diff --git "a/data.csv" "b/data.csv"
new file mode 100644--- /dev/null
+++ "b/data.csv"
@@ -0,0 +1,4224 @@
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+SINT_32 static_12(SINT_32 p_1, SINT_32 p_2)
+{ SINT_32 i = 1; SINT_32 j = 0; if (p_1 > 0) { i = i - 1; } else i = i + 1; if (p_2 > 0) { j = j + p_2; } else if (p_2 < 0) { j = j - p_2; } else { j = i; } return j;
+} [/INST] The error is erreur de syntax "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define ArraySize 3.0F
+void static_109(void)
+{ UINT_32 fl_arr[ (UINT_32) ArraySize ] = {0,1,2};
+} [/INST] The error is la taille d'un tableau en C doit être spécifiée en utilisant un entier "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_110(void)
+} [/INST] The error is la fonction est vide "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_111(void)
+{ SINT_32 jump_flag = 0;
+start: jump_flag++; if (jump_flag < 10) { goto start; }
+} [/INST] The error is L'utilisation de l'instruction goto peut rendre le code difficile à lire et à maintenir "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef SINT_32 mytype;
+typedef struct st1 { SINT_32 a; SINT_32 b; } st1;
+void static_112(void)
+{ typedef FLOAT_32 mytype;
+} [/INST] The error is confusion, même alias de type avec une signification différente à l'intérieur de la fonction "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_113(void)
+{ CHAR non_std_char = 'ù'; CHAR *poss_string = ""$Id: 56$""; wchar_t non_std_wchar = L'ù';
+} [/INST] The error is utilisation des caractères qui ne sont pas conformes au jeu de caractères standard ASCII "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_114(BOOL bl, UINT_32 a)
+{ UINT_32 x; BOOL flag; flag = bl + bl; if (a) { ; } if (1 && bl) { ; } x = ( a && bl ? 1U : 0U );
+} [/INST] The error is Dans la deuxième condition if (1 && bl), la condition 1 est toujours vraie, donc la vérification de bl est redondante. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_115(void)
+{ CHAR* str1 = ""string\ literal""; CHAR* str2 = ""string literal""; } [/INST] The error is problème de continuation de la chaîne sur plusieurs lignes. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_116 (void)
+{ UINT_32 x = 2u; if ( x == 1u ) { ; } if ( x != 0u ) { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is Pas d'erreur "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void main(void)
+} [/INST] The error is la fonction main doit toujours renvoyer un entier. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_13(void)
+{ SINT_32 jump_flag = 0;
+start: jump_flag++; if (jump_flag < 10) { goto start; }
+} [/INST] The error is The use of goto is usually considered bad practice, as its use leads to code that can be difficult to read and maintain. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_119(void)
+{ UINT_32 x; x = 2U // /* - not compliant + 5U // */ ; /* User might expect +5U to be commented out */
+/* This is the Outer Comment /* This is the Inner Comment - not compliant */
+} [/INST] The error is Nested comment found "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_120(void)
+{ SINT_32 b = 1; b = b | 1;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of bit operator on signed type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_121(void)
+{ BOOL flag = FALSE; switch (flag) { case TRUE: break; case FALSE: break; default: break; }
+} [/INST] The error is Use of boolean expression in switch. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_122(BOOL flag)
+{ if (flag) { abort(); } exit(0);
+} [/INST] The error is Use of abort, exit, etc. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_123(void)
+{ enum E_type { Enum1, Enum2 , Enum3}; UINT_32 ui; ui = Enum1;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of underlying enum representation value. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_124(void)
+{ SINT_32 x = 1; ++x;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of prefix ++ or --. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define cat(x) (&string[##(x)])
+void static_125( UCHAR string[50], UINT_32 n)
+{ UCHAR *token1; token1 = cat(n);
+} [/INST] The error is Use of ## or # in a macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_126(void)
+} [/INST] The error is A #if has no #endif in the same file. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 garray[];
+void static_127( INT_32 par[] )
+{ INT_32 array[] = {0,1,2};
+} [/INST] The error is Array has no bounds specified. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 global_int = 0;
+void static_128(UINT_32* global_int)
+} [/INST] The error is Parameter has same name as global variable. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void test_14s(SINT_32 p_1)
+{ }
+void static_14(void (*p_proc_pointer)(SINT_32 parameter_1) )
+{ p_proc_pointer = test_14s;
+} [/INST] The error is Procedural parameter declared. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+{ UINT_32 field1; UINT_32 field2;
+void static_129(UINT_32 DUPLICATE)
+} [/INST] The error is Parameter has same name as type or tag. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+void static_130 (void)
+} [/INST] The error is Included file is not permitted. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void STATIC_131(UINT_32 p_1)
+{ UINT_32 static_131; BOOL c_1 = FALSE; if (c_1) { UINT_32 static_131 = 1u; static_131 = static_131 + 1u; } static_131 = p_1;
+} [/INST] The error is Name reused in inner scope. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_132(void)
+{ BOOL flag = FALSE; if (flag = FALSE) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Assignment operator in boolean expression. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_133(void)
+{ BOOL flag = FALSE; INT_32 y = 0, x = 0; if ( flag && ((x = y) == 0) ) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Assignment operator in RHS of && or ||. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_134(void)
+{ UINT_32 y = 2u, x = 0u, z = 1u; volatile UINT_32 v = 1U; UINT_32 arr[2] = { v, 1U }; x = (v + z) / (v * y);
+} [/INST] The error is Volatile variable in complex expression. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_135( p_1, p_2)
+UINT_32 p_1;
+UINT_32 p_2;
+} [/INST] The error is Parameter list is KR. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_136(void)
+{ UINT_32 x = 1u; BOOL flag = FALSE; if ((flag | (x != 0u)) == FALSE) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Bit operator with boolean operand. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct s_138 {UINT_32 x, :2;};
+void static_138(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Anonymous bit field used in structure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define defval 0
+typedef enum { LANE_0 = 0, LANE_1 = 1, LANE_LAST = 3 } lane_t;
+extern lane_t get_lane ( void );
+void static_139( void )
+{ lane_t lane = get_lane(); if ( (lane > LANE_0) && ( lane <= LANE_LAST)) { } if (defval) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Construct leads to infeasible code. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: static void static_16(void)
+start:begin: ;
+} [/INST] The error is Multiple labels declared. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define defval 0
+#define LOOP(x) do { x } while (0)
+void static_140(void)
+{ while (0) { } while( defval ) { } do { } while (0); LOOP(;);
+} [/INST] The error is Infeasible loop condition found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_142(UINT_32 , UINT_16 p_2)
+} [/INST] The error is Parameter list declarations are inconsistent. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 static_143(UINT_32 p_1)
+{ UINT_32 result; result = p_1{}; return result;
+} [/INST] The error is Curly brackets used in expression. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+FLOAT_32 static_144(FLOAT_32 p_1,FLOAT_32 p_2)
+{ FLOAT_32 result; result = p_1 + p_2; return result;
+} [/INST] The error is Floating point not permitted. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define static_145 6
+#if static_145 i
+#endif [/INST] The error is #if has invalid expression. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define static_146() (""dummy()"")
+void dummy(void); [/INST] The error is #define with empty parameter list. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #ifdef STATIC_147 typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
+#endif ;
+void static_147(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Spurious characters after preprocessor directive. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static_148(UINT_32 p1);
+static_148(UINT_32 p1)
+} [/INST] The error is No return type for function/procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+CHAR *static_149( CHAR *p1);
+void test_149(void)
+{ CHAR *a = ""Query""; CHAR *b; b = static_149(a);
+CHAR *static_149( CHAR *p1 )
+{ static CHAR *newA = ""Response""; p1++; p1 = p1+1; p1 = newA; return p1;
+} [/INST] The error is Reference parameter to procedure is reassigned. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+volatile UINT_32 STATIC_150(void);
+volatile UINT_32 STATIC_150(void)
+{ volatile UINT_32 r; return r;
+} [/INST] The error is Volatile or const used in function type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: static void static_17(void)
+{ _asm { mov eax,01h }
+} [/INST] The error is Code insert found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 globvar;
+#define STATIC_151 globvar
+void static_151 (void)
+} [/INST] The error is Use of global variable in macro definition. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define STATIC_152 3
+void static_152 (void)
+} [/INST] The error is Use of a comment in a macro definition. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #ifdef STATIC_153
+void static_153 (void)
+} [/INST] The error is Use of a comment in a pre-processor directive. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#ifdef STATIC_155 this acts as a comment, as STATIC_155 is undefined.
+void static_155 (void)
+} [/INST] The error is Comments between preprocessor directives. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define STATIC_156(x) defined(x)
+#if STATIC_156(c)
+UINT_32 var1;
+SINT_32 var1;
+#define c 1
+#if STATIC_156(c)
+UINT_32 var2;
+SINT_32 var2;
+void static_156( void )
+} [/INST] The error is Use of 'defined' keyword in macro body. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_157(void)
+{ CHAR arr[6] = """"; CHAR *ptr_arr = arr; CHAR *c = ""1234567890""; c[7] = '0'; *(c+6) = '1'; ptr_arr[2] = '2';
+} [/INST] The error is Modification of string literal. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_158(void)
+{ INT_32 a1,b1,c1,d1,e1; INT_32 a2,b2,c2,d2,e2; INT_32 a3,b3,c3,d3,e3; if( (a1==0) && (b1==0) && (c1==0) && (d1==0) && (e1==0) && (a2==0) && (b2==0) && (c2==0) && (d2==0) && (e2==0) && (a3==0) && (b3==0) && (c3==0) && (d3==0) && (e3==0) ) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Expression with more than *** subconditions. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_18(UINT_32 p_1, UINT_32 p_2, UINT_32 p_3, UINT_32 p_4, UINT_32 p_5, UINT_32 p_6, UINT_32 p_7, UINT_32 p_8)
+} [/INST] The error is No space between * or & and name in declaration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_159(void)
+{ CHAR *message = ""TEST""; if ( message != NULL ) { } if ( message != 0 ) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Comparing pointer with zero or NULL. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define A B
+#define B A
+#define C D
+#define D E
+#define E C
+int B;
+int C;
+} [/INST] The error is Loop in macro expansion. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: void Static_163( void )
+} [/INST] The error is Function starts with upper case character. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+static void proc(void *ptr) { ; }
+void * a_proc ( void )
+{ return NULL;
+void static_164 ( void )
+{ void * p = a_proc(); proc(p);
+} [/INST] The error is Use of void * pointer. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void aproc( SINT_32 iv_param) {;}
+static void bproc(const SINT_32 ic_param) {;}
+static SINT_32 static_168 (void)
+{ SINT_32 loc_var = 0; aproc(loc_var); bproc(loc_var);
+} [/INST] The error is Call by value parameter not const. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_170( void );
+static void static_170( void )
+{ aproc() ;
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure call has no prototype and no defn. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UCHAR b = 3;
+extern UCHAR c;
+extern UCHAR c;
+extern UCHAR ok;
+UCHAR ok = 3U;
+static void static_172( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Variable declared multiply. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_175 (void)
+INT_32 main (void)
+} [/INST] The error is Function starts with lower case character. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: void static_176 (void)
+{ char c = 'b'; switch(c) { case '\m': break; default: break; }
+} [/INST] The error is Non standard escape sequence in source. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 okvar, notok2;
+void static_177(void)
+{ okvar = 0; notok2 = 2;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier not declared on new line. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_19( void ( * p_proc_pointer )(void) )
+{ p_proc_pointer();
+} [/INST] The error is Procedural para used in an uncalled procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 * oka;
+INT_32 b; INT_32 *notoka;
+void proc( INT_32 * s, INT_32 *ok);
+struct tag0 { INT_32 * w; INT_32 *notokq;} astr;
+static void static_178(void)
+{ oka = 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Declaration statement not on new line. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#include ""Static_179.h""
+static void static_179(void)
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Extern not at start of header file. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 *notoka;
+typedef INT_32 *ptr;
+void static_180(INT_32 *p1)
+{ *notoka = *p1;
+} [/INST] The error is No space between * or & and name in declaration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 main(void)
+{ INT_32 i=3; if( 1==2 ) {2;} switch(i){ } switch (i){ } while(i==0){2;} do{2;}while(i==0); for(i=0;i>2;i++){2;}
+} [/INST] The error is No space between if, while, for and expresn. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_182(void)
+{ INT_32 i; for ( i = 0;i < 5;i++ ) { i++; }
+} [/INST] The error is No space after semi colon in for expression. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_183(void)
+{ INT_32 i; INT_32 j; for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { i++;}
+} [/INST] The error is No newline after semi colon. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_185(void)
+{ INT_32 i=9; INT_32 j=19; INT_32 * p; i = - j; p = & j; * p = 77; *p = * p + 77;
+} [/INST] The error is Space between unary operator and operand. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_186( void )
+{ INT_32 i = 9; INT_32 j =8; INT_32 k= 7; UINT_32 x = 3u; UINT_32 y = 17u; i= j; i = j /k; i = j <"
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 main(void)
+{ INT_32 iiiiiiiiiiiii = 0; iiiiiiiiiiiii = iiiiiiiiiiiii + iiiiiiiiiiiii + iiiiiiiiiiiii + iiiiiiiiiiiii + iiiiiiiiiiiii;
+} [/INST] The error is Input line exceeds limit. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 static_20_135( p_1 )
+{ UINT_32 result; result = p_1 * 2; return result;
+} [/INST] The error is Parameter not declared explicitly. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_190( int32_t value )
+{ int32_t x = 0; if( value == 0 ) { x = 1; } else { x = 0; }
+} [/INST] The error is { ... } contents not indented by *** spaces. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: void notokproc1 ()
+} [/INST] The error is Space between function name and parenthesis. "
+[INST] find the error in this code: static void proc1(void) { ; } [/INST] The error is Static not on separate line in function defn.
+"[INST] find the error in this code: static void proc2(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Function return type needs a new line. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define ACONSTAT 100
+const INT_16 BCONSTAT = 100;
+void static_200 ( void )
+{ INT_16 ss; ss = ACONSTAT; ss = BCONSTAT;
+} [/INST] The error is Define used for numeric constant. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define ACONSTANT 101
+SINT_32 static_201(void)
+{ const SINT_16 max = 17; SINT_16 y = 77; SINT_16 z; z = 131; z = ACONSTANT; z = 0; z = 1; z = 2; return 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of numeric literal in expression. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const INT_16 con = 19;
+const INT_16 * pcon;
+static void static_203(void)
+{ INT_16 x; INT_16 *p; x = (INT_16)con; p = (INT_16 *)pcon;
+} [/INST] The error is Cast on a constant value. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define goto some_total_rubbish ----------
+void static_204 (void)
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is continue or goto not defined to rubbish. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #ifndef XXX
+#define XXX
+static void static_209( void )
+} [/INST] The error is Preprocessor command indented. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define my_sq_macro(X) ((X) * (X))
+UINT_32 static_210(UINT_32 p1)
+{ return my_sq_macro(p1);
+} [/INST] The error is Macro name is not upper case. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 test_21(UINT_32 p_1, UINT_16 p_2)
+{ UINT_32 result = 0; result = p_1 + p_2; return result;
+void static_21(UINT_32 p_1, UINT_16 p_2)
+{ test_21(1u, 2u ,2u);
+} [/INST] The error is Number of parameters does not match. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_216( void )
+{ UCHAR * pointer; UCHAR * ptr; UCHAR * aptr;
+} [/INST] The error is Pointer name does not have required suffix. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 Foobar;
+INT_32 foobar;
+INT_32 fOobar;
+void aproc(CHAR aC2, INT_32 FooBar) {;}
+void static_217 (void)
+{ struct tag{ CHAR aC1; INT_32 FooBar;} local;
+} [/INST] The error is Pointer name does not have required suffix. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void strstr(INT_32 x){;}
+void strcmp(INT_32 x){;}
+static void static_218 (void)
+{ strstr(2); strcmp(1);
+} [/INST] The error is Name is used in standard libraries. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef int _INT_NOK;
+static void static_219 ( void )
+{ INT_32 _ohno;
+} [/INST] The error is User name starts with underscore. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct lower
+{ CHAR c;
+struct Upper
+{ CHAR c;
+union lowerun
+{ CHAR cu; INT_16 iu;
+typedef struct Upper lowstrtype;
+void static_221 (void)
+{ struct lower s;
+} [/INST] The error is Start of class/struct/union/enum lower case. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 ok;
+INT_32 Notok;
+void static_222(void)
+{ ok = Notok;
+} [/INST] The error is Start of variable is upper case. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 func(INT_32 p){return 7;}
+INT_32 GLOBpx_func(INT_32 q){return 11;}
+INT_32 main(void){
+} [/INST] The error is No prefix for global function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+enum { red, green, Blue};
+void static_224 ( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Start of enumeration is upper case. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: void static_225 ( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Inappropriate file extension. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef unsigned UINT;
+enum {won=1,too=2};
+struct tag{ UINT dec:2; UINT oct:02; UINT hex:0x3; UINT enumr:won; UINT decu:3u;
+void static_226 (void)
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Bit field is not octal, hex or suffix u. "
+[INST] find the error in this code: #define COMMON_SYM_CONSTANT ((2U * 3U) + 2U [/INST] The error is Bracket mismatch ( or { in macro definition.
+[INST] find the error in this code: #define COMMON_SYM_CONSTANT 2U * 3U + 2U) [/INST] The error is Bracket mismatch ) or } in macro definition.
