--- license: cc --- MorisienMT is a dataset for Mauritian Creole Machine Translation. This dataset consists of training, development and test set splits for English--Creole as well as French--Creole translation. The development and test sets consist of 500 and 1000 sentences respectively. Both evaluation sets are trilingual. The training set for English--Creole contains 21,810 lines. The training set for French--Creole contains 15,239 lines. Additionally, we extract a trilingual English-French-Creole training set of 13,861 lines. Finally, we also provide a Creole monolingual corpus of 45,364 lines. Note that a significant portion of the dataset is a dictionary of word pairs/triplets, nevertheless it is a start. Feel free to use the dataset for your research but don't forget to attribute our upcoming paper which will be uploaded to arxiv shortly. Note: MorisienMT was originally partly developed by Dr Aneerav Sukhoo from the University of Mauritius in 2014 when he was a visiting researcher in IIT Bombay. Dr Sukhoo and I worked on the MT experiments together, but never publicly released the dataset back then. Furthermore, the dataset splits and experiments were not done in a highly principled manner, which is required in the present day. Therefore, we improve the quality of splits and officially release the data for people to use.