#!/bin/env python """ Plan: Read in "dictionary" for list of words Read in pre-calculated "proper" embedding for each word from safetensor file named "embeddings.safetensors" Prompt user for two words from the list (but may also be off the list, or a phrase) Print out Euclidean distance between the two (the point of the dictionary is that it can make loading super fast for known words) """ import sys import json import torch from safetensors import safe_open import numpy from transformers import CLIPProcessor,CLIPModel clipsrc="openai/clip-vit-large-patch14" processor=None model=None device=torch.device("cuda") def init(): global processor global model # Load the processor and model print("loading processor from "+clipsrc,file=sys.stderr) processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(clipsrc) print("done",file=sys.stderr) print("loading model from "+clipsrc,file=sys.stderr) model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(clipsrc) print("done",file=sys.stderr) model = model.to(device) embed_file="embeddings.safetensors" device=torch.device("cuda") print("read in words from dictionary now",file=sys.stderr) with open("dictionary","r") as f: tokendict = f.readlines() wordlist = [token.strip() for token in tokendict] # Remove trailing newlines print(len(wordlist),"lines read") print("read in embeddings now",file=sys.stderr) model = safe_open(embed_file,framework="pt",device="cuda") embs=model.get_tensor("embeddings") embs.to(device) print("Shape of loaded embeds =",embs.shape) def standard_embed_calc(text): if processor == None: init() inputs = processor(text=text, return_tensors="pt") inputs.to(device) with torch.no_grad(): text_features = model.get_text_features(**inputs) embedding = text_features[0] return embedding def print_distance(emb1,emb2): targetdistance = torch.norm( emb1 - emb2) print("DISTANCE:",targetdistance) # return embed of target word. # pull from dictionary, or do full calc def find_word(targetword): try: targetindex=wordlist.index(targetword) targetemb=embs[targetindex] return targetemb return except ValueError: print(targetword,"not found in cache") print("Now doing lookup with full calc embed") targetemb=standard_embed_calc(targetword) return targetemb while True: input_text1=input("Input a word1(or phrase) now:") input_text2=input("Input word2 now:") emb1=find_word(input_text1) emb2=find_word(input_text2) print_distance(emb1,emb2)