# PIE Dataset Card for "brat" This is a [PyTorch-IE](https://github.com/ChristophAlt/pytorch-ie) wrapper for the [BRAT Huggingface dataset loading script](https://huggingface.co/datasets/DFKI-SLT/brat). ## Dataset Variants The dataset provides the following variants: - `default`: The original dataset. Documents are of type `BratDocument` (with `LabeledMultiSpan` annotations, see below). - `merge_fragmented_spans`: Documents are of type `BratDocumentWithMergedSpans` (this variant merges spans that are fragmented into simple `LabeledSpans`, see below). ## Data Schema The document type for this dataset is `BratDocument` or `BratDocumentWithMergedSpans`, depending on if the data was loaded with `merge_fragmented_spans=True` (default: `False`). They define the following data fields: - `text` (str) - `id` (str, optional) - `metadata` (dictionary, optional) and the following annotation layers: - `spans` (annotation type: `LabeledMultiSpan` in the case of `BratDocument` and `LabeledSpan` and in the case of `BratDocumentWithMergedSpans`, target: `text`) - `relations` (annotation type: `BinaryRelation`, target: `spans`) - `span_attributes` (annotation type: `Attribute`, target: `spans`) - `relation_attributes` (annotation type: `Attribute`, target: `relations`) The `LabeledMultiSpan` annotation type is defined as follows: - `slices` (type: `Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...]`): the slices consisting if start (including) and end (excluding) indices of the spans - `label` (type: `str`) - `score` (type: `float`, optional, not included in comparison) The `Attribute` annotation type is defined as follows: - `annotation` (type: `Annotation`): the annotation to which the attribute is attached - `label` (type: `str`) - `value` (type: `str`, optional) - `score` (type: `float`, optional, not included in comparison) See [here](https://github.com/ChristophAlt/pytorch-ie/blob/main/src/pytorch_ie/annotations.py) for the remaining annotation type definitions. ## Document Converters The dataset provides no predefined document converters because the BRAT format is very flexible and can be used for many different tasks.