--- license: cc task_categories: - text-generation language: - eu tags: - Basque - Euskara pretty_name: Zelai Handi🌱 version: v1 release_date: 2024/02/27 size_categories: - 100M ZelaiHandi🌱: A Large Open Dataset of Basque. ZelaiHandi (large pasture in Basque) is the largest open corpus publicly available in Basque (as of 2024/02/27 ). The corpus is released with the aim of "feeding" LLMs like llama-2, Latxa, etc. Of course other non "herbivore" models can also use ZelaiHandi. ## Dataset Details ### Dataset Description - **Size:** 559M words. - **Language(s) (NLP):** EU - **License:** CC - **Curated by:** Orai NLP Technologies ## Dataset Structure The corpus is released in jsonl format. Each document contains the following properties: ```json { "source": "source", "license": "document license", "lang": "eu", "url": "document url", "title": "document title", "author": "document author if known, source otherwise", "date": "yyyy-mm-dd", "text": "document content, ready to use raw text. Title text (for news and articles) is included as well.", "domain": "document domain. one of ['news', 'administrative', 'wikipedia', 'science', 'subtitles', 'literature', 'videogames']" } ``` ## Dataset Creation ### Source Data This is a corpus of Basque language. It contains 559.380.531 raw tokens. It was gathered from various web sources and contains data up to 2024/02/23. The corpus is comprised of documents from various sources. All documents included have a free license, but each source has its own license. The following table summarizes corpus statistics and license information. TODO: domain sartu eta admin banatu | **source** | **base url** | **domain** | **tokens (M)** | **license** | |----------------------------:|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|---------------:|---------------:|----------------------------:| | Tokikom | https://tokikom.eus/bazkideak/ | news | 165,75 | cc-by / cc-by-sa | | Berria | https://berria.eus | news | 178,77 | cc-by-sa 4.0 | | Eusko Legebiltzarra | https://www.legebiltzarra.eus | administrative | 80 | public domain | | Wiki | https://wikipedia.org | wikipedia | 63,8 | cc0 | | addi | https://addi.ehu.es/ | science | 17 | cc-by-nc-sa / cc-by-nc-nd | | argia | https://www.argia.eus | science | 17,44 | cc-by-sa 4.0 | | opendata euskadi subtiitles | https://opendata.euskadi.eus/catalogo/-/euskarazko-azpitituluak-filmak-eta-telesailak-euskaraz/ | subtitles | 11 | cc-by-sa | | GFA | https://www.bngipuzkoa.eus/ | administrative | 8,4 | Custom copyright license | | zientzia.eus | https://zientzia.eus | science | 8,3 | cc-by-sa | | susa | https://www.susa-literatura.eus/ | literature | 5,8 | cc-by | | BFA (+Nafarroa?) | https://jjggbizkaia.eus | administrative | 4,2 | Custom copyright license | | zientzia kaiera | https://zientziakaiera.eus/ | science | 2 | cc-by-sa 3.0 | | ekaia | https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/ekaia | science | 1,8 | cc-by-nc-nd | | ikergazte | https://www.buruxkak.eus/bilatu?bilaketa=ikergazte | science | 1,7 | cc-by-sa 3.0 | | game-erauntsia | https://gamerauntsia.eus/ | videogames | 0,40 | cc-by-sa | | **Total** | | | **566,36** | \* Custom license, allows reproducibility. License text here: https://www.bngipuzkoa.eus/WAS/CORP/DJGPortalWEB/aviso_legal.jsp \*\* Custom license, allows reproducibility License text here: https://jjggbizkaia.eus/eu/pribadutasun-politikea Data collection efforts were performed between 2024/01/01-2024/02/23. ## Bias, Risks, and Limitations This corpus inherits the Basque society's stereotypes and biases. Moreover, it might include explicit language, slurs and hate speech, (mostly on the fictional text from literature and subtitles). ## Citation ## Dataset Card Contact - Iñaki San Vicente (i.sanvicente@orai.eus) - Gorka Urbizu (g.urbizu@orai.eus)