Name,Link,Organization / Author,Brief Description,Sector,Geographical scope,Target Audience,Stage of Development,Date started,Country/region of origin,Notes (including specific SDG(s) and OECD AI Principles addressed) ALLAI,,"Catelijne Muller, Virginia Dignum, Aimee van Wynsberghe","ALLAI’s vision is a world where AI is developed, deployed and used responsibly, i.e. in a safe and sustainable manner and in line with our ethical principles, our societal values, existing and new laws and regulations, human rights, democracy and the rule of law. We call this Responsible AI. ALLAI’s mission is to take into account a wide variety of AI impact domains such as safety, autonomy, lawfulness, inclusiveness and transparency. These impact domains spread across society, from the public to the private sector, from labor relations to education and from the individual to the collective. ALLAI fosters multi-disciplinarity and involves a variety of experts in its activities(e.g. AI and data-scientists, legal scholars, ethicists and behavioral scientists). ALLAI’s work is aimed at various stakeholders such as policy-makers, social partners, consumers, private and public sector and society at large.",Non-profit,Europe / international,"companies, government organisations, general public",running,2018,Netherlands,aligned the European Trustworthy AI requirements and guidelines "AI in the UK: ready, willing and able?",,"UK House of Lords, Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence","Five principles that could become the basis for a shared ethical AI framework. While AI-specific regulation is not appropriate at this stage, such a framework provides clarity in the short term, and could underpin regulation, should it prove to be necessary, in the future. - The initiative's mission is: 'To recommend a cross-sector ethical code of conduct across the UK.'",Public,UK,public sector (UK government),Published,April 2018,United Kingdom, CLAIRE,,CLAIRE,"Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe - The initiative's mission is: 'CLAIRE seeks to strengthen European excellence in AI research and innovation. The network forms a pan-European Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe. Its member groups and organisations are committed to working together towards realising the vision of CLAIRE: European excellence across all of AI, for all of Europe, with a human-centred focus.'",Research,Europe,Researchers,Running,2018,Europe, iGamma,,Instituto Nacional de Ecología,"Ecosystem Integrity (EI) is being modelled using Bayesian Networks (BNs). These are a member of the probabilistic graphical models famil. It uses Bayesian inference for probability computations. BNs aim to model conditional dependence, and therefore causation, by representing conditional dependence by edges in a directed graph. Through these relationships, one can efficiently conduct inference on the random variables in the graph through the use of factors. This means that BNs can use available data (as of now the national forest inventory, high resolution land cover maps, satellite imagery, climate and terrain information) to predict the state of EI where gaps exist, for example on the whole country or on a different time step than that of model training. BNs are algo a great example of explainable machine learning, they can be used to understand the interconnected relations between the participating variables. This means that BNs may be used to not only estimate EI but to understand the nature of these estimations. One can query a BN to understand the impact of any combination of states of variables on EI so it's a natural tool for decision, and even policy, making. We are promoting, on this basis, open data, environmental Big data availability and use of these resources for sustinable development at national and local levels",Academia,National Public sector (government officials) and Social sector (interested NGOs).,Potentially of interest to enterprises designing sustainable investment.,Pilot,2018,Mexico,"SDG 13 Climate Action; SDG 15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems; Miguel Equihua" AI R&D Principles,,"Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Government of Japan. 2017.","Proposal of guidelines that will be internationally shared as non-regulatory and non-binding soft law. - The initiative's mission is: '1) Accelerate the participation of multistakeholders involved in R&D and utilization of AI (such as developers, service providers, users including civil society, governments, and international organizations) at both national and international levels, in the discussions towards establishing ""AI R&D Guidelines"" and “AI Utilization Guidelines” 2) Promote the international sharing of best practices in the R&D and utilization of AI, which will help gain the trust of users and the society in AI and facilitate the R&D and utilization of AI.'",Public,Japan,Policymakers,Published,2017,Japan, AI for Humanity,,Government of France,"France's implementation programme for the national strategy on AI, following up on the original report (Villani Mission). It includes a yearly conference bringing stakeholders together to discuss and coordinate progress. - The initiative's mission is: 'Fully seize the opportunities offered by AI now, while designing the framework to regulate it.'",Public,France,All,Publically launched,March 2018,France, The AI Education Project,,The AI Education Project,"The AI Education Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit centering equity and accessibility in AI education. We educate students—especially those disproportionately impacted by AI and automation—with the conceptual knowledge and skills they need to thrive as future workers, creators, consumers, and citizens. AI is relevant to everyone. It will replace jobs and create new ones. And it is already being deployed in ways that impact access to healthcare, financial services, and criminal justice. Disadvantaged communities currently lack basic access to this knowledge, and we’re working to bridge that gap. ",Education,United States,Students,Pilot,2020,United States, Ethique de la recherche en robotique,,Commission de réflexion sur l'Éthique de la Recherche en sciences et technologies du Numérique d'Allistene (CERNA),"By promoting research and innovations in the digital field, Allistene, the alliance of digital sciences and technologies, supports the changes economic and social related to the diffusion of digital technologies.",Public,France,Government,Published,2014,France, Responsible AI Design Assistant,,AI Global,"An open source pilot for a self-reported survey-based assessment framework, crystallized into an index. Designed to evaluate the design, debelopment and deployment of AI systems against known best practices. - The initiative's mission is: 'Operationalize the theoretical concepts of responsible AI into practice'",Civil society,Global,Developers,Pilot,April 2020,United States, Christchurch Call to eliminate terrorist & violent extremist content online,,Governments of New Zealand and France,"A list of commitments signatories take. These include countering drivers of violent extremism, enforcement of applicable laws on violent extremist content diffusion and production, encouraging media outlet to apply ethical standards, support industry standards, and consider appropriate action to prevent use of online services for dissemination of violent extremist content. - The initiative's mission is: 'post-Christchurch Mosque attacks, to eliminate violent extremism on line'",Public,Global,Policymakers,Published,May 2019,New Zealand & France, 3A Institute,,"Genevieve Bell & the Australian National University, College of Engineering and Computer Science, CSIRO:Data61","Who is building, managing and decommissioning our Ai-enabled future? This question is at the heart of our mission. Located within the College of Engineering and Computer Science at the Australian National University we are guiding and accelerating into existence a new branch of engineering centred on cyber-physical systems and artificial intelligence. Our mission is to build the skills and knowledge we need to help shape the future safely, sustainably, responsibly.",Academia,Australia,"Industry, government, community organisations, startups and education",Running,September 2017,Australia, Matrix for deriving common issues across cases,,"Japanese Cabinet Office, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation","Identifies common issues with AI across the use cases of mobility, manufacturing, personal services (including medical care and finance) and conversation/communication - The initiative's mission is: 'Not specified'",Public,Not specified,Not specified,Published,N.d.,Japan, Automatic detection of objects on high resolution maps for clearance of landmines and explosive remnants of war in Chad,,Humanity & Inclusion (HI) NOTE: the website does not cover the use of AI yet. For more info contact Xavier Depreytere ,"Landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW) still risk the lives and livelihoods of thousands of people around the world. In Chad, HI and its partner Mobility Robotics are using drones to collect data of hazardous areas and have created high resolution maps for more than 50 areas. It’s the biggest data base ever collected with drones for this purpose. Usually ech map is analyzed manually to look for indicators of contamination by landmines and ERW. HI started successful tests to use AI on the Picterra online platform to analyze such data bases and has obtained promising results, which will in turn lead to clearing contaminated -thus saving lives and livehoods- areas more quickly. To clear areas affected by mines and explosive remnants of war more efficiently.",Non-profit,Local (Chad),Mine Action Organizations to benefit populations living in areas affected by landmines and explosive remnants of war,Test phase,2018,France,"SDG Peace, Justice, Strong Institutions, ODS No poverty" Towards robust and verified AI,,DeepMind,"Blog post outlining approaches for rigorously identifying and eliminating bugs in learned predictive models: adversarial testing, robust learning and formal verification. ",Private,Global,Developers and users of AI systems,Advanced,2019,United Kingdom, SIPECAM,,Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodeversidad CONABIO,"The main objective for the establishment of Permanent Biodiversity Monitoring Sites (SiPeCaM) in Mexico is to detect differences in parameters (composition, abundance, activity, incidence of ectoparasites in small rodents) associated with the defaunation processes due to anthropogenic impact or degradation, through the measure of Ecosystem Integrity (EI). For these reasons the sampling design is built around plots, we call modules, that incorporate a set of sites which represent different natural treatments in order to capture local variability. On one hand we have control sites with proven high IE values, which represent the condition of an ecosystem with little or no anthropogenic impact; and on the other hand sites with average integrity values. This is achieved through a standardized “matched pairs design” in which as pristine as possible and degraded sites are contrasted, controlling by ecosystem. It should be noted that the two of the three monitoring techniques employed at SiPeCaM samping sites are passive: camera traps and autonomous sound recorders are to be used to capture ecologically meaningful Big Data in the form of digital images, videos, audible (20 Hz to 20 kHz) and ultrasonic (above 20 kHz) sound files. This volume of data are subsequentally processed by means of (deep) machine learning to produce information. Species identification in photographs, potentially animal behaviour in videos, species identification in sound (e.g. birds, insects and bats) and also the detection of anthropogenic sounds (trucks, gunshots, chainsaws). This naturally has an ethical weight to it as it is extemely important to device mechanisms for automated biodiversity monitoring in the field without invading peoples privacy.",Public,National,"Research institutions, Public sector (government officials) and Social sector (interested NGOs)",Designing and implementation first steps,"2020 (although the development of databases, labeling software and data sets and machine learning pipelines have been in development since the year 2015).",Mexico,"SDG 13 Climate Action SDG 15 Life on land" Montréal Declaration: Responsible AI,,Université de Montréal,"Declaration of principles, addressed to any person, organization and company that wishes to take part in the responsible development of artificial intelligence - The initiative's mission is: 'Spark public debate and encourage a progressive and inclusive orientation to the development of AI. More specifically: 1. Develop an ethical framework for the development and deployment of AI; 2. Guide the digital transition so everyone benefits from this technological revolution; 3. Open a national and international