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""Static_243.h""
+static void static_243 ( void ) { ; } [/INST] The error is Included file not protected with #define. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef enum Choice
+{ first, second, third, fourth
+} Choice;
+INT_32 a1 = 1;
+INT_32 errorflag = 0;
+static void static_245(Choice chooser)
+{ INT_32 b1 = 2; INT_32 c1 = 1; switch (chooser) { case first: a1 = b1; break; case second: case third: a1 = c1; if (a1 == b1) { case fourth: } break; default: errorflag = 1; break; }
+} [/INST] The error is Case statement in nested block. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define ANOTHER_MACRO(X) (X)
+const SINT_32 s1 = 42;
+void static_247(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Macro definition calls itself. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define DEBUG2 2
+#define DEBUG1 0
+#define COMMON_MACRO(X,Y) ((X)/(Y))
+void static_248(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Divide by zero in preprocessor directive. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_249 (void)
+{ BOOL bvar = FALSE; UINT_32 u32 = 5U; u32 = u32 << bvar;
+} [/INST] The error is Shift operator with boolean operand. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const SINT_64 fr1 = 64l;
+const SINT_64 fr2 = 64L;
+void static_252(void)
+{ SINT_64 x1 = fr2;
+} [/INST] The error is Lower case suffix to literal number. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_2 (void)
+{ UINT_32 y = 0u;
+value_x: y = 1u; { value_x: y= 2u; }
+} [/INST] The error is Label name reused. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 static_23(UINT_32 p)
+{ UINT_32 x = 1u; x = x + p; return x;
+INT_32 main(void)
+{ return (0);
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure is not explicitly called in code analysed. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define DEBUG 1
+#define DEBUG_ERROR 1
+#ifdef WIN32
+#if DEBUG == 1
+#elif DEBUG == 2
+void static_255(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Found #if, #ifdef, #else, #elif . "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+#include ""anotherFoo.h""
+void static_257(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Filename in #include not in < > . "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef enum mask_enum_type
+{ mask_first = 0X01, mask_all = 0xff
+} mask_enum_type; [/INST] The error is Hexadecimal number with lower case char. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_268(void)
+{ UINT_32 loop = 0U; const UINT_32 max = 10U; for (; loop < max; loop++) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Empty initialisation exprsn in for loop. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_269(void)
+{ UINT_32 loop; UINT_32 myVar = 0U; const UINT_32 max = 10U; for (loop = 0U; loop < max;) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Empty increment exprsn in for loop. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_270(void)
+{ UINT_32 loop; UINT_32 myVar = 0U; const UINT_32 max = 10U; for ( ++myVar, loop = 0U; loop < max; loop++ ) { }
+} [/INST] The error is For loop initialisation is not simple. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_271(void)
+{ UINT_32 loop; UINT_32 myVar = 0U; const UINT_32 max = 10U; for (loop = 0U; loop < max; myVar++, loop++) { }
+} [/INST] The error is For loop incrementation is not simple. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #ifndef STATIC_272_H
+#define STATIC_272_H
+#endif [/INST] The error is Found #ifndef (ref. removed). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""Static_272.h""
+static void static_272 ( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Found #ifndef (ref. removed). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #ifndef STATIC_273_H
+#define STATIC_273_H
+#define MYSQMACRO ((X) * (X))
+#endif [/INST] The error is Found #define. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_24(void)
+{ UINT_32 x; x = 1u; x = x + 1u;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of Noanalysis annotation. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""Static_273.h""
+static void static_273 ( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Found #define. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_274(void)
+{ UINT_32 x; UINT_32 yCoordinate;
+} [/INST] The error is Name found with length less than ***. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+{ UINT_32 x_value; UINT_32 y_value;
+} pos_var;
+struct Position
+{ UINT_32 anon_x_value; UINT_32 anon_y_Value;
+void static_275(void)
+{ pos_var.x_value = 0U; pos_var.y_value = 0U; struct Position first_pos = {1U, 1U}; struct Position second_pos = {2U, 1U};
+} [/INST] The error is Tag missing in struct, union or enum. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef enum Seasons
+{ spring, summer, autumn, winter
+} Seasons;
+Seasons season;
+UINT_32 x1;
+void static_276(void)
+{ switch (season) { case spring: x1 = 1U; break; case summer: x1 = 4U; break; case autumn: x1 = 7U; break; case 4: x1 = 10U; break; default: break; }
+} [/INST] The error is Case is not part of switch enumeration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 season;
+UINT_32 x1;
+void static_277(void)
+{ switch (season) { case 1: x1 = 1U; break; case 2: x1 = 4U; break; case 3: x1 = 7U; break; case 4: x1 = 10U; break; default: break; }
+} [/INST] The error is Switch chooser is not an enumeration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef enum Seasons
+{ spring, summer, autumn, winter
+} Seasons;
+Seasons season;
+UINT_32 x1;
+void static_278(void)
+{ switch (season) { case spring: x1 = 1U; break; case summer: x1 = 4U; break; case autumn: x1 = 7U; break; default: break; }
+} [/INST] The error is Switch has missing or extra cases. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_284(UINT_16 shortint)
+{ UINT_64 LongInt; LongInt = (UINT_64)(UINT_32)shortint;
+} [/INST] The error is Cast preceded by a cast. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #ifndef STATIC_286_H
+#define STATIC_286_H
+typedef unsigned int Uint_32;
+void static_286_header(void)
+#endif [/INST] The error is Functions defined in header file. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""Static_286.h""
+static void static_286 ( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Functions defined in header file. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #ifndef STATIC_287_H
+#define STATIC_287_H
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+const UINT_32 const_var = 99U;
+UINT_32 myVar = 3U;
+#endif [/INST] The error is Variable definition in header file. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+SINT_32 static_25(SINT_32 p_1)
+{ SINT_32 i = 0, j = 0; switch (p_1) { case 0: j = 0; break; case 1: case 2: j=i; break; default: i = j + 1; } return i + j;
+} [/INST] The error is Null case in switch statement. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""Static_287.h""
+static void static_287 ( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Variable definition in header file. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""Static_288.x""
+#include ""Static_288.hpp""
+static void static_288 ( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Header file is not .h. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+static void static_292 (void)
+} [/INST] The error is No space between #include and filename. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: __inline__ void check_ansi(void)
+{ ;
+void static_293 ( void )
+{ check_ansi ( );
+} [/INST] The error is Non ANSI/ISO construct used. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: static void static_295(void)
+%> [/INST] The error is Use of digraph. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: void static_296(void)
+{ void bar(void);
+} [/INST] The error is Function declared at block scope. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+extern void drawline(UINT_32 length);
+typedef void (*fptr_nok)(UINT_32 len);
+typedef void (* const fptr_ok)(UINT_32 len);
+static void static_298(void)
+{ fptr_nok DRAW_FN1 = drawline; const fptr_nok DRAW_FN2 = drawline; fptr_ok DRAW_FN3 = drawline; DRAW_FN1(3U); DRAW_FN2(3U); DRAW_FN3(3U);
+} [/INST] The error is Non const pointer to function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+extern void drawline(UINT_32 length);
+typedef void (*fntypePtr)(UINT_32 length);
+typedef void (fntype)(UINT_32 length);
+void static_299 (void)
+{ fntypePtr DRAW_FN1 = drawline; fntype *DRAW_FN2 = drawline; void (*fptr)(UINT_32 len); fptr = drawline; DRAW_FN1(3U); DRAW_FN2(3U); fptr(3U);
+} [/INST] The error is Pointer to function declared without typedef. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_26 (void)
+{ UINT_32 a = 0U; while (1) { } do { } while (1); for (a = 0U; ; a++) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Loop control expression may not terminate loop. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const UINT_32 limit = 32U;
+void static_301(UINT_32 myParam)
+{ if (myParam > limit) { myParam = limit;
+} [/INST] The error is } not aligned vertically below {. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const UINT_32 limit = 32U;
+void static_302 (UINT_32 myParam)
+{ if (myParam > limit) { myParam = limit; }
+} [/INST] The error is Comment possibly contains code. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const UINT_32 scale = 32U;
+void static_304( UINT_32 myParam )
+{ myParam = myParam * scale;
+} [/INST] The error is Arithmetic performed on unsigned values. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const UINT_32 scale = 32U;
+void static_305 (UINT_32 myParam)
+{ UINT_32 result = myParam * scale;
+} [/INST] The error is Unused inspect annotation for standard ... "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const UINT_32 limit = 32U;
+void static_307(UINT_32 myParam)
+{ if (myParam > limit) {
+#error } else {
+#line 4 myOtherFile.c myParam++; }
+} [/INST] The error is Use of #line, #error preprocessor directives. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_309 (UINT_16 *my_int_ptr)
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is * or & not attached to type in declaration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: void Static_312(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Function name is not all lower case. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_313(void)
+{ UINT_32 myVar;
+} [/INST] The error is Variable name is not all lower case. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef enum FavouriteSeasons
+{ spring
+} FavouriteSeasons;
+FavouriteSeasons season;
+UINT_32 x1;
+void static_314 (void)
+{ switch (season) { case spring: x1 = 1U; break; default: break; }
+} [/INST] The error is Switch has only 1 case and default. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const UINT_32 xstart = 1U;
+const UINT_32 yend = 240U;
+typedef struct Position
+{ UINT_32 xValue; UINT_32 yValue;
+} Position;
+void static_315( void )
+{ Position myPos; myPos .xValue = xstart; myPos. yValue = yend;
+} [/INST] The error is Blank before/after . operator. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_27( UINT_32 p_1, UINT_32 p_2)
+{ UINT_32 result; result = p_1 + p_2; return result;
+} [/INST] The error is Void procedure with return statement. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef struct Message
+{ SINT_32 x_set:0x4; UINT_32 y_set:0x4;
+} Message;
+void static_316(void)
+{ Message message_chunk;
+} [/INST] The error is Bit field is not unsigned integral. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef unsigned int uint_32;
+typedef struct Position
+{ uint_32 x_value; uint_32 y_value;
+} Position;
+void static_317(void)
+{ Position my_pos;
+} [/INST] The error is Typedef name doesn't start with upper case letter. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef unsigned int UINT_32;
+typedef struct Position
+{ UINT_32 x_value; UINT_32 y_value;
+} Position;
+typedef enum Colour_RGB
+{ red, green, blue
+} Colour_RGB;
+typedef struct ACRORGB
+{ UINT_32 red_el; UINT_32 green_el; UINT_32 blue_el;
+void static_318(void)
+{ Position my_pos; Colour_RGB col = red; ACRORGB my_col_struct;
+} [/INST] The error is Upper case letter found after first character. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef enum FavouriteSeasons
+{ spring, summer, autumn, winter
+} FavouriteSeasons;
+FavouriteSeasons season;
+UINT_32 x1;
+static void static_322(void)
+{ switch (season) { case spring: x1 = 1U; break; case summer: x1 = 4U; break; case autumn: x1 = 7U; break; default: break; case winter: x1 = 10U; break; }
+} [/INST] The error is Default is not last case of switch. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef enum FavouriteSeasons
+{ spring, summer, autumn, winter
+} FavouriteSeasons;
+FavouriteSeasons season;
+UINT_32 x1;
+void static_323(void)
+{ switch (season) { case spring: x1 = 1U; break; case summer: x1 = 4U; break; case autumn: x1 = 7U; break; case winter: x1 = 10U; break; default: break; default: break; }
+} [/INST] The error is Switch has more than one default case. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define COMMON_MACRO(X, Y) ((X) * (Y))
+const SINT_32 s1 = 42;
+void static_324(void)
+{ SINT_32 myInt = COMMON_MACRO(s1);
+} [/INST] The error is Macro call has wrong number of parameters. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef signed int Sint_32;
+typedef signed char Char;
+void foo(void)
+{ { struct tag_name { Sint_32 tag_component2; } tag_name2; } { union tag_name { Sint_32 tag_component3; Char tag_component4; } tag_name3; }
+} [/INST] The error is Inconsistent use of tag. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static foo(void);
+static SINT_32 static_326(void); [/INST] The error is Declaration is missing type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef struct Message
+{ UINT_32 x_set:0x4; UINT_32 y_set:0x4; UINT_32 z_set;
+} Message;
+void static_328(void)
+{ Message message_chunk;
+} [/INST] The error is Non bit field member in bitfield struct. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_329( char ch8, SINT_8 s8, SINT_16 s16 )
+{ char cha; SINT_8 s8a; SINT_16 s16a; ch8++; s16a = ch8 + s16; s8a = ch8 + s8; s8a = ch8 + 4;
+} [/INST] The error is Operation not appropriate to plain char. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_29(void)
+{ UINT_32 x = 1u; UINT_32 y = 2u; UINT_32 z = 3u; x += 1u; z -= y;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of += or -= operators found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_331(void)
+{ UINT_32 x1 = 5; UINT_32 y1 = 6U; UINT_64 z1 = 0; y1 = y1 * 7;
+} [/INST] The error is Literal value requires a U suffix. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef unsigned short Uint_16;
+typedef unsigned int Uint_32;
+Uint_16 u16a = 40000U;
+Uint_16 u16b = 30000U;
+void static_332( void )
+{ Uint_32 u32 = (Uint_32) (u16a + u16b); u32 = (Uint_32)(++u16a);
+} [/INST] The error is Widening cast on complex integer expression. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef float Float_32;
+typedef double Float_64;
+void static_333(void)
+{ Float_32 f32a = 4.0F; Float_32 f32b = 3.0F; Float_64 f64 = (Float_64) (f32a + f32b);
+} [/INST] The error is Widening cast on complex float expression. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef unsigned short Uint_16;
+typedef unsigned char Uint_8;
+Uint_8 port = 0x5aU;
+Uint_16 mode = 0xffff;
+Uint_16 result_16;
+Uint_16 another_result_16;
+void static_334 (void)
+{ result_16 = ((port << 4) & mode) >> 6; another_result_16 = ((Uint_16)((Uint_16)port << 4) & mode) >> 6;
+} [/INST] The error is No cast when ~ or << applied to small types (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const UINT_32 max_value = 255U;
+#if defined(X > Y)
+#endif [/INST] The error is Operator defined contains illegal items. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const UINT_32 max_value = 255U;
+#define DEFINED defined
+#endif [/INST] The error is #if expansion contains define operator. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #if DEBUG1
+void static_337(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Undefined macro variable in #if. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef unsigned int Uint_32;
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_338(void)
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is #include preceded by non preproc directives. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#include ""bar.h""
+void static_339(void)
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is #include directive with illegal items. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define COMMON_MACRO(X, Y) ((X) * (Y))
+const SINT_32 s1 = 42;
+const SINT_32 s2 = 7;
+SINT_32 static_340(void)
+{ SINT_32 myInt = COMMON_MACRO(s1, s2); return myInt;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of function like macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo( UINT_32 p_x)
+void static_30(void)
+{ UINT_32 x = 1u; UINT_32 y = 2u; BOOL flag = FALSE; if (flag == FALSE) { x++; } x = x + y++; foo( x++ );
+} [/INST] The error is Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define S1
+#define COMMON_MACRO(X) (X)
+SINT_32 static_341(void)
+{ SINT_32 my_int = COMMON_MACRO(
+#ifdef S1 1
+#else 2
+#endif ); return my_int;
+} [/INST] The error is Preprocessor construct as macro parameter. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define DIAGS
+typedef enum Flag
+{ on, off
+} Flag;
+#ifdef DIAGS Flag x1 = on;
+#else1 Flag x1 = off;
+void static_342 (void)
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Extra chars after preprocessor directive. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define DEBUG1 1
+#if DEBUG1 == 1
+#include ""Static_343.h""
+#endif [/INST] The error is #else has no #if, etc in the same file. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+volatile UINT_32 * vp1;
+UINT_32 * volatile pv2;
+static void static_344 ( void )
+{ UINT_32 *y2 = (UINT_32 *)vp1; y2 = (UINT_32 *)pv2;
+} [/INST] The error is Cast on volatile value. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_345(FLOAT_32 fl1)
+{ UINT_8 bitmap = ~fl1;
+} [/INST] The error is Bit operator with floating point operand. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef enum Range
+{ first, second, third
+} Range;
+typedef struct Message
+{ UINT_32 ui_set:0x4; UCHAR uc_set:0x1; SINT_32 si_set:0x4; FLOAT_32 y_set:0x8; Range z_set:0x2;
+} Message;
+void static_346(void)
+{ Message message_chunk;
+} [/INST] The error is Bit field is not unsigned integral or enum type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define PENALTY_MACRO (XIN, YIN) ((XIN) * (YIN))
+#define GOOD_MACRO(XIN, YIN) ((XIN) + (YIN))
+const SINT_32 s1 = 42;
+const SINT_32 s2 = 7;
+SINT_32 static_347(void)
+{ SINT_32 myInt = GOOD_MACRO( s1, s2); return myInt;
+} [/INST] The error is Macro parameter list has leading space. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_348( void )
+{ UCHAR * uc = NULL; if( uc == 0 ) { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is Use of the NULL macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef enum Seasons
+{ SPRING, summer, autumn, winter
+} Seasons;
+static void static_349(Seasons season)
+} [/INST] The error is Enumeration is not all lower case. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_31 (void)
+{ SINT_32 i=10 ; while (i > -1) { if (i == 0) { break; } i = i - 1; }
+} [/INST] The error is Use of break statement in loop. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const UINT_32 DEFINT = 1U;
+void static_350(void)
+{ UINT_32 my_int = DEFINT;
+} [/INST] The error is Const variable is not all lower case. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: void static_351(void)
+{ enum { up, down } direction;
+} [/INST] The error is Type declaration with variable definition. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef enum Seasons
+{ spring, summer, autumn, winter
+} Seasons;
+Seasons static_352 (INT_32 month)
+{ Seasons ss; return ss;
+} [/INST] The error is Declaration of type not in header file. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #ifndef STATIC_354_H
+#define STATIC_354_H
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+extern UINT_32 day;
+#include ""Static_354.h""
+UINT_32 day = 1U;
+extern UINT_32 season;
+static void static_354 (void)
+} [/INST] The error is Extern declaration is not in header file. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_355(void)
+{ UINT_32 s12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012_a; UINT_32 s12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012_b;
+} [/INST] The error is Variables not unique within *** characters. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_356(void)
+{ UINT_32* uptr[10]; UINT_32 **upp; upp = uptr;
+} [/INST] The error is Pointer to pointer declared. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+extern incompatible_int;
+UCHAR incompatible_int = '0';
+void static_360 (void)
+} [/INST] The error is Incompatible type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+SINT_32 static_361(SINT_32 x1, SINT_32 x2, SINT_32 x3)
+{ SINT_32 z1; z1 = z1 * x2 >> 3U; z1 = x1 * x2 + x3; z1 = x1 * x2++; z1 = x1 + x2 - x3; z1 = x1 + x2 + x3; return z1;
+} [/INST] The error is Expression needs brackets. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef enum mask_enum_type
+{ mask_first = 0x01, mask_all = 0xFF
+} mask_enum_type; [/INST] The error is Hexadecimal number with upper case char. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_32 ( SINT_32 p_1)
+{ SINT_32 i = p_1; SINT_32 x = 0; while ( i != 0 ) { i--; if ( x == 0 ) { continue; } }
+} [/INST] The error is Use of continue statement. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+void static_366 (void)
+{ printf(""This is quite a long text string that\
+spans several lines\n"");
+} [/INST] The error is String continuation - use of \. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define S1(X) (\
+(X) + ((X) * 2))
+void static_367 ( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Macro continuation - use of \. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #pragma This is just an example using \ to continue a pragma.
