinking wrong? Do you ever feel sick to your stomach when you see a girl you would like to get to know better or see a piece of art you’re fond of? What are the best resources for free business case studies? What are some things I could do when I'm bored or just want to relax? My dad is a Brahmin and my mom is Forward caste. Am I considered Brahmin, semi-Brahmin or non-Brahmin? What are some important android phone apps? Why is the Android app similar to Gramfeed? What does Pakistani people think about India? How do l study efficiently? Does BITS Pilani offer B.Sc courses? Truth: Why do people lie and cheat? What is the location of Palawan, and how does this Island compare to Banaba Island? Do many people fake smiles, when they get their picture taken? What is it like to live in Unalaska? "What are some examples of sentences using the word ""livid""?" What are the most interesting products and innovations that C&J Energy Services is coming out with in 2016? How hard would it be for somebody on my home wifi network to get all the data coming in and going out, even data sent by other computers? What has your experience been with paper bag flooring? How can I avoid a penalty for changing my destination for an Easyjet flight? What is a good book? How do I give charity? What machine learning algorithms does Whale use? How do I impress a girl on chat? How can someone hack into my phone? How has the average weight of a human changed over the last centuries? Why we need vlsi? Which Are The Leading Voip providers For Small Business? How does ESP work? How was your NMIMS NPAT 2016? Is there any way to recover an e-mail in Gmail after it's deleted from the trash? What is a function pointer? How do I post a question in Quora? What are the pros and cons of a universal world language? How can I download PES 2017 for PC? Robert Frost: Was the moon landing a hoax? "Where did the phrase ""inquiring minds want to know"" come from?" Is it true that in Russia soldiers must have the situation under control with a bear in 1vs1? Who is working on end to end encryption at WhatsApp? What is something that I don't know but you do? What are the best things in life? GATE: Is it necessary to take coaching for Gate? I read somewhere that to take admission in NITs I need 75% marks in XII. Is it true? What is difference between a muscle car and sports car? What are your opinions on Brexit? Why do lies hurt? What are the 5 top brilliant examples of strategy implementation? What can be the medium budget to visit best places in Kerala for three members (2-3 days)? How do I get a job at Intel? What are some good thesis topics in tourism? Can Donald Trump still win the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election? A man dressed in all black is walking down a country lane. Suddenly, a large black car without any lights on comes round the corner and screeches to a halt. How did the car know he was there? Which are some best websites for mechanical engineering students? How do I find out someone's Facebook password? How do I get the desired sheets as a loop from the workbook automatically using selenium WebDriver? What has Jon Stewart's best rant been thus far on the Daily Show? How can I prove that a negative number multiplied by another negative number is positive? What is the difference between offshore and onshore? What does a tornado sound like? Do they sound like a freight train? What is gsm, CDMA, wcdma, & lte? How do sodium sulfate and hydrochloric acid react? Who are terrorists in India? What is meaning of impeachment? What is the best way to invest money to make money? How does your height increase? Is dating easy for a rich guy? How can I get a good sense of humour? She friendzoned me, I have known her for 2 weeks, do you tkink I have to try the all out or just keep going and forget her? How much does PewDiePie make? What are the top trends in Mobility for 2013? Can a pit beat a wolf? What was the first book published which questioned the official story in the Lindbergh Baby case? How can I improve my content writing? What causes Netflix to not play on a Mac? How do you fix this? How can an iPod Touch 4g volume button that is stuck be fixed? Why do people still see the BJP as a party with a communal agenda? What is the quickest possible way to lose weight? What are the best healthy snack ideas? Why do we continue this American experiment? We hate each other. Liberals are about to burn the country down at inauguration, why continue? Who is going to win the 2016 US presidential election? Why? What is non-biodegradable? What are some examples? What are some of the best sites to watch documentaries? Can we use human shampoo on cows? How do you restore a suspended account on Google Plus? Electric Potential difference gives flow of charge then, Will Gravitational Potential difference give flow of time? How can I be successful in my life? What advice would you give your 30 year old self? Why are boys so different from girls? Apache Kafka alternatives? Why does Shiva worship Rama? What was the worst thing that happened to you for being nice? Can we earn money through Quora? How do I find someone that can hack a website? Why do I worry and stress a lot the entire day leading up to a first date? Is this normal anxiety or do I have a disorder? What did Winston Churchill do? Have you ever had an affair with a married man? If so, how long did it last? How long does it take for a complete beginner to learn how to develop android apps? Can I check who viewed my Instagram pic? How do you build a lot of muscle? How do I file income tax return in India? What is the best app to learn programming in Android? What are some dishes to serve with stuffed mushrooms? How much do Indian professors earn? What is difference between family and household? What are my chances to get into UCs? How do you create blog in Quora? What URL shall I use? How long does ibuprofen take to work? Where can I find sex pictures? Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Upson County GA? What is the problem in my code? What are the ranks in the National Guard? What is the difference between drug abuse and drug addiction? Modi: what is a computer? What Christmas traditions do you and your family have for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? What is the best civilization in Age of Empires III asian dynasties? What are the thoughts that any PhD student should have to keep himself/herself motivated at all times? What are the best speeches on humanity? Which smartphone has the best camera? "Is ""Annie"" from Smooth Criminal a real person?" Why do Indian consultancies in the US fake resumes and market candidates for IT jobs? Why has this practice continued? Does “manspreading” offend you? Which is best mobile operating system Android or iOS? Does ubuntu 16.04 have lots of bugs? How do I hide my likes and comments from a friend on Facebook? What are the effects of demonetization? Is it really successful? How do I balance a chemical equation in chemistry? How is Vision IAS coaching institute? I have heard their test series is good but what about the classroom coaching? Who is the all in one astrologer in india? Do you know Aamir Khan? When will Twitter die? How can we make education better? Can I check who viewed my Instagram pic? What is the difference between friends, friends of friends and public in Facebook? Is porn bad for men? What are the best Linux distros for power users? If time didn't exist before the Big Bang, how could the Big Bang possibly have happened? What were the osho meditation techniques, that made him controversial? What are the tips to prepare for competitive exams? Why is Soy milk bad for you? What would happen if you subjected an extrovert to introverted conditions for long periods of time? How is mechanical engineering course in VIT, Vellore? Why is the video quality on Android Snapchat so much worse than iOS Snapchat? What is the best site for downloading e-books? What are the best sites for CAT preparation? Which colour is good in maruti suzuki baleno? How can I turn on Find My iPhone if I don't have my phone? What would happen if you eat the same food for the rest of your life? What is the best way to be bold? How can I advertise to a list of Twitter usernames? Why do people not follow other people back on Instagram? How do I incorporate a social enterprise in USA? How much money can a foreigner change to rupee? Why does Quora limit my question details to 300 characters? What is the first programming languange to learn for a total beginner? How I got job civil engineer? What is my PUK code number and where can I find it? Who opposed the 17th ammendment? Which among five seasons (summer, winter, autumn, spring, rainy) is most favourable for farming and cultivating of crops? Will it be possible to slow aging scientifically in the near future? Why have the jews blasphemously chosen to be chosen? Why did Mahendra Singh Dhoni stepped down as a captain of team today? Body parts cannot be used as standard units of measurements. Why? How can I stop worrying about what other people think? Can you suggest some good movies like The Social Network? Is it possible to inherent stairs? what is the value of m for this function? When I draw on Doodle Too, the drawings keep fading off, how will I fix that? What movies made you cry? Any good hacks like aimbot and through wall and auto aimbot and fire etc. for Delta Force Black Hawk Down Team Sabre for multiplayer? I have a friend who owns a poultry farm what courses can help him improve him self in this field? What is the difference between the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods? Why do online shopping websites do not deliver ordered items as how they are displayed on their website/app? What are the reader's views on Harry Potter and The Cursed Child? "Is there a sequel to ""Jaani Dushman: Ek Anokhi Kahani""?" What is it like to have David Karger as a PhD advisor? How can I get saved wifi password? What are your favourite swear words? What is your greatest professional achievement? How do I crack the GRE? What is the difference between whatsoever and whatever? What is the best part of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? As a fresher How can I be the penetration tester? Where can I find the PDF of Chetan Bhagat’s One Indian Girl? Why do Tamilians despite knowing Hindi won't speak it? Do you know Jackie Chan? What's the most shocking answer you've seen on Quora? What are some great scientific movies like Interstellar? How legitimate are the claims in the recently declassified FBI documents that Hitler escaped to Argentina in 1945? How do I use my picture as my profile picture on Quora? What are Top 10 worst black Friday disasters? What is the price of a German Shepherd dog in India? Why do siblings fight? Do you like anime? Why were we didn't get interest in education? What was the significance of the battle of Somme, and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Calabria? How can I improve my communication skills in english? What are some examples of uniformly accelerated motion? Should I stop using pornography as a masturbatory aid? How do I start preparing for CAT '17? Why is Saltwater Taffy candy imported in Hong Kong? How is the New Bhim APP going to change India? Have you ever became friends with someone you actually didn't like at first? What was that like? Why does gst bill is important? How do I find the veins that are hidden in my body but that I can inject meth into? Could the RPK be belt-fed? What is the best way to grill frozen chicken? What are the best free sites for chatting with women? Other than humans, what animals menstruate? How can the drive from Edmonton to Auckland be described, and how do these cities' attractions compare to those in Montreal? Why most of the flight attendants are female? Why is the Duronto train green? Does not taking antibiotics build your immune system? Will letting my body take care of it help prevent me from having it again? How do we fall in love? What should I do to earn money online? What are the constituents of DNA and RNA? What are some best stories to improve self confidence? Why doesn't Devry University have a mascot? What are the functions of the kidneys? Could our species survive an all out nuclear war? How did Peter Singer become a Philosopher? What can you tell me about motor oil- conventional vs synthetic? Which startups are hiring in Toronto in 2016? If someone wants to open a commercial FM radio station in any city of India, how much does it cost and what is the procedure? Why do people believe in flat earth? Potential employers asked me to write a 700 word essay on why I want to work for them. How can I write the most effective one? What should you do when you love someone but there's too much water under the bridge, even when they are making positive changes? Tipalti helping crowdfunding? Why the civilians do not leave Aleppo? What are some good tips for asking questions on Quora? What is the best date you've ever been on? Non-Disclosure Agreements: How long is an NDA valid? Why do you believe that overall government regulation serves useful purposes? Do actors get a hard-on while filming kissing scenes or hot scenes with actresses? Do they ever get carried away while filming these scenes? What kind of car do you drive? How does one protect themself from neighbors noise? Which are the best whey protein brands in India? How should I prepare for BITSAT 2018? If I were dying tomorrow what should I do today? Should I buy Samsung Galaxy S7 or the S7 Edge? Does caste validity certificate required for admission in IIT/NIT? Could I become a UX designer without knowing really much about coding and prior working experience after seriously taking a UX full time course? What's the advantage of human cloning How can I learn to play guitar? Dreaming about someone you've never met? How do I talk English fluently? What is the corporate culture like at Square 1 Financial? How is the culture different than other companies? Which one of Step Up OR Step Down transformer is used at power stations and which one is used at local level to provide current to homes? What should a middle-aged man wear in order to look stylish? When will Hillary supporters stop whinning and start addressing Trump as Mr. President? What is the most arrogant thing you have ever done? What are some unbelievable facts of Mahabaratha and Ramayana? What makes bad individuals become good? How are neural connections formed in the human brain, and how does the brain decide to form them? Who is going to win the presidential election? What is a good substitute for cooking wine, and how can I prepare it? How do spiders find other spiders to mate with? Which is the best Smartphone under INR 15000 ? What diseases are caused by lymphs? Why are there so many people credited for writing a song? I'm currently a high school student in Sweden, my dream is to manage an hedge fund, what steps are required from now until then? Can I hack a Facebook account when I am logged in but don’t have password or email? Why does air flow? What is India/Indians gifted with? What are the skills required to get a job in companies like TI,Qualcom in analog VLSI domain? How do I let go of her? She was my first love How can I lose 30 pounds in 30 days with a workout plan? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Kraft Foods? What makes yawning contagious? How can I recover deleted photos from an iPhone? How do I add pictures to Quora questions? How do I prepare for NITIE interview for PGDIE? What's your experience on a full body massage in Bangalore? Is Turkey being westernized? What are the hacks to solve numericals in physics efficiently and easily? What are some good interview questions for senior Android developer with more than 4 years of experience? What is karela called in English? How can you figure out what you want? Who are competitors to Magento? What are the good and bad things about Saudi people? Have you ever regretted going to therapy? How long does EPFO generally take to generate UAN number? Where should a single gay man in his mid-30s live, around the world? How does Quora change you? What is it like to work at EY? "What is the meaning of the Tamil word ""teuria""?" How popular is Star World, AXN India & FX India among Indian viewers? How can I remember important dates of history? What type of government does Turkey have? How does it compare to the one in Iceland? Is it a good idea to give a bottle of wine as a wedding present? Let S = {−1, 0, 2, 4, 7}. Find f (S) if a) f (x) = 1. b) f (x) = 2x + 1. c) f (x) = x /5. d) f (x) = (x2 + 1) /3.? Why does K-pop favor feminine looking men? Why do I feel sleepy when I start studying? What can I do? What would be a realistic plan to lose weight? Where can I get an SBI debit card one-time password (OTP)? Which intersections in Pittsburgh are particularly dangerous? Why? What could be done to improve them? How to transfer a wordpress powered site to Amazon Web Services? Why did Edward Snowden do what he did? How can I delete my account on Quora after it has been deactivated? When in space, do astronauts see thousands of stars like we see in movies? How can I get online web design project? Is there any real proof of aliens? What is the greatest accomplishment of Mr. Ajay Chandrakar as a Chhattisgarh Panchayat and Rural Development Minister? I want to become a software engineer. What classes should I take in high school? How does the shape of a woman's face affect how she styles her hair? Why are former British colonies doing so well compared to Spanish/Portuguese/French colonies (there are exceptions, but the general trend is obvious)? Do employees at Alpha & Omega have a good work-life balance? Does this differ across positions and departments? How can we revamp education system in India? What are good gifts for a foreign visitor to bring when they're invited to someone's home in Belgium for the first time? Who are the current rising stars in linguistics? Where are the safest locations to go cliff diving in Florida? Which American restaurant chains can be found in Norway? What do Norwegian people think of them? C * What a ghost can do? Who is going to be a better president - Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? How do I stop wet dreams? How can I edit a question on Quora? What is the best certification course to learn digital marketing? What are the positives and negatives of restorative justice? What is OneCoin and is it legitimate? What it is like to have sex first time? Which countries will support