forum for discussion to collectively achieve equitable, inclusive, and ecologically sustainable AI development.'",Academia,Global,All,Published,Nov 2017,Canada, CEPEJ European ethical Charter on the use of Artificial Intelligence in judicial systems and their environment,,Council of Europe: European Commission for the efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ),"The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) of the Council of Europe has adopted the first European text setting out ethical principles relating to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in judicial systems. The Charter provides a framework of principles that can guide policy makers, legislators and justice professionals when they grapple with the rapid development of AI in national judicial processes. - The initiative's mission is: 'To ensure that AI remains a tool in the service of the general interest and that its use respects individual rights'",International organisation,Europe,multiple (public and private stakeholders),Published,Feb 2019,Europe, Governance Principles for a New Generation of Artificial Intelligence: Develop Responsible Artificial Intelligence,,"Chinese National Governance Committee for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence, led by China’s Ministry of Science and Technology","Principles that should be observed by stakeholders concered with AI development - The initiative's mission is: 'To promote the healthy development of the new generation of AI, better balance between development and governance, ensure the safety, reliability and controllability of AI, support the economic, social, and environmental pillars of the UN sustainable development goals, and to jointly build a human community with a shared future'",Public,China,Developers,Published,2019,China, Support Program of Job Insertion (Programa de apoyo a la insercion laboral),,Ministerio de Trabajo y Desarrollo Laboral de Panama,"Implement an AI-empowered software for matching jobs to job seekers, with job training and other features to boost job centers efficiency",Public,Paraguay,Citizens,Deployed,2020,Paraguay, "AI Utilization Guidelines, Practical Reference for AI Utilization",,"The Conference toward AI Network Society, MIC","The guidelines consist of the AI Utilization Principles and the commentary on them. The AI Utilization Principles have been arranged based on a draft of what is expected to be taken into consideration for the promotion of the benefits of AI with risk mitigation. This Guidelines attempt to give specific descriptions for measures to be taken to realize each principle. Since the Guidelines are formulated with the participation of multiple stakeholders, it can be used as a common reference by stakeholders at all levels for AI utilization. The Guidelines are intended to encourage AI users to recognize the proper consideration needed in relation to AI utilization and to take action voluntarily. This can be done by referring to the Guidelines when they establish their own AI development and utilization principles based on the ""Social Principles of Human-Centric AI"". Furthermore, it may be possible for AI service providers and business users to add value to their AI services and business utilizing AI by undertaking such voluntary efforts.",Public,Japan,Private Sector,Published,"9 August, 2019",Japan, AI Ethics Guidelines: European and Global Perspectives,,Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence,"Maps the relevant corpus of soft law documents and other ethical-legal frameworks developed by governmental and non-governmental organisations globally - The initiative's mission is: 'To monitor the ever-evolving spectrum of non-mandatory governance instruments; to prospectively assess the impact of AI on ethical principles, human rights, the rule of law and democracy'",International organisation,Europe,"Developers, funding agencies, governmental and inter-governmental organisations and other relevant stakeholders involved in the advancement of ethically responsible innovation in AI",Published,2020,International, AIgroKB: A neural semantic inference data base for sustainable agriculture research,,"Universidad Tecnológica Mixteca, México; Universidad del Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil Contact:","A prototype of a neural semantic inference algorithm is developed to learn, without human supervision, from a database of sustainable agriculture literature (e.g. AGRIS). The algorithm takes semantic triplets of the form {subject, verb, object} as training data. These a are extracted from the literature using an Open Information Extraction system, where each item is a phrase (not a sigle word or term). The aim is to learn a map among the phrases of the semantic triplets, such that the algorithm is able to infer a rank of suggestions for the missing phrase of any unseen triplet, given the other two phrases. The application was on scientific literature taken from journals related with sustainable agriculture, which has the special motivation of contributing with AI systems to emergent needs for ecological intensification, agroecological transition, sustainable food production, food security and related fields. To facilitate access and interpretation of knowledge in databases related to sustainable food production, food security and related fields.",Academia,Local (Mexico),"Researchers (in public and private institutions) in sustainable food production, food security and related fields.",Development,2019,Mexico,"SDG Zero Hunger, Responsible consumption and production; Ignacio Arroyo Fernández " AI Principles of Telefónica,,Telefonica,"Corporate AI principles, including fair AI, human-centred AI, transparent and explainable AI, privacy and security by design, and working with partners. - The initiative's mission is: 'To set the principlesTelefonica abides when designing, developing or using AI. To provide commitment to implementing them in their products and services through training, governance, and by-design.'",Private,Global,Employees,Published,October 2018,Spain, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Policy Paper,,Internet Society,"The paper explains the basics of the technology behind AI, identifies the key considerations and challenges surrounding the technology, and provides several high-level principles and recommendations to follow when dealing with the technology. - The initiative's mission is: 'To provide an introduction to AI to policymakers and other stakeholders in the wider Internet ecosystem.'",Non-profit,Global,"multiple (policy- makers, other stakeholders in the wider Inter- net ecosystem)",Published,Apr 2017,International, Digital Threats to Democracy,,The Workshop; New Zealand Law Foundation; Luminate,"A report assessing the various threats to digital media (from private platofrms' power to trolling and echo chambers) and putting forward some solutions. - The initiative's mission is: 'Explore the opportunities, risks and threats posed to New Zealand’s democracy by digital media, in order to scope future research into the policy solutions available to New Zealand to maximise the opportunities, and to meet and mitigate the threats.'",Academia,New Zealand,Policymakers,Published,May 2019,New Zealand, For a meaningful Artificial Intelligence. Towards a French and European strategy,,Cédric Villani,"Artificial intelligence strategy for France and Europe - The initiative's mission is: 'For France and Europe to become part of the emerging AI revolutio'",Public,Europe,Government,Published,2018,France, iEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems - P7000 Series of Standards,,IEEE,A group of 15 project working groups to standardize the use of intelligent and autonomous technologies. - The initiative's mission is: 'Set the standards for the future of ethical intelligent and autonomous technologies.',Mixed,Global,Industry,Published,June 2016,United States, Artificial Intelligence. Australia's Ethics Framework. A discussion Paper,,"Department of Industry Innovation and Science, Australian Government",Paper to seek public consultation on Australia's AI ethics framework - The initiative's mission is: 'The purpose of this public consultation is to seek your views on the discussion paper developed by Data61: Artificial Intelligence: Australia’s Ethics Framework.',Public,Australia,Civil society,Published,May 2019,Australia, Independent Audit of AI Systems,,ForHumanity,"Initiative developing a crowd-sourced set of audit rules/standards for AI in Ethics, Bias, Privacy, Trust and Cybersecurity. - The initiative's mission is: 'provide an infrastructure of trust for all founded on the principles of compliance with a set of globally designed and developed audit rules.'",Civil society,Global,Industry,Set-up in progress,2017,United States, SELENA+ (healthcare),,"Singapore Eye Research Institute, National University of Singapore","A project with the National Health Innovation Center of Singapore, SELENA employs the latest image analysis and state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to serve as an automated, real-time detection tool that is able to match human grading. It has undergone extensive validation testing to screen diabetic rethinopathy by automatically classify the diabetic patients into those who need medical referral, and do not need further assessment or treatment. The project will also be deployed in other Asian countries and in African countries.","Academia, Public",Global,Healthcare system,Deployment,2019?,Singapore, Declaration on ethics and data protection in Artificial Intelligence,,ICDPPC,"The 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners considers that any creation, development and use of artificial intelligence systems shall fully respect human rights, particularly the rights to the protection of personal data and to privacy, as well as human dignity, non-discrimination and fundamental values, and shall provide solutions to allow individuals to maintain control and understanding of artificial intelligence systems. - The initiative's mission is: 'To endorse guiding principles, as its core values to preserve human rights in the development of artificial intelligence.'",International organisation,Europe,unspecified,Published,Oct 2018,International, Artificial Intelligence Against Modern Slavery (AIMS),,"Walk Free, The Future Society, Business Human Rights Resource Centre, WikiRate",Project to produce a tool to evaluate compliance with anti slavery regulations by analysing business statement required under the UK Modern Slavery Act. - The initiative's mission is: 'To help eradicate modern slavery.',Civil society,"United Kingdom, Australia","Industry, Regulators",Pilot,June 2020,Australia, Preparing for the future of Artificial Intelligence,,Executive Office of the President; National Science and Technology Council; Committee on Technology,"Report which surveys the current state of AI, its existing and potential applications, and the questions that are raised for society and public policy by progress in AI, and makes recommendations for specific further actions by Federal agencies and other actors. - The initiative's mission is: 'To contribute to preparing the United States for a future in which AI plays a growing role'",Public,US,"multiple (stakeholders engaged at various points in the production, use, governance, and assessment of AI systems)",Published,Oct 2016,United States, DeepMind Ethics & Society,,DeepMind Ethics & Society,Dedicated group within DeepMind securing ethical approach and six themes. - The initiative's mission is: 'To guide the responsible development and deployment of AI within and outside the organization.',Private,UK,Employees,Implemented,October 2017,United Kingdom, Introducing Unity’s Guiding Principles for Ethical AI – Unity Blog,,Unity Technologies,"Principles meant as a blueprint for our developers, our community, and our company - The initiative's mission is: 'Responsible use of AI'",Private,US,Employees,Published,Nov 2018,United States, AI Now 2018 Report (inc. Algorithmic Impact Assessment Framework),,AI Now Institute,"Report on social implications of AI in 2018 - The initiative's mission is: 'To understand the social implications of AI technologies, with a focus on questions of accountability'",Academia,Global,"multiple (core public agencies, companies, industry, universities, conferences, other stakeholders)",Published,Dec 2018,United States, Our principles,,Google,Describes objectives by which AI applications that Google might develop are evaluated. - The initiative's mission is: 'Provide concrete standards that will actively govern Google's research and product development and will impact their business decisions.',Private,Global,Employees,Published,June 2018,United States, HAIP Initiative. 