+#pragma Another example ""using"" \ but with a string before it! [/INST] The error is Pragma continuation - use of \. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_369(void)
+{ UINT_32 my_over_sixty_characters_long_non_compliant_integer_type_instance;
+} [/INST] The error is Name found with length greater than ***. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const UINT_32 top_value = 255U;
+void static_370(UINT_32 a1, UINT_32 a2, UINT_32 a3)
+{ if (a1 > a3) { if (a1 > a2) { if (a2 > a3) { if (a2 < top_value) { if (a1 > top_value) { } } } } }
+} [/INST] The error is If nest depth greater than ***. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const UINT_32 x1 = 5U;
+const UINT_32 x2 = 3U;
+void call(UINT_32 a1, UINT_32 a2)
+{ if (a1 > a2) { }
+void static_371 (void)
+{ call(x1,x2);
+} [/INST] The error is No space after comma in parameter list. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_372(INT_32* my_int_ptr)
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is * or & not attached to name in declaration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_373(void)
+{ const INT_32 x1 = -5; const INT_32 x2 = 3; INT_32 b1 = x1 / x2;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of integer division. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef unsigned int unique_type;
+void static_374( void )
+{ unique_type unique_type;
+} [/INST] The error is Name conflict with typedef. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_376(void)
+{ CHAR octal_escape, n_octal_escape; n_octal_escape = '\01'; n_octal_escape = '\109'; octal_escape = '\0';
+} [/INST] The error is Use of octal escape sequence. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_33( UINT_32 p_1 )
+{ UINT_32 val0 = 0u; UINT_32 val1 = 1u; UINT_32 result; result = ( p_1 == 0u ) ? val0 : val1 ;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of ternary operator found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_377(void)
+{ CHAR * n_octal_point = ""abc\017"";
+} [/INST] The error is Null character used within a string. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef enum my_enum
+{ first, second, third
+} seq_enum;
+void static_378 ( seq_enum pos )
+} [/INST] The error is Tag and type mismatch in struct/union/enum. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const SINT_32 m1 = 4;
+const SINT_32 m2 = 3;
+#define MIN(a, b) ((a) \ < \ (b) \ ? (a) \ : (b) \ )
+void static_379(void)
+{ SINT_32 res = MIN(m1, m2);
+} [/INST] The error is Macro exceeds *** continuation lines. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef enum my_enum
+{ first, second, third
+} my_enum;
+void static_380(void)
+{ enum my_enum pos;
+} [/INST] The error is Enumeration element not on a new line. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: enum my_enum
+{ first, second, third
+void static_381(void)
+{ enum my_enum pos;
+} [/INST] The error is Enum, struct or union not typedeffed. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 my_const = 42U;
+UINT_32 a_fn(UINT_32 us1)
+{ return us1;
+void static_382(void)
+{ a_fn(my_const); (void)a_fn(my_const);
+} [/INST] The error is (void) missing for discarded return value. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define X2(X) ((X) + (X))
+UINT_32 X2;
+UINT_32 static_383(UINT_32 us1)
+{ return us1;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier name matches macro name. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static UINT_32 static_384(UINT_32 us1)
+{ return us1;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier matches macro name up to max significant chars. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef enum FavouriteSeasons
+{ spring, summer, autumn, winter
+} FavouriteSeasons;
+FavouriteSeasons season;
+UINT_32 x1;
+void static_385(void)
+{ switch (season) { UINT_32 decl_b4_1st_case; case spring: x1 = 1U; break; case summer: x1 = 4U; break; case autumn: x1 = 7U; break; case winter: x1 = 10U; break; default: break; }
+} [/INST] The error is MISRA switch statement syntax violation. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void)
+void static_386(UINT_32 p1)
+{ foo();
+} [/INST] The error is Less than *** blank lines separating procs. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+BOOL isHexDigit( CHAR Hex )
+{ BOOL bResult = FALSE; if ((Hex == '0') || (Hex == '1') || (Hex == '2') || (Hex == '3') || (Hex == '4') || (Hex == '5') || (Hex == '6') || (Hex == '7') || (Hex == '8') || (Hex == '9') || (Hex == 'A') || (Hex == 'a') || (Hex == 'B') || (Hex == 'b') || (Hex == 'C') || (Hex == 'c') || (Hex == 'D') || (Hex == 'd') || (Hex == 'E') || (Hex == 'e') || (Hex == 'F') || (Hex == 'f')) { bResult = TRUE; } return bResult;
+} [/INST] The error is Cyclomatic complexity greater than ***. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 static_34();
+UINT_32 static_34(UINT_32 p)
+{ return p;
+} [/INST] The error is No parameters declared in proc specification. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 s4 = 4U;
+typedef enum FavouriteSeasons
+{ spring = 1, summer = 2, autumn = 3, winter = s4
+} FavouriteSeasons;
+FavouriteSeasons season;
+UINT_32 x1;
+void static_387(void)
+{ switch (season) { case spring: x1 = 1U; break; case summer: x1 = 4U; break; case autumn: x1 = 7U; break; case winter: x1 = 10U; break; default: break; }
+} [/INST] The error is Enum init not integer-constant-expression. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const UINT_32 limit = 99U;
+void static_388(void)
+{ extern UINT_32 x1; if (limit == x1) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Extern used in function body. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef enum Bool
+{ false, true
+} Bool;
+const UINT_32 limit = 99U;
+void static_389(UINT_32 x1)
+{ Bool b1 = false; if (limit == x1) { b1++; }
+} [/INST] The error is Bool value incremented/decremented. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef CHAR arraytype[20];
+static void static_390(void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Typedef array declaration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_397 (void)
+{ INT_32 my_array[3] = { 1, 2 }; INT_32 array2[2][2] = { {0}, {1,2} }; CHAR char_10[10] = ""Hello"";
+} [/INST] The error is Array initialisation has insufficient items. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_398(void)
+{ UINT_32 lowertest1, test; if (!(lowertest1 <= test)) { ; } if (lowertest1 > test) { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is Boolean negation outside bracketed exprsn. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_399(SINT_32 p1);
+void static_399(SINT_32 p1);
+void static_399(UINT_32 p1);
+UINT_32 static_399(SINT_32 p1); [/INST] The error is Function declared more than once. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct My_struct
+{ UINT_16 x1; UINT_16 x2;
+UINT_32 static_400( void )
+{ return sizeof(struct My_struct);
+} [/INST] The error is Use of sizeof on a type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_401(CHAR str[])
+{ UINT_32 sz = sizeof(str);
+} [/INST] The error is Use of sizeof on an array parameter. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef enum Bool
+{ false, true
+} Bool;
+void static_402(Bool b1)
+{ Bool b2 = true; if (b1 == b2) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Comparison of booleans. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static BOOL static_35(UINT_32 p_1)
+{ BOOL ret = ( p_1 == 1U ); return ret;
+} [/INST] The error is Static procedure is not explicitly called in code analysed. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_403( INT_32 si )
+{ UINT_32 my_var = 2U; const INT_32 s1 = -2; my_var = my_var << -1; my_var = my_var >> s1; my_var = my_var >> si;
+} [/INST] The error is Negative (or potentially negative) shift. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_404(void)
+{ INT_32 my_array[3] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; char char3[3] = ""abcd""; char char4[4] = ""abcd""; char char5[5] = ""abcd"";
+} [/INST] The error is Array initialisation has too many items. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define MY_MACRO(X) ((X) * (MY_MACRO((X) + 1)))
+void static_405 ( void )
+{ INT_32 v = MY_MACRO(3);
+} [/INST] The error is Macro name appears in own replacement list. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const UINT_32 max_num = 10U;
+void static_406(BOOL is_high, UINT_32 p1)
+{ if (is_high && (max_num == p1++)) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Use of ++ or -- on RHS of && or || operator. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+void static_407(void)
+{ char *str = ""abcde""; free(str);
+} [/INST] The error is free used on string. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const UINT_32 max_num = 10;
+void static_408(BOOL is_high, UINT_32 p1)
+{ volatile UINT_32 v1; if (is_high && (max_num == v1)) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Volatile variable accessed on RHS of && or ||. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const INT_32 max_num = 10;
+void static_409( char arr[] )
+{ INT_32 sub; for (sub = 0; sub < max_num; sub++) { if (arr[sub] == '\0') { break; } (void) printf(""%c"", arr[sub]); if (arr[sub] == 'z') { break; } }
+} [/INST] The error is More than one break or goto statement in loop. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef enum FavouriteSeasons
+{ spring, summer, autumn, winter
+} FavouriteSeasons;
+FavouriteSeasons season;
+UINT_32 x1;
+void static_410( void )
+{ switch (season) { case spring: x1 = 1U; break; case summer: x1 = 4U; break; case autumn: x1 = 7U; break; case winter: x1 = 10U; break; default: break; }
+} [/INST] The error is Switch empty default has no comment (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef enum Seasons
+{ spring = 1, summer, autumn, winter
+} Seasons;
+void static_411(void)
+{ Seasons season = winter; season++;
+} [/INST] The error is Inappropriate value assigned to enum. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+enum Seasons
+{ spring, summer, autumn, winter
+void static_413(void)
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is User type declared but not used in code analysed. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 static_36 ( UINT_32 p_1 )
+{ UINT_32 y = p_1;
+int main ( void )
+{ UINT_32 x = 1; static_36( x );
+} [/INST] The error is Function has no return statement. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const INT_32 max_num = 10;
+void static_415(char arr[10])
+{ INT_32 sub; for (sub = 0; sub < max_num; sub++) { if (arr[sub] == '\0') { break; } (void) printf(""%c"", arr[sub]); }
+} [/INST] The error is Single dimension array param size specified. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const INT_32 max_num = 10;
+void static_416(char arr[10][2])
+{ INT_32 sub; for (sub = 0; sub < max_num; sub++) { if (arr[sub][0] == '\0') { break; } (void) printf(""%c"", arr[sub][0]); }
+} [/INST] The error is First array param dimension specified. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define DEBUG1 1
+#if DEBUG1
+const UINT_32 init = 1U;
+const UINT_32 init = 0;
+void static_417(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Use of #if preprocessor command. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef UINT_32* My_ptr, Value;
+void static_422 (My_ptr ptr, Value val)
+} [/INST] The error is More than one synonym in typedef. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef float Float_32;
+typedef double Float_64;
+void static_425(void)
+{ Float_32 my_floata = 3.5F; Float_64 my_double = 4.5; Float_32 my_floatb = 2.5; Float_32 my_floatc = 6;
+} [/INST] The error is float literal with no F suffix. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define AA 1
+#undef BB
+static void static_426 (void)
+#define BB 2
+#undef CC
+} [/INST] The error is #undef used in a block. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define MYFILE ""myfile.h""
+#include MYFILE
+#include filename.h
+static void static_427(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Filename in #include not in < > or "" "". "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef enum Seasons
+{ spring, summer, autumn, winter
+} Seasons;
+void static_428(Seasons season)
+{ UINT_16 weather_score; switch (season) case spring: { weather_score = 1U; break; } case summer: { weather_score = 3U; break; } case autumn: { weather_score = 2U; break; } case winter: { weather_score = 0U; break; } default: { weather_score = 0U; break; }
+} [/INST] The error is No {} for switch (added by Testbed). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_429( void )
+{ UINT_32 index; for (index = 0; ; index++) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Empty middle expression in for loop. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const SINT_32 max_ind = 10;
+void static_430 (void)
+{ for (SINT_32 index = 0; index < max_ind; printf(""index = %d\n"", index)) { index = index + 2; }
+} [/INST] The error is Inconsistent usage of loop control variable. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_37 ( UINT_32 );
+void static_37 ( UINT_32 )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure parameter has a type but no identifier. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: void static_433(long s64)
+{ int s32; bool bl = 5; s32 = bl; char ch = s64; ch = ch + 1; ch = 0; ch = 0xf; ch = (short) s32;
+} [/INST] The error is Type conversion without cast. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef signed char SINT_8;
+typedef signed int SINT_32;
+typedef unsigned int UINT_32;
+void static_434(SINT_8 s8, FLOAT_32 f32)
+{ UINT_32 u32; SINT_32 s32; u32 = 4; u32 = 3L; s32 = u32; s32 = 4U; u32 = s32 + u32; u32 = 4 + u32; u32 = (SINT_32)f32;
+} [/INST] The error is Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_435(FLOAT_32 ff, SINT_8 s8, FLOAT_64 f64)
+{ FLOAT_32 f32; SINT_32 s32; s32 = ff; f32 = s32; f32 = s8; f32 = 4; f32 = 4 + ff; f32 = 0; f32 = (SINT_32)f64;
+} [/INST] The error is Float/integer conversion without cast. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_436 (INT_8 * ptr, INT_8 arr[10])
+{ INT_8 * p1 = ptr; INT_8 * p2 = arr; ptr[5] = 0; p1[5] = 0; p2[5] = 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Declaration does not specify an array. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_437(void)
+{ INT_32 ss1[10]; INT_32 ss2[10]; INT_32 *ss1_ptr = &ss1[0]; INT_32 *ss2_ptr = &ss2[0]; if (ss1_ptr > ss2_ptr) { }
+} [/INST] The error is < > <= >= used on different object pointers. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_438(void)
+{ SINT_32 ss1[10]; SINT_32 ss2[10]; SINT_32 *ss1_ptr = &ss1[0]; SINT_32 *ss2_ptr = &ss2[0]; SINT_32 ss3 = ss1_ptr - ss2_ptr;
+} [/INST] The error is Pointer subtraction not addressing one array. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_439 (INT_32 *ss_ptr)
+{ INT_32 ss = (INT_32)ss_ptr;
+} [/INST] The error is Cast from pointer to integral type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_440(INT_32 ss)
+{ INT_32 *ss_ptr = (INT_32 *)ss; ss_ptr = (INT_32 *)0x8ff7ffff;
+} [/INST] The error is Cast from integral type to pointer. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_441( void )
+{ UINT_16 u16r; CHAR chr; FLOAT_32 f32a, f32b; u16r = (UINT_16)(f32a + f32b); u16r = (UINT_16)(f32a); chr = (CHAR)(f32a);
+} [/INST] The error is Float cast to non-float. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_442( void )
+{ UINT_32 u32; INT_32 s32a, s32b; u32 = (UINT_32)(s32a + s32b); u32 = (UINT_32)(s32a);
+} [/INST] The error is Signed integral type cast to unsigned. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_39( void )
+{ FLOAT_32 f = 0.0F; for ( f = 0.0F; f < 10.0F; f = f + 1.0F ) { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is Unsuitable type for loop variable. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_443( void )
+{ INT_32 s32; UINT_32 u32a, u32b; s32 = (INT_32)(u32a + u32b); s32 = (INT_32)(u32a);
+} [/INST] The error is Unsigned integral type cast to signed. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_444( SINT_8 s8a, SINT_8 s8b, SINT_64 s64a, SINT_64 s64b )
+{ FLOAT_32 f32 = (FLOAT_32)( s64a + s64b ); FLOAT_32 f32 = (FLOAT_32)( s8a + s8b ); char ch = ( char )(s64a + s64b); ch = ( char ) s64a;
+} [/INST] The error is Integral type cast to non-integral. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_445( void )
+{ FLOAT_32 f32; FLOAT_64 f64a, f64b; f32 = f64a + f64b; f32 = ( FLOAT_64 )f32;
+} [/INST] The error is Narrower float conversion without cast. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_446 ( void )
+{ UINT_16 u16; UINT_32 u32a, u32b; u16 = u32a + u32b; u16 = 3U; u16 = 3UL; u16 = (UINT_32)u16;
+} [/INST] The error is Narrower int conversion without cast. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const INT_32 max_ind = 10;
+INT_32 flag = 1;
+static void static_447(void)
+{ for (INT_32 index = 0; (index < max_ind) && (flag > 0); index++) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Loop termination not a simple constant test. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_450(void)
+{ CHAR *text = L""Wide string """"and string"";
+} [/INST] The error is Wide string and string concatenated. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_451( void )
+{ FLOAT_64 f64; FLOAT_32 f32a, f32b; f64 = f32a + f32b; u64a = u32a++;
+} [/INST] The error is No cast for widening complex float expression (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_452(void)
+{ UINT_64 u64a; UINT_32 u32a, u32b; u64a = u32a + u32b; u64a = u32a++;
+} [/INST] The error is No cast for widening complex int expression (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef float Float_32;
+typedef double Float_64;
+Float_64 static_456( void )
+{ Float_32 f32a; return (f32a);
+} [/INST] The error is Implicit float widening for function return (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_16 static_457(void)
+{ UINT_8 u8a; return u8a;
+} [/INST] The error is Implicit int widening for function return (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 global_f = 0;
+SINT_32 loop_standards (SINT_32 p_1)
+{ SINT_32 j = 10; for (global_f = 0; global_f < 10; global_f = global_f + 1) { j--; } return j;
+} [/INST] The error is Loop index is not declared locally. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef unsigned int Uint_32;
+typedef unsigned long Uint_64;
+static void narrow_int(Uint_32 u32b)
+{ ;
+static void static_458(void)
+{ Uint_64 u64a; narrow_int(u64a);
+} [/INST] The error is Implicit conversion: actual to formal param (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void foo(UINT_32 *uptr)
+void static_459(void)
+{ UINT_32 uarray[10]; foo(uarray);
+} [/INST] The error is Array passed as actual parameter. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+extern UINT_8 x;
+static UINT_8 x = 0u;
+static void static_461(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier with ambiguous linkage. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef struct MyStruct
+{ UINT_32 x1; UINT_32 x2; UINT_32 x3;
+} MyStruct;
+void static_462(void)
+{ MyStruct a_struct = {1, 2}; MyStruct b_struct = {0};
+} [/INST] The error is Struct initialisation has insufficient items. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: static struct { char * string; int anint; } types [] = { { ""one green bottle"",1}, { ""two green bottles"",2}, { ""three green bottles"",3}, };
+static void static_463( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Unnecessary comma in initialisation list. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+auto UINT_32 glob_var;
+static void static_464(void)
+{ UINT_32 r1; auto UINT_32 local_var;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of auto specifier. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: struct static_465_s;
+void static_465(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Struct/union not completely specified. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef signed long Sint_64;
+typedef unsigned long Uint_64;
+const Sint_64 slong = 1;
+const Sint_64 slong_ok = 1L;
+const Uint_64 ulong = 2U;
+const Uint_64 ulong_ok = 2UL;
+void static_466 (void)
+} [/INST] The error is long literal with no L suffix. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 static_471 (void)
+{ return 42;
+} [/INST] The error is Function returns constant value. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_472(void);
+void static_472(void)
+{ char * entry_name = ""Anon.""; INT_32 entry_number = 0;
+} [/INST] The error is No comment after declaration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_41(UCHAR* p_1, ...);
+void static_41(UCHAR* p_1, ...)