India, if India bids for permanent membership in the UN security council and why? Would there be any hidden intentions of the countries, which are trying to support India? Where can I download Court Movie 2015 in Hindi or English language? Is time just an illusion? What are some good lyric prank songs for your best friend? Where can I find a PDF or online text of the Mahabharata in the Marathi language? Is life about how we live or how long we live? What does Donald Trump's victory mean for Silicon Valley? How does it feel like to get into Harvard? How does a central bank decide on how much currency to print? Are cafetaria and cafeteria both valid spellings? I completed my BE.During which I founded a successful IT service startupNow I want to work.due to my low academic I'm not getting any opportunities? What is the perk of working in a corporate office? How will the ban on 500 and 1000 rupee notes effect land/house rates? What are the mechanics of how Wall Street analysts calculate or predict a company's target price per share? What is SETI? What is the future scope of being a data scientist? What is the expected cutoff for the KVPY 2016? What are the different types of computer viruses? Is it possible to clear upsc in my first attempt if I work sincerely? How long do pork chops take to bake in the oven at 400 degrees? What happens after the lifetime of a black hole ends? Which is a good online course for studying distributed systems? Video lectures, preferred. How can I learn digital marketing online easily? Where does our desire for freedom come from? What causes a tongue to turn black after vomiting? What is the difference between common ground and isolated ground? Should I become a web developer? What are the demands of Maratha kranti morcha? What's the difference between Hadoop and R Programming? Is there any part time work that can be done from home? Can you use Vanilla Visa on Amazon? How do you truly know if you're gay? Why do I get bored with people so quickly? How do I create an algorithm with a spreadsheet? How will our economy will be affected by demonetizing Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes? What's the coolest thing you've ever found in a thrift shop? How can I be more persuasive at work? What are the best memes in college? If a term has been trademarked, can I use it in a domain name? Do you think Hillary Clinton will win? What is castor oil used for? How will demonetization affect India? What is your opinion of sex work? Should they get the same legal benefits as other jobs? What is a Chow Chow/Pomeranian mix like as a pet? Who are the best Hindi news reporters on Indian television? What is Michelle Obama's IQ? Do I have to pay New York state income and city tax if I only earned $970? How can I turn on my iPhone 3 which was not used for 3 years? What are curtailment bars on an r.c.c. slab? What is the Sahara, and how do the average temperatures there compare to the ones in the Gibson Desert? Who are the best signings for the Premier League this season (2016-2017)? What is the essence of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho? How can I gain weight quickly? The Indian government is banning the Rs. 500 & Rs. 1000 notes but it is coming up with the Rs. 2000 note. Will it not cause a generation of black money in the future? How do we make money online? What finance networking events in the NYC area are coming up, and are they worth attending? What are the things that you can't do using Java? What are the cheapest universities in Australia for studying Information technology for international students? What is the ideology motivating the Islamic State? What should be the resume format for an experienced candidate (1-2 year experience)? What inspired Steve Jobs to create Apple? Is there any permanent treatment of hypothyroidism? How do I recover my Facebook email and password? What is the future of chemistry? What is real and ideal gases? What are the differences between a compiler, an interpreter and an assembler? What is the importance philosophy of education? How is your chin shaped: square, oval, round, something else? Which is better, native app development vs. cross platform app? Did trump research rightwing media for an entire year to determine the rhetoric of his campaign and fool republicans and Dems alike to win presidency? Where can I found many different sizes, styles and price ranges for jumping castles in Adelaide? How do you find the instantaneous rate of change? Which candidate handled the race question best during the first presidential debate? How can I become an investment banker in India? What's the best programming language to learn in 2016? What are some best way to reduce mental stress quickly? What are items that I HAVE to buy when I am in Tokyo? Can the person you kiss tell if you wear an upper denture while kissing? What is Coupondunia revenue? What can you learn from MS Dhoni? Which is the best movie of year 2016? What are the biggest problems faced by farmers in India? What problems can be solved through use of technology? which sector is good to start a career, corporate sector or banking sector? Can we attain supernatural powers by meditation? Which Quora questions should I focus on answering if I want many followers? "Could cutting someone's brachial artery really kill them, in the manner in which it is portrayed in the movie ""Drive""?" Can the electoral college stop Trump from becoming president? How can I make 100,000 in 1 month gambling? What's the best vegan diet plan for an Indian girl at the gym? What's the difference between Computer Engineering and Computer Science degree? Is the US presidential election rigged? Does voting even matter anymore? What does India need the most at this moment? Does Donald Trump still have a chance of winning? (October 15, 2016) How can I learn to play chess? What should I wear to my college's fresher party? Why in India do critically acclaimed films like Jaatishwar that win 4 national awards go in loss? What should anyone do to increase their presence of mind? How widely accepted are credit cards at small businesses and restaurants in Armenia? Can onion juice help for regrowth of hair? How I can analyse my landing pages to improve conversions? Which social network software platforms will let me charge people to join my network? Ning? Elgg? BuddyPress? How much time does it take for a male to ejaculate during masturbation? How did thief stole money from ATMs although they are more secured? How has the American culture changed in the past few years? What are some mind-blowing iPhone tools that exist that most people don't know about? Who do you think is going to win the presidential elections and why? What's the difference between an attorney and a lawyer? What is Neo-Darwinism? How does it differ from both Charles Darwin's organic evolution and Extended Synthesis? How do I get rid of scalp acne? What font has Quora used to replace Georgia? I am an Indian working in Dubai. I want to start an export business from India to Dubai. What kind of products should I begin with? What is your best movie? Do you really think everything happens for a reason? What are some magic tricks to do with cards? What is the total amount of blood in our body? Does Peter Thiel have a boyfriend? What is your review of M S Golwalkar? How do solve polynomial complex number? How will banning Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes help in overcoming corruption in India? If other countries with abject poverty require voters to have ID what is wrong with requiring it in the US? When will President Barack Obama's second term end? Who are the presidential candidates vying for the presidency? Will Russia invade the Baltics because Trump stated he may not protect NATO countries? What is the future for RPA (Robotic Process Automation) developer? Who would win in a non-nuclear war between Russia and Turkey? When do women get horny? Which is the best college in engineering? If Donald Trump becomes president, will he be a worse president than George W. Bush, equally bad, slightly better, or become as popular as Reagan? Once I finish 6 years on H1B visa do I have to stay out side of USA for 1 year before I can apply for another new term? Where can one find data on worldwide radio penetration by country? Who is the most powerful being in the Tolkien Universe? How is bacterial pneumonia contagious? Which is the best free CFD software for conceptual design analysis for Architecture? Which is best mobile under 15000? How can you prove that the path of a point which possesses two constant velocities one along a fixed direction and the other perpendicular to the radius vector drawn from a fixed point is a conic section? Is it safe to buy movies on Google Play or iTunes? Which country has more atheist? Are video game consoles going to soon die out? Is there any cases of people diagnosed with heart cancer? What colour are these eyes ? Is there a number that consists of 10 factors? What happens if the next U.S. President resumes ban of Indian PM Modi’s entry to the U.S. due to his religional massacre when Modi was a CM? Which is the best smartphones below 9k? Is North Korea a totalitarian state? What makes a country totalitarian? What are your views on the ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes by the Indian Government? Pros cons? How do I find sponsors for my website? What do use to create a gaming fansite? Wordpress vs Enjin? What are good ways to deal with anxiety? What are some best dialogues in GVM movies? What is the easiest and painless way to commit suicide? What is the view of arvind kejriwal on GST bill, as I have never seen any comments by him on same issue? If the US Postal Service shut down because of bankruptcy, would it have a domino effect on other businesses in the same way that the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy affected other businesses? Where can I get best shoes in India online? How many workers died during the first Industrial Revolution in Great Britain, Germany and France due to unsafe working conditions, poverty-related diseases and police repression of protest movements? How do I stop procrastinating and become more bold? What language is used in operating systems? What is the craziest thing to do in college? "Why does the ""Restrict background data"" for all my apps automatically switches on?" How should one define the word God? Why does the Toronto Public Library accept book donations? What are some useful tips to overcome Writer's Block? My friend asked me to eat lunch with her and we hang out a good bit . Does she like me? How many species of giraffes are there? How do you deal with liars? Can I die from an eye infection? What purpose does ketchup have in meatloaf? What other sauces can be used to give it another interesting flavor? How does tyre companies hire people by means other than campus recruitment? What are your views on Mother Teresa? Which country uses the code 0021? I have qualified in Efftronics written test. In what way I have to prepare to crack the technical interview and get into Efftronics? What is identity politics? How windy must it be to delay a plane takeoff on an average airliner flight? Is it possible to access (through an API) the watch-history of videos on YouTube of people when permissions are granted? Would you consider me mixed race? How do you hard reset an iPhone 4S? "What is ""negative pressure""?" Has anyone ever gotten excited to do something but can't get themselves to actually do it? How can I become fit and look good without going to gym? Daniel Ek: Why isn't Spotify available in India? When is it launching in India? How do I code efficiently? What is the best way to self motivate myself? How do I make a model of a tropical rain-forest ecosystem for a school project? How can I help get my boyfriend off drugs? What is the fastest way to learn something? Why is Singapore's crime rate so low? When a photon is emitted from an atom in empty space, what direction does it propagate in? What is a neural schema? Is there any specific genre of Unsteady by X Ambassadors featured in Me Before You? How many weeks does it take until you can find out you're pregnant? What should I look for when buying cross country skis for skate style? Has Quora reduced the number of books you read? Is it a good substitute for reading? Is Kindle a Good buy? What are you most thankful for this year? What is the formula for finding coefficient of kinetic friction? What country has the strongest military? Currently I am studying petroleum engineering, what are the skills I should focus on learning to become a drilling engineer at Chevron? Why can a deaf person legally drive, but is it illegal for someone to drive with headphones or earbuds in both ears? Is it safe to use a guitar capo with an ukulele? How do you mix Disaronno? What's the most embarrassing moment of your teacher? How do I get admission to medical PG in USA after MBBS in UAE? Is there an online course where I could learn mentalism? How do native English speakers know how to pronounce the words they encounter for the first time in written form? Why don't wild orcas attack humans? How will you explain the 2008 financial crisis to a teenager? How can we know what our passion in our life is? How many days should I be on diet to loose my belly fat and get six pack abs? How do fuel gauges work in boats? What is the location of Palawan, and how does this Island compare to Majuro? Moments after the Big Bang all the mass of the universe was confined in a tiny radius. Why didn't it collapse to a black hole? Is perpetual motion possible practically? Is Cannabis good for pain relief? How often do you get paid in the military? Apart from uninstalling apps, what is the best way to free up memory space on my Android phone? If you like beautiful, intelligent women, where do you spend your time looking for them? How can you identify if a black snake with white rings is venomous? What is the QuickBooks contact number? How old is too old for med school? Or law school? Buying a Home: How should I approach my landlord regarding making an offer to buy the house I rent? "How can the word ""credulity"" be used in a sentence?" How do Native American tribes commemorate death? What ceremonies do the Apache Tribe practice? How are phone text messages tracked? How did Brazil end up with the world's largest Arab diaspora? What should I do if my dog swallowed a chicken bone? How should I follow my goals? What is the difference between a fan and an avid fan? What are the modern schools of thought in legal feminism theory? What language was spoken in the period of Lord Rama? How do I impress a girl on chat? Do some atheists believe in astrology? How would you teach your 2 year old to swim? What is the number of terms in the expansion of [math](1+x+\frac{1}{x^2})^n[/math]? What are the best Hollywood movies to watch in 2016 (released ones)? How do I hack my boyfriend’s Instagram? What is the difference between Windows 10, Windows 10 KN, Windows 10 N, and Windows 10 Single Language? How can I teach myself? Which Bollywood celebrity is the best example of “beauty with no brain”? Scores in NEET PG to get into KEM Mumbai in MS Gen surgery? (in 2018) How can I disable the Facebook chat read receipts? How do I understand these sentences? Shall I confess my husband about my affair with his senior? If I do he will be devastated, I love him a lot, if I don't I can't stop with my bf. What should I do to overcome my anger? How good is Toastmasters Hyderabad? How often do they meet? Does energy drinks contain bull semen? How many human beings have ever lived? What are the best Facebook groups for learning about and discussing EU startups? I have lost my GOQii band charger, where can I get another one? Is Barron Trump autistic? What is the best way to accept online payments internationally? What is the number behind sim cards? What hotel in Ananthagiri Hills Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? The Holocaust: How is World War II history taught in Germany? What do you think Great Britain's motivation was in making the Royal Proclamation of 1763? Why doesn't the most important person of your life care about you? What are ways I can make money online? I want to invest 2 lakhs rupees at a time.How I can I invest to get better returns.? What would be your New Year resolutions for 2017? Salary hikes in hospitality management? Why is J JAYALALITHA is like a God in Tamil Nadu? What is the reason behind this popularity? How do I know if someone is a sociopath or an introvert? What is the oldest piece of written history? What's the best method to watch (live) English Premier League matches in the US? What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Montserrat notice? Why do I get bored so quickly? Does the Milky Way Galaxy have an orbit? What about our universe? How do I cope with having really small boobs? Where can I get wide range of floor tile, wall tile and porcelain tiles in Sydney? How to initiate sex? How do you find someones recently added friends on Facebook using a tablet? Why does it take three days to receive proceeds from the sale of a stock? In which circuit we take the advantage of high open-loop voltage gain of an OP-amp? Do married Indian men think it is okay to stay in touch with their ex-girlfriends? Why did many polls and odds makers fail to correctly predict the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential Election? Why do most women find white men to be the most attractive? What TV series changed your life? What are the procedures for a California school bus driver when pulling over and then turning on the red flashing lights? Is it okay to starve yourself for short periods to lose weight? What solvent I can use to disolve my ligand if it is not water soluble for studying protein binding? What are the main components of social commerce? I am an extremely good wing defender but I cant shoot well, what position should I play in basketball? Who were the great Italian soldiers and leaders who fought in WW2? I got 80.02 in my CAT 2015, which colleges should I apply for? What do you do if you board a flight and the overweight person you are seated next to spills into your seat? What is the easiest way to install a garage door opener? What are barriers of communication? What are some examples? Is it necessary to have hard-copies of signed documents for legal and financial purposes? What are the stream services that I can broadcast on with password protection for the stream ? Where and how do I look for