2018. Harmonious Artificial Intelligence Principles (HAIP),,"Research Center for Brain-inspired Intelligence, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences","Twenty-one principles providing a fundamental basis for creating Harmonious Human-AI Society. The investigation of Harmonious Artificial Intelligence Principles is financially supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Center for New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Development, Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Berggruen Institute. - The initiative's mission is: 'The Mission of Harmonious Artificial Intelligence Principles is to: -build up the philosophy of creating mechanism-based AI towards conscious intelligent living becomings. -set up principles for agents with Artificial Intelligence (intelligent living becomings). -set up principles for Human on how they should treat agents with Artificial Intelligence. -set up shared principles for Human and AI to develop a strategic future with a common destiny.'",Academia,China,public,Published,2018,China, Initial code of conduct for data-driven health and care technology,,UK Department of Health & Social Care,"The code of conduct contains a set of principles that set out what we expect from suppliers and users of data-driven technologies. - The initiative's mission is: 'The aim of the code is to make it easier for our suppliers to understand what we need from them, and to help health and care providers choose safe, effective, secure technology to improve the services they provide.'",Public,UK,developers,Published,September 2018,United Kingdom, 10 Principles of responsible AI,,Women Leading in AI,"A set of practical guidelines defined by an inclusive community in a format that resonates with our government, making policy recommendations to ensure AI is fair, free from bias and promotes equality. - The initiative's mission is: 'To grow a diverse network of women and supportive men in AI, to promote fairness, equality and remove bias from AI, share research, and influence politicians on these topics.'",Civil society,Global,"public sector (na- tional and inter- national policy makers)",Published,2019,International, Decolonial AI: Decolonial Theory as Sociotechnical Foresight in AI,,DeepMind; Oxford Internet Institute,Research paper examing development in AI through the lens of post-colonial and decolonial theories - The initiative's mission is: 'To understand the advances in AI and to recommend tactics for shaping beneficial advances in AI.',Academia,Global,All,Published,2020,United Kingdom, Artificial Intelligence Standardization White Paper,,Standards Administration of China,Describes China’s approach to standards-setting for artificial intelligence - The initiative's mission is: 'The joint promotion of AI and its industrial development.',Public,China,Developers,"Published v1 (""will be revised constantly in the future based on the developing requirements of technologies, industries, and standardization"")",Jan 2018,China, Report of COMEST on Robotics Ethics,,COMEST/UNESCO,"Within the framework of its work programme for 2016-2017, COMESTdecided to address the topic of robotics ethics building on its previous reflection on ethical issues related to modern robotics, as well as the ethics of nanotechnologies and converging technologies. - The initiative's mission is: 'To raise awareness and promote public consideration and inclusive dialogue on ethical issues concerning the different use of autonomous, cognitive robots in society.'",International organisation,Global,unspecified,Published,Sep 2017,International, IBM’s Principles for Trust and Transparency,,IBM,"Principles – grounded in commitments to Trust and Transparency – that guide IBM's handling of client data and insights, and also its responsible development and deployment of new technologies - The initiative's mission is: 'To ensure the responsible and transparent use of artificial intelligence and other transformative innovations'",Private,Global,Employees,Published,January 2018,United States, "Ethical, social, and political challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Health",,Future Advocacy,"Literature review and distillation of interviews with 70+ experts about AI in healthcare - The initiative's mission is: 'To understand how AI is being used in healthcare, how it could be used in the near future, and what ethical, social, and political challenges these current and prospective uses present.'",Non-profit,UK,Public,Published,April 2019,United Kingdom, Draft AI R&D Guidelines for International Discussions,,"Institute for Information and Communications Policy (IICP), The Conference toward AI Network Society",Draft guidelines for AI R&D. - The initiative's mission is: 'This draft is prepared as a basis for international discussions at G7 and OECD regarding matters expected to be considered in R&D activities for promoting the benefits and reducing the risks of AI. ',Public,Japan,multiple (systems and developers),Published,July 2017,Japan, AI4All Summer Progarms,,AI4All,"A programme to educate the broader public to AI including minorities and more vulnerable groups. - The initiative's mission is: 'A future where diverse backgrounds, perspectives and voices unlock AI's potential to benefit humanity'",Civil society,United States,Citizens,Publically launched,2017,United States, Algorithm Charter for Aotearoa New Zealand,,"New Zealand Government, Stats NZ","Provides a risk assessment framework and a list of commitments to sign for government agencies using algorithms. Commitments include Transparency; Partnership; People; Data; Privacy, Ethics and Human Rights; Human Oversight - The initiative's mission is: 'Improving government transparency and accountability without stifling innovation or causing undue compliance burden'",Public,New Zealand,Civil servants,"Published, to be reviewed after 12 months",July 2020,New Zealand, Using computer science to support poultry farmers,,Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology,Developed an automated tool to identify poultry disease diagnostics to be deployed on smartphones,Academia,Local (Tanzania),Farmers in Tanzania,,,Tanzania,SDG Zero Hungerl Business Ethics and Artificial Intelligence,,Institute of Business Ethics,A framework of fundamental values and principles for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business - The initiative's mission is: 'To encourage organisations to engage in a multi-stakeholder dialogue that always considers commitment to values in the application and impact of AI developments',Private,UK,"private sector (users of AI in business)",Published,January 2018,United Kingdom, AI Governance White Paper (人工智能治理白皮书),,Chinese Academy of ICT (CAICT) & Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance,"Held yearly in Dubai on the occasion of the World Government Summit (WGS) under the aegis of the UAE State Minister for AI, the Global Governance of AI Roundtable (GGAR) is a revolving international multi-stakeholder governance process that brings together a diverse community of 250 global experts and practitioners from government, business, academia, international organizations, and civil society. - The initiative's mission is: 'The Global Governance of AI Roundtable (GGAR) has been envisioned and designed as a unique collective intelligence exercise to help shape and deploy global, but culturally adaptable, norms for the governance of artificial intelligence. Building upon the first edition of held in February 2018, the 2019 edition began in August with an intensive six-months preparation and curation period. The community of participants was brought together through regular video conferences with the objective of shaping the 2019 agenda and driving the research effort managed in parallel by our team of AI Policy Researchers. This led to the publication of 14 background research papers on different topics ranging from agile governance, cybersecurity, geopolitics, explainability, international development, sustainability, and more. These research papers were informed by the organization of almost 90 expert calls, which also helped architect the agenda for a full-day Round-table workshop with 4 working sessions and 47 subcommittees. This combined community building, research, and agenda-setting effort were done in partnership with a host of prestigious international organizations including the OECD, UNESCO, IEEE, the Council on Extended Intelligence, and the Global Data Commons Task Force. After providing each partner-organization with a platform to meet and advance its own goals and initiatives on AI policy during two days ahead of the World Government Summit (WGS), the Global Governance of AI Forum culminated into a one-day big Roundtable Collective intelligence Workshop held on the first day of Summit. The Roundtable was designed as a prolongation of the collective intelligence effort initiated during preparation. It had no panels, no keynotes; only curated breakout sessions to maximize productivity and outcome. The insights and recommendations have been captured into a comprehensive report, which includes an action-oriented summary for policymakers – see The Report of the 2018 edition.'",Private Sector Alliance & Academia,"Global, China","Policymakers, Regulators",Published,9/29/2020,China, OpenAI Charter,,OpenAI,A charter that describes the principles OpenAI use to execute on their mission - The initiative's mission is: 'To ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI)—by which we mean highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work—benefits all of humanity.',Private,US,Employees,Published,April 2018,United States, How can humans keep the upper hand? Report on the ethical matters raised by AI algorithms,,French Data Protection Authority (CNIL),"Report resulting from a public debate organised by the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL). Between January and October 2017, 60 partners (associations, businesses, government departments, trade unions, etc.) held 45 events across France with a view to identifying the ethical concerns raised by algorithms and artificial intelligence, as well as possible solutions for addressing them - The initiative's mission is: 'Summarise ethical issues around AI, consider possible responses; make 6 practical policy recommendations'",Public,France,Government,Published,Dec 2017,France, "AI, society and social good",,The Royal Society,"Policy project by The Royal Society composed of reports, events and publications around AI's impact on society and AI stewardship. - The initiative's mission is: 'Careful stewardship of AI, where the benefits of these technologies are shared across society.'",Academia,Global,"Policymakers, Academia",Publically launched,2017,United Kingdom, AI Ethics Guidelines Global Inventory,,AlgorithmWatch,Catalogue/inventory of ethical AI frameworks - The initiative's mission is: 'To map frameworks that seek to set out principles of how systems for automated decision-making (ADM) can be developed and implemented ethically',Non-profit,Europe/US,All,Publically launched,2020,Germany, Why Am I Seeing This Post?,,Facebook,A new feature on Facebook's News Feed enabling users to get succinct explanation of the factors leading to a post/ad being shown on a particular News Feed.,Private,Global,Users,Publically launched,2019,United States, "Statement on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and 'Autonomous' Systems",,"European Commission, European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies","This statement calls for the launch of a process that would pave the way towards a common, internationally recognised ethical and legal framework for the design, production, use and governance of artificial intelligence, robotics, and ‘autonomous’ systems. The statement also proposes a set of fundamental ethical principles, based on the values laid down in the EU Treaties and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, that can guide its development.",International organisation,Europe,public sector (EU Commission),Published,Mar 2018,Europe, "AI Based Referral System for Patients With Diabetic Retinopathy",,"Government of the State of Jalisco, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Centro Médico de Occidente","A diabetic retinopathy screening program for early detection and treament through convolutional neural network, based on Mexican clinical guidelines, that will be implemented in three hospitals in Mexico - for early detection and treatment of diabetic retinopathy. To facilitate the early detection and treatment of diabetic retinopathy, which may lead to loss of vision and blindness. Diabetes mellitus is one of the major health challenges in Mexico and Latin America.",Public and Academia,Local(Mexico),Medical community with a focus on those working on diabetic patients,Test phase,2019,Mexico,ODS 3 Good health and well being; E. Ulises Moya Sanchez AI Principles & Ethics,,Smart Dubai,"Four key AI principles for development and use. 1) AI systems should be fair, transparent, accountable and understandable ; 2) AI systems should be safe and secure, and should serve and protect humanity ; 3) AI should be beneficial to humans and aligned with human values, in