+{ va_list ap; UCHAR* t; va_start(ap, p_1); t = va_arg(ap, UCHAR*); va_end(ap);
+} [/INST] The error is Ellipsis used in procedure parameter list. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+typedef struct
+{ int stringSize; char stringBuffer[STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH];
+} sized_string;
+struct another_string
+{ int stringLength; char stringContainer[STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH];
+void static_473(void)
+{ sized_string myString; struct another_string myContainer; myContainer.stringLength = myString.stringSize; memcpy(myContainer.stringContainer, myString.stringBuffer, myContainer.stringLength);
+} [/INST] The error is Typedef should not be used. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef enum Bool
+} Bool;
+typedef enum MyEnum
+{ First, Second, THIRD
+} MyEnum;
+void static_474(MyEnum ee)
+{ Bool top_two = FALSE; if (ee == First) { top_two = TRUE; } else { if (ee == Second) { top_two = TRUE; } else { top_two = FALSE; } }
+} [/INST] The error is Enum name is not all upper case. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define IN
+SINT_32 static_475(IN SINT_32 si);
+SINT_32 static_475(SINT_32 si)
+{ return si;
+} [/INST] The error is Parameter needs IN/OUT/INOUT marker. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_476(INT_32 si)
+{ UINT_32 my_array[3] = {0, 0, 0}; UINT_32 element = my_array[si];
+} [/INST] The error is Array index not unsigned. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef enum Pos
+} Pos;
+typedef enum Bool
+} Bool;
+Bool foo(const Pos xx);
+Bool foo(const Pos xx)
+{ Bool top_two; if (xx == FIRST) { top_two = TRUE; } else if (xx == SECOND) { top_two = TRUE; } else { ; } return top_two;
+} [/INST] The error is Empty else clause following else if. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define isillegal 11
+SINT_32 total = 12;
+SINT_32 static_478(SINT_32 p1)
+{ SINT_32 result = total + (p1 * isillegal); return result;
+} [/INST] The error is Name starts with ISO reserved prefix (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_479(void)
+{ UINT_8 ss = 15U; UINT_8 res; res = ss >> 4U;
+} [/INST] The error is Right shift loses all bits. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+void static_480(void)
+{ char str[] = {""ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ""}; (void)memcpy(&str[10], &str[13], 6U);
+} [/INST] The error is String function params access same variable. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_481 ( void )
+{ struct static_481_tag { INT_16 a; INT_16 b [ ]; }; struct static_481_tag static_481_st = { 1, { 2, 3, 4 } };
+} [/INST] The error is Array with no bounds in struct. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+extern struct st *pst1;
+extern struct st *pst2;
+void static_482 ( void )
+{ pst2 = pst1; *pst2 = *pst1;
+} [/INST] The error is Incomplete structure referenced. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct bitfield1 {UINT_32 x:1;};
+void static_42(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Use of bit field in structure declaration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct S
+{ UINT_32 ac; UINT_32 bc;
+void static_483 ( void )
+{ UINT_32 ic; UINT_32 *jc; struct S *sptr; sptr = (struct S*)malloc(sizeof(struct S)); jc = ⁣ free(jc); free(sptr);
+} [/INST] The error is Freed parameter is not heap item. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct S
+{ UINT_32 ac; UINT_32 bc;
+void static_484 ( void )
+{ UINT_32 ic; struct S *sptr; sptr = (struct S*)malloc(sizeof(struct S)); free(sptr); ic = sptr->ac;
+} [/INST] The error is Attempt to use already freed object. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_486 ( char * my_string )
+{ printf ( my_string ); printf ( ""My string is %s"", my_string );
+} [/INST] The error is Incorrect number of formats in output function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct S
+{ UINT_32 ac; UINT_32 bc; CHAR cc[100];
+static void static_487 ( void )
+{ UINT_32 tt; struct S *sptr; sptr = (struct S*)malloc(sizeof(sptr)); sptr->ac = 0U; sptr->bc = 0U; tt = sptr->bc; free(sptr);
+} [/INST] The error is Insufficient space allocated. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_488 ( void )
+{ SCHAR s8a = 1; SCHAR s8b = 1; s8a = s8a + 126; s8b = s8b + 150;
+} [/INST] The error is Value outside range of underlying type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_489 ( void )
+{ char source[200]; char destination[100]; strncpy( destination, source, 200 ); char arr_string[10] = {'a', 'b', 'c'}; char arr_dest[5]; strncpy( arr_dest, arr_string, 5 );
+} [/INST] The error is Insufficient space for operation. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+extern void helper64( FLOAT_64 h1 );
+extern void helper32( FLOAT_32 h2 );
+void static_490( void )
+{ FLOAT_32 s1; helper32(s1); helper64((FLOAT_64)s1); helper64(s1);
+} [/INST] The error is No cast for widening float parameter. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+extern void helper32( UINT_32 h1 );
+extern void helper16( UINT_16 h2 );
+void static_491( void )
+{ UINT_16 s1; helper16(s1); helper32((UINT_32)s1); helper32(s1);
+} [/INST] The error is No cast for widening int parameter. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_492( UINT_32 p1, UINT_32 p2, UINT_32 p3, UINT_32 p4 )
+} [/INST] The error is Parameter not declared on new line. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+jmp_buf env;
+void static_43 (SINT_32 val)
+{ longjmp(env,val);
+} [/INST] The error is Use of setjmp/longjmp. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: short s16a, s16b;
+s16a + s16b;
+3U + s16a;
+unsigned char u8a, u8b;
+u8a + u8b;
+typedef int SIGNED_INT_16;
+typedef long SIGNED_LONG_32;
+static void static_493( void )
+{ SIGNED_INT_16 s16 = 32767; SIGNED_LONG_32 s32; s32 = s16 + 1;
+} [/INST] The error is Numeric overflow. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
+typedef int Boolean;
+typedef unsigned short my_uint;
+typedef uint32_t my_counter;
+static void static_495( void )
+{ my_uint local_var;
+} [/INST] The error is Typedef name has no size indication. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_496( void )
+{ UINT_32 my_local = 42U; static_496_helper();
+static void static_496_helper( SINT_16 p1 )
+} [/INST] The error is Function call with no prior declaration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_497( void )
+{ struct st s1;
+} [/INST] The error is Type is incomplete in translation unit. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_509( const UINT_32 p1 )
+{ UINT_32 xx = 0;
+lab1: xx++; if ( p1 > xx ) { goto lab2; } else { goto lab1; }
+lab2: xx++;
+} [/INST] The error is goto label is backwards. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define MAX_SIZE 10U
+void static_510( void )
+{ for ( UINT_32 loop_var = 1U; loop_var != MAX_SIZE; loop_var +=2U ) { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is Loop counter increment and operator defect. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define MAX_SIZE 512
+void static_511( UINT_32 p1 )
+{ UINT_32 local = 0U; UINT_32 action = 0U; goto lab1; for(local; local < MAX_SIZE; local++) {
+lab1: action += p1; }
+} [/INST] The error is Jump into nested block. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct S { int xx : 2; };
+void static_520( void )
+{ struct S st;
+} [/INST] The error is Bit field is not bool or explicit integral. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_530( void );
+static void static_530( void )
+{ UINT_32 xx = 0; if( xx == NULL ){;}
+} [/INST] The error is NULL used in integer context. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_531( void )
+{ UINT_32 * pxx = NULL ; UINT_32 * pxy = ( 4 - 4 ); if( pxx == 0 ) {;}
+} [/INST] The error is Literal zero used in pointer context. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_44( CHAR* p_1,...)
+{ va_list ap; CHAR* t; va_start(ap, p_1); t = va_arg(ap, CHAR*); va_end(ap);
+} [/INST] The error is Use of banned function, type or variable. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef enum { aa, bb } enum_536;
+struct tag
+{ enum_536 a:4;
+void static_536( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Enum type in bit field. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static UINT_32 test ( UINT_32 *v ) { *v = *v + 1U; return ( *v < 10U ); }
+static void static_537( void )
+{ UINT_32 bool_a = FALSE; UINT_32 x; for ( x = 0U; ( x < 10U ) && test ( & bool_a ); ++x ) { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is Extra loop control variable changed. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_542 ( void )
+{ INT_32 x = 0; INT_32 y = 0; for (x = 0; (x < 10) && (y != 21); x++, y++) { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is Extra loop control variable is not bool. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_550( void )
+{ UINT_32 xx; xx = 0x8ff7ffff ;
+} [/INST] The error is Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_553( void );
+void static_553( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Function and proto should both be static. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct tag1
+{ UINT_16 u16;
+struct tag2
+{ UINT_32 u32;
+static void static_554( void )
+{ signed char *pc8; struct tag1 *st1; struct tag2 *st2; st2 = (struct tag2 *)(st1); (void)st1; pc8 = (signed char*)st1;
+} [/INST] The error is Cast to an unrelated type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_16 global = 0U;
+UINT_16 init_glob( UINT_16 ui )
+{ global = ui; return ui;
+static void static_560( void )
+{ UINT_16 us; UINT_16 usx = init_glob(3U); if( global > 1U ) { us = 78U; usx = 0U; }
+} [/INST] The error is Scope of variable could be reduced. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_562( void );
+#define MAC( x ) x + 10
+static void static_562( void )
+{ INT_16 aa = 1; MAC ( aa++ );
+} [/INST] The error is Use of ++,-- or = in macro parameters. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct tag
+{ UCHAR ff;
+struct tag *uglob;
+static void static_565( void )
+{ static struct tag avar; uglob = & avar;
+} [/INST] The error is Assignment to wider scope. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_567( UINT_32 * pp );
+static void static_567( UINT_32 * pp )
+{ UINT_32 * xx; xx = pp +7;
+} [/INST] The error is Pointer arithmetic is not on array. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_5(void)
+{ UINT_32 value_x = 1u; if (value_x == 0u) {
+#if FALSE value_x = value_x + 1u;
+#endif } if (value_x == 0u) {;}
+} [/INST] The error is Empty then clause. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_45(void)
+{ UINT_32 public = 0; UINT_32 private = 0; UINT_32 protected = 0; UINT_32 operator = 0; UINT_32 new = 0; UINT_32 template = 0; UINT_32 virtual = 0; UINT_32 delete = 0; UINT_32 friend = 0; UINT_32 cout = 0; UINT_32 cin = 0; UINT_32 endl = 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of C++ keyword. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: void static_568( void )
+#include ""stdlib.h""
+} [/INST] The error is #include ""filename"" uses standard library name. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_572( void );
+static void static_572( void )
+{ UCHAR xx = 99; assert( xx = 91);
+} [/INST] The error is Side effect in assert. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define makename(uc1, uc2, uc3, uc4) uc1##uc2##uc3##uc4
+static void static_573( void )
+{ makename ( \U00010401, \U00010401, \U00010401, \U00010402 ) = 4;
+} [/INST] The error is Macro concatenation of uni char names. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_575( void );
+static INT_32 DCL36_i2 = 20;
+INT_32 DCL36_i2;
+static void static_575( void )
+} [/INST] The error is Linkage differs from previous declaration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_576( void );
+typedef void (*fptr1)(void);
+typedef UCHAR (*fptr2)(UCHAR uc);
+static void static_576( void )
+{ fptr1 afp; fptr2 bfp; afp = bfp;
+} [/INST] The error is Function pointer is of wrong type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_577( void );
+UCHAR * puc;
+static void static_577( void )
+{ UCHAR xx; xx = sizeof(puc) ;
+} [/INST] The error is Sizeof argument is a pointer. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_578( void );
+UCHAR xx;
+static void static_578( void )
+{ xx = sizeof(xx) + 10U;
+} [/INST] The error is Sizeof used in arithmetic expression. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct astr { UCHAR f1; SCHAR f2;
+} okstr1,notokstr2;
+struct astr okstruct1;
+struct astr okstruct2,notokstruct1;
+UCHAR global_ok1;
+UCHAR global_ok2,gobal_notok1;
+static void static_579( void )
+{ UINT_32 local_ok1; UINT_32 localnok_ok1, localnot_ok2;
+} [/INST] The error is More than one variable per declaration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define WHAT static
+#define WHAT volatile
+INT_16 xx = 9;
+#define OK static
+#undef OK
+#define OK static
+static void static_580( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Macro redefinition without using #undef. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_581( void );
+INT_32 endcond ( void )
+{ return 1;
+static void static_581( void )
+{ INT_32 ii = 0; INT_32 data[10]; INT_32 end = 0; for ( ii=0; ( ii < 10 ) || ( !end ) ; ii++ ) { data[ii] = ii; if ( endcond() != 0 ) { end = 1; } }
+} [/INST] The error is Loop conditions are independent. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_582( const UINT_16 * par1 )
+{ const char * str; str = ""ok""; *str = 'A'; *(str + 1) = 'B'; str = ""ABC""; *par1 = 78U;
+} [/INST] The error is const object reassigned. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_583( void );
+static void static_583( void )
+{ CHAR * str; str = ""def"" ; if ( str == ""def"" ) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Comparison of pointer and string literal. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_584( void );
+INT_16 ss = 0;
+static void static_584( void )
+{ INT_16 rem; rem = ss % 4;
+} [/INST] The error is Remainder of % op could be negative. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_585( void );
+typedef enum
+{ shift = 2U, mask = 0x10U, part = 1U
+} constants;
+static void static_585( void )
+{ UINT_32 a = ( getchar () == EOF ) ? 50U : 100U; volatile UINT_32 r; r = a + ( a << shift ) + part;
+} [/INST] The error is Bitwise and arith operations on same data. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+static void static_586( void )
+{ typedef signed long long long s_t; s_t s; if ( scanf ( ""%lld"" , & s ) != 1 ) { (void) printf ( ""*"" ); }
+} [/INST] The error is Format is not %j for user defined type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_587( void );
+static void static_587( void )
+{ const INT_32 loc; loc = 0; INT_32 rr = loc;
+} [/INST] The error is Const local variable not immediately initialised. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+static void static_588( void );
+static void static_588( void )
+{ system("" wow"" );
+} [/INST] The error is Use of system function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+static void static_589( void )
+{ int x = 7; float ff = 8.9F; unsigned u = 9U; char * ss = ""oh my"" ; (void) printf("" \n %d "", u); (void) printf("" \n %d "", ff); (void) printf("" \n %s "", x); (void) printf("" \n %d "", ss);
+} [/INST] The error is Format is not appropriate type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+static void static_590( void )
+{ fopen(""afile1.h"" , ""wb+"" ); fopen(""afile2.h"" , ""c"" );
+} [/INST] The error is Mode fault in fopen. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+static void static_591( void );
+FILE file_f;
+FILE file_g;
+FILE * hptr;
+FILE * iptr;
+static void static_591( void )
+{ hptr = fopen("" afile.h"" ,"" w"" ); iptr = hptr; file_f = *hptr; file_g = file_f;
+} [/INST] The error is Inappropriate use of file pointer. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""Static_46.h""
+void static_46(void)
+{ undef_global = 1U;
+} [/INST] The error is extern not in nominated include file. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+static void static_592( void );
+static void static_592( void )
+{ (void) remove("" afile.h"" ); (void) rename("" afile.h"" , ""bfile.h"" );
+} [/INST] The error is Use of filename based functions. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+static void static_593( void );
+static void static_593( void )
+{ FILE *fptr = fopen("" afile.h"" ,"" r"" ); rewind(fptr);
+} [/INST] The error is Use fseek() rather than rewind(). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+static void static_594( void );
+static void static_594( void )
+{ FILE *fptr = fopen("" afile.h"" ,"" w"" ); setbuf(fptr, NULL);
+} [/INST] The error is Use setvbuf() rather than setbuf(). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 static_598( const UINT_32 val )
+{ UINT_32 data[2]; 1U[data] = val; return 1U[data];
+} [/INST] The error is Alternative array indexing used. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define a 77U
+#define b 32U
+UINT_32 arr[4]= { a | b, a || b, a && b, a & b }; [/INST] The error is Use of && or || in initialisation. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_600( void )
+{ SINT_32 xx; char arr [3] = { 'a', 'b', 'c' }; xx = strlen(arr);
+} [/INST] The error is Argument of strlen is unterminated. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void STATIC_602 ( void )
+{ char *token; char *path = ""/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin""; token = strtok ( path, "":"" ); while ( token = strtok ( 0, "":"" ) ) { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is strtok may change the parse string. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+SINT_32 global;
+void static_603 ( SINT_32 * ptr1, SINT_32 * const ptr2, SINT_32 * ptr3 )
+{ *ptr1 = global; *ptr2 = global; ptr3 = &global;
+} [/INST] The error is Parameter should be declared * const. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+enum { LIMIT = 100 };
+#define ARRAY_SIZE 100
+void static_604( void )
+{ SINT_32 array_ok1[ARRAY_SIZE]; SINT_32 array_ok2[LIMIT]; SINT_32 array_nok[100]; SINT_32 *ptr = &array_ok1[0]; array_nok[99] = 3;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of numeric literal as array bound/subscript. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_605(void)
+{ long long llvar = 3LL;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of long long. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_047(void)
+{ SINT_32 array[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; SINT_32 *ptr; array[5] = 1; ptr = &array[5]; ptr = &array[6];
+} [/INST] The error is Array bound exceeded. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef INT_32 (* fptr) (INT_32 p);
+void myProc(UINT_32 x)
+void static_606 ( UINT_32 u, fptr fp )
+{ fp = (fptr) & myProc; fp = (fptr) & u; fp = (fptr)0; (void) & myProc;
+} [/INST] The error is Cast involving function pointer. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_607(void)
+{ UINT_32 x = 1; if (!!(x == 1)) { x = 2; } else if (!!!(x == 2)) { x = 1; } if (!!!!(x == 1)) { x = 2; }
+} [/INST] The error is Double negative found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_608( void )
+{ INT_32 i = 3 u;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of explicitly undefined language feature. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+#define DEBUG /##/
+void static_609()
+{ DEBUG comment on debug code (void)printf(""debug print"");
+} [/INST] The error is Use of implicitly undefined language feature. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_610(void)
+{ INT_16 x = 6;
+label1: x = 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Label is unused. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_611(BOOL test)
+{ INT_32 x = 0; if (test) { x = 10; }
+} [/INST] The error is Line splice used in // comment. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static INT_32 count = 1;
+inline void static_612 (void)
+{ count++;
+} [/INST] The error is inline function should be declared static. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_613 (INT_32 * restrict p, const INT_32 *q )
+{ *p = *q;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of restrict keyword. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_614 ( INT_16 a [ static 20 ] )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of static keyword in array parameter. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: void static_615(int which)
+{ void *x; union { int i; double d; } u; u.i = 1; x = which ? &u.i : &u.d;
+} [/INST] The error is Conditional operator has incompatible types. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_48(SINT_32 p_1)
+{ SINT_32 i = 0, j = 0; switch (p_1) { case 0: j = 0; break; case 1: j=i; break; }
+} [/INST] The error is No default case in switch statement. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define ONE 1
+#define ZERO 0
+#if ONE
+int ok1;
+#elif ZERO
+int ok2;
+#elif 0
+int ok3;
+#elif 1
+int ok4;
+#elif ONE
+int ok5;
+#if ZERO
+int ok6;
+#if 0
+int ok7;
+#if 1
+int ok8;
+#if ONE + ZERO
+int ok9;
+#if 7449 - 7000 - 448
+int ok10;
+#if 2
+int duff1;
+#if -1
+int duff2;
+void static_616(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Preprocessor result not 0 or 1. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 func_not_ok(void)
+{ return;
+void static_617(void)
+{ UINT_32 i = func_not_ok();
+} [/INST] The error is Function call may return unexpected value. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct struct_a
+{ UINT_32 value;
+void static_618(void)
+{ struct struct_a s1 = {10}; struct struct_a s2 = {10}; BOOL test = memcmp(&s1, &s2, sizeof(struct struct_a));
+} [/INST] The error is Use of memcmp between structures. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 fnA ( void )
+{ return 1;
+void static_619 ( void )
+{ if (fnA == 0) { ; } if ( fnA ) { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is Function address compared with zero or NULL. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct enddate { INT_32 year; INT_32 month; INT_32 day; };
+void static_620(void)