assistant professor jobs in engineering colleges of Mumbai, India? Who is the founder of gearbest.com? What is the best book to learn body language? "What brand of blue jeans do ""grown up"" men wear?" Which actors were screen-tested for the role of Bane in 'The Dark Knight Rises'? Why can't I stop thinking about someone? What was the significance of the battle of Somme, and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Borodino? How can I learn the Turkish language? What California cities are considering marijuana cultivation? How do I become a graphics designer? What are some reviews about the Mohalla Assi trailer? Why does my nose get blocked when I sleep under the fan? "Why is a live-in relationship considered ""bad"" and ""immoral"" in Indian society?" What's a good song I can use to lyric prank my guy friend? What is it like to do the Insanity workout? How come the requirements on Game-Debate are so inaccurate? I dreamt that an alien civilization from another galaxy shot microbes into space billions of years ago, which started life on earth. Is this possible? What are the important concepts in os? Wold same sex marriage be banned/reversed under a Trump presidency? Artificial vegetative reproduction in plants with special reference to cutting? I love sleeping, but I have been waking up around 5:30 am. Can anyone help me figure out the causes? How and why did trump win? How is it like to work in IT company? Why is YouTube not playing on Google Chrome? How do I remotely access smart phone from laptop? How do you earn money on Quora? How does cloud computing work? What is corporative bank? How can I plead not guilty when I get two driving tickets? Can we install video player on Sharp TV model? Can a blog that posts a lot of images but not too many words, be successful? What is the QuickBooks technical support phone number in New York? What are the differences between rum, brandy and whiskey? Has hillary clinton ever smoked? If I have three international bank accounts; how can I increase my money by moving it between banks, utilising the fluctuating currency rates? Does Zomato care about the quality of reviews? Will Apple Music delete the songs I get during my free trial if I decide against buying the full version when the trial runs out? "What process takes place to transfer the ""powers"" of the President to the Vice-President in the event the VP is elevated to the Office of President?" Which book is best for study of gre? What will be the scenario if humans disappear from earth? How many cup of tea/coffee you (employee) take in a day(in office)? Why do people go anonymous frequently at Quora? Are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches bad for you? What is the most embarrassing moment from your teenage years? Do off duty police officers have to carry a weapon? What is the best infrastructure monitoring tool? Can we take full page screenshot on chrome using selenium? Do Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen ever meet in Game of Thrones? Why? What will happen if each and every person living on earth turns vegetarian? Do you hate Donald Trump? How can I be more intellectual and have more intellectual conversations? Why do we have the strong feeling of sex during this teen age? What is the best way to get a large number of upvotes for your answers on Quora? How cold can the Gobi Desert get, and how do its average temperatures compare to the ones in the Registan Desert? What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Shelby County IL? What is the best thing about yourself, that has lead to your worst experiences in life? What is the best song ever to make a girl listen and fall for you immediately? Where can I get list of stylish collection of designer floor tiles in Sydney? Is there any jobs after complete my diploma in mechanical engineering? Noam Chomsky: Why is there a rising tide of people becoming unsympathetic to broadly liberal, secular ideas around the world? I am not just talking about the west? Why is Manaphy crying incessantly throughout in Pokemon Ranger and The Temple of The Sea? Is there any free adult Indian chat site? How do I construct a parallellogram 3rd model in geometry? How do we prepare for job switch in IT? What do you look for in a company before investing? Can anyone withdraw money from my bank account knowing my bank account number? What do Saudi men think of Qur'an sanctioning beating wives lightly as the last resort if they are not obedient to husbands? Can one overdose on Zoloft (sertraline)? How much would be required? Why is Saltwater taffy candy imported in Japan? How is antiferromagnetism related to superconductivity? How does it feel to be homosexual in India? How is software design different from web design? How do you measure the Casimir effect? Which is the best mystery novel ever? How does someone become a better problem solver? What is the best business school in California? Can we convert steam into water? Does everything imaginable either exist, did exist in the past or is going to exist? How do I build a house? What is the proper pronunciation of Eärendil? How can I get MOOC/E-learning through online web and video courses related to paramedical sciences developed by Indian professors? How can you lose gigantic love handles FAST? How would scrapping Rs 500 and 1000 notes affect the real estate sector? What are the best places to visit in Kerala? What is the best way of transportation there? Are there any foods, drinks or supplements to increase blood oxygen levels for exercise? How do I fix my garage door opener? What should I do to move to the U.S.A? How can I prepare myself when I know I am not going to find someone special and live my life all alone for the rest of my life? What is the minimum wage in singapore? What TV series isn't worth finishing? What are some of the best extempore topics? Why did AT&T purchase Time Warner? In terms of job prospects and scope, which is better of the two: Computer Science and Software Engineering? What are some example of inventions from the Bronze Age that are still used today? What is the quickest way to make money? Which one to do first-self study or attending coaching if I am preparing for CAT 2018? How is it to date a 1st-year girl in an engineering college? Why do some U.S. people call world human rights leader, the Philippine President as a dictator when he implements independant foreign policy? How to get a scholarship in Cambridge? How do I improve English writing skills as well as the ability to analyse texts as an English learner? I was sent a video that suggests Michelle Obama is a man. Can an anatomy expert debunk this silliness? How I can improve my English communication? Can you trust someone who still talks to their ex? Facebook: I can't view a friend's profile on Facebook. She didn't block me. How can I fix this? Did matter exist before the big bang? How do I automatically turn airplane mode on at night and off in morning in lollipop? Could our universe actually be a computer program? How can I learn drifting? Am I pregnant from no penetration or ejaculation? What would you call someone that believes in God but not organized religion? Why won't my Instagram suggestions (search history) go away even after I deleted them? How can I learn organic chemistry with fun? How do I buy shares? Which state in India has the best traffic system? Why is there so much feminism in countries like USA and Australia? How do I invest in an equity mutual fund through SIP? What is the procedure in India? Have you ever pondered the boundary of the universe and wondered what might be on the other side? Can you evaluate B lines of a newly discovered magnetic function? Do religious people hate atheists? What is the best way to keep your teeth and gum healthy? Why does not isis attack Israel? Whatare the stakes of israel in ISIS? What issues may arise if an atheist has to swear under oath with his/her hand on the Bible? Why does the caste system persist in India? Why earth does not fall? Which book is best for mechanism? How could bringing in new 500 and 2000 rupee notes by the Indian govt eradicate black money? What are the best ways to teach kids how to read? How do transgender women have sex? Quincy Larson: what advice would you offer to a free code camper wishing to establish himself as a remote worker/freelancer by the end of the program? What are some Japanese names that mean water? Can an Amazon Prime member read books on an iPad? What are some ways to lose belly fat and ONLY belly fat? (besides going vegan). What do you people around the world think about Serbia and people who live in? Where is the second moon of Earth? What's a good torrent site to download games from? What are some extracurricular activities that impress OMFS residency admissions committees? How do I write a C program to calculate the sum of two numbers? What is a good stock? Would it be possible to fall in love with someone you meet online? Why it is not a crime to reuse medical device in India? Which government psu Exam (non gate) is very easy to crack for engineers? How much does a day pass for LA Fitness cost? What are the impact of inflation in india? Which one is better IBPS PO or SBI clerk? Did Anthony Robbins change your life? How can you determine the chemical formula of steel wool? What is the study of hacking? What is the difference between Windows and Linux? How can I get the best grades at school? How do I get free or cheap Instagram followers fast without bots? How is turmeric, edible oil and powdered sugar adulterated and what are the side effects of these adulterants on our body? Which are the agencies trying to control adulteration? What is the Dojo system? How do I change a number on my Yahoo account if I don't have the password? Why did itsadatenight.com fail? What servers does agora.io use? What is the diet of Narendra Modi? How long it will take a drain to dry after an open appendectomy for a non-ruptured acute appendicitis? Why are costs for businesses lower in developing economies when in comparison with costs which are higher in developed economies? What is the best thing you can do? How do anyone learn something? What are the requirements for an Indian civil engineering graduate to work as a construction manager in the Middle East? What is the quickest and least painful way to break a leg? What color is the sky on Mars? Who is Darth Vader's mom? Approximately how old is the earth? What are the risks of opening a healthy fast food restaurant? Is sex addiction real? How do I send email in the past? What is a new business to start with less investment? How is language used in media to entertain? What's the story behind Apple's half eaten apple fruit logo? Which are the best headphones under Rs. 4000? How do I train to lucid dream? How can a shy person improve his social life? What is the name of a thin material hoodie? Where can I find a good hacker? How do you add a profile picture on Quora? What is the difference between constitution of india and indian polity? What were the main causes behind the start of World War 2 and how did the world react? What makes Elon Musk so successful? Who would win in a war between Russia and the US? How much money can I truly make playing poker every week if I work hard? Are salted pumpkin seeds good for you? Who is the model in the song closer by the chainsmokers? How many times did Thomas Alva Edison fail exactly? Can I become a multi millionaire on Amazon or is it too saturated? Why is india still a developing country..Why aren't reforms framed so as bring the country on a fast track? My eye colour changes when I've had an alcoholic drink, why is this? Why are black women so vocally angry and loud compared to women of other race? What does psomí mean? How does the reproductive system of seahorses work? How do you know if you cat loves you? Which came first: protein or DNA? How will I contact a good hacker? Can humans eat (digest) raw recently killed animals without cooking them? Which is the best structural design analysis software? What is the email address of India's Prime Minister? What is a good thesis topic for a masters in public administration? How did the Enlightenment influence the American Revolution? Since last week my passport application status reflects passport application under review at RPO, what to do? "What is the difference between ""in"" and ""at""?" How do I proceed further in Java after clearing up the basics in core Java? If evidence shows there's only a 49% chance that a parent will cause severe injury to his child, does the law require that the court dismiss any petition of dependency and neglect? Why does WhatsApp compress your images? What is the concept of a smart city? How hard has puberty hit you? What will be the effect of banning 500 and 1000 Rs notes on real estate sector in India? Can we expect sharp fall in prices in short/long term? Which is best institute for BANK PO coaching in Delhi? I am confused about Mahendra or CareerPower If I hide my story to a follower on intagram, which I follow back what are the things he can't see? Where can I get very cost-effective envelope printing service in Sydney? Why dont Chinese revolt against communist rule? Where can I sell data of 'all the students of one big city of India'? What is a good inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Hillsborough County FL? Does political system hampering India's development? Is the seventh pay commission applicable to state university professors and deemed university professors? Where can I watch the edge of seventeen online? What is the best way to get accepted into an orthopedic physical therapy fellowship as a newer therapist? What was the greatest day in you life? If I couldn't care less about race, how can I ignore it if people keep acting racist? Most painful way to die? What is the one thing you regret not doing? Is there gravity without mass? How can we find good the non profit organizations or social enterprise in ARGENTINA to volunteer? What is extranet? What is the difference between the internet, intranet, and extranet and what are some examples? How to learn piano? Am I a good dancer? Does oral sex count as sex? What is the best way to delete a virus? How Donald Trump's victory will impact India's IT industry? How do I gain 20 kg weight in 3 month? Why is public education failing? How do I deal with a boss who plays favorites and does not acknowledge hard work of others who are not his/her favorite's? What's the best way to clean leather headphone pads? Which is the best free digital marketing course? Did Ayn Rand really accept Social Security and Medicare in the late 1970's? What is the best way to implement enums in Python? What should I do if my puppy throws up white foam? Why should I prepare for a medical entrance exam? Do heaven and hell really exist? Are you ready to work in diplomatic dictatorship under Mr. Modi? Honestly I am ready. Why cant any Indian who has knowledge of technology come up with a Rupee symbol on the computer key board like the dollar sign? What does Balaji Viswanathan do for living? How much percentage in profit will Amir Khan get for his movie ‘Dangal’? How can you determine the formula for dichromate? What is the best way to learn to play the guitar by myself? Where can you learn ethical hacking? What does it mean if my teacher who is 3 years older than me also looks into my eyes whenever we face each other? Has a student ever made you (teacher) cry? Why? What should I learn for proffesional web designer? How would the bilateral relationship between India and the USA be under Hillary Clinton's presidency? Can India and Pakistan be friends? Is there any good evidence or any logical argument concerning whether the universe is finite or infinite? How is the shelf life of baking powder determined? What kind of music do you listen when you're designing architecture? What are the things that we can do to bring change in Indian education system? What is the best thing ever? What will happen if Trump wins for president will it be all bad? What can I do to stop my girlfriend from being so obsessed with me? What should be done to lose weight? Whether the counselling going to take place is only for 15% seats and what about the private colleges? What are some good software product companies in Hyderabad? What is current CTC and expected CTC? How is dreaming in outer space? Can Trump actually keep his campaign promises? Why does the caste system still exist in India? What is wrong with India's education system? How many Quora credits do you have? How do you spend them? Why do you not spend them (if over 10k)? Why did Indian government scrap Rs 1000 and 500 note and instead is introducing Rs 2000 note? How can we define love? Where can I buy party tent in Florida? Which is the best institute for GMAT preparations in Delhi? What is the difference between front end and back end development? What is the definition of an Oxford-style shirt? What are few best exercise to lose weight? How much money is Trump making selling services back to his own campaign? Which object in the universe has the least mass? What is Quora and how does it works? What is the Bohr Rutherford diagram for oxygen? Is it worth buying iPhone 7? How can I get back in my Facebook without a vaild email or password? Is it bad for a battery if you leave it charging even when it's full charged? What is the past tense of meet? What is your view/opinion about Akhilesh Yadav being expelled from Samajwadi Party? What is a magnetic drilling machine? Why does my old cell number ome up when I call a friend? Whats a good website to watch free movies? Who are we humans? How do mobile apps using neural network calculate weights? What is your resolution for 2017? What are the most trustworthy and fairly-priced cell phone unlocking sites in North America? What is the cutoff for CAT for getting admission in Masters in management course at IISC? What is the proudest moment? How is moderate to severe social anxiety treated? What are pseudo question and what are some examples? Does a spider web tattoo have a criminal meaning? Is scholarsip really guaranteed if applied to USA through Maple education? What ways will you suggest to curb air pollution in delhi? How will they be implemented also? How can I detox from meth quickly? Which are the top ninja dragon games? Can a virus be infected by another microorganisms? What is the best way to get a large number of upvotes for your answers on Quora? How and when were tampons invented? I am 22 years old and my weight is 85 kg. I am only 22 