both the long and short term ; 4) AI should benefit all people in society, be governed globally, and respect dignity and people rights - The initiative's mission is: 'To allow Dubai to excel in the development and use of AI in ways that boost innovation and deliver human benefit and happiness.'",Public,UAE,"multiple (citizens, developers, public sector)",Published,2018,United Arab Emirates, Machine Learning Quality Management Guideline,,"National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Cyber Physical Research Center, Software Qualitty Assurance Research Team, Artificial Intelligence Research Center",Explains quality control method for machine learning and classifies and organizes the quality requirements of machine learning AI systems. It builds a framework that allows developers to objectively evaluate quality and aims for international standardization while increasing usefulness through corporate use and feedback. - The initiative's mission is: 'To manage the quality of products and services using AI safely and securely',Academia,Japan,Private Sector,Collecting feedback,June 2020,Japan, VerAI,,"Virginia Dignum, Andreas Theodorou","VeRAI AB is a recently founded research spin-off of the Responsible Artificial Intelligence Group from Umeå University. The start-up works on the development of tools and methods for the assessment, monitoring and reporting the ethical, societal, legal and organisational aspects of developing, deploying, and using Artificial Intelligence. VerAI leverages the local start-up ecosystem and aims to enrich the common research and development environment in Northern Sweden. It provides services and tools for the whole responsible AI process: from Principles to Action, including training and consultancy, operationalisation support and dashboard tools for assessment, monitoring and verification",Private,World,enterprises and public organisations,prototyping,September 2020,Sweden,Aligned with European Trustworthy AI requirements and guidelines Pandemic Response Predictor and Prescriptor,link live in November,"XPRIZE, Cognizant, Oxford University, City of Los Angeles, Sino-Libanese Hospital in Sau. Paulo, WEFA,","How can AI make pandemic responses recommendatitons that can be used by policy makers, public authorities, and organizations to help society to be in a controlled economic recovery and public safety. Proposal is to make available a public utility service available to all countries","Multiple: academia, public and private and non profit",Global,"Public Health Authorities, Policy Makers, Organizations that need to make decisions that impacts the economy, going back to work, and keeping people safe","In development, ready to be launched",May 2020,United States and United Kingdom,"SDGs 3,8,10,11, 17 and OECD Smart cities, Governance Innovation, transparent and accountable AI" "2020 Report, The Conference toward AI Network Society",,"Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Government of Japan","Outline of a report on safe, secure, and trustworthy social implementation of AI, focusing on interactions between different actors. - The initiative's mission is: 'To create an environment for the safe, secure, and trustworthy social implementation of AI",Public,Japan,Policymakers,Published,,Japan, AI Utilization Strategy for an AI-Ready Society,,Keidanren,Slideshow which evaluates strategies set up by others countries and address how industry can best utilize AI - The initiative's mission is: 'To inform Japan's vision on AI.',Private sector alliance,Japan,Policymakers & Private Sector,Published,February 2019,Japan, Human Rights in the Age of Artificial Intelligence,,Access Now,Discussion and recommendations about the impacts of AI on human rights - The initiative's mission is: 'To fight for human rights in the digital age',Non-profit,Global,Policymakers,Published,2018,International, "Principles to Promote Fairness, Ethics, Accountability and Transparency (FEAT) in the Use of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics in Singapore’s Financial Sector",,Monetary Authority of Singapore,Gives a set of generally accepted Principles for the use of artificial intelligence and data analytics in decision-making in the provision of financial products and services - The initiative's mission is: 'To provide firms providing financial products and services with a set of foundational principles to consider when using AIDA in decision-making; to assist firms in contextualising and operationalising governance of use of AIDA in their own business models and structures; to promote public confidence and trust in the use of AIDA',Public,Singapore,Financial sector,Published,2019,Singapore, Independent Report - Growing the artificial intelligence industry in the UK,,"Professor Dame Wendy Hall, Jérome Pesenti, Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy","Report making recommendations around skills, data, research and adoption AI to grow the AI industry in the UK - The initiative's mission is: 'Informing the government on how the government, industry and academia should work together to keep the UK among world leaders in AI.'",Mixed,United Kingdom,Policymakers,Published,October 2017,United Kingdom, Principles of robotics,,Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council UK (EPSRC),"Five ethical rules for robotics - The initiative's mission is: 'They are not intended as hard-and-fast laws, but rather to inform debate and for future reference'",Public,UK,"multiple (public, developers)",Published,April 2011,United Kingdom, "How to Regulate Artificial Intelligence (Three Rules for Artificial Intelligence Systems by Etzioni, the CEO of Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence)",,Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence,"Three rules for artificial intelligence systems that are inspired by, yet develop further, the “three laws of robotics” that the writer Isaac Asimov introduced in 1942: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm; a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except when such orders would conflict with the previous law; and a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the previous two laws.",Non-profit,US,public,Published,September 2017,United States, AI Commons,,AI Commons,"Initiative bringing stakeholders together to address the world’s greatest challenges using AI. - The initiative's mission is: 'To allow anyone, anywhere, to benefit from the possibilities that AI can provide.'",Mixed,Global,All,Publically launched,2017,United States & France,Website in maintenance mode (checked on Oct 8 2020) Cancer metastasis and the immune system response: mathematical modeling and computer simulation,,Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. CINVESTAV - IPN. Dr. Matías Alvarado,"Cancer metastasis and the immune system (CM-IS) is a highly complex biological process of top interest for cancer diagnosis and therapy. The next sub-processes are involved in CM-IS: cancer tumor seeding; cancer cells (CC) cooperation for tumor growth and metastasis; immune system cells (ISC) cooperation strategies for protecting the organism against cancer proliferation; CM-IS dynamic of fighting -short or long- depending on diverse factors. CM-IS analysis and comprehension requires a multidisciplinary approach, particularly to advance its scalability and precision. The use of mathematical and algorithmic methods in the last few years contribute to better understanding of CM-IS; as well as for a more rapid finding of results.",Academia,Local - Mexico,"Health and medical stakeholders, for the benefit of cancer patients",Implementation,2017,Mexico,SDG 3 Health and wellbeing Intel’s AI Privacy Policy White Paper. Protecting individuals’ privacy and data in the artificial intelligence world,,Intel Corporation,Report which makes six policy recommendations to policymakers/regulators to address privacy concerns - The initiative's mission is: 'Informing and contributing to Intel’s ongoing engagement with policymakers and regulators to fnd efective solutions to address privacy concerns',Private,Global,Policymakers,Published,Oct 2018,United States, Privacy and Freedom of Expression In the Age of Artificial Intelligence,,Privacy International & Article 19,"This scoping paper focuses on applications of ‘artificial narrow intelligence’: in particular, machine learning and its implications for human rights. The aim of the paper is fourfold: 1. Present key technical definitions to clarify the debate; 2. Examine key ways in which AI impacts the right to freedom of expression and the right to privacy and outline key challenges; 3. Review the current landscape of AI governance, including various existing legal, technical, and corporate frameworks and industry-led AI initiatives that are relevant to freedom of expression and privacy; and 4. Provide initial suggestions for rights-based solutions which can be pursued by civil society organisations and other stakeholders in AI advocacy activities. - The initiative's mission is: 'Ensure protection of human rights, in particular the right to freedom of expression and the right to privacy; Ensure accountability and transparency of AI;'",Non-profit,Global,"multiple (states, companies, civil society)",Published,Apr 2018,International, Social Principles of Human-Centric Artificial Intelligence,,"Japanese Cabinet Office, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation","Outlines a basic philosophy, vision, social principles and R&D/utilization principles of AI such that Japan becomes an ""AI ready society"" - The initiative's mission is: 'To lead the world in building the first ""AI-Ready Society"" (one which, ""as a whole has undergone the necessary changes to maximize the benefits of AI, enjoys the benefits of AI, or has introduced AI immediately when needed and is in a state of being able to receive the benefits."")'",Public,Global,"Policymakers, developers, ""other countries around the world""","Published v1 (""principles should be flexibly revised in the future according to the progress of AIrelated technologies, social changes, changes in the world situation, and many other factors"")",2019,Japan, Limits on autonomy in weapon systems. Identifying practical elements of human control,,"Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, International Committee of the Red Cross.","There is wide recognition that the need to preserve human control over weapon systems and the use of force in armed conflict will require limits on autonomous weapon systems (AWS). This report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and the International Committee of the Red Cross offers in-depth analysis of the type and degree of human control that is required to mitigate the risks posed by AWS. It proposes three types of control measures to reduce or compensate for the unpredictability introduced by AWS and associated risks for civilians: controls on the weapon’s parameters such as types of targets, controls on the environment of use and controls in the form of human supervision. Limits on Autonomy in Weapon Systems: Identifying Practical Elements of Human Control is a comprehensive examination of the specific controls on AWS needed to ensure human control over the use force, and to address legal, ethical and operational concerns. It provides policymakers with practical guidance on how these control measures should form the basis of internationally agreed limits on AWS—whether rules, standards or best practices.",Academia and International Organisation,Global,"Policy makers, diplomats, civil society, international organizations",Published report,2020,Sweden,"SDG 16 Peace, justice, strong institutions" The Partnership of the Future: Microsoft’s CEO explores how humans and A.I. can work together to solve society’s greatest challenges.,,Satya Nadella (Microsoft CEO),"Proposes six principles/goals that AI systems should follow and four skill areas that future generations must prioritize and cultivate to remain ""relevant"" - The initiative's mission is: 'Flourishing of human society'",Private,Global,All,Published,2016,United States, Report with recommendations to the Commission on Civil Law Rules on Robotics,,European Parliament,"Report wtih recommendations about the impact of robots on society, including transport, tourism, civil liberties, justice, home affairs, the environment, public health, food safety, industry, research, energy, the internal market and consumder protection",International organisation,Europe,public sector (lawmakers),Published,Jan 2017,Europe, Commitments and principles,",accordance%20with%20our%20data%20protection%20principles.",OP Group,Ethical AI principles - The initiative's mission is: 'Guide OP's corporate social responsibility activities vis-a-vis AI',Private,Finland,Employees,Published,N.d.,Finland, Responsible AI Guidelines - Independent Review,,AI Global,Guidelines on how developers can enable independent review of the AI systems they produce. - The initiative's mission is: 'Mitigate harm caused by