import aiohttp import asyncio import re import pandas as pd from pathlib import Path from aiolimiter import AsyncLimiter from typing import Dict, List from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from bs4.element import Tag LIST_COMICS_500_URL = ( "" ) LIST_COMICS_FULL_URL = ( "" ) def walk_tag(initial_tag: Tag, end_tag_name: str) -> str: """ Walk the HTML tree and aggregates all text between an initial tag and an end tag. Parameters ---------- initial_tag: BeautifulSoup end_tag_name: str Returns ------- aggregated_text: str """ result = [] current_tag = initial_tag # Walk the HTML while True: if in ["p", "dl"]: result.append(current_tag.get_text(separator=" ", strip=True)) elif == end_tag_name: # We reached the end tag, break break current_tag = current_tag.next_sibling return "\n".join(result) async def parse_url_html( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, url: str, throttler: AsyncLimiter ) -> BeautifulSoup: """ Parse the HTML content of a given URL. The request is sent asynchronously and using a provided request throttler. If the request fails, we retry up to 5 times. Parameters ---------- session: aiohttp.ClientSession url: str throttler: AsyncLimiter Returns ------- BeautifulSoup """ for _ in range(5): try: # prevent issues with rate limiters async with throttler: async with session.get(url, raise_for_status=True) as resp: html = await resp.text() return BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") # request failed except aiohttp.ClientError: continue async def scrap_comic( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, explained_url: str, throttler: AsyncLimiter ) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Try to scrap all information for a given XKCD comic using its `` URL Parameters ---------- session: aiohttp.ClientSession explained_url: str throttler: AsyncLimiter Returns ------- Dict[str, str] """ soup = await parse_url_html(session, explained_url, throttler) # Parse id and title title_splits = soup.find("h1").text.split(":") if len(title_splits) > 1: id = title_splits[0] title = "".join(title_splits[1:]).strip() else: id = None title = "".join(title_splits).strip() # Parse explanation explanation_soup = soup.find("span", {"id": "Explanation"}) try: explanation = walk_tag(explanation_soup.parent, "span") except: explanation = None # Parse transcript transcript_soup = soup.find("span", {"id": "Transcript"}) try: transcript = walk_tag(transcript_soup.parent, "span") except: transcript = None xkcd_url = f"{id}" xkcd_soup = await parse_url_html(session, xkcd_url, throttler) # Parse image title try: image = xkcd_soup.find("div", {"id": "comic"}).img if title in image: image_title = image["title"] else: image_title = image["alt"] except: image_title = None # Parse image url try: image_url = xkcd_soup.find(text=re.compile("")) except: image_url = None return dict( id=id, title=title, image_title=image_title, url=xkcd_url, image_url=image_url, explained_url=explained_url, transcript=transcript, explanation=explanation, ) async def scap_comic_urls( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, comic_list_url: str ) -> List[str]: """ Scrap all XKCD comic URLs from the `` website. Parameters ---------- session: aiohttp.ClientSession comic_list_url: str Returns ------- urls: List[str] """ async with session.get(comic_list_url) as resp: html = await resp.text() soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") # Hack to easily find comics create_spans = soup.find_all("span", {"class": "create"}) return [ "" + span.parent.a["href"] for span in create_spans ] async def main(): """ Scrap XKCD dataset """ # Throttle to 10 requests per second throttler = AsyncLimiter(max_rate=10, time_period=1) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: # Get all comic urls comic_urls = await scap_comic_urls( session, LIST_COMICS_500_URL ) + await scap_comic_urls(session, LIST_COMICS_FULL_URL) # Scrap all comics asynchronously data = await asyncio.gather( *[scrap_comic(session, url, throttler) for url in comic_urls] ) df = ( pd.DataFrame.from_records(data) .dropna(subset=["id"]) .astype({"id": "int32"}) .sort_values("id") ) df.to_json(Path(__file__).parent / "dataset.jsonl", orient="records", lines=True) if __name__ == "__main__":