and look like 30 year old man, what are some ways to lose weight? Where can I sell my laptop? How can I get aloe vera gel for skin? What are covalent bonds? How do they occur? What is the importance of forbidden energy gap in material science? What are the forbidden energies of si & ge? If I take home a loan of INR 60 lacs, what would be the monthly EMI for the next 20-30 years? I have TMJ (jaw) pain from the last 6 months but my MRI is fine. Will my health return to normal some day? Does playing a game such as Rainbow Six Siege boost your logical intelligence? What was the worst experience you've ever had with your teacher? How do you calculate the diameter of a sphere? How do I get over a good breakup? How can two people stream to one twitch channel from afar? What's best hairstyle for curly hairs for boys? Who can help me to get a green card? Why should one be proud to be an Indian? How can I become a data scientist? "Hay all ""sanam teri kasam"" in part of actor story in movie is that right to hate his father from his son? If yes then why and if No then why (reason)?" What is the difference between visual and performing arts? How can you teach yourself to read? What was your first oral sex experience like? How we can save money in less earnings? Do the Yakuza still exist in Japan? Will Supernatural (TV Show) run out of mythologies? Are there any stories/books about someone who became a fallen angel and then somehow found the grace to reconnect to light? Should there be a universal language? How do I get better at writing or blogging? Why are some people egocentric and not considerate of others? How do I design ABR, anaerobic baffle reactor? What are some of the best career options in India? What can you do if your cat starts throwing up foam? Why does this happen? What would be the next step to treat depression without use of medication? What is it like to foster a child? What are the fastest ways to increase height? How do you delete a question on Quora? What teams could win super bowl 51 in 2017? Was muhammed a narcissist who used to receive convenient revelations for his benefit? What causes bad breath? What is the difference between defence and defense? What is the expected cut off for upsc prelims 2016? What are some impressions of Week Six of the 2012-13 NFL Season? Why is saltwater taffy candy imported in Austria? How similar is Tim Allen's personality to his character on Home Improvement? What are the most popular online payment methods in the USA? Where should I apply for off campus? Why does light, having zero rest mass, have finite speed? Is white an actual color? What are some good words to describe snow? How English will be improved? Which were some of the worst instances you had with your friends or family? How effective is Mossad? Where can I buy an ugly Christmas sweater in San Francisco? Where is Murrum Silli Dam in Chhattisgarh? Is our Universe expanding? Which is the worst kollywood movie you have ever seen and why? What are Some interesting facts of Langar at golden temple? Steps taken by Canadian government to improve literacy rate? What are the best Ice Breaker speeches at Toastmasters? Why is pulse code modulation more preferred rather than delta modulation? How do I start an e commerce website? How can I end My pornography addiction? Should I wait for the release of the new Macbook Pro (August 2016) or buy one now? What is the best way to study quickly? Why do some ants produce web (like spiders)? Is this some form evolution or mutation? How many Presidential duties will Trump hand over to Pence once he takes office? Will he be able to avoid the daily stress and demands of the job? Does anyone seriously believe Mark Cuban will ever run for US President? What is football's best formation and why? Why is mathematics so tough? "How do I answer the question ""What if we don't hire you"" in an interview?" Why do we use the functions fflush(stdin) and fflush(stdout) in c? Does vampires really exist? If they exist where they live? Why chewing tobacco is worse than smoking? Should I start hanging out with a guy again? 3ish months ago I decided to end things with a guy due to our priorities being different. How do I file a complaint on my job? What is the difference between programming, scripting and markup language? What is the coolest thing I can buy on the internet for under Rs 2000 in India? How is primerica? Shall I invest in a life insurance policy with them? Cash: How much USD can I legally carry on my person in the United States at any given time? What happened to Saruman after the One Ring was destroyed? How do you potty train White Pitbull puppies? Does the MacBook Pro come with an optical drive? How do you permantley delete a Yahoo e-mail account? Do you believe in sun signs and horoscopes? Is it relevant in any way? What is the solution for Quora marking your every question as needing improvement? How do I become a Billabong model? Can I shoot a video at 24 frames per second and shutter speed slower than 1/24 second? What is the best size of penis? How can i get 95%+ in 10th ICSE Board exam 2017? Can Harvard students get MIT Kerberos accounts? Can I do yoga after work out? Which is the best way to ask for a half-day leave? What did you get your boss today for Bosses day? "What does the song ""I'm Not Made Of Steel"" by Michael Bolton mean?" What is the difference between a W9 and 1099? What songs are good when you have too many thoughts? What are the effects of inflation in india? How many kilometers should I walk per day to lose weight in one month? Who are some of your favorite Quorans and why? How can I make my abs show? My Android app on Google Play only gets 500-800 daily installs per device each day. Should I bother trying to monetize it through ads? Can time survive in a black hole? How true are the stories about Dr. Yeshi Dhonden and Tibetan medical tradition, especially regarding their treatment of ailments like cancer and AIDS? What if there is no money? What do I have to study to be an investment banker that works in mergers and acquisitions? How did Donald Trump win the 2016 US Presidential Election? Will THC show up in hair if smoked sporadically? What are the main causes for neck pain? How do I make my Quora news feed more interesting? What is best colour combination with dark green? How do I sweat easily for a person who is suffering with cholinergic urticaria or hives? How do I get an internship in america? Organic Chemistry: Are there any acids without hydrogen? Why did the Germans hate the Jews even before Hitler? Are intelligent people more likely to be introverts? Can we stop global warming? What's the difference between freckles and moles? Which is the best picture you have ever seen? "Why is it natural for the world call Australia FM a Bitch and Philippine President call the U.S. President a ""son of Bxxxx""?" Is Dark King Silvers Rayleigh Luffy's uncle? Can I do supersets for strength? How can I improve my social circle? How can I increase my reaction time? Which are some of the most famous astrologers in India? Do cellphone signals have negative effects on humans? What is the difference between static and dynamic character? What is the physical significance of vector operator? Which is the best attack strategy for TH5 in Clash of Clans? Which state of India is the most famous for street food? What are the positions in football? Which is the best book for data structures? What is the purpose of money? What is it like to be raped and have a child? What were Intel's big mistakes as a company over the past 10 years? What are some ways South Korea can develop its economy? What would decrease a material's thermal energy? What should you do if a large group of people doesn’t like you for who you are? What is your favorite blog to read? What is the difference between a Software Architect and a Solutions Architect? How is/was energy formed? What is the best business to start with 5 lakhs? Why do Indian women wear a red dot on their forehead? How do I add a third android device (mobile) to my Google play account? I am an Indian married female with a B. Tech in ECE. I worked as a Java developer for 5 years, and am planning to do a MBA in Germany to switch to a non technical role. What are some various job roles, MBA streams and universities to look for? What are some of the experiences of a girl who approaches a boy for the first time? Did the Delhi (AAP) government fulfill any of its election promises? What are some good books for building a foundation for IIT in class 10? What is FL Studio (Fruity Loops)? Which is the best picture you have ever seen? Which is the best joke you have ever heard? How can my partner get himself to stop cuming so quickly? Is the panda bear the best species around which to center conservation campaigns? Why would someone try to get high off of amoxicillin? How do I enhance my English? What am I supposed to do when someone pokes me on Facebook? Do I need a CA for income tax filing of private limited company in india? In which order should I read the works of Tolkien? (The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion) If you could go back in time and change one event in history, which one would it be, and why? What is your favorite non-fiction topic to read about, and why? How do I study more efficiently on tough subjects? What is the ratio of hosts to guests on Airbnb? How many apple seeds do you have to consume to die? What does the universe expand into? What makes a person join ISIS? What is you favorite TV program? What should I do to get into MIT (undergrad)? How would you scan the entire internet to find all of the Microsoft-IIS / 10.0 machines? What are the best resources for learning Ukrainian? How can I self-publish a book in Korea? Should I join TCS? Will my experience of working on design software be considered in core product automobile companies? What are the laws regarding a federal speeding ticket? Which country is likely to host the 2026 FIFA World Cup? What are the differences between Chinese and Western wedding? How do I be happier? How do you send an invoice on PayPal? What are the major characteristics of nonsocial people? Are there any chances for Delhi to have snowfall in the future? How do people where you live react when you say you have Asperger’s? How was your experience of Lucid dreaming? What is your idea of a perfect day? What might motivate African American/black voters to vote for Republicans? Can I turn a regular video into VR? What is your review of Narayana Junior College, NGIC, Nallakunta? Which are the 2 stroke bikes? How do I earn some extra money on weekends in Bangalore? How was the speed of light first measured? What are amino acids composed of? Lets say they steal the election from Trump and give it to Hillary and the US Military does a coup on the Clinton Administration successfully? What are some Useful advantages of fingerprint scanner in a smartphone? How could I wake up early in the morning? What are your views on demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupee notes by the Modi Government? How can I keep my natural hair curly when it dries? Are Swedish women loathe to dating men from India? Will I get any scholarship in IISER Berhampur? How can I get astrological consultancy? Is MBA in IT after BCA a good option? What will be the effects of demonitizing 500 and 1000 rupees notes in Indian economy? What is the best soccer team nowadays? How does investing in stocks provide a hedge against inflation? What is homogeneous function? How can we earn money through online? Can I drop out of high school and go to college? Application of mathematics in various field? What answers on Quora have the highest/lowest percent of upvotes per view (per unit time)? What are the fundamental principles of democracy? How are they enforced? Why do so may people ask questions on Quora that can easily be found by a simple Google searh? Who is a Hypocrite? What would the last common ancestor of all humans and insects have looked like? Should I have to change my attitude toward myself/ my life? Support gay marriage? How can Quora be improved? What is genetic drift? Kitchen Appliances: What is the purpose of the metal drawer under an oven? What is the best way to prepare for GRE verbal reasoning in 20 days? Where/How can I get Section 8 housing quickly, if I'm on SSI/SSDI? Is actor Matt Damon a genius? What are the best taglines/slogans for electronics and communications engineering? Which are the best english TV series I should watch now? What is the average weight for a 14-year-old boy? Why is the Tribunal in Hague a fake UN-backed tribunal in the world? How do I increase my patience level in life? What is the best site for downloading e-books? The decision of Indian Government to demonetize ₹500 and ₹1000 notes? Is Right or wrong? How can I change the text on a layer using Gimp? How should I prepare for GATE 2016 EE in 5 months to get a rank below 500? What are the best music sites? Why do people try to ask silly questions on Quora rather than googling it? What would happen if the earth suddenly started moving faster or slower? Are Hillary Clinton supporters unaware that her administration would be 4 more years of Obama? What is the difference between attitude and confidence? What do you think of Islam? What happens if an innocent man was sentenced for jail for 30 years then discovered he was innocent? Why is this JavaScript code not working? Is pilot wave theory of quantum physics true physically? How does a credit card topup work? What are some underrated horror movie suggestions? How can I view deleted Instagram dms? Is Micromax A311 upgradable to Lollipop? My partner started smoking again, behind my back. Why do I feel cheated on? How much does Web Conferencing tool ON24 actually cost? How can I get traffic on website? What is the best thing your mother said to you? Would a flight between Helsinki, Finland and Los Angeles, California be profitable? Who will win the 2016 IPL? What is Gujarat Model? What are the best portals to switch jobs in India? What are the different levels of LinkedIn profile strength and how do you achieve them? Can people still see questions that are marked as needing improving? What is the in hand salary of RBI grade B officer now? How can someone overcome servere social anxiety? What are some ways to get abs in a month? What are typical tasks for a Hadoop developer? How much java coding is involved in hadoop development job? I am a stay at home mom who loves to cook and wants to run a small scale fresh food catering business from my home. What types of licenses do I need? What are the best weapons against home invasion except guns? Which languages should one know about to work with augmented reality? How do I turn white hairs into black? How do I find a lost mobile phone with the IMEI number when the phone is switched off? I feel that I think very fast. Could I be bipolar in a manic phase? What is the greater significance of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution? How should I gain 2kg weight per month (10kg in total for 5 months) as a skinny guy? Should you be afraid of insects? How do I bring back sparrows in Delhi? Who would white women be most likely to sleep with if they had the chance, Idris Elba or WIll Smith? Why are algorithms and data structures so important in CS? Where is the best place to sit in a movie theater for a 3D movie? What does it mean when someone uses multiple periods (...) instead of one period (.) to end a sentence? How do I overcome laziness and ego? My mother was born in Germany. She moved to the US, became a citizen and I was born after (1975.) Can I get dual citizenship in Germany? What is the best way to be a good graphic designer? How do I Choose A Wig? How do I train my dog? What programming language(s) are used to create Game Dev Tycoon? What engine do the developers use? What did you think of Trump's acceptance speech? Does probability actually exist? Which shuttle is better Mavis 300 or Mavis 350? What should be and shouldn’t be stored in a database? How could niammy.com make money? Why shouldn't we vote for Donald Trump? Is there anyway to access a course on NoteFull for free? Why does Pakistan want Kashmir? How do I stay motivated for school? How can I improve my pronunciation of English words? What creative things one can do on a daily basis? How can I get over a fear of wearing makeup? What hidden rules are in Quora? How do I prepare for GATE CSE 2018? What are the best books in Tamil? How do I check the last three calls on my idea number? Who was the first person on earth? What are the best blogs and websites about puzzles? Would Finland's universal income become globally contagious? What is the best book of SSC CGL? Who is the greatest sportsman of all time? Why? How can I Publish Theses on dentistry on International Library for thesis? What is the difference between science and philosophy? Does thinking out of the limits of brain don't come in the domain of science? What is the best book for beginners to learn java? Can I publish my photography work under cc0 license on my website and the same work under cc-by license on Flickr? How do you make a webcam work? I have completed 18 months in L&T infotech and now i have to go for higher studies will I still have to pay 2lakh bond amount? Which answer is correct for the equation 3-3*6+2=? -13 or -17? What are some examples of social values? How do you know if it is love or lust? Why isn't Singapore a part of Malaysia? Why the fuck do people use Quora? What is the dark side of the pornography industry? "Why do so many Americans pronounce ""jaguar"" as ""jagawar""?" Do horses get emotionally attached to their owners like dogs? Who stay in ASU's dormitory? How do identical twins solve conflict of the copyright to their likeness? Which is the smarter species, the rat or the crow? How long do you have to run a car engine to charge the battery back to the point it was at before starting the car? What is cultural ecology and what is an example? I’m Chinese, how do I learn English? What is the cost of Hair Transplantation in Delhi? "If a non-vegetarian guy asks a pure vegetarian guy that they are also killing plants to eat, ""so what's wrong with killing animals to eat?"", then what's the best answer to reply?" How can I see who my boyfriend views on instagram? Should I read a book on algorithm design first or jump to genetic algorithms? Where do i start if i want to specialize in affiliate marketing ? Which city is best to visit Milan, Venice, Florence or Rome? How do start preparation