the rise of AI',Civil society,Global,Developers,Draft,September 2020,United States, Center for Humane Technology,,Center for Humane Technology,Center working on the ethics and responsible adoption of AI and persuasive technologies - The initiative's mission is: 'a world where technology is realigned with humanity’s best interests.',Civil society,Global,All,Publically launched,2018,United States, "Artificial Intelligence for Europe: Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee, and the Committee of the Regions",,European Commission,"Describes an approach to AI which highlights the need to join forces at European level, to ensure that all Europeans are part of the digital transformation, that adequate resources are devoted to AI and that the Union’s values and fundamental rights are at the forefront of the AI landscape. - The initiative's mission is: 'To place the power of AI at the service of human progress'",International organisation,Europe,Policymakers,Published,2018,Belgium, Observatory from the FAIR LAC initiative,,Inter-American Development Bank,"A map of the use of AI oriented at social policies in the Latin American and Caribbean context. - The initiative's mission is: 'To create strong ecosystem where experiences and lessons are shared, enabling for Latin America to become a referent in the ethical and responsible use of AI for social good.'",International organisation,Latin America & Caribbean,All,Publically launched,2020,Latin America & Caribbean,Website in maintenance mode (checked on Oct 8 2020) Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health,,Royal College of Physicians,"The RCP's position statement on artificial intelligence (AI) in health. - The initiative's mission is: 'To urge industry to address real-world challenges, doctors to appraise the technology and regulators to develop guidance and evaluation methods.'",Civil society,UK,"multiple (industry, doctors, regulators)",Published,September 2018,United Kingdom, Indigenous Protocols and Artificial Intelligence - a report of the Indigenous Protocols and AI working group,,The Initiative for Indigenous Futures; Canadian Institute for Advanced Research,"Position paper explaining the context, guidelines, case studies, and prototypes for indigenous-centred AI Design. - The initiative's mission is: 'Support those who want to design and create AI from an ethical position that centers Indigenous concerns.'",Mixed academia/non-profit,Global,All,Published,January 2020,United States, AI Guidelines,,Deutsche Telekom,Nine self-binding guidelines for how they should use AI and develop AI-based products and services in the future - The initiative's mission is: 'Toguide the use AI in positive ways',Private,Germany,Employees,Published,2018,Germany, The AI Now Report. The Social and Economic Implications of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in the Near-Term,,AI Now Institute,"Report looking at AI in relation to four key themes: Healthcare, Labor, Inequality, and Ethics. - The initiative's mission is: 'To begin a conversation focused on developing practices of assessment, study, and verification today, with the goal of ensuring beneficial AI in the future.'",Non-profit,Global,Public,Published,September 2016,United States, Open Kinyarwanda," ","Digital Umuganda, GIZ, Mozilla Foundation","DIGITAL UMUGANDA is an Artificial intelligence and common digital infrastructure company currently focusing on voice technologies to democratize access to information and services hence reducing the digital divide gap. This is done by being a platform for international commons initiatives such as Common voice linking global efforts to local communities and contexts. Digital Umuganda projects aligns with the national digital smart master plans with a focus on projects with a sustainable development impact. In Rwanda, Digital Umuganda is working in partnership with Mozilla and GIZ to build a Kinyarwanda voice data set. With a Kinyarwanda datasets many Rwandese will have access to information and services in their local languages hence reducing barriers to access. It will also be an opportunity for local developers to build solutions using an open infrastructure they would otherwise not have access to.",Non-profit,Africa,Developers,Pilot,June 2017,Rwanda, Digital Decisions Tool,,Center for Democracy & Technology,Interactive tool which translates principles for fair and ethical automated decision-making into a series of questions that can be addressed during the process of designing and deploying an algorithm - The initiative's mission is: 'To help developers understand and mitigate unintended bias and ethical pitfalls as they design automated decision-making systems.',Non-profit,Global,Developers,Publically launched v1,Aug 2017,United States, An Ethical Framework for Artificial Intelligence,,Tencent Institute,"Four principles: make the future development of AI needs available, reliable, comprehensible, and controllable - The initiative's mission is: 'Not specified'",Private,China,Not specified,Published,2017,China, z inspection assessment process,,Z inspection,"A general inspection process for Ethical AI which can be applied to a variety of domains such as business, healthcare, public sector, among many others. It uses applied ethics.",Mixed,Global,Industry,Pilot,2020,Germany, Artificial Intelligence Strategy,,"German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, and the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs","German national AI strategy, emphasizing individual rights of freedom, autonomy, personal rights, the freedom of decision of the individual.",Public,Germany,Policymakers,Published,2018,Germany, Ethics of AI in Radiology: European and North American Multisociety Statement,,American College of Radiology; European Society of Radiology; Radiology Society of North America; Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine; European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics; Canadian Association of Radiologists; American Association of Physicists in Medicine,"A report describing a path to aspire radiology AI’s builders and users to enhance radioiogy’s intelligence in humane ways to promote just and beneficial outcomes, while avoiding harm to those who expect us to do right by them. - The initiative's mission is: 'To inform a common interpretation of the issues and the ultimate goals of using AI-based intelligent and autonomous machines in radiology'",Professional association,Global,self (Radiologists),Published,Feb 2019,International, Responsible AI and robotics. An ethical framework.,,Accenture UK,"Framework focusing on ensuring the ethical, transparent and accountable use of AI technologies in a manner consistent with user expectations, organizational values and societal laws and norms. - The initiative's mission is: 'To help stakeholders evaluate, deploy and monitor AI to create newopportunities for better citizen and mission services.'",Private,Global,multiple (clients),Published,2019,United Kingdom, Artificial intelligence and privacy,,The Norwegian Data Protection Authority,"Recommendations for privacy friendly development and use of AI. Report aims to provide greater technical detail in describing artificial intelligence (AI), while addressing relevant AI challenges associated with the data protection principles embodied in the GDPR. - The initiative's mission is: 'Further stakeholder knowledge about the privacy implications of artificial intelligence and discuss them, not only in order to safeguard the right to privacy of the individual, but also to meet the requirements of society at large. '",Public,Norway,"multiple (developers, system suppliers, organisations, end users, authorities)",Published,January 2018,Norway, Policy Guidance on Artificial Intelligence: Preserving Trust and Confidence in Artificial Intelligence to Promote Economic Growth and Social Development in Asian-Oceanian Region,,Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organization,This document has been prepared to provide guidance on issues and policy to ASOCIO members and other interested stakeholders on current and proposed approaches to enable greater development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies with enhanced consumer trust and confidence. It can be used as a general background for both AI systems development by members of ASOCIO member associations and as a basis for discussions on policies affecting AI systems with government officials and policy influencers.,Professional Association,Global,Industry,Published,July 2020,Asia-Oceania, 2019 Report and AI Utilization Principles,;;;,"Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Government of Japan. 2018.","Overview of recent trends in AI governance/networking, Principles for the utilization of AI, and future challenges - The initiative's mission is: 'Promoting benefits of, mitigating risks of, and fostering trust in AI systems'",Public,Japan,Policymakers,Published,2018,Japan, Global AI Ethics Consortium,,Munich Center for Technology in Society,"A group of independent researchers exploring questions of AI Ethics and governance applied to various topics, with funding from corporate parnters like Facebook, support from Technical University of Munich and the Bavarian Government. - The initiative's mission is: 'Finance, foster and conduct independent, game-changing research into wide-reaching , ethical and responsible applications for AI.'",Academia,Germany,All,Publically launched,2019,Germany, Asilomar AI Principles,,Future of Life Institute,Principles for AI development - The initiative's mission is: 'To ensure that AI offers amazing opportunities to help and empower people in the decades and centuries ahead.',Civil society,Global,Developers,Published,January 2017,United States, Machine learning: the power and promise of computers that learn by example,,The Royal Society,"Report on fundamentals, developments, impacts and implications of machine learning - The initiative's mission is: 'To help stakeholders understanding what is happening with ML; to propose recommendations for how to leverage ML to create value for society'",Non-profit,UK,Public,Published,April 2017,United Kingdom, The Principled AI project,;,Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University,"Map of AI principles and guidelines - The initiative's mission is: 'To understand the recent proliferation of efforts to create ""AI principles"", put us in a better posiiion to build on existing efforts, and push the fractured, global conversation on the future of AI toward consensus.'",Academia,Global,"Policymakers, advocates, academia, other stakeholders",Published,2019,United States, Review on Bias in Algorithmic Decision-Making,,Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation,"This Review focuses on bias in four key sectors: policing, financial services, recruitment and local government. It seeks to answer three sets of questions: Data: Do organisations and regulators have access to the data they require to adequately identify and mitigate bias? Tools and techniques: What statistical and technical solutions are available now or will be required in future to identify and mitigate bias and which represent best practice? Governance: Who should be responsible for governing, auditing and assuring these algorithmic decision-making systems?",Public,UK,UK Government,In Process,2018,United Kingdom, Top 10 Principles for Ethical Artificial Intelligence,,UNI Global Union,"This document provides unions, shop stewards and workers with a set of concrete demands to the transparency, and application of AI. It will inform AI designers and management of the importance of worker inclusion. There is a definite urgency of now. Action is required to safeguard workers’ interests and maintain a healthy balance of power in workplaces. The 10 principle provided in this document are developed by UNI Global Union for this purpose. - The initiative's mission is: 'UNI seeks innovative policies and partnerships to ensure an empowering digital future for all. With an urgency of now, UNI calls on all companies and governments to engage with the union movement, to co-create a just transition to a future of decent work. From the design of new technologies, AI and algorithms, to the impact on the end-user, ethical and social considerations must be made that put people and planet first.'",Union,Global,"multiple (unions, workers)",Published,Dec 2017,Switzerland, Artificial Intelligence: A European Perspective,,European Commission,"Report that presents a European view of AI - The initiative's mission is: 'To provide a balanced assessment of opportunities and challenges for AI from a European perspective, and support the development of European action in RFCȩEJM@?Jȩ'ȩAMLRCVR ȩ'",International organisation,Europe,Policymakers,Published,2018,Europe, Diagnosis of COVID from X rays and CT scans,,"Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE) and Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (CIMAT)","Development of a system