## Overview Original dataset available [here](https://github.com/sheng-z/JOCI/tree/master/data). This dataset is the "full" JOCI dataset, which is the file named `joci.csv.zip`. # Dataset curation The following processing is applied, - `label` column renamed to `original_label` - creation of the `label` column using the following mapping, using common practices ([1](https://github.com/rabeehk/robust-nli/blob/c32ff958d4df68ac2fad9bf990f70d30eab9f297/data/scripts/joci.py#L22-L27), [2](https://github.com/azpoliak/hypothesis-only-NLI/blob/b045230437b5ba74b9928ca2bac5e21ae57876b9/data/convert_joci.py#L7-L12)) ``` { 0: "contradiction", 1: "contradiction", 2: "neutral", 3: "neutral", 4: "neutral", 5: "entailment", } ``` - finally, converting this to the usual NLI classes, that is `{"entailment": 0, "neutral": 1, "contradiction": 2}` ## Code to create dataset ```python import pandas as pd from datasets import Features, Value, ClassLabel, Dataset # read data df = pd.read_csv("/joci.csv") # column name to lower df.columns = df.columns.str.lower() # rename label column df = df.rename(columns={"label": "original_label"}) # encode labels df["label"] = df["original_label"].map({ 0: "contradiction", 1: "contradiction", 2: "neutral", 3: "neutral", 4: "neutral", 5: "entailment", }) # encode labels df["label"] = df["label"].map({"entailment": 0, "neutral": 1, "contradiction": 2}) # cast to dataset features = Features({ "context": Value(dtype="string"), "hypothesis": Value(dtype="string"), "label": ClassLabel(num_classes=3, names=["entailment", "neutral", "contradiction"]), "original_label": Value(dtype="int32"), "context_from": Value(dtype="string"), "hypothesis_from": Value(dtype="string"), "subset": Value(dtype="string"), }) ds = Dataset.from_pandas(df, features=features) ds.push_to_hub("joci", token="") ```