for IAS? How should I improve my english communication skills? As the aircraft descends to a lower altitude, is it's true airspeed higher, lower or the same as it's indicated airspeed? What would be the cut off mark for UPSC ESE prelims 2017? What are the different grade levels and titles at Deloitte Consulting US? What would Hillary Clinton's Russia policy look like? How is IKEA furniture made? How do nude beaches in Punta Cana compare to other nude beaches in Barbados? How are backlog vacancies filled in a government job? What are some functions of a political party? How are they significant? How do I upgrade my PC scanner? Is homeschooling the best way of teaching our children? What will be the output and why? What are the most offered growth hacking services for startups? What are some of the best Linux Distros? What is the best Harry Potter movie and why? Is it also your favorite? Why or why not? Which is better: Samsung R&D Bangalore Advanced Research Team or Microsoft Bing Ads team Bangalore in terms of learning curve and growth? Which is the best way to kill yourself? What is the percentage of small businesses that added jobs in 2012? What was the average employment growth rate in this year? Is there a motion tracking plug in to Final Cut Pro X? How are the job prospects for psychologists (as a profession) in India? How can I root my galaxy s5 on 5.0 lollipop? What happens if you kill Astrid instead of starting the Dark Brotherhood quest line? How can I lose weight safely? Based on what he says, do you respect Donald Trump? What takes you off from being good to bad? How do I use the source code of an open source project and build it in eclipse? Why didn’t we nuke China in the Korean War? What are some really cool/amazing makeup tips? What can't Google find in its search engine? What hairstyles did Vikings have? Is Donald Trump likely to win the 2016 election (September 2016)? How would you describe your life in one sentence? What KPIs do I need for a food manufacturing company? Who do you think could be the next President of India? How can we improve the education system for high school and college? Which book is the best reference for a CS executive in both modules? I can't see when someone was last active? What happened on New Year’s Eve? Who is responsible for the Bengaluru mass molestation? Why do you think wealthy parents spoil their kids, and is it right? Is Radiohead the best band of all time? "What does ""put your heart on the line"" mean?" Is French Finance Minister Emmanuel Macron gay? Did the Indian government ban the 500 Rs & 1000 rupees notes? Did time machine exist? The USA has accepted the nuclear weapons of Israel, India, and Pakistan. So why not let Iran have nuclear weapons as well? Can I apply for internet banking in Andhra bank without visiting the branch? Since more and more dark energy appears does this mean that it is infinite or that the potential dark energy that can be created is infinite? Why do some British are so bent on pointing out Yankee Doodle was a British song? Should I have to pay for gas? Does lightning strike oceans? What's the most embarrassing thing your friend has said in front of your parents or family members? What's the best way to learn a new programming language? What universities does National Commerce recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? What are the absolute best sites for airfare? What is the best news YouTube channel? How do I recover a stolen bike in India? How do I become genius? Why don't people value me? What happens when a 220V appliance is plugged into a 110V socket, and the other way around? How can I turn off my laptop screen completely? What are the advantages & disadvantages of cashless transaction in India? What is IP address? What is the most viewed question on Quora? What is the most answered question? Which book should I read to make my math stronger for competitive programming? Why we spend time in answering questions on Quora? Why are death penalty executions so difficult when doctors can humanely euthanize animals or people? Why do you open presents on Christmas Eve and what is the origin of this tradition? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Atricure? What does meth cost? Should Gary Johnson be allowed in the Presidential debates? How can I grow taller fast? Keeping ladies suits, dresses, tees, tops, scarves, shawls, runners, placemats, bedsheets etc. Pls suggest a n name for my shop? What are best freelancing sites for developers? What is a weak entity in DBMS? Why is it called weak? How is Domino's pizza made? Which CPU is better I3 4th Gen or 6th Gen? Why are we not all using virtual computers in the cloud? How do you say “What’s up?” in Chinese? What is demography? How can I start to make money online? What science fiction stories feature an AI becoming self-aware? Why should I not vote for Donald Trump? Did the actor who plays Gunther on Friends also play Bryce on All My Children? How do I teach my mother how to speak in English? Should India go for war with Pakistan? What is the difference between earthing, grounding and neutral? Why is Hillary Clinton worse than Donald Trump? What does the logo of your university/college/school/firm/company/organisation/NGO/sports team signify? What is the maximum number of comparisons that a binary search function will make when searching for a value in a 1,000 - element array? What is the importance of Rangoli in the Indian culture? Are tall boys attracted to short girls? And why? How much does it cost to purchase one cotton bale? Did you enjoy your school life? Did you ever wonder you would have been better off home schooled? What is the best language to learn? Where can I found famous designers for exclusive wardrobes in Sydney? How can I convert a PDF to an INDD file to edit in InDesign? What was the most surprising moment of your life? According to you, Which Indian song(s) deserve an Oscar? Why do deer eat lavender? How should I start preparing for UPSC(IAS) exams? How does Viagra or Cialis work? How can you incorporate your startup in the US if you are not a legal permanent resident or US citizen? How can we succeed at essay writing? Blood pressure 140/90 at the age of 28 male. How bad or serious it is? Where is the Milky Way Galaxy? How do I use an inboard braking system using a differential in rear axle? What are the disruptive technologies in computer science? How difficult is it for a foreigner to get a job in Japan? Which is the richest state of India? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at First Merchants? How can I cook salmon so it tastes as good as it does at restaurants? What is your favorite meal ever? What would happen if a gamma ray burst from a supernova hit Earth from differing distances? What was the significance of the battle of Somme, and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Port Arthur? If there is a God, where is He! What was your first kiss like? What happened? Should a person join the core or software industry if he has equal interest in both like an ECE person should join telecom or software if he has interest in both equally? Are there any startups focusing on reducing food waste through food tracking and sharing? Which southern state is most influential among northerners and why? How do I get started with Kali Linux? How does Windows Phone compare to Android and iOS? Which is the best GATE coaching for CS/IT in Indore? What do I do about a bug in Quora? Who is your favorite person to be around and why? What are the differences between a designer, senior designer and principal designer? What would most likely happen if cats and dogs grow to develop opposable thumbs? How do I start my own IT business/startup in India? What's the worst thing someone has done to you? Are there any books on what life is like as a management consultant? Why isn't Hillary Clinton in jail? What should the applicants of neet belonging to telangana can do…can they be able to apply for other states? How can you lose weight really quick? My Android tablet shows an authentication problem while connecting with my Wi-Fi. What should I do? Who is the most hypersexual person you've ever come across? "Which word is right ""दिवाली"" या ""दीवाली"" and why?" How can a software developer start freelancing with 2 years of experience in the job, but with no freelance experience? What are the top 5 NITs in mechanical engineering? What should I shouldn't do when visiting your country? What are the best English motivational songs? What is your secret, your spiritual powder that you sniff when you’re dealing with people? What are the different ways of finding that an Indian currency note is real? What should I prepare for IAS or IES during btech? If a beautiful lady wanted to get naked on the job interview cause she wanted to feel free would you let her? Is Great Britain still part of the European Union? Corpus for Arabic tweets topic models? Is BJP not corrupt? When is the chart preparation time for train no. 19708? How do I redeem HDFC credit card reward points into cash or to pay credit card bill? How does asthma affect homeostasis? How can we do time travel? Which is the best phone to buy under 15000 INR? When will be Pokemon go released in India? How do I become more approachable? How can a Singaporean find a job in Hong Kong? Which movies are the best in 2016? Does naja 200 medicine really work on a snake bite? If yes how is it used? Is the MacBook the best laptop to learn hacking and cracking? "Where is the ""certificate number"" on ICSE pass certificate?" Who would win a fight between wolverine and Batman? What could be the motive of the Indian government to hide the truth behind the death of Bose? How do I study properly? Does transforming a person's gender after a sex change operation transform the emotional behaviour of the person? Could Australia become a superpower? If so, what political, economic, diplomatic and social steps would it take to become one? What is the Bible verse that Samuel L. Jackson says in Pulp Fiction? Is it worth doing an MTech from the NITs? What are the best exercises for Kyphosis? What is the derivative of [math]h(x)= [(x^2) (x^2+3/x+2)]^{-1}[/math] What does company infrastructure mean? What does it include? How can an alarm on an iPod Touch be canceled? What's the most romantic thing? What are some extra biblical texts that confirms Mary's virginity at the birth of Jesus? What is the minimum marks one should get in CBSE boards to get mechanical engineering in SASTRA? What are some of the best books ever written? With so many religious dilemmas is it not feasible God would send us a new prophet very soon? Is it worth opting for a premium support while applying for a PAN card? What are the different access specifiers in Java? How can I stop my Chihuahua from biting? How do I change password in linux using terminal? How do I stop wet dreams? What is the maximum length a hdmi cable can be? What are some major social faux pas to avoid when visiting Iraq? I saw a hoodie yesterday but I cant find the brand it was a red x on the back with the letter C,O, E, and R. Anyone? What is the best comedy TV series? How do I possibly dress like it's the year called 1990 if I'm a guy? Why do I have difficulty going from a kneeling to a standing position? How can someone have a sense of humor? What are all of Voldemort's Horcruxes? What is average cost per couple to travel Bhutan from AHMEDABAD? Naled pesticide being used to reduce Zika spread is killing bees and has serious side affects on humans. Should we be using this pesticide? What is it like to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer in America? What happens to a question on Quora if it is marked as needing further improvement? "How accurate are the ""Eat This, Not That"" series of books?" What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in Massachisetts? What is vitamin B1? How do I do internship at google? What do I need to create a game like Clash Of Kings? Can I buy a starter kit? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Maxlinear? How are the placements in SRM Chennai? How would you define the real talent? Dating and Relationships in India: Are most Indian females virgins before their marriage? How difficult is it to find a virgin girl to marry in India? What should be learnt to sustain in IT? Which is the best easiest programming language? Does chartered accountancy hold value or not? Who among these two is more evil, Adolf Hitler or Joseph Fritzl? Will Amazon ship to Australia? Will Kejriwal win in next Delhi elections? How do i get rid of chickenpox marks? What do Germans think of Hitler? How does the flight crew know if your phone is in airplane mode? How can we relate light adaptation in our daily life? What is purpose of life? How do we learn to read? How do I know my not so known crush likes me? What can I do with Software Defined Radio (SDR) for fun and curiosity and where should I start? What is part time work from home? How many protons, neutrons and electrons does sulfur have? How do I rotate a video? How do you know if you lust someone more than love them? How much do people typically spend on engagement and wedding rings for the groom and the bride? How do prepaid mobile phones work? How was Morocco choosen to host the COP 22? What are some of the top iPhone 6 glass screen protectors available in the market? What are some mind-blowing futuristic wallets that exist that most people don't know about? What is best place to buy luxury apartments in Chennai? What are some symbols of nationalism? What is the fastest way to memorise a huge amount of text for exams? What is spectrum analysis? If a genie grants you one wish, what would you ask for? For orifice plate flow meter, what are different applications of concentric, eccentric and segmented types? What exactly is the Kaveri issue that Karnataka has with Tamil Nadu? During the recent filibuster I began to wonder - how much does it cost the taxpayer for each hour the Senate had to remain open? What is the difference between microcontrollers such as the arduino and raspberry pi? Which country has the least amount of hate crimes? What are some reasons for staying anonymous on Quora? What hotel in Barabanki would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? Why do I always focus on negative things? What should I do in college? Can anxiety kill you? How can I attract more girls for sex? How do I unlock my iPad if I forgot my password? Can you describe the best moment in your life? How many months maternity leave with pay will get in tcs? What are good ways to remember dreams? What does god think about killing with drones? How did the cost of living in Berlin become less when compared to other cities in Germany (Munich/ Hamburg/Frankfurt)? Shouldn't it be more when all the young people (artists/musicians) try to move in this metropolitan city? Okay Google I need your help please can anyone tell me how to get rid of an overlay screen that I do not want it's blocking everything? Why is boiled water considered to be the same as distilled water? Is the V-gate motor real? Can you suggest some best people to follow on Quora? Heavy hair falling, what should do to stop hair fall? What should a person do if he has taken huge or overdose of expired medicines? How much weight will I lose if I don't eat for a week? Do you dislike Hilary Clinton? If so, please could you explain why? How do television shows make money? What are your favorite fantasy books? What will be the scope of the IT field after five years? What do the black/red/white/yellow number plates in Indian vehicles imply? How do I find my lost phone using imei number without going to police? Does not brushing your teeth cause bowel cancer? Did Narendra Modi insult the national flag by wearing it around his neck and using it to wipe his sweat? How do I write a program that puts elements in even positions of an array A into the odd positions of an array B, and elements in odd positions in A into even positions in B? How can I tell my cat that I am his boss and he needs to obey me? "Why is tuna called ""chicken of the sea""?" Who is Jon Arryn? What's his backstory? In algebraic terms, how does the monty hall problem work? How can you treat bruising in a sprain ankle? Which company provides the best SEO services in Delhi? How much does aerodynamics affect fuel efficiency? Do girls prefer sensitive and soft-spoken guys over loud and extroverted ones? How does wind affect precipitation? What is an impressive birthday quote for a girl? Which is the best training institute for spring and hibernate in bangalore? What are the types of non-linearity in finite element analysis? Is it possible that a married man can truly love his other woman if he doesn't want to let her go but the latter wants out already? Should men hold doors open for women? Who viewed my profile on Instagram? What is the best joke ever heard? What does our brain do when we think? How do I prepare for SSC CGL at home/without coaching? How BITS Pilani SU president election 2016 went by? What is the density of ice and water? How can I deal with a toxic family? What is your review of TheSuggest.com? What is the Stopping power from a 50cal Desert eagle with a 300 grain Hollow point? Do men wear bras? Is 5'3 tall for an 11 year old? Is Google Wallet secure and reliable? In a Star Trek vs Star Wars war, what are the chances the Federation would aid the Rebels and/or join them? Is there any SoundCloud API for Android? What is the chemical reaction of iron with nitric acid? I wasted a year stewing over a heartbreak and my life had come to a standstill. I found answers to all my questions here. How can I thank you folks? How could I know if my mail is seen or opened by the recipient in Gmail? Is Russia a democratic or communist country? How can you know who looks at your profile if he is not friend? How do I gain weight in naturally way? How is IOFS: Indian Ordnance Factories Service? How life is so beautiful for you? What might the descendants of the Carthaginians be like today if Carthage had never been destroyed by the Romans (or had even beaten the Romans)? What are the main reasons why students from Edison State College don't graduate on time? How were Mexicans treated during slavery? What books do I read to improve my writing skills? What is the biggest lie you have lived? How do I post link? Which are your favorite Bollywood and Hollywood movies? What prepaid card can I purchase and load directly from another prepaid card? I wanna lose 20kgs in 3 months is it possible