that can diagnose COVID-19 from X rays and CT scans. The system is accessed through a webpage where a doctor signs up and providers general information. She is given access to the system where she can load information from patients, including clinic data, and upload lung X rays. The doctor can ask for a diagnosis, provide a diagnosis, or both. The system stores information which ca be retrieved by the doctor for follow up. Strict confidentiality of patients´data is maintained. Provide a fast, low-cost, and easily accesible Covid-19 diagnosis system based on medical images to aid doctors in their decisions for possible treatments.",Academia,"National (Mexico) but could be used in LatinAmerica, and in general in any health institution with X ray and/or CT scan equipment",Physicians attending Covid patients,"Running prototype for X rays, currently being evaluated by two main health institutions in Mexico. System based on CT-images under development",2020,Mexico,ODS Good health and well being + Ethical principles; Eduardo Morales "AI4People—An Ethical Framework for a Good AI Society: Opportunities, Risks, Principles, and Recommendations",,AI4People,"AI4People is an an Atomium—EISMD initiative designed to lay the foundations for a “Good AI Society”. The article reports its findings. It includes core opportunities and risks of AI for society; presents a synthesis of five ethical principles that should undergird its development and adoption; and offers 20 concrete recommendations—to assess, to develop, to incentivise, and to support good AI—which in some cases may be undertaken directly by national or supranational policy makers, while in others may be led by other stakeholders. - The initiative's mission is: 'To move the dialogue around AI ethics forward, constructively, from principles to proposed policies, best practices, and concrete recommendations for new strategies'",Academia,Global,Policymakers,Published,November 2018,Europe, AI - Our approach / Responsible AI,;,Microsoft,"Outline of principles for the development of AI that ""puts people first"", and a method for operationalizing these principles - The initiative's mission is: 'To innovate responsibly, empower others and foster positive impact'",Private,Global,Employees,Published,November 2018,United States, - AI governance and AI applications in the Latin American and Caribbean context,,"University of San Andrés, Center for Technology and Society Studies (CETyS)","A research project by scholars from 9 universities and organizations producing 8 documents and manual on the ethics, regulation and political context for the development and adoption of AI in Latin America and the Caribbean, made possible thanks to a donation by Facebook. - The initiative's mission is: 'Strengthen the space where regional researchers discuss the ethics, principles, norms and policies of Artificial Intelligence systems and specific problems in Latin America and the Caribbean'",Mixed,Latin America & Caribbean,"Policymakers, Academia",First edition (2019-2020) completed,2019,Argentina,"The documents have been translated into English and will be very shortly be available online in that language, these have all been produced by scholars and experts from civil society in the region looking at national AI strategies, regulatory frameworks, opportunities and risks for AI use for economic development" "Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well- being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, First Edition (EAD1e)",,"Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems","Ethically Aligned Design, First Edition is a comprehensive report that combines a conceptual framework addressing universal human values, data agency, and technical dependability with a set of principles to guide A/IS creators and users through a comprehensive set of recommendations. - The initiative's mission is: 'To ensure every stakeholder involved in the design and development of autonomous and intelligent systems is educated, trained, and empowered to prioritize ethical considerations so that these technologies are advanced for the benefit of humanity.'",Professional association,Global,"multiple (tech- nologists, educa- tors, and policy maker)",Published,Mar 2019,International, Discussion Paper on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Personal Data - Fostering Responsible Development and Adoption of AI,,Personal Data Protection Commission Singapore,"This paper presents the Singapore Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC)’s preliminary analysis of some of the issues pertinent to the commercial development and adoption of AI solutions. - The initiative's mission is: 'To propose an accountability-based framework for discussing ethical, governance and consumer protection issues related to the commercial deployment of AI in a systematic and structured manner'",Public,Singapore,"multiple (business; Trade associations and chambers, professional bodies and interest groups)",Published,June 2018,Singapore, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Ethical Guidelines,,Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence,The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) formalized Ethical Guidelines to be applied by its members. - The initiative's mission is: 'Serve as a moral foundation for JSAI members to become better aware of their social responsibilities and encourage effective communications with society. JSAI members shall undertake and comply with these guidelines.',Civil society,Japan,Professional Society,Published,February 2017,Japan, The Royal Society's Data Programme,,The Royal Society,"Programme of research & recommendations addressing questions of data management, AI, trust in digital systems, open science and data science. - The initiative's mission is: 'Developing policy and promoting debate that helps the UK safely and rapidly realise the growing benefits of data science and digital technologies'",Academia,United Kingdom,All,Publically launched,2017,United Kingdom, Ethical Principles for Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics,,"Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), Public Policy Division","This issue brief focuses on a part of a framework of responsible data use, namely, ethical principles that institutions could use to assess the data and models they use and to make modifications when they are needed. - The initiative's mission is: 'It seeks to further international and national public discussion among policymakers, organizations developing and using data and models, activists, scholars, ethicists, and civil society. '",Private,Global,private sector (industry organi- zations),Published,Sep 2017,International, AI 4 Development Agency,,AI 4 Development Agency,"A tech non-profit that develops solutions and promotes civic education & application of AI globally. - The initiative's mission is: 'Create A Better Tomorrow in which trust is re-established, opportunities are equally distributed, and societies are empowered for the Future of Work'",Civil society,Global,Citizens,Publically launched,May 2019,Austria, AI Ethics Principles,,"Department of Industry Innovation and Science, Australian Government","Eight voluntary AI ethics principles for designing, developing, integrating or using AI systems - The initiative's mission is: 'To achieve better outcomes, reduce the risk of negative impact and practice the highest standards of ethical business and good governance'",Public,Australia,Businesses,Published,Nov 2019,Australia, "Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and data protection",,Information Commissioner's Office,"Discussion paper with key conclusion: while data protection can be challenging in a big data context, the benefits will not be achieved at the expense of data privacy rights; and meeting data protection requirements will benefit both organisations and individuals. - The initiative's mission is: 'To contribute to discussions on big data, AI and machine learning and not as a guidance document or a code of practice.'",Public,UK,organizations,Published,September 2017,United Kingdom, Teaching strategy with emphasis in humanities for the critical analysis of AI,,UNAM campus Morelia (Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores) Marisol Flores Garrido ,"Develop pedagogical resources (Python sheetworks, methodological guides, workshop material) that allow AI students to understand abstract concepts (sociology, philosophy of technology, feminist epistemology) through concrecte case studies where biases are identified. These bias include methodological errors (algorithms that fail in identifying non-white faces) and epistemic errors (algorithms that predict personalities based on face features).",Academia,Local(Mexico),AI students,In process,2020,Mexico,Ethical principles AND mitigation of bias; Marisol Flores Garrido Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics for Sustainable Food-Energy-Water Systems,,Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (CINVESTAV-IPN) Xiaoou Li ,"Our research focuses on solving real problems in the Food-Energy-Water (FEW) system using data science. We develop machine learning, statistical learning, big data analytics techniques to discover corresponding FEW nexus information, such as high dimensionality, imbalance data, complexity of heterogeneous data, data fusion, etc. Mexico has rich nature resource and is advanced in agronomy and geoscience field; a huge amount of national Food-Energy-Water (FEW) data have been accumulated. It is urgent to analyze those data for sustainable development of the country. Such application-oriented research can greatly advance artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the country, that will benefit to academia, industry, and the government. Our principal goal is to investigate machine learning and Big Data Analytics techniques for sustainable FEW systems. Along with the application-oriented research, we want to create a FEW data repository to facilitate academy people doing theoretical work. The destinating objective is to form a multidisciplinary FEW system research team in Mexico.",Academia,Local (Mexico),Academia and government,Initial stage,2018,Mexico,"SDG 2 Zero Hunger, SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation, & SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy" AI fairness 360,,IBM,"Extensible open source toolkit - The initiative's mission is: 'To examine, report, and mitigate discrimination and bias in machine learning models throughout the AI application lifecycle'",Private,Global,Developers,Publically launched,2019,United States, Responsible AI Toolkit,,PwC,"A suite of customizable frameworks and tools to self-assess whether AI adoption in an organisation is ethical and responsible, from strategy to execution. The frameworks contain governance, interpretability & explainability, bias & fairness, robustness & security, ethics & regulations - The initiative's mission is: 'Help companies assess whether they are responsibly adopting AI'",Private,Global,Industry,Publically launched,2018,United Kingdom, Contract Guidelines on Utilization of AI and Data,,"METI, Japan","The guidelines consist of two sections: 1. Data Section and 2. AI Section. Both sections of the guidelines aim to provide a reference for contracting parties in determining contract clauses and other necessary points. However, METI expects parties who intend to make such contracts to prepare unique contracts while referring to the guidelines.",Public,Japan,Private Sector,Published,"4 April, 2019",Japan, White Paper: How to Prevent Discriminatory Outcomes in Machine Learning,,"World Economic Forum, Global Future Council on Human Rights 2016-2018","This White Paper was written as part of the ongoing work by the Global Future Council on Human Rights; a group of leading academic, civil society and industry experts providing thought leadership on the most critical issues shaping the future of human rights. This white paper offers a framework for understanding the potential risks for machine learning applications to have discriminatory outcomes. - The initiative's mission is: 'To arrive at a roadmap for preventing the potential risks for machine learning applications to have discriminatory outcomes.'",Non-profit,Global,private sector (companies),Published,Mar 2018,International, Masakhane,,Masakhane,"A distributed open source research effort for Natural Language Processing for African languages. It is composed of a community, data, code repository, and other assets to facilitate NLP-empowered translations of African languages. - The initiative's mission is: 'To build and facilitate a community of NLP researchers; data sets and tools to facilitate NLP research on African languages; To discover best practices for distributed research'",Mixed,Africa,"Developers, Citizens",Publically launched,2018,South Africa, Sony Group AI Ethics Guidelines,,SONY,"Corporate guidelines, aligning with Sony's mission: to contribute to the development