import json import os from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util from tqdm import tqdm import concurrent.futures # File to classify data in. filePath = "ShareGPT_2023.05.02v0_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json" # Threshold Settings refusal_threshold = 0.5 non_refusal_threshold = 0.5 # Example refusal and non-refusal sentences refusals = ["I'm sorry, I cannot complete the request.", "It is not possible to provide that information.", "Sorry, but we don't allow questions like that.", " We won't be able to assist you with that."] non_refusals = ["Sure, I can do that.", "No problem, I can do that for you.", "Here is the information you asked for."] # Set the max workers to half the available cores max_workers = os.cpu_count() // 2 # Define a function that takes a conversation and returns a label and an example sentence def process_conversation(conversation): global max_refusal, max_non_refusal, refusal_threshold, non_refusal_threshold value = conversation["value"] value_vec = model.encode(value, convert_to_tensor=True) # Compute the cosine similarity with the example sentences refusals_sim = util.pytorch_cos_sim(value_vec, refusals_vec) non_refusals_sim = util.pytorch_cos_sim(value_vec, non_refusals_vec) # Find the maximum similarity score and index for each category refusals_max_sim, refusals_max_idx = refusals_sim.max(dim=1) non_refusals_max_sim, non_refusals_max_idx = non_refusals_sim.max(dim=1) if(refusals_max_sim > max_refusal): max_refusal = refusals_max_sim.item() if(non_refusals_max_sim > max_non_refusal): max_non_refusal = non_refusals_max_sim.item() if refusals_max_sim > refusal_threshold and refusals_max_sim > non_refusals_max_sim: label = "refusal" example = refusals[refusals_max_idx] elif non_refusals_max_sim > non_refusal_threshold and non_refusals_max_sim > refusals_max_sim: label = "non-refusal" example = non_refusals[non_refusals_max_idx] else: label = "unrelated" example = None return label, example, value with open(filePath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) bad_ids = [] max_refusal = 0.0 max_non_refusal = 0.0 # Load a pre-trained sentence-transformer model model = SentenceTransformer("paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2") refusals_vec = model.encode(refusals, convert_to_tensor=True) non_refusals_vec = model.encode(non_refusals, convert_to_tensor=True) refusal_count = 0 non_refusal_count = 0 unrelated_count = 0 pbar1 = tqdm(data) for item in pbar1: id_ = item["id"] with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: futures = [executor.submit(process_conversation, conversation) for conversation in item["conversations"] if conversation["from"] == "gpt"] for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): label, example, value = future.result() if label == "refusal": item = {} item["id"] = id_ item["value"] = value bad_ids.append(item) print(f"\nID: {id_} | Value: {value}"); refusal_count += 1 elif label == "non-refusal": non_refusal_count += 1 else: unrelated_count += 1 pbar1.set_description("Max Refusal: {:.3f}".format(max_refusal)); pbar1.set_postfix(r=refusal_count, u=unrelated_count) with open("possible_bad_entries.json", "w") as f: json.dump(bad_ids, f)