+{ INT_32 a3[4] = { [0] = -5, [1] = -4, [2] = -3, [2] = -2 }; struct enddate last = { .year = 2012, .month = 12, .year = 2000 };
+} [/INST] The error is Initialisation designator duplicated. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_621 (UINT_32 n)
+{ INT_32 vla [ n ];
+} [/INST] The error is Variable-length array declared. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define M( this_is_a_parameter_of_macro_m_first, this_is_a_parameter_of_macro_m_second ) \ ((this_is_a_parameter_of_macro_m_first) +(this_is_a_parameter_of_macro_m_second))
+#define M2(this_is_a_parameter_of_macro_m2_this_is_a_parameter_of_macro_m2_first, \ this_is_a_parameter_of_macro_m2_this_is_a_parameter_of_macro_m2_second) \ ((this_is_a_parameter_of_macro_m2_this_is_a_parameter_of_macro_m2_first) + \ (this_is_a_parameter_of_macro_m2_this_is_a_parameter_of_macro_m2_second))
+static UINT_32 static_622( void )
+{ return M ( 3U, 5U ) + M2 ( 3U, 5U );
+} [/INST] The error is Macro parameters are not unique within limits. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+CHAR * return_string(void)
+{ return ""fred"";
+void static_623(void)
+{ CHAR * string_test = ""test"";
+} [/INST] The error is String assigned to non const object. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define int UINT_32
+void static_626(void)
+} [/INST] The error is #define of keyword. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_627(void)
+{ INT_32 a1[2][2] = {{0}, [1][0] = 0, 1}; INT_32 a2[2][2] = {[0][1] = 0, {0, 1}};
+} [/INST] The error is Initialiser both positional and designational. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+extern BOOL get_bool ( void );
+void static_49(void)
+{ BOOL flag = TRUE; INT_32 y = 0, x = 0, z = 1; if (x < 0 || z + y != 0) { flag = FALSE; } if ( flag && get_bool() ) { flag = FALSE; }
+} [/INST] The error is Logical conjunctions need brackets. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define SIZE_USED 6
+#define DATA 3
+INT_32 static_628(void)
+#define SIZE_NOT_USED 6
+return SIZE_USED;
+} [/INST] The error is Macro not used in translation unit. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_629( void )
+{ SINT_32 local_denominator = 1; SINT_32 numerator = 9; SINT_32 result = numerator / ( local_denominator - 1 );
+} [/INST] The error is Divide by zero found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_630(void)
+{ enum traffic{ red=3, amber, green, yellow=4 }; enum traffic_ok{ Xred=3, Xamber=4, Xgreen, Xyellow=4 };
+} [/INST] The error is Duplicated enumeration value. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_16 static_631( void )
+{ goto L1; UINT_16 x = 10U; L1: x = x + 1U; return x; UINT_16 y = 0U;
+} [/INST] The error is Declaration not reachable. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define SQ_2 (2*2)
+INT_32 static_632(void)
+{ return SQ_2;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of // comment in pre-processor directive or macro defn. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+void static_633(HCRYPTPROV hProv, HCRYPTHASH hHash, HCRYPTKEY *hKey)
+{ CryptDeriveKey(hProv, CALG_3DES, hHash, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, hKey);
+} [/INST] The error is Use of a broken or risky cryptography algorithm. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_634 (UINT_32 name_x)
+{ UINT_32 count = 0u; if (name_x == 0u) { count = 1u; } else { } for ( count; count < 10u; count++ ) { ; } { }
+} [/INST] The error is Empty block found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_635 (FLOAT_32 *f_ptr)
+{ FLOAT_32 ss = (FLOAT_32)f_ptr;
+} [/INST] The error is Cast from pointer to float type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_636 ( void )
+{ void *p = (void*) 3.4f;
+} [/INST] The error is Cast from float type to pointer. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define JOIN( x, y ) #x ## y
+void static_637(void)
+{ const char *name = JOIN (Control, 1 );
+} [/INST] The error is # operand followed by ##. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_50(void)
+{ SINT_32 b = 1; b >>= 1;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of shift operator on signed type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef struct { INT_32 a; INT_32 b; } struct_2int;
+static void static_638 ( void )
+{ INT_32 * ptr1 = malloc(5); INT_32 * ptr2 = malloc(32); struct_2int *ptr3 = malloc(5); struct_2int *ptr4 = malloc(32); struct_2int *ptr5 = malloc(4*sizeof(struct_2int));
+} [/INST] The error is Memory allocation non-conformant with type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_639( void )
+{ UINT_32 name_x = 1u; if(name_x == 0u) { } { }
+} [/INST] The error is Potentially missing else statement. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+struct a_str
+{ char text[6];
+static struct a_str get_text(void)
+{ struct a_str result = {""world""}; return result;
+void static_642(void)
+{ struct a_str my_str = get_text(); printf(""Hello, %s!\n"", my_str.text); printf(""Hello, %s!\n"", get_text().text);
+} [/INST] The error is Function return type with array field. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static SINT_32 fn1 (void)
+{ return (errno);
+static SINT_32 static_643 (void)
+{ return (EIO);
+} [/INST] The error is Function return type is not errno_t. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef struct astr
+{ char ch; int ii;
+} astr;
+void static_644 (void)
+{ astr str; astr *ptr1 = (astr*)malloc(10 * sizeof(astr)); astr *ptr2 = NULL; astr *ptr3 = &str; ptr1 = (astr*)realloc(ptr1, 20 * sizeof(astr)); ptr2 = (astr*)realloc(ptr2, 6 * sizeof(astr)); ptr3 = (astr*)realloc(ptr3, 8 * sizeof(astr));
+} [/INST] The error is realloc ptr does not originate from allocation function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef struct atag
+{ char ach; FLOAT_32 afl;
+} str1_t;
+typedef struct btag
+{ SINT_64 ll; SINT_16 *pp; char cc;
+} str2_t;
+str1_t * astr;
+static void static_645( void )
+{ str1_t *past = (str1_t*) malloc(sizeof(str1_t)); str2_t *qast = (str2_t*) realloc(past, sizeof(str2_t));
+} [/INST] The error is realloc ptr type does not match target type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct tag { SINT_16 ss; FLOAT_32 ff; };
+static void static_646( void )
+{ struct tag astruct = { 3, 7.1F, 7 };
+} [/INST] The error is Struct initialisation has too many items. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+int array[30];
+static void static_647( void )
+{ memcpy( array, array, 20);
+} [/INST] The error is Overlapping data items in memcpy. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_648 ( void )
+{ struct { INT_32 i1; INT_32 arr1[0]; } astruct1; struct { INT_32 i2; INT_32 arr2[1]; } astruct2; struct { INT_32 i3; INT_32 arr3[]; } astruct3;
+} [/INST] The error is Deprecated form of flexible array. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct flex { INT_16 size; INT_16 arr[]; };
+static void static_649( void )
+{ struct flex flexarr; flexarr.size = 10; flexarr.arr[9] = 99;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of unallocated flexible array. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_51(void)
+{ UINT_32 x = 0u; UINT_32 y = 2u; x = y << 34u; x = 4u << 10u;
+} [/INST] The error is Shifting value too far. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct flex { INT_16 num; INT_16 data[];
+static void static_650( void )
+{ struct flex *parr1; struct flex *parr2; parr1 = (struct flex*) malloc(sizeof(struct flex)+ (sizeof(int)*40)); (*parr1).num = 40; parr2 = (struct flex*) malloc(sizeof(struct flex)+ (sizeof(int)*40)); (*parr2).num = 40; *parr1 = *parr2;
+} [/INST] The error is Flexible array copy ignores last member. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+static char static_652( void )
+{ char res; char *cptr = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*7); char *dptr = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*7); char src[7] = ""abcdef""; strcpy(cptr, src); res = cptr[3]; res = dptr[3]; return res;
+} [/INST] The error is Object created by malloc used before initialisation. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define GEN(x) _Generic( x, int : 1, default : 72 )
+static void static_653( void )
+{ SINT_32 y = 66; SINT_32 avar = GEN(y++); SINT_32 bvar = GEN(y);
+} [/INST] The error is Apparent side effects in _Generic or _Alignof. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+union u1
+{ INT_32 i1 ; INT_32 arr1[];
+union u2
+{ INT_32 i2; INT_32 arr2[0];
+}; [/INST] The error is Union contains flexible array. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct struct_a
+{ UINT_32 value;
+static void static_655( void )
+{ struct struct_a s1 = {10U}; UINT_32 b32 = 1U; BOOL test = memcmp(&s1, &b32, sizeof(struct struct_a));
+} [/INST] The error is Standard library copy/compare objects have different types. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define SIZE 3
+SINT_32 global = SIZE > 0 ? 10 : 1;
+SINT_32 static_656(void)
+{ return global;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of ternary expression within global initialisation. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+void static_661(void)
+{ char buffer1[12] = ""abc""; char buffer2[12] = ""abc""; if ( memcmp ( buffer1, buffer2, 9 ) != 0 ) { }
+} [/INST] The error is memcmp used to compare null terminated strings. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_662(void)
+{ char ch; ch = ( char ) getchar( ); if ( EOF != ( INT_32 ) ch ) { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is EOF compared with char. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+void static_663(void)
+{ if ( isalpha ( 256 ) != 0 ) { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is Invalid value may be passed to function in . "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef long double FLOAT_LD;
+void static_672(void)
+{ long double ld1 = 1.1L;
+} [/INST] The error is long double is not permitted. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_52(void)
+{ UINT_32 x = 1u; UINT_32 y = 2u; y = -x;
+} [/INST] The error is Unsigned expression negated. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: void static_674(void)
+{ wchar_t a_wide_char;
+} [/INST] The error is wchar_t is not permitted. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+int typedef Length_32;
+void static_678( void )
+{ FLOAT_32 static fx;
+} [/INST] The error is Type specifier before non-type specifier. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define VALUE 0
+#if VALUE < 10
+#error ""Incorrect value""
+void static_681( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is #error directive used. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_687 ( void )
+{ UINT_32 arr[3] = { 1U, 2U, 3U }; INT_32 i; for ( i = 50; arr[i] != 0U; i-- ) { ; } for ( i = 50; (i >= 0) && (arr[i] != 0U) ; i-- ) { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is Loop counter not checked for negative value. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_688 ( void )
+{ char * cptr = (char *)malloc(2000); INT_32 * iptr = (INT_32 *)malloc(5000000);
+} [/INST] The error is Memory allocation exceeds 2 power *** bytes. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h"" void static_691( void ) { INT_32 *c = { 0 }; INT_32 *nc = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; } [/INST] The error is Initialisation of pointer with initialiser list. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_692(void)
+{ SINT_32 array[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; SINT_32 value = -1; array[value] = 1;
+} [/INST] The error is Array index is negative. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_693(FLOAT_64 f64)
+{ FLOAT_32 f32; f32 = (FLOAT_32)f64;
+} [/INST] The error is Float expression cast to narrower float type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_694(SINT_64 s64)
+{ SINT_32 s32; s32 = (SINT_32)s64;
+} [/INST] The error is Integer expression cast to narrower integer type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_695(char ch)
+{ SINT_32 s32; FLOAT_32 f32; s32 = (SINT_32)ch; f32 = (FLOAT_32)ch;
+} [/INST] The error is Char expression cast to non-char type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 foo( UINT_32 v_1 )
+{ return (v_1+1);
+void static_53(void)
+{ UINT_32 x = 1u; x++ , foo(x) ;
+} [/INST] The error is Bool expression cast to non-bool type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_695(BOOL bl)
+{ SINT_32 s32; s32 = (SINT_32)bl;
+} [/INST] The error is Char expression cast to non-char type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_697(SINT_64 *ps64, void* pany)
+{ SINT_32 *ps32; ps32 = ps64; ps32 = pany; ps32 = (void*)0;
+} [/INST] The error is Pointer converted to different pointer type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+extern void use_with_care_proc ( void );
+void static_698( void )
+{ use_with_care_proc( );
+} [/INST] The error is Potential improper use of function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define LOOP_N(n) for ( i = 0; i <(n); i++ );
+void static_699( void )
+{ SINT_32 count = 0; LOOP_N(10) { count ++; }
+} [/INST] The error is Macro terminated with semi-colon. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct mydata { SINT_32 x; SINT_32 y; };
+void static_700(SINT_64 value)
+{ struct mydata info; info = (struct mydata)value;
+} [/INST] The error is Cast involving structure type. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_701(SINT_32 *ptr)
+{ void * pv; pv = (void *)ptr;
+} [/INST] The error is Pointer cast to pointer to void. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_702(SINT_32 *ptr)
+{ const SINT_32 * pc; pc = (const SINT_32 *)ptr;
+} [/INST] The error is Cast adds qualification. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void LDRA_704(UINT_32 par_1, UINT_32 par_2)
+{ UINT_32 x = 0; x = (par_1 || par_2); x = (par_1 && par_2); x = ( ( par_1 && par_2 ) ? 1 : 0); x = ( ( par_1 == par_2 ) ? 1 : 0); x = (par_1 != par_2); x = (par_1 == par_2); x = (par_1 > par_2); x = (par_1 < par_2); x = (par_1 <= par_2); x = (par_1 >= par_2); x = (par_1 >= 0);
+} [/INST] The error is Assignment statement with boolean relational operator. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+BOOL isHexDigit( CHAR Hex )
+{ BOOL bResult; bResult = FALSE; if ((Hex == '0') || (Hex == '1') || (Hex == '2') || (Hex == '3') || (Hex == '4') || (Hex == '5') || (Hex == '6') || (Hex == '7') || (Hex == '8') || (Hex == '9') || (Hex == 'A') || (Hex == 'a') || (Hex == 'B') || (Hex == 'b') || (Hex == 'C') || (Hex == 'c') || (Hex == 'D') || (Hex == 'd') || (Hex == 'E') || (Hex == 'e') || (Hex == 'F') || (Hex == 'f')) { bResult = TRUE; } return bResult;
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure exceeds *** reformatted lines. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void complex_2_3 ( BOOL c_1, BOOL c_2 )
+{ if (c_1) {
+label1: ; } if (c_2) { goto label1; }
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure contains essential knots. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(UINT_32 p_1, UINT_16 p_2)
+{ }
+void static_6(void)
+{ void (*proc_pointer) (UINT_32 p_1, UINT_16 p_2) = foo; proc_pointer(1u, 1);
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure pointer declared. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_54(void)
+{ UINT_32 x = 1u; UINT_32 a = 1u; a = sizeof( x++ );
+} [/INST] The error is Sizeof operator with side effects. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void complex_4 ( BOOL c_3, BOOL c_4 )
+label1: if (c_3) { if (c_4) { goto label1; } }
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure is not structured. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: void complex_5 ( void )
+label1: goto label1;
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure contains infinite loop. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 complex_7 (INT_32 status)
+{ if ( status == 0 ) { return 1; } return 2;
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure has more than one exit point. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define MAX_NUM 10
+int arr[ MAX_NUM ];
+void C_009( void )
+{ int sub; for ( sub = 0; sub < MAX_NUM; sub++ ) { if ( arr[ sub ] == 0 ) { break; } if ( arr[ sub ] == 1 ) { break; } }
+} [/INST] The error is Ess Cyclomatic Complexity greater than ***. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void complex_10 ( UINT_32 ee, UINT_32 ff, UINT_32 gg, UINT_32 hh)
+{ UINT_32 aa, bb, cc, dd; for (aa = 1U; aa < ee; aa++) { for (bb = aa; bb < ff; bb++) { for (cc = bb; cc < gg; cc++) { for (dd = cc; dd < hh; dd++) { } } } }
+} [/INST] The error is Loop depth greater than ***. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void complex_11 ( UINT_32 zz )
+{ UINT_32 aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, gg, hh, ii, jj, kk; for (aa = 1U; aa < zz; aa++) { } for (bb = 1U; bb < zz; bb++) { } for (cc = 1U; cc < zz; cc++) { } for (dd = 1U; dd < zz; dd++) { } for (ee = 1U; ee < zz; ee++) { } for (ff = 1U; ff < zz; ff++) { } for (gg = 1U; gg < zz; gg++) { } for (hh = 1U; hh < zz; hh++) { } for (ii = 1U; ii < zz; ii++) { } for (jj = 1U; jj < zz; jj++) { } for (kk = 1U; kk < zz; kk++) { }
+} [/INST] The error is More than *** depth 1 loops. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 SDA_001( UINT_32 p_1, UINT_32 p_2 )
+{ UINT_32 v_1; v_1 = p_1; v_1++; return v_1;
+} [/INST] The error is Unused procedure parameter. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static INT_32 SDA_002( INT_32 par_1 )
+{ if ( par_1 == 0 ) { return 0; } else if ( par_1 == 1 ) { return ; } else { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is Function does not return a value on all paths. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 glob1 = 1;
+static void fn( UINT_32 *par_1 )
+{ *par_1 = *par_1 + glob1++;
+static void SDA_003(void)
+{ fn(&glob1);
+} [/INST] The error is Actual parameter is also global to procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static UINT_32 SDA_004( void )
+{ UINT_32 v_1, v_2; v_1 = 0U; return v_1;
+} [/INST] The error is Variables declared but not used in code analysed. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 exp_1(UINT_32 *p_1)
+{ UINT_32 x = *p_1; (*p_1) = x*x; return (x);
+UINT_32 exp_2(UINT_32 *p_1)
+{ UINT_32 x = *p_1; (*p_1) = (x % 2u); return (x);
+void static_55(void)
+{ UINT_32 y = 3u, x = 0u; x = exp_1(&y) + exp_2(&y);
+} [/INST] The error is Expression with more than one function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 SDA_005 ( void) ;
+UINT_32 SDA_005 ( void)
+{ UINT_32 v_1 , v_2 ; v_1 = v_2 ; v_2 = v_1 ; return v_2 ;
+} [/INST] The error is UR data flow anomalies found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 SDA_006( UINT_32 par_a )
+{ UINT_32 result; UINT_32 value; if (par_a != 1 ) { value = par_a; value--; result = SDA_006( value ) * par_a; } else { result=1u; } return (result);
+UINT_32 Test_006(void)
+{ UINT_32 result; result = SDA_006( 20 ); return result;
+} [/INST] The error is Recursion in procedure calls found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_007( void )
+{ BOOL flag = FALSE;
+} [/INST] The error is DU data flow anomalies found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static BOOL SDA_008( void )
+{ BOOL flag; flag = FALSE; flag = TRUE; return flag;
+static BOOL SDA_008_1( void )
+{ BOOL flag = FALSE; flag = TRUE; return flag;
+} [/INST] The error is DD data flow anomalies found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+SINT_32 *glob_ptr;
+void SDA_009(SINT_32 x_1, SINT_32* ptr_1, SINT_32* ptr_2, SINT_32 *ptr_3 )
+{ *glob_ptr = *ptr_2; if (x_1 != 5) { *ptr_1 = x_1 + 6; *ptr_2 = x_1 + 6; ptr_3 = glob_ptr; }
+} [/INST] The error is Defined parameter has possible clear path. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 globl = 1U;
+void direct_access1( UINT_32 * par_1 )
+{ *par_1 = *par_1 + globl;
+void indirect_access(void)
+{ UINT_32 local_var = 42U; direct_access1(&local_var);
+static void SDA_010(void)
+{ indirect_access();
+} [/INST] The error is Globals used inside procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_011( UINT_32 par_1, UINT_32 par_2 )
+{ if (par_2 != 1U) { par_1 = 0U; } else { par_1= 1U; }
+} [/INST] The error is Parameters do not match expected actions. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 SDA_012( UINT_32 par_1, UINT_32 par_2 )
+{ UINT_32 var_1; var_1 = par_2; if (par_2 != 1) { var_1 = par_1; } return (var_1);
+} [/INST] The error is Referenced parameter has possible clear path. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 globl = 1;
+void fn_13( INT_32 * pVar )
+{ *pVar = *pVar + globl;
+void SDA_013( INT_32 * globl )
+{ fn_13( globl );
+} [/INST] The error is Global used in procedure matches local parameter. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_014( UINT_32 par_1, UINT_32 par_2 )
+{ if (par_2 != 1U) { par_1 = 0U; } else { par_1= 1U; }
+} [/INST] The error is Attempt to change parameter passed by value. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_56 ( void)
+{ FLOAT_32 fl, f2; fl = 1.01f; f2 = 2.01f; if (fl == f2) { } if (fl >= 0.0f) { fl = fl + 0.01f; }
+} [/INST] The error is Equality comparison of floating point. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_015(void (*p_proc_pointer)(void) )
+} [/INST] The error is Unused procedural parameter. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void Test_016( UINT_32 *par_1, UINT_32 *par_2 )
+{ if (par_1 == par_2) { }
+static void SDA_016(void)
+{ UINT_32 var = 6; Test_016( &var , &var );
+} [/INST] The error is Identical actual parameters in call. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef struct
+{ UINT_32 This_component_exceeds_thirty_one_characters_in_length; UINT_32 This_component_exceeds_thirty_one_characters_in_length_also;
+} struct17;
+static void SDA_017(void)
+{ UINT_32 This_identifier_exceeds_thirty_one_characters_in_length; UINT_32 This_identifier_exceeds_thirty_one_characters_in_length_also; struct17 mystruct;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier not unique within *** characters. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 Re_Used;
+UINT_32 SDA_018( void )
