--- dataset_info: features: - name: CUI dtype: string - name: LUI dtype: string - name: SUI dtype: string - name: METAUI dtype: string - name: STYPE dtype: string - name: CODE dtype: string - name: ATUI dtype: string - name: SATUI dtype: string - name: ATN dtype: string - name: SAB dtype: string - name: ATV dtype: string - name: SUPPRESS dtype: string splits: - name: train num_bytes: 8639651943 num_examples: 69158750 download_size: 1613912869 dataset_size: 8639651943 configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: data/train-* --- # Dataset Card for MRSAT Data ## Dataset Description ### Dataset Summary The MRSAT data is a component of the UMLS (Unified Medical Language System) Metathesaurus, available in the Rich Release Format (RRF). This dataset contains simple concept and atom attributes, offering a detailed resource for understanding the various attributes associated with medical concepts and relationships within the UMLS Metathesaurus. It supports developers and researchers in comprehensively representing and utilizing medical terminology. ### Purpose The MRSAT dataset provides a structured representation of attributes associated with medical concepts, atoms, and relationships. This information is crucial for medical informatics applications, clinical decision support systems, and other health-related software solutions, aiding in the precise representation and understanding of medical terms and their attributes. ## Column Descriptions ### CUI (Concept Unique Identifier) - **Description**: A unique identifier assigned to each concept within the UMLS Metathesaurus. If METAUI is a relationship identifier, this will be CUI1 for that relationship. - **Values**: Alphanumeric strings, such as `C0001175`. Each value uniquely identifies a medical concept. ### LUI (Lexical Unique Identifier) - **Description**: A unique identifier for a term. This field is optional and is present for atom attributes but not for relationship attributes. - **Values**: Alphanumeric strings, such as `L0001175`. Each value uniquely identifies a term within the dataset. ### SUI (String Unique Identifier) - **Description**: A unique identifier for a string. This field is optional and is present for atom attributes but not for relationship attributes. - **Values**: Alphanumeric strings, such as `S0013742`. Each value uniquely identifies a string within the dataset. ### METAUI (Metathesaurus Atom Identifier) - **Description**: An identifier for a Metathesaurus atom (leading "A") or relationship (leading "R"). It can also be blank if it is a concept attribute. - **Values**: Alphanumeric strings, such as `A0019180` for atoms or `R123456` for relationships. ### STYPE (Source Type) - **Description**: The name of the column in MRCONSO.RRF or MRREL.RRF that contains the identifier to which the attribute is attached, e.g., AUI, CODE, CUI, RUI, SCUI, SDUI. - **Values**: Alphanumeric strings indicating the source type, such as `AUI`, `CODE`, `CUI`, `RUI`. ### CODE - **Description**: The most useful source asserted identifier or a Metathesaurus-generated source entry identifier. This field is optional and is present if METAUI is an AUI. - **Values**: Alphanumeric strings, such as `D000163`. Each value represents a source asserted identifier or a Metathesaurus-generated identifier. ### ATUI (Attribute Unique Identifier) - **Description**: A unique identifier for an attribute associated with a concept or atom. - **Values**: Alphanumeric strings, such as `AT38139119`. Each value uniquely identifies an attribute within the dataset. ### SATUI (Source Asserted Attribute Identifier) - **Description**: An optional identifier provided by the source, representing the attribute as asserted by the source vocabulary. - **Values**: Alphanumeric strings, such as `AT51221477`. This field may be blank if the source does not provide an asserted identifier. ### ATN (Attribute Name) - **Description**: The name of the attribute. Possible values are described in MRDOC.RRF and on the Attribute Names page. - **Values**: Alphanumeric strings, such as `DEF`, `SYN`. Each value represents the name of an attribute. ### SAB (Source Abbreviation) - **Description**: The abbreviated name of the source from which the attribute is derived. - **Values**: Alphanumeric strings with a maximum length of 20 characters, such as `MSH`, `CSP`, `NCI_NCI-GLOSS`. Each value represents an abbreviated source name. ### ATV (Attribute Value) - **Description**: The value of the attribute as described under the specific attribute name. Attribute values can exceed 1,000 characters in some cases. - **Values**: Text strings that vary in length, providing detailed information about the attribute. For example, "An acquired defect of cellular immunity associated with infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)..." ### SUPPRESS (Suppressible Flag) - **Description**: A flag indicating the suppressible status of the attribute. It reflects whether the attribute should be suppressed in certain views or uses. - **Values**: One of the following values - `O`, `E`, `Y`, or `N`. These values indicate the status of the suppressibility of the attribute, with `N` typically meaning not suppressible. ## Example Record ``` CUI: C0001175 LUI: L0001175 SUI: S0013742 METAUI: A0019180 STYPE: AUI CODE: D000163 ATUI: AT38139119 SATUI: (empty) ATN: DEF SAB: MSH ATV: An acquired defect of cellular immunity associated with infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)... SUPPRESS: N ``` ## Usage This dataset is primarily intended for developers and researchers working on medical informatics applications. It can be used to ensure accurate and comprehensive understanding of medical terms and their attributes, support clinical decision-making, and enhance health information systems.