#!/bin/env python """ Work in progress Plan: Similar to generate-embeddings.py However, instead of reading from a dictionary, just generate by pure numeric tokenID Save it out """ import sys import json import torch from safetensors.torch import save_file from transformers import CLIPProcessor,CLIPModel clipsrc="openai/clip-vit-large-patch14" processor=None model=None device=torch.device("cuda") def init(): global processor global model # Load the processor and model print("loading processor from "+clipsrc,file=sys.stderr) processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(clipsrc) print("done",file=sys.stderr) print("loading model from "+clipsrc,file=sys.stderr) model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(clipsrc) print("done",file=sys.stderr) model = model.to(device) def embed_from_inputs(inputs): with torch.no_grad(): text_features = model.get_text_features(**inputs) embedding = text_features[0] return embedding init() inputs = processor(text="dummy", return_tensors="pt") inputs.to(device) all_embeddings = [] for id in range(49405): inputs.input_ids[0][1]=id emb=embed_from_inputs(inputs) emb=emb.unsqueeze(0) # stupid matrix magic to make the cat work all_embeddings.append(emb) if (id %100) ==0: print(id) embs = torch.cat(all_embeddings,dim=0) print("Shape of result = ",embs.shape) print("Saving all the things...") save_file({"embeddings": embs}, "embeddings.safetensors")