+{ UINT_32 Re_Used; Re_Used = 1; return Re_Used;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier name reused. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_16 SDA_019(void)
+{ UINT_16 retval; retval = Test_19d(); return (retval);
+UINT_32 Test_19d( void )
+{ return (1u);
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure called before being defined. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static UINT_32 SDA_020(void)
+{ UINT_32 retval; retval = undeclared; return (retval);
+} [/INST] The error is No declaration for variable found before use. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 global = 0U;
+UINT_32 SDA_022(void)
+{ global++; return global;
+} [/INST] The error is Function has global variable side effects. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 SDA_023( UINT_32 * par_1 )
+{ *par_1 = 1; return (*par_1);
+} [/INST] The error is Function has parameter side effects. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_024( UINT_32 * par_1 )
+{ *par_1 = 1;
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure definition has no associated prototype. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 g_var_1 = 1;
+void SDA_025( UINT_32 * par_1 )
+{ *par_1 = g_var_1;
+} [/INST] The error is Scope of variable could be reduced. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_57(void)
+{ UINT_32 x = 0U; x; (void)x;
+} [/INST] The error is Statement with no side effect. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 SDA_026;
+SINT_32 SDA_026;
+void SDA_026(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Variable should be defined once in only one file. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 global_1 = 1;
+INT_32 global_2 = 2;
+static INT_32 SDA_027( void )
+{ return global_2 - global_1;
+INT_32 main( void )
+{ return SDA_027() + SDA_027_2();
+} [/INST] The error is Variable should be declared static. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 global_2;
+INT_32 SDA_027_2 ( void )
+{ return global_2;
+} [/INST] The error is Variable should be declared static. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_028( void )
+{ INT_32 i = 1; BOOL flag = TRUE; while (flag) { if (i==0) { flag = FALSE; } }
+} [/INST] The error is Potentially infinite loop found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct s29
+{ UINT_32 u1; UINT_32 u2; UINT_32 u3;
+static UINT_32 SDA_029( struct s29 s )
+{ UINT_32 result; result = s.u1 + s.u2; return (result);
+static UINT_32 Test_029( void )
+{ UINT_32 a; struct s29 s; s.u1=1U; s.u2=2U; s.u3=3U; a = SDA_029( s ); return (a);
+} [/INST] The error is Partially used structure parameter. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+extern UINT_32 global;
+UINT_32 sda_033_2(void)
+{ global++; return global;
+} [/INST] The error is No real declaration for external variable. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 SDA_034( UINT_32 a1 )
+{ UINT_32 b = a1; b--; return b;
+static UINT_32 test_034(void)
+{ UINT_32 a = 1U; a = SDA_034( a ); return a;
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure name re-used in different files. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+SINT_32 SDA_034( SINT_32 a1 )
+{ SINT_32 b = a1; b--; return b;
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure name re-used in different files. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 SDA_035( UINT_32 par_1 )
+{ UINT_32 result; UINT_32 var_1 = par_1; result = var_1++ + var_1; return (result);
+} [/INST] The error is Expression has side effects. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_58(void)
+{ UINT_32 Timing_Loop = 100U; while ( Timing_Loop > 0U ); Timing_Loop--; ;
+} [/INST] The error is Null statement found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 No_Name( UINT_32 );
+UINT_32 SDA_036( UINT_32 var_1 );
+UINT_32 No_Name( UINT_32 name )
+{ return name;
+UINT_32 SDA_036( UINT_32 par_1 )
+{ UINT_32 result; result = par_1; return result;
+} [/INST] The error is Prototype and definition name mismatch. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 SDA_037(void)
+{ static UINT_32 var_1; var_1++; return (var_1);
+} [/INST] The error is Function has persistent local side effects. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_038( UCHAR *pArray, UINT_32 ArraySize)
+{ UCHAR element; UINT_32 stepup=0U, stepdn; stepdn = ArraySize; stepdn--; while( stepdn > stepup ) { element = pArray[ stepdn ]; pArray[ stepdn ] = pArray[ stepup ]; pArray[ stepup ] = element; stepup++; stepdn--; }
+} [/INST] The error is More than one control variable for loop. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_039( void )
+{ UINT_32 it; for (it = 0; it < 42U; it++) {
+lb1: it++;
+lb2: it++; if (it == 7U) { goto lb1; } else { if (it == 9U) { goto lb2; } else { } } }
+} [/INST] The error is More than one entry to a loop. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_040( void )
+{ UINT_32 it; for (it = 0U; it < 42U; it++) { if (it == 9U) { break; } else { } }
+} [/INST] The error is More than one exit from a loop. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_041( UINT_32 param );
+void SDA_041( UINT_32 param )
+{ UINT_32 result = foo( param );
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure call has no prototype declared. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static INT_32 * fn_D42( void )
+{ INT_32 local_var = 22; return &local_var;
+void SDA_042( void )
+{ INT_32 * result = fn_D42();
+} [/INST] The error is Local pointer returned in function result. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_043( void )
+{ SINT_32 local_denominator = 0; SINT_32 numerator = 9; SINT_32 result = numerator / local_denominator;
+} [/INST] The error is Divide by zero found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_045( UINT_32 * par_1 )
+{ UINT_32 * lvar_1 = (UINT_32 *)malloc(sizeof(*lvar_1)); *lvar_1 = *par_1;
+} [/INST] The error is Pointer not checked for null before use. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_047( UINT_32 * par_1 )
+{ UINT_32 * lvar_1 = (UINT_32*)malloc(sizeof(lvar_1)); *lvar_1 = *par_1;
+} [/INST] The error is Unused inspect annotation. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_59 (void)
+{ UINT_32 x = 2u; if ( x == 2u ) { ; } else if ( x == 3u) { ; } if ( x == 2u ) { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is Else alternative missing in if. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_048( void );
+void SDA_048( void )
+{ FILE *inp, *outp; SINT_32 ch; inp = fopen(""infile.txt"", ""r""); do { ch = getc(inp); if (ch == (SINT_32)EOF) { } else { putc( ch, outp ); ch = getc(inp); } } while (ch != (SINT_32)EOF ); fclose(inp); fclose(outp);
+} [/INST] The error is Attempt to write to unopened file. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_049( void )
+{ FILE *inp, *outp; SINT_32 ch; inp = fopen(""infile.txt"", ""r""); outp = fopen(""outfile.txt"", ""w""); do { ch = getc(inp); if (ch == (SINT_32)EOF) { } else { putc( ch, outp ); ch = getc(inp); } } while (ch != (SINT_32)EOF ); fclose(inp);
+} [/INST] The error is File pointer not closed on exit. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_050( UINT_32 * par_1 )
+{ UINT_32 * lvar_1 = (UINT_32 *)malloc(sizeof(lvar_1)); if (lvar_1 != (UINT_32 *)0) { *lvar_1 = *par_1; } lvar_1 = par_1;
+} [/INST] The error is Memory not freed after last reference. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_051( UINT_32 * par_1 )
+{ UINT_32 * lvar_1 = (UINT_32 *)malloc(sizeof(lvar_1)); UINT_32 * lvar_2; if (lvar_1 != (UINT_32 *)0) { *lvar_1 = *par_1; free(lvar_1); *lvar_2 = *lvar_1; }
+} [/INST] The error is Attempt to read from freed memory. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_053( void)
+{ CHAR *ptr1, *ptr2; ptr1 = ptr2;
+} [/INST] The error is Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: typedef struct struct_fn_t
+{ void (* s_fn)(struct struct_fn_t * s_fn_ptr);
+} struct_fn;
+void sda_054 ( void )
+{ struct_fn s_fn_ptrs[10]; struct_fn * sda_054_p = &s_fn_ptrs[0]; sda_054_p->s_fn (sda_054_p++);
+} [/INST] The error is Unsafe use of function pointer variable. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_055( UINT_32 max_count )
+{ UINT_32 loop_counter = 0U; for (loop_counter = 0U; loop_counter < max_count; loop_counter++) { if (loop_counter == 7U) { loop_counter++; } else { } }
+} [/INST] The error is Modification of loop counter in loop body. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+const SINT_32 g_var;
+void SDA_057( SINT_32 p_var )
+{ SINT_32 result1 = g_var * p_var;
+} [/INST] The error is Global not initialised at declaration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_058( void )
+{ CHAR str1[] = {'a', 'b', 'c'}; CHAR str2[] = {'d', 'a', 'f'}; CHAR str3[] = {'x', 'y', 'b'}; CHAR * some_string = ""Hello World""; CHAR * another_string = ""Hello World"";
+} [/INST] The error is Character or string literal re-used. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UCHAR glob;
+static void sda_059( UCHAR par1, UCHAR par2, UCHAR arr3[5], const UCHAR arr4[5] )
+{ par2 = glob; glob = par1; glob = arr3[0] + arr4[0];
+} [/INST] The error is Parameter should be declared const. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_060(SINT_32 p_1)
+{ switch (p_1) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Empty switch statement. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+extern SINT_32 some_int;
+extern SINT_32 some_int;
+SINT_32 some_int = 0;
+void sda_060( void )
+{ ; } [/INST] The error is External object should be declared only once. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void helper_proc1( void ) { ; }
+void helper_proc2( void) { ; }
+void sda_061( void )
+{ helper_proc1(); helper_proc2();
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure should be declared static. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+int main(void)
+{ sda_061(); return 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure should be declared static. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void sda_063_1( void );
+void sda_063_2( void );
+void sda_063_1( void )
+int main(void)
+{ sda_063_1(); sda_063_2(); return 0;
+} [/INST] The error is No definition in system for prototyped procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static UINT_32 sda_064_1( void )
+{ UINT_32 local_int; local_int = 0U; local_int++; return local_int;
+} [/INST] The error is Local not initialised at declaration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void sda_065_1( void )
+{ UINT_32 local_int = 1U; local_int++;
+} [/INST] The error is Void function has no side effects. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+extern UINT_16 sda_066_2( void );
+static void sda_066( void )
+{ SINT_32 loop; UINT_16 u8a = 0U; BOOL flag = FALSE; for( loop = 0; (loop < 10 ) && ( u8a != 42U ); ++loop ) { u8a = sda_066_2(); } for( loop = 0; (loop < 10 ) && flag; ++loop ) { u8a = sda_066_2(); flag = u8a != 42U; }
+} [/INST] The error is Non boolean control variable modified in loop. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 global = 0U;
+void sda_067_1( UINT_32 p1, UINT_32 p2 )
+{ global = (global + p1) * p2;
+void SDA_067( UINT_32 p3 )
+{ sda_067_1( p3++, p3++ );
+} [/INST] The error is Void function has global variable side effects. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_068_1( UINT_32 p1, UINT_32 p2 )
+{ static UINT_32 var_1; var_1 = (var_1 + p1) * p2;
+void SDA_068_2( UINT_32 p3 )
+{ SDA_068_1( p3++, p3++ );
+} [/INST] The error is Void function has persistent local side effects. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void sda_069 ( void )
+{ UINT_32 var_1; var_1++;
+} [/INST] The error is UR anomaly, variable used before assignment. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_061(SINT_32 p_1)
+{ SINT_32 i = p_1; switch (p_1) { default: i++; } switch (p_1) { case 1: default: i++; }
+} [/INST] The error is Switch contains default only. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void sda_070 ( const UINT_32 p1 )
+{ UINT_32 var_1 = 0U; UINT_32 var_2 = p1; var_1++; if ( p1 > 42U ) { printf(""%u\n"", var_2); }
+} [/INST] The error is DU anomaly, variable value is not used. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 arr[] = {1U, 2U, 3U};
+static UINT_32 sda_072_2( UINT_32 * p2 )
+{ (*p2)++; return 1U;
+static void sda_072_1( UINT_32 idx )
+{ UINT_32 p1; p1 = arr[idx] + sda_072_2( &idx );
+} [/INST] The error is Potential side effect problem in expression. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_073( void);
+SINT_32 ss = 0;
+SINT_32 st = 0;
+static void SDA_073( void)
+{ while( st > ss && (ss = 1) < 10 ){}
+} [/INST] The error is Predicate variable modified in condition. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_075( void)
+{ UINT_32 xx; FILE * fptr = fopen(""mikes.h"",""rw""); fscanf(fptr,""%d"",&xx ); if( xx == 0 ) { fptr = fopen(""mikes.h"",""rw""); } else { }
+} [/INST] The error is Attempt to open file pointer more than once. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_076 ( void)
+{ ;
+SINT_32 main(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure is not called or referenced in code analysed. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct tag
+{ UCHAR * uptr;
+static struct tag SDA_077 (void)
+{ UCHAR loc = 42; struct tag rtag; rtag.uptr = &loc; return rtag;
+} [/INST] The error is Local structure returned in function result. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_078( void);
+UCHAR glob=9;
+static void SDA_078( void )
+{ UCHAR loc; loc = glob;
+int main(void)
+{ SDA_078( );
+} [/INST] The error is Global variable should be declared const. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static SINT_32 func(SINT_32 pp)
+{ return pp;
+static void SDA_080( void)
+{ SINT_32 x; x = func(1);
+} [/INST] The error is Potentially unused function-modified value. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+FILE * fptr;
+static void SDA_081( void)
+{ fptr = fopen(""mikes.h"",""r""); remove(""mikes.h""); fclose(fptr);
+} [/INST] The error is Attempt to remove an open file. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_082( void)
+{ FILE * fptr; struct {SINT_32 ff;}astr; fpos_t * anoffset = (fpos_t *)&astr; fptr = fopen(""afile.h"",""w""); fsetpos(fptr,anoffset);
+} [/INST] The error is fsetpos values not generated by fgetpos. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_62(SINT_32 p_1)
+{ SINT_32 i = 0, j = 0; switch (p_1) { case 0: j = 0; case 1: j = i; break; default: i = j + 1; }
+} [/INST] The error is Switch case not terminated with break. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_083( SINT_32 par );
+SINT_32 ch;
+FILE * fptr;
+static void SDA_083( SINT_32 par )
+{ if( par == 341 ) { ungetc(ch,fptr); } if( par > 0 ) { ungetc(ch,fptr); }
+} [/INST] The error is Potentially repeated call to ungetc. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_084( void);
+static void SDA_084( void)
+{ int c,i; char data[256],append_data[256]; FILE *fp1; strcpy(append_data,""Some data to append""); fp1 = fopen(""pf1.txt"",""a+""); c = getc(fp1); fwrite(append_data,256,1,fp1); if (c != 'o') { fread(data,256,1,fp1); } fclose (fp1);
+} [/INST] The error is No fseek or flush before I/O. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_085( void)
+{ char ok_file_name[256],bad_file_name1[256],bad_file_name2[256]; FILE *fp1,*fp2,*fp3; strcpy(ok_file_name,""/home/ldra.txt""); fp1 = fopen(ok_file_name,""w""); scanf(""%s %s"",bad_file_name1,bad_file_name2); if (strcmp(bad_file_name2,""bad_file.txt"") != 0) { fp2 = fopen(bad_file_name1,""w""); fp3 = fopen(bad_file_name2,""w""); } fclose (fp1); fclose (fp2); fclose (fp3);
+} [/INST] The error is Filename not verified before fopen. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void SDA_086( void)
+{ char input_string1[256], input_string2[256]; scanf(""%s %s"",input_string1, input_string2); if (input_string2 != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, input_string1); }
+} [/INST] The error is User input not checked before use. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 glob_var;
+volatile sig_atomic_t e_flag = 0;
+void my_handler1(int signum)
+{ glob_var = 99; fprintf(stderr,""Signal %d encountered\n"",signum);
+void my_handler2(int signum)
+{ e_flag = 99; fprintf(stderr,""Signal %d encountered\n"",signum);
+void SDA_087(void)
+{ signal(SIGINT, my_handler1); signal(SIGTERM,my_handler2);
+} [/INST] The error is Illegal shared object in signal handler. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static jmp_buf env;
+static void my_handler1(int signum)
+{ fprintf(stderr,""Signal %d encountered\n"",signum); longjmp(env,1);
+static void SDA_088(void)
+{ setjmp(env); signal(SIGINT,my_handler1);
+} [/INST] The error is Illegal use of longjmp in signal handler. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static jmp_buf env;
+void my_handler1(INT_32 signum)
+{ fprintf(stderr,""Signal %d encountered\n"",signum);
+void my_handler2(INT_32 signum)
+{ fprintf(stderr,""Signal %d encountered\n"",signum); raise(SIGUSR1);
+void SDA_089(void)
+{ signal(SIGUSR1, my_handler1); signal(SIGINT, my_handler2);
+} [/INST] The error is Signal called from within signal handler. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+#define NumOfThreads 2
+int ind[] = {0, 1};
+pthread_mutex_t mutexA;
+static pthread_t TheThread[NumOfThreads];
+void *funcA( void * arg );
+void *funcB( void * arg );
+int count = 0;
+int main()
+{ int i, status; pthread_create( &TheThread[0], NULL, funcA , &ind[0]); pthread_create( &TheThread[1], NULL, funcB , &ind[1]); for(i = 0; i < NumOfThreads; i++) { pthread_join(TheThread[i], (void **)&status ); }
+void *funcA( void * arg )
+{ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexA); count++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexA); return 0;
+void *funcB( void * arg )
+{ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexA); count++; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexA); return 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Unguarded global used in threaded function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 glob_res = 0U;
+static UINT_32 return_unsigned ( void )
+{ return 4U;
+static void SDA_091 ( UINT_32 x )
+{ UINT_32 partused; partused = return_unsigned ( ); if ( x == 3 ) { glob_res = partused; }
+} [/INST] The error is Function return value potentially unused. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_093 ( void )
+{ UINT_32 local = 44U; use_uint(local);
+} [/INST] The error is Local variable should be declared const. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_63()
+} [/INST] The error is Empty parameter list to procedure/function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 SDA_094( void )
+{ UINT_32 v_1; UINT_32 v_2; v_1 = 0; return v_1;
+} [/INST] The error is Named variable declared but not used in code. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: extern void gf1(void);
+void (*gfptr)(void) = &gf1;
+void SDA_095(void)
+{ gfptr();
+} [/INST] The error is Named global function pointer used in procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_096( void )
+{ UINT_32 v_1 = 0U; v_1 = 3U;
+} [/INST] The error is Variable has repeated initialisation. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void my_handler2(INT_32 signum)
+{ fprintf(stderr,""Signal %d encountered\n"", signum);
+static void my_handler1(INT_32 signum)
+{ fprintf(stderr,""Signal %d encountered\n"", signum); signal(SIGHUP, my_handler2);
+static void SDA_097(void)
+{ signal(SIGINT, my_handler1);
+} [/INST] The error is Signal called from within signal handler. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_098(void)
+{ FILE *fp1; fp1 = fopen(""file1.dat"", ""r""); fprintf(fp1, ""Attempting to write to read-only file\n""); fclose(fp1);
+} [/INST] The error is Attempt to write to file opened read only. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_099(INT32 *p, INT32 **pp1, INT32 **pp2)
+{ INT_32 x; INT_32 *xp; x = *p; x = **pp1; xp = *pp2;
+} [/INST] The error is Named pointer object used in procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_103(void)
+{ CHAR ch; FILE *fp1,*fp2; fp1 = fopen(""file1.txt"", ""r""); ch = getc(fp1); if (ch != (INT_32)EOF) { fp2 = fopen(""file1.txt"",""w""); } fclose (fp1); fclose (fp2);
+} [/INST] The error is File opened both read and write. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct not_opaque
+{ INT_32 a; CHAR c;
+typedef struct not_opaque *ptr_not_opaque;
+typedef struct opaque *ptr_opaque;
+void SDA_104(void)
+{ struct opaque opq; struct not_opaque nopq; ptr_opaque p_ok1 = &opq; ptr_opaque p_ok2; ptr_not_opaque p_nok1; p_ok2 = p_ok1; p_nok1 = &nopq;
+} [/INST] The error is Structure implementation not hidden. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void sda_105 ( const UINT_32 p1 )
+{ UINT_32 var_1 = 0U; UINT_32 var_2 = p1; var_1++; if ( p1 > 42U ) { printf(""%u\n"", var_2); }
+} [/INST] The error is DU anomaly dead code, var value is unused on all paths. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_106( INT_32 * par_1 )
+{ *par_1 = 1;
+} [/INST] The error is No prototype for non-static function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_7(jmp_buf mark, SINT_32 val)
+{ longjmp(mark,val);
+} [/INST] The error is Jump out of procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void)
+void static_64(void)
+{ CHAR x; x = (CHAR) foo();
+} [/INST] The error is Void procedure used in expression. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+void SDA_107( void )
+{ char *error_str; char *buf = ""extra_text""; error_str = getenv (""MY_VAR""); strcat(error_str, buf);
+} [/INST] The error is Attempt to change system call capture string. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+extern void (*pfn)( );
+#define GET_TAINTED_INT(val) \ do {const char *taint = getenv(""TAINT_I""); \ if (taint == NULL) {taint = ""42"";} \ val = strtol(taint, 0, 10); \ } while (0);
+void SDA_108(void)
+{ INT_32 tainted; GET_TAINTED_INT(tainted) (*pfn)(tainted);
+} [/INST] The error is Tainted argument to unprototyped func ptr. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define GET_TAINTED_INT(val) \ do {const char *taint = getenv(""TAINT_I""); \ if (taint == NULL) {taint = ""42"";} \ val = strtol(taint, 0, 10); \ } while (0);