of a peaceful and sustainable society while delivering kando - a sense of excitement, wonder or emotion to the world. - The initiative's mission is: 'The “Sony Group AI Ethics Guidelines” (Guidelines) set forth the guidelines that must be followed by all officers and employees of Sony when utilizing AI and/or conducting AI-related R&D.'",Private,Global,Employees,Published,September 2018,Japan, Tierra Común,,Tierra Común,"Brings together activists and scholars in Latin America, North America and Europe for decolonizing data in the Global South, focusing currently on Latin America. It looks to address conceptually and practically (i.e. with tools and interventions) the problem of data colonialism. Activities include: Share perspectives, Organize events, Build an archive, Collect resources, and Support a network of activist - The initiative's mission is: 'Data decolonization for a future without extraction of data that discriminates between us.'",Civil society,Latin America,Citizens,Initiated,June 2020,Colombia, CDEI Review of online targeting,,Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation,"Independent advisors on AI and data-driven technology at UK Government publish first recommendations to government on social media targeting. ",Public,UK,UK Government,Published,2018,United Kingdom,We assess online targeting in the context of the OECD human-centred principles on Artificial Intelligence and explain how limited transparency and accountability over online targeting is a hazard. The major online platforms have harnessed the power of online targeting with low levels of accountability and transparency. This falls short of the UK-endorsed OECD principles for the ethical use of artificial intelligence and calls into question the legitimacy of the platforms’ power. Assessment List for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (ALTAI) for self-assessment,,European Commission High level expert group on AI,Tool that helps business and organisations to self-assess the trustworthiness of their AI systems under development - The initiative's mission is: 'To guide the development and application of AI in a human-centred approach and to be trustworthy.',International organisation,Global,Developers,Publically launched,2020,International, Global Governance of AI Roundtable (GGAR),,"World Government Summit, OECD, UNESCO, IEEE, CXI, The Future Society","Held yearly in Dubai on the occasion of the World Government Summit (WGS) under the aegis of the UAE State Minister for AI, the Global Governance of AI Forum (GGAF) is a revolving international multi-stakeholder governance process that brings together a diverse community of 250 global experts and practitioners from government, business, academia, international organizations, and civil society. - The initiative's mission is: 'The Global Governance of AI Forum (GGAF) has been envisioned and designed as a unique collective intelligence exercise to help shape and deploy global, but culturally adaptable, norms for the governance of artificial intelligence. Building upon the first edition of held in February 2018, the 2019 edition began in August with an intensive six-months preparation and curation period. The community of participants was brought together through regular video conferences with the objective of shaping the 2019 agenda and driving the research effort managed in parallel by our team of AI Policy Researchers. This led to the publication of 14 background research papers on different topics ranging from agile governance, cybersecurity, geopolitics, explainability, international development, sustainability, and more. These research papers were informed by the organization of almost 90 expert calls, which also helped architect the agenda for a full-day Round-table workshop with 4 working sessions and 47 subcommittees. This combined community building, research, and agenda-setting effort were done in partnership with a host of prestigious international organizations including the OECD, UNESCO, IEEE, the Council on Extended Intelligence, and the Global Data Commons Task Force. After providing each partner-organization with a platform to meet and advance its own goals and initiatives on AI policy during two days ahead of the World Government Summit (WGS), the Global Governance of AI Forum culminated into a one-day big Roundtable Collective intelligence Workshop held on the first day of Summit. The Roundtable was designed as a prolongation of the collective intelligence effort initiated during preparation. It had no panels, no keynotes; only curated breakout sessions to maximize productivity and outcome. The insights and recommendations have been captured into a comprehensive report, which includes an action-oriented summary for policymakers – see The Report of the 2018 edition.'",Mixed,Global,"Policymakers, Developers, Civil Society",Publically launched,January 2018,United Arab Emirates, Artificial Intelligence: open questions about gender inclusion,,W20,"Three proposals to address open ended questions about gender inclusion. 1) Countries need to take proactive steps towards the inclusion of women in the coding and the design of machine learning and AI technologies. 2) States need to implement industry guidelines to protect women from discriminatory algorithms and embrace openness and transparency for AI. 3) Countries must assess the economic, political and social effects of AI and machine learning technologies on the lives of women. - The initiative's mission is: 'To help bring about policies and technologies that make digital equality a reality.'",International organisation,G20,public sector (states/countries),Published,Jun 2018,International, Snapshot Paper - Facial Recognition Technology,,Centre for Data Ethics and Innovztion,"In May 2020, the CDEI published a Snapshot briefing paper looking at the uses and potential implications of facial recognition technology’s deployment in the UK. The CDEI is particularly interested in exploring how FRT is being used in the private sector, and whether the UK’s current arrangement of laws and oversight bodies is equipped to minimise the harms posed by this technology.",Public,UK,UK Government,Published,2018,United Kingdom, "XAI - Science and technology for the explanation of AI decision making (2019-2024, ERC Advanced Grants 2018)",,"Fosca Giannotti, Italian National Research Council - CNR","The XAI ERC project is aimed at empowering human decision makers with AI tools that employ ""explanations"" as interfaces between humans and machines in the decision making process. The project aims not only to devise novel techniques for the explanation of AI/ML black-box models and for new AI/ML models that are explainable-by-design, but also AI system for decision support that enhance the awareness and the autonomy of the human decision maker, so that the ultimate decision is better informed, less subject to bias, and ultimately of better quality than the decision that the human decision maker would have made without the AI system.",Academia,Global,Researchers and innovators,"operational since 2019, case studies, early prototypes",2019,Italy,"Operationalising European and OECD ethical AI principles, as well as protection of human rights (agency, non-discrimination, autonomy, transparency) in human-AI interaction aimed at high-stakes decision making (e.g., in health, access to jobs and benefits, justice, finance). Practical tools for operationalising the ""right to explanation"" of the GDPR towards multiple stakeholders/subjects." SAP’s guiding principles for artificial intelligence,,SAP,Guiding principles to steer the development and deployment of our AI software. - The initiative's mission is: 'To help the world run better and improve people’s lives.',Private,Germany,Employees,Published,Sep 2018,Germany, Beijing AI Principles,,Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence,"Principles for the research, development, use, governance and long-term planning of AI, - The initiative's mission is: 'The healthy development of AI to support the construction of a community of common destiny, and the realization of beneficial AI for mankind and nature.'",Academia,China,Developers,Published,2019,China, "Artificial intelligence, values and alignment",,DeepMind,"Research paper examining the philosophical questions that arise in the context of AI alignment - i.e. how to ensure that AI systems are properly aligned with human values. ",Private,Global,All,Published,Jan 2020,United Kingdom, Empowering AI Leadership - An Oversight Toolkit for Boards of Directors,,World Economic Forum,"A modular guide to help facilitate decision-making about AI. It presents resources on various aspects of AI governance such as Audit, Competitive Strategy, Risks, Operations Strategy, etc. - The initiative's mission is: 'Inform Board Directors about the impact and governance of AI in their industry and organisations'",Private,Global,Industry,Published,January 2020,United States, AI for SDGs Think Tank,,Research Center for AI Ethics and Sustainable Development at the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence.,"Public online service compiling and analysing AI projects and proposals that impacts the UN SDGs, both positively and negatively. - The initiative's mission is: 'Promote the positive use of AI for Sustainable Development and investigate negative impact of AI on sustainable development. '",Non-profit,Global,All,Publically launched,June 2020,China, Automating Society Report,,AlgorithmWatch,"How are AI-based systems being used by private companies and public authorities in Europe? The new report by AlgorithmWatch and Bertelsmann Stiftung sheds light on what role automated decision-making (ADM) systems play in our lives. As a result of the most comprehensive research on the issue conducted in Europe so far, the report covers the current use of and policy debates around ADM systems in 16 European countries and at EU level.",Civil Society,Europe,"general audience, policy makers, civil society, private sector, academia","Result of two years of research by 30 academics, journalists, and colleagues from civil society across the continent, in 16 countries. Most comprehensive report on ADMS / AI-based systems in Europe, including evidence-based policy recommendations",2018,Germany, Report on Artificial Intelligence and Human Society,,"Japanese Cabinet Office, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation","Summary of the issues to be addressed regarding AI and human society - The initiative's mission is: 'To guide and mobilize action in science, technology, and innovation to achieve a prosperous, sustainable, and inclusive future that is, within the context of ever-growing digitalization and connectivity, empowered by the advancement of AI'",Public,Japan,Policymakers,Published,2017,Japan, Virt.EU project,,Virt.EU research consortium,"The VIRT-EU project brought together an interdisciplinary group of researchers, designers and policy professionals in order to create practical tools to help technology developers think and talk about ethics in new and hopefully more productive ways. Rather than providing yet-another-checklist, the VIRT-EU toolkit offers a way for technology developers to gain the necessary language, structure and authority to convene and engage in conversations about ethics.",Academia,European,Developers,Publically launched,2017,Europe, The Ethics Certification Program for Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (ECPAIS),,IEEE Standards Association,"Initiative to discuss, develop and refine specifications for certification and marking processes on AI - The initiative's mission is: 'Developing metrics and processes towards the implementation of a certification methodology addressing transparency, accountability and algorithmic bias '",Mixed,Global,Industry,Publically launched,2016,United States, L'intelligenzia artificiale al servizio del cittadino,,Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale (AGID),"National white paper on AI - in India. - The initiative's mission is: 'Provide recommendations and indications on how to make the most of the opportunities offered by Artificial Intelligence, limiting criticalities and problematic aspects, to develop public services always more citizen-friendly.'",Public,Italy,"multiple (government, schools, healthcare institutions)",Published,March 2018,Italy, AlgorithmWatch,,AlgorithmWatch,"AlgorithmWatch is a non-profit research and advocacy organization that is committed to watch, unpack and analyze algorithmic / automated decision-making (ADM) systems and their impact on society. While the prudent use of ADM systems can benefit individuals and communities, they come with great risks. In order to protect human autonomy and fundamental rights and maximize the public good, we consider it crucial to hold ADM systems accountable to democratic control. Use of ADM systems that significantly affect individuals' and collective rights must not only be made public in clear and accessible ways, individuals must