and how? Can a broken bone heal perfectly? Which phone is better Redmi note 3 or Redmi 3s prime? What are some examples of anaerobic exercises? How is the Bangalore City? What are some very simple things that should never fail? What's a day in the life of a Cotton College student like? Which is the best institute for GMAT preparations in Delhi? Why do some people dislike Michelle Obama? Why do we feel the air fresher when we fan ourselves? What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Govt Properties? Is it safe to get braces while having cavities? What is Wilson plot method in heat transfer? How can changing 500 and 1000 rupee notes end the black money in India? What are the best ways to cook frozen haggis? How do I create wiki pages in SharePoint 2013 using PowerShell script? Which flavors of seasoned nuts are your favorites? What is the meaning of my life? Is unifunds.com legit? What are the differences between SEAL Team Six and Delta Force? What is the scariest code you had ever seen? How does Quora analyze the grammatical correctness of a question? Why is Donald Trump not racist? How can you memorise the iron carbon phase diagram easily? What are the top ten speech recognition APIs? What are some of the best spin off series in television? What are the licenses required for setting up a food truck in Hyderabad? Why does life have to be fair and just, or why not ? How do I edit the value of the peak amplitude in an AC voltage source from the command window using set_param? Can you miss someone you've never met? How does a woman feel after sex? Did Megalodons have any predators? How do I get a dopamine rush while studying? What is visionary gleam? Where has it fled? Elaborate the stages of human life with reference to William Wordsworth's ode: intimations of immortality? What books should I read if I want to learn computer engineering? What type of government does Turkey have? How does it compare to the one in Dominican Republic? How can I log into Instagram if I don't my Instagram email that I used for the account? Why doesn't Quora allow sharing answers to Google+? How many times can you do Wim Hof's breathing method in one day and is there any danger in doing it? Money: What would a world without money be like? Where is the Baraka River located, and how does it compare to the Amur River? How much developed is Japan? How do British textbooks depict the American Revolution? What are the top 5 emotional movies? Which online service do people in China use to watch American TV and movies? What are the best books on data structures for campus placement preparation? Does fish from aquaculture contains less heavy metals than ocean/river fish? "Why were the Viet Cong’s called ""Charlie""?" What is a good coaching institute for CFA in Chennai? How do I learn machine learning? What are some little things that make you happy? What are the uses of numerical analysis in computer science? Any specific applications? How can I retrieve my WeChat account if I've forgotten my password, don't have QQ/email linked, and lost my phone? What is a kernel? What universities does SM Energy recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Why do I feel possessed by a fictional character? What are some useful animal products? Where can I get foreign style coffee serving in that big closed cup in Kolkata? Can anyone guide me? Do wild animals suffer immensely when hunted by a wild predator, or are there mechanisms at work (such as adrenaline) that alleviate any suffering? Is expansion of universe faster than the speed of light? How were the three parts of the brain determined? In Game of Thrones, is king’s blood powerful or is dragon blood? Is Hillary Clinton a Democrat? Is there corruption in Red Cross? Who does not use Quora? Which is the best phone under 20000? Life Advice: How can I make my life simpler? What is the complete procedure to apply for an Indian passport and what is the list of required documents? Is it okay to have a pulse rate of 102 beats per minute as normal pulse rate? Do your parents understand you? Christianity: What are the differences between sin, transgression, and iniquity? What qualifications are required to work in FOX Traveller? Which is the best online IQ test available? Why do people ask such questions here on Quora which could be easily found on the internet? What was the significance of the battle of Somme, and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Dunkirk? I have a Moroccan BA in English, can I continue my studies in the UK with it? Would Paul Malafort trade his patriotism for bucks? When you have surgery under anesthesia, do you not feel the pain, or not remember the pain? What is the easiest way to teach yourself to play guitar? How do I use Email marketing effectively? Why is Cl2Cs polar or non polar? If a police officer wrongly arrested someone based on false testimony could the department be sued? When will Reliance jio launch broadband service for home users? What does the Bible say about the shape of the Earth? Develop a research proposal based on a problem related to Human Resource Management? Is it possible for a woman to become pregnant five days after her period when sex with ejaculation took place? Why is Cathay Pacific's Marco Polo Club Program not free? Downtown Palo Alto: What are the Walgreens store hours on University Avenue? What age did you have sex for the first time? How do you help humanity? The Internet: What is the worst thing on the deep web that was proven to be real? When a GrubHub order is discounted with free Grub, does the restaurant receive less money, or does that come out of GrubHub's marketing budget? What is it like to be pregnant? How do the Buddhists perceive, feel, understand, view, believe, and/or opine, about other religions? How many people were killed in Japan by the atomic bombs? Ukulele or guitar- which instrument is easier for a beginner? How do I make money fast? What is the best thing that has happened to you in front of your crush? What is bookmark? How many times can a man have sex in one night? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Rosetta Resources? How do I skip a class? Is Die Hard a Christmas movie? If Trump is elected president, what is the criteria for a presidential recall election? Can people of any race have freckles, or is just white people? How will Donald Trump becoming a president affect the Indian students who are trying to pursue their masters in America? Is it possible to get a full time job with a good payscale having 2 years freelancing experience of HTML, CSS and Wordpress? "Is ""natural resources"" a field?" Is Rogue One better than The Force Awakens? What happened to Light Yagami after he died? How can you prevent your laptop from overcharging? Can I see who viewed my videos on Instagram? What is Sunny Leone's husband made of? What is the difference between a vowel and a consonant? How do I prepare for general awareness in the CMAT exam? What are the differences between Aryan, Caucasian, European, and white, and why do people conflate them? What is the best way to teach kids programming? If I were going to try to contact a multi millionaire or billionaire to ask them to become my mentor or just for advice, how might I go about this? Who is Sigmund Freud? What's the best reply for appreciation? What is the most unforgettable day of your life and why? What is the name of the flowers at the bottom of this photo? What if you got to know that this world will end tomorrow, and you just have 24 hours to live, What are the last things you would like to do? Newton laws of motion? Where can you buy seaweed? Where can I get photoshop without having to pay monthly? How prevalent is Freemasonry in Asia? Can I make 40,000 a month playing poker? What types of gears used in differentials and gear boxes of cars and bikes? Which is the most used programming language in the world currently? When does imagination become reality for humans? Who is the best television chef? Guy Fieri, Alton Brown, Gordon Ramsay, Mario Batali, Anthony Bourdain, Giada or Bobby Flay? How is the work life at Quora? Who is currently the most famous person alive? Who is in the top 10? What are the pros and cons of using Google Docs instead of a wiki for research projects' documentation? Why has Arnab Goswami resigned from Times Now? What is a psychology? Can I add a blog to any website and if so, how? Which is a suitable solar panel installation provider near South Gate, California CA? How do I raise funds to start a business? What started the tradition of men having short hair and woman having long hair? How many medals will India win in 2016 Olympics? What do you call the locality search function in a website? How do I install and start up C programming language? How old are the characters during the first season of Friends? What is the corporate culture like at Chart Industries? How is the culture different than other companies? How can I increase height after the age of 25? What individuals and events in history are a source of pride for São Tomé and Príncipe? How long will it take to make the new H1B bill to become a law? What is it like to be an American living in the Republic of Ireland? "What is the factual accuracy of the events and evidence in the show ""Hunting Hitler"" by History Channel?" How do I preprocess a KDD Cup 2010 challenge dataset? What are best books for AIIMS and AIPMT? Trump wins the election. So, is he good for India? How do I prepare for UGC NET English Literature exam? What is God to you? If I hold one end of an extremely long (possibly infinitely long) and lightweight pole and start spinning, is it possible for the other end of the pole to exceed the speed of light? If not, what would stop it? What percentage of users rate or provide comments for an Apple App Store or Google Play App? Where is Mount Villarica located and how does its eruptive history compare to Mount Popocatépetl? What not to do while investing in stocks? As a business-development consultant what are the highest leverage questions to ask a client business? Which is the largest church in the world and where is it situated? How are you celebrating Diwali this year? What happens if a university professor loses all the exams he has to grade? Is there some painless way to suicide? Any active cycling groups in Mumbai (Parel)? What is the cheapest way to reach sec 37 gurgaon from Malviya Nagar? What's the best webinar software? How can I score good marks in GRE? What is the typical career path for someone who becomes a professor in accounting? How do I block calls from a particular number? The Hobbit (1937 book): What did the sign on Bilbo's door mean? Is the toogit.com freelance marketplace based in India? Can cancer be injected into you? Is it possible to estimate the volume and composition of chemicals from wear of vehicle tyres that is released on to the planet globally each year? How do I do affiliate marketing without a website? What do Saudis think about Yemen war? How can I fix this? We couldn't create new partition Error :0xdde224f0. "What does the term ""full-stack programmer"" mean?" What are the reasons that any USA universities rejects international candidates? How do I make my wrist stronger? Is taking milk and salt together daily harmful? Which is best software course for a fresher to get IT job? Which course has more demand nowadays Should I talk to my ex now who hurt me? What is the budget breakdown of AAA games? Is there remote PhD program in Stanford, MIT, Carnegi Melon, UOC, Berkely, Princeton, UOW? How will the demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupee notes affect the value of INR against USD? What are the best books on leadership? How do Monistat 3 and Monistat 7 differ? Which city is better to live in: Kolkata (Calcutta) or Ahmedabad? What happens to the money collected everyday in government buses? If they just deposit it in the bank, then why don't they take dilapidated notes? What are the benefits of electrical engineering? How is the word 'arid' used in a sentence? How do you stop watching porn? How do you say ‘prodotto notevole’ in English? Is anyone on Quora nervous about the election tomorrow? Can depression and anxiety cause memory impairment and/or loss? How to get it back ? Why is something like grip strength, which is force, measured in units of mass (lbs or kg)? What should I do to crack Gsoc '16? What's your opinion on Indian Prime Minister Modi's new policy about illegalization of 500 and 1000 currency notes? Do you think Donald Trump will make a good U.S. President? "I was applying for passport (India) and came across ""educational qualification."" Should I give it as ""10th pass and above"" OR ""graduate and above""?" Which equation in general relativity predicted the existence of black-holes ? What is your favorite novel genre? How do I write an article for a magazine? Are marathon runners allowed to hypnotize themselves to no feel pain/fatigue? In what way is the AAP any different from conventional parties? What is congestive heart failure? Do you think scrapping of 500 and 1000 rupee denominations is going to eradicate corruption? Which company should I join as a fresher, TCS or Virtusa? Is DC 5V 1A enough to power a hardisk while connecting it to a phone? What are the differences between common law and statutory law and what are some examples? What are some Active Noise Cancelling headphones under $100 in a office setting? What do Italians eat at home? What was the smart move played by you while working ? Any one ? Is there a scientific proof for claiming that understanding abstraction or mathematics is the pinnacle of human intellect? Imagine that we go inside a black hole then it is said that as our speed increases time decreases and after that time comes to past, is that true? What was the significance of the battle of Somme, and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Penang? Is it good to listen music while studying maths? What is the best way to improve reading speed? How do modern Congolese people view Mobutu in retrospect? In Dallas county what legal consecuences face individuals that make serious false accusations against another person? How long on average does it take women to apply their make-up? How do the tourist attractions on the Scandinavian Highlands compare to attractions in Belgium? How do I prepare for interviews for cse? How do I forget my first crush/love/lust? What kind of shop should I go to buy compressed air cleaner in Sweden? Mumbai Suburban Railway: What is the SSE exam syllabus for electronics? Where can I get custom lanyard design in Melbourne? Do pants feel the pain when we cut them? Do you guys have any idea how are the Originals going to take down Marcel in season 4? As a tourist what is the best area to stay in when visiting Seoul? What is the difference between a preacher and a prophet? What happens to time after entering into a black hole? Why do you think the movie Gravity was better than Interstellar? Peter Thiel: What does Peter Thiel think of the LessWrong community? What is it like to play Age of Wonders? How can I find warehousing jobs in canada? I've been working out in the gym for the last three months but I'm not successful in gaining weight. Should I go for a mass gainer? Is it safe? What is a meaning of life? Why won't Instagram let me follow people? What is the likelyhood that The ArmsIndustry is (LMartin, Russian, Mossad) arranging false flag attacks at border to push for the Arms sales to Ind-Pak? What is the most interesting Road Trip Story you have? Do basic maths for algorithms is taught at VIT Vellore for learning algorithms? How should a teacher maintain discipline in the classroom? Where can I see parched? What do you think about the future of Reliance Jio? Are there any questions that comes from MCB reader for 10th Cbse Sem 1? How different would the world be if racial stereotypes and discrimination didn't exist? What is Hillary Clinton’s plan for the budget at NASA? How do 1080p and 1080i resolution differ? How did Donald Trump become president? Why do I get easily tired after random bursts of motivation or excitement for doing something that I like that requires work? What are the admission requirements for an international student to be accepted in the MS (computer science program) in University of Washington? How do l study efficiently? Which are the top7 companies that have the most amount of qualitative data from around the world? How did Jimmy Wales start building the wikipedia? What are some ideas of a new business with low investment to start in India? What are some of the biggest lies that you ever told? Mild disc bulge L4L5S1 is curable its true or false? What are some stereotypes that are true? How did you learn to speak English? How do I hack my husband phone? How much physics is involved in geography? Who was the most ignorant person you have ever met? What was the significance of the battle of Somme, and how did this battle compare and contrast to the Battle of Matapan? Where did the news channel get the 99 minute spacex accident video from? What are some differences between epistemology and metaphysics? How does one stop a 1.5 yr old from screaming? She screams for everything! Especially if she doesn't get her way. Is Quora superior to Yahoo answers? Why did only six people attend Thomas Paine's funeral? Can you get pregnant before ever getting your first period? Why are Saltwater taffy candy imported in the Philippines? Why are Indians getting influenced by the Western culture? What is the best programming language to develop a desktop application? How can you legally watch NBA games online for free? How can I learn English in 6 months? How does Quora count the number of views in an answer? Which is the best godrej air conditioner repair center in Hyderabad? How much taxes will I pay if I cash out my 17,000 401k? How do I delete my old Instagram which I don't know my password to? How do I stop worrying about what others think of me? Why isn't there a directory for cell phone numbers? Can you have sex while pregnant? Which famous Japanese-peoples are on Quora? Daniel Ek: Are there any future plans of releasing Spotify in India? What is peer to peer investing? He keeps turning to look at me. If a guy does this, does that mean he's interested in you? What are some reviews of www.wheystar.com? How do I create a fake Gmail account? Do new 2000 INR really have a NGC (Nano GPS Chip), or is it just a rumour? Am not starting big? How can I make $1000 per month online? What are some of the ways to get funding for Master's in U.S? Was 9-11 an inside job? What are the differences between the Golden Globes and the Emmys? Who is Pakalu Papito and why / how did he become famous? Difference between MLA and mlc? What can replace engineering assignments? What kind of benefits does Booking.com offer its employee? How do you simplify the square root of 18? Does leapdroid provide root access? What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-ticketing? Where can I get affordable pest control service in Australia? How can I earn from online? What is the safest city in the United States? What is Jake William's favorite fruit? Why does my hand smell like shit after I poo even if I use tissues to clean myself? What is the difference of table manners between China and the UK? What are some of the best compliments you ever heard about yourself? What will be the consequences of 500 and 1000 rupee notes banning? What is the difference between 8085 and 8086? Do you think its possible to consciously change our perceptions of time? What is a list of all the animated Batman movies? How do I develop Android apps? What is your best sexual experience? What are the best education portals in India? "Are men attracted to ""innocence""?" Will I lose all my data in my Dropbox when my 48 GB of space that came with the phone expires? Which entrance exam is tougher, AIIMS or IIT? Will President Trump be favorable to India? What common mistakes do people make when learning a new language? What is the difference between fuzzy logic and crisp logic? Why is AGO called gas oil? Why surgical masks have a blue and white side? When can I expect Alienware 13 R3 to arrive in India? Also what will be the price of it? What is the best way to present the weekly status of deliverables and plan for next week to your manager? Why did Irom Sharmila end her fast? What song plays over the end credits to the 2002 movie Thunderpants? Is dual majoring in Chemistry and Applied Physics plus minoring in Computer Science a good idea? "What should I answer when my interviewer asks me, ""Why investment banking? Why finance?""