--- annotations_creators: - expert-generated language: - en - fr - es language_creators: - expert-generated license: - apache-2.0 multilinguality: - multilingual pretty_name: HumSet size_categories: - 100K
- **entry_id**: tpyeunique identification number for a given entry. (int64) - **lead_id**: unique identification number for the document to which the corrisponding entry belongs. (int64) - **sectors**, **pillars_1d**, **pillars_2d**, **subpillars_1d**, **subpillars_2d**: labels assigned to the corresponding entry. Since this is a multi-label dataset (each entry may have several annotations belonging to the same category), they are reported as arrays of strings. For a detailed description of these categories, see the [paper]. (list) - **lang**: language. (str) - **n_tokens**: number of tokens (tokenized using NLTK v3.7 library). (int64) - **project_title**: the name of the project where the corresponding annotation was created. (str) - **created_at**: date and time of creation of the annotation in stardard ISO 8601 format. (str) - **document**: document URL source of the excerpt. (str) - **excerpt**: excerpt text. (str) ### Data Splits The dataset includes a set of train/validation/test splits, with 117435, 16039 and 15147 examples respectively. ## Dataset Creation The collection originated from a multi-organizational platform called the Data Entry and Exploration Platform (DEEP) developed and maintained by Data Friendly Space (DFS). The platform facilitates classifying primarily qualitative information with respect to analysis frameworks and allows for collaborative classification and annotation of secondary data. ### Curation Rationale [More Information Needed] ### Source Data Documents are selected from different sources, ranging from official reports by humanitarian organizations to international and national media articles. See the paper for more informations. #### Initial Data Collection and Normalization #### Who are the source language producers? [More Information Needed] ### Annotations #### Annotation process HumSet is curated by humanitarian analysts and covers various disasters around the globe that occurred from 2018 to 2021 in 46 humanitarian response projects. The dataset consists of approximately 17K annotated documents in three languages of English, French, and Spanish, originally taken from publicly-available resources. For each document, analysts have identified informative snippets (entries, or excerpt in the imported dataset) with respect to common humanitarian frameworks and assigned one or many classes to each entry. #### Who are the annotators? [More Information Needed] ### Personal and Sensitive Information [More Information Needed] ## Considerations for Using the Data ### Social Impact of Dataset [More Information Needed] ### Discussion of Biases [More Information Needed] ### Other Known Limitations [More Information Needed] ## Additional Information ### Dataset Curators NLP team at [Data Friendly Space](https://datafriendlyspace.org/) ### Licensing Information The GitHub repository which houses this dataset has an Apache License 2.0. ### Citation Information ``` @misc{https://doi.org/10.48550/arxiv.2210.04573, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2210.04573}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.04573}, author = {Fekih, Selim and Tamagnone, Nicolò and Minixhofer, Benjamin and Shrestha, Ranjan and Contla, Ximena and Oglethorpe, Ewan and Rekabsaz, Navid}, keywords = {Computation and Language (cs.CL), Machine Learning (cs.LG), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences}, title = {HumSet: Dataset of Multilingual Information Extraction and Classification for Humanitarian Crisis Response}, publisher = {arXiv}, year = {2022}, copyright = {arXiv.org perpetual, non-exclusive license} } ``` ### Contributions Thanks to [@github-username](https://github.com/) for adding this dataset.