+void SDA_109(void)
+{ INT_32 tainted; char buff[4]; GET_TAINTED_INT(tainted) (void) sprintf(buff, ""%d"", tainted);
+} [/INST] The error is Tainted argument to formatted i/o function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 fn(INT_32 a);
+INT_32 fn(INT_32 a);
+INT_32 fn(INT_32 a)
+{ return a;
+void sda_110( void )
+{ INT_32 rc; rc = fn(0);
+} [/INST] The error is More than one prototype for same function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void sda_111(const char *c_str)
+{ char *endpt1 = NULL; UINT_64 num1 = strtoul(c_str, &endpt1 ,0); if ( endpt1 == c_str || (num1 == ULONG_MAX && errno == ERANGE) ) { ; } else { ; }
+int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
+{ sda_111(""Hello"");
+} [/INST] The error is errno checked without having been set for errno setting fn. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void sda_112(void)
+{ INT_32 *x = (INT_32*)malloc(10 * sizeof(INT_32)); if (x == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, ""malloc failure in %s\n"", __func__); free(x); } else { x[0] = 1; } free(x);
+int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
+{ sda_112();
+} [/INST] The error is Free called twice on same variable. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+void SDA_113(int p1)
+{ FILE *fp1; fp1 = fopen(""data1.txt"",""r""); if (p1 == 0) { fclose(fp1); } fclose(fp1);
+} [/INST] The error is File closed more than once. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_115(INT_32 *xfrom, UINT_32 sz)
+{ UINT_32 xsize; const UINT_32 csize = 5U; INT_32 *yto = (INT_32 *)malloc(10 * sizeof(INT_32)); if (yto != NULL) { xsize = sz; memcpy(yto, xfrom, xsize * sizeof(INT_32)); memcpy(yto, xfrom, csize); }
+} [/INST] The error is Copy length parameter not checked before use. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_118(INT_32 * p1)
+{ *p1 = 77;
+} [/INST] The error is Object changed via dereferenced pointer. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 glob = 0U;
+void sda_119( UINT_32 * const ptr1, UINT_32 *ptr2, UINT_32 *ptr3 )
+{ *ptr1 = 0; *ptr2 = 0; ptr3 = &glob;
+} [/INST] The error is Pointer param should be declared const pointer. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void void_para_func(void P1)
+void static_65( void )
+{ void v_ptr; UINT_32 a; void_para_func(v_ptr); void_para_func((void)a);
+} [/INST] The error is Void variable passed as parameter. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void sda_120( UINT_32 * pptr1, const UINT_32 * pptr2, UINT_32 * pptr3, UINT_32 arr1[ ], const UINT_32 arr2[ ] )
+{ *pptr1 = *pptr2 + *pptr3; *pptr1 = arr1[0] + arr2[0];
+} [/INST] The error is Pointer param should be declared pointer to const. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void sda_121(const char *c_str)
+{ char *endpt1 = NULL; unsigned long num1 = strtoul(c_str, &endpt1, 0);
+int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
+{ sda_121(""Hello"");
+} [/INST] The error is errno neither set nor checked for errno setting function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void sda_122(const char *c_str)
+{ char *endpt1 = NULL; errno = 0; unsigned long num1 = strtoul(c_str, &endpt1, 0);
+int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
+{ sda_122(""Hello"");
+} [/INST] The error is errno not checked after being set for errno setting fn. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_123( void )
+{ FILE *f = fopen(""file"", ""w""); fprintf(f, ""hello world\n""); fclose(f);
+} [/INST] The error is File pointer not checked for null before use. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void sda_124( FILE *stream )
+{ INT_32 in; INT_32 out; in = getc(stream); if ( in != EOF ) { (void)printf(""Input char %c\n"", (char)in); out = putc(in, stream); (void)printf(""Output char %c\n"", (char)out); }
+} [/INST] The error is Var set by std lib func return not checked before use. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_125(void)
+{ INT_32 *ptr = 0; free(ptr);
+} [/INST] The error is free called on variable with no allocated space. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+void SDA_126( void )
+{ FILE *fp1; fclose(fp1);
+} [/INST] The error is File closed that was never opened. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_127( SINT_32 num, SINT_32 val )
+{ SINT_32 result; SINT_32 denom = val; result = num / denom; if ( denom != 0 ) { result = num / denom; }
+} [/INST] The error is Local or member denominator not checked before use. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 *glob1;
+UINT_32 *glob2;
+void SDA_128(void)
+{ UINT_32 loc = *glob1; UINT_32 loc2; if (glob2 != NULL) { loc2 = *glob2; }
+} [/INST] The error is Global pointer not checked within this procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+FILE *f1;
+FILE *f2;
+void SDA_129(void)
+{ fprintf(f1, ""hello world\n""); if (f2 != NULL) { fprintf(f2, ""hello world\n""); }
+} [/INST] The error is Global file pointer not checked within this procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 static_66 ( void )
+{ return;
+} [/INST] The error is Function with empty return expression. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+SINT_32 glob1;
+SINT_32 glob2;
+void SDA_130(void)
+{ glob1 = atoi(""string 1""); printf(""glob1 = %d"", glob1); glob2 = atoi(""string 2""); if (glob2 > 0) { printf(""glob2 = %d"", glob2); }
+} [/INST] The error is Global set by std lib func return not checked before use. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+SINT_32 glob1 = 1;
+SINT_32 glob2 = 1;
+void SDA_131(void)
+{ SINT_32 loc1; SINT_32 loc2; loc1 = 2 / glob1; if (glob2 > 0) { loc2 = 2 / glob2; }
+} [/INST] The error is Global denominator not checked within this procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_132 ( void )
+{ FLOAT_64 f64; errno = 0; f64 = atof ( ""A.12"" ); if ( errno == 0 ) { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is errno checked after call to non-errno setting function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+void SDA_133( void )
+{ char *ret_1; char *ret_2; ret_1 = setlocale ( LC_ALL, 0 ); ret_2 = setlocale ( LC_MONETARY, ""French"" ); ( void ) printf ( ""%s\n"", ret_1 );
+static void SDA_133_B ( time_t *t )
+{ char * time1 = asctime(localtime(t)); char * time2 = ctime(t); printf(""%s"", time1);
+static void SDA_133_C( time_t *t )
+{ struct tm * tmptr1 = gmtime(t); struct tm * tmptr2 = localtime(t); printf(""%2d:%02d\n"", (tmptr1->tm_hour)%24,tmptr1->tm_min);
+static void SDA_133_D( time_t *t )
+{ const char *res2; struct lconv *lc = localeconv(); res2 = setlocale ( lc, ""French"" ); printf ( ""%s\n"", lc->currency_symbol );
+} [/INST] The error is Pointer from system function used after subsequent call. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+extern void someFunction ( FLOAT_64 v );
+void SDA_134 ( void )
+{ char *endptr; FLOAT_64 value; errno = 0; value = strtod(str, &endptr); someFunction(value); if ( 0 != errno ) { }
+} [/INST] The error is errno not checked before subsequent function call. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+SINT_32 glob = 1;
+void sda135(SINT_32 flag)
+{ SINT_32 *ptr1 = NULL; SINT_32 *ptr2 = NULL; SINT_32 val; if (flag == 1) { ptr1 = &glob; ptr2 = &glob; } val = *ptr1; if (ptr2 != NULL) { val = *ptr2; }
+} [/INST] The error is Global pointer assigned to NULL may be dereferenced. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+SINT_32 glob = 1; SINT_32 *glob_ptr1 = NULL; SINT_32 *glob_ptr2 = NULL;
+void sda135(SINT_32 flag)
+{ SINT_32 val; if (flag == 1) { glob_ptr1 = &glob; glob_ptr2 = &glob; } val = *glob_ptr1; if (glob_ptr2 != NULL) { val = *glob_ptr2; }
+} [/INST] The error is Global pointer assigned to NULL may be dereferenced. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_137(SINT_32 num, SINT_32 denom)
+{ SINT_32 loc1; result = num / denom; if (denom != 0) { result = num / denom; } assert( denom != 0 ); result = num / denom;
+} [/INST] The error is Parameter used as denominator not checked before use. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+void SDA_138(void)
+{ char str[] = ""This is a test""; memset(str, '-', 5); printf(""%s"", str);
+} [/INST] The error is Third argument to memory function is an odd constant. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SDA_139(SINT_32 *array, SINT_32 len, SINT_32 index)
+{ SINT_32 value; if (index < len) { value = array[index]; } else { value = -1; }
+} [/INST] The error is Incorrect array index validation. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_067(UINT_32 p_1)
+{ UINT_32 local_x = 0;
+#define BLOCKDEF ""test"" local_x = strlen(BLOCKDEF);
+} [/INST] The error is #define used in a block. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define MAX_SIZE 64
+void SDA_141( char * input )
+{ if (strlen(input) > MAX_SIZE) { printf(""Input string too long""); } else { UINT_32 index = 5U; UINT_32 i; char *buffer = (char *)malloc(MAX_SIZE); for (i = 0U; i < strlen(input); i++) { buffer[index++] = input[i]; } }
+} [/INST] The error is Heap-based array index not checked before use. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static BOOL SDA_151( void )
+{ BOOL flag; flag = FALSE; flag = TRUE; return flag;
+static BOOL SDA_151_1( void )
+{ BOOL flag = FALSE; flag = TRUE; return flag;
+} [/INST] The error is DD data flow anomaly found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 xref_1;
+static void xref_001 ( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Declaration types do not match across a system. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+SINT_32 xref_1; [/INST] The error is Declaration types do not match across a system. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 xref_1;
+SINT_32 xref_1;
+void xref_002(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Ambiguous declaration of variable. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+SINT_32 g_var = 1; /* not compliant - g_var */
+static void XREF_003( SINT_32 p_var )
+{ SINT_32 result1 = p_var; /* not compliant - result1 */ SINT_32 result2; result2 = p_var; /* result2 later used, so compliant */ SINT_32 result3; result3 = result2; /* not compliant - result3 */
+} [/INST] The error is Variable has only one use. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void);
+void bar(void);
+void bar(void)
+{ struct stag_name { UINT_32 us1; UINT_32 us2; } sobj1; struct stag_name sobj2 = {1, 2};
+void foo(void)
+{ struct stag_name { SINT_32 ss1; CHAR ch1; } sobj3;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: struct/union tag repeated. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+union utag_name
+{ SINT_32 us1; CHAR us2;
+} uobj1;
+union utag_name uobj2 = {0};
+static void xref_001(void)
+{ struct utag_name { UINT_32 ss1; UINT_32 ss2; } sobj1;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: struct vs union. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void);
+union utag_name
+{ SINT_32 us1; CHAR us2;
+} uobj1;
+void foo(void)
+{ enum utag_name { first, second } sobj1;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: struct/union tag vs enum tag. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define BLOCKDEF ""test""
+void static_68(void)
+{ UINT_32 local_x = 0U; local_x = strlen(BLOCKDEF);
+#undef BLOCKDEF [/INST] The error is #undef used "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void stag_name(void);
+union stag_name
+{ SINT_32 us1; CHAR us2;
+} uobj1;
+void stag_name(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: tag vs procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(UINT_32 utag_name);
+union utag_name
+{ SINT_32 us1; CHAR us2;
+} uobj1;
+void foo(UINT_32 utag_name)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: tag vs typedef. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void);
+union utag_name
+{ SINT_32 us1; CHAR us2;
+} uobj1;
+void foo(void)
+{ UINT_32 utag_name;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: tag vs variable. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+union utag_name
+{ SINT_32 us1; CHAR us2;
+} uobj1;
+void xref_10(void)
+utag_name: uobj1.us1 = 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: tag vs label (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef double utag_name;
+union utag_name
+{ SINT_32 us1; CHAR us2;
+} uobj1;
+static void xref_011 ( void )
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: tag vs typedef. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define s_tag2 sn1
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef struct s_tag
+{ UINT_32 comp1; UINT_32 comp2;
+} s_type; [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: tag vs macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define s_tag sn2
+#define u_tag sn3
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef struct s_tag2
+{ UINT_32 comp3; UINT_32 comp4;
+} s_type2;
+typedef union u_tag
+{ SINT_32 us1; CHAR us2;
+} u_type;
+void xref_012 ( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: tag vs macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef struct stag_name
+{ UINT_32 comp1; UINT_32 comp2;
+} stag_type;
+void foo(void);
+void foo(void)
+{ struct sloctag_name { UINT_32 stag_name; } sobj1;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: tag vs component. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef struct s_name1_tag
+{ UINT_32 comp1; UINT_32 comp2;
+} s_name1_type;
+typedef enum e_name1_tag
+{ first, s_name1_tag
+} e_name1_type;
+void foo(void);
+void foo(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: tag vs enum constant. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void);
+static UINT_32 static_var2;
+void foo(void)
+{ struct static_var2 { UINT_32 xx1; UINT_32 yy1; } ss1;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: persistent var vs tag. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#pragma MYERROR
+static void static_69(void)
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is #pragma used. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef char t_name;
+void foo(void);
+void foo(void)
+{ UINT_32 t_name;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: typedef vs variable. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void xref_17_1(void)
+{ typedef char lab_name;
+UINT_32 xref_17(void)
+{ UINT_32 retval = 0;
+lab_name: return retval;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: typedef vs label (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void xref_018_1(void)
+{ typedef double t_name; t_name local_var;
+void xref_018(void)
+{ typedef char t_name; t_name local_var;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: typedef vs typedef. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef char t_name;
+void foo(UINT_32 t_name);
+void foo(UINT_32 t_name)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: typedef vs procedure parameter. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef double static_var1;
+void foo(void);
+void foo(void)
+{ static UINT_32 static_var1;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: persistent var vs typedef. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef int s_tag;
+#define s_tag sn1
+static void xref_021 ( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: typedef vs macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef struct my_struct_tag
+{ UINT_32 comp1; UINT_32 t_name;
+} my_struct_type;
+typedef char t_name;
+void foo(void);
+void foo(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: typedef vs component. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void);
+void bar(void);
+void foo(void)
+{ typedef struct s_tag { UINT_32 comp1; UINT_32 comp2; } s_type;
+void bar(void)
+{ typedef enum e_tag { first, s_type } e_type;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: typedef vs enum constant. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void proc1(void);
+void proc2(void);
+void proc1(void)
+void proc2(void)
+{ typedef char proc1;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: typedef vs procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void proc1(UINT_32 param, UINT_32 another_param);
+static void proc1(UINT_32 param, UINT_32 another_param)
+static void xref_25(UINT_32 proc1)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: procedure vs procedure param. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_70(UINT_32 * p1_ptr, UINT_32 * p2_ptr )
+{ if ( p1_ptr > p2_ptr ) { }
+} [/INST] The error is Logical comparison of pointers. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void xref_26_1(void)
+{ static UINT_32 s_var;
+UINT_32 xref_26(void)
+s_var: return 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: persistent var vs label (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void xref_27(void);
+UINT_32 p_var;
+void xref_27(void)
+{ static UINT_32 p_var;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: persist var vs persist var. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void xref_28(void);
+UINT_32 var1;
+void xref_28(void)
+{ UINT_32 var1;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: persistent var vs var. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void);
+void xref_29(void);
+void foo(void)
+void xref_29(void)
+{ static UINT_32 foo;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: persistent var vs procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(UINT_32 pp);
+void xref_30(void);
+void foo(UINT_32 pp)
+void xref_30(void)
+{ static UINT_32 pp;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: persistent var vs proc param. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void xref_031 (UINT_32 pp)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: procedure vs procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void xref_031 (void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: procedure vs procedure. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void);
+void xref_32(void);
+void foo(void)
+void xref_32(void)
+{ UINT_32 foo;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: procedure vs var "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void)
+UINT_32 xref_33(void)
+foo: return 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: procedure vs label (MR) "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void);
+void foo()
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: proc vs macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 *ptr;
+UINT_32* static_71( void )
+{ static UINT_32 w = 10u; UINT_32 local = 3U; UINT_32 *local_ptr = &local; ptr = &local; ptr = local_ptr; return &w;
+} [/INST] The error is Pointer assignment to wider scope. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define foo sn1
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+void xref_34(void);
+void xref_34()
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: proc vs macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct s_tag
+{ UINT_32 comp1; UINT_32 comp2;
+} s_obj;
+void comp1(void);
+void comp1(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: proc vs component. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void);
+void xref_36(void);
+void foo(void)
+void xref_36(void)
+{ enum e_tag { first, second, foo } e_obj;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: proc vs enum constant. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void);
+void foo(void)
+{ static UINT_32 p_var = 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: persistent var vs macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define p_var sn1
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+void xref_37(void);
+void xref_37(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: persistent var vs macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct s_tag
+{ UINT_32 comp1; UINT_32 comp2;
+} s_obj;
+void xref_38(void);
+void xref_38(void)
+{ static UINT_32 comp1;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: persistent var vs component. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+enum e_tag
+{ first, second
+} e_obj;
+void foo(void);
+void xref_39(void)
+{ static UINT_32 first;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: persistent var vs enum constant. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct s_tag
+{ UINT_32 comp1; UINT_32 comp2;
+} s_obj;
+void foo(void);
+void foo(void)
+{ UINT_32 comp1;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: component vs var. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void xref_41_1(void)
+{ UINT_32 u_var;
+UINT_32 xref_41(void)
+u_var: return 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: label vs variable (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct s_tag
+{ UINT_32 comp1; UINT_32 comp2;
+} s_obj;
+void foo(UINT_32 comp2);
+void foo(UINT_32 comp2)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: component vs procedure param. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct s_72 {SINT_32 x:1; };
+void static_72( void)
+} [/INST] The error is Signed bit field less than 2 bits wide. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void xref_43_1(UINT_32 u_var)
+UINT_32 xref_43(void)
+u_var: return 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: label vs procedure param (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct s_tag
+{ UINT_32 comp1; UINT_32 comp2;
+} s_obj;
+enum e_tag
+{ comp1, two
+} e_obj;
+void foo(void);
+void foo(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: component vs enum constant. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct s_tag
+{ UINT_32 lab1; UINT_32 comp2;
+} s_obj;
+UINT_32 xref_45(void)
+lab1: return 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: component vs label (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+enum e_tag
+{ lab1, second,
+} e_obj;
+UINT_32 xref_46(void)
+lab1: return 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: label vs enum constant (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct s_tag
+{ UINT_32 comp1; UINT_32 comp2;
+} s_obj;
+void foo(void);
+void foo(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: component vs macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define comp2 sn1