?" Why do INFJs like psychology? Who will win in America presidential elections in 2016? What are some ways to remove a watermark from a video? What advantages do Java Beans have? How can I get rid of under eye dark circles? What are the biggest challenges Google faces as a company? I forgot my Gmail id? How would changing the 500 and 1000 currency notes help indian government in dealing with corruption? Can animals be trans or homosexual? What brand of toilet paper does the Queen of England use? What are some good resources for learning R? What happens to the sound energy after we stop talking? "How can I avoid having so many of my questions marked ""needs improvement""?" What does this: * emoticon mean? Why does nobody have time? Why is Tornado Alley called that? What is the best way to evenly ripen a quart of hard and tart supermarket strawberries? Should they be left on the counter, in the fridge, or a combination of both? I got placed in amazon for TOC role. What will be my monthly salary exactly after deducting pf and other taxes? What is advertising personalization? What do Jon Davis and Balaji Viswanathan think of each other? Only led light is blinking but power bank is not charging? Which are the best digital marketing agencies? Does Deloitte hire Teamcenter professionals? What is the reason behind firing of Cyrus Mistry from TATA group? Is it a must to tip waiters in U.S? What's a car engine life in kilometers? What do Americans think about Donald Trump? What does it mean to be wise and how can I become it? What is best for upcoming IT industry Web development or Database Administrator? How do I stop eating junk food? How much margin does amazon keep in gift vouchers? What are the health benefits of eating chia seeds? Why do many Filipinos enjoy spending so much time in shopping malls? Should there be a character limit for answers on Quora? What is the best weekend escapade from Pune? Who is the next CM for Andhra Pradesh? Why did my Instagram log me out? How do plug in mosquito repellents work? Why do people ask question on Quora that can be easily and definitively answered by Googling? Right after drinking cold water I get swets, why is this? How do you write a blog on Quora? How do I speak English fluently? Boxing (sport): How can I improve my jab speed? What is your favorite violin song? What are short and open circuits used for? How would I decorate a bedroom with a 1980's theme? What is the difference between Linux and Linux kernel? Why is everyone hating Donald Trump, even though more than half of the USA has elected him to be the president? Why are most first basemen left handed? I am a 11th standard student.How can I earn money online? How does love make you happy? What is the best kitty photo have you ever snapped? Where can I get the best digital marketing course (online & offline) in India? My salary statement like 10170-18500rs . Karnataka govt implement 7th pay commission, what will be the effect on my salary? What is the salary of an assistant professor with a PhD in India? Can you see who viewed your Instagram? How has the present Philippines independent foreign policy set a good model for Japan and South Korea to follow in the world? If I don't opt maths in class 11th can I still give SAT exam? How do exterminators kill mice? Is this a good time to buy Apple stock (February 11, 2016)? How do I compare the performance of Selenium and Sahi? Why do people like to drive SUVs? What was the main and most important purpose of the Gallipoli Campaign? What percentage of the people of India belong to which class? How I export vegetable dubai to india? How can cashless transactions help an economy? Hw can I hack someone's WhatsApp messages? What is the best university for econometrics? How can I evaluate [math]\displaystyle\lim_{x \to \infty} \frac{e^ {1-\sin x} - e^{1 - \tan x}}{\tan x - \sin x}[/math]? Who is more powerful country? USA or Russia? How can I transfer money from Chase account to someone else's account in another bank? What are some examples of real world application of a depth first search? Why did HBO cancel Deadwood? "If I remove someone from Snapchat and my account settings are on ""My Friends"" only, can they still message me and can they still view my story?" Should you perm your own hair? "How long will an ""accidentally"" eaten plastic bag take to digest/pass through you?" What Hillary Clinton thinks about India and future relation plan? What is the evidence that time and space was created during Big Bang? How do I improve my English speaking? What is the difference between an apartment and a condominium? How dangerous is it if a dog eats chocolate cake? If you are a cop, how is it viewed if you pull over another cop? How was the 2G scam caught? How many hours per day do startup employees work compared to those at a regular company? How do I know humanity? Is it ok to drink your own cum after masturbation? Why aren't we able to improve the condition of farmers in India? How can one be more outgoing? How do I lose weight only through a vegan diet? Why does paying for legal prostitution hurt your chances for getting top secret clearance? What is UJJWALA YOJANA in Chhattisgarh? I am planning 2 buy car (btn 4-6.5 L) 4 my family & flat (btn 25-40L), how much it will benefit 2 me 2 wait until den or should I purchase them now? I graduated high school 2 months ago and don't know what to in the future. Advice? What is a incubation center? My YouTube Account Has Terminated. Now, All New Accounts Are Also Terminating. What To Do? "What phrases are similar to ""are you sure"" in Spanish?" How can I stop my dog from humping my furniture? Which football club has the most loyal fans? What are some characteristics of and American Bully? Has anyone taken the UCSC extension program for Data Analytics? How can we earn money online without investment? What's your inter religion love marriage story? How do you start a Wikipedia page about a company? How are big data, machine learning, and data science affecting the field of education? Who is Pandit Mahendra Pal Arya ? What is elvisco.com? What should I do to gain some weight? Why is David Bowie afraid of Americans? Who will win the 25th match between Australia and Bangladesh in the 2016 Kabaddi World Cup? What does 8% body fat look like? Camera Sony RX-100 sometimes takes three shots for HDR. How to control this option? How much does water compress when under enough pressure to make Ice X? What are some animals that most people have never seen before? For a women in the Olympic Games, if her scheduled match is on the same day of her Periods, then what she/they do? Which is the best hatch back under RS 6 lakh? What is the aftermath of trump winning the presidential election? Why should I stop watching porn? How do people earn money from daily trading of share? Politics: What is the difference between Conservative, Liberal, Centrist, Leftist, Right Wing Parties in the modern world? How do I hack a password? How can I see a private account on Instagram? What are the best telescopes for a beginner? What is the hottest place in India? What are some of the greatest acting performances to not win an Oscar? Why? Does Gary Johnson stand a chance in the 2016 election? Should a person quit his job if it involves lots of public speaking and it is giving him panic attacks? How do I reset my Gmail Password? What is the cheapest air ticket booking website available in India? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Myers Industries? How is the work culture and nature of job at NRSC, Hyderabad? What is the best digital marketing course online for a beginner? How can I reset a passcode-locked Android phone? How can I invite banks to open an atm at my permises on rent? What is the best laptop under Rs.50000 in India? What is a chemical that can be used to make a sheet of paper hard? Why is India still a developing country when other colonized countries like China and Japan are better developed than India? What's the difference between AAdvantage million miler balance and the program to date miles in my American Airlines account? How can I recover saved snapchat messages that disappeared? Why do I keep hearing someone call my name when no one is actually calling me? Is it allright? What is the ideal time and number of hours one should sleep? What is the best time of day to have sex? Can you make yourself laugh? How do I integrate x^3/(x+1) ^2? While composing a song, do songwriters write the lyrics first, or the music? What does it feel like to have OCD? What are the main goals of life? What are the consequences, both mentally and physically, of not having sex? What are some interesting and unknown facts about Lisa Ann? Will real estate and prices of essential goods come down in India after the ban of 500 and 1000 notes? Is Hangwoman about gender performativity? What are the differences between Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Engineering? How safe is Papua New Guinea, and how does it's crime rate compare to Azerbaijan's? Do aliens exist? Which one will be better, an i5 7200U with an Intel HD 620 graphics or an i5 6200U with an Nvidia 940MX? Where is the camera roll on an iPad? How can I get a job in medical sales? What are existential questions? Why is Balsam plant wilt during midday even if the soil is well watered? Who designed the uniqlo website? What is the difference between a loan and a mortgage? Is Captain America the worst and the weakest superhero in Avengers Series? Why is he so hyped even though he doesn't have much powers? What are some clever names for thrift stores? How can I serve intelligence agencies studying science? How does a boeing 777 engine operate at extreme cold temperatures associated with a high altitude? What causes tires to cup? How many leap years are there in a century and why? What does Germany look like, and how does its geography compare to Sweden's? Is 5'9 that much shorter then 6'0? Is gate mandatory for MS in mechanical engineering in Germany if not what are the requirements to join for MS programmes? Is it mandatory to have 10,000 Thai baht when entering Thailand for a visit, or can I carry the amount in my ATM card and use it when I need it? Can I get hiv by infrcted blood dropping on my eyes? How do I change incorrect address in Chennai property tax document? What motivates students to pursue research career in math at premier places like CMI ISI .Did their parents support their decisions in this engg era? What is the best thing to do after sex? What are the best Washing Machine Repair center in Hyderabad? Does American Express layoffs Software Engineers in United States? Does every Christian have to speak in tongues? "Is adding ""hope this helps"" or a signature at the end of an answer on Quora helpful or unnecessary?" What is PV cell? What are the top 10 Bollywood songs? What is a boy/girl called when he/she is 1-6 years old, 6-11years old, 11-14 years old, and 14-18 years old? What is the function of the umbilical artery and vein? Where can I learn HTML and CSS? Why does the same person always appear on top of the likers on Instagram pictures? Why do modern women speak with that awful choked sound? Why are there NBA games on Christmas? Is economics the science which studies human behavior as a relationship between ends & scarce means which have alternative uses? What good did Joseph Stalin accomplish during his office? How can I show appreciation to my girlfriend without physical contact? How do witches earn money? Can a credit card gateway company be registered in one country and operate in another? How can Bihar develop? What is an alternative to sharedtalk? Does any Indian online shopping cart accept international credit or debit cards? How Can I improve problem solving? Orange juice is a liquid. Explain why orange juice is not chemically pure? What the meaning of this all life? I have no birth certificate, Social Security card, or ID. I need my birth certificate and ID card, but I need a Social Security card and ID to get a birth certificate. Where do I start? Can you explain global warming in layman terms? Is Julian Assange a hero or a villian? "How do you say ""shut up"" in Japanese?" "What is the meaning of ""Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"" in the Declaration of Independence?" What are the best frameworks for building an AJAX based web app? Can social anxiety be successfully dealt with independently, without medication or counselling? Who is going to win the Champions League 2016/17? What is the best way to substitute margarine for butter in a chocolate cake recipe? How can Herbalife help me lose weight? Is Narendra Modi the best Prime Minister of India? Can all cheetahs run as fast as 60 - 70mph? What is the fee structure for a 4-year B.Tech at KIIT University? How can you delete a question that you asked on Quora? What is the best laptop under INR 30,000? What are good masters programs in clinical psychology? Which NFL teams have never won the Super Bowl? How does drinking warm cayenne pepper every morning help you lose weight? Why is Quora app so bad? Which car is the best, Honda City or Hyundai Verna? How can you mop a floor without a mop? What are good books for data structures in Java? What are some good songs to make a texting lyric prank? Why did president Obama spend more than $100 million taxpayer dollars on his personal vacations? What is the next move that you suggest to Narendra Modi to eliminate black money? Is it okay to masturbate regularly? Which book would you recommend to improve English? Why am I not getting the output for this C++ code? Is Delhi is far better than Patna for general competitive exams? What are the best available technology gadgets? An investment of $9000 grows to $10,297.14 in 4 years. Find the annual rate of return for annual compounding.? If you had three wishes what would you wish for and why? Secret which you cannot tell anyone in real life,but would on Quora? What are enterprise email solutions? What does Richard Muller think about eternal inflation? What is the best advice that you have received? How do psychopaths feel when broken up with? What's the best way to break up with someone? Is it possible to change a project in TCS? Can we prove 0! =1? What's your favorite memory from the 1980s? What are the best things to buy in Germany? Smart People: Where is Akrit Pran Jaswal? What has he been doing lately? Was the US election rigged? Why isn't Reliance into the automobile industry? Which sheet metal fabrication in Sydney is the best? What are the pros and cons of using C++ for embedded systems compared to programming in C? What are the best high-end preschools in Indianapolis? What makes them good or special? What is the maximum and average package given at VIT for CSE? What are the effects of taking allergy and cold medicine at the same time? What are the worst commutes in Manhattan? What are some tips for making them better? Would the world be a more peaceful place if everyone spoke the same language? I am free for the next two months. How do I make money from home? Can a person travel to Turkey with a misdemeanor conviction? What are biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials with examples? I want to get married and bring my wife to USA on dependent visa. How much time will it take to get marriage certificate in India (GOA)? Which is the best book for clearing basic concepts of chemistry? What percent of engineers are at staff level or above at Google? What is the cost to travel in a sleeper coach with a general ticket? Which is best country? What happen if we drink liquid oxygen? What is a phobia? What is the secret to the delicious salad dressing at the italian restaurant The Olive Garden? How do you potty train large puppies? Is moving back from the US to India considered a regression? Did the Nazis really play Yahtzee? If so, then why isn't it spelled Yazi? If China controls Spratly Islands, will Japan be threatened? How does someone become a better problem solver? If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be? How often should I text my crush (every day, two days, once a week)? How will gst affect GDP? Who is the richest Big Bang theory star? What are the concepts every Java programmer must know? Is time travel possible after the discovery of gravitational waves? How was it to meet Richard Feynman? What is the Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom? What celestial objects can be watched using a 40mm telescope? How are Effigen