also be able to understand how decisions are reached and to contest them if necessary. Therefore, we enable citizens to better understand ADM systems and develop ways to achieve democratic governance of these processes – with a mix of technologies, regulation, and suitable oversight institutions. With this, we strive to contribute to a fair and inclusive society and to maximize the benefit of ADM systems for society at large.",Civil Society,Europe,"general audience, policy makers, civil society, private sector, academia",Full-fledged watch-dog organisation with 16 staff,May 2016,Germany, OECD Recommendation of the Council on Artificial Intelligence,,Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,Recommendation on a set of internationally-agreed principles and recommendations - The initiative's mission is: 'To promote an AI-powered crisis response that is trustworthy and respects human-centred and democratic values',International organisation,Global,International organisation,Adopted on 22/05/2019,2019,International, UNICEF AI for Children project,,UNICEF,"To explore how to embed child rights in the governing policies of AI, UNICEF’s Office of Global Insight and Policy is leading a two-year project to explore approaches to protecting and upholding child rights in an evolving AI world. As part of the AI and Children policy project, UNICEF hosted a series of workshops around the world to gain regional perspectives on AI systems and children. These conversations helped UNICEF develop a draft policy guidance on how to promote children’s development in AI strategies and practices. UNICEF offers this draft policy guidance as a complement to efforts to promote human-centric AI, by introducing a child rights lens. The ultimate purpose of the guidance is to aid the protection and empowerment of children in interactions with AI systems and enable access to its benefits in all aspects of life.",International organization,Global,All,In review,2019,International, ”Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics” (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy),,Vincent C. Müller,"Encyclopedic entry in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. It covers Ethical issues that arise with AI systems i.e. privacy, manipulation, opacity, bisa, human-robot interactions, employment, autonomy,machine ethics, artificial moral agency, and the problem of a possible future AI superintelligence. - The initiative's mission is: 'None'",Academia,Global,Ethics researchers,Published draft,April 2020,United States,Final version in Winter 2020 edition Artificial Intelligence. The Public Policy Opportunity,,Intel Corporation,Intel’s AI public policy recommendations - The initiative's mission is: 'To allow AI to realize its potential while also mitigating unintended societal consequences',Private,Global,public sector (policy makers),Published,October 2017,United States, Position on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence,,The Greens (Green Working Group Robots),"Report which takes a step towards forming an opinion to help shape the debate on robotics and AI in our political group and party family, but also inside the European Parliament and for the public debate in general. - The initiative's mission is: 'Shaping the technological revolution so that it serves humanity with a series of rules, governing in particular liability and ethics, and reflecting the intrinsically European and humanistic values that characterise Europe's contribution to society'",Politcal party,Europe,"multiple (EU parliament, public, self)",Published,Nov 2016,Europe, La Inteligencia Artificial En México,,British Embassy in Mexico City,Report outlining AI's potential in Mexico and setting recommendations for AI investment.,Public,Mexico,Policymakers,Published,2018,Mexico, Principles for Accountable Algorithms and a Social Impact Statement for Algorithms,,"Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning (FATML)","A growing community of researchers and practitioners concerned with fairness, accountability, and transparency in machine learning - outlining five equally important guiding principles that follow from this premise: 'Algorithms and the data that drive them are designed and created by people -- There is always a human ultimately responsible for decisions made or informed by an algorithm. ""The algorithm did it"" is not an acceptable excuse if algorithmic systems make mistakes or have undesired consequences, including from machine-learning processes.' - The initiative's mission is: 'To help developers and product managers design and implement algorithmic systems in publicly accountable ways'",Mixed academia/non-profit,Global,multiple (devel- opers and prod- uct managers),Applied,Nov 2016,International, Future of Work and Education for the Digital Age,,Think 20 (research and policy advice network for the G20),"Subground of Think 20 that will make recommendations on how to achieve well-balanced labor markets capable of matching the supply of and demand for skills in an environment of rapidly changing technology while reducing inequalities and promoting economic and social development; provide policy advice to develop educational systems that promote equal opportunities, lifelong learning, and financial literacy; make recommendations in the areas of data security, so that the digital economy can be harnessed effectively to greatly improve prosperity and inclusiveness. - The initiative's mission is: 'To harness the opportunities of technological transformations and ensure the benefits are shared by all'",International organisation,Global,Policymakers,In action,2018,International, Explainable AI (XAI),,DARPA,"The Explainable AI (XAI) program aims to create a suite of machine learning techniques. - The initiative's mission is: 'To produce more explainable models, while maintaining a high level of learning performance (prediction accuracy); and enable human users to understand, appropriately trust, and effectively manage the emerging generation of artificially intelligent partners.'",Military,US,Researchers,Running,2017,United States,research programs Human Rights in the Robot Age Report,,The Rathenau Institute,"Report demonstrating which technologies can have a positive or a negative impact on human rights - The initiative's mission is: 'The Rathenau Instituut conducted this research on the invitation of the Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). Our research shows that the human rights framework forms a practical starting point for policy makers tasked with regulating robotics, artificial intelligence or similar technologies. However, in certain cases clarification on the rights is needed. We therefore argue in favour of two, novel, human rights: the right to not be measured, analysed or coached, and the right to meaningful human contact.'",Academia,Netherlands,"public sector (Council of Europe)",Published,October 2017,Netherlands, Elements of AI,,Reaktor and the University of Helsinki.,"The Elements of AI is a series of free online courses created by Reaktor and the University of Helsinki. We want to encourage as broad a group of people as possible to learn what AI is, what can (and can’t) be done with AI, and how to start creating AI methods. The courses combine theory with practical exercises and can be completed at your own pace.",Education,Global,Citizens,Running,2019,Finland, "Unified Ethical Frame for Big Data Analysis. IAF Big Data Ethics Initiative, Part A",,The Information Accountability Foundation,"Report outlining key values for a shared ethical frame for big data - The initiative's mission is: 'To propose key values for a common ethical frame for dealing with big data, as a step towards big data governance'",Non-profit,UK,Public,Published,March 2015,United Kingdom, Creating Trustworthy AI,,Mozilla Foundation,Coalition building effort to spread trustworthy AI. Published a whitepaper on challenges and opportunities in the AI era - The initiative's mission is: 'Building a coalition of civil society stakeholder to support more trustworthy AI.',Non-profit,Global,"Civil society, policymakers, technologists",Consultation on draft,May 2020,United States, Independent Report - AI and Public Standards: report,,Committee on Standards in Public Life,"Report making recommendations and providing solutions to help public confidence in the public sector's use of AI. - The initiative's mission is: 'Ensure that high standards of conduct are upheld as technologically assisted decision making is adopted more widely across the public sector.'",Public,United Kingdom,"Policymakers, Regulators, Public bodies",Published,February 2020,United Kingdom, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain for Healthcare Initiative in Africa,,Insilico,"An initiative accelerating drug discovery and drug development by continuously inventing and deploying AI technologies. The leading short to long-term applications of AI in pharma is more towards reducing the time and hence the cost of drug development. This would not only enhance the return on investment and reduce the costs for users but would be helpful in making useful products available faster, especially where it matters most. With the aid of advances in tech, especially AI, scientists and developers in Africa can be more productive and innovative towards achieving better drug discovery outcomes. This would likely transform pharma and healthcare in the region and globally.",Private,Africa,All,Pilot,September 2019,Cross-regional, AI for SDG Center,,The Future Society,"Designed as a public-private-people partnership factory, the Center will work with international organizations, businesses, academia and civil society organizations to engineer new business, ethics, and value-sharing models to deploy the best AI solutions and platforms globally towards helping solve humanity’s greatest challenges, as outlined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). - The initiative's mission is: 'Deploy the best AI solutions and platforms globally to help solve humanity's greatest challenges, as outlined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals'",Civil society,Global,All,Set-up in progress,February 2018,United Arab Emirates, The Ethics of Code: Developing AI for Business with Five Core Principles,,Sage,"Five core corporate principles. 1) AI should reflect the diversity of the users it serves. 2) AI must be held to account—and so must users. 3) Reward AI for ‘showing its workings’. 4) AI should level the playing field . 5) AI will replace, but it must also create - The initiative's mission is: 'To set the principles Sage will bear in mind when developing or deploying AI.'",Private,Global,Employees,Published,June 2017,United Kingdom, Comparison of AI guidelines,,"Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Government of Japan","Comparison of eight AI guidelines/principles, along 16 dimensions.",Public,Japan,Policymakers,Published,2019,Japan, Global Future Council on AI for Humanity,,World Economic Forum,"Working in conjunction with the World Economic Forum Global AI Council and Global AI Action Alliance, the 2020-2021 cohort of the Global Future Council on Artificial Intelligence for Humanity will work to identify technically-oriented solutions for issues of AI fairness which can be used to advise policy makers and companies.",Mixed,Global,All,Launched,2020,International, AI explainability 360,,IBM,Extensible open source toolkit - The initiative's mission is: 'To comprehend how machine learning models predict labels by various means throughout the AI application lifecycle',Private,Global,Developers,Publically launched,2019,United States, Ethics Framework - Responsible AI,,Machine Intelligence Garage Ethics Committee,The Ethics Framework is a highly practical tool for individuals and organisations developing AI-enabled products and services that want to build value-aligned technologies with positive effects whilst avoiding negative consequences. - The initiative's mission is: 'The guidelines are to trigger developers to consider questions intended to illuminate the many contexts in which that ethical concept might be relevant to a business or project',Non-profit,UK,private sector (start-ups),Published,September 2018,United Kingdom, Statement on Algorithmic Transparency and Accountability,,Association for Computing Machinery (ACM),"Outline of principles to make algorithms transparent and have accountability - The initiative's mission is: 'This set of principles, consistent with the ACM Code of Ethics, is intended to support the benefits of algorithmic decision-making while addressing these concerns. These principles should be addressed during every phase of system development and deployment to the extent necessary to minimize potential harms while realizing the benefits of algorithmic decision-making. '",Civil society,Global,Developers,Published,January 2017,United States, Fujitsu Group AI Commitment,,Fujitsu ltd.,Corporate Manifesto,Private,Global,Employees,Published,"March, 2019",Japan,