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+void bar(void);
+void bar(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: component vs macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 xref_48_1(void)
+lab1: return 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: label vs macro (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define lab1 sn1
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+void xref_48(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: label vs macro (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(UINT_32 pp);
+void bar(void);
+void foo(UINT_32 pp)
+void bar(void)
+{ UINT_32 pp;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: var vs proc param. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void);
+void foo(void)
+{ UINT_32 loc_var = 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: var vs macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct s_73
+{ UCHAR x:1;
+void static_73(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Bit field not signed or unsigned int. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define loc_var sn1
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+void bar(void);
+void bar(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: var vs macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+enum e_tag
+{ first, second
+} e_obj;
+void foo(void);
+void foo(void)
+{ UINT_32 first;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: var vs enum constant. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void proc1(UINT_32 param);
+static void proc2(UINT_32 param);
+static void proc1(UINT_32 param)
+static void proc2(UINT_32 param)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: proc param vs proc param. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(UINT_32 param);
+void foo(UINT_32 param)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: proc param vs macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define param sn1
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+void bar(void);
+void bar(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: proc param vs macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(UINT_32 param);
+void bar(void);
+void foo(UINT_32 param)
+void bar(void)
+{ enum e_tag { first, second, param } e_obj;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: proc param vs enum constant. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 xref_55_1(void)
+lab1: /***/ return 0;+A663
+UINT_32 xref_55(void)
+lab2: /***/ return 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: label vs label (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+enum e_tag
+{ first, runnerup
+} e_obj;
+void foo(void);
+void foo(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #define runnerup sn1
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+void bar(void);
+void bar(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct s_tag1
+{ UINT_32 comp1; UINT_32 comp2;
+} s_obj1;
+struct s_tag2
+{ UINT_32 comp1; UINT_32 comp3;
+} s_obj2;
+void xef_58(void);
+void xef_58(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: component vs component "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_8 (void)
+{ UINT_32 name_x = 1u; if (name_x == 0u) { } else ; if (name_x == 0u) { } else {
+#if FALSE name_x = name_x + 1u;
+#endif } if (name_x == 0u) { } else { ; }
+} [/INST] The error is Empty else clause. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+union s_74{UCHAR fu; UINT_32 xu;};
+void static_74(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Union declared. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void);
+void bar(void);
+void foo(void)
+{ enum e_tag1 { first, runnerup } e_obj1;
+void bar(void)
+{ enum e_tag2 { first, second } e_obj2;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: enum constant vs enum constant. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void foo(void);
+void bar(void);
+void foo(void)
+{ UINT_32 local_var = 0;
+void bar(void)
+{ UINT_32 local_var = 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier reuse: variable vs variable. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 global_variable_with_long_name1x;
+UINT_32 global_variable_with_long_name1y;
+void XREF_061(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier match in *** chars. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef unsigned int ANOTHER_UINT_32;
+ANOTHER_UINT_32 xref_62(void);
+UINT_32 xref_62(void)
+{ UINT_32 ret_val = 0; return ret_val;
+} [/INST] The error is Function prototype/defn return type mismatch (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+typedef unsigned int ANOTHER_UINT_32;
+UINT_32 xref_63(ANOTHER_UINT_32 p1);
+UINT_32 xref_63(UINT_32 p1)
+{ UINT_32 ret_val = p1; return ret_val;
+} [/INST] The error is Function prototype/defn param type mismatch (MR) "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static INT_32 indexArray ( const INT_32 array [] )
+{ return array[4];
+INT_32 XREF_064 ( void )
+{ INT_32 array[3] = {1, 2, 3}; return indexArray( array );
+} [/INST] The error is Array bound exceeded at call. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void XREF_065 ( void )
+{ INT_32 j = -1; INT_32 i; for ( i = 0; i != 10 && j != i; ++i ) { if ( ( i % 2 ) == 0 ) { continue; } ++j; }
+} [/INST] The error is continue in ill-formed loop (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: void copy (char src_array[])
+{ char dest_arr[3]; (void) strcpy (dest_arr, src_array);
+void XREF_066 ( void )
+{ char arrc[10]; copy(arrc);
+int main ( void )
+{ XREF_066 ( );
+} [/INST] The error is Insufficient array space at call. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void xref_67( void );
+static void xref_67 ( void )
+{ INT_32 id1_a_bc; INT_32 id1_ab_c; INT_32 id2_ii; INT_32 id2_11; INT_32 id3_i0; INT_32 id3_1O; INT_32 id4_in; INT_32 id4_1h; INT_32 id5_Z5; INT_32 id5_2S; INT_32 id6_ZS; INT_32 id6_25; ;
+} [/INST] The error is Identifier is typographically ambiguous. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static INT_32 index_too_large ( UINT_32 index )
+{ INT_32 array[10] = {0}; return array[index];
+INT_32 XREF_068( void )
+{ return index_too_large( 20U );
+} [/INST] The error is Parameter indexing array too big at call. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: void static_75(void)
+#include ""c_standards.h""
+} [/INST] The error is Executable code before an included file. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 array[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+INT_32 XREF_069 ( void )
+{ return array[3];
+} [/INST] The error is Global array bound exceeded at use. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void copy (char *dest_array)
+{ char src_array[8] = ""abcdefg""; (void) strcpy (dest_array, src_array);
+void XREF_070 ( void )
+{ char arr_3[3]; copy(arr_3);
+int main ( void )
+{ XREF_070 ( );
+} [/INST] The error is Array has insufficient space. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void copy (char *dest_array, char *src_array)
+{ (void) strcpy (dest_array, src_array);
+void XREF_071 ( void )
+{ char arr_3[3]; char src_array[8] = ""abcdefg""; copy(arr_3, src_array);
+int main ( void )
+{ XREF_071 ( );
+} [/INST] The error is Insufficient space for copy. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static INT_32 XREF_072 ( INT_32 index )
+{ INT_32 array[10] = {0}; return array[index];
+#define OFFSET 12
+INT_32 main ( void )
+{ return XREF_072(10-OFFSET);
+} [/INST] The error is Parameter indexing array too small at call. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void proc(UCHAR p1)
+{ UCHAR res; res = p1 >> 3;
+void XREF_O73( void )
+{ proc(7U);
+} [/INST] The error is Bits discarded in >> by parameter in function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void proc(UCHAR p1)
+{ UCHAR res; res = 15U << p1;
+void XREF_O74( void )
+{ proc(7U);
+} [/INST] The error is Bits discarded in << by parameter in function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void proc(UCHAR p1)
+{ UCHAR res; res = 3U >> p1;
+void XREF_O75( void )
+{ proc(7U);
+} [/INST] The error is Bits discarded in >> by parameter in function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void proc(UCHAR p1)
+{ UCHAR res; res = p1 << 6;
+void XREF_O76( void )
+{ proc(15U);
+} [/INST] The error is Bits discarded in << on parameter in function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void proc(UCHAR p1, UCHAR p2)
+{ UCHAR res; res = p1 >> p2;
+void XREF_O77( void )
+{ proc(3U, 7U);
+} [/INST] The error is Bits discarded in >> between parameters in function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void proc(UCHAR p1, UCHAR p2)
+{ UCHAR res; res = p1 << p2;
+void XREF_O78( void )
+{ proc(3U, 7U);
+} [/INST] The error is Bits discarded in << between parameters in function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void dummy(CHAR *p_1, CHAR *p_2)
+#define SetVariable( Variable, Value ) ( dummy(NewString##Variable, #Value ))
+void static_76(void)
+{ CHAR NewString1[128]; INT_32 value = 10; SetVariable(1, value );
+} [/INST] The error is More than one of # or ## in a macro. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void check_dest(SINT_32 len1)
+{ SINT_32 src1[40]; SINT_32 tgt1[12]; memcpy(tgt1, src1, len1);
+static void check_src(SINT_32 len2)
+{ SINT_32 src2[12]; SINT_32 tgt2[40]; memcpy(tgt2, src2, len2);
+static void XREF_079( void )
+{ check_dest(12 * 4); check_dest(40 * 4); check_src(12 * 4); check_src(40 * 4);
+} [/INST] The error is Size mismatch in memcpy/memset. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static const SINT_32 FIVE = 5;
+static const SINT_32 SIX = 6;
+static void div(SINT_32 divisor)
+{ SINT_32 i = 7; i = i / divisor;
+static void call_div(SINT_32 num)
+{ div(num);
+static void XREF_080( void )
+{ call_div( SIX - 5 ); call_div( FIVE - 5 );
+} [/INST] The error is Divide by zero found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 InfoFlow001( void )
+{ UINT_32 result = 0; UINT_32 if_1 = 0; return (result);
+} [/INST] The error is Local variables contribute nothing to results. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static UINT_32 glob = 0U;
+BOOL Test1( UINT_32 Position, UINT_32 *Won )
+{ if ( Position == 1U ) { *Won = *Won + 1; } return ( Position == 1U );
+INT_32 Test2 ( void )
+{ glob = 3; return glob;
+INT_32 Test3 ( void )
+{ return glob;
+void QUALREP_001( UINT_32 RacePosition, BOOL sofar )
+{ BOOL bWonAll = TRUE; UINT_32 WonCount = 0U; bWonAll = sofar && ( Test1( RacePosition, &WonCount ) ) ; WonCount = Test2() + Test3();
+} [/INST] The error is Call has execution order dependant side effects. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+BOOL isHexDigit( CHAR TestChar )
+{ BOOL bResult; bResult = FALSE; if ((TestChar == '0') || (TestChar == '1') || (TestChar == '2') || (TestChar == '3') || (TestChar == '4') || (TestChar == '5') || (TestChar == '6') || (TestChar == '7') || (TestChar == '8') || (TestChar == '9') || (TestChar == 'A') || (TestChar == 'a') || (TestChar == 'B') || (TestChar == 'b') || (TestChar == 'C') || (TestChar == 'c') || (TestChar == 'D') || (TestChar == 'd') || (TestChar == 'E') || (TestChar == 'e') || (TestChar == 'F') || (TestChar == 'f')) { bResult = TRUE; } return bResult;
+} [/INST] The error is LCSAJ density exceeds *** "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""C:\Testbed\Examples\Standards\C\Violations\Quality_report\c_standards.h""
+void QUALREP_004(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Included file has path. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void unreachable_fn ( void )
+{ ;
+UINT_32 j_001 (BOOL param)
+{ UINT_32 local_var; void (*fnptr) (void); fnptr = & unreachable_fn; if (param == TRUE ) { local_var = param; } else { local_var = 0U; } if ( 0 ) { fnptr(); } return local_var; return 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Unreachable Code found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 j_002 (BOOL param)
+{ UINT_32 local_var; if (param == TRUE ) { local_var = param; } else { local_var = 0U; } return local_var; return 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Unused inspect annotation. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static INT_32 proc( void )
+{ return 1;
+void j_003 ( void )
+{ return; (void)proc();
+} [/INST] The error is All internal linkage calls unreachable. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define increment_NOK(a) ( a ) + 1
+#define increment_OK(b) ( ( b ) + 1 )
+void static_77(void)
+{ INT_32 result = 1; result = increment_NOK(result) * 3; result = 1; result = increment_OK(result) * 3;
+} [/INST] The error is Macro replacement list needs parentheses. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+INT_32 myglobal;
+INT_32 g_var1;
+void hungarian_1 ( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Global Variable does not conform to style g_. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: enum EColour {e_Red, blue, e_white };
+void hungarian_3 ( void )
+{ enum EColour flag;
+} [/INST] The error is Enum Element does not conform to style e_. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void hungarian_6 ( INT_32 *p_x, INT_32 *my_ptr )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Pointer does not conform to style p_. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: enum Colour {e_red, e_blue, e_white };
+enum Etraffic{ e_green, e_yellow, e_red };
+void hungarian_7 ( void )
+{ enum Colour flag; enum Etraffic light;
+} [/INST] The error is Enum Name does not conform to style E. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void Hungarian_nok ( void )
+{ ;
+void Hungarian_008_ok ( void )
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Global Func Name does not conform to style _. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+_Atomic INT_32 atomic_var = 65;
+_Noreturn void SV_15 ( INT_32 i )
+{ if ( i > 0 ) { exit( i ); }
+} [/INST] The error is Use of banned keyword. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SF_1 ( void )
+{ SINT_32 the_seed = 17; SINT_32 x = rand(); SINT_32 y = rand_r(&the_seed);
+} [/INST] The error is Function restricted by POSIX Safety Profile substitution. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SF_2(void)
+{ SINT_32 res; char *name; SINT_32 the_mode; res = access(name, the_mode);
+} [/INST] The error is Function restricted by POSIX Safety Profile substitution. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SF_3(void)
+{ SINT_32 the_status = 1; _exit(the_status);
+} [/INST] The error is Use of FACE Security Profile excluded function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SF_4(void)
+{ float inpf; float outf; double inpd; double outd; outf = acosf(inpf); outd = acos(inpd);
+} [/INST] The error is Use of FACE Safety Base Profile excluded function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define multiply(a1, a2) ((a1)*a2)
+static void static_78(void)
+{ SINT_32 test; SINT_32 p1 = 2; SINT_32 p2 = 5; test = ( multiply(100,p1) ); test = ( multiply(100,p1-p2) );
+} [/INST] The error is Use of FACE Safety Extended Profile excluded function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SF_5(void)
+{ char *name; char *the_path; name = basename(the_path);
+} [/INST] The error is Use of FACE General Purpose Profile excluded function. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void SF_6(void)
+{ SINT_32 soc; soc = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
+} [/INST] The error is Use of POSIX function restricted to IOSS/TSS segments. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#include ""apex_types.h""
+struct myMessage
+{ SINT_32 id; SINT_64 value;
+void SF_7(void)
+{ APEX_INTEGER pid; struct myMessage msg; RETURN_CODE_TYPE ret; CREATE_QUEUING_PORT ( ""myQuePort"", sizeof (struct myMessage), 3, SOURCE, FIFO, &(pid), &(ret));
+} [/INST] The error is Use of ARINC 653 function restricted to IOSS/TSS segments. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define MAX_SIZE 1024
+void SF_8(void)
+{ mqd_t dest_q; char msg[MAX_SIZE] = ""Some Message""; SINT_32 ret; dest_q = mq_open(""/test_queue"", O_WRONLY); ret = mq_send(dest_q, msg, MAX_SIZE, 0);
+} [/INST] The error is Safety Profile use of message queue API needs inspection. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#pragma pack(4)
+void SF_9(void)
+{ ;
+} [/INST] The error is Use of data structure pragmas. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define t void
+t static_79(t)
+} [/INST] The error is Macro contains unacceptable items. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_80(void)
+{ UINT_32 array[10] = {0}; UINT_32 * p1_ptr, **p2_ptr; UINT_32 *** p3_ptr; UINT_32 w; p1_ptr = array; p2_ptr = &p1_ptr; p3_ptr = &p2_ptr; w = ***p3_ptr;
+} [/INST] The error is Pointer indirection exceeds 2 levels. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_81(void)
+} [/INST] The error is Use of trigraph. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_82(void)
+{ wchar_t WideChar = L'1';
+} [/INST] The error is Use of wide string literal. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_83(void)
+{ UINT_32 i; i = (UINT_32) 076;
+} [/INST] The error is Octal number found. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+BOOL static_9(BOOL test)
+{ BOOL result,flag; result = ( flag = test ); return result;
+} [/INST] The error is Assignment operation in expression. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_84(void)
+{ register SINT_32 ri = 0;
+} [/INST] The error is Register variable declared. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_85(void)
+{ enum E_type { num1, num2 = 2, num3}; /* ... */
+} [/INST] The error is Incomplete initialisation of enumerator. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+#define FILE UINT_32
+void static_86(void)
+{ /* ... */
+} [/INST] The error is Attempt to define reserved word. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_87(void)
+{ UINT_32 w; UINT_32 array[5]; UINT_32 * p1_ptr; p1_ptr = array; w = *(p1_ptr + 8);
+} [/INST] The error is Use of pointer arithmetic. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_88(void)
+{ UINT_32 x; x=0; _asm { mov eax,x }
+} [/INST] The error is Procedure is not pure assembler. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: void use_char ( char notok )
+{ ; }
+void static_89 ( void )
+{ char num = 42; /* ... */
+} [/INST] The error is char type not signed or unsigned. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include
+unsigned int static_90 (void)
+{ char ch; unsigned char uc; unsigned int ui_32; unsigned short ui_16; int i_32; float f_32; double f_64; signed char sc; wchar_t wc; return ui_32;
+} [/INST] The error is Basic type declaration used. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct s_91
+{ UINT_32 s_91; UINT_32 u_1;
+UINT_32 static_91 (void)
+{ UINT_32 var_1;
+static_91: var_1 = 1; return (var_1);
+} [/INST] The error is Name redeclared in another C name space (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 duplicate = 0;
+void static_92 (void)
+{ enum Name_type { e1, duplicate } EnumVar; EnumVar = e1; /* ... */
+} [/INST] The error is Duplicate use of a name in an enumeration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_97(void)
+{ SINT_32 sx; SINT_32 sy = 10; sx = (SINT_32)sy; sx = (SINT_32)(5 + 4);
+} [/INST] The error is Use of redundant cast. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+SINT_32 static_11( void )
+{ SINT_32 j = 10; SINT_32 k = 0; for (k = 0; k < 10; k = k + 1) j--; return j;
+} [/INST] The error is No brackets to loop body (added by Testbed). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void fn( UINT_16 p_1, UINT_16 p_2 )
+{ ; /* ... */
+void static_98(UINT_32 p_1, UINT_16 p_2)
+{ fn(p_1, p_2);
+} [/INST] The error is Actual and formal parameters inconsistent (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+BOOL test_99(void)
+{ BOOL retval= TRUE; /* ... */ return retval;}
+void static_99(void)
+{ if ( test_99 ) { /* ... */ }
+} [/INST] The error is Function use is not a call. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include <\ctype.h>
+static void static_100(void)
+{ /* ... */
+} [/INST] The error is #include filename is non conformant. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 static_101( UINT_32 par_1)
+{ switch (par_1) { case 0: return (-1); break; case 1: return (2U); break; case 2: return (2L); break; case 2: return (2UL); break; case 4: return (2.0f); break; default: break; }
+} [/INST] The error is Function return type inconsistent. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+UINT_32 static_102(UINT_32 p_1, UINT_16 p_2);
+SINT_32 static_102(UINT_32 p_1, UINT_16 p_2)
+{ SINT_32 result = 0; return result;
+} [/INST] The error is Function and prototype return inconsistent (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+BOOL static_103(FLOAT_32 up_1);
+BOOL static_103(UINT_32 up_1)
+{ BOOL ret = FALSE; /* ... */ return ret;
+} [/INST] The error is Function and prototype param inconsistent (MR). "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct s_type_a { SINT_32 xs; FLOAT_32 fs;};
+void static_104(void)
+{ struct s_type_a sta = {3.14F, 0.0f};
+} [/INST] The error is Struct field initialisation incorrect. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+struct pixel{ UINT_32 colour; struct {UINT_32 x, y;} coords; };
+void static_105(void)
+{ UINT_32 xs = 0; UINT_32 ys = 0; struct pixel spot = {1u, xs, ys };
+} [/INST] The error is Initialisation brace { } fault. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+void static_106(void)
+{ volatile UINT_32 v = 1U; UINT_32 x = 0; x = v;
+} [/INST] The error is Volatile declaration. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_107( BOOL flag )
+{ UINT_16 u16 = 2U; UINT_32 u32 = 3U; FLOAT_32 f32 = 4.0F; x = (flag ? f32 : u32); x = (flag ? u32 : u16);
+} [/INST] The error is Type mismatch in ternary expression. "
+"[INST] find the error in this code: #include ""c_standards.h""
+static void static_107( BOOL flag )
+{ UINT_16 u16 = 2U; UINT_32 u32 = 3U; FLOAT_32 f32 = 4.0F; x = (flag ? f32 : u32); x = (flag ? u32 : u16);
+} [/INST] The error is Type mismatch in ternary expression. "