diet pills useful for weight loss? Are they harmful for our organism? What are some good korean films of 2012? What is CUDA? How is it linked to NVIDIA? What does CUDA have to do with GPU? What is your biggest dream and your greatest accomplishment? What is the entropy of a black hole? What brands of jumper cables do they sell at Lowe's? Why do fish sleep? Is the mom from suite life of zack and cody a prostitute? If we could make morality an objective quality, do you think our individualist society could get past all or most common controversies? What is prison like in China? How can I be more patient? What are mistakes managers make and how to avoid them? How can you calculate the heat of combustion of hydrogen? What does it mean by 'moment' of a random variable? How can we save fuel for the future? Why does quora mark my questions as needing improvement? What is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Mercer County IL? Why is the Quora bot so stupid? "I have a 115 v Blender ""Grinder"", I want to run on 220 v AC, What is the best Converter to use, and how much Watts required?" What is airtel hotspot? What is the difference between hotspot and dongle? What were all of Nero’s accomplishments? How do I change my profile photo in here on Quora? What are some good arguments against the existence of God? How long does it take to heal a damaged ligament? What do you think about when you cannot sleep? How much is a pound of weed? How do I cope with not being proud of my academic achievement? How is the placement of Unitedworld Institute of Design (product design)? I wish to start a social media app, how should I begin? Does juice make you gain weight? Is it possible to flash a custom ROM without rooting the Android device? What are some of the good areas to live in Berlin? How is it possible to believe in the Old Testament in which there is just one God and at the same time believe in Trinity? What are some tips on making it through the job interview process at Carpenter Tech? Is our body basic or acidic? What if mosquitoes don't exist? How do you treat a pimple inside the nose? Why am I getting lazy? Why are all my SD cards corrupting? What are some good courses or books to learn Japanese? If dark and vacuum energy are created with expansion is there potential energy that transforms into these types of energy with expansion? Is Instagram's new logo an improvement over the previous one? Do women like pegging men? "Will ""Akhand Hindustan"" be recreated after India attains an Islamic majority?" What are the best website for downloading free games? What are the easiest ways that a college student can earn money? How does voting without an ID work? What are some surefire ways to grow your YouTube channel? What is your review of Game of Thrones Season 3? What is the guaranteed way to contact Ashton Kutcher and get his attention? How does one represent Pakistan in a Model UN? Which web framework for the Go language is best for creating a REST API? What is your opinion on PM Narendra Modi's decision to ban INR 500 and INR 1000 notes? "How can we use the word ""contorted"" in a sentence?" How do I know if a girl is out of my league? What was the heaviest payload that has been sent to space? My boyfriend is very soft spoken.He can't hurt anybody.but sometimes I want him to react if someone says something to him .In our group of friends mostly he is targeted, but he doesn't react.He always says I don't care of what people say but I want him to be aggressive at times. how can I tell him? What is unique about Tensorflow from the other existing Deep Learning Libraries? How does a man feel to be in love with a Co-worker? If we were not limited by money, what would be the most technologically advanced underwater habitat we could make using current technology? How can I avoid YouTube copyright issues? Why is editorial page of The Hindu so important for UPSC aspirants? Is there a way to convert some white hair in a beard into black? Can I track a stolen phone? How India can respond to the Uri terror attack? What does chodikanam means in malayalam? Do you think time travel is possible? Is it acceptable to wear black shoes with dark khaki pants? How should I talk to this girl in my college lecture class? How does welfare reduce poverty? "What does ""Гиркинюгенд"" mean?" How much do Uber owners make in Nairobi? How long does it take for eyebrows to grow back? I am going to move from Mharashtra to Rajasthan, jaipur, I need to carry my bike, what will be the procedure I have to follow & what are the things I need to do for running my bike at Rajasthan...? What is your review of Gurgaon Professionals? How can I get VAT/TIN in Rajasthan to sell online? Why do I want my narcissist ex-partner back, even though he abused me? What are some good free apps that you can use to automatically show people open times on your calendar and invite them to schedule a meeting time? What's the best country to get employed as an inmigrant? How much would $1-million Canadian in 1872 be in today's dollars, adjusted for inflation? How do I download large rar files in Android? I want to download a 200 MB file but it won't download properly. Suggest me an app. What are some strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of owning a Napa winery? What are some tools Application Developers are using to capture/ get metrics/analytics on user behavior in real-time for web and mobile apps? What are possible affects to the body of someone with bipolar? How do I propose my boyfriend? Why do Japanese people stare at foreigners? Why isn't my question answered on Quora? Is social media becoming an instrument of propaganda? How back emf produce in motors? I am very emotional. I get hurt even if someone cracks a joke about me. What should I do to overcome this? How do I stop eating cake? Why we believe in astrology ? How can you simply tell if you are in an inertial or non inertial frame? What are the best places to visit in Kanhangad, Kerala? What is the new H1B Visa reform bill that was re-introduced? Is this bill passed? Is a master’s degree mandatory for Indian IT employees? Does shooting a barrel of oil really cause it to explode? How much thrust could be generated from a 6 volt battery? How can I get a BoneTown activation code? Is it safe to charge iPhone 6 for a whole night? What type of jewelry can one gift to babies? How can I get more comedy content for my YouTube channel? "I think a person blocked my number, but I tried to text him and it showed ""delivered"". Do you think it is possible that he still receives my messages if he had blocked my number?" "NCAA: Could colleges pay a ""pension"" to graduates based on their sports achievements?" Did Airbnb pay hotel taxes retroactively (on past rentals) as part of an arrangement with the city of San Francisco? What are white blood cells in urine during pregnancy? What is the expected cutoff for the KVPY 2016? Is the full text of Nehru's 'My heart goes out to the people of Assam' speech available anywhere or does someone remember that particular radio broadcast? Is there a way to prevent hair Loss? 1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you at work? How can I find revenues of a private company? It's based in Germany. Who is Deepika Padukone marrying? Why did the founding fathers decide to use electoral votes instead of popular votes to elect presidents? Can high rating in HackerRank and good results in HackerRank contests get me a job? Are there any conspiracy theories that are probably true? Any conspiracy theories that turned out to be true? What are the career options available for an electrical engineering graduate? How do I stay away of gay encounter from a friend? If God created the world, who created God? Why does keyboard letters are not arranged in alphabetic order? How do you get a job at Google? How do I dump a code in Raspberry pi? Does charging my iPhone 6 overnight destroy my battery? What should I do if my saliva stinks? Where can I learn live gesture recognition as a college student? What can I do if a newly appointed middle manager is talking against me to my boss and my colleagues? Why would someone want to be famous? What are the best ways to earn money from home? What's the best programmnig language for begginers? What is the difference between Uber and Lyft? How can I get rid of little black bugs in my bed? What are some innovative ideas for environmental sustainability? Is it likely that a white girl will fall for an Asian guy? Why does a small piece of earwax sometimes do a bizarre and very intricate, long dance if you drop it into a toilet bowl? How do I get rid of scalp acne? Who was the first king of China? What is the best mass gainer for vegetarians? How can a mosquito fly inside a moving car independently without sticking to anything? "When Marie Antoinette famously didn't say, ""Let them eat cake,"" what did she really mean?" What makes a great TV show? What are the properties of pure metals? What can I substitute for a guitar capo? What are some mind-blowing mobile phone gadgets that exist that most people don't know about? How can I get rid of acne and scars? "How is the word ""audio"" used in sentences?" What is your impression on China? Which one is better whether product based or service based company? What is your review of 2013 Summer Internships? Is it a good idea to guarantee anonymity in Q&A communities like Quora? What makes Apple the most valuable brand? How do you write a song? What is it like to be famous on Quora? Why are women sensitive about age? If you went to the gym and found a guy working out like one punch man how would you react to this man? How do I choose the proper profession? How will India's economy be affected if India goes to war against Pakistan? What materials or solutions lend into insulating sound but allow heat to transfer through? How would you pronounce the name Zentradi and does it sound like good name for a home tech products company? What are annual revenues for FedEx Senseaware service? Does Tinder work in China? How can tiny white bumps on your hands be treated? What is the most bizarre small science experiments you've conducted? What are people's biggest frustrations with physics? How do I register my domain site email? What are some amazing pictures? "How did you ""April Fool"" someone?" What are the side effects of the Alpha Ketoanalogue Tablet? Puzzles and Trick Questions: What is the correct answer to: 11x11 = 4; 22x22 = 16; 33x33=? What is the difference between C and C++? What kinda of gifts do parents give to their young children? Have you ever quit Facebook? Which is the best course to survive next 50 years biomedical engineering or biotechnology? Why do some Americans think they are the no.1 of the world? How often does Google Maps update their satellite photos? What does Bryan Caplan think of Singapore? What are the best ways to register my Dell laptop? How do I use prepaid card with uber? Donald Trump brags about sexually assaulting women. How many women has he assaulted? For a recovering alcoholic, is vinegar okay? How many days does it take to get a fresh passport in India? How do I get over a friend with whom I haven't talked in 3 years but still miss him? Can anyone provide the details and previous year question paper of civil engineering for Delhi development authority exam? What do you think are some good and some bad things about Twitter and Facebook? If a dog comes and directly sniffs a guests crotch, does this indicate they are releasing a strong odor or pheromone? How do I make girls like me? What is the weather like in Oaxaca, Mexico? How do I increase IQ? I experienced something unique during zazen. I was just conscious nothing else more. But after that day I couldnt reach same level. Does sleeping with wet hair give you a headache? How do I sleep naked? When did humans start naming themselves? What's the history behind names? Do non-human species use names? Why do IT company like to ask coding questions which will almost never be applied to the real daily work? How can I not fall in love easily? How many businesses in the U.S. operate during all hours of the day? What does mean Distance Vector routing Algorithm? What is something that you believe to be true that very few people agree with you on? How is time travel possible? Where can you find the best hotels in Nainital? Which is the best site to download movies? Where can I get quality assistance at London Airport for any elderly people? What is xceligent? What is the best phone under 20,000? Why is it that my girlfriend when I get upset she gets more upset , talks about herself than listening ,finally I end comforting her ? How do you balance a chemical equation? How I can speak English fluently? What are some tips to write an informative speech on basketball? "If a job advertisement doesn't say ""contract"" or ""permanent"", does it mean it is a permanent one?" How do you find meaning in what you do with your life? What should I do to get more traffic on my blog? What universities does Catalent recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Are there Quorans who ask a question and answer it themselves? When railway engines are serviced? What is an advice? What are some of Füssen's best kept secrets? Is coughing up blood is always serious? Is William the Man in Black on Westworld? How can we remove fat from our hips? What is Ajay Chandrakar's points towards turning into the greatest Eco-Tourism Hub in Chhattisgarh? Where can I download free music? Why World War III are inevitable? What was the most important question someone asked you? What is happening with Kashmir? What are some mind-blowing phones accessories that exist that most people don't know about? Can lost hairs be regained? What is the best laptop under INR 30,000? Instagram (product): How can I get a verified account on Instagram? Why don't children love their parents as much as parents love them? What are some mind-blowing Car tools that exist that most people don't know about? Are there any security features in Rs 2000 and Rs. 500 currency notes to make them counterfeit proof? Which country's stock market is the most difficult to trade on a intermediate-term basis (hold trades for months)? What's your best 'wtf' moment? Where can i get basic knowledge of engineering? Which Visa is easier to get, from the Swiss or French embassy? "In Europa Universalis IV, how do nations go on an ""Exodus""?" What are the International Phonetic Alphabet symbols? What are some of the best jobs? Why are so many male actors kind of short? If you eat stems from weed, can you get high off of them? What are the safety precautions on handling shotguns proposed by the NRA in North Carolina? What are the home remedies for wheezing cold? What is it like to work at Tommy Hilfiger? "What is the meaning of ""vox organalis""?" How can we make women feel safe in indian society? What are some references to tacos in popular culture? In which hotel do the Indian Cricket players stay when the match is at Delhi? How do you start a research project? Do people think that Maria Sharapova's grunt is extremely sexy and arouses fantasies of extreme orgasms? "Why are Amazon delivery estimates always ""by 8pm"" on a given day?" What are the differences between sourcing, merchandising, purchasing, buyer, and procurement jobs? How do you develop meaningful relationships in life? Is it possible for average student to clear ssc? How much minimum time needed for prepare to get a good rank in gate (civil) for an average student? What is the most important KRA of a project manager? Why can't I like people's comments on Instagram? What does immiseration mean and how is it used in a sentence? Are there good Individual IAS preparation classes in Pune? What is a voice-over artist? What is the number divide by 2,3,4,5,6,7 the reminder is 1,2,3,4,5,0? Is it possible to make a 3G Android phone support a 4G sim card network, provided it is rooted and has a micro sim slot? Why was Hitler was so against Jews? Who is the best out of everyone? How can you determine the valency of hydrogen? What are some reasonable research topics for undergrads in pure mathematics? Which software can download a YouTube playlist? How can I become more cultured and charismatic? What is scope of information technology in railway? Is hydrogen peroxide soluble in water? What are some good and non-cliched topics for slam poetry? How do I decorate a bedroom with a 1989 theme? Why the bat and ball games like Cricket are not included in the Olympic Games? Is it true that you can tell a girl likes you by the way she looks at you? Is it good for your health to drink your morning urine? Why are only few people aware that many dinosaurs had feathers? Which is the best Shahrukh Khan movie and why? How do I get rid of my lisp as a teenager? Is Metal gear Solid V hard? In 2017 what could possibly the upcoming features in WhatsApp? Will Ichiro play for the Marlins tonight at Target Field and at what position will he play? What time will the team announce its lineup? What is the best IDE? Can you have an hourglass body shape and have small breasts/butt? Is it bad that I hate all black people? Should hamsters eat popcorn? How do I begin with android application development? How caster angle affects to the vehicle dynamics? What are some ways to prove you love someone? What can I do to improve my pronunciation (english)? What are some cautionary tales (or transformative stories) for romantic relationships, in classical literature? What are you going to do about GMO companies that are masking their food labels behind QR codes and what is your take on GMOs? What UK-based digital companies are looking to expand into China? With the human race ecologically dominating the earth, have we altered the evolution of other species? Should I go for unlikely dream job or a safe decent job the odds are very low? How do I install custom ROM in Asus Fonepad 8 K016 tablet? Neuroscience: Is it possible to “cure” Aphantasia? What can I do to stop worrying what others think? What universities does Prosperity Bancshares recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Can we live without credit cards? Which American Presidents have never released their birth certificate? What are some of the best compliments which I can give to a singer? Information Security: How do I become a penetration tester with no relevant experience? I am an aiims aspirant and iam in class 11th. How to do self study if in school from 7am to 10 pm and only have 1.5hrs in between ? "Why does this IF formula ""=IF (J3:U3