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You can customize a suggested message before you send it.\nTap Send." ], "request-id": 7, "screenshot_history": [ "/data/orlando/workspace/metaGUI_forward/repo_upload/nlp-in-477-l.soe.ucsc.edu/emulator-5556/com.example.executionProxy/files/Documents/1285_11/task1285_1.jpeg", "/data/orlando/workspace/metaGUI_forward/repo_upload/nlp-in-477-l.soe.ucsc.edu/emulator-5556/com.example.executionProxy/files/Documents/1285_11/task1285_2.jpeg", "/data/orlando/workspace/metaGUI_forward/repo_upload/nlp-in-477-l.soe.ucsc.edu/emulator-5556/com.example.executionProxy/files/Documents/1285_11/task1285_3.jpeg", "/data/orlando/workspace/metaGUI_forward/repo_upload/nlp-in-477-l.soe.ucsc.edu/emulator-5556/com.example.executionProxy/files/Documents/1285_11/task1285_4.jpeg", "/data/orlando/workspace/metaGUI_forward/repo_upload/nlp-in-477-l.soe.ucsc.edu/emulator-5556/com.example.executionProxy/files/Documents/1285_11/task1285_5.jpeg", "/data/orlando/workspace/metaGUI_forward/repo_upload/nlp-in-477-l.soe.ucsc.edu/emulator-5556/com.example.executionProxy/files/Documents/1285_11/task1285_6.jpeg", "/data/orlando/workspace/metaGUI_forward/repo_upload/nlp-in-477-l.soe.ucsc.edu/emulator-5556/com.example.executionProxy/files/Documents/1285_11/task1285_7.jpeg" ], "scroll": 0, "target": 16, "turn": "/data/orlando/workspace/metaGUI_forward/repo_upload/nlp-in-477-l.soe.ucsc.edu/emulator-5556/com.example.executionProxy/files/Documents/1285_11" }